PORTLAND DAILY J PRESS. WEDNESDAY MORNING JULY 15. $8.00 PER ANNUM IN _ __PORTLAND. 1874._TERMS ADVANCE. HIP PORTLAND DAILY PRESS CARDS. BUSINESS PI H KCTORY, REAL ESTATE. TO _BUSINESS sional grounds—he was a Put llshcd every day (Sundays excepted) by tli< _ coast pilot- LE'J._ _WA NTS.__ THE PRESS, the charged captain ol the Blue J.ight a dol- I I.AM) milJNIIiAlU M. PEA Booksellers and Stationers. I OK CO., USOV. F. House to Let. lar. FOOO No.Ill Middle direct. G. Patterson’s Real Estate Wanted. HOVr.A No. 5:1 WEDNESDAY >74 The feature AT 109 Exohangb St. Pobtlakd. Manufacturer and Dealer in spring Street, near Park. In- MORNING, JULY 15, principal of Hie headquarters T. I*. McGOWAN, «3I Conures. St. HOUSEquire of BULLETIN. GEO. E. DAVIS, 84 Commercial St when the Bine Light was absent—as TttHMs: Eitfht Dollars a Year in advance* T< ha|>- J>10_tf pened to he the ease on the flr-t of mail subscriber. Seven Dollars a Year if in au- Silver & Plated Book Gossip and Gleanings. morning paid Ware, Binders. Money to L.oan. our visit—was the I- vauee. WM. A. To Let. laboratory. rarely ob- l(l>ISCV, IIooi»5 |i. Printer’* Wanted. so first class Real Estate in cb ss tained elegant a designation as that Door Plates. &c. Exchange, No. Ill Exchange St. Secuiity, Portland, Tenement with a’l modern improve- from Numbers, ONor vicinity—Rents taxes &c., on FIRSTments at No. It The of the the natives of Peake’s Island. THE MA1XE”STATE PRESS SMALL A No. 55 Ptnui collected, paid, Myrtle Street. Enquire on the approach raspberry season re- To them it NMACKFOBD, Com mission. Houses and sola. to F. Street. bought Apply jylOdtf minds the was merely “the fish-house.” To ill 50 a Silver Spoons made. and ol all G. Dealer in Real Office 13 epicurean to p:epare his for appear- Is published every Tuorsdav Morning at $2 rcplatisig PATTKUSON, Estate, palate ance it was Hiuds dour amt warra tiled. Fluent Block. oc4dtf certainly unpretending, both year, if paid in advance, at $2 0U a year. To Rent. a bug of a different flavor. Confectionery- Boy Wanted. within anti without. Its interior had never A NlfcW Two Hates of Advertising One inch oi space, 1,. J. PEEK INS manufacturer oi plain Story House. 8 rooms on Anderson a been finished or What it was 22 TEMPLE ST. For Sale-Price 82200 I Drug Store. Apply at 413 Congress St. Good painted. orig- ength of column, eontui'utes « “square.** aud Inner Candid, 2S7 Cougres* St, P°r 10 on ill. Apply at NIXON’S IN references built lor it is 2$ story House No. 19 Waterville Street, 12 ^oapc£7rri Cor. required. j\13<13t* The papers continue to urge the abolish- inally hard to say. Its wide 50 per square dai.y first week; 75 cents pel Portland Me. Works, Greenleal and Everett Sts. J»2-__tf_ for cellar. doors indicated a -table or a wiek after; throe insertions, ot less, |1 00; coniinu* THErooms, arranged two families, good 3t ment of on the Fourth. ham; but why IB. A H. J. KNOWLTON. Lot x 64. Will be this in order To powder Suppose, other day after lirst week, 50 cents. and Builders. 47$ sold at low figure J>14____ Farmti's. should anybody ctioo.se the head of a dock tor fug every Carpenters to clo>e an 13 the small three insertions or less, 75 om estate. Apply to F. G. PATTERSON, A active now, says boy, they had abolished such a structure? It Stall square, cents; Attorney* ami Counsellors at Law, WHITNEY' A- MEANS, Pearl Street, op. Fluent Block. Lionel I'urixi^lied House. STRONG, Man, Eu.dish, accustomed to might have been meant we.. $1 00; 50 cents per week alter. jyfkliw A .arming, wants an it 15 posile Pas-U. engagement. Address before they got their independence ? Pow- lor a grocery store if there had been a Special Notices, oue third additional. Fluent Blot'k, opinuite City Ilal!, 10 C,” Press Office. village T° LBT~pleasantly located, rooms, Sebago, Jvl3dlw»__‘ der killed behind but the three Under bead of “Amusements,” and “Auction julO tunauec 102 Si. tf 10,1111 and a line more people then than it does now, it, dwelling-houses on Exeliiiuj'e A Frencli Roof Brick House a ft??’ w?.aCt,’ la-ge garden. Sales**, $2 00 per square per week; three insertions Bye-Iloose. hKK1S’ 1£eal the rising ground could scarcely have war- or ioss 50. J. JB. IUATIIE WS & FOSTER’S llomie, 24 Union Cumberland S'rcct for Sale. Contains ten Jnly4 WANTED. $1 CO., D)f Street.* ^tateAgent.^ ranted such a speculation. And it was evi- inserted in the Water and Gas. Two minutes’ Advertisements “Maine St at* ON Rooms, Sebago France allows its soldiers to work for far- not Wholesale Dealers in First Quality walk from A nice business dently intended tor residence. Whatever Press” (which has a large circulation in every part City Hall. location for a having hou-es to sell on mers Furniture--Wholesale and Retail. to Congress or during harvest time. The Axed it was built ter it of the State) for SI 00 per tor first insertion man. Price $6,000. to L1:t j Cumbeilaml or price suited the Fish Commis- square A Apply Streets, in any central part or this is and 60 cents for each inser- State of Maine Pooling Slate, WALTER CORKY CO., Arcade, No. WM. H. JERRIS. upon year thirty cents a day and board. sion to a per square subsequent jylldlw* Pleasant Uoouis Willi mlVrsonsthis city, will hear of cash customers uu appli- nicety. tion. IS Fret; Street. Board. aliou to -~-Exclta >i e. Address all conununicat ions to NO. 119 COMMERCIAL STREET GKOF.GE A. No. 56 Et- nolOeodtf At 304 S. S. KNIoHT. WHITNEY, For Sale or to High St., JOSEPH HEED, This will be a for Marshal A Chat With Tka.sk.—Trask PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. change St. Upholstering of all kind* Let. capital stand-by aigues, in PORTLAND, ME. the Herald of dou> to order. TWO-STOltY bouse situated on the northeast- To Let. Kenl Estate Agent. SO Middle Street. MacMahon in case he loses his present situa- July Health, that the cause of J. B. MATHEWS. S. G. DORMAN. JAMES L. FOGG. A erly of Peak’s near the decline in part Island, Evergreen ennvriilent Tenement. and eodtliXwlt tion at marriage is tobacco. That is to Landing, Portland Harbor. to gas Sebago wa- Versailles. BUSINESS CARDS. ju9 dtf Furniture and House Furnishing Goods. Apply ONEter, m House No. 1, Fore Eastern say, the pipe is with- ~~ J. on St., cor, soul-satisfying enough, jy4tf STERLING, premises. irumei.ade. at the out itL'IVI. ADAlfl!^, cor. Gxchnugc aud Fed» Inquire house. julltt tiirls Wanted having a woman arouud to boiber a A saw the other WILLIAM SCHUMACHER. era I street*. — — Mississippi pilot ,the BY T1IE fellow about Ins smoking, the necessary GEO. E. COLLINS, A The Most To Let. and nOOFKK EATON, Old Post Office, Desirable Property iu tbe night, immediately etiel, “I’ve got ’em; matches, the ol his inadvertent Street. aad Portland Star Match disposition FRKSCO PAIISTER, Fufiinuge pleasant Koouis, 313 Congress Company. snakes Pve had and some other TVVOdesiraliteS..‘ .Supppliul with before, ini', now the stars ashes, tiling-. Again, w hen PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTIST, I*. F. 120 VT, No. II Preble Street. Vieinity of Portland for Sale. Sebago water, &c. Eitted (ii w* Up- foi dressmaker. to _jyio__ have the unsocial fellow Joes m it is unsafe to Ollice at Sclifiiiimcher Riothcrs, iiolittrriuji doi*c- to order. up Apply got tails on 'em; I’m a dead man.” wry, liltt CONGRESS STREET, JOHN C. WaiihMl at the leave him alone with the Not that 5 RfcKRINi3 BLOCK. GFRRY, Orphan Asylum. baby. ofler the Property situated on Ocean Street, I0*11! 312 Congress St. the baby might acquire the deplorable habit; Ls prepared to make all the various styles of Cart! Furniture and Upholstering. WEWoodford’s Corner, Deering, and known as the A lunch “set to I inform the (hat I have taken the precise harmony of but tlie husband and lather might set file to Piclnipti, Bi-iubraiil, Yfeiiallioip&r., frvu respectfully public OrlYlh II No. SO Federal Pliiney Property, consisting of about IU acres of To Let. the business of Cbas. J. Schumacher and will attend UEA.tE, St. its and KrfourLcti Negative*. l»y this process wc All kind* of finely located land, iu the stale of culiiva- hungry souls” was the refreshment ottered to clothing, again he might strangle it entrusted to me. I sha 1 en- Upbol* eriugnnd Repairing highest ami *. uu«l in»- promptly to all Jobs 30 of very convenient with his lull ritl of E’reel; if Hole* other dene in order. tion, having cut tons Hay in one season. There w^4^^ASANT UpnerTene the meu who assisted in the smoke. Further more, the less vio- deavoi to the reputation which my predecessor s of 5 Bourns to a Wain ted* Chicago opcuinsr l>« i-A'C’iicu o: the Foi'ittitd which nt. keep abundance of choice Fruit. Tlie buildings are am- small, quiet family. Rent I^ut 6vil ffffds of tobscco a*e has held lor so $20 i. P. O. visited upon extra charge will be made. All work warranted to many years. ple, thorough and substantial, of a Address, BOX 16 54. CAPABLE Servant to do general housework in tunnel, the other \\ U. Nl llURACllER. Hair Goods and Toilet Articles. consisting large day. tho unhappy wife of the smoker and her live lease. Call and examine for yourselves mcWttdtf and finely arranged House, with wood-shed, A a family of four, one ami one-half miles from J. F. carriage _•_tf_ the children a SHERRY, No. 9 Clapp’* Rloch bouse and barn connected. Tbe bam Is one of the city. Address Box 1565, Port land, Me. myf.tr ve.y large portion of their pool lit- J\. C-ARiD. Congress Old Hall. lK>st aud most in the To Let tle lives.. There is the JOSEPH G. Street, opposite City conveniently arranged State. We agree with our friend Trask that any offensive breath, the EUGENE, I take great pleasure in recommending Mr. Wm, There is also a large hay barn on line of street, te- TORE No. 90 Commercial smok so CJ Street, Thomas Block. man who ■titling and on; and Mr. Tra«k Schumacher as one ot I he best house decorators ever cently at considerable The late Mr. ►3 to will waste liis money on in Horse and built, expense. Apply F. J. ROLLINS, LOST AND FOUND. twenl.y- might tiave added that Wholesale and Retail Dealer in and have no doubt that Mr. Wm. Schu- Shoeing Carriage repairing neither time nor to there i- no man suffi- Portland, Pliiney spared money make this 22 Exchange Street. cent cigars when he can get a briarwood macher will execute all work entrusted to him dura- Bone the cheapest und best by S. YOUNG, a first class property. It is situated within 15 min- apI4tf_ pipe ciently generous to let Ids wife and children and Domestic at No. 102 Fore St. utes’ride of for Imported Cigars bly, tastily and satisfactorily. Portland, most of the way over a shell To Let. twenty-live cents is a creature whom it join him in fiis smoke, so that they are obliged CHA*. J, SCHUMACHER, road. Horse Cars, Maine Central and Portland & II to stand tenement in House 114 IliFI), were base to call a man. afar off, on and nud manufacturer of nil lirand*, juld.3m Ecclesiastical Decorator. Rochester Railroad Cars stop at Woodford’s, a few No, Spring Street. flattery looking weeping. Jewelry aud Fine Watches. J of not returned. Taken from June And a other minutes walk from the property. Across Back IOWERInquire MATTOCKS & FOX, 83 Middle my Stable, good many tilings. Ah. Trask! Bay Str<-jeL 23d. a GRAY MARE, about 7 MU lbs. ABNER LOWELL, 155 Middle Street. you get one of the finest views of the city to be ob- fe4dtf ANI) years old, We think ot you so otten Dear old NO. 300 CONGRESS STREET. T. P. a little lame in olf lore foot.. A butler, JUcGOXVAN, Agent* for Howard Watch Company, tained. Chinch and School excellent. For weight; nearly new Cincinnati Dr. wauts whose privileges leather trimmed with Enquirer: Cuyler whole life is devoted to the single ob- ju2 PORTLAND, ME. 3m further iniormation of Harness, flat traces and reins. inquire A all young ladies to band and ot tobacco and so Catholic A<\ O. BA 1 liElf & phaeton Top Buggy, built by .Loud, West Ames together say: ject abolishing makiug hap- Bookseller, Bookbinder, Watches, Jewelry, aud Silver Ware. CO., BOARD. bury, black with ami brown roll the je29tf 15 Exchange St., Me, gold stripe lining, up “No shall touch that have py entire me! Heaven save you from J. 11. HOOP and dealer in A. MERRILL A 1 Portland, sides near.v new. Man 32, Gfeei 160 lips my lips KG, CO., all Middle SI. aged high. pounds another idea, however limited it be, for weight, dark complexion, black and wore touched a bottle.” Rather on may .T. A. ME RBI A. KEITH. moustache, rough, this, the world cannot to lose Pictures, Religious Articles, &c. For Sale. Table Bonid. d^irk blue clothes. Please look to the stables in vour afford you. There UPHO LSTEREE the or Information of the above will be young fellows that were brought up are scoundrels as 254 CONGRGI8 A SPLENDIT> FARM, known as tlie Marr Farm, WITH without Rooms. References required jurisdiction. liber- by who argue, Gvetlie did re- STREET, Manufacturers of Valises au«i ▼ r rewarded J. AUSTIN 2109 Nos. 31 and 33 Free St., Trunks, xA situated in Scarborough. For particulars en- Address, ’‘A” Daily Press Office, ally by ROGERS, Wash- hand. garding that “there is no IJndvr Pou.rcNS Hal!. or K. (reading, plea-tire at No. 12 Casco street. Portland, or of julltf ington St., notify H. SAVAGE, Chief of Po- MAN UFACT V ItER OF quire FREE- so cheap and no entertainment so as Bibles Sold on Instalments. Carpet-Bags. DOM lice, Boston, Mass. la-ting’’ jy2tf MILL1KEN, Scarborough, ju20d4w jyl4dlw lobacc but JParlor BuitH, Lounjies, Sprint J. Ii. BURAN A CO.. 171 Middle and A’lrasaut Rooms Spurgeon says lie never had the ability to >; they shall have their exceeding Beds, Mattresses, IIS Federal Strertu, bitter reward, while the name of AND Real Estate lor *alc. \\7^IT1I Board, three minutes’ walk from the City lost—Valise. manage a small church. They are like those Trask, I'uhiu tdd £u- DOORS, SASH BLINDS, in • {McDonough l.ttsuars? v Hall. References Address the who has found it will leave wrapped eternal glory, shall rise up to the auirlrd Ac. milE block of two wooden bouses, numbers 51 and required. person it. with canoes ou the must not sit this C'bnii'M, Masons and Builders. “L” Press Office. its with Thames, you skies ami he written there for the of Window Frames, Glaze J Sash, Glass, &c, _» 53 Fore Street, will be sold on reasonable terms julltf_ IF contents, Bailey *& Noyes, Bookstore, perusal kiuds ot done. Furniture N be lor or the or ggrAll repairing neatly E. REBLON, 2:{.{ 1-2 Congress St. nquire of he will paid big troulfle. It contains Manu- way o.lier, do tnis thing or that all mankind. Meanwhile, old fellow, have you boxed and matted. oct5-’G9T T&Sti BLINDS PAINTED TO OltDLIL iSooms rfi’« Let. scripts valuable to the owner. jyl3dlw* thing, lest you should be Ilis church any chewing tobacco about yoy? Haven’t? KINGSBURY & JORDAN, mWO Gentlemen and their wives aud two upset. [^“Special prices to contractor. Pattern and Model Maker. or three Thai's too bad. Fortunately, however, here A single gentlemen can be accommodated witli is like a big steamboat, and he ca walk here VVM. M. MARKS Attorney* at Law, are a of Smoke? let’s II. I BANK l Ail.MIA.13 A' (JO., J. I. BARBOUR, 250 Fore Street, Cor. til pleasair rooms and board at 75 Free street. oc7tf Gold JLocket ILost. couple cigars. Now €row. or there without ot it. 301 COMMERCIAL STREET Portland. JSTo. S3 MIDDLE STREET. any danger upsetting talk this thing aver cainily.—Rochester Dem- To Let. ocrat. Card & dob Printer jnlTdlruMtf Opposite Holyoke, Benson & Co. ju26 cod3w afternoon, loth inst., between 95 Brack- Book, en Street and Nelson Ss 4 «t pun »• BOARD, large pleasant rooms. Suitable FRIDAY Co.’s, Congress Street, A his dentist in this an Etruscan Gold Chicago rci>orter paid ioil exchange: st., A. N. DAVIS A No. NO WITHfnr families or single gentlemen. oval-shaped Locket, enamelled on Farm and CO., Middle Street. RARE one Garden. CHANCE At 52Free Street. ja24*lw then tf side, and attached to a black velvet ribbon. The way: “Dr. Crouse, the well known and pop- J II* LAfflSON, 15i4 Middle St.,cer. Crom. finder will be suitably rewarded it at PRESS PRINTING — — by leaving (DAILY HOUSE.) EOH ular dentist, whose fame as an operator upon Board. Bio. 95 Brackett Street. the human tooth is as as the THOROUGH-BRED AND FULL-BLOOD. of work anti carefulij Plumbers. fllWO Gentlemen <»r a Gentleman and bis Wife can widespread Every Description promptly jyii iw An ceeuted, ami at the lowest prices JAMES Mil,I,Fit..Vo. <11 reiteralSlmi. INVESTMENTS A be accommodat'd with first class Board and heavens above, is about to leave his immense animal containing fifteen-sixteenths of an22 tc Rooms at No. 20 Brown Street. mylOdtf thoroughbred blood is as lull blood. for a few in designated practice day3 shooting Indiana, To a cold blooded Real Estate Agents. FOR 30 RAYS. acquire Ibis, animal, or where the steady arm whieli has so often torn one of common or W. C. Jwim €. FK»0T1:H, No. »:* Eichau«> indiscriminately mixed CLAItk, Street. EDUCATIONAL mast have received four _ the stubborn molar from its will blood, infusions of _ resting place 1 offer a limited number of House Lots on Splendid direct the fatal the wood- thoroughbred blood. The tirst cross would 103 FEDERAL STREET, tlie following Streets, from 12$ to 17 cts. foot: ENCOURAGE pellet upon gentle Rooters. per give us a half blood; the second a three-quar- Westbrook cock and fast flying -” 5 Doors f:«*i of Teusple St., J- N. McCOV &• CO., tIS Sprin. street. Walnut, Montreal, Melbourne, Quebec. Seminary, ter blood; the third a seven-eights, ami the EincrMOu, and W illiN fourth a Si*., STEVENS’ lilloeu-sixteenths-bred animal. Sign and Awning Hanging. and tbe Eastern Promenade. PLAINS, ME. Portland Manufacture. Many breeders consider a seven-eigbts-bred GAS AND WATER The S. VOl'Vii. No. E02 It ofr Stffft. Also at great bargains, lots on North,Howard, Con- Summer Flight. animal as a full blood. A is an jaMly The Fall Term ot this Institution will commence oil thoroughbred gress, Monument, Hammond, Lincoln and Franklin tub: animal that be traced the held Streets. It is an oft of Horace that may through TUESDAY, Aug. IB, 1B7-A, quoted saying or the Silver and Plated Ware. Also 1 and 2 book, turf register, to a given ancestor PIPING. House, $950, Houses, $1700 each. and continue loui teen weeks. those who cross tiie sea change their skies t-t AliVSilt l.on FI.I.. 155 Middle Street. A Water Lots, Flats and Sites without intermixture with impure blood, iu ap21 Manufacturing LARGEST & REST STOCK and not the’r minds. There is no special ob- adjoining Railroad Track. EXPENSES. cattle, the Sborl-borns are called thorough- GO IT jection to traveling in this maxim. Most of MOSES — J. HI. PRATT’S ASTRAL OIL Stair Builder. LI), Hoard, including Fuel and Light, — OF bred, the Devons pure-blood, the latter being PA180N, 0.55 North St. For full those who go to think more of its skies tl. F. term, per week.$3.50 Italy animals come in f.lKISlr’, l.o. 252 Fore street, eor. or J. C. PROCTER. that constant color and char- absolutelySAFEperfectly odorless. For less tha a full term, per week. 4.(JO than they do of their minds; and iu any case PAYER AND Cion* Nt., in Oefeuo’* Mill. julbdlm 83 St. acteristics. They are a distinct race of cat- CONTRACTOR, Exchange Wadiing, uer dozen, average. 60 our average human is satisfied with the mind ALWAYS UNIFORM.ILLUMINATINGQUALITIES ii. E. HOOPER, Cor. York A Maple lUom with tle. The Short-horns in and KDGK-STONKS MKT, rent, per term, room-mate. 1.00 he has summered and wintered with. A cattle, racing Street*. FOIt alone. 7.00. FURNITURE stock iu horses me descended from mixed SALE. in even if needed, is desired. Streets, Places, Sidewalks, and all kinds Library Fee. 25 change it, rarely breeds.—Western Rural. BURNS IN ANY LAMP WITHOUT DANGER J-OT <>t vacant One of our some time of Paving done Promptly, Watches, Jewelry, &c. A land, situated on the west side Kn deduction will be made tor absence the first or ill Maine can lie round at witty contemporaries -tA. of between Pleasant and Sts. last us of a DAY AND OTHER t'ROUS. OF EXPLODINGORTAKING FIRE W. 4 II. SI. MCUI High, Danforth, week of the term, nor for absence during the ago told young man who tegretted FFFF.Cor. Mide! This lot lias a front of about (>1 feet ami is about 194 Paving Materials furnished it desired. &’ I1 iiiou Nt». term in any case excepting that of protracted sick- that his visit to Baris was spoil d because lie A question widely discussed involves the feet deep, and plans have been drawn In How, lor a ness. No. 46 Street. block of seven or nine Exchange had previously experienced a of heart. relative value ol the wheat, lea, and Bfiite at Street €;©iuiiii»»ioni*r?*i Office ^MUFACTUREDEXPR^oasPlSCETHEUSEDf genteel and convenient resi- Students will furnish their own quilts, sheets, pil- change cotton, dences, and adapted for the same. Enquire ot and ti>ile All articles need- But there is another truth of more immedi- hay {crops of the world. Which of these HIGHLYVOLATILEAND DANGEROUS OILS. low-cases, towels, soap. We defy competition, ©nr my 11 PORTLAND, M.K. 3m* HOTELS. EDWIN CHURCHILL, ing to be washed should be plainly marked with the prices ate application to ourselves than the aphor- products employs the greatest amount of the No. 4 Portland are the Lowest. Pier, owner’s name. always ism ot the who cross world’s It is said that leads the Y aMOEFt EVERV mar28 From 12 to 2 o’clock. P. M. Augustan poet; people capital? hay TUITION. the Kiver read it East or and the items that eater into the ac- SI MON possible one who (and you may North) rest, W, H, TON, 11IISSAFET TESTg 1 CONGRESS Any thinks ot buying any kind oi AND ITS PERFECT BURNING QUALITIES HALL, PER TERM OF FOURTEEN WEEKS. change neither their skies nor their minds. count as staled me somewhat startling. Col- —DFALKK IX — For Sale in tlio Town of West- Common There are lew com torts the citizen finds in ton and tea are local crops, while hay is pro- ARE PROVED BY ITSCONTINUED USE IN OVER Sheldon Sheldon Yerinout brook. English.$5.50 Hackmatack Knees, Ship Timber, Springs, Higher English. 6.50 FURNITURE the country which he does not leave behind, duced every where the world over, aud thus | mi jlrf E71SI Ut .*31. JllDmj. --—- -r*. amu—M- —-»-f -» n_-« masts atld DuH i.-nilt Uli.l _ aud lew daily annoyances that do not accom- the crop either of lire two. Spill'S. Jilk. Depots, Post-ollice, good Schools and r hurt hay outweighs Mineral water and baths. Pure air. Excellent Table. he's, ; emu save time and money by calling cn us before him in his When his The all kiuds of Hard W ood sawed lo six miles from Portland; House ami Ell two stories' Fren. h and German, each, (extra) 2.50 pany dight. fib packs aggregate reported value of ail farm Write for Circulars of terms and rooms. 24 less purchasing. trunk for the summer Order or INDIRECTLY thirteen finished rooms, double parloiv with marble N1usi<, ms, (extra)...12 00 to 24.00 migration he is almost products tor 187