
smmoC GCA 0004416

smmoC GCA 0017298

smmoC GCA 0005838

smmoC GCA 0020077

smmoC GCA 0014695

smmoC GCA 0002041 smmoC GCA 0004547

smmoC GCA 0007721

smmoC GCA 0000099

35.1 ASM44163v1 prot

25.1 ASM172982v1 pro

75.1 ASM58387v1 prot

25.1 ASM200772v1 pro

smmoC GCA 0000076

35.1 ASM146953v1 pro

75.1 ASM20417v1 prot 25.1 ibidis.assembly pr

45.1 ASM77214v1 prot

45.1 ASM994v1

ein AGR96066.1 Na +

smmoC GCA 0016539

tein AOQ16019.1 NAD

smmoC GCA 0000910

ein AHK63516.1 Na + -

tein AQT77814.1 NADH

05.1 ASM760v1 protein

tein KTF28943.1 ubiqu


ein EGF84758.1 NADH otein EQM62316.1 ubiq

smmoC GCA 0002530 ein AIW23112.1 Na + -

BAE80902.1 Na + -tra -translocating NADH-q

75.1 ASM165397v1 pro

H ubiquinone reductas smmoC GCA 0027738

smmoC GCA 0008136 85.2 ASM9108v2 prote

translocating NADH-qu

smmoC GCA 0014996 smmoC GCA 0027861

smmoC GCA 0008136

ubiquinone reductase AAP05626.1 NADH ub

smmoC GCA 0017949

inone oxidoreductase N

e subunit F bacterium P

35.1 ASM25303v1 prot ubiquinone oxidoreduc smmoC GCA 0002372 uinone oxidoreductase translocating NADH-qu

uinone reductase subu nslocating NADH-quino

tein ANH78680.1 Na + 35.1 ASM277383v1 pro e Na + -transporting su

25.1 EI2 v1 protein KIC

in AAF38762.1 NADH u

inone reductase subun 55.1 PNK1 protein CUI smmoC GCA 0018972 75.1 ASM278617v1 pro

45.1 TUME1 v1 protein

Na + -transporting subu

iquinone oxidoreductas 35.1 ASM179493v1 pro

a + -translocating F sub

iquinone oxidoreductas

05.1 ASM23720v1 prot ein CCB85401.1 putati Na + -translocating F s inone reductase subun tase Na + -translocatin

nit F Chlamydia tracho 7 ne reductase subunit F

smmoC GCA 0000927 -translocating NADH-q bunit F Chlamydia trac tein PIS01492.1 NADH

70982.1 Na + -transloc

biquinone oxidoreducta

25.1 ASM189722v1 pro it F Chlamydia avium 1 17689.1 Na + -transloc

smmoC GCA 0018971 tein PJD94784.1 NADH

KIC77242.1 Na + -tran

smmoC GCA 0027093

nit F Chlamydia gallina e subunit F Chlamydop

tein OGN64763.1 NAD

unit Chlamydia pecorum

-transporting NADH ub

ein CCB88274.1 putati ve Na + -translocating g F subunit Chlamydia it F Chlamydia muridar ubunit Chlamydia ibidis M

matis RC-F s /852

Chlamydia felis Fe/C-5

roidales bacterium KHT 85.1 ASM9278v1 prote uinone reductase subu homatis

ubiquinone reductase

ating NADH-quinone re

se beta subunit putativ

ating NADH-quinone re 0DC88 85.1 ASM189718v1 pro tein OJV11702.1 NADH

ubiquinone reductase 083 slocating NADH-quinon tella oulorum 85.1 ASM270938v1 pro


hila caviae GPIC

H ubiquinone reductas votella sp. CAG 485


tein KWW31196.1 Na+ ATCC 700821 ve Na + -translocating NADH-quinone reducta SM 17128 um psittaci Cal10 otella nigrescens CC14 10-1398/6 = DNF00424



tella sp. KH2C16 6 uctase subunit F Bacte in ADI37591.1 Na + -tra nit F Chlamydia sp. 274 tr. F0040 344

Na + -transporting subu a sp. S7-1-8

ivia DNF00320 ductase subunit F Can

e Chlamydophila pneum RF16 s RF16 sp1 1

a amnii DNF00058 dia ductase subunit F Can ntii

tein OJU81861.1 NADH ubiquinone reductase . CAG 592

Na + -transporting subu tella ruminicola lla sp. kh1p2 DSM 3688 uctase subunit F Prevo e subunit F bacterium F e reductase subunit F N tella ruminicola tein MBB65143.1 NAD

e Na + -transporting su

eductase subunit F Pre tella sp. ne3005

1 1 evotella maculosa OT 2

3 1

nit F Prevotella pallens sp1 1 UBA1754 s 1 NADH-quinone reducta 85.1ASM154338v1 pro votella micans F0438 se subunit F Parachlam lla multisaccharivorax D locating F subunit Prev a histicola JCM 15637 99 str. F0039

5 1 tr. F0295 oral taxon 272 str. F02 4-67 lla bergensis DSM 173 CM 17724 smmoC GCA 9001092 tr. F0108 608 uctase subunit F Prevo smmoC GCA 9001430 H ubiquinone oxidored idales bacterium KA00 lla sp. oral taxon 473 s nslocating NADH-quino 2-308 ase subunit F Prevotell nit F Chlamydiae bacte

otella baroniae F0067 didatus Protochlamydia e subunit F Prevotella b

ase subunit F Prevotell s f Paludibacteraceae g nit F Prevotella interme bunit F Prevotella brya didatus Protochlamydia oniae AR39 CAG1031 941 s C941 sp3 1

9 1 sis = JCM 13450 Na + -transporting subu 136 tase subunit F Prevote 108 0 subunit F Prevotella sp ubiquinone reductase 35 uctase subunit F Prevo H ubiquinone oxidored lla salivae DSM 15606 nit F Parachlamydia sp RF16 s RF16 sp11 1 nit F Prevotella dentalis

iquinone oxidoreductas H ubiquinone reductas uctase subunit F Prevo eochlamydia sp. TUME ercorea CAG 629

bunit F Chlamydiae ba nit F Prevotella jejuni es sp. uctase subunit F Prevo

cating NADH-quinone r AG-485 s CAG-485 sp nslocating F subunit Pr 5

BA4334 s UBA4334 sp uinone reductase subu BA4293 s 1

AG-485 s 1 UBA3747 s UBA3747 smmoC GCA 0015433

BA4334 s 1 p26 1 slocating F subunit Pre se subunit F Simkania s f Paludibacteraceae g tase subunit F Prevote lla disiens FB035-09AN oreductase Na + -trans ase subunit F Prevotell ydia acanthamoebae U votella sp. oral taxon 2 revotella sp. CAG 924 smmoC GCA 9001679 lla sp. oral taxon 472 s acteroidetes bacterium AG-485 s CAG-485 sp bunit F Prevotella sp. P lla corporis 55.1 IMG-taxon 265187 tase F subunit Prevote p3 1 nit F Prevotella fusca J p. S7 MS 2 lla multiformis DSM 16 75.1 IMG-taxon 261727 lla sp. oral taxon 317 s smmoC GCA 0003901 H ubiquinone oxidored 3-120 tase F subunit Bactero hii 1

smmoC GCA 9001678 smmoC DAAM d Bacte tase F subunit Prevote Na+-transporting NAD

smmoC GCA 00043115 18228 = JCM 13818 ne reductase subunit F NADH-quinone reduct

smmoC GCA 0002224 rium CG10 big fil rev 8 p27 1 58 smmoC GCA 9001765 sp. CAG 875 ductase F subunit Prev ADH-quinone reductas UBA4345 s 1 amoebophila 487 50 53 lla buccae ATCC 33574 NADH-quinone reduct uinone reductase subu smmoC GCA 9001882 smmoC GCA 0002650 lla veroralis F0319

UBA1181 s 1 e Na + -transporting su cteroidia o Bacteroidale s f Muribaculaceae g C subunit Prevotella sp.

AG-485 s CAG-485 sp 1259 lla marshii DSM 16973 naegleriophila nit F Prevotella timonen ubiquinone oxidoreduc nit F Chlamydiales bac smmoC GCA 0019153 ides coprocola DSM 17 otella oralis CC98A lla buccalis ATCC 3531 Na+-transporting NAD uinone oxidoreductase H ubiquinone oxidored tase F subunit Prevote

Na + -transporting subu smmoC GCA 0004362 ides plebeius DSM 171 uinone reductase subu . smmoC GCA 0018085 nit F Bacteroides sp. 43

lyersiae e Na + -transporting su H ubiquinone oxidored smmoC GCA 0007148 s f Paludibacteraceae g -transporting NADH ub F subunit Prevotella st

1 tella pleuritidis F0068 cterium RIFCSPHIGHO str. A7 str. UDC12-2 smmoC GCA 90011436 lla ruminicola 23 otella rava F0323 F uncultured Bacteroid H ubiquinone oxidored Na + -transporting subu xidoreductase Na + -tra s f Muribaculaceae g C DE08562.1 na+-translo lla saccharolytica F005 -translocating NADH-q rinolyticus s f Bacteroidaceae g U M1 3 1 s f Bacteroidaceae g U 941 s C941 sp2 1 2-180 122

A3263s 1 BA1773 s 1 revotella s Prevotella s tase F subunit Prevote s f Muribaculaceae g C negevensis Z s f Bacteroidaceae g U M2 20 s f Paludibacteraceae g idoreductase Na + -tran NADH-quinone reduct ubiquinone oxidoreduc NADH ubiquinone oxid smmoC GCA 0004737 cteroidia o Bacteroidale nit F Prevotella enoeca reductase subunit F P 941 s C941 sp1 1 V-7 25.1 IMG-taxon 262362 g F subunit Pre 0114 annotated assem roides stercorirosoris tase F subunit Prevote tase F subunit Prevote 85.1 Lulo1 protein EON oreductase F subunit B e Na + -transporting su sp. CAG 530 s f Muribaculaceae g C revotella s Prevotella s ubiquinone oxidoreduc tase F subunit Prevoteuinone reductase subu 0779 annotated assem teroides sp. HPS0048 tase F subunit Prevote e subunit F Prevotella s Na+-transporting NAD

smmoC GCA 0016888 ubiquinone oxidoreduc 95.1 IMG-taxon 262362 smmoC GCA 0002964 roides faecichinchillae bunit F Prevotella sp. P votella s Prevotella sha

ria p Bacteroidota c Ba 85.1 ASM22248v1 prot ubiquinone oxidoreduc ides coprophilus DSM 5.1 Na + -translocating nit F Prevotella sp. 109 smmoC GCA 9001485 Waddlia chondrophila bly protein SDF44390.1

smmoC LUJU d Bacter 95.1 IMG-taxon 250652 smmoC DKUJ d Bacte 21 14 0 10 35 9 5.1 MGS927 protein CC revotella s Prevotella s revotella sp. CAG 1185 Prevotella sp. CAG 10 DH ubiquinone oxidore smmoC GCA 0005103 F subunit Bacteroides 45.1 IMG-taxon 270679 75.1 ASM26507v1 prot .1 Na + -translocating N smmoC GCA 90011674 smmoC LUJO d Bacter 6.1 Na + -translocating teroides sp. CAG 633 . CAG 702 tase F subunit Prevote 1841 -translocating NADH-q s f Paludibacteraceae g smmoC GCA 9001297 lotermitis JCM 10512 nit F Prevotella sp.AG tase F subunit Prevote

smmoC GCA 0003073 H ubiquinone reductas tase F subunit Prevote ria p Bacteroidota c Ba

smmoC GCA 90011661 e Na+ -translocatingF cteroidia o Bacteroidale

s f Muribaculaceae g C s f Paludibacteraceae g smmoC GCA 0009698 otella tanneraeATCC 5 tase F subunit Prevote Na + -transporting subu 85.1 ASM191538v1 pro tase F subunit Bactero smmoC GCA 9001080 terium 38-26 locating F subunit Prev bly protein SJZ61896.1 15.1 Anditalea andensi Na+-transporting NAD -translocating NADH-q ubiquinone oxidoreduc 35.1 MGS873 protein C Na+-transporting NADH DD04908.1 nADH ubiq tase F subunit Bactero 55.1 ASM180855v1 pro nit F Chlamydia sp. 32- p. CAG 1092 . CAG 891 Na+-transporting NAD uinone oxidoreductase bunit F Waddliaceae ba Na + -transporting subu tein KWW40563.1 Na+ ubunit F Bacteroides sa sp. CAG 598 cteroidia o Bacteroidale uctase F subunit Prevo smmoC GCA 0030030 tase F subunit Prevote ubiquinone reductase smmoC GCA 90011530 smmoC GCA 0003642 2 12 FULL 49 9 Na+-transporting NAD unit Bacteroides fragilis xidoreductaseAlloprev one reductase subunit

smmoC GCA 9001077 teroides uniformis 5.1 IMG-taxon 2651870 tase F subunit Prevote ein EGQ14273.1 Na + smmoC DKTU d Bacte smmoC GCA 0028905 2.1 NADH ubiquinone o nit F Bacteroides hepa

cteroidia o Bacteroidale 95.1 MGS485 protein C nit F Prevotella sp. MG

smmoC GCA 0018154 65.1 Rpsyc1.0 protein BA6382 s UBA6382 sp cteroidia o Bacteroidale nit F Prevotella sp. P3- s f Muribaculaceae g C s f P3 g Phil12 s 1 bunit F Prevotella sp. P cteroidia o Bacteroidale s f Bacteroidaceae g P ubiquinone oxidoreduc s f Bacteroidaceae g U 1 NADH ubiquinone ox 4.1 Na + -translocating f Muribaculaceae f UB g Prevotella sp. CAG 13 smmoC GCA 0003257 smmoC GCA 0002959 nit F Prevotella sp. MG V1 protein ETD29419.1 smmoC GCA 0002982 cteroidia o Bacteroidale cteroidia o Bacteroidale uinone reductase subu bly protein SEJ75506.1 ria p Bacteroidota c Ba cteroidia o Bacteroidale ein EGN58064.1 NADH tase Na + -translocatin locating NADH-quinone smmoC ARBX d Bacte s f Muribaculaceae g C H ubiquinone reductas ubiquinone oxidoreduc 77829.1 Na + -transloc uctase subunit F Bacte bly protein SHN27216. 0621 annotated assem 183 ubiquinone oxidoreduc -translocating NADH-q NADH ubiquinone oxid s f Bacteroidaceae g P ubiquinone oxidoreduc subunit F Bacteroides ein EFA43439.1 NADH ly protein SFG10528.1

cteroidia o Bacteroidale ubiquinone oxidoreduc slocating F subunit Bac ADH-quinone reductas

votella sp. CAG 617

15.1 IMG-taxon 261727 ein AEL26540.1 NADH 45.2 ASM168884v2 pro 65.1 Barn inte YIT 1186

smmoC LUJN d Bacter smmoC GCA 90011337 uctase subunit F Bacte 1 36/D4 e Na + -transporting su 0625 annotated assem p. CAG 5226 0v01 protein KGF1895 tein KXB40308.1 NADH tase F subunit Bactero f Bacteroidaceae g Pre cteroidia o Bacteroidale uinone reductase subu 0046 annotated assem WSU 86-1044 ein EKX88800.1 NADH 8178 annotated assem ria p Bacteroidota c Ba s f Bacteroidaceae g P ein EIM77887.1 Na + - ia p Bacteroidota c Bac rotein ERK40506.1 NA ne reductase subunit F

85.1 BU063sc2 protein v01 protein KGF44790 85.1 IMG-taxon 269853 4919 annotated assem uinone oxidoreductase votella sp. CAG 755 2v01 protein KGF5130

X48381.1 nADH ubiqui e reductase subunit F P 1 1 tein BAR96900.1 Na + ubiquinone oxidoreduc

ia p Bacteroidota c Bac CAG 754 ubiquinone oxidoreduc 5.1 IMG-taxon 2654588 eductase subunit F Bac votella xylaniphila YIT 1 tein OYP53405.1 NAD nit F Bacteroides reticu ubunit F Bacteroides sp

75.1 Para john CL02T1 cteroidia o Bacteroidale 85.1 IMG-taxon 259918 5.1 IMG-taxon 2639762 Na + -transporting subu smmoC GCA 0003307 ubiquinone oxidoreduc ria p Bacteroidota c Ba s protein KEO 25.1 Para gord MS-1 V smmoC DGUY d Bacte

iquinoneoxidoreductas 08 tase F subunitAlloprev ubiquinone reductase ubiquinone oxidoreduc cteroidia o Bacteroidale oreductase Na + -trans 8083 annotated assem cteroidia o Bacteroidale ein EGQ16997.1 Na + ly protein SET00194.1 ein EFV05399.1 NADH smmoC GCA 9001671 ubiquinone oxidoreduc es JCM 6292 smmoC GCA 0030145 tein OKY83971.1 NAD bly protein SEF69431.1 ubiquinone oxidoreduc 24 DE34145.1 nADH ubiq DE56561.1 nADH ubiq 15.1 MGS592 protein C tein OFR34079.1 NAD smmoC GCA 0017683 05.1 ASM300300v1 pro ubiquinone reductase e F subunit Prevotella s F subunit Prevotella sp bly protein SHL04504.1 cterium H-quinone reductase s ria p Bacteroidota c Ba subunit F Bacteroides H ubiquinone oxidored 5.1 IMG-taxon 2622736 85.1ASM154348v1 pro smmoC GCA 0021596 ubiquinone oxidoreduc tein AUI56152.1 NADH

65.1 Para sp ASF519 V ly protein SEM64922.1

85.1 IMG-taxon 265458 55.1 ASM22025v1 prot ting%2C F subunit Bac anslocating NADH-quin 9 V1 protein EHO7348 a + -translocating F sub 9.1 NADH ubiquinone o ubiquinone oxidoreduc ERM83510.1 Na + -tra 75.1 ASM289057v1 pro ria p Bacteroidota c Ba 357 annotated assemb

smmoC GCA 0004374smmoC GCA An20p. ria p Bacteroidota c Ba uinone reductase subu 05.1 ASM32570v1 prot Na + -transporting subu 95.1 ASM29829v1 prot 35.2 IndiAl02 protein E 65.1 ASM181546v1 pro 2v01 protein KGF2450 ein EFL47186.1 NADH s f Bacteroidaceae g U ria p Bacteroidota c Ba V1 protein EHO68736. ria p Bacteroidota c Ba e Na + -transporting su Na + -transporting subu smmoC GCA 0009535 25.1 Prev nigr CC14M cteroidia o Bacteroidale cteroidia o Bacteroidale ne reductase subunit F Na+-transporting NAD cteroidia o Bacteroidale cteroidia o Bacteroidale -translocating NADH-q smmoC GCA 0004310 ria p Bacteroidota c Ba

teroidia o ria p Bacteroidota c Ba Na + -transporting subu 35.1 ASM21823v1 prot 1 Na+-transporting NAD ating NADH-quinone re ria p Bacteroidota c Ba CY03281.1 na + -trans smmoC DCHK d Bacte tein OYP73494.1 NAD ria p Bacteroidota c Ba ubiquinone oxidoreduc 1 protein EPT34341.1 tein AKU70351.1 Na + bly protein SKC48186. H ubiquinone oxidored cteroidia o Bacteroidale tein KXA31226.1 NADH ides stercorisATCC 43 ein EEX52082.1 NADH smmoC DKZQ d Bacte cteroidia o Bacteroidale 35.1 ASM16053v1 prot ubiquinone oxidoreduc uinone oxidoreductase 360 annotated assemb ein EGC19090.1 NADH 0825 annotated assem 1 Na + -translocating N smmoC GCA 0022570 smmoC GCA 0019155 ria p Bacteroidota c Ba ein EFC69533.1 NADH 5.1 IMG-taxon 2622736

idoreductase Na + -tran eductase subunit F Pre smmoC GCA 9001037 bly protein SMD41831. H ubiquinone reductas H ubiquinone oxidored bly protein SKC51730. smmoC GCA 0018981 ia p Bacteroidota Bacc 25.1 04 NF40 HMP164 tein ANU63822.1 NADH nit Bacteroides dorei 5 translocating NADH-qu smmoC GCA 0004333 0 V1 protein EJZ62810 65.1 ASM155276v1 pro s cutis 1 teroidia o Bacteroidales ubiquinone oxidoreduc e F subunit Prevotella s -translocating NADH-q

95.2ASM31809v2 prot bly protein SNS39078. s f Muribaculaceae g C 6714 annotated assem cteroidia o Bacteroidale 85.1 IMG-taxon 265458 teroidia o Bacteroidales cteroidia o Bacteroidale 35.1 PbaroF0067v1.0 p 45.1 04 NF40 HMP64715.1 04 NF40 HMP930 DD49553.1 nADH ubiq nslocating NADH-quino ETK02637.1 Na + -tra none oxidoreductase s eductase subunit F Pre BA1179 s UBA1179 sp slocating NADH-quinon 95.1 ASM154819v1 pro 5235 annotated assem 564 annotated assemb ein EFU29384.1 NADH ein EEX19430.1 NADH 25.2 ASM33072v2 prot ubunit Bacteroides sp. teroidia o Bacteroidales tase F subunit Parapre smmoC GCA 0007690 72919.1 Na + -transloc uinone reductase subu cating NADH-quinone r 25.1 ASM225142v1 pro inone oxidoreductase s ria p Bacteroidota c Ba ubiquinone reductase smmoC GCA 0015527 142 annotated assemb smmoC DCKF d Bacte 2C29 V1 protein EKN0 smmoC GCA 0021722 75.1 ASM301457v1 pro ein EFM02365.1 NADH smmoC AUBX d Bacte 1 protein KKB50534.1 NADH ubiquinone oxid ein EFA92823.1 NADH 15.1 ASM22021v1 prot ria p Bacteroidota c Ba 815 annotated assemb 45.1 ASM18584v1 prot

CCX44746.1nADH ub 05.1 IMG-taxon 258258 ria p Bacteroidota c Ba ubiquinone oxidoreduc 85.1 IMG-taxon 258542 ides helcogenes P 36-1 7 s 1 tein PNP94652.1 NADH

H ubiquinone reductas smmoC GCA 0026979 tein PRY89574.1 Na+- smmoC DETK d Bacte t F Bacteroides pyogen ein EDU99562.1 NADH 8202 annotated assem smmoC GCA 0004360 H ubiquinone reductas 25.1 ASM176832v1 pro smmoC ARDN d Bacte uinone oxidoreductase smmoC DIQF d Bacter ein EDY96299.1 NADH 35.1 MGS629 protein C 437 annotated assemb uinone oxidoreductase 8175 annotated assem

smmoC GCA 0004364 iquinone oxidoreductas smmoC DLKN d Bacte uinone oxidoreductase smmoC GCA 0027022 smmoC GCA 0023564 smmoC GCA 0015434 tein OKZ12624.1 NADH inADE83517.1 NADH 45.1 ASM215964v1 pro Na+-translocating NAD rotein ERJ98773.1 NAD 95.1 ASM284979v1 pro smmoC DGSO d Bacte smmoC GCA 0002202 nslocating NADH-quino 457 annotated assemb acteroides s 1 15.1 Prev macu OT 28

1 protein EMZ30247.1 smmoC GCA 0018975 n SCH12664.1 Na + -tr ein AGA77037.1 NADH 3 V1 protein EHG2192 smmoC GCA 0015084 se%2C Na + -transloca OZ92115.1 Na + -trans 8140 annotated assem cteroidia o Bacteroidale ein EKB48063.1 Na + - none oxidoreductase N ein EKY04304.1 NADH

ly protein SFL21774.1 -translocating NADH-q

tein PNE26972.1 NADH bunit F Mediterranea s ubiquinone reductase 75.1 ASM17967v1 prot smmoC GCA 0024573 H ubiquinone oxidored smmoC DKUD d Bacte 35.1 Prev mica F0438 75.1 04 NF40 HMP213 H ubiquinone reductas smmoC GCA 0005078

smmoC GCA 0001836 tein OFO55876.1 NAD ubiquinone reductase 35.1 E5B protein CEA1 smmoC DDPW d Bacte cteroidia o Bacteroidale smmoC DGVD d Bacte ria p Bacteroidota c Ba ductase subunit F Luna ria p Bacteroidota c Ba smmoC GCA 0024570 15.1 MGS514 protein C ria p Bacteroidota c Ba teinALO48132.1 Na + smmoC GCA 0002182 ria p Bacteroidota c Ba nslocating NADH-quino H ubiquinone oxidored ubiquinone reductase smmoC DFGP d Bacte

smmoC DLOM d Bacte smmoC GCA 0015936 iapBacteroidota c Bac sp. CAG 462 smmoC DDQG d Bacte 05.1 BactbactF0290v0 75.1 MGS924 protein C smmoC GCA 0022801smmoC AUBV d Bacte 1 Na+-transporting NAD cteroidia o Bacteroidale 25.1 ASM225132v1 pro smmoC DKRX d Bacte ein EFC71627.1 NADH smmoC GCA 0001605 15.1 ASM126201v1 pro smmoC GCA 0004326 Na+-transporting NAD tase F subunit Bactero 95.1ASM16349v1 prot bly protein SHO63696. ria p Bacteroidota c Ba 95.1 ASM154659v1 pro tase subunit F Cycloba 25.1 ASM225702v1 pro ria p Bacteroidota c Ba 65.1 ASM19106v1 prot 35.1 IMG-taxon 259569 ria p Bacteroidota c Ba DA77714.1 nADH ubiq 517 annotated assemb 1 Na+-transporting NAD 75.1 ASM191557v1 pro v01 protein KGI59795. 5.1 IMG-taxon 2651870 15.1ASM16241v1 prot

smmoC DKXO d Bacte inone reductase subun tein OYP47703.1 NAD 1 Na+-transporting NAD smmoC GCA 0007589 1 Na+-transporting NAD cating NADH-quinone r smmoC GCA 0015527 65.1 ASM189816v1 pro

55.1 MGS435 protein C .1 NADH ubiquinone ox bly protein SIO21722.1 a p Bacteroidota c Bac

smmoC MSPQ d Bacte teroidia o Bacteroidales .1 NADH ubiquinone ox tein KOO68228.1 Na + oxidoreductase F subu 1 Na+-transporting NAD ein EEF74911.1 NADH iquinone oxidoreductas smmoC GCA 0003180

acteroides s Bacteroide ubiquinone reductase smmoC GCA 0004686 smmoC GCA 0007592smmoC GCA 0007593 AG-1031 s CAG-1031 smmoC GCA 9001023 ria p Bacteroidota c Ba

bly protein SEF53300.1 s f Muribaculaceae g C ly protein SFU02829.1 CCX66822.1 na + -tra ein EMS34290.1 Na + nslocating NADH-quino smmoC GCA 0015481 f Muribaculaceae g UB s f Bacteroidaceae g U ating NADH-quinone re ubunit F Bacteroides sp 15.1 MGS875 protein C CCY84012.1 na + -tran cating NADH-quinone r 45.1 ASM18494v1 prot 35.1 ASM16293v1 prot 15.1 ASM217221v1 pro smmoC GCA 0020027 smmoC GCA 0022514 55.1 ASM76905v1 prot

-translocating NADH-q B11054.1 na + -translo ria p Bacteroidota c Ba ubiquinone oxidoreduc Na + -translocating F s 75.1 ASM155277v1 pro f Muribaculaceae g Ho smmoC DGTD d Bacte tein PSL04409.1 Na+-t ly protein SFU36972.1 7748.1 NADH ubiquino CZ71195.1 nADH ubiqu 05.1 ASM269790v1 pro 75.1 ASM14667v1 prot smmoC GCA 0002202 smmoC GCA 0001858 tein OKZ28005.1 NADH 1 protein ETD21507.1 smmoC JAFX d Bacter transporting NADH ubi NADH ubiquinone oxid 75.1 ASM17707v1 prot smmoC GCA 9001673

ria p Bacteroidota c Ba 15.1MGS1031 protein smmoC DBYR d Bacte tase subunit F Bactero smmoC DAAK d Bacte 5.1 IMG-taxon 2606217

ly protein SFO13822.1 e Na + -transporting su 05.1 ASM270220v1 pro ria p Bacteroidota c Ba ein EEX72952.1 NADH 65.1 ASM289416v1 pro 1320 annotated assem smmoC GCA 0001747 none reductase subuni 45.1ASM15484v1 prot smmoC GCA 0004375 smmoC GCA 0028492 s f UBA1402 g UBA175 smmoC GCA 0007691 DSM 3385 e Na + -transporting su

F subunit Prevotella sp 25.1 IMG-taxon 265458 95.1ASM18789v1 prot ia p Bacteroidota c Bac DE86937.1 nADH ubiq tein OFX55731.1 NADH 95.1 MGS409 protein C CCZ11550.1 nADH ub 35.2 ASM235643v2 pro CX60798.1 nADH ubiq 25.1 IMG-taxon 265458 smmoC GCA 0028497 ne reductase subunit F 25.1ASM2592v1 prote smmoC GCA 0002430 45.1ASM191554v1 pro 35.1 PpleuF0068v1.0 p n CUN10122.1 putative locating NADH-quinone ria p Bacteroidota c Ba tein OUO55800.1 NAD 15.1 ASM245731v1 pro ubiquinone oxidoreduc translocating NADH-qu s f Bacteroidaceae g B 95.1 ASM189759v1 pro 45.1 13470 2 62 protei 5.1 IMG-taxon 2623620 NADH ubiquinone oxid 5.1 Prevotella sp F032 uctase subunit F Cyclo 85.1 ASM150848v1 pro tein GAY27527.1 na + 95.2ASM31819v2 prot bly protein SEA01665.1 ein EYA61508.1 ubiqui smmoC GCA 0001796 Na+-transporting NADH 35.1 ASM245703v1 pro biquinone oxidoreducta smmoC GCA 0002430 smmoC GCA 0007590 smmoC GCA 0001748 s f Muribaculaceae g M smmoC GCA 0002432 e Na + -transporting su uctase subunit F Cyclo tein OYP65547.1 NAD timonas lonarensis 05.2 ASM18360v1 prot smmoC GCA 0005978 05.1 ASM159360v1 pro H ubiquinone reductas ubiquinone reductase teinAVM56683.1 NADH 75.1 ASM228017v1 pro smmoC DEJO d Bacte ria p Bacteroidota c Ba ria p Bacteroidota c Ba smmoC DFJG d Bacte CDA96651.1 na + -tra

5487.1 Na + -transloca 1 Na+-transporting NAD CX52794.1 nADH ubiq tein OYP63113.1 NADH 45.1ASM144444v1 pro smmoC DCGR d Bacte smmoC NWBO d Bacte smmoC GCA 0004421 smmoC GCA 0004319 smmoC GCA 0022513 smmoC GCA 0012620

smmoC DJPQ d Bacte Bacter d smmoCLUJY cterium marinum DSM tein GAY30411.1 NADH F subunit Bacteroides smmoC GCA 0015465 8204 annotated assem ly protein SFG44763.1 tein OYZ28881.1 NADH 55.1 MGS1060 protein ria p Bacteroidota c Ba 55.2ASM16305v2 prot smmoC GCA 0001634 smmoC DLEX d Bacte smmoC GCA 0001910 s f Porphyromonadace H ubiquinone oxidored

bly protein SHJ20496.1 ubiquinone oxidoreduc cteroidia o Bacteroidale smmoC DECW d Bacte H ubiquinone oxidored it F Nitritalea halalkalip smmoC GCA 0001624 65.1 04 NF40 HMP671 smmoC GCA 0027127 35.1 MGS530 protein C smmoC GCA 9001776 Na+-transporting NAD tein OKZ01937.1 NADH smmoC GCA 90011330 smmoC GCA 0027184 ria p Bacteroidota c Ba H ubiquinone oxidored smmoC GCA 0004350 smmoC GCA 0004339 F21631.1 na + -translo 35.1ASM225153v1 pro V1 protein EOA57082 smmoC BAIZ d Bacteri H ubiquinone oxidored DD18809.1 nADH ubiq tein OJV36676.1 NADH

bly protein SHE88197. Na+-transporting NAD 15.1ASM15791v1 prot Na+-transporting NADH -translocating NADH-q smmoC MWYU d Bact 03.1 NADH ubiquinone 35.1ASM127513v1 pro s f Bacteroidaceae g B idoreductase Na + -tran f Muribaculaceae g M3 CDA44828.1 nADH ub

Na + -transporting subu smmoC GCA 0026974 35.1 ASM200273v1 pro sp2 1 smmoC DEJU d Bacte ductase subunit F Andi 75.1 MGS1058 protein smmoC DFUT d Bacte

tein OUV94205.1 NAD smmoC GCA 0014210 AG-873 s 1 smmoC GCA 0001629 cteroidia o Cytophagale smmoC GCA 0004354 smmoC GCA 0001849 tovallimortis ne reductase subunit F ransporting NADH ubiq A7173 s 1 cteroidia o Bacteroidale 95.1 MGS1185 protein

. CAG 927 CY16309.1 na+-translo tein MAR65502.1 NAD quinone oxidoreductas ein KGO00453.1 Na + ein GAE85532.1 Na + ia p Bacteroidota c Bac uinone oxidoreductase cteroidia o Cytophagale smmoC GCA 0001466 smmoC GCA 0005650 meothermus s Homeot ein EGG56332.1 NADH Na+-transporting NAD Na+-transporting NADH 5.1 MGS633 protein CD tein KXB34637.1 NADH ne oxidoreductase Na smmoC GCA 0001770

95.1 MGS702 protein C tein MAS38409.1 NAD oreductase Na + -trans 85.1ASM191568v1 pro smmoC GCA 0004312 smmoCGCA 05.1 Prev oral CC98A V smmoC GCA 0028941 smmoC GCA 0027156 cteroidia o Bacteroidale smmoC GCA 90011152 smmoC GCA 0015531 ubiquinone oxidoreduc smmoC GCA 0001548 75.1 ASM17477v1 prot bunit F Bacteroidales b 95.1ASM15999v1 prot fobacterium vacuolatum 35.1 ASM76913v1 prot bly protein SJZ96855.1 45.1 ASM284924v1 pro ranslocating NADH-qui smmoC GCA 9001083 smmoC GCA 0001878 smmoC GCA 0027017 Rhodonellum psychrop bunit F Porphyromonas cteroidia o Bacteroidale

teroidia o Bacteroidales 15.1 MGS1092 protein . CAG 873 smmoC GCA 9001425 inone reductase subun 75.1 MGS891 protein C smmoC GCA 0000259 tein PDH42827.1 NAD tase Na + -translocatin DE60332.1 nADH ubiq reductase subunit F In tein BBD44495.1 NADH 55.1 MGS598 protein C ubiquinone reductase smmoC GCA 0004681 cteroidia o Bacteroidale smmoC GCA 0018975 smmoC GCA 0019155 smmoC GCA 0027149 bacterium halophilum 95.1 13414 6 55 protei

H ubiquinone reductas tein PDH48731.1 NAD smmoC GCA 9000664

oreductase Na + -trans cteroidia o Bacteroidale smmoC GCA 0003181

85.1 ASM59788v1 prot tein OJV87199.1 NADH smmoC GCA 90011008

bacterium lianum 85.1ASM59898v1 prot smmoC GCA 00023411 smmoC AODQ d Bacte 15.1 Odor lane YIT 120 tein KUK78581.1 Na+- 15.1 ASM17481v1 prot 75.1ASM293377v1 pro

cteroidia o Cytophagaletein AMQ55071.1 Na + H ubiquinone reductas tein OYX22346.1 NAD Na+-transporting NAD

uribaculum s Muribacu n CUP40785.1 NADH u ubiquinone oxidoreduc

e Na + -transporting su

ein EFR35330.1 NADH Na + -transporting subu 35.1ASM225143v1 pro smmoC GCA 0019156 35.1 MGS1320 protein smmoC GCA 0026465 bly protein SDA89213. Na+-transporting NAD H ubiquinone oxidored 35.1ASM299853v1 pro smmoC GCA 0014444 745 smmoC DKDC d Bacte uinone oxidoreductase ting NADH-quinone red smmoC DIRT d Bacter smmoC GCA 0007660 ria p Bacteroidota c Ba smmoC GCA 0004678 65.1ASM225136v1 pro smmoC GCA 0001630 05.1 ASM271270v1 pro uctase subunit F Aquifl CCX54740.1 nADH ub cteroidia o Bacteroidale 65.1 IMG-taxon 259569 hila LW7 ubiquinone reductase uinone oxidoreductase uctase subunit F Bacte ae g Porphyromonas s 55.1ASM293395v1 pro 35.1 ASM271843v1 pro smmoC GCA 0018736 smmoC GCA 0007628 smmoC GCA 0030236 cteroidia o Cytophagale H ubiquinone oxidored smmoC CBVB01 1 uctase subunit F Bellie 8705 annotated assem

ein EDS15617.1 NADH smmoC GCA 0004347

s f Muribaculaceae g H 35.1 MGS788 protein C 75.1 MGS770 protein C H ubiquinone oxidored ubiquinone reductase smmoC GCA 0025292 smmoC GCA 0003315 05.1 ASM269740v1 pro uinone reductase subu eria p Bacteroidota c B smmoC GCA 0022515 uctase subunit F Bacte 65.1 Bact sp HPS0048 H ubiquinone reductas ubiquinone oxidoreduc uinone oxidoreductase tein OOG69284.1 NAD talea andensis smmoC GCA 0028426 smmoC GCA 0001579 smmoC GCA 0012751 5.1 MGS617 protein CD 0934 annotated assem 55.1 MGS5226 protein D4 V2 protein EEO461 95.1 SK 12B protein KQ ubiquinone reductase smmoC GCA 0004331

s 1 cteroidia o Bacteroidale slocating F subunit Bar F Desulfamplus magne s f g ria p Bacteroidota c Ba H ubiquinone reductas uinone oxidoreductase smmoC GCA 0016575 nit F Parabacteroides s e subunit F Mongoliiba smmoC GCA 0004366 teroidia o Cytophagale ria p Bacteroidota c Ba Tannerella sp. oral tax H ubiquinone reductas H ubiquinone oxidored smmoC GCA 0028424 s f Cyclobacteriaceae g -translocating NADH-q 45.1 ASM51754v145.1 prot smmoC GCA 0016250 45.1 ASM271564v1 pro DA82744.1 nADH ubiq 75.1 MGS755 protein C 15.1 PcatATCC51270v

+ -translocating F subu 65.1ASM20516v1 prot smmoC GCAsmmoC 0021693 GCA 0026916 hermus arabinoxylanis smmoC GCA 0004326 45.1 ASM270174v1 pro smmoC GCA 90011279 smmoC GCA 00043511 smmoC GCA 0005079 smmoC GCA 0017685 smmoC GCA 0019156 uctase subunit F Desul ubiquinone oxidoreduc locating F subunit Para smmoC GCA 0008320 ubiquinone oxidoreduc smmoC GCA 0001834 65.1 ASM155316v1 pro H ubiquinone reductas hilum GCM71 = DSM 1 s f UBA932 g Bact-11 s smmoC GCA 0001599 ein EEK17190.1 NADH acterium 52 46

ein ADV44574.1ein NADH g F subunit Echinicola ein KGN97397.1 Na + in GAE15537.1 Na + -t it F Cecembia lonarens Na+-transporting NAD 85.1 ASM271498v1 pro tein PLB85822.1 NADH smmoC GCA 0004369 dibacter alkaliphilus LW ria p Bacteroidota c Ba H ubiquinone reductas sp. HMSC065F10 smmoC GCA 0004376

f Dysgonomonadacea smmoC GCA 0004310 uinone oxidoreductase smmoC GCA 9001296 05.1 ASM189750v1 pro ein AHM60610.1 Na + Na + -transporting subu smmoC GCA 0014056 ria p Bacteroidota c Ba s f UBA932 g RC9 s RC e Na + -transporting su smmoC LBGV d Bacte H ubiquinone reductas -translocating NADH-q ubiquinone oxidoreduc

ria p Bacteroidota c Ba

s f Cyclobacteriaceae g locating F subunit Para 95.1 ASM264659v1 pro smmoC GCA 0019154 61 V1 protein EHP5118 smmoC GCA 0005989 smmoC GCA 0029337 translocating NADH-qu 1 Na+-transporting NAD ein EEN82763.1 NADH smmoC GCA 0021614 tein OUP07636.1 NAD H ubiquinone oxidored uctase subunit F Algori ubiquinone reductase H ubiquinone oxidored 35.1 13470 2 66 protei smmoC ARBK d Bacte55.1 ASM191565v1 pro lum sp1 1 smmoC GCA 0022514 smmoC GCA 0004356 bunit F Porphyromonas tase subunit F Porphyr a ia p Bacteroidota c Bac smmoC GCA 0029985 tein MBE49226.1 NAD exum balticum DSM 16 ubiquinone oxidoreduc 05.1 ASM302360v1 pro 9006 annotated assem Na + -transporting subu F subunit Alistipes sp. nit F Tannerella sp. ora cteroidia o Bacteroidale 05.1 ASM76600v1 prot smmoC GCA 0015671 smmoC GCA 0022513 smmoC GCA 0029346 tein MBI95065.1 NADH uctase subunit F Algori 55.2 ASM46785v2 prot uctase subunit F Ferme lla buryatensis iquinone oxidoreductas s f Cyclobacteriaceae g roidales bacterium WC s f UBA932 g RC9 s RC DD82719.1 nADH ubiq smmoC GCA 0029339 35.1 ASM187363v1 pro Porphyromonas levii 1 smmoC GCA 0027868 35.1 Fulvivirga imteche uctase subunit F Algori smmoC GCA 00176911 smmoC GCA 0007590 nit F Mariniradius sacc smmoC GCA 0021595 tein MAR16310.1 NAD acteroidia o Chitinopha 25.1ASM15452v1 prot e Na + -transporting su 15.1 IMG-taxon 270098

omeothermus s 1 CZ09762.1 nADH ubiq Na + -transporting subu 35.1 ASM252923v1 pro H ubiquinone reductas tase subunit F Algoriph 65.1 ASM284266v1 pro DC64814.1 nADH ubiq

roidales bacterium WC smmoC GCA 0003824 F subunit Alistipes sp. e Na + -transporting su smmoC ANNU d Bacte one reductase subunit smmoC GCA 0002127 Algoriphagus s Algorip subunit F Cecembia ru smmoC GCA 0004344 35.2 Bact dorei 5 1 36 s f Cyclobacteriaceae g cter ruber Na + -transporting subu smmoC GCA 00043811 55.1 ASM216935v185.1 ASM269168v1 pro pro smmoC GCA 9001007 65.1 IMG-taxon 269542 uctase subunit F Algori ria p Bacteroidota c Ba 75.1 ASM165757v1 pro e Na + -transporting su cteroidia o Bacteroidale 15.2 ASM162501v2 pro M08840.1 Na + -translo nesiella intestinihomini

25.1 ASM284242v1 pro p. YL27 Echinicola s Echinicola smmoC DDLZ d Bacte smmoC GCA 0014381 tein MBH14520.1 NAD on BU063 isolate Cell 2 uinone reductase subu smmoC AQWS d Bacte smmoC GCA 0029543 smmoC 0005175GCA tein MAR41196.1 NAD smmoC GCA 0004312 25.1 ASM18342v1 prot 55.1 ASM176855v1 pro smmoC GCA 00119283 smmoC GCA 0006138 H ubiquinone oxidored smmoC GCA 0002051 1.0 protein EWC93204 smmoC GCA 9002154 e Na + -transporting su olvens 1 75.1 MGS754 protein C 85.1 OUH334697 1.0 p nit Parabacteroides joh 65.1 IMG-taxon 261727 vietnamensis DSM 175 7998 5.1 IMG-taxon 2693429

bacteroides gordonii M smmoC GCA 0026312 tein MBF27724.1 NAD e Na + -transporting su is LW9 tase subunit F Porphyr tase F subunit Bactero

1 Bact-11 sp1 1 tein KXB76646.1 NADH -translocating NADH-q

5.1 ASM51173v15.1 prote smmoC GCA 9001029 -translocating NADH-q H ubiquinone oxidored ubiquinone oxidoreduc 25.1ASM18622v1 prot ria p Bacteroidota c Ba cteroidia o Cytophagale smmoC DCHH d Bacte e Na + -transporting su ubiquinone reductase e g Fermentimonas s 1

uinone reductasesubun F subunit Parabactero tein PHN06635.1 NAD Algoriphagus s Algorip tein OJV36811.1 NADH

nit F bac uctase subunit F Algori bunit F Parabacteroide phagus zhangzhouens 15.1 ASM191541v1 pro 9 sp17 1 tase Na + -translocatin H ubiquinone oxidored 85.1 ASM216148v1 pro smmoC DBDF d Bacte H ubiquinone reductas 5.1 NADH ubiquinone o bacteroides sp. ASF51 bly protein SMG30083. ria p Bacteroidota c Ba inone reductase subun tein PSR12519.1 NADH Na + -transporting subu lticellularis str. Araruam uctase subunit F Porph 85.1 ASM156718v1 pro smmoC GCA 0014061 05.1 ASM293460v1 pro 537 tein OKZ41065.1 NADH ubiquinone oxidoreduc teroidia o Bacteroidales ASM216005v155.1 pro 55.1 ASM278685v1 pro smmoC LNEN d Bacte ubiquinone reductase phagus halophilus omonadaceae bacteriu nit F Sphingobacteriale smmoC GCA 0002129 sp. HMSC077F02 CAG 514 tase F subunit Porphyr smmoC GCA 90011229 l taxon 808 25.1 ASM75902v1 prot nsis Genome Sequenc phagus boritolerans DS Algoriphagus s Algorip ein KGL47499.1 Na + - smmoC GCA 0014381 s f UBA932 g RC9 s RC smmoC FXXL d Bacter ein ERJ72752.1 NADH H ubiquinone reductas harolyticus AK6 e F subunit Bacteroide E2008 bunit F Amoebophilace ntimonas caenicola smmoC GCA 0020721 e Na + -transporting su 5.1 ASM176911v1 prot smmoC GCA 0017698 gales f Chitinophagace 9 sp4 1 tein OIP83261.1 NADH 95.1 MGS462 protein C agus locisalis 55.1 ASM215955v1 pro

35.1 ASM21273v1 prot smmoC GCA 0018989 smmoC GCA 0001545 uinone oxidoreductase smmoC GCA 9001420 tein OUX39091.1 NAD bunit F Flammeovirgac ria p Bacteroidota c Ba tein PKP49067.1 NADH tein MAJ32500.1 NADH uinone oxidoreductase 65.1 IMG-taxon 267590 nit F Bacteroides sp. C hagus vanfongensis 1 E2004 tein PDP64945.1 NADH bra smmoC DFOK d Bacte anslocating NADH-quin 25.1 ASM295432v1 pro 75.1 ASM143817v1 pro smmoC GCA 0027075 tein OAV43080.1 NADH bunit F Flammeovirgac Algoriphagus s Algorip phagus ornithinivorans CAG 435 smmoC GCA 0030016 smmoC GCA 0001583 65.1 IMG-taxon 272836 smmoC AUIF d Bacteri H ubiquinone reductas smmoC GCA 0028427 smmoC GCA 9001290

smmoC OEST d Bacte tein PKP03035.1 NADH s YIT 11860 smmoC GCA 0021678 smmoC GCA 0012679 H ubiquinone reductas pacifica 1 cating NADH-quinone r nit F Bacteroidia bacter smmoC DHFW d Bacte tein OAV64125.1 Na + 0824 annotated assem ein ADR21678.1 NADH s f Dysgonomonadacea smmoC GCA 0022127 bunit F Rhodothermaeo smmoC GCA 0030030 25.1 IMG-taxon 266752 smmoC GCA 0015929 05.1 ASM263120v1 pro smmoC LYSV d Bacter tein OFY17438.1 NADH 5.1 ASM119283v1 prot nit F Porphyromonas m H ubiquinone reductas 25.1 ASM61382v1 prot 1 Na+-transporting NAD smmoC GCA 0027841 smmoC DCHN d Bacte ria p Bacteroidota c Ba bunit F Rhodothermaeo 26 rotein KIO47249.1 Na + .1 NADH ubiquinone ox smmoC GCA 0014380 smmoC GCA 0004348

smmoC AUGC d Bacte uinone reductase subu nsonii CL02T12C29 cteroidia o Cytophagale 893 annotated assemb

smmoC GCA 0026989 omonadaceae bacteriu S-1 smmoC GCA 0017694 idales bacterium KA00 bunit F Algoriphagus sp H ubiquinone reductas uinone reductase subu

s f Cyclobacteriaceae g uctase subunit F Porph smmoC GCA 0001862 it F Algoriphagus sp. M ubiquinone oxidoreduc tase F subunit Porphyr smmoC GCA 0014139 hagus mannitolivorans smmoC GCA 00051173 phagus hitonicola is smmoC GCA 0028424 Na + -transporting subu smmoC GCA 9001763 smmoC GCA 90011114 e Na + -transporting su uctase subunit F Algori ides sp. CAG 409 smmoC DKOG d Bacte 1 Na+-transporting NAD smmoC GCA 0002312 s sp. An277 smmoC GCA 0001691 terium GWC2 46 850 ubiquinone reductase smmoC GCA 90011520 ubiquinone reductase tein PPK84642.1 Na+-t tein KXK22982.1 NADH g F subunit Petrimonas tus Magnetoglobus mu 5.1 IMG-taxon 2619619 65.1 ASM143816v1 pro tein PIQ47889.1 NADH ria p Bacteroidota c Ba tein OUN66391.1 NAD cteroidia o Bacteroidale tein OKY88756.1 NAD smmoC DDTK d Bacte Na + -transporting subu xidoreductase Na + -tra 9 ein KGE89363.1 Na + it F Proteiniphilum acet 05.2 ASM207210v2 pro smmoC GCA 9001422 ing protein ELR72243.1 s bacterium 16-39-50 f WCHB1-69 g UBA54 ll 52 9 yromonadaceae bacter smmoC 0021600 GCA ubiquinone reductase tase F subunit Porphyr hagus marinus 1 smmoC AHZV d Bacte nit F Bacteroidia bacter e Na + -transporting su m KH3CP3RA smmoC GCA 0002655 M 17298 = JCM 18970 15.1 ASM21291v1 prot

ae bacterium TMED152 omonas asaccharolytic H ubiquinone reductas ia p Bacteroidota c Bac smmoC DEUA d Bacte bunit F Algoriphagus sp translocating NADH-qu ein AEE52279.1 NADH 65.1 ASM176986v1 pro s sp. CAG 1060 ubiquinone reductase ae g Segetibacter s 1 ein OFY10543.1 NADH ubiquinone oxidoreduc eae bacterium cteroidia o Cytophagale smmoC GCA 0028694 9 sp8 1

95.1 ASM300169v1 pro smmoC 0004350 GCA tein PQJ15636.1 NADH tein KRO83780.1 Na + 25.1 ASM270752v1 pro Na + -translocating F s 3159 annotated assem smmoC GCA 0017692 ubiquinone reductase tein OUO37476.1 NAD 35.1 ASM189893v1 pro 9489 annotated assem ubiquinone reductase smmoC DBXF d Bacte smmoC GCA 9000965 n SLM27818.1 Na + -tr 05.1 ASM216780v1 pro a p Bacteroidota c Bac ubiquinone reductase e Na + -transporting su eae bacterium hagus marincola A 1 F subunit Bacteroides bly protein SHG86725. smmoC GCA 0008078 55.1 ASM126795v1 pro AG 1060 57 27 55.1 ASM284275v1 pro ria p Bacteroidota c Ba e Na + -transporting su smmoC GCA 9001418 25.1 ASM221272v1 pro smmoC DEPQ d Bacte ubiquinone reductase 7237 annotated assem smmoC DFSD d Bacte 35.1 ASM159293v1 pro smmoC GCA 0007235 smmoC GCA 0015834 25.1 ASM278412v1 pro ubiquinone oxidoreduc 15.1 ASM143801v1 pro ria p Bacteroidota c Ba ubiquinone reductase eductase subunit F Ca tein PHK97787.1 NADH ia p Bacteroidota c Bac e Na + -transporting su ta bacterium MED-G19 smmoC GCA 0017685 smmoC GCA 0028409 35.1 ASM300303v1 pro smmoC DDIU d Bacter ium 43-41 ein GAP44945.1 NADH smmoC GCA 0028409 smmoC GCA 0005836 -translocating NADH-q 49 15 bly protein SMD12655. smmoC DDJT d Bacter ria p Bacteroidota c Ba ta bacterium MED-G16 e g UBA4179 s UBA41 smmoC DDBU d Bacte 85.1 ASM269898v1 pro nit F Flammeovirgacea ubiquinone reductase smmoC GCA 0028425 ein GAK35561.1 Na + smmoC GCA 0026996 55.1 ASM141395v1 pro ria p Bacteroidota c Ba cteroidia o Bacteroidale acacae e Na + -transporting su s f Cyclobacteriaceae g -translocating NADH-q smmoC GCA 0028408 smmoC GCA 0022017 55.1 ASM176945v1 pro smmoC GCA 0017692 idoreductase F subunit smmoC GCA 0021674 smmoC GCA 0015929 smmoC GCA 0007365 . 32-45-6 ly protein SFE63151.1 75.1 IMG-taxon 261961 Cesiribacter s Cesiriba 1 8-2 251 5.1 IMG-taxon 2667527 smmoC GCA 90011304 m KHP3R9 nit F Porphyromonas g 5.1 IMG-taxon 2636416 smmoC GCA 0027063 bunit F Flammeovirgac phagus alkaliphilus 95.1 ASM284249v1 pro yromonas circumdenta 048 annotated assemb ria p Bacteroidota c Rh omonas uenonis 60-3 smmoC GCA 0000241 Na + -transporting subu 75.1 ASM16917v1 prot smmoC GCA 0017682 tein KRO75747.1 Na + ubiquinone reductase ransporting NADH ubiq smmoC DIOT d Bacter tase F subunit Porphyr 05.1 IMG-taxon 261664 ria p Bacteroidotacteroidia c Ba o Cytophagale H ubiquinone oxidored tein OQD43940.1 NAD -translocating NADH-q smmoC AUMD d Bacte ubiquinone oxidoreduc 75.1 Alis indi YIT V1 pr nit F Dysgonamonadac tase subunit F Candida oergensenii 1 nit F Flammeovirgacea smmoC GCA 0007865 e Na + -transporting su H ubiquinone reductas H ubiquinone reductas smmoC GCA 0024576 05.1 ASM26550v1 prot Na + -translocating NA Na + -transporting subu smmoC GCA 9001418 s f Marinifilaceae g But sp. IBARAKI Na + -transporting subu bunit F Flammeovirgac 29 s 1 nslocating F subunit Od o of CG06-09 8 20 14 a tgatei smmoC GCA 0028693 smmoC GCA 0017685 atigenes smmoC DFQX d Bacte Na + -transporting subu ria p Bacteroidota c Ba vibrioformis 1 ubiquinone oxidoreduc omonas endodontalis A tein PRX57963.1 Na+- smmoC GCA 0017470 ium KH3R12 -translocating NADH-q smmoC GCA 0017471 . A40 ein EGJ71330.1 NADH ium 44-10 bly protein SNZ00765.1 ubiquinone reductase tein MAZ97126.1 NAD teroidia o Bacteroidales smmoC DBYZ d Bacte ria p Bacteroidota c Ba a PR426713P-I bly protein SDL67635.1 ubiquinone reductase smmoC GCA 90011300 s f Cyclobacteriaceae g 35.1 ASM286943v1 pro inone reductase subun 1 Na+-transporting NAD 55.2 ASM80785v2 prot tein OUT45363.1 NAD smmoC DFQY d Bacte smmoC DDSF d Bacte tein OFZ24276.1 NADH la toluolica Tol2 teroidia o Cytophagale Na + -transporting subu tase F subunit Porphyr smmoC LYBV d Bacter smmoC AJUM d Bacte ter postgatei 2ac9 sp. HK-1 tein KOF02366.1 Na + bunit F Cytophagia bac ria p Bacteroidota c Ba 95.1 ASM176929v1 pro bly protein SDQ31109. smmoC GCA 0026844 Na + -transporting subu ubunit Odoribacter sp. 65.1 IMG-taxon 265458 netomortis BW-1 protei H ubiquinone reductas Na + -transporting subu r curvatus 1 95.1 ASM158349v1 pro ria p Bacteroidota c Ba bunit F Flammeovirgac tein KRO72648.1 Na + tein KYG75544.1 NAD tein OWY23621.1 NAD sp. CAG 770 tein OJX90641.1 NADH tein PKP54018.1 NADH 75.1 IMG-taxon 270098 cteroidia o Bacteroidale smmoC DLQN d Bacte tein PIY08038.1 NADH tase subunit F Marivirg smmoC GCA 0013039 ia p Bacteroidota c Bac teroidia o Cytophagale ria p Bacteroidota c Ba bunit F Flammeovirgac cteroidia o Bacteroidale Na + -transporting subu smmoC GCA 0027480 05.1 Mucivorans M3 N Na + -transporting subu 05.1 ASM269960v1 pro ia p Bacteroidota c Bac ubiquinone reductase 15.1 ASM176851v1 pro cteroidia o Cytophagale 05.1 ASM284090v1 pro ndidatus Bacteroides p tein KQC29744.1 Na + ria p Bacteroidota c Rh 85.1 ASM284098v1 pro smmoC GCA 0024007 35.1 ASM216743v1 pro tein MAT53197.1 NADH 75.1 ASM58367v1 prot ll 51 8 3565 annotated assem e bacterium 311 ubiquinone oxidoreduc tein PRZ00501.1 Na+-t smmoC GCA 0027463 65.1 ASM159296v1 pro 15.1 ASM73651v1 prot bunit F Lewinella nigric Na + -transporting subu uinone reductase subu teria bacterium RBG 13 Persicobacter s Persic 15.1 ASM284251v1 pro smmoC GCA 0028433 smmoC AUGI d Bacter 79 sp1 1 9645 annotated assem -translocating NADH-q 043 annotated assemb25.1 ASM2412v1 prote ly protein SFB91701.1 390 annotated assemb 65.1 ASM270636v1 pro 5.1 IMG-taxon 2636415 smmoC GCA 0027295 45.1 ASM176924v1 pro uinone reductase subu smmoC LXYE d Bacter 95.1 ASM220179v1 pro 95.1 ASM284089v1 pro cteroidia o Bacteroidale cter andamanensis 1 tein OFZ09513.1 NADH smmoC BAZW d Bacte s f Bacteroidaceae g B smmoC GCA 0014382 Na+-transporting NADH -translocating NADH-q odothermia o Rhodothe Porphyromonas caton Na + -transporting subu ein EAY29205.1 NADH eae bacterium H ubiquinone reductas uinone oxidoreductase smmoC GCA 0017695 75.1 ASM245767v1 pro 4810 annotated assem nit F Bacteroidetes bac uctase subunit F Mariv smmoC GCA 00271156 smmoC GCA 0028426 bunit F Flavobacteriace uinone reductase subu cteroidia o Cytophagale tein PKP03933.1 NADH ingivicanis smmoC GCA 9001018 55.1 IMG-taxon 262273 ia p Bacteroidota c Bac 35.1 ASM176823v1 pro ria p Bacteroidota c Ba s f Cyclobacteriaceaetase subunit g F Bactero ria ein AFM03048.1 NADH smmoC GCA 0013045 fospira s Desulfospira j e bacterium omonadaceae bacteriu ria p Bacteroidota c Ba nit F smmoC MWUJ d Bacte ubiquinone oxidoreduc DH-quinone reductase smmoC DHST d Bacte otein EHB92142.1 NAD transporting NADH ubi eae bacterium e Na + -transporting su 75.1 ASM78657v1 prot smmoC GCA 0014066 idans DSM 13687 95.1 ASM174709v1 pro eae bacterium Na + -transporting subu e Na + -transporting su nit F Desulfobacter pos uinone reductase subu H ubiquinone reductas 05.1 ASM174710v1 pro tase subunit F Haliscom yricimonas s Butyricimo bacterium CG23 comb smmoC GCA 9001566 Na+-transporting NAD 65.1 ASM286936v1 pro smmoC GCA 0017684 m balticum 1 bacter s Desulfobacter ein OHX66213.1 NADH oribacter laneus YIT 12 65.1 ASM176856v1 pro nit F Bacteroidales bac H ubiquinone reductas ria p Bacteroidota c Ba cteroidia o Bacteroidale smmoC ARNE d Bacte H ubiquinone oxidored nit F Odoribacter sp. 43 1 Na+-transporting NAD ria p Bacteroidota c Ba s f Spirosomaceae g R Na+-transporting NAD ria p Bacteroidota c Ba TCC 35406 -translocating NADH-q 75.1 ASM268447v1 pro nit F Lewinella sp. 4G2 Nafulsella s Nafulsella Na + -transporting subu smmoC DBDA d Bacte cteroidia o Flavobacter f Marinifilaceae g Buty cteroidia o Bacteroidale ubiquinone oxidoreduc subunit F Desulfobacu tein KXX69927.1 NADH terium tein PLW95116.1 NADH smmoC GCA 0006266 smmoC GCA 00127095.1 IMG-taxon 2663762 g F subunit Desulfobac -translocating NADH-q H ubiquinone reductas it F Porphyromonas ca ubiquinone reductase ia p Bacteroidota c Bac ria p Bacteroidota c Ba didatus Magnetomorum cteroidia o Bacteroidale omonas sp. oral taxon morum s 1 H ubiquinone reductas eae bacterium nit F Bacteroidetes bac CAG 788 35.1 Desulfamplus mag ria p Bacteroidota c Ba ubiquinone reductase smmoC GCA 0020851 smmoC GCA 0027480 tein MAU27414.1 NAD a tractuosa DSM 4126 tein OFY46694.1 NADH e Na + -transporting su fobacter s Desulfobacte -translocating NADH-q teroidia o Flavobacteria s f Cyclobacteriaceae g 8148 annotated assem tein OUT53867.1 NAD Na + -transporting subu teroidia o Cytophagale eae bacterium nit F Porphyromonadac 05.1 ASM274630v1 pro odothermia o Rhodothe ubiquinone reductase cteroidia o Bacteroidale smmoC GCA 0020845 8694 annotated assem 55.1 ASM130395v1 pro 65.1 ASM274806v1 pro ubiquinone reductase s f UBA932 g Bact-11 s smmoC GCA 9001776 smmoC NGNR d Bacte smmoC ARBP d Bacte s f Thermonemataceae elson-Bomar-Fixed pro smmoC GCA 0028132 tein KYG77464.1 NAD ein KFD38912.1 Na + - ubiquinone reductase ans DSM 23189 = NBR s f UBA7960 g UBA796 nit F Bacteroidetes bac ly protein SFR32057.1 in EAR14279.1 Na + -t tein OFY16342.1 NADH 65.1 ASM240076v1 pro eriocalifornicus 25.1 ASM143822v1 pro Na+-transporting NADH tein PKP11562.1 NADH smmoC DFUR d Bacte bly protein SMD36360. ia p Bacteroidota c Bac obacter sp1 1 tein PKP34651.1 NADH nit F Porphyromonas g tase Na + -translocatin ein GAF03570.1 Na + - o of CG06-09 8 20 14 a bunit F Deltaproteobac 65.1 IMG-taxon 268181 ly protein SEV87267.1 95.1 ASM272959v1 pro nit F Bacteroidetes bac ransporting NADH ubiq e Na + -transporting su uinone reductase subu tein MAY82901.1 NADH 974 annotated assemb 85.1 ASM284338v1 pro nit F Bacteroidales bac 15.1 IMG-taxon 268462 rmales f UBA10348 g U tein PKP05640.1 NADH bly protein SHK87996. nit F bac smmoC GCA 0028694 nit F Sanguibacteroide uinone reductase subu 6519 annotated assem ae bacterium TMED265 tein PDH53614.1 NAD subunit F Lewinella xy ubiquinone oxidoreduc tein OFY40152.1 NADH ia p Bacteroidota c Bac terium ria p Bacteroidota c Ba tein ASB49640.1 NADH tein PKO98452.1 NAD s f UBA932 g UBA1232 irga sericea ubiquinone reductase acteroides E s Bactero cteroidia o Flavobacter smmoC DGAK d Bacte nit F Phaeodactylibacte 35.1 ASM176953v1 pro iae ATCC 51270 phicum HRM2 quinone oxidoreductas bacterium ubiquinone oxidoreduc cteroidia o Cytophagale s f Cyclobacteriaceae g idetes bacterium OLB1 ubiquinone oxidoreduc Ga0077538 s 1 55.1 ASM284265v1 pro smmoC DDYY d Bacte subunit F Fulvivirga im teroidia o Bacteroidales smmoC DJWN d Bacte 5.1 ASM271156v1 prot fobacteraceae g Desul 25.1 IMG-taxon 268181 H ubiquinone oxidored nit F Aureicoccus marin ubiquinone reductase nit F Cryomorphaceae e Na + -transporting su tein OEK03119.1 NADH 05.1 ASM130450v1 pro tein OFX63585.1 NADH tein OEK05945.1 NAD Na+-transporting NADH ria p Bacteroidota c Ba uctase subunit F Spong e Na + -transporting su ria p Bacteroidota c Ba ria p Bacteroidota c Ba m KA00676 sulfotignum phosphitox ubiquinone reductase cteroidia o Flavobacter enobacter hydrossis DS bunit F Butyricimonas s ein KHE41559.1 Na + - 15.1 14207 7 53 protei smmoC PAJI d H ubiquinone oxidored bacteraceae g Desulfo Na + -transporting subu H ubiquinone oxidored cteroidia o Chitinophag bunit F Bacteroidales b nit F Desulfobacterales uinone reductase subu unella s Runella zeae 1 35.1 ASM176843v1 pro fotignum s Desulfotignu H ubiquinone oxidored tein PLX02548.1 NADH nas synergistica 1 iales f Cryomorphacea 061 tein MAC96115.1 NAD terium 36-12 uinone reductase subu e Na + -transporting su turpanensis 1 tein OFY08793.1 NADH smmoC GCA 9001884 ubiquinone reductase cteroidia o Bacteroidale 10 s f Marinilabiliaceae g A DH-quinone reductase H ubiquinone reductas cteroidia o Cytophagale e Na + -transporting su smmoC BAZX d Bacte ria p Bacteroidota c Ba tase Na + -translocatin H ubiquinone reductas uinone reductase subu Na + -transporting subu nit F Bacteroidetes bac 35.1 ASM62663v1 prot 65.1 ASM127096v1 pro ricimonas s 1 ductase subunit F Can s f Rikenellaceae g Alis smmoC GCA 9001764 45.1 IMG-taxon 259569 smmoC LXTR d Bacter les f Cryomorphaceae ubiquinone reductase 719 annotated assemb Na + -transporting subu tase subunit F Bactero smmoC GCA 9001700 tomoraceae g Magneto cteroidia o Bacteroidale ngingivalis s f Cyclobacteriaceae g BBD-1991-12 s 1 terium HGW-Bacteroid 65.1 ASM208516v1 pro s f P3 g UBA1219 s 1 teroidia o Bacteroidales fobacteraceae g Desul smmoC GCA85.1 0027001 ASM281328v1 pro ria p Bacteroidota c Ba tein PCJ65509.1 NADH 55.1 ASM274805v1 pro 278 str. W7784 smmoC GCA 0013064 ranslocating NADH-qui nit F Lewinella marina foluna spongiiphila Na+-transporting NADH ria p Bacteroidota c Ba rmales f UBA2364 g UB bunit F Muribaculum sp tein KRP14059.1 Na + H ubiquinone reductas translocating NADH-qu bly protein SDC28680. tae-5 ubiquinone oxidoreduc smmoC DIUJ d Bacteri Na + -transporting subu g Thermonema s Ther Na + -transporting subu 25.1 ASM208452v1 pro ubiquinone reductase 1 Na+-transporting NAD teroidia o Cytophagale C 102662 s f P3 g UBA3388 s 1 bly protein SHJ98142.1 terium HGW-Bacteroid tein PID94146.1 NADH eae bacterium CG2 30 smmoC GCA 0027423 bunit F Croceivirga rad nit F Cryomorphaceae Na+-transporting NADH 0 s 1 tein KPL11279.1 Na + Na + -transporting subu tein MBT28429.1 NAD tein CDN31488.1 Na + 1 smmoC GCA 9001763 smmoC JHZC d Bacter 2891 annotated assem bly protein SHJ49869.1 ly protein SFF16786.1 g F subunit Lentimicrob ia bacterium SG8 13 H ubiquinone reductas 1 Na+-transporting NAD ubiquinone reductase ubiquinone reductase tein PCH68843.1 NAD bacterium CG23 comb e Na + -transporting su titalea sp. BRH c12 terium GWF2 29 10 ria p Bacteroidota c Ba terium CG12 big fil rev ubiquinone reductase ubiquinone reductase translocating NADH-qu ingivalis iales f Flavobacteriacea BA10348 s UBA10348 lanilytica uinone oxidoreductase e subunit F Muricauda ria p Bacteroidota c Ba tase na + -translocating tein PKQ69229.1 NAD 25.1 ASM286942v1 pro s justesenii terium Barb4 r xiamenensis smmoC DIYS d Bacter uctase subunit F Spong tase Na + -translocatin teroidia o Bacteroidales 3510 annotated assem 2 nit F Bacteroides gram smmoC DLHS d Bacte ria p Bacteroidota c Ba s f Microscillaceae g Ei UBA2336 s 1 Na + -transporting subu cteroidia o Bacteroidale H ubiquinone reductas ubiquinone reductase us bacterium BACL7 MAG ubiquinone reductase esulfobacterium autotro cteroidia o Flavobacter bunit F Flavobacteriale techensis AK7 ubiquinone reductase s 1 ides E propionicifacien sulfobacterales f Desul H ubiquinone reductas ein MBC35623.1 NADH tein OFY35548.1 NADH iibacterium flavum Na + -transporting subu bunit F Owenweeksia s iales f Cryomorphacea ubiquinone reductase ria p Bacteroidota c Ba tase subunit F Thermop uctase subunit F Muric f Lentimicrobiaceae g Na + -transporting subu tein PKP37989.1 NADH s protein ETR70026.1 6 6 eductase subunit F De p Bacteroidota c Bacte tepidiphila 1 e g UBA10364 s UBA1 nit F Roseivirga seohae M 1100 tein KPK84273.1 Na + 15.1 IMG-taxon 262273 ales f UBA2359 g UBA cteroidia o Bacteroidale cteroidia o Bacteroidale uctase subunit F Catali ubiquinone reductase n CUP66756.1 Na + -tr ubiquinone reductase e Na + -transporting su Na + -transportingnit F Cryomorphaceaesubu H ubiquinone reductas p. An62 fobacteraceae g Desul ulfobacterales f Desulfo smmoC GCA 0019131 bunit F Roseivirga echi translocating NADH-qu uctase Na + -transloca Na + -transporting subu e Na + -transporting su nit F Flagellimonas eck acterium 55 9 15.1 IMG-taxon 259569 smmoC DLRW d Bacte ubiquinone reductase 9007 annotated assem ia p Bacteroidota c Bac s f Cyclobacteriaceae g bunit F Sphingobacteri tein OFX77472.1 NADH 15.1 ASM130641v1 pro 85.1 ASM270018v1 pro cteroidia o Flavobacter g UBA10364 s UBA103 nit F Flexibacter sp. CG Na + -translocating NA tein PKA99292.1 Na+-t s f F082 g F082 s 1 ria p Bacteroidota c Ba cteroidia o Bacteroidale ubiquinone oxidoreduc none reductase subuni naerophaga s Anaerop ubiquinone reductase ating NADH-quinone re ubiquinone reductase terium GWE2 42 42 ein AHW61365.1 Na + ulfobacterales f Magne -translocating NADH-q ubiquinone oxidoreduc Na + -transporting subu tein KOH44763.1 na + tase subunit F Muricau e Na + -transporting su cteroidia o Cytophagale UBA1842 s 1 etes-11 ly protein SFF57086.1 sulfobacterales f Desul 65.1 ASM274236v1 pro a p Bacteroidota c Bac inone reductase subun nit F Bacteroidetes bac tipes s Alistipes sp3 1 ides coprosuis DSM 18 A2364 s 1 monema rossianum 1 tein OQX79994.1 NAD s f Marinilabiliaceae g A icis s f Bernardetiaceae g H nit F Saprospirales bac f Marinilabiliaceae g La e bacterium uctase subunit F Desul ia p Bacteroidota c Bac bly protein SDE05243. bacterium BACL23 MA H ubiquinone oxidored tein PID91651.1 NADH Na+-transporting NAD 1 Na+-transporting NAD e bacterium orans e Na + -transporting su ubiquinone oxidoreduc H ubiquinone reductas terium HGW-Spirochae nit F Bacteroidetes bac tein OQX99241.1 NAD Na + -transporting subu . An289 bacterium Na + -transporting subu Na+-transporting NADH etes-9 ubiquinone reductase Na+-transporting NAD 8 21 14 0 65 40 12 -translocating NADH-q smmoC GCA 0007644 e g UBA3478 s 1 pacifica cteroidia o NS11-12g f H ubiquinone oxidored sp1 1 38 12 smmoC DDEI d Bacter -translocating NADH-q e bacterium TMED266 nit F Deltaproteobacter H ubiquinone reductas ium saccharophilum Na + -transporting subu H ubiquinone reductas nit F Desulfobacterales bly protein SIS94821.1 Na + -transporting subu smmoC DDWD d Bacte nit F Paludibacter sp. 4 Na + -transporting subu ctase subunit F Desulfa iibacterium pacificum f subunit Microscilla m inone reductase subun iales f Flavobacteriacea g F subunit Bernardetia cteroidia o Bacteroidale ria p Bacteroidota c Ba cteroidia o Chitinophag H ubiquinone reductas subunit F Marinilabilia -121220-bin83 s bacterium e Na + -transporting su senibacter s Eisenibac auda zhangzhouensis p. TMED14 e g UBA10364 s 1 Na + -transporting subu tein PLX00153.1 NADH ia p Bacteroidota c Bac smmoC DJAB d Bacter nit F Flammeovirga pac e Na + -transporting su in ACN13811.1 NqrF D Na + -transporting subu nit F Bacteroidetes bac Na + -transporting subu f Marinilabiliaceae g La inisolvens DSM 19988 c Desulfobacteria o De 6538 annotated assem s f Marinilabiliaceae g G Na + -transporting subu roidia o Flavobacteriale cteroidia o Bacteroidale s 1 55.1 ASM191315v1 pro smmoC DIYD d Bacter 0364 sp2 1 UBA5507 s 1 ubiquinone reductase bunit F Muricauda sp. bacterium BACL18 MA nsis subsp. aquiponti e Na + -transporting su 2359 s 1 ubiquinone reductase etoglobus multicellulari nit F Flammeovirga sp. nit F Bacteroidetes bac hagus xiamenensis cating NADH-quinone r smmoC GCA8249 0022693 annotated assem bunit F Muricauda sp. T loniae nicomitans nimonas alkaloidigena atitalea s Desulfatitalea bly protein SMG36847. ubiquinone reductase post rev 8 21 14 2 50 6 smmoC GCA 9001043 teroidia o Flavobacteria ria p Bacteroidota c Ba tae-1 tein PIE63020.1 NADH -translocating NADH-q sulfobacterales f Desul Desulfobacteria o Des tein KPM30300.1 NAD tein MAU72373.1 NAD iales f Flavobacteriacea Na + -transporting subu ransporting NADH ubiq ales bacterium TSM CS s f Marinilabiliaceae g G s f Marinilabiliaceae g G anslocating NADH-quin ubiquinone reductase t F Robiginitalea biform 64 sp3 1 Fabibacter s Fabibacte ting F subunit Alistipes uinone reductase subu inone reductase subun acterium Na + -transporting subu 4064 s 1 tase subunit F Robigini da antarctica 4 10 14 3 um filter 32 1 Na + -transporting subu ein CCK81027.1 NqrF smmoC GCA 9001032 tein PIB29244.1 NADH teroidia o NS11-12g f U ein EIM62351.1 NADH bunit F Roseivirga spon cteroidia o Bacteroidale 12909.1 Na + -transloc 1 Na+-transporting NAD it F Schleiferia thermop ubiquinone reductase Desulfobacteria o Des teroidia o Flavobacteria s f Flammeovirgaceae s f Marinifilaceae g Odo haga thermohalophila A Na + -transporting subu H ubiquinone oxidored G-120924-bin60 uctase subunit F Reich -translocating NADH-q 74 s 1 c Desulfobacteria o De ugenholtzia s Hugenho nit F Marinilabiliales ba -translocating NADH-qNa+-transporting NADH bunit F Bacteroidetes b terium 1 02 48 14 35.1 ASM76443v1 prot tase subunit F Fabibac e Na + -transporting su H ubiquinone reductas terium RIFOXYC2 FUL H ubiquinone oxidored imonetes bacterium UBA9320 g UBA9320 s 011 bunit F Kiritimatiellacea uctase subunit F Reich lkaliflexus s Na+-transporting NAD ia p Bacteroidota c Bac nit F b ubiquinone oxidoreduc bilibacter A s Labilibact it F Kiritimatiella glycov smmoC GCA 0027422 terium HGW-Bacteroid ubiquinone reductase nit F Spirochaetae bac bunit F Kiritimatiellacea nit F Kiritimatiellaceae Na + -transporting subu H ubiquinone reductas H ubiquinone oxidored H ubiquinone oxidored e g Eudoraea s Eudora nit F Bacteroidetes bac arina ATCC 23134 uinone reductase subu 45 18 uinone reductase subu tein OGP62000.1 NAD cteroidia o UBA7662 f litoralis DSM 6794 e Na + -transporting su 17 bunit F Kiritimatiellacea bunit F Fabibacter misa ales f BACL12 g UBA1 nit F Bacteroidetes bac uinone reductase subu ter elegans 1 nit F Bacteroidetes bac Na + -transporting subu ng NADH-quinone redu smmoC LDAS d Bacte bly protein SNR71843. ifica nit F Fabibacter sp. 4D e Na + -transporting su nit F Bacteroidetes bac it F ferm ria p Bacteroidota c Ba 7-17 tein APQ16521.1 NADH salmonicolor ia p Bacteroidota c Bac s f UBA4181 g UBA418 65.1 ASM2036v1 prote 85.1 ASM226938v1 pro s f 1G12 g GCA-27059 teroidia o Bacteroidales ria p Desulfobacterota 75.1 IMG-taxon 266752 bly protein SMC32408. 1 Na+-transporting NAD G-120924-bin36 ubiquinone reductase SJP92 bunit F Flavobacteriale terium RIFOXYB12 FU ia p Bacteroidota c Bac bunit F Bacteroidetes b H ubiquinone oxidored MED12 nit F Bacteroidetes bac H ubiquinone reductas les f Flavobacteriaceae cteroidia o Flavobacter s f F082 g UBA5536 s Na + -transporting subu bilibacter s Labilibacter nit F Bacteroidetes bac = JCM 15093 75.1 Candidatus Magn uinone oxidoreductase Na + -transporting subu nit F saponil enii e g Robiginitalea s 1 eofilum s Geofilum rub a bacterium A1 smmoC GCAsmmoC 0001531 GCA 0027492 nit F Polaribacter sp. B ata HTCC2501 terium HGW-Bacteroid S77382.1 Na + -translo 15.1 IMG-taxon 262273 talea myxolifaciens r sp1 1 fosarcinaceae g Desulf M Na + -transporting subu bacterium CG17 big fil c Desulfobacteria o De ia p Desulfobacterota c ubiquinone reductase nit F Bacteroidetes bac uinone reductase subu 45.1 ASM274714v1 pro 5 terium HGW-Spirochae tein PIP35344.1 NADH uctase subunit F Pseud BA955 g UBA6161 s 1 fatirhabdiaceae g UBA les f Flavobacteriaceae H ubiquinone oxidored nit F Bacteroidetes bac one reductase subunit nit F Planctomycetes b 05.1 ASM30710v1 prot gicola eofilum s Geofilum rho eofilum s 1 it F Alistipes inops indistinctus YIT 12060 hila str. Yellowstone g Flexithrix s Flexithrix nit F Marinilabiliales ba ein KGK31715.1 Na + enbachiella faecimaris imonetes bacterium 95.3 ASM23369v3 prot acterium MED-G17 85.1 SAG5 proteinia p Desulfobacterota KPA c ltzia roseola 1 ria p Desulfobacterota 65.1 ASM274226v1 pro H ubiquinone oxidored ter pacificus bunit F Thalassobius sp uinone reductase subu s f Marinifilaceae g Ma Na + -transporting subu teroidia o Flavobacteria UBA9320 sp1 1 enbachiella agariperfor uinone reductase subu ribacter s 1 1 fosarcinaceae g UBA21 smmoC GCA 0028134 acterium e Na + -transporting su cterium nit F Bacteroidetes bac tase subunit F Thermof ubiquinone oxidoreduc ea adriatica 1 L 40 12 imicrobia bacterium CG nit F Candidatus Cloac e Na + -transporting su 1 Na+-transporting NAD etes-1 er A aurantiacus 1 inone reductase subun e Na + -transporting su imshenetskii 1 e Na + -transporting su ria p Bacteroidota c Ba 1 Na+-transporting NAD UBA7662 g UBA7662 s Na + -transporting subu uctase subunit F Tangf acterium GWF2 57 35 Na + -transporting subu smmoC GCA 0017613 kiensis 1426 s 1 nit F Bacteroidetes bac uctase subunit F Willia Na + -transporting subu -translocating NADH-q 4 terium GWF2 49 14 nit F Bacteroides sp. S OR 2 bacterium GWA2 acterium 95.1 ASM179769v1 pro bunit F Bacteroidales b e Na + -transporting su smmoC GCA 0014308 1 Na+-transporting NAD ubiquinone reductase terium GWE2 42 24 10 PHIGHO2 02 FULL 50 cterium ubiquinone reductase 560.1 Na + -translocati 7226 annotated assem tein ASV31205.1 NADH teroidia o NS11-12g f U terium HGW-Bacteroid uctase subunit F Croce 95 s 2 nit F Mucinivorans hiru acterium H ubiquinone oxidored e Na + -transporting su bunit F Labilibaculum m terium HGW-Bacteroid entans DSM 9555 = JC cteroidia o Bacteroidale 65.2 ASM15316v285.1 ASM274928v1 prot pro subunit F Flavobacteri g CP2B s 1 iales f Cryomorphacea s bacterium smmoC GCAsmmoC 0000203 ATUG d Bacte smmoC GCA 0018009 ACL8 MAG-120419-bin Na + -transporting subu smmoC GCA 0028425 6525 annotated assem Na + -transporting subu LL 41 6 f Marinilabiliaceae g U 1 s 1 smmoC GCA 0005164 1 terium GWF2 42 66 teroidia o Bacteroidales acterium HGW-Bactero nit F Desulfofaba hans marinus 1 bunit F bacterium B17 um filter 63 34 terium nit F Bacteroidetes bac icundum 1 terium HGW-Bacteroid bunit F Verrucomicrobi uctase subunit F Pricia etes-6 nit F Bacteroidetes bac acus 45.1 DPO2 protein EM g Maribacter s Maribac ozobellia thermophila sulfobacterales f Desul ria p Desulfobacterota smmoC GCA 0027471 -translocating NADH-q nit F Armatimonadetes smmoC JQKJ d Bacter nit F Spirochaetae bac dorotheae 1 nit F Bacteroides sp. S smmoC GCA 0003071 tein PIB29790.1 NADH uctase subunit F Zobel nit F Bacteroidetes bac sulfobacterales f Desul 15.1 ASM277131v1 pro 25.1 ASM281342v1 pro dophaeum 1 terium GWB2 32 14 F Faecalibacterium pra Na + -transporting subu smmoC GCA 0002336 cterium nit F Candidatus Cloac smmoC GCA 0012925 les f UA16 g ASP10-05 ans etes bacterium smmoC PEAL d Bacter . s bacterium smmoC AREY d Bacte nit F Draconibacterium rinifilum s fr lexibacter ruber sulfobacterales f Desul smmoC GCA 90011259 cteroidia o Flavobacter nit F Sunxiuqinia dokdo terium bunit F bacterium 25.1 ASM176132v1 pro bunit F Bacteroidetes b nit F Bacteroidetes bac H ubiquinone oxidored terium GWF2 33 16 nit F Candidatus Marin bly protein SCY48606. 25.1 ASM143082v1 pro Na + -transporting subu 1 tase subunit F Sunxiuq H ubiquinone reductas bly protein SDB53939. Na + -transporting subu H ubiquinone reductas translocating NADH-qu smmoC GCA 0027815 ubiquinoneH reductase ubiquinone oxidored bunit F Bacteroidetes b uctase subunit F Arenib eifania diversioriginum ubiquinone reductase tein KPJ78016.1 Na + italea dokdonensis DO bunit F Pseudozobellia BA9320 g UBA987 s 1 terium ubiquinone reductase 75.1 ASM180097v1 pro mwhitmania taraxaci nit F Bacteroidetes bac smmoC GCA 0017976 smmoC GCA 0015161 ein EAR00742.1 Na + - aceae bacterium MAR bunit F Lentisphaerae b smmoC GCA 90011426 tein PIF00327.1 NADH e g UBA7878 s 1 M23 62 H ubiquinone reductas smmoC GCA 002400505.1 ASM284250v1 pro etes-17 acterium bunit F Omnitrophica W bunit F Actinobacteriabunit Fb ba tein PIP38048.1 NADH 55.1 41k protein KJS29 bly protein SDL98375.1 8 PHIGHO2 02 FULL 52 OR 2 bacterium RIFCS dinis etes-4 bunit F Actinobacteria b nit F Maribacter sp. 4U M 21142 acterium antarctica anganireducens s f BBW3 g UBA5261 s uinone reductase subu ter antarcticus 1 bunit F bacterium nit F Marinilabiliales ba smmoC GCAsmmoC 0017470 GCA 0028431 BA6048 s 1 terium e Na + -transporting su terium CG 4 10 14 0 2 Na + -transporting subu smmoC GCA 0003505 smmoC GCA 0014393 ubiquinone reductase f UBA6013 g UBA6013 idetes-8 c Desulfobacteria o De lia uliginosa terium GWF2 38 335 etes-5 e Na + -transporting su tein PKB43341.1 Na+-t acterium BA6056 s 1 smmoC ATWO d Bacte Na + -transporting subu smmoC GCA 0027713 a s 1 M23 62 1 c Desulfobacteria o De smmoC GCA 0007648 Na + -transporting subu 5.1 IMG-taxon 2615840 iales f Flavobacteriacea terium HGW-Bacteroid terium tein AOW20813.1 NAD uctase subunit F Marib ubiquinone reductase smmoC GCA 9001883 smmoC GCA 0013102 usnitzii Na + -transporting subu 85.1 ASM278158v1 pro 1 Na+-transporting NADtein ALM06450.1 Na + bunit F Flavobacteriale bunit F Gemmatimonad Na + -transportinguctase subunitsubu F Cellul nit F Maribacter sp. T28 orientale agile 1 c Desulfobacteria o De BA6053 s 1 nit F Elusimicrobia bac e Na + -transporting su tein OGS74000.1 NAD45.1 41k protein KUO6 acter troitsensis KDO 023 sp. acterium 4484 249 nensis ex Bugula neritina AB1 05.1 ASM240050v1 pro smmoC GCA 0028937 translocating NADH-qu 2009 75 terium GWE2 39 28 7882 annotated assem tein PKP13194.1 NADH 5.1 IMG-taxon 2675903 ubiquinone reductase inia elliptica tein MAS98195.1 NAD smmoC GCA 9001417 Na + -transporting subu ubiquinone reductase tein AKJ63848.1 Na + - Na+-transporting NAD acterium 4572 117 tein MAW39650.1 NAD 21 tein MAI20693.1 NADH 25.1 ASM130302v1 pro smmoC GCA 9001065 terium tein PKL16152.1 NADH e Na + -transporting su tein OUX37441.1 NAD smmoC GCA 0009616 nit F Cellulophaga sp. E e Na + -transportinge Na su + -transporting su 85.1 ASM174708v1 pro e Na + -transporting su 95.1 ASM277219v1 pro 75.1 ASM284317v1 pro OR 2 bacterium RIFCS 15.1 ASM143931v1 pro bunit F Omnitrophica W e Na + -transporting su Na + -transporting subu bunit F Myxococcales b e Na + -transporting su ransporting NADH ubiq 1 smmoC GCA 0015433 smmoC DINS d Bacter cterium nit F Elusimicrobia bac ubiquinone reductase smmoC GCA 0026913 35.1 ASM76483v1 prot H ubiquinone reductas ria p Desulfobacterota 25.1 IMG-taxon 268745 smmoC GCA 0028860709 annotated assemb H ubiquinone reductas e g Maribacter s Mariba H ubiquinone reductas 25.1 ASM131022v1 pro acter sedimenticola s 1 bunit F Myxococcales b B-03-39 f UBA6053 g U tein PIV95914.1 NADH -translocating NADH-q ubiquinone reductase H ubiquinone oxidored ophaga tyrosinoxydans ria p Desulfobacterota H ubiquinone reductas7128.1 NADH ubiquino ubiquinone reductase nit F Acidobacteria bac smmoC GCA 0026853 65.1 ASM289376v1 pro nit F Maribacter cobalti etes-14 tein PCH51952.1 NAD inone reductase subun 15.1 IMG-taxon 266752155 annotated assemb Na + -transporting subu tein PCJ51850.1 NADH ubiquinone reductase ubiquinone reductase e Na + -transporting su ria p Desulfobacterota smmoC GCA 9001882 e Na + -transporting su H ubiquinone oxidored H ubiquinone reductas 65.1 IMG-taxon 269342 PVC group bacterium Na + -transporting subu B-03-39 f UBA6053 g U smmoC GCA 0029546 45.1 IMG-taxon 265458 tein OEK09118.1 NADH ubiquinone reductase 25.1 ASM269892v1 pro tein PKQ43831.1 NAD 6 2014 smmoC GCA 0013030 tein KRP27939.1 Na + tein PID27091.1 NADH 65.1 ASM270436v1 pro 55.1 ASM101765v1 pro H ubiquinone reductas 95.1 ASM269109v1 pro nit F Maribacter sp. 4G H ubiquinone reductasH ubiquinone reductas smmoC GCA 9001883 25.1 ASM154332v1 pro uinone oxidoreductase 35.1 ASM216853v1 pro smmoC GCA 0027721 85.1 ASM269138v1 pro smmoC GCA 0027464 85.1 ASM283928v1 pro H ubiquinone reductas ein GAL78136.1 Na + - ia p Bacteroidota c Bac H ubiquinone reductas 45.1 ASM288604v1 pro bunit F Omnitrophica W e Na + -transporting su 3772 annotated assem ly protein SFD15797.1 e Na + -transporting su H ubiquinone reductas imicrobia bacterium cter thermophilus 1 e Na + -transporting su ubiquinone reductase tein ALJ06771.1 Na + - uinone reductase subu smmoC GCA 0027332 uctase subunit F Flavo ein PJJ90322.1 NADH rinimicrobia bacterium e Na + -transporting sune reductase Na +75.1 -tran ASM268537v1 pro tein OVE73376.1 NAD smmoC BCAG d Bacte smmoC DGON d Bacte H ubiquinone reductas durans Na + -transporting subu tein AUS06022.1 NADH it F Maribacter sp. HTC tein OQW95190.1 NAD smmoC GCA 90011611 35.1 IMG-taxon 272467 Na + -transporting subu ly protein SFZ93747.1 c Kiritimatiellae o SS1- smmoC DFZE d Bacte 8186 annotated assem nit F Maribacter sp. e Na + -transporting su uctase subunit F Kriege tein PIW13334.1 NADH 9896 annotated assem agibacter sp. TMED118 tein PKL38613.1 NADH Na + -transporting subu 45.1 ASM295464v1 pro rinimicrobia bacterium 35.1 ASM274653v1 pro tein PCJ18589.1 NADH D274 H ubiquinone reductas H ubiquinone reductas smmoC DCWA d Bacte -translocating NADH-q ubiquinone reductase H ubiquinone reductas tein MBD97684.1 NAD smmoC GCA 0026872 g UBA3465 s 2 ubiquinone reductase smmoC GCA 9001290 55.1 IMG-taxon 262273 c Kiritimatiellae o SS1- -transporting subunit F 15.1 ASM274641v1 pro tein AMC12216.1 Na + 9 smmoC GCA 9001013 tein MAJ50422.1 NADH subunit F Algibacter sp smmoC GCA 0026989 teroidia o Flavobacteria tein OIO63349.1 NADH smmoC DIYH d Bacter translocating NADH-qu smmoC GCA 0027043 smmoC GCA 0010176 bly protein SNT18604.1 tein AUP78425.1 NADHNa+-transporting NADH 35.1 ASM274293v1 pro smmoC GCA 0026910 bunit F Lutibacter sp. L tein OGV45965.1 NAD tein MBG90310.1 NAD translocating NADH-qu smmoC GCA 0021685 tein MAH81233.1 NAD 85.1 ASM273328v1 pro Na + -transporting subu nit F Sediminicola sp. Y smmoC GCA 0028392 bunit F Flavobacteria b bacteriaceae bacterium tein OGW98181.1 NAD tein MAQ63783.1 NAD e Na + -transporting su H ubiquinone reductas nit F Candidatus Marin ria p Bacteroidota c Ba sporting subunit F teinLutib MAC87006.1 NAD e Na + -transporting su tein MBE32966.1 NAD 5.1 IMG-taxon 2622736 9779 annotated assem nit F Bacteroidetes bac Na+-transporting NADH ubiquinone reductase H ubiquinone reductas bly protein SHJ06347.1 C2170 5.1 ASM279811v1 prot bunit F Candidatus Ma bly protein SDW36899 lla aquimaris 35.1 ASM217703v1 pro ubiquinone reductase tein PQJ75916.1 NADH 85.1 ASM208388v1 pro ia p Verrucomicrobiota e Na + -transporting su H ubiquinone reductas 05.1 ASM268720v1 pro uinone reductase subu rinimicrobia bacterium 05.1 IMG-taxon 258258 Na + -transporting subu bunit F Candidatus Pel imicrobia bacterium 6608 annotated assem 05.1 ASM278170v1 pro ubiquinone reductase bunit F Candidatus Ma -translocating NADH-q bunit F bacterium TME tein PCJ97334.1 NADH 75.1 ASM283937v1 pro smmoC GCA 0027465 ubiquinone reductase . RHA 19 tein MAF26569.1 NAD tein PCH86631.1 NAD 05.1 ASM240210v1 pro ia p Bacteroidota c Bac inone reductase subun les f Flavobacteriaceae 45.1 ASM271304v1 pro bacterium Na+-transporting NAD les f Leptonemataceae s 1 uinone reductase Na + tein PCI34952.1 NADH ubiquinone reductase ubiquinone oxidoreduc PB0138 ia p Verrucomicrobiota inone reductase subun tein PHS54435.1 NADH acterium RIFCSPLOW nit F Flavobacteriaceae cteroidia o Cytophagale bunit F Flavobacteriace H ubiquinone reductas MAR 2010 188 IK13 acter sp. BRH c52 85.1 ASM187268v1 pro smmoC GCA 9001300 bly protein SNR55590. smmoC GCA 0027429 611 annotated assemb terium HGW-Bacteroid Na + -transporting subu 65.1 ASM180486v1 pro 85.1 ASM271648v1 pro Na+-transporting NAD ubiquinone oxidoreduc 45.1 ASM269064v1 pro smmoC DKPQ d Bacte .1 Na+-transporting NA 35.1 ASM269753v1 pro H ubiquinone reductas95.1 ASM180439v1tein pro OGX36627.1 NAD Na + -transporting subu smmoC GCA 9001054 25.1 ASM271302v1 pro ubiquinone reductase tein MBM65746.1 NAD e Na + -transporting su tein MAE83103.1 NAD bunit F Confluentibacte imicrobia bacterium 1269 annotated assem nit F Cryomorphaceae smmoC GCA 00279811 nit F Algibacter aquatic smmoC GCA 0021770 bly protein SNR66914. uinone reductase subu tein PJA14910.1 NADH arinisoma sp1 1 Na + -transporting subu ubiquinone reductase smmoC GCA 0020838 46-47 s 1 teroidia o Cytophagale smmoC DIYK d Bacter bunit F Candidatus Ma nit F Candidatus Marin H ubiquinone oxidored it F Algibacter lectus tein MAO83289.1 NAD e Na + -transporting su rinimicrobia bacterium g Gelidibacter s 1 e Na + -transporting su Na + -transporting subutase subunit F Algibact smmoC GCA 0027817 tein PIE03528.1 NADH e Na + -transporting su O2 12 FULL 35 11 it F Algibacter alginicily smmoC GCA 0028393 smmoC GCA 0027088 s f Cyclobacteriaceae g ubiquinone reductase e Na + -transporting su bacterium CG17 big fil smmoC GCA 0024021 45.1 IMG-taxon 262273 ae bacterium 15.1 ASM268691v1 pro smmoC GCA 0027130 ataceae g Marinisoma bunit F Planctomycetes 1 Na+-transporting NAD 75.1 ASM240097v1 pro ly protein SFS65349.1 etes-3 smmoC DIYN d Bacter ED34674.1 NADHeptospirae ubiq o Leptospira 85.1 ASM240148v1 pro smmoC GCA 0021202 ria p Bacteroidota c Ba H ubiquinone oxidoredtase subunit F Flaviramnit F Tamlana sp. UJ94 D198 55.1 IMG-taxon 263416 DH ubiquinone oxidore imicrobia bacterium smmoC GCA 0001922 smmoC GCA 0018726 H ubiquinone reductas Na + -transporting subu smmoC GCA 0018048 smmoC GCA 0027164smmoC GCA 0026906 bly protein smmoCSHF55971.1 JHZY d Bacter D6 rinimicrobia bacterium bacterium BACL22 MA r sp. 3B smmoC GCA 0026975 ubiquinone reductase 1 Na+-transporting NAD smmoC GCA 0018043 nit F Lutibacter profund us tein OGX38345.1 NAD smmoC GCA 0027130 nit F Flammeovirgacea Na + -transporting subu 45.1 ASM180564v1 pro H ubiquinone reductas imicrobia bacterium s f Cyclobacteriaceae g nit F Candidatus Marin smmoC GCA 0029543 uctase subunit F Ekhid 45.1 ASM272284v1 pro

nit F Flavivirga eckloniaer pectinivorans 15.1 ASM279331v1 pro ceae g Marinisoma s M 45.1 ASM270884v1 pro Na + -transporting subu ticus AB16 o AB16 f 46-47 g e Na + -transporting su UBA4465 s UBA4465 bunit F Gammaproteob post rev 8 21 14 2 50 3 H ubiquinone reductas bunit F Candidatus Ma Na + -transporting subu 6499 annotated assem H ubiquinone reductas Na+-transporting NADH 45.1 ASM269634v1 pro H ubiquinone reductas 25.1 ASM212022v1 pro H ubiquinone oxidored 05.1 ASM274820v1 pro cteroidia o Cytophagale ductase subunit F Lutib uctase subunit F Arenit 6274 annotated assem ulus basaltis somatales f Marinisom e Na + -transporting su 25.1 ASM19222v1 prot smmoC GCA 0026869 smmoC GCA 90011979 smmoC GCA 0024009 e Na + -transporting su ria p Spirochaetota c L smmoC GCA 0024014 s bacterium 85.1 AB1 pvc protein O bunit F bacterium TME ia p Bacteroidota c Bac nit F Polaribacter gang nit F Candidatus Marin D161 Na+-transporting NAD G-120619-bin32 imicrobia bacterium smmoC GCA 0023026 H ubiquinone oxidored i rinimicrobia bacterium imicrobia bacterium 85.1 ASM295438v1 pro e bacterium nit F Flavobacteriaceae UBA6059 nas 1 lutea bunit F bacterium TME bunit F Candidatus Ma rinimicrobia bacterium tein MAJ19805.1 NADH tein MAW09811.1 NAD nit F Candidatus Marin smmoC GCA 0018056 rinimicrobia bacterium tein MBA80978.1 NAD 55.1 ASM180565v1 pro rinimicrobia bacterium bacterium bly protein SHI23544.1 sp1 1 nit F Lutibacter sp. e Na + -transporting subu acteria bacterium 1 13 smmoC GCA 0027228 ubiquinone oxidoreduc uctase subunit F Lutiba tein OSY88766.1 Na + s f Cyclobacteriaceae g smmoC GCA 0027933 H ubiquinone reductasmatales f Marinisomata ein EGD34669.1 Na + bly protein SEB97672.1 acter oricola alea lutea ria p Marinisomatota c tein OUV45381.1 NAD e Na + -transporting su ubiquinone reductase rinimicrobia bacterium smmoC GCA 9001872 5.1 MARIT PRJEB1774 tein MAQ72219.1tein OUX63710.1NAD NAD rinimicrobia bacterium bunit F Flammeovirgac smmoC GCA 0026963 imicrobia bacterium H ubiquinoneteroidia oxidored o Flavobacteria jinensis smmoC GCA 0027482 15.1 ASM230261v1 pro Marinisomatia o Marini H ubiquinone reductas uctase subunit F Lutiba bunit F Flavobacteriale smmoC GCA 0027106 bacterium e Na + -transporting su bunit F bacterium TME tein PQJ21273.1 NADH smmoC GCA 0017300smmoC DCCC d Bacte Na + -transporting subu nit F Candidatus Marin bunit F Candidatus Ma nit F Candidatus Marin smmoC GCA 0025147 H ubiquinone reductas e Na + -transporting su e Na + -transporting su bunit F Candidatus Ma Na+-transporting NAD imicrobia bacterium

35.1 ASM268983v1 pro bunit F Candidatus Ma -translocating NADH-q tase subunit F Lutibact cter agarilyticus 25.1 ASM270552v1 pro Na + -transporting subu bunit F Candidatus Ma rinimicrobia bacterium -translocating NADH-q UBA7330 s 2 ubiquinone reductase nit F Flavobacteriaceae smmoC GCA 0027814 Na+-transporting NAD smmoC GCA 0018056 imicrobia bacterium smmoC GCA55.1 0023026 51184 F02 protein smmoC BDEL3 protein d Bacter SFZ84473.1 N eae bacterium uctase subunit F Leeuw rinimicrobia bacterium les f Flavobacteriaceae tein MBH26226.1arinisomatia NAD o Mariniso H ubiquinone reductas tein ATA81187.1 NADH smmoC DKER d Bacte 05.1 ASM217020v1 pro tein MAJ45422.1 NADH bunit F Candidatus Ma bunit F Candidatus Ma ae bacterium TMED116 85.1 ASM271068v1 pro cter flavus 45.1 ASM270164v1 pro nit F Candidatus Marin ubiquinone reductase 75.1 ASM217277v1 pro ria p Marinisomatota c tein MAD33550.1 NAD smmoC GCA 9001093 smmoC GCA 0027466 rinimicrobia bacterium 35.1 ASM251473v1 pro e Na + -transporting su e Na + -transporting su rinimicrobia bacterium H ubiquinone reductas e Na + -transporting su H ubiquinone oxidored ubiquinone reductase Na + -transporting subu A003-L08 s 1 rinimicrobia bacterium e Na + -transporting su D80 uinone reductase subu uinone reductase subu er maritimus Na + -transporting subu 85.1 ASM278148v1 pro H ubiquinone reductas H ubiquinone reductas e Na + -transporting su nit F Candidatus Marin imicrobia bacterium 35.1 ASM230263v1 SNV03957.1 pro Na + -tra H ubiquinone oxidored imicrobia bacterium ia p Bacteroidota c Bac rinimicrobia bacteriumrinimicrobia bacterium a + -translocating NAD smmoC GCA 0026898 e Na + -transporting su bunit F Candidatus Ma smmoC GCA 0027055 ubiquinone reductase e Na + -transporting su nit F Candidatus Marin ubiquinone reductase enhoekiella g marinoflava Leeuwenhoekiella s Na + -transporting subu imicrobia bacterium tein MBJ48829.1 NADH tein MAZ28992.1 NAD Na + -transporting subu bunit F Candidatus Ma imicrobia bacterium smmoC GCA 9001294 tein MAR15447.1 NAD smmoC GCA 0021702 75.1 IMG-taxon 262273 75.1 ASM274667v1 pro 85.1 ASM271778v1ia p Marinisomatota pro c M e Na + -transportinge Na + -transporting su su imicrobia bacterium tein PCE63427.1 NADH 95.1 ASM268999v1 pro bunit F Flavobacteriace rinimicrobia bacterium bunit F Leeuwenhoekie smmoC GCA smmoC0027016 GCA 0021727 smmoC GCA 9001059 uctase subunit F Leeuw Na + -transporting subu rinimicrobia bacterium bunit F Candidatus Ma smmoC AQSD d Bacte 55.1 ASM268465v1 pro bunit F Candidatus Ma smmoC GCA 9001417 smmoC GCA 0016327 nit F Capnocytophaga nit F ho H ubiquinone reductas tein PIV93340.1 NADH H ubiquinone reductas nslocating NADH-quino uctase subunit F Tenac tein OUW63099.1 NAD D46 TMED108 tein ATA90360.1 NADH ubiquinone reductase A003-L08 g SCGC-AA bunit F Candidatus Ma D144 teroidia o Flavobacteria ein MAO85526.1 NADH H ubiquinone reductas bunit F bacterium TME D264 H-quinone reductase s ubiquinone reductase nit F Candidatus Marin smmoC GCA 0028139 tein MAP67296.1 NAD H ubiquinone reductas smmoC GCA 9001981 Na + -transporting subu 1 tein OUT40006.1 NAD nit F Candidatus Marin smmoC GCA 0019717 DSM 3653 Na + -transporting subu bunit F Candidatusbunit F MaCandidatus Ma smmoC GCA 0006267 H ubiquinone reductas 75.1 IMG-taxon 269542 H ubiquinone reductas H ubiquinone reductas e Na + -transporting su rinimicrobia bacterium nit F Tenacibaculum sp Na + -transporting subu nit F Candidatus Marin rinimicrobia bacterium 6580 annotated assem tein PID69770.1 NADH ein MBC21943.1 NADH ubiquinone reductase 95.1 ASM271909v1 pro nit F Candidatus Marin rinimicrobia bacterium 85.1 IMG-taxon 263416 ubiquinone reductase lla sp. e Na + -transporting su rinimicrobia bacterium smmoC GCA 0026974 enhoekiella palythoae H ubiquinone reductas MED80 s 2 nit F Candidatus Marin rinimicrobia bacterium 45.1 ASM163274v1 pro smmoC GCA 0027177 95.1 ASM269759v1 pro H ubiquinone reductas bunit F Candidatus Ma rinimicrobia bacterium rinimicrobia bacterium 85.1 IMG-taxon 262273 sp. oral taxon 338 str. F smmoC DJHT d Bacter smmoC GCA 0026899 e Na + -transporting su ubiquinone reductase lothuriorum ubiquinone reductase rinimicrobia bacterium ubiquinonene reductase reductase subunit F ibaculum sp. MAR 200 bunit F Candidatus Ma smmoC JACC d Bacte e Na + -transporting su rinimicrobia bacterium rinimicrobia bacterium les f Flavobacteriaceaeubunit F Tenacibaculum smmoC GCA 0026846 e Na + -transporting su 15.1 ASM281391v195.1 Tjejuense pro V1 prot smmoC GCA 0026865 tein MAU37212.1 NAD bunit F bacterium TME rinimicrobia bacterium 85.1 ASM197178v1 pro nit F Capnocytophaga ein OUW20657.1 NAD rinimicrobia bacterium bunit F bacterium TME 15.1 SOAPdenovo v1.0 e Na + -transporting su e Na + -transporting su 35.1 ASM217073v1 pro tein MBI72006.1 NADH AA003-L08 f SCGC-AA bunit F bacterium TME 0951 annotated assem 5.1 ASM270118v1 prot tein MAQ44047.1 NAD e Na + -transporting su tein MBI44737.1 NADH Na + -transporting subu . SG-28 tein MAR30269.1 NAD ubiquinone reductase bly protein SEL05174.1 ubiquinone reductase 65.1 ASM216746v1 pro 75.1 ASM270337v1 pro Na + -transporting subu e Na + -transportinge Na + -transporting su su 6900 annotated assem rinimicrobia bacterium Na + -transporting subu tein MAP61453.1 NAD ein MAW75076.1 NAD H ubiquinone reductas bunit F Candidatus Ma 75.1 ASM269747v1 pro ubiquinone reductase bunit F Candidatus Ma Na + -transporting subu 5.1 ASM271146v1 prot smmoC GCAsmmoC 0009410 AUDV d Bacte 6502 annotated assem tein KZS40864.1 NADH tein MAV00970.1 NADH bunit F Candidatus Ma Na + -transporting subu 0234 smmoC GCA 0027190 H ubiquinone reductas BA2126 s 1 Na + -transporting subu bunit F Candidatus Ma 9 124 CS55 s 1 smmoC GCA 0016934 ria p Bacteroidota c Ba Na + -transporting Capnocytophaga subu haem bunit F Candidatusbunit F MaCandidatus Ma tein MAX29599.1 NAD bunit F Candidatus Ma Na + -transporting subu tein AUC17109.1ein SNR17359.1 NADH Na + 75.1 ASM268657v1 pro smmoC GCA 0026975 tein MAZ61467.1 NAD matales f UBA8229 g T e Na + -transporting su g Formosa maritimums Formosa H ubiquinone reductas bunit F Candidatus Ma e Na + -transporting su tein APY12893.1 NADH leadbetteri tein MAV93018.1 NADH bunit F Candidatus Ma bly protein SHF75163.1 5 protein EZH74681.1 bunit F Cytophagaceae H ubiquinone reductas bunit F Candidatus Ma smmoC GCA 0028950 H ubiquinone reductas bunit F Candidatus Ma smmoC GCA 0009435 smmoC GCA 90011400 35.1 ASM270033v1 pro e Na + -transporting su bunit F Candidatus Ma e Na + -transporting su Na+-transporting NAD Na + -transporting subu 5.1 ASM217112v1 prot H ubiquinone reductas bly protein SEE11348.1 e Na + -transporting su smmoC GCA 0021707 arinisomatia o SCGC-A H ubiquinone reductas nit F Sediminicola luteu 85.1 ASM271858v1 pro ubiquinone reductase smmoC GCA 0007334 tein MAQ75195.1 NAD smmoC GCA 00270118 45.1 ASM270364v1 pro smmoC GCA 0021626 55.1 ASM94105v1 prot 25.1 ASM271762v1 pro ubiquinone reductase H ubiquinoneH reductasubiquinone reductas bunit F Candidatus Ma ria p Bacteroidota c Ba bly protein SHJ65326.1 ubiquinone reductase smmoC GCA 0021674 smmoC GCA 0027033 25.1 ASM270152v1 pro tein MAI88075.1 NADH e Na + -transporting su 15.1 ASM169341v1 pro nit F Flavobacteriaceae tein MAN35535.1 NAD e Na + -transporting su cteroidia o Flavobacter 5.1 ASM271106v1 prot GCA-002708715 s 1 -translocating NADH-q nit F Capnocytophagaolytica 25.1 ASM269652v1 pro tein MBL50617.1 NADH ubiquinone reductase ubiquinone reductase tein MAD96196.1 NAD haliotis 1 e Na + -transporting su e Na + -transporting su smmoC GCA 00271146 05.1 ASM270040v1 pro tein MBE77462.1 NAD ubiquinone reductase somatales f TCS55 g T somatales f TCS55 g U e Na + -transporting su Na+-transporting NAD 05.1 ASM289500v1 pro Na + -translocating NA ubiquinone reductase e Na + -transporting su ubiquinone reductase e Na + -transporting su smmoC GCA 0029002 bacterium H ubiquinone reductas e Na + -transporting su 55.1 ASM94355v1 prot 05.1 ASM270560v145.1 ASM270764v1 pro pro arinisomatia o Mariniso tein OUV48862.1 NAD 5.1 IMG-taxon 2693429 H ubiquinone reductas Na+-transporting NAD H ubiquinone oxidored e Na + -transporting su nit F Flavobacteriales b tein MBH30825.1 NAD e Na + -transporting su smmoC GCA 0019755 85.1 ASM270468v1 pro tein MBF89439.1 NAD e Na + -transporting su 85.1 ASM216268v1 pro 75.1 ASM73347v1 prot H ubiquinone reductas H ubiquinone reductas s smmoC GCA 0027003 e Na + -transporting su H ubiquinone reductas ein AJR03615.1cteroidia Na +o -Flavobacter tein MBH49694.1 NAD Na+-transporting NAD Na + -transporting subu smmoC GCA 00217112 H ubiquinone reductas smmoC GCA 0027423 tein OCK43322.1 NAD tein OUV05840.1 NAD uinone reductase subu iales f Flavobacteriacea bacterium CG17 big fil smmoC GCA 0027185 ia p Marinisomatota c M stomatis smmoC GCA 0027036 e Na + -transporting su Na + -transporting subu H ubiquinone reductas smmoC GCA 0027176 tein MAQ87938.1tein MBH10149.1 NAD NAD tein MAV70945.1 NADH smmoC GCA 0027015 65.1 ASM269136v1 pro tein MAJ33355.1 NADH H ubiquinone reductas smmoC GCA 0003486 H ubiquinone reductas 25.1 ASM290022v1 pro H ubiquinone oxidored DH-quinone reductase 65.1 ASM269336v1 pro tein PNQ75287.1 NAD Na + -transporting subu smmoC GCA 0026965 smmoC GCA 00271106 somatales f UBA8229 g smmoC LBIQ d Bacter 05.1 ASM272210v1 pro tein MBJ12510.1 NADHH ubiquinone reductas H ubiquinone reductas smmoC GCA 0019717874 annotated assemb ein KJD33495.1 Na + - Marinisomatia o Marini H ubiquinone oxidored uctase subunit F Aquim smmoC GCA 0027004 Marinisomatia o Marini tein MBI89948.1 NADH H ubiquinoneH reductasubiquinone reductas smmoC GCA 0028316 75.1 ASM197557v1 pro 45.1 ASM271434v1 pro H ubiquinone reductas acterium H ubiquinone reductas smmoC GCA 0027331 tein MBT88254.1 NAD tein MAV16061.1 NADH tein OUS03433.1 NAD ein KFB00386.1 Na + - e Na + -transporting su smmoC GCAsmmoC 0027056 GCA 0027076 tein MBD68370.1 NAD translocating NADH-qu ia p Marinisomatota c M 55.1 ASM217245v1 pro iales f Flavobacteriacea H ubiquinone reductas H ubiquinone reductas H ubiquinone oxidored H ubiquinone reductas 25.1 ASM274232v1 pro H ubiquinone reductas nit F Aquimarina aggre smmoC GCA 0027046 65.1 ASM271546v195.1 ASM271769v1 pro pro nit F Tenacibaculum jej e g Aquimarina s Aquim post rev 8 21 14 2 50 3 tein OUU31501.1 NAD H ubiquinone reductas nit F Tenacibaculum sp e Na + -transporting su tein OUW00769.1 NAD smmoC GCA 0027334 tein OUX30179.1 NAD 85.1 Formosa sp. AK20 75.1 ASM271787v1 pro tein PNW26785.1 NAD uctase subunit F Tenac subunit F Aquimarina a 05.1 ASM217040v1 pro H ubiquinone reductas ia p Bacteroidota c BacH ubiquinone reductas nit F Seonamhaeicola s smmoC ASPJ d Bacter 35.1 ASM269823v185.1 ASM271828v1 pro pro 65.1 ASM270536v1 pro 45.1 ASM197174v1 proly protein SFJ57910.1 translocating NADH-qu smmoC GCA 0026913 tein MBD01975.1 NAD uctase subunit F Tenac 85.1 ASM269178v1 pro tein MBH51031.1 NAD smmoC LIQG65.1 d ASM283166v1Bacter pro arina amphilecti 85.1 ASM273318v1 pro tein OMP31733.1 NAD smmoC GCA 0026933 Marinisomatia o Marini H ubiquinone reductas smmoC GCA 0027221 tein MBA64668.1 NAD tein MBD31120.1 NAD translocating NADH-qu bunit F Aquimarina sp. 55.1 ASM271855v1 pro ria p Marinisomatota c inone reductase subun tein MAM15136.1tein MBO69842.1 NAD NAD e Na + -transporting su e g Gaetbulibacter s G uctase subunit F Aquim smmoC GCA 0027143 ria p Marinisomatota c tein MAS78359.1 NAD tein PIB32784.1 NADH gata 55.1 ASM271865v1 pro tein MAP02215.1 NAD uense 05.1 ASM270070v1 pro 55.1 ASM273105v1 pro 15.1 ASM273341v1 pro . SZ-18 arina pacifica 1 3 15 smmoC GCA 0021724 tein MAR75978.185.1 NAD ASM271388v1 pro bunit F Flavobacteriace smmoC PAVC d Bacter tein MAM64065.1 NAD tein OUV41961.1 NAD protein EMQ95630.1 N H ubiquinone reductas ibaculum mesophilum smmoC GCAsmmoC 0027154 GCA 0027176 teroidia o Flavobacteriae Na + -transporting su tlantica tein MAR36713.1 NAD tein APY01169.1 NADHNa+-transporting NADH p. S2-3 45.1 ASM216734v1 pro 05.1 ASM217000v1 pro smmoC GCA 0024008 smmoC LIQI d Bacteria ia p Bacteroidota c Bac ibaculum sp. MAR 201 inone reductase subun smmoC GCA 0027178 55.1 ASM216855v1 pro tein AUC83387.1 NADH tein MBK53934.1 NAD tein PHS60370.1 NADH e Na + -transporting su H ubiquinone reductas smmoC GCA 0021704 inone reductase subun smmoC GCAsmmoC 0026982 GCA 0027182 smmoC GCA 0027053 it F Siansivirgaaetbulibacter zeaxan saemank smmoC GCA 0026917 55.1 ASM271345v1 pro 65.1 ASM271776v1 pro ubiquinone reductase bunit F Tenacibaculum arina spongiae smmoC JSWF d Bacte ria p Marinisomatota c smmoC GCA 0024013 smmoC GCA 0027185 15.1 ASM270871v1 pro 45.1 ASM271224v1 pro smmoC DKAC d Bacte smmoC GCA 0008287 tein PHS10097.1 NADH 75.1 ASM272447v1 pro smmoC JXJO d Bacter 05.1 ASM269540v1 pro ae bacterium smmoC NNSG d Bacte smmoC GCA 0027186 65.1 ASM269876v1 pro e Na + -transporting su a + -translocating NAD smmoC GCA 0027007 05.1 ASM270350v1 pro bunit F Hanstruepera n 85.1 ASM240088v1 pro les f Flavobacteriaceae smmoC GCA 0027310 smmoC GCA 0027138 ubiquinone reductase ubiquinone oxidoreduc 0 89 it F Tamlana nanhaiens 45.1 ASM270194v1 pro smmoC GCA 0001718 p Bacteroidota c Bacte teroidia o Flavobacteria 25.1 ASM269522v1 pro 45.1 ASM217254v1 pro smmoC GCA 0027419 ubiquinone reductase e Na + -transporting su ubiquinone reductase bunit F Flavobacteriale 85.1 ASM270178v1 pro smmoC GCA 0021700 it F Mangrovimonas yu smmoC GCA 0021673 thinifaciens CC-SAMT- smmoC GCA 0021685 Na + -transporting subu soleae umensis 1 85.1 ASM240138v1 pro ria p Bacteroidota c Ba 95.1 ASM272099v1 pro smmoC GCA 0007565 15.1 ASM82871v1 prot ia p Bacteroidota c Bac ubiquinone reductase smmoC GCA 0027134 smmoC GCA 0027177 smmoC GCA 0016971 smmoC NZHK d Bacte bunit F Formosa algae H-quinone reductase s smmoC GCA 0027122 smmoC GCA 0018802 smmoC GCA 0027087 tein PCH77158.1 NAD smmoC JSWG d Bacte Na + -transporting subu eustonica smmoC GCA 0027244 75.1 ASM17187v1 prot roidia o Flavobacteriale les f Flavobacteriaceae tase subunit F Olleya n g Mangrovimonas s 1 smmoC GCA 0026954 45.1 ASM274194v1 pro Na + -transporting subu is smmoC GCA 0026987 smmoC GCA 0027035 Na + -transporting subu s bacterium 33 180 T64 bunit F Mangrovimonas nxiaonensis smmoC GCA 0027019 smmoC GCA 0021725 1 smmoC GCA 0026952 tein PCI34775.1 NADH cteroidia o Flavobacter nit F Gaetbulibacter sp 05.1 ASM75650v1 prot ein BAO76249.1 Na + smmoC GCA 0027017 smmoC AFPKsmmoC d Bacter DLQL d Bacter 85.1 ASM169718v1 pro smmoC AUDE d Bacte teroidia o Flavobacteria Na + -transporting subu smmoC GCA 0027209 85.1 ASM188028v1 pro H ubiquinone reductas ubunit F Xanthomarina ria p BacteroidotasmmoC cDFBO Ba d Bacte ein EDP71517.1 Na + - s f Flavobacteriaceae g g Lacinutrix s Lacinutrnit F Lacinutrix venerupamhaensis tein PIA79586.1 NADH nit F Lacinutrix sp. Bg1 nit F Flavobacterium sp sp. DI 80 ein AIP98697.1 Na + -t iales f Flavobacteriacea . 5U11 ubiquinone reductase -translocating NADH-q ia p Bacteroidotaia p Bacteroidota c Bac c Bac tein ANW96955.1 NAD ria p Bacteroidota c Ba les f Flavobacteriaceae nit F Kordia sp. tein APD07868.1 na + e Na + -transporting su cteroidia oria Flavobacter p Bacteroidota c Ba gelatinilytica translocating NADH-qu Lacinutrix A s Lacinutr ix mariniflava 1 is ubiquinone reductase 1-31 . ranslocating NADH-qui Na + -transporting subu uinone reductase subue g Lacinutrix s Lacinut teroidia o Flavobacteriateroidia o Flavobacteria cteroidia o Flavobacter smmoC GCA 9001047 H ubiquinone reductas g Psychroserpens s P -translocating NADH-q bunit F Flavobacteriace bacterium iales f Flavobacteriaceacteroidia o Flavobacter inone reductase subun ix A himadriensis 1 Na + -transporting subu

none reductase subuni nit F Flavobacteriaceae nit F Winogradskyella rixs jangbogonensis 1 les f Flavobacteriaceae 85.1 IMG-taxon 263416 e Na + -transporting sules f Flavobacteriaceae iales f Flavobacteriacea sychroserpens damupo uinone reductase subu ae bacterium iales f Flavobacteriacea e g Psychroserpens s P it F Flavobacteriales ba

nit F Gaetbulibacter sp bunit F Planctomycetes t F Ornithobacterium rh bacterium bunit F Wenyingzhuang g Ochrovirga g UBA7433s Ochrov s 1 p. PG-2 6173 annotated assem nit Flavobacteriaceae b e g Psychroserpens s P nensis 1 smmoC GCA 0027853 smmoC JXJP d Bacter e g Xanthomarina s 1 sychroserpens jangbog smmoC GCA 0002653 smmoC GCA 0027072 cterium ALC-1 smmoC GCA 9001297 . 4G1 inotracheale ORT-UMN

e Na + -transporting su smmoC GCA 9001020 bly protein SDR93082. ia fucanilyticairga pacifica 1 acterium UJ101 sychroserpens burtone 85.1 ASM278538v1 pro smmoC GCA 0021638 smmoC JUGU d Bacte ia p Bacteroidota c Bac 85.1 ASM26538v1 prot smmoC AUBG d Bacte 95.1 ASM270729v1 pro onensis 2 45.1 IMG-taxon 269542 smmoC GCA 9001067 es bacterium smmoC GCA 0022668 88 smmoC GCA 0016410 55.1 IMG-taxon 267590 1 Na+-transporting NAD tein PIZ08350.1 NADH 55.1 ASM216385v1 pro ria p Bacteroidota c Ba nsis 1 teroidia o Flavobacteria etes bacterium ria p Bacteroidotaein AFL80009.1 c Ba NADH H ubiquinone reductas etes bacterium tein MBA10053.1 NAD aceae bacterium 0983 annotated assem 95.1 IMG-taxon 266752 55.1 ASM226685v1 pro etes bacterium 85.1 ASM164108v1 pro smmoC GCA 0019717 3215 annotated assem etes bacterium ubiquinone reductase H ubiquinone oxidored etes bacterium nit F Gemmatimonadet tein ARV10236.1 NADH cteroidia o Flavobacter cteroidia o Flavobacterubiquinone oxidoreduc les f Flavobacteriaceae smmoC GCA 0029735 H ubiquinone reductas smmoC GCA 0026970 bly protein SHG60384. 7447 annotated assem tein OZV69391.1 NADH tein MAW62337.1 NAD bunit F Gemmatimonad tein OAD92012.1 NAD 25.1 ASM197172v1 pro bunit F Gemmatimonad bly protein SDE87587. bunit F Gemmatimonad smmoC GCA 0026936 Na + -transporting subu iales f Flavobacteriaceauctase subunit F Formo bunit F Gemmatimonad smmoC GCA 0026961 smmoC GCA 0026834 ubiquinone reductase iales f Flavobacteriaceatase Na + -translocatin g Psychroserpens s P 95.1 ASM297359v1 pro e Na + -transporting su bunit F Gemmatimonad 85.1 ASM269708v1 pro bunit F Gemmatimonad Na + -transporting subu bly protein SDW73697 1 Na+-transporting NAD H ubiquinone reductas ubiquinone reductase 05.1 ASM269360v1smmoC GCA pro 0026835 1 Na+-transporting NAD tein APY07890.1 NADH nit F Flavobacteriaceae 95.1 ASM268349v1 pro e g Psychroserpenssa sp. Hel1 s 131 208 e Na + -transporting su smmoC GCA 000170805.1 ASM269610v1 pro Na + -transporting subu 55.1 ASM270505v1 pro e Na + -transporting su e g Aequorivitag F subunit s Aequo Aequorivita sychroserpens mesoph e Na + -transporting su smmoC GCA 0014381 tein MAP79767.1 NAD tein PQV51125.1 Na+- bunit F Flavobacteriace e Na + -transporting su .1 Na+-transporting NA H ubiquinone oxidored smmoC GCA 0016373 e Na + -transporting su 55.1 ASM268355v1 pro Na + -transporting subu e Na + -transporting su tein MAN58441.1 NAD H ubiquinone oxidored ubiquinone reductase e Na + -transporting su ubiquinone reductase bacterium CG 4 10 14 smmoC GCA15.1 0027077 ASM17081v1 prot tein MAO10342.1 NAD tein MAB57881.1 NAD sublithincola DSM 142 nit F Winogradskyella s 25.1 ASM143812v1 pro rivita capsosiphonis 1 transporting NADH ubi ilus 2 H ubiquinone reductas ae bacterium H ubiquinone reductas DH ubiquinone oxidore uctase subunit F Winog H ubiquinone reductas 25.1 ASM163732v1 pro smmoC GCA 0027050 bunit F Aequorivita soe H ubiquinone reductas smmoC GCA 0027106 tein MAB38181.1 NAD nit F Winogradskyella s H ubiquinone reductas uctase subunit F Ulviba Na + -transporting subu H ubiquinone reductas H ubiquinone reductas 0 8 um filter 34 31 45.1 ASM270774v1ein EDM44164.1 pro Na + H ubiquinone reductas H ubiquinone reductas tein KRO67401.1 Na + 38 p. PC-19 H ubiquinone reductas e Na + -transporting su quinone oxidoreductas ein MBJ66547.1 NADH ductase subunit F Aequ tein OAB76141.1 NAD radskyella jejuensis sokkakensis 05.1 ASM271060v1 pro H ubiquinone reductas e Na + -transporting su cter litoralis p. WNB302 nit F Winogradskyella s tein MBN98624.1 NAD e Na + -transporting su tein MBQ42627.1 NAD tein MAZ71622.1-translocating NAD NADH-q e Na + -transporting su tein MBQ38180.1 NAD smmoC GCA 0026992 -translocating NADH-q bunit F Aequorivita sp. e subunit F Jejuia pallid tein MAN23232.1 NAD smmoC GCA 0026944 smmoC GCA 0026964 orivita viscosa H ubiquinone reductas tein MBN60676.1 NAD tein MBD04736.1 NAD 5.1 ASM271911v1 prot tein MAY52809.1 NADH bunit F Flavobacteriacee Na + -transporting su p. J14-2 uinone reductase subu bunit F Aequorivita sp. smmoC GCA 0028131 H ubiquinone reductas bunit F Flavobacteriace smmoC GCA65.1 0029661 ASM269926v1 pro uinone reductase subu 65.1 ASM269446v1 pro ilutea 35.1 ASM272543v1 pro 85.1 ASM269648v1 pro 15.1 ASM272591v1 pro e Na + -transporting su 35.1 ASM272633v1 pro smmoC GCA 0027162 ubiquinone reductase ae bacteriumbunit F Aequorivita sp. 25.1 ASM269332v1 pro

35.1 ASM281313v1 pro e Na + -transportingnit F unidentified su eubac ae bacterium 15.1 ASM272421v1 pro 25.1 ASM296612v1tein MAT89881.1 pro NADH nit F Cryomorphaceae 05.1 ASM271230v1 prosmmoC GCA 00271911 tein MAL58566.1 NADH smmoC GCA 0027070 tein MAP54296.1 NAD bunit F Ulvibacter sp. L 25.1 ASM271622v1 pro Na + -transporting subu smmoC GCA 0027254 smmoC GCA 0029437 smmoC GCA 0027259 tein PKA82305.1 Na+-t bunit F Flavobacteriaceterium SCB49 smmoC GCA 0027263 tein AVI51270.1 ubiquinone NADH reductase bacterium BACL21 MA smmoC GCA 0026933 25.1 ASM270702v1 pro ubiquinone Hreductase ubiquinone reductas PB0005 smmoC GCA 0027242 smmoC GCA 0027123 tein MBG25048.1 NAD 4 smmoC GCA 0021638 nit F Flavobacteriaceae smmoC GCA 0027286 55.1 ASM294375v1 pro ransporting NADH ubiq ae bacterium smmoC GCA 0027028 ubiquinone reductaseNa + -transporting subu G-121220-bin10 smmoC GCA 0027074 tein MAY23376.1 NADH Na + -transportinge Na + subu-transporting su smmoC GCA 9001882 smmoC GCA 0001547 75.1 ASM216387v1 pro H ubiquinone reductas 05.1 ASM272860v1 pro smmoC GCA 0007694 bacterium tein PQB03728.1 NAD smmoC GCA 0027085 85.1 ASM270288v1 pro smmoC LBMH d Bacte uinone oxidoreductase Na + -transporting subu alea psychrophila LSv5 nit F Flavobacteriaceae 85.1 ASM270748v1 pro smmoC DDFN d Bacte 75.1 IMG-taxon 272467 25.1 ASM15472v1 prot ubiquinone reductase nit F Flavobacteriaceaebunit F Altibacter sp. smmoC GCA 00271133 e Na + -transporting su tein MBR39971.1 NAD 35.1 ASM76943v1 prot tein ARV11338.1 NADH H ubiquinone reductas 45.1 ASM270854v1 pro tein MAU48704.1 NAD ria p Bacteroidota c Ba subunit F Ulvibacter sp nit F Aureitalea sp. RR smmoC GCA 0026972 bacterium 9705 tein MBA09155.1 NAD smmoC GCA 0027060 ria p Bacteroidota c Ba 9821 annotated assem ein EDP95537.1 Na + - Na + -transporting subu bacterium Tol-SR 5.1 ASM271133v1 prot bunit F Croceibacter sp tase subunit F Desulfot H ubiquinone reductas ein KGO06558.1 Na + ubiquinone reductase smmoC GCA 0026919 e Na + -transporting su smmoC GCA 0021689 tein MBA41781.1 NAD H ubiquinone reductas cteroidia o Flavobacter . MAR 2010 11 55.1 ASM269725v1 pro 4-38 H ubiquinone reductas 45.1 ASM270604v1 pro cteroidia o Flavobacter bly protein SNR90707. translocating NADH-qu nit F Flavobacteriaceae ein MAV66587.1 NADH e Na + -transporting su . 85.1 ASM269198v1 pro -translocating NADH-q Na + -transporting subu fofustis glycolicus DSM 55.1 ASM216895v1 pro bunit F Aureitalea mari H ubiquinone reductas e Na + -transporting su iales f Flavobacteriacea nit F Desulfobulbus sp. tein MAQ00454.1 NAD DH quinone oxidoreduc e Na + -transporting su tein MAX70846.1 NAD iales f Flavobacteriacea smmoC GCA 0027137 1 Na+-transporting NAD inone reductase subun bacterium ubiquinone reductase bunit F Flavobacteriace uinone reductase subu tein MAK01548.1 NAD nit F Gilvibacter sp. SZ 2 tein OUW99890.1 NAD e Na + -transporting su na bunit F Flavobacteriace e g Kordia s Kordia zha smmoC GCA 0021627 H ubiquinone reductas bunit F Flavobacteriace H ubiquinone reductas 05.1 ASM271370v1 pro e g Dokdonia s Dokdon uctase subunit F Desul H ubiquinone oxidored it F Kordia algicida OT- uinone reductase subu Na + -transporting subu H ubiquinone reductas ae bacterium nit F Dokdonia dongha le Na+-translocating NA H ubiquinone reductas bunit F Flavobacteriace -19 ae bacterium 65.1 ASM216276v1 pro e Na + -transporting su ngzhouensis 1 tein MBD44370.1 NAD ae bacterium e Na + -transporting su ia sp1 1 ivibrio alkaliphilus AHT smmoC GCA 00272117 uctase subunit F Dokdo 1 nit F Flavobacteriaceae smmoC AUYN d Bacte e Na + -transporting su ensis DSW-1 e Na + -transporting su H ubiquinone oxidored ae bacterium 10 -translocating NADH-q smmoC GCA 0017357 tein OUR94436.1 NAD bunit F Flavobacteriace H ubiquinone reductas bunit F Flavobacteriace smmoC GCA 0027250 in CAG36536.1 probab 5.1 ASM272117v1 prot nia pacifica ria p Bacteroidota c Ba bunit F Flavobacteriace bacterium bunit F Flavobacteriace p. tase subunit F Desulfur 45.1 ASM173574v1 pro H ubiquinone reductas smmoC GCA 0026987 ae bacterium smmoC GCA 0020054 15.1 ASM272501v1 pro e Na + -transporting su ae bacterium ein MBK42815.1 NADH 1 Na+-transporting NAD bacterium RBG 16 64 ein KGO35322.1 Na + smmoC GCA 0017613 cteroidia o Flavobacter ae bacterium ae bacterium TMED238 e bacterium arina smmoC GCA 0024012 smmoC GCA 0027035 45.1 ASM2594v1 prote smmoC GCA 0001532 smmoC GCA 9001054 smmoC GCA 0017357 tein AOR27667.1 Na + e Na + -transporting su 25.1 ASM200542v1 pro 05.1 ASM269870v1 pro tein MBN96580.1 NAD bunit F Flavobacteriace ubiquinone reductase ubiquinone oxidoreduc arina bunit F Blastopirellula s smmoC GCA 0004273 iales f Flavobacteriacea 65.1 ASM176136v1 pro arina smmoC GCA 0018743 rina DSM 3645 15.1 ASM240121v1smmoC pro GCA 002831625.1 ASM15322v1 prot 25.1 IMG-taxon 263096 65.1 ASM270356v1 pro 15.1 ASM173571v1 pro -translocating NADH-q bunit F Flavobacteriale bly protein SHH35741. tein AQS94905.1 NADH tein MAR98414.1 NAD bunit F Planctomycetes 15.1 ASM76971v1 prot smmoC GCA 0027336 H ubiquinone reductas ae bacterium e bacterium Na + -transporting subu nit F Planctomycetacea smmoC GCA 0000259 bunit F Blastopirellula m tein AOW18569.1 NAD 35.1 WiPs1.0 protein E 35.1 ASM187433v1 pro e g Flaviramulus A s Fl tein PCI11548.185.1 NADHASM283168v1 pro ein EAR13322.1 Na + - 8293 annotated assem tein MAP05366.1 NAD tein AOR25856.1 Na + uinone reductase subu s bacterium 34 180 T64 in ADH84761.1 NADH ubiquinone reductase H ubiquinone reductas e Na + -transporting su 65.1 ASM273366v1 pro e Na + -transporting su bunit F Blastopirellula m nit F Flavobacteriaceae nit F Blastopirellula ma bunit F Blastopirellula m p. H ubiquinone reductas PR74714.1 Na + -trans 8080 annotated assem tein OIQ27992.1 NADH aviramulus A ichthyoen smmoC GCA 0007697 ubiquinone reductasetein AUC86105.1 NADH e Na + -transporting su smmoC GCA 0007668 translocating NADH-qu H ubiquinone reductas nit F Planctomycetacea smmoC GCA 0029437 bly protein SDS12516. -translocating NADH-q smmoC GCA 9001051 e Na + -transporting su nit F Formosa sp. Hel1 tein PHR71350.1 NAD Na + -transporting subu Na + -transporting subu e Na + -transporting su smmoC GCA 0029546 bunit F Flavobacteriace bacterium e Na + -transporting su locating NADH-quinone 05.1 ASM9220v1 prote ubiquinone reductase Na + -transporting subu teri 1 H ubiquinone reductas smmoC GCA 0021638 15.1 ASM294371v105.1 ASM76680v1 pro prot ubiquinone reductaseinone reductase subun 1 Na+-transporting NAD e Na + -transporting su e Na + -transporting su 45.1 IMG-taxon 266752 uinone reductase subu bunit F Formosa sp. 33 131 uinone reductase subu e Na + -transporting su smmoC GCA 0028365 65.1 ASM295466v1 pro H ubiquinone reductas nit F Polaribacter sp. B bunit F Blastopirellula s smmoC GCA 9002395 ae bacterium 15.1 IMG-taxon 258542 H ubiquinone reductas smmoC GCA 0029546 bunit F Polaribacter va reductase subunit F W Na + -transporting subu Na + -transporting subu ubiquinone reductase H ubiquinone reductas 35.1 ASM216383v1 pro tein PQB08053.1ein KGL59548.1 NAD Na + - nit F FlavobacteriaceaeNa + -transportingit F Polaribacter subu irgens bunit F Formosa sp. 7435 annotated assem H ubiquinone oxidored nit F Formosa sp. Hel3 95.1 ASM283659v1 pro e Na + -transporting su 05.1 TNO020 V1 prote tein PQJ82728.1 NADH M10 smmoC GCA 9002393 smmoC GCA 0000922 eae bacterium TMED10 tein PHR90516.1 NAD H ubiquinone reductas smmoC GCA 9002391 05.1 ASM295460v1 pro di nit F Bacteroidetes bac inogradskyella psychro -translocating NADH-q H ubiquinone reductas tein ARV07427.1 NADH H ubiquinonetranslocating reductas NADH-qu bacterium nit F Polaribacterii 23-P sp. A e Na + -transporting su bly protein SDR69074. uctase subunit F Winog smmoC GCA 9001300 tein PKH50237.1 NADH A1 48 tein OHB80274.1 NAD in SOS75561.1 Na + -t bunit F Lutibacter sp. WK7 45.1 TdChD05 V1 prote ubiquinone reductase ubiquinone reductase siensis smmoC GCA 0018890 sp. MGV 85.1 TNO006 V1 prote tein PQO38902.1 NAD tein PQJ71785.1 NADH tein MAT69373.1 NADH SM50 terium MedPE-SWsnd- tolerans RS-3 e Na + -transportinginone reductase su subun 1 Na+-transporting ubiquinone NAD reductase LD11 lastus fucicola 1 bacterium bunit F Planctomycetac radskyella sp. RHA 55 rica SM1 ranslocating NADH-quiubiquinone reductase 75.1 ASM273357v1 pro irellula obstinata 1 smmoC GCA 0007667 in SOU85928.1 Na + -t Na + -transporting subu tein PQO43159.1 NAD 45.1 ASM188904v1 pro ein EAQ78101.1 Na + tein PQO36242.1 NAD smmoC GCA 0028140 in SOS49989.1 Na + -t H ubiquinone reductas ubiquinone reductase G2 05.1 ASM182830v1 pro Na + -transporting subu bunit F Polaribacterit F Polaribacter fila sp. He it F Rhodopirellula F Rhodopirellula sp. S bahu H ubiquinone oxidored none reductaseNa +subuni -transporting subu tein MBJ42075.1 NADH bunit F Rhodopirellula 95.1 ASM76679v1 prot nit F Rhodopirellula sp. ranslocating NADH-qui nit F Polaribacter glom 15.1 ASM296771v1 pro nit F Rhodopirellula sp. tein APG65609.1 NADH 55.1 ASM270265v1 pro 75.1 ASM281407v1 pro ranslocating NADH-qui Na + -transporting subu bunit F Planctomycetes smmoC GCA 00164011 Mariniblastus s Marinib e Na + -transporting su opirellula europaea 6C Rubripirellula s Rubrip smmoC GCA 0021636 nit F Polaribacter sp. S mentus l1 33 49 smmoC GCA 0027335 it F Rhodopirellula maio uctase subunit F Polari 55.1 ASM296775v1 pro ein KGL58807.1 Na + - t F Tenacibaculumnit F Tenacibaculum sp. T sp 05.1 ASM15310v1 prot none reductase subuni eratus 65.1 ASM296776v1 pro tein MAR13889.1 NAD smmoC GCA 9001068 ubiquinone reductasenone reductase subuni tein AUC21103.1 NADH smmoC GCA 0018283 GCA-2862225 s 1 inone reductase + -transporting subun subunit 5.1 ASM164011v1 prot nit F Polaribacter butke UBA11363 s 1 e Na + -transporting su 75.1 ASM216367v1 pro 75.1 ASM271907v1 pro . bacter sp. KT25bA4-10 smmoC GCA 0029677 Na + -transporting subu . Bg11-29 smmoC GCA 0027026 Na + -transporting subu translocating NADH-qu t F TenacibaculumNO020 dice e Na + -transporting su 65.1 IMG-taxon 269343 Na + -transportingt F Tenacibaculum subu finnm uctase subunit F Rhod ubiquinone reductase llulales f Pirellulaceae g H ubiquinone reductas inone reductase subun smmoC NIDL d Bacteri ein OAD45847.1 NADH llulales f Pirellulaceae g vichii smmoC GCA 0029677 tein ARV15306.1 NADH smmoC GCA 0001531 smmoC GCA 0029677 45.1 ASM270154v1 pro inone reductase subun ntrarchi llulales f Pirellulaceae g translocatingiquinone NADH-qu reductase Na 0036 annotated assem nit F Tenacibaculum sp H ubiquinone reductas p. Na + -transporting subu arkense llulales f Pirellulaceae g nit F Rubinisphaera sp a p Bacteroidota c Bac smmoC GCA 0027190 ubiquinone reductase ubiquinone reductase ubiquinone reductase smmoC GCA 0029546 ubiquinone reductase H ubiquinone reductas it F Polaribacter sp. He tein OUT68794.1 NAD ting NADH-quinone red Planctomycetes o Pire bly protein SEE19533.1 translocating NADH-qu Planctomycetes o Pire nit F Polaribacter sejon . LPB0136 teroidia o Flavobacteria Na + -transporting subu eae bacterium 85.1 ASM295468v1 pro smmoC GCA 0027015 Na + -transporting subu eae bacterium ein EMI41770.1 Na + - Planctomycetes o Pire PHQ36534.1 NADH ub smmoC AUKXsmmoC d Bacte MTAZ d Bacte l1 85 tein OYP33144.1 NAD bunit F Planctomyces s Na+-transporting NAD Planctomycetes o Pire Na + -transporting subu gensis tein MAI74387.1 NADH les f Flavobacteriaceae tein PAY20572.1 NADH tein PQJ79358.1 NADH nit F Polaribacter atrina tein MAG56027.1 NAD sp. smmoC GCA 0030084smmoC AUCB d Bacte nit F Polaribacter sp. S 9048.1 Na + -transloca ia p Planctomycetota c 95.1 ASM216819v1 pro ein EMI22591.1 Na + - ria p Bacteroidotaria p cBacteroidota Ba c Ba ria p Planctomycetota c H ubiquinone oxidored bunit F Planctomycetac e bacterium smmoC GCA 0030084 g Polaribacter s Polari e bunit F Planctomycetac smmoC GCA 0018742 25.1 ASM300842v1ria p Bacteroidota pro c Ba ubiquinone reductase 25.1 ASM34642v185.1 Geneious prot protein A4-12 ria p Planctomycetota c e Na + -transporting su sp. smmoC GCA 0030084 65.1 ASM225126v1 pro ubiquinone reductase cteroidia o Flavobactercteroidia o Flavobacter ria p Planctomycetota c 55.1 ASM268965v1 pro eae bacterium uctase subunit F Polari 65.1 ASM228956v1 pro bunit F Rhodopirellula eae bacterium 75.1 ASM300847v1 pro bacter tangerinus 1 15.1 ASM268771v1 pro 95.1 First protein EMB1 smmoC LWSI d Bacter smmoC GCA 0021681 65.1 ASM187426v1 pro tein PSG91612.1cteroidia NAD o Flavobacter Na + -transporting subu 95.1 ASM34629v1 prot 35.1 ASM300843v1 pro smmoC LWSK d Bacte nit F Rhodopirellula sp. iales f Flavobacteriaceaiales f Flavobacteriacea e Na + -transporting su nit F Planctomycetacea bacter dokdonensis DS smmoC GCA 9001076 e Na + -transporting su tein PSG91820.1 NAD smmoC GCAsmmoC 0003464 GCA 0027271 eae bacterium smmoC PKCP d Bacte H ubiquinone reductas bunit F Rhodopirellula tein OIQ40994.1 NADH H ubiquinone ialesreductas f Flavobacteriacea nit F Polaribacter porph smmoC GCA 0022512 smmoC PKCQ d Bacte tein MBV11123.1 NADH tein PSG87963.1 NAD smmoC GCA 0026896 bunit F Planctomycetac e g Arenibactere gs ArenibacterAreni s 1 smmoC GCA 0022895 e Na + -transporting su bunit F Planctomycetac 25.1 IMG-taxon 262273 W-5 smmoC GCA 0026877 smmoC GCA 00021185 H ubiquinone reductas smmoC GCA 0003382 smmoC GCA 0003462 ubiquinone reductase e Na + -transporting su Na + -transporting subu e g s Areni yrae H ubiquinone reductas H ubiquinone reductas Na + -transporting subu manicae bacter latericius 1 H ubiquinone reductas 6593 annotated assem bunit F Planctomycetac 5.3 ASM21185v3 prote tein MBB02631.1 NAD e Na + -transporting su smmoC DEIV d Bacter e Na + -transporting su Na + -transporting subu bunit F Mesoflavibacte 45.1 ASM273154v1 pro smmoC GCA 0016786 bacter certesii 1 e Na + -transporting su e Na + -transporting su H ubiquinone reductas e Na + -transporting su smmoC GCA 0016786 bly protein SEA49281.1 in AEH00357.1 NADH smmoC JHZX d Bacter ia p Bacteroidota c Bac bunit F Mesoflavibacte ubiquinone reductase smmoC AUHD d Bacte r aestuarii tein MBC90524.1 NAD ubiquinone reductase nit F Fuerstia marisger smmoC GCA 0002243 75.1 ASM167867v1 pro nit F Bacteroidetes bac bunit F Mesoflavibacte tein MBQ79875.1 NAD smmoC GCA 90011518 e Na + -transporting su 85.1 ASM167868v1 pro H ubiquinone reductas Na+-transporting NAD ubiquinone oxidoreduc 45.1 ASM270954v1 pro ia p Bacteroidota c Bac teroidia o Flavobacteria r sp. HG37 smmoC GCA 0027315 ria p Bacteroidota c Ba H ubiquinone reductas 35.2 BizArg 1.0 protein tein OBX25485.1 NAD terium MedPE-SWsnd- tein MBE73080.1 NAD H ubiquinone reductas r sabulilitoris eae bacterium 5.1 IMG-taxon 2622736 tein OBX21420.1 NAD H ubiquinone oxidored tase subunit F Lacinutr tein MAT11409.1 NADH teroidia o Flavobacteria uinone reductase subu eae bacterium smmoC GCA 0029344 les f Flavobacteriaceae 95.1 ASM271239v1 pro ein MAP73665.1 NADH cteroidia o Flavobacter nit F Planctomyces sp. H ubiquinone reductas EGV44175.1 NADH ub G1 85.1 ASM272668v1 pro H ubiquinone reductas smmoC GCA 9001017 504 annotated assemb tein MBM01019.1 NAD eae bacterium smmoC GCA 0028316 smmoC GCA 0027095 H ubiquinone reductas uctase subunit F Bizion bunit F Gimesia sp. ix sp. 5H-3-7-4 tein MBH58168.1 NAD 45.1 ASM293444v1 pro les f Flavobacteriaceae tein MBK95484.1 NAD iales f Flavobacteriacea g UBA7949 s 1 65.1 ASM271456v1 pro bunit F Gimesia sp. iquinone oxidoreductas e Na + -transporting su bunit F Gimesia sp. bunit F Planctomycetac 65.1 IMG-taxon 266752 ly protein SFN90984.1 25.1 ASM283162v1 pro e Na + -transporting su 65.1 ASM269896v1 pro smmoC GCA 00033211 -translocating NADH-q bunit F Planctomycetac ia paragorgiae smmoC GCA 0027123 5.1 ASM269711v1 prot tein PPK96198.1 Na+-t g Sediminibacter s 1 Na + -transporting subu e g Gelidibacter s Gelid smmoC GCA 0027266 tein MBN01747.1 NAD e Na + -translocating F bunit F Gelidibacter alg bunit F Planctomycetac smmoC GCA 002117127234 annotated assem Na+-transporting NADH 55.1 ASM272155v1 pro tein AUC80507.1 NADH e Na + -transporting su 5.1 ASM33211v1 prote bunit F Bizionia sp. APA 45.1 ASM271714v1 pro eae bacterium ransporting NADH ubiq smmoC GCA 0027145 75.1 ASM271937v1 pro e Na + -transporting su ibacter mesophilus 1 e Na + -transporting su e Na + -transporting su subunit Bizionia argen ens 5.1 ASM211712v1bly proteinprot SCY25902. ubiquinone oxidoreduc smmoC GCA 0026989 ubiquinone reductase tein APZ91020.1 Na + e Na + -transporting su in AGC76999.1 NADH -3 smmoC GCA 00269711 smmoC GCA 0029543 ubiquinone reductase uinone oxidoreductase 75.1 ASM272327v1 pro e Na + -transporting su tinensis JUB59 smmoC GCA 0027215 smmoC GCA 0001534 ein ARN79403.11 Na+-transportingNADH NAD tase subunit F Bizionia H ubiquinone reductas smmoC GCA 0029547 Na + -transporting subu smmoC GCA 0027171 55.1 ASM295435v1 pro ubiquinone oxidoreduc smmoC GCA 0027193 H ubiquinone reductas bunit F Planctomycetac subunit F Nonlabens x H ubiquinone reductas H ubiquinone reductas smmoC GCA 0003559 85.2 ASM15348v2 prot smmoC GCA 9000998 ubiquinone reductaseH ubiquinone oxidored H ubiquinone reductas 65.1 ASM295476v1 pro echini 35.1 ASM198393v1 pro tase Na translocatingnit F Nonlabens N sp. MB tein PQJ19481.1 NADH tein MAT16907.1 NADH ylanidelens smmoC GCA 0027232 H ubiquinone reductas 05.1 Pgondw1.0 protei ein AFU69446.1 Na + - tein MBN72441.1 NAD smmoC GCA 9001290 15.1 IMG-taxon 262273 Na + -transportinguctase subu subunit F Nonla tein PQJ31043.1 NADH tein MAC52397.1 NAD e Na + -transporting su onlabens dokdonensis-3u-79 tein MAX35987.1 NAD tein MBQ16469.1 NAD ubiquinone reductase n EMY81947.1 Na + -tr translocating NADH-qu tein MBO11705.1 NAD 35.1 IMG-taxon 269542 6510 annotated assem nit F Nonlabensbens spong sp. Hel1 33 55 smmoC GCA 0019839 ubiquinone reductase DSW-6 85.1 ASM270268v1 pro Na + -transporting subu tein MBO53178.1 NAD smmoC ARLA d Bacter anslocating NADH-quin inone reductase subun 85.1 ASM272498v1 pro 0935 annotated assem bly protein SDG63064. iae H ubiquinone reductas smmoC GCA 0028104 Na + -transporting subu 55.1 ASM268455v1 pro 1 65.1 ASM270676v1 pro 05.1 ASM272620v1 pro nit F Nonlabens tegetin smmoC GCA 9001418 ia p Bacteroidota c Bac one reductase subunit it F NqrF Psychroflexus 15.1 ASM272441v1 pro bly protein SHE50007. 1 Na+-transporting NAD 05.1 ASM281040v1 pro nit F Nonlabens arenilit smmoC GCA 0027026 cola 15.1 ASM272431v1 pro 85.1 IMG-taxon 262273 teroidia o Flavobacteria F Psychroflexus gondw smmoC GCA 0027249 1 Na+-transporting NAD torquis ATCC 700755 H ubiquinone oxidored tein MBM81066.1 NAD smmoC AUHX d Bacte tein PJX23307.1 NADH smmoC GCA 0026845 les f bin106 g bin106 s oris smmoC GCA 0027067 smmoC GCA 0027262

6520 annotated assem les f Flavobacteriaceae anensis ACAM 44 smmoC GCA 0027244 H ubiquinone oxidored uctase subunit F Psych ria p Bacteroidota c Ba ubiquinone reductase smmoC GCA 0026955 smmoC GCA 0027243 bly protein SHI35617.1 g Psychroflexus s Psy uctase subunit F Psych smmoC GCA 0000603 cteroidia o Flavobacter Na + -transporting subu roflexus sediminis 55.1 ASM272295v1 pro Oligoflexia o Oligoflexa 45.1 ASM269554v1 pro smmoC GCA 0018890 Na+-transporting NAD smmoC GCA 9001680 chroflexus tropicus 1 roflexus salarius 45.1 ASM6034v1 prote iales f Flavobacteriacea nit F Psychroflexus sp. smmoC GCA 0021202 tein MAN27857.1 NAD smmoC GCA 9001294 05.1 ASM188900v1 pro 45.1 IMG-taxon 259569 H ubiquinone oxidored smmoC GCA 0027229 ia p Bdellovibrionota c smmoC GCA 0030241 in CAL65390.1 Na-tran e g Mesonia s Mesonia S27 65.1 ASM212026v1 pro H ubiquinone reductas 45.1 IMG-taxon 269542 tein APG60206.1 NADH 8246 annotated assem uctase subunit F Meso smmoC GCA 90011514 55.1 ASM302415v1 pro slocating NADH-quinon mobilis 2 0921 annotated assem tein OSS38581.1 Na + e Na + -transporting su smmoC GCA 0030018 ubiquinone reductase bly protein SKB79729.1 nia phycicola erium 5.1 IMG-taxon 2599185 tein AVR45548.1 NADH e reductase subunit F G smmoC MPNI d Bacter -translocating NADH-q bunit F Mesonia sp. 95.1 ASM300189v1bly protein pro SHG60655. Na + -transporting subu UBA2987 s 1 Na+-transporting NAD orgiicola 209 annotated assemb ubiquinone reductase ramella forsetii KT0803 1 Na+-transporting NAD uinone reductase subu 2 iothrix caldifontis 2 smmoC GCA 9001047 tein PRX44869.1 Na+- nit F Gramella sp. LPB H ubiquinone oxidored nit F ThiotrichalesLeucothrix bact mucor 3 ly protein SFN41306.1 Na + -transporting subu nit F Thiothrix nivea teria bacterium H ubiquinone oxidored nit F Gramella flava JLT 65.1 IMG-taxon 263416 transporting NADH ubi 0144 iothrix lacustris 5 uctase subunit F Saleg pitutales f Verruco-01 g obacteriovorax antillog smmoC GCA 9001029 smmoC GCA 0002432 smmoC AJLT d Bacteri Na+-transporting NADH nit F Gramella sp. SH3 quinone oxidoreductasuctase subunit F Saleg 2011 haceae g haceaeThiothrix g A Thiothrix s s Th 6549 annotated assem rophic gill symbiont entibacter holothuriorum Na + -transportinghaceae gsubu Leucothrix s 15.1 IMG-taxon 26172735.1 ASM24323v1 prot a p Bacteroidota c Bac ubiquinone oxidoreduc p. smmoC APHJ d Bacter 5 Na + -transporting subu nit F Gammaproteobac -3 e subunit F Salegentibaentibacter echinorum eria bacterium eae bacteria B42 bly protein SDR67112.1 haceae g Thiothrix s Th banensis E1L3A uctase subunit F Pseud c Verrucomicrobiae o O cus capsulatus 3 0763 annotated assemein EHQ01977.1 NADH ia p Bacteroidotateroidia c Bac o Flavobacteria tase subunit F Salegen Thiotrichales f Thiotric f Thiotric acterium n Akat1 smmoC OCMF d Bacte Na+-transporting NAD cter salegens UBA1858 s 3 um szegediense 2 lus platifrons methanot anticus A1147 s 1 ricola oryzae 1 smmoC AUIG d Bacter Thiotrichales f Thiotric bly protein SDL79040.1 ubiquinone oxidoreduc teroidia o Flavobacteriales f Flavobacteriaceae tibacter flavus ubiquinone reductase bunit F Salinisphaera s lum miyakonense 3 ubiquinone reductase - bunit F Zetaproteobact . ria p Bacteroidota c Ba Na + -transporting subu bunit F Methylothermacus sedimenti alcaliphilum 20Z H ubiquinone oxidored Thiotrichales f Thiotric otein Salinisphaeratireducenticrescens shaieri ia p Bacteroidota c Bac H ubiquinone oxidored smmoC GCA 0020948 ria p Verrucomicrobiota lococcus s Methylococ Na+-transporting NAD tase subunit F Gillisia l les f Flavobacteriaceae g Gillisia s Gillisia mar 405 s 5 gill symbiont ammaproteobacteriaammaproteobacteria o o Photodesmus katoptro cteroidia o Flavobacter nit F SAR324 cluster b localdum s Methylocaldomarinum vadi 1 uctase subunit F Gillisi 15 g HTCC5015 s 2 6 s 2 e subunit F Bathymodio smmoC GCA 0026938 UBA4575 f UBA4575 g hylomonadaceae g UB 55.1 ASM209485v1 pro teroidia o Flavobacteria nit F Oceanococcus atl loterricola s Methyloter H ubiquinone oxidored imnaea DSM 15749 ina 1 ammaproteobacteria o thylovulum s Methylovu tein PID33862.1 NADH e Na + -transporting su g Gillisia s 1 nit F Methylomonasacteria sp bacterium HGW tein PIE01293.1 NADH acter whittenburyi 4 iales f Flavobacteriacea e Na + -transporting su e Na + -transporting su nit F Methylomicrobium 05.1 ASM269380v1 pro a sp. Hel1 33 143 ubiquinone reductase bunit F Methyloprofund encia siddallii smmoC GCA 00026011 ammaproteobacteria o reductase subunitit F F prt F Methylophaga nitra frapp smmoC GCA 90011666 tein ORL46204.1 Na + les f Flavobacteriaceae Na+-transporting NAD uctase subunit F Salini hylococcaceae g Methy smmoC DEAH d Bacte aeraceae g GCA-2683 bunit F Solemya velum 2810 s 1 smmoC GCA 00051193smmoC GCA 0003008 g F subunit Candidatus e g Salinimicrobium s S thylomarinum s Methyl ria p Proteobacteriaria p c G c G Na + -transporting subu iquinone oxidoreductas tein MAO35181.1 NAD HTCC5015 f HTCC50 lococcaceae g UBA613 hylococcaceae g Methy 5.1 ASM26011v1 prote ammaproteobacteria o Methylococcales f Met 5.1 IMG-taxon 2663762 -translocating NADH-q g Salinimicrobium s Sa uinone reductase subu 778 s 1 hylococcaceae g Methy microbium catena ia p Proteobacteria c G hylomonadaceae g Me ibrio dextrinosolvens 5.2 CLCbio CLC 75.1Geno ASM30087v1 prot 65.1 ASM274726v1 pro H ubiquinone reductas thylobacter s Methylob bunit F Gammaproteob Na + -transportinguinone reductase subu subu H ubiquinone reductas alinimicrobium sedimin 95.1 ASM274689v1 pro H ubiquinone reductas H ubiquinone reductase Na + -transporting su alexigens nit F Candidatus Provid in EIJ38878.1 NADH u tein PIE37636.1 NADH none reductase subuni uinone reductase subu linimicrobium xinjiange ria p Proteobacteria c G ocating NADH-quinonea + -transporting subun 752 annotated assemb bly protein SMF11638.1 Methylococcales f Met cinivibrionaceae g UBA smmoC GCA 90011918 mics Workbench ein5.5 EKF55418.1pr Na + - Nevskiales f Salinisph e Na + -transporting su sonii smmoC GCA 0002608 tase Na + -translocatin e Na + -transporting su is 2 hylomonadaceae g Me KL1 biquinone oxidoreducta smmoC FNQP d Bacte ubiquinone reductase Methylococcales f Met -transporting NADH ub smmoC PDPH d Bacte ammaproteobacteria oethylococcales f Methy p. MJ3 ly protein SFU44086.1 nit F Zunongwangia atl nse 1 ammaproteobacteria o Methylococcales f Met enensis 3-C-1 ia p Proteobacteria c G -translocating NADH-q lomonadaceae g UBA2 tase subunit F Succiniv Methylococcales f Met 5.1 IMG-taxon 2596583 otein ETN94856.1translocating NAD NADH-qu smmoC ATTE d Bacter tein MAS10818.1 NAD hylomonadaceae g Me e Na + -transporting su 35.1 ASM26083v1 prot smmoC GCA 0027472 ubiquinone-translocating reductase NADH-q p. uinone reductase subu se Na + -translocating bunit F Zunongwangia tein MBQ48057.1 NAD otein KXJ41162.1 NADH ubiquinone reductas bunit F Rheinheimerakense s antica 22II14-10F7 smmoC GCA 0027468 Na+-transporting NADH 95.1 ASM274849v1 pro ERJ18664.1 Na-translranslocating NADH-qui 777 smmoC JHYQ d Bacte ubiquinone reductase N 2533 annotated assem Enterobacterales f Suc inone reductase subun ammaproteobacteria o nt of Melanocetus john 572 annotated assembein EID75755.1 Na + -t H ubiquinone oxidored ammaproteobacteria o H ubiquinone reductas ubiquinone oxidoreduc smmoC GCA 0027136 sp. Methylococcales f Met nit F Rheinheimera sp. 9053 F subunit Joostella ma ammaproteobacteria o tein GAW84797.1 Na+ nit F Arsukibacterium s cae roducens 1 smmoC AFPB d Bacter tein PCI28406.1 NADH mmaproteobacteria o M cinivibrio s 1 ubiquinone oxidoreduc ia p Proteobacteria c G ria p Proteobacteria c G ammaproteobacteria o it F Gallaecimonas xiam mosp. F10 str. 9ZD137 s ubiquinone oxidoreduc smmoC GCA 00269116 smmoC DDIE d Bacter tein ORE89508.1 Na + ethylococcales f Methy stis ATCC 33320 ly protein SFW24967.1 uctase Na + -translocait F Galbibacter marinu ammaproteobacteria o bacter amylophilus smmoC AHHE d Bacte ranslocating NADH-qui Methylococcales f Met H ubiquinone reductas dontotermitis A 1 45.1 ASM271364v1 pro 45.1 ASM270214v1 pro ein CCE23914.1 Na + bunit F Rheinheimera s -translocating NADH-q rina DSM 19592 65.1 2044C megahit teinpr OQK17879.1 NAD tein PPD35431.1 NADH e Na + -transportingnit su F Arsukibacterium ik 55.1 ASM272595v1 pro 17 smmoC GCA 0026974 ia p Bacteroidota c Bac tase subunit F Pustulib ammaproteobacteria o uccinatimonas sp. CAG smmoC GCA 0027484 ein AFJ02857.1 Na + -t 5.1 ASM269116v1 prot 55.3 SSPSHein V2 AFI85331.1protein NADH nit F bacterium symbio Na+-transporting NAD ting F subunit Zhouias a 45.1 IMG-taxon 270874 ia p Proteobacteria c G BA5861 s 1 ria p Bacteroidota c Ba none reductase subuni ein EPE37888.1 NADH tein MBD40907.1 NAD tein OOZ72967.1 NAD unit F Vibrio sp. JCM 1 15826 smmoC GCA 0026923 ria p Proteobacteria c G ammaproteobacteria o uinone reductase subu nit F Enterobacter cloa obiospirillum succinicip 65.1 ASM269746v1 pro teroidia o Flavobacteria ia p Proteobacteria c G 65.1 ASM218906v1 pro uinone reductase subu 66 cinivibrionaceae g Suc acterium marinum p Proteobacteria c Ga Na+-transporting NADH ein MAI82678.1 NADH 95.1 ASM240129v1 pro smmoC DBZZ d Bacte ia p Proteobacteria c G inone reductase subun nit F partial Vibrio geno cens subsp. marcescen H ubiquinone oxidored mylolytica AD3 smmoC ABSJ d Bacter unit F Buttiauxella agre tase subunit F Rumino smmoC GCA 0026930 t F Imtechella halotoler mmaproteobacteria o M ria p Proteobacteria c G ulsiella s Trabulsiella o cteroidia o Flavobacter 35.1 ASM208823v1 pro ammaproteobacteria o tein PKM13560.1 NAD tein CRK85691.1 Na + 15.1 ASM269231v1 pro H ubiquinone reductas 35.1 ASM96853v1 prot e Na + -transporting su chrotolerans smmoC GCA 0027021 95.1 ASM292899v1 pro H ubiquinone reductasuinone reductase subu isconsensis ATCC 350 tein MAQ60042.1 NAD les f Flavobacteriaceae smmoC GCA 001566955.1 ASM207295v1 pro reductase subunit F S ubiquinone reductase smmoC GCA 0027259 ibrio cholerae ria p Proteobacteria c G smmoC GCA 0027152 uctase subunit F Sinom 65.1 ASM26096v1 prot uinone reductase subu 85.1 ASM269308v1 pro ans K1 smmoC GCA85.3 0002159 ASM26098v3 prot ranulosicoccaceae g U e Na + -transporting su iales f Flavobacteriacea smmoC GCA 9001773 smmoC AUKJ d Bacter tein MAJ83155.1 NADH 85.1 ASM47868v1 prot acterium hominis ATCC 75.1 ASM202127v1 pro -quinone reductase sub erobiospirillum s Anaer H ubiquinone reductas smmoC NYTH d Bacte -translocating NADH-q uinone reductase subursinia enterocolitica hii timonas hippei YIT Enterobacterales120 f Suc g Aquimarina s Aquima ria p ProteobacteriasmmoC c G GCA 0021890 -translocating NADH-q Na + -transporting subu smmoC ATXX d Bacter ella baltica OS155 ly protein SFK37741.1 25.1 ASM271522v1 pro smmoC GCA 0024012 bunit F marces smmoC GCA 0027275 tein MAM50277.1 NAD icrobium oceani smmoC DIVIsmmoC d Bacteria JYNS d Bacter translocating NADH-qu Na + -transporting subu -quinone reductase sub ubiquinone oxidoreduc bunit F Flavobacteriace e g Aquimarina s Aquim p Proteobacteria c Ga smmoC AQZU d Bacte erobacteriaceae g Trab 15.1 PsisOffGC1.1 pro ubiquinone reductase smmoC GCA 0020882 55.1 ASM284315v1 pro bunit F Morganella psy e Na + -transporting su ria p Proteobacteria c G smmoC GCA 0009685 tein OEY69075.1 NAD-translocatingH ubiquinone NADH-q reductas rina agarivorans 1 smmoC GCA 0029289 subunit F Moellerella w locating NADH-quinone smmoC GCA 0027212 tein MBF72087.1 NAD nit F Flavobacteriales b smmoC GCA 0020729 reductase subunit F V smmoC DEHC d Bacte 75.1 ASM272757v1 pro H ubiquinone reductas -translocating NADH-q ae bacterium arina agarilytica 1 smmoC GCA 0002609 Granulosicoccales f G smmoC GCA 0027188 Na + -transporting subu smmoC GCA 0002609 smmoC GCA 0004786 tase F subunit Cardiobcinivibrionaceae g Ana bunit F Flavobacteriace + -translocating NADH -translocating NADH-q tase F subunit Succinaammaproteobacteria o 55.1 ASM272125v1 pro smmoC GCA 0020212 tein KOO57187.1 Naein +KKO48571.1 Na + reductase subunit F Ye F Xenorhabdus ishibas H ubiquinone reductas acterium smmoC JPON d Bacte tase subunit F Shewan 589 annotated assemb smmoC GCA 0021692 tein MBT27869.1 NAD e Na + -transporting su ubiquinone reductase e Na + -transporting su ein EKE72362.1 Na + - + -translocating NADH lla parasuis HPS11 Na+-transporting NADH 75.1 ASM271887v1 pro nit F Flavobacteriaceae Enterobacterales f Ent smmoC GCA 0014577 ae bacterium smmoC DEII d Bacteria smmoC GCA 0028431 ein KKO44430.1tein MAA95438.1 Na + NAD e Na + -transporting su tein MBL19984.1 NADH e Na + -transporting su smmoC JQNS d Bacte 95.1 ASM175239v1 pro DH-quinone reductase CX92783.1 na + -trans 15.1 ASM216921v1 pro H ubiquinone reductas bunit F Flavobacteriace locating NADH-quinone tein PCS21472.1 Na + tein MBJ33881.1 NADH bacterium ammaproteobacteria o ubiquinone oxidoreduc Enterobacterales f Suc tein ASQ16689.1 Na + ubiquinone oxidoreducria p Proteobacteria c G ubiquinone reductase bunit F Flavobacteriale QUALITY PROTEIN Na locating NADH-quinone one reductase subunit e Na + -transporting su 35.1 ASM127503v165.1 pro ASM98776v1 prot ubiquinone oxidoreduc 5.1 IMG-taxon 2626541 smmoC GCA 0026895 tein OUX48262.1 NAD ae bacterium H ubiquinone reductas ubiquinone reductase 15.1 ASM29991v1 prot ein OEF05046.1 NADH unit F partial Glaessere ly protein SFP19737.1 protein KFC83619.1ammaproteobacteria Na o H ubiquinone reductas Na + -transporting subu s bacterium 75.1 ASM98777v175.1 ASM268367v1 prot pro Na + -translocating NA 15.1 ASM268951v1smmoC pro DKOW d BacteH ubiquinone reductas bunit F Flavobacteriace smmoC GCA 0017523 35.1 MGS777 protein C smmoC GCA 0027280 SB01285.1 Na + -trans smmoC GCA 0027028 Na + -transporting subu 35.1 ASM246493v1 pro ein EEV89716.1 NADHammaproteobacteria o nit F Flavobacteriaceae ria p Proteobacteria c G ein EFY06717.1 NADHsmmoC DKSD d Bacte tein MAI28054.1 NADHria p Bacteroidota ec BaNa + -transporting su ae bacterium ein GAK15381.1 LOW 75.1 ASM230327v1NG07025.1 pro Na + -trans anslocating NADH-quin 45.1 ASM272804v1 pro smmoC GCA 0012750smmoC GCA 0009877 in ABN60285.1 NADH smmoC GCA 90011419 tein OCN42942.1 NAD 95.1 ASM270289v1 pro nit F Flavobacteriaceae 241 annotated assemb smmoC GCA 0027006 smmoC GCA 0002999 15.2 ASM28701v2 prot 55.1 GBAG DRAFTv1 -quinone reductase sub bacterium ria p Proteobacteria c G tein OBU06066.1 NAD smmoC GCA 0014392 smmoC GCA 0026973 tein MBR62713.1 NAD ubiquinone reductasecteroidia o Flavobacterbunit F Thiotrichales ba smmoC GCAsmmoC 0009877 GCA 0026836 v2 protein KPD01818.1 smmoC GCA 0004318 tein MAU62985.1 NAD bacterium 75.1 2956 6 6 protein C 45.1 ASM270064v1 pro smmoC GCA 0024649 55.1 ASM16065v1 protria p Proteobacteria c G 65.1 ASM269736v1 pro iales f Flavobacteriaceacterium TMED285 95.1 ASM18819v1 prot a bacterium 05.1 ASM143920v1 prosmmoC GCA 0027074 H ubiquinone reductasNa + -transporting subu smmoC DHQN d Bacte smmoC GCA 0023032 tein PHM63389.1 Na-tr H ubiquinone reductas 65.1 ASM69816v1 prot 5.1 8016 2 86 protein C 45.1 ASM1584v1 prote tein MAV05122.1 NADH 35.2 UNN43 S7v.02 pro 5.1 IMG-taxon 2595698 smmoC GCA 0002870 smmoC GCA 0007353 + -translocating NADH tein KRO87768.1 Na55.1 + ASM270745v1tein pro MAR26496.1 NAD e Na + -transporting nitsu F Flavobacterialese g UBA7446 b s 1 smmoC JNGH d Bacte 55.1 ASM167605v1 pro e Na + -transporting su 65.1 Mwi35017 DRAFT ubiquinone reductase smmoC GCA 0027009 smmoC GCA 0012598 H ubiquinone reductas -translocating NADH-qtein MAZ50169.1 NAD bunit F Flavobacteriaceacterium smmoC GCA 0001606smmoC AXWV d Bacte bunit F Flavobacteriace smmoC GCA 0001881 nit F Zetaproteobacteri smmoC GCA 0006981 55.1 ASM263275v1 prosmmoC GCA 0000158 65.1 ASM270096v1 pro Na + -transporting subu smmoC GCA 00110598 iovorax sp. smmoC GCA 0027193 smmoC GCA 0013165 uinone reductase subuH ubiquinone reductase Na + -transporting su rotein KDB49285.1 Na smmoC GCA 90011565 ae bacterium 5.I4 ae bacterium smmoC GCA 0016760 6 s 1 raceae bacterium smmoC MPMN d Bacte nit F Flavobacteriaceae smmoC GCA 0012944 eae bacterium eae bacterium smmoC GCA 0027021 15.1 ASM271931v1tein pro MAU59046.1 NAD nit F partial Cryomorphe Na + -transportingbunit su F Flavobacteriace cola 7 Na + -transporting subu smmoC GCA 0026967 ria p Bacteroidota c Ba eae bacterium 85.1 ASM270218v1 pro H ubiquinone reductas bacterium smmoC GCA 0026327 nit F partial Halobacter smmoC GCA 0027297 tein MBK78687.1 NAD aceae bacterium BACLbunit F Flavobacteriaceae bacterium ntimonas thermophila 2 35.1 HparHPS11v1.0 p ovibrio sp. Tun.PSC04- 25.1 ASM269672v1 pro cteroidia o Flavobacter voracaceae g UBA616 bunit F Halobacteriovo tein MAS16522.1 NAD H ubiquinone reductase Na + -transporting su bunit F Bdellovibrionac nit F Halobacteriovorac 55.1 ASM272975v1 pro 29 MAG-121220-bin8ae bacterium s Polycyclovorans algi smmoC GCA 0024570 tein MAO93966.1 NAD iales f Flavobacteriacea smmoC GCA 0027276 H ubiquinone reductas bunit F Flavobacteriace ubiquinonebunit reductase F Bdellovibrionac tein MBT57577.1 NAD e Na + -transporting su Na + -transporting subu lbescens acterium eae g Fontimonas s Fo 75.1 ASM245707v1 pro H ubiquinone reductas e g bin25 s 1 smmoC GCA 0006888 25.1 ASM272762v1 pro e Na + -transporting su ae bacterium e Na + -transporting su uctase subunit F Pseudrium H ubiquinone reductas bunit F Flavobacteriace eriovoracales f Bacterio e Na + -transporting su Na + -transporting subu ibacter marisflavi ae bacteriumae bacterium smmoC GCA 0027024tein PDH54327.1 NAD e Na + -transporting su eae g Polycyclovorans tein MBT01050.1 NAD e Na + -transporting su bunit F Flavobacteriace ae bacterium 94 ein MBC61385.1e Na + -transporting NADH su nit F OCS116 cluster b ubiquinone reductase nit F Nesiotobacter exa . H1304 drii 05.1 ASM270240v1 proH ubiquinone reductas bunit F Flavobacteriale esibacter sp. ES.047 ae bacterium H ubiquinone reductas ae bacterium Nevskiales f Nevskiac ae bacterium smmoC GCA 0027288 bunit F Flavobacteriace H ubiquinone reductas H ubiquinone oxidorednit F Rhizobiales bacte Bacteriovoracia o Bact H ubiquinone reductas ubiquinone reductase tase subunit F Cohaes tein MAS30229.1 NADe Na + -transporting su s bacterium bunit F Rhodospirillacebunit F Acidimicrobiaceerium e Na + -transporting su Nevskiales f Nevskiac smmoC GCA 0027134 smmoC GCA 002718655.1 ASM272885v1 pro ae bacterium cterium llaceae bacteriumteria bacterium TMED1 5.1 ASM271192v1H ubiquinone prot reductas smmoC GCA 0027212 bunit F Cryomorphacea H ubiquinone reductas Na + -transporting subuNa + -transporting subunit F Cohaesibacteructase subunit sp F Coha 95.1 ASM271349v1 pro45.1 ASM271864v1 protein MBR98481.1 NAD bunit F Pelagibacterace ein MAE58670.1 NADH unit F Labrenziabunit F alexanMarinovumbunit F Rhodospirillace sp. ammaproteobacteria o bunit F Rhodospirillace 75.1 ASM272127v1 pro tein MAZ47197.1 NAD1 Na+-transporting NADNa + -transporting subu e Na + -transporting sue bacterium MED-G11 ia p Bdellovibrionotatein MAF90548.1 c NAD ubiquinone oxidoreducegeria A aquimaris 1 smmoC GCA 0026908 tein MBC90834.1 NAD tein MBJ25014.1 NADHH ubiquinone reductas ae bacterium tein MBJ00553.1 NADH e Na + -transportinge Na + -transporting nitsu F Rickettsiales su bact smmoC GCA 0021691 ammaproteobacteria o nit F partialbunit Rhodospiri F Alphaproteobacnit F SAR116 cluster ba tein MBL30469.1 NADH bunit F Flavobacteriace smmoC GCAtein 00271192 MAE73588.1 NAD 05.1 ASM269080v1 pro H ubiquinone reductas ubiquinone reductasee Na + -transporting su ubiquinone reductase 55.1 ASM216915v1 pro ubiquinone reductase Na + -transportingH ubiquinone subu oxidored -quinone reductasee Na + -transporting sube Na + -transporting su su 5.1 ASM268611v1 prot e Na + -transporting su ubiquinone reductase ria p Proteobacteria c G ae bacterium 95.1 ASM270749v1 probly protein SDR30170. ubiquinone reductase tein MAH81844.1 NAD e Na + -transporting su Na + -transporting sububunit F Flavobacteriace smmoC DIUE d Bacter oruegeria A s Pseudoru smmoC GCA 0021714smmoC GCA 0027084tein OUW85074.1 NAD 55.1 ASM268805v1 pro Na+-transporting NADH H ubiquinoneH ubiquinone reductasNa + reductas -transporting subu mibacter sp. HL-12 35.1 ASM271873v1 pro Na + -transporting subu smmoC GCA 0021706 ria p Proteobacteria c G e Na + -transportingNa + -transporting su subu H ubiquinone reductas bunit F Flavobacteriace nit F Flavobacteriaceaeae bacterium Na + -transporting subu 75.1 ASM217147v1 pro45.1 ASM270844v1 proH ubiquinone reductas 65.1 ASM268606v1 pro tein PCJ03343.1 NADH ubiquinone reductase H ubiquinoneH ubiquinone reductas reductas 25.1 ASM217062v1 pro nit F Flavobacteriaceae tein OKL42363.1 NADH 1 Na+-transporting NAD + -translocating NADH H ubiquinone reductas e Na + -transporting su ae bacterium bacterium smmoC GCA 00268611 e Na + -transporting su smmoC FOOC d Bacte tein PCI85550.1 NADH ilitoris tein OUV21549.1 NADtein MBA21957.1 NAD smmoC GCA 0027074 6046 annotated assem obacteraceae g Pseud smmoC GCA 0027028 bacterium smmoC GCA 0026880 ly protein SFN50358.1 tein MBV00341.1tein MAR53198.1 NAD ubiquinone NAD reductase uctase subunit F Mariti tein OUW69771.1 NAD bunit F Flavobacteriace smmoC GCA 0027187 bunit F Flavobacteriace H ubiquinone ubiquinone reductas reductase H ubiquinone reductasH ubiquinone reductas smmoC JOMH d Bacte ubiquinone reductase 75.1 ASM270287v1 pro cus homiensisus 1 H ubiquinone reductas smmoC GCA 0026860 nocella sedimentorum ae bacterium bly protein SNY92615. rotein CTQ65733.1tein MAC02063.1 Natein MAR86883.1 NAD NAD ae bacterium TMED220 05.1 ASM240200v1 protein PLW78372.1 NADH tein MAZ98093.1 NAD imonas sediminicola smmoC GCA 0021712 e Na + -transporting sue Na + -transporting su 05.1 ASM190720v1 pro tein MAU88796.1 NAD ubunit F Ruegeria aren e Na + -transporting su 45.1 IMG-taxon 26364155.1 ASM240185v1 pro hodobacterales f Rhod H ubiquinone oxidored smmoC DCQL d Bacte 874 annotated assemb 75.1 ASM273067v185.1 ASM270208v1ein pro MBC10945.1 pro NADH 95.1 ASM217129v1 pro bunit F Flavobacterialebunit F Flavobacteriale 2 philus 3 tein OUW61545.1tein MAJ96564.1 NAD NADHI-1157 H ubiquinone reductas tein MAK06112.1 NADH ria p Bacteroidota c Ba bunit F Crocinitomicace tase subunitnnonibacter F Paracoc phragmitet tein OUV57755.1 NAD s bacterium TMED96 s bacterium tase subunit F Poseido 1 eae bacterium 4F10 smmoC GCA 0024020 0601 annotated assem 5112 Spades75.1 Prokka ASM268437v105.1 p ASM270200v1 pro pro uctase subunit F Tropic smmoC GCA 0026876 e Na + -transporting su smmoC GCA 0019072 25.1 ASM286692v1 pro 05.1 ASM270830v1 pro smmoC DGPN d Bacte cteroidia o Flavobacter ae bacterium TMED209 H-quinone reductase s smmoC GCA 0021709 H ubiquinone reductas smmoC GCA 9001041smmoC GCA 0024018 lphaproteobacteria o R smmoC GCAsmmoC 0027306 GCA 0027020 1 Na+-transporting NAD bacterium 65.1 ASM268766v1 pro bunit F Flavobacteriace 5.1 IMG-taxon 2617270 5.1 ASM271151v1 prot ccus s Paracoccus halo ria p Bacteroidota c Ba ter lacuscaerulensis IT nit F Labrenzia sp. VG1 iales f Flavobacteriacea 15.1 ASM217191v175.1 ASM269197v1 pro pro 65.1 ASM217096v1 pro e Na + -transporting su 65.1 ASM269196v1 pro ubiquinonee g oxidoreduc Pannonibacter s Pa oruegeria lutimaris tein MAG18937.1 NAD ubiquinone oxidoreduc itratireductor pacificus smmoC GCA 0026975 cteroidia o Flavobacter ae bacterium bunit F Rhodobacterac e g MS024-2A s MS02 15.1 L.alexandriiCECTsmmoC GCAsmmoC 0026843 smmoCGCA 0027020 GCA 0027083 H ubiquinone oxidored tein OUW31578.1 NAD smmoC GCA05.1 0028669 IMG-taxon 261584 smmoC GCA 0027168 bunit F Flavobacteriace a + -translocating NAD H ubiquinone reductas 25.1 ASM269752v1 pro iales f Flavobacteriacea ria p Proteobacteria c A bly protein SMH50609. nit F Rhodobacterales 4-2A sp1 1 smmoC GCA 00271151 H ubiquinone reductas smmoC GCA 90011522 tase F subunit Silicibac obacteraceae g Paraco bacterium varius crassostreae 45.1 ASM271684v1 pro ae bacterium TMED121 smmoC smmoCGCA 0021719 GCA 0026919 Na + -transporting subu ibrio sp. JE062 smmoC GCA 0027053 e Na + -transporting su smmoC GCA 0026919 bacterium tein MAQ62362.1 NAD e g MS024-2A s MS02 Na+-transportinghizobiales NADH f Stappiacea geria haliotisuctase subunit F Pseud e Na + -transporting su Na+-transporting NADH ae g Nitratireductor se NNa + -transporting su tein MBH45303.1 NAD smmoC GCA 0014058 smmoC GCA 002684785.1 ASM270538v1 pro bunit F Flavobacteriace smmoC GCA 9002155 1 Na+-transporting NAD H ubiquinone reductas 4-2A sp2 1 protein SMX40937.1 N us R37 bunit F Flavobacteriace bacterium smmoC GCA 0026853 H ubiquinone reductas smmoC FWFQ d Bacte 5844 annotated assem Na + -transporting subu 95.1 ASM268479v1 protein MAW15539.1 NAD ae bacterium hodobacterales f Rhod nit F Rhodobacterales tase subunit F Aliiroseo e Na + -transporting su ubiquinone oxidoreduc ubiquinone reductase tase F subunit Pseudov elatinilyticus 1 nit F RhodobacteralesH ubiquinone oxidored 55.1 ASM268535v1 pro e Na + -transporting su ae bacterium TMED171 ly protein SET32839.1lphaproteobacteria o R e subunit F Pseudorue hizobiales f RhizobiaceH ubiquinone reductas nella sediminum ae bacterium tein MAC92380.1 NAD H ubiquinone reductas bunit F Flavobacteriale ly protein SFR12640.1 smmoC GCA 0001730 bly protein SNS46219. Labrenzia alba halicicus tein MAD30253.1 NAD bunit F Flavobacteriace T8715 Spades Prokka e Na + -transporting su nit F Rhodobacterales nit F Tropicibacter ilitore smmoC GCA 0021679 H ubiquinone reductas s bacterium 95.1 ASM17309v1 prot 45.1 IMG-taxon 254555 ubiquinone reductase anella sp. S4079 lphaproteobacteria o R Na + -transporting subu ubiquinone oxidoreduc cter s Cohaesibacter g H ubiquinone reductas ae bacterium ein EEX11425.1 NADHtein ASP33849.1 NADH ubiquinone oxidoreduc smmoC GCA 0021718 45.1 ASM216794v1 pro e Na + -transporting su bunit F Flavobacteriace Na + -transportingquinone oxidoreductas1 subu Na+-transporting NAD ein EEG41984.1 NADH 318 annotatedria p Proteobacteriaassemb c A tein PHO05153.1 NAD uctase subunit F Loktabunit F Rhodospirillace 304 annotated assemb lphaproteobacteria o R s abyssi e Na + -transporting su ne reductase subunit F bacter lobularis unit F Tropicibacter pht 35.1 ASM217183v1 pro bunit F Flavobacteriace ae bacterium 3518 annotated assem tein OUU20802.1 NAD uinone reductase subu smmoC GCA 9001488 smmoC GCA 0026931 ubiquinone oxidoreduc 35.1 R.arenilitoris CEC Na + -transporting subu it F Kiloniella litopenae tein OUW75625.1 NAD bunit F Flavobacteriace smmoC GCA 9001775 tein PID35932.1 NADH ductase subunit F Lokt H ubiquinone reductas ae bacterium ria p Proteobacteria c A ubiquinone reductase Na+-transporting NADH cteraceae g Cohaesiba 35.1 IMG-taxon 269853 ein EEA92207.1 NADH smmoC GCA 0027148 45.1 ASM269314v1 pro tase subunit F Flavoba 75.1 ASM16177v1 prot95.1 ASM223759v1 pro ubiquinonetransporting reductasebly NADHprotein ubi SDK89578. ae bacterium smmoC ARNQ d Bacte H ubiquinone oxidorede Na + -transporting su H ubiquinone reductas 5.1 IMG-taxon 2634166 45.1 ASM270004v1 pro m sp. TrichSKD4 subunit F Thalassobiu e Na + -transporting su ria p Proteobacteria c A nslocating NADH-quino 6819 annotated assem 15.1 ASM271481v1 pro tein MAM01716.1 NAD cteria bacterium MS02 5.1 IMG-taxon 2634166 nit F Candidatus Rhodo-quinone reductase sub 35.1 IMG-taxon 268181 e Na + -transporting su -translocating NADH-qinone reductase subun bunit F Flavobacteriace smmoC GCA 9001850 ubiquinone reductase smmoC GCA 0009678 bly protein SHO72007. H ubiquinone reductas ating NADH-quinone re tein MBF12076.1 NAD 4-2A 25.1 ASM274732v1 pro cens smmoC FOJO d Bacte tein PIE15272.1 NADH ly protein SFU79482.1 hizobiales f Cohaesiba cter halophilus bunit F Flavobacteriace 35.1 ASM15623v1 prottein PIE07063.1 NADH smmoC GCA 0027150 05.1 ASM96780v1 prot 1 Na+-transporting NAD ae bacterium TMED48 smmoC GCA 0001617smmoC GCA 0022375 tein PRY26678.16598 annotated Na+- assem H ubiquinone reductas H ubiquinone reductas e Na + -transporting su uinone oxidoreductase1 Na+-transporting NAD ssobius maritimus smmoC GCA 90011167 smmoC GCA 0027000 tase F subunit Roseibiu smmoC GCA 0028425 ae bacterium TMED208 smmoC AMRM d Bacte CTQ55875.1 Na + -tra uinone reductase subu + -translocating NADH 85.1 ASM271508v1 pro ein KIX19675.1 Na + -t smmoC GCA 90011600 H ubiquinone oxidored e Na + -transporting su bunit F Flavobacteriace smmoC GCA 9001883 tein SLN72744.1 Natranslocating + NADH-qu tein PIE14536.1 NADH xanthinifaciens 1 45.1 ASM284254v1 pro smmoC AUDM d Bacte smmoC GCA 0027473 18581.1 Na + -transloc ooceanicola nitratiredu tein MBF03115.1 NADH ranslocating NADH-qui uctase subunit F Flavo 030 annotated assemb lphaproteobacteria o R tase subunit F Celeriba bunit F Flavobacteriace ae bacterium smmoC GCA85.1 0001562 ASM274828v1 pro ria p Bacteroidota c Ba 35.1 ASM274693v155.1 ASM300325v135.1 pro IMG-taxon pro 262273 tein MBE91246.1 NAD uctase subunit F Thala tein PKP15933.1 NADH ransportingbly NADH protein ubiq SHH36770. none reductase subuni ubiquinone oxidoreduc M3 ubiquinone reductase bacterium cucumis Tree scale: 1 Seqman Prokka protein -translocating NADH-qrotein SMX29431.1 Na ae bacterium p. smmoC AUGN d Bacte ubiquinone reductase cteroidia o Flavobacter Na + -transporting subut F Flavobacterium sp. 639 Spades Prokkaein pro KKJ77505.1 Na + - ccus s Paracoccus zea 35.1 ASM274703v1 pro uctase subunit F Pseud iales f Flavobacteriacea 25.1 S4079 protein KJZ ria p Bacteroidota c Ba Na + -transporting subu 5.1 IMG-taxon 2619619 ria p Proteobacteria c A ubiquinone oxidoreduc us DSM 16310 nit F Flavobacterium sp316 smmoC GCA 0027482 bacterium HTCC2654 smmoC GCA 0001693 smmoC GCAsmmoC 0027469 GCAsmmoC 0030032 GCA 9000999 05.1 ASM271500v1 pro H ubiquinone oxidored tein PSL18278.11013 annotated Na+-t assem cteroidia o Flavobacter nit F Bacteroidetes bac e g Flavobacterium s F ein EFO33543.1 NADH 8649 Spades Prokka p nit F Yangia sp. CCB-M . 55.1 L.albaCECT7551 tein KMW56205.1 Na + bunit F Maritimibacteras s profunda s activus smmoC GCA 0018009 55.1 ASM16935v1 prot bunit F Pelagibaca sp. aliotis iales f Flavobacteriacea terium HGW-Bacteroid lavobacterium filum 1 25.1 Tr.litoreus CECT715.1 ASM98241v1 prot obacteraceae g Paraco smmoC GCA 0027470 t F Citreicella sp. 357 H ubiquinone oxidored ein EAZ95525.1 Na + - smmoC GCA 0009677 eria mobilis ssobacter stenotrophic 25.1 ASM180092v1 pro smmoC OBEL d Bacte nit F Rhodobacterales e g Flavobacterium s F etes-23 smmoC GCA 90011672 Na+-transporting NADH 864 = JCM 14565 smmoC GCA 0027150 1 Na+-transporting NAD translocating NADH-qu 75.1 ASM301447v145.1 IMG-taxon pro 269542 tein OGS62075.1 NAD 25.1 ASM14872v1 prot Na + -transporting subu la s 2 lavobacterium gelidilac smmoC GCA 0014040 95.1 ASM107859v1 25.1pro phthalicicus CECT e Na + -transporting susubunit F Thiobacimon subunit F Thalassobiu smmoC GCA 9001420 e Na + -transporting su tase subunit F Shimia h H ubiquinone reductas inone reductase subun smmoC GCA 9001722smmoC GCA 0009824 hodobacterales f Rhod none reductase subuni Na+-transporting NAD r multivorans smmoC GCA 0027932 smmoC DLGW d Bacte us 1 uctase subunitt F Shimia F Rueg marina uctase subunit F Thala 55.1 IMG-taxon 269542 uinone reductase subu smmoC JMLU d Bacte e Na + -transporting su it F Flavobacteria bacte ly protein SFJ74778.1 la DSW-25 = KCTC 12 15.1 ASM279321v1 pro bly protein SHH46475. atlanticum 1039 annotated assem ria p Bacteroidota c Ba smmoC GCAsmmoC 0030144 GCA 9001298 ria p Bacteroidota c Ba smmoC GCA 0001487 ubiquinone reductase obacteraceae g Sagittu DH-quinone reductase bunit F Flavobacteria b rium BAL38 smmoC GCA 0010785smmoC GCA 9001848 H ubiquinone reductasuinone oxidoreductase H ubiquinone reductas ubiquinone oxidoreduc tein PJA06535.1 NADH bly protein SHI70173.1 cteroidia o Flavobacter lphaproteobacteria o R cteroidia o Flavobacter bly protein SEJ43399.1 subunit F Tropicibacte maritima acterium GWF1 32 7 ranslocating NADH-qui H ubiquinonenone oxidored reductase subuni 209-2-6 H ubiquinone oxidored ubiquinone reductase Na+-transporting NAD iales f Flavobacteriacea -translocating NADH-q Sulfitobacter donghico iales f Flavobacteriacea 905 annotated assemb smmoC GCA 0028410 0829 annotated assem subunit F Actibacterium Na + -transporting subu hodobacterales f Rhod Na + -translocating NA H ubiquinone oxidored e g UBA7684 s 1 tein ANT62033.1 NADHtein MAQ86090.1 NADransporting NADH ubiq smmoC GCA 0027901 25.1 ASM284102v1 pro e g Flavobacterium s F tein MAE91518.1 NAD Na+-transporting NADH edPE-SW ia p Proteobacteria c A DH-quinone reductase e subunit F Loktanella nit F Flavobacteriales b uctase subunit F Flavo 2743 annotated assem ein EIE49790.1 Na + -t 1 Na+-transportingranslocating NAD NADH-qui it F Roseobacter Na+-transporting sp. SK NAD 95.1 ASM279019v1 pro tein PKP41959.1 NADH lavobacterium sasange ein EAQ12772.1 Na + ne reductase subunit F gei acterium CG 4 10 14 0 bacterium haoranii 5.1 IMG-taxon 2617270 DH-quinone reductase tein PJB11979.1 NADH nse 1 85.1 IMG-taxon 261727 ubiquinone reductase lphaproteobacteria o R ka protein CUI58552.1 F Roseovarius albus 2 um filter 35 18 05.1 ASM168710v1 pro tein APX24734.1 Na+-t 95.1 ASM270139v1 pro ly protein SFK60566.1 nit F Roseobacter sp. M ubiquinone reductase Na + -transporting subu smmoC ATUJ d Bacter85.1 ASM268728v1 pro Na + -translocating NA quinone oxidoreductasnit F Shimia sp. SK013 95.1 ASM25909v1 prot 95.1 IMG-taxonbly protein 266376 inSDX33186. CUH54132.1 Na + -t inone reductasebly protein subun SHI60087.1 unit F Ruegeria meong smmoC GCA 00271112 nslocating NADH-quino Na + -transporting subu nit F Bacteroidetes bac 05.1 ASM15280v1 prot ria pomeroyi DSS-3 Na + -translocating NA LH11 smmoC GCA 0021701 5.1 ASM271112v1 prot smmoC GCA 90011413 smmoC GCA 9001296 CECT5113 Velvet Prok one reductase subunit -S smmoC DBGO d Bacte nit F Flavobacteriales b terium HGW-Bacteroid ria p Proteobacteria c A 4 smmoC GCA 0016871smmoC GCA 002701385.1 ASM196938v1 pro 046 annotated assemb Na + -transporting subunit F Ruegeria profundi I 65.1 ASM217016v1 pro ein MAW31555.1 NAD smmoC GCA 0026872 a protein CUH74927.1 transporting NADH ubiuinone reductase subu ria p Bacteroidota c Ba acterium CG 4 9 14 3 u etes-13 7601 annotated assem smmoC GCA 0027170 smmoC GCA 0002590 smmoC GCA9875 9001091 annotated88 Velvet assem Prokka prote translocating NADH-qu -quinone reductase sub tein OUV76000.1 NAD H ubiquinone reductas smmoC GCA 0001528 n KIN59993.1 Na + -tra subunit plasmid Ruege cteroidia o Flavobacter m filter 40 17 05.1 ASM271700v1 pro 5 protein KCV82841.1 acteraceae bacterium K smmoC GCA 0026933 H ubiquinone reductas e Na + -transporting su 35.1 Thalassobius sp. anslocating NADH-quin t F Leisingera sp. ANG iales f koll-22 g UBA85 smmoC AWRV d Bacte t F Ruegeria sp. ANG-S smmoC GCA 0019693 ubiquinone reductaseNa + -transporting subu acterales bacterium Y4 35.1 ASM269333v1 protein MBH70172.1 NAD e Na + -transporting su 5.1 IMG-taxon 2619619 tein PRY76593.1 Na+--translocating NADH-q smmoC GCA 0027155 bunit F Flavobacteriale CT7557 Seqman Prokk 2 s 1 75.1 S.marinaCECT76 ein EBA15387.145.1 IMG-taxon Na + - 258542 + -translocating NADH H ubiquinone reductas 35.1 IMG-taxon 269342 05.1 12864 draft protei e Na + -translocating F 65.1 ASM271556v1 pro tein MAO02575.1 NAD bunit F Flavobacteriale s bacterium 95.1 SOAPdenovo v1.0 tase F subunit Rhodob smmoC GCA 0027281 e Na + -transporting su in SLN67599.1 Na + -tr none reductase subuni H ubiquinone reductas s bacterium TMED123 smmoC GCA 0014583 none reductase subuni tein MBG65412.1 NAD ubiquinone reductase tase F subunit Rhodob 75.1 ASM272817v1 pro 85.1 ASM300328v1tein OIQ38952.1 protein KPA22478.1 NADH Na + smmoC GCA 0027127 e Na + -transporting subunit F Flavobacteriale smmoC GCA 9001144115.1 Tr.multivorans CE H ubiquinone reductas smmoC GCA 0014581 55.1 ASM16945v1smmoC GCAprot 9001419 protein SLN37875.1 Na tein MBR76571.1 NAD smmoC GCA 9001066 smmoC GCA 0006224 iquinone oxidoreductas 15.1 ASM271271v1 pro bunit F Flavobacteriales bacterium e Na + -transporting su smmoC GCA 0006713 ubiquinone oxidoreduc smmoC GCA 0027309 H ubiquinone reductas 0 Spades Prokka prote ranslocating NADH-qui smmoC GCA 0021690 tein MBE51086.1 NAD s bacterium ranslocating NADH-qui bunit F Flavobacteriale tein KUJ81061.1 NADH ubiquinone oxidoreduc 85.1 ASM273098v1 pro e Na + -transporting su smmoC GCA25.1 0030032 ASM187422v125.1 ASM129262v1 pro pro 75.1 ASM216907v1 pro H ubiquinone reductas smmoC GCA 0014584 s bacterium smmoC GCA 0001694 T8411 Spades Prokka AAV97173.1 NADH ub tein MBU46255.1 NAD bunit F Flavobacteriale tein OUW94453.1 NAD e Na + -transporting su ein EEE36104.1 NADH smmoC GCA 0026937 ein KIC50596.1 Na + -t H ubiquinone reductas s bacterium 35.1 R.albus CECT745 ein KIC45773.1 Na + -t smmoC GCA 0014379 H ubiquinone reductas bunit F Flavobacteriale ein EDZ44935.1 NADH 45.1 ASM269374v1 pro smmoC GCAsmmoC 0018742 GCA45.1 0012926 ASM150754v1 pro 55.1 ASM143795v1 pro e Na + -transporting su e Na + -transporting su s bacterium 15.1 R.meonggei CEC smmoC GCA 0026976 tein MAO33813.1 NAD 5.2 ASM1196v2 protein bunit F Flavobacteriale tein KRO56398.1 Na + bunit F Flavobacteriale 35.1 ASM15813v1 prot 25.1 ASM269762v1 pro H ubiquinone reductas 85.1 ASM81388v1 prot smmoC GCA 0026962 s bacterium smmoC GCA 9001723 -translocating NADH-q s bacterium TMED228 05.1 ASM81400v1 prot 35.1 ASM15613v1 prot 75.1 ASM269627v1 pro tein MAR39280.1 NAD e Na + -transporting su smmoC GCA 0015075 uinone reductase subu smmoC GCA 0027104 smmoC GCA 9001722 H ubiquinone reductas bunit F Flavobacteriale tein MAO70986.1 NAD smmoC GCA 00001196 10 95.1 ASM271049v1 pro nit F Cryomorphaceae e Na + -transporting su smmoC GCA 0001581smmoC GCA 0008138 H ubiquinone reductas s bacterium bin3 smmoC GCA 0021677 tein MAX69307.1 NAD bacterium BACL11 MA smmoC GCA 0008140 smmoC GCA 0001561 e Na + -transporting su bunit F Flavobacteriale 75.1 ASM216777v1 pro H ubiquinone reductas G-121001-bin54 bunit F Flavobacteriale s bacterium SPLOWO2 02 FULL 57 smmoC GCA 0027157 tein OUT70521.1 NAD e Na + -transporting su s bacterium BACL3 MAG-120619-cterium H ubiquinone reductas bunit F Flavobacteriale smmoC GCA 0026916 95.1 ASM271579v1 pro udohongiella sp2 1 cticola s bacterium cterium 05.1 ASM269160v1 pro tein MBG38331.1 NAD e Na + -transporting su teria bacterium smmoC GCA 0027134 tein MAJ06463.1 NADH H ubiquinone reductas bunit F Crocinitomicace acteria bacterium RIFC pirulinae 05.1 ASM271340v1 pro nit F OM182nit bacterium F SAR86 cluster ba teria bacterium smmoC GCA 0026866 ubiquinone reductase e Na + -transporting su ae bacterium TMED16 ghwensis 1 nit F Pseudohongiella a tein MBD00820.1 NAD Pseudohongiella s Pse smmoC GCA 0021712 55.1 ASM268665v1 pro Na + -transporting subu bunit F Cryomorphacea nit F SAR86 cluster ba H ubiquinone reductas nit F Gammaproteobac 25.1 ASM217122v1 pro tein MAE15154.1 NAD nit F Crocinitomicaceae e bacterium bunit F Gammaproteob e Na + -transporting su tein OUV88528.1 NAD Na + -transporting subu nit F Pseudohongiellanit sF Gammaproteobac H ubiquinone reductas bacterium IMCC2047 sp1 1uinone reductase subu smmoC GCA 0027144 bunit F Crocinitomicace ikella s Zooshikella gan seudohongiellaceae g Na + -transporting subu H ubiquinone reductas e Na + -transporting su 35.1 ASM271443v1 pro Na + -transporting subu ae bacterium Na + -transporting subu smmoC GCA 0027230 e Na + -transporting su bunit F Crocinitomicace tein MBF37028.1 NAD e Na + -transporting su bunit F Crocinitomicace uinone reductase subu nimalium ter pasteurii 85.1 ASM272308v1 pro ae bacterium ubiquinone reductase Na + -transporting subu H ubiquinone reductas CC2047 g IMCC2047 -translocating s NADH-q smmoC GCA 0027160 tein MBM77417.1 NAD ae bacterium TMED135 ooshikellaceae g Zoosh f P ubiquinone reductase e Na + -transporting su ubiquinone reductase smmoC GCA 0024021 65.1 ASM271606v1 pro H ubiquinone reductas ubiquinone reductase smmoC JP2 C 39 1 L7 bunit F Crocinitomicace H ubiquinone reductas FDAARGOS 221 65.1 ASM240216v1 pro e Na + -transporting su bunit F Moraxellateria bacteriumplura e subunit F Psychrobac DAB AL32B tein MBG15312.1 NAD -translocating NADH-q sp. Sarcosine-3u-12 smmoC GCA 0024019 ae bacterium tein KRO83756.1tein PCJ28670.1 Na + NADH ubiquinone reductase tein PCJ23144.1 NADH H ubiquinone reductas bunit F Crocinitomicace Pseudomonadales f IM smmoC GCA 0017693 Pseudomonadales f Z ammaproteobacteria o tein OFE11478.1 NADH rcticus 273-4 55.1 ASM240195v1 pro ivorans ubiquinone reductase e Na + -transporting su ae bacterium tein PCI79007.1 NADH 75.1 ASM176937v1 pro tein PCI94448.1 NADH tein MAY56127.1 NADH bacter sp. PRwf-1 nit F Psychrobacter sp. Na + -transporting subu bunit F Crocinitomicace tein OGT69992.1 NAD nit F Psychrobacter sp. tein OFY93969.1 NADH e Na + -transportingnit F Gammaproteobac su ADH-quinone reductas nit F Psychrobacter sp. ubiquinone reductase tein ALO46514.1 Na + bunit F Psychrobacter CM 18900 ubiquinone reductase nit F Flavobacteriales b ae bacterium 45.1 ASM143814v175.1 ASM240217v1 pro pro ein MBC53616.1 NADH CM 18902 Na + -transporting subu ammaproteobacteria o unit F Psychrobacter a acterium ammaproteobacteria o ria p Proteobacteria c G 95.1 ASM175819v1 pro it F Psychrobacter urat Na + -transporting subu nit F Flavobacteriales b 85.1 ASM240188v1 pro tase subunit F Psychro Na + -transporting subu nit F Bacteroidetes bac 85.1 ASM270668v1 pro Na + -transporting subu smmoC GCA 0018741 smmoC LYPF d Bacter acterium 65.1 ASM180256v1 pro H ubiquinoneNa reductas + -transporting subu Na + -transporting subu 25.1 ASM144442v1 pro .1 Na + -translocating N e Na + -transporting su it F Psychrobacter sp. J terium RIFCSPLOWO2 5.1 ASM271184v1 prot 65.1 ASM187416v1 pro ia p Bacteroidota c Bac smmoC GCAsmmoC 0014381 GCA 0024021 it F Psychrobacter sp. J a p Proteobacteria c G smmoC GCA 0017581 ne oxidoreductase sub 12 FULL 31 6 ria p Proteobacteria c G smmoC LWHM d Bacte inone reductase subun tein OIQ31894.1 NADH teroidia o Flavobacteria D34 smmoC GCA 0026950 smmoC GCA 0024018 ubiquinone oxidoreduc ubiquinone reductase smmoC JHXV d Bacter ubiquinone reductase les f Crocinitomicaceae smmoC GCA 0027066 ubiquinone reductase smmoC GCA 0002367 25.1 ASM269502v1 pro smmoC GCA 0018025 tein OOS23392.1 ubiquinone NAD reductase H ubiquinone ubiquinone reductas reductase ia p Bacteroidota c Bac Na + -transporting subu g Crocinitomix s Croci smmoC GCA 0014444 mbly protein SJM36172 inone reductase subun m MED-G24 smmoC GCA 00271184 inone reductase subun 05.1 ASM23670v1 prot tein MAN03487.1 NAD nslocating NADH quino teroidia o Flavobacteria nit F Crocinitomix sp. M nitomix algicola 1 smmoC LUKI d Bacteri translocating NADH-qu ein AEV34356.1 NADH H ubiquinone reductas smmoC NDXW d Bacte acteria bacterium TME acteria bacterium les f Crocinitomicaceae edPE-SWsnd ubiquinone oxidoreduc e Na + -transporting su in ABQ93055.1 NADH tein PJX26965.1 NADH g Crocinitomix s Croci tein PNK60646.1 NADH tase Na + -translocatin bunit F Owenweeksia s 25.1 ASM201482v1tein PIE47719.1 pro NADHsteurii CIP110853 asse tein PKG34993.1tein OXL21705.1 NAD NADH translocating NADH-qu bunit F OM182 bacteriuacteria bacterium teria bacterium nitomix catalasitica 1 translocating NADH-qu g F subunit Owenweek p. in AAZ19956.1 Na+ tra tein ALF59681.1 Na + - bunit F Gammaproteob smmoC GCA 0027340 sia hongkongensis DSM bunit F Gammaproteob 65.1 ASM273406v1 pro 85.1 ASM1688v1 prote 65.1 ASM281036v1 pro acteria bacterium 17368 55.2 ASM231315v2 pro 34 smmoC GCA95.1 0020148 ASM274709v1 pro15.1 Psychrobacter pa 05.1 ASM283600v105.1 ASM222410v1 pro pro ein GAF51541.1 Na + - e Na + -transporting su bunit F Gammaproteobnit F Gammaproteobac tein PHR43884.1 NAD ein GAF59735.1 Na + - H ubiquinone reductas 05.1 ASM1230v1 prote smmoC DDUH d Bacte 25.1 ASM129852v1 pro e Na + -transporting su e Na + -transporting su teria bacterium acteria bacterium smmoC GCA 0027093 e Na + -transporting su UBA7455bunit sp1 F1 Gammaproteob ria p Bacteroidota c Ba smmoC GCA 0000168 smmoC GCA 0028103 1 teria bacterium TMED1 05.1 ASM270930v1 pro bunit F Fluviicola sp. smmoC GCA 0023131 UBA4421 sp1 1 cteroidia o Flavobacter smmoC GCA 0027470smmoC GCA 9001628 smmoC GCAsmmoC 0028360 GCA 0022241 15.1 ASM58641v1 prot H ubiquinone reductase Na + -transporting suNa + -transporting subu 55.1 ASM58645v1 prot smmoC GCA 0027339 tein MBB77471.1 NAD iales f UBA2798 g UBA smmoC GCA 0000123 smmoC GCA 0017698 H ubiquinone reductas smmoC GCA 0012985 H ubiquinone reductas H ubiquinone reductas nit F Gammaproteobacbunit F Gammaproteob acteria bacterium 45.1 ASM176984v1 pro 85.1 ASM273398v1 pro 2798 s 1 TCC2089 g UBA7455 s s 1 acteria bacterium e Na + -transporting su e Na + -transporting su tein OFZ67066.1 NADH tein PHR22861.1 NAD TCC2089 g UBA4421TCC2089 sg UBA4421 s nit F Gammaproteobac D30 bunit F Crocinitomicace smmoC GCA 0005864 tein PDH37308.1 NADH ubiquinone reductas ubiquinone reductase ubiquinone reductase H ubiquinone reductas smmoC GCA 0005864 acteria bacterium e Na + -transporting su ae bacterium 2 smmoC GCA 0027472 Na + -transporting subu tein OUU09536.1 NAD tein MBA58957.1 NAD Na + -transporting subue Na + -transporting su bunit F Gammaproteob bunit F Fluviicola sp. Pseudomonadales f H HTCC2089 g UBA2168 bunit F Gammaproteob 25.1 ASM274722v1 pro nit F Bacteroidetes bac H ubiquinone reductas acteria bacterium smmoC GCA 0027023 Pseudomonadales f H Na + -transporting subu acteria bacterium TME terium RIFCSPHIGHO Pseudomonadales f H smmoC GCA 0027901 65.1 ASM270236v1 pro tein PIE87409.1 NADH 75.1 ASM245727v1 protein MAM81170.1 NADtein MAI42452.1 NADH bunit F Gammaproteob acteria bacterium teria bacterium 75.1 ASM279017v1 pro ubiquinone reductase 2 02 FULL 44 7 teria bacterium TMED9 tein MAR68219.1 NAD 65.1 ASM270876v1 pro ubiquinone reductase H ubiquinone reductas e Na + -transporting su tein PJB13780.1 NADH Na + -transporting subu 65.1 ASM216766v1 pro o Pseudomonadales f e Na + -transporting su smmoC GCA 0027853 H ubiquinone reductas ammaproteobacteriatein MBC80617.1 o NAD bunit F Gammaproteob ubiquinone reductase nit F Bacteroidetes bac ammaproteobacteria o ubiquinone reductase bunit F Gammaproteob 95.1 ASM278539v1 pro e Na + -transporting su ammaproteobacteria o terium e Na + -transporting su bunit F Gammaproteob Na + -transporting subu bunit F Crocinitomicace smmoC GCA 002457245.1 ASM269494v1 pro65.1 ASM269086v1 pro nit F Gammaproteobac tein PIZ05332.1 NADH nit F Gammaproteobac nit F Flavobacteriales b ae bacterium H ubiquinone reductas ubiquinone reductase smmoC GCA 0027087 tein MAT84004.1 NADH tein MBR15089.1 NAD H ubiquinone reductas D159 acterium CG 4 9 14 3 u smmoC GCA 0021676 Gammaproteobacteria e Na + -transporting su smmoC GCA 0009618 Na + -transporting subu ia p Proteobacteria35.1 ASM271213v1 c G pro e Na + -transporting su m filter 32 8 ria p Proteobacteria c G ein OUV84332.1 NADH D222 45.1 41k protein KJS04 nit F Flavobacteriales b ria p Proteobacteria c G H ubiquinone reductas e Na + -transporting su acterium CG 4 10 14 0 smmoC GCA 0026949smmoC GCA 0026908 Na + -transporting subu 618.1 Na + -translocati Na + -transporting subu acteria bacterium ng NADH-quinone redu 8 um filter 32 5 75.1 ASM272777v1 pro tein MAW44503.1 NAD acteria bacterium TME smmoC GCA 0027340 45.1 ASM269954v1eria p Proteobacteria pro c tein MAQ61844.1 NADH ubiquinone reductas 85.1 ASM273408v1 pro ctase subunit F Flavob smmoC DLPPsmmoC d Bacter GCA 0027121 H ubiquinone reductas smmoC DGQF d Bacte 5.1 ASM217117v1 prot acteria bacterium TME smmoC GCA 0028445 tein PHR47252.1 NAD acteriales bacterium BR smmoC DJYW d Bacte tein MAU79301.1 NAD H ubiquinone reductas ubiquinone reductase smmoC GCA 90011642 55.1 ASM284455v1 pro H ubiquinone reductas H c54 ubiquinone reductase bunit F Gammaproteob e Na + -transporting su 25.1 ASM270422v1 pro bunit F Gammaproteob teria bacterium 5.1 IMG-taxon 2667527 tein PKR80536.1 NADH smmoC GCA 0026995 smmoC GCA 0027277 85.1 ASM270148v1 pro smmoC DCWG d Bact tein MAD06104.1 NAD tein OUU03730.1 NAD 393 annotated assemb ubiquinone reductase bunit F Fluviicola sp. smmoC GCA 00217117 bunit F Gammaproteob ly protein SFT73285.1 Na + -transporting subu 35.1 ASM270103v1 pro tein MAH23642.1 NAD Na+-transporting NADH nit F Brumimicrobium s tein MBK89119.1 NADH e Na + -transporting su tein OUV11469.1 NADH e Na + -transporting su nit F Gammaproteobac ubiquinone oxidoreduc p. LHR20 smmoC GCAsmmoC 0027042 GCA 0027014 tase subunit F Lishizhe 95.1 ASM268449v1 pro 65.1 ASM216806v1 pro ae bacteriumteria bacterium e Na + -transporting su nia tianjinensis 05.1 ASM269040v1 pro smmoC GCA 0027148 smmoC DDCZ d Bacte smmoC GCA 0027010 H ubiquinone reductas acteria bacterium 25.1 ASM272032v1 pro 1 teria bacterium 05.1 ASM271480v1 pro ria p Bacteroidota c Ba 55.1 ASM217035v1 pro H ubiquinone reductas Na + -transporting subu tein MBF45068.1 NAD cteroidia o Flavobacter smmoC GCA 0026844 smmoC GCA 0021680 bunit F Flavobacteriacenit F Gammaproteobac smmoC GCA 0027191 H ubiquinone reductas 55.1 ASM271915v1 pro H ubiquinone reductas iales f 1G12 g SHAN69 acteria bacterium e Na + -transporting su 0 s 1 smmoC GCA 0026904 bunit F Gammaproteob acteria bacterium tein MBJ59353.1 NADH smmoC GCA 0027203 tein MAH77044.1 NAD nit F Gammaproteobac teria bacterium smmoC GCA 0026847 ubiquinone reductase bunit F Flavobacteriale smmoC GCA 0021703 AqS3 f AqS3 g AqS3 s tein OUW10095.1 NAD ubiquinone reductase 65.1 ASM268476v1 pro s bacterium Na + -transporting subu Na + -transporting subu acteria bacterium tein MAD50413.1 NAD e Na + -transporting su acteria bacterium smmoC GCA 0027198 nit F Flavobacteriales b tein OUW82069.1 NAD bunit F Gammaproteob H ubiquinone reductas e Na + -transporting su 95.1 ASM271989v1 pro acterium acteria bacteriumbunit F Gammaproteob e Na + -transporting su ammaproteobacteria o05.1 ASM268940v1 pro Na + -transporting subu nit F Gammaproteobac teria bacterium tein MBJ09915.1 NADH bunit F Flavobacteriale 95.1 ASM217099v1 protein MAJ84137.1 NADH 83 sp1 1 smmoC GCA 0027153 bunit F Gammaproteob 45.1 ASM271534v1 pro ubiquinone reductase s bacterium H ubiquinone ubiquinonereductas reductase Na + -transporting subu bunit F Gammaproteob tein MBF90314.1 NAD 05.1 ASM216960v1 pro e Na + -transporting su acteria bacterium smmoC GCA 0027163 H ubiquinone reductas nit F Flavobacteriales b H ubiquinone reductas e Na + -transporting su 45.1 ASM271634v1 pro smmoC GCA 0026894 Na + -transportingbunit Fsubu Gammaproteob nit F Gammaproteobac e Na + -transporting su acterium ia p Proteobacteria c G ubiquinone reductase EAN-183 s AEGEAN-1 tein MBH07747.1 NAD bunit F Flavobacteriale smmoC GCA 002170945.1 ASM269224v1 pro e Na + -transporting su H ubiquinone reductas tein MBV13390.1 NAD s bacterium tein MAV97186.1 NADH e Na + -transporting su bunit F Gammaproteob e Na + -transporting su smmoC GCA 0021696 H ubiquinone reductas smmoC GCA 0027132 tein MBT24419.1 NAD H ubiquinone reductas bunit F Flavobacteriale e Na + -transporting su 15.1 ASM271321v1 pro s bacterium tein MAV85259.1 NADH ubiquinone reductase SAR86 f SAR86Na g+ AEG-transporting subu tein MBD79469.1 NAD smmoC MEIF d Bacter smmoC GCA 0026922 H ubiquinone reductas smmoC GCA 0027071 H ubiquinone reductas 85.1 ASM273138v125.1 ASM270412v1 pro pro H ubiquinone reductas e Na + -transporting su 55.1 ASM270715v1 pro e Na + -transporting su tein MBV06644.1 NAD tein MAZ37409.1 NAD bunit F Crocinitomicace 15.1 ASM272841v1 pro tein MAS58262.1 NAD teria bacterium H ubiquinone reductas ein MAV23181.1H ubiquinone NADH reductas ubiquinone reductase ae bacterium 65.1 ASM270416v1 pro ammaproteobacteria o e Na + -transporting su tein MBQ82821.1 NAD bunit F Crocinitomicace ae bacterium smmoC GCAsmmoC 0027313 GCA 0027041 tein MAG45890.1 NAD H ubiquinone reductas acteria bacterium smmoC DIYR d Bacter 55.1 ASM273085v1 pro nit F Gammaproteobac acteria bacterium smmoC GCA 0027284 tein MBA12092.195.1 NAD ASM270259v1 pro ia p Bacteroidota c Bac 5.1 ASM270110v1 prot tein MBI80869.1 NADH teria bacterium teroidia o Flavobacteria smmoC GCA 0027041 ria p Proteobacteria c G D219 les f 1G12 g UBA6049 75.1 ASM272847v1 pro acteria bacterium s 1 tein MBE19766.1 NAD bunit F Gammaproteob 45.1 ASM268794v1 pro bunit F Gammaproteob D112 smmoC GCA 0026891 smmoC GCA 0027308 smmoC GCA 0027025 Na + -transporting subu 15.1 ASM270791v1 pro 85.1 ASM268918v1 pro smmoC GCA 00270110 smmoC LUQW35.1 d Bacte ASM271993v1 pro nit F Gammaproteobac acteria bacterium TME smmoC GCA 0024573 tein MAH85726.1 NAD smmoC GCA 0027284 bunit F Gammaproteobacteria bacterium 65.1 ASM245736v1 pro H ubiquinone reductas teria bacterium 75.1 ASM271277v1 pro e Na + -transporting su acteria bacterium TME tein PDH57160.1 NAD e Na + -transporting su smmoC GCA 0026879 e Na + -transporting su H ubiquinone reductas bunit F Balneola sp. ubiquinone reductase acteria bacterium e Na + -transporting su smmoC GCA 0027079 smmoC GCA 0027199 Na + -transporting subu smmoC GCA 0027306 bunit F Rhodothermaeo bunit F Gammaproteobbunit F Gammaproteob 55.1 ASM273065v1 pro ta bacterium MED-G12 e Na + -transporting su nit F Gammaproteobac tein MBU94509.1 NAD smmoC GCA 0027127 H ubiquinone reductas bunit F Gammaproteob D104 H ubiquinone reductas 21001-bin56 H ubiquinone reductas tein MAI03080.1 NADH e Na + -transporting su bunit F Gammaproteob D236 bunit F Balneola sp. ubiquinone reductase e Na + -transporting su H ubiquinone reductase Na + -transporting su smmoC GCA 0027154 Na + -transporting subu acteria bacterium TME 45.1 ASM271544v1 pro tein MBT09775.1 NAD e Na + -transporting su cterium BACL1 MAG-1 tein MBG40129.1 NAD tein MBO48072.1 NAD smmoC GCA 0021702 H ubiquinone reductas 45.1 ASM269094v1 pro e Na + -transporting su acteria bacterium TME 35.1 ASM217023v1 pro e Na + -transporting su tein MAL52938.1 NADHH ubiquinone reductasH ubiquinone reductas tein OUV57068.1 NAD bunit F Flavobacteriale tein MBH36360.1 NAD ubiquinone reductase H ubiquinone reductas s bacterium bunit F Gammaproteobnit F SAR86 cluster ba e Na + -transporting su 35.1 ASM272753v1 pro H ubiquinone reductas smmoC GCA 0027180 25.1 ASM272532v1 pro R86E 35.1 ASM271803v1 pro bunit F Flavobacteriale smmoC GCA 0026909 H ubiquinone reductas bunit F Gammaproteob tein MBH76103.1 NAD s bacterium TMED113 tein OUW79907.1 NAD ae bacterium H ubiquinone reductas 95.1 ASM269469v1 protein MAN39342.1 NAD e Na + -transporting su 45.1 ASM271674v1 pro ein MAC03369.1 NADH e Na + -transporting su bunit F Flavobacteriale tein OUV46421.1 NAD uinone reductase subu smmoC GCA 0027275 6 cluster bacterium SA s bacterium smmoC GCA 0027253 tein MAA92330.1 NAD e Na + -transporting su bunit F Flavobacteriace D242 smmoC GCA 002694625.1 ASM269562v175.1 ASM216917v1 pro pro smmoC GCA 0027167 5.1 ASM268311v1 prot H ubiquinone reductas acteria bacterium 45.1 ASM217024v1 pro -translocating NADH-q s bacterium uctase F subunit SAR8 55.1 ASM268405v1 pro H ubiquinone reductas e Na + -transporting su acteria bacterium TME smmoC GCA 0021691 C-AAA076-P13 sp1 1 smmoC GCA 0026956 bunit F Gammaproteob smmoC GCA 00268311 tein OUV31426.1 NAD bunit F Flavobacteriale teobacteria bacterium smmoC GCA 0021702 tein KRP15561.1 Na + H ubiquinone oxidored smmoC GCA 0026840 tein OUW92377.1 NAD acteria bacterium H ubiquinone reductas bunit F Gammaproteob C-AAA076-P13 s SCG teria bacterium e Na + -transporting su nit F partial Gammapro acteria bacterium 35.1 ASM217253v195.1 ASM143939v1 pro pro e Na + -transporting su ster bacterium SAR86B smmoC GCA 90023011 tein EKO37046.1 NAD teria bacterium 5.1 IMG-taxon 2634166 bunit F Gammaproteob 896 annotated assemb 65.1 ASM216896v1 pro e Na + -transporting su tein MBK85592.1 NAD SAR86 f D2472 g SCG nit F Gammaproteobac ly protein SOE22552.1 H ubiquinone reductas bunit F Gammaproteob Na+-transporting NAD smmoC GCA 0021725 H ubiquinone reductas Na + -transporting subu se F subunit SAR86 clu H ubiquinone oxidored smmoC GCA 0014393 nit F Gammaproteobacacteria bacterium smmoC GCA 0013064 uctase subunit F Cytop 35.1 ntsars86ev1.0 pro e Na + -transporting su acteria bacteriumacteria bacterium 55.1 ASM130645v1 pro hagales bacterium TFI smmoC GCA 0021689 H ubiquinone reductas D226 tein KPM48872.1 Na + 002 55.1 ASM272025v1 pro ammaproteobacteria o Na + -transporting subu -translocating NADH-q tein MAD49120.1 NAD e Na + -transporting su smmoC GCA 0027089 uinone reductase subu tein MBQ22106.1 NAD ubiquinone reductase biquinone oxidoreducta 85.1 ASM270898v1 pro nit F Jiulongibacter sed Na + -transportingbunit Fsubu Gammaproteob acteria bacterium tein MBA99416.1 NAD iminis smmoC GCA 0003079 H ubiquinone reductas bunit F Gammaproteobbunit F Gammaproteob H ubiquinone reductas tein OUX09158.1 NAD acteria bacterium TME e Na + -transporting su smmoC GCA 0027202 ia p Proteobacteria c G ubiquinone reductase smmoC GCA 0026909 35.1 ASM268463v1 pro H ubiquinone reductas 15.1 ASM269091v1 pro bunit F Saprospirales b 55.1 ASM272675v1 pro tein MAV16767.1 NADH in EJP72655.1 NADH u tein MAI23347.1 NADH acterium ubiquinone reductasee Na + -transporting su bunit F Gammaproteob acteria bacterium ubiquinone reductase tein MAC68446.1 NAD e Na + -transportinge Na su+ -transporting su Na + -transporting subu bunit F Gammaproteob smmoC GCA 0021724 85.1 ASM216888v1 pro acteria bacterium 15.1 ASM217241v1 pro nit F Crocinitomicaceae smmoC ARRL d Bacter tein MAV23269.1tein MAN84618.1 NADH NAD tein OUV66385.1 NAD bacterium smmoC GCA 0026846 H ubiquinone reductas smmoC GCA 0027267 05.1 ASM270080v1 pro 45.1 SAR86B 1.0 prote tein MBL88437.1H ubiquinone NADH reductas e Na + -transporting su smmoC GCA 0027316 e Na + -transporting su H ubiquinone reductasH ubiquinone reductas bunit F Gammaproteob 15.1 ASM273161v1 pro bunit F Hyphomonadac 05.1 ASM268450v1 pro e Na + -transporting su tein MBV42926.1 NAD eae bacterium TMED12 smmoC GCA 0021688 bunit F Gammaproteob H ubiquinone reductas 5 65.1 ASM270106v1 pro e Na + -transporting su 65.1 ASM269576v1 pro smmoC GCA 0027231 smmoC GCA 0027008 smmoC GCA 0002525 75.1 ASM272317v1 pro bunit F Crocinitomicace 85.1 ASM272138v1tein MAH79219.1 pro NAD tein MAR95338.1H ubiquinoneNAD reductas e Na + -transporting su tein MBN32037.1 NAD ae bacterium tein MAD48306.1 NAD H ubiquinone reductas H ubiquinone reductas smmoC GCA 0026845 e Na + -transporting su e Na + -transporting su smmoC GCA 0021675 bunit F Crocinitomicace smmoC GCA 0027010 85.1 ASM216758v1 pro smmoC GCA 0026957 tein OUU17301.1 NAD ae bacterium tein MBR51577.1 NAD H ubiquinone reductas H ubiquinone reductas smmoC GCA 25.10027213 ASM269072v1 pro 45.1 ASM269794v1 pro e Na + -transporting su 85.1 ASM268528v1 pro tein OUW89255.1 NAD bunit F Crocinitomicace H ubiquinone reductas smmoC GCA 002714325.1 ASM271432v1 pro ae bacterium TMED45 tein MBF49244.1 NADH ubiquinone reductas e Na + -transporting su smmoC GCA 0026907 smmoC GCA 002697945.1 ASM272864v1 pro tein MAU69758.1 NAD bunit F Crocinitomicace smmoC GCA 0026852 05.1 ASM216910v1 pro smmoC GCA 00272911 ae bacterium tein MAQ98185.1 NAD 5.1 ASM272911v1 protein MBS18642.1 NADH smmoC GCA 0027002 ubiquinone reductase 85.1 ASM270028v1 pro Na + -transporting subu smmoC GCA 0027286 tein MAU75696.1 NAD nit F Crocinitomicaceae bacterium 15.1 ASM270021v1 pro H ubiquinone reductase Na + -transporting su smmoC GCA 0021691 bunit F Crocinitomicaceae bacterium 85.1 ASM269738v1 pro smmoC GCA 002746975.1 ASM274697v1 pro tein PCJ82188.1 NADH ubiquinone reductase smmoC GCA 0027002 Na + -transporting subunit F Bacteroidetes bac smmoC GCA 0026937 terium smmoC GCA 0026973 75.1 ASM269377v1 protein MAO46356.1 NAD H ubiquinone reductase Na + -transporting su bunit F Crocinitomicaceae bacterium smmoC GCA 002724155.1 ASM272415v1 pro tein MBQ81109.1 NADH ubiquinone reductas e Na + -transporting subunit F Crocinitomicace smmoC GCA 002725395.1 ASM272539v1 pro ae bacterium tein MBO72487.1 NADH ubiquinone reductas e Na + -transporting subunit F Flavobacteriale smmoC GCA 0027222 s bacterium 45.1 ASM272224v1 protein MBL57642.1 NADH ubiquinone reductase Na + -transporting subu nit F Flavobacteriales bacterium smmoC GCA 002720635.1 ASM272063v1 pro ensis tein MBK21101.1 NADH ubiquinone reductase Na + -transporting subunit F Flavobacteriales b acterium 068 smmoC GCA 002711075.1 ASM271107v1 prot ein MAW65939.1 NADH ubiquinone reductas e Na + -transporting subunit F Flavobacteriale nit F Oleiphiluscterium messin s bacterium 071 smmoC GCA 0027071 nit F Oleiphilus sp. HI0 125 45.1 ASM270714v1 protein MAZ30552.1 NAD H ubiquinone reductase Na + -transporting su bunit F Flavobacteriales bacterium uinone reductasenit Fsubu Proteobacteria ba smmoC GCA 0024573 nit F Oleiphilus sp. HI0 05.1 ASM245730v1 protein PDH45555.1 NAD Na + -transporting subu nit F Oleiphilus sp. HI0 H ubiquinone reductase Na + -transporting su e bacterium bunit F Bacteroidetes bacterium MED-G21 ediminis 4 -translocating NaNADH-q + -transporting subu hellaceae smmoC GCA 002685115.1 ASM268511v1 prot Na + -transporting subu ein MAC85757.1 NADH ubiquinone reductase Na + -transporting subu juensis KCTC 2396 Na + -transporting subunit F Flavobacteriales bacterium ubiquinone reductase nit F Alteromonadacea tein ARU56661.1 Na + talea s Mangrovitalea s smmoC GCA 002169195.1 ASM216919v1 protein OUX54825.1 NAD ubiquinone reductase bunit F unclassified Ha 1 H ubiquinone reductase Na + -transporting su ubiquinone reductase bunit F Flavobacteriales bacterium TMED288 ubiquinone reductase g F subunit Hahella che tein KZY84070.1 NADH Na + -transporting subu W smmoC GCA 0023699 ahellaceae g Mangrovi B-MM4 55.1 ASM236995v1 protein BAV95274.1 Na + -translocating NADH-q Hahella ganghwensis uinone reductase subunit F Ichthyobacterium seriolicida 75.1 ASM216237v1tein PID41517.1 pro NADH e Na + -transporting su tein KZY83037.1 NADH tase Na + -translocatin smmoC GCA 0027072 65.1 ASM163576v1 pro tein KZZ56066.1 NADH ubiquinone reductase cter nanhaiticus D15-8 45.1 ASM270724v1 protein MAZ58589.1 NADH ubiquinone reductas bunit F Hahella sp. CC e Na + -transporting subunit F Flavobacteriales bacterium Pseudomonadales f H smmoC GCA 95.10021623 ASM274739v1 pro H ubiquinone reductas ahellaceae g Hahella s ubiquinone oxidoreduc salinus smmoC GCA 002698365.1 ASM269836v1 pro 05.1 ASM163580v1 pro tein MAQ69638.1 NADH ubiquinone reductase Na + -transporting su smmoC GCA 0016357 55.1 ASM163535v1tein pro MAL98687.1 NADH eae bacterium ase subunit F Marinoba bunit F Flavobacteriales bacterium ammaproteobacteria o e Na + -transporting su tein MAM87445.1 NAD Pseudomonadales f H smmoC GCA 0027473 nit F Tamilnaduibacter smmoC GCA 002714185.1 ASM271418v1 protein MBF25972.1 NADH ubiquinone reductas in ABC29478.1 NADH e Na + -transporting subunit F Flavobacteriales bacterium smmoC GCAsmmoC 0016358 GCA 0016353 bunit F Alteromonadac NADH-quinone reduct 45.1 ASM269534v1 pro H ubiquinone reductas ia p Proteobacteria c G ammaproteobacteria o acter sp. HL-58 smmoC GCA 002701365.1 ASM270136v1 pro 05.1 ASM273820v1 pro tein MAQ31567.1 NADH ubiquinone reductase Na + -transporting subunit F Flavobacteriales bacterium 85.1 ASM1298v1 prote Na + -transporting subu arius 3 e Na + -transporting5.1 Na su + -translocating sicus 2 smmoC GCA 0026953 tein OZG73466.1 NAD smmoC NTLB d Bacter e subunit NqrF Marinob oensis 1 smmoC GCA 002696965.1 ASM269696v1 protein MAQ47753.1 NADH ubiquinone reductase Na + -transporting subunit F Flavobacteriales bacterium smmoC GCA 0027382 ria p Proteobacteria c G smmoC GCA 0000129 ubiquinone reductase cter s Marinobacter sal H ubiquinone reductasn 1.0 protein ENO1357 cter s Marinobacter per smmoC GCA 002722215.1 ASM272221v1 pro 25.1 ASM226052v1 pro tein MBL31638.1 NADH ubiquinone reductase Na + -transporting subunit F Flavobacteriales bacterium smmoC AQXX d Bacte quinone oxidoreductas cter s Marinobacter luta tein PAV27442.1 NADH ahellaceae g Marinoba oriniensis NKSG1 tein MBH85966.1aiticus NAD assembly versio ahellaceae g Marinoba obacter sp. es.042 smmoC GCA 002713285.1 ASM271328v1 protein MBE37685.1 NADH ubiquinone reductase Na + -transporting su smmoC GCA 0022605 bunit F Flavobacteriales bacterium transporting NADH ubi ahellaceae g Marinoba Pseudomonadales f H nit F Marinobacter sant acter segnicrescens 55.1 ASM228735v1 pro Pseudomonadales f H smmoC GCA 002718 895.1 ASM2718 8 9v1 protein MB J 04306.1 NADH ubiq uinone red uctase Na + -transporting subunit F Fl avobacterial es bacterium 55.1 ASM271795v1or a Marinobacter pro nanh t F Marinobacter similisuctase subunit F Marin tein KPQ02512.1 Na+- Pseudomonadales f H ammaproteobacteria o uinone reductase subu tase subunit F Marinob smmoC GCA 0022873 ammaproteobacteria o smmoC GCA 002717945.1 D15-8W.seq.sqn f none reductase subuniH ubiquinone oxidored 05.1 ASM131460v1 pro ammaproteobacteria o maticivorans 3 ubiquinone oxidoreduc ria p Proteobacteria c G -translocating NADH-q exigens 3 ria p Proteobacteria c G 1 Na+-transporting NAD obacter antarcticus smmoC GCA 0003648 ranslocating NADH-qui . ANT B65 smmoC GCA 0013146 ria p Proteobacteria c G cter s Marinobacter aro Na+-transporting NADH cter s Marinobacter sal smmoC FOTV d Bacte ein EMP55807.1 Na + uctase subunit F Marin smmoC FOSC d Bacte bly protein SNB55091. er sp. LV10R510-8 ein AHI29399.1 Na + -t bunit F Marinobacter sp smmoC DBGK d Bacte ahellaceae g Marinoba 75.1 ASM34777v1 prot ly protein SES74655.1 ahellaceae g Marinoba H ubiquinone oxidored er sp. LV10R520-4 85.1 ASM83098v1 9767prot annotated assem e subunit F Marinobact Pseudomonadales f H e Na + -transporting su 929 annotated assemb Pseudomonadales f H smmoC GCA 0003477 1 Na+-transporting NAD e subunit F Marinobact smmoC GCA 000830915.1 IMG-taxon 260945 quinone oxidoreductas ocarbonoclasticus ammaproteobacteria o H ubiquinone reductas ammaproteobacteria o jiangensis 3 5.1 IMG-taxon 2617270 bly protein SHK39925. quinone oxidoreductas smmoC GCA 9001883 transporting NADH ubi nit F Marinobacter hydr ia p Proteobacteria c G tein PCM45376.1 NAD bilis 4 ia p Proteobacteria c G cter s Marinobacter zhe smmoC GCA 90011155 7391 annotatedtein assemPKW23659.1 Na+-transporting NADH ubi philus Na + -transporting subu cter s Marinobacter mo smmoC NIHD d Bacter 05.1 ASM240760v1 pro smmoC NIHC d Bacter ahellaceae g Marinoba 85.1 IMG-taxon 266752 tein PFG53661.1 Na+- nit F Marinobacter halo 15.1 ASM284651v1 pro ubiquinone reductase ahellaceae g Marinoba ellens A 2 smmoC GCA 0024076 H169-3 Pseudomonadales f H ifirmus 2 smmoC GCA 9001423 15.1 ASM256381v1 pro Na + -transporting subu smmoC GCA 0028465 tein OJT00804.1 NADH Pseudomonadales f H cter s Marinobacter exc ammaproteobacteria o cter s Marinobacter vinnit F Marinobacter sp. N smmoC GCA 0025638 ubiquinone reductase 25.1 ASM189522v1 pro ammaproteobacteria o ahellaceae g Marinoba ahellaceae g MarinobaNa + -transporting subu ria p Proteobacteria c G nit F Marinobacter sp. tein PSF06710.1 NADH smmoC GCA 0018952 ria p Proteobacteria c G Pseudomonadales f H Pseudomonadales f ubiquinoneH reductase smmoC FOUE d Bacte Na + -transporting subu 85.1 ASM300768v1ammaproteobacteria pro o smmoC FNNE d Bacte ammaproteobacteriatein o PSF05433.1 NADH ubiquinone reductase smmoC GCA 0030076ia p Proteobacteria c G ia p Proteobacteria75.1 c G ASM300767v1 pro tein MAL32173.1 NADH terium A profundum 4 smmoC LJZQ d Bacter s1 smmoC DFLY d BactersmmoC GCA 0030076 65.1 ASM269286v1 pro acterium A s Marinobacterium A rhizophilum 2 cterium B jannaschii t2 F Osedax symbionts2 R smmoC GCA 0026928 itrincolaceae g Marinobacterium A s Marinobac acterium B s Marinobanone reductase tsubuni F Osedax symbionteae R bacterium Pseudomonadalesitrincolaceae f N g Marinob 02a s ASP10-02a sp2 2 itrincolaceae g Marinobranslocating NADH-quinone reductase subunibunit F Oceanospirillac ammaproteobacteria Pseudomonadales o f N itrincolaceae g ASP10- 02a s ASP10-02a sp1 2 Pseudomonadales f einN EPJ45623.1ranslocating na + -t NADH-quie Na + -transporting su ria p Proteobacteriaammaproteobacteria c G o Pseudomonadales f N itrincolaceae g ASP10- nomonas antarctica ammaproteobacteria75.1 o ASM41627v1ein protEPJ50882.1 naH + ubiquinone-t reductas is smmoC BCNS d Bacteria p Proteobacteria c G ammaproteobacteria o Pseudomonadales f N uctase subunit F Neptunomonas qingdaonens ia p Proteobacteria c smmoCG GCA 000416215.1 ASM41631v1 prottein MAF18730.1 NAD s phycophila 2 smmoC ARJM d Bacte ria p Proteobacteria c G ammaproteobacteria o H ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit F Neptu smmoC JHVJ d Bacter smmoC GCA 000416355.1 ASM268605v1 pro monas s Neptunomona smmoC LAQF d Bacte ria p Proteobacteria c G Na+-transporting NADH ubiquinone oxidored s japonica 2 smmoC GCA 0026860 itrincolaceae g Neptuno smmoC DGPV d Bacte bly protein SIS76345.1 Na+-transporting NAD monas s Neptunomona Pseudomonadales f N a 5 itrincolaceae g Neptuno a 2 3508 annotated assemly protein SFG41936.1 r pectenicola 2 ammaproteobacteria o e bacterium ea s Amphritea atlantic Pseudomonadales f N ea s Amphritea japonic 35.1 IMG-taxon 268181747 annotated assemb ibacter s Neptuniibacte ia p Proteobacteria c G nit F Oceanospirillacea esariensis itrincolaceae g Amphrit ammaproteobacteria o itrincolaceae g Amphrit smmoC GCA 90015665.1 IMG-taxon 2663762 itrincolaceae g Neptuni Na + -transporting subu nit F Neptuniibacter ca smmoC MRCI d Bacter Pseudomonadales f N Pseudomonadales f N ria p Proteobacteria c G Pseudomonadales f N smmoC GCA 90011327 ubiquinone reductase Na + -transporting subu ammaproteobacteria o ammaproteobacteria o smmoC AUGR d Bacte ammaproteobacteria o tein MAY40831.1 NADH ubiquinone reductase ria p Proteobacteria c G ria p Proteobacteria c G rium litorale 5 ia p Proteobacteria c G tein PIE23810.1 NADH acterium s 5 65.1 ASM270706v1 pro smmoC FOGB d Bacte rium georgiense 5 smmoC ARMN d Bacte acterium s Marinobacte smmoC LUTS d Bacter itrincolaceae g Marinob ucens 3 smmoC GCA 0027070 95.1 ASM274839v1 pro rium stanieri 4 acterium s Marinobacte la s 2 itrincolaceae g Marinob la s Nitrincola nitratired ensis 2 smmoC GCA 0027483 Pseudomonadales f N acterium s Marinobacte itrincolaceae g Marinob itrincolaceae g Nitrinco Pseudomonadales f N itrincolaceae g Nitrinco la s Nitrincola lacisapon ammaproteobacteria o itrincolaceae g Marinob Pseudomonadales f N Pseudomonadales f N ferum ammaproteobacteria o Pseudomonadales f N itrincolaceae g Nitrinco ria p Proteobacteria c G Pseudomonadales f N ammaproteobacteria o ammaproteobacteria o nospirillum multiglobuli ria p Proteobacteria c G ammaproteobacteria o Pseudomonadales f N smmoC JMQN d Bacte ammaproteobacteria o teus s 1 ia p Proteobacteria c G ia p Proteobacteria c G uctase subunit F Ocea smmoC AUAZ d Bacte ria p Proteobacteria c G ammaproteobacteria o ria p Proteobacteria c G itrincolaceae g MotiliproH ubiquinone oxidored smmoC FNRJ d Bacter smmoC JRLB d Bacter linum smmoC AONB d Bacte ria p Proteobacteria c G pirillum maris 2 smmoC FTMN d Bacte Pseudomonadales f N Na+-transporting NADbunit F Oceanospirillum smmoC JMSZ d Bacte anospirillum s Oceanos pirillum sanctuarii 1 ammaproteobacteria obly protein SJZ76119.1e Na + -transporting su alomonadaceae g Oce anospirillum s Oceanos rillum insulare 2 ia p Proteobacteria c G1321 annotated assemH ubiquinone reductas irillum japonicum 2 Pseudomonadales f H alomonadaceae g Oce nospirillum s Marinospi pirillum celere smmoC MIEQ d Bacter95.1 IMG-taxon 258258tein OOV88276.1 NAD dospirillum s Pseudosp rillum minutulum 4 M 21637 ammaproteobacteria o Pseudomonadales f H alomonadaceae g Mari tase subunit F Marinos alomonadaceae g Pseu smmoC GCA 900167095.2 ASM199509v2 pro nospirillum s Marinospi pirillum alkaliphilum DS ria p Proteobacteria c G ammaproteobacteria o Pseudomonadales f H ubiquinone oxidoreduc Pseudomonadales f H smmoC GCA 0019950 alomonadaceae g Mari tase subunit F Marinos smmoC AUGW d Bacte ria p Proteobacteria c G ammaproteobacteria o Na+-transporting NADH ammaproteobacteria o Pseudomonadales f H ubiquinone oxidoreduc smmoC MTBA d Bacte ria p Proteobacteria c G ly protein SFB83108.1 ria p Proteobacteria c G ammaproteobacteria o Na+-transporting NADH s 1 smmoC JMLW d Bacte 929 annotated assemb smmoC FNYH d Bacte ria p Proteobacteria c G ly protein SFX08257.1 charospirillum impatien 5.1 IMG-taxon 2600254 smmoC AULO d Bacte 147 annotated assemb accharospirillum s Sac smmoC GCA 90011223 is MED297 5.1 IMG-taxon 2599185 accharospirillaceae g S nit F Reinekea forsetii it F Reinekea blandens 19 P2 smmoC GCA 90011973 Pseudomonadales f S uinone reductase subu bacterium LUC14 002 g Kistimonas s 1 inone reductase subun ammaproteobacteria o -translocating NADH-q nit F Oceanospirillales ndozoicomonadaceae translocating NADH-qu ia p Proteobacteria c G tein ATX76862.1 Na + Na + -transporting subu Pseudomonadales f E ein EAR08423.1 Na + - monas haliclonae montiporae smmoC AUIH d Bacter 45.1 ASM279584v1 pro ubiquinone reductase ammaproteobacteria o numazuensis neritina AB1 85.1 ASM15318v1 prot ubunit F Parendozoico nit F Endozoicomonas omonas sp. ex Bugula smmoC GCA 0027958ein OQX35770.1 NADH ria p Proteobacteria c H-quinoneG reductase s nit F Endozoicomonas smmoC GCA 0001531 uinone reductase subu ting subunit F Endozoic 5.1 ASM208411v1 prot smmoC MPMQ d Bactea + -translocating NAD uinone reductase subu -translocating NADH-q cola 1 -translocating NADH-q ductase Na + -transpor ysicola protein SMA47843.1 N smmoC GCA 00208411 ein KEQ15321.1 Na + ndozoicomonas ascidii ein KEQ13169.1 Na + .1 NADH ubiquinone re t F Endozoicomonas el 85.1 ASM90017458v1 65.1 ASM72256v1 prot g Endozoicomonas s E 35.1 ASM72263v1 prot nas protein OED41650 none reductase subuni smmoC GCA 9001745 smmoC GCA 0007225 ndozoicomonadaceae smmoC GCA 0007226 85.1 AB1 endozoicomo ranslocating NADH-qui Pseudomonadales f E smmoC GCA 0017299 ein KEI71344.1 Na + -t SBI22 ammaproteobacteria o 75.1 ASM71077v1 prot nit F Marinomonas sp. rtinae as profundimaris ia p Proteobacteria c G smmoC GCA 0007107 uinone reductase subu nit F Marinomonas spa e subunit F Marinomon smmoC LUTV d Bacter -translocating NADH-q uinone reductase subu ADH-quinone reductas tein KZM44184.1 Na + -translocating NADH-q .1 Na + -translocating N TW1 71 95.1 ASM162459v1 pro otein SBS30392.1 Na + nome protein ETI61905 nit F Marinomonas sp. s ushuaiensis DSM 158 a smmoC GCA 0016245 886 SPAdes Prokka pr rinomonas sp. D104 ge uinone reductase subu subunit F Marinomona F Marinomonas gallaic 75.1 MspartinaeCECT8 version v2.01 of the Ma -translocating NADH-q DH-quinone reductase one reductase subunit smmoC GCA 9000897 p. 65.1 SOAPdenovo for tein KZN13367.1 Na + anslocating NADH-quin Na + -translocating NA bunit F Marinomonas s smmoC GCA 0005081 onas fungiae 55.1 ASM162535v1 pro 5 protein ETX09747.1 in SBT19405.1 Na + -tr aquimarina e Na + -transporting su ting F subunit Marinom smmoC GCA 0016253 15 Velvet Prokka prote ubunit F Marinomonas 05.1 SOAPdenovo v1.0 H ubiquinone reductas uctase Na + -transloca ensis 2 75.1 MgallaicaCECT51 H-quinone reductase s smmoC GCA 0005218 tein MAF15558.1 NAD H ubiquinone oxidored ira papahanaumokuake smmoC GCA 9000899 a + -translocating NAD 15.1 ASM268591v1 pro tein CUB02223.1 NAD sakiispira s Terasakiisp protein SBS30264.1 N smmoC GCA 0026859 05.1 JGI assembly pro alomonadaceae g Tera seudomonas C s 2 T5080 SPAdes Prokka Pseudomonadales f H seudomonadaceae g P smmoC GCA 0015173 phila 55.1 MaquimarinaCEC ammaproteobacteria o Pseudomonadales f P smmoC GCA 9000897 nit F Oblitimonas alkali ria p Proteobacteria c G ammaproteobacteria o domonas D sp1 2 uinone reductase subu ia p Proteobacteria c G seudomonas D s Pseu smmoC MDTQ d Bacte -translocating NADH-q smmoC LFRZ d Bacter seudomonadaceae g P oceani tein AKX43779.1 Na + Pseudomonadales f P bunit F les bacterium 75.1 ASM126717v1 pro omonas sabulinigri ammaproteobacteria o e Na + -transporting su bunit F Pseudomonada smmoC GCA 0012671 H ubiquinone reductas uctase subunit F Pseud ria p Proteobacteria c G e Na + -transporting su omonas xinjiangensis tein POB04610.1 NAD H ubiquinone oxidored is 2 smmoC NSKG d Bacte H ubiquinone reductas uctase subunit F Pseud 65.1 ASM290316v1 pro tein MAB23481.1 NAD 1 Na+-transporting NAD H ubiquinone oxidored domonas D bauzanens is 3 smmoC GCA 0029031 75.1 ASM268397v1 pro bly protein SDS04538. 1 Na+-transporting NAD seudomonas D s Pseu domonas D formosens 2958 annotated assem bly protein SDS37281. seudomonadaceae g P smmoC GCA 0026839 seudomonas D s Pseu s 55.1 IMG-taxon 267590 Pseudomonadales f P 7388 annotated assem omonas yangmingensi smmoC GCA 9001052 ammaproteobacteria o seudomonadaceae g P domonas D pelagia 2 45.1 IMG-taxon 266752 Pseudomonadales f P seudomonas D s Pseu uctase subunit F Pseud ria p Proteobacteria c G omonas salegens smmoC GCA 9001049 ammaproteobacteria o seudomonadaceae g P H ubiquinone oxidored smmoC FOGN d Bacte uctase subunit F Pseud ria p Proteobacteria c G Pseudomonadales f P Na+-transporting NAD H ubiquinone oxidored smmoC FOYD d Bacte ammaproteobacteria o ly protein SFM37064.1 Na+-transporting NAD ia p Proteobacteria c G 769 annotated assemb bly protein SDT99782.1 smmoC AROI d Bacter 5.1 IMG-taxon 2663762 eri DSM 10701 smmoC GCA 90011482 7386 annotated assem it F Pseudomonas stutz stutzeri 55.1 IMG-taxon 266752 inone reductase subun bunit F Pseudomonas onas saudiphocaensis smmoC GCA 9001056 translocating NADH-qu e Na + -transporting su tase subunit F Pseudom ein AFN78581.1 Na + - H ubiquinone reductas g NADH-quinone reduc les bacterium 32-61-5 65.1 ASM27916v1 prot tein OOE07989.1 NAD 23.1 Na + -translocatin bunit F Pseudomonada smmoC GCA 0002791 25.1 ASM199632v1 pro mbly 1 protein CDZ928 e Na + -transporting su sp. smmoC GCA 0019963 75.2 PRJEB6478 asse H ubiquinone reductas bunit F Pseudomonas smmoC GCA 0007567 tein OYW95420.1 NAD e Na + -transporting su sp. 35.1 ASM228003v1 pro H ubiquinone reductas bunit F Pseudomonas sp. 21C1 smmoC GCA 0022800 tein MBS68295.1 NAD e Na + -transporting su bunit F Pseudomonas onas guineae 15.1 ASM272961v1 pro H ubiquinone reductas tase subunit F Pseudom e Na + -transporting su ans 5 smmoC GCA 0027296 tein MAX91878.1 NAD H ubiquinone reductas ubiquinone oxidoreduc 65.1 ASM270616v1 pro Na+-transporting NADH domonas E benzenivor tein OEC35012.1 NAD seudomonas E s Pseu smmoC GCA 0027061 ly protein SFH76090.1 omonas anguilliseptica 65.1 ASM172886v1 pro seudomonadaceae g P uctase subunit F Pseud smmoC GCA 0017288 413 annotated assemb tans 5.1 IMG-taxon 2667527 Pseudomonadales f P H ubiquinone oxidored ammaproteobacteria o Na+-transporting NAD omonas seleniipraecipi smmoC GCA 90011374 uctase subunit F Pseud ria p Proteobacteria c G bly protein SEE39973.1 omonas flavescens smmoC FNCT d Bacte 3785 annotated assem H ubiquinone oxidored Na+-transporting NAD uctase subunit F Pseud 55.1 IMG-taxon 268745 bly protein SDF66938.1 H ubiquinone oxidored onas composti smmoC GCA 9001053 0043 annotated assem 1 Na+-transporting NAD tase subunit F Pseudom 35.1 IMG-taxon 267118 bly protein SDG84289. ubiquinone oxidoreduc omonas punonensis smmoC GCA 9001023 2794 annotated assem Na+-transporting NADH uctase subunit F Pseud 35.1 IMG-taxon 266376 ly protein SFP50493.1 H ubiquinone oxidored onas marincola smmoC GCA 9001005 774 annotated assemb Na+-transporting NAD tase subunit F Pseudom 5.1 IMG-taxon 2663762 bly protein SHL77876.1 ubiquinone oxidoreduc smmoC GCA 90011547 0065 annotated assem Na+-transporting NADH M30-35 55.1 IMG-taxon 267118 ly protein SFT39031.1 nit F Pseudomonas sp. smmoC GCA 9001426 603 annotated assemb Na + -transporting subu 5.1 IMG-taxon 2663763 ubiquinone reductase smmoC GCA 90011660 tein ARU89024.1 NADH sp. 25.1 ASM216362v1 pro bunit F Pseudomonas smmoC GCA 0021636 e Na + -transporting su H ubiquinone reductas eri DSM 4166 it F Pseudomonas stutz tein MBB62089.1 NAD 1 libacter phosphatis D 4 45.1 ASM270934v1 pro inone reductase subun domonas N azotifigens rabilis 2 cumulibacter s Accumu smmoC GCA 0027093 translocating NADH-qu seudomonas N s Pseu f Rhodocyclaceae g Ac ein AEA84650.1 Na + - seudomonadaceae g P autropia s mi Betaproteobacteriales 05.1 ASM19510v1 prot Pseudomonadales f P f g L ammaproteobacteria o smmoC GCA 0001951 ammaproteobacteria o Betaproteobacteriales ria p Proteobacteria c G ria p Proteobacteria c G ammaproteobacteria o smmoC JEMX d Bacte smmoC AUDU d Bacte ria p Proteobacteria c G 32 smmoC AEQP d Bacte ae bacterium NML1202 nit F Xanthomonadace 210 Na + -transporting subu ae bacterium NML71-0 ubiquinone reductase nit F Xanthomonadace tein PJK13490.1 NADH Na + -transporting subu 35.1 ASM279833v1 pro ubiquinone reductase smmoC GCA 0027983 ein PJK04317.1 NADH ampropedia s 2 35.1 NML 71-0210 prot f Burkholderiaceae g L smmoC GCA 0027982 Betaproteobacteriales omonas indica ammaproteobacteria o uctase subunit F Pseud ia p Proteobacteria c G H ubiquinone oxidored smmoC NSJE d Bacter 1 Na+-transporting NAD aeruginosa bly protein SDK12823. bunit F Pseudomonas 2782 annotated assem e Na + -transporting su 4 85.1 IMG-taxon 266376 H ubiquinone reductas omonas F smmoC GCA 9001002 tein KWS01907.1 NAD seudomonas F s Pseud 75.1 ASM153567v1 pro seudomonadaceae g P B 5 smmoC GCA 0015356 Pseudomonadales f P omonas F resinovorans ammaproteobacteria o seudomonas F s Pseud ria p Proteobacteria c G seudomonadaceae g P smmoC BATO d Bacte Pseudomonadales f P PGPPP3 ammaproteobacteria o nit F Pseudomonas sp. ia p Proteobacteria c G Na + -transporting subu omonas alcaligenes smmoC AUIE d Bacter ubiquinone reductase uctase subunit F Pseud tein OYT95684.1 NADH H ubiquinone oxidored 55.1 ASM225605v1 pro Na+-transporting NAD omonas pohangensis smmoC GCA 0022560 bly protein SIQ08841.1 uctase subunit F Pseud 2420 annotated assem H ubiquinone oxidored 35.1 IMG-taxon 270874 1 Na+-transporting NAD smmoC GCA 9001561 bly protein SDU17889. 7387 annotated assem 6 9 95.1 IMG-taxon 266752 les bacterium GWC1 6 smmoC GCA 9001059 bunit F Pseudomonada e Na + -transporting su H ubiquinone reductas er vinelandii 5 tein OHC13024.1 NAD zotobacter s Azotobact 15.1 ASM182871v1 pro seudomonadaceae g A smmoC GCA 0018287 Pseudomonadales f P omonas L hussainii 2 ammaproteobacteria o seudomonas L s Pseud ria p Proteobacteria c G seudomonadaceae g P smmoC BCTD d Bacte Pseudomonadales f P ammaproteobacteria o omonas guangdongensis smmoC FOAS d Bacteria p Proteobacteria c G uctase subunit F Pseud 1 Na+-transporting NADH ubiquinone oxidored bly protein SDU25564. s 7 85.1 IMG-taxon 2667527223 annotated assem seudomonas K s Pseudomonas K linyingensi smmoC GCA 9001058 Pseudomonadales f g P ammaproteobacteria o uctase subunit F Pseudomonas flexibilis smmoC FNZE d Bacteria p Proteobacteria c G H ubiquinone oxidored bly protein SIQ93441.1 Na+-transporting NAD 95.1 IMG-taxon 2681812811 annotated assem smmoC GCA 9001559 f Rhodocyclaceae g Azovibrio s 2 ammaproteobacteria o Betaproteobacteriales smmoC DDKS d Bacteria p Proteobacteria c G echloromonas s Dechloromonas hydrophilus 2 Betaproteobacteriales f Rhodocyclaceae g D ria p Proteobacteria c Gammaproteobacteria o romonas hydrophilus A 3 smmoC AUCE d Bacte f Rhodocyclaceae g Dechloromonas s Dechlo 9 ammaproteobacteria o Betaproteobacteriales tase subunit F Thorsellia anophelis DSM 1857 ria p Proteobacteria c G Na+-transporting NADH ubiquinone oxidoreduc smmoC MTHD d Bacte 261 annotated assembly protein SES70370.1 smmoC GCA 900111395.1 IMG-taxon 2599185 ica 3 f Rhodocyclaceae g Thauera s Thauera terpen ammaproteobacteria o Betaproteobacteriales smmoC ATJV d Bacteria p Proteobacteria c G auera s Thauera humireducens 6 Betaproteobacteriales f Rhodocyclaceae g Th ria p Proteobacteria c Gammaproteobacteria o smmoC AMXC d Bacte auera s Thauera sp1 6 Betaproteobacteriales f Rhodocyclaceae g Th ria p Proteobacteria c Gammaproteobacteria o smmoC AMXB d Bacte aromatica 4 f Rhodocyclaceae g Thauera s Thauera amino ria p Proteobacteria c Gammaproteobacteria o Betaproteobacteriales smmoC AMXD d Bacte lacetica 4 Betaproteobacteriales f Rhodocyclaceae g Thauera s Thauera pheny smmoC AMXF d Bacteria p Proteobacteria c Gammaproteobacteria o Betaproteobacteriales f Rhodocyclaceae g Thauera s 1 smmoC DITC d Bacteria p Proteobacteria c Gammaproteobacteria o

Pseudomonadales f Nitrincolaceae g Balneatrix s Balneatrix alpica 1 smmoC JHUZ d Bacteria p Proteobacteria c Gammaproteobacteria o etobacteraceae g Ketobacter s 2 smmoC PAPM d Bacteria p Proteobacteria c Gammaproteobacteria o Pseudomonadales f K e Na + -transporting subunit F Pseudomonadales bacterium smmoC GCA 002701845.1 ASM270184v1 protein MAR92939.1 NADH ubiquinone reductas 6-T64 s 3 smmoC MABD d Bacteria p Proteobacteria c Gammaproteobacteria o Pseudomonadales f Ketobacteraceae g 45-1 smmoC MAAL d Bacteria p Proteobacteria c Gammaproteobacteria o Pseudomonadales f Ketobacteraceae g 42-54-T18 s 4 smmoC GCA 002402125.1 ASM240212v1 protein PCJ46067.1 NADH ubiquinone reductase Na + -transporting subunit F bacterium

smmoC GCA 002723235.1 ASM272323v1 protein MBN50388.1 NADH ubiquinone reductase Na + -transporting subunit F Spongiibacteraceae bacterium sm m oC GCA 002 71 0725 . 1 A S M 27 10 72 v1 pr ot e in MAY 3 47 68.1 NA DH ubi quinon e r eductase Na + -t r a nsp or tin g sub uni t F S po ngiiba ct e r ace ae ba ct e r iu m

smmoC AJMK d Bacteria p Proteobacteria c Gammaproteobacteria o Pseudomonadales f Spongiibacteraceae g Zhongshania s Zhongshania aliphaticivorans 5

smmoC GCA 002694315.1 ASM269431v1 protein MAK 45504.1 NADH ubiq uinone reductase Na + -transporting subunit F Spong iibacter sp.

smmoC GCA 002730815.1 ASM273081v1 protein MBU73588.1 NADH ubiquinone reductase Na + -transporting subunit F Spongiibacter sp.

smmoC DLQK d Bacteria p Proteobacteria c Gammaproteobacteria o Pseudomonadales f UBA7434 g UBA7434 s UBA7434 sp1 1 smmoC GCA 002168375.1 ASM216837v1 pro tein OUX54676.1 NADH ubiquinone reductase Na + -transporting subunit F Flammeovirgaceae bacterium TMED290 smmoC DDED d Bacte ria p Proteobacteria c Gammaproteobacteria o Pseudomonadales f UBA7434 g UBA7434 s 1 smmoC ARDZ d Bacteria p Proteobacteria c Gammaproteobacteria o Pseudomonadales f Spongiibacteraceae g Dasania s Dasania marina 2 smmoC GCA 002117105.1 ASM211710v1 protein ARN75582.1 NADH ubiquinone reductase Na + -transporting subunit F Oceanicoccus sagamiensis smmoC GCA 000169075.1 ASM16907v1 prot ein EAW29784.1 Na + -translocating NADH-quinone reductase subu nit F marine gamma proteobacterium HTCC2143 smmoC FQLF d Bacteria p Proteobacteria c Gammaproteobacteria o Pseudomonadales f Spongiibacteraceae g Oceanicoccus s 1

smmoC GCA 002685455.1 ASM268545v1 protein MAD57901.1 NAD H ubiquinone reductase Na + -transporting subunit F Porticoccus sp. smmoC GCA 002746985.1 ASM274698v1 pro tein PCJ92896.1 NADH ubiquinone reductase Na + -transporting subu nit F Porticoccaceae bacterium smmoC GCA 002733125.1 ASM273312v1 pro tein PHS75947.1 NADH ubiquinone reductase Na + -transporting subunit F Porticoccus sp. smmoC GCA 002702725.1 ASM270272v1 pro tein MAT49637.1 NADH ubiquinone reductase Na + -transporting subunit F Porticoccaceae ba smmoC GCA 0009616 cterium 45.1 41k protein KJS06262.1 Na + -translocati ng NADH-quinone reductase subunit F Gamm aproteobacteria bacterium BRH c0 smmoC GCA 002703155.1 ASM270315v1 pro tein MAV07753.1 NADH ubiquinone reductase Na + -transporting subunit F Gammaproteobac smmoC GCA 0025916 teria bacterium 25.1 ASM259162v1 protein MAA53627.1 NAD H ubiquinone reductase Na + -transporting su smmoC DDJS d Bacte bunit F Porticoccaceae bacterium ria p Proteobacteria c Gammaproteobacteria o Pseudomonadales f Porticoccaceae g TMED smmoC GCA 0026891 48 s 1 35.1 ASM268913v1 protein MAH73780.1 NAD H ubiquinone reductase Na + -transporting su smmoC GCA 002720735.1 ASM272073v1 pro bunit F Porticoccaceae bacterium tein MBK14925.1 NADH ubiquinone reductas smmoC GCA 0027316 e Na + -transporting su 95.1 ASM273169v1 pro bunit F Porticoccaceae bacterium tein MBV33597.1 NADH ubiquinone reductas smmoC GCA 0026918 e Na + -transporting subunit F Porticoccaceae 25.1 ASM269182v1 protein MAJ80030.1 NADH bacterium smmoC GCA 0026857 ubiquinone reductase 15.1 ASM268571v1 pro Na + -transporting subunit F Porticoccaceae ba tein MAE03923.1 NADH ubiquinone reductas cterium smmoC GCA 0014386 e Na + -transporting su 05.1 ASM143860v1 pro bunit F Porticoccaceae tein KRP18813.1 Na + bacterium -translocating NADH-q smmoC GCA 0026851 uinone reductase subu 95.1 ASM268519v1 pro nit F SAR92 bacterium tein MAD67622.1 NAD BACL16 MAG-120619 smmoC GCA 0027265 H ubiquinone reductas -bin48 75.1 ASM272657v1 pro e Na + -transporting su tein MBQ44897.1 NAD bunit F Porticoccaceae H ubiquinone reductas bacterium smmoC GCA 0027107 e Na + -transporting su 45.1 ASM271074v1 pro bunit F Porticoccaceae tein MAZ25396.1 NAD bacterium smmoC GCA 0026934 H ubiquinone reductas 15.1 ASM269341v1 pro e Na + -transporting su tein MAN54231.1 NAD bunit F Porticoccaceae smmoC GCA 0027150 H ubiquinone reductas bacterium 65.1 ASM271506v1 pro e Na + -transporting su smmoC GCA 0027485 tein MBE64060.1 NAD bunit F Porticoccaceae 05.1 ASM274850v1 pro H ubiquinone reductas bacterium tein PIE39152.1 NADH e Na + -transporting su smmoC GCA 0001581 ubiquinone reductase bunit F Porticoccaceae 55.1 ASM15815v1 prot Na + -transporting subu bacterium ein EED33067.1 NADH nit F Gammaproteobac smmoC GCA 0001531 ubiquinone oxidoreduc teria bacterium 25.2 ASM15312v2 prot tase F subunit gamma ein EAQ97892.2 NADH proteobacterium NOR5 ubiquinone oxidoreduc -3 smmoC GCA 0001562 tase Na + -translocatin 95.1 ASM15629v1 prot g F subunit Congregiba smmoC GCA 0028695 ein EEB79909.1 NADH cter litoralis KT71 05.1 ASM286950v1 pro ubiquinone oxidoreduc tase F subunit marine g tein PLW86789.1 NADH amma proteobacterium smmoC AEIG d Bacter ubiquinone reductase HTCC2148 ia p Proteobacteria c G Na + -transporting subu ammaproteobacteria o nit F Halioglobus japon smmoC DGAX d Bacte Pseudomonadales f H icus ria p Proteobacteria c G alieaceae g IMCC3088 ammaproteobacteria o s 2 smmoC GCA 0028687 Pseudomonadales f H 15.1 ASM286871v1 pro alieaceae g IMCC3088 smmoC GCA 0027233 tein PLW82201.1 NADH s IMCC3088 sp1 1 35.1 ASM272333v1 pro ubiquinone reductase smmoC GCA 0027070 tein MBM68457.1 NAD Na + -transporting subu 95.1 ASM270709v1 pro H ubiquinone reductas nit F Chromatocurvus s tein MAY94764.1 NADH e Na + -transporting su p. F02 smmoC GCA 0026855 bunit F Haliea sp. 65.1 ASM268556v1 pro ubiquinone reductase tein MAD62603.1 NAD Na + -transporting subu smmoC GCA 0026929 H ubiquinone reductas nit F Haliea sp. 65.1 ASM269296v1 pro e Na + -transporting su tein MAL94106.1 NADH bunit F Haliea sp. smmoC AUVB d Bacte ubiquinone reductase ria p Proteobacteria c G Na + -transporting subu smmoC GCA 0001581 ammaproteobacteria o Pseudomonadales f H nit F Haliea sp. 75.1 ASM15817v1 prot alieaceae g Pseudohal ein EED36052.1 NADH iea s Pseudohaliea rub ubiquinone oxidoreduc ra 2 smmoC GCA 00016911 tase F subunit Luminip 5.1 ASM16911v1 prote hilus syltensis NOR5-1 in EAW39522.1 Na + -t B smmoC GCA 0026833 ranslocating NADH-qui smmoC GCA 0027054 35.1 ASM268333v1 pro none reductase subuni 65.1 ASM270546v1 pro tein MAC36096.1 NAD t F marine gamma prot smmoC GCA 0027217 tein MAV68650.1 NADH H ubiquinone reductas eobacterium HTCC208 85.1 ASM272178v1 pro ubiquinone reductase e Na + -transporting su 0 smmoC GCA 0026833 tein MBM27270.1 NAD Na + -transporting subu bunit F Halieaceae bac 95.1 ASM268339v1 pro H ubiquinone reductas nit F Halieaceae bacter terium smmoC GCA 0027277 tein MAA85286.1 NAD e Na + -transporting su ium 05.1 ASM272770v1 pro H ubiquinone reductas bunit F Halieaceae bac smmoC GCA 0027055 tein MBS58432.1 NAD e Na + -transporting su terium H ubiquinone reductas 05.1 ASM270550v1 pro bunit F Halieaceae bac smmoC GCA 0021706 e Na + -transporting su tein MAW32496.1 NAD terium 55.1 ASM217065v1 pro bunit F Alteromonadac H ubiquinone reductas smmoC GCA 0002275 tein OUW65512.1 NAD eae bacterium e Na + -transporting su 05.4 ASM22750v4 prot H ubiquinone reductas smmoC GCA 0026899 bunit F Alteromonadac ein EHQ57230.1 NADH e Na + -transporting su 15.1 ASM268991v1 pro eae bacterium ubiquinone oxidoreduc bunit F Opitutales bact smmoC GCA 0021677 tein MAJ53464.1 NADH tase Na + -translocatin erium TMED207 65.1 ASM216776v1 pro ubiquinone reductase smmoC GCA 0026938 g F subunit gamma pro 15.1 ASM269381v1 pro tein OUT66503.1 NAD Na + -transporting subu smmoC GCA 0009408 teobacterium HIMB55 tein MAK69897.1 NAD H ubiquinone reductas nit F Halieaceae bacter 05.1 ASM94080v1 prot H ubiquinone reductas e Na + -transporting su ium ein AJQ95306.1 Na+-tr bunit F Cellvibrionales smmoC GCA 0021621 e Na + -transporting su ansporting NADH ubiqu bacterium TMED21 35.1 ASM216213v1 pro bunit F Halieaceae bac inone oxidoreductase s smmoC AUHU d Bacte tein ARU26784.1 NADH terium ria p Proteobacteria c G ubunit NqrF Gynuella s smmoC AWEP d Bacte ubiquinone reductase ammaproteobacteria o unshinyii YC6258 ria p Proteobacteria c G Na + -transporting subu smmoC ARIX d Bacter Pseudomonadales f C ammaproteobacteria o nit F Cellvibrio sp. PSB ia p Proteobacteria c G ellvibrionaceae g Marin smmoC JXCJ d Bacter Pseudomonadales f C B006 ammaproteobacteria o imicrobium s Marinimic ia p Proteobacteria c G ellvibrionaceae g Marin Pseudomonadales f C robium agarilyticum 1 smmoC DBNH d Bacte smmoC LFIJ d Bacteria ammaproteobacteria o ellvibrionaceae g Gilvim imicrobium s 1 ria p Proteobacteria c G p Proteobacteria c Ga Pseudomonadales f C arinus s Gilvimarinus c ellvibrionaceae g Gilvim smmoC GCA 0002095 ammaproteobacteria o mmaproteobacteria o P hinensis 1 arinus s Gilvimarinus a smmoC GCA 0017236 15.2 ASM20951v1 prot Pseudomonadales f C seudomonadales f Cell garilyticus 1 45.1 AB1 endobugula p ein EGG93969.1 Na + ellvibrionaceae g GCA- g Gilvima rinus s Gilvimarinus po rotein ODS24624.1 NA -translocating NADH-q 2707785 s 2 uinone reductase subu lysaccharolyticus 1 smmoC GCA 0021728 DH ubiquinone reducta nit F gamma proteobac 45.1 ASM217284v1 pro se Na + -transporting s smmoC GCA 0027053 terium IMCC1989 tein OUX81517.1 NAD ubunit F Candidatus En 25.1 ASM270532v1 pro H ubiquinone reductas dobugula sertula tein MAW25717.1 NAD smmoC GCA 0027302 e Na + -transporting su H ubiquinone reductas smmoC GCA 0027310 35.1 ASM273023v1 pro bunit F Oceanospirillale tein MBU26378.1 NAD e Na + -transporting su smmoC DJFQ d Bacte smmoC GCA 0027142 15.1 ASM273101v1 pro s bacterium TMED33 H ubiquinone reductas bunit F Gammaproteob ria p Proteobacteria c G 45.1 ASM271424v1 pro tein MBU28788.1 NAD smmoC GCA 0000192 e Na + -transporting su acteria bacterium smmoC GCA 0020076 ammaproteobacteria o tein MBE58808.1 NAD H ubiquinone reductas 25.1 ASM1922v1 prote bunit F Gammaproteob 05.1 ASM200760v1 pro Pseudomonadales f C H ubiquinone reductas e Na + -transporting su in ACE83268.1 NADH acteria bacterium smmoC NKQJ d Bacte ellvibrionaceae g UBA5 e Na + -transporting su bunit F Gammaproteob tein AQT59750.1 NADH ubiquinone oxidoreduc smmoC GCA 9001774 ria p Proteobacteria c G acteria bacterium ubiquinone reductase 868 s 1 bunit F Gammaproteob 35.1 IMG-taxon 252876 tase Na + -translocatin ammaproteobacteria o acteria bacterium smmoC GCA 0000230 Na + -transporting subu g F subunit Cellvibrio ja 8159 annotated assem Pseudomonadales f C 25.1 ASM2302v1 prote nit F Cellvibrio sp. PSB ponicus Ueda107 smmoC JDFY d Bacter bly protein SMF31364. ellvibrionaceae g Agari in ACR11154.1 NADH u B023 smmoC LFYV d Bacter ia p Proteobacteria c G 1 Na+-transporting NAD bacterium s Agaribacte biquinone oxidoreducta smmoC GCA 0003057 ia p Proteobacteria c G ammaproteobacteria o H ubiquinone oxidored rium haliotis 1 se F subunit Terediniba 85.2 ASM30578v2 prot ammaproteobacteria o Pseudomonadales f C uctase subunit F Altero smmoC GCA 0000136 cter turnerae T7901 ein AGN11271.1 Na + - ellvibrionaceae g Tered monadaceae bacterium 65.1 ASM1366v1 prote Pseudomonadales f C translocating NADH-qu inibacter s 1 Bs31 smmoC LANB d BactesmmoC GCA 00274611 in ABD81062.1 NADH ellvibrionaceae g Marin 5.1 ASM274611v1 prot inone reductase subun agarivorans s Marinaga smmoC DJFY d Bacter ria p Proteobacteria c G ubiquinone oxidoreduc ein PCK10154.1 NADH it F Simiduia agarivoran rivorans algicola 1 ia p Proteobacteria c G ammaproteobacteria o tase Na + -translocatin ubiquinone reductase s SA1 = DSM 21679 smmoC GCA 0027461 ammaproteobacteria o Pseudomonadales f C g F subunit Saccharop 35.1 ASM274613v1 pro ellvibrionaceae g 1162TNa + -transporting subu hagus degradans 2-40 smmoC GCA 0016176smmoC GCA 0021627 Pseudomonadales f P nit F Alteromonadacea tein PCJ36646.1 NADH -S-0a-05 s 1 25.1 ASM161762v1 pro55.1 ASM216275v1 pro orticoccaceae g HB2-3 smmoC GCA 9001077 e bacterium tein OUS16459.1 NAD ubiquinone reductase 2-21 s 1 25.1 IMG-taxon 266752tein AMX02629.1 NAD smmoC GCA 9001290 H ubiquinone reductas Na + -transporting subu H ubiquinone reductas 7380 annotated assem 95.1 IMG-taxon 261961 e Na + -transporting su nit F Cellvibrionales ba e Na + -transporting su smmoC GCA 0019999 bly protein SDZ79394.1 smmoC GCA 9001003 bunit F Gammaproteob cterium 8825 annotated assem bunit F Microbulbifer th 45.1 ASM199994v1 pro Na+-transporting NAD 55.1 IMG-taxon 266752 acteria bacterium 50 40 bly protein SHE51430. ermotolerans tein AQQ67553.1 NAD H ubiquinone oxidored smmoC PAOL d Bacter 8184 annotated assem 1 Na+-transporting NAD 0 T64 H ubiquinone reductas uctase subunit F Micro smmoC GCA 0026835 ia p Proteobacteria c G bly protein SDK22449. H ubiquinone oxidored e Na + -transporting su bulbifer marinus 75.1 ASM268357v1 pro 1 Na+-transporting NAD uctase subunit F Micro smmoC GCA 0022375smmoC GCA 0001535 ammaproteobacteria o bunit F Microbulbifer ag 65.1 ASM15356v1 prottein MAA72508.1 NAD Pseudomonadales f S H ubiquinone oxidored bulbifer donghaiensis smmoC GCA 002172735.1 ASM223753v1 pro arilyticus H ubiquinone reductas accharospirillaceae g O uctase subunit F Micro tein ASP39357.1 NADHein EAT13246.1 Na + - smmoC GCA 002729505.1 ASM217270v1 pro bulbifer yueqingensis translocating NADH-que Na + -transporting su leispira s Oleispira sp1 35.1 ASM272953v1tein pro OUX66610.1 NAD ubiquinone reductase smmoC GCA 0005825 bunit F Bermanella sp. 3 Na + -transporting subuinone reductase subun tein MBT11917.1 HNADH ubiquinone reductas smmoC AUGV d Bacte 55.1 ASM58255v1 prot it F Oceanobacter sp. R e Na + -transporting sunit F Bacterioplanes sa ubiquinone reductase ria p Proteobacteria c G ein AHK15642.1 Na + - ED65 bunit F Oceanospirillacnyensis smmoC GCA 0027106smmoC GCA 00284011 Na + -transporting subu ammaproteobacteria o translocating NADH-qu eae bacterium TMED27 25.1 ASM271062v1 pro5.1 ASM284011v1 prot nit F Oceanospirillacea Pseudomonadales f S inone reductase subun 6 smmoC GCA 0026938 ein PKM22785.1 NADH e bacterium smmoC NMQZ d Bactetein MAY11430.1 NADH accharospirillaceae g O smmoC GCA 0027060 it F Thalassolituus oleiv 45.1 ASM269384v1 pro ubiquinone reductase ubiquinone reductase ria p Proteobacteria c G ceanobacter s Oceano orans R6-15 85.1 ASM270608v1 pro tein MAK21637.1 NAD Na + -transporting subu smmoC GCA 0007566 ammaproteobacteriaNa +o -transporting subu bacter kriegii 1 smmoC GCA 0016351 tein MAX54750.1 NAD H ubiquinone reductas nit F Gammaproteobac 65.1 ASM75666v1 prot Pseudomonadalesnit f AF Alcanivorax sp. smmoC AZYR d Bacte75.1 ASM163517v1 pro H ubiquinone reductas smmoC GCA 0003009 e Na + -transporting su teria bacterium HGW-G ein KGD63874.1 Na + lcanivoracaceae g Alca ria p Proteobacteria c G e Na + -transporting su 95.1 ASM30099v1 prot tein KZZ29727.1 NADH bunit F Alcanivorax sp. ammaproteobacteria-1 -translocating NADH-q nivorax s 2 smmoC GCA 0003000 bunit F Alcanivoracace ammaproteobacteria o ubiquinone reductase 4 smmoC GCA 0027306 ein EKF75239.1 Na + - uinone reductase subu 05.1 ASM30000v1 prot ae bacterium Pseudomonadales f ANa + -transporting subu smmoC GCA 002726015.1 ASM273061v1 pro translocating NADH-qu nit F Alcanivorax nanha ein AFT70120.1 Sodium lcanivoracaceae g Alca nit F Alcanivorax sp. HI 45.1 ASM272604v1 protein MBU83933.1 NAD inone reductase subun iticus smmoC GCA 0018546 -translocating NADH-u nivorax s Alcanivorax b it F Alcanivorax hongde 0083 tein MBP23158.1 NADH ubiquinone reductas 25.1 ASM185462v1 pro smmoC ARNK d Bacte biquinone reductase su orkumensis 3 H ubiquinone reductase Na + -transporting su ngensis A-11-3 tein OHV13075.1 NAD smmoC GCA 0021551ria p Proteobacteria c G bunit F Alcanivorax die e Na + -transporting subunit F Alcanivorax sp. smmoC GCA 90011258 H ubiquinone reductas 45.1 ASM215514v1ammaproteobacteria pro o selolei B5 smmoC JEMF d Bacte bunit F Alcanivorax sp. smmoC GCA 0027212 e Na + -transporting su 5.1 IMG-taxon 2684623 Pseudomonadales f H ria p Proteobacteria c G tein ARS53818.1 NADH smmoC JNCK d Bacte 15.1 ASM272121v1 pro bunit F Kushneria sp. Y 008 annotated assemb alomonadaceae g Kush ammaproteobacteria o ubiquinone reductase smmoC LSBP d Bacterria p Proteobacteria c G tein MBK10452.1 NAD CWA18 ly protein SFC04282.1 neria s Kushneria aura Pseudomonadales f H Na + -transporting subu smmoC JNVT d Bacteria p Proteobacteria ammaproteobacteriac G o H ubiquinone reductas Na+-transporting NADH ntia 1 alomonadaceae g Cob nit F Kushneria konosir smmoC GCA 0019371ia p Proteobacteria cammaproteobacteria G Pseudomonadales o f H e Na + -transporting su ubiquinone oxidoreduc etia s Cobetia crustator i smmoC GCA 0019371 95.1 ASM193719v1 proammaproteobacteria Pseudomonadales o alomonadaceae f H g Halo bunit F Cobetia sp. smmoC GCA 0026950 tase subunit F Kushner smmoC FOPY d Bacte um 1 55.1 ASM193715v1 pro tein OLO03556.1 NAD Pseudomonadales alomonadaceaef H g Halomonas C s Halomonas 65.1 ASM269506v1 pro ia avicenniae ria p Proteobacteria c G tein OLO09045.1 NADH ubiquinone reductasalomonadaceae g Salinmonas C s 2 C zincidurans 2 smmoC OBQJ d Bacte tein MAM57964.1 NAD smmoC GCA 0000557 ammaproteobacteria o H ubiquinone reductase Na + -transporting suicola s 2 smmoC FNGI d Bacter ria p Proteobacteria c G H ubiquinone reductas 85.1 ASM5578v1 prote Pseudomonadales f H smmoC FQUJ d Bacte e Na + -transporting bunitsu F Salinicola sociu ia p Proteobacteria c G ammaproteobacteria o e Na + -transporting su smmoC GCA 0004754 alomonadaceae g Halo ria p Proteobacteria c G in ABE58927.1 NADH bunit F Salinicola sp.s M ammaproteobacteria o Pseudomonadales f H bunit F Salinicola sp. smmoC FPBP d Bacter15.1 De Novo assemblammaproteobacteria o ubiquinone oxidoreduc monas C s Halomonas H3R3-1 Pseudomonadales f H alomonadaceae g Chro smmoC FRCA d iaBacte p Proteobacteriay proteinc G ERS82294.1 Pseudomonadales f H tase subunit F Chromo C xianhensis 2 smmoC AVBC d Bacter alomonadaceae g Halo mohalobacter s Chrom ria p Proteobacteriaammaproteobacteria c G Na +o -translocating NAalomonadaceae g Halo halobacter salexigens D smmoC GCA 0007581 smmoC AUDZ d Bacteia p Proteobacteria c G monas C s Halomonas ohalobacter canadensi ammaproteobacteria Pseudomonadales o DH-quinone f H reductase SM 3043 smmoC GCA 9001099 monas C s Halomonas 75.1 ASM75817v1 prot s 2 ria p Proteobacteria cammaproteobacteria G o C muralis 2 smmoC JHVH d Bacte Pseudomonadalesalomonadaceae f H g subunit Halo F Halomonas C ilicicola 2 05.1 IMG-taxon 261727 ein KGE77980.1 Na + ammaproteobacteria Pseudomonadales o f H smmoC AMQYria dp BacteProteobacteria c G alomonadaceae gmonas Halo s Halomonassp. PBN3 ko 0935 annotated assem -translocating NADH-q Pseudomonadales f H smmoC GCA 90011640smmoC GCA 9001428 alomonadaceae g Halo ria p Proteobacteriaammaproteobacteria c G o monas s Halomonasrlensis cu 2 smmoC CDGR d Bacte bly protein SEM95062.uinone reductase subu alomonadaceae g Halomonas s Halomonas hu 5.1 IMG-taxon 261727095.1 IMG-taxon 269853 Pseudomonadales f H pida 2 ammaproteobacteria o smmoC GCA 9001097ria p Proteobacteria c G 1 Na+-transporting nitNAD F Halomonas salina smmoC ARIT d Bacteri monas s Halomonas ha 933 annotated assemb angheensis 2 6942 annotated assem alomonadaceae g Halo Pseudomonadales f H smmoC GCA 0028132 25.1 IMG-taxon 261727 H ubiquinone oxidored a p Proteobacteria c G ammaproteobacteria o locynthiae 3 smmoC GCA 0026963 ly protein SFT77475.1bly protein SHL88563.1 alomonadaceaemonas g Halo s Halomonas ha smmoC GCA 9001428 15.1 ASM281321v1 pro uctase subunit F Halom ammaproteobacteria0880 annotated o Pseudomonadalesassem f H Na+-transporting NADH 85.1 ASM269638v1 pro Na+-transporting NAD lodenitrificans 1 smmoC GCA 0029664 monas s Halomonas je onas caseinilytica 65.1 IMG-taxon 269853 tein PKB04408.1 Na+-t Pseudomonadalesbly protein f H SEK50854.1alomonadaceae g Halo ubiquinone oxidoreduc smmoC GCA 0002195 tein MAP34559.1 NAD H ubiquinone oxidored 95.1 ASM296649v1 pro otgali 1 6817 annotated assem ransporting NADH ubiqalomonadaceae Na+-transporting g Halo monas NAD s Halomonas sa tase subunit F Halomouctase subunit F Halom smmoC GCA 002332265.1 ASM21956v1 prot H ubiquinone reductas tein AVI63701.1 NADH smmoC GCA 9000703 bly protein SIO15482.1 uinone oxidoreductasemonas s HalomonasH ubiquinone zh oxidoredlina A 2 nas saccharevitansonas subglaciescola smmoC LJST d Bacter 55.1 ASM233225v1ein EGP19490.1 pro Na + e Na + -transporting su ubiquinone reductase smmoC GCA 0015078 subunit F Halomonas uctase subunit F Halom 45.1 HalomonasR57-5 Na+-transporting NAD anjiangensis 1 smmoC GCA 0013148 smmoC GCA 90011130 ia p Proteobacteria c G tein PCC22366.1-translocating NAD NADH-q bunit F Halomonas sp. Na + -transporting subu 55.1 ASM150785v1 pro sp. es.049 onas daqiaonensis protein CEP35837.1 N H ubiquinone oxidored smmoC FNES d Bacte 75.1 ASM131487v1 pro 5.1 IMG-taxon 2617270 ammaproteobacteria o H ubiquinone reductasuinone reductase subu nit F Halomonas sp. GF tein KUJ87799.1 Na + uctase subunit F Halom smmoC MUMZ d Bacte a + -translocating NAD ria p Proteobacteria c G tein KPQ23818.1 PseudomonadalesNAD f H e Na + -transportingnit F Halomonassu sp. TD 764 annotated assemb AJ-1 smmoC GCA 0005683 -translocating NADH-q onas meridiana ria p Proteobacteria c G H-quinone reductase s ammaproteobacteria o H ubiquinone oxidoredalomonadaceae g Halo bunit F Halomonas01 sp. smmoC GCA 0019716 ly protein SES20250.1 smmoC JPZL d Bacter 85.1 Halomonas isolate uinone reductase subu ammaproteobacteria o ubunit F Halomonas sp Pseudomonadales f H uctase Na + -translocamonas s Halomonas sp JB37 smmoC ASTJ d Bacter 85.1 ASM197168v1 pro Na+-transporting NADH ia p Proteobacteria c G BC04 protein EWH011 nit F Halomonas sp. 54 Pseudomonadales f H . R57-5 alomonadaceae g Halo ting F subunit Halomon ia p Proteobacteria c G 4 2 tein APX92866.1 NADH ubiquinone oxidoreduc smmoC GCA 9001069 01.1 Na + -translocatin 146 smmoC FNCI d Bacter ammaproteobacteria o alomonadaceae g Halo monas s Halomonas gu as sp. HL-48 ammaproteobacteria o ubiquinone reductase tase subunit F Halomo 55.1 IMG-taxon 269342 g NADH-quinone reduc ia p Proteobacteria c G Pseudomonadales f H monas s Halomonas de daonensis 2 Pseudomonadales f H Na + -transporting subu nas subterranea 9859 annotated assem alomonadaceae g Halo tase subunit F Halomo ammaproteobacteria o siderata 3 alomonadaceae g Halo bly protein SDX32938. nit F Halomonas sp.nas 15 sp. BC04 Pseudomonadales f H monas A s Halomonas monas A s Halomonas 1 Na+-transporting NAD 13 alomonadaceae g Halo A xinjiangensis 1 A anticariensis 2 H ubiquinone oxidored monas E s Halomonas

uctase subunit F Aiding E taeanensis 2

imonas halophila

smmoC GCA 0000109 smmoC FOUF d Bacte smmoC FOXN d Bacte 85.1 ASM1098v1 prote ria p Proteobacteria c G smmoC FOID d Bacter ria p Proteobacteria c G smmoC FNOY d Bacte in BAI81364.1 Na + -tra ammaproteobacteria o ia p Proteobacteria c G ammaproteobacteria o ria p Proteobacteria c G nslocating NADH-quino Betaproteobacteriales ammaproteobacteria o smmoC FMWO d Bact Betaproteobacteriales ammaproteobacteria o ne reductase subunit F f Nitrosomonadaceae Betaproteobacteriales eria p Proteobacteria c f Nitrosomonadaceae smmoC GCA 0027098 Betaproteobacteriales Deferribacter desulfuri g Nitrosomonas s Nitro f Nitrosomonadaceae Gammaproteobacteria g Nitrosomonas s Nitro smmoC GCA 002688235.1 ASM270983v1 pro f Nitrosomonadaceae cans SSM1 somonas nitrosa 2 g Nitrosomonas s Nitro o Betaproteobacteriale somonas cryotolerans smmoC GCA 002692155.1 ASM268825v1 pro tein MBB85390.1 NAD g Nitrosomonas s Nitro somonas europaea 2 s f Nitrosomonadaceae smmoC GCA 002691225.1 ASM269212v1 pro 2 tein MAG30208.1H NADubiquinone reductas smmoC GCA 0026910 somonas halophila 2

05.1 ASM269120v1 pro g Nitrosomonas s Nitro smmoC GCA 0027461 tein MAJ61715.1 NADH H ubiquinone reductase Na + -transporting su 25.1 ASM269102v1 pro

85.1 ASM274618v1 pro tein MAI80873.1 NADH somonas mobilis 2 smmoC GCA 0029946 ubiquinone reductasee Na + -transportingbunit su F Deltaproteobac smmoC GCA 90011271tein MAI25768.1 NADH

tein PCJ53302.1 NADH ubiquinone reductase 15.1 ASM299461v1 pro Na + -transportingbunit subu F Deltaproteobacteria bacterium 5.1 IMG-taxon 2597490 ubiquinone reductase smmoC GCA 0029946 Na + -transporting subu ubiquinone reductase nit F Deltaproteobacterteria bacterium tein PRP98792.1 Na + smmoC GCA 0007373 371 annotated assembNa + -transporting subu 35.1 ASM299463v1 pro Na + -transporting subu nit F Deltaproteobacteria bacterium -translocating NADH-q smmoC GCA 0027483 35.3 ASM73733v3 prot ly protein SFD45659.1nit F Spirochaeta sp. tein PRQ05974.1 Na + ia bacterium nit F Candidatus Hydro smmoC GCA 0027470 uinone reductase subu 55.1 ASM274835v1 pro ein KIG13233.1 Na + -t Na+-transporting NADH -translocating NADH-q genedentes bacterium 45.1 ASM274704v1 pro nit F Enhygromyxa sali tein PIE22674.1 NADH ranslocating NADH-qui ubiquinone oxidoreduc smmoC GCA 0027070 smmoC DDSR d Bacte uinone reductase subu smmoC DEBL d Bacter na tein PIE18628.1 ubiquinone NADH reductase none reductase subuni tase subunit F Nannoc 85.1 ASM270708v1 pro ria p Myxococcota c UB nit F Enhygromyxa sali ia p Myxococcota c UB smmoC DBIS d Bacter smmoC GCA 0027201 ubiquinone reductaseNa + -transporting subu t F Enhygromyxa salina ystis exedens A796 o UBA796smmoC f UBA GCA 0027910 tein MAY79887.1 NADH na A796 o UBA796 f UBA ia p Myxococcota c UB 75.1 ASM272017v1 pro Na + -transportingnit subuF Planctomycetes b smmoC GCA 0026851 8465 g UBA238555.1 sASM279105v1 1 pro smmoC GCA 0027165 ubiquinone reductase 796 g UBA796 s 1 smmoC GCA 0027265 A796 o UBA796 f UBA tein MBJ93689.1 NADH nit F Proteobacteriaacterium ba 55.1 ASM268515v1smmoC pro GCA 0027256 tein PJA60081.1 NADH Na + -transporting subu smmoC GCA 85.10026870 ASM271658v1 pro 35.1 ASM272653v1 pro 796 g UBA796 s UBA7 ubiquinone reductase cterium tein MAD59984.175.1 ASM272567v1 NAD pro ubiquinone reductase nit F Deltaproteobacter 15.1 ASM268701v1tein MBH23008.1 pro NAD smmoC GCA 0027163 tein MBP48318.1 NAD 96 sp1 1 Na + -transporting subu Na + -transporting subu H ubiquinonetein reductas MBO84983.1 NAD ia bacterium tein MAE95812.1H ubiquinone NAD reductas 25.1 ASM271632v1 pro H ubiquinone reductas nit F Rickettsiales bact nit F Rhodobacterales e Na + -transportingH ubiquinone su reductas smmoC GCA 0027228 smmoC GCAsmmoC 0027128 GCA 0027109 H ubiquinone ereductas Na + -transporting su tein MBG99664.1 NAD e Na + -transporting su erium bacterium CG 4 9 14 3 bunit F Myxococcalese Na + -transporting b su 85.1 ASM271288v125.1 ASM271092v1 pro75.1 ASM272287v1 pro pro bunit F Myxococcales b smmoC GCAsmmoC 0027229 GCA 0027260 e Na + -transporting su H ubiquinone reductas bunit F Myxococcales b um filter 71 31 acterium bunit F Deltaproteobac smmoC GCA 0026876 tein MBD93120.1tein MAW62611.1 NAD tein MBM61817.1 NAD NAD 15.1 ASM272291v185.1 ASM272608v1 pro pro bunit F Deltaproteobacacterium smmoC JOMG d Bacte smmoC GCA 0027305 e Na + -transporting su acterium teria bacterium 95.1 ASM268769v1 pro tein MBQ02525.1H ubiquinone NADH reductasubiquinoneH ubiquinonereductas reductas teria bacterium tein MBM43339.1 NAD bunit F Solibacterales b ria p Desulfuromonado 25.1 ASM273052v1 pro smmoC GCA 0026935 tein MAG69787.1 NAD e Na + -transporting su smmoC GCA 0027307 H ubiquinonee Na reductas + -transportinge Na + -transporting su su H ubiquinone reductas smmoC GCA 0027141 acterium ta c Desulfuromonadia tein MBU22204.1 NAD 25.1 ASM269352v1 pro smmoC ARWE d Bacte 35.1 ASM273073v1 pro H ubiquinone reductas e Na + -transportingbunit F Acidobacteria subunit F Acidobacteria b bunit F Acidobacteria b b smmoC GCA 0027132 e Na + -transporting su 65.1 ASM271416v1 pro H ubiquinone reductas smmoC GCA 0028696 o Desulfuromonadales tein MAM85441.1 NAD e Na + -transporting su acterium ria p Desulfuromonado tein MBV04941.1 NAD bunit F Acidobacteriaacterium bacterium smmoC GCA 0020498 65.1 ASM271326v1 pro bunit F Acidobacteria b tein MBE56206.1 NAD e Na + -transporting su smmoC GCA95.1 0028688 ASM286969v1 pro f Geopsychrobacterac H ubiquinone reductas ta c Desulfuromonadia H ubiquinone reductas bunit F Acidobacteria b acterium 25.1 ASM204982v1 pro smmoC GCA 0028400 tein MBE40928.1 NAD acterium H ubiquinone reductas bunit F Acidobacteria b 65.1 ASM286886v1tein PLX94466.1 pro NADHeae g Pelobacter B s P e Na + -transporting su o Desulfuromonadales e Na + -transporting su acterium 75.1 ASM284007v1 pro H ubiquinone reductas smmoC PDPT d Bacte tein OPX33565.1smmoC NAD ARVS d Bacte e Na + -transporting su acterium tein PLX89530.1 NADH elobacter B seleniigene ubiquinone reductase bunit F Acidobacteria b smmoC ATYJ d Bacter bunit F Acidobacteria b f Geopsychrobacterac e Na + -transporting su ria p Bacteroidota c Ign H ubiquinoneria reductas p Proteobacteria c Gtein PKM38524.1 NAD bunit F Acidobacteria b s 1 smmoC GCA 0027903 ubiquinoneNa reductase + -transporting subu acterium ia p Proteobacteria c G eae g Geopsychrobact acterium smmoC GCA 0027867 H ubiquinone reductas bunit F Acidobacteria b avibacteria o Ignavibac e Na + -transportingammaproteobacteria su o acterium 95.1 ASM279039v1 pro Na + -transportingnit F Desulfuromonas subu s ammaproteobacteria o er s Geopsychrobacter 85.1 ASM278678v1 pro e Na + -transporting su acterium teriales f Melioribactera bunit F candidate Methylococcales divisi f Met

tein PJA95647.1 NADH nit F Desulfuromonasp. s Methylococcales f Met electrodiphilus 1 bunit F Gammaproteob tein PIQ07821.1ceae NADH g GCA-2746605 s on KSB1 bacteriumhylomonadaceae 44 g Me p. smmoC DBWM d Bact ubiquinone reductase hylomonadaceae g Me ubiquinone reductase thylobacter s Methylobacteria bacterium HGW 1 84 188

Na + -transporting subu eria p Myxococcota c U thylobacter s Methylob Na + -transporting subu acter marinus 3 -Gammaproteobacteria

BA4248 o UBA7976 f U nit F Ignavibacteriales acter luteus 2 smmoC DBFQ d Bacte -10 nit F Ignavibacteriales

bacterium CG 4 9 14 3 BA1532 g UBA1238 s ria p Acidobacteriota c bacterium CG18 big fil

um filter 34 10 2 Aminicenantia o UBA2 WC 8 21 14 2 50 31 20

199 f UBA2199 g UBA8

76 s 1

smmoC DBWM d Bact

smmoC GCA 0013033 eria p Myxococcota c U smmoC GCA 0013034

65.1 ASM130336v1 pro BA4248 o UBA7976 f U 15.1 ASM130341v1 pro

tein KPK51052.1 Na + BA1532 g UBA1238 s tein KPK15410.1 Na +

-translocating NADH-q 1 smmoC GCA 0027206 -translocating NADH-q

uinone reductase subu smmoC JMQN d Bacte 45.1 ASM272064v1smmoC proGCA 0016774uinone reductase subu

nit F Myxococcales bac ria p Proteobacteria c G tein MBK79970.135.1 ASM167743v1 NAD pronit F Myxococcales bac

terium SG8 38 1 ammaproteobacteria o H ubiquinonetein reductas ANO50399.1 NADterium SG8 38

Pseudomonadales f N e Na + -transportingH ubiquinone su reductas

itrincolaceae g Marinob bunit F Gammaproteobe Na + -transporting su

acterium s 4 acteria bacteriumbunit F Woeseia ocean

i smmoC AASZ d Bacter

smmoC GCA 0030150

ia p Proteobacteria c G

25.1 ASM301502v1 pro

ammaproteobacteria o

tein PSM16379.1 NAD GCA-1735895 f GCA-

H ubiquinone reductas smmoC GCA 0017249 1735895 g GCA-17358

smmoC GCA 00189711 e Na + -transporting su 55.1 ASM172495v1 pro 95 s 1

smmoC GCA5.1 ASM189711v10005856 prot bunit F Nitratireductor s smmoC teinGCA ODT80464.1 90011984 NAD

25.1 Aqudefein v9 OJU69482.1 protein NADH p. StC3 H ubiquinone reductas 5.1 IMG-taxon 2596583 smmoC GCA 0028428 EXL03014.1 ubiquinone Na + -tran reductase

e Na + -transporting su 700 annotated assemb smmoC GCA 90011559 55.1 ASM284285v1 pro slocating NADH-quinonNa + -transporting subu smmoC GCA 0001720 bunit F Pelagibacterium ly protein SFZ84523.1 5.1 IMG-taxon 2622736 tein PKP69632.1 NADH 95.1 ASM17209v1 prot e reductasenit subunit F Rhizobiales F A bacte sp. SCN 64-44 Na+-transporting NADH smmoC GCA 9001848 s m m oC GCA 900 116 825. 1 IMG- t a xon 263 41 6635 7 an no t a t e d ass e m bly pr ot e in SF U7 22 08.1 CD P - 4- dehydro - 6- deoxygluc os e r educ t as e A cidovor ax c ae ni 594 annotated assembsmmoC GCA 0004669 ubiquinone reductase rium 63-7 smmoC GCA 001428645.1 Root217 protein KRC20097.1 CDP-6-deoxy-delta-3 4-glucoseen reductase sp. Root217 ein EDQ05432.1 Na + quamicrobium defluvii 45.1 ASM279744v1 protein PJI98679.1 CDP-4-dehydro-6-deoxyglucose reductase Acidovorax sp. 69 smmoC GCA 0027974 smmoC GCA 0001547 smmoC GCA 001428225.1 Root70 protein KRB39651.1 CDP-6-deoxy-delta-3 4-glucoseen reductase Acidovorax sp. Root70 smmoC GCA 9001020 een reductase Acidovorax sp. KKS102 smmoC GCA 0027979 ubiquinone oxidoreduc smmoC GCA 000302535.1 ASM30253v1 protein AFU47397.1 CDP-6-deoxy-delta-3 4-glucos smmoC GCA 000961615.1 B.aestuarii CECT8 tein KZT11694.1 CDP-6-deoxy-delta-3 4-glucoseen reductase Acidovorax sp. GW101-3H11 ly protein SFP89764.165.1 ASM46696v1 prot smmoC GCA 001633105.1 ASM163310v1 pro cidovorax sp. RAC01 smmoC AUHV d Bacte Na + -transporting subu 25.1 ASM171472v1 protein AOG22339.1 2Fe-2S iron-sulfur cluster binding domain protein A smmoC GCA 00101115 -translocating NADH-q smmoC GCA 0017147 xy-delta-3 4-glucoseen reductase Acidovorax sp. Leaf191 smmoC GCA 001424425.1 Leaf191 protein KQS25037.1 CDP-6-deo rax sp. NO-1 05.2 ASM15470v2 prot smmoC GCA 0016508 15.1 IMG-taxon 263641 ein EHL24887.1 CDP-6-deoxy-delta-3 4-glucoseen reductase Acidovo smmoC GCA 000238595.2 ASM23859v2 prot orax sp. 24-64-9 15.1 ASM279791v1 pro tase subunit F Devosia tein OYZ68649.1 CDP-6-deoxy-delta-3 4-glucoseen reductase Acidov 35.1 41k protein KJS10 smmoC GCA 002257135.1 ASM225713v1 pro Acidovorax delafieldii 2AN 489 Spades Prokka pro Na+-transporting NADHein GAD57646.1 LOW ein EER58666.1 oxidoreductase FAD/NAD P -binding domain protein WA2 64 37 smmoC GCA 0027339 nit F Alphaproteobacte smmoC GCA 000175235.1 ASM17523v1 prot oseen reductase bacterium G ria p Proteobacteria c A uinone reductase subu tein OGA86983.1 CDP-6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc sp. Root275 5.1 ASM101115v1 prot smmoC GCA 001770675.1 ASM177067v1 pro xy-delta-3 4-glucoseen reductase Acidovorax 65.1 Root275 protein KRD50226.1 CDP-6-deo ein EDQ33014.2 NADH 45.1 ASM165084v1 pro smmoC GCA 0014289 een reductase Acidovorax temperans 6063 annotated assem ein KJA10463.1 CDP-6-deoxy-delta-3 4-glucos x sp. 62 tein PJI84367.1 Na+-tr enhydra smmoC GCA 000935585.1 ASM93558v1 prot -dehydro-6-deoxyglucose reductase Acidovora 107.1 hypothetical prot 95.1 ASM275449v1 protein PIF89931.1 CDP-4 idovorax konjaci smmoC AUCR d Bacte 55.1 ASM273395v1 pro tein SMX21989.1 Na + ubiquinone oxidoreducQUALITY PROTEIN Na ria bacterium HGW-Alp smmoC GCA 0027544 CDP-4-dehydro-6-deoxyglucose reductase Ac 60 lphaproteobacteria o R nit F Oceanibulbus indo 315 annotated assembly protein SFE19940.1 Acidovorax avenae subsp. avenae ATCC 198 ein AKH98997.1 NADH smmoC GCA 0006009 smmoC GCA 900112675.1 IMG-taxon 2634166 oxin--NAD + reductase cidovorax valerianellae 55.2 ASM17685v2 protein ADX47088.1 Ferred oxyglucose reductase A ubiquinone oxidoreduc tein OAN77306.1 NAD bly protein SDF25915.1 smmoC GCA 0001768 bly protein SDC50058.1 CDP-4-dehydro-6-de idovorax wautersii 0716 annotated assem yglucose reductase Ac sp. Leaf160 ansporting NADH ubiqu smmoC GCA 900102625.1 IMG-taxon 261584 ly protein SFE38213.1 CDP-4-dehydro-6-deox reductase Acidovorax ein VR78 14770 Hoefle 330 annotated assemb xy-delta-3 4-glucoseen ria p Proteobacteria c A -translocating NADH-q tase subunit F Tranquil + -translocating NADH haproteobacteria-4 5.1 IMG-taxon 2634166 QR45885.1 CDP-6-deo tein PHR24171.1 NAD lifex HEL-45 smmoC GCA 90011303 smmoC GCA 001424265.1 Leaf160 protein K orax hizobiales f Devosiacea 75.2 Lokhon protein EY oxyglucose reductase Oryzisolibacter propaniliv inivora sp. SC2-7 cidovorax ebreus TPSY ubiquinone oxidoreduc 1 CDP-4-dehydro-6-de seen reductase Melam inding domain protein A rax sp. MR-S7 smmoC GCA 0004422 H ubiquinone reductas Na+-transporting NAD bly protein SDM53060. tein AVP57353.1 CDP-6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco ductase FAD/NAD P -b een reductase Acidovo tase Na + -translocatin 0222 annotated assem 95.1 ASM301369v1 pro in ACM33850.1 oxidore -deoxy-delta-3 4-glucos smmoC GCA 900103645.1 IMG-taxon 267118 smmoC GCA 0030136 05.1 ASM2230v1 prote ein GAD20887.1 cdp-6 inone oxidoreductase s smmoC GCA 0000223 95.2 ASM40099v2 prot a sp. BRH c9 uinone reductase subu -quinone reductase sub smmoC GCA 0004009 lphaproteobacteria o R H ubiquinone reductas limonas alkanivorans e g Maritalea s Maritale tase Na + -translocatin D72804.1 Na + -translo 55.1 Salmuc protein EP e Na + -transporting su H ubiquinone oxidored smmoC GCAsmmoC 9001428 FOLG d Bacte smmoC GCA 0014199 g F subunit Hoeflea ph ubunit F Loktanella ma ML97-0112 nit F Boseongicola aes unit F Loktanella cinna onadaceae bacterium N hizobiales f Devosiacea e Na + -transporting su seen reductase Comam ML00-0135 onas aquatica 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco onadaceae bacterium N een reductase Comam a myrionectae 1 cating NADH-quinone r tein PAT33352.1 CDP- seen reductase Comam M 16112 -deoxy-delta-3 4-glucos onas kerstersii onas terrigena g F subunit Hoeflea sp 55.1 ASM228525v1 pro 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco ropedia cohaerens ampropedia hyalina DS ein ANY61876.1 CDP-6 seen reductase Comam nas sp. 26 2 bunit F Jannaschia sp. uctase subunit F Lokta smmoC GCA 0022852 tein PAT38562.1 CDP- oseen reductase Lamp oxyglucose reductase L 65.2 ASM93516v2 prot seen reductase Comam 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco se reductase Comamo 75.1 IMG-taxonria p Proteobacteria 269542X76675.1 Na c +A -translo 85.1 ASM141998v1 pro ototrophica DFL-43 65.1 ASM228526v1 pro -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc 1 CDP-4-dehydro-6-de smmoC GCA 0009351 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco tein PEH90396.1 CDP- onas testosteroni TK10 11996 smmoC ATXB d Bacter ricola smmoC GCA 0022852 tein KKW67430.1 CDP bly protein SHE65321. tein AQZ99914.1 CDP- 25.1 ASM255442v1 pro -dehydro-6-deoxygluco een reductase Comamonas testosteroni ATCC i 15.1 ASM100521v1 pro 1266 annotated assem 25.1 ASM205672v1 pro smmoC GCA 0025544 tein PIG08014.1 CDP-4 deoxy-delta-3 4-glucos tuarii barina LL-001 smmoC GCA 0010052 55.1 IMG-taxon 258258 smmoC GCA 0020567 75.1 ASM275447v1 pro ein AIJ48335.1 CDP-6- seen reductase Comam omamonas testosteron . 60 e g Cucumibacter s Cu bunit F Hoeflea sp. smmoC GCA 9001290 smmoC GCA 0027544 75.1 ASM73937v1 prot 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco doxin oxidoreductase C se reductase Delftia sp smmoC GCA 9001991 eductase subunit F Lok smmoC GCA 0007393 ein EHN64164.1 CDP- tein KWT68436.1 flavo -dehydro-6-deoxygluco lftia tsuruhatensis 65 40 . IMCC20628 25.2 ASM24152v2 prot 45.1 ASM154124v1 pro tein PIF65736.1 CDP-4 yglucose reductase De EhC01 nella pyoseonensis smmoC GCA 0002415 FCSPLOWO2 1212 FULL cating NADH-quinone r smmoC GCA 0015412 95.1 ASM275439v1 pro CDP-4-dehydro-6-deox olderiales bacterium RI smmoC GCA 0020430 0926 annotatedlphaproteobacteria assem o R tein KQI70704.1 hypoth smmoC GCA 0027543 ly protein SFB50013.1 lderiales bacterium 68- smmoC GCA 0027862 019 annotated assemb oseen reductase seenBurkh reductase Burkho p. Leaf220 ia p Proteobacteria c G -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc smmoC LGHT d Bacte 5.1 IMG-taxon 2675903 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco reductase Xylophilus s 95.1 IMG-taxon 273747 cumibacter marinus 1 smmoC GCA 90011197 tein OGB46739.1tein CDP OJX30550.1 CDP- sp. Leaf400 tanella hongkongensis 55.1 ASM177095v1 pro xy-delta-3 4-glucoseen reductase Ramlibacter smmoC GCA 0017709 45.1 ASM189784v1 pro QM79887.1 CDP-6-deo xy-delta-3 4-glucoseen r tataouinensis TTB310 smmoC GCA 0027862 eductase subunit F Sal smmoC GCA 0018978 05.1 Leaf220 protein K ibacter tataouinensis 05.1 ASM204300v1 pro bly proteinhodobacterales SHL96693.1 f Rhod etical protein AN191 16 smmoC GCA 0014217 QT14389.1 CDP-6-deo-like protein Ramlibacte omonas sp. C04 85.1 ASM278628v1 pro 45.1 Leaf400 protein K oseen reductase Raml ria-3 oxin--NAD + reductase oseen reductase Polar ammaproteobacteria o smmoC GCA 0030019 smmoC GCA 0014245ein AEG94266.1 Ferred -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc HGW-Betaproteobacte ria p Proteobacteria c A tein AMO22272.1 CDP -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc smmoC GCA 9001723 1638 annotated assem DSM 17492 05.1 ASM21570v1 prot tein OOG58771.1 CDP roteobacteria bacterium lbidiferax sp. OV413 smmoC GCA 0002157 55.1 ASM158045v1 pro oseen reductase Betap oxyglucose reductase A oferax sp. DCY110oferax sp. Leaf274 smmoC GCA 0015804 05.1 ASM200270v1 pro oseen reductase Rhod 95.1 L23705 abyss-sca ipiger mucosus DSM 1 -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc 1 CDP-4-dehydro-6-de reductase Pseudorhodoferax sp. Leaf265 tein AQZ51457.1 Na + Na+-transportingobacteraceae NAD g Tropici 720 Loktanella sp. 5RA smmoC GCA 0020027 -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc tein PJE29900.1 NADH tein PKO44343.1 CDP bly protein SDP85543. xy-delta-3 4-glucoseen reductase Pseudorhod tein APW40533.1 CDP Methylococcales f Met 75.1 ASM300197v1 pro 05.1 ASM284220v1 pro 0603 annotated assem QP44261.1 CDP-6-deoxy-delta-3 4-glucoseen smmoC GCA 0008366 lphaproteobacteria o R 95.1 ASM195569v1 pro 55.1 R.antarcticus CEC bly protein SNT73830.1 smmoC GCA 0028422 85.1 IMG-taxon 261584 45.1 Leaf274 proteinQP18687.1 K CDP-6-deo smmoC GCA 9001043 smmoC GCA 0019556 smmoC GCA 001422465.1 Leaf265 protein K enophaga sp. 70-12 ffolds k62 38 protein PJ 6094 -translocating NADH-q H ubiquinonemonas oxidored s Tropicimonas TIMAR09 smmoC GCA 0014223 seen reductase Hydrog nophaga intermedia ubiquinone reductase 07 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco een reductase Hydroge smmoC GCA 9001422 tein PRX08392.1 UNVE enophaga sp. IBVHS2 drogenophaga sp. RAC hylothermaceae g Meth 95.1 ASM83669v1 prot hodobacterales f Rhod tein OJV56171.1 CDP- -deoxy-delta-3 4-glucos haga sp. Root209 L 67 38 T7023 Spades Prokka Na+-transporting NAD seen reductase Hydrogding domain protein Hy 65.1 ASM189736v1 pro in CDN85848.1 CDP-6 reductase HydrogenopFCSPHIGHO2 12 FUL 05.1 HINTER V1 prote6-deoxy-delta-3 4-glucoS iron-sulfur cluster bin genophaga sp. A37 E28305.1 NADH ubiqu isoalkanivorans 2 smmoC GCA 0018973 xy-delta-3 4-glucoseenolderiales bacterium RI uinone reductase subu uctase subunit F Parac smmoC GCA 0007234tein OSZ64645.1 CDP-tein AOF85661.1 2Fe-2 oseen reductase Hydroogenophaga sp1 3 Na + -transporting subu RC04167.1 CDP-6-deooseen reductase Burkh 15.1 ASM212721v1 pro75.1 ASM171337v1 pro -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-glucydrogenophaga s Hydr smmoC GCA 001482495.1 IMG-taxon 269853 obacteraceae g Pseud -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc ylohalobius s Methyloh ein KIQ71212.1 NADH RIFIED ORG Na+-tran smmoC GCA 0021272 smmoC GCA 0017133 25.1 Root209 protein K protein SLN26008.1 Na H ubiquinone oxidored smmoC GCA 0014286tein OGB37856.1 CDP tein OOG88490.1 CDPf Burkholderiaceae g H 05.1 ASM200120v1 Betaproteobacteriales pro inone reductase Na + - 35.1 ASM177213v1 pro acromonas s 1 nit F Martelella mediter occus solventivorans smmoC GCA 0020012ammaproteobacteria o m A1 FOXYC12 FULLia granosa 65 23 smmoC GCA 0017721 f Burkholderiaceae g M nit F Pseudooceanicola ria p Proteobacteria c G amonadaceae bacterium B1 olderiales bacteriumoseen reductaseRI Malik 6701 annotated assem orhodobacter s Pseudo Betaproteobacteriales as fonticaldi 05.1 ASM148240v1 ubiquinone pro oxidoreduc sporting NADH ubiquin in oxidoreductaseamonadaceae Com bacteriu oseen reductase Burkh D5 alobius crimeensis 1 uctase subunit F Parac smmoC MERS d Bacte -6-deoxy-delta-3n reductase 4-gluc Tepidimon + -translocating NADH ammaproteobacteria o PBBC1 smmoC GCA 9001072 se and related flavodoxin oxidoreductase Com-6-deoxy-delta-3tein 4-gluc PRD66519.1 CDP abitans planktonicus II- transporting subunit F P ria p Proteobacteria c G oxy-delta-3 4-glucosee monadaceae bacteriumcterium PBBC2 ranea DSM 17316 prenylphenol hydroxylase and related flavodox tein OGB73103.195.1 CDPASM298059v1 pro seen reductase Limnoh smmoC GCA 0005206smmoC GCA 0027328 smmoC BAWN d Bacte OBS30042.1 CDP-6-de l Comamonadaceaehabitans ba sp. 63ED37-2bitans sp. 15K antarcticus ein BAO81381.1 2-poly oseen reductase Coma smmoC GCA 90011194 prenylphenol hydroxyla95.1 ASM177099v1smmoC pro GCA 0029805 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco bly protein SIN77056.1 one oxidoreductase su rhodobacter wandonen 55.1 Tepfon1.0 protein oseen reductase drasepartia reductaseeen Limno reductase Limnohabitans sp. B9-3 tein KUF11130.1tase Na NADH + -translocatin occus seriniphilus 95.1 ASM82889v1ein protBAO82707.1 2-poly smmoC GCA 0017709 tein KOF07833.1 CDP--6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc -quinone reductase sub smmoC GCA 0008288 smmoC GCA 0016753 tein OYU13676.1 CDP-6-deoxy-delta-3 4-glucero-4-hexulose-3-dehy-deoxy-delta-3 4-glucoseen reductase Limnohahabitans sp. TS-CS-82 35.1 IMG-taxon 269342 15.1 ASM82891v1 prot 65.1 ASM127006v1 pro 55-52 smmoC GCA 9001848 tein OYU30717.16-deoxy-L-threo-D-glyc CDP tein PIT82855.1 CDP-6 bitans sp. JirII-31 seudooceanicola marin smmoC GCA 0008289 smmoC GCA 0012700 45.1 ASM225614v1 pro -deoxy-delta-3 4-glucososeen reductaselderiales Limno bacterium 24- nas sp. CF318 15.1 SOAPdenovo25.1 v1.0 ASM273282v1 pro een reductase Limnoha 5.1 IMG-taxon 2617270 smmoC GCA 002256135.1 ASM225593v1tein pro ALK89571.185.1 CDP- ASM277828v1 pro Na+-transporting NAD sis 1 tein PIT78729.1-6-deoxy-delta-3 CDP-6 seen reductase 4-gluc Burkho idoreductase Polaromo ubiquinoneg F reductase subunit Wenxinia m bunit F Martelella medi smmoC GCA 002255935.1 ASM141253v1smmoC pro GCA 0027782 -deoxy-delta-3 4-glucos laromonas onassp. YR568 sp. JS666 unit F Roseisalinus ant 25.1 ASM277832v1tein proPQA80724.16-deoxy-delta-3 CDP 4-gluco nol hydroxylase-like ox smmoC GCA 90011131smmoC GCA 9001298 smmoC GCA 0014125 tein PIT79249.1 CDP-6 yglucose reductaseinding protein Po Polarom 95.1 L.marina9906 annotated CECT88 assem us smmoC GCA 002778375.1 ASM294347v1tein OYZ74211.1 pro CDP- 9889.1 2-polyprenylphe smmoC GCA 9001568 tein PHQ84858.1 NAD smmoC GCA 0029434 15.1 ASM277831v1 pro CDP-4-dehydro-6-deoxductase FAD/NAD P -b smmoC GCA 0026950 5 protein ETW14224.1 F318 v1.0 protein EJL8 836 annotated assemb 15.1 ASM228191v1 pro oferax fermentans H ubiquinone oxidored terranea smmoC GCA 0027783 ly protein SFU59234.1in ABE45689.1 oxidore smmoCsmmoC GCA 0028140 PAJR d Bacter Na + -transportingarina DSM subu 24838 75 arcticus smmoC GCA 0022819 55.1 Polaromonas.strC FOXYC2 FULL 59 8 75.1 IMG-taxon 269542 640 annotated65.1 assemb ASM1386v1 prote oseen reductase Rhod ria-18 5.1 IMG-taxon 2634166 smmoC GCA 0002826 G 4 10 14 3 um filter 60 reducens T118 99 Spadesbly Prokkaprotein SDY58058.prot olderiales bacterium RI 05.1 IMG-taxon 268181 5.1 IMG-taxonsmmoC 2615840 GCA 0000138 -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc HGW-Betaproteobacte H ubiquinone reductas onadaceae bacterium C inding Rhodoferax ferri 05.1 ASM269500v1smmoC GCA pro 90011387 Na + -translocating NA smmoC GCA 90011671 tein OOV08492.1 CDP oseen reductase Burkh ly protein SFR32891.1 uctase subunit F Ocea roteobacteria bacterium nit F Ponticoccus maris een reductase Comam ductase FAD/NAD P -b oferax sp. TS-BS-61-7 61 40 95.1 ASM281409v1ia p Proteobacteria pro c A 65.1 ASM201786v1 pro -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc rax sp. WS11 oseen reductase Betap 1018 annotated assem 309 annotated assemb -deoxy-delta-3 4-glucos in ABD71008.1 oxidore oseen reductaseFCSPLOWO2 Rhod 12 FULL ein SMY07314.11 Na+-transporting Na + NAD smmoC GCA 0020178 tein OGB41413.1 CDP seen reductase Variovo 3559 annotated assem -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc tsuruhatensis vorax sp. B4 e Na + -transporting su tein PIY24849.1 CDP-6 05.1 ASM1360v1 prote olderiales bacterium RI riovorax sp. CF079 tein MAM60261.1 NAD DH-quinone reductase 35.1 ASM177103v1 pro -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco 5.1 IMG-taxon 2622736 Na+-transporting NADH nicola litoreus tein PKO62102.1 CDP seen reductase Delftia 45.1 ASM278424v1 pro smmoC GCA 0000136 ydrase reductase Vario lphaproteobacteria o R rubri smmoC GCA 0017710 tein PQA79124.1oseen CDP reductase Burkh riovorax sp. YR216 xyglucose reductasecidovorax Va intermedius sp. KADR8-3 24 tein AUC55448.1 NADH 65.1 ASM284226v1 pro tein PSL82607.1 CDP- smmoC GCA 0027842 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco cero-4-hexulose-3-deh bly protein SHG89165. -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc xyglucose reductase Va CDP-4-dehydro-6-deoseen reductase riovoraxPseuda sp. OV329 ly protein SES40663.1 H ubiquinone oxidored 65.1 ASM294346v1 pro seen reductase Ottowia nella gracilis ATCC 196bacter sp. PAE-UM -translocating NADH-q smmoC GCA 0028422 tein AOV05350.1 CDP- 75.1 ASM301487v1 pro bly protein SIT05129.1 bunit F Thalassobium s tein OGB29360.1 CDP CDP-4-dehydro-6-deo-6-deoxy-L-threo-D-gly xyglucose reductase Va gracilis str. Niagara R subunit F Roseivivax a smmoC GCA 0029434 bly protein SDD91165.16-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco een reductase Hylemo H ubiquinone536 annotatedreductas assemb 25.1 ASM175322v1 pro smmoC GCA 0030148 oseen reductase Curvi ubiquinone oxidoreduc 35.1 ASM177093v1 pro tein PNG55480.1 CDP CDP-4-dehydro-6-deo reductase Hylemonella hodobacterales f Rhod bly protein SEA81052.13692 annotatedtein assem KTT21561.1 CDP- tein AVO35478.1 CDP- ubiquinone reductase smmoC GCA 0017532lis CR deoxy-delta-3 4-glucos-6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc 1 Na+-transporting NAD smmoC GCA 0017709 25.1 ASM289172v1 pro xy-delta-3 4-glucoseen Na+-transporting NADH uinone reductaseuctase subunit subu F Citreim 5647 annotated assem45.1 IMG-taxon15.1 268745 ASM147681v1ly protein pro SFM86080.1 Na+-transporting NAD tus Symbiobacter mobi 35.1 ASM300853v1 pro in EGI75659.1 CDP-6- p. smmoC GCA 0028917 tein KRH99810.1 CDP tlanticus 45.1 IMG-taxon 269031 688 annotated assemb YC50758.1 CDP-6-deo e Na + -transportingly protein SFI31348.1 su N ose reductase Candida smmoC GCA 9001015smmoC GCA 0014768 smmoC GCA 0030085 5.2 ASM21183v1 prote tase subunit F Litoreiba 05.1 ASM143230v1 pro obacteraceae g Nioella smmoC GCA 9001077 5.1 IMG-taxon 2687453 95.1 HgNR1.0 protein E nas sp. 15-63-373 Na + -transporting subu 4-dehydro-6-deoxygluc smmoC GCA 00021183 H ubiquinone oxidored smmoC GCA 0014323 ateles aquatilis ubiquinone oxidoreduc nit F Loktanellaonas marinasalinaria smmoC GCA 90011478 smmoC GCA 0006002 seen reductase Thiomo H ubiquinone oxidored ein AGX86683.1 CDP- sp. oral taxon 894 ria sp. 7ria sp. HWN-4 oseen reductase Rose bunit F Maritimibacter s a+-transporting NADH cter janthinus 35.1 ASM47743v1 prot 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco seen reductase Mitsua seen reductase Ottowia seen reductase Mitsua ans s 1 -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc oseateles sp. YR242 smmoC GCA 0004774 tein OZB53305.1 CDP- nit F Sagittula sp. P11 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco depolymer uctase subunit F Mariv 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco tase subunit F Roseiviv tein OWQ90864.1 CDP xyglucose reductase R uctase subunit F Rosei 25.1 ASM228272v1 pro acter sp. CR182 tein AKU68175.1 CDP- tein ANH68061.1 CDP- -binding domains proteinsp. Root1217 p. tein PIM52252.1 CDP-4-dehydro-6-deo CDP- ubiquinone oxidoreduc smmoC GCA 0022827 45.1 ASM220564v1 pro s sp. Root1444 75.1 ASM126207v1 pro 95.1 ASM165379v1 pro reductase FAD/NADn reductase P Pelomona seen reductase Paucib 55.1 ASM276175v1bly protein SEL67806.1pro ita hallyeonensis smmoC GCA 0022056 n reductase Pelomona p. Root29 ax roseus vivax lentus smmoC GCA 0012620 smmoC GCA 0016537 tein ALV07260.1oxy-delta-3 Oxido 4-glucosee 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco smmoC GCA0637 0027617annotated assem oxy-delta-3 4-glucosee = ATCC BAA-35 tase subunit F Jannasc 65.1 ASM148386v1KQV48245.1 pro CDP-6-detein PND37115.1 CDP- oteobacterium eductaseAAP65 Rhizobacter s 45.1 IMG-taxon 261584 hizobacter sp. OV335 KQY81285.1 CDP-6-de ax benzoatilyticus JA2 gium brachysporum smmoC GCA 001483805.1 Root1217 protein 75.1 ASM288597v1 pro seen reductasey-delta-3 beta pr 4-glucoseen r ngheella caldifontis smmoC GCA 9001097 vivax sp. SCNum 71-131 JOSHI 001 oxyglucose reductase R 85.1 Root1444 protein ibium sp. NZG smmoC GCA 0014257 smmoC GCA 0028859 een reductase Rubriviv seen reductase Polyan oseen reductaseBurkholderiales Rubri bacteri 6-deoxy-delta-3U80424.1 4-gluco CDP-6-deox seen reductase Zhizho r sp. Root404 hia pohangensis smmoC GCA 0014268 1 CDP-4-dehydro-6-deacter gummiphilus seen reductase Methyl -deoxy-delta-3 4-glucos 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco se-like oxidoreductase tein KPF50789.185.1 CDP- Root29 protein KQ n reductase Rhizobacte oteobacterium AAP99 -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc bly protein SHN23575. 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco seen reductase Rhizob 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco ein EGJ10503.1 CDP-6 tein AKJ30572.1 CDP- tein ODU10058.1prenylphenol CDP hydroxyla 65.1 ASM129586v1smmoC pro GCA 0014247 oxy-delta-3 4-glucosee 3510 annotated assem tein PPE68049.1 CDP- seen reductase beta pr 75.2 ASM19037v1 prot 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco tein KNZ32764.1 CDP- smmoC GCA 0007683 ein EHR70571.1 2-poly smmoC GCA 0012958 35.1 ASM101743v1 pro 95.1 ASM172499v1 pro QW35933.1 CDP-6-de 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco 65.1 IMG-taxon 258825 15.1 ASM293061v1 pro 11 smmoC GCA 0001903 tein ATU66802.1 CDP- 35.1 ASM126323v1 pro smmoC GCA 0010174 D4EL3 smmoC GCA95.1 0017249 ASM24499v1 prot 65.1 Root404 protein K smmoC GCA 9001429 smmoC GCA 0029306 tein KPF70221.1 CDP- obacterium sp. BJB304 15.1 ASM276221v1 pro smmoC GCA 0012632 nobacterium sp. KBS07 smmoC GCA 0002449 terium lividum nthinobacteriumobacterium sp. sp.-8 TN BJB303 55.1 ASM76835v1 prot smmoC GCA 0014258 75.1 ASM129577v1 pro inobacterium sp. AD80 BL MicDiv smmoC GCA 0007683 smmoC GCA 0027622 seen reductasedrase reductase Janthin Janthi smmoC GCA 0008556 reductase Janthinobac xyglucose reductaseinobacterium Ja obacterium sp. PC23 sp. S3-2 smmoC GCA 0014314 smmoC GCA 0012957 ydrase reductase Janth seen reductase Janthin obacterium sp. 1 2014M 6-deoxy-delta-3ero-4-hexulose-3-dehy 4-gluco xy-delta-3 4-glucoseen CDP-4-dehydro-6-deooseen reductasecose reductase Janth Janthin smmoC GCA 0015622 ein KGM56282.1 hypot cero-4-hexulose-3-deh 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco seen reductase Janthin 45.1 ASM76834v1 prot tein PHV37564.16-deoxy-L-threo-D-glyc CDP- HA78898.1 CDP-6-deo bly protein SIQ55329.1-6-deoxy-delta-3-4-dehydro-6-deoxyglu 4-gluc smmoC GCA 0027989 65.1 ASM85566v1 prot -6-deoxy-L-threo-D-gly tein PHV17389.1 CDP- 65.1 ASM143146v1 pro 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco 65.1 ASM273576v1ein KKO62384.1 pro CDP- smmoC GCA 0012763 smmoC PHEH d Bacte 15.1 JanthLiv protein K 2400 annotated assemtein OYO26532.1tein OBV39357.1 CDP CDP tein PMQ15460.1 CDP 15.1 ASM273561v1 pro 15.1 ASM156221v1 pro hetical protein N800 08 tein APA69832.1 CDP- ein KGM50857.1 hypot smmoC GCA85.1 ASM98808v10027357 prot 3 2 a sp. B2 smmoC GCA 0007834 Root335 55.1 ASM287845v1 pro 75.1 IMG-taxon 27087405.1 ASM225050v185.1 ASM167788v1 pro pro ilia phosphatilyticaassilia sp. PDC64 45.1 ASM279894v1 pro ein KIQ96309.1 Na + -t smmoC GCA 0018743 smmoC GCA 0027356 a sp. JS1662 tein KRG71397.1 hypo smmoC GCA 0009880 75.1 ASM186567v1 pro 55.1 ASM127635v1 pro ria p Proteobacteria c A reductase Massilia sp. eurypsychrophilathinobacteriumseen reductase sp. CG2 Massili smmoC GCA 0028784 smmoC GCA 9001561smmoC GCAsmmoC 0022505 GCA 0016778 . Leaf61 oseen reductaseoxyglucose Mass reductase M seen reductase Massili glaciei tein AMJ56354.1 hypot 775 Lysobacter daejeo smmoC GCA 0018656 hetical protein N792 02 xy-delta-3 4-glucoseen een reductaseeen Massiliareductase-like6-deoxy-delta-3 Jan 4-gluco ella phyllosphaeraep. Leaf126uganella sp. CF402 eductase Duganella sp 65.1 ASM187436v1 pro -6-deoxy-delta-31 CDP-4-dehydro-6-de 4-gluc uganella sp. CF517 tein PJK96992.1 hypot ranslocating NADH-qui 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco een reductase Massilia ella sp. HH105 thetical protein ABB27 lphaproteobacteria o C QV50161.1 CDP-6-deo reductaseoxyglucose Duganella reductase s D . Root418 tein KOQ68897.1 hypo smmoC GCA 0006853 -deoxy-delta-3-deoxy-delta-3 4-glucostein ATQ74734.1 4-glucos CDP-y-delta-3 4-glucoseendrase reductase r Dugan gamonas rubra O2 12 67 14 tein PQO93370.1bly protein CDPSDC76045. xyglucose reductase D sp. NR 4-1 ein KGF78268.1 CDP- uganella sp. OV510drase reductase Dugan hetical protein AXG53 0 nensis GH1-9 -deoxy-delta-3 4-glucos uganella sp. CF458 490 Lysobacter concre 85.1 Root335 protein K tein PIL43021.1idoreductases CDP-675.1 ASM275267v1 / CDP-6 pro ero-4-hexulose-3-dehyxy-delta-31 4-glucoseenCDP-4-dehydro-6-de n reductase Massilia sp bacterium RIFCSPLOW N78995.1 CDP-6-deox lla sp. Root1480D1 yglucose reductase Ru tein OIQ47571.1 hypot 15.1 ASM296801v13005 annotated pro assem CDP-4-dehydro-6-deo hetical protein B9Y76 1 none reductase subuni 15.1 ASM75961v1 prot een reductase Massilia 03925 Stenotrophomon ein PSJ08692.1 CDP-6 oxyglucose reductaseero-4-hexulose-3-dehy D 15.1 SOAPdenovoaulobacterales v1.0 f Hypho smmoC GCA 0014256 d related flavodoxin ox xyglucose reductase D thetical protein ABW43 22900 Burkholderiales 55.1 ASM276065v1 smmoCpro GCA 0027526 6-deoxy-L-threo-D-glycQQ45297.1bly CDP-6-deo protein SEM39386. oxy-delta-3 4-glucosee smmoC65.1 GCA IMG-taxon 0029680 268462 05.1 Leaf61 protein KQ een reductase Dugane CDP-4-dehydro-6-deox smmoC GCA 0007596 ly protein SEN53520.1 6610 Stenotrophomona 5.1 ASM301189v1 prot 1 CDP-4-dehydro-6-de6-deoxy-L-threo-D-glyc -deoxy-delta-3 4-glucos tionis Ko07 = DSM 162 thetical protein A2W72 smmoC GCAphenol 0027606 hydroxylase an CDP-4-dehydro-6-deo smmoC GCAtein 0014219 OEZ96219.125.1 Leaf126 CDP-4845 protein annotated K assem QW88592.1 CDP-6-de hetical protein BM565 0 smmoC GCA 9001012 -deoxy-delta-3 4-glucos ly protein SFL95971.1 8195 Stenotrophomona t F Lysobacter sp. A03 001 annotated assemb as terrae smmoC GCA 00301189 bly protein SDK17353.tein OEZ60906.1 CDP- ein AKU22192.1 CDP-6 5 proteinmonadaceae KCZ97110.1 g Hyphomo tein OGB44235.1 hypo U31772.1 2-polyprenyl ly protein SFG74418.1 11780 Stenotrophomo smmoC GCA45.1 IMG-taxon0014231 261664 as sp. PA-H2 85.1 ASM175878v1 pro 65.1 Root418 protein K llimonasmonas pratensis arenae 5.1 IMG-taxon 2684623 in KQZ39569.1 CDP-6 347 annotated assemb s sp. KCTC 12332 95.1 ASM177089v1 pro llimonas sp. OK412 1 39 sp. CG23 2 protein CU 3000 annotated assem45.1 ASM175854v1 pro 5.1 ASM119100v1 prot smmoC GCA 0017587smmoC GCA 9001096 813 annotated assemb ollimonasimonas sp. OK242sp. OK307llimonas arenae 5920 Gammaproteoba ding domain proteinose Co reductase Collimon 05.1 Root1480D1 protesmmoC GCA 0014252 P-6-deoxy-delta-3 Colli s maltophilia smmoC GCA 0017708 smmoC GCA 90011027 5.1 IMG-taxon 2597490 xidoreductaseonas s 1FAD/NA 65.1 Janthinobacterium 05.1 IMG-taxon 268462smmoC GCA 0017585 smmoC GCA 00119100 yglucose reductase Co onas fungivorans Ter33 nas maltophilia 5.1 IMG-taxon 2687453 4-dehydro-6-deoxyglucoxyglucoseglucose reductase reductase dingC Colldomain protein Co S iron-sulfurn oxidoreductases cluster bin / CD smmoC GCA 0014273 smmoC GCA 90011470 smmoC GCA 0014856 smmoC GCA 9001002 CDP-4-dehydro-6-deox D-binding region Collimspirillum aquaticum pirillum hiltneri N3 smmoC GCA 90011311 pirillumbalbicans sp. BH-1 M1 pirillum sp. meg3 cteria bacterium MedP tein PFH08769.11 CDP- CDP-4-dehydro-6-deDP-4-dehydro-6-deoxyS iron-sulfur cluster bin spirillum robiniae tein AMP06687.1e and related 2Fe-2 flavodoxi pirillum sp. Root189 D P -binding domain-co ly protein SFC62967.1 ing Oxidoreductase FA spirillumseen sp. reductase YR522 Herbas oseenseen reductase reductase Herbaspirillum Herba Herbas rubrisu seen reductase Herbas um 05.1 ASM256410v1bly pro proteinly protein SDX64151. SFI20113.1 C 85.1 ASM158418v1renylphenol hydroxylaspro tein AMP01374.1 2Fe-2 oseen reductase Herba reductase Noviherbas 57 36 E 736 annotated assemb ctase FAD/NAD P -bind oxidoreductase6-deoxy-delta-3 Herba 4-gluco oviherbaspirillum humi -6-deoxy-delta-36-deoxy-delta-3ity ATP-binding 4-gluc 4-gluco subunit baspirillumarsenicoxydans autotrophic smmoC GCA 00256419735 annotated734 annotated assem assemb 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco ntaining protein Hypho smmoCein GCA AIY43224.1 0015841 2-polyp 65.1 ASM158416v1 pro -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc smmoC GCA 0018737 xy-delta-3 4-glucoseenFCSPLOWO2 02 FULL 5.1 IMG-taxon 2609459 e Ferredoxin Oxidoredu phenol hydroxylase-like tein OWY34994.1tein PLY58707.1se with CDP chaperone CDP- activ tein AKZ62689.1 CDP- oxyglucose reductaseuctase N Herminiimonas 95.1 IMG-taxon5.1 IMG-taxon 260945 2609459 tein ASU39897.1 CDP- een reductase Noviher 95.1 ASM78669v1 prot smmoC GCA 0015841 tein OWY30352.1 CDP RB78820.1 CDP-6-deo smmoC GCA 90011213 olderiales bacterium RI monas polymorpha PS ein AEK63376.1 putativ25.1 ASM221342v1 pro N09595.1 2-polyprenyl 55.1 ASM287005v1tein ALU90510.1 pro ATPa 25.1 ASM126792v1 pro 1 CDP-4-dehydro-6-de bacterium sp. Marseille 05.1 ASM187370v1 pro smmoC GCA 0007866 smmoCsmmoC GCA 9001070GCA 90011370 65.1 ASM225756v1 pro -deoxy-delta-3 Ferredoxin--NAD 4-glucos + red smmoC GCA 0028381 15.1 ASM221341v1 pro 45.1 Root189 oseenprotein reductase K Burkh 45.1 ASM22104v1 smmoCprot GCA 0022134 YR522 v1.0 protein EJ smmoC45.1 GCA ASM148394v1 0028700 pro smmoC GCA 0012679 bly protein SNS98052. smmoC GCA 0022575 ein KIF83336.1in CAL60949.1 CDP-6een reductase putative Janthino smmoC GCA 0022134 smmoC GCA 0013032 728 smmoC GCA 0014285 smmoC GCA 0013038 smmoC GCA 0002210 75.1 Herbaspirillum.str -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc 85.1 ASM283818v1 pro tein OIP89744.1 oxidor smmoC GCA 0014839 4914 annotated assem 95.1 ASM81839v125.1 ASM2612v1deoxy-delta-3 prot prote 4-glucos smmoC GCA 0028390 smmoC GCA 0002825 tein OGB22200.1 CDP 95.1 IMG-taxon 270679 25.1 ASM130322v1 pro in ABR89961.1 CDP-6- 05.1 ASM130380v1 pro smmoC GCAsmmoC 0008183 GCA 0000261 smmoC GCA 0028415 tein AUD63897.1 oxido eductase Syntrophoba 55.1 ASM177085v1 pro smmoC GCA 9001880 obacter spanius 55.1 ASM283905v1 pro 25.1 ASM1362v1 prote smmoC GCA 0001843 smmoC GCA 0018295 obacter sp. LC4588 tein KPJ72144.1 oxido smmoC GCA 0017708 acter sp. ATCC31444 SY8 tein KPK73350.1 oxido seen reductase Achrom 15.1 ASM284151v1 pro cteraceae bacterium C smmoC GCA 0000136 reductase Tenericutes er sp. Root83 seen reductaseobacter Achrom xylosoxidansobacter A piechaudiicter sp. Root565HLE tein PKK93012.1 oxido se reductase Achromob obacterobacter arsenitoxydans sp.08620 AONIH1 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco obacter denitrificans 08633 45.2 ASM18434v2 prot 05.1 ASM182950v1 pro reductase candidate di eductase Achromobact reductase candidate di een reductase Achrom tein PKM65126.1 oxido G2 30 61 12 6-deoxy-delta-3rase 4-gluco reductase Achrom reductase Achromoba bacterium MO-XQ -4-hexulose-3-dehyd ra acter sp. 2789STDY56obacter sp. DMS1 smmoC GCA 0018306 ein KNE28100.1 CDP- seen reductase Achrom seen reductaseseen reductase Achromacter Achrom sp. 2789STDY56 reductase Tenericutes y-delta-3 4-glucoseen r smmoC GCAein AEJ60585.1 0018306 Oxidor tein KKX39117.1ro-4-hexulose-3-dehyd CDP- -deoxy-delta-3xy-delta-3 4-glucos 4-glucoseen tein OHD69242.1 hypo eoxy-L-threo-D-glycero se reductase Achromobseen reductase Achrom 00-P-2796 vision TA06 bacterium 5.1 ASM118959v1 prot 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco 6-deoxy-delta-36-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco 4-gluco vision WOR 3 bacterium se reductase Achromob lla genomosp.lla genomosp. 1 5 reductase Firmicutes b C83032.1 CDP-6-deox lla genomosp.H719-BHella 12hinzii LMG 13501 lla genomosp. 13 45.1 ASM183064v1 pro -deoxy-L-threo-D-glyceein EJO31774.1 CDP-6 la avium 197N 35.1 ASM100583v1 CUJ64150.1 CDP-6-d pro QZ96208.1 CDP-6-deo bacterium HGW-Teneri smmoC GCA 00118959 ein EHK64860.1-4-hexulose-3-dehyd CDP- 6-deoxy-delta-3 ra 4-gluco rdetella bronchiseptica tein ASC68655.1 CDP- tein AUT50303.1 CDP- 35.1 ASM183063v1 pro -4-hexulose-3-dehyd ra een reductaseeen reductase Bordete Bordete eductase FAD-binding thetical protein A2V99 45.1 Root83 protein KR een reductaserdetellaseen Bordeteholmesii reductase CDC- Bordet een reductaseella ansorpii Bordete DG 78 smmoC GCA 0010058ein ADP15476.115.1 CDP-6 ASM28641v1 prot e hydroxylase Bordetel SM23 60 55.1 11861 6 29 protein 25.1 Root565 protein K lla genomosp.ella bronchialis 11 lla genomosp.lla genomosp. 7 2 acterium HGW-Firmicu 15.1 ASM220531v1 pro 85.2 ASM23678v2eoxy-L-threo-D-glycero prot tein KOF54554.1 CDP- ehydrase reductase Bo ella flabilis lla genomosp. 4 05.1 ASM290290v1eoxy-L-threo-D-glycero pro tein OHD78680.1 oxido -deoxy-delta-3-deoxy-delta-3 4-glucos 4-glucos lla genomosp. 9 cutes-6 smmoC GCA 0014288 -deoxy-delta-3ehydrase 4-glucos reductase Bo -deoxy-delta-3seen reductase 4-glucos Bordet 35.1 ASM16583v1smmoC prot GCA 0002864 6-deoxy-delta-3in CAJ49977.1 4-gluco probabl smmoC GCA 0012989 smmoC GCA 0014274 een reductaseseen reductase Bordete Bordet tein OHD58283.1domain protein oxido Spiroch 08380 Spirochaetes ba een reductaseeen reductase Bordete Bordete smmoC GCA 0022053 smmoC GCA 0002367 CUJ73625.1 CDP-6-d95.1 ASM127029v1 pro seen reductase Bordet smmoC GCA CUJ75717.1 0029029 CDP-6-d glycero-4-hexulose-3-d een reductase Bordete tein OZI57927.1 CDP-6 tes-19 glycero-4-hexulose-3-d tein OZI44440.1 CDP-6 een reductase Bordete smmoC GCA 0001658 tein OZI73991.1tein KXA73006.1 CDP-6 CDP- ein ARP94748.1oxy-delta-3%2C4-gluco CDP-6 65.1 ASM7046v1 prote mobacter sp. HZ28 reductase Spirochaete -deoxy-delta-36-deoxy-delta-3 4-glucos 4-glucolla genomosp. 10 95.1 11861 6 14smmoC protein GCA 0012702 -deoxy-delta-3-deoxy-delta-3 4-glucos 4-glucos smmoC GCA 0027743 DP-6-deoxy-L-threo-D- 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco 75.1 11861 6 25 protein -deoxy-delta-3 4-glucos aeta thermophila DSM cterium RBG 16 67 19 35.1 ASM226143v1 pro -deoxy-delta-3 4-glucos reductase Spirochaete 55.1 ASM226135v1DP-6-deoxy-L-threo-D- pro 75.1 ASM226147v1 pro 75.1 ASM154847v1smmoC GCA 0000704pro 5.1 ASM211966v1 SAI57439.1 prot CDP-6-de enaceae bacterium oseeneen reductase reductase Achro Bordete sevCIIIb smmoC GCA 0012987 tein OZI63277.1tein ANN66354.1 CDP-6 CDP- tein OZI25048.1tein OZI79795.1 CDP-6 CDP-6 sis smmoC GCA 0012989 KCV33475.1 putative C tein ANN78667.1 CDP- s bacterium RIFOXYC1 smmoC GCA 0022614 tein OZI51337.1 CDP-6 KCV06475.1 putative C smmoC GCA 0022614 tein OZI23504.1 CDP-6 55.1 ASM277435v1 pro smmoC GCAsmmoC 0022613 GCA 0015484 15.1 7642 7 30 protein onas sp. T7-7 smmoC GCA 00211966 seen reductase Alcalig -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc teobacterium MWH-P2 s bacterium6578 GWF1 60 15.1 ASM226121v105.1 ASM167670v1 pro pro-deoxy-delta-3 4-glucos 65.1 ASM226126v145.1 ASM226134v1 pro pro andidimonas bauzanen 95.1 gbb03v01 protein 25.1 ASM167672v1 pro imonas sp. 55.1 gbb14v01 protein 95.1 ASM226129v1 pro onas sp. JR1/69-2-13 smmoC GCA 9000783 25.1 ASM226142v1 pro een reductaseenaceae Pusillim bacterium FULL 54 7 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco smmoCsmmoC GCA 0022612GCA 0016767tein OWT77277.1tein OZI30250.1 CDP CDP-6 ose reductase beta proonas sp. JR1/69-3-13 tein PIS28044.1 oxidor smmoC GCAsmmoC 0022612 GCA 0022613 smmoC GCA 0006620 smmoC GCA 0016767 oxyglucose reductaseoseen C reductase Pusill 12 smmoC GCA 0006622 smmoC GCA 0022612 seen reductase Pusillim smmoC GCA 0022614 seen reductase Alcalig CGC-AAA027-K21 s 2 -deoxy-delta-3 4-glucos tein PHY06972.1 CDP- 95.1 25.1ASM220949v1 ASM226122v1 pro pro 4-dehydro-6-deoxyglucseen reductase Pusillim 1 CDP-4-dehydro-6-de-6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc eductase Candidatus M smmoC GCA 0028389 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco f Burkholderiaceae g S ein AEC19966.1 CDP-6 smmoCsmmoC GCA GCA 0022094 0022612 15.1 ASM273741v1tein PRY96501.1 pro CDP- 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco bly protein SHG84334.tein MAK54875.1 CDP tein PLC54902.1 CDP- tein MAL02617.1 CDP- Betaproteobacteriales 55.1 ASM20965v1 prot arinimicrobia bacterium 75.1 ASM283897v1 pro smmoC55.1 GCA ASM300305v1 0027374 pro tein PLC49172.1 CDP- 0875 annotated assem55.1 ASM269415v1 pro 15.1 ASM284961v1 pro lcaligenes hominis ammaproteobacteria o smmoC GCA65.1 0002096ASM269416v1 pro sp. HMSC09E12 smmoC GCA 0030030 55.1 ASM284965v1 pro CG08 land 8 20 14 0 2 tein PKK89506.1 hypot 85.1 IMG-taxon 261727smmoC GCA 0026941istega indica smmoC GCA 0028496 seen reductase Paena ia p Proteobacteria c G smmoC GCA 0026941 seen reductase Oligella smmoC GCA 0028496 smmoC GCA 9001298 73006.1 ferredoxin Pel hetical protein CVV64 1 0 45 22 smmoC DITR d Bacter 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco

4701 65.1 HM07 protein ETD tein AQS50978.1 CDP- 3925 Candidatus Wallb tein OFV50672.1 CDP- 45 21

psittacipulmonis DSM 2 smmoC GCA 0005068 us CB 65.1 ASM200536v1 pro 05.1 ASM180850v1 pro s ucleobactercleobacter sp. GWA2sp. 39-46-10nucleobacter duraquae acteria bacterium HGW een reductase Basilea o8-2-5-gr 1 1 ucleobacter aenigmatic cleobacter beta proteobacterium sp. 35-46-11 cleobacter sp. 17-46-58 smmoC GCA 0020053 smmoC GCA 0018085 eld-100 smmoC GCA 0018982 arius STIR1 gelM1-30-B4cleobacter sphagniphilu oseenseen reductase reductase Polyn Polynuin oxidoreductase Poly deoxy-delta-3 4-glucos cleobactercleobacter sp. MWH-Tr wuianus -Wallbacteria-1 obacter sp. UB-Domo-Wseen reductase Polynu smmoC GCA 0014856 ioticus QLW-P1DMWA- oseen reductase Polyn -binding domain protein lla asinigenitalis 14/45 seen reductase Polynu ucleobacter sp. MWH-F smmoC GCA 0014856 olynucleobacter necess 25.1 ASM189822v1 pro -Melu-1000-B4 ein AIL32597.1 CDP-6- ucleobacterseen sp. MWH-Ereductase Polynu -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-glucse and related flavodox seen seenreductase reductase Polynu Polynu 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco lla equigenitalis 14/56 se reductase Polynucle rase reductase Taylore olynucleobacter asymb -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco reductase FAD/NAD P 05.1 JGI assembly pro oseen reductase Polyn 45.1 ASM74394v1 prot monas putida inding domain protein P 13 25.1 JGI assembly pro oseen reductase Polynolynucleobacter sp. AP 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco tein OHC10626.1 CDP tein OJW06796.1 hypo rase reductase Taylore 6-deoxy-delta-36-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco 4-gluco tein OZA73483.1 CDP-prenylphenol hydroxyla ro-4-hexulose-3-dehy d -dehydro-6-deoxygluco inding domain protein P ein OYY20649.1 CDP- tein OWS72730.1 CDP ein AGG34280.1 Oxido tein OZA36993.1 CDP- um tein CUU10200.1 phen smmoC GCA 0007439 -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc seen reductase Pseudo ductase FAD/NAD P -b m omonas sp. 1239 olynucleobacter sp. VK ro-4-hexulose-3-dehy d -6-deoxy-delta-3tein OLY96625.1 4-glucoxyglucose CDP- reductase P 1 tein CUU06536.1 phen 6-deoxy-l-threo-d-glyce tein OIM97785.1tein ANJ00304.1 CDP- CDP- 25.1 75.1ASM183032v1 ASM228227v1 proein pro AKD26052.1 2-poly BR3459anicola thetical protein BGO39 ductase FAD/NAD P -b tein PJI79199.1 CDP-4 35.1 ASM220663v1 pro 5.1 ASM228110v1 prot zinium 55.1 ASM225685v1 pro 65.1 ASM34226v1 prot araburkholderiaurkholderia fungor sp. WP9 tein OWS69636.1 CDP ol hydroxylase P5 prote 6-deoxy-l-threo-d-glyce 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco in ACB44540.1 oxidore araburkholderia tuberu ein CCG19678.1 CDP- oseen reductase Pseud tein OWF65232.1 1CDP CDP-4-dehydro-6-de oxyglucose reductase P rkholderia sp. BL21I4N 85.1 ASM187038v125.1 ASM165972v1 pro pro 55.1 ASM195335v1 pro smmoC GCA 0018303 smmoC GCA 002282225.1 ASM97362v1 prot holderia phenoliruptrixaraburkholderiarkholderia fungorumsedimi ol hydroxylase P5 prote in ABP34937.1 oxidore 75.1 ASM279757v1 pro ophica 23660 Chloroflexi bact smmoC GCA 0022066 smmoC GCA 00228110 li smmoC GCA 0022568 smmoC GCA 0003422 araburkholderiatum phena STM815 ein CCG17806.1 CDP- tein PJX08535.1 CDP- 25.1 ASM220662v1 pro oxyglucose reductaseoxyglucose P reductase B 25.1 ASM36722v1 prot 45.1 ASM1974v1 prote oxyglucose reductase P -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc 35.1 ASM219253v1bly pro protein SNX28008. rkholderia caribensis ana in Candidatus Kryptoba smmoCsmmoC GCA 0018703GCA 0016597 smmoC GCA 0019533 1 CDP-4-dehydro-6-de cose reductase Parabu eria sp. HMSC070E12 smmoC GCA 0009736 se reductase Paraburk 271 oxyglucoseseen reductasereductase ParabuP tidis 45.1 ASM1634v1 prote smmoC GCA 0027975 araburkholderia diazotr in Candidatus Kryptoni ria sp. HMSC03D10 erium 54-19 xyglucose reductasearaburkholderiaaraburkholderia P phyma sartiso 45.1 ASM36724v1 prot smmoC GCA 0022066 smmoC GCA 0003672 25.1 ASM281022v1 pro 1 CDP-4-dehydro-6-de smmoC GCA 0000197 1 CDP-4-dehydro-6-de ronis eria meningitidis tein OUM24569.1 CDP smmoC GCA 00219254120 annotated assem 1 CDP-4-dehydro-6-de s eisseria gonorrhoeae bly protein SMC35003. seen reductase Parabu megapolit oseen reductase Neiss -4-dehydro-6-deoxyglu cter tengchongensis isseriatase meningitidis Neisseria meningi NM 6848 -dehydro-6-deoxygluco seen reductase Neisse smmoC GCA 0000163 1 CDP-4-dehydro-6-de6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco rkholderia eburnea smmoC GCA 0003672 xyglucose reductase P araburkholderiarkholderia saccharitropica CDP-4-dehydro-6-deoxyglucose reductase P urkholderia soli um thompsoni ria 31/H210flavescens smmoC GCA 0028102 inding domain protein P urkholderiarkholderia caryophylli symbiotica oseen reductase Neiss ia mucosa bly protein SDQ79323.bly protein SED94878. ria sp. HMSC063B05 95.1 ASM215749v1 pro bly protein SDQ48798. lidae nding oxidoreductase-6-deoxy-delta-3 N 4-glucria perflava 55.1 IMG-taxon 271072 araburkholderia caballe olderia dabaoshanensi K806 dinglfur-binding domain protein oxidoreduc Ne 2530 annotated assem tein PQV52240.1 CDP 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco lysiella filiformis DSM 1 reductase Para ronia peredens tuita 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco ein AFT86894.1 CDP-4 lderia sp. WAC0059 kingae ATCC 23330 bly proteintein PNE57481.1 SDN61734. CDP- cose reductase Parabu 1 CDP-4-dehydro-6-deo xyglucoseseen reductasereductase ParabuP draseria reductase flavescens Neisse NRL300 bly protein SIN91402.1 roniarkholderia ptereochthonis kirkii -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc een reductase Neisser oodegmatis 2 CDP-4-dehydro-6-deo oseen reductaseoseen Parab reductase Parab seen reductase Neisse anis 2 ductase FAD/NAD P -b seen reductase Parabu alleronia terrestrisaballeronia grimmiae urkholderia sp. b13 N05152.1tein iron/sulfur-bi OHR42922.1 CDP smmoC GCA 0021574 5676 annotated3794 assem annotated assem smmoC PEFM d Bacte S iron-sulfurn CWP27200.1 cluster iron/subin seen reductase Neisse smmoC GCA 9002057 9822 annotated assem uctase Caballeronia ca olytica ATCC 29315 xyglucose reductase P oseen reductase Burkh tein OFT21464.1 CDP- oxyglucose reductase A 05.1 IMG-taxon 270874 25.1 ASM297352v1 pro tein PTB25180.1 CDP- lleronia sordidicolatase Burkholderia sp. O smmoC GCA 0027547 DP-4-dehydro-6-deoxy seen reductase Caballe rkholderia sp. SOS3 een reductase Kingella 95.1 ASM30009v1 prot ria sp. Leaf177 uctase Caballeronia for domain protein Neisse 8104 annotated assem -4-dehydro-6-deoxygluseen reductase Burkho olderia sp. PAMC 2656 holderia pumila tein OUC30802.1ero-4-hexulose-3- CDP dehy seria B s Neisseria B z 75.1 ASM289107v1bly protein proSEJ60693.1 -deoxy-delta-3 4-glucos CDP-4-dehydro-6-deo6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco 75.1 WHOL protein SB seria C s Neisseria C c 1038 annotated assembly protein SEA16236.1 seen reductase Caballe ein EOC57785.185.1 14355 62Fe-2 75.180 protei ASM183837v1 pro 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco in ACC69787.1 oxidore -6-deoxy-delta-3 -6-deoxy-delta-34-gluc 4-gluc tein Candidatus Parabu 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco 35.1 IMG-taxon 269031 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco coseen reductase-glucoseen Cab reductase C xyglucose reductase B AA-1200ia elongata subsp. glyc 95.1 IMG-taxon 268745 li ria p Actinobacteriota c 25.1 ASM180762v1 pro 95.1 IMG-taxon 269342 CDP-4-dehydro-6-deo 1 CDP-4-dehydro-6-de smmoC GCA 9001764 smmoC GCA 0029735 -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc delta-3 4-glucoseen red olderia stagnalis 394 45.1 ASM302864v1 pro oseen reductase1 NAD CabaP H-flavin reduc smmoC15.1 ARPK ASM275471v1 d Bacte pro 6-deoxy-L-threo-D-glycreductase NAD-binding ria sp. KEM232 -deoxy-delta-3 4-glucos smmoC GCA 0003000 ly protein SFI49407.1 C n reductase Burkholde smmoC GCA 0027482 55.1 ASM214855v1 pro f g Neis 05.1 IMG-taxonsmmoC GCA 265458 0028910 tein POR48163.1 CDP6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco seen reductaselderia Parabus sp. MSMB121 MSMB1072 ea vervacti ea thiooxydans smmoC GCA 9000878 ein KGJ32740.1 CDP-6 8103 annotated assem oseen reductase Burkh roteindelta-3 Candidatus 4-glucoseen Burk red smmoC GCA smmoC9000324 GCA 0018383 ein OFR95595.1 CDP- f Neisseriaceae g Neis bly protein SEJ79337.1 smmoC GCA 0015781 65.2 ASM38716v2 prot tein PKZ61771.1 CDP- 45.1 IMG-taxon 269542 ein KHD22267.1 CDP- raea pnomenusa een reductase Neisser 0102 annotated assem tein PMS15947.1 CDP . PBA smmoC GCA 0018076 ria bacilliformis nimalorisATCC B 1 smmoC GCA 9000998 45.1 ASM2004v1 prote tein teinPMS09964.1 PTB19595.1 CDP CDP- 6-deoxy-delta-3seen reductase-like 4-gluco pro ea oxalativorans smmoC GCA 9001017 smmoC GCA 9001047 P-6-deoxy-delta-3CDP-6-deoxy-delta-3 4-glu 4 bly protein SOD68585. lderia sp. deriaBp7605 glumae CDP-4-dehydro-6-deo AU6208 64 a denitrificans ATCC 33 bly protein SEB75609.1 deria gladioli pv. gladio Actinobacteria o Strep tein KZC83676.1ein EEG34260.1 CDP- oxido seen reductase Neisse smmoC GCA 0030286 tein PMS15195.1 CDP 95159.1 CDP-6-deoxy- oseen reductase Burkh smmoC GCA 0017089 smmoC GCA 0021485 ein EGK11135.1 CDP-6 -6-deoxy-delta-3bly protein 4-gluc SOE82466. andropogonis smmoC GCA 0022925 Betaproteobacteriales 118 annotated assemb ta FMR23-6 ria p Actinobacteriota c smmoC GCA 0003871 5.1 ASM181185v135.1 ASM76363v1 prot prot smmoC GCA 9001040 oxy-delta-3 4-glucosee tein SAL15654.1 CDP- tein PIG78227.1 pheno ia arctica Betaproteobacteriales 95.1 ASM291709v1 protein PLZ01224.1 CDP- 6-deoxy-delta-3seen 4-gluco reductaserkholderia Burkhothailandensi 65.1 ASM274826v1 pro 05.1 ASM286330v1 pro 45.1 IMG-taxon 265458 7898 annotated assem -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc oseen74401.1 reductase-like CDP-6-deoxy- p een reductase Pandoraeen reductase Pandora smmoC GCA 0003330 seen reductase-deoxy-delta-3seria Neisse B s 4-glucos Neisseria B a smmoC GCA 9001417 35.1 ASM78543v1 prot oraea sp. ISTKB pia sp. SCN 70-15 LL 62 13b smmoC GCA 0013056 smmoC85.1 GCA IMG-taxon 0000200 265187 55.1 ASM287985v1 pro urkholderia sp. JS23 seen reductase Pando LL 64 23 05.1 ASM157810v1 pro 9727 annotated assem 75.155.1 ASM287987v1 ASM302865v1 pro pro tein SAK82159.1 CDP- raea norimbergensis smmoC GCAsmmoC 0027491 GCA 0027003 rotein SAL27672.1 CD 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco een reductase Pandora reductase Ralstonia sp smmoC BAED d Bacte 75.1 ASM161807v135.1 ASM17393v1 pro prot domain protein Kingell 5 protein KDR36341.1 bly protein SIT68499.1 smmoC GCA 0015439smmoC FJVP d Bacter 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco 35.1 ASM21353v1 prot 9824 annotated assem seen eenreductase reductaseeen reductase Burkho Burkhol Burkhol ia solanacearum iwanensis LMG 19424 smmoC GCA 0007636 ammaproteobacteria o 85.1 ASM287988v1 pro lderiales bacterium 70- smmoC GCA 9001774 tomycetales f Streptom smmoC GCA 00181185 tein OXC75101.18653 annotated CDP assemMG 29321 protein SAK -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc een reductaseammaproteobacteria Neisser o een reductase Robbsia 75.1 ASM170897v1smmoC pro GCA 0024022 25.1 ASM229252v1 pro smmoC GCA 0028633 smmoC GCA 0029170 5.1 IMG-taxon 2671180 KQR89846.1 CDP-6-de nt of Mortierella elonga upriavidus sp. OV096 smmoC GCA 0017159 Actinobacteria o Coryn ein AJE18157.1 CDP-6 smmoC GCA 9001089 25.1 ASM287012v1 pro 95.2 ASM154459v2 pro nia solanacearumnia solanacearum avidus sp. UYMMa02A l 2-monooxygenase P5 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-glucof Neisseriaceae g Neis tein AME24045.1 CDP MG 29320tein APR34757.1protein SAK6-deoxy-delta-3 CDP-ding domain 4-gluco protein Bu smmoC BDAV d Bacte 65.1 IMG-taxonsmmoC GCA 265458 0007854 -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc -deoxy-delta-3 4-glucos nia solanacearum RBG 16 66 20 smmoC GCA 0009617 tein PIE11278.1 pheno 35.1 ASM33303v1 prot 05.1 IMG-taxon 257417 smmoC GCA 9001076 oseen reductase Pand -deoxy-delta-3 4-glucos 75.1 ASM130567v1 pro smmoCsmmoC GCA GCA0016180 0001739 smmoC GCA 0028798smmoC GCA 0028798 oseen reductase Lautro smmoC GCA 0027238 tein ASP17556.1 CDP- reductase NAD-binding smmoC GCA 0030286 75.2 ASM154507v2 pro oxyglucose reductase B seen reductase6-deoxy-delta-3 Pando 4-gluco nia sp. NT80 RIFCSPLOWO2 RIFCSPLOWO2 12 FU 12 FU smmoC GCA 0000243 smmoC GCA 0002135 15.2 ASM1544515v2 p ein KND55756.1 CDP- nia pickettiiia mannitolilytica 65.1 ASM270036v1 pro tein AMM84861.1 phen ria p Actinobacteriota c ria p Proteobacteria c G 55.1 SOAPdenovo v1.0 -deoxy-delta-3 4-glucos eoxy-delta- -glucoseen LL 66 14 35.1 ASM274913v1 pro 45.1 IMG-taxon 269342 5245 annotated assem een reductase Ralston 12 25.1 ASM154392v1 proia p Actinobacteriota c -deoxy-delta-3ria p 4-glucosProteobacteria c G smmoC GCA 0028798 6-deoxy-delta-3-deoxy-delta-3-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco 4-glucos 4-glucos ductase ta smmoC GCA 0027861 ycetaceae g Streptomy 65.1 ASM222036v145.1 IMG-taxon pro 27117655.2 Burkholderia sp. L tein KVO41853.1 CDP seen reductase Burkho 75.1 IMG-taxon 262273 ein EGF08975.135.1 ASM81803v1 BetaproteobacterialesCDP- prot smmoC GCA 90011382 45.1 Leaf1773 protein smmoC GCA 0028701 smmoC GCA 0015445 -deoxy-delta-3bacterium 4-glucos endosymbio smmoC GCA 0017613 25.1 ASM240222v1 pro tein PBA19521.1 oxidosmmoC GCA 0027861 ebacteriales f Pseudon smmoC GCA 9001092 oseenxyglucose reductase reductase Cupri C 75.1 ASM171597v1tein ODB95933.1 pro phen subunit Streptomyces smmoC GCA 9002302 35.1 ASM155753v1 pro tein KMQ80005.135.2 Burkholderia45.1 ASM192234v1 CDP sp.tein L KVH52778.1S pro iron-sulfur CDP- cluster bin oseenoseen reductase reductase Ralsto Ralsto ria p Actinobacteriota c ein EGC17566.1 oxido drase reductase Ralsto ein GAC60361.1 putati 45.1 ASM223744v1 pro -6-deoxy-delta-3ein AJP59932.1 4-gluc CDP-6tein AKJ70118.1 CDP-6 oteobacteria bacterium 45.1 41k protein KJS45 l hydroxylase Rhodoba 35.1 ASM272383v1 pro tein ALG83753.1 oxido smmoC MTBM d Bacte smmoC GCA 0015445 smmoC5.1 GCAASM118934v1 0015450 prot 1 CDP-4-dehydro-6-de ein AHN76770.1 CDP- ULL 69 13 tein KLT73662.1smmoC CDP-6 MTBL d Bacte smmoC GCA 0006985 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc roteobacteria bacterium 85.1 ASM2438v1 prote Actinobacteria o Coryn smmoC GCA 9001048 oseenoseen reductaseseen reductase reductase Ralsto Ralsto Ralston roteobacteria bacterium ol hydroxylase Martele 25.1 ASM19492v1smmoCammaproteobacteria GCA prot 0008180 o 55.1 IMG-taxon 259918 ein AKC71845.1 CDP-6 ein EIZ02945.1 cdp-6-d RIFCSPLOWO2 02 FU smmoC GCA 9001636 tein MAU41428.1 phen Actinobacteria o Coryn smmoC GCAsmmoC 0022203 GCA 9002302smmoC GCA 9000440 tein AOK30395.1tein ATF86606.1ein PJO23001.1 CDP- CDP-6 CDP-6 -deoxy-delta-3 4-glucos RIFCSPLOWO2LL 65 02 110 67 tein PCJ42323.1 pheno tein KWW98965.1 Oxid 25.1 ASM278612v1 pro ces s Streptomyces mi smmoC GCA 0014243 25.1 ASM152682v1 pro e Ferredoxin--NAD + re 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco smmoC GCA 0022055 6628 annotated assem 35.1 ASM278613v1 pro smmoC GCA 0022374 95.1 ASM19069v1 prot smmoC GCA 0015575 ein KKB62557.1coseen CDP-6 reductase-like monadis LL 66 14 ocardiaceaesp. 70 g Amycola smmoCsmmoC GCA 0015448 GCA 0019223ein AGK47047.1 2Fe-2 CDP-4-dehydro-6-deo 45.1 ASM176134v1 pro tein PCJ31752.1 pheno reductase Mycobacteri 75.1 ASM104557v1 pro 25.1 ASM152472v1 pro -6-deoxy-delta-3-6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc 4-gluc -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc LL 63 13 tein ODJ89382.1ol hydroxylase phen Candida Actinobacteria o Coryn 05.2 ASM93460v2 prot ero-4-hexulose-3-dehy LL 62 79 ve phenol hydroxylase 65.1 ASM102786v1 pro tein ODP34243.1 CDP 75.3 ASM101777v3 pro seen reductase Betapr reductase Gordonia ph smmoC GCA 0001949 smmoC GCA 00118934 bly protein SDV49359. 65.3 ASM60406v3 prot 502.1 phenolsmmoC hydroxyla GCA 00293711 smmoC GCA 0002938cterales bacterium tein GAY18040.1 phen ria p Proteobacteria c G tein ALS58831.1 CDP- tein ODT36028.1 CDP RIFCSPHIGHO2 12 F -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc in ACY96127.1 oxidore ebacteriales f Coryneb smmoC GCA 9001559 85.3 ASM97278v3 prot -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc oseenoseen reductase reductase Betap Betap lla sp. AD-3 75.1 ASM171887v195.2 ASM30039v2 pro prot 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco ol hydroxylase Kordiim ebacteriales f Coryneb rabilis B 1 smmoC GCA 0001906 smmoC GCA 001526825.1 ASM239342v1 pro 25.1 ASM27202v1 prot roteobacteria bacterium 25.1 ASM90016362v1 tein PJE11663.1 oxidor smmoC FOZX d Bacte tein OAI81090.1 CDP-6 in CAQ70430.1 putativ oteobacteria RIFCSPLOWO2bacterium 12 FU l hydroxylase Alphapro oreductase FAD/NAD P smmoC GCA 0009617 45.1 ASM97034v1P-6-deoxy-delta-3 prot 4-glu datus Pandoraea novy tein OJX04444.1 CDP- 55.1 ASM220555v1smmoC pro GCA 0001925 topsis s Amycolatopsis smmoC GCA 0010455 25.1 ASM38552v1 prot bly protein SMH46433. um intracellulare tein PJE13738.1 oxido smmoC GCA 0010278 smmoC GCA 0015247 ly protein SFQ05355.1 RIFCSPLOWO2 12 FU smmoC GCA 9001009 tein AMP36864.1tein OKA45016.1 CDP CDP tein ODV44084.1 CDP l hydroxylase Alphapro ebacteriales f Coryneb smmoC MTBN d Bacte 85.1 PanISTKB1.0smmoC GCA pro0009346 BA3064 s 1 RIFCSPLOWO2 12 FU tein AOW25321.1 phen ol hydroxylasetus Thiodiazotropha P5 prote en smmoC MVKV d Bacte reductase component G smmoC GCA 0010177 6-deoxy-L-threo-D-glyc RIFCSPLOWO2 02 FU thalatica 0115 annotated assem smmoC GCA 0006040 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco ol hydroxylase P5 prote 45.2 ASM29384v2 prot acteriaceae g Gordonia 45.3 ASM146554v3 pro 15.1 ASM172431v1 pro f SG8-40 g SG8-40 s 1 smmoC GCA 0028796 se Rhodospirillaceae5.1 ASM293711v1 b prot ductase FAD/NAD P -b smmoC GCA 0009727 tein OCS49015.1tein GAQ29962.1 CDP CDP -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc roteobacteria bacterium LL 67 26 smmoCsmmoC GCAsmmoC GCA0017188 0023934GCA 0003003 ein AJW45964.1 CDP- -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc smmoC GCA 0029531 acteriaceae g Mycobac ria p Actinobacteriota c smmoC GCA 0002720 onas sp. eductase Mycobacteriu 55.1 ASM164485v1 pro seen oseenreductase reductase Betapr Betap protein SJM50597.1 Ph 85.1 ASM6978v1 prote roteobacteria bacterium teobacteria bacterium -binding domain protei smmoC GCAotein 0009703 GAM52763.1 CD drase reductase Candi 08 95.1 41k protein KJS36 benzoatilytica 2 smmoC GCA 0003855 45.1 ASM189864v1 pro 75.1 NovNit 2.0 protein reductase Mycobacteri 602 annotated assemb tein ASD27196.1 phen 1 phenol 2-monooxyge 25.1 IMG-taxon 263416 smmoC GCA 0017212 35.1 65.1ASM158613v1 ASM190166v1 pro pro 45.1 ASM172594v1 pro roteobacteria bacterium teobacteria bacterium acteriaceae g Nocardia ria p Actinobacteriota c ordonia sihwensis NBR tein ALF88836.1 CDP- f Burkholderiaceae g U roteobacteria bacterium ol hydroxylase Sphingo in Candidatusdoloripes Thiodiaz 35.1 IMG-taxon 265187 tein OFZ84453.1 CDP- oteobacteria bacterium in Mycobacterium sp. s smmoC GCA 0014655 ein EJW20393.1 hypot s Gordonia amarae 2 smmoC GCA 0017243 Betaproteobacteriales acteriumein BRH PPQ33751.1 c57 pheno inding domain protein T 15.1 ASM169981v195.1 ASM148539v1 pro pro tein OGA34802.1 CDP oseen reductase Betap 45.1 ASM287964v1 pro 35.2 ASM95413v2 prot tein OGA36105.1 CDP RIFCSPLOWO2 02 FU smmoC GCA 0027233 terium s Mycobacterium Actinobacteria o Coryn smmoC GCA 0016448 35.1 ASM295313v1 pro m sp. smmoC GCA 0000697 6-deoxy-delta-3-6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco 4-gluc smmoC GCA 0006912 n Streptomyces thermo ongata FMR23-6 01 pr ero-4-hexulose-3-dehy oseen reductase Betap enol hydroxylase FAD- um sp. smmoC GCA 0018986 thyloversatilis sp. RAC smmoC GCA 0007644 310.1 phenol hydroxyla smmoC GCA 0015861 EGD57832.1 ferredox 6628 annotated assem smmoC GCA 0019016 smmoC5.1 GCA IMG-taxon 0017259 2615840 smmoC GCA 0007055 ol hydroxylase Brevund nase P5 subunit Azosp s Nocardia africana 2 Actinobacteria o Coryn C 108236 smmoC GCA 9000957 55.1 ASM129955v1 pro Betaproteobacteriales oseen reductase Betap smmoC GCA 0016518 smmoC FMYF d Bacte oseen reductase Betap monas melonis TY otropha endolucinida 85.1 ASM177028v1 pro seen reductase Betapr hizuoka-1 smmoC GCA 0000108 hetical protein IMCC14 smmoC GCA 0016375 smmoCsmmoC GCA GCA0016998 0014853 ammaproteobacteria o smmoC GCA 0014280 hermomonospora curv smmoC GCA 0009541 25.1 ASM177052v1 pro -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc tein PMR69554.1 phen l hydroxylase Rhodopil ebacteriales f Pseudon 75.1 ASM177057v1 pro roteobacteria bacterium ria-12 85.1 ASM272338v1 pro icosiumassiliensis 1 smmoC AZXY d Bacter 75.1 ac endosymbM.el tein AUW60555.1 phen 6-deoxy-L-threo-D-glyc tein OFZ93138.1tein OGA18609.1 CDP- CDP autotrophicus -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc 25.1 NitLas1.0 protein and 2Fe-2S -containing se Hyphomonas sp. BR smmoC GCA 0014283 bly protein SDQ15948. ding domain protein Me 95.1 Nitr1.0 protein KG smmoC GCA 0022506 smmoC GCA 90011545 in oxidoreductase Novo ebacteriales f Coryneb smmoC GCA 0012995 ammaproteobacteria o 55.1 MarKoc1.0 protein imonas diminuta irillum lipoferum -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc 05.1 ASM165180v1 pro ria p Actinobacteriota c -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc A2 65 20 smmoC GCA 0018891 05.1 ASM1080v1 prote smmoC GCA 0017702 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco 465 18180 alpha prote 65.1 ASM163756v125.1 Soil748 proteinpro KR ata DSM 43183 ia p Proteobacteria c G smmoC GCA 0027295 smmoC GCA 0010505 ocardiaceae g Sacchar smmoC GCA 0017705 tein OGA11032.1 CDP itrosospira briensis a globiformis smmoC GCA 0017705 spira sp. 56-18 ol hydroxylase Halomo ia p Actinobacteriota c smmoC GCA 0007757 oseen reductase Betap HGW-Betaproteobacte itrosovibrio sp. Nv4pira sp. NpAV smmoC GCA 0015668 tein MBM96525.1 phen tein PSB92146.1 CDP- rosovibrio sp. Nv6 ol hydroxylase plasmid smmoC BCSR d Bacte 45.1 ASM177034v175.1 ASM177047v1 pro pro KDE40714.1 Phenol hy smmoC GCA 0022507 smmoC GCA 0017041 tein OGA41705.1 CDP reductase component 1 NAD P H-flavin reduc us sp. PA01 G2 30 68 42 H c22 05.1 Soil728 protein KR 45.1 ASM225064v1 pro acteriaceae g Gordonia rosospiraitrosospira multiformis multiformis K41346.1 phenol hydro lborgensis S iron-sulfur cluster bin itrosospira sp. Nsp11 sphingobium nitrogenif ria p Proteobacteria c G -133 Actinobacteria o Propi smmoC GCA 0014569 tein OGA80382.1 CDP itrosospiraitrosospira multiformis sp. Nl5 smmoC GCA 0030146 KEA65353.1 Phenol h in BAH53632.1 putative tein OGA44520.1 CDP um aromaticum EbN1 tein ANG62856.1 phen 25.1 ASM188912v1 pro tein OFZ91184.1 CDP- ocyclales bacterium GW obacterium IMCC1446 tein OAB88658.1E55430.135.1 oxidoreducta oxidoASM105053v1 pro opolyspora s Saccharo 15.1 ASM177031v1 pro smmoC LJTS d Bacter 75.1 ASM272957v1 pro Actinobacteria o Coryn xyglucose reductase N smmoC GCA 9001559 smmoC GCA 0022506 -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc seen reductase Nitroso 85.1 ASM156688v1 pro nas heilongjiangensis ria p Actinobacteriota c 65.1 ASM300466v1 pro roteobacteria bacterium yglucose reductase Niteen reductase Nitrosos smmoC GCA 0002277 ol hydroxylase Oceano Sphingobium sp. SCG 35.1 ASM170413v1 pro smmoCsmmoC GCA 0017703 GCA 0017704 rosospira sp.oxyglucose Nsp14 reductase N 05.1 ASM225070v1 pro tase Actinopolyspora s 25.1 ASM177202v1 pro smmoC GCA 0021084 droxylase FAD- and 2F s Gordonia sp2 3 seen reductase Azoarc smmoC GCA 9001078 DmpP Brevundimonas E39041.1 oxidoreducta tein OYO14353.1 oxido sibacteriumteobacteria sp. TH139 bacterium C yglucosexyglucose reductase reductase Nit N S-2 xylase Nitrincola sp. A- onibacteriales f Propion 05.1 ASM145690v1 pro smmoC DDPV d Bacte idimonas nitroreducens -91 atus Accumulibacter aa tein AOF81348.1 2Fe-2 xyglucose reductase N XYB12 FULL 54 9 igens DSM 19370 15.1 ASM177061v1 pro phenol hydroxylase re ellales bacterium 39-52 smmoC GCA 0018093 15.1 ASM301461v1smmoCydroxylase proGCA 9001089 FAD- and 2 45.1 ASM177054v1 pro rans ol hydroxylase Marinob tein APH00126.1 oxido 95.1 ASM177039v1 pro oseen reductasese reductase Rhod Aromatole oxyglucoseoxyglucose reductase reductase N N 5 reductase Janibacter m polyspora flava 1 se Phycicoccustein CCH73946.1 sp. So Phen smmoC GCA 0017703 25.1 ASM225062v1 pro ebacteriales f Coryneb cumulibacter sp. BA-93 s skB26 tein MBS97502.1 phen smmoC GCA 0030046 tein OGA23262.1 CDP CDP-4-dehydro-6-deo 45.1 IMG-taxon 268181 Actinobacteria o Actino tein OCW87313.1 oxid oseen reductase Betap 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco 65.1 ASM22776v1smmoC prot GCA 0028367 tein KXJ57607.1 pheno spirillaceae bacterium -1 tein OYO12465.1 oxido aharensis smmoC GCA 0017720 yglucoseCDP-4-dehydro-6-deox reductase1 CDP-4-dehydro-6-de Nit -deoxy-delta-3 4-glucos smmoC GCA 0030127 95.1 ASM210849v1 pro e-2S -containing reduc se Janibacter sp. Soil7 reductase Propionibact ella sp. T08 smmoC GCA55.1 0015932 IMG-taxon 263416 diminuta 3F5N tein KSU56560.1 oxido 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-glucoeen reductase Betapro s ibacteriaceae g Rainey oseen reductase Cand seen reductase Uligino CDP-4-dehydro-6-deox CDP-4-dehydro-6-deo smmoC GCA 0022426 D6 ductase component Rh smmoC GCA 0017706 Accumulibacter domain protein sp. BA Candid 55.1 ASM171335v1 pro CDP-4-dehydro-6-deo ella capsiferriformans E smmoC GCA 0017705 nellales bacterium RIFO 25.1 ASM180932v1 pro 15.1 IMG-taxonFe-2S -containing 267590 redu reductase Janibacter in smmoC GCA 0017703 seen reductase Gallion tein PSL12861.1 pheno -6-deoxy-delta-3-4-hexulose-3-dehyd 4-gluc ra 1 CDP-4-dehydro-6-de1 CDP-4-dehydro-6-de atus Gallionella acididu acterium aestuarii elonis il748 ol hydroxylase P5 prote acteriaceae g Rhodoco tein OYO19308.1 oxido smmoC GCA 0022454 ductase Candidatus Ac itrosomonas sp. Nm33 A2 60 142 ol hydroxylase Oceano oreductase Nocardia fa 35.1 ASM177193v1 pro ly protein SFO34580.1 mycetales f Dermatoph -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc Sulfuricella denitrifican 3548 annotated assem reductase Propionibact tein OJY14361.1 CDP- smmoC GCA ein00211998 EGZ49898.135.1 pheno ASM283673v1 pro l hydroxylase Neptuniib CDP-4-dehydro-6-deoxly proteinbly proteinSEP41048.1 SOD40353.ein KIO48809.1 CDP-6 75.1 ASM301277v1 pro 28 eriaceae bacterium NM tase component DmpP reductase Gordonia sp tein KON81170.1 CDP- monas communis tein OSI11065.185.1 pheno ASM159328v16328 annotated pro assem ella s Raineyella antarc odococcus opacus B4 -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc reductase Candidatus -deoxy-delta-3 4-glucos ly protein SEO07940.1 rosomonas cryotoleran seen reductase Sulfuric se FAD/NAD P -binding 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco smmoC GCA 0017133 ly protein SFU62064.1 85.1 ASM224268v1 pro bly protein SHL92087.1 domain protein Gallion dicus oseen reductase Gallio 3151 annotatedctase component assem Dmp ccus s Rhodococcus p eoxy-L-threo-D-glycero tein OFN31940.1 phen l 2-monooxygenase P5 tein OHC67177.1 CDP bly proteinbly protein SDQ38014. SCY66577. itrosomonas halophila 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco in Tetrasphaera austral domain protein Candid reductase Propionibact rcinica exulose-3-dehydrase re 95.1 ASM224549v1 pro smmoC GCA 0017719 070 annotated assemb nellales bacterium GW spirillaceae bacterium ilaceae g Janibacter s J tein PKO88817.1 CDP oxyglucose reductase N bly protein SIQ39942.1 eriaceae bacterium NM binding domain protein ria-2 L 030167 . SGD-V-85 ly protein143 SFH37433.1annotated6095 annotated assemb assem ria-1 l hydroxylase P5tein protei PKH80895.1 phen acter sp. Phe 28 65.1 ASM83206v135.1 prot ASM189923v1 pro smmoC GCA 0017169 tein PSJ46427.15.1 ASM211998v1 pheno prot Nitrincola lacisaponen smmoC GCA 0003685 tica 2 smmoC GCA 0024123 l hydroxylase Neisseriatein AMN49707.1 phen tein OWT60306.1 CDP -hexulose-3-dehydrase 95.1 ASM127469v1 pro nia pickettii 076 annotated assemb seen reductase Nitroso ria-8 bly protein SEA03248.1 tein PLK50040.1tein OIP08733.1 CDP- CDP-6 079 annotated assemb yglucose reductase Nit smmoC GCA 0021741 T05746.1 Oxidoreducta 0073 annotated assem 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco smmoC GCA 0010775 tein OXY80404.1 phen yridinivorans 1 reductase FAD-binding smmoC GCA 00170411 P Marinobacterium sp. -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc bly protein SEI59682.1 iensis Ben110 25.1 ASM182892v1in CAI07088.1 pro CDP-6-d 7227 annotated0042 annotated assem assem ol hydroxylase Neisser subunit Marinobacteriu eriaceae bacterium NM oxyglucose reductase N tein OZB09181.1 CDP- y-L-threo-D-glycero-4-h reductase FAD-binding smmoC GCA 0007640 48 anibacter corallicola 1 L 020265 5.1 IMG-taxon 2671180 oseen reductase Gallio tein OYD23705.1 phen 45.1 ASM284234v1 pro 1 CDP-4-dehydro-6-de smmoC GCA 0002043 smmoC GCA 0003684 phenol 2-monooxygen itrosomonas eutropha eductase FAD/NAD P - 078 annotated85.1 assembIMG-taxon 272175 smmoC GCA 0018992 smmoC GCA 0004138 n Neisseria wadsworthol hydroxylase Psychro 5.1 IMG-taxon 2675903smmoC GCA 0008320 rosomonas europaea HGW-Betaproteobacte 55.1 ASM171695v1 pro ein OSZ39456.1 pheno sis smmoC GCA 0012746 HGW-Betaproteobacte 65.1 Acin gern CIP 107 l hydroxylase Zobellella xy-L-threo-D-glycero-4 oseen reductase Ralsto 55.1 ASM241235v1 pro canis ol hydroxylase Psychro 65.1 ASM220956v1 pro 95.1 ASM285559v185.1 ASM187228v1 pro pro 5.1 IMG-taxon 2671180 phenol hydroxylase P5 55.1 A S1 v1 protein SB 5.1 IMG-taxon 2671180 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco 05.1 ASM217410v1 pro CDP-4-dehydro-6-deox ein GAO36472.1 CDP- HGW-Betaproteobacte smmoC GCA 0003803 smmoC GCA 0027951 smmoC GCA 0010055 05.1 IMG-taxon 267118 ein ADL56686.1 Oxido 15.1 ASM107751v1 pro ol hydroxylase Oceanim AK27 smmoC GCA 00051187 phenol hydroxylase P5 L 130396 smmoC GCA65.1 0018289 ASM2596v1 prote tein OGT23100.1 CDP aerae smmoC GCA 0028668 5.1 ASM170411v1 prot ia sp. HMSC077D05 ethylovorus sp. MP688 smmoC GCA 0017077 smmoC GCA 0021741 m halophilum 65.1 IMG-taxon95.1 IMG-taxon 266752 267118 1 CDP-4-dehydro-6-de XI91067.1 CDP-6-deox 35.1 ASM227893v1 pro eijerinckia sp. 28-YEA- tein KXS33283.1 Oxido smmoC GCA 0020293 smmoC25.1 GCA ASM76402v1 0026840 prot smmoC GCA 9000950 smmoC GCA 0021353 smmoC GCA 0028423 mobilis smmoC GCA 0001534 ol hydroxylase Oceanim smmoC GCA 90011532 bly protein SDY09821. -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc smmoC GCA 0003679 ase P5 subunit Marinob 15.2 ASM20431v1 prot smmoC GCA 0030245 85.1 Acin guil NIPH 99 5.1 IMG-taxonsmmoC 2671180 GCA 9002154 oxyglucose reductase N ein BAN36592.1 oxidor acillus flagellatus KT 95.1 Acin rudi CIP 1103 ii 9715 bacter sp. 4Bb smmoC GCA 90011049 yglucose reductase Nit l hydroxylase Alcaligen smmoC GCA 0022095 FB72485.1 CDP-6-deo roteobacteria bacterium tein ODL95653.1 phen sp. 59N8 smmoCsmmoC GCA 0028555 GCA-6-deoxy-delta-3 0018722 4-gluc roteobacteria bacterium smmoC GCA 0026991 smmoC GCA 0016058 464 V1 teinprotein PCN61565.1 ENV328 phen bacter sp. P2G3 smmoC GCA 9000899 smmoCsmmoC GCA 90011683 GCA 90011018 tein AKH37950.1 CDP- protein Marinobacteriu ly protein SFP63373.1 smmoC GCA 0015846 smmoC GCA 9001427 75.1 ASM97147v1 prot 65.1 ASM279516v1 pro 15.1 ASM100551v1 pro tein OUY07347.1 phen smmoC GCA 0000259 55.1 ASM14525v1 prot roteobacteria bacterium smmoC GCA 0004126 smmoCsmmoC GCA 0007427GCA 9001140665.1 ASM38036v1 prot tein KMU99558.1 phen onas doudoroffii protein Pseudospirillum hylopumilus turicensis ein AOA58829.1 pheno 35.1 ASM180233v1 pro 25.1 ASM286682v1 pro 5.1 MOLA455 draft2 pr smmoCsmmoC GCA 9001031GCA 9001024 bly protein SDY49624. ethylobacillus rhizosph 55.1 ASM170775v1 pro 25.1 ASM217412v1 pro 75.1 capba93 protein E smmoC GCA 0022789 W8 otenera sp. inding domain protein M smmoC GCA 9001026 oxyglucose reductase B 45.1 ASM157734v1 pro otenera sp. 95.1 ASM268409v1 pro 75.1 ASM213537v1 pro ductase Nitrosomonas ria-20 45.1 ASM202934v1 pro ein KGE04882.1 Pheno smmoC GCA 9001072smmoC GCA 001647525.1 IMG-taxon 267118 3042 annotated assem tein OGS74554.1 CDP UKL13-2 smmoC GCA 0023554 45.1 ASM15344v1 prot 25.1 Acin sp ANC 3994 onas baumannii rium 11 12-64-13acillus sp.cillus 65-69 sp. 65-29 smmoC GCA 0021354 1 V1 protein ENV16821 acterium stanieri otenera sp. 15.1 ASM302451v1 pro smmoC GCA 90011357 1 CDP-4-dehydro-6-de 55.2 ASM29705v2 prot -44-11 smmoC GCA 0004804 ein EGG30144.1 Ferre 35.2 AW09v2 protein K CDP-4-dehydro-6-deox inding protein Methylob smmoC GCA 0003171 05 V1 protein EPF7356 es faecalis tein POH85978.1 CDP WO2 02 FULL 45 14 ol hydroxylase Acinetob oseen reductase Betap smmoC GCA 9001038 45.1 ASM269914v1 pro 95.1 ASM160589v1 pro 09.1 phenolol hydroxylase hydroxylas Acinetob m georgiense DSM 115 35.1 ASM100793v1 pro oseen reductase Betap smmoC GCA 9001004 136 annotated assemb smmoC GCA 0009714 GR16-43 17-61-9 55.1 ASM158465v1 pro ol hydroxylase Acinetob smmoC GCA 0001452 tein PJG42189.1 pheno tein KKW81199.1 phenol hydroxylase Acinetob 95.1 ASM41269v1 prot 75.1 ASM74277v1 protein AGK17773.1 Pheno japonicum smmoC GCA 0018023 oseen reductase Betap 3 12-61-10 5.1 IMG-taxon 2663763 l hydroxylase Acinetoba smmoC GCA 0005850 3041 annotated assem uctase Candidatus Met smmoC GCA 0027969 otein ETN93341.1 Phe otenera sp. 17-45-7 tein PLW67007.1 phen tein ODA13473.1 phen tein OUY06211.1 phen 1 CDP-4-dehydro-6-de ethyloteneraseen reductase mobilis JLMethyl oxyglucose reductase M cillus sp. 0-1251 smmoC GCA 0015773 ria-22 ductase FAD/NAD P -b smmoC GCA 0009350 smmoC GCA 0029801 35.1 IMG-taxon 266376 seen reductase Methyl tein OTG84098.1 phen exulose-3-dehydrase re tein MAC32862.1 phen 85.1 IMG-taxon 26759045.1 ASM164754v10230 pro annotated assem 65.1 IMG-taxon 267590 85.1 ASM180108v1 pro HGW-Betaproteobacte smmoC GCA 0006894 tein OPK10715.1 phen ein EAS47210.1 Ferred smmoC15.1 GCA ASM213541v1 0026885 V1 pro protein ENU20576 rae Methylophilaceae bacte smmoC GCA 0014226 75.1 ASM235547v1 pro l hydroxylase FAD- and smmoC GCA 0005850 bly protein SCX26541. seen reductase Methyl roteobacteria bacterium 16-64-40 .1 phenol hydroxylase ly protein SES67915.1 smmoC GCA 0002970 lophilales bacterium 28 genophilalesoseen reductasebacteriumseen reductase Thiob Thioba doxin Oxidoreductase F tein PST12032.1 pheno bin12 75.1 Pseu aeru 3568 V 2.1 phenol hydroxylase 95.2 ASM251639v2 pro otenera sp. ductase FAD/NAD P -b smmoC GCA 0018869 cillus sp. SCN 64-317 85.3 M1 v2.0 protein E acter pittii lotenera sp. RIFCSPLO acillus sp. GWE1 62 9 smmoC GCA 9001775 26 smmoC GCA 0010079 -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc 45.1 IMG-taxon 266376 tein KYQ72878.1 phen e P5 proteinacter sp.Acinetoba YT-02 5.1 IMG-taxon 2671180 -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc tein MAT91775.1 phen 95.1 IMG-taxon 266376 tein KXZ70469.1 Phen ol hydroxylase Acinetob acter indicus ophilus sp. oteobacteria bacterium enophilales bacterium l hydroxylase Acinetoba acter sp. VT 511 -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc ein BAN46433.1 pheno ein KFJ90046.1 phenol hydroxylase Ferredox cter larvae bly protein SEC99696. 65.1 IMG-taxon 267590 RIFOXYA1 FULL 63 3 606 annotated assemb seen reductase Methyl xulose-3-dehydrase red genophilales bacterium 85.1 ASM279698v1 pro ol hydroxylase Halioglo nol hydroxylase P5 pro ol hydroxylase Acinetob ol hydroxylase Acinetob 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco 1 CDP-4-dehydro-6-de inding domain protein HGW-Betaproteobacte M in ADQ83229.1 oxidore seen reductase Thioba 45.1 ASM93504v1 prot 55.1 ASM298015v1 pro 2777 annotated assem ol hydroxylase Acinetob y-L-threo-D-glycero-4-h smmoC GCA 0018010 us sp. Leaf416 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco smmoC GCA 9001884 bly protein SCC71069. smmoC GCA 9001072 15.1 PKB13 protein CD ol hydroxylase Haliea s 3034 annotated65.1 ASM268856v1 assemtein OAL76283.1 pro .1 phenol phen hydroxylase 0129 annotated assem ethylophilus rhizosphae se-like oxidoreductase roteobacteria bacterium ol hydroxylase Pseudo 2Fe-2Soxin -containing Oxidoreductase red FA tein OTG93307.1 phen P5 protein Acinetobact 133 annotated assemb 15.1 Leaf58 protein KQ tein BAU72362.1 phen smmoC GCA 0025163 oseen reductase Methy 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco enophilales bacterium smmoC GCA 0015431 l hydroxylase Acinetoba obacteria bacterium ST oseen reductase Betap smmoCsmmoC GCA 0009679 GCA 0002824 AD/NAD P -binding Ox seen reductase Methyl vum sp. 37-45-19 oseen -6-deoxy-delta-3reductase6-deoxy-delta-3 Hydro 4-gluc 4-gluco smmoC GCA 0018303 smmoC GCA 90010511 1 protein ERU68938.1 P5 protein Acinetobac in ABE48302.1 oxidore 75.1 ASM188697v1 pro TM66999.1 phenol hyd vum sp. PN-J185 smmoC GCA 0023565 cter gerneri DSM 1496 oseen reductase Methy tein PKO54529.1 CDP oseen reductase Thiob seen reductase Thioba 05.1 IMG-taxon 254555 ol hydroxylase Acinetob smmoC GCA 90011572 tein PKO92470.1 CDP 2768 annotated assem ol hydroxylase Halioglo ol hydroxylase P5 prote seen reductase Methyl smmoC GCA 9001038 acter sp. Ag2 seen reductase Betapr 2779 annotated assem cter tandoii 9820 annotated assem seen reductase Hydrog smmoC GCA 0005825 smmoC GCA 9001071 tein PKO25503.1 CDP smmoC GCA 0022778 l hydroxylase Pseudomin subunit Azotobacter smmoC GCA 9001048 l hydroxylase P5 protei ly protein SFJ34365.1 tein Gammaproteobact acter populi 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco L-threo-D-glycero-4-he genophilales bacterium smmoC GCA 0009618 bus lutimaris acter celticus Z86981.1 CDP-6-deox tein PPD48521.1 CDP- bly protein SNR81628. oseen reductase Hydro tein PJI50762.1 pheno reductase Methylophil ductase FAD/NAD P -b smmoC GCA 0029799 roteobacteria bacteriumtein PPC93534.1 CDP- 5.1 ASM18311v1 prote smmoC GCA 0020562 ein KIY40592.1 phenol tein PRA44051.1 phen bly protein SDD39482. ol hydroxylase Acinetob1 dimethylsulfoxide oxy acter sp. ANC 4558 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco 55.1 IMG-taxon 270098 bly protein SDY19941. P5 protein Acinetobact er guillouiae NIPH 991 15.1 IMG-taxon 267118 oseen reductase Betap monas sp. VI4.1 p. tein ATO20169.1ol hydroxylase pheno Acinetob 5.1 IMG-taxon 2671180 oxyglucose reductase M prenylphenol hydroxyla F83104.1 Phenol hydro uctase componentD/NAD P -binding Dm Oxid oseen reductase Prote tein PPC83642.1 CDP- N58738.1 phenol hydro ol hydroxylase Pseudo -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc smmoC GCA 0026901 25.1 ASM154312v1 pro idoreductaseFAD-bindi cter sp. WCHAc060041ter rudis CIP 110305 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc seen reductase Hydrog 65.1 ASM96796v175.1 GM78.fsa prot protein 05.1 ASM1370v1 prote oseen reductase Ferro tein OJW37953.1tein OJZ18710.1 CDP CDP- 65.1 ASM183036v1 pro 5.1 IMG-taxon 2667527 phenol hydroxylase P5 7 = CIP 107464 -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc smmoC GCA 9001052 tein APE99419.1 pheno roxylase Pseudomonas anktonicus -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc ydrase reductase Ferro 35.1 ASM235653v1 pro 55.1 ASM284225v1 pro 5812 annotated assem acter pragensis 35.1 ASM284243v1 pro -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco bly protein SDN69901. bus sp. in Acinetobacter veneti 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco 75.1 IMG-taxon 263641 55.1 IMG-taxon 269342 smmoC GCA 0002179 bly protein SDG38053. 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco um 35.1 ASM284213v1 pro 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco 95.1 BAY1662 2 protein 15.1 ASM227781v1 pro n Pseudomonas resino onas sp. 1-7 vinelandii CA6 aceae bacterium phenol hydroxylase P5 eria bacterium MOLA4 35.1 NSMM protein SC tein OZA08577.1 CDP- 55078.1 CDP-6-deoxy- 05.1 IMG-taxon35.1 41k 266752protein KJS30 xy-delta-3 4-glucoseen in ACT47072.1 oxidore 5330 annotated assem 2 64 14 oseen reductase Hydro l hydroxylase Pseudom 75.1 ASM292907v1 pro -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc genase zeta subunit Ac smmoC GCA 9001008 oseen reductase Betap smmoC GCA 00018311 75.1 ASM297997v1 pro hydroxylase Pseudom ol hydroxylase Pseudo 1 phenol hydroxylase P acter sp. SFBer bohemicus ANC 399 35.1 ASM292853v1 pro tein OJY58754.1 CDP- 95.1 ASM205629v1 pro 1 dimethylsulfoxide oxy smmoC GCA 90011172 1 CDP-4-dehydro-6-de ein EUJ09267.1 2-poly -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc 8710 annotated assem pP Pseudohaliea rubra l hydroxylaseacter sp. Acinetoba ANC 3832 -6-deoxy-delta-3tein OYY48589.1 4-gluc CDP 12 FULL 59 22 xylase P5 protein Pseu monas pseudoalcaligen oreductaseFAD-binding 05.1 ASM292840v1 pro terium GWA2 55 18 smmoC GCA 0008286 xylase Pseudomonas s ng region gamma prote tein PPD18234.1 CDP- 25.1 ASM269012v1 pro tein AMB87004.1 phen smmoC GCA 0000137 tein AMS31323.1 CDP ein KJZ46151.1EJN23327.1 pheno Na+-trans protein Pseudomonas -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco atus Methylopumilus pl tein OGV76516.1 CDP 05.1 ASM189770v1 pro smmoC GCA 0028400 tein OHC62490.1 phen85.1 IMG-taxon 263976 smmoC GCA 0028422 tein OYW66030.175.1 ASM189977v1CDP pro 224 annotated assemb l hydroxylase Pseudom sp. M1 smmoC GCA 9001049 smmoC GCA 0028424 cero-4-hexulose-3-deh tein BAV28225.1 pheno anus tein PPD11948.1 CDP- tein OHE59768.1 CDP bly protein SMF26215. 1 phenol hydroxylase P tein ODV11976.1 CDP- 1 phenol hydroxylase P 55.3 PfluHK442.0 prote6065 annotated assem smmoC GCA 0028421 tein APV49237.1 CDP- smmoC GCA 9001030 rhodospiraceae bacteri vorans NBRC 106553 protein Pseudomonas 55 75.1 ASM225737v1 pro tein OZA26933.1 CDP- EXF43945.1 oxidoredu tein PAM81956.1 phen QT41456.1 CDP-6-deo 05.1 ASM2370v1 prote S-10A-171 protein CEN smmoC GCA 0024018 smmoC GCA 0029290 rium RIFCSPLOWO22 12 FULL 0 57 18 -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc een reductase Thiotrich 7434 annotated191.1 phenol assem hydroxyla -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc 85.1 IMG-taxon 265724 smmoC GCA 0023514 onas sp. 4 inetobacter albensis smmoC GCA 0029285 tein OYW37225.1 CDP smmoC GCA 0002601 onas sp. 10-1B monas sp. MYb115 5 protein Pseudomona genase zeta subunit Ac bly protein SDK74632. 25.1 ASM52502v1 prot tein PKO51051.1 CDP 05.1 ASM189930v1 pro tein PRB75023.1 phen DSM 19751 cter sp. LoGeW2-3 tein OQW67867.175.1 ASM228147v1 CDP pro smmoC GCA 0029284 terium RIFCSPLOWO2 smmoCsmmoC GCA 90011469 GCA 0025638 tein AQZ94356.1 phen bly protein SNT17573.1 region marine gamma domonas knackmussii es KF707 = NBRC 110 obacterium IMCC3088 75.1 ASM292877v1 pro 5800 Gallionellales bac p. Leaf58 15.1 ASM82861v1 prot tein MAH00720.1 phen ol hydroxylase Pseudo aeruginosa C40 domain protein Candid tein OYV94667.155.1 CDP ASM160245v1 pro l hydroxylaseporting PseudomNADH ubiquino 95.1 ASM180339v1 pro tein OYZ27556.1 CDP- smmoC GCA 0018977 -6-deoxy-L-threo-D-gly smmoC GCA 0018997 55.1 ASM284005v1 pro ol hydroxylase Pseudo2618 annotated assem ly protein SED54660.1 25.1 ASM292882v1 pro 85.1 ASM227988v1 pro smmoC GCA 0027461 onas putida1 phenol hydroxylase P 15.1 ASM183101v1 pro l hydroxylase P5 protei 5 protein Pseudomona 35.1 ASM172553v1 pro 5 protein Pseudomona bly protein SDO96315. smmoC GCA 0013055 in EXF96069.1 ferredo kunmingensis smmoC GCA 0022573 15.1 ASM195321v1 pro een reductase Ectothio 65.1 Leaf416 protein K smmoC GCA 0000237 85.1 ASM225678v1 pro ol hydroxylase Pseudo lopumilus turicensis MM 45.1 ASM240184v1 pro ctase FAD-binding sub tein PKO46530.1 CDP smmoC GCA 9001879 etaproteobacteriacterium bacte RIFCSPLOWO tein OGU48874.1 CDP -deoxy-delta-3 4-glucos bly protein SDS25719. 8194 annotated assem smmoC GCA 0005250 smmoC GCA 0027065 65.1 ASM235146v1 pro se Pseudomonas sp. B s chengduensis inetobacter kyonggiens 95.1 ASM227979v1 pro smmoC GCA 0022814 95.1 ASM284219v1 pro 35.1 ASM26013v1 prot smmoC GCA 0017177 35.1 ASM208363v1 pro smmoC GCA 0018993 smmoC GCA 9001672 ol hydroxylase Pseudo proteobacterium HTCC 85.1 ASM256388v1 pro ol hydroxylase Pseudo phenol 2-monooxygen B13 smmoC GCA 0029287 2 FULL 65 24 1345 Gallionellales bac 5.1 IMG-taxon 2619618 670 thetical protein A2Z94 0 e FAD/NAD P -binding smmoC GCA 0026840 monas agarici smmoC GCA 0018033 smmoC GCA 0016024 smmoC GCA 0027197 ne oxidoreductase sub 05.1 ASM227930v1 pro ein BAO43843.1 pheno smmoC GCA 0015775 ol hydroxylase Pseudo onas fluorescens smmoC GCA 0029288 95.1 ASM225699v1 pro monadales bacterium R phenol 2-monooxygen tein KXW55948.1 CDP smmoC GCA 0022798 tein PKM28777.1 phen bly protein SDT20812.1 5 protein Pseudomona s jinjuensis smmoC GCA 0018310 55.1 ASM274615v1 pro smmoC GCAsmmoC 0027447 GCA 90011283 n Pseudomonas sp. LA smmoC GCA 0017255 smmoC GCA 0001708smmoC GCA 9001069 s benzenivorans 1 phenol 2-monooxyge smmoC GCA 0014246 smmoC GCA 0015744 smmoC GCA 90011477 xin Pseudomonas fluor smmoC GCA 0019532 75.2 ASM130557v2 pro 15.1 Candidatus Methy smmoC GCA 0022567 -deoxy-delta-3 4-glucos smmoC GCA 0018541 monas sp. ERMR1 02 85.1 ASM284228v1 pro unit Pseudomonas sp. 75.1 IMG-taxon 265458 doxin-NAD reductase00910 B Gallionellales ba tein PCI84840.1 pheno 1 phenol 2-monooxyge is smmoC GCA 0028421 15.1 ASM180271v1 pro tein PCI65403.1 CDP-6 RH c35 smmoC GCA 0020836 m UTPRO2 smmoC GCA 0022797 05.1 ASM270650v1 pro tein PCC99495.1 phen 65.1 ASM171776v1 pro monas sp. MYb185 2207 rium RIFCSPLOWO2 0 55.1 IMG-taxonein EIJ36693.1 258542 phenol smmoC GCA 0016509 monas sp. S-6-2 ase P5 subunit Pseudo 18911.1 Oxidoreductas thetical protein A3F73 1 tein PFG10274.1 phen C2181 tein OGS76348.1 hypo 959 annotated assemb smmoC GCA 0022793 75.1 ASM268407v1 pro 35.1 ASM271973v1 pro monadales bacterium unit NqrF Pseudomona smmoC GCA 0022569 75.1 ASM157757v1 pro l hydroxylase ferredoxi smmoC GCA 0008310 ase P5 subunit Pseudo 25.1 ASM158192v1 pro ol hydroxylase Gamma IFCSPLOWO2 02 FUL phenol 2-monooxygen s sp. LAIL14HWK12 I1 B-08 35.1 ASM274473v1 pro 45.1 IMG-taxon 261727 tein PCJ47003.1 pheno 5.1 IMG-taxon35.1 2619618 ASM17083v1 prot escens HK44 nase P5 subunit Pseud smmoC GCA 9001009 smmoC GCA 0028422 smmoC GCA 0009530 smmoC GCA 0024009 45.1 ASM157444v1 pro 5.1 IMG-taxon 2617270 tein OGA07078.1thetical ferre protein A3G79 tein PCI82835.1 CDP-6 tein ALG66621.1 pheno 25.1 ASM185412v1 pro BAY1663 smmoC GCA 0018027 smmoC GCA 0003694 l hydroxylase Oceanos nase P5 subunit Pseud hodocyclaceae bacteriu 65.1 ASM240176v1 pro tein MAY39261.1 phen ol hydroxylase Pseudo -14 tein OGT13508.1 hypo tein ODM33696.1 phen monas japonica philales MMS-2-53 bacterium protein HTC CEZ etaproteobacteria bacte 2-monooxygenase P5 15.1 ASM165091v1 pro 55.1 ASM180105v1 pro 8147 annotated assem ol 2-monooxygenase P lus HL-EbGr7 smmoC GCA 9001016 ly protein SFL51368.1 ulfuritalea s 1 s sp. GM78 smmoC GCA 0015668 tein MAB34458.1 phen tein MBI53395.1 pheno smmoC GCA 0015819 monas mohnii -02 n subunit Thiolapillus b 05.1 ASM83100v1 prot tein KXS54904.1 oxido L 63 210 1 proteobacteria bacteriu ase P5 subunit Pseudo

tein PHQ25847.1 phen ein EDM48675.1 Ferre0765 annotated assem omonas arsenicoxydan l hydroxylase Gammap 958 annotated assemb smmoC GCA 0014849 tein OGS94585.1 hypo 65.1 ASM240096v1 pro tein KXO08938.1 Phen 916 annotated assemb 25.1 ASM177032v1 pro 75.1 ASM240177v1 pro smmoC GCA 0028359 tein AOY89168.1 phen smmoC GCA 0003150 l hydroxylase Beggiato pirillales bacterium omonas oryzae doxin-NAD reductase R smmoC GCA 0024017 45.1 Acin sp NIPHsmmoC 713 GCA 0015299 obacteria bacteriumobacteria bacterium smmoC GCA 0027165 smmoC GCA 0028695 ol hydroxylase Spongii monas pelagia een reductaselopumilus Methylo planktonicus lkalivibrio denitrificans smmoC GCA 0014273 doxin-NAD reductase B 55.1 ASM180125v1 pro smmoC GCA 0018010 obacteria bacterium smmoC GCA 0008124 ol hydroxylase Marinob atiales bacterium 21-64 subunit Thiothrix nivea 5 subunit Marinobacter f Rhodocyclaceae g S bly protein SKA75358.1 tein OAN91106.1 phen phenol 2-monooxygena hioalkalivibrio sulfidiphi 25.1 IMG-taxon 261584 Accumulibacter sp. SK ol hydroxylase Thalass l hydroxylase Alcanivor es bacterium 63-13 25.1 ASM156682v1 pro reductase FAD/NAD P smmoC GCA 0007326 ein AHI32763.1 phenol smmoC GCA 0026927 smmoC GCA 0021354 randeum m HGW-Gammaproteo monas umsongensis ensis Run B J11

icans ol hydroxylase Marinob doxin Oxidoreductasebly F protein SDW96663 s rium BMS3Abin12 roteobacteria bacterium ly protein SFE33150.1 smmoC GCA 001770335.1 ASM180123v1 pro 35.1 ASM148493v1 pro smmoC GCA 0027337 ly protein SFL81148.1 p smmoC GCA 0024017 tein PCH85333.1 phen ol hydroxylase FAD- an 35.1 ASM283593v155.1 ASM31505v1 pro prot tein OQY69990.1 ferre smmoCsmmoC GCA 9001040 GCA 0028587 a leptomitoformis ol hydroxylase Marinob smmoC GCA 0003149 05.1 Candidatus Methy oseen reductaseoseen reductaseProte Prote 2 -deoxy-delta-3 4-glucos D11 V1 protein ENW8691125.1 ASM152992v1 pro 45.1 ASM271654v1 pro 65.1 ASM286956v1 pro bacter sp. tein OGA24022.1 ferre smmoC GCA 0018012 oseen reductase Prote 25.1 Root1485 protein oseen reductase Thioa Betaproteobacteriales 45.1 ASM81244v1 prot acter adhaerens sp. LV10MA510-1 DSM 5205 ol hydroxylase Marinob se P5 subunit Marinoba reductase Candidatus lobacter ferrooxidans phenol hydroxylase P5 02140 Xanthomonadal eolei 2 oseen reductase Chrom smmoC GCA 0016343 0592 annotated assem ospira sp. ax sp. inding domain protein T smmoC GCA 0027972 -binding domain-contai us tein KXJ47407.1 pheno hydroxylase Marinoba 45.1 ASM269274v1 pro 15.1 ASM73261v1 prot bacteria-11 35.1 ASM213543v1 pro smmoC GCA 9001079 tus Contendobacter od .1 phenol 2-monooxyge ium acter guineae smmoC GCA 0018012 phenol 2-monooxygenaAD/NAD P -binding Ox hiohalorhabdus denitrif ydrase reductase bacte 85.1 ASM273378v1 pro smmoC GCA 0009815 55.1 ASM206695v1 pro tein ALV74840.1 pheno ol hydroxylase Piscirick d 2Fe-2S -containing re henol 2-monooxygenas95.1 ASM31499v1tein PKG98553.1ein prot GAC33281.1 phen pheno ein EAV46561.1 CDP-6 -6-deoxy-delta-3-6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc 4-gluc HE-1 smmoC GCA 9001777 95.1 IMG-taxon65.1 ASM285876v1 263976 pro acter salinus 35.1 ASM177043v1 pro ithiobacillus tepidarius .1 hypothetical protein -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc cter denitrificans Run A tein KVV21669.1 phen tein MBG96240.1 phen tein PLY05206.1 pheno ammaproteobacteria o smmoC GCA 0022226 KQZ46980.1 phenol hy -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc smmoC GCA 0006985 -hexulose-3-dehydrase smmoC GCA 0014286 ein KWR78250.1 phen hetical protein BGP25 smmoC GCA 0002766 smmoC GCA 0003682 acter sp. EhC06 cter sp. DSM 26291 seen reductase Acidiha protein Thiothrix eikelb s s Arhodomonas aqua -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc smmoC GCA 001931465.1 ASM163436v1 pro bly protein SDC84192. ning protein Marinobac ductase FAD/NAD P -b 55.1 ASM279725v1 pro ium SG8 47 smmoC GCA 9000071 cter salarius tein MAK34623.1 phen halobacter thiocyanatichaceae bacteriumnt smmoC GCA 0018976 ein KFG95342.1 pheno l hydroxylase Cycloclas smmoC ARCY d Bacte 85.1 IMG-taxon 267590 tein OTG85752.1 phen omain protein Candida smmoC GCA 0029029 nase P5 subunit Marino aproteobacteria bacter smmoC GCA 0017537 idoreductase FAD-bind 1 se P5 subunit Marinoba 95.1 ASM16899v1 prot smmoC GCA 0020669 proteobacteria-2 tein MAF81431.1 CDP 61 37 ol hydroxylase Paragla tein MAC67185.1 CDP cero-4-hexulose-3-deh tein PHR51765.1 phen ductase component Dm e P5 subunit Marinobaein GAC18650.1 phenol hydroxylase P5 protei oxyglucose reductase T smmoC GCA 0029544 l hydroxylase plasmid A ettsiaceae bacterium smmoC GCA 0017704 smmoC GCA 0028798 tein MAU42789.1 CDP alilimnicola ehrlichii ML smmoC GCA 0015449 25.1 IMG-taxon 270874 smmoC GCA 0022058 2659 annotatedtein PLP97663.1 assem pheno ria p Proteobacteria c G 787 F906 01984 Acinetoba smmoC GCA 0015446 ol hydroxylase Burkhol ol hydroxylase Cyclocla l hydroxylase Arcobact rmithiobacillus s Therm droxylase Massilia sp. tein OJY88629.1xy-L-threo-D-glycero-4 hypot Candidatus Competiba 55.1 ASM222265v1 pro 95.1 SOAPdenovo v1.0 ol hydroxylase Cupriav 11 tein OOG25047.1 CDP 65.1 Root219 protein K smmoC GCA 0015805 05.1 Acidovorax.strCF3 65.1 Acin sp ANC 3789 a smmoC GCA 0019889 smmoC GCA 0018543 oomii SM 15071 smmoC GCA 0014265 smmoC GCA 0001709 1 phenol 2-monooxyge ter sp. T13-3 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco tein OYV77896.1 CDP 85.1 ASM193148v1 pro smmoC GCA 90011537 ol hydroxylase Flavoba in ACL71129.1 oxidore ccaceae g Arhodomona tein PJI36589.1 pheno aproteobacteria bacter tein ANB73725.1 phen 65.2 BN2476-7183 pro 15.1 ASM189761v1 pro ticus sp. Phe 18 in oxidoreductasesseen reductase Thio ya velesianaThiotric gill symbio alivibrio versutus ustis variabilis l hydroxylase Burkhold sa sp. KS1 livibrio halophilus ria p Proteobacteria c G 3147 annotated assem smmoC GCA 00221144 ol hydroxylase Acinetob smmoC GCA 0001689 seen reductase Gamm lobacter prosperus ing region Marinobactebacter mobilis FAD/NAD P -binding d 25.1 ASM290292v1 pro 75.1 ASM175377v1 pro acterium HGW-Gamma haceae g Thiothrix A s cter sp. DSM 26671 95.1 ASM268799v175.1 ASM268487v1 pro pro K90mix ciecola sp. MB-3u-78 ium RIFOXYD12 FULL ol hydroxylase Cyclocla cter zhejiangensis n Paraglaciecola polari proteobacteria-4 -6-deoxy-L-threo-D-gly smmoC GCA 0004719 l hydroxylase P5 protei alobacter prosperus smmoC MWUM d Bact smmoC GCA 0015980 25.1 ASM295442v1 pro pP Marinobacter excell 05.1 ASM270100v1 pro lobacter prosperus cinetobacter johnsonii X smmoC MHZX d Bacte 1 CDP-4-dehydro-6-de smmoC GCA 0000092 65.1 ASM287986v1 pro 45.1 ASM220584v1 pro bly protein SDP38191. ding domain protein Alk errobacter thiooxydans 15.2 ASM154491v2 pro smmoC GCA 0005762 l hydroxylase Cupriavid FB75014.1 CDP-6-deo 2 FULL 47 50 smmoC AXWS d Bacte cter sp. NIPH 713deria multivorans er sp. 55.1 ASM189985v1 pro nitratireducens DSM 14 2529 annotated assem smmoC GCA 0021884 95.2 ASM154469v2 pro Root1485 sticus sp. teobacteria bacterium acterium RBG 16 65 34 e Thiocapsa marina 58 -binding domain protein idithiobacillaceae g The idus sp. SHE aulis limicola tein ASM77164.1 phen 65.1 ASM200036v1 pro 65.1 ASM158056v1 pro 5 protein KDR39296.1 smmoC GCA 0021573 RC36402.116 v1.0 phenol protein hyd EJE513 V1 protein ENU80526 hiocapsa roseopersicin 16-60-9 s 1 smmoC GCA 0017240 75.1 ASM198897v1 pro smmoC GCA 9000945 05.1 ASM185430v1 pro 05.1 Root473 protein K 15.1 ASM17091v1 prot nase P5 subunit Cupria cteriaceae bacterium tein APZ41692.1 CDP- iohalospira halophila D 85.1 ASM2198v1 prote 5.1 IMG-taxon 2687453 l hydroxylase Acinetoba apsa sp. PB-PSB1 Nitrococcales f Nitroco 65.1 ASM225536v1 pro tein OLL28953.1ol pheno hydroxylase Burkhol tein SIT46486.1 Pheno se and related6-deoxy-delta-3 flavodox 4-gluco seen reductase Gamm tein OJV54766.1 pheno eria paludis D + reductase Thiocap oseen reductase Solem seen reductase Thioalk seen reductase Sulfurif bly protein SEG23719. ammaproteobacteria b een reductase Thioalka r algicola DG893 smmoC GCA 0026879 ammaproteobacteria o acter sp. ANC 3813 smmoC GCA 0026848 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco seen reductase Acidiha smmoC GCA 90011022 smmoC GCA 9000901 acterium HGW-Gamma nticola sp. Thiotrichales f Thiotric xin Thioalkalivibrio sp. 6003.1 Oxidoreductase 5.1 ASM221144v1 prot smmoC GCA 0017252 tein OEZ29105.1 phen s LMG 21857 smmoC GCA 0027010 aproteobacteria bacter atus tein AUT59517.1 pheno n Paraglaciecola arctic sticus sp. ens LAMA 842 tein GBE09917.1 CDP 25.1 ASM47192v1 prot 75.2 capsk02 protein K oseen reductaseseen Acidihreductase Acidiha s asiatica 1 55.1 ASM159805v1 pro tein PQJ26085.1 pheno smmoC GCA 0018998 eria p Proteobacteria c 85.2 ASM928v2 protein 1 phenol 2-monooxyge bly protein SCX77506. smmoC GCA 90011199 smmoC GCA 0027356 05.1 Methylibium sp. T BB1 oseen reductase Acidif iobacillus sp. SH tein PMS19314.1 phen tein OWR02874.1 phen us pauculus uctase FAD/NAD P -bin ium RIFCSPLOWO2 0 tein SAK86489.1 oxido protein Thioalkalivibrio C5015 smmoC GCA 0018986 ria p Proteobacteria c G bly protein SMG57784. 65.1 ASM218846v1 pro 7485 partial Gammapro smmoC GCA 0027869 tein SAL65923.1 oxido doxin--NAD + reductas reductase FAD/NAD P tus Muproteobacteria b hiobacillus thiooxidans smmoC GCA 0018977 smmoC GCA 0020003 Acidithiobacillales f Ac smmoC GCA 00061114 ol hydroxylase Vitreosc 55.1 ASM215735v1 pro roxylase Acidovorax sp .1 hypothetical protein oxyglucose reductase T seen reductase Sulfuric phenol hydroxylase Ca smmoC GCA 0008124 95.1 ASM172409v1 pro 35.1 2-polyprenylpheno ulfurifustaceae g RBG- smmoC GCA 0030085 tein KXV04294.1 phen 95.1 IMG-taxon 267118 ein EDM83251.1 Ferre vidus sp. YR651 yglucose reductase Th tein AOY96756.1 phen QX88900.1 phenol hyd 25.1 ASM197572v1smmoC GCA pro 0000219 tein AQH03133.1 phen 5 uncultured Thiohaloc smmoC GCA 0022553 cter sp. ANC 5324 doxin-NAD reductase G ammaproteobacteria o xidans ATCC 23270 deria sp. OLGA172 l hydroxylase P5 protei 681 annotated assemb utative Ferredoxin--NA prenylphenoltein hydroxyla PCJ85047.1 CDP- l hydroxylase Burkhold l hydroxylase Burkhold 1 phenol hydroxylase P -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco ammaproteobacteria b -deoxy-delta-3 4-glucos 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco Betaproteobacteriales smmoC GCA 0009746 95.1 IMG-taxon 251204 tein MAT66608.1 CDP- ammaproteobacteria6-deoxy-delta-3 o 4-gluco smmoC GCA 0008323 seen reductase Sedime in ADC70527.1 ferredo 35.1 ASM172523v1 pro ol hydroxylase Variovor a BSs20135 smmoC GCA 0005849 JEB4343 protein CDH4 ein OWW20259.1 phen 5.1 IMG-taxon 2599185 smmoC GCA 0002430 oseen reductase Gamm 01355 Spiribacter curv O2 01 FULL 60 18 l hydroxylase Paraburk ein AGW89995.1 phen -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc 35.1 ASM289783v1 pro nase P5 subunit Ralsto 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco limonas s Aquisalimona Gammaproteobacteria tein AMR80663.1 phen 29-A 2.0 protein EWS5 l hydroxylase Rhodoco 05.1 ASM273560v1 pro CAJ95341.1 phenol hy obacteria-1 seen reductase Acidith 3511 annotated assem ol hydroxylase Parabur ol hydroxylase Pelomo coseen reductase-like s Nitrococcus mobilis 1 -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc 5.1 IMG-taxon 2609459 in ABI57870.1 oxidored aproteobacteria bacter reductase FAD-binding 55.1 ASM189865v1 pro 1 phenol 2-monooxyge tein OVZ55291.1 phen ein EGV18354.1 Ferre etical protein COB77 0 a proteobacterium HTC ammaproteobacteria o M1 46 15.1 ASM278691v1 pro reductase FAD-binding tein CDI03630.1 Oxido oseen reductase Acidit smmoC GCA 0002140 75.1 ASM189777v1 pro een reductase Candida ammaproteobacteria o 5.2 CupriavidusSK32.0 . Root219 F975 01580 Acinetoba 65.1 ASM81246v1 prot tein OUM04043.1 phen .1 CDP-4-dehydro-6-de illa filiformis balleronia glathei l hydroxylase-like oxido tein PKM17062.1 ferre 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco 75.1 ASM300857v1 pro ol hydroxylase Caballe tein ODS70760.1 phen doxin Oxidoreductase F smmoC GCA 0019757 0232 annotated assem ol hydroxylase Cupriav roxylase Variovorax sp ical protein N838 2745 CDP-4-dehydro-6-deox Acidiferrobacterales f S ol hydroxylase Burkhol ly protein SFO48162.1 doxin-NAD reductase G 65.1 ASM274636v1 pro n pip eriales bacterium 68-10 5 protein Sphingobacte 1 protein CRI63553.1 p tein BAZ92733.1 2-poly tein OOZ40398.1 CDP tein AKJ96302.1 CDP- ria p Proteobacteria c G Acidithiobacillus ferroo smmoC GCA 0015190 eria sp. SRS-W-2-2016 n OOC10463.1 CDP-6 tein KPK39646.1 CDP- f Burkholderiaceae g P ein OBS09584.1 CDP- tein BAU47078.1 CDP- 45.1 ASM97464v1 prot 85.1 ASM269918v1 pro ria p Proteobacteria c G 05.1 ASM83230v1 prot 7091 annotated assem 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco 45.1 ASM2554v1 prote smmoC GCA 0028408 ax boronicumulans -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc 95.2 ASM24309v2 prot heticalcter protein salinus SPICUR M19-405.1 COMPJ11 2695 PR ol hydroxylase Noviher tein ODU57332.1 phen 145 annotated assemb bacterium RIFCSPLOW holderia terrae tein AOU96626.1 CDP ol hydroxylase Ralston nia sp. 25mfcol4.1 smmoC GCA 0028978 ccus sp. SAORIC-690 tein AOV15665.1 CDP- limonadaceae g Aquisa ol hydroxylase Cupriav 4682.1 Phenol hydroxy o Betaproteobacteriale kholderia rhynchosiae nas puraquae ccaceae g Nitrococcus tein PHV05566.1 phen droxylase P5 protein R 85.1 ASM1478v1 prote ium HGW-Gammaprote P-6-deoxy-delta-3 4-glu tein OCX44658.1 CDP 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco 65.1 IMG-taxon 259658 smmoC GCA 0002713 85.2 ASM22398v1 prot ein PCI04859.1 hypoth smmoC GCA 0023548 737 annotated assemb subunit Caballeronia p nase P5 subunit Parab ol hydroxylase Pigmen oseen reductase Gamm smmoC GCA 0028423 tein OJW97940.1 phen Betaproteobacteriales er 62 6 drase reductase gamm subunit Caballeronia a cter sp. ANC 3789 15.1 ASM284001v1 pro terium SCN 69-320 35.2 ASM105123v2 pro 35.2 ASM21403v1 prot tein PIQ54839.1 pheno bly protein SDW02287 iobacillales bacterium S -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc protein KDP86481.1 p -deoxy-delta-3 4-glucos ia p Proteobacteria c G tein OJW93163.1 phen ein KWR85117.1 pheno ol hydroxylase Variovor reductase Acidovorax s ronia megalochromoso ol hydroxylase Bordete . Root473 tein PKM06804.1 ferre ESQ16092.1 hypothet tein BAV32958.1 CDP- idus sp. USMAA2-4 AD/NAD P -binding Ox tein AVO49188.1 pheno bly protein SCB21208. ly protein SFD81073.1 ammaproteobacteria o deria sp. KK1 35.1 Thiocapsa sp. KS smmoC GCA 0027463 rium tadeniae phenol 2-monooxygen rium lactis 55.1 ASM235635v1 pro 75.1 ASM202087v1 pro smmoC ARGF d Bacte 55.1 ASM102095v1 pro ase reductase putative 55.1 ASM151905v1 pro 55.1 Tv HL17 v1 protei caldus SM-1 smmoC GCA 0003101 smmoC GCA 0026991 95.2 ASM75409v2 prot 95.1 ASM130349v1 pro araburkholderia s Para tein PLY12956.1 CDP- smmoC PDPH d Bacte smmoC GCA 0000255 15.1 ASM235541v1 pro ein GAO26009.1 ferred bly protein SCK13169. tein OGT90620.1 CDP ein AJG24070.1 Pheno soli ein AGY91290.1 hypot 25.1 ASM284082v1 pro ein EHP42416.1 pheno 0-R10 -binding subunit SpiribasmmoC GCA 00053112 baspirillum denitrificans ol hydroxylase Comam ly protein SEN59078.1 45.1 ASM175324v1 pro atus Muproteobacteria ia pickettii DTP0602 65.1 ASM175316v1 pro Nitrococcales f Aquisa idus nantongensis lase P5 protein Methyli s f Rhodocyclaceae g Z alstonia eutropha H16 smmoC GCA 0002239 smmoC GCA Nitrococcales 0000147 f Nitroco aproteobacteria bacter smmoC GCA 0022456 smmoC GCA 0015173 ol hydroxylase Janthino smmoC GCA 0028400 5.1 ASM240118v1 prot smmoC GCA 9001013 tiphaga sp. NML08035 in oxidoreductases / CD um 75.1 ASM170507v1 pro tein PKY11963.1 CDP- smmoC GCA 9001561 05.1 ASM27130v1 prot edi urkholderia susongens um CG 4 9 14 3 um filt smmoC GCA 90011101 95.1 ASM235489v1 pro ly protein SFB35041.1 anthomonadaceae bac -6-deoxy-delta-3ero-4-hexulose-3-dehy 4-gluc 95.1 ASM284239v1 pro smmoC GCA 0029155 ol hydroxylase Burkhol f Burkholderiaceae g D 91 2843 annotated assem smmoC GCA 0010512 rvi 95.1 ASM283999v1 pro seen reductase Acidith tein OFC50079.1 CDP ein EGK69725.1 Pheno l hydroxylase Comamo henol hydroxylase Cup 69-32 ium SG8 31 smmoC AUIS d Bacter smmoC GCA 0003101 ax sp. JS1663 p. CF316 ein OGI48514.1 CDP-6 ol hydroxylase Alicyclip l hydroxylase Cupriavid lla sp. SCN 67-23 idoreductase FAD-bind odanobacter glycinis 15.1 berryPSB1 protein mata 1 phenol 2-monooxyge smmoC GCA 0014997 35.1 ASM235573v1 pro sp. Soil773 212 annotated assemb ase P5 subunit Variovo smmoC GCA 0023563 smmoC GCA 0020208 errobacteraceae bacte ria p Proteobacteria c G l hydroxylase Melamini smmoCsmmoC GCA 0010209 GCA 0019952 smmoC GCA 0015518 o-4-hexulose-3-dehydr smmoC GCA 0007540 85.1 ASM31018v1 prot smmoCsmmoC GCA 0005764 GCA 0027238 smmoC GCA 0013034 een reductase Acidithio tein KUR76770.1 phen burkholderia tuberum 1 85.1 ASM286958v1 pro 1 phenol 2-monooxyge smmoC GCA 0023554 odanobacter sp. FW51 ductase Oleiagrimonas 95.1 ASM180199v1 pro oxin oxidoreductase FA l hydroxylase FAD- and 05.1 ASM48590v1 prot smmoC GCA 0003102 l hydroxylase P5 protei smmoC GCA 0017532 reductase FAD/NAD P XYA1 FULL 67 6 odanobacter sp. B04 tein PKO57511.1 phen onadaceae bacterium S phenol 2-monooxygen smmoC GCA 0017531 ammaproteobacteria o sp. TMED55 seen reductase Candid smmoC GCAsmmoC 0026834 GCA 0014125 bium sp. T29 odanobacter sp. C05 odanobacter sp. C06 ammaproteobacteria o odanobacteracter sp. sp.Soil772 C03 65.1 JGI assembly pro oogloea s 3 7 nthomonadales bacteri smmoC GCA 00240118 rrobacteraceae bacteri smmoC GCA 0024016 55.1 ASM224565v1 pro bacterium sp. BJB412 smmoC GCA 0028399 hodanobacter sp. OK0 se and related flavodox oseen reductase Gamm smmoC GCA 0017050 smmoC GCA 0028408 smmoC GCA 0009345 is P H-flavin reductase X smmoC GCA 0028407 ein EIT70979.1 oxidore 05.1 ASM284750v1 pro 55.1 IMG-taxon 268181 smmoC GCA 0027337 smmoC GCAsmmoC 0014290 GCA 0027064 phenol 2-monooxygena hodanobacter sp. SCN 25.1 IMG-taxon 268462 tein OGT81278.16-deoxy-L-threo-D-glyc CDP tein ATE59319.1 pheno 95.1 ASM291559v1 pro deriales bacterium 66-2 erxia s gummos hodanobacter sp. C01 iobacillus sp. 5.1 IMG-taxon 2616644 aproteobacteria bacter smmoC GCA 0007465 smmoC GCA 90011492 tein PKO84128.1 phen riavidus sp. SK-3 yglucose reductase Rh smmoC GCA 0004956 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco 95.1 ASM175659v1 pro smmoC GCA 0004431 nadaceae bacterium C ing region Limnobacter um 14-68-21 ella sp. OK004 5.1 ASM178511v1 prot smmoC GCA 0028951 45.2 ASM31014v2 prot l hydroxylase P5 protei in reductase Frateuria hilus sp. 69-12 us sp. IDO smmoC GCA 0023557 smmoC GCA 0003101 nase P5 subunit Cupria oseen reductase Acidif rax sp. PDC80 5.1 IMG-taxon 2595698 smmoC MFSP d Bacte vora sp. SC2-9 hodanobacter sp. B05 teuria terrea 35.1 ASM155183v1 pro a sp. AD56 rium deoxy-L-threo-D-glycer smmoC GCA 0028695 smmoC GCA 0020283 55.2 ASM57645v255.1 ASM272385v1 prot pro ol hydroxylase Novosp nase P5 subunit Variov smmoC GCA 0018019 ein ENO88829.1 oxido P H-flavin reductase Rh a A8 ella marensisein KGI78990.1 oxidore -deoxy-delta-3 4-glucos ter spathiphylli B39 smmoC GCA 0004859 smmoC GCA 9001091 2Fe-2S -containing red smmoC GCA 90011201 D/NAD P -binding subu hodanobacter sp. RIFOP H-flavin reductase Rh ingensis ein AGM40352.1 oxido 05.1 ASM31020v1 prot n Cupriavidus basilens smmoC GCA 9001088 ase P5 subunit Brachy P H-flavin reductase Rh idatus Endolissoclinum ol hydroxylase Betapro P H-flavin reductase Rh 05.1 ASM268340v195.1 ASM141259v1 pro pro CN 68-20 H Dyella thiooxydans ria p Proteobacteria c G 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco nellales bacterium smmoC GCA 9001676 P H-flavinin reductase reductase Rhodanob Rh ria p Proteobacteria c G oxyglucose reductase R P H-flavin reductase Xa prenylphenol hydroxyla seen reductase Acidife tein CUB05904.1 Na+- bacter sp. TND4EH1 tein ODU31635.1 NAD -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc smmoC GCA 0000124 P H-flavin reductase R smmoC GCA 9001069 15.1 ASM284081v1 pro 05.1 ASM240160v1 pro 45.1 ASM93454v1 prot P H-flavin reductase R omonadales bacterium smmoC GCA 0028475 smmoC GCA 0007651 65.1 ASM284076v1 pro tein OYD53235.1 phen 65.1 Root71045.1 ASM270644v1protein K pro 65.1 ASM273376v1 pro ductase FAD/NAD P -b nthomonadales CDP-4-dehydro-6-deoxbacteri seen reductase Acidith ein EDY87218.1 CDP- 2808 annotated assem se P5 subunit Collimon a 1 yglucose reductase Dy seen reductase Gamm 05.1 ASM180180v1 pro smmoC GCA 0028424 smmoC GCA 0003077 6 tein KPL28534.1 CDP- l hydroxylase Thauera ol hydroxylase Betapro tein POP54491.1 phen G12 big fil rev 8 21 14 sp. MED105 E96647.1 NAD P H-flav smmoC GCA 0017565 25.1 ASM74652v1 prot 65.1 TT protein EPZ15 811 annotated assemb n Methyloversatilis univ smmoC GCA 00178511 smmoC GCA 0028040 smmoC GCA 0022242 65.1 ASM289516v1 pro 5.1 IMG-taxon 2619618 ein ENO91275.1 oxido 65.2 ASM31016v2 prot vidus alkaliphilus P H-flavin reductase R -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc yglucose reductaseydrase reductase Fra Dyell smmoC GCA 90011260 errobacteraceae bacte FCol5.1 ductase Dyella japonic smmoC GCA 0021730 eductase Rhodanobactein KZC33444.1 NAD yglucose reductase Dy in ACK78162.1 CDP-6- tein KXB29837.1 phen smmoC GCA 0006126 orax sp. HW608 45.1 ASM76144v1 prot 25.1 ASM202832v1 pro ein KEY97728.1 pheno hingobium sp. Fuku2-IS smmoC GCA 0028407 reductase FAD/NAD P tein GAY23727.1 phen P H-flavin reductase Rein OOG62810.1 NAD eductase Dyella jiangn ein AEK59266.1 CDP-6 is OR16uctase component Dm ein OOG40321.1 NAD 75.2 ASM31957v2 prot 75.1 IMG-taxon 266376 nit Alicycliphilus sp. B1 ein OOG36858.1 NAD ein ENO84968.1 oxido avin reductase NAD P 5.1 IMG-taxon 2597490 monas denitrificans DS oseen reductase Cand smmoC GCA 0028421 ein OOG53826.1E83615.1 NAD NAD P H-flav smmoC FOEG d Bacte tein OGI52124.1 CDP- 85.1 IMG-taxon 259749 teobacteria bacterium H 1 CDP-4-dehydro-6-de oseen reductase Legio smmoC GCA 0017584 tein ALK97919.1 pheno se reductase Rhodano tein PJA42725.1 NAD smmoC AAOF d Bacte 35.1 IMG-taxon 267118 tein MAA74092.1 phen tein OOG49478.1 NAD tein ODU75451.1 NAD 55.1 ASM172515v1 pro ein AGA35451.1 2-poly 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco tein PKM46428.1 CDP transporting NADH ubi ly protein SFK36461.1 oseen reductase Xanth 25.1 ASM1242v1 prote ein AJP48259.1 pheno P H-flavin reductase Xa smmoC GCA 0021730 tein PCI57972.1 pheno ol hydroxylase Thauera CDP-4-dehydro-6-deox 55.1 ASM76515v1 prot tein PKO55225.1 phen RB83909.1tein phenol MAY19820.1 hyd phen smmoC GCA15.1 0018018 ASM15571v1 prot tein PKO32672.1 phen inding domain protein H as sp. OK607 05.1 Soil773 protein KR 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco tein PHR84444.1 phen 15.1 ASM284241v1 pro bly protein SIR08276.1 0 65 59 15 15.1 ASM130421v1 pro 75.2 PseStu2.0 protein sp. K11 teobacteria bacterium H ol hydroxylase Zhongs tein OOG53911.1 NAD 699.1 ferredoxin Thaue ein AIL59828.1 multi-co ersalis FAM5 25.1 ASM222422v1ly protein pro SEP88751.1 reductase FAD/NAD P tein MAF07644.1 CDP 65.1 ASM280406v1 pro 995 annotated assemb CDP-4-dehydro-6-deoxcero-4-hexulose-3-deh tein PNQ92385.1 phenein ENO79739.1 pheno y-delta-3 4-glucoseen r teibacter sp. einUNC138M AIF45846.1 oxidore oseen reductase Acidif 35.1 ASM161743v1 pro CDP-4-dehydro-6-deoxsmmoC GCA 0007614 tein OHC44021.1 NAD5.1 ASM200112v1 prot 95.1 ASM217309v1 pro 85.1 ASM2148v1 prote ol hydroxylase Dechlor 85.1 scf718000000000 5.1 ASM200116v1 prot ein AHX15634.1 oxidor l hydroxylaseol hydroxylase Sphingom Sphingo smmoC GCA 9000921 -binding domain-contai O-50 tein AND70809.15.1 ASM200110v1 ribofl prot smmoC GCA 0003195 25.1 ASM22102v1 prot 85.1 ASM284078v1 pro tein AQY66238.1 phen pP Cupriavidus basilen 5.1 ASM200117v1 prot bly protein SHM40900. 85.1 Soil772 protein KR 2776 annotated assem reductase FAD/NAD P -dehydro-6-deoxygluco -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc M 15123 45.1 ASM284214v1 pro smmoC GCA95.1 0017251 ASM279149v1 pro 05.1 ASM178520v1 pro -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc 353 annotated assemb 45.1 ASM200104v1 pro 65.1 ASM172546v1 pro 0354 annotated assem 65.1 ASM175846v1 pro GW- ol hydroxylasel hydroxylase Salinisp Massilia 15.2 ASM32141v2 prot 113 annotated assemb 0025 annotated assem tein OZB67638.1 NAD tein MBP11079.1 CDP- 6Tsu5.1 ly protein SFS17471.1 95.1 ASM284009v1 pro quinone oxidoreductas smmoC GCA 0014284 -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc l hydroxylase Rugosiba in AAZ48521.1 phenol tein KPK60864.1 CDP- smmoC GCA 0001557 75.1 ASM217307v1 pro roxylase Sphingomonaol hydroxylase Erythrob 85.1 ASM200108v1 pro tein PHS04108.1 CDP- smmoC GCA 0002339 ein KGK85642.1 pheno ol hydroxylase Betapro l hydroxylase Gammap ol hydroxylase Betapro propionica 9 smmoC GCA 0013042 ol hydroxylase Colwelli ydrocarboniphaga effus hania sp. ZX-21 phenol 2-monooxygen -6-deoxy-L-threo-D-gly EWC42605.1 phenol h ly protein SFP57060.1 smmoC GCA 0028423 tein PKO94159.1 phen ra terpenica 58Eu GW-Betaproteobacteria -binding domain-contai IL93800.1 CDP-6-deoxsmmoC GCA 0016174 15.1 ASM268601v1 pro phenol 2-monooxygena mponent phenol hydox xyglucose reductase85.1 ASM72538v1 Lu prot ly protein SFM45013.1 05.1 ASM183040v1 pro ly protein SFF32998.1 smmoC GCA 0029334 tein OXL16053.1 phen ol hydroxylase Pseudo smmoC GCA 00200112 -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc tein ATY85315.1 oxidor l 2-monooxygenase Th smmoC GCA 00200116 05.1 ASM63280v1 prot smmoC GCA 9000969 smmoC GCA 0000214 smmoC GCA 0017709 tein OUX98549.1 phen omonas denitrificans 4 protein CDM23341.1 85.1 ASM164128v1smmoC GCA pro 00200110 smmoC GCAsmmoC 0014814 GCA 0006874 bium fuliginis smmoCsmmoC GCA GCA 00200117 0014283 smmoC GCA 0002210 35.1 IMG-taxon 265187 ning protein Thauera a onas sp. BHC-A sis 5657 annotated assem 31Sha3.1 smmoC GCA 0010235 ol hydroxylase Pseudo tein PKO41907.1 phen tein PIF07213.1 CDP-4 tein OUU54742.1 CDP smmoC GCA 0020010 smmoC GCA 0027914 smmoC GCA 0015231 -binding domain-contai smmoC GCA 0017254 bly protein SEJ42567.1 smmoC GCA 0017852 tein MAS82551.1 CDP smmoC GCA 0003214 smmoC GCA 9000888 5.1 IMG-taxon 2651870 tein PKO38701.1 phen ly protein SFB54710.1 haeraceaesp. bacterium WG5 95.1 ASM228269v1 pro teibacter sp. UNCMF36 smmoC GCA 0000197 bly protein SEJ54061.1 tein OFI34015.1 pheno -19 631 annotated assemb smmoC GCA 0005904 0CM 66 19 smmoC GCA 0028400 smmoC GCA 0000155 bly protein SKB10087.1 85.1 ASM272518v1 pro e subunit NqrF Tepidiph smmoC GCA 0020010 tein MBB87754.1 CDP smmoC GCA 0007613 smmoC GCA 0015325 rhizovicinus DSM 1654 cter aromaticivorans 85.1 ASM130328v1 pro 2-monooxygenase P5 s sp. Root710 95.1 ASM273339v1 pro smmoC GCA 0015320 smmoC GCA 0020719 tein OUY03371.1 phen roteobacteria bacterium acteraceae bacterium tein PMQ07394.1 CDP smmoC GCA 0028422 15.4 ASM23391v4 prot smmoC GCA 0009870 teobacteria bacterium H teobacteria bacterium H 373 annotated assemb l hydroxylase Pseudom a sp. a AP103 95.1 Rh17631 protein E smmoC GCA 0007253 ase P5 subunit Azoarcu smmoC GCA 0018304 CDP-4-dehydro-6-deo smmoC GCA 0026860 ydroxylase Pseudomon 196 annotated assemb 35.1 ASM284233v1 pro ol hydroxylase Betapro -11 ning protein Thauera sp smmoC GCA 9001563 eojuensis ylase reductase subun phenol hydroxylase P5 smmoC GCA 0006328 tein MBT58008.1 CDP ol hydroxylase Polynuc monas gingeri NCPPB 15.1 ASM293341v1 pro se P5 subunit Solimona nellales bacterium auera sp. 63 smmoC GCA 0016412 smmoC GCA 0020029 eductase Kyrpidia sp. E 75.1 IMG-taxon 267590 25.1 IMG-taxon 269031 teibacter sp. 22Crub2.1 smmoC GCA 0021571 Phenol hydroxylase FA uteibacter sp. UNCMF3 85.1 ASM177098v1 pro ol hydroxylase Hyphom 25.1 ASM274972v1 pro smmoC GCA 0021571 55.1 ASM148145v155.2 Burkholderia.strai pro minoaromatica S2 15.1 ASM102351v1 pro monas veronii 0304 annotated assem 15.1 ASM217061v1 pro ol hydroxylase Betapro smmoC GCA 9001076 ning protein Thauera lin smmoC GCA 0022826 45.1 ASM152314v1 pro smmoC GCA 90011432 25.1 ASM269882v1 pro phenol hydroxylase P5 xyglucose reductase Lu smmoC GCA 0002428 5.1 IMG-taxon 2609459 25.1 BBA-D PRJEB141 cteria bacterium 13 2 2 ol hydroxylase Betapro phenol 2-monooxygena smmoC GCA 0027251 85.1 ASM1978v1 prote l hydroxylase Alteromo 95.2 ASM59049v2 prot phenol 2-monooxygen 985 partial Luteibacter 25.1 ASM270982v1 pro smmoC GCA 0017613 45.1 ASM1554v1 prote smmoC GCA 0013032 smmoC GCA 0017241 phenol 2-monooxygen 35.1 CJL14 protein KG 25.1 ASM153252v1 pro ilus thermophilus 75.1 ASM287847v1 pro smmoC GCA 0027333 ellales bacterium smmoC GCA 0002642 5.1 IMG-taxon 2597490 subunit Dechloromona ly protein SEO99019.1 65.1 ASM153206v1 pro 95.1 ASM207199v1 pro 55.1 ASM98705v1 prot ol hydroxylase Alterom 15.1 ASM284221v1 pro ein AER55536.1 FAD/N GW-Betaproteobacteria eductase Luteibacter y 5.1 IMG-taxon 2593339 onas sp. HMP271 GW-Betaproteobacteria smmoC GCA 0017255 s tolulyticus 35.1 IMG-taxon 268181 teobacteria bacterium H as stutzeri KOS6 it LapP Pseudomonas 15.1 ASM272971v1 pro tein PKO77555.1 phen . 28 oseen reductase Legio smmoC GCA 90011111 smmoC GCA 0009880 3146 = LMG 5327 protein Marinobacter p smmoC GCA 9001428 leobacter cosmopolitan xyglucose reductase Lu s aquatica smmoC GCA 0027497 tein PPE70323.1 phen 05.1 ASM200290v1 pro oxyglucose reductase L smmoC GCA 0022560 s sinuspersici A-1 25.1 ASM215712v1 pro 3029 annotated assem D-and 2Fe-2S -contain smmoC GCA 0030085 onadaceae bacterium T 45.1 ASM215714v1 pro n LIG30 v1.0 protein K tein OGB81216.1 phen smmoC GCA 0021706 tein KUE85108.1 phen bly protein SDB81536. smmoC GCA 0021576 tein KLR58376.1 pheno teobacteria bacterium H CDP-4-dehydro-6-deo udomonas sp. GM67 05.1 IMG-taxon 267590 smmoC GCA 0026988 aloolentis 47Lol = DSM smmoC GCA 90011449 smmoC GCA 0000152 2710 Gammaproteoba smmoC GCA 0007085 tein KVC50139.1 phen hetical protein Y883 02 95.3 ASM24289v3 prot protein Pseudomonas smmoC GCA 0027098 60 v1 protein SBP8976 teobacteria bacterium H se P5 subunit Azotobac nas lipolytica smmoC GCA 0028784 ase P5 subunit Azotoba in ACB35616.1 oxidore ein AHB04294.1 pheno 85.1 ASM176138v1 pro 35.1 ASM172413v1 pro 266 annotatedsmmoC assemb GCA 90011570 seen reductase Legion in ABM40466.1 phenol ase P5 subunit Pseudo G85669.1 phenol hydro tein KWD61041.1 phen ein KJV37387.1 oxidor smmoC GCA 0002379 s aromatica RCB smmoC GCA 90011286 onadaceae bacterium T tein KWF67612.1ein KKL31036.1 phen phenotein OQC92941.1 phen -7 tein PKO26717.1 phen AD P -binding oxidored -21 05.1 ASM172550v1 pro smmoC GCA 0027297 2894 annotated assem CDP-4-dehydro-6-deo alkylphenolica -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc sp. GW460-E13 smmoC OHK40 GW-Betaproteobacteria 1 CDP-4-dehydro-6-de ol hydroxylase Betapro 95.1 ASM98809v1 prot elagius 5.1 IMG-taxon 2597490 us ol hydroxylase Schlege tein AQR66530.1 phen ing reductase compone 305 Pseudorhodoplane 85.1 ASM225608v1 pro smmoC GCA 0021959 bly protein SDC80537. 95.1 ASM300859v1 pro DB09344.1 Phenol 2-m ly protein SFW74169.1 smmoC GCA 0000234 tein ART57653.1 pheno 1 phenol 2-monooxygeMED5 tein ART50529.1 pheno ol hydroxylase Burkhol ol hydroxylase Cupriav 85.1 ASM215768v1 pro tein KLD68337.1 hypot ke oxidoreductase Pse hetical protein AUH10 1 l hydroxylase Diaphoro GW-Betaproteobacteria 12138 65.1 ASM1526v1 prote 3230 annotated assem 05.1 BacMEV2011 1.0 ol hydroxylase Burkhol linyingensis

ein AGK53457.1 oxidor 5.1 IMG-taxon 2593339 1.1 Phenol hydroxylase 85.1 ASM96408v1 prot GW-Betaproteobacteria ter beijerinckii smmoC GCA 0009557 ductase FAD/NAD P -b l hydroxylase Pandorae cter beijerinckii 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco 2-monooxygenase P5 monas extremaustralis tein AOW14469.1 phen tein ODS93217.1 phen ol hydroxylase Burkhol 75.1 ASM23797v1 prot xylase Comamonas tes smmoC GCA 0002038 monas humi MED7 l hydroxylase Burkhold bly protein SKB29353.1 ol hydroxylase Burkhol ol hydroxylase Burkhol bly protein SEN43155. uctase subunit Pseudo tein MAS84018.1 CDP 4 ol hydroxylase Betapro bly protein SIR80088.1 tein ODV06681.1 phen oxidase Pseudomonas loclasticus sp. smmoC FCOK d Bacte smmoC GCA 0015439 teobacteria bacterium H ein KKO70760.1 pheno -10

53 11 351 annotated assemb 238 annotated assemb lella thermodepolymera ol hydroxylase Aquasp nt DmpP Castellaniella etical protein CAK95 03 1 phenol hydroxylase P 95.1 ASM219599v1 pro tein OYU99752.1 phen 25.1 ASM2342v1 prote onooxygenase Burkhol nase P5 subunit Raine 05.1 ASM101040v1 pro tein AVO42179.1 pheno ylphenol hydroxylase-li l hydroxylase Acidovora deriales bacterium RIF idus necator tein OLB10233.1 hypot ae bacterium bacterium smmoC FCOC d Bacte l hydroxylase Acidovora 16 tein GAW74969.1 phen bacterium smmoC GCA 0028878 aerosaccus bacter sp. J5-51 -4 smmoC GCA 0009640 smmoC GCA 0030237 bly protein SEA62881.1 deria diffusa smmoC GCA 90011050 in ABL79390.1 oxidore protein KEF37489.1 Na

eductase FAD/NAD P - tein MAJ91322.1 CDP- P5 protein 95.1 ASM95579v1 prot inding domain protein L -6 subunit Acidovorax sp a pnomenusa 3kgm 9668 annotated assem ochaetaceae bacterium ol hydroxylase Comam 9239 annotated assem g UBA3465 s 1 ol hydroxylase Hydroge deria cepacia 75.1 ASM20387v1 prot reductase Stenotropho ein AEW05228.1 Phen tosteroni tomyces canus eria contaminans FFH2deria cenocepacia mozeamaize deria pseudomultivoran ubrobacter s 1 smmoC FPBH d Bacte phenol 2-monooxygen 45.1 ASM269884v1 pro t Cycloclasticusloclasticus sp. sp. P1 44 32 T6 7 xanthomonas spadix B in PMW95992.1 NADH teobacteria bacterium H e monooxygenase Cyc ol hydroxylase Rubriviv

5.1 IMG-taxon 2593339 15.1 ASM154391v1 pro ria p Proteobacteria c G l hydroxylase Kerstersi GW-Betaproteobacteria ly protein SER21704.1 irillum sp. LM1 smmoC GCA 0010104 obacter sp. 13 2 20CM defragrans 65Phen smmoC AVFK d Bacter ns ein ARP98223.1 hypoth 5 protein Burkholderia yella antarctica smmoC GCA 0022826 smmoC GCA 0016655 ol hydroxylase Burkhol deria sp. lig30 95.1 ASM191469v1 pro tein OWJ69211.1 CDP in ACS64810.1 Oxidore OXYC12 FULL 60 6 EJM78011.1 2-polypren 07690 Rhodospirillace monooxygenase Pisci x sp. P4 l hydroxylase Simplicis 07245 Leptospiraceae smmoC GCA 0002308 les bacterium SCN 65- ria p Proteobacteria c G smmoC GCA 0000155 15.1 ASM288781v1 pro x sp. NA3 ol hydroxylase Comam specific Enhydrobacter

25.1 ASM302372v1 pro ductase FAD/NAD P -b ntiacum smmoC GCA 0000615 phenol hydroxylase P5 ceae bacterium +-transporting NADH u 05.1 ASM269220v1 pro amygdali pv. aesculi binding domain-contain delicata 95.1 IMG-taxon 251989 rickettsiaceae bacterium 15.1 IMG-taxon 259333 ein KJK04258.1 pheno . JS42 e monooxygenaseles f Leptonemataceae Spir smmoC GCA 0022554 eptothrix cholodnii SP- smmoC GCA 0005766 onas sp. SCN 65-56 smmoC GCA 9002302 nophaga crassostreae ein AAZ65030.1 pheno ol 2-monooxygenase S smmoC GCA 0026988 . R1AF57 tein KRG66410.1 oxido ase P5 subunit Sphaer reductase Bacillus ther oseen reductase Strep 055 ron transfer componen s e monooxygenase Cyc ria p Proteobacteria c G D-a59 35.1 GW460-E13 prote brobacteraceae g Solir smmoC FTNE d Bacte smmoC GCA 90011923 bacteria bacterium 65-3 sis 1 tein PHS73737.1 xylen GW-Betaproteobacteria ax sp. SCN 70-15 nsis smmoC GCA 0016752 a gyiorum smmoC ARDA d Bacte tein KWX05815.1 hypo phenol 2-monooxygen ammaproteobacteria o -15 5.1 ASM211976v1 prot smmoC GCA 0002309 smmoC GCA 0019146 seen reductase Ktedon ia p Proteobacteria c A sp. TNe-862 lkanivorans alni 1 45.1 ASM166554v1 pro 35.1 ASM228263v1 pro deriales bacterium PBB 35.1 GM67.fsa protein etis thetical protein CMM42 -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc

tein PCI70576.1 xylene aloechinothrix alba hetical protein CMF59 smmoC GCA 0015805smmoC GCA 0005225 ductase FAD-binding d pira sp. SC1-8 smmoC GCA 0002669 95.3 ASM23089v3 prot reductase Rhodospirilla smmoC FSRD d Bacte onas testosteroni ioxygenase ferredoxin- 65.1 ASM1556v1 prote smmoC GCA 9001679 liforniensis 1 ammaproteobacteria o tein PND54364.1 oxido smmoC GCA 9001099 smmoC GCA 0013733 smmoC GCA 0026922 05.1 ASM6150v1 prote tein PSR30787.1 CDP- inding domain protein p ductase Pseudomonas protein Acidovorax sol Cryptosporangium aura s Lentzea violacea 1 biquinone oxidoreducta monooxygenase Pisci reductase Rhodospirilla saalfeldensis 1 smmoC DBNH d Bacte ing protein Bacillus sp. l hydroxylase Burkhold tein MBR32630.1 xylen smmoC GCA 9001775 smmoC GCA 0021578 eptospirae o Leptospira 95.1 ASM225549v1 pro 6

35.1 genome protein E a daqingensis 35.1 IMG-taxon 271176 oxidase Sinomonas sp m tumefaciens l 2-monooxygenase P5 otilus natans monooxygenase elect as borbori smmoC GCA 0015450 ulfobacillus acidophilus smmoC GCA 0028823 15.1 ASM143141v1 pro tein OUM84712.1 oxido nivorans CB1190 tein OUR85684.1 xylen smmoC GCA 0002565 -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc reductase Alphaproteo 20CM 3 71 11 les bacterium 39-66-50 smmoC MWLJ d Bacte ria p Proteobacteria c A inactinospora lopnoren rubrobacterales f Soliru ammaproteobacteria o 35.1 ASM273313v1 pro smmoC GCA 0000151 smmoC GCA 0007234 smmoC GCA 0005237 -9

tusciae DSM 2912 25.1 ASM167522v1 pro Streptomyces guandue C21906 ase P5 subunit Giesbe ria p Proteobacteria c G thetical protein TR74 2 smmoC GCA 00211976 smmoC BANB d Bacte Betaproteobacteriales 35.2 ASM23093v2 prot dia spinosispora 1 nocardia sp. 73-21 ylomagnum ishizawai smmoC GCA 0002824 vorans LB400 lphaproteobacteria o A tein MBB57097.1 hypo cardia sp. N23 smmoC FCOI d Bacter is C halophila 1 7 g UBA4457 s 1 reductase Ketobacter a 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco tein MBI39378.1 hypot rpinensis 1 ripaludum sanoa ishikariensis tein OBB62818.1 hypo 5 15.1 ASM240181v1 pro ces B s Streptomyces B Nonomuraea solani sis tein OZB29279.1 CDP- 45.1 ASM158054v1 pro oseen reductase Inquil omain protein Ralstonia Nakamurella panaciseg 45.2 ASM52254v2 prot 05.1 ASM26690v1 prot

se reductase subunit H smmoC LAEL d Bacter

smmoC GCA 9001053 ein AEV73509.1 flavod um tein ODU00144.1ductase oxido naphthalene d ciens 2 ria p Proteobacteria c A in ABM60113.1 Oxidore Betaproteobacteriales rankiaA s FrankiaA ca reductase Mycobacteri anilate dioxygenase re topsis sulphurea 95.1 PRJEB8430 asse i in CAL93837.1 conserv m BDW918 smmoC AXVP d Bacter 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco lasmid Nocardioides sp . tein PCI18099.1 xylene U15 topsis sAmycolatopsis ase reductase subunit ocardiaceae g Lentzea dia autotrophica 1A se subunit NqrF Bacillu tein MBO22513.1 oxido 1NLA3E ria p Proteobacteria c G ria p Spirochaetota c L smmoC GCA 0027976 85.1 ASM272988v1 pro s 1 smmoC GCA 9001294 eriaceae bacterium 26 085 s 1 s 1 35.1 ASM215783v1 pro 15.1 IMG-taxon 262273

hrix polyspora i smmoC GCA 9001058 tein OYV52346.1 CDP tase Hydrocarboniphag WY37546.1 CDP-6-deo 8647 annotated assem tein ASN53493.1 NADH msia sp. 1138 olatopsis sp.AU-G6 ein AFT67701.1 Xylene omponent Pseudomon reductase Agrobacteriu bolica 1 subunit Ralstonia eutro smmoC GCA 0014314 smmoC GCA 0000261 35.2 ASM154503v2 pro DSM 10332 05.1 ASM216270v1 pro obacteria bacterium 75.1 ASM215907v1 pro topsisA s 2 smmoC JFHF d Bacter tein OJU35726.1 oxido msia sp. 1135 85.3 ASM25658v3 prot smmoC GCA 0027331 tein KUN04249.1 CDP Pseudonocardia dioxa

acteria bacterium 13 1 ia acaciae 1 smmoC GCA 9002580 reductase Rhodospirilla ria p Proteobacteria c A Betaproteobacteriales lphaproteobacteria o A 25.2 E11 protein CDM7 linactinospora sAllosal Thermoleophilia o Soli 65.1 ASM1516v1 prote 55.1 ASM52375v1 prot smmoC GCA 0003448

orangium rhodnii 1 dia sp2 1 ase reductase subunit tein OBS02642.1 hypo rgeria anulus

e Spongiibacter sp. IMC domain protein Kyrpidia 3435 Streptomyces the smmoC GCA 9001295 f Burkholderiaceae g C ria p Proteobacteria c A ase component C Meth ammaproteobacteria o ein EHB46392.1 Pheno cterium Ga0077536 f UBA445 ocardia s Pseudonocar aceae g R-H-3 s 1 55.1 ASM270995v1 pro la thiotaurini Paraburkholderia xeno ycina 05.1 ASM271750v1 pro seen reductase Pseudo zospirillales f Azospirilla tein Methylobacter tund smmoC GCA 0024018 tein AUM13238.1 oxido ia p Proteobacteria c G m sp. smmoC GCA 0018989 smmoC LJIC d Bacteri ethylobacter sp. ces s Streptomyces ca omponent C Pseudono 1 thetical protein A5755 2 topsis C sAmycolatops tein OLB40647.1 CDP- bacterium dia thermophila 1 isA thermoflava 1 se reductase subunitA ycolatopsis sacchari ase reductase subunit inus limosus ase reductase subunit ycetaceae g Streptomy mycolatopsis pretorien 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco ein ALL66836.1 Metha ein AFM20484.1 2-poly ia asaccharolytica 2 tein KXU82780.1 CDP- pickettii 12D ia p Proteobacteria c A ferredoxin-NAD P + re Agrobacterium tumefa 92 65.1 IMG-taxon 269031 oxin reductase family p

75.1 ASM172467v1 pro topsis mediterranei U3 262 propane monooxygena tein KWT17233.1 anthr llaceae bacterium 1 f Burkholderiaceae g C Kibdelosporangium arid lphaproteobacteria o R um sp. ENV421 iales f Frankiaceae g F -07 ductase FAD-binding d renothrix sp. D3 07445 Pusillimonas sp 3-64-67 mbly 1 protein CQD239 olatopsis sp. H5 gamma proteobacteriu uctase subunitAmycola 65.1 ASM240136v1 pro ed hypothetical aromat ia p Proteobacteria c A . JS614 smmoCsmmoC GCA 0027298 DCCC d Bacte monospora marina XM seen reductase Sulfoba ebacteriales f Pseudon s azotoformans MEV20 llaceae bacterium 35.1 ASM272463v1 pro ocardiaceae gAmycola ocardia s Pseudonocar 1 propane monooxygen 35.1 ASM279763v1 pro e component C Crenot 25.1 IMG-taxon 269542 BA3067 g GCA-002402 s Nocardia altamirensi ammaproteobacteria o sp. SCN 63-374 abitantaceae g Iso899 tein ART74429.1 oxido

cus s 1 adales bacterium latopsis rifamycinica 45.1 IMG-taxon 269031 -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc 1 NAD P H-flavin reduc Pseudonocardia oroxyl 6610 annotated assem 85.1 ASM222448v1 pro iacus 65.1 ASM29996v1 prot tein OCJ67945.1 oxido onocardia sp. MH-G8 oseen reductase Willia bly protein SOE85899. xy-delta-3 4-glucoseen nase electron transfer c oseen reductaseAmyc smmoC GCA 0021627 monospora paurometa smmoC GCA 0021590 45.1 ASM2614v1 prote eductase Gammaprote ria sp. 744 pha JMP134 latopsis sp. BJA-103 ia p Proteobacteria c G tein SAK83416.1 oxido oseen reductase Willia 95.1 ASM189799v1 pro ocardiaceae gAmycola ein EKS71572.1 oxidor

tein OZB24038.1 oxido oxin--NAD + reductase 35.1 LMG28615 protein llus sp. MM3 45.1ASM151404v1 pro nocardia sp. CNS-004 f Burkholderiaceae g P trophica cetobacterales f Acetob ria pActinobacteriota c cardia s Pseudonocard 4264.1 oxidoreductaseein ETZ44708.1 2Fe-2 seen reductaseActinob in ABQ35717.1 putative lphaproteobacteria o R sporangiaceae gAllosa dia oroxyli 2 05.1 ASM34480v1 prot D119 porangium s Kibdelosp smmoC NCFW d Bacte thetical protein A9W98 methane monooxygen lase-like oxidoreductas ocardia s Pseudonocar

03140 Thiotrichales ba 1 propane monooxygen 05.1 IMG-taxon 269542 rmoautotrophicus smmoC GCA 0027099 ammaproteobacteria o eductase FAD-binding smmoC GCA 0027175 Betaproteobacteriales aballeronia s Caballero nase reductase apopro acteria bacterium reductase Sedimentico on transfer component lphaproteobacteria o A reductase Thalassobiu l 2-monooxygenase My ane monooxygenase M acteria bacterium mycetales f Kineospori 04815 Sutterellaceae 65.1 ASM286386v1 pro Amycolatopsis tolypom -09 ammaproteobacteria o cillus denitrificans D 2 ocardiaceae g Pseudon 25.1 ASM189892v1 pro a p Proteobacteria c Al

btropicus 1 ane monooxygenase c ceae g Skermanella s S ycetaceae g Streptomy 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco omonospora iraqiensis 2395 Mycobacterium fo topsisA sAmycolatops ocardiaceae gAmycola ocardia s Pseudonocar ne monooxygenase co alene 1 2-dioxygenase tomycetales f Streptom se reductase subunitA 15.1ASM191471v1 pro prenylphenol hydroxyla propane monooxygena gense bly protein SJZ33427.1 e reductase subunitAm 1 propane monooxygen smmoC GCA 0017246 1 propane monooxygen cardia s Pseudonocard lphaproteobacteria o A 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco reductase Oceanospiri coresmycina DSM 445 seen reductase Acidiph rotein Mycobacterium r 85.1 ASM153818v1 pro olatopsis alba DSM 44 hetical protein CML19 ly protein SNR34815.1 ane monooxygenase C 5650 annotated assem een reductaseAmycola omonospora halophila ase reductase subunit hizobiales f Xanthobac aballeronia s Caballero smmoC GCA 0024013 09540 Thiomonas sp. 1 uctase subunit CymAb Actinobacteria o Frank omain protein Vermine 82.1 oxidoreductase M oseen reductaseAmyc nocardia sp. HH130630 smmoC GCA 9001879 reductase Oceanospiri na 1 smmoC GCA 0027246 ic/alkene monooxygena ethane monooxygenas g UBA981 s 3 ne monooxygenase red lphaproteobacteria o R 4470 Actinobacteria o Coryn 11 ebacteriales f Pseudon ioxydans cillus benefaciens Pseudomonadales f U subunit NqrF Saccharo bly protein SHM68238. Pseudomonadales f C

reductase ocardiaceae g Pseudon tein PJJ38090.1 propa smmoC GCA 0022244 reductase Pseudomon acteriaceae g Nocardia smmoC GCA 0022559 reductase plasmid Myc UBA4575 s 1 1015 annotated assem smmoC GCA 0002999 bly protein SHH20570. ebacteriales f Jatrophih

seen reductaseAmyco ophilaceae g Blastococ ase reductase subunit oseen reductase Rhod Actinoplanes atraurant bly protein SMF53598. smmoC GCA 0012801 p-cymene monooxyge 1 propane monooxygen 25.1 ASM169242v1 pro smmoC GCA 0016933 6366 annotated assem S010 23 tein PCJ11739.1 oxidor -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc reductase Skermanella

oseen reductase Pseud -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc in CAL78096.1 putative monospora s Saccharo smmoC GCA 0018979 seen reductase Kutzne reductase Methylobaci seen reductaseAmyco ammaproteobacteria o reductase FAD/NAD P -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc ebacteriales f Pseudon eductase FAD-binding 35.1 ASM228243v1 pro smmoC LMDY d Bacte smmoC GCA 0015140 ns araburkholderia s Para Mycobacterium Smarinu iron-sulfur cluster bin einAEA22893.1 Ferred smmoCAUEK d Bacte ardiaceae g Pseudono SPB14475.1 phenol h acteria bacterium TME n Pseudonocardia auto hizobiales f Rhodomicr llaceae bacterium seen reductase Pseudo acteraceae g Acidiphiliu atophilus ruber 1 ein BAM87475.1 pheno osporangiales f Strepto ocardia s Pseudonocar bly protein SMF97118.1 yprenylphenol hydroxy 2016 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco phenol hydroxylase Ph 13880 Mycobacterium hetical protein CMO22 acillus sp. DSM 29435 ria p Proteobacteria c G ria p Proteobacteria c G ocardiaceae g Kibdelos smmoC GCA 0000157 bly protein SDN49916. ocardiaceae g Pseudon le methane monooxyge monooxygenase electr ADG06262.1in Oxidor tein PPD43326.1 meth 04880 Gammaproteob f Burkholderiaceae g P tein AKH22151.1 oxido hyticus cetobacterales f Acetob nia udeis 1 03435 Gammaproteobthetical protein CMN89 tein PHS61410.1 oxido smmoC GCA 0028638 0948 annotated assem cobacterium rhodesiae ase reductase subunit g Thiobacillus s Thioba Betaproteobacteriales p. HI0075 hodococcus jostii Actinobacteria oActino phaproteobacteria o Rh ebacteriales f Pseudon m stygium tein GAY12817.1 meth tomycetales f Streptom nocardia sp. HH130629 tein OJX96706.1 CDP- tein OJY46807.1 CDP- vosphingobium kunmin omonospora s Sacchar mponent C Paraburkho rtuitum lanes sActinoplanes su kermanella aerolata 1 smmoC GCA 0015381 in CDN91190.1 Naphth ebacteriales f Pseudon 1318 annotated assem Actinobacteria o Strep smmoC GCA 0019147 tein OTE97879.1 meth tein MAY13813.1 oxido ocardiaceae gAmycola se-like oxidoreductase ein MBC42048.1 hypot ardiaceae g Pseudono bly protein SDO85627. bly protein SEG92097. ocardiaceae g Pseudon zospirillales f Azospirilla 1 propane monooxygena ropane monooxygenas nse hodesiae NBB3 bly protein SDZ64556.1 ilium sp. 34-64-41 seen reductase Parabu thetical protein B7X30 taseAmycolatopsis van oseen reductaseAmyc 784 annotated assemb bly protein SED22399. ia pActinobacteriota c teraceae g Bradyrhizob phrobacter eiseniae EF omonospora s Sacchar smmoC GCA 0006619 nia sordidicola B 1 ne monooxygenase red -deoxy-delta-3 4-glucos smmoC GCA 9000946 protein SJM93030.1 M tein MBL34257.1 oxido 1 propane monooxygen ycobacterium lentiflavu Ga0077536 f UBA981 smmoC GCA 0016416 sp. ACS1 45.1 IMG-taxon 269342

-6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc ella s Sciscionella mari coccus sp. IITR03 ammaproteobacteria o seen reductase Pseudo hizobiales f Xanthobac ia pActinobacteriota c se subunit gamma Azo tein PFG57631.1 propa gium oryzae NRRL B-2 smmoC GCA 0002843 uinone oxidoreductase seudonocardia ammon ellvibrionaceae g GCA- tein ODU51334.1 oxido Actinobacteria o Coryn 8713 annotated assem tein MAQ26841.1 oxido ebacteriales f Coryneb ne monooxygenase red UBA4575 f UBA4575 g 8894 annotated assem occus opacus ebacteriales f Pseudon 05.1 ASM225590v1 pro obacterium dioxanotrop bly protein SHH86070. smmoC GCA 0002398 ly protein SFQ32690.1 Actinobacteria o Coryn smmoC GCA 0016924 ospirillales bacterium 2 ase reductase subunit acteriales f Geodermat 45.1 ASM128014v1 pro 1 propane monooxygen

85.1 ASM169338v1 pro ophaga thiooxydans DM 85.1 ASM240208v1 pro ES.041 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco bly protein SEE29716.1 tein OZG30220.1 CDP 1 propane monooxygen um Mycobacterium sp. JS6 ase reductase subunit tein OAJ69703.1 oxido tein OZM72300.1 CDP -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc stibiiresistens SB22 smmoC BCTC d Bacte occus ruber Chol-4 cardiaceae g Saccharo Ferredoxin--NAD + red Betaproteobacteriales thylophaga sulfidovora smmoC GCA 0022824 -binding protein Caball 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco subunit Burkholderia sp tein ORM26964.1 CDP 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco reductase Oceanospiri ria p Proteobacteria c G 05935 Gammaproteob s sp. Root140 Actinobacteria o Coryn terrae 1 smmoC GCA 0015424 ydroxylase Burkholderi burkholderia aspalathi ding domain protein My m E11 acteriales f Pseudonoc 9134 annotated assem tein AKH69061.1 2-pol 75.1ASM19667v1 prot obiaceae g Rhodomicr coccus aetherivorans l hydroxylase P5 protei tein MAJ11366.1 hypot Actinobacteria o Strept matophilus s Geoderm m s Acidiphilium rubrum gordonae 6 l hydroxylase Bradyrhiz ocardiaceae g Pseudon 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco tein PPK65151.1 solub ccus wratislaviensisia nova IFP tein OLE22667.1 CDP- enol 2-monooxygenase smmoC DGOV d Bacte seen reductase Humib 35.1 ASM292903v1 pro thetical protein CMD64 in ABE29429.1 xylene 25.1 ASM1572v1 prote ebacteriales f Pseudon thetical protein CMD88tein MBT83790.1 hypo 3-9A1 7439 annotated assem ammaproteobacteria o 75.1 ASM100787v1 pro ebacteriales f Pseudon 05.1 ASM273320v1 pro 05.1ASM9290v1 prote ococcus sp. WMMA185 araburkholderia s Para bly protein SHH52770. acteraceae g Acidispha reductase Oleibacter s f Jatrophihabitans endop JS60 f Burkholderiaceae g C ponent Novosphingobiu se reductase subunit R tron transfer subunit No occus sp. OK302 sis 1 propane monooxygen ria pActinobacteriota c 5.1 ASM271169v1 prot Actinobacteria o Strep izobiales f Xanthobacte 85.1 ASM213478v1 pro Actinobacteria o Coryn 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco

45.1 AGROS2 V1 prote ocardiaceae g Sacchar 55.1ASM258355v1 pro 45.1 ASM270654v1 pro ria pActinobacteriota c nosporaceae gActinop lderia caribensis MBA4 Actinobacteria o Coryn seen reductase Pseudo 55.1 IMG-taxon 258258 45.1ASM189964v1 pro plasmid Mycobacterium acteriales f Pseudonoc ebacteriales f Pseudon es s Nocardioides sp5 6005 annotated assem tein OZB70261.1 hypo 3140 annotated assem ebacteriales f Pseudon ocardia farcinica ly protein SFI68467.1 p bly protein SEF21076.1 ceae g Azospirillum s A 55.1 ASM90016375v1 bacterium kumamotone 5652 annotated assem rkholderia monticola -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc 1 propane monooxygen ammaproteobacteria o lta-3 4-glucoseen reduc ein EIF45134.1 p-cyme smmoC FNQM d Bacte 35.1 ASM66193v1 prot 01-2 smmoC FLUV d Bacter ium s Bradyrhizobium e 35.1 ASM272153v1 pro seen reductase Rhodo ocardiaceae g Sacchar 5.1 IMG-taxon 2724679 05.1 IMG-taxon 261727 smmoC GCA 0000198 m einADJ46098.1 CDP-6 bly protein SMC58080. acterium litorale 95.1 ASM164169v1 pro tein OXM60111.1 CDP seen reductase Rhodo ria p Proteobacteria c G rificans ATCC 51888 9500 annotated assem ocardiaceae g Sciscion teraceae g Bradyrhizob arcus sp. BH72 reductase Intrasporan ammaproteobacteria o smmoC FNET d Bacter 75.1 ASM28437v1 prot 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco 35.1 ASM172513v1 pro ria pActinobacteriota c 2707785 s 1 een reductase Rhodoc 45.1ASM256404v1 pro se reductase subunit P 15.1 ASM270131v1 pro ransporting NADH ubiq smmoC GCA 9001001 25.1 IMG-taxon 261961 egmatis Actinobacteria o Coryn 05.1 IMG-taxon 270098 032 annotated assemb 0091 SCH5140682 uctase subunit Afipia b hicus cterium goodii Actinobacteria o Coryn 1 propane monooxygen 15.2 ASM23981v2 prot tein OYT98894.1 CDP- ia pActinobacteriota c domain protein Methyl smmoC GCA 0024020 ium sp. Root135 smmoC ARCM d Bacte 6-00317 0-60-12 tinobacteria o Coryneb ein KDN22285.1 CDP- ycobacterium cosmetic 1 propane monooxygen tein KOX61417.1 CDP ase reductase subunit Burkholderia sp. YR290 se-like oxidoreductase bly protein SDG13393. 85.1 ASM164518v1 pro 35.2ASM209543v2 pro tein ANW01696.1 CDP yglucose reductase Me een reductase Rhodoc ibacteriaceae bacterium propane monooxygena omonadales bacterium ria p Proteobacteria c G f Burkholderiaceae g C smmoC GCA 0015424 thetical protein CBC79 tein OZM79150.1 CDP eronia glebae bacteriales f Pseudono 75.1ASM226287v1 pro tein MBN57574.1 oxido uctase putative phenol ein EWM11442.1 CDP- . SJ98 tein PNE13225.1 CDP- 75.1 IMG-taxon 259333 95.1ASM209539v1 pro ria pActinobacteriota c 1 seen reductase Rhodo reductase Nocardioide 15.1 ASM154241v1 pro a novacaledonica cobacterium avium MA 25.1 ASM269152v1 pro smmoC NNRL d Bacte obium A s Rhodomicro ammaproteobacteria o 05.1 ASM101080v1 pro smmoC GCA 0001966 65.1 ASM293436v1 smmoCpro GCA 0029290 ia pActinobacteriota c terium s Mycobacterium tinobacteria o Coryneb smmoC GCA 0000217 l hydroxylase Rhodoco atophilaceae g Geoder tein MBS56130.1 hypo es dokdonensis FR143 ein OSY38127.1 Pheno seen reductase Nocard tein OLT00140.1 CDP- 45.1 ASM1364v1 prote bacterium sp. SWH-M5 ebacteriales f Pseudon obium oligotrophicum S tein MBH44488.1 hypo 1 smmoC GCA 0027332 smmoC GCA 0010078 oyosella subflava DQS P5 component Bradyrh in ABM93913.1 propan 45.1 ASM273004v1 pro 75.1ASM192027v1 pro Actinobacteria o Coryn 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco Betaproteobacteriales oseen reductase Rhod Betaproteobacteriales

tein KZZ10340.1 oxido smmoC GCA 0000929 Actinobacteria o Coryn burkholderia sp2 1 85.1 IMG-taxon 266752 smmoC GCA 0028915 ococcus sp. 008 1 propane monooxygen smmoC GCA 0021347 ase reductase subunit era s Acidisphaera rubr e monooxygenasese electron transfer elec com smmoC GCA 00271169 propane monooxygena bly protein SEC93215. aballeronia s Caballero smmoC GCA 0027065 uctase subunit Rhodoc bacterium sp. djl-10 smmoC GCA 0007233 bacterium simiae smmoC MWLL d Bacte smmoC GCA 9001674 mycolatopsis australien ria pActinobacteriota c ria pActinobacteriota c raceae g Rhodopseudo

smmoC GCA 0025835 smmoC GCA 9001637 ia pActinobacteriota c ebacteriales f Micromo ebacteriales f Pseudon smmoC FONG d Bacte tinobacteria o Coryneb smmoC GCA 0018996 seen reductase Novosp 95.1 ASM228279v1 pro ioidaceae g Nocardioid chubuense NBB4 Actinobacteria o Coryn se reductase subunit N 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco 35.1 IMG-taxon 263641 226 annotated assemb ria p Proteobacteria c G 75.1 GamBDW1.0 prot 3153 annotated assem oseen reductase Myco Actinobacteria o Coryn 35.1 IMG-taxon 267590 zospirillum thiophilum 1 smmoC GCA 0027215 tein OXM45967.1 CDP

912.1 CDP-6-deoxy-de 55.1 IMG-taxon 269031 ein AHY51511.1 oxidor ase reductase subunit ria p Proteobacteria c A 45.1 ASM1984v1 prote 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco seen reductase Mycob ebacteriales f Pseudon smmoC NVTH d Bacte 35.1ASM19683v1 prot 8251 annotated assem rythrophlei A 1 0735 annotated assem Hyphomicrobium denit smmoC GCA 90018811

tein OAF18736.1 CDP- smmoC GCA 0017251 xy-delta-3 4-glucoseen 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco 95.1ASM223459v1 pro ebacteriales f Pseudon bly protein SNB71387. ria p Proteobacteria c G smmoC GCA 0027013 deoxy-delta-3 4-glucos coccus sp. EPR-157 ium s Bradyrhizobium j smmoC GCA 9001298 acterium sp. MS1601 smmoC FOEF d Bacte ein BAL11422.1 oxidor smmoC GCA 0025640 teinANY06239.1 CDP- ein EHR50830.1 Na+-t smmoC GCA 9001430 55.1 IMG-taxon 259658 5.1 IMG-taxon 2671180 ria pActinobacteriota c reductase NAD-binding propane monooxygena roomeae een reductase Mycoba smmoC LJSC d Bacter

tase Mycobacterium sm ria Actinobacteriotap c bacterium sp. 852013-5 reductase Mycobacter ein CCE05754.1 conse 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco oseen reductase Pseud bacterium sherrisii bacterium sp. ITM-201 smmoCATXA d Bacter smmoC GCA 0016451 ria p Proteobacteria c A ase reductase subunit

s sp. Leaf233 smmoC DDEX d Bacte CDP-4-dehydro-6-deox 25.1ASM69562v1 prot smmoC GCA 9000945 -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc Azospirillum oryzae tein OUV62283.1 hypo sis bly protein SNY62932. pActinobacteriota cAc prenylphenol hydroxyla smmoC GCA 0020954 7404 annotated assem smmoC GCA 9001554 -deoxy-delta-3 4-glucos genase component C M uctase subunit Propion -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc 05.1 ASM154240v1 pro ctinobacteria o Coryne se reductase subunit B aballeronia s Caballero 25.1 ASM272492v1 pro smmoC GCA 0022628 smmoC GCA 0026915 hydroxylase Phenol 2- ammaproteobacteria o smmoC GCA 0029343 smmoC GCA 0010108 smmoC GCA 0020953 85.1ASM226288v1 pro xy-delta-3 4-glucoseen 55.1ASM56825v1 prot mycolatopsis rubida V 120709 2344 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco sulphurea 3 smmoCAFWY d Bacte bium A vannielii 1 Betaproteobacteriales coccus sp. CUA-806 95.1ASM289069v1 pro ria p Proteobacteria c A tein KWV49967.1 CDP 45.1 ASM2174v1 prote ein ELB91341.1 pheno topsis niigatensis smmoC LAJC d Bacter smmoC LGIC d Bacter 55.1 ASM272835v1 pro smmoC GCA 0000136 smmoC GCA 90011002 smmoC GCA 0027300 acteriaceae g Mycobac 45.1 ASM271694v1 pro oseen reductase Myco Actinobacteriota p Ac c 5.1ASM211921v1 prot 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco ebacteriales f Geoderm omponent C Nocardioid Actinobacteria o Coryn ammaproteobacteria o smmoC GCA 0017721 e phenol hydroxylase H smmoC GCA 0019202 85.1ASM194218v1 pro 58 e monoxygenase reduc -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc ia pActinobacteriota c 1 f Burkholderiaceae g P 05.1 ASM163500v1 pro izobium sp. BTAi1 tein OFE15448.1 CDP-

oseen reductase Rhod smmoC GCA 9001039 ia Actinobacteriotap c tein PKB13571.1 xylen dFORH Bacte smmoC 35.1 ASM289153v1 pro 1 xylene monooxygena smmoC GCA 9001020 ase reductase subunit ifaciens 1 oseen reductase Myco 1 propane monooxygen bly protein SEC61143.1 oseen reductase Myco 6899 annotated assem nia temeraria 1 ceanobacter s 2 ne monooxygenase red se reductase subunitA smmoC GCA 9001722 smmoC DBBP d Bacte

smmoC GCA 0005041 smmoC GCA 0022827 smmoC MUBM d Bacte smmoCAUBB d Bacte monas s 1 Actinobacteria o Coryn Actinobacteria o Coryn smmoC DBBP d Bacte smmoC GCA 0002595 onibacteriales f Nocard smmoCAZAK d Bacter pActinobacteriota cAc ria pActinobacteriota c propane monooxygena smmoC GCA 9001045 teinALE85506.1 CDP- hingobium sp. 63-713

smmoC GCA 9001083 ria Actinobacteriotap c -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc smmoC GCA 0004449 5.1 IMG-taxon 2675903 sembly protein EOD63 25.1 IMG-taxon 267590 smmoC GCA 9001074 Rhizobiales bacterium nia sp. 85.1ASM223438v1 pro tein PBC36593.1 CDP- eductase Bradyrhizobiu binding domain protein smmoC GCA 0029061 in ACB96953.1 oxidore M 43247 smmoC GCA 0001968 Actinobacteria o Coryn lphaproteobacteria o R smmoC GCA 0016766 CH5691597 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco smmoC NIPX d Bacter

smmoC MJAP d Bacte bly protein SCB45871. smmoC DGKH d Bacte 15.1 IMG-taxon 259569 ein AII03498.1 CDP-6- seen reductase Rhodo tein KLL96471.1 CDP- smmoC GCA 0022345 1 propane monooxygen 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco WT01180.1 CDP-6-deo aponicum E 1 -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc seen reductase Mycob Actinobacteria o Coryn ein EEF81069.1 Oxido smmoC LMCL d Bacte eductase Bradyrhizobiu

55.1ASM24495v1 prot smmoC BDAY d Bacte rmus smmoC GCA 0029820 smmoC GCA 90011555 25.1ASM169812v1 pro ly protein SFO01924.1

a sp. KTR9 oseen reductase Myco r medicamentivorans smmoC GCA 0014045 3652 annotated assem xy-delta-3 4-glucoseen ia p Proteobacteria c A BA2009 s 2 ly protein SFJ80316.1 oseen reductase Myco -deoxy-delta-3 4-glucos oseen reductase Myco smmoC JNYD d Bacte monooxygenase reduc Bradyrhizobium erythro rved hypothetical prote seen reductase Burkho 05.1 ASM217130v1 pro smmoC GCA 0006956 85.1 IMG-taxon 261584 lphaproteobacteria o R reductase Rhodococcu smmoC GCA 0002126 ria p Proteobacteria c A smmoC CCND d Bacte Rhodococcus kyotonen 3134 annotated assem oseen reductase Asano ein AGB21886.1 2-poly smmoC JNII d Bacteria smmoC GCA 0027249 ein KXF85673.1 CDP-6 e NBRC 15530 19.1 methane monooxy ne monooxygenase red oseen reductase Brady 95.1 IMG-taxon 266752 radyrhizobium erythrop Betaproteobacteriales nia jiangsuensis 1 ia sp. NB4-1Y monooxygenase P5 co tein KWV47724.1 CDP a pActinobacteriota cA smmoC GCA 0022628 smmoC GCA 0027283 smmoC GCA 0005682 tein KDE11343.1 CDP- seen reductase Rhodo ordonia westfalica QY50136.1 CDP-6-deo se reductase topsissubunit sA Amycolatopsis f Burkholderiaceae g M smmoC GCA 0027169 acterium 25.1 ASM32562v1 prot smmoC GCA 0028906

ia p Proteobacteria c A -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc in ACK50598.1 oxidore tein PPJ09829.1 CDP- ebacteriales f Coryneb smmoC GCA 0018547 lphaproteobacteria o R ertincta NBRC 101908 uctase subunitAmycola -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc ane monooxygenase c smmoC JIAI d Bacteria smmoC ATYB d Bacter 5.1 IMG-taxon 2615840 smmoC GCA 0016350 ivorans NBRC 16433 ria pActinobacteriota c 05.1 ASM177210v1 pro ria p Proteobacteria c G ein AEF40607.1 putativ Actinobacteria o Coryn smmoC GCA 0019421 tein AOW94553.1 CDP phera NBRC 16068 smmoC GCA 00211921 bly protein SCY84648. iella s Mameliella alba 45.1 ASM281324v1 pro smmoC JOAA d Bacter terium s 1 tase Methylibium petro -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc olaromonas s Polarom

smmoC MCIJ d Bacter smmoC GCA 0018548 accharospirillaceae g O smmoC GCA 0008248 75.1 IMG-taxon 261584 25.1ASM175822v1 pro

ria p Proteobacteria c c p ria Proteobacteria A tein PNG27547.1 CDP Bradyrhizobium erythro 2554 annotated assem -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc bly protein SHG48916. -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc acterium s 1

85.1 R.aestuarii CECT

orans ria p Proteobacteria c G

85.2 ASM50418v2 prot

tein OYD70672.1 propa 45.1 IMG-taxon 263416 0 propane monooxygena

A08 s 1

nia polyisoprenivorans ia pActinobacteriota c Actinobacteria o Propi ia pActinobacteriota c bly protein SIT33970.1 smmoCAXBH d Bacte smmoCAUII d Bacteria

smmoC FRAP d Bacte tein ORA83564.1 CDP 45.1ASM129464v1 pro 95.1 ASM44499v1 prot eductase FAD/NAD P - smmoC GCA 9001079 tein MAA59020.1 CDP GAS191 ordonia bronchialisoseen reductase DS Gordo 35.1 Whole genome as smmoC GCA 0022343 55.1 ASM230015v1 pro smmoC GCA 90011403 65.1 ASM290616v1 pro ia pActinobacteriota c aca abyssi s 1 ductase FAD/NAD P -b

tein AQT79114.1 CDP- 15.1 ASM167661v1 pro hodobacterales f Rhod m japonicum SEMIA 50 ia p Proteobacteria c A 1 propane monooxygen

35.1 ASM73643v1 prot ria p Proteobacteria c A 55.1 ASM15635v1 prot nia sp. 852002-10350 S smmoC GCA 9001765 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco accharospirillaceae g U 95.1 genome protein E 65.1ASM101786v1 pro smmoC GCA 0022152 ria pActinobacteriota c ase reductase subunit 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco ria p Proteobacteria c A seen reductase Bradyr

smmoC GCA 0002449 507 annotated assemb 75.1 ASM298207v1 pro m japonicum USDA 6 xidoreductase Gordoni smmoC GCA 0016981

Antarctobacter heliothe

mponent C Patulibacte 15.1 L.albaCECT5095 smmoC GCA 0021713 -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc 038 annotated assemb -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc lphaproteobacteria o R bly protein SCW95074 ein AKS35294.1 CDP-6 QY10054.1 CDP-6-deo xy-delta-3 4-glucoseen n CKH41617.1 propane in Bradyrhizobium sp. S ase reductase subunit phlei lderiales bacterium PB

05.1 ASM21260v1 prot hizobiales f Xanthobac 65.1 ASM32856v1 prot 55.2 ASM34795v2 prot smmoC FMAC d Bacte ria p Proteobacteria c A

lphaproteobacteria o R 0698 annotated assem uctase Gordonia amara smmoC GCA 0016869 05.1 IMG-taxon 267590 a ferruginea mbly 1 protein CDO058 smmoC GCA 9001021 f Burkholderiaceae g A tein PFG65704.1 propa rhizobium icense ola 1 hlei 85.1 RhoBCP1 1.0 pro mponent Bradyrhizobiu seen reductase Gordon -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc 10890 Rhodobiaceae b smmoC GCA 0003256 smmoC GCA 0023565 se reductase subunit G smmoCAGIT d Bacteri 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco 45.1 Root140 protein K ocardiaceae gAmycola propane monooxygena ethylibium s 1 smmoC GCA 0005023 lphaproteobacteria o R Pseudomonadales f S 85.1 ASM185478v1 pro 75.1 ASM293357v1 pro uctase Gordonia rubrip hizobiales f Rhizobiace ductase FAD/NAD P -b tein OKH68987.1 CDP tein ANH38520.1 Meth oseen reductase Brady smmoC GCA 0028132 uctase Gordonia alkan Actinobacteria o Coryn 0364 annotated assem smmoC AQWL d Bacte 75.1 ASM21417v1 prot ne monooxygenase red smmoC FNBE d Bacte ia p Proteobacteria c A uctase Gordonia rhizos riaActinobacteriota p c tein ANQ73253.1 CDP 95.1 ASM176739v1 pro 721 annotated assemb leiphilum PM1 tein OGB00403.1 CDP onas sp1 1 obacteraceae g Mamel

nicola lipolyticus 85.1 ASM185488v1 pro 25.2 Illumina assembly obacteraceaeActibac g

smmoC GCA 0017582 iensis

-6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc

0719 annotated assem tein AMP21835.1 CDP o R lphaproteobacteria smmoC GCA 0002192 tein ANW62257.1 CDP phlei 75.1 IMG-taxon 264242 smmoC FPBI d Bacteri 0949 annotated assem

7745 Spades Prokka p

smmoC GCA 9001059 ropicimonas isoalkaniv

obacteraceae g Marinib

ly protein SFW80061.1 ein ETA51945.2 CDP-6

95.1 ASM224589v1 pro acter baekdonensis B3 95.1 ASM268329v1 pro 3555 annotated assem oseen reductase Gordo ria p Actinobacteriota c smmoC JOJL d Bacter ammaproteobacteria o smmoCAICW d Bacter

obacteraceae HLUCC g ein ADJ22553.1 oxidor smmoC GCA 0022555

smmoC GCA 0012946

Pseudomonadales f S ein AGT10901.1 oxidor smmoC GCA 0023001 smmoC GCA 0003881 -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc 85.1ASM208628v1 pro

smmoC GCA 0001563 smmoCAICX d Bacter smmoC GCA 90023116 smmoC GCA 0007364 inding domain protein G uctase subunit Pelagib inding domain protein B obacteraceae g Rubrim

tein POF30858.1 propa 45.1 ASM200774v1 pro lphaproteobacteria o R tein KZF06801.1 CDP- flagellatuooceanicolaA 79 oseen reductase Gordo smmoC GCA 0005765 smmoC GCA 0010178 tein OCC00931.1 CDP

lphaproteobacteria o R ase reductase subunit 15.1 ASM221521v1 pro

smmoCARAX d Bacte Arboriscoccus pini 5.1 IMG-taxon 2622736 tein AQA02969.1 CDP- hizobium neotropicale se-related flavodoxin o lphaproteobacteria o R tein OBC09002.1 CDP ne monooxygenase co ase reductase subunit tein PQP55460.1 CDP tein PRH83935.1 CDP .1 propane monooxyge tein ORW80101.1 CDP 5.1 ASM118750v1 prot Spades Prokka protein 95.1 NCTC8159 protei 45.1 Root135 protein K hodobacterales f Rhod 5.1 IMG-taxon 2671180 smmoC GCA 0003479 QU31492.1 CDP-6-deo B1 1 propane monooxygen smmoC GCA 0003285 teraceae g Ancylobacte

ein EGJ21324.1 Oxido TM 3843

85.1 ASM168698v1 pro ria p Proteobacteria c A ammaproteobacteria o hodobacterales f Rhod bly protein SCB31937. 85.1 PRJEB5748 asse smmoC GCA 9002152 hetical protein COA62 smmoC GCA 0004708 ne monooxygenase red lphaproteobacteria o R zohydromonas s Azohy

05.1ASM256380v1 pro vum s Marinovum algic tein OLT36043.1 CDP- 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco 15.1 MlotiTONO 1.0 pr m sp. ORS 278 smmoC GCA 0014267 oseen reductase Rhizo smmoC GCA 0029335 propane monooxygena ly protein SFQ77386.1ebacteriales f Pseudon

75.1 Mloti L48C026A00 smmoC GCA 0002141 hodobacterales f Rhod 55.1 IMG-taxon 259749 ne monooxygenase red inding domain protein M ae g Ochrobactrum A s ria pActinobacteriota c ne monooxygenase red 05.1 ASM190530v1 pro 35.1 ASM165333v1 pro tein OHV77714.1 CDP rhizobium sp. BR 1030 smmoC GCA 0017673 tein PKV99567.1 propa lphaproteobacteria o R ne monooxygenase red 95.1 ASM168229v1 pro ly protein SEM51686.1 -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc smmoC FOSW d Bacte hodobacterales f Rhod

hodobacterales f Rhod

ORS3324T protein CD

smmoC GCA 0026832 tein OHV72835.1 CDP smmoC GCA 9001053 reductase Pseudoocea

se Phaeobacter gallaec 95.2 Acry PM v3 protei oseen reductase Methy

hodobacterales fhodobacterales Rhod 65.1 ASM158476v1 pro bly protein SDE17539.

55.1 ASM169575v1 pro a p Proteobacteria c Al

rotein SMC10546.1 Ph ammaproteobacteria o smmoC GCA 0022458 se reductase subunitT 517 annotated assemb 55.1 IMG-taxon 269542 hodobacterales f Rhod

-6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc smmoC LMGV d Bacte binding subunit Celerib Ga0077536 f UBA981 45.1 ASM14314v1 prot 75.1 IMG-taxon 268181 -deoxy-delta-3 4-glucos

hodobacterales Rhodf 15.1 ASM225551v1 pro

tein MAU84704.1 CDP smmoC GCA 0020862 eductase FAD/NAD P - ductase FAD/NAD P -b smmoC GCA 0020077

5.1 HDIA1 protein SON

ne monooxygenase red

hodobacterales f Rhod

ooceanicola A s PseudooceanicolaA 95.1 ASM164719v1 pro -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc onas s Rubrimonas clif eijerinckia indica subsp

ne monooxygenase red -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc Bradyrhizobium shewe smmoC GCA 90011420 hodobacterales f Rhod

tein ASJ74856.1 Pheno prenylphenol hydroxyla 15.1 ASM198421v1 pro

hizobiales f Rhizobiace

85.1 ASM166568v1 pro smmoC GCA 0014575 smmoC GCA 0014265 -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc 95.1 ASM296829v1 pro ein EHN10177.1 Metha

CTQ79905.1 Phenol h ria p Proteobacteria c G obacteraceae g Gemm nase reductase subuni bly protein65.1 SNS45019. Leaf233 protein K 55.1 ASM210235v1 pro smmoC GCA 00118750 1 propane monooxygen

tein PCJ69141.1 hypot smmoC GCA 90011500 reductase FAD/NAD P smmoC GCA 0006131 r s Ancylobacter sp1 1

1 propane monooxygen ein GAB06270.1 propa obacteraceae g UBA19

hizobiales f Rhizobiace lphaproteobacteria o R tein ANT52873.1 CDP- smmoC GCA 0025638 ein EMP13067.1 CDP- dromonas lata 1 65.1 ASM194226v1 pro otein BAV51198.1 oxid obacteraceae g Marino smmoC GCA 9001024 692 annotated Actinobacteriaassemb o Coryn bly protein SDU85111.1 bium altiplani ein GAB85184.1 propa obacteraceae g Pseud smmoC GCA 0019053 smmoC GCA 0016533 ein GAA14033.1 propa smmoC LQPX d Bacte protein ESZ19224.1 C Ochrobactrum A grigno -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc 3

smmoC GCA 0016822 hizobiales f Rhizobiace ein GAB92864.1 propa 15.1ASM284661v1 pro ethylocella silvestris BL

propane monooxygena

lphaproteobacteria o R ia p Proteobacteria c G oseen reductase Burkh

lphaproteobacteria o R

-6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc X10964.1 putative prop smmoC GCA 0015847 xy-delta-3 4-glucoseen n EGO96534.1 Oxidore

1 propane monooxygen smmoC GCA 0016957 g Celerib obacteraceae prenylphenol hydroxyla locella silvestris

phaproteobacteria o Rh

enol hydroxylase P5 pr tein OZC31454.1 CDP smmoC GCA 9001294 propane monooxygena smmoC GCA 0001431 lphaproteobacteria o R smmoC GCA 9001567 5.1 IMG-taxon 2642422 g UBA981 s 1

eductase FAD/NAD P -eductase P FAD/NAD

een reductase Rhodob

lphaproteobacteria o R

tein OYV56797.1 CDP

in ACY22744.145.1 oxidore ASM270014v1 pro binding subunit plasmid smmoC GCA 0016471 tein OBA68313.1 CDP

obacteraceae g Pseud obacteraceae g Haema

tein APZ53633.1tein propa tonensis 1 smmoC PBNY d Bacte 57416.1 Phenol hydrox . indica ATCC 9039 nse oseen reductase Labry

obacteraceae g Natron ein AFR50211.1 2-poly smmoC GCA 0019842 uctase subunit Labrenz

smmoC GCA 0016656 l hydroxylase P5 protei smmoC GCA 0014261 smmoC GCA 0029682 ae g Aminobacter s 1 smmoC GCA 0021023 25.2ASM24022v2 prot oseen reductase Labry 3021 annotated assem t Ancylobacter rudonge

bly protein SNS86976.

obacter s 1 75.1 ASM274627v1 pro ydroxylase P5 protein L

45.2 ASM24134v2 prot -binding domain protein

43 s 1 hizobiales f Rhizobiace smmoC GCA 0019422 ae g Mesorhizobium s ase reductase subunit 95.2 ASM34729v2 prot 6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluco ia pActinobacteriota c oreductase FAD/NAD P

hodobacterales f Rhod 6072 annotated assem 5.1 IMG-taxon 2675903 25.1 ASM32732v1 prot orhodobacter A s Pseu smmoC NZZA d Bacter 05.1 ASM22550v1 prot 95.1 ASM29819v1 prot DP-6-deoxy-delta-3 4-g smmoC GCA 0028466 oseen reductase Meso

nense 1 ae g Sinorhizobium s S 2

ia p Proteobacteria c A ia p Proteobacteria c

olderiales bacterium RI se reductase subunit G

ria p ProteobacteriaA c JE36503.1 CDP-6-deo

oseen reductase Ensife

ane monooxygenase re

tein ATF18023.1tein 2-poly

acter s Celeribacter ne Celeribacter s acter ductase FAD/NAD P -b

ase reductase subunit

otein Roseovarius aest 45.1 ASM225774v1 pro izobiales f Rhizobiacea

ly protein SFD20173.1

smmoC GCA 90011916 ria p ProteobacteriaA c

ein EKE70408.1 oxidor

ia p Proteobacteria c A iap Proteobacteria c

acteraceae bacterium P smmoC GCA 0027001 -6-deoxy-delta-3 4-gluc 85.1 ASM2478v1 prote

15.1 ASM166571v1 pro Paracoccus aminophil

hodobacterales f Rhod

tobacter s Haematobac ylase P5 protein Hartm

05.1 ASM197570v105.1 pro s sp. WJW 85.2 ASM14388v2 prot ohydrobacter s Natrono

ia marina

n Granulosicoccus anta smmoC GCA 0027462 smmoC GCA 0002402

25.1 IMG-taxon 267590 s okinawensis nsis

9037 annotated assem

smmoC GCA 0002413 abrenzia alba

smmoC GCA 0003472 Rhodobacter sphaeroi

Mesorhizobium plurifar Rhizobium multihospiti ae g Rhizobium s Rhiz

smmoC PDJK d Bacter seen reductase Mesorh smmoC GCA 0003273 lphaproteobacteria o R 25.1 IMG-taxon 263641 -binding subunit Meso smmoC GCA 0002255 smmoC GCA 90011534 dorhodobacter A psych smmoC GCA 0002981

rhizobium sp. ORS342 lucoseen reductase Me

inorhizobium arboris 1

smmoC FMZI d Bacter

FCSPHIGHO2 12 63 9

emmobacter aquatilis

smmoC JQMY d Bacte scaffolds 517 protein P

r sp. LCM 4579

ptunius 1 ptunius ductase Mesorhizobium inding subunit Acidiphil smmoC GCA 0022577 Citreicella thiooxidans

85.1ASM238138v1 pro


e g Pseudaminobacter

715 annotated assemb

smmoC NYWL d Bacte

75.1 ASM29987v175.1 prot

smmoCLJSF Bacter d smmoC GCA 0000247

oseen reductase Acidip


smmoC GCA 0016657

us JCM 7686

lphaproteobacteria o R smmoC GCA 0001438

smmoC 0019757 GCA annibacter diazotrophic

ter missouriensis 1

hydrobacter thiooxidan smmoC GCA 9001881

rcticus IMCC3135

25.1 IMG-taxon 261961

des WS8N um /10-348

ium 1 obium hainanense 1

smmoC GCA 9001057

rhizobium loti

izobium amorphae CCN ria p ProteobacteriaA c

rotolerans 1


sorhizobium sp. L48C0

25.1 157.Hcov.spades

ium sp. PM

smmoC GCA 0023813

s 1 sp. ORS3324

smmoC GCA 0002998smmoC GCA

5.1 IMG-taxon 2615840

hilium sp. 20-67-58

ria p ProteobacteriaA c


s 1

smmoC GCA smmoC9001884 GCA

smmoC FWFM d Bacte



smmoC GCA 0027863

smmoC 90011233 GCA

smmoC FWYD d Bacte