LegislativeRoundup 3 PriWhett

Bitter Kisses Volume 3, Number 19, May 12, 1993 FREE


Homosexuality in OldHawaii Daniel's Songs Page Serenity, Letters as he does about the conditions of defined: these children. I would like to add a personal opin­ Watch the sunset as you ion, based on my varied experiences with the dilemma of children's men­ walk along red sand talhealth in Hawaii. Nowhere in your beaches... Bathe in secluded article are parents mentioned, except pools once known only to for the two who overcame obstacles. The state is blamed for all wrong­ ancient Hawaiian kings... doing. While not wishing to defend Hike through lush tropical thestate, I thinkit was a glaringover­ sight - typical of contemporary jungles and fields of thinking - that no mention was bamboo ... This is serenity. made of parents who abuse drugs, This is Hana. alcohol and each other, which has Opala wallah resulted in a large number of these I can't believe Pritchett drew this cases. These children do not develop Situated on fivebeauti fully ("Pritchett," HW 4/28), and I can't mental health problems for no rea­ believeyou'd run/print such garbage. landscaped acres in remote son. And the sad truth is,it is still the For what it's worth - trash. parents' lack of caring that compels part of Maui, the Hana Andy Anderson the state to act on the children's Plantation Houses offer behalf. If only these adults would be Placing blame sanctuaryfrom "Honolulu" responsible parents in the firstplace I am respondingto your valuable and thenthe parents who really need help tensions. Let your hosts comprehensive article on the state of - becausetheir childrensuffer from Tom and Blair cater to your children's mental health in Hawaii inherited or biological mental prob­ ("Criminal Neglect," HW 4/28). lems - could really get all the help needs and create a vacation While I am glad you devoted so they deserve. experience that will leave much attention to the subject, I feel Su Yates you feeling rejuvenated you were remiss in not bringing the public up to date on attempts made and thoroughly relaxed. under the current administrator, Dr. Honolulu Weekly welcomes your Neal Mazer, to correct this drastic letters. Write to: Editor, Honolulu state of affairs. It was not made clear Weekly, 1200College Walk, Suite in your article that Dr. Mazer inher­ 212, Honolulu, HI 96817. You ited this miserable state of affairs. must include your name, address He did not create this mess, and he and telephone number ( only your has been working valiantly since he name will be primed). Letters may tookthis position to addressthe needs be edited for length. Please limit of this population with compassion your letters to 200 words maxi­ P.O.Box48 9 • HANA, MAUI, HAWAII 96713 and innovation. He is ably assisted mum ifyou do not want to see 808 • 248 • 7248 by his staff, who care just as much them cut. • 800 • 657 • 7723

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Vol. 3, No. 19 May 12, 1993

Daily Rentalsavaiuible! Publisher and Managing RESTAURANT Editor Laurie V. Carlson Senior Editor Julia Steele The Only Restaurant Associated Editor DerekFerrar Calendar: Editor: Matt Uiagalelei To Bring Both Incredible Food Film Critics: Bob Green, And Outstanding Value Mary Brennan You Are Contributing Writers Cecil Adams, Alan Bunin, Back To Waikiki Your Patterson Hunter, Robert Rees, Curt Sanbum Body CopyEcltor Catharine Gregory Art Director Bud Linschoten Douglas Cooper, M.D. Understand & Release ProducUon Isabella Forster BioenergetiUReicliian Psychiatry chronic body tensions from childhood Four-Star Food FEEL MORE: ENERGETIC ConbibutlngPhotographer Video Movement analysis Grounding/Breathing Exercises EMOTIONAL JeffHelberg Kahala • 4614 KilaueaAve. #20 I ALIVE Contributing Illustrator SEXUAL Christine Joy Pratt 735-0264 Psychiauy of growthfor healthypeople At Two-StarPrices CartoonistsMatt Groening, John Pritchett, Slug Signorino Conveniently Located In lntemMarguerite Geagan AdministrativeSupport The Waikiki Terrace Hotel Hawaii's history comes alive at and Classlfled Advertising 2045 Kalakaua Avenue Catharine Gregory Hawaiian Islands Stamp & Coin Advertising Waikiki Leo Geensen, Cheryl Oncea At The Entrance to Pre-Cook Hawaiian stamps ISSN #1057-414X Entire contents © 1993 by Free Validated Parking Hawaiian artifacts. & letters. Honolulu Weekly,Inc. Hawaiian coins, � Hawaiian prints All rights reserved. A Memberof the tokens, medals. ..f' & paintings. Associationof Reservations Recommended- Alternative Old Hawaiian Hawaiian books .&Al'l· Newsweeklies 955 • 6000 Documents. S & periodicals. Manuscripts should be accompanied by a self-addressedstamped envelope: Hawaiian Horwlulu Weeklyasswnes no responsibil­ Come see our large collection of ityfor w,.so/icitedmaterial Double-Award Winning Monarchy items. Subscription rates: Six mollfhs$35. "Best Seafood"And "Best Pizza" In Honolulu unique, affordableHawaiiana. One year $50. Own a treasurefrom Hawaii's Honolulu Weeklyis available free of ThisWeek's Specials: past to cherish forever! charge, limited toone copyper reader. Additional copies maybe purchasedat our Appetizer: Spinach Salad with Balsamic Vmaigrette office.No personmay, without pem,ission Entree: Scallops Carbonara Hawaiian Islands Stamp & Coin ofHonolulu Weekly,take more than one copyof each Honolulu Weeklyissue. \ 1111 Bishop Street, Honolulu, HI 96813 Stop In 'lb Pick Up Your Copy Of The Weekly � 1200College Walk, Suite 212 And A Complimentary Cup Of Coffee �����wi''�'-�--�-...__ (808) 531-6251 Honolulu, Hawaii '96817 During Service Hours --Comer Bishop& Hotel• Mon-Fri 9-5, Sat 10-4 Telephone: 808 528-1475 2 • May 12, 1993 • Honolulu Weekly Commentary

a vote of 37 to 11. Said Finance Committee Chairman Calvin Say to the press, "I don't think you should Enchiladas feel that bad - it's all voluntary." This disregard forand misunder­ standing of the First Amendment With Elton. shouldn't surprise us since it came primarily fromRep. Henry Peters, a Bishop Estate trustee quoted by Cause of Hawaii as saying (in a differentcontext), "Why are you tryingto Westernizethis place ... if you don't like it you can leave." The Senate never voted on whether to make the measure a concurrent resolution; ironically, it was killed by committee chairmanSen. Andrew Levin without even a hearing. So in the Senate we got a weak endorse­ ment of a freepress from a closed and easily manipulated system. That this closed system can cut both ways was illustratedinanother o evaluate this year's state shell game, Rep. NoboruYonamine's legislature it's necessary to refusal to hold hearings on a Senate go back to its beginning, An end--of­ bill designed to eliminate windfall the end of last year's ses­ retirement benefitsspecially designed sion. On April 30, 1992, at session look at just forlegislators. Yonarnine's argu­ 5 a.m., then-Senate Pres. the maneuvers ment - in total - was, "It is not Richard Wong banged timelynow." down his gavel and pro- of the '93 Attempting to be timely, the '93 nounced that session over. Said Wong legislature did develop a last-minute to his colleagues, 'The voters will be legi,slature "worst-of-both-worlds" compromise well served to returnyou back next on the convention center. The best year." Gov. John Waihee, wearinga spread, argued that the requirement way to visualize the final processthat leather overcoat, strolled regally was discriminatory. Souki's and led to this compromise is to imagine Dinner at Salsa Rita's among the adjournedlegislators and Tom's proposed exemptions were a committee of lunatics negotiating Hawaii's Best Mexican Food, remarked that the 1992 session opposedby the Senate, but the House with two desperate used car sales­ Drinks & Rock'n'Roll deserved an "A." Maui Sen. Mamoru then decided to let individual mem­ men. TheSukarnto Holding Company Yamasaki agreed and added, "I give bers decide whether they wished to offers a free radio on the Aloha Just Off-center at Restaurant Row! myself an 'A."' releasecopies of their disclosure logs. Motors model. Jack Myers throws in The reason for the high marks? Members of the 1993 legislature air-conditioningif theGateway model The cited accomplishments of 1992. also began the year by accepting a is bought today. You want a guaran­ But looking back at that session, the salary increase of $5,000while at the tee,no problem. The two carsare dis­ 10th in the last 13 years to go into same time refusing to tum back the mantled by the committee and parts overtime (when votes can be rushed $5,000 unvouchered expense interchanged. Thirtyminutes before through under cover of darkness),it's allowance that the Legislative Salary the deadline there is a secret meet­ apparent that it ended not with a bang Commission had granted pendingthe ing. No one understands the finalpro­ but with a shell game. salary increase. To his credit, Rep. posalbut the House-Senate committee David Hagino argued that the expense votes to approve it. Then, in the full ROBERT M. REES allowance ought to be rescinded. but flowering of insanity, the committee he was accused by his colleagues of members actually sign the wrong In 1993, the new Speaker of the "showing offfor the voters." A dis­ papers while gleefully congratulat­ House Joseph Souki was asked to list traught Rep. Devon Nekoba added ing each other on their . the major accomplishments of the he didn't want to be forced to find Had it not been for this Keystone previous legislature. He cited car work at McDonald's. Kops mistake, reminiscent of the insurance reform as nwnber one. But A third crown jewel of 1992 was Senate's forgettingto vote in 1992, the law that passed twnedout to have the apparent passage of a law there is no doubt that the convention been authored by a phony "grass "decriminalizing" trafficoffenses so center deal would have passed, even roots'' front forthe insurance lobby, as to circwnvent procedural require­ though it reeked of scandal: The com­ CAIR or Coalition for Automobile ments, such as trialby jury. Thethen­ promise, rushed though behindclosed Insurance Reform.The promisedrate Attorney General Warren Price, doors, promised to make Aloha cuts of 15 percentnever materialized always to short-circuit anything Stadium look like stainless steel. because the law allows the state's smacking of due process, hailed the The '93 legislature did manage to Insurance Commissioner to grant new law as a "Flagship ... both bold pass a loan guarantee for Hawaiian exemptions to insurance companies and meaningful." Airlines, along with a scheme to reg­ that can show that they're in finan­ But the celebrationwas premature. ulate airline routes and fares in cial trouble. (One of the bill's origi­ The Senate, in a portent of things to Hawaii. The loan guarantee is harm­ MORE than just the nal supporters, Rep. Mazie Hirono, come in 1993, had forgottento vote less and may even help the state. But was so angry over this exemption on the measure. The Senate Clerk should the U.S. Congress approve best HOT DOG! policy that she ran her own newspa­ claimed later that the bill had fallen the regulation scheme (without per ads asking forcorrective legisla­ victim to an "obscure provision" in Congressional approval, the regula­ On The Corner tion during the 1993 session. the state Constitution. In reality, the tionconstitutes uncons titutionalinter­ A second highly praised achieve­ provision is not obscure at all - it's ferencewith the Airline Deregulation of Bishop St. & ment of the '92 session was the pas­ right there in Article ill, Section 15: Act of 1978 and with interstate com­ sage of a more stringentethics code any bill introduced during the previ­ merce), it will cost Hawaii residents Hotel St. concerning giftsand politicians. The ous session and about to be passed millions of dollars. The whole point new coderequires legislators to report through has to be voted on again by of the commission will be to reduce giftswhen they receivea totalof more the originating house. competitionand to permit local air­ I 102 Bishop Street Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 (808) 521-5213 Fax (808) 521-5694 than $200 from any single source Events, time,mistakes and the 1993 lines to offerless for more- reduced over the course of a year. The spirit legislature eroded most of the illu­ service at higher prices. of the new ethics code already is sory achievements offeredup by the Some good things did happen dur­ Lunch Special going the way of all flesh. In 1993, 1992 legislature; and the 1993 leg­ ing the '93 legislature. More impor­ House Speaker Joe Souki and House islativeoffered up its own shell games. tant than anything else was the Buy One �Hot Dog, Judiciary Chairman Terrance Tom One was the House resolutionasking glimmer of real change provided by Fresh Cut Krinkle Fries arguedthe code"is tooburdenso me." journaliststo disclose"revenue sources the Senate.While the Houseremained They asked that gifts valued at $30 and assets just like public officialsare firmly entrenched as just another 'And Get One or less be exempted from the new required to do." To the credit of the bureaucratic extension of the reporting requirements - no matter House, the concept was defeated as Democraticadministration, the Senate 16 oz. Soft Drink how frequentlyreceived from the a bill on the advice that such a law showed signs of life and began same source. Rep. Henry Peters, would beunconsti tutional.To the dis­ reforminga systemwhich Democratic apparently employing the theory that credit of the House and the embarass­ Sen. Mike McCartney described as FREE Hawaiian culture is the only culture men t of the state, the concept was "like the Kremlin." Limited Time Only in the worldwhere gift-giving is wide- passed as a vindictive resolution by Continued on Page 7 May 12, 1993 • Honolulu Weekly• 3 He aikane, he punana na ke onaona. "An aikane is a nest of fragrance." - fromOlelo Noeau, Hawaiian Proverbs and Poetical Sayings by Mary Kawena Pukui

ith themedia reported by fourmembers of Cook's attention crew: James King, second lieutenant drawn by of the HMS Resolution; Charles last month's Clerke, Cook's successor as com­ massive gay mander of the expedition; David rights march Samwell, the ship's surgeon aboard in Washington and the controversy the HMS Discovery; and John over gays in the military, and last Ledyard, an American who served week's ruling by the Hawaii Supreme as Corporal of Marines with Cook. Court opening the door to legalized These were the first Westerners to same-sex marriages here, issues lay eyes on and write about the affecting homosexuals are pressing Hawaiian people, who for over a on both local and national agendas. thousand years had evolved a com­ Into this climate of debate arrives plex society shaped by their some recent historical research by a traditions and the chal­ Honolulu lawyer and a Hawaiian lenges posed by the awesome land scholar showing not only that homo­ and seascape of their islands. •• sexuality was ,apparently widely King's account includes a summary accepted in old Hawaii but also that description of the "rank and conse­ gay relationships helped shape some quence of Women." He lists their low of Hawaii's most significant histor­ social status, their eatingtaboos and, ical events. lastly, the delicate matterof the divided Several months ago, the Honolulu affectionof their mates: Star-Bulletin published a column by "... what no doubt must bethe most Detroit News editor Deb Price, the grievous of all is the being depriv' d nation's only widely syndicated gay of the natural affections of their - a relation to Kalani 'opu 'u called acquainted with a detestable part of and was, historians agree,respo nsible columnist, on homosexuality and hula Husbands, & seeing this divided by Kamehameha - dressed in an ele­ his Character which he is not in the forthe theft of one of the Europeans' Notingthat the hula continues to be a the other sex: the foulest polutions gant feathered cape,who boarded the least anxious to conceal." small boats. The incident led to the focal point forthe disgrace the Men, ship with his attendant to spend the To reconstructthe historical defin­ armed scuffle that brought about Hawaiian gay & we had no night: " ... among [the attendants] is a ition of the term "aikane," which in Cook's death. 'Thus," Morris writes, community, Price BY CURT SANBURN doubt of what a Young Man of whom [Kamehameha] post-missionary times was redefined "it may be that two or three of the reported the fre- Takanee [ aikane] seems very fond, which does not in to mean a platonic friend, Morris leading aikane ... were crucial in one quent use of traditional homosexual meant. Terreeoboo [Kalani'opu'u, the least surprise us as we have had breaks the word down into its two of the greatest dramas of history." love stories in hula chants, most ranking chief at Kealakekua on the opportunities before of being parts: ai, meaning "to have sex," and notably in the series of epic chants Big Island] has fiveof them, who are kane,meaning the male. "As a noun," known as the Pele cycle. In the col­ men of the first Consequence,indeed, Morris writes, "aikane may be most n 1991, Morris followedup umn, titled''History of Gay Romance all the Chiefs had them." directly translatedas 'man-fucking;' his study of early written Behind Hula Chants," Pricealso dis­ Clerke, discussing the ''I'car'nies" To reconstruct as a verb,'fucking a man.' Thereduc­ reports on the aikane tradi­ cussed the prestige of the aikane- (aikane), noted that "[the Hawaiians] tion of this special word to the mere tion with a second essay, an or same-sex companion -among the talk of this infernal practice with all 'friend'is a lamentable loss." (Morris, analysis of key aikane­ ali'i (nobility) in old Hawaii, a phe­ the indifferencein the world, nor do the historical by the way, carefully distinguishes relatedHawaiian lore, culled nomenon that had been gravely but I suppose they imagine any degree definitionof theterm aikane from"mahu," meaning a man fromAbraham Pom ander's Collection duly reported by several journalists of infamy in it." "aikane," whichin post� who has assumed therole of a female.) of Hawaiian Antiquities and Folk­ who accompanied Captain James Ledyard's summary of "sodomy" Morris' analysis of the journals led lore, from Hawaiian-language news­ Cook on his last voyage of discovery. among the Hawaiians, "odious to the missionary times was him to some fascinatingconclusions, papers and from the three volumes The source of Price's information delicate mind," referred to redefined tomean a the most historically significant one of the Hawaiian Legends Index. The was Honolulu real-estate lawyer "Cohabitation ... between the chiefs platonicfriend, Morris being that a rivalry between two of essay, called "Same-Sex Friendships Robert J. Morris, who in 1990 pub­ and the most beautiful malesthey can Kalani' opu 'u 's aikane, Pal ea and in Hawaiian Lore: Constructing the lished a scholarly article - "Aikane: procure about 17 years old ... These breaks theword downinto Kamehameha, seems to have directly Canon," was published in Oceanic Accounts of Hawaiian Same-Sex youths follow [the chiefs] wherever its two parts:ai , meaning influenced the famous chain of events Homosexualities, volume seven of leading to the death of Cook on the Relationships in the Journal of they go, and are as narrowly looked "tohave sex," and kane , Far left: New research suggests that Captain Cook's Third Vo yage (1775- after as the women in those countries Big Island. a spumed aikane precipitated the 80)" - in the Journal of where jealousy is so predominant a meaningthe male. "The According to Morris, by the time events leadingto Captain Cook's Homosexuality. The 27-page article, passion; they are extremely fond of reductionof thisspecial of Cook's return trip to Kealakekua death. with its 132 cited references,is a stun­ them, and by a shockinginversion of word tothe mere 'friend ,' " for ship repairs, Kamehameha had Center: Kamehameha I: Was his rise ningly fastidious piece of research the laws of nature, they bestow all replaced Palea as Kalani'opu'u's to power fueledby his relationship based on first-hand accounts of those affectionsupon them that were Morriswrites , "is a "forerunner," or aikane. Palea, with­ with a high chief? "aikane in the unmistakable context intended forthe other sex." lamentable loss. " out his former influence and power, Below: Kamehameha Ill: With his of homosexuality."The accounts were Samwell described a young chief was now a rogue and provocateur aikane Kaoml, he rebelled against missionary sobriety - and lost.

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6 •.. May ' 12, 1993 • Honolulu' ..' Weekly\ Himeno nomination bottled up in contributer to the Democratic Holt's committee. (Holt added to the machine. The1992 legislature backed Playjng mystery by fabricating a story that off and approved only an underfi­ he was with his children, a cover nanced audit to be conducted by the quickly dispelledby Holt's estranged Public Utilities Commission. The theS�ell Game wife, who announced she was with PUC, whose members have been the children.) guests of Hawaiian Tel at expensive From Page 3 Control was at stake. Fearing golf outings,has yet to beginits work Divorce defections forcedby pressure from As we would expect, the It started with the selection of a Waihee, Aki used the new Senate Democratic machine is now pres­ new Senate president. Sen. Milton rules to yank the issue out of Holt's suring forthe restorationof a Waihee Holt wanted the position, but he'd committee and force a floorvote. The majorityin the Senate and is attempt­ Experienced counsel and been tarnishedby charges of spouse Aki faction voted against Himeno. ing to blame its independent representation in all matters abuse and violating U.S. Customs All seven of the votes backing reformists for Hawaii's emerging regulations. Holt, who is regarded as Himeno came fromthe Mizuguchi­ worldwide reputation as a corrupt pertaining to familylaw. somewhat of a child by his col­ Waihee faction. banana republic. The party line is leagues, was irritated by Gov. The potential of the Senate's new that it's better to silence the reform­ • Divorce Waihee's strong support of independentre formistfaction is illus­ ers than to alter what fora very few Mizuguchi for the position, and in trated by Senate Resolution 35, which has become a wonderful way of life. • Child Support & Alimony retaliation Holt threw his support established a special Senate inves­ Led by Mizuguchi - this time behindAki in return forthe vice pres­ tigative committee to look into the around supported by Holt - the • Custody Matters idency of the Senate. The Senate's state's procurement practices. The Party machine is attempting to make 22 Democrats split, with 13 in sup­ recommendation in support of the Aki the scapegoatfor the convention • Pre-Nuptial Agreements port of Aki and nine behind investigation was harsh in its tone: center fiasco,even though it was Holt Mizuguchi. Waihee had lost, due to "Your committee is concerned who led the Senate negotiators. The • Adoptions a strange alliance between a few Holt about... the presence of an environ­ intent of the maneuver is to take the • Paternity loyalists and the more independent ment that allows and encourges well­ presidency from Aki and give it to Carole D. Landry, Esq. reformers. connected individuals to derive Mizuguchi. Holt would remain as Family Law, concentrating • Guardianships That split became apparent when substantial personal benefitthrough vice president. in Divorce matters, former Deputy Prosecuting Attorney the Senate, in its firsttruly indepen­ preferential treatment." Hawaii, because it is a one-party For confidential consultation, dent floor vote in years, turneddown The Democratic machine state, will be dependent forchange Gov. Waihee's nomination of Sharon attempted to squash the resolution. on the precarious future of the inde­ place inquiries with Himeno to the state Supreme Court. Party Chairman Dennis O'Connor pendent reformDemocrats - Sens. Ms. Landry at 523-7021. Well before the floor vote,in response called the issue "a bunch of baloney." James Aki, Donna Ikeda, Randy to a letter criticizingthe Himeno nom­ Gov. Waihee spoke directly to Aki, lwase, Brian Kanno, Matt • ination, Aki wrote, " ... regarding the arguing that the resolution "would Matsunaga, Richard Matsuura, Mike appointment of Sharon Himeno by be bad for morale." Aki promptly McCartney and others - who are A service of the law firm of Gov. Waihee, I have decided to vote reported thisconversation to the press willing to declareindependence from against her appointment." Period. and moved ahead. the power elite. The Senate in 1993 No ifs, ands or buts. What a difference a year and new has provided a glimmerof what may Dinman Nal�rnura Elisha & Lahne Sen. Holt, by now apparently Senate leadership had made. When be possible. • Attorneys at low • A law Corporation regretting his alliance with Aki, sup­ the 1992 legislativesession had gone portedWa iheeand Himeno but didn't into overtime, the primary cause had Robert M. Rees is a member of the Ocean View Center • 707 Richards Street • Penthouse One vote; he was mysteriously absent at been the debate over whether to con­ fa cultyat the Un iversity of Hawaii Honolulu, Hawaii 968 1 3-4698 the crucial moment - a move some duct a meaningfulaudit of a contro­ and producerand moderator of Te l (808) 523-702 1 • Fax (808) 538-1927 believe was a clumsy attempt to gain versial non-bid contract awarded to Channel 5'.sIsland Issues. time for Waihee by keeping the GTE Hawaiian Telephone, a major

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to whom he begins to feel deeply attracted. utes. Then their relationship, which they had -was writtenand compiled by MichaelSteams What happensthen - and what doesn'thap­ thought could survive anything, beginsto wob­ ( Chronos). Is it worth seeing? Yes ... but such a pen- completesthe film'smirrors-and-illusion ble. Paranoia, recriminations, etc. That's the tourist-oriented product denies the fullpoten­ Trip Pick storyline. SomePC-oriented critics find the movie whole story. The filmis as hollow and pretty as tial ofthe IMAX process... again. (WaikikiIMAX) anti-feminist; others, old-fashioned; others, homo­ a two-hour Calvin Klein Obsession ad, and the 1 RolqStones at the ProbablyMax the best phobic. Still others saythat it fails to resolvethe final indignity is the tacked-on moral - that concert film ever made. It's huge (IMAX is shot issues it pretends to raise. In short, The Crying there are some things money can't buy. This with 70mm film, which is then turnedon its side Game sets us up too - and, in the process, platitude seems especiallycreepy coming from foreven greatervisual range, including partof shows us whatwe don't necessarilylike to admit: the voyeuristic Lyne, who has spent two hours your peripheral vision); it's spectacular(the apoc­ that we've been conned, one way or another, making certain that his main characters are alypse-cltic set, a synthesis of Blade Runnerand most of our lives. grabby and unappealing. - Mary Brennan Mad Max motifs, is a triumph of size, scale, The Dark Half . . IndianSummer A Disney ensemble piece ramps, ladders,towers and parapets); the edit­ FormerPittsburgh \ abouta groupof 30-somethingold friends ing and soundare first-rate(the film undeiwent ad man George (Vmcent Spano, Diane lane, Bill Paxton 10 months of post-production sound mixing; Romero (Night of and Matt Frewer among them) the seamlessincorporates editing concert footage the LivingDead) tries who headback to a childhood shot in three locations); the Stones are in top to get back on track by getaway -CampTamakwa form (Mick Jaggeris still one of the world's best directing thislong-shelved - when the mid-life performers); and it's running - the huge IMAX version of the Stephen Going Gets Tough. An cameras prowl the huge stages like narcs and King bestseller about an autobiographical pieceby shoot from everywhere, including helicopters, author (Timothy writer-director Mike fromwithin mesmerized audiences and from Hutton) and his savage Bender. the murky depths of concert-stage subculture subconscious. The unusu­ 1 lndochine peopledby technicians, back-up singers, brass ally good cast includes Catherine and reed sidemen and unidentfiedDionysiacs. Amy Madigan and Julie Deneuve is the The filmhas been held overfrom theChaminade Harris(yes, theJulie Harris). real reason to Universityfundraising run.(Fridays and Saturdays i DaveKevin Kline isin top seethis French- at 9 p.m. at the Waikiki IMAX) form in this rathertoothless language film TheSandlot Written by Radio Flyers Mickey "satire" by comedy-meister about the inter­ Evans (who directs as well), this is a comedy Ivan Reitman about a dupe taking over the , twined history of France and with mystic undertones aboutbaseb all-playing duties of theU.S. Prez when the realguy isfe lled Vietnam: It's a big, old-fashioned star tum. The kids who confronta mysterymore complex than by a badticker. Kline'stiming is impeccable; it's restof the movie is thinner than it ought to be, the rulesof the game. Withthe ubiquitous James his best role since A Fish Called Wa nda. but the faces of the oppressedVietnamese are EarlJones and underusedKaren Allen. Sigourney Weaverco-stars as the (surprised) deeply affecting. Scait Wonlll'Iof a The kind of movie that wins wife and there aresome alanning cameos by Poiltof NoReban An Americanizationof the awards. Al Pacino, carefullysurrounded by a Heinoushappening somevery well-known people.It's cwrendythe idiotic French thrillerLa Fe mme Nikita, with castof lesseractors, chews the sceneryartfully best comedy out there (unless you count Bridget Fonda taking over the role of a beauti­ in this story of a blind man, fullof the life force, IndecentProposaD. ful woman who is taken offdeath row to who teaches a novice about life and "love." So, like, you're fullybummed aooutthe environment, butexploring the farreaches of i Dragoo: Story1be BruceLee Oahu's Jason becomehit a person forthe stare.The perversely Actually, Pacino's relentless interpretation dis- artis where y our headIs really at,y'know? Boy doesthe Sutfrlder Foundation havea Scott Leeachieves instantstardom in this visu­ assembled cast includes Anne Bancroft (in torts the inherentsentiment of this overlylong benefit"happening• foryou thisThursday: an evening of live music,dance, petfor­ ally ambitious take on the life of Bruce Lee, the the Jeanne Moreaurole), Harvey Keitel movie -Pacino refusesto make hischar­ mance att,food, craftsand generaltrippiness, all to benefitthe foundation's Blue Water firstworldwide Asian movie box-officestar. It's and Gabriel Byrne. The cross-cultural acterlovable. Scentof a Woma n received Task Force, which equips volunteers to testwater quality. Dig it: From 7:30 - 9 p.m. big, loud, vivid and nicely staged. Don't write accents alone should keep you away. f a rash of Oscar nominations (and actu­ there'll be avegetarian cafe, no-hostand bar crafts bazaar, whilethe MonlOBones per· Jason Lee off,though; his performance in the You are hereby warned. ally won Pacino one) - probably formance company stages a "living art" exhibit, and painters create a dolphinmandala much betterMap of the Human Hea rt is terrific Rapid Fire The new one from · because it'sa semi-thoughtfulbig stu­ and Goddesspainting. At nine, we beginto ax:k,with the musicof Frog Child, Flower re re in quite a diffe nt way. BrandonLee, maestro arts Bruce - dio pictu made in the yearwhen box Monsters and the Sun Drum rroupe, and a dance thing bythe ever-popular Iona Pear i Groundhog Day Bill Murray is back in top Lee's hapason. officewinners were swampedby low bud­ company. Can you handle? form in this originalcomedy abouta TVweath­ Ring ofFire This movie is a get, non-star-driven independent projects. erman who keeps reliving Feb. 2. The philo­ mixed affair: it has an irre­ Written by Bo Goldman (Melvin and SWfrider Benefit: 11ltGa,age, 955 Wai111anu St.: Tllur.5/13, 7:30 p..m. $5 sophicalunderpinning to this movie is how we sistible premise (it's a pho­ Howard) and directed by Martin Brest donation. 83N!81 deal with incessant repetition in our lives: is it tographic study of the (MidnightRun). a drag or an existential opportunity?Directed volcanoes of the Pacific SiclekicksJuvenilia of a sort.Clips from Quinn, Mary StuartMasterson and Johnny Depp by longtime Murray cohortHarold Ramis. With Rim); some spectacular old Chuck Norris flicks areinterspersed star. Andie McDowell and Chris Elliott. computer-generated with new footagein this tale of a boy Film The Best of theThis BestII film's precursor, Indecentterrible ProposalA movie. The plot, graphics and animation who dreams of fighting alongside Criticism byBob Green unlessothenuise noted. a hit on home video, was basicallya revenge a vestige of the out-of-style '80s sensib'lity that that "explain" how erup- Norris. The villain is played by Joe ,, the Weekly's dingbat of ap proval, indicates movie tricked outmartial in arts garb.The sequel "greed is good," ftts in a thimble. That's where tions happen; and uneven Piscopo. Heard enough? filmsof more than average interest. is more of the same. Two ex-members of the it ought to stay. Happy couple (Demi Moore photography, ranging SpitlqMonty Hen Pythonite U.S. karate team try to avenge the death of a and WoodyHarrelson), down on their luck, are from mediocre fish-eye Eric Idle wrote and &arsin this First Run buddy who was offed in a competition in Las faced with a tempting, sordid proposition. If the lens shotsto the spectac­ farce about a misplaced Vegas. Eric Robertsreturns to broodas the lead. wife will spend one night with a billionaire ular. The dull-as-dishwa­ Dukeship (babies Brief reviewsof selectedfirst-run films in town. 'l Boiling Point Not a revenge movie but a "poonhound" (RobertRedford), d1ey'll be amil­ ter voiceovers are by switched at a party). Corifirm theaters, datesand limes. classic film noir that's as stylized as a sonnet: lion dollars richer. They do it, of course, after RobertFoxw orth; the music .,.'/ He's out to get it back, TheAdventures of HuckFinn Huck FinnLite. datk, slow and gritty.O'itensible The stars(Wesley pretending to beshocked for aboutthree min- - original and indigenous The greatestAmerican novel is trivialized(again) Snipes and Dennis Hopper) are eclipsed by Continued on Page 10 by the movies.This time Disney Studios(known Viggo Morfenson as the obligatory murdering in the industry as "Mouse-witz") does the trivi- innocent. One warning: in the world of film alizing, reducingthe epic story of moral growth noir, no one wins. Recommended, if you know and civilization's assault on personal freedom what you're in for. Tube Pick to just another cozy little piece of domesticalia. 1 Boundby HonorDirector Taylor Hackford's The(astute) casting ofCourtney Vance and Elijah epic drama aboutthree Hispanic brothers in Los Wood (made up to lookrute) helps some, but Angeles,each of whom pursues separatea path Cyberwood you'd be alot betteroff taking the hour and half of upward mobility. Bound By Ho nor is about to read the book. gangs, the penetrationof the inner membrane of Que! dommage.Ja cylyn Smith, Jane Se>1nourand Richard Chamberlain are i Aladdin Disney goes hip - well, sort of. white social supremacy and activist art. (The nowhere to be found in lJiJdPalms , the new made-for-TV mini-series When, 30 minutes into the movie, the Genie film- originally tided BloodIn, BloodOut - direaedby Pauline Kael's worstnightmare, Oliver Stone. 111e seriesis hased appears, d1ings pick up considerablr - Robin didn't openin LA. since it wasco nsidered poten- on the rnrtoonof the samename th:u ruru; each month in the back pagesof Williams, who suppliesvoice the of the shape tially "sociallyinflammatory:) Hackford himself Dektilsma gazine, a cartoonthat has intrigued its fans over the last few years shifter released from the magic lamp, was let can tell you more since he will beteaching a with its q·ber-likenarrative weavingthrough the un<.-ertainand shadowy looseon this vehicle, and afterhe'd recorded week-longseminar on filmdirecting at this sum- world of IIollywood. his wild track, the animators simply drew it in. mer's UH Manoa Film and Video Institute. Other elements of the film aremore conven- Having been well hyped for months, the mini-seriespromises to bethe Cautiously recommended. hippestTV since Twin Peaks (or Ren & Stimpyfor that matter). Createdand tional: Aladdin, the teenster on the Arabian A Cop aand HalfBurt Reynolds plays a bumt- written by Bruce Wagner, who produced the filmScenes Fr om the Class streets, is the likeness of Tom Cruise and the re out detective vived by the precocityof an 8- Strugglein Beverly Hills and authored the novel ForceM qjeure, lVildPalms big musical numbers are patterned after year-oldblack kid with whom he is saddled in recount5 the story oftelevision executive Harty Wycofft played by Jim Belushi) Broadwaymusicals of the late 'SOsand the '(J()s. order to solve a crime. Need we mention that who lives in the Los Angeles of 2007. Wycoffaccepts a jobat a network that Said to be funny and charming, with a visual it's meantto beheart-wanning? is aboutto launch virtualreality p rogranuning into the living tOO!llSAmerica of style patterned somewhatafter the New Yo�s , TheCrying Game This 1992 Irish romantic and is soon flung intoa nightmarish series ofevents which du-eatento over­ Hirschfeld curvy caricatures. Music by Alan thriller is "about" howpeople are set up: the whelm and destroy everything he knows. Can he find his way oUl?Tunein. Menken, Howard Ashman and Tim Rice. plotline concernsan IRAsoldier (Stephen Rea) Benny andstory .loonA about a schizophrenic who, aftera iuseresulting in the kidnapping of ALc;ostarring Dana Delany, RobertLoggia, KimCattrall , AngieDickinson and young lady, her brother and her suitor. (Just a Britishsoldier (Forest Whitaker, in yet another Bebe Neuwrith. before release, the word "schizophrenic" was terrific performance), befriends the Brit victim. excised from the prints ilecauseit was said to later, as an act of allegiance to his friend, Rea WildPalms: IU1V4, Channel4; sun. 5/16·Wed, 5/1& have turned offpreview audiences.) Aidan looksup the Brit'sold girlfriend (Jaye Davidson), 8 • May 12, 1993 • Honolulu We ekly ,-

Film ELEGANTDINING A new documentary chronicles the ironic WHERE YOU'D LEASTEXPECT IT. victories of Papakolea's homesteaders FDR In Papakolea You'rein fora pleasant surpriseat Angelica's, in the heartof lwilei. Sometimesyou ffnd the bestthing in the mostunexpected places.

XS Cafe A dining experienceunlike any other. Breakfast, lunch and romanticc;and/el ightdinner. Reservationsrequested. 537-6619� Gentry Pacific Center, 560N. Nimitz Hwy.

e an 125 Merchant SL he kupuna of Honolulu's these peoplewere subject to eviction first stepin deracinationis the destruc­ 524-8585 legendary Papakolea, from their homes; the residents of tionof indigenous language.) Some, the state's only urban Papakolea comprised yet another like kupuna Maria Suganuma, worry 1111 Bishop St. 1600 Kapiolani Hawaiian Homestead land group to whom the foreign concept that their Hawaiian grandchildren 532-6565 973.4477 parcel, recur throughout of private ownership of land was are not sufficently aware of what Papakolea: A Story of never properlyexplained. But through befell their elders and what their 1095 Dillingham 45-1127 Kam. Hwv. Hawaiian Land, director the effortsof linguist-scholars suchas elders subsequently accomplished at 832-9393 233-8282 . Edgy Lee's new documen- ThomasMaunupau, this concept (and Papakolea. Papakolea, by Hawaiian­ tary on these unique and little-known the fierce legalese in which it was born Lee and Oscar-winning cine­ 547 Halekauwila 2465 Campus Rd. activistpioneers. The kupunas' strong, written) was explained to these matographer Haskell Wexler, should 524-5335 973-4470 FREE PICK·UP AND DELIVERY! friendly faces and voices are unfor­ Hawaiians, and they soon came to help theseand otheryoung Hawaiians gettable, the strongest elements of understand the tragic and ironic to place another piece of the puzzle this ambitious, uneven visual docu­ necessity of petitioningthe very sys­ of Hawaiian history. And the film ment. The story of Papakolea is one tem that had deprived them of their has visual cunning: the archivalshots Coffee Gallery not fully understood by many of us ancestrallands. of Papakolea before settlement show relatively barren land; after settle­ The largestselection of " JustRoasted" who live here;and it is a difficultstory gourmet coffees on Oahu. ment we see the land abloom with to tell because, like much of Hawaiian BOB GREEN Call about our mail order service. culture, it appears simple from the flowers,trees and gardens, the lin­ Their efforts, in this unique and guistic root concepts of 'aina and outside but complex fromthe inside Buy one cappuccino and get - which is where this filmaims to heartening case, paid off. When 'ohana in fullconcert. the second free with this ad. take us. Rooseveltvisited the territory in 1934, Papakolea: A Story of Hawaiian In one sense, the tale of Papakolea Papakolea was one of the commu­ Landis made up of interviews with is a hopefulone: It is a taleof a group nities he and his entourage visited. kupuna, new-generation Papakolea (808) 637-5571 • 66-250 Kam Highway, Haleiwa, Hawaii 96712 of "victims of history" (as one inter­ After the President was welcomed residents, politiciansand scholar-his­ viewee put it) who, after long and warmly in the traditional ways and torians.The film is not always wisely cunning negotiation, wrested acco­ saw the lifestyles embodied at structured, and ultimately it shows modation fromthe power structure. Papakolea, he lobbied Congress for more than it tells, which is perhaps (These so-called Hawaiian "squat­ the homelands amendment. The the right strategyto take. In spite of ters" in 1934 convinced President amendment, as with all the home­ all of Papakolea's stratagems - nc.: Franklin D. Roosevelt and the U.S. lands, provided a lease for $1 per voice-overs from old letters and per­ year (valid for99 years) as long as sonal testimonies, historic documents •• Congress to amend the Hawaiian with thisad - Homestead Act of 1921 to include residentsand descendantscould prove read by celebrities, archival stillsand I • 50%0 OFF one coupon per print I the Papakolea parcel.) In another the Congressionally dictated blood­ filmfoo tage, and scenes of Papakolea sense, the tale of Papakolea is yet quantum percentage (Papakolea res­ today - it is still the Hawaiian faces anyprint up to 20"x 24" (from slide or negative) : another testament to the continuing idents must possessat least 50 percent you'll remember when the lights I Please allow two weeks delivery. Sales end May 31,1993. I scandal of the Hawaiian Homelands Hawaiian blood quantum or forfeit come up. And not only those of the shibai (today less than 20 percent of their land, an arbitrarydecree work­ elders: In one sequence, three young those homelands are occupied by ing in favor of the power structure; Hawaiian men discuss the loss of the ���Vi_!����'!.!'�������e.!_S�i������� native people, while 12,000eligible oral geneologies were not consid­ Hawaiian language and their strug­ beneficiaries remain on the waiting ered proof of ownership by print-mi­ gle to retain their cultural identity list). ented authorities). and self-esteem. One points out that In the early 1900s, facedwith eco­ The Papakoleaelders, now in their his father- a pureHawaiian - does nomic adversity, changing timesand, 70s and 80s, possess, in Lee's nicely not speak Hawaiian and that he him­ in some cases, theseizure of the lands photographed film, an eloquence, self has only an elliptical knowledge upon which they traditionally resided, demeanor and countenance that fa r of it. Another says that he is study­ many Hawaiians began to move to exceeds their limited English. (Some ing Hawaiian and getting somewhere. Honolulu and set up "squatter recount how they were forbiddento When asked to provide advice for homes" (a term used by the govern­ learn Hawaiian in school, a restric­ Hawaiians of his generation, one COFFEE MANOA ment) in an area betweenHonolulu's tion imposed by a dominant culture young man, assertive but shy, shar- business district and posh Makiki whose memberswere well awarethat ing but defensive,looks straightinto MANOA MARKETPLACE • HONOLULU, HAWAII Heights. Herethese settlers continued the the camera, and, in his way, sums up to live a rural Hawaiian lifestyle. P the theme of Lee's film: "Stick with A place to unwind ...relax ...Collect scattered thou!Jhts. They werepoor, but had enough land apakolea: your roots,"the young Hawaiiansays. Visit with friends ...A place with !Joodcoffee and tea. A "Never forget your past... become on which to rear children and raise Story of An espresso bar with sweet treats ...The place to be. food, and they were enterprising Hawaiian l Hawaiians at heart." • enough to work in the city, doing K and Live music Tuesdays from 7 - 9 pm. No cover. HET·Channel 11 Bob Green, the Weekly 's film everything from domesticwork to Wedne sday, May 12, scribe, is co-writer of the 70mm Open 7 days a week. At Manoa Marketplace selling leis to the tourists disem­ 9 p.m. film Baraka, which will op en barking from the Mariposa. 955-7878 Between Woodlawn & East Manoa Roads Under the laws of the territory, worldwide in late May.

May 12, 1993 • Honolulu Weekly• 9 C.ive Nlwsic Venwes Anna Bannana<.24-iO S. iJeR>uniaSt JohnDominis, 43 Ahui St 523-0955 2005Kalia Rd 9494321 ©lt)'l3 946-5190 JollyRogttWaikikl, 2244 KalakauaAl'e. PecosRlver(.afe, 99-016 Kamehameha H\\-y., S!IMh.-n- Andrew's,Ward r.entre, 1200Ala Moona 92}1885 Aiea.487-� Blvd. 5™677 JollyRoger Eas� 150 KaiulaniAve. 923-2172 Piecesof Elgh�250 I.ewers St, 9234>f6 GRo�NIN G Bandltos,98-151 Pali Momi SI.488-8888 KahalalllllonHocd,Ave 500'.)Kahala . 734-2211 ProudWaimea Peacock, Falls Park 63Sil531 BanyanVeranda, on Mo:ma Surfrider, KaplolaniPark Bandstand, 2005 Monserrat RamsayWe. Galleries& 1128Smith St ------,.n 2353 Kalakaua Ave. 922-3111 Ave. 52,3,4674 537-ARTS o� to\JA.Se. 1.:ll·\A"T oo � BayviewLounge, Turtle Bay Hilton,57-0!)1 Kento's, Hyan RegencyHO!el, 2424 Kalakaua Randy's,Mall Kahala 732-2001 Do �OIJlG� CAVS{:. i-r,\;a.T, 011..,A.ND FAT CafeSlstina, 1314 S. KingSt. 5260071 I.ewersHalekulani, Lounge, 219') Kalia Rd Moona Blvd 521-3lll STIUoSS AolQS1t1<>1e�s� POE:S.. MAllpaDr. 62�300 Malia'sCaotlna ,311 I.ewersSt 922-700! 9224122 CoconutWillie's, International llllkt1place Restaurao� Meztaoloe 2015 Kalakaua Ave., Silver 19 \. HO!elSI . 536-9215 22.JOKabkaua Ave. 92}9-l'>i 95x,OOJ Snapper's.Di>4166 Top ofdteI, Ilikai HO!d,rm Ala\1oona l' KalakauaAve .. 923-1234 Nick'sFishm:irket Waikiki Gatev.,y HO!el. 81,·d. Bil·d;ll-5002 NoNameBar131 Hekili SI.Kailua. 26I-8"25 Wardf.entre,1200Alal1oonaBild531�11 IolaoiPalace,King andRidurd. 52}4674 Oasisl'iitfclub. !ml �-aialae Ave. 03+3;-,2 Wa,-e Wall19-3811 JavaJava(.afe, 760KaJ>lhulu St. '32-/f,70 924l18+1 Jm Cellar,205 I.ewersSt. 92}9952 ParadiseLounge. Hilton HawaiianVilla ge,

i Unforgiven One of the bestexaminations of the maniage flounders,the traditionalassump­ the American psyche in a long time. David Webb tions of the male are further exacerbated when People's masterfulscript, Clint Eastwood'sfirst­ he's deprived of his child. Metaphorically, rl1e rate direction and solid performancesby a fine centralimage is of a vast New Zealand wreck­ cast made Unforgiventhe finestAmerican film ing yard, the bastion of ·masculinity." This is of 1992.Highly recommended. not escapist cinema; the ordinary characters Untamed Heart A timidMinneapolis busboy (played by Bnmo Lawrence and Anna Jemison) (Christian Slater) screws up his courageto win are trapped by the definitionsof them.,;elves rliat the heartof a fair waitres.5(Marisa Tomei) in this other people hare imposed. Directed by Roger luv story originally titled Baboon Heart(that Donaldson, who co-wrote the script with might give you a hint about the subplot). Lawrence and Peter Hansard. Recommended, Who'sthe Man? MlVs Yo-hosL� Dr. Dre and cautiously; this film has elicited strong and dia­ Ed Lover star as a couple of Harlem misfits in metrically opposed opinions from audiences this rap-comedy about scandal in the 'hood. and critics alike . .l!ovibig game hunting, it's got all turtles do here - to the Japan of 1603, we're thatshe hiresa male escort (Billy Baldwin)to break of Hemingway's content without any of the philosophical integrity of Hemingway's style. If Concerts callfo r entries told -you know theseries is in trouble. Still, the her ex's heart, in the hope that a hard knock in AnestedDevelopment Barely a yearafter the anachronisticlanguage of the trio might beamus­ the cold world will make Fenn realizehow good you're a nostalgia buff, though, you'll forgive anything to glimpse old-fashioned stars looking release of their debut album, 3 Yea r;, 5 Months ing to the kids. And the producershave beefed things were chezCo nnie. There's reallyno point and 2 Days in theLife Of .. , this Georgiarap clan This June the Fourth Annual up the action, if not the gore, for this outing. in discussingthe details -the moviedoes almost (if not acting) their best, among them Gregory ' Peck, Joan Bennett and Robert Preston. Movie is the hottest thing in pop music. AD is leading Thenewest child love figuresof America's pubes­ nothingthat youcan t seecoming from10 blocks a kind of soft revolution, bringing spiriruality Adam Baran Honolulu Gay and cents, Elias Koteas and Paige Turco, rerum. away. It might have beenadapted from the lyrics Museum, 3566 Harding Ave.: Fri. 5/14 & Sun. 5/16, 8 p.m.; matinees 5/16, 3 & 5:30 p.m. $5. and humanity back into rapwithout losingtheir Lesbian Film Festival will be held i ThisBoy's Ufe After the break-upof his par­ of a country song. Still, Lynch's urgency or revolutionary sensibility. And, oh, ents' wild marriage, writer Tobias Wolff lived in Dennisthe Menacey Connie _.,,...... ___ 735..filll i Panama Deception(191)2) This those beats... Aloha Tower: Wed. 5/12, 7 p.m. at Hula's Bar and Lei Stand in the tow ofhis =deringmother, who hada habit is g,refreshin and herbig- $17.50. 942-m1 of leaving towns, low-paying jobsand lovers at year's AcademyAward winner for conjunction with Gay Pride Week bestdocumentary, which, given its BroadwayRhythms wrap To up its "Light Side the drop of a hat. Tobias wound up in dusty Pops" season,the Honolulu Symphony presents Concrete, Washington, with a wicked stepfa­ distributionproblems, has been (the fest runs from the 20th mired in controversy - PBS a selectionof soundsfrom the GreatWhite Way ther, a genetic predisposition to falsifyand a (and we don't mean husrlers pitching the shell desperateurge to escape. An extraordinary chose not to air it and Panama through the27th). 1heABHGLFF bannedfilm itThe examinesthe game or cabbies cursing in Urdu). The center­ , 'Jbi5&Jy'.5 life, was l:xmof this expe­ piece of the program, which will feature the tal­ is currently accepting locally rience, and the book has become a pretty 1989 U.S. invasion of Panama andits theaftenmth: death hun- of ents of the symphony's chorus with soloists good moviewith a very good performance. RochelleEllis (soprano)and Alvy Powell (bass­ produced entries. According to Leonardo DiCaprio as Toby gives us that dreds, if not thousands, of civilians; the massarrests; and the over 25,000 baritone),will be aconcert version of Porgyand the officials, all works should: urgent feeling ofa boyaying to wrestle his Bess. Alsoon the bill: A SymphonicPortrait of future outof the gripof his pastand puts the homeless created by the war. It also challenges the official Jroing Berlin, selections from Showboat and j, have a theme that positively boy,achingly, on a raz.oredge between cyn­ Gershwin's An American in . Blaisdell icism and innocence. Robert DeNiro as explanation forthe inva­ sion- to "free" Panama Concert Hall, m Ward Ave.: Fri. 5/14 & Sat. represents the gay and Toby's stepfatheris lessSUccesfillll: 5/15, 8 p.m. $10 - $30. 537-6191 he's nowhere near human - fromManuel Noriega ­ lesbian lifestyle and suggests that the DiscoveriesIll Seestory on Page 11. this is a performance that DuoPiano Perfonnance The RainbowPeace nearly matchesgiddy the attack was motivated A be no more than 60 minutes instead by a short-tenn Fund will sponsorthis evening of classical music hyperboleof his violent, featuring a concert of works by Mozart, Grieg leering zealot in Cape desireto rrfakeGeorge long Bush look muymacho and Milhaud. Dinner included. Winsted!House, Fear. DeNiro's Dwight 3840 Paki Ave.: Sun. 5/16, 5:30 p.m. $20 dona­ is just a ragingasshole, and a long-tenn desire A be on VHS or Beta to installleader a willing tion. 923-3909 meanand wholly uncan- Noche de Ronda"Latin A night rendezvous" hearted aw-shucks attirude is as much a part of to renegotiate the 1970s agreement plicated.The filmmakers seemunsure quite what to hand over the canaland close U.S. baseson with Rolando Sanchez and Salsa Hawaii, and Entries should be mailed to to do with Ellen (as Toby's mom); she herdiaracter as herlesbianism once For in a mapr Panamaniansoil bythe year 2CXXl. ArtAu ditorium, DJ Alfonso Velasquez. Wa ikiki Beachcomber seems like a star,guest someone visiting the film. IIXMe,diaracter's amain lmm:xuality isacrepted Film Festival, 1877 Kalakaua UH Manoo campus: Mon. 5/17, 7 pm. $6. Hotel, 2300Kalakaua Av e.: Sat. 5/15, 8:30 p.m. In the end DiCapriocarries the movie. - M.B. with breezyConnie nonchalance. isn'ta rnndidate i Smash(1989) Palace A srudy of a wrecked $10. 538-1980 A, u---1•• t.. Tine of Heats Thishas film an awful, barely forcure or for re-education;she isn't aboutto di£­ 11Ye., nvuvnnu,HI 96815 • The marriagein which the charactersare notat "fault,n Songslhey Are ChamglngA Come mothers, crediblesaipt about the trialsworried ofa lesbian roverthe right man canbring her back to the fok:I. but rathersimply productsof their society.After deadlinefor is8lries June1. witha brokenheart. Luckilythat woman happens -M.B. Continued onPage 12 10 • May 12, 1993 • Honolulu We ekly PHOTO: GIG GREENWOOD Music The State Foundationg1:1. '<;i!.[f,"'fe and the Arts c:)[ Departing Honolulu Symphony composer­ in-residence Dan M;'��-�:m�'i --�/ We lcher's touch with 3 0 new music will be s}!\l�:{i?Jb �:�! p1:n� Sung�y)JMay 23, 11 am-5 pm hard to match at HoJRdiiuAcad emy of Arts · ··.··· · · ·' Free admission *At:tff�:aft,Ce nter at Linekona after 5 pm. dWl".:�i�:�1%::�::���!7 .,.. .. . musICal trad1t10ns m .,_,..,..,...,,,.,. Ji�W?.i[i,including the musics g(*fpgan-American gospel, s and Daniefs �:::��hi;.�,:�ff! �N.�iflt!!� 1;¥��:.j:: rondall,y �'Wai�c1richu ri;ff.i:sn2!r, · fa l$�Hq �}Ni�ng, ukul�\�;.: slae�'��y:_g4i.tari.:'�tjp}fflula� Jc1ra,.�:::.=..:. :-: :./ Songs i1�I[l1fl§Jjl · banct$.apman,. :Tongan�··. . : . ·. ViftpJrn,¢seJfat ca_f luorjg:,::.:: . = rary music, and it was in recogni­ orchestra played no fewer than 12 : Pci:f6rfu.fuc�·schedule is �iafr� f} ALAN BUNIN . . 9.iuih.1h•Ac �d'em:y'.:�f tion of his efforts as an "extraordi­ works by living composers. With the abJ� �t/µt�JJ •.·.·.· nary advocate forAmerican music" end of Welcher's residency, though, .::::��)\: he 20th century has seen that the orchestra was awarded the the future looks to be far less stim­ : Fd�d{rJi�t theFestival proviiJt 4.Jfi!i1ze more composers creating composer-in-residence grant that ulating. Of the nearly 40 pieces of · ·• ,· Nqtidna,lpµio1f rilentf Or tke.4_&,?Pre­ more music in a greater resulted in Welcher's appointment. music scheduled fornext year, which ,. . with theJI§ #iitu lu variety of styles than any By any criteria, his residency can will also be Johanos' last season as sent.@.:i� cefopiratipn ·. A�rJTY DfA�.}For morff.1fotinationcall other time in history. only be seen as a resounding suc­ music director, only two are by liv­ .·.the,$. f C::A Folk t,'a m, 586--0302. Unfortunately, earlier in cess. During his tenure, Welcher ing composers. Welcher warns that ...... ·:Ait.ift9,···· . ... . the century, a number of composed two major works which "an orchestra living exclusively in classical composers were world premiered by the HSO: the past is like a museum that spe­ adopted the attitude that audiences Haleakala- How Maui Snared the cializes in one period of art. It will and even the performing musicians Sun, a tone-poem for narrator and have its audience, yes, but that audi­ themselves didn't matter, and they orchestra; and Symphony #1, a bold ence is too narrow and too limited created a body of music with little work of uncommon intelligence and to keep it alive indefinitely. I think connection to anyone but other com­ emotional power. most patrons of thesymphony would posers, who would be impressed by During Welcher's tenure, the agree that they've been moved as the seemingly clever manipulation orchestrarecorded and released their much by some of the new music as of notes. Such music reflected an first compact disc, featuring by their old favorites." overly intellectual aesthetic that Haleakala and two of his earlier Welcher's final Discoveries con­ denied the medium's emotional, works, Prarie Light and Clarinet cert will also demonstrate that this expressive power, much as if a poet Concerto. The CD has sold out its art can be entertaining as well as attempted to describe the beauty of initial"pr essing," and as word of the moving. Joan Tower's Petrushskates a flower bycataloging the sequence CD gets out, Welcher's colorful and will open the program; Welcher of chemicals in a strand of its DNA. evocative music will probably do describesit as "a rousing opener, with By and large, the general public has more to promote the magic of the a swirl of snow. Imagine Stravinsky's rejected this aesthetic, a rejection Hawaiian Islands than any race car. circus·puppet ballet (Petruschka)on that has led to themisconception that In collaboration with Johanos, ice." Claude Baker's Divertissement most 20th-century music is ugly and Welcher helped select new works to is "his naughty limerick, taking off incomprehensible. be performed in concert by the from a Liszt tarantella and quoting "New music for a symphony orchestra. "I think audiences here a number of composers fromMozart orchestra is not a frill,"says Welcher. demand a certain mixture of the new to Schumann, with side references ''It's just as necessary as new movies, and the familiar," says Welcher. to one medieval composer and at new novels and plays, new sculp­ "Audiences aren't stupid - people least one livingone." Eugene Kurtz's tures, even new politicians. The cre­ can sense excitement. Even if they The LastContrabass in Las Ve gas is ativity that exists in music today is know next to nothing about music, "a study in Freudian obsession more varied, vibrant and exciting they will respond to the eagerness between a woman and a double­ than at any time in the past, but it of the musicians and the conductor. bass... not the double-bassist, mind takes a certain amount of commit­ We must keep living music alive you, but the instrument.Just be there ment to get it out there." For the past with our living orchestra, or both with a rose in your teeth." George three years, Welcher has put his will die. Dead white European males Crumb's hauntingly beautifulwork words into action in his capacity as did not create all the great music that for mezzo-soprano, percussion and composer-in-residence. His tenure, ever was or will be, any more than double-bass, Madrigals, Book III, "is which began in 1990, concludes this dead Hollywood producers ended dark, serious and moody." Welcher, week with the last of this season's movie greatnesswith Gone with the who will conduct and introduce the Discoveries concertsat the Honolulu Wind." In 1991, the HSO received pieces, will also presenthis compo­ Academy of ArtsTheatre. (All indi­ the firstplace award from ASCAP sitionZep hyrus, a workfor flute and cations are that this will also mark for "adventuresome programming string trio. The inspiration behind the end of this series of concerts of contemporary music," and in the Zephyrus, he says, is the "GreekGod which, forthe past three years, has just completed '92-'93 season, the of the West Wm d. It's a three-move­ featured some of the country'smost ment work, with a central elegy to j exciting new works of chamber Leonard Bernstein flanked by a first Name: ------music while showcasing the con­ movement of pure virtuosity and a siderable talents of HSO members. Discoveries 111 finale of dancelike exuberance." 1 Address ------The Honolulu music scene will be Sounds like a fitting finale. • Academy Theatre ______Tel: ______considerably poorer without Beretania St. 900 s. p.m. Please send me: D M D L D XL Shirt(s) at $10. each. Discoveries.) nesday, May 12, 8 Alan Bunin is music director fo r I Wed Include $2. per shirt for Hawaii excise tax, shipping and handling. Donald Johanos, music director $12.50 classical music at Hawaii Public Allow 2 weeks fordel ivery. Send to: CARTOON-Ts, 1164 Bishop St., of the HSO since 1979, has been a 537-6191 Radio. te 124, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813. long-time of contempo- I .J ------May 12, 1993 • Honolulu- Weekly• II -�-�------la!!!!!!l!II

From Page lO Defenct tne life of Aoimael Guzman! Enctthe Sol.itaryConfinement! Stop the Torture and Killing of Political Prisoners in Peru! Stop the Arrests and Imprisonment of the fathers and all the rest of you to thisfree con­ midnight ExitVariety; 8 Monterey Ba,y CannersPearl1idge. cert of traditional and contemporaryfolk music Jimmy BorgesJazz; Hilton Hawaiian Village. Francios Kahale Contemporary Hawaiian; Lawyers for the Political Prisoners! from the folkie folks of the Our Back Porch Jon BasebaseVariety; MontereyBay Canners ChartHouse. 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. family. AcademyTheatre, 900 S.Bere tania: Sun. Wa rd. 4:30 - 7:30 p.m. Green Natives Dance Rock; Wave Waikiki. Condemn the U.S.-Backed fujimori �egime! 5/16, 4 p.m. Free. 533-4823 Joy Woode & Betty Loo Taylor Jazz; New lslaldSpirit Contemporary Hawaiian; Mo nterey Yankee Go Home! Orleans Bistro. Bay Canners Wa rd. Kimo Bicoy Guitar; Mezzanine Restaurant. JesseVance BodenHawaiian, Contemporary; Club Acts Loretta Ables Trio Jazz; Lewers Lounge. IlikaiHotel 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. International Days of Action Bandschedules are subjectto change.Please call Melodious Thunk Acoustic; Kuhio Saloon. JoanieKomatsu ContemporaryIsland; Yacht May 14 & 15 venues fo r latestinformati on. Consultthe Live Mind Over Matter Rock; No Na me Bar. Club Restaurant. 7 - 11 p.m. Music Ven ues listfo r locationsphone and numbers. The InternationalEmergency Committee MoeKeale Trio Contemporary Hawaiian; Duke's Joy Woode& Tennyson Jazz; New Orleans to Defend the Life of Abimael Guzman, CanoeCl ub. Bistro. Honolulu Chapter. 12/Wednesday Mojo HandBlues; Sand Island R&B. KilaueaContemporary Hawaiian; Jo hn Dominis. Andrea & For info write "IEC", Ycuig, Les Peetz Lomie Jacobson New Heights Dance; Nicholas Nickolas. Lll ikoi SistelsContemporary Hawaiian; Hany's 733 Bishop St. #l 70-°329, Hon, HI 96813 Jazz; New Orleans Bistro. Nightwing Contemporary Hawaiian; John Bar. 3:30 - 7 p.m. AsherPerrin or phone 574-1704. Jazz; Hilton Hawaiian Village. Dominis. Nalu! Contemporary Hawaiian; Duke'sCanoe Augie Rey Contemporary; Spa. ts. Nueva Vida R&B Dance; Reni's. Club. BairdReick; Brittinglan No Na me Bar. 5:30 - OnePeople Variety; Ba,ndito's. New Heights Dance; Nicholas Nickolas. 7:30 p.m. Pacific IlgContemporary Hawaiian; MonJerey Over theHill GangNew OrleansJazz; Randy's. Blue KangarooCountry & Folk; Jolly Roger Bay CannersWa rd. 3-5p.m. Waikiki. PaganWorld Babies Dance; Anna Ba,nnanas. Russ DonnellyCountry & Folk; Jolly Roger Blues JamBlues; Sand IslandR&B. PanoramaVariety; Roy 's Park Bistro. Waikiki. Carol AtkinsonJazz; Cupid'sLoun ge. PuaMelia Trio Contemporary Hawaiian;Ha rry's Scott Williams Variety; Sp indrifter Kabala. Don Keyboard;Kini Mahinalounge.8-1 1 p.m. Bar. 3:30 - 7 p.m. Straight Shot Country; CrouchingLion Inn. Easy Does It Variety; Sp indrifterKa bala. Rolando Sanchez & Salsa Hawaii Latin; 2 - 6 p.m. ExitVariety; 8 MontereyBay CannersPearlridge. Captain'sTa bleLoun ge. Strolling Hawaiian Duo Contemporary Francios Kahale ContemporaryHawaiian; Sencio Brazilian Jazz; Java Java Cafe. 9 p.m. - Hawaiian; Jaron's Kailua. 10 a.m.- 1 p.m. Chart House. 5 - 8 p.m. midnight. Sweet Rush Contemporary Hawaiian; Green NativesDance Rock; Wave Wa ikiki. ShirleyWalker DuoVariety; JollyRoger East. Scuttlebutt's. 4 - 8 p.m. J.P. SmoketrainRock; No Na me Bar. 4-7p.m. TOIIIIIY D & the D Rock;Band Mai Ta i Lounge. Joe ReccaContemporary Trio Hawaiian; Ha ny's SonyaJazz; Nick'sFish market. Wayne Takanine Guitar; Wa ikikiBeachcomber Bar. 3:30 - 7 p.m. Sweet Rush Contemporary Hawaiian; Restaurant. JonBasebase Variety; MontereyBay Ca nners Scuttlebutt's. Ward. 4:30 - 7:30 p.m. TheStrangers Rock; Snappers. 11/Monday Loretta Ables Trio Jazz; Lewers Lounge. TitoBerinobis Contemporary Hawaiian; Chart Acoustic Persuasion Variety; No Na me Bar. 3 Contemporary; Bandito's. House. 5 - 8 p.m. Asher PerrinJazz; Hilton Hawaiian Village. Nelda Alvarez Contemporary; Horatio's. Tommy D & the D Rock;Band Mai Ta i Lounge. Billy Chapman Variety; Msb Rose Saloon. New Heights Dance; Nicholas Nickolas. Tropical Knights Contempora1y Hawaiian; Billy KurchPiano; Lewe1sLounge. Nightwing Contemporary Hawaiian; John Malia 's. Bryanand Julie HuddyFolk; Coconut Willie's. Dominis. 12:30 - 3:30 p.m. North AmericanFunk, BushBand Rock;Anna 15/Saturday Dean& DeanContemporary Hawaiian; Chart Bannanas. Alisa Randolph Jazz; Rex's Black Orchid. House. 5 - 8 p.m. rrto Berinobis Contemporary Hawaiian; Chart AugieRey Contemporary; Sp ats. Don KimiKeyboard; Mahina Lounge. 8 - 11 House. 8:30 p.m. - 12:30 a.m. Betty LooTaylor, Derryl McKay& LouJazz; p.m. Tropical Knights Contemporary Hawaiian; New Orleans Bistro. ExitVa 8 riety; Monterey Ba,y CannersPea r/1idge. Malia 's. Blue Kangaroo Country & Folk; Jo lly Roger lslaldSpirit Contemporary Hawaiian; Monterey Wa ikiki. Bay Canners Ward. 13/Tbursday Brother Noland Contemporary Hawaiian; Joanie Komatsu ContemporaryIsland; Yacht BOOKS AsherPerrin Jazz; Hilton Hawaiian Village. Sp indrifterKabala. Club Restaurant. AND RECORDS Augie Rey Contemporary; Sp a.ts. Bryanand Julie HuddyFolk; Coconut Willie's. KilaueaContempo raryHawaiian; John Dominis. HAW AII BettyLoo Taylor & Rachel Gonzalez Jazz; 12:30 - 3:30 p.m. Musicians Jam with Fiji Jazz; Rex's Black New OrleansBistro. CrossoverPop, Funk, Blues; Jaron's Kailua. Orchid. 9:30 p.m. - 1 :30 a.m. Blue Kangaroo Country & Folk; JollyRo ger Danny Dez Rock; Pieces of Eight. Noisy Forest Rock; Fast Eddie's. Wa ikiki. Dean& DeanContemporary Hawaiian; Chart Owana SalazarTrio Contemporaiy Hawa iian; 1..-) oi:, Brian Huddy Variety; Bandito's. House.7:30 p.m. - 1 a.m. Harry's Bar. 3:30 - 7 p.m. NEW LOCATION IN AIEA Carol AtkinsonJazz; Cupid'sLounge. GinaiJazz; Nick'sFish market. Raga& Deny!Jazz; McKay New OrleansBistro. 98-080 Kauhale St.#C- 7 Dean& DeanContemporary Hawaiian. Chart Green NativesDance Rock; Wave Waikiki. Rendezvous Dance; NicholasNickolas. House. 8 p.m. - 12:30 a.m. Honolulu Jazz Duet Jazz; Cappuccinos. Russ Donnelly Country & Folk; Jolly Roger 487-8887 Don Keybaarcl;Kini Mahinalounge.8 - 11 p.m. JanBiemer Jazz; MahinaLounge. 9 p.m. - mid­ Waikiki. (next to Aiea Post Office, near Library) Easy Does It Variety; Sp indrifterKa bala. night Scott Williams Variety; Sp indrifterKa bala. ExitVa 8 riety; MontereyBa,y CannersPea rlridge. JesseVance BodenHawaiian, Contemporary; Td: o BerinobisContemporary Hawaiian; Chart also Green Natives Dance Rock; Wa ve Wa ikiki. Proud Peacock. 4 - 9 p.m. House. 8:30 p.m. - 12:30 a.m. 101 o UniversityAv e. J.P. SmoketrainRock; No Na me Bar. Jimmy BorgesJazz; Hilton Hawaiian Village. Tommy D & the D Rock;Band MaiTa i Lounge. JonBasebase Variety; MontereyBay Ca nners John Basebase Contemporary; Horatio's. 955-7994 Ward. 4:30 - 7:30 p.m. Kimo Bicoy Guitar; Mezzanine Restaurant. 18/Tuesday Kimo Bicoy Guitar; Mezzanine Restaurant. Ledward Kaapanalkona and Contemporary Asher PerrinJazz; Hilton Hawaiian Village. We buy and sell the most popular in LanceOrillo Contemporary Hawaiian; Chart Hawaiian; Duke's CanoeClub. Augie Rey Contemporary; Sp ats. House. 5 - 8 p.m. Ulikoi SistelsContemporary Hawaiian; Hany's BettyTaylor Loo & Derry! McKay Jazz; New Books Compact Discs Games Loretta Ables Trio Jazz; Lewers Lounge. Bar. 3:30 - 7 p.m. OrleansBistro. New Heights Dance; Nicholas Nickolas. Loretta Ables Trio Jazz; LewersLounge. Billy ChapmanVariety; Wa ikiki Broiler. 3:30 - Tapes Textbooks Videos Nightwing Contemporary Hawaiian; John Melodious Thunk Rock; Sand Island R&B. 8:30 p.m. Dominis. · Moe Keale Trio Contemporary Hawaiian; Blue Kangaroo Country& Folk; JollyRoger Magazines & VideoGames North AmericanFunk, BushBand Rock; Anna CrouchingLion Inn. Waikiki. Bannanas. MojoHand Blues; Snapper's. BrymHuddy Variety; Bandito's. Pal101'81118Variety; Roy's ParkBistro. New Heights Dance; Nicholas Nickolas. carolAtkinson Jazz; Cupid'sLounge. Pua MeiaContemporary Trio Hawaiian; Hany's Nightwing Contemporary Hawaiian; John DonKimi Keyboard; Mahina Lounge. 8 - 11 Bar. 3:30 - 7 p.m. Dominis. p.m. . Random Cowboys Country; Scuttlebutt's. One PeopleVariety; Ba,ndito's. Easy Does It Variety; Sp indrifterKa bala. Taylor BrothersCountry, Jazz; JavaJa vaCafe. Pacific DieContemporary Hawaiian; Monterey ExitVariety; 8 MonJerey BayCanners Pearlridge. 8-10 p.m. Bay Canners Wa rd. J.P. Smoketrain Rock; No Name Bar. TOIIIIIYD & the D Rock;Band Mai Ta i Lounge. PaganWorld Babies Dance; AnnaBa,nnanas. JmNightJazz; Coffee Manoa. Watusi Reggae; Oink's. PanonlnaVariety; Roy's ParkBistro. JoanieKomatsu Contemporary Island; Yacht Windward Soul Brothers Contemporary Rolando Sanchez & Salsa Hawaii Latin; Club Restaurant. Hawaiian; Horatio's. Captain'sTa bleLoun ge. Keith& Cannen Haugen Hawaiian; Royal Rudy Molina Guitar; Yacht Club Restaurant. HawaiianHotel. 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. Honolulu 14/Friday SimplisityContemporal)' Hawaiian; Malia 's. LanceOrillo Contemporary Hawaiian; Chart Alisa Randolph Jazz; Rex's Black Orchid. Surf, Psycho, Sexy Alternative Rock; Fast House. 5 - 8 p.m. AugieRey Contemporary; Spa. ts. Mdie's. Loretta Ables Trio Jazz; Lewers Lounge. Blue KangarooCountry & Folk; JollyRoger TOIIIIIYD & the D Rock;Band MaiTai Lounge. Nightwing Contemporary Hawaiian; John Wa ikikj. Dominis. Ha waii'sHo me Brother Noland Contemporary Hawaiian; 16/Sunday Nueva Vida'sBig ThangR&B Dance; Rex's Sp indrifterKabala. AsherPenin Jazz; HiltonHawa iian Village. Black Orchid. CrossoverPop, Funk, Blues; Jaron 'sKailua. Billy Chapman Variety; IrishRose Saloon. Ohe'o ContemporaryHawaiian; MontereyBay DannyDez Rock; Piecesof Eight. BillyKurch Piano; LewersLounge. CannersWa rd. Dean& DeanContemporary Hawaiian; Chart BryMand Julie Huddy Folk; Coconut Willie's. Owana SalazaContemporary Trio Hawaiian; of House. 8:30 p.m. - 1 a.m. 12:30 - 3:30 p.m. Ha rry'sBar. 3:30 - 7 p.m. Free and Easy Contemporary Hawaiian; (:acheLatin; Rex's Black Orchid. RockfordHolmes Quartet Jazz NightJazz; Horatio's. Danny Dez Rock; Piecesof Eight. NicholasNi ckolas. Green Natives Dance Rock; Wave Wa ikiki. Dean& DeanContemporary Hawaiian; Chart nto Berinobis Contemporary Hawaiian; Chart Rock and Roll! Honolulu Jazz Duet Jazz; Cappuccinos. House. 9 p.m. - 12:30 a.m. House.8:'30 p.m. - 12:30 a.m. Jan Brenner Jazz; Mahina Lounge. 9 p.m. - Don Keybaarcl;Kini Ma hinaLounge. 8 - 11 p.m. 12 • May 12, 1993 • Honolulu Weekly I MA-ion Kalani Honua, Hawaii \ and theAugust Auth 5-12,entic 1993Self Join us in a spiritually challenging and rejuvenating retreat with healer/ ra1 ritual artist, Christina Pratt • create masksof four aspects of your Self discovered in journeys. t • use each mask in a ritual to move ope andawaken its energy in your life. • callon the power of the spirits, of sacred sites, drumming,& dancing. • journeyfrom shaman's deathto rebirth. • experience the deep magic of ritual. For information call (212)925-6279

Direaedby RogerLong. Manoa \'alley Theatre, 2833 E. Manoa Rd.: Weds. - Suns.,5/5 - 5/23, Theater 8 p.m. (4 p.m. Sun. matinees). $20. 988-6131 TheSound ofMusic Before institutional birth and Dance controland atomic weapons, there was the von Anyonecan Whistle cabaret A show and silent Trapp familyand tl1eirmuch-loved story of esrape auction benefit to help raise funds for die med­ fiom occupiedAustria Switzerland to during World ical expenses of Tommy Aguilar, who hasAIDS. War II. The Army CommunityTheatre presents A torrentof localcelebrities will beon handto its version of die Rodgers & Hammerstein musi­ accepting aerosol cans. Recycle m confused about aerosol starin thisone-pertorm ance only gala. Wa ikiki cal.Direaed byRebecca Colon-Silveywith musi­ sp rays. They have been labeled away, Terr aceHotel Showroom: Sun. 5/16, 1 p.m. $50. cal directionWarren by Cohen. Richarrb:»z 'Iba1ter, Shopping • Dining one of the worst enemies of the 732-7733 FortShafter: Thur 5/13 - Sat. 5/15; Fridays 5/21, Chinatown Cultural Plaza ozane layer, producing nasty our recentcolumn about BreakqThe Legs DHT seasonda;es widi this 5/28 & Sarurdays 5/22, 5/29, 7:30 p.m. $10, $9, 1250 Maunakea Street 521-3044 521-3045 destructive chemicals by the using EMP ( electromag­ new writtencomedy by Tom Dulackand direaed $8. 438-4480 truckload, and yet there are now netic pulse) to combat by Jinl Hutchison Glenn Cannon andBill Ogilvie 'IHRIFT SHOP aerosol cansthat specifically say "boom cars " (HW, 4/7) starin thisstory of an "unsuspectingcollege pro­ fessor, who, at die insistence of an adoring stu­ 50-700/o OFF "environmentally safe. " How can shows real fo rward think­ dent, seeksfinancial backing for his new play at Galleries Famous Vietnamese Restaurant this be ? Are there different kinds of ing. Yo ur tax dollars are hisneighborhood Italian restaurant.There he is Dry Cleaning & Alterations propellants used? Tw o relatedques­ already being applied to pulledinto a frightfullycomical world of irrefus­ Continuing Beauty & Hair Salon tions: Why can 't aerosolproducts be this problem Federalscientists have ableoffers and Mafia;i-tumed-

j to choose from. Famous Dim Sum Chief Cook in Town Wagon Service & Ta ke-Out Kenneth C.IC.. Chan available. 20 years experience CHAN'S CHINESE RESTAURANT:: !V:1:30pn1 Peking, Szechuan, Shanghai, Hong Kong Cuisine Puck's Alley, 2600 South King Street 949-1 188 or 949-1093 • Validated Parking "Louies, Louies ..."

Preparedto Order Q7 RESH! ;L] Bay Shrimp Louis Deliciously c'hilled, serveawith a tangysauce. Bitter Kisses Crab Louis Sliced bell pepper, tomato, lettuce, carrot, crabmeat& olive. or many of us, eatingItalian holds so much promise. Arriving at bread smothered with marinated Seafood Louis or Shrimp Louis foodoften in reality means Baci Due (baci means "kisses"), chopped tomato, basil and an unbe­ ingesting Italian-American which is housed in an oasis-like cot­ lievably lethal helpingof minced gar­ food, a bastardized version tage set back fromWaialae Avenue, lic - so lethal, in fact, that we could that, at its worst, comprises is a pleasant experience. The restau­ barelytaste anything else. (The Petite overcooked, noodly mush rant's front sign and wall shield sev­ Sirah helped us along here.) Next �%��r:r c,;, • l' 1ffli! �• :• � 1 "'P.i:��� drenched in enough red eral tables on the tree-lined terrace came Zuppa, an abysmal and thin sauce to paint the front of a from the busy traffic (which the excuse for minestronethat tasted like white, starched shirt. The moniker friendly valets helped us to escape). chicken bouillon cubes had been for such mush is usually simply Once inside, the soft lighting, bur­ thrown in. Celery, tomato and onion "spaghetti,"and its makingis a farnil- nished wood and white linen table­ floated limply on the surface adding . iar scenario: a 99-cent package of cloths give the fe el of a classy country nothing to a stock without substance Premium Quality Enriched Spaghetti inn. While the room seats 73, its or character. The entrees picked up (made with 100 percent durum design makes it seem much smaller a bit but not much. The Scaloppini semolina, of course) is crammed into and more intimate. The service was di Vitello al Marsal.a - poundedveal a near-empty pot of boiling water helpful and attentive, though by the with mushrooms and baby hearts of and then neglected for15 minutes or end of the evening it had gotten a bit artichoke, sauteed in marsala wine so... as long as it takes forthe stiff, too chatty and intrusive. The wine - didn't live up to its lengthy billing. exposed ends of the pasta to go list offereda good variety of vintages While the meat was quite tender, the Cafte slowly rubbery beforedrowning in and was particularly strong in flavorsof the dish simply didn't blend the shallow caldron. Afterthis refined California reds. We decided on a together well enough to warrant a treatment, the pasta is then drained 1989 Guenoc Petite Sirah ($26), $24 price tag; it was almost as if all Guccinni and decorated with an over-abun­ which was supple in texture with the ingredients had beencooked sep­ dance of gurgling, sugary Ragu. decent acid and a long finish. On land arately and then placed together just Home-made Pasta & Ravioli Picture that proud Italian mama originally owned by actress Lillie before the presentation. The pasta frowningas her goofysingle son pro­ Langtry, Guenocis an ambitiousvine­ special of the night was Bucatini Cannolis claims, "Now that's Italian! " yard/winery venture in LakeCounty. (long hollow straws) mixed with Creme BrOlee The only disappointment of the chicken, pancetta and olives ($17). evening was a big one: the food. We As with the other dishes, a subtle and Full Bar PATTERSON HUNTER started with two cold appetizers... winningbalance of flavor- or, more It's not hard to find dozens of ahem, antipasti freddi that is. The precisely,the lack thereof - was the THE BE�T CAPPUCCINO IN "Italian" restaurantshappy to charge Carpaccio ($8.35) - paper-thin cir­ problem here: the Greek olives over­ TOWN � FREE WITH DINNER you six to eight bucks for a dish cles of raw beef topped with cheese, powered everything and the pasta resemblingthe aforementioned "mas­ capers, lemon andvirgin olive oil - was all mush. Pretty forgettable.My terpiece."If you're lucky, it may even was the only dish I liked and the dessert ($5.50) was a white anddark come with a powerhouse salad of only one worthy of its price tag. chocolate mousse cake circled with browning iceberg lettuce garnished Flakes of sharp cheese provided a a mysterious orangeand brown glaze with a little shredded carrot and a complementaryflavor and texture to that put me in mind of Halloween. measly wedge of tomato. But if the bittersweet combinationof meat, Thecake was okay, but by this point you've got something else in mind lemon and capers. (The only cold even the world's greatest dessert - say, rich green-gold virgin olive beefappetizer I've had thatcan match couldn't have eclipsed the preced­ oils, risotto withbeef glaze, plump good carpaccio is fresh, blanched ing mediocrity. The pastas at Baci and tender squab with softpolenta, asparagus tips wrapped in rare roast Due range from$10 to $23; the meat stuffedagnolotti and a big, fruity beef.) But it was all downhill from dishes are all in the $20 range. Barolo to wash it all down - and there. The Bruschetta all' Aglio So, while you'restill searchingfor you can'tfly to Roma just now, then Pomodoro e Basilica ($5.50) was that diamond-in-the-rough Italian the challenge, especially in Hawaii, really just some mediocre grilled restaurant, you might want to rethink is to ferretout that raregem of a place the old standby "sp.a.ghetti." A good that can serve such delicacies with tsac1 uue start would be a balanced employ­ balance, flair and stratospheric fla­ 3196 Wa ialae Ave. ment of freshingredients, slow cook­ vor. Unfortunately, Baci Due, an ing time on the sauce and a large expensiveand well-appointed Italian Mon. - Fri. 11:30 a.m. · 2 p.m. volume ofwater forthe pastato swim restaurant which purports to be & 5:30 p.m. -10 p.m. in while you're stirring -funda­ gourmet all the way, doesn't really Sat.&S un. 5:30 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. mentals to besure, but ones that some come close. "gourmet" restaurants may be get­ It's a shame becausethe place itself 735-5899 ting lazy about. • May 12, 1993 • Honolulu Weekly a 15 From Page 13

People's Republic of China Ken Yates, the 955-0100 currentL.S. Information Agency Advisorto the Makapu'u Hike A moderatefour -mile, four­ Commander-in-Chief (CINPAC)on public diplo­ hour hike to the eastend of Oahu. Reservations macyissues and foreign public opinion will pre­ required. Call Ha u•aii NatureCenter fo r time senta luncheon lecture on U.S. relations with and meeting place: Sat. 5/8. S3. 955-0100 China. Registration required. Tbe Willou-s, 901 Opaelua A three-mile novice valley hike in Hausten St.: Fri. 5/h 11:30 a.m. $19. 941-6066 Haleiwa down to Opaelua stream. Remember PublicRelations and Government How do your swimsuit. Meet at IolaniPalace, mountain you get the Governor, Legislature and side: Sat. 5/15, 9 a.m. $1. 422-7830 Council to Support your Client/Boss' Sierra ClubHikes The Hawaii chapter of the Priorities?!Carolyn Tanaka, Rep. Jackie Young, Sierra Club sponsors weekly hikes and other Gary Gill and Bob Toyofuku will speak at this activities. Call for a recording of the week's lunchtime program on how to sway govern­ events.538-66 16 ment in your direction(even if you don't have TropicalPlant Nature Wal< Meander through the big bucks to do it.) HaleKoa Hotel, Laulima verdant Ho'omaluhia Garden and experience II: Wed. 5/19, 11:30 a.m. $22. 847-8215 tropicalplants, Island naturalhistory and majes­ Re-MadeJapan in Dr. JosephTobin, editor of tic scenery.You will, ofcourse, your wear walk­ the bookRe-made in japa n, will lead this dis­ ing shoes and insect repellent. Ho'o malubia cussionon the way that Western productsand BotanicalGarden, 45-600Luluku Rd.:Saturdays, practices are adapted in Japan. TakaiUniwsity, 10 a.m.; Sundays, 1 p.m. Free. 235-6637 2241 Kapiolani Blvd.: Thur. 5/13, 5:30 p.m. $5. 524-4450 Waikiki Aquarium Summer Program Kids and their familiescan learnabout the ocean Whatevahs 5/31. Artsof Paradise, InternationalMarketplace. lens fora sharp one. The resulting prints,toned displays ranging from sharks to yacht racing. and its inhabitants in a seriesof classesoffered AmericanRecorder Society Dust off yeolde 924-2787 with gold chloride, areunusually clear and del­ Ongoing. recorderfor ensembleplaying. Music provided. Honolulu Academy during the summer. Call for aschedule begin­ JamesGrand openingexhibit of acrylics icate, witha distinctive warm brownish patina. of Arts900 S. Beretania ning Fri. 5/14. WaikikiAquarium, 2777 Kalakaua LineknnaArt (:enter, 1111 VK!oriaS t: Tue. 5/18, and oils by Pan. Through 5/15.jamesPa n Art The collection encompassesover a decade of St. Open Tue. - Sat., 10 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.; Sun., Ave.: 923-9741 7:15 - 9:30 p.m. Free. 955-4534 Gallery, 2617 Waialae Ave. 734-3478 travel and includes photos of temples, prehis­ 1 - 5 p.m. Suggested donation: $4 adults, $2 Arboretum Tour A guided tour of the Lyon Through MyEyes ... mana-ohanNinaOils, toric stones, pictographs and ritual grounds students, seniors.532-8700 Arboretumhero gardenwill beprovided for the acrylics and watercolors by Pamela Gibson from suchfar -ranginglocales as India and Peru, AncientChin ese ArlPieces on loan from the visuallyimpaired during theongoing celebration Wolfe. Through 5/29. Roy'sRestaurant, 6600 Thailand and Hawaii. The scope of Conner's John Young mllectionwill bedisplayed forthe Kids of National Hero Week. Lyon Arboretum, 3860 KalanianaoleHwy. 396-7697 work is enormous; her fascination with the firsttime: neolithic cerarrtics; jades of the Bronze Animal lmardsKids in grades 3 and 4 (with ManoaRd.: Fri. 5/15, 9 - 11 a.m. Free. 988-7378 Undergraduate Exhibition A multi-media exotic and the arcane is her inspiration. This Age and later periods; a tomb sculpture; and an adult) can search through the viscera of a Fiesta Filipino Mabuhay!There'll be aday of exhibit of selected works by students in the exhibit would have been immeasurablyenriched bronze, stone and lacquer works. Through 6/6. squid foreducational purposes and then cook food, music, entertainment and a celebrity auc­ Departmentof Artat UH Manoa.Through 5/29. with better labeling and a little more informal Ghanian Vehicles to the Next World the specimen in question for a "little snack." tion at this celebration of the Filipino culture. Art Gallery, UH Manoa campus. 956-6888 documentation.- N.T. TThrough 5/30. Designedby Kane Kwei (1927-1992),who lived No kidding. Reservations required. Atherton Kapio/aniPark: Sat. 5/15, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Free. Fromthe livesof DollsNew York-basedartist in Accra in Ghana, West Africa, the coffins on Ha/au,Bishop Museum, 1525 Bernice St.: Sat. 521-3044 ArtEvents and Classes Ellen Phelan's exhibit is perhaps the most display at the Academyare not your usual fare. 5/15, 9:30 - 11 a.m. $13. 848-4168 International Folk DancingLearn the inter­ thought-provoking of the three shows now on For depatted soulswho are headedfor that big, Keiki and Adult Explorations Parents and national language of dance. Beginners' class Batik Painting Lecture and Workshop view at the Contemporary Museum. In the rrtid- bumper-to-bumperfreeway in the sky, Kwei TEMARIpresents this slide lectureand week­ their 4- or 5-year-oldswill learnabout penguins at 6:15 p.m. Agee Hall, Makiki District Park: 1900s,with herreputation as a landscape painter construaed coffinsin tl1e formof automobiles. through stories, live animal observation, songs Sundays, 7:30 - 9:15 p.m. $2. 239-7078 end workshop with Big Island artist Phan firmlyestablished, Phelan began to experiment Through 6/6. Nguyen Barker. who will share his knowledge and crafts. SeaLif e Pam,Makapuu Pt.: Sat. 5/15, Israeli Folk ADancing weekly rrtideast hoe­ with a second very different genre, which Hawaii QuiltGuild: Sixth AmmaJ.Exbibition 9 - 11 a.m. 259-0476 down. Beginners welcome. KabalaRecre ation about the art of batik. T£\1ARJ, 1329-A 10th involved organizingdolls in structuredtableaux: Traditional and contemporaryquilts created by Ave.: Fri. 5/14, 7 - 9 p.m. (slide lecture). Free; Something f"ISh y Younger keikis ages 3 to 4 Center, +i95 PahcrJ Ave.: Saturdays, 6:30 - 9:30 the dolls are set up in still-life compositions, members of the gllild. AcademyArt Center at who like exploring canspend die morning down p.m. $1. 373-2561 Sat. 5/15 & Sun. 5/16, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. (work­ someembracing, some seatedin apparent mn­ Linekona: Opens Fri. 5/14, runsthrough 5!16. shop). $85 plus $20 supply fee. 735-1860 by the stream getting wet, building mini-