REVIEW are endothermic; climatic effects on these groups are mostly indirect, influenced primarily by shifts in habitat or prey availability, although coastal inundation of low-lying nesting areas for Climate change and tropical (and sea turtles) is also of con- cern.Thehighmetabolicrateofsomespecies marine (notably seabirds) necessitates regular access to food resources in order to maintain somatic con- William J. Sydeman,1,2* Elvira Poloczanska,3,4 dition. Thus, the nexus between metabolic shifts Thomas E. Reed,5 Sarah Ann Thompson1,6 andnutritionalneeds,coupledwithvariationin and trophic interactions, may Climate change impacts on vertebrates have consequences for be a key predictor of the ability of marine ver- structures and services. We review marine , , turtle, and responses to tebrates to cope with climate change. Moreover, climate change and discuss their potential for . Direct and indirect responses although all marine vertebrates may be consid- are demonstrated from every ocean. Because of variation in research foci, observed ered vagile, some conduct transoceanic or trans- responses differ among taxonomic groups (redistributions for fish, phenology for hemispheric migrations (13), whereas others are seabirds). Mechanisms of change are (i) direct physiological responses and (ii) more sedentary (such as fish). Repro- climate-mediated predator-prey interactions. Regional-scale variation in climate- ductive tactics also vary from batch-spawning demographic functions makes range-wide population dynamics challenging to predict. semelparity (single reproductive episode during The nexus of metabolism relative to ecosystem productivity and food webs appears key to life, such as Pacific salmon) to long-term iteroparity predicting future effects on marine vertebrates. Integration of climate, oceanographic, (multiple reproductive cycles, such as ecosystem, and population models that incorporate evolutionary processes is needed to that live upwards of 80 years). Although these prioritize the climate-related conservation needs for these . fundamental differences result in varying responses among taxonomic groups to climate, a key sim- arine vertebrates are diverse and charis- ateonarangeoftemporalscales(7, 8). For ex- ilarity is that generally, these animals derive sus- matic, capturing and impassioning soci- ample, when the North Atlantic warmed in the tenance from the oceans. etal interests because of their roles in food, early 20th century (~1920s to 1940s) at rates com- Observations, mechanisms, and models educational, and recreational systems. parable with contemporary warming (9), asso- on November 12, 2015 M Information base Largely, this is due to their conspicuous- ciated ecological changes included widespread ness, a characteristic that makes them ideal for northward shifts of fish and increases in fisheries Fisheries, endangered and iconic marine wild- investigating the impacts of climate change on productivity driven by bottom-up processes (10, 11). life, seabird monitoring, and society’sfascination marine ecosystems. Fish provide protein to human Thus, changes in marine life histories, with marine environments have produced many populations and support economic and food se- demographic traits, and distribution have long long-term observational data sets. Fisheries sta- curity,whereasseaturtles,seabirds,andmammals been a subject of interest. Because marine verte- tistics, some exceeding a century, as well as in- contribute to regional economies (tourism) and brates are ecologically important and vulnerable, terdecadal monitoring studies at important local cultures,aswellastohumansubsistenceinremote clearly responsive to climatic factors, and provide habitats—such as nesting or breeding sites for areas. These animals are ecologically relevant, im- extensive economic and aesthetic value to society, seabirds, sea turtles, and pop- parting top-down effects on marine food webs that it is imperative to better understand the impacts ulations—are available for global syntheses (14). may control community stability (1, 2). Marine ver- ofclimatechangeonthesekeymarineorganisms. When coupled with environmental data on at- tebrates, particularly seabirds, show great value as mospheric and oceanographic conditions, this ecological indicators and may play pivotal roles Taxonomic diversity provides a rich database with which to exam- in assessments of marine ecosystem health (3). Huge challenges to understanding and predic- ine biophysical relationships and potential cli- –climate relationships have tion remain, however, not the least of which con- mate change impacts on populations. Nonetheless, been studied for more than a century. In the early cerns the complexity of biological interactions there remain many gaps in our knowledge; for 20th century, when studies of El Niño were in that drive change (Fig. 1). Climate change can example, most studies have been conducted in their infancy, clear effects were documented for affect these animals directly, through physiolog- the temperate Northeast Atlantic and the tem- Downloaded from Peruvian seabirds (4). Fish distributional shifts ical functions (12), or indirectly, through predator- perate to subarctic North Pacific. Key studies also were particularly well documented in extratropical prey interactions and other trophic mechanisms, exist from southern Africa (15)andAntarctica(16), California during the 1957–1959 El Niño event (5). or through modification of critical habitats such but many rich areas of the world’soceansremain Effects of low-frequency climate variability on troph- as coral reefs and beds. Fish, the domi- largely understudied. Additionally, fisheries- ic interactions and marine vertebrate popula- nant marine vertebrate group, demonstrate com- dependent data may be compromised by a non- tions were demonstrated in the late 1980s (6). It plex life histories including, for many species, a random temporal and spatial distribution of is now well established that fish, birds, and mam- planktonic life-stage in which habitat occupancy fishingeffort,andseabird,seaturtle,andmarine mals regularly respond to climate phenomena, and prey use differs from adult life stages, result- mammal data sets rarely exceed one period of such as El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO), ing in different vulnerabilities to environmental decadal variability (e.g., the PDO or AMO). This Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), and Atlantic change. Most fish are ectothermic and derive means that for the most part, statistical attribution Multi-Decadal Oscillation (AMO), which fluctu- oxygen from seawater; thus, their responses to of changes in marine vertebrate populations to climate change are direct and physiological, with anthropogenic climate change is difficult because 1Farallon Institute for Advanced Ecosystem Research, impacts on basic metabolic functions. Furthermore, few data sets allow one to disentangle unidirec- Petaluma, CA 94952, USA. 2Bodega Marine Laboratory/ changes in ocean productivity and prey availa- tional climate change from low-frequency climate University of California Davis, Bodega Bay, CA 94923, USA. bility are well demonstrated to drive fluctuations variability. Mechanistic understanding of change 3Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Ecosciences Precinct, Brisbane QLD 4102, in fish populations. Sea turtles, generally consid- has also been elusive. Australia. 4Global Change Institute, University of Queensland, ered ectothermic, are characterized by highly mi- That said, recent global syntheses provide robust St Lucia, Brisbane QLD 4072, Australia. 5School of Biological, gratorylifehistoriesandlong age-to-maturity (often evidence of widespread impacts of climate change Earth and Environmental Sciences, University College Cork, decades), and nest on land (sandy beaches), where on marine vertebrates (14, 17). Contemporaneous Cork, Ireland. 6Climate Impacts Group, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, USA. ambient temperatures determine the sex of em- changes in coupled ocean variables and processes *Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected] bryos. In contrast, marine and sea- such as temperature and regional ,

772 13 NOVEMBER 2015 • VOL 350 ISSUE 6262 SCIENCE A B Seabird Direct climate breeding success controls Bottom-up Shift in foraging interactions tactics and to terrestrial Top-down Population resources interactions decline

Decreased Increased predation predation Sandeel recruitment Atlantic herring Predation on larvae Arctic seals Sub-arctic seals

Decline of lipid-rich copepods Common eider Copepods

Shift in community Reduced structure sea ice habitat Climate (warming, currents) Climate (warming/sea ice decline)

CDHumboldt squid Invasive ant Breeding seabirds and scale insects Irruptive range expansion Vegetation damage Nutrients

Increased predation Breeding habitat

Pisonia forest Pacific hake Mesopelagic fish

Decreased productivity Decreased predation

Krill Climate, land Climate, ocean Climate (warming, deoxygenation) (warming/increased drought) (warming) Fig. 1. Four case studies illustrating the complex mechanisms by which expansion of Humboldt squid, with increasing predation on hake and climate change can indirectly affect marine vertebrates via trophic inter- mesopelagic cascading to decreased predation on krill (63–65). (D) Marine- actions. (A) Bottom-up effects of climate change in the North Sea. The terrestrial coupling and ecological cascade on Coral Sea Islands, southwest reduction in lipid-rich copepods results in declines in sandeel recruitment and Pacific, driven by climate change simultaneously affecting the ocean and land, poor seabird breeding success (110). (B) Climate-mediated top-down effects of lessening food availability and reducing nesting habitat quality for seabirds polar bears in the Arctic, with positive impacts (reduced predation) hypothe- (114, 115). Each case study is a simplified schematic and does not include all sized for Arctic seals and negative (increased predation) impacts on sub-Arctic potential links and interactions. Orange arrows, direct climate con- seals, nesting eiders, and terrestrial resources (111–113). (C) Potential climate- trols; blue arrows, bottom-up interactions; red arrows, top-down interactions; mediated in the California Current System driven by range solid lines, well supported; dashed lines, hypothesized.

SCIENCE 13 NOVEMBER 2015 • VOL 350 ISSUE 6262 773 OCEANS AND CLIMATE nutrient supplies and primary production, and has been linked to ocean temperature; however, and thus diversity (patterns in the richness of ocean acidification and deoxygenation (18)indi- evidence of climate change responses is weak and communities) (22, 44). Anticipated impacts in- cate the potential for causal relationships and the overshadowed by regional variations (29, 30). The clude increases in species richness in temperate- inherent complexities of a three-dimensional (3D) initiation of breeding migrations is likely driven subarctic , local species in habitat. For example, discontinuities in physical by environmental conditions on distant feeding tropical biomes, and the emergence of no-analog and chemical components of the ocean are ob- grounds (turtles deposit fat reserves that are mo- communities (44–46). Small-ranged species, which served in vertical and horizontal domains. Potential bilized later for breeding) (31), although to date, dominate in the tropics, and polar communities pathways of marine vertebrate response are also remote climate effects have yet to be investigated. may be at highest risk from warming (44). Climate- complex and include classic climate-to-predator Fish phenologies show similar complexities, related redistributions are best studied in fish. bottom-up food web dynamics (Fig. 1A), climati- although studies are rare. The phenology of adult Recent decadal increases in fish community di- cally driven shifts in predation pressure on meso- salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) migration in Alaska versity and productivity observed in the high- predators (Fig. 1B), as well as other potential shows population-specific advances and delays latitude northeast Atlantic (47)andBeringSea(48) mechanisms, including trophic cascades and (32); delays for sockeye (O. nerka)runtiming have been linked to regional warming. Whether or terrestrial-marine coupling (Fig. 1, C and D). may be related to warm river conditions and low not boreal/subpolar fish production will continue Thus, understanding climate change impacts on summer stream flows. In the North Sea, advanced to increase as a function of climate change is a key marine ecosystem primary and secondary produc- spawning of sole (Solea solea) corresponded to question. Latitudinal shifts will induce changes in tivity and availability of prey to consumers is vital warmer winter temperatures, which likely accel- photoperiodic responses (day length differs in to predicting future responses to climate change. erated gonadal development (33). Off California, newly colonized areas). In some cases, enhancing Responses in terms of phenology, distribution, both earlier and later seasonal peaks in larval growth because of longer day lengths for feeding and demography will also be mediated by climate fish abundance (n = 43 species) were observed, (49), and in others, disrupting trophic synchronies change impacts on critical habitats, such as coral corresponding to the preferred habitat of each or, particularly in polar oceans, resulting in reefs and seagrass beds used by fish as adult foraging species (34); neritic species that reside near up- shorter windows of food availability (50). grounds or juvenile nurseries, sandy nesting beaches welling centers showed delays in peak abundance, Across the globe, distribution shifts of, on aver- for sea turtles and seabirds, and sea ice, which whereas timing for peak abundance has advanced age, 30.6 ± 5.2 km per decade have been re- provides foraging and breeding habitats for polar for more pelagic, offshore-dwelling species. ported, and the fastest responses are for fish and bears (Arctic) and species (Antarctic). Although research clearly shows a range of , including larval fish (14). Differ- phenological responses to recent climate change, ences in the speed and direction of shifts among Phenology in general we lack clear “yardsticks” for how marine fish and invertebrate populations may be ex- Phenology is the study of the timing of recurring vertebrates should change their phenology to plained by local rates of isotherm shifts (51). biological events and how these are influenced avoid loss of fitness (for example, phenological Shifts in depths occupied have also been docu- by climate, such as the seasonal phasing of phy- responses of food species or predators against mented as cold-water species take refuge in cool- toplankton blooming in marine ecosystems or er, deeper waters, particularly where latitudinal timing of egg-laying in seabirds. Climate change shifts are blocked (52, 53). For example, in the is causing variation in the peak and seasonality northern Gulf of Mexico, where the coastline pro- of both temperature and primary production in “ hibits poleward distributional shifts, demersal the oceans (19, 20). Generally, warm seasons are Marine vertebrates, particularly fish assemblages instead shifted deeper (51). arriving earlier and ending later (21)andareex- seabirds, show great value Fishing complicates interpretations of climate- pected to advance the timing of spring migrations as ecological indicators and driven redistributions (54) and can amplify or and breeding, delay autumn migrations, and alter obscure responses to climate change (55, 56). the seasonal peak abundances of marine orga- may play pivotal roles in As an example, cod distribution in the North Sea nisms (22). Phenological responses have been well assessments of marine has shifted northward, eastward, and deeper over demonstrated in many species of seabirds and ” the past century; the northward shift and deep- zooplankton, including larval fish (23). Globally, ecosystem health. ening have been linked to warming; however, the spring phenologies of all marine species (including shift eastward was linked to fishing pressure, com- planktonic and nektonic species) have advanced plicating interpretations and attribution to cli- by 4.4 ± 1.1 days per decade since the mid–20th which to compare focal species responses) (35). mate change (57). century (14); responses are variable among taxo- Few models project anticipated changes in phe- Warming combines with other oceanographic nomic groups. For example, seabirds were not nology (36); however, a rare study (37)presents processes to influence species redistributions. significantly different from zero owing to regional an individual-based modeling framework for char- Numerous range extensions have been observed advances and delays in breeding dates. Delayed acterizing climate change effects on phenology, in fish of temperate waters of southeast Australia breeding for emperor (Aptenodytes for- and there is scope for adapting such models to and linked to regional warming as well as a steri) and other seabird species in the western other species and contexts (38). Phenological shifts strengthening of the East Australian Current; the Antarctic was linked to a delay in sea ice break- can maintain alignment of predator and prey or mechanism includes enhanced transport of larvae up, which has been hypothesized to influence other resources in time or space as climate changes and juveniles (58). In the northwest Atlantic, prey availability and limit access to prey resources (39), but there is no reason to assume perfect track- changes in silver hake (Merluccius bilinearis)dis- (24). Similar delays were reported for northern ing across trophic levels (40); indeed, some phe- tribution were correlatedwiththepositionofthe (Sula bassana) in the northeast Atlantic nological responses may disadvantage individuals. Gulf Stream, although the hake respond to changes and linked to warmer temperatures, also pre- Most studies, including those showing both ad- in bottom temperatures arising from the same sumably related to prey resources (25). No uni- vances and delays in breeding date and peak abun- changes in circulation patterns that influence the directional trends in phenology were observed dance, hypothesize phenological responses via Gulf Stream (59). for several seabird species in the North Pacific metabolic shifts or prey resources, but few have Ocean acidification, in addition to changes in (26, 27), although the timing of breeding of sea- demonstrated matching of vertebrate needs with temperature, presents risks to larval fish in par- birds in this region tracks phase shifts of the prey availability relative to climate change (41–43). ticular, whereas oxygen availability is an important PDO. In contrast, earlier breeding for little penguins determinant of fish metabolic rates and their (Eudyptula minor) in Australia has been linked to Distribution ability to cope with warming, ultimately affect- ocean warming and improved prey availability Climate change and ocean warming are predicted ing growth and body size (12). Oxygen declines (28). Similarly, nesting phenology in sea turtles tocauseshiftsinmarinevertebratedistributions, also are projected to result in poleward and

774 13 NOVEMBER 2015 • VOL 350 ISSUE 6262 SCIENCE vertical contractions of habitats and a reduction the sex of hatchlings is determined by incubation evolutionary adaptation and/or phenotypic plas- in fish body size (60–62). Humboldt squid off temperatures of eggs in nests dug above sandy ticity to modulate population responses to cli- California, however, appear to have responded to beaches ( biases arise above ~29°C). Air mate change. The former involves genetic change warming and deoxygenation with a recent range temperatures on many beaches worldwide have across generations driven by natural selection on expansion, increasing predation pressure on com- already warmed to, or are close to, all female- heritable phenotypes, whereas the latter occurs mercial fish species (Fig. 1C) (63–65). producing temperatures, and temperature pro- when individuals use current genes to express Distribution shifts of air-breathing marine ver- jections indicate further biases (84). However, different phenotypes in changing environments. tebrates are also expected as a consequence of population units may span many beaches in a Plasticity typically occurs more rapidly than does warming temperatures, primarily through mod- region, and temperatures fluctuate during nest- evolution and thus represents the “first line of ification of prey availability or critical habitats. ing seasons (for example, reduced with rainfall), defense” in a changing environment. Indeed, a Declining sea ice has forced polar bears to use so the necessary males may still be produced. large body of work demonstrates that marine ver- terrestrial food resources as sea ice foraging hab- Owing to the availability of excellent data on tebrates have a broad capacity to adjust their itats decline and denning is driven into coastal seabirds, a number of climate-dependent popula- behaviors, physiology, and morphology in response areas (Fig. 1B) (66, 67). Seabird redistributions tion models have been implemented by coupling to short-term changes in environmental conditions have been documented for South African and demographic data with climate system models. via plasticity in labile (in which phenotype changes Australian breeding colonies in relation to changes These studies assume that climatic-demographic at least as fast as the environment) and nonlabile in prey availability (68, 69). One climate model relationships will remain the same into the future— traits (89–91). Tagging studies of seabirds, marine analysis suggests shifts in North Pacific albatrosses a bold assumption given developing novel climate mammals, and offer opportunities for corresponding to a poleward shift of the Transi- states (85) and well-documented breakdowns in measuring individual reaction norms—the range tion Zone Chlorophyll Front (46); obser- climate-demographic relationships for fish (86). of phenotypes produced across environments be- vations in Alaska corroborate these results by Nonetheless, population viability studies have cause of phenotypic plasticity—and fitness corre- showing a northward shift in the center of dis- been revealing. For example, population declines lates and relating these to population-level trends. tribution and increased albatross density in the of 11 to 45% by 2100 have been projected for For example, individual common murres (Uria subarctic Bering Sea (70). Cassin’sauklet(Ptychoramphus aleuticus), a plank- aalge) adjust egg-laying dates in response to climate- tivorous seabird; this model was based on estab- related cues, allowing them to track interannual Demography lished relationships between demographic rates changes in the seasonal peak in forage, with ben- Numerous demographic responses (for example, (breeding success and adult survival) and upwell- efits for breeding success (92). The need for vital rate statistics such as reproductive success ing intensity and ocean temperatures (87). In the plasticity in some traits, however, is balanced by and survival) have been shown for seabirds, sea Antarctic, continent-wide declines of emperor pen- selection for relative constancy (“canalization”) turtles, and fish, and contrasting responses to guins have been projected based on local SIE in in others that are more closely correlated with environmental measurements are apparent. For relation to breeding success and survival estimates fitness (91). Many long-lived and sea- example, Antarctic sea ice extent (SIE) has a pos- birds, for example, maximize fitness by minimizing itive effect on adult survival and a negative ef- interannual variance in adult survival and breed- fect on egg hatching rates in emperor penguins ing propensity, which in turn dampens the demo- (Aptenodytes forsteri)(71, 72)andnegativeorsta- graphic consequences of changing climate (93). tistically nonsignificant relationships with snow “ Antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus gazella) breeding petrel survival (Pagodroma nivea)(73, 74). Addi- Changing climate creates on South Georgia have lost some of this capacity tionally, there is evidence that “moderate is better,” systemic effects that for life history buffering, however, likely because with intermediate SIE related to the highest sur- ripple through marine of a lack of plasticity in breeding schedules in the vival rates for Adélie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae) face of reduced food predictability (93). (75, 76); moderate ice cover promotes primary food webs, affecting More generally, plasticity has its limits, and productivity and facilitates access to prey re- all trophic levels.” evolutionary adaptation of reaction norms them- sources by foraging seabirds. selves may be required for populations to persist In general, ocean warming correlates negatively in rapidly changing (or increasingly variable) cli- with seabird breeding success and survival; exam- mates. Empirical evidence for evolutionary re- ples include puffins from Norway (77)andshags (76). At the continental scale, interannual variabil- sponses to contemporary climate change in marine and in the UK (78),butthisisnotalwaysthe ity in SIE promotes population stability because vertebrates (indeed, most taxa) is almost com- case. Positive relationships have been demonstra- of opposing functions between SIE and breeding pletely lacking, but this may reflect detection prob- ted between breeding success and temperature for success and survival. Climate-dependent models lems rather than a lack of evolutionary potential little penguins off Australia (79), as well as two also highlight the complexity of responses in fish. (90, 91). Most populations harbor substantial gen- Antarctic albatross species (80)andpuffinsoff For example, for south Pacific albacore tuna (Thun- etic variation for traits affecting fitness, but the Russia (81). An example highlighting the link be- nus alalunga), application of a 2D coupled physical- key unknown is whether evolution can unfold tween foraging success and breeding success is biological-fisheries model at the ocean basin scale rapidly enough to prevent (94). Phe- the recent poleward shift in wandering albatross predicts an initial population decline followed by nological traits in particular may experience strong (Diomedea exulans) distributions as westerly wind an increase in as a new spawning ground selection; for example, timing of peak nesting of fields in the Southern Ocean have strengthened is established toward the end of the 21st century adjacent genetic stocks of the flatback and moved poleward (82). As a result, albatross (88). However, population dynamics are also sen- Chelonia depressa in northern Australia have di- foraging trips have shortened in duration, and sitive to simulated changes in optimal spawning verged to coincide with local temperature regimes breeding success has improved. Variation in sur- temperatures; accounting for potential evolution- compatible with high incubation success and vival may also relate to sea surface temperature ary processes favoring albacore with preferences suitable hatchling sex ratios, but this likely oc- (SST); for example, Waugh et al.(83)documented for higher optimal ambient spawning temperature curred over thousands of years (95). Whether a negative relationship between the survival of suppresses the emergence of a new spawning marine vertebrates can keep evolutionary pace rare Westland petrels (Procellaria westlandia)and ground, and stock abundance remains low. with unprecedented (at least in their recent SST anomalies in areas frequented by the birds evolutionary history) rates of environmental change during the breeding season, but a positive relation- Capacity for adaptation is of great concern, and “space-for-time” substitu- ship between those two factors in foraging areas The albacore example underscores a crucial yet tions may be a poor guide in this respect. In used in the nonbreeding season. In sea turtles, relatively understudied issue: the potential for theory, transgenerational adaptation to climate


Exposure Exposure Exposure Exposure Variability in weather Local climatic change Regional climatic change Regional climatic change Microhabitat refugia Landscape refugia Environmental heterogeneity Habitat/seascape heterogeneity Behavior (e.g., habitat Shifts in habitat/resource use Range shifts choice, dispersal) Biotic interactions

Sensitivity Sensitivity Sensitivity Sensitivity Metabolic requirements Genetic/epigenetic variation Genetic diversity Portfolio effects Environmental tolerance limits Phenotype diversity Population diversity Functional redundancy Limits/costs of plasticity Ecological plasticity Population connectivity Landscape connectivity Life history traits Rate of microevolution Phylogenetics constraints Trophic linkages Acclimation capacity Age/stage structure (fixed species traits) Disturbance level Individual heterozygosity Density dependence Range extent (broad or Proximity of tipping points Population size (census and effective) restricted)

Individual Population Species Community/ecosystem

Fig. 2. Intrinsic properties of individuals, populations, species, and com- sist and recover from disturbance). Vulnerability and emergent dynamics at munities, together with extrinsic properties of the environments they in- each level of biological organization depend on processes operating at lower habit, shape their exposure and sensitivity to climate change. Exposure levels. For example, phenotypic plasticity and evolutionary adaptation (or lack is a function of climatic change and the degree of buffering due to habitat thereof) propagate up from individuals and populations to affect the resilience heterogeneity (such as refugia) and behavioral adjustments. Sensitivity is of species and communities, and thereby ecosystem function. Additional hu- affected by intrinsic factors such as physiological tolerances and (relatively) man stressors and conservation management will further affect ecological fixed population/species traits and will be mediated by evolutionary changes, and evolutionary resilience by modifying these and other factors. [Adapted plastic ecological responses, and resilience (the capacity of systems to per- from (101, 116)] change can also occur via epigenetic mechanisms ine vertebrates with slow life histories and low less volatile than the numbers returning to indi- or inherited environmental effects (96), but the annual fecundity—most seabirds, sea turtles, and vidual rivers within the bay, owing to asynchro- importance of these mechanisms is uncertain. marine mammals, as well as many —are nous dynamics among local populations (104). Laboratory experiments for the few vertebrate thus expected to be less evolutionarily resilient to Given the limitations on our forecasting abilities, species that lend themselves to captive breeding rapid climate change, despite the fact that they adaptable conservation strategies that spread risk (97), or observations of fine-grained population have substantial capacity for adaptive plasticity. and maintain genetic and ecological heterogene- responses (98),canbeusedtoinferthepotential However, life histories themselves may evolve ity and connectivity are most prudent (103, 105). for phenotypic plasticity and microevolution. because of climate-induced selection, although Clearly, marine vertebrate species do not have again the pace of such changes will be critical. Concluding remarks equal scope for adaptive responses. For example, Thus, a major challenge remains to understand Changing climate creates systemic effects that species that evolved in relatively stable climates how the resilience of species, communities, and ripple through marine food webs, affecting all are expected to have narrow thermal tolerances ecosystems is affected by the plasticity of individ- trophic levels. Most climatic effects on seabird (such as stenothermal Antarctic fishes) (99)and uals and microevolution (or a lack thereof) of pop- and mammalian consumers, being mid- to upper- less capacity for thermal or other types of plas- ulations. It is useful in this respect to distinguish trophic-level species, will be indirect, operating via ticity than that of populations inhabiting more amongfactorsaffectingexposuretochangingen- changes in ocean productivity and food webs. In variable environments. Similarly, historically large, vironments and those affecting sensitivity to given contrast, ectothermic fish may respond immediately widespread, or well-connected populations may changes, which together determine vulnerability and substantially to relatively small changes in possess greater evolutionary potential than those at each level of biological organization (Fig. 2) temperature and oxygen concentrations and po- of small, localized, or isolated populations (100). (101). It is also important to realize that plasticity tentially ocean acidification, factors that may af- Aside from these general rules of thumb, it is dif- and evolutionary adaptation by no means guar- fect their metabolism. Endothermic organisms, ficult to predict a priori which marine vertebrates antee population persistence and can even lead such as birds and mammals, may not respond will be most capable of adapting to climate change. to declines in abundance (102). On the other hand, directly to physical changes and only to changes The strongest generalizations that can be made are populationsandspeciesmayrespondtoclimate in food supplies over time, but once they respond, that (i) all else being equal, species with shorter change idiosyncratically, and such diversity can changes are likely to be substantial and difficult to generation times will evolve faster than those with enhance the resilience of species and commun- reverse. Thus, indirect responses, although per- longer generation times, at least initially (at evo- ities via portfolio effects (in which the dynamics haps delayed, are powerful and potentially long- lutionary equilibrium, both are predicted to track of biological systems are less variable than their lasting, hence a challenge for management and a moving optimum at the same annual rate), and individual components) (103). For example, the conservation. Some impacts may be mediated (ii) species capable of rapid population growth are overall numbers of sockeye salmon O. nerka re- by phenotypic plasticity or evolutionary change, more likely to be rescued by evolution (94). Mar- turning to Bristol Bay, Alaska, annually are much but the capacity for marine vertebrates to respond

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SCIENCE 13 NOVEMBER 2015 • VOL 350 ISSUE 6262 777 Climate change and marine vertebrates William J. Sydeman et al. Science 350, 772 (2015); DOI: 10.1126/science.aac9874

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