Development of an ICOSL and BAFF bispecific inhibitor AMG 570 for systemic lupus erythematosus treatment M. Zhang1, F. Lee1, A. Knize1,2, F. Jacobsen1, S. Yu1,3, K. Ishida1, K. Miner1, K. Gaida1, J. Whoriskey1, C. Chen1, K. Gunasekaran1,4, H. Hsu1

1Amgen Research, Inc., One Amgen Center Drive, Thousand Oaks, CA; 2Abide Therapeutics, San Diego, CA; 3Shire Pharmaceuticals, Lexington, MA; 4Denali Therapeutics, South San Francisco, CA, USA.

Objective Systemic lupus erythematous (SLE) is a heterogeneous disease lacking highly effective treatment options. Here we tested if targeting both BAFF and ICOSL has superior efficacy than single target inhibition in the mouse arthritis and lupus models. We also generated AMG 570, an ICOSL and BAFF bispecific inhibitory molecule, for potential treatment of autoimmune diseases such as SLE.

Methods Murine BAFF/ICOSL bispecific, combination of BAFF and ICOSL inhibitors or single inhibitor was evaluated in the sheep red blood cell (SRBC) challenge model, mouse collagen induced arthritis (CIA) model, or NZB/NZW lupus models. AMG 570 was tested for human and cyno BAFF and ICOSL binding affinities by Kinexa A. AMG 570 dual target blocking activities was evaluated in human and cyno BAFF and ICOSL mediated B cell and T cell assay, respectively. Pharmacodynamics effect of AMG 570 was evaluated in cynomolgus monkey.

Results Treatment with murine ICOSL/BAFF bispecific or combination therapy was more efficacious than single ICOSL or BAFF inhibitor in mouse NZB/NZW lupus model. Dual ICOSL and BAFF inhibition was also more effective in the mouse collagen induced arthritis (CIA) model. AMG 570 was developed as the clinical bispecific lead. AMG 570 inhibits human and cynomolgus monkey ICOSL and BAFF. B cell reduction was observed after AMG 570 treatment in cynomolgus monkeys, consistent with the pharmacological effect of BAFF inhibition.

Conclusion By targeting both ICOSL and BAFF, AMG 570 has the potential to achieve superior efficacy in treatment of autoimmune diseases such as SLE and .

Key words systemic lupus erythematosus, ICOSL, BAFF, T cell, B cell

Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 2019; 37:Clinical 906-914. and Experimental Rheumatology 2019 Development of ICOSL/BAFF bispecific for SLE treatment / M. Zhang et al.

Ming Zhang Introduction and dendritic cell. It is released by pro- Francis Lee Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) teolytic cleavage and functions in the Anna Knize, remains an indication with high unmet periphery (14). BAFF inhibition results Frederick Jacobsen medical needs. Benlysta® (belimumab), in a significant reduction of B cell num- Steven Yu Katsu Ishida an anti-BAFF with modest ef- ber in human, cynomolgus monkey, and Kent Miner ficacy, provides clinical validation for rodents, a hallmark of pharmacody- Kevin Gaida the BAFF pathway yet also indicates namics (PD) for BAFF inhibition (15- John Whoriskey the need for additional therapeutics 17). BAFF blocking antibody Benlysta Ching Chen with better efficacy (1). SLE is a- het is approved for SLE treatment, albeit Kannan Gunasekaran erogeneous disease. Thus, desirable ef- with modest efficacy. Hailing Hsu ficacy is likely achievable by targeting Given both aberrant B cell and T cell Please address correspondence to: multiple pathways. Among many cell are involved in SLE pathogenesis, we Dr Hailing Hsu, types and pathways involved in SLE hypothesise that addition of a BAFF Amgen Inc., One Amgen Center Drive, pathogenesis, aberrant B cells and T inhibitor to an anti-ICOSL antibody, is Thousand Oaks, CA 91320, USA. cells are critical drivers in autoantibody likely to achieve superior efficacy than E-mail: [email protected] production, inflammatory cytokine pro- BAFF and ICOSL inhibitor alone in Received on October 9, 2018; accepted in duction, and tissue damage. SLE treatment. We demonstrated that revised form on December 17, 2018. ICOSL is critical for TFH cell develop- dual ICOSL and BAFF inhibition, ei- © Copyright Clinical and ment and T memory cell homeostasis ther by bispecific or combination treat- Experimental Rheumatology 2019. (2). ICOSL is mainly expressed on ment, was more efficacious than single B cells and antigen presenting cells, inhibitor treatment in lupus and arthritis whereas its receptor ICOS is expressed models in mice. AMG 570 was selected on activated T cells. ICOSL knockout as the clinical lead. By targeting both (KO) mice or mice administered with BAFF and ICOSL, AMG 570 has the anti-ICOSL antibody had an impaired potential to achieve superior efficacy in T-dependent antibody response (3-5). treatment of autoimmune diseases such Elevation of ICOS expression on T as SLE and rheumatoid arthritis. cells was reported in patients with SLE, RA and Sjögren’s syndrome (6-8). Evi- Material and methods dence of the role of ICOS/ICOSL in hu- Reagents man immune function comes from both Recombinant human, cynomolgus patients deficient in ICOS function as monkey and murine BAFF or ICOSL- well as in lupus patients treated with an- Fc protein were generated at Amgen. ti-ICOSL antibody. ICOS null patients Anti-mouse ICOSL antibody 1B7 are immunodeficient showing impaired was described previously (Hu et al., T effector memory cell homoeostasis 2009). Anti-mouse BAFF peptibody and humoral immune responses (9, 10). was described previously (Hsu et al., AMG 557 is a fully human IgG2 an- 2012). Murine ICOSL/BAFF bispecific tagonist antibody against ICOSL and is molecule was generated by fusion of currently being investigated in a Phase two tandem copies of BAFF-binding 1 in lupus arthritis patients peptides (Hsu et al., 2012) to the C- and primary Sjögren’s syndrome (pSS). terminus of anti-mouse ICOSL block- Single and multiple doses of AMG 557 ing antibody 1B7 as described (Hu et demonstrated ICOSL occupancy on B al., 2009). AMG 570 was generated by cells in the peripheral blood of SLE fusion of two tandem copies of BAFF- subjects in a dose-related and reversible binding peptides to the C-terminus of manner. A significant reduction in ant- anti-ICOSL antibody AMG 557 (Cheng KLH (Keyhole Limpet Hemocyanin) et al., 2018). PE labelled anti-B220, IgG response was observed after AMG FITC labelled anti-CD3 mAb, PE la- 557 treatment (11). AMG 557 showed belled anti-CD69 mAb, PE labelled an- safety and potential efficacy in patients ti-CD62L, FITC anti-CD44 were from with active lupus arthritis (12). BD Biosciences. Complete Freund’s BAFF (TNFSF13B) supports B cell Adjuvant (CFA) and Incomplete Fre- Competing interests: All the authors survival through binding to BAFF re- und’s Adjuvant (IFA) were from Difco. were Amgen employees and stock holders ceptor (BAFFR) expressed on B cells Bovine type II collagen were from Dr. at the time when this research work was (13). BAFF is a type II transmembrane Marie Griffiths University of Utah. Cy- conducted. protein mainly expressed by monocyte nomolgus monkey spleen was provided

907 Development of ICOSL/BAFF bispecific for SLE treatment / M. Zhang et al. by Shin Nippon Biomedical Laborato- dine in the last 18 hours of pulse. For Animal Research Facility at Amgen ries. Human PBMC for T cell and B cell cynomolgus monkey BAFF assay, cyn- Thousand Oaks. Mice (female, 6-8wk purification was from Amgen donors. omolgus monkey splenocytes were cul- old) were immunised with a single tured in RPMI media plus 10% heat in- intraperitoneal injection of 2X108 Binding affinities activated FBS in duplicates in 96- well SRBC (Lampire Biological Laborato- The binding affinities of AMG 570 to flat-bottom plates in the presence of 100 ries, Pipeville, PA) in 0.2 ml of PBS human and cynomolgus monkey BAFF ng/ml cynomolgus monkey BAFF pro- at day 1 and were boosted with 2X108 were measured by KinExA™. In brief, tein, 10 ug/ml Goat F(ab’ )2 anti-human SRBC on day 28. Mice were treated AMG 570 was incubated with various IgM from Jackson ImmunoResearch, with anti-ICOSL, anti-BAFF pepti- concentrations of human or cynomol- (Cat.# 109-006-129, West Grove, PA) body, combination of anti-ICOSL and gus monkey BAFF before running and a serially diluted AMG 570. For anti-BAFF inhibitors, murine ICOSL/ through the human or cynomolgus mouse BAFF assay, mouse spleen B BAFF bispecific, mouse IgG1 isotype monkey BAFF-coated Reacti-Gel 6x cells were stimulated with 200 ng/mL control twice per week until day 35. On beads. The amount of the bead-bound of murine BAFF and 0.1 μg/mL Goat day 35, spleen cells were collected for

AMG 570 was quantified by fluores- F(ab’)2 anti-IgM. B cell proliferation FACS analysis. In brief, splenocytes cent (Cy5) labelled goat anti-human-Fc was measured by 3H thymidine incorpo- were pre-incubated with unlabelled antibody. The binding signal is propor- ration as described above. anti-CD16/32 to block nonspecific tional to the concentration of free anti- For ICOSL mediated T cell assay, 96- binding of the staining mAbs to FcγR. body at equilibrium with a given BAFF well tissue culture plates were first Cells were incubated on ice with 1:100 concentration. Dissociation equilib- coated with 2 μg/mL anti-CD3 and 10 diluted FITC anti-B220 for 30 min- rium constant (Kd) was obtained from μg/mL anti-human Fc overnight at 4°C. utes for B cell staining; 1:100 diluted non-linear regression of the competi- The plates were washed with 200 μl of FITC anti-CD44 and 1:200 diluted PE tion curves using a curve one-site ho- PBS, and coated with 3 μg/mL human anti-CD62L for 30 minutes for effector mogeneous binding model provided in ICOSL-Fc for 4 hours at 37°C. Approx- memory T cell staining. B cell were de- KinExA™ software. imately 105 purified T cells from PBMC fined as B220+ cells, effector memory T + + The binding affinities of AMG 570 to using Pan T cell isolation kits (Miltenyi cells (TEM) were defined as CD3 CD4 human and cynomolgus monkey ICOSL Biotec, Auburn, CA) were added to an- CD44hiCD62Llo cells and activated T were measured using BIAcore based ti-CD3/ICOSL-Fc coated plates in the cells were defined as CD3+CD69+ cells. methods. Briefly, AMG 570 was incu- presence or absence of ICOSL/BAFF The flow cytometry was performed bated with various concentrations of hu- bispecific or anti-ICOSL antibody. After with FACS Calibur (BD Biosciences, man or cynomolgus monkey ICOSL-Fc 48 hours of incubation, 1 μCi/well of San Jose, CA) and the data were ana- protein before injection over human or 3H-thymidine was added to the T cells. lysed using the FlowJo program (Tree cynomolgus monkey B7RP-1-Fc im- Plates were incubated for another 16 Star, Inc.). mobilised surface, respectively. Binding hours. Proliferation was measured by affinity was obtained from nonlinear re- the uptake of radioactive 3H thymidine NZB/NZW lupus model gression of the competition curves using in the last 18 hours of pulse. Cynomol- Female New Zealand Black/New Zea- a curve one-site homogeneous binding gus monkey T cells were isolated from land White (NZB/NZW) F1 mice were model provided in KinExA™ software. cyno spleen cells, and added to anti- ordered from Taconic Bioscience. Ex- CD3/ICOSL-Fc coated plates. Prolifer- periments were conducted under pro- In vitro B cell and T cell assays ation was measured as described above. tocol 2006-00066 approved by Institu- Human B cells were purified from pe- For mouse ICOS occupancy measure- tional Animal Care and Use Committee ripheral blood mononuclear cells (PB- ment, biotin labelled murine ICOSL-Fc at the Laboratory Animal Research Fa- MCs) using a human negative B cell was first incubated with indicated con- cility at Amgen Thousand Oaks. In brief, Isolation Kit II according manufac- centrations of murine ICOSL/BAFF 4.5 months old female NZB/W F1 mice turer’s suggestions (Miltenyi Biotech, bispecific or anti-ICOSL antibody were randomly divided into six groups Auburn.CA). Purified (105) B cells were (1B7) for 30 minutes on ice. The mix- (20 mice in each group) for administra- cultured in RPMI media plus 10% heat ture was further incubated with anti- tion intraperitoneally with anti-ICOSL inactivated FBS in duplicate in 96- well CD3 activated mouse spleen cells for (clone 1B7, 14 mg/kg), anti-BAFF (5.6 flat-bottom plates in the presence of 50 30 minutes. The ICOSL binding on T mg/kg), combination of anti-ICOSL (14 ng/ml human BAFF protein, 2 ug/ml cells were measured by FACS. mg/kg) and anti-BAFF (5.6 mg/kg), Goat F(ab’) 2 anti-human IgM from ICOSL/BAFF bispecific (15 mg/kg) or Jackson ImmunoResearch (Cat # 109- SRBC challenge in mice mouse IgG1 isotype control (15 mg/ 006-129, West Grove, PA) and a serially BALB/c mice were purchased from kg) twice per week for 4 months. Dos- diluted amount of AMG 570. The plates Taconic Bioscience. Experiments were es were adjusted based on molecular were incubated at 37°C and 5% CO2 for conducted under protocol 2007-00071 weight to be molar equivalents (bispe- 96 hours. Proliferation was measured approved by Institutional Animal Care cific MW 160KDa, anti-ICOSL MW by the uptake of radioactive 3H thymi- and Use Committee at the Laboratory 150KDa, anti-BAFF MW 64KDa).

908 Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 2019 Development of ICOSL/BAFF bispecific for SLE treatment / M. Zhang et al.

Peripheral blood was collected after given a booster injection on day 21 with generated by fusion of BAFF inhibi- one-month treatment for B cell num- 100μg of bovine type II collagen emul- tory peptides (Hsu et al., 2012) to the ber and ICOSL occupancy measure- sified in IFA. Mice were randomised C-terminus of each heavy chain of an ment by FACS. B cells were gated on to 5 groups (n=15) for administration anti-mouse ICOSL antibody 1B7 (Hu B220+ cells with APC-conjugated anti- intraperitoneally with 5mg/kg of anti- et al., 2009). The murine ICOSL/BAFF B220 antibody. ICOSL occupancy (free ICOSL antibody, anti-BAFF peptibody, bispecific inhibited ICOSL binding to ICOSL on B cells) was measured by combination of anti-ICOSL and anti- ICOS on activated T cells, with potency staining B cells with biotinylated anti- BAFF peptibody, or isotype control two comparable to the parental ICOSL an- ICOSL antibody followed by streptavi- times per week for 6 weeks. Arthritis tibody (Fig. 1A). The murine ICOSL/ din PE. For anti-dsDNA antibody meas- scores were evaluated 2 times per week. BAFF bispecific also inhibited murine urement, serum samples were collected A score of 0= no swelling, 0.5=swol- BAFF mediated B cell proliferation after 4 months treatment and added to len toes only, 1= noticeable swelling with potency comparable to the paren- the 96 well plate coated with 100 μl per of the ankle/paw, 1.5= noticeable to tal BAFF peptibody (Fig. 1B). well (100ug/ml) of salmon sperm DNA pronounced swelling or noticeable We next studied whether the ICOSL/ (Rockland Immunochemicals Inc, Boy- swelling in the paw and swollen toes, BAFF bispecific treatment was capable ertown, PA 19512). After incubation 2 2=pronounced swelling of the ankle/ of impacting both ICOSL and BAFF hours at room temperature, bound ds- paw, 2.5= gross swelling of ankle/paw activities using the sheep red blood DNA specific IgG was detected with with no toe swelling or 3=gross swell- cell (SRBC) immunisation model in HRP conjugated goat anti-mouse IgG ing of paw/toes and deformity. Scores mice. SRBC immunisation in mice in- (Southern Biotech, Birmingham, AL). from each limb was evaluated, there- duces significant expansion of effector

The substrate reaction was performed fore arthritis scores from a mouse can memory T cell (TEM) population, which with Sureblue TMB microwell peroxi- vary from 0 to 12. Percent incidence is was reported to be ICOSL depend- dase substrate (KPL, Gaibersburg, MD) quantified when an animal achieved a ent (Hu et al., 2009). Consistent with and the OD was read using Spectrum score of 1 on any particular paw. the ICOSL inhibition mechanism, the Max (Molecular Devices). murine BAFF/ICOSL bispecific inhib-

Proteinuria was measured using Al- PKPD in cynomolgus monkeys ited TEM cell expansion induced by the bustix (Bayer) every 2 weeks starting Study (529-353) was performed at MPI SRBC immunisation, with similar ef- at 4.5 months of age until study termi- Research, Inc., Mattawan, MI. Animal fectiveness to the parental anti-ICOSL nation at 14 months of age. The inci- welfare for the study followed the U.S. antibody 1B7 treatment alone (Fig. dence of proteinuria was expressed as Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) 2A). Anti-BAFF peptibody treatment percentage of mice where urine protein Animal Welfare Act (9 CFR Parts 1, 2 alone, on the other hand, did not inhibit was at least 300 mg/dl in two consecu- and 3). Naive male cynomolgus mon- TEM induction after SRBC challenge. B tive measurements. Kidneys from all keys (n=4) were given a single bolus cell reduction is the pharmacodynam- mice in the study, including deceased intravenous or subcutaneous dose of ics hallmark of BAFF inhibition. Mu- mice before study termination, were 10mg/kg AMG 570. Blood and serum rine ICOSL/BAFF bispecific showed collected for histology analysis for re- samples were collected pre-dose (day- similar B cell reduction as anti-BAFF nal lesion severity. 5 and day-1) and at various timepoints treatment alone, while treatment with post-dosing for standard haematology anti-ICOSL antibody alone did not Collagen induced arthritis model evaluation performed MPI Research, show spleen B cell reduction (Fig. 2B). DBA/1 mice were purchased from FACS and PK studies performed at Taken together, murine ICOSL/BAFF Charles River Labs. Experiments were Amgen. Total B cells (CD20+), naïve bispecific has dual ICOSL and BAFF conducted under protocol 2007-00025 B cells (CD20+CD27–) and memory inhibitory activities in vitro and in vivo. approved by Institutional Animal Care B cells (CD20+CD27+) in blood were and Use Committee at the Laboratory measured by FACS analysis. An aver- Dual ICOSL and BAFF inhibition Animal Research Facility at Amgen age of B cell numbers at day-5 and day- is more efficacious than single target Thousand Oaks. Bovine type II colla- 1 pre-dosing was used as baseline. Total inhibition in NZB/NZW lupus mice gen was dissolved at 2 mg/ml concen- serum AMG 570 was measured by anti- It was previously reported that treat- tration in 0.1M acetic acid overnight human IgG antibody capture and detec- ment with anti-mouse ICOSL antibody at 4oC using end-to-end low speed ro- tion. Intact AMG 570 was measured by 1B7 or anti-BAFF peptibody alone was tator. The collagen was emulsified 1:1 capturing with ICOSL-Fc capture and efficacious in the NZB/NZW mice, volume with either the 2X complete detection with biotinylated BAFF a mouse model of spontaneous lupus Freund’s adjuvant (CFA) or incomplete (Hsu et al., 2012; Hu et al., 2009). Freund’s adjuvant (IFA). On day 0, ten Results Therefore, we compared the effects of weeks old male DBA/1 mice were in- Generation of murine ICOSL/BAFF the bispecific or combination treatment jected intradermally at the base of the bispecific for proof-of-concept studies with single ICOSL or BAFF inhibitor tail with 100μg of bovine type II col- in vitro and in vivo treatment in the NZB/NZW mouse lu- lagen emulsified in CFA. Mice were A murine ICOSL/BAFF bispecific was pus model. NZB/NZW female mice at

Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 2019 909 Development of ICOSL/BAFF bispecific for SLE treatment / M. Zhang et al.

anti-dsDNA IgG, whereas no signifi- cant inhibition of anti-dsDNA antibody was observed by anti-BAFF treatment alone. Both bispecific and combination treatment groups had significant inhibi- tion of anti-dsDNA IgG (Fig. 3C). All mice were monitored for pro- teinuria development. During the four months treatment period, both single and dual ICOSL/BAFF inhibi- tion treatment effectively inhibited proteinuria development. However, after the discontinuation of treatment, Fig. 1. Murine ICOSL/BAFF bispecific inhibits mouse ICOSL and BAFFin vitro. the single ICOSL or BAFF inhibition A: Biotinylated murine ICOSL-Fc was used to stain anti-CD3 activated mouse T cells in the presence groups rapidly developed proteinuria, of indicated concentrations of murine ICOSL/BAFF bispecific or anti-ICOSL antibody. The ICOSL-Fc binding on activated T cells were measured by FACS. whereas the mice in the dual inhibition

B: Purified B cells were stimulated with 200 ng/mL of murine BAFF and 0.1 μg/mL Goat F(ab’)2 anti- groups had significantly slower onset IgM in the presence of indicated concentrations of ICOSL/BAFF bispecific or anti-BAFF peptibody. B of proteinuria (Fig. 3D). Kidneys from 3 cell proliferation was measured by H thymidine incorporation. all mice in the study were collected for histology analysis of renal lesion. Con- 4.5 months of age were given ICOSL/ bispecific or combination also had sim- sistent with the decreased proteinuria, BAFF bispecific, combination or single ilar level of B cell number reduction both murine bispecific and combina- inhibitors twice per week for 4 months. (Fig. 3B). Interestingly, slightly more tion treatment groups had significantly ICOSL occupancy and B cell number B cell reduction was observed in both less severe renal tissue damage (Fig. in peripheral blood were monitored bispecific and combination treatment 3E). All therapeutic agent treatment after one-month treatment. Treatment groups compared to anti-BAFF treat- groups had significantly prolonged with bispecific or combination had ment alone, likely due to dual ICOSL survival compared with isotype con- similar ICOSL occupancy on periph- and BAFF inhibitory effects. No signif- trol groups (Fig. 3F). No significant eral blood B cells, comparable to anti- icant B cell reduction was observed in difference was observed between the ICOSL antibody treatment alone (Fig. anti-ICOSL treatment group (Fig. 3B). dual targets versus single inhibition at 3A). Moderate reduction of ICOSL To investigate the effects of ICOSL/ the time of study termination. Overall, occupancy was observed in anti-BAFF BAFF inhibition on autoantibody pro- treatment with dual ICOSL and BAFF treatment group, likely due to the dy- duction, sera from all treated mice inhibition, either by bispecific or com- namic changes of B cell subpopulation were tested for anti-dsDNA IgG after bination therapy, was more efficacious with various ICOSL expression levels 4 months treatment. Anti-ICOSL treat- than single ICOSL or BAFF inhibition after BAFF inhibition. Treatment with ment resulted in moderate inhibition of in the NZB/NZW lupus model.

Fig. 2. Dual target inhibition pharmacodynamics by murine ICOSL/BAFF bispecific in mice. Balb/c mice (n=5) were immunised with sheep red blood cells (SRBC) on day 0 and boosted on day 28. Mice were treated with 5 mg/kg of mouse IgG1 isotype control, anti-ICOSL antibody 1B7, anti-BAFF peptibody, combination of anti-ICOSL antibody and anti-BAFF peptibody, or indicated doses of murine ICOSL/BAFF bispecific twice per week starting on day 0 until hi lo day 35. On day 35, spleen cells were collected for FACS analysis. A: ICOSL inhibition PD effect was measured by CD4+CD44 CD62 TEM cell numbers. B: BAFF inhibition PD effect was measured by B220+ B cell numbers.

910 Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 2019 Development of ICOSL/BAFF bispecific for SLE treatment / M. Zhang et al.

Fig. 3. Murine ICOSL/BAFF bispecific treatment attenuates disease development in NZB/NZW mouse lupus model. Female NZB/NZW F1 mice (n=20/ group) were treated with anti-ICOSL antibody, anti-BAFF peptibody, combination of anti-ICOSL antibody and anti-BAFF peptibody, ICOSL/BAFF bispe- cific, mIgG1 isotype or PBS control twice per week from age 4.5 month to age 8.5 month. Doses were adjusted based on MW to be molar equivalents. A: ICOSL occupancy on peripheral blood B cells were measured by FACS after one-month treatment. B: B cells from peripheral blood were measured by FACS after one-month treatment. C: Anti-dsDNA IgG was measured at the age of 8.5 months by ELISA. ***<0.0001, *<0.05 for indicated treatment compared to isotype control (t-test). D: Proteinuria was measured every 2 weeks from age 4.5 month until 14.5 months age. p<0.0001 bispecific vs. isotype control; p<0.001 bispecific vs. αICOSL; p<0.01 bispecfic vs. αBAFF; p=0.59 bispecific vs. combo; p<0.0001 αICOSL vs. isotype; p<0.0001 αBAFF vs. isotype (Kaplan-Meier plot). E: Kidney histology from all treated mice, including early diseased mice and remaining mice at the end of the experiment (14.5 months age), were collected and evaluated for histology analysis. ***<0.001, *<0.05 1way ANOVA comparison to mIgG1 control group. F: Survival was monitored in the study.

Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 2019 911 Development of ICOSL/BAFF bispecific for SLE treatment / M. Zhang et al.

Dual ICOSL and BAFF inhibition is more efficacious than single inhibition in collagen induced arthritis models in mice To further investigate the effects of ICOSL and BAFF dual inhibition in autoantibody mediated disease models, we compared ICOSL and BAFF dual inhibition with single inhibition in the collagen induced arthritis (CIA) mod- el. Development of high anti-drug an- tibody response against the bispecific molecule was observed in mice treated with complete Freund’s adjuvant, pre- cluded testing the bispecific in the CIA model. Therefore, ICOSL and BAFF Fig. 4. Dual ICOSL and BAFF inhibition was more efficacious than single inhibition in mouse colla- dual inhibition in CIA model was eval- gen induced arthritis. 10 weeks old male DBA/1 mice were immunised at day 0 with bovine collagen in uated by comparing combination of complete Freund’s adjuvant at day 0. Mice were boosted with bovine collagen emulsified in incomplete anti-ICOSL and anti-BAFF treatment Freund’s adjuvant on day 21. Mice (n=15) were treated with 5mg/kg of anti-ICOSL antibody 1B7, with single inhibitor treatment. The anti-BAFF peptibody, combination of anti-ICOSL and anti-BAFF peptibody, or isotype control intra- peritoneally two times per week for 6 weeks. A: Arthritis scores were evaluated two times per week. combination of anti-ICOSL and anti- B: Percent incidence is quantified when an animal achieved a score of one on any paw. BAFF inhibitors had greatly reduced arthritis severity and incidence com- Table I. Pharmacokinetics of AMG 570 in cynomolgus monkey. pared to the isotype, anti-ICOSL alone or anti-BAFF alone treatment (Fig. 4). Parameter AMG 570 AMG 557 Regimen 10mpk IV 10mpk SC 10mpk IV 10mpk SC Development of AMG 570, a bispecific molecule inhibiting Cmax (ug/ml) 323 90 264 112 Tmax (hr) 45 72 human ICOSL and BAFF AUC0-inf (ug*hr/mL) 33800 20300 26100 23800

We generated a bispecific molecule MRT0-inf (hr) 136 132 138 144 AMG 570 targeting human ICOSL and CL (ml/hr/kg) 0.303 0.491 0.388 0.427 BAFF. AMG 570 is a human IgG2 con- Vss (ml/kg) 42.5 52.1 taining two tandem copies of BAFF- inhibitory peptides to the C-terminus properties after administration in cyn- tion was detected on day 7 and reached of each heavy chain of anti-ICOSL an- omolgus monkeys. The intact AMG 570 maximal on day 28. Memory B cells tibody AMG 557. AMG 570 has a 28 was measured by capturing with plate- had a trend of increase on day 7, but pM Kd human ICOSL binding affinity bound BAFF and detecting with ICOSL- then reduced below baseline with maxi- and 1.36 nM IC50 in ICOSL mediated Fc, whereas the total AMG 570 level mal 50% reduction observed on day T cell proliferation cellular. AMG 570 was measured by anti-human IgG cap- 28. No significant changes in other im- has a 29 pM Kd human BAFF binding ture and detection. The intact AMG 570 mune cell population, including T cells, affinity measured by KinExA™ and level was similar as the total AMG 570 in peripheral blood were observed. The 0.86 nM IC50 in inhibition of BAFF level in serum, suggesting AMG 570 B cell reduction kinetics need to be fur- mediated B cell proliferation. remained active in circulating blood in ther examined in the repeat dose studies Since AMG 570 also binds cynomolgus cynomolgus monkeys (Fig. 5A). of AMG 570 in cynomolgus monkey monkey ICOSL and BAFF with 49.4 pM Pharmacodynamics effects on BAFF and in clinical studies. and 22.3 pM Kd respectively, AMG 570 inhibition in cynomolgus monkeys was tested in cynomolgus monkeys to were also investigated by monitoring Discussion understand the pharmacokinetic and the peripheral immune cell populations by SLE remains a disease indication with pharmacodynamics properties. Naïve FACS analysis. Significant reduction of high unmet medical needs. Given auto- male cynomolgus monkeys (n=4) were total CD20+ B cells in peripheral blood reactive T cells are critical for autoim- given a single bolus intravenous or sub- was detected on day 14 after single dose mune disease pathogenesis, we hypoth- cutaneous dose of 10mg/kg AMG 570. treatment of AMG 570 by either subcu- esise that addition of T cell modulator Pharmacokinetics properties of AMG taneous or intravenous administration to clinically validated BAFF inhibitor 570 were similar as the anti-ICOSL anti- (Fig. 5B). Total B cells reached approx- is likely to achieve efficacy superior to body AMG 557 in cynomolgus monkeys imately the maximal reduction of 50% Benlysta. ICOSL is required for TFH cell (Table I). We also examined if AMG 570 compared to baseline on day 28, and re- development, which is critical for B cell retains dual ICOSL and BAFF binding covered by day 56. Naïve B cell reduc- activation and autoantibody generation.

912 Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 2019 Development of ICOSL/BAFF bispecific for SLE treatment / M. Zhang et al.

Fig. 5. Single Dose AMG 570 PKPD study in cynomolgus monkey. Naive male cynomolgus monkeys (n=4) were given a single bolus intravenous dose of 10mg/kg AMG 570. A: Total serum AMG 570 was measured by anti-human IgG antibody capture and detection. Intact AMG 570 was measured by capturing with ICOSL-Fc capture and detection with biotinylated BAFF. B: Total B cells (CD20+) (C) Naïve B cells (CD20+CD27–) and (D) memory B cells (CD20+CD27+) in blood were measured by FACS analysis after treatment. B cell numbers at indicated timepoints after AMG 570 treatment relative to baseline for each animal was indicated. Red symbol represented intravenous administration. Green symbol represented subcutaneous administration. Shape represented individual animal. **p<0.01, *** p<0.001 student t-test comparison to baseline.

Compared to T cell inhibition by CT- target inhibition groups compared to observed in wildtype mice without ar- LA4-Fc, ICOSL blockage has moderate single target inhibition groups after thritis treated with complete Freund’s effect in inhibition of T cell activation, the discontinuation of treatment. We adjuvant. Given the larger size and dual therefore, is likely safe when combined speculate the dual ICOSL and BAFF target binding of the surrogate bispecif- with BAFF inhibitor for SLE or other inhibition had more profound effects ic molecule compared to the single in- autoimmune disease treatment. in autoreactive B cell and T cell inhi- hibitors, we speculate that the surrogate Treatment with either mouse surrogate bition in NZB/NZW mice, therefore bispecific might be more immunogenic ICOSL/BAFF bispecific or combina- further delayed the spontaneous lupus in the presence of potent non-specific tion were more effective in the inhi- development. Indeed, dual ICOSL and adjuvant such as complete Freund’s ad- bition of ant-dsDNA antibody, pro- BAFF inhibition by either surrogate juvant. The profound effect by the dual teinuria development and renal tissue bispecific or combination treatment ICOSL and BAFF inhibition in the col- damage compared to single ICOSL or had more significant inhibition in anti- lagen induced arthritis model suggest BAFF inhibition. Interestingly, both dsDNA antibody. ICOSL/BAFF bispecific may be used dual or single target inhibition had In addition to the lupus model, we for other autoimmune and inflammato- profound effects in the inhibition of also observed profound effect of dual ry disease treatments, such as rheuma- proteinuria development during the ICOSL and BAFF inhibition in the toid arthritis (RA). A novel T cell subset initial four months treatment period. collagen induced arthritis mouse mod- known as T peripheral helper cell (TPH) However, more sustained inhibition of el. Of note, high anti-drug antibody was recently reported expanded in the proteinuria was observed in the dual against the surrogate bispecific was synovium of RA patients and drove au-

Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 2019 913 Development of ICOSL/BAFF bispecific for SLE treatment / M. Zhang et al.

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