V rrsB TkWaHh*


EARL FLETCHER BECOMES LOCAL VETERANS MAKE liDySMITilES fflNNElPOLlS OF PIONEER JAPANESE POLICE APPEAL FOR DONATIONS UPRISING FEARED RAILROADS ARE LOCAL MUSIC HOUSE The Wayn and .Means Committee INIO FINAL FOR ISROCKiBY An Important change has taken USED SMS iD of the G,\V.V..\. append their finan- ALONG YANGTSE BLANEDFOR place in the management of the Geo. . ial stalemeiit for a ravement Dance A. Flet.her Music Company. The held on Wednesday, July 20lh'; _ CONNAOCHTCIIP EXPLOSIONS Fletcher Music House Is the pioneer CLUBSONSIRIKERS Receipts ...... JllTso KIANGMYER TilllGIITAXES music store in Nanaimo, as It is one Kx|H-ndllura Or.hcSlia ...... Ult.UO of the oldest businesses in the city. •Minneapolis. Aug. 1— Scores ItlotlnK Oc-urn-d at K..be on .Satur. Hauling 24.5u ld.DJ T.-III II.mJcUsl .U. Il«t Been As It stands It Is the creation of Mr. 1-al.or ...... 12 r.u 1„ Wlni>ll«K persons were Injured, three stores day In Wlili-li I'ltty PenioiiH George Fletcher and represents years \Vr.so team consequently wins the round persons had been treated at the Min- and a sanguinary clash oecurrod't^nl'solule yani vaUvd llupeli. nadians would look in v neapulli General Hospital, slit of J lake the position of nianagor discusnion lessening• ^nlng of the national debt or any by four goals to nil. and has demon- for Fletcher Bros,, iver. and day when disregarding thenbanunoni ''f''"' considerable / General Wn Del Eol commander ,lraled Us right to be dassed as the whom are Injure ___isly. Scores 7000 substantial reduction of taxation. had been taken to drug stores this posit ig. ol the guverntneut troops In Honan, problemblem today, heat aggregation seen in Winnipeg The It h« local ^ard" w^r^rs'l'an first aid and then to thetV homes. shrine. t has bei-n ordered to lead the ------__ an outgrowth of the in many seasons. The first explosion is believed to Fletcher store has fallen t Mr. Earl fed that If the pet^de combination of political and indns- Field who is now In full charge t The a. vance on Hupeh, while General hiB protested the game, have ■been caused by a short circuit iernple gate hy 5 ( i.:tng Tiuj Lin. governor of Man­ trial Interests which had been con­ charging that the Uidysmlth team nualness. .Mr. Earl Fletcher ha: trolling Canadian affairs for the last .er cable manhole, grown up in the business with ni cd with sabres a churia is diapalcUng troops from has been playing Bunday football which started In a large de­ wornde’-t i Then lore. we the members of the few years. If it were permitted to father and who Is thoroughly >ic tlie workmen ___ Mukden to aid the Northern forces. contrary to the d S’.A. conatitutlon. partment store, was confined to a .seriously. One hundred , .Nanaimo Itran.h. O.W.V.A. herewith small section and the damage was qualnied with every branch and cv.jry Canton. July 30—The conmltn- ”hink%- “““A Tbs protest has been wired to Dan nhuje of the trade. Is well known and called out to relnl ti. r.aUst Government here has Issued slight. police. rss; k: “.'“.KS.? rr "■KS-i McXein. president of the D.F.A. who generally liked, and there is nr dst these needy cases. Contribu- ii.K-.raciions to the provinces of Ho- iritb Secreury Roy Is at present In doubt at all that under his manage nan, Siechuen. Kwantung. Yunan Toronto. EXPRESS COMPANIES ARE ment the business of the Geo. A. Ptherwlsc desired, land Kwel Chow Fletcher Music Co. will continue flaying the characteristically Subscriptions Into hebe i„ t|,e seeking to abolish the mlltUry TO COMBINE OPERATIONS: expand and prosper. though the people I gcottlsh style of football, the Lady- President. Secretary or Treasurer of domination of the Yanktse Klang imitb team atarted to applypreasure the O.W.V.A. the bills When the government de­ RIt, r by forces operating under the cided to take over the railways. It right from the Initial wUlatle. and Peking government. was lu clear duty to have dissolved arly looked like adding to ihelr two- Troops from Honan and Ssechuen parliament and gone to the people goal lead esUbllshed on Thursday. Canadianidlan .National BxpressExoress Company!ComnanyjI yiCTOlM■tVlVlUll liUUi OFOUEENM province* are udvanevng on Hupeh, for an expression of their opinion on Regina played considerably better and by Howard C. Kelly, chairman oi NEXTIEIISG In addition, tbe-Canlon Government |Pollcy^ The _ merchant marine thaa In the previous game, hut fail­ the Board of Dlrectora of the Cana-1 also is dispatching forces from three also been ed to break the intricate combina­ dian Fhtpresa Company, thb announce j hrongh without reference to the CiRCe TAX CASE Ollier directions with Dr. Sun eople. The origins! appropriation tion adopted by the far westerners. *of “the”lwo co^paXS*wlli i OF COUNCIL TO BE Sun. bead of the Canton government . irder-ln-councll,Ml. and ,con­ The first goal came ai a snrprUe. Melbourne. Aug. 1—- Hon. Thor reported to be personally leading tracts were let without tenders be­ and was unfortunate In thla resp«K ATPRIVYCOICIL aa Joseph Ryan, former premier i division. ing called. Parliament was called that Ulng. the Regina back, headed Queensland, and lately acting leadi upon lo vole the money for obliga­ the ball into the net off the upright. ot the I.abor Party. » dead as tl ILD IN PARIS tions alrmdy entered Into. The Regina calamity followed a cor­ result of pneumonia which develop­ -There could be no solution of the railway problem nntll the combina­ ner klck'whlch BtoWbart turned Into cll today dismissed the appeal . ed from a chill sustained while tra- London, Aug. 1— -n.e British lllng on a train. Ryan waa ns- FIRSTOFFiALFOR tion of political and industrial forces the goal mouth. corporation of Victoria. B.C.. a Foreign Office today received a re­ now In control at Ottawa was broken The Saskatchewan team should the Bishop of Vancouver, raising t ting the Ijiborltes U t!,e bye-elec' ply from Premier Brland of France, up by the people at a general elec- have eqnalUed before the Interval, DNENPLOTINT question of whether land on whi Hon In Maranca. for the House of tlon. That It would be broken np Representatives. ♦ but Shepherd played phenomenaUj ithedral sUnds accepting the proposal tliat the next CONNAUGHT CUP when the people voted was certain. la goal. meeting of the Allied Supreme Coun- Publicity and honesty was needed In The second half was equally Inter- SITUATION IN e held ll> Parts ot. .\-jgust Sth. Canadian public affairs today, and OWLN TO MKEI ELKS. CAN.M)IAN EXPORTER RAN Premier Lloyd <’rge and Taird Cur- fhe one was not to be expected with­ esllag. both teams displaying mark­ ON WEDNESDAY out the other. ed aggresalveness. but lack of con­ The Owls and Elks will meet AGROUND DUT^G FOG ron. foreign secrctay. will uuend. Ti e lale-t tekgram from Upper B l- trol on the Regina attack, saw many CiADASERIOUS City League fixture on IN WILLAPA HARBOR cs'.a reporhs ihe sHuation quiet. ALTO RTRCOK BY TRAIN. opportanlUet go a-begging. FTnally Cricket Grounds Tuesday evei London. Aug. 1— Premier l.loyd Saskatoon. Ang. 1— Mr. Joseph Divles broke awsy^ rellevlag a per­ the following team being oeleeta Astoria. Ore.. An*. 1—With George waa cheered when he all parts of Canada are in attend­ Clarke, publisher of the Dundem iod ef post ji^re. aad dedglag imptm 43m> H«lr bjr awrtac Oaly represent the OwU: . Piper; ance at the n;inoal .mspting of the F.nterprlse, was teritmaly lajarwl pitcher. Allen; 1st base. Ferguson; quiet-sea, etvwdHI------Ihrongh the Itds I^ was pulled down Goods Made ta I early today for the Supreme Council In Paris when his aubynobllewss struck by a 2nd base. Killeen; 3rd base. I Dominion Football Asme. Bt. Mary's. OnL. Aug. S— The rjslly. being posaetsed of a aafe mar- bertson. Minister of Labor. tlon of I whole northern section of the to#n yin. waa threatened last night when fire •Since January 1. 1920. Federal from 12 to IB. along t •fhe Olympic Club brought Its The better team at all angles and coast, wss reported by Rev. C. J. completely destroyed the chopping provtBcUl and municipal govern- ac'nedul.- of Saturday night dance* u: mills of the St Mary's Mflll^ Com- Is every department won the day. Sedergren. of Minneapolis, and Rev. dose Saturday night in the Odd T^'O WERE KILLED F. Holjer of Sweden, mission­ Pi>ny. cansing a loss of ♦100,090, end Lsdyemlth cstrles with It the , 12.600.000 in unemployment n RING OF GREECE fellows' Hall, with an enjoyable fully covered by Insurance. . rtgregate good wlslres of Wlnnlpeg- let to needy people, and create aries who arrived here yesterday dance, about 75 couples being it. . . from Siberia, where they had In­ rers that they fetch back the enp need and greater demands are I tendance. Bennie's Orchestra which IN WEST VIRGINIA PRINCIPAL OK ODLCMBU sighL" said the Minister of Labor. tended to establish mission ststions, supplletl the music for all of the from Toronto. On Its return Jour, project they abandoned largelyfor COLLHOE DIED TODA g rey..the team will play United Wes­ .Neither Federal. provlncUl ne AT SCENE OF Olympic dances have secured as municipal authorities can hope I lack of transportatioD. gageroeut nearer their home ai Vancouver, B.C.. Aug. 1— Miss ton In Winnipeg. solve the probUm except with the The missionaries said a srge ilth. and this fact, together GUNBAnLEEllxaheth Alcorn, a noted education­ co-operation ol the people. Cana- three-masted Jspanese vessel bed warm weather, decided the ; ist lady and principal of Columbta BRITISH V.tCHT WOX. dian industries show a conUnned ______ibers of Japanese . ■lals to bring the dances College. New M'estmlnster. died here sDbstantial decrease In the and women at numerous polnU close nntll after the ummec se« following an operation. For twenty ' owes, iiie he .Northern Siberian coast, Ap- years she was a missionary In Japan. Creat Britain today won the ii ___employed. The true Moa of the existing :'hamb.-r*. a polR. yscht the Brltlah-Amertcan Mon; of the Veterans' Elec- Cup I, of Greece has enUred Eakl-Shchr. fn a gun fight In Uthe c^irtTo™se yirf lAlRD RK.W DIED ______tbarTn Jannary. ■20. I,, an Imporunt railroad Junction in - Bktry retarned at loon today here. T. C. Uvelye?y aaTfvateprivate deld[tU • TOD.AY IN BDINBUROIt polnl teen. from a buslnesi trip tc the Main. race engaged I fourt , different lines tomorrow night's meeUng Westers AoU MIiiot recently captur­ live, and four other persons wwere! Edinburgh. Aug. 1—^The death of - .Iday „ bind. Brill ______empk.loyed «5.: '.he local lodge Knighu of Pythl ed by lh« Oratt tbicM from Turkish arrested in connection with...... the shoot I>ord Reay (Donald Jamea Msekay) null racers ahead srs In conneeUon with the tIbU ...... was by tj poinu to 1 workmen, while in July, 1921. same firms bad only219.710 on ____e Courtenay Lodge will be die- cussed. Meiiibers of the local h and *^!«k mixistbr payrolls, a decrease of 75.780 s season when normsUy intending going to Courtenay SEVEN WERE fOLIED time under secretary for inijdla. DIBS IN CHURCn SetnrUay are urged to attend BIG He was the firstSt president| off the morrow night's meetlns. BY ELECTRICAL STORM Brillah Academyfrom 1901 1907. Pernle. Aug. 1—Rev. V. Mnrch- ereesed over winter 1 "»ak. paator of the Bemle Baptlat Mew Cork. Aug. 1— At least GOLNO TO VICTORIA — Lot ns There will be a general commit­ kiUed and many DANCE tee meeting of the Nanaimo Foot­ • Se______handles your paaaage. We moat all ______e for membership trains. Watch lor "Orange” Cara. ball Club tonight at 8 o’clock In the PASSPORTS NO swept various Company'soffice. It of the Chicago Board of Trade was sections of the eonntry. f^our of the Under Auspices of the lonnced t^sy. deaths are attributed to lightning. aw.v.A. LONCER NEEDED FORTMIVE YEARS AGa LAID AT REST. MACIUnANiA L«ll> VP. TO ns STATES The luetil of the late Mrs. As C. Newcastle the rr ee Pma. Aea. X IWe. .,jw York. Ang. 1— The stei WUSM Manreunis. damaged by fire re»t- took jOace Satorday after-1 kU ^uti.e, now reatde. aooB trom Hr. ». J- Jenkhss' Under-; Island Tl 5io*7 tl uklaa raoton. Bo*. Mr. Jhriag ofti-i meed tnOy. teorgMot waa ta tho Naao-> lUESOAY, AU6. 2nd. t'hs'dlriirenrieViu m in?.. - or. Tho polI-hOHwrs A REST BT THE BIPB OP THE HOAD. Waabiagion. Ang. 1— An tlv# order, fr ' i!;e «h>-ol. tW iialred. providos that I^uu'^T” ** TWENTT-FIVB IHAM AOa ta« Calnea mt the SVeW Prvwi. Aes- L IHOC. Old Benson l^med o^er me. blue, pu^le and gray. Ulands. Bout Plono dm. 75c. V Lufe*. 25c In the hate of the sunset's last glow, ■say ontor the Cattod Jens4»*h Qicbdstra. elt a bit weary and flnng myself donn thooa cooatrios wtthowt Where the fir ti ideality —"- When tired oot yon ft-.______Mr. aad Mrs. Like a reel by the side of Ue Band, diatM^vto tho Imaa^ berte pa»- «r, Mr. aad Hra. J. Just a rest by the side of the Road. mtt esrdaisrda ta dMooo ouboroUbor tor 44*^------Dtamtago. Mr. aad■ad Mr*.Mrs. O. 'Wss«b.-Wms lorwlota fiwtaiMta ththee UaMod Btatao ^ ^ ^ g. Msa Ttam. And there as I sat came the thoeht Ua Hr mM oaOT thaiota thso^ Oaaadtaa boi^ mtmm asta ta^y. Mrs. K. Bofri- That as we on Hfs's Journey do go. » ^ ______tmLjrnrn And mark ilka milestone that we leave behind Hr. aad------I. Aiox Toaag----- aad lb. Our records ol weal and of woe. aad Mrs. PataUolUo of BaattJeBaoulo aro ta XaSSJVISSJi When we see before ns a stiff brae to eUmb. Naaahae to tha eaarae ofr thtartkair am- tor toar olof iho laiaad. Hr. Get in Now— Whst“a dHf“swneVt't^.Sld make*T*we only eonid Uke whd M a 9 m BARGAW A wee rest by the side of the Road. «a^ City I ■am, IK dM Msh Chmwoith. 2ir.' Just a rest by the side of the Road. aad *raItra. HB JUBah..a c «... ___I. Mr. aad Hss- A. Whaaterotl. CitaafDiet, 1920 Model, t psa- ISe lb„ SIk. But life's burly burl> keeps driving ds on. itacsr. IHUe asad: looks Lha Mr mta Mas A i. Raadla. Mr add saw and Is parlaet coaCMoa. And the crowd behind never can v r of paar oar is la I tin Laagdoa (SMth WaHta«toa>. CHERRIES hr - S1.N If we ever Unger or try to look re It sagatalad % d- They eoon drive us oot o' tholr ga And few of ne evor can tpare e'en . _ sSBC- Tae glance back the path we have trod. Or think what Is beet as we stop tor a iwr , OW aah see. the a«wr IBtf Order Quick A wee rest by the aide of the Road. Jnst a reit by the aide of the Rond. And then my eyee feH on the brow of the hlU Whero Ood'e Acre caoM Into view. There loved onee are lying so peaoetsi and stiB NANAIMa;MEAT A K6DDCE CO. LTD. ^d troublei nae mair them can good. ;j^ere ott they have pamed theyHeap taOsly « BbK. * • NANAIMO FREE PRESS MONDAY. AUGUST I. 1921. SOLTH WELUNGTON non he nerved 88 Minlnter lo Gres; DOmWOM THEATRE Britain. Upon his return homo in and rangers DRW^ 1893 he entered the service of tlie Pullman Palace Car Company, and iiiG iku hlb mix .^T mtST MAU-- OP WbtK. DEPOSIT YOUR SAVINGS upon the death of George H. Pullman Mr. Uncoln succeeded him as pr.-st- dent of the corporation. Since William nmdy ProducUon “I;!'''" BIJOU retirement from active affairs aorae ,\l«> Uuster Kenton In Hant eraaM snrpriBiBglY. Pw example: years ago he has made his home - Lurk." TODAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY Washington. D. C. ,f si«"-r ilK' Ti-'-" i" Based on Thompson Buchanans Today’s AnmTenaiy. successful melodrama wi.ich created ■iS= -" v nl8 mme known all over the world, shown at the Dominion Theatre tor diirltm lh<- first iKill born at Cambridge, Mass. Died three days, beginning today. This „„ r.-suiniim Plav a t.-w • loiim-.s Home Jan. 7. 1882. melodrama picture was proiluced THE CANADIAN BANK 1819—Herman Melville, who .Sew York recently and Is fame by his books on South Sea life. by presg and public to he one of tbs ' OF COMMERCE Iporn In New York city. Died there • irougest pictures of the season Hilly Held, a young Pji't'®,. and in f'-.v mlnutos ...... ^^831 —King George IV. sailed for lary lo a wealthy .New ^ ork .Xfi'-r secretly marries his employers visit to Irclsntl. ir. .iipl NANAIMO BRANCH. E.«4BlrA Mmnagtr. 1874 —A statue of Joseph Priest, daughter. lalph Sluyvesuni. son «r .. ball 1 ley. the discoverer of oxygen, was the broker. Is enamored of Murio unveiled at Birmingham. England, Barrlsford. an adventuress, ai allowed "ibis m-.il’ much hy Prof. Huxley. gratify ber whim, ue lorges pleasure or the spectators In Ics- powers, either contracting 1886 —An aerolite weighing falhcr's name to u check. Tom ,0 ten mlnnfes the ball w .s asaln nou. JealousOf Billy, with the aul shallSD.., be ...... w-Involved In war.- inIn noieu.«. pounds, fell near Sandusky. O ^alous or wiu>. - ■ Ihe net. only to lie again .llsallow- of Its terrltorlsl rlghU or special In- ' 1889 —German Emperor with' hla Halaiph., shiftsshins iheme maiur u*. 1 This «as too mmli for fleet arrived at Spithead on a visit a .... given nt the Stuyvesant home NanaimoFree Press terests meniioneamentioned inIn the fpreamble—--- I ,iect arrived at Spithead on joritv of I be sperialors. s (I.e.. in the regions of eastern Asia to Queen Victoria. Burnett shoots and kills the broker Mhoni left tlie field, toil the major- «td India), the other contracUng 1896—Opening of the new 800- ami circumstances pointing at him. remained. to tell the refreve it.4 party will at onca come to the a*- foot lock in the Saulte Ste, Marie Billy Is arrested and eonvicied of the uncertain terms. ntial tliov, crime. He Is saved from ti.e cha r of lU aUy/* CftBflls ------, . thought of his work as an arbitra-! The treaty Is thus defensive In 1919—^Troops nuppressed the ran by a ruse through the efforts of h^ wife and Burnett Is brought to Jds* character and leaves It open to the riots In Chicago, afier 36 pershii During the .second, i.alt the Hang-j allynot first Involved In the war, to had been killed. . s plav improve,1 t-onsiderably. " ‘ "'There are Innumerable thrilling decide whether the war was or was they bad most of'the play, and Monday,August I, 1921. not Hue to unprovoked and aggres­ situations in the development of the D m Ye*r Ago Totby. tainly deserved n ore ti an a draw. sive action on the part of an outside story all of which bave Been adm r- If the execBlive,„of the footbal. ANGIXI-JAPANKSB thkati . belUEerenL Italy exercised a sim­ -Brest-ldlovsk reported Cdptureln» tliii Green Bay today to mark the c...- Bggresalre action, wherever arising under President Arthur. Tlurlng ll referee giving the decision to Olsen -n the part of any other power or administration of President Hart tennial of the emigration of the On­ : (> iit-nei II. c eida tribe to Wisconsin from 1 a foul. w... SF, ...... |C‘ve any In- The bout between______Billy Sharp and formillon. ii«T»onaUy or throuch York. I harlle HardcaslleHardcaslle.le. brought to- the mail twithout ohUgMtion). GEO. B. SEITZ With President Harding and many gether., a„ couple____ ofclever c boys. They other distinguished guesU In atten­ ccrtalnl: the R. P. CLARK & CO., LTD. dance. with the presence of a num­ their ley. irp gained the MrmWn. II. 1.^ llonU lirnirr.- ber of American and foreign war­ cislonI ini'/,, POl^------The------seml-wlndup Autsfflolile losorance Jory 1006 Broad St. Pemberton Bldg ships as an added attraction, today between Miller and Jory was a Victoria. B. C. OOLUSIOIT INSURANCE. farce, as neither of them showed any is planned,,------JU lUto UBbe lUCthe biggest day. Phone 5600-5601. Also Van “Velvet Fingers” ThU is the class of Insurance most necessary for the average - V Mai signs of being boxers. They slug­ drirar. and Is nsually carried In conJuncUon with fire and theft the celebration at Plymouth. Maas., ged away for a couple of rounds and in uonor of the 306th anniversary of then Miller laid down, and claimed a the landing of the Pilgrims. foul. He was counted ont and the decision given to Jory. r aUUnnanr. Todhy’t GMu *f Srorts. The main event between Johnny Toonerville Comedy What driver can evade the following: Race meeting at Devonshire Park. Morgan of Ladysmith, and Dan Gib­ L A blow out. throwing the car Into ditch, where car col- bons of Vancouver, was worth the Windsor. Ont rice of admission and then some. In . 2. Brakes do not work on a hlU. ear Isnvea the road and U International alx-metor yacht ra­ )nd round Morgan broke hla AUaiON SALE The Skipper’s damaged. il for Brltlsh-Amerlcan Cop. at umb. The fight was stopped .iivu wuiii 8. Another car runs Into yon. to'romove the bandages. MorganMo by auction 4. An axle breaks, car hiu something as a reanlt; and any ^'y^ng Oradwell and Frankie gamely continued and had Gibbons number of other accidents thst drivers cannot possibly avoid. Britt box 12 rounds at Pall River. plainly guessing There la no doubt PINK ’UN HOTEL, BRECHIN Boozem Friends The BrlUah-American Astnraace Company will write col­ that he would have gained the de­ lision imnnet on any car at lowest rates, sdjustmenu blade BCRSLAXS 8.UD TO DEHIRE cision had he bad the use of both Tnesdaj, August 2nd, 1921 at hands. The Judges' decision ws Ford Car Collision (»25.00) dodnclabla------„..|24.00 ORDERLY GOVERNMENT Bw and was heartily joncurret 2 o’clock pjn. Studebaker------»«1 00 Riga. Aug. 1— The Russian popu­ the .several hundred tans pres lation Is tired of bloodshed and the whole contents of bis household worked two innings, h counter-revolutions and wanU effects consisting of Kitchen Range. lowed by younger plWw a the owner of a ear take theee chances when proiettlon more moderate form of soviet l 24 kitchen chairs. 6 bureaus and e had for the aho stands. 7 bed.s complete. 2 carpel ernment, according to Emerson . squares,.nn.ro. pillows,..moo...... comforters...... Cleveland. Aug. 1—Old-time pro- Jennings, prealdent of the America,.SDEfELOPlNTSlN heaters. 2 tollw sets. 1 secretary, Commercial Association for the Pro­ rosewood rocfceiluccr. cocoa mats, whom played with Cle'---- Rudd Mitchell & Co. motion of Trade with Ruasla. who lounge, .'i-ijlece parlor set, 1 Can hack as 1879. Saturday defeated has returned to Riga after apend-ng■ PEICEWTIAW (like------I. 1 cabinet ph...,n- team of veteran sandlotteri, II to 6. six months In Moscow. ------and records. 1 French plate the event being one of the features mirror (616 ft. by 4 ft.).ft ). 1l bar mlr- of Cleveland’.s 1 CASTOR lA I2), 1 refrigerator. 3 small celebration. Cy m£NT.—..... window.....a..aw shades.rjiauvD. 3.> oilOil heaters.Qeaiers, For Infant* and Chfldr« pitcher who ever \ 6 slop ljuckftU. 1 Jap Writinjf deMk. 1 Square Bd. rugs, glasses, step lad­ Jor league games, went lo Uie box In U»*ForOw30r^ at the outset of tha contest, with AlUioughICl.'.l.K'' HinnCMUl. KolneniS-C-IUC.C. Differ B«- der. bu'kets. racks, dishes, klt^ Alwajw bears apecUng (kmcewiiuns lo Be and pantry utenslla. - Chief Zimmer, his old catcher, be­ mended From England. hind the bat. Each to well ove Branaiutaof * DOMINION K FREE RIDE- Cara Ittuve Post Office years at age. This famous old London, Aug. 1.—Developments In for Sale TuoMiay peace negotiations between Premier 1:15 o’clock. Lloyd George and leaders of the Irish Republicans are Imminent, it Terms of Sale: Cash, A Little Glewn of Tune Be- was reported here today, but the rpnooucnoN tweea Two Eternitie*. Government leaders refused to lift williamA.Bradv the veil of secrecy. Thoogh DO one may know It was admitted In Sinn Fein quarters there was considerable dif­ things It to made of! The ference of opinion among members fmm top and IhO botuim. the body of the Blnn Felners respect" ceselons to be demanded fr SILVER SPRING and arral. the Mrife. Ihe love land. .Some members were leclared and the glory. All woven to be adhering resolutely to a de­ mand tor full national Indepedence Trayal of one of the greatest and predictions were made that the melodramas ever stiigtol. meeting of the Dali Eireann when m beer held would probably develop some — - still opposition to leaders who are revolved to adopt ------measure. 11 was malaAined. however. De now ON SALE APARAMOUhiV PICTURE Valera and his fthmedlate colleaguet retainedi^u comrr.lcuuiroi ofoi theme situationfiiiuauon andana U.'/xn1f1 jam^eros OKaa ws.l.. ablesta ^9 ass's««««smaw- m carry the principle of compro- W.BURNIP against the demands of ex- ALCTIONEEU JOSEPH M. SCHENCK Presents The Local Government VendoT*8 Store Free Preu Block

Buster Keaton NEW UDYSiTi llBEi CO., LTD. When You Call at the Vendor'i Store ^ (Tlie Sombrt^Faced Comedian), in ASK FOR SILVER SPRING. The same beer as was made before tbe war and has no equal on the market today. “HARD LUCK’ Manufacturers of Fir and Brewed on Vancouver Island. mm Two Tko ad Feet of Smileo-Fniuuer Than the Funniest Joke. Cedar Lumber ADDED-- : SILVER SPRING jOX NEWS TOPICS OF THE DAY BREWERY. Ltd. ■ • Regalar Prices Regular Prices HEAD OFnCE-______• — • .RAHADK). B. C f J ■na A^ FREE PRESS MONDAY. AUGUST I. 1921. After Every Meal NANAIMO BASEBALLERS NOTICK TO THJ8 PUBUC LOST THE RRST GAME; rhe following hours will be oh NANiUlN CAFE GET DRAW IN SECOND ved by all City Barber Shops on MEATS 1 after Tttursday. July J8. IBSl. Vancouver Loncsboremen Week-days except -Wednesday. -6.3s Mey. T«nf Jnim ...... a visit to Nanaimo yesterdar. p.m-v Saturdays, 9 p.m.; Wednes­ days. 12 noon.. and their liaaeball team played two 1, crates < cnmes on the Cricket Grounds with WRKUYS other enclosures. Bo--O,r4^d.p.w..hog Sealed Ti^ht A Kept Ridht ii.e local boys. They crossed tho TOb •The rtentlon of live fish In boats, KUlf In a special boat, which was crates or other enclosures. In any ODENNELL BROS. considerably behind time In arrivlna, If not call at tha waters of British Columbia, is pro­ MKS.S.WELU havinB met head winds all the wa> ISKUCANTlsK CTCLB SHOF hibited. provided, however, that ^ C«reUSlrMl Prop. id aoa our Mock of Parfacl. Canadti Hy»lop and Mlatnma Ulcyclea. same may bo retained alive In a PkMt m 0 carry all bicycle and motor a fishing boat during fishing opera­ tions on the fishing grounds and The afternoon came waa remark­ while In transit from slid grounds able for the heavy hitting and num- to the market." BOARDERS WANTED hnr of errors credited to both sides. July Irst class roffnu and board la .Viinalmo won the game In the secono YOVIl FAMILY and YOCR DOd locality. Rales reoaonabla. hatting rally, only to Ihrov BUBINR88 away later by a series of fumbles demand adequate insurance and muffs, hut the game was Inler- protection. Bee the INSUR­ ANCE MEN. MaPridessuSM iHtlng in a way. as the teams ' B.CCS. i We rebore the cylinder block, fit I-laylng about the same brand

on Saturday by the prompt action or Tom Parkinson, a twelve-year-old NOW ON SALE FOR PRESERVDIG youth who. fully dressed, plunged Odds and Ends in Seasonable Wash Goods Into the water, rescuing Rogers who in difficulty. Loganberriet, per ertte...... $2.25 ALBIMS Wa wUI call for and delUer your Apricots, per cute ...... work. Phone S46 Pelsley Dye OUR PRICES ARE VERY REASONABLL Worka Bound in genuine leather and JAIS cloth. Ton should have-one The FreberteU will leave Ande^ jn’s boat house tor the O. W. V. A. Perfect Seal. pmts. per dozen...... $1.«5 to keep those photos of your Plain Colored Voiles in pink. nile. old rose, maize, grey, outing this .umu;er. sand, old gold: soft and dainty for summer dresses. 39 Perfect Seal, quarts, per dozen...... ^$2.10 Phone 221 Extension Jitney inches wide. Selling at...... 75c a ywH your picnic parties. The beat and Prices 85c to $6.50. comfortable Jitney In town. *' Special value in Rr.TOle Voile (ot ie«e«. bloo». ^ RUBliERS 39 inches wide. Reg. $1.25 yd. Selling at. yd... ,75< Malkin’s Best. 2 dozen...... 25c Juvenile Cloth, an ideal material for Children’s ifompeTs. leather to match, cord tires Dresses. House Dresses, etc. In galatea. stripes of pink numerous extras, price only *258P. C. A. Bate. Cbapel etreet. and white, blue and white, and navy and white. 31 inches wide. Selling at. per yard...... 45c THOMPSON GOWlEiSTOCKWELL VAN HOUTEN’S bouse for O. \^Tiite Pique, the popular wash material for summer wear. BeuU Drac BCosa. Newcastle Island. Tui .27 m. wide. Selling at...... 35c a ywd 1.15 o’clock and ou. 2 Fine Quality Pique. 32 in. wide. Selling at 90c a jar4 Chevrolet 1920 Model B-passenge car. little used, looks and runs llk( White Du.k Suiting, fine satin finish. Splendid for suiU. a new car. Price for quick sale onl: GARDEN H08B —Don’t l«t T»ur $686.00. C. A. Bate, Chape! street. - middies, etc. 29 in. wide. Selling at... . 90c a yarf *«rd«parynp. Keep It will o..t..UO.. _____ 'l->' ^ Here U » berfiOn lot ot Oerden Colored Drill Suitings, 29 in. wide, in shades of pink, saze SL. |Ts«end fS.00 for 50 f*t at Don’t forget the Foresters’ weekly whist drlre Tuesday night. 3t and copen. Selling at...... 55c a yarJ Morton Broe., U4. 71-lf We guarantee alj o«r nsed ears U Fine Perede Suitings in pink, old rose and jade, ■ DRESSHAIDRESSHAKHK Phone 1007 Whin Banc ter roar s thoroughly orerhanled and la i With the Insullatlon of a ref rig cuss condition. For sate on rea ator in the Government Uquor pretty for summer suits, middies, etc. io m wide. IE mob■ miujMUJeAK picnic parUee. Bast and most com­ able terma. Sampson Motor Co. ore on Commercial street. Cascade Price, per yard...... 50c usCIS C«»«e*alCuaiiiiMrtol Ot. Pbene 10 modious cars In town. «8-tt ■and U. B. C. Beer can now be secur­ McLaughlin 1922 ModeU are here ed right oft the Ice. Wo ynarantoeall our used for yonr Inspection. MssUr Six now * HemeUtcWM Sd Picot Bdalna. b« thoronfhly oTorhauled and In first .Mr. and Mrs. T. W'. Brennand. cUss condition. For sale on «eason- selling for only 12410. cord lire the city du sble terms Sampson Motor Co. S3-U at. C. A. Hate. Chapel St. course ot their tour of the ^weaL E WANTBD—A teacher for Mondtain ing their stay in Nanaimo Mr. and 3 Fsppriallv Good Lines in Men’s Underwear We allow the biggest price possible Mrs. Brennand aree the_____ guests of Mr. School. Saury 11020 a year. Ap- when exchanging your old car for a and Mrs. C. O. Stevens, Falrvlenv. p,y A. J. McMillan. aw Ford. Samson Motor Co. 5S-tf lERWEAR RIBBED UNDERWEAR Bwt WelUnaton. STANHELD’S UNDERWEAR GREY UNI Engage Hodgson end Stobbart for Ill-Wool Under- Heavy Ribbed Underwear In Mrs. Larsen of Cedar Cottage. plcalce. Phones 400 and 549. 62-U The celebrated St.infleld’s Heavy Grey. / VancouTer, la over from the Main­ Underwear for men. A new wt-ar-lhe l nd«irwear so many a wool and cotton mlxtuifc land Tlsitlng her mother. Mrs. A. T. shipment just taken into stock. have been aaklnit for. A splen- This underwear is called the WANTCT>-BxperleBeed In a medium weight and In the weight anA quality for Nova Scotia and baa always Apply «17 Hecato atre< natural shade, thl.-- underwear, ...me wear See this new stock. been a great aeller. There an For InformaUon apply to J. H. 1 range. Price, all sixes to select from. Prlee, Harwood. Secretary MedI cal Com- ...... $2.00 per garment ... .'...... $IJW 92-6t Have your Ford repairs done t““. ;.rg7r ‘rnt-‘” mittee. Sampson Motor Co. at a fixed labor Price, per garment...... $1.75 ^ IgSi-S© charge. 6$-tf CARD OK THANM. Holland Linen Mr. A. C. Wilson and famUy wish MEN’S FELT HATS at $3.50. FOR SALE—Two compute beds, lo extend their heartfelt thanks to The Nanaimo City Football team WOMEN’S PUMPS at $2.35Pair. ras defeated In Vancouver by the one child's crib, one bnroan, one The StotieBefy de Lne. each and ereryone w%o helped to 20 dozen Men’s Felt Hats, in the cheer and extend a welcome hand in ;eltic8 on Saturday last by 2 goals Women’s and Growing Gris’ White For those who are par­ this their sad hour of losing a Canvas Pumps with leather soles These newest styles and shades, and in all ticular about their stationery wife and loving mother. sizes. These haU are especially good KUABU Boioit serAR CO. With tbe insullatlon ot a refrig­ Pumps are in high and low heel styles. they will find thU line strictly FOR SALE—Goat, 8 flneet on I erator in the Government taquoi Included in this lot are Mary Jane Instep Felts and in the lot you vrill surely find within their desires. Nanny. 8 months old. and kid ore on CommcrcUl strwt. Cascade one to please at this surprisingly low months old. Snap If sold at mce. Id U. B. C. Beer can now be secur- Strap Pumps. Sizes 2/2 to 7. Reg. ariB«oa**^rss *»d CleanUa Carbon price of ...... $3.50 ^elopes...... 25e Apply 26 Free Press. 9i-2t I right off $4.00. To Clear at...... Writing Pads...... 50c Have your Plumblwg Repairs at­ Boxes...... 75c tended to by a Practical Ptanaber. Estlmatee glv Wedaesday Weeley-ly Street, Fboaa BOBT. rCTICETOOURCUSTOMERS^^re^a ■« SA»AMDOUm Kum PavilioB The FMfbertell will leave Ande WOOD-CQAL J.B.H0BUNS son’s boat house for the Q. W. V. . Dvraam WEDNESDAY. ADGVBT S Dance on Newcastle lalend. Tne Store and Haater-*c»c« Ptoto. Dance starU at 9 pjn. day. trom 8.16 o’clock sad on. 8 TeLM. H.WI Boat! leave Reliable Boat House at 8.80 up till 11 p.m. AR our Ford repair work U gUA^ Jensen’s Orchestra In at- anteed at a tUad Ubor charge. SPECIALS Sampson Motor (U. 88-ti David Spencer, Limited OenU Bl.OO. Mdtoe 0Oc Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Calder- Including boat fare. Tickets head of Vancouver are spending a at PavOion 80c and 80c. few dayslays withwl__ relatli____ and friends SfXn.YY’H ILISEIIAU.. Dancing conducted under the inalmo. Duringduring ttheir visit they VdNrHabIt strlcteat supervision. ______of Mr. C'uVcago 2. Philadelphia 10. r«wM, to gus McKenile. Hecate St. Louis 4. Brooklyn■ooklyn 2. »ch l«t> Mtol Cincinnati...... 8-4.. Neww YYork 7-3. V"" Special ^‘■:‘‘;?:!^'‘i^n;Vei;jnd2. Intcmatlonitl U-nguc— I Buffalo 4. Syracuse 3. Tea Pols. reg. 85c for 68e MAGNET WHERE ART AND SCIENCE COMBINE Jersey <’lty 0. Reading 10. Cups and Saucers, reg. Furniture $4 doz. for. doi. %IM Science is knowledge of process. Science is do’iiif tbrongh knowiunf the best iwLimi Store 15% Reduction on Hoat Art is the course taken when the r iphsL t are unknown. Art is r

NIeol St.. Opp. Kirw HMI dehg when science catmot tell how.ln the bulding of BBINGFKESHWE and all Garden Tools. PbMM IIB. Canada*s Greatest Piano TOT0ENORIH B. IncludMl In New HortUv byV ' We Are AgenU for the Komoes |jifin-.\iiierlc»n Line. Next 15 Dsja McCLARY STOVES Marsballs Seatlle, Aug. I— Announcement of< regular monthly .Hailings from be- I full line of Stovee and II Con attle to Latin American porta by a SneeeMor to Hargreaves. Ubenl dbceob (er CBsk M V, fleet of live aleamern to be known t the Lalin-Amerlran Line. , was lade yesterday by H. H. Hammer, Ik Imtc b bvff Bad variad representing the V’niversal Shipping A Trading Company, which has ob- itodc to ^eeae fraaL Uined the northern agency. The line Is hacked by the A. O. Llmlvlg interests of Norway, a .pow­ erful corporation which has been In­ terested In trade from this port for many years. PRESERVING 1892 1921 Starting the line will be the .Nor­ wegian steamer Baja Calltornln. lony, trades to Mexican Coast portn. on September 25. Following will be Iho Sinaloa, sister ship of the Baja J.H.G00D&C0 California, and then will come three APRICOTS larger and newer craft, the Romulus Regulus and Remus. October 1, No- % vetaber 1 and December 1. respec­ tively. Annual August New Trade for Port. Tbe Baja California and Sinaloa 161b. and 171b. Grates e of 2,750 tons net each, while the other three run 7,300. 7.000 and 6.- Furniture Sale !)0 tons each reepecUvely^ Inauguration of the new line will We want all our old-time cus­ ir the first time since before the $1.85 Each that elusive thing called Art and that practical thing called science join forces and ar. place Seattle In direct tomers. also all nw arrivals to produce a triumph for both. lunkatlon with ports on the Mexl- take advantage oif this 1921 But it is only after you have nm your fingers over the scale of this great Canadian in. Central American and South PLACE YOUR ORD^ NOW. ' . • AugUEt Sale. American Coasts for sUlpmenU of all instrument that you appreciate its remarkable qualities of tone and delightful action. kinds. The trade of these ports, Winters’ ink costs money—we The superiority of the Gerhard Heintzman Piano has been recognized in the Dominion heretofore almoet entirely shipped for more than 50 years. Today it is first in the hearts of Canada’s music lovers— from San Francisco, represents mil­ ------THREE STORES ^ intesd to lions of-dollars a year and Is just as it was in the earliest days of Gerhard Heintzman history. trade for Seattle. LET. AUGUST SELLING PRICES Look around as much as you please, but by all means see and hear the Gerhard Lumber and flour cargoes from Heintzman Fiano before you finally decide on anyparticular make. the North to tbe larger ot these ports, have not been uncommon, but Malpass & Wilson GROCETERIA SALE DISTRIBUTORS IN NANAIMO Commercial Street Phw has not been offered before. It is the belief of Mr. Hammer and A. Mathew, the vice president of the ITnlversal Company, who today J. B. Malpass Mal^i^M^ Wilson ^ G. A, Fletcher Music Co. closed for the agency tor all Sound -ports and British Columbia, that “NANAIMO’S MUSIC HOUSE” considerable trade can be built up. ALBBRT 8T. ’ vaav.wiTTM’wni m. The general agency for the line Is Phone 807. 22 Commer^ Street, Branch Sforei: being handled by R. S. Silva & Co. of Dry Goods 860 NANAIMO, B. C. CUMBERUND and COURTENAY San Francisco. Mr. Silva formerly