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1-1953 Fuller Library Bulletin - January-June, 1953, No. 17, 18 Library, Fuller Theological Seminary

Wilbur M. Smith

Arnold D. Ehlert

Clara B. Allen

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ISSUED QUARTERLY BY THE LIBRARY Fuller Theuluqical Seminary PASADENA, CALIFORNIA The FULLER LIBRARY BULLETIN is issued quarterly by the Library of Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, California. Joint Editors: Wilbur M. Smith, D.D. Arnold D. Ehlert, Th.D., Librarian Assoc. Editor: Clara B. Allen, B.L.S., B.R.E., Assistant Librarian Address all correspondence to The Librarian, Fuller Theological Seminary, P.O. Box 750-M, Pasadena 19, California.

COVER PLATE Bishop was born in 1820 in Williamsburg, , and died in 1903. He was elected President of Drew Theological Seminary in 1870, and was elevated to the bishopric of the Methodist Episcopal Church in 1872 in .

He has written, among other things, Beyond the Grave, 1879; Centenary Thoughts,

1884; Christian Purity, 1869; Recognition of Friends in Heaven, 1878; Unity of

Episcopal Methodisms, and a set of doctrinal works entitled Studies in Theology.

The symbol in the bookplate of Bishop Foster would be defined somewhat as follows: argent a chevron gules between three hunting horns stringed, stag's head erased. The chevron between three huntington horns is characteristic of the Foster arms, and may be seen on tombstones in the buring ground at Charlestown, Mass. SOME RECENTLY PUBLISHED (1950-1952) BIBLIOGRAPHIES IN BOOKS OF BIBLICAL INTERPRETATION, THEOLOGY, AND CHURCH HISTORY

by Wilbur M. Smith, D.D.

The following bibliography is suggestive, not exhaustive. Though in Southern California we have great universities and correspondingly great libraries in most fields, theological libraries here are nothing to boast of. Had I been able to draw up this list in Chicago or at Princeton, in City or in the vicinity of Boston, it would be much more exhaustive. The year 1949 has not been included in the compass of this list, and this I regret, for some bibliographies of outstanding importance were published then. Before entering upon the bibliography proper, I think we should note the appear­ ance of the third and last volume of Donald Wing’s great Short-Title Catalog of Books Printed in England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, and British America, and of English Books Printed in Other Countries, 1641-1700, by which we now have available, in an alphabetical arrangement of authors, practically a complete catalog of all books published in Great Britain and America from 1475 to 1700. It has been announced that a special volume indexing this vast work by subjects is being prepared.

BIBLIOGRAPHY Some publications that are strictly bibliographical bear directly upon our subject; e.g., "The Bibliography of Periodical Literature on the Near and Middle East,” prepared under the direction of Dr. Sidney S. Glazer, consultant in Near East Biblio­ graphy in the Library of Congress, reprinted quarterly from the Middle East Journal; also the monthly publication of the Zion Research Library entitled "New Books of the Zion Research Library” (120 Seaver St., Brookline 46, Mass.). The Publisher’s Circular, Ltd., of 171 High Street, Beckenham, Kent, England, began its publication of supplements with 4000 Books on Religion, Classified, Arranged Under 70 sub-divisions. This also contains extensive advertising material. There is no hint, as far as I can see, as to the principles upon which these books were selected. Most of them, I would judge, are late publications, and are almost exclusively British. A Selected and Annotated Bibliography of Books and Periodicals in Western Lan­ guages, Dealing with the Near and Middle East, with special emphasis on medieval and modern times, edited by Richard Ettinghausen. Prepared under the auspices of the Committee on Near Eastern Studies of the American Council of Learned Societies, and Published by the Middle East Institution, Washington, D.C., 1952. pp. viii, 111. The author index of 24 columns would seen to indicate that there are about 1400 items in this valuable bibliography. While it does not relate exclusively to Biblical and theological material, there should be included here a publication issued by the British Museum in 1952, which I picked up in London last summer, The Catalogs of the British Museum: Vol. I, Printed Books, by F. C. Francis, Keeper, Department of Printed Books, British Museum. 40 pp. The following is chiefly a list of bibliographies in books on Biblical subjects, and in periodicals. 3 GENERAL RELIGIOUS BIBLIOGRAPHY

Basic Book List of Religious and Inspirational Titles. Religious Publishers Group. New York: Religious Publishers Group, 1950. 12 pp. "Books to Put to Work,” by Wilbur M. Smith. This bibliography covering such subjects as Christian Doctrine, Apologetics, the Bible and Archaeology, the Per­ son and Work of Christ, Bible Study, Biographies of Famous Christians, Mission­ ary Activities, etc., was first published in His, the official magazine of the Inter- Varsity Christian Fellowship in this country, in 1947, was completely revised and appeared again in the issue of April, 1951. This revised edition has been separately published by the Inter-Varsity Fellowship in an 18-page brochure. "Fifty Outstanding Religious Books;” Presented by the Book Selection Committee American Library Assn. Religious Books Round Table, 1950-1951. Library

Journal, Sept. 1, 1951.

A Guide to Christian Reading. London: Inter-Varsity Fellowship, 1952. In my opinion, this is the most important bibliography of Biblical and theological material of our generation constructed from a conservative viewpoint. Almost 1500 volumes are listed, with author, title, publisher, date, and sometimes page num bers, with an occasional brief word of comment. The material is well classified under 58 headings, arranged under 9 major divisions — the Bible, the Old Testament, the New Testament, Systematic Theology, Doctrine, Apologetics, the Practice of Christianity, Church Flistory, Foreign Missions — concluding with a select list of basic works, pp. 110-117.

Guide to Reference Books, by Constance M. Winchell. Chicago: American Library Association, 1951. pp. 122-147. The classification of reference books under "Religion” here is as follows: General Works, the Christian Religion (about two-thirds of the entire section), Non-Christian Religions, Mythology, Popular Customs and Folk Lore, Holidays. This is the seventh edition of the invaluable work originally compiled by Isador Gilbert Mudge.

"Lenten Reading List, 1947-1950.” Publishers Weekly, Feb. 22, 1947; Feb.14, 1948; Feb. 26, 1949; Feb. 18, 1950.

List of Books for Theological Libraries. Prepared by a number of educators in this country and put together by Professor Terrelle B. Crum of the Providence Bible Institute. The data in each entry includes only author, title, publisher and date. The publication embraces 141 quarto pages. "Outstanding Religious Books,” Presented by the Book Selection Committee, American Library Association Religious Books Round Table. Library Journal, Sept. 1, 1950.

BIBLE - GENERAL "Annotated Bibliography on Biblical Interpretation,” by Wolfgang Schweitzer.

Interpretation, July, 1950, pp. 342-357. "Biblical Interpretation in Recent Periodicals,” by Samuel L. Terrien. Interpretation, January, 1951, pp. 90-102.

Bibliography of Bible Study for Theological Students. Princeton Theological Seminary Library. Princeton: The Library, 1948. 85 pp. "A Bibliography of the Influence of the Bible on English Literature,” by Wilbur M. Smith. Fuller Library Bulletin No. 9-10, January-June, 1951, pp. 2-15. Additional titles in No. 11, July-September, 1951, p. 5.

Book of Thirty Centuries, by Stanley Rypins. An Introduction to Modern Study by the Bible. New York: Macmillan, 1951. pp. 347-350. 4 Changing Concepts of the Bible; a Psychological Analysis of Its Words, Symbols and Beliefs, by Werner Wolff. New York: Hermitage House, 1951. pp. 413-434.

Methodical Biblical Study, A New Approach to Hermeneutics, by Robert A. Traina. New York, 1952. pp. 267-269.

Plants of the Bible, by Harold N. Moldenke. Waltham, Mass.: Chronica Botanica, 1952. pp. 259-274. This bibliography has 605 entries, and while each different edition of a work referred to is given separate enumeration, one can still say with­ out hesitation that this is the most exhaustive list of volumes on Biblical botany that has appeared in our language.


The Books and the Parchments, by F. F. Bruce. London: Pickering and Inglis, 1950. pp. 237-242. These bibliographies are arranged according to the chapters of the book.

English Versions of the Bible, by Hugh Pope. St. Louis: Herder Book Company, 1952. The vast bibliography in this volume extends from pp. 686-717, listing approxi­ mately 900 items.


Ancient Near-East Texts Relating to the Old Testament, by James B. Pritchard. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 1950. In this magnificent work, invaluable bibliographies precede every major section, and sometimes there is additional bibliographical data in the footnotes.

Growth of the Old Testament, by Harold H. Rowley. New York: Hutchinson, 1950. pp. 175-179.

Introducing the Old Testament, based upon John R. Sampey’s Syllabus, by Clyde T. Francisco. Nashville: Broadman, 1950. pp. 235-242.

Lore of the Old Testament, by Joseph Gaer. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1951. pp. 339-369- The Old Testament and Modern Study, Essays by Members of the Society for Old Testament Study, edited by H. H. Rowley. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1951. There are very important bibliographies for the following chapters: Pentateuchal Critic­ ism, pp. 82-83; The Prophetic Literature, pp. 160-161; the Psalms, pp. 207-209; The Wisdom Literature, pp. 235-237; The Textual Criticism of the Old Testa­ ment, pp. 259-263 (very comprehensive); Hebrew Religion, pp. 309-310; Old Testament Theology, pp. 344-345.

"Old Testament Literature, 1949,” by David N. Freedman. Interpretation, January, 1950, pp. 78-88.

"Old Testament Literature, 1950,” by Ovid R. Sellers. Interpretation, July, 1951, pp. 344-352.

The Old Testament Texts and Versions, by Bleddyn J. Roberts. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 1951. pp. 286-314. Nearly 700 titles are included in this magni­ ficent bibliographic aid.

The Society for Old Testament Study Book List, 1950. pp. 80. This work, prepared by a number of outstanding Biblical scholars in Great Britain, is arranged under ten major themes such as Archaeology, History, Text and Versions, Exegesis, Philology, etc. Each volume is given a brief but very carefully written review. Approximately 200 volumes are here classified. A superb work.

Society for Old Testament Study Book List, 1951. London: Davies, 1951. 79 p. 5 OLD TESTAMENT BOOKS

From Joseph to Joshua: Biblical Traditions in the Light of Archaeology, by H. H. Rowley. London: Oxford Univ. Press, 1950. pp. 165-188. This bibliography embraces approximately 800 titles, and as fas as I know, it is the largest compre­ hensive bibliography of Old Testament archaeology in our language.

Genesis and Geology, A study in the Relations of Scientific Thought, Natural The­ ology, and Social Opinion in Great Britain, 1790-1850. By Charles Coulston Gillis’pie. Cambridge: Harvard Univ. Press, 1951. "Bibliographical Essay,” pp. 231-258. A very important survey of relevant literature.

The Flood in the Light of the Bible, Geology and Archaeology, by Alfred M. Rehwinkel. St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1951. pp. 357-360. "Moses and the Decalogue,” by Harold H. Rowley. Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, September, 1951, pp. 81-118. In this article practically everything of importance on the Decalogue, issued since the latter half of the 19th century, is listed.

"The Book of Leviticus,” by Corwin Roach. Interpretation, October, 1950, pp. 467-469. "The Book of Deuteronomy,” Lester J. Kuyper. Interpretation, July, 1952, pp. 339- 340.

"I and II Samuel,” by John Bright. Interpretation, October, 1951, pp. 460-461. "The Book of Psalms,” by Elmer A. Leslie. Interpretation, January, 1950, pp. 76-77. Praises of Israel, Studies Literary and Religious in the Psalms, by John Patterson. New York: Scribner, 1950. pp. 247-249.

Koheleth — the Man and His World, by Robert Gordis. New York: The Jewish Theological Seminary of America, 1951. pp- 387-396.

"The Book of Jeremiah,” by Howard T. Kuist. Interpretation, July, 1950, pp. 337-341.

"The Book of Daniel,” by Arnold B. Rhodes. Interpretation, October, 1952, pp. 448- 450.

"The Book of Micah,” by Louise P. Smith. Interpretation, April, 1952, pp.227.

God Remembers, a Study of the Book of Zechariah, by Charles L. Feinberg. Wheaton 111.: Van Kämpen Press, 1950. pp. 281-283. First Book of Maccabees; an English trans. by Sidney Tedesche; introd. and commen­ tary by Solomon Zeitlin. New York: Harper, for Dropsie College for Hebrew and Cognate Learning, 1950. pp. 269-271.

NEW TESTAMENT - GENERAL Index to Articles on the New Testament and the Early Church Published in Festschrif­ ten, by Bruce Manning Metzger. Society of Biblical Literature, 1951. 182 p.

"New Testament Literature,1949,” by William C. Berkemeyer, Interpretation, pp. 202- 211. "Survey of Literature on the New Testament,” by Warren Quanbeck. Interpretation, April, 1952, pp. 230-237.

"Christmas in Literature,” by L. I. Murphy. Catholic Library World. December, 1950. "A Suggestive Bibliography on the Birth of Christ and Christmas,” by Wilbur M. Smith. Moody Monthly, December, 1952, pp. 275-283, 315-317. As far as I know, this is the most comprehensive bibliography of the literature pertaining to the advent of our Lord to be found in the English language. 6 NEW TESTAMENT BOOKS

Tannaitic Parallels to the Gospels, by Morton Smith. Society of Biblical Literature, 1951. pp. 199-206.

Commentary on the Gospel of Luke, by Norval Geldenhuys. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1951. pp. 47-50.

The Acts of the Apostles, by F. F. Bruce. London: Tyndale Press, 1951. pp. 49-55. The best bibliography on the writings of St. Luke and the Apostles now available.

"The Book of Acts,” Joseph M. Gettys. Interpretation, April, 1951, pp. 228-230. Contemporary Thinking About Paul; An Anthology, by Thomas S. Kepler. New York: Abingdon-Cokesbury, 1950. pp. 419-422

Worthy is the Lamb; Interpretation of Revelation, by Ray Summers. Nashville, Tenn.: Broadman Press, 1951. pp. 219-224.


Bibliography of Systematic Theology for Theological Students, by Princeton Theo­ logical Seminary Library. Princeton: Theological Book Agency, 1949. 44 p.

Jesus in the Jewish Tradition, by Morris Goldstein. New York: Macmillan, 1950. pp. 254-265. New Birth, a Study of the Evangelical Doctrine of Conversion in the Church Bathers, by Bernhard Citron. London, 1951. pp. 203-207. Synthesis of Sacrifice According to Saint Augustine; Study of the Sacramentality of Sacrifice, by Arthur Frederick Kreuger. Mundelein, 111.: Seminarii Sanctae Mariae ad Lacum, 1950. pp. 165-171.


A Preliminary Bibliography for the Study of Biblical Prophecy, by Wilbur M. Smith. Boston: W. A. Wilde Co., 1952. pp. 44. Approximately 150 titles of works relating to Biblical prophecy arranged under eleven major headings, including, the Christian Philosophy of History, Biblical Prophecy in General, Biblical Eschatology, the Kingdom of God, the Second Advent, the Book of Revelation, the Millennium, the History of Prophetic Interpretation, etc.

Eschatology and Ethics in the Teaching of Jesus, by Amos N. Wilder. Rev. ed., New York, 1950. pp. 215-219-

The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, by LeRoy Edwin Froom. Vol. I, Early Church Exposition, pp. 953-986. Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald, 1950. Volumes II and III of this outstanding work were published before Volume I, and each of these carries extensive bibliographies.

BIBLICAL THEOLOGY "The Nature of Biblical Theology, a Bibliographical Study,” by Connolly Gamble, Jr. Interpretation, October, 1951, pp. 462-467.

Preface to Old Testament Theology, by Robert C. Denton. Yale Studies in Religion, XIV. New Haven, 1950, pp. 74. The first half of this excellent brochure is devoted to a history of Old Testament Theology, with a number of important bibliographical notes. The bibliography proper extends from pp. 68 to 72.

Theology of the Old Testament (Eng. trans.), by Paul Heinisch. Collegeville, Minn.: The Liturgical Press, 1950. pp. 336-358. A very valuable bibliography under 53 separate headings.

Theology of the New Testament, by Rudolph Bultmann. New York, 1951. Vol. I, pp. 357-366. 7 PRACTICAL THEOLOGY

Bibliography of Practical Theology, by Princeton Theological Seminary Library. Princeton: Theological Book Agency, 1949. 71 p.

Preaching the Miracles of Jesus, by Hillyer H. Straton. New York: Abingdon- Cokesbury, 1950. pp. 213-218.

History of the Cure of Souls, by John Thomas McNeill. Harper and Bros., 1951. pp. 331-359. Royalty of the Pulpit; a Survey and Appreciation of the Lyman Lectures on Preaching Founded at Yale Divinity School 1871 and Given Annually (with four exceptions) since 1872, by Edgar Dewitt Jones. New York: Harper and Bros., 1951. pp. 432-439. RELIGION - GENERAL

Anglicanism — The Thought and Practice of the Church of England, Illustrated from the Religious Lecture of the Seventeenth Century, by Paul Elmer More and Frank Leslie Cross. London, S.P.C.K., 1951. pp. 787-911-

Psychology, Religion and Healing, by Leslie D. Weatherhead. New York: Abingdon- Cokesbury Press, 1951. pp. 523-532. Religion of College Teachers; Beliefs, Practices and Religious Preparation of Faculty Members in Church-Related Colleges, by R. H. Edwin Espy. New York: Associa­ tion Press, 1951. pp. 209-214. Religion in Human Experiences; An Introduction, by John Rutherford Everett. New York: Holt, 1950. pp. 531-538.

Religious Faith and World Culture, edited by A. William Loos. New York; Prentice- Hall, Inc., 1951. pp. 285-287. "Research Abstracts: Psychology of Religion (1950),” by Paul E. Johnson. The Journal of Bible and Religion, January, 1951, pp.25-27. "Research Abstracts: Sociology of Religion,” by Prentiss L. Pemberton. The Journal of Bible and Religion, January, 1952, pp. 27-29-

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION "Abstracts of Doctoral Theses in Religious Education,” 1948-1949, (1949-1950). Religious Education, May, 1950; May, 1951. "Bibliography: Religious Education and the Public Schools,” by E. W. Blakeman.

Religious Education, January, 1948.

Children We Teach, by Elizabeth Scott Whitehouse. Philadelphia, Judson Press, 1950. Inch bibliography.

Christian Concepts in Social Studies in Catholic Education, by Gerard Stephen Sloyan. Washington: Catholic Univ. of America Press, 1950. pp. 189-199-

Four Philosophies, and Their Practice in Education and Religion, by James D. Butler. New York: Harper, 1951. pp. 521-534.

Moral and Spiritual Values in Education, by William Clayton Bower. Lexington: Univ. of Press, 1952. pp. 187-198.

Place of Religion in Public Schools; a Handbook to Guide Communities, by Virgil Henry. New York: Harper, 1950. pp. 151-160. "Religious Education and the Public School,” by E. W. Blakeman. Religious Education, January, 1948. "Selected Bibliography on Religion and Public Education,” by L. C. Little. Religious Education, May, 1949; July, 1951. 8 ROMAN CATHOLIC READING LISTS

"Bibliography for the Holy Year”. Catholic Scholastic Journal, January, 1950.

Bibliography of Catholic Books, Published During 1948-1949, listed alphabetically by topic, title and author, by Jane G. Maddrell. Kansas City; Bibliographical Pub. Co., 1949-1950. 2 vols.

Books for Catholic Colleges, 1948-1949, compiled by Sister Melania Grace and others. American Library Assn., 1950. 64 p.

Catholic Booklist, 1950 (-1951) edited for the Catholic Library Assn, by Sister Stella Maris. St. Catharine Junior College, 1950-1951. 2 v. annot.

Catholic Lenten Reading List, 1951. Publisher’s Weekly, Feb. 3, 1951. Focus; Catholic Background Reading for the Orientation of College and University Students. Woodstock College (Baltimore), 1951. 61 p.

Guide to Catholic Literature, Vol. IV, 1948-1951, edited by Walter Romig. Grosse Pointe, Mich. A 1952 supplement brings this work up to date. An author-title- subject index in one straight alphabetical listing, with biographical and critical notes and references, of books and pamphlets by Catholics, or of particular Catholic interest, published originally or in revised editions in any language and in any country.

Index to American Catholic Pamphlets in the English Language, December, 1948/ September, 1950, by Eugene P. Wilging. Scranton, Pa., the author, 1950. 55 p. annot.

Standard Catalog for High School Libraries; 1948-1950 Catholic Supplement. Selected by a committee of the Catholic Library Assn., Helen L. Butler, Chairman. New York: H. W. Wilson, 1950. 77 p.

HISTORY - GENERAL Backwoods Utopias, the Sectarian and Owenite Phases of Communitarian Socialism in America, 1663-1829. Philadelphia: The Univ. of Pennsylvania Press, 1950. In addition to great masses of bibliographical information in footnotes, there is an extended "Bibliographical Essay” pp. 245-268. A subject having wide atten­ tion at the present time.

The Liberal Anglican Idea of History, by Duncan Forbes. New York: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1952. pp. 201-203.

Ideas and Men; The Story of Western Thought, by Clarence Crane Brinton. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1950. pp. 552-572.

Must it Be Communism: a Philosophical Inquiry Into the Major Issues of Today, by Augustine J. Osgniach. New York: Wagner, 1950. pp. 461-477.

The Origins of Totalitarianism, by Hannah Arendt. New York: Harcourt, Brace & Co., 1951. pp. 441-459. This double-column bibliography embraces approxi­ mately 800 titles.


Chapters in Church History (Church’s teaching Vol. 2 ), by Powel Mills Dawley. New York: National Council, Protestant Episcopal Church, 1950. pp. 255-272.

Church Through the Ages; a Primer of Church History, by Mildred M. Luckhardt. New York: Association Press, 1951. pp. 241-244. 9 Enthusiasm; Chapters in the History of Religion, with Special Reference to the XVII and XVIII Centuries, by Ronald A. Knox. New York: Oxford, 1950. pp. 592- 595.

Origin and Evolution of the Christian Church, by Trevor Gervase Jalland. London: Hutchinson & Co., 1951. pp- 179-192. "Research Abstracts: Church History (1950-1951)” by Winthrop S. Hudson. The Journal of Bible and Religion, April, 1952, pp. 100-102.


The Era of the Church Fathers, A History of the Early Church, by Hans Lietzmann. London: Lutterworth Press, 1951. VoL IV, pp. 203-207.

Patrology: Vol. I, The Beginnings of Patristic Literature, by Johannes Quasten. West­ minster, Md.: Newman Press, 1951. While this is strictly a history of the writings of the early Church Fathers, the bibliographical material is so vast, so up-to-date, so comprehensive, that I could not help but include it in this list. Approximately one-half of this volume is devoted to bibliographical data.

The Fall of Jerusalem and the Christian Church, by S. G. F. Brandon. London: Society for Promotion of Christian Knowledge, 1951. pp. 252-261.

CHURCH IN THE MIDDLE AGES Age of Faith; History of Medieval Civilization, Christian, Islamic, and Judaic, from S Constantine to Dante, A.D. 325-1300, by William James Durant. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1950. pp. 1087-1100.

History of the Crusades. Vol. II, The Kingdom of Jerusalem, by Stephen Runciman. Cambridge, University Press, 1952. pp. 493-495.


English Reformation to 1558, by Thomas M. Parker. New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1950. pp. 189-195.

Martin Luther, His Life and Work, by Hartmann Grisar. Adapted from the 2d German edition by Frank J. Eble; edited by Arthur Preuss. Westminster, Md.: Newman Press, 1950. pp. 586-600.

Reformation in England, by Philip Hughes. New York: Macmillan Co., 1951. Vol. 1, pp. 389-393-

Teaching of Calvin; a Modern Interpretation, by Adam Mitchell Hunter. 2d ed., rev., London: James Clarke & Co., 1950. pp. 307-309-

CHURCH IN ENGLAND From Puritanism to the Age of Reason; Study of Changes in Religious Thought Within the Church of England, 1660-1700, by G. R. Cragg. Cambridge Univ. Press, 1950. pp. 231-242.

History of Christanity in England, by Edwin Oliver James. New York: Hutchinson’s Univ. Library, 1950. Inch bibliography.

Religion in Britain Since 1900, by G. Stephens Spinks. London: Andrew Dakers, 1952. pp. 241-247. 10 CHURCH IN AMERICA

Quakers and Slavery in America, by Thomas E. Drake. New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 1950. pp. 201-236.

Religion in the Development of American Culture, 1765-1840, by William Warren Sweet. New York, 1952. pp. 315-332.

Story of American Protestantism, by Andrew Landale Drummond. Boston: Beacon Press, 1950. pp. 407-413.

BAPTIST CHURCH A Baptist Bibliography, Being a Register of Printed Material By and About Baptists, Including Works Written against the Baptist, edited by Edward C. Starr. Section II, B— Biloxi. Chester, Pa.: The American Baptist Historical Society (actually this is the Library of Crozer Theological Seminary). 11 x 8V2 inches, pp. 285,38. The first section of this Bibliography, covering the letter A, a book one-half the size of this, was issued at Colgate University in 1947, a work of 190 pages of bibliography in addition to an elaborate index, location symbols, etc. One wonders how long it will take to complete this bibliography if sections devoted to only one letter of the alphabet are publishel five years apart. Why should a huge volume be required for titles falling, in alphabetic order, under only a section of the letter B ? Upon opening the work, one discovers that titles beginning with the word Baptism and Baptist extend from pages 74 to 109, and those included under Bible, from pages 206 to 273. Probably no volume appearing subsequently in this series will have three sections of such importance. It is not my purpose in this bibliography to pass criticism, but it seems to me that some of this material is comparatively insignificant, especially an index to the minutes of the different small local Baptist churches of this country; but perhaps this would be necessary to some particular research project on the Baptist churches of particular states. Historical Study of the Educational Agencies of the Southern Baptist Convention, 1845-1945, by Edith Clysdale Magrudder. Teachers College, 1951. pp. 139-152.

History of the Baptists, by Robert G. Torbet. Philadelphia: Judson Press, 1950. pp. 509-526.

CHURCH AND STATE There is an enormous literature at the present time on the subject of church and state. It is not my desire here even to list the important works. One suffices: the monumental study by Anson Phelps Stokes, The Church and State in the , Vol. Ill, New York, 1950. pp. 769-876.

THE CHURCH - MICELLANEOUS The Wars of Truth. Studies in the Decay of Christian Humanism in the Early Seven­ teenth Century, by Herschel Baker. Cambridge: Harvard Univ. Press, 1952. pp. 367-376. Brethren of the Common Life, by Albert Hyma. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1950. pp. 213-220.

The Church and Healing, by Carl J. Scheraer. Philadelphia: Westminster, 1950. pp. 256-265. Democracy and the Churches, by Tames Hastings Nichols. Philadelphia, Westminster, 1951, pp. 280-284.

Ecumenical Foundations, by William Richey Hogg. New York: Harper, 1952. pp. 435-439. 11 "Glossolalia, the Gift of Tongues, a Bibliography,” by Edmund R. Woodside. Fuller Library Bulletin, No. 11, July-September, 1951, pp. 3-5.

The Gospel in Hymns; Backgrounds and Interpretations, by Albert Edward Bailey. New York: Scribner, 1950. pp. 579-583.

Interpreting the Church Through Press and Radio, by Roland E. Wolseley. Philadel­ phia: Muhlenberg Press, 1951. "A Book List for the Church Journalist,” pp. 337.341. A most extensive list, with annotations, is to be found in this authors volume, The Journalist’s Book Shelf (Chicago: Quill and Scroll Foundation, 1951).’ One Church for One World; a Course for Intermediate or Junior High School Groups in Vacation Church Schools; Teacher’s Book, by Olive L. Johnson and Frances Nall. Abingdon-Cokesbury Press, 1951. pp. 124-127.

Roman Sources of Christian Art, by Emerson H. Swift. New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 1951. pp- 227-236.

Russian Nonconformity; Story of Unoffical Religion in Russia, by Serge Bolshakoff. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1950. pp.187-192. Wall of Separation Between Church and State; An Historical Study of Recent Criticism of the Religious Clause of the First Amendment, by Conrad Henry Moehlman. Boston: Beacon Press, 1951. pp. 222-231.

ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH "A Bibliography of Roman Catholicism from the Protestant Standpoint,” by Wilbur M. Smith. Eternity, August, 1950, pp 25-33. This extended annotated biblio­ graphy is arranged under the following subjects: General ''iC^orks, Protestantism, The Popes, The Reformation, The Roman Church, Books by Former Priests, Censorship’ The Infallibility of the Pope, The Inquisition, The Mass, Ultramon- tanism, and the Virgin Mary. It has since been separately published.

Catholic Church in the United States, by Theodore Roemer. St. Louis: Herder, 1950. pp. 415-425. Catholic Social Thought; Its Approach to Contemporary Problems, by Melvin J. Williams. New York: Ronald, 1950. pp. 495-530.

Catholic University of America, 1903-1909; Rectorship of Denis J. O’Connell, by Colman James Barry. Washington: Catholic Univ. of America Press, 1950. pp. 268-275. English Catholics, 1830-1950; Essays to Commemorate the Centenary of the Restora- tion of the Hierarchy of England and Wales, edited by George Andrew Beck. London: Burns, Oates and Washborne, Ltd., 1950. pp. 615-628.

Communism, Democracy, and Catholic Power, by Paul Blanshard. Boston: Beacon Press, 1951. pp. 313-315.


Annotated Bibliography of Literature on Islam in China, by Claude I. Pickins. Society of Friends of the Moslems in China, 1950. 72 p. Bridge to Islam; a Study of the Religious Forces of Islam and Christanity in the Near East, by Erich W. Bethmann. Nashville, Tenn.: Southern Pub. Assn., 1950. pp. 260-271. Christian Century in Japan, 1549-1650, by Charles R. Boxer. Berkeley. Univ. of California Press, 1951. pp. 503-516. Missionary Education in Your Church, by Nevin C. Harner and David Baker. Rev. ed., New York: Friendship Press, 1951. pp. 171-176. 12 Non-Christian Religions; a Comparative Study, by lone Lowman. Wheaton, 111.: Van Kampen Press, 1951. pp. 121-123.

Religions of the Far East; Their History to the Present Day, by George Cyril Ring. Millwaukee: Bruce Publ. Co., 1950. pp. 337-342.

World Faith in Action, edited by Charles Tutor Leber. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill Co., 1951. pp. 331-338.

THE JEWS - ISRAEL The Foot of Pride, The Pressure of Christendom on the People of Israel for 1900 Years. Boston: The Beacon Press, 1950. pp. 317-325.

Jews in American History; Their Contribution to the United States of America, by Harry L. Golden and Martin Rywell. Charlotte, N.C.: H. L. Martin Co., 1950. pp. 463-468. Library of Jewish Information. Church, State and Education: Select Bibliography. Rev. ed., American Jewish Committee, 1951. 24 p. Zionist Archives and Library. Palestine and Zionism; a Bimonthly Bibliography of Books, Pamphlets, Periodicals. See the various issues.


(The following is supplementary to the bibliography that appeared in the previous issue of the BULLETIN.)

I. GENERAL B. Treatises Covering Theological History in General Cunningham, William. Historical Theology: a Review of the Principal Doctrinal Discussions in the Christian Church Since the Apostolic Age, 3d ed. Edinburgh, T. & T. Clark, 1870. 2 v. McGiffert, Arthur Cushman, 1861-1933. A History of Christian Thought. N.Y., C. Scribner’s Sons, 1947. 2 v. Extensive bibliography at the conclusion of the second volume, pp. 333-344. McGiffert, Arthur Cushman, 1861-1933. The Rise of Modern Religious Ideas. N.Y., Macmillan, 1915. x, 315 pp. Moore, Edward Caldwell. An Outline of the History of Christian Thought Since

Kant. N. Y., Scribner’s, 1912. x, 249 p- Piinjer, Bernard. History of the Christian Philosophy of Religion from the Reformation to Kant. Trans, by Sff. Hastie. Edinburgh, T. & T. Clark, 1887. xix, 660 pp. A monumental work, seldom referred to today, but deserving careful study.

Selwyn, Edward Gordon. History of Christian Thought. London, J. Heritage, The Unicorn Press [1937} 190 pp. Sheldon, Henry Clay. History of Christian Doctrine. 2d ed. N.Y., Harper, 1895. 2 v. The second volume covers 1517 to 1895. Webb, Clement Charles Julian. Studies in the History of Natural Theology. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1915. vi, 363 pp.

C. Some Recent Works on Special Doctrines with Historical Value. I believe that it would be advantageous to include here some of the outstanding works attempting to cover the history of Christology since the beginning of the 19th century. This embraces Gospel Criticism, which of course does not technically belong in the specific bibliography Dr. Ramm has constructed; nevertheless the following volumes are important. McCown, Chester Charlton. The Search for the Real Jesus; a Century of Histor­ ical Study. N.Y., Scribner’s, 1940. xviii, 338 p. Bibliography, pp. 311-320. Salvatorelli, Luigi. "From Locke to Reitzenstein: The Historical Investigation of the Origins of Christanity.” Harvard Theological Review, 22:263-270, Oct., 1929-

Weinel, Heinrich. Jesus in the Nineteenth Century and After, by Heinrich Weinel, and Alban G. Widgery. Edinburgh, T. & T. Clark, 1914. x, 457 pp. 14 An increasingly important area of theological discussion today is that of eschato­ logy, the history of which might well have some place in this bibliography. Let me here suggest at least the following.

Froom, Leroy Edwin, The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers. Washington, D.C., Review and Herald, 1946- . 4 v. Volumes one to three have been published, and include over 2600 pages; the last volume is due this year. This is the most exhaustive survey of the prophetic literature of the Church that has been made. It is the work of a Seventh-Day Adventist who accepts the year-day theory, and insists that the Roman Church is Antichrist and Babylon. The work is indispensable nontheless. A brief survey of the Church’s various millennial views through the centuries is The Millennium in the Church, Studies in the History of Chiliasm, by D. H. Krom- minga. (Grand Rapids, Eerdmans, 1945, 360 pp.). The entire subject is reviewed, in part, in a large work by Isaac C. Wellcome, History of the Second Advent, Method and Mission . .. Yarmouth, Me., 1874. 707 pp. I have given only a brief list out of a possible extensive bibliography.

II. AMERICAN THEOLOGY B. Movements It is difficult to know where to draw a line on the literature of the history of American theology. We can hardly discuss this subject without entering into the question of Unitarianism. The following are only suggested additions.

Eddy, Richard. Universalism in America, a History. Boston, Universalist Pub. House,, 1884-86. 2 v. Ellis, George Edward. A Half-century of the Unitarian Controversy . . . Boston, Crosby, Nichols and Co., 1857. xxiv, 511 pp. Frothingham, Octavius Brooks. Transcendentalism in New England, a History. Boston, American Unitarian Association., 1908. ix, 383 pp- Gordon, Ernest Barron. The Leaven of the Sadducees; or, Old and New Apos­ tasies. Chicago, Bible Institute Colportage Assoc. [1926] 263 pp. This is one of the most penetrating studies of the destructive influences of Unitarianism in New England that has been written. It is now seldom referred to. The document is authentic.

Murdock, Kenneth B. Literature and Theology in Colonial New England. Cam­ bridge, Harvard University Press, 1949- xi, 235 pp.

III. BRITISH THEOLOGY Tullock, John. Movements of Religious Thought in Britain during the Nineteenth Century. N.Y., Harper, 1886. 210 p.

IV. SCOTTISH THEOLOGY Hope, Norman V. "Church and Religion in Present Day Scotland.” Theology Today, 9:494-501, Jan., 1953. MacLeod, John. Scottish Theology in Relation to Church History Since the Refor­ mation . . . Edinburgh, Free Church of Scotland, 1943. viii, 336 pp. This volume, based upon lectures delivered at Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, by the Principal Emeritus of Free Church College, Edinburgh, is one of the outstanding surveys of modern theology produced during the twentieth century, a book that has never received the attention it deserves. Such a work as Henry F. Henderson’s The Religious Controversies of Scotland (Edinburgh, 1905, 208 pp.) is actually a history of theological debates. 15 V. GERMAN THEOLOGY

Drummond, Andrew L. German Protestantism Since Luther. London, Epworth Press, 1941.


Arseniev, Nicholas. "Creative Quest.” Review of Religion, 16:5-26, Nov., 1951.

RATIONALISM AND UNBELIEF Is seems to me that in surveying the history of theology, we should include the history of the more powerful attacks upon the Christian faith, of rationalism and free thought, as it is sometime called. Some very important volumes have appeared in this field. The following, I believe, are the major works in English. Benn, Alfred William. The History of English Rationalism in the Nineteenth

Century. London, Longmans, 1905. 2 v. Cairns, John. Unbelief in the Eighteenth Century as Contrasted with its Earlier and Later History, being the Cunningham Lectures for 1880. N.Y., Harper, 1881. 216 pp. A brilliant work deserving frequent rereading. Farrar, Adam Storey. A Critical History of Free Thought in Relation to the Chirstian Religion. London, J. Murray, 1862; N.Y., D. Appleton, 1891. xlvi, 487 pp. The Bampton lectures for 1862. Hagenbach, Karl Rudolf. German Rationalism in its Rise, Progress and Decline . . . Edinburgh, T. & T. Clark, 1865. xix, 405 pp. Hurst, John Fletcher. History of Rationalism; Embracing a Survey of the Present State of Protestant Theology. Revised Ed. N.Y., Eaton & Mains [1901] xix, 633 pp- Robertson, John Mackinnon. A Short History of Freethought, Ancient and Modern. 2d ed. London, Watts & Co., 1906. 2 v. Robertson was the most prolific writer and the best scholar among the English rationalists at the beginning of our century. This may be entitled "Short,” but it contains over a thousand pages. Not satisfied with this, he did a second work, A History of Free Thought in the Nine­ teenth Century (London, Watts & Co., 1929, 2 v.). All of his writing are fully annotated, and the reference material is very extensive. Sheldon, Henry Clay. Unbelief in the Nineteenth Century. N.Y., Eaton & Mains; Cincinnati, Jennings & Graham [1907] viii, 399 pp- Tullock, John. Rational Theology and Christian Philosophy in England in the Seventeenth Century. London, Blackwood, 1872. 2 v. Various volumes have been issued in the last few years by Columbia, University Press including doctoral dissertations on Theism, Deism, etc., such as Moráis, Deism in the Eighteenth Century America, but I do not think it necessary to list all of these here.