PHONE 202-885-1200

Responses from Democratic candidates for ’s U.S. Senate seat (in alphabetical order):

Ben Cardin George T. English A. Robert Kaufman Allan Lichtman Thomas McCaskill Josh Rales Mike Schaefer Blaine Taylor Joseph Werner Lih Young


PHONE 202-885-1200

Ben Cardin (Democrat)

1. Name the two biggest challenges facing Maryland, and briefly explain how you would work to solve them. (Maximum 100 words)

Fixing Our Health Care System: I believe it is unconscionable that more than 47 million Americans have no health insurance while the cost of health care and prescription drugs continues to skyrocket. We must make quality, affordable health care a reality for all Americans. I will make fixing our broken health care system a top priority in the Senate.

Strengthening Public Schools: We have to work to lower class sizes, retain quality teachers, and make higher education affordable for all Americans. That is why I am fighting to fix the No Child Left Behind law and have opposed cuts to (Additional text cut due to word limit)

2. Name the two biggest challenges facing the , and briefly explain how you would work to solve them. (Maximum 100 words)

The War in Iraq: The Bush administration was wrong to send our troops to Iraq. I voted against the war in Iraq and I have remained a consistent critic of the President’s policies in Iraq. I have called on President Bush to start bringing our troops home and engage the international community in Iraq’s reconstruction.

America’s Energy Crisis: I believe we must reduce our dependence on foreign oil and become energy independent within 10 years and I have introduced legislation to do this. The government should offer incentives to research and develop alternative sources of energy. We should also work (Additional text cut due to word limit)

3. Name a political figure (either local or national) you greatly admire and explain why. (Maximum 100 words)

I greatly admire and respect my friend and colleague Rep. John Lewis. As a leader of the civil rights movement in the 1960s who endured prolonged physical abuse in his ceaseless struggle for racial equality, he taught a generation that by standing up for what you believe in, you can make a difference. In Congress for the last two decades, Rep. Lewis has been a tireless advocate for his constituents and an inspiration to all Americans. I have been lucky to serve with Rep. Lewis on the House Ways and Means Committee, and I try to follow the example he (Additional text cut due to word limit)

4. Name two specific skills or experiences that make you uniquely qualified to represent Maryland. (Maximum 100 words)

1. For more than 30 years in public service, I have been an agent of change. As Speaker of the Maryland House of Delegates, I changed the face of the General Assembly by appointing


PHONE 202-885-1200 the first African-American and the first female to chair committees. In Congress, I brought people together to improve our Medicare and pension systems for Maryland’s working families.

2. I have a record of standing up for what I believe in, even when it’s not popular. When I stood up to the President and voted against the war in Iraq, it was not a popular vote. But (Additional text cut due to word limit)

5. How long have you lived in Maryland, and how has it changed since that date. Explain why those changes have been to the benefit or detriment of Maryland residents. (Maximum 100 words)

I have lived in Maryland all my life. Since I was young, the state has become much more diverse and inclusive – a more welcoming place for people of every race, religion, and heritage. We have made a lot of progress, but we still have a long way to go. We must make sure that all Marylanders have access to the same opportunities. We must address disparities in access to health care, in earnings, and in education that continue to divide us.

6. Explain why your appeal transcends your home-base location. In other words, all Maryland residents should feel comfortable -- whether they live in Baltimore, the DC suburbs, in Western Maryland, on the Eastern Shore, or elsewhere. (Maximum 100 words)

As speaker of the Maryland House of Delegates for eight years, I addressed issues facing all Marylanders, including reforming the state’s ethics laws, making the tax system fairer, and passing legislation to make school funding more equitable. In Congress, I have established a strong record on national issues that impact Marylanders in all communities, including fighting for affordable health care, defending our seniors’ retirement security, and strengthening our schools. During my campaign, I have visited communities in all regions of Maryland, listening to residents to better understand their concerns.

7. Fill in the following blanks (Maximum two sentences): a) The most recent book I read and enjoyed was The World is Flat, by Tom Friedman. b) My favorite television show/movie is Monday Night Football. c) In my spare time I love to hike with my family.

8. If WAMU includes an Internet link to me, the link should be


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George T. English (Democrat)

1. Name the two biggest challenges facing Maryland, and briefly explain how you would work to solve them. (Maximum 100 words)

The two biggest challenges facing Maryland and are the unprecedented assault upon our Constitutional liberties by the Bush Administration and the corruption of our voting process by Republican operatives at the state and local level. If Democratic control of Congress returns after the November election, the first order of business must be to order an immediate cessation of all domestic spying and privacy intrusions pending Congressional review and approval. The next order of business must be to thoroughly investigate past voting irregularities and current vulnerabilities to implement legislation that funds accurate and tamper proof voting and election systems (Additional text cut due to word limit)

2. Name the two biggest challenges facing the United States, and briefly explain how you would work to solve them. (Maximum 100 words)

After the assault upon our Constitutional liberties is stopped and election system vulnerabilities have been corrected, the Congress must stop funding offensive military actions in Iraq and call for United Nations assistance in arranging a cease fire (if possible) and a U. S. funded but U. N. directed all-Moslem peacekeeping force from neutral Islamic countries to cover the U. S. withdrawal. Next, the Federal budget deficit must be reduced by rescinding recent tax beaks for the wealthy and by reforming Federal taxation, including a gross receipts tax on corporations to replace the widely avoided corporation income tax.

3. Name a political figure (either local or national) you greatly admire and explain why. (Maximum 100 words)

Notwithstanding his past personal indiscretions, I greatly admire Senator Edward Kennedy because he has done more to safeguard the well-being of working persons than any other member of Congress. He was the driving force behind the Earned Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) that set up the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation to insure workers’ private sector pensions when their employers go bankrupt. Without this protection, Bethlehem Steel’s and other retirees would have lost all of their promised company pension benefits. Senator Kennedy also has been the leader to improve health care and prescription benefit coverage for all Americans.

4. Name two specific skills or experiences that make you uniquely qualified to represent Maryland. (Maximum 100 words)

As a retired Economist, I am appalled at the disastrous management of the nation’s economy and its public finances. In the 24 brief issue papers accessible from the homepage of my campaign’s website, , I explain the significance of these specific issues and other problems as well as my remedies for their correction. Secondly, I have


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been actively involved in political affairs since retiring in 1995 and have obtained a thorough knowledge of the problems of government at the local, state, and Federal level. With this background, I have developed a comprehensive program of urgently needed reforms.

5. How long have you lived in Maryland, and how has it changed since that date. Explain why those changes have been to the benefit or detriment of Maryland residents. (Maximum 100 words)

I have been a Maryland resident since August 1977. Since then, a “Lower East Side” has arisen in Montgomery County from the influx of huge numbers of poor immigrants. The strain upon the school system and the county’s finances have been enormous, with taxpayers’ costs exceeding $20 million annually just for a local hospital’s reimbursement for uncompensated emergency room visits. The increase from five to twenty-five percent of students receiving free school lunches since 1977 is indicative. Virtually uncontrolled development now occurs with the council’s abolition of adequate public facilities legal restraints while the quality of life deteriorates.

6. Explain why your appeal transcends your home-base location. In other words, all Maryland residents should feel comfortable -- whether they live in Baltimore, the DC suburbs, in Western Maryland, on the Eastern Shore, or elsewhere. (Maximum 100 words)

I have lived and also worked in other states. I have worked as a brush cutter and later as an Economist in Virginia, as dishwasher, taxicab driver, clerk, and Army officer in Colorado, as a NASA Houston employee during the lunar exploration program, and as a Federal Economist in Maryland. I worked to offset much of my undergraduate college costs and have been self- supporting since graduation. I lost my job when the company closed and know what it is like to “pound the pavement” looking for work. I competed for every job held: no strings were pulled for me!

7. Fill in the following blanks (Maximum two sentences): a) The most recent book I read and enjoyed was: American Theocracy - The Peril and Politics of Radical Religion, Oil, and Borrowed Money in the 21st Century by Kevin Phillips. b) My favorite television show is the weekday evening PBS News Hour. c) In my spare time I love to visit, walk, and camp in the outdoors.

8. If WAMU includes an Internet link to me, the link should be or


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A. Robert Kaufman (Socialist running in the Democratic Primary)

My name is A. Robert Kaufman and I’m a socialist running for Maryland’s U.S. Senate seat in the Democratic Primary election. (Supporting the Democratic Party the way a rope supports a hanged man.)

1. Name the two biggest challenges facing Maryland, and briefly explain how you would work to solve them. (Maximum 100 words)

½% of Americans own more wealth than 90% of most of the rest of us combined. They are our ruling class. They finance both establishment parties and own most TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, control most schools - churches and more. We must unite the 90% to take back our country and run America for the 1st. time, of, by and for the American people – not the trans-continental corporations. Our country has been terrorizing 3rd World peoples, since the Genocide of the Indians and the Middle Passage of slavery. They won’t stop terrorizing Americans (9-11) until Americans stop terrorizing them.

2. Name the two biggest challenges facing the United States, and briefly explain how you would work to solve them. (Maximum 100 words)

The single purpose of American foreign policy is to maximize profits of international corporations which finance the two parties of capitalism. The only way to safeguard American troops is to withdraw all troops stationed outside our borders – including Guantanamo – return it to Cuba.War crime trials for those who order, permit or carryout torture – or lie to us to get us into wars.

Federal jobs and job training reminiscent of WPA and CCC camps of 30’s for anyone at living wage, housing, healthy food, medical care, universal health insurance. Treat addicts like patients not criminals. Take profits out of drugs. (Additional text cut due to word limit)

3. Name a political figure (either local or national) you greatly admire and explain why. (Maximum 100 words)

Karl Marx –scientifically explained the contradiction within Capitalism and lived to organize and unite working people to take state power. Frederick Engles – researched how peopled lived socialistically before class rule. Lenin – lead Russian revolution Leon Trotsky – a nice Jewish boy who co-lead and died fighting Stalin’s corruption. Rosa Luxemburg-a nice Jewish girl – murdered by right-wing Social Democrats for leading revolution against German ruling class.

Eugene Debs – led American Socialist Party. Stuck to his principles when Wilson jailed him for speaking out against WWI - like Wilson had to get elected. Paul Robeson – stood (Additional text cut due to word limit) AMERICAN UNIVERSITY BRANDYWINE BUILDING 4000 BRANDYWINE STREET, NW WASHINGTON, DC 20016-8082

PHONE 202-885-1200

4. Name two specific skills or experiences that make you uniquely qualified to represent Maryland. (Maximum 100 words)

I am the only candidate in either ruling class party who is unequivocally in support of the 90% seizing state power. That should be enough! But, since I have 100 words – I have been a civil rights activist since 1947 at age 16, (see enclosed photo of Paul Robeson and me). I’m now 75 – and I’ve just begun

5. How long have you lived in Maryland, and how has it changed since that date. Explain why those changes have been to the benefit or detriment of Maryland residents. (Maximum 100 words)

Born in Baltimore. There is no longer any legal segregation – a huge win! Still – Blacks and Hispanics at bottom – income wise, employment-wise, educationally, health wise, dominate the underclass. Huge drug and alcohol addiction. Air worse, bay worse – more asthma and other respiratory diseases, diabetes, heart disease, illiteracy, murder and other crimes. Poor public transit causes more to buy cars = more pollution. We must politically organize.

6. Explain why your appeal transcends your home-base location. In other words, all Maryland residents should feel comfortable -- whether they live in Baltimore, the DC suburbs, in Western Maryland, on the Eastern Shore, or elsewhere. (Maximum 100 words)

I don’t want ‘all Marylanders to feel comfortable” voting for me. To Hell with Maryland’s ruling class. All I want is to unite the 90% and their few idealistic allies.

7. Fill in the following blanks (Maximum two sentences): a) The most recent book I read and enjoyed was: Addicted to War – Why the U.S. Can’t Kick Militarianism. An illustrated expose by Joel Andrews. I sell them on the campaign trail at ½ price of $5.00. Sold over 100 already. b) My favorite television show/movie is: “Now” and “60 minutes” c) In my spare time I love to: Walk, talk, travel

8. If WAMU includes an Internet link to me, the link should be: I have no internet site.


PHONE 202-885-1200

Allan Lichtman (Democrat)

1. Name the two biggest challenges facing Maryland, and briefly explain how you would work to solve them.

We must restore excellence and affordability to education. Some 25 percent of Maryland students fail to graduate high school, including nearly 50 percent of African-American males. We need access to early childhood education, decent pay and pensions for teachers, programs to reduce class size, and expanded Pell Grants and college loans. We must free our teachers from being shackled to the test under No Child Left Behind. To meet the health care needs of Marylanders who are uninsured or underinsured, I’ve pledged to become the first Senate sponsor of Rep. John Conyers’ bill for a single-payer, universal coverage health-care plan.

2. Name the two biggest challenges facing the United States, and briefly explain how you would work to solve them. (Maximum 100 words)

We must end the war in Iraq, rejoin the world, and bring the resources home to Maryland for education, jobs, the environment, crime control, and health care. I am the only serious Senate candidate to pledge that I will vote only for funds to bring our brave troops home promptly and safely. We must curtail the fossil economy that threatens our environment, undermines our national security, and gouges consumers. A year ago I proposed measures that include: real economy standards for vehicles, flipping subsidies and research from oil and coal to alternative clean sources of energy, and expanding conservation programs.

3. Name a political figure (either local or national) you greatly admire and explain why. (Maximum 100 words)

Russ Feingold (D-Wisc.): He is a Senator who is willing to resist the conventional wisdom and take principled stands on issues, including his forthright opposition to the Iraqi War and the censoring of President Bush. He has proved that you don't have to take a political beating for talking straight to the American people. To the contrary, Americans are yearning for genuine, courageous leadership.

4. Name two specific skills or experiences that make you uniquely qualified to represent Maryland. (Maximum 100 words)

If elected, I will be the only lifetime teacher in the U. S. Senate, the voice for Maryland’s parents, teachers, and children. I have taught political history and women’s history at American University for 33 years. I would also be the Senate’s only civil rights expert, having testified in 70 civil and voting rights cases across Maryland and America. Six times I testified against Tom DeLay’s congressional redistricting plan that destroyed Democratic districts and African- American and Hispanic voting rights in Texas. The U. S. Supreme Court recently cited my work in striking down part of DeLay’s plan. AMERICAN UNIVERSITY BRANDYWINE BUILDING 4000 BRANDYWINE STREET, NW WASHINGTON, DC 20016-8082

PHONE 202-885-1200

5. How long have you lived in Maryland, and how has it changed since that date. Explain why those changes have been to the benefit or detriment of Maryland residents. (Maximum 100 words)

During my 30 years in Maryland our state has become far more diverse: ethnically, racially, and linguistically. Diversity has enriched our culture and expanded our perspectives. But it also poses important challenges to our education and welfare system, our availability of affordable housing, and our ability to absorb to new growth. The state has also become more competitive politically. As Democrats we can no longer count on election by party identification alone. We must compete in the marketplace of ideas and leadership, demonstrating how we, not our Republican opponents, can best work with people to improve people’s lives.

6. Explain why your appeal transcends your home-base location. In other words, all Maryland residents should feel comfortable -- whether they live in Baltimore, the DC suburbs, in Western Maryland, on the Eastern Shore, or elsewhere. (Maximum 100 words)

All politics is local. We are the only campaign to have prepared compacts with people of diverse regions, working with residents to address their local issues. For example, our compact with Prince George’s County explains how we can help to improve county schools, bolster law enforcement, and promote small and minority business. I have addressed the big issues that affect every resident of Maryland, Check for ideas on how to provide health care to all in Maryland, get us off the fossil fuel economy, improve education and the environment, and relieve our children of the burden of federal debt.

7. Fill in the following blanks (Maximum two sentences): a) The most recent book I read and enjoyed was A Consumer’s Republic. b) My favorite television show/movie is Three Days of the Condor. c) In my spare time I love to run, read, and travel.

8. If WAMU includes an Internet link to me, the link should be


PHONE 202-885-1200

Thomas McCaskill (Democrat)

1. Name the two biggest challenges facing Maryland, and briefly explain how you would work to solve them. (Maximum 100 words)

UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE – for all Maryland citizens (and all citizens of the United States). Pay for the health care of the uninsured by adding a health care premium to the cost of imported products from countries that do not have health care for their citizens. Products from Mexico would cost more and the premium would help pay for single payer universal health care; Canadian products would not cost more. No premium for any country that provides universal health care. First, amend NAFTA (North American Fee Trade Agreement) then apply the same principle to every product that Wal-Mart imports.

2. Name the two biggest challenges facing the United States, and briefly explain how you would work to solve them. (Maximum 100 words)

Nuclear proliferation is the most important issue related to the security of the United States. The recent missile launches by North Korea and the development of nuclear weapons constitutes a threat. Remember the Cuban missile crisis? President Kennedy prepared for a nuclear war but vigorously pursued diplomacy with the result that nuclear war was avoided. We should immediately begin diplomatic talks with North Korea.

We need to end the Global War On Terror (GWOT) and change the course set by the Bush Administration, from one of pre-emptive war, isolation, and fear, to one of Global Peace and Security (GPS).

3. Name a political figure (either local or national) you greatly admire and explain why. (Maximum 100 words)

President Franklin Roosevelt, who started the Civilian Conservation Corp after the Great Depression, established Social Security in 1935, and authorized development of the atomic bomb -- whose use brought World War II to an end, thereby saving a least one million American and Japanese lives. As U.S. Senator I want to extend that benefit by accelerating development of fusion reactors for electrical power with a Government Power System (GPS) for generating electrical power with Government Profit Sharing (GPS). Equal Education Opportunity (EEO) through taxpayer return on investment for R&D of nuclear fusion (and fission) for more than 55 years.

4. Name two specific skills or experiences that make you uniquely qualified to represent Maryland. (Maximum 100 words)

Research Physicist. As a scientist, I worked for the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) from 1960 until 2002 and made key contributions to the design of the Global Positioning System (GPS), including the first solution of the instantaneous positioning problem for GPS


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and to the design of the GPS constellation. NRL trusted me with a top-secret clearance and worked on military space-based systems used for communication, navigation, environmental, surveillance, targeting, and intelligence.

Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Counselor. I served as an EEO Counselor (with collateral duty) at NRL from 1973 until 1977.

5. How long have you lived in Maryland, and how has it changed since that date. Explain why those changes have been to the benefit or detriment of Maryland residents. (Maximum 100 words)

Thomas McCaskill and his wife have lived in Prince George’s County, Maryland since 1967 and been married for more than 45 years. The most significant change in Maryland has been growth in population, followed by changing from a predominantly white to a very diverse population with an influx of African Americans residents. The domination of the Maryland Democratic Party by white elected officials, who have not recognized the importance of African American and other minority voters, has resulted in a Republican Governor of Maryland and race being a significant factor in the U.S. Senate race.

6. Explain why your appeal transcends your home-base location. In other words, all Maryland residents should feel comfortable -- whether they live in Baltimore, the DC suburbs, in Western Maryland, on the Eastern Shore, or elsewhere. (Maximum 100 words)

Co-Designer of the Global Positioning System (GPS): The current U.S. policy, of using precision-guided munitions, as opposed to Weapons of Mass Destruction, is possible because of GPS and revolutionized the future of warfare, forever. GPS has enabled the use of precision-guided munitions and, for the first time in history, the continuous tracking of the position of U.S. military ships, aircraft, tanks and troops. The advent of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicles, guided by GPS, marks the beginning of the possibility that future wars could be fought with robots rather than human beings.

7. Fill in the following blanks (Maximum two sentences): a) The most recent book I read and enjoyed was The Left Hand of God: Taking Back Our Country from the Religious Right. b) My favorite television show/movie is Smallville. c) In my spare time I love to play classical guitar.

8. If WAMU includes an Internet link to me, the link should be


PHONE 202-885-1200

Josh Rales (Democrat)

1. Name the two biggest challenges facing Maryland, and briefly explain how you would work to solve them. (Maximum 100 words)

The two biggest challenges facing Maryland are healthcare and education. Here in Maryland, more than 750,000 are uninsured, and recent test scores clearly indicate that our schools need help. I released a healthcare plan that, if implemented, will reduce the number of uninsured, improve the quality and accessibility of healthcare, and bring down the cost of prescription drugs. And I released an education plan that provides the means for improving the quality of education in our underperforming schools by significantly increasing teacher and principal salaries in those schools. Please take a minute to read my plans, available at

2. Name the two biggest challenges facing the United States, and briefly explain how you would work to solve them. (Maximum 100 words)

The two biggest challenges facing the United States are energy and the war in Iraq. We were misled about the reasons for going to war in Iraq and the administration has no strategy for managing the conflict. We should withdraw our troops by March of 2007, and give the Iraqi government an opportunity to function independently. Our dependence on foreign oil, and the flow of “petro-dollars” to nations that support terror regimes, threaten our economic and national security. I released an energy strategy that would reduce our dependence on foreign oil and protect our economic and national security, as well (additional text deleted; over maximum limit.)

3. Name a political figure (either local or national) you greatly admire and explain why. (Maximum 100 words)

I admire Senator Russ Feingold. He’s a bold leader who isn’t afraid to be out in front and stand-up for what’s right. When he called for a timetable for withdrawing troops from Iraq, he was joined by only 12 other Democrats. Senator Feingold has the backbone to stand up to an administration that consistently abuses its power. When he called to censure the President for eavesdropping on American citizens without court approval only a few other Democratic Senators supported him. Lastly, Senator Feingold has an impressive record of working in a bi- partisan fashion to make real progress on critical issues.

4. Name two specific skills or experiences that make you uniquely qualified to represent Maryland. (Maximum 100 words)

I built my own business from scratch, and as a businessman and entrepreneur I have always been focused on the bottom line. I understand the importance of fiscal responsibility, and how to set priorities to achieve a desired result. Most importantly, I have the focus and discipline necessary to develop and implement realistic solutions to problems. For example, my wife AMERICAN UNIVERSITY BRANDYWINE BUILDING 4000 BRANDYWINE STREET, NW WASHINGTON, DC 20016-8082

PHONE 202-885-1200

Debby and I saw the problem of a growing achievement gap, particularly for children who fall behind at a young age, and through our foundation we started an award winning tutoring program that helps over 700 children in public schools.

5. How long have you lived in Maryland, and how has it changed since that date. Explain why those changes have been to the benefit or detriment of Maryland residents. (Maximum 100 words)

I’ve lived in Maryland for 40 years. During that time the population has increased dramatically, with both positive and negative consequences and implications as a result of that expansion. The redeveloped downtown areas in Bethesda and Silver Spring are excellent examples of smart growth that has combined living and working spaces near mass transit. However, road construction and maintenance have not kept pace with development, and residents across the state face increased traffic and congestion. Additionally, housing prices have skyrocketed in many areas, making it prohibitively expensive for people to live in the same communities where they live.

6. Explain why your appeal transcends your home-base location. In other words, all Maryland residents should feel comfortable -- whether they live in Baltimore, the DC suburbs, in Western Maryland, on the Eastern Shore, or elsewhere. (Maximum 100 words)

During the course of the campaign I released three plans that propose solutions to the challenges we are facing in energy, healthcare, and education. All of the solutions that I have proposed would benefit people throughout our state, and country. In fact, my plans are geared specifically to helping those with the greatest need, regardless of where they live. The qualities that I will bring to the Senate, such as new ideas, focus, determination, and a willingness to work in a bipartisan fashion, transcend geographic boundaries.

7. Fill in the following blanks (Maximum two sentences):

a) The most recent book I read and enjoyed was __John Adams by David McCullough_.

b) My favorite television show/movie is __The Bridge on the River Kwai______.

c) In my spare time I love to _Read, spend time with my family, and play golf____.


PHONE 202-885-1200

Mike Schaefer (Democrat)

1. Name the two biggest challenges facing Maryland, and briefly explain how you would work to solve them.

#1 Chesapeake Bay is a national treasurer and our federal lawmakers must promote compacts with neighborirng states having bay access and seek federal programs that will assist in preserving and promoting and rebuilding this treasure. #2 Education is our future, Maryland excells with its college and graduate studies and accomplishments but for grades K-12 we are not competitive nationally, and those federal authorities and funding programs for obtaining expierienced motivating teachers and state of the art equipment, computer ourreach, and counselling in the homes that are dysfunctional, are things that demand the cooperation of federal state and local authorities, our (Additional text cut due to word limit)

2. Name the two biggest challenges facing the United States, and briefly explain how you would work to solve them.

#1. Business and Government leaders, more of then need to be jailed, there are more Ken Lays and Bernie Ebbers out there, more Duke Cunninghams and William Jeffersons(the guy with $90,000 in his refrigerator). We need to increase Dept. of Justice Public Integrity Unit’s funding and encourage corporate vigilance like Elliot Spitzer has done in , last year a dozen executives took over $50 million each for companies they control but are owned by us investors; this looting by executives with yes-men is huring all America’s investors, retirees, working people as to what they can earn. #2. The War (Additional text cut due to word limit)

3. Name a political figure (either local or national) you greatly admire and explain why.

Senator John McCain of Arizona, who always supports our troops abroad and who often disagrees with our President, as all of us need to do when appropriate; that a Democrat can admire some reasonable Republicans and vice-versa is a strength of our two-party system and fusion government whose goal is survival and progress on all fronts for all Americans.

4. Name two specific skills or experiences that make you uniquely qualified to represent Maryland.

(a)As an elections lawyer have won several cases affecting and protecting our voting rights and candidacy rights, in both federal and state courts. One of theses cases was basis for indicted Congressman Tom DeLay remaining on the Texas ballot after resigning and moving to Virginia, thus giving the Democrats a chance at winning his House seat. Another pending in Md. will abolish the alphabet, as Cal. has done, as way of listing candidates, it is grossly unfair form Mr. Cardin to be first on a list of 18 candidates for Democraic nomination when that position provides 5 to 15% artificial (Additional text cut due to word limit)


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5. How long have you lived in Maryland, and how has it changed since that date. Explain why those changes have been to the benefit or detriment of Maryland residents.

Have been in business in Md. since buying a Charles Count tobacco-corn form 1962, have lived in different areas off and on since then, ten years running a Mt. Vernon Hotel(Baltimore City) and several years at Chevy Chase/Friendship Heights. Maryland’s beauty, success, its Harbor and Bay, and its unique History---the founding of America, and its hardworking people continue to impress. I have seen new racial tolerance, great business developoments, quality political leadership, all improved in my 40+ years. In 1962 we had segregated waiting rooms in doctor’s offices and high schools labeled ‘colored’. Today all people have an opportunity (Additional text cut due to word limit)

6. Explain why your appeal transcends your home-base location. In other words, all Maryland residents should feel comfortable -- whether they live in Baltimore, the DC suburbs, in Western Maryland, on the Eastern Shore, or elsewhere.

See answer to #5, having lived in various parts of our State. Often I list all 23 counties plus Baltimore City and look forward to exploring and enjoying those I have not been to. I live in the largest City of our State but am at home anywhere in Maryland. And Baltimore is full of former residents of the counties, all of whom bring something special to Baltimore when they move-here, visit-here; and we leaders appreciate this and learn from it.

7. Fill in the following blanks (Maximum two sentences): a) The most recent book I read and enjoyed was 1776. b) My favorite television show/movie is South Park. c) In my spare time I love to read, watch history channel, visit family.

8. If WAMU includes an Internet link to me, the link should be


PHONE 202-885-1200

Blaine Taylor (Democrat)

1. Name the two biggest challenges facing Maryland, and briefly explain how you would work to solve them. (Maximum 100 words)

First is to reverse the greenhouse gases emission problem, and thus save the entire planet. I would move us AWAY from gas, oil, diesel, coal, and ethanol, and TOWARD electricity, wind, solar, water, and controlled nuclear power. Second is to end the war OF terror ON US by ending first our 1948 alliance with the State of Israel and cut off ALL financial aid to ALL Middle Eastern nations.

2. Name the two biggest challenges facing the United States, and briefly explain how you would work to solve them. (Maximum 100 words)

They are the same two as in Question #1---Maryland is part of the US. What happens to the country at large is completely entwined with our own fate.

3. Name a political figure (either local or national) you greatly admire and explain why. (Maximum 100 words)

President Dwight D. Eisenhower, because he ended the Korean War peacefully, built our national highway system, did not go to war with any other country, made the Israelis leave the Suez Canal that they'd seized by naked aggression, and counseled---wisely, as it has turned out!--against giving the military-industrial complex the extensive powers it gained under President Kennedy and has held ever since---to the detriment of our country.

4. Name two specific skills or experiences that make you uniquely qualified to represent Maryland. (Maximum 100 words)

There has been no combat veteran of any war as a Maryland US Senator since 1969! To my knowledge, I am the ONLY combat veteran now running for the US Senate of any party, having served under enemy Communist Viet Cong fire during 1966-67 with the US Army 199th Light Infantry Brigade in South Vietnam, and been awarded the Combat Infantryman's Badge. Beyond that, the ability to sift all available data and make a firm decision based on knowledge, and---most importantly!---common sense.

5. How long have you lived in Maryland, and how has it changed since that date. Explain why those changes have been to the benefit or detriment of Maryland residents. (Maximum 100 words)

Since 1948. The only two major positive improvements that I've seen since then have been the various Civil Rights laws of 1964-65, and the various measures to improve the lives of women legally. The most detrimental events have been the implementation of abortion, affirmative action, forced racial busing, the ever sharpened emphasis on the dollar bill as the be-all and


PHONE 202-885-1200 end-all of our society, and the continued WARTIME ECONOMY that has existed ever since Dec. 8, 1941, the last time this nation actually declared war.

6. Explain why your appeal transcends your home-base location. In other words, all Maryland residents should feel comfortable -- whether they live in Baltimore, the DC suburbs, in Western Maryland, on the Eastern Shore, or elsewhere. (Maximum 100 words)

If elected, Congressman Cardin will be the Senator from Israel, voting for THAT nation's interests, and NOT those of the US; former Congressman Mfume will be the Senator from Africa, representing the interests of THAT Continent, and NOT those of Marylanders: black, white, and brown. Lt. Gov. Steele will represent the Republican Party, period, as he always has, period. I will be the United States Senator from Maryland, period. There's the difference!

7. Fill in the following blanks (Maximum two sentences): a) The most recent book I read and enjoyed was: The Kennedys at War, 1937-1945. b) My favorite television show/movie is: Television show: Anything on The History Channel. Movie: El Cid. c) In my spare time I love to: Dance.

8. If WAMU includes an Internet link to me, the link should be


PHONE 202-885-1200

Joseph Werner (Democrat)

1. Name the two biggest challenges facing Maryland, and briefly explain how you would work to solve them. (Maximum 100 words)

The war/security and the environment,urban/suburban sprawl. On the war I would bring our troops home. The Brzezinski plan , declare victory . we gave Iraq a democracy now let them work for themselves . Spend that 50 billion dollars on security here . Have port and boarder security. Build up our first responders .

The environment Build mass transit , fund the purple line , high speed rail between Baltimore and washington. Pass the Global warming pollution reduction act. Also go after out of state polluters . The Federal government should provide money to state governments for more mass transit. Pass stricter clean air and water protection laws.

2. Name the two biggest challenges facing the United States, and briefly explain how you would work to solve them. (Maximum 100 words)

The war / security, Election-campaign finance reform. We should help set up a federation in Iraq . Have the 3 regions share the oil revenue . Bring in the U.N. and moderate arab nations to help provide security for the new government. We should be out in under a year. The second seems not so important campaign reform until you consider how we are slowly losing our democracy . We need more open government. We need to limit the influence of corporations and lobbyist on our laws and government. We have less competive elections now then ever. Money is too (Additional text cut due to word limit)

3. Name a political figure (either local or national) you greatly admire and explain why. (Maximum 100 words)

Harry Truman . He was man man of the people . He was born in a working class family . He was honest and plain spoken. Truman served his country in world war one. He started and ran a business. After his business failed he went on, made himself succseful. He never gave up. As president he faced great challenges . He ended the war. He rebuilt Europe and Japan . The marshall plan was one of Americas best ideas. He created allies out on enemies. He saved millions of lives. He was the first to recognize the state of (Additional text cut due to word limit)

4. Name two specific skills or experiences that make you uniquely qualified to represent Maryland. (Maximum 100 words)

My background and education. My commitment to Maryland and the people of the state. I worked my way through college and law school. I have been a member in 3 unions. I worked AMERICAN UNIVERSITY BRANDYWINE BUILDING 4000 BRANDYWINE STREET, NW WASHINGTON, DC 20016-8082

PHONE 202-885-1200

as an intern for Hilda Mason and worked in the legislative clinic at UDC. I understand the law and government. I grew up in a working class union family in Baltimore. My family has been in Maryland for four generations. We moved to Harford county in the 1970’s. I graduated from college. Worked as a salesperson, sales manager. Got to meet many people and small business owners. Text cut

5. How long have you lived in Maryland, and how has it changed since that date. Explain why those changes have been to the benefit or detriment of Maryland residents. (Maximum 100 words)

I am a Marylander. My Family has been in Maryland for 4 generations. I grew up in east Baltimore . I went to Bel Air high school. I graduated from Towson University. We face a great many challenges here in Maryland. The biggest is the unprecedented growth. Maryland has become a urban state. We have unchecked suburban sprawl . Our Bay is being polluted . We have over-crowed roads. We need to face these challenges . We need to build high speed trains between baltimore and Washington . We can re-urbanize our cities. Rebuild them in a greener way. This (Additional text cut due to word limit)

6. Explain why your appeal transcends your home-base location. In other words, all Maryland residents should feel comfortable -- whether they live in Baltimore, the DC suburbs, in Western Maryland, on the Eastern Shore, or elsewhere. (Maximum 100 words)

I have such varied exp. I grew up in Baltimore.I understand urban issues. I lived in the far suburbs . I Lived in Harford county. We had a rich blend of urban(bel air) suburban and rual areas. I went to law school in Washington, DC. I spend a great deal of Time in the DC suburbs . I have a understanding of Montgomery and Prince George’s counties. I have family that live on the eastern shore. I worked for a major company and sold phones all over the state. My background is that of working Marylanders. As the state has (Additional text cut due to word limit)

7. Fill in the following blanks (Maximum two sentences): a) The most recent book I read and enjoyed was _A brighter tomorrow.___. b) My favorite television show/movie is __Cheers , American Treasure______. c) In my spare time I love to go to the beach , bay, Baltimore harbor.__.

8. If WAMU includes an Internet link to me, the link should be


PHONE 202-885-1200

Lih Young (Democrat)

1. Name the two biggest challenges facing Maryland, and briefly explain how you would work to solve them. (Maximum 100 words)

Society is in vicious cycles, as in need of revolution, if we don’t act. First, prosecute, eliminate “official misconduct- government gang- fraud- crime- injustice networks”. Oppose: unjust practices, manipulation, influence; bad legislative proposals, hidden agenda with false excuses (economic development, housing, transportation, whatever) for private gain (officials, developers, lawyers, etc.); nonsense grants, programs, projects: facilitate “official misconduct- government gang- fraud- crime- injustice networks”=cruel tyranny= robbery machine; continuing, on-going, expanding, penetrating, threat, coercion, victimization, deprivation, discrimination; endless immoral-unlawful acts, rob/destruct resources (public, private; business, civic, political), frivolous litigation, levies, foreclosures; improper processing of complaints, proceedings, docketing; cause vicious cycles: socio- political- (Additional text cut due to word limit)

2. Name the two biggest challenges facing the United States, and briefly explain how you would work to solve them. (Maximum 100 words)

The problems are interrelated horizontally and vertically, among all issues, locak0 global. Montgomery County Circuit Court Loretta Knight, Bettie Skelton, District Court Clerk Jeffrey Ward, Administrstive Judge Cornelius Vaughey, Sheriff Elliot Tolbert, etc. government attorney John McCarthy, Kristen Bender are part of the “:fraud- crime- networks: with harassment, false arrest, imprisonment, false citation, false trespass, false testimony, withholding witnesses, etc. False frivolous levies, liens, garnishment, foreclosure, tenant-hold- over- eviction, etc. Thousands of cases are pending in the court systems for years or even decades; probably filed by “fraud- crime- networks” while continuing to victimize people; without proper services and proceedings; major (Additional text cut due to word limit)

3. Name a political figure (either local or national) you greatly admire and explain why. (Maximum 100 words)

George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson; courageous leaders for FREEDOM for ‘WE THE PEOPLE”.

4. Name two specific skills or experiences that make you uniquely qualified to represent Maryland. (Maximum 100 words)

Promote freedom, justice, peace. Reformer, advocate, activist, Producer/speaker: tv programs; profiled in Marquis Who’s Who. Superb expertise, commitment, civic services. Super-mom, - woman, victim-turned superhuman against “fraud-crime-injustice-system. Restore: principle, fairness, cost-effectiveness, accountability, reliability, capability; fair election, justice, peace (including civic, non-profit organizations), “check and balance”; Restore: TRUE essence of AMERICAN UNIVERSITY BRANDYWINE BUILDING 4000 BRANDYWINE STREET, NW WASHINGTON, DC 20016-8082

PHONE 202-885-1200

democracy, fair election process; easy access to government, files, records, transcripts. Promote quality, competition, people input (policies, issues, officials, judges); televise public hearings, citizen/candidate forum/debate; maintain, disseminate meaningful accurate information, records, capability, reasoning, good sense of justice, public interest. Based on merits, justification; double standards, improper processing of complaints, procedures, proceedings; falsification, (Additional text cut due to word limit)

5. How long have you lived in Maryland, and how has it changed since that date. Explain why those changes have been to the benefit or detriment of Maryland residents. (Maximum 100 words)

Live in Maryland since 1979. The society has been deteriorated greatly, but were silenced down, with threat, coercion, endless unlawful, immoral acts by “official misconduct- government gang- fraud- crime- injustice networks”; Problems (A): OPM, DOJ, IRS, SSA, FBI, law enforcement, National Park Service (Prettyman?), Library of congress (Neil Gladd), financial/brokerage/ accounting/ bill-payment processing/ collection agencies, insurance, car- dealers Lakeforest Oldsmobile; phone/utilities/cable, judges, legal/court personnel, detective/ process server/ impersonators or with phony names; Leslie Gradet, Tamera Jones, William D Roessler; offices of treasury, comptroller, attorney general: Joel Jacob/Jacobson, Gail Malle- Davis, Sylvia J. Brokos, Mary Hawse, Linda Tanton, Gerald Langbaum, John Barry, Pamela (Additional text cut due to word limit)

6. Explain why your appeal transcends your home-base location. In other words, all Maryland residents should feel comfortable -- whether they live in Baltimore, the DC suburbs, in Western Maryland, on the Eastern Shore, or elsewhere. (Maximum 100 words)

Appeal everywhere; violating Constitution or Bills of Rights (U. S. and State), police brutality or sheriff misconduct, attorneys and affiliated law firms and related “fraud- crime- injustice networks” operation are evidenced with official misconduct, e.g., District Court Judge Gary Everngam, Judge Gary Crawford, Sheriff Earnest Turner, other court personnel for improper processing of cases, including failing to docket, concealing of pleadings, falsification, denial of fair trial or jury trial demand, counter-claim, cross-claims, etc. Problems of privatization, irresponsibility, disabilities of government attorneys and judicial/legal/court personnel. , in New Jersey Monmouth County, Judge Robert McLeod, Judge Patricia Del-Bueno Cleary. .

7. Fill in the following blanks (Maximum two sentences): a) The most recent book I read and enjoyed was Excerpts of reading materials from activists for freedom, justice, liberty, peace, due process, pro-Constitution, against police brutality, judicial ltyranny, etc.


PHONE 202-885-1200

b) My favorite television show/movie is CITIZEN TIMES (studio series), producer/ host/ speaker: Dr. Lih Young; Movies: Mr. Smith goes to Washington, Giant c) In my spare time I love to Reformer, advocate, activist, producer/host/speaker of numerous TV programs on social issues: Citizen Times (studio series), Twilight of Judiciaries (I, II, III), Federal Shambles (1, 2), Working Class, Faith Revival, Global Affairs, On Taxation, On Equality, Democracy and Humanity, Struggle against Inhumanity, Conscience, Freedom, Around Capital Around Us. (A) Urge to properly air and examine the issues raised in these TV programs. (B) On numerous social issues, see Websites, Dnet, archives, links. Click on “more issues”, previous elections. (Additional text cut due to word limit)