In upport of the 1975 European Champion hip Fund

ill be e · n more e citing.

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DON'T FORGET THE FOLKESTONE CONGRESS September 22nd- 24th, 1972. At the Grand Hotel.

BROCHURES m y be obtained from Mrs. R. H. Corbett. The Hou of th Owl • Boars Head, Crowborough, Su x

Quality B IDGE STATIONERY All Bridge Stationery available /rom A. L. FLEMING 12 Frant Road, Tunbrldae Well , K nt T epbon : Tunbfldge W Ia 30112 Howe.ll Mo m nt rd · P rsonal or Car . Tra ellin Score b urtaJn Car • Rubber ore Car · Lu Duplicate \ 11 Brid e Tabl and Chai · PI yin Cards

2 0 GeN C.p. Tbe IICCOIIliiUIJ'iJ competition brochure and forms show that this ,_,., competitfoo -.m ba e a c:baoae of procedure in the arranaement. for JouDdl 1 aDcl l aDcl that tbeae c:bao&es have necessitated an earlier c:losin& date for eotriel. Rounds 1 and 2 will now be /layed at fixed venues on fixed dates, Saturda)' aDcl Sunday, September 30th an October 1st. This chanae has been made because the increasin& size of the entry threatens to make the tou~nt vnmau&uble under the old conditions. Rouoda 1 and 2 will be played at the following venues : 1 Royal HoUoway CoUege, Enalefield Green. A large ornate red brick building · 5! bac:lt on the left of the A.30 between Stain and Baashot, just before en efield Green. Notices to the Cameron HaU will be posted inside the n ptes. Ample car park. 2. British Celaneae Social Club. Ou ide Derby on the road to ottingbam. 3. Royal Station Hotel, York. 4. University of Bath, Claverton Down, Bath. Play in the South Building Refectory. 5. The Guildhall, Cambridge. If, as expected, the new car park i completed by the end of September, there will be no problem. If not, there is a multi-storey car park in J us Lane (about five minute ' wallc). On Sunday cars may be left in the adjoining street or market quare. 6. Bemers Hotel, London. Off Oxford Street at the Bourne & Hollingsworth turning. 7. Uni ersity of Keele, Staffordshire. ote--There will be no bar service at this enue.) 2 miles from ewcastle-under-Lyme, leave M6 at Junction 15 or 16. 8. Queen's Hotel, H tin . On ea front. E pecially favourable terms have been arran ed at this venue for any who m y care to stay the weekend. Tbe draw will be announced at the various enues. As in aU previous years it will be re 'onalised in the earlier sta e and so arranged that clash between t from the same county are avoided. Team will be notified as to the venue at which they are to play. There will be no byes in the competition. To make this possible there may be a number of li t round matches involving three teams. In such the teams will meet each other in matches of 20 boards with two out of three teams to go forward to round 2. Teams defeated in round 1 will be able to meet in round 2 in match for which green points will be awarded. The draw for uch match will be an open draw, made by the tournament director in charge at each venue. Tbe entry fee for the competition will include the tab! cbarg for the w~ltend. Teams which may have entered fewer than b: players may brin thear complement up to ix at the appropriate enue before play beg{ for round 1. ' • • • •

• • • • 3 In the U.S.A. even the hortest of weekends would be incomplete without a sw· tournament and it i not uncommon to ee entries of four and five hundred teams. There is every reason to think that the form of competition will be equally popular in this country. At E tbourne the Swiss teams wiD be a three 'on e ent. On this occasion entri for the Swiss teams will be limited to eiJhty teams and Congress entry forms should indicate whether it is proposed to compete in this event nd hould show the names of the team members. Teams may include up to ix players. • • • • The Whltela Cap. It should be noted that this year the event i one week earlier than its usual date. For some time past the Whitelaw Cup has been open to teams from abroad although virtually none have taken advantage of the opportunity to compete here. This year it is proposed to invite the Italian Lad1es team, holders of both the European and Olympiad titles. It is hoped that their presence may encourage other foreign teams to compete and the wider exper­ ience that this would provide can only be helpful to the standard of our women'& bridge. • • • • Earopea,a Cbamploashlpa In EnJ)and. England i to tage the European Champion hip in 1975. The venue has not as yet been decided but discussion ar already taking place and a working committee will be formed shortly. The co t of taging a Championship is 'mated as about £15,000 and while the E.B.U. will obviou ly look for suppon from outside it mu al o rely on a good deal of effort from within. The London ociation announce that they will hold a Congress over the Spring Holiday weekend for each of the next three years, the proceeds to be donated to the Championship fund. It is hoped that this Initiative may encourage other county associations • • • • • B.B.L Deleptes. The following were elected to serve E.B.U. delegat to the for 1972/73 : R. F. Corwen, W. H. Eastwell, H. Scully, P. F. Spurway, K. E. Stanley. E.LU. Sfteedoa Committee. The followin were appointed for 1972f73: G. L. Butler, C. Beach, M. Bl nk, J. C. H. Marx, E. C. Milne , R. A. Pnday, K. E. Stanley. • • • • .a.u. eeords 0 ce. Th E.B.U. member hlp records ha e now been moved from Tunbrid e Well to the new Mast r Points Office at 81 High Street, Thame, Oxon . • • • • Camr Trials. The followina pairs have been exempted to th final ta of thi y ar's Camrose Trials: M. H. Air y, D. N. Cotuns . Guthri , R. C. Moore J. Am.sbury, J. D. R. ColHn P. H ckett, . Hoffman M. Blank, M. Llpworth R. H. Q. H nriqu , R. T. Hi n 0. H. F. Bro d, D. F. Griffith A. . Hiron. C. P. L ter R. S. Br k, J. H. L ter M . , Mi D. ha n S. . Burton, Dr. A. D. Clark E. C. Miln , P. Purcell D. dwin, M. Este n D. Myers. R. Myers A. Finlay, E. ewman I. P nto, W. J. Pencharz Mt . Carden r, M . M. Oldroyd D. Riminaton, R. J. Rowlan D. M. G tyn, D. Sm rdon I. . R , B. Te1tscher J. H. Creenhal h. M. K. Tedd B. P. Topley, P. F. L. Tottenham lt Colden eld, D. A. Ro on B. G. White, . A. Wilson At I ix more pairs Will quali(y from the pre-Camrose trial.

s The ml-Fiaal Silverstone beat Blank ..• 160-108 Sheehan beat Ro 138-124 Jverstone never hard-pre ed in hi - match while in the other match, Ro wa ahead throu bout the first haU and behind for the whole of the cond half. The Fill • Sheeh n beat Silver tone. Fi e new nam thu found their way on to the coveted trophy, R. A Priday being the only pre ious winner. Mrs. Priday became only the fifth woman to appear in a winning team and Mr. and Mr . Priday the first ever married couple to do so. The winners, more than any of the other quarter­ finali , were able to rely on thr well-e tabli bed partnership and their capt in attribut their ucce largely to thi fact. And R. A Priday modestly offers this band from the final on which luck was on their ide. 0 aler orth. Game all. orth + one \7 A Q J 10 9 8 3 ¢ AKIO 6 Q74 w t t + AQ875 + K 1042 \7 4 2 \7 7 6 s ¢963 ¢ J4 6 J32 6 A 10 86 outh • J 96 3 OK ¢08752 6 K95 orth outh (R. A. Priday) (Mrs. Priday) 2H 3 0 4 Sp 6D p Four Sp de bowed a fir t round pade control and a massive diamond fit and Mrs. Priday bowed a tine appreciation of her limit d ~alu . Lacking the fourth , orth hould have contented himself with a ingle diamond ra . Apin t Six Diamond , We t led the two of club and there w no10; no defence. Ea t saved a trick by taking the ace. A pade lead would ha e 1 ft declarer ith no better ch nee than to play for J 9 d ubleton in trum and to with a hi&h trump honour- a chance which would have fa I d. At the other table the Scot t y d in Four He rt makinll twelve tric

p retain d th Lady M1lne . H. Flint, .Grdnr .A. R. E and

3-3 4-2 ·0 orthem lrel nd 10 aJ 2 Scotland and orth rn Ireland were in ohed in one of the m re dramatic hand of th kend. Love all. Dealer North. ortb KQ85 K88 ()A 5 . Q97 t J9742 0 63 2 .<> 48743 South • None OA975 <> 9 6 2 . AJ6532 South opened with a bid of Two Clubs, North made the ret.y response of Two Diamonds and South showed her second suit. North then went to Six Clubs after checking on aces, although a jump to Four Clubs might have produced a cue-bid of Four Spades and an even greater measure of confidence in the slam po ibilities. West doubled and led the ace of sp des, presenting declarer with no further problem. A heart lead might have appeared safer but declarer would still neaotiate the contract. Win the heart in dum.rny and take a losing club . Win a second heart in dummy and play off all the clubs and hearts. Declarer'• last four cards are three diamonds and a trump and West and orth have three diamonds and a spade. The lead of the I t trum~ will squeeze West against the double menace of dummy's spade and declarer s nine of diamonds. And of course one lead would have defeated the contract-but which of you would have considered a diamond lead 1 • • • • BOWL Quarter-Final Mrs. M. Oldroyd (Y) beat Mrs. W. Bentley (NW) by 850 points T. H. Cannon (l() beat Mrs. R. Sopp (E) by 228() points Miss A. Kirch (S) beat E. S. Staveley (0) by 1950 points Miss D. Shanahan (M) beat R. J. Van N'oorden (0) by 2490 points Semi-Final A. Kirch (A. C. Eastpte, M. J. Flint, B. Teltscher, I. N. Rose) (S) beat Mrs. M. Oldroyd (J. Bloomberg, t Manning, A. Finlay, E. ewman) (Y) by 1720 points D. Slwaahan (R. J. Sharp! , J. Amsbury) (M) beat T. H. Callllon (M. V. Moore, R. W. Slmpson, M. J. McBain) (K) by 4200 points THE HUBERT PHILLIPS CUP M A. Kirch and J. Amsbury met in the final and before the match d tall here i one defensi e probl m from the final. ~rth f Cl oath W 2D 2H 1D 1H 3D P ; Sp orth 063 A074 Ql063 . 84 75po . , 107 62 W t I d the kin of clu . Decl rer won and p d ce and another diamond W t followina twlc . t 1 d th j c of clu nd w t overtook with th~ queen and led a lo heart. Declarer pl d low from dU""""' and East won with the ten What no 1 --v 7

In the first t n bo r of the 60 final Amsbuty took a lead of 480 but Kirch quickl went to the front and Jed by 1200 at the half-way. In the penultimate t of boar the lead was advanced to 3300 and M' Kirch went on to win by 4170. aa ra: M A. I reb, B. Tel her, A. Eastpte, M. J, Flint, I. • Rose. raane up: J. Amsbury, Mi D. Shanahan, R. Sharples, J. Sharp! • And the defe · problem : orth + 063 OAQ74 0 Q 10 63 . 84 w~ Eut + J 108 + K1S 08653 OKJIO 0 72 0 KJ . KQS3 • J 10 7 6 2 South + A942 092 OA9854 . A9 And the winning play for E t after taking the ten of hearts-a heart return into dummy's A Q. Declarer's hape bould be known by now and a discard of the fourth spade is no real help to him. If you found this defensive shot you impro ed on the finalist who pi yed a third club to live declarer a ruff and discard and his contract. PACHAIIO CUP 1 S or Ire (G. R. Unk. R. Steel, K. C. Slyde, P. F. L Tottenha.m) 1341 l urre (A. Armitage, R. Kyang, D. A. Webber, K. C. Smith) .. . l34 3 onto a blr (C. Ward, E. C. Powell, C. J. Morley, T. W. Man worth. J. R. L. Tbomp on, W. E. G. Wint r) 128! 4= orth-W t (P. D. Hackett, M. Hoffman, B. Goldenfield, F. ood, J. Mie ) 12 4 x (A. M. Grant, J. G. Faulkner, R. M. Green, L. F. Jon , K. E. Stanley, D. A. Romain) 12 4= arwlc hire (D. Valley, Mrs. E. J. Arm trong, P. G. Whitehouse, G. S. Moffatt) 128 7 col hire (B. G. Smith. J. K. Morri , Mrs. P. Bloomer, G. Ledger) 125 umMrland (J. Boardman, R. T. Brun kill. H. Broo • J. Y. Martin) 123 9 Kent (Mrs. M. G. D. William , M. S. Buckley, A. W. Bowen, J. Sarjeant 1211 lO•Ui hlr (W. Bur tone, N. Alton, G. H. F. Broad, D. F. Gri • P. A. Harvey, R. Ette) 1151 10= ort•· t (A. Urwin, M. Allan, D. C. Little, D. H. B ldwin) llSi

THE l LD P ottln&ham- lOth/lltb Juae, 1971 \ 'inners: K. B. Ha ell, P. G. Watson (Uni e ity of M ncb ter) ... 3368 2 C. Leigh, P. • Lee (Exeter College of Oxford) ...... 3309 3 A. H. Duncan, I. G. Thompson (Unh·ersity of Edinburgh) .. . 3230 4 w. E. C. Hugh , Dr. A. P. Sowter ( ottlngham Uni erslty) 3222 5 G. W. Jeps n, Dr. T. B. Cruddi 31 2 6 C. J. Morley, P. E. Morley ... 31S6 7 I. M. Morrison, Dr. J. A. ath n ... 3137 R. C. Howell, Mrs. D. R II 3136 9 Dr. P. M. Hayes, J, E. Blandon 3069 10 Mr. & Mrs. 0. Eli ... 302 11 R. A. S e ens. . Lo ey 297 ll Mr. & Mrs. D. 2971 TB WORLD TEAMS OLYMPIAD

To tab lbda place In a hlabl7 competitive field of thirty-~~ count.ria IDUit rut • a ftl7 creditable performance. However, the Bntiab team of J. CaJ11iDo uc1 J. PHat. R. A. Prictay and C. Rodrigue, C. Dixon and R. Sheehan wtdl L Tarlo • their non-playinll captain bad displayed such form in the Earopeu Cbampioashis- last November to encourage u to hope for a place Ia the lellli-6nala and although we only fini bed two places out of a iauaJif11n1 pomdoa there were few stages of the competition when we could be Nprclecl • In strong contention. The pae!al standard was below that of a European Championship, altboulb c1earty the teams at the head, notably the and the Aces, ere cu.tiaetly stronser than any team which has figured in a European Qamploaabip In the last decade. Such teams as Israel, Turkey and Ireland were able to far exceed their expectations. From a quite early stage of the tblrteea clay qualifying competition, Italy and the U.S.A. were booked for the lellli·6Dal and it seemed that application and nerves might determine the other two placea. The Republic of China, relative newcomers to international bridge ucl with neither the experience nor the technique of our own top players, stued In the bunt until the very end with discipline and application as their mala qualities. For thirteen days the teams played three matches of twenty boards a day and the round robin ended dramatically with the last two semi­ laal placa decided on the last round and po ibly on the last board.

Italy and the U.S.A. had already qualified. Twenty points were at stake in each match and, with one round to play, China in third place led France by four points and France led Canada by ten points. In the last round Canada bad an apparently easy match against the Philippines but their star, Sammy Kebela, was hospitalised sulferinll from exhau tion. France met Poland on llama and the Republic of China faced Switzerland. Canada were the first to finish and scored a maximum twenty. With two boards to play on Rama. France enjoyed a &lender lead against Poland--slender, but suffietent to gj e them the eleven points that would ruarantee a semi-final place. On the very last board they were overtaken and lost 11-9 to leave themselves one point behlnd Chlna. China now needed five points to be certain of qualifying but their game Proareuinl very slowly ln the closed room and hundreds milled around for a fuU hour until the players emerged and with them the news that Switzerland bad won 18-2 to give Europe In the persons of France a econd place in the mf-6nala. Italy, lead rs of the round robin, had the privile e of selectin& their semi-final opponen • They decided to avoid the Aces and In ited a public draw betw n the other two teams. The draw r ulted in Italy • France and U.S.A. T. Canada, urln a European-North American final.

For the record, Gr t Britain won twenty- 1x match , be tin Austria. Chile, Turkey, Spain, Belgium, Ven zueta. Argentina, Bermuda, Panama. etherland Antil1es, Colombia, South Africa, Lebanon, Finland, o~. Prance. Ge. rmany, I rae!. Jamaic , Japan, Poland, Italy, etherlands, Bruit. Philippines, Bahamas. They I t ele en m tche apt t Switzerland, Peru. CUada, Mexico, U.S.A., Ireland, Oenmar , lndl , Sweden, ew Zealand and Australia and they dre with the Republic of China. Apinst the fi e teamS ah d of them ln th tabl they scored 52 po nts out of 8 po 'ble 100. their most notable perform nee being a win 19-1 a inst Italy.

The two semi-final match only rved to emp the difference between the Blue Team and the Aces and the t of th field And the Anal owed that the Blu Team is In a cl part, though the A. mJ&ht ba come closer had they en abl to recapture their form of the 1 t ~ucla Bowl coot t. 9 It i doubtful whether any play r emerged from the final stag with a better r cord than Pa tro Forquet, but the band he is most likely to remember on from the clo in& stages where he mis-judged the play. orth A9 0104 0 10 9 8 7 52 6 A9 South + 02 <::1AJ982 OAOJ 6 762 As South be opened One Heart and r bid Two Hearts after his partner's response of Two Diamonds. orth, Garozzo, raised to Four Hearts. Declarer bad a good tart when West led the ten of spades and be was able to win the trick in hand with the queen. After long thought, Forquet Jed the ace of hearts followed by a low heart and found Soloway in the East position ufficientJy l rt to take full advantage. This was the complete deal: orth + A9 \) Q 10 4 0 10 9 8 7 52 6 A9 w t t K J 10 7 5 + 8643 <::165 <::1 K73 0 K64 03 6 J43 6 K01085 South 02 A J 9 8 2 OAOJ 6 762 Soloway won the king of hearts and found the right witch to the kina of clubs. Declarer ducked in dummy and the ball was still In Soloway's court. A Jesser player might have been tempted to look for a diamond trick and a diamond ruff, but Forquet had obviously had a problem and Soloway w able to determln what it w . He continued with a second club. Forquet bad no lternati e to the diamond fin and when that failed, Hamman returned a diamond to gi e hi partner a ruff for the tting trick. At the other table Bell donna found the I d of a smaU club. Goldman won in dummy with th ce nd I d the qu n of h , not cov red. He tb n plar d a cond club nd t won nd pla d de for tbe qu n, kin and c . Declarer now too a loain diamond fin and W t c on d before &i ·ng hi partn r a diamond ruff. And tb Un Forqu t ould bav ta n after nn n& the first pade ith qu n low h art towards th qu n, int ndang to continue with a od lo he rt to the ei bt if th qu n should wm. Aft r forty iabt boards of the &htY· rd final the Italians bad bualt up a I d of 60 I.M.P's. On th last sixt n boards of the day the four young America , Hamman and Solow r· Lawren e and Goldman, raJUed to reco er 32 I .P' to J e the match til alive. But the Italians closed the door early In th final on nd ran out winn rs with a final score of 203-ll . The Italan I da had earher compl ted the first I & of an outstandiq doubt when they wer comfortable winn of the Ladi • Championship, b d of South Africa and U.S.A. ~~Ut~~raO PL Y t of tJae Deauville festival of BridJe iS a Tournament of Cwnploaa Ia t pain of orld calibre compete tn an exhibition tournament each Cft111111 bene6t of Rama. Eqland w represented thia year by Reae ad Pilat bo tb one match to play lie In second place. Already assured of die Cbaaaplonsbip Ia the Canadian pair, Kehela and Murray. Here are two =.-- In plaJ from their match aplnst U.S.A. nei&hbours Leventritt and orth +6 \) K 10 8 OAKQ7654 6 A8 South + 0109 \)A9542 <> J 10 2 6 Q3 East was the dealer with North-South vulnerable. After two passes at opened Three Clubs and orth bid Three o Trumps. East bld Four Cluba, South and West passed and orth, Murray, bid Four Diamonds. South converted to Four Hearts and orth went on to Five Diamonds, the final contract. Trumps were 2-1. The was the jack of clubs for the queen, kina and ace. Can you ee how Murray planned the play 7 Oaust was faced with an even tougher problem on thls one. Love all. Dealer East. w t East A 10 8 6 5 + 972 K6 \) A J 5 0 Q J 109 0 2 6 92 6 A J 10 54 3 w t t 1 Cl 1 Sp 2 Cl 2 D 2 Sp 3 Sp 4 Sp North. doubled and if the bidding eems omewhat awe i e, this the penultimate band of a match which w going badlf for the Am ricans. N,o!'th led the ace of diamonds and switched to the six o clubs. A 4-1 trumP dlvwon can be a umed. orth-South conventionally lead the co from ·kin How do you plan the pi y 7 • • • TbJs w th full deal on the first problem : orth-South • 0 1 r t. orth 6 (i K 10 O A 07654 6 A8 w t 872 t \) Q AJ 543 <> 8 3 \) J763 6 K97652 0 9 6 J 104 outh Q 109 \) A 542 <> J 10 2 6 03 11 t 1 d w the jack of clu for the queen, kina and ce. Declarer in o rounds and 1 d the ix of (>&d for the nine and ki d hicb be would have alm t certainly made in any case became en more ure ben E t failed to r· e with the ace of pad W t won ith the kin of pades and returned a club for East's ten. East pt.,ed the e en of bur for the queen and kina and declarer merely ran · diamonds. Dumm.y's last three card were two hurts and a spade as were th e of East. On th 1 d of the last trump East wa queezed. Tbou&h at tint i&ht Four Hurts may look equally safe It did not prove to be so. Re e ( orth) and Flint ended there after the following Preci on Club sequence : t South W t orth p p 10 1 Sp Double 3 Sp 4 D p 4H P P p t led the two of pad • E t won and witched to the jack of clubs. D clarer won and with no clear auld as to the trump distribution he be ith a low hurt to the ace and thereafter could not reco er. Avarelll and Amato played in Fi e Hearts against Four Spad and went two down. 0 ust came clo to bringing off a in his optimistic contract of our Spad , doubled. Love all. Dealer East. orth . K Q J4 \) Q 10 8 OAKS . K86 w t t A 10 8 6 5 972 \) K 6 \) AJ 5 0 Q J 10 9 02 . 92 . AJ 10 54 3 South 3 \)97432 076543 •o1 orth I d the ac of diamonds and switched to the six of club . Declarer on In dummy and played the king of hearts, a heart fin and a third heart, carding the lo ina club. He erred at the next trick when he led a trump, the IX lo ina to the queen. orth returned the kina of trumps for declarer's ace and th qu n of diamonds forced orth's king and w ruff d with dummy's t trump. D clarer had to enter hi hand with a club ruff and h n b4 forced out orth's m t r trump orth could hort n declarer ith a further diamond to promote his four of sp d to the ettina trick. W t wins if aft r thr roun of he rt h ruff a club, ruff out orth' ina of d' nds, ruff a fourth club in hand) and then I th fourth di ond.

LID 0 DE II E. B. U. mb r are welcome at Duplicat Brid ion held ry onday, 'edn do and Frida • Commencing 7 p.m. al lh Torquay Bridg, Club, 60 Torwood lreel, Torquay. 12

E T FO YOUR Dl Y * * * E ning Standard Congress 25th, 26th, 27th and 28th ugu t, 1972 * * * Guardian-Cutty Sark International Congress 22nd, 23rd and 2 lh D mb r, 972 * * * Harpers & Queen Christmas Congress 26th mb r, 972 * * * II at th EU OPA HOTEL • LONDON E TRIES AY OT BE MADE UNTIL 1972/73 COU TY SUBSCRIPTIO S HAVE BEE PAID



SEASON 1872-73


Y TE Th following tems may be played in all E.B.U. competitio and consr : ; AUJtrian (Vienna); Baron; Beasley; Benjanunised Acol with Weak Twos· (En&l_i h ersion but excluding Gardener 1 T ) ; C.A.B. ; Culberuon ForcanJ Two ; Flint Pender ; Goren ; Kaplan- heinwold (excluding r ulated p ycbic ) ; empson ; Modern Vienna ; ottingham Club ; One Club ith one diamond ne ti e reply; Preci ion Club; Scbeoclr.en Bls Club (En&)i b); Stayman ; Teague (modified Vienna); Two Clubs (utility); Two-Way Approach ; Vanderbilt Club. Other ystem with "A" licences may be played only in t ms-of-four matcbe of not I than 20 board with at least one week's notice and full particulars to the oppo in& captain ; also in the Sunday Times Cup and Life M ters Pairs. Systems with "B" licences are permitted: (a) (With notice) as for .. A" Ucen ; (b) (Without notice) In the finals of championship events at open conv ; (c) (Without notice) in national e ents of not less than three 1 (excludin The Field Cup). PRE-EMPTIO . A short pause over all pre-emptive bids Is recommended. A list of convention which may be played with any of these systems can be obtained from Mr . Fleming, 12 Frant Road, Tunbridse WeU , Kent. En&ll Secdon of the Gold Cup (B.B.L Open Teams Champion p) H d rs: R. M. SHEEHAN, C. P. DIXO , Mr. & Mrs. R. A. PRJDAY, D. EDWIN, M. ESTERSO Knock-out throughout. The draw will be seeded and earlier rounds will be drawn as far possible to avoid excessive traveiUng. Scorin• by I.M.P. Match . Round 1 and 2 will be played on the 30th September and 1st October, 1972 at designated venues and will co t of 40 board each. Rounds 3 up to but not includinc the quarter· final = 48 boards (but if BOTH captains agree 40 boards may be played). Quarter-final= 64 boards (but if BOTH captains agree 4 boards p1ayed). B.B.L. ta - i.e. quarter-final , semi-final and final-in which teams qualified from the Engli h Section will be joined by qualified teams from Scotland, Wal and orthern Ireland will be played from Friday the 4th May to Sunday the 6th May, 1973. Entry F : £1.25 per player, including card money for round one and two. All m bers of team must be nominated before play tarts Ia the lnt 1'0'&841. MASTER POl TS AWARDS : Player award to each member of a team winnlnJ a match in which he or he plays not I than one-fifth of the boards or 10 board , whichever the &reater : a) Final : 30 Ma ter Poin : (b) Semi-final : IS M ter Poin : (c) Qu rter· final : 8 M ter Points; (d) Round immediately precedin quarter-final : 4 M ter Point : (e) Round Immediately precedin& (d): l M ter Poin : <0 Any earlier rounds : 2 M ter Point , with the e ception of the J v. lo m tch in round 2. for which the winners t 1 M ter Point. ALL AWARDS CUMULATIVE. Entri do 9th September, 1972. Crockford' (E.B. • Opea Tea C pi p) Hold : M. J. FLI T, J. CA SINO. G. 0. J. COOKE, J. T. REESE. I. . ROSE t rou•d ill con · t of multiple team even at the followina cen to reduce field to 112 teams. Three round of knock-out will thn produce a 14-t fin 1 to be played on tbe 14th·lStb April, 1973 in London, at 2.0 p.m. The fi t two knoc -out rounda lll consJat of l board mat : the round befor the final will be of 48 board&, but if BOTH capcalu 40 or 32 boards may be played. o table money will be c:lwpclln the final. A Sunday mornina n In the 6na1 may be MC.. U7 IICla , Utll o ber, 1971--Vea ( tarring times 2 p.m.): Albany, ottin&ham- DerbyshJre, Le1cestershire, Unco N~~~-­ vic Centre Corb)'-Bedfordshlre, Berks. & Bucks., CambL 1: • Hertford hire, orfolk, ortbaaa1Pbl.. llta. London- s, London, Middlesex. Spa Hotel Tunbridge Well - Kent, Southern Counties, SurftJ, B · ol Cl~b-Giouce tershire, Somerset : Southern Countia daaice Ra en Hotel, Droitwich-Oxford hire, Staffordshire, Wa~ aj de Hotel, Harrogate-N.E.B.A., Yorkshire. Ro tor Hotel, Torquay- De on and Cornwall. Grand Hotel, Manchester-Cumberland, .W.C.B.A., Watmorlud. Any twn may opt to play in London. T from Sou bern Counti C.B.A. may opt to play in eitber • Tunbrid e Wells. Teams consisting of an equal number of players from two UUI 1M1f opt to play at the venue ap_Propriate to either : but, where tbe memben fl die team are dra n from different areas in unequal proportions, tbe ftllut wiD Ill determined at the discretion of the Competition Manager. E try F 1 7Sp per player : table money wlll be charJed in heats only.

MASTER POINTS AWARDS : QaaUfyln roaad : In each ction teams in the top quarter of tM IIIII rankin lis are reprded as having won two matcba in euiJ ...., entitlin& each qualified member to an award of 2 Muter Poiatl : in nd quarter as ha ing won one match with 1 Muter Poiat tD .m qualified member. Eacb boc -oat round : 2 Master Points to each qualified member. aaJ-Iaal : 3 M ter Points. Flaal : To be determined •

. Each CO~PLETE 100 Local Points will rank as one Muter Poiat ol natJona 1 1tand1ng. 0 thaD ol the ~rtalify 1&bc,an award a player mu t play not 1 oae-lfda Entri clo or1 t Oct-:::;, ~~7~~ever Is the greater. Multi-team and pail$ e ents will be orpnised for tums eliminated in early rounds. The John Hirst Trophy (Holders : Mrs. C. G. Ainaer and Mrs. A. Milne) for pairs wlU be play d on Suncay afternoon. Th Ladj • Plate final (Holders: Miss V. M. Daly, M • F. H. Addison, Mrs. G. Outran, Mrs. J, Garfield) will be play d on Sunday e enlriJ. On Saturday e enin&, for teams elimlnat d from Whitelaw and Ladi • Plate, there will be a pi otin& teams-of-four event. E U7 F : £2.50 per play r, inclusi e of all table money char& throup­ out th weekend. The winnin team (if comprised of EnJlishwomen) will be invited to play for En&land in the B.B.L home countrie champ onshJp for the Lady Milne Trophy. POINTS A WARDS : Pt.>rer awards to each member of team winnin& a match in which e pla not I than on -filth of the board , or 10 boards, whichever is the areater. inal - 8 Master Points Semi-final - - 4 Master Points Quarter-final - 2 Master Points Earlier rounds • - 1 ter Point ALL AWARDS CUMULATIVE Entri cl 15th November, 1972.

Hubert Phillips Bowl (E.LU. CbampioaabJp for Mlud Teaaas-of-Four) Hold rs: Miss A. KIRCH, A. C. EASTGATE, M. J. PUNT, B. TELTSCHER, I. . ROSE Tums must include at least one man and one woman and II members playlna In a match mu t pi y in partnership with at least three other members of th team. At no time it permitted for an all-male or all-female team to be playin • oclt-out throupout. Match 30 boards. Eatry F : 7Sp per player. POINTS A WARD : P y awarda to each m mber of a t am winnin a mat h in which he or p y d not I than on .fifth of th boards, or JO boards, whi he er the t r. Final ter Points Semi-final ter Points Quarter-final • • - ter Point Round lmmedJa" ly pr din& qu rter·fin 1 • ter Poln Any earller roun ter Point ALL AWARDS CUMULATIVE ntri cl 1 t Oct r, 1972.

II hool Cup :CITY OF LO DO SCHOOL All nquiri to Mrs. A. L A mina. P.nal1ah Bridae Union ll Frant Road, Tunbrid& Wells, ent (Tunbrid e W IL 30612). P Fi

6. County Secretari ould en ure that entry f and the recapitulation clwts for all h t are nt to the Competition Manaaer before the 24th M reb, 1973. Th e hould be ccompaoied by (i) details of the venue of each heat and the date on which it w played, (ii) the nam , addreslea and telephone numbers (if any) of one member of each quallfyinJ pair and of at Je t two r erve pair , (iii) the indi idual choice of final venue, where applicable. Entri recei ed after the 24th March, 1973 wiU be accepted only at th d" retion of the Competition Mana er and if accompanied by a urcharge of £1 per qualifying pair. 7. If any qualifyin r d clare themsel unable to compete in the 6UJ, pairs from the same heat who finished next in the rankin& order wlll normally be ccepted to play in their/lace, provided : (a) that uch pairs fini bed abo half-way in the heat an (b) that notification is made to the Competition Manager before the 24th March, 1973. TER PO TS AWARDS: Quallfyin b ats : B ic cale multiplied by three. Ar nal : A top award of a number of Master Points equal to one-tenth of the number of pairs in the Area Final, reducing by 1 Master Point (maximum top award of 15 Master Points). Fl11al : Winner 20 Master Points. Spring Foursomes-Eastboume Hod of th Pro 01t Cup: G. 0. J. COOKE, Mr. Mrs. M. J. FUNT, J. T. REESE, I. ROSE, J. CANSINO ro t Cup : This knock-out team event, in which no team i eliminated until It has been twice beaten, will take place at the Grand Hotel, Eastbourne, on the 9th-12th February, 1973, startin& at 2.20 p.m. on Friday, 9th February and finishing midnight on Monday. Hamllto Cup and PUacb Bowl : Sub idiAJY events for teams eliminated from the Provo t Cup. Entry F : £4 per player, inclusive of all table money charge throughout the four day for the main and subsidiary events. ntrle are limited to 64 teams and will be closed as soon thi number baa been received. They should be sent to Mrs. A. Cartwright on parate entry form. TER POINT AWARD : t Cup : Play r awards to ch member of a team winnin& a match in wh1ch be or he play not le than one-fifth of the boarda or 10 boarda, h1che er i the &r ter: Fin I, 12 M ter Points; Semi-final, I ter Poin , Quaner-final, 4 Master Points ; Earlier rounds, from SO Local Points to 2 M ter Points (accordina to number of teams competina aod ta at whlch match is won). North rn Four m four te11111 iD each of F..w.,'a pooll a .at competition, u wUI the tblrd foar ~ aad tb1 fourth four tea1111 In each pooL Each CCIII..... be conducted oa icleadcal llnel. Teams eUminated from the utouar-:::0.:~1&4• ~doni wm plq in team1 of four at the remalntna 111 A&DS (based on umption that tbe full ent17 C1f M is received) : For finiahina iD the top quarter of each pool- , 2 National Muter For teams fmlshina in the second quarter of each pool- 1 ational Muter Poi8L Slll~1•1•t bock-oat-32 board matches. Pool A. Pool L Session 1. 2 ational Master Point . 1 ational Muter Sealon 2. 4 National Master Points. 1 National Muter Sealon 3. 8 ational Master Points. 2 National Muter PaiiiiL Seaton 4. 12 National Master Points. 3 National Malter PaiiiiL Pools C and D to attract an award of local points, converted for team1 IDillial first and second in Pool C to 2 and 1 National Master Points respectifti.J, ..a for the winning team in Pool D to 1 National M ter Point. v~aae. Royal Station Hotel, York, from which special terms for ~Iliaci have been obtained. Eatry F £4 per player. For competitors taying at Royal Station Hoell, York, a reduced entry fe of £3 per player. Tollemache Cup lnler·Re&lonal pion p of Ea&)aad Teams of Elaht Hold rs : WARWICKSHIRE Entry is open only to County and Regional Associationa of the U.U. who should ubmit an entry to the Competition Manager by the 31st OciDIIIr. 1972. Heata to be played on the 9th-10th December, 1972. • Nh o player may repre ent more than one county in the E.I.U. wh tc runs from 1st Octobe 30th September in any year. The winnera of each Area event wUJ m tin a fi e-team final 10 be.,.. at the Welcombe Hotel, Stratford-on-Avon on the 17th-18th Februar7,"1f71 Sbetartina tim for he ts and final, 2.15 p.m A Sunday mornial may nc • · Eatry F : £3.20 plus tab! mon y. Are : OR:rHERN-cumberl nd, Lincol hir , orth- t, ordt- Nottin&hamshlre, We tmorland, York hire. MIDtrLANdshJ?s-Bedfordshire rby hire Lelcestersblre ~ 5 or tre, Warwl hire. ' ' SOUTH-WESTER - D von Som t, South rn Counti ore tershire & ~n~·EAS1 (2 Secti~ns)-B r Bucks., Cambl. Surr y, sIsl X. E X, H rtfor hire, Kent, London, Mldd)eld. MAT PO AW D I T aa A rd of Loeal Poiata followa : en : o. of te 3 4 5 Won ••• ) ,500 Runn rs-up 4,000 4,500 5.000' )rd 1,750 2,500 3,150 3.100 4th 1,000 2,000 2.600 1,400 p Ei ht ENTRY FORM GOLD CUP

NOTE : Closing date for Gold Cup only is 9th September, 1972. To: Dr. E. S. Stanley, 81 Hf&h Street, Thame, Oxon.

Entry fee £1.25 per player includin& card money for Rounds 1 and 2. Cheques made payable to E.B.U. Remittance enclosed £

Captain's Address Tel. No. .

Capt. County 2 County. l County 4 County.

5 County 6 County.

AD members of tbe team must be nominated before the start of play in the fint round. ter .,._ ..cb competitor tbe County tbrou&b which his or her carreat E.B.U. aublcriptioa bas (Captain lbould Dote that my player who is DOt a CWTeDt member at the time of entry will allowed to compete.) ...._tab to abide bf tbe Rules of tbe Competitioa. Si.,..,., ______&$_ ------NGLISH aRIDGE UNION

S. Staveley, 11 Hlp Street, Tbame, Oxon. Please acc:ept entries as lacllc:ated below : Closin& date for both competitions- 1st October, 1972. Entry fee-75p per player. I. HUBERT PHILLIPS BOWL Captain's Address _____ Tel. No. Capt. County 2 County___ _ 3 County 4 County___ _ 5 County 6 _ County_ _ l. CROCKFORD'S CUP Captain's Address. -- __ _ Tel. No. _ Capt. County 2 __ County 3 County 4 County 5 County _ __ 6 County___ _ Veaae. Teams from Southern Counties and teams whose members are equally divided between counties may exercise a choice of venue. Furthermore, any team may elect to play in London. Where applicable, please indicate choice of venue below. Venu' •te wbetber Mr., Mrs. or Miss and enter ALL initials. eatel: after each competitor the County throu&h which his or her curre.rt E.B.U. subscription has been paid. Capcal• lbould DOte that any player who is not a current member at the time of entry will not be allowed to compete.) make aU cbequea payable to the E.B.U. No acknowledament wiJI be sent. We ...... ,.... to abide by the Rules of the Competitions. Si1n~d------E GLI H BRIDGE 10 TRY FORM

To : Dr. E. . taveley, 81 Hi&b treet, Tbame, Oxoa. PI accept entri a indicated belo :

1. WHJTELA W CUP (entry fee £2.50 per player) Closing date for entrie , 15th November, 1972.

Captain's Addr s

Phone No. ------Capt. County

2 County

3 County 4 __ County

5 County

6 County_

2. IELD UP (entry £1 per pair) Clo ing date for entries, 1st May, 1973.


County who attended

All individual nam d above are memben of the Eqljah Bridle UaloD. have paid their sub riptions for 1972/ 73 and undertake to Rule of the Competitions. abide­ Pie e tate after name, the County throu&h wbJc:b E.I.U. aublcripdoa ha been pajd. \ here paym nts are made by cb que, receip will not be MDL ~ by cheque I requ ted where practicable. Remittance clo d, t _ _ _ S•Pftl------Addr Pie state Mrs. or Mi in the c of women coaapedtora. GU H IDG

sa·~•~., II Hlp Street, Tbame, 0 oa.

ladkated below :

PAIRS CHAMPIO SHIP (entry fee £1 per pair) Clolia& date for entri , 1st December, 1972.


County both of whom are under 27 year of age on 31 t December, 1972.

Date of Birth __ We wish to play in Lond n / Birmingham/ Bradford .

• HARRISO -GRAY S LVER (entry f £1 per team of 4).

Capt. ______County ______

County______2 ------County______3 ------·-- 4 County all of whom are und r 27 years of a on th 31 t Dec mber, 1 72. I We wi h to play in Lond n/ Birmingh m/ Br df rd. I I r m mbe of tb En li b Br1d e Union, for 1972/ 73 nd und rt Ice to bid b tb I I ription I will n t be nt. P ym nt I I Sind ______I Remittan encl d, £ ____ I Addre I PI tat of women competlto I I c;,q,.;,. : I I c~: uw ------I Actctras I I I I ~ ------I Addre I I I I ame ------I Addr I I I I ame ------I I Addre I I I am I I Addr I I I I and II m m rs of my t m re paid·up Members of E.B.U. and re to bid by tb Rut of the Competition. Cheque encloled for I I £ p y bt to .B.U. I lv of II t bl mon y and entries to t Royal Station Hotel, York, but £4 I I ind______I I Th Form, when compl t d, bould be forwarded with entry fees ~ Mrs. A. Cartwri&bt, 170 werby R d, Bridlin&ton, Yo Y016 SU · I I d 64 turns ha e been rec:eiftCL I ENTRY FORM ENGLISH BRIDGE UNION ASTER POINTS RANKED EVENTS To : Mrs. E. S. Stanley, 81 Hlp Street, Tbame, Oxon.

I wish to enter for the Masters Pairs. Name (block capitals)------·------Partner's Name

------MMier aad uve pUt oar carreat E.B.U. f1JI A wards : Winners : 10,000 Local Points, of bleb e.c1a ,..,_ will rec:eift 3 M ter PolDta. Runners-up : 6.250 Local Points, of wblda p~ will recen. 2 Muter Poiata. Third Team : 2,500 Local Points, ol wblda 1 Muter PoinL All awards to be divided equallJ between an ...... ol play not le than one-third of the boards.

Pachabo Cup County aaa.p~wrw• f Holden : STAFPORDSHIJtE

Entry open only to the 1972/73 holden of tbe Teamt-01-Pour ~!![IIIIi~ ships of each of the County and Realonal Allodadoal ol ILB.U. should send entries to the Cempetition Maoqer before 16da • 1m o player may represent more than one COUD17 iD die U.U. runs from lst October-30th September iDa._,,..... The cont t will be played on the 9th-10th fame. 1m at Hotel, Derby. Starting time 2.15 p.m. A Suudq IIIOrDiaa necessary, Entry Fee : £2.25 per team, plua table monq. MASTER POINTS AWARDS : Tt Awar :Winners-. number of Local Pobata equl number of teams competina- Each tum award to,...... members who play not less than one-tblrd 01 boUdL Each COMPLETE 100 Local Points WUI count • I National standinJ.

Portland B.B.LCU...... _ Field Cup .. Old 11o • aad Old Girls' CJWapioashlp " Holden : MANCHESTER U IVERSITY K. B. HASSELL and P. G. WATSO Both members of each pair entered m t have attended the same coiJep, school or other educational tabli hment. Thee ent will be J?layed at the Grand Hotel, Birmlo&ham on the 16th-17th June, 1973, without pnor Q'!&llfying rounds. Starting time 2.15 p.m. A Sunday morning JOn may be necessary. trJ Fee : £1 per pair. Table money will be charged at the event. STER POINTS A WAllD : Winners recel e an award of Local Points equal to ten times the number of pain competina, with maximum award of 00 Loc 1 Points. Entrle close 1st May, 1973. Junior Pair Championship For Cutty S rlt Ch II oae Trophy Hold n: S. W. BURTO and Dr. A. D. CLARK Open only to players who are under 27 years of age on the 31st December, 1972. A two· ion one-day event on Saturday the 13th January, 1973 (early start), match pointed over thr e centr : orth at Bradford Bridae Oub ; Midlands at Mo1 ley BrldJe Club, Birmingham ; South in London. SOp per player (£1 per pair), plu table money not exceediD& £ 1 perEetiiee p er. : MASTER TS A WARDS : Winners recei e a number of Local Poin equal to eight times the number of pairs ~mpeting, with a maximum award of 800 Local Points. Entn close 1 t December, 1972. Harrison Gray Salver JunJor Te of Four Holde : S. J. . READ, P. H. COLU S, P. D. ALDER, C. EV S 1972~pen only to players who are under 27 years of age on the list December. iU ~ e~entdln mthmory of M. Harri n-Gray, the quallfyinR rounds of which w P 'Y at e same venue the Junior Pairs Championship on the foUojin& day, Sunday the 14t~ J nuary, 1973. Starting time 2 p.m. t 1 hoped that th athout te will ble to form them at the Junior Pairs an~ lat ntrl can be accept d on the Saturday e eninJ. )anu~ t~ ~~~ ~:e ~l~c U t tfj Gr nd Hot I, Birmingham on the 27th·2 th tayiq ~t this hot I. · · · w 1 pay half the hotel expense of the ftna 1 1 Wry :Or { pewte ~ ~lu table mon yat the h . ~lifyin/. round at e ch ~entr : B c cal X 2 na~hach~e:eam award of number of t • of entry x 0 or 4,000. ln tb /h~ 1 . : 200 L.P' to be con erted to 2 Master Poln f\Jnne ·Up. 0 ann n team, 100 L.P' to 1 t r Point for the I • .P. L 0- 10•0 270-310 - 7 900-1,090= H 20- 40=1 32 2.500.2.740•21 0-360 = 1,100-1,290==15 2.750-2.990· SO- 0• 2 370-420 = 9 1.300-1 ,4 0 = 16 H 90-120- 3 4 3,000-3.240• l4 130-160= 4 l

R. F. CORWEN, Esq.


Mrs. A. L. FLEMING, 12 Frant Roed. TUDbridp Wells, Kent. (Telephone: T.W. 30611) Dr. E. S. STAVELEY, 11 HiaJa Stnet. n.... Oxon. (Telephone: 2221.) Mrs. E. S. STAVELEY, 11 HiP Street, n..., Oxon. (Telephone : 2221.)

Ho Tre ul'fl' H. SCULLY, Esq., 4a Craceat 1tDM, Edeld, Middlesex.


The Council of the E.B.U. is made up of Oeleptea from Coua'J aDd Associations who e Honorary Secretaries are foUows :

IEDFORDSHillE R. E. Williams, 234 Bilcot ROid. I.UJl • ~ 24170.

JERK • • U

CAMIS •• HU Mrs. G. Hyde, Coaiatoa, 9 CGIM~e Cambridae CBl 4BZ. CHA LILE Mrs. I. E. ormaa, .. St. Lawnac:e. Jeney. •' LAND Ml E. R. FerpiOilo 117 Dumall


Mrs. G. Curds. 40

llERTFO IOU G. B. Griffiths, 12 The Gron ~ Tet.1 J7lH. J. Pcrrins, 17 Laurel Road, Blaby, • TeL Wlptoa mt. Mrs. F. M. Walters, 15 Charles Aftllue. Sc:lrdlo, Grimsby. TeL 79S50.

Mi V. M. M. Daly, lOa HamiJton RoN. Harrow Miclcl*a. Tel 01-427 USI. Mrs. P. Johnston, c/o Muswell HiU I.C.. 16 Mu well HiU Broadway, London NIO.

NORFOLK ... Mrs. G. C. Haylock, Avenue Houaefl= Bendish, King's Lynn. Tel. M7.

ORTHAMPTO SHIJlE . G. W. Laing, 2 West Furlona. Ketteriq. Tel. Office 2467, Home SUI. NORTH-EA TER C. A. Lambert, 8 Redwing Lane, Norton. Teeuide TS20 ILL. TeL Stockton 556753.

Rnt-WE TER M' H. Bell, 75 Glenluce Drive, rr.toD PR1 STD. TeL 55142. NOTI1 CHAMSHIRE Mr . L. Shillito, 2 Ri Court, Hamilton Rold. ottingbam G5 lAY. Tel. 69J67.

OXFORDSHIR R. J. V n oord n, Hertford CoUep, Oxford OXl 3BW. TeL Oxford 41434.

Mrs. R. W. Williams, 14 Willow Clole. Upblll. Weston·super-Mare. Tel. 29054.

SOUTHER COU TIES H. G. Mitchell, 21 Greensle ves Avenue. •-"•) Broad tone, Dorset. Tel. ,_ •

ORD HIRE Mr . J. B. Edw r , 31 The Wold. Claft~WJ, I Wolv rb mpton. Tel. Claverley 31 · Dr. J, D. Solomon, 33 The Towers, Lower Mort e Ro d, Richmond, Surrey. a.c Tel. 01-940 747V·

M . M. ·. Gl ~u . Robin Hill, Fri ton, .. Ea tbourn . Tel. Eut Dean 3 6 76 • W RWI Hilt H. . Cook , 8 Broclthurst Road, -. B36 JD. Tel. SteCtford ')041. w Ml . R b n n. 2 The Brae, de Roed.;_ Kendal. TeL 2.,...., 7·

R. 0 . Allen, 17 Rl rvi w C1

Mrs. A. rtwrl ht, 170 Sew rb1 .Road. Bndlin ton Y016 SUP. TeL 4942. PD T 1 CALENDAR OF 1972 Aug.ll-20 B·t!· SuJDJDer Coa~ ...... Metropole. Brflbton 26-28 Evemng Standard CharitY Conar ...... ~ Hoc.l. LOadon 27 Sheffield One-day Event ...... HaDaiD Tower, ~ Sept. 3 One-day ~vent ...... Albford ~ Cub 9-10 St. Alb n s Tw?·day Open Event ...... Chic Ceatre 16-17 Camrose .Pre-trial ...... PeaaiDe. DerbJ 22-24 B.B.L. Congress ...... •. •• 1a1e o1 MU 22-24 Kent Congress ...... GnDCI, ,...... 24 Scunthorpe Bridge Club Open Teama ...... Sc:un_,. ISddp Cab 29-0ct. 1 Queen's Bridge Circle Weekend ...... ··~-~ 30-C>ct. 1 Gold Cup, 1 t and 2nd rounds: Queen'a. Haatiap; lloJa1 Hollowq Colle e, Englefield Green ; Britiah Celaneee, ~ t lloJa1 Hotel, York; Keele University; Bath Uniftiii1Jo; JerDen Hocel. London ; The Guildhall, Cambriclae. Oct. 6-9 7 11 13-1S 13-IS IS 21-22 20·22 26-29 27-29

18-19 19 24-26 Dec. 2-3 3 9-10 8-10 17 22-~ 23-27 26 29 -Jan. 2 1973 Jtn. S-7 n 12-14 14 19-21 20-21 19·20 26-28 27 27-28 c.lndar ol E tinued

Feb l-4 Croydon Conarus ••...... ••..•.•. ·· ••· ••· · · · · · Fairfield Halla. C~ • 9·12 E.B.U. Sprin& Foursom •...•...... •.. GraDel. EutbOame 17-11 Camrose . Wales ..•...... ••...... ••....•..•.....••....•...... Home 17-11 Tollemache Cup, Final .•.... Welcombe Hotel, Stratford..on·Atoa 23-25 Queen's Bride Circle Weekend ...... Queen's. H-. 24-25 Life Masters ...... · · · · · · .. · · · · · · · · · · · · •• · · • · · · ·. LoadOn 2 ..n ~~~~MM ters~ ,.;.(;·· leY: 'ci~b :·aim;I~~·; ~or;!lds!:''it':. York : Corby Civic Centre ; ew Maldon B.C., Surrey: Baaina· toke Ex-Services Club.

ar. 3-4 Re&ional Master ...... Grand, Birmlap. 3-4 Stars and Master : Raven Hotel, Droitwich ; Majestic, Harrosate : London. 11 N.W.C.B.A. On -da.)' Event ...... •... Muchtater 15 Charity Cup (Mrs. G ttl) ...... •. Ciulla 16.1 E.B.U. Northern Foursome ...... Royal Station Hotel, Yort 23-25 Queen's Bridge Circle Weebnd ...... Queen's. Haatittp 24-25 Portland Pair B.B.L Event : Ra en Hotel, Droitwicb ; London : Maje tic, Harropte. 30-Apr. 1 London Congr ...... Bemen Hotel, London

Apr. 6-1 Devon and Cornwall Con ...... Palace Hotel; Torquay 6-8 Cumberland Con& ...... Royal Oak, Kepk)c 14-15 Crocldord's Cup Final ...... •.. . .. • London 14-15 Daily Mail School Cup Final ...... •...... London 14-15 Doncaster Congr ...... •...... Acorn Hotel, Doncaster 20-24 ter-Guardian Congre . .. . . •...... Europa Hotel, London 27-29 Queen's Brid~e Circle Weekend ....._...... :···"· Queen's.. H~ 28-29 S.E., S.W., M1dland and orthem Pairs Ftnals: London, Queena. Boumemouth : Raven Hotel, Droitwich ; CraiaJallda, Utley.

May 4-6 Gold Cup Final 4-6 orfollt Conar ...... Duke's Head Hotel, KJq's Lynn 5-6 Ch ter Con~ ...... •• ...... Cb ter 11-13 Cheltenham ngr ...... Carlton Hotel, Cbeltenbam 11-ll York Congress ...... Royal Station Hotel, York 12-13 National Pairs Final ...... •...... Pennlne, Derby 16 B.B.L. Simultaneou Pairs . . .. •• . •...... Cluh. all over the orld 20 orthants Steel Trophy • .• ...... •...... •• Corby 20-27 HQuea , Heath B.C., Open E enta ... Heath B.C., Weybrid&e. Surrey 25-27 26-28 W eenMi:~d~ Circle Weekend ...... Queen'a. H ti:'.M • "26-28 A "'~- d n Conar •• .. . . • •. • • •• . . . .•• . . . . . • •• St. John's. Solhu WSnE London Con In aid of the E.B.U. Fund for 26-28 B.I.L T~W:ny~P onahlps • · · · ...... ···.. London

June 1·3 2-l i:~ ~~~ ·· ...... Grand, Scarborou 9-10 Pachabo C p •· •··" •· • • · · •.... •• •• • • •·" • • •· · .. • Dunadry• • Ireland 9-10 Pnals - He:& iC:"o·· ...... Penrune;, 10 Chilt One-claY E pen Events ...... Heath B.C.. W 16.17 Tb F?td C ent ...... Hi&h WJCOID! 22-24 ..J._ :. ~ ·····co...... Grand, Blrall~ 29-July 1 W C.B Ao F nta. D ...... County Hotel. or I Aua.10-19 • . . . ounom ...... Claremont, Blacki)OO p. 29-lO Gold Cup, 1at and lnd rou ...... ·····...... MetropOie, B~:d Oct.ll-16 A nels ...... Areal to be 26-ll t Co ·· •··· ·.. .•...... Grand Hotel, Eaatbourne r... ,OWIHft • · · · •• • • · · · · •• · · · •• • •• •·.... ••• . • Grand Ho , Follte~tone ASTER POINT CO BROCHU • uk d E en Entri for the M.P. Ranked competitions bould be emt oa entrY form to the M.P. Secretary : Mrs. E. S. Staveie,. 11 HJP 0 on. Cheques hould be made payable to the Eqliab BrtQa u will not be ent un1 spedfica11y requested. Entri d lOth January, 1913 (with the exc:eptioa of tbe Coaat7 entries to which clo e lst February, 1973). Late entriea wOJ be :ac:c~... ~dd~ODIJ· at the discretion of the M.P. Secretary and only if acCOIIl))eDied bJ I ilia fee of £1. Where there is more than one enue, duplicated boank wiD lie the event scored overall. All the competitions will be played under the R.._ Gl Datpllc... and the followin& conditions apply: I. All competitors must be paid-up memben of tbe E.B.V. entry and hold the rank appropriate to the c:oaapeddoa September, 1972. 2. Both members of a partnership must P'*­ appropriate to the competition for which the Pldr Ia ...... _ 3. QuaJification is based not on points rqiltered but OD before 30th September, 1972. Competitors who boldf which, if ubmitted to the M.P. Offtce. would P ::::a::: hi&her rank, are not eli~ble to plu ID the juaior 'riollllll• of th rule will result 1n dlsqualiftcation. 4. Life and ational Muters may eDter ., 11191.... ._ the rank held on 29th September, 1972. S. otifications of withdrawals muat be t ID o refunds will be sfven. Tel. Tbame 2221. 6. Table money will be ch&raed over and aboft liFE STER PAIRS FOR THE WADD G10N Holders: E. W. CROWHURST and A. E. 811 lnuiuztion on111 Entry fe : £2 per pi yer. Entriea cto. 10dl ,...... ,, ltn. Venue : London. Date : 24th February, 1973, 2.15 p.m. and I p.m.; 2S Spectators at 40p per ion. Master Poln Award : Winnen 20 .P'L


Bv Invitation onl11 Entry fe : £1 per pl-.yer. Entri cJ.e 10dl J Venue : Gr nd Hot I, Birmin&)wD, at ~t~ :th24th d 2Sth February, 197). A taiH-11111 1.'4 February. M ter Points Award : Winnen 16 M.P'a. STERS PAIRS Holden : R. D. BRETHERTON and R. MORRISH Open only to players who hold, at 29th September, 1972, not J than 100 Muter Polo , but who are not qualified to rank as Regional Masters. Eatr7 fee: £1 per plaJer, Entri close lOth January, 1973. Venu : London ; Ra en Hotel, Droitwlch ; and Maj tic Hotel, Harropte. Date: 3rd and 4th M reb, 1973. A three- ion event starting at 2.15 p.m. on 3rd March. M ter Points Awards : Winners 8 M.P's reducing by l to 8th place. Local Pointa down to baH-way.

STERS P IRS Holden: A. SHAKESPEARE and P. STECKELMACHER Open only to players holding, as at 29th September, 1972, more than 50 and Jess than 100 Muter Points. Entry ~ : £1 per player. Entries clo lOth January, 1973. Venu : London : Raven Hotel, Droitwich : and Majestic Hotel, Harropte. Date: 3rd and 4th March, 1973. A three- ion event starting at 2.15 p.m. on 3rd March. M ter Poln Awards : Winners 6 M.P's reducin by 1 to 6th p ce. Local Points down to half-way.

COUNTY MA TER P IR Holden: R. HARRIS and P. TEMPLEMA Open only to players holding, a at 29th September, 1972, more than 25 and I than SO M ter Polnts. Entry fee: SOp per player. ntri cl 1st February, 1973. Late withdrawa mu t be notifi d by telephon either to the M.P. Secretary at !bame 2221. or to the Tournament Directors concerned at the numbers Indicated below. Venu : n to B in to e x- rvi Club ew R d Telephon : B nptoke 23373. Ca citY : 15 tabl ' Blrmingham-M ley Brid Club, Mo ley and Balsall Heath IDititute, M ley Road, Blrm n&ham 12. Telephon · 021-475 981. CapacitY: H ~ . . Corby-Corby Ci lc Centr , Corb . Telephone : p terborou&h 67231. Ca city : 25 tab! . e MaJden-M !den Wand rers La n Tenn and Cricket Club. Cambridae Road, ew MaJd n. Tel phon : T dwortb 2444 (office hours)• 01-946 3114. Capacity : 25 tabl . • York-Royal Station Hotel, Yor Telep on : Yor 536 1. Date: 25th February, 1973. A on -day, two- ion event ltart:ing at l.U p.m. M . t r Polo Awar : Winn n 4 M.P'a reducin by 1 to 4th place Loc:al Potn down to haJf • p i:tt ll THE TT ARK JU lOR HO E TER TIO AL HAMPIO SHIP

The econd Junior Home International series, Ulte the lint, WM decided the match between England and Scotland. Last year Scotland were coa­ ocin winners of the match and of the ries. In this year'a nent. apleDdidl7 ed at the Bradford Brid e Club, both the match and the toumament eadecl i 1 tie although until the end of the thirty boards no result looted leu Wte17. After ei hteen board the English team led by fifty-nine. point. to eilht. Tb e were perhaps the two mo t interesting bands of that period of the match : + one \) K Q 9 8 6 53 0 A J 6 1096 ith both ide vulner ble you are the dealer. Both tabla, clearly fariq the de uit, opened Four H rts. There are obvious danaen In the bid ~ of the hands of limited trength which would help to produce a pd 11am. And by the same token there is much to commend the ue ot South Africa Texas which enables one to di tingui h between bids of four Ia a major ot varying trength. Havin opened Four Heart two passes followed and rl&bt-bud oppoDeDt b d Five Diamonds. For England, Read judged well when lie doubled.· With two virtually certain trump trick this emed to be a aoocl pot b Ilia aide. For Scotland, Diamond decided to pass and his partner competed wltb Hurts on: + J 9 7 \) A 10 7 2 0 3 2 0 I 7 S Fi e Hearts would have been a "phantom " of modest pr....,opol-rtioe.r+lnlt ing one down against Five Diamonds which would also ban beea oae dowa. However Evans for England, who had naturally passed Five Dlamoadl. : + K 10 8 6 5 4 3 \) 4 0 10 4 432 w now provoked to Five Spade , intended as a sacrifice aad Ill die unbeatable. And what would you ha e bid after Four Hartl follond br ~o with: + A Q 2 'V J OKQ917S A J There ms no real case for any action other than double aad Ill tches (both match played the same boards) allot::.J._~ faced with the problem opted for the bid of Fin complete deal : Game all. Dealer Eut. orth AQ2 \) 5 OKQ9875 6 AKJ Wt +J 9 7 \) A 10 7 2 032 6Q 7 5 14 Game aU. Dealer W t. orth . AQJ9654 OK943 ()K 6 2 Wt t on . 87 \1 Q6 0 AJI085 2 <> Q JlO 9 8 6 ()A5432 6 AJ953 6 None outh . K 103 2 07 ()7 6 KQ 10 7 64 Th1a was th Clo d Room auction : W t orth t Soalla Pass 4 Sp. 4 N.T. 5 Sp. 5 L P 6H Pass Pass Double Pass Pass 6 N.T. P Pass Double 7 Ct. Double 7 D Double p Pass P D. Shenldn (W t) and McClatchie for Scotland had found a happy endin& to their state of utter confusion. After Five Spades from a p d hand East ems to have imagined ome sort of three· uiter with a spade . A two­ suiter seemed more obvious and a bid of Six Diamonds would have kept all the option open. West could do no better than pass Six Hearts and in fact there would have been no way to defeat thi unlikely contract. West's take-out of Six o Trumps was clearly a reque t for a minor-how could East that oppo ite a p d hand Six No Trump could repr ent a reasonable spot for his side 7 Hi lass, however, found South, Pomfrey, caught up in the doubling rhythm an East-W t finally found their diamond fit, doubtl at a hi her I vel than they would have wi bed, but in the event for a score of 2230. At the other table : W t orth t ath 1 D 2 Sp. 3 Sp. 4 N.T. 5 Ct. Double 5D 5 Sp. p p Double p p p South (Cuthbertson's) bid of Four o Trumps w surely intend d as a smoke· ere n for be cannot seriously ha e hoped for three ace in his partner's hand. If orth's unlik ly double of Five Club wa intended a collaboration in the pi n to misle d, B. Shenkln ucc ded brilliantly tbou&h E t (Collins) mu t sur ly ha e re li d that his p rtoer had a powerful di tributjon and not mor than on p de and that Six Diamond wa not only th fer pot but al o mu t offer om sort of play. Wo w to fo!Jo for Ea t ba k d up h1 doubl with an opening I ad of the two of diamonds, whereafter declarer had to do no more than ru1f two hearts and di card on heart on th club to make hi contract. With potential tricks In all thr e Ide uits there is no trong for ny openlna Je d other than a trump. On th next bo rd the Sco found a ood arand lam when the Enslish pair Y d ln and on th bo rd that fol ow d the En 1 b pair wa one down in n on a fin th t f lied whil the S o bid th 11 slam nd udd nly with ix bo rd to pl the co I d 78-59. It much for the charact r of tb hom brin& them tv b cit into the a me nd th y from the nd: AQJ5 06 ()AK65 742 6 AQJ5 lS

• • •

Stop P Out of the seventeen teiiDI ~-- finished in 6th place with 201 points, behind 811{111117 21~ points, Israel and France 217 points, ad Polllld PGlDts.

E.B.U. UB Have you renewed your E. 1972-73? If not, send your re~lli•llll~ee county cretary or fr,'eGtUI"fJJ" delay if you wish to conu·:.. u:e fr e copy of the E.B. U. Dir t 'femb rs please no du of SOp hould now at 81 High tr t, TluJ before to the E. B. U• .~•.v~bu"Wfl•i1_.lfll. _t.~~•

en Gold Cup Bridge at Queen's Hastings Sept 29th-Oct 2nd 0

Sunday. 1 t Octo r. n. £650 nclu i Bridg W

QUEE Magnificent public rooms. 250 comfortlble bedlrooll.. Luxurious suit av II • Excellent food and Chr Dlnn r D c. 23rd to Bre

The winners of the most Nadonal Polnta llat -. ,. 1f71 30th June 1972, were u followa: 1. R. M. Sheehan 1ZS 2. M. J. Rint .. . 122 3. I. • Rose .. . 111 • " 4.=Mrs. R. A. Pridq 102 • 4.=R. A Priday 102 • • 6. J. Cansino • 7. M. I. Esterson 17 • J, T. Reese ... 16 " 9. D. A Edwin 71 " " lO.=J. Amsbury • " " • lO.=C. Dixon " "


GEORGE ALLE • U LTD. ABC OF CO TRACT BRIDGE, by Rhoda Barrow l.eclerer--£l.l. ACOL-ITES' QUIZ. by llboda Barrow--(1.40. ALL ABOUT ACOL, by and llboda Burow-£1.50. BASIC ACOL, by Ben Cohen and Rhoda Burow-7Sp. CARDS 0 THE TABLE, by Eric Janaenten--£1.15. , by Robert Dame and orman de V. llart-£1.25. YOUR LEAD PART ER, by Ben Cohen and Rhoda Burow-75p.


CO STABLE COMPANY LTD. PLAY BRIDGE WITH REESE, by Terence Reeae--£1.00. BRIDGE CONVE TIONS, AND COUPS, by Tereoce ...... _.,-., , by Clyde E. l..oft-11.25.

GERALD DUCKWORTH • CO. LTD. BIDDING CRAFT, by John Browo-80p. WINNING DEFENCE AT , by Jolul Browa &125. ACOL AND THE NEW POINT COUNT, by Georp S. Colia-7Sp. WILL YOU BE MY PARTNER 1 by V. Mo0o-75p. BRIDGE FOR BEGINNERS, by V. MoDo and N. GardeDir--£1.25. A GUIDE TO BRIDGE CONVENTIO S, by Norman Sqlllre--475.


FABER lr FABER CARD PLAY TECH IQUE, by and leo Gankalr. A new and rnl8ed edldoD l1.75. BRIDGE : CASE FOR THE DEFENCE, by Victor Mollo U.00. MATCH-POINT BRIDGE, by H. W. Kelley. Coverina every facet of iec:hniclue at du~ ...... ll THE BLUE CLUB, by and lAoa Yallou8e-1UO. BRIDGE : MODERN BIDDING, by Victor Mollo-Ll.25. VICTOR MOLLO'S WI NING DOUBLB. bJ VIctor Mollo-_,p. BRIDGE IN THE MENAGERIE, by VIctor Mollo-£1.2'. THE BRIDGE IMMORTALS, by Victor ollo---£1.25. ADVANCE D PLAY AT BRIDGE, by H. W. 1 KILLING DEFE CE AT BRIDGE. by H. W. M.70. 00 YOU PLAY STAYMAN 7 by Samuel • S • WIN AT BRIDGE WITH JACOBY A D SO , 0. udJ. IMIIIIII!Jo-1. MOREHEAD 0 BIDDING, by Alben H. ~~~~~B. CULBERTSO 'S CO TRACT &RIDGE FOif Edited, revised and with an latroclacdoe : HOW TO PLAY, HOW TO bJ

W. FO LSRAM 1r CO. LTD. BRIDGE FOR PEOPLE WHO DON"T OW 0 SHORT CUT TO EXPERT BRIDGE, by Ala TlwiCOCt LTD. GAT CONTRACT, by Marshall Mlles-£1.15. OaVEI:IoftiYOUlt~U"''' DUMMY PLAY (Third Book of Bridge Problems), by Eric C. Milnes and Paul Luka --'Sp. THE QUJNTESSE CE OF CAB, by Ewart Kempson and Norman de V. Hart-17!P. fti!DEaJCX MULLER LTD. BIUDGE IS A EASY GAME, by lain Macleod-£2.00. HlaJalr Nlldable advice for the expert and amateur alike. Was included in a Somenet Mauabam "Books of the Year" short list. INTRODUCTION TO BIDDING, by William S. Root--£1.30. Tbe 6nt of four volumes. This volume ex-plain the bidding aspects of Bridp iD clear, eaq to understand terms. INTRODUCTION TO DEFENSIVE BIDDING, by Ronald Von der Porten--£1.30. Tbe aec::ond volume in thl series co ering the major points of this aspect of the pme. INTRODUCTIO TO DECLARER'S PLAY, by Edwin B. Kantar--£1.30. INTRODUCTION TO DEFE DER'S PLAY, by Edwin B. Kantar-£1.30. Tbe two 6nal volum in the series. PA 1100 LTD. BRIDGE FOR BEGINNERS (illu .), by Victor Mollo and leo Gardener--25p. SECXE lr WARBURG LTD. ACES AND PLACES, by Rixl Marku , the leadin woman player in the world, on tournament bridge, its players and Its locations. 75 hand illustrated and played-£2.10

BRIDGE PLAYE...._.,.prov. your palale. GOURMETB-enJoy your INtdge 81 THE CROWN HOTEL LYNDHURST AA *** AAC -- H rt of New Fore.~ SPECIAL BRIDGE WEEKENDS 0 nn r·D nee Saturday Night Egon Ronay recomm ded R taurant. E ry room with pr te bathroom. Olnn r on Fr d y to tr Ciitlon I Luncheon on Sunday from £10 per ~· R rvat ons : Lyndhur t 2722 arbella Coeta del Sol Nov. 30- Dec. 10

For boo ings or FREE brochure please apply to Mr. P. H. Delves, Special Promotions Dept.,

THOS. COOK & SON LTD ~ RIDGES 010 45 Berkeley Street, r Points Pairs and Teams LONDON W1A 1EB. Cont each month. Phone : 01--499 4000 Ext. 633 Private and Group Tuition. • C. H. o 2 uth uclle St.. or any Cooks branch . nd n .1 01-499 28'" HOT£ Ri i u Hotel, ford ClUb, rn outb. Facin& Chine and Sea. 35 rooms. Cordon Bleu table. Excellent cellar. The Brid&e Room pro id a &ood cut-in game all the year round. Telephon : Canford Cliffs 77345.



Thi late t refinement in plastic boarda h been enthu ia tically recci ed not oniJ in the U.K. but in Au trala ia, Mal:~ • nd South Africa. Smart lookinsr. and compact, yet extremely tough, the boards are wa hable and a unique locking device prevent mi -boarding. Separate T.S.S. slot. Red labels denote ulnerability. Sold in ets of 8, 16, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, ; al o in le board . Se of 24, £13.44 and 32, £16.90. Price of other combin tio on requ t.

w T '\1 e can offer a new and ine pensi ·e ran e of Duplicate Brid e '\1 allet . Stron and hould last year with care. Parti ul rly uitable for home u e (Team m t h • etc.) and for mall lub and Educ ti nal tabli hments on limited bud et. In e of 16, £2.60 nd 32, £4. 0 I Manufacturers of Bridge Suppl and Bridge r qulsltes of all kind