Convention SFEN 11 et 12 mars 2009 - Roger SCHENE


Featuring proven technology and innovative passive safety systems, the Westinghouse AP1000 pressurized water reactor can achieve competitive generation costs in the current electricity market without emitting harmful greenhouse gases and further harming the environment.

Westinghouse Electric Company, the pioneer in nuclear energy once again sets a new industry standard with the AP1000. The AP1000 is a two-loop pressurized water reactor that uses simplified, innovative and effective approach to safety. With a gross power rating of 3415 megawatt thermal and a nominal net electrical output of 1117 megawatt electric, the AP1000 is ideal for new base load generation. The AP1000 is the safest and most economical plant available in the worldwide commercial marketplace, and is the only Generation III+ reactor to receive a design certification from the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC).

Based on nearly 20 years of research and development, the AP1000 builds and improves upon the established technology of major components used in current Westinghouse- designed plants. These components, including steam generators, digital instrumentation and controls, fuel, pressurizers, and reactor vessels, are currently in use around the world and have years of proven, reliable operating experience.

Historically, Westinghouse plant designs and technology have forged the cutting edge technology of nuclear plant around the world. Today, nearly 50 percent of the world’s 440 nuclear plants are based on Westinghouse technology. Westinghouse continues to be the nuclear industry’s global leader. The Westinghouse Advanced Passive Pressurized Water Reactor, AP1000TM

Roger Schène Director,Engineering Services 1 The Origins of AP1000 Design and Development z *AP1000TM Design Overview – What is it ? – How is it different ? z Key elements used in developing the AP1000 design

*AP1000 is a trademark of Westinghouse Electric Company LLC

2 AP1000 Investment in Technology

Simplified Passive Extensive Safety Testing of Proven Systems Passive Advanced Safety Design Systems Features

Modular Construction US NRC Certified



Features INSULATION Short Construction 3 Reduced Components Schedule WATER INLET and Commodities The Westinghouse AP1000

A compact station

• 3415 MWt. Primary system • 1117 MWe • 2-loops, 2 steam generators

4 AP1000 Features - Differences z Passive safety features z Plant simplification z Modular construction z Shortened engineering and construction schedule z The first and only Generation III+ reactor to receive Design Certification from the U.S. NRC

5 AP1000 Design Overview z For the Power Generation Function, AP1000 is a typical Westinghouse PWR with advances in materials and components - Fuel - Reactor Vessel - Reactor Coolant Loop - Steam Generators - Pumps - Turbine - Plant Controls z Reactor safety functions are achieved without using any safety-related AC power - Battery Powered Valve Actuation - Condensation - Natural Circulation - Evaporation - Compressed gasses (nitrogen, air) z Actuation of Passive Safety Systems is by simple, reliable changes in valve positions. System performance has been proven by extensive testing approved by the NRC.

6 AP1000 Design Overview z Typical PWR Support Systems exist as simplified systems located in non-safety related building structures - Diesels - Instrument Air - Chilled Water - Hot Water ( heating) - Component Cooling - Essential Service Water - Spent Fuel Cooling - Residual Heat Removal - Diesel Support Systems - Startup Feedwater (Fuel Oil, HVAC) (replaces Auxiliary Feedwater) z There are no safety-related pumps in the plant and no safety-related ventilation systems. z Severe Accident Scenarios are mitigated by In-Vessel Retention of the melted fuel. (The core is retained in a cooled reactor vessel)

7 Familiar But Improved Reactor Coolant System z Canned motor pumps mounted in steam generator lower head – Eliminate RCP shaft seals z Larger pressurizer (2100 ft3) (eliminate PORV) z Top-mounted, fixed in-core detectors (no BMI’s) z All-welded core shroud (not bolted) z Ring-forged reactor vessel (no longitudinal welds)

8 Proven AP1000 Components

Reactor Vessel Internals Doel 4, Tihange 3 Control Rod Drive Mechanisms Westinghouse plants worldwide

Fuel South Texas 1&2, Doel 4, Tihange 3

Large Model F steam generators ANO-2, San Onofre, Waterford, Palo Verde

Pressurizer 70 Westinghouse plants worldwide

Canned motor reactor coolant pumps Fossil boilers and other industrial applications (inverted canned motor pumps)

9 Passive Core Cooling System z Simple 2-loop reactor coolant system with canned motor pumps z Use of passive safety systems z No reliance on safety grade AC power

10 Passive Core Cooling System at Work

11 Passive Containment Cooling System

AP1000 ultimate heat IRWST sink is the CMT PRHR HX atmosphere Accumulator

12 AP1000 In-vessel Retention Capability z Provides Reliable Means of Cooling Damaged Core – Based on Tests and analysis – Reviewed by U.S. NRC z In PRA Core Damage Sequences – Core debris retained inside reactor vessel – Core heat transferred through RV wall – Water in containment removes heat from RV – Water can be drained from IRWST into containment – RV insulation designed to promote heat transfer – Passive containment cooling transfers heat out of containment

13 AP1000 Enhanced Shield Building

PCS Water Storage Tank Shield Building Roof (Remains unmodified) Design Enhancements

Cylindrical Wall Design Air Inlet Design Enhancements Enhancements

14 Modular Construction Allows More To Be Done in Parallel Resulting in Shorter Construction Schedule

15 Modules Designed into AP1000 from the Beginning

Pump/Valve Module Module Type Number Structural 122 Piping 154 Mechanical 55 Equipment Electrical Equipment 11 TOTAL 342

Raceway Module Structural Module Depressurization Module

16 Simplification - Smaller Footprint

Evolutionary PWR AP1000

17 AP1000: Simpler and Safer zSafer design ( CMF=5x10-7) zIncreased operating margin, significantly reduced unplanned capability loss factor zNo need for AC power for safety systems to operate zNo operator action needed for 72 hours following event zShorter construction schedule zLower equipment and construction costs zLess equipment to maintain

18 AP1000 Satisfies EUR z AP1000 assessed against EUR, Rev. C, Volumes 1 & 2 z AP1000 Assessment detailed and through – Over 5000 requirements assessed z Assessment demonstrates AP1000 is a mature design and the level of compliance is high z AP1000 can be deployed in Europe

19 AP1000 – UK Generic Design Assessment (GDA)

z Four Step Process with Increasing Levels of Scrutiny Step 1 Complete Design and Step 2 Complete Safety Case Preparation Fundamental Safety Step 3 In Progress Overview Overall Design Safety Step 4 Review Detailed Design Assessment

July 14, 2007 Aug. 20, 2007 April 2008 October 2009 Mid-April 2011 20 Project Sanmen Accomplished Key Project Milestones z Sanmen Unit 1 site excavation and basemat work complete z First concrete pour late March 2009

z Construction of Module Factory at Sanmen Site

21 New Designs Have to Deliver zCost basis that can compete with other energy sources - High degree of certainty for schedule and cost - Reduced construction time and cost zIncreased levels of safety zEasier to operate and maintain zStandardized plants

AP1000 can deliver zCurrently delivering on contracts for 4 units in China and 6 units in the US

22 AP1000 Standard Design for International Application