. , . ' ;I - - . -u

IM HI.IKHKD KVKRV ATTHK DF.IKX'RAT RriLDINO -|i»-.-eli hear any •I'TH a iMirtioii of the ; did not -ll.fr <>» uRltV IllTWhlS T H I K|) AM .I ndas or John: bail the Uimtuet I about »k. ilirections tO have a recollect whether Wihlt weekly to the carrier- only by whom -oeond iiublicntioii ; do not LOUISVILLE his ,h DAILY DEMOCRAT. b.- has "vor com plained that rent* nion Hi; Pki.'ks for lfAiLixa-Rlxty mm w.-r,. not earned out. ejx for *iz iihs. and »M«iloroue y«-»r -always lor tb.. si. M *W II. in x -e.si. ii shiirbhawl, writ.-r I advance. - Lull- Hepiibliran. wa- m-Xt calltsl. II- • No I'AI'I K-v h \| II,. IK LKXVK TIIK OlH, I - s spts-ch.spts-cii. ami-!•«• « . * i AVMMTIIAX r.llll I" l>orteil theI,, Presidenl'sri.-niau' .-llts loo- for publication N I > I |~T lAgtlf the re|i ,rt publis»»«sl Sumly Al»X KKTISI M .- c.-uls jN-r iini' for all YOL. xxiv. on -wicb corrr. l ,on- l> p.- i farlor andM ia«»«t*oa; Moiiiiim%j; nade onl> LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY: SATURDAY MORNING, APRIL 18, 1868. NO. 23a rompare«l the MiiNUS|IH,lll, insertions.I 4 •<~— Ileil for bv Ins notes: called ~ the -pe.i-h publi»he»l in the l»em- aeSTwh'h^ own publi-lnsl in the Reput>- April llth. UMCAL : made tb. .-oiupiii isoii on Ail vesliseiiients. Mew Hope for the OKI nonunion dollars bail thai they would notnght in or out sure it would "clean out" the Radicals and and mad. one wti meiiioramliiio I'RIVATK P, alioul sixty diflerenaes. OFISV1LLK MKDKAL There will he- some consoiat of the state of Ohio within one year. In de- stop TELEGRAPH NEWS \Ye publish lite ion aMda the I Ictciith 4 statement of the condition to theft haaaawhaaaat ward lull. Mr. Hut lor object.- 1 that the comparison ol of the mother of stales and Presidents, at fault they wen- imprisoned. Their friends are I Thorp will Is- n onllctl thr I'henix Insurance Company, onr of MoMK NSTRAM'K COMPANIES.—Tliat (Ml waa ina.lc lietweeu printed lo- Wsp»i|«er-, meeting of lliis club, II. MORI. \N. I.T.M KAI, JOHN ii, . present so down-trodden dishonored, bail. which not cert I IW, I to have n geiiuiif hel.l nl the corner the most reliable in thu country. Messrs. hut not nvoring to procure the required The C«msI move and a good speech of Mr. Trabue, of Seventeenth and Market Mr. Curtis c»lled att-ntion to tlie fact, tint I VTMKNT OK SPK" James K. Tyler & Co. are the lo-al agents. in the intelligence brought us by the tele- casiotts considerable excitement, and at the meeting of the Board of Trade last LAST" ^i.Vl. DISKAsKs. stnris, this eveuing, at H o'clock. All "HOME AT IMlHSINIi FCNERAL CEKE- I he malingers bad alr.-a.lx put ..n evidence a The Madison-street Millsof K. Van Se<;gert>. graph last night. ffort xvill Is- made to have them relieved week, in reference to patronage of our own inpv of the I'eiiiocrut of that dale mcmls-is ji t invited in lie present, as business MOXIES-THE EXERCISES AT LE.tlXfiToN- , rw NO /.../.. l a writ oi oarfwa, insurance and hanking companies. If poli- c.f importance will lie I rt'LL PAKTIC't'LAKS. •i before lie meeting. Memoranda were put in «> ex nl. hy, choice anil tye mander, visited A dispatch from Augusta, tia., says thai cies Uu pain. By onlor of the Executive Committor. manufacture wheat Hour, the convention at Richmond, of in-umnoe were taken out, ns they Hpeei^l to the Hemorra.. . Cniws-exiimiii.sl Witios- had l»--., p:,i- ami passed, llallx deal for -olio- I one. owing to -pi; ,,. no. MOM and alxvavs have fre-h grounil iirahatn (lour IBat has just keen forming a constitution lor danger of an overflow has and should Ik-, always in our home companies Lexinoton, April 17, s p. m. Tlie luneral undergone a Wll. I. IIOKAK, Secretary-. river did not brromr xx, li until WHM moiit lis ,.| - found miicli and cracked wheat. the government of Virginia. He addressed falling. The Macon and Augusta, our capital and profits would go toward the obse«|iiies of Ueneml John II. Morgan were President's : ,,1 " r • tor he ri-|»«rteil the -jw-eeh n.iu- erttrViA, II. patient* in VAUCB' ton it- bitiErs f«»i; The finest IuiiiIn i, shingles, laths, cedar the members, and substantially said that the ulhxvesterii and t 'eiilral railroads are dain- progress of our own cily, instead those at celebrated here to- iron-clad by Orleans wilh Mr. WalUrulge; gave ex .swollen «rr*u or many uptonis pro DYsPKI'slA. posis. A. .. are to Ik- liad of Messrs. W. W. Mil- oath of ofti.-e in the constitution] gcd the washing away of bridges and cnl- distance. And, by the way. a charter was posing solemnity. All attempt at display New dured by lb. N luwl ircul iiKiit. iimpl. sol dilforeiio-s, to show ihat the toll.* 0 xva- extremely objrrt 'verls. The boitom lands are ovcrlloxved; liters a Co., corner of Main and Jackson ionable ; ha had adinin granted by the late legislature, xvith some was scrupulously avoided, and no artitleial words, lo the prejudice HKDII INK I'KM-II M> hi all rases, which FSK WALKKK's Tu.NJi had loll out qualifying BITTERS FOR islered however, the early lo • the overflow came MMI .. < streets. reconstruction the Stale most capital provisions, a 111- . Tin-so laxvs I : . .' enterprising means the |>ati<- \ .< gentlemen are in for company of Un- were resorted to to lend of the President. urn M pr ,.t uiodu i n. depth to the < HM.i.s. .. ..r.,A.- , jx.rtioii oi the speech. vhlrh would oi»,t in many raj**, also manufacturers of sash for more than a year, stated, as the result cause serious damage to the planting inter- kind that is needed, but have not Mr. Hut lor road that and door blinds. and | which we general sadness. The occasion and all ilsar-| more than thr fcel oi his rhargi-s. His office i- r>-.|iiiriiig Ihe witness in correct the errors a- t'sK ionic Mercantile Fire Instiraure is of his experience, that it xvould bo practically heard of going into o|M-ration us yet. It was, WUrM|at laM no our msil sA-eyouwhik- then-. wAuusmm moi pub The Company range incuts throughout Imrc the nnpn— >,i be went don", which h* did, exciting :reat For s*-min»l Torpid to Debtliiy ami Xoctnmal Kmis ons one that lias long enjoyed a high reputation Impossible to carry out the government of ii we remember aright, entiUed "the City In- sincere -y inpalhy and depth of as laughl the sharpm-ss.-f bisrepl.es Mi. UW regard such ; amt all troubles ansuu; Ifrom Si-lfAhiisr. he has Hull r s >|ii»--l ions .» ,.\ among the business Virginia on such a U-i-is. In appointing otli- MM AI. IM I I I.II.IAI P. surance and Hanking Company," which re- l>e - , r>-<•> r. rt.uu rttn .lis . We when one has pas-, t -a r-ITTKHs \s ask.-.! ll theie w.-c -..x . hang, s wnicb :m C*B w ALKKK's TOVU Mi Butler other physician I v.-r made. ii- statement. Me-srs. ocre of regis! rat ion he had found one, perhaps ceived the hearty approval of the liest finan- away, BKUA9UH T«»Nir. Jamrs E. Tyler A Co. the memory of whose charity, gener- iiiiis.rtant thiin the correct loiiaol gram- i M U.K I'l l.I*- -A positive Kggs are selling at 'J.»e per dozen in the n an- the agents. ixvo, paaaaaeaa county wke could take aha cial minds o| the legislature, and ol Oovern- osity, dashim; brilliancy and unsullii-d structioiis. ITH-.'fU. Kii-sian i fame I'n market houses, or Stevenson. ness replied thiil there were, u nss w \i.kki;v Merwin, corner oath, officers With one feature, guarantee- still lives in the hour: s of -' 1 rovfCBlrms whf.n Inrfa of Main and Ilan- and yet there were thirty civil those who knew and i iirt i- then pill Iii us evidence tile com* ^zt\^:v: Yesterday araa the anniversary Bj ing security to insurer, | T<> KV.KV W Kl.L. c.K-k, have longlM-en xx in each of these counties the we were particu- loved him Is-st. At un i-urly hour this President Tat ils ,|- WMfJL to elected. In morning ] >n ivsmil by A, oj - aiwieiMted ilh the lum- he I Hyrter Mwality M.... -.I-- ,..,<- ...... „ , Franklin's death, in DM, larly struck, as existing in similar charter. the city ing Washington Lieutenanl tiein-riil, a- U i Mad- of |!T.- 1 his opinion ri-.|iiii.il Is- fatal no was crowded by stranger., v ho arrived ity. They have now a very the oath xmuld I I SK WAI.KI.lt s l« iN ic BITTKR.S — Main street a lorn; the traok of the City »hox» II The Consilium; -lir-.-.i.n ol tills WHKN It xvas drawn up. We were inform. tl at the on tbe various trains during b'.rge stock on hand. to the constitution, an It reatricMVl the range the night, audi if offi lection of the Im-sI men surrounding coun- Ac., arc furnish, just completed a neat Mr. Kendall has quiren all receipts of the Ibr ties. All the principal streets The s.i rolarv x- til aaMaal on Ouisultalioiis free an.l conhdciiiial. I sf. WALKEB* TOKlC HirrKltw FoH ed, of the Ivest desoript for ofilco, and as a party measure it would Ik. company premi- were lined with ion, by W, K. Rich- 111 • storehouse on Walnut street, below F.levi nth. to tc-t i ix for lb.- •polllllllf ums on insurance lie A'., «- * 1 Call on. oraddn-KS INDIOB8TIOK. to invested in I". A". carriages. - .ud-. N... 11 Market street. I„ twecn Kii-st and of iniisiil* and ll IK ler lu- .. I. Live turkexs are selling in market at »R W \Nc \sTKU. fi/c/.-i/ .Sc-ife, or iAtuiwitlr at// I Kinds, occur-, \ heated debate fnlloxvod in an ellorl to le- until at The remains reached the city, escorted by :i charge. Wtienu x.n.niey or theism Fifth Mr.H . com. r Curt IMaee. " &1 7.-. and 52 each, and live chickens at il X, sill is Iiol ible to miike i teuiponirx ap|».ml DWS WAI.KF.KS TONK HIIfEIW FOR l. .. . a-t hundred thousand dollars have Is on delegation of Confederate jM Umiiiville.. K inn, ky. the vote adopting the onth. o Hirers and tin The Pacific Insurance Company has, nf> in. ii , t he minis! i-r. in his alwence, or t b<- na rvraoiorEVKK. -.. invested; such bonds shall Is sot apart ; auenls. and meuilH-rsof Morgan's command from Cov- val conimamliT, iioiniiiales a vix-o consul. At wood A Nicholas. John Kislman, to the Top or aha BajnBj m« inins. — Hon. AMoiaey Genera! and hold sacred, as further guaranty to seouri ington, of which MaJ. Hayes xvas chanman. This action ht referred, for approval, to the Wharton A Foster will sell, on Monday, one rWE W M.KF.H S ToNK BtTTEtt« i-ou State, is in the city, at 111. Willard The appointments are made Tin grandest engineering feat known in of the |ml icy-holders, and that fund shall not Is by the Cincinnati train, deportment. ol lots the at II a. m.. ami w.-r. BICK the choicest of groceries in the city ml oi/, , i.,i. and, when necessary for I lie inter- MEADACHK. history, that startles us xvilh Ibe l>ollsKA*IW. summit supply one of the very best institutions, which wiis Baaaaah pal voiv.-t. i .uld.ti Welles, s.i-r.-tarv of the N.ix \ urn ASnsKXI'AL FSK \\ AI.KKIFs tonic BITTEBH FOB o'cl.H-k.a hou-e and lot, on Main street, M bMB kBHB he- Hooky Mountains, in the pn-senco of a Was appAiiuted March, l»d. by Mr. Lincoln, lanjB kateeaaa, which Mr. Trabue argued it was to the inb i- The hearse was a very rim one, and was taste- ItKOXCHITIH. twii-n First and BMHb1> on the evening of the -Jlst of February last, rilesujM-rinloll.lelll of public scIkh .1-, 1 be aaaaaar M aaaaajjwhawal army aaaaaaa an,! est of our jH-ople to maintain. fully draped with evergreens. The aBBBM ins attention was eall.il to tbe changes in the The Louisville Huso |(a 11 club has a special FSK WAI.KFlts ToNK nilTK.H- Foli citizens. The railroad crosses the mountains tnistiH>of the Kleven Hi ward, and some other "Jol.l.V (JOOD ALE, AMI OLD."— Messrs. moved Iiom tllode|M>l up Short stns-t to the dis|msition of troops in this department. His "^•Wnial Wt^tkne^. I'm:.!.' i*.v.-a>..-.. Female t'om- MSaMag this afternoon at the ollice of the I at this "I an elevation of K,2I2 feet, being e.-ntlemon, vistod the Kloventh-ward schools -on informed him that at a party that even- Ibe l.imitn.ll<1n et uniis'. •-!<--. ol l.l pat,-es KIONF.Y OISF.ASF.S. pahM Win. Paddou iVc Sou. at the corner af Si xlh Kpiscopul it hrist church, of which Coiienil FOHtkMa Insurance couipany. ing :i call had lieen made for all the officer- *»*-«• * '< n ,-r:i\ .ii^-> the highest by railroad yesterday. pahM reached any in and Market streets, have established a de|K>t Morgan was a memU-r. Here the impressix e Is-longing so a certain command to repair at '•-•lit iind.-t r.H-ol|>i ..I r.e.-nts. FSK WAI.KFUs IONIC UllfjJW FOB Moore A .Xkillet, No. M Fiflh street, will I be xvorld. Captain Sessions is erecting a number of h.-adquai t.-rs. sent M.-h. ;,| tVv^ilars fr«H>. foi the sale ot the choicest mall liquors. It is funeral services of the F.pisA-opal once totieti. Kmory's He SKASICKNKSS. -ell this Church wen- The HPrVWunut.'. ol i-lilo-r sot, nfflirl<>d with m. lining livr new portable tobacco his s,,ii Ihe next day to fell the PresHlent, but anr Thus has science, capital, pluck and tin- brick kaaanagi the ptaai Baaaaritf eaajaqMaal one of ••f t»»r aenv<> dix-u-u-. l»- s|Mi-Tm*tM-iitly sturdy sbovel and pick overcome all obsla- the of euri'd s»l»l*'> |«-rs' tin. -I <|tlallly. ma\ i- in the hrokeni^e business. ol his family, as admirable tonics. A dealer ed lo its utmost rapacity, .-bu lly by ladies. I Fourth and Kill Ii. obj.i t ions were made, but ware overruled , r .-nr...; of me f'rie. have a magnificent assort- ,'itid is also a denier in all kinds of storks onr coiilinenl must soon How the travel and in the siie.-i xvhen built up. and can supply himself wilh any quantity, from the memliersol Morgan's old squadron. by i Justice. I»r. |h.« oi Un- the luef ment the late Ocrman and Ainerican traffic of the alMiitt six year- ot xvas IkiikIs. He ran lie found at the < il world. A bay of ane a rase lo a barrel. It isa convenient es- Witness resiiin.il. The President said he hMMf B«ak. most original Lexington If i ties, who left Lexing- chromos. .lid not know what ii. n. Knmry did, ami He :i nliablc and enteriirising found by the police in the lower pari of MM tablishment, just such us Is-i-n iNenstrnxlloii. and -ii|.i.r. m..h ol Hie ineiiM- iMMtMMI has long m-cd- ton and cntertil the Confeilerate army in fnm | \. iMNWn, tax-iri-eiver, advertises a Hal baaataaaMaa ricnion. would send lor bun to inquire at the cIimo ol oeM <«• otb-r ceem - Iramated the only safe an. cily and taken to the slat ionhouse at Tw.-lflli ed. ol such clevei lsi.l, Fnder the management, and which were the nucleus of Morgan's the cabinet meeting. A I suit J o'clock on the election in - ,,1 oeftsin renn^lj when >..iu. ibin^ extra i> roq,iiire<1 ol I li<- proiH ity of .leliii'iiienl-. The New oilcans pro-ji. bjh parents can 1 1 same ,iay he bed an interview with the Pres- IT:.-, \.|.|r.- a»al»>v. a|>ll ami ttreaa ataeela, aaMaa mmi gentlemen as Mr. Win. 'addon and his son, afterwards celebrated cavalry, occupying Among our specially classified advertise- wary ajarietty yeataawhy, the aaMtaa univer- ident lu relation to the removal of Mr. Stan- Ibis ( on Thursday aft'-rnoon last a pent Ionian blM morning. there is no doubt of its success. They sell no position near Hk> remains. The vicinity oi K. H ATKS' PRfVATK MKUK'AL 1'lsl'KN- in. nl- x« ill be sally voting. The polls wen- crowded to their ton. Pntnd a large niimlicr of inter- young marriisl man, of excellent hab- 1> left on the wash-Ktaud of the International A aiticlc but the very be-t manufactured. tin- church, for several blocks, wasalmost im- M r. Kvartsiisk.il what i>a«scd is-twis-n them i-i| utmost capacity. The vote ill ?x exv Ot to tb..-- - . :.i I irb-s lor sale, houses to let n- ktar| its fine abilities as an accountant desires then. Hilliard K«M.m llireo ki>!T OIKPKNSARY IN LOFfh- and one hloo,l.ste.no sett situation. Mjc can furnish the ref- hkoom link. i Paaaajjaa church, and coffin ,' hiR. Tim limb arlU votes have Is-en detectisl. A large of nmaBaiaauac the was hidden under tin- w is put in writing the Semite took iet.-ss \ II.I.K. poittoa eienoos. who address at lVino- Those "M," , lie suitably re wanted by leaving them at this ThaCs Mli.O's the niillor. Wc learn from Ihe New Albany Ledger that mass of exquisitely constructed floral wreaths |..r till, n iiiinuto-. ahfl HajM vol.- lias br.-n cast. The negriM-s, in im rea-scinhlim; at 2:l\ Mr. Kvarta .tsk.it a oflle.'. cral ollice, xvill reacli him. yesterday morning a liermau woman and rnsss, The procession which, the aaaay m few preliminary 'i'io-i ions, ciicAting the fact e«, sneli a« We xiere ipiite astonished last eveiinm l<> aaaea, ratei the DeanoaraaJc itearajt. an B KTiionis-r CHPIM'H.— A Methodist church meantime, had In-cn forming, Is-twoen Seerebiry |iiiiii-. pri- noiinciiig the fact at the polls. from this city called upon Mayor Sanderson moved forward Ihat the cmx ,i -alioii barn In. in our commercial re|>ortcr I hat the is about to Im- erected shortly at the i-ornor >.t Tllialletlt- and informed him that a broom manufac- in the following order: Wi llis and the President took plare in the \\'<- invito the alteniion ..f of cabi- builders and muliial adliiiratioii society , styled the Hoard of presence of the idin-r iiieinliers the So ii lh Co roll FIBeeaBk aaal Qaeea Maaahj Ba tka kaaaBI no Flection. turer here who owed her :i note of Mul had Chief Mar-hid. B. (i. Thomas, ami assist- net, and then -aid that Hie counsel pn>p«ise«l .. i..t , i rb.-a or semi our renders uellenilly lo the .-ulvertis*.- ol Trade, xvlli.-li in. is daily in Ibe ladies' l al- This lane In- residents i, i that rapidly growing ami i'l MtiWfl b.ibil or ..ri commenced on Tuesday. Ow left xvilh part of his goods and was on his way ants; Saxlon's celebrated brass band; com- lo prove that on this occ-.isioii Ihe Pn-«iuViil i.i.-ul of .Mi. \S . K. Riehanls el-, wln-re in Hie pal kM at Hie National Hotel, have lesolviil to • broke treat. -A Hie

i»ikmt»RT. oo»cia| action A lesson may la> useful to these at, Mini i l%si itisiMvs in-. .i.t i •** men. v ha*, a |»art y which denied thg af Um majority. U MAM4KL in mammlbi nrv. I> l.'.i.i.i P|, y ".. ,,, "»" n. Ky.. lh.- ilu Kel. MoTlls. a uisi. i ; n to U- «e«. The liiHlcr-iKtio! hcri-hy 5iT. - to used out of this Stale may be made U lore a •• w.,, , i, In- a made absolute Is a tjr- mentary one another is . body . KIN'- n.ihiir t.. bas..,i on tli.. popular will. That such not trade. ^ Ciie«|>. MMMnta, DmMt, Kri^rant. register or a I nitial states coiiiiiils-ioiier. " WAKFIKI.H l>ut it is object to div-riss the rant is a fart beyond dispute. The live tradera of thia city gowogur bajf^noth- •n Hi. .-.Hiiitv .a V.lair • i.' -t,.. ,., n. <- -pi. Kvery It. ee-niank for a.f Wr will not enter now into a diaeua- ing I" do Willi small mutual gnMgM ttWt tonaa pr of dcl.tK, and K.ntnrky. wiilun aaM OMuirt. who ha b*»a aa- theory rather than thi tarts of the Ite- adulation i>: r.iwcrs of Attorney, to be n.Mst in i ii ii|a.n hir. iltle.i. t, rACIFIl' IXSfRASfK (OMI'AXV. km pl- i.|,-.-.tl-^wl atwuiknipt.. >«»nk own |- T u,e s. if a mils, cy, la. i otlice - .1 M:iiinf;>. puhliran party. Rion of how far the Kxe.-ulive, the societies. The fOMH Ol trade, .ilthei;- THMOD. BjmMuv may always found at the of Col. taartctCoarltefaaiiflhstrici. p Tli.KA . ipM I n. Ward, Kega No extra ehenM an .,,.11 KliW AIil" IIII. VP. A^is-M". Senate, the Jmlieiary, are themselves place- ..f hniilueaa, will ' vve in- not N ' M:iMi M.. I> It is clearly Mr. N|iecd's idea, as permlntheni Blllng IMem up. nu. sgnugugiAxn HTi>Born*KB in iiANkurrrrv ni-m.-t ..f K.ninc-ky lirrri to idle away l> terpret l>\ < art* of that re|>resrntat i ves of thr people several hours a dav, a.s 1 Lnaktvilhr. tic I'th 'lay of April. A. . M OK I it o|«.||||m.i aii.-.Mis At Ky.. MMM UMIOKKK N'liTH-K. Ttilsisio «iv.- thai .ai ll»' ( I • Till: VlirT l:H|l QUI uotai- ef liu ( ll\T ..r VM a* as tin do, u .v M .r. li. well an iu a club room, . part disabling < knarl and thr Mouse of Representa- BMM listening A. n... Ml-*», i warriuil In taiuk- > , the Buprene rupaty ».e, Ls^i,^| B-aliwi lh- «.u»to of t«> to- to sinutlv BI-UOB runii'iKi: •MihjMsating tfce Executive. work tive*, an.l that the theory of MM anecdotes, though It hd dta> M. O. lit liHEY, .,„ -I.e.- • UN faaw k. ... . iuh.iim ,. u ~ . • '> ihe CHiiuy » n.l. ^»ale all jKiwcr in thr sinee nilied w ith the name of board of T.ade. kvhk onmKii to ; of 'rlU« M. aiul vvatds aeeumul.itinjr asseiuMv i* the plainest tyranny, I nu: ..I K'-nui.-ky. v»h rvaud 0 tin-. ».|j .i,-. .| ., \ , nil. mid HftttV. U intakruia. JII.I-,-|..| .. I.an! rn,,l UI..H In. „,mi p. tlt,.ill. hy tllC on his own ppiiihui; Uiatthn lits paym. lU of anv .l. l>l.-|rlct » ...irinf s.i.l (M-ir . I. Popular directly r«prea«aiing it forbids from If they seriously w ish to promote i|»c hnMMM M the people exeteiaing the r< . aeeonnnatoi eai h a*l«*. :r. I nail .l.lir.T.v . A A nia«IT of hot pr.ip.-rty t.. l..n^-iM ii. Mich gall >'«-• si KP,, ,. \ y i,. NK -.. V l.aakrnpl. to Mm, or for us.-, "tlir jroveriitncnt of • it in- nn.l thv ir iusf.-r ..f I he iK-onle, mid : business interests of let t pngnana mwbu aMMng H. a.i M their will luit in one way and thrOMBjh LonhwiUe, Um bnewiag ..•iy i.r..|K-rty l.y him. arc f..rl.l.|.l. i, | | a w ; thai . IN M \ XK Kl 1T< V lil.irirl .,i 1 eatMBc in . of a . • tiioi. y 0 for ii-i'lliur of the .-r.'.llt.rtx of - .i.i i. !>.'. the people hy the people thr people.' I learn to stay at their plafloa busii lh*. ; ,..kr..|.«. u> 1 At Louisville, th.' link dav "f•I A.April. A. 1 one channel. Thrse farts thrm- of ... prow Capita! |«ir.iv.' th. ir ileiibi, ii.i'l ui .• rh.«. on.' n m<«. .is- nn.l.'r-il^nvd In r. l.y n»lir.-ofI.e. of baHfO y Kv.. i. in 1. 1 f.*. .i. i. lTintin- II.xi any otli.-r interpretation, an.) it not play at impeachment in a 9mm mi, slunii^i of t\L* estate, wilt !»• tn-1^ (JiTO H selvrs, and no ari;nineul is nrede.1 to [ »t a r.airt >A |. .;k-.ii>..vn : H I have u ,.^1 ||,.. . .„,,, ILoikniplrv. u> he laH.I.-n hi lleln.-uh, K\- V |i a v ague plat il u«|r t . . w lii- li all pari iea hy themselves. Lei them inform the lor.- S. Marshall. II. vl I. r. •nauun them. M. M .t C. v-r W. \. M KBfW KTII KK. flag p -..ll. side M:.rk. Fourth bmI Fifth. t bav» hcM v.-ral \ MtTH I N a|»laCT r. MM. Inn. it will. UDUh r. S. Mar-hat. ^s M< int. In irl. l . iii. -ant an. I means thr supreme, unresist- accurately .'.Mlit pensively and prepar im.ii.-. < \ i-:. The telegraph l.i i. lly informed us yes- mm mue» PMfUj "f Mmat, i.i. ..ell - ... Ijiw.C. nf r VX- orncy ..t iri.-l i P. r I .1. in. lit ma.1rt.it lw Amlllnrof til. irt Ki'iiturky KMM ed ml" of thr popular l.ran. h of is doing, and kare mm) t pMrtaeni mm! N'otick of in hnnkmptcy. Oath l. that of Arkan- what bnainaga who M rdax "thr Legislature s.„r lanrlllan, >»>t In t lie I bare «him»i h«OiIhs iKal will mati-r of ANKKll-n . I'i-lrirt uf K-nlii.k Slut., el K. ntnrky I • HI. " H outers I4H-SS. doing it. I.et then try to do Man' « Um- II r.lna>lp.i * ..,„ itlt.-ratlv i.kmi'ki. v. f.Hrrrox. M l^ailm HI- K' Hi- mill dav of April. A Ii.. . -I.---. ". HMSaj th Rani sas" had l. eied It. P. Kieeand R. M< V.litl.m f..r ii IU. rof the Mmat Mi lHlb. hoy I. mm lakln final iBaraaro* HI. -I April Tih. MB. Thann.|.rslK.i I.erel.V ,.|V.s Ti.mo ef hLsap- I, .,,1,. Market slroi-t.

This theory i- |«>llll .. | not new. It is .if r . nit-e . Liberal (oiiald I'nited States Senator>;" and same, an.l above all things avoid inter I far dlaratie oTtae car and wi nn with iterMinl Hy erd-r court. Ih- r .Hairs »f LraiaH V. tmum, , ~- ii. III. Ynui . rrapeethillT, a l.ankn.pl. ar- her-h> ih>IIH.sI to xpiv-.r twlor- ' ism in England, iladicaliMii in America, fering iu any way, by . ounnittee or m-, al mv ..Iti.s., In Wlnrh.i«|er. Kv.. on 1-t dav ">f Bard- towi IAMKK, that ! he w hole ron^r.-.sional and Sena- a. f. OAjrt ru of May. I vis, |, t |j n'rl.Mk v.. In' -ii..w i-uiise. K.'I.Ineky. wu »' .Loin-A- if j .la. ..I.inisiu in Kraine. a mob in Hun- Daps it in lie. ity •! N. v v... k ... otherwise, allairs ..f 1 a L ink torial delegation would leave at <>n.-e for with the others, I'lasi itmv. Kr.. .Ian. I. Mi any Ih. y have, why the l.ankmpt aft.resald h-uld Judged not be dLschar,'-! l>..m his d. l.is. Murh i i — in i i irnry, an«l mad ness iMTywIuTi'. It Oi: .nu vv: AbmM ivv.lv-.' n«rs Washiimtou. Of eonrae they will ha on bet them learn that talk and twaddle Tllns. M. KOINTIiN. lllgMM. apil Sal K. T. 1.(111. A — lifi»»s». Wlnrh.-sl. r. apis s.,: strikes at a government of eheeks ami "resolutions" in business houses iLH IhhIv, ln».i.nic|| Hint It w:i » TAY nl hand at the earliest possible moment. and are mil Ilia ; n: \\> IN HA N Kill IT' ^ I.Hn l.a.l t>> wrap if in i. Iln. ai '.-arm. .In. liripia.'ilwlth i 1 Ii lw. n-i».r.. Kv . I l-t r..nntri-< hrrk-, on thr ilirrrt ground and ridiculous, and especially to aii'lanrs. all In Bankruptcy. Two vol. * l>e nee. ssary, and ill/ baUvr, || the tlmr. xrh.-n we w...i!.l o ol. Ii I'.il.i. ii l-»i-. • II \ I'. A ( o llil.lishors. Bonk MMMM may AM) CtnUUDICY Ir Th- MoaaOa I ».. r.-l.; ri'tnov.' th- Ilium Hi* .iirlh.'- ..f the Ix-lr waafaw i . IV. a: j I B«.k au.t Job Winters. that all dicks on thr BBggMaY will e.\- !>ear iu mind this fact: If they do dpis.iiitm. M will east for the conviction of the not nnel li|i«Ht». Jn >h..rt. n.ri'hll.l w;w n mumi pltlahle IN Tills ( 1". i II. I Mr. iiMVANV. ition ler Una I dba-ha ^1 Anrll In. l.vis. Rv liKO. CALDWRI looklag I 'hl. Th- llT.|rep:|N r presse<| l»y a majority arc to their business, wa^ r.-c..o,:.n-»i.l.-.| flf the cunty ..f Hopkins. ,.-,.1 .r wrong and I'r. si.l. nt! Thes be sworn in learn mind ow n tad- order of curl th- nai f Tlnw. I« Smith, of siale Kentucky, XVOoD ArchtUsts. No. en WaU lo tar, ana allrr mtw\mq h t.. nr* nhii.i r.. r •KI.FATItlcK & IV l*n4ay .. within aid dtstrirt. win. ha ...tjud,- K..yeii..i-i.iuity, Kv , r>- d .t.o.k »f It wiis.iir.-l betray noila>d str.st. tyrannical. It is a theory hi.-h engaged jmiIcs they are, and tadpoles oim.1iui.1w.-u. f have n-«-l It nutuy • Al Main they will i.i rupl. U|»m hi- i. v.i iN tllli.u. l.y th- ln-:r • a- if . Senatm-s! Itut, in view of the drama in tnr family -.In.s-. apPMU h t oii m. at mi olli— . to Wln.'hast-r. MMM wh-n-ver ureMdlHI .'.ill.-l ..f -..Id di-tr!ct. Kr..on th-Tlh dav-l' M..V, WU. .it l.lo rlis'k *. >l 1 KKXisWA UK J. DOLI'IN'-KB the attention of the framers of thet'on- remain, never reaching to the dignity of for It.-, us-, an.l loir- token it mrs^r. h-ln:- allll. l. .! lie - . . v - \ \ now being enacted, it may worth in -how thus-, If any I l.-v have, ai w m. rr i:t with an rrnaUoo of th- hands im.l faMaa Heap why lh- lu.nkr'.pl l*tfl.,,.M , paid u without refercne,. (n s^.u Kran- iil'iHT.-viiil slnxiM ii.. i I,.. di-«. I rotaaaWr u I an t.«».t m— n.-in- I i...v... v. r 1 At >ii -<• runiKli i ntr Kin- rlirrtolhr II lirl < >f at i\ V. It. I'l'lU.KV, Assignee. I,. i ion thr eonscrx tried n.r .riipil.rtL-.. -kin. aplsSa^ 1- 1 mid- -i Senators now sittinirasat'oiirt havetak- fih- and can rhwrmtty IK Market . brtwi Mi A boantanf having seen :ip|M>lntineitl as assi_-i TUfJnjgg r.ss.niloe'i.1 ll p. th- put. lie :u4 :o, iinrlvaliil IIIin-1 ATWOOOft Nli llOLAs. A-. lilt, element an.l that Ik'inoeratie element Ill hankriipt. v en, to render judgment according to law IMrlli.-r. I s! A I. KKXSKTT, a bine heron that atood eight feet with- V. T. HA I1NKV. Of the canity ..f McLean an.l s t .,;.- s- ! 'SCI ! I which, rr-ar.liii'4 as thr Union a federa- also lie J. No. Ill t i. and testimony, w ill administered, & WILDBKncrX, Ban. I Mil MUMP W.- MaiiiHtre. w.lhiii said liistrict, w hoi ha- >Hft\ out st.M-kings. We once saw a pretty | f. !l -.Hllf tool -vale. K v. haakMM ohm bM -wa a... I Ma u. tion <»i stairs, a*kr.l that this eonfedera- [f it Id, Ml not supplemental oath nec- |NstHA.NCE AtiENt V $ one ol that lit Curl of -aid lil-.trlit. the family stood a t U over M Vs. Wl N-I .OU— wm. A. sTl \ BT, A-mki«s>. l - rtmii-i i.i t'lisTiHinrt. h^onrtr v.-asi tion lie recognised MMBal CPU by the representation rnmrvf Theae men have not aenrdthe OK cluster. • !i . two feet w ith very sixth « >>f the states in a if'ontrr iil irHINIisTlilf. JAMKs K. Ki: ( O.. raigie—ion body. testimony. Is it not, at least. necess;iry PS TVl g i, i caaa If any th-r 1 . vvhv feet they were. mm the hank. M't :'i:i •:.«. lis. n m Id not !» dial ?e.l fV..in lil- d. l.t.-. The Senate, tlierefore, not, as in other for to take an provided for No. Ma Mniii str.et. Uiiilsvtlle. Ky. them Oath, m i mnan raaaanMa, I1TOX. l 1 !• I .£/t"TIio Tribun ills inventor Sey- 1 I 1 K TO CONTRA r i omit l ies, a represi ntation of I he arisio- occasion, soniethini; like the follow- AVtll.K l.N'si .... TV VI the MKHt ma ggJH j Ctrrai iUtotM the ih \ I TUN * into mour a liar for not agreeing with the Mstrlrt ,<* of thet'ily .-in.-er. III! ICo'. liM-k h I i. -.Ia> crat ic bttt people the ' BMMntkf In i««kruii»r-. Kn element, of the in e . w aniii>n the 31st .lay of li- in N'OimL In th- matter uf April ;i«t. t«. -t.s-itt- the 161 low i m; w - ulll.r «p«i.M..fi.' l.. r. KIT. Iii with th- laws ..| tar. K . I II W s, figure-, in the World almanac, and the Ml WMIMllJ afttM IMnlC si. Hi and i» as.leiuocrJltie a« the House WII.t.IAM ( V.AI tin- t est imony heretofore rendered in the Kimucky. CRAIkC. 111 K -T.> repair Iw-tw-i-n th.- rails - V-tltion Cm- liual ilhw-harie- Hirst1 AjAt I.... atii in , i irv. oil Mali, -tr-ei, from n/ell sti ILSOX. rCTKIt n Representatives, of World argnea in turn that a man may SIT1K lil-.lfTT.ATK I'll nkw Taaa W. of in the true MMH case now pending, ho help you God? TO | MOWgXa Ky order iaT ouart, thi* rrraHian off WWilliam Crnlic. w i aaMal gaama as nr Kranklln Kentucky. . % ar. y.irk- .lisagrrr with its iigun>s and not lie. tnaMj. tK.nknu.t. I he wol d. Will such an oath 1«' administered? We vt.n-1 pi «-r,<.iv7i !'• pjMwnl upon b, aMaana, H ghn r.-i m rbmv h-r.-liv uolili.sl lo UMU hkfMt me, al no MJMO, M W lncii.-iter. Kv . i.n th- It!, dav of May .' ISM. al I. I wIv.k. and Hie assembly, however, was the op- .lon't liclicvr it. Hut is ii not essential? - Vishv illr grinds hours tor ..Vl.*k M.. t.. -Ii'.w ,-aus... It any th human l.iahUltitw •' ...... lind.-r lh- dir.s-ti..n an.l UM haiikri.pl afor.TUil.1 shou |Mr.inir theory—no Kxeculive, no federal htnat not the I'hief Justice so rule? II ity Kiiutmi-er. an.l as-r.s-al.ly to IIKALTII V. I. I i MMMMMtn. We should think the land >!! TO YOI INVANPS JAMKs K. Tl Kit Jc .... A . s hi- del.;.'. • rnrni-h.i! l.y lilm and on nlc al iary, but a simple arbitrary Con- apis'". I Hi is. Ki.lN H. Judic he do.- so rule, w ill t he Senators "dare" would raise nothing but ghosts, particu- Ma. Vm Mall nan M TON. We have put up and sold Uns artirle f.» T.«rs, F. II. Ill l»l. KY. V->U'ii>e. OOMMd s. |u.rate hi.ls and c ontract pnaa, aareetly from the people, jndpna of to onethelangneajeof "old Tha.i." lorer- ami "in w«y '.<>w of it i larly if in the grinding t hey should !>e a iaaaaaa nn trmtk what wo hare bmcbaki mmm of th- foris^uiu^ pi.i'-s of w..rl never artn i. k arid of Krntucky in iMtukniplcy. Mnaakto to Miy nf any other MagteUM t'siial sectiritv r.s|Hir»sl. T law . and executors ..f th. ir own legiida- rule decision of the Chief i the Justice? little o\ er-groun.l. .lire- /.ox ti fin/e, i inataani «*f«w » «^ iu in. Ma««aa M mm r..h! '• r. .s -a. h and all of Dailn Democrat. wli-u timely Si'VtT did w.< Instanr- tolls X . XI VI. If. tion. Is -n\ Md. know an VII I I.I V Tl That the eminent at These things have to come in this JAMKs K. I. Kit III . which got up TV * f..r lin.it tiled dav ofdisaatlsfariion hy any ll. On tin ratBMl dlschanre on tn- sth ..::'- Miss. MMWOaBaM XI vv .nil. i. April 1 1:! r. S|m-.-«I aims. ggPTha Brandon Repnldiean colli rary, nil are .lellyhlm] w ith its luaratlon, of April. IMS. Kv ..rd.-r of murl, th- rn-ilitora of M new-matter. If such mi oath it admin- and No. i s Mam Mr.-vl, U.llisviile Ky. . speak Iu lerinn J. .III. Y. My-.-, or Lincoln OMMQT, a tmnkrnpt. ar- i i t the of .'.iiiimendalloii of lh- maRical roHj in 'i v. 'I >R-*.- oaal js, beanta Lnventhni of a plow that ln liollh. I., »• ii Thr error in the tl that istered, st eBMia and mxllrul Tlrlu.-.. In this r-hy d appeal helor- me, mr .>rtic- r. . .si l.y II. V. IPad-lu I .... lnl.s-?-. PKIHTBD AN PUBLI8HBD BY y DttMaV and longer if it is not, that t h.se We Maak unit PfDCMIX INsl'UA XI K (.OMVA.W I .« Ir. " / ".th l-ii-. ler H7i.t l»>: />o A-.VO H'," alter ye.us ofespprt- 01 Wlnctnat' Ky . Oil Ihc da> -f May. al for the iMiinllii!;. fei.ciii<. pie i-. .*.'.. r.spnrisl at ii "need- BO lmise." li wants only one iMPjr, mmm representatives cannot tyrants, • r I J.i'el... k m they have, why HW Mt men w ill be competent judges is absurd .•nc. aai alNga oar rmpmtmmom far tin piitiii imtt roiMlitiun mi the l-i day of January tofiaaa CaOOO, Moaj ihe new Ilehrcw T'-inp:.- 1 •a.lvvay and HtoUt irhitj a- tun tlrcltm. In aim.*.! -very in uiity with Hi- Jan- -: the ha' 'rupl ali.n-alil should ant's. dl-..har^id .h -•Mm— thing to be perfect 'to anBMMMW nith the liuoan.-e of th- ||. tH Mfl.it PIOBH and -|»^ a.ca':. may it In- bnt resistance lo them is tyranny in re- estimation ac- nlni Irom I.i- del.t-. in the of the world or in where the la(MM is siiiri.rin- rrom pain and elhails- K. k um— ..I' i he Arealtr la. Pro sals to he il. tivMOd ground. l«. ii. rrtfafwUI m» found In flrteeii or Iwenlv mliiiitiT, THOH. M. KolNToN. Kl . in. la-fore ill- ill i.i -r Monday, Jin sisting the orlieial w of the people. t ||c Mi'.v. vn, xi « cordance w iti, most elementary prin- all. r the -.yriip - Mnaai raw. fa>. \ l.olt. .1 - .- .- uduiinL-t-r.sl. T. T A Aaagaaa. apt! tf w xt. k i: i I- 1 A ft KB, < h. it. r. I'apiia!... I: is strange that in looking at the the- ciples of jurisprudence. They have not CRobhl poi-pies are the latest jeon v Full directions for us!n^ will arcoiiipany imili — „ MJO .: "Hnkraptev. i iKitlle. He -are lo cull tor surplii-.. IT KV i: UUtMli ny of our i.overnmenl in Alexandria, \"a. It sounds luxurious • 1 1 1 I !n matter m.l masonry ..f ihe S ITURDAY, APRIL is 1n,<. and the history ln ai.l the i.-tiiuony, and they were not UakBBMo f| J. A. I.KAN r... I 'MRS. \\ INKLOWs; SOOTHINU s^ 1:1 V jig oi the past, men should lose night of the and lent, and iiooncoitt of old \'ir- Vein.mi l. r final dl-char.-- ti a th- dav llin; from a pom! two mil.- south of Klk Lap aanan bntea Uie trial commenced. BOOM jamks k. TVUM B 00k, a nana mth mi. uf April, mi Bi an r -I em rtxlllucs of 1 lo tl K—.ui. ky line near the iiwn ..f KtrHon. will it ginia knows liowio. ook low 1 or birds. 11. VII apt** ins ntaaj Ihnj laliw a^vnMipjn, tha par> that this.- rtbafaeaimnoof S«. Main stre. i J. .X. H< an f Xl> r.er roiiniy, a huiikiupt. ar- h. r. - ? Ik- r.sviv.s! a! i In . uiil.l III. Mill KATK 1111.11. but these new -tangled, "CVRTI8B vkukkns- oQire the Mb day of AprU on Hi. oiu.side wrapia-r. All otln-rs are l.n-e iuill.i- l.y iii.llliisl to appear h-fure me.nl iny ..llice n-.xt. -on or ]>ersons exercising aovereign K.x r UK Til K I . IN 1>1 1 I. IN BMMaaJed, Senators w ill vote, and rote oi lions. QTATSM Wlnchvalcr. Kentucky. .... •»•- sth day ..f... XI. n !- la- p.-n:. LqgnB baa rant of lea.i- j on ooIbmimb BmI k r. n. -a. «• caiuse, If ."•» th. v hav. w hich in. lad. power, from whom tvrannv is to be ap- course the conviction of kf DtMjMhniHMBMjinnl mm bbrMi ok Bar the I'resi- Till; >rhy ll.- Imiikrupl ate natdd net >s- oM- hun. Iris] ua.i •vei.t.s-.i hun.lr.sl and lirty ed matter in his MJMMMMk < »f course the okaaM ieii.le.1. chartist from d.-hta. f. -t i.T w..rk. . o- -• • i In this country the pawn? .Ii nt, is hN In btoank, h-av v an there little r n for doubt. That nmm, nu trntnt nmi wtttfM NKW IKllsKV .MI AI. leaded inatter is all out of Tf Iffl IBBTWltTfCl Titos. M. Ki.lNTON. BrgMM nt the eusdms l ih. iu Kliow.'.le alt. r Ihe lllh the IBs ow n head. 1 arUfc ] pie—the people MM | s etl.MVANV. K. T. TA X I.i ill. \s.l^m-e. apt- ~..J i.f April. wa an especial purpose for which they in iislii-.. - "ABBM and why not lead to lead i \ gaggggh 1 ie ..ii, pan r.-. 1 II« i- B, . hi 1" HUAX. "' '-r'T-'ii. 1 it was possible t,, unite in were -i oNTIIK.TlsT DAY Ol PI'TvlMi !-..*, further tnferii manufactured. I: must be reineiu- . IMBnaaMaM, Man vork. nee Fur 1 . M.i i»',., .f iti. riiaMccry « oun one mills make a cent, acconliiu; N". A 1 1 It 1 A N expression and act, at all limes I lit- hWm M Btgk BMaara, London, England, bt red that ihrrr air -even, ll.-. and perhaps MMM1 M MM Auditor >4 the state ,,f K> inn. ky. Kaoxx Tkao., ml n„ to the l-'e.leral nioney tables; but there iii st. vaui Moaat, Mdiitr.sii, CMonaa. Par Kara**] rUrCMMf, popular will entire, and not ftMBBra MBB« more. Senators w hose votes are not w ii. i.. 0OM- eiHlfii Naine Mat "New By urdrroi :>nirl th- creditor* >.l HOJtaM. are localities ne-t n LoaaBoa JoCMV MBMMl Life jorii MMM w here ten mills have Imakrupt. . li-r-hy oollgvd lo ..: v, no t_\-ranny need be laaocaaM CMaaaajr. TTi , .\. IXhlKV l\ r < 'Vrk thw OMMvOwt appreaManladL nidered anally reliable. As the aaii J, mmmA M -1 .1 OUt olti- In Wlnch. st.-r, Ky. ni I \- W I II. .MI-soX. BBSS I-KATIl Itut this not made a cent this year. i-sss. when dtlie-i.il will must come reader ma\- Jia\e been struck t AI'ITAI.: May. ii IIAXi • an.l dis- ANU ISH1 K i ..r « !. rfc . i!..- < Mean I'ourt. I lh- fate of MMMJ lilK-r MMM which U.« .no th-j h ive, why the hatikrupl alor. -aid -liould JJXNKl.M. class, . gOMMMl at Its Capital Stock is ••• JIIIIX s. ( \ IN. from a and that lass not the rep- trj/.^ui not Iis-ii.ir:-! rrom hM otatii. {anftad nith the apparent baate of pnaav- \-V The Adjutant (ieneral Socrolary lAlslli I'ols^.N AMoanl of In Capital su«-k paid up be usjiui uu K.ir shiTiff. Titos M. Ki.l.NTON. lt-.-ls|.M-. r« seutative oi all. bnt only a portion, ing the trial t hroilgh to con K. T. , A- ilaaar. apis Sa3 jrili.N M. MARTIN. vietion ; and of War, with bht gonbla oflanri. haa atalaa TAY LOB Of the ordinary hair dye falls. is ASSKTS: thai TIi.tc no AU and pillion not iieccssurily a major- as as he lieen -Iri»t net ..f Kentucky 'n '.Miiikinpt' much may have diagnated our (lrparl meiit roiinnaiulrr's nirknainr «':u»h on hand and in lunik *\7il i» N'lVTK'K. . II Ai. AX. llonds ( in the natter of ity even, we can see how the actual ummamonom on aid Mf ihu illpany. p. : nith the constant stream of object ions to of "pap" Thomas. IKX I.Nsm.N [.. V.oTToXt. l.-.T-j m K«.r Hie • MMBMM Um KganaML lint, M it « re. in IViltion for Hnal dtscharije til-d Apnl tuth. sovereign, a popular t'ongrefw, under it. -sir. d l.y inert K By a rccejrt ml M il.e Keniiu . y If shun re. tin i almost every point of test imony ottered MM •rd-r of court • tberrMUMm "f I. I.. Bnttian. • VVe h ive ass».v» Kaukmi:-I..Mi— .conn r»f 3 Itirii AM. lit K. •, Massey, a sterling HemiM-rat of the Jef- SMMUXKW lu priss-s. of . why th- l.ankrnp! re conduct .llii v- BhaV' for that pajier. I>oubtle-s to 7-J.s'l si ami IT- -ion tr-. u . wh. we shall le.l I'lomwell, Na|s)kon, Cesar the to the l_v, must also have struck his attention; And in the sum. time v lu.ll/.sl i.nd oBMn aaM«,boMajig msl fo.ni his dehu.. kho. Rank in., and I'irk K-i ium : hoalonabi - hiHil. ( MMOOaMl kf in in of inrluenee, talent inemorv 'ain. iINToN. Bl klllU I throne. of the Ml of 11.111 a manner s.tlsfa. t..rv. we tin t, to all w in. favoc u . an.l that the multiplicity of object ions K. T. ..pis S.. J and energy, who will aid us in keeping CMJBTAJDOMOW BAM i»YK, wuh tin ir pairena,-. ion. ~. i-.| In Can forty-eighth numlxTof the led and the unnecessary numlicr A Towr.it i>ci si The rennsvlva- V'oncp. Tl.is MtooJtraaoHM UtagonBta nth 1URKITOKS. and length NafureV ally, and kaaogjr^ r»«,i n. rater. Inl.'rist OOOMOtL retiladue tl|C I ..mp.iie tin I ». iui.. r.tt what it is— the best Mfg , paper d..v nf April. A. I>.. a warrant In iMtnk- J. H. DBTt-BUI, xv KltKXfw eralist, Mr. Madi ...n, upon this point, 1 nia l.etrislature is ^lallk^ ion! »latlon. ry. I.IY. I peech. s, bnUdhnja MMMMMBMMol Mi.iiufarlur.sl l.y .1. Hi Ol be were not exact l v in liar ClllsTA IMJKO. H Mad. n rni^r-v vriu. tunn-.! n -aln t tin- .- int.- ..f W. r.BI r.KL. PU. TUMPPKBT, -a. I en Veil, v west of the mountains. MM . nacaitd en iltcl inert \ s New York. xvii.f.iAxt Hrnao^, j. v. sroi.i_ HI | of folly. Il ls inn. Idled on riu'lit hour Uua*. BoM Mr MB aManaan. Appn. .i case, a • OdVoaCC en COMBlM ion ll MOny with the idea of MtCM |>n ti n bMM MM of ,iu ibaeoaMj ofrajo kl.aiolMfcata .1. II l>r"T( II KN. Pr. id. at. l.y nil Hair I >r. Ml »pT tadgwwMlM .1 S. Cash, and Scc'v. mr:i * and delivery heliMietii^ IJANklN.; H-U -K Bg li> nail Udll H"t lo I I- 1 of ooy onarn in'Mkcb lie ll.tilv I»«-n«n«r:«« Si\ be due. il\ rompL lcl> a. 1 la \ "s .1 ispat i p y Hull n dies. how rema ka I gen- >f\...«irant has rhokr.l olf his poOT old I.IAHII.ITI BBl M dy TOOBO Men, nn Vhy: leleKH-.tl KrisilK, Ahuscs and tianknipl. P. him. -r for In- oor. i.nd Mr tr.oof. r nf . !lh. I • ><»II»rs a Vcar. fir Si\:> I'rnls a rtv l.y Pr<>UH Sumner had suddenly lie .l id's of »oy pn p. by him. ar- fnrkMoO law ; Dial a unity . \ i'deiii. Ihaii ImMMMMb. biography him, not allowing; Mmoom, mcMmM to fonife oad Bang Maaaaag, M IS* I I.I. ''tJuSrrn/ WF.U of ih. j \y .t to. I on III. .iIh»i- •• Vilcin.i \ |*ii|M'r "" nw«tlo« ciotIBum "f Hi- mBo baokioM. CMJD >i•• ; to admit all MAURI en an; pr.iv- ih.ir i" moved manner of testimony. the ••auth.ir of hislMine" t,,c..iii|.letr his ! oafcBk oag oBoom mommm \ Sii*kI:i>s ill. Iil.l' lo niiml.. r> l>:>>. .1. sure of r-li-l. Seiil In -.\.l.il « elnps Total Vnlicus daring Ibe pi t -•s-n— - of hi- . slate, will he held at a i .Mirt ot I ni-nm MMM nv mom I iid he noi count on the c../. .< of life. year I. It". J |, the Sen- I llnnkmptcy, to he h-ld. n ai M..nii.-eli... Ky..bHbn> l ".i Koiltt.l. i fr.so.f char .-e. A-1.lr.ss |>r. .1. I.I.I f SKI N llot oil- at>t will in .i U lirralesi ainouut risk tlthrrmio i John XV. Tulll.'. Rsvisi. r. en Ihe v iktiied Uial ia HJ-MJOa 1Mb day of , power of bh en- ai.. is from Arkansas to offset sort Ma I crn, r XV.ill and N.i »iu l ... New Veik. any oi TllX. Howard A sis ialimi. I'lillaJelidila, Va. Xumhrr of llaUrtcnln Ibrrr IjOM. IMa, ni '" o'rtorfc ». m. ! :i I in- a <>l excitement, of work, of light- crcMirliins naUuv, and t ij.it it ou-^iii u> he . -'-Thr Parki nit of watrr" hea.l- xv eii.ci ii.ii iy real rained flnmi ivuMios lite limits teatfntonyf And if n. ssary. Senators lei oaMBn i. Ml RIWKTtl KB mux :in.l o> sic.uii, i'ic llnrsl tor »i«»r» hsis U*- dress apl-rt C. .- i! .r hal. a. u :< r. ' consists of hr hir-utr M umiKued to It. Alter dlsrrtininatlni;, ther.-- rovrrini; from oilier States .an be wh have In |«i:1iim:i!... lor trU Hie ;i« »r» I hat ran ii'ic. in brought in theory, i the wevend rlnirn oi mnt, .1. nilied hark behind th •h .lav .. IV KANKRCVTi'V. l«-|ri. t of K-nlnckv «. \ vv YoKK as in.y utR) in | hair nalo re l# legiHiattvc, it li :. .. ,.- I I sii.-.rp.l.i.r.;. l..t>. ..f Ilnl ...ir ervicesat a "wherc.is!" The infusion of tools dull Nota pcrso. U Ky.. tkr dav April. A. I> . .- '•X. ^-UllVe. .111.1 i.la I \ : lle\l I .-ill. .-II k. |sr.s. nn.lcisl _-in .1 h. r. '•> - Hi nk AT tile ttHMt dlf!i- (< I'. The v. OOMCO .1 bbl ' vr.- \- Tho rini.-ir ' Trilmno . •••»'• i-c-U isi.. ,.,,,. ..,! n. r..-s.ii il and coinpletcl v headaaa Oim fclll.-ol dcnl nf N. l. r . r XI ll Life li ipl-.inl.n. lil as a .i.-i.e. el •fih. pill. I , p.oM.l. mrurHit subservient ...mil other runw , f.sd n del.lll i. n.lvuiii.-,i'r -I hi-. iH.R.r- puny. »lm nclia; duly nwiaa, .loth kKKItrr 1 1 KN V K I* a i: •••m lh pla.in^ I HajM "i mgmkm MM anMMtnt »f Mm onVm of I hr svv in.llrsof N.vv York." Ihemarfren denw and sny may l>e important. Mut if the final con UongMM nt tl... under I h- Uaotl t of any one, should dr.i r.-ad thai Iho slatenjenl liiMreto annexed dhililirlly shows nOHItt of U.t id Male of Kelllllekv. Ih'< M'tuU this scctii iii ooghl to U-. to the -r. al h.ul not n in. ire |. II ami more to IL. as-..!.-, .in.l llaliilln.*. -.iid "The Sis-r.-i Fr ." Stmt lo any address. In a and ...Id dep t inrih. i within It&urlcl.wko h .shc. ni.. limited a hank- i>,oi.|. iii lo >r HM r.l|>lioli of thr |>a|n-r. w are seai.-d thai -aid i.1 tupt upon Ids petiliiHi. in. i aaltb tbo l.y ! I- n.lents ihe iu.cl liberal rao s ihe m..rk. i alTords. reader turns iii^iuctively to mitaUon uovei nmciil. am! lo UlLsl ttj "i sui h votes, apoenaatian aronld be rsrloolrF nf stuck oooat, oad thai lht< nakl -tat. liLstniian has in v.ANKi-.cpi't'Y ..r ( to Urns. parrhnM-nl h.mi. is .i-aiii-i the en- BMMB one hundred thou- HATI IIKLORS HAIR DTK in. ni is in all i-.^iai u- crr.-ct and true. Mann Kpntockt m. inri.ti JAX OUKK .V- Ilk I I ..in -v iMe. II. of A|Mril. ajknaaaj anpac. Ami i idle « 11 \s. i I. I li. iV, Al ih« tn day MM poi ioaciiiiiu-|.im ot powert This to Ibeaeeur- Mpan mm an Utneoaand aaaMAIananan llil . -ph ndld llalr Oye W. ihe Im*S in the vv...ld. ATI Vice l-r.-t. sand dollars bp his works. ley L'io- lie I ice of llleir ..plSIUll- it'ort - which ;i|> p.ars to supply the pulilio • Sworn and oMoCfgMNl OOMM Ota, M N.-vratk. N. , oi the recoil. Tat oMjt Bao aai n MB BnaMao, MMahoa, l»INM«»l.| linv rctied on by the cnmpilent ot ino-i <>t J., MoTCh Ok, A. P., isw.. : „ wiiin— mv I, and arid in inncttaaj toiti. -iH-cuiativ. tlw naaaMnaooas. al W, Bg UK B> Scttsville, Va., oiler s.mni rexvar.l Mo aggaaaMMBg Mo MMaanaa notorial .>i il. Amertenii stale rouatilnti.MiK. p.m . %.pe- a- nf M. n> and stale nic. coaMy jis-ni.n bg> and otten occupy spar, v '- A * tints. BotMOl Mlkfik Vrewn. ill l-aj J. Motory •' tan r&wn nu 8a e Circuit WHrTKHMAD, • n w rielue assim-s us t'ouit at Ital- m BjOMgicoMo raknt • I' I he quotes, tn proof,<>i. fromto. hi trict. who ha i a.l for a ghoat . They make thOM for MMM I iiH.n . it ic: I lie i . ad.-r oi J.-a the poUttnd hi-ioiy oi fgoa. the hi o« is ihion, vim: loom rVnnsyfvautoibi amiand i imore has recently OMaaMorMoi toaogoaMM baM, Motrlog bOMf tried, herein ArntTuaV Ovatca, I MM VifUiliia .thai the .Hi. :«•> oi M than that in some (daces. KnmxiT, I tiiat the provlitioii It soft and The li • -'. nWdl Would like to booagMM. oobMm Mgoad BMBOM I'binki hit, April I"*.-, iV 'xl 1 *"0 women claimed MUBBV, tow .v. rrale.1 ; and that NOUM each to Im' the I hei.-hy certify that l'..r.-^..|ii„- Norn g. goaraahir, ah oMtan mo MMokMaaBooo, oog ihe In a f ru »v KTJCI1IEN IvJnV - rgf BgJLI ireful. , more ndeqiuiu ,, l ..I the "ii til.- l \-; A. T. Stew art xx rites fromlihio to oriojiaol in ihisoflli e. ! motherof thoaai hil.l. pi* AoMgaei . • We recoil,..., should h- r- ..: .- liimsell i'!!!| OVoMog. BoMMral Druc-isus an.IT. In aritorsn wher.s.f, I 4aum. nt ;i thai is really "tin wa hi'Vi,,Ti!'''^!. . :.| v have h-r.-n. mi mv booil New York that is he "still ofliciai real, t x nit um then (indented for the ratification to have heard a for tirant." MaaoM. Fa buy a Btrrloy awil, jKooj York. OngogM my he day and rvarabOTC I s gg S K ITTTY. In trai ..f Keniin kv I story where news'' has -conic tile in ci s- .ly ioi Mircesslui of two •v aiidacc. o| :.|^' ! v iItma 1 All a r... ' plane. . k !>.. the Slates, i- jn.lisp. |i-alp|v . ,. Why doesn't he keep still? Me Ky..tbc da) of Marek, A. journalism. '"others were [Lk] D. HOWARD HMITII, AatMtor. d. rsiun.-l her. !>y -iv.-. "f hu- iiereHsur) for lite i feeble atpdnNt Uw quarreling threatened b OMOM MANHOOD goagataMa IK ONHEIMa nf pn.pi-.ctois ..; 1 ,, , "' The tnr Louisville lmily ti ir t,,:,t -,, uulthar if ,h,, >' did not |g>lla«fl the New- A.lventisis j.ost- And Ihe Vl ; r of Vooob in lour vvc.-ks. U'BRIKM g LLVAOK. (MM Hal Acetlbi bar K. .: v a Kl I BJIOBJtKS, 77V. V.I"s/',V,V. l/?'!.'!! '",'.V!' Ir'r^rZ',V'lu'ul: Imnm ONBHOg „ - ii ]•>.-) locfcy ; ofgea, v. Third atrrat, i Louisv c. Is imwial have .ietermiiKtl, at immense cost, Hot aranl.s-d. |>|: Ul. oiiii'x n . ,,, Mr Main. lllc, of ihe uuiv of BMektarMar. and ma of Km. . /../,/.., if; «/,/,.,. stop it Mates uf UMottirit^atitl diately she "would go tell BOneg the day of .jildj-nietit lo e, 1....-, K. iiiurkv and the end of Lit n- manly powara, frem w bold • i apil Saa Mefcy. aakkk mi hi lastrin, who h»a tas-n a.l)udKisl to supply tlii- iiatinal ilemniid. and lo inaniiiisviUe a journal istic eulerpris. repiil.Iics have Olmae, lmp..leii y mi.l liinaie, » BAXCK or said ( ti-t. i-i.- ... ANY, Nurthwval loin.r of | so much merit for the w isiiom tli'r vv. < iiil.r fill Medicine. If taken re^lila Malo ami ogdMal A X-v-u-me. Im .- which they maternity, however, it is .put.. WM. sTCAKT, la-en most succ- Herunn riiMt l>iiiisv die, v., ii k Ap. «, i .- In toavc dtoptnycd, thai ao taafc ia lea* pleaaint; l>nie U ists are indicia! de for sellinp In- the .lire< l!en- w hi. n are v cry slui d n or xvher. as, UarlagloUte repcol of ihe raartei bj -. which cannot fail to l«roiiiote rul all'air. y -tives notice of his a|>|s>lnt- •low.v.r. ai l h.s-n otihpni ii- to remark, that they < hi BUfctory plarards. having .l.s ldcd as lineoiiMtlUllollal by Ihe oil! city. Tli.-y piiijM.se. w ith the aid ol iiiost nrlal Poftjmwan Rlni Mnananonl pointed OKi'Ul m America, II. UBaiTZKX s fl uietil as aawanoe nf I' never to have turned their rve Conn, and lher-fer« vnld. nntlce Is new oirrfl In MM from Ave.. N. V. an iy W. T. HOBLIT2KI L, aei-oiiiplislii-d and cxperienn-d editorial as- InMpaneMunL accordance orltb a rvouloUnn piai. il by the ftoaril aaaajnr Ubert) , rrom the ami nil- IIamix.—Twin irirls ovencrown with twenty lin- ol that on in th- coaais of BaMon,ano Btaoo of KcMaaar, ;'.ras|.inu prerocatlvc IMrocOtWO, Kriday, Ihe lot 4at ..f XI. iv Kistaiils. to fiuiiish, iu an ahliieviaUd and al- of an lieroditary mnKis- by rcicrrn. e lo our eoliims a e;ers next. Ihe annual wnhiu -aid in'-lrn t. .v holla- he n adjudged a h.ink- 1 rather MROlar m.s'ilnu nf Mil- (''.•inpan'v i eaeh noon born in rot. l i . KopjMirt! .land fortiaed hy an liereditai-3 Ajrhaaana, \ \ lit ( BB1.M. nipi, i i- petithjo » the Mattel ElVKgm •a .1 bO held al Ihe ollle.. nf :l.e I ...npanv l.. |vv.--'n on own Man ot the ol said dlsiri. t. ill. I -l . 11. — I Iwaneli leyislaliv niiiiority amuaing attempt to control the conduct the hours I (King \ of and p. I and Ma. a. o., lor the puma s vv ii kp.:: lioii-^- ..I 1... 1.1- . To whoM concern. They -e. in never to ha\ A BABB OaoB.—OmB of itutler's xvit- kJ tUt BT RKCKIVKROKCITV TAXBH i to Hop o nev. Boord nf DttaetOH lo aerve r..r'lie may ik> >~ v. : > i of the DanMMmnt w ill boom, I H-T so. i. anlsai J. RITTKK. AiMpnen, «te. ntsx ii iveolleded tti* iam#er /rum fcffitlftfie. '''/•"• Wa hanre enoolog year. A IX.II mteiatanee i»f all Ihe meni- nrssrs is prnd liuiahle. The tiiy attm as bcrctoaf; I.OUIsVille. A |'i .1 1 ...'o. • AggMogohM Um ny gmu'TuMutfi aft jwterr in Ok MMM with several serious interferences lilrli K> l.r.-t forth not havlne h.vu paid. I will til Of >f ii eiii aph as any //.< fxpsao 1 lw hrollchl hi Hmmtm, i tf/ruttttM < UKit na ooBUr sale, al Ihe ( ourlhonae door, lo ehy of '. UM If, : with the freedom of the press I'l.'OPIMII.V IraMe nan rood mm ,,t, „. ,1 I,,/ , ,,, in the NAMIMI— Till- l.'.ll o'.l. 1 Ubartlai Will la- taken Willi what MJttriMlttOHM. to leo.ll- plfMr, Ixaitavill*, JeBVraoo rooHly, K> .. bviweMi Ihe boon lli.s-. of the Cooipnnj inrrtKv In 11 Rovernmeni where numerous and ex- of oadJo"ctorfi p. Ti.urs.iay. nil- ill order to save sjiaee lor items eonrae of publication, hut tfcn aniiiiilaii lo WaVtaek a. a. a.. mm • r- abo can di> -o iii ;i o! ' nothing alto- 11. 1. n-ivc picroiraliv. s an- placnl in 1 he \ - April Isas, the faltoorlag taotlRnil improve KIN... hands Mg, JO I I.N .. VAN XVI.NKI.K. I-Tea'l laiis IV i.i Jeti. l-ell. and NUMe which it to supply. Ix ic^hly ol 11 liemtHnry inonareli, I lie gothor as rirh as this. The K.-N.'s. loom-, or so much thereof as may no BMMtkUry 10 in . M executive de BATCH KLXIR. ITi-a a . satisfy Ihe city and rallriMid tax.^ and iute'r.s-I oaartoti H im boa boon oo> on> will iirccsMarily iie excluded, i ll'VAti XV I.KIiWK 11. s., r. larv t ( a KT AI1. -lays, undrri.-ok tli-r. pvtUKai, hy ihe «\?d '^palmy to di-.atr sui. mid eosl of advei tls.n- I he:ev-ral amniintc I a'S and^iSVSu™ U.e^loA^ . n except iona I c is. s ,,| arciil puhlicim- of otad urns ooaoaMl opoo said napcctlve Improre which a /....I for liberty outrtil to Innpire. whatwr should or should UlTrKKs. In notpubliah h, Im1ii« ntnaaUte tbtoato, »nd trbkfk tax.-- baao I'KI'IIKN I Ii.Nr.s. As-,..n.e. 1 preparation m I he offiee BAW-gffllil.M l i tf i:i i duly and leenlly us-.-ssisl as a tor.sstld l.y and BlirildBgngl c, threat their Are uo-iii|Ki ... ler niakiiu - id of displeasure, and ft* I g IA3IMT1VV. Inslrl. I ,.l K- lilil. kv »s. m i. i I... hi in that of any other pa- exeretoe^pVrl^ iVOT Of ROM rllv of I^.uisv 111- n- tax.-s for the I AlOwi islaao. Ky.. Tin- rth dai ..I .M..ii'h. A. n.. ' - -nd i mss uiU-r .list. nn.l have KVINK .« MKKXV IN > t UaT, baM U iU * ' tlie W.-si o, south; ""^ >r "re us. j I-..-. The n end hereby iflv.-. uelus-of his » ... hi 1 \ hut thereby the " * hi |g Boeelvor ..l City TojmooI X ^^torden^tfve "a'nd^eoi^^ '< ap|s.l!iiiueut is "'iring the w ar more serious >lli leader saved and im- meaxurea, to I lie nthl.it ions 1 iu-u. - etlorts were m: 01 • iii.ir H'MKKi: 1>K \ U H JAM. V. LILLY, |\ .•x.^utive m.-.Bisti-ates, tyranny may nn Rr well lie ! prove 1. our compel) -at ion is sure. Where de- made several times, and military orders" n l Kentucky, > ' I sLs apprehended, in some nvorable emergeaey, I .v'lhlu said [lislilct, who h.islas-u inljiulif.sl a hunk H.AVoKtNi. 1'lliXk- ' is -t, their value wiil not !» C.iruer Main and lluncock streets, un- to it go. ruler, an iniproviI'OOAOUl lift. 1'res I his petit!. >n. hy t he rlct Cimrt -ia 1. p in tin mum unartei . Bui la n i- and tiles of soldiers were enlisted in the rupt upon own Inst >.•:•> UM and JackoOB, Itrtak. ialda. ll ft- I'l.stl ic since lost lu giving nmcntsMiv*. repiiblir .like ouisi , 11 them where mi ii st ick -. Have band h.r-e nf Kniisli • BoH. They also liiil,.,:. This last, Uin h .t Smith. nu iaiproveiiient on Mont, bat. and I>r- I SiLI executive inoglKtraey is carefully how- STl' A BT. A-.- xu lull. limited, Ninth and Tenth UlWOM U.lll ill lite extent and dnialloli of' its er, power, \ like the lit I'llltisl I BOBBM btngd hurh sque on Uu 1 leu, Th. ». II., 1iiipr.iV. u. XVahnil.Tth and LCMBKR. CiMirl of the i Ii Us, I tie inleuliou ol the tk-inocral to and where the legislative' OOnOtl M flltOlllik ll s|h strisits „ hank xvh.it xverexery serious ' lo n- country by as<. mi.iv whi.-ii is inspir.si, bar dramas. ark. ('.. Improv euieiil nurtli rnptcy. Iki ototlTt rf BMfeanl II. afot*,a readers a newspaper an a aan- A. ChestDUt, JBBW, S' I.X 77./.V... lo look innod iuflnenee ..v-. r ihc peotaV, witfi nn In- Court Ii and Fifth si reels rupt. I hereby itive notici' nf my iip|«>liituieut a- < •• ... d.-y .ii the year :>.i just half Ol thai A few la.lju.les or pollyvvoejis tli:tt trepid in its ow oTMM> .wens. Money, of rotor, bniaaaoooenl voatk assitnee of confidence n strenjrth; orttUdi .l.v/* j .i rgMq II it !• 11. XV lie . have li.lhiilo pa.d lot m X paj»e|-ti a Walnut, Ninth and Tenth street* UK A IKK. week is sutlicieitlly nuineroils lo Ut-\ all Hie gig their tails jn a little puddle on l.lhl ii I . anaka, Poler, an Imanwonnaii sinppuie. of ihe MMHrtS of Ham-on. Ill the St., Ie. . I Kelllllekv. passions vvlin li a.-liiale a - multitude, panel not y.-l not H. and 1- inch Fine and Poplar shnclcs; v. vBI it llistriet, win. Ih-. I Fourth sireet, and call it a Hoard of :; tf. Inn said has ii udjudK.sl a osBnaMrono m to la Inropnhta oi riaianlni i i~Nr LL .V BMoV uis. his I law. -i.Uili-lied reputation, ., nfeninr. iliiiimvenienl OMtk Mai,', liankruiu n own | win ion l.v he lastriel | tin- passjnns lllinds, nbjeeta of it- lry nnaiis wliich Trade, h ive st ru.-k liy Honrs, Sasii.gc. ( said iMgM the imju-arh hlrteeiilh and Fourteenth streets . r a mirt nf lusinct. endeavor ;.i add it. ISi.t.ls a Lo aud at a re- reason pit»sciilH's; ft '« aamtmm Ok* emtrrprUhtg Mrs. I'm,, iinprnveinenl vv. Nlniii, npl- an niHN T l.FVIs. Asslsn.s'. Riant in 1 mmbittoH <>f tim mpmrtmmt, tanf //« WaahMMjton, ami nnrg tnrMhj 'n ami CboMaal streeLs Palatal Ooilogkoi, Apni 1. »;.-. «pn ial n a more compact form, fMojat .lis..-. s. VV. IV. K I1VPK. 11 1 1.1 N NOKIBKK.N AND K1V1 oiojaf '•, i,i,i„;.,, th' i, iMBtaagr, oaal to irot MEW AO* i it i I nner. Oeo. K.. Improvemenl •. corner ... cMMaM up something; of the saiiie.kind u. ...a MajpajMMMMi aud all others in lir.eii S7\i XV. LlNOts .V i .1 th, ,< ttreranti'in*. and Fourth mreeUs HI 'V- District of Ketituckv.. s. Al I del it ..: K.. Imurtivnuool e. r.irl..ubii I'U.ni mi houi -1 in au inspection Louisville. As these idle MrlaotrbBn, Htcoad w. Ky , ihe tnth day of March, A. IL. of Us merits-ton follows have i dot KMa r- nm •i i In- I 'In. .- 117 s.xon.l Keen XI. In •ir.-i' Notes on Hie Stall .Market si reels i; »!i mil ts l-r.s. day UM Main wm Tin iimb-ntifned h.-rehy iriv.s ihmi e f hi- , . ... .oi l viuiiiKzmg ms|ieetion. hut little to do in the xvnv ol trade Uadooa A: BotUo, wniiil e. Hocond ;el an.1 apl.t... ic complains <>f tin> tciiden at lni>"l '..ip! Market IM Main streets „ TI «i M NK Ll MllKi: I. MANA NA. and l p. > eaie'uily fillet. i All he lat. lail.lk-alionsof BANK s. iiisXKl.t, . . ir iiousrs ..1 l.usijtess, they nl on the areexeus- II- ph r. goto, improvement Madison, Ninth i >f the county of Xl.-L. an. and Slate Bad of Kenluckv. J, either by the month, quarter or year. and Tenth streets . 11 TH laths, vo.s/s iviihln s;inl district, win. has Ix-cn It.UtnhrisI a Lank latnit II. abla in {Kitting their leisure to MaWtftagBl mtUM g* \ an ellort s . A XI K B I C A N on. Camp rupl. ms. n Ins own |s ii[i..n. hv Ihe Instriri Kuril -a. pr.v ate : 11 .4,. v ;'a t ins dollars C un MJ BM ; aud .., X p,,^.,.^ „, . H -aid district. | A „ u Verninent legislative, at seeiiring notoriety elsexvhere Manufacturers ,.t Of BMBBM LiVlngOtOn, Nellie. Of clnr. Illiprnvelnelit 11. liny "• »i>Ol|. 1,'Ull* ,t)i tt„ a>gi N'OTK .iiMonlimusl wan the expualiou DMB t" knoxv the characters in the farce. ii K KM A C Kl) M (IS Jackaan, Brack. and ('aidweii nroon District Court of Kentucky, iu t.ankruptrv !a IU l l. r.l -rr.- t. U '.'v. en XL: . ol ponrrOMCWf. Il will Im- M IH. -cd l.iitnh. i of all kinds wlioleal. and retail. in. alleviation 'licit Lnwfn, nf ookar, or. Knvkinrl.li;e, motto* ..f waoa~ Jelfervon. inri'i .: • I .-uos.-ripUon. IMaM povv-i-s will Is- cv rois,.,! Which tadpole or |i..!lyw<.e ntid by „ pluralitv plays ihr PtUgOO Jaeksnn sins-ts n»' All orders promptly filled. WILLIAM HorK INS. ol ,, l.v AT Lands. :ui,| pot ,, I.croy Pot., iinprnveinenl e. JoOkOOa, llr.s k A hankmpt. 1 herehy alve oraioe ..f my ap|s,i... < »;rr«-s| inunired a,;:! ^"-:::,,y;,,;;.,: p«< <>* >» Col.lwell slreela.._„ nu-nt a.s .1 --iitnei' of XVilllam M :n!:,;:;r\./i ««r. hMMOOOaO I Iftice and Yard ciner Main and Jack^.n slr. els. Hopkins. ,.f ( ovlna- i IvOX'l' itauisoi tiie Ik'tnoenit aie o|a'ii se.n-eely la- ..- oppressive as one. kkotiiki!' La e. QoataT, hnBOOVOOaMI vt. Sh.-lhy. Ken- apl- Im leii.tiithe county ef Kenton. In llieSta t K- Th to i < ( n,,,.., w hich the part of Siantoii. (Jive us the MMBAM lucky oad F.r.'cVliirliljrp streets in. ky. VTilhln -aid district, who has s.l-u.L-.-l tn a,,,, short eominimicnunus onsu... small l.ills, gentlemen, with the dramatin Luster * Helm, of color, Improvement rornri A XV MILLS a hunkriipl. upon hi- own petition, l.v the DiMiiet I [ - MAIN het. ^S^uW^l&tiRimS STKKKT. Knurl 1, and Kilth. lirecklnrldee and .la. ksun streets S 1 emt ..f said libit Till. Wh. .; rest to t he masse* wall Ih- pnMiipt- chosen hy [ ar" apl- If jtcrmmr, that xve may commend the Lyon. J. V.. Improvement s. Je(Ter...ui, Klrsi woojis fggMBnOM. a*, r. Mrggnan JOHN T. I.KVls. Assicne.. K<>V(t ni.i.nt we f..u li ..-.I. All mailers |a-rtainiuRto tlie'"'^ «'»;• K hut and Sccinil slreets _ jkki'kksiix- si at C gon. tprl kt is;« ..pi mu " oik w inch should not la- actors aeroi l Bit H xiins, BTMAM agar mium, , , only found in dance with the rljaraeter D Moorman, ( hrls., lmprovemenl mirth lUcb advancement oi lh. m.mtifactui.s . . and Had. ,, I'AIKNT MK ,„„„.,,, ,,„, hl wllj( h //„ /K /V( A „f aorrr„ !* HI I N B.ilANKIHITCY -irii-l >f Kelllllekv Ihey assume. w ish to Fulton -tris t bftwciii XVen/.el and I ..la I. ostil l« .v. Wg make a jiuli- helson. T. .1.. improvement n. • of l/Miisvii;... and ol the Wotkne. and pro- xh"„l,t ,l,,„l,;t. n» tli-tl ,„,,,,,., I, /..„, Nl. GrJeaTsec- I VI I pr.l. V I' Nn. IX Maik.-i ir.st I., t. Fir .| and s» Bong snd Third sir. et.< . :«i end .„ Iss 1 " r H* l-'.l'll limit*. ,r,lh, rious, artistic erilieisui. The owV nttgaoo "I Ills ..pp.. Illl : 'f»"-;"'d du. in-, lassis., will receive prompt alt.nn.,11. 'J'''! «»ne ol Ihem, Xt. Wool. FKi;..| s..\ ,v , ,1 1 1 Haru i.n's. Hennls, estate. Improvement nu lllellt a.l UlsSlltnee < (I, -Hun IIii rhtrkiii on./ >;*/,, ,,„,, I l,„ ,/,, brie** Addition N must some railroad, om :i .1 A Wit: I p cm icsiM.ndeiils invariably „,/,,- mouths took pari In some sort TIN KOOKIN... I II'K.-. liCTTKK>. .v.. M BR MJ», gat., s. Plainer. Samuel. Improvement Hhrb, Is't. Mantifa.turer. am! dealer- in all kin ! ,.| • 'f LiHit-ville, In the counlv of J. iter en. and si n, aii 'till i li •lis. «>t a It iie.-ls not at this .lav to jaunt um BhjBM ronxcntioii hrld in Itosiou, 1Mb aog Mtb 7 :is nf Kenliickv. wilhin said Di-tn.-l. who has lieen Fierce. Kll it. imprnvenient s. Fallon, bet. l.t XIUKK. CUve a call. apis XV l- ^ V ! 1 lit Itl '!'• NcvH^li'iilerH. reprrsrnt.it me I m MOMBVMM Hul K I VI! Jhe soinal iusi ir. ,,| these remarks. Th. a the ivr of thr Louisville lin k -on and Hancock a K oriel Court of s.ini Di. irlci. Improv luiv !«.•!••. 1 in. or Idler .ipls .l . XI . r. VAN NKOOKKN. A KA M Kits, Kn ;\. 1 noted for its errossly insultinr; IT UNITCHK Ll MBUL in BABKBl'PTCl Dtsiri Kentu.kv . Allo.d. ispioniptly ftll.si.aiul Ia^»n more than verified. Yet it e rhararter at rat".-s oflcr- XI. I \t I must HI. da v \prii. inula. Hirer of Ml a. i' . max 1 of remarks alKiut the Southern I'he II mli ralpm by tuis el Ills HI' ISl -II ,1,1 . ktrange, w ith their xvis.loiu before us people, XV. nth r.|s and Flooring, shlnifles. Uiihs, 000M0 )OK ( IIOK K XVII KAT ANU KI.Ot'K. BTB UBVUICtS. men. i;tai|>s FOB TUB l" l KT .... i is cvci v where. xvhieh this Fickels Bed Slats, Table Ia'irs, 1 hail wiihthe l-'nleralist as t he text )>ook of delegate ue.piie 1 l.y Also, nlvvavs on hand fresh crniiinl (irahani Flour vvxi 1;. XV X' ATI'. ami proraod wheat, I olTSVII.LK llAsK HA I I. CLCB. All mem : Hain-I. rs. Crush Of .in the county of Hort. oag Biota his silene 1 t In irp:i|. ei xve ottrfrovernment, and 1 he st neirle. to reluike il. He, .street. als.ve are In- • I day. ipmteil i supposed udy Mo. Ml KM Madison li iMTsnf MM nru-ed bl poOBMM al .1 Kenliickv. within -aid dt-lri. I. w ho has Ihs-ii ml lliooiu llandl.si, I'., x i" -1 ai at low price-. i' - 1 in- I" * 1 this jii.lsrespirin« t<> leaderahip, that <'PP is Hutler in the iinpeach- article we at :. o'clock, nt oftlce of Franklin Insurance Co. Hoards, Ac. I'l-trirt Court of said dtsirici. inent Bv order nf rresl.lenl. ipllsn-t STKI'll FN V li i\' prooressive revo- t-lould see its teaohin;rs not only dispe- FKKIi BJkTMggggt IBOClOtl AMD sTOKK, apl» If II KB BY V. KHtTrTT, See'y. •r UK I fa • V. TIM1 BBS, KAtl.XVAY opts Inac-t^r gl ggk ll which «le-|jfarde* A N D STKI 1 Kits atd7 o LA K XTOTK K the (XBST^KTB ICA I. gg I At Lelll«V lite. Ihe hHll I tii». Xpril, A D . ef will :,i s uis ol th i crumeni .> NOTIKTt Loulavllle be held Mr. omoaooo™«oooo«ooo The nn.sl her. I ill. • of p im. were lirnt actually advocated, gg the sound |K)li.v la-l link lor a Utilfl Wr.klyrharil.VoI hi- apivnmi- 401 iMiviLiMiuenisuivuir. Samuel Brandcis- office, ihlx Saturda. eveiilin.-. al .- nf JCMT KKCKIVKH -'<• MFLOVMKNT I'KKll I !. •-i .diiiale.1 ami then i^Horeil in the to ae.-.implish which the For this oVIock. J. A KTON. (vtovernment they xvere to furnish their E MlDDI A I.K.IIT BQCAL TO UAH! npistt WM VOKKFsTKH. His- v. Of the ciHinty ..r I.irne. in the simile of k u. kv affW .< i it nil ol ihe ot Hep- AT TH K Kiiprema. x House should i«. ' revolutionized. usual resolutions within -a. platrtct. a I... has '.. OOntpliHM>Btgr« lo one luen . lit., HVt.L A- riipt.u|s.n his own peuti.Hi. Uv ihe A ie 1 up. nor to all other oil .. ie--eiuatives so-called .pillar IX in.K i-a. v District Conn ol -thr j. does not consist of the w ill another for us to Isfcs. puhlish, gratis. We BT. CHAKI.F-S KK-STACRANT. April I, el -aid Disirnt. m. elin -r "f the Slock holders l.raneh o! I Vxnjrress. Sja-eil, The oanaal of the plisa-t HTKril F..\ V Jnv'i.s Mr. James «4 a transient majority, hut the are glad to will lie lliiSKvoND ST., BI-.T. Aogggan wish of help out h>gititmite charities. I Bank of Kentucky held at th.-tr hanking JurrEBSOS •'! city, on Monday, • I I' . ..I ' ha- Kifth street, hetvv.s'ii Mniii house, in Ihis Muv Ith, IM6n, for ' y In the tr-c- .. ;ln- ity, -'.um led the key-note of tie jaople regai-diiig the rights of minor- hut we know of no lvenevolent and Market, V institu- tin eh • 'Ion nl dire, tors tn serve the ensultiK year. And States for the District of k-nturk. 111 Im.uk th or*, furniture or | cloihin. in- nr-s. TIKIS. L. • apl. y. Iii ihe this volution in Ihis paragraph: Mr. SjafilN theory is. tion beariiiff the Opt Id BA KB KT. Cashier mall, rof that a mi- name they assume, and C. C. RUKKB, PaoPRiEToa, 95S. j STRIitT, . Fl>TH VHK , KM MUBPBT "The government of tlx ,pl.-, I,y • •I the Nelson 1 p. nority has rights that a majority need Hi" merchants of Louisville, especially, crHinrr. Pelitton for Hnal di-a harife rl|...| ml .».. n. s.m 1HCNDKK. To the lovers 1 V prtl kth. I*s. ,s TWO FINK fillKKN SKA Tl HTLKs STOLKN of Lonisvlll.'. Kentucky. By order of courtthe e|s>..tip.is ol s. eg the air. wit |Ms.p)e fin Ihe |es,p|. i |,. lixetl fact ill It VERY IBgJklg. exists on sutrerainH-, and are not solicit iny from the newspapers JEnoaf Bread: This ia to caution the puhlie XI. MtUjihv, of Nebaai coupiv a hankrunt areh. -. age. BL Y i veryOif. rior Imituiiun that Is • ui.nfi. .1 t,i • e,,..,| hi'Mil ogaiml ii botng mud. appear before nie, at inv ..rtl. , lo I red He o.ie the of the nation. The Ke- l^ojle iu th" minority no week to l.ny lireud Which will Im' serv.sl in soup nnrt steaks help furnished lo city and nun. have at I t ijflit ggM bar and meat for all I pal. in d nit uu the consumers as Duke's .Kral'sl Male ond Female Kv.i.n tin- 33th dav of April. |ss-. .,1 (i>orK.a. .von rail lor V.rated M.. to show ' '--.I When Load tin cause. It ins-.s i on that I., Bread. not ai.v 'lh Ark pilhlicin party idea." exentorven hare existenet'.exist..,,,.,.. n[KIIi„ theo,theoryv is .such ofthhiof this assoeiatioi »a .,„„ Bntxh natation eannot , ^.pi'^ take seniethini; sour, made fioni inferior Me n and country on short notice. Orden sollcii.d and taj't afoi. aid -h.M.hl not All other \V> IIOKht Mttisfv oiii-elvi-s l, V delicacle- uf Ihe -a on kepi 1001 ineiil. .1. ie 1. lit Ihe best « l»esl MnUI 'ill poim Bt|o)rty dgfh ntyg in aiiain.i.^ ii,,. .v.si, Hi ulllinnil lh IiiimImmm. en gaattj hand jgalM k.- ....nI ->ve~. .Kratad Breod promptly nllod -"l li.M-s opts It MMMB Ml I . : I - ; Y . ! . t .. I ; ; ' -, . - . "1 ,.

ri iti.it mi ls.

I^ol; s.xi.R li For t'lt.x BRM BlBBjL li. UARTBKLL A. CO.. (JAI.KOF KINK M A N I I K- ' - I Lai,. IIIS.-1 I . B URATBH, RANUK8, *t'- OILMOHK Is a candidal.- for 'Hit RaJK little. < 'xil I, A • assl n.i' I will, at lam*"' stable. ircTfOB AM' uMMlssinN WWW K of John Wallace, haiikrupl. Mill 'lull, ul the August election. No. «s Market M b.-l -se, Iiir.l. a pi » St* :< o'clock v. m.. hist., -ell. at |>nl.li> an. Tile No. KM Mapi St., hoi. Fifth ami sixth. south Hide. ofthe ^7th Wilt main sriai r. Han, at Bo. in Third Mreet, east siile, la-t. JetTersoii For Continual I'leits. Illinois. x irtaud.) Judge Court / />, ,. tl: Iteaaa call aMrartaaej t.. ' client llrotxi Bcimctf.sold slat, ' RAKKs u Formerly Dickinson* »im! Market, Umlavillr, Ky.. a ntuwberotT line , sireel, K v We are am hori/.ed Hon. II K.N'KY J. Tin- (ininde DiuTicssc is being pcrfornnsj w'eteiosl c. .minion .-f Main near mares In Ihe an. I Iron Mantl.-s, t'ookiie^' llaintei. liratiw. foil I RtMRBflMM Market alreet, \".;-. STITKS a candidate for the office of Judge of the mim u m «s un 111 t'llieitgo. Tbirt.s iilh, is left In a wretched - .. Fire which Terra folia t hllilliey Toik, THe MM e l a-.li consignments. IVrttrt of i'leas, at the enbuliik' August . h apUU advances on Fire ^'1 fouitnon dila.nbj tlieslnt-t railnsul eomisiiiies. and Urltk, Ac : •too hiirrels of Lime. Pittsburg is s;,i,,plc lion. uirJI le The prpHKuru — aMBg sellers ln.in KTKl'H K.N* K. JOBB4, niwii our cultiimis yotertinj lIl-Clls III, 11 ..I tile Street Ills|»S-t01. Immks other cities. the HI;., KALK TIIK VAItlll.K IUIY -1 :n. ' "I Wallare. A John ti Ii s. I'xclmlttl i •pMId i oi t ii.t H R V O o our usual selc-tloiis, ami, among "TninrKKN n sritKKi. •• Uiaaanj. i-is I • n-u.s of "looks, all in F t No iKtsc ball m- >• lu.iuiturat. I III- -The il • SMUpb-ttoor.l.I'T.r lie I.-* of Towboad sOSf are aiitliori7.d to aniionii.e a lln r.si, ih,- letter V VI. V Ki.KoKS. iHWlvmcm ARfnOBBB-K SAI.K. We W. tl. KK I NOB of Mr. Belmont, the chair- In Cliieago to-dav. KAN r I '.''M>i> 1 -•> lam!. App't to IKKi.lMlN C and con nly of Jefferson, al Ibc CfiHUin Augnal eleo The Ik'liin. 1 y Chicago at the are under ft biIhiiiii John ; | ihe supervision of Ihe freetlmen's ft. o'rl.M'k of the 111st . . - II at |itw|lc anetioii, lloit. tori to to c4iairm.ni (lie (bjbjJbjj B a. H. Sth Um of various state MBjajaJa- city electio hnrean.iia i understand it. Would n not, SAI.K IMK'SK 'I kk-.v tirU-k itearty IV N. » Portable Tobacco Ham! Prese, at the ill Win of Bated Kros., n. W. oanrt Main therefore, i-e «•".» li es. * Avalanche is pr..^-. for Ilia! institution lo i v. AS c insert it islitor tl M. J.' tenia' ig I Ih hall ami pan- sixth street i,ad Hie to-U«y as wt- flml it. italics —The of mi •ml Boor, oMmote L—InvlUe take steps t,, . .>•!•». i -'reel, AT ACfTMN. get all the in gns-s win. lri<- I on Market strawberries. vagrant : bri.a teHMd iplcte stocJt of Millinery ttoods, and all: enjoying freah The under, mued, assi-i.ee ..| li A I are now lying bet. TiyMv-M air! I maty at mas'. Ap- silks. Velvet-. together with a lot of store lix- JOHN f. K. SN YUKR A around Ihe city, stealing, into OH THIN RATCBDA Ac, BACT8, 1sj;s. l b.' lelegraph is to join Caiudeii. Alk >' yi it « A: ssi atreet, bet. Nr.'.v YoitK, Marcli 2, situations on i>V K BRO„ Market at II O'clock, tie tt III sell a tiip-s. Terms cash, sale to continue from Uiiy lo NKAL, will aflat the farms? Their services are ms-d- Ss-t cntll a. [.!«. t r w ith Monroe and Trenton, laa. CU ltd above natnM Presses, without DRAM sib: 1 forw.inle.1 mere, while in the city there is th day until closed out. Iudei»endent f.indtdato for have t.. vott ihe no demand alt new. hi good order, call respccti i K>r their lalK.r al \Ni>r.i iior.-K In all pari and suit: sTKIMIKN K. fOVBJR Of the Democratic national commilt.-e for —Rev. Wiley Surelle, an old and all. Thc\ are slipping noBSAiJC NT ItMlr.l. .'. or any other klml nt a Beaag. T>- »pH Id \ i ;<>•> of John Uie is dead. iinnind at all tim.s ot I Si Jef.-b RoMiM of Uto next iiittl.mal convention citi7.cn of Hunt county, Texas, the night to .dgam r M Uasan-ttlc,..instill.-, hjht W.W . II. I.AWlitLAWKK.VCK, MA USUAL apt! it l'i M < silt K A M IB s«>met Iii tig b. ,at, and I the eR chickens . l.-IKo-n Fourth Fifth. AI.K. KNTIKK sTtK'K OF DRY titxiiii Vol New York, on the ttlt of July — sportsman in i'eoria ehiims to Ju»v and all nthei Of the nexi. A things they can get bauds an- Aou will please confer with the kilhsl .'.sim ducks sine ol Feb on taken in- ! ...1-. ihe J'lh -ilnal-l K K K T stant, r. XW sXLK Win. Mix.. Kiaie rcnlrul committee of votir Hlnte, the "St i . u;, ,.. I .l.lailllOi: .1 n t.i It LonsviLi.K CHAKCKRY DOUBT I ruary. ham ry. No. I''. .1 ett.l thai she ba fully tiled >l« amply to w. K. In f 1 f.ii paprtM lutii. n- AMKKI. AN KXI Kt'S loJteXNT :.l km t> •rta Jcil'orson is sjiid J- veiiliouliy I Thomas to have lieen »twi-'ii K. f WKI.M en li. II. lab for ol the III- nttmticr of delegates to which th o| i Irert Fourth A Nba Mar hnl Kmploy.-i the Aiiieri.-.tn Kxpt.-sn tWKKKC tirsl white owner of com. l/ali .vllle ( . ry l,. ii. ill.- . i hi she is ctiiill,-,!, the Natural l'.rldge o i, o.l ao II tl \ virtue of a flhe ham f ham ry Utajft, al the aejtl Aou-u l Thf nttti'iiml rommitlt' i.n t ry i iv |«ii«l as follows: Fifth. Im pa are .-h i ks frian eight v to irt, iiilhealiovi run • , tin undi r i ;n.^l, imn. toaia tle i iin VtlKumRV. rendered atoat tm tw anal ajajMrad j lie. >r|« Ml m aVanM aMaia ..ni' him. I and Iwentv-Iive us. a lot lot lot dollars i»-r ; .tie of ii ., will, on WK ANNufXiK J. !< Ihi '•••i>m i '• i ARK Al'THORIZKO TO rutin i ' r i.lal.sl A . .. Ac. tnriUthrolli/htHlt Ih' I /, in c Wan -Th" hRfB Sherman uinly. Texas, an month ; messengers, eighty rs |s r moid ii ! •r. Ma*Rsoa si., H. PARKH IK A i AXniHATK. AT TMK NKXT V I ls«^. 'ft . 3". iriMrt KUUItKA M U K MONJIAV. A rltll. I itM.i: i ai \t i km herrMW« aaaroTirilJI Uto fb ma dying in hirje uuiiiImts from soinc tiltv dolli.rs per it 'i iiulefiua porters, no h. minh side ; Aroi'HT "l b iN, l ill TIIK ragon drivel s :.pi: KLHI MARSH tL OK emfte prarfy. II o'ehM'k A. M., s. || al We caJJ upon every Ihi—niTalk I bl. diseas. . I.AWRKM I .it the hour of MhMc liliriSVI I.I.K < II A N'f Kit i (I K T. |al If* Hllv to sixty-live doiliirs | mth. the H voter lo unit.- willi us out Fiflh. linn, lo the hlstM-al bidder, al VamtQ*Mmv . . in aplltl -11 \ 11 ANli\ .1. M Isski.m a ,\ ,,n independent can- aRheto . ki;m n p. w \ lf.\ . .Many ti. Ids oi small < \ oi.i.i: r. In en rot l<.ui-\iHe, on er.slit of • ami 10 ajna free rau HAHaRa, lire. build the % didate for Mar-dial of ttae Chancery Conrt, at the our lajatltauapaal from the ir... RercluuMa' Itauk ! town, Texas, have lx-vn the S.lil.ll. ls . mollis, so nun h as l~- to iatisfy form r Fouilh tl. e lllilk. wolk by blts e-w >l k mav i . HJ MMnrjl Baal Jell, ,.n ,n. i mwlen whicii r-ni; M hot. Fiflh ami sivih eta Hnailng Angnal rtectbin. mrJI to . itoapottoM now threntenx r-al i |.|. ...ln> Hiajailllippi i a, aad . nil two liir |«-. 'a dt-cn-o herein ol tin pnacttj in ; m the very ^bniiidai ion of our (Government. rroea b> wllant iaay. I ••> Clerk Court. s. 1'; There I- not deliiiind for tioir bilsir < 1 CtoaaanMrj 11 '».'/ ii'iitril The I'o.nl Mi much outam a n 1 unr, Uumtn mMbM of nil leAo Want kxi'K. iyj. r Mtm tow On iusi TBI UOT THOM AS W. TMOM psnx Is a candidate for I. II. liarley hiid two at present, the trade brbsjf aajtof. A great ImHvi wii Cle-suml an. I Ma tViam mttfMat Cbm^Umttm that aa •'<« 'e.y„ v, bRRJ 1 r. a (ill 11 - he norlh I. |e ol Pi t ll. i. dw. llinga lew sine. many line (revs are 'x tng iiiitnulacl unil bow at or? worn OA in from Naan , At On ,.< ,i fit aaJi iifbil rfecRow nights iwardl Willi I he 11 //•' /,'... ever. f.ml AT AWITION. //. .// i DOR HA LB MARKSI Twobmoi Mar«-s. in l or < irctiil limn .lli.lue. pmrtft, ritoeA, 6y ita rrpn Mtatin . All. and Mrs. Spurginn twoehil- Ire. t a I Ih-v ; them e to ti: ' ex< la>rami hors* .. I ntpiir. at KlHS OaMrn -. ton ti vbbwwb\ "'ii' unr. r ilM KEN nab iwja ll to Manru Ihe fund ton* ilren iwm Sims • rsol.l. llolh ' eleven m are I KIIKMITOHV f A I I' south line 1 alh ^ KM I.- aiuhorl/. d lo aun.., inee llKO ! The l/ouisville Transb-r «\'s M..I.I. , So.oii.1 street. Itctte. •11 Mark. ami nl Ihe judiciary and Com|wiiiy empb»>s iirln s.nitii. ir.ll •5IO feet tO IV.f f/ZMRUvaj branehe* of beins ream*] forth.- ministry. .,mI i .1 Main. mra tf The ; mil be ,.|.|. and Ihirty-lhrts" ilrlvers and romiuctors on I to ... with line. 1'i.rtla the (Government, and a/hlah, by ami th. I hi rlh if d a the Pi, ll ll prollhcacy Kre.l.'iieksl.urg, Vu., was captured by the omiilbnsis ami Wiigons. and pay I horn at I ho lo VeHtll street. tie on ufH ion in i he of IXIR K\LK HIM'KK AMI LOT K*i. M flay K wnnnnnenl oar ntUlonnl F.sl. ralsThis day sjx •e ..f |'. tinnnrx-H, vearxajni. It wag ral. of forty dollars ,., r month. Ap|dl. anls Street. betw cer ami Itullitt couutb s. mra if wis,., li; I • j •* t particulars Inquire son . f, mi- liltcrsl. For nil mid econoinieal policy, aoch us a Sells riniin physician of thai place, met neij,-!ilMirhoo J. Iters.. n, Oldhiim. sh. lbv. SiM iu er and llnllitt tan I... had tn ihe choice m order U> cause within Ihe i ,-iiti.l. ,.,| Ilry flootls. such measm.-, to be taken pasd aaosRas, \. i anti s. r. WIIALKV, Auctiom^r. Th.. |wn < liaai r will be reqairrd to rive band a n h couutb^. RtBtf in your rMate wi - Kaiuiv Janauselick hns sent forty thou- tew aad have aa area Ihe In arin : inien-.t fr. date until will bring to) fnci-sofa ,, rv limit. run tmi %tri. amrvved at cnrlty , an our aid in the conical liefore h sand dollars' worth Of American buotto, the si uumls-r of clienls. The III! 1. si ' |»v mi: ai> .v w 1 in. id lie llll as additional cell the roatoVwi l of nil civil business r.ls a he retained u atarnfrfn Omm » "I- net profits oi h. r trip to the (Tatted Htatea, l" all.. cases to nearly two- » s.1 Fiflh st.. Main and Market. y.-.x. i.. i No. , BCC TIKIS. A. MOB- > AN, M . L.C.C. are anthorlaed to announce SKI, ./ ,„,,, vriiHitil ux'urjmMtm (mil thirds of the atRaj n. ariv all of We ;i«hI . Igu i >l V l(H>l i'KNl t: f'HARLRK Many of Ihe have las-u purchased recently, her n latives in l'rague. wlnon in lit SAI.K U N CR N. BRA LL OA NTT, UetNity. ftrrntary, 1* IjihiKs' ikkiKs: VAOB as a candidal.' Rjf ll ilice of sberilf of ami who wish the restoration will not enter a criminal case "under >n\ c«.ii- .."iitrv r BOOK81 The Mississippi ilnpl ist .l. ir. rs oiinly. at the en Bfaag Aiu-ti -t ehs tioii. p.Mci'iui.1 state convention and ainon-c Ihcin de irable '.tyh-i l,e naUy between all the xcetion* si.lerat ion. Th. inal. I'. dice CiMirt . of a mil. from I A I.E. not to r,,un,| ami will hold its next annual stwaioii t . HABRHAM >.ii " with li< -l«..i»«i ellamsMis Works. mrM to on• r o. . worth of Standard and Mi commonnum. ci.uiilrx . uttil. I .. n coon try. r the blessings 5" . magistntle ..iii. under biesxlngaofiof , iV . . . ersocciksiouallv attend Tllus, Is a candidate for SherilT of ' SHANKS the laws " ' ',' '' <•> el en herc. and the . ' '-! -^'•''""'s !•> civil I His I \ i aial.K,'tie sale of the lim-st coll. Hi I J no. s. Iluiiler's idin'r. fonstittttioit. lor which on, & . in- ill ) .loir.'i ...n i nty, at ihe rnnaing el. ••lion. mr2l to* r,mrM,!, be*in«"r' Ihe ^^"f,^first Salirmth In f h.uiei ry, So. M.RI. brave soldiers and ksiIIoih shed their MoimI. > in JRBR, brinchisoi the ltook- e\ er otb risl :n t he. in iiiitraein : Ihe We are amlmrlz.sl to announce fapt. JiHIN M. Jim. S. II iinler heirs. ( and the ii.it <>nt iis hrick llsll.,1 some um poagred VI 1 MARTIN as a candidate r..r sh.tiil of JenVraon treasure d from ml to 1 r. \\ of one or the lar^-.-st ions.-, in II,.. Igo. , tile .1. Bj .il Ill' iui|x>ssll.|e . I'. virtu.- el ilRJM of the W.iitsv fha MM county, al Um next Au-nst |aj M Ai st r.Kl.Mo.N'T, t hairinan. Chi lal! anil to kee.it one xtiint. di lb rem

e.,i ;.t . >i, i ii.l.T.il ih.'iilHiveeau .e.theundei e-ii-il. r. and n BN naaatocaeal, unit, i. in The mli i will c.Milinue daily mini the lock fatdia- slim, light bin cas,s ,,r a like kind giving lre. u.oi!\ WmU tkRBAf AliK'AI. fONSPli: m y is t 4 >.r on. of u .will, on bo- dieal. llistorleal. l-'iw Mise i...u. all DM Clllltleelloc. linger of the r a diirert'iii amount of trout.:.-, anil I. ii. -lia.low.sl hy ' p.. ol Die Wiushinglon . i-<'S. a. .... ad ..rre- rendering them fai MOBPAY, AMUIi W, TUiisi COCH KA X Is a candidal. «... < I, I more ex|s-nsive si.in.l.ird W..i . ill be BjW Siim. Ikir at w ater : lor of Ihe LoajfanrlUe Chancery fourt. at Ihe en- inn > spoiidentol Ihe t.. the client, who h.is to pa\ tor all time and AIh.iii ihe hour of II o'el.M'k \. v.. .11 al public New York Herald, ol April i hinks tien. ti irdon not eli Ss||ldll.1~ Al Al tTIMN. trouble. .11. ill t be < '..url ll. .11 -e Antruiit rlectbni. Jiu. te The fees in eases forc [he ail. II. to the he-he,! bidder, < U Milgis- u Term- I .Hi: oi Hnasala T illllisc III 8aadtoaj W* : Till lvs|i.\ . Aiiril ir.lh. I III th. Ilv.il l^.llisville. erislll of I, s, II, trates and Police foiirt.s .ire -v. On > soldi. •; wa.s from s.to •'ill be Ilia.;, if. I ... < I. i t, < iiei.ll « ...ii I. TMDM UB ll. CI \Wioi;n, OtthtllMj Bard 'piea.l-eiigb or- so b.. c;ls«"s . nth,, much ax mav neccaiary Ui The ILidical cuispi, acv now In before the t rim I nil l .utt ir. >ni *i. to For further ii.|.>rii-.:ttioii a|>|i'.y to i ator during th lelllofllie |llo|H-rty III pleud mi. lei full at •'.'»>. Ms.* tulliisr-. Morn- a: Koathi way Washington Is pmpablj and In c:ises in the f haneery. fommou d. vte: lllo t l.el le.s childreii a t " MosH th* Dial lias , v,. r sougbl III lend the pub Pleas and foiiuly ourts from sin up, ae.-onl- **> .. lit aril's at a enlu|iar. '• \< ins. I *pl . tl I TR T of LABS drike at the life ol a strong and Iwnefieenl Ikati y ehiims hal ingtolh.. work risjnir.sl in the ctiM-. Then- I • rin- oaah. JOHN S. CAIN I a candidate lor fb XS- I..SH government nutovllle, a nl here I h. r. are now more lawyers . \ l.s. iniv. thus: ami U> reduce iN-opic in our city ilt sa l.i.-A in IB i "TUB J anti tt In .lell.rs.ui Kv.. aanndad rln ..uis\ii|e flrcint Court, at the ensuing n bapm" to than can a state of . • lid cltildH II , , id. II. of the llardHti anarchy local. . I al gel along, but still Hie) strut to 'look npon ••.roniiil l>oiiis» i!le Soiithall and fharlion's line Kvents Imve iMVurnsl here within thepitst i bis is :, paradise tor i-ettifi-ggors, a ,„| I llllire S:i|es. |i I. II ..I iiiinnm thence with said line N For Common next I If* tlninii >. bri>t.i.. | . or > two three days which tender ii certain thai a freedmeaV bagreaa .siming in every day Irom the country. It st . t . leiMMBt-totoeteHr. :ron, tin- ii a comer to K. J. Iliki- ; P araoaa kaaiarkag ti,.-m iv. . tn.y. on ice ll. kadttoaaltoattua, Ihe ultiasate I lle\ keep COllllllg !|s Wn am Unwind to ana L BOBUCaa ohjael ol Um men who ar, now while man from way down Fast, last 111 | ||e> IlilVC Ue'l, f.,|- I.~ of •_'.««! Jefl ill: . s stake in eloped, TBr ihrm ruataJ If W'UARTOX t fW a K poJestoa candidal .•lection p. i a ihe ofttce of 'ontinon- striving to control the Kefmbttean part] la week, sotne months past, wo will have so many i •:ii in 1.9»i i ll" i e fruit No. ili ke: tieet. s 17 W' .'i.l lo a stake; \i i: s \ from Mammftl, Mbav, a cidortsl i e.Htllly laud, 15 Mat Ih pOMM l: A S pkk, or II. II. NT wili with wealth Attorney, ol the Filth Judicial Dtotrtot, al m. ,:n,. ih.-m fon gross is i,, iii.-et soon, ... st ike; an entire rhaiige assistant that 11 hall the population ,,f ti ilv tiro ot il l.-l les, .. i-rali on-hard ol t he N :n \\ >. jxiies >> a thane* H I7'v in oar washerwoman nametl Alice, she is , the enaalng A ngt 1 r- Ml woiiIi of BtoM h 1 1 aaa republican oi : In > iii middle of said road an. lorni goveramenl, was to fid! out with and sue theolh. r fliiv-li- now in iM-arnii; l-.l.-t. it stake the ,. |\ co i by ii ami |o sub- a baxoan "i aoppet half, W. are autboril d t.i Tl IL. I RK ..' a t* prompt M ttlenient with the iin.ler- maM- trnmpai ikm. l si I •1 i east i.ie 'a,. I ii uie I . I.. A Al THtX fron a atou lb.- of road e. .mil. for in lis pliice a dictalorship more auso. ••very ma n could have al lensl two attorney s. late I he rcaJlfa Attorney, — The Peruvian minister the nibMte ofaaM road N W r..' lutu and arbitrary than that of remarked in The lawyers :ir.- this Judicial I Robesptorre gregnrioiis in their habits, . store ol M. Meiilw. under Weisii;er Hull. for atoStr MBBRfi THUS. ll.l K.VWFOllD, NVashiimion " be::inllin-. eolilalllln ; 17 acies ami I iiitl the oilo r .lav: Impeaehmenl F.'UIIh street. .1. ll. 1)1 'IT Y 1' .- election i<> the the Commune da i'iiris, i and I hey can all he found in proximity to |.ol. 1- a noveBj with yoa bere •!!„ ll Tile III. la use PnUed • f tmoi llli's Alt. , In this Judicial i.pl.it ie. and hy acb other, a' ch.se I lie .. morniiu'. the ^;h :n.|.. o. iaaia Asse-nee. nroceaa which this end around courthouse HOBDAY A TltAlT. list is Htaaes; bat when yon have tried aa 1 Met. deal le |o In' ill itmpttobea ate aa) fortli ;is R often l-ossibio. Center street. Court P1:m>-, Jefl.-rson '••lock, w ill be sold a I n - ami I X fcu< st,» k oi I. Is we have *Mtl eoiinliy. not Khan- M. WRK1HT a candidate low- m yon Will hk. I iind street-- e nutilly cru»-rMb m>; thence with fraddock'N jal next Presi- .-. • Initial :he ncgroew eleetod and N 17 21* I -1 I" to the brginntni;, con lam ten Rmr the a hltes tine. I am Just in n>. cipt ul ii -elect a sortnu iit of The electl n of Oram as PreaMenl snd Ben Aklermert, Tne Jnatiee ofttwftoaM aksUU Rnrai ILSOCIKTY. ii.- ix- bond with The attention of Hie trade, as I pnrrhaner win raajnirrd to rdva Wilde iis VJ Preaidentand President of the ia the ajag Rjaj&i [a stoo eoinred. The loll leetisl at SILK Itl l.I ION AMI I KIXiif/s; a approved security, bearlnR Interna from date vntll MMUm Senate, b) ih aid II.. -, i' raprrlaUy tovUed to tin of martial law in duubtml Monmouth, 111., is n .'usirous place. The ii ur.|.<>. paid, and a lien will be retained as t I s.s-u- -. must l» sold and borsaitw had. pi A NO FOKTI Slat. s. il "n aary. ni J..s<.i.h ••en given to make <>s. [ail there is aow tusMe aaapty, t'" . Mitch* 11 r.tv . I ll A. MORtlAB, M. Ut*. f. aaa Ites alawM wiiAKii N .v FOSTKIt silk ami enifRi Tli. VrautcMk. bVou virtual . abolition of the Supreme Court Hid . t ie.- pre .i.leiils: ti. V. Pull. n, anitid n. r.i'A i.i.<;antt. n. puty. A. Kite mil I" «« -"«' 1 urcbaM-rs apply if Jacob and Floyd streets, KB. -Di Nashville, Johi W. linlahed in r.lTTONSOF Ii The of the II. M|sh,,p. KVKIIV DKs( UI IT .N ; extension term of otTieeoflhc .tSKtf, em : the steamer Niushx Qle, was arrest, .land lak. n moruih, Kornfvn i AY MfTloN. President, Urant, the Vjee-Preshlent, Wade, Th.- price of annua: membership has ,-i before Estpalre l"ohl on a charge of MM DBf AND s'l'KKL NAIL lIFAD-s; and the present IT assnnlting -.'i ailed Slates Henato) (at SI. \ VA I.I A !'.!.!. K A KM iN" Tf K.sliAA aaan, April 1 to ten . or .me of us, w ill, on /././' FA' I V K 1 Vt: IZSTJtl' X Atfi . w itli ih.- person of a iiegro, while at Paiincah, with of J: years frora the tol of March, UBA, on the plea AI'KII, wilhout the n.-rair-- arrangeme Koch has OOI.D cow -Itch, in waking him up to attend to his A NoMicsi Kii'T. "Mir frieiMl, J<»e T. ktuis- I'll II I MoNliAV, A.ND-II.YKU a nti STARS, ih.it a Ml rKKNCH WHAND ACTJOtf.a iwledeed to nOMBj eonstaatly reenrring change in the duties. Dickens paid a moderate line an,; eiiU'rrj . near stony Point, killed on his pond H on Ji, the hour of II o'.-l.s k a. m.. sell at public i iovei nni. iii is narannd in Ahaaa lb. d.v., An the exbtinic con- Was released. a rare and. to us, an entirely unknown bird Peel and ext. ndiiiu' UOCk PJH feel I" a U'" hM.t paved nnetioii. to the bid.l. r. at the fonrlhoiis,. ol bijclieat dttRM the i-'iintiy, uiil was one ol lln of most j. \ Is-autiful plunnige. I' . T* i ins sale. door, in the eltv of LoaRvllle, Ih.- propeft] in plead- , fellow naimsl Burin ranges of the late war ol the rebellion. —A Marsh, who kept a little siz». Pl-jfuvs J. I". s-HA FFF.K .V I . An ci MAD. D. KCIIL. of a magpie, with a black licit* I. in in- titioued, vix: of tin. •I Im- ial. ' nod, ami the Tli - unlimited Inflation ot tin enrrency, ur.icery store at Searcy. Ark., ran off "Is- For \litil% ffM - wings shii|ssl like a pigeon, but longer, a lull A l'AHf KL f»F r.ANM No. 11'. Ibmugh the InstrtunenUdity ol the (WaajSJ two days;' it came to his ears that lel- I>V JOSKPII BffKKU Iiurilu »f ti-u Ikrotmhmit tin .nor. mrlater; KLK- Fourth sireel, nationaj like a Woadeeek with white breast, lead-col- J I .-». Market -i.. la-t. Seventh and K .l.!u. improvements tfc baajanina al banks, so as to throw u|m.h leis had beea received describing him Ami the awoa, USNVKnr V1SIHH mtvi UBMAT OVRABILt- the country aa and ored wines and web f»-et. .iis point on Ihe ea -I side .. f Beventll Mrect, 'd feet | Inch le lw i en Market and JelTersoiu emu in, .-.in, .nut of paper money, real name was Collins thai l Fortes Mesarn. .( TM RN by means AT Al HON. TY, tne Piano of JKMSYS BUB From the Puoville Adv.N-ate. Ir.iin tlieiieesoiithwiir.il}' with • ; i ..'. Weiwieufier avenue ; are saaoipaaaed by an\- other makers in Ihe w inch lie people are to be kept la a Rati he ha aVtaaaj in IB. Louis, insured ll" prelllls. ON Tt'KHllAY aft«-riM«m, A|«ril 21. al I Kevetitb ntreri wt feet 3 inch.-, and extending back WOBttD. and have taken ihe BIHUBST PBB- ol excitement and good humor, and to be -stol. oil gissls, and hiiriied tn. The waiilher haslss-n vt-ix- changeable for I w ill sell on Ihe |•remIs. -s, on ~oiiih side of Ma. II. -.VI'. same width 17s feel to feel alley. ( HOt MCI KS. «V« . a U i 1 MU M WHEBBVXB BXHtBlTKD. The same inn d and s - ,,r< the last several days, on \N str.s-t. i...t. Puarteeutlt tnd FIReenlh. an ele nuule salisiled with an apparent ,-dncmlity night ! Bird : ..r t will be in ii\e baa, four of Thla parcel aoM aa facilities which enable t liis liroi toprodoe«a SUI'K- ' i ' prosperity. i.s n Klovd ..'lorv brick and l"i " lions.- conU • • • • • I wehadi|iiile a storm of wind, rain, thunder w lii. h fionl.ir; 3D feet each are a frame wattage, and I'M also enable —Th Helena Monitor has a communication • <•. BIOB IBSTB KMT, ihent to otter ul ORAIK, Ro i le. c.'iiiiiL. ii f.vi hlirh ; rtolern. n The immo.liato admission of ! he ami lightning. The ground Is and it. ti<2i t- ..in Hie other lot ol mtH iRCalW alTa- Southern whicb lates: The rntrrtalnaarnl very wet and iMlUUnga, g public ; .t the «• Ibeir PIAMO tfiB TEH to the twenty per whhk tan throughout. Terms One Hard alaucn nut. Htatea, with their negro constituencies ami is. in planting is d. :.,visl. We learn imm 1 Rw ! than any other Am 'toll tfinjnterlsrrt bbls himisI i:u;- memb a of the Baptist church have had hi .'.,^/ 1 - * >'< : " • Hie remainder in four nev.ro will some ..four citizens Is-en V.,* Tertmi—One-tblrd cash; In tlieroiintry. a Boone Mill;'' repreaeatal Ives, follow the lirst contemplation, was begun on ev.n who have examin- pi' JOsKI'll 111 f Ki t. Auctioneer Moaassy • raereaafRI si. ps oi i lie ing fruit trees very closely, - ; the that the pike. Tin- Hsectol attention of Denier*. Teacaaa and •joi " Sii|m rn.r conspiracy, and then in:, the lath Inst. The festival wa* opened b) dam- |r . i ll! d bond W ith s., • others Is to Ih.- x.de of lions,- ago severe is . i ,V Inx'MVed n camination of these PtonoH SB " " tow l olla :.-;" N. w York in the nl Repre- aiiiM-iim by the laic Weather not jr. at | »Y PKARHON MKIlltlH, \\\Z inee of the Thespians in one ol arrtty, bearing laterral from dateumii before their el ,. here. •• tie \ inaking KclectbHI .w Kvcry :j«i ,\ -soiled Breads; will be as.tt flaat awpaaaaMB. Batsry aagriiy vastostaa t 1 1 |M Main sir.s t. RBlUfled by that of south iin-ir best fs ed en w ill 1~. retained as additional aecu- is fully "..on I'll lie insiruiiM'Ul I-'"/: . New WAKBAMTBB PIVX bushel Call Mall : andinn Th real ohieel of the Kadlcal con peaches, . In rries, plums, Ac., are blighted. i :i a I. xi r si n r i i Hi is. \. X. M. I., f . f • hy grand isincert. raOTRRI T HOHliA 1". •. . ll wai. n-l. ah-! lajltahte far dairy land, W M YBABB, npi n ir.nlar . seal to all parts oi Mall | Spring ; iralors longel a Men t. Men Lot the pros|H'ct for later and more va- apl.td I». M. Dial -Iml hardy << • i KKAM.UABTT. ni I -e i -m i n T.rn rasy. N. Ibeonnntrr aprdtoaUon. Addres j;. hales boas; Isirn of .1. on H usdowed, will come as hy lightning on Sumbiy , aan i> i. :i it i. I HOltsKV.Ja. Kol al" . al low st market aa k ..| Malnol, b«t« Fir't ami Senota J morning last, ami imrtlalty burned. A mar. — It is lalievtsl not more than one-half the I1IANOH military r neero snpi. tnai v. I he •.'!. ^i mi k Kl \ NTZ A KKW KIT.. gaai pa lu fhanc.T.v. Bo. I 1 II IN/.KN .1. was mi ti,,- building and kill.. I. Mr. Perdue l- iieh cropol this vicinity has been killed by - BQRBB, N. I 7i: si lion id 'th, |nal powers of . the Kxee- 1 Meenad reel bet. iipls IB a M K 1 1 • i the late cold weather. Maimlacliircr- of iltive, " was severely Knocked bj the etoetric Html. Main and Market, Uie deal met km Uie Supreme t 'run I lie. i e ..I I i.e lollisv lib' < iia v a hut rec.v. id sutncieiitly to make an alarm. seriously i.l-.ANH ITTtl.ill T AND S jl kRR ml. anally the ImpeaehDsenl >>i the Preai- A tire damaged the residence ol above canae.Uie under imsI, IIIHRIaM in BORD and assistance c> nuinu, I he progress IPoi it.s' ikmk muidlns. Maui street, dellt oi ih" rnitisl Stat,*., nave, on,- after an of tin- t\w i'rot. Hart, in this city, lit-t week. IT \ i Koi; if lis Ull.oll M run, w was stopjH .I. n aaal "'Mli. w •• other, followed the close of 111.' Ml •Tn bids the War ol re- BasjfeaaV*3 I •an old; Joseph Thomas. Ks.,.. having resigmsl lln: furnish I •-. Wi.rer.s.iii and l'.uioty- Market street, bet. '.' APRIL 30, Sixih iplorv sal. of :i -loiv Ih i. k MONDAY, bellion. W. bam Horn the Cenletxill. fkiail Sex «x fircuil i oiirt clerkship ol our county, Mr. M. i. on sheii.y aurcet, between Ahoto th- hour of ll o'cl.s k v. «.. Rail at public and elltll. Neb Coaaervatlva thai there is splendid sni| H apis "MaoU" writes,.; sianb.-i v and Miillcrllius: 1.. Ogileii has Is-en com missioned bv his llon- H loO. Ul lltC blglMNd bidder, al III"' folirihollve i net An aSSOatosaal of k.shI second hand Planes i,,r baagtaa i; . year old; Hhootingjusl now In the gnw*s. Bus. Tl and 7,. See.. n. | s| reel. bet. aipea apon were lined on Wislnes«lav morning ft>r slusd- ie 1 1. nl as Kir! treating Duller a i w Mam au.i Markc gentleman, and the the gi a'sdioppers, or Ho n-, .is aoa tin Ing snipes in Mrs. Wheeler's tot, within town lwar.lly '.'I down Market .tre t w. Id 9 IncUCMj e..iis,s|iienee is thai Ihe sai- s. ... sfi.OAIiTlt. x\ M. BIHWAKt, President's cause the alest, the Conservative has limits. Th. \ wen- alter game for a sick - . .i hi is|y ' line _i'l lady b> the sal. . ilieu. al rn.-lu an :b BOBtb with f lors - in the eves of Hi. unl as :is I '. IT AV A n r. ry well of learned. r.itlu i Ihelli e ea .1 With lllle> '.'I bet SUUUARTR * and think the law aUtot. feel to ail Blto) : f. K.N All IKNK1 > AT LAW, •1IARLKS UK N Kit, ihe court. What it wants is a man win. w W ll tLKY tnetbawN r. liM-hea; thence with Ttlbctl"! line norlhw ardly 3»l teStori of i In iii Kn'^Iiiiiil, is.i.-.i.i. * I... rol l Mill ». KV., lake M. «>w *1 to neslnnlrur. c wnahl ihe strabknnieal gentleman from lei the A..KNT loll He was a I . b ut. nam Ueneral of the Brittok praclic in .1 i ihe fom i. in ui tins eouiiiy Tbunslay. tn h.-r 1'. • Will adjoiniag couaitrs. Massachusetts by the the Mth Y Ml K It M A N W II V I KY. w be r. ..iiitc.l lo rl%-e bond with napeol Ihe nock, m, |a- . ol hell - army and at the lime his death was 7. instant, on a charge ol lorgery, otb .•. Merchants' llank lliiildtn :. Main str.x t. iiits. bourne: Intereat from dale untd (•horicaUy, ami shake him well behax> the ami llil e rilOS, JOBKS' ORBAMKBTAL, year* i ir age. He is famous us having h-,1 tin of obtaining pro|s i betweea Fifth and Mxttb in will be retained as aabUtimut I Keen crowd in whose presence he attempts to show ty under QBUtY IIAKNKV, celebrated "charge of the six haxssred** al it as l llos \. MORtlAB, M. Lt',1' ,.,.n\ .\,.| by our oil so much. Beltler has i peale.ll> paaaaar) Kale af Baaa -ir.- i f^rapenjr. br- Insulted X. I'.l M.I. \ NTT. Ib-onty. i.mn'Nn , S I i',alaklava, in the funiculi win. He was . tost Siititrday tor trial, laeen Thirl.. tub and Pwurlca-nlh .ii»ei- Two IIm? (Tiiel Jnstiee sin.-., the omrnencement >.i man ol great personal courage, but a rigid not Iieing reaiiy, the I rial is Mr. I lt.«d. fill NSKI.ull ; U1TJ Mek botiM-. with Me... A,- . Ac. ATTUHXKV AT LAW he tomeven .lav n Insolent to .s SAI.K. AKD K..r hon es, ueaaibnats, railroad cars, csRcea, Ac the and most oveffessjing assVenr; and his l*resident'« eeav Dili I in tin sun ot «ix thousand dollars for his l ie la .s t iv. .1 the medal at counsel, haabad I and abused A T AIXTK1X. M gtdd Ihe l:»tf Paris ducl in leading his humi to Is- destroyed in ippo.n.-inoo U-iore his Honor . K. K. (.arret -h id, d.. Let. Sixth f.-nter. opp,"..l. \ .si 1 1, .it. witnej > he lias •d. t, ) OBsM RBSMI and K im ah khabi of specimens oa hand, and estunln Mr. siiin »\ KI»NK 1 1 A Y i. April tins ceiebrat.-d rtoarssj Into "tin- valley >: Polus. Judge M'. sterlinu, In t ham cry. No. 21.1'M. follllh. .11 ,;. color, left aril] meet with prompt intention. hery when I: Iked to on Hie ot, on Wednesday, th •porty b jhe.t Atou Bilk pleads severely criticise.!, 1 ilealh" has been uotwltb- iiie loth. lis g.l •• Nl.-M. mien. a jeM lor plol lecoruni, and mu s that In- can- Mr risjuiretl bail. atomdlng the general adaRratlon the thj*W will i. I.OITsVTLI.K. KV and dk p.v vim i a 4rt eoi the Loubrvllle ItiancerT lo Mr. Imtler's \ Vel. Still We calls*. ,1. I - . iiaiges agailist N I. I him. t . -•. the II. BOH] Tl A I'ATKNT ui i. rendereil In the ahovecaa andrraigaxa, PAINT BRUSH. could par a small breach i I deeorillll to or one us, will, on o iN' < Mi Hie night ol the 7th a s*-i ions rir<- ol / M.I K. I'M ITb iMITI.Y AT rKNDKD TO. rehnkt a Kreatel one; and It Is all the more keaha \ I. Host SToKV m i: Iaii. H.\rNTgn.- Tills brush Im.iiii.I on.- i w I bv t liefei . lo very business , AI'KII, '.'. l>r.s. any it banking house llghl desirable he m.i only the out in the part oi Unntsx ille, Walk. \\S' learn that a coniineii ; MONDAY, i eaase ipeetatora hat man in the county in Iheciiy. II tl no lal. and neither a fall nor heal will have an JS i the Hcuators county, Texas, desiroylug a large amount o! last w.^-k. over night, says I I theuiselvea are disgnstetl Jail, UK d I'" A'...ni the «>f 11 oV*ac« ,\. m . .11 at public al Cul- thai he was baar effect in tooseata the baadlr. li can in- kept i g pl'l.pe: t V, 111.' lUlllllg the stores of A. M. I lilke, ler's luiiiootioiy. in this . towani in ruing bv auction, to the blRneat bidder, al the tXwrinunae arater wlthmir}rtanger nf bajrsllng, io thai the bri patlienlar view ol wakened some ,>ne call- 1 i. I o.. 1'hillips, I.. 1". .I.H.r. In the city LoufatviUe, on a er.sht ol I In- ease it i , t.. be t A It. Ltovktoosi, B. Court mi: In- name. ar..iis«sl of lb-- ar. atwa; s ..ll and pltal.lr. r.^reHed bat Jerry Black When be himsell : he 111. as he noocsarv to alisfv the ii.ie. .v Bro., the isbl Fellows' ba:: nibs, jj much mav I .lo.-s not Nussbauiu tloorol bis cell PITTNRI iu. um . For sale, wautoMdeaad retail, at appear on behalf ot the President, was standing w uie open, ami n .i..r. berein of Ihe propel ly hi pbadiie:- in. ..'I . Itl. . The lire ..rigin.iled, as CH AS, f. KRRSBBRX, li be weee asaorlated with Mr. Htanbery, he and the | b what seeimsl to In- a iargi' frameil negro, with i» :i|>l- .sMltt 7'. i. Hecon and i Ibe buslnefcs lioose-, o| \ i t iv. Market, d Third. would tea.-h little reported, betwee ..n bis mn . roai ie Ben. Battor a of that de- whiskers lower jaw. and wearing a \\ A LOT nF 'ii, Si oMwra corum of appall for ihe violation ol which it. Bilker A* i at d It. PliUllps, ai...ui to'eloek nine overcoat, is-gan to tell him ot some un- in said oitv.ou lie- ouih side af Water, betweea I AUOB BOHhUTT, lb.- President is now ag the iiortheasi btoek, ami s. til, , I business. >.. in, the impeached "in Ihe name land had Im-ii r. iil.il. I , lib ami Kixth sireefia, betdnHing on hue at .h-StrO- iilglTOlS Iv lo ihe value of eighty in - oi all the people." Black anderstaiMbi Batlei and Ihesiugnlai \ ,sit,. : was trying to explain Wilier sireet. at 11. 1 1. i ,i. 1 la- h.r' - I'lriier; runnlie; thoiisnid dollars, on which there iraeraf l-'l.c.d ami Ma: and lakes especial deliajhl in deal I with ninety wa I he terms. W in n asketl his name. Ihe negro thence easlwardl. with Wilier RtTOrt R feel and Wlloi.l I i Ui UW HKT.XI L, Whole .ale and retail d. ab r m M l,...ise. belalien abOUl thirty thousand dollars insurance. ii Phe nan extending bark sanie width inaaJiajatdljr Bl feet, such gontlem.-n when they attempt, aa Butler \ anisbeit, ml tlie inner do* ir was el. .seil with- i, ..nth ..i Mat t. more "I less, to Ihe breW el V line. dot hit . lay the circus lown in I \ Memphis paper complaina thai i.-r out noise. Tl..- description tits Ibe African Ills made known at ti in., ot sale. i-i.-rii Rial entor, Till* pnprliaaer will be required to give bond a ktb t iie Heaat eluoiils long time iii.- e, pi mis of steamboata plyta lunatic. BsnrrUl Bush, 'who iliiil in the iaii lAfOH KWIIKH date uuril AND * i.-.ie, ,pi..\ til . Irani .r.s-n i..'-: a| itccarit) bearing Intemd UARDWARR UUTLKBV, Speakii ol Ihe ta. t thai several extreme lo Memphis have been in the toshil ol nirn some weeks ago. and whom the prisoner had JOHN I I I I I 11 I ir paid, and :i lieu w ill la' retain. . I Us additional aera- I'KAI KU IN IT IT apt* ioi BOM UQAl, Jtad el with the minority m nig Uteir siecii'eis into hotels. i'lissi-ngei never aeen. litoaaMahas another man wit- ; r. apl," Id n nuwtHK, Am I., f. r ritj . TIIOK. A. MOBO AX , M. f .i i leeidliiff Ui admit \ lilenee in the President's win. leaving hy a stenniei in th Iicss4il a similar sight. This is worse than the aplStd N. BBALLUABTT. Ilepnty. Intendetl FRBD, FRIMCHR. ASili STKKL, bellilll which was ea si ry hy lln- evening have Ims-ii in th pi. i. l ice ol going on Kn KlnxKlan.oi any other horrible s. t t hiit i; nuuMRera, "J. EL savs: ii like I stand early iu the day a .1 remaining there. mu we know ot. M. rehatidis.' and lb Sumner, L'onkliaa ml' Vt \ such . u-ing f.sl I lodged II the steamer lei!. BtoM Xhhd aL, betweea Bsrkrt ami JeaVcaoa, sh .1 Ibs.p Iron. Plow Material, Pittshnrj; :.m' hydrant in the yard; excelton fauliislic I ricks: tin • an ' Illh i WsgiNI Hprillgs, Axle-., spring Perch fo.'s Csrrtogl pnrpi hold keepers, w h.. ui'tMii>Mn nit: pri vs.

;• ii i .e . .i -:.,i. . ... varb-t; utonoti \|e-,lliil.s.-s|-iki guise • • .1 sold U-t. re ll .t priv. land A and Fell." .lilacs Sunnier, in Ihe ol a judge, is ills ml as Been ib trauded ot . ,, ..t.e .-I 1 1,.- publ ii* si r.s naiH '. nil lis'. kei ', I al pe uie I s I .-. WagSSI Ma and OOpeni much out of charneter as Yates would lie iu lance provides that l Uir est.s m, .1 •temporary, the Loiiisx ille I.. i i> tli given i.-r ii im-i ma A e Ill lit! i'.i srpeuters* and Cabinet .Maker," .Materials Too : i II as.-, usioli lois . a ml ll ins d not lie e\|s et in. passengers will h Oardeil oil board iH'Uiis'rat, is out iu a. tv diesN a aaj I ml pi 1 I \ ,.(- lo W . li I I I I N A N . Xi ,i but one seas..!., w It h everytbui^ lu erfect and mm . ,i dele running order. niakJns oi lie '«•• the trial UraiiM' and others like him ol s;,i,l steamer, oi Kept ill Istanl three hours v. ithoiit .bail. I. the •lu a|s-st daily in tin- ciin- ITS i .a 1 1 . is ot flour and i iiidun; ba thebi corn per M A KK KT SI BERT, - s M M .|||. -e.k lo hoodwink the coiinlit now fl alb i the steamer niTivt in im.iI. unless lln ; Is en reduce I to ?*i IM." I::.-. i oi. tli dav, rummii: iwo hulii's on wheal and itnebabrun with pei show oi fairness. The csssstotenl oi licenses as hotel keepers. lilisl fanar. Apply at toe nartliwrm romer « nl. I i.-sp.-c;fiillv n rant. Ti e buhls in. • lour f.s-t diameter ; engine W coarse eaplidns lake out and conducted with BEh riNTRY. bei. Third and Fouilh. slorcrooi, . A '...small es.M-. lallV the |a 1KB F. !• < \ lin.b r. i Ibet stroke ; 2 boilet , 3D feet long, l-' utbef Bepaldieau Senators has a better look, roukl '. l itis! II K, All" ! apl i.t i. Uea iliarueter. ami I adhere lo the belief that the ,1. ml. mil Ls-tuo- P. I AN INK, ol I.IIOlbllO^ al Terms one third caab : balance in six. twelve 1> II Suicide I. (I O T S A N S OH, nicmlH-is of the court are numerous enough i rut ile .TV.sii lilsral patroiiiige. inches- |>>U UKX1 li.H.xis KlcganUf torntetoi

I'll i I . , i ' t il 1 o Mi •« Ft* fartto i particular- applv lo Ll HOUR] K AT. The Manilla, turei ol I'ouelani T. . {IVY a doculakh, Ami Us, (i K.O It I. K F. WOOIJ * B BUT 11 KB Alaska, The director of the national Frank K. lleckh r shot him* i.'.iusv ui. paiiy Desaoesal ess Ha inlay morn- h and Market ..tr.'ds. ss. BjaB Main, iH lv.ieu Floyd and l'r. alna. bureau of statistics has just received tin- li i st heart last night, and died iasta ing last doiimsl a m-tt dr. an, I n. w pre- atreet, bet. (Irei-u and Walnut, w.-,i side. M aaaan miiN .V WOM paphlb retaras from the [Tnlteu states cttatoma, dis- sity had greatly depressed hii sents lln- neatest appeamnce of a ny i>aper in I.OITSVILI.K, V. mittetlthe terrible dellt ratcly. Yes- H-rat .s • SAI.K. K lot deed the M..-1 ea pill.! attentton to t li. tr MAltsMAI.s No. Main irci :. trict of Silka. in the Territory of Alaska, theState. TO say thai Beam mi. li Filth MMMRRMjr rs. Jd , 7'.'7 r.. • By vlrtoe of vcndl.. . xtNiiiiis Xos. and Tin, first lerdiiv morning In- sahl to hi: wile that the lust pa|s-rs published stm-k of vol .. s.if I KK I'll extracted wilhout pain by the use ol Ni- the quarter ending December SI, Im". of the very m Ken- i from the fl.rk's aflfrr of the V. *k In-tri.-t on draught iii !lo trons Has. jal I li Four vowsI'U arrived during tin- world had tamed against hm , and he could tucky, would Ik- only to r. |s .r. what every . I AW Oxide quarter < . nil. l.ou,sviilc I will ..tier for aale, I. .n, !;. s . ..-1 li; ul Ky.. at •I'll ll The imports, which amount..] t.. ,. stand II no longer. During l e day lie was lie knows who reads newspais-rs. U is now Is.ttles. In euatiaiut public auctfaai, on FRIDAY', April Mth, toto, a: A T W 11 0 L K s A L I . |st-rfectly elieer- sist.d , ( f I7!i tuns of eoad-Sjftpoamla of apples, iboiit tlie city and apia-ared furnished to snliserila-rs every day in the» nil. a lii- us lo In.iiI Mundutl's Office, IkI Door, Custombooae, SI bids and lie ai'.s.. : I I It XL. II bushels ol cabbages. J.I7 i gilllons of ful. Al't.-r tea at tosRW apis-ared tear i Sunday included' at the low pi snitph.sl oih. I cask of Whlskv. kOBK 11 Mpof tofore sapp4>llltlllenl -V ||. LAW adult ITeraiH casta. Male al MoVtork a. m. spiiit.s. twenty dozen bottles of spirits, rheerfaL but expreaaed mans dk 'ix dollars a \.ai milking il Ihe i-l,.a|sst a targe and loll selected atock of r-s.n ami loetb et business 1.1 II I . s. al his failure rangemelll .r.s. 11. apl W. A.MKKIWK.I KK, M. K. Ik FKKTILlZKlt^. • •id ten dozen bottles Ol champagne dull) |>aper published in the roiled > SIiih-s. jtisi receivisl and for sale at rednc.sl prices. He play ed wit 1 us two chil- iiiuttei Ilof-I Vne Furniture for s., le niadeihe s-sary arruiiKeineuta al our dajMit for Ouring the quarter, Rff pause pgr is departed, in Cincinnati. To get rending cheaper than Ibis one mrl7 i ni about I nortl Ilroadway. laHtllng. thus enabling us to suitply the demand lor but none arrived ; a toet thai does not Indi- dran until a qnartel before nine, wlieii would bat .- to steal it, as a great many read-

. . is be ,. , larttbsl ale pure as » brew. si, and will d.-Iiv- • lie kissed tlie eluldrell said ... 1 i sii,,-|s for rent illis, l>. tlie and he was going do. tw een . i and R7IMER AMI Mlli We have in siore and will 1 11 hy diay or ear load, i toil! BICKKL. WILKKLHI. cate thai attractions of the iiiuntry are ersof the Sentinel We ns-omniend the s"

I . nth. in a Uls.rtusM'. p.rs .-sioii iriven is ' CI"" A CABDfOATB And wholesale dealer m Unx'ii slrts t. live doors above Shelby, the natives, tin- 1. .mid her husband dead in his l--.nl. He bad. lbs or Ijind Pla.u r war with above trade sto> TlIK I.ol lsVlt.l.K I'lMHKH. The lyOUls- IIIihs'l.sill.tely. IlMjllir. on tin- preiuls. s. or to W. mmt aapaRRV not idea appai. nl Iv, opened his shirt !m>soiii, placed UaUesdo enexnurage tin- thai the pm- Is- mis-nil has entirely :. : : Raj m, Bed At.... .'II Main si. ape l"t IT t OIT'KH DISTILLKII vilie Doily donncl an H and the pntrouay.0 ol ail parties KK t.i 1 i. public Uxor i.istol "it 1 tolv. For Alaska is likely to so I the muzzle of his a r li.mi lbs (.round Bones LOlTsVILLK. KV. chaseol prove at once new di. ss. .mil is now by all odds the lianil- a national or commercial near his breast, and tln-d. N. ighiiors nu'iin- wauling *iu byb whiskiks profitable spccula- somesl ncwspii|ter als.ui the bills. We eon- ! assembled, later tin- tmmmm ; ami in evening t as was anticipated. ime the \t atiiii- t \ btyin lbs super I'lioiphalc of Lime. niglii avengi-ri MJ .! ibart noii mn gralukite our neighhnr upon the niainlesi All m iiiiiui-st U|sui the Is 1. 1 As I'AKAsOLS coronet heklan sly. lie PaUM loiiKii.v «ilh i nure s.tlisfiiciio! n iprovei.ienl iii apisarance and u|sm the til MMUBHRC jnry returning a verdict in aeeenlaili < wltl I K NYASSKIIS T...... I .-el 'p Ml old. is left al Ihcol .V,,.... r»t .send lor circular, cert.licab-:. thri clion i f.u IT I IOI MUM "H RBV QVB, The lad and ahililv shown in catering loritsc*.;- AM' is the' la. -Is we have narrated. While his mind Rona toaUa k in Ui< XatbH.nl Tel. --rapl, > lily foert building, .'. !" V LUANIUKS. OINS A X I WINKS, it thus tleacribea the MitralUewse, a n. w 1 We have had freipieul iscasittn to I s and Mark. apparently clear .just In-fore his death, I At HIK1 HAIlM.s aef Third wall instriiineul of by tin was i in :. Ac, Ac. war, partly invented ..pi •: -•» Main sjr.s i. llooui No. J. prompt tteartaa . r. colli rlrcuinslanii to .lustily I AXF.s, el ilicr. and Manufacturer of the celebrab d a -seem theopin- WAI.KIXO lb Kmperor Napideaa : "Imagine a eoaVc null J,'^ :t [ leg r.s- oi N. II. Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay expected, ion thai he had been somewhat ^ I • deranged ^ .<1 Kof the "II IsToKV OK TIIK STS WA NTI BOBDVBABT .t TODD, mrl hall a yard in height, with an iijionillg at tin •-' fairness itii.l moderation which excuses to < Al si s dining the i month. V, » ! I O. i stns \ TW KS TIIK MH ITS i: Third t, I/Hli.vlne, I XIVKHsK RfHW top hall a yard in dlainetei. Into this Ihe some extent its want ot gixsl faith, as wo Kama, •!(.< oxei-.T \xn lti>fiTs. I.ytbe ll»n. Mr. Heckler was a mil IV 11. tiling. Pa., cartouches an shoveled, and by means of a esteem it. ill becoming a party to the dis- ' r I . "". pheiis. s..|id for circulars with I>.uis vllle. 1 1 Waagaenaa, S|« i '! nroii paid to repiirin ; and re coverlir api:..s'lni 27 Fourth -t., Ky. 4 aaa in ma where his parents .-ow ret.dde. He was horn by handle. I be aoldler who party to the nes'Ttptiou of ihe wm-k. Address wheel turned a reputable sale of the Colon rum and s full lVccmlH'r 7, lsui, and can i > Dayton In ISM. fnmo'i'O..' 1 J bony and ^tallica fan.-* always works the instrument lets a single carton, he ls.- Albany Commercial. NATIONAL I'l KLISil IN M I'AXY. J jxai-sBiev (ARRS A, araJUCU, Main street, between Third and Fourth. lels New lie tt.is lirsi einplot e.l in tlb. dry goods lassos ,' t I Ibio. !. r. neeiuir::, Louisville, bill into each of the eight barrels of the 'till- i W.-st Foil it I: s! r.i-t . 'In. mrll cod I«i« Ky. Ky Aw on ban Nkvsiti-iik Pkosi-kkitv. The l oiiisville ot Lytic, Perrtoe tl tRmw , by whom he was mo nti. ik walkkh, Anderson Co., Ky. WAUKANTl ll OK.Nl'l.N'K lU'lnl ll INI lloll. traillcuso.' These barrels are about a yard in mr*i tr Lou, ivllle, Kentucky. nils nil, ii suit of tyi-c. is very innch 2»A1NT1.N... go al ly es|. , nted for hi wort h and his cfti- IS in new length. As the trigger falls on the cap it other marked and decided •iicv as ii salesman Subse.piontlt , eii- Uaulirte.l. with IdWT JtSB rtHaM. fPT, r.rniiKLL a co., t^KKli i nilX. cios. s ib,- barrels, the shots are fired, and the ;aged in the pnsluci' liusiness. ami then in improvements, The copy he lore us is print is I It' , win i in turning reopeos the barrel, raeoeka although a disa.l- l on interior r, which, UKT BKMt»KAX|iA l-ist nigbt. Intvnv the A.NTi 1AIN1INO. Wb.di-iale dealeri iu «i nsware t rode. Ills last partner being Mr. imp UOB : I UAils riillN, tin i igg. r. an.i tots other eartom lata aaaqsqa Wfkm HOES • MM hat .hiccl I s al We eguacy from h- tosMftoi and k.p he bad established t ullage, .bs m I conci the admirable t.isle places ..r those John T. Wolf. Meantime, 1 ...ppbed « uii a large Hock, a k* b, as Itretohl sain the djsebarged. This instru- istgraphic irrang* ment. Its IT » I HlsTTI.I.KII For aide by few young men nl Ita pr*seui tj UK IR worked by a single soldi, i. in enviable reputation, and I lo uott aulboriztsl I ment, I i'.l sisiiii-' article aesl mghbig, we are discharges - in iwu.ni. ..f a , imoity always of a high mini • brilliant DtHaSBeCta . Ill, .rial and SS • h it ith more la Ide Jelli i -on In t .. II oi k pi i, . -. is started w l.sl l No. lu; north al New % horn titty In liny-live shots a minute, and of I.m.Is, pa '.eib. r. The find IIKWKI I. II AtlHV fi» . is i. It antiigeoiisly dlsplat ,sl. BMtlBBBB AMI KVK Will' Kll I life, t'nfortunalely he ls-camc oi.br more .! mercantile • . pi. ! v.- .. p..|*T at Wllliar.l II. 4-1 filed ivc at one thousand seven hundred will ll more aulicious arrangement of ,Ss ' nt.it nut. .1 wllh I he gaming I a'de and he Wils through ..111.*. aaa7 at in Mam a.. a/Bto, Ky. II. W. Wll.KI'.s, lawht." I Olll b.N lKi.MKVl'lf Leal I features. [Hi Ib-lwi en Thljd and Fouilh. ABB ruin. si. His business partnership was dis- department solved and the capital he hail accumulat.il The Lou is\ ille IViins-r.il I. winks HiKBTlLIZKBa fel II l.oi'lsvn.re. Kv ['ATHOLIITSM I \ K I. ami. A I... in .ii pa- BBAVBCHR, OOBI AND struggled lo recover, hnl was un- is neat attractive. T per has much to any mt the eonveisions to wasted He ,l,. ss thai ami i fat utt o oi which M A' • A Kii K A CO., able lo is.n.iuer Ills fatal n :i|i|s-ars to Is- given to literary nil hm ii ill N MMMMMftT. QHABJJtS i .( illuilicism I* No ;r Firm HBBWBf. IT N AJOIOBi \ I KU I i x I-: 1 IT ll ITIOS among Ihe up|HT classes of real finally resulted tu his death hy bis own hand, news selections than in its former Britain, and especially among the tannin s ,,i I'll ATI L1MK was poor Frank's only serious v ice. I'limiiiniiweiillli. i:n TARBIBU plitp. Near Ihe St. f liarajs. |inr!7| Lorisvii.Li:, Kv. aays liRat Lulte ot .\rgyle a mother; Sir .rg. tiret I ol ho: k JI. MUNTUOMLKV, honorable man. and lulmlrisl his business lipli>:« st un or discolor auy kind cloth; haul sistci -in-law. wiio is also a nun. It and tl meiil. ;i and other sim., i.ai: i ask— stbii k Ovnn log |« « aler without hijiirv t.i the hands. and wash dishes, J KB BARBELS LA Nil PLASTKK. oualincations. His more intimate ass• -and .1 south sixth drcct. Stanley a whose brother-in-law is a ft Au- JIEWKTT. WIBOT & fO.- Al l'KAKAM K OF l> \Ki V MlbkK's Bol.v. power ol 1 f alholic and a priest, baaRtas other relatives. . Mis HflRSK (to Usl a. \\ •I him ..f.empling to lalksis.n TX1LKN 1> lo (XRTFKK The Ottawa cnrres|MiiMlent of the Toronto it Thurstlnv iiiglu. \|S-il2d.n hav Hors.-. sbont Pi It would seem from this Hint religious creeds and in a tew mo- :.. . In ..ton the Uiiin, 1\ h ,-. Ml etly hoi. . K.o ( ofli-c mil if I lags i Mli S*r i, lots' writ.-s as follows: | after s years ol.!. little to do with political divisions hand' Inch ; war lit th. f.*-. head : 7 nr have iii . uiticul.ii*' a word. Ho was now arriving ai I'HILAI'F.I TMIIA. a row .Is -I iii surrouml Trotter's house. Tlie men Is b. oilld not and a little lame in hi -riv.hr h'nd b»d. A hls'tal most of those shove named faculties, but Nl KngTand. being vt'th lil.ssl, the |s--session- ot all other will In sidewalk is stained Mr. Mrtlee's m ,, r< Maid p.u.l ia,r Ins ri-sixcry. I \^lKs \'V oi families In-longing to the liberal aplKSt il Konith sir. . :. TRK A BRO., school in s lo-s literally sealed. His distress , eie ita-d I by „ . a lerne atock asprhig flex 1IORSK Sill i ll H from the crowd a holder, . il I , ;i M as, FINKBACK ll kOllil o T* HFIKLIL •JM1F. politics, lie wrote Vt.-lings. is. i-, touching, and replies to md Miitiihh lor the iprin:. and n policeman prevt nts intrud. M r . Mr- sa.st. <» SIT 5 B. - by the passengers, IftORTO KK A Had", which I will make to order i.ee must have bled profusely, tor 'tic stream iiuestioiis a.l.lriss.,1 him II IV. hhds strictly choice I on., Kico sn-ar, now di. I will Liuinintcc a a i siirei ok • it -lames K. Armstrong, sitting umler the tern hie visita- Ii«l MM. totn ell raiss. tmi I) O N R A I L Mr. while ot blood extends forty-four feet. The dour is and tiied to U-ar up arriving and for sale hv tieen iu the I'nion flub Uisun, at New York, last lit-spattcred with his hhssl. about a bsit tion He -aid thiil he had on a spree. Ill 1 II , ,, also tlMll, * • •,.,1 i 1 1 NKWl WAN • on cbeni- i 1*11 into a doze, and expired I it wa- unit -pecits ot delirium, pilAllHIM i,,, n can i., io sainidiiy. with- of the bullet hole in it. Heh. .p.. T Fourth aureeL les, Is, par., betoo the mark In- » apWSt abas nla SADKLKS, BRI DLKS sign. He ott lest | , .muiioda making a was a son of the Sec- wear w ith ami sleep. He Itoaxrd by day or week. or color out side the building, In a sort of ante-rtsim, all iml would . gs*ves. • Bade that tin '.

i i m be* I1MW flOII e, ,1 (By Le.xiiVston,d«m Crisis, by Imp. MsrKrave) "f War in Hit, and Brother ol Mis. had once n partially deprived ot AtlCAYRA COKPKK. «t#-is v. good i.Usig and lutvt ret mv is mortal ol'Thomas IF A rev Met.ee lies said be ' ui iierailt. thai I'll' -I SplK tf <'orT.s-.'ari Iving BAKNKSS, COL LABS, dR'. I!. Astor. tffoi' ioi i short tiuu .n C.iginia. \t l'< bav Ui^uayra |«-r until- tlo-iodonertpht all ioi lak. lie 111 b.pho-es William a most piteous s,sclacle. II,- lac. and gray his speech .1. ie. alt iii*'t». re j on net the |c Will>nakevbis s. (lWtd at Bad Isanl are all clotted with gore. 1 1 is ovuiiimI His A Kl> flh-nt i NL W< KM li. V.: II \ V \ N A- fO.. A Pmbbj lot ol -cligi is. -seseveral ol whom knew Imn. and Course, at BR, Thaodoi is partly unl»iltonisl, his right hand, ungloved ...is i; a Kourti, • i. g King aa haw eaptuied a actontill<; spM *.t atn Hi.- ev|t.nse or |«yueg lit for hav.iigyour work Poc |uirtieul«rs re satisfied that he was not usingigde* epi i..n. * o|s.tl door, lies bis breast bis t< et wen-w. atn snrrj im list r jan who acts tm |tai ne* | the British , xp« to the on ; on out |..r mimI sign slmi ' II W. KARRI - tight. humbugs , don*, L«H>k libVKUNMKXT 11 A UXK - i FttBSALK. mr.-.tf lb t a most hareforcible illustration ol I • ' ..i...p.si ire carpel slipis-rs wis socks. s- . ami lias in a warm and den . ^ • nl tioarding- \ made him a ti uiuis ter i. N A ARK 1 dilion, \ WO K oiny i :• Usiliag |w th lo width, mid tin H\V ii'l Ihe end terrible ' I. '.a- I;, b.niai'.t. Sit AKOLINA RICH. tt Hl

0>— " -. . . ,1- r. TKtni: V HoMfchfrm. 1 \\< ..I Kali m. Win V: n n> ami 1 sir vnjtto , «: I- i»|{uayriiaiii:ioc; Java ;t7'.,a. 0b, " 'f'FH I A I. vis ,\, ttwSf New kiykk nmauuuaif b. 1 «*»e. «>f W . IKvitl.-. Ohio H. Mclcs mere nre York sirup al WK aSl 2">; New tlrleans id. .las- two doubtful oases. Tht following are tbe '( ses s.V:i«l for libls and half bbla, LOriSVII.LF. OF t OMMllS I "I •>* n additional killed -nil wounded: Friday gSwlBj, April 17. ISriS. 9 llll'Fs Tin- inarkcl for dry flint is very Killed *n unknown man, si 11. ,. l.l.nl "Mi,V 1'liR IftoO : Fkidav, April 17. KKl'OHrft) THK DKMOfRAT. Unjaftiii in, Kv.. Hank 21, Drill at an advance. \Vc <|iu»t«- ureni at S< asD Haiti, tbe mm, ; April M, lst.s. and unknown |jQy, Ahkivkiv l ulled Stages, t Titt itsoAY gWIIPJi diysnltcdat U>al7c; mecn salted al d'.uilu' in. nniat 1 : < . 1 3. b. Himl. i-otli rthlo; ./. /.'. M.,„n,,nl. t^Otm.ncrcitil Khftr J>io> of Urban*, H. B. i lor- at Dumoiit, Mailison; Wren. anil ville Democrat: 11ml dry Hint Itape, Kentuckv river; Present— Pat. BftftUHB. President, of Wallx. win. of Urbane, jbouM bftve been Mr. Klrtcli Ilctidcix«m B*M»arf we* II AY Is in Uabt local demand will- ample Tarascoti, ; John Kilitoi'11 New Annals am* .»i ttoweUavHr", Jf. all the exoeat Mr. Umc Allen mrs Mary V. ; Mm. J. D. Decker ol Sin- K01 Ibe general accttmey reliabili- IMemlnle, HI. 1". aaawn A UlVrt, and reei lid* We quote on afival ft Ml BOaU t*) Orleans; Louis; W. sn.. !. ,, New tbe pre- 1 Antle mrs Kai > protebt) I r. Vork. burnt, hn* not ty of your daily ntel Weekly (.-... it, Tbi' readiii"; of the journal of been review oi Irh IHd fr fP) IH jn „' . ii)., tljtcUlti.ttl: i n.. rren. Philip Kercbter died > |x ' MlMiKHK.VP. A I t>h nl 90 p. « market*, "If at lllf-iiv rrfbr hi 'is-. ' MteH. si;'t was dispensed frith. 1 |>hrAi>TBn session 1 KM P—For tin- variboa (ldaliued \\< rtheirthMli c viottft Wounded "*"«"*•»> Pj^.i> inr- Kmily 1 M. 1 BW(9 a 00 ruknown woman;woniii Mary Hlrr- a, fc.-n «>ii gfc}'.. s A, >.. \v Pitmolll. Maiiishti ; V/i' v. rend, ,, 11 ImU^it WisKtmUmmIcgftuoq *A bo., quote at frorri ll- lo 9125 i« r tun. T. Ke.Mitietrr[re drert»o: Tbe Mayor'" annual message was lu-rry auaa Harak J ins. WelteylUe, (>., Mipiwwed lo Ui »< lmViailco., be goiug John ' 1*. r Whue « r( I101*H Arc m lair dcttiaml, and Tarancon, Henderaon: tllenuaie, litsii..,y ; <>n motion Brekaaai mrs Ann Meter* *e quote orilrred tfj »'e pit M isiie.l . and. .Varr.i, Mite' . MM) U. T. ell * Cc. Win. Jarvi».\-.c.. lU-lis..,.. M , i or 4 „.s»i\ m-iKV: ptiMne.ui .lOitiOc! New York P W. Slrader, New Orleans. Caroline hi K U. I....M.-. M;ni. \\. v.v r. ferretl to appro- 1-1.. V U IfauaoHuV: Ha-4.i I of Mr. iKMnaii. was Leaves 4t »i».o sitnrl.ii iaa v.. P vv- 'xl'HrflaM|.'uMv; I 'ink Val- 1 III !*« Il l* . tel.* AiHt " .: t .... .v . I r. a. f.- ' l I aiik-lilin lie-- ; eonmiittees. Marv - >' .""•• NA1I.S-Tbe market is steady. ine, .VKM...M, »rt -n Tofcn Kii.».,nf priate v -. We quote in [ T. 1.. Jcfr.Ts..ii A- Br.*.. K A FnRsKK, Agents, II Wall ; H>i ordiiiaie r In t. .» k pa| mrs Louisa v ' By rrlrrrojih ft •11 K;ukli.>tisc&('o., Morris. kes lotsal Sl'JuiorlOd. Jobbing rates Kfr. .Viller presented an the lienm»' «t HiMitliwick Jtt'o are Ol'K DISPATt lll s. I Kaafc- — M 1:. 1'. ^ It ItMl Ugbtharn, OortaathrleAOo., from 15 f-"> l iilibish, slops, CAIKO. MI'UIs. AN „- fo to S, [1 •.; t aibes, einders, FOB Mr VP kVSBVBU and NFWK l«na « KE.NO CORRKI. reiai 1111 - t-phiae 1 , rcioii Krankfurt -MM rirrsr.t Kc. April :i I)Mveii|N>rt mri Betsy j iniiwrsne J'< Aii'-m. kaapec boudtsi s. m. Lanoal & Co., OFKALr Wmmote l.ran id XaMftS shorts, hV—Btvar II faal imlics 1 J*fr»OVaJ tbe —ft I ia A-e., I .„. Mail* 17. Win. Hi.l. 1.. and Weather clear ottal. and In. Of ittini mws Kuie A Ms airs Lucy -i Ma '•'liiv April The tinted anhbaae ! rWaft> ami pleas,uit. • »»i «r>' «bipt.livr. "«.n:»ie; middibi«s, «mti« \ Kraukfolt 6l per •<•<'.( < rmiip. (ifay t'i., tir-. districts, irMafi waa states 1 in Science was yesienlay com- A Uorltwk)l A 1. .. . ,l aOr I. iruiii the aMvanget r ; t -|„.; ( IN. I>.\ \ Tl. 1 M r. *. iar, *. .« •• April I7.-I:iver lisen J feet . 11 M RdklMai ' C. L. . RJaudiDxnam ^HliiiK ,worth mes Mary NEW OKL* AN.- ilarilst.rwii |>«-ll»ii (o put tiit» !^an I'anIio on account of A ft iohj., .. ntijv ,ja IVel'l read, when Mr. MeAteer presented, as Rati- ' ' IMl'I.TKY We quote <>l.u. al ~ ! channel. \> . I raising (J. It. Nli.-paril *Co., I). A. Mchw.-tlicr A Co., mand I youii); at S 7">al *J.">iM-r do/.. IherJ^Mil siilmtitnte therefor, a resolution Bajna bbb « ceremony ri l>rcskiu^ 1 :. I iriiMi Mail" Tb>' »li „innnii , »». MM OH '" T. M.HaJllvaii A ( .... Hillins A Iiri.-sl.ack, PROVI8IONH The market l..-.it IWrtlaivt r.l;iy. and three inches, ; , r'.miieil, and two Brooft the TheoeeMfoa waawle- smiili a Htargeon, «.. ... It BfcLLK Lfct W. wlckn*Co . lh«' same as yesterday, Ihouyh inr- Martha imcn mrs tenuis* bonl we hear and the Arkansas rive* is rkdni slowlv. Itils- Hoffman iM.-»t» .l in an entbiisiastic l»y Itlkln, < •>.. >'. m;iiinci militarv Wlard ft C. Ilnni. r A 1 .... 01 sliuhl eoncessions lots Board of Aldermen, t« ra^jrart an otdln- mrs H ItarTis M. I\ ina lorroiind from pack- laeai is very dull. Departed- for Uulsev M ainl civil priM-cshiouK. .i s rithaawa < •. It'.pkcA lln Mliunw'n, Dexter, 1» ^Howard mrs Polly --. » a. m. ers. We quote clear sides al 17'.,al7'. c; clear t< >r the ntaoftS . K. RenMlicI S...IH 4 Loahwllle; weatmorelancl, lor Cliieinnati; anea prarldtaai Flour extra at 7 ST" .; su|M-rfi!ic al 7 n." ... a Thea. * wm. Mala*!, ft. ».1lil IV M rib aides :>l Hi'..alt.' ,<•; Mhouldeni nl li'.altc l<> AlNtLi u M tuns.t It rk. Uarinii '•> MaylloWci. lot Kvansville; Cismarck. slopa, and also r the elaanin Of Wbeat at i liiiiJ IV a Motloodwib (tardner A I for Ac, m . U nd.-rs at 72. 11 1 t>o|M; ftaadi tmr.m. A. II. UarftiM r. !•< in. m pnra n«uiif so; Hp In |h,h Bprhit M 1 Oneann. l^is ivsu.-.| pitj , Wheat A n. v. NeW bartltw and belle at the >! raafta, which aubafcitfria wm adi.pt- J (•eneral HaUenk an onler lo •jifi-ij Mli ed, ami Ijraaim MeAteer, RaUnaafl Johnson mi Vacam A Bto.. ip|. 'li ..1 ib, Hitcnn \'s\r cttred 1M I I. an* Ui harbor of Ntstixii.ir , \mM 17 fhfe Um HLPmu, Kodlak taland, M< WO, Lard In IhWoM 'I 17 tlT'^c: lard i;i river In UlJUlUL li«>nu were appointed on >aid committee. 1" r»c . asl to ha Maai Fort K'Miiak, ani a Tliurse»jn »•.•* Saturdays M. ? P. M . The resignation <>f laneaaa •\i trip Tm as si.ri.lt < smi. rsira Ii KaW katta* of A ft 1 f dlara mimm pwa <*t the nooontl MHO, should. t . . I*:, fclajfr ii'. apll fl • A. ; '.''i ill'- M V. we l.em.s Atlanli. S 1 1 1. et ward, airs mrs UM nrtillery, tfewvoaiha Bad .1. ll. Pvan A star-.. oiincilioao from the E3gbth km p and the otlter i" Mm- harbor K« n>>. IKIilK'v . I m. si.' r f at it.',;ll7c, -li-lhvvillo lanr. rair.a. 1 M M iUpijr, Barreti . was • ( A HnbJ ototion. the same .nil liaaiii bail , to !* Inn was read, ;iild, on named Kmm, Hafbea. Morel .ni.l miss M iry |W>B CtTl INN \ 1 I Rraudeia.B 1 I pacaed. MaltheWs inisi It V panrhmieahs ;\ baltery >! the Second arti)- w presented a mis-. T Brtiahla ' „„,.,, s ( ( hen Kate 0M , tn.irl;, l is 'i received, Mr. MeAteer -< Matlintily a , ^ v 1:1:1 valaxi KKOKTRAINs. w~m Jaaatt. Baxter, POTATOES The stead> ainl El a:,;v ii i.y. [raj . Iprtj 17, n lit Malcninl. mi Nannie M„„j lerj-, botfa to report at lieodquartVr* Markiuiiu Nancy Fi - -1 -V mel.lillii, .. I'. Kai <;.m. Brobaton, in I)' tttl in-lv resolution raising a joint session this > •lollar 1 11. i.v leave far the i 1 1 less «bun l.y ruilnat.t. 1/iCMVM.I 1 l*B tn mmanraa am. Uoofw North lMui>hort»- sniclirTc .V >\v< n, Bdwarda ;.. s atuier miss Oaaa Love, ThC rP.i ; riart niiri; imu: X eVeiiinft at '" o'Ploeli, t.. II ( W NtokiuA . ... l.i>t 1 SlOl. 0..0T. Port Araonaul No, s, i.ou • .. . • .- a statks mail PVed. i.i-ii. .1 v. cilman to ftll the ratiftiw ; wtakm wna - mokninis line ax MftdM 1 It.MiS lot Met iirdy inr Jas Arc slea.lv at la".c coltt.n Louis; Sam J. Hale, l ne iiiiiat.i I, Mel iph M. (met. I the niH^iatie. ni i..oii.r .. Mail I m r. m. .«::»! A. M. William {.timiw ierA llrolher, adopted. The same was subs, iftentlv b» 4 v. m. i..m skkiis Tliernarket btquotahly une Kminn Floyd. Cincinnati to Nasi ille ANHKKstlN. K. M W w-r. Master p an p. m. Jaw real Kail , rny ( it 111 i- : Marearrt I I II I I em. an Company Peoiiw-rt mms.sarali t^Prent e 111 KMlVi ITKMS. We quote Happllna clover atfl I flAal 1'iiUnim, r»|. Lottts |o PtttMburfi Hoi returned trout the Board of Araanaaftn. 111 KM.. K. P t si ion. Main Ktrs-f"" ' li. * . Tvler, H. W. Mewa Aaener. per V: '.< 1 n is I., 1 ,1 el(if if *f iftt* (""•;! d. 1 IM, 1 1 it \niMHMMMlatimi j. A 111. 1 EVaj'tMiUe' tllltl Ithllj anie't'l.ur to the next tneetinir, and •• 0« Hays Cooper. nintitii] up* t A R-i Ipii mw Mary s Ka) ml H. Ke|s.rte i*trl. lsi'.s. mass, »i "'>; onion sets Orleans; Telllpest, LollisV a itin.vv, April 17, '" orchard sinl New ill. Whip ^ if the with a buhl lawrn.wlb« *'.,o,t, and prime The it'piut ot tin Treasurer ol the One new ami splendid "lotiMcle. k.. I p,!.-..,- ..IMA.II. i:»P. M 1 lift per hawhel for white ami ISiurred; river, liusiness is lively. . Inaii i s. '" ten e> HaaaUwaad U si. -a iners tiik i . ^Jiiah an • ommerar*' 1 la as f'-ft to I r. mm promptly dlaeoeinted al Ktnklaaj fund, Im March, w ri d . M. biiiion sets |S per bushel aprtng aeed wnaal ?ita M.iv f>. Wkittkn. Mast-r ''• jjmuu ratea, Cincinnati, April 17.- Weather pleasant AMERICA The long-looked for, treat sbr>w, is>mr> B] iMnklng in the Traintdr .12-"); -1 >-!i.i,i ' retl top 7"ia'J: llnnyarian S'J thfe committee. Mart mV^e, s I \TKS, k. r. I mass 7.">a Ananee y. I'ibti ..• \ \ RAII.KOAO. thermometer 1*1, with wind from the weat. I'NITKH Ma O market borrowe— mm not numerous, al- in'» F. s^i.-n, ,.f mrs Mttry ftaatarl, .l.f«e^- las|, |o the satisfaction of ibe jH^.ouiles. S 00; millet 12 75*4 ftO. s.-...i awaat petataftft. The Engineer submitted rrproaiaaalft shorn Wm l-indins; only at M.ohseii. The tboacri sut plus capital flnils takers Bnatneaa qnieti River ikrine, with mi feel In ^ v 1 i,r- » ;. X r«pt Kuadajr on «t«xl «7a!l bbl. ix r the channel and Wet nnuer the hrlihri h»r estimates of the eonl of comtrnotlnaj " eniertainineiii , isoLhujemlH, al from 1 to \<„ jm-i- cent, BJ Tarl'T mrs lip. a. U*»r. M. u„. hlsbest onler in tbe a month. STL AW Issleiitly.Wilh sales t»| JIO Vt* Inn Tlx imp n aaka salh.. h l>r>. Kastcrn exchange was seaiee imtaidi ft ill Kleventli and 'lAvelflti streets, 1 Ita v : cilles! •:»• IV H . .li A. M. protest!. >e. and in de- BBWW the tent wax literally jammed. the levee, and *1 1 hv t he bail from si ore. on of theregUiai ...i.-hels, . r-.i;.,. bVae Tiek. *.r tale I]M v a. Paily. mand to-day, and dealers were bering at i-in Whletl wen- referred to ei.iuitiittee oil U and hainraR* rberked on board STAKCH Tbe market is steady, with lib- • pi i;i>v's in .learners for ill points r . sinkss rjaiMBB* piemiuni and aaUlns al 1 data, rrom Nashville, and the oiii\ depnritirt' 50 premium. The 7'..as'..e, seoei- eral trnitsjici'ons nl Wnati rn altatriet, Cecelia the llhnve Is.ats fropi t ' w.ie was BBft laiwaanm, lot SI. Louis. Ward mrs All o This may now Ik- remtrdisl as :i |«-rmnncnt oflerinaa laraety lielow the demand, KoAl' We nUrde Uermali at BXalOc; resin, inessaeje tninl tbe Mayor in regard Williu.ns nir • sar.it, wlmri Ims»i. f.«n of Third *ireet. and hanks were shippitni kt, A lell mrs KeOccca nirrenea to NeW 1 in litulion of out eity. Tin- BBMefti hithi ilo auajlzc; paint, Idwm April B.—Arrived, Armadillo, im- w ad F mrJ»if JOK CAM PtOW. Aaml. York. liotn to the removal of O0U, Ac, TELKURAPH NEWS. KHUCKH An in hood HerHaM, and Wk PlttalMjirttt Uten* Mennblh*. from New M ile Marie ChMM that has crowned Ibe efforts ol the princi|»iils The New I rati Bold markei ans- ami referred to the s| ial joint eominit opeBed quiet at note a N»He 10. .lav ol K hnh's corn shllckSld title NO tll paiihns Idiiskll! '*t »c:;u- K. MO.\TW)MKKV ,V i n lias i >'.. a.hancett to 1'js'... whicb •>•• 'I. stimulated tin t, 1 to had the extra exert ioM Uf wan lilt hartHrb larU pMxketH;uekketa; ruferRfter KloJlbfiftrt;slaliooarv. jtftMttftPl rjri ico of MftftBfB, MeAteer, Kobinsou and «;r.STi,Kwr.v* BY \ 1 f IXTI4- I t :> P. M. i|Uotat|on. .t". Hntfl flel. WeiUlt. rt h :>r a>n' . e.il. H lisl ^ an enlargement ol the 1 nisi ness. The farulty SALT bnaiera pave, rednebj lbe pun-. Loni:. The market hen- is in n'etivr sympathy ness t 1 with "it Henry brisk. llNielbf* tWW till i'hpt r •••^Uj!i v Alexander W li Armcv J D have We riuote Kannwhn # a| fjenPa •'• oi ./. M. Vangfcan and CH1- procured the large room, ii* N. w- :.<»l thewm- 1 The boadn comer Market11 - York, telecraphieo o^inpiiii •|iii'iiiiiinn ' "••••'• quotaUoita \ *» '" * 1 Jj-aislki. Allen Cha I. Aiutrew* Wn. , I'.-ii' PiT IpSM' ! osh- i is henry The v. Inch s ViP ii bfrtrt it tlie '1.;' roverb Uie i>n\ in^ aiidKelllna "... -»r tthuBii. Cterfce mi Oenevnl Cnane- i/.\iw.\ IT. If. v. < , Wall streets, rates from hour e; tpril onsols ,a ftp... and is b w • o| and lilfed it jap in I a%afl ^r,. «ai pound bnrreli a I *j m. Iftn lis j ( murb llamas HKXKRAI, Prices 1)2 H.i riit i i J i 1 to hour. to-day S7>; Itell lluchaii.ui 1 ranged from I .ilir 1 »" ctuninittec anj All W VI'K 1 is -us nd on lu i eil, were ttihttti imM ' PI The market steady. pnifveded . TIN Kiv.--**' uties 70 K\ dividend Krb- tv . idenaant Klyle, where all Hitr falriilllK We ( 4 ha PO- v,.., P.lll. r |.e II Hill It Brew n ' A i;;7'.. buying, and Ketlin* al v York llgnrea. .ya-'e; \ K ote rl I Aft.SO™ nargo not st . r"!.» loe-retf a0quote [Cat Ml bOBMaB, IVrrv I. M It. v |;|e.l ,s- J 9.T (.teat pils are at | ST KA FKKItillT Western ;i baud. rnmenl aeeuritiea were reported ateady Salesareliiatlelomaiiufacliirers MRUAT AMI IA IAJ »W RIVER, l!l siNi:ss ami WFATiii..': A ^ininiini''atioii from the BoaTd tf jhuiiirtt'l f' Bakei W N v. in New York by the 2:2* diapktrb, and 5-Sl 1 raaaaaamT, kpeti n, *.—mtmm Was at 1 ' j.U.'c. with light sales on orders nl from « mm\ ummmt immytmMtkm Balaadjjaaaft i mmw roliitona, *H1, were quoted al Hz; %Z al Ul: ft The rivei at this paaM continues to swell lleiu,^, oskini; that the removal of _ 1 "- ne is I2'^n I .'a', tircase Is sellini; lo liiaiiufacttircrs « rill. litl. l.l I A Cnnniiimiani It .oil. deatlucd lo outrival altolher mil Hit al Vd Kftri ; issue, e present pros|M-cis are that are ami tbe of al , 1111 Cleaning • :is MP; new Writ;i". „ do00 of01 tH7 '< we ashes, slops, ,v.„ | iS"^^^ t.,i, httel.l K rot A J inetbods ot tencbinu now in use || is foiim'- at from lo lie. - : lo-iis.. . 1 s last • \| ril IT, r. m. < «m el»ses| WTj oupons, 7-.»ls, second "!'""" lM ">f canal , . J l»r ton anil •; snpervis- , ; WlUte T U|miii tin molt... "T»- >t WHISKY We h ive chnicje to re ort !"!• , str ,.,.ts, l>e place! umtet ,«-t-,oii am yoiua] men at no p l'' , t lllKt sclies. 'iiint: tl . .. was It. lee. water, Which mves fnK-iKui lower for •I m, is ;;.mmI re, nest American. wliat Bar " ill is- required to perform in raw whisky, whieh in ( at ,. of„ n,.,| U ,\ ^\ feet steamboat water on the fall ^ r l-'r.'iKhw rcc< ^ lustre ft .%t» ^ (inutile; J in -:j -i; eopp. i old cop|MT ;) : ,:; 1111, in V^n^tn m - s.,« ,. s niiddliiip 11pl.1r.1ls. whew enaeevd Lbe active pauaatai of life." in port, nl liver lit lbe hen, I falls III join! eutnaalttt Messrs. MeAteer, In Ibe neral markets we obs, r\ ed no new of the durlinj j 1 >iii p J 01111K men and children can do no better iHnei. Kectlfled w hisky raanmAr tftftftaS M veat i- i. niure (Jemandinu extended notice. \ nets |U boms bad been I', feet, or over lire ami Lobm« .vsirhart^J M aU'.d: orb-ans •v.. tn attend this arhool, and not so The cur per •e-iioo- Robiraoa BraMB Newt...: perhapa ' • >i feet tit now i,.iv... renta trade move rather idttaxialily ^lr Hie is PdrtWh't Phft BUM "v A of ;>o iii favor of I'reston Imoiini 01 rotKHi afloat for ibis well in any other similar Institution. Prof. v. k)L 1 :iny at SasDc' ior aawaahed Halm s, a-on, and the voluiiie >>i latMlbPiw as btennrtlni laruest ehunof txatlii, liotli nsc< utf Kish.r J\l MeManus is always on 'a h i StluiOc for prime washed. Rt^frit B>* BfB a- Assistant t'oinuiis- Kor.l W E El},", and WM j o. v.l-. baud Ul entertain rajjajk 1 I .iic'iildinu nitlt.r over one Uwne as epnJH flea'ret.. lug ami deaeendlng. Fnxlon J P Kri. nn. IVx A < thos<. h.ivini: business i.. with the concern. was • r I. Ul'lsVILLK AND X A S II V I I H' niissioner, aiRIWt' si , liinidrisl tboits'iiid hales from the I'nited TSe provadou market was very steady to- unr dhrpalchea give the hnfteal RMjanrta in Fergumm J;i. M Til K ST \ Tl IKI'A 1: I'M Stale of tin- Warkefs. !<• a feinsfntion rrecntan M K Bcv KN1 da) . and a lair demand on ottleis is reported reaard the river at other patntBi Mr. Hamilton presented

i.\ is. The w eal her sinei last Im'cii I Ii liana will n !• • deal. p were qnotnhl}' Ilj Telc'-'rapli to the l>.- crut. has clear directing the Mayor lO execute the notes phr et ul. of In r auciianaetl, • • ii..s UeraamPW ti.uiuiU'11 A M |«cr ce|,|. s|oe|,s<\|, nJthoUKh Klbtht concessions iols and pleasant and I spring-like than any 1st ot for round i ;lt to Ja|| aext m iNtiNNAii. April W. Plonr isiinn nl in (lu> ri(Vi pjg feya, Lud. McKay Ullbreatb W ft Haaea T II mbrhl possibly lie day for two or Hue. New York. Holders arb desire this pel obtained. demand al full rales; lamily, -II W, Wheal ami others, for the amount awarded by e. Flour was iitiou niusi notilv the au. m bettet demand, and a firmer I. HOATH lb-a M M torn .asei. ihoitsh nnelianti.sl: has advanced lo 3 m for No, and la in Ikrhl LKA VINO THIS HAV. the jury for the eomleuinat ion of the llouklni T Meapaf J ft I " feeting market. ii - i l»r s s. Ika? jnth ol Jim.'. Two hundred thousand pervadea the Transactions, bt in e r II., reman Put id II... .n il J J Wm M K M I' H I A X || I. ii t | v 1 L L ••• supply. Corn mod ate demand at We. Cincinnnti, America (*• B. t". Wheat advancsl lo Hi J open Breckinridge atreat from 11 Hates II Man dollars have Inch set however, are chiefly for loenl account, and .ti groorMlJo Hut ciiplllcr F Jus K M apart for the paymet! 1 iktlsari adx nl . llye to nearee and Arm Mauiaon V TiIMrdoul 9 \. < « are I! Mall I lee llltriileliv Will llenlry Cbawh 'abfnrnia 1,, of the six |M-r eent. bonds, dewlera not dlapoaed tochanaequotniioiiH, Fifth to Sixth street. lion. wh ia No. 1 which will be at I BY. HarleV dull and pi ices mnniiial. Oat* Madison .MoliieOralr, If vi. i. .... , I HnzwadMU HufTK 11 taken Upon the Nt ol This In the main depnrluient We note liuht re- t «» May. will reduce Ion is dull and noinimtl at 2fte fur mi.hlliue. Mi'i Viterrnan moved amend by au- ll.\ 1 1 IH I A 1 1 1.1 N K western. Hail is hi Klaai ceipts Henderaon , Morhlna Htar 1KB, J the Stale debt to S:!,i«>l.(««l. of corn, and the demand is almost en- is 1, abottl a p. tl" dijuaii'i, fair' sales to that » tireiv lia-nl. New twfokna John Kilgour e, ft. thorialng the Mayor purchmo .tallies ' \V JcfTrey Tins •a iii4!.qa TIIK Stll.MlL IfXIi. ,, am of the li turnpike road »» i portion BnrantOU market, Ear and •lie' •.-i n. ui burk is held 1 PORt ami »rit ki; itlms. Ms. Haeon r„r leaf. Pi .vlai my dull; nothing doiu? and -auull \\ in II Kui,*lit ti, >r ;• has, ; Ke Indiana from various sou tecs, a fluid ol v n s, " r, a ith i ii the city limits, when, oat motion, , • ,' ! :• Jot price-, n nai: M. * porK laoflered ai 21 aft; Matters in river cirelrs =-or'tln"e v< rv dull, k •pt , , \Y , Henry tallow. ahoul aeven ami a half mlllloaa, »jr ocn-et saeksinclu.ledsht.iiedeori. ,s therrtn held !,ui k meals, pjalPkc tot sides: ami there is but little prosjM ct tor cha..': l be same was referred to the t-iuiiiuiltee cation ot ilds ahouhlersand any tierl'.n. is . i which d to l ami HUceeedltui Benertlttons-, and w.iiotesah-soi | », bushels w it I. - , ,.,„„,. 1;;. I„a \?v for shoulders, clear riband far the betteral present. on stfc. t:' lanateuama W lawh M I The old .state hank h^s hrt n , ^, lVj „ |, nnxe of these v ligureK. Rye is :i i i AKTWCKl', \; .. .-. -. .it on was dull Hrni nnd ! ,.i«.r Kidea. [Jird aoltl, to limited at I.. Ueo BfJ On and after MARi If and a exbtit, — The P. W. Slrader, from Cincinnal L pass, ,1 Mr. Byrne, frbfa ooinmittee on bmadn, rftjrhl toward pej Uht trlht 1 ids fund ol a advancing, ami deatera are boMihft at KsCt in. BJ Banna ujicuansetl. iuhhI round snni. sta Butter firm al ISnaOr. fheeae, lSajifte, and dow n h.r New Oilcans yesienlay. She look bonds the following No ih< Union now Ttie market la bare of barley. Malt is ateadj aubmitted lbe of Munn .Cult in. ,ii M. ro ll P...I.I Marcelhis It if firm. Coil. til ui al -Jla J,,' ., Unseed oil .lull al the Was a schot.l t at on mills eight hundred barrels o! ce- .t ry JWMll'e. j- now ii:i.i.\xi> B9JI ri vf.s fund equal quotnUoilK. Iteceipts ol wheal are ligtll persons, w hich w ere severally approved, n*, I M.iiua.i T W f^rr»» T^aifearute.. IJD a isovai.tv. at 1 II. Petroleum, SStvi-ie lyr refined, free. ment, and has ti .-.. ::' ••i> a ml a prime a 1 1 ie|. a full load engaged U low. Maxwell Jim Maples Wilson Arrive Xashvllk- P. *>• of retl ami commands 1 Murt DP. KlKl.h's i.kcti i;k. white ( hfp.i.iN, .old. I t; , buying. viz: April 17.—Tie- Prince and Prince** Melt. ( s .,i. , Arrive at lprcihoidi t:t. v.v. from s-J |UaJ hi pe lahei on arrival. --The steamer | Haw Wren, for the Kentucky K.is; ol Wale- last Owha( la the inclcmcney ..t the weallier on St. Lol ls, April 17. Tobacco steady and Michael Datts, Street Inspector. Wc Arrive at Meaip**» »:» *. at. w:e eiitettainci evening at a Wlliak) . tax paid dandy, ami holders are river, left yesienlay afternoon, Khe bad W.tlnestiax ni^ht. Fi.-id rAm'rew Mrf. t'»p. McFarlaa Dr. waa compelled lo asking s'J in lot' nnclunuged ; briglit leal In requeat, but none era tlisi rict, B i.tii.,u.( by the L.r.l L1.utt n.111t - K aboard the rentalna of Chaa, F. Marahall and Thf «::«! P. m. train mnnw-tt al ami Mar- postpone ins lecture. Hoe n>>ti c will l»c given smtlng forward. Nothing doing in cotton. Mcliil.~li.tl"- MclsjiialdC Ha The grocery an rkei is qniel ; ml steady. I 'apt. ( has. p. Key Holds, recently at John Shelly, Si rent [nnfasetoft^Waalani for all in:- - olteieiti, ol the place. who died M'-tJUllle.l Jno A M. iiiphi- |» Cluoiics ..f A lar^e itumlter ol time and I Clour steady ami unchanged; IIIIBI I ftm ?7a m- ollee ; ' ami SUV. II re in moilerab coiisiimp- New ( M leans. district. s double Trio iw leave Nashville fur ChalUiiviM sts i 1 1 ve KS: extra, ^ SS08 75; extra Iftftftall; . \v. - 1 • ov\ i ami pies. tit. a lilon 1 > 1 1 1 nan i m demand, he price ol w Wet a aran hmk, ~ Folt Niw oki.kans.- Kilg a M. Parul. Kngim cr of the l-'ire Nit bid 1 he- at *i*> v. M. nnd Tu»i iv a., ami treble extra and fancy 1 1 SBaU Bk Choice The John J, Chief sugar nmj be antteJ| early day. o mid H.-W-'ille ut s::»> t. M. iomITH p. In. most It. v. Hi. Cullen. It. We uuilersland thai II ui i rmii ii tb a inns! excellent ami substantial (man Catholic is fall w heal KtilTni l' «."»a2 7'i; spring ."taliN' lower, packet, Will I leparl incut Tmtre a fair hliallli in ll ii rncltltiunn Ji CUMMl) eollimittee ol til. noerai'e insactcd leave Daniel Win.or Vil Mm t uis i,rcmi|*ny all ni party -J 17. the city wharf al .'i o'clock this evening I SI.KKI'IM. dn h.mmIs. and prices a ranging from U2u2 Corn heavy a l NSaWk*. Arthur Mider, Tin... p. Shanks uhj will issue a call lor a conv ii. io dy, lor V uomiiuitc aua In belter. lemaiul ami New Orleans and all way |Miiuts. She lias KNo.Wll.I.K BJLftm II TRAIN I. Iii boots higher nl 7fta7Sc 1,1 i ,,ns college ..; and shoes t here is considerable ac- Thos. Booth, Assistant Lngineers. Pefkia Maarteai l'. Btt May ith. To-day the c 'lolidates for count 1 s. next large, C. J weak, Barley nuiet at 2 ft5 for prime well-l'urnishcl state-Vooms, while her villeM7::«i t. M. lor 1^ isim-w. Ihtntiil tivity observable ami sbw ks are huge, H0a2 spring. Bye p. ..pi.- llnrrr W Pa l't.rcli<-t Jatiic- Wai.s ItUa is a i; nominal s. the chief clerk. or ix.Ut A. aie. tin. i Uialier at i 20, aattle atondy at 5a The P. at. Irani for S • ami Menvitlu tvduced below the avernajei I from Ark river, last mofl .,: KlourlJiftO wheat bushels; norn, a nam on Monday Kmt.xvillc Branch I" nuns mi low eej poliee magistrate lot It III h-im ol aerge gaitera continue in good ropiest, ami Hurdstown aial lay lot barl.y night, (licked Bp n snag at Silver Lake, whletl Mr. Miller ro a petition from daily, 22, MB do: oat ;22JJWdo; . aanftad r.ttept suinlny. III ke circuit court the Ms the entire product of ibe imtnufacturl r* ol SJROCOi rye M p shiuiiato Win c rttr. st ..t .-x-i. cifj >nVmon- ft snark.s Henry . Eyre, o! Jamaica, do. tore oit a portmnof hurtknufi auaitl and M.HKItT FINK. on a Mile has Iks- laatingN ior am I>i l^'vy, with a rftnolution periuit- swill Willie I. n defeated, wber. waath' laengageM tbenexl three months. Scott K..:>l R. R. ui illegally broke away her hull lor several feet. She ar- Oil tf tlea l swpt I- a X. pnHlaimin^ martial plamtitf in the IImtt is "no chance tor a decline in prices. Yokk, April 17. cotton tlull ting his at the corner of Ktokr (im sii.iim i iiarie i »r luan Oaa w law aajBBB NnW ami rival] ai awninaj Fourth lal' c Memphia Wedneaday, vhme aha h Suiltll J.lllll splnlv Tlionias luriiis the tlistuiltatices in that r Machine aewed mml, kkl and tali hulinomls, aboul lower; sales of IJMft hfthn at ftftft ami st recti, EFIKKSOJVILLE, M A 1> 1 s O N island. It is MpottTAN j Bacmatm, repairing. Market which was feforred adapted to t rai . : l'.c lbe Western le. a re ordei I for middling uplands. Flour receipts, tt storm of last l,t lbe revision. hyllns means n„. le .Indue ihckllell has s,. The Tueaday night was PtaaimlttOe on Trent Tr.-w T I. I ta. \ .Muriiliy A Sabty ot decided, at tie pr, M i largely tin, ii barrels. j Hnudey ahead, nnd buyers I ilifiiculi Lo >t,na Klour Ulc better on low grade*; ' general all along lbe rivers I iivlnr Tucker I he a.-; a ' I •-. 'erni ..| 1 h is court , 1 hat in these from Plttalairg to The Altruni K : •bile < "t\ supply Engineer aubmitted map M > a el Bjpt 01 Jamai- tlertUopiilo- immediate wants. There is an active more doing in pari for export; sales of l.'.i i grade date demand for hand iwwcd work, but owing hi barrels ai H l.'arft Hii for ra|ierfine, Btate and of the sewer in Twelfth atrant, (rum IXDIAXAPOLIM RAILROAD. extraordinary measures to are halt Memphis thai eveUinSi wen compelled to criminal ami i half civil or doultlt he dlnlcutty of nhtnintng Workmen who weatern; I" 15x10 for extra la iifciii to si reel, lei can W Ktate, S tie tti Is High Main which was rt i><\ Taaraaaa i w Vick Xnah i: suppres, !h 1 iusuiMsrtion. will U- finally mixed, that they should be tried as civil this class ot ior up Hie bank lore they got out ol ami cuac* make shoes. Iii.iniil.ii I urei s nre extra WCKtern, M fiftnll no for while wheat THK ONLY RAIL ROl T to the street committee of ; lie ALL ami that »»«•/• itftmil ,,' sight. The same was the case at all other Western sal actory the in ih. actlrm h „ wit ,. illlWilling to iak, orders. In Haverhill there extra; 10 Sftnlf for rnnnd hoop Onto; 10 25*12 \V.,t en .1 II Wtsilsev I II Ur Wtmlwaril T II ..i »»«•». nils. The storm, as a 'on t* /«.//. Heretofore, ill the I-. natural consequence, district. lowel an Improved tone to the market, and Ira Kt. IxHiiN;12al5 30 for xood to Wil ..li A: I v'.Mfteyt Ii Wreahii ilea mrnai Dl ON THK Win PATH eoiiii. man- rhotoo delayed a number of the issits uM K.\sT. .NORTH AND »»T KiAtX ihjs rule has rejected. due from Mr. a I. TlR' ruling fueturers generally are Imsv. Tl stiM-k or do, closing ateady. Included in the s,sales were Tlawmaii pvenented teaotutlon Whuakerti II Wlllmi.isSealmri; Wis»l«nrtl . l/iRKNCK April 17. is ofMhiadiKtinguiKhcd ketow. -It report < i Jurtat will a t si knock a con- n-omenVi pegged work has not beet. tali. 2JM bbla extra st. Lonia for export. < abfor- anthorlilnftj the oonatruetion of a Kkieratdv aawta Pftjifpr^npfrs tAkiiii* Ih is ft on to aiTivt* in i " ii. i hole m the brrecbea as — addition to the coal licet nanftnal .ariba di has left pocket ol the readily ioobI oilier deacriptionH, Willi uia a shade firmer; sales 1,500 aha Al 12 I In which wc Teang Caprcra and son. but TUal SJ, in Pre-loii atmat, between .Main street V| i x*,- 1 1,, ,n o,s. lllia exception, Havel hill u.hnIs are tle- at mentioned tn the Democrat of yeaterrbyyaa Naples. Tb, rumor cause* m Ryeflonratendy;aalea 300 bbla 9 5flaft ftft. creek, H.KVKX HOl Ks IX ADV. some urn-asm in Pittsburg and Baararraaa which was refftirttl X itktniil Morse Insurnnre ( a maadL l^ynu the factoriea cxmUrMie to Corn meal ipiiel ; sales 200 bbls Western al having left on Tuesday, the Tom ..s t|„ obj.-ctsot to the on sewers dis- iMMtafta. the tieiieial smoveiiit ills HI M \ It Is t HI r I employed up to their lull capacity, 5 75. fallen lell Bar this port with a large tow ot committee Eaetern are a VSI . ami gooda Whiaky dull. Wheat 2u3c better; aakia llarrv B e.ninot be last coal. Pittsburg liazctle sat s triet. BBBMftBB, pmdnced enough to aupttly t ho 01,000 bushels al 2 V), straight : No •-' spring The that there de- »r ivi nnscullini; lor any of Ihc above leltera I o. • I in. i .-nit! wants oi customers." livered al 2 Ma2 id',; do debt .red, '.' arc a large number of towlsiats ihcie waiting claim ol s.vj so. i,i f.itor of BBBBBgR kai i *. |gg B9a2 lo; A W. X. will |4easc -ay "adverthied.*' Vn tsu.l for tows. Trains leave ami arrive at llan.WM l raiidiT|, i l (l> red Canada 2 W); amber .Michigan ;; ii. Bye for was J. spKKD. I'tisimanfcr. follows: \.d:l 17. The follow n- is Hie r« Baldeman, printinw, reflnrred t" JOHN ately opposite Louisville as II. ni lor l it illi t ears. UfUJRVItXB fJOITOM M AKKKT. llrm and unlet ; sales 1,500 miaheia state at 1 id. The famous Ut ile baa added laig. ly lo her the eoanutittee <>n public printing. InriET. • - '• "H tb. tilth and last ,t liariey ... - av ,„ Idvieea received to-day from Liverpool ami quiet. Barley malt duU. i; ipta ol cargo al F.vansville. She will go OUt Of the t. M . dally, ex. coin Iti.iKm bush; Mr. Downs presented a resolution 17. V.uiri okel Craven mtslin^: Handicap New York were not calculated to inspirit the markei opened tlull anil Ohio with a lull trip. The Belle L-e. on her S:U r. tlaily. iv a..ilaily. ih,- mark, t b.avy, but closed more active ladr from the Bonrd of AMermen anthorialinji wm Prom data and Udier: t I s. keftom aa it it M here; on the contrary, they were de- return rip, leaves New Orleans next Thin i won r nt makaa bay locihvii.uk IIOTKI.. oaM Ktilea 1 icorgc Holt Mrs. pressing. 7VJJ00 iMisheto al I8al22 tor new I the lo s.,o,,hni. and J. W. J tills. Tin- Liverpool 5 e. a. dbumtch re- mixed day, and of! her next trip, leaves here tb it Mayor liorrow to me- i the • ;Qa eaViatake, ii.chap- with porle.l sales ot s.iiuii western afloat ; I anal old -. Ma, kv N il Wolf. , I - A van ftp a brolht •Olng a. I I l.icopee. ba les it|,la n,|s at I2al2' 21% for do in atore, day Week. demands of t he city, w hich .is d; j « ado|.ted. llIKiKKD ibe price. w It Rrt 1.. a. Teim It II llailey. Nushvillc BAOOAOE THROIOH colt Blink MliSS., nil' Sole hell's |o : BtltKll. 'iL'',,l; latter an extreme Receiptaof oais llolic; Brisiiton stakes, II estate ol -I il (.Km, L" tlrleans, ll" .al?'. „d. The — A family, consisting of fourteen paceoUA, p.en Harrison, llen.l. r ..n J P Kichartbs N V Pf.I.Nt 11HXTM. by ti I imbush ; maiket sales 1PAI. h n a dull; bushels I Jul brother, wliodi. 1 in Detroit, Mi, ! : p. M. New York dispatch I2JBM a NT BMBBOBf. y Phcbus. The Poat was ciiiTied hy hi- , reported the from somewhere on the Itig fhtndj river, Henry Klein. Memphis li T Win. Ml Vernon. Iml gan. twenty-six t ears ago. Jonas c. cotion mark Ih i 'irmi active, ami prices drooping: Isiiind itcrott, N Jn..> Terr.- Han;, #• f*r- ..t, i;ht 1 for the far West, ha ve adopted';! rather Tin- two boarda assembled, W M Wh. V Beach, • Klf,-.iiit '•hs pie; N M.. H. iny s Julius. s L'ice tlull. lo' .all .. haTiaaj the the broihei referred t". ;'les BOD bnl rdlnary, '.7 1 .,': c tor Carolina. Coffee i.e.. aou of Ur. Luthe.' W}£e; l'.mhI. primitive mode ol enugratingj. They traded rift. ito \\ IVIirniiin.UliHi Bitoheni, of i -'s : .e; more active; aalm bags Hi,, at private follow ing city oHicei's arera elected, via: . low hieopn kaw I 1>. middling, middling uplands, iaje; M l> II Miltnii do I APPoiXTSiF-XT. lo wane land for two flathoats loaded aritlt bark, Time tcatt the t lv.s, •j'mhI. I nutater. sugar in fair request; sales .lo about ear an(| Sic; middling Mobile, :in' <; | jtTg Dim, Walling ami Stone, Resident It II Hopkins. hills, and e.,1 i in I > n \. Api ii 17. . led the middlim: with which they arrived at Pillshuiiv. A BBkan i> uri. iit >• Wed- ' that dry ss. . .• < '. l.'.ans :>.:,,'. hhda at lift ai;',c for Cuba. II' ior I J P Kllillle, Meinphis > BOOda btMdm l-'our cr he in- port,, nestlay. Gradnatea Loumville Mai ine tlnanital. ami Main M- i^ lo.i w i!! In. ap|N»iin.d venttd and Tlie Kieo, lr.e im liemarara. Molaaani Arm: aalea II Norton Cm asatulxtssji- procured a patent rtaia mn> oAVrfnga In Ibis market to-day, al the JJuhw Cran ford. Phynii kin, Ion bbls Cuba al IHaftBT. Hops lOn-Hlc. Tin: LixiNoroN Ik-ino- Dr. cnatet Cone B P Martin, Xash ville •>: ehtnety ior uas. sal. ' nuiet at Imsastml—The Austria to St. i'e'.ersburj;. generating a ered into auction at the Loulaville cotton ware- la, district. W Kit Ii ll . Pa. . Ui i. lac. j .rl n a l American petroleum unsettled ctat's river dispatches Jarr contract to light ouse. :i(i!i ' at titular for have already an- the city, 1 No. Main street, to -m expel i- amounted i: 1 1 BtMaOen, Col Urava iirxt. ajn ' crude, 25%a2ftC lor refined nounced the disaster m the Lexington, near nienting, one evening, exi bales. Willi sales ol bonded. Pork Dft*. J. J. O'Reilly, Physician, Weatcj • s. middling . sv MP au occurrcd. atlSVand low liln W H Hall. Mat , .\| a PACIFIC STRAMMlll AN' and he was •.si.,.. heavy ami lower; anlea 2y5U0 bbb. at 81 ISSaJB Vh'kahnrg, • lining the storm ot Tuesday 1 mtddlingal 75 distriei. I rare 1 budget loi matanlly killed. At tl Tliere were private aalca al II lUitliins.Tt s b rTries. KilsscllV Ins dentil In as Ibe Loup viiie hn new mean, eiming at 2ft «r> for regimental, night, she is a complete wreck. Al the time Mrs j itnrnt-.. Ohio w iMMrothed I • Hn notion warehouse, corner of Orlando Lane, lie- nphi • ttvn s7 Kftftfajg at Aim made ...I. ui loi ..id .1... of i « t.i. Brook s. cud and Washington streets, of 25 closing al 25 >7. lor cash; Hie accident she was making her third • lo -i|« ', nveiishoro ntleuuili, and al niiddlinu tin I n. , ». I.uancial stat. in Si. I ,,nis J.,s it-.,v . lie nit tliat t une a e. eon,,,, at 21 87a2225 for prime. 2125 im prime mess. lop the and Yu ksiiurg trade. ntnuarg maliimhi r. i hi, Bmaka 2»Ji ,» Heel film; sai,s steam, i II. I Parniele, . >l lie. Nolle of the faxes Immediately wrote Brig) in s with li-_'ht ret eipta, MO bbls at L> Uh«20 50 for old The was formerly lbe Victoria, built Wharfumal er. cm WM Bather, la- ,i ( stre» t. .tt I J i n w, I *ias V I Hit ii . Cin a Bat mcis. in 50a2l 7 i l also .a; i at IMttsburg, PCM, a.i aUng him ol the dcatll ot bis son. w extra ; tierces May, for Lewis A. Welton, White. Sexton ..; the stern Wm W< i i *od, «t bile the laxc* on sal ami PT rao.nnst.il, IVorm, 111 Vpni .-l KI-IN siMR. , art. It p ..im. I.til at mtJOaftU hi f(H prime ni. ss, Was commanded by Captain that il be i< ls\ ii.LL Ba 12 for India flleiiu m lie i i. (llWllial. he ol. lirtHiks, LEAK TOBAfXX) 'emetar Mrs It (iMimCTina a uli KAUKNTt , p;. Park.-r. would act MARKET. ss. Miss j. Marshall. Kv as mi Ceet bam dull ; no sales. Countrt cut a iiv.r trade; alter the collapse,,! tt administrator in Nettling t the >t Mat l-ARIZON i apt. M.tnrt uitwTtiui; ith up Im estate, The market eoutintma active ami ftrm, Andrew Wright, Sexton ol Paarft W b and a I Uaa sale I. . meals, packages at l_" ..able lor Lightning line, went Hiaath, ran tt I and lorward him t Ire pioceeds. lakintreal. |o lbe onlheMls- I ILOUAIMJ ale* 1 to-day amounted lo IX hinla, with !».. 1 1 , siss, l laml OBnietery, state, however, thai tb Hliouiders, c Im hams. Bacon ttrm; pp ' iii Ihc ..ul., leiiite service, and sub- no pounds ..f lutinriiKe ,i!l..w. .1 it.-e m each adult ml would n istknioi bidaon7 lUnia. lurinded tin- » in ftTai I pnssemjer. anil atlentlani us-e. man iage ptobably be very aiiles la>xea at le for • Umh. cut. I.m _-c for aequeully perhinned services for tbe PuittHl Frank Wealbay aud Wealey M.-liehies trifling. He wm* i eording- Adaum subs 1 were 1 hhda Hart rsMitity tobacco, aukl All .lepurtiir. - touch :tl Acaptil. ..: 1 li.r.^ ..f . lie Kt bori ribbed, h. ,. St.il. s I io , el lillli III. li»Hli. N Y •1 i> made mi Hborl char. Butter ol Wm tbe A administrator, ami nfh i a itlle time al the I!. .one >i tjaugjera U iiuont. warehouse 1 hlld al tZ7 and I Mrs a and .'Ith connect at Panama, with -.leanien h>i Kteady III 2tktl0c: Ohio QUll52e. Stale cheese she iiieiisured i", luua, Powi Kv bad paaaed, wrote su. Brigbaui his s,,,, •' with length of 227 .1 tin : Webb P,-i, i seiiih Pacific |».ris, l-i lt.|li fori .-itiral al ami Lisp, i- ami An.-r • U. is R. Me. l l.-n. Mi. The loi lowing Hn- lull knith, in-} . Indiana John J 1, L (il W rangeol a I IHul feel, U alii !tl leel. and dcpl h ~i t.i I. left nothiaajhutnaotd watch, ami Out abe ports, un.l Ih.ise of the 1st itHieh .it M.ouuiioIIh cloUdug, bids, \ ,/: I al I J ke m, ui, Iml ii ii ftJa can -known in. reliant in hbd 127 GO; at 25 SO; I al 2ft d' I lour. W todmaa, the Japan tiatle, w hich fills I, Liverpool a shade Brmer, vrilh wa i ocoiii It wall lied: et limler 7 it ct stroke, tbe i atlmiuiatrator thought e I al is ':.; It w HaJJcvk. I'aiis C It Itiriiis, l^-\inc|.„, kould 1 al 17 -'at I at -\ 1 e. W; M B: IS <«»; al oi ;.'!".- M. Mel .uir and to-tlay. veil U\oiw buaela of Inches dianicl, r. She John Jones, Ihsiks-i- , and N. w ! » A largt immla , 51 him lor his trouble. h- grain at Id for coatmigluulh N|i anlft r.cl w i h. n. .\t. ith. lla . rut Knowing |-.' Ja« Ainer- mil II I at It • Hal* 7.; II at i^Bi 7"i; Is al U nig \ ess, I, ii',,| for lt*J7, us ,.i l' uiu of bis son's business aflnira, Mr. and wheal •00; value April, t25,ftU0; Nov, mliei last Reef, ark and Lard, an and Lump Brig- llaniiill 75; Itiat In CUalft 7".; IL'al •) Zjafl 7.".; s Wl t.i. AKH IIOTKL II in, i nem pteatm. pel ind Ti .1 .Is Hour per I20VBW. ham acce|.ted th. atatemenl aa true, atetuuer Win. i aid and 1 1. .1. i ^ Mela gave Lite - l«; sai 7 ina< a5; • fttaft ^s rarau, |a> M.. Wat A; Ual a I Theiaiiie. t he sinking ot H. nrv IUy, DO Beaat, N \ watch and clothing, and never real as which land has ai. bud j luaj «•»: 2 at I Omi mj inectora of Ct Woad and Lime. .1 W i'.o .ns..,,. Ky. Jno P. lohiisi.n. Teim. Laiesi Flour ciosisi fairly been mill I lolled ill I be 1,'leglapllIC tllspatchcs. n tsu i x . . i < i x much as one penny netive, and five from the eatah . •s W I. h i mii.'. Ky. .1 \ Wamv.jr N V, cuts L.iier. Wheal was bound si. to U . W. Law ami ti. Hfturyoek, Mcanv- Ttim meltcm have reated tot quid bul very firm at an Irom Lonia Fori Benlon, m v ai.pl v at '.li. i .th ; I ballon. In. \ r, ISow t^' tweut>--»ia l» ..:.t lte»ie« of flit- Market. I, tint, . r.j i it \ ears, oi advauee, renliaed mi 'change. Rye la quiet the aXonnta line, having on board SBW nrj nters' Work. II. s .Vortr none the in ns fora moment dream- tuns A I. an. |1|, \ nj,, v.,shv. rth Klver. New > ork. \ < l*PLKH Ireen apples are scarce anil ami firm al 1 Mai U2 tot la Nasi.t - . -. i Ijmof the Maud and unBUl nesa, until mm- western, tkata dull; government freight, which pridmhlj bdallj A. W. Randolph and W. It, Ilvd, Jim II Bnorh, \ M< N . hImiuI 1 m.,11 it s S.aS., three qualll coinmaiid UXMU ; 'ilo BL While ,, for tl.stelll III s|o|e. Colli estroj'ed. she w as bj .1 Krum.ual. Kt .i w Bamaaa «. Sftaaarr nibs simv, when Mis. Hop aud Mr-. firm, Ul owned H. K. Haxh-tl Measuremof Brick aad Htone Wm k. M choice 1, I I t ,.i iln... an- read I U taken nl irom 57 to 1 3n I lt. im new iniM'd western ml W..I. KoiiiiI/.. each one-hall, l be I K 1 un-. Kv . Brignant rt ved a lettej fnnn li»e iH-naui PA afixiat. and killer's J. H. Howe and B, P. Meas- I. P.ivls. (in. I: i Cin. ItAtKJINtJ A. Nil I .Hal 21 lor old mixed is insured in i. JohnaOU, A Taemaa, who a,t.,l as Judge of the Probate at the lime ROPE Trattaaelhma nre western in store! Pork ltlb-reat Pittsburg lor ?7.r The , »v : . ( Ket liol.ls .c l. • J ainer I.uca II Kv. ib.- .n lit apeeulativeand on private terms. Sales In avy and lower; sab s ol l.enn l.an. ls e.i ri a- w as limit In October, laat, urers of Paint inir. \ estate waa aetttotL II. •rel.v lo new al pttlslsirg, i ' a ant, t in. \ i>mii i. baa. La eonanuiptinn are, it iniie li; M v *ddem, e uaejuin then given "a Importance. I'ow- mesa at IUa2a .ai, rash and regular. lk-,-i h.r Messrs. Haalett, Weaver and M x*, ami I'. f. Iviil'ei and Thos. 1". Lvatis, In- naaara. ight Im: s > TkuraUM. Iml. / . Hinuuoaa, N v. s ci'-barnilawntingniquotetlal Imlfte ; I active cut e..s| n. ami it inadt partu m heal prooi • .li zar.l lo wo-pound and firm, menta firm, with a ftdr BftMftk rhtlt. Miss Klleli lb.vv.ir.1. apeciora of "' K\ ii. Kentucky bagging H'.-als,-; d. ni. in. 1. I'.acon connect property once belonging - half IMHtnd fairly active al IfcforCmm AnauvAL or Coal. The star, six Miss Nan. no Al.is.e. Kv. Miss ion p, Bri with Joshua 1". Bttllitt, City Auornev. Klui Hall. TOBACCO • ni kentneky hagalng at ii' ai:.; cut. trial were under eon- ham.'' Their anapb-ion* wen 4 flax iMtggiug al bttrluud Lard moileialelt active ami barges, containing ftftyntft bushels ol coal; the I. I' l.itth ,v w. Ky, MrK.irl.iiid, kv JsiJIc; machine nqs?, s' .• When, 011 niotion. the ioim II. inael were at ibe Rxeca- ami. without r. pH ii- to lb, a'V; hand ropi>, Bran, at 17 _ai7- for prime atemn. i:ggsin bengal Threr, with one boat and aht barges, afaniiun il ttaim4e'\ ii. Ky L I. LyiH. Al ,. Ii lend I'.a'ic. •ariy sornt Was iitoderale .'n'.av.'lc. i arose. A W Ltltlr, Kv. Hon Jno Hodman, K hour, lime la s,-nt to Is-lroitI t>.to quietlyolli, search ih, ih-maiul al containing BtMft bushels; ami ilie Warner, net liieeling. IlEANH tre steady ami in fair tb I! Mall. ut . Kv W PTtaarae, Kv. and remain- an abstract of all oiaml. Dry gooda market remains quiet.yet prices w ith six baiges ami HU.iNm biisliel-. ol . ..al. ar- si p.vi; propi rtj ft rn BftBasMMf. i: II i g.«..l article v IMrfcrrMMi, Ky. K lie ,-.,n. Ky. \ of . , i i ,|,i\ lit until near ih. ne hn the o|teniug standing in navj inn, , mis. on arrival. Keuerall) arc well auatained. rived The t.KNKKAI. n>IM|s- Ml- HAST ol Hi. tmir brother s name. The in- Heavy alieet- ycatarnay. lowboata returned In t| -~ Moiil aniierv . Kv. P. K is Ky. Si«ariftB per banaaaL at ni ' The iinliiiaii, e ol this board vesligatiou i. veal. t the ftmt thai and are held -i :<,, bring IMVjnlftp, Calaa A 17' Hwightu tlie evening. BUthorht- tliere la from store. In-hw Milhr. Kv. II H.t. li.i.i n. Kv . rs I TIM 1 t I stantling the 17c, Portsmouth I'm-. The i 'i nai 1 1 the io upon heavy l; hi'... mill inu Mayor • records, In the name ol Ikslfbrd Somiuereial aaya: The old aulxaerlhe for and in i .1 Badaaaa. Kv. .Mrs Jno i. no Kr, e i e., i ills w \ x Th, No. Ill Mam -ti. . Ko.uil i rnarfeet la New mills night* Templar 1',. Jonas '. Brigham.d rn- j, ie.-. ot attaatral ahalftts, Vork hleaehcl inn Mils' "ia io, ownemof the tihio No. CapL Blagg, Capt. Mi- Units. Kv. llrary Price. 1 in. Horn property in Lite aecording to S, BaUBlfuf tM City Of Louisville, for ten ; quality. a. il i heart of the ci, n. - Wamaulta 25e, I I .. rt ft »rd .and other cities, y, w worth RLOOD; Arkwrigbl W B2Uc, Hills Win. K nox. and bngim-eis Hancock In U otvnus. Kv. Walker. Kv . XorthYni who nine lots, toe! and llat- thousand shares of ii,,- eapital also * " TTKB i~ in g.si.1 Masontille 1 atoek ol I i. P-.vt. r-. I in. in the heart the city, demand ami ftrm. 2Be. and Portam h 7 ... Laeoii- litlay, have bonght her bat II Itig ICudjcers, Kv, J M WaahiiiKton. were this morning worth SVjOJJUie U k Ihc Im-si Ivlizaltcthtow s f. i.i. Aijent for the mamifn. Hires ol eight} acres ot land, New ^orlv ami W. It. "ma-Vic; couuliv butter i:i brown drill-, bring 17'..,- tha n ami Padm ab Kail- K Miller .H I. N V. P s Miirpliy .U t . It a now dig the lliflelt lll places of in- tew miles out, worth ., bin other Handy Packet C pant , ami will continue sr. least i- steady al Ma l.V. good makes j m Myion. Baftftftaaaa • under lbe escort of the membereol IftJBB); a store, bouse and hit. ami three are steadt al 17c. In other styles her iu ihc Marietta trade, having every load CoaanUny, arm returned from the aeies of land, iu BBOUMCUBN- U in BUr demand, aad the oi coiton there is no particular Thuraday. Hoard of Ablei iucn CJXmtD aCATBn llttTKI.. Kncampnit nl. Tin y call. si on Newport, ftanl rftfl acres ol ehnnge.ex- w ith artmlry ameiitl- VIItiHNIA. Mlfs-Md 111 bi'ooiu-iiiakers quote at SMlal.'ill cept \NP KKNH'l K V I'resitleut, tons. Oram land in Illinois. The total \ aha- ot the p, r tun, ac- Canton flanneto. arliicii are The new Is longing to Campbell. \ Calll|il~-ll. ^ orft ami Htuicoek, pi,,, rather firmer, Whnrfbeal the inents t hereto, which were Mis- 3| Ohio K N erty is cording to quality. nia concurred in, ric* Stanton, Welles and others, altout Sl jO.OnO. anmmand fir. and Klerton N.bkmcb- I'ouieroy Coal ( miipany, located at ( !oa(port, II Davis. Nashville -I Hall .V I. MichiKan and iXiTPON and the ordinance as TOllAt i ns. i-x r. Jutlge Jon. *, as attornev YARNH Tbe market to firm, with d. Ohio, was hiii ued mi Sunday amended was P M VtrtT, M M W W r Is.-.v r. t.is wIm were kindly and courteously r , . lor the heir , has night. a u.mkI demand. II Issr-n in We quote No. 5UU The : passed hv the Bnrtw-tl, rVusaat Hill BHiikiiamft, Detron for some "days, at 21a rket w I fallowing vole, viz: M Uahm ami st Kv ansvo.i.k . and luu ringenl THnBnmtLtni at . a-s,.rin:.-iu writ- N.>. Markov I have now in store an \t. usive : no at Iftaaie; No. 700 al I7al's- \ ti Wll Tn cola a li BUrv, Taaeaaa I leii i r per e^ II' K-l To TIlPTKEASCKr. hem eorrooorating the above, t", loilcl eent. gold, bm be- BarAra rxoa Pinn. A s|>,s'iai dispatch rrom Yaaa Prenidonl rhuanon, ami Messrs. these ww K. tt hich I can oitVr lo lbe ir.t.U' ii II It enrix-v, lieerii. balling. :>a lot No. I. ii W Hall. rraMkna Id 1 Brooks ten tears since. ami 'JtiaLN' lo, th ruiK.n al 7 stat, ~. terms be Imxi-Iu . Is,. « here ,u I is si died Th nistrit- js-r cent, cur- Kvansville that the Belle Lee did not BrutanVoB, Ihan they can Im ,,i Bhaph s. Krily.. oi San Fran- No. 'J; carpet chain Byrne, Coke, Duniel, Downs, .1 A Pave ustrt. I'errjMI A 11 Slein. Illinois WaTttc for : lion ha* never la-eu completed, and th. white, and IteSOc . closing at thai ligure. arrive till I o'clock Thursday morning: .|„ city. A lar^e -t.sk of Clears, from common is y. st. id.it p.ud into Mi. ior imerson, Uermnn, Hamilton, W Aiiibri. e. Iliir.ls'tn ti An,ltr.~', lUrds'in Treasury «»l oolored; randlewlck liuv. some is I liscoonts heavv at al'ipei lleinic band i.- l III. wan kual » olonel and Jinlg. ,u bran, ceii i . sterling is waa detained by business and Ui I nn.sl states in Probate have been had weather. J M Hucitcm a w, Ky Or W it lloih-nviii.-. Mo 7-:Ki In.ii.1s. ot yarn arc selling in lots a shade a shade tinner a: VP Jenkina, Looser, Long, eollectiiiK the rents and .-moving a under our 41 10' ..gold, for prime bil U. Khe took conaiderable freight there, but MeAteer, Miller, Knuik cr.. tin H*B tt It H HCrenln, I'sir.is tn good quota) ions. had 1 1. i.oid firmer, Miurcll. li WBca aa an paid bbbl thing. Since the death of Hie Colonel, the opening at 18*^, advanced to to decline more than she took, she left at 0*Oonmar, RoMrmon, Havre W II Hays, 11 ne || Mercer. .i.. Judge has it CORN fttEAL—The markei is steady I Is" .and closed al i:s'..i|:s-.. s P. Ib olainl. t i^lfortl W H Miles, l incin The aiuiitt.t ol foreign affairs, will, when had all his own wav. ami hisoh- UoveraWMUl noon, drawing over feet, ami had engage- ViaMuan and Wallina—21, We tinotc kilii-tlried at Sf 00 ih-i a-Xa II T HoftToiaa, California F Wh.-ailv. 1 Kv jeci in 75a5 opened ateady, tor ii i th< ib - fu!I_\ resume* business, re|Htit visiting the beira wan, rlrmntlraa. tu bbl- became a n ille atronger ments 1 .re ha n she could carry below. Nays - None. a bolted BauTI 00 bushel; II R HuCiun, tl.. IHt'H Faltna, J«a i.il! ng lb. buy them oftT lor a mere per anhoited fa ataadjr in th, aiternoon, ana etoaed ateady, but not Everybody wants p, ship her." mi appropriation required b\ aong. When bia on wini, i. \\ lluvls. In. Ii. al siaSK- jH-r bushel. A repotl from ihe Sinei ma M I ' Tompk ins, HrnrictU term ..( ofTic. he Hominy meal is selling very active. II. i 'lew is ft i 'o. the taking corn al McAllister's, DotftUBtftnnBBaV tbt li. \ tot th. purchase o| Alaska. exptred, violated the law by furnish an- opposite New Jniiii Yorki-r. lUtsion IM under. I.cxiucton at eia.sc. , - aa* conveyiiigthci'econis in (his case to nexed quotations: Coupons oi Kl, 112all2 burg. Thursday morning at .1 o'clock, em on the opening Brent strict, was •^£(H).N A OEOOHKOJl V s.tl.l. Ins home, 4 the J l' lit land Nl. holas'vll llenrv Myers, Kj OK IKON CI.AIIS. < HKFXE Prima arc annhaiajtal doof IKtaliKO,; w here t h. t remained imlil he was forcod lo Veannta 112, lllalllV; do of *5I, do oi violcnl wind blew the sparks Irom a log heap read ami referred 10 the atreef txaaunil* J W P.urloii. I'errvville T Marsh. tlo *, \\ est, i n Beaervc at I P. ai.V; '«.*>, hrt-^alnti'. 1 le eretai V « *»!•! git.- Hamburg ladoc- ; new issue la;' ..a In7' ; ,»f 'ii7 on I he shore .1 I' It I lie iron- them bp reeently. II aeenw that aeveu , do into a pile of M liahn <>i bat on tces of ImiIIi ilistri, is. Hanihlek, Ark J IU-rriin;en, Kllailts'vl T : < Inctory at I«al7c; Kiiglish !ir7 alOK; 10-llK, lo|',a|n| Miss.t il. clatis aiaw ha' f, years after dairy 15aMc. h ; 7-:as 1ih;>... The h. r toreeaaile, sctnng lla. I.i. Ark MaawMft-, n i ut Itrigliams tleaili, an Individ Url] H un tire. By tbe A rejiori from the St < W h p s reel 'oiiiinission- i .7 '.oin, CANIlLKK Ifanufttcturci retsirl i a 1 1 \ . Mtaart, Ky t to . a fan way market opened heavy. ol both of i inciii- cam. |..rwaid and pieseni.-.l what put |hh l< <) Krie falling prompt action Capt. Mctiill and his" crew demand and pricea are steady. We quote lo 01',,. Central to Ins',, and otlM is in propor- Ihc hay was throw ers, with a resolution autlmrmmaj re- J ItarlH.ur. Kmiiieiicc alftmp, K v nati, ami the cut :. deposit. tolM-aboml tor a deed lo I he pi iursisi- W W \ Par nil... OLD SOLDIEKS. I IB I EI > FRUIT- The is active rcfusetl It. market ftrm, with ami strong to the close. Some ered. The charred hay floated i ently issue an order a heavv down alter the report from Si ll, ii, v I., it i Hue O Sho oter. confirming Hie ;...»! denial ul. A the reel f^mwIftBBMBI W Uftfta geinenis have la-en made lo laind is Dried apples comma ml, tin rc- contracts in N. w Vork Central Lee arrived there. havi tbe title. The h, li. ved to be a forgery were eovcred ers, with a re ol ion II Williams. Columbus '• s oi coipi. tiaii' .c, ami dealers selling ut to allow ihc (.as the armies of the Tennessee and the property are at 7asc. to-day, which turned the whole markei. It will uiidouht.dl v be, livid, ,! ALEX \ XDEK Hill SK. ib. i mi. Is I 'l ied are firm t'oinpanx lor liand and ol io to lilts-t at Chicago among the three righllul heirs, peaches and areaelllngal Hal2c la believed that the worst la over, and thia in- Ulkftg the gulleya iu High rKtU>l « K \M> .fudge Jones 1 ii ind Baa, Ki i. •iithe I W Mnir and mih, >th and l«ih ..t llecemlier next, to is expected home on Satuidav forhalveg; qmwtera command Me ./. duce* Considerable outside purchase of stocU. streel, was referred lo the stret-l coinuiTt- Kv next, w hen we ( W Miirpb.t . Ky s it 1 Brraat, Kv common celebration, KOOS Arc ipiiel, w ith light receipts, and Pricea at 5:30: BTj in io ;( instead , Canton, , ot may learn further particulars. "umberiand tee of the -tern district. iHiiirn. • We K P Bat Cm W I ( am. ( in, iiin.ui '•ab as dealers are selling in barrel lots, at ltial7c *ia.'t' press, meetings heretofore. As per s_Kx 5V^aoftV Aiaericanj < Lowe, ti ; w Cka I.Ciat|ter, « i i x A report from the Street it. o o i 1 S7aSft I Is OoUBaaJaaftaftV ai raugeinenla are eompii ted aoaen, Pulled Hiatea. 58aftD: si a 1 p simp on. T.'iin afer- LKWIS, 'Hi IN M A K Kit A t o.. Prop is. ers, with a M K Tvukrj . P-ir.lstown I'I.axskkm- is • Nooiutiou lie- official The market rhanhi 31! ,a:;i'..; ij icksi I .. diraetinaj i i •I aiiuouiict'uicnt ftrm, atfillia | u vcr, 2V ,a'J7' the gay, Bnrftanma will A Murvelons Stun . Marl A Puberty Bow linac'n M '.li KKCH AMTS per bushel. is will prefcred al tt; 1 Mayor to coin t for w i aawma. i. k Pacillc Mail, !•] eiai ri.xa i-uick list. nu repairs t,, t|„. * N k J K Payne, lu.hnmipolis Poiie. liiiliaii.i|to|isi I The Manchester iN. H.l Puion tells ol an FRAT1IKRH Are in fair demand at from Atlantic, 9ftaft2; N.w Vork Central, HJ'.aii"- • sewei in Ilea i^iass, beiween A J ' Halman. Teiu. First and \ 1. Kllebev. Kl interesting case which shows bow little a n lo 7m- for prime to strictly choice lots; 70a Krh-,67; Hndaon, l21*4alZ>; Heading, s7' .as7-~- 1» W (.ninth. Cave lain IEW1 OKK. niarkel eftamaen vtilhiiiit iioiic Second sireet -, w is adopted. thing will disarrange I he ma. him ry of man's however, more nearly repreaenta the Ohio and .Mississippi, ai^jtao1 a r «t Co.'s |H'i f.s'ilv ; Wahaali b',a' pure . || i. i W Ithnttoe. Ky IIV 111. , i onanism. A resilient of Manchct. r, larket. IS; St. Haul. Vi' .aVi',: l.ea.l Ur. Heinig pranentod a rnaolation M Mr. do preferrtsl. Works, pure I bm 7114*72; ( M liock. Miller's Crock I I II Turner B. Congtloii. i- While, pure a footway at i'hi No. i>J Kmnl a Waitei Ai years ol age, a strong. Michigan 4 Antral, II ;',: Michigan Southern' Ma y. rteenl h and Portland I. .lm on. li , Al IM UOPHI PliOCIB Pealera report a aanutaaaai lion- Johia Kv Manual Mfcn HOKIil- rolMtst, t. Pi hearty nil in i he enjoyment of as7 ,: Illinois Central. avenue, I lucre. V ..W IKDti the Hi I, tin. ugh pi ices arc quoiabiy unci ll'Jalt.l; PiUshorg, which was referred to the street K Wiu Bar, r. TIIK SI'KKKKKKS lined Work s. pure iik- sou nth -st health, smltlenlt iii, -." Se'.asT; Hartford Ivi ie. Wm Mom .. and was \\ e qiioti- fine i.o .iii; -u . and I|'..ai:.; Toledo team DKAll UlU.KIlOK al superfine ».. . s t Mills. pure committee of the Western flint rid. MiiMI . |g s<-iwsi witli shivering pain the noaylasl t is. lill '..alll-i; Hock Island. K KK'iaSSJs,: I 75: extra al ftft2ail0; extra family I NnrlhwewLl BT! Kill! a Sloitall"; Ureal "Western 7. .,. Mr. DftMnon pwontod a petition B)Ot •eetally In the left sol. lid iw the lemon of U, fttaftft; tl; fancy ami Pure While ;,. 9tm B \ itUJK. at *12"5uul>; rye Dry | sundrv April 17. The Times' tlie heart. Medical iittenti li was footway rrominga in the R M I 'orsicr. Port had lo no flour ii'-. Ashtabula, B9: Hminihal and Bt. s. ft 1 o.\ pare Krcnch RiuUem K} II cnn. »•'•» BJnft Joe, 73: alo Learta, Suae, m mi aa •" • stiu.s that I r, robla-ries bis mala, in, pi eiei -red. si (,'s.n.i •' district, ' K Turin I. ,V CO It Coliinsiul. I.,* ( il were pnrpoae'and soon ; \| i which was h<- R CC |: ly eaaed. issom i \{ oi KITBH Wc tiuole prime racctsm skins at ;new Tennessee, " ui IH-inar V. 31. referred t<> atreal .on • th, dead ti s I. M.~..ly. I n. liana II I . ami ound.d alter lost the use of his limits, w unable to help •Hi' .; old do. extra Ainerican 7.mc. in oil pk- < c Knic :i'al0c; mink i2a3; ojsissuiii aaSc; COnpon.ftH! ,. Mining shares mittea of th,- Kaatarn dmtrii t, ,1 I ail s rock gray P II Jewell, I.c\iiioi„„ litMiltl bt pass. .ps who BjftBanfthl in any manner, an reinnm-d pros- dull iiiiartz Hill. ii. pi 11. .1 Pare Zinc w j..Cin w. !• s. te.l am Bnvftftc; ottar BftaS; heaver Haft; aaanSral Bhuai: G Pngory, 81ft; Walk ill mi Mr. Dow ns a J Booler. Kv I. literal cash \ iH'ing ,u the Arctic Pure /.inc ,. BftaaBnited petition for tha H N B Con lev forward Irate - Jo. 7 ' cars ami bed-ridden foi sev n months. J in t Eteeeinfa al ftUMJjftl IftnSfte; fieer, par pound. sheep, Iheauh-treasnry. :pay- I. P Plltlia n.l. Tonne seo Coltnn Mono n. ,.o'c sums has la-en ZmdBc: w v ... ,., o I NsF.NCi— The maiket is steady at snasv advance.' Wheat Bar la a«l. inaiinril from the s.iucst i,.:,,| || atreet committee of ^ir'V'v u on. u,s. ,vas ,s,.,| t., is-i.-a*,. c Jos „ dia . Iroin 17n to lei firm; A lsilh.nl Iml Jo s I none, in.) pounds, losing al the rale of for prime. Pennsylvania red SMnKtftt; Min t land White Lead and /inc. hi oil, in 'iilt, tin cans, puck- the Western district. ^ Iitim the lingers ot I. Tat lor Na .liville a lady, w ho a half pound a day, do j im.-,.", |,i. is! in liaai cases '.c iitlvancc on above |irii J H Hardin, Kv and leaving him almost OlNNV BAtiS- We quote 21al*P..c for bales, Com steady at 1 Hal I:; for w hile Hie time ctinsciiHis A resolution to until W(iTa--iin,s.i«lby ct. .1 l.. ( Wnaal It) - adjourn Thursday K .....pt. sholhv . enougli on I v » keletnu. The usual aftMOtHN made I lie trade. . 0 to la- He bad tbe can- and ail- .in.l'jL'a'J-U- for resewed. juwA 1 Mai V for yeilow. Oata dull al Kmnae Term s T ij.iii.nart . h mnt-nce rwards lot, 11 T Hanlcstt . afl. the Moia . ttiih c r rale Imks, Kmiiioucc Pcplewbo vvi< . ..f the Ix-st physicians, ami. ns Rye firm at cash, u rent of ezcteiure. special ar- •vetting, April SU, at 8 oVIoek, may ORAIK- The markei is steady, Willi IBhciftft. r>nv1ahma maehnnaed. a aa .1 K Bmek, Ky sat ample lor • J It Cba.aberltn, w, , a' Hit scene lie eouli I raneemenis Mada low rate of ti. _,,i Kv y not protect Wwell Is- suppostxl. t'.;. I'eiin.. Ibis accident la-ing tery, BAQB m fan mquft, and Respect hilly inftirms her ciistumers J W Hanlv. t arroll co cnuaeil by which hat] tlie c flee l of disturbing ami Plies have advanced. p Wcftauar, i arroll I' Omniort. Iltl a bri U. u rati. Ttu-tK-cui We quote •J-bushel Ju-t ri-turnt.l from the Kaat will, a cl t. north sido, n nirj; n-nce, in our I- opinion, ultimatelv of removing the cause oi \ syinines Ky I. II It. his dis- cotton at l.'wil7c; L" ., -bushel at V,a and Kitth. '"• do Vh ; a voided had train ease. vtas |>ltl VV I I.KAN I NO. the run This loll ml lo !., no more nor less -bushel at «l r Mil I I OOOOM, W A Martin. Ky ' do ana-; Union 2-huslrel ;i Ki -|s«-d, owing to tbe unsafe than a A at I Peraoui a nhbwi loaveftt the almost intolerable Wl John Crow Now York condition Ol common medium sieed brass .„„ r,r. ami .1 ill, ri'iaJSc. LOCLSVILLE. KY. ileiieli 111 isinu by ch-aniiiK nut privies 1IA1S. John ' the load." which he had undouhttsll v swallowtsl seven UBfk'F.HIEH— in the usual KONNETS, ttellar.l, St. liar is Wc have no change to note vay, by nii.-tit-carls. will tin well to leave their orders l.ENKKAI. Tin Ti mi*' Hon Jait dispatch states that » ,MK previous, but The partnership of Flyiini Kar.us havuiK 'u-ra< COMMIS.SION MIKi 1! l.Np „f which he himself quotations, 'or wit Ii KLOWKILs |M-rs,,..- in nnd there Is a tan ohbfng BDCB work the DBderaupMO, who w ill have He .Mowing missii.g- km u nothing. dissolved by mill.;., I cm. -out, I hate moved my l^-wis H, ,,„lv .„ S ' H |ieeleil from his demand al previous quotation.. VS •jlK.lt' unci by an entirely new process, in i,p..„ HIilBONS. ( olliiis, ofS.Hitb Byron. N. V. -. lis il - that he business to Huh pl.iee, iv lien- I prO|Mise to do any ; Susim s- bad il " - ' iiiires wallowed .-lit,: '.Villi' ut tin- 1, 1 something New oi b ans sugar, prime lo eh. ai tonkin u a sU-nel, :,i„ Mll M l Vs. FAMILY BflBt I le oi 111 . MB aa, I ol Vtafloitl. Si: A. .. .ol,,. bill h and American > Moiinmi . 'I ftM. I >l Ku r i W what oi when - laml Hat ,. Halavi;,: he tva unable to .' I Uillg the family to The I ud Buaaoi tiKEEN tell. ,< V1LI.K Statu ,a|i.' ; I ulia al lL",.al"*'; p..i 1 Itieo lure work as low its any faett Wt- I b. i. I N. a.hov< w. raveling I the as V 1 low as Uie alt. application by old 1,1111' Phj.-Hm-i of ||,e batterythe a|.,e; Ml - phi. I.: yellow ., . I at : satisfaction ft ol idiip «M, im. « .-URar at M'tjir I, • .p. I'resilm; iii warrant ka a in tiiN AI.E, tint ncal>at it Die won i, del now heie M. Myers' Katltflery I done the lap-si stvl, (here an I so ense*' havtmc »se„ ,lisba1ge.| rro», its p, Hun* (sci,,.,,. . ..ii", ii at ',,.-, it',, rice, ami ariah pntalag to eal I, il ami i..r ui i Um me by ; Bard Danwa (vein Market, w hit h will ts-rt I lalal .s«si Mam ami ur at an on y prove Tlej a,,- I>a toiib ihitNigb the HUH, m. j foro bill el ew lo ie il. ' Charles Kcslaiiraul I intestines. • OHMOHNa IMK KIT H st . lairlo «ii I Cofiyjt prime, al Jl'.ajii'.c;.'!! .1,11-1 HI MY Kits Uftaral t ub Ativan*** -in BJ A Co It v KB lell. e siris t it :! 1 ,11 THOS. SS N a anoKaiitl half narroia. airlttl '.( fh\ I' HI 11