Appendix a Plan Foundation Elements
APPENDIX A PLAN FOUNDATION ELEMENTS 100 PLAN FOUNDATION ELEMENTS The following sections of the SGP consist of an in-depth discussion of population, housing, natural resources, circulation, historic and cultural features, farmland preservation and open space/recreation in Sussex County. These elements are designed to provide a substantive foundation for the policies and programs advocated as the Strategic Growth Plan. POPULATION ELEMENT The population and housing characteristics of the County, along with natural resource and economic base data will be reviewed as a prelude to linking them to statewide and other regional initiatives. Population Trends and Projections for Sussex County Analysis of the population trends of Sussex County and its municipalities will show where growth has occurred, and also relate Sussex County to its neighboring counties, including those in New York and Pennsylvania. Age, race, income, and other demographic characteristics are described, and population densities show the development patterns that have occurred. Then, using past trends and local planned growth, population projections are provided for Sussex County and its municipalities to the years 2010 and 2020. Growth Trends: From the early 1800s, the population of Sussex County was fairly stable for a century; there was an increase of only 7,500 from 1830 to 1930, to a population of 27,850 in 1930. Since 1950, the population has increased more rapidly, as shown in Figure 2. The growth rate was highest from 1960 to 1970 at 57.4% and the greatest increase in number occurred from 1970 to 1980 with 38,537 new residents. For each decade since 1980, the population increased about 14,000, to 144,166 in 2000.
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