daily Lt Gen Syed Ata Hasnain (Retd) action-reaction spiral based upon Targetting of JK Policemen’s families response by terrorists against Excelsior leven family members of policemen’s families and the sub- Established 1965 policemen of the J&K sequent counter will let loose a Founder Editor S.D. Rohmetra EPolice (JKP) were kid- A new turn in the proxy war bloody cycle and create yet anoth- napped by terrorists on 30 Aug er uncontrollable situation which 2018 from some villages and to the separatist movement. Over Lashkar e Taiyaba (LeT) in Nov families of terrorists too. that. People need to realize why. A will give boost to further alienation. towns of South . It sig- the last two years many policemen 2017 and was later motivated by Explanations that forces of the police force has many compo- JKP’s professionalism will be test- Take all stakeholders naled a turn in the long standing have been killed in targeted his parents to return with the help government do not target inno- nents – only the armed police is ed and actually diluted if this were proxy conflict in J&K because killings especially when off duty in of the police. In fact little is it cents unlike the terrorists, who organized as units and live in to happen and the Army would be on board for polls strangely an ethical element of the their homes. It’s to the credit of the known that the Army itself had set have no apparent obligations secure billets or are deployed as left on its own with intelligence and conflict had thus far avoided any force that despite the threats and up a high profile orphanage towards rules of conflict, cut no sub units. The rest of the police the campaign against financial net- ow that the schedule for Municipal and focused terrorist campaign to tar- the tragic deaths, JKP as a force (Muskaan) to cater to wards of ice across most of the country. personnel, especially those work- works taking a back seat. get policemen’s or soldier’s fami- has continued to remain at the neutralized terrorists and also Many suggested and in fact even ing in police stations and as traffic Securing the police families is a Panchayat elections is announced to be lies. Through many years the pro- forefront of the CT campaign. assist some NGOs who run such inquired why the concept adopted policemen live in their homes difficult task. First there is the phys- held in four and eight phases respec- fessions continued to receive The eleven family members facilities for children of conflict. by the Punjab Police during the making them doubly vulnerable. ical security where some temporary N respect from the locals. efforts can be made in clubbing vul- in question were released Thus intimidation of terrorist fam- Punjab militancy could not be Many feel that an enraged local tively in Jammu and Kashmir beginning from Policemen, as it is, mostly reside unharmed with a message from ilies has never been a norm except duplicated here; they were once police force, seething at terrorist nerable families or enhancing the Oct 1 and concluding on December 4, the at their homes or return to them (HM) leader perhaps in the case of some unre- again recalling that the Police attempts to target its families, will number of policemen and families process is sparred with the National very frequently being locally claiming that HM lenting ones who insisted on facil- leadership in Punjab in 1990 legit- automatically respond in kind and inside police lines. None of this is a deployed. The ratio of young men resorted to the act in retaliation for itating the activities of the terror imized targeting of terrorist fami- be victorious in outcome. There is permanent solution as family con- Conference making its stand clear that it was turning up for recruiting rallies for the Army, Special Operations groups. The terrorists on their part lies which forced terrorists to no such guarantee. The level of nections are widespread and thus not inclined to participate in these elections the two forces, against the number Group (SOG) and JKP actions of have rarely targeted policemen in relent and cease their targeting local alienation in Kashmir is vulnerability of all is high. What the of vacancies has always been targeting terrorist homes and the cogent and focused way that campaign. many notches higher than ever police are capable of doing is and would boycott them unless the Centre extremely high and continues to members of their families a day they have now resorted to. There It’s an interesting mix of senti- experienced in Punjab. In fact the undertake a social awareness cam- made its stand "clear" on the vexatious issue of be even today. earlier. Naikoo’s father had appar- is no doubt that JKP with its local ments and a paradox of sorts Punjab gentry did not take to sup- paign for the people to accord coop- The targeting of policemen and ently been picked up by the police content is a huge asset. Its advan- emerging in the situation in the porting the terrorist elements in erative security to the police fami- Article 35A. It may be recalled that the issue is to lesser extent local soldiers after the killing of four local tages in terms of local knowledge, Valley. Quick fix solutions people the manner we are witnessing in lies. This needs a sophisticated under the consideration of the Apex Court of enrolled with the Indian Army, policemen in an ambush near intelligence, liaison and advice are seek are going to remain elusive Kashmir; flash mobs at terror communication strategy which however, has undoubtedly been a Shopian. Unconfirmed reports something that the Army and and the temptation to employ hideouts was not even imagined in must be professionally set up for it. the country. part of terrorist strategy for very and media sources stated that CRPF fully utilize. counter violence against innocents Punjab. Ethically, any campaign The JKP has always come in At the outset, the Centre had, prima facie, long; a ploy to break their will and under some kind of new policy, Ill-informed social media is going to exacerbate rather than against innocents always ends for high praise for its professional- prevent local inhabitants from the JKP along with the Army were burst out with sentiments demand- resolve anything. A few issues with egg on the face and is no ism, loyalty and patriotism. More got nothing to do in the matter till the court being seen to be visibly in support tasked to interrogate families with ing retaliation against the families need to be highlighted before accepted way of conducting a needs to be done for it as far as verdict which at the moment was with the sta- of the counter terrorist (CT) cam- terrorist links and place pressure of terrorists. My own tweet asking examining the potential direction counter campaign. Where evi- terms and conditions of service tus of being posted for hearing in January paign of the Army and the J&K on them. Contact by Army and people in India to condemn the this can take. dence of involvement of terrorist are concerned. It’s a resource that Police (JKP). Stray killing of JKP with families of terrorists is terrorist action against innocent People must never view the families in over ground support or the sponsors across the LoC know 2019. However, Dr. Farooq, the NC Patron informers linked to the police have nothing new. It has been a norm to families was re-tweeted over security situation purely from the otherwise is proved legal action is a major asset in India’s quiver. wants the Central Government as also the occurred and some policemen urge the parents and other close 20000 times but the comments Army’s angle and wonder why the must be initiated. We need to be extremely careful themselves were targeted. Yet, relatives to appeal to terrorists, expressed anger and even regret JKP cannot secure its own. The The temptation to target fami- in doing anything which may State Government to take a "positive there was no large scale campaign especially newly inducted ones, to that the Army and other security concept of policing and soldiering lies with links to those in terrorist upset its equilibrium. Once that is favourable " stand in and outside the court. as being witnessed in the past six return to normal life. Some high forces (SF) were not doing in a hybrid proxy conflict has dif- ranks is something that will please lost, regaining it may just remain months in particular. Post the profile actions have been publi- enough to send home a strong ferent strokes. The Army after the sponsors of proxy war who an elusive dream. He termed the decision of the Government to killing of , police cized in the past with return of message to the terror groups; the operating in the field returns to the would probably get another oppor- (The author is former GOC of hold the Local Bodies polls as "taken in a hur- homes were targeted and many Majid Khan the 20 year old foot- strong message that most advocat- secure environment of its billets tunity to further their campaign based 15 Corps). families forced to swear allegiance (In agreement with ried way" which did not take into considera- ball player who had joined the ed was a tit for tat action to target and camps; the JKP does not do without having to work for it. The tion the "prevailing situation". The National Dwarika Prasad Sharma empathy were on ample display. The NGO Global Peace Organisa- Conference is seeing the contesting of the he Kashmir happenings tion celebrated Independence Day now have a way of shifting Kinks in Islamisation of terrorism Article in the Apex Court, though neither by with inmates of the old age home, between real-macabre and try and aid the escape of cornered the Central nor the State Government, as T er on the big day is too big a ques- ed by the Hizbul Mujahideen, he the European occupiers back to together with children of the surreal-macabre. The recent spate terrorists , and often succeed with tion for the half-assed "jehadis" to was designated by Al-Qaida as a their countries, knowing full well orphan home and school. After the unnecessarily fiddling with it. of kidnappings of relatives of their diversionary tactic. The big understand. commander of Ansar Ghazwat-ul- that they could regroup and wage hoisting of the Tricolour and the policemen, in retaliation for the On the other hand, the Peoples Democratic difference is that the defaulting NC chief Farooq Abdullah Hind. Ansar in Arabic means another Crusade. chanting of "Bharat Mata ki jai", detention for questioning of the kin media can only push the terrorists was booed when he had gone to helper and ghazwa is war. Ansar When his fourth son was about the chairman of the NGO, Advo- Party president and former Chief Minister of some marked but slippery ter- into risky disruptive and violent the Hazratbal shrine for his Eid connotes modesty, but Ghazwat- to set forth from Jerusalem, he cate Sheikh Altaf Hussein, who is on Sept 4, in Rajouri while rorists, is said to be a first-time situations and bring harm to the prayers. Asection of the congrega- ul-Hind, i.e., war on Hind, is a advised him: "I warn you against a devout Muslim, related how he event in South Kashmir, which has tion even attempted to bear down quixotic tall order. The Daesh, or shedding blood, indulging in it, or addressing a workers' rally, had described general public as well. was surprised by the message now earned the dark distinction of Then there are purveyors of on him. A chant of "Moosa, ISIS, has miserably failed to get a making a habit of it, for BLOOD board on the PoK side of the Aman Article 35A as a bridge between the State of being the breeding ground of ter- fake "news" and rumours, espe- Moosa" was raised by some youth, foothold among Muslim youth in NEVER SLEEPS (it haunts you Setu in Uri. It reads: " se Jammu and Kashmir and the Union of India. rorism. cially on social media like Face- obviously as a counter to Farooq's this country, and the Ansar cannot and takes revenge on you)." rishta kya, La Ilahaillallah ." He The detentions for questioning book, WhatsApp and Twitter, full-throated cries of "Bharat Mata hope for anything better. Salahuddin, who appropriated wondered how such Islamisation Mehbooba Mufti has also urged Governor were after the killing of four Spe- which trigger unfounded anger ki jai" at a memorial meeting for Syed Salahuddin, the Muzaf- to himself the name of the great, of of a welcoming message was Satya Pal Malik to convene all party meeting cial Operations Group policemen and violence. The young SSP of Atal Bihari Vajpayee where farabad-based Hizb chief and compassionate warrior, was relevant to families from this side in Shopian by terrorists in opera- and other bigwigs leader of the United Jehad Coun- over holding of the Panchayat and Municipal Shopian, Sandeep Choudhary, apparently led by the "Yusuf" part of the LoC crossing over to meet tionally most unlikely circum- recently organised a seminar on across a wide social spectrum were cil, has expressed misgivings at the of Salah ad-Din's name. The Hizb their kin and friends. He compared polls so that a broader consensus was stances. They proved to be sitting fake news which was well-attend- present. global pretensions of some Kash- chief's real name is Yusaf Shah. His it with the message board on the reached. ducks, raising questions about ed by mediapersons and police During the monsoon session miri terrorists. He has called for two sons who have been caught in Indian side which reads: "Mazhab adequate training to anticipate, and officers. It highlighted the incen- of Parliament, he cried himself keeping the Kashmir "struggle" the NIA dragnet were channelling nahin sikhata, aapas mein bair We feel that there should be no demurrer in be prepared for, such strikes. diary aspects of fake news and hoarse claiming the title of a localised. money to terrorists while being on rakhna", while symbols of Hin- "nationalist" in his speech during any way in calling an all party meet by the Hours earlier, a Hizb commander rumours. The SSPasserted that the Saladin is how European Cru- the payroll of the state. Was the duism, Islam, Sikhism and Chris- the no-confidence motion debate. and an associate had been gunned mediapersons could thus become saders used to call the greatest war- money being channelled to buy tianity are emblazoned on it. Governor, wherein everyone concerned, could But his utterances in front of dif- rior the Muslim world has known. down in Anantnag district. witting or unwitting accessories of rosaries or to spill blood? I believe such messengers of ferent crowds and in different His real name was Salah ad-Din put forth one's point of view, suggestions, Alarge section of the Kashmir disruptive and destructive forces. Al-Qaeda and Zakir Moosa secularism and peace from Jam- media, teeming with rank green- milieus betray a 360-degree rota- Yusuf ibn Ayyub. He was adored objections, amends and even obtaining certain The incremental Islamisation have both overreached themselves mu, who know their own state and horns, fail to distinguish between of terror in Kashmir has incon- tion of apparently contradictory by the Arabs for recapturing and blasphemed in using bends of mind. people better than any do-gooders assurances to pave the way for conducting of "detention" and "arrest". The gruities and contradictions. The Jerusalem in 1187 from Crusader "ghazwa" in relation to mere ter- Now, why the chant of from outside, should often go on detentions were reported as killing of Muslims going to or occupation. Jews and Christians rorists. The word was reserved by the elections smoothly which have, otherwise, "Moosa, Moosa" at Hazratbal? missions to Kashmir to make the arrests, thus lending a touchpaper emerging from mosques is terror- also had great regard for his piety Prophet Muhammed for cam- fallen overdue. When it is admittedly agreed The young chanters had gone there rebels see that there are strong for anyone to grab and light up a ism pure and simple, not Islamic and compassion. He did not nurse paigns he himself mounted, and in a pre-planned move. Zakir any passion for revenge against the alternative viewpoints in the state that starting democratic process from the grass fire, and later justify it. jehad. So is the selective killing of was not used for the ones he dele- Moosa represents a sentiment dia- occupiers who had committed which cannot be wished away. This section of the media are policemen and servicemen on, or gated. root levels would go a long way in diluting the metrically opposite of "Bharat atrocities on Muslims. There are (The writer is a Senior Journalist) in the same class as flash crowds on the eve of, Eid. What it means In Jammu recently, there was mata ki jai". After being discredit- tales of his facilitating the return of [email protected] impact and the writ of elements bent upon cre- of stone-throwers who gather to for them and their kin to be togeth- an event where compassion and ating obstacles and proving inimical by their Dr Raja Muzaffar Bhat year Swachh Bharat Mission actions towards Kashmir returning to normalcy, (SBM) programme, we have not there is no objection in assuaging the feelings, ecently Jammau and taken up any project on rural Kashmir Government Gobar Dhan irrelevant in J&K if any, and clearing certain mistrust or appre- waste management during last 4 Rthrough General Admin- Solid Liquid Waste Management What is Gobar Dhan ? even taken up. The Gobar Dhan Jammu & Kashmir 99 percent years.Gobar Dhan can't be suc- istration Department (GAD) hensions. (SLWM) in rural areas. SLWM is Union Minister of Drinking scheme focuses on keeping vil- Panchayats haven't received cessful in J&K as the cattle pop- issued an order for constitution of a component under Swachh Water and Sanitation Uma Bhar- lages clean, increasing the funding under SBM Gramin for ulation in J&K is not so huge like An all party meet shall, therefore, decidedly State Technical Advisory Com- Bharat Mission Gramin (SBM- ti launched Gobar Dhan scheme income of rural households, and undertaking Solid Liquid Waste Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan or mittee (STAC) for implementa- play its positive democratic and realistic role in Gramin). Instead of giving this on April 30th this year from generation of energy from cattle Management (SLWM) projects. UP. Our priority is Rural Waste tion of newly launched Centrally taking all stakeholders on board and try evolv- scheme a priority, the focus of National Dairy Research Insti- waste. Gobar Dhan yojna will be This indicates that instead of Management but due to ineffi- sponsored scheme "Gobar Rural Development Department tute at Karnal in Haryana. Gobar implemented using Solid Liquid undertaking SLWM now our vil- ciency of our political leaders and ing consensus for conducting Municipal and Dhan". In addition to it, direc- (RDD) during last 4 years has Dhan scheme is being imple- Waste Management (SLWM) lages will have to take up Gob- bureaucrats, Solid Liquid Waste tions were issued for constitution Panchayat elections. So priorities must rest on been on construction of lavato- mented as part of the Swachh funding pattern of SBM-Gramin arDhan scheme, which seems to Management (SWM) could not of District Water & Sanitation / be executed even in half a dozen development of villages by the active participa- Swachta Committees and Block ries which is marred by corrup- Bharat Mission Gramin (SBM guidelines. The total assistance be irrelevant in case of J&K. tion of the elected representatives and political level committees on implemen- tion and bunglings. Construction Gramin). SBM Gramin as I have under SBM (G) for SLWM proj- Conclusion blocks of Jammu and Kashmir. tation of Gobar Dhan and of lavatories / washrooms is to already mentioned in my previ- ects is worked out on the basis of Budget amounting to hun- Now J&K Government is issuing issues must not hold hostage development at Swachh Bharat Mission. At a counter "Open Defecation , but ous articles comprises two main total number of households in dreds of crores is allocated by circulars and orders to take up base or rural levels in the State. time when J&K Rural Develop- again open defection is not seri- components for creating clean each Gram Panchayat (GP) or Government of India towards Gobar Dhan scheme, this seems ment Department (RDD) has ous threat for villages in Jammu villages - 1) creating open defe- Panchayat Halqa , subject to a Swachh Bharat Mission Gramin completely an unwise and absurd US to cancel $300 million failed to implement Rural Waste and Kashmir like in states of UP, cation free (ODF) villages 2) maximum of Rs 7 lakh for a GP (SBM Gramin). SBM Gramin step. First let RDD tell people Management under Swachh Bihar, Rajasthan etc. Our villages managing solid and liquid waste having up to 150 households, project vis a vis Solid Liquid why it has failed to implement aid to Pakistan Bharat Mission Gramin (SBM- instead need scientific waste dis- in villages. As already mentioned Rs.12 lakh up to 300 households, Waste Management is opera- waste management schemes in Gramin) issuing circulars and posal mechanism but this has not ODF is not a big challenge for Rs. 15 lakh up to 500 households tional in all the states except villages ?Advisor B B Vyas and been the priority of Jammu & J&K state but managing Solid and Rs.20 lakh for GPs having J&K. The reason is Rural Devel- Chief Secretary must take up this rice for misadventures like patronizing orders for another scheme like Gobar Dhan seems absurd. Hav- Kashmir Government, with the and Liquid waste is indeed a seri- more than 500 households. Fund- opment Department failed even issue with Secretary RDD and terror while claiming monetary aid in the ing a very bitter experience with result, our villages from Kathua ous threat for our rural areas. ing for SLWM project under to prepare the Detailed Project Directors of RDD Jammu / Kash- name of "fighting" terrorism must be the way our Govt agencies work, to Kupwara and Poonch to Pad- Unfortunately, all the focus of SBM (G) will continue to be pro- Reports (DPRs) for the project. mir plus Director Rural Sanita- P I am sure Gobar Dhan yojna like der have turned into garbage authorities especially our BDOs vided by the Central and State These DPRs were to be prepared tion. Infact, J&K High Court has paid and as if international isolation of Pakistan other yojnas will meet the same dumps and cesspool of liquid has been on construction of Government in the ratio of 60:40 by consultants after the scheme also sought an explanation from on that count was not enough to bring it round fate. I wish I am proved wrong. waste and household sewerage. washrooms and lavatories across as per the existing formula.Only was launched in October 2014. Rural Development and Rural in changing its terror policy , the United States Swachh Bharat Mission Funds are available to counter J&K . I can say with authority that those Gram Panchayats which Till date J&K Govt has failed Sanitation Department (RDD) on Urban and Gramin both will waste management issues with 30 to 40 percent lavatories / have not availed SLWM funds even to hire consultants who as this issue in a Public Interest Lit- has decided to out- rightly cancel $300 million complete 4 years of its imple- Government of India, but they washrooms that already existed under SBM(G) are eligible to per SBM Gramin guidelines have igation (PIL) filed by an NGO military aid to the terror country. mentation next month. Through could not be requisitioned as no across villages in Jammu and receive the financial assistance to prepare DPRs at state and dis- Environmental Policy Group. this article, I am trying to high- proposals were sent to Govern- Kashmir were shown to have under Gobar-Dhan scheme, sub- trict level. As DPRs were not pre- Now the judiciary is the only President Trump has felt and rightly so, that light the implementation of SBM ment of India by J&K Govern- been constructed under SBM ject to the limits of guidelines. pared by consultants, J&K Gov- hope which can make our bureau- with the change of guard in Pakistan, there Gramin. J&K Government has ment through Rural Develop- Gramin during last 2 to 3 years. However, States shall have the ernment failed to get the funding crats and Govt officers imple- were no prospects of any change in the miserably failed even to get the ment Department (RDD) or its On the other hand, managing flexibility to provide additional from Union Ministry of Rural ment rural waste management necessary funding from central another offshoot Rural Sanitation waste in villages which should funds to any GP based on viabil- Development and Drinking schemes. avowed state policy of that country towards Government to go ahead with Department. have been a priority was not at all ity under the scheme. In case of Water and Sanitation. Out of 5 [email protected] patronizing terrorism in its entirety excepting feigning some cosmetic actions on the Afghan Pakistan border areas. Its perceptible and Spurt in fuel prices assertive action against terror groups like the Sir, Power situation in Jammu Haqqani network and Lashkar-e-Toiba having The unusual spurt in diesel and petrol prices as a result of deadly cock- Reduce taxes been found nonexistent and instead engineer- tail of surging global oil prices and falling rupee value signals danger to the Sir, Sir, economy, now on the path to recovery clocking 8 per cent GDP in the first ing terror acts in Afghanistan using those very quarter of this financial year. This has reference to the article " Positive impact of It is a matter of great concern that power situation in Jammu is terrorists, to eliminate which it has been seek- Surging fuel prices have the potential to destablise the economy as it is demonetisation'' DE Aug 31, 2018. worsening day by day. People are subjected to scheduled and The author has highlighted that the major positive ing aid and monetary grants from the US, the inflationary, can widen current account deficit, already hit by falling rupee unscheduled power cuts of short duration day in and day out. These and impact strained fiscal deficit if tax cuts are resorted to rein-in prices. It impact of demonetisation was to make India tax compli- cuts have made the life of people quite miserable particularly dur- Pentagon has announced its firm decision is certainly a dilemma for the Narendra Modi Government, which appears ant to which I would like to add: ing these hot and humid days. Most sufferers are children, patients about cancelling the aid as "we have got noth- to have not managed fuel prices well when compared to the previous UPA To make society 'tax compliant' the Government need and old aged persons. Student community is no less effected. The Government. to put less tax on poor and middle classes so that more peo- life has gone hayware in almost every house. ing but lies and deceit". ple will come forward for their contribtion towards nation Notwithstanding surging global oil prices and falling rupee, one of the The previous BJP-PDPcoalition Government had promised that Interestingly but brazenly, the Pakistan development. At the same time, rich people should be reasons for high domestic fuel prices is the high taxes both at the Centre and there will be substantial improvement in electricity. Instead of charged more tax so as to enhance revenue. Foreign Minister SM Qureshi has given a new States as petrol and diesel are considered to be milch cows for revenue mop- improvement we see erratic supply. It is quite disgusting to note that up. Being a banker, I have seen businessmen who earn 1-2 the Power Development Department has started laying new wires spin to the cancelled US aid by saying that the It was time India looked at the possibility of bringing petrol and diesel lakh per month on an average have an ITR of Rs 800. All in this humid season. One wonders why they did not undertake this amount was Pakistan's own as she had under Goods and Services Tax so that incidence of tax is reduced and cas- know that business is done in cash by them, so they hide it. massive exercise during February or March months when temper- already spent this amount from "our own cading effects minimized for the benefit of common man. Also it is time the While an employee is answerable to employer, has to Government explored opportunities of getting tax revenue. Widening tax meet deadlines, an elected representative is neither account- ature remains low. Besides, no reforms have been initiated to check resources for shared goal of war against ter- base and taxing rich farmers' income could be some of the options. Of course, able to anybody nor does he pay taxes. They should frame power pilferage. Even now people are provided illegal power con- rorism". Well, that is seen from the happenings keeping tax rates high on tobacco and alcohol is not that exploitative as they policies so that MLAs, MPs are also made tax complaint. nections. in Afghanistan, Kashmir and elsewhere about are sin goods injurious to health. But keeping the tax rates high on fuel is a Besides, in India only 33 percent tax is imposed on rich Unless drastic steps are taken by the Government, consumers sin that hits people in every walk of life, particularly the poor. tycoons whileas in America it is 50 percent. will continue to suffer. which Pakistan cannot mislead the comity of K R Sudhaman Pankaj Bharti Veer Singh nations any more. on e-mail on e-mail Jammu