2018-2019 Student Activity Fee Report
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2018‐2019 Student Activity Fee Student Organization Funding Report The amount of the Student Activity Fee for 2018‐19 was $321 and was used to support the operation, maintenance, and debt service expenditures for Student Engagement and Campus Life and for support of various student organization programming activities as determined by the Student Budget Board. For 2018‐ 19, $1,620,096 was available to be allocated to support student organizations, which included a base allocation of $1,240,889 for fiscal year 2018‐19, and $379,207 of unspent and/or unallocated funds carried forward from the prior fiscal year. Student organizations applying for student activity fee funding must submit budget requests to be reviewed by the Student Budget Board (SBB). Only organizations that have registered with Student Engagement and Campus Life, are eligible to submit a budget request. All organizations may be asked to appear before the board to present their request and to answer questions of the board members. The board is governed by funding policies approved by the Commission on Student Affairs (CSA). The Student Budget Board, a standing committee under the CSA, is responsible for reviewing budget requests and making funding decisions for University Chartered Student Organizations (UCSO), University Student Life Programs (USLP), and Registered Student Organizations (RSO). Its membership is composed of Virginia Tech students. The Student Budget Board is advised by the Associate Director of Student Engagement and Campus Life, a full time, administrative staff member. The following groups received funding through the budget board process. For more information about an organization, please go to the Virginia Tech homepage www.vt.edu and select "Clubs, Organizations, and Involvement" under the Campus Life menu section. Official Student Organizations Receiving Funding Allocations During the Fiscal Year 2018‐19 Organization Name Mission/Activities 2018‐19 Allocation Academic Competition Organization The Academic Competition Organization at Virginia Tech (ACO‐VT) is an $265.00 academic team that participates in intercollegiate Quizbowl competitions and hosts high school and collegiate competitions. Along with our competition season, VTACO strives to make Quizbowl more accessible in both the high school and collegiate level and to have fun! Active Minds Active Minds is a student‐led mental health group that works $3,846.00 to raise awareness about mental health, raise funds for critical mental health education and resources, promote positive mental health and wellness, educate students and educators about the signs and symptoms of mental health disorders, and encourage students who are struggling to reach out and seek help. Aerial Robotics Club at VT This drone club is aimed at gathering any people (undergrads, grads, $3,859.00 faculty, hobbyists, etc) to build drones and brainstorm all possible drone applications in a laid‐back manner. African Student Association The African Students Association ‐ Virginia Tech Chapter is a non‐ $4,217.00 exclusive, cultural, social, and educational body geared towards serving the community and promoting unity and cultural awareness between all who find interest in Africa and its diaspora. Ag Ldr & Comm Ed Grad Stdnt Council As graduate students must balance the independence and stresses of $2,066.00 being an adult with the frustrations and worries involved in pursuing a degree, the purpose of the organization is to communicate needs of graduate students in the Department Agricultural, Leadership and Community Education both internal and external to Virginia Tech, serve as an open forum for graduate students to discuss current topics related to the Department Agricultural, Leadership and Community Education and agricultural industry, assist in the professional development of graduate students in the Department Agricultural, Leadership and Community Education, which include but are not limited to research development, communication, and evaluation, and serve as a resource for the Department Agricultural, Leadership and Community Education in recruitment and other outreach efforts. Ahlubayt Student Association Ahlul‐Bayt Student Association (ABSA) is a determined and goal‐ $2,420.00 orientated gathering of Muslims on campus whose aim is to offer an academic medium for the followers of the Ahlul‐Bayt (as) and to propagate the teachings of the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet Muhammad. ABSA’s mission clearly entails cooperation with other societies, to build a friendly and frank ambiance on campus; free from prejudice, racism and discrimination. Airsoft Club at VT ACVT is a platform for students participating in the sport of $1,137.00 Airsoft with a focus on working together as a team and military simulation. Alpha Kappa Alpha Alpha Kappa Alpha is the first sorority established by African American $2,390.00 women dedicated to serving all mankind. In the past years of sisterhood, our members have made strides in the African American community by upholding high scholastic and ethical standards and promoting peace worldwide. Amer Assoc of Equine Practitioners AAEP is a student run organization with the goal of furthering $3,148.00 knowledge in the equine veterinary field. This is completed by holding monthly meetings, wet labs and weekly rounds discussions in the Large Animal Hospital. Page 2 of 21 Official Student Organizations Receiving Funding Allocations During the Fiscal Year 2018‐19 Organization Name Mission/Activities 2018‐19 Allocation Amer Inst Aeronautics/Astronautics The Virginia Tech AIAA Student Branch has over 100 members $2,300.00 ranging from freshman to graduate students and alumni. The organization is dedicated towards promoting resources, opportunities, and community for students to strengthen their technical and professional knowledge as students and future engineers in the aerospace field. The organization also works to strengthen student, faculty, and professional relationships within the university's aerospace department by encouraging active participation, communication, collaboration. Students are encouraged to submit papers to and particpate in AIAA student conferences. Amer Inst of Chemical Engineers AIChE at VT is a professional organization devoted to the development $1,054.00 of Chemical Engineers at VT through meetings, corporate relations, etc. American Fisheries Society Chapter Mission $3,106.00 1. To promote the educational, scientific, and technological development and advancement of all branches of fisheries science and practice, including aquatic biology, engineering, economics, fish culture, limnology, oceanography, and technology. 2. To gather and disseminate technical and other information on fishes, fishing, fisheries, and all phases of fisheries science and practice. 3. To hold meetings for the presentation, exchange, and discussion of information, findings, and experiences on all subjects and techniques related to fishes, fishing, fisheries, and all phases of fisheries science and practice. 4. To encourage the teaching of all phases of fisheries science and the training of fisheries workers in accredited colleges and universities. 5. To promote the conservation, development, and wise use of the fisheries. 6. To promote fellowship and professionalism among members of this Chapter. American Veterinary Society of Animal This club enables additional educational opportunities for students $400.00 Behavior to learn about animal behavior through guest speakers, externship opportunities, group trips, and hands on training. Knowledge on animal behavior is a useful skill to have as a veterinarian regardless if you are a small, large, mixed, wildlife, or exotic veterinarian for both diagnosis, prevention, and treatment. Another aspect of animal behavior that is important is that as a veterinarian we will be approached by clients who are having behavioral issues at home and are looking for ways to minimize or eliminate these problems. In addition to these opportunities this club would have the information from professionals that would help the first year students be able to train the MDL dogs during their socialization times more efficiently using appropriate training methods. Appalachia Collective We aim to support the greater Appalachian community while engaging $755.00 with the residents of Southwest Virginia. This club is open to any and all who are interested in interacting with the culture of the region. We will host and sponsor many different types of Appalachia‐related events. These may include bringing in artists such as Affrilachian poets or old time musicians, going hiking, traditional folk dancing, and engaging in the community through service. Page 3 of 21 Official Student Organizations Receiving Funding Allocations During the Fiscal Year 2018‐19 Organization Name Mission/Activities 2018‐19 Allocation Arabic Language Club at VT The Arabic Language Club is a non‐profit student organization that $221.00 works on enhancing awareness of the Arabic language, heritage, and cultures in all their diversity through social, educational, and service events. The club provides an opportunity for interaction and engagement between students who are enrolled in the Arabic class at Virginia Tech and Arab students/native speakers of Arabic. Asian American Coalition The Asian American Coalition (AAC) @ Virginia Tech was inspired $1,707.00 by other organizational efforts on campus, as well as our own personal drive to establish something that has a more meaningful impact in bringing together Asian