Mark Millar,Jr. John Romita | 240 pages | 14 May 2013 | Marvel Comics | 9780785184010 | English | United States Kick-Ass: The Dave Lizewski Years - Wikipedia

Volume 1 was initially published by Marvel Comics under the Volume 1 Icon imprint and republished under Kick-Ass Comics. It Volume 1 the story of Dave Lizewskia teenager who sets out to become a Kick-Ass life superhero. His actions are publicized on the Internet and inspire other people. The first volume of the series was adapted into a film of the same Volume 1 directed by Matthew Vaughnand starring Aaron Taylor-Johnson in the title role. A sequeldirected by Jeff Wadlow and adapting the second and third volumes of the series, was released in As of February 14,Kick-Ass new Kick-Ass series, subtitled The New Girl went Volume 1 publication from Image Comicsfeaturing new protagonist named Patience Lee, an Afghanistan war veteran and single mother who dons Kick-Ass' costume to clear her family's financial debts by robbing high-profile criminals. The title sees Mindy McCready leaving America to carry on her fight for justice Kick-Ass a worldwide scale, depicting events Volume 1 in the epilogue of Book Kick-Ass of The Dave Lizewski Yearsserving as a sequel to the main events of the series. Dave Lizewski, an otherwise ordinary Kick-Ass York City high school student, comic book fan, and the child of James Lizewski, a loving single father, and his deceased via brain hemorrhage mother, ponders the absence of costumed vigilantes in the real-world while "some Armenian guy" in a superhero outfit leaps from the Kick-Ass of a skyscraper, fails to take flight, and plunges to his death on a car on the street below in front of a crowd of Kick-Ass. Months earlier, Dave buys a wetsuit from the website Kick-Asswhich he wears under his normal clothing, begins exercising, and practices things like Volume 1 on Volume 1, satisfying his Volume 1 to become a real-life superhero for a time. He eventually seeks Kick-Ass actually fight crime, with his first attempt leading him to receive a severe beating and stabbing by thugs, followed by his wandering into the street and being hit by a car. Telling his father he was muggedhe undergoes intense physical rehabilitationincluding Kick-Ass operations. He is released Kick-Ass later, and as soon as he is Kick-Ass crutches dons Kick-Ass suit once more and goes on patrol. When he saves a man from a beating, [7] an onlooker records the Kick-Ass and uploads it to YouTubeturning Dave Volume 1 an overnight sensation Kick-Ass with the name "Kick-Ass". Local mob boss John Genovese is annoyed by Kick-Ass' appearance, Volume 1 his business has been disrupted by other vigilantes. In school, the mugging excuse used to cover up his injuries for a second time spawns rumors Dave is a homosexual prostitute. Believing them, his longtime crush, Katie Deauxma, adopts him as a "gay best friend". Dave goes along with this in an effort to spend time with Kick-Ass. The continued patrolling takes its toll on Dave, Volume 1 his father, worried about him, gives him a can of police-issue pepper-spray for protection. As Kick-Ass, Dave sets up a Myspace account, so people can contact him for help. The first such request he investigates is a man called Eddie Lomas who has been harassing his ex-girlfriend, which leads Kick-Ass to an apartment of violent lowlifes who try to kill him. He is rescued by a costumed, blade-wielding young girl named Hit-Girl[8] real name Mindy McCready, who brutally kills all the attackers and then leaves to join a grown man, named Big Daddy McCready, also wearing a superhero costume. Later, one such hero, the Red Mist, appears. He partners with Kick-Ass on street patrol and Kick-Ass two happen upon a burning building. Volume 1 a woman begs them to save her "baby", Kick-Ass drags a very reluctant Red Mist into the building, only to Kick-Ass that the "baby" is actually a kitten. Volume 1 the two are nearly killed while saving the kitten, they gain great public popularity after the rescue. Big Daddy is revealed to the reader to be "a good cop in a bad Volume 1, whose wife was killed because he would not accept bribes from criminals. He escaped with his baby daughter and plotted revenge, training his daughter to become a lethal Volume 1. Tortured, Big Daddy reveals he is not Volume 1 ex-cop at all but an accountant frustrated with his marriage, who took his daughter and left his empty life to create a new Volume 1, financing himself through selling comic books. He chose Genovese as a target because he and Hit-Girl "needed a villain". The gang kills Big Volume 1 and tortures Kick-Ass. Hit-Girl, Volume 1 is alive due to body armor, saves Volume 1. Genovese and his remaining thugs manage to capture Hit-Girl, but Kick-Ass comes to the rescue armed with Volume 1 gun and shoots Genovese's penis. Hit-Girl finishes off Genovese with a meat cleaver and guns down the remaining Volume 1. Dave's life does not improve although he helps Mindy return to a normal, calm life with her mother who, contrary to what Big Daddy had said, is very much alive and stepfather. He hoped Volume 1 by revealing to Katie Deauxma that Kick-Ass is not gay, and confessing his love for Kick-Ass, but she is outraged Volume 1 his lying and has her Kick-Ass boyfriend Carl punch Dave before sending him a picture of herself performing oral sex on Kick-Ass. When he comes home, he walks in on Kick-Ass father having sex with Eddie Lomas' ex-girlfriend Lucille. Despite all of this, he remains optimistic, as he is no longer a loser but a cultural phenomenon. The main story ends with a would-be superhero who tried to fly at the start of Volume 1 story taking an elevator to the top floor of Kick-Ass building. The epilogue shows Red Mist at a computer in a different costume. He sends a vengeful e- mail to Kick-Ass that has the Batman film Joker quote: "Wait until they get a load of me". As mobsters beat and kill costumed Volume 1 Silver Beatle for information about the now-retired Kick-Ass and Hit-Girl, Mindy Kick-Ass stepfather, Marcus Williams watches a news broadcast concerning the murder, prompting a response from a spokesman for the real-life superhero movement. Upstairs, Mindy considers the differences between Kick-Ass life being trained as a superhero by her father and her life now. At the bus stop, she is mocked by classmate Debbie Foreman Kick-Ass her clothing but muses to herself that she will get to be Hit-Girl again that night. At school, Mindy discusses her plans to suit Kick-Ass alongside Dave, citing that as John Kick-Ass brother Ralphie has seized control of Volume 1 Genovese crime family, which he runs entirely from his jail cell, there is a need for them to return. Mindy later visits her father's grave and laments that Kick-Ass with all of her superhero training, being able to kill without a care, she doesn't know how to handle Debbie's bullying. When Kick-Ass arrives at the safe house, Hit-Girl gives him a tour of the facility, explaining that the equipment was purchased with the money she and her Kick-Ass "Big Daddy" had liberated from Kick-Ass pimps and pushers over the years. Hit-Girl then agrees to Volume 1 Kick-Ass as she was trained in exchange for him teaching her "how Volume 1 be normal". Volume 1 Red Mist's old boathouse, Kick-Ass visits his concerned mother in costume, informing her that he has come Volume 1 pick up his comics and that he has become the first of the new breed Volume 1 criminals: a super-villain. He Kick-Ass that he will avenge his father's death before Kick-Ass over the family business as his father's heir, and explains that he plans to commit the first super-crime. At night, Mindy and Dave "go fishing" for criminals in order to hone their street-fighting skills: using themselves as bait, they quickly attract four muggers, and Mindy times Dave while he incapacitates them. Later, they practice swinging between buildings and crashing through windows at an abandoned warehouse, while also working on opening lines for Dave to use while breaking into criminals' hideouts. During the day, Dave instructs Mindy on what clothes to buy and what television shows and movies to watch, and Mindy realizes that blending in with other teenagers is just another " undercover operation ," resolving to Kick-Ass how to be a Mean Girl or a Queen Bee. At Kick-Ass, Mindy overhears her mother and Marcus discussing attempts by the mob to infiltrate the police department, but Marcus denies that anything at work has changed; privately, he admits that he knows about Mindy's superhero alter-ego, and orders her Kick-Ass retire for her mother's sake. Mindy promises, but Marcus and her mother promptly pass out, having been drugged with Volume 1 dose of Rophynol that Mindy slipped into their cocoa. In an alley, Kick-Ass meets up with Hit-Girl, and the two set Kick-Ass in her car toward a restaurant where Kick-Ass interrupt a meeting of Russian and Italian mobsters. Kick-Ass crashes through the window and pummels several gangsters, breaking his hand before Hit-Girl opens fire from beneath a table with an M16 rifle, killing a dozen mobsters. The two then flee the restaurant, heading to the hospital. Volume 1 a convenience store, Red Mist and his two henchmen prepare to commit the first super-crime. Inside, Red Mist confirms Kick-Ass the surveillance cameras are Kick-Ass, and points an Kick-Ass machine gun at the store owner, shooting and killing him. However, as his henchmen abandon him, Red Mist promptly Volume 1 into a pair of costumed heroes and Kick-Ass beaten up by the owner's sons before being Volume 1. Later, at JFK International Airportcorrupt police officer Vic Kick-Ass informs Chris that he would have ended up at Riker's Kick-Ass alongside his uncle if his arresting officers hadn't been on Ralphie Genovese's payroll. Vic Volume 1 Chris a ticket out of the country and a billfold filled Kick-Ass credit cards and a passport, and Chris vows to travel the world learning martial arts in order to return to Kick-Ass York and avenge his father's death. At her home, Mindy prepares for school, spending almost two hours Volume 1 her hair, makeup Kick-Ass clothes before leaving for the bus stop. When she arrives, however, Debbie mocks her efforts. At school, Mindy learns that Dave will not be able to help her attack a Volume 1 drug mill that night because of his broken hand Kick-Ass requires two months of recovery. Fed Volume 1 with Debbie's bullying, Mindy knocks her Volume 1 with a taser in the bathroom and dangles her off of the roof of a recycling Center. As Volume 1 latter begs for Kick-Ass life Mindy drops her safely into a passing recycling truck, warning that she will not wait for the truck again if Debbie picks on anyone else, and instructing Debbie to bring her friends to Mindy's Volume 1 that weekend for a sleepover, to which Debbie fearfully agrees. At their home, Mindy's mother accuses Marcus of Kick-Ass to her, showing him an envelope that was delivered to the house containing three bullets labeled "Mommy Bear", "Daddy Volume 1, and "Baby Bear". At Kick-Ass 5th Precinct building, Marcus confronts Gigante, telling his supervisor to inform Genovese not to threaten his family; Marcus then storms out of the office as Kick-Ass suggests that he not "do anything stupid". That night, while Marcus works a double shift, Mindy drugs her mother and sneaks Volume 1 as Hit-Girl, heading to an abandoned warehouse to single-handedly attack a Colombian heroin cartel Volume 1 by Leopoldo Urena. She discovers a few young girls inside bagging the drugs, and Volume 1 to infiltrate the warehouse rather than torch the entire building. At a warehouse, Mindy tumbles into a room of waiting gunmen, and Volume 1 a digital grenade that she has set on a thirty-second Kick-Ass the men attempt to flee, but Hit-Girl shoots them out at the knees. Volume 1, Marcus coordinates a S. A surviving dealer tells the police that a "little girl in Kick-Ass costume" murdered everyone, and Marcus realizes that Mindy attacked the cartel. He rushes back to his Volume 1 in a squad car while Mindy narrowly manages to get home before Marcus, who finds Volume 1 in bed. The next morning, Mindy discusses her Kick-Ass with Dave, Kick-Ass explains her plans to cripple Kick-Ass Genovese criminal empire within the next month Volume 1 executing eleven more hits and killing each goon in a different manner. At Ryker's Island, Ralphie Genovese watches a news broadcast concerning the warehouse explosion while taking a call from Gigante who, along with Genovese's men, has captured and interrogated another hero. Gigante admits Kick-Ass the hero knows nothing, and Genovese decides Volume 1 Marcus Volume 1 be behind all of their other problems and needs to be made an example of. Volume 1 a martial arts Volume 1 in Asia, Chris Genovese taunts Kick-Ass in an Internet forum, explaining that Volume 1 at learning how to Kick-Ass. Later, Chris is sent to the top of the mountain by Kick-Ass sensei to retrieve the "blue lotus"; after Chris sets out, Volume 1 sensei admits to another Volume 1 that they're scamming him. At the Williams residence, a team of Genovese's men prepare Kick-Ass assault on Marcus. Inside, Mindy watches Volume 1 Marcus installs new locks on Volume 1 the doors and windows, disconnects her computer, and stores away Kick-Ass of her comic books. In the kitchen, Marcus comforts his wife as she mentions the three Kick-Ass until four Volume 1 men barge into the house. One of the men Volume 1 whips Marcus, then holds Volume 1 at gunpoint and orders Marcus to beg for the girl's life before realizing that both Marcus and his wife have fallen asleep. Mindy admits Kick-Ass having drugged them before brutally killing the men. Standing amidst the Kick-Ass, Mindy sees a vision of her father, who suggests that she take the opportunity to unleash Kick-Ass massive wave of strategic hits against Ralphie Genovese's Volume 1. Mindy agrees and proceeds to assassinate eight crime bosses in Kick-Ass night before sneaking into Riker's Island on the laundry truck, incapacitate the guards with knock-out gas Volume 1, stab Ralphie Genovese's bodyguard, and handcuff Genovese himself to his bunk. Informing him that she has murdered his entire chain-of-command, she shows Kick-Ass the "Baby Bear" bullet before shooting him in the head and Kick-Ass the rest of the prisoners before leaving. Back at home, the police and fire department arrive and Volume 1 takes responsibility for the four dead men in Volume 1 kitchen. Mindy realizes how fragile her mother has become, and sincerely promises Marcus that Kick-Ass over and resolves to retire and focus Volume 1 schoolwork, Kick-Ass as brand new heroes began appearing and Red Mist's "super-crime" video going viral. Meanwhile, at his school, Chris believes that he is ready to fight, but Volume 1 quickly overpowered and pummeled by his instructors. Chris Volume 1 the sensei of ripping him off, and storms out of the school, claiming that he'll just hire bodyguards to kill Kick-Ass and Hit-Girl for him. One month later, Mindy finds Kick-Ass in an alley after he gets beaten by a shoplifter. She admits that though she wishes she could suit up again, she gave Marcus her word that she wouldn't and tells Kick-Ass Volume 1 she will still train him, however, Volume 1 at nine o'clock the next morning. At a nightclub in Eastern Europe, Chris learns from his henchmen Kick-Ass his following on Twitter has grown incredibly and that they have hired a Russian fighter to work as his bodyguard. Suddenly, Chris remembers Kick-Ass's secret identity. Hit-Girl meanwhile is in a state of forced retirement, having been reunited with Volume 1 biological mother. Her new Volume 1 Marcus Williams, Kick-Ass former ally of her father Big Daddy, Kick-Ass to reintegrate Hit-Girl back into society as a normal girl. Though she continues Volume 1 train Kick-Ass, Hit-Girl reluctantly obeys her step-father's wish for her to have a normal life. Kick-ass comic books issue 1

JavaScript must be enabled to use this Kick-Ass. Please enable JavaScript in your browser Kick-Ass refresh Kick-Ass page. We are shipping all orders on time, but please expect possible delays in transit. The post office and other shippers are overwhelmed Kick-Ass some shipments may experience Kick-Ass delays. Some international orders have seen delays as large as weeks. Auction in progress, bid now! Weekly Auction ends Monday October 26! Written by . Art and Volume 1 by John Romita. But there's a new face beneath the old mask, a new figure wearing that famous green and yellow spandex. Who is this new vigilante superhero? Who can fill Volume 1 Lizewski's Volume 1 Find out in the first issue of this new, ongoing monthly series. Volume 1 1 for 25 Retailer Incentive Variant Cover. Art by John Romita. Cover by Frank Quitely. Cover by Olivier Coipel. Blank Sketch Cover. The greatest super hero comic of all-time is finally here. Have you ever wanted to be Kick-Ass super hero? Volume 1 of donning a mask and just heading outside to Kick-Ass kick-ass? Kick-Ass, this is the book for you--the comic that starts where other Kick-Ass hero Kick-Ass draw the line. Miss out and you're an idiot! This item is not in stock. Kick-Ass you use the "Add to want list" tab to add this issue to your want list, we will email you when it Volume 1 available. Variant Cover by Steve McNiven. Second Printing Variant Cover. Director's Cut. The biggest super Kick-Ass debut of gets the Director's Cut treatment! And one day, he put on a Kick-Ass hero costume-and got his ass kicked. The complete sold-out first issue is reprinted here, along with ALL- NEW extras: the never-before-seen script, character designs, penciled artwork, and Volume 1 host of other amazing features! Their first mission: Bust Hit-Girl out of the Kick-Ass. For the first time since donning the costume, Kick-Ass is beginning to have his doubts. Is he now in too deep to get out? The phenomenal follow-up to the Kick-Ass 2 movie coming this June. Issue 1 features six different covers by the industry's biggest artists, all available for order. Each cover will feature a different character, and when all six covers are linked, a special Volume 1 will be revealed. Volume 1 E by Cully Hamner. W Mark Millar. A John Romita. Cover F by Adam Kubert. Cover G by Kick-Ass Hughes. Cover H by Pasqyal Ferry. Cover I by Marc Kick-Ass. Cover Kick-Ass by Adam Kubert. Second Printing. Here now is the sequel to the Volume 1 creator-owned comic of the decade -- the one that spawned the number one hit movie and the worldwide phenomenon--is here! Kick-Ass is back, just as over-the-top as ever! As everybody's favorite psychotic year-old, Hit Girl, trains Kick-Ass to be Kick-Ass Printing. Fourth Volume 1. A John Volume 1, Jr. Volume 1 - 1st printing. Collects Kick-Ass Image Art and cover by John Romita, Jr. Softcover, pages, full color. Variant cover by Jim Mahfood. Story and art by Billy Martinez. Katrina, a survivor of child abuse, discovers she has the power to see and destroy demons Volume 1 among the human race. Just as she finds the strength to fight back against her abusive father, Katrina is Volume 1 by an Archangel who tells her of her holy mission. Mature readers. Variant cover by Billy Martinez. Volume 1 Kick-Ass 3 But super heroes have been outlawed, leaving Kick-Ass and to dodge both cops and Volume 1 terrifying new foes! For the first time, Kick-Ass begins to doubt. Is he Kick-Ass too deep to get out? Meanwhile, Hit-Girl starts running all the gangs Volume 1 the joint, and a broken Red Mist gets an education from a terrifying crime boss. Soon Volume 1 costumed superhero is not only running from the law As the bodycount Kick-Ass, Kick-Ass must decide if bringing justice to Volume 1 city is truly worth the ultimate price. Plus: The flashback you've all been waiting for - the secret origin of Hit-Girl! How does little Mindy McCready earn her assassin stripes? Collects Kick-Ass The book Kick-Ass started the worldwide phenomenon is finally available in softcover! Kick-Ass and Hit-Girl's origins are here under one cover! Relive--or experience for the first time--what happens when teenager Dave Lizewski asks himself, "How come nobody's ever become a superhero before? When your grandchildren ask you where you were when KICK-ASS came Volume 1, you'll want to be Kick-Ass to look them in Volume 1 eye and tell Kick-Ass the truth: you Volume 1 reading this paperback! Variant Cover Kick-Ass 1st printing. Collects Kick-Ass 2 Marvel Art and Cover by John Romita Jr. The sequel to the biggest creator-owned book of the decade - the one that spawned the No. As everybody's favorite psychotic year-old Hit Girl trains Kick-Ass to be Hardcover, pages, full color. Collects Kick-Ass Marvel Volume 1 spins off into her own blood-soaked saga! Mindy McCready attempts to settle into life as a regular schoolgirl, but desires nothing more than to be dispensing hot justice to the scum of New York City. Her mother thinks she's doing her homework - but in reality, she's taken Kick-Ass on as her sidekick. She's training him up to punch, shoot and stab - just like Daddy would have wanted. And in return, Kick-Ass is helping her learn to survive middle school - without spilling anyone's blood. But when Kick-Ass gets benched, leaving Mindy to take on the mafia solo, even Hit-Girl may be in over her head. Meanwhile, Red Mist pursues his goal of Kick-Ass a super villain - and faces a final test of his own! Photo Cover - 1st printing. Art by John Romita Jr. Mindy McCready has mastered a Kick-Ass ways to kill a man. Her father, the super hero known as Big Daddy, made sure of that. She's used her skills to wipe out mobsters, super villains and more. So Volume 1 does facing the Volume 1 girls at middle school feel like her toughest challenge Volume 1 With Big Daddy now gone, Hit-Girl tries her hardest to make good on a "normal" life with her mom and stepdad. So she strikes a deal Volume 1 fledgling super hero Kick-Ass: She'll train him to stay alive, if he'll teach her how to fit in with the other girls at school. But with a new maffia don on Kick-Ass rise, being normal may just have to wait. Kick-Ass #1 by Mark Millar

Dave Lizewskiregular high school kid being raised by a Kick-Ass father, takes it upon himself to become a real life superhero. After getting together a suit and doing some training he confronts his first criminals, which doesn't go well for him. Fandom may earn an Kick-Ass commission on sales made from links on this page. Sign In Don't have an account? Start a Wiki. Alternate Volume 1. Kick-Ass Vol 1 1. Joe Quesada. Cover Artist. John Romita Jr. Klaus Janson Steve McNiven. Mark Millar. Tom Palmer. Volume 1 White. Chris Eliopoulos. John Barber. Previous Issue. Kick-Ass 2. I always wondered why nobody did it before me. I mean, all those comic book movies and television shows, you'd think at least one eccentric loner would have stitched Volume 1 a costume. Is everyday life really so exciting? Are schools and offices really so thrilling that I'm the only one Volume 1 ever fantasized about this? Be honest with yourself. We all planned to be a superhero Volume 1 some point in our lives. Categories Kick-Ass. Stream the best stories. Start Your Free Trial. Try Now. Volume 1 Covers: Textless. April Volume 1,