Connections StayingStaying connected connected with with our our supporters supporters WinterAutumn 2014 2015

Summer fundraising update 3 Young people at St Christopher’s 4 Volunteer your skills 5 Our Midnight Walk returns on 10 October 9 Tripes Farm hosts our Classic Car Show on 20 September 12 “Cicely’s vision included the heart From our Joint and the mind, the evidence Chief Executives alongside exemplary skilled care. We invite you to enjoy We should look forward to Cicely’s inspiration for the future” this issue of Connections, Prof Irene Higginson, Director, Cicely Saunders Institute our dedicated supporter newsletter We hope you will take inspiration from and pleasure in reading about the many imaginative ways in which our local community supports us in order to make a difference to the lives of the individuals and families in our care. Looking back at a season of record- breaking fundraising events including our Fun Walk, Open Gardens Festival, Family Fun Day and summer fairs we are highly conscious of how much you do for us. Not only do you turn out in exceedingly large numbers to support our events, whatever the weather, you sponsor us, raise funds and give your time and talents as volunteers. We hope that this season’s programme of events and activities will persuade you Our founder Dame Cicely Saunders Damian Falkowski playing ‘The Lark Ascending’ to continue to support us and remain involved with the life of the hospice. Connections regularly focuses on a particular strand of our work and in this issue we look at some of the ways in which St Christopher’s connects with young people – see page 4. Our Young Adults Group supports young people with life limiting illnesses as they make the move from children’s to adult’s services and our Summer School for 16 to 18 year olds provides students with an opportunity to explore a career in care and gain an understanding of end of life care. These are some aspects of our work that don’t necessarily have a high profile but are none the less a vital part of what we do. As we reflect on our first year in this extraordinary organisation that is St Christopher’s, we are mindful of Over 100 people gathered at the Anniversary Centre for the celebration of Dame Cicely’s work the privilege of being in a position to make a difference to the lives of people facing the most challenging of times, of the talents and commitment of our Celebrating Dame Cicely’s vision staff and volunteers and the generosity of our supporters and partners, without and her incredible determination whom none of our achievements would A milestone in the life of St Christopher’s was reached in June be possible. We thank you for your when over 100 people from as far afield as the Shetland Isles continuing commitment and and Uganda gathered to mark the 10 year anniversary of the wish you and your family all death of our founder Dame Cicely Saunders the best for the season ahead. Ten speakers shared fascinating recollections Lunn and, in recognition of Dame Cicely’s and our Joint Chief Executives gave love of music, a performance of Vaughan an update on St Christopher’s current Williams’ ‘The Lark Ascending’ by the direction and how our work continues violinist Damian Falkowski. to build on Dame Cicely’s vision and If you’d like to know more about how legacy. people paid tribute to Dame Cicely’s The event included a thanksgiving extraordinary life achievements, you Heather service presided over by our Spiritual Care can read summaries of the speeches and and Shaun Lead Dr Andrew Goodhead and audience reflections on our website at St Christopher’s former Chaplain, Rev Len 2 “We were so heartened by the support we received and the number of visitors to our Family Fun Day. We thank our wonderful community and all the stall holders and volunteers who come to enjoy our events and turn out rain or shine to raise the money we need to continue providing skilled and compassionate end of life care in our local areas” Heather Richardson, Joint Chief Executive

Fundraising update: what a great summer it’s been! Our warmest thanks to everyone who helped to make the summer of 2015 such a fantastic fundraising success – here are just a few of the most enjoyable highlights Our best ever Fun Walk for initiating the Fun Walk back in 1990 Family Fun Day and Alan Blanchette and Henry Phillips, in We would like to say a huge thank you Also in June, our community flocked to particular, for supporting David in getting to all our walkers and everyone who St Christopher’s gardens in Sydenham for this biannual event off the ground. Without supported us in so many varied ways for our much loved Family Fun Day. this kind of ongoing dedicated support we making the 2015 Fun Walk such an amazing Our Summer Fair and Food Festival, and success. We saw our highest ever turnout would be unable to stage an event on this the Family Fun Day, were an outstanding of around 3,000 walkers accompanied by a scale. success and together raised over £24,000. great many waggy tailed dogs! We are also very grateful to David Arnold The weather was fantastic and we were and family for helping us to promote the Golf Day and Father’s Day delighted that so many people turned out event by sharing their story and also for Garden Party at Common to support their local taking part. David’s appeal letter generated On the greens and fairways of High Elms hospice. Many people used the occasion to an amazing £10,262 in donations (thank you Golf Course, 120 players enjoyed our walk in memory of someone special. to all who responded) and the family raised Golf Day. Large scale, high profile community events an additional £933 in personal sponsorship. And, new for this year, our Father’s Day like the Fun Walk are extremely important Summer Fair and Food Festival Garden Party held at Sydenham went down for us. They raise much-needed funds and a treat, especially the beer tasting! also awareness of the services we provide We were delighted to welcome more to help patients at the end of life, and their than 4,000 visitors to Open Gardens Festival 2015 families. One walker said: “St Christopher’s in June for our first Wild West themed We’re indebted to all our dedicated garden staff are special people. As a nurse myself Summer Fair and Food Festival. supporters for bringing so much joy to for 37 years, I felt humbled by the care and A record number of visitors enjoyed visitors and raising so much cash through support you gave to me and my husband.” a wide array of stalls, refreshments and entrance fees and sales of all kinds of We are thrilled to tell you that, as we go entertainment including a bucking bronco, enticing objects from plants to bunting! to press, you have raised over £166,000 in line dancing and a delicious selection of If you’re interested in opening your sponsorship. That’s quite a result! foods, from fudge to pizza. A big thank you garden in 2016 to support St Christopher’s Special mentions are due to David to sponsors Riverford Veg Boxes, JDM Estate please contact Anna on 020 8768 4573 or Stoneham and the Langley Park Rotary Club Agents and Ashmore Veterinary Centre. email [email protected]

Painted faces at the Family Fun Day Relaxing in our Open Gardens

David Arnold and his family on the Fun Walk Tucking in at the Food Festival

3 Summer School provides insight into a career in care In July St Christopher’s third annual Summer School welcomed 16 students, aged 16-18, from two local schools and gave them the opportunity to explore the care environment and consider whether this might be a career pathway for them. During the five day course the students worked to achieve a Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF) Award in Understanding How to Work in End of Life Care. A ‘speed-dating’ exercise enabled students to meet members of our multi- disciplinary team and discover how each profession is involved in patient care. Role play exercises gave students the chance to experience care from the patient’s perspective and further insights The Young Adults Group on Saturdays is a social occasion for young people as well as offering support and therapy were gained by observing a facilitated discussion with patients, an art therapy session and visiting our rehabilitation gym. They also took part in activities demonstrating the value of team working to achieve best results. We look forward to the students returning to St Christopher’s with their friends and families on 22 September for a graduation evening when we will present them with their QCF awards. BRIT School live St Christopher’s and the BRIT School’s longstanding partnership brings students and patients together to work There’s even time to relax outdoors with friends The service has creative therapy that includes art and music and learn from each other through a variety of arts projects. In June and July we were delighted We’re helping young people as to welcome BRIT School students to the Anniversary Centre every Tuesday for performances of their they grow into adulthood own compositions, chart hits and St Christopher’s supports young people to help make the songs with special significance to individual patients. Each session ended move from children’s to adult services a little easier with a lively sing along from a packed The last decade has seen a large increase in Sellar, working with the group says: “I have Anniversary Centre of patients, carers, the numbers of young people surviving into a real interest in making sure these young families, visitors, volunteers and staff. adulthood but transition planning is often people have access to good care whenever This summer patients also visited the poor at what is a critical time when those they need it. We aim to make sure they BRIT School and worked with students to with progressive illnesses may deteriorate. know where to go when they need help. produce two radio shows which included Thanks to a grant from the Daisy We have had very exciting days where up patients’ personal choice of music and Foundation, St Christopher’s has so far to 20 young people come together with features on the school’s community identified around 40 young people in our their brothers, sisters and friends. They let work. These were later broadcast live communities who could benefit from our us know what is important to them and by patient and student presenters from services and many are now attending our how St Christopher’s can be helpful in the St Christopher’s in Sydenham. regular social and therapeutic Young Adults future.” Group on Saturdays in the Anniversary If you would like to know more about Centre in Sydenham. our Young Adults Group, please call Phillipa One of our Community on 020 8768 4500 or email p.sellar@ Nurse Specialists, Phillipa

The Young Adults Group “The support is amazing – getting designed one of our beautiful young people out more and Christmas cards this year (left) – showing them there is more to life find out how you can order this than we think, interacting with design and others others and engaging in activities” on page 12 Young Adults Group member Broadcasting live from the Anniversary Centre in Sydenham 4 “It was an absolute pleasure to take my cello along on my home visits so that we could play together. It was lovely for me, but it also seemed to make a real difference to the lady’s wellbeing too” Hannah, a St Christopher’s Community Service Volunteer

GoVolunteer! and put your skills to good use in your local hospice Hannah brings her musical talents to her role as a community service volunteer in people’s own homes Hannah, 24, divides her time between teaching the cello and working as a professional musician. When she graduated from the Royal College of Music two years ago she decided to make time for volunteering. Living in , she had heard about St Christopher’s good work through family and friends and felt that we could put her time to good use. She found our volunteer training course to be of great practical value in helping her to prepare for roles in which she would support patients directly. Hannah’s first role was on the wards where she spent three or four hours most weeks with patients. She says: “The first time I visited the Inpatient Unit I was very impressed by the homely feel. The quiet calm made it a much more pleasant place to be than a hospital. Hannah uses her musical skills whilst volunteering “I really enjoyed spending time on the wards chatting to patients and helping them with practical tasks like choosing and ordering food. Sometimes patients would be concerned that I needed to get Are you interested in volunteering for on with something else and that I shouldn’t waste my time chatting St Christopher’s and want to find out more? to them. I’d have to explain that’s exactly what I was there for, and that I enjoyed talking and listening to them!” St Christopher’s could not achieve what it does without the During the last year Hannah has been a community service support of our dedicated volunteers. volunteer helping our patients in their own homes, which she feels They donate their time and talents to support us in all areas offers even greater rewards by allowing her to develop longer of activity including fundraising events, our high street shops, term relationships. One patient in particular presented her with a patient facing roles and tending to our gardens. serendipitous opportunity. To find out more about volunteering please contact Tina in “It emerged that a patient I was supporting used to be a our Personnel Department by calling 020 8768 4566 or email professional pianist. She said how much she’d love the chance to [email protected] play some music with someone again, and it chimed perfectly with my musical background. “Of course, it was an absolute pleasure to take my cello along on my home visits so that we could play together. It was lovely for me, but more importantly it also seemed to make a real difference to the lady’s wellbeing too.”

Are you a keen photographer who could help focus on our fundraising events? Do you have photography skills and some spare time to join us at our fundraising events and help capture the spirit of an occasion with some great shots for us? If so please call Georgie on 020 8768 4684 or email your details to g.grant@stchristophers. – she’d love to hear from you! Volunteers support makes a huge difference in our shops

5 St Christopher’s Will Week 7-11 September 2015 A gift in your Will is an invaluable way to support St Christopher’s and help to secure expert end of life care for future generations. Around 22 per cent of our income currently comes from legacies making this a vitally important source of funding. Our Will Weeks offer you the chance to gain peace of mind by “I love working in St Christopher’s Inpatient Unit and sorting out your Will while also helping St Christopher’s. Participating solicitors with the Saturday Young Adults Group. I found the kindly donate their services and request experience incredibly valuable and I couldn’t think of that instead of paying them a fee you a more rewarding job” support St Christopher’s with a gift of Sarah Mann £150 for a simple Will and £200 for a pair of simple, mirror Wills. Of course Sid, Jane and Sarah Mann pictured together in the hospice any additional legacy you might choose to give will be a wonderful bonus! Our Will Week solicitors are: Meet the Manns – they’re keeping Batchelors Solicitors, Charles House, 35 Widmore Road, BR1 1RW it in the family at St Christopher’s Tel 020 8768 7093 We’re a family friendly organisation and consider support for Ewings and Co Solicitors, 148 High families and close friends to be an essential aspect of our work Street, SE20 7EU It is not unusual for whole families to interest in education and made the move Tel 020 8778 1126 have a relationship with us by joining our to St Christopher’s to develop her career in Judge & Priestley LLP, Justin House, workforce, volunteering and fundraising on this direction. 6 West Street, Bromley, Kent BR1 1JN our behalf. Sid came to us in 2012 during the Tel 020 8290 7354 Three members of the Manns family have placement year of his psychology degree, Pishon Gold Solicitors, 1 Bromley Lane, been working at St Christopher’s together wanting to use his degree therapeutically , Kent BR7 6LH for a year now. First came Jane in 2009 as and gain experience working with patients. Tel 020 8468 1032 a member of our Advancing Practice Team. He was among the first group of care Thomas Dunton Solicitors, 217/219 High She has been a palliative care nurse since workers for St Christopher’s Personal Care Street, , Kent BR6 0NZ 1996, starting as a staff nurse at the Marie Service and can still be seen in many of our Tel 01689 822554 Curie Hospice in Caterham and working recruitment posters! Sid now works regularly her way to a Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) as a health care assistant on our wards, Wellers Law Group LLP, Tension House, post in the community. in the Anniversary Centre and with the 45 Tweedy Road, Bromley BR1 3NF Jane then became a CNS at Mayday, Saturday Young Adults Group. He started his Tel 020 8464 4242 now University Hospital, in the Post Graduate Diploma in Nursing at King’s Palliative Care Team. She has always had an College in September and we’re pleased that Amphlett Lissimore, Greystoke House, he plans to continue to work for us. 80-86 Westow Street, Crystal Palace Sarah joined our Personal Care Service in SE19 3AF June 2014, when she finished her studies at Tel 020 8768 6465 Reigate College. Having gained experience, For further information and updates on she now also works in the Inpatient Unit future Will Weeks please visit and with our Saturday Young Adults Group. Sarah loves working here, has found the Or if you would like a confidential experience incredibly valuable and says that chat about leaving a gift in your Will she couldn’t think of a more rewarding job. to St Christopher’s, please call Anna on She is starting a BSc Paramedic Course in 020 8768 4573 or email a.somerset@ September 2015 at Brighton University and will continue to work for us part time on Sid working for our Personal Care Service in 2013 the bank. 6 Get competitive and take over one of our shops for a day! We are looking for teams of five or six volunteers to run one of our high street shops for a day on 24 September and compete against other teams in different shops to raise the most money and win the St Christopher’s Shop Wars award. As well as helping St Christopher’s, you’ll be developing leadership and entrepreneurial skills too. Sound like fun? Visit corporate.stchristophers. for more information. Register for Shop Wars 2015 by 17 September How about a corporate and/or express interest in taking part in 2016 by calling Fran on 020 8768 4572 or email take over for charity? [email protected]

Improvement programme Corporate support Integra fundraises in memory of a colleague for our high street shops construction company Integra Contracts Some stylish and practical improvements to raised a magnificent £37,000 our shops are helping to upgrade our trading in memory of Yvonne and retail operations Deaville who died in our care. We know this programme of improvements is working because Managing Director Warren with new layouts in our Croydon and Hayes shops turnover has McCarthy said: “The care and risen by more than £1,000 per week. St Christopher’s Trustee, Morgan Jones, accepts a cheque from Warren McCarthy attention given to both her Support from local companies of all sizes has been invaluable in and her family by your staff giving our shops a face lift and getting many other jobs ticked off was first class and as a thank you we arranged a dinner dance our to do lists. We are particularly grateful to Marks and Spencer in at the New Inn in Hayes in her memory… This was supported Bromley, The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) team from Canary by our staff, clients and suppliers within our industry. We only Wharf, Nielson (global market information and measurement) and hope that our donation will go a little way to making the lives Nationwide. of others a little more comfortable.” Customer feedback has been terrific and our Downham shop was commended as the best in town by expert charity shopper Mary Cava! Branching Out’s bloomin’ brilliant support Owners Emma and Louise met while volunteering at our Hayes shop after each losing a parent. Their lovely flower shop and café in supports St Christopher’s with events, sponsorship and All kinds of treats as well as flowers at even sponsored postcards Branching Out in Elmers End to encourage the giving of donations in lieu of flowers. So pop in and see them and stay for coffee and cake or even lunch! They will give a donation Our Bromley shop after merchandising by Nationwide refitted and cleaned our when you order floral tributes in memory of anyone cared for Marks & Spencer shop by St Christopher’s. They will also be holding coffee mornings, floral workshops and other events with profits going towards our work. Visit to find out more. Thanks Homes employees Eleven dedicated Lewisham Homes employees ran 13.1 miles in the Hackney Half Marathon and exceeded their targets by raising a whopping £3,075. What an achievement!

The FCA team getting ready to paint our Sydenham shop “I just wanted to praise your shop workers, especially the staff in Downham. The manager there is always so positive…

I wanted to say a big thank you to him Lewisham Homes employees proudly displaying their medals and all his staff for the presentation of a To find out more about how your company could support great shop with great attitude!” St Christopher’s visit Shop donor 7 Hats for Hospice in November To inspire you During November we are asking you to put your hat on for your All the generations came local hospice. Get involved by hosting a hat-themed event, sponsoring someone to wear a hideous hat or simply put on that to class at PopGems trusted old beanie for the day and donate to St Christopher’s. Need PopGems Academy in Beckenham is some help? Visit our website for inspiration or call Remi on 020 a performing arts school for students 8768 4577 or email [email protected] aged 2-16. They recently came up with a highly imaginative idea and raised an amazing £1,540 for St Christopher’s. This is PopGems’ Founder and Director Gem Allen’s story. “At PopGems Academy we decided to do something rather exciting at Some crafty and creative ideas for the end of term to raise money for St Christopher’s. Students raised sponsorship to bring a relative of their ways to support St Christopher’s choice (from any generation) to join them in classes on the last week of term. We had lots of mums, dads, aunts, uncles and grandparents... and three year old Ruby-May McGinty brought her Great Nan Rosemary Page. “All the adults who took part dressed up for the occasion and were such great sports! As an extra incentive for the students we also had a prize on offer of a free half term, and a trophy! Freddie James was delighted to win this after raising over £200 for his Mum Melissa Lailey to join him in class. “St Christopher’s is a very special place to me and my family as they looked after my Nanny Jean Roberts Get creative with your homemade goodies – traditional iced gingerbread is great for adding a special personalised touch over Christmas 2008. They had us all in there all over Christmas and she details of our Christmas events. To find out Make, bake and create your passed away on 30 December. The staff more please call Remi on 020 8768 4577 or remained in good spirits at all times, own Christmas craft sale email [email protected] During the winter season we are asking our despite missing Christmas time with supporters to put their making, baking and Knit for our high street shops their own families. They were all so hard creative skills into a Christmas craft sale. Don’t forget our Christmas working and lovely, and made this very This is a great way to raise funds in your Knitting campaign – you hard time the best they could for us. local community club, school or workplace. can knit Santas, snowmen, Ever since we have sponsored a light on You can sell homemade Christmas puds, Christmas puddings and the Remembrance Tree and attend the baubles, wreaths, chutneys, jams and just even beautiful baubles for service every year. about anything else you can turn your hand the tree. “As well as looking after my precious to! You can even donate any leftover items If you would like our Nanny, St Christopher’s has looked after for us to sell at our Christmas fairs and in Christmas knitting patterns my best friend’s mum Lesley Prosser, and the hospice – turn to the back page for please contact Nicola on many of the relatives of our PopGems 01689 892988 or email Academy students. It is a truly treasured n.howard@stchristophers. place between us, so we are so happy that we have been able to work together to give something back.” Why not get your own school involved in St Christopher’s Flourishing 5ivers School Challenge? Entrepreneurship, creativity, teamwork and initiative – St Christopher’s Flourishing 5ivers School Challenge encourages primary and secondary school pupils to develop these skills and more. From cake stalls to sponsored swims, with £5 each to invest, pupils plan and organise fundraising events and schemes in aid of the vital services St Christopher’s provides. Come on – let’s get going with the money-growing! If your school would like to be involved in this great challenge, please call Leo on 020 8768 4570 or email him at [email protected] PopGems also performed at our Family Fun Day this year

8 Midnight Walk early bird fee ends Friday 11 September – register at or call 020 8768 4575 “Gives me the confidence to be able to face things at school every day and learn new ways to cope Sponsored by with my anger and sadness about the death” Bereaved brother supported by the Candle Project

Come to party in your PJs on the Midnight Walk! Join us for our five mile sponsored walk on Saturday 10 October starting 11pm at St Christopher’s in Sydenham The Midnight Walk raises money for St Christopher’s Candle Project for bereaved children and young people. This moonlit stroll around the five boroughs St Christopher’s serves is a fabulous night out that starts and finishes at the hospice – and this year we are encouraging our walkers to have a bit of Walkers sparkling on last year’s Midnight Walk extra fun by walking in their pyjamas or onesies. Some people like to walk to remember a loved one, others walk for fun, but everyone who takes part is walking for St Christopher’s. Last year 400 walkers raised £34,000 for the Candle Project to help bereaved young people come to terms with the loss of someone important in their lives. If you sign up before Friday 11 September you can take advantage of our online early-bird fee of just £15 (£20 after). We also have a special reduced rate of £10 for those aged 11-17 so there’s no excuse not to bring the family along! This registration fee includes a t-shirt and medal. Every mile you walk will make a difference to the Candle Project which helps around 300 bereaved children and young people each year to come to terms with the loss of someone important and begin to live their lives again. We are also looking for volunteers and marshals to join the team on the night. Please email [email protected] or As well as your special t-shirt, this year we’re encouraging onesies and pyjamas call 020 8768 4575 if you can help out. Thanks! GoActive! today and sweat your support for St Christopher’s From runs, walks, cycling events and swims through to more extreme activities such as abseiling, white water rafting or overseas challenges… there are plenty of ways you can give your active support to St Christopher’s Dare to jump from 10,000 feet? gain your own place, we would love you to choose to run for St Christopher’s. Call Here is your chance to experience the Leo on 020 8768 4570 or email l.thon@ incredible thrill of skydiving for yourself. We are looking for adventure seekers to make a fundraising parachute jump. Call Ben Hur’s chariot rides out! Remi on 020 8768 4577 or email r.knight@ Phil Letts of Forestdale donned a Ben Hur outfit and, with the help of his friend Dean 2016 Virgin Marathon Gillam, rode a custom-made chariot along Join our London Marathon Team today and the 54 miles of the London to Brighton we will support you every step of the way bike ride to raise funds for St Christopher’s. during your training and on Sunday 24 April He spent two months building his – the day of the marathon itself. Please extraordinary chariot from a rickshaw and contact us by 12 October if you would like raised £2,374 in memory of his dad, Jack, to apply for a Golden Bond Place. If you who was cared for by St Christopher’s. Phil and Dean horsing about on their custom-made chariot 9 “The entire St Christopher’s team made sure our Grandad kept his dignity and never made him or our family feel like anything was too much to ask” Team Bapou

Team Bapou’s incredible trek tops up Tribute Fund in memory of Grandad Tribute Fund holders Team Bapou took on the Trek Fest challenge, a 54 mile walk across the Brecon Beacons in South Wales, in memory of their grandfather Bapou Antonis Bapou means Grandad in Greek in case you were wondering! This is their story about how and why they tackled this most arduous Team Bapou at the top of 886m high Pen y Fan of challenges and raised an incredible £7,000 for their Tribute Fund. “In November 2014 our Grandad was admitted to St Christopher’s Hospice where he spent four weeks before sadly passing away. During this time he was provided with amazing support and care by the hospice, and so was the family. Whilst we sat by his side every day, we never felt rushed to leave but always welcomed with a smile and unlimited support. “The entire St Christopher’s team made sure our Grandad kept his dignity and never made him or our family feel like anything was too much to ask. He spent his last birthday in the hospice and they made sure it was a special one with a cake, birthday cards and family around him. The hospice made our final goodbyes to a great Conquering the Brecon Beacons Thumbs up for a taxing challenge man with a huge heart as peaceful as possible. “Five of us joined together as Team Bapou to raise as much money as we could for St Christopher’s. “We signed up with Trek Fest to trek 54 miles across the Brecon Beacons in South Wales, which later we discovered is the training ground of the SAS! As you can imagine, this was an extreme physical workout and a psychologically taxing challenge, crossing the highest peaks in South Wales including Pen y Fan which is 886m high! A little crazy some would say, but nevertheless this was an amazing experience we’ll never forget! “We were completely overwhelmed with everyone’s generosity and support and together we raised over £7,000 for St Christopher’s – completely smashing our target of £2,200. We couldn’t be Team Bapou walked to remember their grandad with a Tribute Fund happier!”

Remember a loved one by setting up a personal Tribute Fund with St Christopher’s Setting up a named Tribute Fund in memory of a loved one is one’s honour and information about how your Tribute Fund is a valuable and positive way for family and friends to donate or making a difference to St Christopher’s work. We will also send raise money for St Christopher’s. you invitations to special events. It is very easy to set up a dedicated Tribute Fund and anyone To set up your Tribute Fund all you need to do is visit www. can start one in memory of a family member or friend. and complete an online form. Every gift we receive is a tribute to the special person in whose Alternatively you can call Georgie on 020 8768 4684 or email name the Tribute Fund has been created. Whether you want [email protected] Your Tribute Fund will soon be to ask for donations in lieu of flowers at a funeral or memorial, up and running and we will be able to allocate any gifts and contribute on birthdays, fundraise or make regular donations, the donations made in memory of your loved one to it. amount soon adds up to a considerable contribution towards the Remember that all the ways in which you choose to support specialist care services St Christopher’s provides. St Christopher’s, including sponsored events, buying raffle tickets, As a Tribute Fund holder you will receive a personal twice attending events and tour bookings, can contribute to your yearly update on your fundraising achievement in your loved Tribute Fund.

10 “Singing in the choir at St Christopher’s has been a joyful experience; to share the making of music and singing with others of all ages and backgrounds… it engenders a sense of wellbeing” Community choir member

We thank our generous community St Christopher’s must raise over £13 million each year to fund our services which cost £19 million to deliver. We are grateful to our local communities as well as trusts, foundations and companies for their generous support which enables us to continue to provide our palliative and family care services free of charge. Some special mentions are listed below. Our Community Choir giving a performance during Sunday lunch at the Anniversary Centre Local people and organisations • Macmillan Cancer Support • Alix Branch and Sylvia Bradey • NatWest • Ann and Andrew Rutherford • Santander There’s something to do • Anne and Jason Workman • SGN. • Barry White Companies at St Christopher’s every • Golf Club – (fundraising and giving) Ladies Section • A Crafty Needle single week • Park School • Acorn Ltd • Brian and Sheila Sells • Ashmore Veterinary Centre Join us and you will receive a warm welcome • Bridge House Theatre • Branching Out at our weekly social events • Caroline and Noel Annesley • Co-Op Green Street Green • Colin Wright & Son • Hepburn Solicitors Based at St Christopher’s Anniversary Centre in Sydenham, • Daniel Pippard • Higgs Butchers our regular weekly social events enable us to get closer to our • The Friends of • JDM community and provide a chance to experience more of the St Christopher’s • Lewisham Homes hospice by sharing good times together. Everyone is welcome. • Lizzie Spencer • M&G Group Community Choir and Pizza Night • Lucy Griffiths Dance School • Marks & Spencer’s • Marc Cook Beckenham & Bromley Sing out with your local choir every Monday 7-9pm • Orpington Methodist Church Met Police (Hayes) Bowls With no auditions, anyone of any age is welcome to sing with our • • Orpington Road Runners Club 100 strong choir in a relaxed and informal way. Switch off from the • Province of West Kent NewsCorp stresses of life and have some fun. • • Rotary Club of • Riverford Curry and Art Night • Sevenoaks & District Motor • Rosebury’s Auction House Club (Motorsport at the • Sainsbury’s Explore your creativity and enjoy a good curry every Tuesday 7-9pm Palace) Take part in a range of activities including pottery, photography • The Albert Tavern • South Thames College • The Lord Holmesdale Pub and storytelling and enjoy good company as well as a great home • St Christopher’s School cooked curry for a reasonable price. • The Maple Tree • Sydenham Catholic Club • Waitrose Quilting Project • Sydenham Croquet Club • Ye Old Clock Tower. • Trinity School Learn to sew with a relaxing, friendly group every Wednesday 7-9pm Trusts and foundations • Wives Fellowship Learn the craft of sewing and quilting while having fun, • The Ernest Hecht Charitable • Vanessa and Ian Allen remembering and creating a legacy. Foundation funded the • Vivian Bazalgette and salary of one of our music Katharine St John-Brooks. Death Chat therapists for a year Break down taboos about death and dying every Thursday 7-9pm Companies (volunteering) • The Axis Foundation and the Talking about death and dying in the company of others can help • DWP Hospital Saturday Fund each to alleviate fears and concerns and enhance our quality of daily • FCA helped fund the purchase of life. • Lloyds Bank a new therapeutic bath. Dame Cicely Saunders Concert Series Outstanding performances first Thursday of every month 7.30pm A range of highly-skilled professional musicians from around the world play a variety of exciting programmes. Tickets £10. Traditional Sunday Lunch A delicious roast and a vegetarian option every Sunday 12-2.30pm Relax and enjoy a reasonably priced traditional Sunday lunch in the Anniversary Centre café with your family and friends. For special social events and further information about the Social Programme visit We use a wide variety of musical instruments in arts therapy 11 Every year it costs £19 million to deliver all our services, of which approximately £13m must be fundraised. We are very grateful to our local communities and the trusts, foundations and companies that support us that enable us to deliver our specialist palliative care and family care services free of charge.

Sydenham site Bromley site St Christopher’s is registered 51-59 Lawrie Park Road, London SE26 6DZ Caritas House, Tregony Road, Orpington BR6 9XA [email protected] charity 210667 © St Christopher’s Switchboard 020 8768 4500 Switchboard 01689 825755 August 2015

Diary dates For further details, updates and more events, visit events and if you have any questions not answered on our website please email [email protected] or call Fundraising on 020 8768 4575. Come along to enjoy Monday 7 to Friday 11 September a fantastic fundraising family day Will Week out at our third Classic Car Show on Participating solicitors will write your Sunday 20 September from 11am to 4pm simple Will in return for a suggested at Tripes Farm, Orpington BR6 7RS. donation to St Christopher’s. See page 6 for This great event has over 400 more info. classic, interesting and modified Sunday 20 September · 11am-4pm vehicles as well as arena shows, St Christopher’s Classic Car Show kids’ activities, stalls, bar, BBQ and Tripes Farm, Lane, Orpington BR6 entertainment for all ages. 7RS. See box right. Tickets are just £5 including Monday 5 to Sunday 11 October programme, families £15 and under Hospice Care Week 12s free and there’s plenty of free Hospice Care Week aims to raise public car parking. No need to book tickets in advance, just come along the profile of and change people’s on the day. perceptions of hospice care For more information about the through celebration and action. The 2015 event please call Fundraising on theme is Connecting Care with a focus on 01689 825755 or email carshow@ the special role hospices play in connecting with individuals, families and communities and also connecting people with each other. St Christopher’s Midnight Christmas dates Remembrance events Walk (see page 9) is our key Hospice Care Saturday 28 November · 10am-2pm Sunday 29 November · 4pm Week activity. The week coincides with Christmas Market St Christopher’s Bromley, Caritas House World Hospice and Palliative Care Day St Christopher’s Bromley, Caritas House Sunday, 6 December · 4pm (10 October 2015). Find out more about in Orpington St Christopher’s Hospice, Sydenham Hospice Care Week on the Hospice UK Saturday 5 December · 11am-3pm website at These are inclusive ceremonies in which Christmas Festival we invite people of all faiths or none to Saturday 10 October · 11pm St Christopher’s in Sydenham join us as we gather in the hospice grounds Midnight Walk Come along to our Christmas fairs and to remember those we have loved who Get cosy in your PJs or onesies get into the festive mood with a glass of are no longer with us. After a service of and join us for a moonlit five mile mulled wine and a mince pie or two. We remembrance we light up our beautiful trees walk for St Christopher’s Candle will have lots of great stalls to help you so they shine out with your dedications. To Project, starting and finishing at the get some items ticked off your Christmas dedicate a light look out for the leaflet and hospice in Sydenham. See page 9 for shopping list, plus fun activities for all form which will be mailed mid-October. You more info. the family. If you have items you could will also be able make dedications online. Sunday 11 October donate for either event then please let Petts Wood 10k us know. For more information call Leo Join Woody the Gorilla and other runners at Sydenham on 020 8768 4570 or email Christmas cards on sale now for this annual event. More information at [email protected] or call Andra If you receive Connections by mail, you at Caritas House on 01689 892 981 or email will find our Christmas card catalogue enclosed. Sunday 6 March 2016 [email protected] Monday 7 December · 6.30pm You can also buy cards from any of The Nuts Challenge our 18 high street shops or online at Crazy, muddy and absolutely nutty. Take Carols at St George’s Church High Street, Beckenham BR3 1AX the challenge and tackle 100 obstacles Call Fundraising on 020 8768 4575 or over 7km. For more information call Remi Monday 14 December · 6.30pm email [email protected] on 020 8768 4577 or email r.knight@ Carols at St Barnabus Church to request a catalogue. Calton Avenue, Dulwich SE21 7DG 12