COMMONWEALTH OF JLegislatibe JI ournal MONDAY, MARCH 2, 1964

Session of 1964 l 48th of the General Assembly Vol. 1, No. 10

to serve until the first Monday of January 1966, to fill a SENATE vacancy. MONDAY, March 2, 1964. I respectfully request the return to me of the official message of nomination in the premises. The Senate met at 3:30 p.m., Eastern Standard Time. WILLIAM W. SCRANTON The PRESIDENT (Lieutenant Governor Raymond P. NOMINATIONS BY THE GOVERNOR Shafer) in the Chair. REFERRED TO COMMITTEE PRAYER He also presented communications in writing from His The Chaplain, Rev. C. ROGER BUTLER, Rector of St. Excellency, the Governor of the Commonwealth, which Paul's Episcopal Church, Kittanning, offered the following were read as follows, and referred to the Committee on prayer: Executive Nominations: Let us pray. ALDERMAN Almighty God, Whose Kingdom is everlasting and power infinite, have mercy upon this whole Land and so rule March 2, 1964. the hearts of Thy servants, the President of the United To the Honorable, the Senate of the Commonwealth of States, Lyndon Baines Johnson; the Governor of this Pennsylvania: Commonwealth, William Scranton; the Lieutenant Gover­ In conformity with law, I have the honor hereby to nor of this Commonwealth, Raymond Shafer; the Members nominate for the advice and consent of the Senate Colson of this Senate, and all others in authority, that they, E. Jones, 896 Race Street, Altoona, Blair County, for ap­ pointment as Alderman in and for the Twelfth Ward of knowing whose ministers they are, may, above all things, the City of Altoona, Blair County, to serve until the first seek Thy honor and glory, and that we and all the people, Monday of January 1966, vice William J. Witzel, resigned. duly considering whose authority they bear, may faith­ WILLIAM W. SCRANTON fully and obediently honor them according to Thy blessed word and ordinance. BRIGADIER GENERAL, PENNSYLVANIA NATIONAL Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Who with Thee and GUARD the Holy Ghost liveth and reigneth, ever one God, World without end. Amen. March 2, 1964. To the Honorable, the Senate of the Commonwealth of JOURNAL APPROVED Pennsylvania: In conformity with law, I have the honor hereby to The PRESIDENT. A quorum of the Senate being present, nominate for the advice and consent of the Senate Colonel the Clerk will read the Journal of the preceding session. Clarence D. Bell, 400 West Twenty-fourth Street, Chester, The Clerk proceeded to read the Journal of the preced­ Delaware County, for appointment as Brigadier General, ing session, when, on motion of Mr. PECHAN and Mr. Pennsylvania National Guard, to serve until terminated, to fill a vacancy. BAILEY, further reading was dispensed with, and the WILLIAM W. SCRANTON Journal was. approved. MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE GOVERNOR EASTERN STATE SCHOOL AND HOSPITAL RECALL COMMUNICATION March 2, 1964. REFERRED TO COMMITTEE To the Honorable, the Senate of the Commonwealth of The Secretary to the Governor being introduced, pre­ Pennsylvania: sented communication in writing from His Excellency, the In conformity with law, I have the honor hereby to nominate for the advice and consent of the Senate the Governor of the Commonwealth, which was read as fol­ following for appointment as members of the Board of lows, and referred to the Committee on Executive Nom­ Trustees of Eastern State School and Hospital: inations: Edwin J. Davis, 533 Manor Road, Elkins Park 17, Mont­ gomery County, to serve until the third Tuesday of Janu­ RECALLING THE NOMINATION OF RALPH W. BRETZ ary 1965, and until his successor is appointed and qualified, FOR APPOINTMENT AS JUSTICE OF THE PEACE vice Warren L. Eisenberg, Huntingdon Valley, whose term expired. March 2, 1964. Walter C. Dietrich, Butler Pike, R. D. 4, Norristown, To the Montgomery County, to serve until the third Tuesday of Honorable, the Senate of the Commonwealth of January 1965, and until his successor is appointed and Pennsylvania: qualified, vice Mrs. Kathleen Rhoads, Plymouth Meeting, In accordance with the power and authority vested in whose term expired. me as Governor of the Commonwealth, I do hereby recall Stanley B. Steinberg, M. D., 108 Harvest Circle, Bala my nomination dated February 10, 1964, for the appoint­ Cynwyd, Montgomery County to serve until the third ment of Ralph W. Bretz, R. D. 1, Newport, as Justice of Tuesday of January 1967, and until his successor is ap­ the Peace in and for the Township of Howe, Perry County, pointed and qualified. (Reappointment) 100 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-SENATE. March 2,

Miss Gloria Sabatini, 302 Penn Center House, 1900 Penn­ JUSTICE OF THE PEACE sylvania Boulevard, Philadelphia 3, Philadelphia County, to serve until the third Tuesday of January 1969, and March 2, 1964. until her successor is appointed and qualified, vice Mrs. To the Honorable, the Senate of the Commonwealth of Victoria B. Galza, Philadelphia, whose term expired. Pennsylvania: WILLIAM W. SCRANTON In conformity with law, I have the honor hereby to nominate for the advice and consent of the Senate Richard A. Correll, 111 Intervilla Avenue, West Lawn, Berks MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF County, for appointment as Justice of the Peace in and for HAVERFORD STATE HOSPITAL the Borough of West Lawn, Berks County, to serve until the first Monday of January 1966, to fill a vacancy. March 2, 1964. To the Honorable, the Senate of the Commonwealth of WILLIAM W. SCRANTON. Pennsylvania: In conformity with law, I have the honor hereby to JUSTICE OF THE PEACE nominate for the advice and consent of the Senate the March 2, 1964. following for appointment as members of the Board of Trustees of Haverford State Hospital: To the Honorable, the Senate of the Commonwealth o:f Mrs. Doris B. Lyons, 717 Harrison Road, Villanova, Dela­ Pennsylvania: ware County, to serve until the third Tuesday of January In conformity with law, I have the honor hereby to 1965, and until her successor is appointed and qualified, nominate for the advice and consent of the Senate Albert vice John T. Clary, Esq., Drexel Hill, whose term expired. J. Berardocco, 239 Hawthorn Road, Morton, Delaware Raymond Jefferis, Bowling Green, Media, Delaware County, for appointment as Justice of the Peace in and for County, to serve until the third Tuesday of January 1967, the Borough of Morton, Delaware County, to serve until and until his successor is appointed and qualified, vice the first Monday of January 1966, vice Thomas B. Welsh, Robert J. Cadigan, Swarthmore, whose term expired. resigned. WILLIAM W. SCRANTON. WILLIAM W. SCRANTON. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF March 2, 19£4. PENNHURST STATE SCHOOL AND HOSPITAL To the Honorable, the Senate of the Commonwealth of March 2, 1964. Pennsylvania: To the Honorable, the Senate of the Commonwealth of In conformity with law, I have the honor hereby to Pennsylvania: nominate for the advice and consent of the Senate Ben­ In conformity with law, I have the honor hereby to jamin C. Seacrist, 26 Marshall Street, Laurel Run, Luzerne nominate for the advice and consent of the Senate the County, for appointment as Justice of the Peace in and following for appointment as members of the Board of for the Borough of Laurel Run, Luzerne County, to serve Trustees of Pennhurst State School and Hospital: until the first Monday of January 1966, to fill a vacancy. Hon. Frederick B. Smillie, 522 Swede Street~ Norristown, WILLIAM W. SCRANTON. Montgomery County, to serve until the thiro. Tuesday of January 1965, and until his successor is appointed and qualified, vice Harvey H. Haldeman, Chester Springs, re­ JUSTICE OF THE PEACE signed. March 2, 1964. Mrs. Eve Jeffries, Kepler Road, Pottstown, Montgomery County, to serve until the third Tuesday of January 1969, To the Honorable, the Senate of the Commonwealth of and until her successor is appointed and qualified, vice Mrs. Pennsylvania: Agnes Speakman, Glenmoore, whose term expired. In conformity with law, I have the honor hereby to nominate for the advice and consent of the Senate Miss WILLIAM W. SCRANTON. Alice V. Kistler, R. D. 1, Elliottsburg, Perry County, for appointment as Justice of the Peace in and for the Town­ MEMBERS OF THE WARREN COUNTY BOARD OF ship of Centre, Perry County, to serve until the first Mon­ ASSISTANCE day of January 1966, to fill a vacancy. WILLIAM W. SCRANTON. March 2, 1964. To the Honorable, the Senate of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: GENERAL COMMUNICATION In conformity with law, I have the honor hereby to SUPPLEMENTAL LIST OF LOBBYIST REGISTRATIONS, nominate for the advice and consent of the Senate the PURSUANT TO ACT No. 712, 1961 SESSION following for appointment as members of the Warren County Board of Assistance: The PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the following Dr. Ross E. Bryan (Republican), 1011 Conewango Avenue, Warren, Warren County, to serve until December communication, which was read by the Clerk as follows: 31, 1964, and until his successor is duly appointed and qualified, vice Charles G. Pearson, Russell, whose term March 2, 1964. expired. To the Honorable, the Senate of the Commonwealth of Mrs. Virginia Myers (Republican), 18 Brook Street, Pennsylvania: Warren, Warren County, to serve until December 31, 1965, In compliance with Act No. 712 of the 1961 Session of and until her successor is duly appointed and qualified, vice the General Assembly titled the "Lobbying Registration Mrs. Mary B. Conway, Warren, whose term expired. Act," we herewith jointly present a supplementary list Mrs. Alice Yurick (Republican), 110 Jefferson Street, containing the names and addresses of the persons who Warren, Warren County, to serve until December 31, 1965, have registered for the 1964 Fiscal Session of the General and until her successor is duly appointed and qualified, Assembly. This list also contains the names and addresses vice Mrs. Geraldine Davis, Youngsville, whose term ex­ of the organizations represented by these registrants. pired. Mrs. Claribel Kurz (Republican), 331 Prospect Street, Respectfully submitted by: Warren, Warren County, to serve until December 31, 1966, /s/ MARK GRUELL, JR. and until her successor is duly appointed and qualified, vice Secretary of the Senate Joseph A. Bevevino, Warren, whose term expired. Isl R. P. STIMMEL WILLIAM W. SCRANTON. Chief Clerk, House of Representatives 1964. LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-SENATE 101

March 2, 1964. March 2, 1964. SUPPLEMENTAL LIST OF LOBBYIST REGISTRATIONS SUPPLEMENTAL APPENDIX TO LOBBYIST FILED WITH THE SECRETARY OF THE SENATE AND REGISTRATION LIST THE CHIEF CLERK OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTA­ TIVES FOR THE 148TH REGULAR SESSION OF THE 148TH REGULAR SESSION OF THE PENNSYLVANIA PENNSYLVANIA GENEAL ASSEMBLY PURSUANT TO GENERAL ASSEMBLY ACT 712, 1961 SESSION NOTE: See Registered Lobbyists' List for organization NOTE: Where Lobbyist's business address is not sepa­ address and whether it is the employer only or rately shown beside his name, it is the same as the organization for whom the Lobbyist advocates the address of the first listed organization by passage or defeat of legislation or both. whom he is employed. Dates shown are the dates Lobbyists registered. Unless otherwise noted the Lobbyist is employed ORGANIZATIONS by and advocates passage or defeat of legislation for the organization (s) listed. AMERICAN MUTUAL INSURANCE ALLIANCE Sinon, Frank A.-2-25-64 REGISTERED LOBBYISTS COLUMBIA GAS OF PENNSYLVANIA, INC. BURIAN, DON-37 South 17th Street, Allentown, Penn- Sinon, Frank A.-2-25-64 sylvania Phoenix Manufacturing Company DISTILLED SPIRITS INSTITUTE 1201-33 South Sharp Street, Baltimore, 30, Maryland Fitzgerald, Joseph M.-2-11-64 RefrigiWear, Inc. 207 Lawrence Avenue, Long Island, MALT BEVERAGE DISTRIBUTORS ASSOCIATION OF PENNSYLVANIA, INC. COMPTON, WALTER H.-22 South Third Street, Harris­ Compton, Walter H.-2-20-64 burg, Pennsylvania Goldman, Morris-2-24-64 Malt Beverage Distributors Association of Pennsyl­ vania, Inc. PENNSYLVANIA ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION 1517 North Second Street, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Wall, Richard V.-2-13-64 DEW, G. RICHARD PENNSYLVANIA MOTOR TRUCK ASSOCIATION Pennsylvania Newspaper Publishers' Association Gogolin, Edward-2-11-64 2717 North Front Street, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania PENNSYLVANIA NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS' FITZGERALD, JOSEPH M.-262 Bryn Mawr Avenue, ASSOCIATION Lansdowne, Pennsylvania Dew, G. Richard-2-14-64 Distilled Spirits Institute PENNSYLVANIA STATE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 1132 Pennsylvania Road, Washington 4, D. C. Hibbard, Robert-2-13-64 FRENCH, EDWARD D. McCormick, Robert C.-2-27-64 Steel PEOPLES NATURAL GAS COMPANY (The) (and regu­ 1625 "K" Street, Washington, D. C. lated gas and electric companies of Penna.) GOGOLIN, EDWARD Keener, Edison W.-2-13-64 Pennsylvania Motor Truck Association PHILADELPHIA BEER DISTRIBUTORS ASSOCIATION 216 Locust Street, Telegraph Building, Harrisburg, Goldman, Morris-2-24-64 Pennsylvania PHOENIX MANUFACTURING COMPANY ·GOLDMAN, MORRIS-1422 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Burian, Don-2-20-64 Pennsy1 vania Malt Beverage Distributors Association of Pennsyl- REFRIGIWEAR, INC. vania, Inc. Burian, Don-2-20-64 1517 North Second Street, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Philadelphia Beer Distributors Association RHODES, SINON AND READER 1405 Locust Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Sinon, Frank A.-2-25-64 HIBBARD, ROBERT SOAP AND DETERGENT ASSOCIATION (The) Pennsylvania State Chamber of Commerce Sinon, Frank A.-2-25-64 222 North Third Street, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania UNITED STATES STEEL KEENER, EDISON W. French, Edward D.-2-10-64 The Peoples Natural Gas Company (and the regulated WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC CORPORATION gas and electric companies of Pennsylvania) Sinon, Frank A.-2-25-64 Two Gateway Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania The PRESIDENT. This communication, together with McCORMICK, ROBERT C. Pennsylvania State Chamber of Commerce the Supplementary List, will be printed in the Journal. 222 North Third Street, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania BILLS REREFERRED :SINON, FRANK A. Rhoads, Sinon and Reader (Employed by) Mr. LANE, from the Select Committee on Legislation, 400 North Third Street, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania returned to the Senate, SB 19, 20, 22, 23, 24 and 27, which Advocates passage or defeat of legislation for: American Mutual Insurance Alliance were rereferred to the Committee on Appropriations. 20 North Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois He also, from the Select Committee on Legislation, re­ Columbia Gas of Pennsylvania, Inc. turned to the Senate, SB 25, which was rereferred to the 800 Union Trust Building, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Soap and Detergent Association (The) Committee on Constitutional Changes and Federal Rela- 295 Madison Avenue, New York, New York tions. Westinghouse Electric Corporation REPORTS FROM COMMITTEE 3 Gateway Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Mr. KELLER, from the Committee on Appropriations, WALL, RICHARD V. Pennsylvania Electric Association reported, as committed, BB 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 24, 25, 28, State Street Building, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 30 and 35. 10.2 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-SENATE March 2,

REPORT FROM COMMITTEE ON EXECUTIVE On the question, NOMINATIONS Will the Senate advise and consent to the nomination? Mr. LANE. Mr. President, I would like for the Members Mr. FLEMING, from the Committee on Executive Nom­ of the Senate to know that every Democratic Member of inations, reported the following nomination, made by his the Senate, on this side of the aisle, is going to vote in Excellency, the Governor, which was laid on the table: favor of this confirmation of Senator Bell, making him BRIGADIER GENERAL, PENNSYLVANIA NATIONAL a Brigadier General. We hope, however, that when he GUARD becomes a big brass, he will speak to us once in awhile. March 2, 1964. And the question recurring, To the Honorable, the Senate of the Commonwealth of Will the Senate advise and consent to the nomination? Pennsylvania: The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the provi- In conformity with law, I have the honor hereby to sions of the Constiution and were as follows, viz: nominate for the advice and consent of the Senate Colonel Clarence D. Bell. 400 West Twenty-fourth Street, Chester, YEAS-48 Delaware County, for appointment as Brigadier General, Pennsylvania National Guard, to serve until terminated, Balley, Flack, McCreesh, Snyder, to fill a vacancy. Beers, Fleming, McGinnis, Stalsey, WILLIAM W. SCRANTON. Berger. Frame, McGregor, Stiefel, Brumbaugh, Hall, M1ller. Stroup, Camiel, Haluska, Morris. Taylor, SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION Ca.sey, Hawbaker. Mullin, Van Sant, Confair, Kalman, Murray, Verona, WEEKLY ADJOURNMENT Davis, Keller, Pecllan, Wade, Dnvlln, Lane, Sarraf, Wagner, Mr. SNYDER offered the following resolution, which DISiivestro, Madigan, Scott, Ware, III, Donolow, Mahady, Sesler, Welner, was read, considered and adopted: Ehrgood, Mahany, Sllvert, Yatron, In the Senate, March 2, 1964. PRESENT-I RESOLVED (the House of Representatives concurring), That when the Senate adjourns this week, it reconvene on Bell, Monday, March 9, 1964, at a time to be fixed by the Senate, and when the House of Representatives adjourns this A constitutional two-thirds majority of all the Senators week, it reconvene on Monday, March 9, 1964, at a time having voted "aye," the question was determined in the to be fixed by the House of Representatives. affirmative. Ordered, That the Clerk present the same to the House Ordered, That the Governor be informed accordingly. of Representatives for concurrence. The PRESIDENT. We all congratulate our compatriot, Brigadier General, Senator Bell. EXECUTIVE NOMINATIONS Mr. BELL. Mr. President, I do not know what to say. I just was advised by one of the senior Senators that EXECUTIVE SESSION it is usually the custom for a Member of the Senate, who A motion was made by Mr. FLEMING and Mr. EHR­ is promoted in the Army National Guards, to hold a party GOOD, some place. Of course, there will be a party. That the Senate do now resolve itself into Executive However, I certainly appreciate this. I am going to be Session for the purpose of considering a certain nomina­ serving as the Assistant Adjutant General of Pennsyl­ tion made by the Governor. vania, which will be on a forty-eight pay drill, with two Which was agreed to. weeks summer training, the same as I was as a Reserve Officer. CONSIDERATION OF EXECUTIVE NOMINATION I can only say, Mr. President, that I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Mr. FLEMING asked and obtained unanimous consent Mr. DEVLIN. Mr. President, I want the Body to know for immediate consideration of the nomination made by that the unanimous consent of this side of the aisle was His Excellency, the Governor, and reported from Commit­ given only after General Bell promised that he would not tee at today's Session. pull rank on General Sarraf. NOMINATION TAKEN FROM THE TABLE EXECUTIVE SESSION RISES Mr. FLEMING. Mr. President, I call from the table for Mr. FLEMING. Mr. President, I move that the Execu­ consideration the nomination reported from Committee tive Session do now rise. today. Mr. DAVIS. Mr. President, I second the motion. The PRESIDENT. The Clerk will read the nomination. The motion was agreed to. The nomination was read by the Clerk as follows: CALENDAR BRIGADIER GENERAL, PENNSYLVANIA NATIONAL GUARD THIRD READING CALENDAR March 2, 1964. BILLS ON THIRD READING AND FINAL PASSAGE To the Honorable, the Senate of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: SB 5 (Pr. No. 5)-Read at length the third time and In conformity with law, I have the honor hereby to agreed to, nominate for the advice and consent of the Senate Colonel Clarence D. Bell, 40{) West Twenty-fourth Street, Chester, On the question, Delaware County, for appointment as Brigadier General, Shall the bill pass finally? Pennsylvania National Guard, to serve until terminated, to fill a vacancy. The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the provi­ WILLIAM W. SCRANTON. sions of the Constitution and were as follows, viz: 1964. LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-SENATE 103

YEAS-49 Ordered, That the Clerk return said bill to the House· of Representatives with information that the Senate has. Balley, Flack,, Snyder, passed the same without Beers, Fleming, McGinnlll, Stnlsey, amendments. Bell,, McGregor, Stiefel, Berger, Hall, Miller, Stroup, BB 18 (Pr. No. 18)-Read at length the third time and Erumbo.ugn, Haluska, Morris, Taylor, agreed to, Casey, Rawbaker, Mullln, Van Sant, Camie!, Kalman, Murray, Verona, Confair, Keller, Pechan, Wade, On the question, Davis, Lane, Sarra!, Wagner, Shall the bill pass finally? Devlin, Madigan, Scott, Ware, m, The Dl.Sllvestro, Mahady, Sesler. Welner, yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the pro­ Donolow, Mllho.ny, Sllvert, Ya.tron, visions of the Constitution and were as follows, viz: Ehrgood, YEAS-49 NAYS-0 Balley, Flack, McCreesh, Snyder, A majority of all the Senators having voted "aye," Beers, Fleming, McG!nnl-', Stalsey, the question was determined in the affirmative. Bell. Frame, McGregor, Stiefel, Berger, Hall, Miller, Stroup* Ordered, That the Clerk present said bill to the House Brumbaugh, Haluska, Morris, Taylor, of Representatives for concurrence. Camie!, Hawbaker, Mullin, Van Sa.nt, oo.sey, Kalman, Murray, Verona, Confair, Keller, Pechan, Wade, SB 10 (Pr. No. 10)-Read at length the third time and Davis. Lane, Sarra!, Wagner, DE'Vlin. Madigan, Scott, Ware, III, agreed to, DIS!lvestro, Mahndy, Sesler, Welner, Donolow, Mahany, Sllvert, Ya.tron, On the question, Ehrgood, Shall the bill pass finally? NAYS-0 The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the provi­ sions of the Constitution and were as follows, viz: A majority of all the Senators having voted "aye," the· question was determined in the affirmative. YEAS-49 Ordered, That the Clerk return said bill to the House­ of Representatives with information that the Senate has Balley, Finck, McCreesh, Snyder, passed the same without amendments. Beers, Fleming, .McGlnnls, Stalsey, Bell, Frame, McGregor, Stiefel, Berger, Han, Mlller, Stroup, HB 19 (Pr. No. 19)-Read at length the third time and Brumbnugh, Haluska, Morris, Taylor, agreed to, Cnmlel, Hawbaker, l\Jullln. Van Sant, Casey, Kalman, Murray, Verona, Confair, Keller, Pech an, Wade, On the question, Davis, Lnne, Sarra!, Wagner, Shall the bill pass finally? Devlin, Madigan, Scott, Ware, III, The yeas and DtsUvestro, Mllhady, Sesler. Weiner, nays were taken agreeably to the pro­ Donolow, Mahany, S!lvert, Yatron, visions of the Constitution and were as follows, viz: Ehrgood, YEAS-49 NAYS-0 Balley, Finck, McCreeah, Snyder, Beers, Fleming, McGinnis, Stalsey, A majority of all the Senators having voted "aye," Bell, Frame, McGregor, Stiefel. the question was determined in the affirmative. Berger, Hall, Miller, Stroup, Ordered, That Brumbaugh, Haluska, Morrie, Taylor, the Clerk present said bill to the House Cnmlel, Hawbaker, Mullln, Van Sa.nt, of Representatives for concurrence. Casey, Kalman, Murray, Verona, Confair, Keller, Pech an, Wade, Dnv1s, Lane, sarraf, Wagner, BB 11 (Pr. No. 11)-Read at length the third time and Devlin, Madignn, Scott, Ware, III, agreed to, D181lvestro, MahadY, Sesler. Welner. Donolow, Mnhany, Silvert, Ya.tron, On the question, Ehrgood, Shall the bill pass finally? NAYS-0 The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the pro­ visions of the Constitution and were as follows, viz: A majority of all the Senators having voted "aye," the· question was determined in the affirmative. YEAS-49 Ordered, That the Clerk return said bill to the House· of Representatives with information Balley, FJ.~ck, McCreesh, Snyder, that the Senate has Beers, Fleming, McGinnis, Stalsey, passed the same without amendments. Bell, Fratne~ McGregor, Stiefel, Berger, Hall, Miller, Stroup, BB Brumbaugh, Hawbaker, Morris, Taylor, 20 (Pr. No. 20)-Read at length the third time and. Camie!, Haluska, Mulll!;i, Van Sant, agreed to, Casey, Kalman, Murray, Verona, Confair, Keller, Pechan, Wade, On the question, Davis, Lane, Sarra!, Wagner, Devlin, Madigan, Scott, Ware, llI, Shall the bill pass finally? D!Sllvestro, Mahady, Sesler. Welner, The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the pro­ Donolow, Mahany, S!lvert, Ya.tron, Ehrgood, visions of the Constitution and were as follows, viz: NAYS-0 YEAS-49

A majority of all the Senators having voted "aye," the Balley, Flack, McCreesh, Snyder, Beers, Flemlng, McGinnis, Stalsey, question was determined in the affirmative. Bell, Frame, McGregor, Stiefel, 104 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-SENATE. March 2,

Berger, Hall, Mlller, Stroup, Mr. FLEMING. I will, Mr. President. Brumbaugh, Haluska, Morris, Taylor, Cam1el, H.e.Wbaker, Muilln, Van Sant, Mr. LANE. I am wondering, Mr. President, whether the CllSey, Ka.Iman, Murray, Verona., gentleman forgot about setting up the funds for 1963, and Confair, Keller,, Wade, Davis, Lane, Sa.rraf, Wagner, is he giving them double the amount in 1964? DevUn, Madlgan, Scott,, m, Mr. President, we are not giving them D!SUveetro, Ma.hady, Sesler, Welner, Mr. FLEMING. Donolow, Mahany, SUvert, Yatron, a double amount. This is merely taking out the years. It Ehrgood, will be an annual appropriation. NAYS-0 Mr. LANE. What will be the total appropriation, Mr. President? A majority of all the Senators having voted "aye," the $350,000. question was determined in the affirmative. Mr. FLEMING. It will be Ordered, That the Clerk return said bill to the House Mr. LANE. Mr. President, why do we need House Bill of Representatives with information that the Senate has No. 22, then? passed the same without amendments. Mr. FLEMING. House Bill No. 22 deletes the reference to the fiscal year. House Bill No. 23 makes the appropria­ BILLS OVER IN ORDER TEMPORARILY tion to set it up, as I understand it. Seemingly, it is for in the Budget Secretary's Office. HB 21-Read at le'Ilgth the third time, bookkeeping purposes I questioned the same thing, Mr. President, and this was On the question, the explanation I received. to the bill on third reading? Will the Senate agree Mr. LANE. Mr. President, I am very much in favor of Mr. MAHADY. Mr. President, I desire to interrogate tourist promotion and I do not want to delay this. How­ the gentleman from Allegheny, Senator Fleming. ever, I do believe that, maybe, we should have an ex­ The PRESIDENT. Will the gentleman from Allegheny, planation from the Budget Secretary's Office concerning Mr. Fleming, permit himself to be interrogated? this matter. It is sort of confusing to me. Mr. FLEMING. I will, Mr. President. Could we, therefore, Mr. President, permit these bills Mr. MAHADY. Mr. President, would the gentleman to go over in order, temporarily? Perhaps, we will be please tell us whether the amount of money, appropriated able to get some information. in this bill, has been reduced over the last year? Mr. FLEMING. Mr. President, I have no objection to Mr. FLEMING. Mr. President, will the Senate be at them going over in their order, temporarily. ease? The gentleman from Westmoreland has caught me I have sent for my file on these bills. I am sorry, Mr. very much unaware. President, that the gentleman did not raise this question in This is the amount that is in the budget. However, the Appropriations Committee meeting today. whether it has been reduced from last year, I cannot tell Mr. LANE. I did not catch up to it, Mr. President. the gentleman. However, I will find out. May the Se'Ilate Without objection, the bill was passed over in its order be at ease for one moment? temporarily at the request of Mr. FLEMING. Mr. MAHADY. Mr. President, rather than hold up the business of the Senate, by our being at ease, may the BB 23-Without objection, the bill was passed over in bill go over in its order? its order temporarily at the request of Mr. FLEMING. I have been informed that the amount has been reduced. If it has been, I would like to know why and I would like BILLS ON THIRD READING AND FINAL to have an explanation of it. PASSAGE until The PRESIDENT. The Senate will be at ease BB 26 (Pr. No. 26)-Read at length the third time and an opportunity to-- Senator Fleming has agreed to, Mr. FLEMING. Mr. President, I would like to have the bill go over in its order, temporarily. On the question, Without objection, the bill was passed over in its order Shall the bill pass finally? temporarily at the request of Mr. FLEMING. The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the provi­ sions of the Constitution and were as follows, viz: BB 22-Read at length the third time, lli'ic On the question, YEAS-49 Will the Senate agree to the bill on third reading? Balley, Flack, McOreesh, Snyder, Mr. LANE. Mr. President, we have before us House Beers, Flemtng, McGinnis. Stalsey, Bill No. 22 and House Bill No. 23, both of which carry an Bell, Frame, McGregor, Stiefel, Berger, Hall, M'.!Iler. Stroup, appropriation of $350,000. Brumbaugh, Haluska., Morris. Taylor, I would, therefore, like to interrogate the gentleman, Hawbaker, Mullin, Van Sant, Senator Fleming. Perhaps, he may be Casey, Kalman. Murray, Verona., from Allegheny, Coniatr, Keller, Pecha.n, Wade, able to enlighten me with reference to this operation. You Davis, Lane, Sarraf, Wagner, will note, in House Bill No. 22, they deleted, by brackets, Devlln, Madigan, Scott, ware, m, DlSllvestro, Maha.dy, Sesler. Welmlr, the fiscal year of 1963-1964. It goes on to say, "* • • for DonGlOW, Mahany, 81lvert, Yatron, payment of grants to local agencies for tourist promo­ Ehrgood, tional assistance i

BB 27 (Pr. No. 27)-Read at length the third time and The PRESIDENT. Will the gentleman from Allegheny, agreed to, Mr. Fleming, permit himself to be interrogated? On the question, Mr. FLEMING. I will, Mr. President. Shall the bill pass finally? Mr. MAHADY. Has this appropriation been decreased? The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the provi­ Mr. FLEMING. It has been decreased, Mr. President. sions of the Constitution and were as follows, viz: Mr. MAHADY. Mr. President, by what amount has it YEAS-49 been decreased? Mr. FLEMING. The appropriation was $733,924. It, B&l.l&Y, Flack, McCreesh, Bnyder, seemingly, has been decreased by $83,924. Beers, Fleming, MoGinnls, Sta.lsey, May I add Bell, Frame, McGregor, Stiefel, that the reason for that is that the expenditures, in the Berger, Hall, Mlller, Stroup, first six months, are $207,816. Therefore, if we double Brumbaugh, Halusl!llL, Morris, Taylor, Camiel, Hawbaker, Mullin, Van S11.11t, that, we will come up with $415,632, and we are appro­ Oeaey, Kalman, Murray, Verona, priating $650,000 which, I believe, gives enough spread Con!alr, Keller, Pechan,, there. Davis, Lane, Sarraf, Wagner, Devlin, Madigan, Scott, ware, m, Mr. MAHADY. Mr. President, may I ask what figure D!Sllveastro, M'.ahady, Sesler, Weiner, Donolow, Mahany, suvert, Yatron, has been the annual average for the last five years? Ehrgoo<1, Mr. FLEMING. Mr. President, we would have to look that up for the gentleman. NAYS-0 I can say that the Budget Office offered the information to us, that this takes care of the A majority of all the Senators having voted "aye," the necessities of life for approximately 8,120 veteran families, question was determined in the affirmative. or about 32,5{}0 individuals. These grants are issued for a Ordered, That the Clerk return said bill to the House limited emergency only, and veterans in each of the sixty­ of Representatives with information that the Senate has seven counties participate. There is every belief-and the passed the same without amendments. Adjutant General and the Department of Military Affairs have agreed-that this amount that the Budget Secretary BB 29 (Pr. No. 29)-Read at length the third time and has suggested, of $650,0-00, will amply cover it. agreed to, Mr. MAHADY. Mr. President, has the reduced amount, for the last six months, been On the question, the result of a less equitable policy than has been pursued heretofore? Shall the bill pass finally? Has there been a change in policy? The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the provi­ Mr. FLEMING. I would say not. I would say this to the sions of the Constitution and were as follows, viz: gentleman, that in 1002-1963 the actual expenditures were YEAS-49 $597,777. Now, it has been gradually decreasing. Even though we were to maintain that rate, the $650,000 appro­ lllalley, Flack, M'icOreesh, Snyder, priation is $53,000 in excess of what was expended last Bears, Fleming, :McGlnnla, Stalsey, Bell, Frame, McGregor, Stiefel, year. Berger, Hall, Mlller, Stroup, Mr. MAHADY. Mr. President, I have not had time to Brumbaugh, Haluska, Morrlll, Taylor, Camlel, Hs.Wbalter, Mnllln, Van Sant, go into this personally, but I have been informed that CaseJ', Kalman, Murray, Verona, there has been a gradual tightening-and I do not like the OGD.!alr, Keller, Pechan, Wade, use of that word, but that is how Davia, Lane, Sa.rraf, Wagner, it was described to me­ Devlln, Mad!gan, Scott,, m, of the operations of this office. DlSll'nllltro, ll.tahady, Besler, Welner, I also, respectfully, submit that if the unemployment DollolOW, Mahany, SUvert, Y&tron, Ehrgood, compensation revision, which has been submitted by the Governor, is passed, there will be a greater need for this NAYS-0 fund because of the greater number of people it will force A majority of all the Senators having voted "aye," the upon relief, and the interim time that that has to take care question was determined in the affirmative. of, as far as the veteran is concerned, will be appreciably Ordered, That the Clerk return said bill to the House higher. of Representatives with information that the Senate has I have also been informed-and this I have not been passed the same without amendments. able to check-that this is less than the average of what has been needed over a ten-year period, although, I think BB 21 CALLED uP that a five-year period would be a better period to use the figures for. BB 21 (Pr. No. 21)-Without objection, the bill which previously went over in its order temporarily, was called And the question recurring, up, from page 2 of the Third Reading Calendar, by Mr. Shall the bill pass finally? FLEMING. The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the pro­ visions of the Constitution and were as follows, viz: BILL ON THIRD READING AND FINAL PASSAGE YEAS-48 BB 21 (Pr. No. 21)-Read at length the third time and Balley, Ehrgood, McCreeeh, Snyder, Beers, Flack, McG!nnls, Stal.!ley, agreed to, Bell, Fleming, McGregor, Stiefel, On the question, Berger, Frame, Mlller, Stroup, Shall the bill Brumbaugh, Hall, Mon1111, Taylor, pass :finally? Camlel, Haluska, Mullin, Van Sant, Mr. MAHADY. Mr. President, I desire to interrogate cue,., Hawbaker, Murray, Verona, the gentleman from Allegheny, Confair, Kalman, Pechan, Wade, Senator Fleming. Dav2e, Keller, Sarrat, We.gnet, 106 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-SENATE March 2,

Devlln, Lane, Soott,, ill, NAYS-0 DIBllveetro, Madigan, Sesler, Weiner. Donolow, Mahany, Sllvert, Yatron, A majority of all the Senators having voted "aye," the NAYS-1 question was determined in the affirmative. the Clerk return said bill to the House Mahady, Ordered, That of Representatives with information that the Senate has A majority of all the Senators having voted "aye," the passed the same without amendments. question was determined in the affirmative. Ordered, That the Clerk return said bill to the House BB 23 CALLED UP of Representatives with information that the Senate has passed the same without amendments. BB 23 (Pr. No. 23)-Without objection, the bill which previously went over in its order temporarily, was called BB 22 CALLED UP up, from page 2 of the Third Reading Calendar, by Mr. FLEMING. BB 22 (Pr. No. 22)-Without objection, the bill which previously went over in its order temporarily, was called BILL ON THIRD READING AND FINAL PASSAGE up, from page 2 of the Third Reading Calendar, by Mr. FLEMING. BB 23 (Pr. No. 23)-Read at length the third time and agreed to, BILL ON THIRD READING AND FINAL PASSAGE On the question, Shall the bill pass finally? the third time and BB 22 (Pr. No. 22)-Read at length The yeas and pays were taken agreeably to the pro­ agreed to, visions of the Constitution and were as follows, viz: On the question, Shall the bill pass finally? YEAS-49 Mr. FLEMING. Mr. President, before I yield to Senator Beiley, Flack, McCreesh, Snyder, Lane, I would like to say that it is not a double appro­ Beers, Fleming, McGinnis, Staisey, and House Bell, Frame, McGregor, Stiefel, priation. House Bill No. 22 changes the year, Berger, Hall, Miller, Stroup, Bill No. 23 provides for the actual appropriation. Brumbaugh, Haluska, Morris, Taylor, Camie!, Hawbaker, Mullin, Van Sant, Mr. LANE. Mr. President, I am convinced that there is Cru;ey, Kalman, Murray, Verona, not a double appropriation. I can see that now. However, Confair, Keller, Pecha.n, Wade, necessity for House Bill Davis, Lane~ Sn.rraf, Wagner, I am wondering why there is a Devlin, Madigan, Scott, Ware, III, No. 22. It appears to me that the strike out was for the DiSllvestra, M'.ahady, Sesler, Weiner, fiscal year July 1, 1963 to June 30, 1964. I am wondering Donolow, Mahany, Sllvert, Yatron, Ehrgood, why the necessity for House Bill No. 22, at this time, since this new appropriation applies to this coming fiscal NAYS-0 year. As a matter of fact, both of these bills pertain to the Act of April 28, 19'61. Of course, there may be a double A majority of all the Senators having voted "aye," the reason there on House Bill No. 22. However, I would like question was determined in the affirmative. to be informed as to why the necessity for House Bill Ordered, That the Clerk return said bill to the House No. 22? of Representatives with information that the Senate ihas Mr. FLEMING. Mr. President, I am reliably informed, passed the same without amendments. by my expert here, that it could have been done in the manner suggested by Senator Lane. However, they chose BILLS ON FIRST READING to do it this way. Possibly, his manner might have been better. However, I assure the gentleman that there is not Mr. PECHAN. Mr. President, I move that the Senate a double appropriation there. do now proceed to the first reading of all bills reported Mr. LANE. Mr. President, your expert was our expert, from Committee for the first time at today's Session. so we will agree with him. Mr. FRAME. Mr. President, I second the motion. The motion was agreed to. And the question recurring, The bills were as follows: BB 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 24, 25, Shall the bill pass finally? 28, 30 and 35. The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the pro­ And said bills having been read at length for the first visions of the Constitution and were as follows, viz: time, Ordered, To be laid aside for second reading. YEAS-49

Balley, Flack, McCreesh, Snyder, HOUSE MESSAGE Beers, Fleming, McGinnis, Staisey, Bell, Frame,. McGregor, Stiefel, Berger,' Hall, Miller, Stroup, HOUSE CONCURS IN SENATE CONCURRENT Brumbaugh, Haluska, Morris, Taylor, RESOLUTION Camie!, Hawbaker, Mui Un, Van Sant, Casey, Kalman, Murray, Verona,, Keller, Pechan, Wade, The Clerk of the House of Representatives being intro­ Davis, Lane, Sarraf, Wagner, duced, informed the Senate that the House has concurred Devlln, Madigan, Scott, ware, m, DlSllvestt'o, Mahady, Sesler, Welner, in resolution from the Senate, entitled: Donolow, Mahany, Bllvert, Ye.tron, Ehrgood, Weekly Adjournment. 1964. LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-SENATE 107

ANNOUNCEMENTS BY THE SECRETARY ADJOURNMENT The following announcements were read by the Secre­ Mr. PECHAN. Mr. President, I move that the Senate tary of the Senate: do now adjourn until Monday, March 9, 1964, at 3:30 p.m., Eastern Standard Time. REGULAR SESSION Mr. TAYLOR. Mr. President, I second the motion. MONDAY, MARCH 9, 1964 The motion was agreed to. REPUBLICAN ·CAUCUS ...... 2:30 P. M. The Senate adjourned at 4:43 p.m., Eastern Standard DEMOCRATIC CAUCUS ...... 1:00 P. M. Time.