melting the would allow the background In retrospect acid to react with the . This, they

thought, might be producing extra CO2 in anal­ yses of ice-core bubbles and confounding the

CO2 measurements. Forty of ice-core To test their idea, Delmas and colleagues set up a dry-extraction system that avoided records of CO melting the ice — instead, the ice was crushed 2 under vacuum in a vessel at –40 °C. They ana­ lysed selected samples from two Antarctic Jean-Robert Petit & Dominique Raynaud ice cores ( and D10), which contained very few . For ice from the past In 1980, a method was found to determine the amount of 10,000 years, they found CO2 levels compara­ in ancient air trapped in polar ice — providing ble to then-current atmospheric values (around direct evidence that CO2 is coupled to , and affects 300 parts per million; p.p.m.), with good repro­ global temperatures in the past, present and future. ducibility. For ice deposited during the , around 20,000 years ago, levels were much lower, around 190 p.p.m. (Fig. 2a),

In the ancient ice sheets near Earth’s poles, tiny atmospheric CO2 record from gas extracted thus confirming Arrhenius’s prediction. bubbles trapped in the compacted layers of by melting ice samples (‘wet extraction’). But At around the that Delmas et al. carried snowfall provide a natural archive of air from results showed unexplained high concen­ out their work, a Swiss group, using a refined

ages past, but one that is not straightforward trations of CO2, sometimes ten that version of wet extraction to analyse ice cores, 8 to read. Forty years ago, the glaciologist of today’s atmosphere, and scattered over a also suggested that CO2 levels were depleted Robert Delmas and colleagues developed a bafflingly wide range of values. during the last glacial period. But the dry tech­ technique for reliably measuring the amount The answer to the puzzle came from studies nique subsequently became widely adopted of carbon dioxide in the bubbles1. Their of the chemistry of polar ice. At Grenoble in because of its greater reliability and accuracy. work paved the way for modern measure­ France, Delmas was researching the acid Delmas and co-workers’ paper thus paved the

ments showing that atmospheric CO2 levels rain that was decimating northern Euro­ way for today’s more extensive comparisons

have been linked to Earth’s temperature for pean forests. Suspecting that the industrial of climate and CO2 concentrations. hundreds of thousands of years. sulfur emissions thought to be responsible A milestone was reached in 1987 with dry Towards the end of the nineteenth century, might be recorded in ice, he and analyses of an ice core more than 2 kilometres Swedish scientist Svante Arrhenius became his students Michel Legrand and Jean-Marc deep from the Vostok site in . interested in the causes of Earth’s ice ages. Ascencio developed a technique7 for meas­ This provided a 160,000- record9–11 of

Through calculations, he estimated how uring ice acidity, adapted to be exceptionally temperature­ and CO2, depicting a complete

changes in CO2 levels might affect the atmo­ sensitive to impurities and to avoid bias from climate cycle in which CO2 levels varied

sphere’s ability to absorb heat from the ambient atmospheric CO2. They discovered from 290 p.p.m. during the warm period to ground, rather than allowing it to escape into that, even without volcanic or human activity, 190 p.p.m. in the cold period, and correlated space. He suggested that the cooler temper­ the ice was tinged with sulfuric acid arising with temperature. Over the following decades,

atures during glacial periods resulted from a from sulfur compounds emitted by plankton. the climate–CO2 correlation was demon­ decrease in this absorption2. If an ice sample contained carbonaceous dust, strated over a period of 400,000 years from This greenhouse theory was an alternative to the theory backed by James Croll, who proposed3 that glaciation cycles arose from changes in Earth’s orbit, amplified by natu­ ral feedbacks such as changes in snow cover. Another scientist, Milutin Milankovitch4, refined this idea by looking at fine variations in Earth’s movements and the resulting changes in insolation (incoming sunlight) at different latitudes. His orbital theory gained support from marine sediment records5, which exhibit periodicities similar to Earth’s orbital para­ meters. Thus, the orbital theory was promoted as a pacemaker of the , with various feedback loops amplifying tiny changes in insolation. In the 1960s, air inclusions in ice cores (Fig. 1) drilled from the depths of sparked interest as natural samples of the ancient atmosphere. To quote researchers at 6 the time : “if the CO2 concentration were found to vary in time, one would have the means for

VLADIMIR LIPENKOV testing the well-known greenhouse theory of .” Attempts were made dur­ Figure 1 | Ice record. This thin section of ice, visualized using polarized light, contains ing the 1960s and 1970s to obtain a reliable and trapped bubbles of ancient air.

Nature | Vol 579 | 26 March 2020 | Corrected 26 March 2020 | 505 ©2020 Spri nger Nature Li mited. All rights reserved.

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a b 350 300

300 260

250 (p.p.m.) (p.p.m.) 2 220 2 CO

CO 200 180 150 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Ice depth (m)

O) –48 4 18 δ –50 0

–52 –4 Temperature –54 anomaly (°C) –8

Temperature ( proxy Temperature –56 –12 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Age (thousands of years BP) Age (thousands of years BP)

Figure 2 | Ice-core records past and present. a, Forty years ago, Delmas et al.1 line indicates ratios18 (a proxy for temperature) expressed as 18 found a way to measure ancient atmospheric carbon dioxide levels from the quantity δ O. b, Similar methods have now produced CO2 records for much bubbles trapped in ice. Their results show that a dip in CO2 concentrations longer periods of time from deep ice cores. Here, CO2 results from Antarctic coincided with the temperature drop associated with the glacial period around ice march in step with temperature cycles (temperature anomaly represents 20,000 years ago. Top: red dots show the authors’ CO measurements in parts the difference between the actual temperature and the mean temperature of O) –48 2 per million18 (p.p.m.) and the corresponding depth of the ice; the dashed red line the past millennium) over the past 800,000 years, revealing how strongly this –50 13 represents the CO2 concentration in 1980, the time of the study. Bottom: blue is coupled to Earth’s temperature .

–52 extended Vostok records12, and then as far back which partly overlaps with the period when to 1.5 million years ago by drilling down to –54 as 800,000 years13 (Fig. 2b) from ice drilled at direct atmospheric measurements were 3 kilometres, to investigate greenhouse-gas another Antarctic–56 site, EPICA Dome C. made. Caution should be taken in analyses levels and climate at that time. So Delmas ( δ proxy Temperature and colleagues’ pioneering work of ice from Greenland, where Delmas noted covering a few tens of thousands of years that windborne carbonaceous dust could Jean-Robert Petit and Dominique Raynaud 400 15 sparked research that now gives us an accurate cause in situ CO2 production . This is not are at the University of Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, record of atmospheric CO2 levels undulating the case for Antarctic ice, especially far­ IRD, INP, IGE, F-38000 Grenoble, France. with glacial–interglacial300 climate cycles for ther inland; but because outer parts of ice e-mails: jean-robert.petit@univ-grenoble- several hundred thousand years. This close cores are always slightly contaminated by; [email protected] (ppm) correlation2 attests to the tight coupling dust (from handling, storage or the atmos­ 200 betweenCO climate and carbon cycles during phere), dry extraction is needed even when the past 800,000 years, and has stimulated 5 thousand 30 20 10 years BP climate scientists100 to consider them to be part “This pioneering work of the same global0 system.100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 Four decades of ‘dry’ samplingIce of depth ice- core(m) sparked research that now bubbles have contributed to our current gives us an accurate record of 1. Delmas, R. J., Ascencio, J.-M. & Legrand, M. Nature 284, understanding of the succession of glacial– 155–157 (1980). atmospheric CO2 levels.” 2. Arrhenius, S. Phil. Mag. 41, 237–275 (1896). cycles. Lying somewhere between 3. Croll, J. Nature 12, 329 (1875). the initial suggestions of Arrhenius and Croll, 4. Milankovitch, M. in Handbuch der Klimatologie these cycles are seen as the combined effects analysing Antarctic samples. Last but not (eds Köppen, W. & Geiger, R.) Part 1, 1–176 (1930). 5. Hays. J. D., Imbrie, J. & Shackleton, N. J. Science 194, of orbital variations and greenhouse gases, least, we know that current atmospheric CO2 1121–1132 (1976). amplified by a series of natural feedbacks. levels (407 p.p.m. in 2018; see 6. Scholander, P. F. et al. Meddelelser om Grønland 165, 1–25 (1962). Insolation changes driven by Earth’s orbital 2j4heej) are probably unprecedented for the 7. Legrand, M. et al. Anal. Chem. 54, 1336–1339 (1982). 16 and axial oscillations () past 800,000 years . 8. Berner, W., Oeschger, H. & Stauffer, B. Radiocarbon 22, set the timing of the glacial cycles. But green­ One of the most intriguing puzzles in 227–235 (1980). 9. Jouzel, J. et al. Nature 329, 403–408 (1987). house gases (mainly CO2), together with the palaeo­climate science is why the periodicity 10. Barnola, J. M., Raynaud, D., Korotkevich, Y. S. & Lorius, C. growth and retreat of the northern ice sheets, of the climate cycle has changed: marine sedi­ Nature 329, 408–414 (1987). affect the radiation balance between absorbed ment records show that climate followed a 11. Genthon, G. et al. Nature 329, 414–418 (1987). 12. Petit, J.-R. et al. Nature 399, 429–436 (1999). sunlight and energy escaping back to space, 40,000-year cycle before 1.2 million years 13. Lüthi, D. et al. Nature 453, 379–382 (2008). thereby driving the size and shape of the ago, but changed to 100,000-year cycles 14. Etheridge, D. M. et al. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos. 101, changes. during the Mid-Pleistocene Transition, 4115–4128 (1996). 15. Delmas, R. J. Tellus B 45, 391–396 (1993). The reliability of Antarctic ice as a natural about 1 million years ago. Delmas and col­ 16. Masson-Delmotte, V. et al. in Climate Change 2013: The sampler of past air has been confirmed by leagues’ legacy can be seen in an ongoing Physical Science Basis (eds Stocker, T. F. et al.) 383–464 (Cambridge Univ. Press, 2013). a reconstruction of atmospheric CO2 levels international­ Antarctic project that might 14 17 17. Fischer, H. et al. Clim. Past 9, 2489–2505 (2013). over the past millennium , which covers shed light on this . Known as ‘Beyond EPICA 18. Lorius, C., Merlivat, L., Jouzel, J. & Pourchet, M. Nature pre-industrial CO2 levels (280 p.p.m.) and Oldest Ice’, it aims to extend the ice record 280, 644–648 (1979).

506 | Nature | Vol 579 | 26 March 2020 | Corrected 26 March 2020 ©2020 Spri nger Nature Li mited. All rights reserved. ©2020 Spri nger Nature Li mited. All rights reserved.

News & views Correction

Forty years of ice-core records of CO2 Jean-Robert Petit & Dominique Raynaud An earlier version of this article incorrectly credited the image in Figure 1. The correct credit is Vladimir Lipenkov. See 00809-8

Nature | Vol 579 | 26 March 2020 | Corrected 26 March 2020 | 507 ©2020 Spri nger Nature Li mited. All rights reserved. ©2020 Spri nger Nature Li mited. All rights reserved.