© 2008 AGI-Information Management Consultants May be used for personal purporses only or by libraries associated to dandelon.com network.


55' Hannes Leopoldseder-Age of the Digital Dawn --•—„—: 8 Christine Schöpf-Prix Ars Electronica 99 --- 11 .NET \ A StepTowards Community-Statement of the .net Jury ------— -16 Linus Torvalds-Golden Nica -; — 24 Jean-Marc Philippe — 28 Willy Henshall / Matt Moller —-j ------30 David P. Anderson —;-- 32 Joanna Berzowska 34

CAAD / Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich : 36 FreeBg2 -j— -38 Eric Loyer -: 40

Daniel Julia Lundgren :— — 42 Fumio Matsumoto / Shoei Matsukawa -— 44 Mark Napier ; -—46 Nick Philip r —-48 Ramana Rao / Inxight f —- 50 Christa Sommerer / Laurent Mignonneau —_— — 52 Martin Watten berg / Joon Yu !— 54 INTERACTIVE ART f ; Are We Still Enjoying Interactivity? Statement of the Interactive Art Jury ——- 58 Lynn Hershman / Construct Internet Design - Golden Nica 64 LucCourchesne —-- ——-—66 Perry Hoberman —- -— 68 Joachim Blank / Karl Heinz Jeron \- 70 Christoph Ebener / Frank Fietzek / Uli Winters — — 72 Kouichirou Eto / Canon ARTLAB -.- -~ 74 F.A.B.R.I.CATORS / K-Team -— 76 Beate Garmer —— ~ 78 Bill Keays / Ron MacNeil 80 Russet Lederman -"- — 82 Eric Paulos ~-- -84 Simon Penny ——-86 Daniel Rozin - —— --—88

Stefan Schemat/Michael Joyce / Hiroki Maekawa / Dominica Freyer / ';- Burki Carstens / Mike Felsmann / Isabella Bordoni / Roberto Paci Dalö - — 90 Christa Sommerer / Laurent Mignonneau — 92 / VISUAL EFFECJS Whatexactly is Computer Animation? Whatare Visual Effects? ; .1 Statement of the Computer Animation/Visual Effects Jury — .96 Chris Wegde - Golden Nica -—- -— 104 / / — 108 Bob Sabiston /Tommy Pallotta / Fiat Black Films : 110 o 2 u Jun Asakawa./Toshifumi Kawahara / Polygon Pictures '-——— 112 Erwin Charrier / Heure Exquise 4 -j-1 — 114

Paul Kaiser/Shelley Eshkar/Bill T.Jones 1 —-- -—.116 Christopher Landreth / Alias|Wavefront — .118 William Le Henanff'—— r —~ 120 Patrice Mugnier / Heure Exquise J ;i22 Didi Offenhuber / AEC FutureLab — —124 Bruce Pukema / Ronin Inc. r 126 Daniel Robichaud / Digital Domain 128 Christian Sawade-Meyer — 130 Seiji Shiota /Tohru Patrick Awa / Polygon Pictures -| 132 LevYilmaz / Emre Yilmaz / Protozoa ;-— «134-

VincentWard/Stephen Simon / Barnet Bain / ;' . -. Mass.illusions / POP / Digital Domain - Golden Nica — —- 136

CFC - Computer Film Company :....•—-;—r =142 Alain Escalle : ;-- —144 Manuel Horrillo Fernandez / Daiquiri/Spainbox ...—— 148 Fuel - Peter Miles / Dämon Murray / Stephen Sorrell — 150 Ray Giarratana / Digital Domain ——.152 Geoffrey Guiot / Bruno Larde / Jeröme Maillot / Heure Exquise ;— 154 Juan Tomicic Muller / Daiquiri/Spainbox -.— (156 Phil Tippett / Craig Hayes / Tippett Studio — -—- 158 DIGITAL MUSICS Musicfromthe Bedroom Studios - Statement of the Digital Musics Jury —— — 162 AphexTwin (Richard D.James) / Chris Cunningham -Golden Nica '-.- 168 : Christian / Peter Rehberg aka Pita 170 IkueMori -— 172 Stefan Betke -:- ,174

Paul DeMarinis -'-: —175 Rose Dodd / Stephen Connolly 1— :—176 John Duncan / Francisco Lopez -;- -—177 Bernhard Günter —1~_ — .178 Richard Hawtin aka Plastikman 179 MAZK / Zbigniew Karkowski / Masami Akita —- —180 Mouse on Mars { —-—181 TerreThaemlitz i~ 182 [The User] / local area networkorchestra —!•-— —-183

Tone Rec / Gaetan Collet / Noelle Collet / Claude Pailliot / Vincent Thierion r— -184 Ralf L. Wehowsky (RLW) — -—185

CYBERGENERATION/U 19 Early Retirementfor Hollywood's Dinos- Statement of the Cybergeneration / U19 Freestyle Computing Jury — 188 (conspirat).-Golden Nica '--— — 194 Alexander Fischl / Gregor Koschicek 7 196 Phil E. Haindl -— —198 Franz Berger — 200 Sebastian Endt :- — 201 Simon Gaßner ______202 Alexander Kvasnicka -:— -203 Stefanie Mitter '-- —-204 Takuya Nimmerrichter ;- — 205 Simon Oberhammer --206 Benedikt Schalk — 207 Markus Strahlhofer 208 Patrick Toifl '—209 Stefan Trischler 210 Armin Weihbold -:— — 211

'Prix Ars Electronica Jury '- 212 Prix Ars Electronica Participants ---'- —- 218