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Number 6 July - August 1977 Volume 15

THE 1896 CANCELLATIONS by Joe Schirmer, Associate Editor

Anyone who collects Olympic stamps should not only have an interest in the first Olympic issue from but should also experience the thrill of trying to assemble a collection of First Day cancellations of this issue. A Decree-Law published in the Official Gazette No. 33 of August 10-12, 1895 authorized the issue of these 12 stamps and set their "absolute" value as approximately 200,000 drachmas. The First Day of issue was officially was March 25, 1896. At the time of issue of these Olympic stamps, there were two Central Post Offices in Athens and 8 known branch offices, with strong evidence pointing to a No. 9 which however, has never been seen on an authentic cancelled cover; but most authorities feel that it will eventually appear probably from some remote and/or unknown collection.

121 The photograph shows the 2 Central Post Office cancellations in the top row, and the branch P. O. cancellations in the other 2 rows. The photograph is the actual size of the cancellations. The 8 branch cancellations come with either the Greek word Proine (/7) meaning AM in the cancellation or the word Esprerini (£) meaning PM. No. 8 cancellation can come with the year either above or below the hour. Nos. 3, 6 & 7 cancellations are by far, the easiest and most common; and one should not experience any prob­ lems in obtaining them for their collection. We would like to see all you Olympic buffs try and assemble, first; a collection of the 10 different cancellations. Then go for the "big one"—try and assemble a collection of all 10 cancellations with each cancellation on each of the 12 stamps. That would give you 120 cancels. Keep me posted on how you do. Least you forget, there will be no first day cancellations from OLYMPIA as this post office was not opened until Sept. 15, 1899.

New Issue Column by Barbara de Violini Associate Editor

ANTIGUA May, 1977. Caribbean Boy Scout Jamboree. <•/•$, l

122 GRENADA April 1977. Easter Water Prade. y2(f, Water Skier; 1*, Speed Boat Race; 2

WANTED - COLLECTORS Who need covers or cards with sport cancellations or themes. Special circuit selections can be arranged for specialized sports or countries. Want list ser­ vice is still available for stamps issued before 1971. Blank sales books are available for 35$ each, postpaid.


PRESIDENT: John La Porta, 3604 S. Home Ave., Berwyn, IL 60402 VICE-PRESIDENT: Laeonard K. Eichorn, 4331 Baintree Rd, University Hghts., Ohio 44118 SEC-TREASURER: William F. Brown, 1408 N. Fenton Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46219 DIRECTORS: Robert M. Bruce, 1457 Cleveland Rd., Wooster, Ohio 44691 Hex Haggett, 27 Meadow Close, Stratford-Upon-Avon, Warwickshire, ENG. George C Kobylka, P.O. Box 159, Berwyn, IL 60402 Sherwin D. Podolsky, 16035 Tupper St., Sepulveda, CA 91343 AUCTIONS: Olech W. Wyslotsky, 55 Glenwood Ave., East Orange, NJ 07017 MEMBERSHIP: Helen E Long, 1133 Bryce Way, Ventura, CA 93003 SALES DEPT.: Arlo Scoggin, 1345 Sleepy Hollow, Coshocton, Ohio 43812

Sports Philatelists Intemation is an independent, non-profit organization dedicated to the study and collecting of postage stamps and related collateral material dealing with sports (including Olympics) and recreation and to the promotion of international understanding and good-will through mutual interest in philately and sports. Its activities are planned and carried on entirely by the unpaid, volunteer services of its members. All members in good standing receive the bi-monthly issue of Journal of Sports Philately. The dues for regular membership are $5.00 per year with a one time admission fee of $1,00. Membership applications may be obtained from Helen E Long, 1133 Bryce Way, Ventura, CA 93003.

iU [D SPORTS PHILHTELU EDITOR John La Porta, 3604 S. Home Ave., Berwyn, IL 60402 ASSOCIATE William F. Brown, 1408 N. Fenton Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46219 EDITORS: Robert M Bruce, 1457 Cleveland Rd., Wooster, Ohio 44691 Barbara W. de Violini, P.O. Box 5025, Oxnard, CA 93030 Edward B Epstein, Bd. of Education, 33 Church St., Paterson, NJ 07505 Joseph M Lacko, 1031 W. Chestnut St., Union, NJ 07083 Sherwin D. Podolsky, 16035 Tupper St., Sepulveda, CA 91343 Joseph E Schirmer, 7300 Blvd East, North Bergen, NJ 07047 Olech W. Wyslotsky, 55 Glenwood Ave., East Orange, NJ 07017 ART EDITXIR: Olech W. Wyslotsky, 55 Glenwood Ave., East Orange, NJ 07017 CIRCULATION: William F. Brown, 1408 N. Fenton Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46219 PUBLISHER: K-Line Publishing Co., Inc., P.O. Box 159, Berwyn, IL 60402 PUBLICITY: Joseph E Schirmer, 7300 Blvd. East, North Bergen, NJ 07047 APS Affiliate Number 39

ADVERTISING RATES: FULL PAGE $10.00; HALF PAGE $6.00. A discount of 10% is allowed for six insertions of identical copy. Camera ready copy must be supplied by the advertiser. Publishing deadline is the first day of January, March, May, July, September and November.

NOTE: The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the individual authors and they do not necessarily represent those of the editor, the officers of SPI or the position of SPI itself. All catalogue numbers quoted in this publication are from Scott's Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue unless specifically stated otherwise. SPI and JSP do not guaran­ tee advertisements, but accept copy in good faith, reserving the right to reject objectionable material.

124 Handbook Of Basketball Stamps " Bob Bruce -


1975, March 14. Russia. 6th Summer Spartakiade of the Peoples of the U.S.S.R. Un­ wmkdi P llii designed by I. Mart/now and N. Cherkassovi photogravure.

371. 6k multicolored (emblem of Spartakiade, including basketball rebounder) (5,000,000)

Sc 1*296 i Min 44391 Gi 1*377; Ml 1*338: *t 4127

1975, November 25. . Independence. Unwmkdi P 13 x 14 (Sc and Min); 13* x 14 (Ml)i lithography in sheets of ten (5 x 2) with ornamental margins.

372. 75e multicolored (hands and basketball)

Sc 426t Min 773l Gi I Ml 704t Yt

Section Twenty

1976, January 7. . 21st Olympic Games, Montreal, July 17-Aug. 8, 1976. Un­ wmkdi P 13 (Min and Sc), 13i (Mi and Yt) s designed by James Hill, lithography on fluorescent paper in sheets of50 by Ashton-Potter, Ltd., Montreal.

Emblem of 21st Olympic Games, plus 373. 8« + 2* multicolored (basketball)(15,000,000)

Sc 310) Min 792) GI 829i Ml 617s Yt 591

Motesi (a) The surtax was for the benefit of the Canadian Olympic Committee, (b) Basketball results of 21st Olympic Gamesi (l) United States, (2) Jugoslav- la, (3) Russia, (4) Canada, (5) Italy, (6) Czechoslovakia, (7) , and (8) .

1976, April (Ml), May 21 (Sc, Min, and Gi). . 21st Olympic Games, Montreal, July 17-Aug. 8, 1976. Unwmkdi P llj (Sc, Min, Gi, and Yt) i 11 3A (Ml) I designed by Maria Carmen Ferreiraj lithography on phosphorexcent paper by Casa da Moeda, Rio de Janeiro.

Olympic rings, plus

374. lcr green/black (basketball through diagonal netting grid)(5,000,000)

Sc 1435i Min 1648i Gi 1586i Mi 1529i Yt 1192

Notei For basketball results of 21st Olympic Games, see Note 373b above. 1976, April 6. Germany. 21st Olympic Games, Montreal, July 17-Aug. 8, 1976 (Youth training for Olympic Games). Unwmkdi P 14t designed by Halla and Heinz Schll- llnger; lithography in sheets of 50 by the Federal Printing Office, Berlin.

375. 30pf + 15pf multicolored (basketball)

Sc B526i Min 2093; Gi 17721 Mi 882j Yt 731


125 Notesi (a) 2,924,000 sets issued, (b) The surtax was for the benefit of young people, (c) For basketball results of 21st Olympic Games, see Note 373b above.

1976, May 3. . 21st Olympic Games, Montreal, July 17-Aug. 8, 1976. Unwmkd; P 13 (Min), 13i (Sc, Gi, and Yt)i lithography (Sc), photogravure (Min and Gi) in Se-tenant sheets of twenty by Heraclio Fournier, Vitoria.

Emblem of 21st Olympic Games, plus 376. I4fr multicolored (basketball) a. Imperforate 377. 40fr multicolored (same as No. 376) a. Imperforate

Sc 495, 502l Min 1182, 1189; Gi 1126, 1137; Ml 1254, 126li Yt 685, A426

Notesi (a) 20,000 sets Issued, (b) For results of 21st Olympic Games, see Note 373b above.

1976, May 3. Burundi. 21st Olympic Games, Montreal, July 17-Aug. 8, 1976. Unwmkdi P 13 (Min), IJi (Sc and Gi); souvenir sheet (115 x 120mm.) containing one each of No. 376 and Sc 503b-03d, gold inscription,black emblem of 21st Olympic Games, and multicolored marglni lithograpy (Sc), photogravure (Min and Gi) by Heraclio Four­ nier, Vitoria.

Emblem of 21st Olympic Games, plus 378. I4f multicolored (basketball) a. Imperforate

Sc 503a-03d; Min 11961 Gi NS1140ai Mi 1254, 1256, and 1260/B1 921 Yt 31 90

Notet For basketball results of 21st Olympic Games, see Note 373b above.

1976, May 15. Qatar. 21st Olympic Games, Montreal, July 17-Aug. 8, 1976. Unwmkd; P 13i (Min), 14 x 13i (Sc); designed by K. Iruvlnt lithography by John Enschede and Sons, Amsterdam.

377. 1.50r multicolored (basketball)

So 489; Min 5581 Gi j Ml 1 Yt

Notesi (a) 25,000 sets issued, (b) For results of 21st Olympic Games, see Note 373b above.

1976, May 25. Cuba. 21st Olympic Games, Montreal, July 17-Aug. 8, 1976. Unwmkdi 12i; designed by R. Qulntana; lithography by State Printing Office, Havana.

Emblem of 21st Olympic Games, plus 380. 2* multicolored (basketball)

So j Min 1 Gi 22931 Ml 21361 Yt 1931

Notesi (a) 886,000 sets issued, (b) For basketball results of 21st Olympic Games, see Note 373b above.

1976, June 23. Russia. 21st Olympic Games, Montreal, July 17-Aug. 8, 1976. Un­ wmkdi P 12 x 12-J; designed by P. Bendel (Gi); lithography by Goznak Printing Of­ fice.

Emblem of Russian Olympic Committee, plus 380. 6k multicolored (two rebounders and net)(6,500,000)

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126. Sc. 44461 Min 45811 Gi 45181 Ml 44791 Yt 4257

Notei For basketball results of 21st Olympic Games, see Note 373b above.

1976, June 25. . 21st Olympic Games, Montreal, July 17-Aug. 8, 1976. Un- wnkd| P 13ji photogravure.

Emblem of Romanian Olympic Committee, plus 382. 55b multicolored (basketball)

Sc 2628i Min 3512j Gi 4222; Ml 3352; Yt 2962

Notesi (a) 300,000 sets issued. (b) For basketball results of 21st Olympic Games, see Note 373b above.

1976, July 5. . 21st Olympic Games, Montreal, July 17-Aug. 8, 1976. Unwmkdi P 14 (Sc. Min, and Gl)j 14J (Mi); lithography by Harrison and Sons, Ltd., London.

383. 60m multicolored (emblems of Olympic sports, including basketball)(510,000)

Sc 466i Min 469i GI 472s Ml 455i Yt 449

Notei For basketball results of 21st Olympic Games, see Note 373b above.

1976, July 7. Afars aixi Issas. 21st Olympic Games, Montreal, July 17-Aug. 8, 1976. Unwrnkdj P 12-J-i designed by J. B. E. Chesnotj lithography by Edlda.

Maple leaf, plus

384. lOfr multicolored (basketball)

Sc 423i Min 693. Gi 654( Ml I5O1 Yt 425

Notei For basketball results of 21st Olympic Games, see Note 373b above. 1976, July 7 (Gi), 9 (Sc, Min, and Mi). Spain. 21st Olympic Games, Montreal, July 17-Aug. 8, 1976. Unwmkdi P 13; photogravure in sheets of eighty by the State Mint, Madrid.

Emblem of 21st Olympic Games, plus 385. 12p multicolored (basketball)

Sc 19681 Min 23751 Gi 1387i Mi 22361 Yt 1989

Notesi (a) 7,000,000 sets issued; (b) Tor basketball results of 21st Olympic Games, see Note 272b above.

1976, July 16. Benin. 21st Olympic Games, Montreal, July 17-Aug. 8, 1976. Unwmkdi P 13 (Sc and Min), 13i (Gi and Ml)1 designed by Odette Balalsi photogravure by Delrieu, Paris.

Montreal Stadium, Olympic rings, and scout emblem, plus

386. 150fr multicolored (basketball)

Sc C251| Min 782| Gi 6U| Ml 51s Yt A249

Notei For basketball results of 21st Olympic Games, see Note 373b above. 1976, July 16. Benin. 21st Olympic Games, Montreal, July 17-Aug. 8, 1976. Unwmkdi P 13 (Sc and Min), 13$ (GI and Mi)1 souvenir sheet (150 x 120 mm.---5c, Min, and

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127 Mil 152 x 121 mm.--Gi) containing one each of No. 385 and Sc C247 and C249, brown marginal inscription! photogravure by Delrieu, Paris.

Montreal Stadium, Olympic rings, and scout emblem, plus

387. 150fr multicolored (basketball)

Sc C252ai Min 784| GI MS613; Mi Bl Is Yt Bl 23

Notei For basketball results of 21st Olympic Games, see Note 373b above. 1976, July 17. Kuwait. 21st Olympic Games, Montreal, July 17-Aug. 8, 1976. Unwmkdi P 14 (Min), 14J (Sc)t lithography by Harrison and Sons, Ltd., London.

388. 4f multicolored (Olympic emblem of basketball)

Sc 662; Min 705; Gi i Mi s Yt

Notesi (a) 400,000 sets issued, (b) For basketball results of 21st Olympic Games, see Note 373b above.

1976, July 17. Niger. 21st Olympic Games, Montreal, July 17-Aug. 8, 1976. Unwmkdi P 13i (Min and Gi), IJi x 13 (Yt), 14 (Mi)1 lithography by Format International Security Printers, Ltd., London.

389. 50fr multicolored (basketball)

Sc s Min 708; Gi 634s Ml 532: Yt 365

Notesi (a) Ml reports individual souvenir sheets (76 x 89 mm.) but assigns no catalogue numbers. (b) For basketball results of 21st Olympic Cames, see Note 373b above.

1976, July 17 (Min), 26 (Sc aid Mi). Seychelles. 21st Olympic Games, Montreal, July 17-Aug. 8, 1976. Wmkd small St. Edward's crown aai "CA" multiple) P 14 (Min) 14J (Sc, Ml, and Yt); designed by John Waddington Studios, lithography by Questa Colour Security Printers, London.

Olympic rings, plus 390. lr multicolored (basketball

Sc 355; Min 372; Gi 367s Ml 360| Yt 3^1

Notei For basketball results of 21st Olympic Games, see Note 373b above.

1976, July 30. Iraq. 21st Olympic Games, Montreal, July 17-Aug. 8, 1976. Unwmkd; P 12 x 12^s designed by Y. M. Al-Abdullahs lithography by Thomas de la Rue of Bo­ gota.

Emblem of 21st Olympic Games, plus 391. 25f multicolored (basketball)

Sc C58| Min 1304| Gi 1245; Mi 871s Yt A56

Notesi (a) 100,000 sets Issued. (b) For basketball results of 21st Olympic Games, see Note 373b above.

1976, August 10. St. Pierre and Mlquelon. 21st Olympic Games, Montreal, July 17- Aug. 8, 1976. Unwmkdi P 13; designed and engraved by Pierre Forgets recess printed by French Stamp Printing Office, Perigeaux.


128 ' Maple leaf, plus 392. 70« multicolored (back-handed lay-up, blocker, basket and net, lther play­ ers) Sc 448s Min 6061 Gi 5^7) Ml 519; Yt 450

Notei For basketball results of 21st Olympic Games, see Note 373b above.

1976, September 11. Senegal. 21st Olympic Games, Montreal, July 17-Aug 8, 1976. Unwmkdi P lj^i lithographed and embossed on gold foil.

393. lOOOfr multicolored (basketball, emblem of 21st Olympic Games, and Montreal In background)

Sc 1 Min s GI 1 Mi 6l3i Yt

Notei For basketball results of 21st Olympic Cames, see Note 373b above.

1976, September 11. Senegal. 21st Olympic Games, Montreal, July 17-Aug. 8, 1976. Unwmkd; P 13^; souvenir sheet (121 x 77 mm.) containing one each of No. 392); lithographed and embossed on gold foil.

394. lOOOfr multicolored (basketball, emblem of 21st Olympic Games, and Montreal In background)

Sc ; Min 1 Gi s Ml 613/B1 28s Yt

Notei For basketball results of 21st Olympic Games, see Note 373b above.

1976, October 6. . 5th Arab Games. Unwmkdi P 12^; designed by Assad Arabi; lithography in se-tenant sheets by Government Press, Damascus.

Emblem of Games, plus

395. 35P multicolored (basketball) Sc 356; Min 1438; Gi i Ml I Yt Notei 75.000 sets issued. 1976, October 22. . 21st Olympic Games, Montreal, July 17-Aug. 8, 1976. Unwmkds P 12 (Min and Gi), Ui x 12* (Ml); designed by Lucas Saldanoi lithography by Editorial Padella. 396. 10« multicolored (basketball)(500,000) Sc C248| .Min 1279 s Cl 1 Ml 1146; Yt Notei For basketball results of 21st Olympic Games, see Note 373b Above.

COMMONWEALTH GAMES 1974 by Joe Schirmer, Associate Editor

Recently I received a copy of a new book entitled "Xth British Common-.- wealth Games 1974" published by the postal History Society of and edited by my friend Gerald Lawson. While but 13 pages, and well printed by mimeograph, this book has a wealth of information for sport collectors. It sells for $3.00 US and is sent via airmail. Just about everything in the realm of the is covered .... background history; sporting venues; Games post offices; stadium postal services; stamps Issued; slogan cancellations; etc. I feel this work is a very handy piece of reference and well worth the cost. For full details, write to Joe at: Hudson Towers, 7300 Blvd. East, North Bergen, NJ 07047.


* Bob Bruce *

1. Competitive sports guay Min 2553, Min 2556, a. Aquatics 742, St. Pierre 4 Mlquelon 449, (1) Canoeing Senegal Ml 606, Seychelles 353, (Span.) 95, Syria 75^. 935 2336, Cyprus 466, Equatorial (6) Water polo Guinea Min 1394, Hungary 2424- Hungary 2424-30, Kuwait 667, 30, 2452, Malagasy Republic 509, Uruguay 935 Min 818, Romania 2632, 2634, (7) Water skiing—none Russia 4445, Rwanda 764, Togo (8) Miscellaneous 934 Cuba Ml 2141 (2) Diving b. Ball Australia 639, Bulgaria 2338, (1) Baseball and Softball—none Congo Republic C231, Grenada (2) Basketball Granadlnes Min 196, Guinea Ifars 4 Issas 423, Benin C251, 709, Malagasy Republic Min Brazil 1435, Burundi 495, 502, 822, 1025, Paraguay Min Canada B10, Cuba Ml 2lJ6, Cy­ 2555, Togo Min 1265, United prus 466, Dominican Republic States 1695. Uruguay 935,. Wal­ C248, Bermany B526, Iraq C58, lis 4 Futuna Islands C71 Kuwait 662, Niger Min 708. Qa­ (3) Rowing tar 489, Romania 2631, Russia Cyprus 466, Dominica 478, Equa­ 4446, St. Pierre 4 Miquelon torial Guinea Xin 1393, Ger­ 448, Senegal Ml 613, Seychelles many B527, Grenada 733, Frena- 355, Spain 1968, Syria 756 Grenadines Min 198, Hungary (3) Cricket 2424-30, Jugoslavia 1312, Mon­ Antigua 458, Barbados 438-39, aco 1628, Nicarague 1022-27, Belize 381-82, 2*3-^6, C902-05, Min 2534, Spain 1965 Dominica 492-93, Grenada 747- (4) Sailing 48, Guyana 243-44, Aitutaki 128, 132, Antigua 414-15, St. Kitts 322-23, St. 439, 458, Bahamas 390, Bermuda Lucia 403-04, St. Vincent 470- 337-42, Brazil 1436, Cayman Is­ 71, 457 lands 377-78, Cyprus 467, Do­ (4) Field hockey minica 483, Equatorial Guinea Altutakl 129, 133. Cook Islands Min 1395, Min 1396, Min 1397, ^53-9", Cyprus 467, Germany Min 1398, Min 1399, Min 1483, (Berlin) 9NB125, 9N385, Grena­ France 1493, Grenada Grena­ da 735, Guyana 243-44, dines Min 158, Hungary 2424-30, 727, Maldive Islands 646, Rwan­ Liberia 739, Malta 510, Mont- da 741, Senegal Ml 608, Sey­ serrat 359, 362, chelles 354, Trinidad 4 Tobago B52S, Qatar 485, Russia 738, 260-61 Togo C283, C298, Upper Volta (5) Football—none Ml 612 (6) Golf (5) Swimming Caabia 332->. Grenada 704, Antigua 424, Bangladesh 120, South Africa 459 Barbados Ml 279, Belgium 3938, (7) Cyprus 467, Dominica 480, Ecua­ Congo Republic 383, Gyprus 467, dor C593, Germany 3530, flermany Germany (Berlin) 9N3126, Greece (Berlin) 9NB127, German Demo­ Hungary 2424-30, India 726, Ju­ cratic Republic B180, 1723, goslavia 1310, Kuwait 665, Mall Greece 1184, Hungary 2424-30, C282, Romania 2631, 2653 Iarael 603, Kuwait 669, Mali (8) J'Alal—none C281, 928, 930, Para­ (9) Polo

"0LYMFIC DAY" cancel used in Athens, Greece, April 6, 1977. Submitted by P. J. Drossos.

130 Hungary 2424-30, South Africa land 266, Tanzania 60, Uganda 458 153, Western Samoa 438 (10) Rugby—none 3) Bull fighting—none (11) Soccer 4) Cook Islands 455-56, Cyprus Afars 4 Issas 425, Australia 466, Equatorial Guinea Min 637, Bangladesh 122, Burundi 1422, Hungary 2424-30, 2454, 498, 501, Canada B12, Congo Mauritania C158, 2166, Republic 385, Cook Islands Romania 2651, Togo C285, C299 ^57-58, Cyprus 467, Equatori­ (5) Judo al Guinea Min i486, Ethiopia Brazil 1437, Cuba Ml 2140, Cy­ 763-67, Bagon CI85, Ghana prus 467, Equatorial Guinea 584, Guinea 717, Iran 1890, Min 1424, Grenada 734, Hungary Jordan 992, Kuwait 668, Le­ 2424-30, Kuwait 604, Liechten­ sotho 209, Libya 620, 627-29, stein 591, Mongolia 905, Niger Mall C283, Morocco Ml 858, Min 711, Senegal Ml 611 Netherlands B527, Niger Min (6) Marksmanship 709, Paraguay Min 2448, Poland Andorra (Fr.) 249, Belize 339, 2168, Ha.tar 472-77, 484, Rwan- Cyprus 467, German Democratic da 743, 762, Seychelles 356, Republic B181. Hungary 2424-30, Swaziland 267, 269-72, Syria India 725, Iran 1914, Jugoslav­ 753, Upper Volta Ml 613, Uru­ ia 1311, Mongolia 910, Russia guay Ml 1405, 963. Min 1681, 4449, Rwanda 763 Yemen Peoples' Republic 167- (7) Wrestling 69. Bulgaria 2333, Cyprus 467, Equ­ (12) Table tennis atorial Guinea Min 1430, Greece Benin 368, Czechoslovakia 1183, Hungary 2424-30, 2451. 2060, Hun.gary 2424-30 Iraq C60, Maldive Islands 643, (13) Tennis Mongolia 902, Morocco 881, Ro­ Grenada 705, Jordan 990 mania 2655, Russia 4447, Sene­ (14) gal Mi 600, Spain 1967, Upper Cuba .M12135, Cyprus 466, Ger­ Volta Mi 614, Western Samoa 439 many B529, Grenada 731, Hun­ (8) Miscellaneous—none gary 2424-30, Iraq C59, Korea Racing 1042, Liechtenstein 592, Mal­ (1) Auto—none dive Islands 650, Paraguay Min (2) Bicycle 2558 Afars 4 Issas 424, Aitutakl (15) Miscellaneous 127, 131, Antigua 436, Austra­ Austria 1035, South Africa lia 440, Bahamas 388, Barbados 456, 460 Ml 281, Belize 377, Congo Re­ Combative public 382, Cyprus 466, Ethio­ (1) Archery pia 778, Grenada 732, Grenada Cyprus 466, Dominica 484, Hun­ Grenadines Min 192, Guinea 713, gary 2424-30, Mongolia 904, Hungary 2424-30, Libya 618, Paraguay Min 2554 627-29, Mongolia 932, Morocco (2) 882, Niger Min 708, Poland Antigua 432, Bahamas 391, Bar­ 2167, Senegal Mi 601, Togo Min bados Mi 277, Bulgaria 2334, 1264, Min 1306 Chad Min 806, Cuba Ml 2138, (3) Horse Cyprus 466, Dominican Republic Mall 262 775, Equatorial Guinea Min (4) Motorcycle 1415, Ethiopia 776, Ghana Equatorial Guinea Min 1467-74, 586, Hungary 2424-30, Iraq Min 1475-82, 367-71, Mall C6l, Kenya 62, Korea 1043, Le­ 265-68, Niger 354-57, Togo C284 sotho 211, Libya 619, Monaco (5) Miscellaneous—none 1029, Mongolia 906, Morocco Track and field 883, Niger Min 707, Poland (1) Discus 2169, Qatar 487, Romania Lesotho 212, Maldive Islands 2630, 2654, Rwanda 744, Sene­ 649, Russia 4445, Rwanda 767, gal Ml 602, Spain 1966, Swazi­ Rwanda 767, Togo Min 1307

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131 (2) Hammer throw 487, 500, Comoros Islands Kin Equatorial Guinea Min 1418, 265, Min 266, Congo Republic Guinea 708, Liberia 738, Monaco C230, 384, Cyprus 460, Donlni- 1027, Rwanda 769, Wallis 4 Fu­ ean Republic C249, Equatorial tuna Islands C70 Guinea Min 1414, Ethiopia 777, (3) High jump French Polynesia C134, Gabon Antigua 431, Bangladesh 119, 365-66, C184, German Democratic Barbida Ml 276, Benin C250, Republic 1724, 1725, Ghana 585. Burundi C238, C240, Comoros Grenada Grenadines Min 187. Islazds Min 267, Min 268, Ga­ Guinea 712, Hungary 2424-30, bon C186, Germany B531, Grenada India 728, Ivory Coast 412, 737, Guinea 714, 602, Jordan 991. Kenya 61, Kuwait Mauritania C157, Mongolia 909. 663, Malagasy Republic Hln 819, Togo 935, Tonga 372-76, C190, Maldive Islands 647, Mali C280, C192, C193 Malta 511, Mauritania CI56, (4) Hurdles Mongolia 933, Morocco 884, Ne­ Bangladesh 117, 3enln C252, Bu­ pal 315, Netherlands 559. New rundi C237, C241, Chad Min 805, Caledonia C132, Paraguay Min Cook Islands 451-52, Grenada 2559, Penrhyn Islands 81. Po­ Grenadines Min 194, Guinea 710, ind 2171, Senegal HI 604, Ml Kenya 60, Liberia 741, Libya 609, Seychelles 252, Sudan 293- 627-29, Malagasy Republic Min 95, Swaziland 265, Syria 755, 819, Maldive Islands 645, Sene­ Tanzania 59, Togo Mn 1268, gal Mi 597, Tanzania 58, Uganda 933, Tonga 372-76, C190, C192, 151, Upper Volta Min 659 C193, 687, Uganda 152, United States 1697, Upper Volta (5) Javelin Min 657 Czechoslovakia 2057, Equatorial Guinea Min 1416, Guinea 711, (10) Shot put Hungary 2429, 2455, Ivory Coast Antigua 437, Barbados Ml 282, 411, Maldive Islands 83, Ro­ Chad Min 808, Czechoslovakia mania 2652, Syria 757, Tonga 2059, Dominica 479, Equatorial 372-76, C190, C192, C193, Guinea ''in 1417, Germany (Ber­ Western Samoa 440 lin) 9N3124, Ghana 583, Grenada (6) Long jump Granallnes Min 195, Guinea 713, Bahamas 389, Congo Republic Liberia 738, Malagasy Republic 373, Cuba Mi 2137, Equatorial Min 820, Maldive Islands 644, Guinea Min 1421, French Poly­ Tonga 372-76, C190, C192, C193 nesia C135, Greece 1181, Guinea (11) Triple jump—none 707, Jugoslavia 1309, Liechten­ (12) Walking—none stein 594, .Malagasy Republic (13j Miscellaneous Sin 82, Penrhyn Islands 82, Ro­ Nicaragua Min 2536-51 mania 269, Rwanda 740 1 Winter (7) Pole vault (1) Biathlon Antigua 433, Barbados Mi 278, 1721, Bulgaria 2296, Burundi 496, 499, Chad Min 807, 1972, Equatorial Guinea Congo Republic 372, Guinea 716, Min 1443, Niger Min 802, Poland Liberia 737, Libya 627-29, Togo 2142, Romania 2597 Min 1267, Min 1309, 947, Upper (2) Bob-sledding Volta Min 660 Albania 1724, Benin C245, Bhu­ (8) Relays tan 213, Burundi 493, Chad Min Czechoslovakia 2058, Dominica 790, China 1973, Equatorial 481, Liechtenstein 593, Poland Guinea Min 1337, Min 1340, Li­ 1292, Togo Min 1308 beria 732, Malagasy Republic (9) Running Min 837, Maldive Islands 618, Afars 4 Issas 423A, Altutakl Niger Min 679, Polaid 2141, Ro­ 130, 134, Antigua 435, Bangla­ mania 2596, Russia 4414 desh 118, Barbados Ml 280, Bel­ (3) Hockey gium B939, Belize 378, Brazil Albania 1719, Bhutan 214, Bul­ 1472, Bulgaria 2339, Burundi garia 2297, Burundi C236, Chad


132 Min 788, Comoros Islands Min Australia 638, Bangladesh 121, 263, Czechoslovakia 2056, Equa­ Bulgaria 2337, Burundi C239, torial Guinea Kin 1444, Liberia C242, Canada Bll, Comoros Is- 729, Maldive Islands 620, Niger lards Min 269, Kin 270, Cyprus Kin 678, Poland 2138, 2153-51*. 467, Dominica 482, Equatorial Romania 2601, Russia 4410 Guinea Kin 1419, Kin 1485, Ger­ (4) Skating, figure many B528, Grenada 736, Grenada Benin C246, Bhutan 219, Burun­ Grenadines Kin 193, Culnea 706, di 492, Central African Repub­ Hungarv 2424-30, 2453, Israel lic Kin 559, Kin 56C, Kin 561, 604, 1265, Kuwait 666, Comoros Islands Min 256, Liberia 740, Malagasy Republic Czechoslovakia 2055, Equatorial Kin 821, Kin 822, Mauritania Guinea Kin 1339, Min 1442, Ju­ C157. Monaco 1026, Mongolia goslavia 1285, Liberia 727, 907, Paraguay Kin 2552, Roman- Maldive Islands 615, 618, Kali la 2633, 2650, 2656, Rwanda C209, Niger Kin 681, Romania 745, 765, Senegal Ki 610, Upper 2600, Russia 4412, United Volta Ki 611, Kin 661 States 1698 (6) Modern pentathlon (5) Skating, speed Hungary 2424-30 Albania 1720, Bhutan 216, 220, (7) Native games and contests Bulgaria 2298, Burundi 491, Greenlard B7, Mongolia 902, Chad Kin 791, Comoro6 Islands 922, 925. Spain 1967, Tuvalu Kin 258, Equatorial Guinea Kin Islands 33 1445, Gabon C175, Liberia 731. (8) Parachuting Malagasy Republic Kin 838, Mal­ North Korea Yt 1349, Yt 1350, dive Islands 614, Poland 2140, Yt 1351 Russia 4413, 619 (9) Riding (6) Skiing Belgium B940, Cyprus 466, Equa­ Albania 1722, 1723, Andorra torial Guinea Kin 1484, Jordan (Fr.) 94, Benin C244, Bhutan 993, Paraguay Min 2557, Qatar 212, 215, 217, Bulgaria 2293. 486, Rwanda 739, 768. Senegal 2294, 2295, Burundi 494, C234, Ki 598, Togo Kin 1266, Kin C235, Central African Republic 1310, Upper Volta Min 658 Min 557, Min 558, Chad Kin 789, (10) Roller skating—none China 1974, Comoros Islands Min (11) Weight lifting 257, Min 259. Kin 260, Min 26l, Bulgaria 2335, Cuba Ml 2139, Czechoslovakia 2054, Equatorial Cyprus 467, Dominican Republic Guinea Kin 1336, Kin 1338, Min 776, Equatorial Guinea Mn 1423 1341, Kin 1446, Gabon C174, Hungary 2424-30, 245L, Jordan Germany 1204, Jugoslavia 1284, 994, Lesotho 210, Liberia 936, Liberia 728, 729, Malagasy Re­ Mongolia 908, Poland 2170, Qa­ public Kin 838, Kin 840, Kin tar 488, Rwanda 766, Senegal KI 841, Maldive Islands 613, 617, 609, Upper Volta Ki 615, Wes­ 619, Mall C270, C271, Niger Kin tern Samoa 441 660, Poland 2137, 2139, Romania (12) Miscellaneous 259S, 2599, Russia 4411, United Grenada Grenadines Kin 168 States 1696 2. Active recreation (7) Miscellaneous—none a. Boating Miscellaneous Antigua 458, Cypriote Turkish Post (1) Ancient games and contests Kin 36, French Polynesia 288, Ger­ Canada 578, Mauritania C156-58, many (Berlin) 9N388, Ghana 579, Mongolia 929. 931, 931* Grenada Grenadines Kin 160, Kin (2) Badminton 161, Min 162, 150, Nether- 962-64 lands 379, 380, Niger Kin 694, (3) Calisthenics—none Senegal 420 (4) Gliding b. Cycling and touring—none 583, North Korea Yt c. Fishing and hunting 1347, Polaid C53 Antigua 441, Cuba Ki 2109-14, Do­ (5) Gymnastics minican Republic Min 1292, Grenada

Do You Have Surplus Philatelic Material To Swap Or Sell? Use The Low Cost Members Bourse!

133 703, 725. 727, Grenada Grenadines nea 706-17, Hungary 2424-30, India Min 156, 439, 725-28. Indonesia 971, Iran 1906, 1289, Mi 1285x-87x, Ml Iraq C58-6I, Israel 602-04, Ivory 1285y, Romania 2644-49, Senegal Coast 411, Jamaica 410-13, Jugosla­ 419, South West Africa 387, Toke- via 1284-85, 1309-12, Kenya 60-3, Lau Islands Mi 43, Tuvalu 34, Unit­ Korea 1042-43, Kuwait 662-69, Le­ ed Arab Emirates 85-6 sotho 209-12, Liberia 727-32. 736- d. Hiking and camping 41, Libya 618-20, Liechtenstein Benin 352, Ghana 580, Grenada Gren­ 591-94, 588, Malagasy adines Mn 164, Mn 167, Israel Republic Min 818-22, Maldives Is­ 605, Korea 1039, Mali C284, C286, lands 613-20, 643-50, Mali C269-71, 1147, Mongolia 899, Nether­ C280-83, Malta 509-11, Mauretania lands 558, Papua New Guinea 437, CI56-58, Monaco 1025-29, Mongolia Senegal 432 904-10, Morocco 884, Nepal 315, New e. Marksmanship—none Caledonia C132, Nicaragua 1022-27, f. Mountain climbing—none C9O2-05, Mn 2534, Niger Mn 678- g. Riding 82, Kin 707-11, Penrhyn Islands 81- Mongolia 897, 898, 921 3, 1297, Poland 2137- h. Swimming 42, 2166-71, Portugal 1291-93. Qa­ Antigua 438, 440, 442, 443, China tar 484-89, Romania 2596-2601, Peoples Republic 1278-80, Dominican 2629-34, Russia 4410-14, 4445-49, Republic Min 1291, Ghana 58I, Gren­ B58-60, Rwanda 738-45, 762-69, St. ada 701, Frenada Grenadines .Mn Pierre 4 Mquelon 448-49, San Mar­ 162, Netherlands Antilles 378, 380, ino 888, Senegal M 597-602, Mi Tunisia 682 604, M 606-11, Ml 613, Seychelles la 353-56, SpaJj. 1965-63, Sudan 293- United States 1702 95, Swaziland 265-68, Tanzania 58- j. Miscellaneous 61, Togo Mn 1264-68, 933-35, C283- C58O 85, Min 1327-29, Tonga 372-76, 3. Specific athletic competitions C189-93, C05-7, Tunisia 687-89, a. Olympic Games 2038-40, Uganda 151-2-, Afars 4 Issas 423-25, Altutakl 127- United States 1695-98, Upper Volta 30, 131-31*, Albania 1719-24, Andor­ M 611-15, Mn 657-61, Uruguay Mn ra (Fr.) 244, 249, Andorra (Span.) 1662, Min 1682, Wallis 4 Futuna Is­ 94-5, Antigua 431-37, Australia lands C70-1, Western Samoa 438-41 637-40, Bahamas 388-91, Bangladesh Supplementary Olympic Games 117-22, 3arbuda Ml 276-82, Belgium Canada 684-86, 694, Central African 3933-40, Belize 377-79. 3enin C244- Republican 557-61, Chad Min 789- 46, C250-52, Bhutan 212-20, Brazil 91, Comoros Islands Mn 265, Mn 1435-37. Bulgaria 2293-98, 2233-3**. 267, Min 269, Germany B536-29, Hun­ Burundi 491-44, C234-36, 495-502, gary 2451-55, Malagasy Republic Mi C237-42, Canada 310-2, 681-83; 687- 787, Mn 837-41, Mongolia 928-34, 88, 689, Cayman Islards 377-78, Nicaragua Mn 2536-51,. Paraguay Min Chad Mn O85-O8, China 1972-74, Co­ 2552-59, Romania 265O-56, Russia moros Islands Min 256-61, Mn 263, 4416, 4472, Togo .Mn 1306-10, 947, Mn 265-70, Cook Islands 451-58, C298-99 Cuba M 2135-41, Cyprus 465-67, Cy­ Olympic-sanctioned competitions priote Turkish Post Mn 34-5, (1) Central American 4 Caribbean Czechoslovakia 2054-57, 2057-59, Games—none Dominica 4?8-84, Dominican Republic (2) Far Eastern Games—none 775-76, C248-49, Equatorial Guinea (3 Solivarlan Games—none Mn 1336-46, Min 1393-99, Mn 1414- (<0 Asian Games—none 24, Min 1483-86, Ethiopia 776-78, •n —none France 1493, French Phlynesla C134- (6) Pan-American Games—none 36, Gabon C174-75, C184»86, Germany Pseudo-Olympic—none 1204, B53O-31, German Democratic Non-Olympic-sanctioned world com­ Republicl722-25, B180-81, 583-86, petitions Greece 1181-86, Grenada 731-37, (1) Archery—none Grenada Grenadines Mn 192-99, Gui­ (2; Auto racing—none

Please Remember, The Annual Dues Should Be Paid By Sept. I, 1977.

134 (3 Aviation—none (43) Water skiing—none fr Badminton (44} Weight lifting—none Indonesia 962-64 (45) Wrestling—none Baseball and Softball—none (46) Miscellaneous—none (6 3asketball—none f. Non-Olymplc-sanctloned regional 7 Bicycling—none competitions Bob-sledding—none (1) African—none (9 Boxing—none Basketball—none (10! Bowling a Soccer Austria 1035, South Africa 456, Ethiopia 763-67, Morocco 460 Mi 858 Canoeing—none (c) Volleyball—none IS Cricket (2) Arab Games Antigua 456, Barbados 438-39, Libya 627-29, Syria 753-57 Belize 381-82, Dominica 492-93, (a) Arab School Games—none Grenada 747-48, Guyana 243-44, (b) Arabian Gulf Soccer Tourna­ Jamaica 414-15, St. Kitts 322- ment 23, St. Lucia 403-04, St. Vin­ Qatar 472-77 cent 470-71, Trinidad 4 Tobago (3) —none 260-61 fr Balkan Games—none (13) Fencing—none British Commonwealth Games-none (14) Field hockey (6) Central African Games Germany (Berlin) 9N385 Congo Republic 372-73, C230-31, (15) Figure skating—none 382-85, Gabon 365-66 (16) Fishing (?) Central American and Caribbean Bulgaria Mi 2528 Games—none —none (17) Gliding (8) Finland 583 Archery—none (18) Golf—none Athletics—none (19 Gymnastics—none junior athletics—none (20) Handball—none Auto racing—none (21 Handicapped—none Basketball—none (22) Ice hockey Boxing—none Poland 2153-54 Canoeing—none (23) Judo—none Fishing—none (24 —none Gymnastics—none Ice hockey ,25 Marksmanship—none (26 Modern pentathlon—none Polard 2153-54 (27 Parachuting—none Marksmanship—none (28 Polo—none Rowing—none Sailing—none 29 Riding—none Sea angling—none 30 Roller hockey—none (0) 31 Rowing—none (p Skating, figure—none 32 Sailing—none (q Skating, speed—none (33 Skiing—none

Are You Locking For Something Special For Your Collection? The Members Bourse Costs Only 2$ Per Word !

135 (12) South American Championships— Uganda 151. 152. 153 none (b) Other a) Athletic—none China Peoples Republic 1278-80, Auto racing—none Paraguay Mn 2448 Basketball—none f. Spectators Fencing—none Comoros Islands Min 266, Gabon C1S6 Skiing—none g. Stadia Soccer—none Benin 369, Canada 688, Greece II85, Swimming Lndonesia 971, Japan 1265, Jordan Uruguay 935 995. Mexico C453, Qatar 473, ^77, (h) Table tennis—none Sengal Mi 604, Wallis 4 Futuna Is­ (i) Tennis—none lands C70-1 (13) South East Peninsular Games— h. Miscellaneous none Honduras C58O, Mexico C48, "ether- South —none larais 559, Niger Min 694, Upper West African Soccer Champion­ Volta Ml 629 S3 ships—none (16) West African University Games Benin 368-69 (17) Mscellaoaous—none g. National competitions Japan 1265 h. Mscellaneous competitions Antigua 458, Bermuda 337-42, J--J- 46, Brazil 1472 1. Unidentified competitions Iran 1890 Mscellaneous a. Athletes (generalized) Canada 681-83, Greece 1186, Portu­ gal 1291, Russia 358 b. Awards ard trophies Barbados 439, Belize 382, Bermuda 343, Brazil 1472, Canada 633, Do­ minica 493, Ethiopia 763-77, Gren­ ada 748, Cuyana 244, Hungary 2451- 55, Indonesia 462-64, Iran 1890, Paraguay Min 2552-59, Romania 2650- 56, Russia 4472, St. Kitts 323, St. Lucia 404, St. Vincent 471, Sudan 293-95. Trinidad 4 Tobago 261, Uru­ guay Min 1682 c. Officials—none d. Parades and ceremonies Canada 682 e. Personnel (1) Athletes I THIS IS HOW OUR TREASURER Antigua 456, Central African Republic Min 557-61, Chad Min Min 788-91, Ecuador C593. Equa­ * FEELS WHEN YOU DON'T RE- torial Guinea Mn 1467-74, Min 1475-82, Hungary 2451-55, Kenya • NEW YOUR MEMBERSHIP ON 60, 61, 62, Malagasy Republic Min 837-41, Mongolia 928-34, Nicaragua 1022-27, C902-05. Mn J TIME! 2534, Paraguay Min 2552-59, Ro­ * mania 2650-56, South Africa * 456, Tanzania 53, 59. 60, Togo Min 1360-10, 947, C298-99,

136 O O • To - You^eed Booic The 1932 Olympic Games in the USA were probably the last one with a non- political setting and glossed over the despair of world economic depression. SPI has published its first handbook gathering the evidence in postal history and vignettes. It has over 200 pages, about 400 items illustrated and comes with a vinyl gold-stamped three ring binder. Order your copy today from William F. Brown, 1408 N. Fenton Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46219 USA.

THFa POSTAL HISTORY AND VIGNETTES OF THE 1932 OLYMPIC GAMES; priced at $8.00 each, postpaid to MEMBERS ONLY. Foreign orders must be in US dollars by International Money Order or by bank draft drawn on a US bank.





Andorra-1972 Munchen If. imperf (213). 12.00 do- DeLuxe sheet cpt 27.00 -20c blue-green (B19) 10.00 Rome imperf. 462/5. C163/5 POR -1964 Tokyo, DeLuxe Sht. Haiti-Innsbruck ovpt. inverted B31 . • 12.00 cpt. C20/24 75.00 -Rome 25P Double Bicycle 1972 C«y. cpt. imp. C105/10 15.00 CB13 45.00 Comore-Tokyo imperf. C12 15.00 Mali-Tokyo cpt. imp. 61/64 40.00 Grenoble imperf. C22 7.00 1963 Combertin imp. 548 20.00 Dominican Rep.-1957 Oly. 2



Try our NEW ISSUE P.O. BOX 487 SERVICE to make sure SOUTH LAGUNA, CAL. you get all Sports 92667 and Olympic Stamps APS SPI ATA SCC CPC issued. ROLAND RINDSHOJ P.O. BOX 487 SOUTH LAGUNA, CAL. 92667

BRITISH SLOGAN CANCELS - by Rex Haggett, Associate Editor

"PR1DENTIAL TROPHY 4 JUNE 77 BIRMINGHAM". Posting box at Warwick­ shire County Cricket Ground Birmingham B5 7QU.


" JUBILEE TEST MATCH LORDS LONDON NW8 16 JUNE 1977". Used at the Lords Cricket Ground, London NW8.

"BRISTOL SPEEDWAY FRIDAYS APRIL TO OCTOEER" To be used from 20 June until 30 October 1977. Slogan Postmark.

21 June-2July 1977 "1877 WIMBLEDON 1977 LAWN TENNIS CHAMPIONSHIPS CENTENARY". Used at the All England Lawn Tennis Club, Wimbledon, London SW19 5AE.

16 July 1977 "BENSON AND HEDGES CUP FINAL LORD'S GROUND LONDON NW8 16 JULY 1977". Used at Lords Cricket Ground, London NW8. 11 August 1977 "4TH TEST MATCH AUSTRALIAN CENTENNIAL TOUR LEEDS 11 AUGUST 77". Special posting box at Leeds Cricket and Football and Athletic Company Ltd., St. Michael's Lane, Leeds LS6 3BR.


Sports and Olympic philatelists have, collectively, a great deal of knowledge, which when pooled, can be of mutual benefit. Questions concerning sports and Olympic philately will be assigned a number and published in JSP. Responses to questions will be printed in subsequent issues. Address all questions and answers to your editor: Edward B. Epstein, Paterson Board of Education, 33 Church St., Paterson, NJ 07505 U.S.A.

A—39 Serge Groussard's book "The Blood of Israel" incorrectly states that the Israeli Olympic Team flew to the Munich Games on Lufthansa Airlines. Your editor requested Sam Sloan, Executive Director for the New York State Olympic Committee, to write a letter of in quiry to his good friend Haim Glovinsky, Hon. Secretary of the Israeli Olympic Committee. The reply, written by Mr. Glovinsky on Israeli Olympic Committee stationery, dated Sept. 19, 1976 states, "The airline used by the Israeli Olympic team to munich was El-Al. The return flight was also El-Al , a special plane carrying the coffins of the 11 Israeli victims. Many thanks to Pistiner Izchac of Haifa, Israel who also confirmed the fact that the Israeli team flew El-Al by consulting Mr. Lalkin, Chief of the Israel Olympic Delegation. Mr. Izchac also provides additional information about the 1972 Israeli Olympic Team Flight Covers, of which about 200 are known to exist, cancelled Aug. 21, 1972 from Lod (airport) Flight Station 2 and cacheted "Spec­ ial Flight/El-Al/Israeli Olympic Team/XX Olympic Games/Munich 1972/21.8.1972/ Lod-Munchen." Addressed to Zvl Zorea, Olympic Games Centre, Munich- W. Germany. The reverse side of the covers have an Munich -W Olympic Opening Day 26.8.1972 arrival backstamp and an additional Israeli postage of 40 Agorot affixed and tied by the same Lod cancel and instructions to return the covers to the addressee (P.O. 44440, Haifa). The covers arrived in Haifa Sept. 19, 1972 as indicated by the Haifa arrival backstamp. The reverse side of the cover, in your editor's collection, bears the control number 94. Mr. Izachac knows the Israeli Electrical Engineer Mr. Zorea personally and states that the covers were produced by Mr. Zorea and Mr. Shneior, a stamp dealer. "Mr. Zorea did send all the covers with the flight on the 21st of August which carried the main body of the Olympic team. They were backstamped Aug. 26 in Munich, the date of the Opening Ceremony." The Haifa forwarding address on the reverse side of the covers (P.O. 44440) are Mr. Shneior's.


Bourse rates are 2

Pre-Olympic publicity rubber-stamp cacnets for the 1980 Lake Placid Olympic Winter Games are available at reasonable cost. Send SASE for illustrations of 9 different designs. Special cachets made to order - submit your design for cost estimate. John La Porta, 36OU S. Home Ave. Berwyn, IL 6C+02. Wanted - "Golf" postmarks/cancellations, Meters, Postcards, wooden shaft golf clubs. Keith W. Nemmers, 8625 E. McDonald Dr., Scottsdale. AZ 85253-

139 Good range of Olympic vignettes and unused picture postcards available on approval. Describe interests. Sherwin Podolsky, 16035 Tupper Street, Sepulveda, CA 91343.

Wanted - Cacheted FDCs of U.S. No. 1146 (Olympic Valley, CA). Please send description of the cachet and price. John La Porta, 3604 S. Home Ave., Berwyn, IL 60402.


by Joe Schirmer, Associate Editor

On 7 April 1977 when the U.S.P.S. issued the commemorative golf envelope at Augusta, Georgia, the majority of us golf nuts were most HAPPY.

Being a top notch golf nut myself (seniors champ, etc.) I decided that I would get my FDC autographed by the designer Guy Salvato of Columbus, Ohio—who incidentily is also a real golf nut and plays to a very good 5 handicap. I have other US sports and Olympic sheets and envelopes autographed by de­ signers, so we figured this would be a nice item to round out the Olympics, horse- racing, tennis, bowling, etc. But the problem was complicated by the fact that the philatelic press nor Golf Digest magazine who carried the design stories knew where to locate Guy.

Being a half baked detective of sorts (caused by many years of free lance writing and researching) I tackled the problem, and for the first time in my life it worked the first try without any re-runs. I knew Salvato was a partner in an ad­ vertizing design firm in Columbus, so I wrote the postmaster there, explained my problem and asked him to forward my unsealed letter and golf envelopes. Say what you will about our lousy postal service and lax employees, BUT the boys at Columbus, Ohio are 4.0—within 10 days I had my golf covers back and duly signed by Salvato along with a nice personal note from him. It justs proves the old saying "where there is a will there is a way".

This is Guy's first crack at stamp designing, but he did a great job, and Stevan Dohanos of the U.S.P.S. who asked him to do the design certainly picked the right man.



990E - Sport Information Resource Centre, 333 River Road, Vanier, Ontario, K1L 8BO, CANADA 991R - James R. D. Yeaw, P.O. Box 5295, Hacienda Heights, CA 91745 992S - Alan E. Karpas, 8 Rehov Hamaagal, Bet Hakerem, Jerusalem, ISRAEL 993R - T. T. Glass, 1 Bundarra Rd., Bellevve Hill, NSW 202.3, AUSTRALIA 994R - Carney J. Campion, 810 Butternut Dr., San Rafael, CA 94903 995R - Carole B. Doherty, 10141 Aldgate Ave., Garden Grove, CA 92640

RE-INSTATEMENT 870R - Henry B. Wojciechowski 140 CHANGES OF ADDRESS

622R - Dr. Gerald Weinberger, Dept. of Psychology, 209 Burnett Hall, Univ. of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE 68588 870R - Henry B. Wojciechowski, 51 East Marshall Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15214 873R - Anthony De Maria, 13 Connecticut Dr., Merryfield Pk., Greenville, SC 29607 975R - Dieter Kist, 82-63 88th Place, Glendale, NY 11227 986R - Ward H. Nichols, 4184 Green Meadows Blvd, #2, Ypsilanti, MI 48197 Bill Smithett (SPI 632S) who won nicely at the recent BEPEX'77 show in NJ with his fine collection entitled "A Postal History of the First Twelve Olympiads' has done it again.... This time Bill won a Silver at ROMPEX'77 a large show held recently in Denver. This just proves that SPI collectors can win IF they exhibit. It just proves that if a collection is well presented, it can win again and again. It just proves that some SPI members are interested in furthering Olympic and sports collecting by exhibiting. It just proves that there are some SPI members who will work and help support the SPI organization as a whole... (Joe Schirmer).

Leonard K. Eichorn V ice-Pres ident, SPI

Leonard K. Eichorn. Director of Corporate Services Production Experts, Inc., Cleveland, Ohio


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• /& <-H. f\-%. / ;»s. X, PAR AVION . .*<

World Figure Skating Championships Tokyo 1977 - First Day of Issue Mar. 1, 1977 Submitted by Eijiro Hinoki.







Expert member of the A.I.E.P. International Assoc, of Philatelic Experts HENRI TRACHTENBERG B.P 49 94200IVRY/SEIINE FRANCE

OLYMPIC GAMES PAGES I SPORTS STAMPS PAGES Price Post 1st thru 15th (Revised 1974) 5 90 (.80) Price Post. 16th Gomes-'56 (Rev. 1970) 5.00 (.80) VOLUME 1. through 1960 1225 ( 1.05) 17th Games (1960) 7 55 (75) VOLUME 2, 1961-65 3 25 | 1 05) 18th Games (1964) 20.40 (1 60) Supplement No 7, 1966 6 85 (75) 19th Games. Part 1 5.60 (.75) Imperfs for No. 7 1.45 Imperfs for Port 1 ...... 1 60 Suppl. No. 8 A 1967 2.15 (351 19th Games, Part 2 7 70 (80) Suppl. No 9. late 1968 ... 1 85 (.351 Imperfs for Port 2 1.00 Suppl. No 10, 1969 1 85 1.35) 19th Games. Part 3 .. 9 25 11 25) Suppl. No. 11, 1970 1.75 (.50) Imperfs for Port 3 . . 1.75 Suppl. No. 12, 1970 185 (.50) 19th Games. Part 4 17.50 (1 50) Suppl. No. 13. 1971 . 2.15 (.95) Duplicate No. 4 for imp. . . 15.00 Suppl. No. 14, 1972 2.15 (.95) Part 4 is for non-Olympic members only and the SI 5.00 price applies only when ordered together with Reg. Port 4. 20th, Part 1 6.00 (1,00) Part IA non-1.0.C. co'tries 4.00 (1.00) Part 2 10.00 (1.25) Part Xj- (unlisted) 1 10 10 95) Port 3 ...60 (l.?0) "l/^S^N Part 3A (unlisted) I0<'° CWM K Line Publishing/ Inc. ^rfc P. O. Box 159 ^kJUR/ lINf Berwyn, Illinois 60402



Section 28 ADDITIONS, CORRECTIONS, AND DELETIONS IN SECTIONS Notes Quite recently Gibbons changed the catalogue numbers on approximately one-quarter of its entries. To correct all these entries would require reprinting of a considerable portion of the check-lists this, of course, is extremely imprac­ tical. Accordingly, only those Gibbons numbers which appear in this section because of additions, corrections, or deletions will indicate th* new Gibbons catalogue num­ bers. As previously, all additions and corrections have been underlined j all dele­ tions have been eeiitera«ieri. Entries In parentheses imply no change; they are used only as points of reference for Identification.

Year Scott Minkus Gibbons Michel Yvert PANAMA (Continuec .) (1965) 903Fv (1968) 1114-15 — 1094-95 ZZZ lll6v (1969) — 1162 II3*3/B1 105 (1970) 517-25- 1180-90 975-85 1164-78 522-30. A456-57 C368-69 C370-78 1201-09 98 6- 94 1175-83 A458-66 C378a 1210 VS922 1175-83/B1 107 Bl 18 1973 RA62 1251 1119 A4g4- C 396-1*01 1245-50 1120-25 1226-31 89 PAPUA NEW GUINEA 197" 379 1*00 253 264 1975 1*27 275 281 25o 519-22 290-93 2?2-?5 291-9" PARAGUAY (1961) zzz — 945-48/B1 7 31 8 949-52/31 5 Bl 7 1077 ?53-?6/ai 9 Bl 9 1413 (1965) "- rrr rrr isiS

1423 14"25/B1 68 1472

(1968) ZZZ I|^--?5/Bl 112 I5E5-46/B1 113 1573 Bl 115 (1969) 1961/Bl 129 (1971) 2196/B1 165 2209/31 168 -aaie/81-169— (1972) 1136(a)-(g). A576(a)-

2116 — 2382/B1 197 1973 is 2420/B1 199 2T5. — 2423/B1 202 2457/B1 2Qg 2203-15 2465-74 130(a)-(g). A649(a)- 2216 zzz 2475/B1 207 m 197** -27.-75 ZZZ 2532-34 2 535/31 215 2536/31 216 2578/31 221 Year Scott Minkus Gibbons Michel Yvert 2316-18 2583-85 2319 25S6/B1 225 2607/31 232 2608/B1 233 22 53-55 zzz 2609-II 2612/B1 23" 2613/31 235 1975 2637/E1 240 2663/Bl 243 — 2398-2405 — 2694-2701 1425-29. A702-04 2702/31 252 27C3/B1 253 2704-11 2712/31 254 2713/B1 255 27I8/B1 257

PERSIA (1972) 1676a 1750 MS1745 1592-97/B1 12 Bl 12 1973 1703 1777 1772 1624 1470 1719-20 1793-9" 1731.-89 1555-41 1495-9? 1724 1798 1793 13*5 1502 1727 1551 1797 1505 1729 1798 im 150? 1974 1778-83 I5o3 1845-50 lo50 1789-94 1869-74 ie79-84 1598-1703 1563-65 I805 1336-91 1891 1715-20 1562 1795-98 1395 1595-98 1727 1575-79 1810 1902-05 1731-34 1580 1911 1901 1611 1752 Bl 15 1907 MS1900(l) lol2 MS1900(11 1736/B1 15 31 lo I90S )1737/B1 16 1975 1937 1929 1742 I5i9~ PERU- 1222 1141-42 1199-1200 913-14 A3"9-6o 55° U^ 1805 925 222 PHILIPPINES 1968 xxvl-xxlll 761-6U, A71-4 xxviB-xxlilB

POLAND (1962) 1046a 1377 1287 1297 1047a 1378 1289 1298 1048a 1379 1291 1299

(1966) ISEl 155? 1297 1787 1588 1708 (1972) 1948 2308 2225 1973 m1995 2357 2254 2013 2292 192* 2036-37 2399-2400 2297-98 2315-16 222* MS2299 31_22 2038-42 2401-05 2300-04 2317-21 2036a 2412 MS2315 2328/B1 60 1975 2083-86 2447-50 2350-53 2363-66 3130 2451 MS2^2* 2367/Bl 61 PORTUGAL 1975 1263 1410 1222 1291 1271 QATAR ?1964) -_ 39A-43A A173-F173 (1966) 92, 96, 102 93. 99 95a, 101a 957 102 95b. 101b 101c -95S -1816 102A MS 100 313Aa Year Scott Minkus Gibbons Michel Yvert Bl 3Ac 102AV 31 3Bc 149A 157 2023 (1967) — IBO-82 217-19 318-20 I55c- 1974 418 48? 532 62J r RAS AL KHAIMA (Completely revised) 1965 21-3 15-7 21-3 21-3 1966 37-46 31-40 37-46 24(a)-(j) 37B-46B 47 MS41 47/B1 8 37A-46A 113-22 28(a)-(J) 47A 127/B1 20 79-82 73-6 152-55 l3(a)-(d) 152B-55B 83 MS77a Bl 26 84 MS77b Bl 27 40(a)-(d). A7(a)-(b) 1967 130-35 126-31 203-08 203B-08B 136 Bl 38 137-44 209-16 4l(a)-(e), A8(a)-(c) 209B-16B 145 217B/B1 39B 1968 179-86 253-58. A258, B258 44(a)-(f), — 253B-58B, A258B, B258B 187 Bl 75 I87v Bl 75B 188-91 259-62 40(a)-(d), 259B-62B 1969 237 292 292B Bl 64 195-205. 299-311 — 205A, 205B 299B0311B — 206 — 206v — 282-85 312-15 — 312B-15B — 286 316/Bl 71 — 316B/B1 71B — 294 296 — 296B — 294* 296/B1 67 — 192-93 >*7-48 — 347B-48B — 194 347-48/B1 76 — 194v 347B-48B/B1 76B — 297 — 297A — 298 — 298A — 1970 332-37 354-59 A29(a)-•(f) — 354B-59B 338 360/Bl 79 36OB/BI 79B 338A 365 — 365B 338B Bl 81 376 — 376B — Bl 84 339-44 377-82 A49(a)--(f) — 377B-82B 344A — 383/B1 85 383B/B1 85B 339A-44A 534-39 A78(a)--(f) Year Scott Minkus Glbbon3 Michel Yvert 534B-39B 344B Bl 99 Bl 99B 345-50 — 384-89 384B89B 350A 390/31 86 39OB/BI 36B 367-72 — 403-08 403B-08B 373 409/B1 94 409B/B1 94B 380 391 39IB 31 87 1971 — 345A-50A — 540-45 540B-45B 350B 546/B1 100 546B/B1 100B 544-51 — 715-72 59(a)-(d), A57(a)-(d) 715B-22B 552 723/B1 128 723B/B1 128B 539 — 562 562B 553-58 — 649-54 649B-54B 559 — 655/B1 166 655B/BI 116B 1972 --- 623-28 600-05 67(a)-(b), A68(a)-(d) 600B-05B 629 — 606/B1 109 606B/B1 109B 630-35 — 607-12 71(a)-(d), A72(a)-(b) 607B-12B 636 — 613/B1 110 613B/B1 HOB 679-84 — 724-29 724B-29B 685 « 730/B1 129 693-98 — 731-36 80(a)-(b). A82(a)-(d) 73IB-36B 699 — 737/B1 130 737B/B1 130B 721-26 — 745-50 745B-5OB 727 — 751/B1 132 751B/B1 132B 735-40 — 759-64 759B-64B 741 — 765/B1 134 176B/B1 1343 758-60 — 776-78 761, 763, — 779. 781, 783 765 761v, 763v, — 779B. 781B, 783B 765v 767, 769, — Bis 139. 141, 143 771 762, 764, — 780, 782, 784 766 762v, 764v, — 780B, 782B, 784B 766v 768, 770, — Bis 140, 142, 144 772 773-75 785-37 776-81 — 788-93 788B-93B Year Scott Minkus Gibbons Michel Yvert 782-37 794-99 788-93 800-05 — 800B-05B 794-99 806-11 800-02 812-14 802t 803-05 818-20 805t 806-08 815-17 808t 809-11 821-23 811t 812-18 824-30 824B/30B 821-27 831-37 819 839 8l9v 839B 820 838 820v 838B 900 900B 901 901B Bl 145 Bl 146

ROMANIA (1946' B333 1159 1810 2?4 912 (1948, 3424 1363 2010 1174 1075 (1952, 1540 1340 1246 (1957 wr 1674 1553 1668 1538 (1959; 2005-12 79-37 TI52 1672: IS02-10 1643-^. Alfl 1961 1255-95. 2153-58 2820-25 1951-56 A127-32 C72 2159 2826 1957 (1962) C96^101 2299 2095 (1964) C102 3533-— 1510 •2534-— 1499 •2535 1?96 2533-35 3225-27 2358-60 2081-83 1?61 -22±9 -23^8 -2681 1699-1701 -2229 -2359-— -2682 -222i -2346 -2683 (1965) I9tr* -2385- W55-— -2586 1754-55 2535-36 3284-85 2417-18 -2276—-- -24i? -22?? -2418 (1967) 1948 2791 2616 2327 Tm 2792 2617 2328 1955 2808 2637 2343 (1971) 2294-99 3150-55 2985-89 2652-57 2300 3156 MS3870 2990/B1 91 31 92 3279 2W* 3094 2816 (1972) 3184 MS286? 3015/B1 93 Bl 93 3185 MS2868 3019/31 94 Bl 94 3208 3922 30^*3 2704 2373 3217 3930 3052 2710 2381-86 3233-38 3932-37 3060-65 2920-25 C191 3239 MS3938a 3066/B1 100 Bl 101 3240 te 3938b 3067/B1 100B 31 102 1974 4069 3358-63. 4073-78 3132-87 2828-33 3376 4084 3193 2844 3377-32 4093-98 3203-08 2a4o-51 3383 3209/31 114 31 114 22l2h. 3210/31 115 4113 2878 3414 32W 4121-23 32X4-46 2881-83 3515-17 Year Scott Minkus Gibbons Michel Yvert

RUSSIA (1939) 808 867 710 A66B 1953 1774 1672 (1958) 2089B-903 (1959 2309 2309 2201 2150 (i960) 1488 2366 (1964) 26553-70B 2957 2866 2772 2943 255? 2773 (1966) 3301 3226 3107 3302 322? 3108 3362- -322? -3199-— 3706 3646 3509 3707 3557 3510 (1969) 3707 3647 3509 MS 3718 3658/B1 57 31 56 (1972) MS4023 3984/B1 74 31 73 4062 4023 3839 4063 4024 3840 1973 4148 4100 3918 MS4149 -Hoi/31 34 31~S3 fl50 4099 3919 4T0S 3923 SS 4122 3923 SS Bl~g6 KS4168 BJ~57 4171 4124 22W 4T73-76 4125-31 3940-43 MS4177 4132/31 38 31 87 415T 3957 197" 4206 4010 m S212 Sols >*29i 5o55 5o59 >E-*362 g320-23/Bl 100 31 99 1975 4J27 4J26 irnr 5222 4127

RWANDA (1968) 259B-60B/B259B-60B/B 1 113 255A 260-259/31 12 2603-59B/BT~123 (1971) 455B-62B ~ (1972) zzz 4743 5213-28B 5293 1973 222 50 1974 579-86 02-09 594-601 2§z22 Mz§2

ST. KITTS 1975 29§. 323-26 342-45 301-04

ST. PIERRE 1973 429 431 1975 eg A61

ST. VINCENT 1975 4jl 414 454 410

ST. VINCENT—GRENADINES 1974 22 1975 — l=2z§ & lis

SALVADOR 1963 — zzz Year Scott Minkus Gibbons Michel Yvert 1973 8y,-rrr5, 1393-1400 1074-81 778A-78D. A291A-91D ~C3l5^i9 1222zW 1974 C325-40 1412-27 1091-1106 A301-16 1573-88 SAMOA (1971) 2*2 283 367 201-03 251-53 (1973 368 408 279 322 (1974) 395-98 •41 1*22-25 293-96 332-35 SAN MARINO 1973 301 1147 S§3 1028 826 519-27 1155-73 951-89 1055-54 F52-6O 1974 84>47 1139-93 1005-09 1070-74 876-80 C130-31 1196-98 1012-14 A140-42 1975 §22 1204 1019 SENEGAL (1968) C63-6 440-43 383-86 385-88 A63-71 1974 616 ^ a 222 4C0-03 518-21 5S5-58 553-56 401-04 1975 5o5^ 515— 3s 407 SHARJAH (Completely revised) 1964 49-56 61-8 58-65 61-8 46-53 61B-8B 69 ffi65a 69/B1 5 69-76 98-105 90-7 98-105 66-73 98B-105B 106 MS97a 106/B1 10 Bl 10 1965 89 129 119 131 86 1313 137 MS126a 139/B1 12 169-73 174-76 193-97 122-26 1966 — 225-31 259-65 337-43 337B-43B 225A-30A 344-49/Bls 21-6 344A/49A/B1 21B-6B 1967 — 61A-8A A299-H299 98A-105A 129A 289 281 137A MS297 289/B1 18 169A-73A 310-14 305-09 238-44 321-27 356-62 202(a)-(d), A57(a)-(d) 356B-62B 245 JS328 363/B1 27 1968 189-96 400-07 205(a)-(e), A59(a)-(c) 400B-073 297 Bl 31 298-305 406-15 207(a)-(e), A6l(a)-(c) 306 Bl 32 347 464 464B 347A 348 348A 363-63 489-94 213(a)-(f) 489B-94B 369 495/B1 40 495B/B1 40B 370-75 496-501 496B-501B 376 502/B1 41 502B/31 413 379-34 503-08 503B08B 385 509/B1 42 509B/B1 42B 386-91A 510-16 392 517/B1 43 Year Scott Minkus Gibbons Michel Yvert ..- 517B/31 393-98 518-23 — 518B-23B 399 524/B1 44 400-01 525-26 525B-26B 40LA 401B Bl 45 401C Bl 46 40 ID 1969 — 407-10 531-34 — 531B-34B — 411 540/B1 48 — 540B/B1 48B — 420 543 — 543B — 420A Bl 51 1970 — 562, 563. 645, 646. 651 218(b). 218(c), A71(b) 568 — 571 654/B1 66 1971 — 749 851 — — 85IB — 750 852 — — 852B — — Bl 91 — — Bl 92 — 751 837 — — 837B — 752 838 — — 838B — — Bl 87 — — Bl 88 — 728-37 839-48 — — 844B-48B — 738 849/B1 89 — 738A 850/31 90 — 776-85 825-34 — — 830B-34B 238(a)-(c), A91(a)-(b) — 785A 835/B1 85 — 785B 836/Bl 86 1972 — 755-64 864-73 — 869B-73B — 765 -_- 874/31 94 — 795-804 1142-51 — 805 1152/B1 148 — 80 5A 1153/B1 149 — 806-15 953-62 — — 9533-63 — 816 963/Bl 109 — 842-51 942-51 — — 942B-51B — 852 952/B1 108 — 889-900H 1158-77 — — 1042/31 122 — 937 1047 — — 1047B — 937S 1048 — — 1048B — 937A 1049/B1 125 — 937AS 1050/Bl 126 — 938 1043 — — 1043B — 938S 1044 — — 1044B — 938A 1045/B1 123 — 938 AS 1046/B1 124 — 938B 1051 — — 10513 — 933BS 1052 "\ Simplified Handbook of Adult Competitive Sports Stamps' Boh Bruce

Section 25 - Dahomey to Dominican Republic

29- 20fr violet-ultramarine/dark bluish green/orange-brown (runners) (Lasse Viren, Finland, 5,000 and 10,000-meter runs) a. Imperforate 30. 85fr orange-trcv/n/dark bluish green/violet-ultramarine (high jump) (Ulrike Meyfarth, Germany, women's high jur.p) a. Imperforate 31. 150fr dark bluish green/orange-brcwn/violet-ultramarine (shot put) (Wadyslaw Komar, Poland, shot put) a. Imperforate

Sc C170-72; Kin 628-30; Gi 48l-83i Mi 499-501; Yt A180-82 1972, November 13. Gold medal winners, 20th Olympic Games, Munich, Aug. 26-Sept. 12, 1972. Unwmkdi F 13; No. 28 overprinted; souvenir sheet (129 x 100 mm.--Mi, 130 x 99 mm.--Sc and Yt, 130 x 100 mm.--Min, 131 x 100 mm.--Gi) containing one each of Nos. 29-311 designed and engraved by C. Jumulet; recess printed by French State Printing Office, Peri­ geaux.

32. 20fr violet-ultramarine/dark bluish green/orange-brown (runners) (Lasse Viren, Finland, 5,000 and 10,000-meter runs) 85fr orange-brown/dark bluish green/violet-ultramarine (high jump) (Ulrike Meyfarth, Germany, women's high jump) 150fr dark bluish green/orange-brown/violet-ultramarine (shot put) (Wadyslaw Komar, Poland, shot put) Sc C172a; Min 63I; Gi MS 484; Mi 449-50/B1 20; Yt Bl 20 Danzig 1938, November 28. Winter relief fund. Unwmkdi P 14; designed by H. Gruber; photogravure by State Printery, Berlin. 1. 5pf + 5pf dark green ("Peter von Danzig" yacht race) Sc B28i Min 3981 Gi 284i Mi 284i Yt 246 Notesi (a) 480,000 sets printed (Sc B28-32). . (b) Postally valid to June 30, 1939 •. 1971, October 14. Definitive issue. Unwmkdi P 12t> (Sc), 12 3/4 (Mi), 13 (Min and Yt)i designed by Dan Sterup-Kar.seni engraved by Czeslaw Slaniai recess printed in sheets of fifty cn fluorescent paper by Post and Telegraph Office, Copenhagen. 1. 3°s dark green-blue/blue 2. 50s lilac-red/carmine-brown (hurdlers) 60s brown-olive/yellow/black-blue (soccer) I 90s ultramarine/blue-green/blue-violet (yachting)

Sc 482-85i Min 674-771 Gi 531-34t Mi 514-17; Yt 521-24 Dominica 1966, July 1. 8th World Cup Soccer Championship, Wembley, July II-30, 1966. Wmkd St. Edward's crown and "CA" multiple (sideways—Gi); P 14; designed by Victor Whiteleyj lithography (Sc, Min and Gi), photcgra- 184 vure (Ki) by Harrison and Sens, Ltd., London. 1. jr multicolored (.-timet Cup and soccer player) 2. 24? multicolored (same as Nc. l) Sc 195-96; Min 191-92; Gi 193-94; Mi 191-92; Yt 190-91 Note: Withdrawn from postal use or. September 30, 1966. 1968, November 23 (Sc, Min, and Mi), November 25 (Gi). 19th Olympic Games, Kexico City, Oct. 12-27, 1968. Unwmkd; F lit (Sc, Min, Mi, and Yt); lit x 11 (Gi); desigr.ed by M. Shamir (Nos. 3, 4, 9, and 10), K. Plowitz (Nos. 5, 6, 7 and 8); lithography in sheets of forty with continuous design across each se-tenant pair (ten rews of two hori­ zontal pairs separated by vertical gutter) by Eradbury, Wilkinson and Company, London. Olympic rings, plus 3. It multicolored (three soccer players) 4. I? multicolored (soccer player and goalie) 5. 5? multicolored (swimmers at start of race) 6. 5? multicolored (divers) 7. 480 multicolored (javelin thrower and hurdlers) 8. 48? multicolored (hurdlers) 9. 60? multicolored (five basketball players) 10. 60? multicolored (three basketball players) Sc 233-40; Kin 229-36: Gi 237-44; Ki 229-36; Yt 226-35 1969, November 26. Definitive issue. Unwmkd; F 13* (Sc), 14 (Min, Mi, and Yt), 14 x 13i (Gi), photogravure by Thomas de la Rue and Company, Ltd., London.

11. 38? multicolored (cricket, grammar school) Sc 281, Kin 280; Gi 285; Mi 280; Yt 276 1972, October 9- 20th Olympic Games, Kunich, Aug. 26-Sept. 12, 1972. Unwmkdi F 14; designed by 5. Granger Earrett; lithography in sheets of twenty-five by Format International Security Frinters, Ltd., Lon­ don. Clympic rings, plus 12. 3°-* multicolored (sprinting) 13. 35? multicolored (hurdling) 14. 584 multicolored (hammer throw) 15• 72? multicolored (long jump) Sc 341-44; Kin 352-55; Gi 357-60; Ki 341-44; Yt 335-38 1972, October 9- 20th Olympic Games, Kunich, Aug. 26-Sept. 12, 1972. Unwmkd; P 14 (Min and Gi), 15 (Sc); souvenir sheet (98 x 96 mm.) con­ taining one each of Nos. 14 and 15, yellow-green margin with brown in­ scription; designed by R. Granger Barrett; lithography by Format In­ ternational Security Printers, Ltd., London. Olympic rings, plus 16. 58? multicolored (hammer throw) 72? multicolored (long jump) Sc 344a: Min 356; Gi MS36I; Ki Bl 14; Yt El 14 Dominican Republic 1937, August 14 (Sc and Min), 16 (Gi and Mi). 1st National Olympic Games, Ciudad Trujillo, Aug. 16, 1937- Unwmkd: P Hi (Sc, Mi and Yt); 12 (Kin and Gi); lithography by Ferrua and Company, Ciudad Trujillo.

185 1. 1? green/blue/red (discus thrower and flag) (100,000) 2. 3? violet/blue/red (same as No. 1) (200,000) 7? blue-red (same as No. 1) (47,000) Sc 326-28i Min 377-79: Gi 38I-83; Mi 329-31; Yt 300-02 L956, December 15 (Mi), 1957, January 24 (Sc, Kin and Gi). 16th Olympic Games, Melbourne, Nov. 22-Dec. 8, 1956. Unwmkd; P Ili (Sc, Min, and Gi), 12 (Mi and Yt); lithography and recess printed. Country's flag and Olympic rings, plus 4. 1? brown/red-brown/violet/red/blue (Fanny Blankers-Koen, Nether­ lands, sprinter) a. Imperforate 5. 2? brown/blue/violet/red (Jesse Owens, U. S., sprinter) a. Imperforate b. Horizontal pair, imperforate between 6. Jt violet/rose/red (Kee Chung Sohn, Japan, runner) a. Imperforate 7. 50 red-orange/blue/violet/red (Lord Burghley, England, hurdler) a. Imperforate 8. 7? green/blue/red/violet (Bob Mathias, U. S., discus thrower) a. Imperforate 9. 11? ultramarine/red-orange/red (Paavo Nurmi, Finland, distance runner) a. Imperforate 10. 16? red/green (Ugo Frigerio, Italy, walker) a. Imperforate 11. 17? gray-blue/blue/red/lilac (Mildred Didrikson, U. S. hurdler) a. Imperforate Sc 474-78, C97-99i Min 649-56; Gi 667-71, 673-75: Mi 560-67; Yt 444-48, AlOl-03 "1956, December 15, (Mi), December 24 (Min and Gi), 1957, January 7 (Sc). 16th Clympic Games, Melbourne, Nov. 22-Dec. 8, 1956. Unwmkd; ? Hi (Sc, Min, and Gi), 12 (Mi and Yt)-, souvenir sheet (169 x 86 mm.--Sc, 169 x 87 mm.--Kin, Gi, Mi and Yt) containing one each of Nos. 4-8; lithography and recess printed

Country's flag and Olympic rings, plus 12. 1? brown/red-brown/violet/red/blue (Fanny Blankers-Koen, Nether­ lands, sprinter) a. Imperforate 2? brown/blue/violet/red (Jesse Cwens, U. S., sprinter) a. Imperforate 3? violet/rose/red (Kee Chung Sohn, Japan, runner) a. Imperforate 5? red-orange/blue/violet/red (Lord Burghley, England, hurdler) a. Imperforate 7? green/blue/red/violet (Bob Mathias, U. S., discus thrower) a. Imperforate Sc ---! Min 657: Gi MS6?2; Mi Bl 3i Yt Bl 3 Notes; (a) 25,000 perforate, and 25,000 imperforate sheets issued, (b) Sheets overprinted "Specimen" exist. L956, December 15 (Mi), December 24 (Min and Gi), 1957 January 7 (Sc). 16th Olympic Games, Melbourne, Nov. 22-Dec. 8, 1956. Unwmkdi P Hi (Sc, Min, and Gi), 12 (Mi and Yt); souvenir sheet (I69 x 86 mm.--Sc, I69 x 87 (Min, Gi, and Yt) containing one each of Nos. 9-11, Olympic flag left margin; lithography and recess printed. Country's flag and Olympic rings, plus 13. 11? ultramarine/red-orange/red (Paavo Nurmi, Finland, distance runner) a. Imperforate 186 16? red/green (Ugo Frigerio, Italy, walker) a. Imperforate 17? gray-blue/blue/red/lilac (Mildred Didrikson, U. S., hurdler) a. Imperforate Sc ; Kin 658; Gi KS676; Ki Bl 4; Yt 31 4 Notes: (a) 25,000 perforate and 25,000 imperforate sheets issued, (b) Sheets overprinted "Specimen" exist. 1957, February 8. Hungarian refugee issue. Urwmkd; P Hi (Sc, Kin, and Gi), 12 (Mi and Yt); Nos. 4-11 surcharged and overprinted with cross and "Assistencia Refugiados Hungaros"; lithography and recess printed. Country's flag and Clympic rings, plus 14. 1? + 2? brown/red-brown/violet/red/blue (?.) (same as No. 4) 15- 2? + 2? brown/blue/violet/red (R) (same as No. 5) 16. 30 + 2? violet/rose/red (R) (same as No. 6) 17. 50 + 2? red-orange/blue/violet/red (R) (same as No. 7) 18. 70 + 20 green/blue/red/violet (R) (same as No. 8) 19. 11? + 2? ultramarine/red-orange/red (R--Min, Gi, and Mi, R-0--Sc) (same as No, 9) 20. 16? + 2? red/green (R—Min, Gi, and Mi, R-0--Sc) (same as No. 10) 21. 17? -r 2? gray-blue/blue/red/lilac (R--Kin, Gi, and Mi, R-0--Sc) (same as No. 11) Sc 31-5, CB1-3; Min 660-67; Gi 678-82, 684-S6i Mi 569-76; Yt 452-56, A105-07 Note: 50,000 sets issued. 1957, February 8, Hungarian refugee issue. Unwmkd; P Hi (Sc, Min, and Gi), 12 (Mi and Yt); No. 12 surcharged and overprinted with cross and "Para Los Victimos De La Reciente Earbarie Communista + 25?"i souvenir sheet (169 x 86 mm.--Sc, I69 x 87 mm.—Min, Gi, Mi, and Yt) containing one each of Nos. 14-8; lithography and recess printed. Country's flag and Olympic rings, plus 22. 1? + 50 brown/red/brcwn/violet/red/blue (H) (same as No. 4) a. Imperforate 2? + 50 brown/blue/violet/red (R) (same as No. 5) a. Imperforate 3? + 50 violet/rose/red (R) (same as No. 6) a. Imperforate 5? T 5? red-orange/blue/violet/red (R) (same as No. 7) a. Imperforate 7? + 50 green/blue/red/violet (R) (same as No. 8) a. Imperforate Sc --- i Min 668i Gi MS683i Mi 577-81/B1 5; Yt El 5 Note: 5,000 perforate, and 5,000 imperforate, sheets issued. 1957, February 8. Hungarian refugee issue. Unwmkd; P Ili (Sc, Min, and Gi), 12 (Mi and Yt); No. 13 surcharged and overprinted with cress and "Para Los Victimos De La Reciente Barbarie Communista + 250"; souvenir sheet (169 x 86 mm.—Sc, 169 x 87 mm.--Min, Gi, Mi and Yt) containing one each of Ncs. 19-21; lithography and recess printed.

Country's flag and Olympic rings, plus 23. 110 + 50 ultramarine/red-crange-red (?.) (same as No. 9) a. Imperforate 16? + 5? red/green (R) (same as No. 10) a. Imperforate 17? + 50 gray-blue/blue/red/lilac (R) (same as No. 11) a. Imperforate Sc ; Min 669i Gi --- ; MS687i Mi 582-84/B1 6i Yt Bl 6

187 Note; 5,000 perforate, and 5,000 imperforate, sheets issued. 1957, July 18. Winners in 16th Olympic Games, Melbourne, Nov. 22-Dec. 8, 1956. Unwmkdi F 13i (Sc), 14 (Min, Gi, Mi and Yt); lithography (Kin), photogravure (Sc, Gi, and Mi) by Waterlow and Sons, Ltd., Lon­ don. Country's flag and Clympic rings, plus 24. 1? brown/blue/yellow (Lars Hall, Sweden, pentathlon—runner) a. Imperforate 25. 20 red-orange/blue/red (Eetty Cuthbert, Australia, ICO and 200- meter dashes) a. Imperforate b. Red missing in flag. 26. 30 blue/red (Egil Dar.ielsen, , javelin) a. Imperforate 27- 50 olive-green/blue/red (Alain Kimoun, France, marathon) a. Imperforate 28. 70 brown-red/blue/red (Norman Read, New Zealand, 5°-km- walk) a. Imperforate 29. 110 green/red/blue (Robert Morrow, U. S., 100 and 200-meter dashes) a. Imperforate 30. 16? lilac/blue/red (Chrish Brasher, England, steeplechase) a. Imperforate 31. 170 brown/blue/green/yellow (A. Ferreira Di Silva, Brazil, triple jump) a. Imperforate Sc 479-83, C100-C2; Min 67I-78; Gi 689-96; Mi 585-92; Yt 457-61, A108-10 k1957, July 18. Winners in 16th Clympic Games, Melbourne, Nov. 22-Dec. 8, 1956. Unwmkdi P 13i (Sc), 14 (Min, Gi, Mi, and Yt)i souvenir sheet (140 x 140 mm.) containing one each of Nos. 24-31, center label (Olympic flag); lithography (Kin), photogravure (Sc, Gi, and Mi) by Waterlow and Sons, Ltd., London.

Country's flag and Olympic rings, plus 32. 10 brown/blue/yellow (Lars Hall, Sweden, pentathlon--runner) a. Imperforate 2? red-orange/blue/red (Betty Cuthbert, Australia, 100 and 200- meter dashes) a. Imperforate 3? blue/red (Egil Danielsen, Norway, javelin) a. Imperforate 5? olive-green/blue-red (Alain Mimoun, France, marathon) a. Imperforate 7? brown-red/blue/red (Norman Read, New Zealand, 50-1™• walk) a. Imperforate 110 green/red/blue (Robert Morrow, U. S., 100 and 200-meter dashes) a. Imperforate 160 lilac/blue/red (Chris Brasher, England, steeplechase) a. Imperforate 170 brown/blue/green/yellow (A. Ferreira Da Silva, Brazil, triple jump) a. Imperforate Sc --- i Min 679i Gi MS697i Mi Bl 7; Yt Bl 7 Note: 12,500 perforate, and 12,500 imperforate, sheets issued. 1957, July 18. Winners in 16th Olympic Games, Melbourne, Nov. 22-Dec. 8, 1956. Unwmkd; P 13i (Sc), 14 (Min, Gi, Mi, and Yt); souvenir sheet (140 x 140 mm.) containing one each of Nos. 24-31, center label (gold medallion); lithography (Min), photogravure (Sc, Gi, and Mi) by Water- low and Sons, Ltd., London. Country's flag and Clympic rings, plus 33. 1? brown/blue/yellow (Lars Hall, Sweden, pentathlon-runner) a. Imperforate 2? red-orange/blue/red (Betty Cuthbert, Australia, 100 and 200- meter dashes) a. Imperforate 3? blue/red (Egil Danielsen, Norway, javelin) a. Imperforate 5? olive-green/blue/red (Alain Mimoun, France, marathon) a. Imperforate 70-brcwn-red/blue/red (Norman Read, New Zealand, 5° km. walk) a. Imperforate 11? green/red/blue (Fobert Korrow, U. S., 100 and 200-meter dashes) a. Imperforate 16? lilac/blue/red (Chris Erasher, England, steeplechase) a. Imperforate 17? brown/blue/green/yellow (A. Ferreira Da Silva, Erazil, triple jump) a. Imperforate Sc --- ; Min 680; Gi KS698; Min Bl 8; Yt 31 7A Note: 12,500 perforate, and 12,500 imperforate, sheets is?ued.

1957, July 18. Winners in 16th Olymcic Games, Melbourne, Nov. 22-Dec. 8, 1956. Unwmkd; F 13s (Sc), 14 (Kin, Gi, Mi, and Yt); souvenir sheet (140 x 140 mm.) containing one each of Nos. 24-31, center label (in­ verted flag of Dominican Republic); lithography (Min), photogravure (Sc, Gi, and Mi) by Waterlow and Sons, Ltd., London. Country's flag and Olympic rings, plus 34. 1? brown/blue/yellow (Lars Hall, Sweden, pentathlon--runner) a. Imperforate 2? red-orange/blue/red (Eetty Cuthbert, Australia, ICO and 200- meter dashes) a. Imperforate 3? blue/red (Egil Danielsen, Norway, javelin) a. Imperforate 5? olive-green/blue/red (Alain Kimcun, France, marathon) a. Imperforate 7? brown-red/blue/red (Norman Read, New Zealand, 50-km. walk) a. Imperforate 11? green/red/blue (Robert Morrow, U. S., 100 and 200-meter dashes) a. Imperforate 16? lilac/blue/red (Chris Brasher, England, steeplechase) a. Imperforate 17? brown/blue/green/yellow (A. Ferreira Da Silva, Brazil, triple jump) a. Imperforate Sc i Min ; Gi i MI—1 Yt Bl 73 Note: 3°0 perforate and 300 imperforate sheets issued. 1957, September 5 (Mi), September 9 (Sc, Gi and Min). Centenary of birth of Lord Baden-Powell and 5°th anniversary of the scout move­ ment. Unwmkd; P 13i (Sc), 14 (Min, Gi, Mi, and Yt); Nos. 24-31 sur­ charged and overprinted with scout emblem and "Centenario Lord Baden- rowell 1857-1957"; lithography (Min), photogravure (Sc, Gi, and Mi) by Waterlow and Sons, Ltd., London. Country's flag and Olympic rings, plus 35. 1? -r 2? brown/blue/yellow (R-C--Sc, light R--Min, R--Gi and Mi)

189 (same as No. 24) a. Imperforate 36. 2? + 2? red-orange/blue/red (R-0--Sc, light R--Min, R--Gi and Mi) (same as No. 25) a. Imperforate 37. 3? + 2? blue/red (R-0--Sc, light R--Min, R--Gi and Mi) (same as No. 26) a. Imperforate b. Inverted overprint 38. 5? + 2? olive-green/blue/red (R-0--SC, light R—Min, R--Gi and Mi) (same as No. 27) a. Imperforate 39. 7? + 2? brown-red/blue/red (R-0--Sc, light R--Min, R--Gi and Ki) (same as No. 28) a. Imperforate 40. 11? + 2? green/red/blue (R-C—Sc, light R--Kin, R--Gi and Mi) (same as No. 29) a. Imperforate 41. 16? + 2? iilac/blue/red (R-0--SC light R--Kin, R--Gi and Mi) (same as No. 3°) a. Imperforate 42. 17? + 2? brown/blue/green/yellow (R-C--SC, light R--Min, R--Gi and Mi) (same as No. 31) a. Imperforate Sc B6-10, CB4-6; Min 681-88; Gi 699-706; Mi 593-6OO; Yt 462-66, Alll-13 Note: 25,000 (Mi), 50,000 (Sieger) perforate, and 70 imperforate, sets issued. ,1957, September 5 (Mi), September 9 (Sc and Kin). Centenary of birth of Lord Baden-Powell and 5°th anniversary of the scout movement. Unwmkd; P 13i (Sc), 14 (Min, Mi, and Yt); No. 32 surcharged and overprinted "Centenario Lord Baden Powell 1857-1957"! souvenir sheet (140 x 140 mm.) containing one each of Nos. 24-31, center label (Olympic flat-); lithography (Mm), photogravure (Sc, Gi, and Mi) by Waterlow and Sons, Ltd., London.

Country's flag and Olympic rings, plus 43. 1? + 5? brown/blue/yellow (R-0--Sc, light R--Min, R--Ki) (same as No. 24) a. Imperforate 2? + 5? red-orange/blue/red (R-0--Sc, light R--Min, R--Mi) (same as No. 25) a. Imperforate 3? + 50 blue/red (R-0--SC, light R--Min, R—Mi) (same as No. 26) a. Imperforate 5? + 50 olive-green/blue/red (R-0--Sc, light R--Min, R--Mi) (same as No. 27) a. Imperforate 7? + 50 brown-red/blue/red (R-0--Sc, light R--Min, R —Ki) (same as No. 28) a. Imperforate 11? + 5? green/blue/red (R-0--Sc, light R--Min, R--Mi) (same as No. 29) a. Imperforate 16? + 5? lilac/blue/red (R-0--SC, light R--Min, R--Mi) (same as No. 30) a. Imperforate 170 + 50 brown/blue/green/yellow (R-0--Sc, light R--Kin, R--Mi) (same as No. 31) a. Imperforate Sc --- i Min 689; Gi MS707i Mi 6O1-08/E1 9; Yt 31 9

190 Notes: (a) 1,500 (Mi), 2,500 (Trachtenberg) perforate, and 2,500 im­ perforate, sheets issued. (b) Imperforate sheet exists with no overprint on 16? value. 1957. September 5 (Ki), September 9 (Sc, Gi and Kin). Centenary of birth of Lord Baden-Powell and 50th anniversary of the scout move­ ment. Unwmkdi P 13i (Sc), 14 (Min, Mi, and Yt J ; No. 33 surcharged and overprinted "Centenario Lord Baden Powell 1857-1957" ! souvenir sheet (140 x 140 mm.) containing one each of Nos. 24-31, center label (gold medallion); lithography (Kin), photogravure (Sc, Gi, and Mi) by Waterlow and Sons, Ltd., London. Country's flag and Olympic rings, plus 44. 1? + 5? brown/blue/yellow (R-C — Sc, light R--Min R--MD (same as No. 24) a. Imperforate 2? + 5? red-orange/blue/red (R-0--Sc, light R—Min, R--Mi) (same as No. 25) a. Imperforate 3? + 5? blue/red (k-0--Sc, light R--Min, R--Mi) (same as No. 26) a. Imperforate 5? + 5? olive-green/blue/red (R-0--SC, light R--Min, R--Mi) (same as No. 27) a. Imperforate. 7? + 5? brown-red/blue/red (R-C--SC, light R--Min, R—Mi) (same as No. 28) a. Imperforate 11? + 5? green/blue/red (R-0--Sc, light R--Min, R--Mi) (same as No. 29) a. Imperforate 16? + 5? lilac/blue/red (R-0--Sc, light R--Min, R--Mi) (same as No. 30) a. Imperforate 17? + 5? brown/blue/green/yellow (R-0--SC, light R--Kin, R—Mi) (same as No. 31) a. Imperforate Sc ; Min 690; Gi KS7C8; Ki 601-08/31 10; Yt Bl 8A Note: 1,500 (Mi), 2,500 (Trachtenberg) perforate, and 2,500 imperfor­ ate, sheets issued. 1957, November 12. Winners in 16th Olympic Games, Melbourne, Nov. 22- Dec. 8, 1956. Unwmkd: P I3ii lithography and recess printed by Water- low and Sons, Ltd., London.

Country's flag and Olympic rings, plus 45. 1? brown/red/blue (Gerald Ouellette, Canada, small-bore rifle marksmanship) a. Imperforate 46. 2? sepia/green/yellow (Ron Delaney, Ireland, 1,500-meter run) a. Imperforate b. Double impression 47. 3? violet/red/blue (Tenley Albright, U. S., figure skating) a. Imperforate 48. 5? orange/green/red (Joaquin Capilla, Mexico, platform diving) a. Imperforate 49. 7? blue/green/red (Ercole Baldini, Italy, bicycling road race) a. Imperforate 50. 11? blue/black/red/yellow (Hans Winkler, Germany, equestrian jumping) a. Imperforate 51. 16? rose/red/blue (Al Certer, U. S. , discus) a. Imperforate 52. 17? brown-violet/blue/red (Shirley Strickland, Australia, 80-meter hurdles) a. Imperforate