Gabriela Neagu - [email protected] Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy - RIQL

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This document is published by COST Action CA 18213: Rural NEET Youth Network: Modeling the risks underlying rural NEETs social exclusion.

©️ COST CA18213, December 2020.

Reproduction is authorized provided the source is acknowledged. Please cite this publication as “COST CA18213 Rural NEETs in Romania: 2009/2019 Overview. RURAL NEETs IN ROMANIA: 2009/2019 OVERVIEW 2009/: RURAL NEETs

ISBN: 978-989-781-427-3

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3. 1. Population and youth population 11

3. 2. National strategies and programs for young people 12

3. 3. Rural areas 18

3. 4. Introductory socio-economic analysis 19

3. 5. Education 22

3. 6. Youth employment and unemployment 25

3. 7. NEETs in Romania 31



This report describes a particular situation of young population in Romania: the population of NEETs, with a focus on rural NEETs.

Based on a complex methodology which uses data from different national sources (INS) and international sources (Eurostat, EU Labour Force Survey-EU-LFS, OECD),this report gives an overview of the evolution and particularities of NEETs in Romania during the previous deca- de, namely 2009-2019.

Within the last ten years, the population of NEETs in Romania has grown rapidly, placing Ro- mania in first place in the EU-28 in terms of the share of this population among the young population. Thus, in 2009 Romania with a NEET rate of 13.9%, occupied first places in the EU, along with Bulgaria (19.5%), Italy (17.5%), Latvia (17.5%) (Eurostat, 2020). A decade later, in Bulgaria and Latvia, the NEET rate decreased significantly to 13.7% and 7.9%, respectively, but in Romania and Italy it increased by more than 1pp: 14.7% in Romania and 18.1% in Italy. (Eurostat, 2020).

The causes for this are both individual (way of life, socio-familial origin, expectations and aspirations) and socio-economic (accessibility of the education system, development of lifelong learning, correspondence between education and labour market demand, particu- larities of the Romanian labour market, socio-economic policies supported by central and local authorities, etc.) RURAL NEETs IN ROMANIA: 2009/2019 OVERVIEW 2009/2019 IN ROMANIA: RURAL NEETs aspects specific to ourcountry: The detailed analysis ofthedata regarding thesituation ofNEETs inRomania reveals some • • • • inter-correlated andconsequentlyhave very limited effects andmodest results. mic, educational supportthat target thiscategory ofpopulation butwhichare not The existence of an important number of programs andmeasures of socio-econo- phenomenon specific to Eastern European countries, namely temporary migration for work; National statistics fail to communicate properly theentire population ofNEETs dueto a The majorityofthepopulation belongingto thiscategory hasavery low level ofeducation; to thedetriment ofruralareas (9.3% incitiescompared to 21.7% invillages in2019); Significant differences in the distribution of young NEETs by degrees of urbanisation


Raportul descrie o situație particulară a populației de tineri din România: populația de NEETs, cu accent pe NEETs din rural.

Bazat pe o metodologie complexă care utilizează date din diferite surse naționale (INS) și in- ternaționale (Eurostat, EU Labour Force Survey -EU-LFS,OECD) raportul evidențiază evoluția și particularitățile NEETs-lor din România în ultimul deceniu: 2009-2019.

În ultimii zece ani populația de NEETs din România a crescut în mod accelerat situând Româ- nia pe primele locuri în UE-28 în ceea ce privește ponderea acestei populației în rândul populației de tineri. Astfel, în 2009, România cu o rată NEET de 13,9% a fost pe primul loc în UE, alături de Bulgaria (19,5%), Italia (17,5%), Letonia (17,5%) (Eurostat, 2020). Un deceniu mai târziu, în Bulgaria și Letonia, rata NEET-urilor a scăzut semnificativ - 13,7%, respectiv 7,9%, dar în România și Italia a crescut cu peste 1pp: 14,7% și, respectiv, 18,1%. (Eurostat, 2020) Cauzele sunt atât de natură individuală (mod de viață, originea socio-familială, așteptări și aspirații) cât și de natură socio-economică: accesibilitatea sistemului de educație, dezvoltarea în- vățământului pe tot parcursul vieții, corespondența dintre educație și cererea pieței forței de muncă, particularitățile pieței muncii din România, politicile socio-economice susținute de către autoritățile centrale și locale etc.

Analiza detaliată a datelor privind situația NEETs-lor din România relevă câteva aspecte spe- cifice țării noastre:

• Diferențe importante în ceea ce privește distribuția tinerilor NEETs pe grade de urba- nizare în defavoarea ruralului (9,3% în orașe față de 21,7% în sate în 2019);

• Majoritatea populației care aparține acestei categori are un nivel foarte scăzut de educație;

• Statisticile naționale nu reușesc să surprindă întreaga populație de NEETs datorită și unui fenomen specific țărilor din Estul Europei: migrația temporară pentru muncă; RURAL NEETs IN ROMANIA: 2009/2019 OVERVIEW 2009/2019 IN ROMANIA: RURAL NEETs

• Existența unui număr important de programe și măsuri de suport socio-economic, educațional care vizează această categorie de populație dar care nu sunt intercorelate și, în consecință, au un efect foarte limitat și rezultate modeste.


This report proceeds in three sections. It begins with an introductory contextualisation with the most relevant information about the Romanian social, economic and political situation in the last decades (2009-2019) and key youth policies based on a relevant literature review. A methodological note explains the database used and the statistical operations undertaken. The most extensive section of the report refers to the analysis performed, with a specific fo- cus on young people, by degree of urbanisation and concerning four main topics: population; employment; education; and, NEETs.

The report ends with a brief conclusion that highlights the main results regarding the topics explored.

RURAL NEETs IN ROMANIA: 2009/2019 OVERVIEW 2009/2019 IN ROMANIA: RURAL NEETs West Region; 7Centre Region; 8--Ilfov Region Legend: 1NorthEast Region; 2SouthEast Region; 3SouthMuntenia Region; 4SouthWest Region; 5 West Region; 6North Chart 1Romanian Map–Development Regions ding to theEurostat classification. 1). TheseRegions are territorial-statistical unitscorresponding to theNUTS IIlevel, accor- Development Regions 8 (Chart of organisation the concerning statisticalclassification, of king into accountECRegulation no.1059/2003 ontheestablishment ofacommon system 2000s, theRomanian authoritiesadopted national legislation onregional ta- development, and since 2007 has been a member of the EU. At the end of the 1990s and in the early Since 1989, after 45years ofatotalitarian regime, Romania isagainademocratic country 238,397 km2. of theDanube(1075 km)andhasaccess to theBlackSea.Thesurface oftheterritory is of Central Europe, both inside andoutside the Carpathian Mountains,onthelower course From thegeographic pointofview Romania (capital, Bucharest) islocated inthesoutheast 1. CONTEXTUALIZATION NEETs socialexclusion Modeling therisksunderlyingrural Rural NEET Youth Network: COST Action CA18213 5 Framework Programme oftheEuropean Union Funded by theHorizon2020 6 4 7 3 1 - [email protected] 2 8

RURAL NEETs IN ROMANIA: 2009/2019 OVERVIEW pective oftheseyoung peopleinto arealistic andresponsible one. partners solutionsfor theNEETs’ problems; and,to change thedominantnegative pers- the national context butalsointheEuropean context; to identifytogether withtheproject The aims of this are: to better understand the situation of this category of populations in This national report focuses on young people, and more precisely, the NEETs population. categories ofthepopulation isthat ofyoung people. gence ofpoverty, increasing unemployment, migration rates, etc. Oneofthemost affected emer- have the and to population led the have of crises part affectednomic significant a In the transition from totalitarianism to democracy, national and international socio-eco- ture -inwhich allpublicadministrative institutions at thecentrallevel are represented. Each Development Region isorganised by counties-alocalterritorial administrative struc - NEETs socialexclusion Modeling therisksunderlyingrural Rural NEET Youth Network: COST Action CA18213 Framework Programme oftheEuropean Union Funded by theHorizon2020 - [email protected] 9

RURAL NEETs IN ROMANIA: 2009/2019 OVERVIEW level ofurbanisation rate willbecalculated inboth relative andabsolute rates. etc.) unemployment, Whenhighlightingthedifferencesyment, inyears; andage groups, the cities, ruralareas). Thesecriteria willbeappliedto allareas analysed (i.e.,education, emplo- or 15-34years); thetimeinterval analysed (2009-2019); anddegree ofurbanisation (town, The data we have selected cover thefollowing criteria: age target population (15-24 years include, butare not limited to, thefollowing: For thisreport we scrutinisea variety ofstatistical (secondary) data sources. Thesesources 2. METHODOLOGICAL NOTE • • • National Institute ofStatistics (INS)reports andother national databases. Eurofound, ILO andOECDreports andother reports ofrelevance; Eurostat, LabourForce Survey data analysed onaNUTS IIlevel; NEETs socialexclusion Modeling therisksunderlyingrural Rural NEET Youth Network: COST Action CA18213 Framework Programme oftheEuropean Union Funded by theHorizon2020 - [email protected] 10

RURAL NEETs IN ROMANIA: 2009/2019 OVERVIEW analysis we willalsorefer to theage group 30-34years. they hadto face between theages of18-24. For thesereasons, for someaspects ofthe included intheNEETs category. However, theseyoung peopleface thesame challenges in vocational training systems, but neither in the labourmarket. Even so, they are often not the age of24 -whohave lefttheeducation system prematurely, are nolonger in school, or are excluded from public policy measures. Many young people in the elderly cohort - over faced by thiscategory are alsoencountered after theage of25andtheseyoung people inclusion ofonlyyoung peopleaged 16-24 ismuch too restrictive given that theproblems the 2007) Thompson, and (Maguire which to according field the literaturein the account to remain intheeducation system -andthey have ajob,family, etc. We also took into of 24, most young people complete thehighest level ofeducation -ifthey have chosen cation andare inapositionto chooseeitherto stay inthesystem orleave it.At theage age range: 15 is the age at which most young people in theEU complete compulsory edu- 306,823 people.(INS,2020). Inthisstudy, however, we willfocus onthe15-24 or15-29 15-34 years old.INSdata shows that onJanuary1,2019 thepopulation aged 15-34was ted thesame range astheEUsothat theyoung population is considered to be between theEUincludespeople betweenIn thiscontext, theages of15and34.Romania hasadop- especially for theyoung population. the labourmarket isconstantly changingandisnot very generous withitssupplyofjobs, has beenextended andyoung peopletend to stay longer inschoolandontheother hand, job. Thisperiodhasgraduallyincreased, ontheonehandbecausecompulsoryschooling first their find they systemwhen educationlikely time leavecompulsory tois the the and he/she which in time the between someone as defined often is person young A 2019:9). (resident population) andthedensityofresident population is81.9 people/km2.(INS, (INS) shows that thetotal population ofRomania onJanuary1,2019 is19,414,458 people each for age group but also by areas reduced ofresidence. The data of theNational Institute ofStatistics significantly is volume its decades three last the in However, people. Romania entered the democratic period in (1990) withapopulation ofover 23million 3. 1.Population andyouthpopulation 3. DATA ANALYSIS NEETs socialexclusion Modeling therisksunderlyingrural Rural NEET Youth Network: COST Action CA18213 Framework Programme oftheEuropean Union Funded by theHorizon2020 - [email protected] 11

RURAL NEETs IN ROMANIA: 2009/2019 OVERVIEW to identifytheexact compositionofNEETs inRomania. emigration proves to be very difficult to capture in national statistics and makes it difficult choose to emigrate temporarily to Western European countriesto obtain ajob.Thistypeof emergent phenomenon: “European commuting”. Increasing numbersofyoung Romanians especially withregards to theyoung andworking age. Inrecent years, there hasbeen an ries. Romania joinedtheEUin(2007) andthisresulted inincreased rates ofemigration, catego age - these to specific emigration temporary and permanent of rate the increase values ofthenatural increase are oneofthecausesfor this,butitisequallyimportantto between 15-34years is lower inrural areas incomparison withurbanareas. Thenegative 15-34 -butalsoimbalancesbetween thetwo areas ofresidence: theelderlypopulation of demographic aging-namely, thereduction inabsolute numbers ofthepopulation aged trends reflects (Chart2) population Romanian the of residence and agestructureby The Source: INS,, –data extracted in25.05.20 Chart 2Theevolution oftheRomanian population (15-34years) intheperiod2009-2019 (numberofpeople) - 1000000

15- 2009 19

20- NEETs socialexclusion Modeling therisksunderlyingrural Rural NEET Youth Network: COST Action CA18213 24

25- 29

30- 34 - 500000 2019

15- 19


Framework Programme oftheEuropean Union Funded by theHorizon2020 24

25- 29

30- 34 0 Rural Urban 500000 - [email protected] 1000000 1500000 12

RURAL NEETs IN ROMANIA: 2009/2019 OVERVIEW very dynamicandmobile. people donot exist assuch-especiallythosewhoemigrate for work andare therefore Although statistics ofdifferent institutions are available, inpractical terms theseyoung respective analysis onlyfrom astatic andnot adynamicperspective (Zanadrelii, 2015:11). This distinct category ofyoung people highlightsanother aspect related to NEETS: their sub-categories asdefined by Eurofound (Eurofound, 2012; Eurofound 2016). abroad are statistically integrated into theNEETs category, butdonot belongto any ofthe a jobandearnmoney for themselves and theirfamilies. Young peopleworking temporarily are from rural or urban areas. For young people in rural areas, this is theonlyoption to have emigrate in greater numbers are those in the age category 20-24 years old, whether they exceeded thosefrom anurbanenvironment. Itshouldbenoted that theyoung peoplewho the period2012-2019; ontheother hand,theyoung migrantsfrom ruralareas numerically of young peoplewhochooseto emigrate temporarily increased for allage groups during INS data (Chart 3)highlightsat least two importantfeatures: ontheonehand,number Source: INS,, –data extracted in25.05 Chart 3Temporary emigrantsby age andareas residences (numberofpeople) - 25000 - NEETs socialexclusion Modeling therisksunderlyingrural Rural NEET Youth Network: COST Action CA18213 20000 201 15-1 2 9

20-2 4 - 15000 25-2 9


- 4 10000

Framework Programme oftheEuropean Union Funded by theHorizon2020 201 15- 8 19


- 24 5000

25- 29

30- Rural 34 0 Urban 5000 - [email protected] 10000 15000 20000 25000 13

RURAL NEETs IN ROMANIA: 2009/2019 OVERVIEW Source: Eurostat, 2020, [yth_demo_020], data extracted 29.09.20 2013-2019 and2009-2019) Table 1.Ratio of youth population by age subgroups andabsolute andrelative change (%)inRomania (2009-2013, increased rate ofNEETs. the reserve wage (the lowest wage accepted for a work activity) and consequently to an and leadsto anincrease intheconsumption ofthepopulation butalsoto anincrease in money sentto thecountryby emigrantssupportsthefamilies remaining in thecountry not to lookfor ajob,not to accept alower-paying job,oreven not to work. Therefore, the households withcloserelatives whohave emigrated (temporarily orpermanently)choose and receive money from abroad. Olderpeople-especiallywomen inruralareas -livingin economic inactivity amongboth emigrantsandamongthosewhoremain inthecountry For acountrythat “exports” young labour, oneofthemost importanteffects isto stimulate to16.4% between 2009 and2019. The data (Eurostat, 2020) shows that young population of Romania decreased from 19% Overall 20-24 25-29 15-19 NEETs socialexclusion Modeling therisksunderlyingrural Rural NEET Youth Network: COST Action CA18213 2009 5.6% 6.5% 6.8% 5.5% 2013 6.4% 6.7% Framework Programme oftheEuropean Union Funded by theHorizon2020 5.8% 2019 5.2% 5.3% Absolute change (relative change -0.4pp (-6.2%) 0.2 (pp(3.0%) -0.1pp (-1.8%) 2009-2013) 2009-2013 -0.9 (pp(-15.5%) Absolute change - [email protected] (relative change -0.2pp (-3.77%) -1.2pp (-23%) 2013-2019) 2013-2019 Absolute change -1.6 pp(-30.7%) (relative change -0.3pp (-5.6%) -0.7pp (-12%) 2009-2019) 2009-2019 14

RURAL NEETs IN ROMANIA: 2009/2019 OVERVIEW young peoplecanbeclassifiedas follows: In relation to publicinstitutions andprograms, themost importantinterventions infavour of preventing andcombating socialmarginalisation, approved by H.G. No.1149 /2002. training. Theseform themethodological normsfor theapplication ofLaw no.116/2002 on professional and mediation labour counselling, professional and information of field the in market. ANOFM develops free services financed from the unemployment insurance budget, ring ahighlevel ofemployment andadaptation of labour to therequirements of thelabour ment strategies and policies developed to protect people at ensu- risk of unemployment, updated by Law no.250/2013, andLaw no.233/2010.These provide for measures to imple- the legislative framework onwhichpublicinstitutions operate alsoincludes Law no.76/2002, young peopleinRomania. Itisknown asLaw no.350of21/07/2006 theYouth Law. Currently, cument was adopted, and this forms the basis for the development of policies concerning (ANOFM). One year before Romania’s accession to the EU (2006), the main legislative do- (MEN); theMinistry ofYouth andSports(MTS); andtheNational Agency for Employment are: TheMinistry ofLabourandSocialProtection (MMPS);theMinistry ofNational Education perspectives andwithdifferent intensity. Among theinstitutions that target young people Young people have always been in the attention of the Romanian authorities from different 3. 2.Nationalstrategies andprograms foryoungpeople NEETs socialexclusion Modeling therisksunderlyingrural Rural NEET Youth Network: COST Action CA18213 Framework Programme oftheEuropean Union Funded by theHorizon2020 - [email protected] 15

RURAL NEETs IN ROMANIA: 2009/2019 OVERVIEW Table 2Youth Policies andStrategies young peopleunder25years of age. Themain objective ofthe“Youth Guarantee” isto re- This isaprogram fundedby the Romanian itisanother Government, program that targets The most important program for young people, however, remains TheYouth Guarantee. contribute to supportingyoung people. tion reduces the positive effects of these measures and therefore they do not significantly but thebigproblem isthat oftheirinstitutional non-correlation. Thelackofintegrated ac- people cover themost pertinentdomains-education, socialprotection, employment - young of favour in Romania in developed programs The development. their to financially sentatives are only meantto puttheminto practice andinsomecasesto contribute These youth programs (Table 2)are coordinated by thecentralauthorities.Local repre- Source: Author Social protec- Occupation Education Field tion NEETs socialexclusion Modeling therisksunderlyingrural Rural NEET Youth Network: COST Action CA18213 Date 2005 2004 2004 2002 2015 2013 2012 want to complete theirlevel ofschooling A secondchance-coursesfor young peoplewhohave leftschoolearlybutwho urban areas to continuetheirschoolinginsecondarylevel (ISCED3-4) High schoolmoney –financingthetransportof students from ruralareas to Milk andbread -providing ahot mealfor students incompulsoryeducation Subsidised jobs–payment ofsubsidiesto employers whoemploy young people National Youth Employment Plan education Professional scholarship-scholarshipsfor students whochoosevocational social protection system Social housing-provided social housingespeciallyfor young peopleleaving the Framework Programme oftheEuropean Union Funded by theHorizon2020 Policy name - [email protected] 16

RURAL NEETs IN ROMANIA: 2009/2019 OVERVIEW people are never contacted after receiving ajoboffer to have theirsituation analysed. most young and months, first four the in offer training or education job, receivea not did registered, two-thirds those registered. Of and identified youngNEETsyethavenotbeen most where situation the to led has which delays, significant byaffected been has gress Assessment ontheImplementation oftheYouth Guarantee (May 2018), inRomania pro- provided topport, eitherfuture employees oremployers. Overall, asevidenced by theEC su- financial of formsbyvarious supported are“Youth scheme the Guarantee” under res will bereceived within4monthsofregistration withtheemployment agencies. Allmeasu- foremployment, further education or entry into an apprenticeship, or internship. Theoffer for offer, either quality good a receive graduation, after one find not do or jobs their lose jobs. Specifically, this program aims to ensure that young people under the age of 25, who duce unemployment amongyoung peopleaged between 16and24, by facilitating quality NEETs socialexclusion Modeling therisksunderlyingrural Rural NEET Youth Network: COST Action CA18213 Framework Programme oftheEuropean Union Funded by theHorizon2020 - [email protected] 17

RURAL NEETs IN ROMANIA: 2009/2019 OVERVIEW certain typeofcollective mentality. development ofthecountryside, limited humanandsocialcapitalofthepopulation, butalsoa that ledto thissituation are complex butmostly related to thelow level ofsocio-economic factors The etc.) delinquency, drugs, consumption, alcohol trafficking, (human environments underage young mothers at peopleat riskofchildabandonment, riskofentryindangerous young families whodonot have theresources to supportthemselves andraisetheirchildren, men andyoung women inruralareas cometo theattention ofsocial protection authorities: culture -most often seasonalactivities -andgirlsplanto get married.Very soonboth young Young peoplewhoremain inruralareas have very simpleplansfor the future: men work inagri- restructuring” stage that extended untilthebeginning ofthe2000s. played the role of last refuge for the segments of the population affected by the economic speak of a (re)ruralisation of Romania in the“sense that theruralenvironment and agriculture even (2011:56) Mihalache & Croitoru areas. rural Romanian the of feature defining a become tice ofsubsistence orsemi-subsistence agriculture (Croitoru &Mihalache,2011) whichhas prac- the poverty because faces it decades, yet recent in grownsignificantly has population rural population InRomania, thisincludesalmost halfofthepopulation (46.7% -2018). Therural measured both by theshare inthetotal area ofthecountry-97.3% size -andby its theshare ofthe by all, of first given, importance special a has area rural the Romania, For another. to The concept ofa‘ruralarea’ isageneric onethat covers distinct realities from onecountry 3. Rural areas NEETs socialexclusion Modeling therisksunderlyingrural Rural NEET Youth Network: COST Action CA18213 Framework Programme oftheEuropean Union Funded by theHorizon2020 - [email protected] 18

RURAL NEETs IN ROMANIA: 2009/2019 OVERVIEW people inruralareas have amuchhigherriskcompared to young peopleinurbanareas. between the risk of poverty and the degree of urbanisation highlights the fact that young relationship the of analysis The residence. of environment their of regardless significantly decade theriskofpoverty for theyoung population (15-29 years old)hasnot changed age group. (Youth Strategy 2014-2020, 2014:14). Thedata (Chart 4)shows that inthelast choose to measure thelevel ofpoverty inRomanian society, young people are the poorest Romania’s Youth Strategy 2014-2020 regardless shows that, ofthemethod by whichwe Source: Eurostat [ilc_peps13] –data extracted in30.05 Chart 4People at riskofpoverty orsocialexclusion by degree ofurbanisation, 15-29 years (%) young peopleandtheruralpopulation most noticeably. lopment. Thelongtransitionprocess andthesocio-economiccrisisof2007-2008 affected increase in emigration and,consequently, adecrease inthelevel ofsocio-economicdeve- of NEETs in the population, an increase in the rate of earlyschool leaving by young people, an The economiccrisisof2007-2008 hasledto anincrease theshare inrisingunemployment, 3. 4.Introductorysocio-economicanalysis 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 30,7 2009 30,3 50,9 NEETs socialexclusion Modeling therisksunderlyingrural Rural NEET Youth Network: COST Action CA18213 2010 29,1 39,6 48,8 2011 28,8 41,3 48 Framework Programme oftheEuropean Union Funded by theHorizon2020 Cities 2012 31,2 35,3 56,6 2013 33,4 52,7 33 Townssuburbs and 2014 51,9 27,2 32,5 2015 50,8 24,1 30,5 Rural areas Rural - [email protected] 2016 51,7 33,3 24,3 2017 48,5 19,6 30,5 2018 18,6 24,9 45,5 2019 44,3 14,5 27,8 19

RURAL NEETs IN ROMANIA: 2009/2019 OVERVIEW educational, etc. Itisalsoaproblem ofmentalityat thecommunity level: itseemsnatural he lives becomesvery complicated asaresult offactors that are beyond administrative, which in environment disadvantaged the of out person young a “taking” of difficulty The increasing opportunitiesandorinlimiting young people’s accessto them. opportunities. Swartz et al.(2012) argue that communitieshave akey role to play eitherin people they live but alsoabouttheir traditions,activities, with in thesameenvironment, but also to the perceptionsenvironment, that people have about themselves, about other thereof. Thus,ruralityrefers not onlyto thefact that apartofthepopulation lives inthis events that take placeinthisenvironment andwhichallow theconstruction ofanidentity has emerged -ruralitywhichismost often usedinconnection withthephenomenaand certain socio-familial andculturalenvironment. Inrelation to theconcept of‘rural’,another Poverty isrelated both to thelevel of education and occupation, but also to belongingto a young men(Charts 5). Regardless ofthegender, young women are muchmore at riskofpoverty compared to Source: Eurostat, [ilc_peps01],data extracted Chart 5People at riskofpoverty orsocialexclusion by age andsex (15-24 years) 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 2009 44,7 43,8 45,6 NEETs socialexclusion Modeling therisksunderlyingrural Rural NEET Youth Network: COST Action CA18213 2010 41,8 43,8 45,7 2011 46,1 46,3 46 Framework Programme oftheEuropean Union Funded by theHorizon2020 2012 49,9 50,8 49 2013 48,4 49,6 50,8 Total Males 2014 49,8 50,6 49 Females 47,9 2015 47,8 - [email protected] 2016 47,4 48,1 48,7 43,7 2017 44,4 45 37,3 2018 38,8 40,4 2019 39,1 40,6 42,1 20

RURAL NEETs IN ROMANIA: 2009/2019 OVERVIEW occupational, social,cultural,aspirations etc. youngenvironment, peoplecan(intentionally orunintentionally) limittheireducational, rural disadvantaged a category. In risk specific their leave to efforts their in discouraged be will or others, of attitudes and behaviour the copy will people way.young Specifically leaving school, social assistance statusyment, and social networks can act in a negative number ofdisadvantages. Thus,inacommunity where thenormalthingislackofemplo- ment marked by extreme drought asisthecaseinRomania), socialnetworks alsohave a However, whenwe were dealingwiththeruralenvironment (especially witharuralenviron- tances) whomay have thisinformation, are at greater riskofexclusion. information orto aboutemployment, people(family members,relatives, friends,acquain - find can they where places to access havenot do involuntarily.who Youngso people do disadvantaged backgrounds -includingruralareas -over time,even ifthey sometimes etc. Perpetuating poverty can become one of the strategies adopted by young people in for young people wish to continue a “model” seen in the community, in the family of origin, NEETs socialexclusion Modeling therisksunderlyingrural Rural NEET Youth Network: COST Action CA18213 Framework Programme oftheEuropean Union Funded by theHorizon2020 - [email protected] 21

RURAL NEETs IN ROMANIA: 2009/2019 OVERVIEW 3 the baccalaureate exam. complete theireducation withanother year or2ofschoolat uppersecondarylevel andtake market. Inorder to have accessto highereducation, graduates ofvocational schoolsmust vocational route (vocational or professional school) that sends most graduates to the labour te (theoretical secondaryeducation, withmucheasieraccessto highereducation) orto the since, dependingontheresults obtained, students are assignedeitherto theacademicrou - Education inRomania practices earlyselection, basedonnational tests withvery highstakes compulsory education lasts for 9years: 8years at ISCED0-2level and1year at ISCEDlevel 3. all categories ofthepopulation. Thebeginning ofschoolingtakes placeat theage of6and In Romania, education isfree at alllevels andaccessto alllevels isguaranteed by law, for 3. 5.Education NEETs socialexclusion Modeling therisksunderlyingrural Rural NEET Youth Network: COST Action CA18213 Framework Programme oftheEuropean Union Funded by theHorizon2020 - [email protected] 22

RURAL NEETs IN ROMANIA: 2009/2019 OVERVIEW rates at alllevels ofpre-university education isover 20pp to thedetriment ofruralareas. shows that thedifferences between urbanandruralareas interms ofschoolparticipation ment oftheruralenvironment. Data from theRomanian Ministry ofEducation (MEN,2019) (Table 3), but with significant differences between the two areas of residence to the detri- Overall, thelevel ofeducation ofyoung peopleinRomania increased between 2009-2019 Source: Eurostat, [edat_lfs_9913] data extracted 08.09.20 Table 3Population by educational attainment level, age anddegree ofurbanisation 15-24 years (%) Cities Towns andsuburbs Rural area Cities Towns andsuburbs Rural area Cities Towns andsuburbs Rural area NEETs socialexclusion Modeling therisksunderlyingrural Rural NEET Youth Network: COST Action CA18213 ISCED 0-2 ISCED 3-4 ISCED 5-8 56.9% 44.2% 56.2% 52.2% 37.5% 2009 41.8% 5.6% 2.1% : Framework Programme oftheEuropean Union Funded by theHorizon2020 58.4% 38.4% 54.6% 39.4% 43.7% 48.1% 2010 2.2% 7% : 54.3% 39.3% 57.8% 39.7% 37.7% 2.9% 7.9% 48% 2011 : 50.3% 54.5% 44.5% 36.8% 35.7% 61.9% 8.8% 5.2% 2012 2.4% 50.9% 44.8% 36.8% 10.2% 61.7% 2013 4.3% 2.2% 36% 53% 60.6% 43.3% 37.7% 10.4% 51.9% 2014 2.4% 5.7% 37% 51% - [email protected] 42.8% 53.2% 53.2% 38.7% 40.1% 59.1% 2015 2.2% 6.7% 4% 58.9% 39.2% 52.7% 44.1% 53.1% 2016 5.9% 41.1% 3.2% 1.9% 38.6% 40.7% 44.7% 52.7% 59.1% 6.6% 3.3% 2.3% 2017 52% 40.5% 40.3% 53.6% 50.7% 57.4% 46.1% 2018 5.9% 2.4% 3.2% 50.2% 44.9% 58.2% 52.6% 35.7% 47.1% 2019 2.5% 2.8% 6.1% 23

RURAL NEETs IN ROMANIA: 2009/2019 OVERVIEW Source: Eurostat, [edat_lfs_9913] data extracted 08.09.20 et al.,2017). TheRomanian education system isonethat focuses more oncompetition and education andlearningconditions are well below thoseintheurban environment (Kitchen of quality the and schooling) of years 8 first (the education secondary and primary only system amongruralyouth. Most educational institutions operating inruralRomania provide tality unfavourable to education increases theriskofpremature leaving oftheeducation thefinancial constraints faced by andalsoa certain collective areas, the population in thisenvironment, men- rural to specific services of educational infrastructure deficient The relative change (2009-2013, 2013-2019, 2009-2019) Table 8.Population aged 15-24, by ISCEDlevels (%)anddegree ofurbanisation inSlovakia, includingabsolute and Rural area Towns andsuburbs Cities Rural area Towns andsuburbs Cities Rural area Towns andsuburbs Cities NEETs socialexclusion Modeling therisksunderlyingrural Rural NEET Youth Network: COST Action CA18213 ISCED 5-8 ISCED 3-4 ISCED 0-2 (-17.3%) -9.1pp 56.9% 44.2% 56.2% 52.2% 37.5% 2009 41.8% 5.6% 2.1% : Framework Programme oftheEuropean Union Funded by theHorizon2020 (-6.8%) -3.6pp 50.9% 44.8% 36.8% 10.2% 61.7% 4.3% 2013 2.2% 36% 53% 50.2% 44.9% 58.2% 54.3% 52.6% 35.7% 47.1% 2019 2.5% 2.8% 6.1% Absolute change (Relative change -7.4pp (-16.5%) -5.8pp (-16.1%) -3.9pp (-7.3%) 4.6pp (45.0%) 5.5pp (8.9%) 0.7pp (-.9%) 6.7pp (13.1%) 2009-2013) 0.1pp (4.5%) 2009-2013 54.5% () - [email protected] Absolute change (Relative change -1.5pp (-53.5%) -4.1pp (-67.2%) -3,8pp (-8.0%) 8.9pp (19.8%) 5.4pp (10.7%) 5.2pp (8.9%) -1.1pp (-3%) 0.3pp (12%) 2013-2019) 2013-2019 61.7% 53% (Relative change) Absolute change -2.0pp (-3.9%) 1.3pp (2.2%) 3,1pp (6.9%) 2.9pp (6.1%) 0.4pp (16%) 2009-2019 -1.8pp (5%) 0.5pp (.1%) 60.6% 51.9% () 24

RURAL NEETs IN ROMANIA: 2009/2019 OVERVIEW very low, regardless oftheage ofaperson. workinglegal The areagetime. Romania job in a years finding 16 of is chances the but old, that allyoung peoplesucceedinachieving thisgoal, orthat itoccursfor allat thesame one ofthemost importantindicators ofindividualmaturity. However, thisdoesnot mean A numberofresearchers (Furstenburg &al.,2004) considerentering thelabourmarket 3. 6.Youth employment andunemployment tween areas of residence and levels of education remain throughout 2009-2019 (Table 4). education increases andwhenitcomesto ruralareas. (Table 4).These differences be- of theabsolute andrelative data highlightsthetrend that they tend to riseasthelevel of education system are alsoobserved at thelevel ofabsolute andrelative rates. Theanalysis These differences between urbanandruralareas andthecharacteristics ofthenational sory education levels. from disadvantaged socio-familial backgrounds are underrepresented at post-compul - ted sofar (Voicu, 2007) have shown that young peopleinruralareas andyoung people less (or not at all)onequalityandequalopportunitiesineducation. Thestudies conduc- NEETs socialexclusion Modeling therisksunderlyingrural Rural NEET Youth Network: COST Action CA18213 Framework Programme oftheEuropean Union Funded by theHorizon2020 - [email protected] 25

RURAL NEETs IN ROMANIA: 2009/2019 OVERVIEW (2009-2013, 2013-2019 and2009-2019) Table 5Youth employment (%)andabsolute andrelative change inRomania by age groups Source: Eurostat (lfst_r_ergau) –data extracted on08.09.2020 Rural areas Towns and suburbs Country Overall Overall Overall Overall 30-34 30-34 30-34 30-34 20-24 20-24 20-24 20-24 25-29 25-29 25-29 25-29 Cities 15-19 15-19 15-19 15-19 NEETs socialexclusion Modeling therisksunderlyingrural Rural NEET Youth Network: COST Action CA18213 30.3% 29.3% 83.7% 57.8% 72.4% 67.4% 77.0% 2009 77.9% 41.8% 36.6% 12.6% 6.0% 2.4% 8.1% 9.1% : 25.0% 33.8% 83.2% 76.0% 48.7% 76.6% 36.3% 69.1% 13.3% 70.1% 71.3% 6.0% 6.5% 2013 3.7% 7.6% : Framework Programme oftheEuropean Union Funded by theHorizon2020 90.8% 83.2% 40.7% 26.3% 76.6% 75.7% 51.5% 13.6% 41.2% 81.2% 71.4% 5.0% 2019 5.4% 8.4% 6.4% : Absolute change (Relative change -1.6pp (-24.6%) -4.3pp (-17.2%) -0.3pp (-0.8%) -0.5pp (-0.6%) -1,5pp (-19.7%) -0.4pp (0.5%) 3.5pp (10.3%) 11.3pp (16.3%) -1.9pp (2.5%) -1.1pp (-1.5%) 2009-2013 ) 6.9pp (14.1%) 0.7pp (5.2%) 2.7pp (3.8%) 2009-2013 0/0 () () - [email protected] Absolute change (Relative change -0.1pp (-1.5%) 4.9pp (12.0%) 6.9pp (16.9%) 11.9pp (14.3%) 7.6 pp(8.3%) 0.8pp (9.5%) 2.8pp (5.4%) 0.3pp (2.2%) 0.6pp (0.7%) 2.3pp (3.2%) 5.6pp (7.4%) 1.7pp (31.4%) -1pp (-20%) 1.3pp (4.9%) 2013-2019 ) 2013-2019 4.6 (5.6) () -0.7pp (-8.3%) Absolute change (Relative change -1.7pp (-26.5%) 10.4pp (25.5%) 13.6pp (19.0%) 10.8pp (12.9%) 8.3pp (10.9%) -1.3pp (-1.7%) -3pp (-11.4%) 9.7pp (18.8%) 2009-2019 ) -1pp (-20%) 4,6pp (11.1%) 4.2pp (5.1%) 2009-2019 7.1pp (7.8%) 1pp (7.3%) () () 26

RURAL NEETs IN ROMANIA: 2009/2019 OVERVIEW basis earnlower incomesandhave ahigherriskofpoverty. (Preoteasa, 2013:142). nia has led researchers to conclude that most people who are employed on a part-time exclusion? (Booth et al., 2002; Blasco & Givord, 2010:75). Monitoring the situation in Roma- is aspringboard to fullprofessional integration orahatch to precariousness andultimately country to another and it is very important to determine whether this type of employment young people,hasbeenshown to have positive effects. But the situation differs from one that proposed thisemployment policymeasure) -atypical especially among employment, professional experience, etc. InsomeEUcountries(Denmark,for example, thecountry with the labour market, to earn an income in parallel with school attendance or to gain ged, especiallyamongyoung people,asanopportunityfor themto familiarise themselves At theEUlevel, atypical employment (temporary andpart-timeemployment) isencoura- in theEU-28 thevalue is11.2%(National Youth Strategy, 2013:16). among working young people:30.7% ofyoung peopleaged 18-24 whowork are poorwhile The National Youth Strategy inRomania, shows there that, isthehighest level ofpoverty to peoplewhodonot have ajob.However, poverty alsoaffects theemployed population. pected that peoplewhowork, regardless ofage, have ahigherstandard oflivingcompared were employed. Employment is the main source of income for the population and it is ex- areas -andbetween levels ofeducation -between peoplewithlow education, only42.6% between areas ofresidence -+3.1pp infavour ofthoseinurbanareas, compared to rural 30) regarding theemployment rate amongtheyoung population. Itreveals discrepancies selves andtheirfamilies. Inorder to complete theanalysis, we took INSdata (INS,2019: seasonal farming whichisnot equivalent to ensuringadecentstandard oflivingfor them- those inurbanareas. Inreality, theseyoung peopleare engaged insubsistence farming and data we observed that young peopleinruralareas have ahigheremployment rate than does not cover certainyears andalltypesoflocalities(Table 5).Moreover, ontheavailable data the picture: complete have a not do we that fact the to due difficult levelis nisation The analysis ofEurostat (2020) data ontheemployment rate ofyoung peopleat urba- Bulgaria whichrecord values below 30%(Eurostat, 2020). 58%) ortheNetherlands (over 50%)butabove that ofcountriessuchasGreece, Italyand 5). Theemployment rate inRomania is lessthanhalfthat ofNorway (over 55%),UK(over 2009-2019 the employment rate of the age category 15-34 did not fluctuate much (Table mania for theage group 15-24 was at least 10pplower (Eurostat, 2020). Also,for theperiod Compared to thesituation at EU-28 level, inthelast decadetheemployment rate inRo- NEETs socialexclusion Modeling therisksunderlyingrural Rural NEET Youth Network: COST Action CA18213 Framework Programme oftheEuropean Union Funded by theHorizon2020 - [email protected] 27

RURAL NEETs IN ROMANIA: 2009/2019 OVERVIEW combined withentryinto thesocialprotection system, ortheinformal economy. obtained by carrying out alegal occupation, thepopulation chooseseitherunemployment Romanian researchers (Preoteasa, owing to 2013) dissatisfaction isthat, withtheincome door to precariousness thanaspringboard to professional success.Another conclusionof fixed-term trap- a a contractwith serves more of or as workschedule partial a with job a In conclusion,for theRomanian population, especiallyinthecaseofyoung people,having NEETs socialexclusion Modeling therisksunderlyingrural Rural NEET Youth Network: COST Action CA18213 Framework Programme oftheEuropean Union Funded by theHorizon2020 - [email protected] 28

RURAL NEETs IN ROMANIA: 2009/2019 OVERVIEW (2009-2013, 2013-2019 and2009-2019) Table 6Youth unemployment (%)andabsolute andrelative change inRomania Source: Eurostat (lfst_r_urgau) –data extracted on1.09.20 Rural areas Towns and suburbs Country Overall Overall Overall Overall 30-34 30-34 30-34 30-34 20-24 20-24 20-24 20-24 25-29 25-29 25-29 25-29 Cities 15-19 15-19 15-19 15-19 NEETs socialexclusion Modeling therisksunderlyingrural Rural NEET Youth Network: COST Action CA18213 22.2% 27.9% 2009 15.8% 41.8% 59.1% 32.7% 6.0% 8.5% 5.8% 8.4% 5.6% 17.9% 8.1% 8.1% 6% : : : : 53.3% 48.7% 10.6% 14.3% 14.7% 31.5% 22.1% 6.0% 6.5% 6.5% 11.9% 6.8% 8.3% 2013 6.7% 30% 28% 23% 6% : Framework Programme oftheEuropean Union Funded by theHorizon2020 39.6% 22.7% 27.9% 51.5% 15.2% 17.2% 5.0% 2019 3.8% 6.4% 6.4% 3.6% 12.1% 2.3% 5.7% 14% 5% 4% 7% : Absolute change (Relative change -4.9pp (-21.3%) -1.6pp (-24.6%) -1.6pp (-24.6%) 3.4pp (28.57%) -1.2pp (-3.8%) 5.8pp (20.7%) 2.2pp (20.7%) -1.1pp (-7.4%) 2009-2013 ) 1.1pp (16.41%) 6.9pp (14.1%) 4.2pp (19%) 2009-2013 1pp (14.7%) 0/0 () () () () () 0 - [email protected] Absolute change -12.8pp (-84.2%) -7.3pp (-104.2%) -13.7pp (-34.5%) -12.8pp (-74.4%) (Relative change -4.5pp (-118.4%) -4.9pp (-85.9%) -4.4pp (-191.3%) -3.2pp (-88.8%) -7.9pp (195.5%) -2.6pp (-21.4%) -8.1pp (-57.8%) 3.6pp (-12.9%) -0.3pp (-1.3%) -0.1pp (-1.5%) -0.1pp (-1.5%) 2.8pp (5.4%) -1pp (-20%) -1pp (-20%) 2013-2019 ) 2013-2019 () 4.8pp (-17.2%) Absolute change -3.3pp (-143.4%) (Relative change -4.5pp (-112.5%) -5.2pp (-22.9%) -3.7pp (-30.5%) -3.9pp (-27.8%) -2.7pp (-47.3%) -1.7pp (-26.5%) -1.7pp (-265%) -2.2pp (-61.1%) -7pp (-46.0%) 9.7pp (18.8%) 2009-2019 ) -1pp (-20%) -1pp (-20%) 2009-2019 () () () () () 29

RURAL NEETs IN ROMANIA: 2009/2019 OVERVIEW young peopledonot receive unemployment allowances) they are “lost” instatistical terms. the unemployment rate inRomania is that onceoutofthesocialprotection system (when also among NEETs) is much higher than the official data records. Another reason explaining even appearintheauthorities’databases. Thus,theunemployment rate inRomania (but many cases,young whichiswhy peopledonot they usethisform donot ofsocialsupport, bution ofat least 1year to 12monthsfor thosewhohave contributed for at least 10years. In ployment benefits is different depending on work experience: from 6 months for a contri- benefits is thevery money short, received is very little and the duration of granting unem- Furthermore, inRomania, theperiodoftimeinwhichyoung peoplereceive unemployment gory ofthosewhoemigrate temporarily. Romania: many young peopleare employed insubsistence agriculture orare inthecate- rostat, 2020). The explanation for this situation is also specific to occupational activities in rate ofaround 25%)andvery closeto countriessuchastheUKorNetherlands. (Eu- compared to other EU countries (France, for example, which has a youth unemployment interval considered (Table 6), butwell below theEU-28 average. Romania alsoranks better The unemployment rate amongtheyoung population inRomania ishighfor theentire time NEETs socialexclusion Modeling therisksunderlyingrural Rural NEET Youth Network: COST Action CA18213 Framework Programme oftheEuropean Union Funded by theHorizon2020 - [email protected] 30

RURAL NEETs IN ROMANIA: 2009/2019 OVERVIEW ple differ by gender, level ofeducation, degree ofurbanisation, etc. Eurofound (Eurofound, 2012; Eurofound 2016). Withinthesecategories, however, young peo- by identified groups major five the to according analysed NEETscategoryis the general, In cording to thedefinitionandmethod ofmeasurement agreed at EUlevel. concept. Romania has taken over this indicator and uses it in national policy documents ac- - butcallsonMemberStates andEuropean organisations to develop andto understand this uses itinstrategy papersandprograms for young people-“Youth inAction”, “Europe 2020” At the EU level, the European Commission considers NEETs as a key indicator and not only the most vulnerable:theNEETs category. today. For some,leaving theeducation system meansentering acategory considered to be The educational, professional andsocialtrajectories ofyoung peopleare extremely different 3. 7. NEETs inRomania NEETs socialexclusion Modeling therisksunderlyingrural Rural NEET Youth Network: COST Action CA18213 Framework Programme oftheEuropean Union Funded by theHorizon2020 - [email protected] 31

RURAL NEETs IN ROMANIA: 2009/2019 OVERVIEW ving compared to young men(Chart 6). many young Romanians andtheirfamilies. Young women are more at riskofpremature lea- for overcome to difficult are(1973) Boudon bynoted points” “bifurcation the that means rates are recorded at the beginning classes of school cycles” (Apostu et al., 2015:33) which observation revealed by the analyses ofRomanian researchers isthat “thehighest dropout mic crisishasplayed adecisive role intheeducational situation ofyoung people.Another In Romania, thedropout rate at alllevels hasincreased since2007, proof that theecono- Source: Eurostat, [edat_lfs_9913] data extracted 08.09.20 Chart 6Earlyleavers from education andtrainingby gender 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 2009 16,6 16,1 17,2 NEETs socialexclusion Modeling therisksunderlyingrural Rural NEET Youth Network: COST Action CA18213 2010 19,3 19,5 19 2011 18,1 19,1 17,2 Framework Programme oftheEuropean Union Funded by theHorizon2020 2012 17,8 18,5 16,9 total 2013 17,3 18,7 15,9 males 2014 18,1 19,5 16,7 females 2015 19,1 19,5 18,5 - [email protected] 2016 18,5 18,4 18,7 2017 18,1 18,1 18 2018 16,4 16,7 16,1 2019 15,3 14,9 15,8 32

RURAL NEETs IN ROMANIA: 2009/2019 OVERVIEW not exceed 5%.Earlyschoolleaving isthefirst step to becomingNEETs. school (about 25%ofthemleave schoolprematurely) whileyoung peopleinbigcitiesdo 2019 (Chart 7). By residence it is obvious that rural youths have the biggest problems in High values ofearly schoolleaving throughout thewholeheperiod are observed –2009- Source: Eurostat, 2020 [edat_lfse_30], data extracted 8.10.20 Chart 7ESLETrate (%)2009-2019 (Romania) by degree ofurbanisation 10 15 20 25 30 35 0 5 2009 16,6 24,1 5,4 0 NEETs socialexclusion Modeling therisksunderlyingrural Rural NEET Youth Network: COST Action CA18213 2010 19,3 28,3 5,9 0 Total 2011 18,1 26,4 5,6 0 Framework Programme oftheEuropean Union Funded by theHorizon2020 14,4 2012 17,8 31 5 Cities 16,7 2013 17,3 4,2 29 Townssuburbs and 2014 18,1 29,2 17 5,2 2015 19,3 27,8 19,1 5,9 - [email protected] 2016 17,4 18,5 26,6 6,2 Rural areas Rural 2017 18,1 17,5 27,1 4,5 2018 14,9 16,4 25,4 4,2 15,7 2019 15,3 22,4 4,3 33

RURAL NEETs IN ROMANIA: 2009/2019 OVERVIEW highest NEETrates intheEU-28. represented inthiscategory compared to men(Chart 8). Overall, Romania hasoneofthe leave theeducation system prematurely riskfalling into thiscategory: women are more The analysis ofdata onNEETs inRomania by gender supportstheideathat thosewho Source: Eurostat, [yth_empl_160], data extracted 31.05.20 Chart 8NEETs by gender, 15-24 years (%) NEETs socialexclusion Modeling therisksunderlyingrural Rural NEET Youth Network: COST Action CA18213 Framework Programme oftheEuropean Union Funded by theHorizon2020 - [email protected] 34

RURAL NEETs IN ROMANIA: 2009/2019 OVERVIEW change (2009-2013, 2013-2019, 2009-2019) Table 7. NEETrate (%)by age subgroups andby degree ofurbanisation inRomania, includingabsolute andrelative Source: Eurostat (edat_lfse_29) –data extracted in8.10.20 Rural areas Towns and suburbs Country 30-34 30-34 30-34 30-34 20-24 20-24 20-24 20-24 25-29 25-29 25-29 25-29 Cities 15-19 15-19 15-19 15-19 NEETs socialexclusion Modeling therisksunderlyingrural Rural NEET Youth Network: COST Action CA18213 20.6% 20.6% 22.5% 2009 14.6% 12.9% 12.6% 17.4% 17.3% 9.7% 12% 19% 5% : : : : 28.5% 22.8% 26.3% 23.3% 29.7% 22.9% 27.6% 15.8% 18.4% 13.4% 14.3% 29.1% 24.1% 10.1% 10.1% 4.4% 2013 Framework Programme oftheEuropean Union Funded by theHorizon2020 20.8% 25.8% 26.5% 22.4% 23.2% 22.6% 10.5% 10.9% 10.6% 18.9% 18.6% 5.5% 2019 11.4% 25% 13% 9% Absolute change (Relative change -0.6pp (-13.6%) 9.1pp (30.63%) 3.8pp (20.6%) 5.4pp (23.6%) 6.6pp (22.6%) 2.9pp (18.3%) 7.9pp (27.7%) 1.4pp (10.4%) 0.4pp (3.9%) 2009-2013 ) 5.1pp (21.2%) 1.7pp (11.8%) 2009-2013 5.6 (24.4) () () () () - [email protected] Absolute change - 4.2pp(-22.5%) (Relative change -3.3pp (15.86%) -0.4pp (-3.0%) -6.1pp (-27.2%) -6.8pp (75.5%) -2.6pp (-9.8%) -3.9pp (-15.1%) -3.7pp (34.9%) -0.1pp (-0.4%) -1.3pp (-5.2%) -5pp (-22.1%) 0.4pp (3.8%) 4pp (-21.2%) 0.8pp (7.3%) -7pp (61.4%) 2013-2019 ) 1.1pp (20%) 2013-2019 1.6pp (8.4%) Absolute change (Relative change -3.2pp (-28.0%) -3.9pp (43.3%) 5.2pp (20.15%) 2009-2019 ) -2pp (18.8%) 0.8pp (7.6%) 1.8pp (8.0%) 1.8pp (8.6%) 1.2pp (6.4%) 4pp (15.0%) 2009-2019 0.5pp (9%) 1pp (7.7%) () () () ()


RURAL NEETs IN ROMANIA: 2009/2019 OVERVIEW Table 2Youth Policies andStrategies to thetypeofNEETs andtheircharacteristics isdistributed asfollows: according countries of distribution Eurofound, the clusters. to According of identification young peoplefall into thiscategory, there are alsomany similaritiesthat have allowed the between EUcountriesintheshare ofNEETs, thetypeofNEETs andthereasons why some NEETsnationalaverage.the than sharehigher is thereAlthough are differences significant increase during 2009-2019 (Table 7).Byresidence, we observe that for allage groups the the increase intherate ofNEETs inruralareas. InRomania, theshare ofNEETs tended to son, 2011) believe that itisprecisely theseobstructions generated by mobilitythat explain person from theruralarea hasto cover are higher. Someresearchers (Simmons&Thomp- job offers compared buteven to theruralenvironment, inthiscasethecosts that ayoung want to continuetheirschooling.Also,theurbanenvironment hasmany more generous costs, costs associated withlivinginurbanareas away from theirruralarea oforigin)ifthey people inruralareas (as well astheirfamilies) have to incuradditionalcosts (transport tioned inruralRomania, inmost schoolsyoung peoplecanattend only8classes.Young As expected, therate ofNEETs ishigherinruralareas compared to urbanones.Aswe men- Source: Eurofound, 2016 ses are accentuated by thecurrent socio-economicandsocietal context. looking for employment opportunities, returning to thetrainingsystem, etc. Allthesecau- members inpoorhealth,withdisabilityorare elderly).This prevents themfrom actively ly for involuntary reasons (they are in the situation of caring for children or other family Italy andthemainfeature isthat young people endupinthesituation ofNEETs primari- Romania ispartofthesamecluster withBulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Greece and Long-term unemployed, discouraged young peo- ple, young peoplewithdisabilities NEETs socialexclusion Modeling therisksunderlyingrural Rural NEET Youth Network: COST Action CA18213 Long-term unemployed Family responsibilities Type Framework Programme oftheEuropean Union Funded by theHorizon2020 Germany, Austria, Denmark,Belgium,UK Romania, Italy, Slovakia, Greece Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania,Hungary, Poland, Spain, Cyprus,Croatia, Countries - [email protected] 18% 8% 23-44% Weight 36

RURAL NEETs IN ROMANIA: 2009/2019 OVERVIEW 4. CONCLUSIONS • • • • • rural communitiesorRomanian society asawhole. Loss ofhumancapitalthrough internal orexternal emigration isnot likely to support same situation today; The ruralenvironment inRomania hasalways beendisadvantaged andremains inthe people indifficultydoesnot decrease; integrated way, andassucheffect ofthemeasures isdiluted andtheshare ofyoung gh measures to supportthiscategory ofpopulation. However,they donot act inan throu- fields different in act people young for responsible authorities Romanian The as well asthe educational, occupational andsocialpoliciesofthecountry; being disadvantaged etc.) whereas others are related to thesocio-economicsystem tobelong some ple: to(belonging individual the socio-familialspecific a environment, The causesthat leadyoung Romanians inthesituation ofbecomingNEETs are multi- Romania hasanincreased rate ofyoung NEETs; NEETs socialexclusion Modeling therisksunderlyingrural Rural NEET Youth Network: COST Action CA18213 Framework Programme oftheEuropean Union Funded by theHorizon2020 - [email protected] 37

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RURAL NEETs IN ROMANIA: 2009/2019 OVERVIEW Eurostat, National Institute ofStatistics, Statistical Databases -TEMPO -timeseriesonlinehttps:// blica-2014-2020.pdf Youth, 2014-2020] Field the - in Strategy [National 2014-2020 Tineretului, Domeniul în Naţională Strategia nées administratives, Lasécurité sociale,2025.Numéro 3–décembre 2015 Zanardelli, M.(2015). Les NEETs dansuneperspective dynamique.Analyse àpartirdedon- students], Afir, București, and teachers of[RomanianOpinions studenților ale ca- și didactice drelor Opiniile românesc. universitar Sistemul Voicu, Bogdan Tufiș, Claudiu Comsa Mircea în pp.24-26, students?],today’s are [Who astăzi de studenții sunt Cine (2007). B. Voicu, Working Paper 23. Youth Employment. AReview of Research, Policies, Frameworks and Methodologies. LMIP Swartz, S.,Khalema,E.,Cooper, A.,DeLannoy, A.&Segal, H.2012. Navigational Capacitiesfor Educational Studies,37(4):447-450. programmes. learning work-based of study ethnographic an from findings NEET: coming Simmons, R. & Thompson, R. 2011. Education and training for young people at risk of be- eds. IoanMărginean, Romanian Bucharest, Academy PublishingHouse] “Territorialbetweenoccupationflexibility in conjuncture life”, cal and of quality of profiles riale ale calităţii vieţii”, coord. Ioan Mărginean, Bucureşti, Editura Academiei Române [Atypi- Preoteasa, A.M., (2013) Ocuparea atipică între conjunctură şi flexibilitate în “Profiluri terito- state ofpre-university education inRomania, 2017-2018] din%20Rom%C3%A2nia_2017-2018_0.pdf [Ministry ofNational Education, Report onthe -2018, starea%20%C3%AEnv%C4%83%C8%9B%C4%83m%C3%A2ntului%20preuniversitar%20 2017 România preuniversitar din învățământului starea privind Raport NAȚIONALE EDUCAȚIEI MINISTERUL NEETs socialexclusion Modeling therisksunderlyingrural Rural NEET Youth Network: COST Action CA18213 Framework Programme oftheEuropean Union Funded by theHorizon2020 - [email protected] 39