Gondwana Research, V. 6, No. 3, pp. 513-522. © 2003 International Association for Gondwana Research, Japan. Gondwana ISSN: 1342-937X GR Research

C-, O- Isotope and Whole-rock Geochemistry of Proterozoic Jahazpur Carbonates, NW Indian Craton

M. K. Pandit1*, A. N. Sial2, G. Malhotra3, L. S. Shekhawat4 and V. P. Ferreira2

1 Department of Geology, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur - 302004, India, E-mail: [email protected] 2 NEG LABISE - Department of Geology, Federal University of Pernambuco, C.P. 7852, Recife – PE 50.732-970, Brazil 3 Liaison Office, Geological Survey of India, New Delhi, India 4 Training Institute, Zawar Centre, Geological Survey of India, Jhalana Dungari, Jaipur - 302 004, India * Corresponding author

(Manuscript received September 24, 2002; accepted January 8, 2003)

Abstract The Jahazpur Group (NW Indian craton) meta-pelite – carbonate – sequence of presumed Palaeoproterozoic age unconformably overlies the volcano-sedimentary rocks of Hindoli Group and a tonalitic gneiss – leucogranite complex (Jahazpur Granite) basement. Leucogranite, the younger component of the Jahazpur Granite Complex, has been considered to be coeval with the ca. 2.5 Ga Berach Granite. The lowermost unit of the Jahazpur Group, the basal conglomerate, which unconformably overlies the Hindoli Group, is conformably overlain by a phyllite – dolomite – phyllite sequence. This sedimentary package is developed in two belts, designated as the Eastern and Western Jahazpur Belts. Preliminary C- and O-isotopic results, and relevant whole-rock geochemical data on representative dolomitic samples are presented and discussed in this paper.

13 The Lower Dolomite unit shows significantly negative to near zero δ C values (–4.8 to +0.9‰V-PDB), while the Upper Dolomite (developed in the western belt only) shows near zero values. Various geochemical parameters (Mn/Sr and Ca/Mg ratios) and non-correlative δ13C and δ18O values indicate well-preserved isotopic characteristics. The isotopic signatures of Jahazpur Dolomites are significantly different from the highly positive δ13C values reported from the Palaeoproterozoic Aravalli Supergroup rocks occurring around Udaipur (Jhamarkotra Formation). The Jahazpur carbonates show some similarity in the C-isotopic characteristics with the Delwara Formation carbonates which underlie the Jhamarkotra Formation. However, the observed negative δ13C values in the Delwara Formation carbonates have possibly resulted from effects of metamorphic decarbonation. Key words: Jahazpur Group, Aravalli Craton, NW India, carbonates, C-isotopes.

Introduction the carbon isotopic record. Compared to δ18O values, which Sedimentary carbonate rocks provide a well- are susceptible to post-depositional modifications, the δ13C documented record of palaeoclimatic changes in terms of values remain largely unaffected during most subsequent carbon (also oxygen) isotopic trends and thus serve as crustal processes (Jacobsen and Kaufman, 1999), and thus significant tools in stratigraphic correlation and modelling offer reliable chemostratigraphic constraints even in case major transition events. The C-isotope stratigraphy is of significantly metamorphosed rocks (Melezhik et al., based on the primary assumption that the δ13C values of 2001). the seawater carbonate species fluctuate through time, Positive δ13C excursions, recorded at different times carb largely in response to the changes in the net rate of organic in the geologic past, have most commonly been interpreted burial (Shields, 1999). In the absence of any recognizable to represent large-scale perturbations in the organic matter body the C-isotopic signatures remain the sole burial (Melezhik et al., 1999 and references therein) criterion for paleo-environmental reconstruction during because they reflect increased marine phytoplankton the Proterozoic. Glaciation events (resulting in reduced productivity or increased preservation under anoxic organic activity), with intermittent warmer conditions, waters. Likewise, the negative excursions have been are usually preserved as observable secular variations in interpreted to reflect the opposite. However, an increase 514 M.K. PANDIT ET AL. in the proportion of carbonate weathering, relative to excursions is followed by the formation of vast reservoirs organic carbon and silicate weathering, can also result in of 13C depleted organic matter and extreme depletion (up positive excursion in the isotopic composition of the sea to –45‰V-PDB at Shunga; see Melezhik et al., 1999). (Kump and Arthur, 1999). If the burial event is the result In India, parallel studies have been carried out on the of an increase in riverine P supply, the associated pulse of –Cambrian transition and early Cambrian isotopically light carbon would cause a temporary negative sequences in the lesser Himalayan region (Aharon et al., shift, similar to the effect of reduction in organic carbon 1987; Banerjee et al., 1997; Kumar and Tewary, 1995) weathering (Kump and Arthur, 1999). There are a number and the Central Indian Vindhyan basin (Friedman et al., of factors that can cause positive δ13C excursion. 1996; Kumar et al., 2002). The Neoproterozoic–Cambrian Preferential removal of 12C during photosynthesis leaves transition events have also been documented in western the residual carbon pool enriched in 13C, also, carbon Rajasthan (Banerjee and Majumdar, 1999) where dioxide degassing from spring deposits can result in 13C significant δ13C negative excursions have been correlated enrichment (Melezhik et al., 2000; Melezhik and Fallick, by Pandit et al. (2001) with the Neoproterozoic – 2001). Some of less discussed factors that can also Cambrian transition. A significant discovery was the potentially cause δ13C variations relate to a stratified ocean identification of δ13C positive excursion in and long-term changes in the mantle input carbon isotope Palaeoproterozoic Aravalli Supergroup (Sreenivas et al., ratio (Melezhik and Fallick, 1997). A positive δ13C 1998, 1999; Maheshwari et al., 1999) from a section north excursion (up to +12‰) of Palaeoproterozoic age was of Udaipur (NW India). This C-isotope excursion has been first reported from the Fennoscandian Shield (Galimov et correlated by Sreenivas et al. (2001) with the al., 1975; Schidlowski et al., 1975) and Lomagundi Palaeoproterozoic global δ13C excursion recorded Supergroup in Zimbabwe (Schidlowski et al., 1976). elsewhere. We have initiated complementary geochemical Subsequent studies carried out on Palaeoproterozoic and isotopic investigation of carbonate rocks from the successions suggested the 2.33–2.06 Ga δ13C positive hitherto unexplored Jahazpur Group, NW India (Fig. 1), excursion to be a global phenomenon, based on its which has been considered correlative with the Aravalli ubiquitous occurrence in all the continents (Baker and Supergroup (Sinha Roy et al., 1998; Malhotra and Pandit, Fallick, 1989 a, b; Melezhik et al., 1999; McNaughton and 2000). The low-grade (green-schist facies) metamorphic Wilson, 1983; Lindsay and Brasier, 2002). This has been rocks of the Jahazpur Group, which show well-preserved attributed to major disturbance in the geochemical cycle primary sedimentary features, offer an excellent affecting the evolution of atmosphere, hydrosphere and opportunity to investigate them for geochemical and C- biosphere. Melezhik and Fallick (1997) have argued in isotopic characteristics. This paper reports the preliminary favour of local factors to cause positive δ13C excursions, C- and O-isotopic results from dolomitic limestone of the as different explanations proposed for high δ13C do not Jahazpur Group. perfectly agree with existing geological evidence. They have also pointed out inconsistencies in the global Geological Setting background for the Palaeoproterozoic isotopic shift and have emphasized that better palaeoenvironmental The NE-trending Jahazpur Belt in southeastern analyses can contribute in assessing local versus global Rajasthan (NW India) contains two metasedimentary contributions to isotopic excursions. Compared with the sequences; the Hindoli and Jahazpur Groups of presumed positive C-isotopic excursions in the Neoproterozoic and Archaean and Palaeoproterozoic ages, respectively (Fig. 1). Palaeozoic, the Palaeoproterozoic positive δ13C excursion This belt is tectonically bound on the east by the Great has been described to be a unique one both in terms of Boundary (GBF), which juxtaposes the platform the duration (~300 million years) and for its extremely sedimentary sequence of the Vindhyan Supergroup against 13 high δ C values (up to +18‰V-PDB ; Karelian Complex, the Hindoli Group. In the west, another prominent thrust see Yudovich et al., 1991). It has been recognized that brings rocks of Mangalwar Complex against the Hindoli the previously postulated ~300 Ma single positive C- Group. This thrust has been described as a ductile shear isotopic excursion during Palaeoproterozoic actually zone (Reddy et al., 1995). The shearing seems to have comprises of three shorter duration positive excursions, obliterated the original contact between Hindoli Group each followed by a return to ~0‰ level (Melezhik et al., and Mangalwar Complex but the two units can be 1999; Buick et al., 1998). The Palaeoproterozoic δ13C distinguished on the basis of marked differences in litho- positive excursions are not followed by negative shifts assemblages and grade of metamorphism. The significantly below 0‰ (Melezhik et al., 1999). amphibolite facies Mangalwar Complex contains an Termination of the Paleoproterozoic δ13C positive ensemble of migmatised pelitic gneisses and amphibolite


Fig. 1. Geological map of the Jahazpur Belt in NW India showing the lithostratigraphy of Jahazpur Group in the eastern and western Belts (adapted from Malhotra and Pandit, 2000). Inset map (compiled from published literature and those published by Geological Survey of India) shows the distribution of major Precambrian rocks in the Aravalli Craton, NW India. gneisses. In contrast, the Hindoli Group comprises a green- development of gritty quartzite. The conglomerate, having schist facies assemblage (Sinha Roy et al., 1995; Mohanty fanglomerate characters, is polymictic in nature and and Guha, 1995) which includes predominantly bimodal contains clasts of rounded to sub-rounded quartzite, volcanincs and metapelites in the lower part (Bose and schist, variegated phyllite and vein quartz, set in an Sharma, 1992) and a turbidite sequence of meta- arenaceous matrix. It shows upward fining clast size, greywacke - metapelites in the upper (Malhotra and indicating an upright sequence. In Amalda, the upward Pandit, 2000). fining conglomerate unit contains ironstone intercalated In the Eastern Jahazpur Belt, the Hindoli metasediments grit quartzite at the top. The upper grit quartzite is are intruded by a composite granitoid pluton, known as conformably overlain by grey phyllite, dolomitic limestone the Jahazpur Granite, which includes an older tonalitic with BIF, orthoquartzite, dolomite, variegated phyllite and gneiss and a younger and undeformed alkali-granite carbonaceous phyllite (Fig. 1). Palaeosol pockets are components. The alkali-granite has been correlated developed between Jahazpur Granite and gritty quartzite/ (without any definite geochronologic constraints) with carbonate units in the eastern belt. However, any direct the 2.5 Ga old Berach Granite (Anon, 1981). This contact relation between palaeosol and the basal association (Hindoli Group + Jahazpur Granite) forms conglomerate has not been observed in the eastern belt. the basement for the Jahazpur sequence which contains Primary sedimentary structures in the orthoquartzite pebbly quartzite and grit at the base, representing an suggest the sequence to be normal with its top towards erosional unconformity. The unconformity between carbonaceous phyllite unit. Both the dolomite units are Jahazpur rocks and the basement is also marked both by separated by a thin intervening ortho-quartzite band. a structural and stratigraphic hiatus. In the type area (Western Jahazpur Belt), the Jahazpur conglomerate, with Sampling and Analytical Procedure maximum thickness of about 100 m near Jawal and Amalda, shows thinning along the strike towards the The dolomite units from the Western Jahazpur Belt northeast where a facies variation has led to the and Eastern Jahazpur Belt have been sampled across the

Gondwana Research, V. 6, No. 3, 2003 516 M.K. PANDIT ET AL. strike; sampling locations are shown in figure 1. The The values obtained for NBS-20 (as an unknown) in a 13 C- and O-isotopic ratios (as ‰ deviation with reference separate run against BSC yielded δ C = –1.05‰PDB, and 18 to V-PDB) and partial whole-rock geochemical data for δ O= –4.22‰PDB. These are in close agreement with the the dolomite samples are presented in tables 1 and 2. values reported by the U. S. National Bureau of Standards

Major and trace elements were analyzed on an RIX-3000 (–1.06‰PDB, and –4.14 ‰PDB , respectively).

(RIGAKU) X-Ray Fluoroscence spectrometer using fused beads. Fused beads were prepared using lithium fluoride Results and lithium tetraborate. For C- and O-isotopic determinations, powdered samples were treated with C- and O-isotope compositions H PO at 25°C for 3 days to release CO (McCrea, 1950). 3 4 2 The carbon isotopic compositions for the Lower and More than 72 hours (usually four days) was allowed to Upper Dolomite units from the western belt (type section) ensure complete reaction of slow reacting dolomite and and Lower Dolomite unit from eastern belt are given in to eliminate any laboratory isotopic fractionation effects. table 1 and also presented graphically as a δ13C-δ18O 13 18 The δ C and δ O values were measured on cryogenically cross-plot (Fig. 2). The Lower Dolomites in both the belts cleaned CO (Craig, 1957) in a dual-inlet triple collector 2 show δ13C values ranging from –4.8 to +0.9‰, most of SIRA II mass spectrometer. Borborema Skarn Calcite them being within the prescribed range for marine (BSC), calibrated against international standards, was carbonates (0 ±2‰ see Burdett et al., 1990). Most of the used as the reference standard and reproducibility of Lower Dolomite samples show negative δ13C values (–4.8 measurements was better than ±0.1‰, in general. to –0.6‰) while three samples have marginally positive values (between +0.6 and +0.9‰). The Lower Dolomites Table 1. C- and O-isotopic ratios (as standard ‰ deviation with thus define a significant C-isotopic variation of the order reference to V-PDB) of carbonate rocks from Jahazpur Group of ~5.4‰. However, other critical parameters need to (NW India). be evaluated before implicating the significance of such S. No. Sample δ13C δ18O V-PDB V-PDB C-isotopic variation. Two Upper Dolomite samples 1 JZ/5 0.2 -5.0 (Western Belt) show near zero values (0 and +0.2‰). 2 JZ/5 A 0.0 -7.8 Majority of Lower Dolomite samples have δ18O values

3 JZ/4B 0.9 -6.6 between –9.5 and –3.8‰V-PDB, except three samples 4 JZ/4 0.6 -7.2 which are significantly lower (<–14‰). Two samples of 5 JZ/4 A 0.9 -6.7 18 6 JZ/13C -1.2 -14.3 Upper Dolomite show similar δ O values of –6.6 and 18 7 JZ/13 -3.0 -15.4 –5.0‰V-PDB. Carbonates with a δ O range of –10 to –5‰ 8 JZ/13A -1.9 -4.5 can be considered to retain primary O-isotopic signatures, 9 JZ/13B -2.9 -9.5 being comparable with the ‘best-preserved’ δ18O values of 10 N/18 W -1.3 -4.9 ~7.5±2‰ reported for most of the Proterozoic–early 11 N/28 W -1.5 -3.8 12 N/29 W -4.8 -5.9 13 J/4 -0.6 -5.7 14 J/16 -2.2 -4.4 15 J/36 -3.8 -15.4 1, 2 – Upper Dolomite, Western Jahazpur Belt, 3 to 12 – Lower Dolomite, Western Jahazpur Belt, 13 to 15 – Lower Dolomite, Eastern Jahazpur Belt

Table 2. Partial major and trace element concentrations (Sr in ppm and major oxides as wt.%) and some significant elemental ratios for Western Jahazpur Belt carbonate rocks.

Sample SiO MgO CaO MnO Fe O Al O Sr Mn/Sr Mg/Ca 2 2 3 2 3 JZ/5 2.78 20.11 31.56 0.02 0.22 0.12 55 1.45 0.54 JZ/5 A 0.39 21.07 32.85 0.04 0.69 0.32 63 5.08 0.55 JZ/4 1.61 20.21 31.47 0.02 0.45 0.24 41 3.17 0.55 JZ/4A 18.92 16.02 23.32 0.04 0.88 1.77 62 5.02 0.58 JZ/4B 5.35 19.07 29.47 0.04 0.77 0.46 36 8.39 0.55 JZ/9 1.45 19.59 30.79 0.08 1.10 0.99 62 10.48 0.54 Fig. 2. δ13C - δ18O cross-plot for Jahazpur Group dolomitic limestone. JZ/13 24.17 11.63 20.68 0.64 4.63 3.06 154 35.48 0.46 JZ/13A 12.40 0.67 42.79 0.05 0.82 2.93 54 7.00 0.01 The data shows a general inverse correlation between them. JZ/13C 8.50 15.83 27.28 0.36 4.36 1.88 85 35.95 0.49 Trends of post-depositional alteration and evaporative effects have also been superimposed onto the figure.


Cambrian rocks (Burdett et al., 1990; Hall and Veizer, Elemental concentrations 1996). The δ13C - δ18O cross-plot shows a wide scatter Whole-rock geochemical data for carbonates from the of data and non-linear relationship between the two western sub-belt are provided in table 1. The major and (Fig. 2). A corresponding lowering of both δ13C and δ18O trace-element compositions reflect the mineral assemblage values would result during late diagenesis and low-grade of the rock and offer significant clues regarding diagenetic metamorphism and deformation due to devolatilization history. All the samples are predominantly dolomitic with reactions, whereas the evaporative processes should result subordinate calcite except JZ/13A, which is predominantly in variable enrichment in 18O (Guerrera et al., 1997). The calcitic. The carbonate rocks show a range of SiO content, absence of any apparent correlation between δ13C and δ18O 2 varying from 0.39 to 24.17%; the higher values indicate values in the Jahazpur carbonates suggests that there has a significant clastic input. Likewise, Al O also shows a been little post-depositional modification in isotope 2 3 wide variation (0.12 to 3.06%). A positive correlation characteristics (Guerrera et al., 1997). It is interesting to between SiO and Al O indicates that the non-carbonate note that the most 13C-depleted sample (N/29) does not 2 2 3 minerals are mainly alumino-silicates, most likely clay 18 18 show any depletion in δ O (–5.9‰V-PDB). The δ O values minerals (Fig. 3A). A non-linear relationship between Sr are normally considered prone to post-depositional and Al O precludes the possibility of plagioclase to be a modifications by exchange with meteoric water or 2 3 significant phase (Fig. 3B). The MgO - SiO cross-plot (Fig. interstitial fluids at elevated temperatures (Fairchild et 2 3C) shows a negative correlation between the two, al., 1990). Diagenetic dolomitization of calcite-rich suggesting that most of the MgO might be locked in the carbonates would require a large volume of water, in order carbonate phase and not in the silicate phase. Relatively to supply the required Mg (Land, 1992). As a result, the higher abundances of Fe and Mn in two samples (JZ/13 δ18O values of the dolomite product should mostly reflect and JZ 13C) are probably the reflection of detrital and the isotopic composition of the dolomitizing water (Land, organic effects relative to the inorganic chemical carbonate 1992). The O-isotopic ratios are susceptible to precipitate (Tucker, 1983). Further discussion on modifications during later processes. In contrast, δ13C geochemical parameters has been provided in the values most likely, reflect the C-isotopic composition of subsequent section while evaluating the degree of precursor carbonate due to the relatively low CO content 2 preservation of the samples. of diagenetic water (Burdett et al., 1990). The preservation of the isotopic signals depends upon the water/rock ratio for a given element at the time of diagenetic re- Discussion crystallization (Banner and Hanson, 1990). The usual sequence of water/rock interaction is O>Sr>C Sample evaluation (cf. Jacobsen and Kaufman, 1999) indicating that the In order to have some chronostratigraphic significance, C-isotopic compositions are least likely to be modified. the isotopic data should first be evaluated for retention of δ13C values, therefore, have the best potential for primary signatures. A number of geochemcial parameters preservation of near original signatures while the δ18O have been proposed to test the degree of preservation of values are most susceptible to resetting. Dolomitization primary isotopic signatures (Veizer, 1983; Kaufman et al., has been recognized as an early diagenetic phenomenon 1993; Narbonne et al., 1994). Although none of them is during the Proterozoic (Schidlowski et al., 1976; Kaufman independently conclusive, they yield unequivocal results et al., 1990; Burdett et al., 1990) that involved direct if applied in combination. The abundance of certain trace transformation of still-preserved metastable aragonite elements such as Fe, Mn and Sr has been recognized as a and/or Mg-calcite into dolomite. Therefore, the isotopic powerful tool to evaluate the diagenetic history of signatures can be taken as representative of the seawater. carbonates, especially the enrichment in Fe and Mn and This is further corroborated by excellent preservation of depletion in Sr in successor phases (Brand and Veizer, sedimentary textures, which would otherwise have 1980). The Mn/Sr ratio has, thus, been regarded as a become obliterated during multiple transformations of the definitive indicator for the degree of preservation and/or metastabe precursor, first into calcite and subsequently post-depositional alteration (Brand and Veizer, 1980; into dolomite. The best-preserved C- and O-isotopic Veizer et al., 1989, 1992; Derry et al., 1992). Although compositions of early Archaean carbonates also suggest samples with Mn/Sr <3 have been considered to be well- that the dolomitization was an early diagenetic preserved and unaffected by post-sedimentation phenomenon, caused by waters isotopically similar to alterations (Derry et al., 1992; Kaufman et al., 1992, 1993; that of Archaean seawater (Veizer et al., 1989, 1990, Kaufman and Knoll, 1995), those with an Mn/Sr ratio as 1992). high as 10 still appear to be little reset during post-

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Fig. 3. Geochemical characteristics of Western Jahazpur dolomites. (A) Al O - SiO cross-plot showing a positive correlation. 2 3 2 (B) Sr - Al O cross-plot showing non-linear relationship. 2 3 (C) MgO - SiO cross-plot showing an inverse correlation. 2 depositional processes (Narbonne et al., 1994). The MnO superimposed onto the δ13C - δ18O cross-plot (Fig. 2). The concentration in most of the western Jahazpur carbonates post-depositional alterations lead to simultaneous varies within a narrow range between 0.02 to 0.05%, with depletion in both the parameters while evaporative process the exception of two samples that are extremely enriched would result in variable and unrelated enrichment in δ18O. (0.36 and 0.64%). The Mn/Sr ratio for the carbonates Most of the Jahazpur carbonate samples show an inverse varies from 2.82 to 8.61 except for two anomalous samples correlation between C- and O-isotopic ratios, arguing with extremely high Mn/Sr ratios (32.19 and 32.81). against any post-depositional modifications. The present Discarding the two anomalous samples, the Mn/Sr ratios dataset is non-conclusive in evaluating the stratigraphic suggest that C-isotopic signatures should be well preserved significance of the low δ13C samples. Nevertheless, the in most of the samples. A non-linear relationship in the near sedimentary textures, critical geochemical δ13C - Mn/Sr cross-plot (Fig. 4A) indicates that the samples parameters and C- and O-isotopic characteristics in most are generally unaffected by post-depositional alterations, of the samples underline the isotopic signatures to be as that would have resulted in a depletion in δ13C and primary and only little affected by any post-depositional corresponding increase in the Mn/Sr ratio (Melezhik et modifications. al., 2001). A non-linear correlation between Mn/Sr and Comparison with Aravalli Supergroup carbonates Mg/Ca (Fig. 4B) also rules out any metamorphic dolomitization (closed-system metamorphic devolatilization) The Jahazpur Group has been described by previous as that would usually result in a correlative increase in workers as a Palaeoproterozoic sequence that overlies both the parameters (Melezhik et al., 2001). A positive the Hindoli Group (Sinha Roy et al., 1998). Malhotra and correlation of Mg/Ca with both δ18O and δ13C (Fig. 4C, Pandit (2000) have also recognized an unconformable 4D) is also consistent with well-preserved geochemical relationship between Hindoli and Jahazpur Groups. signatures, unaffected by later metamorphic process However, the stratigraphic status of the Hindoli Group (Azmy et al., 2001). remains to be equivocal as Bose and Sharma (1992) Post-depositional alteration and evaporative effects consider both Hindoli and Jahazpur Groups to be can potentially alter the C- and O-isotopic compositions. Proterozoic in age. Recently Deb et al. (2002) have The likely alteration trends (Burdett et al., 1990; dated zircons (U–Pb method) from felsic volcanics Gurrera et al., 1997; Melezhik et al., 2001) have been intercalated with Hindoli sediments (and hence


Fig. 4 (A) Cross-plot of Mn/Sr against δ13C for carbonates from the Western Jahazpur Belt. Note that most of the analyzed samples show Mn/Sr<10 except for two samples that show diagenetic trends. (B) Mg/Ca - Mn/Sr cross plot showing the analyzed samples to be unaffected by any metamorphic dolomitization effect. (see Azmy et al., 2001, for details on metamorphic dolomitization). (C) and (D) Mg/Ca cross- plots against δ18O and δ13C, respectively. A positive correlation argues against any metamorphic dolomitization effect. contemporaneous with the latter). Although the zircons between 2150 and 1900 for the Aravalli rocks. from a felsic tuff gave a wide range of ages between 3259 Significantly positive δ13C values (up to +12‰; see and 1877 Ma, based on the concordia age of 1854 Ma Fig. 5) recorded from the Aravalli carbonates are consistent for a massive rhyodacite sample, these authors have with the globally reported positive δ13C excursion for this correlated Hindoli felsic volcanics with Aravalli period (Melezhik et al., 1999). The Jahazpur carbonate Supergroup. The geochronologic data and other geological rocks with near zero to moderately negative δ13C values evidence support a late Palaeoproterozoic age for are, thus significantly different from the δ13C-enriched Jahazpur Group, and thus, it would be apt to compare massive dolomite of the Aravalli Supergroup (Fig. 5). the isotopic composition of Jahazpur carbonates with the However, the phosphorite-rich carbonate rocks, better-studied Aravalli Supergroup. Published immediately overlying the δ13C-enriched dolomites and C-isotopic data on Aravalli carbonates are compared belonging to the same stratigraphic unit (Jhamarkotra with the Jahazpur carbonates in figure 5. The age of Formation) show near zero to slightly negative δ13C values Aravalli sedimentation is also not properly constrained (Banerjee et al., 1986, Sreenivas et al., 2001), typical of and some of the stratigraphic relationships continue to marine carbonates. Sreenivas et al. (2001) have also be debated (Roy and Kataria, 1999; Sinha Roy et al., 1998; analyzed three carbonate samples from the Delwara Shekhawat et al., 2000, 2001). The Aravalli sedimentation Formation (basal unit of Aravalli Supergroup) that yielded cycle was tentatively postulated between 2500 Ma moderate to significantly negative δ13C values (–6.7, –2.2 (Berach Granite) and 2000 Ma by Gupta et al. (1992). and –1.9‰) as well as low δ18O values. A correlation However, some indirect evidences, such as the model between the Jahazpur Dolomites and Delwara Pb-Pb age of galena from barite intercalated with basal Formation carbonates cannot be attempted despite a Aravalli volcanics, reported by Deb (1999), have been cited close agreement in the δ13C values because the isotopic to indicate ca. 2150 Ma as the maximum age of the Aravalli ratios in the latter appear to have been modified by Supergroup (see also Roy and Jakhar, 2002). decarbonation process (Shieh and Taylor, 1969) during The Rb–Sr age of ~1900 Ma for post-Aravalli granitoids amphibolite facies metamorphism. A corresponding (Choudhary et al., 1984) suggests a possible time span depletion in δ18O values also supports such a contention.

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Fig. 5. Comparison of the δ13C values of Aravalli Supergroup carbonate rocks with those from the Jahazpur Group. The massive dolomites of the Jhamarkotra Formation show extremely positive δ13C values. Note a close resemblance of the Jahazpur Group carbonate rocks with the Delwara Formation carbonates, the basal unit of Aravalli Supergroup.

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