I ?-DOCUMENT RESONt ED 163932- ".-113 006 476

ilLUTHOR Aimone, Alan Ct. Comp. Bibliography of Military-HIstory. ASelect4and' Annotated History of Refekence Sources., 3rd ea. Military Academy,. liei_Point, N.Art Library., I+ STITU1TION .

REPORT NO . USMA-14A PUB DATE 78 NOTE 86p.; For related document, _.see ED 156 122 EDRS PRICE PluslVostage. HC Not Available from EDRS. -DESCRIPTORS *Annotated Bibliographies; *Armed Forces;, Atlases; Audiotape Recordings; Didtionaries; Directories; Encyclopedias; Government Publications; *History;

.*ffiliiiry Science; Periddicals; PhotograglLs; , Videotape ,Recordings United States ABSTRACT This revision of the 1975 publication of .the same ' .has. increased the scope of sources- to include non-print' materials, and,has.addedseveral new categories: Oder of Battles, Abstracts, Lineages, Statistics, and Guidebooks. The previous topic headings are grouped by document type ore'in-some.cases, By subject, sudliw:as-Customs, Decorations, Flags, and Insignias or Ordinaicei Planes, Ships, and Vehicles. .A title/author index is included.


,x***************************4.*****ic**4**************************** * Reptoduetions supplied by. EDRS are the best that can-be made. * L. i - -from the original docukent. . , *, ***************.**************************************************** U -S. DEPARTMENT' OF HEALTH. EDUCATION a WELFARE NAT?ONAL INSTITUTE OF / EDUCATION -'Tuts DOCUMENT HAS EWEN. REP40- OuCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM C:16 THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGIN. *TING r'T POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS 144" STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRE- SENT OFFICIAL NATIONAL INSTITUTE OP' %.0 . EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY -=1 USMAlibrary Bulletin No. 74A


A selected and annotated history of reference sources 3rd ed.



Jib ,West Point, New York United States Military Academy 1978

,e C

A ""..




O Bibliography of. Military History 3rd rev. cd.


evcial Pettple have added their skills and knowledge .i.KL aiding the compiler'. 1 wish to exPrs special ac,kriowledgeFient: to Mrs. Barbara Arlene Airhone, my wife, for assisting rrie.in 3:-curntirig annotations. Mr. Robert Schnare, Assikant Librarian: for helpful format advice, _the Visiting Military History Professor, Dr-Theodore Ropp, for his enthusiastic support, I Miss Cterrl.M.-Sylvestcr; for typing the final draft and to Miss AnnK. Harlow, Assistant Librarian:IfOe over-all editorial assistance.

Io rebrUarY. ALAN CONRAD AINIONE Militarys Histlyry Librarian rf



kl Q


I. . , . a . .) , 0 . 1:5 %.) f . -.. r P. is ,,, -.: . i,-.,

v., ',- . FOREWORD 1 -

b.t. . Th)..s third edition of thC-Bibliogrophy of Military History updates USMA Library Bulletins. Nurinbers 7 and 14; issued in 1969 and I975 respectively. Initially published in support of the ..- Military History course for ROTC instructors conducted during the summer months. this guiiie.has also been most useful in meeting the bibliographic and reference needs cadets, _ I. facalty, outside researcher's and amateur historians. 41: . . ..' The 4.ccerg appearance of quality films, audio and; video'tapes.,slides and records on the subjett of Military History has.further contribUted to the growing number of readers, viewers-. and Iteners,dealingwith the history of the Milita Art. - ,tt - ?\Thirty edition of the. bulletin is therefore designed to facilitate access to a Wider scope of soaceii in this discipline. ., - i -. , .. . West ?Ciint. New York ..- EGON A: WEISS . _ February: : 1978 Librarian SMA 1. ., ' czt -I . '4 ;.- /, 7 .



. .I7


a ..4. air



-There is more interest in military history today thanever before. Asa result more materials arc . being published. Original_ sources have become 'more accesSible-as microfilming and photocopying,of documents, landmark texts, and manuscripts have become common practice. Post World War II generations are probing the evolution of militaryinstitutions and the details and background of military his;ory. The interest, however_ ison many levels. Many ,0111-'4'.:fxriters caterto the American and English Civil War buffs, "living history" enthusiasts andto ' ,those who enjoy vicarious milirnry experiences, At the -other end ofthe spectrum. academicians are writing, abiaut subjects that havenever before been studied: Their information and insights are expanding the knowledgeand tinderstand:ng of militaryhistory., This annotated military history bibliography hal. been preparedto aid researchers. In this - third edition several categciries. including "ordtr of battles. -abstracts", -lineages", -statistics" and "guide books"%haire been added to broaden thescope and usefulness of thiS bibliography. Tlie compiler's experience in assisting correspondents, civilianresearchers. ROTC history students and-USM4 cadets has determined the subjectareas emphasized. Items selected for inclusion -are mostly in English, contain reliable information, andare available in many large. libraries. The most recent edition or reprinting is noted with few exceptions. -ALAN. C. AIMONE

4,.. February. 1978 to tr.





General References _ I Abstracts and' Dissertations, 3 Almanacs. A/nnuals and Chronologies .4 Atlases / .. . , .. 7 . . .-. Bases.Camips.Forts. Installations. Posts and Station References 9 . Battlefield and Military Museum Guides . 10 Bibliographies.of Military Affairs.' .V . Bibliographies of Revolutions and Wars , 15. Bibliographies and Guides to the American ResIblutidniry and Civil Wars -19, Bibliographies of U.S. Military Units and Selected War Histories 21. Biographical Sour7 ces 26 . , ' . Catalogs and Indexes ., 30 Customs-.Decorations. Flags. and Insignia References 34 .1 Dictionaries and Encydlopedias . -37 .Document Sources of U.S. Military History 40 .., Foreign Lineage Sources and,Armed Forces Bibliographies . la 43 -c General Military Guides a. 45 Journals With Military Subject-Matter Having CIThallive index 47 of Battles and Military and 'Naval Organization Books 52 .r.. ' Ordnance. Planes. Ships and Vehicle Sources .. 1 11. ' 56 ... . Statistics of Wars . 61 Uniforms and Equipment Reference's "62 Appendix: Directory of Addresses of Specialized Agencies and Organizations 66 .------.-- .. _ Index 69



r I GENERAL PURPOSE REFERENCES Reference American Historical Associa4ion. Guide to Historical Literature. !Slew 26201 York: Macmillan. 196 I. A basic aid.for_researchers_as it is a.sective_el - - - aii-dannotated bibliography of treatises andsource materials covering world history. Museum colleetions, atlasek. demographic 'works. biographies, government publication's and academic publicati -are included and are arranged by 'subject and dountry topics. Documents AmericanUniversity. Washington. Foreign Areas StudiesDivision. 01b1.22: .' Various authors and sub- . Each book contains an analysis of the 550-20-181 armed forces capabilities of a particular country along withan 1960- excellent bibliography. They are also printed as Department of the- Ariny parriphlers. Reference Bridge, comp. Hapsburgh Monarchy.- 1804-1918: Books and-, Z2119 Pamphlets Published in!-the United. Kingdon Between 1818 and 1967. B7 London: University of London, School of S)1.avonic and East European - Studies. 1967. Useful for find&ig sources central European military affairs between the Napoleonic eraand and World War I, Reference Cambridge Ancient' History. 12 vol. Cambridge (Eng.): University Press, D57 1923-1939. Third edition in progress. .C25 D117 Cambridge Medieval History. 8 vol. 1911-1936. Reprint. New York: :C17 Macmillan, 1964.. D208 Cambridge Modern History. 13 vol. New York: Macmillan. 1902-1912. .C1 7, The three series are excellent ..accounts of world history written by specialists. They contain bibliographies, maps, and-tables. Referdrice Fout, JOhn C.,- col-np.- German History and Civilization 1906-1914: A Z22.39 .Bibliogrephyeqf Scholarly Periodical Literature. Metuchen, N.J.": .F68 Scarecrow; 1974. The most detailed English source for nineteenth century German military history, including leading military officers. Referericc Charles Carroll. ed. 'Latin America:. A Guide to the Historical 21601 Liteialure. Austin: University of Texas .Press. 1971. The most recent, G75 bibliography covering all aspects, of South Arfierica and the`,trib- . bean. Reference Handbook of Latin Americim Studies. Edited by Donald E.J. Stewart. ZI605 Gainesville: University of Ffda Press, 1935 to date. Beginning.in H23 1964, the handbook is divided into a Social sciences volume anda humanities volume. published in alternate years. Essays and annotated bibliographies are included. The social 'science volumes, contain the best English bibliography of the Latin American armed forces. Each volume has both an author and subjcrt index as well as the fulI title of periodicals indexed. -

_ cfercnce Hanham,H.J., comp. Bibliography of British Histfrv. 1851-1915. Oxford: 22019 Clarendon, 1976. Lists all books and artic published up to 1970 thats .1-i35,_ contain information about the history ofritain and the' British empire. it is selective, hdwever, for m teria'Is ween 1971 through_ 1973. AL ,


. r. -I. , Reference Harvard Guide to American History. Edited by, Frank B. Freide l, rev_ cd. 2 Z1236 .-vol. Cambridge: Belknap, 1974. Essays deal with the methods, ______.H27 . __. resources and materials ofAmerican history as well as selective reading____ lists arranged by hiitorical period. A basic tool for studying the American past. Reference Lewis, E. D., et al., comp. Writings on American History. 1902-1960: 19 62- Z1236 1973: A Subject Bibliography of Articles. 4 vol.;. .1973 - .L331 Washington: American Historical Association. annual. A major bibliographictoolforAmericanhistorians.Regionaland chionological divisionsare-used; since 1962 books have been dropped from the index. Reference 'Roach, John Peter Charles. ed. A Bibliography of Modern History. Z62044... London: Cambridge University Press, 1968. Includes a military .R62 -bibliography under the heading "The Art of War: Armies and Navies". The select bibliography is intended to supplement. the New Carribridge Modern History series. Reference Treganning, Kennedy G., Comp. Southeast Asia: A Critical Bibliography. Z3221 ..Tticson: University of Arizona Press, 1969.,This annotated list includes mostly English works about recent traditional and modern studiei of- contemporary Southeast Asia( at Documents - U.S. Department of the Army. Army Library. Bibliographic Surveys . Washington: -Government Printing Of 1-969- t --D101_22: Africa. . 550-17-

D10.1.22: Cornmunist China ...1971. 550-9 - -

0101.22: Communist-Eastern -.. 1971. 550-8 .

D I01.22: Communist North Korea...1971. 550-14 -

-0191.22: Insukir Southeast Asia... 1972.- 550-12 D101.22: Japan. Okinawa, Republic of.China ?Taiwan), end the. Rep- ublic of 550-13 Korea. .1972. a D101.22: East. the: Strategic Hub: sand North Africa . 1973. 550-16 J D1.2: N88 Nuclear Weapons and NATO... 1975. ti

izz 0101.222 Pacific Islands and Trust Territories...1971: 550-10

-D401_22: Peninsular Southeast Asia .. 1972. 550-14

.0101.22: Scandinavia. . 1975. 550-18

S 2 J DI01.22: South Asia and. the Strategic Indll rl Ocean .1973. 550-15

__ _USSR:. Strategic. Survey!....._.). 1969, 1 55 Surveys include a wide range of topics on each region and are Useful for current information about troubled areas. Fold-out color maps and sharts add value to series. Pefefeisce U.S. Library of Congress. General Reference and Bibliography Division. A I 215 , Guide to the Study o_C the United States of America: Representative };.J.J53 - Books Reflecting the Development of American Life and Thought. Compiled by Donald H. Mugridge and Blanche _P. McCrum. Washington: 1960. 'Supplement 19564965.. Compiled by Oliver H. . .Orr, Jr/et a/. Washington: 1976. The best annotated bibliography of United .Mates history monographs. Itis divided into thirty-two .. subjects and has a good subject index. Section X covers -Military P History and Armed Forces." . -

% --) C ABSTRACTS 'AND DISSERTATIONS Periodicals Abstractsoi Military Bibliggraphy! Buenos Aires, Argentina: Iftstituto de eublicaciones.Navales. Apr. f May -1967 to date., quarterly.: Abstracts from all over the world are writteh in both English and Spanish. Emphasis is on the literature related to warfare, national defense and \ international relations. Onlyi coverspopular journals: - .. . . - . --...1 . Reference America: History and-Life -- A-Gukle to Periodical- Literature. Compiled ZI236 by Eric H.:Bochm Santa Barbara, Cal.: ABC-Clio, 1964 to date. This .A4g , quarterlyiuide providesconcise abstraats.cif articles from about five hundred'scholarly.historical periodicals. Reference Arms Control and Disarmament: A Quarterly Bibliogrizphy With Abstracts AX 1974 and Arno:a:ions. 9 vol. Washington: Library 9f Congress. Reference .Al -.%77-1:Wr3t. Arms Controlcand Disarmament Bibliography-Section. I964- ..A7 .1973. Lists about 1,200 publications in English. French. German and Russian with cumulative author and subject inclexes. Documents The Declassified Documents:- Retrospective Collection. Edited by Annadel Z1223, Wile. 3 vol:- with index. Arlington, Va.: Carrollton. 1976. This catalog ,AI 2 of abstracts includes descriptions of documents contained ithe .D35 . ." retrospective microfiche collection of the -Declassified Docume Reference System. It is a gdod source for World War II researchers. Periodicals rieat Abstracts: A Quarterly.C:overing the Worldi Periodical Literature. 1775-1945._ Compiled by Eric H. Boehm. Santa- Barbara, Cal.: ABC-Clio. 1955 to date. Abstracts of articles pertainingto world events from 1775-1945 that have been published since 1955. Beginning in 1964. articles "about American Oistory have been covered in a separate publication; America: History and Life.

Periodicals International Political Science Abstracts...Paris: International Political Scidice Association, 1951 to date, bimonthly. Abstracts such topics as 'arrnIxontrol, defense. militarism, military security. military interven: tion. war, and weapons. Some abstracts arc in French.


Im Reference Millett, Allan Reed. and Cooling, B. Franklin. ill. comp. Doctoral Z6721 Dissertations in Military Affairs: A Bibliography. Bibliography Series M46 No. 10. Manhatthn:,K.ansas State University Library, 1972. Compiled from--Disserraricizr Abstracts -and other university sources-.- Periodic upd,atings appear in Military A([airs: April 1973 and in subsequent.- Febrilary issues. Reference Rand Corporation. Selected Rand Abstracts. Santa Monica, Cal.: 1964to AS36 date. Abstracts oC research reports, translations, memorandums, t R284 papers and books including current military affairs. The Abstracts are indexed by subject and-author. Each entry lists title, author, date of issue. security classification, and Rand number. Refer Xerox University Microfilms. The Military: A Catal6gof Dissertations. Znd Bibliography ed. Ann Arbor, Mich.: 1976. This sixty-three page catalog of United File States Ph.D. dissertations is organized chronologically and by topic and includes an author index.

ALMANACS, ANNUALS AND CHRONOLOGIES.' Periodicals -Air Force Almanac.- -Air Force Magazine. Washington: Air Force Association, 1917 -to date, monthly. Beginning with the September 1951 issue and then-starting with the May,' 1970 issue informationon ^44 activities of major U.S. Air Force commands and operating agencies is included as well as descriptions-of weapons in the Air Force inventory and other current and historic data. December issues of Air Force Magazine reviews air forces of the world. E181 Ailnanac of Liberty: A Chronology of American MilitaryAnniversaries .533 from 1775 to the Present. Edited by Benjamin Franklin Schammer. New York: Macmillan, 1974. A chronology of-American military"-` events from 1716 through August 9, 1974 is arranged by year and month. Appendices describing American battle streamers and military leaders are included. ti Rererence Annual of .Power and Conflict. 1975-1976: A Survey of Political Violence` JX1981 and international Inflz.4-rice.Edited. by Brian Crozier: London: .T45 Institute for the Study of Conflict. 1971 to date, annual. This source .AS incorporates articles written by specialists with a country by country breakdown of, resistance. groups'as well as an over-all analysis of political' unrest. -

UA15 Armaments Year- Books -:General and Statistjeal Information.. Geneva, .A62 Switzerland: League of Nations, 1924-1938. A yearbook of statistical a and organization data covering the armed forces of major countries.

UA23 fr Army Almanac: A Book Off Farts Concerning the -United States Army. 2nd .A741 ed. Harrisburg, Pa.: Stackpole. 1959. This almanac is a valuable fact .4 book for organizations, combat chronologies and,dates important to

-the U.S. Army heritage.. . Reference Brassey'S Defence Yearbook and 'Royal United SerVices Institute. Edited by' VA40 :the Royal United Services Institute for Defence Studies. New York:. .B736 Praeler:-.1-8$4 to date. Iii 1971.. this yearbook replaced Brassey's.' 6)-.Annual. It covers the international events of the year and focuses on strategic reviews and "Modem Weapon Technology." Included isa bibliography of **Defense Literature of the Year."

4 0

j 'eference .-Cooney, David Chronology or the U.S : Navy: 1775-1965. New York: Franklin Watts, 1965, This,concltnseCI fact book includes the forces and key personnel involved-'n ilia Navy's engagements. explorations. --scientific-achieNuiiielits-.andiplomatic-missions: 1 D522 Great Britain. Committee of Imperial Defense. Principal Events. 1914-1918. .G78 -\ Compiled by the Historical Section of the Committee of Imperial .: :Defence. London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office.,I922. Part 1 is an excellent chronology_ of World. War I beginning in June 1914. Part 2 ..., divides the same entries of topics: political. military, naval and air. Part 3 is an alphabetical listing byby subject.- .. 4 . . Circulution' -Green. Book.- Army: Washington: Association of-the U:S. Army, 1964. to.. Desk . date. Since .1966 this annual status report'. on the U.S. Army is published in the October issue of Army but...in 1964 and 1965-it was 4 printed in the November issues. It is a guide--to_current major U.S. Army commands, military commanders and civilian administrators. Included also, are essays on topics relevant -7 U.S. Army and National Guard. ' Reference. Indian Armed Forces Year Book. Compiled by Siligh. Bombay:- UA840 1957 to date. This includes essays about the Indian armed forces and 139 world military powers. 1 UA 10 InternationalInstitute for Peace and Conflict. Research. Sipri Yearbook of .155 World Armaments and Disarmament. New'York: Hilmanities, 1969 to date. This includes essays on military developments and disarmament issues as well as a series of tables and chartS that provide statistical analyses- of arms races. , _, Reference Keesing's Contemporary Archives:,Weekly -Diary of World. Events With D410 Index-Coritinually Kept Up-to'clate. London: Keesing. 1931 to date. .K4 This source is compiled from newspaper reports world wide and N ,includes 'texts of significant speeches and documents. 'e: Reference Langer. William Leonard. An EncyclopediaOf World History. Ancient.: D21- : Medieval and Modern: Chronologically Arranged. 5th ed. Boston: .L27'. Houghton, k972. .A concise. accurate outline of world events with an . . .._ excellent ir;dek. -: _Reference Long. Event B. The Civil War Day by Day; An Almanac. 1861-186S; E468 Garden N.Y.: DoubledaY. 1971. This basic Civil War referenft '.3 tool by day happenings.-it also contains useful essa.cc and it .L6 bibliciferaphy is an excellent source for identifying pertinent a.:a tion_ readi?fg. - Periodicals -Naval _Reviciv..- U.S. NaVal Institute Proceed gs. Edited by 'Frank Uhlig. Annapolis, 'Md.: U.S: Naval Institute:-1 -1970. annua:. This had been an annual publication until 1970. It is now includedeach May - issue of the U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings. The publication includes a detailed chronology Of "Naval and Maritime Events.- and a chart of civilian administrators and both U.S. Navy and U.S. Marine Corps commanders. Essays on current 'topics and a =view of of iciai defense/ - policy are also included. . Reference Peters. Joseph P.. cornpiler. Indian Battles and Skirmishes on the American E81 17.4-..--1-7 Frontier 1790-1898. New York: .Argonaut. 1966. This is die most .P4 _ complete listing of American _Indian engagements and lists, dates. places and troops engaged, commanding officers and casualties.

.5 1 Reference Rohwer, Ju rgen, and H urnmelchen. G. Chronology of the Warat Sea, 1939- '--1945.-Translatcd" by-Derek. Master-: 2- vol:Londori:- lan Allan.1972; .R5913 New York; Arco, 1974. A detailed referencesource listing the activities of over 8.000 warships and the of over 3.000persons as it covers both major and minor navel action of World Wag' II. The diary-format entries deal with events involving all the navies which participated in the war: U.S. Air Force. USAF Historical Division. A Chronology ofAmerican Aerospace Events from 1903 through 1964. Washington: 1965. A record of United States air progress in both Civilian and Military aeronautics.

D769 U.S. Department of the Army. Of-Ike of the Chief of Military History.U.S. .U47 Army in World War II: Special Studies. Chronolbgy, 1941-1945. Compiled by Mary El] Williams, yol. 4 Washington: Government Printing Office. 1960. A good detailed chronolifigy. " Reference U.S. Division of Naval History. United States Naval Chrono-logy. World' D743.5 War IL Washington: Government Printing Office. 1955. This isthe .U53u best brief U.S.. Navy chronotRgv of World War II., It includesan appendix of principle civilian officials and naval commanders.

Reference U.S. Marine Corps. A Chronology of 4he United States Marine Corps.4 VE23 vol. Washington: Historical Branch G-3. DivisiorK,Headquariers: 1.U6 c 1965-1970_ Volume 1. 1,77511934; vol. 2, 1935-1946; vol. 3. 1947-1964; and vol. 4. 1965-1969.

.R.efereice United States Naval History Division. Civil War Naval Chronology.186!- E591 1865. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1971.. Full descrip- .U568 tions of events as well aseillustrations and essays add to the value ofthis. work. Individual tapes often contain quotations from primary

sources. . . E182 U.S. 'AavaI Institute. Ahinanai. of Naval Fa-cts. Anqapolis. Md.: 1964. This is .U587 the companion volume tothe. Arm' AlManac and contains a chronology. organization and statistical charts. D790 U.S. Office of Air Force History. The Army Air Force in World War'll: .U63 Combat. Chronology .1941-1945. vol. 8. Washington: Government Printing Officer 1973. A crisp chronology of theiGpera;ions of theU.S. Army Air Forces and its combat units between December 7. 1941 and September 15, 1945. Although the book is not detailed, it providesa factual record of the combat operations conducted each-day of thewar by the U.S. Army Air Force.

Dept. of Whitson, William Wa llace, and Lai, PauTthin-Chih.comp. Chroncgo-ky_of Social Science Atilitar Campaigns in China, 1895-1950.n.p.: 1967. The best English DS738 source concerning China's military affairs for that period. It contains .W53 organizational charts of military wunits and commands.an index of Chinese. Japanese and other Far Eastern military leaders.an index of locations as well as battle statistics and an annotated bibliography. UA7711-.-J ,Zweguintzow. W.W. Chronology of the Russian Army. 1700-1917.3 vol. .Z9c Paris: Impression Photomecanique Les Procedes Dorel. 1961. Written in Russian. this source is ,chronologically arranged and contains ... . an index of subjects. N..;

6 12 -


. . - G120I rAtnerican'lleritage Editors. The American Heritage Pictorial Atlas of - United Stares History_ New York: McGraw-Hill, 1966. This atlas.is cglor' and contains statistical data.. Reproductions of contemporlry- I maps and special battle maps drawn by artists add to its value. o. Referenc:e Atlas of E;24y-,American History: The Revolutionary Era 1760-1790. Edited -G1201 by Lester J. C.apfflon_Princeton. -Prineeton Univety Press, _S3 . 1976..111e most accurately preparedatlas of its kind. Charts, graphs. AS.. maps and bibliogrephies make this a definitive work abdut North.

Atherida between 1760 and -1790. .11k. Reference Banks. Arthur_ A World Atlas of Military History. 4 vol. projected. New . 91201 York: Hippocrene, 1973- _ The atlases have -dear maps and .SI descriptions of important battles including decisive tactical actions. -B3. Arrangement is chronological with separate indexes listing battles, , individuals, cultural groups and geogrpahical regions. Reference-' Clark, ]avid Sanders_ Index to Maps of the American Revolution irzliooks Z6206 and - Periodicals... 1763-1978.1969, .R:eprint.Westport.Ct.: -416 Greenwood, 1974, This useful source is arranged by geographical ares :C55 and .has subject and name indexes. A listing of seferenees is also incJtided which'is not limited to the largest libraries. Special Index-to Maps of the Frencand Indian War in Books-and Collectioni Periodicals ..Fayetteville, N.C. 1974. This handy reference is Z6027 arranged by geographic areas and.incluZies a listing of references. ..N68 ' . .C53 01796 Esposito, Vincent J.. and Elting, John Robert, ed. A Military History aqd -S62 Atlas of the Napoleonic Wars. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1968- .E8 . The most extensive English atlas about the-Napoleonic Wars. ,Reference Gilbert, Martin. Atlas of the Arab-Israeli Conflict. New York: Macmillan. 02206 1974. This volume traces the history of Arab-Jewish conflict from the .S1 turn of the century to 1973. There are 101 black and white maps, each .05 with a text.

- Reference First World i -ar Atlas_ New York: Macmillan. 1970. Small, but 01037 useful atlas with maps of .major battles andcampaign"operations.' r'' -:...... `R eference Nebenzahl. Kenneih.;- comp. Atlas of the American Revolution. icago:, 01201 Rand McNally,' 1974_ This well illustrated folio sized atlas contains .S3 colored contemporary maps' of general' areas and -major battles. -.N4 -. . .Reference A Biblicigraphv ofPrinted Battle Plans of the American

Z6026 . Revolution. 1775-1795. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 19751 H6 This bibliography lists sources . and descriptions of battle plans. :N33 Military iriformation pertinent to teach map is "included. .

D20*8 the New Cambridge Modern Historical A alas. Edited H.X. Darby. and ..N4 Harold Fullard, vol_ 14_ Cambridge; Cambridge Ciniversity Press, 1970_ -the atIps-ispart of the NeW Cambridge Modern History series and covers --the'periocl from 1459 through 1968.

-. 1.3 C 01201 Peckham, Howard H.. and Marshall,Douglas W. Campaigns' of the .S3 American Revolution: An Atlas of ManuscriptMaps._ Ann'Arbor; University of Michigan Press, 1976. This excellentlyillustrated atlas of r. original battle maps is arranged chronoldgically.Present locations of original maps are also provided. . - DI57 Sett on. Kenneth M.,. ed_ History of the Crusader2nd ed.;:6 .5482 -University of Wisconsin Press, 1969: This is thefin4st recant irk -depth study of military action_ during_ the period.Volume 6 is ar4exceIlent Atlas and Cazeither of,the Crusades. Reference Shepherd, William Robert. Shepherd's HistoricalAtlas. 9th ed. New York: G 1030 Barnesand Noble. 1973. A standard historicalreferene atlas covering. .S4 the period from 3000 B.C. to 1973. A subjectindex adds to its value_ U.S. Department of the Interior. ApBibliography of Civil War Battlefield Areigs_ Compiled by Irwin Gottschall. Washington:1965. This is a listing of maps of major battlefields:It emphasizes geological features- and provides .information on howto Cibtaiti copies. ReferenCe U.S. Library of Congress. MapDivision. Civil War Maps: An Annotated Z6027 List (V Maps- and Atlases in Map Collectioritof the Library of .U5 Congress. Compiled by Richard W.Stephenson. Washington: .U55" Government Printing Office, 1961. Thissource is arranged by state and has both title and subjectindexes. G1201 U.S. Military -Ac:a.demy9 West Point. MilitaryArt and Engineering Dept. .S1 .The West Point AdasofAmerican War. Editedby Vincent J. Esposito. ..U5. 2 vol. New York: Praeger, 1959. A unique.feature of this atlas, which covers battles from 1689-1953, is the descriptive texton one page with a map or maps on the opposite page_ Reference U.S. National Archives. CivilWar Maps in the National, Archives. - Z6027 Washington: Government Printing Office,1964. This is an annotated .U5 listing of maps printed by federal andstate governments. It contains a .U55 thorough index. Special U.S. Naval History Division. The AmericanRevolution, 1775-1783; An Collections Atlas of .18th Century Maps and Charts:Theatres of Operations. 01201 'Compiled by W. Bart Greenwood. Washington:Government Printing .S3 Office, 1972. A portfolia of 20maps (173/4- x 23-) which were available .U5 to military and civil leaders of both side; during thewar with an index of 10.000 place names. Reference U.S. War Department. Atlasto Accompany the Official Records of the E464 Union and Confederate Armies. 3 vol. Washingtongovernment ..U61 Printing Office. 1891-1895_ Often referredto as the -0.R. Atlas,- these $ : volumes contain 178 plates with three-colorbattlefield maps. maps of -citiesandtheir plans of defense,military routes andsome -photographic views. Some of the maps ofareas between Virginia and Texas were the first ones made. A smntennialreprint edition is of inferior quality. e

3 Reference 'c'oung. Feted. ed, Atlas of theSecond World War. London: Weidenfeld and G1038 Nicolson. 1973. This atlas contains simplified,battle -maps with brief .Y63y explanatory test.

i. 148 *? "" SES, CAMPS, PORTS, INSTALLAF4ONS, POSTS AND STATIoNS sr-. -UG405 Duffy: Christopher: Fire and Stone: The Science f F:crtte ss Wailare: 1660- .D85 . 1860. Newton Abbot. England: David and Charles,.197S-InCluded in this, book ai-e-ckaptcrs describing w'hy.; where and how fortiesseswere built.; the parts of a fortress and siege warfare_ Included-. also is a IL bibliography of biographical studies, historiei of fortifications- contemporbry works-7.- 1 ..- t ..a.,' - 41 , .. QUI] _ Harnersly, Thomas H_S. Comple7-e Regular Army Register of the Uni.ted .115 Statess For One Hundred Years (1-779-1879). Washington: 1880. Part .H21 two contains a "List of MUT= Forts. Arsenals. Camps, Barracks. etc." .whichlists posts alp tically, and gives their l_oca'tiono establishment and abandonment dates. Reference Hannon,_ Leslie F. Forts of Canada: The Coizflicis,.- Sieges and Battles That VG413 Forged a -Great Nation: Toronto: McClelland and Stewal-t, 1969. . .C3 . - Beautifully illustrated, this source is the best single book about .H35 '451: Canadian fOrts and their histories_ includes maps. diagrams, a ' bibliography and an 7appendii--of the "Forts of Canada Today".

. UG460 Mallory, Keith. The Architecture of War: A Hisi-ory Military -.M38 Architecture in North West Europe, 19001'1943. New York: Pantheon. 1973. This is the most detailed general source available about . TwentiethCentury fortificationsand 'in6ludesbibliographical referenc\\es. , Reference Murray. Robert A. Brief Guide to Research on Army Pcists. Washington: Histocalri_ ts Council-On ilitary Posts,' 1969. This booklet is helpful _File -'when researching t U.S.. Army before World War I. especially for using information lin the National Archives. - ° Reference Prucha, Francis Paul.: A Guide to the Military Posts of the United States. UA26 '1789-1895. Madison: The State Historical Society of W,isconsin, 1964. _P95g A concise survey of U.S. Army posts used during the Nineteenth Century. Reference Rand McNally Guide for MilitaryFarnilies. Chicago: Rand McNally, 197'6. .UA26 . This guide provides basic information about U.S. military installations _A6 in alphabetical order by. state, .R35 UG429 RocolIe. Piecre Paul Francois Marie.2000Ans deor-rift-natio-1z Francaise. 2 ce. _F8 vol. Limoges; France: Charles-LaVauzelle, 197This extensive source .R6 - describes.two thousand years of French fortificalio .Vol_ 2 contains a series of historical plates and diagrams, a biblio j phy and an index. UG404 Toy. Sidney. A History of Fortification From -3000 B.C. to A_ D. 1700. 2nd .T668h2 ed. London: Heinemann. 1966_,This is useful for illustrations, maps. and plans of early fortifications, inuding castles. U.S. :Adjutant General's Office. Army Register. Washington: Igik-I907.

Army List and Directory and Army Directory. Whington: ". 1892-1943_.

9 4

)300.1172 ent$ List of. Military Posts. Camps, and Stations in the .Coniinental W97..5/3: 4.45. Was*hirigton: 1941-1946.

C-412, 1 Documitt:: MilitarY Posts,Camps. and, Stations in- Continental U.S. DA Washington: 1947-March 1953. 20-42 a- Document U.S. Army Ins_ tallationsiznd Major Activities ez the Continental - DA Pamphlet Washinston: I November' 1953-to date. - 210-1 Circular Showing the Distribution of Troops of t* Line ofthe .1f46 United States Army: January /, 1866 to June 30, 1909.Washington: 1909. This shows the tables of organizationan -the distribution Of U.S. ,Army troops for that time period. t . Circulation 'U.S. Military and Government Installation i ory Service. San Diego: Desk Division of U.S. Organization Chart Service, 1975,todate, tri-yearly. UA26 Includes .U.S. armed forces. NASA, Department of Defence,an .1.361 major United States allies. UH224 U.S. Surgeon-General's Office. The Medical Department ofthe United .U66m States Army in the World War. 15 voL Washington: Gover3:(n2eftt 1917/18 PrintingOffice, 1921-1929.Volume 4,ActivitiesConcerning Mobilization Camps- and Ports of Embarkation is the best/printed source describing regular and National Guard camps as wellas their medical problems. / UA26 Report on Barracks a n d Hospitals With Description of Military Posts, Circular. No. 4. Edited by John S. Billings. 1870(Reprint.New York: Sol Lewis, 1974. This contains information aboutCivil War military installations arranged alphabetically by'name, with il- I lustrations. :/ UA26. Repori on Hygiene of:hp:United States Army. WithDescription .U66 of Military Posts. Circular Ni). 8. Edited by JohnS. Billings. 1875. Reprint. New York: Sol Lewis, 1974. Detaile'd descriptionsof U.S. military posts between 1870 and 1874. with llustrations andcharts. """'.

BATTLEFIELD AND MILITARY MUSEUM GUIDES Reference American Association for State and Local/Hgtory.Directory: Historical E172 Societies and Agencies in the United States andCanada. . . Nashville. -.A538 "Tenn.: biannuaL This directory listsaddresses, peopleto contact, and the purpose of local historical groups. The directory isalphabetically arranged by state, community arra organization. / ference Cary, Norman Miller, Jr., comp. litic;ntennial Pub7icatioriGuide to U.S. U13 Army Museums and Historic Sites. Washington`C.enter of Military History. 1975.;A gtiide to all militarymuseums in the'United States. A C37 bibliOgraphy of other sources of informatio'n about a Military history is included. :r

4 6 5' El59 Boatner, Mark Mayo, III. Landmarksof .the Amerii-cin Revolution:* A .-B67 - :Guide toLocating and Knotring*-14"har Happened az-the Sites i2j;.. Independenco. Harrisburg, Pa.:Stackpole, 1973. This is the best of the recent guides to American Revolution sites. Itarrarticdby state and gives candid comments aboutthe sires as the exisi today. DA-50 urne.Ate-7red Higgins. Battlefields of England. Londoik Sl. Methuen. 1973. --.BS ; . MoreBaktefieldsof England. Londonf'Methuen. 1974:This is the most concise source for information aboutEnglish battles. with b119/.B8 maps. Reference Chandler, David G.. ed. A Traveler's Guideto the Battlefields of Europe. 2 1:::025 vol. Philiadelphia: Chilton. 1965.Volume one is a guide .to western .C47 -' European battlefields while volumetwo cover's battlefields. of central and eastern Europe. Battles fromall periods of Europein history are 'included_ For each battle, the date. location. %stare:land-campaign, .objective of theaction;~-opposing sides, forces engages:I...Casualties, result, bibliography, and a cpncise description are_given. ° E468.9 C= miAlice. Tour Guide of the CivilWar. Rev. ed. .New pork: '5-P. -CS utt on, 1975.,-The guide is absolutely indispensable foranyone visiting historic sites associated with theCivil War. The' book has in overWhelrning ,wealth of pertinent detail. - . 4.500 Green,. Howard. Guide to the Battlefields of Britain and London: 7 Constable. 1973. A concise guide to forty-nine majOrbattles fought in the British' Isles. with tactical diagrams oftroop Movement.s. 1 . Reference International Association `of Museums of Arms andMilitary History. U I 3-Ai Directorj.gof Museums of Arms and Militarj, History. Compiledby .157 Arne Hoff. 2nd ed. Copenhagen, Denmark: 1970.A directory. by 1970 - country and city, of museums with large military collectiorrsan libraries. .... - ...... E2.30 --Stember. Sol. Bicentennial Guide to the American Revolution.3 vol. New .S74 York: al>. Dutton, 1974. The books are divided intonorth...middle and soUthern colonies and thinclude more details about sites than does the Boatner guide...... , . D528 U.S. American Battle Monuments Commission.American Armies and ----U47A 1,,_ Battlefields in Europe: A History Guide.and Reference Book. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1938: This"referen-ceis well .. illustrated with American Expedition Vorces..sketches andmaps. A_ glossary of military terrris is fouhd in'the guide. - U12 Westrate ''..I.Lee. European Military Museums: A Surveyof Their .W529e Philosophy Facilities. Programs andMernagernerzt. Washington: Smithsonian Ins- titution. 1961, This reference containsstatistical data and destriptions of European military museums includingall facets of , museum administratian...Wpapon collections are eniphasized...... -.. - . U13 Wise. Terencecomp".--A Guide` to Militarfi-Museums.2nd- ed. -Hemel -A1 Hempstead, England: Model and Allied Publications..1971. This is the -WS best guide s.to English -military museums and includes .. an index of \ regimental museums and other specialMuseums_

. . -...-- BIBLIOGRARHIES. .,OFMFLITA' itY. AFFAIRS : _. -...... ;- .-- - p ..-''..,i1 . -- . Re-Terence. Albion..Robcrt Greenlialgh. Naval and Maritime History: 4.2Annatated Z6834 .1jiblioffraphy:',4th ed.., Mystic. Ct.: Museum of American Maritime -:H5 History..197,2..iThis is the most complete gerieral naval bibliography .A4 ,and covers all periods and a nations. It is limited to English'language a. books and dissertations. ., ...- ...."4.. - ; . Z6834 Anderson, Frank J., Comp. Submarines, Diving and thebnderwarer .S9 World: A Bjbliography. Revised ed. Hamden. Ct.: Shoe String. 197.5. .A5 A good cross-referenced volume to materials dealing with underwater. 1975 warfare and some nonmilitary topics. Ptiblished in 1963 under the title. Submarines. Submariners. Z6724. Anderson. Martin, ed. Conscription: A Select and Annotated Bibliography. .C63 Stanford. Calif.: Hoover Institution Press, .1976. A list of 1,385 .A6 annotated entries covering military manpower procurement in most Countries. - 4113Iocket, pauf, Comp. Bibliography of Aeronautics. 1909-1932: 14 vol. Wasingion: GPO 1921-1936. A .useful bibliography for locating information about early military aviation, including ballooning. Citations of foreign books and articles add to its value.

Reference Bureau of Railway, Econcimics. Washington, D.C. Library. Railroads in Z7234 Defense ;aridWar: -A Bibliography. Compiled by Helen Ruth .W2 Richardson.Washington: 1953..Thisselectively,annotated ..B92 bibliography includOs z references to published manuscripts, books, articles and government-documents from 1828 through 1953. , ... Reference gun, Richard. Cornp. Congressional Hearings on American Defense KF7201 Policy: 1947-1971: An Annotated Bibliography. Lawrence: University _B86 Press of Kansas, 1974. A useful research tooI-fusing on House .and Senate Defense Appropriations Subcommittees. It supplements the Monthly Catalog. N.- -. . Special Cockle. Maurice James Draffen, ed. A Bibliography of English Military Collections ' Books up to 1.642 and of Contemporary Foreign Works. 2nd ed. 1900. U13 . Reprint. London: Holland. 1957_ This classic reference work includes .C646 sources about Greek and Roman military ideas. The bibliogc;aphy states _whei-e copies ofrare books cited are totbe foiind. Reference Dickson.Katherine Murphy, comp.. History of .Aeronautics and Z5063 Astronautics: A Preliminary Bibliography: .Washington: National Aeronautics .and Space Administration,1968. An Annotated .D5 bibliography citing U.S i 'documents and foreign publications. It has author. title and subjectindexes. -

Special. Elliot., George Hambley. Cavalry Literature: A Bibliographical Record of Collections Works on the History. Organization, Tactics. and Administration of 'UE13 Cavalry. Calcutta: Office of the Superintendent -of Government .E46 Printing, India. 1893. This annotated bibliography is useful for French - and English cavalry literature. Reference - Ferguson_ Eugene S. -Bibliography of the History of Technology. Z7914 Cambridge. Mass.: Society for the History of Technology; 1968. An .H5 . annualc supplement is published in the Technology and Culture .F4 Journal.

I2 P 1, or" keference. -Foleign Affairs 50-,Yeas: Bibliography: New-Eva/I-gallons -of.Significanr Z6461 Books on Iftterntationttl Aelationi. -1920X-1R70. New YOH:. k_.132 .F62 ° Bowkei, I972._Thisjsan excellent totircd-for`civil-militazyr:*ations:', and military policiEs. Important boVIcs aboutihic,rnationif relations, :* between 1920 and 1970 are evaluate8. ---- Reference Greenwood. John,comp. Americirzn Defense _Policy Sake 1945: A ` UA23 Prelimin ary --Bibliography_Lawrence.Kan.:National Security . Education Program, 1973,A recent .survey lot" the literature about 1 ,United States strategy. Itis helpful because it uses ...government public:1.6611S and periodical articles. UB4I3 Kerkble, Charles Robert. The Image of the Army Officer: in Ame4ca: .1545 Background for Current Views_ Projected 2 vol. Cdntributions iri Military History No. 5. Westport, Ct.: Greenwood, 1973:This isa text on social conditions of the U.S. Army ,since 1775, Its selected . bibliography is pariticularly useful:

Reference Kuhlman. Charles, camp. The Military in the Developing Countries:A Z7164 Gerzral Bibliography. Bloornington;lIndiana University Press, 1971. .U5 The best study of the literature af17Out the -military in developing .K8 . w. -nations_ Reference Lamkin, David, comp. The "Amnesty" Issue and ConscientiousObjection:- Z1249 A Selected Bibliography. Los Angeles; California State University. .M5 Center for the Study of Armament and Disarmament. 1974. This .I-35 source ,,contains discussions on the subject as well as a bibliography of pertinent books and articles.

U21.5- Lang, Kurt, 'comp. -Military Institutions and the Sociology of War:A .L35 Review of the_Literature with Annotated Bibliography_ Beverly Hills, Cal.: Sage, 1972. This bibliography includes othersources as well as books.

Reference Larson, Arthur D., comp. Civil- Military Relations and Militarism:A UAa 0 Classified Bibliography CoveringThe United States and Other Nations .L329c of the World With introductory Notes_ Bibliography Ser iesNo7 9. Manhattan: Kansas State University Library. 1971. This is.,thebest , worldwide survey of literature. Reference Nationa l Security Affairs; A Guideto Information Sources_ Z1215 . -Management Information Guide No. 27. Detroit: 'Gale Research. '.1-37 1973: This bibliography focusesdbn. United States policy, national )affair, world politics, and. the military: Special Mekico. Secretaria ,,de Guerra y Marina. Comision deEstudios Militares Collections Biblioteca del Ejercity.,Apuntes para una Z6725 Mexico. 7536-1936 .-Edited by Nestor Herera -Gomez and Siivino .M6 M. Gonzalez. Mexico City: 1937. 'Mexican military books arranged .M6 . chronologically by publication date. -t Special Michigan. University Library. Early Military Books- in the Universityof Collections Michigan Libraries_ Compiled by. Thoma's,Marshall,Spaulding and U13 Louis C. 1Carpinski. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1941.A .M582e Companion reference work' to. Cockle for early military books. Includes an index of military books_ by mathematiciansas well as mathematical books with sections about military science.

-' 13


7:::"ara. Atli_ tarx Force and American Society. Edit Brute Martin RUssett and Alfred Stepan_ New York: Harper an ow; 3973. An extensive r selective and annotated research bibliography designed-to take I account of the-wider perception of the United States armed forces' role

and influencesince 194 "r= L. Referce- *Peltier, Louis C., comp. Bibliography of Military Geography. Washington: CA990 -6MilitaryGeographyCommittee_ AssociationofAmerican ''.P36833 Geographers. 1962.. America n and foreign books, Manuals. pamphlets ..and articles related to Military geography are listed. Lacks an index. `

W3 o-;11 er, Johann. Bibliotheca Historico-Military. 4 VIA. I 887.-1899. Reprint. .P74 iSw York: Burt Franklin, 1961. An extensive-military bibliography including material in many languages and coveriA(26 countries from ancient times to mid-I9th xntury. v. Reference Robinson, Julian Perry. Chemical! Biological --Wazfare: An *Introduction Z672.4 and a-Bibliography. Los Angeles: Center for the Study of Armament ..C.5 and bisarmament, California State University, 1974. The most,cUrrent -.R6 list of government. documents,articles and books pertainingto chemical and biological warfare. - . Reference Sherman,Mfirris.comp.Amnesty. in -America: `11:4nAnnotated Z1249 .Bibliography. Passaic, N.J,: Library Association, 1974. This source .M5 reviews the periodicals, books, unpublished riiaterial and reference- .S48 'books written, on the subject since Bacon's Rebellion on October 10, 16,76_ Selected congressional debates and judicial.amnesty interpreta- ticin cases are included. Items are listed chronologically. Z675 Skallerup, Harry R. Books Afloat and-Ashore: A History of Books, .N3 Libraries. and Reading Among Seamen During the 'Age of Sail. .S54, Hamden, Gt.: Archon Books. 1974. This unique source has mgpl'h documentation analyzing the literature read. by U.S. sailors from the . late 18th Century through the middle of the 19th Century. Reference S1gfiaker, John, comp. United Siares Army and Domestic Dislurbances. U H723 Special Bibliography No. 1 U_S. Army Military History .16a - Institute, 1970. This lists and annotates the literature topically and .S634 chronologically, beginning with Bacon's Rebellion in 1676. Reference The United States Army and the Negro. Special Bibliography UA23 lsto. 2_ Carlisle Barracks, Pa.: U.S. Army Military History Institute, .-S634 1971_ The only extensive bibliography on the subject in print. Reference The Volunteer Army. Special BibliograPhy No. 5 Carlisle UB323' Barracks, Pa.: U.S. Army Military History Institute,1972. A. .S634 Thorough bibliography focusing on the history of thC ;U.S. Army's =manpower. o Reference.' Texas A&M University. Center for Marine Resources, Sea Grant College GC57 Program. Bibliography of Maritime and Naval History Periodiccil _2 Articles_ ;Compiled by Charles-R. Schultz and Pamela.A. McNulty. .T4 College Station, Tex.: 1971- annual. This contains author, No. 77-601 subject and vessel indexes to English nautical magazines in the Mystic Seaport Society Library.. The bibliography supplements Albion's NavIK1 and Maritime History_

I4 20 .." ,,"*"c r .- d.t, - Periodicals - U.S. . - i6dji.itant-Gesl'eyars Offee. A41lit-"ryd Ir.forrnation.piwision. Sourcesof -t N. Informati6n on Military' Professional Subjects. k Classified List of .410019 arid Publications. Washington: Government Printing Of 5:- 898. -excellent' retrosptiye foreign military bibliography ncludes documents about army and navy lists, 'drill- regulations, .. , uipment "i;i'dnance, army organization and -military periodicals.o Refe'renee t.r..S.'- AiForce -Academy Library. Women in the Military. -Colorado Z7963 prings: f975. This is the moss thor..912016--61bIlography on the subject .A4 ,_ - andli4books,-articIes and goyetnment dorents. ..U5 . UI.33 -U.S. Army Combat, DeveloRtnts Command, Evolution of the United .U68bzn States. Army -Field :ManI:If-alley Forge to Vietnam. Compiled by Virgil Nest.: Fort BeIvoir, Va.: 4966_ This traces U.S. Army 'Field 2 .manuals dait by private publishers as well as bj, the U.S. Government. 4-4\ Its bibliography is helpful for information on tactics and related subjects.- - -- t - Documents U.S. House of:Representatives_ Committee on Foreign_ Affairs. Subcom- U4. F761 I: mittee on National Security Policy andScientific.Developments. Se212 National Security Policy and the Changing World Power Alignment:." Outline and Bibliography_ Washington: Government Printing OfficeA 1972. A well selected fist of documents, newspaper articles, books and periodicals covering recent U.S. military affairs. Reference Ward, Robert E.., ccrep. The Allied OCcuparion of Japan. 1945-1952. An Z3308 annotated Bibliography of Western Language Materials_ Chicago: -Z5 American Libr'aryAssociation;-:'.-1974. An: :excellently annotated .W35- bibliography of ..rapanese occupation literature and bibliographies not ...cited in the _Reader's Guide or public:,Affairs Information Service_ Indexes include author, periodical and personnel name. A "List of High-Ranking Occupation Personnel, ,and military organizational charts add to the value. Reference Webb, Henry .1. Elizabethan Military Science: The Books-and the Practice. U43 Madison:University of Wisconsin `Press,1961.This unique .G7.3., - bibliography and glossary of pre I7th Century military science writers _W-382e includes essays discussing the military. literature of the time. Reference Westing, Arthur H., comp. Herbicides as...Weapons: A Bibliography. Los- Z6724 Angeles; Center for the Study of Armament and Disarmament, .C5 CaliforniaStateUniversity,1974.Thisisthe most current .W47- bibliography covering plant_poigons and chemicals used in warfare.

BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF. REVOLUTIONS AND..VVARS Reference American University. Washington, D.C. Special Operations Research -.U240 Office_ Unconventional An-Interirm Bibliography. .A512an Washington:196!.A goodgood starting list for researchers studying the - literature of small wars. ".\ Z6207 Atiya.AzizS.Th; Crusade:Historiography and Bibliography. .C97 Bloomington: Indiana University Press. 1962- Lists sources, published ..A8 -- in several languages. The bibliography section is arranged by s With a short historical essay preceding each subject listing_

15 . . Keference - - Blackev,obert_ Modern Revolutions and Revolutionists: A Bibliography. Z7161 . nta Barbara. Calif.: ABC-Clio. .1.976:- Books and articles about :-, ':B65- ,-revolutions and, revolutionists are arranged by continent and date. . Reftience Bloo rg. and Weber. Han% H.. comp.. World. War II and-its Z620'7 - rigirzs: . A Select Annotated Bibliosimphy of Books in English. .W8 Littleton. Colo.: Libraries Unlimited: 1975_ This is the best critical , - .B58. annotated bibliography,of English language covering many aspects of e.... World War. IL .., . - . ., :. . Reference Bayliss. Liwyn_...... M., comp_ .Bibltography. -^s Giside to the Two World Wars. New Z6207 York: 13:owkei.; 1977. The most uscfukreference finding aid of English .E8 . sources covering World Wars I and II_ Good annotations and an ,. .B39 index. - -- D735 Captured German and Related Records. Edited by Robert Wolfe. Athens: .C6 Ohio University Press, 1974. This is a series of essays about-the-largest Nazi German collection outside of Germanys This collv*_-pri, now located in the National Archives includes the records of the GiE-Maii- Foreign-Office (from Bismarck through Ribbentrop), the- German naval archives,- record of the German Army. 1920-1945,. files of various German governinent agencies (including the Gestapo) as well as Italian. Hungarian and Russian World War II military records. D743.42 . Conference on Research on the SecondWbrld War. World War II: An .C66 Acccunt of its Documents. Edited by James E. O'Neill and Robert W.- Krauskopf.Washington:HowardUniversityPress,1976. A preliminary source to Wdrld War II documents in the National Archives and presidential libiaries. This is a source of conferenCe _papers and important bibliography of titles to items either printed or available on-microfilm. Additional references to new accessions and new publications are listed in the. Prologue: 'The Journal of the National Archives. Prologue also publishes the progress of the records 1' declassification program initiated in 1971. Z3479 DeVore, Ronald M. Arab-Israeli Conflict: A Historical. Political, Social, .R4 and Military Bibliography. Santa Barbara, _Calif.: ABC-Clio, 1976. .D48 Newest bibliography coverin) all aspects of the conflict. includes a chronology. Reference Divale.WilliamTulio. comp.Warfare inPrimitiveSocieties: A Z5I.18 Bibliography. Rev. ed. nta Barbara. Calif.: ABC-Clio. 1973. This .W3 topical and geograical listing otw.eapons-and military organizations

.057- is taken largely from .antfirdpological publications. -:j- Reference Ellwood; David W. and Miller. James 5., comp. Iritroduczory Guide to Z6207 , American -Documentation- of the European ReKstance Movement-in _Wa c World War IL Vol.1, Public Records.. Turin, Italy: Universify . . E4 Institute of European Studies, 1975. This is part of a projected series of guides to American records about anti-facist resistance movements in southern Europe. The survey includes films and still pictures. D504 Falls, -Cyril Bentham. War Books: A Critical Guide. London: Peter Dayies. .F197 1930. This is an annotated listing of-co-ntemporary World War 1 nonfiction and fiction works including unit histories. . Reference Garcia Duran. Juan. Bibliography of the Spanish Civil War. 1936-1939- Z2700- Montevides. Spain: Editorial El Siglo Iiustrado. 1964. The best .G3 Spanish-English bibliography 'on the topic.

16' 2 . - CD1043 Great Britain_ Public Records Office. The Second World War. A Guideto .A58 Docurnent<h the. Public Records Office. London: Her MaTety's .Stationary Coffice;1972. This is the primary guideto the official records of Great Britain. Its four-appendices include a dictionary of code names used during World ,War II, abbreviations used in the.bfficial histories of Ihe-'war,-an index to war cabinet committees anda list of official histories of the war. Reference .1-laas, Michael, comp."' Inter zational Organization: An Interdisgiptinar Z6464 Bibliogrciphy. Stanford. Calif.: Hoover Institution Press, I976:This is .16 an excellent-bibliography listing articles about international affairs. It _H3 is particularly useful for- recent small wars. Reference Howard. Donald 1:F: Thi French Revolution and Napoleon Collectionat Z21-78 Florida State. University: A Bibliography Guide. Tallahassee: Friends .H67 of the-Florida ISt4te University Library, 1973. Over 5.000 titles inthe Robert M. Strozier Library Collection. cover the time from the beginning of the reign of Louis XVI through the fall of Napbleorr. Journals and newspapers." which are listed by author or title,are included. Z6207 Italy.Esercito. Copo distatomaggiore.Ufficiostorico.Saggio .W8 Bibliografico Sulfa Seconda Guerra Mondiale. 6 vol. Rome: Ministero .18 della difesa. Stato maggiore dell'esercito. I3fficio storico. 1964-1974.A world War II subject bibliograph of Italian. French._German and- e English titles with Italian annotations. Reference el-Khalidi, Walid. and Khadduri, Jill. ed. Palestine andthe Arab Israeli .Z3479 Conflict: Annotated Bibliography. Beirut. Lebanon: Institutefor .R4 Palestine Studies, 1974. This is a bibliography on the topic and .K45 includes both primary and sccon ources published from 1880 to 1971. The bibliography is organized accordingto subject and is cross- referenced and indexed: 4:3 - Reference Leitenberg. Milton. and Burns. Richard Dean.comp- The. Kiernan? 23228 Conflict:ItsGeographical Dimensions.Political TraumaS. and -V5 Military Developments. Santa Barbara, Calif.: ABC-Clio. 1973. A title .L44 of the War! Peace Bibliography Series, this biblibgraphy listsmany -- hard-to-find articles and documents.

D635 . Leland. Waldo Gifford. and Mereness, Newton D., cornp../irrroduction tb .C2!AM the American Official Sources for the Eronomigand Social Historyof .1-53 the World War. 1926. Reprint. Englewood- N.J.: J.S. Ozer, 1974. Useful as a guide to. World War I source material including statistics as. from 1914 through 1922. Reference NeW 'York Public Library. -Reference,Dept. Subject Catalog ofthe World ..D504 War I Collection. 4 vol. Boston: G, K. Hall, -1961. This is..t,hemost .N489s complete -published bibliography covering World War 1. Reference 'Perez, Louis A.. Jr. The Cuban Revolutionary War.1953-4958: A Z1525 Bibliography. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow. 1976. This well done .P43 . bibliography is divided by topics and has an index. 4477-..- Reference Smith. Myron J., Jr., comp. World War I in, the Air: A Bibliographyand Z6207 Chronology. Metuchen. N.J.: Scarecrow. 1977. A usefulsource for .E8 World War I aces, aviation chronology anda List of English books and .S45 articles.

17 Reference- orld War lIat. Sea.- A Bibliography of Sources in English. 3 Z6207 val. Met chtri, Scarecrow. 1976.1-his is the most useful English .W8 naval- bi liography about World War IL Itis 'divided into the .S57 Europea and Pacific theatres-as well as a section on home fronts and special sdies_ A comprherisive author index of the three-volumes adds tct its reference value.

cr* Z6464 Social Science Research Council. Committee. on CivilcMilitary Relations .Z9 Research. Civil-Military Relations: An Annotazed Bibliography, .558 1940-1952. New York: Columbia University Press, 1954. A-classic contemporary bibliography focusing -on World War II questiOns of --:, . high .mobilization and close coordination of-civil-military demands. Reference The Two World Wars: Selective Bibliography. Compiled by Bernadotte E. Z6207 Schmitt. et al. New York: Pergamon, 1965. This combined English and .E8 French source includes a listing of dOcuments_ memoirs, witness .T85 testimonies, summaries and treatises on specific World War I and World War II subjects. 13769 U.S. Department of the Army_ Historical Division. United States Army in .U47 World War II: Master Index, Reader's Guide fL Compiled by the Chief Historian. Washington: 1960. Furnishes description of contents of books in series out before 1960. Another index and guide book combination will be published when all seventy-nine projected . volumes are completed. - Reference Valdes, Nelson P... and Liewen. Edwin. The Cuban Revolution: A Research- ZI525 Study Guide: Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1971. An. .V33 excellent checklist of Cuban and other publications devoted to Cuba between 1959-1969. * Wilcox, Jerome KCar. Official War Pidblications: Guide to State, Federal and Canadian Publications. June 1940 - January 1.': 1945. 9 vol. Berkeley: Bureau of-Public Administration. University of California, 194I-1945."This indexes publications which are not listed elsewhere. Reference Ziegler, Janet, comp. World War II: Books in English, 1945-1965. Hoover- Z6207 Institution Bibliographical Series: _45. Stanford. Calif.: Hoover .W8 institution Press. 1971.

Z6207 American Committee on the History of the Second World War. A Select ..W8.. Bibliography of Books on the Second World War: In English .A4 Published in the Unite_ d States, 1966 -1975. Compiled by Arthur L. Funk. San Francisco: 1975. These two -bibliographies arc both divided into eight chapters with a detailed index. They are themost comprehensive listing of World-War II monographs in English.



.-OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTIONARY WAR AND THE AMERICAN CIVIL WAR . _ Reference Aimone, Alan Conrad. The Official Records of the.Americcn Civil War: A U410 Researcher's Guide. 2nd ed. U.S. Military Academy Library Bulletin, .V2 No, I Ia. West Point.- N.Y.; 1977. This is a bibliographical tool as weIl no. I la as a guide to the use of Official Records. Army and Naval Official Records. - -- -Reference Beers. Henry Putney. Guide to the A?chives of the Vovernmerzt of the CD3047 Confederate States of America. Washington: National Archives and ..B4 Records Service. 1968. This is an indispensable, aid to Civil War- 'researches who wish to locate National Archives Civil War materials. *Black. Patti Carr, and Grimes. Maxyne Madden.. comp. Guide to Civil War Source Materials in the Department of Archives and Histery.rStare of Mississippi. Jackson: Dept. Archives and History, 19f2. A detailed bibliography of both published and unpublished sourcetnaterial in the- Mississippi state archives. , Reference.' Cooling, Benjamin Franklin, comp.' The Era of the Civil War 1820-1876. Z1242 Special Bibliography No. 11. Carlisle Barracks, Pa.: U.S. Army .C66 Military History Institution, 1974.-This is the most recently published Civil War bibliography. Historical, essays of the period, manuscript annotations and photographic descriptions enhance this source. 978.1 Decker, Eugene Donald, comp. A Selected, Annotated Bibliography of D357s Sources in the Kansas Stare Historical Socifty Pertaining to Kansas in the Civil War.- Emporia; Emporia State Teachers College, 1961. This includes listings of military and non-military printed matter associated With Kansas in the Civil War. Special DestIer, Chester McArthur. '"A Bibliography of Connecticut During the Collections American Revolution." Connecticut History. No. 16 (August, 1975), American 7-36. This is an alphabetical listing of books and articles. Revolution Shelf Z6724 Eakin, Joyce L. Colonial America and the War for Independence. Special la .H6 Bibliography No. 14: Carlisle Barracks, Pas.: U.S. Army Military .U55 History Institute,1976. This is a bibliography of the institute's #14 holdings on the subject and is arrangd both chronologically and by subject. *Foster. Olive S.. and Hempstead, Mary C. The Revolutionary War Period. 1763-1787 In Publications of the, Illinois State Historical Library and Society: A Bibliography. Springfield: Illinois Bicentennial Commis,' sion, 1973. -1,2p's is a detailed listing of articles and books. *Gilbert.BenjaminFranklin."California andtheCivilWar: A Bibliographical Essay." California Historical Society Quarterly (December. 1961). 289,308. The best bibliography on the subject. *Harper, Robert S. comp. Ohio Handbook of the Civil War. Columbus: Ohio Historical Society. 1961. This is a concise source for information about Ohio in the Civil War. I19 25 Z1291 -- Jordan. 'William B.. Jr., copy. Maine in the CivilWar.-.A Bibliographical Guide. Portland: Maine Historicat't ociety 1976. Thisis am...all encorn?assing survey of Civil War limrature pertainingto Maine. Included are selective annotations. capSule unit histories.andstatistics. ,. Reference Klein. Milton. 114.. comp. New Yoikin the American Revolution: A E263 Bibliography_ Albany: New York State American ReVolution .N6, Bicentennial Commission, 1974. This annotated bibliographyof .1(55 ; articles and books is divided.intofilteen topics. (*May. George Smith,ed. Michiganivil War History: An Annotated Bibliography. Detroit: Waynetate University Press. 1961. This is one of the best 'state Civil Wa, bibliographicsiand includes'picture sources. ,CD3047 Munden, Kenneth White. and.. Beets. 'Henry Putney.Guide to Federal -M8 Archives Relating to the Civil War_ Washington:National Archives and Records Service. 1962_ This isa valuable National Archives guide' to primary referencie material covering the North's cffortduring the American Civil War. Reference Nevins. Allan: Robertson. Jars es L. Jr.; and Wiley,Bell I. ed. Civil War ZI242 Books: A Critical Bibliography_ 1 vol. Baton Rouge:Louisiana State _N35 University Press. 1967. This is an unequalled bibliographyof books about the American Civil War. Booksare divided into fifteen subject areas and an authority on each subject evaluates the books relatedto that topic. O Reference New Hampshire American Revolution BicentennialCommission. New E263 Hampshire's Role in the American iRevo/ution.1763-1789: A _N4 Bibliography. Concord:1974.Thisis an excellent annotated _N4 Vim bibliography of both monographs and periodicals with bOthsubjects and title indexes. 24 UAi72 North Caror .Dept. of Archives and History. Guideto Civil WarRecords/ .N81 In in' the-Arorth Carolina State Archives. RaIeighn'966.This well indexed source includes map descriptions and newspaper holdings. *Paul. William G.. comp. Wisconsin's Civil War Archives.Madison: State historical Society of Wisconsin, 11965. Long annotations inthis source makea better than average guide. *Rif rehouse. Jack D.,comp. New Mexico Civil War Bibliography: An Annotated Checklist of Books and Pamphlets. Houston: Stagecoach_ 1961. This is a good bibliographyon a limited topic, *Robertson. James 1.--Jr... comp. Iowa in the Civil War: A ReferenceGuide: . Iowa City: State Historical Society of Iowa, 1961. Thislisting of sources about Iowa in the Civil Waralso includes annotated entries of books about the Civil. Wai in general. *Sacconaghi, Charles D.. ed. -A Bibliographical Noteon the Civil War in the West." Arizona and the West (Winter. 1966), 349-364.This source is useful for modern articles and bookson the topic. . 973.7454 --Shetler. Charles. .Wes/VirginiaCivil War- Literature: An Annotated .S545w Bibliography.- Morgantown: West Virginia University Library. 1963. A well organized bibliography with indexes of subjects, illustrations, NI% maps and titles.

20 *Sinclair, Donald'..A.- A Bibliography: The Civil War and New Jersey: New A Brunswick: Friends of the Rutgers University Library, 1968. This is an outstanding example of a local history bibliography With -a good index and helpful annotations.

Reference U.S. National Archives and Records Service. Military Operations of the . £470 ivil. War, Guide-Index w the Official Records of Union eind. confederateArmies, 1861-1865. Compiled by Dallas Irvine ef al. 5 vol. Washington:,.Gcrvernment Printing Office. 1968-1979. Avery detailed aid which is organized by military campaigns. It is -ausefuI supplement to the index of the Official Records of the War of the Rebellion.

BIBLIOGRAPHIESOF U.S. MILITARY UNITS AND SELECTED WAR HISTORIES Reference Allard, Dean C. United States Naval History Sources in the Washington Z6035 Area and Suggested Research Subjects. 3rd ed. Washington: Naval .U5 History- Division Office of the Chief of Naval Operations. 1970. This .U44 identifies and describes in some detail the archival manuscripts and other special :Laval history collections locTated in the Washington. D.C. area. s E4I0 Bauei. K. Jack_ Surfboats and Horse Marines: U.S. Navitl Operations in the .B3 Mexickm War. 1842-1848. Annapolis, Md.: U.S. Naval Operations in the- Mexican War. 1842-1848. Annapolis, Md.: U.S. Naval Institute.

_ .,...-- 19-69. The most detailed account of the naval aspe-cts of the war with a vessel list, bibliography and chronology. Referent= Blanchard. C. H. Korean War Bibliography and Maps of Korea. Albany. DS9I8 N.Y.: Korean Conflict Research Foundation. 1964. This--is the best .-B952k source for U.S. Army Literature and maps related to the Korean War. _ .. Reference Cresswell, Mary Ann. and Berger.. Carl, comp. United- Stares-Air Force Z6725 -History: An Annotated Bibliography. Washington: Government .U5 Printing Office, 1971. This is the most current reference source listing .C73c books and magazines arranged by subject. With botl author andfsubject indexes. -, - - ..

,-- - Reference Doriibusch, Charles Emil, comp. Histories; Personid Narratives. Unit;d U A2.5 . - Stares Army. A Checklist. Cornwallvilie, N.Y.: Hope Farm 1967. ..0735h - Revision Tof -the 1956 Histories of American- Army Units. A useful 1967 source as itlists...2,742 titles. Some are not to be found in Pappas' U.S. . Army Unit Histories since- that title fists only histories -at Carlisle Barracks and 'dod not include artidles. Many unit histories are obscure as they were -printed ,-in Europe or by United States yearbo'Ok publishers:: _ Post- War Souvenir Books and Units. Histories of the Navy. Marine' Corps. -and Construction Battalions. Washington: Office-of Naval History. -1953. A revision of the checklist of World War II Titles in Unit Histories of World War" II. .-.published in 1950 and supplemented in 1951.

21 .

4. Reference' Regimental Publications and Personal Narratives of the Civil Z1242 4e- War: A Checklist. 3 vol. New York: New York Public Library. 1961- - .D6 -.- 1972. The first two volumes cover *unit histories whichare arranged by state then by branch an_ d numerical designation._ The third volume isa_ biblidgraphy divided by subjects. A supplement volumewith an addenda :is planned. Reference Unit Histories of the United States Air Force Including Privately UG633 Printed Personal Narratives. Hampton Bays, N.Y.: Hampton Books, .D735u 1958. Most of the thirty-four unit histories of World War land the 231' Unit- histories of World War IIare in the collection of the New York Public Library. DS920.2-. Futrell. Robert Frank. The United States Air Force in Korea.'1950-1953. .U5 New York: Ducli, Sloan and Pearce, 1961. This is tfiemost complete .F989un book on the subject. It includes illustrations and notes.on sources. .... Reference A Guide to the. Sources of United Stares Military History. Edited by Robin Z1249 Higham. Hamden, Ct.. Archon. 1975. This is the first evaluative - ..M5 ...bibliography to cover the entire American military history field. The .G83 guide consists of 19 essasy by prominent historians. Eachessay covers a different era and describes the literature of that time, topics that need --- 7.further study, primary source material anda -select list of reference sources. Quinquennial supplement bibliographies are projected. .

Special - _Harbeck, Charles Thomas, comp. A'- Contribution to-the Bibliographyof Collections the History of the United Stares Navy. . . 1906. Reprint. New York: B. Z6835 .. Franklin. 1970. Includes government documentsnot cited in Myron ..U5' Smith's American Naval Bibliography series. .H2 . Circulation Jacobs, Bruce. Soldiers: The Fighting Divisions of the Regular Army. New Desk York: W.W. Norton, 1958. This work contains historical background U-A27 of World War I and II United-States Army divisionS. _J151s

Reference Kelly, Thomas E., III. The United States Army and theSpanish- American Z1243 . War Era. 1895-1910. 2 parts, Special BibliographyNo. 9. Carlisle .K.4 Barracks, Pa.: U.S. Army Military History Institute...I974.This is an exhaustive bibliography including government dOCUmentsources' and . articles.. - Macmillan Wars of the United Statei-Series edited byLouis Morton et al. began by Macmillan Publishing Company in 1967: When completed,the series will provide a survey of all North American military affairs. Current historical intertfretations andfull bibliographies addsto the value of each yolume. particularlyfor initial research. E494 Ba .J. The Mexican War, 1846-1848. 1974. :Bp "72.08 Clendenen. Clarence C. Bloodon -the Border: The United-S- tates Army :C593b and the Mexican Irregulars. 1969. D570 DeWeerd. Harvey A. President Wilson Fights His War: WorldWar: .0513p World War I and the American Intervention. 1968. - E210 Higginbotham. Don R. The War of American Independence: Military .H63 Attitudes. Policies and Practice.- 1763-1789. 1971. -E181. --Lea,ch. Douglas E."-Arnisfor-Empir&; A Military History ofthe-British- .L436 Colonies in , f.607-1763. 1973. -.-.- 977 Pirucha, Francis Paul. The Sword of the Republic: The United States P95s Artny on the Frontier. '1783 -1864. 1969. UA25 Utley. Robert M. Frontier Regulars :. The United Statei Army and the

.U9lfr Indian. 1866-1891. 1973. . . . . s UA25 Frontier:mem in Blue: The United States Army and the .U9 If Indian. 1848-1865. 1967_ E181 Weigley, Russell F. The American Way of War: A Ifistorj, of United .W45 States Military Strategy and Policy. 1973.. UA25 History of the United States Army. 1967 (no bibliography) .W428h The following books are in preparation (titles may change): Blumensen, Martin. The Koiean War. Cole. Hugh M. World War 11 (En-rope and Africa). Connelly. Thomas L. Tht; Civil War.. Fox, Annette Baker. American Military Intervention in Latin - America. Grenville, J.A.S. and Trask, David. The Spanish-Ameriean War.. .- 1-furIey,kAlfred F. Histoof the United States Air Force. :Millett, Alan. R. Hist of- the Marine Corps. Morton, Louis..iVorld War II (Pacific). O'Connor. Rayinong G. History of the United States Navy. PieSt011, RA., and Wise, S_ F_ The War 1812.

Reference Mahon, John K., and Danysh; Romana. Comp. Infantry, Z...sr: I: Regular .UA29 Army. Washington:'Government Printing Office. 1972_ The evolution .M179i -.of the infantry branch is traced. It presents a broad history of the - growthof the entire U.S. Army and it gives insight into the reasoning and considerations behind most organizational changes. Reference Moran, John- B.- Creating AN Legend: The Complete Record of Writing VE23 about the United States Marine Corps: Chicago.: Moran /Andrews. .M67 1971. The most complete bibliography about the MS. Marine Corps. N 3 - D773._ Morison..Samuel Eliot. History_ of United States NavalOperatimis in .M826 World "War II.15 vol. Boston: Little, Brown, 1947-1960. This. authoritative work is based on offaciiiI records and is-an exceptionally . ., { __-______well- written'____ _ operational history. with graphic descriptions_ of_.the______- events recounted. ,

..Reference Pappas. George Steve. comp. United States Army Unit Histories. Revised UA25 edition. Special Bibliography No. 4. Carlisle Barracks. Pa.: U.S.Army .P198 Military History Institution, 1978ATh. is is an extensive bibliography of 1978 .: the library's unit history Holdingssince 1914 divided by types of units and numerical designations.- ... Reference Paszek, Lawrence 4._ comp. Unked,States Air Force History: ,1 Guideto Z6724 Documentary Sources. Washington: Office of Air Force History. . - .A.3 1973. A descriptive source useful for finding itemsabout 1.1..S! Air .029 ' Force history that are found in government and other librariesand archiyes. .. t.-- Reference Rodenbaugh. Theo- philus Frandis. and Raski n. William L.. ed. The Ariny 1.1A25 of the United States. 1894. Reprint. New York: Argonaiit. 1966.The .R614 most detailed source for information on nineteenth century U.S. Army staff organizations and field units. E271 Sinith, Charles R. Marines in the Revolution: A History of the Continental -S46 Marines in the American Revolution. 1775-1783. Washington: government Printing"Office. 1975. The roost thoroughsource on The subject. Many illustrations-and a section devotedto biographical . . sketches of officers' add to the value of the book. . Reference Smith. Myron J., Jr: The American. Naval Bibliography Series: The Navies Z6835 in the- American Revolution: The American Navy. 1789-1860:. The. .U5 American Civil War' Navies: The American Navies. 1865-1918: and .S59 The American Navies 1918-1941: A Bibliography. 5 vol. Metuchen. N...L: Scarecrow.. 1972-1976. This is an indispensable tool for locating sources published before 1970 including scholarly paperS. books. articles. doctorat and 'masters' theses and government documents:A subject index with each volume. and annotations to clarify thecontents of some works, add to. its value. . -. Reference Snake. Elizabeth le, comp. The Mexican. Wan A Biblioiraphy. for the Z1241 Period 1835-1850. $pecial Bibliography No 7. Carlisle Barracks.Pa.: .S6 U.S. Army Military History Institute.. 1973. This ispart of the series, that is now the,standard bibliographic reference tool for thestudy of the U.S. Army. American, `wars and military science sincethe- Nineteenth Century. Reference _Stubbs. Mary Lee. and Con-nor. Stanley Russell.comp. Armor-Cavalry. _UA30 -Pan I: Regular Army,and Reserve: Part 7L- Army National Guard. S932ar Washingtom*Government Printing Office. 1969 and 1972. Thissource tracs the evolutiOn of cavalry into today'sarmor. It discusses the -whys- behind most organizational. changes the U.S. Armyhas undergone...-. . - , . , . Reference U.S. Air Force. USAF Historical Division. Air Force Combat Units.of D790 World War II. Edited'by Maurer Maurer. 1959. Reprint. New York: .U46ai Franklin Watts. 1963. This is useful for information on'U.S. Air Force . combat unitorigins. lineage. operations; assignments. aircraft.. stations, commanders. campaigns and decorations.

24 . .

- 1 . Reference . USAF Historical Division. Combat Squadrons of the Air Force: D790 World War IL-Edited by Maurer Maurer. Washington: Government 21/46cd Printing Office. 1969. Squadron. lineage, station assignments, aircraft .. campaigns, decorations and insignias (in black and white) if anyare . found-1h this unique work. Reference U.S. Coast Guard. Public Information Division. United States C_ oasrGuard Z6725 Ahrtiltat;d Bibliography. Compiled by Trumarr R. Strobridge. .A556 Washington: Government Printing Office.- 1972. This bibliography lists 'books. monographs; booklets and pamphlets pertaining to; the history of the U.S. Coast Guard an its predecessors. Reference U.S. Department of the Army. Strength in Reserve: A Bibliographic Survey UA42 of the United States Army Reserve. Washing: Government Printing .U53s Office,1968. A descriptivebibliography ihcludes government and periodical literature and is arranged topically. D769 -Histori cal Division..(inited- States Arm) , in World War II.;75A..-, .U47 vol. proposed. Washington:.Government Printing Office. 1947- : Often called the "green backs" the series offers the most complete study . of the U.S. Army in World War II including both combat operations and administrative history:Authored by military historians. the well illustrated and well indexed volumes arc good sources to begin research in,the field_ Special Office of Military History. Comb& Chronicle, an Outline Collections History of U.S. Army Divisions. Washington: 1948? Part of the "Order D769.29 of Battle Series" this source proVides concise outline histories of all .U47 U.S.. Arms World War II divisions: .7. D5918 7 Office 'of the Chief of Military History. United States Army in .1.147 theloreart War. 45 vol. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1961- .This is-a compact history of the U.S. Army in. Korea with .. well illustrated maps_ Ebb and Flow and Theater Logistics volumes are in preparation. . - t ... *U.S. Departments of the Army and Air Force. Natiorial Guard Bureau. Civilian in Peace, Soldier in War: A Bibliographic Survey of the Army and Air National Guard. Washington: tempt. of the Army. Pamphlet . NO. 1967. A Sui-Vey of books and articles related to the roles of the army and air national guard. Material is organized by topic and by state. . . VE23 3 U.S. Marine Corps. Division of Reserve. Th e Marine-Corps Reserve: A ..E761m Hisiory..- Washington:, 1966. This is a' unique source with- good illustrations and a thorough index. 05919 Historical Branch, G-. U.S. Marine Operations in Korea. 1950- .U61u . 1953. 5 vol. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1954-1972 These descriptive operational histories are well illustrated_

D769.369 - Historical Branch: 0-3. History of. U.S. Marine Corps .U6lhi Operations in World War II .5 vol. Washington: GovernMent Printing

. Office. 1958-1971. These volumes contain comprehensive accounts that are liberally illustrated.

O Documents History -and Mruseau Division. The Marines in Vietnam. 1954- D214.13: 1973: An Anthology and Annotated Bibliography. Washington: V67 Government Printing Office. 1974. Intended as an interim reference 954-73 _until_ the Historical Pivision.comPletes its owm_monographs,-this- covers U.S. Marine -activities and operations in Vietnam. Essays are reprinted from service magazines.

- . . . . Archives U.S. National Archives and Records Service_ Federal Records of World War II: Military Agencies. 2 vol. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1951. This source contains an .analytical description of both civilian' and military recordsin the Natienal Archives. - - Refererice U.S. Naval History Division. United.States Naval Histof-y: A Bibliography. Z6835 ' 6th ed. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1972. Thissource --1-.J5 contains approximately eight hundred citations of official and .U45 secondary sources on U.S. Naval history.- Entriesare arranged chronologically and by a number of special subjects. - . . Special Operational Archives. World War II Histories and Historical Collections Reports in the U.S. Naval History Division: A Partial Checklist... CD3034 Washington: 1973. An annotated checklist orresources held by the .N38- Naval History Division. It is useful for administrative records of U.S. Navy commands during the World War IIera...... - , 26835 U.S. =Navy Department Library_ Guide to United States Naval Ad- .U5 rninistrative Histories of World War IL Compiled by William C. .1.145 Heimdahl and Edward J. Marolda. Washington: 1976. The mast detailed annotated guide. to 173 unpublished World War II U.S. Naval administration histories. A good index with descriptions of other source material-pertinent to unit histories makes this a priMary source for World War II research. D790 U.S. Office of Air For ce History_ The Army Ail- Force in World War II. .U63 Edited by Wesley Frank Craven, and Cate, James Lea. 8 vol. Chicago: University of Chicago Press..1948-1973. This well written,compact history of the role of the U.S. Army Air Corps in the Second World War gives special attention to material and equipment. 973.82 Utley, Robert Marshall. Custer and the Great Controversy: The Origin and .U91c Development of a Legend. LoS Angeles: Westernlore, 1962. This is the best bibliographic survey of General George Armstrong Custer and the battle of Little Big Horn.


Special Arniy and d Navy Journal Washington: August- 29, 1863 to 1923, weekly.- Collections Various title changes (Vol,,61 September-1923in Periodicals). Since July 6. -1968 it has been a monthig Zutder. the' title of Armed Ford Journal This is an important source-for obituayies of officers which; cannot be found elsewbere. Reports concerning Unitet-Stares military and naval developments since 1863 are reprinted fromnewspapers and other sources. Reference Biography Index: A Cumulative Index to Biographical Materialin Books ,Z530I and Magazines New York: H.W. Wilson, 1949 to date, quarterly with .B5 annual cumulations. This is a valuable aid because it includesevery person- mentioned in books or periodical literature in English: 3226 1 Special Carroll, John M., and Price, Byron. comp.. Roll Call on the Little Big Horn. Collections 28 ;Arne 1876. Ft. Collins, Colo: Old Army Press, 1974 -A biographical E83 - source of army officers and civilians at the Battle of Little Big Horrt. ___.876___. _lbe_forword has_a_useful_rHistory-of American -Military Registers.-- .C32 _ 4 . .a Reference Cullum George, Washington, comp. Biographical Register of the Officers U410 and Graduates of the United States Military Academy at West Poiru. *.H5 N. Y.. Since its Establishrnentin 1802. 3rd ed. 9 vol. Boston: 1891-1950. .C8984 This covers U.S. Military Academy graduates beteeen 1802 and 1950. . Military service records are...- included. - Reference Dalton. Charles. ed. English Army Lists and Commission. Register. 1661- Ull 1741. 6 vol. in 3 vol. Loriclon:- Francis Ed4Wards. 1960. This is the only .07- list that includes all British officers during the later 17th and early 18th- .D2 centuries. The introduction and index ofeach volumeare particularly useful._ , 'Is e Reference Dictionary of American Biogrqphy. 22 vol. with 5 supplement vol. New E176 . York: Scribner. -1928-1977. The "D.A.B.7.hai accurate concise .D561. sketches of famous4Jpited States citizens and contains authoritative . bibliographies- -'-- ." Reference DuPre, Flint O.. comp. U.S. Air Force Biographical Dictionary. New York: U0633 Franklin Watts, 1965. This is a unique source for information about .D926u U.S. Air Force personnel. Reference Filby, P. William, camp. American and British Genealogy and Heraldry: A 2531 I Selected List. of Books. 2nd ed. Chicago: American Library .F55 Association, 1975. the best bibliography for listingsources about. -. Americans in war. - . . U 1 T. Great Britain. War Office. Army List. London: Her Majesty's Stationary .07 .OffiCe. 1814 to date. This register lists officers in -the British Army .G798 according.to rank corpe and regimental order. It is useful for officer service records. Its frequency has varied. - CD3047 '.. Groene, Bertram Hawthorn. Tracing Your Civil War Ancestor. Winston- .G76 . Salem, N.C.: John F. Blair. 1973. This easy to usesource includes research ti to write and finding -aides to check for locating Civil War soldier. iormation. VII Harnersly.LeWis Randolph. comp. Records of Living Officers of the U.S. .H22R Navy and Marine Corps. 7th cd..New York.: 1902.. The best published source.. for biographical sketches . of U.S. Naval. and Marine. Corps officers around the turn of the century. - D767.2 Hayashi,-;---. Saburo, and VCoox, Alvin D. Kogurz: The-Japanese Army in the ..H323k Pacc War. Quantico, Va.: Marine Corps Association, 1959. This is . the outstanding English source describing the Japanese Army in ,Yoldrld War IL Maps, tables of organization, detailed notes andan appendix with biographies of officers. Reference Heitman, Francis Bernard. Historical Reg#ter and Dictionary of the United U I I States Army, from its Organization.`September 29, 1789 to March 2. .U5 1903. 2 vol. 1903. Reprint. Urbana: University of Illinois press.Press., 1965. .H6 . . This has long been the basic sours biographical inforrnation officers and Tor other facts relating to the U.S. Array before 1903. bt Reference Historical Register of Officers of the Continental Army During E255 the War of the Revolution. 1914. Reprint. Baltimore: Genealogical .H48 Publishing. 1973. This is the most extensive source of information about the military service of junior officers.- It includes French voluntecr.officers-and- a-calendar-for the:war-years. _ _ Reference }....1406, Guy Vernon. Military Record-of Army and Civilian Appointments. Ull in the United States Army. 2 vol. New York: Carleton, 1869. This

.U5 . contains useful but sometimes obscure biographical information .H396 about U.S. Army personnel before 1869. Reference Keegan, John. and Wheatcroft. Andres, Who's Who in Military History: U5I , From 1453 to the Present Day.- New York: William Morrow, 1976. A .K43 .source for concise biOgraphical articles with many protraits. Kirham,'E. Kay. Soirre of the Military Records of America before I900. Provo, Utah: Stevenson's Genealogical Center.. 1972."This is a bibliography of military records that- may have value in genealogical and historical research.

U I I Leslie, N.B. The S uccession of Colonels of the British Army from 1660 to .G7 the Present Day. London: Gale & Polden, 1974. Useful for identifying .L4 commanders of British units throughout the British Army's History. A name index and a listing of all field marshals of the British Army add to . , .f: its utility. - - ,.

Reference Manwaring; George Ernest.,,A.Bibliography of British Naval History: A VA454 Biographical and Harorical Guide to -Printed and Manuscript .M319b Sources. Cardiff, Englar),0: Conway Maritime, 1970. Includes a two part index of authors and subjects. Full entries must be checked in the "author's'section. Articles in journals are omitted. The bibliography is useful as a companion to Albion's Navy and Maritime History. Reference Martell. Paul, and Hayes. Grace P., ed. World Military Leaders. New York: U51 R.R. Bowker, 1974. Comprehensive profiles of 2,200 military leaders .M35 - .in 118 nations representing all branches of service are found in this source. The first section is an alphabetical arrangement of biographies. The second section indexes all entrants by country. Regularly revised biennial editions are projected. National Maritime Museum. London. The Commissioned Sea Officers of The Royal Navy. 1660 -1815. 3 vol. London: 1954. This register is a complete list of naval officers for. th'e period covered. . A Naval Ericyclopedia: Comprising a Dictionary'of Nautical Words and V23 Phrases: Biographical Noticesand Records of Naval Officers: Special .N3 I Articles of Naval Art andScicrice. Together with Oescripiions.of -Principal.fyavat Stations and Seaports of the World; Compiled by Lewis Randolph HarnerSly. Philadelphia: 188 L.Thii source identifies naval bases. defines 19th-century nautical vocabulary and- contains biographical sketches.of naval and marine personnel Reference New York Times. New York Times Obituaries Index. 1858-196` New York: CT213 1970. For obituaries since 1968 check'the annual New York Times .N47 Index under the heading "obituaries-.

28 ye. Special Nile's National Register. 76 vol. Philadelphia. September 1811:18491:Ats Collection known as Nile'sWeekly Register. This is the best source'. for biographical sketches apd obituSries of United States mililaryfigtires ----from -181-1-through-18417.-Theirinformation c.ainefrom-coritemporaiSP- newspaperS... Reference Pan American"e-- Union. Columbus Memorial Library. BibliograPhy of-the Z8 107.38 Liberator Simon Bolivar. Washington: f933. This is a bibli9gr4-phy .P18 written in English and Spanish which lists the literature about Bolivar published through 19311. Reference Schuon. Karl. U.S. Marine Corps Biographical Dicgimary: The Corps' E182 Fighting Men. What They Did. Where They Served. New York: .S39 Franklin Watts, 1963. This is a source for U.S. Marine dairps biographies not found elsewhere. Reference U.S. Navy Biographical Dictionary. New York: Franklin Watts, E182 1965. Infortnation about prominent U.S. Navy men throughout its .S45 history. It is alphabetically arranged and has a listing of U.S. Navy Secretaries Reference Tunney, Christopher. Biographical Dictionary of World Wcir 7164g. New D736 York-i-SI:lireaiiin's. 1973. An adequatesource on the subject for only .T78 prominent figures. Reference U.S. Adjutant General's Office. Official -Army Register. Washington U I l Government Printing Office, 1813 to date, semi-annual withsome A .U5 years having two issues. The title has varied and no issues -were .U46 publishcQ between 1917 and 1919. It is valuable for concisemilitary service data and biographical information: The contents vary. Some issues include, unit officer rosters, equipment date and existing installation. The Register is also issued in the U.S. House Documents Series.

-Reference. U.S.. Air Force. Air. Force-Register. 2 _vol... Washington: Governmenr- UG633 Pkinting QffiCe, 1949 to date. annual. Usifulfor service and education .U478r -records of both active -and retired Air Force officers. - - Reference U.S. Air Force' Academy. Association of Graduates. Registerof Graduates UG638.5 of the United States Air Force Academy. U.S. Air. ForceAcademy, .H5 Colo.: 1970 to date. annual. This is a coded register ofcadets and .U46r graduates with their-record of service to date.' VA80 U.S: Bureau of Naval Pei-sonde!. 'Register-of Commissioded andWarren: .U47r4r. Officers:of the-Navy and Marine Corp.s. and Reserve Officerson A etive Duty; 1?egister,...qf Commissioned and Warrant Officers ofthe United States Naval. Reserve: _arid Register. of Retired. commissionedand Warrant Officer.L.Reguar-arid Reserve. cif the United:States Navy and Marini`Corps.'Waskiingtan: 1814 to date. annual. The titlehas varied as has the data alt hough'biogrIphical and service records have beena

consistent feature of the annual. . Periodicals' U.S. 'Coast Guard Academy Alumni Associa tiAsC-s,. The Bulletin.Centennial Issue. 1976. The -special edition includesa. register of graduates arranged alphabetically by class from 1876 through 1976. UG633 U.S. National Guard Bureau.Official Army National Guard Register and .U62ai Air National Guard Register.Washington: 1958 to date, annual. A useful source for service and education records of reserve officers. . _ --> ----.71-i-y415.'",7- y.S. Naval Academy Alumni Association.Register of Alumni: Graduates .1-0' ...,:and Former Naval Cadets and Midshipmen.Annapolis, M4.: 1885 to .U624 ,;* date. annual. An annual register covering. all enrolled Naval Academy e ." cadets since 1845. Entries include a coded record of their service to date. ' Reference Warner. Ezra J.Generals in Gray: Lives of the Confederate Comm tders. E467 Baton...Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1959. .W3 E467' Generals- in Blue: Lives of the Union Commanders.Baton .W29 - Rouge: Louisiana State. University Press, 1964. Both provide good information about Civil War generals. Although compaign oriented, both books include portraits of more obscure generals. . U4I0 West Point Alumni Foundation.Register of Graduates and Former Cadets .H5 -of the United States Military Academy.West Point. N.Y.:1945to _W52r date. annual. Graduates are arrangCd by class and position in their class. Entries include a record of their service to date. Reference Who Was Who In American History The Military.Chicago: Marques E176 Who's Who. 1975. The biographical information was in most cases. .W644 supplied by the biographers themselves and Iaterr was revised by relatives. Personal data not obtainable elsewhere can often be found here. People of military significance from colonial North America to mid-1973. are included in the 90,000 plus entries. Reference Windrow, Martin, C.. and Mason, Francis K.. comp. AConcise Dictionary U 51 of Military Biography: Two Hundred of the Most Significant Names .W53 in Land Warfare_, 10th 20th Century.London: Osprey, 1975. The

book focuses on military events rather than pCrsonality make -up and, gives no sources of sketches. *Zivkavi c. George.Neer -Und Flottenfuhrer Der' Welt Die Inhaber Der Hoheren Militarischen Wurden Und Amter Der &oaten Europas. O'er USA Uri' d Japans_Osnabruck: Biblio, 1971. Provides a country-by- country list of army and naval leaders including their dates of service.


_-Peribdicals. ::-AppliedScience and Technology Index.New York: H.W. Wilson. 1959 to date, monthly with annual cumulations. Formerly theIndustrial Arts Itzdexwhich began in 1912. Periodicals that are not indexed elsewhere but which contain military related subjects are listed here. Reference Bibliographic Index: A Cumulative Bibliography,of Bibliographies.Ncw Z1 002 York: H.W. Wilson, 1937 to date. This source provides current .B593 information on bibliographies in periodicals and books and indicates which bibliographies are annotated.

30 Periodicals British Humanities hide. London: Library Association, 1915-1922.1926 to date. This is the best source for identifying information about British and British Commonwealth military affairs. tt is useful for informa- tion about the history of" the British armed forces. Documents Buchanan. William W.. and Kanely, Edna M. Cumulative Subject Indexto Z1223 the Monthly Catalog of United States Government Publications. .1418 1900-1971. 15 vol. Washington: Carrollton. 1973-1976. The Monthly .B8 Catalog is also called the Document Catalog. This work lists -all . Government -Printing Office publications between. 1900 and 1971. - Periodicals Combined Retrospective Index Sets. 25 vol. Arlington. Ca.: Carrollton. 1977. Annual supplements. This is a new bibliographicsource for English articles in the fields of history, political science and sociology. More than 531. journals are indexed by keywords.. subjects and. authors. The keyword index provides consistency which many indexes lack.,

*Copenhagen Mariens Bibliothek. Katalog ..Edited by H.A. Bistrap. 2 vol. Copenhagen. Denmark: Levin, 1933-36. Supplement. 1933-1934.An extensive list of books and periodicals in many languages.Starting in 1948/52 five-Year_ cumulations ofz:the library's monthlyand annual Erhvervelser arc issued. Periodicals Current Bibliographic Survey of National Defense. Edited by T.N. Dupuy. Dunn Loring. Va.: T.N. Dupiry Associates. 1977. annual. Anew index of newspapefs_articles.books. governmentreports, manualsr -hearings- and research reports pertaining to national defense. It is indexed by key words. Periodicals Engineering Index. Chicago: Association of Engineering Societies, 1891 to date. Changes in the terms indexed have been made over theyears. ..- *.Hoover Institution on War. Revolution, and Peace.. Stanford University. Library Catalogs: 96 vol. Boston: G.K. Hall, 1969. They have the largest collection in the free world of published and unpublished material on the growth of communism. The catalog is alsoan excellent source for nazi and fascist information. International Bibliography of the Social Sciences.- Compilcd .by the International' CommitteeforSocial. ScienceInformationanti Documentation. Chicago: Aldine:. 1951 to date__ This includes topics related to military affairs and international relations. Its author and subject indexes are useful as are the entries of foreign titles not listed elsewhere. Documents Lester. Daniel W.. and Lester. Marilyn A.. comp. Checklist of United States Z1223 Public Documents, 1789-1970 . 5 vol. Washington: U.S. Historical .Z7 Documents Institute. 1972. This is an easier reference work to use than .L45 . the indexes compiled by Poore. Ames and the U.S. Superintendent of Documents. The indexes include Superintendent of _Docurnents classification numbers, government author -organizations. serial titles and a keyword index of author. organizations and publications. Regulations. reports. general orders. special orders, circulars.. along with various department orders. are also listed and providea wealth of information about individuals and the history of military and naval organization, administration and operation.


31 *Mariners' .Museaum. NeWport News, Va. Dictionary Catalog of.the Library. 9 vol. Boston: G. K. Hall. 1964. Best catalog of naval history published. . Inter- _TheiVazional-Linion Catalog of Manuscript Collections. Washington:-U.S: Library ' Library of Congress, 1962 to date, annual. An annotatedsurvey of the Loan . larger United States and Canadian manuscript collections which have Z6620 been reported to the Library of Congress. .U5 . .N3 *NavalHistoricalFoundation.Manuscript ollection: Acatalog. Washington: U.S. Library of Congress, 07. A descriptive catalog of 337,000 items in 254 collections deposited in the Library of ,Congress. This naval history collection adds to tht officialpapers and oral history accounts found in the U.S. Navy's Operational Archives. This is the largest collection of U.S. Navy personal papers and iscrosS-indexedto help jocate personalities and subjects. Periodicals New- York Times Index. New York: September 18.51-1905. January-I91'1to date, annual with bimbnthly editions. A m.tier-key to thenews since September. 185 t. It is'extremely useful in tracking eventsor following the play-by-play developments. The news is classified alphabeticallyby subjects. persons and organizations. The general availability ofthe.i., New York Times on microfilm makes this.:a- particularly useful reference. The index also provides clues to therdates of articlesabout the same subject that appeal-50h othernewspapers. .. Periodicals Public Affairs Information Service Bulletin: New York: PublicAffairs Information Service,: 1914 to date. monthly with annual cumulations. The P.A.I.S. is the best source for articles relatedto public. issues. Periodicals Royal Military College of Science Library. Military ScienceIndex: A Monthly List of Papers Of Military Interest from Current Periodicals ...Schrivenham, England: 1962 to date with annual cumulations. .Selectionfor. inclusion inthis indexisbased on the specifiC requirements of the 'Royal Military College.

Periodicals Social Sciences Index. New York: H. Wilson. 1974-to date, monthly with annual-cumulations.

International Index to Periodicals. New York:H.W. Wilson. I 916-1964165..

Social Sciences and. Humanities Index. NewYork: H.W. Wilson. 1965 /65- 1974. 7

These index by. author andSubject, majorhistorical journals beginning in 1907. Reference Sommers, Richard J.. comp. Manuscript Holdingsof the Military History Z661 I Research Collection. Special BibliographyNo. 6. 2 parts. Carlisle .H5 Barracks. Pa.: U.S. Army' Military HistoryInstitute. 1972. and 1977. .S62 Their collections are annotated and listedalphabetically. The institute has particularly strong collections aboutthe American Civil War through World War II. -


38 t Reference Strategic' Studies Reading Guide:Compiled by Larry Motiuk. Ottawa. Z6724 Canada: OperatiOnal Research and AnalysisEstablishment, Dept. of S8 National Defense. 1970 with Annualsupplements. This is the most .S77 extensive bibliography of books and articleson strategy. 'national and -conflict s-.-- Fre nch-itources -are-included. Periodicals Times, London. Palmer's Indexes to the -Times"Newspaper. London: S. Palmer, 1790-1905. Index to "The Times" London: 1914 to date.quarterly. This is useful source for locating information- about worldevents since 1790. Subject -headings have changed during theyears making it necessary to read the instructions in the introductions. PeriOdicals U.S. Air University Libraries. Air. University LibraryIndex to Military Periodicals. Maxwell Field. Ala.: Air University.U.S. Air Force, October/ December 1949 to date. quarterly withannual cumulations. Each year about 25.000 non-technical articles,news stories and editorials that appeared in:sixty-five Englishlanguage military and aeronautical periodicals are indeked. Technical U.S. Library of Congress. Library of CongressCatalog: Books: Subject a Services Cumulaiive List of Works Representedby Library of Congress Printed Cards. Washington: Government PrintingOffice. 1950 to date. quartertcwith cumulations and five-yetr Cumulations. It is arranged according to Library of Cerigresssubject headings. - Reference'. U.S.- Military Academy Library. Subject Catalogof-the Military Science U4-10 Collection in the Library of the.UnitedStates Military Academy with :V3 Selected Author and Ad /led Entries Includinga Preliminary Guide to .1.161su the Manuscript Collect on. 4 vol. Westport.Ct.: Greenwood. 1969. This library has one of the Lai-gest' militaryhistory collections- in-the world.

Archives U.S. National-Archives,and Records Service. Catalog ofNationW Archives Microfilm Publications. Washington: National ArchivesTrtit Fund Board. 1974. The National Archives' is in custody ofall permanent non-current records of the Federal government. The catalog providesa good inIclex and description of microfilms available forsale or-for loan througa.r.regtonal archive branches. - Reference Universal Reference System. Political Science, Governmen.and_ Public Z6461 Policy Series. 10-vol. Princeton. N.J.: Princeton-Research,1967 with .U06 annual supplements. An annotated and intensivelyindexed compila- tion'of scholarly books, pamphlets and articles.Although the material is coded and. the user needs to read the introductionto learn to usethis series, the referenceisvaluable for current literattire including- bitt;Iiiigraphies ofgovernment. 'political science and public policy.

33 a CUSTOMS, DECORATIONS, FLAGS, AND INSIGNIA REFERENCES Reference. Badges and Insignia of the British Arm_ ed Services. ____May, W.E. _Carman, wlr ;and T:inncr: John:. comp.on-do-di Adam and Charles Black, 1974. This oustanding reference is the most completesource for British .833 armedforce'sinsigniasand'theirhistoricaldevelopments. Photographs, line drawings, and ditailed descriptions of insigniasarc provided as are indCxes of units. ranks, des.criptions...of devices and parts of uniforms. Reference Blakeney. Jane. Heroes: U.S. Marine Corps. 18611955;- Armed Force's VE23 sAwards. _Flags . Washington:- Guthric Lithograph, 1957. This B56 reference book lists USMC flag histories, customs and those Marines who received .. Rtference Boatner, Mai* Mayo, III.Military Customs and Traditions. Reprint: U766 Westport, Ct.: Greenwood; 1976. This is'a valuable source for dates. .863m slang and armytorganizations. It contains a bibliographyon military a. traditions. UC533 Britton; Jack, and Washington. George. Jr.,comp.. Mill:pry Shoulder .8788 Patches of the United Stat'es Armed' Forces. Tulsa, Okla.: Military Collectors News Press. 1975. Describes and illustrates allarmy, navy, ROTC and-Civil Air Patrol unit patches since World War 1. Special BunkIcy, Joel Willis. camp. Military and Naval Recognition- Book: A Collections Handbook on the Organization. Insignia of Rank. and Custornsof the UC530 Service of the World's Major Armies and Nenies During World War I. .B8 Ncw York: D. Van Nostrand, 1917. Useful Tor information about insignias and U.S. Army and Navy organiza,tion during World War I. .. ' Reference'. Campbell_ .Jarnes" Duncan. American Military' Insignia,1800-1851. UC533 Washington: Smithsonian Institution. 1963, This is a well illustrated .C152am book .describing the origins of United States military insignias. . - UC595 Dawnay, Niotas Payan. _The Standards. Guidons and C2Icturs of the .G7 \ Household Division,1660-1973. London: Midas,1975. A well illustrated source detribing the evolution of British Ar,rny colors. Reference Darling. 4-1. Taprell. Ribbons and . Rev. ed. New Yor,k: Doubleklay, UC530 '1974. This reference includes color plates of ribbons and photographs .D63 of medals from most stations. gir ' U355 Edward's. Thomas Joseph. Milizary'Customs! 5th ed. Alde 3iot, England.. .G7 Gale and' Polden. 1961. Musical customs, officers' s customs. .E26m5 regimental colors. commemorative ceremonies, dress d istinctions. unit and miscellaneous customs of the British Armyare described. . , Reference Farrer. James Anson. Military Marzrzers and Customs. New York: Henry U750 - Holt. 1885. Basic source for military origins particularly the law ofwar .F24 and antiquarian military curiosities.' ' . t113435 Joslin, -,EdWard- C. ed. -British. Battles and Medals. 4th-ed. Revised by .G7 Lawrence L. Gordon. London: Spink and Son. 1971. Lists thenames .G656 of all recipients along with their units and the, service for which the was given.


1 I Reference Gordon. Lawrence L. Military Origins. New York: A.S. Barnes.. 1971. The . U27 focuS of this. book is- on British Army customs: Chapters about .G67 artillery..heraldry. military finance and aviation are included. cl.,. -- UG635 Hering. Peter G. Customs and Traditions of -the _RoyalLtit;r---Force.. ..07 -- Aldershot; England: Gale -and Poden. 1961. This A9prce .H424c describes mottoes, ensigns. ranks. flags. badges. aircr-gr.- . ...---rigs, decorations, mess customs. mascots. uniforms and otherft ., . . 369.1 Hood. Jennings. and YOung. _Charles L., comp. -American Orders and _.H76 I. Societies and Their Decorations. Philadelphia: Bailey. Banks and . - Biddle. 1917. A standard reference to United States military and-naval

orders._ commemorative and_ patriotic societies. It includes colored. plates of medals of patriotic organizations. HE565 Kennedy, Don H. Ship Names: Origins and Usages During 45 Centuries. .K46 ,,-- Charlottesville: University of Virginia. 1974. This uniquesource traces the traditions behind ship names primarily in -English speaking . -countries. It includes both subject and,ship name indexes. Reference ,Kerrigan, Evans E., cornp.r American War - Medals and Decorations. New L1B433 York: Viking, 1971. .K468ain - . DS557 . of Honor in Vietnam. Norton Heights. Ct: Medallic, .A6315 . 1971-. ...K.45

. - Thd color illustrations in both of these vOlumes add to their reference value. .,.- . . . 1.1C533 Laframboise, Leon. History of the Artillery. Cavalry and InfantryBranch .L33 of Service Insignia. Steelville, Mo.: Watson. 1976. Useful for black and white illustrations and concise descriptions:

. UB435 Leslie. N.B. Battle Honours of the British and Indian. Armies. 1695-1914. .G8 London: Leo Cooper, 1970. This iia catalog of regimental honors and .L4 battle records of British Armytinits. Reference Lovette, Leland Pearson. Naval Customs. Traditions, and Usage.. 4th ed. V310 Annapolis: U.S. Naval Institute; 1959. This authoritativework .L94 contains nautical expressions, honors. salutes and ceremonies. Service customs and early'sea law developments are also described. UG633 Mann. Carl. -Air Heraldry. New York!' Robert M. McBride, 1944. A black .M315 ( and while- ill_ ustrated guide to U.S. Army .Air Force insignia used '\. during both world wars. ... GT3203' Mossman, B.C.:. and- Stark, M.W. The Last Salute: Civil and Military .M67 Funerals. 1921-1969. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1971. Valuable for accounts of funerals conducted for civil and military officials and for the unknown servicemen of threewars. Also described are farewell ceremonies honoring foreign dignitaries who died while on "duty in the United States. UC533 National Geographic Society. Insignia and Decorationsof the United States Armed Forces. Edited for Gilbert Grosverrior. Washington: 1945. This is a good source far World War I and II United States armed forces' 17 decorations:

35 . D503 . Purves. Alec. A. The Medals. Decorations, and Ordersof the Great War. :P87 1914-1918.London: J.B. Hayward and Son. 1975. Themost clecriptiye World War I source-describing deiorations institutedby the allies,' the Central Powers: neutral countries andthe emergent nations. Many of the illustrationsare in color.-- . . .- UC533 Robles. Philip K. United States Military Mcdals andRibbons. Rutland, .R62 VL: Charles E. Tuttle. 1971. Providesa thorough descriptive and. historical text-to many questions concerning-medals ofthe U.S. armed

forees. Enclosed colored plates help identify medals andribbons. - .. y - . Reference R9signoli.Guido.Army Badges and Insignia Since 1945.... 2 yol. New UC530 York: Macmillan. 1973 and 1976. The colored.plates and detailed. .R68 badge descripticins in this referer4eare useful. Reference Army Badges and Insiinia of World. War IL 2 vol. New York UC530 -MacMillan, 1972 and 1976,1-his isa comprehensive coverageof almost .R682 all Norld War II nations' badges and insignia With.color illustrations. -- .- ... - ' . Special Smith, Whitney. comp. Bibliography offlags and Foreign Nations. Boston: Collections G.K. Hall, 1965. This is a scholarly checklist ofpublications about 25980 flags throughout the world. .S55 Reference U.S. Congress. Senate Committeeon Labor and Public Welfare. UB433 - . Subcommittee on Veterans' Affairs. Medal of Honor, '1863-1968. .U5Ime Washington:GovernmentPrintingOffice.1968. A detailed . chronological listing of recipients and their awardcitations. It includes a name index, a bibliography and documents pertaining-to Medalof , Honor winners. '... -- - Documents e

...... DI01:22:- U.S:-Department, of-the Army. Unit Citation. and. CampaignParticipation 672-I. Credit Register. Washington: Government. ,.. Printing Office. 1961. 6101.22:. '. 0:S. Department Of the Army. Unit Citationand-Campaign Participation 6723 -. Credit Register Vietnam Conflict. Washington:Government Printing Office. 1973. These two Departinent ofthe Arrizy Pamphleis help to establish individual members of units for campaign participationcredit, assault landing credit. unit citationemblems, and occupation duty credit for. World War II. for. the Korean Warand for theVietnam Conflict. Units ,.. are arranged both numerically and alphabetically: . . . . 2 . . .. VE23 . . - U.S. MarineCorps.History Division. United. StatesMarine Corps Ranks .t..15 - andGrades. i1775-1969.MarineCorpsreferencepamphlet- .Washington 1970. This illustrated surveyof .USMCuniforms. and , ..-..insignias also has an appendix. of fOrmercommandants ail -historical. pay.scale charts. _ - . *U.S: Navy History Divisor': Battle Streamers of theUnited States Navy. : Washington: 1972. This is a.short. but descriptiveguide to identifying United States^Nar battle streamers throughoutits history. : _,...' -U37 Wise, Terence. Medieval Warfare. New York:Hastings House, 1976. This is W57 the best current source aboutweapons. tactics, heraldry and terms of the Middle Ages. It contains good black and whiteillustrations.

36 DICTIONARIES +ND ENCYCLOPEDIAS _ Reference Aviation and.S1Pace Dictionary. Edited by Crentle,'ErriestT. and Reithmaier. TL509 1-av;re W. 5th ed. Fallbrook, Cal.: A-,ero, 1974. An authOritative - .A957Iav glossaf fines both aviation andspace flight terminology. . -11 - . Reference .Bea.dnell, Charles Marsh..An Encyclopaedic '.Dictionary of_Science and U24 .,_ ..War.'1943. :Reprint: Ann Arbor. Mich.: Gryphon: 1971 'This source is .84 useful .for understanding scientific and .Military, terms pertaining to

World _War II. . Reference Boatn.er, Mark Mayo, III. Encyclopedia of the American ':Revoh.rtion_ E208 %.- Revised ed. New YOrk:, David McKay; 1974. This contains -P68' biographical entries and battle accounts,lt has a useful bibliography of American. Revolutionary -War-sources_ Reference Civil War Dictionary. New York: David McKay. 1959. Battles E468 and leaders are outhned inconcise form, however. it has numerous .B7 errors and omissions: , Reference Craig. Hardin, Jr. A Bibliography of Encyclopedias and Dictionaries Z6724 Dealing with Military, Naval and Maritime Affairs. 1577- 1971.4th ed.- ..135 Houston: Dept. of History, Rice University, 1971. The standard -.C7197 bibliography of military dictionaries and encyclopedias. Reference, Crow. Duncan. and Icke, Robert-J. Encyclopedia of Tanks. London: Barrie -UG446.5 and Jenkins.1975. This reference contains specifications and ..C78 capabilities of tanks used throughotit the worrd..

14 . ITeliFerice---*--:-..PuOuy, Richar.dzErrand Ditpu,y, Trevor Nevin, ed. The Encyclopedia D25 : .of Military History from 350 B.C. to the Present. Revised ed. New ..A2.. - York: Harper and. Row. 1977: This is the handiest single volume .D8 reference for battle dates and summaries: as well as overall military developments. Essays, maps. and a comprehensive index of both battles and wars add- to its usefulness. The bibliography section is weak. . , - , Reference Eg,genberger. David: A- Dictionary of Battles. New York: Thbrrras- Y. D25 Crowell. 1967. This concise guide for battles isarranged alphabetically .E35 an4sontainsCdates "and battle maps. - t . - ...... - UG625 Encyclopedia of Air Warfare. Edited, by Ian Parsons. New-York:Thomas Crowell. '1975.. This book is well _illustrated with.-colored prOEsle. draWings .showing the combat Markings. of 'most major aircraft. Charts. rriaps and statiStics'coveringthe subject from World War,1"tO the_present 'are useful.

.11. Encyclopedia of Sea Warfare from the First fronclads to the- Presemt Day_ .E5 Edited by Donald Macintyre et dl. New York: Thomis Y. I975b Crowell. 1974. A well illustrated reference, book. which includes strategic and tactical plans as well as detailed ship drawings.

. Special Falconer. William. Falconer's Marine Dictionary 1780. Reprint..Nev./ York:-. Collections Augustus M. Kelley. 1970. This is more of an encyclopedia than a - vz3 = dictionary and is valuable, for understanding vocabulary and marine

.F18 and naval practices during the sail era: .

37 <., , .. , Reference Farrow, Edward Samuel, ed. Farrow's MilitaryEncyclopedia: A Dic- U24 . tionaty -of Military Knowledge. 3 Vol.-New York:Military-Naval, .F249f 1895. This illustrated encyclopedia containsdetailed information about post Civil War military and naval devtlopmentsand practices., . . . . D523 Fraser. Edward, and Gibbons, John. Soldier and Sailor Wordsand Phrases.. .F862s 1925.- Reprint. Detroit: Gale Research, 1968.A unique source for British, and American slang of World War I. ftalso contains war- .words. service terms, expresSions, nicknames, .titles of regiments and British liattle honors: -- . . ' . EP V27 Frere -Cook, Gervis, and Macksey; Kenneth,ed. Guinness History of Sea .F73- Wavrare. Enfield, England: Guinness- Superlatives,1975. This is.a concise illustrate survey of major naval develoPmentsand warfare. - . . Reference Greet:William Cabal. -World Words. RecommehdedPronunciations. 2nd D744 - ed. New York: COlumbia University Press, 1948.This source lists over .G859 . = 12,000 names; places, battles and-geographic terms pertainingto both - World War I and II: --7411. Reference Hayward, P.H.C.; comp. Janes- Dictionaly ofMilitary Terins. London U24 Macdonald and Jane's, 197S..- British Armyterms predominate iri this .H4 source. It includes two useful appendices: one coveringacronymsand abbreviationi while. the other lists theorder of precedence of corps and regiments of the British Army. .,

Reference Heinl, Robert D. Dictior.ary of Military and NavalQuotations_ Annapolis: U 19 z Md.: U.S. Naval Institute,- 1966:, Quotationsabout war and related . .14364d subjects, from Biblical times through the VietnamConflict, are found in this.work. Poor citations but only work of its kind.. - -,- . Reference . , Jane's Dictioriary,Of Naval Terms. Compileompil* Josepl Palmer, London:-..- .. -Maidonald and Jane's, 1915. An,.eaousesource for English- - .336 .. Language naval-terms-currently used throughout:NATO- countriesIt..! .- contains .good cross-references plus ahandy appendik of : =4' arid commOnlYuSed _initials. ...; ;...... , .1 . . , . .... Reference . ;Lintwak; EdWard. .:Dictie;Wary ,pf Modem,War. New York: 'Harper and 1,124 '. -. Row 1971. ..a. ...., , . rctiona.ry: contains general information about , .L93:. - ..er- f modern waif 110:e: ding terminology and abbreviations. ./ . ,, . w, .7. U27 .Macksey,- Kenneth. ed. ,Guinness '-HistOry ofLand -Watfare, Enfield.. .M32 . England: Guinness Superlatives, 1974. An excellentsource of military firsts, this book is arranged chronologicallywith many illustrations, . .. . . Reference .. Noel John 'Varasotir. Jr.; and _ Beach; .EdWard L.; ed. Naval :Terms V23 . :Dictioniuy. 3rd.ed. 4nnapolis,,Md.:11.S.Naval InStitine, 1971: Useful .N682 for modern. naval ;vocabulary.Exact meaning '.. of .. words and . abbreviations are.giyeri. . ,-, . . Reference Part_ ridge, Eric. ed. A Dictionary of Armed Forces'Slang; 1939-1945.1948 PE3727 . . Reprint. FreepOrt; N.Y.: Books for Libraries.1970. This is' a classic .S7 dictionary of World War II British .-military slang. .P25 ifei-ence -Peck, Harry Thurston. ed. Harper's Dictionaryof Classical Literature and DES Antiquities. New York: Cooper Square, 1965.Particularly helpful for - , P36 P descriptions of arkientmilitaitems .and eventi...... ry...... , 4 -

. 38:

AA Reference - Quick, John. Dictionary, of Weapons and Military Terms. New York: U24. McGraw-Hill, 1973. This well illustrated work defines service slang, .Q5 code names,- historical and antique terms, opeiations terminology,: techhicial -terms, famous units, ships and people associated with ... military and naval operTions and developments.:. . .- Reference. Reid, Alan. A Concise Encyclopedia ofthe Seond World War.- Reading, k. :D740 .-- England: Osprey, 1974. This encyclopedia coverscampaigns, civilian :R44 experiences, armed fOrces, biographies and has a concise chronology of World War H. 7 s.: ., . i Reference Richardson. Hubert. N.B. A Dictiorzary of Napoleon and His Times. 1920. DC203 Reprint. Detroit: We Research, 1977. Useful fbrits chronological .R6 -. table, maps, concise sketches and bibliography.

.. Reference . Ruffner, Frederick G.; and Thomas, Robert C. ed. Code Names. PE1693. Dictionary: AGuide to Code Names. Slang, Nicknames. Journals: and .R9 Similar Terms.- Detroit:: Gale, Research, 1963. Official and unofficial t,

code names used during World War II military.operationsare included --- and 7nicknatnes for geographic,areas are listed. . Reference; Sanderson, Michael W.B_ Sea Battles: A Reference Chide: Middletown D27 _ Ct..: Wesley-an University Press, 1975. A concise account of over 250 .S34 principal sea 'battles arranged alphabetiCally with4lInstratiOns, Ikefch maps, plans and a bibliography. -.

. . Special Scott.WI-. Military Dictionary Comprising Technical Definitions:, Collections Information- on Raising and Keeping TrooPs.. 1861.. Reprint.' U24 -. Westport., Ct.: Greenwood. 1968. The researcher will find thil a gold S426m :mine for studying military practices in the United States Civil War Era. , . - Special Smith', George. A Universal Military. Dictionary;. A Copious Explanation of Collections ': -the Technical Terms . . . 1779.Reprint. Ottawa,;-Canada: Museum 024 Restoration Service, 1969. This" dictionary will aid researchers .564':. Studying the American Revolutionary War as it explains in detail . ,Many facets of 18th-century armies.: .- - Reference Snyder,. Louis-., comp. Encyclopedia of the Third Reich: New Yorlc: D0256.5 McGraw-Hill, 1976. The most useful source- in English about people _S51 and events of the Third Reich: It Contains an extensive' book and7, periodical bibliography. .. .- . . Reference .Taylor,Anna: .Marjorie,comp. The Language of World War I 1 :.- D.744 Abbreviations. Captions. Quotations. Slogans.Titles, and other .c. -- :T212 Terms and Phrases. Revised ed. New York: H.W. Wilson, 1948. This,. source is comprehensive. . 't--- ...... : Special -Ullastres, Evaristo, -ed. MUSEO MILIZIR: HISTORIO INDUMEN- °J. Collections TARIA ARMOS. SISTEMAS DE-COMBATE INSTITucroNEtr UAq80 - ORGANIZACION DER EJECITO ESPANOL.-3 vol.) Barcelona, .04 - Spain: Establecimiento Tipojafico 1883-1884. Thisis an encyclopedia of Spanish military history from the cave man through 1870. It is useful for contemporary, illustrations of battles, soldiers and military .equipment.

39 4 5 Documents U.S.: Air Force_ Dictionary of BaSic Military Terms:A Soviet View. 1965 D301.79: Soviet ed. Reprinted English ed. Washington:Government Printing 9 Office, 1976. This is beneficialto researchers of Soviet military affairs, because it explains terms for which justa liberal translation would be misleading. 1.645 terms are defined.

Documents Glossary'? ,of Standardized'. Terms andDefinitions. ©301.7: Washington: Government Printing Office, 1976.The most current 11_1 source of U.S. Armed _Forces terms. . Di*uments U.S. Departrnenr of Defense...Joint Chiefs ofStaff. Dictionary of Military 05.12: and Associated Terms:. With the Nato.Seato. Cento and JADE. 1/9 Glossaries Incorporated. Washington: GovernmentPrinting. Office. 1974. A useful source for specialized andtechnical terms used by United States` allies. Documents. U.S.' Department of the Army.Military Terms. Abbreviationsjand- ARII0-25-, Symbols: Dictionary of United StatesArmy Terms: Washington: Government. Printing Office, 1975. A regularlyupdated military dictionary of current terminology. Reference Office of the Chief of Information.Quotes for the. Military I9 Writer. 3rd ed. Washington: 1972. A quickreference source divided :Q57 into broad categories with indexes.by topic and by author. *Wedirtz. Bill, ed. Dictionary of NavalAbbreviations. Annapolis. Md.: U.S. . Naval Institute, 1970. This is the bestsource for naval vocabulary.

. Special Wrinkle, Barbara. LanguageDictionaries with an Emphasis on Military Collections - Dictionaries. Special:Bibliography No. 3. CarlisleBarracks. Pa.: U.S. U25 Army Military 'History. Institute, 1971_ Thisbibliography lists the ..W938L military dictionaries of all nationsto ..be found in their library collection.

. . - -- DOCUMENT SOURCES. OF MILITARY 'HISTORY Documents ,Force. ,Peter. comp. American Archives: Consisting of ii" Collectionof _ Authentick Records. _Syate Papers: 'Debates.and Letters and other Norices:-of Publick Affairs.. ...9 vol. 1837-1853: Reprint. New York: Johnson. 1972. Although six Seritar,..:were originally planned.only series four and five were ever- completed andpublished. These-.two series cover the period; from 17 through 1776 and provide invaluable original source material toi-27'icinerican RevoIutionarYresearch. Special New York Historical Society.:s Early American CkderlyBooks: 17467181.1 Collections :Woodbridge.. Ct.: Research .Publications, 19767-1977;The orderly Microfilm boOks are organized chr.ionoli.:-gically. taCh microfilin reel isidentified: as to unit, commanding. officer, compiler and dates ofcoverage. A guide and index to the collection aids retrieving information. 973.89 U.S. Adjutant General's Office.*Correspondence Relating to the War-With .1.155 Spain and Conditions Growing out of the Same, Including.the Insurrection in the Philippine. Islands" and the. China Relief Expedition. 2 vol.. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1902. A compilation of 'official correspondence of military commanders in-the U.S.. Cuba.. Puerto Rico. China. arid the Philippine Islands betWeen April 15. 1898 to July 30, 1902. An appendix gives the OrganizatiOn of the U.S. Army and brief histories of volunteer units -during the Spanish American War.- Documents U.S. Congress. American. State Papers. Documents. Legislative and Exeeluive:. 38 vol.. Washington: Gales and Seaton, I 832-1861. These 1 arc divided' into series called classes.- Military. and naval material is found in Class I. Foreign Relations. 1789-1826. 6 vol; Class II. Indian Affairs, 1789-.1827, 2 vol.; Class V. Military'Affairs. 1789-1828. 7 voI.; Class IV, Naval Affairs. 1789- 1837.4 vol.; and Class Claims. 1790- 1823. I vol. Documents Annals of Congress. 1789 - 1824.42 vol. Washington: 1789-1824_ CI-C981 1.. Register of Debates. . . 1825-1837$ 29 vol. Washington: 1825-- . 1837. Congressional Globe. 1833-1873. 111 vol. Washington: 1833- 1873.

Congressional Record_ Vol_ _1-. Washington; Government. Printing Office. I874 to date. Numerous special committees of Congress have investigated incidents, affairs, or events related to the military_ Of special importance are the published hearings before the Committees on Military Affairs and (subsequent tb Jantiary 1947) the Armed Services Committees of both houses. of Corigress Arined forces' Committeeon Appropriations -hearings are of particular ' Documents House Documents. U.S. Navy Department. Annzail Reports of Doc.3 . the Department. i898. '2 vol. -Washington: Government Printing 55th Cong. Office. -1898. Reports relate largely to -naval operations during the 3d "Sess- - Spanish-American War. "vol. 1 I & 1 Documcn House Executive Documents. Mexican War CorrespOndence. Doc_60. Washington: 1848. This source contains correspondence between the 30th Cong. President of the United,States. Secretary of Warand other officials 'of- I st Sess. the United States: Documents House' Executive Documents_ Reports and Dispatches Ex- Doc. I hibiting the Operationi of "U.S.. Naval, Forces During the War; with 30th Cong. Mexico.: Washington: 1848. This primary source includeS both civil 2nd Sess. and naval. docuinenis. 973.73 Joint Conimittee-on the Conduct of War:- Report of-the Joint U49r Committee on-the Conduct of War.-3 vol. Washington:, Government 1.863 Printini=tkfice. 1863.. * V. \973.73 Report. .3 vol. Washington: 1865. r \U49r 1865

973.73 Supplemental Report. 2 vol. Washington: 186e .049s , _ Documentary' sources of Union Army failures during the fiveyear American Civil War: Battle maps and interviews provide material for analysis and evaluation of 'battles and generals. 973.89 U.S. Congress. Senate. Rgport- of the Commission Appointed by the .U58 President to Investigate the Conduct of the .War Departmentin the War with Spain .8 vol. Washington! Government Printing Office, 1900.. A good source for firsthand information about the Spanish- American War. The reports include Congressional, interviews, statistics and official correspondence.

. D570 U.S. Department of the Army. Historical Division. United StatesArmy in .A1 the World War, 1917-1919. 17 vol. Washington: Government Printing .U53 Office.- 1948. These volumes present only a selection of the" records of the American Expedition Force. which areessentialto a critical study - of the history of World War .I. Archives U.S. National Archives and Records Service.Preliminary inventory of the, Records of United States Army Continental Commands. 1821-1920, : Record Group 393. Compiled by ElaineEverly etal. 4 vol.. Washington: 1973.. The :four. volumes describe National 'Archives material pertainingto the r.S.. Army before 1920as follows: Volume 1, -Geographical Divisions and Departments and .Military (Reconstruc-

tion) Districts:: Volume 2. "Polyonymous SuccessionS of Commands, . 186I -70;" Volume 3. "Geographical Districts and Subdistricts;"and- Volume 4, "Military Installations, 1821 -8I:" .- Preliminary Inventory,of the Records of the United States Military Academy, Record Group 404. Compiled by Stanley P. Tozeski. Washington: .1976: The most detailed guide to the-research rnaerial in-the U.S. Military. Academy-Archives. -C f E271 U.S. Naval History Division. Naval Documents of the American - .U583 Revolution. Edited by William Bell Clark and William James Morgan.. 15 vol. projected. Washington: Government, Printing Office, 1964-. This documentary series when complete willspan the entire war. Manuscripts selected for publication have been collected from widely scattered depositories and from private collectors in the United States and abroad. Foreign language documents are translated. and each volume contains illustrations, maps, a bibliography and index. However, few documents are printed in their entirety. - Special U.S., Navy Department: Official Records of the. Union and Confederate Collections . . Navies in the War of the Rebellion. 30 vol. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1894-1927. Tliis is commonly referredto as the "N.O.R.- and contains Civil War naval reports and correspondence. Some' damaging correspondence of and about United States Navy "heroes" has been left out - .0ot*. - , / - Reference U.S. Office of Naval Records and Library. Naval Documents,Relating to U4,10. the Quasi- War between the U.'S. and France: Naval Operationsfrom .F6. - - February 1797 to December 1801. 7 Vol. Washingtorri Government .U5 Printing Office, 1935-1938: Many inaccessible documents, inwidely scattered depositories are 'printedin.. chronological,/ order with a - -minimum of editorial comment. Registers of officers and shipstatistics -- are included.' -,,- .- 973.47 U.S-: Office of Naval Records and Library. Naval DocumentsRelating to .U63 the-United States War with the Barbary Powers: Naval Operations Including Diplomatic Backgiound from 1785 tkfrough 1807:6 vol. Washington: Goverirment Printing Office. 1939-1944.Documents are printed in chronological order with a minimum of editorialcomment. However., the Chronologi=1 .order makes it difficultto follow the histOry of any particular event or-vessel. In additionto the documents, there is a register of officer personnel and ships' information. / E464 U.S, War Department. War of the Rebellion: A Compilationofthe Official .U6- "Records- of the Union and Confederate. Armies.128 parts in 70 vols. 1881-1901. Reprint. Gettysburgh, NatiOnal Historical Society. 1971-1972..Commonly called the -Official Records"..or "O.R.7, they provide and indispensable source fOr the /study of the CivilWar through the correspondence, battlereports, after action reports, illustrations: prisoner of war records and civil- militaryrelations published in them.


. . ti

O. FOREIGN LINEAGE SOURCES AND ARMED' FORCES BIBLIOGRAPHIES Reference AlfOldi. I -nszlo M. The Armies of eluszia-Hungaryand .Germany. 1740- Z6724 1914.2 vol. Special Bibliography Series No. 12. Carlisle.BarracicS: U.S. F16 . Army Military History Institute, 1975- This-bibliography whiCh. .A4 is divided chiOnologically and by suojeCt, covers abbut15.000 English. German, Russian, Hungarian and French titles in the institute's collections. Special American- Historidal- ASsociation. 'Committee forthe Study of War Collections Documents. Guides to -German Records Microfilmedat Aleiandria. D735 Va. 11 vol. Washington: National Archives-and RecordsService. 1958- .A58 _ 1976. A finding aid to German Army field divisionrecords between 1939 and 1945. Recordi are arranged by numericalsequence of

division and then chronologically. - -.14.

Reference Bruce, A.P.C. An Annotdred Bibliography of the BritishArmy.1660-1414. Z6725 . New York:.Garland. 1975. -A goodsource -which _lists Unpublished. .G7 personal papers, articles in serials and the publications oflearned .B78 societies. The bibliographyls divided by topics and hasa good index.

- . . Reference Canada. Department of National Defense. Army -Historical Section.The UA600 Regiments and Corps of the Canadian Army. Vor 1=.OttaWa:- .C16r Minister of National Defense. 1964- :This is a- fine source for concise histories as well-as-for- organization and battlehonors.

43 . O Reference Dornbusch, CharlesEmil. comp. Australian Military .Bibliography. U13 .2 Cornwallville. N.Y.: Hope Farm .1963. This descriative bibliography ..D735au of books is divided chronologically. There is a regir&ntal index and a listing of official military publications of the Australian government.

Reference' The Canadian Army. 1855-1965: Lineages -- Regimental ...\--, 0768.15... Histories. Cornwallville, N.Y.: Hope Farm. 1966. The,,mbstomplete .D735c source'of its kind for Canadian Army units.

.. _ Reference. The New Zealand Army: A Bibliography: Cornwallville N.Y.: UA872 = Hope Farm; 1961. This bibliography-lists printed matter pertainingto .D735n the history of the. New Zealand Army including nianuals_ periodicals. unit hist-ories. and campaign Reference Frederick.pohn BasSett Moore_ Lineage Book of the %,--British Army: UA649 s Mounted Corps and Infantry. 1660-1968. Cornwallville: N.Y.: Hope .F83 Farm. 1969. A -concise guide to the histbrical organization oP the British Army. CD1051 Great Britain. Public Record Office. An Alphabetical Guide to Ceriain War .A25 ' Office and Other Military Records.. .Amended edition. 1923 -1926. no.53 Reprint. New Yorld Kraus. 1963. A Useful guide and index to British Army unit records of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries .arranged by general subjects.; unit names and colonel's names. CD 1040 Lists' and Indexes, Supplementary Series. No. 8: List of War .A25 Office Records... . 2voL.1892-1945. Reprint. New York: Kraus-. Sup.#8 Thomson 1968; 1974. A handbook to British Army records deposited in the national archivei of Great Britain covering the Eighteenth '- Century through the end of World War II. Reference Higham. Robin. ed. A Guide to the Sources of British Military History. Z2021 . Berkeley: University of California Press. 1971. This is a series of essays. ,M5 arranged topically. cohtaining":overviews and annotated .H54 bibliOgraphies. A supplement is projected. -. Reference. _Official Histories: Essays-and Bibliographies From Around the Z6724 World.Bibliography Series. No. 8.Manhattan: Kansas State .H6 University Library. .1970. This is the best study of published foreign .H5 military records. The listof publications or each countryis accompanied by a 4.000 word essay discussing these publications.and the; prOblerns connected with their use. Non-English titles are translated and the editor hopes to supply supplements in Military Affairs for.the smaller countries which were omitted. Reference Lyons. M.. comp. The Russian Imperial Army: Bibliography of Regimental UA770 Histories and Related Works. Stanford, Hoover Institution on .L995r War. Revolution and -Peace.1968. This. isthe only English bibliography which includes both Riiisian pre-revolutionary and-post- revolutionary regimental histories and associated works. . Reference Parrish, Michael. The Soviet Armed Forces-Books in English. 1950-1967. UA25 Hoover Institution Bibliographical Series No. 48. Stanford:Calif.: .P1-98 ,Hoover Institution. 1970. The only published English Source available -on the subject. L-) . . . , . .. Reference. 'Phan. Thien Chau. "Kernamese Communism:A ResearCh Bibliograp Z7164 = Westport, Ct.: 'Greenwood, 1975. Asurvey of,bookS and monogra hs __,C82 in Vietnamese: Enkglish_ and Frenchabout the -Vietnam- Coict P48 published before Stine 1974. T ... Reference Rhoads. Edward JAW The Chinese Re Army.I 1 n Annotated U A835 Bibliography. Cambridge.. Mass.:= sward University Press. 1964. The .R346c most current Iiiting on the subject. Reference Scott. William F. Soviet Sources of MilitaryDoctrine-and Strategy. New UA770 York: Crane. Russalc., 1975. This is an-atmotatedbibliography of over .S26 160 Soviet bdoks published between 1960 and1974 which were used for the educations, training and indoCtrinationof the Soviet-Armed Forces. English translations of SOviet.writingsare:.listed: - History Sloan. John F. Military History of 13ussia:A Preliminary Survey of the Department Sources. Garrnisch: Federal_ German Republic:U.S. Army Institute UA770 ..-- for Advanced Russian and East EuropeanStudies. 1971. The Most .S56 ,:, ,.. extensive .English descriptive .bibliography coveringRussian military affairs from 1450-1815. Both articles and book,sare described. Special Stewart, Charles Herbert. comp. Service of ,BrizishRegiments in Canada Collections apd Worth America. 2nd ed. Ottawa, Canada:Department of National -11A649 Defense Library. 1964. Thisresume also contains a listing of sources £849s- for pictures and descriptions of uniforms.Good for tracing British units in the-French and Indiah Wars, the AmericanRevolution and the 'War of 1812. . Reference Swinson,.Arthur.ced. A Register of the Regiments andCorps of the British UA650 Army: The Ancestry of the Regiments and CorPsof the Regular £93 Establish-Mew. London: Archive. 1972. Best-source fortracing British Army units and their histories. . .. Reference U.S. Ai; Force Acaderhy. Library. The UnitedStates-and the United Z6484 Nations. United States, Air Force Academy, Colo.:1973. This is A'' .U5 bibliography of United Nations documents. booksand articles .U557 covering all aspects of the U.N.. inclu-ding itssecurity forces.. , Reference White. Arthur Sharpin. comp. A Bibliographyof Regimental Iii.s-' tories-of Z202; the British Army_ London: The Society of ArinyHistorical Research. ..M5.. 1965. This source intended for the study- of'BritiO Army' units .W5 throughout their history; lacks annotations,' articlecitations and personal reminiscences.

GENERAL MILITARY GUIDES .- . - V133. -Agetan. Arthur A.,and Mack. William P..comp_ NavaI Officers' wide. 8th' .A265 ed. Annapolis. Md`.:-.U.S. NavalsTnstitute. 1970.A helpful, source:for current data about the. U.S. Navy and USMC .includingnaval organization and command 'organization. UG633 Air Force 0. fficers Guide. Compiled by A.J. Kinney.Harrisburg. Pa.. .A298ai ..Stackpole. 1948 to date; annual. This is useful forcurrent data aboui .the U.S. Air Force. including uniforms.. decorationsand overseas installations.

ar, VG93 - Cagle. Malcolm W... ed. The Naval Aviation Guide. 3rd cc!. Annap:olis. Md.:. 4 .C22., .. U.S. Naval Instittlte. 1976. A comprehensive reference". manual for U.S:., Naval and U.S. Marine Corps aviation. Among the topics' included are iiistory, traditions a"rid-organiiation structure."-Appen- dices include identification systems for ships and aircraft.. squadran nicknames, fighter_ aces and a glossary of. naval aviation terminology. -.. - . UB223 Johnson. Glen R... and Walker, Fred M. The Army Staff Officer's Guide. ....163 - Houston. Tex.: Gulf.- 1975. A handbook for U.S. military staff officers presenting staff purpose. functions. composition.- intra-staff coordination and the duties and responsibilities of its members. Reference Michigan Department of State. Historical Commission Section Archives?:- LI A260 -, Unit. Finding Aid for the Records of the Michigan Military

.M5 Establishmeizt... 1838 -1941. Compiled by ...Genev-a -KebIer. Lansing: . 1966. A short guide to-the records-relating to military units...personnel, ord... ers,e orTespondence and photographs. _ .. .7...- 1- . Reference Officers Guide. Compiled by Lawrence P. Crocker. Harrisburg. Pa.: -U133 Stackpole. 1930 to.drlate. annual. {JsefuI for current data about the U.S. ' .032 Army. including army posis and stations,' uniforms and decorations

plus'organizations and, missions. _ .. . . . 'Reference Palic. Vladimir M., comp. Government Publications: A Guideto Z7164 Bibliographic Tooli. 4th ed.: Washington: Library of Congress. 1975. ..G7 This is the most current gtiide to. federal, state nd foreign gOvernment .C75 .publicationsd, ,. - . _ . - S. VE153' Thomas, Gerald Carthrae; Heinl, Robert D.:- and Ageton, Arthur A.,Ed. .T363m3 :.1" The Marine Officer's Guide. -3rd ed....rev. Annapolis, Md.: U.S. Naval Institute. I970. Atuide to the regulations, customs, instructions, and traditions of the U.S. Marine Corps. Reference TrusselLJohnB.B..Jr.PennsylvaniaMilitaryHistory.Special Z1329 , Bibliography No. JO. Carlisle Barracks, Pa.: U.S. Army Military .T73 . History Institute, 1974. An excellent bibliography of Pennsylvania military history arranged by periods, including periodical literature..-- CD,3023 U-.S. National Archives and Records Service: Guide to the National .U54 Archives of the United States. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1974. This -is a gene-al description of .the records in its huge holdings. Documents U.S. Naval War College Library. Guide to Research: History Strategy. Strategy Compiled by.the Mahan Library reference staff. Newport. R.I.; 1973.. and-Tactics This guide is- uniquely arranged with books, documents and periodical File indexes listed according to the frequency with which they are usedein the Mahan Library. It is a useful introductory guide to information about naval affairs.; a



. Periodicals Aerospace Historian. Manhttan: 'Kansas State University Endowment --7.4 Association4or the Air Force Historical Foundation.. September 1954 to date : 'quaiterly,.

Aerospace HistorianiCtimulative Index by A tahhr. Title and Subject.. 19544973. Compiled by Gary Charbonneau. SpecialPublishing Series No. 12. Manhattan. Kan.: Aerospace Histgrin 1974.

A good source for reviews of books in the field and for articles ...., about foreign air forces. -- :,. -. - ': - Periodicals I American Historical RevieW. Washington: 'American -Historical Associa- tion. 1895 to date, quarterly. . ..e S/ ..,.. ,- .2. Guide _to the AMer4can Historical Review. 189511945. Compile by Franklin Daniel Scott and Elaine Teigler.. New York:- Kus , Reprint. 1971. u.

American Historical Review, General Index to Volumes XLI- 1945-1955. 'Washington: 1962.

American Historical Review.GeneralIndex to Volumes LXI-LXX 19554965. Compiled by Patricia M. Fox and M. Rita How Washington: 1968.

The indexes are arranged by subject and author and include articles published in this journal as well as the books that were reviewed. Pertinent subject_headings would incluyV-milital-y history- and the name of the war being studied. Beginning in ; .1975, a separate bibliography lists -Recently Published Articles..

. - Periodicals 'Armor. 13:S. Armor Association. 1888 to date. bimonthly. diyalr_v Journal/Arm. or Cumulative Indexes. 1888 -1968. Compiled by Walter E. Young. Bibliography Series. No. 12. Manhattan: Kanss State University Library. '1974. An eighty year cumulated index adds to the value of thii impOrtant military magazine which covers developments and changing doctrines related toarmor and cavalry in America during the last 150 years. It is particularly useful for historians .of the Ametican West. t ... . Periodicals Army Information Digest Twenty Year Index. Volurrie 1-20. May 1946- -1965. Cameron Station. Alexandria. U.S: Department of the Arniy. 1946-1965. This subject index hassome cross indexing. It useful for both* historical and contemporary military affairs. . Periodicals Ann), Quarterly Index, 1920-1970,Tavistock. England: We'Si of England 1970: Includes bottran author and subject index. The namq.has been changed to Army Quarterly.and Defence Journal.

47 , - Moore Civil War Iiistory: A Journal of the Middle Period. Oberli0.: Kent State Wing eUnive(sity. 1955 to date. quarterly. A bibliography about the Civil Way era in the. United States was 'featured in June issues until 1974and is now in theDecemerb issue. Entries are-arranged by topi6t Moore Civil PYr Times-Illustrated: Gettysburg. Pa.: Historical Times. April 1959 Wing, to date, ten times a year, -Civil War Times Illustrated Index. Compiled by Gary- R Planck and . 'Robert D. Hoffsommer. Gettsburg. Pa.: His-torical Times. 1959 ra.Ps to date. annual, with five year cumulations.

The magazi- ne- is outstanding for its illustrative material arid . : generalinterest articles. Each index contains person-place-thing- autlior and. subject entries. Documents Congressional Quarterly. Washington: Congressional Quarterly. 1945 to .date. This is the most authoritative and easy to use source of information about Congress. An annual digest is published under the title Conkressiona Quarterly Almanac. -Other special- publications include: Congress and the Nation, a resume of congressional and residential actions from 1945 to 1972. the semi-annual Congressional,. arterly Guide to Current American Government acd the weekly Editorial Research Reports about current controversial ii,ksues. Periodicals Field Artillery Journal. Washington: U.S. Field Artillery Associatio-n: January 1911 May/June 1950, bimonthly.

Readers' Guide to the Field Artillery Journak.Author and Subject Index January `191'1 December 1939. Washingt. Ae Artillery Journal. 1940 a . - ... . - - - . It merged with the Infantry Journal in August 195and continued as Army Combat Forces Journal then as Army. e index is useful for 'World War I and pre-War War LI milkry ... affairs. .- to . ,... . _ - .,- Periodicals Foreign Affairs_ New York: Council on Foreign Relations..1919 to date. Quarterly. Foreign Affairs 50A Year Index: Volumes 1-50. 1922-1972. Compiled by Robert J. Palmer. New York: R.R. Bowker. 1973..

This quarterly publishes a-rticles'yelated to twentieth -century foreign affairs. Periodicals Journal of American History.Bloomington, Ind.: Organization of American Historians. 1914 to date, quarterly. Each issue. contains a. bibliography of articles concerning North American history. Oc- casionally. -Recent Military Articles- are included.

gr. 4 Special Journal of the Company of Mllitar.Historians. Washington: Company of Collections Military. Historians.. 1949 to date, quarterly. Company of MilitaHistorian Cumulative Index. Volumes I-X V. 1949-1963. Compiled by Maria P. -Todd. Washington: 1966. -Another fifteen volume index is being prepared. The indexesare usefur_for_locating_informati0E1 -about military uniforms and- - equipment as °well as organizational histbri9 of military -units . that served in or were organized in North America. Periodicals Journal of The Royal United Service Institution. Condon: 1957to date. quarterly. The Consolidated Author and Subject Index to the Journal of the Royal United States Institution. 1853-1963. Compiled by Karen Cox Wing.-An Arbor. Mich:: University_ Microfilms. 1964. The journal's index covers both military and naval developments from 1853 through 1963. .

Periodicals Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research. London: Society for Army Historical Research. 1921 to date, quarterly. 'N. Journal Of the Society for Army Historical Research General Index.' Volumes I-XL. 1921-1 962. London: Society for Army Historical

I Research: 1969. . Antiquarian in spopc, the journal is devoted tocustoms. military life,. uniforms Mind traditions of the British: Army.-empire and commonwealth Land fortes before World War I. The index is arrang_ed by subject with military units indexed according to their names and numerical designations. Periodicals Mariner's Mirror. London: Society for Nautical Research: January 191 Ito date. quarterly: Mariner's Xfirror: General Index to Volumes 1-35. Compiled by R.C. Anderson. London: The National Maritime Museurri: 1955:

Mariner's Mirror: General Index to. Volumes 35 -55. Corn piled by Elizabeth Rotfe. London: The. National Maritime Museum. 1974.

.Articies about naval and maritime history are incl-Uded.



CY Periodicals Military Affairs. Manhattan: Kansas Slate University, Spring 1937 to date, quarterly. Cumulative Indices ,to Military Affairs. 1937-1969. Compiled by Norma K.Lambert. Manhattan: Kansas StateUniversity Library. 1969. The quarterly features a listing of -Recent Journal Articles- and "The Military Library?' References to recent English Language doctoral dissertations about military history were published in the April issue in 1972 and 1973 and in the February issue since 1974. Occasionally a bibliography about a special subject is included. - Periodicals 'Military Review. Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.: U.S. Army Command and General Staff College. June/ September 1922 to date, monthly. Subject and Aurr Index JO Military Review, 1922-1965. Fort LeavenworthMan.: Military Review. 1967.

This journal contains articles about military affairs and reviews military books. Early issues had.some translated foreign writings_ The indexis'particularly useful for locating articles about World War I and` World War II_ Periodicals MississippiValley Historical Review. Fifty-Year Index: 1914-1964. Compiled by Franc-es J. Krauskopf. Bloomington. Ind.: Organization of American Historiahs. 1973. Expertly done indek to an important American history-quarterly. T ; has bees changed to Journal of American 1-listorl Periodicals Ordnance: Land. Sea. Air. Washington: American ( trance Association. July 1920 to 1973. bime-rzthIy. The 7nr has be-..:11 change-:.! to National Defense with volume mber 320. September; October. 1973. it _ also became .a mont±iy_ journal contains article related to weapons development_ since Work!' War I. Subject indexm. are bound . together. rather than cumulated and are arranged accorc-ang to the weapons. Periodicals Revue Historique De L'Armee Tables Analytiques 1941-1968. Compiled by SoIange Ministere de la Defer.. 1968. A "prominent French military j'-7-..irnal with author,and suS±ect indexes. . Periodicals . SouthernHistorical Society -Index. Cr.erripiled ""y Kate PleasantsMinot.

_ Richmond: Virginia State. Library Bt.ict i n. July October 1913. This is an author and subject index to the Southern Historical Society Papers. volumes one through' thirty-eight_Itisparticularly useful for Confederate military history. Periodicals Tradition: The Journal of the International Society of Military Collectors. London: International Society of Military Collectors. 1964 to date. quarterly. . Index to Tradition: Nos. 1-36. 1964-1972. Compiled by Edward J. JenneriCh. Pittsburgh,. Pa.: E.J. Jennerich. 1973: - This- source contains- illustrations of military uniforms- and -equipment throughout history that are not available elsewhere.

Periodicals U.S. Naval Irzsature Proceedings. Annapolis. Md.: 1874 to date. monthly since 1917. Indexes to the U.S: Naval Institute Proceedings. 3 microfilm yol_ Newport News. Va.: Mariner's Museum. 1957-1974. A survey of Notable Naval Books of the 'Yearn. appeared in the January issue from '1950-1954 and in the Decemberitissue-since 1954. -The- Professional Libiary- in each issue contains short reviews of significant. titles: No 'effort is made to cover foreign language books_

Periodicals The William and Mary Quarterly: A Magazine of Early American History.. Williamsburg. Va.: Institute of Early American History and'Culture.. .1892 to dart. quarterly. . Index to Third Series, Volumes 1-XV. 1944-1958.-Compiled by Stella .."Duff. Neiinan. Millwo Kraus Reprint, 1975.

Index. Third Series.Volumes XVI-XXX.. 1959-1973. Compiled by Donna C. Sheppaed- Williamsburg. tVa..-: _Institute of Early- American History and Culture.. 1974.. -

_ -., First Series." Volumes I-X., Compiled-by E.G.- Swem. Roanoke. Va.: Historic Index. 1934. . . SeCondSeriej...-rolumes I-X. Corillailed.by E.G. Swern. Roanoke. Va.: Historical Index...1936.

This source identifies the scholarly articles releventto military, affairs in North America ttrough the War of 1812

51- .-


C. ORDER OF BATTLES AND MILITARY AND NAVAL ORGANIZATION BOOKS 973.74 Amann. William Fra.yne. Personnel of theCivil War. 2 vol, New York: .A484p Thomas Yoseloff.: 1961. Contains official informationabout the American Civil- War. -COniederate_and Arrnies.%Confederate- commands. Union generals and both armies' nicknamesof military units. 973.7463 Bartre4t, Napier. Military Record of LouisianaIncluding Biographical and .B284m Historical Pdprre Relating co the MilitaryOrganizations of the State. 1875. -Reprin:. ..saton Rouge: Louisiana StateUniversity Press. 1964. One of the better reference tools despite itsage. D546 .t Becke, Archbold Frank. comp. Orderof Battle of Divisors: 4 parts. .B388 London: Her Majesty's Stationary Office. 1935-1938.Based-on World War I official documents. These four books outlinethe organization of the British-,Army divisions and its World War . I command structures. .- Reference Berg. Fred Anderson. Encyclopedia of Continental:Army Units: Battalions. E259 Regiments and Independent Corps. Harrisburg. Pa.:Stackpole, 1972. .847 This is the best reference on Continental - Ai-iny units. A separate five page addenda,, is also in...the4eference collections. ---.. , UA32 Birkhimer, William Edward. HistoricalSketch of the Organization. ..B535 . - Administration. Material and Tactics of theArtillery. United States Army. 1884. -Reprint. New York: Greenwood.1968. Background and technical information covering U.S. artilleryfrom the American'. Revolution to 1884. UA837 Collier. Harry H..-and Lai: PaulChin-Chih. Organizational.Changes in the C64 Chinese Army. 1895-1950. Taipei_ Taiwan: Office .C64 of the Military - Historian. 1969. This translation- ofa Nationalist Chinese source covers army organization. cammandstructures and terms some of which are not to be-found anywhereelse. - Reference Davies. W.J.K. German Army Handbook.1939-1945. New York: Arco. UA712 1974. Presentg- German World WarII army organization. combat ...038 units. tactics. equipment.weapons, signs and symbols. The text is illustrated with photographs. diagrams,maps and tables. . . -71-busch:. Charles Emil. comp. The Communities ofNew York and the Civil War: The Recruiting Areas of theNew York Civil War - RegiMents. New York:. New York Public Library.1962_ Organized alphabetically by New York counties. Reference Dyei-Frederick Henry. A-eoinpendiurn of theWar ofrhe Rebellion. 3 vol. E491 1908. -Reprint, New York: Thomas Yoseloff.1959. This is a basic Niork .D99 . on Union Army units, organizations and chronologicial records. Concise unit histories from mustering-into service completion. including major stations and actions. makethis a unique work. UA649 Ellis. Chris. ed. Handbook of the BritishArmy. 1943. 1943. Reprint. New .E44 'Fork: Hipp&-rene, 1976t Thishandbook' has 120 black and white illustrations.It includes- -information about the Royal Air .. Civilian -Defense Organization .:and .hasa glossary of British and ° American terms.


8. Special Fie beger, Gustave Joseph. Army Organization. West Point, N.Y.: U.S. Collections Military Academy.,1917-. Useful for understanding U.S. Army UAIO - organization during World Wari 7 .F45 UA649 Firth. Charles Harding. and Davies. Godrey. The R;gimental History of .F519R. Crawell's Army. 2 vol. Oxford. England: Clarendon. 1940. This is the Most detailed study or England's first .organized regiments during Oliver Cromwell's reign. VB23 Furer. Julius Augustus Administration of the Navy-Department in World .F975a War IL Washington: Government Printing Office, 1959. The most -thorough account of the subject. includes material about the U.S. - Coast Guard and U.S. Marine Corps.. A bibliography. chronology and index are particularly helpful as are administrative 'charts. 'UA710 German Order of Battle 1944: The Regiments. Formations 4:.znd Units of the .G435' . German GroundForces. 1944: Reprint. New York: Hippocrene. 1975..4' This comprehensive compilation includes all the-data known about the _.Nazi German armed forces by 1944. It is valuable Mforniation about composition. deployment -and tactical roles of German armed forces in World War II. Special _Helvig. Hugo. comp. The Campaign of 1870-1871. Operations of the 1 Collections Bayarian Army Corps. under General Von Der Tann. Translated by 944.081 . GeOrge Galis Schwabe. 2 vol. London: Henry S. King1874. Tactical .H48 study with battle maps, tables of organizations and commentaries about, the Franco-Prussian War. U/C.5 Hewes. James'e'E.. Jr. From Root. to McNamara: Army Organization and - .H58 Administration. 1900-1963. Washington: Center of Military History. 1975. The most complete study of its kind and contains manycharts of OrganiationaI structures. . - History Infantry Journal. Tablei of Organization of Infantry Un WAshington: Department 1941. Thisuseful source about, the organization Qf U.S. Army infantry U-D453 units during World War I I contains charts indicating the type of unit, .143t its specialization. equipMent. vehicles and personnel. *James,,E.14.... comp. Historical. Records of British Infantry Regiments,in the Great War' 1914:1918. Sutton Goldfield. England: 1975. Thissource lists and traces the rnoyeipents of T.760 British Army battalions which served in World War I. D759, Joslen. -H.F.. comp. Orders of. Bartle. 1939-1945. 2 vol. 1960. Reprint. J7810 LOndon: Her Majesty's Stationary Office. 1968. Based on official documents this work is divided into nine parts. one appendix and one supplement.Lists only United Kingdom andBritish colonial formations and units. It's index is cross-referenced to help identify units quickly.

Reference Katcher. Philip R.N. Encyclopedia of British.,Provincial. and German E267; Army Units. 1775-1783. Harrisburg. -Pa.: Stackpole. 1973. Despite K37 errors. it is a handy source 'for information-about United States' foes during the American Revolutionary War.-


'RV *Levene, Helene H.. comp. Illinois Military Unitsin the Civil War. Springfield: Civil_War Centennial Commission of Illinois.1962. This is a handy source giving service organizations. popularnames of organizations and units by county recruitingareas. U G635 Lewis. Peter M.H. Squadron Histories: R.F.C..R.N.A.S. and R.A.F.. - .G7 . 1912-1959. London: Putnam.1959__Thisisa bibliography-ofRoyal Air-- ..L588.s - Force and commonwealth air force unit historiesand also has a listing -of aircraft. titlesV of squadrons. Unit codelettering, markings. etc.

973.741 . Lord. Francis A. They Fought n. Harrisburg. Pa.: Stackpolc. L884t 1960. An illustrated survey c Union Army's organization including a bibliography of manuals and trainingliterature. UG633 Mooney, Chase Curran. Organization of theArmy Air Arm, 1939-1945. 7790 USAF Historical Studies: No. 10. Maxwell AirForce Base. Ala.: Air UniVersity. USAF Historical DivisionStudy, 1956. A-good study of the U.S. Army Air Force in World War andhow it was organizec

UA25.5 . Ney. Virgil. Evolution of the U.S. Army Division.1939-1968. Fort Belvoir. .N493ev Va.: U.S. Army Combat Developments Command.1969. The U.S. -Army &Vision structure is explained. Contains charts.illustrations. and includes a bibliography.

,UD23 Evolution of the U.S. Army Infantry Battalion: 1939-1968.,Fort .N493e Belvoir, Va.: U.S. Army Combat Developments Commarid,1968. Explains the background.' of the U.S.Army infantry battalion structure. Illustrations. charts, anda. bibliography are included. 0 E573 North Carolina Confederate Centennial Commission.A Guide to Military .A53 Organizations and Installations: North Carolina,1861-1865. Com- piled by Louis H. Manarin. Raleigh. 1961.A finding aid to numerical designations of Confederateorganizations,local 'designations. military installations and abbreviations. 'UA23 Powers. Patrick ,W. A Guide to National .1jefense:The Organization and -,P874g Operations of the U.S. Military Establishment. NewYork: Frederick A: Praeger, 1964. This is useful for understandingrecent U.S. Armed Forces organizations and activities. *Ftietti, :John C. Military Annals of Mississippi.:Military Organizations which Entered the Service of the ConfederateStates of America from o the State of Miisissippi. 1895. Reprint.:Spartanburg. S.C.: Reprint Company. 1976: The best source of ConfederateMissiiSippi units. . . , Reference - Sellers. Robert C.. ed. Reference Handbook of the Armed 'Forces of the UA15 World. 4th ed. Garden City. N.Y.: Robert C. Sellers Associates.1976. .R259 Useful for comparative statistics ofarm 'forces throughout the world in addition to production capabilities. - ' Special Skinner;"Albert M.comp. Graphic History of United States ions that .., Collections Served in the American Expeditionary Forces.Showing ;*; to of 74----2-s. D570.3 Organizatiori; Type of Service for which Intended.-Arrival in A.F. .S6 AsszknrrNg to Corps. Tacticaland Administrative Control. Charac of Service and Departurefor the U.S. Washington:U.S. General S Statistics Branch. 1922. The most reliable of the WorldWar I U.S. .: Army statistics and organizatiOnalsources. . _ , c, Reference Statesman's Yearbook. Edited by John Paxton. New York: Si. Martin's. JA5I 1864 to date. annual. This yearbook inclirdes analyses of each .S7 country's armed I-dices and military equipent. ( ,

-D570.3 Summary Of Opera tions- inthe World War. 28 vol. .Washington: different - Government Printing Office. 1944. These volumes contain detailed _ .. -cutter- . -studies of the operations and -orgiiiiiz...tticrrrof each-American division numbers in World' War 1. DailAactions are recorded with maps and an appendix .... . of sources for further study, U A460 Tennessee Civil War Centennial Commission. Tennesseans in the Civil War: .T256t A Military History of Confederate and Union Units with Available Rosters of Personnel. 2 vol. Nashville: I 964-1965. -This source is a well edited refcrCnce with unit histories in volume one and an alphabetical roster of all personnel having Tennessee records in volume two. D570 U.S. Army War College. Historical Section. Order of Battle of the Uriite d .U47 States Land- Forces in the. World War. American Expeditionary Forces. 3 vol. in 4 parts. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1931-1949. This referenceis particularly useful for its detailed breakdown of the U.S. Army in World War I including a directory of troops and maps of United States posts in Europe. D769.2 U.S. DepArtment of the Army. Office of Military History. Order of Battle of .U53or the United States, Army Ground Forces in World War II: Pacific:. Theater of Operations. Washington: 1959.. This source has informa- tion on World Waril administrative and logistical commands, armies. corps and divisions. Charts and a listing of basic sources are incltided_ D769 Office of the -Chief of_ Milita--ery History. U.S. Army in--World _U47. War II: Army Ground Forces: The Organization of Ground Combat Troops. Edited by Kent Roberts Greenfield. Robert R. Palmer and Bell I..Wiley. Vol. 1 Washington: Government Printing Office,. 1947. The best authority about the. U.S. Army organization in World War I I.. Special Office of _the European Theater Historian. Order of Battle. Collections European Theater of Operations. Paris: 1945. Information in -this D769.2- reference includes abbreviations. calendars, comparative statistics. .U47o summaries of divisional equipment. organization and- strength, organic compositionof divisions,casualties and. atableof geographical sub--divisions.

UA23 - US..General Staff. Report on the Organization of the Land Forces of the .U55 United States. Washington: Government Printing = Office.' 19 I 2. 'A detailed description of the organization...with charts-of the U.S. Army before.- World War I. - Reference. Military Intelligence Division. Histories -of Two Hurwked. and D609 Fifty-One Divisions of the German Army .1.Fhich Participated in the

_.G33- War. (1914-1918). Washington: GovcfnMent Printing Office. 1920. ..-:. .A2 _This sotirce-, was compiled from intelligence records of :the American Expeditionary Force in 1919. A chart shdSving the compositioin °reach . German Armv. divisionis included asis an evalUation of the performances of each divisioR. in 1917 and 1918. Museum Military Intelligence Division:' Order of Be3 tile of the German UA7I0 Army 1 March 1945. 2 vol. Washington: 1945..This soce contains p.U550 intelligence regarding the status'of German units as ofd'r 1st 1945. -35 Museum U.S. Military Intelligence Service. Handbookof the Italian Military Forces. . UA740 3 August 1945. 2 vol. Washington: 1945. Thisis a good descriptive .U61h source-for details about Italian military equipmentduring World War II inchiding planes and artilleryas well as armed forces organizations. . D57 U.S. War. Department: Battle ParticiPation..of -Orgarrizations.4.of the ------American-Expeditionary Forcesin France,- Belgium -and !rats, 1917= ..U68 1918. Washington: Government PrintingOffice. 1920. Divided into two parts: Part I lists the battles in Which each unit participated.part 11 diagrams each unit's major operations andsectors. Special Handbook on Japanese Military. Forces. 'Washington;Govern- Collections merit Printing Office.1944. A source for the: descriptionand organization of the Japa nese Army during WorldWar Ii. Illustrations. charts kind signal code signs make thisaunique.English source. Periodicals.. Adjutant General's Office. MilitarylnformatiOn Division. .Notes and Statistics of Organization. Armament andMilitary Progress in American and European Armies. No. 4. Washington:Government Printing Office. 1894.

Notes and. Statistics of Organization... No. 8. Washington: 1896.

These good historicalsources have statistical- charts and some illustrations. =

. 4- . liA799: Notes and Tables on Organization andEstablishment" of the- . U5 : Spanish -Arent in the Peninsula and Colonies. 3rd_ed.... Washington: 1898 Government, Printing Office. 1.898. Best Englishsource for the study of . the Spanish Army during the _Spanish-AmericanWar including. . organizations. dress, and officer rosters. ... _.. LIA15 ,,. U.S. War Department. Office of the Chiefof Staff War College DiVision. .U482 General'Staff. Number 22. Strength and Organizationof the Armies: of France, Germany. Austria; Russia.England. Italy. Mexico and Japan (Shoying Conditions,-7,in July.1914). Washington: .Govrnment Printing Office. 1916. A pre-WorldWar I study of major -military: 'forces with analysei and charti. UA500 Wallace. Lee A.. comp. A Guide to Virginia Military_. Organizations. 1861-1865- Richmond: Virginia Civil War-Commission, 1964.. A detailed listing by units giving cOncisehistoriesof seryice of all Virginia Civil War units. A listing of local yrEsignationsis also included-

ORDNANCE, PLANES; . SHIPS AND VEHICLE-SOURCES V9 -1Almanacco Navale. Editedby Giogerini. c., and Nani. A. Rome.Italy:* - .A4 Revista Marittima, 1922 to date. annual.Navies of the world are described in alphabetical order_ in 'thisalmanac. To assist English.' French and German leaders, there isamulti-language conversion card which serves as a glossaric of Italianterms. It includes a color section on mercantile and naval flags.

56. a' Special Aries.. Christian. Armes Blanches Militaires Francaises. 15 parts: Paris: Collections 1966-1970. An illustrated source for information about French pole arms and breast plates of the I8th, 19th, and 20th-centuries. Includes a glossary of terms. U F560 Brassey's Artillery of the World. Edited by R.G.S. Bidwell. Boulder, Colo.: .B68 - , , Westl.ieiv, A:276. --The source- describes characteristics and perfor- mances of artillery equipment and rockets in service throughout the world. U D370 Brassey's Infantry Weapons of the World.. London: Seeley Service and .B7 Cooper.1975. Thisisa good detailed source which includes illustrations.

0818 .Brown. Rodney Hilton. American Polearms. 1526-1865: The Lance. ,38I4am Halberd. Sporztoon.Pike and Naval Boarding Weapons. New Milford. Ct.: Norm Flayderman. 1967. The most detailed study- of AmeriCan polearrns, well illustrated and documented. A directory of- , American polearms makers is included. , - UF620 Chinn, George Morgan. The Machine Gun: HistoPy. Evolution and .A2 Development of Manual, Automatic. and Airborne Repeating .C441 Weapons., Prepared for the Bureau of Ordnance. Department of the Navy. 4 vol.. with 1 I -parts. Washington: Government Printing Office: 1951-1955. This graphically illustrated reference is also a design analysis of automatic fii:ing mechanisms and related components of machine guns. Reference Combat Fleets of the World. 1976/1977: Their Ships. Aircraft. and VA40 Armament. Edited by Jean Labayle Couhat. Translated by James J. .F6413- McDonald. 1st English cd. Annapolis, Md.: U.S. Naval Institute. 1976 to date, biannual. This series was began in .1897. The French edition is ptiblished a year early. It supplements Jane's Fighting Ships and includes such noncombat auxiliaries as icebreakers and oceanographic- vessels. U F520 Dooly. William G.. Jr. Great Weapons of World War L New York: Walker,. .D67 - .1969. This illustrated survey of principal weapons. planes and warships used during. World War I includes some technical notes.. -: Museum -Edwards, William B. Civil War Guns: The,Complete Story of Federal aid U D383 -_ Confederate Small A_ rms: Design.Manufacture.Identification. .E26c Prfiacurement.Issue,Employment.Effectiveness.and Postwar -- Disposal. Harrisburg, Pa.::Stackpole. 1962. The most descriptive of . .available Civil War gun books. Reference Fedorckff. Basil T.. and Sheffield. Oliver E. Encyclopedia of Explosives and -11.J F860 Related Items. 4 vol.- published to date. Dover. N.J.:- Picatinny Arsenal, 1960- .This is the most detailed encyclopedia of its kind in print. 4. Reference Gardner. Robert E. Small Arms Makers: 4. Directory of Manufactures of U13380 Firearms. Edged .Weapons. Crossball...s and. Polearms. New York: .0176s Bonanza, 1963. Foreign as well as 'American makeri arc listed with their place of business. years in business and d6criptions of the weapons produced. Marks of makers are illustrated and a fine bibliography of source material is included. 66446.5 Guinness Book of Tank Facts and Feats: A Record of ArmouredFighting _.G83 Vehicle Achievement, Edited by Kenneth John Macksey.Enfield. England: Guinness Superlative, 1972. This booktraces. the historical development of armoured vehicles, beginning in World War I. Ithas appendices covering . tankuse inbattles and a bibliography._ U D380 Gun Digest. Chicago: Gun Digest. 1956 to date, annual. Thts isan annual firearms encyclopedia that includes enlarged drawings_ ballistictables, technical data. field tests. a manufacturer's directory, technicalarticles and a price guide for colleciors and traders. Reference Hanniball. August. comp. Aircraft. Engines and Airmen:A Selective Z5063 Review of the PeriodicalLiterature, 1030-1969.- Metuchen.N.J.: .A2 Scarecrow. 1972. This refirence is divided into font- 'parts: aircraft._ .H34 aircraft engines, biographic of fighter pilotaces and air forces. There is a name index as well as an index of air force symbols. UF525 Hicks, James Ernest. and Jandot, Andre. French Mili(aryWeapons 1717 to .F8 1938. New Milford, Ct:: Norm Flayderrrian, 1964. An illustrated .H529f technical source for French ordnance before World War11. Much of- ,- thc data is from official French Armysources. UFI5 Hogg. Ian. and Eiatchelor. John. Artillery.- New York: 'CharlesScribner's 1972. A well illustrated concise source for 20th-centui'y artillery weapcins. A picture index is particularly helpftil. U D380 and Weeks. John. Military Sthail /inns of the 20th Century. 3rd _H58., ed. New York: Hippocrene Books..I977. This. book hasexcellent coverage of small arms used by military troops. Museum Hogg. 0.F.G. English Artillery. 1326-1716: Being the. History of Artillery. U F57 London: Royal Artillery lnsiitute. 1963.. The most detailed artillery .H679e source in English for the time period. It includes tables of organization and illustrations_ Reference Jane's All the World's Aircraft. London: Jane's-Yearbooks, 1909to date, TL50 I -annual_ 'This is produced with the cooperation of the world's aircraft .J254 industries. Over 750 civil and military aircraft of thirty -five countries are described-and illustrated. Bi-monthly supplements are published in Air force Magazine. Earliervolumes need to be el: insulted for air craft .no Ionger in production but still in 'use. This source is divided by country and subdivided by pibduction companies. . . Reference Fighting Ships. London: Janes Yearboo ks. 1897to date. 'VA40 annual. Some 15,000 vessels of more than one hundred countries.are .J336 r- silhouetted. photographed and-described. Ships arc presented with ' comparative assessments of naval strengths. This source is unrivaled ,-because of its vast scope. Indexed by name.

. . Reference Infantry Weapons. London: Jane's Yearbook. 1975to date. U D390 annual) This isanew basic reference tool about rifles, grenades. anti- armour weapons, pistols, submachine guns, mortars and anti-aircraft weapons. Weapons, arranged by country. are illustrated and described. Nomenclature is well defined. - -

58 64 Refcreptte Weapon. Systems. London: Jane's' Yearbooks. 1969'to date. 13104 annual, This is the international reference kookon modern weapons .J254 development. Little-known information is often found. Illustrated. UF520 Kirk, John and_ Young_Robcri. Jr..Greai Weapons of_WorldWar ll. -New .K634g . York: Walker 1961. An illustrated survey of principal smallarms. planes. warships, artillery and tanks of World War I1: Some technical notes are included. 41111, Reference Krivinyi. Nikolaus. ed. World Military Aviation: Aircraft.Air Forces and . TK685 Weaponry. New York: Arco. 1972. This reference givesa brief sketch .K7313 of 126 air forces, including their 'strengths. aircrafttypes. bases. insignias and weaponry. It includes-a useful glossary.

Reference Morison. Samuel L., and Rowe. John S.. comp..The Shipsand Aircraft of ,,...... E1/1 CZ VA61 the U.S. Fleet. .10th edition. Annapolis. Md.: U.S. Naval Institute. ....:XI _c .M6 '::4 1975. Useful in -tracing the U.S.. NaY"y and U.S. CoastGuardlrom ...... 1. ,K.I.. ...I. '17 World War II to the present with illustrations andspecification of . -.S3 -E-> ships and aircraft. An addenda liststhe date each ship was =....e "..e r:13 . commissioned and thereis a glossaryry of terms and abbreviations. --;-_..073- . ..- .. - .. . .s.. Q L.+ - Reference 4.,. = Moyer. Frank A. Foreign Weapons Handbook. Boulder. Colo.:Pantl-rer.- ...... ,'-6-. Cd U D380 1970, A handy source for data onsmallarms with illustrations and 7 .k1874 ... ., =2 0 -c) photographs. .. =: ": >.._tn. . - . -... U F561 NA Infantryand Its Weapons. Edited by-J.1. H. Owen. Boulder.. Colo.: a.4.tts =..... --- .N76 "West.view, 1976. This is a guidelci the .,._. weaponry used by NATO forcfes., .-.., . ----el.0 _ -The book includes a glossary.and abbreviations. Some datedtactical. .- 2-.4-,:,&.4 {-,D iz":2 and strategic assessmentia however. are included: ,. , - 4 - ' -e . UG446.5 '' - .--,. Ogorkiewicz. Richard. M. Armoured:, Forces.A History of Armoured .... t. .65 . Forces and their Vehicles. New York: Arco. 1970. This is an excellent .2 < ...t.... . historly of the development oE mechanized warfare bya noted armor o aythority. =ez* : cs : . 3. . C--i.; , = R. VF15- ..Pdfield. Peter: Guns at Sea. New-York:Sc. . Martin's. 19741* This source' ..2....v,.. ..P33 .. graphically traces the evolution of naval weaponry. Illustrations taken ,..::: E7s, `h. from primary sources are an outstanding feature of thebook. ca . a ..= --v... _v , 26834 . o en . Paine. Thomas O. Submarining: Three Thousand Booksand Articles. , >,;:, .S9 -- Santa Barbara. Cat.: GeneralElectric TEMPO Center for -NZ' . P35 . Advanced Studies. '1971. This compilation of printed materialsabout Y submarine?arfare is arranged by author and-title.-Some foreigntitles -. are included as arc general fiction books and a few pamphlets. .s . Reference Peterson. Harold Leslie. cd. Encyclopedia of Firearms. NewYork:. E.P. UD380 Dutton, 1964. A good one volume on smallarms throughout history. .P442cn

U Fl5 Round Shot and Raminers.'Harrisburg.. .P47 Stacki5ole.I969..A useful- illustrated book with descriptions of 18th-centuryartillery pieces and. how-they were used. . Reference P_ oltnar. Norman. ed. World CombatAircraft Directory. New York! Tt`685.3 Doubleday. 1976. The most up-tci-date guideto the world's -air force .P77 .and contemporary military aircraft. §ion -AirOrder of Batt le- js a coulizry-by-country review -of the size.. strength 'and-aircraft' of .105: . countries. -

C 59 ---., Special efairm.Ray, comp. Guns and Shooting: A Selected Chronological Collections Bibliography. New York: Greenberg, [951. The finest annotated Z6724 1-bab iography of its *kind covering-books from 1420 throtmh .1950. -- .M9 including .many military manuals. A list of andan .R5 author's index enchance this book: - -

. . - . . -UF523 Ripley. Warren. Artillery and Ammunition of the -Civil _War. NewYork: .R482ar Van Nostrand Reinhold. 1970. The'best_single source for hard-to-find information about Civil War era artillery. The illustrated book isan aid to identifying 1?oth, weapons and ammunition. .: .. . . - Reference Smith, Joseph a Small Arms of the Wald: A Basic Manual of Sthall Arms. UD380 10th ed. Harrisburg. Pa.: Stackpole, 073. This is-a basic reference .S663s work on hand-hcld,shOulderand machine guns used by military forces of the world_ The military' weapons currently in use are listed. described and well-in uStrated. It is arranged alphabetically by Country.

... _ -. Special Stone, George Cameron. A Glossary-of the Construction:..Decoration. and Collections -,Use of Arrns.and Armour in all Countries and in all Times: Together U800 with some Closely Relate"( Subjects. New York: Jack Brussel. 1966. .S87 :- The best source on ancient arms and armour written- in English. I - . TL685.3 Taylor, John W.R..alnd Swanborough,- - Gordon...ed. ancicornp. Militarfv .T326 Aircraft of the World Re%-rised ed: -New York: Charles Scribner'Sons: 1976. This is the most complete-sirigievolumc Z:4' its kind. Each aircraft is given a double page spread which includeSa text. tables and illustrations. A comprehensive index of aircrgft types. withcross- references, add to the value of this reference. Reference. U.S. Division of Naval- History. Dictionary. of American. Naval Fighting VA61 Ships. 7 vol. projected. Washipgont: Government Printing Office. .U53d I959-. This series preZents brief histories. arranged alphabetically by ship name. of all U.S. Navy warships, auxiliaries and service craft from 1775 to the present. Special U.S. War Department. Ordnance Office. Ordnance Notes. 1-357 With Collections Index. 13 vol. Washington: 1873 - 1884. The series has an author. U F7 subject and title index to technical ordnance information of the period .U59' _ including historical and foreign studies. U F561 Warsaw Pact Infantry and its Weapons. Edited by J.1. H.' Owen: Boulder. .W37 . Colo.: Westview, 1976. This source deals with non-portable equipment and training of the seven Warsaw Pact member countries. No source of references is provided. V 10 Weyer's Warships of the World. Compiled by Alexander Bredt. English ed. .W.544 2 vol. Annapolis, Md.: U.S. Naval Institute. 1968 to date. annual. A German edition is publiished,a yearearlier. It is a compact. statistically oriented series with good coverage of 'both Soviet and United_States navies_ It includes both drawings and jisittOtcrgraphs of ships andplanes... Reference Wragg. David William.. World's Air Forces. New York: Hippocrene. 1973. UG630 Useful fOr the information itcontainsabout the air forces of small .W7 countries. It'also contains .an `alphabetical descriptipn of modern L-aircraft and-major- defence agreementsand alliances. -

60 STATISTICS OF WARS D805 Beebe. Gilbert "Wheeler. and.DeBakey. Michael E. Battle Casucthies: .U5 Mortality, and Logistic Considerations. Springfield. III.: , 84 Charles C.:Thomas. -1952. Although this ts.an unofficial-source it isone of the few containing information on WOrld War li.battle casualties..

. , E470. Campaigns of the Civil Car: Statistical Record of theN4rnies of the United .C18 States: Compiled by Frederick Phisterer. Supplementary vol: 13. 1885. Reprint. New York: Jack Brussel* 1959. Phistcrcr's work contains lists of armies, corps, departments. engagements and general of.fers. 1_7/%15 Dupuy. Richard Ernest. World in Arms: A Study iri Military Geography. D9-'9 . 2nd ed.'Harrisburg. Pa.: Military Service Publi.4hing. 1940. Unofficial . pre-World War 11 survey of army, air forces andnavy strengths arranged alphabetically by country. Reference .Dupuy, Trevor Nevitt. Hayes. .Gface P.. and Andrews, John A.C.:comp. UA157 The Almanac of WorId Military Power. 3rd cd. New York: R. R. .1)929 Bow ker. 1974. A recent source for comparative statistics of the armed forces of 140 countries. *Federal German Republic. Bundesministcriuin "Fur Verteidigung. Logistik Glossar ...Bonn: 1959. This unique reference source. written in English. French and Gerina.n. contains a glossary of rogistics, an index and an appendii of abbreviations. - `971.7 Fox. William Freem.an. Regimental Losses in the American Civil War 1861- . F7 1865: A T r e a t i s e on the Extent a n t i Nature o f the Mortuary l o ls e s in- the U n i o n Regiments... 1889. Reprint.. Dayton. 0.: Morningsidc Bookshop.1 976. A classic Civil. War reference book used to rate Union _regiments-and . to analyze battles. U11390 Hughes. B. P. Firepower: Weapons Effectiveness on the -Battlefield. 1630- .H83. 1850. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1974. Particularly useful for its many clean diagrams. History Livermore. Thomas Leonard: Numbers and Losses in the Civil War in Depact. America.-4861-1865. 2nd ed. 1901. Reprint. Bloomington:' Indiana E491 Urdversity Press. 1957. A statistical account based primarilyon official .L71 'redbrds. UAJ.5 n. International Institute for Strategic Studies. Military BalanCe. .I.846m Boulder. Colo.: Westvicw. 1959 to date. annual.- This handbook contains the most current and 4.16- ".-c! survey of military capabilities of many nations. Defense- pac: -- cements. expenditures. man- power. equipment. strength of ormations. arms transfers and GNP [gross national. prod._:c; co.ered.

Special , Neese. r. Robert Wilden. Statalrical and Chronological History of the United Collections State.i Navy. 1775-1907. 2 vol. 1909. Reprint. New York: B. Franklin. VASS 197.1. The bibliographyinthis reference includes,: government .N38 -document.; not cited in Myron Smith's American Naval Bibliogrg.phy


Ce Reference Peckham. Howard H.. cd. The Toll of Independence:tgagements. and . E230 Battle Casualties of the American Revolution. Chigo:-University of .P35 Chicago Press, 1974. An accurate Ad up-to-date compilation of American Revolutionary War engagements. Itis Chronologically arranged with anAndex and a. bibliography. DS920.6 Reister, Frank A. Battle Casualties and Medical Statistics: U.S. Army Experience in the Korean War. Washington: Department of the Army.- Surgeon General, 1973. This is an expansion of the 1952 book Battle Casualties with more statistics and charts. . - U H224 Medical Statistics in.-World War Washington: Government 1941145 Printing Office, 1076. Useful for U.S. World War lestatistics. .U54, 1976 Reference Sinews of Independence: Monthly Strength Reports of the.Continental E259 Army. Edited by Charles ,H. Lesser. Chicago: Univeristy of Chicago _S56 Press. 1976. A new primary source valuable for the study of the Continental Army. Units, commanders. locations ofcamps and monthly manpower. rollsr throughout the American Revolutionary War make this a vital statistical source. U21.2 -Singer, .11- David. and Small. Melvin. Wages-, of War 1816-1965..4 .S57 Statistical Handbook. New York: John Wiley and Sons. 1972. This handbook contains basic statistical data for all recentwars including tables showing casualty variables. correlations and trend ihdicabtors. J . Reference Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. Resources Deigozed. to U390 Military Research and Development: An Inter-National.ComPlarison. .S76 New -York: Humanities. 1972. 'The only reference estimating.on . world wide basis. the quantity of. resources devotedto military research and development. Charts and statistical tablesare included as is a - bibliography. Special U.S. Army Service Forces. Control Division. Statistical Review, World War II. A Summary of Army Service Forces Activities.,Washington: D769.75 Statistics Branch. Control Division. kleadqUarters, Army Service .U47 Forces, War Department. 1946. A -reference book of :statistical summaries of World War It U.S. Army casualties. logistics and other war related items during forty-five months of war. CD570. I U.S. General Staff. Statistics Branch. War with Germany: A Statistical .U55 Summary.Compiled by LeonardPorterAyres.Washington: Government Printing Office, 1919. Although dated. much information in this source is still pertinent to U.S. participation in World War I.

UNIFORMS AND EQUIPMENT REFERENCES N K3670 Albert. Alphaeus Homer. Record of-American Uniform and Historical .A48 Buttons, with Supplement .. 1775-1973. 2nd ed, Boyertown. Pa.: Boyertown, 1973. This is the most compIeillustrated and descriptive survey of -u.s. Army buttons.

62 4:r. -'". . . : ' - - , .- / ..Re fey en de. Army Museums Ogilby Trust,. Index to Brkish Military. Costume Prints..

UC485. -- 1500-191_4.... London:. 172. An fildex to over . .published prints..It Gt. . ctirttains indexes" toarti CS; authors_ engravers.-Iithographers. ?winters. .A741 In . -subjects, publishers an "'nits: ..- .

Special . :too . BIeckwenn,HansHerauSgeieben.. Das ,Alterpreussa-he Herr Collections,. 'j. -Ersheinzirzgsbild' find Wessen, 1713-4807. :8-: vol. 1902. Reprint. UA718 Osnabrilck.- Austiia:.Biblio _Verlag_ I 970-1977.-This finely illustrated detailed source 'describes German state armies flags. hats. uniforms _B55 --.- and infantry units froin the time of Frederic_ k the Great through the

Napoleonic cra. . .

_ : - -, OC49 3 Brinckerhoff. Sidney p. Boots and Shoes of arc Frontier Soldier. 1865-1893: .874 Tticson: Arizona Historical :Society.. -1976. The best illustrated and doCumented source on the topic. UC533..: Metal. Uniforim Insignia of the Frontier U.S. Army. 1846- 1902.- B78 Revised cd_Tucsonf Arizona Historical Society, 1972.. A detaild and well illustrated guide to U.S. Army insignia during the 19th-century. VC303 Castanoi,4ohn B.. comp. :Naval Officers Uniform Guide. Annapolii...Md.: .C36 . U.5 Naval Institute. 1974. This is a useful source for current uniform regulations for both the U.S. Navy and U.S.:Marine Corps_ *Colas. Rene. Bibliogiaphie General Du Costume Et De a. Marie. 2 vol. Paris: Librarie Rene Colas, 1937: It has a good bibliography of military costume. .

. . C480 Company of Military HistOrians. Military Uniforms in America.. .Edited .C6. by John R. Elting. 3 yol. projected. San Rafael. Presidio. 1974- : A good source for information about uniforms of units that have . seen action,in North America from the colonial wars through the U.S. Indian Wars. CoIorethpfates and references enhance this series. Special Creswell: Keppel Archibald Cameron. corn..' Bibliography of Arms and Collections Armour' in Islam. London: The Royal Asiatic Society. 1956. Included ale the categoriesl,of "bows and. arrows," --artillery,- -Greek fire:

.A7 -hand grenades.- -flags and Standards.- "tents." and -swords.- . .C7

...... UC480 Funcken; Fred. and Funcken. Liliane. Arms and Uniforms Ancient .F77 Egypt to the Eighteenth Century: Translated by Ward Lock. L967. Reprint. Los Angeles: Optimum, 1974.- - t UC480 , Late Eighreerit. h Century to the 'Present pay. Los Angeles: .F77 -Optimum, 1974.. UC480 The Napoleonic Wars. 2 p . Translated by Ward Lock. 19158_ .F8213 Reprint. London: Ward Lock. 1975.. . ( . - - .. .,,....3.1..... UC480 The First Woild War 2pares-. Translited-by Ward Lock. 1'970. _ z" .F813 Reprint. Los Angeles: Optimum.U.974. A U C480 TheSecond Woild.War.'4'parts. New York: Hippocrene Books. .F81.3 1977.

O 141 . 63


0. Theseries is the most complete source far military clothing and .badges of _rank from the time of the Egyptian Pharaohs through. World War II. The colored plates add to the series'. research value. --

.UC485 Great Britain. War Ofiice. Dress Regulations for the Army 1900. Reprint. _ .G7 a Devon. England: David and Charles, 1970. This is useful for detailed G798 information and contains line drawings and photographs.. Museum Hardin, Albert N.. Jr.- A frzericitrt Bayonet.- 1776-1964. Philadelphia:.Riling :UD400.. . and Lentz. 1964. The most detailed illustrated source for information }-12.19an about U.S._.A.rmy bayonets throughout history. . M uscum HoWell.Edgar..M., and Kloster. Donald. E. United Stares Army Headgear UC503 to-1902.- Catalog of United States.Army Uniforms in the Collections of .H839u. . the Smithsonian Institution.2 vol.Washington: .Smithsonian Instittition,. 1969 and Government Printing Office. 1976. A projected series on regular army dress. The two volumes are well illustrated with detailed_. notes. - liVC305 Jarrett. Dudley. British Naval Dress. London: J. M. Tent and Sons. 1.960. r., This .well illustrated work includeS British naval badges. istory Lavisse, EmileCharles.- Compararive3Widies-of the Field Equipmentofthe Department_ Foot Solider of the French and Foreign 4 rmies. Translated by Edward UC460 P.-Lawton. Washington Government Printing Office. 1906. This is the: .L394c most descriptive source for preLWorld War I armies anaincludes-both ..photographs and charts of uniforms and field gear- ,UC485 Llull, FrancisCo. and Hefter, Joseph. Bibliografia Iconografica Del Traje .S7 Militar de. Espana: Incluy.endo las Tropas de Los Antiguos Virreiniztos L779b Y Color:las. Y Las Extranjeras Que Militaron Bajo Sus Banderas. , Mexico City: J. Hefter. 1963. Annotated' pictorial bibliography of Spanish military dress. U818 Lord. Francis A. Civil War'Collector's Encyclopedia: Arms. Uniforms. and .L884c Equipment of. the Union and Confederacy. 2 vol. Harrisburg. Pa.:. ,Stackpole. 1963 and Columbia. S.C.: LON Americana and Res arch_ 1975. This illustrated source describes both military and'civilian items used by soldiers. including European articles. Reference Moll°. Andres. Naval ,,Marine and Air-Force: Uniforins of World War 2 UC480 New .i;ork: Macmillan, 1976.. Uniform descriptions and illustrations not found elsd'Where may be located in this source; -- : U133 Mos.. James Alfred. _Officer's Manual. 9th ed..--Menasha. Wis.: George .M85 Banta. 1943-.. Although this bassi:le-en superceded-by recemeditions.of--- the U.S. Army. Officer Guide. M ass' 9th 'edition is still useful World War II uniform. arms and equipment inventories and illustrations_ ...- Also of,histbricat interest_ is the chapter on customs.. N K806 Neumann._.George. :C.. .Kravic. frank.. Collector's Illustrated En- .N37 cylcopedia-ofthe American Revolution. Stackpcile, 1975.:A.- OhotograPhic source illustrating each type' of clothing. -equip;rrient-and-arrris of-the A Revolutionary soldier. Some of the ex'arn-plev.,:-however.;.lare utionary War items. -

'.. . UC480 Pericoli. Ugo. 1815-The Armies at Waterloo. Nilk York: Charles Scribner-7-i- _P44 Sons; -1973. A..gclod descriptive and eolor illustrated referenceon - Napoleonic period uniforms and equiprrient... . '-.UC263 Peterson. Hrold-,.f..eslie. The BoOk of the Continental Soldier: -.Be;g- A .P442b Complete Account of the Uniformsz: Weapons. and EquIPment.- Harrisburg. Pa.: Stackpole.. 1968. The best source for L.S. Army American Revolutionary War Period supplies. stores; firearms. and Continental Army administration.' VC303 Rankin. Robert H. Uniforms of the Sea Services: 'A. Pictorial Histor-- .R 1 67_11 Annapolis. Md.: U.S.. NaVal Institute. 1962. This source.is beautifully `.illustrated with somecolor plates: The book is well Written andhas an-1-1 extensive index and bibliography. Uniforms and decorations of the- - U.S.,Marine Corps. U.S. Navvand U -.S. Coast Guardare .described.. D769.75 Richardson. Eudora Ramsay. and Allan. Sherman. 'Quartermaster.. SupPlr -.R393 in the European. Theater of Operationsin World War IL 10 vol: Camp Lee. Va.: The Quartermaster. School. _1947-J950.,This is the most detailed sourcefor Wbrld War Il U.S. Army quartermaster supplies.- UC667 Steffen, Randy. United Stares Military Saddles. 18/2-1943. Nor-man: :S76 University of Oklahoma Press. 1973. The most detailedsource about the history of U.S. Army saddles. U C485. Strachan. _HeW. British Military Uniforms 1768-1796: The Dress of the .G7 . British.Armv from Official Sdurces. London: Arms and 'Armour. .S68 1975. A useful source for American Revolution and early N'apoleonic British Army uniforms and equipment. 'Arranged chronologically !D' branch of. service with illustrations and an index. UC463 Todd. Frederick Porter. American Military Equipage.. /851-1872. 6 vol. .T6 . projected.- Providence_ R.1.: The Company of Military Historians. 1975- The most detailed descriptive and illustrated survey of the subject., The American Civil War soldier's sairors's.and marine's uniforms and- equipment are emphasized. UE57 Tylden. G. Horses and Saddlery: An Account of the Animals Used by the .T9 . British and Commonwealth Armies from theSeventeenth Century to the present Day with A Description of their EqUipment. London: 1.A; Allen, 1965.This.- -is the most_ detailed source with good illustrations.-- extensive bililiografifiv and' a. glossary is included:

...... , Audio '''_; U.S. -Department of the' Army.-,Office of Military History. The American . , . Visual- Soldier.--3 se_ ts-o£.30 colored plates with text: Illustrated by H. Charles . McBa'rron. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1964-1970. The illustrationS epict American fightingmen between 1775 and :1965. This series is the most accurate portrayal of U.S. Army uniforms. Audio -- Naval Hist-ory'Division: Office of the Chief of NaVal operations. Visual - Uniforms,. of theUnited States Navy.1776-1898. Washing:on: Government. Printing Office. 1966. This series contains twelve folio - sized 'colored plates of uniforms of offieers and enlistedmen with an accompanying text. This is the most accurate U.S. Navy uniform- series.

f . . U.S: War Departrnent. Quartermasters. Departmern.Specifications for ..U65 Clothing: Camp"and Garrison Equipage. and Clothingand Equipage Materials. Philadelp ,Phila.delphiaDepot of the QuarierrnaSter's Department; 1889: A pod source -for uniforms andequipment of-the

U.S. Army during the Median wars.. . Special :Vittorio del Guidice EIi-o e.- Uniform Milittirfluzliane.Dal 1851 Ai Grorni ' Collections Nostri. 2 vol. Milano; Italy: .Bramante.: 1968.. Thisis i beatitifully' UC485.,18 illuStrated source for_ information -about uniforms ofevery Italian V853u . military and naval unit from 1861_ to .1968.


-Reference Gale ',;.-7;:, , h Company. EnCyclopedia of Associiztions: National: H517 -..:- a:ions of the United States. 3 vol. Detroit, Mich.: 1956to date. .G334 . .1. This is the best' source for finding the addresses. off-trials. . purposes and activities, of all current national organizations in the.

. - :' ,,-- United States. .. _ ... . ' r -

Company of Military 1-listorians: Ofnee _of the-Administrator. 1849 Post . Road,. Warwick, R.I. 02886. The. military. lore- of North.America is .described in its Journal of the Company of Military Historians:Its *.`Military Unifonni in Arnerica7 series consisting of colored _platesplates- with tek'contains much, original research about military units. - "Military Music in America"' is' a -series of LP records containing... military music of America's Wars played in the original mariner...;.- -Council Ore -Ai ndofied.MilitarS, pints,Secretary Herb M. Hart. CAMP --;--P.4.:11--ok-gril., 'Arlington, Va. 22210."Camp" is an active historical ganizatiortinterestedin 'identifying,16cating.memorializing. . Ow--erving and recounting the history and traditiohs of old military

instaliations. Amonthly newsletter. Headquarters Heliogramand-the quarterly Periodical magazine. present- current information about abandoned military inStallations and whai's goingon in U.& Military : history.: , - _ . 'Dwight D. Eisenhower_ Institute- for HistOrical Research, Director.Dr. Form:-C. Pogue, Roorri 460 1. Smithsonfarr National Museurrt of Histor, and Technology. 14th St. and Constitution Avenue, N.W. Washington. D.C. 20560. The,:institute stimulates military history research.particularly about -World War .II by servingas a . clearinghouse for documents pertaining to history_ flag Research Center, Director, Dr. Whitney- "Smith..Edgehill Road. Winchester, Massachusetts 01890. The center coordinates_ flag history. vexillology. .

66 7-4 TheFOrtress Study Group. 24 Walters Rdehestex.. Kent M E3 . 9:1R... England. Anew group founded-in I975'interested in the study of forts built since the introduttion Of gunpoWder:The organization hasa semi-annual-journal and newsletter caltd Fart.: , '6 Institute of Heraldry. Cameron...Station.. Alexandria. Va. 22314. The -Institute of Heraldry prodtiCes. "nosy- of..the federalgovernment - emblems. badges and-me. library!is the final Authority on the use and proper display of ited State. flags. medals and ranks according to hgralfity. laws., -7 4

- 1 - InternatioQa1 IviiiiiarY N.uSic Society, --S,ecretary, Treasurer liAtry LS. Phimlett, 93 Springtiank. Lakenham. Norwich..NRI :2LH England_ --The. organization founded in 1977 encaturagets Military music research- ',throughout the world. Its newslettei is. Band Call: Najional Archlijes and Records. Seri ice. '8t.h.-"Stre;t and 'Pgrilisylyania Avenue..7 Wa;ihingtott:.- -13.t.: .20408: Service records, land "'bounty 'records and pension claims of United States*servicemen before4900 are often the only existing records of individualMilitary- are divided into two branches;: The Navy and Old' Army Branchincludes records of the. U.S.- Navy to 1954 and:of the U.S. Army to19'40: The -Modern Military Branch containg.records of.the U.S. ArmY from1940 to 1954 and.also includescaptured -World Waril enemy recordsas well -as records of the .Nurernherg and Tokyo war trials. National' Personnel Re: ds C-enter. GSA (Military Personnel Records) -.9700 Page Boule St. Louis, Mo. 63132. The Center isa permanent ? depository fdr no..r---rrent Department of Defensepersonnel records since 1900. .- Smithsonian Instittition. -Mtiseum of History, and Technology_ Depaarnent of National and Military History. Constitution Avenueat 14th Street. - N-.M.,Washington...13..C., 205.60. Division of Military History. Curator 'Graddock Goins. Division" of. NSVal History...CUratOr .K. . Lstfridirberg;; .

National Air and Space Museum: Independence'Avenue at.7th -Street. N.W. Washington 201560. Three-tor. Michael Collins, . U.S_ Air Force. Albert -F. Sinipson. Historical ResearchCenter. Maxwell -Air Force Base, Ala_ 3611.2.. This is the laigest USAFlibrary and archives.Itincludes space _topics.politics and social- changes. Techiiical.documents. maps.and special bibliographiesare prepared at the Center's library.. =

Office. of History, Reference Services, ForrestalBuilding. 1000 Independence Avenue. S.W. Washington D.C. 20314" Theyconduct basic historical research and prepare bibliographies.

U.S. Army. Military History Institute. Carlisle Barracks, Pa.17013. This is the major collection Of works pertaining to U.S.% Army' history*.The Institute. publishes comprehensive bibliographies oftheir holdings about military history: - - U.S. Department of the Archly. Center of Military History. Room 6,4.-015. NorthForrestal.Building. -.WOOIndependenceAvenue. S.W. Washington D.C. 20314. This center conducts basic historicalleSearch projecti and prepareso,special bibliographies. All S. Army, history units are represented but the.Corps of Engirieers Winis in Eti1tirriore. Maryland. Army Library. Pentagon. Room _1A518,..Wa hington D.C. 20310. This librari, has large foreign affairs holdirigS is-was English and foreign language journals i1n the areas of 'military a law; science -.and- technology, sociol gy and .U.S. Army .studi They publish bibliographies and an of military affairs, pitics.. economics: etc. of oth& nat andand -geographie regions. ce ..of the Chief -of Public Affairs-. Cointhunity Relations DiViSion, WaThingtifin, 20310. This office maintains 7. roster of army-

_ organizations which include airborne :-. armored, caVarry and- infantry visions,! other nurnbered units,. and an alphabeiiCal, ....of'-Lost", or&inizations. AriexCellent source" hich can:be used to contact individuals concerning their xerriiniscences. ; Marine Canis -Historical Ceiiter. Building 5g. Washington Naval Yard.: Washington D.C. 20390; The tJSMC-Hiss and MuSeum Division /publishes histories, bibliographies. chrotio ogies and registers about the-USMC. . U.S.' Naval History Division. OperationaL- Aichives. 1 Building -'210,k.., Washington Navy Yard. 9th arld.:M.StreetS: S:-E: Washington, 20390: This is the chief depository for_.U.S._,Navy and Mari7.,Corps official feportsi irtcluding groups Of 'Japanese ,naval records.. , 'Historical 'Center and Library- ,:BuiIding 220. Washington NavyYard. 9th and IVI Streets, W.ashington:12.C. 20390. Its collection emphases naval science and international- law.

a .. ,-, .. , . . . .1 Abstracts of Military Bib-liagraphy p. 3 American University- -Washington,. D.C.. Admirristration of.theNavg De ..:neat .Special -Operations Research _in'World..ar II 53 . .-dnaVorer4ion=""WcLrfare Aerospace - 47 Arres-.:Can War Medals and Decorations . Naval 0-fficer'sGudi 45 The Americian Way of War .. - Almond.- Official Riicords'o? the- 'Amnesty iAmerica .. -.. Ib Arner..:cca: Civil: War:. A .ReScarc- Amr.esty- &sus and Conscientious Objection.... -'13 -. Guide 19 : Ander; -, Air Force Almanac -- Submarines; Diving and the -." = 4 L1 -dcrwate. World . .. ..,12.. Air Force. Corr-bat. Urr:te- of World-aar7ZI--- 24 Ander on: -A,Se:ect and Annotated Sibliogra-, --.. Air ',aro& M.agazir.e, Air For Cc Arr-rarac 4 . ... ny ' Air Force Officerce Guide ' ...... _45; Annalstof Congress ..... :41..- Air Force Register.-- , . 29 = Annotated Bibliography of the British..Army,.', -. . Air _Heraldry ' 35 1660-1914 - - 43_ ... -447..r Untnersity LiDE.,.-ry--Index tloMil-itary It Asvrual of. Power and Conflict.., ' 4 Per iedicali I> ` -31. *p.n.:4d Science and Tea-iv:clam?' Ir.d..-..-:--. - Aircraft, Engir-es and Al...-nzer:.., 58 --Arab.1"sracti ConfZia .-16 Albert.Records of. American Uniform '.' ..i,..rchitect.tae of War.. _ '--J. - _V-- ---.. 9 G7 'Id Historical Buttons ,...... - .:.-:.. 62 ' Aries_ :-. Aimee Blanches Mi..-if-tairesPran- Albion.-1.tat71 and Mar time. History .1: ..,. .. . , .... . 12 '. ,- .- c,---:.see...... r . 4 a. ...' . . . 7 . Al.foIdi.Armies of,Ausia-Bur.gary: and ; --- --:-;:-AII-Marrent-s-Yaar-:Book.'.... 4 'Girrmany; ;274072924' _ 43 ...; itImed 'Forces. JoUrf-..al,-see- Army and .17avy Allard- J. S. Naval; History -Sources 21 . - . ,, . , Journal. , -- ...... Allied Occnai.ationof,;:c=aan i... .15 . 26.. ' .The -Arrries,oflAustric-RUng..7;ra-nd Germto*.y... . , . Almanac of_Liberty ...... -..... -... 4- 2740-2924.."-...... - ...... - 43 Alnrznac ofNaval Facts 6, Armor. :. .. ' - 47 .47s=:-Lac ofWorldMilitary Po wfir 61 Armor-Cavalry.. 24 Allnanacco N=ale 56 Arnoured Forces ..... - ... ..^..---.- , -4. --'59 -.:.. -Alphabetical_Cuide to CertainWarOffice Arms and Uniforms., ,-.., -::-,-.63- and 0-,-..4.'.;e:r___-_,..Z.ittary Records .. 44 Armo COntrOl_and 3 Daa .alterpreussische beer erseheir44ngsbill Arms for Effrpire 23 und Weersen; 2723-1807- 63 ArMy.,:.: ..: " ' 48- Amann. -. Persormel- cif the Civil War.: 52' -Army Alma c. , . 4 -America: History and ... L-ife-- . 3 Army and Navy Journal -...-..--.' :26 --- , Amer-Lear: and -.British. Genealogy and Artity'Badges and Insignia.-e.f'. World War II...-.. 36 - Heraidry...:.....-....-; - . 27 Amy. Badges- and-_Indigrzia Sinq"e 2945,- 36 . Amer;i'can Archives- .. .-.. _ .. :- .- ...:-.' 40 ib.-Army Combat.Foraes Journal .. 48 American Arrn.".ea co-..'r.:.BattZ.eriezda- in- ,... "Araryl-.'.'Greer.' Boo7tri '5 - . Europe - . : 11 Army Grbund,Forces: .The Organ-:.aat-ion of American Association for Sate a.. nd.:I.Ocal ` J. . Gro...sr.d Combat Tr daps 55 . ...D--*"..e.et-ory. History. ... .IO . _American Bayor. .1776-7964 -Awry....tnfon=tion Digest l'wenty Year; Index 47 :..., 64 "' Armrd.:Lizge-. Series, see Infantry, Part I...23- .. -American Comaittee on the History of 'the.- --. Army -Liit and Directory Second World War. 9 Select Bibl-iogra- Army List-, Great Britain .. 27 - phy of Books on t.1-.e Second World War-- -Army Museums Ogilby Trust.Indesto British 2966-2975....: .18 Military Costume Prints 63 .4mericOn. Defense PolicySince 1945....::.: 13 Arrry of the United States 24 Amcricer.,,Heritc.ge Pictorial Atlaa of U.S. Army Organization 53 Hz-story ...... 7 Arm-, Quarterly and Defence Journal .1 47 - American Historical Association.' Guide to'. Army Quarterly In.de.r. 1 47 Historical Literature 1 Army Staff Officer'ir Guide 46- . American Historical-Association-Guides to Artillery " 58 OF-. rrnan Records -.4ficrofilmed at Artillery andAmnunition of the Civij War 60 Ale -=ndria, VA ...... - 43 Atiya The Crusade 15 American HistoriCal Association-Writinas Atlas of Early American History -7 on Arrzerican'History 2 Atlas of the American Revolution..: 7 American Historical Review .. 47 Atlas of the Arab-Israeli Conflict American -',filit=-y Equipage, 2852-1872.- ,. 65 - Ausalian Military. Sibliography 447-011101 American Mili....-"-y Insignia, 2800-2552-... 34 Aviation andSpaceDictiony American r:avai Bibliograohy Series . . Badges.. and Insignia of the British Arrned American Orders and Soo-La:tie 8 and Their- - Services Decorations ._. .-.. 35 Banks..World Atlas of Military :History American Revolution._ ..Atlas; U.S. Navy.... '8: -- Battle. Casualties ' 61 American Revolution., Ines ;,o Maps 7: ,-. Battle CaSualties and Medical Statistics: American Soldier 65- .L U.S.-- Arm,. -Korean. War . 62 American State Papers - 41 Battle' amou. rs of the British and'Ir.dian . American University.Washington, D.C. ..._' Aura's. .-- 3.5.-.. Foreign Areas'Areas' 2 tt.uiies (series) Batt le Participation of -Organizations of the- : . -,- 4 ....- .7 56 . ¶

&rttle St .ere of rhs LIS Navj ..' p.36 Bridge. Babcba.g Mor.oh ..p. 1. Batt 1sf eldfr. of Zar4 LI 2rif uidc to Redeo on A.r"à. POsts.. . -.. 9 Bauer. TeMfoan Wr 22 Brinckerhoff. Boots and Snea of te F,D Bauer. Sfioats and Horse Mnea - 21 So Z4isr . . 63 : Béadnej. Eclopaedc D .ary of -. Brinckerhoff.Metal Unifosn Zwigna of the ir.ccand War 37 . Ponier (1.5. An7j . 63 e. -Or of Batti. of - 52 sh Battles and Medals ...... 34 Bee . Satti Casaltisa ...... 61 .3rjsh Hro jt-f. Ind ...... 31 Beere. tothe Archit'cs of the BitiSh Mititar,j Unifors 2768-2 7.96; ..- .;.. 65 -. . Gover'vzent. of the Confe4eratc- St.atcs 19 &tiSh Naval Dress ..... - - . .-...... :.. . .' 64 a-'- Berg. Er.cjcZcpeda of Cr.ii Arriy -. Brittcu'. U.S. M ltar ShauZder PatCPC8. . . 34... Zh'-vte . 52 Brown PojZ526-186$ 57 -BbZ ..egrsf..a Toontraf deL Trajc Bruce Aotatsd Bthl ..ograpry of tae Br.t-sr F'Z,t&r de Eoper.a. - . - 64 A.rry, 2650-2924.. 43 . : . BbZographioZnde...... 30 Buthatan. nulative Subeot I,de.- to. thc

5bZochi S.o le...U.S..Dept of ts - Mantht# Catalogof (1.5; Covcrnvfent Pub- - . .. 2 l-..cc.t.ons ...... 31. "Aoi.bVots on t,rCl W. :,.The Btsllct., U.S. Coast Guard Acadey ...... 29 - . - the dect" . 20 Bunkley M'.l.tj and ,&avaZ.'eaog,-t..on Bblogp-' of Aet-.os _12 Booc j,'W I -. 34 Bbl.ogrry of .4r'nc and ...rnour Bureau of Railway Econoaics 1roda i.n Zelo' ...... 61- Defense ar4z...... -.i2 . BibZ.iag'aphy .f. Brtich story...... 1 Burie. BattzefieldI of 'L.gZand ...... ii. Hograp,y of Bor' 'laval P-star!l 28 Burne 'ore BattZefelda of EgZar4 "B-..2ograpnyof Coc'.t Dur.ng t'e Burt CongresconaZ. Rear.ngo on A.rne?car dmc2 ...... 19- Ravolution'. Defense. oU.cy...... -:.-.. 12 .. -

b 1 gp'y of Encycloped..ao and twn- Cagle 2avcl Ar.at.on C..de .. . 46. ar.es Deal.ng w.ti Mltary. lVava7, "CaZ.fori_a and the C-_.v-..l Wars' . 14 and .ze Affa.rs 37 Cor4c H-.sto"y Scrs . . .::. . - I of English tary Books 12 CA)!? ...... 66- B.bograp7rj of 'lag.e of Fore-.gn Nzt-..ons 36 ccnpa'gr o.2870-2872 - 53

8lpty ofPrinted of . 'of . eAercan Revouticr ...... ; - 7 Capbell.Amerid Militar I .fa...... 34 Biblio aphy of.Rcgimental Historeo of .. Cax.àda.' Dept.- of national Defense... . the .tiSh A-2"?y ...... 45 .. Regiments and Corps of the Canadian -. BibZravhtaf .Maritimc ar4 .Baval ...... 43 -...... 14 cadan -'' 1855-1968 ...... ABibiiography of Mode story ...... 2 Cappo. AtZ.e of Early American story.... 7 Bil'Ziographv of- the RiStOrZj of TZCkOZ- CePtacd and RcZatad .cacrda ...... 16

O...... 12 Carlisle Barracks. U.S. Ariy ttlitary His- A Bliography: r'e War ar4 N to Inetite ...... - ...... 67. Jeracy ...... 21 Carroll.. Roll Call on the Little Big Horn 27 Bicentennial Guide- to. the American .. Cary. Guide, to (AS. Army M4sewns ...... 10 Rcvoluton ...... -. 11. Castane. Navel Officers Uniform Guide ...... 63 Biogr'hicaZ.Dictionary of World War Ti. 29 catalog.' of. National Archives Microfilm Register ol. the Officers and P-41t- ...... ,* 33. Gro.duatcs of the U. S.. Military :C2vali Journal/Armor C'.uZative ZndsAs. 47

- 27 Cavalry Literature ...... 12 I BiogphInde.x ...... 26 Chad.ler. Battlefields of Europe ...... 11.. Black. :Gdc- War Source Materials Checklist of U.S. Public cnta ...... -. 31

-'-_ - of Archiva - 14 O4.097001 Warfare ...... 14 State of Missicaispi ...... 19 Chinese Red Army, 2927-2963 ...... ,. 45 .Zlakevey.Eeroe U.S. arir.e -Corps Chinn. Machine Cur ...... - ...... 57 Zags ...... "34 .4 Ckronology of American Aerospace Euenta. ... 6 Bin ey. Modern...... Rcvutiónc and Rcv'olu-. . Chronology of Mil'itory Crmaigns in China.,.. 6 16 Chronology of the Russian Army ...... 6 Blanchard. Korean War Bibliography ...... 21 A Chror.cZoy of the U.S.' Marine Corps ...... 6. Blood on the 5rder ...... 22 Chror.ology of the -(1.51 Navy ...... Biooberg. World War II cr4 Its Og-ins 16 ChrO,OZOgy of-.e war at Sea ...... 6 Boattier. Civil W. Dictionary ...... 37 Cor.ology, u.s. i r'w ix ...... 6 Boa cner. Encyclopedia of the American Circular Showing the Distribution of. Troops.. 10 3evolution ...... 37 Ci1-Militar Eclationa -and MiZitarion7. ... 13 Boatner. darkc of the American . Civil War Hooks: ...... 20- Revolution ...... Li. -. Cio-iZ War. Collector's Encyclopedia ...... 64. Boatner. Military Cuata7w and. Traditions 34 The Civil War Day by ...... 5

- Bockett. Bibliograhy of Aezançutics. . 12 CivilWar Dictionary ...... - 37 Boehn. America- History th-4 T,ifi ...... 3 ...... 57 Boehn. RistoricrZ Aba-tracts...... 3 CiVil War History: .4 Je'urr.aZ of ti-_i Middle. Bolivar, Simon,,Bihtiogrcphu-of Period ...... 48 3ookf the Continental Soldier ...... 65 Civil War Maps, Library of Congress ...... 8 Books Afloat and Aehorc ...... 14 CiVir War Maps. V.5 National Archives...... 8 Boots and Shoes of the Prontier Soldier 6 Civil. War Nava7 Chror.oZ.ogi ...... 6 Brassey 'a Artillery of the World ...... 57 Civil War Times Illustrated ...... 48 Brassey 'c Defence !c.'boOk ...... 4 Civilian in Peace, Solth.-cr in War ...... 25 Brasaci ' Irfar tn deapor.s of t'c Wopld 57

. . _- - -, 7G

- ,, I 7- -_\

-.. .- . . .

- ; --.' - C1*rk Ind o Vape of th Acc p 7 Cuucw,n ard of tw Rvolui. .. .

Clark. - i';d . .o Mpe afth ?ripk ar4 . . I.A.B. ee DCanJ afmer- Ir:d d- .. . ' 27 .- CLendenin 2d 'i c Border. . 22 Er.Zjøh A.rny sts . 27 Cockle. B::bz:g2:phy of Fr.gZiah MZj &w C.nbrdge Moderv Hsal . B.ckc . .- .-".. 12 AZae . 7 Cod ?1ea ...... 39 Davies. AJj Fi.00k. L93-2945. 52 COlZccor'a I9rted E'.cj lo?ed.a of 'a,nay.Stvdc,.de, Go,s ar4. CoZoua - - RLluor ...,.. 64 De r. iogrczphy .of -Sorcea r. zr.aaa Collier. CCB tJ-. 19 52 Dlasefed Doccnt, Wile.. 3 CoZoia cricccr4 :Ucr. fo Zndep- ,. . Deatier. ib1/Qp of r.eccut - 19 DLrg 'w Ar7er..car vol z.or Outl HaVry-f U S DeVore A.c-ccZ.Conf..ct 16 25 DeWerd ?-ci'-t W.leon grru c dcr 22 logi. The A.rirj A.r oc .r D.ckson Horj of Aeror.-cs 12 6 Cc.alog -of t7c LT.brnJ Mariner's Ctha Pleeta of The icZ4 57 .. -- - - 32 Ccr.bc. Sq-.4.drovs- of t)io;4ir Force. . . .; 25 ary of Areet- Biogrc ...... -. 27

Chied.Fetraapectiie Ir.dg See...... 31 ctiorbQf A.erie Jvcl Figir.- .. cr,rragior.ed Scc.Officere,of ...... 60: ;. I ...... - - - ofATd, Forcca' SZcrg ...... _. --, - the of.1Tew 1!orc tn-.d Civil: Ucr. 52. £)icior.ary of a5ic !'filitar -Tei,r.o: A . -

Copauy of Military Historians...... 66 . - Sovict View ...... 40 Ccinpany of ilitary Bistorisns f.l.tcry D.er.y of BzttZea - 37 JfOr!rw- ..fl Arcrea 63 tor.cr of 4 Assoatci. cprctve Stvi..ec oft'-.e Peld qupr-c Tc's- - . 40 oftheroot oZder o-' tw encr a,d D-.&-o,arj of H.. l. cr4 ' otat-or.a 38. - . - 64 m.ot.or.-, of ?odei-n dcr . -. - 3 of te cr of e Rebel 2a-r . 52 D-..c-t-or.y of /oleor cr.a H8 T.rze - . 39 :.- A 0r.ciaa. oiar of MiZy .. ..' ..- ...... - - -. - 3D Dcato of M4sC8 of cr4 r.e -:ped.a of-r.c SOOVd w'arld oor . - - 11 - _w...... 39 - Divale in znt-iveSoeetiea.. - 16. ConfenceonResearc hon t Sec and World -torcZ A ffct- Wa.r.. World War fl- Ar. Aeaowzt.of - -. Doo1y Great Weapor.s-ofWorld ...... - :- Doptr ...... 16 Dorling. Ribbor.8 d MedaZa ...... 34 Co7gress cr4 0J.e?ct .or 48 Dornbusch wtral ..cr 'tcr 8.oZogra- Coeostor.c.l Globe . 41 ... CcrgeocZ ccr-.r.gaorA,-erctzr ,eferae Darnbusch aadar A2ri/, .Z855-965 44 - 12 Dernbnseh C rtt.ee of ?1c7oravd the -- -. Car.gresaior.cZ Q4o jcrZ. ..; ...... 48 - .. Ci-z' W' ...... 52 Co'grcoo .or.a QrterZ AZcr.co ...... 48 Dornb Ht.ator-es of theer-oar A Ccrgresaor.c.lecord 41 r-t8 - 21 Cor.aaottor., , Select cr4 tad Dornbuseh Ne ZeZar.d Army 44 12 Dornbuscl, c'crerta4 u.'ltcat..or..c cr4 Coolig.' _- of the Wcr ...... 19 . Peraor.aZ f War... 22 Ceone.Chror.ologo.th6!.S .?cvy --...-. 5 Dortibusch.. Unit tores of t-..e U.S. Air

Coer.hgen Mariene- Bibliothek. Zcta2og... 31 - Farce ...... 2Z 0orreevr4cr.c. qeco-..r t tne ..' ...t' j.j ...... Ore-sc R loron2 for tde Arr'y 29CC . 41 IRrit-iah) ...... -;... 64 - Council On Abandoned Military Posts...... -66 Duffy. Fire and Stone ...... 9 Ccctia Lc-cnd ...... 23 DuPre.U.S. Air Sorce iogcal

- Creawell. bZiogrcpi. of cr4 Arm' . Dictionary ...... 27 - n IOIa7 ...... -...... -63 - .Dupuy. E,cyclopcdia of-f4Zitary History... 3 Cresswell. Th.$tOry...... '. 21 Dupuy. WO2ZdiP22UrW...... çroie. Tour Gt..de of tr.c C...'tl dar 11 AZrzr.a of darld 'Z.t'y Foer 61 row edt.c of r,cs 37 Dwight D Eiscnhoi.,er Institute for Hisrorical - Crozier Annual ofPth.er &4 Canfzict ..... -- 4 Rèscarç ...... ,...... 66 15 Dyc. Ccrpend of the War of the -.

Cuoan Revolution...... -. 18 - FebglZ.ior ...... -. 52-. -

Cuban Revolutionary War... (Perez) ...... 17 Eakln. Colonial America cr4 thc War for -

-CUiiU. OghiccZ Rcgicte2' of the . . 0Pf-.e"c -4 Grstcc of t,e U S E7..,. Mtltcr Bo.c r tr rtcre-y of M.Zita Acce,ry - - 27 Lcpthcc.. 13 - - artZative- Subject Inde to fon-*ly -. . F4itorial arch .cporto ...... 48

-. -. CctcZg -of U.S. Cc rmrthnt Pblicc- - - Edwards. Mry C4$t.G ...... 34- tOn9 ...... 31 Edwards CiJZ War ...... 57 Currant BiblioarbicaSurocy of Eggenberger. :Dictiovrj of attics ...... 37 - onai eer.sc - - 31 1815 tne M-ncs at wate'io - 65 Custc" cr4 t' G"cct Coi'-trcvcr.s-, 26 £Z..z,c.tan N.Ztt.ary Sc-r.c - . 15 CusterGeorge, se 'ol CaZ. or The Elliot ziry lttc'tturc' ' 12 3-c 0r - 27 E1is r.andboo< of tzc 293 52

4 - -

-j : - .

... Elli.mod.. Guide to American Documentation French'and Indian War- Index so Mapes p. 7 of the EUropaan Resistance Movement . . French Military Weapons, 1717-7938 58 in WWI p.16 French Revolution and Napoleon Collection '17 Elting. Military History and Atlas of the . Frere-Cook. Guir-rleas History of Sea . Napo:conic Wars 7 Warfare -38 Encyclopaedic Dictionary. ofSol:cr.-cc and From ROot to McNamara... 53. . War 37 Frontier Regulars 23 DIcyctopedia of Air. W=-fare 37 . 'Frontiersmen in Blue 23 Fr-cyclopedia- of Accoc -;ations... . . 66 Funcken, Armes and-Dniforms 63 Encyclbpedic of Continental Army. Units -:-52 Furer, Administration of-the Navy, Dept-in Encyclopedia of E.- plosives and ReZdted WorZeWar II.- - . ms ., 57 -FU'Erell. U.S. Air-Force in Korea 2' EnCyclopediaofFirearms 59 Garcia Duran.. Bibliography of. the Spanish OncycNopedia of Military ilictor.:...... ".. . 1' 37 CivilWar 16 . . Encyclopedia of:Sea Warfare .037 Gardner..-Small Arms Makers 57

Encyclopedic.:..7=ks .. -r, .....-.. 37 _. Ginera:s in Blue - 30 EncycZopedia o.7.fTie Amer _car Revolt:it-ion, :.. ...37.. Gar rats-r, Croy. 30 Encuclopcdia of the .Third 'Reich , 39 Gentle. Aviation'and.Space An Fncyc-lopedia op World History 5 'German 'Arm HandBooky 2939-1945...... 5-2\_ Engineering..Ind.ezt j.c 31 Gorman History and Civilinatton "1 Eng!ish Arm? Lists '27. German Order of Eng:ish Artillerg, 1328 -1716. .. 58. Gilbert. "California and the - 19- -Era -of the Civil War 19 Gilbert. Atlas of the Arab-Israeli ConfZict, -7 tsposito..:filitary History and Atlas of Gilbert... Firs: World War Atlas . .7 .. - t ;:?....CPO L":"an. ia_ Wars ...: 44:4e- Glossary of Standm-dised Termsand - Esposito. West Point Atlas of American. ..iota . 40 .:- .7,4s-_,..0 .. K -8 'Glossary of the Constrn..ection, Decoration European Mil-it ary Museums 11 and Use of Arms akall'Armourin all- E=lution o, the U.S. Army Division. 54 Countriesand in Ali Times,. 60 . Evolution of the U.S. A.5mr.. Field manual 15 Gordon. Military Orr- its 35 EvOlutioh ofthe.U.S. Army Infantry _ . . Government Pablications:A.Guideto nonataL.t , 54 Bibliographic Toole' 46 Falconer': Varine -.7i-otio-nary, 37 GraphicHistoryof U.S. D-F-Vt...gior,ur A EA 54. Falls., War Books, a Critical Guide 16 Great Britain. Com.bf Inpertal.vefence. 34 Ferrer.- Military Mara:ere and Customs Principal Events, 1914-1918 5 Farro:".7 !filitarmi Ercyclopedia 38 Great BAtain. Public 2ocor,la Office. Federal.German Republic. ogistik. Second Varld W= A Guide to .' closest 61. Documents -17 Federal Records of World War II: Militarw Great Britain. War -Office. Army List. 27 :,mares 26 Great Weapons of World War . 57 Fedoroff- Encyclopedia of Explosives and _Great Weapons of World W=,,, II 59 Related Items' "Green Bork" 5 'Ferguson. Eibliographu of the History of Green. Guide to Battlefields 1I- l'e.C",-J-.Ology 12 Greenwood. American Defense.Folicy Since Fiebeger- Army Crganisatior 53 1945 13 Field Artilleru-JomPlal 48 Greet. World Words, Recommended Pro:a-nisi- . Filby. American and British Genealogy and ations 38 ''...Hera:dr!.. 27 Griffin. Latin America-" -.. I F:7nding Aid _for th Records of tic ,Michigan Groene. .1rac-..ng Zeur.Civil Wa--.Ancestor=... 27 - Militaru Establishment ...... :...... 46 Guide ,0 Civil War Records in the north 'Fire and Stone.' - 9 Carolina State Archives 20 Firepower:- Weapons Elf:fectiveness on the Guide to Civil-,War Source Materials in the ... Battield -...... ,..--...... 01 Dept of Archives and History, State of c

. First Wor:d War Atlas 7 - Mississipp: - - -19 Firth. Regimental History otf,74:romwell's Guide to Federal Archives. Wating to the Ar-m, , 53 Civil War . 20 Flag'Resea'rch Cente- 66 Guide to Historical Literature .1 . Force. Alnarican Archives... 40 Guide to Military Orgar::=4tionsar-d Foreign Affairo, .2.-not4:tatioms: North: Carolina, 1861- Forei4n Affal:r.: 50 Year Bibliography.-. 13 1865 ) 54 Foreign Areas. Studies (series)' 2 Guide- to.NatiOnal'Defense 54 ,,, Fora .^r it-capons Haneocok 7.',. 59 Guide to Research::History-Strategy 46 . Fortress Study Group '67 -Guie to the ArchiVes of. the-Ger_lernment of 'Torts- see Army Reci.?ter 9 Jthe.gonfedemte States. .:- L9- I. orts. o: :7a-rade .9. ;_Gulide.to the Battlefields of .5riialfn and -- Foot. .Lr.-r rlan. 411 story. and Civil.1.:--at,iong'. as '21 . , .-Ireland ' -11. 4..... _ . Fox. Resimenta:-'Losseciv:the American- ..-Guide to the National Archives of the U.S 46 Civil ;....7. 61 Guide-to the Sources of British Military Frase-r. Coldi«r and Sailor. Words and Hictor:.. ) 44 Phrases . 38. Guide toticSources of U.S. Military Frederick. Lineage Sock of:tiie British History -4. 22- . . A-^rr. - 44 A Guide to the Study of the U.S. of .Freidel. . 0 Harvard Guid7Pzto American . America' ...... 3 ?-- .. His tor' 2 - - udG to U.S. a /otr,e Jjisori of fr.7CGQ . .aoz-co of Wo74W r2 p.2& ..-L. 27CC p. 9 a4-;d v-i O ato,'s 56 fito of, t Art1crj, CaVZ od ns BookofTo'-.k Faotrx .:...' 58, Zftr Brcr.chof Sczce iisg:i. 35 of Land ?c-fo 38 c-Rtor of crodca .-..- 8 - Gaci of...... Sec Wcf-e - 38 o- of U.S. '-.c coe -oa n 58 o2ld Wfl...... 25 .d 5roo--7 - ...... 60 of UorZd t...... 59 II ...... ror.Orgcato: Ai Hagg. r' ...... 58. :rc.dpl-r.cry 3ogrcp ...... 17 . Hogg. Mtc.rj .9raiZ ,r'5 of tke 2Or. -- Hcbbg Movczrc...... 1 ctoij. . .-. - ...... :-...... 58 1aziers1y.R.crdsof rz'ir.g Offaez-3 of Hogg. 2326-1726... 58 t'e U.S. !.cvj tdMcr.c .orpa ...... 27 1ood. '.d 3oot cr.d Ranr1y. orZete Reg-Zar 4yReetor- - Tha-recorctor.a. .. 35 of, thL- U.S...... 9 ...... Uoover Institution on,4Jar. Revolution and -.. Hook of cpc,w9c F0r0c8 ..... 56. -' Peace. Ebrr cctaZ.og ...... 31- FI'ook of Eat-' SDd8 ...... I Bd' -.. ffar.Ook ofth 793 ...... 52 - k -of Co?.Z.ect.or ...... ''17 the !tZ i4Ziry Foccc. . -u.s. t15t ecdgecr to 2902...... 64 2945 56 Iughes F--repower Wcor..eEffcoteor ianham. 3bZogrcj ofBtahffctorj 1 -the BcttlefcZd ...... 61 HniballAracft, A'.gr.ea c .tZ2cte M.-ttarLfr-.te.-r tr'C.'Z 5 58 rge of c- ...... the Ofeer f,rner-ec...... 13; . -- aauon.FortsofCr.cdc ...... 9 %r.d to 5tsh M.15crJ COBttCse te... .- - Harbeck. . A to of the 3l. Iri...ed Forces Year Book 5- th3to2 ...... he !avy ...... 22 - ofthe JF. S. %,d $cZ . ycr ...... :. . :- Hardin. h-c 6b Znfcvtrt ...... -_ - 'O'c of O'O hcCV1 W -19 - Infancy Journal. Tcl-ca 8 .carji of of Ogcnzato of Ifart ?tR - 53 e9 - 3 Irfc'tr,art I 23 .-o Aear PO rgr. cr.d orct-.ora of t'e U S 'cd }Layashi /g he Japer..-scr' r -- .'orces 35 -fc Wc ...... 27 Institute of Hera.1dy ...... 67 Rayward .Tor.e 'a 'or.ci ¶'f Internation4l Asociatio-1 of Museums e. 38 . . Arns and-Nilitar 1]- 8bgph of --the 3- -. .. Thr.er der OPC2C7...... ,0 ...... Heinl. of 31 -. ar.d!avaZ Irtcaor.al Indeto Pera&.-ccZa . .-t-20':s ...... 38 Iutcnacional IrtstiEute for Peace-and Reitman.. aOrCcZ Reg-ster d Conflict Research.SJPRI D 5. tor.ary Dfthe U.S. Ar...... 27 International Military Mu-sic Society ...... 67' Reitan.JN8tor-cc Reg-at Qf r cratio,cZ Orgzta:' A Iitsc-- -. - Off.cre of t' -'o'L A2y. 28 - B-bioghy ...... 17 Helvig: cpcgv of 2570-2872 ...... 53 Ir.tcorPo7.tieal Scerce baticta.- - :3 Eeury. Ml,tarj Record of - ...- .z-- C'tZWar...... -20 CvZ.-' AppO.?77c?tc te - the V.S.,. Italy. -Esercito., Copo di stato aggiore 4rr-4 ...... 28, Ufficio5toricp. Saggo bbZogrcfco. Her ,f.cdea Weapo ...... 15 cua eecor.da g'crrcrnor.d.cle ...... 17 Bering. Cetag d T dt.or.e of the Jacobs. SoZthere:TheFhtr.g ivoe 2 - Ro-sr 2 kr Force ...... -35 James.HstorcalRcccrdu ofrt-.sh Ifc,tr Heroes: .S. Mar-.,-.e corps..- 2862-1955; ] Regr.sta.r. the Great War ...... 53 - A.r'd Force's Awarde, FZcga...... J 34 J's the WorZd'a Arcrcft ...... 58 - -es E'-o- Ro' to a''c ...... - 53 Je'a D t-onary of litary TerTTs ...... 38 . Ricks.Fre'c': M.Zt1 COr.8 ...... 58 -Jars 'e Z)ic-tor.e.r-j of. i;a'al T,i's ...... 38

Higginbo5ha. The War of Aj'er-.-., - - s ...... 58 Ir.deer.ds,ce ...... 23 Jcr.g 'a Infar.t Weapons ...... , 58 - Hih. G-de to the Socs of tBh 'a Weapon Syotefio ...... - M1tcry S-stor ...... 44 .Tirrete. Bt-eh ?Jaal Dress. 64- - - ...... iigiiam.Gu-.de to the Sorocs of U.S. Jordan. Mar.e -n the C-D2 War ...... :. -:-- Ml-tar, P'scj ...... 22 Joslen.Order8 ojttZe-, 2939-2948 ...... Higham.- OffcaZ Hetcr-.-cs ...... 44 Jlin. 3h BattZea d Medal-c; - H orcaZ s-tracts ...... 3 Jo-enaZ ofAencar 8tory ...... 48. - Hatorccl Records of Br-t-uh Ifartr Jour-6a2. of-the of M-;ztar', -, - -- Rsg-sr.te in the -Grt War...... -53 ...... -. atcr-cdZ Rcgo-t-er ond- Dctor.ari of the 7auz.aZ of. the RdcZ Un-tB 7- - '- U.S...... 27 - ttor ...... 49 Hetorcal Rcgótsr of Offcers.of the. Jo.sa7Lof the Soc-et for y coZ- ContnsnraZ rj ...... '...... a - . H-.ctoz-ccl etch of the -0 gct:at-on of. - Keegan.. o 'a o n MZto-d, Story; 28 '- is U.S. Arrj...... '.,. 52 . Xces-r.g 'a Ccr.tereporr# Archyes...... S Hsto'r.ccl- Soc-et..cs ar.d Agsrna.ea - Kelly U S Ar,ncr4 t'e Spers.h-Arcr.ccr -- Drec-rar?'...... --:-""- -22 . - -. torj 3f c-ar.a.tt-..ca ar.de r.t-ca 12 le Zivege- of ti-.e ..awrIi.- 0ff.or tr - - - - Arrcrt.co - 13 - - ..

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_.______j.__ '.-' : renn. S:, L8 . p . 35 : .- Lyo*i. wc, Zner-1 Ar . p. 44 - !cdtB )c-T1gan. Ae7 SdZder...... 65 .. Detr . .. . 35 57 . crrtg. Mc -af Br in . . . 35 aksy Gao iBt of 4 W Picstire .d .c,Arzb. . . 3 el-Khalidi. . pa,...... 38 13 - . !cZ- CfZc M11an W&te of tUnited$tate Serie5. ZV. Gzcde . - ...- . 7iiney. Air Pare Offi,cr'a 4 aho. I . 23 .Kiuz= Satof c or' Mr.e he Cü'Z W . 20 -- . . . f° 2.oc. 28 M.12or1.. .4rci:itect;cof w.. icirk G" rs of orld XI 59 Mann r HazZdri 35 -- -' . '7CIO? -- MscptoZdgc ofha MZ.t listo 20- Rc.-o-. . Raoeoh CZcctor . .- .32 2 °P- .' Mararing. Bblogr of flvZ- '..- . 21 28 Kriviny-i.World Mtri Av-.o'- ...... :'9 Hiato.Corps Rescre:: 25. ic.uh1mn. Milty the DevcZopr.g - Offocr e Cudc...... '46 13 r,:r.er '0 )-fr;rror ...... 49.

Lafrbatse. stcrof bc .4_tZler . neF'sMueu.- -cvport .-. p13r of Dtonr -caaZog 4-of r-j 32 r-J-.oc Ie.gra 35 (ea .rthe 24- Tk1n., Mnes Vi,i ...... 26 Cbjeet ...... 13 farquis who: Was Who iicric-.. of :he ,,JT.0:- ii ..8Or4--.The Mlt',i - 30 YiI. t.arj oo ai-4 t'e 'arte1 1 dorld M. 1 , Lederu .. 28 -. of ...... - ...... 13 tords, U.S. Ar Wprld W XI.... 18 - Langef.- A -.cclopediof WorZd tor- -5 Nacwc.11Air Force Baae. USA? L.ibrary ...... '. 67- l--gc 7th '4y T9 C-.'Z war- Pato 20 o' -Zt? Da'eø ...... - - .40- M-4al of Eo,-.or, 1S3-1958 36 Lar5on ...... of V..etr. . --- - 13 Q?d C?dC28 of the - - Lason. iaiaLZ S-it Affai.. .: 13 Great iar ...... :- ...... 36 - ar4 Mil .r-j Mciol Dep rent. of ti 1.-5.. A"r r. the

.. 35 wrl ., 10 r-ca Gu-'.. to UeZ St t.Os ..r SOr..War II 62 - tc'te 1 fcdvl . .. 36 tavisse c-e Sc of the M aZ L?r-forrr Iiega of the U S FeZe prrt ofc oot Sa-.er - .. .- .. 63 of the Fr.rnoh d. Fareig-r. .4rc;. 64 .Mexican .13 Leach Ar.c foD'-rc - . - 23 e Me.-.ea,zw'c 22 League of Nations.,1zrcr.ie Ya2?ook. - 4 Mc-iedn. W.;($'okc,). - J ...... I.e i tenberg iP Co'-f 1 ..ot- f'e=-. d- Corre r odcr.ce 41 17 Cv.Z W-tri 20 rc-.-aa- O..a £o.r-ce c'. - -'Uchig Departzenc ofStace .Fna..r.g .4.4 ar.a So--t'-atcry a , foth CCQZcT c te ?car PZj - 46 Leslie. 5attic Ras of the MiZ-t: .4 taZog of oaer tior.e 4 35 - - . Mitar ...... -. so Le11e. Soóio'- of CoreZe thi MZi uj4 ...... 6O ...... 25 and Naval BOOK ...... 34 Lester. :it .,j- MiZiar .f 0C0CpO ......

- . Da?ene_ ...... 31. Balance ...... -...... -6I Levene.r-;r.6i, .ilit.rj'-.itan C5Oh?8 ...... 34 '-.-.,-:-- ...... 54 ,.-.-...y"-°-- Ond Tradtor.s ...... 34 1 Squadron !!i.eto-- ...... 54 .iltarj DctiOr.a2 Ccrieirg ?cchnital - -ar1 o Car. 'ee Cataog Boo.cu, - Dcf..r.t..or.o 39 5ic ...... 33 Farce ...... 14 - -. . -Leai-e Bak of Mizt in the DeveZg-Cowtriea ...... _13.

ict of Foote.. .. .-...... - --10 . il-tar. :r ions -nd the sacioZog, of ta.d C.i. . ..W02'. OfiOC Fecoro 44 'ar ...... -. ._ ...... 13 - - tive ror e. v..-therand Icoses -in the . Mi 1 itar- M.ners -and Cue tone ...... 34 - - 61 lt Ocrat ..-r..g of t'.c C-.Z Uul 1 F agra- ..a cano- .-ca Cde .Ze.r to e 0 .? . ., 2 i- 1 tar da e-ara 64 )'. . -Y 8 .. - - 35 iotih Oasar ...... -..;' ...... 61 -\ Rliary Fact ...... 10

London. International Institute for Mlti Record of hrrj and Civilian -

-Stegoc Stuic.s. - - OO'ent8 ......

a ..an ... . 61 -tai ccord of ,a. 52 Ofl f.j1 5 tari j-.c. :- ':: t- dc ' 732 64 W.1taz S-aZ- Ae of t'.eOtr ccrt.r/ / 58

Lore.- 7h-i Fou.t or t na'...... -. -: Torrc- .4bbrevic.t-io'w and StloZ.s.. ( 40 -. tc .F ?.ava Ctae.' M.itarj t't-forrs in .4cri-ca ...... \63

.- ...... x:.. . .-...... 33 - - Mi11et. Doetoral Dicecr t.orai in Luttua .c-c'uzr'.i .' 38 ..fa-.r

2 /


-- Mississippi Valley Histamica?AReviow, New York-RietCrical... Society's.-Early- Fifty-Year...01'nd= p.50 Ameridan Ordelrly-Books p.40 Modern Revolutione and Revolutionists 16 New York in the American'Revolutian 20 4o11o. NauaZ, Marine and Air Force Nev York Public Library.Subject Catalog Uniforms of WorldWar.II 64 of,the World War I Collection le `'Monthly Catalog, seenemAZative Subject New York Times.Ir-444C,,. a 32 Ind' .t -"a the Month* Catalog 31 ,-Nrra York Times Obituaries Index... ..ti 28 MOoney: Orgarr,:zation- of the.Army.A1.1:12, Arm 54 NeroZealandArrrrd 44 Moran. Creating a Legend.. 23 Ney. Evolution of the U.S. ArmY Division 5.4 -More'Battlefields ofEngland 11 Ney. EvOlution of the U.S.'A,rrrry .FieZd Morison. History of. U.S. Naval Operations 1407^.-44Z - . in World War II 24 Fey. 1JoZtitionof the U.S. -ArmyInfantry .11:prison. Ships and Aircraft,orthe Batta :54' .59 Ndtior Z Register 29 Moss. Officers' Manual 64 Nile's Weekly Register '29

Mosssman. Last Salute:Civil and- . Noel. Naval Terms ,Dict-Lan=71 38 Military Funerals . 35 R 42

-41dctiuk. Strategic-Studies Reading Guide- 33 North Carolina Confederate Cent. Com. . Moyer. Foreign Weapons Handbook,. , 59 Guide to Military Organisatichs N.C.. 54 Munden.'Gu7ide to Federal Archives Re- North Carolina. Dept. of Archives and

- Zating to the Civil War History.Gaide to Civil War Records.... 20. Murray. Brief Guide to Research on 'Motes anal Statistics of Organisation, .1c,, Army Posts. 9 Armament. and Military .Pogreas in -Museum of History and Technology 67 American and Daropean Armies 56 Napoieon. .,ictionary 39 Noltes and Tables on Organisation and .National -Air and Space Museum 67 Establizarnent of the Spanish Arriry 56 National,Archives and Records-Service --67 N..4mbero and Losses in the Civil War 61 .Nat -Lanai Defense 50 Official Army National Guard Register anl

-Var....anal Defense, Current Riblio0aphic - Air National Guard Register 30.: Survey O °.. 4 31 _Official Army Register 29 --,National Geographic Society. Insignia Historiee 44 . and Decorations of the.U.S. Armed .0100" -Official RecOrds...Atlas 8 Forces., - . .Official Records of the American Civil ear: National Maritime-Museum.- London. A Researcher's Guide 19 Commissioned Sea Officers of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Roual 28 Navies in'the War of .the PeplZior 52 National Personnel Records'Center . 67 -Official War.PUblications.:.CU.St & Canada cafta' National SeCicrity Affairs 13 World War, -1939-1945 18 National Security Paticy and the Officer's Guide- ' 46. Changing WorZa:Bower Aligrrnent 15 Officer's Manual, Moss) 64 -National Union Catalog ofManuscript Ogorkiewicz.Armoured Forces . 59 ColZactZon' 32 Ohio Randbook of tine Civil War.... ,. 19 NATO Infantry and"IteWeapons 59 O.R. seeOfficial Records -43

Naval and Maritime History,- 112 . Oroder of Battle European Theater of NaVal, Aviation Guide 46 Operations., , 55 Nmmml Customs, Traditions and Usage.. 353.5 Order of. Battle ofDii,isions -52 Naval'Oocuments of the American. RevolU- Oder of Battle of the German Army 1 March -. tion 42 55 290 . Nava: Documents Relating to the Quasi-War Order of Battle're the U.S. Army Ground between the U.S. and France '43 Forces in World War II: Pacific Theater Naval Documents. Relating to the U.S War of Operations 55' -- with the Barbary Powers 43 Order of Battle of the L. Land Forces in Nava: Encyclopedia...1662 28- the-World War, A:E.= 55 Naval. Historical Foundation. Manuscript " -Order.of Battle, Series .. .. 25 . - Collection 32 Orderly books -- 40 .:.'Naval,..Mdrine and Air Force..Uniforms. of Orders of-Battle, 1939-1945. 53 . - ..---World War II , . .. -64 Ordnance: Land,,Ssa, Air -.411... 50- . Nasal 45-- Ordnance,Notas... . -- 60 - 8-Jn...,erm Guide. Organiactional-Changes in ,the C'ninesi Army 52,

5 Padfield.- CZns at Sea . - - 76:-T.72CD-Lzr.:7-03-="74... Paine. ...Submarining ,.....,...... 59 Nebenzahl, Atlas 'of the American P.A.I.:S. sae--Public Affairs info -.Revolution- Service Bulletin.. 32 Neeser. Statistical and Chronologidel Palestine and the Arab Israeli ConfTiCt....- 17 . History of the U.S. Navy,-.1775-2.907, 61 Palic. Goverment Publications:A Guide A. Neumann... Co:Led-torts Illustrated - to Bibliographic Toolb-: 46 , 7 Enadclopedia of the . Paimar's Indexes tetrEhe Times".Ne6spaper 33 ReVolution ' 64.- ran Americap Union.Bibliography of the - - Nevina. ?o,%9 7- _2QC --. Liberator Simon BOlivar 29 . . New -Ca2^,ridge Modern HisiOrical 7 Pappas. U.S. Army Unit Histories 24. .. -.Ne-w4»aohire's.Roe-in the American: Parrish.Soviet-ArmedFort.ea Books in Revolution. 4.. 20 .E.,1gZ-i.e p ,.. .. a- ...... - - . 444.11.. 20 :Partridge. Diotionary.'of-ArnedtP52.cas! , _ _ Slang - . 38 resaek. U.S. Air Force His Spry: A Guide Relater.Medical Statistics in World to. Documentary Saurcee p'.24 War 17 p.62 - Paul.. Wisconsin's Civil War Archivea.... . 20 Report of the Commission Appointed by the Peckham. Campaigns of the American President to Inveatgati the Conduct Revolu-ion - 8 . of the War Department in the War with Pickham. To'l of -Independence : Battle Spain 42 - Casualties of the American Revolution62 Report on Barracks and-BasPitals with Peltier. Bibliography of Military Des&ription of Military Posts 10 Geography 14 Report of Hygiene of the U.S. Army, with Penneylvarria Military History '46 Description of"Wilitary Poste 10 Perez. Cuban Revoll4tionaa,y_ War 17 ..;port on the Org.,7:imation of the Land Pericoli. 1815 the Armies at Waterloo. 65 Forces of tha U.S. (1922) Pert:ars:al of the Civil :Tar . 52 Reports -and Diepatches Exhibiting the Peters. Indian Battles 5 . . Operations of U.S. Naval Forbes During Peterson. Book of the Continental Soldier 65 the- War with Merico Peterlite. 4 Encyclapedia of Firearms . 59 ResoUrces Devoted to Military Researsye4T Peterson.. Round Shot and Rommers 59 Development . 62 Phan Mien Chau. Vietnamese' ComMunism..., 45 Rmqolutionary War Period, 2763-2787 in PhIsterer. Statistical Record of the Publication. 19 Arr.:as-of the U.S 61 Revue Historique de"l''Armee_Tables 5' Pohler. Bibliothaca historico-militaria 14 AnaZytiques- Polmar. 50 World Combat A:rcraft Directory 59 -Rhoads. Chinese Red A-my, 1927 -2963 45 Powers. Guide to National Defense 54 Ribbons and Medals 34 Preliminary Inventory of the Records of Richardson. QUartermaster Supply in the U.S. -Army Continental Commands, 2822- Theater of Operations in- 1920 42 Varld War II ' 65 President .WiliOn Fights His War 22 Richardson..'Dictionary of Napoleon and Prireipal Everts, -1924-2918 5' His Times ' Prucha. 39 'Guide to the Military Posts of Riecti. Military Annals ofississfppi 54 . tae U.S 9' Riling. / Guns and -Shooting...Bibliography: 60 Prucha.The Sword of the Republic...... 23 Ripley. Artillery and Ammorition of the Public Affairs information Service . CivsZWar; 60 Bul Zatin 32 Rittenhouse: New Mexico Civil War Bibliog- -Purves. , Medals, Decorat'ions, and 49rdere :- 36 raphy. 20. Quartermaster Supply in the .Eunopear . Roach.A Bibliography of Modern History.... 2 TheaterofOperatioma -...n World War II 65 Robertson. ,T'wz the- Civ-rl Quick. Dictionary. of Weapons arr-41,fi... Robinson. Chemical/Biological warfare..... 14 Terrne , ...... 39 Robles. U.S. Militen*y Medals and Ribbon.S.. 36 Quotas for the Military Writer 40e- _. Rocolle. 2000 ana 'de fortification Railroads ift Defense and War .....t. 12 franc-ail:se 9 Rand Corporation. Selected F.dnd Abstradts 4 RodenboUgh. ArMy of: the United States..1 24 Rand McNally Travel Guide far Military Rohner: "C7-aonology of the War. at 'ea.....-*:- 6 Families .. r 9 Roll Call on the Little Big Horn .27 Rankin.. Unifarms et. the Sea Servicee,.... 65 Rosignoli. Army Badges and Insignia: 4e Readers' .Zuride to- the Field Artillery , . World War II .4.: w - % 36 - . Journal.- 48 Rosignoli.Army Badges and Iiisignia Sinae Records of American, Uniforms and Riatori- 2945 36 cal .62 , RoUrie Sho'-' and Romero 59 . Records of'of Living Officers of the U.S. "!loyal Military College of -Library. . Navy and Marine Corps . 27 , Military Science /"...dex. . 32 . Reference .Handbook of the Armed Farces of -, . . Royal United Services. Institute for .Defence the World $:' 54, Studies. Brassey's Defe...,nce _Yearbook.. 41. c -. Regimental History o:" Cromwell'e Army....:- 53 Ruffner. Code Dames Dictionary' 39. Regimental Losses in the American Civil . .R.g.s. 1 ..... see Royal United Services . War 61 t..P.Institute - Re ..% 4 entar Publications and Personal Russian Imperial Army 44 ' t''' Narrative° of the Civil War 22 SaCconaghi. "A Biblr:agraphica t Notean the RegimentsTir.dCorps of :`lie Canadian Army:. 43 Civil ;Aar it the West" 20' -. Register of Alumni, U.S. Naval Academy....° 30,Saggio' Register bibliografico.sulla. seconda guerra -:," ofCommissioned and Warrant...... : Zfi mondiale .../. 17 - Officers of the Navy- and Marine .,- _. Seneerion. Sea 'Battles Corps 39 r "29 Sohammer. Almanac-of Liberty % 4 , - 41 - Register- of Debates. . Schultz. Bibliographyof ,Matitime and Naval of Gractes of -the U.S. Air k Register History - 14 .... Force Academy 29 Schuon. 1.1.-S. 'Marina Cod- pt Biographical Register of Craduates...U.S. Military PC Dictionary ...... 29 Academy...... , . Z.....,.. 30 : .;Schuom, U.S. Navvy . Biographical Dictionary. 29, Register of the Regiments- and Carps of : 1.....Seott."Military DictionaryGompris.ng:,. -thi British Army --.r. . 4 -.....' Technical- Definitions 39- . ,3:-- Re id . Concise Eno:dor-a-podia-of the-Second -:;-7- Scott.. Soviet:SourCes -ofMilitary_Doctrine - . World W and Strategu C 4 45. . Reister:Battle, Casualties and Medical .- Second World War,-A *Guide to Documents, . Statistics: U.S. Army.'... Xarean ear.. 62 (Great -Britain) 17 - . . b e Reference Handbook of t.heArmed StockholmInternational Peace Research Force° of the World - - p.5 , Institute. ResourcesDatoted to Service ofBritish Begimirnte in Canada MiZitary"Recearc.'s . . p.62 'and Vorth America *e. Stone.Glossciry_of thaConstruction, Setton. Historyof ths cr-Aeades 8 : Decoration and Use of Arms arid, Chspherd'a Historical ,atlas 4 - 8 Armour.....- 60 Sherman. Amnesty ::n America. 14 Strachan. British Military Uniforms 7768- Shetler. Want Virginia War 1796' . \ 653 .5,, ', Literature.. .20 .,ategia StUdies Reading Guide Ship Names 35 -Strength and Organization oftheArmies of Ships and Aircraft ofthe U.S. Fleet... #. 59- France, Germany, Auetria Russia; iogr-72:z4 _The_ Civil .-Warr ...c.'ngland., Italy, Mexico and Japan (1914) 56 -andNew Jersey 21 Strobridge. U.S. Coast' Guard Aranotated Siney...70 of independence a 62 Bibliography 25 Singer..Wczge'S of War 2816-1965 62 Stubbs. Armor- Cavan.e . 24 _ Singh. .rndcnArmed Forces Year Book.... 5 31.e:fact Catalog of theMii,i.tary Science ' SIPRIseeStockholm International Pence' Colleation...U.S. Military Academy. 33 . Research Inat,l.siute 62 , Subeibrir.esDivt.r.g, and -the Underwater . ?.?earbook of World Armamentsand - World. Disarmlarsent 5 Subrnarinir.g -59 28 , Skallerup.Books Afloat and Ashore 14 ;; Succession of Colonels of the British Army Skinner. '7"...raph-:c Bist-oryof U.S. --, Mean :cry of Operations in the World War 55 sione A E F 54 Surfboats 'and Horse Marinas 21 Sloan... Military. History of Russia 45 Swinson. A Register of the Regiments and 45 Slonaker. U.S. Army and .Domestic Distur- Corps of the British .Army . o bancesOr 14 T'--c S.woz_of the RepUblic 23 Slonaker.U. S. A.reryand theto`Jiro. 14 Tables of Organization_ of Infantry Units ' 53 Slonaker.Volunteer-Army 14a-- Taylor. Lang..tage of World War, II -39 e sr=1Z. .:runs Makers: .A Directory 57 Taylor. -.Mil itaru Aircraft of the World. 60 St=11 Arma of the World "60 Tennessee-Civilurar'Centennial Commission. ,. Marines in the Revolution*.:'-...... 24 Tennessee in the Civil .War 55 Smith..Universal Military Dictionary 39 They Fought for the Union . 54._ Arras_of the World 60 Third Reich, Encyclopedia of the 39 -- 46 Satith.American:Java: Bibliography . Thomas. Marine Offtcezr's Snide Series 24 Times, London ...... 33.. Smith.World War. inthe Air 17 'T.odd.American Military ET.4Page. 1857- Smith. World Wca /I at Sea 18 2872.. 4. . 65 -Smith.Bibliog-rapl-of of 4--7..cga of Foreign froll of;-_rndependance: Encragements and - :at ions 36 scrittVz- Casualties of -the .4maricy. - - SmithsOnian Institution.. . 67. .Revol.-...at-.24n* . 62. Smoke% MexicanWar 24 ,Tour Guide of the CiviZ War - 11 Snyder.EncycloRedia7bf the Third Reich -39 ..Toy.History of Fortification from 3000 7: soc--LN,Science and Humanities-indea...... " 32 - --- B. C. -to A. D. 1700 -. 9 Social Science Index 32 Tracing Your Civil War Anceoter 27 Soldierand Sailor Words and Phrases 38 Tradition: , Journal of the InternatiOnai7 . 51 Soldiers: TheFighting Divisions 22 . Society of Military. Collectors -- Someof the Military Records ofAmerica, - _TradeZer's Guide to the tattlefields of Before 1900: 28 Europe .. 11 Sommers.Ma7mutaript Holdingsofthe Tregonning.South.eizet Asia' .. -. 2 MilitaryHistory _Research Collec- -Trussell.Perawylsania Military History... 46 tion 32 Tunny.Biographical Dictionary of World - Sourcesrof Znfors=t--on M-..21-tary .."...- War II - t.- 29 Frofessior.al Subjects 15 .2'wo World Wars - -18 Southeast Asia. 2. 2000 Ans de,..fortificat--,:on Franca-Lew...... 9 Southern.Historic-a;Societ-... Index 50. 1 Tylden.Horses and Saddlerd 1r,.1. 65' Soviet Aried Forces Books in. English 44 Ullaatres:. fr..4.4zeo Militar:...... 7, 39 Soviet- -Sources MiZitcru. Doctrines' and , Ur.conventional W=fare 'k 15

, . Strateg-r. 45, _ Unifo2-raimilitctri Italians, 2, dal 1862 ai Spaulding. Bboks in the grorn.i r.os....4-r-..::-...- 66- UniversityofMichigan . 13 Umr.:1-orme ofthe SeaSertrLces . 65.' -SPecificatioe.forClothing,. Camp and Urri-forme .of the U.S.. Navy.. -.1776-1898 65 .,Gczre-tson 14-..zipage.1.,' (1889) 66 Unit- Citation and, Cara-ign P=-ti cipation ... Squcdran r7istories R.F. C. , R.M. A.S. and Credit Register.'....: 36. 54" Unit Hi...stor;ies of the M S Air Force 22 Standards, Guidons and Colours . 34 United Nations- 45 Stapesmian'sYearbook' , . 55 - - U .S . Adjutant General's Of flee - Arnrs List 9 Statistical- and7..C.onological History of and Directory.- Army the U.S. Navy., 1775-1907 61 U.S.. Adjutant Gerieral'sOfficel Statiet-;:cal Rer.o.rdofthe Armiesofthe 4-. Register...-. 9 U. S 61 U.S. Adjutant General's Office.-Circular Steffen. U.S.:::'.filit-camy Saddles.. 1312-1943 65 Showing -the Distribution of Troops 10 Stemben.Dicer:term-Lai- Gui.89 to the', ' U.S. Adjutant General's Office.. Correa-

," ri L. - pondence RcZatir.g to the War 4,-...:th _American caPolut.--ion..- 4 Stewart. Serv--ceof ..Hritish Regiments Spain -- c 42, Canada andNorth AMeriaa 45- --


rr U.S.'"AdjutantGenerals% Office.Lint of U.S. Congress. Mil. tary Posts MexicanWca.C.'orrespondence p.41 P.10 UPS. Congress.ReporS of . U.S.:- Adjutant Gineral'A Office: the Conntiosion. . . Military Conduct of the War DCpt._in. War 'with. .Information Division.Sources.of. . - Spain !r.. .2-rzformation on Military Profeeeional' . 42- . . U.S: Congress. Reorta a:r.d.Eispatches Subjeots T5 _Exhibiting tfui Operatibnaof C.S. U.S.Adjutant General's Office. Official -. --- Naval Forace7Durind the-War zoith Arrey .;0'ea 29. -Mexico. =I,: ,41 U.S. Adjutant General's Office. U.S. .' --;,,,,,-..- 'U.S. Dept. of Definse.-Picrionary of.-, Army Znatallatione. ""-. -10 ': _11 Military and. Assoeliate..Terrno 40 cc -Academy.----Aasocist ion of----7-----U.S.-Depc.of-thekklay':-.:TArmy-Lilitary. Graduates. Register of Gradates _- 29 -' Pentagbn d 68 USAF Academy Library. Women in the . . ..-'U-S. Dept.of the Ar'ny. Bibliographic Military 15 .Surveys ;....., .. ..7n2 U.S. Air Force:-Ai2.-Foree Combat Unita U.S. Dept.of the Acmy.- CenteF of Military . of Worl4sWar IT 1 :.... 24 History -68 .- d.s1;Air Force.-Air'Foree Register Z9 U. S - Dept .of 'the Army.. Military Terms,' U.S -. Air rce. ..Albert F. Simpson ., -Abbreviations and Symbols 40 His rical-Research Cente''r 67 U.S. Dept.of the Army.- Order of Battle; U.S. Air Force Biograp;r:..cal.., Dictionary... --,-,27 European Theaterof Operations . U.S: Air Force. DictionaryofBasic U.S. Dept.of the Army- Military Terms: Order of Battle. of.' A Soviet View 40 . U.S. Air Force. the U.S. Army Ground FOraes in WW 27.1- . . GlossaryofStandatdized Pacific Theater...... --.....',..55 Terns and Definit.ione 40 U.S.. Dept.of the 'Army Quotee -for the ././.S. Air Force History:A Guideto . MilitaryWriter. ... - :Docnenentary SOT42'CB8 40 24 U.S. Dept.of the Array_Strength .in Reserve. 25 USAF History:an Annotated Bibl-ography ,..;].- U.S. Dept-di thO.Array: Unit. Citation and; _U.S. Air Force.;Hist. Div. AChronology C=Tpa"?frfl Participation Olscdit Register. 36 'of-American Aerospace. vents '6 U.S. U.S. Dept.of the Array.U.S. slay it the - Air Force in Xorea 22 Korean War 25 -- - U.S. Air Force Library. U.S.ar:d3the U.S . Dept.of. the Army. U.S. Army in .the United Nations..,...... , 45 World War - ,U.S.. Air Force. OifiCe of History 42 67 -1.7.5. Dept.of" the Army. U.S. Arrry in World .- U.S. Air tinivei-sity- Libraries. Air War II... 25 U n i v e r s it y Library i n d e a t oe ilitary U.S. Dept .of" the Army. U.S. .4rmy. -in World a.=:-oth7-oftLisr...... ).- 33 _ War-21.:: _...41:-.3 p,--,-4,-, 7-,,,,,,,,-..r.,...-- U.S.American Itat tle. zienv.entsco.. Orgianiza4--LOn of Ground Combat Tregops.'... 55: American Armies and Battlefields U.SDept.of the Army.U.S. Army. in World- in- Eurapa...... 11 ... United War 1.1....Master Index 18 S4-..a4--es and the United' L',Fitions 45 U.S.Dept. of the,Interior. Bib;iograPhy' U.S. Army raid Doelestic D. tsturiJcznoce 14 U.S.: 4=--c^ _and the .Vogro...... , of Civil' Battler:re-la Areas 8 a 24 U.S.Dept- r--the=Navy. Battle Streamere....36 .U.S.- Arre:cry,' the ..Spplieh,ilmerican Wxr U.S.Dep . of the Navy.Dictionary of "2 a. Vrej:6°.." 22. Americzt-- Naval Fighting Shi.ps..f...., - 60 U.S. Array. Combat C3-;:aniclez:.U.S.'Arery U.S. Dep.of the ArMy and Air Force: -. . Divisions _ 25 Civilian in Peace, Soldier in War:. U.S. Arm--e Headgear to 1902... ,,e- 64 -- .Bibliogrcvhia Survey of the Array and U:S.'Army in the Kord2tn.War, series 25 Air National Guard . 25 U.S. Army in the World W= 42 U.S-General Staff- History of -252 U.S. Army in WorldWar 1-1-, series' Z5 Divisors of the German-Army...(1924-.. U.S. Army ZnataZZationn 3.0 1918). ' . , 55 U.S. Army Military History Institute... 67 u_ s.General Staff. U.S. Army Military History Institute. Order of Battle of the German Army...1945 z 55 Manuscript Holdings 32 U.S.General Staff. Report of the Organiza- U.S. Army. Office of the Chief of tion of the Land Forces of the-U.S., Military History.U.S. Arrrj in. e World War (1912), 6 u.s.General Staff: War withGerersr:y,. U.S. Army.Report of the Organization of Statistical SUTmary the Land Forced. (1912) 55g U.S.Government publications U.S. Army Unir-ffietories 24 Subject ind4-4-,,to the Monthly Ca-4' _U.S.:. Arley War College. Order _of Battle U.S. House of Representatives. .c0==.1. - of the U.S. Land Forces in theWorld on Foreign Affairs.Nat-' Z .5' -ty par, A.E.F 55 U.S. Bureau of Naval Personnel- Policy -.- Register U.S. Library of Congress:A Guide to the of. Corrinissioned and Warra.a..-- Officers _ Study of the U.S. of America . . of the Navy and M=.-ine Co *a 29 , U.S. Library of ,Congress-. Library of . U.S. Coast Guard Academy Alumni Assoc. Congress Catalog:Bookd:Sueliect..... Za (Register) ' 29 .eu.s. Library of'Congeess.'Mapt DiVision. U.S. Coatffrot.:uar 4 Arnotatee Bibliography 25 . Civil 3.4r Mope . .. U.S. Congress. . , " 8 Amer.:elm. State Piers.:- 41 U.S. Marine Corps. A Cr. tt il:ology of evil 'U.6. Congress Joint Connitteeon the 1.-:-.- Conduct of the War. ... MargeMartine -Corps ' . 6 port 41 .U.S. ,Corps Biographica7 ...-f.crnaZry. U.S. Congress. Medal of Hor-or, 2863- ..-29_ . -U.S.Maiine gorps Historical 36 . - % - c'.kii :

Me. -_, U.S. Marine Corp..Marine Corps Reserve..p.52 US. Navy History Division.Civil War .,, U.S. Marine Corp.. . Mariners in 7-Lorna:PP%.. 26 %- NavalChronology. p.6 U.S.Marine Carpi Ranks and Gradc°.; 36 U.S. Office of Air Force HistOry.The - U.S..Marine Operations-1..nKorea 25 Army AirForces. in WW II: Combat . U.S. Military,;Acadeary Archives.Preliimi- Chronology .. 6' nary Inventory of the Raeford!! 42 -U.S. Surgeon General's Office.Medical 1. S. 1"iil itarY-Academy hiccZ Dept. or the U. S. Army in the World- Register".ofthe Officers and 10 Graduates _- 27 U.S. Surgeon General's Office.-Report on . U.S.Military Acade-My:Register of . Baa.racks and Hoapitalo with Descrip- Graduates- t- 30 Sionof Military Pacts '.10' Library. -5:.&-ae-et. -;---U.S.-SUrgeon-General's Off-ice. Rif er't ....077. _--__ -- :Catalog of the .Military Scier.ce Hygiene of the U.S.Army, with_Gee- Collection .. 33 criptionoMilita.ryPoor' 10 U.S. Military Academy.WestPointAtlas U.S. War Dept-Atlas to Accompany the of AmerioanWare Official Records 8 U.S.Military'and CoverrmntinatallatiOn U.S.War Dept-Battle Participation of DT-rectory., ,. 10 Organizatiorat of the A.Z.F. 56 U.S. Military Int. Servile.Handbook of U.S. War Dept.Handbook on Japancee...... the Italian MiL-il-tary Forces. ..Z94.5... 56 Military Forces 56 U.S.Military Medals and Ribbon.e.4= 36 U. S . War Dept.No teaand Statistics Of Dilited-States military museums, ise' Organization..e.Atilitazy prograae"in ',... Gy:de to- U. S.Army nruseetarra I0 -I:-. ...An,cri.jcrnand Etcropean Atrmiee ., 5.6 cnA-'1.4re, 1812 -114Z... - 65 U.S. War Dept.Notes and Tables on :ALilitary Shoulder Patches 34 tb.gcnization.....of_the Spanish Army 56 National Archives.Catalog of' U.S.War Dept. "OrdlianCeNotes 60 Nat.ior.al Archives, Microfilm Pub-lira-. U.S. War Dept.Specifications for Clothing, - tione .33 Camp.and Garrison EqUipage...(2889) '66 U.S. National Archives.CivilWar Mape... 8 U.S. War Dept. -Strength and Orgoo:ir.cq-z-..-Onof U.S.National Archives.'F-ederal Record!! the Armies of France, Germany, Austria., of World War II:Military Affairs... 26 RuSeia,England, Italy, Mexico and National Archives.Guide to the Japan (2914) 56 National ArchiVes ofthe U.S 46 U.S.-War Dept.War of the Rebellion .43- U.S. National Archives. Militc=ry. Universal Military #ictionary 39' Operat::ono of the Civil War, Guide Universal-Reference System 33 . de=to the O. R" 21 Zitley.Custer and the Great Controversy26- National Archives.Prolitry 'Mtley.Frontier Reg:Ala:PR 23 - Inventory orthe, Records of the U.S. ,Utley.Frontiersmenin Blue 23' Military Acrd.my 42. Valdes.Cub ea: Revolution 18 U.S- National Archives.' Prelir..n.;nary Vietnam? Conflict:Its Geagraphi.cal

IT:Vont oz-d of the U.S. ArmyContinental. Dimanzions...(Leitenberg) 17-. Corr=nds , 1821 -2920 42 Vietnamese Cor7m2niem 45 U .S .National Guard,gureau-Of,tc--a.1.Arrrif Vittoreo de Giudice. Urri;`ormi National Guard RegietZr aptd . ..66 -Nations Guard Register olurtteer, Army 14 _U.S..Naval Aca:clei-y.Kltroiii Assoc-Register von B14_ekuenn.Das alterprauseiache hoer of AZ47,--ni .-^71371807 63 U. SNaval World War A-I Wages of War 2816-1965 U.S.Nava42-:-Ettery: 26 Wallace.Gz.c."*.de to Virginia ilitsty -U.S.Naval History-Division. ,Historical4 - Organizatior.a., 18617:8651 56

Center and Library W=-Books:A Critical aleide 7 U.S.Naval History Division. .Va-valdocu- The.. War ofAmericanIndependence -.23 mentsofthe Arner-roan-.7evci:Zution...-..:.-. -Farof the.-Rebel.tion:.11:-CorrFpilatikmof vs.Naval History Division.Uniforms, of --.' 'the Official Records of the Union and theU. S. Navy, I 78 74 888 . : ..... Confederate Areriee 43. .U.S. NaVal History Division..World War..17 Warwith Germeorg:-A StatisticalSurrrzry... .62 Hie:Tor:ea and li-Lstor--cal 26 Ward.Allied Occupation of Japan. -. 15 U.S.. ltic-JaZRistoxy. Senzrcese 21. - Warfare in Primitive Societies. . .. 16 U.S. Naval Znatittite. -Almar.ac of Na*T.,al. Warner..Generale inBlue 30 a... Facts% 6. Warner.General's in Gray 30 U:S...Naval Instif...etePrOCeedi.r.gs' Warsaw _PactInfant-4.Y andIts Weapor.s ... ..- - . . 60. U.S. NavalThattirfrate- Proceedir.ge-,-: "Nava: Webb-.,ElizabethanMilitary. Science. ., 1-5 - 5'71 Wcdertz.Dictionary of Naval .Abbreviations40 U.5-.. Naval Weir College Library.Guido to -,--WeigleY. -TheAmerican W.= of War 23-:

-- Research:History - West PointAlumni Foundation,Register of . . U.S. NavyBiographaal Dictionary. 4 ,29 .Graduates 30 . U.S.NavyDept.'Na-.?o Documents Relatiag -West' Point: A.'trZa Of American Wars ...... -, 8 -.-totheQuaei-War 24-tween the_U:S. West Virgin is Civil Wcrr'Literai-urS. -.and France t 43 Westing.Herbicides as Weapons U.S. Navy. Dept. .OffiC-Lz..--l.Records!'of the -- Wes trate. ..-1"...eropean Military Museums 'Union and ;r:federate z_42. Weyer's- Warships of -the- World - U.S. Navy.: Guias to U.S. Naval A aibliogrczphyof Regimental :tiro Hi:Storiesof World War. 26 Histories of -the: British Army Navy.NtaiYa.13istory DivaAmeieCon. Whitson.C7-..ronologYof MilitaryCampaigns RevolUtion A'-las 8 in China r a 1. 6 Who Was Whod -in American HistOry The Mit ary -.t. .36". Who s -Who-- in Military _His.tOry 28'

Wilcox.Official --War Publications . . . 18 Windrow.A Concise Didtio7zary." of Mil-Etc:try Biography . 30 _:__747iscons_ti.n!s- Civ:i-Z1 War -Archives. Wise.Guide to -Military Musezens.:... 11 Wise.: 7 Medieval .Warfare...-.-,_,- 36 7 . Women ,. in the Militar7j. w . . ..'.... -. . 15 World Atlas of .Military History.y...-. ... .: 7 World Combat ?Aircraft .Dire-ctOry. ..,-.....- 59 World in. Arms...... ,...... :....-...-.. .. -.., ,-6-.1 %World Military Aviation-..: 5 5 World MiLitary Leaders. 28 Wo_rld...Wcrr., 1939-1945 = Organization of. , ,.e-i.e Army AirArm. . 54, - World War I. in_ the Air...... ,. . ,...... : 17 ... WorZ4 War II:An,Account .of its Doc-um' enis16 World- War, II an, Its Origins 16 World War II ert- Sea .18 World War II:Books in .English, 191'5-196'5 18 -World-gar .I.I. Histories and HistoricalRe- . . :. ports` in the U.S. 'Naval- HistoryDiv, 26 World Words_,- Recommendd Pronunciations.. 38 World'.s Air Forces .. 60.

Wragg.-' Worl:d' y-A.ir,ForCes . 60' -' Wrinkle.,Language Dictionaries withan -itrrphasis- on Military Dictionaries... 40- Writings American History...... -..... 2 Xerox University Microfilms.The 111-Lli._ - terry:A -Catalogej:f.Drissertation:s... , 4 Young.Atlas of the Second World- War. .. Ziegler.. World,WarII:3ooks in English, 4. ; :1945-1965.....,.....:,:.. , ...... : ...... I.:. 18.5. ZivkaviC..HeLune:Z -Flottenfuhrer- der.' c welt Die -.Inhaber. de,h.ohei.en...... , . 30 ....ZWeguintzoT.;.T. Chronology__ of th6. Russian _ . .