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The effect of culture on sensitivity

†‡ § ¶ †‡ M. AL-HARTHY* , R. OHRBACH , A. MICHELOTTI &T.LIST ** *Department of Oral † Basic and Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Dentistry, Umm Al-Qura University, Makkah, Saudi Arabia, Department of Orofacial Pain and ‡ Jaw Function, Faculty of Odontology, Malm€o University, Malm€o, Scandinavian Center for Orofacial Neurosciences (SCON), Malm€o, § ¶ Sweden, Department of Oral Diagnostic Sciences, School of Dental Medicine, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, USA, Department of Orthodontics and Temporomandibular Disorders, School of Dentistry, University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy and **Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Skane University Hospital, Lund, Sweden

SUMMARY Cross-cultural differences in pain (P = 0Á017). Italians reported significantly lower sensitivity have been identified in pain-free subjects PPTo in all muscles than Swedes (P ≤ 0Á006) and in as well as in patients. The aim was to the masseter muscle than Saudis (P < 0Á001). Italians assess the impact of culture on psychophysical reported significantly lower EPTo than other measures using mechanical and electrical stimuli in cultures (P = 0Á01). Temporomandibular disorder patients with temporomandibular disorder (TMD) cases, compared to TMD-free controls, reported pain and pain-free matched controls in three lower PPT and PPTo in all the three muscles cultures. This case–control study compared 122 (P < 0Á001). This study found cultural differences female cases of chronic TMD pain (39 Saudis, 41 between groups in the PPT, PPTo and EPTo. Overall, Swedes and 42 Italians) with equal numbers of age- Italian females reported the highest sensitivity to and gender-matched TMD-free controls. Pressure both mechanical and electrical stimulation, while pain threshold (PPT) and tolerance (PPTo) were Swedes reported the lowest sensitivity. Mechanical measured over one hand and two masticatory pain thresholds differed more across cultures than muscles. Electrical threshold and did electrical pain thresholds. Cultural factors may electrical pain threshold (EPT) and tolerance (EPTo) influence response to type of pain test. were recorded between the thumb and index KEYWORDS: case–control studies, cross-cultural fingers. Italian females reported significantly lower comparison, pain threshold, temporomandibular PPT in the masseter muscle than other cultures disorder, chronic pain (P < 0Á001) and in the temporalis muscle than Saudis (P = 0Á003). Swedes reported significantly higher Accepted for publication 17 August 2015 PPT in the thenar muscle than other cultures

that identify major groups of people primarily by ances- Background try and common heritable physical characteristics (6, 7). Culture is an important factor affecting perception, Ethnicity refers to people within a society who share a experience and expression of pain, as early studies common language, religion, culture and experience (6, demonstrated (1, 2). Cross-cultural studies highlight 8). Culture is defined as a set of values, beliefs, experi- that the description and perception of pain are culturally ences of living, attitudes and learned patterns of specific (3). Race, ethnicity and culture are overlapping behaviours shared by the members of a particular soci- terms in the literature, are sometimes used synony- ety (3–5). In this study, we will use cultural differences mously but represent dissimilar concepts (4, 5) and are as a synonym for ethnic differences among individuals defined here for clarity. Race is based on specific genes of three countries residing in their country of birth.

© 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd doi: 10.1111/joor.12346 82 M. AL-HARTHY et al.

Cross-cultural differences, wide-ranging across psy- orthodontic treatment. At the other three centres, chophysical method, in pain sensitivity have been TMD-free controls were recruited via advertisement found in pain-free subjects as well as in individuals in clinical and community settings. All participants with chronic pain (9–12). Among pain-free subjects, signed informed consent forms before entering the South Indians demonstrate higher capsaicin-induced study. The project followed the Declaration of Hel- pain intensity and lower pressure pain thresholds sinki guidelines, and the regional ethics review board (PPT) than Danish Caucasians (11), whereas South in Lund approved the study as a multicentre study Asians demonstrate lower pain threshold to heat com- ([Dnr] 366/2008). At the end of the study participa- pared to Caucasians (10). Swedish Caucasians exhibit tion, an oro-facial pain specialist at each study site higher tolerance to thermal pain and pressure pain offered treatment to all patients with chronic TMD. than Middle Eastern Caucasians (9). No cross-cultural difference was found between adults from Japan and Inclusion criteria the USA in electric pain-induced dental pain (13). Evidence strongly supports TMD as a musculoskele- Cases and controls. Participants must fulfil all of the tal condition characterised by higher sensitivity to a following: (i) Self-identity of the subject was as a mechanical stimulus (14–16) among TMD cases com- member of that culture identify culturally with the pared to non-TMD controls. To measure pain sensitiv- host country (ii) At least one parent and the subject ity in the oro-facial region, both mechanical and were born in that culture, (iii) The subject spoke the electrical stimuli have been used (17, 18). host language at home while growing up and (iv) Be To the best of our knowledge, no studies defined able to communicate and complete written question- culture as distinct cultural identity and living in the naires in the host language. country of origin. This study aimed to compare psy- chophysical responses to mechanical and electrical Cases. Cases must (i) report pain in the face, jaw, stimuli in female TMD patients and TMD-free con- temple, in front of the ear or in the ear at the time of trols, nested within each of three cultures (Saudi, Ital- recruitment, and the pain must have begun at least ian and Swedish). Sensitivity to both mechanical and 3 months previously to be considered chronic, electrical stimuli was hypothesised to differ among (ii) have at least one pain diagnosis since the cases cultures and between chronic TMD patients and and controls were examined since the Research Diag- TMD-free subjects. nostic Criteria for TMD (RDC/TMD) (19), (iii) be of female gender and (iv) be age 18–75 years. Methods Controls. Controls must be females who (i) are free from pain in the TMJ and masticatory muscles in the Study population last 3 months, (ii) not taking medication or receiving Saudi Arabian (n = 39), Italian (n = 42) and Swedish treatment for oro-facial pain and (iii) match a case in (n = 41) new consecutive female TMD patients partic- age. ipated in the study. The study sites were as follows: (i) the Specialist Dental Center, Al-Noor Specialist Exclusion criteria Hospital in Makkah, Saudi Arabia, (ii) the Dental Center, King Fahd General Hospital, Jeddah, Saudi Subjects were excluded based on the presence of any Arabia, (iii) the Department of Orofacial Pain and Jaw of the following: dental pain, oro-facial neuropathic Function, Malmo€ University, Malmo,€ Sweden and (iv) pain conditions, burning mouth syndrome, auto-im- the TMD/Orofacial Pain Clinic, School of Dentistry, mune diseases or significant mental impairment that University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy. At each would prevent compliance with study instructions. centre, an equal number of TMD-free female controls were recruited who were age-matched with TMD Measures patients. In Naples, TMD-free controls were selected from Pain characteristics and demographics. All participants among persons accompanying patients undergoing were asked to complete a questionnaire regarding

© 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd EFFECT OF CULTURE ON PAIN SENSITIVITY 83 facial pain intensity and pain duration. Characteristic threshold (EPT) was defined as the electrical stimulus pain intensity (CPI), from the Graded Chronic Pain that the subjects first perceived to be painful. Electrical Scale (20) was measured using three 0–10 numeric pain tolerance (EPTo) was defined as the most painful rating scales (NRS) assessing (i) current pain, (ii) electrical stimulus that the subject could tolerate. worst pain and (iii) average pain over the prior 6- Three measurements were made for electrical per- month time period (21). For controls, these questions ception threshold, EPT and EPTo with intervals were not applicable, and hence, the CPI was zero. In between repeated measures of approximately <5, 30 addition, the questionnaire asked about years of edu- and 60 s, respectively. cation (0–18+) and marital status. Translation of commands and instruments. Self-report Pressure pain measurements. Pressure pain measure- questionnaires regarding demographics and pain char- ments were made using a digital pressure algometer* acteristics, instructions for pressure pain measure- with a constant application rate of 30 kPa sÀ1. The tip ments and instructions for electric stimulation tests was a rubber probe with a surface area of 1 cm2,as were translated, back translated, reviewed and cultur- used in other studies (22, 23). Pressure pain threshold ally adapted into the language of each culture to min- (PPT) was defined as the pressure (kPa) that the sub- imise any cultural misunderstanding of the original ject first perceived to be painful. Pressure pain toler- commands. The Guidelines for Translation and Cul- ance (PPTo) was defined as the most painful pressure tural Equivalency (25) were followed. (kPa) the subject could tolerate (18). Pressure was applied in this order: over (i) the right anterior tem- Statistical analysis poralis muscle, (ii) the central part of the right mas- seter muscle midway between the upper and lower For descriptive statistics of the samples, a multiple borders and 1 cm posterior to the anterior border, and logistic regression was used for comparisons of educa- (iii) the palm side of the thenar muscle of the right tion and marital status; independent variables hand on the point connecting the longitudinal axis of included culture (Saudi, Sweden and Italy) and group the thumb and index finger (24). Three meaurements (cases, controls). For testing the primary study of PPT with intervals of 30 s and two measurements hypothesis, a two-way ANOVA (culture, group), includ- of PPTo with intervals of 60 s were taken. The exami- ing the interaction term, compared mean values on nations were conducted by a calibrated examiner in each of the following variables: PPT, PPTo, electrical Sweden and Saudi Arabia (M. Al-Harthy) and one perception threshold, EPT and EPTo. As age and edu- calibrated examiner in Italy (S. Matrella). cation differed significantly between the cultures, the ANOVA models were adjusted for these two variables. Electrical stimulation tests. Sensitivity to electrical stimu- When the ANOVA revealed a significant difference lation was measured using the PainMatcherâ.† The among the three cultures, Tukey’s HSD was used for PainMatcherâ is a controlled, constant current electri- multiple comparisons. cal stimulation microprocessor, transmitting monopha- Sample size was computed based on published data sic square pulses with a frequency of 10 Hz and 15 mA using the same psychophysical measurement meth- pulse amplitude to two electrodes. The intensity ods. A significance level of a = 0Á05 and power of 1- increases as the duration of the monophasic pulses b = 0Á90 were assumed for the comparison of the increases slowly from zero up to 396 ls in four-pulse groups using a one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s test. A steps applied between the thumb and index fingers on difference of 60 KPa was considered clinically relevant the right hand. Three distinct constructs were assessed. with a s.d. = 70. The calculations gave an estimated The electrical perception threshold was defined as the sample size of n = 40 in each group. Data were anal- intensity of current needed for the subject to perceive ysed using the Statistical Package for the Social pulses in the thumb and index finger. Electrical pain Sciences (SPSS‡), version 21.0 for Windows.

*SOMEDIC, HorbyAB,€ Sweden. †Cefar Medical AB, Lund, Sweden. ‡IBM, Armonk, NY, USA.

© 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd 84 M. AL-HARTHY et al.

and Saudis (P < 0Á001). In the temporalis muscle, Results Italians reported lower PPTo values compared to Table 1 presents descriptive statistics regarding subject Swedes (P = 0Á006). In the thenar muscle, Italians demographics for cultures and groups. The Italians reported lower PPTo compared to the Swedes were significantly older than the Saudis and Swedes (P < 0Á001). Temporomandibular disorder cases, com- (P < 0Á000), while the Swedes did not differ in age pared to TMD-free controls, reported lower PPTo in compared to the Saudis. Temporomandibular disor- each of the three muscles (all P < 0Á001). der-free controls, compared to TMD cases, had Table 4 presents cross-cultural and group compar- received more education (P = 0Á003). Characteristic isons of the electrical stimulus test. For the EPT, Sau- pain intensity did not differ between cultures, while dis reported lower values than the Swedes and the pain duration was lower in Saudis when compared Italians (P = 0Á002). For the EPTo, the results were with the Swedes (P = 0Á006). No significance was reversed, and Italians reported lower values than the found between TMD cases included in this study from Saudis and the Swedes (P = 0Á01). all cultures with regards to taking (P = 0Á1). Table 2 presents cross-cultural and group compar- Discussion isons of PPT. In the masseter muscle, Italians reported lower PPT values than the Swedes (P < 0Á000), while Demographic and TMD pain characteristics the Saudis reported higher PPT values compared to the Swedes (P < 0Á001). In the temporalis muscle, Age, pain duration and pain intensity reported in the Swedes reported lower PPT values than Saudis study were in accordance with similar clinical studies (P = 0Á003). In the thenar muscle, Swedes reported indicating a generalisability of the population studied higher PPT values compared to Saudis and Italians (26–29). Temporomandibular disorder cases had less (P = 0Á017). Temporomandibular disorder cases, com- education compared to the controls, which is in pared to TMD-free controls, reported lower PPTs in accordance with previous studies indicating that each of the three muscles (all P < 0Á001). chronic TMD pain is more prevalent in lower socio- Table 3 presents cross-cultural and group compar- economic groups (30, 31). The Italian group was sig- isons of PPTo. In the masseter muscle, Italians nificantly older than the other culture groups, and it reported the lowest PPTo values compared to Swedes has been reported that pain sensitivity might be

Table 1. Demographics and pain characteristics: descriptive statistics by culture and group

Culture P-values

Characteristics Saudi Swedish Italian Culture Group Interaction

Age (years), mean Æ (s.d.) Cases 32 Æ (10) 34 Æ (15) 40 Æ (12) 0Á000**,*** NS NS Controls 30 Æ (12) 35 Æ (14) 39 Æ (8) Education (≥12 years), N (%) Cases 23 (59%) 34 (83%) 26 (62%) NS 0Á003 NS Controls 36 (92%) 37 (92%) 31 (74%) Marital status (married), N (%) Cases 17 (34%) 26 (53%) 27 (54%) NS NS NS Controls 21 (42%) 26 (54%) 32 (64%) CPI (cases only): mean Æ (s.d.) 54 Æ (25) 56 Æ (20) 62 Æ (21) NS –– Pain duration (months) (cases only): mean Æ (s.d.) 28 Æ (26) 70 Æ (74) 54 Æ (74) 0Á006* ––

CPI, Characteristic pain intensity; NS, non-significant. *Significant difference between Saudis and Swedes. **Significant difference between Saudis and Italians. ***Significant difference between Swedes and Italians.


Table 2. Pressure pain threshold Culture P-values (PPT): TMD cases and TMD-free controls, tests adjusted for age and Characteristics Saudis Swedes Italians Culture Group Interaction education Right masseter m.: mean Æ (s.d.) Cases 201 Æ (50) 167 Æ (50) 148 Æ (57) 0Á000*,**,*** 0Á000 NS Controls 231 Æ (56) 222 Æ (66) 173 Æ (63) Right temporalis m.: mean Æ (s.d.) Controls 228 Æ (68) 179 Æ (53) 199 Æ (81) 0Á003* 0Á000 NS Cases 250 Æ (68) 249 Æ (96) 212 Æ (86) Thenar m. of the right hand: mean Æ (s.d.) Cases 344 Æ (80) 349 Æ (144) 342 Æ (105) 0Á017*,*** 0Á000 NS Controls 406 Æ (88) 490 Æ (137) 406 Æ (101)

NS, non-significant. *Significant difference between Saudis and Swedes. **Significant difference between Saudis and Italians. ***Significant difference between Swedes and Italians.

Table 3. Pressure pain tolerance Culture P-values (PPTo): TMD cases and TMD-free controls, tests adjusted for age and Characteristics Saudis Swedes Italians Culture Group Interaction education Right masseter m.: mean Æ (s.d.) Cases 312 Æ (81) 290 Æ (94) 244 Æ (74) 0Á000**,*** 0Á000 NS Controls 349 Æ (95) 343 Æ (119) 293 Æ (101) Right temporalis m.: mean Æ (s.d.) Cases 344 Æ (93) 323 Æ (108) 320 Æ (88) 0Á006*** 0Á000 NS Controls 391 Æ (108) 421 Æ (169) 337 Æ (89) Thenar m. of the right hand: mean Æ (s.d.) Cases 507 Æ (101) 586 Æ (243) 495 Æ (137) 0Á000*,*** 0Á000 NS Controls 589 Æ (160) 756 Æ (236) 559 Æ (137)

NS, non-significant. *Significant difference between Saudis and Swedes. **Significant difference between Saudis and Italians. ***Significant difference between Swedes and Italians.

Table 4. Electrical stimulation: TMD cases and TMD-free controls, tests adjusted for age and education

Culture P-values

Characteristics Saudis Swedes Italians Culture Group Interaction

Perception threshold: mean Æ (s.d.) Cases 3Á1 Æ (1Á1) 3Á5 Æ (1Á3) 3Á7 Æ (0Á9) 0Á032*,** NS NS Controls 3Á2 Æ (1Á0) 3Á7 Æ (1Á2) 3Á7 Æ (0Á9) EPT: mean Æ (s.d.) Cases 5Á0 Æ (2Á7) 6Á1 Æ (3Á1) 5Á9 Æ (2Á2) 0Á002*,** 0Á001 NS Controls 5Á4 Æ (2Á7) 7Á2 Æ (3Á5) 8Á3 Æ (2Á5) EPTo: mean Æ (s.d.) Cases 13Á7 Æ (9Á1) 15Á7 Æ (9Á3) 11Á7 Æ (6Á0) 0Á010**,*** NS NS Controls 18Á8 Æ (15Á7) 16Á6 Æ (6Á6) 14Á0 Æ (6Á7)

EPT, electric pain threshold; EPTo, electric pain tolerance; NS, non-significant. *Significant difference between Saudis and Swedes. **Significant difference between Saudis and Italians. ***Significant difference between Swedes and Italians.

© 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd 86 M. AL-HARTHY et al.

affected in the elderly (32). Thus, all measures in the contradictory to what we found in mechanical study were adjusted by taking age and number of stimulation, and these differences may be related to years of education as covariates to control for differ- cultural variations rather than stimulus type. One ences in baseline values, thereby eliminating possible explanation could be that electrical stimulus not only confounding variables for the observed differences in is perceived as painful but also has been reported to cultures. have a strong sensation of discomfort. In our study, we did not measure discomfort between cultures, and therefore, the influence of this outcome is unclear. A Impact of culture on mechanical and electrical pain second explanation could be that varying skin proper- sensitivity ties such as epidermal innervation might partially As TMD is a musculoskeletal pain condition charac- explain differences in pain sensitivity between cul- terised by higher sensitivity to mechanical stimulus, tural groups (24). the masseter and anterior temporalis muscles were selected for measurement in our study. Studies from Study strength and limitations Italy (33, 34) and Sweden (9, 35) have reported mean PPTs for the masseter muscle of pain-free subjects and To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first patients, and they correspond well with our PPT val- that jointly examines deep pressure and cutaneous ues indicating a generalisability of the subjects. electric stimulation among TMD cases and TMD-free The overall significantly lower PPT, PPTo and EPTo controls in subjects who are clearly different cultur- values in this study among the Italian females reflect ally, defined as representing a specific cultural identity higher pain sensitivity within that culture. This is in and living in the country of origin, thereby avoiding accordance with earlier studies that found Italians less acculturation bias. Second, two stimulation modalities stoic and more expressive of pain when compared to were used in the study. One study concluded that sin- other cultures (1, 2). The significant differences found gle pain testing modality probably provides an incom- between Saudi and Swede females in this study con- plete picture of pain sensitivity (39). Third, reliable cerning PPT values in the masseter muscle and con- methods were used such as mechanical (40) and elec- cerning EPT values were not in accordance with that trical stimulation, (41) and all instruments and reported previously in which no significant differences instructions used were translated according to pub- were found (9). lished standards. A potential limitation in the study is Level of acculturation could explain these differ- that body mass index (BMI) was not calculated for ences because Swedish TMD-free female controls in the participants, even though there are contradictory this study were compared with Middle Eastern Saudi findings regarding positive correlation between BMI females living in the Saudi Arabian culture, while the and PPT (42, 43). Another potential limitation is that Middle Eastern TMD-free controls in the study by (9) healthcare systems and accessibility to healthcare live in Sweden, have the same level of education and might influence pain sensitivity. In our study, we do assimilated the Swedish lifestyle and culture. not have data either to support or reject this possible The significant differences between TMD cases ver- limitation. However, regarding cost for treatments, sus TMD-free controls found in this study in the PPT they are similar in the three cultures as oro-facial pain and PPTo for the trigeminal and non-trigeminal sites treatment is either free or subsidised. In addition, all were in accordance with previous case–control studies three sites were tertiary care centres with a similar that used the same tests (16, 37). This higher pain accessibility. sensitivity to mechanical stimulus among TMD cases suggests greater hyperexcitability of the peripheral Conclusions and central nociceptive system, compared to TMD- free controls (38). In conclusion, this study found cultural differences The non-trigeminal site, thenar, was also compared between groups in the PPT, PPTo and EPTo. Overall, with two different stimuli – pressure pain and electric Italian females reported the lowest values of PPT, stimuli. We found small differences between cultures PPTo and EPTo, while Swedes reported significantly in electrical measurements and these differences were higher PPT and PPTo values in the thenar muscle.


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