Fox Network Begins to Take Shape
I I TOP OF THE WEEK I I second -quarter financial results, released Blair entertainment showed an increased be represented by ABC Television Spot last Thursday. A special $17.4- million loss and operating income also declined for Sales. Commenting on the transfer, which charge was equally offset by a gain on the Blair's owned stations and representation will probably take place in the next few disposal of Blair's printing operations. business. months, Michael P. Mallardi, president of Both operating and net income for Blair The company's television representation Capital Cities/ABC's broadcasting division showed improvement, largely as a result of a division received some bad, but not totally said: "Only the unusual circumstances and reported improvement at the company's di- unexpected, news last week when Capital opportunities created by the Capital Cit- rect marketing subsidiary, ADVO systems, Cities /ABC announced it was withdrawing ies /ABC merger have caused this change." which showed a $5 million operating profit, its four stations: KFSN1 -TV Fresno, Calif.; Reliable sources have estimated Blair's an- compared to an operating loss of $5.7 mil- WTVD(TV) Raleigh, N.C.; WPVI-TV Philadel- nual commission income from the four sta- lion in the previous year's second quarter. phia, and KTRK -TV Houston, which will now tions at approximately $6 million. Fox network begins to take shape Stations so far affiliated company's total reach would be by March Chicago (ch. 32), KDAF -TV Dallas (ch. 33), represent 80% of U.S. TV homes, 1987, when the prime time program service wTTG(TV) Washington (ch.
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