Dian Wulandari English Department, Faculty of Letters and Cultures, Gunadarma University ([email protected])


The problem of the research is what kinds of figurative language that contained in five Daniel Caesar’s song lyrics. The purpose of the research is to find out the kinds of figurative language in five Daniel Caesar’s song lyrics. This research used qualitative methods. In doing this research, the writer used Perrine’s theory about kinds of figurative language as the basic in analysing the data. The sources of the data are Best Part, Get You, Transform, Hold Me Down and Neu Roses lyrics from Freudian album by Daniel Caesar. The data of this research is figurative sentence that contained in five song lyrics in Freudian album by Daniel Caesar. After being analysed, the writer found 34 data. From 34 data, the writer classified the data into 5 similes, 11 hyperboles, 5 personifications, 10 metaphors, 1 synecdoche, 1 irony and 1 paradox.

Keyword: Figurative Language, Kinds of Figurative Language, song lyric, qualitative method


Masalah yang diangkat dalam penelitian ini adalah jenis-jenis bahasa kiasan apa yang terdapat dalam lima lirik lagu Daniel Caesar. Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan jenis-jenis bahasa kiasan yang terdapat dalam lima lirik lagu Daniel Caesar. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Dalam melakukan penelitian, penulis menggunakan teori dari Perrine tentang jenis-jenis bahasa kiasan sebagai dasar untuk menganalisa data. Sumber data penelitian ini diambil dari lima judul lagu Daniel Caesar, yaitu Best Part, Get You, Transform, Hold Me Down dan Neu Roses. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kalimat kiasan yang terkandung dalam lima lirik lagu Daniel Caesar dalam album Freudian. Setelah dianalisa, penulis menemukan total keseluruhan data kalimat yang mengandung bahasa kiasan adalh 34 data. Dari 34 data, penulis mengklasifikasikan data menjadi 5 data simile, 11 data hiperbola, 5 data personifikasi, 10 data metafor, 1 data sinekdok, 1 data ironi dan 1 data paradok.

Kata Kunci: Bahasa kiasan, Jenis-jenis bahasa kiasan, lirik lagu, metode kualitatif

INTRODUCTION Language has an important role especially in human life to communicate with each other in daily life. People use language to convey what they think and feel and what are in their mind. People nowadays can convey what they feel and think in their mind through songs. There are a lot of songs that could express human feels, such as song about love, friendship, family, social, religion, etc. Song is one example of literature that is very popular currently. Song has two important parts that can attract listeners that is lyrics and music. Listening song has become a daily activity for some people. Song usually has figurative language that written well by the song writer. Song has lyrics that contain hidden figurative language. Figurative language is a part of semantic where we could know the meaning of the song lyrics that contained figurative language. Some people may not focus on the lyrics when they listened music, they focused on song beautification and its music because the song lyrics contain figurative language, where there are still many words that they do not understand yet. Therefore, they just like the music or the singer. Meanwhile, knowing the lyrics of the song is important because we could know what the meaning of the song and the purpose of the song writer writes the song. The figurative language that contained in the lyrics makes the listeners ask what is the meaning, because there some similarity between lyrics in the song and poetry. Song and poetry have rhythms. Rhythm is the one of important parts that makes song and poetry beautiful. Based on the reason, it brings the writer of the research to find out figurative language in song lyrics of Daniel Caesar’s song. Song lyrics have some verses such as poetry that is added music so it is more interesting to be heard. This time there are so many good songs with good music and lyric which are sung by new comer singer. One of them is Daniel Caesar. Ashton Simmonds or better known by his stage name Daniel Caesar is a Canadian singer and song writer that was born on April 5, 1995. Daniel Caesar has a genre music R&B, soul and neo soul. The writer is interested to analyze the song because in this song lyrics have many difficult words to understand. The writer chooses Daniel Caesar song because Daniel Caesar’s song has good music to be heard. Mostly song by Daniel Caesar had poetry elements that could make listener interest to sing. The importance of the research is we can know various kinds of figurative language that contained in song lyrics. Therefore, we can understand the meaning of the song that is being heard. Besides that, there are some previous researches that have been done before, namely, the first is: Khadijah Arifah. (2016). “Figurative Language Analysis in Five John Legend Song”. Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic of Malang. The problems of this research are what kinds of figurative language are found in the five song lyric by John Legend and what are the meaning of the figurative language used in the five song lyrics by John Legend’s. The objectives of the research are to identify the types of figurative language found in the song lyric by John Legend and to analyze and describe the contextual meaning of the figurative language used in song lyric by John Legend. The researcher analyzed this research according to Petter’s theory. The researcher used a descriptive qualitative research, because the data are from the text and lyric of the John Legend’s song which contain many types of figurative language. The result is the researcher can conclude that there are many types of figurative language found in this research there are personification, hyperbole, metaphor, and paradox. Besides that, the researcher also found another figurative language as oxymoron, litotes, simile, allusion, repetition, symbolic, and enumeration. Hyperbole the most dominant types of figures in John Legend’s selected songs. Next, the second is, Qurrotul’ain. (2013). “An Analysis of Figurative Language In The Song Lyrics By Maher Zain”. Syekh Nurjati State Institute For Islamic Studies Cirebon. The problems of this research are to find out the types of figurative language are used in Maher Zain’s songs and to find out the most dominant figurative language in Maheir Zain’s songs. The objectives of this research are to find out the types of figurative language or language style and the most dominant figurative language which is often used in song lyrics of “Thank You Allah” first album by Maheir Zain. The researcher analyzed this research according to McArthur’s theory. The researcher used a qualitative method, because the researcher wants to analyze the type of figure of speech which is often used in the song lyrics. The result of the research are the types of figurative language which are found in every song, they are personification (7 data), metaphor (4 data), antithesis (2 data), hyperbole (31 data), irony (11 data), litotes (7 data), alliteration (8 data), parallelism (5 data), synecdoche (3 data) and euphemism (2 data). Sum all of the song lyrics in 5 songs that the writer found the most dominant is hyperbole, that is 31 data. And then, the third is, Agustina Budiarti. (2017). “Analysis of Figurative Language on Song Lyrics Provided In “Pathway To English” Textbook Published by Erlangga for Eleventh of Senior High School”. The Islamic Institute State of Surakarta Malang. The problems of this research are the types of figurative language that found in song lyrics provided in “Pathway to English” textbook for eleventh grade and the song topic selection provided in “Pathway to English” textbook for eleventh grade based on curriculum. The objectives of the research is find out and describes the types of figurative language that found in song lyrics provided in “Pathway of English” textbook for eleventh grade and to show the song topic selection provided in “Pathway to English” textbook for eleventh grade suitable based on curriculum. The researcher classified into twelve expression of figurative language according to Perrine’s theory. They are simile, metaphor, personification, apostrophe, synecdoche, metonymy, symbol, allegory, paradox, hyperbole, litotes, and irony. The method that used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. The result of the research found 17 data, such as personification are 2 data, hyperbole expression are 7 data, simile is 1 data, metaphor are 6 data and the last litotes is 1 data. From the research, the researcher concludes the highest number of figurative language on song material in “Pathway to English” textbook is hyperbole expression which has 7 data. The fewest number of figurative languages are in the simile expression and litotes expression which has 1 data. The similarities between those three previous researches and this research are we examined figurative language that contain in song lyrics, and some differences between this research and the other three researches are song contradiction that to be analyzed. The first researcher examined the figurative language contained in the five John Legend’s song. While, the second researcher examined the figurative language contained on Song Lyrics Provided in “Pathway To English” Textbook Published by Erlangga for Eleventh Grades of Senior High School. The last researcher examined the figurative language contained in the song lyrics by Maheir Zein. Meanwhile, in this research, the writer analyzed figurative language in Daniel Caesar’s song. From the similarities and the difference that have been explained below, the result is that the writer in this research will focus on finding out the figurative language in five song lyrics of Daniel Caesar in Freudian album. The five song lyrics are Best Part, Get You, Transform, Hold Me Down and Neu Roses. The problem of the research is what kinds of figurative language are found in five song lyrics of Freudian album by Daniel Caesar and the objective of the research is to find out the kinds of figurative language in five song lyrics of Freudian album by Daniel Caesar. The significance of the research is we can know the figurative language which is contained in the song lyric that we listen every day. Also, we can learn what is the figurative language and kind of figurative language.

RESEARCH METHOD According to Creswell (1998), he said “qualitative research in an inquiry process of understanding based on distinct methodological traditions of inquiry that explore a social or human problem.”(p.15) Research method is method which is used to collect and analyse the data in research. In this research, the writer used qualitative research. Qualitative research method is a type of research method about descriptive research and tends to use analysis. Furthermore, qualitative research is a type of social science research that collects the data non- numerical and more focus to the meanings, concepts definitions, characteristics, metaphors, symbols, and description of things. The writer wants to find out the type of figurative language which is often used in the song lyrics. Source of data from this research is five song lyrics of Daniel Caesar’s album which entitled Freudian. The title of three song lyrics are Get You, Best Part, Transform, Hold Me Down and Neu Roses lyrics. All of the songs tell about someone who is in love and how much he admires his partner. The writer chose these five songs because all of those have good meanings. Data that used in this research is the figurative sentence that contained in five song lyrics by Daniel Caesar album. Daniel caesar has three albums. The first album is praise break which was released in September 22, 2014. In the praise break album there are seven songs, including End of the Road, Violet, Chevalier, Casablanca, We'll Always Have Paris, Pseudo and Porn Star. Daniel Caesar's second album, Pilgrim's Paradise, was released on November 12, 2015. Pilgrim's Paradise also has seven songs in it, namely Trinity Bellwoods, Death & Taxes, Paradise, A Cappella, Streetcar, Show No Regret, and the last song is Little Rowboat. Daniel Caesar's third album is Freudian. Freudian album realeased on August 25, 2017. In Freudian album there are ten songs namely Hold Me Down, Neu Roses, Loose, We Find Love, Blessed, Take Me Away, Transform, Get You, Best Part and the last song in this song is Freudian the same as the album title. Daniel Caesar has a good voice. He is a Canadian Grammy-nominated R&B singer who became famous after the release of his first two EPs. He also gets two Grammy nominations for the Best R&B Album (Freudian) and Best R&B Performance (Get You) both in 2018. Other nominations are at the Juno Awards where he also won a couple of awards, as well as at the iHeart Radio Much Music Video Awards. The writer listened the song of Daniel Caesar in application on Spotify and read the lyric in The first step before the writer analyzed data is the writer collected the data. The steps in collecting the data are; first, The writer listened all songs in Freudian album by Daniel Caesar. Second, Listened to all songs in other to get the chosen songs that contained figurative language. Third, the writer chose five of ten songs in Freudian album. The five songs that contained figurative language are Best Part , Get You, Transform, Hold Me Down and Neu Roses lyrics. Fourth, the writer read Best Part, Get You, Transform, Hold Me Down and Neu Roses lyric repeatedly. Fifth, the writer read the lyrics to understand and found the figurative language contained in the lyrics of the song. Sixth, the writer identified figurative language that used in five song lyrics of Freudian album by underlining lyrics. The next step after collecting the data is the writer analyzed the data. The steps in analysing the data are; first, the writer classified the data which have found into kinds of figurative language (Simile, Hyperbole, Personification, Metaphor, paradox, synecdoche, and irony). Then, the writer made conclusion after analysing the data.

RESULT AND DISCUSSION In analysing the data, the writer used Perrine’s theory about kinds of figurative language as the basic. Perrine (1992) divided types of figurative language, such as:

Simile Simile is a means of comparing things that are essentially unlike. In simile, the comparison is expressed by the use of some words or phrases, such as like, as, than, similar to, resembles, or seems (Perrine, 1992, p. 61) Examples: 1. Her eyes are like a star, east star. 2. Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. The first example is the word “eyes” and “east star”, expression can be called explicit comparison because it express those words with the same purpose. For the second example, the word “float and sting”, this is comparison two things between Butterfly and Bee. The conclusion from those sentences is both of them using word “like” which show that type of figurative language is Simile.

Metaphor Metaphor is comparing that are essentially unlike (Perrine, 1992, p. 61). Metaphor is an implied comparison between two unlike things that actually have something important in . A metaphor is a comparison in which one thing is said to be another. It involves an implied comparison between two basically unlike things. Examples: 1. Library is science of field. 2. He has a heart of stone. The first meaning is a library is a place where people can fine many kinds of books. It is compared with science filed because both library and science field have the same attribute that is they can add knowledge. The second one, the meaning of heart of stone is the man cannot accept opinion from others because his heart is hard like a stone.

Personification Personification is giving the attributes of human being to an animal, an object, or a concept (Perrine, 1992, p. 64). Personification is a figurative that gives object, animal, idea or abstraction with human character of sensibility. One of the most familiar kinds of comparison is personification that is speaking something which is not human as human abilities. Personification is representing a thing, quality, or idea as a person. Examples: 1. The moon smile at us. 2. The sun played hide and seek with the clouds. The first statement is the satellite (moon) shine in the all the world. The meaning of the second statement is the weather of that day is always changes. So, the both of the sentences above describe the moon and the sun is simile and played as human does.

Apostrophe Closely related to personification is apostrophe. (Perrine, 1992, p. 65) state that apostrophe which consists in addressing someone absent or dead or something nonhuman as if that person or thing were present and alive and could reply to what is being said. Examples: 1. Sun, today is very cool. 2. Soekarno, I am not the stage. The first example, the word “Sun” is addressing to the day in the winter day. This expression going to apostrophe expression because it is expressing that this day is cool, and all people need sun to warm up their body. For the second example, the statement “Soekarno, I am on the stage now” addressing someone that had dead. The conclusion from those sentences is transferring of mandate form the something non-human or someone absent which is addressed as if it were alive and present. It is the kind of figurative language in apostrophe.

Synecdoche Synecdoche is the use of the part for the whole (Perrine, 1992, p. 65). This is substitute some significant details or aspect of an experience for the experience itself. In synecdoche one name is substituted for another, whose meaning is less or cognate with its own. Examples: 1. His word can be thruster. 2. All eyes on me That first sentence is meaning that he is a person that can be trusted through his speak. The word of “his word”, it represents the whole of statement or conversation that his word cannot be trusted. The next sentence is meaning that all of people are looking at her. The word “all eyes”, it represents the whole of people that looking to her. The conclusion above, the words “His word and All eyes” have already represented from anything.

Metonymy Metonymy is the use of something closely related for the thing actually meant (Perrine, 1992, p. 615). Metonymy is used when someone wants to substitute a concrete thing with another thing which is closely associated with it. Examples: 1. The White House decided new regulation. 2. The pen is mightier than the sword. The meaning from the first word is “White House” in this sentence is associated or closely related to “The House President”. It is said house president because in American country, the president stay in white house. The meaning of the next sentence is describe not only sword, weapon, knife that can hurt of someone else, but pen can hurt other as sharp as sword. The both of sentences are closely related to the thing actually meant.

Symbol A symbol may be roughly defined as something that means more than what it is (Perrine, 1992, p. 80) Examples: 1. The white rose is a dove. 2. Music is nature’s pain killer. The meaning of the first example is each a dove is used to express a pure of flowers white rose. White rose imitate as a symbol dove that have a meaning peace love. Dove is reputed as initial loyalty into love. While, the second examples show that the music as neutralize to the people sick naturally. Music also always reputed as a complement of life.

Allegory According to Perrine (1992), “Allegory is a narrative or description that has a second meaning beneath the surface” (p. 88). Although the surface story or description may have its own interest, the author’s major interest is in the ulterior meaning. Examples: 1. Mouse deer and Crocodile 2. The rich man and the poor man The meaning of the first example is about animal’s life, famous story have moral value that can be lesson to our life. While, the second examples almost like the first statement that have moral value or moral message, but that story’s is telling about someone (people) from the real story like a reality show.

Paradox A paradox is an apparent contradiction that is nevertheless somehow true (Perrine, 1992, p. 100). Paradox is a statement that seem contradiction, unbelievable or absurd but that may be true in fact. It may either be situation or a statement. Its seeming impossibility startles the reader into attention and, by the fact of it is apparent absurdity, underscores the truth of what is being said. Examples: 1. There is a life after death 2. He was dead in the middle of the riches. The first sentence is a contradiction because some people do not believe that there os life after death. The meaning of the second statement is the man was dead when he was in the top in his riches has much money. The both of example are contradictory statement because it has make sense.

Hyperbole (overstatment) Overstatement or hyperbole is simply exaggeration but exaggeration in the service of truth (Perrine, 1992, p. 101). Overstatement may be used with a variety of effects. It may be humorous or grave, fanciful or restrained, convincing or unconvincing. Examples: 1. I have told you that million times. 2. I had to walk 15 miles to school in the snow, uphill. The first sentence contain exaggeration or overstatement, because the speaker did not really mean to what he/she has said it is impossible for human being to speak a million times. The meaning of the second sentence is he walks to school in the snow it make like walk so far like 15 miles away. Both of statement above is expression of over-statement.

Litotes (understatement) According to Perrine (1992), “Understatement or litotes is saying less than one means, may exist in what one says or merely in how one says it” (p. 102). It is kind of understatement where the speakers use negative of a word ironically, to mean the opposite. Examples: 1. Welcome to my ugly palace. 2. It’s nothing just a scratch The meaning of the first example is a luxury place, where the king lives with luxurious. Then, the meaning of second example is actually he or she got being injury, until brought to the hospital. The author of poems uses negative of word ironically to mean the opposite.

Irony According to Perrine (1992), “Verbal irony is saying the opposite of what one means. In a simple form, verbal irony means the opposite of what is being said” (p. 104). Irony has a meaning that extends beyond its use merely as a figure of speech. Irony, on the other hand, is a literary device or that may be used in the service of sarcasm or ridicule or may not. Examples: 1. Your voice is so good that makes me hurt. 2. You are so discipline because you come the meeting at 08.00 o’clock. The meaning of the first statement “your voice - makes me hurt” is the contestant actually has bad singing, but we are say good for appreciate on the beginning word. The meaning of the second example “you are so discipline – come the meeting at 08.00 o’clock” is the employee come too late at the meeting. The statement above is a contrast between what happens and what has been expected to happen.

After that, below are the result of figurative language that contained in five song lyrics of Freudian album by Daniel Caesar and they are presented along with the analysis below: Data Findings The writer found seven figurative languages that found in five songs on the Freudian album by Daniel Caesar. The first figurative language is simile, the second figurative is hyperbole, the third figurative language is personification and the fourth is metaphor, the fifth is synecdoche, the sixth is irony, and the seventh figurative language is paradox. Each figurative language has different data, those are, similes have 5 data, hyperboles have 11 data, personifications have 5 data, metaphors have 10 data, synecdoche has 1 data, irony has 1 data and paradox has 1 data. The total of data which writer has found is 34 data. It is shown in this table below:

No Figurative Language Data 1. Simile 5 2. Hyperbole 11 3. Personification 5 4. Metaphor 10 5. Synecdoche 1 6. Irony 1 7. Paradox 1 Total 34

After finding 34 data, the writer classified one by one the data that has been obtained based on Perrine's theory chosen by the writer as follows:

1. Best Part Lyrics

No Data Figurative Language 1. This feels like summer Simile 2. You’re the coffee that I like in the morning Metaphor 3. You’re sunshine when the rain it’s pouring Metaphor 4. You’re my water when I stuck in the desert Metaphor 5. You’re the Tylenol I take when my head hurts. Metaphor

Data no. 1 This feels like summer The word “like” is the one of the character in simile. In the lyrics the song writer comparing “feels” and “summer”. “summer” described someone feeling will be warm like summer when they are falling in love.

Data no. 2 You’re the coffee that I like in the morning. In this lyric the song writer compare human with “coffee”. As we know coffee is a drink and it was really good to start your activity in the morning like what was written in the lyrics.

Data no. 3 You’re sunshine when the rain it’s pouring. The song writer compare human with “sunshine” because, the word “sunshine” in this lyrics had the meaning “happiness” and the word “rain” meant “sad”. So, when someone felt sad and there was someone else who came to bring the happiness, so they would be happy again.

Data no. 4 You’re my water when I stuck in the desert. The song writer compare human with “water”. In this lyrics the word “water” meant “savior”. As we know, desert has a lot of sand, and also the desert is very dry and hot. So, it felt safe when they saw a lot of water like oasis.

Data no. 5 You’re the Tylenol I take when my head hurts. The song writer compare human with “Tylenol”. Tylenol, also was known as acetaminophen or APAP is medicine used to treat the pain and fever. In this song, “Tylenol” had meaning healer, and the word “head” in this song meant “heart”. So, when your heart was hurt by someone, then there would be someone else to heal your pain and make you felt better.

2. Get You Lyrics

No Data Figurative Language 1. Boy you make me feel so alive. Hyperbole 2. Boy you’ll lead me to paradise. Hyperbole 3. You’re cries they can be heard form far and wide. Hyperbole

Data no. 1 Boy you make me feel so alive. The underline sentence of this song is absolutely hyperbole. The song writer made the boy as if source of life the girl. In facts, no one can make somebody else’s so alive except God.

Data no. 2 Boy you’ll lead me to paradise. The lyrics in this song is really hyperbole, because it was impossible that “the boy” could lead someone to paradise. Your faith of the God will lead you to paradise.

Data no. 3 You’re cries they can be heard form far and wide. The sentence is really exaggereate. As we know, when someone cried, they tried to prevent others from hearing their cries.

3. Transform Lyrics

No Data Figurative Language 1. But Ego’s in the way Personification 2. That anger will fade away Personification 3. And I'll be your goddess and you a part of me Synecdoche 4. Lay down your pride, lay down with me Personification 5 So ugly but you love me Irony 6. Ain’t it funny, Now you're money Metaphor 7. Act like you don't know nobody Simile 8. What goes round gon' come back around Paradox 9. You're my violet in the sun Metaphor 10. Can’t quit you, you're like drugs Simile 11. Saved my soul like Jesus Simile

Data no. 1 But Ego’s in the way The sentence indicated personification expression in the lyrics. The song writer described the ego like a human that could walk in the way. In fact, ego is feeling in our heart and our mind.

Data no. 2 That anger will fade away The sentence indicated personification expression in the lyrics. The song writer described the anger like a human that could fade away. In fact, anger is feeling in our heart and our mind.

Data no. 3 And I'll be your goddess and you a part of me The sentence indicated synecdoche expression in the lyrics. In the sentence, the song writer described that someone became a part from a whole other someone.

Data no. 4 Lay down your pride, lay down with me The sentence indicated personification expression in the lyrics. The song writer described the pride like a human that could lay down with him. In fact, pride is feeling in our heart and our mind.

Data no. 5 So ugly but you love me The sentence indicated irony expression in the lyrics because the song writer described opposite what the meaning and what is being said. It is usually used to tease someone or himself.

Data no. 6 Ain’t it funny, Now you're money The sentence indicated metaphor expression in the lyrics because the song writer described the word “you” compared with “his money”. It involves an implied comparison between two basically unlike things.

Data no. 7 Act like you don't know nobody The sentence indicated simile expression in the lyrics because the song writer described the word “act” compared with “you don’t know nobody”, the comparison is expressed by used word “like”.

Data no. 8 What goes round gon' come back around The sentence indicated paradox expression in the lyrics because the song writer described the word “goes round” contradicted with the word “ come back” in one sentence.

Data no. 9 You're my violet in the sun The sentence indicated metaphor expression in the lyrics because the song writer described the word “you” compared with “my violet in the sun”. It involves an implied comparison between two basically unlike things.

Data no. 10 Can’t quit you, you're like drugs The sentence indicated simile expression in the lyrics because the song writer described the word “you” compared with “drugs”, the comparison is expressed by used word “like”. Data no. 11 Saved my soul like Jesus The sentence indicated simile expression in the lyrics because the song writer described the word “my soul” compared with “Jesus”, the comparison is expressed by used word “like”.

4. Hold Me Down Lyric No Data Figurative Language 1. I know I'm your favorite Hyperbole 2. I got this girl she's making me crazy Hyperbole 3. Pussy so good it sets me on fire Hyperbole 4. You’re fly girl Metaphor 5. But you’re headed to maybe Metaphor 6. I’ll take the time treat you like a lady Simile 7. My life’s a spectacle, a sad story Metaphor 8. You left me with the pain Hyperbole 9. I carry it everyday Hyperbole

Data no. 1 I know I'm your favorite The underline sentence of this song indicated hyperbole. It expressed exaggeration. The song writer made the boy as if the girl’s favourite. The word “favourite” meant “very like”.

Data no. 2 I got this girl she's making me crazy The underline sentence of this song indicated hyperbole. The song writer described that he got the girl that made him crazy. It expressed exaggeration, as if he was made crazy by the girl.

Data no. 3 Pussy so good it sets me on fire The underline sentence of this song indicated hyperbole. The song writer described that as if he was on fire when he was pussy and he loved someone. It expressed exaggeration.

Data no. 4 You’re fly girl The sentence indicated metaphor expression in the lyrics because the song writer described the word “you” compared with “fly girl”. It involves an implied comparison between two basically unlike things.

Data no. 5 But you’re headed to maybe The sentence indicated metaphor expression in the lyrics because the song writer described the word “you” compared with “headed to”. It involves an implied comparison between two basically unlike things.

Data no. 6 I’ll take the time treat you like a lady. The sentence indicated simile expression in the lyrics because the song writer described the word “you” compared with “lady”, the comparison is expressed by used word “like”.

Data no. 7 My life’s a spectacle, a sad story The sentence indicated metaphor expression in the lyrics because the song writer described the word “my life” compared with “spectacle”. It involves an implied comparison between two basically unlike things.

Data no. 8 You left me with the pain The underline sentence of this song indicated hyperbole. The song writer described that as if he was left by the girl with a whole pain and deep sadness. It expressed exaggeration.

Data no. 9 I carry it everyday The underline sentence of this song indicated hyperbole. The song writer described that as if he carried his pain everyday in her daily life because of his deep sadness. It expressed exaggeration.

5. Neu Roses Lyric No Data Figurative Language 1. I threw your love away Personification 2. When your fragile world was crashing down Hyperbole 3. And the darkness that you try so hard to subdue Personification 4. I know I made a big mistake, don’t turn my sunshine Hyperbole to shade 5. I know this is a game we play Metaphor 6. You’re always taking my breath away Hyperbole

Data no. 1 I threw your love away The sentence indicated personification expression in the lyrics. The song writer described the love’s girl could thrown by him far away like a thing. In fact, love is feeling in our heart and our mind. It is not a thing.

Data no. 2 When your fragile world was crashing down The underline sentence of this song indicated hyperbole. The song writer described that as if his world is fragile and he crashed his world down. It expressed exaggeration.

Data no. 3 And the darkness that you try so hard to subdue The sentence indicated personification expression in the lyrics. The song writer described the darkness like a human. It could subdue. In fact, darkness is a situation or condition in some place.

Data no. 4 I know I made a big mistake, don’t turn my sunshine to shade The underline sentence of this song indicated hyperbole. The song writer described that as if he had a sunshine and his sunshine could change into shade. It expressed exaggeration.

Data no. 5 I know this is a game we play The underline sentence indicated metaphor expression in the lyrics because the song writer described the word “this (his love story)” compared with “a game”. It involves an implied comparison between two basically unlike things.

Data no. 6 You’re always taking my breath away The underline sentence of this song indicated hyperbole. The song writer described that as if his girl always took his breath so far away. It expressed exaggeration.


Conclusion The writer concludes that in the five songs lyrics of Daniel Caesar’s album, the writer found seven kinds of figurative language. There are simile, hyperbole, personification, metaphor, paradox, synecdoche and irony. Total of the data which have found by the writer are 34 data. From 34 data, the writer classified the data into 5 similes, 11 hyperboles, 5 personifications, 10 metaphors, 1 synecdoche, 1 irony and 1 paradox.

Suggestion Based on conclusion above, the writer hopes this research can be useful to anyone who wants to do research based on figurative language in song lyric. Because of by this research, the writer knows about many figurative languages that contained in song lyrics and we can more understand about meaning and message which delivered by the song writer. For next researchers, the writer suggests to find more figurative language in various song lyrics. Therefore, there will be many kinds of figurative language that can be studied.


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