394 Special Acts, 1916. — Chap. 367.

Massachusetts School for For the ^ School for the Feeble-Minded, a Feeble-Minded. sum not exceeding ninety-five hundred dollars. Monson state hospital. For the Monson state hospital, a sum not exceeding three thousand dollars. Northampton state hospital. For the Northampton state hospital, a sum not exceeding three thousand dollars. . For the Taunton state hospital, a sum not exceeding sixty-five hundred dollars. Westborough state hospital. For the Westborough st-ate hospital, a sum not exceeding four thousand dollars. . For the Worcester state hospital, a sum not exceeding ten thousand dollars. . For the Wrentham state school, a sum not exceeding twelve thousand dollars. Norfolk state hospital. For the Norfolk state hospital, a sum not exceeding seventy-five hundred dollars. Lakeville state sanatorium. For the Lakeville state sanatorium, a sum not exceeding one thousand dollars. Industrial school for boys. For the industrial school for boys, a sum not exceeding twenty-five hundred dollars. State industrial school for girls. For the state industrial school for girls, a sum not ex- ceeding fifteen hundred dollars. Lyman school for boys. For the Lyman school for boys, a sum not exceeding three thousand dollars. Massachusetts reformatory. For the ^Massachusetts reformatory, a sum not exceeding five hundred dollars. Section 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Ayproved June 2, 1916.


Be it enacted, etc., as follows:

Appropriations. SECTION 1. The sums hereinafter mentioned are hereby appropriated, to be paid out of the treasury of the com- monwealth from the ordinary revenue, unless otherwise specified, to wit: — Examination the direction of the governor as to salaries For an examination, under paid state council, as to salaries and other compensation paid to and county and employees. certain employees by the commonwealth and the several counties, as authorized by chapter ninety-four of the resolves of the present year, a sum not exceeding two thousand dollars. '

Special Acts, 1916. — Chap. 367. 395

textile school, to expended by the Loweii textile For the Lowell be ^ trustees of the said school, as authorized by chapter ninety- ^'^ five of the resolves of the present year, the following sums: For maintenance, fifty thousand dollars; and for certain grading, fifteen hundred dollars. For an additional building at the Norfolk state hospital, ^Sn^at to be expended under the direction of the trustees of said Norfolk state • nospital. . 1 • 1 1 1 f 1 mstitution, as authorized by chapter nmety-seven or the resolves of the present year, a sum not exceeding four thou- sand dollars. For an automatic sprinkling system at the reformatory Automatic

prison for women, to be expended under the direction of the tem°at reform- ^°'^ director of the bureau of prisons, as authorized by chapter wom^n.™"'' ninety-eight of the resolves of the present year, a sum not exceeding six thousand dollars.

For certain changes in the pumping station at the state changes in infirmary, to be expended under the direction of the trustees Son^atTtate' I'^firmary. of said institution, as authorized by chapter ninety-nine of the resolves of the present year, a sum not exceeding six thousand dollars.

For certain improvements at the state farm, as authorized aflStrSlrm*^ by chapter one hundred of the resolves of the present year, a sum not exceeding twenty-five thousand dollars. For certain improvements at the Rutland state sanatorium, improvements to be expended under the direction of the trustees of hospitals state^sanato- ""™' for consumptives, as authorized by chapter one hundred and one of the resolves of the present year, a sum not ex- ceeding eleven thousand five hundred dollars. For certain improvements at the Westfield state sana- improvements at Westfield torium, to be expended under the direction of the trustees statete sanato- rium. of hospitals for consumptives, as authorized by chapter one hundred and two of the resolves of the present year, a sum not exceeding eight thousand two hundred eighty-four dol- lars and eighty-four cents. For certain additions and improvements at the Massa- improvements chusetts reformatory, to be expended under the direction of chusettsre- °^"^^^^y- the director of the bureau of prisons, as authorized by chapter one hundred and three of the resolves of the present year, a sum not exceeding five thousand dollars. For certain improvements at the Massachusetts Agri- l^^^^^l^^""^^ cultural College, as authorized by chapter one hundred and cimsetts Agri- four of the resolves of the present year, a sum not exceeding Coiiegc. thirty-six thousand two hundred dollars. For certain improvements at the Lyman school for boys, improvements to be expended under the direction of the trustees of the schTOHor'boys. 396 Special Acts, 1916. — Chap. 367.

]\Iassachusetts training schools, as authorized by chapter one hundred and five of the resolves of the present year, a sum not exceeding six thousand one hundred dollars. Investigation For an investigation by a special commission to be ap- of proposed development of pointed by the governor relative to the proposed develop- Massachusetts Agricultural ment of the IMassachusetts Agricultural College, as au- College. thorized by chapter one hundred and six of the resolves of the present year, a sum not exceeding seventy-five hundred dollars. Commission on For expenses of the commission to be appointed by the holding of Pilgrim governor relative to the holding of a Pilgrim tercenten- tercentenary celebration. nial celebration, as authorized by chapter one hundred and seven of the resolves of the present year, a sum not exceed- ing twenty-five thousand dollars. Use of prison with of prison labor at labor at For expenses in connection the use Rutland state the Rutland state sanatoriiun, as authorized by chapter sanatorium. one hundred and eight of the resolves of the present year, a sum not exceeding five thou.sand dollars. Improvements certain at the Lakeville state sana- at LakeWUe For improvements state sanato- torium, to be expended under the direction of the trustees rium. of hospitals for consumptives, as authorized by chapter one hundred and ten of the resolves of the present year, a sum not exceeding twenty-five thousand three hundred dollars. Im provements certain additions improvements at the prison at prison camp For and and iiospital. camp and hospital, to be expended under the direction of the director of the bureau of prisons, as authorized by chapter one hundred and eleven of the resolves of the present year, a sum not exceeding eleven thousand eight hundred two dollars and eighty-four cents. Investigation the expenses of a commission to be appointed by the as to use of For habit forming governor to investigate the extent of the use of habit forming drugs. drugs and the effectiveness of the lav.s pertaining thereto, as authorized by chapter one hundred and twelve of the resolves of the present year, a sum not exceeding one thou- sand dollars. Completing For surfacing and completing the playground on the playground on northeastern northeastern shore of Lynn harbor, to be expended under shore of Lynn harbor. the direction of the metropolitan park commission, as au- thorized by chapter one hundred and sixteen of the resolves of the present year, a sum not exceeding ten thousand dol- lars, to be paid from the Metropolitan Parks jNIaintenance Fund. Special Acts, 1916. — Chap. 367. 397

For pajTuents to certain male employees at the re- Payments to formatory for women, upon the approval of the director of employes at ^°'^ the bureau of prisons, as authorized by chapter one hundred ^omen^*""^^ and eighteen of the resolves of the present year, a sum not exceeding twenty-six hundred dollars. For certain additions and improvements at the Massa- improvements chusetts hospital school, to be expended under the direction chusettThoapU of the trustees of said institution, as authorized by chapter ^^^ school. one hundred and nineteen of the resolves of the present year, a smn not exceeding twenty-five thousand one hundred and fifty dollars. For certain improvements and the purchase of land at the improvements,

Danvers state hospital, to be expended under the direction Danyers state *^°^p'^^- of the state board of insanity, as authorized by chapter one hundred and twenty of the resolves of the present year, a sum not exceeding ninety-seven thousand eight hundred dollars. For certain improvements at the Foxborough state lios- improvements pital, to be expended under the direction of the state board 3tate°hoapitai. of insanity, as authorized by chapter one hundred and twenty-one of the resolves of the present year, a sum not exceeding one hundred and twelve thousand two hundred dollars. For certain improvements at the Gardner state colony, to improvements be expended under the direction of the state board of in- state'^coiony. sanity, as authorized by chapter one hundred and twenty- two of the resoh'es of the present year, a sum not exceeding twelve thousand dollars.

For certain improvements at the , arGraftoS^"*'^ to be expended under the direction of the state board of ^***^ hospital, insanity, as authorized by chapter one hundred and twenty- three of the resolves of the present year, a sum not exceeding twenty-three thousand dollars.

For certain improvements at the Northampton state improvements "'^' hospital, to be expended under the direction of the state ton^statlf board of insanity, as authorized by chapter one hundred and I'ospitai. twenty-four of the resolves of the present year, a sum not exceeding thirty-five hundred dollars. For certain improvements at the "Westborough state improvements hospital, to be expended under the direction of the state s^i^te'^hospUaf.^ board of insanity, as authorized by chapter one hundred and twenty-five of the resolves of the present year, a sum not exceeding fifteen thousand dollars. 398 Special Acts, 1916. — Chap. 367.

Improvements certain at Worcester For improvements at the Worcester state hospital, state hospital. to be expended under the direction of the state board of insanity, as authorized by chapter one hundred and twenty- SLx of the resolves of the present year, a sum not exceeding twenty thousand dollars. Improvements For certain improvements at the Massachusetts School for at Massa- chusetts School the Feeble-INIinded, to be expended under the direction of for Feeble- Minded. the state board of insanity, as authorized by chapter one hundred and twenty-seven of the resolves of the present year, a sum not exceeding twent^'-three thousand seven hundred dollars. Protection of For the protection of the banks of the Westfield river, to banks of West- field river. be expended under the direction of the board of harbor and land commissioners, as authorized by chapter one hundred and twenty-eight of the resolves of the present year, a sum not exceeding five thousand dollars. Improvements For certain improvements at the state normal school at at Bridgewater state normal Bridgewater, to be expended under the direction of the school. board of education, as authorized by chapter one hundred and thirty-one of the resolves of the present year, a sum not exceeding eighty-eight thousand dollars. Improvements For certain improvements at the state hospital, at . to be expended under the direction of the state board of insanity, as authorized by chapter one hundred and thirty- two of the resolves of the present year, a sum not exceeding one hundred fifty thousand nine hundred and eighty-three dollars. Stuart For Stuart Farquhar, upon vouchers to be approved by Farquhar. the director of the bureau of prisons, as authorized by chapter one hundred and thirty-four of the resolves of the present year, a sum not exceeding four hundred dollars. Improvements For certain improvements at the industrial school for at industrial school for boys. boys, to be expended under the direction of the trustees of the ^Massachusetts training schools, as authorized by chapter one hundred and thirty-seven of the resolves of the present year, a sum not exceeding ninety-two thousand seven hun- * dred dollars. Improvement For the improvement of the channel of the Town river in of channel of Town river in the city of Quincy, to be ex-pended under the direction of the Quincy. directors of the port of Boston, as authorized by chapter one hundred and thirty-eight of the resolves of the present year, a sum not exceeding twenty-five thousand dollars, to be paid out of the Port of Boston Fund. Special Acts, 1916. — Chap. 367. 399

For certain improvements at the Wrentham state school, 1"^^^°^^^^^^ to be expended under the direction of the state board of state school. insanity, as authorized by chapter one hundred and forty of the resolves of the present year, a sum not exceeding sixty-five thousand nine hundred and sixty dollars. certain improvements at the several state normal For ari'/veraT'ltate schools, to be expended under the direction of the board of normal schools. education, as authorized by chapter one hundred and forty- two of the resolves of the present year, a smn. not ex- ceeding twenty-eight thousand five hundred and eighty-six dollars. For expenses incurred by the metropolitan park com- Determination mission to determine the route for an extension of the road extension of in the Charles river reservation from the Brighton district charies river^ reservation. of the city of Boston to the city of Newton, as authorized by chapter one hundred and forty-three of the resolves of the present year, a sum not exceeding five hundred dollars, to be paid from the ^Metropolitan Parks Maintenance Fund. ad- For an investigation by the state forester as to the advifai?i?ity''o°^ visabilitv of taking INIount Holvoke as a state reservation, takmg Mount '. 1*^11 IP n i>i xiolyoke as as authorized by chapter one hundred and forty-five oi the state reserva- resolves of the present year, a sum not exceeding two hun- dred dollars. The appropriation made by chapter forty-seven of the Appropriation Special Acts of the present year for the salary of the chief commissioner "^ • ' ' transferred, etc. ii-.i] , J. e ±^ :^ clerk m the department or the msurance commissioner is hereby transferred to the appropriation for additional clerks and assistants in the same department.

The appropriations made for the boards of parole and ^^''pHsoJfcom- prison commissioners by chapters one hundred and twentv- missioners, etc., eight and one hundred and seventy-one of the Special Acts of the present year are hereby made available for the ex- penses of the bureau of prisons, and any necessary transfers between the different items in said appropriations may be made by the director of the bureau of prisons with the approval of the auditor of the commonwealth.

For the Old South Association in Boston, as authorized 9'*^ • Association^?'J^^ . PI • 1 m by chapter twenty-six or the resolves or the year eighteen Boston. hundred and seventy-eight, the sum of ten thousand dollars. the general of the commission for the blind, For expenses [or'^ii^J'"" a sum not exceeding eleven hundred dollars, the same to be in addition to any amount heretofore appropriated for this purpose. 400 Special Acts, 1916. — Chap. 367.

Cost of con- For the commonwealth's proportion of the cost of con- structing Concord avenue structing the Concord avenue highway, as authorized by- highway. chapter one hundred and ninety-six of the General Acts of the year nineteen hundred and fifteen, a sum not exceed- ing fourteen thousand two hundred and fifty dollars. Appropriation The appropriation heretofore made for the salary* of the for dairy bureau trans- executive officer in the dairy bureau is hereby transferred ferred, etc. and made available for the salary of the secretary of the state board of agriculture. Additions to For expenses incurred by the board of education for fire protection system, etc., at additions to the fire protection system and water supply Bridgewater state normal for domestic purposes at the state normal school at Bridge- school. water, in excess of appropriations heretofore made, the sum of one hundred five dollars and ninety-eight cents. Travelling For travelling and office expenses of the commissioners expenses of commissioners on fisheries and game, a sum not exceeding seven hundred on fisheries and game, etc. dollars, and for the enforcement of laws, including salaries and travelling expenses of deputies appointed by the com- missioners on fisheries and game, a sima not exceeding forty-three hundred dollars, both to be in addition to any amounts heretofore appropriated for these purposes. Incidental For the tax commissioner's department, for incidental expenses in tax commissioner's and contingent expenses, a sum not exceeding one thousand department. dollars; for clerical and other assistants, a sum not exceed- ing one thousand dollars; and for travelling expenses of officers and employees of the department, a sum not ex- ceeding five hundred dollars; severally to be in addition to any amounts heretofore appropriated for these purposes. Commission to the compensation and expenses of the commission to codify laws For relative to codify laws relative to highways, as authorized by chapter highways. ninety-five of the resolves of the year nineteen hundred and fifteen, a sum not exceeding six thousand dollars, the same to be in addition to any amount heretofore appropriated for this purpose. Board of free For expenses incurred by the board of free public library public library commissioners. commissioners in aid of certain free public libraries, a sum not exceeding two thousand dollars, the same to be in addition to any amount heretofore appropriated for this purpose. Establishment For the purchase of land and other necessary expenses to of Mount Toby State Demon- establish the INIount Toby State Demonstration Forest, as stration Forest. authorized by chapter two hundred and thirty-four of the General Acts of the present year, a sum not exceeding thirty thousand dollars. Special Acts, 1916. — Chap. 368. 401

For the salary of Ellen ]Mudge Biirrill as cashier of the de- Salary of Eiien "" ^® partment of the sergeant-at-arms, as authorized by chapter ' two hundred and forty-six of the General Acts of the present year, a sum not exceeding one hundred four dollars and thirty cents, the same to be in addition to any sum here- tofore appropriated for the purpose. For the salary of an additional woman agent in the bureau salary of of prisons, as authorized by chapter two hundred and forty- woman'kgent °^ nine of the General Acts of the present year, a sum not ex- prisons!''' ceeding five hundred dollars. control For expenses of the engineer's department under ^nR^elr^s^"^ of the sergeant-at-arms, as authorized by chapters two department at hundred and fifty-four and two hundred and fifty-five of the General Acts of the present year, a simi not exceeding eleven hundred and fifty dollars.

For the improvement and protection by the harbor and ofrheJs^hTr- commissioners of rivers and harbors, tide waters and land ^nd forelhorlt^^ foreshores, as authorized by chapter three hundred and eighteen of the Special Acts of the present year, a sum not exceeding two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. For the cost of construction of a certain sewerage system Construction for the state normal school at Framingham, as authorized tyst^m i^t by chapter three hundred and thirty-eight of the Special ftSe'n'Jfrm^ school. Acts of the present year, a sum not exceeding three thousand dollars. Section 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Approved June 2, 1916.

[1914, 472, 747.]

An Act to repeal the act providing for quarters for CJiav.^Q^ THE PORT WARDEN OF GLOUCESTER AND ROCKPORT.

Be it enacted, etc., as follows:

1. Chapter seven hundred and forty-seven of Section J^^^te^s for''^ warden of the acts of the vear nineteen hundred and fourteen, being an pfj'-t " Gloucester and .11 i> 1 11' act to provide tor suitable quarters tor the port warden or Rockport Gloucester and Rockport, is hereby repealed. Section 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Approved June 2, 1916.