Rahw«> Afternoon, November 2,\$«13, MERRY RALLQWE'EM »WEfflretMM^TMfllll»Ti»t. AM THE EMPIRE, .WEDNESDAESA Y THREE LflEftL Special Cat Prices for Week of NOY J to U TH£ FUST MSmUIHUIHT OF W.TKS LATEST AUQ flBUTKT SEB3AI TS1UMP8 PABT1ES_ IN JUHED SOLID PACKED a SULTANA The Rah way Record TUTZHiTlTlF/V*' WITH WiLUAM COURTLfcJfiH. Jr.. PARTIES G|§E (Continued Prom Pagi'-Tf''"- ' Hfcvocarc WCnL Ur I tlC Vi A VI ~ LILLIAN LORRAINE" |.Two;Nijrrow Eacape* From Tno Uahwack CampiSro OiJi* had • inCMATGES MflflUCS) IT PEBWSS1Q1 OF THE SECtmSY OF THEUIITEB STATES MAfT. THE STAB OF TIE TS* Tik* tutcsssior H t»» u«iMa Ownewi. IttibJlihod 1*sO- and a Broken Nose doUxhiitU latbarina •<• «S»' h»S»« of PUAMflUJIT SOOTS AMEH10AI TUVEt SEB1ES AID OTMEB EXOEUElt COMEDia AID 08AJUS*; Guardian IJtai Margaret Bxjsirtay, 'of EVAPORATED —A*P— —WAX— C10MT PAQ*« PRICE TWO CENTS ADULTS *._. - . « 1Oc CHILDREN - - 5c Recorded- £ait llaxolwood avenue. SatsrdiW'«»e- VOL. V. SERIAL NO. 634. RAH WAY. UNION COUNTY, N. J., FRIDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 5,1915. rlod oal. Aooni tllo*e proMst war*: APRICaTS- REPORT NOT'RECEIVED To-Morrow Brings Oho of David Beiascoa Famous Play* A narrowjMcapo from fatal Injuries Tnv Mlau* <}«rcrad« Klahsor. liUlan SUNDAY SCHOOL CON'ZRSNCE lloa>ka.~IHi»inro-.)it).Uar, Pcfla -Brqat. waa olportancod by Walter O.Qrava* LB to Qiv« of'TVost Milton avenue, this, morning. Holo» Worth. Etlwl PTICB. Ljdla CAN Big OsUvsrtna Nart Tuesday Rathmsil Wllaon AtkJ«*>« NARROW ESCAPE! SUPPLEMENT 10 : "THE 80SEDF THE SANCHO"Wim BESSIE 8ARRISCALE at First MUNICIPAL TREE Mr. Grave*, boardod ' tha trollay car vllinJ, Uarxarat"'Br«ail«y. Mlu ENDORSESIENT FoJowtn( a xradaal doclina in health v 1 Oc Owtac to tl< tact Cist tha Iraa *x c A. L>t*.v>i v ot* <)LU o.vi.i*'<»tt i *• WITH 'CIIK Si V-TJ4U M«I> itf THE e«o<»ect:»*. that leave* Chorry and Irving streets amilh. HoUIord AyrW Forcr MJ1J«T. for ***» 5*at throa j«ars, HathSMi^. 1 His* Z3J1« Hamad wfll r«id«r vloita p«ru. j S- Crape, of XV«sln«Jd- and l>A,Vl» MEl^SCO T<» UK iS'iZKIASH VIA > «S iKVJlliV MilsNK. OV COUHSli 1T* A Harry HimpK'" . ^^tf' Ro*I«y. Chm*. Wilson JLtMnaon, sjwd to. pas*»d HfCI SH VA ONLY ItB HfKS At THIS £MI*l. flab-by Raliiord Ayraa, Ed*ar Bowl«y and TTaioo. walcii Is to b«j a«ld tn th« IAO- danca. 74 Caaamarca strut. Tha ropbs«nttit hand and nla Wt -' Mi~ ""1 Mlt m.lT>nir irrwi Intha vicinity of tag a T^T" i,T~5'*5Ji?HyHI7~ T.ffl TU ^VJT si * "TTT" PTfl C^BL-akaub.-jfc3 TnesdaV wniax lor"* of Nyack. *r. ¥, Ths briiji is a native jtoation from Dr. 3F Hallowa'on dthorinc Saturday «T«- U» th* rwJswtUal on Ta»»4»r Of Preal- of Hahway aBS-a mombor- of. Trinity j laid tap for »averai day* as tho result d*nt T. "W. Laatrtrotli as a of tie o^!h*J»oar4Jtocaaa« ' iai«o toJi«lp_d«c*-.^f0yo»^^-,oo^ .-- Ka*l_ rUsolwood fa 1 tais"city"for-th«" past- twehty-thre«-H:>.w~v^Si^^^ ! arrioj A ha*Vet of ths mamhors of tho Trinity Mothofiit L 1 WILL ELBOT Ol»FtCtt«.» J«clt"Vooly, throoVoar^ld soil t! Ur l^«rm.it wiiwl doatn. A talepiione )., , ._I=, ..Il=, u^,^, (^^u^ »i«* T* r xrtj At Iho Snootln* of tho %VolAoo'» ?o. aod Mrs. John fooly, of Woatnold a Each school, as In tt. Evan, and Char!.. Cbal In tie flrsi part oi the proposed utical j J Pcdple Figure in Brilliant Was tlocjdod io oloct oAcors OS. one 'oi tho work cars oh have the largest nnmber of r«pr«aep-_ Besides ivania EaQroaa7~Sll~ISI Mm triiiifcilnSi- Mrs. IK and diicjus Ways and moans of PU> road yustorday aftornou crtttic aLmp»ixTt speAkan jnraTlcniJ to tallrea present. from New Yorit to A FAMOUS tho tnso mnd dlstrlbtttlos of sifts t&ero it has b«es pastsorite^L tn Uetl qf WeddiHg* !tioth<*r of ti'<» bri< wasi attifod Us a lielty for th* toatlnUahcs of ths cans-"jsister, Manarot. 5 years old. ha siart- I cm Hullaoa Spies 10c 1 1 pkl V.n'. Moral). thirty-four years he had been jhaard before Jndx« H- W. Ribleli In .....10c j 1 WCtaioo Silid -rtU tra & XOOTIILC plctaw procnus to pasteorlxatlon hta milk mnJ>t be tram ! black aad vhto it !!<•<* coort «W». «_v«nln*- C*>Va Dl«d 14*0 AAlV CoioSVtop. • ..... lOi j 1 Muoa Jir Miatud.... pl*-T-.i't-' Tj.f to fio 'KTiftti^t ^^4 iXEfftcrwn WILL INITIATE CLASS ot ployed oa- lisa ~.»>™M . Ua Was. s [ ..KaUy axpUlaed ta thans tiil h* had j > •wllb ortantal lies. ta ic Mfi. Tomb'i store, fiso'.-UtUe a ml cow* tiar'are"tree~trosartnbercjilo«is. * Tbon ] can KJMSswnp, ..... SOC j 1 bat Witch Haisl - lie walcr pliut 4* w« 1IA»* *l»n*d t^ ,t •».* (Wi^ *-i t^Hnft CC"- '*>— "J^* ^ anoiia* lialian who -TlPPlNO. ..•••Ifettow raaoirocUy in front 0fVh6 ap- i^ Oookp. Uown as thsC**tallny jSor~~isltlA£fai4[ soTen at Sdiddlelown oa I HIS—Vl£W \jo/* nn\4 Oo^^^iiicgar P3nTffj who of charya by the ductors. He was an attandant at ths ha. M.r,- M«ictu£«__EiaduclJo<« ~aai4j~W.«;u*--C*«l«l muaicol procrsiin b6rlu>dhiinly^itiemed"by^lir-~ d»-"^^ „ a Wl__ _, liroih. of N«* lliv-oa. 10a of >*B. CoBrt. Thoy wtirfl the roclSionlii times, but tho m.iii who has (<> Sire fouad his skull was sot fractured and J.J bat mar* than »lod. . --.- 1 flt In rruiit of a buusu ut Jlanor tlmo Uia m««lliu th« board Tot«d pr«**nt«d at th« Emplro tHeatreTth.0 •'• «taer_p«ty_»iid_heJiiJia<:*dr«wjl " l£^f;_*IL_ JW*lsr Commlsalonor and Mrs. S . W.of mswy InLnJsomo aSd costly giiU. thoni niuko* llit< »UI»inoUt. ,-Tbit va»t no boaos brokon. Had U not boon for '] revolver aocordiag to Sfoily's story and ; The monthly report oiJtealth Ofltost"" " ~r and ou i.l i- woa!d naturalll y Raspberries 15c a can to pair Intaroat anaonatlax to $1,000 mx OP MHW JAROiNE " •patTOJU""witlr^his~^or3iurr- to&tstroUl, oi lit Wtisi Mliton &T» Mr. Lanistrolh holdJ a responsible number that K-oetv« rth* "laltsr^mada a." dash lot tha atair- Dr. T. W. Sell ahowed the. : aoi. and Miss Xuela ball ConOvor, lirobdbly found It un >I'«T--S3-. when th*t* poaitiaa with th» WinchSstor Kopoat- 1 douhtodly havo boon killod. uritr tlio |iro(i«r amount of The fanersl of Ulss Margaret Jar-/w-: H».waa about three slap* from , COTTrmuniraMa-aijmuw- tychaid I tnuch to In. udltl nil both sldasj bur. 1' did retire ihe »m-vlninx J-i.000 of tha will be an, ttxeeHeat enUrtainment J>re- ol ^ar Caartaa Conovor. Ins^AJrms-ConSpa&y^-is-a-iradUalo-^i p —tlfton bo—would preleud *aa*ion will be held at the who died at the^ home^_otji«r_Ui«_ bottom ot the stalrwiy -when the j of his great start, ^^j ajpfciieria, one; epilepsy, on*;' TcaSnoi -thinirthnr-irl»-ir«SrslciB-\rafcu Tills action "**•*> wattd by-tj14._«n l» • e'nsdwriolc Hyor. thd JlttU aoo of to theao' Llnd jk^jplo that they had sav- slsW, Mrs. 'Wllllijua B. Coffee, in T»--. other"man'opened"firo^Tha "BrslTsut" for anil' OQ« oatsid« mastic thriller la flve parts. Ut. War-, ^ .bated, one no canse and la tho fermottcn oi Xmerioaa~liovoluti6n~aJid^3ramHated: ^hj.-8feia^:gfc.a^iM^ti k * tie plan* lor the coma. Wash., was held on Wednesday .let passed doss to his body and, en- %Uch n and » tvv ~intlmat« "With -tW Siasons. Mrs. EangstrolK lias" ljr"~ricr»ouul nor>'Ice! SlTls"l2o" i6n.~sv«n«cK~had- his—no>*;;xS!»!ocited; ovor tboui "liud. isll h5©rt33s-~ca3t-and^ of iho bHJal couplo by Iho boda particularly actlvo lu tha Ho- oiiif tdu thuIiK~iinuTjnirwlic'1bi""iiot^S«' lh& ifioruodu* wallo rulufalne~" witk are projToasinx »al1«fao- ary avcmig. the Rev. L. Y. Oraham. 'entrance. Kslly had just reached tjie | formed _ will) d).-iix'ii«oitii4J coin. iv! itioa. No. 24 Jr, oiBclatiniJ The ceremony was door when the second bulict was oxed Kifiio. Tho UJ was sit' tefened to was made and musical program^ the participants Oih«r details of the affair are LOW £,,^ 1 p«"^ aensatioKJuaUQDa ananild heara«%tn ISWICinteresMt ^^,1^ «2«wi,»»n/* ton. nf }t Jl.l ill arranged and the aixa of Urzely attended by relatives and aad this die rsme evoii closer WJH aaalitod by *hd Uov. Mr. Conxlln, 3banl of tho uhuJr_ |fof a half doion ordinary photoplay*.• , ^^ JTtisJinjKK'J- CooU«, .wbo: uM.to JbliaV not baring himn ii-qnarrrl ni -Sat |> 1 aT tuok lulo s«rTlctr as •H«E SIVE S-H 6SEE1 TR1D1XB STAMPS. ASK FOR -A"-member o2 the board-then-aaked la planned to-haTe_a_largQ commit- Vf. Story, S. B. Morn and John W. \oC hia head, aad then passed throngs Too »•» of honor waa Mlu Mary Jjrotty wxiddlni coromony at tho Trin- Indoor kniiu uiio wUo bad attracted\hor nrkin" aiid several "inorer.w^re^seiitZSuXij! ixatlon#~in~order^tnat use~worlt [an^Beapau.^Borisi. was.Sn-^he-fanv-Lth« panel.of the-door1 into the streeiL . to procure Sfio copU* ot a. circular on 7 ~wfcat "«saia~ M~dona "«>ward" jayiag one CoaoTor. a alaur of Iho brido. Thar* ity Mothodlat naroonozn on Saturday attuntiou u* u ku4wt tutrfoct wallor in a """• ", BllRfHOAY OBaEhVED neither this Iv^ucyuor any of tbo otbr, may be as far-reachinx as possible. iy plot- in Hahway cemetery, Mr. yortmiataiy^' no one Was passing the w«ro two brldoamalda. Mlu UlUan ors camd to rodllty. oft .other bond lussa dnrbig, the as- »« T ^I'clotk wort FtodaricB hotel, sbo jmW lihii tho umc amount Tho members of the suing year besides meeting the usual Iraham spoke feelingly of the connnc-' door at the time, or they would have cooaln —XJVt_many_u»«ii_j(Iire*d Ita. tlpa of the deceased with. the First been seriously .wounded. Miss Mabel rent inatallmeut of "The Broken Coin ' • „, oC lhe ,.lty ,,f ub >fcoro uloasantTy enti KIT- ON THE PACIFIC PLAN FOR FRENCH WOMEN MlM tSoatrlco ILaniairoh. a alater ba sausfactory^fca' her rWaja^uo-w!i«-4MUlljt-dec«4p!d-ln church whicn she joined - fortv-eixht rTnm!rt"n iff East Milton avtsnne. and otn«r gqod'1- pootoolaystl - TherJi e ! Tho mat- dtaan and Mr«. lsdxar 3. Tandy, of Si 1on Friday aftornoon at Iho homo of -torsout of.his titru^lino^ stain "replied that from present indi- "Bs5torbf~aoU."~nls nieces. Miss One of the prindpai teatores ot the tdm. to Ixu J*Pi_Be paid Mill tribale to^5\ rtjl«r_Jtt^^srEmj i»yiM5re. wsj will be_a bargaia matinee at JJO with 1 tae alleged sale of milk .without. tuonor^-wiio-of—fotmur- -Whea—hb-iwriio—wthi-alck Be -Wes-toe- M,QjM> t?f thy Mt|f JFtnli, «n^ BMsUnx-ofUnLBAJnraT- Branch _of the. ot ? strata, tho bHiat Uttlo daughter of vt ut the wild of n. fuW biol fTssar an, etgalmL ggfjormance at j-lS bf Max Klein, of WaaWngtOB*' riot Sath LltUo, daushtor of Mr. andKxid lo return to bis biora S^oiholdor GruOiioi', of JaSuos aveuuaV **" Pi?. * '>o«<5 Uoctor und asked Mercy:- Committee, of-New_.iwsey: at. service £n various branches of ^y a fewfeet from the door when ; - Dr. and Mrs. F. Ward LsnistroUs, oi Mrs. W:'ftjrieSl, «U of Jlahway. K«w seats, csit - be roserTed-by- Mrs. Svllllara M. Llttlo. ot 19 Lufbeny duties In ft Kh-dt i- In honor ot h«r-b!rthday aanlvorsary. ad-vke or a .juutk. who told him he 4sC 3.9X6.-. This Issue was for:the moat , and Mrs.- SUxabeth. Stamper. 1 home ot Mrs. L. A. Parsons, ot St.charch work and particularly in con- the •booting occurred and Kslly dash- ~Bidgeaeld Park, a bioeo of tho brida^ mast Uka thirty onions, drill a hole On Monday ine yasums Plajri N'o caase was reported ln the atroot. v Tho coroigony waA porformod 1 don't kuow «s l-eaa nt4Vt>it iMaioj-*- sumptuous^^ «uppar wait »ervodrand recent' -Improvements..' |«**"^^ttTy .thsj ot St. Louis, Missouri..ale in theJeorge avenue, "Wedmsiiay. afternoon,' the ChfCheerful l Worxars.W'6' i street directly In front of ; groom,acted as flowof jirl. tha tbrouch «a>.b. |tut thoui ou a string, pat Company, greatest prodncUpn. "Tne j j^ XaazJ ^.u^^tur. Progrw by tho ROT. C. S- Komblo. pastor of to Soa, inadilm." IK- «a!.i to.,ifaer' *4?.\ ' and* socia---"•*l "intercours e unjoyed' ", now. sedlxQsctation.' systsss ^ WT,*^ othsr Oioye; fprjTrjrlslt.-. r :Tn« "party are tne reQuest'for donations of oldwnlch orsanlxatton she wu presldeat b«r« . HHad she been a few seconds Ushers were Qarrolt Couover, of MiJ- tlin rnySlace uruiuid. lt»!_tLgr»o>.HWli : Eternal City." wHn Paallne Frederick WM nDortcxi to connection with tiw Trinity church. Tbo bridal couulo n«istly, "but It's ihe: tliiarOjairjr'tooi;: Tho»o""prosent weSoT' MrsrOeorge-im-^ - innovsaonlthar have mads the local touring' the :<»ast. and Jls,v^-Just ctaaer xIoves;-Tliienand pteeo»-of-carpet. t-goodly number of_year*. Mr. asd. .goner •b«--would ondooDtadly aaic —muiotawnrana MiStott:Qo«rd>t*c*!tHarl- forward ta.—Xot -lliat- tbgy. are; anjr and Jut \z s»y thon-. Ths expense oC ^^_ ^ WEDNESDAY^ the role of Donnm-Roma. wfll df""aif!Cerenees between wora attondod by MU*-EJna Hoppor dolan«or;:Mrs^W!liUm Schubert.MrsV water plant one of the best of...Its _dow^_trOTi_a_Jrl8iiWiUchL*o?!!_*hJ^ The contributions will be forwarded Mrs. Coffee, of Tacoma. al whose been bit by the second bullet as It Jmorev-Mn-tiu*-AYiiulfcrJthil)i_tlB't'L-b».o;C thirty onions MI b>o inoch: be boujrbt .5Tance"Ior~nJsimgTato"ns«tnl^aT- of forecast popular prices The Eter- the— Saoard. - SiUav- and-Walt«r A.. HomHijiFof-VaJrTawnr Edward Weimcr. Mrs. Louis Schnoid- nfteenr~Snd~^ihen.~aftvr nrany days, WflfH Film pieseata a Fjahman Fwtat-^'IHEJSXJILDER — sind to tho State. - Besides this isxoe from San Francisco, where they vlewr home she died were here to attenend | passed: Through jtBjtB««_ panel ofto door. Lohonertn wa< sUyr-d by an orchestra. ^>ut there's; n\v.'a QU uncertainty tides by the .Women out of .work. mT rity-~ was-flrat. presented Jo S«w itin«-to-W'<3 wets un.1e:'i^l pstld- - Suburb of Patorson. Who axu tn-about it t tiK-ii eri-.Mrs, Robert Xjhlor. Mrs. y. C. they hud sorrvd their liurpoao. he took there .is only one other Issuo of bonds ed the F&nama-Paclilc reposition, to —j Officers Bartx^and-Hoffman ; *~Q Womiae hlo^' waa lpalandldly lr l,a'u> ^—^OFBRIDGES"—A^ Photo ~D«MtMfi'8nT«l~t*e Amorg those present were: Mrs. j TbV^iembe«^r^t&'^bosaa"aaa"oaF tlmato frioeds of the bridal coupio W 6*t li t»iod <3oal or v«ryv)irtl4/.otiit Holms. Mrs. Ooorsu B. Cladok. Mrs. them to tho wnum and ordered' her to outstanding sad thatr a^iounts to- 93S,- Vancouver, British Columbia, Seattle, * [aicly entered tho building and search- by Of. Hopping, of Mlddlotown. play with a Notable Cut by AJfrtd Sntio. Thomas Baskerville, Mrs LeGrand i^trt Mechanics also offered this mas- cials present were; President J- T- Tbo brido \vas attrttitlvoly attirod In It makes the juy intcrestbij;. H'» n*Join Boomer, Mrs. JuUus A.dler, Mrs. make an ouiou porrldse tor the 000. The original bond Issue of 1892, Tacoma and other points. - After see.. LIVELY DEBATE ^ ^ jtmat thoroughlythoroughly, but Tho docoratlona w*»ro oxcoptlonally dinner Eichaucc. edges. Mrs. H. A. L. Sadtler, Mrs. terpiece at the Empire afew weeks Brickeli. W. *L Han-" chiffon v^lth broadcloth - and lUnd.of an..Udvoniute._.in_a.'miiunerrot Hnrmanjarayos.Mrs. Qruon«*,_and the Biolraph Comedj—"A tetter to Daddy" to I1S5.0OO. is cared tor by ing the many beauties ot the-peninsula An of St. Mark-. aidstlc and boautlful. tha coromony 1 rank M. Stlllman, Sirs. E. S. Savage. ago at twenty-five, thirty-five aad fifty ^^ covimiuUma WlDiaWilliam HK.Mad Mad- boavor fur trimmiaf and wotv ti hat madam." — Louijio^CIaniiof Missus Catherine ttbd Margaret the city. Club was held last evening di*»vered on tho they will proceed to San Diego, where waM cent prices Next Monday the admls- j,,,^ HemlUl offlcer Dr. *VW. SelL In- bdns porforxnod- benoalh. a bx>w«r and tnLCentury. ^ ^ - ...-,• READ THE Mrs. B. K. Cone, Mrs. L o.-Bunn. Mrs ^ to match. -_Sbp carriod >uo««l> Qniooor. SVsr the: finance committee Commis- they__wtH jrlsii^he ^e^positloa there. : r at whfc* the prtadpal feature was » fa bM]I o{ howul -bacVground^ot autumn leaves." yellow THURSDAY " ^rrFBtarson. Mrs.~y7 V. Dobbins; debate. "Resolved, that, ^Counlr^aiTi-' slou Will be tea cents for all seats at KOectat WnA j. Mil and S«»etarf 1 bouquet ot white cariiatlona &fid tnald-: .- sloner -Hansom reported-that' tl ^m!thaLpoinOKey;wlH7pro^ed;by_ : had 3and 'White • chrysanthemums, Everett''M-" Ensigtt7"Mrs. C. IC ^^^^ ^ .uegedtrffendw toe-matteee which starts- at 3 o'clock, cjj,^, H LsjBoen.— en hair, terns. . " .: . . The Twenty-third Cbajitr of lie Gti$t Serial. 1 similar decorations were register showed receipts for the enr-rail to New Orleans, from, whence Melick, the 'M'^'H'IT WfW* FohJTiflnti. Has More Advantages than the OOr Ood thTonrf, to CaalDb 9 cents for children aad fifteen cents Ham aad Bad—"In the Hypnotic tylonkey" : bile the negative was Upheld by Miss ^°^*."^ J***™^ #^ L * Mr. and Mrs. H. Trwaiu. of 4T * the-brtdoV •parents.-the-hoin« being j In referring to the nioney expended Collins and Mrs. L. A^ Parsons. - lookout fc for •tired in si paptivating ancestral * handsomaty uecorated With autumn Ana Saner and Thomas Moulton. Tie Monroe street, entertained their niece of old ivory satin, trimmed With old LokLa Drtmi—"An Hour of Freedom" " during the past year President Lang- excellent description wu obtained |n< w leave! aid. chrysanthemums. Only How Up to Date Farmers Are Easily and Economically Realizing siroth said: that if even one life had BJRTHDAY PARTY decision wts in "favor of the • amrm* Miss T « Glide, the _point.!iace and ln tBa «nter snd and Italy and among the actual scenes K ^ nmit ^ )>eT Tlitt 1 couple were present at tho reception. oirLand ttithertolmpossible ofiCultivation. .—-*.'•?%• JVitalraph Comedy—^'His Faiiy Godmother'.' tion Of- typhoid~^feyer ihrougli ~thV B-T: Errere.or Jersey City, a mem-Greiner, Miss Margaretr-Drexier-indT -., . .—_—>,- reprodoc*d i* the ancient Collseam, -pleasant" soda* ^tharin* The' maid of honor word a becoming and Mrs. Walter Clos. off -l«0 Ttaln |H one a s§-,7«J IHTltrt" * Mr. ..and Mrs. Tandy Wor«_thfl_J6eclpJi Water supply then the money had been sr of the committee on state ot order, Sdxwindingor. Final I at once went to the Pennsylvsnia, Bail' the Vatican gardens, the castle of St. ^ ^ -Beside. ot XUow chiffon over jrellow ints of many pretty, aiid costly gifts. .... , •-.-— •.-.--; IJ -ft- street,- a .'pleasant -Social,_j!Stliering_ troad i m TaemlUy FRIDAY " weQ eatpended. Commissioner .Ftnm j visited AlMmeUiy-CouneHir-No^-lWT, raagsmsats-were-.also-comnlet«d-iar station. Where be found a, manAngelo^and a sweeping view of • tl» I «„ • . . .JJ^." . "ona. there UtfeU and - carried The brldo'g preaoat to the bridosmaid 4<»,0i«J.(X» acres of:.land the Htuinp out ot tho trvUJiil. To •«*kin, d or size of stump can be given, was held on Tuesday evening. Vari- 1 Tanswe MlecUons bf AnouT •lnco different conditions. govern all BnWenal Motini Pictures prtseat Annette lelleimin in "said'he .would like to have the health Boyal Arcanum, last evening and TT*T"** the bam d^Tn** to be held on Thursday ertn«: tne~descriptlon giving sit- Siver Tiber. Tbe acting throughout I ^ pjano numbers, by Sirs. and autumn Wvtw*, the >kridoainalds «iU_a Soid friendship pla, whllo the Included lu farnvi throughout cure-best results the coarse should Jje ous games, music. and Mee&.^ap»red_to^maJwr_the_photonl*y" jrom tho.- brldosroom. After th« ro^ lifoVed. ticurtiij? "that ">^cb. A Weird. WUd Wonderiol Speetaek. - - t-thls nty v-CredlUMe-.. resUtaiica Oflered to the for^o of We ou well drained soil where the roots', Improvements had upon - the' elimlna-. those present were: Mrs. Fhflip.ClOB, ance. . Plans-were siade . to send a o'clock. "When^

and boUijjj c/ eiijnisile -V«looi» li- colors a* ••WVi jSAitloalafly- i u:t aai thaa-thay:-nyar:-*en!. imaginabl*, as— lined. b*s«t ..iagxidiaHiajiliiijittr_ .(aJthii_abii«Vw Vary e, gToond aa'd. mis^d in iihowil thy tbuld Conduct stlcb C tianv iiwliL in W <53 Howard Siiw. congratolaie ^~-.A^JjjgjnaJT avenuji _ ^r- Actual $30.00 values "We ! ~Te : f::T«rrUL Wm. .1.....'...... ^V...V.Hamilton-atreei'"^.. "-.T..--ISO E. Clapp, William Jennings J nsay bo "croah«i -««rfsctng stnoe- J T, H^ ROBERTS wittingly offended, aa .imxtaarr:»TTOt- Ire^alk ^lo".' "Sit V • -Terra- " ' ' " ' ' Bryan, NVUUa'm B. Sarah, Hxbbl Wise «00 xne ~ aad"7ane.-J ai_J of Yoia ff^ congratalato our- .Central avenue ! Trembley, David it Chorea street ™ la fact, thtra ar« a>3. limit*, pmctlcaiy i selves- u»oa. a cainpaiga ag«sjilTt>, yet Cook, mil* .•....— . Courch street Tnompeon. Janws -.,... Waatfleld avenna 75 _CtaarleaWjQh3i_iC Eat. Seminary a venae 340 Tiar. James £. #• JJamlltoa street ..-100 to the JnaSy uj4.s~alid~a»iviiuLijj«»"o/-," w. Wo thiiii ths Nailonal SufiraJr io^^(jl^n«;'^Ceanrand~'c<6inhisJidinsr' TW-Orand-street tto taiOoct fyi th« Uttblld- We coa- ijSrW, SrT TarryT~SamaarTT. • • • • WeattieM—avenge -•••—^IM- ^jj B*mU«fe*iS«nS onij a Women's Exclusive jeJalioa. t&# -Wcnwa's James Seminary avenue M ! T«-~H HaroM •'. -Sotninsry avenue —100 fuf and thoajStful attention U gives a extensive- -assortment of-fa^hloaable Union, ths gril!llatu_sO_»^l-W*--U^tw* Oook. Sd. -W._...... ent ajjd si- ) "\ N«w YOflt th« CcHi«roialoiiar aindildrpent. to bnahle; tha voiesa ot Ciijhfi ^i pert-rayed in thia U|uairltteoto^ laces in this season's most fashionable shades gplondld booV S( H*ft Joi-Soy man is parJor «»ilo)« for laM.ttqo.y tb.a *By pt_tbeio-call»4 «ld line Durand. John T...... 3r l31taxsd"7 ^~ Ulilou an ...Wmmflrrm street . It XIrmjiton, J. J...... Grand street loo I hlgtiif topiilsj'. They yield tn« comforts of •siparstte -coscos* ?iitt£ us. fhe fflrst battl* at our y;Mls»Mary • ..Coutch street ... . 100 tsa jnjictouj. liw al m littio dyssmlts. hlgtiif topiil y y fo »«nl workars iiito'th* stala.^WiTtEibi YyonJ.^i van.«*•*«« ^jw*^Tle^*^yi,' i*f^yn jSiCQ^OXlk Grind street lonl a *ndd itmci i jet outt of P14«14«. Tils pp««fca« W Sot** fe>fe> sUtuiion every year H d'oalred, instead cjUnpaisn -la^ lost, boi tho campaign .Church street 100 Grand stfeei ioo It.li 4 WcciKnU*vS iait tia^trees plant- P 2.95 4ii tint fcillant bs^icS ei frio^dtf from of- 6niy_O3iCfl.-ia._Slv^. jteaTSi.._Contraa*y Tba Soti««lU6 aovamant. the" el*b« seise?, ball beaHasj*. «««isf-eaa* ni6c* fAVoraoly aoitas on loa slw Uses at UtiU more t&aa $100 cOTn»U*m, York, who *arkod aore- without newspaper*, isis amendiaant loUiy »»ooJ jjlo, »«ir thieadinsi ikn(U.,n«w I"t.a«br laar dealsja e. P...... Seminary avenue; Van Slciien, iir». Senilnary avenue Sou those- cl«ni»4 id tit* avirain *S*4a .»trdjig±ii_oiir—cinso-haA .shftWU with > .^Hamilton Kreet . Hamilton -street 300 1 not havs helped us and oiba* improvanjanU tn«k.»Tn«S REK 0r*t ohoioeoir«H Woo Droege. TSe. ••-. Van AnXen, B- li. j N"aw Je day. during' Seminary avenae . tienc of party macnlne action.- since Olhbons. Harry W Williams Angenette .Seminary avenue dent to tirrortt* any sensitive Suffrage _bu.t-a sense of Jastjs*i and a partr--"-«f*; rundown-and ^asBd,.OT-reimid TOOT. ~"~HBaII3ir and camrortrrin" advanced L ansl rich.Velears. tnachinos bgalust tho amendment. Wo -Hfldebi congratubite them on~oo_g able7"lor 3oara_caa__best be^ maintained _by_ -.JBt. George avenue ...,. 550 the dominieteljs them on Sundaya. AHTHRACITE i oiieo to combine thalr forces to nght HinmnniHiniiiiiiuiuiBnniHinuaiinumnaPMiHiiwiiiiinan Hoehle. J. H. Jr. . .Church sreet ...,,.... SO . Don Leo&ardo Hull, a California . .W. Grand street...... ioo rancher. *ays -dynamite ia the proper AMTHWACITI Pedestal Lamias of finely-carved Now Jersoy Womon. Vfo assure —Out HowelL Cnas. B. . ! XJBEECTJIiOSIS- or oonsxunptior^ known also as "plithWi," is Hoalth,: Robert .. ..St. George avenne ... -loo , medicine to give ground aanlrrela,' go. mahoa»ny, with handsome .. silk abides. THOS. A. ROARKE that wo rocognlto to tho full that ww a treacherous- disease caused by the growth in the body of T«L8a»waj259-R Office, 49 Elan Are. HowardV-Haxry__ j. . .Seminary avenne 200_ are indebted lo them tor the~loaa of millions ot little- *o4nah»ped germ* sailed "tubercle baociOi," Haynes, C. F.•' V".Seminary avenue .... Take ao Jacb and a naif or two 4r«a*tBa>Sig;y p our amendment, even thoogh. thou- T because aa. tney tnulticly they produce small lumps or "ta- Magaman. Taylor".;./ ;'•,W; Grand street .... 7S0 Isrty desirabto as p!sno lamps. Tsare are sis* inches of dynamite. Put it In^a Wt'oT ,. Seminary avenue .. *.. 7S Plumbing, Heating,Tinning sands o£-Jlep_Uca_l and. Gomperat* yto ^^Tn ft in i' jotfj ••«*•«*' bertd'ea-'l JThe germs are WsUly tiny ^^*-vnr» panuitfis, «o small .. W. Grand street 200 cloth of «*Terai thlciroeaaes ot paper tehigh Mixture S.9D per Ton fln« lines of T*s!e l.impt, Incladlns; a ntanber J Hagaman. Mrs. Hay .. GENERAL HARDWARE voted' Sor It- Wo congratulato par- that they niust" te TTT»gT"ff«*^~"hITTI*^T«At*Vif 'ttmea~tindgar~ar'powci'Julr —Hlloman;—Miles-—v-.-. .-^ umair round, cartridxa. Tie «r»"«lW sstyley * exempiixyinrtB* Ui»« «ff«et» ticularly Mr. Ja_os H. SJusont. the inicroacope before, one can see- them at all. Hess.—John A~.. •. ..'••• •, .Hamtoe e _3^pty^ In plctnreKn* shapes anXtfiae* Taaaa.tlmp lOTd Btato loader of tho oppoal- : . «nd of a plice of _fn»e. twelve or four- Being a parasUw, the- germ, of tuberculosis, like the mistletoe or Heeres. Herman •".' .*vy-.-Grand-street:-r '-' 5S0 s msybe douaJj* h«r» «* low as SS, which^ is S. W. P. PAINTS AND VARNISH llou. Hlu trlumtn Is one taoro testl- Electrical ~: ;~ Hirnne;; Robert -; v..-;-.-. T .W. Grand street-. teen Inches loos, bat do net nse-a-.- rmgns grcwtti, most live by taking' W» trom sornetiung else, and on 1 100 iest thing; in the world to find. Jbiit if you will coine " oor tpedil orica no» on rsgniar S10 lines.- niony to nls prestigo and his p-owsr; iJughes. benjamin ..... • 2"V!T "^T"0* • •• -• loo Inxrt ODD at these charses wen Into this account it lives, in the- body of human beings or animals better Holly, H.H...... tne •- mouth - at -every - hole and— pacit to a reliable yaidi wheic aothing hat tie highest grade" [113'Main Street - RAHWAV, N. J the _oro so that Republicans as "well that anywhere else, in the- «ye, the skin, the knoe or the Bpine,. W.-Grand.- street. » iso: Then there are. countless other pieces iet the aa Dumocruts accepted his load_shiiji Hally, - Wm. -'...'.. 50 loose dirt around the "fuse, leaving -of^^coal is Icept, a* i^i* here,_yon'll get Coal for_yoar and Snosl frequently in the ltmgs, and tho other organs of breathing; Contracting and Repairing Hoagland, Ellis' ...... W. Grand street .. 100 cnongb of the end outside to ]Hgbt eas living-room, sodj a* Odd Tables, Mirrora, new Johnson. Harry. H. .... Hamilton street .. iaoney* not slate or dirt Our Coal is all thoroughly low Bookcases, Nests of Tables, ete^ either, - --Outside of tho body, the .germs of tuberculosis may be easily Seminary avenue. 100 •lly. tight the fuse and go oa to the killed. If they Sire exposed to direct sunlight for a few hours. Moist Jamsen. Delbert ...... • 150 next bole. There win be no expfosioo cleaned .before delivery. Let us fill yonr Coal Bin exact repUcas of noted periods or fashioned on Lighting and Power Consulting a Jardlne. Miss Margaret Seminary avenue .. -77S heat at 145 degree F.r hoDing water, _or. strong, alkaline soaps,, Jayberg, Mrs. H. -.... - •. Seminary avenue . ISO There belns no cap or other deto- to-day and you'll not regret it, different historical ftues in combination. washing soda and similar household cleansing solutions will also "Wiring,"" New "and" Old-Houses Specialty - - "inn till thorn. If tajaisturbed. the germs of tuberculosis may live out- 50 the bole with dense, poisonous Hamilton street .. £0 fumes that'wm almost Instantly stifle side-of-the-body-in- warnv-Jnolst,-iark |xlacos,-6uch~aa-comers-o£ ^•tr«iM_V. 200 Special attention is called to oar showing of rooms and hallways, for months or even years. and then kill every llvlng.tblngi lnslda- Klnter, Mrs. Hattie ...... Seminary avenue RAHWAY Because- of the careless habits of people who have consump- Kelly, H. E. Gore Seminary avenue 150 The AuroraBoyeeli. Church street ..., :•••: Newest Rugs Have You a Friend tion and others, tho germs of the disease are everywhere. Every Kimmick. Jacob 100 Many people believe that the aurora Seminary, avenue 100 : time a person who has the bacilli in his sputum spits-on the SD<*r Phone 67-J Klmmick, Chaav *-..•"• borealls Is a" phenomenon pechlinr tt> MAIM OFFICE 4 YARD, 12r18 E. GRAND ST. Te»>27-W r -Kiminlck, Anton_._.-.. .^.. ._zs'-\- street 50 ;.Jaodem_times. But .this is. not true. purchased at the. bi-annual trade sales In wblch. ua some city or other town who does not know sidewalk or in any other exposed place, the germs by the billiaca Kilsby, Edward ...... 6^0 The andenu used to caU it chiumata, «v«ry prominent maker is represen«e/—.-.-. rrmi,™,:.-.. .Hamilton I 50 BRANCH OFFICE, W. mLTOM^VCrOPP, DEPOT. .Gordon place 7Yf.~~i&6~ "Tjolides—Bnd-trabes.-n«me»-whieh-e*. jndsment governed our selections, with the result that we now offer air may b* inhaled by the ohanee passer. A speck of dust, suaa as Kreisbergv Ma* ...... /i ..... pressed "the "different - colors-of= the what we may fairly-ciaJm-to-be^the-«ner.designs_and colorings at o£e~sees~iii~the sunlight, may be the resting place of hundred* of KooDS.jChaj. -^s. ....v. siisvmi .Hamilton street ... SO JohnWolke A street- . 200 lights.—Th& scarlet- anrora was looked prlees-th«t-«neetali-requiremeinsig,uan«[esjrp» those who es» afford these tiny germs. On thia account nearly everybody at som» time -npon-by-the-superstltious: barbarians. the richcic u well s> worthy makes tor people of »ood taste wiBJ or other-breathes In the living gormi ot tuberculosis. LuoIoW, Theodore-^:.ivia.'. «%--< ,TC. Grand street ... 100 a» an omen of direfnl slaughter; so It lEliiWmAminterSTapeatr^ Wheatena 1 0 .St. George avenue 300 Is, not unusual,;for .descriptions ot Brussels Rugs. We'slso remind the public last our ...,, — then doesn't everyone die of tuberculosis Because the Infcons,. .Ged^.;. W, 'tt;•_•••"' • i"~*i. ^St "George "?avei 100- _ermB^4o»eranlo«»inthJ>ody g^ feeyiflMjee Carpenterand-Builder Lawrence, Jesse ...... s...... 60 bloody battles to contain' nllnsions to call'edv "no Leery,- Edward .....;...... »• ; Gordon Place :. northern UghbC—Atlanta.Constltotion. " Has she children? tain tissues that are weak, flabby, or, as It is bettor call'edv "non- LandenbergerrTheodoro -..... • • 160 resistant." Everyone has a oertain normal resistance- t» taberou.- ^. W. Grand street .. 700 Lentl, C*as J. .'. •'... i.;...'.. -,-f ISO We would like to send her a sample of a loais. M ihls reaistanoe is lowered for any reason; the Barms, wnieh Love, 8. D...... •••. ;,St..George avenne ,, •e» _ Lodlowy^Clifford W.~ ..Seminary-avenne - . -.,76: are almost always present Jn the body, *will quickly find some ttasne 81 Lawrence Street, Rthway, N. J v&eminarT'— avenue- _100_ is regufated byriac satue consideration forrqjr Rahway product; that is a sample package of oa trhioh. they,can grow,,»ji* ijwni the dUeaae is started? It take* V.Hamilton "street ,-v. ,160. snd economy as governs our inrniture and rug basineta* -W* "Wheatena-and-our-little-receipt-booki -more than-the-presenoe otthe germ-lnJthB-ho^iaoajiseitaBeieulpafa Lufberry," A. V. • i.W. Grand gtreet .:. 100 are now In s position to make up sll Unes of Draperies. Lace Car- It needs also a lowered vitality,that ,w01 give the fern, a ekance to Me rshon, Mrs. Mary ,. St. George avenue . -tainsv-Wrae*«a-sng rarnnning*..—»« «TH eqmpcen- wi^n wormiu«ju» grow, KJs «ke_the Beedand the iott.- The •ealey iparaaite that j'.Sen. inary -avenue - ..-.-100. •horoughly modern- ia equipment, and our experience of o»er tBnnr Moy, Samuel ...... "..;':.S .. Seminary avenne . ,. 125 ruins * rosebush frequently eome«" from a poorly j*»nriBlied ma. Merritt. Wtt H.:..-/..-. .. Hamilton street .., .. ' 7& years & these lines enables u» to turn eat the best grade eC^wsob. lae^nieraVTSaoBlus ip theseea; the body is' the aoit If-ihe sott is Mundrane, J. B...... ii.. ., Seminary: avenue . ,. 300 wnile economizing the cost. Aik prices.-..„.:.:..:—;.-.... . _±:J\...:. ..-.J: _ WiirYmTHelp Us? Morns. S| B.v..:-...;;•,.. ..Hamilton, street;.. allowed to lose its normal and natural fertility, the seed wfll. pip- Mllbury Atlantic.: Mfg. ..Co. .- ,:. 1500 There is* No>Clbthing^ That Gives So Much SaUsfaction, ;". Westfield avenue ' : 1 duos disease. H the wflUlcerrt up to its fuUrtreiM^tlrii parasite Miller. Adolph ...•„,...... Chnrch atreet .,;.. Send us the - name and address of your head cannot grow, and no tuberculosis will develop. - WE WANT TO SELL JVC 1/100 ^ ^- Co Miller., Arbie'.',...; • • • . •'. Seminary avenue ,." 100 Onoo the germs begin to grow in the body,'they produce injury Moras. Herbert R...... ':'Hamilton street .J. ,'.. 50 friend c^efuUy^writteh"bn a post card. Let us Miller. B-red "M. ...;.... • i ... Hamilton : street . • to it in two 'ways: 4 ft. Spruce Mason Lath Marsh, Wm- • B. ...A:...... '. - 78, I . .Seminary avenue:. .. '100 have also your name and address. (t) They destroy tisanes.. The destruction in the long, for exam- Mills S. p. H...... ;,..-... . .Seminary avenue . ,.960 Marson,. James" ...... Hamilton street —ky "ile, may amount to a very small" spot, or it may be a large cavity, 18 in. Red Cedar Shingles .:. 160 and not infrequently an entire lung. The sooner the disease is dis- u Milbury 1)3 A. W. ..."...:.'.. vL Hamilton street .. .. V100 Hub Batter Kind Clothes trrOIPPKBKMT frjo, tt*>soal kind sold in 0«faeroU>tblo«»wr..-^ _MorjB. ClaibouTne. rrr... ._• *NI) HVEHCOATIt i« HETTEK miOTl^.gRTyBit UlllSOH end BETTKH WAI drtl-Hfll1aramount-o*-t5ssne-deetroy«d, -2-4 in^Red Cedar Shingles— =i M : MarsonWUQVUf , 'If "t"Joh ' " n- «^*w««-«v««*..... - v = " - - " —•=.-- .% KHIOK ihi., ih'e omei-'kina: 'Wer-ar^ prepared w rt»w-T«Mto. ^V¥e-Witt-Send You Free general rule. 9-16 in. butts Metl, Mrs. Edward ...... Hamilton street '" 75 .and-mo.at.inipprt»nlj'f.all; : ..Seminary:avenue. 1B0 mo.t complete •••ortm.nt of Men and Yoooe Men!» Suits Vod ta tbeejty, ' . (3) The_girAwinjt_Berm,_whfle it destroys tha Um^drane. Gordon' - -'.,:..... *. • MO- for""your trouble, four~lithographed-souvenir- which, it lives, also produces certain poisons~oT ----- . . Jilt Mungus. Henry.H. Sr, ...... Seminary avenue ... turn, oause most of the symptoms of the disease. Thus, while the Bed MandeviUe. Oeo. i'.,'. i ». i . ,, Oliver' street' i.... * ISO Bloo or. Gr»> 8««ie Snlts. also fooey _ ~ may beB"e activaouvee ift the lungu, H")' poison which they throw Muonv>. H. F. : New Church street "' ISO • Otmr il»y $ IS.OO, oar BpacUl Myers. Herbert Hi; •••-. ,;New C&urch. street. -age-and-receipt book_free- of -charge _ to your t>fl goes through the entire Bystem. .RWHTJPRIC.ES RIGHT GRADES! . JHamilton. street Li i_-. 60 Satordaj^ Price...... The commonest early symptoms ttt-ocngnTTipttoa »ac». -^•~ " " Myerson,-S.--~.-^y.~.'.-.-••> ^Central avenue V;;'. ":4oo: (X) Persistent cough or cold lasting a month or longer; (2) RIGHT SERVICE! Miller. ;Eugene "».'.'.'. T.\ . i Hamilton . street'... ioo' friend. - JLosa of weight-and appetite; (8) Bun down feeling; (4) Afternoon McCartney. John ...... ;W. Grand Btreet ...; ioo COME AMD GET ACQUAINTED; TOU-tt FEKt; AT HOW HEBE. POLITE TBEATIIEHt TTO EVE8TBODT: | McVoy, R. Bi ...... ioo -.temperature s-'(6)—Night-sweats; and (B)-SpituntT-Or_blopd. or swoaKs McClellan. W. S.,1; ...;-,. .; Seminary avenue ^. We Have Abont 10,000 ol Write-today- "" ~HO_QRDERJ0i)_SHALL ' '•• • "•• i..:streetr-.;. l-of—Wood-in-sputum. . .—i.—. — »-»-^, ^ „ i „ -W]- t.»A hp. (The> ' 2500 From 50c » Bnnch to $5.00 per V^mM-M'/-^r>- McCartney, James- The prosonce-of any of these symptoms should lead one tS" s McMiilani.: Chas...... Harrison: street ... ''. . . . . '. —TT-r^—.._:'..-.'.. .. _ ' -•' -' oon8ult-a-pbysioian-atonce.-,Tuberonlosis-oaii_be cured.« » is cus- W. Grand street Come sod see; them -BOYNTGN LUMBER C0— Nickhaus. Hei'man~ .^Cu street •-•' v.:..--;"1. -come Tlie Wheatena Company wvered in time. It costs little to be examined and cured. It is very .-.West Grand-street-. Nolan, J. W. .;;.;.'.. txpensive to delay and die. SEWABEN, N. J- O'Connors, "Mrs. Catherine ._• W. Grond^treet ... I [NOTE—Thia Is the First of a Series of Flv. Articles Prepared by The , .Seminary- a.yenue'.:'. - A. 1. CLARK, Local Rep. CHoarke, : Wheatenaville, Rahway, N. J. j BtaWonal Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis, New OTJonnrg Chnre^':BtreetV'*' Phone 154-W. " Jl itfestHeld Avc. " >c OTvis, TrreoTB. . r.V^- This is tho second ot a series ol five articles turnlBhed by the N. J. AJOtt- Pucci, Eacolano .:... Pierce, W. B...... ".'•, •..;..'W.-:'.6raiia;: rtreet; ^r>V»v • • .'•'. Rahwar Record, Friday Afternoon, November 5, 19 IS* Rahway R«cord. PHday'Aiternpcn, Novembers, T915. irtth Mrs. A. D. Breajley at XO. of in ©r©ry c___~ tli axtk. Ta« i The Rahway Record MUSIC AS A MEDICINE. bora of, the ccanniittee preaent -wolo: j axenne. Mla» Evelyn Coventry, o* 3S Mate New J«j«y Adrocate It (11*3 o.ften b«*» *_!<, by _____ LEHEflS FROM JUVENE£ SAVERS BANK Chxlrmaa H. H. Jardln*. Tred C SSlot".. For - th_ M«2jtnT«TITI of 33 Georgia street. Is entertained at, its first meetiae of the Published Tuesdays »od Friday*. to Saul, bat hlttierto illj on- ASSOCIATION DJ F, C • Main Street, Rahway season Wednesday afternoon at the aiui rjimrnnmr a ti'nn< of einjr : looked into nsore the week end with ratattre* political and ciric matter* TSta the phjTtic.it n» . who form BAUER'S STOKE Brief lUa» oi Lacai Interest in Union County home ot Mlis Mary Robinson, of Ash- S1HW1T ia New. York. • . trouble Is that th«34 darters hare Interest, to the Citizen* .i«ty- of Musical Tbcn- FRIDAY— TO-DAY There was .an enjoyable session .of | brook. __*;_. let *_o__ too Lo_i already by t*M« ' 125 Irrini Street SalwaV, N. J. For Qakk PeneaL ti« Good Tims Quartet at the acme ot! '•""•" " as in other Jparta of the Stale;' arw taking -grave Three candidates were ohUxatad si of Railway. the meeting of Pride at ttalon Cooncil. T_. a n__ 3t___t_ _0T tic Tig__t i_ j j E__t_r, Rflcord -Now **-* tt_s ~T>oy~F -__«_ caa fcw no yu**-.tion that it mar child the lesson of thrift Has' been »l»4t£a« r«l«tl»«» in ••.'. pected and invalidating flaws, against which desrees'tiext tneetinj;- The first nom- id__r£ in _____-« all citie* and towns • beip otls r 50 0 1 to famUy ha>T« mored from S4 Seminary | as been elected layer («T«n t_to_jd- 1 * i-- * " * feline tin Baronne for sareraJ days. sssTchersand abeiraote are no protection/"While ination of officers was also held. NEWARK, ,d where ____. oi *M« calibre _J.T« [ - - », ! r««*cn from t_« normal Tbere are so often forgotten, bnt so ar«n» to tseir new residence in Ceo-! _>_ arena, ol politic*! __d j It only _y Xn. Stor -Sritt-ot"— >?on~{hiafc"of it maksit a point to at onee proioct Lakewood Grove. No. 14. Woodmen's __a__Tlty OX __T*_ ^mnj til rq j.»I f Jonf. IIOt_.bly nn*nTtp essential, at the present : l trmi aTOjie" at th« corner" of ""5Jew'j Circle, on Wednesday evenins; enter- clxic life __er_ has been In many j hundred and _!_.ety-_i_) •?<* t_uaa by C_K>pl_, which are t_* oat 5_iTl71_D_lF o»n is «»>«x^f an your property said th« interests of your heirs by day, to a sncoessfnl career. -wtOi lar atoce. Caoreo itxeet.- , . '• • . •.' j tained State Manaser Mrs. Fannie Mo- _SJ*_ ____de de__o__,tr____. of l_.a, ^ olner ^^.^A^- 3-. ^ Tw»-Pirt lejjtme C«-*r—"The Little Teacher" Troop Ko- *. Boy Soata>.aad«r the i having yonr title guaranteed by the Thanksgiving Sale of linens good thay can do ia the daarln* oat' _,.___ ... and •*-__._ they ar_ beA-tlt-] 17 a» aiaiiue- Carter, of Etne Grove. Xo. 10. of Wood- gg /-»-» ticiet. let, each of as Bat onr [ to the h_al__jr. w&«a THE INDUSTHIAL BtHLI^NG He_ai Sdif—"The World Before YourEyes" *T<-~* HanTfcri of Bridse- leariership of Sooatmmater Chester It' bridce. and Goardian Mrs- Annie Me«- Ji i o_ _orrup- ginga. «_-__* _r_ and all sort* Boddey enjoyed a .aO» and I Union County Agency importers ai« to-day j>re_ci—g a famine on s_pl» 1 o£ _c_.o__ax3 who UT_ en the __illb_Uty alioalder to the wheel tar a dl_t and source of -elf AND LOAN ASSOCIATION - ?5_i«f4 T_«e-P_t F_dare—"My Lost One" Conn, is tho (seat of Mr. mad slck. ol Woodbridce. by t_o__ -uttering from Hxht drlH an Wednesday and io __void linens; manu—otarers ar« taming __r ___- ' __•_ •_•_____ a__e_ of ______being- better Railway. sfr»- M. A. Tnroar «nd famfly. of IS . .' •. • of" the Mrs. A^ P.Thrnelaen. of S« Blm ave- * from mental or bodily i Diaat—"Luxurious Lou" TJ» Esworth l*««ae of Trinity nuc jjlaasaaUy entertained, the Mis- _on to ilio weav—g of cotton fabrics io S^place iinens ; n«Ter Do _ot play _>etty politics; do not SMS street.. • - ' ' . M the >ao_d_ of _t>od charactar __._ __fe-t U nndoobtedly per- ARTHUR K- church will be led Scsday erenins by sionary Chapter of St. Paul's Episcopal cridci*e the honest efforts o£ th« tar ^- 3CJ«s Anrasta Brown of Great KflTi. has raw flai sold so high, nor taa it ever bien ao hard t laity ' . fail to __.ter the «Y_xy~d_Ly oat __i a too e__l__tv_ di«t ot President Hoary Gffiinare of Platafleld- Let church on Wednesday afternoon. It NOVEMBER 3, emini body, do not tell yocr iTn-««1-n- [ '_• cr __*r_a____ wooM __p____ the MONDAY fl. I, naa been spendlni * tawday * onr« as at the preae'nt' __«, a point which makes .*i i lifs of tha iod_l_laj: « CHUTES F. HAYSES The EsterhroosL Branch of the Son- M Home Office. MV«rl™.t Plans were also made for advise buying, nbk only for preaeiit, bai for fntare needs. Tfc_ti the , town a_ a p_vc_ in which to cmly al*eo a__kly appetite TteasTsrer "THE BLINDNESS OF VIRTUE" IjjTitattonm ha"re~be«n tsaoed by «fctn«- Society will meet at the resi- liiiiMtfa Offloe. Je*nn«tt« Byrne*, of S34 Sast W. Qrscd St.. S»ew«rk. Sf. J. the formation of a study claaa tor the .Vnoth-tir" demonstration the pjac* Chnation __jdeaTOf«r_ u _, , I . "• - i - OIL th* otlier hand, *axtir__ most-* VICTOR O. STEPHENS By C«m. Baai1i«i, ftilarisj EJaa Xaya ud Brjmi Etaillu. denc* of Mrs. Mary B-Ycnas;. of 90 Lenten season. Regular 3.5O Scalloped Round I ty. as weil as eU_wher_, Unioaxen «__w_i• e«Je_ ^ — ^^ j_ ,,„ Mrlo^7, tj,. „. Financial Secretary street, for »n "oldtime banM«I»»» arenae. on Uonday afternoon at Money to Loan ticality and faelpftiiness o^ nta train- RAXPJT K. HITTEa Woaident Mrs. .V. D. Srearley. Mrs- Pattern Table Cloths j let their opportunity and duties as clti* Ujoo haven1 onK_b_ hack DOB _ to J T~^J* of aeprlau.i1f: ~n Tie Greatest Xsality Piata Drama af ike Ytti tomorrow ereains. ^ia«« j o'clock. JL foil attendance is de- ing given bi. tne Hallway ni^a schools Recording Secretary O3 Bond and Mortgage. Richard Alioth and Mrs. C. N. SVsrreat . _____ Ln thU *©__*_« Is highly _r__i_y boost, don't YTIO- -•— __ I ji__!— of lb»- |>n«u •_} ereale «m be swarded for tmione coetnme*. sired. • • •'••••' SpJ«ndid qn_ity, fine •weave, Scoich d___k, satin luster, is anown in Ins iajzt tnat a DAVID Tne Jndnatxial Bnildias and Loon xrtl! represent the Civic Club at a In*. It Is hoped that this spirit will to boost w«^*^»«^"! . . Matinee, 3 P. 31., Saturday, 2.3O 5c to All A complete and attracti're office musical to be jiven by the free from dressing; handsome *o_id center designs, -with last q^e^xetlc— and "well Vpn , 7.15- Saturday, 7.OO - lOc i — n f • I" r u i at tts toeetinx on 3donday

_Kjr a —w_» e_— -w_t be-«s_b__a_ - entei UjiieJ a-i^j cisracter ^jLd *bllllj' Tn. _u_cjpal ujid ' «••{, on prepaid aSares. merxts Wilh power-to- choose Botb of _es« classes shoaid PTOTQ ot for _s a—_tion of la "Slain«^ asd o_ers, wi_ Mrs. John T7»^^a by O_C—: composer of the _o_e. as 56x72 inqh, pore linen", silver bleach—I, best for wear and •*_ue7 owinjp Io t_eir _£Imats trencheJ -evil la It* vsHo-d Miss Qertrode Orris and oCners will routewr_sxtrfT—w_^~:-':«V8__g;^ wt_ ui« tor tlw general parincatioir-inTr-m at _o dub- represent the JocaJ Women's PoHticai i T_» ___»—\ Z siitehed edges^desirabl* fer-bte__sstreiri_ich clofos; Ilia and ___d pt___. a. «—-^prove_eBl o£ . ,_ 5_ton:"«__ ^_.t «v__« Unloo itli spec—I committee -meeting Missionary Socieiy of the Sirst &re«- 4—sru__re_.aa_iorft 1 I tl3_a.. —i rootff,. l_trated address In the lecture room Kegular i._ _ Hleaciied Table Damaak—73 JncJies is tssewd »_;__—» _r_» ride. ,T_s leagues The Rev. and Mrs-Edward SV Brear-_ i— _r*r_x«ir'TO"t>8"D_'—nnt-an-j11 on'Wednesday avenlny. Nov. 16. at-7.4S iv*—quality ,- Miss _a_, ot hv tha Roy. Jamea R. Morris. er OI1B — Jmnbilitv uad**r C__I_ D. Moore at Cl.erok«,7lowa.TB*** ™* W> » ™ ^ - \igo__ time. Bopewell, hs.ro been spesdisx a ttnr of Passalc. Who will )spes_ on the life, andwl fui > CMattijJ tr«vj br which It wxs t*i- n-"* i<» I' Qg Monday »Ta_m; the 8_c<_rd customs and' people as soon tsroosh w___ig qualities; special yard. .' _>7c -^m-'-" St_l .____, _. Praiee, 11 [Bearers ro« Trinity -church .-jo_3_yod- the ey«-of the camera asnon* the _any 0—.ei1 gr_lea 79o tip id l.BS ya_d. Cterry «trect- -Mr.- Moore S» tta-paa-jtoJg—tflfM to__le£_ aarprisa.ln _e. tribesat C____ifric_.'.. *her«_w_l ber Ated tharnby U a uotdvorthy iudlLj. tor of _e S_st Congregatioaal <___. j t__ie of-caused trulta and JeUles to Value 5.5O Bleached Satin Dam ask Nap_Ln» ts£an up wUiliVldliy by iTa^Mljq" nearly 150 iine siareopticon views. _r. tlott of thtlr boilovulont Worrli. lisjr -ready mad« three _^iri—irli_e_»"T*6"Van frbai .beat~*fla±, _tti_ l\_ire~K^e fan aH_ bcj^tn ii -aer to tha Dark Continent. .A sllrer offer- dressing. Iani\Sei»~ tht! to on«» or to ona from n___- SJsa Is supervisor of tie ing .will^be r 33^5 inohj._8peoial d62Z Individuals it idr_ «—.»wl— with' —t t _ •. •• - r 3.98 nta«. u_ it, t-ld_,__i i_ _vidont. It that all oi tha lil tho ina«r-Napki_a -_arg«—t comnsittee engaged e__> to b. _. wUt) inveaimara of Uty fc«.ay paMlciiiatet and Patrolmen's Banovolent Association __dra Sale as Thk for tha s__s3e _ Sirenide spent- / ' •..'•• "'•.'" yesterday afternoon showed that the s_e,._6_26 ino_, ohoioe quality, all pure linen. —_h damask, tuildi lid desired. Suoh a gau^ral Yes, sir, Park S3 a pabiio pJ_ygrot_d held, s _ee Hng ot Sahwiy City Shamrock feranci, none.better ifor wear, ridli lastre, fnll d<5ubl« ,i_t_l__.t dti-»3___iy When, tha at^iviiy—slang -a- plans are progressing satisfactorily CJwie,.."_*<_ XL ljijtbr: Sorestars. Isold JOHN MULLINS oi School _v_.t_l__—_.tu W-—i _o_—iti* should produce teiust exuollont i—_t—of—_fl—rat>1fl-_a3ig3ii,-»po

&iife Rahwqj Record. Friday Afternoon, Novembers. 191S. Rahway Record. Friday Afternoon* November 5» 1915. part Sa pnMai 'to wlfiie*»i;-tt»;lnlti»f TffldcS REPK1E' AND HAND ' OVER RAMBLERS WIN of ^ Tisitors" flock( to and'c&eer t^^SocAia oa tb'& tbrae> FOR T€BNB FOLKS TJii» year's jara<3« Skis Muddy? Qaimn Same Tlctorr- Tha'IMaxxa tMtm win ai P. J. ilcOurtoey-* oowttax alias » the 3arsM£ and. moat gorseo<» e»er lal otter atin. General Sporting Events ik.n OM foUowinx Une-ap: Cacrtin >I*M aad miay and •"raried were tbe ei- uit tr m a cjaordzred <&• Denartment The llttlB foISs wera made up Purtty the blood, teas t Staffing Little Gid-ln the Rote of $30,000. to - re.pres«ait various hlst»ricail and ti ii the Brer »=d atar than that at tiwtr .oppon«a» for wtlcil Waldo E. Barry *ad G- Q-E- B. ABoth. J. L. Martta <__<-IS1T« beatlB* to Q«orsa Ooodwffl bamnis and bile wiliu. ESTATE FOB UU BEil ESTATE FQI BEST were_tied tar la-; Uu <2nltm A Bodnn *zid S*rf Eftller. ' = ' noted persoii^sBai ia a&tient and mo4- SScIntyr* vfU - r*'"T Berry -defeated. .Black. ' •"- ' ;" a Great Soldier. « a;*, well aa «Jiaract£rs"^ron» honor* with as arerxca rolled Well for tie. latter teass. r . |J flOuUnLU two *rp TV'Kfo pl*y*r3 *r© wwli sn&tcitt- Stttie soldier h«re\rit3l Jjletnred Is illss erty POS RENT in excellent location not sharing in these disbursements, you BOEING GAMES loat tlia JOSEPHSON JLdels Irenes of Brooklyn- She woee- ITith. "Ward. .JL Bai«x or Grocsr. of dlrloo. aewiy etc.) *lti* T^-a-f/*^ Will pT^ PTJ^-lTTy flT?1th t&6 Napoleoa I, emperor at Fcance. PILLS ^nt^o^ wodd dc* well trj InTestlsata should open an account right now in >_s__j^_ ^i^^^jj^y^ ^ •^Ar«fJ»>i : 7 Teira No- i, Rah-,j_ ut i" ^ .RitwayA.A:M*fatliooRa£e Aaaury *»mrk (N. J-)Tialen. pony class. l±T«..up«t»tra and ha>"re store down- THE ~ UAflUE MATCH -TOM«HT PUaa, Faraisiei «J»Jx«, ...^Reot _.J^3JonahIe-__ST3AKK. H. _ __ rent'in'-.SaJi-t 'arVt and '"ST* Mi C jL« ua - H7 - "Ui; Arousing ilxick Inierest way^—alx _ room hoase.. coacreta \ Bliss 174 is* US1 cosnlnjf tinder the wire with twelve All Work Gaaraiiteid—Prompt —Offift troop chaUgogfea another to _ Pr£z*£ for RaBway Boys Tia first tJnicm Coostr Bo ceHar. r". watar; for frice ^£ oca | Asnonig the WinHers P. Sin* U3 Ut 113 J Li to spare. Heaxebaaer was 'the pity jg*T*T it Tg?> bwn til* i toali- V--»<'^ troop plants Ira Ha_r at tiie SX3S.SJLLB OH TO LE*--S«*en room 'Bafrway Saviii^ _____titMQii Axue %*^«ti*K ^iu bo rolled oo Uie roota. *SJSo weekly. Only, two left.-}- [fa. roller of **"» yp««/^ with Crowall Ijffiory PartL" the -w-eii tn« a^ • ^r^ ^ ^T^ T*^. PBJ_2jtQ!_[. _ ^^pft^B _j^^^ .T.Ti Club »Hor» tMs erwTJtnfc. house newly^ decorated; -tonprore- Call 133 Sail Grand street. nrltt *K "S TVS I next in order tor the winners. Mnl* xcsoct cm thA Now J«J a. quarter of a rnfle. real* Tin maniai ci ti* &ah»ay BJainond ft Stantpn Court, Rahway, N- jrrouzitl: where the- fff™*» laents; rent J1S.130 I»r snonti. la* Assete Ovef $1,000^000.00, ArcanunS Xo. 1 tesini "won tii^s YACHf CLtm -when t2i« Cramfbrd ^^ will oppoae i TT**?^ tin &inn*i*^ "batiy oa SEiW—Kewiy decorated _.«Te It iias been teraed fay the local ortiTHtaHoTi tt la expected -4*S-W. i _is, .baby diaroL io oe ulaycii- uuraber. of JSCCJXW- W ilra. itary Graves. IS JBUB lain* fcfOEJ the Saiway ISt Hi 1M j D*Ay. u Welz* a close second. The scores"! . no* 5tf room Oat with imprcnreiaents, Hani WE PAY FOUR PER CENT INTEREST. sporUnr circle*. USaWU- thai a lujo lumber o( Motara will ba 1 tacit Cinil last eYenlnl in t&« City CirtWrijrnt 121 113 liJ j SVw'^ork iU-00 Ser tpo-ntti. Addreai' H. I_"President, Sou Vanjeriioyon. Secretary BowJini Lairue -series at tie f. M. 157 14s 11 i '. iiir^i- Tii N'eaisbjUiar .^ VU 136 tiS jPOS. SAU3 OB »HNT—A ooasalow tare Secord, bet"t%-t^.^Ti ISJUI a laii o< Crowell 1U.-141 158 YomtlBaby** Fat Is Healdiy nn» asd Koss street. octSct : " -. octLJ-St better's Marlcet «±ty-cwo tOaJ la tie tat suai asd to SUhway iooji anct fcleaced tn some* )o*i til* Becos4 by eltitty-oina. wi- The Toisis tit, as ws &SU-L XSTATB; ytre; Plata Glaas: QtTINV * BODEJ? " £atj« tie Result of a Diet of Condensed lJaMHry; ToarUcS Bac- MEATS. FRFSH^KILLEO POULTRY, yEGETftBl|S win reinain niiiil sreaeatej. . Viaarit Weir T.*s its iert and all. kinds of "EiciiisHNS of liie rexnlar 'prixea' ' ~ Foods for c*e_cf ten- Alt guaranteed ff«sh and at prices -J_ ioniser )__s_i liS 131 US Vor rate* asply. TJ-al Coccrete boilitef tor as lout a&-good-goads can b-e sold. .: _ I. arwes* 114. US 13S Itmiboiit Son- IK Irrtp -gfa—,. toole i _ no IST la. .TT -Mf-iur aS Majla A^ni. MUTTON. td fce^o their rsldon offer tie. best is service as w«u as the best m quality. —liixida.—Jade-Bnin waa 35 Year pitfbiistgejs tespeeifally solicited. Tijia surely !ia aii in- sn£ .-".te; utteujE,-.-. reliail*. ,e«ais»Jii«i.

a raoi of tala kind. " ullluit well the xa ^"¥sTRVtNf'fr I grrt buixiiiA iny Baby «£rl*"V ^V^-hg jour splendid food tayselZ it ia-. .UI boy* wiait to compei* ahoiild gisz. XV., S. Martin, tha " Hahway PrUonera Szuiy b<»_C3lSiUred. bn£ rntot yQj SALE—&tensioil dl rooifl SYanklla St» uSBer Sahway. Selected chwoti^r lad th« Y. il. c. A. teia »a&g-thalr "namea'and address* to A. V. r. showed'his usual ionn and lod _ also ^nn^it to niyl)ahy^-and she is thrrHxt£ Very bo actually carried .to titiwa. where I •_ 1^. "goidisn oak- US la*t th» Bjuiiaaii Mas, sdih. Horr "rgBe£.«agfc- they maat sfcty-usta teleased.—They-r—-^ Carfioii ihe athletic-direcSr~> ai* fiSi^d by a scoot toucS3ag-Oi*ai b^- J _ - _. "Abo Fe ton a«st to ordar. He*lti Cosnal*- SahWay A. A^ who win : ! wer* Only a few We wish to annaitince that we have secured the and Fcultty «l_ur 3. C. Tarrill ro__t Uw, ^ ••'••-••••—_•••_ -;•• fore bein£ cupcured by the other BIISA. .^^ g u.S-Hdrsd, two'wagon* *b& _^toehin B<5ABBtS"<3-^'W« will tak* one er week. J- V. M. care Sacord. It Stes-H the following officer* of the itTnjfprii' Laague slap Itreiy to keas in front vice Station, an-dt secured the services^ of rexpert ils»d_to adyttjitaec. and, if played at once. E. 6. Cone, CoSonii, N. X HAHWACK& Athlelle pnion to pfSciaia: Safer**. __ - PEMISISYLVAJMIA RAILROAD — ~ nljfht,-whlstU sm>Y Cross CJoun* C1.DB l mechanics on Ford Gars^"~ C*s\* oirii.lljj.in Secret can b« imad Trains from Hahway to Jersey City and Hew York elihfer clay or-niiht—Scoutintf. 3. O. H__tt -_ '_-'••" *- V- -par of Ute A, A:. V.: aiarler. Pfof-W. S. Money 20* 1S4 ISO WANTED—^Mea .and boy*. C. C. HewartJ 1"79 20S 200 WEEJCOAY9 Some of the little people, ot New fork tkus -witli a tli'rrivrt'* Carn% Eiirabeth Y.- M. C. A.; timers. Bodies, [_F-I«eeji*!y^«ijoyed-ihe-SJno3nal-ei«. IF YOX1NEED Isked -wool Supply, A. St A- it P. J£ P. M, P. JC P. St. n-t -witneaainjr a real sheep The course oi the race Is ~T>e£<~ fry^Hza^eL^ SibES Ironing1 to tics nr-lt 94S SSo 969 ahearinjf. %« York dryiuMjSJobcka EMPLOYMENT AGS otaer inatei'ials tio tss measared ajrairi and iurthef details of ^aheep on.-the~lawn» of some of Its ^L ifflt^nil I~liia3n_ lfiiar RAHWAl. A. A. will aSpear-la-Tuesday's Record. JERSEY «« Monroe street than ^>urc 'wool "ITS" 'iW i« to see you promptly. . They are kept tor two ptir- ...... -1W IS* Ui X g a rcral and beaoafal t»- 808-113—1 HAftD.GAMt TOMORROW "SD1 1G3 are creeping in Its 1SS 1« Another Stiff sfcrogsio is scieduled 1S1. SOS 7-n Na£. 1S4 Vti 1 •where orrhnarily- for tie Haiway 331ih Sdhool-footbaE Elston By ox^es of th« ComnMreUl *TTni« CotQ' y, N. J. act .lSt£ tti p«ay 1of ~N«w J«rwsy, vnbstUated mdmlaU* eleTen tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock 175-143 JOS trator r Ac -ttf tbe e«tata --of Thomu C Lumber, BeorS, Sash4 House-trim aad Brown, I tth_n aeil at trablid msctlcQ at at HiTcraide Pailc where xhe team Jny offle« >Jo 2« Cberry »treraalJW» oa hand. . pect them. Agoocl Tolali will txce the fasi Asbury Park eleven. Sfbtals SU SSO : 876 Avc, ELIZABETH, N. J. BIDAT. iTORAOB OS" S'CaKJTtt&E at tow S. who h»>e~defeaieo" "everything In: th» time to lnaiat Upon Torrill aoulhanl-Sart of. the State-and-ar« Grand. Monroe . streets...... 129 ; EAGLES BOWL: NEJcr;Wg£K needed—Material* will nevef be cheaper. tkc JCirdciibaxiiri C V- Ladle* for the Stats chaniplonshlp. ohn Hoffman 1S9 1S9 15O1n Saturday. No*. 13. the New Bruns- The next pains te the_Sa«!«3' 3Sowl- The "Hahway ; SaTjjio - Xoautatloa- ^—^la-hayto( Lombai or 8ulldin(-M>t«rUl tro« eeoaosiy lies- not laacL. for BO fabric C W. Llidlow 157 1SS ~MS i will ©lay hero; Satur- Ing League far the Sahway-team-wUl paya~*onr j>er cent. Interest .the htshr at-McCa3rtney'a-allflxa_a«xL.'W«4nest 6^9 7.4S .-So.. maobihTtnV saving of tijoney is in ib«-sp«a4lax~of it rixni. gets to oxar cutting day * e fi:S.-;-.---V? vJt--:.L.v-r.-.- 10.4/ -10^8- 19-El - 8.501 entertained, and on ThaniagiTinjf Day l the State." Opezi an accoont in yodr possible. takl<~< save through. tha annual tilt between Hi^i aad;SS- 11.07 m.0 1XJ.0 9.47' 9JM S.49 11-13 lOiO 10.S8 home institetica. j(y 1-ti 833 BSO USbl^a will be Dulled off. There is also TO PLAY LINDEN 111*: o< KEBECCA ouir tigii all-wool BUSINESS ~11.«^ 11.51 _lljf some tali: of Dlayins Trenton., High Seyiott tield Club, :©£- this eity -li.4 of oity-yoangstero oaw tbe a. close SecancTwUh 1S3. Braada;- •Pens. Sta. Term! Pla. Bahway Pean,- Verm'l Ex. Pl«. Ranway shepherd In the tlroo uonored process vtu oa the heels oi the leaders. Me- which quickly re- •—WEEKJDAYS/, ot shearing tbe oheep. Many country HakvU HatioBSJ Bank Salldlna -jL^ac- bahway&ns, with Koocs and Schmidt --ifcpre wastedrenejgy^ 1S.0S- following~~ta--ibn$er:—'l*lie—scores—fat ? " i3Jrir":' ,.:,::j. i.,..8trictly;.Bi|sjn«sa.: .:__;;.:- ._.,.^ laiare Dtrelllnes aod !Oth« ">tua:';; J J HOBOKENELXS -Soir-say that couple lead a cat and Property »tActru»I Coat. D <*&& Sends 250 Short &»£» Braada-: ~ TELEPHONE Earlo IW SoO S00 Rare Artidea. Natnm a»d Soeoce. la Rahway on sale by, wtUlam Ceronie, 40 Cherry St.; ^051,bad. Incompatibility of temper* Excepddnal EdilDsialX ~ Miller 1S9 50S 1SS 1 gtipposc" . CUT THIS OUT Schneldur "lfi4~14S~lS5" "' "Nothtesrof ^ttic sort'They, cotfloct AeaiVnaa.V ' AIq» Stclnbach U« IS? - 169 SHTHIMIOH BAOIf AWB WtOB SUS(>SMOCRS IN s.is ^vcrnt. aiul dog hospltaL"—Btrmliichain idedloK. S60 Totals SS3 S.SS Brotberhoor d Qveralls The Brew ^ j-. nftr*wotta r--RXHwa.Tr SIMS -—.- T--~- "VT"t~"l ;jsfc»a;.I«toa.>: ."•••— ;— •• •.••;;• . » ciiucni OF NEW rtaaxt ;4 McCartnay 19S 1S9 ISO nD'ntl»>u<» FuiiOijuuu«i ' roruuer -MaT|(aret--PaynerrwiIUam"'-pa~ : hasbaBd. Hnyli Payoe. (or Clark), •!-••'• IbttU to-day to Tbo Yootn'. Cbm- Schnildt 1«1 1SS. IBS' EAHWAlf-«. J>. aSlidar, 123 Main Sfe 7.00 M, rVrrVwij MftTT . (or ''. ,..' ;..:.. ngloa 130 xn 1*4 is well appreciated by the; Woikiiig>^aW^-^o-*iitid'''-iliat it imparted 7M Beebe and KalpB Seebe. ber hnaband; EUXJiBKTB-Sci-^l*R«^3O6^aBSro«»JSt. , ' , Webster. X SO BUimbetb AVe. a thjre?-fpld b^Q<;fit, viz: assuaging thirst, replacing lost strength - liso:: Ada U«T GiOord. WUUajn or F. WDJlsm Rahway Liquor Store Koopa 141 1SS S09 lLtJPitS Armboater. ber basband. Boa*' Bennett. MO. 87 IB VIHO 8TBBW. BAD WAY.». J. SUBSCRIPTIONS RH VED ;AT THIS

Ssxaok will be observed as the Choice Legs i On the. last lap c( a. 2S.0OO m'.la uf the sexsoji was held on Sal Week cf Prayer by the Young Man's Jersey Pork j pedestrianic fear W- H- McKay, of ••^^'ig by Miss Jeannetle RECEPTION Christian * ^^y^^f^r^B of the TJnited. COLLISION M.r.and Mrs. M. O«t±lsss ara apand- ORGANIZATION! BIG REGEPT10N1 c Mutton c i Tacoxna* Wash^. slipped at police Byrnea.\of 23< >:«st Grand street, the States aid Canada. General Secretary GREATER VAUDEVILLE ial tie irwek end with relallT«a at M1V- Loins I headquarters for a. i\art time Satur- affair being attended by about. 200 per- John. A- O\ erica has made plans for 17 Cranforf and Perth 2O lb 6, 7 and 8 lba sona. Muaic^was furnished by a por-St. Mary's Alantni Association the observance by the local associa- FOUR—STANDARD ACTS—FOUR 6, 7 and 8 lbs lb Women's dabs oi Neighboring aili Cuirau of thi« tion of the American I"i VBA.VC1S FOHD- tke Atesne Mishap Til* ti=T»jj4!r« •will oiClni "> try walMas atost hljaselt and at Assoal Gathering the attendants appeared in ben at Asasa] Evest by the &ov. C. S. Kemble. pastor oi BARGAIN MATINEE, Children 5c. Adults 10c . tt Is hosed aU will •JOO CATEHFOft CJ-AMlFlOTlON Porterhouse Blade Rib «f ; proceed to TacoTiA McKay Is' on him and priies were awarded in the tot- Trinity MidiodUc church; Tuesday, to lb !w»! y homeward after Mej- lowing order: Mlas £thei\Lawrence, the Rev. H. W. JslHott. rector o£ the Ni£ht Price*, lOc, 2Oc and 25c at.L. A Co, j Roast TWO INJURED AND MA- I^TV cards for* t!^o*« who «Po abaaQC Roast NOTABLE FUNCTION BELD Woodbridge; Miaa Uaiel Honwim. DINNER, ^SPEECHES, I Church oi the 53oly Comforter; Wed- Sli-VrS FOB THE EVtiSIXO eEKFOKMXXOE A.HJ& b-ut W1LI h^wd ta -cxll «p^ on tlioa« Main ttiecL It SPEECHES MADE BY Mias " Annabel Hoffman Miia^ Jo- |neaday. the Hev F W JohaaOU. t>. D., I KfcSAEltVEU. OKD£8 THEM B-V 3E*HO-NK .SOW. j CHINES 6AB^r DAMAGED S5 Beef Liver 1 lc lb Veal Chops - 22c lb CESSFDL CANDIDATES AT MRS. GALLAWArS jsephlne Rack and \n«< Praacea Banv AND DANCING hpajtor of the S<-<.orid Vreabs texiass & I>- a- Social FOR ^AT.n—Pony, two-seated car- j .»^. The building" was artistically deer church; Thursday, ih« Kov. H. A. h. HONDA Y,ENGAGEMENT EXTRAORDINARY i t^J t—*' 1-fi? '^ o< Mrs. nfn^fii* »^i^ blanket. 910O.iPork Kidneys lOc lb Lamb Chops - 18clb McKay£ be^an Ills great feats of I orated with cornstalks, pumpldns and ISadtler. rector of St. Paul's Episcopal snap. ~ ^pedegtrla3ii3ia~twoa"tj^*hree yaaxs a«o -Vii aatomobil** colll3ioii In which ^_r-«&«ittS-JEii' annual recep-) Japanese lanterns. Refnashnients were Tur annual banquet and re<-eDilon | church; Friday. th«s R«iv. J Edgar TS« illar- Ciaa'a'' ^rill hara has already TV Fm^Wipfi Fil« Es's flratrt rVainrMan I.OST—Gold lodret. aat with < held by St. Marys X

SISHT James ~li VIITI streeti jxtr-jtrlirci 2S,0«C> sUea- ha- bas ~ Jersey l*orJc: hut-none have..proven.m Una- Miwufra ifrae asd "bar w wili-fco"aer»ed- YOCJtD llADT-wUling to work al any- j 1 walked across Europe aad U- tractive or delightful than the Mlas Carrie Fresh CaL Reg; Fresh account of the approa£hin£ prealden- naayamr i> p. m.—Ananas RT-M with, the countries now 'at, war. held Friday attention at the home of tie SalamaJi. ytixs I>il$i3t ineau, clover tc«t Chriafrum pnttsu till election o£ 191i-—XH5F tra-rareed the MTs. G^Oiuu y ' f.aiij "J Mrs. Hams Bi«si*berB bad «ajrreaa«d tiieir jresldent of the club, of 109 "West Mil- prandial; apeechas PAULINE FREDERICK 4r tha * OJI aal« at tlxa «>210 Hams way from Cane Town throngn_iha Gage. MUn _ftage. Miss. IshQwing thai thd- reliiiouajiidu of_ti4' xha cart. i of wilds oi ArricAi a and acroas^ Sosth ton avenue, where fully ISO raembers association is paramount to all others. ^ vn badly damolished. Miss ii-e«4 In EajrTAnd au-d IlAjy "JusoT"$"ir»t Prwr fri<*iHTf tn N* V.. at Dollar Pfltw tered by Chariw FUser~thsF -VmeritA He walied~a""d&lance ^BT it; reward" It rstaraad vs 23 \ Killed TJest Cuts -— b^l "ard Mildred Hoffman. the -BARGAIN-M AT1KEEL AT_a.. AlLSaata_.tOc he -aat&orixed to appoint a 403 mile* in iscoclarul in record "UffiS" women from Eliialwth. IUISUUH. Crg and_Cl»re._a»aera. owr nan J u»iu.. l broken collarbone, while James Carey. Sirloin, r aacir and holds the UU« for that- ^«t*^^» ~Josep5iiEe-Sa.ik.--Mi**- -n-of-CranJforA-M!eel»«y WHO HAS KEbS IT CHEESE—I-eare or- te ^ empl^asired the du' JUsT A**tt lb - Steak ing to be_ heM* "next Friday 400 miles barefoot. places assembled to en3oy the func- i^ae MoffettilissJMna Griuchke. the ' has_ever_held the central pljico in the ders at 73 Chickens and the bower aiiy_tiie secretary. 1 Hebeliev^a that walking Is one of the 0, .driver! of one Tmrnine- Moilday, !J IS., filj Liipiraiicaal %d- All of the jpeaeat at tiia beat forms of exercise for phy White ^Vi^y«>"Uc'alsr«. dr the support' them O'Keill, Joseph N'oids. Frank Sulli»an. aj^^ ^ !Bts. Ensile Chart- and Mrs. James Carey. Sr. and by Uve by the voters ot the city and -expressed one consomptiTO on one of ois trips laway. Mrs. C. "W. MacQuold. of So- &OLL OF HONOR F*«ST •A»TI»T cHiincH, MCWABK *i.TCHJ«jLKIHG SCHOOL Blue PomF OYSTERS Fresh Caught FISH Harry EndJcotu HenryB- Peltier, W. 'faJJT'MPT ""Joaepil 0unH, Jo- Misses Mary and A«nes CantwcJi of that It vas the endorse- and the »"»" "was cured before the trip selle. vice-president of tha State Fed- R«v, !_ ~V. Oraiuin, 843-845 Brad St.. M.ouk. N. J. Mdntyre. Sr.. W. Mclntyre. Jr» former I ^ !tnd Miss Ette! 53S West Siftyflfth street. NTew York R.v. r. O. tf«*vUl, Pasts*. and Pa«to«- of the people of the principles of Pe belle»«a that district Thirty-flve Pupil* at St. M«ry'« School aciiool; - is Detach e» Mr fcUife_rJoUbIe_Mad<» emphasized th*i brother- Friday. : aHcfre*I~~oa~ adopted by the local officials. Previous to aiaxtinx out "'with Mc-Including President Mrs. W. A. Han

llt ot a LUTHERAN CHURCH Gage, the Misses > tl»an and Winifred" ~tion Toasunaster McMahon paid lonor roll during the past month. "^ ^« «* ^^^ *****-- It will be sny aim to serve the people of this city, he also secured if letter. Marriam. Secretary of "literature Mrs. . KlnneaUy and Wallace Pan* ! ^ ^' Carey »«»iMt W1«ht tc* ""f Telephone 325 '125 Irving Street ![^ We Close 6 P. M. Batty, Except Friday 7 P. M.. Saturday 10.30 T. itf. Endicott. Yonkers. N. Y-; S^ank Coop- j jjj,,^ l t t ^ the ettOTii of Mr, Chartrand rn with .SS, had tho best tnark In I«- dri^« «» ™^ !f *" *"^ 1. ft MnrHy" ''° Thpmas-Dorden.-Mi—aadjAfas—'Hat- that cornea l»Iare tile cooncll. given. a_most .cordial welcome and -tbofofQ jad«o-H-W-ft1W story he w»s meet of the dtlsena know mat I have tion on violin and piano Delectable w 'iUla<-*» VeDgborn. &S; John day will be: Morning. The Oreatsat M&d* rtotn tba b««t Jerstty Cr«mtn, Csne Suasr. £•%- the Lowest Prices at ENTERTAINS CtUS Poulks. Carl Von Todeawanh. Frank"] yoiio^tng tho speech making there keeping close to the right side of the lUb. W»lout« navarad wllh M*