Leiths Academy Test Question Resource Bank


Rubbing in method - Scones

In point form, how would you make cheese scones? 3

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True or False circle the correct answer:

Scones must be cooked at a low temperature to keep them moist. T/F 1 Creaming method

What are 4 important points to remember when making a Victoria Sandwich? 4

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Fill in the blanks: 2

When making a creamed cake make sure the eggs are at ……………………………… temperature. You must remember to use …………………………………………… flour. Melting method

True or False circle the correct answer:

A tin for a melting method cake needs no preparation as they never stick T/F 1

What has gone wrong?

A gingerbread has a sour flavour 1

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Whisked cake method

4 students are making a whisked sponge. 4

Student 1 doesn’t fold the flour in very efficiently

Student 2 takes the cake out when it is nearly cooked.

Student 3 whisked the eggs and sugar together to the ribbon stage

Student 4 folded the flour in very vigorously for 5 minutes

 Which student produced an even textured light cake? Student ......

 Which student’s cake contained little pockets of flour? Student ......

 Which student’s cake was very badly risen? Student ......

 Which student’s cake sunk in the middle? Student ……


Fill in the missing words: 2

When making a meringue make sure the bowl is …………………. Meringues are cooked at a ………………. oven temperature.

True or False circle the correct answer:

When piping meringues, always line the tray with greaseproof paper T/F 1 Pasta

What has gone wrong:

Cooked dried spaghetti is soft and mushy. 3


Cooked fresh tagliatelle has white speckles (spots) on it.


Cooked fresh tagliatelle is tough


Classic accompaniments

Which is the classic accompaniment to roast lamb? (circle the correct answer) 1

Bread sauce Horseradish sauce Apple sauce

Yorkshire puddings Mint sauce


Put the following stages of bread making in the right order 6

Instruction: Order 1 - 6

Knock back the

Bake the bread

Knead the dough until smooth and springy

Let the dough prove

Let the dough rise until it is double in size

Mix the ingredients together to make a dough

Melting chocolate

Give 2 important points to remember when melting chocolate: 2

  Risotto

Circle the correct answer: 2

When making risotto, the stock you add the rice should be hot / cold

The correct rice for making a risotto is Basmati / Arborio rice


Fill in the missing words: 2

When cooking a filled quiche, it is important that the oven should be at a ………………… temperature.

When cooking egg custards, one way to ensure they are protected from the direct oven heat is to use a ………………………………………………….

True or False circle the correct answer: 1

When making a classic omelette, make sure the has reached a deep golden brown before adding the beaten eggs to the pan. T / F


Give 3 tasks to be done as mise en place when making a cheese soufflé. 3

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Crème Anglaise

What has gone wrong when Crème Anglaise is lumpy? 1


How much milk would you use when making Crème Anglaise with 3 large egg yolks? 1



Circle the 4 main types of ice cream base 4

Churned Custard Meringue Folded Chocolate

Mousse Sorbet Yoghurt All-in-one

Deep Fat Frying

List 5 important safety points to remember when deep fat frying sole goujons. 5

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Rich Shortcrust Pastry

Give 2 ways you can tell a rich shortcrust pasty case is cooked: 2

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True or False circle the correct answer: 2

To make light rich shortcrust pastry you must make sure you knead it firmly before rolling. T / F

Always use very cold water when making rich shortcrust pastry. T / F

Choux Pastry

Understanding recipes: 1

Your recipe for profiteroles tells you to cool the panade on a plate before adding the egg. What is a panade?


True or False circle the correct answer: 1

When making choux pastry it is important that the water and butter come to the boil before adding the flour. T / F Rough puff

Circle the correct answer:

What is the name of the base dough of a layered pastry such as rough puff pastry. 1

Degorge Deglaze Detrempe Depouiller


Name 2 dishes that are made using a : 2

 

Tick the correct method when making a batter: 1

□ Whisk the dry ingredients into the liquid.

□ Beat the wet ingredients into a well in the dry ingredients.


True or False circle the correct answer: 2

Shellfish should always be stored covered in water T / F

Always remove the intestinal tract (black threadlike line) from prawns before cooking T / F Fish

When fish, which of these statements is true? (Tick the correct boxes) 4

□ Preheat the grill for at least 10 minutes before using it.

□ Fit as much fish onto the baking sheet as possible to save time and fuel.

□ Season the surface of the fish just before grilling.

□ Start cooking any thicker fillets of fish before adding the thinner fillets to the tray.

What would you look for when buying a whole fish to be sure it is fresh? 3 answers needed 3

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Give 3 ways you could cook a courgette? 3

   Circle the correct answers: 4

If a client asks for their green beans to be served still with a little bit of ‘crunch’, what is the term that describes this?

Al Berto Al Dente Au Gratin

Which of these vegetables should be cooked by putting into a pan of water and not covered by a lid?

Sugarsnap peas Mange tout Parsnips

Sweet potato Broccoli


Give 3 factors that contribute to the toughness or tenderness of a cut of meat: 3

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Why do we brown cubes of meat when making a or ? 2


Give 4 important points to remember when browning off pieces of meat or mince. 4

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True or False circle the correct answer: 4

Chickens should be jointed into 6 evenly sized pieces. T / F

Lamb should be served pink T / F

When choosing beef for stewing, avoid pieces that are marbled with fat. T / F

The chine bone should be cut through by the butcher before you prepare a rack of lamb. T / F

White sauce

Tick true or false: 3

True False Mornay sauce is a mother sauce

A roux is made of equal quantities of butter and flour

A cheese sauce must be simmered for at least 2 minutes once the grated cheese has been added.


When using 1 large egg yolk how much oil would you need? …………………………………………. 1

Which of the following would you add to mayonnaise to make Tartare Sauce? Circle the correct answers 3

Honey Sunblush tomatoes Capers

Gherkins Shallot Hollandaise

True or False circle the correct answer: 1

Hollandaise is always served hot. T / F

Stock 2

When making white chicken stock it is important the stock simmers rather than boils to prevent it becoming ………………………. Salt must always be added at the ……………………… of the cooking process.

Sugar syrups and caramel

Circle the correct answer:

What is the correct type of sugar to use when making a sugar syrup: 1

Demerara sugar Soft light brown sugar Icing sugar

Granulated sugar Muscovado Sugar