Vol. 165 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 24, 2019 No. 15 Senate The Senate met at 11 a.m. and was STRENGTHENING AMERICA’S SE- the Democrats’ unwillingness to sit called to order by the President pro CURITY IN THE MIDDLE EAST down and negotiate with the President. tempore (Mr. GRASSLEY). ACT OF 2019—MOTION TO PRO- We have heard from those who have en- f CEED—Resumed dured over a month without pay. We have heard from the men and women of PRAYER Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I the U.S. Coast Guard, air traffic con- The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- move to proceed to S. 1. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The trollers, TSA agents, and other Federal fered the following prayer: employees. Every American deserves a Let us pray. clerk will report the motion. The legislative clerk read as follows: fully operational government. Tax- Eternal Lord God, give our law- payers aren’t getting special tax re- makers this day the wisdom to seek Motion to proceed to S. 1, a bill to make funds for these weeks when services Your guidance and to make time to improvements to certain defense and secu- and Agencies have been diminished or consider and act on your precepts. May rity assistance provisions and to authorize are unavailable. they not simply embrace the opinions the appropriation of funds to Israel, to reau- thorize the United States-Jordan Defense Co- The President has been at the negoti- of others but seek Your truth for their operation Act of 2015, and to halt the whole- lives. ating table, ready to talk and to fix it. sale slaughter of the Syrian people, and for Democrats have made the opposite po- Lord, make them muscular thinkers, other purposes. not merely reflectors of the thoughts litical calculation, and our Nation is GOVERNMENT FUNDING of others. Help them to make pleasing paying the price. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, you, O God, their first priority. May The way forward is simple. We all later today—on day 34 of this partial they serve You with such humility and know the ground rules. We need a com- government shutdown—the Senate will gratitude that You can bless them in promise that can pass both Chambers be voting on a proposal to finally end ways that stagger their imaginations. and earn the Presidential signature. And, Lord, be with the members of it. We will be voting on the one plan— That is the way you make a law in this the illustrious Senate page class, who the only one on the table—that would country. The first proposal we will vote will be leaving us tomorrow. reopen the shuttered portions of the on today is the only legislation that We pray in Your great Name. Amen. Federal Government. It is a pragmatic exists with any chance of checking compromise that could end this im- f those boxes—getting the President’s passe right away. signature and making a law. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The choice is absolutely clear, and On immigration and border security, The President pro tempore led the the Nation is watching. Members can this legislation provides the resources Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: vote to immediately reopen the entire the men and women who risk their own I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the government with a compromise pack- safety to defend our border tell us are United States of America, and to the Repub- age that the President will actually lic for which it stands, one nation under God, necessary. In the past year, we have sign, or they can hold out for the watched as apprehensions of family indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Democratic leader’s dead-end proposal f units at the borders have risen—more that stands no chance of earning the young people brought into danger. RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME President’s signature and ending the partial shutdown. They have seen more interdiction of The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. The President’s compromise would illicit substances like heroin, meth- SCOTT of Florida). Under the previous amphetamine, and fentanyl and higher order, the leadership time is reserved. accomplish three things. First, it ends the shutdown and resumes pay for Fed- rates of attempted crossings by gang f eral workers right away. Second, it members and criminals. CONCLUSION OF MORNING strikes a bipartisan compromise on the The need for more security on our BUSINESS issue of immigration and border secu- border is not a partisan invention. It is a fact. It is a reality most Senate The PRESIDING OFFICER. Morning rity with ideas from both sides. Third, Democrats readily admit. business is closed. it provides stable, full-year funding for One Senate Democrat said: ‘‘I’m will- f the Federal Government, not another short-term bandaid. ing to support more border security.’’ RECOGNITION OF THE First, ending the shutdown. We have Another said: ‘‘Certainly, you need LEADER heard from Federal workers whose barriers. And we support barriers.’’ The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- lives are in disarray. We have heard Not to be outdone, a third said: ‘‘I’m jority leader is recognized. about the family hardships caused by a huge advocate of border security.’’

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the .



VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:37 Jan 24, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JA6.000 S24JAPT1 S542 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 24, 2019 If they agree with the need, they far as this Democratic Party is con- the government now. You are the only should agree with this modest pro- cerned. one standing in the way. We know posal. It would fund new enforcement Deep down, my friends across the most of our Republican colleagues and surveillance technologies, recruit- aisle know this is not a reasonable re- want the government opened. They are, ing and training hundreds of new Bor- action to a President of the other in a positive way, loyal to you and, in der Patrol agents, and it would direct party. They know the Speaker of the a negative way, afraid to buck you, but about one one-thousandth of Federal House is unreasonable on these sub- they all know it. Everyone knows it. discretionary spending for physical jects, with her own Members and her Of course, 800,000 Federal workers are barriers along the highest priority sec- own House majority leader openly con- on the cusp of missing their second tions of the border—barriers like the tradicting her on national television, paycheck—a month’s share of pay. ones that the current Democratic lead- and that Senate Democrats are not ob- Some require the assistance of food er joined then-Senators Obama, Biden, ligated to go down with her ship. banks to get by. That is so disheart- and Clinton in supporting back in 2006; They know that denying the Presi- ening. Hard-working people who just like the barriers constructed by Presi- dent one-tenth of 1 percent for spend- want to help their families have a de- dent Obama’s own administration; like ing on needed border security is not cent life have to go to a food bank. the barriers in which many of my worth hurting this many people. It is They did nothing wrong. President Democratic colleagues happily voted to obvious what the Senate needs to do. Trump is using them as hostages. Here invest billions of dollars during the Today, we will decide whether we is how callous this administration is. last Congress. turn a new corner and begin putting When asked about that fact this morn- These commonsense physical barriers the last month behind us or whether we ing, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, were a bipartisan point of agreement will all continue to show up for work, a billionaire, said ‘‘I know they are, until about 5 ago, but the stuck in exactly the same situation. and I don’t really quite understand President went even further to win Only one bill does all the bipartisan why.’’ He argues that it is easy for fur- Democrats’ support. For example, his things I discussed. Only one bill has loughed workers to get a loan. proposal also provides for a 3-year legal any chance whatsoever of becoming Those comments are appalling and status for certain individuals currently law. So we ought to vote for it. reveal the administration’s callous in- covered by DACA and TPS. RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY LEADER difference toward the Federal workers That is what this law provides: the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The he is treating as pawns. Secretary border security we need, plus actual Democratic leader is recognized. Ross’s comments are the 21st century statutory authorization for DACA re- Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, Presi- equivalent of ‘‘Let them eat cake.’’ cipients, written into law, for the first dent Trump has kept the government Many of these Federal employees live time—not the unilateral hand-waving shut down for 34 days, and the pain in- paycheck to paycheck. Secretary Ross, of the Obama administration. flicted on the American people and they can’t just call their stockbroker Finally, this bill would complete the their government is getting deeper and and ask them to sell some of their full-year appropriations that both par- deeper every day. shares. They need that paycheck. ties worked very hard on last year. The Our economy is suffering. First quar- We need to end this shutdown now. last thing we need is another tem- ter GDP is in the tank. Consumer con- There is only one way to do it. This porary measure. Last year’s appropria- fidence has fallen. afternoon, for the first time since tions process left stable, bipartisan Our national security is suffering. President Trump shutdown the govern- funding measures on the 1-yard line. FBI agents attest that criminal and ment in December, the Senate will We don’t need to punt from the 1-yard anti-terrorism investigations are se- have a chance to vote on a bill that re- line and set up another crisis just like verely constrained. Border patrol, TSA, opens the government. this a couple of weeks from now. We and hundreds of thousands of homeland Leader MCCONNELL says that Presi- need to finish our work and run these security personnel are working under dent Trump’s bill is the only way to re- seven full-year bipartisan funding bills limitations. These people are all part open the government. Bull. He claims into the end zone—into the end zone— of our security. that our bill will not pass because and finish last year’s work. President Trump keeps saying that President Trump will not sign it. Has Let me conclude by simply stating we need the wall for security. Most he ever heard of a override? Has what will be on display in this Cham- people disagree with that, but even if he ever heard of article I? ber today. The American people will we did agree, it is not going to be built The bill that President Trump has see plainly which Senators want to for years. Our security is suffering put together can’t pass the House and make a law and clean up this mess and today because of the Trump shutdown. can’t pass the Senate, so it has no which Senators are content to continue It is so bad that five former DHS Secre- chance of passing. For Leader MCCON- making political points and nothing taries wrote a letter to President NELL to say the only bill that has a else. Trump, urging him to end the shut- chance of opening up the government is Making law versus making points, down without the wall, including his President Trump’s bill—where he puts that is a choice. Any one of my Demo- former Chief of Staff John Kelly, a in a $5.7 billion wall, undoes many of cratic colleagues who rejects the com- loyal soldier if ever there were one. the asylum provisions, and is broadly promise offer but votes for the Demo- Kelly knows and they all know that unpopular—is false. It is just wrong. cratic leader’s partisan showmanship this shutting down of the government The two bills that are on the floor will be saying the following: They will for the President’s wall, which most are not equivalent votes. My friend on be saying that political fights with the Americans believe we should not build, the other side and some in the media President matter more—more—than is wrong. The President’s former Chief who are being lazy called the two votes Federal workers and their families, of Staff is telling President Trump that ‘‘dueling proposals,’’ as if there is one border security, DACA and TPS recipi- his position on the shutdown is wrong, Republican proposal and one Demo- ents, as well as government funding. that his position on the shutdown is a cratic proposal and they are sort of Let me say that again. If my Demo- threat to national security—I would equal. It is just not true. cratic colleagues reverse their voting argue far more than not building a The President’s plan demands 100 records on border security, if they de- huge, ineffective wall. percent of what the President wants— cide that spending one one-thousandth Yesterday, a joint statement from $5.7 billion for a border wall plus rad- of Federal spending on Obama-style the air traffic controllers, pilots, and ical new changes to our asylum system steel barriers has become totally im- flight attendants unions issued a dire before reopening the government. For permissible just because President warning: ‘‘In our risk averse industry, the Republican leader to call this a Trump is in the , then, we cannot even calculate the risk cur- compromise is laughable. There was no they will be saying that political rently at play, nor predict the point at Democratic signoff—not from me, not games outrank Federal workers, the which the system will break.’’ from Senator DURBIN, not from any Coast Guard, DACA recipients, TPS re- Mr. , President, if you other Democrat. It is a harshly par- cipients, and all their constituents, as cared about security, you would open tisan proposal that essentially codifies

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:37 Jan 24, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24JA6.002 S24JAPT1 January 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S543 the President’s position that govern- We are allowed to come here and dis- path for takeoff and landing, to make ment funding is a bargaining chip. agree over policy. In fact, our system sure that their paths don’t cross. A A vote for the President’s plan is an of government was designed to allow mistake in that job can be fatal. That endorsement of government by extor- for progress, despite our large and is the reality of what they face. tion. If we let him do it today, he will sometimes raucous differences. But Air traffic controllers have one of the do it tomorrow and tomorrow and to- when one side—in this case, the Presi- most stressful jobs in the Federal Gov- morrow. The whole structure of our dent—throws a temper tantrum and ernment. We don’t think about it. We government will change, and the chaos uses the basic functioning of our gov- get on the plane; we get off the plane. that we now see will be magnified. ernment as leverage in a policy argu- Thank goodness for those men and Even some of my Republican friends ment, our system of government women who are there to make sure it is have admitted that the President’s breaks down. If every President decided a safe experience for all of us. plan is not a serious offer. A few days to shut down the government when Do you know that the shifts that are ago, my friend from Oklahoma called it they didn’t get a policy from Congress, worked by air traffic controllers are 10- ‘‘a straw man proposal.’’ I think that America would careen from crisis to hour shifts? How would you like to face says it all. The President’s plan is a crisis, an endless spiral of gridlock and a 10-hour shift with that kind of stress straw man, not a serious offer. It is dysfunction. every single day you go to work? Do merely a way to save face. So the votes this afternoon are not you know how many days a week they The second vote is the opposite. It about border security. These votes are work? Six. Six out of seven days they demands nothing before we reopen the about ending a manufactured crisis, a are working 10-hour shifts in one of the government—nothing. There are no self-inflicted wound that is bleeding most stressful jobs we have in America. partisan demands, not things we want our country out a little more each day. Do you wonder why they work 6 days? or we will shut down the government. I hope and I pray that the Senate rises Most people work 5 days, and they cer- We don’t do that. Only Trump does to the occasion. tainly don’t work 10-hour shifts. It is that, and our Republican colleagues go I yield the floor. because there is a shortage of air traf- along. Our proposal allows us to open The PRESIDING OFFICER. The as- fic controllers. At age 56, you have to the government and then, after the sistant Democratic leader. leave. Literally, you have to leave as of government is opened, settle our dif- Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I want the next day. You cannot continue to ferences over border security. I know it to thank my colleague and Democratic work because they decided that at age is not partisan because every single Re- leader Senator SCHUMER for making 57, you are too old to do this job. It is publican supported the same basic idea clear what is going to happen on the too stressful. just 1 month ago when we voted on it. floor of the Senate this afternoon. We As these air traffic controllers are When President Trump changed his have a chance, an opportunity when 100 leaving, we are hoping, in a system mind and said no, everyone did a sort Senators come to the floor, to put an that works, they are being replaced by new air traffic controllers who are of 180-degree reversal, including my end to the government shutdown this skilled and trained so they can take friend the Republican leader. He knows afternoon. I want to tell you, there is over these important, life-and-death it. nothing more important than that, as So the two votes are not the same. jobs. far as I am concerned. I hope we will Do you know what happened because They are not flip sides of the same rise to that occasion and rise to that coin. The first vote is harshly partisan the government shut down? We stopped challenge. the input of new air traffic controllers, and one-sided. The second vote is down During the last 2 days, what I have so the number is continuing to dimin- the middle and seeks to reopen govern- done is travel across my home State of ish because of mandatory retirement, ment and has received overwhelming Illinois and sit down and meet on an support from both sides before Presi- and the pressure on those air traffic informal basis with Federal employees controllers increases. It increases not dent Trump said he wouldn’t do it. who are going through this government Calling the two votes equivalent is not just because of fewer numbers; it in- shutdown. In the last couple of weeks I creases because of what we have done an attempt to simplify but to mislead. have been to Peoria, Pekin, Aurora, Nonetheless, in a few hours, we will to their lives. Marion, and I went to St. Louis, take these two votes. The Senate will These men and women are totally in- though it is clearly not in Illinois, to have a chance to say no to the Presi- nocent when it comes to our debate dent’s hostage-taking, and then the meet with air traffic controllers who about border security. They had abso- Senate will have a chance to send a live in my State. I sat down and asked lutely nothing to do with the Presi- clear message that Congress is ready to them tell me the stories, to tell me dent’s promise of a grand and glorious reopen the government. what has happened in the 34 days when wall from sea to shining sea, paid for To my Republican colleagues, even if they haven’t been paid—34 days, as of by the Mexicans. They didn’t make you are for the wall—all of those who today. They were a little embarrassed that up; the President did. Now he has have said ‘‘I may be for the wall, but I and a little reluctant to talk about called for a government shutdown until want to keep the government open’’ what it meant. his campaign promise is fulfilled. have a chance to do it on the second Eventually, I said ‘‘Well, tell me I talked to some of those air traffic vote. Let’s see how they vote. about some of your coworkers,’’ which controllers. What is it like? What are Throughout this debacle, I have not is usually a way that people can tell you facing? They went through a long heard one good reason why 800,000 Fed- their own stories without embarrass- litany of things they are facing. Many eral employees must be held hostage ment. I heard some stories that are of them are struggling because of no for us to discuss border security. breaking my heart as I stand here at paycheck coming in. It is difficult for Democrats are happy to discuss border this moment. them. A couple of them were embar- security under regular order with the Have you ever been in an air traffic rassed to say that they are going to government open. We support stronger control tower? It is amazing. I have food pantries set up by churches and border security. President Trump be- seen some of the biggest. We had one charities in their hometown to pick up lieves the best way to do that is an ex- up in Elgin, IL, which takes care of some groceries to feed their families pensive and ineffective wall. We dis- O’Hare and Midway and all of our great during this government shutdown. Oth- agree sharply with that, but there is no airports. It is a little bit frightening to ers talked to me about children in reason we can’t negotiate and figure it go into one of these towers and see 10, their families with serious medical out. What we can’t allow is the Presi- 20, 30 air traffic controllers looking at problems. Yes, they continue to get dent to hijack our government and these screens. On those screens are lit- their health insurance as Federal em- hold it hostage every time we disagree tle dots, and each one of the dots is an ployees, but there are copays they have over policy, which he will do if he wins airplane, and in each one of the air- to pay out-of-pocket. They worry about this one. planes there are going to be 20, 30, 40, making those payments now that they The votes this afternoon are about 150, 200 people. That air traffic con- are not getting a regular paycheck, and more than just a shutdown. They are troller has an awesome responsibility they can’t see any end in sight as to about how we govern in a democracy. to make sure that they are on the right when they will.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:37 Jan 24, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24JA6.003 S24JAPT1 S544 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 24, 2019 A couple of them have some very trained. Everybody doesn’t cut it. You these young people had no protection practical issues. One of them went to have to be pretty darn sharp to be able for the future and really didn’t know one of his coworkers, who is the head to keep track of all those aircraft and which way to turn. President Trump of the local union for those air traffic to not buckle under pressure because it challenged us to come up with legisla- controllers, and he said: I want to tell is a pressure-filled job. President tion to solve the problem he created. you something in confidence. I have 5 Trump’s shutdown has added pressure We were unable to do so. We couldn’t days left here. I cannot continue to to that job. Does it make you feel safer reach an agreement. The President’s come to work beyond 5 days. I drive a when you get on an airplane to know bill, his own solution to the problem, long distance. I have to buy gasoline that? I don’t. I worry about it. I worry came before the Senate and received 39 for my car. I have to find another job. about those men and women who sim- votes. It didn’t even receive the sup- I may have to drive an Uber car. That ply want to do what they were hired to port of his own political party when he is what some Federal employees are do. brought it up. It just wasn’t a reason- doing. I may have to find some job Incidentally, about one-third of them able approach. tending bar—which some Federal em- are veterans. They served our coun- The President said last weekend: I ployees are doing—just so there is in- try—many of them in the Air Force— am going to address the fate of DACA come coming in for my family. and they took the skills they learned and Dreamers as part of this effort to The worst one was in St. Louis, in the military and brought them into end the stalemate in Washington. where this woman air traffic controller air traffic control. My hopes were raised. He talked said: One of my colleagues here at air We give a lot of speeches on the floor about a bill that I had introduced with traffic control confided in me that he here, Republicans and Democrats, Senator LINDSEY GRAHAM, Republican has to drive a long distance to get to about how we want to honor our vet- of South Carolina, 2 years ago called work in St. Louis. He buys a lot of gas- erans. How can we be honoring our vet- the BRIDGE Act and said that is what oline each day to make that roundtrip. erans when 800,000 Federal employees we are going to do. It sounded hopeful. To buy gasoline last week, he went and have gone without pay for 34 days, and Maybe this would be part of the solu- sold plasma from his own body to get between 25 and 35 percent of them, de- tion. For these young people, it meant the cash to buy the gas. That is the re- pending on the Agency, are veterans? everything that they might have a ality of this government shutdown. Are we honoring our veterans by not chance to be able to stay in this coun- All of us asked these air traffic con- paying them in a timely fashion? try and not be deported. trollers: Do you see any evidence on The first bill we have today is Presi- It turns out that when the President the job that people aren’t doing the job dent Trump’s bill in dealing with this produced this bill a couple of days ago as they are supposed to? crisis. It will deal with the shutdown and we read the text, it was a bitter No, we have an awesome, life-or- he created, but it also addresses several disappointment. It really bears no re- death responsibility here, and we take other problems which the President semblance to the BRIDGE Act, which it seriously. But they quickly added: made a decision on and we are trying he referred to. Senator, if this continues and people to fix. I want to address one of them in I would say to my colleagues in the are not replaced, we are going to reach particular because it is an issue I have Senate who are considering voting for a point where we have to keep the sys- worked on for a long time; that is, the the President’s bill: Please don’t vote tem safe. To keep it safe, the distance fate of people known as Dreamers, for it if you think you will be doing between aircraft flying into and out of those who are protected by DACA. something to help DACA and the airports will have to be increased and These are people who were brought to Dreamers. This bill, as written by the the intervals between aircraft will have the United States as children, some of Department of Homeland Security Sec- to be increased so there is always a them as infants and babies. They grew retary, Kirstjen Nielsen, and Mr. Mil- safe atmosphere when it comes to our up in this country believing this was ler, who is the President’s adviser at airports. home. They went to school here. They the White House, shows their barely What happens when that interval and prepared for a future life. At some masked contempt for these young peo- distance are increased? Your flight is point, usually in their teenage years, ple. They have dramatically increased late again. Mine was about an hour and their parents brought them in and said: the costs of going through this proc- a half late leaving O’Hare last night. We never filed the papers for you. You ess—doubled it. They have set in new We asked why. A member of the crew are undocumented in America. conditions so they can eliminate more was coming in on an international Through no fault of their own, they and more people from being eligible for flight. She had to go through Customs. were brought to this country, grew up this protection. They added provisions Customs has been reduced in number to here, and they learned some time in that are totally unnecessary. During two people at St. Louis because of the high school that there is no future for the 7 years DACA has been in place, we government shutdown, so it took her them in America. have seen positive things happen, not an extra hour to join up with the flight I have met so many of them over the negative things. Unfortunately, what I was on. It was a minor inconvenience years, these Dreamers. I appealed to the President proposes now is a dra- for me but maybe a major inconven- President Obama: Do something to matic step backward. This does not ience for some other passenger. help them. And he did. He created the help. It is an indication of what happens DACA Program. The DACA Program After meeting with air traffic con- when all these men and women who are allows these young people I just de- trollers and Federal prison guards at behind the scenes keeping our air con- scribed to apply for protection for 2 Federal penitentiaries in Marion and trol system working are under pressure years at a time—protection from being Pekin, I can tell you what they want. and when there are fewer of them than deported from America—and to be al- They want the shutdown to end today. there should be doing their job. It re- lowed to work legally in America. Al- They want to get a paycheck for their flects what happens when we don’t most 800,000 came forward across the families so they can get back to the have enough people in the Customs sec- Nation and signed up for this protec- business of being good husbands, good tion at international airports to proc- tion under President Obama. These are fathers, and good members of their ess people in a timely way. The system amazing young people. They are tomor- community. They are embarrassed slows down. row’s doctors and engineers and law- about going to these food pantries. Why are we at this point? Did the air yers and teachers and leaders. They are They can’t imagine what they are traffic controllers need to be punished incredible young people. I have met so going to do because of some problems for something? If they did, I don’t many of them. All they are asking for that have been created with their cred- know what it might be. They are good is a chance to be part of America’s fu- it ratings because this President has men and women. They are trained in ture. shut down their paychecks for 34 days. such a fashion that very few people President Trump came in September These prison guards and air traffic could actually do their job. It is inter- of 2017 and announced he was abol- controllers don’t have any choice but esting. I have been down to Oklahoma ishing this program, abolishing the to come to work. They are called essen- City and places where they have been DACA Program, which meant that tial personnel. I would hope at the end

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:37 Jan 24, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24JA6.005 S24JAPT1 January 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S545 of this day that we would think of The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. ing. In 2000, 98 percent of those de- them first and make sure the shutdown HAWLEY). Without objection, it is so or- tained for illegally crossing the border ends immediately, today. dered. were Mexican nationals, and most were One other thing. This needs to be the Mrs. CAPITO. Mr. President, I come single adults. They could be repatri- last time we have this conversation on to the floor today as the chairman of ated to Mexico very quickly, within the floor of the Senate—the last time. the Homeland Security Appropriations hours. But, in 2018, more than 56 per- We have to make government shut- Subcommittee to express my strong cent of individuals detained were from downs an unacceptable tactic of either support for the End the Government places other than Mexico. A large por- political party or any branch of our Shutdown and Secure Our Borders Act. tion were from Honduras, Guatemala, government. It is absolutely terrible This legislation includes many impor- and El Salvador. that these innocent people who work tant priorities, and they are important Increasingly, individuals are showing for our government are paying the priorities that we need to address now. up at our borders from all over the price of our inability to reach a polit- In the past several days and weeks, world. Forty percent were either unac- ical agreement on issues. We can find there has been a lot of talk about who companied minors or arrived as part of an agreement on border security, but it has more leverage, who is winning, and a family unit. That number is way up. shouldn’t be because 800,000 innocent what the political stakes are. You hear That number is way up. That means Federal employees haven’t received a a lot of different answers to those ques- longer detention proceedings that have paycheck for 34 days. tions, depending on whom you ask, placed a burden on our immigration Let’s step forward and do this in a bi- quite frankly, but I will tell you one court system, and it means an in- partisan fashion. Over this last week- thing: Those are not the questions on creased need for facilities to safely and end, I received scores of phone calls the minds of our Federal workers. responsibly house these people for a from my colleagues in the Senate. Just this morning, at about 4 o’clock, longer period of time. Some people may find it hard to be- I had a conversation with several TSA I have visited the detention centers lieve, but Republicans have called, and agents at Yeager Airport, where I fly in Texas. I believe the facts make it I have called them, and Democrats out of to come to Washington. In talk- very clear that there is a crisis. The have called. There is a bipartisan feel- ing about the situation, what I got in amendment that we will vote on today ing that this crisis—this manufactured response from them was a lot of head- offers a solution. shaking and a lot of questions. Their crisis—has to come to an end. We also know that physical barriers The second vote that will be offered questions had to do with this: How are work. In the San Diego, Tucson, El today—the one the Democrats will they going to pay their bills and when Centro, and El Paso regions, where offer—is simply to extend the con- is this going to end? I understand their there are constructed physical barriers, frustration. I am frustrated. tinuing resolution to fund our govern- the illegal border crossings have gone That is exactly why I have always ment, end the shutdown immediately, down by more than 90 percent. That is said that a shutdown is no way to gov- undeniable. Right now, we have 654 and give us a matter of days to get this ern. It is not in anyone’s best interest. miles of physical barrier in place. job done in coming to a compromise on It is a disservice to our Federal works. I have heard folks say that we don’t border security. I know we can do it. I It is a show of our inability to do our have any walls or that we don’t have am convinced we can do it. I know jobs in conjunction with those on the any barriers. Yes, we do. Yes, we do. If there is a feeling of good will, but we other side of the aisle, and it is a signal we pass this amendment, we can build need enough Republicans to join with to the American people that we think 234 miles in areas like the Rio Grande the Democrats to make this a bipar- this confusing and ineffective way to Valley, where career Border Patrol per- tisan effort today. govern is OK, when it is not. It is not sonnel tell us it is most needed. I don’t believe the President’s bill is OK. going to pass. There are aspects to it We are here in this body to work to- There has been a lot of talk that the that I described that are unacceptable gether, to get over the rifts that we professionals should be in charge here to so many of us. But this bare-bones may have, and to move forward to do in terms of telling us how and what the approach—a 3-week extension; a num- the people’s work. We have to fix this best methods of protecting our borders ber of days to actually bargain and situation, and we have to fix it now. are. Well, they are in charge. As sub- compromise while the government is We have an opportunity today to do chair, I have had several up and running and people are being that, and I plan to do that by voting meetings with them for them to tell paid—is a reasonable end to this. for the President’s proposed com- me what their border security plan is, I don’t know how any of us can go promise. This proposal does two things and the CBP has that. home if, at the end of the day, we have that we should all want. It reopens the This amendment would fund the bulk done nothing and the shutdown con- government, and it helps to secure our of the top 10 requests. They have a 33- tinues. Let’s stick here and do our southern borders. If we pass this point plan. This would get us through job—the job we were elected to do to amendment—and I hope we do—we will the top 10. solve problems, not to create them. bring our furloughed workers back to The funding in this bill provides for a As Senator SCHUMER said earlier, work, and they will get paid. We will border wall system—a system—which there are so many individuals who are pay the dedicated men and women of is much more than just a physical bar- providing security and safety across our Coast Guard, our Federal prison rier. It provides lighting, sensors, cam- our Nation. Whether it is our FBI, our guards, our TSA and Border Patrol per- eras, and access roads to help our Bor- prison guards, the Coast Guard, the air sonnel, and many others—many of der Patrol agents gain and maintain traffic controllers—why in the world whom I have talked with—and we will operational control of the border. would we endanger any Americans be- take a major step forward in securing These are the things that the Border cause of our inability to reach a polit- our Nation. Patrol has asked for. A wall is not the ical agreement? The votes today will I believe the resources in this bill are only solution, but it is a critical part give us a chance to emerge from this necessary because I believe we do face of the solution. with a positive approach to solving this a crisis on our southern border. Last The resources included in the - problem. I believe we can do it. The year, in the last 3 months of 2018, over ment for the southern border are im- sooner the better. 153,000 people were apprehended ille- portant to the security of our Nation, I yield the floor. gally crossing the southern border. And and they are especially important to I suggest the absence of a . that number does not include the peo- address our drug crisis. Fentanyl sei- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ple who crossed illegally, but were not zures by the Border Patrol away from clerk will call the roll. apprehended. The number of illegal ports of entry are up 122 percent over The legislative clerk proceeded to border crossings was up more than 80 last year. call the roll. percent in the last 3 months of 2018, as Remember, fentanyl is a killer. Over Mrs. CAPITO. Mr. President, I ask compared to the last 3 months of 2017. half of the deaths by overdose in our that the order for The composition of those being de- State in some bit or in some part in- the be rescinded. tained for crossing the border is chang- volved fentanyl.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:37 Jan 24, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24JA6.006 S24JAPT1 S546 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 24, 2019 Methamphetamine seizures by the thing that I think is critical to our na- compromise to end this shutdown and Border Patrol away from ports of entry tional security, which is the polar se- secure our border. What can’t be com- are up 75 percent in the last three curity cutters. More than $4.8 billion is promised is our Nation’s security. years. The border wall system will re- provided for the TSA to improve trans- We just celebrated Martin Luther duce the flow of these illegal drugs be- portation security, and $19.8 billion is King, Jr., Day last Monday. As was I tween our points of entry. appropriated for FEMA to make sure reading a lot of his famous quotes, I We know that much of the heroin, we have the necessary resources to re- thought about this one because of the fentanyl, and methamphetamine that spond to past and future natural disas- situation that we find ourselves in are hurting so many Americans cross ters. right now: our border at the ports of entry. This There are important priorities within If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run amendment addresses that issue as these bills from other subcommittees then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but well. It provides $805 million for tech- as well. A couple I would like to high- whatever you do, you have to keep moving nology, canines, and personnel to stop light are these. The Agriculture title forward. the flow of illegal drugs into our coun- has $550 million for a rural broadband Let’s start moving forward together. try. That is what West Virginians are pilot project that I strongly support as I hope that all of my colleagues will interested in. This drug crisis is really part my Capito Connect plan in the embrace this sentiment, and I hope impacting us. This would be an unprec- State of West Virginia. The FSGG title that as I vote for the Shelby amend- edented investment in these types of has resources for the Drug-Free Com- ment, we will get enough to push it detection capabilities—a complete munities and High Intensity Drug Traf- over the Senate floor and over to the game changer. ficking Areas Program, which is crit- House. The amendment would allow us to ical for stopping the drug epidemic Thank you. hire more people, which is another that I have spoken about. The CJS I yield the floor. thing the CPB says that they need—750 title has $468 million to combat the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- new border agents and 375 new Customs opioid epidemic and another $30 mil- jority whip. officers to complement these invest- lion for economic development assist- Mr. THUNE. Mr. President, this ments. ance to coalfield communities. These afternoon Senate Democrats will have The combination of technology and are just a few examples of what the the opportunity to vote to reopen the personnel, both at our ports of entry Shelby amendment has. government when the Senate takes up and along the border, with the border The amendment that the Democratic the President’s compromise proposal. I wall system, would enhance our secu- leader has proposed reopens the gov- hope they are as serious about ending rity. It will choke off a major source of ernment through February 8. It pro- the shutdown as they have claimed to the heroin and fentanyl that has dev- vides no new resources to address the be. astated my State, and I am sure the security and humanitarian crisis on Unfortunately, they haven’t looked Presiding Officer’s State, as well, and our southern border. Let me repeat too serious over the past month. Demo- across our country. that. It provides no new resources to cratic leaders have spent a lot of time Resources are also included in the address the security and humanitarian talking about ending the partial shut- amendment to detain those who are ap- crisis on our southern border. Passing down, but they have absolutely refused prehended for illegally crossing our the Schumer plan would put us in the to engage in any genuine negotiations border. I support the important work same position on February 8 that ex- to reopen the government. Democrats of the men and women of ICE, and I ists today. don’t seem to understand that when want them to be able to maintain cus- We don’t need to pause the shutdown there is a disagreement, both sides tody of offenders, rather than being for 15 days and ignore border security. have to give a little in order to get forced to release those who have en- Article I of the Constitution gives us, things resolved. If we are going to get tered our country illegally due to a as the Congress, the power of the purse, the government reopened, then both lack of space. In my view, that is not and we should exercise it by making Democrats and the President are going only more safe and secure for us, but it smart choices based on the situation to have to compromise. is actually more safe and secure for that is in front of us today. The President understands this. He anybody who is involved in the immi- Continuing resolutions only cut and has repeatedly made it clear that he is gration system. paste the choices that we made last willing to negotiate. On Saturday, he They and many more of the brave year. Instead, we should pass the seven put forward a genuine compromise— men and women of the Department of appropriations bills before us to fund legislation that addresses his border se- Homeland Security continue to per- the government for the rest of the year curity priorities and some of Demo- form these difficult tasks without get- in a thoughtful way, in a bipartisan crats’ most important immigration pri- ting paid during this shutdown. way, while also providing the necessary orities. Chairman SHELBY’s amendment is resources to protect our Nation. Unfortunately, Democrats’ reaction not a short-term patch. We are kind of President Trump has made a signifi- was less than promising. The Speaker past the time where we need a short- cant concession by asking that we in- of the House labeled the compromise a term patch. We need to move forward. clude a provision giving 3 years of cer- ‘‘nonstarter’’ before she had even seen It is not a that tainty to those covered by the DACA it. But, of course, she offered no re- runs our government on autopilot for a Executive order, as well as those who placement. little while and denies the Senate the have been on temporary protected sta- President Trump offered a proposal ability to make smart choices in exer- tus. That provision is included in this that he believed would address some of cising the power of the purse. amendment. This is the type of reason- the Democrats’ concerns. If Democrats Instead, it includes seven full appro- able compromise that is necessary to didn’t like that proposal, then they priations bills that received significant pass major legislation during a period could have offered an alternative—one bipartisan support in the Appropria- of divided government. No one—not the that addressed their concerns and at- tions Committee, one of which is my President, not any Senator, not any tempted to address some of the Presi- bill at the Homeland Security Sub- Representative—gets everything they dent’s concerns. But so far, the only committee, which was passed in a bi- want in this bill or any bill, really. Democratic proposals have involved partisan way. Four of these bills passed The bill includes items that many of the President agreeing to all of the the Senate floor with overwhelming us individually might have left out if Democrats’ demands in exchange for support. I am very proud that the bill we wrote the bill ourselves, but that is vague promises to address the security that I put forward in committee, along the nature of compromise. and humanitarian crisis at the border with some additions, are a part of this The seven appropriations bills that at some unspecified date in the future. package. make up the Shelby amendment are The Democratic leaders of the House There is $11.9 billion provided for our the product of significant bipartisan and Senate may be persisting in their Coast Guard—this was in my bill—in- compromise on behalf of the Nation. I refusal to negotiate, but there are cluding to begin construction of some- believe we should embrace the spirit of signs that rank-and-file Democrats are

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:37 Jan 24, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24JA6.008 S24JAPT1 January 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S547 starting to get restless. More than one Let’s be plain. Democrats think the just returned from Reagan National Democratic has Government of the United States Airport, where I met with air traffic noted, in the words of one House fresh- should never close. Democrats think controllers, TSA agents, airline safety man, ‘‘[A]m I willing to talk about that using a shutdown as leverage to specialists who maintain the radar and more fencing and more drones and get something else is illegitimate and other safety equipment at this and more technology and radar and border beneath the oath of office. The Presi- other airports. They talked about how agents? Absolutely.’’ dent, on the other hand, said that he is this shutdown in which they are work- Even the House majority leader proud to shut government down and is ing but not being paid is starting to sounded as though he was ready to willing to use the suffering of more fray them as they are working over- break with Speaker PELOSI’s obstruc- than 800,000 employees and millions of time, as they are trying to get jobs tion, stating that Democrats are ‘‘for American citizens to get his way. when they are not working 10-hour border security’’ and that ‘‘physical The difference here is not on the im- shifts to try to cover the bills they barriers are part of the solution.’’ That migration topics; there are differences have to cover for babysitters and rent is from the House majority leader. that can be resolved. But the difference and medical appointments. They are I hope that spirit of compromise con- that is hard to resolve is a President talking about the degradation of the tinues to grow. In a couple of hours, and a party that believe in government safety of American air traffic because Senate Democrats will have the chance shutdowns and a party that rejects the of air traffic controllers not being paid, to vote on the President’s proposal. idea of government shutdowns. TSA agents not being paid, airline safe- The bill before us would immediately— I will state complete willingness to ty specialists not being paid and, in immediately—reopen the government. negotiate with this President and my some instances, furloughed. If nothing It would provide paychecks and back- colleagues over border security. We—8 else, we should care about the safety of pay to Federal workers. It would pro- Democrats, 8 Republicans—introduced commercial aviation. That is one rea- vide needed disaster recovery funding. a proposal in February with border se- son, among many, that we should end curity investments, protections for It would deliver all seven of the re- the shutdown. maining 2019 appropriations bills, the Dreamers; 46 out of 49 of Democrats I yield the floor. product of bipartisan work in the supported a $25 billion border security The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- House and in the Senate. It would investment, and only 8 of 51 Repub- ator from Missouri. tackle the security and humanitarian licans did. The President blew up the Mr. BLUNT. Mr. President, you may crisis at our border and address Demo- deal. have presided before, but you haven’t So the issue is not about negotiation cratic immigration priorities. presided when I have spoken on the over border security. We have been a In fact, this bill contains a version of floor, so it is great to welcome you, as more reliable party in making border immigration legislation originally both my colleague and the Presiding security investments than the major- sponsored by the Democratic leader, Officer, and I am glad to be working ity party has been. The issue is this: Is the Democratic whip, and the ranking with you and glad we are both here it or is it not illegitimate to shut down member on the Senate Judiciary Com- today. the government of the greatest Nation We are both here today at a time mittee, among others. on Earth and inflict needless pain on The bill before us today is a genuine when the American people really ex- hundreds of thousands of workers and compromise. I hope at least some of my pect the government to work; the millions of citizens when you don’t get Democratic colleagues will see their American people really expect people your way? That is what is at stake. in Congress to be able to find middle way to supporting it because it is the Is the proposal that is on the table ground. For too long we have been only legislation we will be voting on offered by the President a ‘‘com- stuck—frankly, on both sides of the today that can be signed into law, end promise’’? If it were a compromise, the the shutdown, reopen the government, President would have talked to us aisle—with too many people who ran make sure that Federal workers are about it. If it were a compromise, the for office saying: If I don’t get what I getting paid, and address our crisis at majority would let us offer amend- want—I just don’t want anything to the border. ments about it. If it were a com- happen unless it is exactly what I Democrats’ refusal to engage in seri- promise, the majority would have had want. The best I can tell, that doesn’t ous negotiations has already cost Fed- a hearing about it so that we could work anywhere. If you are getting what eral workers a paycheck and limited have asked questions about it. you want wherever you are working, government services for literally tens Introducing a 1,200-page bill on Tues- wherever you are living, wherever you of thousands of Americans. It is time day and calling a vote on Thursday and are going to church, there is probably for Democrats to stop putting their an- giving Democrats no opportunity to something wrong with you. Democracy tipathy for the President above the ask questions or propose amendments is about compromise. needs of the American people. I hope is not a compromise. It is my way or I think one of the great fallacies of we do that this afternoon. The time the highway. What we should be doing the second option we will have today is has come to make a deal, and we need to show that we respect the President’s that it is designed to keep the govern- Democrats at the table. proposal is referring it to the com- ment open for 2 weeks at last year’s I yield the floor. mittee of origin, having committee spending levels, and then, at the end of The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- hearings and next week, and 2 weeks—I don’t know what happens ator from Virginia. putting it on the floor the following then. There will be no information that Mr. KAINE. Mr. President, for Demo- week. If the President means it as a Members of the Senate and the House crats, antipathy to the President is not compromise, he should allow the will know 2 weeks from now that they the issue. The issue is antipathy to Democratic Party—minority here and don’t know now. There is nothing that shutting down the government. majority in the House—to have an op- could be debated or discussed in the Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- portunity to shape it. next 2 weeks that couldn’t be discussed sent to speak for up to 10 minutes. It is my hope that my Republican in the next 45 minutes. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there colleagues will vote to reopen govern- I think it is pretty clear to the Amer- objection? ment this afternoon, through February ican people that this has boiled down Without objection, it is so ordered. 8, so that we would use next week to to a fight in which we need to reopen Mr. KAINE. The issue isn’t antipathy have a committee process to consider the government and, frankly, we need to the President. It is that Democrats the President’s proposal and the fol- to secure the border. don’t believe in shutting down govern- lowing week consider it on the floor. I just heard our good friend, our col- ment. These are important enough topics league from Virginia, say that, gen- I appreciate my colleague from that it would seem giving it a 2-week erally, his side of the aisle has been South Dakota stating the issue the review by committee and by Senators better than our side of the aisle at se- way he did at the beginning of his talk: on the floor is not asking too much. curing the border. I don’t think that is Democrats will not engage in negotia- Briefly, before yielding to my col- necessarily true, but I am glad to con- tions to reopen the government. league from Missouri, I will say that I cede that if our friends on the other

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:37 Jan 24, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24JA6.010 S24JAPT1 S548 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 24, 2019 side want to step up and work with us brought to this country as a young and lets us get started with the work of to secure the border—fine. child, if you grew up here, if you how to fund the government on Octo- I will also point out that securing the haven’t gotten in serious trouble, not ber 1 of this year, not how to fund the border for the last four Presidents has only should you be able to stay, but we government right now. I think the meant building barriers, and every should want you to stay. other bill does not get us anywhere but time that happened, those barriers We need that kind of vitality in our right back to where we are 2 weeks worked. country. The President said he would from now. When President George H.W. Bush like to see a final appropriate solution UNANIMOUS CONSENT AGREEMENT built a barrier south of San Diego, the on that. This bill creates a 3-year op- I have a couple of things I need to detentions of people coming across the portunity, much like—I think it was point out; one is, Mr. President, I ask border decreased by 95 percent. That is the BRIDGE Act that was sponsored by unanimous consent that the filing really the only way we have of meas- people on both sides of the aisle who deadline for second-degree amendments uring whether this was better before would have said let’s settle this for a for the motion specified in the the barrier or after the barrier. When while as we try to come to a further order of January 22 occur at 2:20 p.m. you have 95 percent fewer people com- conclusion; the same kind of 3-year today. ing across and being detained, some- structure for people who were here be- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there thing must be working. cause we decided we needed to give objection? President Clinton built a barrier at them asylum. We need to figure out Without objection, it is so ordered. El Paso, and detentions went down 95 how to deal with that on a long-term percent. President George W. Bush basis, but 3 years not only puts it f built a barrier at Yuma, and detentions through this Congress, it puts it a year QUORUM CALL went down 90 percent. When you have a into the next Congress and the next Mr. BLUNT. With that, Mr. Presi- 90- or 95-percent solution, you should Presidential administration. be able to make that solution a part of Some of us need to be focused on get- dent, I suggest the absence of a moving forward to solve the problem. ting this job done. I think this bill does quorum. The President has come, in my view, that. It is not perfect. I never voted for The PRESIDING OFFICER. The quite a way. He has gone from a big a perfect bill. I introduced two or three clerk will call the roll. wall all along the border to a barrier perfect bills, but I have never gotten to The senior assistant legislative clerk only where a barrier makes sense. The vote for a perfect bill and don’t expect proceeded to call the roll, and the fol- President would like to add 10 or 20 to. This is not our job. Perfect is not lowing Senators entered the Chamber percent to the barriers already built by our job. Our job is the possible. I think and answered to their names: all four of his predecessors. I don’t see the President has actually shown more [Quorum No. 2] why some movement in that direction flexibility than our friends on the Blunt Kaine Thune can’t be part of what we get done. other side. Cardin Manchin Van Hollen Coons McConnell Whitehouse The shutdown has gone on too long. If you don’t like some of the things Ernst Sasse It has been played out way too much in the President has proposed, the re- Isakson Schatz the public and way too little with sponse is not this is a nonstarter. The The PRESIDING OFFICER. A Members of Congress trying to get to- response is to make it a starter. The quorum is not present. gether and work this out. People who response is, if you don’t like something The majority leader. need government services aren’t get- about what we are doing for deferred MOTION TO INSTRUCT ting those services. In many cases, peo- action on kids who were brought here, Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I ple providing the services that are es- what would you do to make that bet- move to instruct the Sergeant at Arms sential are providing those services and ter? not getting paid. People who would The President’s proposal goes a long to request the presence of absent Sen- like to be at work are at home. way toward solving these problems. ators, and I ask for the yeas and nays. Unlike any other time when the gov- Most importantly, it opens the govern- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a ernment has been shut down, Congress ment immediately. It assures that will sufficient second? has said in advance that everybody will be the case until we get to the begin- There appears to be a sufficient sec- get paid, eventually. So the traditional ning of the new spending year on Octo- ond. worry about whether you will get paid, ber 1, and it meets the government’s The clerk will call the roll. whether your income is there, is gone. obligation to secure the border. The legislative clerk called the roll. But the pay is not there at the time it Nobody expects it to be impossible Mr. THUNE. The following Senators is expected to be. Normally, if you for anybody to ever get over the border are necessarily absent: the Senator went to work for government at any in any way, but people do expect to from Oklahoma (Mr. INHOFE), the Sen- level, you didn’t go to work for govern- have the kind of border security we can ator from Kentucky (Mr. PAUL), and ment to get wealthy; you went to work afford. I think the proposals the Presi- the Senator from Idaho (Mr. RISCH). for government because that was a se- dent makes does that. Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the cure job. So we have eliminated for too We need to be more concerned about Senator from Nevada (Ms. ROSEN) is many people the security of one of the our ports of entry. We need to be more necessarily absent. reasons they took a government job concerned about things and people The result was announced—yeas 88, rather than a job that might lead to coming across the border who nays 8, as follows: some more financially satisfactory des- shouldn’t come across the border or [Rollcall Vote No. 8 Leg.] tination—or might not. The whole rea- people being brought across the border YEAS—88 son they did this, in many cases, is for purposes they do not want to be Baldwin Cornyn Heinrich they knew that check was going to part of. Barrasso Cortez Masto Hirono come. It is not coming. This is an important moment. We Bennet Cramer Hyde-Smith Blackburn Crapo Isakson The bill the President proposed keeps need to get this job done. The two Blumenthal Cruz Johnson the government open with new prior- votes today will indicate whether we Blunt Daines Jones ities—largely agreed to already by the want to get this done on a long-term Boozman Duckworth Kaine Braun Durbin King House and the Senate—until Sep- basis and get back into the regular Brown Ernst Klobuchar tember 30. So 2 weeks from now, we basis of government or whether we Burr Feinstein Lankford wouldn’t face this exact same problem want to get this done for a couple of Cantwell Fischer Leahy again. It does things I think need to be weeks, assuming somehow there are Capito Gardner Manchin Cardin Gillibrand Markey done to create more security for kids going to be dramatically new facts on Carper Graham McConnell who were brought here as children and the table in the next 2 weeks that are Casey Grassley McSally grew up here. I think this is a 70- or 80- not there now. I don’t believe that is Cassidy Harris Menendez Collins Hassan Merkley percent issue in the country that all of the case. I am going to vote for the bill Coons Hawley Moran us understand—that if you were that gets the government open again

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:47 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24JA6.012 S24JAPT1 January 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S549 Murkowski Sasse Thune The senior assistant legislative clerk passed; and that the motion to recon- Murphy Schatz Tillis read as follows: sider be considered made and laid upon Murray Schumer Udall Perdue Scott (FL) Van Hollen CLOTURE MOTION the table with no intervening action or Peters Scott (SC) Warner We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- debate. Portman Shaheen Warren ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there Reed Shelby Whitehouse Standing Rules of the Senate, hereby move objection? Roberts Sinema Wicker Romney Smith to bring to a close the debate on amendment The Democratic leader. Wyden Rounds Stabenow No. 6 to H.R. 268, a bill making supplemental Young Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, re- Rubio Sullivan appropriations for the fiscal year ending serving the right to object, President Sanders Tester September 30, 2019, and for other purposes. Trump is responsible not only for thou- NAYS—8 Chuck Schumer, Patrick Leahy, Ben sands of Coast Guard personnel not Cardin, Tim Kaine, Brian Schatz, Chris Alexander Enzi Lee Van Hollen, Chris Coons, Sheldon getting paid but also for hundreds of Booker Hoeven Toomey thousands of other Federal employees Cotton Kennedy Whitehouse, Kirsten Gillibrand, Jeanne Shaheen, Gary Peters, Bob Casey, Jr., not getting paid. NOT VOTING—4 Tom Udall, , Debbie Stabe- Last week, I met with Coast Guard Inhofe Risch now, Maria Cantwell, Martin Heinrich. Commandant Schultz, and I told him Paul Rosen Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, to press Secretary Nielsen, who could The motion was agreed to. I ask unanimous consent that the man- press the President to stop holding in- The PRESIDING OFFICER. A datory quorum calls be waived. nocent Federal employees hostage in quorum is present. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without wall negotiations. The majority leader. objection, it is so ordered. Last month, as we all know, the Sen- Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, f ate voted unanimously to keep the gov- I withdraw my motion to proceed to S. ernment open into February so all Fed- 1. STRENGTHENING AMERICA’S SE- eral employees would get paid and the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- CURITY IN THE MIDDLE EAST President and Congress could sepa- ator has that right. ACT OF 2019—MOTION TO PRO- rately negotiate border security. Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, CEED Today, the Senate will again have a what is the pending business? Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, chance to vote on the same measure f I move to proceed to S. 1. that we passed unanimously in Decem- SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATIONS The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ber. I expect that those who care about ACT, 2019 clerk will report the motion. getting our Coast Guard paid will sup- The senior assistant legislative clerk port passing H.J. Res. 31, a continuing The PRESIDING OFFICER. The read as follows: resolution for the Department of pending business is H.R. 268, which the Motion to proceed to S. 1, a bill to make Homeland Security, and H.R. 648, clerk will report. improvements to certain defense and secu- which are the conference bills for The senior assistant legislative clerk rity assistance provisions and to authorize FSGG, Interior, Environment, Agri- read as follows: the appropriation of funds to Israel, to reau- culture, T-HUD, SFOPS, and CJS. A bill (H.R. 268) making supplemental ap- thorize the United States-Jordan Defense Co- Will the Senator from Louisiana propriations for the fiscal year ending Sep- operation Act of 2015, and to halt the whole- modify his request to include the unan- tember 30, 2019, and for other purposes. sale slaughter of the Syrian people, and for other purposes. imous consent that the Senate proceed Pending: to the immediate consideration of H.J. McConnell (for Shelby) Amendment No. 5, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Res. 648 and H.J. Res. 31 en bloc; that of a perfecting nature. ator from Louisiana is recognized. the measure be considered read a third Schumer Amendment No. 6, of a perfecting UNANIMOUS CONSENT REQUEST—H.J. RES. 1 time and passed en bloc; and that the nature. Mr. KENNEDY. Madam President, as motion to reconsider be made and laid CLOTURE MOTION my colleagues know, we have about upon the table with no action or de- Mr. MCCONNELL. I send a cloture 41,000 Active-Duty servicemembers in bate? That will pay all Federal employ- motion to the desk for Senate amend- the U.S. Coast Guard. They are running ees who deserve to be paid. ment No. 5. vital missions right now in the South The PRESIDING OFFICER. Does the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clo- China Sea. They are protecting our air- Senator so modify his request? ture motion having been presented space and ports along about 12,000 Mr. KENNEDY. Madam President, re- under rule XXII, the Chair directs the miles of coastline. They are performing serving the right to object, I am smil- clerk to read the motion. search and rescue missions that in- ing because of the great admiration The senior assistant legislative clerk clude nearly 1,200 Active-Duty Coast and respect I have for the senior Sen- read as follows: Guard personnel in my home State of ator from New York. I love to hear him CLOTURE MOTION Louisiana, the Eighth Coast Guard Dis- talk. We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- trict. For that reason, I think the Mr. SCHUMER. If the Senator would ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the members of our Coast Guard need to be yield, it is mutual. Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby paid during this shutdown until we re- Mr. KENNEDY. I love to hear him move to bring to a close debate on Senate solve our differences. We need to re- talk. He can talk the ears off a jack- amendment No. 5 to H.R. 268, a bill making solve our differences. rabbit. supplemental appropriations for the fiscal There are some good Members of Mr. SCHUMER. If the gentleman will year ending September 30, 2019, and for other purposes. Congress, but right now, the American yield, we don’t do that in Brooklyn. Mitch McConnell, Josh Hawley, John people are wondering what they are Mr. KENNEDY. He has waxed elo- Thune, Shelley Moore Capito, Johnny good for. It seems to me that we ought quently many times in this Chamber. Isakson, Mike Crapo, Richard Burr, to be able to reach an agreement that I remember back in 2005, 2006—I was James Lankford, Tom Cotton, Roy secures the border—which I happen to a mere lad—that we had a bill before Blunt, David Perdue, Mike Rounds, Bill believe can’t be done without a bar- this Chamber that was called the Se- Cassidy, John Cornyn, Rob Portman, rier—and that also opens the govern- cure Fence Act of 2006. Senator SCHU- Steve Daines, John Kennedy. ment. MER and then-Senator Obama—a rising CLOTURE MOTION For that reason, Madam President, I star—and Senator Hillary Clinton Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, ask unanimous consent that the Coast talked passionately and eloquently I send a cloture motion to the desk for Guard be paid; that the Senate proceed about how it was impossible to secure Senate amendment No. 6. to the immediate consideration of Cal- a 1,900-mile piece of real estate without The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clo- endar No. 6, H.J. Res. 1; that the having barriers. They talked elo- ture motion having been presented Wicker amendment at the desk be quently. I remember agreeing with under rule XXII, the Chair directs the agreed to; that the bill as amended be them wholeheartedly that legal immi- clerk to read the motion. considered read a third time and gration makes our country stronger,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:47 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JA6.002 S24JAPT1 S550 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 24, 2019 that illegal immigration undermines that the President has said he will sign East right now. I am not getting paid’’ legal immigration, and that one way to and to do the right thing by paying or ‘‘I don’t want to get on that ship to stop illegal immigration—not the only members of this uniformed service. I save an Alaskan crabber whose life is way but one way—was with a border regret that the Senator has objected, at risk,’’ they get court-martialed. So barrier. That was then. This is now. and I appreciate at least having a the Coast Guard is in a very unique sit- Now, my esteemed colleague knows chance to explain why this mere carve- uation right now. full well that his resolution will not ac- out is different from a larger solution Here is the process we just witnessed. complish either border security or the that may be coming soon. A number of us—again, it was very bi- opening up of this government because The PRESIDING OFFICER. The partisan—went to the President and President Donald Trump is going to Democratic leader. said: Mr. President, we know it takes veto it. It will be a futile, useless exer- Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, the Senate and the House and the cise. We can go through it if the Sen- once again, I would simply remind my White House to pass a bill. People are ator wants to. He can spend all day try- dear friend from Mississippi that we working on the broader issue. We are ing to teach a goat how to climb a tree, could do a whole lot more good by all working on the broader issue and on but he is better off hiring a squirrel in funding and opening up the govern- the compromises we need. Hopefully, the first place. There is a measure be- ment for everyone. President Trump we can get there this afternoon. In the fore this Senate, and the President has has claimed 25 times he wants to shut meantime, let’s try to get something put a proposal on the table that will down the government for his wall, and to pass as we have almost one-quarter satisfy many of the concerns of our he has gotten this Chamber to reverse of the Senate in agreement—more Democratic friends and will ensure bor- itself when it had originally passed Democrats than Republicans—on this der security. funding for the whole government. We bill that Senator KENNEDY just men- For that reason, I object. could do a lot more good if my amend- tioned. Would you support this? The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- ment to the proposal by my friend from A number of us have had ongoing tion is heard. Louisiana were adopted. That is how it conversations with the President of the Is there an objection to the original is. United States. I have raised this a request? Now, on a different issue, I ask for number of times with him and his ad- Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, I the yeas and nays on the motion to ministration over the last 2 weeks. In a object to the original request because proceed to S. 1. meeting I had with him on Wednesday, the Senator from Louisiana has not al- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a he said: I am 100 percent behind that lowed the rest of the Federal Govern- sufficient second? bill. ment to get paid. I would remind him, There is a sufficient second. This is really important because, as whether it is squirrel, jackrabbit, or The yeas and nays are ordered. to some of what the minority leader armadillo, that we are the article I The Senator from Alaska. has said we should be bringing up, the branch of government, and because Mr. SULLIVAN. Madam President, White House has said: We are not going President Trump says no, we have veto let me explain a little bit about what to support. OK. It is difficult to pass a override power, and we could get the we witnessed on the Senate floor. Actu- bill when you are not going to get the workers paid even if he will not sign it. ally, it may be a little bit confusing, President to sign it. Yet the President I object. but it is an important issue. will sign this bill, and almost 25 per- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- With regard to the Coast Guard, my cent of the Senate has said it is already tion is heard. colleagues from Louisiana and Mis- a cosponsor of it. The Senator from Mississippi. sissippi have been working on this So what just happened for everybody Mr. WICKER. Madam President, I issue for a while. It is not going to watching, particularly the Coast Guard was going to ask the distinguished solve the whole partial government members? Democratic leader to have yielded shutdown, but we have been working When I learned that the President under his reservation. with a number of our colleagues on the was supportive last Thursday, we Might I be recognized for just a mo- other side of the aisle. Right now, this brought this bill to the Senate floor, ment? The objection has already been bill for which my friend from Louisiana and we hotlined it, which means we heard, and we will not get this done. asked to have unanimous consent has were trying to move it through the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Does the 23 cosponsors, and there might be Senate very quickly. Every Republican Senator from Louisiana yield the floor? more. Actually, almost one-quarter of cleared that hotline. Essentially, it Mr. KENNEDY. Of course. the whole Senate—more Democratic means we all voted yes. When we took The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- cosponsors than Republican cospon- it to our colleagues on the other side— ator from Mississippi is recognized. sors—is cosponsoring this bill to pay look, I know my colleagues, Democrats Mr. WICKER. Madam President, I ap- the Coast Guard. and Republicans, care a lot about the preciate the Senator from Louisiana. Again, we are working on the broader Coast Guard—it was stalled. His unanimous consent request would issue of getting our government back We kept asking: Come on. Don’t you have done one simple thing—gotten the to the work of paying Federal workers, want to support this? You have a bunch uniformed servicemembers in the Coast but as my colleagues mentioned, the of cosponsors. Right now, the men and Guard paid just like we are paying Coast Guard is in a rather unique situ- women of the Coast Guard are very today for members of the Army, Navy, ation because it is the only military unique in terms of the military’s not Air Force, and Marines. The Coast service right now that is not getting getting paid, but there was just a Guard members are the only service- paid. Those in the Army, Navy, Air delay. men out there now who, under the Uni- Force, and Marines are all getting paid. Senator KENNEDY said: I am going to form Code of Military Justice, are re- Right now, as we speak, the Coast ask for a live unanimous consent. Let’s quired to perform their duties under Guard’s men and women are out in my just bring it up and pass it. The White pain of penalty, and they are not being great State of Alaska and are risking House would sign it. We could fix this paid as the others are. It would also their lives for Americans, as they al- issue today. I bet most of the House protect survivors’ benefits for the re- ways do. They are also out in other would certainly vote for it. tirees and their survivors in the Coast places like the Middle East and in the So he brought it up for unanimous Guard, as is being done with the other Persian Gulf. They are literally run- consent, and the minority leader ob- uniformed services. ning patrols in the gulf, side by side, jected. We may be getting close to a solution with marines and sailors. The marines My colleagues on the other side of on this. I certainly hope so. In the and sailors are getting paid. The mem- the aisle like to talk a lot about hos- meantime, I think it would be a signifi- bers of the Coast Guard are not getting tage-taking with regard to Federal em- cant gesture on the part of the Demo- paid. ployees. I think they need to think a crats and the Republicans in this Sen- By the way, if the members of the bit harder about what just happened ate and in the House of Representa- Coast Guard say: ‘‘Do you know what? with the men and women of the Coast tives to pass this one small change I don’t want to deploy to the Middle Guard. You heard it from the minority

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:37 Jan 24, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24JA6.020 S24JAPT1 January 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S551 leader. He said he is not going to do think it is important for the American If you are serving in the Coast Guard anything about the Coast Guard right people to understand what just hap- in any of our 50 States, let me say: No. now even though the President said he pened here because it is highly con- 1, thank you for your service. Thank would sign it. We could fix this to- sequential. It is easy for things to get you for your heroism. Thank you for night. lost in procedural gobbledygook and to the amazing difference you make. You Here is the point. We are all working assume: Well, this is some back and deserve to be paid. You will be paid. on the broader issue, and we are going forth about the shutdown and about But if you want to know why you to vote on some things. If they fail this the wall. It has nothing to do with any aren’t being paid right now, it is be- afternoon, there are numbers of us who of that. cause the Democratic leader objected are working on compromises to fix this What Senator KENNEDY did was to to your getting a paycheck. whole problem. In the meantime, why bring forward a bill to pay the Coast It is my hope that the Democratic shouldn’t we all be working on the im- Guard. The bill did nothing else. It Senators will go to their leader and portant issue—it might not be with re- didn’t address any aspect of the shut- say: This is a bad idea for Democratic gard to the whole government—of tak- down. It didn’t address any aspect of Senators to hold hostage the pay- ing care of the men and women of the the wall. It simply said: Let’s pay the checks of the men and women of the Coast Guard? People are literally risk- men and women in the Coast Guard— Coast Guard. ing their lives right now for Ameri- yes or no. That means you can be a yes We should pay the Coast Guard, and cans, not just in Alaska or in Texas but on that, whether you think we need to that ought to be something that com- all over the world, and they are the secure the border and have a steel bar- mands unanimous, bipartisan support. only members of the military who are rier or whether you support open bor- I yield the floor. not getting paid. We could fix it to- ders. It doesn’t say anything either The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- night—the President will sign it—as we way. It just says that the men and ator from Alaska. are working on the broader issue. women in the Coast Guard deserve pay- Mr. SULLIVAN. Madam President, I I don’t understand why that is not an checks. want to make one other point after the acceptable path forward. In talking to We could have passed that right here eloquent comments of my good friend the men and women of the Coast today. There is one reason and one rea- from Texas. Guard—certainly, in my State—they son only that we didn’t. It is because We have already done something don’t understand either. Yes, we have the Democratic leader stood up and similar here. We are all breaking for to come to a compromise on this broad- said: I object. lunch right now. My Democratic col- er issue that ends the partial govern- I note that if there are Democrats on leagues are going to go do their strat- ment shutdown—that gets all of our the Democratic side of the aisle who egy sessions, and we are going to do Federal workers back and that secures are not comfortable with that, who the same. I implore my Democratic our border. We are all working on that. agree that the Coast Guard should be colleagues to go back to their leader In the meantime, had the minority paid, let me encourage my Democratic and say: Hey, come on. Let’s rethink leader of the U.S. Senate not objected, colleagues to say so because it is their this. Here is why. We have already everybody here—I guarantee you it party’s leader who has lodged an objec- done something similar. would have included my Democratic tion on behalf of, effectively, every I was on the floor when two of my colleagues—would have voted for this Democratic Senator. Democratic colleagues from Virginia bill to pay the Coast Guard. It just The Democrats are fond of using the asked for unanimous consent on a bill. doesn’t make sense. phrase ‘‘hostage-taking.’’ They are, Remember, the whole government was I certainly hope my colleagues and quite literally, holding the men and partially shut down. There was a par- my good friend from New York will re- women of the Coast Guard hostage be- tial government shutdown. They asked consider their blocking of this bill, be- cause they want to win a political vic- for unanimous consent on a bill to cause we could fix at least one element tory against the President. Their ob- make sure that when the partial gov- of this. We need to fix it all, but in my jective here is to have the President ernment shutdown was over, everybody view this is a very unique element. The back down and to have not a single would receive backpay. We are actually men and women who raised their hands mile of border wall built—never mind doing work on smaller but very impor- to support and defend the Constitution that the Democratic leader and every tant issues. I was on the floor when and possibly die for this country are Democrat in this Chamber voted in 2013 they did that. I certainly voted yes. not getting paid. Yet those in the to build and fund 350 miles of border By the way, that went to the Presi- Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines wall. That was 350 miles that every dent. He said he was going to sign it, are. Let’s fix it tonight. We can fix it Democrat in this Chamber voted for. and he signed it. That became a law tonight. Unfortunately, we just had an We are in a shutdown today because just about 2 weeks ago, as we have been objection to doing that. I think it is a they are now unwilling to fund 234 debating and trying to find a com- mistake, and I am hopeful my col- miles of border wall, which is less than promise. leagues will reconsider. they voted for in 2013. So the notion that we are not doing The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- We understand that politics rears its any work and that we are not passing ator from Texas. head in this business, and the Demo- any laws that are impacting Federal Mr. CRUZ. Madam President, I rise crats want to defeat the President po- workers until the whole thing is over is to strongly support the Senator from litically, and so the substance is sec- actually not true. We have already Alaska and the Senator from Louisiana ondary to trying to get the partisan done it. and the Senator from Mississippi. victory over the President. Let me sug- This would be analogous to what we We should pay our Coast Guard. It is gest that this ought to be an issue. We did 2 weeks ago, and that was led by not right that we aren’t paying the keep fighting back and forth on wheth- the Democrats. The thing about this Coast Guard. Right now, every other er securing the border or having open Coast Guard bill right now is that it is military branch is being paid. The borders is a good idea, but this ought very, very bipartisan. Army is being paid. The Navy is being to be an issue that should be real sim- Mr. CRUZ. Would the Senator from paid. The Air Force is being paid. The ple. Alaska yield for a question? Marines are being paid. Those in the Senator KENNEDY brought forward a Mr. SULLIVAN. Yes. Coast Guard are not being paid even as clean bill that does one thing and one Mr. CRUZ. Did the bill that Senator they are risking their lives. thing only. It pays the salaries of the KENNEDY brought forward do any- Many of us in Texas and along the men and women in the Coast Guard. If thing—anything else—beyond simply gulf coast saw the incredible heroism the Democratic leader hadn’t objected, paying the men and women of the of the Coast Guard in the wake of Hur- that would have passed right now. The Coast Guard? ricane Harvey, during which so many President could have signed it tonight. Mr. SULLIVAN. No, it just made it brave men and women risked their The paychecks could have gone out so there was parity between the brave lives to save thousands upon thousands right now for every man and woman in men and women of the Coast Guard and of innocents. They should be paid. I the Coast Guard. the brave men and women of the Army,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:37 Jan 24, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24JA6.021 S24JAPT1 S552 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 24, 2019 Navy, Air Force, and Marines—all of of the United States couldn’t keep and here because they came legally and whom are risking their lives for our that America is not interested in hav- overstayed. We still can’t do that in country and our citizens. ing him keep. This idea that he was America because that bill passed the Right now, the men and women of going to build a medieval wall across Senate, but it couldn’t get a vote in the Coast Guard are the only ones who the southern border of Texas, taking it the House because of the stupidest rule are not getting paid. from the farmers and ranchers who ever created, called the Hastert rule, Mr. CRUZ. So if the Democrats had were there, and have the Mexicans pay named after somebody who is in prison. not objected and it had passed and the for it isn’t true. That is why we are That rule has allowed a minority of ty- House had passed it and sent it to the here, because he is now saying the tax- rants in the Congress to bring a Demo- President, could we get the men and payers have to pay for it. That is not cratic President low—President women of the Coast Guard paid right what he said during his campaign. Obama, whom they didn’t let do any- now, today, and get that passed into Over and over he said that Mexico thing—to ruin the speakership of John law? would pay for the wall—over and over Boehner, and to allow to al- Mr. SULLIVAN. I think as soon as again. most accomplish nothing while he was possible we could get it passed. I was going to talk about what he Speaker, except leaving this place in a I talked to the President on Wednes- said about the junior Senator’s father, government shutdown. day. He said he was 100 percent behind but I am going to let that alone. It was The so-called has this bill, the way he was behind that after that. had a veto around this place for 10 other bill to provide backpay to every- Now we are here with the govern- years and completely distorted the Re- body else who has been affected by the ment shut down over his broken prom- publican Party here, if I do say so my- partial government shutdown. ise, while the Chinese are landing self. That may sound presumptuous, Mr. CRUZ. So the only thing that is spacecraft on the dark side of the but I know a lot of Republicans in Col- necessary to pass a clean bill, paying moon. That is what they are doing, not orado who don’t agree with almost the salaries of every man and women in to mention what they are doing in anything or anything that the Free- the Coast Guard, is for the Democratic Latin America and with their One Belt, dom Caucus has stood for. Yet they Senators to withdraw their objection; One Road Initiative in Asia. That is have had a veto on good, bipartisan what they are doing while we are shut is that correct? legislation passed by the U.S. Senate. Mr. SULLIVAN. That is correct. down over a promise he never thought So I am not going to stand here and Mr. CRUZ. Thank you. he could keep and didn’t keep. take it from somebody who has shut Finally, this idea that my colleague The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- down the government while my State from Texas—and I am sorry to say this ator from Colorado. was flooded or from a President who because I respect him. He is obviously Mr. BENNET. Madam President, as says that he wants $5 billion to build a very intelligent person, but this idea you know, I seldom rise on this floor to some antiquated, medieval wall, which that Democrats are for open borders is contradict somebody on the other side. he said Mexico would pay for, when I gibberish, and it is proven by what the Over the years, I have worked very helped write and voted for a bill that Senator from Louisiana said, which is hard to work in a bipartisan way with actually would have secured the border the Presiding Officer and with my Re- that time after time, we have sup- ported real border security, not a wall of the United States of America, that publican colleagues, but these croco- would have secured our internal de- dile tears that the Senator from Texas that Mexico pays for that gets you at- tention at campaign rallies from some fenses as well. is crying for the first responders are This is a joke, and the fact that it people in America and that gets talked too hard for me to take. consumes the cable networks all night, They are too hard for me to take be- about on FOX News at night. In 2013, the Senator from Texas every night, and all the rest of it—this cause when the Senator from Texas didn’t support it. I did. In 2013, we government should be open. We can de- shut this government down in 2013, my passed a bill here in a bipartisan way. bate whatever it is we want to debate. State was flooded. It was under water. It got 68 votes. It had $46 billion for Do you think the Chinese don’t know People were killed. People’s houses border security in it—$46 billion, not $5 that we can’t land a spaceship on the were destroyed. Their small businesses billion for his rinky-dink wall that he dark side of the moon? Do you think were ruined forever. Because of the is talking about building. There was the Russians don’t know that for the Senator from Texas, this government $46 billion for border security. To be first time since John Glenn was sent up was shut down for politics. precise about it, it had 350 miles of to orbit this planet, America cannot He surfed to a second-place finish in what the President now refers to as put a person into space without asking the Iowa caucuses but was of no help to steel slats. the Russians to do it? Do you think the the first responders, to the teachers, By the way, America, do you hear rest of the world doesn’t know that we and to the students whose schools were him not calling it a wall anymore? are not investing in our infrastructure; closed with a Federal Government that Now it is steel slats. Now it is a bor- that we are not investing in the young was shut down because of the junior der barrier. There were 350 miles of so- generation of Americans; that we are Senator from Texas. called steel slats in that bill. willing to lose the race for artificial in- It is his business—not my business— Do you know what else was in that telligence to the Chinese; that we are why he supports a President who wants bill? I think the Presiding Officer voted going to break all of our longstanding to erect a medieval barrier on the bor- for that bill. In that bill, we doubled alliances since World War II at a mo- der of Texas, who wants to use eminent the number of border security agents ment when China is rising; that Chi- domain to build that wall, and who on the border. They could practically na’s GDP has quadrupled since 2001, tri- wants to declare an unconstitutional hold hands on that border. There were pled since 2003, doubled since 2009? Do emergency to build that wall. That is so many border security agents in that we think that no one in the rest of the the business of the Senator from Texas. bill. We had billions of dollars of drone world knows all of that about us? I can assure you that in Colorado if a technology so that we could learn what We should reopen this government President said that he was going to use we have learned in Afghanistan and in today. We should reopen it today. eminent domain to erect a barrier other places, to see every single inch of Then, what I hope much more than across the State of Colorado, across the that border—every inch. that is that we actually come together Rocky Mountains of Colorado, and he We had internal security in that bill to figure out how we are going to gov- was going to steal the property of our so that small businesses, farmers, and ern this country again and stop playing farmers and ranchers to build his me- ranchers don’t have to be the immigra- petty, partisan politics, which is going dieval wall, there wouldn’t be an elect- tion police, and so that, finally, in to do nothing to educate the next gen- ed leader from our State who would America we could actually know who eration of Americans, which is going to support that idea. came here legally on a visa but over- do nothing to fix the fiscal condition of That comes to my final point—how stayed their visa. this country. ludicrous it is that this government is Forty percent of the people in this For 10 years—for 10 years, I have shut down over a promise the President country who are undocumented are heard the junior Senator from Texas

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:37 Jan 24, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24JA6.023 S24JAPT1 January 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S553 and I have heard the Freedom Caucus I am sorry to say this, but there is an I would say that our country, in in the House of Representatives talk answer. If you think you have been many ways, has eclipsed any expecta- about how important it is to get the sent here to dismantle the Federal tion they ever had of what America fiscal condition of our government Government—and I have lots of prob- would become. For the moment, we are fixed. In fact, that has been the pretext lems with this Federal Government. I the richest country in the world. We for shutdowns and for fiscal cliffs and think it does a lot of things very well, have the greatest capacity for self-de- for all of this stuff that does nothing and, as a westerner, I certainly believe fense of any human population in the but denigrate our democratic Republic. we need to not be in the business of de- history of the world. We are far more Now, for the first time almost in his- fending bad government. We need to be democratic and far more free, with all tory—it happened once before during improving the government. But if you of our imperfections, than they would the —we are actually hav- think your job is to dismantle it—as have ever imagined and probably than ing our deficit shooting through the the Freedom Caucus does, in my view— most of them would have ever wanted. roof while unemployment has fallen. It then a 9-percent approval rating suits We are the longest lived democracy in has never happened before. These are you just fine because you get to go human history. But, for some reason, the people who called Barack Obama a home and say ‘‘See how terrible all of there is a generation of politicians in Bolshevik and a socialist at the depths those guys are? See what idiots all of America today who don’t think it is of the recession, when we had a 10-per- those guys are?’’ while you are taking necessary to live up to the standard cent unemployment rate, and didn’t your pay while the Federal workers are that they set and the standard lots of lift a finger to do anything. They have not getting paid, while you are keeping other people have set from the found- now given us a fiscal condition where your job while they are losing their ing of our country 230 years ago until our deficit is going up while our unem- job. today. ployment rate is falling. Do you know There has been an effort not just to I don’t even know what day it is any- how hard it is to accomplish that? Do dismantle the Federal Government but more of this record-long shutdown, but you know how irresponsible you would to separate it from the American peo- the pretext for it is an invention. It is have to be to accomplish that? Yet ple, to claim that it is someone else’s a creation of something in the Presi- that is what has been accomplished. or that it is corrupt. In many ways, I dent’s mind. It was something we have When I was first here—it was actu- think it is; I believe it is. I believe this ally a little after I was first here—I learned from reading the press that place is one of the most corrupt parts was a mnemonic device used during the used to walk through Denver Inter- of the whole thing. But because it is national Airport, which we are very campaign to remind him to talk about corrupt or because it can’t get its act immigration in an effort to divide proud of in Colorado. By the way, it is together or because it is too far away the most recent airport that has been Americans from one another instead of from the people or, I think I would say, an effort to bring us together, in an ef- constructed in America. While we have because it is populated by a bunch of been closed, other airports around the fort to turn what just 3 years ago was self-interested politicians who don’t a bipartisan issue in the Senate—secur- world—new airports have been opened care about the priorities of the Amer- just while we have been closed. ing our southern border with $46 bil- ican people—whatever the reason is, it lion—into a cudgel to be wielded at Denver International Airport is the is not separate. It is not separate. The campaign rallies. most recent airport in the country to reason that is important is that we live be opened. It was opened 25 years ago— In any case, the least we could do in a democratic Republic, and the while we have these shabby disagree- a quarter of a century ago—and during Founders of this country did two ments that are not worthy of our pred- moments like those when the Senator things that had never happened in ecessors, that are not worthy of the from Texas shut down the government human history: They led a successful State I represent—which is one-third while Colorado was underneath floods armed insurrection against a colonial Democratic, one-third Republican, and and people had lost all of the things I power in one generation, and they talked about earlier—their houses, formed a democratic Republic whose one-third Independent—that are their jobs, and their lives—I used to Constitution was ratified by the people threatening to make our generation want to walk through that airport with who would live under it. the first generation of Americans to a paper bag over my head because I was What they knew because they were leave less opportunity, not more, to so embarrassed to be part of this. enlightened thinkers—or I should say the people coming after us, a genera- I often wondered why anyone in their not what they knew but what they be- tion of politicians who are openly sug- right mind would want to work in a lieved because they had only bad exam- gesting that America’s role in the place that has a 9-percent approval rat- ples from which to draw when they sat world should be diminished—the least ing. In fact, I brought a chart—two there in Philadelphia writing that Con- we could do is reopen our government charts—one day to the floor, one that stitution—but what they knew was and stop pursuing this self-inflicted showed we hadn’t always had a 9-per- that in a Republic, we would have dis- harm that it creates in having hun- cent approval rating, to remind people agreements. That was their expecta- dreds of thousands of Federal workers how far we had fallen in the public’s es- tion, and their belief was that out of out of work and not being paid, not timation over the time that the Sen- those disagreements we would—and, by able to support their families while we ator from Texas and I have been here. the way, they knew we would have dis- continue to stand on this floor, having Then I brought out another chart that agreements because they had disagree- mindless arguments that are going to looked at who else has a 9-percent ap- ments, and they had failed on some do nothing to advance the future of our proval rating. I can’t remember all—it very important things. It has to be country. has sort of been lost in the mist of said. They perpetuated human slavery We shouldn’t shut the government time—but I do remember that the IRS because they couldn’t come to an down, as it has been in this case, for a had a 40-percent approval rating; there agreement about that, and other peo- campaign promise the President, I am was an actress who had a 13-percent ap- ple, whom I think of as Founders—just sure, knew he could never keep. proval rating; more people wanted as important, just as significant as With that, I yield floor. America to be a Communist country— those Founders—ended the enslave- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Ms. 11 percent—than approved of this Con- ment of human beings in America and ERNST). The Senator from Texas. gress; and Fidel Castro had a 5-percent did other important things, such as Mr. CRUZ. Madam President, there is approval rating, which was lower than make sure my daughters had the right an old saying in Texas among Texas our 9-percent approval rating. He was to vote. Those people also are Found- trial lawyers. If you have the facts, you the only one who had a lower rating ers. But what they believed at their bang the facts. If you have the law, you than that. core was that through our disagree- bang the law. If you don’t have either So my question, often, was this: Why ments, we would forge more imagina- one, you bang the table. We have seen would anybody want to work in a place tive and more durable solutions than a whole lot of table banging right here that has such a low approval rating, any King or tyrant could come up with on this floor. and why would they want to behave in on their own. That was their belief. The Senator from Colorado spent a a way that only made matters worse? That was their expectation. great deal of time yelling, spent a

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:37 Jan 24, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24JA6.024 S24JAPT1 S554 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 24, 2019 great deal of time attacking me per- Border Patrol agents. We have miles didn’t say, yes, we should fund the sonally. He did at one point briefly rise and miles of wall right now that are Coast Guard, and, you know what, my to the defense of my father. I appre- working. I have been to those walls— leader was wrong when he held the pay- ciate that gesture, but he spent a lot of not once, not twice but over and over checks of the Coast Guard’s men and time yelling. again. women hostage because he wants to I will say, in my time in the Senate, One of the rich things about this win a political fight with the Presi- I don’t believe I have ever bellowed or Chamber is, Senators from States no- dent. yelled at one of my colleagues on the where near the border presume to lec- By the way, I would note to the Sen- Senate floor, and I hope in my time be- ture border States about what it is like ator of Colorado, it is not the end of fore me, I never do that. I think we on the border and what works securing the world to stand up to your party’s should discuss issues and substance and the border. Walls are effective. I will leader. Some of us have a history of facts and not simply scream and yell at tell you, every single Border Patrol having done so in the past. each other. agent I have asked——and I have asked We are now in the longest govern- Let’s go over some of the facts. In dozens, probably hundreds of Border ment shutdown in history. This shut- the angry speech of the Senator from Patrol agents—are walls effective, un- down needs to end—the American peo- Colorado, he did not dispute, No. 1, questionably, they say yes. ple want it to end—but we also need to that he and every other Senate Demo- Let’s not destruct the straw man. secure the border. crat in 2013 voted for 350 miles of bor- Walls are not the only thing. You need I have to say, the contrast between der wall. That is a fact. He has voted technology. You need boots on the the two parties could not be clearer. for 350 miles of border wall, as did ground. You need all sorts of other The President has repeatedly said he every other Democrat in this Chamber tools. The critical point in intercepting wants to negotiate and compromise. He at that time. someone crossing over illegally is the says he is willing to meet in the mid- No. 2, he did not dispute that in De- time between detection and intercep- dle. He hasn’t insisted on every mile of cember of last year, the then-Repub- tion, and what a wall does is slows border wall he asked for. He hasn’t in- lican House of Representatives voted to down the traffickers to give the Border sisted on every single dollar of border fund the government—to fund the en- Patrol time to intercept them. security. He said: Let’s meet and com- tirety of the government—and to se- By the way, we have seen it over and promise. Republicans on this side of cure the border, and the Senator from over again in San Diego. When they the Chamber have said: Let’s com- Colorado, and I believe every other built the wall, the illegal traffic plum- promise in the middle. The position of Senate Democrats is Democrat, filibustered that bill and meted. In El Paso, when they built the that they will not negotiate; they will caused the shutdown. wall, the illegal traffic plummeted. not compromise, period. Their position, I voted to take up that bill. You Now the Democrats’ position is not how many miles of wall can be built? voted to take up that bill. Had we substantive. They voted for 350 miles of Zero. They are not to 1 yet. When it taken up the bill, had we simply passed wall. So why are they shutting the gov- comes to negotiating, their position is the bill the House of Representatives ernment down over 234 miles of wall? It not an inch of wall can be built, even had passed funding the government and is not substantive; it is political. though we the Democrats already securing the border, the government We get that they hate Donald Trump. voted for 350 miles of it. Why? Because If anyone in America had missed that would never have shut down. Donald Trump is President. It takes some degree of chutzpah to point—that they really don’t like this That is an extreme and radical posi- stand up, after filibustering funding for man—their yelling and screaming and tion. Look, I understand, folks watch- the government, as the Democrats did, bellowing has made that abundantly ing at home, it is hard to tell—you are and blame the shutdown on the oppos- clear. Just because you hate somebody reading the news. It seems like both ing party. doesn’t mean you should shut down the parties are bickering. It is hard to tell The Senator from Colorado did not government. I voted to keep this gov- what is happening, particularly be- dispute the Republican House voted to ernment open, right now, today. The cause on the Senate floor, there is a lot fund the government, and he and his Democrats are filibustering funding for of procedural mumbo jumbo. Democratic colleagues filibustered the government. If you want to understand what is that, which caused the shutdown. Let me tell you something else the going on, the exchange between Sen- No. 3, the Senator from Colorado did Senator from Colorado didn’t dispute. ator KENNEDY and Senator SCHUMER il- not dispute that the stated reason the We had a whole colloquy with the Sen- lustrates it all. Senator KENNEDY’s bill Democrats filibustered that bill is be- ator from Louisiana and the Senator did one thing and one thing only. It cause it authorized the funding of 234 from Mississippi and the Senator from paid the salaries of the men and women miles of wall. Alaska about funding the Coast Guard. of the Coast Guard. It didn’t touch any I have to say, I find it amusing that Did you notice, in that entire bel- other issue. a new adjective has crept in. It is now lowing speech, the words ‘‘Coast Every Republican agrees with that not 234 miles of wall; it is medieval Guard’’ were never uttered? Not once. bill. The Democrats objected and said: wall. I don’t know if there is something What Senator KENNEDY asked this We will not pay the Coast Guard. in there that has a moat and has cata- body to do was pass a clean bill to pay Had they not objected, we could put pults that are throwing burning tar— the paychecks of the Coast Guard. Sen- that bill on the President’s desk today, medieval wall now. ator KENNEDY’s bill doesn’t mention a and they could get their paychecks It is kind of an odd thing. It does wall—whether you like one or not, it right now. That is emblematic of the raise the question: Well, if walls are doesn’t mention a medieval wall or any approach of Senate Democrats. medieval, why did the Senator from other kind. It simply says: Pay the When the Senator from Colorado Colorado and every other Democrat in Coast Guard—yes, no. stopped screaming at me, he then en- 2013 vote for 350 miles of medieval wall? Every Republican agrees, pay the gaged in a bit of historical retrospec- To the extent walls are medieval, they Coast Guard right now. It is not fair to tive about the great Framers of our presumably were medieval in 2013, just treat the Coast Guard differently than Constitution, which I enjoyed and very as much as they are now. we are treating the Army and Navy and much agree with. I am someone who The President has a good observa- Marines and Air Force. spent a lifetime devoted to the Con- tion. He said: I will tell you something The Senator from Colorado didn’t ad- stitution. I am inspired by the Framers else that is medieval, the wheel. There dress that because it is indisputable, it who gave us this extraordinary demo- is a reason the wheel is medieval—be- is a fact that the reason that didn’t cratic Republic. The Senator from Col- cause it rolls things, and it works. pass right now is because the Demo- orado called for Members of this body Walls are effective. cratic leader stood up and made an ob- to aspire to be more like the men and Unlike the Senator from Colorado, I jection. women who gave us this country, gave live in a border State. We have 1,200 By implication, every Democratic us this Republic, if you can keep it, as miles of border. I have spent a great Senator presumably agrees with it. The Benjamin Franklin put it. I concur deal of time down at the border with fact that the Senator from Colorado with that.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:37 Jan 24, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24JA6.026 S24JAPT1 January 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S555 What I urge the Senator from Colo- as citizens and I would say as found- dering important investigative work rado do is to reach out to his Demo- ers—to keep the Republic they created. and criminal prosecutions. The Trans- cratic colleagues and counsel com- That is what is at stake here. That is portation Security Administration, promise. I am urging my colleagues on what is at stake when the government TSA, has employees who are calling in this side to do the same. The difference has been shut down for politics, when sick in record numbers after a month is, the Republicans are willing to com- we have a President who doesn’t be- of being on the job with no paycheck. promise, have offered to compromise, lieve in the rule of law, who attacks Some even say they cannot pay for the and, in fact, just now sought to pay the judges whose decisions he disagrees gas to get to the job. These are the peo- Coast Guard, and the Democratic posi- with, who attacks the free press, who ple charged with detecting dangerous tion is: No, no, no. We object. have that freedom because of the Con- threats at our Nation’s airports. In- That is partisan, it is extreme, and it stitution and the Bill of Rights. stead, they are stressed and frustrated. is not behavior that would bring pride It is that Republic which is at risk Everybody knows that is not a very to the Framers of our Constitution. I when we are not educating the next good combination. Long lines are form- hope this body can do better. generation of Americans, when we are ing at airports. A lack of TSA employ- I yield the floor. not investing in our infrastructure, ees has forced some major airports to The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- when we have the unbelievable and un- close screening areas, causing further ator from Colorado. precedented fiscal hypocrisy that has delays. Mr. BENNET. I thank the Senator resulted in a ballooning deficit while I could go on and on, but we know from Texas for having this conversa- the unemployment rate is going down. the Trump shutdown is hurting our Na- tion. I don’t think I was yelling—but I It is a farce. It is a farce. tion and our citizens. Overseas, it will go watch the tape—or screaming My closing word is to say that I will makes the United States of America at you. I also have never called any- work with anybody—including the Sen- look weak and foolish. This great coun- body on this floor a liar, as you did, in ator from Texas, if he will work with try is made to look weak and foolish by 2015. I get the theatrics of all of this. me—to put this sorry episode behind the Trump shutdown. I guess I want to say two things. One, us. And I don’t mean this sorry episode We can end it right now, today, and I appreciate the fact that you, at least, of this government shutdown, although for the sake of the country, we should. seem to be accepting the fact that that is a sorry and pathetic episode, The McConnell amendment, the so- every Democrat who is here, on that but this episode of American political called End the Shutdown and Reopen immigration bill in 2013, voted for it— history where we have done so little for the Government Act, we all know is a voted for the 350 miles of wall you are the next generation of Americans and nonstarter. I came to the floor yester- talking about. You didn’t vote for that done almost nothing to honor the leg- day, and I detailed why. I am not going bill or the Senator from Texas didn’t acy of our parents and grandparents to repeat that here today. vote for that bill, and I assume you had and the people who came before them. It is the height of irresponsibility to your reasons. That would be worth doing around this use the pain and suffering of the Amer- By the way, I wouldn’t presume to place before we all die. ican people as leverage to force the think what the Senator would think With that, Madam President, I yield U.S. taxpayers to fund the President’s about as a person from a border State. the floor. bumper-sticker, campaign slogan My State is not far from the border. We The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- southern border wall—on his solemn see the effects for ill and for good of ator from Vermont. promise that Mexico would pay for it— immigration in my State. GOVERNMENT FUNDING or to enact his hard-line, anti-immi- I do know this. There were two Sen- Mr. LEAHY. Madam President, let’s grant . That is what the bill ators from a border State—the border put this in realistic terms. I have been does. It is not a compromise. It is not State of Arizona—who were on that here through eight Presidents. I am a deal. I hope my fellow Senators op- Gang of 8 bill, with whom I sat, day now in my 45th year. I have never seen pose it. If we give in to these tactics after day, negotiating the provisions anything like the Trump shutdown now, where will it stop? What is the for months. They didn’t have to just from the day it began 34 days ago until next thing the President will shut vote for the bill or against it, but they now. down the government over? had to go home to Arizona—John I hear from people every day about H.R. 268, which is what the Schumer McCain and Jeff Flake did—and ex- the pain and suffering this shutdown amendment contains, is a bipartisan plain why they supported it and why it has caused. Certainly I hear from my bill that we should all support. It was the right thing to do for Arizona, home State of Vermont. We know that would reopen the government by ex- which, as the Senator from Texas tomorrow hundreds of thousands of tending funding for the seven remain- knows, is a border State. public servants will miss their second ing appropriations bills through Feb- The idea that there is a problem to paycheck since this shutdown began. ruary 8, 2019. Remember, those are ap- be solved here because Democrats in Many of these public servants have had propriations bills that Chairman this Chamber are for open borders is to work the entire time. They are SHELBY and I worked very hard on and false, as the Senator indicated. The angry. They are confused about why that passed through the committee vir- second point is, the Senator from their paychecks are being held hostage tually unanimously. We ought to ap- Texas referenced Ben Franklin. by the President in what he appears to plaud that. The passage of the bill will Ben Franklin was standing outside view as a political game. Many of these ensure that Federal employees are paid the steps of Constitution Hall, and people can no longer pay their bills. and that critical services are restored somebody who was passing by—this is They are worried about what tomorrow and provide time for negotiation and while they were writing the Constitu- will bring, and all of us should worry. debate on border security without the tion—said: Mr. Franklin, what kind of We know that our basic government American people being held hostage to government are you creating—a mon- services are no longer functioning. Our the President’s ill-considered, anti-im- archy or a republic? Federal courts will run out of money migrant agenda. I urge Senators to That was the question. As Senator by the end of this month. Important vote for it. CRUZ has said, his answer was ‘‘a Re- scientific research has been put on On December 19, in this Chamber, we public, if you can keep it’’—if you can hold. Think of the cost to turn it back passed the bill to fund the government keep it. His answer was not ‘‘a Repub- on. The fishing industry is in turmoil until February 8. We did it unani- lic’’; it was ‘‘a Republic, if you can because they cannot get the Federal mously by a voice vote. Republicans keep it,’’ because he knew that the permits or inspections required to take were in charge of both the House and words written in the Constitution out their boats. In the wake of a the Senate at that time. In other weren’t going to preserve themselves, record-setting fire season, the Forest words, the Senate was for keeping the that this exercise in democratic self- Service has curtailed thinning and fire- government open. The President’s own government, a democratic republic, prevention projects. Federal law en- Republican leaders supported it. Sud- would require generations of women forcement and prosecutors are sound- denly, he changed his mind, and the and men—not just in this Chamber but ing the alarm that the shutdown is hin- Republican leaders had to back off.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:12 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24JA6.027 S24JAPT1 S556 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 24, 2019 H.R. 268 also provides $14 billion in The Senate is an independent, co- The President, for his part, has pro- assistance to help communities and equal branch of government. We should posed a serious and, I think, a reason- families impacted by natural disasters act like it. Let’s end this national able compromise—a comprehensive so- recover and rebuild. It provides assist- nightmare. Let’s vote to open the gov- lution. I commend him for that. He is ance to the victims of Hurricanes Mi- ernment now for our fellow Americans. doing what the American people ex- chael and Florence, the California Let’s do it now, today. pect, I think, showing a willingness to wildfires, the volcanic eruptions in Ha- I yield the floor. work together to find common ground. waii, the recent typhoons in the Pa- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- I encourage my Democratic col- cific, and other natural disasters. It ator from Alabama. leagues to reciprocate here. We have in will also continue assistance for Puerto Mr. SHELBY. Madam President, just the past. If this proposal today is unac- Rico, which is still recovering from the a few months ago, we stood here on the ceptable, I ask my colleagues on the category 5 Hurricanes Maria and Irma. Senate floor celebrating the progress other side to put something on the The McConnell amendment contains we had made together in the appropria- table that could help move us off the a disaster package nearly identical to tions process, as Senator LEAHY has dime. Work with us. Propose a com- H.R. 268, but to appease the President, just alluded to. I believe we are all prehensive solution to get us moving in it eliminates all disaster assistance for tired of lurching from crisis to crisis the right direction. But simply saying Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico is part of amid partisan bickering. Both sides re- no, demanding that we deal with bor- America. I know the President referred solved then to put aside partisan dif- der security later, is not going to cut it to it as an island surrounded by water, ferences and work together for the today. as though that is the only island that good of the American people, and it What do we do about solving our cri- is surrounded by water. The McConnell worked. sis? This is a real crisis. If not now, Together, we funded 75 percent of the amendment eliminates $1.3 billion in when? When will be the time to secure government on time. While we would funding for clean and safe drinking the border? What good will more time have preferred to have funded 100 per- water grants, community redevelop- or talking do? cent, it was considerably more progress ment funds, and nutrition assistance The American people have been than we had made in decades. Yet we that would help the American citizens promised that border security will find ourselves here today more than 1 of Puerto Rico continue their recovery. come later since the Simpson-Mazzoli month into the longest partial shut- Hurricanes Maria and Irma dev- amnesty in 1986. Look at where we are down of the government in American astated Puerto Rico and destroyed the today—still waiting, still talking. The history. It is enough to give you whip- island’s homes and infrastructure. Hur- drug smuggling, the human trafficking, lash. ricane Maria caused the deaths of 2,975 Funding the remaining 25 percent of and the chaos are a real crisis. We Americans. It is one of the deadliest government is a task before us here know what must be done. It is a ques- hurricanes this country has ever seen. today. Homeland security, border secu- tion of what will be done. While Congress has provided Puerto rity, is the linchpin. We know that. Are I say this afternoon in the Senate, Rico with assistance in past disaster our differences really as insurmount- let’s come together. Let’s put the bit- bills, they still have unaddressed needs able as they seem? They should not be, terness behind us and do what is right that have to be met. Absent supple- and I want to discuss why. for the American people—end the shut- mental assistance, it is estimated that Last May, the Appropriations Com- down and secure the border. The real 140,000 Puerto Ricans—and I have to re- mittee considered the fiscal year 2019 question before us today is this: Is this emphasize that they are all U.S. citi- Homeland Security bill. That bill in- the beginning of the end or is it just zens—are going to lose nutrition assist- cluded money for a physical barrier at the end of the beginning? We shall find ance at the end of March. This in the the southern border. In fact, it in- out. United States of America? Is there any cluded an increase in funding over the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- wonder that the rest of the world looks 2018 level for a physical barrier. ator from Vermont. at us and says: What are you doing? We Our Democratic colleagues made no Mr. LEAHY. Madam President, I sug- are supposed to take care of all of our attempt to strike this funding, just as gest the absence of a quorum. citizens when there is a crisis, not pick Republicans made no effort to strike The PRESIDING OFFICER. The and choose based on who we are or who funding for Democratic priorities in clerk will call the roll. we are aligned with politically. the bill. The bill passed with over- The senior assistant legislative clerk Just as I voted for disaster aid in whelming bipartisan support in the proceeded to call the roll. States represented by Republicans, Re- committee—a vote of 26 to 5. There Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, I publicans have voted for disaster aid in were no fireworks or histrionics in the ask unanimous consent that the order my State when it has been represented hearing room that day. There was no for the quorum call be rescinded. by Democrats. The President’s dis- demand to delay the Homeland Secu- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without regard for the victims of Hurricane rity bill until the rest of the Federal objection, it is so ordered. Maria is shameful. Government was funded. Rather, the Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, in I urge Senators to vote aye on the committee simply decided together, on a moment, the Senate will proceed to Schumer amendment. It provides much a bipartisan basis, to increase funding two amendments: one on the Presi- needed assistance to disaster-affected for a project that Congress funded the dent’s proposal and one on a 2-week communities, and it immediately al- previous year. The fireworks and de- continuing resolution that opens up lows us to send this bill to the Presi- mands for delayed consideration came the government, with disaster assist- dent to reopen the government. It has later. ance. gone on long enough. It boggles the mind at times how we Let me be clear: The two votes are The President and the people in his return so quickly to a standoff mode— not alike. The President’s proposal Cabinet are billionaires. They do not to a zero-sum mentality—after making makes radical changes to our asylum care about the harm he has inflicted on so much progress together. It is par- laws and demands that American tax- this country, but I know Members of ticularly perplexing to me considering payers fund a border wall in exchange this body, both Democrats and Repub- bipartisan support is exactly what for reopening the government. The sec- licans, do. We know what it means to underpinned the very thing that now ond vote demands nothing—no partisan govern. We have a responsibility to do divides us so bitterly. demands, no ransom. It reopens the it now. Just a few months ago, funding for a government for 2 weeks and provides Senator SHELBY, whom I admire, is a physical barrier in the southern border long overdue disaster aid, and then it friend of mine. He and I worked to- was part of a bipartisan deal, and now leaves room for us to debate how to gether last year in a bipartisan way. we cannot even really discuss it. That best secure our border. We got the appropriations process back was then. I understand that. But where My Republican friends can fall in line on track. We showed that this is the do we go from here? Who is offering behind the President if they choose, way to get things done. But then the real solutions, comprehensive solutions but it does not have the support of the President decided to take us off course. to end this impasse? House or the Senate. Contrary to what

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:12 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24JA6.029 S24JAPT1 January 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S557 the Republican leader says, that there American government. This is what Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby is only one bill that will become law, the President could be saying in this move to bring to a close debate on Senate that is not so. His bill will not pass the bill: Give me everything I want in ex- amendment No. 5 to H.R. 268, a bill making Senate and will not pass the House. It change for reopening the government. supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2019, and for other is not the only way for us to make a A vote for the President’s plan is very purposes. law. simply an endorsement of government Mitch McConnell, Josh Hawley, John After the first vote fails, Republicans by extortion. Enough is enough. Thune, Shelley Moore Capito, Johnny will have a chance to vote with us to I know that many of my colleagues Isakson, Mike Crapo, Richard Burr, reopen their government. The second on the other side of the aisle agree James Lankford, Tom Cotton, Roy vote determines whether you want to with me. They understand that holding Blunt, David Perdue, Mike Rounds, Bill reopen the government or not. The sec- our government workers hostage for a Cassidy, John Cornyn, Rob Portman, ond vote determines whether you are policy goal is no way to govern. I know Steve Daines, John Kennedy. willing to reopen the government with- they feel that way. I urge them to vote AMENDMENT NO. 5 out taking hostages, without hurting yes on the second vote. The PRESIDING OFFICER. By unan- 800,000 workers, and without hurting Supporting our amendment doesn’t imous consent, the mandatory quorum America but open the government with mean you don’t support stronger bor- call has been waived. no conditions. We can send that bill to der security. To the contrary, it starts The question is, Is it the sense of the the President’s desk. It has already funding that effort once again. Voting Senate that debate on amendment No. passed the House. for this amendment means you agree 5, offered by the Senator from Ken- The President may choose to veto it, with the vast majority of the American tucky [Mr. MCCONNELL] to H.R. 268, a just as we may choose to override that people that the government should bill making supplemental appropria- veto. My dear friend from Louisiana open without precondition. Voting for tions for the fiscal year ending Sep- missed that point. If we act with 67 this amendment means you recognize tember 30, 2019, and for other purposes, votes, even if the President doesn’t like that holding millions of Americans shall be brought to a close? it, it can pass. hostage is not a way to run our govern- The yeas and nays are mandatory We all know it was the President who ment. Voting for this amendment under the rule. threw us into this turmoil when he means that you believe members of the The clerk will call the roll. The senior assistant legislative clerk changed his mind and opposed a bill to Coast Guard, the TSA, the DHS, and called the roll. reopen the government without condi- the FBI should be paid for their work Mr. THUNE. The following Senators tions—just like the one we offered in protecting our country. Voting for this are necessarily absent: the Senator December and the House wouldn’t go amendment means you support our air from Kentucky (Mr. PAUL) and the forward with, even though the Senate traffic controllers, food inspectors, and voted for it unanimously. Senator from Idaho (Mr. RISCH). the men and women who work at our Further, if present and voting, the Our bill should not be controversial. national parks. And yes, voting for this Senator from Idaho (Mr. RISCH) would Our amendment is nearly the same bill amendment means that you support Republicans all voted for a month ago. have voted ‘‘yea’’. border security. It means you support a Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the It shows that the one cause of this way out of this shutdown where we can Senator from Nevada (Ms. ROSEN) is shutdown is the one person who sit down and rationally hash out our necessarily absent. bragged he wanted it—President Don- differences. If we can’t do that, if we The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. ald Trump. can’t agree today that the way to solve BRAUN). Are there any other Senators Last month, the Senate unanimously disagreements over policy is through in the Chamber desiring to vote? passed the short-term bill to keep the debate and consideration in Congress The yeas and nays resulted—yeas 50, government open. It was Leader where it belongs, then we are staring nays 47, as follows: MCCONNELL’s idea. Everyone thought down a very long and very dark tunnel. [Rollcall Vote No. 9 Leg.] the President would support it, but Our system of government was de- YEAS—50 President Trump buckled to the most signed to allow space for disagree- extreme voices in his party and re- ments, even vociferous ones, but when Alexander Fischer Perdue versed his position at the eleventh Barrasso Gardner Portman one side—in this case, the President— Blackburn Graham Roberts hour. That is how the government uses the basic functioning of our gov- Blunt Grassley Romney shutdown began, sadly and unfortu- ernment as leverage to extract policy Boozman Hawley Rounds nately. Since then, we tried to nego- Braun Hoeven Rubio concessions, our entire system of gov- Burr Hyde-Smith tiate with the administration to no Sasse ernment breaks down. It is a recipe for Capito Inhofe Scott (FL) Cassidy Isakson avail. When the President’s deputies gridlock, dysfunction, and paralysis, Scott (SC) Collins Johnson made offers, the President almost im- Shelby not only now but on into the future. Cornyn Kennedy Sullivan mediately retracted them. The Presi- I believe there are men and women of Cramer Lankford dent even rejected an idea by Senator good faith on both sides of the aisle Crapo Manchin Thune Tillis GRAHAM, one of his staunchest allies in Cruz McConnell who want to see this senselessness Toomey the Senate, to reopen government tem- Daines McSally come to an end today. Let the Senate Enzi Moran Wicker porarily while we debate border secu- come together now. Let the Senate rise Ernst Murkowski Young rity. to the occasion as it has done so often NAYS—47 Now the President is back with a in the past. Vote yes on the second ‘‘straw man’’ proposal, as the Senator Baldwin Harris Reed amendment. Open the people’s govern- Bennet Hassan Sanders from Oklahoma called it, that makes ment. Blumenthal Heinrich Schatz the same demand he has been making I yield the floor. Booker Hirono Schumer Brown Jones all along: $5.7 billion taxpayer dollars f Shaheen Cantwell Kaine Sinema for a border wall he promised Mexico Cardin King would pay for, and it adds a new rad- SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATIONS Smith Carper Klobuchar Stabenow ACT, 2019 Casey Leahy ical change to our asylum laws. What Tester Coons Lee the President calls concessions to CLOTURE MOTION Udall Cortez Masto Markey Van Hollen Democrats are the protections for The PRESIDING OFFICER. Pursuant Cotton Menendez DACA and TPS recipients that the to rule XXII, the Chair lays before the Duckworth Merkley Warner Warren President himself rescinded and have Senate the pending cloture motion, Durbin Murphy Feinstein Murray Whitehouse been subsequently protected by the which the clerk will state. Gillibrand Peters Wyden court. The senior assistant bill clerk read as Calling this a reasonable compromise follows: NOT VOTING—3 Paul Risch Rosen is laughable. It is a starkly partisan CLOTURE MOTION proposal that perfectly encapsulates We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- The PRESIDING OFFICER. On this the President’s hostage-taking of the ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the vote, the yeas are 50, the nays are 47.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:45 Jan 29, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD19\JANUARY\S24JA9.REC S24JA9 abonner on DSKBCJ7HB2PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE S558 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 24, 2019 Three-fifths of the Senators duly cho- Cassidy Hoeven Rounds heard from the Border Patrol experts sen and sworn not having voted in the Cornyn Hyde-Smith Rubio time and again, we need sensible solu- Cotton Inhofe Sasse affirmative, the motion is rejected. Cramer Johnson Scott (FL) tions, which, along the border, consist CLOTURE MOTION Crapo Kennedy Scott (SC) of three components: its physical bar- Cruz Lankford Shelby riers in some locations, its technology The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clo- Daines Lee Sullivan in others, and personnel in others—or ture motion having been presented Enzi McConnell Thune Ernst McSally under rule XXII, the Chair directs the Tillis some combination of those three. Fischer Moran Toomey President Trump himself has said he clerk to read the motion. Graham Perdue Wicker understands there doesn’t need to be a The legislative clerk read as follows: Grassley Portman Hawley Roberts Young wall from sea to shining sea, and he CLOTURE MOTION has acknowledged the role of tech- NOT VOTING—4 We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- nology and personnel and border secu- ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the Burr Risch rity. We need to prevent the illegal Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby Paul Rosen move to bring to a close debate on Senate movement of goods and people without The PRESIDING OFFICER. On this inhibiting legitimate trade and travel. amendment No. 6 to H.R. 268, a bill making vote, the yeas are 52, the nays are 44. supplemental appropriations for the fiscal I wish to show colleagues one exam- year ending September 30, 2019, and for other Three-fifths of the Senators duly cho- ple of a physical barrier in Texas that purposes. sen and sworn not having voted in the was voted on in a bond election in Hi- Chuck Schumer, Patrick Leahy, Ben affirmative, the motion is rejected. dalgo County, TX. These are folks who Cardin, Tim Kaine, Brian Schatz, Chris The Senator from Texas. live on the border. They voted to pay Van Hollen, Chris Coons, Sheldon Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, I ask for this levee wall. The reason? Be- Whitehouse, Kirsten Gillibrand, Jeanne unanimous consent that following my cause they knew the levee system had Shaheen, Gary Peters, Bob Casey, Jr., remarks, the Senator from Wisconsin, Tom Udall, Angus King, Debbie Stabe- to be improved in order to get insur- Mr. JOHNSON, be recognized for 5 min- now, Maria Cantwell, Martin Heinrich. ance companies to write insurance so utes. that they could build and develop the AMENDMENT NO. 6 The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there property in Hidalgo County, TX. The PRESIDING OFFICER. By unan- objection? They also talked to the Border Pa- imous consent, the mandatory quorum Mr. CARDIN. Mr. President, reserv- trol about what the Border Patrol call has been waived. ing the right to object because we had needed to control the movement of ille- The question is, Is it the sense of the floor time immediately after my friend gal immigration across the border, and Senate that debate on amendment No. from Texas, could you give us an idea they came up with a win-win propo- 6, offered by the Senator from New of how much time you will be using on sition—a levee wall, which is appro- York [Mr. SCHUMER] to H.R. 268, a bill the floor before we have the time—we priate at this particular location. This making supplemental appropriations were supposed to come immediately was voted on as a bond election by the for the fiscal year ending September 30, after you. That is my reason for raising voters in Hidalgo County, TX, and did 2019, and for other purposes, shall be that issue. not involve spending any Federal brought to a close? Mr. CORNYN. I promise my friend money. The yeas and nays are mandatory from Maryland that I will be less than My simple point is, there are solu- under the rule. an hour. I am kidding. I am kidding. I tions that can be worked out if we con- The clerk will call the roll. will try to wrap it up in 10 or 15 min- sult the experts—the Border Patrol—to The legislative clerk called the roll. utes, max. find out what exactly they need for Mr. THUNE. The following Senators Mr. CARDIN. There are about 15 Sen- border security that will meet with are necessarily absent: the Senator ators who are waiting for the time. We public approval along the border and from North Carolina (Mr. BURR), the were originally supposed to start at represent a win-win. Senator from Kentucky (Mr. PAUL), 3:30. Now we are starting later. I know Recently, when the President was in and the Senator from Idaho (Mr. Senators are going to be inconven- McAllen, TX, Senator CRUZ—my col- RISCH). ienced. Some have commitments. league from Texas—and I had a meet- Further, if present and voting, the I will remove my objection. I really ing with mayors and county judges Senator from Idaho (Mr. RISCH) would want it understood that we thought we after the President’s entourage left to have voted ‘‘nay’’. would be starting our time before that. come back to Washington, DC. I re- Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, re- member specifically my friend, Judge Senator from Nevada (Ms. ROSEN) is sponding to our friend from Maryland, Eddie Trevino, the county judge of necessarily absent. I understand the situation. We will try Cameron County, TX—that is where The PRESIDING OFFICER. Are there to figure out how to accommodate all Brownsville, TX, is—who said: If it is any other Senators in the Chamber de- Senators so that they get a chance to the Border Patrol and Customs and siring to vote? speak. Border Protection telling us what we The yeas and nays resulted—yeas 52, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without need in order to secure the border, we nays 44, as follows: objection, it is so ordered. are all in. But if it is people in Wash- [Rollcall Vote No. 10 Leg.] Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, since ington, DC, making political judg- the shutdown began, we have heard YEAS—52 ments, politicians trying to micro- voices on both sides of the aisle, mine manage how the border can be secured, Alexander Harris Reed Baldwin Hassan Romney included, calling for a bipartisan solu- we remain deeply skeptical. Bennet Heinrich Sanders tion to fund the government and end I think those wise words ought to Blumenthal Hirono Schatz this stalemate. With Speaker PELOSI guide us in our discussions going for- Booker Isakson Schumer and Minority Leader SCHUMER refusing Brown Jones ward. Not only did the legislation that Shaheen to come to the negotiating table, they embodied the President’s proposal in- Cantwell Kaine Sinema Cardin King Smith made finding common ground much vest in critical components along the Carper Klobuchar Stabenow harder than it needs to be. border, it included more than $1 billion Casey Leahy Tester Collins Manchin This weekend, President Trump made for improvements and personnel at our Udall Coons Markey a serious proposal that would deliver ports of entry. Cortez Masto Menendez Van Hollen on priorities that are important to If you talk to anybody who knows Warner Duckworth Merkley both parties—Republicans and Demo- anything about the movement of ille- Durbin Murkowski Warren Feinstein Murphy Whitehouse crats—in bringing this partial govern- gal drugs—heroin, methamphetamine, Gardner Murray Wyden ment shutdown to an end. fentanyl—across the border, most of it Gillibrand Peters The bill we voted on today contains comes through the port of entry, em- NAYS—44 key provisions to border security and bedded in trucks and trailers and per- Barrasso Blunt Braun to make improvements to our immi- sonal vehicles. We need more tech- Blackburn Boozman Capito gration system as a whole. As we have nology in order to scan those vehicles

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:25 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24JA6.034 S24JAPT1 January 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S559 in secondary review. In order to detect banks and seeking food so they can course—parts of this legislation we just them, deter them, interdict them, we feed their families because they are voted on. But it does fund priorities need the personnel to be able to do that missing a government paycheck and critical to our southern border and to without impeding legitimate trade and can’t provide for them without the gen- the people of Texas. Right now, this is travel. erosity of those food banks. the only bill I have seen that includes These are priorities I have long advo- I also went to events in Austin and priorities of both parties and that car- cated for, based on feedback from the Dallas and met with U.S. attorneys in ries the President’s support. experts—the law enforcement officers, both locations to talk about our efforts I voted for this legislation to support community leaders, and folks who live to counter human trafficking and child the men and women who have been and work along the Texas-Mexico bor- exploitation. What I learned is that the treated as collateral damage through- der every day. frontline prosecutors who prosecute out this unnecessary government shut- As we all know, the challenges that these kinds of cases aren’t being paid, down, those who are forced to apply for exist within our immigration system but maybe more troublesome is the food stamps or unemployment who don’t end at our borders. With a court fact that neither are the FBI agents would rather be working, who can’t backlog of roughly 800,000 cases deep, who conduct the investigations or the pay their medical bills or for childcare, nearly 1 million people living in the administrative personnel who support who not only want this shutdown to United States with temporary legal the U.S. attorneys offices. So this is end but need for this shutdown to end. status, and the loopholes that make harming our ability to investigate and We aren’t here to hold show votes on enforcing some of our immigration prosecute human trafficking and child legislation the President won’t sign. laws nearly impossible, there is much exploitation cases too. People are Just ask the elementary school civics more that needs to be done. That is being forced to work without pay, and students, and they can tell you that is why this legislation includes provisions it is harming not only them but also not how a bill becomes a law. to build the foundation of real immi- the victims of these horrific crimes. This was a serious offer by the Presi- gration reform—something heralded by More than 110,000 of these unpaid dent to end this shutdown and build both parties. Federal workers earn less than $50,000 a the trust and good will necessary to This bill generously granted provi- year, and they rely on their paycheck have real reform, and I am dis- sional status to current DACA and to make ends meet. They are not mil- appointed that our colleagues voted temporary protected status recipients, lionaires. While we did pass legislation against this bill. That was a vote not who live each day not knowing if or to guarantee that these public servants on the merits of the President’s pro- when they would be forced to leave the will eventually get their pay, that does posal; that was a vote to get on the bill United States. It does not offer a path nothing to help them in the interim. so it could be amended. In other words, to citizenship or a long-term solution. Federal workers are being forced to our colleagues who voted against the I wish we could do that, but we don’t make decisions that no family should bill aren’t even interested in having a have a long-term solution. It does pro- have to consider. For a single mom conversation about how we solve this vide stability for 3 years while Con- who is a Federal correctional officer in problem and how we find our way out gress works on a legislative fix. Arizona, that means turning off her of this boxed canyon. Unfortunately, This is far from a solution to the per- heat, never letting the temperature get there are those who, for political rea- vasive problems in our immigration higher than 60 or 65 degrees in order to sons, continue to lack any interest in system, but it is a start. A journey of cut costs. For a mom in Wisconsin who negotiating a compromise bill that 1,000 miles begins with a single step. works at the Department of the Inte- could earn bipartisan support. This represents a first step. Most im- rior, that means rationing her insulin We solve difficult problems every day portantly, though, this legislation because she can’t afford the $300 copay. in the U.S. Congress on a bipartisan funds the Departments and Agencies This shutdown is deeply impacting basis—every single day—but somehow that have been shuttered since Decem- thousands of Federal workers and their we have decided we can’t solve this ber 22. This shutdown may have begun families all across the country, includ- problem. And I fear that is not because as a battle for border security, but it ing Texas. One Texan who works at the of the difficulty of the problem pre- affects men and women in all 50 States says he has sented; it is because of the politics that whose jobs have nothing to do with been sleeping in so he only has to have paralyzed us and made it impos- border security at all, people at the De- worry about eating two meals a day, sible for us to bridge our differences. partment of Agriculture, the Justice not three. One woman whose husband I thank the President for this com- Department, the Interior Department, is in the Coast Guard drove from Gal- prehensive offer and the majority lead- Housing and Urban Development, veston to Ellington Field in Houston— er for bringing it to the floor so we Treasury, the National Space and Aer- about 40 miles each way—to pick up could vote on it. I would urge all of our onautics Agency, the Environmental free diapers for their kids. colleagues, now that we have had these Protection Agency, the Food and Drug On a recent trip home, I heard spe- two failed votes—we know we are right Administration, and the Peace Corps. cific examples of the impact this shut- where we started when we got here All of the people working for each of down has had on the Department of today—to work together to try to these government Agencies are work- Justice, which I mentioned just a mo- bridge our differences, to build con- ing without pay or have been fur- ment ago, and the heartbreaking chal- sensus, and end this shutdown. loughed. Not only is the partial shut- lenges they are facing every day. These Mr. President, I yield the floor. down impacting the critical work being dedicated men and women have chosen The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- done by these Departments and Agen- their careers in public service. They ator from Wisconsin. cies, it is harming the dedicated men want to go to work. They want to be Mr. JOHNSON. Is the minority leader and women who work at them, those able to pay their bills. It is time for us on the floor? tasked with executing and enforcing to do our job so they can do theirs with The PRESIDING OFFICER. The laws written by this very body. the dignity and the pay they earn. Chair does not see him. Since this shutdown began 34 days I want to remind all our colleagues UNANIMOUS CONSENT REQUEST—H.J. RES. 1 ago, nearly 800,000 Federal workers that our constituents did not send us Mr. JOHNSON. Yesterday, Chaplain have lost the security of knowing when to Washington so we could simply vote Black opened the Senate by quoting their next paycheck will come. Tomor- no on a less than perfect piece of legis- the Gospel according to Luke. He said: row is the second paycheck they will lation. If that were the case, we would ‘‘Those who work deserve their pay.’’ I miss, meaning they have now gone never get anything done here. We were could not agree more. more than a month without income. elected to work with our colleagues to First of all, I want to thank the fin- Yesterday, when I was in Austin and create legislation so we can get to yes, est among us—the members of the then in Dallas, I was told that people to build consensus, and to solve prob- Coast Guard, TSA, Customs and Border who routinely volunteer their time at lems, not to score political points. Protection, ICE, all the men and the food banks in those locations now Are there certain pieces of legisla- women whom, because of Federal law, find themselves going to the food tion that I don’t agree with? Of we require to work who are caught up

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:25 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24JA6.037 S24JAPT1 S560 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 24, 2019 in the shutdown politics, which I don’t ceived from the House, making further lers, 16,000 Bureau of Prisons correc- agree with, and they are not getting additional continuing appropriations tions officers, and 35,000 IRS employ- paid. It is a basic principle that we through February 28; that the joint res- ees. They are being forced to work. The should pay these individuals. olution be considered read a third time Republicans are saying pay them; the Earlier today, my colleague, the Sen- and passed and the motion to recon- Democratic leader objects. ator from Alaska, with other Repub- sider be considered made and laid upon The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- lican colleagues, came to the floor ask- the table with no intervening action or ator from Maryland. ing a simple question—proposing a bill debate? Mr. CARDIN. Mr. President, I had to pay the men and women of the Coast The PRESIDING OFFICER. Does the previously noted on the floor the group Guard, and for some reason, the minor- Senator from Wisconsin so modify his of Senators who want to join together ity leader and Democrats objected to request? to send a clear message that we are this very fair proposal. Mr. JOHNSON. I do object because committed to working together to end Today, I come to the floor to offer an we basically just voted on that in the this shutdown and responsibly deal amendment to the bill I introduced 10 Senate, and it was voted down. The with border security in a truly bipar- days ago. It has been talked about in President would not sign that. That tisan manner. This is a group of an the press. We have 24 Republican co- would not become law. And the minor- equal number of Democrats and Repub- licans. Senator MURKOWSKI is leading sponsors of the Shutdown Fairness Act, ity leader is holding 400-some thousand this on the Republican side of the floor which does a pretty simple thing: It individuals who are actually working today. simply pays those individuals who are who should get paid—he is the one I ask unanimous consent that for the doing the work trying to keep this Na- holding them hostage. next hour, the two of us control 30 min- tion safe. I would yield to the Senator from utes of time; that I control 30 minutes Mr. President, I see the minority Tennessee. and Senator MURKOWSKI will control leader here. Mr. SCHUMER. I object to that. I am the other 30 minutes of time. I ask unanimous consent that the in the middle of an objection. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Senate proceed to the immediate con- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ob- objection, it is so ordered. sideration of Calendar No. 6, H.J. Res. jection to the modification is heard. Mr. CARDIN. Mr. President, during 1. I ask unanimous consent that the Mr. SCHUMER. Leader MCCONNELL this floor time, I think you are going Johnson amendment at the desk be has requested I go to his office. I think to see clear messages coming from agreed to; that the bill, as amended, be that is more important than some of Democratic Senators and Republican considered read a third time and these activities. I am going to object. Senators that this shutdown needs to passed; and that the motion to recon- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The end, that we need to pass a short-term, sider be considered made and laid upon Democratic leader does not have the 3-week clean CR so we can have time to the table. floor. consider the President’s request and The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there Does the Democratic leader object to work together on a bipartisan border an objection? the original request? security package. Mr. SCHUMER. Reserving the right Mr. SCHUMER. I object. I want my colleagues to know we to object, I heard my good friend from The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- have been meeting regularly in an ef- Wisconsin say, give him one good rea- tion is heard. fort to try to see where we can find son to object to the Coast Guard. No, The Senator from Wisconsin. common ground. We feel pretty con- there is not one; there are 760,000, if Mr. JOHNSON. Mr. President, I fident that we can find common ground that is the right number—the number would like to turn it over to the Sen- if we can get government open and get of non-Coast Guard workers who are ator from Tennessee for 2 minutes. to work in a responsible manner to not getting paid. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there deal with border security in the best Similarly here, it will be easy for any objection? interest of the people of this Nation. Member to get up and pick and choose Without objection, it is so ordered. Mr. President, I will first yield to my and say: Pay these. Pay those. Don’t The Senator from Tennessee. friend from Virginia, Senator WARNER, pay these. Don’t pay those. Mr. ALEXANDER. Could the Pre- then I will yield time and give up the Our position on this side is simple: siding Officer let me know when 60 sec- floor to Senator MURKOWSKI. They should not be held hostage. They onds is up so the Senator from Alaska The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- should not say: We are not going to pay can have 60 seconds? And then we can ator from Virginia. you unless we get our way on the go on with the colloquy people have Mr. WARNER. Mr. President, I appre- wall—which is exactly what President been waiting for. ciate my friend, the Senator from Trump is doing and exactly what my The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there Maryland, yielding time. I appreciate the fact that this may be the first colleagues, with some exceptions, have objection? time, at least in the last few weeks, decided to do on that side of the aisle, Without objection, it is so ordered. where a group of Senators from both including my good friend from Wis- Mr. ALEXANDER. Mr. President, sides of the aisle are actually coming consin. That is not fair. Everyone de- this is what we just heard. The Senator together to find agreement—not to from Wisconsin asked unanimous con- serves to be paid. These are all hard- score ‘‘gotcha’’ points but to find sent that the Senate approve pay for working people. They have done noth- agreement. I promised the Senator I 400,000 workers who are being forced to ing wrong. They all get up on Monday would be very brief. morning, even if they have a fever or work without pay. No Republican ob- It is clear this government shutdown something, to go to work because they jects to the Senator from Wisconsin’s needs to come to an end. My hope believe in what they are doing. They idea, but the Democratic leader does. would be that as we move toward that are government workers. To pick and That means the Democratic leader is conclusion, we will also look at the choose some and not others is the saying to 53,000 TSA employees who issues revolving around, particularly, wrong way to go and would lead to a make about $40,000 a year that he ob- low-paid Federal contractors who will cacophony. Every one of us could get jects on behalf of the Democratic side get no relief when the government re- up and say: Maybe we should, say, just to paying them while they are forced opens. I also hope we can work to- pay the workers in Brooklyn, NY. It to work. He is saying to 54,000 Customs gether. doesn’t make any sense at all. and Border Protection agents that he I have legislation called the Stop So I would modify my friend’s re- objects to paying them while they are STUPIDITY Act. It is a good name. It quest and expand it to all of our Fed- forced to work. may need further amendments that eral workers, which is only fair. Senator JOHNSON says that on the would try to prohibit future shutdowns Reserving the right to object, would Republican side, we want to pay 42,000 being used by either party on a going- the Senator modify his request to ask Coast Guard employees who are forced forward basis. unanimous consent that the Senate to work and aren’t getting paid. The What I think we need to do, and I proceed to the immediate consider- Democratic leader says he objects to think other colleagues will acknowl- ation of H.J. Res. 28, which has been re- that and to 14,000 air traffic control- edge this, is let’s take a 3-week, short-

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:12 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24JA6.039 S24JAPT1 January 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S561 term CR. Let’s consider the President’s The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- verge of missing yet another paycheck. proposal. Let me be clear. The Presi- ator from Maryland. It has hurt the American people who dent is watching. This Senator will Mr. CARDIN. I couldn’t agree more need to interact with Federal Agencies, commit to good-faith negotiations. with my friend from Alaska and the including seniors, low-income families, This Senator will commit to sup- way she worded it. We are going to people with disabilities who worry porting increased border security be- work together to open the government about their housing assistance. It is yond what we just voted on in the so- as quickly as possible. damaging our economy, causing a drop called Democratic proposal. I hope the I yield to my friend from Delaware, in consumer confidence and consumer President will take that kind of com- Senator COONS. spending. mitment for increased border security The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Ironically, shutdowns always end up as a good-faith effort and will be re- ator from Delaware. costing the government more money sponsive so we can get this government Mr. COONS. Thank you, Mr. Presi- than if we had operated as we should. reopened on a short-term basis and dent. I thank my colleagues from Alas- I see a glimmer of hope here. We at that the kind of horror stories we all ka, Maryland, and other States for least have had two votes today on two can recount about our workers, con- their willingness to spend so much different plans. Like the Senator from tractors, and oftentimes private busi- time talking, listening, and trying, to- Alaska and others, I supported both nesses that surround those Federal in- gether, to craft a path forward. plans because my priority is to reopen stallations—that will see no relief—can The role the Senate has historically government, but where I am really op- actually get their operations back played in our constitutional order is timistic is the fact that 16 Senators are open. one where we are the body that others on the floor, equally divided between I thank my friend, the Senator from look to when there is either an inflexi- the two parties, and willing to com- Maryland, for granting me this time. I bility or an unreliability in negotiating promise. Compromise is not a dirty thank the Senator from Alaska for a path forward. We have lots of folks word. It is not a sign of weakness. It is leadership on her time. Let’s see if this across this country suffering from this a sign of strength. eight can go forth and multiply so, be- government shutdown. It is having an Let us compromise to reopen govern- fore this weekend is over, we can get impact that all of us could detail. ment, address border security, and get our workforce back to work doing the I have to ask, what is it going to take on with the business of this country. people’s business. for us to reopen this government? Is it Thank you, Mr. President. I yield back to the Senator from going to take a breakdown in food se- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Maryland. curity or airline security? Is it going to ator from Maryland. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- take an increase in crime or terrorism, Mr. CARDIN. At this time, I yield to ator from Alaska. an accident, or thousands more Ameri- my colleague from Arizona, Senator Ms. MURKOWSKI. Mr. President, I cans struggling to feed their families, SINEMA. appreciate my colleagues being down losing housing or electricity? I will not The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- here again on a bipartisan basis to talk go on with the list. We all know the ator from Arizona. about where we are at this moment. human cost of this shutdown. Ms. SINEMA. Mr. President, I want We just had two messaging votes. I am here to join my friends, my col- to thank my colleagues from Maryland Both of those votes failed. I voted for leagues from both parties, in saying and Alaska for bringing us together both of them because my message was that we are intent on making a good- today but also for the work our group I want to get this government open. I faith effort to reopen the government has been putting in for the last several want to do it quickly and with the for 3 weeks, to promptly support good- weeks to find a solution to end this sense of urgency that responds to the faith negotiations, to address the harmful and hurtful shutdown. men and women who have been so sig- President’s priorities, to discuss what The voters of Arizona want a govern- nificantly impacted by this partial effective, modern investment in border ment that is lean, that allows them to government shutdown for the past 34 security and changes in immigration pursue their individual interests, and days. I also want to be fair to the policy would look like, and then reach that, above all, does not detract from President’s priorities that he has ar- a resolution in 3 weeks or less. We have their everyday life. ticulated in the proposal that he has to be able to do this. We have to show Unfortunately, when the Federal provided to us as recently as Saturday. our country and the world that democ- Government is shut down, as it is I think we can do this together. racy can work. today, it detracts and takes away from My message to folks back home—my I am optimistic that with the passion the quality of life for folks in Arizona. message to people is don’t give up hope and the commitment I have heard from Recently, the President asked the because now is the time that we all my bipartisan colleagues who stand on Congress to consider appropriations for must come together to address these the floor with me tonight, that it is border security. I stand in support of issues, but you can’t do it when the possible to get this done and that working together across the aisle with government is shut down. whatever gets taken up and considered my colleagues in the Senate to answer I have indicated I am supportive of a in regular order by this body could that request. Arizona needs enhanced measure the Senator from Maryland, then be passed by the House and signed funding for border security, and I feel Mr. CARDIN, has introduced that will into law by the President. confident that if given 3 weeks, the Re- allow for a short-term CR, 3 weeks, Let us take a first bold step together publicans and Democrats together in allow us then to go through—whether today and sign on to an amendment this body could find a reasonable com- it is the appropriations process, the Ju- that my colleague from Maryland has, promise that both continues to keep diciary Committee process—but allow committing us to a clean, 3-week con- our government operating in a lean and us to have this debate on these impor- tinuing resolution, reopening the gov- efficient way, while also providing for tant priorities; allow us to do the busi- ernment, and promptly negotiating in efficient and effective border security. ness of the Senate, to do the business good faith to increase investment in In Arizona, we bear the brunt of a of legislating, but let’s also allow the border security. government that has failed its duty to business of the government to proceed I yield the floor. secure our border and protect our com- by opening up the government right Ms. MURKOWSKI. I would ask that munities; in Arizona, we bear the brunt now. the Senator from be recognized of our country’s failure to solve the im- We will have an opportunity to go at this time. migration crisis we live in today; in back and forth amongst colleagues. I Ms. COLLINS. Mr. President, this Arizona, we have been waiting for over will remind folks, we have very limited shutdown, the longest in our history, three decades for the Congress to solve periods of time. must come to an end. It has already this problem so that we in Arizona can I am going to yield to my colleagues caused far too much harm for 800,000 live our lives free from unnecessary on the other side. It is so important dedicated Federal employees and their government interference and with the that we are coming together now to families who are struggling to pay bills full freedom our country has promised offer some glimmer of hope. without paychecks and are on the us.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24JA6.040 S24JAPT1 S562 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 24, 2019 I believe that if we work together am just hoping and praying that what tion to doing it. Take 3 weeks. Open over the next 3 weeks, we can find a the President is asking for, in addition the government. Let’s have those very compromise, we can find a solution to to Senator CARDIN’s 3-week CR, he will important discussions. Let’s do it in a this challenge, and we can work with entertain. Let’s get to work. If we can sober and serious way. If we do so, I am our colleagues in the House and send a get in a room, we will fix this, and it confident that we can find a permanent piece of legislation to the President won’t take 3 weeks. result that will help us get out of this that will meet the security needs of The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- crisis. our country and ensure that we keep ator from Maryland. I thank the Senator. government operating efficiently and Mr. CARDIN. Mr. President, I am I yield back my time. effectively for the people of my State now pleased to yield to my colleague The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- and for this country. I look forward to from Maryland, Senator VAN HOLLEN, ator from Alaska. Ms. MURKOWSKI. Mr. President, I working over the next several weeks to who has been a real partner during his yield to the Senator from Georgia. solve this challenge. stay here in the Senate. We have trav- eled the State of Maryland together, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- I request of the President, allow us ator from Georgia. those 3 weeks to find this bipartisan and we know firsthand the hardships of this shutdown. We have seen the faces, Mr. ISAKSON. Mr. President, all solution together. Democrats and Republicans, pay close I yield back. and we have seen the consequences. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- attention. Ms. MURKOWSKI. I ask that the I have been here for 20 years, and I Senator from South Carolina be recog- ator from Maryland. Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Mr. President, I have seen a lot of shutdowns—about nized. five of them. I want to talk about what The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- thank my friend and partner from Maryland for all of his work in ending they have produced. ator from South Carolina. The first one with Bill Clinton pro- Mr. GRAHAM. I just got off the the shutdown. I thank him, as well as our friend duced Monica Lewinsky. That is how phone with the President. I told him they got into all the trouble—because we were talking about a 3-week CR. All from Alaska, Senator MURKOWSKI, for bringing us together in a bipartisan she was an intern at the White House. of us believe that if we had 3 weeks way to find a solution to end this shut- Idle hands are never good. with the government open and all the For us, lost his job in down as soon as possible. That is why I discord coming from a shutdown, that the same shutdown. He lost his job be- support the bipartisan amendment that we could find a way forward to produce cause he lost six votes in the House and will be filed this afternoon to open the a bill that he would sign that would be couldn’t get reelected as Speaker. I had government for 3 weeks. to replace him. I am kind of glad that good for everybody in the country, but I should stress that this is not my happened, but it is still not a good rea- we need that opportunity. preferred solution. I would like to take son to have a shutdown. He gave me some indications of up the bill that is at the desk that things he would want for a 3-week CR A few years later, great Senators— would open eight of the nine Federal John McCain being one of them and that would be a good-faith downpay- Departments right away and give us ment on moving forward that I thought Ted Kennedy being another—worked time to deal with the Department of their fingers to the bone and came up were imminently reasonable. Rather Homeland Security. Yet the proposal than me telling you about what he with a great immigration bill that I before us is our best option at this was a part of in my first term in the said, I think Senator SCHUMER and point in time for resolving this shut- Senator MCCONNELL will be talking Senate. We got castigated and ruined down. because, all of a sudden, ‘‘amnesty’’ be- about this. What will 3 weeks accomplish? It is a The 3-week CR concept is a good came a four-letter word, and political fair question. consultants found it to be kind of an idea, and what the President wants to First of all, it will allow Federal Gov- add to it made sense to me, and it gets easy way to run against people in the ernment employees—all of them—to party. us back in the ball game. Here is what get back to work for the American peo- is going to happen. The TPS language For 15 years, we have been beating ple and help resume vital services. each other over something that ought that was sent over by the President is No. 2, it will make sure that all of to be easy to do, which is to change for a move forward but unacceptable to my them get paid—those who are working the better. A lot of people think Democratic colleagues. It needs to be without pay and those who have been Congress’s job is for us to come to like what TIM KAINE did. The DACA locked out. That is important because Washington and change things for the provision sent over by the President is all of us know that tomorrow marks better. When it comes to immigration, moving forward, but it needs to be the second full pay period of when they all we ever change is the subject. We what Senator DURBIN did because they will get big fat zeros on their pay- never end the debate, and we never are both, I think, reasonable proposals checks even as their bills keep coming pass a result. Oftentimes, we call each that the President should be able to ac- through the door. other names for the wrong reason. cept. It will do something else that is very I am here for one reason—to thank To my Democratic friends, money for important. It will give the Senate and my colleagues who are on the floor. To a barrier is required to get this deal the House a little breathing room to all of the others who are ready to do done. It will not be a concrete wall, and work together on a bipartisan basis to some business, I am ready to do some the money will be a program to a DHS address a number of priorities—prior- business. It is time we put the workers plan that all of you know about and ities to make sure we provide adequate in our government back to work. It is have been briefed on and should ap- border security, which can include ad- time we did what we promised the peo- prove. ditional resources. We can spend some ple in the United States of America we You are not giving President Trump time addressing immigration issues, would do. And it is time we went to a bunch of money to do anything he including those that were just men- work because when everybody is out of wants to do. He has to spend it on a tioned by the Senator from South work, it is our fault. They are the peo- plan that the professionals have come Carolina. ple who carry the mail, who empty the up with. If you want $800 million for I believe this time and space is abso- garbage, who cook in the cafeteria, refugee assistance, you will get it. We lutely needed to allow us to work to- who clean up the parks, and they do ev- all need more judges, and 250 more Bor- gether in a bipartisan way. While 3 erything without complaining whatso- der Patrol agents on the border would weeks may not sound like a lot of time, ever. They are out there—many of be good for us all. in part, it will help focus our attention them—not even being paid right now I want to let the public know I have on getting the job done, and we will all while we are sitting here, debating a never been more optimistic than I am be held accountable in the House, in subject that we can’t reach a solution now if we can find a way to open up the the Senate, and in the White House for on—period. government for 3 weeks. If we fail, ev- getting our work done in that period. We need to take our armor off, leave erybody can say we did our best. This I thank our colleagues for showing our weapons at the door, walk in the is one last chance to get this right. I this good faith in trying to find a solu- room, and shake hands.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24JA6.041 S24JAPT1 January 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S563 We need to grab BEN CARDIN’s hand about the devastating effect of this southern border is a mess. I call it a and say: BEN, thank you for making an shutdown on people in all of our States ‘‘crisis’’ while others call it something effort as a Democrat. and on people who are working for no else, but we have to address this. The LISA, thank you, as a Republican, for pay, which is fundamentally wrong— President is right about that. supporting it. and then spend the next 3 weeks find- I am hopeful today, and I am hopeful Let’s sit down, and let’s pass a bill we ing a solution, which I believe we can for three reasons. can all agree on that gets Americans do. I have had enough discussions with One is that we just went through a back to work and restores the spirit of my colleagues on both sides of the process whereby there was failure on Ellis Island and the pride of the United aisle. I think there is a solution to be both sides. As was expected, we had States of America. had that will satisfy the President, the two proposals out there, but nobody ex- I yield back. two bodies of Congress, and, most im- pected they would pass. It was an op- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- portantly, the American people in portunity, I guess, for voices to be ator from Maryland. terms of the protection we can provide. heard, but no one expected them to Mr. CARDIN. Mr. President, I have I am happy to join my colleague pass. After this, the pieces are starting joined Senator ISAKSON on many bills today in supporting this message and, to be put back together by this group since I have been in the Senate, and I importantly, to join my colleagues and others. look forward to working with him to across the aisle. Give us breathing I just listened to my colleagues on find the solution with regard to border space. Take the problem of the shut- the other side. I listened to what Sen- security issues. I thank him for his down away. Then we can have a discus- ator KING said. They want border secu- comments. sion and a debate and find a solution rity. They want to enhance what is I yield to my colleague from Maine, through a process, which is the way it going on at the border now. Senator Senator KING, who has been so instru- ought to be, not with a shutdown hang- KING just talked about the need for mental in trying to come up with con- ing over everyone. That is not the way more barriers. I mean, look, if you are crete ways to end this shutdown. we should be governing. serious about this, you have to ac- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- I look forward to working with my knowledge that twice as many people ator from Maine. colleagues on finding a creative, cost- crossed in the last 2 months, which we Mr. KING. Mr. President, it strikes effective, and safe solution to this issue have records for, than a year ago. me that there are really two problems of border security to protect this coun- There has been about a 50-percent in- before us—one we can resolve this try. crease in families crossing and about a evening or tomorrow morning or in the I thank the Presiding Officer. 25-percent increase in kids crossing. next 24 hours, and that is the shut- I yield the floor. There has been a 3,000-percent increase down. At least we could resolve it for a Ms. MURKOWSKI. Mr. President, in the last 5 years in people coming for- limited period of time and then start how much time remains on the Repub- ward and claiming asylum. This is a lican side? talking about the second problem, problem we have to address. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Re- which is border security. There is a huge problem with regard publicans have 21 minutes remaining. to drugs. I come from Ohio, where we I think one of the unfortunate reali- Ms. MURKOWSKI. I thank the Pre- ties of what has happened in the last are getting hit hard by the heroin and siding Officer. crystal meth that are coming across month is the assumption on the part of I now yield to the Senator from Ohio. some that there was no good faith on the border from Mexico. We are not Mr. PORTMAN. Mr. President, I stopping it—we are stopping very little border security and no interest in deal- thank my colleague from Alaska for ing with border security from this side of it—which is why Democrats and Re- her leadership today; my colleague publicans alike have said there should of the aisle. That is a misunder- from Maine, who just spoke; my col- standing. I voted in 2013 for the largest be more screening at our ports of league from Maryland; and all of my entry. I agree. border security provision that I think colleagues on the floor. So I appreciate what my colleagues has ever come before the U.S. Senate. By the way, there are several Repub- on the other side of the aisle have said. So did virtually every Member of this licans who came up to me over the last I will let them speak for themselves in caucus and a third or more of the other hour and asked: May I speak in this our going forward, but they want bor- caucus. Two-thirds of the Senate voted colloquy? We didn’t have time for all of der security too. I am encouraged by for that bill with a very important bor- them, but that is a good sign. It shows the fact that they were talking about der security provision. that there are a lot of Members—16 it today in terms of coming up with a I want to be very clear. I am very here on the floor and many others— solution here to enhance security. supportive of border security and of in- who believe it is time for us to figure Secondly, I like the fact that the creasing border security. There also this out. President put out a proposal. I think may be cases in which there may be No one likes a government shutdown. he should have put out a proposal that parts of the border at which some kind I have put out a bill five times now to was a compromise, and he did. He said: of barrier makes sense and is cost-ef- the Congress to end government shut- OK, we are not just going to have more fective; whereas, there are other areas downs. By the way, it is getting a few border security; we are going to deal of the border at which it doesn’t make more cosponsors now, and it should be- with about a million people who are in sense. What I am interested in is a cause this situation doesn’t make temporary protected status who have thorough discussion with the experts sense. It doesn’t make sense for the come from these 10 countries. We don’t about what the most cost-effective way families who are affected, including want to send them back because there is to protect our citizens and secure those who are going to work without is a war or there is strife or there is a the border. I believe this proposal pay and are living paycheck to pay- natural disaster. There are about today gives us the breathing space to check. This is true hardship. It doesn’t 400,000 people. have that discussion. make sense for the taxpayers, who We are also going to take care of the I remind my colleagues that this ad- never end up winning in these govern- people who have come here as children, ministration submitted a border secu- ment shutdowns but whom we end up through no fault of their own, who now rity proposal to the Congress last Feb- paying after the fact—often, for gov- find themselves in this uncertain sta- ruary with its budget of $1.6 billion. Lo ernment services that were never pro- tus. These are the so-called DACA re- and behold, it was approved by the Ap- vided—because that is how shutdowns cipients. I think it is time for Congress propriations Committee and by this work. Finally, it is bad for the econ- to act on this. body. That is an indication to me that omy. If we go another few weeks, there Again, the President put forward a there is good faith. will be one point off our GDP, which plan that said: OK, you guys help me I think the important thing to com- will be a huge deal for wages and jobs on border security. I am also going to municate now is to not complicate this and economic growth. So let’s get this deal with these other issues that many with conditions. Let’s take the awful thing behind us. Democrats have talked about for years. hammer away—and I don’t have to re- There is a serious issue here, which That makes me hopeful in that fi- iterate all that has been said today is, How do we secure the border? Our nally we are talking about these issues.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24JA6.043 S24JAPT1 S564 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 24, 2019 I agree with what LINDSEY GRAHAM So I am optimistic, although frus- should know, the Customs and Border said in that we can do more on these trated—really frustrated—by this shut- Patrol people. I am understanding two and that we can do more on some down, but I am more optimistic today also—and I heard this morning—that issues that the Democrats care about. I because I hear on the other side of the some of the leadership from the Demo- believe the administration is willing to aisle a willingness to come forward. I crats on the House side are saying that do that, but, gosh, at least we are fi- sense with the new proposal that there they would consider $5.7 billion for nally talking. is a willingness to reach out, and, anything but a wall. That means they Finally, I am encouraged by the fact folks, it is time. know we need border security, but they that we are not that far apart. Let me Let’s stop this shutdown. Shutdowns have a different idea of how to secure be specific. I think the administration are stupid. Let’s protect that southern the border. and the Democrats have border, and let’s move forward on other Well, guess what. If you want to mischaracterized the President’s plan priorities we have in this Congress. spend $5.7 billion for border security as it relates to barriers on the southern The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- and the President wants to spend $5.7 border. It may surprise you to learn ator from Maryland. billion for border security, then, sure- that in the President’s proposal he has Mr. CARDIN. Mr. President, I cer- ly, we can sit down in that 3-week pe- just given us, it is not 2,000 miles of the tainly appreciate the words from Sen- riod and, talking to the professionals, border. He is talking about his interest ator PORTMAN. The two of us have been figure out what needs to be done and in 234 more miles. There will be no wall working together since we were in the where our greatest risks are. How do in the sense of a cement wall, a con- House of Representatives, and we are we stop the opioids and all of the drugs crete wall. He has said there will be proud that we have a record of concrete that are coming in? It has ravaged my fences; there will be vehicle barriers, accomplishments, working together State. It is horrible what my State is low barriers; and there will be pedes- across party lines. Sometimes we had going through. On top of that, I have about 12,000 trian wire fences. Yet it won’t be done to take on the leadership of both of our people who are working for the Federal by what the White House says is the parties, but we got things done. So I Government. I have never seen more right thing to do; it will be done by ex- am encouraged by his comments, and I people impacted. All they are saying is perts. The experts are in the ‘‘Border really do believe we can work together this: You people really don’t care be- Security Improvement Plan’’ that we to resolve this issue. cause none of you are hurting. You embraced in this Congress in the last With that, I would like to yield to talk a good game. You throw a lot of appropriations bill for fiscal year 2018— my colleague from West Virginia, Sen- words back and forth, but no one is that we are working on now, which is ator MANCHIN, who has been a real hurting. We are the ones who are hurt- what the CR is—and in the new one leader on the practical impact that ing. that was passed last summer. We said this shutdown has. The story about Then, I have essentials working in this plan is the right plan because it what is happening in the prisons lo- prisons. Basically, most of our prisons says what kinds of barriers are going cated in West Virginia I think really are in very rural areas. The average to be where. frighten all of us. drive time to our prison is 1 hour. The People ask, how did the President Mr. MANCHIN. Mr. President, I want prison I am talking about is Hazelton. come up with $5.7 billion? Do you know to thank Senator CARDIN, Senator It is a 1-hour drive time. People are how he came up with it? It was from MURKOWSKI, Senator COLLINS, and all making decisions. They are not not wanting to fund the top 10 priorities of of my colleagues here. going to work because they are upset the ‘‘Border Security Improvement This is a good step. We are all here and mad. They know their responsi- Plan’’ that was put out by the experts. for the first time after 30 days. But bility, but here is the other responsi- That is what that is. We can disagree guess what. You have been back home bility: They have to make a decision on whether that is too much money, talking to the people who are hurting. because they have no cash. They say: too little money, or whatever, but it is They have no idea why we are doing Of what little bit of money I have in re- only 234 miles out of 2,000 miles. Al- what we are doing, allowing them to be sources, do I put gas in the tank or do most all of it is in Texas, in places harmed the way they are. I put food on the table for the kids? It where there are no fencing, as opposed I voted for both proposals today. I is one of the two because we don’t to California or Arizona, where there is will vote for whatever it takes to get know how long this is going to take. a lot of fencing, or even New Mexico. us back in the room to make some- Now we are trying to decide whether We can say: Well, maybe that is too thing happen—to open up the govern- we are basically going to carpool or much. Maybe we will go a little more ment. take what public transportation we can slowly. But this is a plan about which I understand that the CR works this get. we had all—Republicans and Demo- way. If we have a CR, then, proportion- Guess what. Public transportation is crats—with a huge vote out of the Ap- ately, there is going to be 3 weeks of starting to shut down too. The buses propriations Committee, said: This is a money still being used for DHS and for are starting to shut down. It is the way plan that we ought to follow. border security. I understand that is they can get to work in masses. I don’t think we are that far apart. how it works. It is based on $1.3 billion Colleagues, let me tell you that I Frankly, I think both sides need to of last year’s approps. A CR continues have been in public service, like all of start characterizing the plan accu- the spending from last year. So there you, and I think we are all in it for the rately and stop talking past each will be money there to continue on in right reason. We wanted to truly serve other. I think if we do that, with rea- good faith. the public, but we are not serving the sonable numbers on both sides of the I don’t think any of us would want to public. We are all guilty, every one of aisle here, we can do something that come back 3 weeks from now and say: us. I don’t care how you vote on bills. makes sense, yes, to help secure our It is your fault for shutting it down. I don’t care what we talk about. We are southern border, which everybody No, it is the President’s fault. all getting painted with the same brush wants to do, and to do it in a smart No, it is our fault. right now. No one is going to escape way and not waste money. No one wants to go through that. I this. It is absolutely horrific what is Walls are not the only answer. don’t know why the 3 weeks is unrea- being done. Fences are not the only answer. You sonable for anybody if it is presented I have always said this: Government have to have more sensors and more properly to the President that you are should be your partner and your ally, cameras. You have to have more immi- going to have continuation of money, not your adversary. Right now, the gration judges, which Democrats want proportionately, for the 3 weeks that government is the enemy of the people and so does the President in his pro- we are going to be in that CR. who basically are providing the serv- posal. You have to have more screening The thing that I can’t understand is ices that people depend on and who are for these drugs coming in. You have to that I am hearing that the President protecting us. This is why this has to help in terms of the human trafficking. wants $5.7 billion. Senator PORTMAN stop. These are things that both parties just told us where that came from— I am saying to the President: Mr. want to do. from the people who are experts and President, please, give us the 3 weeks.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24JA6.044 S24JAPT1 January 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S565 We understand we need border secu- Ms. MURKOWSKI. Mr. President, It is clear from our colloquy that rity. that is exactly why we are here—to get Senators on both sides of the aisle Basically, our colleagues on the this government open, to get people would like to come to a solution that other side understand there should be paid, and to get people back to work. secures the southern border, opens the compassion. When you have a child Let me turn to the Senator from government, and pays the workers. who was brought here at 2 days old, 2 Louisiana. In fairness to the President, he has weeks old, or 2 months and now is an The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- put forward an opening offer. He has adult and has no idea how they got ator from Louisiana. said he wants that money for the bar- here but they would like to enjoy the Mr. CASSIDY. Mr. President, If I rier, but he has put other issues on the fruits and be able to give something were sitting at home or in the Gallery table that are near and dear to Demo- back to this country, there ought to be right now, I would be incredibly frus- crats’ hearts that, hopefully, would a pathway forward. These are the trated. I am frustrated, but if I were open the way to a compromise. things that we all seem to agree on at home, I would be particularly frus- The way I can imagine it would work certain times. trated. Why? is that the Speaker would put forward Along with many of the Senators who Think about what we have agreed a counterproposal. I think that is were here in 2013, I voted for one of the upon in this colloquy from both the where we need to be, to rise above any biggest packages we have ever had—$44 Democratic and Republican side of the personal dislike or any entrenched po- billion in security; basically, border se- aisle. We agree that border security is sitions that people have come to but, curity—and not one person could get a important. We agree that it is one of rather, to come to a point where we pathway to citizenship or become a cit- the primary functions of the Federal recognize that the American people are izen of this great country if they were Government. We agree that there needs better served if the folks serving them not here for the right reason. They to be more money, and although in leg- are getting paid, that it is important might have gotten here the wrong way, islation we have not agreed, we cer- to secure our southern border, and that but they came for the right reason. tainly have statements from Demo- some sort of barrier will be part of Should they not have an opportunity? crats and, of course, as well as Repub- that, as Members of both parties have They could not become a citizen after licans, that barriers are also impor- agreed to. 10 or 13 years until we secured the bor- tant. So it is time to move forward. It is time to negotiate. It is time for the der. That is what this was all about. COLLIN PETERSON, a Democrat on the Now we are fighting over whatever. I House side, put it well. On January 22, two principals to come to some sort of compromise. Clearly, we in the Senate don’t know. I can’t even explain it 2019, he said: when I go back home. So I tell them: are willing to move forward. Give Trump the money. I’d give him the With that, I yield the floor. Listen, I am for border security. I will whole thing . . . and put strings on it so you The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- vote for border security. I will vote make sure he puts the wall where it needs to be. Why are we fighting over this? We’re ator from Maryland. compassionately to try to help people Mr. CARDIN. Mr. President, I am to find a pathway to be an American going to build that wall anyway, at some time. pleased to yield to my colleague from citizen also, especially children. New Hampshire, Ms. HASSAN. The other thing is that I think we My Democratic Senate colleagues The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- can find a pathway forward if the have said something along the same ator from New Hampshire. President will give us the 3 weeks. I line, maybe not as point-blank but Ms. HASSAN. Mr. President, I join guarantee you that I don’t think any of they certainly have said it. We agree with my colleagues here in saying how us will vote for another shutdown or there. We agree that the American disappointed I was that today’s vote to let this happen. worker who continues to show up but is reopen the government immediately We can’t let this go another day not getting paid needs to get paid. while we keep negotiating to address longer. We cannot leave here until we As for those TSA agents and those border security was defeated, but I am fix this. The people back home say: I air traffic controllers whom we use as encouraged by the bipartisan group on will tell you the only way you are we go back and forth to our districts, the Senate floor with me this after- going to fix it is when you are hurting God bless them. More than 51,000 TSA noon to send one clear message: Let’s as bad as I am hurting. Why don’t you agents are working without pay. There pass a clean, 3-week continuing resolu- all stop your pay? Why are you still are 10,000 air traffic controller support tion to reopen the government imme- getting a paycheck? Oh, yes, you fixed staff who remain furloughed. diately, and each of us is committed to that because that is a constitutional By the way, I and others have intro- work to pass a strong, bipartisan bor- amendment. You are taken care of, and duced legislation to pay those while der security bill during that 3-week pe- it is out of your hands. You can’t deny they are working. I think it is some- riod. your pay. It is going to come. thing we, the Senate, should take up. Like many of my colleagues, I have They say: I will tell you that this We need a solution that fulfills our na- gone down to the border. I have talked will never happen again if, basically, tional security responsibilities, ends to our frontline personnel on the bor- the day that the shutdown begins, for the shutdown, and so that these work- der. There is a lot of common ground every Congressperson—every Senator ers can get paid. about what we need to strengthen our and every Representative, all 535—and I say it is time to move forward, ne- border security. I join my colleagues the President and everybody who gotiate, and come to the table, but you here and thank Senators CARDIN and works in that White House over there may ask: If Democratic and Republican MURKOWSKI for organizing us in saying who is making policy—the pay stops. I Senators all agree to this, then, why is that we can get to a solution on border guarantee you one thing: You will it not happening? security, but we need to open the gov- work around the clock. You will work In fairness to President Trump, ernment right away. around the clock to prevent another whose rhetoric sometimes inflames and There is no reason to keep the gov- shutdown. sometimes pushes off and, as my col- ernment closed while negotiations on I cannot disagree with them. So I am league from Ohio said, who sometimes strengthening border security con- saying: I am all in. I am all in. I will do describes things in a way that mis- tinue. In fact, there is concern that ne- whatever it takes. I will stay here 24/7. represents his actual intent, it is not a gotiations forced by shutdowns set a I will do whatever it takes to bring wall from the Gulf of Mexico to the Pa- dangerous precedent. people back together, but, most impor- cific Ocean. It is a wall in certain So I strongly urge my colleagues tantly, to get people back to work. We places that are high flow with pedes- from both parties to support this bipar- can do that and still have border secu- trian traffic. But, nonetheless, clearly, tisan approach. I also thank Senators rity and have some compassion for the we have come to a point where a per- GRAHAM and CARDIN for their leader- people who are hurting the most. sonality conflict between the President ship in this effort, and I am committed Thank you. and the Speaker has put them at log- to working with them and the rest of The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- gerheads and, apparently, they are un- this bipartisan group to find a way for- ator from Alaska. able to negotiate. ward.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24JA6.046 S24JAPT1 S566 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 24, 2019 Every day that this senseless shut- first-time home buyers who are trapped In 2014, I was elected to the Senate. down continues, it is hurting people in in limbo right now, and there are seri- In November of 2014, we were dealing New Hampshire and across the coun- ous consequences that I have heard with a question of whether the govern- try. We have all been sharing stories. about from our farmers who work ment would shut down. In fact, the We have heard these stories. We have every day with the U.S. Department of first issue we were asked in the new talked to the hard-working men and Agriculture, the USDA. Our food Congress as we headed back into ses- women who serve the people of this banks, churches, and other charities, sion was this: Would there be a loom- country and who are doing their work which spend their time and resources ing shutdown over immigration? That without pay or who are furloughed and helping families and communities was not in 2018 or 2019. That was actu- who really don’t know how they are through these tough times, helping fur- ally in 2014. Here is what I said then: going to make their next mortgage loughed workers and those who are in There’s no time, place, or purpose of a gov- payment and their next utility pay- need, are running out of resources. ernment shutdown or default. That’s simply ment or put food on the table and get They are running out of time. It can ridiculous and something that a mature gov- their medication—all of the things last only so long. erning body doesn’t even contemplate. We they need a good day’s wages to do. So We need our DOJ working to stop ought to make it very clear that that’s sim- we need to end this now. crime and violence. We need our vital ply not acceptable. I join with my colleagues in being government Agencies back up and run- I said that in 2014; I echoed it in De- here this afternoon to simply say that ning. We can do that. I support a cember 2018; and I stand on the floor we need to open the government and stronger border, and I support the today sharing the same belief, senti- that I am committed, as all of us are, President’s sensible proposal, which ment, and value. to negotiate in good faith going for- does include a barrier, manpower, ports We need border security in this coun- ward to find a solution on border secu- of entry, technology, and infrastruc- try. We need to have barriers and rity. ture. I think it is necessary that these structures on the border where it Thank you. investments be part of an overall deal. makes sense, as the President has said. I yield the floor. Our lack of border security has re- He has made a reasonable request to The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- sulted in a humanitarian crisis at the put in place border security. ator from Alaska. We also have a responsibility to the Ms. MURKOWSKI. Mr. President, I border. We have tens of thousands of il- legal and inadmissible immigrants on people of this country to govern re- turn to my colleague from Iowa. sponsibly. That means not jeopardizing Ms. ERNST. I thank Senator MUR- our southern border every month. our economy, not jeopardizing the fire- KOWSKI and Senator CARDIN for their I agree with President Trump and fighters in Colorado who can’t go to leadership today in organizing this many of my colleagues that securing training right now because the govern- floor colloquy, and I thank the Pre- our southern border is a must-do to ment is shut down. siding Officer. discourage illegal immigration, curb I want to join my colleagues in ex- human trafficking, stop drugs, stop My home State lost hundreds of pressing how urgent it is that we not gun trafficking, in addition to stopping homes last year due to wildfires. Think only secure our borders but that we the ability of gangs and terrorists to about the catastrophes in California open our government. We really do exploit the holes in our system. and across the West last year. Fire- have to come together. We have two The American people expect us to do fighters from around the country were sides of the aisle here, our Democrat better. We have an opportunity to step called to do heroic things and save en- and Republican friends. Certainly we up and do the right thing, and that is tire towns, yet those training services, can come to a solution. We have to fig- to find a solution. We have to do it by classes, and tools they need for a fire ure out a path forward, folks, and I am working together. season that could start at any time are glad we are here to do that. I again thank all of my colleagues for being denied—training and classes that We have a duty to provide for our Na- coming together today on the floor. they need to save their own lives, to tion’s security, and it is also our job to Senator CARDIN, Senator MURKOWSKI, save other lives, and to protect our fund the government. We just voted on thank you for organizing the effort. land. a sensible and smart proposal offered Hopefully, we will come to a solution. We have farmers who are trying to by the President that every Democrat Folks, the Nation is watching us. We get production loans right now. They and Republican should have supported, can do better. can’t get their production loans but, unfortunately, it was rejected I yield the floor. through certain offices because of the today. Ms. MURKOWSKI. I thank the Sen- shutdown. Farming is not good right Back home, hard-working Iowans ator from Iowa. now, and prices are so low right now and, of course, Americans all across I have a question for the Presiding that people are struggling. I talked to the country are tired of government Officer in terms of how much time re- a farmer in Colorado yesterday. He shutdowns, and they are disappointed mains on the Republican side. doesn’t know what the bank is going to in the dysfunction of Washington, DC. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Six min- say to him on Friday, tomorrow, when The impacts of this government shut- utes. he goes in, and he can’t get ahold of down are tangible for families. They Ms. MURKOWSKI. Perfect. We are anybody at the USDA because of the feel it. People are hurting all across down to the remaining two speakers, 3 shutdown. this Nation. minutes each. I ask that Senator We need border security. That is why Most families don’t have a rainy day GARDNER be recognized at this time. I voted for both measures today—the fund. Money lasts only so long when The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- $5.7 billion for border security and the you have zero income. Prolonged peri- ator from Colorado. continuing resolution proposal that ods without a paycheck are Mr. GARDNER. Mr. President, I contains the President’s 2018 border se- unsustainable. thank the Senator from Alaska for this curity proposal. Both measures in- I have a friend who works for Federal opportunity to come to the floor to cluded border security. law enforcement. Fortunately, he is up talk about what this Chamber needs to We can do this. It is not that dif- in seniority, but he told me the other do, along with the House and the Presi- ficult. It shouldn’t be a challenge to day: JONI, our young Federal workers— dent, to get this government reopened govern responsibly. Shutdowns aren’t they just can’t make ends meet. and to fund border security, something the solution. Walking and chewing gum Children don’t stop growing; people that all Americans agree on—that we at the same time shouldn’t be so dif- don’t stop getting sick; and the obliga- can walk and chew gum at the same ficult, and I hope this Chamber will tions of caring for families don’t stop time; that we can multitask; that we come to its senses, along with our just because we have. Washington has can find a way to fund priority spend- House colleagues and the White House, stopped working, folks. We have to get ing on the border; and that we can find to move forward. it together. a way to fund 800,000 government em- Ms. MURKOWSKI. Mr. President, I I have heard from businesses on the ployees, including 53,000 Federal em- now ask that the Senator from Arizona brink of collapse. I have heard from ployees in my home State of Colorado. be recognized.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24JA6.047 S24JAPT1 January 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S567 The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- In order for that to be accomplished, One tactic that Russia deploys as ator from Arizona. we need time. Therefore, we are filing part of their hybrid warfare arsenal, Ms. MCSALLY. Mr. President, I this afternoon a bipartisan amendment and the one I would like to focus on thank the Senator from Alaska for or- to the underlying bill that would pro- today, is information warfare. ganizing this—both sides of the aisle— vide 3 weeks for a continuing resolu- Russian information warfare includes so we can begin to have our voices tion for government to be opened so the deployment of false or misleading heard for those we represent here on that we can work together to deal with narratives against the targeted civilian the Senate floor. the border security issues. population or government, often I came yesterday from Yuma, AZ, I agree with Senator KING in his opti- through deceptive means, in order to and the day before I was in Nogales, mism that we will be able to reach an intensify social tensions, undermine AZ. I visited Nogales’s port of entry agreement. It is interesting that Sen- trust in government institutions, and and the CBP officers coming to work ator KING is an Independent. This sow fear and confusion, which advances every single day now without pay. On should not be a partisan problem on their strategic objectives. Monday, they processed 2,000 trucks border security. We should be able to The Defense Intelligence Agency through the port of entry there. That resolve the issues. highlights in their Russia military cross-border commerce is so important I thank Senator MURKOWSKI for her power report in 2017: ‘‘The for an economy like Arizona’s and for help in organizing this event. We tried weaponization of information is a key jobs. to work in a truly bipartisan manner aspect of Russia’s strategy . . . Moscow They also seized 18 kilograms of in order to give optimism, and I think, views information and psychological methamphetamine, heroin, and rightfully so, that we can solve this warfare as a measure to neutralize ad- fentanyl, which are contributing to the issue if we have the time to do it. versary actions in peace and to prevent opioid crisis and the drug crisis in our I urge all of our colleagues to join us escalation to crisis or war.’’ country. in this effort. Let’s open government, Russia developed its playbook over Morale is still pretty good because let’s have 3 weeks, and let’s all be com- time, enhancing both the technical and they still know how important it is for mitted to deal with border security in psychological aspects of these informa- them to be there on the watch and do the manner in which this institution in tion operations in capability, sophis- their job. However, it is unacceptable the past has been able to deal with tication, and boldness. Lessons learned that they are being asked to come to tough issues. from previous information warfare work and not being paid. As was said I again thank my colleague from campaigns culminated in the attacks by other colleagues, some of the lower Alaska, and I yield back the balance of the Kremlin unleashed against the level officers—the younger individuals my time. United States during the 2016 Presi- early on the job—have no reserves. I The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- dential election. talked to several of them. They are ator from Alaska. The 2016 information warfare cam- very concerned about what is going to Ms. MURKOWSKI. Mr. President, I paign, according to our intelligence happen when they miss a second pay- thank my colleague from Maryland and community, ‘‘demonstrated a signifi- check here in the next day. all Senators—on the Republican side cant escalation in directness, level of When I went to Yuma and talked to and the Democratic side—who came to activity, and scope of effort compared the Border Patrol, it was the same the floor after these two votes to ex- to previous operations.’’ thing. They need to be on the job. They press this air of optimism that we can Let’s be clear. Russian interference want to be on the job. They know how figure this out. in the 2016 election was an attack on important it is for our country and for One of the things I have heard very the Nation. It was just not a type of at- border security. clearly from both sides is enough al- tack that has been commonly recog- I visited the place where, just last ready—enough already. That is what nized as warfare. As former Director of week, 376 people were able to tunnel the American people are saying about National Intelligence Jim Clapper stat- under where we have a barrier they this shutdown: Enough already—figure ed recently, ‘‘[I]t’s hard to convey to can’t see through. They weren’t able to it out. people how massive an assault this see it until they had actually breached Well, we got the message. We know was.’’ it, and they caught a couple of MS–13 what the mission is, and I think what While Russian hybrid attacks were gang members yesterday. you have seen expressed here on the detected by our intelligence commu- Again, they are asking: Please, let’s floor is the good will and the good faith nity and our National Security Agen- secure our border. Let’s provide the re- that will be extended in these hours cies in a runup to the 2016 election, the sources for the agents and for the offi- and days going forward, knowing that seriousness of the threat was not ab- cers and for what they need to do every there is an urgency to get the govern- sorbed across the government, includ- single day, and let’s open up the gov- ment open and to address the legiti- ing Congress. There are a variety of ernment. mate priorities that the President has reasons for this, including political pa- We can do these things. This is why outlined. ralysis and a collective unwillingness America is so frustrated with Wash- I yield the floor. to believe that these attacks could ington, DC, and why many of us ran to I suggest the absence of a quorum. compromise our political and social in- come here in the first place: What is The PRESIDING OFFICER. The stitutions. the matter with you guys? Just get it clerk will call the roll. Two years on, we still have only together; get something through the The senior assistant bill clerk pro- scratched the surface in our under- House and the Senate that can be ceeded to call the roll. standing of about the nature of Russian signed by the President to open up the Mr. REED. Mr. President, I ask unan- information warfare attacks. Gaps in government and secure our border. imous consent that the order for the our knowledge include the extent to Let’s roll up our sleeves, let’s stay quorum call be rescinded. which these attacks have been per- here all night around the clock, and The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without petrated at Putin’s direction, by Rus- let’s get this mission done. objection, it is so ordered. sian military intelligence units, known I yield the floor. RUSSIAN HYBRID WARFARE as the GRU, and through Kremlin- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Mr. REED. Mr. President, today I linked troll organizations. Yet we have ator from Maryland. rise to continue my series of speeches no time to waste. Information warfare Mr. CARDIN. Mr. President, over the on Russian hybrid warfare. attacks continue against us, our allies, last hour, many of our colleagues have I have done a series of speeches on and our partners to this day, and they come to the floor—Democrats and Re- the Russian hybrid warfare threat. It continue to pose a threat to our na- publicans—with different views about poses a great challenge to our national tional security. how we should deal with border secu- security. Russian hybrid warfare oc- Former CIA Acting Director and Dep- rity issues and how we should deal with curs below the level of direct military uty Director Mike Morell characterized the problems at hand but with a com- conflict, yet it is no less a threat to the the attacks of the Russians against our mon willingness and commitment to national security and integrity of our elections as ‘‘the political equivalent reach a bipartisan agreement. democracy and society. of 9–11.’’

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24JA6.049 S24JAPT1 S568 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 24, 2019 In the aftermath of the tragic Sep- The tactics of contemporary Russian The Kremlin’s development of its in- tember 11 attacks of 2001, we estab- information warfare mirrors Soviet-era formation warfare capabilities reflects lished a nonpartisan commission to un- active measures but have gained vastly those perceptions and Putin’s concern derstand what happened and why. One greater potency in the digital age. with preservation of his regime. Putin of the 9/11 Commission’s conclusions The irony is, these are the tactics the moved from earlier ad hoc information was that the U.S. Government showed Soviets employed, but they have been warfare campaigns, such as the oper- a failure of imagination by not antici- supercharged because in a digital age, ations against Estonia in 2007 and in pating and preventing the 2001 attacks you can reach more people, you can be Georgia in 2008, to the systematic ap- by the terrorists. more effective. Under Putin, Russia plication of these tools. We have had no similar wholesale has institutionalized informational Most experts point to the Russian’s reckoning in the aftermath of the at- warfare with a 21st century twist that public reaction to Putin’s return to the tacks from 2016. Some elements of our capitalizes on the interconnectedness Presidency for a third term in 2012 as government and society have taken of our global society in the speed and the turning point that led to develop- steps to focus attention on this press- reach of today’s informational age ment of Russian information warfare ing problem. However, these efforts through cyber space. as we experience it today. have not been sufficiently comprehen- This has important advantages for It began with the announcement in sive, and the nature of the threats has Moscow. For example, the Soviet-era September 2011 that Putin—then act- not been fully communicated to the KGB agents worked for years to get an ing as Prime Minister—and Medvedev— American public. information warfare campaign to ‘‘go then serving as President—would As senior vice president for the Cen- viral’’ and be picked up in multiple switch roles. This revelation, coupled ter of European Analysis, Edward news outlets. Today, GRU- and Krem- with the rigged parliamentary elec- Lucas assessed in a recent New York lin-linked troll organizations spread tions in late 2011, created an unex- Times documentary on Russian propaganda and disinformation cam- pected backlash from the Russian peo- disinformation, we ‘‘are still playing paigns across social media platforms ple. Massive demonstrations ensued, catch up from a long way behind. We with ease—virtually instantaneously. with thousands of people taking to the are looking in the rear view mirror, These information warfare oper- streets. To Putin, the grievances of the getting less bad at working out what ations are not simply opportunistic protests appeared personal as they Russia just did to us. We are still not meddling by Russia. Russia’s purpose is chanted ‘‘Putin is a thief’’ and ‘‘Russia looking through the windshield to find to further its strategic interests. Putin without Putin.’’ out what’s happening now and what’s seeks to advance several strategic ob- The year of 2011 is particularly rel- going to be happening next.’’ jectives, including preserving his grip evant for revolutions and the over- We must recover from our collective on power and enhancing his ability to throw of dictatorships. The year 2011 failure of imagination. We must operate unconstrained domestically or gave rise to the Arab Spring, in which rethink and refocus our strategy for in Russia’s perceived sphere of influ- dissidents relied heavily on Facebook countering these threats and imple- ence near and abroad. and Twitter—American inventions—to ment necessary institutional policy Putin further seeks for Russia to be organize their protests and cast-off au- and societal changes to support that seen as an equal to the United States thoritarian governance in places across strategy. Importantly, we must de- on the world stage and regain the great the Middle East. Again, Putin con- velop a playbook of our own to fight power status it lost at the end of the ceived U.S. actions in places such as back. Cold War. Putin knows that for now, Egypt and Libya as proof that the While the West has been slow to rec- Russia cannot effectively compete with United States actively cultivated re- ognize the extent of the threat, these the United States in conventionally gime change. Protests in Russia began types of attacks are not new. Histori- military ways and win. Instead, Putin to resemble the protests of the Arab cally, informational warfare has long seeks to use tools from his hybrid war- Spring, including the similar use of been a part of the Soviet and Russian fare arsenal, including information Facebook and Twitter. Putin viewed arsenal. warfare to divide the United States these activities as a threat to his hold As security scholar Keir Giles noted from our allies and partners in the on power. in ‘‘The Handbook of Russian Informa- West and weaken our institutions and Around that time, then-Secretary of tion Warfare,’’ ‘‘For all their innova- open society from within. By weak- State Hillary Clinton raised concerns tive use of social media and the inter- ening our democracy, Putin can make about the Kremlin’s electoral conduct. net, current Russian methods have Russia look more powerful in compari- She urged that the ‘‘Russian people, deep roots in long-standing Soviet son. like people everywhere, deserve the practice.’’ It is not surprising that Putin, who right to have their voices heard and During Soviet times, information spent most of his Soviet career in the their votes counted.’’ In response, warfare tactics were part of a broader KGB and its successor, the FSB, has Putin accused the United States of collection of operations that were re- deployed these techniques during his interfering in the Russian elections ferred to as active measures. rule. Putin mourned the downfall of and blamed Secretary Clinton for the The State Department described ac- the Soviet Union, lamenting in 2005 massive protests taking place in Rus- tive measures in a 1981 report as in- that the breakup of the Soviet Union sia, alleging that Secretary Clinton cluding ‘‘control of the press in foreign was, in his words, ‘‘the greatest geo- gave the, in his words, ‘‘signal to some countries; outright and partial forgery political tragedy of the 20th century.’’ actors in our country to rise up.’’ He of documents; use of rumors, insinu- When he assumed power, Putin revi- further bemoaned what he called ‘‘for- ation, altered facts and lies; use of talized a number of methods of hybrid eign money’’ being used to influence international and local front organiza- warfare from the Soviet system, in- Russian politics and warned: ‘‘We need tions; clandestine operation of radio cluding information warfare. Over to safeguard ourselves from this influ- stations; and exploitation of a nation’s time, Putin came to see Russia’s near- ence in our internal affairs.’’ academic, political, and media figures ly continuous campaign of information After his inauguration for a third as collaborators to influence policies of confrontation with the West as both a term, Putin promoted a close ally and the nation.’’ justified and defensive response to per- tasked him with getting control over Active measures were run by the ceived U.S.-led international activism, the Russian’s people use of the inter- KGB, which at its height employed ap- regardless of our intentions. Keir Giles net. Putin and his cronies also put po- proximately 15,000 officers devoted to confirms this idea, assessing that Rus- litical pressure on the creators of these tactics. The same State Depart- sia interpreted the color revolutions in prominent websites. Those who were ment report described the strategic ra- former Soviet states and the Arab not willing to cooperate, such as the tionale for such operations, stating: Spring as resulting from information owner of the Russian version of ‘‘Moscow seeks to disrupt relations be- operations by the United States and Facebook, were pushed out so that the tween states, discredit opponents of the West. Those operations were seen chosen oligarchs could become major- the USSR, and undermine foreign lead- as posing a serious and growing threat ity shareholders and then begin to con- ers, institutions and values.’’ to Putin’s rule. trol content.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24JA6.052 S24JAPT1 January 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S569 About the same time, the Russian In hindsight, we can trace Russia’s who were taking over the country and Parliament passed legislation helping development and conduct of its infor- committing atrocities on their fellow the Kremlin monitor and criminalize mation warfare campaign against per- citizens. unfavorable cyber activities. In concert ceived foreign threats from its neigh- The Kremlin deployed all three lines with the new online restrictions, the bors and the West. These campaigns of effort that I laid out for their infor- Kremlin began paying bloggers to slip generally progressed along three major mation warfare campaign against in pro-Russian material amongst other lines of effort, all of which benefited Ukraine—a barrage of overt propa- benign posts, which was the beginning from advances in technology from the ganda and disinformation; cyber at- of government-directed troll oper- Soviet days. tacks, including weaponizing stolen in- ations. First, the campaigns involved overt formation; and the manipulation of the In late 2013, a leading Russian news- propaganda and disinformation, much internet and social media platforms. paper reported that the tools put in of it carried out on Russian state- These efforts sowed fear and magnified place to co-opt new forms of media owned media, such as RT and Sputnik. mistrust toward the Ukrainian Govern- were ‘‘recognized as so effective that The second line of effort involved ment, which the Kremlin was able to [the Kremlin] insiders send these weap- covert cyber attacks, including hack- exploit for the seizure of Crimea and to ons outside—to the Americans and Eu- ing and weaponizing stolen informa- achieve other Russian strategic inter- ropean audiences.’’ This may mark the tion. ests. beginning of Putin’s move to institu- The third line of effort in the Russian The Russian campaign deployed a tionalize a more sustained and perma- information campaigns involved significant volume of propaganda and nent state of information confronta- weaponizing the internet, particularly disinformation against Ukraine to tion with the West. social media networks, to amplify mes- magnify a climate of fear and distrust Russia also used these external oper- sages to a vastly greater audience and amongst the Ukrainian people. Exam- ations to further develop its toolkit for promote themes that advanced Rus- ples include photos doctored to look information warfare. Central to these sia’s strategic interests. like scenes of carnage from Ukraine, efforts included what many experts While Russia’s technical and psycho- fake stories of dead children caught in agreed was the development of a hybrid logical capabilities grew over time, the the crossfire, supposed attacks on Jew- warfare doctrine, as articulated by the outlines of the Russian information ish Ukrainians who were forced to flee chief of the general staff of a Russian warfare playbook were evident during the country, and, allegedly, a 3-year- Armed Forces general, Valery Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2014 old who was crucified by Ukrainian sol- Gerasimov, in 2013. and during the United Kingdom’s diers. The messages also portrayed the Gerasimov argued that asymmetric Brexit debate the following year, but Russians as the Ukrainian people’s sav- approaches to dealing with conflict, in- we largely did not understand the ex- iors and that Russia had to intervene cluding the use of ‘‘political, economic tent of these operations and the threat to help restore order. The second line of effort—covert informational, humanitarian, and to our national security and that of our military operations in cyber space— other nonmilitary measures,’’ have allies and partners. Our collective fail- grown and in many instances have ‘‘ex- was also deployed as a Russian cam- ure to understand the pattern of Rus- paign against Ukraine. At the time, at- ceeded the power of force and weapons sian information warfare emboldened in their effectiveness.’’ He further dis- tacks against Ukraine were described Putin. The Kremlin’s tactics and tech- as coming from CyberBerkut, which cussed how hybrid warfare tactics, in- niques were further refined and de- cluding what he termed ‘‘informational the U.K. Government’s National Cyber ployed in the Russian information Security Centre has recently an- actions,’’ can nullify the enemy’s ad- campaign against the U.S. Presidential vantage and reduce its fighting poten- nounced ‘‘is almost certainly’’ the election in 2016. same branch of the GRU that infil- tial. One of his conclusions was ‘‘that Starting in 2014 and 2015, Putin it is necessary to perfect activities in trated the Democratic National Com- turned his information arsenal first on mittee. The GRU forces responsible for the information space,’’ including the the near abroad, deploying information defense of our own objectives. these ‘‘hack-and-weaponize’’ informa- warfare operations against Ukraine tion operations were later named by About the same time, in August 2013, during the conflict over Crimea and RT, which is a Russian television sta- their unit numbers in Special Counsel eastern Ukraine. Russia used Ukraine Mueller’s July 2018 indictment and tion, reported on Russian plans to cre- as a testing laboratory for experi- ate a new branch of the military that have been given many names, including menting with new tactics of informa- CyberBerkut, Fancy Bear, and Ad- would ‘‘include monitoring and proc- tion warfare through cyber space and essing external information as well as vanced Persistent Threat (APT) 28. social media. In the spring of 2014, as Ukraine held fighting cyber threats.’’ The impetus for Russian intervention In the article, Putin acknowledged its Presidential election, CyberBerkut in the Ukraine arose in response to do- that information attacks are already penetrated Ukraine’s Central Election mestic unrest which caused the Rus- being applied to solve problems of a Commission, directly altering the na- sian-backed Ukrainian President to military and political nature and that tionwide Presidential vote tallies in flee the country. Events tipped off their striking force may be higher than favor of Russia’s preferred candidate. when Ukrainian President Viktor those of conventional weapons. The Ukrainian officials caught the Yanukovych signaled he was no longer Based on RT’s reporting and observa- change before the results were an- willing to continue efforts to integrate tions of the GRU’s activities, it is clear nounced, although it was broadcast on Ukraine with the West, which had that Russia has created ‘‘information Russian news that the Russian-backed broad public support. Instead, he ac- warfare troops’’ with no parallel in the candidate had won, sowing doubt on cepted a Kremlin offer of a $15 billion United States. These GRU units com- the validity of the election and magni- bailout for Ukraine and a deal on gas bine the arts of technical cyber oper- fying distrust in the Ukrainian Govern- imports. ations with psychological manipula- ment. Protests broke out, which grew into tion. Malcolm Nance, a former U.S. Seeing as how they couldn’t change what was known as the Maidan revolu- naval intelligence officer, character- voting tallies and fully get away with tion. The numbers and strength of the ized the GRU as ‘‘the armed forces of it, Russia’s tactics evolved to try to protests alarmed the Kremlin. Putin Russia and the intelligence apparatus change people’s minds about whom to wanted to ensure Ukraine stayed in that does reconnaissance, surveillance, vote for or make the public so distrust- Russia’s sphere of influence. He de- and . . . strategic cyber operations.’’ ful of the system that they wouldn’t Russian security services expert ployed hybrid warfare, including a full- vote at all. These same units began to Mark Galeotti explained: scale information warfare campaign, to steal private information through force the Ukrainian people back in [H]istorically, the GRU has been Russia’s cyber intrusions on Ukrainian Govern- main agency for operating in uncontrolled line. The goal of the information war- ment and political officials and spaces, which mean civil wars and the like. fare campaign was to convince the peo- weaponize it by posting it on the inter- In some ways, the internet is today’s uncon- ple of Ukraine that they were in immi- net. As the Defense Intelligence Agen- trolled space. nent danger from fascists and Nazis cy noted in the ‘‘Russia Military

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24JA6.053 S24JAPT1 S570 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 24, 2019 Power’’ report from 2017, the intent of be regular, local Ukrainian people and What we have learned so far indicates publicizing the stolen information was slip in politically charged messages. that the Kremlin appeared to run a ‘‘to demoralize, embarrass and create BuzzFeed detailed one such campaign more sophisticated campaign against distrust of elected officials.’’ entitled ‘‘Polite People’’ which ‘‘pro- the British people than the attacks it A third line of effort by the Russian moted the invasion of Crimea with pic- perpetrated against Ukraine. In this campaign focused on leveraging cyber tures of Russian troops posing along- operation, the Kremlin was pushing space to reinforce and amplify their side girls, the elderly, and cats.’’ The one side of the argument, as they were messaging, which was carried out by trolls used innocuous pictures to gain a in Ukraine, but they showcased in- the GRU and Kremlin-linked troll or- group of followers; then they were eas- creased psychological complexities in ganizations. While these efforts were ily able to pump out pro-Kremlin mes- their attacks. This campaign focused often unsophisticated, this may have sages to readymade audiences. on targeting segments of the British been the first time that organizations Although the tactics were relatively population that would likely be fright- embarked on wide-scale social media simplistic—both for whom they were ened by threats of increased immigra- campaigns to amplify information war- trying to reach and the technical as- tion, particularly from Muslim-major- fare beyond Russia’s borders. pects of their campaign—the Kremlin ity countries. The Kremlin and Krem- reported, based information warfare campaign ap- lin-linked actors also pushed messages on internal Russian military docu- peared largely successful against that the EU was corrupt and had little ments, that the GRU fabricated numer- Ukraine and contributed to the Krem- accountability to the people of the ous accounts on social media after lin’s seizure of Crimea. Indeed, Gen. United Kingdom, which magnified feel- Ukrainian President Yanukovych fled Philip Breedlove, then head of the U.S. ings of mistrust of the EU. in 2014. These accounts on Facebook European Command and NATO Su- The first line of effort for this Krem- and the Russian version of Facebook, preme Allied Commander Europe, lin information warfare campaign and known as VK, posed as ordinary warned at the time that Russia was the one that the West was able to track Ukrainians who were against the Kiev ‘‘waging the most amazing information and analyze was propaganda and protests. They preyed on people’s emo- warfare blitzkrieg in the history of in- disinformation. The Kremlin unleashed tions, magnifying fear and distrust. formation warfare.’’ a slew of overt Russian propaganda in Even as these information operations One example of a message posted by English, advanced on TV and the inter- overwhelmed Ukraine, the potential the GRU from a fraudulent social net by Kremlin-controlled media out- threat they posed to Western societies media account was ‘‘brigades of West- lets. A United Kingdom parliamentary was largely unrecognized, and calls for erners are now on their way to rob and inquiry on disinformation cites 261 ar- help in combatting these types of cam- kill us. . . . Morals have been replaced ticles on RT and Sputnik with a heavy paigns—including manipulation of so- by thirst for blood and hatred toward anti-EU bias in the 6 months prior to cial media—went unanswered. anything Russian.’’ The same GRU The Washington Post reported last the referendum. These outlets ad- unit was also responsible for the cre- October that high-level Ukrainian offi- vanced a steady drumbeat of stories ation of the fictitious persona ‘‘Ivan cials, including President stressing the continued dangers as long Galitsin,’’ who placed pro-Kremlin Poroschenko, personally appealed to as the United Kingdom remained part comments on English language Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg in the of the EU’s so-called ‘‘open borders.’’ websites. spring of 2015. One of his deputies stat- This included disinformation intended The intercepted Russian military ed that they told Facebook: ‘‘I was ex- to magnify fear by alleging that Brit- documents also detailed how the GRU plicitly saying that there were troll ish women would be subject to in- created four fraudulent groups on factories, that their posts and reposts creased attacks from dangerous Mus- Facebook and its Russian equivalent to promoted posts and news that are fake. lim immigrants. support its campaign in Crimea and . . . Have a look.’’ Facebook officials It has yet to be determined whether used paid Facebook ads to increase failed to take these pleas seriously and the second line of effort—covert GRU traffic to their fraudulent sites. in 2015 declined President operations in cyber space—was de- Subsequent reporting by the Wash- Poroschenko’s request to open a ployed as part of the Russian campaign ington Post uncovered the specific Facebook office in Kiev to address the promoting Brexit. It does not appear GRU unit—54777. The GRU unit respon- problem. In a foreshadowing of events that hacking and weaponizing stolen sible for this operation bragged to their in the United States, Facebook failed data was deployed in connection with superiors that these 4 groups alone re- to imagine the significant impact these Brexit. However, as detailed in a sepa- ceived at least 200,000 views. campaigns could have on Ukrainian rate parliamentary inquiry, on the All of these tactics would appear in politics and security. Our government, night of the Brexit referendum, there later information warfare campaigns. too, failed to realize the full extent of was a suspicious crash of the voter reg- This information warfare campaign the threat. istration website likely attributed to against Ukraine also appears to be one While we have been able to uncover a denial-of-service attacks. of the first uses of a complementary so- lot about Russian attacks on Ukraine, The timing of this attack appears cial media effort—deploying Kremlin- we have not been able to piece together consistent with other GRU covert linked trolls—against the population of the full picture of what Russia per- cyber attacks, which aim to take key a foreign country to enhance and am- petrated against the United Kingdom infrastructure or information offline at plify the GRU operation. in connection with the spring 2016 ref- crucial times to advance Kremlin ob- A close Putin crony, Yevgeny erendum on whether the United King- jectives. This crude information war- Prigozhin, founded and funded the op- dom should leave the EU, commonly fare tactic has been tied to GRU in pre- eration—known as the Internet Re- known as Brexit. vious operations, particularly Eastern search Agency and its related compa- UK members of Parliament and oth- Europe. Further, the UK Government nies—to amplify the Kremlin’s mes- ers investigating these attacks have has been able to tie the GRU to other sages across social media platforms. been able to piece together evidence cyber attacks, including attacks on a According to a Russian press report in that the Kremlin mounted an informa- United Kingdom television station and 2014, during the Ukraine operations, tion warfare campaign to encourage the United Kingdom foreign office. If the Internet Research Agency was em- and amplify anti-EU sentiment in the these Russian actors were culpable in ploying about 250 people to engage in run up to voting day. However, because this denial-of-service attack, then it online discussions ‘‘with a goal to un- these investigations are limited to would fit with the Russian playbook. dermine the authority of Ukrainian their of jurisdiction and The third line of effort, the use of politicians and post hate speech and there is no equivalent to the U.S. spe- cyber space to amplify and reinforce fake stories, thus shifting attention cial counsel’s investigation pulling the messaging, featured prominently in the from the real events.’’ Copying the disparate pieces of information to- information warfare campaign relating model that the Kremlin developed to gether, we have yet to understand the to Brexit. While we don’t know what manipulate its own citizens, these fake full picture of what the Russians per- role, if any, the GRU played in this line Ukrainian personas would pretend to petrated against the British people. of effort, we have been able to identify

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24JA6.055 S24JAPT1 January 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S571 a sustained campaign on social media supported and amplified one side of an picture of the information warfare against the British public by Kremlin issue, for this operation Russia showed campaigns against us. and Kremlin-linked actors. These at- increased technical and psychological One of those reports, a joint study by tacks included the use of trolls and advances by targeting multiple aspects Oxford University and the social media automated bots amplifying pro-leave of contentious issues to advance the analytics firm Graphika, assessed that messages ahead of the date of ref- Kremlin’s objectives. Grievances about the Kremlin-linked troll organization erendum. re- race, religion, immigration, social jus- was able to segment users into dif- ported that tweets from the Russian tice, and even U.S. institutions writ ferent groups based on ‘‘race, eth- accounts ‘‘sought to inflame fears large were woven into anti-Clinton, nicity, and identity.’’ Once they cat- about Muslims and immigrants to help pro-Trump fabric. These efforts were a egorized people in such a manner, they drive the vote.’’ Tweets surged in the toxic mix, trying to poison Clinton’s tailored ads to entice users to engage last days of the campaign, spiking from candidacy, promote Trump’s with their fraudulent accounts and about 1,000 tweets a day to 45,000 favorability, taint the electoral proc- pages. This process engineered mes- tweets in the 48 hours prior to the polls ess, and weaken democratic institu- sages to manipulate and polarize recep- closing. In the final days before the ref- tions altogether. tive audiences. The other study com- erendum, less than 1 percent of Twitter Similar to the information warfare missioned by the Senate Intelligence users accounted for one-third of all the campaign against Brexit, we are still Committee, a collaboration between the social media research firm New conversations surrounding the issue, trying to get a full picture of how Rus- Knowledge, Columbia University, and showing that these actions were artifi- sia attacked us during the 2016 election Canfield Research, confirms this idea, cially boosting the pro-leave messages and, particularly, the role that the detailing how specific ethnic and Rus- to increase viewership size. GRU played. But what is now clear is sian groups were targeted. Their anal- Joint analysis from Swansea Univer- that the Kremlin’s information warfare ysis concluded that these operations sity and the University of California, campaign regarding the 2016 election were directed overwhelmingly at Afri- Berkeley, concluded that the attacks was not neutral or even-handed in its can Americans. As the Washington emanated from 150,000 Russian-based messaging on Clinton compared to that Post technology reporter Craig accounts and that their tweets were of President Trump. As affirmed in the Timberg explained, social media com- intelligence community’s January 2017 viewed hundreds of millions of times. panies created this technology and, in It must be noted that Russian ampli- assessment, in their words: ‘‘Putin or- the process, have ‘‘atomized’’ us into fication efforts in connection with dered an influence campaign in 2016 different categories and put us into a Brexit also received a boost from local aimed at the U.S. presidential election, ‘‘thousand different buckets.’’ The Rus- surrogates in the UK. One pro-leave the consistent goals of which were to sians co-opted this American tech- local surrogate was Nigel Farage, then- undermine public faith in the U.S. nology, just as they have exploited leader of the rightwing populist UKIP democratic process, denigrate Sec- other aspects of our open society and Party. Whether unwittingly or not, retary Clinton, and harm her democratic system, and weaponized it Farage echoed aspects of Russian prop- electability and potential presidency.’’ against us. aganda, including lending his voice to They also assessed, in their words, Similar to campaigns in the past, stories broadcast on Russian propa- that ‘‘Putin and the Russian Govern- this information warfare operation fol- ganda channel RT. Farage was also ment developed a clear preference’’ for lowed the three established lines of ef- often quoted in Russia media articles, President Trump. Similarly, Special fort as detailed in the intelligence including when he warned that British Counsel Mueller’s February indictment community’s January 2017 assessment. women could be at risk of mass attacks against the Kremlin-linked troll oper- The Kremlin’s campaign ‘‘followed a of gangs of migrants due to ‘‘big cul- ation found that the Russians ‘‘en- longstanding Russian messaging strat- tural issues’’ should Britain choose to gaged in operations primarily intended egy that blends covert intelligence op- remain in the EU, again, echoing the to communicate derogatory informa- erations—such as cyber activity—with message that Russian agents and au- tion about Hillary Clinton, to deni- overt efforts by Russian Government thorities were promoting. grate other candidates such as TED agencies, state-funded media, third- Here, too, it seems we have just CRUZ and MARCO RUBIO, and to support party intermediaries and paid social begun to scratch the surface of our un- BERNIE SANDERS and the candidate media users or trolls.’’ derstanding about what the Kremlin Donald Trump.’’ The first line of effort involved overt was doing, including how they had in- The clear anti-Clinton and pro- propaganda and disinformation focus- sight into whom to target with their Trump themes in Russia’s efforts ing on a number of themes that ad- information warfare campaign. Mem- aligned with Russian strategic inter- vanced Russia’s strategic interest. ber of Parliament Damian Collins, who ests. As mentioned earlier, Putin Having tested their methodology in is leading an investigation into Rus- blamed Hillary Clinton for protests in previous campaigns, including in sian disinformation connected to Russia in December 2011. Weakening Ukraine and Brexit, the Russians had Brexit, fears that what we know at this Clinton as a candidate would reduce an arsenal of tried-and-tested methods point about the extent of the Russian the perceived threat to Putin’s grip on of influence they deployed in the U.S. attack against the British people ‘‘may power from a Clinton Presidency. Presidential election to maximize fear well be just the tip of the iceberg.’’ President Trump, on the other hand, and distrust. We can’t point with all certitude to offered Russia a freer hand in con- Propaganda and disinformation to whether the Kremlin’s information ducting its affairs. stoke these negative emotions were warfare campaign made a difference in Similar to Brexit, the Russian infor- pumped out by Kremlin-funded chan- the outcome of the vote. However, we mation warfare campaign against the nels RT and Sputnik. They sought to know that those who voted to leave the American people in 2016 demonstrated flood an unsuspecting American public EU won by a small margin. It was a a high degree of sophistication in tar- with stories portraying Secretary Clin- stunning upset that no one expected, geting susceptible groups of Ameri- ton as untrustworthy and dangerous, let alone then-Prime Minister Cam- cans, potentially including the use of thus amplifying negative feelings to- eron. He cited the outcome as the rea- data analytics. We are still learning ward her. Articles painted Clinton as a son for his resignation. details of how the Russians were able warmonger who would lead the United The Kremlin has also turned these to build an audience for its information States into future conflicts or alleged weapons on the United States. The warfare attacks and whether they had that she was of ill health and hiding most prominent example was the sus- any help from any Americans. How- her condition from the public. Addi- tained, multipronged information war- ever, Justice Department indictments, tional reports were aimed at bolstering fare campaign deployed against the including those from the special coun- the perceptions that she was not trust- American people, as I stated, during sel, and two reports commissioned by worthy and accused her of nefarious the 2016 Presidential election. While the Senate Intelligence Committee dealings detailed in the emails she de- the Kremlin’s information warfare analyzing data provided by social leted as a coverup of her so-called campaign against Ukraine and Brexit media companies are providing a better ‘‘crimes.’’

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24JA6.057 S24JAPT1 S572 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 24, 2019 A third group of accounts alleged third parties, including journalists true operator behind the fraudulent that Clinton used her high-ranking po- from traditional media outlets. Twitter account @BaltimoreIsWhr sition as Secretary of State to enrich The GRU’s covert efforts also took [Baltimore is War], which encouraged her family foundation with foreign do- advantage of a willing amplifier, U.S. audiences to ‘‘[j]oin our flash nations by engaging in quid quo pro WikiLeaks. WikiLeaks had an estab- mob’’ opposing Clinton and to share schemes. In contrast, Kremlin-funded lished reputation for spilling State se- images with the hashtag ‘‘Blacks media pushed positive stories about crets, including those of the U.S. Gov- Against Hillary.’’ President Trump, promoting him as a ernment and military. WikiLeaks also In addition to the GRU’s weaponizing pragmatist who understood that the offered a ready-made audience and had social media against the United States, United States needed to stop inter- an understanding of how to time re- there was a complementary effort from fering in the internal affairs of other leases for political impact. Indeed, ac- the Kremlin-linked troll organization, countries. cording to the Mueller indictment, the the Internet Research Agency. By the An additional widely used theme, GRU, posing as Guccifer 2.0 ‘‘discussed 2016 U.S. Presidential election, the de- which sought to maximize feelings of the release of the stolen documents and ployment of the troll organization ap- distrust and ran through much of what the timing of those releases’’ with peared to be a standard part of the Kremlin media broadcast, revolved WikiLeaks ‘‘to heighten their impact Kremlin’s playbook. The October 2018 around corruption in the United on the 2016 presidential election.’’ indictment of the Internet Research States, American hypocrisy, and that WikiLeaks released the stolen docu- Agency’s accountant in the Eastern our elections were rigged and fraudu- ments during the Democratic National District of Virginia provides additional lent. Painting the American political Convention to cause conflict between confirmation of the troll organization’s system as unfair, biased, and tainted Clinton and Sanders supporters at a role in the information campaign. The served Putin’s strategic interests, al- time when many Americans were very indictment confirms the existence of lowing the Kremlin to counter pro-de- likely to be paying attention. the Agency’s operation known as mocracy forces within Russia by as- WikiLeaks also released documents in Project Lakhta—since at least May of serting a moral equivalence between a the last few weeks of the election, 2014—and notes that this project tar- ‘‘flawed’’ American democratic system again, when the Nation was very likely geted Ukraine, Europe, and the United and his autocratic rule of Russia. to be following campaigns. The first re- States with a stated goal in the United The second line of effort in the Krem- lease of stolen emails from the Clinton States to ‘‘spread distrust toward can- lin’s information warfare playbook, campaign chairman, John Podesta, co- didates for political office and the po- covert Russian operations in cyber incided with a warning from the De- litical system in general.’’ Social space, repeated tactics used against partment of Homeland Security and Of- media researchers, including P.W. Ukraine but this time with greater so- fice of the Director of National Intel- Singer, have also noted how some of phistication. In particular, the Kremlin ligence in October 2016 about Russian the same trolls were repurposed for dif- and Kremlin-linked actors engaged in attacks against our election. It also oc- ferent operations. The accounts that hacking and weaponizing the release of curred on the same day as the release pretended to be Ukrainian then posed stolen data. From what our intel- of the Trump ‘‘Access Hollywood’’ as British citizens and then as Ameri- ligence community, the Department of tape. These efforts, too, suggest a high cans as the focus of attacks shifted Justice, and FBI have compiled, it ap- level of sophistication that hadn’t been over time. pears that the GRU undertook the larg- seen in earlier Russian influence cam- Against the United States, the troll est share of this aspect of the informa- paigns. operation capitalized on issues of im- tion warfare campaign, with com- The third component of the Russian portance to groups inside American so- plementary efforts undertaken by the information warfare campaign, mes- ciety to magnify fear and distrust in FSB. The special counsel’s indictment sage amplification and reinforcement ways that aligned with the Kremlin from July 2018 detailed how the GRU through social media, was deployed in strategic interest of hurting Clinton ‘‘intentionally conspired . . . to gain parallel with the other lines of effort to and helping President Trump. As the unauthorized access into the com- achieve an unprecedented impact. special counsel’s February indictment puters of U.S. persons and entities in- While we don’t know the full extent of detailed, ‘‘These groups and pages, volved in the 2016 election, steal docu- the GRU’s involvement, the Mueller in- which addressed divisive U.S. political ments from those computers and stage dictment revealed that an entire mili- and social issues, falsely claimed to be releases of the stolen documents to tary intelligence unit—74455—was ac- controlled by U.S. activists when, in interfere with the 2016 U.S. presidential tive in this line of effort. In his July fact, they were controlled by [Kremlin- election.’’ 2018 indictment, the special counsel ex- As we now know, two of the main plained that unit No. 74455 assisted in linked trolls].’’ The indictment further targets of this operation were the DNC the promotion of the released stolen asserted this was the manner in which and Clinton campaign chairman, John material ‘‘and the publication of anti- the troll organization reached ‘‘signifi- Podesta. Press reports indicate that Clinton contact on social media ac- cant numbers of Americans for the pur- approximately 50,000 emails and docu- counts operated by the GRU.’’ pose of influencing the Presidential ments were stolen. That includes the site DCLeaks, election of 2016.’’ Once in possession of these stolen which was, in fact, established by the The report prepared for the Senate documents, the GRU repeated its play- GRU. It went live in early June 2016, Intelligence Committee by New Knowl- book from the earlier campaigns. It posing as a site run by American edge, Columbia, and Canfield Research sought to weaponize the hacked infor- hacktivists, promising to ‘‘expose the that analyzed certain data from social mation by releasing it in a manner and truth’’ about U.S. politicians. The GRU media companies identifies a number at key times when it could cause the even created a DCLeaks Facebook of tactics employed by the Internet Re- most damage, while concealing Rus- page, authored by the fictitious U.S. search Agency in its assault on the 2016 sia’s role in the process. As the Mueller woman Alice Donovan, which sought to election. These include building brands indictment against the GRU describes, drive traffic to its site. The July in- across platforms, including Twitter, ‘‘They did so using fictitious online dictment further details how the GRU Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram; personas, including ‘DCLeaks’ and used additional fake accounts posing as deploying or repurposing popular ‘Guccifer 2.0.’’’ Americans named Jason Scott and memes to spread propaganda; rein- The Mueller indictment from last Richard Gingrey to promote the forcing key themes by resharing the July further detailed the GRU’s use of DCLeaks site. Before it was shut down same story across multiple accounts; fake persona, Guccifer 2.0, which the in March of 2017, the DCLeaks site was impersonating local media on Twitter GRU falsely claimed was a Romanian viewed over a million times. and Instagram to win the trust of hacker. Guccifer 2.0 released stolen The GRU also used social media to Americans in their local news; and am- documents and was active in pro- magnify fears about Hillary Clinton. plifying conspiratorial narratives moting so-called ‘‘exclusives’’ of stolen The July indictment from the special among both left- and right-leaning au- information as a way to launder it to counsel revealed that the GRU was the diences.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24JA6.058 S24JAPT1 January 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S573 As I mentioned, the report found that Facebook. While this may seem like a to Russian propaganda and one of the troll organization’s con- small amount compared to the millions disinformation, including disparaging certed lines of attack was against Afri- of dollars spent on the Presidential Secretary Clinton’s health and accus- can Americans. These efforts, however, campaign, the impact and reach of ing her repeatedly of being ‘‘crooked.’’ went beyond just trying to sow discord these Kremlin ads, once amplified The President encouraged Russia, in and reinforce fears about Clinton. Cam- through these Russian operations, was many respects, to continue these ac- paigns against African-American extensive. tivities. From what we know from the groups were pushed across Twitter, While Facebook estimates that ap- July indictment from the special coun- Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube proximately 126 million Americans saw sel, the night that Trump called on the with the goal of suppressing voter Kremlin-linked messages, Jonathan Russians to hack her emails, the GRU turnout ‘‘through malicious misdirec- Albright, the research director for Co- did, in fact, attack the server that tion, candidate support redirection and lumbia University’s Tow Center for housed Clinton’s personal accounts. As turnout depression.’’ Digital Journalism, extrapolated that journalist and legal analyst Jeffrey Kathleen Hall Jamieson, a scholar they could have been shared hundreds Toobin characterized it, ‘‘All of these who studies political campaigns, exam- of millions and, perhaps, many billions separate [Russian] efforts are com- ined polling data throughout the cam- of times. Kathleen Hall Jamieson con- pletely aligned with Donald Trump’s paign and documented similar tactics cluded that the widespread reach of the interests, often word for word.’’ at disenfranchisement in her recent troll organization’s disinformation ‘‘in- Some have argued that despite this book, including fake ads that encour- creases the likelihood’’ that the Rus- extensive and sophisticated Russian in- aged minority viewers to text or tweet sian activities changed the outcome of fluence campaign, there was no effect their support for Clinton rather than the election. A study from the Ohio on the outcome of the election because to vote at the polls or to rally support State University on propaganda and no vote tallies were changed. While we for other candidates in the race. These disinformation affirmed Hall may never know definitively what the efforts may have been particularly ef- Jamieson’s assessment and concluded actual impact of the Kremlin’s oper- fective in peeling off voters who would Russian information warfare attacks ation was, it is hard to believe that the have been likely to vote for her can- ‘‘most likely did have substantial im- Kremlin would mount a sustained, didacy. They also may have influenced pact on the voting decisions of a stra- multiyear information warfare cam- undecided voters at a key time. Polls tegically important set of voters— paign against our democratic institu- in the final month of the campaign those who voted for Barack Obama in tions if it had no reason to expect that showed a marked drop in the number of 2012. Indeed, given the very narrow it would have an impact. To the con- Americans saying they intended to margins of victory by Donald Trump in trary, based on its experience in vote for Secretary Clinton. key battleground states, this impact Ukraine, Brexit, and elsewhere, the The reports prepared for the Senate may have been sufficient to deprive Kremlin had every reason to believe Intelligence Committee highlighted Hillary Clinton of a victory in the that it could successfully influence the that Twitter was an important compo- Electoral College.’’ That is their con- outcome of the 2016 election with mini- nent of the attacks Kremlin-linked clusion. mal risk of being discovered or suf- troll organizations deployed against As with the Brexit campaign, the fering retaliation. the American people. The nearly 4,000 Russian information warfare campaign inauthentic Russian Twitter accounts, during the 2016 election was aided by As I have laid out, Russia is engaged like their Facebook counterparts, pro- others who, either wittingly or unwit- in a sustained information warfare moted messages related to divisive so- tingly, helped to advance Russia’s stra- campaign against the United States, cial issues, such as gun control, race tegic objectives. Among these were our allies, and partners. This Russian relations, and immigration. The troll major American news outlets, which interference can’t be dismissed as a organization also deployed bots, or covered much of what was in the one-off operation. As Deputy Attorney automated accounts, to amplify mes- WikiLeaks disclosures. They treated it General Rod Rosenstein told the Aspen sages and drive traffic to specific as legitimate news without reminding Forum last July, the Russian effort to Facebook pages, Kremlin propaganda viewers of how the information was ob- influence the 2016 Presidential election sites, or other targeted websites. The tained or that it was being pushed by a is ‘‘just one tree in a growing forest. Kremlin-linked troll operation went foreign adversary. Thomas Rid, a pro- Russian intelligence officers did not into overdrive on election day with fessor of security studies at King’s Col- stumble onto the idea of hacking strategic messaging that mimicked the lege, testified to the Senate Intel- American computers and posting mis- spike in activity on Twitter during the ligence Committee in March of 2017 leading messages because they had a Brexit referendum. According to the that the journalists functioned as ‘‘un- free afternoon. It is what they do every Daily Beast, Kremlin-linked trolls witting agents . . . who aggressively day.’’ Our intelligence community as- began a ‘‘final push’’ and used ‘‘a com- covered the political leaks while ne- sessed in January 2017 that the cam- glecting or ignoring their provenance’’ bination of high-profile accounts with paign against us represented a ‘‘new or, as Kathleen Hall Jamieson con- large and influential followings and normal’’ in Russian influence efforts in cludes, the American media ‘‘inadvert- scores of lurking personas established which ‘‘Moscow will apply lessons ently helped [the Russians] achieve years earlier with stolen photos and learned from its campaign aimed at the their goals.’’ U.S. presidential election to future in- fabricated backgrounds’’ to send ‘‘care- Further, as in the Brexit campaign, a fully metered tweets and retweets voic- fluence efforts in the U.S. and world- number of local surrogates appeared to wide.’’ ing praise for Trump and contempt for echo the Kremlin messages. This in- his opponent from the early morning cluded associates of the Trump cam- Russian information warfare oper- until the last polls closed in the United paign and even the President himself. ations have a real and ongoing impact States.’’ He boasted of his love of WikiLeaks at on our national security. Russia has As the recent studies commissioned least 124 times in the last month of the not paused its information warfare op- by the Senate Intelligence Committee election alone and even tweeted a link erations since the 2016 election, and, in illuminate, the information warfare to access the stolen disclosures from fact, the level of Russian operations campaign against the American people WikiLeaks. According to the Wash- has increased since then. As John was an extensive, widespread, coordi- ington Post, at least five close Trump Kelly, the founder of Graphika, a social nated effort across many social media associates, albeit perhaps unknow- media intelligence firm, who testified platforms, both big and small. The in- ingly, retweeted messages from Krem- to the Senate Intelligence Committee creased sophistication of the troll orga- lin-linked troll accounts, including the in August and who collaborated on one nization’s techniques on social media account @Ten—GOP, a Russian fake of the reports for the Senate Intel- provided a relatively low-cost but high- handle that impersonated the Ten- ligence Committee I discussed earlier, ly effective method of influencing the nessee Republican Party. stated: ‘‘After election day, the Rus- American public. For example, these The President and his campaign also sian government stepped on the gas trolls spent only $100,000 on 3,000 ads on used talking points that were similar . . . confirming again that the assault

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24JA6.059 S24JAPT1 S574 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 24, 2019 on our democratic process is much big- appearing to be U.S. persons when they countering Russian hybrid and infor- ger than the attack on a single elec- are, in fact, Kremlin-linked trolls that mation warfare. tion.’’ This idea was confirmed by data are acting as part of an information A recent FBI Agent’s Association re- in both his report and the other report warfare campaign. port highlighted how efforts to inves- commissioned by the Senate Intel- Last February, in testimony before tigate and prosecute cyber criminals ligence Committee on the Kremlin- the Armed Services Cyber Sub- have been impacted. That includes a linked troll organization. committee, Russia expert Heather lack of resources to pay for wiretaps The report done by New Knowledge, Conley warned that Russian informa- and subpoenas. One anonymous FBI Columbia University, and Canfield re- tion warfare campaigns in 2018 and 2020 agent quoted in the report remarked: search noted that the Kremlin-linked will adapt and ‘‘look more American, ‘‘These delays slow down our work to troll organization went after those who and [it] will look less Russian.’’ The combat criminal activity on the [inter- are investigating Russian information New Knowledge, Columbia University, net] and protect the American people.’’ warfare and other malign influence ac- and Canfield research study notes that All the while, Russia continues to at- tivities in the United States, including we need to be on the lookout for in- tack us with information warfare. attempts to label Russian interference creasingly sophisticated operations, in- They were not closed for business. With in the election as ‘‘nonsense’’ and cast- cluding ‘‘increased human-exploitation this unnecessary government shut- ing former FBI Director James Comey tradecraft and narrative laundering.’’ down, we are fighting blindfolded with and Special Counsel Mueller as cor- The technology already exists to cre- one hand tied behind our backs. ate ‘‘deepfakes,’’ false videos of real rupt. I am confident in the ability of our people saying or doing things that are We don’t have to look too far for government and our society to come damaging. Advances in artificial intel- other examples of Russia’s ongoing together. I am confident that with the ligence are enabling rapid, automated campaign against the American people American vision and ingenuity, work- responses on social media that mimic and our allies and partners. Kremlin- ing across the aisle and across the At- authentic accounts. linked troll operations flooded Twitter lantic, these are challenges that we can with messages that were intended to We are still gathering data about in- formation warfare attacks, including meet and conquer, but we must remem- sow division and disinformation in the ber that this is not a Democratic or wake of numerous controversies, in- the 2018 midterms. Between the indict- ments I referenced and the additional Republican problem. cluding the tragic shootings in Las This is an attack against the Nation Vegas and Parkland, FL, and during Kremlin-directed troll operations dis- covered by Facebook in conjunction by a foreign power. This is a problem of the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings. our national security. We have no time Last September, we learned from an in- with our Intelligence Committee, the FBI, and DHS, we seem to be getting to waste. If we are looking for another dictment in the Western District of reason why we should open this govern- Pennsylvania that GRU officers, in- better at responding to the types of at- tacks perpetrated against United ment immediately, it is to continue cluding some agents who were pre- our protection against the attacks by viously indicted by Special Counsel States in 2016, but that is no indicator that we have become better at antici- foreign entities. Mueller, attempted information at- With that, let me particularly thank tacks against prominent world organi- pating future attacks. The Director of the Department of the Senator from Florida for his pa- zations, including those who were in- Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity tience and thank the Presiding Officer vestigating Russian malign influence and Infrastructure Security Agency for his patience as well. activities. It is now clear that Russian informa- warned last November that ‘‘the [2018] I yield the floor. tion operations also targeted the 2018 midterm is . . . just the warm-up or The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- the exhibition game. . . . The big game midterm elections. The October indict- ator from Florida. . . . for the adversaries is probably ment from the Eastern District of Vir- AMENDMENT NO. 48 2020.’’ Mr. SCOTT of Florida. Mr. President, ginia details an ongoing and advanced I want to thank my colleague for operation to influence the American I rise today as a voice for the people of being generous and patient with my Puerto Rico. I intend to be their voice electorate up through 2018. As the in- presentation, but I do want to make, I dictment states, this campaign ‘‘has a in the U.S. Senate. They are Ameri- think, an important and concluding cans—as American as the people of strategic goal, which continues to this point that ties in directly with what is Florida whom I was elected to rep- day, to sow division and discord in the going on right now. U.S. political system.’’ The indictment resent. They are our brothers and sis- GOVERNMENT FUNDING ters, and they deserve a voice. Their also details how Russian troll oper- Mr. President, we have been talking ations are using U.S.-based virtual pri- success is America’s success. Their re- about this shutdown. After I described covery is America’s recovery. vate networks, or VPNs, paid for with the activities that have transpired over In September of 2017, Puerto Rico Bitcoin through multiple bank ac- the last 5 to 10 years, we should be was hit by a devastating hurricane. counts, to disguise the origin of Rus- aware that they are continuing, and Maria’s landfall changed the landscape sian messaging on social media. the consequences of this shutdown are The sophistication of these oper- of the island forever. As Governor of more than theoretical. ations continues to increase. The Inter- We are missing some of our most Florida, I worked to be there for the net Research Agency has a dedicated critical tools for countering Russian people of Puerto Rico. I worked with ‘‘search engine optimization’’ depart- information warfare for protecting sys- Congresswoman Jenniffer Gonzalez ment that is devoted to manipulating tems that are vital to our democracy. Colon, Governor Rossello, Lieutenant social media search algorithms to ad- As Andrew Grotto, a former cyber se- Governor Luis Rivera Marin, Senate vance the goals of Russian troll oper- curity adviser for Presidents Trump President Thomas Rivera Schatz, and ations. The troll organization spent and Obama stated, ‘‘Defending Federal House Speaker Carlos Johnny Mendez millions of dollars annually in 2017 and networks is already an act of triage to provide whatever support and aid 2018 and is still buying ads on . . . furloughs make a hard job even they needed. Facebook and Instagram. These oper- harder.’’ Jennifer has been a tireless advocate ations continue to cover a broad range While I applaud DHS for reorganizing for Puerto Rico, and she has been fight- of divisive issues, and as the indict- into the new Cybersecurity and Infra- ing so hard for this funding. I am proud ment details, the organization’s em- structure Security Agency, they have to join her in this fight. ployees are instructed on strategies since had to furlough 43 percent of In Florida, we created welcome cen- and guidance for targeting particular their employees. That is over 1,500 ters at the airports in Orlando and in audiences with carefully tailored mes- workers who right now are unable to Miami to support those coming to sages. Despite efforts by Facebook and continue key missions and protect us Florida from the island. We waived Twitter to eliminate inauthentic ac- from attack. housing and education regulations to counts, there are still thousands of ac- The FBI is also affected by the shut- make sure families coming from Puer- tive social media and email accounts down in critical functions related to to Rico could easily settle in Florida,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24JA6.061 S24JAPT1 January 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S575 whether they planned to stay perma- filled his promise to shut down the gov- extending very cheap credit. I want to nently or just for a short period of ernment, and the American people are thank people who are organizing in time. not happy about it. local communities, not just in Hawaii I have visited Puerto Rico eight Poll after poll shows that people are but across the country, so that middle- times since the deadly storm and pro- not OK with the way the President of class families can make it through vided Florida State resources to the the United States is handling his job, this. citizens of Puerto Rico to aid in re- and it is getting worse by the day, be- Federal workers want paychecks, not building and recovery, but the island cause to any reasonable person, this food banks. They want paychecks. still has a long way to go. shutdown has been stupid and useless They don’t want charity. They want to The bill I supported today does many and cruel. be compensated for the work that they good things. It reopens the government There are so many failures to talk do. They shouldn’t rely on pop-up after the longest shutdown in U.S. his- about, but I want to talk about four kitchens for furloughed workers or on- tory. It provides significant funding to specific failures that, if it were any line fundraising campaigns or the kind- secure our southern border—funding other President, if it were any other ness of families, friends, and strang- that is long overdue and that is needed time in modern history, would bring a ers—as great as all of that is. They to keep American families safe. It ex- President and a Congress to its senses should just get paid, and that starts tends protections for children who were and end the shutdown. with opening the government. brought to this country illegally The first failure is this. Federal Here is the second failure that should through no fault of their own, and it workers are in food lines. Federal end this shutdown right away, and that extends TPS. While I would prefer a workers are in food lines. People with is that economic growth is already permanent solution for the DACA kids jobs are now in food lines. Hundreds of slowing. This week, a White House ad- and TPS, this is a positive step. Put- thousands of people who work for the viser said that the Nation’s economic ting protections for the DACA popu- government are either furloughed or growth could be zero if the shutdown lation into law is also long overdue. working without pay, and, tomorrow, goes on. Economists and business lead- The bill also provides significant dis- these American public servants will ers were already worried about the po- aster funding for the State of Florida miss their second paycheck. tential for a recession, and this shut- following the devastation of Hurricane There is a big difference between down is fanning those unfortunate Michael, which hit Florida’s Panhandle missing the first paycheck and the sec- flames. just a few months ago. The funding in- ond paycheck. Some people can absorb Small businesses can’t get loans. cludes resources specifically for Tyn- missing the first paycheck, but this Companies can’t go public. This admin- dall Air Force Base. I would like to second paycheck is going to be really, istration has stopped some of the core thank Majority Leader MCCONNELL for really challenging for tens of thou- functions of our market economy, but putting a bill forward to help Florida sands of American public servants be- there is one thing that will not stop, recover from this horrible hurricane. cause the rent is due, the mortgage is and that is the corruption in this ad- On all of these points, I join many of due, the car registration is due, the in- ministration. my colleagues in support, but, unfortu- surance is due, and the utilities are due If you have money, this administra- nately, the Senate version of the gov- at the beginning of the month. tion takes care of you, and if you don’t, ernment funding bill does not include This brings the amount of money then they will not. Federal workers $600 million in essential disaster fund- that American public servants are have been called back to the office to ing for our brothers and sisters in owed by their government for work al- take care of oil and gas leases—to take Puerto Rico. ready performed to $4.7 billion. Re- care of oil and gas leases—and to help I am offering an amendment today member that about a third of all Fed- financial institutions. They are work- that would add the $600 million in- eral workers are veterans. ing unpaid so that special interests can cluded in the House bill back to the It may be hard for billionaires in the keep making money. Senate version. Cabinet to understand, but for the mid- This is the third failure. While people Puerto Rico’s recovery continues, dle class, missing two paychecks in a who are fortunate financially are pro- and the U.S. Congress must do every- row is a total disaster. tected, this shutdown leaves the people thing we can to support that, with re- I have met people working in airport most vulnerable to fend for themselves. sponsible safeguards against fraud and security who can’t concentrate. They Food pantries and health clinics that waste. As long as I am a Member of the can’t sleep because they can’t stop rely on Federal funds are out of sup- U.S. Senate, I will fight to make sure worrying about how they are going to plies, which means that Americans are the people of Puerto Rico are rep- pay their bills. I have met government going to start to go hungry and with- resented. I am proud that the first workers in the midst of applying for out medicine for everything from dia- amendment I filed and my first speech food stamps and asking local charities betes to addiction. on the Senate floor is to fight for Puer- for help. I met a single mom who spent Landlords who provide housing for 4 to Rico. her career working hard to build a life million people—mostly seniors and To the people of Puerto Rico, know for her family, and she told me that people with disabilities and kids—will this: I will be your voice in the Senate. without these paychecks, it is all going soon stop receiving rent payments. I will fight for what is right, and I will backward. They will have to decide how long they never give up. As one Washington Post columnist can hold out before being forced to I will now address the Senate in put it, under the Republican leader- evict these people or lose the prop- Spanish. I provided the translation to ship, the United States is starting to erties themselves. the Senate for the RECORD. look like the failed Soviet system, Housing authorities are delaying the (English translation of the statement with middle-class workers literally release of section 8 vouchers. made in Spanish is as follows:) waiting in bread lines. Domestic violence shelters that rely The people of Puerto Rico deserve real I am grateful that for every story I on Federal funds are furloughing their change. We have to strengthen the economy have heard of someone suffering, there of the island. As a Senator, I will fight for own workers and cutting back services the families of Puerto Rico and work to en- is also a story of people stepping up to that save lives. So men, women, and sure that Puerto Rico is treated fairly. help. In Hawaii, in particular, local children who need to get out of a dan- Thank you so much. utility companies, financial institu- gerous situation at home have fewer Mr. President, the amendment is at tions, and others have decided that options to get to safety. the desk. they will not penalize Federal workers That brings me to the fourth failure, I yield back the balance of my time. hurt by the shutdown if they miss a which is that public safety is gravely The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- payment. I want to thank our local at risk. This is a serious matter. This ator from Hawaii. banks for allowing unpaid Federal isn’t about whether Donald Trump can GOVERNMENT FUNDING workers to make a late payment on save face or whether the Republicans Mr. SCHATZ. Mr. President, it has their mortgage without a penalty, and can vanquish the Democrats or NANCY been 34 days since the President ful- I want to thank our credit unions for PELOSI makes MITCH MCCONNELL look

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24JA6.063 S24JAPT1 S576 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 24, 2019 bad. It is none of that. Public safety is some for courts so they can adjudicate checks for the second time tomorrow. at risk. some of these cases, and some for phys- It is our obligation to reopen the gov- Air traffic controllers and TSA work- ical barriers where it is appropriate, to ernment. ers are working without pay. They are put up a wall where it makes sense. I yield the floor. stressed out, and they are becoming in- You don’t put up a wall where it I suggest the absence of a quorum. creasingly understaffed and undersup- doesn’t make sense. We do this all the The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. ported, and there is no ability to train time. So the idea that we are going to SCOTT of Florida). The clerk will call new employees, and they are sounding shut down the government and shut the roll. the alarm. down portions of the Department of The senior assistant legislative clerk This isn’t my rhetoric. I want you to Homeland Security itself in order to proceeded to call the roll. listen to what the National Air Traffic get to a place where the President of Mr. RUBIO. Mr. President, I ask Controllers Association said yesterday: the United States can save face is just unanimous consent that the order for We cannot even calculate the level of risk absurd. the quorum call be rescinded. currently at play, nor predict the point at We have to be the grownups here, and The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without which the entire system will break. It is un- that is going to require some Repub- objection, it is so ordered. precedented. licans to craft a border security pack- VENEZUELA The National Transportation Safety age with Democrats, as we have over Mr. RUBIO. Mr. President, I wanted Board is being forced to choose which the last 6 or 7 years, and we have to do to take a moment to address the recent crashes to investigate and which not that after we open the government. events in the nation of Venezuela, but to, leaving us with unanswered ques- The reason that is so essential is that before I do, I want to take the oppor- tions and risking lives in the future. As this President—certainly this Presi- tunity to congratulate the Presiding of this week, the NTSB has been unable dent especially, but no President, Officer, my colleague from the great to investigate 87 crashes, including Democratic or Republican, now or 30 State of Florida, who a few moments some with fatalities. years from now, should ever inflict ago I believe gave his speech on the This is a pattern. It is a pattern of pain on the American people in order floor of the Senate—and gave part of it recklessly endangering the safety of to generate leverage in a policy discus- in Spanish, and did it very well—and Americans. We are just 2 months out sion. When somebody does that—and if spoke about the important issue of from a wildfire that destroyed 18,000 it is one of my friends in the Senate Puerto Rico. His leadership here on homes and buildings and killed 86 peo- and they do this 10 years from now, I that is going to be critical. It is an ple. Yet the shutdown has stopped us want them to read this speech back to issue I know he knows very well from from training firefighters. It has can- his time as Governor of our State. celled controlled burns. It has led to me. The answer to the offer, which is, I know this is another cause he cares dead trees piling up in places that we ‘‘I am going to hurt Americans unless about. He took leadership on it as the know pose a fire risk. This is what hap- you do X,’’ should be ‘‘You get nothing Governor of the State of Florida. As re- pens when you shut down the govern- in exchange for not hurting Ameri- cently as 2 nights ago, he was with me ment to try to get your way. You put cans.’’ That is not a cookie for us. Barack Obama learned that lesson real people at risk. and some others, and together we met The safety of Americans abroad and the hard way. Only when he finally with the President of the United States at home is threatened by this shut- said ‘‘You guys want to screw with the to talk about what is happening in down. The State Department cancelled American economy; you want to mess Venezuela. a border security summit. This fight is with the debt ceiling; you get nothing’’ The most important answer we have supposed to be about border security. did they back off, and all that to have for the American people is, Yet we are not paying TSA, we are not brinksmanship stopped. Why should it matter to us? Why paying FBI agents, we are about to Every time we reward hostage tak- should America even be involved in close some of our Federal courts, and ing, we will get more hostage taking. this, beyond expressing an opinion or the State Department itself just can- As painful as all of this is, we have to sending a letter or even a vote on an celled a border security summit. FBI stand firm. We are absolutely willing international organism? Why should agents are working without pay. Field to negotiate a package related to bor- America lead, and why should America offices are operating in fiscal uncer- der security, which will no doubt in- be so intricately involved in something tainty. That means investigations into clude some physical barrier, because going on in another country? street gangs and drug dealers are on we do that every year, actually, but I That is always a valid question. It is hold, training on child abductions and am not doing any of that until the gov- the most important question we have counterterrorism has been cancelled, ernment is opened. That is not just a to consistently answer and not take for and communications with sources political position; that is a matter of granted. I think we don’t do that about gangs, such as MS–13, have principle because we can’t live like this enough anymore in American foreign stopped. As one agent put it, ‘‘Our en- as a country. We cannot function like policy. It has allowed some to argue emies know they can run freely.’’ Our this. If we do this, if we cut a deal now that perhaps the United States gets too enemies know they can run freely. and we give $2 billion for the wall, the engaged around the world. I ask all of my colleagues on both debt ceiling is coming up in March or We are a nation that should always sides of the aisle, why would we put April, and here we go again. The fiscal stand for our principles, and we should public safety at risk? Why can’t we re- year expires in September, and here we defend them and stand with those open the government and negotiate our go again. We will never govern. I know around the world who share the prin- differences? the Presiding Officer was a Governor. ciples of human liberty and dignity and The truth is, as it relates to border That is no way to run a country. Let freedom and respect for human rights. security—I am in my seventh year in this be the last shutdown. When the United States gets deeply in- the Senate, and every year, we do a bi- I know the two leaders of the Senate volved in something in another coun- partisan bill that includes border secu- are in what appear to be constructive try, it must also be in our national in- rity in the Homeland Security Appro- conversations. I know there are plenty terests. priations Subcommittee. We always do of adults who want to get us out of The only reason why being involved this. this. For the first time in several in the issues that are going on in Ven- By the way, every Republican and weeks, I have actually felt somewhat ezuela can be justified to the men and every Democrat will quietly say: We hopeful about the trajectory. I don’t women of this Nation, for whom we are not doing a cement wall from sea think we are going to fix this in the work, is to prove to them and argue to to shining sea. That makes no sense, next hour or so, but at least we are them and convince them that what is and nobody at the Department of talking, and at least there seems to be happening there is not just about Ven- Homeland Security thinks that is a a desire to structure an off-ramp. But ezuela, but it is in the national inter- good idea. we have to do one simple thing first: ests of the United States. So we quietly appropriate money— We have to reopen the government. Before I can do that, I have to lay some for personnel, some for beds, People are about to miss their pay- out the history of what brings us to

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24JA6.064 S24JAPT1 January 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S577 this point. I will not go into great de- If you didn’t show up to vote and you world; that he basically proclaimed tail because the time does not permit didn’t vote for whom they wanted you himself the President. No, he just as- it. Venezuela has a Constitution. In to vote, meaning Maduro, you got cut sumed his constitutional responsi- fact, it has a Constitution that was put off from your food program. If you had bility. The United States did some- in place during the rule of Hugo Cha- to choose between voting for someone thing unusual in recognizing him. No. vez—someone whom I was certainly you didn’t like or not feeding your 1, it is not unusual. It is the Constitu- not a fan of and who was not a fan of family, you were going to vote for tion of Venezuela; and No. 2, it was not the United States. someone you did not like. just the United States. Under that Constitution, there was a Despite all that, the turnouts were We were immediately joined by 11 parliamentary body of the National As- abysmally low. The images that came countries in the region. That number is sembly, and there was a Presidency out—there were two people in line, in now up to 16 in the Western Hemi- and a supreme court. What happened a some cases. Sometimes they caught sphere—Colombia, Chili, Peru, Brazil, few years ago is that when Chavez died the same five people making the line Argentina, Honduras, Guatemala—all and Nicolas Maduro—the current dic- over and over again. It wasn’t a real of them, lined up, and more, and re- tator of the country—took over, he had election. flected the same position the United to stand for election. Before he stood By the way, he legally disqualified States has taken on this issue. So did for election, there was an election to every credible opponent he could have France. Apparently, so did the United the National Assembly. The party that possibly had. Because it was a fake Kingdom today and Albania and was Hugo Chavez’s party and now election, the opposition boycotted it. Kosovo and a growing number of coun- Maduro’s party was trounced. They So he didn’t even have real opposition. tries. Even the European Union says lost badly. They didn’t just lose the He won this fake election. Then came Maduro is illegitimate. They have not National Assembly. They lost Gov- January, and he tried to be sworn in. gone as far as to recognize the interim ernors’ seats across the country. He was, through a ceremony, but it was President as the interim President, but Maduro realized that his party, and not legitimate. It would be the same as they have said he is illegitimate, and he himself, could not survive in a truly if the President of the United States at the National Assembly he is legiti- democratic system. What he did is he announced that he was calling new mate. canceled the National Assembly. First, elections, not in 2020; we are going to It is not unusual. It happens to be the he started ignoring them. He stopped have them in April of this year. If he global norm. Who disagrees with us following their orders. They would pass wins, he will get to serve 6 years in- other than Maduro? Cuba, Turkey, a bill, and he wouldn’t implement it. stead of 4. Russia, Iran, Egypt, apparently. What He would completely ignore it, as if Everybody here would say that is not do they have in common? Think about they didn’t exist. the Constitution. It is not a constitu- it. These are not democracies. They Then, he replaced a supreme court tional election. That is what they did. have their own interests here at heart. with handpicked people who would do It is not a reelection. Under the Con- Some might ask: How does this guy hold on to power if he is so terrible? what he wanted to do. The equivalent stitution of Venezuela, because that No. 1, he controls access to food. I can would be if the President of the United was not legitimate, you have a vacancy tell you, if you control access to food States decided that no matter what in the Office of the Presidency. and medicine and you threaten people law we passed, even if we overrode a Under the Constitution of Venezuela, with hunger, you will have a lot of con- veto, he just wouldn’t implement it similar to ours, when there is a va- trol. The other thing he has done is, he and would refuse to do it. cancy in the Presidency—and by virtue uses migration as a relief valve. It is a Then, at some point, he actually of that the Vice Presidency because he very Cuban regime-type tactic. tried to create an alternative to the was elected alongside—the President of It is estimated that over 2.3 million National Assembly. He created, out of the country becomes the equivalent of people—basically 1 out of 12 Ven- thin air, this thing called the Con- our Speaker of the House, the same ezuelans—have left the country since stituent Assembly, which is an idea he line of succession we have here. He be- 2015. Think about that. One-twelfth of got from the Cubans and from Com- comes the President of the National the population has abandoned the munist countries, and gave them ex- Assembly. country, leaving behind, in many cases, traordinary powers to do all sorts of The President of the National Assem- children on their own, leaving behind things. bly assumes that charge as interim catastrophe. One of the things that Constituent President and within 45 days has to The ability to drive out opponents Assembly did is they created an elec- call valid constitutional elections. and people for whom life has become tion late last spring. People would say That is what happened yesterday. The too miserable is a relief valve. The Maduro stood for election, and he valid President of the National Assem- other is just sheer oppression. They put won—theoretically. At least that is bly called, assumed the responsibility people in jail. They kill people. People their argument. You can have an elec- of interim President, and now within die in custody. They shoot them in the tion and it not be a real election. the next 45 days he will have to sched- streets. That is pretty effective, too, For example, every one of the media ule and call for elections. sometimes. outlets in the country is controlled by The United States responded to that The second thing that keeps them in the government. All of them have to by stating the obvious. This is not con- power is the assistance of the Cuban re- run, by law—they are mandated to pro- stitutional. It is not legitimate. We gime. Every time I mention that, peo- vide what they call network coverage don’t recognize this fake President. We ple think: You are just obsessed with across the board any time he speaks to recognize your Constitution and the Cuba. You are from Miami, Cuban the nation. President whom the Constitution says American. The opposition party doesn’t have is in place, this interim President. The Cubans, when it comes to intel- that same opportunity. He manipu- This is not a guy who is trying to be ligence and repression, punch way lated vote tallies. They were able to go President himself for 6 years. This is above their weight. They are experts at in and make sure votes were counted in not a fight between two political par- repression. That is what they basically a certain way. They control votes ties, not some civil war like we see in assist them with. through the food program. Forty-two other parts of the world between two Do you know the Cubans basically percent of the people in Venezuela de- competing bands. This is basically the run the security apparatus of Ven- pend on a food program run by the gov- person who has been elected, the Presi- ezuela? The personal security of ernment. To have that food program, dent of the National Assembly assum- Maduro are Cubans, which tells you a you have to have an identification ing an interim position who is now a lot about how much trust he has in his card. When you go vote, that same caretaker to guide the country back countrymen. The Cubans provide them identification card doesn’t just register toward a constitutional democracy. with basically all of their intelligence whether you voted or not, they know The United States recognizes it. collection and the capacity to collect whom you voted for. They know whom It is stunning to see some of the re- intelligence. They have trained their you voted for. porting on this here and around the National Guard on crowd control.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24JA6.066 S24JAPT1 S578 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 24, 2019 By the way, none of this is free. these military officers. Imagine, for a only way he will ever be President is if These are not free services. This is a moment, this is your country, and here he can preserve the outlines of this re- country that is poor and low on re- comes the smaller country and their gime and just get rid of the godfather sources. The Cubans are probably pull- guys run everything and tell you what and declare himself the new godfather, ing in $1 billion a year for these serv- to do and spy on you and pit you the head of this new criminal syn- ices they provide. against each other. They better be dicate, or he can wait until 2024 and The other thing people keep men- careful about expressing that resent- run a rigged election—again, set up tioning that keeps him in power is the ment because the Cubans are listening, under the confines of this regime. Even loyalty of military officers. I know you and they will report you. if he doesn’t like Maduro, it is to his will see the picture of all these guys in Despite all of this, all is not good in benefit that he stay there until he is a country, by the way, where people the Venezuela regime. It has gotten ready to make his move on him or are starving, and every single one of harder and harder every day. What has until 2024, when he can run under this these military guys is overweight. happened with the sanctions that have rigged system. Somehow, in a starving country, these been imposed on these individuals, Another thing that is wrong with people are gaining weight. They have they have cut off their ability to steal Venezuela is they are deeply in debt. these fancy uniforms on. money and enjoy corruption, and it has They have serious problems. These are Let me tell you, these folks are not cut off the ability to enjoy the money the things we think about. They owe truly loyal to Maduro. I saw that pic- they have stolen. They can’t travel. China about $18 billion, which they ture today. I can tell you for a fact They can’t buy certain things. They don’t have the money to pay. They owe that more than half of the people in have to hide their money. Some have Russia about $3 or $4 billion. Do you that picture at some point in time have had assets seized here and abroad. That know how they are paying that right expressed serious doubts about Maduro. has created resentment, and that has now? They are paying it with oil. They They are really limited to what they created anger within the inner circle. are sending oil to China and to Russia can do right now. Why? First of all, be- All these people in the inner circle are for pennies on the dollar. That is what cause all of them—every one of them— now upset because they are not making they are making because they don’t is compromised. Their loyalty is not as much money off corruption as they have cash, so they are bartering in- ideological, and it is not personal. It is used to make. They start saying to stead, paying the debts off in oil. I know you have seen the public pro- bought. It is paid for. Every single one themselves, maybe we have to get rid nouncements. The Chinese just want to of them has access to lucrative corrup- of Maduro and get a new godfather get paid. They are owed $18 billion, and tion opportunities. Some of them have Mafia head here. Maduro finds out they want to get paid, and they want been given the opportunity to raid about it, and he eliminates them. So to make sure that Maduro or whoever Venezuela’s national oil company. the circle gets smaller, which actually is in power is going to pay them the $18 They have made millions—hundreds of works to his benefit because with billion. But the Russians want to get millions of dollars—by running that shrinking resources, the less mouths paid too. Neither one of them believes company into the ground. Some of you have to feed with corruption, the Maduro is a great leader or is happy them have been given the distribution better. with him; they just don’t know what is of consumer goods—watches and There is a real good example of it. going to come after him. They are phones and consumer articles. They There is a guy named Diosdado afraid that whoever comes after him give them these things and say: You Cabello, who ostensibly is now the will state that the debt is not legiti- president of this fake constituent as- guys go out and sell them in the black mate because it wasn’t approved by the sembly. He happens to be a drug lord market in the street and take your cut. National Assembly. So they would Others have been allowed to skim off deeply involved in narcotrafficking. I rather have this guy in place unless it that food program I mentioned that guess that is his part of the corruption is going to be someone else just like feeds 42 percent of the people. The mili- deal. That is his take. That is the busi- him. But they are not happy. tary officers get first dibs at some per- ness line he has been given. But he The corruption in the national oil centage of it, and they get to sell food wants to be President. He wants to be company is so horrifying that even the directly for a profit. Some are partici- President, not Maduro. Chinese and Russians don’t like it. pating in currency manipulation. It This guy Cabello—when Chavez was That is how bad it is. That has to be a sounds a lot like an organized crime removed in a coup that lasted just a pretty high standard. Then there is the ring, like one of these old-style Mafia couple of days, Cabello was sworn in as mismanagement. They have destroyed families, where one guy ran the loan- President of Venezuela because there this company. Its production has col- sharking racket and the other guy had was a vacancy, using the exact same lapsed. It is not run by oil people; it is the gambling and the other guy had provision of the Constitution that they run by generals who don’t know any- the prostitution and the other guy did now claim is illegitimate. But here is thing about the business. They have the bank heists. Cabello, who is a drug dealer, a drug run it into the ground, and they missed That is what this is. These people are lord, a thug, but he wants to be Presi- payments. Remember, they are sup- loyal because Maduro allows them cor- dent. He will never be elected Presi- posed to be delivering oil for payment. ruption opportunities. They are also dent of Venezuela in a normal election, They have missed deliveries to the Chi- loyal, by the way, because the Cubans in a legitimate election, so what is his nese and Russians. They are not happy are spying on them. The Cuban intel- path to being elected and to becoming about it, but what are they going to ligence agencies quickly pick up on President? do? At least they are getting paid any of these military officers who are First is this constituent assembly he something. being disloyal or expressing doubts, has been put in charge of. This new Russia has another interest, by the and those guys are arrested. thing they created outside the Con- way, which leads me now to why we There has been a massive purge of stitution is so powerful that it has the should care about this. Venezuelan military officers over the power to remove Maduro today. They First and foremost, I can make a last 2 years. I am talking about dozens could remove Maduro. And this guy very compelling argument, I believe, of high-ranking military officials, ei- hears the whispers. These guys are not that what is happening in Venezuela is ther removed from their positions or blind to what is happening. They can a national interest threat to the arrested and are in jail. It wasn’t for see that the country is in disarray, the United States and even potentially a corruption, believe me. It was because economy is collapsing, and there isn’t national security threat. the Cubans caught them and reported enough money for them to steal any- Let me start with this: Maduro has them and were wrapped up. Everybody more, and there are people saying to repeatedly and openly invited the Rus- else was watching that and saying: It him: Hey, why don’t you move on this sians to establish both a naval and an ain’t going to happen to me. guy because this guy is never going to air base in Venezuela. Basically he That is not really loyalty. That is fix this place. said: Here is the land. We will build it fear. You can see it in their eyes today. He is thinking about it, and he has for you. We want to have your air- By the way, they resent the Cubans, thought about it, but he knows the planes and naval ships stationed here.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24JA6.068 S24JAPT1 January 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S579 Most of us serving here, with a few are going to have a cocaine crisis in pices of the Lima Group has been ex- exceptions, have never served in Con- this country because all that cocaine is traordinary. The United States is an gress when—and many people around headed here. equal partner to them in this endeavor. do not remember a time—when a for- Colombia is out there trying to fight What will probably happen now is eign military, an adversary, was sta- against it, but their resources are that Maduro, instead of being the one tioned in our own hemisphere, but that being drained because they have at this who arrests the interim President, will is what Maduro is inviting him to do. moment at least 1 million or 1.2 mil- turn it over to the courts to let them Why does Maduro want it? Because he lion Venezuelan migrants who have decide. Well, he controls the courts. thinks that acts as insurance against had to leave Venezuela and are now in They are all his cronies. They are also ever having an invasion or whatever he their territory. If the United States corrupt, by the way, sanctioned by the thinks is going to happen. suddenly absorbed 1 million migrants U.S. Government. He could very well Why does Russia want it? They want over a 12- to 18-month period, we would move to try to arrest the interim it because it is leverage against us. struggle to afford what that would en- President, Juan Guaido, tomorrow or They don’t like how close we are to tail. Imagine Colombia, whose econ- the next day, although the eyes of the them in Europe with our allies in omy is a fraction of the size of ours— world are upon him, and the con- NATO, so this gives them an oppor- that means that instead of spending sequences for that would be extraor- tunity to have the equivalence of it in money to fight drug cartels to prevent dinary and severe. our own hemisphere. them from bringing drugs here, they They are now saying: Let’s have ne- So if you think Putin having his have had to dedicate resources to the gotiations. This is a tactic they have military stationed here is a good thing, humanitarian cost of housing over 1 used repeatedly, and they use it be- then I suppose what is happening in million people, and growing. cause they all know we like negotia- Venezuela wouldn’t bother you. But It is not just Colombia that is being tions. Everybody—anytime there is an the enormous majority of Americans compromised. Ecuador has about international crisis, why don’t we all don’t want Putin’s military anywhere 170,000 Venezuelan migrants. Peru has just sit down and negotiate our way in our hemisphere, and that is pre- about 250,000 Venezuelan migrants. through this? Ideally, that would be cisely what will happen if Maduro re- These people are not bad. I am not the outcome. But he doesn’t really mains in power. That alone is a na- criticizing the migrants. But these are want negotiations. He wants a delay tional security threat to the United not big governments. Some of these tactic. He has done this multiple times. States. governments have budgets smaller There were negotiations from the Vati- There is more. In their own national than most of our States have. They can, and they gave up. Then the former territory, the Maduro regime hosts a cannot afford this, and it is threat- Prime Minister of Spain was involved group called the ELN, which is a ter- ening to collapse their public health in some of these negotiations. Those rorist narco organization. In fact, last system, which means we may not have were a total catastrophe. He is just week the ELN detonated a bomb at the a humanitarian catastrophe just in doing this to bide time. Now he is talk- police academy in Colombia and killed Venezuela; we may soon have a grow- ing about Mexico and Uruguay being 20 people. Do you know where they are ing economic catastrophe in Brazil, the host of the negotiations. I wouldn’t headquartered? Inside Venezuelan ter- Peru, Ecuador, and Colombia—multiple be surprised if he soon says: Let Russia ritory, and it is from there that they countries in our hemisphere. And geog- come in and be the interlocutory. How plot these attacks. raphy matters. It would be a terrible about that for a national security Do you know what else Venezuela thing if it were happening in Africa or threat, a national interest threat—hav- does with the ELN from within Ven- halfway around the world, but it would ing Vladimir Putin brokering political ezuelan territory? They help them ship directly impact Americans and our agreements in the Western Hemi- cocaine to the United States of Amer- economy and well-being because of how sphere. Putin would love it. He fancies ica. close it is to our country, in multiple himself a great global leader. You are I can state that both of those matters ways. going to see him do something like are national security interests to the So if you think that having a human- that, all in an effort to bide time. He United States. The first is that drugs itarian crisis in multiple countries in has no intention of negotiating any- are a threat to this country, and any- our hemisphere—including countries thing. one who is helping a drug trafficking aligned with us in the war against It bides him time to do what? It bides organization ship it into our country is drugs—is a problem, then you should him time for his fake constituent as- a threat to us. So if you don’t mind or care about what is happening in Ven- sembly to change the Constitution to- don’t care about cocaine being shipped ezuela. wards one-party rule or even poten- to the United States in growing quan- What is the road forward now? I hope tially to call on new flash elections at tities, then I guess Maduro and Ven- people have been compelled to at least some point for a new national assembly ezuela is not something that will both- understand that this is about more under this fraudulent election system er you. But if you do not want to see than just caring about democracy. he set up. To many people, he will say: people around who are helping drug or- That is a big part of it. We do care, and We had an election, and the opposition ganizations ship cocaine into the we are proud of it. But it is a lot more lost. But it won’t be a real election if United States under the protection of a than just that. This is in the national the people who could win are not al- government, meaning they are giving interest of the United States. We lowed to run, are not allowed to adver- them controlled airspace, and they are should be proud, not just of the bipar- tise, have no access to the media. They protecting the shipments into the tisan support in favor of the interim control the ballot box, and they extort United States and Europe—if that President and of democracy in Ven- people with access to food. troubles you, then Maduro is a prob- ezuela, we should be proud of the job At some point, I wouldn’t be sur- lem. the National Security Council, the prised to see him declare a state of One of our best partners in fighting White House, and the State Depart- emergency, maybe go out there and drugs in the hemisphere is Colombia, ment have done. Unlike 25 or 30 years trigger some fake incident, a false flag, but right now, Colombia is over- ago, this wasn’t some unilateral Amer- where agitators go out and commit vio- whelmed. They don’t have enough ican action where we went in and told lence, and he will say: The protesters money to dedicate to the anti-drug everybody what to do; this is inter- are out of control; declare a state of cause at a time when cocaine produc- national organizations, like the OAS. emergency. Why would he do that? So tion—the growth of coca and the pro- Today, the Secretary of State ap- he can paralyze the streets. No one can duction of cocaine, I should say—in Co- peared at the OAS personally to argue be out there protesting. And if the op- lombia is at historic levels 3 years run- the American case, and he was joined position tries to leave their homes, ning. Where is that cocaine headed? A by 15 other countries that voted on a now they have a pretext to arrest lot of it is headed to our streets, and resolution agreeing with our principles them. that will be on top of fentanyl, heroin, on this and their principles. The lead- There is really only one way forward, and all the other problems we have. We ership of these countries under the aus- and that is to do everything we can to

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24JA6.069 S24JAPT1 S580 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 24, 2019 strengthen the legitimate interim gov- We need to help the interim Presi- journeys to other countries for fear of ernment, and that began today. The in- dent with whatever he needs to carry their lives. terim President’s first request was for out a legitimate free and fair and inter- We have to start somewhere. I can humanitarian aid to help bring food, nationally supervised election, which think of no better place to start than medicine, and medical supplies to the he should call for in the next 45 days. on behalf of the people of Venezuela people inside Venezuela. This is the path forward. It is in our who have suffered terribly for far too The Secretary of State of the United national interest. It is the right thing long under a dictatorial, corrupt re- States immediately announced that as to do. It reflects our values, but it also gime that tortured their children and an initial step, we will provide, imme- reflects our interests as a nation. That murdered their fathers and mothers diately, $20 million. I know they are is why this matters. That is why we and denied a once-prosperous country working on how to deliver that into should care. This is not halfway around the future they deserve. Venezuela and how they can position the world. This is in our own hemi- I yield the floor. that so the Venezuelan people have ac- sphere. It is just a few hours’ flight The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- cess to it. This is on top of and apart away, and it impacts more than just ator from Minnesota. from the aid we are already providing one country. It impacts an entire hemi- GOVERNMENT FUNDING the migrants in Colombia and other sphere. places. I will close with this. There has been Ms. KLOBUCHAR. Mr. President, I That is a good first step. On day one a lot of criticism historically over the come to the floor to implore my col- on the job, the interim President, Juan U.S. role in the Western Hemisphere. leagues and the President to end the Guaido, made a request of the inter- During the Cold War, the criticism was shutdown and reopen the Federal Gov- national community, and America im- that we were supporting rightwing dic- ernment. mediately stepped forward. And I be- tators, fighting off communism, but we We are now on day 34 of this shut- lieve very shortly, in a matter of days, were involved in some coups, and we down, which is well past being the there will be significant humanitarian had a heavy hand and got in and im- longest in American history. When you aid—food and medicine—awaiting the posed ourselves. Then we went the think about what our country has been people of Venezuela, either within their total opposite way, and for many through: the Civil War, World War I, own territory and distributed through years—in fact, up until recently, no World War II; you think about the pro- the Red Cross or some other non- one talked about the Western Hemi- tests we had; what we had with the governmental organization or just sphere, and to the extent we did, it was country in the Depression; what we had across the border, where they can ac- about migration and drugs. It was al- only a decade ago with the biggest cess it. most, frankly, a complete abandon- downturn since the Depression— We have to continue to make clear to ment of the portfolio. through all of that, even through a few the elites in that country that there is What you are seeing now is the po- shutdowns, we somehow, in this Cham- no future for Maduro, that there is no tential birth of a new Latin America— ber and in the House and in the White way he can hold on, and that they need a new Western Hemisphere, one in House, were able to get our act to- to begin thinking about who their loy- which the United States is an impor- gether and were somehow able to keep alties should be to—the Constitution tant partner but not a unilateral actor. the government open. they swore an allegiance to, the people When you see 16 countries in this hemi- Now is the time to open the govern- they live among, or some guy whose fu- sphere come together in an economic ment, Mr. President. The 800,000 Fed- ture is about to come to an end. and diplomatic way, from Peru to eral employees who are not being paid I think it is important that the Na- Chile, Colombia, Argentina, and Brazil, are keenly aware that this is the long- tional Guard know that not only when you see the OAS come alive after est shutdown on record. Another sad should they not repress the people but years of—frankly, when is the last time milestone is coming if the shutdown that they will be held accountable if continues through tomorrow. These they do. Ultimately, I believe this any of us here discussed anything of the things happening at the OAS? You workers will miss yet another pay- deeply. I know the generals and all the check. These are workers, like a Fed- guys at the press conference in the start to see the beginning of not just a eral prison worker in Rochester, MN, fancy uniforms have sworn allegiance— way to confront the crisis in Venezuela who noted to me that the inmates were you know how nervous they were—but but of a hemispheric partnership whose getting paid but the prison workers are I can state that the rank-and-file fight- impetus may have been this crisis but not. She was so excited to get this job ers did not. Do you know why? Because creates a path forward that is in our a few months ago. Her child was in the rank-and-file soldier and the mid- national interest. Imagine if, in fact, daycare. She is a single mom, and now level officer in the military don’t have democracies and free people of this re- she has to decide between taking some corruption deals; they are going just as gion came together not just to tackle other job and moonlighting. What does hungry as everybody else. They have dictatorships but to tackle drugs, to she do about the daycare if she takes massive rates of desertion, people just tackle the root cause of migration. abandoning posts. Imagine a hemispheric 16-, 18-regional- another job and takes her child out of When you saw the images yesterday nation response to what is happening daycare and stays home with her child, of the hundreds of thousands of people in El Salvador and Honduras and Gua- which would make some sense, except in the streets, you know that many of temala to cause these people to under- she wouldn’t have enough money, and those soldiers have mothers, fathers, take this dangerous journey with their then she would lose her spot in the sisters, brothers, and loved ones, wives, children, in many cases; imagine if it daycare. It is very hard to get daycare and children in that crowd. Do you wasn’t just the United States but us in Minnesota. know who else knows that? The mili- working in partnership with all these Instead of working on those kinds of tary brass. I know for a fact that they other countries to tackle these hemi- what I would call opportunities, at a have significant doubts. In fact, they spheric challenges. I will tell you, that time when our economy has been sta- probably do not even believe that if is in our national interest. ble after we had gotten out of the they ordered the military to act Not only is this an opportunity to do downturn, we have been working out of against their own people, the military the right thing in Venezuela, it is an chaos. Instead of helping her to afford would, because there is no way these opportunity to give a start to a new childcare and figuring out smart solu- rank-and-file soldiers are going to hemispheric reality, a new Latin Amer- tions, or doing something about phar- shoot on their brothers and sisters and ican reality that serves the national maceutical prices, or doing something mothers and fathers and other loved interest in this country and allows us about college costs, or training our ones. to live in a hemisphere that is free and workers for the jobs of today and to- So we need to step forward and con- prosperous, where people do not have morrow, or enacting comprehensive tinue with the humanitarian aid. We to abandon their homelands, where immigration reform so our rural areas need to help use the leadership of the people can stay in their countries, if in my State, where we don’t have United States to put together recon- they so choose, and raise their families enough workers on our farms and in struction aid. and not have to undertake dangerous our fields and in our factories—we

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24JA6.070 S24JAPT1 January 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S581 should be working on those oppor- this letter, they go on to state that the senseless shutdown. The House has now tunity issues—instead, we are trying to ‘‘air safety environment . . . is deterio- passed legislation that will fund the crawl out of chaos. rating by the day.’’ government under any number of ar- We need to reopen the government Reading this statement does not give rangements. It includes bills that fund and get these workers back on the jobs me confidence, nor does the fact that a all remaining government Agencies providing vital services for the Amer- full 10 percent of our Transportation through the end of the fiscal year— ican people. Once it is open, as my col- Security Administration agents are bills that fund individual Departments leagues have made clear and as leader- now missing work because of financial and Agencies, most having absolutely ship has made clear, we can continue limitations—meaning they can’t cover nothing to do with this debate that is negotiations with the President about the daycare and transportation ex- raging in the White House. border security. I am someone, as is penses required to come to work. Those The last bill that was passed through my colleague from Pennsylvania, who who can come to work are surely dis- February 8, a short-term basis that voted for a bill that had over $40 billion tracted by worries about how they will would have taken us through February in border security that was part of pay their bills. 8, would have allowed the President comprehensive immigration reform. As a member of the Senate Com- and Congress to negotiate a longer We did this, but was it a wall through merce Committee, I worked with my term proposal. That was the bill we the entire border? No, it was not. It al- colleagues on both sides of the aisle passed in the Senate. This last bill was lowed the experts to decide where there last year to reauthorize the Federal even coupled with additional funding should be technology, where there Aviation Administration. We were for disaster relief—a priority for both should be fencing, where there should rightly proud of the law, including the parties that wish to help Americans in be barriers, where there should be per- third title, simply titled, ‘‘Safety,’’ States that have suffered through hur- sonnel. That is the way to do this. which had 90 individual provisions de- ricanes and wildfires. There is no reason our Federal work- signed to maximize the safety of air Earlier this afternoon, the Senate ers and the American taxpayers who travel for the American people. We re- voted on the short-term funding pro- rely on the vital services provided by quired updated safety training proce- posal. While the proposal did not gain the Federal workers should be held dures for airline professionals, sought the required 60 votes to gain consider- hostage while these policy negotiations to improve safety on our Nation’s run- ation, I was encouraged by the fact take place. The pain that this shut- ways and in rural areas, and updated that 5 Republican Senators joined down is causing is real, and it is get- the laws regarding engine safety. This Democrats in voting to consider this ting worse. matters a lot in my State. We are a bill. This is progress, and we need to The administration has implemented major hub in the Minneapolis-St. Paul build on that momentum by working many creative measures to try to blunt area. We are the State that manufac- together to do the right thing for the the public outcry against the shut- tures jets up in Duluth at Cirrus. We American people. down, but these measures are being are the State that has major Min- On Monday, we celebrated Martin held together by duct tape. We use duct nesota National Guard facilities that Luther King’s life. One of the things tape a lot in Minnesota. We try to put train flight inspectors and aviators and Martin Luther King once said was that things together, but we shouldn’t be people all over the country. Aviation is ‘‘the time is always right to do what is using duct tape to tape together our incredibly important in my State. right.’’ This is the right time. We can’t entire government. In our bill, we required updated safe- just keep waiting while government Our Agencies are running out of ty training procedures for airline pro- Agencies remain shuttered. There are money, and many are reaching the fessionals, sought to improve safety in 6,100 Federal workers in the State of breaking point. Earlier today, the five our Nation’s runways and rural areas. Minnesota who are not receiving their former Secretaries for the Department As the Senator from Pennsylvania and paychecks. Farmers, small business of Homeland Security, including our Florida know, rural air service in our owners, and taxpayers are going with- first DHS Secretary, Tom Ridge, and States are key, and we updated those out vital services from their govern- John Kelly, President Trump’s former laws. ment, major portions of which have Chief of Staff, wrote a letter urging an We are hearing the entire system of been closed for 34 days. It is time to re- end to this shutdown and full funding air travel may break, and for what? open the government. for the Department of Homeland Secu- What does air travel have to do with I yield the floor. rity. In their letter, the former Secre- border security? The short answer is, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- taries noted that Congress always air travel has nothing to do with bor- ator from Pennsylvania. prioritizes funding of the Defense De- der security, except when we are Mr. CASEY. Mr. President, I rise to partment as a matter of national secu- checking our airports and making sure talk about the shutdown, as my col- rity. they are safe when there are border league, the senior Senator from Min- Congress does so because putting national flights. If we are talking about a wall nesota, just did. I am grateful for her security at risk is an option we simply can’t across the southern border, that has comments on what is happening to peo- afford. DHS should be no different. nothing to do with our airports in Min- ple in Minnesota, the direct adverse The administration continues to ex- nesota and in Pennsylvania and in impact of this shutdown on their lives. plore ideas like a national emergency Florida. I have long favored increasing We have all seen it. We have all experi- declaration to bypass Congress. The ir- our border security through smart enced it. responsibility of all of this is breath- technology. I will be referring to specific testi- taking. Yesterday, the presidents of As I mentioned, our 2013 immigration mony from people who wrote me let- the National Air Traffic Controllers bill, which passed this Chamber with a ters, but let me just highlight one ex- Association, the Air Line Pilots Asso- number of Republican votes—many of perience I had the other day at a food ciation, and the Association of Flight whom are still here—included money bank in Central Pennsylvania, just Attendants released a terrifying joint for an additional 40,000 Border Patrol miles from our State capital—a food statement pointing out the risk the agents. As we know, most drugs come bank that serves 27 of our 67 counties. shutdown presents to air travel: into this country through our ports of I was talking about how this shut- In our risk-averse industry—That is put- entry. If we want to do something down could end. The President wanted ting it mildly— about the various problems with the the shutdown. He got the shutdown, we cannot even calculate the level of risk drugs coming into our country, things but he could also end it. Prior to the currently at play, nor predict the point like heroin from Central America and discussion we had, behind us, they had where the entire system will break. It is un- from Mexico and things like other an entire table full of food items that precedented. opioids, then we should be doing some- the food bank and others in that region I have talked to the air traffic con- thing about those ports of entry. of Pennsylvania were delivering to trollers in my State. I have talked to As has been the case all along, there Federal workers, especially to TSA the TSA workers who sit there every are proposals on the table that will re- agents, who cannot afford food because day and do their job without pay. In open the government and end this they are working but are not being

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24JA6.072 S24JAPT1 S582 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 24, 2019 paid. It is hard to comprehend that. It That word ‘‘stress’’ keeps coming up Whether you are talking about a is hard to comprehend that so many either directly in these letters or by mom or a dad who is a Federal em- veterans around the country are, once implication. Over and over again, we ployee or whether you are talking again, serving their country by serving hear of the stress this shutdown is put- about someone who needs the help of in the government as they served in ting on families across America. the Federal Government—people who combat or in the military; yet they are The last one I will highlight is from we have said over many generations de- being left out in the cold, so to speak— Warren County, which is in the north- serve that help—in either case, it is un- sometimes literally—but are, obvi- western corner of our State. It is a acceptable to them, and it should be ously, being left out when they don’t much smaller population county than unacceptable to us to not have the gov- have paychecks. were the two suburban Philadelphia ernment open. We have lots of time to So this is real life. We debate bills counties I just mentioned of Mont- debate many issues after that, but pri- and budgets and appropriations here in gomery and Delaware. ority No. 1 has to be to open the gov- Washington. We have debates on the Here is what this individual wrote ernment. Then we will have a lot of floor and debates and discussions in the from Warren County: time for debate on a range of issues. hallways, but for these folks, this is Both my wife and I are federal employees REMEMBERING HARRIS WOFFORD real life. I will just point to, maybe, working for the U.S. Forest Service. We are Mr. President, I conclude tonight five examples in Pennsylvania. also both veterans. We will be using our sav- with some brief remarks. We are going Adams County, which is in the south- ings to live off of and charging food to our to have several occasions to amplify ernmost part of our State, where Get- credit cards if we must. these remarks in the coming days re- tysburg is—just on the Maryland bor- It goes on and on, and I know the garding the passing of Senator Harris der—is not a big county by population. Presiding Officer has seen the same Wofford, the Senator from Pennsyl- Here is what one individual who is thing. We have all seen and heard much vania from 1991 to the early days of married to a Federal worker wrote. I about this. There is not enough time 1995. I just want to offer some personal will just quote her in part. tonight to go through every letter. remarks. In a short timeframe, it is She writes: This is what has to be the priority of very difficult to encapsulate the life of We are expecting our first child this sum- all of ours. We have to be responsive to any individual, obviously, but in this mer and, prior to December 22, were excited these cries for help, to be responsive to case, it is impossible in a few short about the future and potential of 2019. Now Americans who are just asking us to minutes to encapsulate the life, the we are anxious, sad, and angry, not knowing open the government so they can be contributions, and the achievements of where the money will come from to buy ne- paid, so they can make ends meet, so Senator Harris Wofford, so I will just cessities for this child, let alone medical ex- they can pay for groceries, so they can highlight a few. If you were to just penses related to birth and daycare. pay their mortgages—or to even have a read his resume, you would think you She goes on to write later in the let- mortgage in some cases—so they can were reading the life story of the ter: pay for basic necessities, and so they achievements of several people instead We are now in real and serious danger of can sometimes even just pay for birth- of just one. losing our home and our vehicles. We will day parties for their sons. Over and To give you some highlights, he was soon have to choose between buying gro- an early advocate for civil rights. He ceries or paying for the electric bill. over again, we hear these stories. As my colleague from Minnesota was someone who stuck his neck out to She goes on from there. She is one made reference to, I was encouraged march with Dr. King, his good friend, Pennsylvanian in Adams County. that, today, we had two votes. There and to advocate on behalf of the Civil Here is one from Cambria County, Rights Act of 1957. which is in the southwestern part of was a likely expectation prior to the votes that they wouldn’t get enough to He then worked for President Ken- our State. nedy as a special assistant for civil This individual wrote: ‘‘My husband pass, but at least we were voting. At least we were voting on one measure rights and prepared the way for the is a Federal employee who has been great breakthroughs of the midsixties, furloughed.’’ that one side favored and were voting on another measure that my side of the of the civil rights legislation of the six- She goes on to write: ties. He worked with Sargent Shriver We have a son in elementary school. It is aisle favored. I was also encouraged that five Republicans voted for the and others in the Kennedy administra- about time for spring sports sign-ups, but we tion in the formation of the Peace don’t know how we are going to pay our bills Democratic proposal, which is very or buy groceries. It is our son’s birthday in simple—to fund the government, to Corps, and he served in that capacity less than 2 weeks. We canceled his birthday open the government, and add disaster overseas. As I mentioned, he was a good friend party to save some money. assistance for emergencies from nat- of Dr. Martin Luther King’s and par- That was from Cambria County, PA. ural disasters. The lives of people are ticipated in the Selma to Montgomery The third one I will highlight is from adversely affected by so many natural civil rights marches in 1965 in support Delaware County, which is one of the disasters, but this is also, of course, an big, suburban Philadelphia counties. It of voting rights for African Americans. emergency—funding the government so He was the President of two different is a big population county. as to make sure that workers have Here is, in part, what this individual colleges—one in Pennsylvania, Bryn their pay and to make sure people are Mawr, which is a great college. It is wrote: ‘‘My in-laws are selling their served by important programs like the home and cannot go to settlement be- one of the best in the country. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance I got to know Harris Wofford before cause the FHA will not close a mort- Program. Of course, we could make a he was Senator Wofford. It was when gage for the buyer.’’ long list of programs that are impor- he worked for the new Casey adminis- That was among several things they tant to people’s lives. wrote in the letter. In the interest of tration, when my father was elected In the case of the so-called SNAP Governor of Pennsylvania in 1986. He time, I will not read all of it, but we program—what we used to call food put together a cabinet in the early part hear these stories all the time of people stamps—you are talking basically of 1987, and he appointed Harris as the not being able to complete the work on about children, seniors, and people Secretary of Labor and Industry—one a mortgage because of the impact on with disabilities. These are most of the of the big departments in State govern- the FHA. people who get benefits from the SNAP Here is one from Montgomery Coun- ment. program. They are only guaranteed It was from that position that he was ty, which is also a suburban Philadel- help from that program through Feb- chosen to be a U.S. Senator. It was phia county. ruary. There is no certainty about after the tragic and untimely death of This individual wrote: March. There is no certainty about Senator John Heinz, who passed away I am a law enforcement park ranger for the April or the forthcoming months. It is National Park Service. . . . I am the sole in April of 1991. Harris was named that provider for a family of four, to include two just one program that serves millions next month. He was elected in 1991 to young children. Not knowing when I will get of Americans that has already been ad- complete that term and then lost his paid again is putting undue stress on the en- versely impacted because of the shut- reelection in 1994, but Harris was not tire family. down. done with service.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24JA6.074 S24JAPT1 January 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S583 After serving in the Kennedy admin- passed away. I was honored to talk to ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS istration and in the Senate—after him in those difficult hours. doing such great work on education Mr. President, in remembering Harris and civil rights in the interest of jus- Wofford, as we will do more formally in TRIBUTE TO LAINY LEBOW-SACHS tice—he continued his work. He worked the next number of days, I want to ∑ Mr. CARDIN. Mr. President, today I very hard to make sure that the Mar- thank him for his service to the Com- wish to honor Lainy LeBow-Sachs, a tin Luther King holiday was not just a monwealth of Pennsylvania and for his Baltimore icon whose name has rightly holiday but a day of service. So he and service to America. become synonymous with public serv- others came together in the With that, I yield the floor. ice and philanthropy. After 23 years at midnineties—after Harris was out of of- I suggest the absence of a quorum. the Kennedy Krieger Institute and 16 fice and after he had left the Senate— The PRESIDING OFFICER. The years before that as one of then-Gov- to make sure that day would be a day clerk will call the roll. ernor William Donald Schaefer’s key of service. Now, all of these years The legislative clerk proceeded to special assistants, Lainy has an- later—more than 20 years later—hun- call the roll. nounced she is retiring. My wife Myrna dreds of thousands of people across the Mr. RUBIO. Mr. President, I ask and I are proud to have Lainy as one of country perform acts of service, engage unanimous consent that the order for our dearest friends and closest advis- in service, on that day. the quorum call be rescinded. ers. So today, I would like to pause to We will spend more time highlighting The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without reflect on the remarkable legacy she his life here on the Senate floor and in objection, it is so ordered. has created. Lainy was born in Newton, MA, but other places around the Common- TRIBUTE TO THE SENATE PAGES moved to Baltimore in 1970, where she wealth of Pennsylvania and, I am sure, Mr. RUBIO. Mr. President, today is spotted a flyer for someone who was across the country, but let me just con- the last day for the Senate pages who running to be the city’s next mayor. clude with these words: Harris Wofford are here with us today. This is a little Intrigued and looking for a way to en- was a champion for justice. In the known fact—I didn’t even realize this gage in the community, she began vol- Scriptures, they tell us that those who until it was presented to me—but the unteering on the campaign. The can- pursue justice should be blessed. 115th Congress, which we just con- didate in question was William Donald Blessed are they who will hunger and cluded, had more session days than any Schaefer, who, with Lainy’s help and thirst for justice for they shall be sat- Congress since 1951. That goes to tell knack for connecting with people, went isfied. you that these pages worked incredibly on to win that election and several oth- Harris Wofford was never satisfied hard, and we are grateful. We hope ers after it until becoming the Gov- when it came to justice. He was always their experience here was rewarding. ernor of Maryland in 1987. Lainy was by trying to march us forward. He was al- They should know that there are sev- his side throughout it all, serving as ways urging us to do more in the inter- eral Members here serving on this side one of his closest advisers and con- est of justice, in the interest of civil who once sat there. fidants. She became known around rights, and of equal rights. He was a I shouldn’t be here by the time the Maryland for her strength of character, champion for justice. That is probably pages get here, I hope, but we look for- work ethic, and uncanny ability to fa- an understatement. He was also a per- ward to their service to our country in cilitate meaningful connections be- son of uncommon courage to stand up the years to come in whatever they de- tween State and local officials with as he did on civil rights when it was cide to do. shared goals and ideas for making not easy—when, at times, it was lit- Thank you for all of your work. Maryland a better place in which to erally dangerous. We truly appreciate the time they In addition to his courage, he was a live and work. have put in. person of integrity and decency. He al- After Governor Schaefer’s retire- Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- ways wanted to know what others were ment, Lainy’s talents were widely sent that their names be printed in the doing, what other’s lives were like, sought-after. She was approached regu- RECORD. what they hoped for our country. He larly by public officials, businesses, There being no objection, the mate- was always curious about other peo- and nonprofits, all of them eager to rial was ordered to be printed in the ple’s lives and what he could learn have one of Maryland’s most influen- RECORD, as follows: from them. tial and effective public servants on To say that he lived a life of service Abby Solomon, Eve Downing, Sophia their team. None of the opportunities is, again, an understatement. I don’t Valcarce, Ellie Ralph, Luke Baldwin, Ben- resonated, until she was approached by jamin Stimpson, Travis Christoff, Elli know of anyone who served in so many Ament, Shira Hamer, Holden Clark, Hardy Dr. Gary Goldstein, the president and different capacities, whether it was in Williams, Luke Schneider, Alex Little, Luke chief executive officer of the Kennedy the Army Air Corps in World War II, Lilly, Robert Hess, Nicholas Acevedo Foley, Krieger Institute. For those outside of whether it was in leading the way on Collin Woldt, Sophia Clinton, Amelia Maryland who may be unfamiliar with civil rights for President Kennedy, or Gorman, Myra Bajwa, Renee Clark, Allison Kennedy Krieger, the institute is, as whether it was here in the Senate in Leibly, George ‘‘Win’’ Courtemanche, Luke its website states, ‘‘an internationally his helping to create opportunities for Turner, Lucy Besch, Victoria Roberts. recognized institution dedicated to im- service. He not only lived that life of f proving the lives of children and young service, but he challenged all of us. adults with pediatric developmental Whether we were public officials or disabilities and disorders of the brain, citizens, he challenged us to serve. He (At the request of Mr. SCHUMER, the spinal cord and musculoskeletal sys- lived the words of Dr. King, the words following statement was ordered to be tem, through patient care, special edu- of service. Dr. King said that everyone printed in the RECORD.) cation, research, and professional can be great because everyone can training.’’ serve. Harris Wofford was great for lots f The chance to work on behalf of chil- of reasons, but he was also great, of dren with developmental disabilities, VOTE EXPLANATION course, because he served. to raise their profile, to put their needs We will have more opportunities to ∑ Ms. ROSEN. Mr. President, on Janu- and care in the spotlight and devote amplify this small measure of com- ary 24, I was not present due to an in- her time to something so worthwhile mendation to Harris Wofford, but on a jury sustained on January 21 and a re- and meaningful, the opportunity called night like tonight, we are thinking of sulting surgery from which I am still to Lainy. She began directing Kennedy him. We are inspired by him, and we recovering. Had I been present, I would Krieger’s external relations, leading are grateful for his service and for that have voted yea on rollcall vote 8, mo- the institute’s philanthropy, public re- of his family’s. tion for attendance, and rollcall vote lations, and government relations ef- I had a chance to talk to his son Dan, 10, Schumer amendment No. 6. I would forts into a new and prosperous era. who has been a friend of mine for a have voted nay on rollcall vote 9, Her penchant for inspiring others to long time, just hours before his father Shelby amendment No. 5.∑ care as deeply as she did, combined

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:45 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24JA6.075 S24JAPT1 S584 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 24, 2019 with her famous Rolodexes full of con- tend to her my sincere and eternal RISCH, Representative MIKE SIMPSON, tacts and friends from across the State, gratitude.∑ and Representative RUSS FULCHER, I made her an indomitable force of good f congratulate Edmund O. Schweitzer will. Kennedy Krieger’s fundraising III, Ph.D., on his induction into the Na- TRIBUTE TO VERNON ODOM skyrocketed under her leadership, as tional Inventors Hall of Fame. did the institute’s profile, allowing it ∑ MR. CASEY. Mr. President, I wish to The National Inventors Hall of Fame to invest in groundbreaking medical commend Vernon Odom, a highly re- selected Dr. Schweitzer for this honor research and, above all, to care for garded television news anchor for in recognition of him bringing ‘‘the more children. Over the course of her 6ABC—WPVI—in Philadelphia. Vernon first microprocessor-based digital pro- tenure, she led three capital projects Odom retired in December 2018 after tective relay to market, revolution- that raised a combined total of more more than 40 years of bringing break- izing the performance of electric power than $117 million, all in the name of ing news into the living rooms of systems with computer-based protec- improving and expanding healthcare Philadelphia area residents. tion and control equipment, and mak- for our children and grandchildren. She Odom was born in Atlanta, GA, and ing a major impact in the electric built the institute’s new external rela- grew up in Akron, OH. His father, power utility industry.’’ Dr. Schweitzer tions department from the ground up; Vernon Odom, Sr., was a social worker has received many recognitions for his it started with only her; today, it em- and his mother, Sadie Harvey Odom, a contributions to the development of ploys a staff of 34 like-minded philan- scientist. Odom was raised with a pas- digital protection and electric power thropists dedicated to keeping Kennedy sion for journalism, as his maternal systems worldwide. He is an Institute Krieger growing. Dr. Goldstein, the grandfather was the second African of Electrical and Electronics Engi- man who convinced Lainy to join Ken- American to publish a daily newspaper. neers, IEEE, Fellow, who was honored nedy Krieger, says it best: ‘‘She has Odom’s great-grandfather, B.T. Harvey, with IEEE’s Medal in Power Engineer- been phenomenally successful. We are Sr., launched the Nation’s second Afri- ing in 2012. In 1982, he founded Schweit- quiet, nerdy academics around here. can-American-owned newspaper, the zer Engineering Laboratories, Inc., She took us up a step by a factor of ‘‘Columbus Messenger.’’ Odom’s sister, SEL, to develop and manufacture dig- ten.’’ Maida, is also a journalist and served ital protective relays and related prod- Lainy has been so successful as a veteran reporter for the Philadel- ucts and services. throughout her career both because she phia Inquirer. Characterizing Dr. Schweitzer as cre- works hard and because her compas- After graduating from Morehouse ative and inventive is an understate- sion and empathy shine through in all College in Atlanta, GA, Odom began ment. This month, he will receive his that she does. When she asks someone his reporting career with the civil 200th patent pertaining to electric for help or for resources, it is always rights movement, including the assas- power system protection, metering, clear that the ‘‘ask’’ comes from a sination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. monitoring, and control. He turns his place of deep, heartfelt sincerity. When Odom completed his postgraduate stud- ideas into practical tools that meet the she uses her influence to connect peo- ies in broadcast journalism at Colum- demands of our ever-changing and mod- ple, it is because she genuinely believes bia University in New York. ernizing society. By protecting power in them and in the work they are try- Since his arrival in Philadelphia, co- grids, the technology he has developed ing to do. Everyone has always under- inciding with the celebration of Amer- and disseminated is helping to ensure stood Lainy to be extraordinarily ica’s Bicentennial, Odom has covered that Americans and people around the thoughtful, earnest, effective, and em- some of the biggest stories of a genera- world can access needed safe, more re- pathetic, and that character has in- tion and neighborhood milestones liable, and more economical electric spired immediate trust from everyone throughout every section of Philadel- power to live and fuel growth. she meets. That trust has been her cur- phia and the suburbs. Congratulations, Dr. Schweitzer, on rency, and she has spent it on helping Odom also had the opportunity to this recognition, and thank you for others. travel the globe, bringing news stories lending your talents, ideas and know- What makes Lainy so remarkable from Latin America, the Middle East, how to furthering our communities and isn’t just that she is so talented; many and Europe to Philadelphia area resi- Nation.∑ people are. Rather, it is that she has dents. Notably, Vernon Odom covered f always used her talents to improve the release of Nelson Mandela from other people’s lives. In his book ‘‘Wish- prison as well as the first free election REMEMBERING J. HAROLD ful Thinking,’’ Frederick Buechner in South Africa in 1994. More recently, SHEPHERD wrote, ‘‘The place God calls you to is he was live as Pope Francis visited ∑ Mr. PERDUE. Mr. President, today I the place where your deep gladness and Philadelphia for the 2015 World Meet- wish to honor an incredible man and an the world’s deep hunger meet.’’ From ing of Families, as well as for the 2016 incredible Georgian. J. Harold Shep- the day Lainy first arrived in Balti- Democratic National Convention. herd passed away earlier this month, more nearly 50 years ago, she has found Odom is passionate about politics but his legacy will far outlast his time that place in her life, and all of our and he memorably reported live from on earth. If you have spent time in lives have been enriched. the Ballroom of the Lackawanna Hil- Georgia or anywhere in the Southeast When I say that Lainy is retiring, I ton in downtown Scranton when my fa- you may have heard of his family’s need to add some caveats. She cur- ther, Bob Casey, Sr., was elected Gov- work at the Shepherd Center. The rently serves on the boards of Beth Am ernor of Pennsylvania in November Shepherd Center, located in Atlanta, Synagogue, the Associated: Jewish 1986. Georgia, is one of the top rehabilita- Community Federation of Baltimore, In 2004, Odom was inducted into the tion hospitals in the country and the the Baltimore Jewish Council, the Philadelphia Broadcast Pioneers Hall result of Harold’s lifetime of passion BB&T advisory board, and the Balti- of Fame and, in 2018, was honored as for others and the disabled community. more Symphony Orchestra. Serving for the Broadcast Pioneers of Philadelphia A fourth generation Atlantan, Harold Lainy comes as naturally and, appar- Person of the Year. was the youngest of six children. He ently, as necessarily as breathing. I wish to express gratitude to Vernon started in construction with his father Lainy has come to define the best of Odom for more than four decades of at age 15, and as a young man started Maryland, and her legacy is now and dedication to broadcast journalism and Shepherd Construction Company with forever woven into our State’s history. to 6ABC. I wish him well in his retire- his three brothers. Harold and his fam- She has channeled her considerable ment.∑ ily members oversaw the construction skills and connections into work that f of thousands of miles of interstate has changed lives and facilitated in- highways and city and country streets, credible progress in caring for some of TRIBUTE TO DR. EDMUND O. and built all but one section of I–95 in our most vulnerable children. On be- SCHWEITZER III Georgia. half of those children, their families, ∑ Mr. CRAPO. Mr. President, along Harold’s proudest achievement, how- and the entire State of Maryland, I ex- with my colleagues Senator JAMES E. ever, was the Shepherd Center. The

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00044 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JA6.059 S24JAPT1 January 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S585 hospital was founded after James, Har- the high standard of service to which Again, I would like to congratulate old, and his wife Alana’s son, sustained Sanibel Island residents and visitors Richard, Mary, and all of the employ- a serious spinal cord injury on a beach have grown accustomed. In addition to ees at Bailey’s for being named the trip. James spent six months at a reha- the general store, the Bailey Johnsons’ Senate Small Business of the Week. I bilitation hospital in Colorado, where team operates Bailey’s Coffee Bar. Lo- wish you continued success in your fu- he ultimately regained his ability to cated just inside the entrance to the ture endeavors.∑ walk. When James returned home to store, the coffee bar serves as a gath- f Atlanta, he and his parents grew frus- ering place for tourists and locals alike trated with the lack of rehabilitation to enjoy all types of drinks, including MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT care options in the Southeast and de- their unique ‘‘Bailey’s Blend,’’ in the Messages from the President of the veloped a plan to open the Shepherd store’s historic atmosphere. In Sep- United States were communicated to Center. tember 2018, as part of their annual the Senate by Mr. Pate, one of his sec- What started as a six-bed rehabilita- Best of the Islands banquet, the Island retaries. tion unit is now a world-renowned, 152– Reporter and Sanibel-Captiva Islander f bed research and rehabilitation facility recognized Bailey’s for the best choco- spread across three campuses. Until his late shop, coffee bar, grocery store, EXECUTIVE MESSAGES REFERRED general store, and wine selection on passing earlier this month, Harold As in the Presiding Sanibel and Captiva Islands. spent nearly every day volunteering at Officer laid before the Senate messages Bailey’s General Store is not only a the hospital and developed a reputation from the President of the United great place for those on Sanibel Island for being an incredible storyteller and States submitting sundry to shop and relax, it is an integral part historian. He was beloved by the staff which were referred to the appropriate of the community. In addition to his at the Shepherd Center, and dedicated committees. role as owner, Richard also works to his life to them, his family, and the (The messages received today are make Sanibel Island a better place for disabled community in Georgia. printed at the end of the Senate pro- both residents and tourists. He cur- Harold is survived by his wife, Alana ceedings.) Smith Shepherd; his sons James H. rently serves as the chair of the capital Shepherd, Jr. and Thomas C. Shepherd; campaign committee for the renova- f and his grandchildren Julie Shepherd, tion of the Bailey-Matthews National MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE James H. Shepherd III (Sarah), and Shall Museum. The museum held a At 11:11 a.m., a message from the Thomas C. Shepherd, Jr. He is also sur- ground-breaking ceremony arlier this House of Representatives, delivered by vived by four great grandchildren, month and is on track to open to the Mrs. Cole, one of its reading clerks, an- James Harold Shepherd IV, Josephine public in early 2020. The family-owned nounced that the House has passed the Shepherd, Virginia Shepherd, and business is committed to giving back following bill and joint resolutions, in Annie Shepherd. to their community. Bailey’s holds an Mr. Shepherd will be greatly missed, annual fundraiser for the local FISH which it requests the concurrence of and I thank him for his service to our food pantry, supports the local Kiwanis the Senate: community.∑ Club, and sponsors a hole at the annual H.R. 648. An act making appropriations for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2019, and f miniature golf event to raise money for the Community House on Sanibel. Ad- for other purposes. H.J. Res. 28. making fur- RECOGNIZING BAILEY’S GENERAL ditionally, Bailey’s has been recognized STORE ther continuing appropriations for fiscal by the Lee County Economic Develop- year 2019, and for other purposes. ∑ Mr. RUBIO. Mr. President, today I ment Council for their contributions to H.J. Res. 31. Joint resolution making fur- wish to highlight the hard work and the local economy. ther continuing appropriations for the De- unique entrepreneurial spirit found in Like many Floridian small busi- partment of Homeland Security for fiscal small businesses across my home State nesses, Bailey’s General Store is an year 2019, and for other purposes. of Florida. Each week I recognize a outstanding example of resiliency. Bai- f small business that exemplifies perse- ley’s has overcome a number of disas- verance and dedication to the local ters outside of their control, from mul- MEASURES READ THE FIRST TIME community. Today, as chairman of the tiple hurricanes to the recent red tide The following bill was read the first Committee on Small Business and En- bloom. Regardless of circumstance, the time: trepreneurship, it is my distinct pleas- team at Bailey’s has remained stead- H.R. 648. An act making appropriations for ure to name Bailey’s General Store in fast in times of adversity again and the fiscal year ending September 30, 2019, and Sanibel, FL, as the Senate Small Busi- again. Their contributions to the for other purposes. ness of the Week. Sanibel Island Community were espe- The following joint resolutions were Bailey’s General Store has a long his- cially noble in the aftermath of Hurri- read the first time: tory of providing essential goods to the cane Irma in 2017. Despite damage to H.J. Res. 28. Joint resolution making fur- people of Sanibel Island. Founded in the store, Bailey’s reopened the day ther continuing appropriations for fiscal 1899 by Frank P. Bailey, the Sanibel after the storm to provide island resi- year 2019, and for other purposes. Packing Company provided groceries dents with much needed food and sup- H.J. Res. 31. Joint resolution making fur- and other general supplies to both plies. The store became a lifeline for ther continuing appropriations for the De- locals and visitors before there was a residents and helped to reestablish nor- partment of Homeland Security for fiscal bridge to the island. Three generations malcy in the midst of chaos, while Bai- year 2019, and for other purposes. of the Bailey family have continued to ley’s employees worked for 10 days to f expand the business, one of the oldest clear debris. Bailey’s General Store’s EXECUTIVE AND OTHER in Lee County, while still honoring contributions to their community are COMMUNICATIONS their roots. In a nod to its heritage, the an outstanding example of corporate original 1926 Model-T that was used as citizenship, and I commend them for The following communication was a delivery vehicle in Bailey’s early continuing to rise to the occasion when laid before the Senate, together with days is still displayed in the store their community is in need of help. accompanying papers, reports, and doc- today. Bailey’s General Store serves as a uments, and was referred as indicated: Today Bailey’s General Store has two model for any small business wishing EC–162. A communication from the Execu- locations on Sanibel Island and serves to provide superior service to their cus- tive Director, Office of Congressional Work- as a one-stop shopping solution, pro- tomers, while serving as a gathering place Rights, transmitting, pursuant to Sec- viding their customers with a plethora place and pillar of the community. The tion 201(b) of the Congressional Account- ability Act of 1995 Reform Act, a report rel- of supplies, from groceries and hard- team at Bailey’s routinely goes above ative to amounts previously paid with public ware to delivery and catering services. and beyond to ensure their customers’ funds in connection with violations of sec- Bailey’s is now owned by Richard and needs are met, while also trying to im- tions 201(a) or 207 of the Congressional Ac- Mary Bailey Johnson, who continue prove their beachside community. countability Act, received in the office of the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:34 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00045 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JA6.063 S24JAPT1 S586 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 24, 2019 President pro tempore of the Senate; to the misclassification of drugs for purposes of the generation-skipping transfer taxes, and for Committee on Rules and Administration. Medicaid drug rebate program; to the Com- other purposes; to the Committee on Fi- mittee on Finance. nance. f By Mr. TESTER (for himself and Mrs. By Ms. CANTWELL (for herself and INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND BLACKBURN): Mrs. MURRAY): JOINT RESOLUTIONS S. 206. A bill to award a Congressional Gold S. 216. A bill to provide for equitable com- Medal to the female telephone operators of pensation to the Spokane Tribe of Indians of The following bills and joint resolu- the Army Signal Corps, known as the ‘‘Hello the Spokane Reservation for the use of tribal tions were introduced, read the first Girls’’; to the Committee on Banking, Hous- land for the production of hydropower by the and second times by unanimous con- ing, and Urban Affairs. Grand Coulee Dam, and for other purposes; sent, and referred as indicated: By Mr. BARRASSO: to the Committee on Indian Affairs. S. 207. A bill to enhance tribal road safety, By Mr. BARRASSO (for himself, Mr. By Ms. SMITH (for herself and Ms. and for other purposes; to the Committee on COONS, Mr. GRASSLEY, Mr. CORNYN, KLOBUCHAR): Indian Affairs. Mr. ENZI, and Mr. RISCH): S. 199. A bill to provide for the transfer of By Mr. TESTER (for himself, Ms. MUR- S. 217. A bill to amend titles 5 and 28, certain Federal land in the State of Min- KOWSKI, Mrs. MURRAY, Mr. , to require the mainte- nesota for the benefit of the Leech Lake BLUMENTHAL, Mr. MENENDEZ, Mr. nance of databases on awards of fees and Band of Ojibwe; to the Committee on Indian WHITEHOUSE, Mr. COONS, Ms. KLO- other expenses to prevailing parties in cer- Affairs. BUCHAR, Ms. BALDWIN, Mr. BLUNT, Mr. tain administrative proceedings and court By Mr. MARKEY (for himself, Mr. BOOZMAN, Mr. MARKEY, Mr. VAN HOL- cases to which the United States is a party, MURPHY, Ms. WARREN, Mr. VAN HOL- LEN, Ms. STABENOW, Ms. DUCKWORTH, and for other purposes; to the Committee on LEN, Mrs. GILLIBRAND, Mr. MERKLEY, and Ms. SINEMA): the Judiciary. Mr. SCHATZ, Mr. LEAHY, Mr. BROWN, S. 208. A bill to amend title 10, United By Mr. BARRASSO (for himself, Mr. Mr. SANDERS, Mr. WYDEN, and Ms. States Code, to permit certain retired mem- ENZI, Mr. CRAMER, and Mr. HOEVEN): SMITH): bers of the uniformed services who have a S. 218. A bill to empower States to manage S. 200. A bill to prohibit the conduct of a service-connected disability to receive both the development and production of oil and first-use nuclear strike absent a declaration disability compensation from the Depart- gas on available Federal land, and for other of war by Congress; to the Committee on ment of Veterans Affairs for their disability purposes; to the Committee on Energy and Foreign Relations. and either retired pay by reason of their Natural Resources. By Mr. MENENDEZ (for himself, Ms. years of military service or Combat-Related By Mr. BROWN (for himself and Mr. HIRONO, Mr. BOOKER, Mr. BENNET, Mr. Special Compensation, and for other pur- DURBIN): BLUMENTHAL, Ms. CORTEZ MASTO, poses; to the Committee on Armed Services. S. 219. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- Mrs. GILLIBRAND, Ms. HARRIS, Mrs. By Mr. HOEVEN (for himself, Mr. BAR- enue Code of 1986 to impose an excise tax on MURRAY, Mr. REED, Mr. SCHUMER, Ms. RASSO, Mr. UDALL, and Ms. SMITH): employers with low-wage employees; to the SMITH, Mr. VAN HOLLEN, Ms. WARREN, S. 209. A bill to amend the Indian Self-De- Committee on Finance. and Mr. WHITEHOUSE): termination and Education Assistance Act By Mr. GARDNER: S. 201. A bill to amend title 13, United to provide further self-governance by Indian S. 220. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- States Code, to make clear that each decen- Tribes, and for other purposes; to the Com- enue Code of 1986 to provide for distributions nial census, as required for the apportion- mittee on Indian Affairs. from 529 programs to pay apprenticeship and ment of Representatives in Congress among By Mr. HOEVEN: qualified early education expenses, and for the several States, shall tabulate the total S. 210. A bill to amend the Tribal Law and other purposes; to the Committee on Fi- number of persons in each State, and to pro- Order Act of 2010 and the Indian Law En- nance. vide that no information regarding United forcement Reform Act to provide for ad- By Mr. GARDNER (for himself, Mr. States citizenship or immigration status vancement in public safety services to In- MANCHIN, Mr. MORAN, Ms. COLLINS, may be elicited in any such census; to the dian communities, and for other purposes; to and Mr. CASSIDY): Committee on Homeland Security and Gov- the Committee on Indian Affairs. S. 221. A bill to amend title 38, United ernmental Affairs. By Mr. HOEVEN (for himself, Mr. States Code, to require the Under Secretary By Mr. LEE (for himself, Mr. CRAPO, UDALL, Mr. BARRASSO, Mr. DAINES, of Health to report major adverse personnel Mr. RISCH, Mr. CORNYN, Mr. CRUZ, Ms. CORTEZ MASTO, Mr. TESTER, Ms. actions involving certain health care em- and Mr. PAUL): SMITH, and Ms. MURKOWSKI): ployees to the National Practitioner Data S. 202. A bill to provide that silencers be S. 211. A bill to amend the Victims of Bank and to applicable State licensing treated the same as firearms accessories; to Crime Act of 1984 to secure urgent resources boards, and for other purposes; to the Com- the Committee on Finance. vital to Indian victims of crime, and for mittee on Veterans’ Affairs. By Mr. CRAPO (for himself, Mr. other purposes; to the Committee on Indian By Mr. JONES (for himself, Mr. Affairs. WYDEN, Mr. ROBERTS, Mr. SCHUMER, CARDIN, Mr. KAINE, Mr. VAN HOLLEN, By Mr. HOEVEN: Mr. THUNE, Ms. STABENOW, Mr. ISAK- Ms. HIRONO, Mr. WYDEN, Ms. BALD- S. 212. A bill to amend the Native Amer- SON, Mr. CASEY, Mr. INHOFE, Mr. WIN, Ms. KLOBUCHAR, and Mrs. SHA- ican Business Development, Trade Pro- BLUMENTHAL, Mr. MORAN, and Mr. HEEN): motion, and Tourism Act of 2000, the Buy In- S. 222. A bill to amend section 1341 of title WICKER): dian Act, and the Native American Programs 31, United States Code, to require payment S. 203. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- Act of 1974 to provide industry and economic of interest on back pay for employees af- enue Code of 1986 to permanently extend the development opportunities to Indian commu- fected by a lapse in appropriations; to the railroad track maintenance credit, and for nities; to the Committee on Indian Affairs. Committee on Appropriations. other purposes; to the Committee on Fi- By Mr. JOHNSON (for himself, Mrs. By Mr. DURBIN (for himself and Mr. nance. FEINSTEIN, and Mr. SCOTT of South BROWN): By Mr. KAINE (for himself, Ms. COL- Carolina): S. 223. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- LINS, Mr. WYDEN, Mrs. MURRAY, Mr. S. 213. A bill to amend the SOAR Act; to enue Code of 1986 to provide a tax credit to JONES, Mr. BENNET, Ms. CORTEZ the Committee on Homeland Security and Patriot employers, and for other purposes; to MASTO, Ms. STABENOW, Mr. VAN HOL- Governmental Affairs. the Committee on Finance. LEN, Mr. BLUMENTHAL, Mr. CARPER, By Mr. GARDNER: By Ms. MURKOWSKI (for herself and Ms. WARREN, Ms. DUCKWORTH, Mr. S. 214. A bill to provide for the compensa- Mr. SULLIVAN): COONS, Mr. SANDERS, Mr. WARNER, tion of Federal and other government em- S. 224. A bill to provide for the conveyance Ms. HASSAN, Mr. MENENDEZ, Mr. ployees affected by the current lapse in ap- of certain property to the Tanana Tribal BROWN, Mrs. SHAHEEN, Ms. HIRONO, propriations; to the Committee on Appro- Council located in Tanana, Alaska, and to Mr. BOOKER, Mr. DURBIN, Ms. SMITH, priations. the Bristol Bay Area Health Corporation lo- Mr. HEINRICH, Mr. SCHATZ, Ms. KLO- By Mr. THUNE (for himself, Mr. ALEX- cated in Dillingham, Alaska, and for other BUCHAR, Mr. PORTMAN, Mr. UDALL, ANDER, Mr. BARRASSO, Mrs. BLACK- purposes; to the Committee on Indian Af- Mr. MANCHIN, and Mrs. FEINSTEIN): BURN, Mr. BLUNT, Mr. BOOZMAN, Mr. fairs. S. 204. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- CORNYN, Mr. CRAMER, Mr. CRAPO, Mr. By Mr. ISAKSON (for himself, Mr. enue Code of 1986 to waive certain penalties CRUZ, Mr. DAINES, Ms. ERNST, Mrs. KAINE, and Mr. BLUNT): for affected Federal employees receiving a FISCHER, Mr. GARDNER, Mr. GRASS- S. 225. A bill to provide for partnerships distribution from the Thrift Savings Plan LEY, Mr. HOEVEN, Mrs. HYDE-SMITH, among State and local governments, re- during a lapse in appropriations, and for Mr. INHOFE, Mr. ISAKSON, Mr. KEN- gional entities, and the private sector to pre- other purposes; to the Committee on Fi- NEDY, Mr. MCCONNELL, Mr. MORAN, serve, conserve, and enhance the visitor ex- nance. Mr. RISCH, Mr. ROBERTS, Mr. ROUNDS, perience at nationally significant battle- By Mr. WYDEN (for himself and Mr. Mr. YOUNG, Mr. COTTON, Mr. RUBIO, fields of the American Revolution, War of GRASSLEY): and Mr. PERDUE): 1812, and Civil War, and for other purposes; S. 205. A bill to amend title XIX of the So- S. 215. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- to the Committee on Energy and Natural Re- cial Security Act to prevent the enue Code of 1986 to the estate and sources.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:34 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00046 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JA6.020 S24JAPT1 January 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S587 By Mr. MORAN (for himself, Mr. GARD- MURKOWSKI) was added as a cosponsor (Mrs. BLACKBURN), the Senator from NER, Mr. RISCH, Mr. THUNE, Mr. of S. 12, a bill to amend the Internal Arizona (Ms. MCSALLY), the Senator LANKFORD, Mr. DAINES, and Mr. Revenue Code of 1986 to improve access from Utah (Mr. ROMNEY) and the Sen- ROUNDS): to health care through expanded health ator from Oklahoma (Mr. INHOFE) were S. 226. A bill to clarify the rights of Indians and Indian Tribes on Indian lands under the savings accounts, and for other pur- added as cosponsors of S. 113, supra. National Labor Relations Act; to the Com- poses. S. 133 mittee on Indian Affairs. S. 21 At the request of Ms. MURKOWSKI, the By Mr. LEE (for himself and Mr. At the request of Mr. THUNE, the name of the Senator from Florida (Mr. GRASSLEY): names of the Senator from Colorado RUBIO) was added as a cosponsor of S. S.J. Res. 5. A joint resolution proposing an (Mr. GARDNER), the Senator from Indi- 133, a bill to award a Congressional amendment to the Constitution of the ana (Mr. YOUNG), the Senator from Gold Medal, collectively, to the United United States requiring that the Federal budget be balanced; to the Committee on the Michigan (Mr. PETERS), the Senator States merchant mariners of World Judiciary. from Massachusetts (Ms. WARREN), the War II, in recognition of their dedi- Senator from North Dakota (Mr. cated and vital service during World f CRAMER), the Senator from North Caro- War II. SUBMISSION OF CONCURRENT AND lina (Mr. TILLIS), the Senator from S. 162 SENATE RESOLUTIONS West Virginia (Mr. MANCHIN), the Sen- At the request of Ms. SMITH, the The following concurrent resolutions ator from Massachusetts (Mr. MAR- name of the Senator from Nevada (Ms. and Senate resolutions were read, and KEY), the Senator from Delaware (Mr. CORTEZ MASTO) was added as a cospon- referred (or acted upon), as indicated: COONS), the Senator from Kansas (Mr. sor of S. 162, a bill to provide back pay MORAN), the Senator from Ohio (Mr. to low-wage contractor employees, and By Ms. BALDWIN (for herself, Mr. PORTMAN) and the Senator from Oregon BOOKER, Mr. BROWN, Mr. COONS, Ms. for other purposes. CORTEZ MASTO, Mr. DURBIN, Ms. KLO- (Mr. WYDEN) were added as cosponsors S. 165 BUCHAR, Mrs. MURRAY, Mr. REED, Ms. of S. 21, a bill making continuing ap- At the request of Mr. BLUMENTHAL, SMITH, Mr. VAN HOLLEN, Mr. WHITE- propriations for Coast Guard pay in the the names of the Senator from Mary- HOUSE, Ms. HARRIS, Ms. DUCKWORTH, event an appropriations act expires land (Mr. CARDIN), the Senator from and Ms. HIRONO): prior to the enactment of a new appro- Washington (Ms. CANTWELL) and the S. Res. 26. A resolution designating Janu- priations act. Senator from Oregon (Mr. WYDEN) were ary 25, 2019, as ‘‘Earned Income Tax Credit S. 61 Awareness Day’’; to the Committee on the added as cosponsors of S. 165, a bill to Judiciary. At the request of Mr. GRASSLEY, the amend chapter 85 of title 5, United By Mr. JOHNSON (for himself, Mr. names of the Senator from New Hamp- States Code, to clarify that Federal DURBIN, Mr. RISCH, Mr. MENENDEZ, shire (Mrs. SHAHEEN), the Senator from employees excepted from a furlough Mr. INHOFE, Mr. REED, Mrs. SHAHEEN, Wisconsin (Ms. BALDWIN), the Senator are eligible for unemployment com- Mr. BARRASSO, Mr. MURPHY, Ms. from Oregon (Mr. WYDEN), the Senator pensation. BALDWIN, Mrs. BLACKBURN, Mr. from Vermont (Mr. LEAHY), the Sen- S. 169 BLUMENTHAL, Mr. BLUNT, Mr. BOOZ- ator from Ohio (Mr. BROWN), the Sen- At the request of Mr. CORNYN, the MAN, Mr. BRAUN, Mr. CARDIN, Mr. ator from Maine (Mr. KING) and the CARPER, Mr. CASEY, Ms. COLLINS, Mr. names of the Senator from Oklahoma COONS, Mr. CORNYN, Mr. COTTON, Mr. Senator from New Hampshire (Ms. HAS- (Mr. LANKFORD) and the Senator from CRAMER, Mr. CRAPO, Mr. CRUZ, Mr. SAN) were added as cosponsors of S. 61, Arkansas (Mr. BOOZMAN) were added as DAINES, Ms. DUCKWORTH, Mr. ENZI, a bill to amend the Federal Food, Drug, cosponsors of S. 169, a bill to amend the Mrs. FISCHER, Mr. GARDNER, Mr. GRA- and Cosmetic Act to allow for the per- Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to pro- HAM, Mr. GRASSLEY, Ms. HASSAN, Ms. sonal importation of safe and afford- vide an exemption from gross income HIRONO, Mr. HOEVEN, Mrs. HYDE- able drugs from approved pharmacies for civil damages as recompense for SMITH, Mr. JONES, Mr. KAINE, Mr. in Canada. trafficking in persons. KENNEDY, Ms. KLOBUCHAR, Mr. S. 69 LANKFORD, Mr. MERKLEY, Mr. MORAN, S. 178 Mr. PETERS, Mr. PORTMAN, Mr. ROB- At the request of Mr. CORNYN, the At the request of Mr. RUBIO, the ERTS, Mr. ROMNEY, Mr. ROUNDS, Mr. name of the Senator from Missouri name of the Senator from Ohio (Mr. RUBIO, Mr. SASSE, Mr. SCHATZ, Ms. (Mr. HAWLEY) was added as a cosponsor BROWN) was added as a cosponsor of S. SMITH, Ms. STABENOW, Mr. THUNE, of S. 69, a bill to allow reciprocity for 178, a bill to condemn gross human Mr. TILLIS, Mr. TOOMEY, Mr. VAN the carrying of certain concealed fire- rights violations of ethnic Turkic Mus- HOLLEN, Mr. WHITEHOUSE, Mr. arms. lims in Xinjiang, and calling for an end WICKER, Mr. WYDEN, Mr. YOUNG, Mr. S. 91 MANCHIN, Mrs. CAPITO, Mr. PERDUE, to arbitrary detention, torture, and Mr. ISAKSON, and Ms. MURKOWSKI): At the request of Mr. GARDNER, the harassment of these communities in- S. Res. 27. A resolution calling for a name of the Senator from Colorado side and outside China. prompt multinational freedom of navigation (Mr. BENNET) was added as a cosponsor S. 182 operation in the Black Sea and urging the of S. 91, a bill to amend title 38, United At the request of Mr. KENNEDY, the cancellation of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline; States Code, to authorize per diem pay- name of the Senator from South Da- to the Committee on Foreign Relations. ments under comprehensive service kota (Mr. THUNE) was added as a co- By Mr. ISAKSON (for himself, Mr. programs for homeless veterans to fur- of S. 182, a bill to prohibit dis- WHITEHOUSE, Mr. BLUMENTHAL, Mr. BLUNT, Mr. BOOKER, Mr. BOOZMAN, nish care to dependents of homeless crimination against the unborn on the Mr. BRAUN, Mr. BROWN, Mrs. CAPITO, veterans, and for other purposes. basis of sex, and for other purposes. Mr. CORNYN, Ms. DUCKWORTH, Mr. S. 104 S. 191 DURBIN, Ms. ERNST, Mrs. FEINSTEIN, At the request of Mr. PORTMAN, the At the request of Ms. KLOBUCHAR, the Mr. INHOFE, Mr. JONES, Mr. names of the Senator from Tennessee name of the Senator from Maryland LANKFORD, Mr. LEAHY, Mr. MURPHY, (Mr. ALEXANDER) and the Senator from (Mr. CARDIN) was added as a cosponsor Mr. PETERS, Mr. REED, Mr. SANDERS, Nebraska (Mr. SASSE) were added as co- of S. 191, a bill to direct the Secretary Mr. SULLIVAN, Mr. TILLIS, Mr. VAN HOLLEN, Ms. WARREN, Ms. COLLINS, sponsors of S. 104, a bill to amend title of Defense to include in periodic health and Mr. GRASSLEY): 31, United States Code, to provide for assessments, separation history and S. Res. 28. A resolution recognizing Janu- automatic continuing resolutions. physical examinations, and other as- ary 2019 as ‘‘National Mentoring Month’’; S. 113 sessments an evaluation of whether a considered and agreed to. At the request of Mr. CRUZ, his name member of the Armed Forces has been f was added as a cosponsor of S. 113, a exposed to open burn pits or toxic air- bill to appropriate funds for pay and al- borne chemicals, and for other pur- ADDITIONAL COSPONSORS lowances of excepted Federal employ- poses. S. 12 ees, and for other purposes. S. 197 At the request of Mr. RUBIO, the At the request of Mr. JOHNSON, the At the request of Mr. HEINRICH, the name of the Senator from Alaska (Ms. names of the Senator from Tennessee name of the Senator from Nevada (Ms.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:34 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00047 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JA6.024 S24JAPT1 S588 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 24, 2019 ROSEN) was added as a cosponsor of S. Thus shutdown hurts these workers. I There being no objection, the text of 197, a bill to provide for the confiden- have talked about the personal stories the bill was ordered to be printed in tiality of information submitted in re- of Virginians who serve our Nation in the RECORD, as follows: quests for deferred action under the de- the Coast Guard, the Environmental S. 215 ferred action for childhood arrivals Protection Agency, and the Forest program, and for other purposes. Service. This shutdown means families Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives of the United States of America in S. 198 that have jobs cannot pay their mort- Congress assembled, At the request of Mr. WARNER, the gages or rent. They cannot buy food to name of the Senator from Oregon (Mr. feed their families. They cannot afford SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. WYDEN) was added as a cosponsor of S. to refill prescriptions critical to the This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Death Tax 198, a bill to provide for continuing ap- health of their children. This shutdown Repeal Act of 2019’’. propriations in the event of a lapse in threatens Federal workers with finan- SEC. 2. REPEAL OF ESTATE AND GENERATION- appropriations under the normal appro- cial ruin. Again, we must reopen the SKIPPING TRANSFER TAXES. priations process, other than for the government immediately. (a) ESTATE TAX REPEAL.—Subchapter C of legislative branch and the Executive We have passed legislation to provide chapter 11 of subtitle B of the Internal Rev- Office of the President. retroactive pay to these workers when enue Code of 1986 is amended by adding at the end the following new section: AMENDMENT NO. 20 the shutdown ends, but we do not know ‘‘SEC. 2210. TERMINATION. At the request of Mr. JOHNSON, the when that will happen. So today, I am name of the Senator from Maine (Ms. pleased to be joined by my colleagues ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—Except as provided in subsection (b), this chapter shall not apply COLLINS) was added as a cosponsor of to introduce the Emergency Relief for amendment No. 20 intended to be pro- Federal Workers Act. This legislation to the estates of decedents dying on or after the date of the enactment of the Death Tax posed to H.R. 268, a bill making supple- would allow federal employees who are Repeal Act of 2019. mental appropriations for the fiscal in desperate financial straits directly ‘‘(b) CERTAIN DISTRIBUTIONS FROM QUALI- year ending September 30, 2019, and for because of this shutdown to borrow FIED DOMESTIC TRUSTS.—In applying section other purposes. from what is, for many, their largest fi- 2056A with respect to the surviving spouse of f nancial asset, their retirement ac- a decedent dying before the date of the en- count. actment of the Death Tax Repeal Act of STATEMENTS ON INTRODUCED This legislation would allow Federal 2019— BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS workers in the Thrift Savings Plan to ‘‘(1) section 2056A(b)(1)(A) shall not apply By Mr. KAINE (for himself, Ms. access their savings without immediate to distributions made after the 10-year pe- COLLINS, Mr. WYDEN, Mrs. MUR- penalty to meet the financial hardships riod beginning on such date, and ‘‘(2) section 2056A(b)(1)(B) shall not apply RAY, Mr. JONES, Mr. BENNET, caused by the government shutdown. It on or after such date.’’. Ms. CORTEZ MASTO, Ms. STABE- would allow them to pay for basic ne- (b) GENERATION-SKIPPING TRANSFER TAX NOW, Mr. VAN HOLLEN, Mr. cessities during the shutdown and REPEAL.—Subchapter G of chapter 13 of sub- BLUMENTHAL, Mr. CARPER, Ms. allow them to replenish their savings title B of such Code is amended by adding at WARREN, Ms. DUCKWORTH, Mr. after the shutdown ends. the end the following new section: OONS ANDERS AR I do not know how much longer C , Mr. S , Mr. W - ‘‘SEC. 2664. TERMINATION. NER, Ms. HASSAN, Mr. MENEN- 800,000 families will have to wait to be ‘‘This chapter shall not apply to genera- DEZ, Mr. BROWN, Mrs. SHAHEEN, made whole after this manufactured crisis. And I do not advocate irrespon- tion-skipping transfers on or after the date Ms. HIRONO, Mr. BOOKER, Mr. of the enactment of the Death Tax Repeal DURBIN, Ms. SMITH, Mr. HEIN- sibly borrowing from retirement sav- Act of 2019.’’. ings. But I believe we must act to help RICH, Mr. SCHATZ, Ms. KLO- (c) CONFORMING AMENDMENTS.— BUCHAR, Mr. PORTMAN, Mr. the people who make our federal gov- (1) The table of sections for subchapter C of UDALL, Mr. MANCHIN, and Mrs. ernment function in this time of need chapter 11 of the Internal Revenue Code of FEINSTEIN): they are in through no fault of their 1986 is amended by adding at the end the fol- S. 204. A bill to amend the Internal own. lowing new item: Revenue Code of 1986 to waive certain I urge my colleagues to support this ‘‘Sec. 2210. Termination.’’. penalties for affected Federal employ- legislation. Thank you, Mr. President. (2) The table of sections for subchapter G ees receiving a distribution from the of chapter 13 of such Code is amended by add- Thrift Savings Plan during a lapse in By Mr. THUNE (for himself, Mr. ing at the end the following new item: ALEXANDER, Mr. BARRASSO, appropriations, and for other purposes; ‘‘Sec. 2664. Termination.’’. Mrs. BLACKBURN, Mr. BLUNT, to the Committee on Finance. (d) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendments Mr. KAINE. Mr. President, today is Mr. BOOZMAN, Mr. CORNYN, Mr. made by this section shall apply to the es- day 34 of the longest shutdown of gov- CRAMER, Mr. CRAPO, Mr. CRUZ, tates of decedents dying, and generation- ernment in United States history. We Mr. DAINES, Ms. ERNST, Mrs. skipping transfers, after the date of the en- must end this shutdown. We must re- FISCHER, Mr. GARDNER, Mr. actment of this Act. open government right away. Today, I GRASSLEY, Mr. HOEVEN, Mrs. SEC. 3. MODIFICATIONS OF GIFT TAX. YDE MITH NHOFE want to talk about legislation that H -S , Mr. I , Mr. (a) COMPUTATION OF GIFT TAX.—Subsection would provide some assistance to the ISAKSON, Mr. KENNEDY, Mr. (a) of section 2502 of the Internal Revenue Federal workers who are suffering from MCCONNELL, Mr. MORAN, Mr. Code of 1986 is amended to read as follows: this unnecessary shutdown, the Emer- RISCH, Mr. ROBERTS, Mr. ‘‘(a) COMPUTATION OF TAX.— gency Relief for Federal Workers Act ROUNDS, Mr. YOUNG, Mr. COT- ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—The tax imposed by sec- of 2019. TON, Mr. RUBIO, and Mr. tion 2501 for each calendar year shall be an Tomorrow, 800,000 Federal workers PERDUE): amount equal to the excess of— who work hard and just want to serve S. 215. A bill to amend the Internal ‘‘(A) a tentative tax, computed under para- their Nation will not receive a pay- Revenue Code of 1986 to repeal the es- graph (2), on the aggregate sum of the tax- check. They have not received a pay- tate and generation-skipping transfer able gifts for such calendar year and for each of the preceding calendar periods, over check since December 28th, 2018. How- taxes, and for other purposes; to the ‘‘(B) a tentative tax, computed under para- ever, more than 400,000 hold positions Committee on Finance. graph (2), on the aggregate sum of the tax- so essential to our Nation that they Mr. THUNE. Mr. President, I ask able gifts for each of the preceding calendar must go to work regardless of their pay unanimous consent that the text of the periods. status. bill be printed in the RECORD. ‘‘(2) RATE SCHEDULE.—

‘‘If the amount with respect to which the tentative tax to be computed is: ...... The tentative tax is: Not over $10,000 ...... 18% of such amount. Over $10,000 but not over $20,000 ...... $1,800, plus 20% of the excess over $10,000. Over $20,000 but not over $40,000 ...... $3,800, plus 22% of the excess over $20,000.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00048 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JA6.026 S24JAPT1 January 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S589 Over $40,000 but not over $60,000 ...... $8,200, plus 24% of the excess over $40,000. Over $60,000 but not over $80,000 ...... $13,000, plus 26% of the excess over $60,000. Over $80,000 but not over $100,000 ...... $18,200, plus 28% of the excess over $80,000. Over $100,000 but not over $150,000 ...... $23,800, plus 30% of the excess over $100,000. Over $150,000 but not over $250,000 ...... $38,800, plus 32% of the excess of $150,000. Over $250,000 but not over $500,000 ...... $70,800, plus 34% of the excess over $250,000. Over $500,000 ...... $155,800, plus 35% of the excess of $500,000.’’.

(b) TREATMENT OF CERTAIN TRANSFERS IN S. 223. A bill to amend the Internal ‘‘(II) meets the retirement plan require- TRUST.—Section 2511 of the Internal Revenue Revenue Code of 1986 to provide a tax ments of subsection (c) with respect to at Code of 1986 is amended by adding at the end credit to Patriot employers, and for least 90 percent of its employees providing the following new subsection: other purposes; to the Committee on services during the taxable year who are not ‘‘(c) TREATMENT OF CERTAIN TRANSFERS IN Finance. highly compensated employees, and TRUST.—Notwithstanding any other provi- Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I ask ‘‘(III) meets the additional requirements of sion of this section and except as provided in unanimous consent that the text of the subparagraphs (A) and (B) of paragraph (2), regulations, a transfer in trust shall be or bill be printed in the RECORD. treated as a taxable gift under section 2503, ‘‘(ii) any other taxpayer, which meets the unless the trust is treated as wholly owned There being no objection, the text of the bill was ordered to be printed in requirements of either subclause (I) or (II) of by the donor or the donor’s spouse under sub- clause (i) for the taxable year. part E of part I of subchapter J of chapter the RECORD, as follows: ‘‘(2) ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LARGE 1.’’. S. 223 EMPLOYERS.— (c) LIFETIME GIFT EXEMPTION.— Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- ‘‘(A) UNITED STATES EMPLOYMENT.—The re- (1) IN GENERAL.—Paragraph (1) of section resentatives of the United States of America in quirements of this subparagraph are met for 2505(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 Congress assembled, any taxable year if— is amended to read as follows: SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. ‘‘(i) in any case in which the taxpayer in- ‘‘(1) the amount of the tentative tax which This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Patriot Em- creases the number of employees performing would be determined under the rate schedule ployer Tax Credit Act’’. substantially all of their services for the tax- set forth in section 2502(a)(2) if the amount SEC. 2. PATRIOT EMPLOYER TAX CREDIT. able year outside the United States, the tax- with respect to which such tentative tax is (a) IN GENERAL.—Subpart D of part IV of to be computed were $10,000,000, reduced by’’. payer either— subchapter A of chapter 1 of the Internal ‘‘(I) increases the number of employees (2) INFLATION ADJUSTMENT.—Section 2505 of Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by adding performing substantially all of their services such Code is amended by adding at the end at the end the following new section: the following new subsection: inside the United States by an amount not ‘‘SEC. 45T. PATRIOT EMPLOYER TAX CREDIT. less than the increase in such number for ‘‘(d) INFLATION ADJUSTMENT.— ‘‘(a) DETERMINATION OF AMOUNT.— employees outside the United States, or ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—In the case of any cal- ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—For purposes of section ‘‘(II) has a percentage increase in such em- endar year after 2011, the dollar amount in 38, the Patriot employer credit determined subsection (a)(1) shall be increased by an under this section with respect to any tax- ployees inside the United States which is not amount equal to— payer who is a Patriot employer for any tax- less than the percentage increase in such em- ‘‘(A) such dollar amount, multiplied by able year shall be equal to 10 percent of the ployees outside the United States, ‘‘(B) the cost-of-living adjustment deter- qualified wages paid or incurred by the Pa- ‘‘(ii) in any case in which the taxpayer de- mined under section 1(f)(3) for such calendar triot employer. creases the number of employees performing year by substituting ‘calendar year 2010’ for ‘‘(2) LIMITATION.—The amount of qualified substantially all of their services for the tax- ‘calendar year 2016’ in subparagraph (A)(ii) wages which may be taken into account able year inside the United States, the tax- thereof. under paragraph (1) with respect to any em- payer either— ‘‘(2) ROUNDING.—If any amount as adjusted ployee for any taxable year shall not exceed ‘‘(I) decreases the number of employees under paragraph (1) is not a multiple of $15,000. performing substantially all of their services $10,000, such amount shall be rounded to the ‘‘(b) PATRIOT EMPLOYER.— outside the United States by an amount not nearest multiple of $10,000.’’. ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—For purposes of sub- less than the decrease in such number for (d) CONFORMING AMENDMENTS.— section (a), the term ‘Patriot employer’ employees inside the United States, or (1) Section 2505(a) of such Code is amended means, with respect to any taxable year, any ‘‘(II) has a percentage decrease in employ- by striking the last sentence. taxpayer— ees outside the United States which is not (2) The heading for section 2505 of such ‘‘(A) which— less than the percentage decrease in such Code is amended by striking ‘‘UNIFIED’’. ‘‘(i) maintains its headquarters in the employees inside the United States, and (3) The item in the table of sections for United States if the taxpayer (or any prede- ‘‘(iii) there is not a decrease in the number subchapter A of chapter 12 of such Code re- cessor) has ever been headquartered in the of employees performing substantially all of lating to section 2505 is amended to read as United States, and their services for the taxable year inside the follows: ‘‘(ii) is not (and no predecessor of which is) United States by reason of the taxpayer con- an expatriated entity (as defined in section ‘‘Sec. 2505. Credit against gift tax.’’. tracting out such services to persons who are 7874(a)(2)) for the taxable year or any pre- not employees of the taxpayer. (e) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendments ceding taxable year ending after March 4, ‘‘(B) TREATMENT OF INDIVIDUALS IN THE UNI- made by this section shall apply to gifts 2003, FORMED SERVICES AND THE DISABLED.—The re- made on or after the date of the enactment ‘‘(B) with respect to which no assessable of this Act. payment has been imposed under section quirements of this subparagraph are met for (f) TRANSITION RULE.— 4980H with respect to any month occurring any taxable year if— (1) IN GENERAL.—For purposes of applying during the taxable year, ‘‘(i) the taxpayer provides differential wage sections 1015(d), 2502, and 2505 of the Internal ‘‘(C) provides employees with— payments (as defined in section 3401(h)(2)) to Revenue Code of 1986, the calendar year in ‘‘(i) paid sick leave, or each employee described in section which this Act is enacted shall be treated as ‘‘(ii) paid family and medical leave, and 3401(h)(2)(A) for any period during the tax- 2 separate calendar years one of which ends ‘‘(D) in the case of— able year in an amount not less than the dif- on the day before the date of the enactment ‘‘(i) a taxpayer which employs an average ference between the wages which would have of this Act and the other of which begins on of more than 50 employees on business days been received from the employer during such such date of enactment. during the taxable year, which— period and the amount of pay and allowances (2) APPLICATION OF SECTION 2504(b).—For ‘‘(I) provides compensation for at least 90 which the employee receives for service in purposes of applying section 2504(b) of the In- percent of its employees for services pro- the uniformed services during such period, ternal Revenue Code of 1986, the calendar vided by such employees during the taxable and year in which this Act is enacted shall be year at an hourly rate (or equivalent there- ‘‘(ii) the taxpayer has in place at all times treated as one preceding calendar period. of) not less than an amount equal to 218 per- during the taxable year a written policy for cent of the Federal poverty level for an indi- the recruitment of employees who have By Mr. DURBIN (for himself and vidual for the calendar year in which the served in the uniformed services or who are Mr. BROWN): taxable year begins divided by 1,750, disabled.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00049 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JA6.029 S24JAPT1 S590 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 24, 2019

‘‘(3) SPECIAL RULES FOR APPLYING THE MIN- ‘‘(3) DEFINITIONS AND SPECIAL RULES.—For the expiration of the 3-year period beginning IMUM WAGE AND RETIREMENT PLAN REQUIRE- purposes of this subsection— on the last date prescribed by law for filing MENTS.— ‘‘(A) ELIGIBLE RETIREMENT PLAN.—The the return for such taxable year (determined ‘‘(A) MINIMUM WAGE.—In determining term ‘eligible retirement plan’ has the mean- without regard to extensions). whether the minimum wage requirements of ing given such term by section 402(c)(8)(B), ‘‘(3) MANNER OF MAKING ELECTION.—An paragraph (1)(D)(i)(I) are met with respect to except that in the case of an account or an- election under paragraph (1) (or revocation 90 percent of a taxpayer’s employees for any nuity described in clause (i) or (ii) thereof, thereof) shall be made in such manner as the taxable year— such term shall only include an account or Secretary may by regulations prescribe.’’. ‘‘(i) a taxpayer may elect to exclude from annuity which is a simplified employee pen- (b) ALLOWANCE AS GENERAL BUSINESS CRED- such determination apprentices or learners sion (as defined in section 408(k)). IT.—Section 38(b) of the Internal Revenue that an employer may exclude under the reg- ‘‘(B) FINAL AVERAGE PAY.—For purposes of Code of 1986 is amended by striking ‘‘plus’’ at ulations under section 14(a) of the Fair paragraph (2)(B)(i)(II), final average pay the end of paragraph (31), by striking the pe- Labor Standards Act of 1938, and shall be determined using the period of con- riod at the end of paragraph (32) and insert- ‘‘(ii) if a taxpayer meets the requirements secutive years (not exceeding 5) during which ing ‘‘, plus’’, and by adding at the end the of paragraph (2)(B)(i) with respect to pro- the employee had the greatest compensation following: viding differential wage payments to any from the taxpayer. ‘‘(33) in the case of a Patriot employer (as employee for any period (without regard to ‘‘(C) ALTERNATIVE PLAN DESIGNS.—The Sec- defined in section 45T(b)) for any taxable whether such requirements apply to the tax- retary may prescribe regulations for a tax- year, the Patriot employer credit deter- payer), the hourly rate (or equivalent there- payer to meet the requirements of this sub- mined under section 45T(a).’’. of) for such payments shall be determined on section through a combination of defined (c) DENIAL OF DOUBLE BENEFIT.—Sub- the basis of the wages which would have been contribution plans or defined benefit plans section (a) of section 280C of the Internal paid by the employer during such period if described in paragraph (1) or through a com- Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by inserting the employee had not been providing service bination of both such types of plans. ‘‘45T(a),’’ after ‘‘45S(a)’’. in the uniformed services. ‘‘(D) PLANS MUST MEET REQUIREMENTS WITH- (d) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendments ‘‘(B) RETIREMENT PLAN.—In determining OUT TAKING INTO ACCOUNT SOCIAL SECURITY made by this section shall apply to taxable whether the retirement plan requirements of AND SIMILAR CONTRIBUTIONS AND BENEFITS.—A years beginning after December 31, 2019. paragraph (1)(D)(i)(II) are met with respect rule similar to the rule of section 416(e) shall to 90 percent of a taxpayer’s employees for apply. f ‘‘(d) QUALIFIED WAGES AND COMPENSA- any taxable year, a taxpayer may elect to SUBMITTED RESOLUTIONS exclude from such determination— TION.—For purposes of this section— ‘‘(i) employees not meeting the age or serv- ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—The term ‘qualified ice requirements under section 410(a)(1) (or wages’ means wages (as defined in section such lower age or service requirements as 51(c), determined without regard to para- SENATE RESOLUTION 26—DESIG- the employer provides), and graph (4) thereof) paid or incurred by the Pa- NATING JANUARY 25, 2019, AS ‘‘(ii) employees described in section triot employer during the taxable year to ‘‘EARNED INCOME TAX CREDIT 410(b)(3). employees— AWARENESS DAY’’ ‘‘(c) RETIREMENT PLAN REQUIREMENTS.— ‘‘(A) who perform substantially all of their ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—The requirements of this services for such Patriot employer inside the Ms. BALDWIN (for herself, Mr. BOOK- subsection are met for any taxable year with United States, and ER, Mr. BROWN, Mr. COONS, Ms. CORTEZ respect to an employee of the taxpayer who ‘‘(B) with respect to whom— MASTO, Mr. DURBIN, Ms. KLOBUCHAR, is not a highly compensated employee if the ‘‘(i) in the case of a Patriot employer Mrs. MURRAY, Mr. REED, Ms. SMITH, employee is eligible to participate in 1 or which employs an average of more than 50 Mr. VAN HOLLEN, Mr. WHITEHOUSE, Ms. more applicable eligible retirement plans employees on business days during the tax- HARRIS, Ms. DUCKWORTH, and Ms. maintained by the employer for a plan year able year, the requirements of subclauses (I) ending with or within the taxable year. and (II) of subsection (b)(1)(D)(i) are met, and HIRONO) submitted the following reso- ‘‘(2) APPLICABLE ELIGIBLE RETIREMENT ‘‘(ii) in the case of any other Patriot em- lution; which was referred to the Com- PLAN.—For purposes of this subsection, the ployer, the requirements of either subclause mittee on the Judiciary: term ‘applicable eligible retirement plan’ (I) or (II) of subsection (b)(1)(D)(i) are met. S. RES. 26 means an eligible retirement plan which, ‘‘(2) SPECIAL RULES FOR AGRICULTURAL Whereas the earned income tax credit is a with respect to the plan year described in LABOR AND RAILWAY LABOR.—Rules similar to refundable Federal tax credit available to paragraph (1), is either— the rules of section 51(h) shall apply. low- and moderate-income working families ‘‘(A) a defined contribution plan which— ‘‘(3) COMPENSATION.—For purposes of sub- and individuals; ‘‘(i) requires the employer to make non- sections (b)(1)(D)(i)(I) and (c), the term ‘com- elective contributions of at least 5 percent of Whereas the earned income tax credit pensation’ has the same meaning as qualified strengthens the rewards of work; the compensation of the employee, or wages, except that section 51(c)(2) shall be ‘‘(ii) both— Whereas, in 2016, the earned income tax disregarded in determining the amount of credit lifted approximately 5,800,000 people ‘‘(I) includes an eligible automatic con- such wages. tribution arrangement (as defined in section out of poverty, including approximately ‘‘(e) AGGREGATION RULES.—For purposes of 3,000,000 children; 414(w)(3)) under which the uniform percent- this section— Whereas the earned income tax credit pro- age described in section 414(w)(3)(B) is at ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—All persons treated as a vides substantial economic benefit to local least 5 percent, and single employer under subsection (a) or (b) of economies; and ‘‘(II) requires the employer to make section 52 shall be treated as a single tax- Whereas an estimated 20 percent of eligible matching contributions of 100 percent of the payer. workers do not claim the earned income tax elective deferrals (as defined in section ‘‘(2) SPECIAL RULES FOR CERTAIN REQUIRE- credit: Now, therefore, be it 414(u)(2)(C)) of the employee to the extent MENTS.—For purposes of applying paragraphs Resolved, That the Senate— such deferrals do not exceed the percentage (1)(A) and (2)(A) of subsection (b)— (1) designates Friday, January 25, 2019, as specified by the plan (not less than 5 percent) ‘‘(A) the determination under subsections ‘‘Earned Income Tax Credit Awareness Day’’; of the employee’s compensation, or (a) and (b) of section 52 for purposes of para- and ‘‘(B) a defined benefit plan— graph (1) shall be made without regard to (2) calls on Federal, State, and local agen- ‘‘(i) with respect to which the accrued ben- section 1563(b)(2)(C) (relating to exclusion of cies, community organizations, nonprofit or- efit of the employee derived from employer foreign corporations), and ganizations, employers, and other partners contributions, when expressed as an annual ‘‘(B) if any person treated as a single tax- to help increase awareness about the earned retirement benefit, is not less than the prod- payer under this subsection (after applica- income tax credit, other refundable tax cred- uct of— tion of subparagraph (A)), or any predecessor its, and free tax filing assistance to ensure ‘‘(I) the lesser of 2 percent multiplied by of such person, was an expatriated entity (as that all eligible workers have access to the the employee’s years of service (determined defined in section 7874(a)(2)) for any taxable full benefits of the credits. under the rules of paragraphs (4), (5), and (6) year ending after March 4, 2003, then all per- of section 411(a)) with the employer or 20 per- sons treated as a single taxpayer with such f cent, multiplied by person shall be treated as expatriated enti- ‘‘(II) the employee’s final average pay, or ties. SENATE RESOLUTION 27—CALLING ‘‘(ii) which is an applicable defined benefit ‘‘(f) ELECTION TO HAVE CREDIT NOT FOR A PROMPT MULTINATIONAL plan (as defined in section 411(a)(13)(C))— APPLY.— FREEDOM OF NAVIGATION OPER- ‘‘(I) which meets the interest credit re- ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—A taxpayer may elect to ATION IN THE BLACK SEA AND quirements of section 411(b)(5)(B)(i) with re- have this section not apply for any taxable URGING THE CANCELLATION OF spect to the plan year, and year. THE NORD STREAM 2 PIPELINE ‘‘(II) under which the employee receives a ‘‘(2) TIME FOR MAKING ELECTION.—An elec- pay credit for the plan year which is not less tion under paragraph (1) for any taxable year Mr. JOHNSON (for himself, Mr. DUR- than 5 percent of compensation. may be made (or revoked) at any time before BIN, Mr. RISCH, Mr. MENENDEZ, Mr.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00050 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JA6.030 S24JAPT1 January 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S591 INHOFE, Mr. REED, Mrs. SHAHEEN, Mr. 55,000,000,000 cubic meters of pipeline capac- curity through a policy of reducing reliance BARRASSO, Mr. MURPHY, Ms. BALDWIN, ity from the Russian Federation to the Fed- on the Russian Federation; Mrs. BLACKBURN, Mr. BLUMENTHAL, Mr. eral Republic of Germany through the Baltic (9) applauds and concurs with the Euro- Sea; pean Parliament’s December 12, 2018, resolu- BLUNT, Mr. BOOZMAN, Mr. BRAUN, Mr. Whereas the Russian Federation’s state- tion condemning Russian aggression in the CARDIN, Mr. CARPER, Mr. CASEY, Ms. owned oil and gas company, Gazprom, is the Kerch Strait and the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, COLLINS, Mr. COONS, Mr. CORNYN, Mr. sole shareholder of the Nord Stream 2 calling for the pipeline’s cancellation due to COTTON, Mr. CRAMER, Mr. CRAPO, Mr. project; its threat to European energy security, and CRUZ, Mr. DAINES, Ms. DUCKWORTH, Mr. Whereas, in 2017, there was spare capacity calling on the Russian Federation to guar- ENZI, Mrs. FISCHER, Mr. GARDNER, Mr. of approximately 55,000,000,000 cubic meters antee freedom of navigation in the Kerch GRAHAM, Mr. GRASSLEY, Ms. HASSAN, in the Ukrainian gas transit system; Strait; and Ms. HIRONO, Mr. HOEVEN, Mrs. HYDE- Whereas Gazprom cut off natural gas ex- (10) urges the President to continue work- SMITH, Mr. JONES, Mr. KAINE, Mr. KEN- ports to Europe via Ukraine in 2006, and ing with Congress and our allies to ensure again in 2009, over supply and pricing dis- NEDY, Ms. KLOBUCHAR, Mr. LANKFORD, the appropriate policies to deter the Russian putes with Ukraine’s state-owned oil and gas Federation from further aggression. Mr. MERKLEY, Mr. MORAN, Mr. PETERS, company, Naftogaz; f Mr. PORTMAN, Mr. ROBERTS, Mr. ROM- Whereas transit of Russian natural gas to NEY, Mr. ROUNDS, Mr. RUBIO, Mr. Europe via Ukraine declined precipitously SENATE RESOLUTION 28—RECOG- SASSE, Mr. SCHATZ, Ms. SMITH, Ms. after the completion of Nord Stream 1 in NIZING JANUARY 2019 AS ‘‘NA- STABENOW, Mr. THUNE, Mr. TILLIS, Mr. 2011, falling from 80 percent to between 40 TIONAL MENTORING MONTH’’ TOOMEY, Mr. VAN HOLLEN, Mr. WHITE- and 50 percent of Russia’s total exports to Mr. ISAKSON (for himself, Mr. HOUSE, Mr. WICKER, Mr. WYDEN, Mr. Europe; WHITEHOUSE, Mr. BLUMENTHAL, Mr. YOUNG, Mr. MANCHIN, Mrs. CAPITO, Mr. Whereas, in 2017, Russian gas accounted for 37 percent of Europe’s natural gas imports, BLUNT, Mr. BOOKER, Mr. BOOZMAN, Mr. PERDUE, Mr. ISAKSON, and Ms. MUR- an increase of 5 percent over 2016; BRAUN, Mr. BROWN, Mrs. CAPITO, Mr. KOWSKI) submitted the following reso- Whereas, on December 12, 2018, the Euro- CORNYN, Ms. DUCKWORTH, Mr. DURBIN, lution; which was referred to the Com- pean Parliament overwhelmingly passed a Ms. ERNST, Mrs. FEINSTEIN, Mr. INHOFE, mittee on Foreign Relations: resolution condemning both the Russian Whereas, in late February 2014, the Russian Federation’s aggression in the Kerch Strait Mr. JONES, Mr. LANKFORD, Mr. LEAHY, Federation invaded and illegally occupied and the construction of the Nord Stream 2 Mr. MURPHY, Mr. PETERS, Mr. REED, Ukraine’s Crimean peninsula, in full con- pipeline; and Mr. SANDERS, Mr. SULLIVAN, Mr. travention of the United Nations Charter Whereas, on December 11, 2018, the United TILLIS, Mr. VAN HOLLEN, Ms. WARREN, and the Helsinki Final Act, which condemn States House of Representatives passed a Ms. COLLINS, and Mr. GRASSLEY) sub- the threat or use of force as means of alter- resolution calling upon the European Union mitted the following resolution; which ing international borders; to reject the Nord Stream 2 pipeline and urg- was considered and agreed to: Whereas the Russian Federation’s at- ing the President to use all available means tempted illegal annexation of Crimea is also to promote energy policies in Europe that re- S. RES. 28 a direct violation of its pledges as a signa- duce European reliance on Russian energy Whereas the goals of National Mentoring tory to the 1994 Budapest Memorandum on exports: Now, therefore, be it Month are to raise awareness of mentoring, Security Assurances to respect Ukraine’s Resolved, That the Senate— recruit individuals to mentor, celebrate the sovereignty and existing borders and to re- (1) calls upon the President to work with powerful impact of caring adults who volun- frain from the threat or use of force against United States allies to promptly lead a ro- teer time for the benefit of young people, and Ukraine; bust multinational freedom of navigation op- encourage organizations to engage and inte- Whereas the inclusion of the United States eration in the Black Sea to help demonstrate grate quality in mentoring into the efforts of and the United Kingdom as signatories to support for internationally recognized bor- the organizations; the Budapest Memorandum was essential in ders, bilateral agreements, and safe passage Whereas there are young people across the order to provide Ukraine the security assur- through the Kerch Strait and Sea of Azov United States who make everyday choices ances needed to give up its nuclear arsenal; and to push back against excessive Russian that lead to the big decisions in life without Whereas, on November 25, 2018, military Federation claims of sovereignty; the guidance and support on which many forces of the Russian Federation attacked (2) calls upon the North Atlantic Treaty other young people rely; and seized three Ukrainian Navy vessels and Organization to enhance allied maritime Whereas a mentor is a caring, consistent their crews as they attempted to transit the presence and capabilities, including mari- presence who devotes time to a young person Kerch Strait between the Black Sea and the time domain awareness and coastal defense to help that young person discover personal Sea of Azov; in the Black Sea in order to support Free- strength and achieve the potential of that Whereas the Government of the Russian dom of Navigation Operations and allied in- young person; Federation still has not released the Ukrain- terests; Whereas quality mentoring encourages ian crew members or returned the Ukrainian (3) urges the President to use the authority positive life and social skills, promotes self- ships that were seized illegally; provided under section 1234 of the National esteem, bolsters academic achievement and Whereas European Commissioner Julian Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year college access, and nurtures young leader- King stated that the Government of the Rus- 2018 (Public Law 115–91; 131 Stat. 1659) to en- ship development; sian Federation launched a disinformation hance the capability of the Ukrainian mili- Whereas mentoring programs have been campaign over a year ago designed to paint tary; shown to be effective in helping young people Ukraine and NATO as provocateurs in the (4) urges the President, through the De- make positive choices; Kerch Strait; partments of State and Defense, to provide Whereas young people who meet regularly Whereas, as part of the Russian Federation additional security assistance to Ukraine, with mentors are 46 percent less likely than disinformation campaign, Russian state especially to strengthen Ukraine’s maritime peers to start using illegal drugs; media outlets spread demonstrable false- capabilities, in order to improve deterrence Whereas research shows that young people hoods, including claims that Ukraine was and defense against further Russian aggres- who were at risk for not completing high dredging the Kerch Strait seabed to facili- sion; school but who had a mentor were, as com- tate the stationing of a NATO fleet, that (5) reiterates that the President is required pared with similarly situated young people Ukraine had intentionally infected the sea by statute to impose mandatory sanctions without a mentor— with cholera, and that Ukrainian and British on the Russian Federation under the Coun- (1) 55 percent more likely to be enrolled in clandestine services were conspiring to de- tering America’s Adversaries Through Sanc- college; stroy the Kerch Strait bridge with a nuclear tions Act (Public Law 115–44); (2) 81 percent more likely to report partici- weapon; (6) stresses that sanctions against the Rus- pating regularly in sports or extracurricular Whereas the United States has important sian Federation are a direct result of the ac- activities; national interests in the Black Sea region, tions of the Government of the Russian Fed- (3) more than twice as likely to say they including the security of three NATO littoral eration and will continue and increase until held a leadership position in a club or sports states, the promotion of European energy there is an appropriate change in Russian be- team; and market diversification by ensuring unfet- havior; (4) 78 percent more likely to pay it forward tered European access to energy exporters in (7) calls upon United States allies and part- by volunteering regularly in the commu- the Caucuses and central Asia, and com- ners in Europe to deny Russian Navy vessels nities of young people; bating use of the region by smugglers as a access to their ports to resupply and refuel; Whereas 90 percent of young people who conduit for trafficking in persons, narcotics, (8) notes the resolution passed by the were at risk for not completing high school and arms; House of Representatives on December 11, but who had a mentor said they are now in- Whereas the Nord Stream 2 pipeline is a 2018, calling on European governments to terested in becoming mentors themselves; proposed underwater natural gas pipeline cancel the Nord Stream 2 pipeline and urging Whereas mentoring can play a role in help- project that would provide an additional the President to support European energy se- ing young people attend school regularly, as

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00051 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JA6.032 S24JAPT1 S592 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 24, 2019

research shows that students who meet regu- proposed by Mr. MCCONNELL (for Mr. SHELBY) SA 46. Mr. SHELBY submitted an amend- larly with a mentor are, as compared with to the bill H.R. 268, supra; which was ordered ment intended to be proposed by him to the the peers of those students— to lie on the table. bill H.R. 268, supra; which was ordered to lie (1) 52 percent less likely to skip a full day SA 27. Mr. LEE submitted an amendment on the table. of school; and intended to be proposed to amendment SA 5 SA 47. Mr. SHELBY submitted an amend- (2) 37 percent less likely to skip a class; proposed by Mr. MCCONNELL (for Mr. SHELBY) ment intended to be proposed by him to the Whereas youth development experts agree to the bill H.R. 268, supra; which was ordered bill H.R. 268, supra; which was ordered to lie that mentoring encourages positive youth to lie on the table. on the table. development and smart daily behaviors, such SA 28. Mr. LEE submitted an amendment SA 48. Mr. SCOTT, of Florida submitted an as finishing homework and having healthy intended to be proposed to amendment SA 5 amendment intended to be proposed by him social interactions, and has a positive im- proposed by Mr. MCCONNELL (for Mr. SHELBY) to the bill H.R. 268, supra; which was ordered pact on the growth and success of a young to the bill H.R. 268, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. person; to lie on the table. SA 49. Mr. LEE submitted an amendment Whereas mentors help young people set ca- SA 29. Mr. LEE submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by him to the bill reer goals and use the personal contacts of intended to be proposed to amendment SA 5 H.R. 268, supra; which was ordered to lie on the mentors to help young people meet in- proposed by Mr. MCCONNELL (for Mr. SHELBY) the table. dustry professionals and train for and find to the bill H.R. 268, supra; which was ordered SA 50. Mr. SHELBY submitted an amend- jobs; to lie on the table. ment intended to be proposed by him to the Whereas each of the benefits of mentors de- SA 30. Mr. LEE submitted an amendment bill H.R. 268, supra; which was ordered to lie scribed in this preamble serves to link youth intended to be proposed to amendment SA 5 on the table. to economic and social opportunity while proposed by Mr. MCCONNELL (for Mr. SHELBY) SA 51. Mr. SHELBY submitted an amend- also strengthening communities in the to the bill H.R. 268, supra; which was ordered ment intended to be proposed by him to the United States; and to lie on the table. bill H.R. 268, supra; which was ordered to lie Whereas, despite those described benefits, SA 31. Mr. LEE submitted an amendment on the table. an estimated 9,000,000 young people in the intended to be proposed to amendment SA 5 SA 52. Mr. SHELBY submitted an amend- United States feel isolated from meaningful proposed by Mr. MCCONNELL (for Mr. SHELBY) ment intended to be proposed by him to the connections with adults outside the home, to the bill H.R. 268, supra; which was ordered bill H.R. 268, supra; which was ordered to lie constituting a ‘‘mentoring gap’’ that dem- to lie on the table. on the table. onstrates a need for collaboration and re- SA 32. Mr. LEE submitted an amendment SA 53. Mr. CARDIN (for himself, Mr. GRA- sources: Now, therefore, be it intended to be proposed to amendment SA 5 HAM, Mr. VAN HOLLEN, Ms. COLLINS, Mr. Resolved, That the Senate— proposed by Mr. MCCONNELL (for Mr. SHELBY) WARNER, Mr. KAINE, Mr. COONS, Mr. KING, (1) recognizes January 2019 as ‘‘National to the bill H.R. 268, supra; which was ordered Ms. MURKOWSKI, Mr. ISAKSON, and Mr. GARD- Mentoring Month’’; to lie on the table. NER) submitted an amendment intended to (2) recognizes the caring adults who serve SA 33. Mr. LEE submitted an amendment be proposed by him to the bill H.R. 268, as staff and volunteers at quality mentoring intended to be proposed to amendment SA 5 supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. programs and help the young people of the proposed by Mr. MCCONNELL (for Mr. SHELBY) f United States find inner strength and reach to the bill H.R. 268, supra; which was ordered their full potential; to lie on the table. TEXT OF AMENDMENTS (3) acknowledges that mentoring is bene- SA 34. Mr. LEE submitted an amendment SA 21. Mr. BURR submitted an ficial because mentoring supports edu- intended to be proposed to amendment SA 5 amendment intended to be proposed by cational achievement and self-confidence, proposed by Mr. MCCONNELL (for Mr. SHELBY) him to the bill H.R. 268, making supple- supports young people in setting career goals to the bill H.R. 268, supra; which was ordered and expanding social capital, reduces juve- to lie on the table. mental appropriations for the fiscal nile delinquency, improves positive personal, SA 35. Mr. LEE submitted an amendment year ending September 30, 2019, and for professional, and academic outcomes, and intended to be proposed to amendment SA 5 other purposes; which was ordered to strengthens communities; proposed by Mr. MCCONNELL (for Mr. SHELBY) lie on the table; as follows: (4) promotes the establishment and expan- to the bill H.R. 268, supra; which was ordered At the appropriate place, insert the fol- sion of quality mentoring programs across to lie on the table. lowing: the United States to equip young people with SA 36. Mr. SHELBY submitted an amend- DIVISION ll—INTELLIGENCE AUTHOR- the tools needed to lead healthy and produc- ment intended to be proposed by him to the IZATION ACT FOR FISCAL YEARS 2018 tive lives; and bill H.R. 268, supra; which was ordered to lie AND 2019 (5) supports initiatives to close the ‘‘men- on the table. toring gap’’ that exists for the many young SA 37. Mr. SHELBY submitted an amend- SEC. 1. SHORT TITLE; TABLE OF CONTENTS. people in the United States who do not have ment intended to be proposed by him to the (a) SHORT TITLE.—This division may be meaningful connections with adults outside bill H.R. 268, supra; which was ordered to lie cited as the ‘‘Damon Paul Nelson and Mat- the home. on the table. thew Young Pollard Intelligence Authoriza- SA 38. Mr. SHELBY submitted an amend- tion Act for Fiscal Years 2018 and 2019’’. f ment intended to be proposed by him to the (b) TABLE OF CONTENTS.—The table of con- AMENDMENTS SUBMITTED AND bill H.R. 268, supra; which was ordered to lie tents for this division is as follows: PROPOSED on the table. Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents. SA 39. Mr. SHELBY submitted an amend- Sec. 2. Definitions. SA 21. Mr. BURR submitted an amendment ment intended to be proposed by him to the Sec. 3. Explanatory statement. intended to be proposed by him to the bill bill H.R. 268, supra; which was ordered to lie TITLE I—INTELLIGENCE ACTIVITIES H.R. 268, making supplemental appropria- on the table. tions for the fiscal year ending September 30, Sec. 101. Authorization of appropriations. SA 40. Mr. SHELBY submitted an amend- 2019, and for other purposes; which was or- Sec. 102. Classified Schedule of Authoriza- ment intended to be proposed by him to the dered to lie on the table. tions. SA 22. Mr. LEE submitted an amendment bill H.R. 268, supra; which was ordered to lie Sec. 103. Intelligence Community Manage- intended to be proposed to amendment SA 5 on the table. ment Account. SA 41. Mr. SHELBY submitted an amend- proposed by Mr. MCCONNELL (for Mr. SHELBY) TITLE II—CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE to the bill H.R. 268, supra; which was ordered ment intended to be proposed by him to the AGENCY RETIREMENT AND DIS- to lie on the table. bill H.R. 268, supra; which was ordered to lie ABILITY SYSTEM SA 23. Mr. LEE submitted an amendment on the table. SA 42. Mr. SHELBY submitted an amend- Sec. 201. Authorization of appropriations. intended to be proposed to amendment SA 5 Sec. 202. Computation of annuities for em- proposed by Mr. MCCONNELL (for Mr. SHELBY) ment intended to be proposed by him to the bill H.R. 268, supra; which was ordered to lie ployees of the Central Intel- to the bill H.R. 268, supra; which was ordered ligence Agency. to lie on the table. on the table. SA 24. Mr. LEE submitted an amendment SA 43. Mr. SHELBY submitted an amend- TITLE III—GENERAL INTELLIGENCE intended to be proposed to amendment SA 5 ment intended to be proposed by him to the COMMUNITY MATTERS proposed by Mr. MCCONNELL (for Mr. SHELBY) bill H.R. 268, supra; which was ordered to lie Sec. 301. Restriction on conduct of intel- to the bill H.R. 268, supra; which was ordered on the table. ligence activities. to lie on the table. SA 44. Mr. SHELBY submitted an amend- Sec. 302. Increase in employee compensation SA 25. Mr. LEE submitted an amendment ment intended to be proposed by him to the and benefits authorized by law. intended to be proposed to amendment SA 5 bill H.R. 268, supra; which was ordered to lie Sec. 303. Modification of special pay author- proposed by Mr. MCCONNELL (for Mr. SHELBY) on the table. ity for science, technology, en- to the bill H.R. 268, supra; which was ordered SA 45. Mr. SHELBY submitted an amend- gineering, or mathematics posi- to lie on the table. ment intended to be proposed by him to the tions and addition of special SA 26. Mr. LEE submitted an amendment bill H.R. 268, supra; which was ordered to lie pay authority for cyber posi- intended to be proposed to amendment SA 5 on the table. tions.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:52 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00052 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0655 E:\CR\FM\A24JA6.033 S24JAPT1 January 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S593 Sec. 304. Modification of appointment of Subtitle D—Other Elements TITLE VII—REPORTS AND OTHER Chief Information Officer of the Sec. 431. Plan for designation of counter- MATTERS Intelligence Community. intelligence component of De- Subtitle A—Matters Relating to Russia and Sec. 305. Director of National Intelligence fense Security Service as an Other Foreign Powers review of placement of posi- element of intelligence commu- Sec. 701. Limitation relating to establish- tions within the intelligence nity. ment or support of cybersecu- community on the Executive Sec. 432. Notice not required for private en- rity unit with the Russian Fed- Schedule. tities. eration. Sec. 306. Supply Chain and Counterintel- Sec. 433. Framework for roles, missions, and Sec. 702. Report on returning Russian com- ligence Risk Management Task pounds. Force. functions of Defense Intel- ligence Agency. Sec. 703. Assessment of threat finance relat- Sec. 307. Consideration of adversarial tele- ing to Russia. Sec. 434. Establishment of advisory board communications and cybersecu- Sec. 704. Notification of an active measures for National Reconnaissance rity infrastructure when shar- campaign. Office. ing intelligence with foreign Sec. 705. Notification of travel by accredited governments and entities. Sec. 435. Collocation of certain Department diplomatic and consular per- Sec. 308. Cyber protection support for the of Homeland Security personnel sonnel of the Russian Federa- personnel of the intelligence at field locations. tion in the United States. community in positions highly TITLE V—ELECTION MATTERS Sec. 706. Report on outreach strategy ad- vulnerable to cyber attack. dressing threats from United Sec. 501. Report on cyber attacks by foreign Sec. 309. Modification of authority relating States adversaries to the governments against United to management of supply-chain United States technology sec- States election infrastructure. risk. tor. Sec. 310. Limitations on determinations re- Sec. 502. Review of intelligence commu- Sec. 707. Report on Iranian support of proxy garding certain security classi- nity’s posture to collect against forces in Syria and Lebanon. fications. and analyze Russian efforts to Sec. 708. Annual report on Iranian expendi- Sec. 311. Joint Intelligence Community influence the Presidential elec- tures supporting foreign mili- Council. tion. tary and terrorist activities. Sec. 312. Intelligence community informa- Sec. 503. Assessment of foreign intelligence Sec. 709. Expansion of scope of committee to tion technology environment. threats to Federal elections. counter active measures and re- Sec. 313. Report on development of secure Sec. 504. Strategy for countering Russian port on establishment of For- mobile voice solution for intel- cyber threats to United States eign Malign Influence Center. ligence community. elections. Subtitle B—Reports Sec. 314. Policy on minimum insider threat Sec. 505. Assessment of significant Russian Sec. 711. Technical correction to Inspector standards. influence campaigns directed at General study. Sec. 315. Submission of intelligence commu- foreign elections and referenda. Sec. 712. Reports on authorities of the Chief nity policies. Sec. 506. Foreign counterintelligence and Intelligence Officer of the De- Sec. 316. Expansion of intelligence commu- cybersecurity threats to Fed- partment of Homeland Secu- nity recruitment efforts. eral election campaigns. rity. TITLE IV—MATTERS RELATING TO ELE- Sec. 507. Information sharing with State Sec. 713. Report on cyber exchange program. MENTS OF THE INTELLIGENCE COMMU- election officials. Sec. 714. Review of intelligence community NITY Sec. 508. Notification of significant foreign whistleblower matters. Subtitle A—Office of the Director of cyber intrusions and active Sec. 715. Report on role of Director of Na- National Intelligence measures campaigns directed at tional Intelligence with respect to certain foreign investments. Sec. 401. Authority for protection of current elections for Federal offices. Sec. 716. Report on surveillance by foreign and former employees of the Of- Sec. 509. Designation of counterintelligence governments against United fice of the Director of National officer to lead election security States telecommunications net- Intelligence. matters. works. Sec. 402. Designation of the program man- TITLE VI—SECURITY CLEARANCES Sec. 717. Biennial report on foreign invest- ager-information sharing envi- Sec. 601. Definitions. ment risks. ronment. Sec. 602. Reports and plans relating to secu- Sec. 718. Modification of certain reporting Sec. 403. Technical modification to the exec- requirement on travel of for- utive schedule. rity clearances and background investigations. eign diplomats. Sec. 404. Chief Financial Officer of the Intel- Sec. 719. Semiannual reports on investiga- ligence Community. Sec. 603. Improving the process for security clearances. tions of unauthorized disclo- Sec. 405. Chief Information Officer of the In- sures of classified information. telligence Community. Sec. 604. Goals for promptness of determina- Sec. 720. Congressional notification of des- Subtitle B—Central Intelligence Agency tions regarding security clear- ignation of covered intelligence ances. Sec. 411. Central Intelligence Agency sub- officer as persona non grata. Sec. 605. Security Executive Agent. sistence for personnel assigned Sec. 721. Reports on intelligence community to austere locations. Sec. 606. Report on unified, simplified, Gov- participation in vulnerabilities Sec. 412. Special rules for certain monthly ernmentwide standards for po- equities process of Federal Gov- workers’ compensation pay- sitions of trust and security ernment. ments and other payments for clearances. Sec. 722. Inspectors General reports on clas- Central Intelligence Agency Sec. 607. Report on clearance in person con- sification. personnel. cept. Sec. 723. Reports on global water insecurity Sec. 413. Expansion of security protective Sec. 608. Budget request documentation on and national security implica- service jurisdiction of the Cen- funding for background inves- tions and briefing on emerging tral Intelligence Agency. tigations. infectious disease and Sec. 414. Repeal of foreign language pro- Sec. 609. Reports on reciprocity for security pandemics. ficiency requirement for cer- clearances inside of depart- Sec. 724. Annual report on memoranda of tain senior level positions in ments and agencies. understanding between ele- ments of intelligence commu- the Central Intelligence Agen- Sec. 610. Intelligence community reports on nity and other entities of the cy. security clearances. United States Government re- Subtitle C—Office of Intelligence and Coun- Sec. 611. Periodic report on positions in the garding significant operational terintelligence of Department of Energy intelligence community that activities or policy. Sec. 421. Consolidation of Department of En- can be conducted without ac- Sec. 725. Study on the feasibility of ergy Offices of Intelligence and cess to classified information, encrypting unclassified wireline Counterintelligence. networks, or facilities. and wireless telephone calls. Sec. 422. Establishment of Energy Infra- Sec. 612. Information sharing program for Sec. 726. Modification of requirement for an- structure Security Center. positions of trust and security nual report on hiring and reten- Sec. 423. Repeal of Department of Energy In- clearances. tion of minority employees. telligence Executive Com- Sec. 613. Report on protections for confiden- Sec. 727. Reports on intelligence community mittee and budget reporting re- tiality of whistleblower-related loan repayment and related quirement. communications. programs.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00053 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0655 E:\CR\FM\A24JA6.040 S24JAPT1 S594 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 24, 2019 Sec. 728. Repeal of certain reporting require- (13) The Drug Enforcement Administra- (C) in subsection (f)(2), by striking ‘‘one ments. tion. year’’ and inserting ‘‘two years’’; Sec. 729. Inspector General of the Intel- (14) The National Reconnaissance Office. (D) in subsection (g)(2), by striking ‘‘one ligence Community report on (15) The National Geospatial-Intelligence year’’ each place such term appears and in- senior executives of the Office Agency. serting ‘‘two years’’; of the Director of National In- (16) The Department of Homeland Secu- (E) by redesignating subsections (h), (i), (j), telligence. rity. (k), and (l) as subsections (i), (j), (k), (l), and Sec. 730. Briefing on Federal Bureau of In- (b) FISCAL YEAR 2018.—Funds that were ap- (m), respectively; and vestigation offering permanent propriated for fiscal year 2018 for the conduct (F) by inserting after subsection (g) the residence to sources and co- of the intelligence and intelligence-related following: operators. activities of the elements of the United ‘‘(h) CONDITIONAL ELECTION OF INSURABLE Sec. 731. Intelligence assessment of North States set forth in subsection (a) are hereby INTEREST SURVIVOR ANNUITY BY PARTICI- Korea revenue sources. authorized. PANTS MARRIED AT THE TIME OF RETIRE- Sec. 732. Report on possible exploitation of SEC. 102. CLASSIFIED SCHEDULE OF AUTHORIZA- MENT.— virtual currencies by terrorist TIONS. ‘‘(1) AUTHORITY TO MAKE DESIGNATION.— actors. (a) SPECIFICATIONS OF AMOUNTS.—The Subject to the rights of former spouses under Sec. 733. Inclusion of disciplinary actions in amounts authorized to be appropriated under subsection (b) and section 222, at the time of annual report relating to sec- section 101 for the conduct of the intel- retirement a married participant found by tion 702 of the Foreign Intel- ligence activities of the elements listed in the Director to be in good health may elect ligence Surveillance Act of 1978. paragraphs (1) through (16) of section 101, are to receive an annuity reduced in accordance Subtitle C—Other Matters those specified in the classified Schedule of with subsection (f)(1)(B) and designate in writing an individual having an insurable in- Sec. 741. Public Interest Declassification Authorizations prepared to accompany this terest in the participant to receive an annu- Board. division. ity under the system after the participant’s Sec. 742. Securing energy infrastructure. (b) AVAILABILITY OF CLASSIFIED SCHEDULE death, except that any such election to pro- Sec. 743. Bug bounty programs. OF AUTHORIZATIONS.— vide an insurable interest survivor annuity Sec. 744. Modification of authorities relating (1) AVAILABILITY.—The classified Schedule to the participant’s spouse shall only be ef- to the National Intelligence of Authorizations referred to in subsection fective if the participant’s spouse waives the University. (a) shall be made available to the Committee spousal right to a survivor annuity under Sec. 745. Technical and clerical amendments on Appropriations of the Senate, the Com- this Act. The amount of the annuity shall be to the National Security Act of mittee on Appropriations of the House of equal to 55 percent of the participant’s re- 1947. Representatives, and to the President. Sec. 746. Technical amendments related to (2) DISTRIBUTION BY THE PRESIDENT.—Sub- duced annuity. the Department of Energy. ject to paragraph (3), the President shall pro- ‘‘(2) REDUCTION IN PARTICIPANT’S ANNUITY.— Sec. 747. Sense of Congress on notification of vide for suitable distribution of the classified The annuity payable to the participant mak- certain disclosures of classified Schedule of Authorizations referred to in ing such election shall be reduced by 10 per- information. subsection (a), or of appropriate portions of cent of an annuity computed under sub- Sec. 748. Sense of Congress on consideration such Schedule, within the executive branch. section (a) and by an additional 5 percent for of espionage activities when (3) LIMITS ON DISCLOSURE.—The President each full 5 years the designated individual is considering whether or not to shall not publicly disclose the classified younger than the participant. The total re- provide visas to foreign individ- Schedule of Authorizations or any portion of duction under this subparagraph may not ex- uals to be accredited to a such Schedule except— ceed 40 percent. United Nations mission in the (A) as provided in section 601(a) of the Im- ‘‘(3) COMMENCEMENT OF SURVIVOR ANNU- United States. plementing Recommendations of the 9/11 ITY.—The annuity payable to the designated Sec. 749. Sense of Congress on WikiLeaks. Commission Act of 2007 (50 U.S.C. 3306(a)); individual shall begin on the day after the (B) to the extent necessary to implement retired participant dies and terminate on the SEC. 2. DEFINITIONS. the budget; or last day of the month before the designated In this division: (C) as otherwise required by law. individual dies. (1) CONGRESSIONAL INTELLIGENCE COMMIT- SEC. 103. INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY MANAGE- ‘‘(4) RECOMPUTATION OF PARTICIPANT’SAN- TEES.—The term ‘‘congressional intelligence MENT ACCOUNT. NUITY ON DEATH OF DESIGNATED INDIVIDUAL.— committees’’ has the meaning given such (a) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.— An annuity that is reduced under this sub- term in section 3 of the National Security There is authorized to be appropriated for section shall, effective the first day of the Act of 1947 (50 U.S.C. 3003). the Intelligence Community Management month following the death of the designated (2) INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY.—The term Account of the Director of National Intel- individual, be recomputed and paid as if the ‘‘intelligence community’’ has the meaning ligence for fiscal year 2019 the sum of annuity had not been so reduced.’’. given such term in such section. $522,424,000. (2) CONFORMING AMENDMENTS.— SEC. 3. EXPLANATORY STATEMENT. (b) CLASSIFIED AUTHORIZATION OF APPRO- (A) CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY RETIRE- The explanatory statement regarding this PRIATIONS.—In addition to amounts author- MENT ACT.—The Central Intelligence Agency division, printed in the Senate section of the ized to be appropriated for the Intelligence Retirement Act (50 U.S.C. 2001 et seq.) is Congressional Record, by the Chairman of Community Management Account by sub- amended— the Select Committee on Intelligence of the section (a), there are authorized to be appro- (i) in section 232(b)(1) (50 U.S.C. 2052(b)(1)), Senate, shall have the same effect with re- priated for the Intelligence Community Man- by striking ‘‘221(h),’’ and inserting ‘‘221(i),’’; spect to the implementation of this division agement Account for fiscal year 2019 such ad- and as if it were a joint explanatory statement of ditional amounts as are specified in the clas- (ii) in section 252(h)(4) (50 U.S.C. 2082(h)(4)), a committee of conference. sified Schedule of Authorizations referred to by striking ‘‘221(k)’’ and inserting ‘‘221(l)’’. TITLE I—INTELLIGENCE ACTIVITIES in section 102(a). (B) CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY ACT OF SEC. 101. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. TITLE II—CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGEN- 1949.—Subsection (a) of section 14 of the Cen- tral Intelligence Agency Act of 1949 (50 (a) FISCAL YEAR 2019.—Funds are hereby CY RETIREMENT AND DISABILITY SYS- authorized to be appropriated for fiscal year TEM U.S.C. 3514(a)) is amended by striking ‘‘221(h)(2), 221(i), 221(l),’’ and inserting 2019 for the conduct of the intelligence and SEC. 201. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. ‘‘221(i)(2), 221(j), 221(m),’’. intelligence-related activities of the fol- There is authorized to be appropriated for (b) ANNUITIES FOR FORMER SPOUSES.—Sub- lowing elements of the United States Gov- the Central Intelligence Agency Retirement paragraph (B) of section 222(b)(5) of the Cen- ernment: and Disability Fund $514,000,000 for fiscal tral Intelligence Agency Retirement Act (50 (1) The Office of the Director of National year 2019. U.S.C. 2032(b)(5)(B)) is amended by striking Intelligence. SEC. 202. COMPUTATION OF ANNUITIES FOR EM- ‘‘one year’’ and inserting ‘‘two years’’. (2) The Central Intelligence Agency. PLOYEES OF THE CENTRAL INTEL- (c) PRIOR SERVICE CREDIT.—Subparagraph (3) The Department of Defense. LIGENCE AGENCY. (A) of section 252(b)(3) of the Central Intel- (4) The Defense Intelligence Agency. (a) COMPUTATION OF ANNUITIES.— ligence Agency Retirement Act (50 U.S.C. (5) The National Security Agency. (1) IN GENERAL.—Section 221 of the Central 2082(b)(3)(A)) is amended by striking ‘‘Octo- (6) The Department of the Army, the De- Intelligence Agency Retirement Act (50 ber 1, 1990’’ both places that term appears partment of the Navy, and the Department U.S.C. 2031) is amended— and inserting ‘‘March 31, 1991’’. of the Air Force. (A) in subsection (a)(3)(B), by striking the (d) REEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION.—Sec- (7) The Coast Guard. period at the end and inserting ‘‘, as deter- tion 273 of the Central Intelligence Agency (8) The Department of State. mined by using the annual rate of basic pay Retirement Act (50 U.S.C. 2113) is amended— (9) The Department of the Treasury. that would be payable for full-time service in (1) by redesignating subsections (b) and (c) (10) The Department of Energy. that position.’’; as subsections (c) and (d), respectively; and (11) The Department of Justice. (B) in subsection (b)(1)(C)(i), by striking (2) by inserting after subsection (a) the fol- (12) The Federal Bureau of Investigation. ‘‘12-month’’ and inserting ‘‘2-year’’; lowing:

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‘‘(b) PART-TIME REEMPLOYED ANNU- that have advanced skills and competencies (b) REPORT.—Not later than 60 days after ITANTS.—The Director shall have the author- and that perform critical functions that exe- the date on which the review under sub- ity to reemploy an annuitant on a part-time cute the cyber mission of the Agency. section (a) is completed, the Director of Na- basis in accordance with section 8344(l) of ‘‘(2) PAY LIMITATION.—Employees receiving tional Intelligence shall submit to the con- title 5, United States Code.’’. a special rate under paragraph (1) shall be gressional intelligence committees, the Com- (e) EFFECTIVE DATE AND APPLICATION.—The subject to an aggregate pay limitation that mittee on Homeland Security and Govern- amendments made by subsection (a)(1)(A) parallels the limitation established in sec- mental Affairs of the Senate, and the Com- and subsection (c) shall take effect as if en- tion 5307 of title 5, United States Code, ex- mittee on Oversight and Government Reform acted on October 28, 2009, and shall apply to cept that— of the House of Representatives an computations or participants, respectively, ‘‘(A) any allowance, differential, bonus, unredacted report describing the standards as of such date. award, or other similar cash payment in ad- by which the review was conducted and the TITLE III—GENERAL INTELLIGENCE dition to basic pay that is authorized under outcome of the review. COMMUNITY MATTERS title 10, United States Code, (or any other SEC. 306. SUPPLY CHAIN AND COUNTERINTEL- applicable law in addition to title 5 of such LIGENCE RISK MANAGEMENT TASK SEC. 301. RESTRICTION ON CONDUCT OF INTEL- FORCE. LIGENCE ACTIVITIES. Code, excluding the Fair Labor Standards (a) APPROPRIATE CONGRESSIONAL COMMIT- The authorization of appropriations by Act of 1938 (29 U.S.C. 201 et seq.)) shall also be counted as part of aggregate compensa- TEES DEFINED.—In this section, the term this division shall not be deemed to con- ‘‘appropriate congressional committees’’ tion; and stitute authority for the conduct of any in- means the following: ‘‘(B) aggregate compensation may not ex- telligence activity which is not otherwise (1) The congressional intelligence commit- ceed the rate established for the Vice Presi- authorized by the Constitution or the laws of tees. dent of the United States under section 104 the United States. (2) The Committee on Armed Services and of title 3, United States Code. SEC. 302. INCREASE IN EMPLOYEE COMPENSA- the Committee on Homeland Security and ‘‘(3) LIMITATION ON NUMBER OF RECIPI- TION AND BENEFITS AUTHORIZED Governmental Affairs of the Senate. BY LAW. ENTS.—The number of individuals who re- (3) The Committee on Armed Services, the Appropriations authorized by this division ceive basic pay established under paragraph Committee on Homeland Security, and the for salary, pay, retirement, and other bene- (1)(B) may not exceed 100 at any time. Committee on Oversight and Government fits for Federal employees may be increased ‘‘(4) LIMITATION ON USE AS COMPARATIVE Reform of the House of Representatives. by such additional or supplemental amounts REFERENCE.—Notwithstanding any other pro- (b) REQUIREMENT TO ESTABLISH.—The Di- as may be necessary for increases in such vision of law, special rates of pay and the rector of National Intelligence shall estab- compensation or benefits authorized by law. limitation established under paragraph (1)(B) lish a Supply Chain and Counterintelligence SEC. 303. MODIFICATION OF SPECIAL PAY AU- may not be used as comparative references Risk Management Task Force to standardize THORITY FOR SCIENCE, TECH- for the purpose of fixing the rates of basic information sharing between the intelligence NOLOGY, ENGINEERING, OR MATHE- pay or maximum pay limitations of qualified MATICS POSITIONS AND ADDITION community and the acquisition community positions under section 1599f of title 10, of the United States Government with re- OF SPECIAL PAY AUTHORITY FOR United States Code, or section 226 of the CYBER POSITIONS. spect to the supply chain and counterintel- Section 113B of the National Security Act Homeland Security Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. ligence risks. of 1947 (50 U.S.C. 3049a) is amended— 147).’’; (c) MEMBERS.—The Supply Chain and (1) by amending subsection (a) to read as (4) in subsection (c), as redesignated by Counterintelligence Risk Management Task follows: paragraph (2), by striking ‘‘A minimum’’ and Force established under subsection (b) shall ‘‘(a) SPECIAL RATES OF PAY FOR POSITIONS inserting ‘‘Except as provided in subsection be composed of— REQUIRING EXPERTISE IN SCIENCE, TECH- (b), a minimum’’; (1) a representative of the Defense Security NOLOGY, ENGINEERING, OR MATHEMATICS.— (5) in subsection (d), as redesignated by Service of the Department of Defense; ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Notwithstanding part III paragraph (2), by inserting ‘‘or (b)’’ after ‘‘by (2) a representative of the General Services of title 5, United States Code, the head of subsection (a)’’; and Administration; each element of the intelligence community (6) in subsection (g), as redesignated by (3) a representative of the Office of Federal may, for 1 or more categories of positions in paragraph (2)— Procurement Policy of the Office of Manage- such element that require expertise in (A) in paragraph (1), by striking ‘‘Not later ment and Budget; science, technology, engineering, or mathe- than 90 days after the date of the enactment (4) a representative of the Department of matics— of the Intelligence Authorization Act for Fis- Homeland Security; ‘‘(A) establish higher minimum rates of cal Year 2017’’ and inserting ‘‘Not later than (5) a representative of the Federal Bureau pay; and 90 days after the date of the enactment of of Investigation; ‘‘(B) make corresponding increases in all the Damon Paul Nelson and Matthew Young (6) the Director of the National Counter- rates of pay of the pay range for each grade Pollard Intelligence Authorization Act for intelligence and Security Center; and or level, subject to subsection (b) or (c), as Fiscal Years 2018 and 2019’’; and (7) any other members the Director of Na- applicable. (B) in paragraph (2)(A), by inserting ‘‘or tional Intelligence determines appropriate. ‘‘(2) TREATMENT.—The special rate supple- (b)’’ after ‘‘subsection (a)’’. (d) SECURITY CLEARANCES.—Each member ments resulting from the establishment of SEC. 304. MODIFICATION OF APPOINTMENT OF of the Supply Chain and Counterintelligence higher rates under paragraph (1) shall be CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER OF Risk Management Task Force established THE INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY. basic pay for the same or similar purposes as under subsection (b) shall have a security Section 103G(a) of the National Security those specified in section 5305(j) of title 5, clearance at the top secret level and be able Act of 1947 (50 U.S.C. 3032(a)) is amended by United States Code.’’; to access sensitive compartmented informa- striking ‘‘President’’ and inserting ‘‘Direc- tion. (2) by redesignating subsections (b) tor’’. through (f) as subsections (c) through (g), re- (e) ANNUAL REPORT.—The Supply Chain SEC. 305. DIRECTOR OF NATIONAL INTEL- and Counterintelligence Risk Management spectively; LIGENCE REVIEW OF PLACEMENT (3) by inserting after subsection (a) the fol- Task Force established under subsection (b) OF POSITIONS WITHIN THE INTEL- shall submit to the appropriate congres- lowing: LIGENCE COMMUNITY ON THE EXEC- sional committees an annual report that de- ‘‘(b) SPECIAL RATES OF PAY FOR CYBER PO- UTIVE SCHEDULE. scribes the activities of the Task Force dur- SITIONS.— (a) REVIEW.—The Director of National In- ing the previous year, including identifica- ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Notwithstanding sub- telligence, in coordination with the Director section (c), the Director of the National Se- of the Office of Personnel Management, shall tion of the supply chain and counterintel- curity Agency may establish a special rate of conduct a review of positions within the in- ligence risks shared with the acquisition pay— telligence community regarding the place- community of the United States Government ‘‘(A) not to exceed the rate of basic pay ment of such positions on the Executive by the intelligence community. payable for level II of the Executive Sched- Schedule under subchapter II of chapter 53 of SEC. 307. CONSIDERATION OF ADVERSARIAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND CYBER- ule under section 5313 of title 5, United title 5, United States Code. In carrying out SECURITY INFRASTRUCTURE WHEN States Code, if the Director certifies to the such review, the Director of National Intel- SHARING INTELLIGENCE WITH FOR- Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, ligence, in coordination with the Director of EIGN GOVERNMENTS AND ENTITIES. in consultation with the Under Secretary of the Office of Personnel Management, shall Whenever the head of an element of the in- Defense for Personnel and Readiness, that determine— telligence community enters into an intel- the rate of pay is for positions that perform (1) the standards under which such review ligence sharing agreement with a foreign functions that execute the cyber mission of will be conducted; government or any other foreign entity, the the Agency; or (2) which positions should or should not be head of the element shall consider the perva- ‘‘(B) not to exceed the rate of basic pay on the Executive Schedule; and siveness of telecommunications and cyberse- payable for the Vice President of the United (3) for those positions that should be on the curity infrastructure, equipment, and serv- States under section 104 of title 3, United Executive Schedule, the level of the Execu- ices provided by adversaries of the United States Code, if the Director certifies to the tive Schedule at which such positions should States, particularly China and Russia, or en- Secretary of Defense, by name, individuals be placed. tities of such adversaries in the country or

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00055 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JA6.040 S24JAPT1 S596 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 24, 2019 region of the foreign government or other (2) by inserting after subsection (e) the fol- ing with respect to the National Security foreign entity entering into the agreement. lowing: Council and the Executive Committee of the SEC. 308. CYBER PROTECTION SUPPORT FOR THE ‘‘(f) ANNUAL REPORTS.— intelligence community. PERSONNEL OF THE INTELLIGENCE ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Except as provided in (D) Recommendations for the future role COMMUNITY IN POSITIONS HIGHLY paragraph (2), not later than 180 days after and operation of the Council. VULNERABLE TO CYBER ATTACK. the date of the enactment of the Damon Paul (E) Such other matters relating to the (a) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: Nelson and Matthew Young Pollard Intel- function and utility of the Council as the Di- (1) PERSONAL ACCOUNTS.—The term ‘‘per- ligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Years rector considers appropriate. sonal accounts’’ means accounts for online 2018 and 2019 and not less frequently than (3) FORM.—The report submitted under and telecommunications services, including once each calendar year thereafter, the Di- paragraph (1) shall be submitted in unclassi- telephone, residential Internet access, email, rector of National Intelligence shall, in con- fied form, but may include a classified text and multimedia messaging, cloud com- sultation with each head of a covered agen- annex. puting, social media, health care, and finan- cy, submit to the congressional intelligence SEC. 312. INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY INFORMA- cial services, used by personnel of the intel- committees (as defined in section 3 of the TION TECHNOLOGY ENVIRONMENT. ligence community outside of the scope of National Security Act of 1947 (50 U.S.C. (a) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: their employment with elements of the in- 3003)), a report that details the determina- (1) CORE SERVICE.—The term ‘‘core service’’ telligence community. tions and notifications made under sub- means a capability that is available to mul- (2) PERSONAL TECHNOLOGY DEVICES.—The section (c) during the most recently com- tiple elements of the intelligence community term ‘‘personal technology devices’’ means pleted calendar year. and required for consistent operation of the technology devices used by personnel of the ‘‘(2) INITIAL REPORT.—The first report sub- intelligence community information tech- intelligence community outside of the scope mitted under paragraph (1) shall detail all nology environment. of their employment with elements of the in- the determinations and notifications made (2) INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY INFORMATION telligence community, including networks to under subsection (c) before the date of the TECHNOLOGY ENVIRONMENT.—The term ‘‘intel- which such devices connect. submittal of the report.’’. ligence community information technology (b) AUTHORITY TO PROVIDE CYBER PROTEC- SEC. 310. LIMITATIONS ON DETERMINATIONS RE- environment’’ means all of the information TION SUPPORT.— GARDING CERTAIN SECURITY CLAS- technology services across the intelligence (1) IN GENERAL.—Subject to a determina- SIFICATIONS. community, including the data sharing and tion by the Director of National Intelligence, (a) PROHIBITION.—An officer of an element protection environment across multiple clas- the Director may provide cyber protection of the intelligence community who has been sification domains. support for the personal technology devices nominated by the President for a position (b) ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES.— and personal accounts of the personnel de- that requires the of the (1) DIRECTOR OF NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE.— scribed in paragraph (2). Senate may not make a classification deci- The Director of National Intelligence shall (2) AT-RISK PERSONNEL.—The personnel de- sion with respect to information related to be responsible for coordinating the perform- scribed in this paragraph are personnel of such officer’s . ance by elements of the intelligence commu- the intelligence community— (b) CLASSIFICATION DETERMINATIONS.— nity of the intelligence community informa- (A) who the Director determines to be (1) IN GENERAL.—Except as provided in tion technology environment, including each highly vulnerable to cyber attacks and hos- paragraph (2), in a case in which an officer of the following: tile information collection activities because described in subsection (a) has been nomi- (A) Ensuring compliance with all applica- of the positions occupied by such personnel nated as described in such subsection and ble environment rules and regulations of in the intelligence community; and classification authority rests with the officer such environment. (B) whose personal technology devices or or another officer who reports directly to (B) Ensuring measurable performance personal accounts are highly vulnerable to such officer, a classification decision with goals exist for such environment. cyber attacks and hostile information collec- respect to information relating to the officer (C) Documenting standards and practices tion activities. shall be made by the Director of National In- of such environment. (c) NATURE OF CYBER PROTECTION SUP- telligence. (D) Acting as an arbiter among elements of PORT.—Subject to the availability of re- (2) NOMINATIONS OF DIRECTOR OF NATIONAL the intelligence community related to any sources, the cyber protection support pro- INTELLIGENCE.—In a case described in para- disagreements arising out of the implemen- vided to personnel under subsection (b) may graph (1) in which the officer nominated is tation of such environment. include training, advice, assistance, and the Director of National Intelligence, the (E) Delegating responsibilities to the ele- other services relating to cyber attacks and classification decision shall be made by the ments of the intelligence community and hostile information collection activities. Principal Deputy Director of National Intel- carrying out such other responsibilities as (d) LIMITATION ON SUPPORT.—Nothing in ligence. are necessary for the effective implementa- this section shall be construed— (c) REPORTS.—Whenever the Director or tion of such environment. (1) to encourage personnel of the intel- the Principal Deputy Director makes a deci- (2) CORE SERVICE PROVIDERS.—Providers of ligence community to use personal tech- sion under subsection (b), the Director or the core services shall be responsible for— nology devices for official business; or Principal Deputy Director, as the case may (A) providing core services, in coordination (2) to authorize cyber protection support be, shall submit to the congressional intel- with the Director of National Intelligence; for senior intelligence community personnel ligence committees a report detailing the and using personal devices, networks, and per- reasons for the decision. (B) providing the Director with informa- sonal accounts in an official capacity. SEC. 311. JOINT INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY tion requested and required to fulfill the re- (e) REPORT.—Not later than 180 days after COUNCIL. the date of the enactment of this Act, the sponsibilities of the Director under para- (a) MEETINGS.—Section 101A(d) of the Na- Director shall submit to the congressional graph (1). tional Security Act of 1947 (50 U.S.C. 3022(d)) intelligence committees a report on the pro- (3) USE OF CORE SERVICES.— is amended— vision of cyber protection support under sub- (A) IN GENERAL.—Except as provided in (1) by striking ‘‘regular’’; and section (b). The report shall include— subparagraph (B), each element of the intel- (2) by inserting ‘‘as the Director considers (1) a description of the methodology used ligence community shall use core services appropriate’’ after ‘‘Council’’. to make the determination under subsection when such services are available. (b) REPORT ON FUNCTION AND UTILITY OF (b)(2); and (B) EXCEPTION.—The Director of National THE JOINT INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY COUN- (2) guidance for the use of cyber protection Intelligence may provide for a written excep- CIL.— support and tracking of support requests for tion to the requirement under subparagraph (1) IN GENERAL.—No later than 180 days (A) if the Director determines there is a com- personnel receiving cyber protection support after the date of the enactment of this Act, under subsection (b). pelling financial or mission need for such ex- the Director of National Intelligence, in co- ception. SEC. 309. MODIFICATION OF AUTHORITY RELAT- ordination with the Executive Office of the ING TO MANAGEMENT OF SUPPLY- (c) MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTABILITY.—Not CHAIN RISK. President and members of the Joint Intel- later than 90 days after the date of the enact- ligence Community Council, shall submit to (a) MODIFICATION OF EFFECTIVE DATE.— ment of this Act, the Director of National Subsection (f) of section 309 of the Intel- the congressional intelligence committees a Intelligence shall designate and maintain ligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year report on the function and utility of the one or more accountable executives of the 2012 (Public Law 112–87; 50 U.S.C. 3329 note) is Joint Intelligence Community Council. intelligence community information tech- amended by striking ‘‘the date that is 180 (2) CONTENTS.—The report required by nology environment to be responsible for— days after’’. paragraph (1) shall include the following: (1) management, financial control, and in- (b) REPEAL OF SUNSET.—Such section is (A) The number of physical or virtual tegration of such environment; amended by striking subsection (g). meetings held by the Council per year since (2) overseeing the performance of each core (c) REPORTS.—Such section, as amended by the Council’s inception. service, including establishing measurable subsection (b), is further amended— (B) A description of the effect and accom- service requirements and schedules; (1) by redesignating subsection (f), as plishments of the Council. (3) to the degree feasible, ensuring testing amended by subsection (a), as subsection (g); (C) An explanation of the unique role of of each core service of such environment, in- and the Council relative to other entities, includ- cluding testing by the intended users, to

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evaluate performance against measurable long-term roadmap required by subsection (1) CURRENT POLICY.—Not later than 180 service requirements and to ensure the capa- (e), and business plan required by subsection days after the date of the enactment of this bility meets user requirements; and (f). Act, the Director of National Intelligence (4) coordinate transition or restructuring (h) ADDITIONAL NOTIFICATIONS.—The Direc- shall submit to the congressional intel- efforts of such environment, including phase- tor of National Intelligence shall provide ligence committees using the electronic re- out of legacy systems. timely notification to the congressional in- pository all nonpublicly available policies (d) SECURITY PLAN.—Not later than 180 telligence committees regarding any policy issued by the Director of National Intel- days after the date of the enactment of this changes related to or affecting the intel- ligence for the intelligence community that Act, the Director of National Intelligence ligence community information technology are in effect as of the date of the submission. shall develop and maintain a security plan environment, new initiatives or strategies (2) CONTINUOUS UPDATES.—Not later than 15 for the intelligence community information related to or impacting such environment, days after the date on which the Director of technology environment. and changes or deficiencies in the execution National Intelligence issues, modifies, or re- (e) LONG-TERM ROADMAP.—Not later than of the security plan required by subsection scinds a policy of the intelligence commu- 180 days after the date of the enactment of (d), long-term roadmap required by sub- nity, the Director shall— this Act, and during each of the second and section (e), and business plan required by (A) notify the congressional intelligence fourth fiscal quarters thereafter, the Direc- subsection (f) committees of such addition, modification, tor of National Intelligence shall submit to (i) SUNSET.—The section shall have no ef- or removal; and the congressional intelligence committees a fect on or after September 30, 2024. (B) update the electronic repository with long-term roadmap that shall include each of respect to such addition, modification, or re- the following: SEC. 313. REPORT ON DEVELOPMENT OF SECURE MOBILE VOICE SOLUTION FOR IN- moval. (1) A description of the minimum required TELLIGENCE COMMUNITY. and desired core service requirements, in- SEC. 316. EXPANSION OF INTELLIGENCE COMMU- (a) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 180 days NITY RECRUITMENT EFFORTS. cluding— after the date of the enactment of this Act, In order to further increase the diversity of (A) key performance parameters; and the Director of National Intelligence, in co- the intelligence community workforce, not (B) an assessment of current, measured ordination with the Director of the Central later than 90 days after the date of the enact- performance. Intelligence Agency and the Director of the ment of this Act, the Director of National (2) implementation milestones for the in- National Security Agency, shall submit to Intelligence, in consultation with heads of telligence community information tech- the congressional intelligence committees a elements of the Intelligence Community, nology environment, including each of the classified report on the feasibility, desir- shall create, implement, and submit to the following: ability, cost, and required schedule associ- congressional intelligence committees a (A) A schedule for expected deliveries of ated with the implementation of a secure written plan to ensure that rural and under- core service capabilities during each of the mobile voice solution for the intelligence represented regions are more fully and con- following phases: community. sistently represented in such elements’ em- (i) Concept refinement and technology ma- (b) CONTENTS.—The report required by sub- ployment recruitment efforts. Upon receipt turity demonstration. section (a) shall include, at a minimum, the of the plan, the congressional committees (ii) Development, integration, and dem- following: shall have 60 days to submit comments to onstration. (1) The benefits and disadvantages of a se- the Director of National Intelligence before (iii) Production, deployment, and cure mobile voice solution. such plan shall be implemented. sustainment. (2) Whether the intelligence community (iv) System retirement. could leverage commercially available tech- TITLE IV—MATTERS RELATING TO ELE- (B) Dependencies of such core service capa- nology for classified voice communications MENTS OF THE INTELLIGENCE COMMU- bilities. that operates on commercial mobile net- NITY (C) Plans for the transition or restruc- works in a secure manner and identifying turing necessary to incorporate core service Subtitle A—Office of the Director of National the accompanying security risks to such net- Intelligence capabilities. works. (D) A description of any legacy systems (3) A description of any policies or commu- SEC. 401. AUTHORITY FOR PROTECTION OF CUR- and discontinued capabilities to be phased nity guidance that would be necessary to RENT AND FORMER EMPLOYEES OF out. govern the potential solution, such as a proc- THE OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR OF NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE. (3) Such other matters as the Director de- ess for determining the appropriate use of a termines appropriate. secure mobile telephone and any limitations Section 5(a)(4) of the Central Intelligence (f) BUSINESS PLAN.—Not later than 180 days associated with such use. Agency Act of 1949 (50 U.S.C. 3506(a)(4)) is after the date of the enactment of this Act, amended by striking ‘‘such personnel of the and during each of the second and fourth fis- SEC. 314. POLICY ON MINIMUM INSIDER THREAT STANDARDS. Office of the Director of National Intel- cal quarters thereafter, the Director of Na- ligence as the Director of National Intel- (a) POLICY REQUIRED.—Not later than 60 tional Intelligence shall submit to the con- ligence may designate;’’ and inserting ‘‘cur- gressional intelligence committees a busi- days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Director of National Intelligence rent and former personnel of the Office of the ness plan that includes each of the following: Director of National Intelligence and their (1) A systematic approach to identify core shall establish a policy for minimum insider threat standards that is consistent with the immediate families as the Director of Na- service funding requests for the intelligence tional Intelligence may designate;’’. community information technology environ- National Insider Threat Policy and Min- ment within the proposed budget, including imum Standards for Executive Branch In- SEC. 402. DESIGNATION OF THE PROGRAM MAN- sider Threat Programs. AGER-INFORMATION SHARING ENVI- multiyear plans to implement the long-term RONMENT. roadmap required by subsection (e). (b) IMPLEMENTATION.—Not later than 180 (2) A uniform approach by which each ele- days after the date of the enactment of this (a) INFORMATION SHARING ENVIRONMENT.— ment of the intelligence community shall Act, the head of each element of the intel- Section 1016(b) of the Intelligence Reform identify the cost of legacy information tech- ligence community shall implement the pol- and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 (6 nology or alternative capabilities where icy established under subsection (a). U.S.C. 485(b)) is amended— services of the intelligence community infor- SEC. 315. SUBMISSION OF INTELLIGENCE COM- (1) in paragraph (1), by striking ‘‘Presi- mation technology environment will also be MUNITY POLICIES. dent’’ and inserting ‘‘Director of National In- available. (a) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: telligence’’; and (3) A uniform effort by which each element (1) ELECTRONIC REPOSITORY.—The term (2) in paragraph (2), by striking ‘‘Presi- of the intelligence community shall identify ‘‘electronic repository’’ means the electronic dent’’ both places that term appears and in- transition and restructuring costs for new, distribution mechanism, in use as of the date serting ‘‘Director of National Intelligence’’. existing, and retiring services of the intel- of the enactment of this Act, or any suc- (b) PROGRAM MANAGER.—Section 1016(f)(1) ligence community information technology cessor electronic distribution mechanism, by of the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism environment, as well as services of such en- which the Director of National Intelligence Prevention Act of 2004 (6 U.S.C. 485(f)(1)) is vironment that have changed designations as submits to the congressional intelligence amended by striking ‘‘The individual des- a core service. committees information. ignated as the program manager shall serve (g) QUARTERLY PRESENTATIONS.—Beginning (2) POLICY.—The term ‘‘policy’’, with re- as program manager until removed from not later than 180 days after the date of the spect to the intelligence community, in- service or replaced by the President (at the enactment of this Act, the Director of Na- cludes unclassified or classified— President’s sole discretion).’’ and inserting tional Intelligence shall provide to the con- (A) directives, policy guidance, and policy ‘‘Beginning on the date of the enactment of gressional intelligence committees quarterly memoranda of the intelligence community; the Damon Paul Nelson and Matthew Young updates regarding ongoing implementation (B) executive correspondence of the Direc- Pollard Intelligence Authorization Act for of the intelligence community information tor of National Intelligence; and Fiscal Years 2018 and 2019, each individual technology environment as compared to the (C) any equivalent successor policy instru- designated as the program manager shall be requirements in the most recently submitted ments. appointed by the Director of National Intel- security plan required by subsection (d), (b) SUBMISSION OF POLICIES.— ligence.’’.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00057 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JA6.040 S24JAPT1 S598 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 24, 2019 SEC. 403. TECHNICAL MODIFICATION TO THE EX- in which the covered dependent is accom- SEC. 414. REPEAL OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE PRO- ECUTIVE SCHEDULE. panying the covered employee to an assigned FICIENCY REQUIREMENT FOR CER- Section 5315 of title 5, United States Code, duty station in a foreign country; and TAIN SENIOR LEVEL POSITIONS IN is amended by adding at the end the fol- ‘‘(ii) that was not the result of the willful THE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGEN- CY. lowing: misconduct of the covered dependent. (a) REPEAL OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE PRO- ‘‘Director of the National Counterintel- ‘‘(B) With respect to a covered employee or ligence and Security Center.’’. FICIENCY REQUIREMENT.—Section 104A of the a covered individual, an injury incurred— National Security Act of 1947 (50 U.S.C. 3036) SEC. 404. CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER OF THE IN- ‘‘(i) during war, insurgency, hostile act, or TELLIGENCE COMMUNITY. is amended by striking subsection (g). terrorist activities occurring during a period Section 103I(a) of the National Security (b) CONFORMING REPEAL OF REPORT RE- of assignment to a duty station in a foreign Act of 1947 (50 U.S.C. 3034(a)) is amended by QUIREMENT.—Section 611 of the Intelligence country; and adding at the end the following new sen- Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2005 (Pub- tence: ‘‘The Chief Financial Officer shall re- ‘‘(ii) that was not the result of the willful lic Law 108–487) is amended by striking sub- port directly to the Director of National In- misconduct of the covered employee or the section (c). covered individual. telligence.’’. Subtitle C—Office of Intelligence and SEC. 405. CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER OF THE ‘‘(b) ADJUSTMENT OF COMPENSATION FOR Counterintelligence of Department of Energy INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY. CERTAIN INJURIES.— SEC. 421. CONSOLIDATION OF DEPARTMENT OF ‘‘(1) INCREASE.—The Director may increase Section 103G(a) of the National Security ENERGY OFFICES OF INTELLIGENCE Act of 1947 (50 U.S.C. 3032(a)) is amended by the amount of monthly compensation paid to AND COUNTERINTELLIGENCE. adding at the end the following new sen- a covered employee under section 8105 of (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 215 of the Depart- tence: ‘‘The Chief Information Officer shall title 5, United States Code. Subject to para- ment of Energy Organization Act (42 U.S.C. report directly to the Director of National graph (2), the Director may determine the 7144b) is amended to read as follows: Intelligence.’’. amount of each such increase by taking into ‘‘OFFICE OF INTELLIGENCE AND account— Subtitle B—Central Intelligence Agency COUNTERINTELLIGENCE ‘‘(A) the severity of the qualifying injury; SEC. 411. CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY SUB- ‘‘SEC. 215. (a) DEFINITIONS.—In this section, SISTENCE FOR PERSONNEL AS- ‘‘(B) the circumstances by which the cov- SIGNED TO AUSTERE LOCATIONS. ered employee became injured; and the terms ‘intelligence community’ and ‘Na- Subsection (a) of section 5 of the Central ‘‘(C) the seniority of the covered employee. tional Intelligence Program’ have the mean- Intelligence Agency Act of 1949 (50 U.S.C. ‘‘(2) MAXIMUM.—Notwithstanding chapter ings given such terms in section 3 of the Na- 3506) is amended— 81 of title 5, United States Code, the total tional Security Act of 1947 (50 U.S.C. 3003). (1) in paragraph (1), by striking ‘‘(50 U.S.C. amount of monthly compensation increased ‘‘(b) IN GENERAL.—There is in the Depart- 403–4a).,’’ and inserting ‘‘(50 U.S.C. 403–4a),’’; under paragraph (1) may not exceed the ment an Office of Intelligence and Counter- (2) in paragraph (6), by striking ‘‘and’’ at monthly pay of the maximum rate of basic intelligence. Such office shall be under the the end; pay for GS–15 of the General Schedule under National Intelligence Program. ‘‘(c) DIRECTOR.—(1) The head of the Office (3) in paragraph (7), by striking the period section 5332 of such title. shall be the Director of the Office of Intel- at the end and inserting ‘‘; and’’; and ‘‘(c) COSTS FOR TREATING QUALIFYING INJU- (4) by adding at the end the following new ligence and Counterintelligence, who shall RIES.—The Director may pay the costs of be an employee in the Senior Executive paragraph (8): treating a qualifying injury of a covered em- ‘‘(8) Upon the approval of the Director, pro- Service, the Senior Intelligence Service, the ployee, a covered individual, or a covered de- Senior National Intelligence Service, or any vide, during any fiscal year, with or without pendent, or may reimburse a covered em- reimbursement, subsistence to any personnel other Service that the Secretary, in coordi- ployee, a covered individual, or a covered de- nation with the Director of National Intel- assigned to an overseas location designated pendent for such costs, that are not other- by the Agency as an austere location.’’. ligence, considers appropriate. The Director wise covered by chapter 81 of title 5, United of the Office shall report directly to the Sec- SEC. 412. SPECIAL RULES FOR CERTAIN MONTH- States Code, or other provision of Federal retary. LY WORKERS’ COMPENSATION PAY- law. MENTS AND OTHER PAYMENTS FOR ‘‘(2) The Secretary shall select an indi- CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY ‘‘(d) TREATMENT OF AMOUNTS.—For pur- vidual to serve as the Director from among PERSONNEL. poses of section 104 of the Internal Revenue individuals who have substantial expertise in (a) IN GENERAL.—The Central Intelligence Code of 1986, amounts paid pursuant to this matters relating to the intelligence commu- Agency Act of 1949 (50 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.) is section shall be treated as amounts paid nity, including foreign intelligence and amended by inserting after section 19 the fol- under chapter 81 of title 5, United States counterintelligence. lowing new section: Code.’’. ‘‘(d) DUTIES.—(1) Subject to the authority, ‘‘SEC. 19A. SPECIAL RULES FOR CERTAIN INDI- (b) REGULATIONS.—Not later than 120 days direction, and control of the Secretary, the VIDUALS INJURED BY REASON OF after the date of the enactment of this Act, Director shall perform such duties and exer- WAR, INSURGENCY, HOSTILE ACT, the Director of the Central Intelligence cise such powers as the Secretary may pre- OR TERRORIST ACTIVITIES. Agency shall— scribe. ‘‘(a) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: (1) prescribe regulations ensuring the fair ‘‘(2) The Director shall be responsible for ‘‘(1) COVERED DEPENDENT.—The term ‘cov- and equitable implementation of section 19A establishing policy for intelligence and coun- ered dependent’ means a family member (as of the Central Intelligence Agency Act of terintelligence programs and activities at defined by the Director) of a covered em- 1949, as added by subsection (a); and the Department.’’. ployee who, on or after September 11, 2001— (2) submit to the congressional intelligence (b) CONFORMING REPEAL.—Section 216 of ‘‘(A) accompanies the covered employee to committees such regulations. the Department of Energy Organization Act an assigned duty station in a foreign coun- (42 U.S.C. 7144c) is hereby repealed. (c) APPLICATION.—Section 19A of the Cen- try; and (c) CLERICAL AMENDMENT.—The table of ‘‘(B) becomes injured by reason of a quali- tral Intelligence Agency Act of 1949, as added contents at the beginning of the Department fying injury. by subsection (a), shall apply with respect of Energy Organization Act is amended by to— ‘‘(2) COVERED EMPLOYEE.—The term ‘cov- striking the items relating to sections 215 ered employee’ means an officer or employee (1) payments made to covered employees and 216 and inserting the following new item: (as defined in such section) under section of the Central Intelligence Agency who, on ‘‘215. Office of Intelligence and Counterintel- or after September 11, 2001, becomes injured 8105 of title 5, United States Code, beginning on or after the date of the enactment of this ligence.’’. by reason of a qualifying injury. SEC. 422. ESTABLISHMENT OF ENERGY INFRA- ‘‘(3) COVERED INDIVIDUAL.—The term ‘cov- Act; and (2) treatment described in subsection (b) of STRUCTURE SECURITY CENTER. ered individual’ means an individual who— Section 215 of the Department of Energy ‘‘(A)(i) is detailed to the Central Intel- such section 19A occurring on or after the date of the enactment of this Act. Organization Act (42 U.S.C. 7144b), as amend- ligence Agency from other agencies of the ed by section 421, is further amended by add- United States Government or from the SEC. 413. EXPANSION OF SECURITY PROTECTIVE ing at the end the following: Armed Forces; or SERVICE JURISDICTION OF THE ‘‘(e) ENERGY INFRASTRUCTURE SECURITY CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY. ‘‘(ii) is affiliated with the Central Intel- CENTER.—(1)(A) The President shall establish ligence Agency, as determined by the Direc- Subsection (a) of section 15 of the Central an Energy Infrastructure Security Center, tor; and Intelligence Act of 1949 (50 U.S.C. 3515(a)) is taking into account all appropriate govern- ‘‘(B) who, on or after September 11, 2001, amended— ment tools to analyze and disseminate intel- becomes injured by reason of a qualifying in- (1) in the subsection heading, by striking ligence relating to the security of the energy jury. ‘‘POLICEMEN’’ and inserting ‘‘POLICE OFFI- infrastructure of the United States. ‘‘(4) QUALIFYING INJURY.—The term ‘quali- CERS’’; and ‘‘(B) The Secretary shall appoint the head fying injury’ means the following: (2) in paragraph (1)— of the Energy Infrastructure Security Cen- ‘‘(A) With respect to a covered dependent, (A) in subparagraph (B), by striking ‘‘500 ter. an injury incurred— feet;’’ and inserting ‘‘500 yards;’’; and ‘‘(C) The Energy Infrastructure Security ‘‘(i) during war, insurgency, hostile act, or (B) in subparagraph (D), by striking ‘‘500 Center shall be located within the Office of terrorist activities occurring during a period feet.’’ and inserting ‘‘500 yards.’’. Intelligence and Counterintelligence.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00058 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JA6.040 S24JAPT1 January 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S599 ‘‘(2) In establishing the Energy Infrastruc- (2) not address the personnel security func- ferred, or eliminated, an assessment, which ture Security Center, the Director of the Of- tions of the Defense Security Service. shall be completed jointly by the heads of fice of Intelligence and Counterintelligence SEC. 432. NOTICE NOT REQUIRED FOR PRIVATE each element affected by such assumption, shall address the following missions and ob- ENTITIES. transfer, or elimination, of the risks that jectives to coordinate and disseminate intel- Section 3553 of title 44, United States Code, would be assumed by the intelligence com- ligence relating to the security of the energy is amended— munity and the Department if such mission, infrastructure of the United States: (1) by redesignating subsection (j) as sub- role, or function is assumed, transferred, or ‘‘(A) Establishing a primary organization section (k); and eliminated. within the United States Government for (2) by inserting after subsection (i) the fol- (E) A description of how determinations analyzing and integrating all intelligence lowing: are made regarding the funding of programs possessed or acquired by the United States ‘‘(j) RULE OF CONSTRUCTION.—Nothing in and activities under the National Intel- pertaining to the security of the energy in- this section shall be construed to require the ligence Program and the Military Intel- frastructure of the United States. Secretary to provide notice to any private ligence Program, including— ‘‘(B) Ensuring that appropriate depart- entity before the Secretary issues a binding (i) which programs or activities are funded ments and agencies have full access to and operational directive under subsection under each such Program; receive intelligence support needed to exe- (b)(2).’’. (ii) which programs or activities should be cute the plans or activities of the agencies, SEC. 433. FRAMEWORK FOR ROLES, MISSIONS, jointly funded under both such Programs and and perform independent, alternative anal- AND FUNCTIONS OF DEFENSE IN- how determinations are made with respect to yses. TELLIGENCE AGENCY. funding allocations for such programs and (a) IN GENERAL.—The Director of National ‘‘(C) Establishing a central repository on activities; and Intelligence and the Secretary of Defense known and suspected foreign threats to the (iii) the thresholds and process for chang- shall jointly establish a framework to ensure energy infrastructure of the United States, ing a program or activity from being funded the appropriate balance of resources for the including with respect to any individuals, under one such Program to being funded roles, missions, and functions of the Defense groups, or entities engaged in activities tar- under the other such Program. geting such infrastructure, and the goals, Intelligence Agency in its capacity as an ele- strategies, capabilities, and networks of such ment of the intelligence community and as a SEC. 434. ESTABLISHMENT OF ADVISORY BOARD individuals, groups, or entities. combat support agency. The framework shall FOR NATIONAL RECONNAISSANCE ‘‘(D) Disseminating intelligence informa- include supporting processes to provide for OFFICE. tion relating to the security of the energy the consistent and regular reevaluation of (a) ESTABLISHMENT.—Section 106A of the infrastructure of the United States, includ- the responsibilities and resources of the De- National Security Act of 1947 (50 U.S.C. ing threats and analyses, to the President, to fense Intelligence Agency to prevent imbal- 3041a) is amended by adding at the end the anced priorities, insufficient or misaligned the appropriate departments and agencies, following new subsection: and to the appropriate committees of Con- resources, and the unauthorized expansion of ‘‘(d) ADVISORY BOARD.— gress. mission parameters. ‘‘(3) The President may waive the require- (b) MATTERS FOR INCLUSION.—The frame- ‘‘(1) ESTABLISHMENT.—There is established ments of this subsection, and any parts work required under subsection (a) shall in- in the National Reconnaissance Office an ad- thereof, if the President determines that clude each of the following: visory board (in this section referred to as such requirements do not materially im- (1) A lexicon providing for consistent defi- the ‘Board’). prove the ability of the United States Gov- nitions of relevant terms used by both the ‘‘(2) DUTIES.—The Board shall— ernment to prevent and halt attacks against intelligence community and the Department ‘‘(A) study matters relating to the mission the energy infrastructure of the United of Defense, including each of the following: of the National Reconnaissance Office, in- States. Such waiver shall be made in writing (A) Defense intelligence enterprise. cluding with respect to promoting innova- to Congress and shall include a description of (B) Enterprise manager. tion, competition, and resilience in space, how the missions and objectives in para- (C) Executive agent. overhead reconnaissance, acquisition, and graph (2) are being met. (D) Function. other matters; and ‘‘(4) If the President decides not to exercise (E) Functional manager. ‘‘(B) advise and report directly to the Di- the waiver authority granted by paragraph (F) Mission. rector with respect to such matters. (3), the President shall submit to Congress (G) Mission manager. ‘‘(3) MEMBERS.— from time to time updates and plans regard- (H) Responsibility. ‘‘(A) NUMBER AND APPOINTMENT.— ing the establishment of an Energy Infra- (I) Role. ‘‘(i) IN GENERAL.—The Board shall be com- structure Security Center.’’. (J) Service of common concern. posed of 5 members appointed by the Direc- SEC. 423. REPEAL OF DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY (2) An assessment of the necessity of main- tor from among individuals with dem- INTELLIGENCE EXECUTIVE COM- taining separate designations for the intel- onstrated academic, government, business, MITTEE AND BUDGET REPORTING ligence community and the Department of or other expertise relevant to the mission REQUIREMENT. Defense for intelligence functional or enter- and functions of the National Reconnais- Section 214 of the Department of Energy prise management constructs. sance Office. Organization Act (42 U.S.C. 7144a) is amend- (3) A repeatable process for evaluating the ‘‘(ii) NOTIFICATION.—Not later than 30 days ed— addition, transfer, or elimination of defense after the date on which the Director ap- (1) by striking ‘‘(a) DUTY OF SECRE- intelligence missions, roles, and functions, points a member to the Board, the Director TARY.—’’; AND currently performed or to be performed in shall notify the congressional intelligence (2) by striking subsections (b) and (c). the future by the Defense Intelligence Agen- committees and the congressional defense Subtitle D—Other Elements cy, which includes each of the following: committees (as defined in section 101(a) of SEC. 431. PLAN FOR DESIGNATION OF COUNTER- (A) A justification for the addition, trans- title 10, United States Code) of such appoint- INTELLIGENCE COMPONENT OF DE- fer, or elimination of a mission, role, or func- ment. FENSE SECURITY SERVICE AS AN tion. ‘‘(B) TERMS.—Each member shall be ap- ELEMENT OF INTELLIGENCE COM- MUNITY. (B) The identification of which, if any, ele- pointed for a term of 2 years. Except as pro- Not later than 90 days after the date of the ment of the Federal Government performs vided by subparagraph (C), a member may enactment of this Act, the Director of Na- the considered mission, role, or function. not serve more than 3 terms. tional Intelligence and Under Secretary of (C) In the case of any new mission, role, or ‘‘(C) VACANCY.—Any member appointed to Defense for Intelligence, in coordination function— fill a vacancy occurring before the expira- with the Director of the National Counter- (i) an assessment of the most appropriate tion of the term for which the member’s intelligence and Security Center, shall sub- agency or element to perform such mission, predecessor was appointed shall be appointed mit to the congressional intelligence com- role, or function, taking into account the re- only for the remainder of that term. A mem- mittees, the Committee on Armed Services source profiles, scope of responsibilities, pri- ber may serve after the expiration of that of the Senate, and the Committee on Armed mary customers, and existing infrastructure member’s term until a successor has taken Services of the House of Representatives a necessary to support such mission, role, or office. plan to designate the counterintelligence function; and ‘‘(D) CHAIR.—The Board shall have a Chair, component of the Defense Security Service (ii) a determination of the appropriate re- who shall be appointed by the Director from of the Department of Defense as an element source profile and an identification of the among the members. of the intelligence community by not later projected resources needed and the proposed ‘‘(E) TRAVEL EXPENSES.—Each member than January 1, 2019. Such plan shall— source of such resources over the future- shall receive travel expenses, including per (1) address the implications of such des- years defense program, to be provided in diem in lieu of subsistence, in accordance ignation on the authorities, governance, per- writing to any elements of the intelligence with applicable provisions under subchapter sonnel, resources, information technology, community or the Department of Defense af- I of chapter 57 of title 5, United States Code. collection, analytic products, information fected by the assumption, transfer, or elimi- ‘‘(F) EXECUTIVE SECRETARY.—The Director sharing, and business processes of the De- nation of any mission, role, or function. may appoint an executive secretary, who fense Security Service and the intelligence (D) In the case of any mission, role, or shall be an employee of the National Recon- community; and function proposed to be assumed, trans- naissance Office, to support the Board.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00059 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JA6.040 S24JAPT1 S600 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 24, 2019

‘‘(4) MEETINGS.—The Board shall meet not (b) REPORT REQUIRED.—Not later than 60 (D) The minority leader of the House of less than quarterly, but may meet more fre- days after the date of the enactment of this Representatives. quently at the call of the Director. Act, the Under Secretary of Homeland Secu- (3) SECURITY VULNERABILITY.—The term ‘‘(5) REPORTS.—Not later than March 31 of rity for Intelligence and Analysis shall sub- ‘‘security vulnerability’’ has the meaning each year, the Board shall submit to the Di- mit to congressional leadership and the ap- given such term in section 102 of the Cyber- rector and to the congressional intelligence propriate congressional committees a report security Information Sharing Act of 2015 (6 committees a report on the activities and on cyber attacks and attempted cyber at- U.S.C. 1501). significant findings of the Board during the tacks by foreign governments on United (b) IN GENERAL.—The Director of National preceding year. States election infrastructure in States and Intelligence, in coordination with the Direc- ‘‘(6) NONAPPLICABILITY OF CERTAIN REQUIRE- localities in connection with the 2016 Presi- tor of the Central Intelligence Agency, the MENTS.—The Federal Advisory Committee dential election in the United States and Director of the National Security Agency, Act (5 U.S.C. App.) shall not apply to the such cyber attacks or attempted cyber at- the Director of the Federal Bureau of Inves- Board. tacks as the Under Secretary anticipates tigation, the Secretary of Homeland Secu- ‘‘(7) TERMINATION.—The Board shall termi- against such infrastructure. Such report rity, and the heads of other relevant ele- nate on the date that is 3 years after the shall identify the States and localities af- ments of the intelligence community, shall— date of the first meeting of the Board.’’. fected and shall include cyber attacks and (1) commence not later than 1 year before (b) INITIAL APPOINTMENTS.—Not later than attempted cyber attacks against voter reg- any regularly scheduled Federal election oc- 180 days after the date of the enactment of istration databases, voting machines, voting- curring after December 31, 2018, and com- this Act, the Director of the National Recon- related computer networks, and the net- plete not later than 180 days before such naissance Office shall appoint the initial 5 works of Secretaries of State and other elec- election, an assessment of security members to the advisory board under sub- tion officials of the various States. vulnerabilities of State election systems; ORM.—The report submitted under section (d) of section 106A of the National (c) F and subsection (b) shall be submitted in unclassi- Security Act of 1947 (50 U.S.C. 3041a), as (2) not later than 180 days before any regu- fied form, but may include a classified added by subsection (a). larly scheduled Federal election occurring annex. SEC. 435. COLLOCATION OF CERTAIN DEPART- after December 31, 2018, submit a report on MENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY SEC. 502. REVIEW OF INTELLIGENCE COMMU- such security vulnerabilities and an assess- PERSONNEL AT FIELD LOCATIONS. NITY’S POSTURE TO COLLECT ment of foreign intelligence threats to the AGAINST AND ANALYZE RUSSIAN EF- (a) IDENTIFICATION OF OPPORTUNITIES FOR election to— FORTS TO INFLUENCE THE PRESI- (A) congressional leadership; and COLLOCATION.—Not later than 60 days after DENTIAL ELECTION. (B) the appropriate congressional commit- the date of the enactment of this Act, the (a) REVIEW REQUIRED.—Not later than 1 Under Secretary of Homeland Security for year after the date of the enactment of this tees. (c) UPDATE.—Not later than 90 days before Intelligence and Analysis shall identify, in Act, the Director of National Intelligence any regularly scheduled Federal election oc- consultation with the Commissioner of U.S. shall— curring after December 31, 2018, the Director Customs and Border Protection, the Admin- (1) complete an after action review of the of National Intelligence shall— istrator of the Transportation Security Ad- posture of the intelligence community to (1) update the assessment of foreign intel- ministration, the Director of U.S. Immigra- collect against and analyze efforts of the ligence threats to that election; and tion and Customs Enforcement, and the Government of Russia to interfere in the 2016 heads of such other elements of the Depart- (2) submit the updated assessment to— Presidential election in the United States; (A) congressional leadership; and ment of Homeland Security as the Under and Secretary considers appropriate, opportuni- (B) the appropriate congressional commit- (2) submit to the congressional intelligence tees. ties for collocation of officers of the Office of committees a report on the findings of the Intelligence and Analysis in the field outside SEC. 504. STRATEGY FOR COUNTERING RUSSIAN Director with respect to such review. CYBER THREATS TO UNITED STATES of the greater Washington, District of Co- (b) ELEMENTS.—The review required by lumbia, area in order to support operational ELECTIONS. subsection (a) shall include, with respect to (a) APPROPRIATE CONGRESSIONAL COMMIT- units from U.S. Customs and Border Protec- the posture and efforts described in para- tion, the Transportation Security Adminis- TEES DEFINED.—In this section, the term graph (1) of such subsection, the following: ‘‘appropriate congressional committees’’ tration, U.S. Immigration and Customs En- (1) An assessment of whether the resources means the following: forcement, and other elements of the Depart- of the intelligence community were properly (1) The congressional intelligence commit- ment of Homeland Security. aligned to detect and respond to the efforts tees. (b) PLAN FOR COLLOCATION.—Not later than described in subsection (a)(1). 120 days after the date of the enactment of (2) The Committee on Armed Services and (2) An assessment of the information shar- the Committee on Homeland Security and this Act, the Under Secretary shall submit ing that occurred within elements of the in- to the congressional intelligence committees Governmental Affairs of the Senate. telligence community. (3) The Committee on Armed Services and a report that includes a plan for collocation (3) An assessment of the information shar- as described in subsection (a). the Committee on Homeland Security of the ing that occurred between elements of the House of Representatives. TITLE V—ELECTION MATTERS intelligence community. (4) The Committee on Foreign Relations of SEC. 501. REPORT ON CYBER ATTACKS BY FOR- (4) An assessment of applicable authorities the Senate. EIGN GOVERNMENTS AGAINST necessary to collect on any such efforts and (5) The Committee on Foreign Affairs of UNITED STATES ELECTION INFRA- any deficiencies in those authorities. STRUCTURE. the House of Representatives. (5) A review of the use of open source mate- (b) REQUIREMENT FOR A STRATEGY.—Not (a) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: rial to inform analysis and warning of such later than 90 days after the date of the enact- (1) APPROPRIATE CONGRESSIONAL COMMIT- efforts. ment of this Act, the Director of National TEES.—The term ‘‘appropriate congressional (6) A review of the use of alternative and Intelligence, in coordination with the Sec- committees’’ means— predictive analysis. retary of Homeland Security, the Director of (A) the congressional intelligence commit- (c) FORM OF REPORT.—The report required the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Di- tees; by subsection (a)(2) shall be submitted to the rector of the Central Intelligence Agency, (B) the Committee on Homeland Security congressional intelligence committees in a the Secretary of State, the Secretary of De- and Governmental Affairs of the Senate; classified form. fense, and the Secretary of the Treasury, (C) the Committee on Homeland Security SEC. 503. ASSESSMENT OF FOREIGN INTEL- shall develop a whole-of-government strat- of the House of Representatives; LIGENCE THREATS TO FEDERAL egy for countering the threat of Russian (D) the Committee on Foreign Relations of ELECTIONS. cyber attacks and attempted cyber attacks the Senate; and (a) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: against electoral systems and processes in (E) the Committee on Foreign Affairs of (1) APPROPRIATE CONGRESSIONAL COMMIT- the United States, including Federal, State, the House of Representatives. TEES.—The term ‘‘appropriate congressional and local election systems, voter registra- (2) CONGRESSIONAL LEADERSHIP.—The term committees’’ means— tion databases, voting tabulation equipment, ‘‘congressional leadership’’ includes the fol- (A) the congressional intelligence commit- and equipment and processes for the secure lowing: tees; transmission of election results. (A) The majority leader of the Senate. (B) the Committee on Homeland Security (c) ELEMENTS OF THE STRATEGY.—The (B) The minority leader of the Senate. and Governmental Affairs of the Senate; and strategy required by subsection (b) shall in- (C) The Speaker of the House of Represent- (C) the Committee on Homeland Security clude the following elements: atives. of the House of Representatives. (1) A whole-of-government approach to pro- (D) The minority leader of the House of (2) CONGRESSIONAL LEADERSHIP.—The term tecting United States electoral systems and Representatives. ‘‘congressional leadership’’ includes the fol- processes that includes the agencies and de- (3) STATE.—The term ‘‘State’’ means any lowing: partments indicated in subsection (b) as well State of the United States, the District of (A) The majority leader of the Senate. as any other agencies and departments of the Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto (B) The minority leader of the Senate. United States, as determined appropriate by Rico, and any territory or possession of the (C) The Speaker of the House of Represent- the Director of National Intelligence and the United States. atives. Secretary of Homeland Security.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00060 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JA6.040 S24JAPT1 January 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S601

(2) Input solicited from Secretaries of (1) IN GENERAL.—As provided in paragraph of Homeland Security for Intelligence and State of the various States and the chief (2), for each Federal election, the Director of Analysis and the Under Secretary respon- election officials of the States. National Intelligence, in coordination with sible for overseeing critical infrastructure (3) Technical security measures, including the Under Secretary of Homeland Security protection, cybersecurity, and other related auditable paper trails for voting machines, for Intelligence and Analysis and the Direc- programs of the Department (as specified in securing wireless and Internet connections, tor of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, section 103(a)(1)(H) of the Homeland Security and other technical safeguards. shall make publicly available on an Internet Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. 113(a)(1)(H))) with shar- (4) Detection of cyber threats, including website an advisory report on foreign coun- ing any appropriate classified information attacks and attempted attacks by Russian terintelligence and cybersecurity threats to related to threats to election systems and to government or nongovernment cyber threat election campaigns for Federal offices. Each the integrity of the election process with actors. such report shall include, consistent with chief election officials and such designees (5) Improvements in the identification and the protection of sources and methods, each who have received a security clearance under attribution of Russian government or non- of the following: subsection (b). government cyber threat actors. (A) A description of foreign counterintel- (2) COORDINATION.—The Under Secretary of (6) Deterrence, including actions and meas- ligence and cybersecurity threats to election Homeland Security for Intelligence and ures that could or should be undertaken campaigns for Federal offices. Analysis shall coordinate with the Director against or communicated to the Government (B) A summary of best practices that elec- of National Intelligence and the Under Sec- of Russia or other entities to deter attacks tion campaigns for Federal offices can em- retary responsible for overseeing critical in- against, or interference with, United States ploy in seeking to counter such threats. frastructure protection, cybersecurity, and election systems and processes. (C) An identification of any publicly avail- other related programs of the Department (7) Improvements in Federal Government able resources, including United States Gov- (as specified in section 103(a)(1)(H) of the communications with State and local elec- ernment resources, for countering such Homeland Security Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. tion officials. threats. 113(a)(1)(H))) to facilitate the sharing of in- (8) Public education and communication (2) SCHEDULE FOR SUBMITTAL.—A report formation to the affected Secretaries of efforts. under this subsection shall be made avail- State or States. (9) Benchmarks and milestones to enable able as follows: SEC. 508. NOTIFICATION OF SIGNIFICANT FOR- the measurement of concrete steps taken (A) In the case of a report regarding an EIGN CYBER INTRUSIONS AND AC- and progress made in the implementation of election held for the office of Senator or TIVE MEASURES CAMPAIGNS DI- the strategy. Member of the House of Representatives dur- RECTED AT ELECTIONS FOR FED- (d) CONGRESSIONAL BRIEFING.—Not later ing 2018, not later than the date that is 60 ERAL OFFICES. than 90 days after the date of the enactment days after the date of the enactment of this (a) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: of this Act, the Director of National Intel- Act. (1) ACTIVE MEASURES CAMPAIGN.—The term ligence and the Secretary of Homeland Secu- (B) In the case of a report regarding an ‘‘active measures campaign’’ means a foreign rity shall jointly brief the appropriate con- election for a Federal office during any sub- semi-covert or covert intelligence operation. gressional committees on the strategy devel- sequent year, not later than the date that is (2) CANDIDATE, ELECTION, AND POLITICAL oped under subsection (b). 1 year before the date of the election. PARTY.—The terms ‘‘candidate’’, ‘‘election’’, SEC. 505. ASSESSMENT OF SIGNIFICANT RUSSIAN (3) INFORMATION TO BE INCLUDED.—A report and ‘‘political party’’ have the meanings INFLUENCE CAMPAIGNS DIRECTED under this subsection shall reflect the most given those terms in section 301 of the Fed- AT FOREIGN ELECTIONS AND current information available to the Direc- REFERENDA. eral Election Campaign Act of 1971 (52 U.S.C. tor of National Intelligence regarding for- 30101). (a) RUSSIAN INFLUENCE CAMPAIGN DE- eign counterintelligence and cybersecurity FINED.—In this section, the term ‘‘Russian (3) CONGRESSIONAL LEADERSHIP.—The term threats. ‘‘congressional leadership’’ includes the fol- influence campaign’’ means any effort, cov- (b) TREATMENT OF CAMPAIGNS SUBJECT TO ert or overt, and by any means, attributable lowing: HEIGHTENED THREATS.—If the Director of the (A) The majority leader of the Senate. to the Russian Federation directed at an Federal Bureau of Investigation and the election, referendum, or similar process in a (B) The minority leader of the Senate. Under Secretary of Homeland Security for (C) The Speaker of the House of Represent- country other than the Russian Federation Intelligence and Analysis jointly determine atives. or the United States. that an election campaign for Federal office (D) The minority leader of the House of (b) ASSESSMENT REQUIRED.—Not later than is subject to a heightened foreign counter- Representatives. 60 days after the date of the enactment of intelligence or cybersecurity threat, the Di- (4) CYBER INTRUSION.—The term ‘‘cyber in- this Act, the Director of National Intel- rector and the Under Secretary, consistent ligence shall submit to the congressional in- with the protection of sources and methods, trusion’’ means an electronic occurrence telligence committees a report containing an may make available additional information that actually or imminently jeopardizes, analytical assessment of the most signifi- to the appropriate representatives of such without lawful authority, electronic election cant Russian influence campaigns, if any, campaign. infrastructure, or the integrity, confiden- tiality, or availability of information within conducted during the 3-year period preceding SEC. 507. INFORMATION SHARING WITH STATE the date of the enactment of this Act, as well ELECTION OFFICIALS. such infrastructure. as the most significant current or planned (a) STATE DEFINED.—In this section, the (5) ELECTRONIC ELECTION INFRASTRUC- such Russian influence campaigns, if any. term ‘‘State’’ means any State of the United TURE.—The term ‘‘electronic election infra- Such assessment shall include— States, the District of Columbia, the Com- structure’’ means an electronic information (1) a summary of such significant Russian monwealth of Puerto Rico, and any territory system of any of the following that is related influence campaigns, including, at a min- or possession of the United States. to an election for Federal office: imum, the specific means by which such (b) SECURITY CLEARANCES.— (A) The Federal Government. campaigns were conducted, are being con- (1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 30 days (B) A State or local government. ducted, or likely will be conducted, as appro- after the date of the enactment of this Act, (C) A political party. priate, and the specific goal of each such the Director of National Intelligence shall (D) The election campaign of a candidate. campaign; support the Under Secretary of Homeland (6) FEDERAL OFFICE.—The term ‘‘Federal (2) a summary of any defenses against or Security for Intelligence and Analysis, and office’’ has the meaning given that term in responses to such Russian influence cam- any other official of the Department of section 301 of the Federal Election Campaign paigns by the foreign state holding the elec- Homeland Security designated by the Sec- Act of 1971 (52 U.S.C. 30101). tions or referenda; retary of Homeland Security, in sponsoring a (7) HIGH CONFIDENCE.—The term ‘‘high con- (3) a summary of any relevant activities by security clearance up to the top secret level fidence’’, with respect to a determination, elements of the intelligence community un- for each eligible chief election official of a means that the determination is based on dertaken for the purpose of assisting the State or the District of Columbia, and addi- high-quality information from multiple government of such foreign state in defend- tional eligible designees of such election offi- sources. ing against or responding to such Russian in- cial as appropriate, at the time that such (8) MODERATE CONFIDENCE.—The term fluence campaigns; and election official assumes such position. ‘‘moderate confidence’’, with respect to a de- (4) an assessment of the effectiveness of (2) INTERIM CLEARANCES.—Consistent with termination, means that a determination is such defenses and responses described in applicable policies and directives, the Direc- credibly sourced and plausible but not of suf- paragraphs (2) and (3). tor of National Intelligence may issue in- ficient quality or corroborated sufficiently (c) FORM.—The report required by sub- terim clearances, for a period to be deter- to warrant a higher level of confidence. section (b) may be submitted in classified mined by the Director, to a chief election of- (9) OTHER APPROPRIATE CONGRESSIONAL form, but if so submitted, shall contain an ficial as described in paragraph (1) and up to COMMITTEES.—The term ‘‘other appropriate unclassified summary. 1 designee of such official under such para- congressional committees’’ means— SEC. 506. FOREIGN COUNTERINTELLIGENCE AND graph. (A) the Committee on Armed Services, the CYBERSECURITY THREATS TO FED- (c) INFORMATION SHARING.— Committee on Homeland Security and Gov- ERAL ELECTION CAMPAIGNS. (1) IN GENERAL.—The Director of National ernmental Affairs, and the Committee on (a) REPORTS REQUIRED.— Intelligence shall assist the Under Secretary Appropriations of the Senate; and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00061 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JA6.040 S24JAPT1 S602 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 24, 2019 (B) the Committee on Armed Services, the (2) Election voting systems and software. ronment, recruit and retain a trusted work- Committee on Homeland Security, and the (3) Voter registration databases. force, and capitalize on modern technologies; Committee on Appropriations of the House (4) Critical infrastructure related to elec- and of Representatives. tions. (4) changes to policies or processes to im- (b) DETERMINATIONS OF SIGNIFICANT FOR- (5) Such other Government goods and serv- prove this system should be vetted through EIGN CYBER INTRUSIONS AND ACTIVE MEAS- ices as the Director of National Intelligence the Council to ensure standardization, port- URES CAMPAIGNS.—The Director of National considers appropriate. ability, and reciprocity in security clear- Intelligence, the Director of the Federal Bu- TITLE VI—SECURITY CLEARANCES ances across the Federal Government. reau of Investigation, and the Secretary of (b) ACCOUNTABILITY PLANS AND REPORTS.— SEC. 601. DEFINITIONS. Homeland Security shall jointly carry out (1) PLANS.—Not later than 90 days after the subsection (c) if such Directors and the Sec- In this title: date of the enactment of this Act, the Coun- retary jointly determine— (1) APPROPRIATE CONGRESSIONAL COMMIT- cil shall submit to the appropriate congres- (1) that on or after the date of the enact- TEES.—The term ‘‘appropriate congressional sional committees and make available to ap- ment of this Act, a significant foreign cyber committees’’ means— propriate industry partners the following: intrusion or active measures campaign in- (A) the congressional intelligence commit- (A) A plan, with milestones, to reduce the tended to influence an upcoming election for tees; background investigation inventory to any Federal office has occurred or is occur- (B) the Committee on Armed Services of 200,000, or an otherwise sustainable steady- ring; and the Senate; level, by the end of year 2020. Such plan shall (2) with moderate or high confidence, that (C) the Committee on Appropriations of include notes of any required changes in in- such intrusion or campaign can be attributed the Senate; vestigative and adjudicative standards or re- to a foreign state or to a foreign nonstate (D) the Committee on Homeland Security sources. person, group, or other entity. and Governmental Affairs of the Senate; (B) A plan to consolidate the conduct of (c) BRIEFING.— (E) the Committee on Armed Services of background investigations associated with (1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 14 days the House of Representatives; the processing for security clearances in the after making a determination under sub- (F) the Committee on Appropriations of most effective and efficient manner between section (b), the Director of National Intel- the House of Representatives; the National Background Investigation Bu- ligence, the Director of the Federal Bureau (G) the Committee on Homeland Security reau and the Defense Security Service, or a of Investigation, and the Secretary of Home- of the House of Representatives; and successor organization. Such plan shall ad- land Security shall jointly provide a briefing (H) the Committee on Oversight and Gov- dress required funding, personnel, contracts, to the congressional leadership, the congres- ernment Reform of the House of Representa- information technology, field office struc- sional intelligence committees and, con- tives. ture, policy, governance, schedule, transition sistent with the protection of sources and (2) APPROPRIATE INDUSTRY PARTNERS.—The costs, and effects on stakeholders. methods, the other appropriate congres- term ‘‘appropriate industry partner’’ means (2) REPORT ON THE FUTURE OF PERSONNEL sional committees. The briefing shall be a contractor, licensee, or grantee (as defined SECURITY.— classified and address, at a minimum, the in section 101(a) of Executive Order 12829 (50 (A) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 180 days following: U.S.C. 3161 note; relating to National Indus- after the date of the enactment of this Act, (A) A description of the significant foreign trial Security Program)) that is partici- the Chairman of the Council, in coordination cyber intrusion or active measures cam- pating in the National Industrial Security with the members of the Council, shall sub- paign, as the case may be, covered by the de- Program established by such Executive mit to the appropriate congressional com- termination. Order. mittees and make available to appropriate (B) An identification of the foreign state or (3) CONTINUOUS VETTING.—The term ‘‘con- industry partners a report on the future of foreign nonstate person, group, or other enti- tinuous vetting’’ has the meaning given such personnel security to reflect changes in ty, to which such intrusion or campaign has term in Executive Order 13467 (50 U.S.C. 3161 threats, the workforce, and technology. been attributed. note; relating to reforming processes related (B) CONTENTS.—The report submitted (C) The desirability and feasibility of the to suitability for government employment, under subparagraph (A) shall include the fol- public release of information about the cyber fitness for contractor employees, and eligi- lowing: intrusion or active measures campaign. bility for access to classified national secu- (i) A risk framework for granting and re- (D) Any other information such Directors rity information). newing access to classified information. and the Secretary jointly determine appro- (4) COUNCIL.—The term ‘‘Council’’ means (ii) A discussion of the use of technologies priate. the Security, Suitability, and Credentialing to prevent, detect, and monitor threats. (2) ELECTRONIC ELECTION INFRASTRUCTURE Performance Accountability Council estab- (iii) A discussion of efforts to address reci- BRIEFINGS.—With respect to a significant for- lished pursuant to such Executive Order, or procity and portability. eign cyber intrusion covered by a determina- any successor entity. (iv) A discussion of the characteristics of tion under subsection (b), the Secretary of (5) SECURITY EXECUTIVE AGENT.—The term effective insider threat programs. Homeland Security, in consultation with the ‘‘Security Executive Agent’’ means the offi- (v) An analysis of how to integrate data Director of National Intelligence and the Di- cer serving as the Security Executive Agent from continuous evaluation, insider threat rector of the Federal Bureau of Investiga- pursuant to section 803 of the National Secu- programs, and human resources data. tion, shall offer to the owner or operator of rity Act of 1947, as added by section 605. (vi) Recommendations on interagency gov- any electronic election infrastructure di- (6) SUITABILITY AND CREDENTIALING EXECU- ernance. rectly affected by such intrusion, a briefing TIVE AGENT.—The term ‘‘Suitability and (3) PLAN FOR IMPLEMENTATION.—Not later on such intrusion, including steps that may Credentialing Executive Agent’’ means the than 180 days after the date of the enactment be taken to mitigate such intrusion. Such Director of the Office of Personnel Manage- of this Act, the Chairman of the Council, in briefing may be classified and made avail- ment acting as the Suitability and coordination with the members of the Coun- able only to individuals with appropriate se- Credentialing Executive Agent in accordance cil, shall submit to the appropriate congres- curity clearances. with Executive Order 13467 (50 U.S.C. 3161 sional committees and make available to ap- (3) PROTECTION OF SOURCES AND METHODS.— note; relating to reforming processes related propriate industry partners a plan to imple- This subsection shall be carried out in a to suitability for government employment, ment the report’s framework and rec- manner that is consistent with the protec- fitness for contractor employees, and eligi- ommendations submitted under paragraph tion of sources and methods. bility for access to classified national secu- (2)(A). SEC. 509. DESIGNATION OF COUNTERINTEL- rity information), or any successor entity. (4) CONGRESSIONAL NOTIFICATIONS.—Not less LIGENCE OFFICER TO LEAD ELEC- SEC. 602. REPORTS AND PLANS RELATING TO SE- frequently than quarterly, the Security Ex- TION SECURITY MATTERS. CURITY CLEARANCES AND BACK- ecutive Agent shall make available to the (a) IN GENERAL.—The Director of National GROUND INVESTIGATIONS. public a report regarding the status of the Intelligence shall designate a national coun- (a) SENSE OF CONGRESS.—It is the sense of disposition of requests received from depart- terintelligence officer within the National Congress that— ments and agencies of the Federal Govern- Counterintelligence and Security Center to (1) ensuring the trustworthiness and secu- ment for a change to, or approval under, the lead, manage, and coordinate counterintel- rity of the workforce, facilities, and informa- Federal investigative standards, the national ligence matters relating to election security. tion of the Federal Government is of the adjudicative guidelines, continuous evalua- (b) ADDITIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES.—The per- highest priority to national security and tion, or other national policy regarding per- son designated under subsection (a) shall public safety; sonnel security. also lead, manage, and coordinate counter- (2) the President and Congress should SEC. 603. IMPROVING THE PROCESS FOR SECU- intelligence matters relating to risks posed prioritize the modernization of the personnel RITY CLEARANCES. by interference from foreign powers (as de- security framework to improve its effi- (a) REVIEWS.—Not later than 180 days after fined in section 101 of the Foreign Intel- ciency, effectiveness, and accountability; the date of the enactment of this Act, the ligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (50 U.S.C. (3) the current system for security clear- Security Executive Agent, in coordination 1801)) to the following: ance, suitability and fitness for employment, with the members of the Council, shall sub- (1) The Federal Government election secu- and credentialing lacks efficiencies and ca- mit to the appropriate congressional com- rity supply chain. pabilities to meet the current threat envi- mittees and make available to appropriate

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00062 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JA6.040 S24JAPT1 January 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S603 industry partners a report that includes the priately and expeditiously shared between sional committees and make available to ap- following: and among agencies and contractors; and propriate industry partners a plan to carry (1) A review of whether the information re- (K) portability of contractor security out this section. Such plan shall include rec- quested on the Questionnaire for National clearances between or among contracts at ommended interim milestones for the goals Security Positions (Standard Form 86) and the same agency and between or among con- set forth in subsections (b) and (c) for 2019, by the Federal Investigative Standards pre- tracts at different agencies that require the 2020, and 2021. scribed by the Office of Personnel Manage- same level of clearance. SEC. 605. SECURITY EXECUTIVE AGENT. ment and the Office of the Director of Na- (3) A strategy and implementation plan (a) IN GENERAL.—Title VIII of the National tional Intelligence appropriately supports that— Security Act of 1947 (50 U.S.C. 3161 et seq.) is the adjudicative guidelines under Security (A) provides for periodic reinvestigations amended— Executive Agent Directive 4 (known as the as part of a security clearance determination (1) by redesignating sections 803 and 804 as ‘‘National Security Adjudicative Guide- only on an as-needed, risk-based basis; sections 804 and 805, respectively; and lines’’). Such review shall include identifica- (B) includes actions to assess the extent to (2) by inserting after section 802 the fol- tion of whether any such information cur- which automated records checks and other lowing: rently collected is unnecessary to support continuous evaluation methods may be used ‘‘SEC. 803. SECURITY EXECUTIVE AGENT. the adjudicative guidelines. to expedite or focus reinvestigations; and ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—The Director of National (2) An assessment of whether such Ques- (C) provides an exception for certain popu- Intelligence, or such other officer of the tionnaire, Standards, and guidelines should lations if the Security Executive Agent— United States as the President may des- be revised to account for the prospect of a (i) determines such populations require re- ignate, shall serve as the Security Executive holder of a security clearance becoming an investigations at regular intervals; and Agent for all departments and agencies of insider threat. (ii) provides written justification to the the United States. (3) Recommendations to improve the back- appropriate congressional committees for ‘‘(b) DUTIES.—The duties of the Security ground investigation process by— any such determination. Executive Agent are as follows: (A) simplifying the Questionnaire for Na- (4) A policy and implementation plan for ‘‘(1) To direct the oversight of investiga- tional Security Positions (Standard Form 86) agencies and departments of the United tions, reinvestigations, adjudications, and, and increasing customer support to appli- States, as a part of the security clearance as applicable, polygraphs for eligibility for cants completing such Questionnaire; process, to accept automated records checks access to classified information or eligibility (B) using remote techniques and central- generated pursuant to a security clearance to hold a sensitive position made by any ized locations to support or replace field in- applicant’s employment with a prior em- Federal agency. vestigation work; ployer. ‘‘(2) To review the national security back- (C) using secure and reliable digitization of (5) A policy for the use of certain back- ground investigation and adjudication pro- information obtained during the clearance ground materials on individuals collected by grams of Federal agencies to determine process; the private sector for background investiga- whether such programs are being imple- (D) building the capacity of the back- tion purposes. mented in accordance with this section. ground investigation labor sector; and (6) Uniform standards for agency contin- ‘‘(3) To develop and issue uniform and con- (E) replacing periodic reinvestigations uous evaluation programs to ensure quality sistent policies and procedures to ensure the with continuous evaluation techniques in all and reciprocity in accepting enrollment in a effective, efficient, timely, and secure com- appropriate circumstances. continuous vetting program as a substitute pletion of investigations, polygraphs, and ad- (b) POLICY, STRATEGY, AND IMPLEMENTA- for a periodic investigation for continued ac- judications relating to determinations of eli- TION.—Not later than 180 days after the date cess to classified information. gibility for access to classified information of the enactment of this Act, the Security SEC. 604. GOALS FOR PROMPTNESS OF DETER- or eligibility to hold a sensitive position. Executive Agent shall, in coordination with MINATIONS REGARDING SECURITY ‘‘(4) Unless otherwise designated by law, to the members of the Council, establish the CLEARANCES. serve as the final authority to designate a (a) RECIPROCITY DEFINED.—In this section, following: Federal agency or agencies to conduct inves- the term ‘‘reciprocity’’ means reciprocal rec- (1) A policy and implementation plan for tigations of persons who are proposed for ac- ognition by Federal departments and agen- the issuance of interim security clearances. cess to classified information or for eligi- cies of eligibility for access to classified in- (2) A policy and implementation plan to bility to hold a sensitive position to ascer- formation. ensure contractors are treated consistently (b) IN GENERAL.—The Council shall reform tain whether such persons satisfy the cri- in the security clearance process across the security clearance process with the ob- teria for obtaining and retaining access to agencies and departments of the United jective that, by December 31, 2021, 90 percent classified information or eligibility to hold a States as compared to employees of such of all determinations, other than determina- sensitive position, as applicable. agencies and departments. Such policy shall tions regarding populations identified under ‘‘(5) Unless otherwise designated by law, to address— section 603(b)(3)(C), regarding— serve as the final authority to designate a (A) prioritization of processing security (1) security clearances— Federal agency or agencies to determine eli- clearances based on the mission the contrac- (A) at the secret level are issued in 30 days gibility for access to classified information tors will be performing; or fewer; and or eligibility to hold a sensitive position in (B) standardization in the forms that agen- (B) at the top secret level are issued in 90 accordance with Executive Order 12968 (50 cies issue to initiate the process for a secu- days or fewer; and U.S.C. 3161 note; relating to access to classi- rity clearance; (2) reciprocity of security clearances at the fied information). (C) digitization of background investiga- same level are recognized in 2 weeks or ‘‘(6) To ensure reciprocal recognition of eli- tion-related forms; fewer. gibility for access to classified information (D) use of the polygraph; (c) CERTAIN REINVESTIGATIONS.—The Coun- or eligibility to hold a sensitive position (E) the application of the adjudicative cil shall reform the security clearance proc- among Federal agencies, including acting as guidelines under Security Executive Agent ess with the goal that by December 31, 2021, the final authority to arbitrate and resolve Directive 4 (known as the ‘‘National Secu- reinvestigation on a set periodicity is not re- disputes among such agencies involving the rity Adjudicative Guidelines’’); quired for more than 10 percent of the popu- reciprocity of investigations and adjudica- (F) reciprocal recognition of clearances lation that holds a security clearance. tions of eligibility. across agencies and departments of the (d) EQUIVALENT METRICS.— ‘‘(7) To execute all other duties assigned to United States, regardless of status of peri- (1) IN GENERAL.—If the Council develops a the Security Executive Agent by law. odic reinvestigation; set of performance metrics that it certifies ‘‘(c) AUTHORITIES.—The Security Executive (G) tracking of clearance files as individ- to the appropriate congressional committees Agent shall— uals move from employment with an agency should achieve substantially equivalent out- ‘‘(1) issue guidelines and instructions to or department of the United States to em- comes as those outlined in subsections (b) the heads of Federal agencies to ensure ap- ployment in the private sector; and (c), the Council may use those metrics propriate uniformity, centralization, effi- (H) collection of timelines for movement of for purposes of compliance within this provi- ciency, effectiveness, timeliness, and secu- contractors across agencies and depart- sion. rity in processes relating to determinations ments; (2) NOTICE.—If the Council uses the author- by such agencies of eligibility for access to (I) reporting on security incidents and job ity provided by paragraph (1) to use metrics classified information or eligibility to hold a performance, consistent with section 552a of as described in such paragraph, the Council sensitive position, including such matters as title 5, United States Code (commonly shall, not later than 30 days after commu- investigations, polygraphs, adjudications, known as the ‘‘Privacy Act of 1974’’), that nicating such metrics to departments and and reciprocity; may affect the ability to hold a security agencies, notify the appropriate congres- ‘‘(2) have the authority to grant exceptions clearance; sional committees that it is using such au- to, or waivers of, national security investiga- (J) any recommended changes to the Fed- thority. tive requirements, including issuing imple- eral Acquisition Regulations (FAR) nec- (e) PLAN.—Not later than 180 days after the menting or clarifying guidance, as necessary; essary to ensure that information affecting date of the enactment of this Act, the Coun- ‘‘(3) have the authority to assign, in whole contractor clearances or suitability is appro- cil shall submit to the appropriate congres- or in part, to the head of any Federal agency

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00063 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JA6.040 S24JAPT1 S604 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 24, 2019 (solely or jointly) any of the duties of the Se- (1) requirements for an individual to volun- (2) by redesignating subsection (b) as sub- curity Executive Agent described in sub- tarily remain in a continuous evaluation section (c); section (b) or the authorities described in program validated by the Security Executive (3) by inserting after subsection (a) the fol- paragraphs (1) and (2), provided that the ex- Agent even if the individual is not in a posi- lowing: ercise of such assigned duties or authorities tion requiring access to classified informa- ‘‘(b) INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY REPORTS.— is subject to the oversight of the Security tion; (1)(A) Not later than March 1 of each year, Executive Agent, including such terms and (2) appropriate safeguards for privacy; the Director of National Intelligence shall conditions (including approval by the Secu- (3) advantages to government and indus- submit a report to the congressional intel- rity Executive Agent) as the Security Execu- try; ligence committees, the Committee on tive Agent determines appropriate; and (4) the costs and savings associated with Homeland Security and Governmental Af- ‘‘(4) define and set standards for contin- implementation; fairs of the Senate, the Committee on Home- uous evaluation for continued access to clas- (5) the risks of such implementation, in- land Security of the House of Representa- sified information and for eligibility to hold cluding security and counterintelligence tives, and the Committee on Oversight and a sensitive position.’’. risks; Government Reform of the House of Rep- (b) REPORT ON RECOMMENDATIONS FOR RE- (6) an appropriate funding model; and resentatives regarding the security clear- VISING AUTHORITIES.—Not later than 30 days (7) fairness to small companies and inde- ances processed by each element of the intel- ligence community during the preceding fis- after the date on which the Chairman of the pendent contractors. Council submits to the appropriate congres- cal year. SEC. 608. BUDGET REQUEST DOCUMENTATION ‘‘(B) The Director shall submit to the Com- sional committees the report required by ON FUNDING FOR BACKGROUND IN- mittee on Armed Services of the Senate and section 602(b)(2)(A), the Chairman shall sub- VESTIGATIONS. the Committee on Armed Services of the mit to the appropriate congressional com- (a) IN GENERAL.—As part of the fiscal year 2020 budget request submitted to Congress House of Representatives such portions of mittees such recommendations as the Chair- the report submitted under subparagraph (A) pursuant to section 1105(a) of title 31, United man may have for revising the authorities of as the Director determines address elements States Code, the President shall include ex- the Security Executive Agent. of the intelligence community that are with- (c) CONFORMING AMENDMENT.—Section hibits that identify the resources expended in the Department of Defense. 103H(j)(4)(A) of such Act (50 U.S.C. by each agency during the prior fiscal year ‘‘(C) Each report submitted under this 3033(j)(4)(A)) is amended by striking ‘‘in sec- for processing background investigations and paragraph shall separately identify security tion 804’’ and inserting ‘‘in section 805’’. continuous evaluation programs, clearances processed for Federal employees (d) CLERICAL AMENDMENT.—The table of disaggregated by tier and whether the indi- and contractor employees sponsored by each contents in the matter preceding section 2 of vidual was a Government employee or con- such element. such Act (50 U.S.C. 3002) is amended by strik- tractor. ‘‘(2) Each report submitted under para- ing the items relating to sections 803 and 804 (b) CONTENTS.—Each exhibit submitted graph (1)(A) shall include, for each element and inserting the following: under subsection (a) shall include details of the intelligence community for the fiscal ‘‘Sec. 803. Security Executive Agent. on— year covered by the report, the following: ‘‘Sec. 804. Exceptions. (1) the costs of background investigations ‘‘(A) The total number of initial security ‘‘Sec. 805. Definitions.’’. or reinvestigations; clearance background investigations spon- SEC. 606. REPORT ON UNIFIED, SIMPLIFIED, GOV- (2) the costs associated with background sored for new applicants. ERNMENTWIDE STANDARDS FOR PO- investigations for Government or contract ‘‘(B) The total number of security clear- SITIONS OF TRUST AND SECURITY personnel; ance periodic reinvestigations sponsored for CLEARANCES. (3) costs associated with continuous eval- existing employees. Not later than 90 days after the date of the uation initiatives monitoring for each person ‘‘(C) The total number of initial security enactment of this Act, the Security Execu- for whom a background investigation or re- clearance background investigations for new tive Agent and the Suitability and investigation was conducted, other than applicants that were adjudicated with notice Credentialing Executive Agent, in coordina- costs associated with adjudication; of a determination provided to the prospec- tion with the other members of the Council, (4) the average per person cost for each tive applicant, including— shall jointly submit to the appropriate con- type of background investigation; and ‘‘(i) the total number of such adjudications gressional committees and make available to (5) a summary of transfers and that were adjudicated favorably and granted appropriate industry partners a report re- reprogrammings that were executed in the access to classified information; and garding the advisability and the risks, bene- previous year to support the processing of se- ‘‘(ii) the total number of such adjudica- fits, and costs to the Government and to in- curity clearances. tions that were adjudicated unfavorably and dustry of consolidating to not more than 3 SEC. 609. REPORTS ON RECIPROCITY FOR SECU- resulted in a denial or revocation of a secu- tiers for positions of trust and security RITY CLEARANCES INSIDE OF DE- rity clearance. clearances. PARTMENTS AND AGENCIES. ‘‘(D) The total number of security clear- SEC. 607. REPORT ON CLEARANCE IN PERSON (a) RECIPROCALLY RECOGNIZED DEFINED.—In ance periodic background investigations CONCEPT. this section, the term ‘‘reciprocally recog- that were adjudicated with notice of a deter- (a) SENSE OF CONGRESS.—It is the sense of nized’’ means reciprocal recognition by Fed- mination provided to the existing employee, Congress that to reflect the greater mobility eral departments and agencies of eligibility including— of the modern workforce, alternative meth- for access to classified information. ‘‘(i) the total number of such adjudications odologies merit analysis to allow greater (b) REPORTS TO SECURITY EXECUTIVE that were adjudicated favorably; and flexibility for individuals moving in and out AGENT.—The head of each Federal depart- ‘‘(ii) the total number of such adjudica- of positions that require access to classified ment or agency shall submit an annual re- tions that were adjudicated unfavorably and information, while still preserving security. port to the Security Executive Agent that— resulted in a denial or revocation of a secu- (b) REPORT REQUIRED.—Not later than 90 (1) identifies the number of individuals rity clearance. days after the date of the enactment of this whose security clearances take more than 2 ‘‘(E) The total number of pending security Act, the Security Executive Agent shall sub- weeks to be reciprocally recognized after clearance background investigations, includ- mit to the appropriate congressional com- such individuals move to another part of ing initial applicant investigations and peri- mittees and make available to appropriate such department or agency; and odic reinvestigations, that were not adju- industry partners a report that describes the (2) breaks out the information described in dicated as of the last day of such year and requirements, feasibility, and advisability of paragraph (1) by type of clearance and the that remained pending, categorized as fol- implementing a clearance in person concept reasons for any delays. lows: described in subsection (c). (c) ANNUAL REPORT.—Not less frequently ‘‘(i) For 180 days or shorter. (c) CLEARANCE IN PERSON CONCEPT.—The than once each year, the Security Executive ‘‘(ii) For longer than 180 days, but shorter clearance in person concept— Agent shall submit to the appropriate con- than 12 months. (1) permits an individual who once held a gressional committees and make available to ‘‘(iii) For 12 months or longer, but shorter security clearance to maintain his or her eli- industry partners an annual report that sum- than 18 months. gibility for access to classified information, marizes the information received pursuant ‘‘(iv) For 18 months or longer, but shorter networks, and facilities for up to 3 years to subsection (b) during the period covered than 24 months. after the individual’s eligibility for access to by such report. ‘‘(v) For 24 months or longer. classified information would otherwise lapse; SEC. 610. INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY REPORTS ‘‘(F) For any security clearance determina- and ON SECURITY CLEARANCES. tions completed or pending during the year (2) recognizes, unless otherwise directed by Section 506H of the National Security Act preceding the year for which the report is the Security Executive Agent, an individ- of 1947 (50 U.S.C. 3104) is amended— submitted that have taken longer than 12 ual’s security clearance and background in- (1) in subsection (a)(1)— months to complete— vestigation as current, regardless of employ- (A) in subparagraph (A)(ii), by adding ‘‘(i) an explanation of the causes for the ment status, contingent on enrollment in a ‘‘and’’ at the end; delays incurred during the period covered by continuous vetting program. (B) in subparagraph (B)(ii), by striking ‘‘; the report; and (d) CONTENTS.—The report required under and’’ and inserting a period; and ‘‘(ii) the number of such delays involving a subsection (b) shall address— (C) by striking subparagraph (C); polygraph requirement.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00064 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JA6.040 S24JAPT1 January 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S605 ‘‘(G) The percentage of security clearance (10) Foreign travel, relatives, or associa- TITLE VII—REPORTS AND OTHER investigations, including initial and periodic tions. MATTERS reinvestigations, that resulted in a denial or (11) Social media checks. Subtitle A—Matters Relating to Russia and revocation of a security clearance. (12) Such other information or records as Other Foreign Powers ‘‘(H) The percentage of security clearance may be relevant to obtaining or maintaining SEC. 701. LIMITATION RELATING TO ESTABLISH- investigations that resulted in incomplete national security, suitability, fitness, or MENT OR SUPPORT OF CYBERSECU- information. credentialing eligibility. RITY UNIT WITH THE RUSSIAN FED- ‘‘(I) The percentage of security clearance ERATION. (e) IMPLEMENTATION PLAN.— investigations that did not result in enough (a) APPROPRIATE CONGRESSIONAL COMMIT- (1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 90 days information to make a decision on poten- TEES DEFINED.—In this section, the term tially adverse information. after the date of the enactment of this Act, ‘‘appropriate congressional committees’’ ‘‘(3) The report required under this sub- the Security Executive Agent and the Suit- means— section shall be submitted in unclassified ability and Credentialing Executive Agent (1) the congressional intelligence commit- form, but may include a classified annex.’’; shall jointly submit to the appropriate con- tees; and gressional committees and make available to (2) the Committee on Armed Services of (4) in subsection (c), as redesignated, by appropriate industry partners a plan for the the Senate and the Committee on Armed striking ‘‘subsection (a)(1)’’ and inserting implementation of the Program. Services of the House of Representatives; ‘‘subsections (a)(1) and (b)’’. (2) ELEMENTS.—The plan required by para- and SEC. 611. PERIODIC REPORT ON POSITIONS IN graph (1) shall include the following: (3) the Committee on Foreign Relations of THE INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY (A) Mechanisms that address privacy, na- the Senate and the Committee on Foreign THAT CAN BE CONDUCTED WITHOUT tional security, suitability or fitness, Affairs of the House of Representatives. ACCESS TO CLASSIFIED INFORMA- TION, NETWORKS, OR FACILITIES. credentialing, and human resources or mili- (b) LIMITATION.— Not later than 180 days after the date of tary recruitment processes. (1) IN GENERAL.—No amount may be ex- the enactment of this Act and not less fre- (B) Such recommendations for legislative pended by the Federal Government, other quently than once every 5 years thereafter, or administrative action as the Security Ex- than the Department of Defense, to enter the Director of National Intelligence shall ecutive Agent and the Suitability and into or implement any bilateral agreement submit to the congressional intelligence Credentialing Executive Agent consider ap- between the United States and the Russian committees a report that reviews the intel- propriate to carry out or improve the Pro- Federation regarding cybersecurity, includ- ligence community for which positions can gram. ing the establishment or support of any cy- bersecurity unit, unless, at least 30 days be conducted without access to classified in- (f) PLAN FOR PILOT PROGRAM ON TWO-WAY formation, networks, or facilities, or may prior to the conclusion of any such agree- INFORMATION SHARING.— only require a security clearance at the se- ment, the Director of National Intelligence (1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 180 days cret level. submits to the appropriate congressional after the date of the enactment of this Act, committees a report on such agreement that SEC. 612. INFORMATION SHARING PROGRAM FOR the Security Executive Agent and the Suit- POSITIONS OF TRUST AND SECURITY includes the elements required by subsection CLEARANCES. ability and Credentialing Executive Agent (c). (a) PROGRAM REQUIRED.— shall jointly submit to the appropriate con- (2) DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE AGREEMENTS.— (1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 90 days gressional committees and make available to Any agreement between the Department of after the date of the enactment of this Act, appropriate industry partners a plan for the Defense and the Russian Federation regard- the Security Executive Agent and the Suit- implementation of a pilot program to assess ing cybersecurity shall be conducted in ac- ability and Credentialing Executive Agent the feasibility and advisability of expanding cordance with section 1232 of the National shall establish and implement a program to the Program to include the sharing of infor- Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year share between and among agencies of the mation held by the Federal Government re- 2017 (Public Law 114–328), as amended by sec- Federal Government and industry partners lated to contract personnel with the security tion 1231 of the National Defense Authoriza- of the Federal Government relevant back- office of the employers of those contractor tion Act for Fiscal Year 2018 (Public Law ground information regarding individuals ap- personnel. 115–91). (c) ELEMENTS.—If the Director submits a plying for and currently occupying national (2) ELEMENTS.—The plan required by para- security positions and positions of trust, in graph (1) shall include the following: report under subsection (b) with respect to an agreement, such report shall include a de- order to ensure the Federal Government (A) Mechanisms that address privacy, na- scription of each of the following: maintains a trusted workforce. tional security, suitability or fitness, (1) The purpose of the agreement. (2) DESIGNATION.—The program established credentialing, and human resources or mili- (2) The nature of any intelligence to be under paragraph (1) shall be known as the tary recruitment processes. ‘‘Trusted Information Provider Program’’ (in shared pursuant to the agreement. (B) Such recommendations for legislative (3) The expected value to national security this section referred to as the ‘‘Program’’). or administrative action as the Security Ex- (b) PRIVACY SAFEGUARDS.—The Security resulting from the implementation of the ecutive Agent and the Suitability and Executive Agent and the Suitability and agreement. Credentialing Executive Agent consider ap- Credentialing Executive Agent shall ensure (4) Such counterintelligence concerns asso- propriate to carry out or improve the pilot that the Program includes such safeguards ciated with the agreement as the Director for privacy as the Security Executive Agent program. may have and such measures as the Director and the Suitability and Credentialing Execu- (g) REVIEW.—Not later than 1 year after expects to be taken to mitigate such con- tive Agent consider appropriate. the date of the enactment of this Act, the cerns. (c) PROVISION OF INFORMATION TO THE FED- Security Executive Agent and the Suit- (d) RULE OF CONSTRUCTION.—This section shall not be construed to affect any existing ERAL GOVERNMENT.—The Program shall in- ability and Credentialing Executive Agent clude requirements that enable investigative authority of the Director of National Intel- shall jointly submit to the appropriate con- service providers and agencies of the Federal ligence, the Director of the Central Intel- gressional committees and make available to Government to leverage certain pre-employ- ligence Agency, or another head of an ele- ment information gathered during the em- appropriate industry partners a review of the ment of the intelligence community, to ployment or military recruiting process, and plans submitted under subsections (e)(1) and share or receive foreign intelligence on a other relevant security or human resources (f)(1) and utility and effectiveness of the pro- case-by-case basis. information obtained during employment grams described in such plans. SEC. 702. REPORT ON RETURNING RUSSIAN COM- with or for the Federal Government, that POUNDS. SEC. 613. REPORT ON PROTECTIONS FOR CON- satisfy Federal investigative standards, (a) COVERED COMPOUNDS DEFINED.—In this FIDENTIALITY OF WHISTLEBLOWER- section, the term ‘‘covered compounds’’ while safeguarding personnel privacy. RELATED COMMUNICATIONS. (d) INFORMATION AND RECORDS.—The infor- means the real property in New York, the mation and records considered under the Not later than 180 days after the date of real property in Maryland, and the real prop- Program shall include the following: the enactment of this Act, the Security Ex- erty in San Francisco, California, that were (1) Date and place of birth. ecutive Agent shall, in coordination with the under the control of the Government of Rus- (2) Citizenship or immigration and natu- Inspector General of the Intelligence Com- sia in 2016 and were removed from such con- ralization information. munity, submit to the appropriate congres- trol in response to various transgressions by (3) Education records. sional committees a report detailing the the Government of Russia, including the in- (4) Employment records. terference by the Government of Russia in controls employed by the intelligence com- (5) Employment or social references. the 2016 election in the United States. munity to ensure that continuous vetting (6) Military service records. (b) REQUIREMENT FOR REPORT.—Not later (7) State and local law enforcement programs, including those involving user ac- than 180 days after the date of the enactment checks. tivity monitoring, protect the confiden- of this Act, the Director of National Intel- (8) Criminal history checks. tiality of whistleblower-related communica- ligence shall submit to the congressional in- (9) Financial records or information. tions. telligence committees, and the Committee

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00065 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JA6.040 S24JAPT1 S606 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 24, 2019 on Foreign Relations of the Senate and the SEC. 704. NOTIFICATION OF AN ACTIVE MEAS- Act, the Director of National Intelligence Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House URES CAMPAIGN. shall submit to the appropriate committees of Representatives (only with respect to the (a) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: of Congress a report detailing outreach by unclassified report), a report on the intel- (1) APPROPRIATE CONGRESSIONAL COMMIT- the intelligence community and the Defense ligence risks of returning the covered com- TEES.—The term ‘‘appropriate congressional Intelligence Enterprise to United States in- pounds to Russian control. committees’’ means— dustrial, commercial, scientific, technical, (c) FORM OF REPORT.—The report required (A) the congressional intelligence commit- and academic communities on matters relat- by this section shall be submitted in classi- tees; ing to the efforts of adversaries of the United fied and unclassified forms. (B) the Committee on Armed Services of States to acquire critical United States SEC. 703. ASSESSMENT OF THREAT FINANCE RE- the Senate and the Committee on Armed technology, intellectual property, and re- LATING TO RUSSIA. Services of the House of Representatives; search and development information. (a) THREAT FINANCE DEFINED.—In this sec- and (c) CONTENTS.—The report required by sub- tion, the term ‘‘threat finance’’ means— (C) the Committee on Foreign Relations of section (b) shall include the following: (1) the financing of cyber operations, glob- the Senate and the Committee on Foreign (1) A review of the current outreach efforts al influence campaigns, intelligence service Affairs of the House of Representatives. of the intelligence community and the De- activities, proliferation, terrorism, or (2) CONGRESSIONAL LEADERSHIP.—The term fense Intelligence Enterprise described in transnational crime and drug organizations; ‘‘congressional leadership’’ includes the fol- subsection (b), including the type of informa- (2) the methods and entities used to spend, lowing: tion conveyed in the outreach. store, move, raise, conceal, or launder money (A) The majority leader of the Senate. (2) A determination of the appropriate ele- or value, on behalf of threat actors; (B) The minority leader of the Senate. ment of the intelligence community to lead (3) sanctions evasion; and (C) The Speaker of the House of Represent- such outreach efforts. (4) other forms of threat finance activity atives. (3) An assessment of potential methods for domestically or internationally, as defined (D) The minority leader of the House of improving the effectiveness of such out- by the President. Representatives. reach, including an assessment of the fol- (b) REPORT REQUIRED.—Not later than 60 (b) REQUIREMENT FOR NOTIFICATION.—The lowing: days after the date of the enactment of this Director of National Intelligence, in coopera- (A) Those critical technologies, infrastruc- Act, the Director of National Intelligence, in tion with the Director of the Federal Bureau ture, or related supply chains that are at coordination with the Assistant Secretary of of Investigation and the head of any other risk from the efforts of adversaries described the Treasury for Intelligence and Analysis, relevant agency, shall notify the congres- in subsection (b). shall submit to the congressional intel- sional leadership and the Chairman and Vice (B) The necessity and advisability of grant- ligence committees a report containing an Chairman or of each of the ing security clearances to company or com- assessment of Russian threat finance. The appropriate congressional committees, and munity leadership, when necessary and ap- assessment shall be based on intelligence of other relevant committees of jurisdiction, propriate, to allow for tailored classified from all sources, including from the Office of each time the Director of National Intel- briefings on specific targeted threats. Terrorism and Financial Intelligence of the ligence determines there is credible informa- (C) The advisability of partnering with en- Department of the Treasury. tion that a foreign power has, is, or will at- tities of the Federal Government that are (c) ELEMENTS.—The report required by sub- tempt to employ a covert influence or active not elements of the intelligence community section (b) shall include each of the fol- measures campaign with regard to the mod- and relevant regulatory and industry groups lowing: ernization, employment, doctrine, or force described in subsection (b), to convey key (1) A summary of leading examples from posture of the nuclear deterrent or missile messages across sectors targeted by United the 3-year period preceding the date of the defense. States adversaries. submittal of the report of threat finance ac- (c) CONTENT OF NOTIFICATION.—Each notifi- (D) Strategies to assist affected elements tivities conducted by, for the benefit of, or at cation required by subsection (b) shall in- of the communities described in subpara- the behest of— clude information concerning actions taken graph (C) in mitigating, deterring, and pro- (A) officials of the Government of Russia; by the United States to expose or halt an at- tecting against the broad range of threats (B) persons subject to sanctions under any tempt referred to in subsection (b). from the efforts of adversaries described in provision of law imposing sanctions with re- SEC. 705. NOTIFICATION OF TRAVEL BY ACCRED- subsection (b), with focus on producing infor- spect to Russia; ITED DIPLOMATIC AND CONSULAR mation that enables private entities to jus- (C) Russian nationals subject to sanctions PERSONNEL OF THE RUSSIAN FED- tify business decisions related to national se- under any other provision of law; or ERATION IN THE UNITED STATES. curity concerns. (D) Russian oligarchs or organized crimi- In carrying out the advance notification (E) The advisability of the establishment nals. requirements set out in section 502 of the In- of a United States Government-wide task (2) An assessment with respect to any telligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year force to coordinate outreach and activities trends or patterns in threat finance activi- 2017 (division N of Public Law 115–31; 131 to combat the threats from efforts of adver- ties relating to Russia, including common Stat. 825; 22 U.S.C. 254a note), the Secretary saries described in subsection (b). methods of conducting such activities and of State shall— (F) Such other matters as the Director of global nodes of money laundering used by (1) ensure that the Russian Federation pro- National Intelligence may consider nec- Russian threat actors described in paragraph vides notification to the Secretary of State essary. (1) and associated entities. at least 2 business days in advance of all (d) CONSULTATION ENCOURAGED.—In pre- (3) An assessment of any connections be- travel that is subject to such requirements paring the report required by subsection (b), tween Russian individuals involved in money by accredited diplomatic and consular per- the Director is encouraged to consult with laundering and the Government of Russia. sonnel of the Russian Federation in the other government agencies, think tanks, (4) A summary of engagement and coordi- United States, and take necessary action to academia, representatives of the financial nation with international partners on threat secure full compliance by Russian personnel industry, or such other entities as the Direc- finance relating to Russia, especially in Eu- and address any noncompliance; and tor considers appropriate. rope, including examples of such engagement (2) provide notice of travel described in (e) FORM.—The report required by sub- and coordination. paragraph (1) to the Director of National In- section (b) shall be submitted in unclassified (5) An identification of any resource and telligence and the Director of the Federal form, but may include a classified annex as collection gaps. Bureau of Investigation within 1 hour of re- necessary. (6) An identification of— ceiving notice of such travel. SEC. 707. REPORT ON IRANIAN SUPPORT OF (A) entry points of money laundering by SEC. 706. REPORT ON OUTREACH STRATEGY AD- PROXY FORCES IN SYRIA AND LEB- Russian and associated entities into the DRESSING THREATS FROM UNITED ANON. United States; STATES ADVERSARIES TO THE (a) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: (B) any vulnerabilities within the United UNITED STATES TECHNOLOGY SEC- (1) APPROPRIATE COMMITTEES OF CON- States legal and financial system, including TOR. GRESS.—The term ‘‘appropriate committees specific sectors, which have been or could be (a) APPROPRIATE COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS of Congress’’ means— exploited in connection with Russian threat DEFINED.—In this section, the term ‘‘appro- (A) the Committee on Armed Services, the finance activities; and priate committees of Congress’’ means— Committee on Foreign Relations, and the Se- (C) the counterintelligence threat posed by (1) the congressional intelligence commit- lect Committee on Intelligence of the Sen- Russian money laundering and other forms tees; ate; and of threat finance, as well as the threat to the (2) the Committee on Armed Services and (B) the Committee on Armed Services, the United States financial system and United the Committee on Homeland Security and Committee on Foreign Affairs, and the Per- States efforts to enforce sanctions and com- Governmental Affairs of the Senate; and manent Select Committee on Intelligence of bat organized crime. (3) the Committee on Armed Services, the House of Representatives. (7) Any other matters the Director deter- Committee on Homeland Security, and the (2) ARMS OR RELATED MATERIAL.—The term mines appropriate. Committee on Oversight and Government ‘‘arms or related material’’ means— (d) FORM OF REPORT.—The report required Reform of the House of Representatives. (A) nuclear, biological, chemical, or radio- under subsection (b) may be submitted in (b) REPORT REQUIRED.—Not later than 180 logical weapons or materials or components classified form. days after the date of the enactment of this of such weapons;

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(B) ballistic or cruise missile weapons or tional Intelligence shall submit to Congress (2) CONTENTS.—The Report required by materials or components of such weapons; a report describing Iranian expenditures in paragraph (1) shall include the following: (C) destabilizing numbers and types of ad- the previous calendar year on military and (A) A discussion of the desirability of the vanced conventional weapons; terrorist activities outside the country, in- establishment of such center and any bar- (D) defense articles or defense services, as cluding each of the following: riers to such establishment. those terms are defined in paragraphs (3) and (1) The amount spent in such calendar year (B) Such recommendations and other mat- (4), respectively, of section 47 of the Arms on activities by the Islamic Revolutionary ters as the Director considers appropriate. Export Control Act (22 U.S.C. 2794); Guard Corps, including activities providing Subtitle B—Reports support for— (E) defense information, as that term is de- SEC. 711. TECHNICAL CORRECTION TO INSPEC- fined in section 644 of the Foreign Assistance (A) Hizballah; TOR GENERAL STUDY. Act of 1961 (22 U.S.C. 2403); or (B) Houthi rebels in Yemen; Section 11001(d) of title 5, United States (F) items designated by the President for (C) Hamas; Code, is amended— purposes of the United States Munitions List (D) proxy forces in Iraq and Syria; or (1) in the subsection heading, by striking (E) any other entity or country the Direc- under section 38(a)(1) of the Arms Export ‘‘AUDIT’’ and inserting ‘‘REVIEW’’; Control Act (22 U.S.C. 2778(a)(1)). tor determines to be relevant. (2) in paragraph (1), by striking ‘‘audit’’ (b) REPORT REQUIRED.—Not later than 180 (2) The amount spent in such calendar year and inserting ‘‘review’’; and days after the date of the enactment of this for ballistic missile research and testing or (3) in paragraph (2), by striking ‘‘audit’’ Act, the Director of National Intelligence other activities that the Director determines and inserting ‘‘review’’. are destabilizing to the Middle East region. shall submit to the appropriate committees SEC. 712. REPORTS ON AUTHORITIES OF THE (b) FORM.—The report required under sub- of Congress a report on Iranian support of CHIEF INTELLIGENCE OFFICER OF proxy forces in Syria and Lebanon and the section (a) shall be submitted in unclassified THE DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND threat posed to Israel, other United States form, but may include a classified annex. SECURITY. regional allies, and other specified interests SEC. 709. EXPANSION OF SCOPE OF COMMITTEE (a) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: of the United States as a result of such sup- TO COUNTER ACTIVE MEASURES (1) APPROPRIATE COMMITTEES OF CON- port. AND REPORT ON ESTABLISHMENT OF FOREIGN MALIGN INFLUENCE GRESS.—The term ‘‘appropriate committees (c) MATTERS FOR INCLUSION.—The report CENTER. of Congress’’ means— required under subsection (b) shall include (a) SCOPE OF COMMITTEE TO COUNTER AC- (A) the congressional intelligence commit- information relating to the following mat- TIVE MEASURES.— tees; ters with respect to both the strategic and (1) IN GENERAL.—Section 501 of the Intel- (B) the Committee on Homeland Security tactical implications for the United States ligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year and Governmental Affairs of the Senate; and and its allies: 2017 (Public Law 115–31; 50 U.S.C. 3001 note) is (C) the Committee on Homeland Security (1) A description of arms or related mate- amended— of the House of Representatives. riel transferred by Iran to Hizballah since (A) in subsections (a) through (h)— (2) HOMELAND SECURITY INTELLIGENCE EN- March 2011, including the number of such (i) by inserting ‘‘, the People’s Republic of TERPRISE.—The term ‘‘Homeland Security arms or related materiel and whether such China, the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Intelligence Enterprise’’ has the meaning transfer was by land, sea, or air, as well as fi- Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, or given such term in Department of Homeland nancial and additional technological capa- other nation state’’ after ‘‘Russian Federa- Security Instruction Number 264–01–001, or bilities transferred by Iran to Hizballah. tion’’ each place it appears; and successor authority. (2) A description of Iranian and Iranian- (ii) by inserting ‘‘, China, Iran, North (b) REPORT REQUIRED.—Not later than 120 controlled personnel, including Hizballah, Korea, or other nation state’’ after ‘‘Russia’’ days after the date of the enactment of this Shiite militias, and Iran’s Revolutionary each place it appears; and Act, the Secretary of Homeland Security, in Guard Corps forces, operating within Syria, (B) in the section heading, by inserting ‘‘, consultation with the Under Secretary of including the number and geographic dis- THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA, THE ISLAMIC Homeland Security for Intelligence and tribution of such personnel operating within Analysis, shall submit to the appropriate REPUBLIC OF IRAN, THE DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE’S 30 kilometers of the Israeli borders with committees of Congress a report on the au- REPUBLIC OF KOREA, OR OTHER NATION STATE’’ thorities of the Under Secretary. Syria and Lebanon. after ‘‘RUSSIAN FEDERATION’’. (c) ELEMENTS.—The report required by sub- (3) An assessment of Hizballah’s oper- (2) CLERICAL AMENDMENT.—The table of section (b) shall include each of the fol- ational lessons learned based on its recent contents in section 1(b) of such Act is lowing: experiences in Syria. amended by striking the item relating to (1) An analysis of whether the Under Sec- (4) A description of any rocket-producing section 501 and inserting the following new retary has the legal and policy authority facilities in Lebanon for nonstate actors, in- item: cluding whether such facilities were assessed necessary to organize and lead the Homeland ‘‘Sec. 501. Committee to counter active to be built at the direction of Hizballah lead- Security Intelligence Enterprise, with re- measures by the Russian Fed- ership, Iranian leadership, or in consultation spect to intelligence, and, if not, a descrip- eration, the People’s Republic between Iranian leadership and Hizballah tion of— of China, the Islamic Republic leadership. (A) the obstacles to exercising the authori- of Iran, the Democratic Peo- (5) An analysis of the foreign and domestic ties of the Chief Intelligence Officer of the ple’s Republic of Korea, and supply chains that significantly facilitate, Department and the Homeland Security In- other nation states to exert support, or otherwise aid Hizballah’s acquisi- telligence Council, of which the Chief Intel- covert influence over peoples tion or development of missile production fa- ligence Officer is the chair; and and governments.’’. cilities, including the geographic distribu- (B) the legal and policy changes necessary tion of such foreign and domestic supply (b) REPORT REQUIRED.— to effectively coordinate, organize, and lead chains. (1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 180 days intelligence activities of the Department of (6) An assessment of the provision of goods, after the date of the enactment of this Act, Homeland Security. services, or technology transferred by Iran the Director of National Intelligence, in co- (2) A description of the actions that the or its affiliates to Hizballah to indigenously ordination with such elements of the intel- Secretary has taken to address the inability manufacture or otherwise produce missiles. ligence community as the Director considers of the Under Secretary to require compo- (7) An identification of foreign persons relevant, shall submit to the congressional nents of the Department, other than the Of- that are based on credible information, fa- intelligence committees a report on the fea- fice of Intelligence and Analysis of the De- cilitating the transfer of significant finan- sibility and advisability of establishing a partment to— cial support or arms or related materiel to center, to be known as the ‘‘Foreign Malign (A) coordinate intelligence programs; and Hizballah. Influence Response Center’’, that— (B) integrate and standardize intelligence (8) A description of the threat posed to (A) is comprised of analysts from all appro- products produced by such other compo- Israel and other United States allies in the priate elements of the intelligence commu- nents. Middle East by the transfer of arms or re- nity, including elements with related diplo- SEC. 713. REPORT ON CYBER EXCHANGE PRO- lated material or other support offered to matic and law enforcement functions; GRAM. Hizballah and other proxies from Iran. (B) has access to all intelligence and other (a) REPORT.—Not later than 90 days after (d) FORM OF REPORT.—The report required reporting acquired by the United States Gov- the date of the enactment of this Act, the under subsection (b) shall be submitted in ernment on foreign efforts to influence, Director of National Intelligence shall sub- unclassified form, but may include a classi- through overt and covert malign activities, mit to the congressional intelligence com- fied annex. United States political processes and elec- mittees a report on the potential establish- SEC. 708. ANNUAL REPORT ON IRANIAN EXPENDI- tions; ment of a fully voluntary exchange program TURES SUPPORTING FOREIGN MILI- (C) provides comprehensive assessment, between elements of the intelligence commu- TARY AND TERRORIST ACTIVITIES. and indications and warning, of such activi- nity and private technology companies under (a) ANNUAL REPORT REQUIRED.—Not later ties; and which— than 90 days after the date of the enactment (D) provides for enhanced dissemination of (1) an employee of an element of the intel- of this Act and not less frequently than once such assessment to United States policy ligence community with demonstrated ex- each year thereafter, the Director of Na- makers. pertise and work experience in cybersecurity

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00067 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JA6.040 S24JAPT1 S608 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 24, 2019 or related disciplines may elect to be tempo- (2) an identification of the most significant to use foreign investment to target the ac- rarily detailed to a private technology com- benefits and drawbacks of such process with quisition of critical technologies, critical pany that has elected to receive the detailee; respect to the role of the Director, including materials, or critical infrastructure. and the sufficiency of resources and personnel to (C) Any economic espionage efforts di- (2) an employee of a private technology prepare such materials; and rected at the United States by a foreign company with demonstrated expertise and (3) recommendations to improve such proc- country, particularly such a country of spe- work experience in cybersecurity or related ess. cial concern. disciplines may elect to be temporarily de- SEC. 716. REPORT ON SURVEILLANCE BY FOR- SEC. 718. MODIFICATION OF CERTAIN REPORT- tailed to an element of the intelligence com- EIGN GOVERNMENTS AGAINST ING REQUIREMENT ON TRAVEL OF munity that has elected to receive the UNITED STATES TELECOMMUNI- FOREIGN DIPLOMATS. CATIONS NETWORKS. detailee. Section 502(d)(2) of the Intelligence Au- (b) ELEMENTS.—The report under sub- (a) APPROPRIATE CONGRESSIONAL COMMIT- thorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 (Public section (a) shall include the following: TEES DEFINED.—In this section, the term Law 115–31) is amended by striking ‘‘the (1) An assessment of the feasibility of es- ‘‘appropriate congressional committees’’ number’’ and inserting ‘‘a best estimate’’. tablishing the exchange program described means the following: in such subsection. (1) The congressional intelligence commit- SEC. 719. SEMIANNUAL REPORTS ON INVESTIGA- (2) Identification of any challenges in es- tees. TIONS OF UNAUTHORIZED DISCLO- tablishing the exchange program. (2) The Committee on the Judiciary and SURES OF CLASSIFIED INFORMA- TION. (3) An evaluation of the benefits to the in- the Committee on Homeland Security and telligence community that would result Governmental Affairs of the Senate. (a) IN GENERAL.—Title XI of the National from the exchange program. (3) The Committee on the Judiciary and Security Act of 1947 (50 U.S.C. 3231 et seq.) is SEC. 714. REVIEW OF INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY the Committee on Homeland Security of the amended by adding at the end the following WHISTLEBLOWER MATTERS. House of Representatives. new section: (b) REPORT.—Not later than 180 days after (a) REVIEW OF WHISTLEBLOWER MATTERS.— ‘‘SEC. 1105. SEMIANNUAL REPORTS ON INVES- The Inspector General of the Intelligence the date of the enactment of this Act, the TIGATIONS OF UNAUTHORIZED DIS- Community, in consultation with the inspec- Director of National Intelligence shall, in co- CLOSURES OF CLASSIFIED INFOR- tors general for the Central Intelligence ordination with the Director of the Central MATION. Intelligence Agency, the Director of the Na- Agency, the National Security Agency, the ‘‘(a) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: tional Security Agency, the Director of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, the ‘‘(1) COVERED OFFICIAL.—The term ‘covered Defense Intelligence Agency, and the Na- Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the official’ means— tional Reconnaissance Office, shall conduct a Secretary of Homeland Security, submit to ‘‘(A) the heads of each element of the intel- review of the authorities, policies, investiga- the appropriate congressional committees a ligence community; and report describing— tory standards, and other practices and pro- ‘‘(B) the inspectors general with oversight (1) any attempts known to the intelligence cedures relating to intelligence community responsibility for an element of the intel- community by foreign governments to ex- whistleblower matters, with respect to such ligence community. ploit cybersecurity vulnerabilities in United inspectors general. ‘‘(2) INVESTIGATION.—The term ‘investiga- States telecommunications networks (in- (b) OBJECTIVE OF REVIEW.—The objective of tion’ means any inquiry, whether formal or cluding Signaling System No. 7) to target for the review required under subsection (a) is to informal, into the existence of an unauthor- surveillance United States persons, includ- identify any discrepancies, inconsistencies, ized public disclosure of classified informa- ing employees of the Federal Government; or other issues, which frustrate the timely tion. and and effective reporting of intelligence com- ‘‘(3) UNAUTHORIZED DISCLOSURE OF CLASSI- (2) any actions, as of the date of the enact- munity whistleblower matters to appro- FIED INFORMATION.—The term ‘unauthorized ment of this Act, taken by the intelligence priate inspectors general and to the congres- disclosure of classified information’ means community to protect agencies and per- sional intelligence committees, and the fair any unauthorized disclosure of classified in- sonnel of the United States Government and expeditious investigation and resolution formation to any recipient. from surveillance conducted by foreign gov- of such matters. ‘‘(4) UNAUTHORIZED PUBLIC DISCLOSURE OF ernments. (c) CONDUCT OF REVIEW.—The Inspector CLASSIFIED INFORMATION.—The term ‘unau- General of the Intelligence Community shall SEC. 717. BIENNIAL REPORT ON FOREIGN IN- thorized public disclosure of classified infor- VESTMENT RISKS. take such measures as the Inspector General mation’ means the unauthorized disclosure (a) INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY INTERAGENCY determines necessary in order to ensure that of classified information to a journalist or WORKING GROUP.— the review required by subsection (a) is con- media organization. ducted in an independent and objective fash- (1) REQUIREMENT TO ESTABLISH.—The Direc- ‘‘(b) INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY REPORT- ion. tor of National Intelligence shall establish ING.— (d) REPORT.—Not later than 270 days after an intelligence community interagency ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Not less frequently than the date of the enactment of this Act, the In- working group to prepare the biennial re- once every 6 months, each covered official spector General of the Intelligence Commu- ports required by subsection (b). shall submit to the congressional intel- nity shall submit to the congressional intel- (2) .—The Director of National ligence committees a report on investiga- ligence committees a written report con- Intelligence shall serve as the chairperson of tions of unauthorized public disclosures of taining the results of the review required such interagency working group. classified information. under subsection (a), along with rec- (3) MEMBERSHIP.—Such interagency work- ‘‘(2) ELEMENTS.—Each report submitted ommendations to improve the timely and ef- ing group shall be composed of representa- under paragraph (1) shall include, with re- fective reporting of intelligence community tives of each element of the intelligence spect to the preceding 6-month period, the whistleblower matters to inspectors general community that the Director of National In- following: and to the congressional intelligence com- telligence determines appropriate. ‘‘(A) The number of investigations opened mittees and the fair and expeditious inves- (b) BIENNIAL REPORT ON FOREIGN INVEST- by the covered official regarding an unau- tigation and resolution of such matters. MENT RISKS.— (1) REPORT REQUIRED.—Not later than 180 thorized public disclosure of classified infor- SEC. 715. REPORT ON ROLE OF DIRECTOR OF NA- mation. TIONAL INTELLIGENCE WITH RE- days after the date of the enactment of this SPECT TO CERTAIN FOREIGN IN- Act and not less frequently than once every ‘‘(B) The number of investigations com- VESTMENTS. 2 years thereafter, the Director of National pleted by the covered official regarding an (a) REPORT.—Not later than 180 days after Intelligence shall submit to the congres- unauthorized public disclosure of classified the date of the enactment of this Act, the sional intelligence committees, the Com- information. Director of National Intelligence, in con- mittee on Homeland Security and Govern- ‘‘(C) Of the number of such completed in- sultation with the heads of the elements of mental Affairs of the Senate, and the Com- vestigations identified under subparagraph the intelligence community determined ap- mittee on Homeland Security of the House of (B), the number referred to the Attorney propriate by the Director, shall submit to Representatives a report on foreign invest- General for criminal investigation. the congressional intelligence committees a ment risks prepared by the interagency ‘‘(c) DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE REPORTING.— report on the role of the Director in pre- working group established under subsection ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Not less frequently than paring analytic materials in connection with (a). once every 6 months, the Assistant Attorney the evaluation by the Federal Government of (2) ELEMENTS.—Each report required by General for National Security of the Depart- national security risks associated with po- paragraph (1) shall include identification, ment of Justice, in consultation with the Di- tential foreign investments into the United analysis, and explanation of the following: rector of the Federal Bureau of Investiga- States. (A) Any current or projected major threats tion, shall submit to the congressional intel- (b) ELEMENTS.—The report under sub- to the national security of the United States ligence committees, the Committee on the section (a) shall include— with respect to foreign investment. Judiciary of the Senate, and the Committee (1) a description of the current process for (B) Any strategy used by a foreign country on the Judiciary of the House of Representa- the provision of the analytic materials de- that such interagency working group has tives a report on the status of each referral scribed in subsection (a); identified to be a country of special concern made to the Department of Justice from any

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UNDER VULNERABILITIES EQUITIES POLICY AND sional intelligence committees a report that ‘‘(2) CONTENTS.—Each report submitted PROCESS.— includes, with respect to the department or under paragraph (1) shall include, for each (1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 90 days agency of the Inspector General, analyses of referral covered by the report, at a min- after the date of the enactment of this Act, the following: imum, the following: the Director of National Intelligence shall (1) The accuracy of the application of clas- ‘‘(A) The date the referral was received. submit to the congressional intelligence sification and handling markers on a rep- ‘‘(B) A statement indicating whether the committees a written report describing— resentative sample of finished reports, in- alleged unauthorized disclosure described in (A) with respect to each element of the in- cluding such reports that are compart- the referral was substantiated by the Depart- telligence community— mented. ment of Justice. (i) the title of the official or officials re- (2) Compliance with declassification proce- ‘‘(C) A statement indicating the highest sponsible for determining whether, pursuant dures. level of classification of the information to criteria contained in the Vulnerabilities (3) The effectiveness of processes for iden- that was revealed in the unauthorized disclo- Equities Policy and Process document or any tifying topics of public or historical impor- sure. successor document, a vulnerability must be tance that merit prioritization for a declas- ‘‘(D) A statement indicating whether an submitted for review under the sification review. open criminal investigation related to the Vulnerabilities Equities Process; and (b) INSPECTORS GENERAL LISTED.—The In- referral is active. (ii) the process used by such element to spectors General listed in this subsection are ‘‘(E) A statement indicating whether any make such determination; and as follows: criminal charges have been filed related to (B) the roles or responsibilities of that ele- (1) The Inspector General of the Intel- the referral. ment during a review of a vulnerability sub- ligence Community. ‘‘(F) A statement indicating whether the mitted to the Vulnerabilities Equities Proc- (2) The Inspector General of the Central In- Department of Justice has been able to at- ess. telligence Agency. (3) The Inspector General of the National tribute the unauthorized disclosure to a par- (2) CHANGES TO PROCESS OR CRITERIA.—Not ticular entity or individual. later than 30 days after any significant Security Agency. ‘‘(d) FORM OF REPORTS.—Each report sub- change is made to the process and criteria (4) The Inspector General of the Defense mitted under this section shall be submitted used by any element of the intelligence com- Intelligence Agency. in unclassified form, but may have a classi- munity for determining whether to submit a (5) The Inspector General of the National fied annex.’’. vulnerability for review under the Reconnaissance Office. (b) CLERICAL AMENDMENT.—The table of Vulnerabilities Equities Process, such ele- (6) The Inspector General of the National contents in the first section of the National ment shall submit to the congressional intel- Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. Security Act of 1947 is amended by inserting ligence committees a report describing such SEC. 723. REPORTS ON GLOBAL WATER INSECU- after the item relating to section 1104 the change. RITY AND NATIONAL SECURITY IM- following new item: PLICATIONS AND BRIEFING ON (3) FORM OF REPORTS.—Each report sub- EMERGING INFECTIOUS DISEASE ‘‘Sec. 1105. Semiannual reports on investiga- mitted under this subsection shall be sub- AND PANDEMICS. tions of unauthorized disclo- mitted in unclassified form, but may include (a) REPORTS ON GLOBAL WATER INSECURITY sures of classified informa- a classified annex. AND NATIONAL SECURITY IMPLICATIONS.— tion.’’. (c) ANNUAL REPORTS.— (1) REPORTS REQUIRED.—Not later than 180 SEC. 720. CONGRESSIONAL NOTIFICATION OF (1) IN GENERAL.—Not less frequently than days after the date of the enactment of this DESIGNATION OF COVERED INTEL- once each calendar year, the Director of Na- Act and not less frequently than once every LIGENCE OFFICER AS PERSONA NON GRATA. tional Intelligence shall submit to the con- 5 years thereafter, the Director of National gressional intelligence committees a classi- (a) COVERED INTELLIGENCE OFFICER DE- Intelligence shall submit to the congres- fied report containing, with respect to the FINED.—In this section, the term ‘‘covered sional intelligence committees a report on intelligence officer’’ means— previous year— the implications of water insecurity on the (1) a United States intelligence officer (A) the number of vulnerabilities sub- national security interest of the United serving in a post in a foreign country; or mitted for review under the Vulnerabilities States, including consideration of social, (2) a known or suspected foreign intel- Equities Process; economic, agricultural, and environmental ligence officer serving in a United States (B) the number of vulnerabilities described factors. post. in subparagraph (A) disclosed to each vendor (2) ASSESSMENT SCOPE AND FOCUS.—Each re- (b) REQUIREMENT FOR REPORTS.—Not later responsible for correcting the vulnerability, port submitted under paragraph (1) shall in- than 72 hours after a covered intelligence of- or to the public, pursuant to the clude an assessment of water insecurity de- ficer is designated as a persona non grata, Vulnerabilities Equities Process; and scribed in such subsection with a global the Director of National Intelligence, in con- (C) the aggregate number, by category, of scope, but focus on areas of the world— sultation with the Secretary of State, shall the vulnerabilities excluded from review (A) of strategic, economic, or humani- submit to the congressional intelligence under the Vulnerabilities Equities Process, tarian interest to the United States— committees, the Committee on Foreign Re- as described in paragraph 5.4 of the (i) that are, as of the date of the report, at lations of the Senate, and the Committee on Vulnerabilities Equities Policy and Process the greatest risk of instability, conflict, Foreign Affairs of the House of Representa- document. human insecurity, or mass displacement; or tives a notification of that designation. Each (2) UNCLASSIFIED INFORMATION.—Each re- (ii) where challenges relating to water in- such notification shall include— port submitted under paragraph (1) shall in- security are likely to emerge and become (1) the date of the designation; clude an unclassified appendix that con- significant during the 5-year or the 20-year (2) the basis for the designation; and tains— period beginning on the date of the report; (3) a justification for the expulsion. (A) the aggregate number of and SEC. 721. REPORTS ON INTELLIGENCE COMMU- vulnerabilities disclosed to vendors or the (B) where challenges relating to water in- NITY PARTICIPATION IN public pursuant to the Vulnerabilities Equi- security are likely to imperil the national VULNERABILITIES EQUITIES PROC- ties Process; and security interests of the United States or al- ESS OF FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. (B) the aggregate number of vulnerabilities lies of the United States. (a) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: disclosed to vendors or the public pursuant (3) CONSULTATION.—In researching a report (1) VULNERABILITIES EQUITIES POLICY AND to the Vulnerabilities Equities Process required by paragraph (1), the Director shall PROCESS DOCUMENT.—The term known to have been patched. consult with— ‘‘Vulnerabilities Equities Policy and Process (3) NON-DUPLICATION.—The Director of Na- (A) such stakeholders within the intel- document’’ means the executive branch doc- tional Intelligence may forgo submission of ligence community, the Department of De- ument entitled ‘‘Vulnerabilities Equities an annual report required under this sub- fense, and the Department of State as the Policy and Process’’ dated November 15, 2017. section for a calendar year, if the Director Director considers appropriate; and (2) VULNERABILITIES EQUITIES PROCESS.— notifies the intelligence committees in writ- (B) such additional Federal agencies and The term ‘‘Vulnerabilities Equities Process’’ ing that, with respect to the same calendar persons in the private sector as the Director means the interagency review of year, an annual report required by paragraph considers appropriate. vulnerabilities, pursuant to the 4.3 of the Vulnerabilities Equities Policy and (4) FORM.—Each report submitted under Vulnerabilities Equities Policy and Process Process document already has been sub- paragraph (1) shall be submitted in unclassi- document or any successor document. mitted to Congress, and such annual report fied form, but may include a classified (3) VULNERABILITY.—The term ‘‘vulner- contains the information that would other- annex. ability’’ means a weakness in an information wise be required to be included in an annual (b) BRIEFING ON EMERGING INFECTIOUS DIS- system or its components (for example, sys- report under this subsection. EASE AND PANDEMICS.—

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(1) APPROPRIATE CONGRESSIONAL COMMIT- agreement regarding significant operational operation with the heads of the elements of TEES DEFINED.—In this subsection, the term activities or policy entered into during the the intelligence community and the heads of ‘‘appropriate congressional committees’’ most recently completed fiscal year between any other appropriate department or agency means— or among such element and any other entity of the Federal Government, shall submit to (A) the congressional intelligence commit- of the United States Government. the congressional intelligence committees a tees; ‘‘(b) PROVISION OF DOCUMENTS.—Each head report on potentially establishing and car- (B) the Committee on Foreign Affairs, the of an element of an intelligence community rying out an intelligence community-wide Committee on Armed Services, and the Com- who receives a request from the Select Com- program for student loan repayment, student mittee on Appropriations of the House of mittee on Intelligence of the Senate or the loan forgiveness, financial counseling, and Representatives; and Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence related matters, as described in subsection (C) the Committee on Foreign Relations, of the House of Representatives for a copy of (a). the Committee on Armed Services, and the a memorandum of understanding or other (2) MATTERS INCLUDED.—The report under Committee on Appropriations of the Senate. document listed in a report submitted by the paragraph (1) shall include, at a minimum, (2) BRIEFING.—Not later than 120 days after head under subsection (a) shall submit to the following: the date of the enactment of this Act, the such committee the requested copy as soon (A) A description of the financial resources Director of National Intelligence shall pro- as practicable after receiving such request.’’. that the elements of the intelligence com- vide to the appropriate congressional com- SEC. 725. STUDY ON THE FEASIBILITY OF munity would require to establish and ini- mittees a briefing on the anticipated geo- ENCRYPTING UNCLASSIFIED tially carry out the program specified in political effects of emerging infectious dis- WIRELINE AND WIRELESS TELE- paragraph (1). ease (including deliberate, accidental, and PHONE CALLS. (B) A description of the practical steps to naturally occurring infectious disease (a) STUDY REQUIRED.—Not later than 180 establish and carry out such a program. threats) and pandemics, and their implica- days after the date of the enactment of this (C) The identification of any legislative ac- tions on the national security of the United Act, the Director of National Intelligence tion the Director determines necessary to es- States. shall complete a study on the feasibility of tablish and carry out such a program. (c) ANNUAL REPORTS ON ESTABLISHED PRO- (3) CONTENT.—The briefing under para- encrypting unclassified wireline and wireless graph (2) shall include an assessment of— telephone calls between personnel in the in- GRAMS.— (A) the economic, social, political, and se- telligence community. (1) COVERED PROGRAMS DEFINED.—In this subsection, the term ‘‘covered programs’’ curity risks, costs, and impacts of emerging (b) REPORT.—Not later than 90 days after means any loan repayment program, loan infectious diseases on the United States and the date on which the Director completes the forgiveness program, financial counseling the international political and economic sys- study required by subsection (a), the Direc- program, or similar program, established tem; tor shall submit to the congressional intel- pursuant to title X of the National Security (B) the economic, social, political, and se- ligence committees a report on the Direc- Act of 1947 (50 U.S.C. 3191 et seq.) or any curity risks, costs, and impacts of a major tor’s findings with respect to such study. other provision of law that may be adminis- transnational pandemic on the United States SEC. 726. MODIFICATION OF REQUIREMENT FOR tered or used by an element of the intel- and the international political and economic ANNUAL REPORT ON HIRING AND ligence community. system; and RETENTION OF MINORITY EMPLOY- EES. (2) ANNUAL REPORTS REQUIRED.—Not less (C) contributing trends and factors to the (a) EXPANSION OF PERIOD OF REPORT.—Sub- frequently than once each year, the Director matters assessed under subparagraphs (A) section (a) of section 114 of the National Se- of National Intelligence shall submit to the and (B). curity Act of 1947 (50 U.S.C. 3050) is amended congressional intelligence committees a re- (4) EXAMINATION OF RESPONSE CAPACITY.—In by inserting ‘‘and the preceding 5 fiscal port on the covered programs. Each such re- examining the risks, costs, and impacts of years’’ after ‘‘fiscal year’’. port shall include, with respect to the period emerging infectious disease and a possible (b) CLARIFICATION ON DISAGGREGATION OF covered by the report, the following: transnational pandemic under paragraph (3), DATA.—Subsection (b) of such section is (A) The number of personnel from each ele- the Director of National Intelligence shall amended, in the matter before paragraph (1), ment of the intelligence community who also examine in the briefing under paragraph by striking ‘‘disaggregated data by category used each covered program. (2) the response capacity within affected of covered person from each element of the (B) The total amount of funds each ele- countries and the international system. In intelligence community’’ and inserting ment expended for each such program. considering response capacity, the Director ‘‘data, disaggregated by category of covered (C) A description of the efforts made by shall include— person and by element of the intelligence each element to promote each covered pro- (A) the ability of affected nations to effec- community,’’. gram pursuant to both the personnel of the tively detect and manage emerging infec- SEC. 727. REPORTS ON INTELLIGENCE COMMU- element of the intelligence community and tious diseases and a possible transnational NITY LOAN REPAYMENT AND RE- to prospective personnel. pandemic; LATED PROGRAMS. SEC. 728. REPEAL OF CERTAIN REPORTING RE- (B) the role and capacity of international (a) SENSE OF CONGRESS.—It is the sense of QUIREMENTS. organizations and nongovernmental organi- Congress that— (a) CORRECTING LONG-STANDING MATERIAL zations to respond to emerging infectious (1) there should be established, through the WEAKNESSES.—Section 368 of the Intelligence disease and a possible pandemic, and their issuing of an Intelligence Community Direc- Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010 (Pub- ability to coordinate with affected and donor tive or otherwise, an intelligence commu- lic Law 110–259; 50 U.S.C. 3051 note) is hereby nations; and nity-wide program for student loan repay- repealed. (C) the effectiveness of current inter- ment, student loan forgiveness, financial (b) INTERAGENCY THREAT ASSESSMENT AND national frameworks, agreements, and counseling, and related matters, for employ- COORDINATION GROUP.—Section 210D of the health systems to respond to emerging infec- ees of the intelligence community; Homeland Security Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. 124k) tious diseases and a possible transnational (2) creating such a program would enhance is amended— pandemic. the ability of the elements of the intel- (1) by striking subsection (c); and (5) FORM.—The briefing under paragraph (2) ligence community to recruit, hire, and re- (2) by redesignating subsections (d) may be classified. tain highly qualified personnel, including through (i) as subsections (c) through (h), re- SEC. 724. ANNUAL REPORT ON MEMORANDA OF with respect to mission-critical and hard-to- spectively; and UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN ELE- fill positions; (3) in subsection (c), as so redesignated— MENTS OF INTELLIGENCE COMMU- (3) such a program, including with respect (A) in paragraph (8), by striking ‘‘; and’’ NITY AND OTHER ENTITIES OF THE to eligibility requirements, should be de- and inserting a period; and UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT RE- (B) by striking paragraph (9). GARDING SIGNIFICANT OPER- signed so as to maximize the ability of the (c) INSPECTOR GENERAL REPORT.—Section ATIONAL ACTIVITIES OR POLICY. elements of the intelligence community to 8H of the Inspector General Act of 1978 (5 Section 311 of the Intelligence Authoriza- recruit, hire, and retain highly qualified per- U.S.C. App.) is amended— tion Act for Fiscal Year 2017 (50 U.S.C. 3313) sonnel, including with respect to mission- (1) by striking subsection (g); and is amended— critical and hard-to-fill positions; and (2) by redesignating subsections (h) and (i) (1) by redesignating subsection (b) as sub- (4) to the extent possible, such a program as subsections (g) and (h), respectively. section (c); and should be uniform throughout the intel- (2) by striking subsection (a) and inserting ligence community and publicly promoted SEC. 729. INSPECTOR GENERAL OF THE INTEL- LIGENCE COMMUNITY REPORT ON the following: by each element of the intelligence commu- SENIOR EXECUTIVES OF THE OF- ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—Each year, concurrent nity to both current employees of the ele- FICE OF THE DIRECTOR OF NA- with the annual budget request submitted by ment as well as to prospective employees of TIONAL INTELLIGENCE. the President to Congress under section 1105 the element. (a) SENIOR EXECUTIVE SERVICE POSITION of title 31, United States Code, each head of (b) REPORT ON POTENTIAL INTELLIGENCE DEFINED.—In this section, the term ‘‘Senior an element of the intelligence community COMMUNITY-WIDE PROGRAM.— Executive Service position’’ has the meaning shall submit to the congressional intel- (1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 180 days given that term in section 3132(a)(2) of title ligence committees a report that lists each after the date of the enactment of this Act, 5, United States Code, and includes any posi- memorandum of understanding or other the Director of National Intelligence, in co- tion above the GS–15, step 10, level of the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00070 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JA6.040 S24JAPT1 January 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S611 General Schedule under section 5332 of such (4) Trade in textiles. SEC. 733. INCLUSION OF DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS title. (5) Sales of conventional defense articles IN ANNUAL REPORT RELATING TO (b) REPORT.—Not later than 90 days after and services. SECTION 702 OF THE FOREIGN IN- the date of the enactment of this Act, the In- (6) Sales of controlled goods, ballistic mis- TELLIGENCE SURVEILLANCE ACT OF spector General of the Intelligence Commu- 1978. siles, and other associated items. Section 707(b)(1)(G)(ii) of the Foreign Intel- nity shall submit to the congressional intel- (7) Other types of manufacturing for ex- ligence committees a report on the number ligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (50 U.S.C. port, as the Director of National Intelligence 1881f(b)(1)(G)(ii)) is amended by inserting be- of Senior Executive Service positions in the considers appropriate. Office of the Director of National Intel- fore the semicolon the following: ‘‘, includ- (8) The exportation of workers from North ing whether disciplinary actions were taken ligence. Korea in a manner intended to generate sig- (c) MATTERS INCLUDED.—The report under as a result of such an incident of noncompli- nificant revenue, directly or indirectly, for ance and the extent of such disciplinary ac- subsection (b) shall include the following: use by the government of North Korea. (1) The number of required Senior Execu- tions’’. (9) The provision of nonhumanitarian tive Service positions for the Office of the Subtitle C—Other Matters goods (such as food, medicine, and medical Director of National Intelligence. devices) and services by other countries. SEC. 741. PUBLIC INTEREST DECLASSIFICATION (2) Whether such requirements are reason- BOARD. (10) The provision of services, including ably based on the mission of the Office. Section 710(b) of the Public Interest De- banking and other support, including by en- (3) A discussion of how the number of the classification Act of 2000 (Public Law 106–567; tities located in the Russian Federation, Senior Executive Service positions in the Of- 50 U.S.C. 3161 note) is amended by striking China, and Iran. fice compare to the number of senior posi- ‘‘December 31, 2018’’ and inserting ‘‘Decem- (11) Online commercial activities of the tions at comparable organizations. ber 31, 2028’’. Government of North Korea, including on- (d) COOPERATION.—The Director of Na- SEC. 742. SECURING ENERGY INFRASTRUCTURE. line gambling. tional Intelligence shall provide to the In- (a) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: (12) Criminal activities, including cyber- spector General of the Intelligence Commu- (1) APPROPRIATE CONGRESSIONAL COMMIT- enabled crime and counterfeit goods. nity any information requested by the In- TEES.—The term ‘‘appropriate congressional spector General of the Intelligence Commu- (b) ELEMENTS.—The assessment required committees’’ means— nity that is necessary to carry out this sec- under subsection (a) shall include an identi- (A) the congressional intelligence commit- tion by not later than 14 calendar days after fication of each of the following: tees; the date on which the Inspector General of (1) The sources of North Korea’s funding. (B) the Committee on Homeland Security the Intelligence Community makes such re- (2) Financial and non-financial networks, and Governmental Affairs and the Com- quest. including supply chain management, trans- mittee on Energy and Natural Resources of SEC. 730. BRIEFING ON FEDERAL BUREAU OF IN- portation, and facilitation, through which the Senate; and VESTIGATION OFFERING PERMA- North Korea accesses the United States and (C) the Committee on Homeland Security NENT RESIDENCE TO SOURCES AND international financial systems and repatri- and the Committee on Energy and Commerce COOPERATORS. ates and exports capital, goods, and services; Not later than 30 days after the date of the of the House of Representatives. and enactment of this Act, the Director of the (2) COVERED ENTITY.—The term ‘‘covered Federal Bureau of Investigation shall pro- (3) the global financial institutions, money entity’’ means an entity identified pursuant vide to the congressional intelligence com- services business, and payment systems that to section 9(a) of Executive Order 13636 of mittees a briefing on the ability of the Fed- assist North Korea with financial trans- February 12, 2013 (78 Fed. Reg. 11742), relat- eral Bureau of Investigation to offer, as an actions. ing to identification of critical infrastruc- inducement to assisting the Bureau, perma- (c) SUBMITTAL TO CONGRESS.—Upon com- ture where a cybersecurity incident could nent residence within the United States to pletion of the assessment required under sub- reasonably result in catastrophic regional or foreign individuals who are sources or co- section (a), the Director of National Intel- national effects on public health or safety, operators in counterintelligence or other na- ligence shall submit to the congressional in- economic security, or national security. tional security-related investigations. The telligence committees a copy of such assess- (3) EXPLOIT.—The term ‘‘exploit’’ means a briefing shall address the following: ment. software tool designed to take advantage of (1) The extent to which the Bureau may a security vulnerability. make such offers, whether independently or SEC. 732. REPORT ON POSSIBLE EXPLOITATION (4) INDUSTRIAL CONTROL SYSTEM.—The term in conjunction with other agencies and de- OF VIRTUAL CURRENCIES BY TER- ‘‘industrial control system’’ means an oper- RORIST ACTORS. partments of the United States Government, ational technology used to measure, control, including a discussion of the authorities pro- (a) SHORT TITLE.—This section may be or manage industrial functions, and includes vided by section 101(a)(15)(S) of the Immigra- cited as the ‘‘Stop Terrorist Use of Virtual supervisory control and data acquisition sys- tion and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. Currencies Act’’. tems, distributed control systems, and pro- grammable logic or embedded controllers. 1101(a)(15)(S)), section 7 of the Central Intel- (b) REPORT.—Not later than 1 year after (5) NATIONAL LABORATORY.—The term ‘‘Na- ligence Agency Act (50 U.S.C. 3508), and any the date of the enactment of this Act, the tional Laboratory’’ has the meaning given other provision of law under which the Bu- Director of National Intelligence, in con- the term in section 2 of the Energy Policy reau may make such offers. sultation with the Secretary of the Treas- Act of 2005 (42 U.S.C. 15801). (2) An overview of the policies and oper- ury, shall submit to Congress a report on the (6) PROGRAM.—The term ‘‘Program’’ means ational practices of the Bureau with respect possible exploitation of virtual currencies by the pilot program established under sub- to making such offers. terrorist actors. Such report shall include section (b). (3) The sufficiency of such policies and the following elements: (7) SECRETARY.—Except as otherwise spe- practices with respect to inducing individ- (1) An assessment of the means and meth- cifically provided, the term ‘‘Secretary’’ uals to cooperate with, serve as sources for ods by which international terrorist organi- means the Secretary of Energy. such investigations, or both. zations and State sponsors of terrorism use (8) SECURITY VULNERABILITY.—The term (4) Whether the Director recommends any virtual currencies. ‘‘security vulnerability’’ means any at- legislative actions to improve such policies (2) An assessment of the use by terrorist tribute of hardware, software, process, or and practices, particularly with respect to organizations and State sponsors of ter- procedure that could enable or facilitate the the counterintelligence efforts of the Bu- rorism of virtual currencies compared to the defeat of a security control. reau. use by such organizations and States of (b) PILOT PROGRAM FOR SECURING ENERGY SEC. 731. INTELLIGENCE ASSESSMENT OF NORTH other forms of financing to support oper- KOREA REVENUE SOURCES. INFRASTRUCTURE.—Not later than 180 days ations, including an assessment of the collec- after the date of the enactment of this Act, (a) ASSESSMENT REQUIRED.—Not later than tion posture of the intelligence community 180 days after the date of the enactment of the Secretary shall establish a 2-year control on the use of virtual currencies by such orga- systems implementation pilot program with- this Act, the Director of National Intel- nizations and States. ligence, in coordination with the Assistant in the National Laboratories for the pur- (3) A description of any existing legal im- Secretary of State for Intelligence and Re- poses of— pediments that inhibit or prevent the intel- search and the Assistant Secretary of the (1) partnering with covered entities in the ligence community from collecting informa- Treasury for Intelligence and Analysis, shall energy sector (including critical component tion on or helping prevent the use of virtual produce an intelligence assessment of the manufacturers in the supply chain) that vol- revenue sources of the North Korean regime. currencies by international terrorist organi- untarily participate in the Program to iden- Such assessment shall include revenue from zations and State sponsors of terrorism and tify new classes of security vulnerabilities of the following sources: an identification of any gaps in existing law the covered entities; and (1) Trade in coal, iron, and iron ore. that could be exploited for illicit funding by (2) evaluating technology and standards, in (2) The provision of fishing rights to North such organizations and States. partnership with covered entities, to isolate Korean territorial waters. (c) FORM OF REPORT.—The report required and defend industrial control systems of cov- (3) Trade in gold, titanium ore, vanadium by subsection (b) shall be submitted in un- ered entities from security vulnerabilities ore, copper, silver, nickel, zinc, or rare earth classified form, but may include a classified and exploits in the most critical systems of minerals, and other stores of value. annex. the covered entities, including—

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00071 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JA6.040 S24JAPT1 S612 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 24, 2019

(A) analog and nondigital control systems; (f) PROTECTION FROM LIABILITY.— ‘‘(5) The National Intelligence Univer- (B) purpose-built control systems; and (1) IN GENERAL.—A cause of action against sity.’’. (C) physical controls. a covered entity for engaging in the vol- (2) COMPENSATION PLAN.—The Secretary of (c) WORKING GROUP TO EVALUATE PROGRAM untary activities authorized under sub- Defense shall provide each person employed STANDARDS AND DEVELOP STRATEGY.— section (b)— as a full-time professor, instructor, or lec- (1) ESTABLISHMENT.—The Secretary shall (A) shall not lie or be maintained in any turer at the National Intelligence University establish a working group— court; and on the date of the enactment of this Act an (A) to evaluate the technology and stand- (B) shall be promptly dismissed by the ap- opportunity to elect to be paid under the ards used in the Program under subsection plicable court. compensation plan in effect on the day be- (b)(2); and (2) VOLUNTARY ACTIVITIES.—Nothing in this fore the date of the enactment of this Act (B) to develop a national cyber-informed section subjects any covered entity to liabil- (with no reduction in pay) or under the au- engineering strategy to isolate and defend ity for not engaging in the voluntary activi- thority of section 1595 of title 10, United covered entities from security ties authorized under subsection (b). States Code, as amended by paragraph (1). vulnerabilities and exploits in the most crit- (g) NO NEW REGULATORY AUTHORITY FOR (b) ACCEPTANCE OF FACULTY RESEARCH ical systems of the covered entities. FEDERAL AGENCIES.—Nothing in this section (2) MEMBERSHIP.—The working group es- GRANTS.—Section 2161 of such title is amend- authorizes the Secretary or the head of any ed by adding at the end the following: tablished under paragraph (1) shall be com- other department or agency of the Federal posed of not fewer than 10 members, to be ap- Government to issue new regulations. ‘‘(d) ACCEPTANCE OF FACULTY RESEARCH pointed by the Secretary, at least 1 member (h) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.— GRANTS.—The Secretary of Defense may au- of which shall represent each of the fol- (1) PILOT PROGRAM.—There is authorized to thorize the President of the National Intel- lowing: be appropriated $10,000,000 to carry out sub- ligence University to accept qualifying re- (A) The Department of Energy. section (b). search grants in the same manner and to the (B) The energy industry, including electric (2) WORKING GROUP AND REPORT.—There is same degree as the President of the National utilities and manufacturers recommended by authorized to be appropriated $1,500,000 to Defense University under section 2165(e) of the Energy Sector coordinating councils. carry out subsections (c) and (d). this title.’’. (C)(i) The Department of Homeland Secu- (3) AVAILABILITY.—Amounts made avail- rity; or (c) PILOT PROGRAM ON ADMISSION OF PRI- able under paragraphs (1) and (2) shall re- VATE SECTOR CIVILIANS TO RECEIVE INSTRUC- (ii) the Industrial Control Systems Cyber main available until expended. Emergency Response Team. TION.— (D) The North American Electric Reli- SEC. 743. BUG BOUNTY PROGRAMS. (1) PILOT PROGRAM REQUIRED.— ability Corporation. (a) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: (A) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 180 days (E) The Nuclear Regulatory Commission. (1) APPROPRIATE COMMITTEES OF CON- after the date of the enactment of this Act, (F)(i) The Office of the Director of Na- GRESS.—The term ‘‘appropriate committees the Secretary of Defense shall commence tional Intelligence; or of Congress’’ means— carrying out a pilot program to assess the (ii) the intelligence community (as defined (A) the congressional intelligence commit- feasability and advisability of permitting el- in section 3 of the National Security Act of tees; igible private sector employees who work in 1947 (50 U.S.C. 3003)). (B) the Committee on Armed Services and organizations relevant to national security (G)(i) The Department of Defense; or the Committee on Homeland Security and to receive instruction at the National Intel- (ii) the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Governmental Affairs of the Senate; and ligence University. Homeland Security and America’s Security (C) the Committee on Armed Services and (B) DURATION.—The Secretary shall carry Affairs. the Committee on Homeland Security of the out the pilot program during the 3-year pe- (H) A State or regional energy agency. House of Representatives. riod beginning on the date of the commence- (I) A national research body or academic (2) BUG BOUNTY PROGRAM.—The term ‘‘bug ment of the pilot program. institution. bounty program’’ means a program under (C) EXISTING PROGRAM.—The Secretary (J) The National Laboratories. which an approved computer security spe- shall carry out the pilot program in a man- (d) REPORTS ON THE PROGRAM.— cialist or security researcher is temporarily ner that is consistent with section 2167 of (1) INTERIM REPORT.—Not later than 180 authorized to identify and report title 10, United States Code. days after the date on which funds are first vulnerabilities within the information sys- (D) NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS.—No more disbursed under the Program, the Secretary tem of an agency or department of the than the equivalent of 35 full-time student shall submit to the appropriate congres- United States in exchange for compensation. positions may be filled at any one time by sional committees an interim report that— (3) INFORMATION SYSTEM.—The term ‘‘infor- private sector employees enrolled under the (A) describes the results of the Program; mation system’’ has the meaning given that pilot program. (B) includes an analysis of the feasibility term in section 3502 of title 44, United States (E) DIPLOMAS AND DEGREES.—Upon success- of each method studied under the Program; Code. ful completion of the course of instruction in and (b) BUG BOUNTY PROGRAM PLAN.— which enrolled, any such private sector em- (C) describes the results of the evaluations (1) REQUIREMENT.—Not later than 180 days ployee may be awarded an appropriate di- conducted by the working group established after the date of the enactment of this Act, ploma or degree under section 2161 of title 10, under subsection (c)(1). the Secretary of Homeland Security, in con- United States Code. (2) FINAL REPORT.—Not later than 2 years sultation with the Secretary of Defense, (2) ELIGIBLE PRIVATE SECTOR EMPLOYEES.— after the date on which funds are first dis- shall submit to appropriate committees of (A) IN GENERAL.—For purposes of this sub- bursed under the Program, the Secretary Congress a strategic plan for appropriate section, an eligible private sector employee shall submit to the appropriate congres- agencies and departments of the United is an individual employed by a private firm sional committees a final report that— States to implement bug bounty programs. that is engaged in providing to the Depart- (A) describes the results of the Program; (2) CONTENTS.—The plan required by para- ment of Defense, the intelligence commu- (B) includes an analysis of the feasibility graph (1) shall include— nity, or other Government departments or of each method studied under the Program; (A) an assessment of— agencies significant and substantial intel- and (i) the ‘‘Hack the Pentagon’’ pilot program ligence or defense-related systems, products, (C) describes the results of the evaluations carried out by the Department of Defense in or services or whose work product is relevant conducted by the working group established 2016 and subsequent bug bounty programs in to national security policy or strategy. under subsection (c)(1). identifying and reporting vulnerabilities (B) LIMITATION.—Under this subsection, a (e) EXEMPTION FROM DISCLOSURE.—Infor- within the information systems of the De- private sector employee admitted for in- mation shared by or with the Federal Gov- partment of Defense; and struction at the National Intelligence Uni- ernment or a State, Tribal, or local govern- (ii) private sector bug bounty programs, in- versity remains eligible for such instruction ment under this section— cluding such programs implemented by lead- only so long as that person remains em- (1) shall be deemed to be voluntarily ing technology companies in the United ployed by the same firm, holds appropriate shared information; States; and security clearances, and complies with any (2) shall be exempt from disclosure under (B) recommendations on the feasibility of other applicable security protocols. section 552 of title 5, United States Code, or initiating bug bounty programs at appro- (3) ANNUAL CERTIFICATION BY SECRETARY OF any provision of any State, Tribal, or local priate agencies and departments of the DEFENSE.—Under the pilot program, private freedom of information law, open govern- United States. sector employees may receive instruction at ment law, open meetings law, open records SEC. 744. MODIFICATION OF AUTHORITIES RE- the National Intelligence University during law, sunshine law, or similar law requiring LATING TO THE NATIONAL INTEL- any academic year only if, before the start of the disclosure of information or records; and LIGENCE UNIVERSITY. that academic year, the Secretary of Defense (3) shall be withheld from the public, with- (a) CIVILIAN FACULTY MEMBERS; EMPLOY- determines, and certifies to the Committee out discretion, under section 552(b)(3) of title MENT AND COMPENSATION.— on Armed Services of the Senate and the 5, United States Code, and any provision of (1) IN GENERAL.—Section 1595(c) of title 10, Committee on Armed Services of the House any State, Tribal, or local law requiring the United States Code, is amended by adding at of Representatives, that providing instruc- disclosure of information or records. the end the following: tion to private sector employees under this

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00072 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JA6.040 S24JAPT1 January 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S613 section during that year will further the na- (4) by striking the items relating to sec- (1) in subparagraph (E), by inserting ‘‘and tional security interests of the United tions 202, 203, 204, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, Counterintelligence’’ after ‘‘Office of Intel- States. and 214; and ligence’’; (4) PILOT PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS.—The (5) by inserting after the item relating to (2) by striking subparagraph (F); Secretary of Defense shall ensure that— section 311 the following new item: (3) by redesignating subparagraphs (G), (H), (A) the curriculum in which private sector ‘‘Sec. 312. Repealing and saving provisions.’’. and (I) as subparagraphs (F), (G), and (H), re- employees may be enrolled under the pilot (b) OTHER TECHNICAL CORRECTIONS.—Such spectively; and program is not readily available through Act is further amended— (4) in subparagraph (H), as so redesignated, other schools and concentrates on national (1) in section 102A— by realigning the margin of such subpara- security-relevant issues; and (A) in subparagraph (G) of paragraph (1) of graph 2 ems to the left. (B) the course offerings at the National In- subsection (g), by moving the margins of SEC. 747. SENSE OF CONGRESS ON NOTIFICATION telligence University are determined by the such subparagraph 2 ems to the left; and OF CERTAIN DISCLOSURES OF CLAS- needs of the Department of Defense and the (B) in paragraph (3) of subsection (v), by SIFIED INFORMATION. intelligence community. moving the margins of such paragraph 2 ems (a) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: (5) TUITION.—The President of the National to the left; (1) ADVERSARY FOREIGN GOVERNMENT.—The Intelligence University shall charge students (2) in section 106— term ‘‘adversary foreign government’’ means enrolled under the pilot program a rate (A) by inserting ‘‘SEC. 106’’ before ‘‘(a)’’; and the government of any of the following for- that— (B) in subparagraph (I) of paragraph (2) of eign countries: (A) is at least the rate charged for employ- subsection (b), by moving the margins of (A) North Korea. ees of the United States outside the Depart- such subparagraph 2 ems to the left; ment of Defense, less infrastructure costs; (3) by striking section 107; (B) Iran. and (4) in section 108(c), by striking ‘‘in both a (C) China. (B) considers the value to the school and classified and an unclassified form’’ and in- (D) Russia. course of the private sector student. serting ‘‘to Congress in classified form, but (E) Cuba. (6) STANDARDS OF CONDUCT.—While receiv- may include an unclassified summary’’; (2) COVERED CLASSIFIED INFORMATION.—The ing instruction at the National Intelligence (5) in section 112(c)(1), by striking ‘‘section term ‘‘covered classified information’’ means University, students enrolled under the pilot 103(c)(7)’’ and inserting ‘‘section 102A(i)’’; classified information that was— program, to the extent practicable, are sub- (6) by amending section 201 to read as fol- (A) collected by an element of the intel- ject to the same regulations governing aca- lows: ligence community; or (B) provided by the intelligence service or demic performance, attendance, norms of be- ‘‘SEC. 201. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE. havior, and enrollment as apply to Govern- ‘‘Except to the extent inconsistent with military of a foreign country to an element ment civilian employees receiving instruc- the provisions of this Act or other provisions of the intelligence community. tion at the university. of law, the provisions of title 5, United (3) ESTABLISHED INTELLIGENCE CHANNELS.— (7) USE OF FUNDS.— States Code, shall be applicable to the De- The term ‘‘established intelligence chan- (A) IN GENERAL.—Amounts received by the partment of Defense.’’; nels’’ means methods to exchange intel- National Intelligence University for instruc- (7) in section 205, by redesignating sub- ligence to coordinate foreign intelligence re- tion of students enrolled under the pilot pro- sections (b) and (c) as subsections (a) and (b), lationships, as established pursuant to law gram shall be retained by the university to respectively; by the Director of National Intelligence, the defray the costs of such instruction. (8) in section 206, by striking ‘‘(a)’’; Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, (B) RECORDS.—The source, and the disposi- (9) in section 207, by striking ‘‘(c)’’; the Director of the National Security Agen- tion, of such funds shall be specifically iden- (10) in section 308(a), by striking ‘‘this cy, or other head of an element of the intel- tified in records of the university. Act’’ and inserting ‘‘sections 2, 101, 102, 103, ligence community. (8) REPORTS.— and 303 of this Act’’; (4) INDIVIDUAL IN THE EXECUTIVE BRANCH.— (A) ANNUAL REPORTS.—Each academic year (11) by redesignating section 411 as section The term ‘‘individual in the executive in which the pilot program is carried out, 312; branch’’ means any officer or employee of the Secretary shall submit to the congres- (12) in section 503— the executive branch, including individuals— sional intelligence committees, the Com- (A) in paragraph (5) of subsection (c)— (A) occupying a position specified in arti- mittee on Armed Services of the Senate, and (i) by moving the margins of such para- cle II of the Constitution; the Committee on Armed Services of the graph 2 ems to the left; and (B) appointed to a position by an indi- House of Representatives a report on the (ii) by moving the margins of subparagraph vidual described in subparagraph (A); or number of eligible private sector employees (B) of such paragraph 2 ems to the left; and (C) serving in the civil service or the Sen- participating in the pilot program. (B) in paragraph (2) of subsection (d), by ior Executive Service (or similar service for (B) FINAL REPORT.—Not later than 90 days moving the margins of such paragraph 2 ems senior executives of particular departments after the date of the conclusion of the pilot to the left; and or agencies). program, the Secretary shall submit to the (13) in subparagraph (B) of paragraph (3) of (b) FINDINGS.—Congress finds that section congressional intelligence committees, the subsection (a) of section 504, by moving the 502 of the National Security Act of 1947 (50 Committee on Armed Services of the Senate, margins of such subparagraph 2 ems to the U.S.C. 3092) requires elements of the intel- and the Committee on Armed Services of the right. ligence community to keep the congres- House of Representatives a report on the SEC. 746. TECHNICAL AMENDMENTS RELATED TO sional intelligence committees ‘‘fully and findings of the Secretary with respect to the THE DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY. currently informed’’ about all ‘‘intelligence pilot program. Such report shall include— (a) NATIONAL NUCLEAR SECURITY ADMINIS- activities’’ of the United States, and to ‘‘fur- (i) the findings of the Secretary with re- TRATION ACT.— nish to the congressional intelligence com- spect to the feasability and advisability of (1) CLARIFICATION OF FUNCTIONS OF THE AD- mittees any information or material con- permitting eligible private sector employees MINISTRATOR FOR NUCLEAR SECURITY.—Sub- cerning intelligence activities * * * which is who work in organizations relevant to na- section (b) of section 3212 of the National Nu- requested by either of the congressional in- tional security to receive instruction at the clear Security Administration Act (50 U.S.C. telligence committees in order to carry out National Intelligence University; and 2402(b)) is amended— its authorized responsibilities.’’. (A) by striking paragraphs (11) and (12); (ii) a recommendation as to whether the (c) SENSE OF CONGRESS.—It is the sense of pilot program should be extended. and (B) by redesignating paragraphs (13) Congress that— SEC. 745. TECHNICAL AND CLERICAL AMEND- (1) section 502 of the National Security Act MENTS TO THE NATIONAL SECURITY through (19) as paragraphs (11) through (17), respectively. of 1947 (50 U.S.C. 3092), together with other ACT OF 1947. intelligence community authorities, obli- (a) TABLE OF CONTENTS.—The table of con- (2) COUNTERINTELLIGENCE PROGRAMS.—Sec- gates an element of the intelligence commu- tents at the beginning of the National Secu- tion 3233(b) of the National Nuclear Security nity to submit to the congressional intel- rity Act of 1947 (50 U.S.C. 3001 et seq.) is Administration Act (50 U.S.C. 2423(b)) is ligence committees written notification, by amended— amended— not later than 7 days after becoming aware, (1) by inserting after the item relating to (A) by striking ‘‘Administration’’ and in- that an individual in the executive branch section 2 the following new item: serting ‘‘Department’’; and has disclosed covered classified information ‘‘Sec. 3. Definitions.’’; (B) by inserting ‘‘Intelligence and’’ after ‘‘the Office of’’. to an official of an adversary foreign govern- (2) by striking the item relating to section (b) ATOMIC ENERGY DEFENSE ACT.—Section ment using methods other than established 107; 4524(b)(2) of the Atomic Energy Defense Act intelligence channels; and (3) by striking the item relating to section (50 U.S.C. 2674(b)(2)) is amended by inserting (2) each such notification should include— 113B and inserting the following new item: ‘‘Intelligence and’’ after ‘‘The Director of’’. (A) the date and place of the disclosure of ‘‘Sec. 113B. Special pay authority for (c) NATIONAL SECURITY ACT OF 1947.—Para- classified information covered by the notifi- science, technology, engineer- graph (2) of section 106(b) of the National Se- cation; ing, or mathematics posi- curity Act of 1947 (50 U.S.C. 3041(b)(2)) is (B) a description of such classified infor- tions.’’; amended— mation;

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00073 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JA6.040 S24JAPT1 S614 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 24, 2019 (C) identification of the individual who poses; which was ordered to lie on the amendment SA 5 proposed by Mr. made such disclosure and the individual to table; as follows: MCCONNELL (for Mr. SHELBY) to the bill whom such disclosure was made; and Beginning on page 1227, strike line 1 and H.R. 268, making supplemental appro- (D) a summary of the circumstances of all that follows through page 1254, line 18. priations for the fiscal year ending such disclosure. September 30, 2019, and for other pur- SEC. 748. SENSE OF CONGRESS ON CONSIDER- Mr. LEE submitted an amend- SA 25. poses; which was ordered to lie on the ATION OF ESPIONAGE ACTIVITIES ment intended to be proposed to WHEN CONSIDERING WHETHER OR table; as follows: amendment SA 5 proposed by Mr. NOT TO PROVIDE VISAS TO FOREIGN At the appropriate place, add the fol- MCCONNELL (for Mr. SHELBY) to the bill INDIVIDUALS TO BE ACCREDITED lowing: TO A UNITED NATIONS MISSION IN H.R. 268, making supplemental appro- SEC. ll. DEFINITION OF PARTICULAR SOCIAL THE UNITED STATES. priations for the fiscal year ending It is the sense of the Congress that the GROUP. September 30, 2019, and for other pur- Section 101(a) of the Immigration and Na- Secretary of State, in considering whether or poses; which was ordered to lie on the not to provide a visa to a foreign individual tionality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101(a)) is amended by to be accredited to a United Nations mission table; as follows: adding at the end the following: in the United States, should consider— At the appropriate place, insert the fol- ‘‘(53) The term ‘particular social group’ (1) known and suspected intelligence ac- lowing: means a group of individuals that is— tivities, espionage activities, including ac- SEC. ll. Division J shall have no effect. ‘‘(A) composed of members who share a tivities constituting precursors to espionage, common, immutable characteristic; carried out by the individual against the SA 26. Mr. LEE submitted an amend- ‘‘(B) defined with particularity; and United States, foreign allies of the United ment intended to be proposed to ‘‘(C) socially distinct within the applicable States, or foreign partners of the United amendment SA 5 proposed by Mr. society.’’. States; and MCCONNELL (for Mr. SHELBY) to the bill SA 29. Mr. LEE submitted an amend- (2) the status of an individual as a known H.R. 268, making supplemental appro- ment intended to be proposed to or suspected intelligence officer for a foreign priations for the fiscal year ending amendment SA 5 proposed by Mr. adversary. September 30, 2019, and for other pur- MCCONNELL (for Mr. SHELBY) to the bill SEC. 749. SENSE OF CONGRESS ON WIKILEAKS. poses; which was ordered to lie on the H.R. 268, making supplemental appro- It is the sense of Congress that WikiLeaks table; as follows: and the senior leadership of WikiLeaks re- priations for the fiscal year ending At the appropriate place, add the fol- semble a nonstate hostile intelligence serv- lowing: September 30, 2019, and for other pur- ice often abetted by state actors and should ll poses; which was ordered to lie on the be treated as such a service by the United SEC. . CREDIBLE FEAR INTERVIEWS. Section 235(b)(1)(B)(v) of the Immigration table; as follows: States. and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1225(b)(1)(B)(v)) At the appropriate place, add the fol- is amended by striking ‘‘claim’’ and all that lowing: SA 22. Mr. LEE submitted an amend- follows through the period at the end and in- SEC. ll. SPECIAL IMMIGRANT JUVENILE STA- ment intended to be proposed to serting ‘‘claim, as determined pursuant to TUS FOR IMMIGRANTS UNABLE TO amendment SA 5 proposed by Mr. section 208(b)(1)(B)(iii), and such other facts REUNITE WITH EITHER PARENT. MCCONNELL (for Mr. SHELBY) to the bill as are known to the officer, that the alien Section 101(a)(27)(J)(i) of the Immigration H.R. 268, making supplemental appro- could establish eligibility for asylum under and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. priations for the fiscal year ending section 208, and it is more probable than not 1101(a)(27)(J)(i)) is amended by striking ‘‘1 or both of the immigrant’s parents’’ and insert- September 30, 2019, and for other pur- that the statements made by, and on behalf of, the alien in support of the alien’s claim ing ‘‘either one of the immigrant’s parents’’. poses; which was ordered to lie on the are true.’’. table; as follows: SA 30. Mr. LEE submitted an amend- On page 416, beginning on line 8, strike SA 27. Mr. LEE submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed to ‘‘Provided,’’ and all that follows through ment intended to be proposed to amendment SA 5 proposed by Mr. ‘‘this proviso:’’ on line 12. amendment SA 5 proposed by Mr. MCCONNELL (for Mr. SHELBY) to the bill MCCONNELL (for Mr. SHELBY) to the bill H.R. 268, making supplemental appro- SA 23. Mr. LEE submitted an amend- H.R. 268, making supplemental appro- priations for the fiscal year ending ment intended to be proposed to priations for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2019, and for other pur- amendment SA 5 proposed by Mr. September 30, 2019, and for other pur- poses; which was ordered to lie on the MCCONNELL (for Mr. SHELBY) to the bill poses; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows: H.R. 268, making supplemental appro- table; as follows: At the appropriate place, add the fol- priations for the fiscal year ending On page 1299, strike lines 1 through 8 and lowing: September 30, 2019, and for other pur- insert the following: SEC. ll. ELIMINATION OF DIVERSITY VISA PRO- poses; which was ordered to lie on the SEC. 109. CREDIBLE FEAR INTERVIEWS. GRAM. table; as follows: Section 235(b)(1)(B) of the Immigration and (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 203 of the Immi- At the appropriate place, insert the fol- Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1225(b)(1)(B)) is gration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1153) is lowing: amended by striking clause (v) and inserting amended by striking subsection (c). SEC. 2ll. Notwithstanding any other pro- the following: (b) TECHNICAL AND CONFORMING AMEND- vision of this Act, nothing in this Act may ‘‘(v) CREDIBLE FEAR OF PERSECUTION.— MENTS.— be construed to preclude U.S. Customs and ‘‘(I) CREDIBLE FEAR OF PERSECUTION DE- (1) IMMIGRATION AND NATIONALITY ACT.— Border Protection from using amounts ap- FINED.—In this subparagraph, the term ‘cred- The Immigration and Nationality Act (8 propriated for border fencing under this ible fear of persecution’ means that there is U.S.C. 1101 et seq.) is amended— Act— a significant possibility, taking into account (A) in section 101(a)(15)(V) (8 U.S.C. (1) for the procurement, construction, or the credibility of the statements made by 1101(a)(15)(V)), by striking ‘‘section 203(d)’’ improvement of border barriers, fencing, or the alien in support of the alien’s claim, as and inserting ‘‘section 203(c)’’; security technology based on designs de- determined pursuant to section (B) in section 201 (8 U.S.C. 1151)— ployed before the date of the enactment of 208(b)(1)(B)(iii), and such other facts as are (i) in subsection (a)— the Department of Homeland Security Ap- known to the officer, that— (I) in paragraph (1), by adding ‘‘and’’ at the propriations Act, 2017 (division F of Public ‘‘(aa) the alien is able to establish eligi- end; Law 115–31), or on designs deployed after bility for asylum under section 208; and (II) in paragraph (2), by striking ‘‘; and’’ such date; or ‘‘(bb) it is more probable than not that the and inserting a period; and (2) for the construction of border barriers, statements made by, and on behalf of, the (III) by striking paragraph (3); and fencing, or security technology in the Santa alien in support of such claim are true. (ii) by striking subsection (e); Ana National Wildlife Refuge. ‘‘(II) LIMITATION.—An alien shall be deter- (C) in section 203 (8 U.S.C. 1153)— mined to not have a credible fear of persecu- (i) in subsection (b)(2)(B)(ii)(IV), by strik- SA 24. Mr. LEE submitted an amend- tion, and ineligible for asylum under section ing ‘‘section 203(b)(2)(B)’’ each place such ment intended to be proposed to 208, if he or she is subject to a limitation or term appears and inserting ‘‘clause (i)’’; amendment SA 5 proposed by Mr. condition under subsection (b)(2) of such sec- (ii) by redesignating subsections (d), (e), tion or a regulation promulgated under such (f), (g), and (h) as subsections (c), (d), (e), (f), MCCONNELL (for Mr. SHELBY) to the bill subsection.’’. and (g), respectively; H.R. 268, making supplemental appro- (iii) in subsection (c), as redesignated, by priations for the fiscal year ending SA 28. Mr. LEE submitted an amend- striking ‘‘subsection (a), (b), or (c)’’ and in- September 30, 2019, and for other pur- ment intended to be proposed to serting ‘‘subsection (a) or (b)’’;

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00074 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JA6.040 S24JAPT1 January 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S615

(iv) in subsection (d), as redesignated— ‘‘(2) RELEASE OF MINORS OTHER THAN UNAC- SEC. 103. ADMISSION OF ELIGIBLE CENTRAL (I) by striking paragraph (2); and COMPANIED ALIENS.—In no circumstances AMERICAN ALIENS AS ASYLEES. (II) by redesignating paragraph (3) as para- shall an alien minor who is not an unaccom- (a) APPLICATIONS.—Section 208(a)(2) of the graph (2); panied alien child be released by the Sec- Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. (v) in subsection (e), as redesignated, by retary of Homeland Security other than to a 1158(a)(2)) is amended by adding at the end striking ‘‘subsection (a), (b), or (c) of this parent or legal guardian.’’. the following: section’’ and inserting ‘‘subsection (a) or (b) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendment ‘‘(F) AUTHORITY FOR CERTAIN CENTRAL (b)’’; made by subsection (a) shall take effect on AMERICAN NATIONALS TO APPLY FOR ASYLUM.— (vi) in subsection (f), as redesignated, by the date of the enactment of this Act and ‘‘(i) IN GENERAL.—Notwithstanding any striking ‘‘subsections (a), (b), and (c)’’ and shall apply to all actions that occur before, other provision of law, including paragraph inserting ‘‘subsections (a) and (b)’’; and on, or after such date of enactment. (1), and except as provided in clause (ii), a (vii) in subsection (g), as redesignated— national of El Salvador, Guatemala, or Hon- (I) by striking ‘‘(d)’’ each place such term SA 32. Mr. LEE submitted an amend- duras who is outside of the United States as appears and inserting ‘‘(c)’’; and ment intended to be proposed to of the date of the enactment of the Central (II) in paragraph (2)(B), by striking ‘‘sub- amendment SA 5 proposed by Mr. American Nationals Protection Act of 2019 section (a), (b), or (c)’’ and inserting ‘‘sub- MCCONNELL (for Mr. SHELBY) to the bill shall be ineligible for asylum unless— section (a) or (b)’’; H.R. 268, making supplemental appro- ‘‘(I) the alien submits an application for (D) in section 204 (8 U.S.C. 1154)— priations for the fiscal year ending asylum outside of the United States at a (i) in subsection (a)(1), by striking subpara- September 30, 2019, and for other pur- Designated Application Processing Center in graph (I); Central America; (ii) in subsection (e), by striking ‘‘sub- poses; which was ordered to lie on the ‘‘(II) the United Nations High Commis- section (a), (b), or (c) of section 203’’ and in- table; as follows: sioner for Refugees or a nongovernmental or- serting ‘‘subsection (a) or (b) of section 203’’; At the appropriate place, add the fol- ganization designated by the Secretary of and lowing: Homeland Security has referred the alien to (iii) in subsection (l)(2)— SEC. ll. CLARIFICATION OF STANDARDS FOR the Secretary of Homeland Security after de- (I) in subparagraph (B), by striking ‘‘sec- FAMILY DETENTION. termining that the alien is likely to be eligi- tion 203 (a) or (d)’’ and inserting ‘‘subsection (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 235 of the Wil- ble for asylum; (a) or (c) of section 203’’; and liam Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Pro- ‘‘(III) not later than 90 days after the date (II) in subparagraph (C), by striking ‘‘sec- tection Reauthorization Act of 2008 (8 U.S.C. on which the alien was referred by the tion 203(d)’’ and inserting ‘‘section 203(c)’’; 1232) is amended by adding at the end the fol- United Nations High Commissioner for Refu- (E) in section 214(q)(1)(B)(i) (8 U.S.C. lowing: gees or the designated nongovernmental or- 1184(q)(1)(B)(i)), by striking ‘‘section 203(d)’’ ‘‘(j) RULE OF CONSTRUCTION.— ganization under subclause (II), the alien and inserting ‘‘section 203(c)’’; ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—The detention of any submits an application for asylum at a Des- (F) in section 216(h)(1) (8 U.S.C. 1186a(h)(1)), alien child who is not an unaccompanied ignated Application Processing Center, in in the undesignated matter following sub- alien child shall be governed by sections 217, accordance with the requirements and proce- paragraph (C), by striking ‘‘section 203(d)’’ 235, 236, and 241 of the Immigration and Na- dures established by the Secretary of Home- and inserting ‘‘section 203(c)’’; and tionality Act (8 U.S.C. 1187, 1225, 1225a, and land Security pursuant to this section; (G) in section 245(i)(1)(B) (8 U.S.C. 1231). There exists no presumption under the ‘‘(IV) the alien has not been convicted of a 1255(i)(1)(B)), by striking ‘‘section 203(d)’’ and Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. Federal, State, or local criminal offense (ex- inserting ‘‘section 203(c)’’. 1101 et seq.), any other provision of law, con- cluding a State or local offense for which an (2) IMMIGRANT INVESTOR PILOT PROGRAM.— sent decree, or settlement agreement that an essential element was the immigration sta- Section 610(d) of the Departments of Com- alien child who is not an unaccompanied tus of the alien) punishable by imprisonment merce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary, and alien child should not be detained. Any de- for a term exceeding 1 year or a similar for- Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1993 (8 termination with respect to the detention of eign offense; U.S.C. 1153 note) is amended by striking such an alien child shall be in the discretion ‘‘(V) the alien has not been removed from ‘‘section 203(e) of such Act (8 U.S.C. 1153(e))’’ of the Secretary of Homeland Security. the United States; and inserting ‘‘section 203(d) of such Act (8 ‘‘(2) RELEASE OF MINORS OTHER THAN UNAC- ‘‘(VI) the alien is not subject to an out- U.S.C. 1153(d))’’. COMPANIED ALIENS.—In no circumstances standing final order of removal; (c) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendments shall an alien minor who is not an unaccom- ‘‘(VII) the Secretary of Homeland Security made by this section shall take effect on the panied alien child be released by the Sec- has determined that the alien is not a public first day of the first fiscal year beginning on retary of Homeland Security other than to a safety or national security risk; or after the date of the enactment of this parent or legal guardian.’’. ‘‘(VIII) the alien has not had an applica- Act. (b) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendment tion for asylum denied; made by subsection (a) shall take effect on ‘‘(IX) if the alien is younger than 18 years SA 31. Mr. LEE submitted an amend- the date of the enactment of this Act and of age on the date on which the asylum ap- ment intended to be proposed to shall apply to all actions that occur before, plication is filed, the alien has a qualified amendment SA 5 proposed by Mr. on, or after such date of enactment. parent or guardian in the United States ca- MCCONNELL (for Mr. SHELBY) to the bill Mr. LEE submitted an amend- pable of taking custody and care of the SA 33. minor upon arrival in the United States; and H.R. 268, making supplemental appro- ment intended to be proposed to priations for the fiscal year ending ‘‘(X) the alien is otherwise eligible to apply amendment SA 5 proposed by Mr. for and receive asylum under subsections September 30, 2019, and for other pur- MCCONNELL (for Mr. SHELBY) to the bill (a)(2) and (b)(2). poses; which was ordered to lie on the H.R. 268, making supplemental appro- ‘‘(ii) EXCEPTION.—Notwithstanding clause table; as follows: priations for the fiscal year ending (i), paragraph (1) shall apply to a national of At the appropriate place, add the fol- September 30, 2019, and for other pur- El Salvador, of Guatemala, or of Honduras if lowing: poses; which was ordered to lie on the the alien is present in the United States be- SEC. ll. CLARIFICATION OF STANDARDS FOR table; as follows: fore the date of the enactment of the Central FAMILY DETENTION. American Nationals Protection Act of 2019. Beginning on page 1278, strike line 1 and (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 235 of the Wil- ‘‘(iii) TIME LIMIT.—The time limit under all that follows through page 1287, line 21, liam Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Pro- subparagraph (B) shall not apply to nation- and insert the following: tection Reauthorization Act of 2008 (8 U.S.C. als of El Salvador, of Guatemala, or of Hon- 1232) is amended by adding at the end the fol- DIVISION L—PROTECTION OF CENTRAL duras who are described in clause (i).’’. lowing: AMERICAN NATIONALS (b) ELIGIBILITY.—Section 208(b) of the Im- ‘‘(j) RULE OF CONSTRUCTION.— SEC. 101. SHORT TITLE. migration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Notwithstanding any This division may be cited as the ‘‘Central 1158(b)) is amended— other provision of law, judicial determina- American Nationals Protection Act of 2019’’. (1) in paragraph (1)— tion, consent decree, or settlement agree- SEC. 102. PURPOSE. (A) by redesignating subparagraph (B) as ment, the detention of any alien child who is The purpose of this division is to establish subparagraph (C); and not an unaccompanied alien child shall be an asylum processing program outside of the (B) by inserting after subparagraph (A) the governed by sections 217, 235, 236, and 241 of United States that— following: the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 (1) provides an alternative method of seek- ‘‘(B) ELIGIBILITY OF CERTAIN CENTRAL AMER- U.S.C. 1187, 1225, 1226, and 1231). There exists ing protection in the United States from per- ICAN NATIONALS FOR ASYLUM.— no presumption that an alien child who is secution for nationals of El Salvador, of Gua- ‘‘(i) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary of Home- not an unaccompanied alien child should not temala, and of Honduras; and land Security may grant asylum to a na- be detained, and all such determinations (2) reduces the incentive for such persons tional of El Salvador, of Guatemala, or of shall be in the discretion of the Secretary of to make the dangerous journey to the United Honduras who submits an application under Homeland Security. States southern border to request asylum. subsection (a)(2)(F)(i)(I) if—

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:34 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00075 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JA6.041 S24JAPT1 S616 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 24, 2019 ‘‘(I) the alien is otherwise eligible for asy- (1) collect a fee from each alien submitting for a term exceeding 1 year or a similar for- lum under subparagraph (A), except that the an application under section 208(a)(2)(F)(i)(I) eign offense; alien does not need to be outside of his or her of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 ‘‘(V) the alien has not been removed from country of nationality; U.S.C. 1158(a)(2)(F)(i)(I)) for the purpose of the United States; ‘‘(II) the alien did not unlawfully enter the receiving, docketing, processing, and adjudi- ‘‘(VI) the alien is not subject to an out- United States after submitting an applica- cating such application; and standing final order of removal; tion under subsection (a)(2)(F)(i)(I); (2) shall deposit all fees collected under ‘‘(VII) the Secretary of Homeland Security ‘‘(III) a grant of asylum to the alien would paragraph (1) into the Immigration Exami- has determined that the alien is not a public not cause the number of asylum grants in a nations Fee Account under section 286(m) of safety or national security risk; fiscal year to exceed the number set forth in such Act (8 U.S.C. 1356(m)). ‘‘(VIII) the alien has not had an applica- clause (iii)(II); and (b) AMOUNT.—The fee required under sub- tion for asylum denied; ‘‘(IV) the Secretary of Homeland Security section (a) shall be based upon— ‘‘(IX) if the alien is younger than 18 years determines that— (1) a consideration of the amount nec- of age on the date on which the asylum ap- ‘‘(aa) the alien warrants a grant of asylum; essary to deter frivolous applications; and plication is filed, the alien has a qualified and (2) the cost of processing the application. parent or guardian in the United States ca- ‘‘(bb) such grant is consistent with the na- pable of taking custody and care of the tional interest. SA 34. Mr. LEE submitted an amend- minor upon arrival in the United States; and ‘‘(ii) DESIGNATED APPLICATION PROCESSING ment intended to be proposed to ‘‘(X) the alien is otherwise eligible to apply CENTERS.— amendment SA 5 proposed by Mr. for and receive asylum under subsections (a)(2) and (b)(2). ‘‘(I) ESTABLISHMENT.—Not later than 240 MCCONNELL (for Mr. SHELBY) to the bill days after the date of the enactment of the ‘‘(ii) EXCEPTION.—Notwithstanding clause H.R. 268, making supplemental appro- (i), paragraph (1) shall apply to a national of Central American Nationals Protection Act priations for the fiscal year ending of 2019, the Secretary of State shall establish El Salvador, of Guatemala, or of Honduras if Designated Application Processing Centers, September 30, 2019, and for other pur- the alien is present in the United States be- with the consent of the country in which poses; which was ordered to lie on the fore the date of the enactment of the Central such centers will be located, if necessary. table; as follows: American Nationals Protection Act of 2019. ‘‘(II) LOCATIONS.— At the appropriate place, insert the fol- ‘‘(iii) TIME LIMIT.—The time limit under ‘‘(aa) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary of State lowing: subparagraph (B) shall not apply to nation- als of El Salvador, of Guatemala, or of Hon- shall ensure that not fewer than 1 Des- SEC. 120. RULE OF CONSTRUCTION. ignated Application Processing Center is es- Sections 101 through 104 of Division L shall duras who are described in clause (i).’’. (b) ELIGIBILITY.—Section 208(b) of the Im- tablished in each of the following countries: have no effect. migration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. ‘‘(AA) Belize. SEC. 121. SHORT TITLE. 1158(b)) is amended— ‘‘(BB) Costa Rica. This division may be cited as the ‘‘Central (1) in paragraph (1)— ‘‘(CC) El Salvador. American Nationals Protection Act of 2019’’. (A) by redesignating subparagraph (B) as ‘‘(DD) Guatemala. SEC. 122. PURPOSE. subparagraph (C); and ‘‘(EE) Honduras. The purpose of this division is to establish (B) by inserting after subparagraph (A) the ‘‘(FF) Mexico. an asylum processing program outside of the following: ‘‘(GG) Nicaragua. United States that— ‘‘(B) ELIGIBILITY OF CERTAIN CENTRAL AMER- ‘‘(HH) Panama. (1) provides an alternative method of seek- ICAN NATIONALS FOR ASYLUM.— ‘‘(bb) SELECTION.—The Secretary of State, ing protection in the United States from per- ‘‘(i) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary of Home- in consultation with the Secretary of Home- secution for nationals of El Salvador, of Gua- land Security may grant asylum to a na- land Security, shall select the location of temala, and of Honduras; and tional of El Salvador, of Guatemala, or of each Designated Application Processing Cen- (2) reduces the incentive for such persons Honduras who submits an application under ter described in item (aa). to make the dangerous journey to the United subsection (a)(2)(F)(i)(I) if— ‘‘(III) DUTIES OF THE SECRETARY OF States southern border to request asylum. ‘‘(I) the alien is otherwise eligible for asy- STATE.—The Secretary of State shall ensure SEC. 123. ADMISSION OF ELIGIBLE CENTRAL lum under subparagraph (A), except that the that any national of El Salvador, Guate- AMERICAN ALIENS AS ASYLEES. alien does not need to be outside of his or her mala, or Honduras is permitted— (a) APPLICATIONS.—Section 208(a)(2) of the country of nationality; ‘‘(aa) to apply to a Designated Application Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. ‘‘(II) the alien did not unlawfully enter the Processing Center for asylum under this sub- 1158(a)(2)) is amended by adding at the end United States after submitting an applica- paragraph; and the following: tion under subsection (a)(2)(F)(i)(I); ‘‘(bb) if the alien applying for asylum is an ‘‘(F) AUTHORITY FOR CERTAIN CENTRAL ‘‘(III) a grant of asylum to the alien would unaccompanied alien child (as defined in sec- AMERICAN NATIONALS TO APPLY FOR ASYLUM.— not cause the number of asylum grants in a tion 462(g)(2) of the Homeland Security Act ‘‘(i) IN GENERAL.—Notwithstanding any fiscal year to exceed the number set forth in of 2002), to have legal counsel present at any other provision of law, including paragraph clause (iii)(II); and interview at no expense to the United States (1), and except as provided in clause (ii), a ‘‘(IV) the Secretary of Homeland Security Government. national of El Salvador, Guatemala, or Hon- determines that— ‘‘(IV) ADJUDICATION BY ASYLUM OR REFUGEE duras who is outside of the United States as ‘‘(aa) the alien warrants a grant of asylum; OFFICERS.—Applications submitted to a Des- of the date of the enactment of the Central and ignated Application Processing Center under American Nationals Protection Act of 2019 ‘‘(bb) such grant is consistent with the na- this subparagraph shall be adjudicated by shall be ineligible for asylum unless— tional interest. asylum or refugee officers. ‘‘(I) the alien submits an application for ‘‘(ii) DESIGNATED APPLICATION PROCESSING ‘‘(iii) MAXIMUM NUMBER OF REFERRALS AND asylum outside of the United States at a CENTERS.— GRANTS OF ASYLUM.— Designated Application Processing Center in ‘‘(I) ESTABLISHMENT.—Not later than 240 ‘‘(I) REFERRALS.—The number of aliens Central America; days after the date of the enactment of the whom the Secretary of Homeland Security ‘‘(II) the United Nations High Commis- Central American Nationals Protection Act may accept for processing under this sub- sioner for Refugees or a nongovernmental or- of 2019, the Secretary of State shall establish paragraph may not exceed 50,000 in any fiscal ganization designated by the Secretary of Designated Application Processing Centers, year. Homeland Security has referred the alien to with the consent of the country in which ‘‘(II) ASYLUM GRANTS.—The Secretary of the Secretary of Homeland Security after de- such centers will be located, if necessary. Homeland Security may not grant asylum to termining that the alien is likely to be eligi- ‘‘(II) LOCATIONS.— more than 15,000 aliens under this subpara- ble for asylum; ‘‘(aa) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary of State graph in any fiscal year. ‘‘(III) not later than 90 days after the date shall ensure that not fewer than 1 Des- ‘‘(iv) NO JUDICIAL REVIEW.—Notwith- on which the alien was referred by the ignated Application Processing Center is es- standing any other provision of law (statu- United Nations High Commissioner for Refu- tablished in each of the following countries: tory or nonstatutory), including section 2241 gees or the designated nongovernmental or- ‘‘(AA) Belize. of title 28, United States Code, or any other ganization under subclause (II), the alien ‘‘(BB) Costa Rica. ‘‘(CC) El Salvador. habeas corpus provision, and sections 1361 submits an application for asylum at a Des- and 1651 of such title, no court or immigra- ‘‘(DD) Guatemala. ignated Application Processing Center, in ‘‘(EE) Honduras. tion judge shall have jurisdiction to review a accordance with the requirements and proce- ‘‘(FF) Mexico. determination of the Secretary of Homeland dures established by the Secretary of Home- ‘‘(GG) Nicaragua. Security under clause (i).’’; and land Security pursuant to this section; ‘‘(HH) Panama. (2) in paragraph (3), by striking subpara- ‘‘(IV) the alien has not been convicted of a ‘‘(bb) SELECTION.—The Secretary of State, graph (C). Federal, State, or local criminal offense (ex- in consultation with the Secretary of Home- SEC. 104. APPLICATION FEES. cluding a State or local offense for which an land Security, shall select the location of (a) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary of Home- essential element was the immigration sta- each Designated Application Processing Cen- land Security shall— tus of the alien) punishable by imprisonment ter described in item (aa).

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00076 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JA6.042 S24JAPT1 January 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S617 ‘‘(III) DUTIES OF THE SECRETARY OF him to the bill H.R. 268, making supple- provements’, there is appropriated STATE.—The Secretary of State shall ensure mental appropriations for the fiscal $765,205,479 for an additional amount for fis- that any national of El Salvador, Guate- year ending September 30, 2019, and for cal year 2019, to remain available until Sep- tember 30, 2023, for purposes authorized by mala, or Honduras is permitted— other purposes; which was ordered to ‘‘(aa) to apply to a Designated Application section 102 of the Illegal Immigration Re- Processing Center for asylum under this sub- lie on the table; as follows: form and Immigrant Responsibility Act of paragraph; and Strike all after section 1101 and insert the 1996 (Public Law 104–208) as amended by sec- ‘‘(bb) if the alien applying for asylum is an following: tion 564 of the Consolidated Appropriations unaccompanied alien child (as defined in sec- TITLE XII—FURTHER CONTINUING Act, 2008 (Public Law 110–161), to include ac- tion 462(g)(2) of the Homeland Security Act APPROPRIATIONS tivities authorized under section 1103(b) of title 8, United States Code: Provided, That of 2002), to have legal counsel present at any SEC. 1201. The Continuing Appropriations the conditions set forth in subsections (b) interview at no expense to the United States Act, 2019 (division C of Public Law 115–245) is and (c) of section 230 of division F of the Con- Government. further amended— ‘‘(IV) ADJUDICATION BY ASYLUM OR REFUGEE solidated Appropriations Act, 2018 (Public (1) by striking the date specified in section Law 115–141) shall apply during fiscal year OFFICERS.—Applications submitted to a Des- 105(3) and inserting ‘‘February 8, 2019’’; and ignated Application Processing Center under 2019 to the amounts made available in the (2) by adding after section 136 the fol- clause preceding this proviso.’’. this subparagraph shall be adjudicated by lowing: asylum or refugee officers. ‘‘SEC. 137. Notwithstanding any other pro- SA 39. Mr. SHELBY submitted an ‘‘(iii) MAXIMUM NUMBER OF REFERRALS AND vision of this Act, and in addition to amendment intended to be proposed by GRANTS OF ASYLUM.— amounts otherwise made available by this him to the bill H.R. 268, making supple- ‘‘(I) REFERRALS.—The number of aliens Act for ‘U.S. Custom and Border Protec- whom the Secretary of Homeland Security tion—Procurement, Construction, and Im- mental appropriations for the fiscal may accept for processing under this sub- provements’, there is appropriated year ending September 30, 2019, and for paragraph may not exceed 50,000 in any fiscal $5,700,000,000 for an additional amount for fis- other purposes; which was ordered to year. cal year 2019, to remain available until Sep- lie on the table; as follows: ‘‘(II) ASYLUM GRANTS.—The Secretary of tember 30, 2023: Provided, That the conditions Strike all after section 1101 and insert the Homeland Security may not grant asylum to set forth in subsections (b) and (c) of section following: more than 15,000 aliens under this subpara- 230 of division F of the Consolidated Appro- TITLE XII—FURTHER CONTINUING graph in any fiscal year. priations Act, 2018 (Public Law 115–141) shall APPROPRIATIONS ‘‘(iv) NO JUDICIAL REVIEW.—Notwith- apply during fiscal year 2019 to the amounts SEC. 1201. The Continuing Appropriations standing any other provision of law (statu- made available in the clause preceding this Act, 2019 (division C of Public Law 115–245) is tory or nonstatutory), including section 2241 proviso.’’. further amended— of title 28, United States Code, or any other (1) by striking the date specified in section habeas corpus provision, and sections 1361 SA 37. Mr. SHELBY submitted an 105(3) and inserting ‘‘February 8, 2019’’; and and 1651 of such title, no court or immigra- amendment intended to be proposed by (2) by adding after section 136 the fol- tion judge shall have jurisdiction to review a him to the bill H.R. 268, making supple- lowing: determination of the Secretary of Homeland mental appropriations for the fiscal ‘‘SEC. 137. Notwithstanding any other pro- Security under clause (i).’’; and vision of this Act, and in addition to (2) in paragraph (3), by striking subpara- year ending September 30, 2019, and for other purposes; which was ordered to amounts otherwise made available by this graph (C). Act for ‘U.S. Custom and Border Protec- SEC. 124. APPLICATION FEES. lie on the table; as follows: tion—Procurement, Construction, and Im- (a) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary of Home- Strike all after the enacting clause and in- provements’, there is appropriated land Security shall— sert the following: $5,700,000,000 for an additional amount for fis- (1) collect a fee from each alien submitting SEC. 101. The Continuing Appropriations cal year 2019, to remain available until Sep- an application under section 208(a)(2)(F)(i)(I) Act, 2019 (division C of Public Law 115–245) is tember 30, 2023, for purposes authorized by of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 further amended— section 102 of the Illegal Immigration Re- U.S.C. 1158(a)(2)(F)(i)(I)) for the purpose of (1) by striking the date specified in section form and Immigrant Responsibility Act of receiving, docketing, processing, and adjudi- 105(3) and inserting ‘‘February 8, 2019’’; and 1996 (Public Law 104–208) as amended by sec- cating such application; and (2) by adding after section 136 the fol- tion 564 of the Consolidated Appropriations (2) shall deposit all fees collected under lowing: Act, 2008 (Public Law 110–161), to include ac- paragraph (1) into the Immigration Exami- ‘‘SEC. 137. Notwithstanding any other pro- tivities authorized under section 1103(b) of nations Fee Account under section 286(m) of vision of this Act, and in addition to title 8, United States Code: Provided, That such Act (8 U.S.C. 1356(m)). amounts otherwise made available by this the conditions set forth in subsections (b) (b) AMOUNT.—The fee required under sub- Act for ‘U.S. Custom and Border Protec- and (c) of section 230 of division F of the Con- section (a) shall be based upon— tion—Procurement, Construction, and Im- solidated Appropriations Act, 2018 (Public (1) a consideration of the amount nec- provements’, there is appropriated Law 115–141) shall apply during fiscal year essary to deter frivolous applications; and $5,700,000,000 for an additional amount for fis- 2019 to the amounts made available in the (2) the cost of processing the application. cal year 2019, to remain available until Sep- clause preceding this proviso.’’. tember 30, 2023.’’. SA 35. Mr. LEE submitted an amend- This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Further Ad- SA 40. Mr. SHELBY submitted an ment intended to be proposed to ditional Continuing Appropriations Act, amendment intended to be proposed by amendment SA 5 proposed by Mr. 2019’’. him to the bill H.R. 268, making supple- MCCONNELL (for Mr. SHELBY) to the bill mental appropriations for the fiscal SA 38. Mr. SHELBY submitted an H.R. 268, making supplemental appro- year ending September 30, 2019, and for amendment intended to be proposed by other purposes; which was ordered to priations for the fiscal year ending him to the bill H.R. 268, making supple- September 30, 2019, and for other pur- lie on the table; as follows: mental appropriations for the fiscal Strike all after the enacting clause and in- poses; which was ordered to lie on the year ending September 30, 2019, and for table; as follows: sert the following: other purposes; which was ordered to SEC. 101. The Continuing Appropriations On page 1211, between lines 7 and 8, insert lie on the table; as follows: Act, 2019 (division C of Public Law 115–245) is the following: further amended— SEC. 1107. (a) Notwithstanding any other Strike all after section 1101 and insert the following: (1) by striking the date specified in section provision of this division, none of the 105(3) and inserting ‘‘February 8, 2019’’; and TITLE XII—FURTHER CONTINUING amounts made available under this division (2) by adding after section 136 the fol- APPROPRIATIONS are designated by the Congress as an emer- lowing: gency requirement pursuant to section SEC. 1201. The Continuing Appropriations ‘‘SEC. 137. Notwithstanding any other pro- 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and Act, 2019 (division C of Public Law 115–245) is vision of this Act, and in addition to Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. further amended— amounts otherwise made available by this (b) Notwithstanding section 3 of the mat- (1) by striking the date specified in section Act for ‘U.S. Custom and Border Protec- ter preceding division A of this Act, or any 105(3) and inserting ‘‘February 8, 2019’’; and tion—Procurement, Construction, and Im- other provision of this Act, each discre- (2) by adding after section 136 the fol- provements’, there is appropriated tionary amount appropriated under divisions lowing: $765,205,479 for an additional amount for fis- A through G of this Act is reduced by 3.7 per- ‘‘SEC. 137. Notwithstanding any other pro- cal year 2019, to remain available until Sep- cent. vision of this Act, and in addition to tember 30, 2023.’’. amounts otherwise made available by this This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Further Ad- SA 36. Mr. SHELBY submitted an Act for ‘U.S. Custom and Border Protec- ditional Continuing Appropriations Act, amendment intended to be proposed by tion—Procurement, Construction, and Im- 2019’’.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00077 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JA6.043 S24JAPT1 S618 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 24, 2019 SA 41. Mr. SHELBY submitted an Disaster Assistance Program (NAP) under under this heading: Provided further, That amendment intended to be proposed by section 196 of the Federal Agriculture Im- such amount is designated by the Congress him to the bill H.R. 268, making supple- provement and Reform Act of 1996 (7 U.S.C. as being for an emergency requirement pur- mental appropriations for the fiscal 7333) shall not exceed 90 percent of the loss suant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- as determined by the Secretary: Provided fur- anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control year ending September 30, 2019, and for ther, That the total amount of payments re- Act of 1985. other purposes; which was ordered to ceived under this heading for producers who GENERAL PROVISIONS—THIS TITLE lie on the table; as follows: did not obtain a policy or plan of insurance SEC. 101. In addition to amounts otherwise Strike all after the enacting clause and in- for an insurable commodity for the applica- made available, out of the funds made avail- sert the following: ble crop year under the Federal Crop Insur- able under section 18 of Food and Nutrition DIVISION A—FURTHER ADDITIONAL ance Act (7 U.S.C. 1501 et seq.) for the crop Act of 2008, $25,200,000 shall be available for CONTINUING APPROPRIATIONS ACT, 2019 incurring the losses or did not file the re- the Secretary to provide a grant to the Com- quired paperwork and pay the service fee by SEC. 101. The Continuing Appropriations monwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands the applicable State filing deadline for a Act, 2019 (division C of Public Law 115–245) is for disaster nutrition assistance in response noninsurable commodity for the applicable further amended— to the Presidentially declared major disas- crop year under NAP for the crop incurring (1) by striking the date specified in section ters and emergencies: Provided, That funds the losses shall not exceed 70 percent of the 105(3) and inserting ‘‘February 8, 2019’’; and made available to the Commonwealth of the loss as determined by the Secretary: Provided (2) by adding after section 136 the fol- Northern Mariana Islands under this section further, That producers receiving payments lowing: shall remain available for obligation by the under this heading, as determined by the ‘‘SEC. 137. Notwithstanding any other pro- Commonwealth until September 30, 2020: Pro- Secretary, shall be required to purchase crop vision of this Act, and in addition to vided further, That such amount is des- insurance where crop insurance is available amounts otherwise made available by this ignated by the Congress as being for an for the next two available crop years, exclud- Act for ‘U.S. Custom and Border Protec- emergency requirement pursuant to section ing tree insurance policies, and producers re- tion—Procurement, Construction, and Im- 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and ceiving payments under this heading shall be provements’, there is appropriated Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. required to purchase coverage under NAP $765,205,479 for an additional amount for fis- SEC. 102. For purposes of administering where crop insurance is not available in the cal year 2019, to remain available until Sep- title I of subdivision 1 of division B of the Bi- next two available crop years, as determined tember 30, 2023.’’. partisan Budget Act of 2018 (Public Law 115– by the Secretary: Provided further, That, not This division may be cited as the ‘‘Further 123), losses to agricultural producers result- later than 120 days after the end of fiscal Additional Continuing Appropriations Act, ing from hurricanes shall also include losses year 2019, the Secretary shall submit a re- 2019’’. incurred from Tropical Storm Cindy and port to the Congress specifying the type, DIVISION B—ADDITIONAL SUPPLE- losses of peach and blueberry crops in cal- amount, and method of such assistance by endar year 2017 due to extreme cold: Pro- MENTAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR DIS- state and territory: Provided further, That ASTER RELIEF, 2019 vided, That the amounts provided by this such amount is designated by the Congress section are designated by the Congress as The following sums in this division are ap- as being for an emergency requirement pur- being for an emergency requirement pursu- propriated, out of any money in the Treas- suant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- ant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced ury not otherwise appropriated, for the fiscal anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act year ending September 30, 2019, and for other Act of 1985. of 1985: Provided further, That amounts purposes, namely: FARM SERVICE AGENCY repurposed under this heading that were pre- TITLE I EMERGENCY FOREST RESTORATION PROGRAM viously designated by the Congress as an DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE For an additional amount for the ‘‘Emer- emergency requirement pursuant to the Bal- AGRICULTURAL PROGRAMS gency Forest Restoration Program’’, for nec- anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 are designated by the Congress as PROCESSING, RESEARCH AND MARKETING essary expenses related to the consequences an emergency requirement pursuant to sec- OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY of Hurricanes Michael and Florence and wildfires occurring in calendar year 2018, and tion 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget For an additional amount for the ‘‘Office of other natural disasters, $480,000,000, to re- and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. the Secretary’’, $3,005,442,000, which shall re- SEC. 103. (a)(1) Except as provided in para- main available until expended: Provided, main available until December 31, 2020, for graph (2), a person or legal entity is not eli- That such amount is designated by the Con- necessary expenses related to losses of crops gible to receive a payment under the Market gress as being for an emergency requirement (including milk and harvested adulterated Facilitation Program established pursuant pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- wine grapes), trees, bushes, and vines, as a to the Commodity Credit Corporation Char- anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control consequence of Hurricanes Michael or Flor- ter Act (15 U.S.C. 714 et seq.) if the average Act of 1985. ence, other hurricanes, typhoons, volcanic adjusted gross income of such person or legal activity, or wildfires occurring in calendar NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION SERVICE entity is greater than $900,000. year 2018 under such terms and conditions as WATERSHED AND FLOOD PREVENTION (2) Paragraph (1) shall not apply to a per- determined by the Secretary: Provided, That OPERATIONS son or legal entity if at least 75 percent of the Secretary may provide assistance for For an additional amount for ‘‘Watershed the adjusted gross income of such person or such losses in the form of block grants to eli- and Flood Prevention Operations’’, for nec- legal entity is derived from farming, ranch- gible states and territories and such assist- essary expenses for the Emergency Water- ing, or forestry related activities. ance may include compensation to pro- shed Protection Program related to the con- (b) A person or legal entity may not re- ducers, as determined by the Secretary, for sequences of Hurricanes Michael and Flor- ceive a payment under the Market Facilita- past or future crop insurance premiums, for- ence and wildfires occurring in calendar year tion Program described in subsection (a)(1), est restoration, and poultry and livestock 2018, and other natural disasters, $125,000,000, directly or indirectly, of more than $125,000. losses: Provided further, That of the amounts to remain available until expended: Provided, (c) In this section, the term ‘‘average ad- provided under this heading, tree assistance That such amount is designated by the Con- justed gross income’’ has the meaning given payments may be made under section 1501(e) gress as being for an emergency requirement the term defined in section 760.1502 of title 7 of the Agricultural Act of 2014 (7 U.S.C. pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- Code of Federal Regulations (as in effect 9081(e)) to eligible orchardists or nursery anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control July 18, 2018). (d) The amount provided by this section is tree growers (as defined in such section) of Act of 1985. pecan trees with a tree mortality rate that designated by the Congress as being for an RURAL DEVELOPMENT exceeds 7.5 percent (adjusted for normal mor- emergency requirement pursuant to section tality) and is less than 15 percent (adjusted RURAL COMMUNITY FACILITIES PROGRAM 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and for normal mortality), to be available until ACCOUNT Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. expended, for losses incurred during the pe- For an additional amount for the cost of TITLE II riod beginning January 1, 2018, and ending grants for rural community facilities pro- DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE December 31, 2018: Provided further, That in grams as authorized by section 306 and de- ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION the case of producers impacted by volcanic scribed in section 381E(d)(1) of the Consoli- activity that resulted in the loss of crop dated Farm and Rural Development Act, for ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE land, or access to crop land, the Secretary necessary expenses related to the con- PROGRAMS shall consider all measures available, as ap- sequences of Hurricanes Michael and Flor- (INCLUDING TRANSFERS OF FUNDS) propriate, to bring replacement land into ence and wildfires occurring in calendar year Pursuant to section 703 of the Public production: Provided further, That the total 2018, and other natural disasters, $150,000,000, Works and Economic Development Act (42 amount of payments received under this to remain available until expended: Provided, U.S.C. 3233), for an additional amount for heading and applicable policies of crop insur- That sections 381E-H and 381N of the Consoli- ‘‘Economic Development Assistance Pro- ance under the Federal Crop Insurance Act (7 dated Farm and Rural Development Act are grams’’ for necessary expenses related to U.S.C. 1501 et seq.) or the Noninsured Crop not applicable to the funds made available flood mitigation, disaster relief, long-term

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00078 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JA6.045 S24JAPT1 January 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S619

recovery, and restoration of infrastructure FISHERIES DISASTER ASSISTANCE the consequences of Hurricanes Michael and in areas that received a major disaster des- For an additional amount for ‘‘Fisheries Florence: Provided, That such amount is des- ignation as a result of Hurricanes Florence, Disaster Assistance’’ for necessary expenses ignated by the Congress as being for an Michael, and Lane, Typhoons Yutu and associated with the mitigation of fishery dis- emergency requirement pursuant to section Mangkhut, and of wildfires, volcanic erup- asters, $150,000,000, to remain available until 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and tions, earthquakes, and other natural disas- expended: Provided, That funds shall be used Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. ters occurring in calendar year 2018 under for mitigating the effects of commercial fish- OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, AIR FORCE the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and ery failures and fishery resource disasters For an additional amount for ‘‘Operation Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121 et declared by the Secretary of Commerce, in- and Maintenance, Air Force’’, $400,000,000, for seq.), $600,000,000, to remain available until cluding those declared by the Secretary to be necessary expenses related to the con- expended: Provided, That such amount is des- a direct result of Hurricanes Florence and sequences of Hurricanes Michael and Flor- ignated by the Congress as being for an Michael and Typhoons Yutu and Mangkhut: ence: Provided, That such amount is des- emergency requirement pursuant to section Provided further, That such amount is des- ignated by the Congress as being for an 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and ignated by the Congress as being for an emergency requirement pursuant to section Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985: Pro- emergency requirement pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and vided further, That within the amount appro- 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. priated, up to 2 percent of funds may be Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. TITLE IV transferred to the ‘‘Salaries and Expenses’’ DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE CORPS OF ENGINEERS—CIVIL account for administration and oversight ac- tivities: Provided further, That within the UNITED STATES MARSHALS SERVICE DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY amount appropriated, $1,000,000 shall be SALARIES AND EXPENSES INVESTIGATIONS transferred to the ‘‘Office of Inspector Gen- For an additional amount for ‘‘Salaries For an additional amount for ‘‘Investiga- eral’’ account for carrying out investigations and Expenses’’ for necessary expenses related tions’’ for necessary expenses related to the and audits related to the funding provided to the consequences of Hurricanes Florence completion, or initiation and completion, of under this heading. and Michael and Typhoon Yutu, $1,336,000: flood and storm damage reduction, including Provided, That such amount is designated by shore protection, studies which are currently NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC the Congress as being for an emergency re- authorized or which are authorized after the ADMINISTRATION quirement pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) date of enactment of this division, to reduce OPERATIONS, RESEARCH, AND FACILITIES of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Def- risk from future floods and hurricanes, at For an additional amount for ‘‘Operations, icit Control Act of 1985. full Federal expense, $35,000,000, to remain Research, and Facilities’’ for necessary ex- FEDERAL PRISON SYSTEM available until expended, for high priority studies of projects in States and insular penses related to the consequences of Hurri- BUILDINGS AND FACILITIES canes Florence and Michael, Typhoon Yutu, areas that were impacted by Hurricanes For an additional amount for ‘‘Buildings and of wildfires, $120,570,000, to remain avail- Florence and Michael, Typhoon Mangkhut, and Facilities’’ for necessary expenses re- able until September 30, 2020, as follows: Super Typhoon Yutu, and Tropical Storm lated to the consequences of Hurricanes (1) $3,000,000 for repair and replacement of Gita: Provided, That such amount is des- Florence and Michael and Typhoon Yutu, observing assets, real property, and equip- ignated by the Congress as being for an $28,400,000, to remain available until ex- ment; emergency requirement pursuant to section pended: Provided, That such amount is des- (2) $11,000,000 for marine debris assessment 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and ignated by the Congress as being for an and removal; Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985: Pro- emergency requirement pursuant to section (3) $31,570,000 for mapping, charting, and vided further, That the Assistant Secretary of 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and geodesy services; the Army for Civil Works shall provide a Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. (4) $25,000,000 to improve: (a) hurricane in- monthly report directly to the Committees tensity forecasting, including through de- RELATED AGENCIES on Appropriations of the House and the Sen- ployment of unmanned ocean observing plat- LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION ate detailing the allocation and obligation of forms and enhanced data assimilation; (b) PAYMENT TO THE LEGAL SERVICES these funds, including new studies selected flood prediction, forecasting, and mitigation CORPORATION to be initiated using funds provided under this heading, beginning not later than 60 capabilities; and (c) wildfire prediction, de- For an additional amount for ‘‘Payment to days after the date of enactment of this divi- tection, and forecasting; and the Legal Services Corporation’’ to carry out sion. (5) $50,000,000 for Title IX Fund grants as the purposes of the Legal Services Corpora- authorized under section 906(c) of division O tion Act by providing for necessary expenses CONSTRUCTION of Public Law 114–113: related to the consequences of Hurricanes For an additional amount for ‘‘Construc- Provided, That such amount is designated by Florence, Michael, and Lane, Typhoons Yutu tion’’ for necessary expenses, $740,000,000, to the Congress as being for an emergency re- and Mangkhut, and calendar year 2018 remain available until expended, to con- quirement pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) wildfires, volcanic eruptions, and earth- struct flood and storm damage reduction, in- of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Def- quakes, $15,000,000: Provided, That such cluding shore protection, projects which are icit Control Act of 1985: Provided further, amount is designated by the Congress as currently authorized or which are authorized That the National Oceanic and Atmospheric being for an emergency requirement pursu- after the date of enactment of this division, Administration shall submit a spending plan ant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced and flood and storm damage reduction, in- to the Committees on Appropriations of the Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act cluding shore protection, projects which House of Representatives and the Senate for of 1985: Provided further, That none of the have signed Chief’s Reports as of the date of funding provided under subsection (4) of this funds appropriated in this division to the enactment of this division or which are stud- heading within 45 days after the date of en- Legal Services Corporation shall be expended ied using funds provided under the heading actment of this division. for any purpose prohibited or limited by, or ‘‘Investigations’’ if the Secretary determines contrary to any of the provisions of, sections such projects to be technically feasible, eco- PROCUREMENT, ACQUISITION AND CONSTRUCTION 501, 502, 503, 504, 505, and 506 of Public Law nomically justified, and environmentally ac- For an additional amount for ‘‘Procure- 105–119, and all funds appropriated in this di- ceptable, in States and insular areas that ment, Acquisition and Construction’’, vision to the Legal Services Corporation were impacted by Hurricanes Florence and $25,000,000, to remain available until Sep- shall be subject to the same terms and condi- Michael, Typhoon Mangkhut, Super Typhoon tember 30, 2021, for improvements to oper- tions set forth in such sections, except that Yutu, and Tropical Storm Gita: Provided, ational and research weather supercom- all references in sections 502 and 503 to 1997 That projects receiving funds provided under puting infrastructure and satellite ground and 1998 shall be deemed to refer instead to the first proviso in ‘‘Title IV—Corps of Engi- services used for hurricane intensity and 2018 and 2019, respectively, and except that neers—Civil—Department of the Army—Con- track prediction; flood prediction, fore- sections 501 and 503 of Public Law 104–134 struction’’ in Public Law 115–123 shall not be casting, and mitigation; and wildfire pre- (referenced by Public Law 105–119) shall not eligible for funding provided under this head- diction, detection, and forecasting: Provided, apply to the amount made available under ing: Provided further, That for projects re- That such amount is designated by the Con- this heading: Provided further, That, for the ceiving funds provided under this heading, gress as being for an emergency requirement purposes of this division, the Legal Services the provisions of Section 902 of the Water pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- Corporation shall be considered an agency of Resources Act of 1986 shall not apply to these anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control the United States Government. funds: Provided further, That the completion Act of 1985: Provided further, That the Na- TITLE III of ongoing construction projects receiving tional Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra- funds provided under this heading shall be at tion shall submit a spending plan to the DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE full Federal expense with respect to such Committees on Appropriations of the House OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, MARINE CORPS funds: Provided further, That using funds pro- of Representatives and the Senate within 45 For an additional amount for ‘‘Operation vided under this heading, the non-Federal days after the date of enactment of this divi- and Maintenance, Marine Corps’’, cash contribution for projects other than on- sion. $200,000,000, for necessary expenses related to going construction projects shall be financed

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00079 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JA6.045 S24JAPT1 S620 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 24, 2019 in accordance with the provisions of section Mitigation and Conservation Account for use damage caused by such storms: Provided fur- 103(k) of Public Law 99–662 over a period of 30 by the Utah Reclamation Mitigation and ther, That such amount is designated by the years from the date of completion of the Conservation Commission, to remain avail- Congress as being for an emergency require- project or separable element: Provided fur- able until expended, for expenses necessary ment pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of ther, That up to $25,000,000 of the funds made in carrying out fire remediation activities the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit available under this heading shall be used for related to wildfires in 2018: Provided, That Control Act of 1985. continuing authorities projects to reduce the such amount is designated by the Congress NATIONAL PARK SERVICE risk of flooding and storm damage: Provided as being for an emergency requirement pur- HISTORIC PRESERVATION FUND further, That any projects using funds appro- suant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- For an additional amount for the ‘‘Historic priated under this heading shall be initiated anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Preservation Fund’’ for necessary expenses only after non-Federal interests have en- Act of 1985. related to the consequences of Hurricanes tered into binding agreements with the Sec- BUREAU OF RECLAMATION Florence and Michael, and Typhoon Yutu, retary requiring, where applicable, the non- WATER AND RELATED RESOURCES $50,000,000, to remain available until Sep- Federal interests to pay 100 percent of the tember 30, 2022, including costs to States and operation, maintenance, repair, replacement, For an additional amount for ‘‘Water and territories necessary to complete compliance and rehabilitation costs of the project and to Related Resources’’, $15,500,000, to remain activities required by section 306108 of title hold and save the United States free from available until expended, for fire remedi- 54, United States Code (formerly section 106 damages due to the construction or oper- ation and suppression emergency assistance of the National Historic Preservation Act) ation and maintenance of the project, except related to wildfires in 2017 and 2018: Provided, and costs needed to administer the program: for damages due to the fault or negligence of That such amount is designated by the Con- Provided, That grants shall only be available the United States or its contractors: Pro- gress as being for an emergency requirement for areas that have received a major disaster vided further, That such amount is des- pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- declaration pursuant to the Robert T. Staf- ignated by the Congress as being for an anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control ford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assist- emergency requirement pursuant to section Act of 1985. ance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121 et seq.): 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and TITLE V Provided fur- ther, That individual grants shall not be sub- Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985: Pro- DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY ject to a non-Federal matching requirement: vided further, That the Assistant Secretary of SECURITY, ENFORCEMENT, AND , That such amount is des- the Army for Civil Works shall provide a Provided further INVESTIGATIONS ignated by the Congress as being for an monthly report directly to the Committees emergency requirement pursuant to section on Appropriations of the House of Represent- COAST GUARD 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and atives and the Senate detailing the alloca- OPERATIONS AND SUPPORT Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. tion and obligation of these funds, beginning For an additional amount for ‘‘Operations not later than 60 days after the date of en- and Support’’ for necessary expenses related CONSTRUCTION actment of this division. to the consequences of Hurricanes Michael, For an additional amount for ‘‘Construc- MISSISSIPPI RIVER AND TRIBUTARIES Florence, and Lane, Tropical Storm Gordon, tion’’ for necessary expenses related to the For an additional amount for ‘‘Mississippi and Typhoon Mangkhut, $46,977,000, to re- consequences of Hurricanes Florence and Mi- River and Tributaries’’ for necessary ex- main available until September 30, 2020: Pro- chael, Typhoons Yutu and Mangkhut, and penses to address emergency situations at vided, That such amount is designated by the calendar year 2018 wildfires, earthquakes, Corps of Engineers projects and rehabilitate Congress as being for an emergency require- and volcanic eruptions, $78,000,000, to remain and repair damages to Corps of Engineers ment pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of available until expended: Provided, That such projects, caused by natural disasters, the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit amount is designated by the Congress as $225,000,000, to remain available until ex- Control Act of 1985. being for an emergency requirement pursu- ant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced pended: Provided, That such amount is des- PROCUREMENT, CONSTRUCTION, AND Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act ignated by the Congress as being for an IMPROVEMENTS of 1985. emergency requirement pursuant to section For an additional amount for ‘‘Procure- UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and ment, Construction, and Improvements’’ for Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985: Pro- necessary expenses related to the con- SURVEYS, INVESTIGATIONS, AND RESEARCH vided further, That the Assistant Secretary of sequences of Hurricanes Michael, Florence, For an additional amount for ‘‘Surveys, In- the Army for Civil Works shall provide a and Lane, Tropical Storm Gordon, and Ty- vestigations, and Research’’ for necessary monthly report directly to the Committees phoon Mangkhut, $476,755,000, to remain expenses related to the consequences of Hur- on Appropriations of the House of Represent- available until September 30, 2023: Provided, ricanes Florence and Michael, and calendar atives and the Senate detailing the alloca- That such amount is designated by the Con- year 2018 wildfires, earthquake damage asso- tion and obligation of these funds, beginning gress as being for an emergency requirement ciated with emergency declaration EM–3410, not later than 60 days after the date of en- pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- and in those areas impacted by a major dis- actment of this division. anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control aster declared pursuant to the Robert T. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE Act of 1985. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency As- For an additional amount for ‘‘Operation ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE AND sistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121 et seq.) with re- and Maintenance’’ for necessary expenses to RESTORATION spect to calendar year 2018 wildfires or vol- dredge Federal navigation projects in re- canic eruptions, $98,500,000, to remain avail- For an additional amount for ‘‘Environ- sponse to, and repair damages to Corps of able until expended: Provided, That of this mental Compliance and Restoration’’ for Engineers Federal projects caused by, nat- amount, $72,310,000 is for costs related to the necessary expenses related to the con- ural disasters, $245,000,000, to remain avail- repair and replacement of equipment and fa- sequences of Hurricanes Michael and Flor- able until expended, of which such sums as cilities damaged by disasters in 2018: Pro- ence, $2,000,000, to remain available until are necessary to cover the Federal share of vided further, That, not later than 90 days September 30, 2023: Provided, That such eligible operation and maintenance costs for after enactment of this division, the Survey amount is designated by the Congress as coastal harbors and channels, and for inland shall submit a report to the Committees on being for an emergency requirement pursu- harbors shall be derived from the Harbor Appropriations that describes the potential ant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Maintenance Trust Fund: Provided, That options to replace the facility damaged by Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act such amount is designated by the Congress the 2018 volcano disaster along with cost es- of 1985. as being for an emergency requirement pur- timates and a description of how the Survey suant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- TITLE VI will provide direct access for monitoring vol- anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR canic activity and the potential threat to at- Act of 1985: Provided further, That the Assist- UNITED STATES FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE risk communities: Provided further, That ant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works such amount is designated by the Congress CONSTRUCTION shall provide a monthly report directly to as being for an emergency requirement pur- the Committees on Appropriations of the For an additional amount for ‘‘Construc- suant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- House of Representatives and the Senate de- tion’’ for necessary expenses related to the anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control tailing the allocation and obligation of these consequences of Hurricanes Florence, Lane, Act of 1985. and Michael, and flooding associated with funds, beginning not later than 60 days after DEPARTMENTAL OFFICES the date of enactment of this division. major declared disaster DR–4365, and cal- endar year 2018 earthquakes, $82,400,000, to INSULAR AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR remain available until expended: Provided, ASSISTANCE TO TERRITORIES CENTRAL UTAH PROJECT That of this amount $50,000,000 shall be used For an additional amount for ‘‘Technical CENTRAL UTAH PROJECT COMPLETION ACCOUNT to restore and rebuild national wildlife ref- Assistance’’ for financial management ex- For an additional amount for ‘‘Central uges and increase the resiliency and capacity penses related to the consequences of Ty- Utah Project Completion Account’’, $350,000, of coastal habitat and infrastructure to phoon Yutu, $2,000,000, to remain available to be deposited into the Utah Reclamation withstand storms and reduce the amount of until expended: Provided, That such amount

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00080 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JA6.045 S24JAPT1 January 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S621 is designated by the Congress as being for an drinking water facilities impacted by Hurri- endar year 2018 wildfires, $36,040,000, to re- emergency requirement pursuant to section canes Florence and Michael, Typhoon Yutu, main available until expended: Provided, 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and and calendar year 2018 wildfires and earth- That such amount is designated by the Con- Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. quakes: Provided further, That notwith- gress as being for an emergency requirement OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL standing the requirements of section 603(i) of pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- the Federal Water Pollution Control Act and anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control SALARIES AND EXPENSES section 1452(d) of the Safe Drinking Water Act of 1985. For an additional amount for ‘‘Salaries Act, for the funds appropriated herein, each WILDLAND FIRE MANAGEMENT and Expenses’’ for necessary expenses related State shall use not less than 20 percent but (INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS) to the consequences of major disasters de- not more than 30 percent amount of its cap- For an additional amount for ‘‘Wildland clared pursuant to the Robert T. Stafford italization grants to provide additional sub- Fire Management’’, $720,271,000, to remain Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance sidization to eligible recipients in the form available through September 30, 2022, for ur- Act (42 U.S.C. 5121 et seq.) in 2018, $1,000,000, of forgiveness of principal, negative interest gent wildland fire suppression operations: to remain available until expended: Provided, loans or grants or any combination of these: Provided, That such funds shall be solely That such amount is designated by the Con- Provided further, That the Administrator available to be transferred to and merged gress as being for an emergency requirement shall retain $10,400,000 of the funds appro- with other appropriations accounts from pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- priated herein for grants for drinking water which funds were previously transferred for anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control facilities and waste water treatment plants wildland fire suppression in fiscal year 2018 Act of 1985. impacted by Typhoon Yutu: Provided further, to fully repay those amounts: Provided fur- ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY That the funds appropriated herein shall be ther, That such amount is designated by the used for eligible projects whose purpose is to SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Congress as an emergency requirement pur- reduce flood or fire damage risk and vulner- For an additional amount for ‘‘Science and suant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- ability or to enhance resiliency to rapid hy- Technology’’ for necessary expenses related anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control drologic change or natural disaster at treat- to improving preparedness of the water sec- Act of 1985. tor, $600,000, to remain available until ex- ment works as defined by section 212 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act or any DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN pended: Provided, That such amount is des- SERVICES ignated by the Congress as being for an eligible facilities under section 1452 of the NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH emergency requirement pursuant to section Safe Drinking Water Act, and for other eligi- NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ENVIRONMENTAL 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and ble tasks at such treatment works or facili- HEALTH SCIENCES Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. ties necessary to further such purposes: Pro- vided further, That the Administrator of the For an additional amount for ‘‘National In- LEAKING UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK TRUST Environmental Protection Agency may re- stitute of Environmental Health Sciences’’ FUND PROGRAM tain up to $1,000,000 of the funds appropriated for necessary expenses in carrying out ac- For an additional amount for ‘‘Leaking herein for management and oversight: Pro- tivities set forth in section 311(a) of the Com- Underground Storage Tank Fund’’ for nec- vided further, That such amount is des- prehensive Environmental Response, Com- essary expenses related to the consequences ignated by the Congress as being for an pensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (42 of Hurricanes Florence and Michael, cal- emergency requirement pursuant to section U.S.C. 9660(a)) and section 126(g) of the endar year 2018 earthquakes, and Typhoon 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Yutu, $1,500,000, to remain available until ex- Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. Act of 1986 related to the consequences of pended: Provided, That such amount is des- RELATED AGENCIES major disasters declared pursuant to the ignated by the Congress as being for an DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emer- emergency requirement pursuant to section gency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121 et seq.) FOREST SERVICE 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and in 2018, $1,000,000, to remain available until Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. FOREST AND RANGELAND RESEARCH expended: Provided, That such amount is des- STATE AND TRIBAL ASSISTANCE GRANTS For an additional amount for ‘‘Forest and ignated by the Congress as being for an For additional amounts for ‘‘State and Rangeland Research’’ for necessary expenses emergency requirement pursuant to section Tribal Assistance Grants’’ for necessary ex- related to the consequences of Hurricanes 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and penses related to the consequences of Hurri- Florence and Michael, and the calendar year Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. canes Florence and Michael and calendar 2018 wildfires, $1,000,000, to remain available GENERAL PROVISION—THIS TITLE year 2018 earthquakes for the hazardous until expended for the forest inventory and SEC. 601. Not later than 45 days after the waste financial assistance grants program, analysis program: Provided, That such date of enactment of this division, the agen- $1,500,000, to remain available until ex- amount is designated by the Congress as cies receiving funds appropriated by this pended; for necessary expenses related to the being for an emergency requirement pursu- title shall provide a detailed operating plan consequences of Typhoon Yutu for the haz- ant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced of anticipated uses of funds made available ardous waste financial assistance grants pro- Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act in this title by State and Territory, and by gram and for other solid waste management of 1985. program, project, and activity, to the Com- activities, $56,000,000, to remain available STATE AND PRIVATE FORESTRY mittees on Appropriations: Provided, That no until expended, provided that none of these For an additional amount for ‘‘State and such funds shall be obligated before the oper- funds shall be subject to section 3011(b) of Private Forestry’’ for necessary expenses re- ating plans are provided to the Committees: the Solid Waste Disposal Act; and for grants lated to the consequences of Hurricanes Provided further, That such plans shall be up- under section 106 of the Federal Water Pollu- Florence and Michael, and the calendar year dated, including obligations to date, and sub- tion Control Act, $5,000,000, to remain avail- 2018 wildfires, $12,000,000, to remain available mitted to the Committees on Appropriations able until expended, to address impacts of until expended: Provided, That such amount every 60 days until all such funds are ex- Hurricane Florence, Hurricane Michael, Ty- is designated by the Congress as being for an pended. phoon Yutu, and calendar year 2018 wildfires, emergency requirement pursuant to section TITLE VII notwithstanding subsections (b), (e), and (f), 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and DEPARTMENT OF LABOR of such section: Provided, That such amounts Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING ADMINISTRATION are designated by the Congress as being for NATIONAL FOREST SYSTEM an emergency requirement pursuant to sec- TRAINING AND EMPLOYMENT SERVICES For an additional amount for ‘‘National tion 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget (INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS) Forest System’’ for necessary expenses re- and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. For an additional amount for ‘‘Training For an additional amount for ‘‘State and lated to the consequences of Hurricanes and Employment Services’’, $50,000,000, for Tribal Assistance Grants’’, $349,400,000 to re- Florence and Michael, and the calendar year the dislocated workers assistance national main available until expended, of which 2018 wildfires, $84,960,000, to remain available reserve for necessary expenses directly re- $53,300,000 shall be for capitalization grants until expended: Provided, That of this lated to the consequences of Hurricanes for the Clean Water State Revolving Funds amount $21,000,000 shall be used for haz- Florence and Michael, Typhoon Mangkhut, under title VI of the Federal Water Pollution ardous fuels management activities: Provided Super Typhoon Yutu, or earthquakes and Control Act, and of which $296,100,000 shall be further, That such amount is designated by wildfires occurring in calendar year 2018, to for capitalization grants under section 1452 the Congress as being for an emergency re- remain available through September 30, 2020: of the Safe Drinking Water Act: Provided, quirement pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) Provided, That the Secretary of Labor may That notwithstanding section 604(a) of the of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Def- transfer up to $1,000,000 of such funds to any Federal Water Pollution Control Act and icit Control Act of 1985. other Department of Labor account for re- section 1452(a)(1)(D) of the Safe Drinking CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT AND MAINTENANCE construction and recovery needs, including Water Act, funds appropriated herein shall For an additional amount for ‘‘Capital Im- worker protection activities: Provided fur- be provided to States in EPA Regions 4, 9, provement and Maintenance’’ for necessary ther, That these sums may be used to replace and 10 in amounts determined by the Admin- expenses related to the consequences of Hur- grant funds previously obligated to the im- istrator for wastewater treatment works and ricanes Florence and Michael, and the cal- pacted areas: Provided further, That of the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00081 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JA6.045 S24JAPT1 S622 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 24, 2019 amount provided, up to $500,000, to remain the consequences of Hurricanes Florence and TITLE IX available until expended, shall be transferred Michael, Typhoon Mangkhut, Super Typhoon DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE to ‘‘Office of Inspector General’’ for over- Yutu, wildfires in 2018, or the volcanic erup- MILITARY CONSTRUCTION, NAVY AND MARINE sight of activities responding to such con- tion and earthquakes in 2018 in those areas CORPS sequences: Provided further, That such for which a major disaster or emergency has For an additional amount for ‘‘Military amount is designated by the Congress as been declared under section 401 or 501 of the Construction, Navy and Marine Corps’’, being for an emergency requirement pursu- Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emer- $115,000,000, to remain available until Sep- ant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced gency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5170 and 5191) tember 30, 2023, for planning and design re- Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act (referred to under this heading as a ‘‘covered lated to the consequences of Hurricanes of 1985. disaster or emergency’’), $165,000,000, to re- Florence and Michael on Navy and Marine DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN main available through September 30, 2019: Corps installations: Provided, That none of SERVICES Provided, That such amount is designated by the funds shall be available for obligation the Congress as being for an emergency re- SUBSTANCE ABUSE AND MENTAL HEALTH until the Committees on Appropriations of quirement pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) SERVICES ADMINISTRATION the House of Representatives and the Senate of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Def- receive a master plan for the installations HEALTH SURVEILLANCE AND PROGRAM SUPPORT icit Control Act of 1985: Provided further, and a form 1391 for each specific project: Pro- For an additional amount for ‘‘Health Sur- That such assistance may be provided vided further, That, not later than 60 days veillance and Program Support’’, $30,000,000, through any of the programs authorized after enactment of this division, the Sec- to remain available until September 30, 2019, under this heading in division B of title VIII retary of the Navy, or his designee, shall for grants, contracts and cooperative agree- of Public Law 115–123 (as amended by Public submit to the Committees on Appropriations ments for behavioral health treatment, crisis Law 115–141), as determined by the Secretary of the House of Representatives and the Sen- counseling, and other related helplines, and of Education, and subject to the terms and ate a detailed expenditure plan for funds pro- for other similar programs to provide sup- conditions that applied to those programs, vided under this heading: Provided further, port to individuals impacted by Hurricanes except that references to dates and school That such amount is designated by the Con- Florence and Michael, Typhoon Mangkhut, years in Public Law 115–123 shall be deemed gress as being for an emergency requirement Super Typhoon Yutu, and earthquakes and to be the corresponding dates and school pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- wildfires occurring in 2018 in those areas for years for the covered disaster or emergency: anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control which a major disaster or emergency has Provided further, That the Secretary of Edu- Act of 1985. been declared under section 401 or 501 of the cation may determine the amounts to be MILITARY CONSTRUCTION, AIR FORCE Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emer- used for each such program and shall notify For an additional amount for ‘‘Military gency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5170 and the Committees on Appropriations of the Construction, Air Force’’, $700,000,000, to re- 5191): Provided, That obligations incurred for House of Representatives and the Senate of main available until September 30, 2023, for the purposes provided herein prior to the these amounts not later than 7 days prior to planning and design, and construction ex- date of enactment of this Act may be obligation: Provided further, $2,000,000 of the penses related to the consequences of Hurri- charged to funds appropriated under this funds made available under this heading, to cane Michael: Provided, That none of the heading: Provided further, That such amount remain available until expended, shall be funds shall be available for obligation until is designated by the Congress as being for an transferred to the Office of the Inspector the Committees on Appropriations of the emergency requirement pursuant to section General of the Department of Education for House of Representatives and the Senate re- 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and oversight of activities supported with funds ceive a basing plan and future mission re- Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. appropriated under this heading, and up to quirements for installations significantly ADMINISTRATION FOR CHILDREN AND FAMILIES $1,000,000 of the funds made available under damaged by Hurricane Michael: Provided fur- CHILDREN AND FAMILIES SERVICES PROGRAMS this heading shall be for program adminis- ther, That, not later than 60 days after enact- tration. ment of this division, the Secretary of the For an additional amount for ‘‘Children Air Force, or his designee, shall submit to GENERAL PROVISIONS—THIS TITLE and Families Services Programs’’, $60,000,000, the Committees on Appropriations of the to remain available until September 30, 2021, SEC. 701. Not later than 30 days after the House of Representatives and the Senate a for programs, including making date of enactment of this Act, the Secre- detailed expenditure plan for funds provided payments under the Head Start Act, for nec- taries of Labor, Health and Human Services, under this heading: Provided further, That essary expenses directly related to the con- and Education shall provide a detailed spend such amount is designated by the Congress sequences of Hurricanes Florence and Mi- plan of anticipated uses of funds made avail- as being for an emergency requirement pur- chael, Typhoon Mangkhut, Super Typhoon able in this title, including estimated per- suant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- Yutu, and earthquakes and wildfires in 2018 sonnel and administrative costs, to the Com- anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control in those areas for which a major disaster or mittees on Appropriations: Provided, That Act of 1985. emergency has been declared under section such plans shall be updated and submitted to MILITARY CONSTRUCTION, ARMY NATIONAL 401 or 501 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster the Committees on Appropriations every 60 GUARD Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 days until all funds are expended or expire. For an additional amount for ‘‘Military U.S.C. 5170 and 5191): Provided, That none of Construction, Army National Guard’’, the funds appropriated in this paragraph TITLE VIII $42,400,000, to remain available until Sep- LEGISLATIVE BRANCH shall be included in the calculation of the tember 30, 2023, for necessary expenses re- ‘‘base grant’’ in subsequent fiscal years, as GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY OFFICE lated to the consequences of Hurricanes such term is defined in sections 640(a)(7)(A), SALARIES AND EXPENSES Florence and Michael: Provided, That none of 641A(h)(1)(B), or 645(d)(3) of the Head Start the funds shall be available for obligation For an additional amount for ‘‘Salaries Act: Provided further, That funds appro- until the Committees on Appropriations of and Expenses’’, $10,000,000, to remain avail- priated in this paragraph are not subject to the House of Representatives and the Senate able until expended, for audits and investiga- the allocation requirements of section 640(a) receive form 1391 for each specific request: tions related to Hurricanes Florence, Lane, of the Head Start Act: Provided further, That Provided further, That, not later than 60 days and Michael, Typhoons Yutu and Mangkhut, funds appropriated in this paragraph shall after enactment of this division, the Director not be available for costs that are reim- the calendar year 2018 wildfires, earth- of the Army National Guard, or his designee, bursed by the Federal Emergency Manage- quakes, and volcano eruptions, and other dis- shall submit to the Committees on Appro- ment Agency, under a contract for insur- asters declared pursuant to the Robert T. priations of the House of Representatives ance, or by self-insurance: Provided further, Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency As- and the Senate a detailed expenditure plan That up to $2,000,000 shall be available for sistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121 et seq.): Provided, for funds provided under this heading: Pro- Federal administrative expenses: Provided That, not later than 90 days after the date of vided further, That such funds may be obli- further, That obligations incurred for the enactment of this division, the Government gated or expended for planning and design purposes provided herein prior to the date of Accountability Office shall submit to the and military construction projects not oth- enactment of this Act may be charged to Committees on Appropriations of the House erwise authorized by law: Provided further, funds appropriated under this heading: Pro- of Representatives and the Senate a spend That such amount is designated by the Con- vided further, That such amount is des- plan specifying funding estimates for audits gress as being for an emergency requirement ignated by the Congress as being for an and investigations of any such declared dis- pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- emergency requirement pursuant to section asters occurring in 2018 and identifying fund- anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and ing estimates or carryover balances, if any, Act of 1985. Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. that may be available for audits and inves- DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS tigations of any other such declared disas- DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION VETERANS HEALTH ADMINISTRATION ters: Provided further, That such amount is EDUCATION RECOVERY designated by the Congress as being for an MEDICAL FACILITIES (INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS) emergency requirement pursuant to section (INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS) For an additional amount for ‘‘Education 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and For an additional amount for ‘‘Medical Fa- Recovery’’ for necessary expenses related to Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. cilities’’, $3,000,000, to remain available until

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00082 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JA6.045 S24JAPT1 January 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S623 September 30, 2023, for necessary expenses re- DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN ment that permits individuals and entities lated to the consequences of Hurricanes DEVELOPMENT awaiting assistance and the general public to Florence and Michael and Typhoons COMMUNITY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT see how all grant funds are used, including Mangkhut and Yutu: Provided, That the Sec- COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FUND copies of all relevant procurement docu- retary of Veterans Affairs, upon determina- ments, grantee administrative contracts and (INCLUDING TRANSFERS OF FUNDS) tion that such action is necessary to address details of ongoing procurement processes, as needs as a result of the consequences of Hur- For an additional amount for ‘‘Community determined by the Secretary: Provided fur- ricanes Florence and Michael and Typhoons Development Fund’’, $1,060,000,000, to remain ther, That prior to the obligation of funds a Mangkhut and Yutu, may transfer such available until expended, for necessary ex- grantee shall submit a plan to the Secretary penses for activities authorized under title I funds to any discretionary account of the for approval detailing the proposed use of all of the Housing and Community Development Department of Veterans Affairs: Provided fur- funds, including criteria for eligibility and Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5301 et seq.) related to ther, That before a transfer may take place, how the use of these funds will address long- disaster relief, long-term recovery, restora- the Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall sub- term recovery and restoration of infrastruc- tion of infrastructure and housing, economic mit notice thereof to the Committee on Ap- ture and housing, economic revitalization, revitalization, and mitigation in the most propriations of the House of Representatives and mitigation in the most impacted and dis- impacted and distressed areas resulting from and the Senate: Provided further, That none tressed areas: Provided further, That such a major disaster that occurred in 2018 pursu- of these funds shall be available for obliga- funds may not be used for activities reim- ant to the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief tion until the Secretary of Veterans Affairs bursed by, or for which funds have been made and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. submits to the Committees on Appropria- available by, the Federal Emergency Man- 5121 et seq.): Provided, That funds shall be agement Agency or the Army Corps of Engi- tions of the House of Representatives and awarded directly to the State, unit of gen- the Senate a detailed expenditure plan for neers, in excess of the authorized amount of eral local government, or Indian tribe (as the project or its components: Provided fur- funds provided under this heading: Provided such term is defined in section 102 of the further, That such amount is designated by ther, That funds allocated under this heading Housing and Community Development Act of shall not be considered relevant to the non- the Congress as being for an emergency re- 1974) at the discretion of the Secretary: Pro- quirement pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) disaster formula allocations made pursuant vided further, That any funds made available to section 106 of the Housing and Community of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Def- under this heading and under the same head- icit Control Act of 1985. Development Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5306): Pro- ing in Public Law 115–254 that remain avail- vided further, That a State, unit of general TITLE X able, after the funds under such headings local government, or Indian tribe may use up have been allocated for necessary expenses DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION to 5 percent of its allocation for administra- for activities authorized under such head- tive costs: Provided further, That the first FEDERAL TRANSIT ADMINISTRATION ings, shall be allocated to grantees, for miti- proviso under this heading in the Supple- gation activities in the most impacted and mental Appropriations for Disaster Relief PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION EMERGENCY RELIEF distressed areas resulting from a major dis- Requirements Act, 2018 (division I of Public PROGRAM aster that occurred in 2018: Provided further, Law 115–254) is amended by striking ‘‘State For an additional amount for the ‘‘Public That such allocations shall be made in the or unit of general local government’’ and in- Transportation Emergency Relief Program’’ same proportion that the amount of funds serting ‘‘State, unit of general local govern- as authorized under section 5324 of title 49, each grantee received under this division and ment, or Indian tribe (as such term is defined United States Code, $10,542,000 to remain the same heading in division I of Public Law in section 102 of the Housing and Community available until expended, for transit systems 115–254 bears to the amount of all funds pro- Development Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5302))’’: affected by major declared disasters occur- vided to all grantees that received alloca- Provided further, That the sixth proviso ring in calendar year 2018: Provided, That not tions for disasters that occurred in 2018: Pro- under this heading in the Supplemental Ap- more than three-quarters of 1 percent of the vided further, That of the amounts made propriations for Disaster Relief Require- funds for public transportation emergency available under the text preceding the first ments Act, 2018 (division I of Public Law 115– relief shall be available for administrative proviso under this heading and under the 254) is amended by striking ‘‘State or sub- expenses and ongoing program management same heading in Public Law 115–254, the Sec- division thereof’’ and inserting ‘‘State, unit oversight as authorized under sections 5334 retary shall allocate to all such grantees an of general local government, or Indian tribe and 5338(f)(2) of such title and shall be in ad- aggregate amount not less than 33 percent of (as such term is defined in section 102 of the dition to any other appropriations for such the sum of such amounts of funds within 120 Housing and Community Development Act of purpose: Provided further, That such amount days after the enactment of this division 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5302))’’: Provided further, That is designated by the Congress as being for an based on the best available data, and shall in administering the funds under this head- emergency requirement pursuant to section allocate no less than 100 percent of such ing, the Secretary of Housing and Urban De- 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and funds by no later than 180 days after the en- velopment may waive, or specify alternative Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. actment of this division: Provided further, requirements for, any provision of any stat- That the Secretary shall not prohibit the use ute or regulation that the Secretary admin- FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION of funds made available under this heading isters in connection with the obligation by and the same heading in Public Law 115–254 the Secretary or the use by the recipient of OPERATIONS for non-Federal share as authorized by sec- these funds (except for requirements related (AIRPORT AND AIRWAY TRUST FUND) tion 105(a)(9) of the Housing and Community to fair housing, nondiscrimination, labor Development Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5305(a)(9)): standards, and the environment), if the Sec- Of the amounts made available for ‘‘Fed- Provided further, That of the amounts made retary finds that good cause exists for the eral Aviation Administration—Operations’’ available under this heading, grantees may waiver or alternative requirement and such in division B of the Bipartisan Budget Act of establish grant programs to assist small waiver or alternative requirement would not 2018 (Public Law 115–123), up to $18,000,000 businesses for working capital purposes to be inconsistent with the overall purpose of shall also be available for necessary expenses aid in recovery: Provided further, That as a title I of the Housing and Community Devel- related to the consequences of major de- condition of making any grant, the Sec- opment Act of 1974: Provided further, That, clared disasters occurring in calendar year retary shall certify in advance that such notwithstanding the preceding proviso, re- 2018: Provided, That amounts repurposed grantee has in place proficient financial con- cipients of funds provided under this heading under this heading that were previously des- trols and procurement processes and has es- that use such funds to supplement Federal ignated by the Congress as an emergency re- tablished adequate procedures to prevent assistance provided under section 402, 403, quirement pursuant to the Balanced Budget any duplication of benefits as defined by sec- 404, 406, 407, 408 (c)(4), or 502 of the Robert T. and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 tion 312 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency As- are designated by the Congress as an emer- Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 sistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121 et seq.) may gency requirement pursuant to section U.S.C. 5155), to ensure timely expenditure of adopt, without review or public comment, 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and funds, to maintain comprehensive websites any environmental review, approval, or per- Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. regarding all disaster recovery activities as- mit performed by a Federal agency, and such FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION sisted with these funds, and to detect and adoption shall satisfy the responsibilities of prevent waste, fraud, and abuse of funds: Pro- the recipient with respect to such environ- EMERGENCY RELIEF PROGRAM vided further, That with respect to any such mental review, approval or permit: Provided For an additional amount for the Emer- duplication of benefits, the Secretary shall further, That, notwithstanding section gency Relief Program as authorized under act in accordance with section 1210 of Public 104(g)(2) of the Housing and Community De- section 125 of title 23, United States Code, Law 115–254 (132 Stat. 3442) and section 312 of velopment Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5304(g)(2)), $1,650,000,000, to remain available until ex- the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and the Secretary may, upon receipt of a request pended: Provided, That such amount is des- Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5155): for release of funds and certification, imme- ignated by the Congress as being for an Provided further, That the Secretary shall re- diately approve the release of funds for an emergency requirement pursuant to section quire grantees to maintain on a public activity or project assisted under this head- 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and website information containing common re- ing if the recipient has adopted an environ- Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. porting criteria established by the Depart- mental review, approval or permit under the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00083 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JA6.045 S24JAPT1 S624 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 24, 2019 preceding proviso or the activity or project pand the eligible beneficiaries of existing $5,700,000,000 for an additional amount for fis- is categorically excluded from review under programs contained in such previously ap- cal year 2019, to remain available until Sep- the National Environmental Policy Act of proved plans to include those impacted by tember 30, 2023, for purposes authorized by 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.): Provided further, Hurricane Florence. Approval of any such re- section 102 of the Illegal Immigration Re- That the Secretary shall publish via notice vised plans shall include the execution of re- form and Immigrant Responsibility Act of in the Federal Register any waiver, or alter- vised grant terms and conditions as nec- 1996 (Public Law 104–208) as amended by sec- native requirement, to any statute or regula- essary. Once the implementing Notice is tion 564 of the Consolidated Appropriations tion that the Secretary administers pursu- published, any additional action plan revi- Act, 2008 (Public Law 110–161), to include ac- ant to title I of the Housing and Community sions shall follow the requirements con- tivities authorized under section 1103(b) of Development Act of 1974 no later than 5 days tained therein. title 8, United States Code.’’. before the effective date of such waiver or al- (b) Amounts made available for adminis- This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Further Ad- ternative requirement: Provided further, That trative costs for activities authorized under ditional Continuing Appropriations Act, of the amounts made available under this title I of the Housing and Community Devel- 2019’’. heading, up to $5,000,000 shall be made avail- opment Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5301 et seq.) re- able for capacity building and technical as- lated to disaster relief, long-term recovery, SA 43. Mr. SHELBY submitted an sistance, including assistance on contracting restoration of infrastructure and housing, amendment intended to be proposed by and procurement processes, to support economic revitalization, and mitigation in him to the bill H.R. 268, making supple- States, units of general local government, or the most impacted and distressed areas mental appropriations for the fiscal under this division or any future Act, and Indian tribes (and their subrecipients) that year ending September 30, 2019, and for receive allocations pursuant to this heading, amounts previously provided under section received disaster recovery allocations under 420 of division L of Public Law 114–113, sec- other purposes; which was ordered to the same heading in Public Law 115–254, or tion 145 of division C of Public Law 114–223, lie on the table; as follows: may receive similar allocations for disaster section 192 of division C of Public Law 114– Strike all after the enacting clause and in- recovery in future appropriations Acts: Pro- 223 (as added by section 101(3) of division A of sert the following: vided further, That of the amounts made Public Law 114–254), section 421 of division K DIVISION A—FURTHER ADDITIONAL available under this heading and under the of Public Law 115–31, and under the heading CONTINUING APPROPRIATIONS ACT, 2019 same heading in Public Law 115–254, up to ‘‘Department of Housing and Urban Develop- SEC. 101. The Continuing Appropriations $2,500,000 shall be transferred, in aggregate, ment—Community Planning and Develop- Act, 2019 (division C of Public Law 115–245) is to ‘‘Department of Housing and Urban Devel- ment—Community Development Fund’’ of further amended— opment—Program Office Salaries and Ex- division B of Public Law 115–56, Public Law (1) by striking the date specified in section penses—Community Planning and Develop- 115–123, and Public Law 115–254, shall be 105(3) and inserting ‘‘February 8, 2019’’; and ment’’ for necessary costs, including infor- available for eligible administrative costs of (2) by adding after section 136 the fol- mation technology costs, of administering the grantee related to any disaster relief lowing: and overseeing the obligation and expendi- funding identified in this subsection without ‘‘SEC. 137. Notwithstanding any other pro- regard to the particular disaster appropria- ture of amounts under this heading: Provided vision of this Act, and in addition to tion from which such funds originated. further, That the amount specified in the pre- amounts otherwise made available by this (c) The additional uses pursuant to this ceding proviso shall be combined with funds Act for ‘U.S. Custom and Border Protec- section for amounts that were previously appropriated under the same heading and for tion—Procurement, Construction, and Im- designated by the Congress, respectively, as the same purpose in Public Law 115–254 and provements’, there is appropriated an emergency requirement or as being for the aggregate of such amounts shall be avail- $5,700,000,000 for an additional amount for fis- disaster relief pursuant to the Balanced able for any of the same such purposes speci- cal year 2019, to remain available until Sep- Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act fied under this heading or the same heading tember 30, 2023, for purposes authorized by are designated by the Congress as being for in Public Law 115–254 without limitation: section 102 of the Illegal Immigration Re- an emergency requirement pursuant to sec- Provided further, That such amount is des- form and Immigrant Responsibility Act of tion 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget ignated by the Congress as being for an 1996 (Public Law 104–208) as amended by sec- and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 or emergency requirement pursuant to section tion 564 of the Consolidated Appropriations as being for disaster relief pursuant to sec- 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and Act, 2008 (Public Law 110–161), to include ac- tion 251(b)(2)(D) of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. tivities authorized under section 1103(b) of Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. GENERAL PROVISION—THIS TITLE title 8, United States Code.’’. SEC. 1001. (a) Amounts previously made TITLE XI This division may be cited as the ‘‘Further available for activities authorized under GENERAL PROVISIONS—THIS DIVISION Additional Continuing Appropriations Act, title I of the Housing and Community Devel- SEC. 1101. Each amount designated in this 2019’’. opment Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5301 et seq.) re- division by the Congress as being for an DIVISION B—ADDITIONAL SUPPLE- lated to disaster relief, long-term recovery, emergency requirement pursuant to section MENTAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR DIS- restoration of infrastructure and housing, 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and ASTER RELIEF, 2019 economic revitalization, and mitigation in Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 shall The following sums in this division are ap- the most impacted and distressed areas re- be available (or rescinded or transferred, if propriated, out of any money in the Treas- sulting from a major disaster, including applicable) only if the President subse- ury not otherwise appropriated, for the fiscal funds provided under section 145 of division C quently so designates all such amounts and year ending September 30, 2019, and for other of Public Law 114–223, section 192 of division transmits such designations to the Congress. purposes, namely: C of Public Law 114–223 (as added by section This division may be cited as the ‘‘Addi- 101(3) of division A of Public Law 114–254), tional Supplemental Appropriations for Dis- TITLE I section 421 of division K of Public Law 115–31, aster Relief, 2019’’. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE and any mitigation funding provided under AGRICULTURAL PROGRAMS the heading ‘‘Department of Housing and SA 42. Mr. SHELBY submitted an PROCESSING, RESEARCH AND MARKETING Urban Development—Community Planning amendment intended to be proposed by OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY and Development—Community Development him to the bill H.R. 268, making supple- Fund’’ of Public Law 115–123, that were allo- For an additional amount for the ‘‘Office of cated in response to Hurricane Matthew, mental appropriations for the fiscal the Secretary’’, $3,005,442,000, which shall re- may be used interchangeably and without year ending September 30, 2019, and for main available until December 31, 2020, for limitation for the same activities in the other purposes; which was ordered to necessary expenses related to losses of crops most impacted and distressed areas related lie on the table; as follows: (including milk and harvested adulterated to Hurricane Florence. In addition, any Strike all after the enacting clause and in- wine grapes), trees, bushes, and vines, as a funds provided under the heading ‘‘Depart- sert the following: consequence of Hurricanes Michael or Flor- ment of Housing and Urban Development— SEC. 101. The Continuing Appropriations ence, other hurricanes, typhoons, volcanic Community Planning and Development— Act, 2019 (division C of Public Law 115–245) is activity, or wildfires occurring in calendar Community Development Fund’’ in this divi- further amended— year 2018 under such terms and conditions as sion or in division I of Public Law 115–254 (1) by striking the date specified in section determined by the Secretary: Provided, That that are allocated in response to Hurricane 105(3) and inserting ‘‘February 8, 2019’’; and the Secretary may provide assistance for Florence may be used interchangeably and (2) by adding after section 136 the fol- such losses in the form of block grants to eli- without limitation for the same activities in lowing: gible states and territories and such assist- the most impacted and distressed areas re- ‘‘SEC. 137. Notwithstanding any other pro- ance may include compensation to pro- lated to Hurricane Matthew. Until HUD pub- vision of this Act, and in addition to ducers, as determined by the Secretary, for lishes the Federal Register Notice imple- amounts otherwise made available by this past or future crop insurance premiums, for- menting this provision, grantees may submit Act for ‘U.S. Custom and Border Protec- est restoration, and poultry and livestock for HUD approval revised plans for the use of tion—Procurement, Construction, and Im- losses: Provided further, That of the amounts funds related to Hurricane Matthew that ex- provements’, there is appropriated provided under this heading, tree assistance

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00084 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JA6.045 S24JAPT1 January 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S625 payments may be made under section 1501(e) gress as being for an emergency requirement the term defined in section 760.1502 of title 7 of the Agricultural Act of 2014 (7 U.S.C. pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- Code of Federal Regulations (as in effect 9081(e)) to eligible orchardists or nursery anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control July 18, 2018). tree growers (as defined in such section) of Act of 1985. (d) The amount provided by this section is designated by the Congress as being for an pecan trees with a tree mortality rate that RURAL DEVELOPMENT exceeds 7.5 percent (adjusted for normal mor- emergency requirement pursuant to section RURAL COMMUNITY FACILITIES PROGRAM tality) and is less than 15 percent (adjusted 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and ACCOUNT for normal mortality), to be available until Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. expended, for losses incurred during the pe- For an additional amount for the cost of TITLE II riod beginning January 1, 2018, and ending grants for rural community facilities pro- DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE grams as authorized by section 306 and de- December 31, 2018: Provided further, That in ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION the case of producers impacted by volcanic scribed in section 381E(d)(1) of the Consoli- ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE activity that resulted in the loss of crop dated Farm and Rural Development Act, for PROGRAMS land, or access to crop land, the Secretary necessary expenses related to the con- shall consider all measures available, as ap- sequences of Hurricanes Michael and Flor- (INCLUDING TRANSFERS OF FUNDS) propriate, to bring replacement land into ence and wildfires occurring in calendar year Pursuant to section 703 of the Public production: Provided further, That the total 2018, and other natural disasters, $150,000,000, Works and Economic Development Act (42 amount of payments received under this to remain available until expended: Provided, U.S.C. 3233), for an additional amount for heading and applicable policies of crop insur- That sections 381E-H and 381N of the Consoli- ‘‘Economic Development Assistance Pro- ance under the Federal Crop Insurance Act (7 dated Farm and Rural Development Act are grams’’ for necessary expenses related to U.S.C. 1501 et seq.) or the Noninsured Crop not applicable to the funds made available flood mitigation, disaster relief, long-term Disaster Assistance Program (NAP) under under this heading: Provided further, That recovery, and restoration of infrastructure section 196 of the Federal Agriculture Im- such amount is designated by the Congress in areas that received a major disaster des- provement and Reform Act of 1996 (7 U.S.C. as being for an emergency requirement pur- ignation as a result of Hurricanes Florence, 7333) shall not exceed 90 percent of the loss suant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- Michael, and Lane, Typhoons Yutu and as determined by the Secretary: Provided fur- anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Mangkhut, and of wildfires, volcanic erup- ther, That the total amount of payments re- Act of 1985. tions, earthquakes, and other natural disas- ceived under this heading for producers who GENERAL PROVISIONS—THIS TITLE ters occurring in calendar year 2018 under did not obtain a policy or plan of insurance the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and SEC. 101. In addition to amounts otherwise Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121 et for an insurable commodity for the applica- made available, out of the funds made avail- ble crop year under the Federal Crop Insur- seq.), $600,000,000, to remain available until able under section 18 of Food and Nutrition expended: Provided, That such amount is des- ance Act (7 U.S.C. 1501 et seq.) for the crop Act of 2008, $25,200,000 shall be available for incurring the losses or did not file the re- ignated by the Congress as being for an the Secretary to provide a grant to the Com- emergency requirement pursuant to section quired paperwork and pay the service fee by monwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands the applicable State filing deadline for a 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and for disaster nutrition assistance in response Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985: Pro- noninsurable commodity for the applicable to the Presidentially declared major disas- crop year under NAP for the crop incurring vided further, That within the amount appro- ters and emergencies: Provided, That funds priated, up to 2 percent of funds may be the losses shall not exceed 70 percent of the made available to the Commonwealth of the loss as determined by the Secretary: Provided transferred to the ‘‘Salaries and Expenses’’ Northern Mariana Islands under this section account for administration and oversight ac- further, That producers receiving payments shall remain available for obligation by the under this heading, as determined by the tivities: Provided further, That within the Commonwealth until September 30, 2020: Pro- amount appropriated, $1,000,000 shall be Secretary, shall be required to purchase crop vided further, That such amount is des- insurance where crop insurance is available transferred to the ‘‘Office of Inspector Gen- ignated by the Congress as being for an eral’’ account for carrying out investigations for the next two available crop years, exclud- emergency requirement pursuant to section ing tree insurance policies, and producers re- and audits related to the funding provided 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and under this heading. ceiving payments under this heading shall be Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC required to purchase coverage under NAP SEC. 102. For purposes of administering ADMINISTRATION where crop insurance is not available in the title I of subdivision 1 of division B of the Bi- next two available crop years, as determined partisan Budget Act of 2018 (Public Law 115– OPERATIONS, RESEARCH, AND FACILITIES by the Secretary: Provided further, That, not 123), losses to agricultural producers result- For an additional amount for ‘‘Operations, later than 120 days after the end of fiscal ing from hurricanes shall also include losses Research, and Facilities’’ for necessary ex- year 2019, the Secretary shall submit a re- incurred from Tropical Storm Cindy and penses related to the consequences of Hurri- port to the Congress specifying the type, losses of peach and blueberry crops in cal- canes Florence and Michael, Typhoon Yutu, amount, and method of such assistance by endar year 2017 due to extreme cold: Pro- and of wildfires, $120,570,000, to remain avail- state and territory: Provided further, That vided, That the amounts provided by this able until September 30, 2020, as follows: such amount is designated by the Congress section are designated by the Congress as (1) $3,000,000 for repair and replacement of as being for an emergency requirement pur- being for an emergency requirement pursu- observing assets, real property, and equip- suant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- ant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced ment; anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act (2) $11,000,000 for marine debris assessment Act of 1985. of 1985: Provided further, That amounts and removal; FARM SERVICE AGENCY repurposed under this heading that were pre- (3) $31,570,000 for mapping, charting, and EMERGENCY FOREST RESTORATION PROGRAM viously designated by the Congress as an geodesy services; (4) $25,000,000 to improve: (a) hurricane in- For an additional amount for the ‘‘Emer- emergency requirement pursuant to the Bal- tensity forecasting, including through de- gency Forest Restoration Program’’, for nec- anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control ployment of unmanned ocean observing plat- essary expenses related to the consequences Act of 1985 are designated by the Congress as forms and enhanced data assimilation; (b) of Hurricanes Michael and Florence and an emergency requirement pursuant to sec- flood prediction, forecasting, and mitigation wildfires occurring in calendar year 2018, and tion 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget capabilities; and (c) wildfire prediction, de- other natural disasters, $480,000,000, to re- and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. tection, and forecasting; and main available until expended: , SEC. 103. (a)(1) Except as provided in para- Provided (5) $50,000,000 for Title IX Fund grants as That such amount is designated by the Con- graph (2), a person or legal entity is not eli- authorized under section 906(c) of division O gress as being for an emergency requirement gible to receive a payment under the Market of Public Law 114–113: pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- Facilitation Program established pursuant to the Commodity Credit Corporation Char- Provided, That such amount is designated by anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control the Congress as being for an emergency re- Act of 1985. ter Act (15 U.S.C. 714 et seq.) if the average adjusted gross income of such person or legal quirement pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION SERVICE entity is greater than $900,000. of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Def- WATERSHED AND FLOOD PREVENTION (2) Paragraph (1) shall not apply to a per- icit Control Act of 1985: Provided further, OPERATIONS son or legal entity if at least 75 percent of That the National Oceanic and Atmospheric For an additional amount for ‘‘Watershed the adjusted gross income of such person or Administration shall submit a spending plan and Flood Prevention Operations’’, for nec- legal entity is derived from farming, ranch- to the Committees on Appropriations of the essary expenses for the Emergency Water- ing, or forestry related activities. House of Representatives and the Senate for shed Protection Program related to the con- (b) A person or legal entity may not re- funding provided under subsection (4) of this sequences of Hurricanes Michael and Flor- ceive a payment under the Market Facilita- heading within 45 days after the date of en- ence and wildfires occurring in calendar year tion Program described in subsection (a)(1), actment of this division. 2018, and other natural disasters, $125,000,000, directly or indirectly, of more than $125,000. PROCUREMENT, ACQUISITION AND CONSTRUCTION to remain available until expended: Provided, (c) In this section, the term ‘‘average ad- For an additional amount for ‘‘Procure- That such amount is designated by the Con- justed gross income’’ has the meaning given ment, Acquisition and Construction’’,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00085 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JA6.046 S24JAPT1 S626 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 24, 2019 $25,000,000, to remain available until Sep- vision to the Legal Services Corporation ceptable, in States and insular areas that tember 30, 2021, for improvements to oper- shall be subject to the same terms and condi- were impacted by Hurricanes Florence and ational and research weather supercom- tions set forth in such sections, except that Michael, Typhoon Mangkhut, Super Typhoon puting infrastructure and satellite ground all references in sections 502 and 503 to 1997 Yutu, and Tropical Storm Gita: Provided, services used for hurricane intensity and and 1998 shall be deemed to refer instead to That projects receiving funds provided under track prediction; flood prediction, fore- 2018 and 2019, respectively, and except that the first proviso in ‘‘Title IV—Corps of Engi- casting, and mitigation; and wildfire pre- sections 501 and 503 of Public Law 104–134 neers—Civil—Department of the Army—Con- diction, detection, and forecasting: Provided, (referenced by Public Law 105–119) shall not struction’’ in Public Law 115–123 shall not be That such amount is designated by the Con- apply to the amount made available under eligible for funding provided under this head- gress as being for an emergency requirement this heading: Provided further, That, for the ing: Provided further, That for projects re- pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- purposes of this division, the Legal Services ceiving funds provided under this heading, anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Corporation shall be considered an agency of the provisions of Section 902 of the Water Act of 1985: Provided further, That the Na- the United States Government. Resources Act of 1986 shall not apply to these tional Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra- TITLE III funds: Provided further, That the completion tion shall submit a spending plan to the of ongoing construction projects receiving DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Committees on Appropriations of the House funds provided under this heading shall be at of Representatives and the Senate within 45 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, MARINE CORPS full Federal expense with respect to such days after the date of enactment of this divi- For an additional amount for ‘‘Operation funds: Provided further, That using funds pro- sion. and Maintenance, Marine Corps’’, vided under this heading, the non-Federal cash contribution for projects other than on- FISHERIES DISASTER ASSISTANCE $200,000,000, for necessary expenses related to the consequences of Hurricanes Michael and going construction projects shall be financed For an additional amount for ‘‘Fisheries Florence: Provided, That such amount is des- in accordance with the provisions of section Disaster Assistance’’ for necessary expenses ignated by the Congress as being for an 103(k) of Public Law 99–662 over a period of 30 associated with the mitigation of fishery dis- emergency requirement pursuant to section years from the date of completion of the asters, $150,000,000, to remain available until 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and project or separable element: Provided fur- expended: Provided, That funds shall be used Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. ther, That up to $25,000,000 of the funds made for mitigating the effects of commercial fish- available under this heading shall be used for ery failures and fishery resource disasters OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, AIR FORCE continuing authorities projects to reduce the declared by the Secretary of Commerce, in- For an additional amount for ‘‘Operation risk of flooding and storm damage: Provided cluding those declared by the Secretary to be and Maintenance, Air Force’’, $400,000,000, for further, That any projects using funds appro- a direct result of Hurricanes Florence and necessary expenses related to the con- priated under this heading shall be initiated Michael and Typhoons Yutu and Mangkhut: sequences of Hurricanes Michael and Flor- only after non-Federal interests have en- Provided further, That such amount is des- ence: Provided, That such amount is des- tered into binding agreements with the Sec- ignated by the Congress as being for an ignated by the Congress as being for an retary requiring, where applicable, the non- emergency requirement pursuant to section emergency requirement pursuant to section Federal interests to pay 100 percent of the 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and operation, maintenance, repair, replacement, Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. and rehabilitation costs of the project and to DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE TITLE IV hold and save the United States free from UNITED STATES MARSHALS SERVICE CORPS OF ENGINEERS—CIVIL damages due to the construction or oper- ation and maintenance of the project, except SALARIES AND EXPENSES DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY for damages due to the fault or negligence of For an additional amount for ‘‘Salaries INVESTIGATIONS the United States or its contractors: Pro- and Expenses’’ for necessary expenses related For an additional amount for ‘‘Investiga- vided further, That such amount is des- to the consequences of Hurricanes Florence tions’’ for necessary expenses related to the ignated by the Congress as being for an and Michael and Typhoon Yutu, $1,336,000: completion, or initiation and completion, of emergency requirement pursuant to section Provided, That such amount is designated by flood and storm damage reduction, including 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and the Congress as being for an emergency re- shore protection, studies which are currently Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985: Pro- quirement pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) authorized or which are authorized after the vided further, That the Assistant Secretary of of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Def- date of enactment of this division, to reduce the Army for Civil Works shall provide a icit Control Act of 1985. risk from future floods and hurricanes, at monthly report directly to the Committees FEDERAL PRISON SYSTEM full Federal expense, $35,000,000, to remain on Appropriations of the House of Represent- BUILDINGS AND FACILITIES available until expended, for high priority atives and the Senate detailing the alloca- studies of projects in States and insular tion and obligation of these funds, beginning For an additional amount for ‘‘Buildings areas that were impacted by Hurricanes not later than 60 days after the date of en- and Facilities’’ for necessary expenses re- Florence and Michael, Typhoon Mangkhut, actment of this division. lated to the consequences of Hurricanes Super Typhoon Yutu, and Tropical Storm MISSISSIPPI RIVER AND TRIBUTARIES Florence and Michael and Typhoon Yutu, Gita: Provided, That such amount is des- $28,400,000, to remain available until ex- For an additional amount for ‘‘Mississippi ignated by the Congress as being for an pended: Provided, That such amount is des- River and Tributaries’’ for necessary ex- emergency requirement pursuant to section ignated by the Congress as being for an penses to address emergency situations at 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and emergency requirement pursuant to section Corps of Engineers projects and rehabilitate Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985: Pro- 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and and repair damages to Corps of Engineers vided further, That the Assistant Secretary of Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. projects, caused by natural disasters, the Army for Civil Works shall provide a $225,000,000, to remain available until ex- RELATED AGENCIES monthly report directly to the Committees pended: Provided, That such amount is des- LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION on Appropriations of the House and the Sen- ignated by the Congress as being for an PAYMENT TO THE LEGAL SERVICES ate detailing the allocation and obligation of emergency requirement pursuant to section CORPORATION these funds, including new studies selected 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and to be initiated using funds provided under For an additional amount for ‘‘Payment to Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985: Pro- this heading, beginning not later than 60 the Legal Services Corporation’’ to carry out vided further, That the Assistant Secretary of days after the date of enactment of this divi- the purposes of the Legal Services Corpora- the Army for Civil Works shall provide a sion. tion Act by providing for necessary expenses monthly report directly to the Committees related to the consequences of Hurricanes CONSTRUCTION on Appropriations of the House of Represent- Florence, Michael, and Lane, Typhoons Yutu For an additional amount for ‘‘Construc- atives and the Senate detailing the alloca- and Mangkhut, and calendar year 2018 tion’’ for necessary expenses, $740,000,000, to tion and obligation of these funds, beginning wildfires, volcanic eruptions, and earth- remain available until expended, to con- not later than 60 days after the date of en- quakes, $15,000,000: Provided, That such struct flood and storm damage reduction, in- actment of this division. amount is designated by the Congress as cluding shore protection, projects which are OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE being for an emergency requirement pursu- currently authorized or which are authorized For an additional amount for ‘‘Operation ant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced after the date of enactment of this division, and Maintenance’’ for necessary expenses to Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act and flood and storm damage reduction, in- dredge Federal navigation projects in re- of 1985: Provided further, That none of the cluding shore protection, projects which sponse to, and repair damages to Corps of funds appropriated in this division to the have signed Chief’s Reports as of the date of Engineers Federal projects caused by, nat- Legal Services Corporation shall be expended enactment of this division or which are stud- ural disasters, $245,000,000, to remain avail- for any purpose prohibited or limited by, or ied using funds provided under the heading able until expended, of which such sums as contrary to any of the provisions of, sections ‘‘Investigations’’ if the Secretary determines are necessary to cover the Federal share of 501, 502, 503, 504, 505, and 506 of Public Law such projects to be technically feasible, eco- eligible operation and maintenance costs for 105–119, and all funds appropriated in this di- nomically justified, and environmentally ac- coastal harbors and channels, and for inland

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00086 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JA6.046 S24JAPT1 January 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S627 harbors shall be derived from the Harbor being for an emergency requirement pursu- shall submit a report to the Committees on Maintenance Trust Fund: Provided, That ant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Appropriations that describes the potential such amount is designated by the Congress Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act options to replace the facility damaged by as being for an emergency requirement pur- of 1985. the 2018 volcano disaster along with cost es- suant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- TITLE VI timates and a description of how the Survey anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control will provide direct access for monitoring vol- DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Act of 1985: Provided further, That the Assist- canic activity and the potential threat to at- ant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works UNITED STATES FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE risk communities: Provided further, That shall provide a monthly report directly to CONSTRUCTION such amount is designated by the Congress the Committees on Appropriations of the For an additional amount for ‘‘Construc- as being for an emergency requirement pur- House of Representatives and the Senate de- tion’’ for necessary expenses related to the suant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- tailing the allocation and obligation of these consequences of Hurricanes Florence, Lane, anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control funds, beginning not later than 60 days after and Michael, and flooding associated with Act of 1985. the date of enactment of this division. major declared disaster DR–4365, and cal- DEPARTMENTAL OFFICES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR endar year 2018 earthquakes, $82,400,000, to INSULAR AFFAIRS remain available until expended: Provided, CENTRAL UTAH PROJECT ASSISTANCE TO TERRITORIES That of this amount $50,000,000 shall be used CENTRAL UTAH PROJECT COMPLETION ACCOUNT to restore and rebuild national wildlife ref- For an additional amount for ‘‘Technical For an additional amount for ‘‘Central uges and increase the resiliency and capacity Assistance’’ for financial management ex- Utah Project Completion Account’’, $350,000, of coastal habitat and infrastructure to penses related to the consequences of Ty- to be deposited into the Utah Reclamation withstand storms and reduce the amount of phoon Yutu, $2,000,000, to remain available Mitigation and Conservation Account for use damage caused by such storms: Provided fur- until expended: Provided, That such amount by the Utah Reclamation Mitigation and ther, That such amount is designated by the is designated by the Congress as being for an Conservation Commission, to remain avail- Congress as being for an emergency require- emergency requirement pursuant to section able until expended, for expenses necessary ment pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and in carrying out fire remediation activities the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. related to wildfires in 2018: Provided, That Control Act of 1985. OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL such amount is designated by the Congress NATIONAL PARK SERVICE SALARIES AND EXPENSES as being for an emergency requirement pur- suant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- HISTORIC PRESERVATION FUND For an additional amount for ‘‘Salaries anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control For an additional amount for the ‘‘Historic and Expenses’’ for necessary expenses related Act of 1985. Preservation Fund’’ for necessary expenses to the consequences of major disasters de- clared pursuant to the Robert T. Stafford BUREAU OF RECLAMATION related to the consequences of Hurricanes Florence and Michael, and Typhoon Yutu, Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance WATER AND RELATED RESOURCES $50,000,000, to remain available until Sep- Act (42 U.S.C. 5121 et seq.) in 2018, $1,000,000, For an additional amount for ‘‘Water and tember 30, 2022, including costs to States and to remain available until expended: Provided, Related Resources’’, $15,500,000, to remain territories necessary to complete compliance That such amount is designated by the Con- available until expended, for fire remedi- activities required by section 306108 of title gress as being for an emergency requirement ation and suppression emergency assistance 54, United States Code (formerly section 106 pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- related to wildfires in 2017 and 2018: Provided, of the National Historic Preservation Act) anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control That such amount is designated by the Con- and costs needed to administer the program: Act of 1985. gress as being for an emergency requirement Provided, That grants shall only be available ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- for areas that have received a major disaster SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control declaration pursuant to the Robert T. Staf- For an additional amount for ‘‘Science and Act of 1985. ford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assist- Technology’’ for necessary expenses related TITLE V ance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121 et seq.): Provided fur- to improving preparedness of the water sec- DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY ther, That individual grants shall not be sub- tor, $600,000, to remain available until ex- ject to a non-Federal matching requirement: SECURITY, ENFORCEMENT, AND pended: Provided, That such amount is des- Provided further, That such amount is des- INVESTIGATIONS ignated by the Congress as being for an ignated by the Congress as being for an emergency requirement pursuant to section COAST GUARD emergency requirement pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and OPERATIONS AND SUPPORT 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. For an additional amount for ‘‘Operations LEAKING UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK TRUST and Support’’ for necessary expenses related CONSTRUCTION FUND PROGRAM to the consequences of Hurricanes Michael, For an additional amount for ‘‘Construc- For an additional amount for ‘‘Leaking Florence, and Lane, Tropical Storm Gordon, tion’’ for necessary expenses related to the Underground Storage Tank Fund’’ for nec- and Typhoon Mangkhut, $46,977,000, to re- consequences of Hurricanes Florence and Mi- essary expenses related to the consequences main available until September 30, 2020: Pro- chael, Typhoons Yutu and Mangkhut, and of Hurricanes Florence and Michael, cal- vided, That such amount is designated by the calendar year 2018 wildfires, earthquakes, endar year 2018 earthquakes, and Typhoon Congress as being for an emergency require- and volcanic eruptions, $78,000,000, to remain Yutu, $1,500,000, to remain available until ex- ment pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of available until expended: Provided, That such pended: Provided, That such amount is des- the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit amount is designated by the Congress as ignated by the Congress as being for an Control Act of 1985. being for an emergency requirement pursu- emergency requirement pursuant to section PROCUREMENT, CONSTRUCTION, AND ant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and IMPROVEMENTS Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. of 1985. For an additional amount for ‘‘Procure- STATE AND TRIBAL ASSISTANCE GRANTS ment, Construction, and Improvements’’ for UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY For additional amounts for ‘‘State and necessary expenses related to the con- SURVEYS, INVESTIGATIONS, AND RESEARCH Tribal Assistance Grants’’ for necessary ex- sequences of Hurricanes Michael, Florence, For an additional amount for ‘‘Surveys, In- penses related to the consequences of Hurri- and Lane, Tropical Storm Gordon, and Ty- vestigations, and Research’’ for necessary canes Florence and Michael and calendar phoon Mangkhut, $476,755,000, to remain expenses related to the consequences of Hur- year 2018 earthquakes for the hazardous available until September 30, 2023: Provided, ricanes Florence and Michael, and calendar waste financial assistance grants program, That such amount is designated by the Con- year 2018 wildfires, earthquake damage asso- $1,500,000, to remain available until ex- gress as being for an emergency requirement ciated with emergency declaration EM–3410, pended; for necessary expenses related to the pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- and in those areas impacted by a major dis- consequences of Typhoon Yutu for the haz- anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control aster declared pursuant to the Robert T. ardous waste financial assistance grants pro- Act of 1985. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency As- gram and for other solid waste management ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE AND sistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121 et seq.) with re- activities, $56,000,000, to remain available RESTORATION spect to calendar year 2018 wildfires or vol- until expended, provided that none of these For an additional amount for ‘‘Environ- canic eruptions, $98,500,000, to remain avail- funds shall be subject to section 3011(b) of mental Compliance and Restoration’’ for able until expended: Provided, That of this the Solid Waste Disposal Act; and for grants necessary expenses related to the con- amount, $72,310,000 is for costs related to the under section 106 of the Federal Water Pollu- sequences of Hurricanes Michael and Flor- repair and replacement of equipment and fa- tion Control Act, $5,000,000, to remain avail- ence, $2,000,000, to remain available until cilities damaged by disasters in 2018: Pro- able until expended, to address impacts of September 30, 2023: Provided, That such vided further, That, not later than 90 days Hurricane Florence, Hurricane Michael, Ty- amount is designated by the Congress as after enactment of this division, the Survey phoon Yutu, and calendar year 2018 wildfires,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00087 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JA6.046 S24JAPT1 S628 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 24, 2019 notwithstanding subsections (b), (e), and (f), 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and TITLE VII of such section: Provided, That such amounts Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR are designated by the Congress as being for NATIONAL FOREST SYSTEM EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING ADMINISTRATION an emergency requirement pursuant to sec- For an additional amount for ‘‘National TRAINING AND EMPLOYMENT SERVICES tion 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget Forest System’’ for necessary expenses re- and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. (INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS) lated to the consequences of Hurricanes For an additional amount for ‘‘State and For an additional amount for ‘‘Training Florence and Michael, and the calendar year Tribal Assistance Grants’’, $349,400,000 to re- and Employment Services’’, $50,000,000, for 2018 wildfires, $84,960,000, to remain available main available until expended, of which the dislocated workers assistance national until expended: , That of this $53,300,000 shall be for capitalization grants Provided reserve for necessary expenses directly re- amount $21,000,000 shall be used for haz- for the Clean Water State Revolving Funds lated to the consequences of Hurricanes ardous fuels management activities: under title VI of the Federal Water Pollution Provided Florence and Michael, Typhoon Mangkhut, , That such amount is designated by Control Act, and of which $296,100,000 shall be further Super Typhoon Yutu, or earthquakes and the Congress as being for an emergency re- for capitalization grants under section 1452 wildfires occurring in calendar year 2018, to quirement pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Safe Drinking Water Act: Provided, remain available through September 30, 2020: of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Def- That notwithstanding section 604(a) of the Provided, That the Secretary of Labor may icit Control Act of 1985. Federal Water Pollution Control Act and transfer up to $1,000,000 of such funds to any section 1452(a)(1)(D) of the Safe Drinking CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT AND MAINTENANCE other Department of Labor account for re- Water Act, funds appropriated herein shall For an additional amount for ‘‘Capital Im- construction and recovery needs, including be provided to States in EPA Regions 4, 9, provement and Maintenance’’ for necessary worker protection activities: Provided fur- and 10 in amounts determined by the Admin- expenses related to the consequences of Hur- ther, That these sums may be used to replace istrator for wastewater treatment works and ricanes Florence and Michael, and the cal- grant funds previously obligated to the im- drinking water facilities impacted by Hurri- endar year 2018 wildfires, $36,040,000, to re- pacted areas: Provided further, That of the canes Florence and Michael, Typhoon Yutu, main available until expended: Provided, amount provided, up to $500,000, to remain and calendar year 2018 wildfires and earth- That such amount is designated by the Con- available until expended, shall be transferred quakes: Provided further, That notwith- gress as being for an emergency requirement to ‘‘Office of Inspector General’’ for over- standing the requirements of section 603(i) of pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- sight of activities responding to such con- the Federal Water Pollution Control Act and anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control sequences: Provided further, That such section 1452(d) of the Safe Drinking Water Act of 1985. amount is designated by the Congress as Act, for the funds appropriated herein, each WILDLAND FIRE MANAGEMENT being for an emergency requirement pursu- State shall use not less than 20 percent but ant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced (INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS) not more than 30 percent amount of its cap- Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act italization grants to provide additional sub- For an additional amount for ‘‘Wildland of 1985. sidization to eligible recipients in the form Fire Management’’, $720,271,000, to remain DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN of forgiveness of principal, negative interest available through September 30, 2022, for ur- SERVICES loans or grants or any combination of these: gent wildland fire suppression operations: SUBSTANCE ABUSE AND MENTAL HEALTH Provided further, That the Administrator Provided, That such funds shall be solely SERVICES ADMINISTRATION shall retain $10,400,000 of the funds appro- available to be transferred to and merged HEALTH SURVEILLANCE AND PROGRAM SUPPORT priated herein for grants for drinking water with other appropriations accounts from facilities and waste water treatment plants which funds were previously transferred for For an additional amount for ‘‘Health Sur- impacted by Typhoon Yutu: Provided further, wildland fire suppression in fiscal year 2018 veillance and Program Support’’, $30,000,000, That the funds appropriated herein shall be to fully repay those amounts: Provided fur- to remain available until September 30, 2019, used for eligible projects whose purpose is to ther, That such amount is designated by the for grants, contracts and cooperative agree- reduce flood or fire damage risk and vulner- Congress as an emergency requirement pur- ments for behavioral health treatment, crisis ability or to enhance resiliency to rapid hy- suant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- counseling, and other related helplines, and drologic change or natural disaster at treat- anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control for other similar programs to provide sup- ment works as defined by section 212 of the Act of 1985. port to individuals impacted by Hurricanes Federal Water Pollution Control Act or any DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN Florence and Michael, Typhoon Mangkhut, eligible facilities under section 1452 of the SERVICES Super Typhoon Yutu, and earthquakes and wildfires occurring in 2018 in those areas for Safe Drinking Water Act, and for other eligi- NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH ble tasks at such treatment works or facili- which a major disaster or emergency has NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ENVIRONMENTAL ties necessary to further such purposes: Pro- been declared under section 401 or 501 of the HEALTH SCIENCES vided further, That the Administrator of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emer- Environmental Protection Agency may re- For an additional amount for ‘‘National In- gency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5170 and tain up to $1,000,000 of the funds appropriated stitute of Environmental Health Sciences’’ 5191): Provided, That obligations incurred for herein for management and oversight: Pro- for necessary expenses in carrying out ac- the purposes provided herein prior to the vided further, That such amount is des- tivities set forth in section 311(a) of the Com- date of enactment of this Act may be ignated by the Congress as being for an prehensive Environmental Response, Com- charged to funds appropriated under this emergency requirement pursuant to section pensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (42 heading: Provided further, That such amount 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and U.S.C. 9660(a)) and section 126(g) of the is designated by the Congress as being for an Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization emergency requirement pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and RELATED AGENCIES Act of 1986 related to the consequences of major disasters declared pursuant to the Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emer- ADMINISTRATION FOR CHILDREN AND FAMILIES FOREST SERVICE gency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121 et seq.) CHILDREN AND FAMILIES SERVICES PROGRAMS FOREST AND RANGELAND RESEARCH in 2018, $1,000,000, to remain available until For an additional amount for ‘‘Children expended: Provided, That such amount is des- For an additional amount for ‘‘Forest and and Families Services Programs’’, $60,000,000, ignated by the Congress as being for an Rangeland Research’’ for necessary expenses to remain available until September 30, 2021, emergency requirement pursuant to section related to the consequences of Hurricanes for Head Start programs, including making 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and Florence and Michael, and the calendar year payments under the Head Start Act, for nec- Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. 2018 wildfires, $1,000,000, to remain available essary expenses directly related to the con- until expended for the forest inventory and GENERAL PROVISION—THIS TITLE sequences of Hurricanes Florence and Mi- analysis program: Provided, That such SEC. 601. Not later than 45 days after the chael, Typhoon Mangkhut, Super Typhoon amount is designated by the Congress as date of enactment of this division, the agen- Yutu, and earthquakes and wildfires in 2018 being for an emergency requirement pursu- cies receiving funds appropriated by this in those areas for which a major disaster or ant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced title shall provide a detailed operating plan emergency has been declared under section Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of anticipated uses of funds made available 401 or 501 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster of 1985. in this title by State and Territory, and by Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 STATE AND PRIVATE FORESTRY program, project, and activity, to the Com- U.S.C. 5170 and 5191): Provided, That none of For an additional amount for ‘‘State and mittees on Appropriations: Provided, That no the funds appropriated in this paragraph Private Forestry’’ for necessary expenses re- such funds shall be obligated before the oper- shall be included in the calculation of the lated to the consequences of Hurricanes ating plans are provided to the Committees: ‘‘base grant’’ in subsequent fiscal years, as Florence and Michael, and the calendar year Provided further, That such plans shall be up- such term is defined in sections 640(a)(7)(A), 2018 wildfires, $12,000,000, to remain available dated, including obligations to date, and sub- 641A(h)(1)(B), or 645(d)(3) of the Head Start until expended: Provided, That such amount mitted to the Committees on Appropriations Act: Provided further, That funds appro- is designated by the Congress as being for an every 60 days until all such funds are ex- priated in this paragraph are not subject to emergency requirement pursuant to section pended. the allocation requirements of section 640(a)

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00088 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JA6.046 S24JAPT1 January 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S629 of the Head Start Act: Provided further, That and Michael, Typhoons Yutu and Mangkhut, receive form 1391 for each specific request: funds appropriated in this paragraph shall the calendar year 2018 wildfires, earth- Provided further, That, not later than 60 days not be available for costs that are reim- quakes, and volcano eruptions, and other dis- after enactment of this division, the Director bursed by the Federal Emergency Manage- asters declared pursuant to the Robert T. of the Army National Guard, or his designee, ment Agency, under a contract for insur- Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency As- shall submit to the Committees on Appro- ance, or by self-insurance: Provided further, sistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121 et seq.): Provided, priations of the House of Representatives That up to $2,000,000 shall be available for That, not later than 90 days after the date of and the Senate a detailed expenditure plan Federal administrative expenses: Provided enactment of this division, the Government for funds provided under this heading: Pro- further, That obligations incurred for the Accountability Office shall submit to the vided further, That such funds may be obli- purposes provided herein prior to the date of Committees on Appropriations of the House gated or expended for planning and design enactment of this Act may be charged to of Representatives and the Senate a spend and military construction projects not oth- funds appropriated under this heading: Pro- plan specifying funding estimates for audits erwise authorized by law: Provided further, vided further, That such amount is des- and investigations of any such declared dis- That such amount is designated by the Con- ignated by the Congress as being for an asters occurring in 2018 and identifying fund- gress as being for an emergency requirement emergency requirement pursuant to section ing estimates or carryover balances, if any, pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and that may be available for audits and inves- anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. tigations of any other such declared disas- Act of 1985. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION ters: Provided further, That such amount is DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS designated by the Congress as being for an EDUCATION RECOVERY VETERANS HEALTH ADMINISTRATION emergency requirement pursuant to section (INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS) 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and MEDICAL FACILITIES For an additional amount for ‘‘Education Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. (INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS) Recovery’’ for necessary expenses related to TITLE IX For an additional amount for ‘‘Medical Fa- the consequences of Hurricanes Florence and DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE cilities’’, $3,000,000, to remain available until Michael, Typhoon Mangkhut, Super Typhoon September 30, 2023, for necessary expenses re- Yutu, wildfires in 2018, or the volcanic erup- MILITARY CONSTRUCTION, NAVY AND MARINE CORPS lated to the consequences of Hurricanes tion and earthquakes in 2018 in those areas Florence and Michael and Typhoons For an additional amount for ‘‘Military for which a major disaster or emergency has Mangkhut and Yutu: Provided, That the Sec- Construction, Navy and Marine Corps’’, been declared under section 401 or 501 of the retary of Veterans Affairs, upon determina- $115,000,000, to remain available until Sep- Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emer- tion that such action is necessary to address tember 30, 2023, for planning and design re- gency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5170 and 5191) needs as a result of the consequences of Hur- lated to the consequences of Hurricanes (referred to under this heading as a ‘‘covered ricanes Florence and Michael and Typhoons Florence and Michael on Navy and Marine disaster or emergency’’), $165,000,000, to re- Mangkhut and Yutu, may transfer such Corps installations: Provided, That none of main available through September 30, 2019: funds to any discretionary account of the the funds shall be available for obligation Provided, That such amount is designated by Department of Veterans Affairs: Provided fur- until the Committees on Appropriations of the Congress as being for an emergency re- ther, That before a transfer may take place, the House of Representatives and the Senate quirement pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) the Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall sub- receive a master plan for the installations of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Def- mit notice thereof to the Committee on Ap- and a form 1391 for each specific project: Pro- icit Control Act of 1985: Provided further, propriations of the House of Representatives vided further, That, not later than 60 days That such assistance may be provided and the Senate: Provided further, That none after enactment of this division, the Sec- through any of the programs authorized of these funds shall be available for obliga- retary of the Navy, or his designee, shall under this heading in division B of title VIII tion until the Secretary of Veterans Affairs submit to the Committees on Appropriations of Public Law 115–123 (as amended by Public submits to the Committees on Appropria- of the House of Representatives and the Sen- Law 115–141), as determined by the Secretary tions of the House of Representatives and ate a detailed expenditure plan for funds pro- of Education, and subject to the terms and the Senate a detailed expenditure plan for vided under this heading: Provided further, conditions that applied to those programs, funds provided under this heading: Provided That such amount is designated by the Con- except that references to dates and school further, That such amount is designated by gress as being for an emergency requirement years in Public Law 115–123 shall be deemed the Congress as being for an emergency re- pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- to be the corresponding dates and school quirement pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control years for the covered disaster or emergency: of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Def- Act of 1985. Provided further, That the Secretary of Edu- icit Control Act of 1985. cation may determine the amounts to be MILITARY CONSTRUCTION, AIR FORCE TITLE X used for each such program and shall notify For an additional amount for ‘‘Military the Committees on Appropriations of the Construction, Air Force’’, $700,000,000, to re- DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION House of Representatives and the Senate of main available until September 30, 2023, for FEDERAL TRANSIT ADMINISTRATION these amounts not later than 7 days prior to planning and design, and construction ex- PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION EMERGENCY RELIEF obligation: Provided further, $2,000,000 of the penses related to the consequences of Hurri- PROGRAM funds made available under this heading, to cane Michael: Provided, That none of the For an additional amount for the ‘‘Public remain available until expended, shall be funds shall be available for obligation until Transportation Emergency Relief Program’’ transferred to the Office of the Inspector the Committees on Appropriations of the as authorized under section 5324 of title 49, General of the Department of Education for House of Representatives and the Senate re- United States Code, $10,542,000 to remain oversight of activities supported with funds ceive a basing plan and future mission re- available until expended, for transit systems appropriated under this heading, and up to quirements for installations significantly affected by major declared disasters occur- $1,000,000 of the funds made available under damaged by Hurricane Michael: Provided fur- ring in calendar year 2018: Provided, That not this heading shall be for program adminis- ther, That, not later than 60 days after enact- more than three-quarters of 1 percent of the tration. ment of this division, the Secretary of the funds for public transportation emergency GENERAL PROVISIONS—THIS TITLE Air Force, or his designee, shall submit to relief shall be available for administrative SEC. 701. Not later than 30 days after the the Committees on Appropriations of the expenses and ongoing program management date of enactment of this Act, the Secre- House of Representatives and the Senate a oversight as authorized under sections 5334 taries of Labor, Health and Human Services, detailed expenditure plan for funds provided and 5338(f)(2) of such title and shall be in ad- and Education shall provide a detailed spend under this heading: Provided further, That dition to any other appropriations for such plan of anticipated uses of funds made avail- such amount is designated by the Congress purpose: Provided further, That such amount able in this title, including estimated per- as being for an emergency requirement pur- is designated by the Congress as being for an sonnel and administrative costs, to the Com- suant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- emergency requirement pursuant to section mittees on Appropriations: Provided, That anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and such plans shall be updated and submitted to Act of 1985. Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. MILITARY CONSTRUCTION, ARMY NATIONAL the Committees on Appropriations every 60 FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION days until all funds are expended or expire. GUARD OPERATIONS TITLE VIII For an additional amount for ‘‘Military (AIRPORT AND AIRWAY TRUST FUND) LEGISLATIVE BRANCH Construction, Army National Guard’’, $42,400,000, to remain available until Sep- Of the amounts made available for ‘‘Fed- GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY OFFICE tember 30, 2023, for necessary expenses re- eral Aviation Administration—Operations’’ SALARIES AND EXPENSES lated to the consequences of Hurricanes in division B of the Bipartisan Budget Act of For an additional amount for ‘‘Salaries Florence and Michael: Provided, That none of 2018 (Public Law 115–123), up to $18,000,000 and Expenses’’, $10,000,000, to remain avail- the funds shall be available for obligation shall also be available for necessary expenses able until expended, for audits and investiga- until the Committees on Appropriations of related to the consequences of major de- tions related to Hurricanes Florence, Lane, the House of Representatives and the Senate clared disasters occurring in calendar year

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00089 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JA6.046 S24JAPT1 S630 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 24, 2019 2018: Provided, That amounts repurposed grantee has in place proficient financial con- cipients of funds provided under this heading under this heading that were previously des- trols and procurement processes and has es- that use such funds to supplement Federal ignated by the Congress as an emergency re- tablished adequate procedures to prevent assistance provided under section 402, 403, quirement pursuant to the Balanced Budget any duplication of benefits as defined by sec- 404, 406, 407, 408 (c)(4), or 502 of the Robert T. and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 tion 312 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency As- are designated by the Congress as an emer- Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 sistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121 et seq.) may gency requirement pursuant to section U.S.C. 5155), to ensure timely expenditure of adopt, without review or public comment, 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and funds, to maintain comprehensive websites any environmental review, approval, or per- Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. regarding all disaster recovery activities as- mit performed by a Federal agency, and such FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION sisted with these funds, and to detect and adoption shall satisfy the responsibilities of prevent waste, fraud, and abuse of funds: Pro- EMERGENCY RELIEF PROGRAM the recipient with respect to such environ- vided further, That with respect to any such mental review, approval or permit: Provided For an additional amount for the Emer- duplication of benefits, the Secretary shall further, That, notwithstanding section gency Relief Program as authorized under act in accordance with section 1210 of Public 104(g)(2) of the Housing and Community De- section 125 of title 23, United States Code, Law 115–254 (132 Stat. 3442) and section 312 of velopment Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5304(g)(2)), $1,650,000,000, to remain available until ex- the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and the Secretary may, upon receipt of a request pended: Provided, That such amount is des- Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5155): for release of funds and certification, imme- ignated by the Congress as being for an Provided further, That the Secretary shall re- diately approve the release of funds for an emergency requirement pursuant to section quire grantees to maintain on a public activity or project assisted under this head- 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and website information containing common re- ing if the recipient has adopted an environ- Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. porting criteria established by the Depart- mental review, approval or permit under the DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN ment that permits individuals and entities preceding proviso or the activity or project DEVELOPMENT awaiting assistance and the general public to is categorically excluded from review under COMMUNITY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT see how all grant funds are used, including the National Environmental Policy Act of COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FUND copies of all relevant procurement docu- 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.): Provided further, ments, grantee administrative contracts and (INCLUDING TRANSFERS OF FUNDS) That the Secretary shall publish via notice details of ongoing procurement processes, as in the Federal Register any waiver, or alter- For an additional amount for ‘‘Community determined by the Secretary: Provided fur- Development Fund’’, $1,060,000,000, to remain native requirement, to any statute or regula- ther, That prior to the obligation of funds a tion that the Secretary administers pursu- available until expended, for necessary ex- grantee shall submit a plan to the Secretary penses for activities authorized under title I ant to title I of the Housing and Community for approval detailing the proposed use of all Development Act of 1974 no later than 5 days of the Housing and Community Development funds, including criteria for eligibility and Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5301 et seq.) related to before the effective date of such waiver or al- how the use of these funds will address long- ternative requirement: Provided further, That disaster relief, long-term recovery, restora- term recovery and restoration of infrastruc- tion of infrastructure and housing, economic of the amounts made available under this ture and housing, economic revitalization, heading, up to $5,000,000 shall be made avail- revitalization, and mitigation in the most and mitigation in the most impacted and dis- impacted and distressed areas resulting from able for capacity building and technical as- tressed areas: Provided further, That such sistance, including assistance on contracting a major disaster that occurred in 2018 pursu- funds may not be used for activities reim- ant to the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and procurement processes, to support bursed by, or for which funds have been made States, units of general local government, or and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. available by, the Federal Emergency Man- Indian tribes (and their subrecipients) that 5121 et seq.): Provided, That funds shall be agement Agency or the Army Corps of Engi- receive allocations pursuant to this heading, awarded directly to the State, unit of gen- neers, in excess of the authorized amount of received disaster recovery allocations under eral local government, or Indian tribe (as the project or its components: Provided fur- the same heading in Public Law 115–254, or such term is defined in section 102 of the ther, That funds allocated under this heading may receive similar allocations for disaster Housing and Community Development Act of shall not be considered relevant to the non- recovery in future appropriations Acts: Pro- 1974) at the discretion of the Secretary: Pro- disaster formula allocations made pursuant vided further, That of the amounts made vided further, That any funds made available to section 106 of the Housing and Community available under this heading and under the under this heading and under the same head- Development Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5306): Pro- same heading in Public Law 115–254, up to ing in Public Law 115–254 that remain avail- vided further, That a State, unit of general able, after the funds under such headings local government, or Indian tribe may use up $2,500,000 shall be transferred, in aggregate, have been allocated for necessary expenses to 5 percent of its allocation for administra- to ‘‘Department of Housing and Urban Devel- for activities authorized under such head- tive costs: Provided further, That the first opment—Program Office Salaries and Ex- ings, shall be allocated to grantees, for miti- proviso under this heading in the Supple- penses—Community Planning and Develop- gation activities in the most impacted and mental Appropriations for Disaster Relief ment’’ for necessary costs, including infor- distressed areas resulting from a major dis- Requirements Act, 2018 (division I of Public mation technology costs, of administering aster that occurred in 2018: Provided further, Law 115–254) is amended by striking ‘‘State and overseeing the obligation and expendi- That such allocations shall be made in the or unit of general local government’’ and in- ture of amounts under this heading: Provided same proportion that the amount of funds serting ‘‘State, unit of general local govern- further, That the amount specified in the pre- each grantee received under this division and ment, or Indian tribe (as such term is defined ceding proviso shall be combined with funds the same heading in division I of Public Law in section 102 of the Housing and Community appropriated under the same heading and for 115–254 bears to the amount of all funds pro- Development Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5302))’’: the same purpose in Public Law 115–254 and vided to all grantees that received alloca- Provided further, That the sixth proviso the aggregate of such amounts shall be avail- tions for disasters that occurred in 2018: Pro- under this heading in the Supplemental Ap- able for any of the same such purposes speci- vided further, That of the amounts made propriations for Disaster Relief Require- fied under this heading or the same heading available under the text preceding the first ments Act, 2018 (division I of Public Law 115– in Public Law 115–254 without limitation: proviso under this heading and under the 254) is amended by striking ‘‘State or sub- Provided further, That such amount is des- same heading in Public Law 115–254, the Sec- division thereof’’ and inserting ‘‘State, unit ignated by the Congress as being for an retary shall allocate to all such grantees an of general local government, or Indian tribe emergency requirement pursuant to section aggregate amount not less than 33 percent of (as such term is defined in section 102 of the 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and the sum of such amounts of funds within 120 Housing and Community Development Act of Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. days after the enactment of this division 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5302))’’: Provided further, That GENERAL PROVISION—THIS TITLE based on the best available data, and shall in administering the funds under this head- SEC. 1001. (a) Amounts previously made allocate no less than 100 percent of such ing, the Secretary of Housing and Urban De- available for activities authorized under funds by no later than 180 days after the en- velopment may waive, or specify alternative title I of the Housing and Community Devel- actment of this division: Provided further, requirements for, any provision of any stat- opment Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5301 et seq.) re- That the Secretary shall not prohibit the use ute or regulation that the Secretary admin- lated to disaster relief, long-term recovery, of funds made available under this heading isters in connection with the obligation by restoration of infrastructure and housing, and the same heading in Public Law 115–254 the Secretary or the use by the recipient of economic revitalization, and mitigation in for non-Federal share as authorized by sec- these funds (except for requirements related the most impacted and distressed areas re- tion 105(a)(9) of the Housing and Community to fair housing, nondiscrimination, labor sulting from a major disaster, including Development Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5305(a)(9)): standards, and the environment), if the Sec- funds provided under section 145 of division C Provided further, That of the amounts made retary finds that good cause exists for the of Public Law 114–223, section 192 of division available under this heading, grantees may waiver or alternative requirement and such C of Public Law 114–223 (as added by section establish grant programs to assist small waiver or alternative requirement would not 101(3) of division A of Public Law 114–254), businesses for working capital purposes to be inconsistent with the overall purpose of section 421 of division K of Public Law 115–31, aid in recovery: Provided further, That as a title I of the Housing and Community Devel- and any mitigation funding provided under condition of making any grant, the Sec- opment Act of 1974: Provided further, That, the heading ‘‘Department of Housing and retary shall certify in advance that such notwithstanding the preceding proviso, re- Urban Development—Community Planning

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00090 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JA6.046 S24JAPT1 January 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S631 and Development—Community Development him to the bill H.R. 268, making supple- main available until December 31, 2020, for Fund’’ of Public Law 115–123, that were allo- mental appropriations for the fiscal necessary expenses related to losses of crops cated in response to Hurricane Matthew, year ending September 30, 2019, and for (including milk and harvested adulterated may be used interchangeably and without other purposes; which was ordered to wine grapes), trees, bushes, and vines, as a consequence of Hurricanes Michael or Flor- limitation for the same activities in the lie on the table; as follows: most impacted and distressed areas related ence, other hurricanes, typhoons, volcanic to Hurricane Florence. In addition, any Strike all after the enacting clause and in- activity, or wildfires occurring in calendar funds provided under the heading ‘‘Depart- sert the following: year 2018 under such terms and conditions as SEC. 101. The Continuing Appropriations ment of Housing and Urban Development— determined by the Secretary: Provided, That Act, 2019 (division C of Public Law 115–245) is Community Planning and Development— the Secretary may provide assistance for further amended— Community Development Fund’’ in this divi- such losses in the form of block grants to eli- (1) by striking the date specified in section sion or in division I of Public Law 115–254 gible states and territories and such assist- 105(3) and inserting ‘‘February 8, 2019’’; and that are allocated in response to Hurricane ance may include compensation to pro- (2) by adding after section 136 the fol- Florence may be used interchangeably and ducers, as determined by the Secretary, for lowing: without limitation for the same activities in past or future crop insurance premiums, for- ‘‘SEC. 137. Notwithstanding any other pro- the most impacted and distressed areas re- est restoration, and poultry and livestock vision of this Act, and in addition to losses: Provided further, That of the amounts lated to Hurricane Matthew. Until HUD pub- amounts otherwise made available by this provided under this heading, tree assistance lishes the Federal Register Notice imple- Act for ‘U.S. Custom and Border Protec- payments may be made under section 1501(e) menting this provision, grantees may submit tion—Procurement, Construction, and Im- of the Agricultural Act of 2014 (7 U.S.C. for HUD approval revised plans for the use of provements’, there is appropriated 9081(e)) to eligible orchardists or nursery funds related to Hurricane Matthew that ex- $765,205,479 for an additional amount for fis- pand the eligible beneficiaries of existing cal year 2019, to remain available until Sep- tree growers (as defined in such section) of programs contained in such previously ap- tember 30, 2023, for purposes authorized by pecan trees with a tree mortality rate that proved plans to include those impacted by section 102 of the Illegal Immigration Re- exceeds 7.5 percent (adjusted for normal mor- Hurricane Florence. Approval of any such re- form and Immigrant Responsibility Act of tality) and is less than 15 percent (adjusted vised plans shall include the execution of re- 1996 (Public Law 104–208) as amended by sec- for normal mortality), to be available until vised grant terms and conditions as nec- tion 564 of the Consolidated Appropriations expended, for losses incurred during the pe- essary. Once the implementing Notice is Act, 2008 (Public Law 110–161), to include ac- riod beginning January 1, 2018, and ending published, any additional action plan revi- tivities authorized under section 1103(b) of December 31, 2018: Provided further, That in sions shall follow the requirements con- title 8, United States Code.’’. the case of producers impacted by volcanic tained therein. This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Further Ad- activity that resulted in the loss of crop (b) Amounts made available for adminis- ditional Continuing Appropriations Act, land, or access to crop land, the Secretary trative costs for activities authorized under 2019’’. shall consider all measures available, as ap- title I of the Housing and Community Devel- propriate, to bring replacement land into opment Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5301 et seq.) re- SA 45. Mr. SHELBY submitted an production: Provided further, That the total lated to disaster relief, long-term recovery, amendment intended to be proposed by amount of payments received under this restoration of infrastructure and housing, him to the bill H.R. 268, making supple- heading and applicable policies of crop insur- economic revitalization, and mitigation in mental appropriations for the fiscal ance under the Federal Crop Insurance Act (7 the most impacted and distressed areas year ending September 30, 2019, and for U.S.C. 1501 et seq.) or the Noninsured Crop under this division or any future Act, and other purposes; which was ordered to Disaster Assistance Program (NAP) under amounts previously provided under section lie on the table; as follows: section 196 of the Federal Agriculture Im- 420 of division L of Public Law 114–113, sec- provement and Reform Act of 1996 (7 U.S.C. Strike all after the enacting clause and in- tion 145 of division C of Public Law 114–223, 7333) shall not exceed 90 percent of the loss sert the following: section 192 of division C of Public Law 114– as determined by the Secretary: Provided fur- 223 (as added by section 101(3) of division A of DIVISION A—FURTHER ADDITIONAL ther, That the total amount of payments re- Public Law 114–254), section 421 of division K CONTINUING APPROPRIATIONS ACT, 2019 ceived under this heading for producers who of Public Law 115–31, and under the heading SEC. 101. The Continuing Appropriations did not obtain a policy or plan of insurance ‘‘Department of Housing and Urban Develop- Act, 2019 (division C of Public Law 115–245) is for an insurable commodity for the applica- ment—Community Planning and Develop- further amended— ble crop year under the Federal Crop Insur- ment—Community Development Fund’’ of (1) by striking the date specified in section ance Act (7 U.S.C. 1501 et seq.) for the crop division B of Public Law 115–56, Public Law 105(3) and inserting ‘‘February 8, 2019’’; and incurring the losses or did not file the re- 115–123, and Public Law 115–254, shall be (2) by adding after section 136 the fol- quired paperwork and pay the service fee by available for eligible administrative costs of lowing: the applicable State filing deadline for a the grantee related to any disaster relief ‘‘SEC. 137. Notwithstanding any other pro- noninsurable commodity for the applicable funding identified in this subsection without vision of this Act, and in addition to crop year under NAP for the crop incurring regard to the particular disaster appropria- amounts otherwise made available by this the losses shall not exceed 70 percent of the tion from which such funds originated. Act for ‘U.S. Custom and Border Protec- loss as determined by the Secretary: Provided (c) The additional uses pursuant to this tion—Procurement, Construction, and Im- further, That producers receiving payments section for amounts that were previously provements’, there is appropriated under this heading, as determined by the designated by the Congress, respectively, as $765,205,479 for an additional amount for fis- Secretary, shall be required to purchase crop an emergency requirement or as being for cal year 2019, to remain available until Sep- insurance where crop insurance is available disaster relief pursuant to the Balanced tember 30, 2023, for purposes authorized by for the next two available crop years, exclud- section 102 of the Illegal Immigration Re- Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act ing tree insurance policies, and producers re- form and Immigrant Responsibility Act of are designated by the Congress as being for ceiving payments under this heading shall be 1996 (Public Law 104–208) as amended by sec- an emergency requirement pursuant to sec- required to purchase coverage under NAP tion 564 of the Consolidated Appropriations tion 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget where crop insurance is not available in the Act, 2008 (Public Law 110–161), to include ac- next two available crop years, as determined and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 or tivities authorized under section 1103(b) of as being for disaster relief pursuant to sec- title 8, United States Code.’’. by the Secretary: Provided further, That, not tion 251(b)(2)(D) of the Balanced Budget and This division may be cited as the ‘‘Further later than 120 days after the end of fiscal Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. Additional Continuing Appropriations Act, year 2019, the Secretary shall submit a re- TITLE XI 2019’’. port to the Congress specifying the type, amount, and method of such assistance by GENERAL PROVISION—THIS DIVISION DIVISION B—ADDITIONAL SUPPLE- state and territory: Provided further, That SEC. 1101. Each amount designated in this MENTAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR DIS- such amount is designated by the Congress division by the Congress as being for an ASTER RELIEF, 2019 as being for an emergency requirement pur- emergency requirement pursuant to section The following sums in this division are ap- suant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and propriated, out of any money in the Treas- anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 shall ury not otherwise appropriated, for the fiscal Act of 1985. be available (or rescinded or transferred, if year ending September 30, 2019, and for other applicable) only if the President subse- purposes, namely: FARM SERVICE AGENCY quently so designates all such amounts and TITLE I EMERGENCY FOREST RESTORATION PROGRAM transmits such designations to the Congress. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE For an additional amount for the ‘‘Emer- This division may be cited as the ‘‘Addi- gency Forest Restoration Program’’, for nec- tional Supplemental Appropriations for Dis- AGRICULTURAL PROGRAMS essary expenses related to the consequences aster Relief, 2019’’. PROCESSING, RESEARCH AND MARKETING of Hurricanes Michael and Florence and OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY wildfires occurring in calendar year 2018, and SA 44. Mr. SHELBY submitted an For an additional amount for the ‘‘Office of other natural disasters, $480,000,000, to re- amendment intended to be proposed by the Secretary’’, $3,005,442,000, which shall re- main available until expended: Provided,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00091 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JA6.046 S24JAPT1 S632 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 24, 2019 That such amount is designated by the Con- gible to receive a payment under the Market (5) $50,000,000 for Title IX Fund grants as gress as being for an emergency requirement Facilitation Program established pursuant authorized under section 906(c) of division O pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- to the Commodity Credit Corporation Char- of Public Law 114–113: anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control ter Act (15 U.S.C. 714 et seq.) if the average Provided, That such amount is designated by Act of 1985. adjusted gross income of such person or legal the Congress as being for an emergency re- NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION SERVICE entity is greater than $900,000. quirement pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) WATERSHED AND FLOOD PREVENTION (2) Paragraph (1) shall not apply to a per- of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Def- OPERATIONS son or legal entity if at least 75 percent of icit Control Act of 1985: Provided further, the adjusted gross income of such person or For an additional amount for ‘‘Watershed That the National Oceanic and Atmospheric legal entity is derived from farming, ranch- and Flood Prevention Operations’’, for nec- Administration shall submit a spending plan ing, or forestry related activities. essary expenses for the Emergency Water- to the Committees on Appropriations of the (b) A person or legal entity may not re- shed Protection Program related to the con- House of Representatives and the Senate for ceive a payment under the Market Facilita- sequences of Hurricanes Michael and Flor- funding provided under subsection (4) of this tion Program described in subsection (a)(1), ence and wildfires occurring in calendar year heading within 45 days after the date of en- directly or indirectly, of more than $125,000. 2018, and other natural disasters, $125,000,000, actment of this division. (c) In this section, the term ‘‘average ad- to remain available until expended: Provided, PROCUREMENT, ACQUISITION AND CONSTRUCTION justed gross income’’ has the meaning given That such amount is designated by the Con- the term defined in section 760.1502 of title 7 For an additional amount for ‘‘Procure- gress as being for an emergency requirement Code of Federal Regulations (as in effect ment, Acquisition and Construction’’, pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- July 18, 2018). $25,000,000, to remain available until Sep- anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control (d) The amount provided by this section is tember 30, 2021, for improvements to oper- Act of 1985. designated by the Congress as being for an ational and research weather supercom- RURAL DEVELOPMENT emergency requirement pursuant to section puting infrastructure and satellite ground RURAL COMMUNITY FACILITIES PROGRAM 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and services used for hurricane intensity and ACCOUNT Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. track prediction; flood prediction, fore- casting, and mitigation; and wildfire pre- For an additional amount for the cost of TITLE II diction, detection, and forecasting: Provided, grants for rural community facilities pro- DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE That such amount is designated by the Con- grams as authorized by section 306 and de- gress as being for an emergency requirement scribed in section 381E(d)(1) of the Consoli- ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- dated Farm and Rural Development Act, for ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control necessary expenses related to the con- PROGRAMS Act of 1985: Provided further, That the Na- sequences of Hurricanes Michael and Flor- (INCLUDING TRANSFERS OF FUNDS) tional Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra- ence and wildfires occurring in calendar year Pursuant to section 703 of the Public tion shall submit a spending plan to the 2018, and other natural disasters, $150,000,000, Works and Economic Development Act (42 Committees on Appropriations of the House to remain available until expended: Provided, U.S.C. 3233), for an additional amount for of Representatives and the Senate within 45 That sections 381E-H and 381N of the Consoli- ‘‘Economic Development Assistance Pro- days after the date of enactment of this divi- dated Farm and Rural Development Act are grams’’ for necessary expenses related to sion. not applicable to the funds made available flood mitigation, disaster relief, long-term under this heading: Provided further, That FISHERIES DISASTER ASSISTANCE recovery, and restoration of infrastructure such amount is designated by the Congress For an additional amount for ‘‘Fisheries in areas that received a major disaster des- as being for an emergency requirement pur- Disaster Assistance’’ for necessary expenses ignation as a result of Hurricanes Florence, suant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- associated with the mitigation of fishery dis- Michael, and Lane, Typhoons Yutu and anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control asters, $150,000,000, to remain available until Mangkhut, and of wildfires, volcanic erup- Act of 1985. expended: Provided, That funds shall be used tions, earthquakes, and other natural disas- for mitigating the effects of commercial fish- GENERAL PROVISIONS—THIS TITLE ters occurring in calendar year 2018 under ery failures and fishery resource disasters SEC. 101. In addition to amounts otherwise the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and declared by the Secretary of Commerce, in- made available, out of the funds made avail- Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121 et cluding those declared by the Secretary to be able under section 18 of Food and Nutrition seq.), $600,000,000, to remain available until a direct result of Hurricanes Florence and Act of 2008, $25,200,000 shall be available for expended: Provided, That such amount is des- Michael and Typhoons Yutu and Mangkhut: the Secretary to provide a grant to the Com- ignated by the Congress as being for an Provided further, That such amount is des- monwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands emergency requirement pursuant to section ignated by the Congress as being for an for disaster nutrition assistance in response 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and emergency requirement pursuant to section to the Presidentially declared major disas- Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985: Pro- 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and ters and emergencies: Provided, That funds vided further, That within the amount appro- Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. made available to the Commonwealth of the priated, up to 2 percent of funds may be Northern Mariana Islands under this section transferred to the ‘‘Salaries and Expenses’’ DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE shall remain available for obligation by the account for administration and oversight ac- UNITED STATES MARSHALS SERVICE Commonwealth until September 30, 2020: Pro- tivities: Provided further, That within the SALARIES AND EXPENSES vided further, That such amount is des- amount appropriated, $1,000,000 shall be For an additional amount for ‘‘Salaries ignated by the Congress as being for an transferred to the ‘‘Office of Inspector Gen- and Expenses’’ for necessary expenses related emergency requirement pursuant to section eral’’ account for carrying out investigations to the consequences of Hurricanes Florence 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and and audits related to the funding provided and Michael and Typhoon Yutu, $1,336,000: Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. under this heading. Provided, That such amount is designated by SEC. 102. For purposes of administering NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC the Congress as being for an emergency re- title I of subdivision 1 of division B of the Bi- ADMINISTRATION quirement pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) partisan Budget Act of 2018 (Public Law 115– of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Def- 123), losses to agricultural producers result- OPERATIONS, RESEARCH, AND FACILITIES icit Control Act of 1985. ing from hurricanes shall also include losses For an additional amount for ‘‘Operations, incurred from Tropical Storm Cindy and Research, and Facilities’’ for necessary ex- FEDERAL PRISON SYSTEM losses of peach and blueberry crops in cal- penses related to the consequences of Hurri- BUILDINGS AND FACILITIES endar year 2017 due to extreme cold: Pro- canes Florence and Michael, Typhoon Yutu, For an additional amount for ‘‘Buildings vided, That the amounts provided by this and of wildfires, $120,570,000, to remain avail- and Facilities’’ for necessary expenses re- section are designated by the Congress as able until September 30, 2020, as follows: lated to the consequences of Hurricanes being for an emergency requirement pursu- (1) $3,000,000 for repair and replacement of Florence and Michael and Typhoon Yutu, ant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced observing assets, real property, and equip- $28,400,000, to remain available until ex- Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act ment; pended: Provided, That such amount is des- of 1985: Provided further, That amounts (2) $11,000,000 for marine debris assessment ignated by the Congress as being for an repurposed under this heading that were pre- and removal; emergency requirement pursuant to section viously designated by the Congress as an (3) $31,570,000 for mapping, charting, and 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and emergency requirement pursuant to the Bal- geodesy services; Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control (4) $25,000,000 to improve: (a) hurricane in- RELATED AGENCIES Act of 1985 are designated by the Congress as tensity forecasting, including through de- LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION an emergency requirement pursuant to sec- ployment of unmanned ocean observing plat- tion 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget forms and enhanced data assimilation; (b) PAYMENT TO THE LEGAL SERVICES and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. flood prediction, forecasting, and mitigation CORPORATION SEC. 103. (a)(1) Except as provided in para- capabilities; and (c) wildfire prediction, de- For an additional amount for ‘‘Payment to graph (2), a person or legal entity is not eli- tection, and forecasting; and the Legal Services Corporation’’ to carry out

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the purposes of the Legal Services Corpora- CONSTRUCTION on Appropriations of the House of Represent- tion Act by providing for necessary expenses For an additional amount for ‘‘Construc- atives and the Senate detailing the alloca- related to the consequences of Hurricanes tion’’ for necessary expenses, $740,000,000, to tion and obligation of these funds, beginning Florence, Michael, and Lane, Typhoons Yutu remain available until expended, to con- not later than 60 days after the date of en- and Mangkhut, and calendar year 2018 struct flood and storm damage reduction, in- actment of this division. wildfires, volcanic eruptions, and earth- cluding shore protection, projects which are OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE quakes, $15,000,000: Provided, That such currently authorized or which are authorized For an additional amount for ‘‘Operation amount is designated by the Congress as after the date of enactment of this division, and Maintenance’’ for necessary expenses to being for an emergency requirement pursu- and flood and storm damage reduction, in- dredge Federal navigation projects in re- ant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced cluding shore protection, projects which sponse to, and repair damages to Corps of Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act have signed Chief’s Reports as of the date of Engineers Federal projects caused by, nat- of 1985: Provided further, That none of the enactment of this division or which are stud- ural disasters, $245,000,000, to remain avail- funds appropriated in this division to the ied using funds provided under the heading able until expended, of which such sums as Legal Services Corporation shall be expended ‘‘Investigations’’ if the Secretary determines are necessary to cover the Federal share of for any purpose prohibited or limited by, or such projects to be technically feasible, eco- eligible operation and maintenance costs for contrary to any of the provisions of, sections nomically justified, and environmentally ac- coastal harbors and channels, and for inland 501, 502, 503, 504, 505, and 506 of Public Law ceptable, in States and insular areas that 105–119, and all funds appropriated in this di- harbors shall be derived from the Harbor were impacted by Hurricanes Florence and Maintenance Trust Fund: Provided, That vision to the Legal Services Corporation Michael, Typhoon Mangkhut, Super Typhoon shall be subject to the same terms and condi- such amount is designated by the Congress Yutu, and Tropical Storm Gita: Provided, as being for an emergency requirement pur- tions set forth in such sections, except that That projects receiving funds provided under all references in sections 502 and 503 to 1997 suant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- the first proviso in ‘‘Title IV—Corps of Engi- anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control and 1998 shall be deemed to refer instead to neers—Civil—Department of the Army—Con- 2018 and 2019, respectively, and except that Act of 1985: Provided further, That the Assist- struction’’ in Public Law 115–123 shall not be ant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works sections 501 and 503 of Public Law 104–134 eligible for funding provided under this head- (referenced by Public Law 105–119) shall not shall provide a monthly report directly to ing: Provided further, That for projects re- the Committees on Appropriations of the apply to the amount made available under ceiving funds provided under this heading, this heading: Provided further, That, for the House of Representatives and the Senate de- the provisions of Section 902 of the Water tailing the allocation and obligation of these purposes of this division, the Legal Services Resources Act of 1986 shall not apply to these Corporation shall be considered an agency of funds, beginning not later than 60 days after funds: Provided further, That the completion the date of enactment of this division. the United States Government. of ongoing construction projects receiving TITLE III funds provided under this heading shall be at DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE full Federal expense with respect to such CENTRAL UTAH PROJECT OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, MARINE CORPS funds: Provided further, That using funds pro- CENTRAL UTAH PROJECT COMPLETION ACCOUNT For an additional amount for ‘‘Operation vided under this heading, the non-Federal For an additional amount for ‘‘Central and Maintenance, Marine Corps’’, cash contribution for projects other than on- Utah Project Completion Account’’, $350,000, $200,000,000, for necessary expenses related to going construction projects shall be financed to be deposited into the Utah Reclamation the consequences of Hurricanes Michael and in accordance with the provisions of section Mitigation and Conservation Account for use Florence: Provided, That such amount is des- 103(k) of Public Law 99–662 over a period of 30 by the Utah Reclamation Mitigation and ignated by the Congress as being for an years from the date of completion of the Conservation Commission, to remain avail- emergency requirement pursuant to section project or separable element: Provided fur- able until expended, for expenses necessary 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and ther, That up to $25,000,000 of the funds made in carrying out fire remediation activities Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. available under this heading shall be used for related to wildfires in 2018: Provided, That continuing authorities projects to reduce the OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, AIR FORCE such amount is designated by the Congress risk of flooding and storm damage: Provided For an additional amount for ‘‘Operation as being for an emergency requirement pur- further, That any projects using funds appro- and Maintenance, Air Force’’, $400,000,000, for suant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- priated under this heading shall be initiated necessary expenses related to the con- anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control only after non-Federal interests have en- sequences of Hurricanes Michael and Flor- Act of 1985. tered into binding agreements with the Sec- ence: Provided, That such amount is des- BUREAU OF RECLAMATION retary requiring, where applicable, the non- ignated by the Congress as being for an WATER AND RELATED RESOURCES Federal interests to pay 100 percent of the emergency requirement pursuant to section operation, maintenance, repair, replacement, For an additional amount for ‘‘Water and 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and and rehabilitation costs of the project and to Related Resources’’, $15,500,000, to remain Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. hold and save the United States free from available until expended, for fire remedi- TITLE IV damages due to the construction or oper- ation and suppression emergency assistance CORPS OF ENGINEERS—CIVIL ation and maintenance of the project, except related to wildfires in 2017 and 2018: Provided, DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY for damages due to the fault or negligence of That such amount is designated by the Con- gress as being for an emergency requirement INVESTIGATIONS the United States or its contractors: Pro- pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- For an additional amount for ‘‘Investiga- vided further, That such amount is des- anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control tions’’ for necessary expenses related to the ignated by the Congress as being for an Act of 1985. completion, or initiation and completion, of emergency requirement pursuant to section flood and storm damage reduction, including 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and TITLE V shore protection, studies which are currently Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985: Pro- DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY authorized or which are authorized after the vided further, That the Assistant Secretary of SECURITY, ENFORCEMENT, AND date of enactment of this division, to reduce the Army for Civil Works shall provide a INVESTIGATIONS monthly report directly to the Committees risk from future floods and hurricanes, at COAST GUARD full Federal expense, $35,000,000, to remain on Appropriations of the House of Represent- OPERATIONS AND SUPPORT available until expended, for high priority atives and the Senate detailing the alloca- studies of projects in States and insular tion and obligation of these funds, beginning For an additional amount for ‘‘Operations areas that were impacted by Hurricanes not later than 60 days after the date of en- and Support’’ for necessary expenses related Florence and Michael, Typhoon Mangkhut, actment of this division. to the consequences of Hurricanes Michael, Super Typhoon Yutu, and Tropical Storm MISSISSIPPI RIVER AND TRIBUTARIES Florence, and Lane, Tropical Storm Gordon, Gita: Provided, That such amount is des- For an additional amount for ‘‘Mississippi and Typhoon Mangkhut, $46,977,000, to re- ignated by the Congress as being for an River and Tributaries’’ for necessary ex- main available until September 30, 2020: Pro- emergency requirement pursuant to section penses to address emergency situations at vided, That such amount is designated by the 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and Corps of Engineers projects and rehabilitate Congress as being for an emergency require- Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985: Pro- and repair damages to Corps of Engineers ment pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of vided further, That the Assistant Secretary of projects, caused by natural disasters, the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit the Army for Civil Works shall provide a $225,000,000, to remain available until ex- Control Act of 1985. monthly report directly to the Committees pended: Provided, That such amount is des- PROCUREMENT, CONSTRUCTION, AND on Appropriations of the House and the Sen- ignated by the Congress as being for an IMPROVEMENTS ate detailing the allocation and obligation of emergency requirement pursuant to section For an additional amount for ‘‘Procure- these funds, including new studies selected 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and ment, Construction, and Improvements’’ for to be initiated using funds provided under Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985: Pro- necessary expenses related to the con- this heading, beginning not later than 60 vided further, That the Assistant Secretary of sequences of Hurricanes Michael, Florence, days after the date of enactment of this divi- the Army for Civil Works shall provide a and Lane, Tropical Storm Gordon, and Ty- sion. monthly report directly to the Committees phoon Mangkhut, $476,755,000, to remain

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00093 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JA6.056 S24JAPT1 S634 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 24, 2019 available until September 30, 2023: Provided, ricanes Florence and Michael, and calendar waste financial assistance grants program, That such amount is designated by the Con- year 2018 wildfires, earthquake damage asso- $1,500,000, to remain available until ex- gress as being for an emergency requirement ciated with emergency declaration EM–3410, pended; for necessary expenses related to the pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- and in those areas impacted by a major dis- consequences of Typhoon Yutu for the haz- anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control aster declared pursuant to the Robert T. ardous waste financial assistance grants pro- Act of 1985. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency As- gram and for other solid waste management ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE AND sistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121 et seq.) with re- activities, $56,000,000, to remain available RESTORATION spect to calendar year 2018 wildfires or vol- until expended, provided that none of these For an additional amount for ‘‘Environ- canic eruptions, $98,500,000, to remain avail- funds shall be subject to section 3011(b) of mental Compliance and Restoration’’ for able until expended: Provided, That of this the Solid Waste Disposal Act; and for grants necessary expenses related to the con- amount, $72,310,000 is for costs related to the under section 106 of the Federal Water Pollu- sequences of Hurricanes Michael and Flor- repair and replacement of equipment and fa- tion Control Act, $5,000,000, to remain avail- ence, $2,000,000, to remain available until cilities damaged by disasters in 2018: Pro- able until expended, to address impacts of September 30, 2023: Provided, That such vided further, That, not later than 90 days Hurricane Florence, Hurricane Michael, Ty- amount is designated by the Congress as after enactment of this division, the Survey phoon Yutu, and calendar year 2018 wildfires, being for an emergency requirement pursu- shall submit a report to the Committees on notwithstanding subsections (b), (e), and (f), ant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Appropriations that describes the potential of such section: Provided, That such amounts Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act options to replace the facility damaged by are designated by the Congress as being for of 1985. the 2018 volcano disaster along with cost es- an emergency requirement pursuant to sec- timates and a description of how the Survey tion 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget TITLE VI will provide direct access for monitoring vol- and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR canic activity and the potential threat to at- For an additional amount for ‘‘State and UNITED STATES FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE risk communities: Provided further, That Tribal Assistance Grants’’, $349,400,000 to re- CONSTRUCTION such amount is designated by the Congress main available until expended, of which as being for an emergency requirement pur- $53,300,000 shall be for capitalization grants For an additional amount for ‘‘Construc- suant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- for the Clean Water State Revolving Funds tion’’ for necessary expenses related to the anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control under title VI of the Federal Water Pollution consequences of Hurricanes Florence, Lane, Act of 1985. Control Act, and of which $296,100,000 shall be and Michael, and flooding associated with for capitalization grants under section 1452 major declared disaster DR–4365, and cal- DEPARTMENTAL OFFICES of the Safe Drinking Water Act: Provided, endar year 2018 earthquakes, $82,400,000, to INSULAR AFFAIRS That notwithstanding section 604(a) of the remain available until expended: Provided, ASSISTANCE TO TERRITORIES Federal Water Pollution Control Act and That of this amount $50,000,000 shall be used For an additional amount for ‘‘Technical section 1452(a)(1)(D) of the Safe Drinking to restore and rebuild national wildlife ref- Assistance’’ for financial management ex- Water Act, funds appropriated herein shall uges and increase the resiliency and capacity penses related to the consequences of Ty- be provided to States in EPA Regions 4, 9, of coastal habitat and infrastructure to phoon Yutu, $2,000,000, to remain available and 10 in amounts determined by the Admin- withstand storms and reduce the amount of until expended: Provided, That such amount istrator for wastewater treatment works and damage caused by such storms: Provided fur- is designated by the Congress as being for an drinking water facilities impacted by Hurri- ther, That such amount is designated by the emergency requirement pursuant to section canes Florence and Michael, Typhoon Yutu, Congress as being for an emergency require- 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and and calendar year 2018 wildfires and earth- ment pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. quakes: Provided further, That notwith- the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit standing the requirements of section 603(i) of Control Act of 1985. OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL SALARIES AND EXPENSES the Federal Water Pollution Control Act and NATIONAL PARK SERVICE section 1452(d) of the Safe Drinking Water HISTORIC PRESERVATION FUND For an additional amount for ‘‘Salaries Act, for the funds appropriated herein, each and Expenses’’ for necessary expenses related For an additional amount for the ‘‘Historic State shall use not less than 20 percent but to the consequences of major disasters de- Preservation Fund’’ for necessary expenses not more than 30 percent amount of its cap- clared pursuant to the Robert T. Stafford related to the consequences of Hurricanes italization grants to provide additional sub- Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Florence and Michael, and Typhoon Yutu, sidization to eligible recipients in the form Act (42 U.S.C. 5121 et seq.) in 2018, $1,000,000, $50,000,000, to remain available until Sep- of forgiveness of principal, negative interest to remain available until expended: Provided, tember 30, 2022, including costs to States and loans or grants or any combination of these: That such amount is designated by the Con- territories necessary to complete compliance Provided further, That the Administrator gress as being for an emergency requirement activities required by section 306108 of title shall retain $10,400,000 of the funds appro- pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- 54, United States Code (formerly section 106 priated herein for grants for drinking water anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control of the National Historic Preservation Act) facilities and waste water treatment plants Act of 1985. and costs needed to administer the program: impacted by Typhoon Yutu: Provided further, Provided, That grants shall only be available ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY That the funds appropriated herein shall be for areas that have received a major disaster SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY used for eligible projects whose purpose is to declaration pursuant to the Robert T. Staf- For an additional amount for ‘‘Science and reduce flood or fire damage risk and vulner- ford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assist- Technology’’ for necessary expenses related ability or to enhance resiliency to rapid hy- ance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121 et seq.): Provided fur- to improving preparedness of the water sec- drologic change or natural disaster at treat- ther, That individual grants shall not be sub- tor, $600,000, to remain available until ex- ment works as defined by section 212 of the ject to a non-Federal matching requirement: pended: Provided, That such amount is des- Federal Water Pollution Control Act or any Provided further, That such amount is des- ignated by the Congress as being for an eligible facilities under section 1452 of the ignated by the Congress as being for an emergency requirement pursuant to section Safe Drinking Water Act, and for other eligi- emergency requirement pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and ble tasks at such treatment works or facili- 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. ties necessary to further such purposes: Pro- Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. vided further, That the Administrator of the LEAKING UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK TRUST Environmental Protection Agency may re- CONSTRUCTION FUND PROGRAM tain up to $1,000,000 of the funds appropriated For an additional amount for ‘‘Construc- For an additional amount for ‘‘Leaking herein for management and oversight: Pro- tion’’ for necessary expenses related to the Underground Storage Tank Fund’’ for nec- vided further, That such amount is des- consequences of Hurricanes Florence and Mi- essary expenses related to the consequences ignated by the Congress as being for an chael, Typhoons Yutu and Mangkhut, and of Hurricanes Florence and Michael, cal- emergency requirement pursuant to section calendar year 2018 wildfires, earthquakes, endar year 2018 earthquakes, and Typhoon 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and and volcanic eruptions, $78,000,000, to remain Yutu, $1,500,000, to remain available until ex- Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. available until expended: Provided, That such pended: Provided, That such amount is des- RELATED AGENCIES amount is designated by the Congress as ignated by the Congress as being for an being for an emergency requirement pursu- emergency requirement pursuant to section DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE ant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and FOREST SERVICE Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. FOREST AND RANGELAND RESEARCH of 1985. STATE AND TRIBAL ASSISTANCE GRANTS For an additional amount for ‘‘Forest and UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY For additional amounts for ‘‘State and Rangeland Research’’ for necessary expenses SURVEYS, INVESTIGATIONS, AND RESEARCH Tribal Assistance Grants’’ for necessary ex- related to the consequences of Hurricanes For an additional amount for ‘‘Surveys, In- penses related to the consequences of Hurri- Florence and Michael, and the calendar year vestigations, and Research’’ for necessary canes Florence and Michael and calendar 2018 wildfires, $1,000,000, to remain available expenses related to the consequences of Hur- year 2018 earthquakes for the hazardous until expended for the forest inventory and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00094 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JA6.056 S24JAPT1 January 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S635 analysis program: Provided, That such cies receiving funds appropriated by this Yutu, and earthquakes and wildfires in 2018 amount is designated by the Congress as title shall provide a detailed operating plan in those areas for which a major disaster or being for an emergency requirement pursu- of anticipated uses of funds made available emergency has been declared under section ant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced in this title by State and Territory, and by 401 or 501 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act program, project, and activity, to the Com- Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 of 1985. mittees on Appropriations: Provided, That no U.S.C. 5170 and 5191): Provided, That none of STATE AND PRIVATE FORESTRY such funds shall be obligated before the oper- the funds appropriated in this paragraph For an additional amount for ‘‘State and ating plans are provided to the Committees: shall be included in the calculation of the Private Forestry’’ for necessary expenses re- Provided further, That such plans shall be up- ‘‘base grant’’ in subsequent fiscal years, as lated to the consequences of Hurricanes dated, including obligations to date, and sub- such term is defined in sections 640(a)(7)(A), Florence and Michael, and the calendar year mitted to the Committees on Appropriations 641A(h)(1)(B), or 645(d)(3) of the Head Start 2018 wildfires, $12,000,000, to remain available every 60 days until all such funds are ex- Act: Provided further, That funds appro- until expended: Provided, That such amount pended. priated in this paragraph are not subject to the allocation requirements of section 640(a) is designated by the Congress as being for an TITLE VII emergency requirement pursuant to section of the Head Start Act: Provided further, That DEPARTMENT OF LABOR 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and funds appropriated in this paragraph shall Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING ADMINISTRATION not be available for costs that are reim- bursed by the Federal Emergency Manage- TRAINING AND EMPLOYMENT SERVICES NATIONAL FOREST SYSTEM ment Agency, under a contract for insur- For an additional amount for ‘‘National (INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS) ance, or by self-insurance: Provided further, Forest System’’ for necessary expenses re- For an additional amount for ‘‘Training That up to $2,000,000 shall be available for lated to the consequences of Hurricanes and Employment Services’’, $50,000,000, for Federal administrative expenses: Provided Florence and Michael, and the calendar year the dislocated workers assistance national further, That obligations incurred for the 2018 wildfires, $84,960,000, to remain available reserve for necessary expenses directly re- purposes provided herein prior to the date of until expended: Provided, That of this lated to the consequences of Hurricanes enactment of this Act may be charged to amount $21,000,000 shall be used for haz- Florence and Michael, Typhoon Mangkhut, funds appropriated under this heading: Pro- ardous fuels management activities: Provided Super Typhoon Yutu, or earthquakes and vided further, That such amount is des- further, That such amount is designated by wildfires occurring in calendar year 2018, to ignated by the Congress as being for an the Congress as being for an emergency re- remain available through September 30, 2020: emergency requirement pursuant to section quirement pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) Provided, That the Secretary of Labor may 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Def- transfer up to $1,000,000 of such funds to any Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. icit Control Act of 1985. other Department of Labor account for re- DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT AND MAINTENANCE construction and recovery needs, including EDUCATION RECOVERY For an additional amount for ‘‘Capital Im- worker protection activities: Provided fur- (INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS) provement and Maintenance’’ for necessary ther, That these sums may be used to replace For an additional amount for ‘‘Education expenses related to the consequences of Hur- grant funds previously obligated to the im- Recovery’’ for necessary expenses related to ricanes Florence and Michael, and the cal- pacted areas: Provided further, That of the the consequences of Hurricanes Florence and endar year 2018 wildfires, $36,040,000, to re- amount provided, up to $500,000, to remain Michael, Typhoon Mangkhut, Super Typhoon main available until expended: Provided, available until expended, shall be transferred Yutu, wildfires in 2018, or the volcanic erup- That such amount is designated by the Con- to ‘‘Office of Inspector General’’ for over- tion and earthquakes in 2018 in those areas gress as being for an emergency requirement sight of activities responding to such con- for which a major disaster or emergency has pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- sequences: Provided further, That such been declared under section 401 or 501 of the anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control amount is designated by the Congress as Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emer- Act of 1985. being for an emergency requirement pursu- gency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5170 and 5191) WILDLAND FIRE MANAGEMENT ant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced (referred to under this heading as a ‘‘covered (INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS) Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act disaster or emergency’’), $165,000,000, to re- For an additional amount for ‘‘Wildland of 1985. main available through September 30, 2019: Fire Management’’, $720,271,000, to remain DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN Provided, That such amount is designated by available through September 30, 2022, for ur- SERVICES the Congress as being for an emergency re- quirement pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) gent wildland fire suppression operations: SUBSTANCE ABUSE AND MENTAL HEALTH of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Def- Provided, That such funds shall be solely SERVICES ADMINISTRATION available to be transferred to and merged icit Control Act of 1985: Provided further, with other appropriations accounts from HEALTH SURVEILLANCE AND PROGRAM SUPPORT That such assistance may be provided which funds were previously transferred for For an additional amount for ‘‘Health Sur- through any of the programs authorized wildland fire suppression in fiscal year 2018 veillance and Program Support’’, $30,000,000, under this heading in division B of title VIII to fully repay those amounts: Provided fur- to remain available until September 30, 2019, of Public Law 115–123 (as amended by Public ther, That such amount is designated by the for grants, contracts and cooperative agree- Law 115–141), as determined by the Secretary Congress as an emergency requirement pur- ments for behavioral health treatment, crisis of Education, and subject to the terms and suant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- counseling, and other related helplines, and conditions that applied to those programs, anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control for other similar programs to provide sup- except that references to dates and school Act of 1985. port to individuals impacted by Hurricanes years in Public Law 115–123 shall be deemed to be the corresponding dates and school DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN Florence and Michael, Typhoon Mangkhut, years for the covered disaster or emergency: SERVICES Super Typhoon Yutu, and earthquakes and wildfires occurring in 2018 in those areas for Provided further, That the Secretary of Edu- NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH which a major disaster or emergency has cation may determine the amounts to be NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ENVIRONMENTAL been declared under section 401 or 501 of the used for each such program and shall notify HEALTH SCIENCES Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emer- the Committees on Appropriations of the For an additional amount for ‘‘National In- gency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5170 and House of Representatives and the Senate of stitute of Environmental Health Sciences’’ 5191): Provided, That obligations incurred for these amounts not later than 7 days prior to for necessary expenses in carrying out ac- the purposes provided herein prior to the obligation: Provided further, $2,000,000 of the tivities set forth in section 311(a) of the Com- date of enactment of this Act may be funds made available under this heading, to prehensive Environmental Response, Com- charged to funds appropriated under this remain available until expended, shall be pensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (42 heading: Provided further, That such amount transferred to the Office of the Inspector U.S.C. 9660(a)) and section 126(g) of the is designated by the Congress as being for an General of the Department of Education for Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization emergency requirement pursuant to section oversight of activities supported with funds Act of 1986 related to the consequences of 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and appropriated under this heading, and up to major disasters declared pursuant to the $1,000,000 of the funds made available under Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emer- this heading shall be for program adminis- gency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121 et seq.) ADMINISTRATION FOR CHILDREN AND FAMILIES tration. in 2018, $1,000,000, to remain available until CHILDREN AND FAMILIES SERVICES PROGRAMS GENERAL PROVISIONS—THIS TITLE expended: Provided, That such amount is des- For an additional amount for ‘‘Children SEC. 701. Not later than 30 days after the ignated by the Congress as being for an and Families Services Programs’’, $60,000,000, date of enactment of this Act, the Secre- emergency requirement pursuant to section to remain available until September 30, 2021, taries of Labor, Health and Human Services, 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and for Head Start programs, including making and Education shall provide a detailed spend Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. payments under the Head Start Act, for nec- plan of anticipated uses of funds made avail- GENERAL PROVISION—THIS TITLE essary expenses directly related to the con- able in this title, including estimated per- SEC. 601. Not later than 45 days after the sequences of Hurricanes Florence and Mi- sonnel and administrative costs, to the Com- date of enactment of this division, the agen- chael, Typhoon Mangkhut, Super Typhoon mittees on Appropriations: Provided, That

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such plans shall be updated and submitted to MILITARY CONSTRUCTION, ARMY NATIONAL FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION the Committees on Appropriations every 60 GUARD OPERATIONS days until all funds are expended or expire. For an additional amount for ‘‘Military (AIRPORT AND AIRWAY TRUST FUND) TITLE VIII Construction, Army National Guard’’, Of the amounts made available for ‘‘Fed- LEGISLATIVE BRANCH $42,400,000, to remain available until Sep- eral Aviation Administration—Operations’’ GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY OFFICE tember 30, 2023, for necessary expenses re- in division B of the Bipartisan Budget Act of lated to the consequences of Hurricanes SALARIES AND EXPENSES 2018 (Public Law 115–123), up to $18,000,000 Florence and Michael: Provided, That none of For an additional amount for ‘‘Salaries shall also be available for necessary expenses the funds shall be available for obligation and Expenses’’, $10,000,000, to remain avail- related to the consequences of major de- until the Committees on Appropriations of able until expended, for audits and investiga- clared disasters occurring in calendar year the House of Representatives and the Senate tions related to Hurricanes Florence, Lane, 2018: Provided, That amounts repurposed receive form 1391 for each specific request: and Michael, Typhoons Yutu and Mangkhut, under this heading that were previously des- Provided further, That, not later than 60 days the calendar year 2018 wildfires, earth- ignated by the Congress as an emergency re- after enactment of this division, the Director quakes, and volcano eruptions, and other dis- quirement pursuant to the Balanced Budget asters declared pursuant to the Robert T. of the Army National Guard, or his designee, and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency As- shall submit to the Committees on Appro- are designated by the Congress as an emer- sistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121 et seq.): Provided, priations of the House of Representatives gency requirement pursuant to section That, not later than 90 days after the date of and the Senate a detailed expenditure plan 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and enactment of this division, the Government for funds provided under this heading: Pro- Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. vided further, That such funds may be obli- Accountability Office shall submit to the FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION Committees on Appropriations of the House gated or expended for planning and design EMERGENCY RELIEF PROGRAM of Representatives and the Senate a spend and military construction projects not oth- plan specifying funding estimates for audits erwise authorized by law: Provided further, For an additional amount for the Emer- and investigations of any such declared dis- That such amount is designated by the Con- gency Relief Program as authorized under asters occurring in 2018 and identifying fund- gress as being for an emergency requirement section 125 of title 23, United States Code, ing estimates or carryover balances, if any, pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- $1,650,000,000, to remain available until ex- that may be available for audits and inves- anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control pended: Provided, That such amount is des- tigations of any other such declared disas- Act of 1985. ignated by the Congress as being for an ters: Provided further, That such amount is DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS emergency requirement pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and designated by the Congress as being for an VETERANS HEALTH ADMINISTRATION Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. emergency requirement pursuant to section MEDICAL FACILITIES 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. (INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS) DEVELOPMENT For an additional amount for ‘‘Medical Fa- TITLE IX COMMUNITY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT cilities’’, $3,000,000, to remain available until DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE September 30, 2023, for necessary expenses re- COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FUND MILITARY CONSTRUCTION, NAVY AND MARINE lated to the consequences of Hurricanes (INCLUDING TRANSFERS OF FUNDS) CORPS Florence and Michael and Typhoons For an additional amount for ‘‘Community For an additional amount for ‘‘Military Mangkhut and Yutu: Provided, That the Sec- Development Fund’’, $1,060,000,000, to remain Construction, Navy and Marine Corps’’, retary of Veterans Affairs, upon determina- available until expended, for necessary ex- $115,000,000, to remain available until Sep- tion that such action is necessary to address penses for activities authorized under title I tember 30, 2023, for planning and design re- needs as a result of the consequences of Hur- of the Housing and Community Development lated to the consequences of Hurricanes ricanes Florence and Michael and Typhoons Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5301 et seq.) related to Florence and Michael on Navy and Marine Mangkhut and Yutu, may transfer such disaster relief, long-term recovery, restora- Corps installations: Provided, That none of funds to any discretionary account of the tion of infrastructure and housing, economic the funds shall be available for obligation Department of Veterans Affairs: Provided fur- revitalization, and mitigation in the most until the Committees on Appropriations of ther, That before a transfer may take place, impacted and distressed areas resulting from the House of Representatives and the Senate the Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall sub- a major disaster that occurred in 2018 pursu- receive a master plan for the installations mit notice thereof to the Committee on Ap- ant to the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and a form 1391 for each specific project: Pro- propriations of the House of Representatives and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. vided further, That, not later than 60 days and the Senate: Provided further, That none 5121 et seq.): Provided, That funds shall be after enactment of this division, the Sec- of these funds shall be available for obliga- awarded directly to the State, unit of gen- retary of the Navy, or his designee, shall tion until the Secretary of Veterans Affairs eral local government, or Indian tribe (as submit to the Committees on Appropriations submits to the Committees on Appropria- such term is defined in section 102 of the of the House of Representatives and the Sen- tions of the House of Representatives and Housing and Community Development Act of ate a detailed expenditure plan for funds pro- the Senate a detailed expenditure plan for 1974) at the discretion of the Secretary: Pro- vided under this heading: Provided further, funds provided under this heading: Provided vided further, That any funds made available That such amount is designated by the Con- further, That such amount is designated by under this heading and under the same head- gress as being for an emergency requirement the Congress as being for an emergency re- ing in Public Law 115–254 that remain avail- pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- quirement pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) able, after the funds under such headings anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Def- have been allocated for necessary expenses Act of 1985. icit Control Act of 1985. for activities authorized under such head- MILITARY CONSTRUCTION, AIR FORCE TITLE X ings, shall be allocated to grantees, for miti- For an additional amount for ‘‘Military DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION gation activities in the most impacted and Construction, Air Force’’, $700,000,000, to re- distressed areas resulting from a major dis- main available until September 30, 2023, for FEDERAL TRANSIT ADMINISTRATION aster that occurred in 2018: Provided further, planning and design, and construction ex- PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION EMERGENCY RELIEF That such allocations shall be made in the penses related to the consequences of Hurri- PROGRAM same proportion that the amount of funds cane Michael: Provided, That none of the For an additional amount for the ‘‘Public each grantee received under this division and funds shall be available for obligation until Transportation Emergency Relief Program’’ the same heading in division I of Public Law the Committees on Appropriations of the as authorized under section 5324 of title 49, 115–254 bears to the amount of all funds pro- House of Representatives and the Senate re- United States Code, $10,542,000 to remain vided to all grantees that received alloca- ceive a basing plan and future mission re- available until expended, for transit systems tions for disasters that occurred in 2018: Pro- quirements for installations significantly affected by major declared disasters occur- vided further, That of the amounts made damaged by Hurricane Michael: Provided fur- ring in calendar year 2018: Provided, That not available under the text preceding the first ther, That, not later than 60 days after enact- more than three-quarters of 1 percent of the proviso under this heading and under the ment of this division, the Secretary of the funds for public transportation emergency same heading in Public Law 115–254, the Sec- Air Force, or his designee, shall submit to relief shall be available for administrative retary shall allocate to all such grantees an the Committees on Appropriations of the expenses and ongoing program management aggregate amount not less than 33 percent of House of Representatives and the Senate a oversight as authorized under sections 5334 the sum of such amounts of funds within 120 detailed expenditure plan for funds provided and 5338(f)(2) of such title and shall be in ad- days after the enactment of this division under this heading: Provided further, That dition to any other appropriations for such based on the best available data, and shall such amount is designated by the Congress purpose: Provided further, That such amount allocate no less than 100 percent of such as being for an emergency requirement pur- is designated by the Congress as being for an funds by no later than 180 days after the en- suant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- emergency requirement pursuant to section actment of this division: Provided further, anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and That the Secretary shall not prohibit the use Act of 1985. Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. of funds made available under this heading

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00096 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JA6.056 S24JAPT1 January 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S637 and the same heading in Public Law 115–254 the Secretary or the use by the recipient of economic revitalization, and mitigation in for non-Federal share as authorized by sec- these funds (except for requirements related the most impacted and distressed areas re- tion 105(a)(9) of the Housing and Community to fair housing, nondiscrimination, labor sulting from a major disaster, including Development Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5305(a)(9)): standards, and the environment), if the Sec- funds provided under section 145 of division C Provided further, That of the amounts made retary finds that good cause exists for the of Public Law 114–223, section 192 of division available under this heading, grantees may waiver or alternative requirement and such C of Public Law 114–223 (as added by section establish grant programs to assist small waiver or alternative requirement would not 101(3) of division A of Public Law 114–254), businesses for working capital purposes to be inconsistent with the overall purpose of section 421 of division K of Public Law 115–31, aid in recovery: Provided further, That as a title I of the Housing and Community Devel- and any mitigation funding provided under condition of making any grant, the Sec- opment Act of 1974: Provided further, That, the heading ‘‘Department of Housing and retary shall certify in advance that such notwithstanding the preceding proviso, re- Urban Development—Community Planning grantee has in place proficient financial con- cipients of funds provided under this heading and Development—Community Development trols and procurement processes and has es- that use such funds to supplement Federal Fund’’ of Public Law 115–123, that were allo- tablished adequate procedures to prevent assistance provided under section 402, 403, cated in response to Hurricane Matthew, any duplication of benefits as defined by sec- 404, 406, 407, 408 (c)(4), or 502 of the Robert T. may be used interchangeably and without tion 312 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency As- limitation for the same activities in the Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 sistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121 et seq.) may most impacted and distressed areas related U.S.C. 5155), to ensure timely expenditure of adopt, without review or public comment, to Hurricane Florence. In addition, any funds, to maintain comprehensive websites any environmental review, approval, or per- funds provided under the heading ‘‘Depart- regarding all disaster recovery activities as- mit performed by a Federal agency, and such ment of Housing and Urban Development— sisted with these funds, and to detect and adoption shall satisfy the responsibilities of Community Planning and Development— prevent waste, fraud, and abuse of funds: Pro- the recipient with respect to such environ- Community Development Fund’’ in this divi- vided further, That with respect to any such mental review, approval or permit: Provided sion or in division I of Public Law 115–254 duplication of benefits, the Secretary shall further, That, notwithstanding section that are allocated in response to Hurricane act in accordance with section 1210 of Public 104(g)(2) of the Housing and Community De- Florence may be used interchangeably and Law 115–254 (132 Stat. 3442) and section 312 of velopment Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5304(g)(2)), without limitation for the same activities in the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and the Secretary may, upon receipt of a request the most impacted and distressed areas re- Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5155): for release of funds and certification, imme- lated to Hurricane Matthew. Until HUD pub- Provided further, That the Secretary shall re- diately approve the release of funds for an lishes the Federal Register Notice imple- quire grantees to maintain on a public activity or project assisted under this head- menting this provision, grantees may submit website information containing common re- ing if the recipient has adopted an environ- for HUD approval revised plans for the use of porting criteria established by the Depart- mental review, approval or permit under the funds related to Hurricane Matthew that ex- ment that permits individuals and entities preceding proviso or the activity or project pand the eligible beneficiaries of existing awaiting assistance and the general public to is categorically excluded from review under programs contained in such previously ap- see how all grant funds are used, including the National Environmental Policy Act of proved plans to include those impacted by copies of all relevant procurement docu- 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.): Provided further, Hurricane Florence. Approval of any such re- ments, grantee administrative contracts and That the Secretary shall publish via notice vised plans shall include the execution of re- details of ongoing procurement processes, as in the Federal Register any waiver, or alter- vised grant terms and conditions as nec- determined by the Secretary: Provided fur- native requirement, to any statute or regula- essary. Once the implementing Notice is ther, That prior to the obligation of funds a tion that the Secretary administers pursu- published, any additional action plan revi- grantee shall submit a plan to the Secretary ant to title I of the Housing and Community sions shall follow the requirements con- for approval detailing the proposed use of all Development Act of 1974 no later than 5 days tained therein. funds, including criteria for eligibility and before the effective date of such waiver or al- (b) Amounts made available for adminis- how the use of these funds will address long- ternative requirement: Provided further, That trative costs for activities authorized under term recovery and restoration of infrastruc- of the amounts made available under this title I of the Housing and Community Devel- ture and housing, economic revitalization, heading, up to $5,000,000 shall be made avail- opment Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5301 et seq.) re- and mitigation in the most impacted and dis- able for capacity building and technical as- lated to disaster relief, long-term recovery, tressed areas: Provided further, That such sistance, including assistance on contracting restoration of infrastructure and housing, funds may not be used for activities reim- economic revitalization, and mitigation in bursed by, or for which funds have been made and procurement processes, to support the most impacted and distressed areas available by, the Federal Emergency Man- States, units of general local government, or under this division or any future Act, and agement Agency or the Army Corps of Engi- Indian tribes (and their subrecipients) that amounts previously provided under section neers, in excess of the authorized amount of receive allocations pursuant to this heading, 420 of division L of Public Law 114–113, sec- the project or its components: Provided fur- received disaster recovery allocations under ther, That funds allocated under this heading the same heading in Public Law 115–254, or tion 145 of division C of Public Law 114–223, shall not be considered relevant to the non- may receive similar allocations for disaster section 192 of division C of Public Law 114– disaster formula allocations made pursuant recovery in future appropriations Acts: Pro- 223 (as added by section 101(3) of division A of to section 106 of the Housing and Community vided further, That of the amounts made Public Law 114–254), section 421 of division K Development Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5306): Pro- available under this heading and under the of Public Law 115–31, and under the heading vided further, That a State, unit of general same heading in Public Law 115–254, up to ‘‘Department of Housing and Urban Develop- local government, or Indian tribe may use up $2,500,000 shall be transferred, in aggregate, ment—Community Planning and Develop- to 5 percent of its allocation for administra- to ‘‘Department of Housing and Urban Devel- ment—Community Development Fund’’ of tive costs: Provided further, That the first opment—Program Office Salaries and Ex- division B of Public Law 115–56, Public Law proviso under this heading in the Supple- penses—Community Planning and Develop- 115–123, and Public Law 115–254, shall be mental Appropriations for Disaster Relief ment’’ for necessary costs, including infor- available for eligible administrative costs of Requirements Act, 2018 (division I of Public mation technology costs, of administering the grantee related to any disaster relief Law 115–254) is amended by striking ‘‘State and overseeing the obligation and expendi- funding identified in this subsection without or unit of general local government’’ and in- ture of amounts under this heading: Provided regard to the particular disaster appropria- serting ‘‘State, unit of general local govern- further, That the amount specified in the pre- tion from which such funds originated. (c) The additional uses pursuant to this ment, or Indian tribe (as such term is defined ceding proviso shall be combined with funds section for amounts that were previously in section 102 of the Housing and Community appropriated under the same heading and for designated by the Congress, respectively, as Development Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5302))’’: the same purpose in Public Law 115–254 and an emergency requirement or as being for Provided further, That the sixth proviso the aggregate of such amounts shall be avail- disaster relief pursuant to the Balanced under this heading in the Supplemental Ap- able for any of the same such purposes speci- Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act propriations for Disaster Relief Require- fied under this heading or the same heading are designated by the Congress as being for ments Act, 2018 (division I of Public Law 115– in Public Law 115–254 without limitation: an emergency requirement pursuant to sec- 254) is amended by striking ‘‘State or sub- Provided further, That such amount is des- tion 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget division thereof’’ and inserting ‘‘State, unit ignated by the Congress as being for an and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 or of general local government, or Indian tribe emergency requirement pursuant to section as being for disaster relief pursuant to sec- (as such term is defined in section 102 of the 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and tion 251(b)(2)(D) of the Balanced Budget and Housing and Community Development Act of Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5302))’’: Provided further, That GENERAL PROVISION—THIS TITLE in administering the funds under this head- SEC. 1001. (a) Amounts previously made TITLE XI ing, the Secretary of Housing and Urban De- available for activities authorized under GENERAL PROVISIONS—THIS DIVISION velopment may waive, or specify alternative title I of the Housing and Community Devel- SEC. 1101. Each amount designated in this requirements for, any provision of any stat- opment Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5301 et seq.) re- division by the Congress as being for an ute or regulation that the Secretary admin- lated to disaster relief, long-term recovery, emergency requirement pursuant to section isters in connection with the obligation by restoration of infrastructure and housing, 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00097 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JA6.056 S24JAPT1 S638 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 24, 2019 Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 shall assistance in response to a major disaster or tus of the alien) punishable by imprisonment be available (or rescinded or transferred, if emergency designated by the President for a term exceeding 1 year or a similar for- applicable) only if the President subse- under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief eign offense; quently so designates all such amounts and and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. ‘‘(V) the alien has not been removed from transmits such designations to the Congress. 5121 et seq.). the United States; This division may be cited as the ‘‘Addi- (b) The funds made available to the Com- ‘‘(VI) the alien is not subject to an out- tional Supplemental Appropriations for Dis- monwealth of Puerto Rico under subsection standing final order of removal; aster Relief, 2019’’. (a) shall— ‘‘(VII) the Secretary of Homeland Security (1) remain available for obligation by the has determined that the alien is not a public SA 46. Mr. SHELBY submitted an Commonwealth until September 30, 2020; and safety or national security risk; amendment intended to be proposed by (2) be in addition to funds otherwise made ‘‘(VIII) the alien has not had an applica- available. him to the bill H.R. 268, making supple- tion for asylum denied; (c) The amount made available under this ‘‘(IX) if the alien is younger than 18 years mental appropriations for the fiscal section is designated by Congress as being of age on the date on which the asylum ap- year ending September 30, 2019, and for for an emergency requirement pursuant to plication is filed, the alien has a qualified other purposes; which was ordered to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget parent or guardian in the United States ca- lie on the table; as follows: and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 (2 pable of taking custody and care of the Strike all after section 1101 and insert the U.S.C. 901(b)(2)(A)(i)). minor upon arrival in the United States; and following: ‘‘(X) the alien is otherwise eligible to apply SA 49. Mr. LEE submitted an amend- for and receive asylum under subsections TITLE XII—FURTHER CONTINUING ment intended to be proposed by him (a)(2) and (b)(2). APPROPRIATIONS to the bill H.R. 268, making supple- ‘‘(ii) EXCEPTION.—Notwithstanding clause SEC. 1201. The Continuing Appropriations mental appropriations for the fiscal (i), paragraph (1) shall apply to a national of Act, 2019 (division C of Public Law 115–245) is El Salvador, of Guatemala, or of Honduras if further amended— year ending September 30, 2019, and for other purposes; which was ordered to the alien is present in the United States be- (1) by striking the date specified in section fore the date of the enactment of the Central 105(3) and inserting ‘‘February 8, 2019’’; and lie on the table; as follows: American Nationals Protection Act of 2019. (2) by adding after section 136 the fol- At the appropriate place in division L, in- ‘‘(iii) TIME LIMIT.—The time limit under lowing: sert the following: subparagraph (B) shall not apply to nation- ‘‘SEC. 137. Notwithstanding any other pro- SEC. 120. RULE OF CONSTRUCTION. als of El Salvador, of Guatemala, or of Hon- vision of this Act, and in addition to Sections 101 through 104 of this division duras who are described in clause (i).’’. amounts otherwise made available by this shall have no effect. (b) ELIGIBILITY.—Section 208(b) of the Im- Act for ‘U.S. Custom and Border Protec- SEC. 121. SHORT TITLE. migration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. tion—Procurement, Construction, and Im- This division may be cited as the ‘‘Central 1158(b)) is amended— provements’, there is appropriated American Nationals Protection Act of 2019’’. (1) in paragraph (1)— $765,205,479 for an additional amount for fis- SEC. 122. PURPOSE. (A) by redesignating subparagraph (B) as cal year 2019, to remain available until Sep- The purpose of this division is to establish subparagraph (C); and tember 30, 2023: Provided, That the conditions an asylum processing program outside of the (B) by inserting after subparagraph (A) the set forth in subsections (b) and (c) of section United States that— following: 230 of division F of the Consolidated Appro- (1) provides an alternative method of seek- ‘‘(B) ELIGIBILITY OF CERTAIN CENTRAL AMER- priations Act, 2018 (Public Law 115–141) shall ing protection in the United States from per- ICAN NATIONALS FOR ASYLUM AND PAROLE.— apply during fiscal year 2019 to the amounts secution for nationals of El Salvador, of Gua- ‘‘(i) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary of Home- made available in the clause preceding this temala, and of Honduras; and land Security may grant asylum to a na- proviso.’’. (2) reduces the incentive for such persons tional of El Salvador, of Guatemala, or of Honduras who submits an application under Mr. SHELBY submitted an to make the dangerous journey to the United SA 47. States southern border to request asylum. subsection (a)(2)(F)(i)(I) if— amendment intended to be proposed by ‘‘(I) the alien is otherwise eligible for asy- SEC. 123. ADMISSION OF ELIGIBLE CENTRAL him to the bill H.R. 268, making supple- AMERICAN ALIENS AS ASYLEES. lum under subparagraph (A), except that the mental appropriations for the fiscal (a) APPLICATIONS.—Section 208(a)(2) of the alien does not need to be outside of his or her year ending September 30, 2019, and for Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. country of nationality; other purposes; which was ordered to 1158(a)(2)) is amended by adding at the end ‘‘(II) the alien did not unlawfully enter the United States after submitting an applica- lie on the table; as follows: the following: ‘‘(F) AUTHORITY FOR CERTAIN CENTRAL tion under subsection (a)(2)(F)(i)(I); Strike all after section 1101 and insert the AMERICAN NATIONALS TO APPLY FOR ASYLUM.— ‘‘(III) a grant of asylum to the alien would following: ‘‘(i) IN GENERAL.—Notwithstanding any not cause the number of asylum grants in a TITLE XII—FURTHER CONTINUING other provision of law, including paragraph fiscal year to exceed the number set forth in APPROPRIATIONS (1), and except as provided in clause (ii), a clause (iii)(II); and SEC. 1201. The Continuing Appropriations national of El Salvador, Guatemala, or Hon- ‘‘(IV) the Secretary of Homeland Security Act, 2019 (division C of Public Law 115–245) is duras who is outside of the United States as determines that— further amended— of the date of the enactment of the Central ‘‘(aa) the alien warrants a grant of asylum; (1) by striking the date specified in section American Nationals Protection Act of 2019 and 105(3) and inserting ‘‘February 8, 2019’’; and shall be ineligible for asylum unless— ‘‘(bb) such grant is consistent with the na- (2) by adding after section 136 the fol- ‘‘(I) the alien submits an application for tional interest. lowing: asylum outside of the United States at a ‘‘(ii) DESIGNATED APPLICATION PROCESSING ‘‘SEC. 137. Notwithstanding section 101, Designated Application Processing Center in CENTERS.— subsection (a) of section 230 in division F of Central America; ‘‘(I) ESTABLISHMENT.—Not later than 240 Public Law 115–141 shall not apply during the ‘‘(II) the United Nations High Commis- days after the date of the enactment of the period covered by this Act.’’. sioner for Refugees or a nongovernmental or- Central American Nationals Protection Act ganization designated by the Secretary of of 2019, the Secretary of State shall establish SA 48. Mr. SCOTT, of Florida sub- Homeland Security has referred the alien to Designated Application Processing Centers, mitted an amendment intended to be the Secretary of Homeland Security after de- with the consent of the country in which such centers will be located, if necessary. proposed by him to the bill H.R. 268, termining that the alien is likely to be eligi- ble for asylum; ‘‘(II) LOCATIONS.— making supplemental appropriations ‘‘(aa) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary of State for the fiscal year ending September 30, ‘‘(III) not later than 90 days after the date on which the alien was referred by the shall ensure that not fewer than 1 Des- 2019, and for other purposes; which was United Nations High Commissioner for Refu- ignated Application Processing Center is es- ordered to lie on the table; as follows: gees or the designated nongovernmental or- tablished in each of the following countries: On page 1159, after line 23, insert the fol- ganization under subclause (II), the alien ‘‘(AA) Belize. ‘‘(BB) Costa Rica. lowing: submits an application for asylum at a Des- ‘‘(CC) El Salvador. SEC. 104. (a) In addition to other amounts ignated Application Processing Center, in ‘‘(DD) Guatemala. made available under section 309 of title III accordance with the requirements and proce- ‘‘(EE) Honduras. of division A of the Additional Supplemental dures established by the Secretary of Home- ‘‘(FF) Mexico. Appropriations for Disaster Relief Require- land Security pursuant to this section; ‘‘(GG) Nicaragua. ments Act, 2017 (Public Law 115–72; 131 Stat. ‘‘(IV) the alien has not been convicted of a ‘‘(HH) Panama. 1229), $600,000,000 shall be available for the Federal, State, or local criminal offense (ex- ‘‘(bb) SELECTION.—The Secretary of State, Secretary to provide a grant to the Common- cluding a State or local offense for which an in consultation with the Secretary of Home- wealth of Puerto Rico for disaster nutrition essential element was the immigration sta- land Security, shall select the location of

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00098 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JA6.056 S24JAPT1 January 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S639 each Designated Application Processing Cen- amounts otherwise made available by this for the next two available crop years, exclud- ter described in item (aa). Act for ‘U.S. Custom and Border Protec- ing tree insurance policies, and producers re- ‘‘(III) DUTIES OF THE SECRETARY OF tion—Procurement, Construction, and Im- ceiving payments under this heading shall be STATE.—The Secretary of State shall ensure provements’, there is appropriated required to purchase coverage under NAP that any national of El Salvador, Guate- $765,205,479 for an additional amount for fis- where crop insurance is not available in the mala, or Honduras is permitted— cal year 2019, to remain available until Sep- next two available crop years, as determined ‘‘(aa) to apply to a Designated Application tember 30, 2023.’’. by the Secretary: Provided further, That, not Processing Center for asylum under this sub- This division may be cited as the ‘‘Further later than 120 days after the end of fiscal paragraph; and Additional Continuing Appropriations Act, year 2019, the Secretary shall submit a re- ‘‘(bb) if the alien applying for asylum is an 2019’’. port to the Congress specifying the type, unaccompanied alien child (as defined in sec- DIVISION B—ADDITIONAL SUPPLE- amount, and method of such assistance by tion 462(g)(2) of the Homeland Security Act MENTAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR DIS- state and territory: Provided further, That of 2002), to have legal counsel present at any ASTER RELIEF, 2019 such amount is designated by the Congress interview at no expense to the United States The following sums in this division are ap- as being for an emergency requirement pur- Government. propriated, out of any money in the Treas- suant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- ‘‘(IV) ADJUDICATION BY ASYLUM OR REFUGEE ury not otherwise appropriated, for the fiscal anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control OFFICERS.—Applications submitted to a Des- year ending September 30, 2019, and for other Act of 1985. ignated Application Processing Center under purposes, namely: FARM SERVICE AGENCY this subparagraph shall be adjudicated by TITLE I EMERGENCY FOREST RESTORATION PROGRAM asylum or refugee officers. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE For an additional amount for the ‘‘Emer- ‘‘(iii) MAXIMUM NUMBER OF REFERRALS AND gency Forest Restoration Program’’, for nec- GRANTS OF ASYLUM.— AGRICULTURAL PROGRAMS essary expenses related to the consequences ‘‘(I) REFERRALS.—The number of aliens PROCESSING, RESEARCH AND MARKETING of Hurricanes Michael and Florence and whom the Secretary of Homeland Security OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY may accept for processing under this sub- wildfires occurring in calendar year 2018, and For an additional amount for the ‘‘Office of other natural disasters, $480,000,000, to re- paragraph may not exceed 50,000 in any fiscal the Secretary’’, $3,005,442,000, which shall re- year. main available until expended: Provided, main available until December 31, 2020, for That such amount is designated by the Con- ‘‘(II) ASYLUM GRANTS.—The Secretary of necessary expenses related to losses of crops Homeland Security may not grant asylum to gress as being for an emergency requirement (including milk and harvested adulterated pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- more than 15,000 aliens under this subpara- wine grapes), trees, bushes, and vines, as a graph in any fiscal year. anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control consequence of Hurricanes Michael or Flor- Act of 1985. ‘‘(iv) INELIGIBILITY FOR PAROLE.—An alien ence, other hurricanes, typhoons, volcanic NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION SERVICE who applies for asylum under subsection activity, or wildfires occurring in calendar (a)(2)(F) is not eligible for parole under sec- year 2018 under such terms and conditions as WATERSHED AND FLOOD PREVENTION tion 212(d)(5) while his or her asylum applica- determined by the Secretary: Provided, That OPERATIONS tion is being adjudicated. the Secretary may provide assistance for For an additional amount for ‘‘Watershed ‘‘(v) NO JUDICIAL REVIEW.—Notwithstanding such losses in the form of block grants to eli- and Flood Prevention Operations’’, for nec- any other provision of law (statutory or non- gible states and territories and such assist- essary expenses for the Emergency Water- statutory), including section 2241 of title 28, ance may include compensation to pro- shed Protection Program related to the con- United States Code, or any other habeas cor- ducers, as determined by the Secretary, for sequences of Hurricanes Michael and Flor- pus provision, and sections 1361 and 1651 of past or future crop insurance premiums, for- ence and wildfires occurring in calendar year such title, no court or immigration judge est restoration, and poultry and livestock 2018, and other natural disasters, $125,000,000, shall have jurisdiction to review a deter- losses: Provided further, That of the amounts to remain available until expended: Provided, mination of the Secretary of Homeland Se- provided under this heading, tree assistance That such amount is designated by the Con- curity under clause (i).’’; and payments may be made under section 1501(e) gress as being for an emergency requirement (2) in paragraph (3), by striking subpara- of the Agricultural Act of 2014 (7 U.S.C. pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- graph (C). 9081(e)) to eligible orchardists or nursery anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control SEC. 124. APPLICATION FEES. tree growers (as defined in such section) of Act of 1985. (a) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary of Home- pecan trees with a tree mortality rate that RURAL DEVELOPMENT land Security shall— exceeds 7.5 percent (adjusted for normal mor- RURAL COMMUNITY FACILITIES PROGRAM (1) collect a fee from each alien submitting tality) and is less than 15 percent (adjusted ACCOUNT an application under section 208(a)(2)(F)(i)(I) for normal mortality), to be available until of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 expended, for losses incurred during the pe- For an additional amount for the cost of U.S.C. 1158(a)(2)(F)(i)(I)) for the purpose of riod beginning January 1, 2018, and ending grants for rural community facilities pro- receiving, docketing, processing, and adjudi- December 31, 2018: Provided further, That in grams as authorized by section 306 and de- cating such application; and the case of producers impacted by volcanic scribed in section 381E(d)(1) of the Consoli- (2) shall deposit all fees collected under activity that resulted in the loss of crop dated Farm and Rural Development Act, for paragraph (1) into the Immigration Exami- land, or access to crop land, the Secretary necessary expenses related to the con- nations Fee Account under section 286(m) of shall consider all measures available, as ap- sequences of Hurricanes Michael and Flor- such Act (8 U.S.C. 1356(m)). propriate, to bring replacement land into ence and wildfires occurring in calendar year (b) AMOUNT.—The fee required under sub- production: Provided further, That the total 2018, and other natural disasters, $150,000,000, section (a) shall be based upon— amount of payments received under this to remain available until expended: Provided, (1) a consideration of the amount nec- heading and applicable policies of crop insur- That sections 381E-H and 381N of the Consoli- essary to deter frivolous applications; and ance under the Federal Crop Insurance Act (7 dated Farm and Rural Development Act are (2) the cost of processing the application. U.S.C. 1501 et seq.) or the Noninsured Crop not applicable to the funds made available Disaster Assistance Program (NAP) under under this heading: Provided further, That SA 50. Mr. SHELBY submitted an section 196 of the Federal Agriculture Im- such amount is designated by the Congress amendment intended to be proposed by provement and Reform Act of 1996 (7 U.S.C. as being for an emergency requirement pur- him to the bill H.R. 268, making supple- 7333) shall not exceed 90 percent of the loss suant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- mental appropriations for the fiscal as determined by the Secretary: Provided fur- anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. year ending September 30, 2019, and for ther, That the total amount of payments re- GENERAL PROVISIONS—THIS TITLE other purposes; which was ordered to ceived under this heading for producers who lie on the table; as follows: did not obtain a policy or plan of insurance SEC. 101. In addition to amounts otherwise for an insurable commodity for the applica- made available, out of the funds made avail- Strike all after the enacting clause and in- ble crop year under the Federal Crop Insur- able under section 18 of Food and Nutrition sert the following: ance Act (7 U.S.C. 1501 et seq.) for the crop Act of 2008, $25,200,000 shall be available for DIVISION A—FURTHER ADDITIONAL incurring the losses or did not file the re- the Secretary to provide a grant to the Com- CONTINUING APPROPRIATIONS ACT, 2019 quired paperwork and pay the service fee by monwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands SEC. 101. The Continuing Appropriations the applicable State filing deadline for a for disaster nutrition assistance in response Act, 2019 (division C of Public Law 115–245) is noninsurable commodity for the applicable to the Presidentially declared major disas- further amended— crop year under NAP for the crop incurring ters and emergencies: Provided, That funds (1) by striking the date specified in section the losses shall not exceed 70 percent of the made available to the Commonwealth of the 105(3) and inserting ‘‘February 8, 2019’’; and loss as determined by the Secretary: Provided Northern Mariana Islands under this section (2) by adding after section 136 the fol- further, That producers receiving payments shall remain available for obligation by the lowing: under this heading, as determined by the Commonwealth until September 30, 2020: Pro- ‘‘SEC. 137. Notwithstanding any other pro- Secretary, shall be required to purchase crop vided further, That such amount is des- vision of this Act, and in addition to insurance where crop insurance is available ignated by the Congress as being for an

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00099 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JA6.047 S24JAPT1 S640 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 24, 2019 emergency requirement pursuant to section eral’’ account for carrying out investigations to the consequences of Hurricanes Florence 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and and audits related to the funding provided and Michael and Typhoon Yutu, $1,336,000: Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. under this heading. Provided, That such amount is designated by SEC. 102. For purposes of administering NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC the Congress as being for an emergency re- title I of subdivision 1 of division B of the Bi- ADMINISTRATION quirement pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) partisan Budget Act of 2018 (Public Law 115– of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Def- OPERATIONS, RESEARCH, AND FACILITIES 123), losses to agricultural producers result- icit Control Act of 1985. For an additional amount for ‘‘Operations, ing from hurricanes shall also include losses FEDERAL PRISON SYSTEM incurred from Tropical Storm Cindy and Research, and Facilities’’ for necessary ex- BUILDINGS AND FACILITIES losses of peach and blueberry crops in cal- penses related to the consequences of Hurri- For an additional amount for ‘‘Buildings endar year 2017 due to extreme cold: Pro- canes Florence and Michael, Typhoon Yutu, and Facilities’’ for necessary expenses re- vided, That the amounts provided by this and of wildfires, $120,570,000, to remain avail- lated to the consequences of Hurricanes section are designated by the Congress as able until September 30, 2020, as follows: Florence and Michael and Typhoon Yutu, being for an emergency requirement pursu- (1) $3,000,000 for repair and replacement of $28,400,000, to remain available until ex- ant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced observing assets, real property, and equip- pended: Provided, That such amount is des- Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act ment; ignated by the Congress as being for an of 1985: Provided further, That amounts (2) $11,000,000 for marine debris assessment emergency requirement pursuant to section repurposed under this heading that were pre- and removal; 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and viously designated by the Congress as an (3) $31,570,000 for mapping, charting, and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. emergency requirement pursuant to the Bal- geodesy services; anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control (4) $25,000,000 to improve: (a) hurricane in- RELATED AGENCIES Act of 1985 are designated by the Congress as tensity forecasting, including through de- LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION ployment of unmanned ocean observing plat- an emergency requirement pursuant to sec- PAYMENT TO THE LEGAL SERVICES forms and enhanced data assimilation; (b) tion 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget CORPORATION and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. flood prediction, forecasting, and mitigation capabilities; and (c) wildfire prediction, de- For an additional amount for ‘‘Payment to SEC. 103. (a)(1) Except as provided in para- the Legal Services Corporation’’ to carry out graph (2), a person or legal entity is not eli- tection, and forecasting; and (5) $50,000,000 for Title IX Fund grants as the purposes of the Legal Services Corpora- gible to receive a payment under the Market tion Act by providing for necessary expenses Facilitation Program established pursuant authorized under section 906(c) of division O of Public Law 114–113: related to the consequences of Hurricanes to the Commodity Credit Corporation Char- Florence, Michael, and Lane, Typhoons Yutu Provided, That such amount is designated by ter Act (15 U.S.C. 714 et seq.) if the average and Mangkhut, and calendar year 2018 the Congress as being for an emergency re- adjusted gross income of such person or legal wildfires, volcanic eruptions, and earth- quirement pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) entity is greater than $900,000. quakes, $15,000,000: Provided, That such of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Def- (2) Paragraph (1) shall not apply to a per- amount is designated by the Congress as icit Control Act of 1985: Provided further, son or legal entity if at least 75 percent of being for an emergency requirement pursu- That the National Oceanic and Atmospheric the adjusted gross income of such person or ant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Administration shall submit a spending plan legal entity is derived from farming, ranch- Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act to the Committees on Appropriations of the ing, or forestry related activities. of 1985: Provided further, That none of the House of Representatives and the Senate for (b) A person or legal entity may not re- funds appropriated in this division to the funding provided under subsection (4) of this ceive a payment under the Market Facilita- Legal Services Corporation shall be expended heading within 45 days after the date of en- tion Program described in subsection (a)(1), for any purpose prohibited or limited by, or actment of this division. directly or indirectly, of more than $125,000. contrary to any of the provisions of, sections (c) In this section, the term ‘‘average ad- PROCUREMENT, ACQUISITION AND CONSTRUCTION 501, 502, 503, 504, 505, and 506 of Public Law justed gross income’’ has the meaning given For an additional amount for ‘‘Procure- 105–119, and all funds appropriated in this di- the term defined in section 760.1502 of title 7 ment, Acquisition and Construction’’, vision to the Legal Services Corporation Code of Federal Regulations (as in effect $25,000,000, to remain available until Sep- shall be subject to the same terms and condi- July 18, 2018). tember 30, 2021, for improvements to oper- tions set forth in such sections, except that (d) The amount provided by this section is ational and research weather supercom- all references in sections 502 and 503 to 1997 designated by the Congress as being for an puting infrastructure and satellite ground and 1998 shall be deemed to refer instead to emergency requirement pursuant to section services used for hurricane intensity and 2018 and 2019, respectively, and except that 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and track prediction; flood prediction, fore- sections 501 and 503 of Public Law 104–134 Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. casting, and mitigation; and wildfire pre- (referenced by Public Law 105–119) shall not TITLE II diction, detection, and forecasting: Provided, apply to the amount made available under DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE That such amount is designated by the Con- this heading: Provided further, That, for the gress as being for an emergency requirement ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION purposes of this division, the Legal Services pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- Corporation shall be considered an agency of ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control the United States Government. PROGRAMS Act of 1985: Provided further, That the Na- TITLE III (INCLUDING TRANSFERS OF FUNDS) tional Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra- DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Pursuant to section 703 of the Public tion shall submit a spending plan to the OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, MARINE CORPS Works and Economic Development Act (42 Committees on Appropriations of the House U.S.C. 3233), for an additional amount for of Representatives and the Senate within 45 For an additional amount for ‘‘Operation ‘‘Economic Development Assistance Pro- days after the date of enactment of this divi- and Maintenance, Marine Corps’’, grams’’ for necessary expenses related to sion. $200,000,000, for necessary expenses related to the consequences of Hurricanes Michael and flood mitigation, disaster relief, long-term FISHERIES DISASTER ASSISTANCE Florence: Provided, That such amount is des- recovery, and restoration of infrastructure For an additional amount for ‘‘Fisheries ignated by the Congress as being for an in areas that received a major disaster des- Disaster Assistance’’ for necessary expenses emergency requirement pursuant to section ignation as a result of Hurricanes Florence, associated with the mitigation of fishery dis- 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and Michael, and Lane, Typhoons Yutu and asters, $150,000,000, to remain available until Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. Mangkhut, and of wildfires, volcanic erup- expended: Provided, That funds shall be used tions, earthquakes, and other natural disas- for mitigating the effects of commercial fish- OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, AIR FORCE ters occurring in calendar year 2018 under ery failures and fishery resource disasters For an additional amount for ‘‘Operation the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and declared by the Secretary of Commerce, in- and Maintenance, Air Force’’, $400,000,000, for Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121 et cluding those declared by the Secretary to be necessary expenses related to the con- seq.), $600,000,000, to remain available until a direct result of Hurricanes Florence and sequences of Hurricanes Michael and Flor- expended: Provided, That such amount is des- Michael and Typhoons Yutu and Mangkhut: ence: Provided, That such amount is des- ignated by the Congress as being for an Provided further, That such amount is des- ignated by the Congress as being for an emergency requirement pursuant to section ignated by the Congress as being for an emergency requirement pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and emergency requirement pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985: Pro- 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. vided further, That within the amount appro- Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. TITLE IV priated, up to 2 percent of funds may be DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE CORPS OF ENGINEERS—CIVIL transferred to the ‘‘Salaries and Expenses’’ account for administration and oversight ac- UNITED STATES MARSHALS SERVICE DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY tivities: Provided further, That within the SALARIES AND EXPENSES INVESTIGATIONS amount appropriated, $1,000,000 shall be For an additional amount for ‘‘Salaries For an additional amount for ‘‘Investiga- transferred to the ‘‘Office of Inspector Gen- and Expenses’’ for necessary expenses related tions’’ for necessary expenses related to the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00100 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JA6.053 S24JAPT1 January 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S641 completion, or initiation and completion, of Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985: Pro- TITLE V flood and storm damage reduction, including vided further, That the Assistant Secretary of DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY shore protection, studies which are currently the Army for Civil Works shall provide a SECURITY, ENFORCEMENT, AND authorized or which are authorized after the monthly report directly to the Committees INVESTIGATIONS date of enactment of this division, to reduce on Appropriations of the House of Represent- COAST GUARD risk from future floods and hurricanes, at atives and the Senate detailing the alloca- full Federal expense, $35,000,000, to remain tion and obligation of these funds, beginning OPERATIONS AND SUPPORT available until expended, for high priority not later than 60 days after the date of en- For an additional amount for ‘‘Operations studies of projects in States and insular actment of this division. and Support’’ for necessary expenses related to the consequences of Hurricanes Michael, areas that were impacted by Hurricanes MISSISSIPPI RIVER AND TRIBUTARIES Florence and Michael, Typhoon Mangkhut, Florence, and Lane, Tropical Storm Gordon, Super Typhoon Yutu, and Tropical Storm For an additional amount for ‘‘Mississippi and Typhoon Mangkhut, $46,977,000, to re- Gita: Provided, That such amount is des- River and Tributaries’’ for necessary ex- main available until September 30, 2020: Pro- ignated by the Congress as being for an penses to address emergency situations at vided, That such amount is designated by the emergency requirement pursuant to section Corps of Engineers projects and rehabilitate Congress as being for an emergency require- 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and and repair damages to Corps of Engineers ment pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985: Pro- projects, caused by natural disasters, the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. vided further, That the Assistant Secretary of $225,000,000, to remain available until ex- the Army for Civil Works shall provide a pended: Provided, That such amount is des- PROCUREMENT, CONSTRUCTION, AND monthly report directly to the Committees ignated by the Congress as being for an IMPROVEMENTS on Appropriations of the House and the Sen- emergency requirement pursuant to section For an additional amount for ‘‘Procure- ate detailing the allocation and obligation of 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and ment, Construction, and Improvements’’ for these funds, including new studies selected Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985: Pro- necessary expenses related to the con- to be initiated using funds provided under vided further, That the Assistant Secretary of sequences of Hurricanes Michael, Florence, this heading, beginning not later than 60 the Army for Civil Works shall provide a and Lane, Tropical Storm Gordon, and Ty- days after the date of enactment of this divi- monthly report directly to the Committees phoon Mangkhut, $476,755,000, to remain sion. on Appropriations of the House of Represent- available until September 30, 2023: Provided, atives and the Senate detailing the alloca- That such amount is designated by the Con- CONSTRUCTION tion and obligation of these funds, beginning gress as being for an emergency requirement For an additional amount for ‘‘Construc- not later than 60 days after the date of en- pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- tion’’ for necessary expenses, $740,000,000, to actment of this division. anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control remain available until expended, to con- Act of 1985. struct flood and storm damage reduction, in- OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE AND cluding shore protection, projects which are For an additional amount for ‘‘Operation RESTORATION currently authorized or which are authorized and Maintenance’’ for necessary expenses to after the date of enactment of this division, dredge Federal navigation projects in re- For an additional amount for ‘‘Environ- mental Compliance and Restoration’’ for and flood and storm damage reduction, in- sponse to, and repair damages to Corps of necessary expenses related to the con- cluding shore protection, projects which Engineers Federal projects caused by, nat- sequences of Hurricanes Michael and Flor- have signed Chief’s Reports as of the date of ural disasters, $245,000,000, to remain avail- ence, $2,000,000, to remain available until enactment of this division or which are stud- able until expended, of which such sums as September 30, 2023: Provided, That such are necessary to cover the Federal share of ied using funds provided under the heading amount is designated by the Congress as eligible operation and maintenance costs for ‘‘Investigations’’ if the Secretary determines being for an emergency requirement pursu- such projects to be technically feasible, eco- coastal harbors and channels, and for inland ant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced nomically justified, and environmentally ac- harbors shall be derived from the Harbor Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act ceptable, in States and insular areas that Maintenance Trust Fund: Provided, That of 1985. were impacted by Hurricanes Florence and such amount is designated by the Congress TITLE VI Michael, Typhoon Mangkhut, Super Typhoon as being for an emergency requirement pur- Yutu, and Tropical Storm Gita: Provided, suant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR That projects receiving funds provided in anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control UNITED STATES FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Public Law 115–123 shall not be eligible for Act of 1985: Provided further, That the Assist- CONSTRUCTION funding provided under this heading: Pro- ant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works For an additional amount for ‘‘Construc- vided further, That for projects receiving shall provide a monthly report directly to tion’’ for necessary expenses related to the funds provided under this heading, the provi- the Committees on Appropriations of the consequences of Hurricanes Florence, Lane, sions of Section 902 of the Water Resources House of Representatives and the Senate de- and Michael, and flooding associated with Act of 1986 shall not apply to these funds: tailing the allocation and obligation of these major declared disaster DR–4365, and cal- Provided further, That the completion of on- funds, beginning not later than 60 days after endar year 2018 earthquakes, $82,400,000, to going construction projects receiving funds the date of enactment of this division. remain available until expended: Provided, provided under this heading shall be at full DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR That of this amount $50,000,000 shall be used Federal expense with respect to such funds: to restore and rebuild national wildlife ref- CENTRAL UTAH PROJECT Provided further, That using funds provided uges and increase the resiliency and capacity under this heading, the non-Federal cash CENTRAL UTAH PROJECT COMPLETION ACCOUNT of coastal habitat and infrastructure to contribution for projects other than ongoing For an additional amount for ‘‘Central withstand storms and reduce the amount of construction projects shall be financed in ac- Utah Project Completion Account’’, $350,000, damage caused by such storms: Provided fur- cordance with the provisions of section to be deposited into the Utah Reclamation ther, That such amount is designated by the 103(k) of Public Law 99–662 over a period of 30 Mitigation and Conservation Account for use Congress as being for an emergency require- years from the date of completion of the by the Utah Reclamation Mitigation and ment pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of project or separable element: Provided fur- Conservation Commission, to remain avail- the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit ther, That up to $25,000,000 of the funds made able until expended, for expenses necessary Control Act of 1985. available under this heading shall be used for in carrying out fire remediation activities NATIONAL PARK SERVICE continuing authorities projects to reduce the related to wildfires in 2018: Provided, That HISTORIC PRESERVATION FUND risk of flooding and storm damage: Provided such amount is designated by the Congress For an additional amount for the ‘‘Historic further, That any projects using funds appro- as being for an emergency requirement pur- Preservation Fund’’ for necessary expenses priated under this heading shall be initiated suant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- related to the consequences of Hurricanes only after non-Federal interests have en- anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Florence and Michael, and Typhoon Yutu, tered into binding agreements with the Sec- Act of 1985. $50,000,000, to remain available until Sep- retary requiring, where applicable, the non- BUREAU OF RECLAMATION tember 30, 2022, including costs to States and Federal interests to pay 100 percent of the territories necessary to complete compliance operation, maintenance, repair, replacement, WATER AND RELATED RESOURCES activities required by section 306108 of title and rehabilitation costs of the project and to For an additional amount for ‘‘Water and 54, United States Code (formerly section 106 hold and save the United States free from Related Resources’’, $15,500,000, to remain of the National Historic Preservation Act) damages due to the construction or oper- available until expended, for fire remedi- and costs needed to administer the program: ation and maintenance of the project, except ation and suppression emergency assistance Provided, That grants shall only be available for damages due to the fault or negligence of related to wildfires in 2017 and 2018: Provided, for areas that have received a major disaster the United States or its contractors: Pro- That such amount is designated by the Con- declaration pursuant to the Robert T. Staf- vided further, That such amount is des- gress as being for an emergency requirement ford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assist- ignated by the Congress as being for an pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- ance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121 et seq.): Provided fur- emergency requirement pursuant to section anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control ther, That individual grants shall not be sub- 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and Act of 1985. ject to a non-Federal matching requirement:

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00101 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JA6.053 S24JAPT1 S642 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 24, 2019 Provided further, That such amount is des- ignated by the Congress as being for an Safe Drinking Water Act, and for other eligi- ignated by the Congress as being for an emergency requirement pursuant to section ble tasks at such treatment works or facili- emergency requirement pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and ties necessary to further such purposes: Pro- 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. vided further, That the Administrator of the Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. LEAKING UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK TRUST Environmental Protection Agency may re- CONSTRUCTION FUND PROGRAM tain up to $1,000,000 of the funds appropriated For an additional amount for ‘‘Construc- For an additional amount for ‘‘Leaking herein for management and oversight: Pro- tion’’ for necessary expenses related to the Underground Storage Tank Fund’’ for nec- vided further, That such amount is des- consequences of Hurricanes Florence and Mi- essary expenses related to the consequences ignated by the Congress as being for an chael, Typhoons Yutu and Mangkhut, and of Hurricanes Florence and Michael, cal- emergency requirement pursuant to section calendar year 2018 wildfires, earthquakes, endar year 2018 earthquakes, and Typhoon 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and and volcanic eruptions, $78,000,000, to remain Yutu, $1,500,000, to remain available until ex- Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. available until expended: Provided, That such pended: Provided, That such amount is des- RELATED AGENCIES ignated by the Congress as being for an amount is designated by the Congress as DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE being for an emergency requirement pursu- emergency requirement pursuant to section ant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and FOREST SERVICE Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. FOREST AND RANGELAND RESEARCH of 1985. STATE AND TRIBAL ASSISTANCE GRANTS For an additional amount for ‘‘Forest and For additional amounts for ‘‘State and UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Rangeland Research’’ for necessary expenses Tribal Assistance Grants’’ for necessary ex- SURVEYS, INVESTIGATIONS, AND RESEARCH related to the consequences of Hurricanes penses related to the consequences of Hurri- Florence and Michael, and the calendar year For an additional amount for ‘‘Surveys, In- canes Florence and Michael and calendar 2018 wildfires, $1,000,000, to remain available vestigations, and Research’’ for necessary year 2018 earthquakes for the hazardous until expended for the forest inventory and expenses related to the consequences of Hur- waste financial assistance grants program, analysis program: Provided, That such ricanes Florence and Michael, and calendar $1,500,000, to remain available until ex- amount is designated by the Congress as year 2018 wildfires, earthquake damage asso- pended; for necessary expenses related to the being for an emergency requirement pursu- ciated with emergency declaration EM–3410, consequences of Typhoon Yutu for the haz- ant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced and in those areas impacted by a major dis- ardous waste financial assistance grants pro- Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act aster declared pursuant to the Robert T. gram and for other solid waste management of 1985. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency As- activities, $56,000,000, to remain available sistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121 et seq.) with re- until expended, provided that none of these STATE AND PRIVATE FORESTRY spect to calendar year 2018 wildfires or vol- funds shall be subject to section 3011(b) of For an additional amount for ‘‘State and canic eruptions, $98,500,000, to remain avail- the Solid Waste Disposal Act; and for grants Private Forestry’’ for necessary expenses re- able until expended: Provided, That of this under section 106 of the Federal Water Pollu- lated to the consequences of Hurricanes amount, $72,310,000 is for costs related to the tion Control Act, $5,000,000, to remain avail- Florence and Michael, and the calendar year repair and replacement of equipment and fa- able until expended, to address impacts of 2018 wildfires, $12,000,000, to remain available cilities damaged by disasters in 2018: Pro- Hurricane Florence, Hurricane Michael, Ty- until expended: Provided, That such amount vided further, That, not later than 90 days phoon Yutu, and calendar year 2018 wildfires, is designated by the Congress as being for an after enactment of this division, the Survey notwithstanding subsections (b), (e), and (f), emergency requirement pursuant to section shall submit a report to the Committees on of such section: Provided, That such amounts 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and Appropriations that describes the potential are designated by the Congress as being for Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. options to replace the facility damaged by an emergency requirement pursuant to sec- the 2018 volcano disaster along with cost es- tion 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget NATIONAL FOREST SYSTEM timates and a description of how the Survey and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. For an additional amount for ‘‘National will provide direct access for monitoring vol- For an additional amount for ‘‘State and Forest System’’ for necessary expenses re- canic activity and the potential threat to at- Tribal Assistance Grants’’, $349,400,000 to re- lated to the consequences of Hurricanes risk communities: Provided further, That main available until expended, of which Florence and Michael, and the calendar year such amount is designated by the Congress $53,300,000 shall be for capitalization grants 2018 wildfires, $84,960,000, to remain available as being for an emergency requirement pur- for the Clean Water State Revolving Funds until expended: Provided, That of this suant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- under title VI of the Federal Water Pollution amount $21,000,000 shall be used for haz- anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Control Act, and of which $296,100,000 shall be ardous fuels management activities: Provided Act of 1985. for capitalization grants under section 1452 further, That such amount is designated by DEPARTMENTAL OFFICES of the Safe Drinking Water Act: Provided, the Congress as being for an emergency re- INSULAR AFFAIRS That notwithstanding section 604(a) of the quirement pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) Federal Water Pollution Control Act and ASSISTANCE TO TERRITORIES of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Def- section 1452(a)(1)(D) of the Safe Drinking icit Control Act of 1985. For an additional amount for ‘‘Technical Water Act, funds appropriated herein shall CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT AND MAINTENANCE Assistance’’ for financial management ex- be provided to States in EPA Regions 4, 9, penses related to the consequences of Ty- and 10 in amounts determined by the Admin- For an additional amount for ‘‘Capital Im- phoon Yutu, $2,000,000, to remain available istrator for wastewater treatment works and provement and Maintenance’’ for necessary until expended: Provided, That such amount drinking water facilities impacted by Hurri- expenses related to the consequences of Hur- is designated by the Congress as being for an canes Florence and Michael, Typhoon Yutu, ricanes Florence and Michael, and the cal- emergency requirement pursuant to section and calendar year 2018 wildfires and earth- endar year 2018 wildfires, $36,040,000, to re- 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and quakes: Provided further, That notwith- main available until expended: Provided, Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. standing the requirements of section 603(i) of That such amount is designated by the Con- OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL the Federal Water Pollution Control Act and gress as being for an emergency requirement SALARIES AND EXPENSES section 1452(d) of the Safe Drinking Water pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control For an additional amount for ‘‘Salaries Act, for the funds appropriated herein, each Act of 1985. and Expenses’’ for necessary expenses related State shall use not less than 20 percent but to the consequences of major disasters de- not more than 30 percent amount of its cap- WILDLAND FIRE MANAGEMENT italization grants to provide additional sub- clared pursuant to the Robert T. Stafford (INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS) Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance sidization to eligible recipients in the form Act (42 U.S.C. 5121 et seq.) in 2018, $1,000,000, of forgiveness of principal, negative interest For an additional amount for ‘‘Wildland to remain available until expended: Provided, loans or grants or any combination of these: Fire Management’’, $720,271,000, to remain That such amount is designated by the Con- Provided further, That the Administrator available through September 30, 2022, for ur- gress as being for an emergency requirement shall retain $10,400,000 of the funds appro- gent wildland fire suppression operations: pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- priated herein for grants for drinking water Provided, That such funds shall be solely anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control facilities and waste water treatment plants available to be transferred to and merged Act of 1985. impacted by Typhoon Yutu: Provided further, with other appropriations accounts from That the funds appropriated herein shall be which funds were previously transferred for ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY used for eligible projects whose purpose is to wildland fire suppression in fiscal year 2018 SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY reduce flood or fire damage risk and vulner- to fully repay those amounts: Provided fur- For an additional amount for ‘‘Science and ability or to enhance resiliency to rapid hy- ther, That such amount is designated by the Technology’’ for necessary expenses related drologic change or natural disaster at treat- Congress as an emergency requirement pur- to improving preparedness of the water sec- ment works as defined by section 212 of the suant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- tor, $600,000, to remain available until ex- Federal Water Pollution Control Act or any anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control pended: Provided, That such amount is des- eligible facilities under section 1452 of the Act of 1985.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00102 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JA6.053 S24JAPT1 January 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S643 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN Florence and Michael, Typhoon Mangkhut, years in Public Law 115–123 shall be deemed SERVICES Super Typhoon Yutu, and earthquakes and to be the corresponding dates and school NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH wildfires occurring in 2018 in those areas for years for the covered disaster or emergency: which a major disaster or emergency has Provided further, That the Secretary of Edu- NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ENVIRONMENTAL been declared under section 401 or 501 of the cation may determine the amounts to be HEALTH SCIENCES Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emer- used for each such program and shall notify For an additional amount for ‘‘National In- gency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5170 and the Committees on Appropriations of the stitute of Environmental Health Sciences’’ 5191): Provided, That obligations incurred for House of Representatives and the Senate of for necessary expenses in carrying out ac- the purposes provided herein prior to the these amounts not later than 7 days prior to tivities set forth in section 311(a) of the Com- date of enactment of this Act may be obligation: Provided further, $2,000,000 of the prehensive Environmental Response, Com- charged to funds appropriated under this funds made available under this heading, to pensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (42 heading: Provided further, That such amount remain available until expended, shall be U.S.C. 9660(a)) and section 126(g) of the is designated by the Congress as being for an transferred to the Office of the Inspector Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization emergency requirement pursuant to section General of the Department of Education for Act of 1986 related to the consequences of 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and oversight of activities supported with funds major disasters declared pursuant to the Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. appropriated under this heading, and up to Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emer- $1,000,000 of the funds made available under ADMINISTRATION FOR CHILDREN AND FAMILIES gency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121 et seq.) this heading shall be for program adminis- in 2018, $1,000,000, to remain available until CHILDREN AND FAMILIES SERVICES PROGRAMS tration. expended: Provided, That such amount is des- For an additional amount for ‘‘Children GENERAL PROVISIONS—THIS TITLE ignated by the Congress as being for an and Families Services Programs’’, $60,000,000, SEC. 701. Not later than 30 days after the to remain available until September 30, 2021, emergency requirement pursuant to section date of enactment of this Act, the Secre- for Head Start programs, including making 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and taries of Labor, Health and Human Services, payments under the Head Start Act, for nec- Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. and Education shall provide a detailed spend essary expenses directly related to the con- GENERAL PROVISION—THIS TITLE plan of anticipated uses of funds made avail- sequences of Hurricanes Florence and Mi- SEC. 601. Not later than 45 days after the able in this title, including estimated per- chael, Typhoon Mangkhut, Super Typhoon date of enactment of this division, the agen- sonnel and administrative costs, to the Com- Yutu, and earthquakes and wildfires in 2018 cies receiving funds appropriated by this mittees on Appropriations: Provided, That in those areas for which a major disaster or title shall provide a detailed operating plan such plans shall be updated and submitted to emergency has been declared under section of anticipated uses of funds made available the Committees on Appropriations every 60 401 or 501 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster in this title by State and Territory, and by days until all funds are expended or expire. Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 program, project, and activity, to the Com- U.S.C. 5170 and 5191): Provided, That none of TITLE VIII mittees on Appropriations: Provided, That no the funds appropriated in this paragraph LEGISLATIVE BRANCH such funds shall be obligated before the oper- shall be included in the calculation of the GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY OFFICE ating plans are provided to the Committees: ‘‘base grant’’ in subsequent fiscal years, as SALARIES AND EXPENSES Provided further, That such plans shall be up- such term is defined in sections 640(a)(7)(A), dated, including obligations to date, and sub- For an additional amount for ‘‘Salaries 641A(h)(1)(B), or 645(d)(3) of the Head Start mitted to the Committees on Appropriations and Expenses’’, $10,000,000, to remain avail- Act: Provided further, That funds appro- every 60 days until all such funds are ex- able until expended, for audits and investiga- priated in this paragraph are not subject to pended. tions related to Hurricanes Florence, Lane, the allocation requirements of section 640(a) and Michael, Typhoons Yutu and Mangkhut, TITLE VII of the Head Start Act: Provided further, That the calendar year 2018 wildfires, earth- DEPARTMENT OF LABOR funds appropriated in this paragraph shall quakes, and volcano eruptions, and other dis- EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING ADMINISTRATION not be available for costs that are reim- asters declared pursuant to the Robert T. bursed by the Federal Emergency Manage- TRAINING AND EMPLOYMENT SERVICES Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency As- ment Agency, under a contract for insur- sistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121 et seq.): Provided, (INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS) ance, or by self-insurance: Provided further, That, not later than 90 days after the date of For an additional amount for ‘‘Training That up to $2,000,000 shall be available for enactment of this division, the Government and Employment Services’’, $50,000,000, for Federal administrative expenses: Provided Accountability Office shall submit to the the dislocated workers assistance national further, That obligations incurred for the Committees on Appropriations of the House reserve for necessary expenses directly re- purposes provided herein prior to the date of of Representatives and the Senate a spend lated to the consequences of Hurricanes enactment of this Act may be charged to plan specifying funding estimates for audits Florence and Michael, Typhoon Mangkhut, funds appropriated under this heading: Pro- and investigations of any such declared dis- Super Typhoon Yutu, or earthquakes and vided further, That such amount is des- asters occurring in 2018 and identifying fund- wildfires occurring in calendar year 2018, to ignated by the Congress as being for an ing estimates or carryover balances, if any, remain available through September 30, 2020: emergency requirement pursuant to section that may be available for audits and inves- Provided, That the Secretary of Labor may 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and tigations of any other such declared disas- transfer up to $1,000,000 of such funds to any Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. ters: Provided further, That such amount is other Department of Labor account for re- DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION designated by the Congress as being for an construction and recovery needs, including EDUCATION RECOVERY emergency requirement pursuant to section worker protection activities: Provided fur- 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and (INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS) ther, That these sums may be used to replace Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. grant funds previously obligated to the im- For an additional amount for ‘‘Education TITLE IX pacted areas: Provided further, That of the Recovery’’ for necessary expenses related to amount provided, up to $500,000, to remain the consequences of Hurricanes Florence and DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE available until expended, shall be transferred Michael, Typhoon Mangkhut, Super Typhoon MILITARY CONSTRUCTION, NAVY AND MARINE to ‘‘Office of Inspector General’’ for over- Yutu, wildfires in 2018, or the volcanic erup- CORPS sight of activities responding to such con- tion and earthquakes in 2018 in those areas For an additional amount for ‘‘Military sequences: Provided further, That such for which a major disaster or emergency has Construction, Navy and Marine Corps’’, amount is designated by the Congress as been declared under section 401 or 501 of the $115,000,000, to remain available until Sep- being for an emergency requirement pursu- Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emer- tember 30, 2023, for planning and design re- ant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced gency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5170 and 5191) lated to the consequences of Hurricanes Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act (referred to under this heading as a ‘‘covered Florence and Michael on Navy and Marine of 1985. disaster or emergency’’), $165,000,000, to re- Corps installations: Provided, That none of DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN main available through September 30, 2019: the funds shall be available for obligation SERVICES Provided, That such amount is designated by until the Committees on Appropriations of the Congress as being for an emergency re- the House of Representatives and the Senate SUBSTANCE ABUSE AND MENTAL HEALTH quirement pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) receive a master plan for the installations SERVICES ADMINISTRATION of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Def- and a form 1391 for each specific project: Pro- HEALTH SURVEILLANCE AND PROGRAM SUPPORT icit Control Act of 1985: Provided further, vided further, That, not later than 60 days For an additional amount for ‘‘Health Sur- That such assistance may be provided after enactment of this division, the Sec- veillance and Program Support’’, $30,000,000, through any of the programs authorized retary of the Navy, or his designee, shall to remain available until September 30, 2019, under this heading in division B of title VIII submit to the Committees on Appropriations for grants, contracts and cooperative agree- of Public Law 115–123 (as amended by Public of the House of Representatives and the Sen- ments for behavioral health treatment, crisis Law 115–141), as determined by the Secretary ate a detailed expenditure plan for funds pro- counseling, and other related helplines, and of Education, and subject to the terms and vided under this heading: Provided further, for other similar programs to provide sup- conditions that applied to those programs, That such amount is designated by the Con- port to individuals impacted by Hurricanes except that references to dates and school gress as being for an emergency requirement

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00103 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JA6.053 S24JAPT1 S644 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 24, 2019 pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- the Congress as being for an emergency re- under this heading and under the same head- anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control quirement pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) ing in Public Law 115–254 that remain avail- Act of 1985. of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Def- able, after the funds under such headings MILITARY CONSTRUCTION, AIR FORCE icit Control Act of 1985. have been allocated for necessary expenses for activities authorized under such head- For an additional amount for ‘‘Military TITLE X ings, shall be allocated to grantees, for miti- Construction, Air Force’’, $700,000,000, to re- DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION gation activities in the most impacted and main available until September 30, 2023, for FEDERAL TRANSIT ADMINISTRATION distressed areas resulting from a major dis- planning and design, and construction ex- PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION EMERGENCY RELIEF aster that occurred in 2018: Provided further, penses related to the consequences of Hurri- PROGRAM That such allocations shall be made in the cane Michael: Provided, That none of the same proportion that the amount of funds funds shall be available for obligation until For an additional amount for the ‘‘Public Transportation Emergency Relief Program’’ each grantee received under this division and the Committees on Appropriations of the the same heading in division I of Public Law House of Representatives and the Senate re- as authorized under section 5324 of title 49, United States Code, $10,542,000 to remain 115–254 bears to the amount of all funds pro- ceive a basing plan and future mission re- vided to all grantees that received alloca- quirements for installations significantly available until expended, for transit systems affected by major declared disasters occur- tions for disasters that occurred in 2018: Pro- damaged by Hurricane Michael: Provided fur- vided further, That of the amounts made ring in calendar year 2018: Provided, That not ther, That, not later than 60 days after enact- available under the text preceding the first more than three-quarters of 1 percent of the ment of this division, the Secretary of the proviso under this heading and under the funds for public transportation emergency Air Force, or his designee, shall submit to same heading in Public Law 115–254, the Sec- relief shall be available for administrative the Committees on Appropriations of the retary shall allocate to all such grantees an expenses and ongoing program management House of Representatives and the Senate a aggregate amount not less than 33 percent of oversight as authorized under sections 5334 detailed expenditure plan for funds provided the sum of such amounts of funds within 120 and 5338(f)(2) of such title and shall be in ad- under this heading: Provided further, That days after the enactment of this division dition to any other appropriations for such such amount is designated by the Congress based on the best available data, and shall purpose: , That such amount as being for an emergency requirement pur- Provided further allocate no less than 100 percent of such suant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- is designated by the Congress as being for an funds by no later than 180 days after the en- anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control emergency requirement pursuant to section actment of this division: Provided further, Act of 1985. 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and That the Secretary shall not prohibit the use Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. MILITARY CONSTRUCTION, ARMY NATIONAL of funds made available under this heading GUARD FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION and the same heading in Public Law 115–254 For an additional amount for ‘‘Military OPERATIONS for non-Federal share as authorized by sec- tion 105(a)(9) of the Housing and Community Construction, Army National Guard’’, (AIRPORT AND AIRWAY TRUST FUND) $42,400,000, to remain available until Sep- Development Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5305(a)(9)): Of the amounts made available for ‘‘Fed- Provided further, That of the amounts made tember 30, 2023, for necessary expenses re- eral Aviation Administration—Operations’’ lated to the consequences of Hurricanes available under this heading, grantees may in division B of the Bipartisan Budget Act of establish grant programs to assist small Florence and Michael: Provided, That none of 2018 (Public Law 115–123), up to $18,000,000 businesses for working capital purposes to the funds shall be available for obligation shall also be available for necessary expenses aid in recovery: Provided further, That as a until the Committees on Appropriations of related to the consequences of major de- condition of making any grant, the Sec- the House of Representatives and the Senate clared disasters occurring in calendar year retary shall certify in advance that such receive form 1391 for each specific request: 2018: Provided, That amounts repurposed grantee has in place proficient financial con- Provided further, That, not later than 60 days under this heading that were previously des- trols and procurement processes and has es- after enactment of this division, the Director ignated by the Congress as an emergency re- tablished adequate procedures to prevent of the Army National Guard, or his designee, quirement pursuant to the Balanced Budget any duplication of benefits as defined by sec- shall submit to the Committees on Appro- and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 tion 312 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster priations of the House of Representatives are designated by the Congress as an emer- Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 and the Senate a detailed expenditure plan gency requirement pursuant to section U.S.C. 5155), to ensure timely expenditure of for funds provided under this heading: Pro- 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and funds, to maintain comprehensive websites vided further, That such funds may be obli- Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. regarding all disaster recovery activities as- gated or expended for planning and design FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION sisted with these funds, and to detect and and military construction projects not oth- prevent waste, fraud, and abuse of funds: Pro- EMERGENCY RELIEF PROGRAM erwise authorized by law: Provided further, vided further, That with respect to any such That such amount is designated by the Con- For an additional amount for the Emer- duplication of benefits, the Secretary shall gress as being for an emergency requirement gency Relief Program as authorized under act in accordance with section 1210 of Public pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- section 125 of title 23, United States Code, Law 115–254 (132 Stat. 3442) and section 312 of anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control $1,650,000,000, to remain available until ex- the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Act of 1985. pended: Provided, That such amount is des- Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5155): DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS ignated by the Congress as being for an Provided further, That the Secretary shall re- emergency requirement pursuant to section VETERANS HEALTH ADMINISTRATION quire grantees to maintain on a public 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and website information containing common re- MEDICAL FACILITIES Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. porting criteria established by the Depart- (INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS) DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN ment that permits individuals and entities For an additional amount for ‘‘Medical Fa- DEVELOPMENT awaiting assistance and the general public to cilities’’, $3,000,000, to remain available until COMMUNITY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT see how all grant funds are used, including September 30, 2023, for necessary expenses re- copies of all relevant procurement docu- COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FUND lated to the consequences of Hurricanes ments, grantee administrative contracts and Florence and Michael and Typhoons (INCLUDING TRANSFERS OF FUNDS) details of ongoing procurement processes, as Mangkhut and Yutu: Provided, That the Sec- For an additional amount for ‘‘Community determined by the Secretary: Provided fur- retary of Veterans Affairs, upon determina- Development Fund’’, $1,060,000,000, to remain ther, That prior to the obligation of funds a tion that such action is necessary to address available until expended, for necessary ex- grantee shall submit a plan to the Secretary needs as a result of the consequences of Hur- penses for activities authorized under title I for approval detailing the proposed use of all ricanes Florence and Michael and Typhoons of the Housing and Community Development funds, including criteria for eligibility and Mangkhut and Yutu, may transfer such Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5301 et seq.) related to how the use of these funds will address long- funds to any discretionary account of the disaster relief, long-term recovery, restora- term recovery and restoration of infrastruc- Department of Veterans Affairs: Provided fur- tion of infrastructure and housing, economic ture and housing, economic revitalization, ther, That before a transfer may take place, revitalization, and mitigation in the most and mitigation in the most impacted and dis- the Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall sub- impacted and distressed areas resulting from tressed areas: Provided further, That such mit notice thereof to the Committee on Ap- a major disaster that occurred in 2018 pursu- funds may not be used for activities reim- propriations of the House of Representatives ant to the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief bursed by, or for which funds have been made and the Senate: Provided further, That none and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. available by, the Federal Emergency Man- of these funds shall be available for obliga- 5121 et seq.): Provided, That funds shall be agement Agency or the Army Corps of Engi- tion until the Secretary of Veterans Affairs awarded directly to the State, unit of gen- neers, in excess of the authorized amount of submits to the Committees on Appropria- eral local government, or Indian tribe (as the project or its components: Provided fur- tions of the House of Representatives and such term is defined in section 102 of the ther, That funds allocated under this heading the Senate a detailed expenditure plan for Housing and Community Development Act of shall not be considered relevant to the non- funds provided under this heading: Provided 1974) at the discretion of the Secretary: Pro- disaster formula allocations made pursuant further, That such amount is designated by vided further, That any funds made available to section 106 of the Housing and Community

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00104 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JA6.053 S24JAPT1 January 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S645 Development Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5306): Pro- same heading in Public Law 115–254, up to ‘‘Department of Housing and Urban Develop- vided further, That a State, unit of general $2,500,000 shall be transferred, in aggregate, ment—Community Planning and Develop- local government, or Indian tribe may use up to ‘‘Department of Housing and Urban Devel- ment—Community Development Fund’’ of to 5 percent of its allocation for administra- opment—Program Office Salaries and Ex- division B of Public Law 115–56, Public Law tive costs: Provided further, That the first penses—Community Planning and Develop- 115–123, and Public Law 115–254, shall be proviso under this heading in the Supple- ment’’ for necessary costs, including infor- available for eligible administrative costs of mental Appropriations for Disaster Relief mation technology costs, of administering the grantee related to any disaster relief Requirements Act, 2018 (division I of Public and overseeing the obligation and expendi- funding identified in this subsection without Law 115–254) is amended by striking ‘‘State ture of amounts under this heading: Provided regard to the particular disaster appropria- or unit of general local government’’ and in- further, That the amount specified in the pre- tion from which such funds originated. serting ‘‘State, unit of general local govern- ceding proviso shall be combined with funds (c) The additional uses pursuant to this ment, or Indian tribe (as such term is defined appropriated under the same heading and for section for amounts that were previously in section 102 of the Housing and Community the same purpose in Public Law 115–254 and designated by the Congress, respectively, as Development Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5302))’’: the aggregate of such amounts shall be avail- an emergency requirement or as being for Provided further, That the sixth proviso able for any of the same such purposes speci- disaster relief pursuant to the Balanced under this heading in the Supplemental Ap- fied under this heading or the same heading Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act propriations for Disaster Relief Require- in Public Law 115–254 without limitation: are designated by the Congress as being for ments Act, 2018 (division I of Public Law 115– Provided further, That such amount is des- an emergency requirement pursuant to sec- 254) is amended by striking ‘‘State or sub- ignated by the Congress as being for an tion 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget division thereof’’ and inserting ‘‘State, unit emergency requirement pursuant to section and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 or of general local government, or Indian tribe 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and as being for disaster relief pursuant to sec- (as such term is defined in section 102 of the Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. tion 251(b)(2)(D) of the Balanced Budget and Housing and Community Development Act of GENERAL PROVISION—THIS TITLE Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5302))’’: Provided further, That TITLE XI in administering the funds under this head- SEC. 1001. (a) Amounts previously made ing, the Secretary of Housing and Urban De- available for activities authorized under GENERAL PROVISIONS—THIS DIVISION velopment may waive, or specify alternative title I of the Housing and Community Devel- SEC. 1101. Each amount designated in this requirements for, any provision of any stat- opment Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5301 et seq.) re- division by the Congress as being for an ute or regulation that the Secretary admin- lated to disaster relief, long-term recovery, emergency requirement pursuant to section isters in connection with the obligation by restoration of infrastructure and housing, 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and the Secretary or the use by the recipient of economic revitalization, and mitigation in Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 shall these funds (except for requirements related the most impacted and distressed areas re- be available (or rescinded or transferred, if to fair housing, nondiscrimination, labor sulting from a major disaster, including applicable) only if the President subse- standards, and the environment), if the Sec- funds provided under section 145 of division C quently so designates all such amounts and retary finds that good cause exists for the of Public Law 114–223, section 192 of division transmits such designations to the Congress. waiver or alternative requirement and such C of Public Law 114–223 (as added by section This division may be cited as the ‘‘Addi- waiver or alternative requirement would not 101(3) of division A of Public Law 114–254), tional Supplemental Appropriations for Dis- be inconsistent with the overall purpose of section 421 of division K of Public Law 115–31, aster Relief, 2019’’. title I of the Housing and Community Devel- and any mitigation funding provided under opment Act of 1974: Provided further, That, the heading ‘‘Department of Housing and SA 51. Mr. SHELBY submitted an notwithstanding the preceding proviso, re- Urban Development—Community Planning amendment intended to be proposed by cipients of funds provided under this heading and Development—Community Development him to the bill H.R. 268, making supple- that use such funds to supplement Federal Fund’’ of Public Law 115–123, that were allo- mental appropriations for the fiscal cated in response to Hurricane Matthew, assistance provided under section 402, 403, year ending September 30, 2019, and for 404, 406, 407, 408 (c)(4), or 502 of the Robert T. may be used interchangeably and without Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency As- limitation for the same activities in the other purposes; which was ordered to sistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121 et seq.) may most impacted and distressed areas related lie on the table; as follows: adopt, without review or public comment, to Hurricane Florence. In addition, any Strike all after the enacting clause and in- any environmental review, approval, or per- funds provided under the heading ‘‘Depart- sert the following: mit performed by a Federal agency, and such ment of Housing and Urban Development— DIVISION A—FURTHER ADDITIONAL adoption shall satisfy the responsibilities of Community Planning and Development— CONTINUING APPROPRIATIONS ACT, 2019 the recipient with respect to such environ- Community Development Fund’’ in this divi- SEC. 101. The Continuing Appropriations mental review, approval or permit: Provided sion or in division I of Public Law 115–254 Act, 2019 (division C of Public Law 115–245) is further, That, notwithstanding section that are allocated in response to Hurricane further amended— 104(g)(2) of the Housing and Community De- Florence may be used interchangeably and (1) by striking the date specified in section velopment Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5304(g)(2)), without limitation for the same activities in 105(3) and inserting ‘‘February 8, 2019’’; and the Secretary may, upon receipt of a request the most impacted and distressed areas re- (2) by adding after section 136 the fol- for release of funds and certification, imme- lated to Hurricane Matthew. Until HUD pub- lowing: diately approve the release of funds for an lishes the Federal Register Notice imple- ‘‘SEC. 137. Notwithstanding any other pro- activity or project assisted under this head- menting this provision, grantees may submit vision of this Act, and in addition to ing if the recipient has adopted an environ- for HUD approval revised plans for the use of amounts otherwise made available by this mental review, approval or permit under the funds related to Hurricane Matthew that ex- Act for ‘U.S. Custom and Border Protec- preceding proviso or the activity or project pand the eligible beneficiaries of existing tion—Procurement, Construction, and Im- is categorically excluded from review under programs contained in such previously ap- provements’, there is appropriated the National Environmental Policy Act of proved plans to include those impacted by $5,700,000,000 for an additional amount for fis- 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.): Provided further, Hurricane Florence. Approval of any such re- cal year 2019, to remain available until Sep- That the Secretary shall publish via notice vised plans shall include the execution of re- tember 30, 2023.’’. in the Federal Register any waiver, or alter- vised grant terms and conditions as nec- This division may be cited as the ‘‘Further native requirement, to any statute or regula- essary. Once the implementing Notice is Additional Continuing Appropriations Act, tion that the Secretary administers pursu- published, any additional action plan revi- 2019’’. ant to title I of the Housing and Community sions shall follow the requirements con- Development Act of 1974 no later than 5 days tained therein. DIVISION B—ADDITIONAL SUPPLE- before the effective date of such waiver or al- (b) Amounts made available for adminis- MENTAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR DIS- ternative requirement: Provided further, That trative costs for activities authorized under ASTER RELIEF, 2019 of the amounts made available under this title I of the Housing and Community Devel- The following sums in this division are ap- heading, up to $5,000,000 shall be made avail- opment Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5301 et seq.) re- propriated, out of any money in the Treas- able for capacity building and technical as- lated to disaster relief, long-term recovery, ury not otherwise appropriated, for the fiscal sistance, including assistance on contracting restoration of infrastructure and housing, year ending September 30, 2019, and for other and procurement processes, to support economic revitalization, and mitigation in purposes, namely: States, units of general local government, or the most impacted and distressed areas TITLE I Indian tribes (and their subrecipients) that under this division or any future Act, and DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE receive allocations pursuant to this heading, amounts previously provided under section AGRICULTURAL PROGRAMS received disaster recovery allocations under 420 of division L of Public Law 114–113, sec- the same heading in Public Law 115–254, or tion 145 of division C of Public Law 114–223, PROCESSING, RESEARCH AND MARKETING may receive similar allocations for disaster section 192 of division C of Public Law 114– OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY recovery in future appropriations Acts: Pro- 223 (as added by section 101(3) of division A of For an additional amount for the ‘‘Office of vided further, That of the amounts made Public Law 114–254), section 421 of division K the Secretary’’, $3,005,442,000, which shall re- available under this heading and under the of Public Law 115–31, and under the heading main available until December 31, 2020, for

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00105 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JA6.053 S24JAPT1 S646 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 24, 2019 necessary expenses related to losses of crops gress as being for an emergency requirement Facilitation Program established pursuant (including milk and harvested adulterated pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- to the Commodity Credit Corporation Char- wine grapes), trees, bushes, and vines, as a anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control ter Act (15 U.S.C. 714 et seq.) if the average consequence of Hurricanes Michael or Flor- Act of 1985. adjusted gross income of such person or legal ence, other hurricanes, typhoons, volcanic NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION SERVICE entity is greater than $900,000. activity, or wildfires occurring in calendar (2) Paragraph (1) shall not apply to a per- WATERSHED AND FLOOD PREVENTION year 2018 under such terms and conditions as son or legal entity if at least 75 percent of OPERATIONS determined by the Secretary: Provided, That the adjusted gross income of such person or the Secretary may provide assistance for For an additional amount for ‘‘Watershed legal entity is derived from farming, ranch- such losses in the form of block grants to eli- and Flood Prevention Operations’’, for nec- ing, or forestry related activities. gible states and territories and such assist- essary expenses for the Emergency Water- (b) A person or legal entity may not re- ance may include compensation to pro- shed Protection Program related to the con- ceive a payment under the Market Facilita- ducers, as determined by the Secretary, for sequences of Hurricanes Michael and Flor- tion Program described in subsection (a)(1), past or future crop insurance premiums, for- ence and wildfires occurring in calendar year directly or indirectly, of more than $125,000. est restoration, and poultry and livestock 2018, and other natural disasters, $125,000,000, (c) In this section, the term ‘‘average ad- losses: Provided further, That of the amounts to remain available until expended: Provided, justed gross income’’ has the meaning given provided under this heading, tree assistance That such amount is designated by the Con- the term defined in section 760.1502 of title 7 payments may be made under section 1501(e) gress as being for an emergency requirement Code of Federal Regulations (as in effect of the Agricultural Act of 2014 (7 U.S.C. pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- July 18, 2018). 9081(e)) to eligible orchardists or nursery anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control (d) The amount provided by this section is tree growers (as defined in such section) of Act of 1985. designated by the Congress as being for an emergency requirement pursuant to section pecan trees with a tree mortality rate that RURAL DEVELOPMENT 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and exceeds 7.5 percent (adjusted for normal mor- RURAL COMMUNITY FACILITIES PROGRAM Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. tality) and is less than 15 percent (adjusted ACCOUNT TITLE II for normal mortality), to be available until For an additional amount for the cost of expended, for losses incurred during the pe- grants for rural community facilities pro- DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE riod beginning January 1, 2018, and ending grams as authorized by section 306 and de- ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION December 31, 2018: Provided further, That in scribed in section 381E(d)(1) of the Consoli- ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE the case of producers impacted by volcanic dated Farm and Rural Development Act, for PROGRAMS activity that resulted in the loss of crop necessary expenses related to the con- (INCLUDING TRANSFERS OF FUNDS) land, or access to crop land, the Secretary sequences of Hurricanes Michael and Flor- Pursuant to section 703 of the Public shall consider all measures available, as ap- ence and wildfires occurring in calendar year Works and Economic Development Act (42 propriate, to bring replacement land into 2018, and other natural disasters, $150,000,000, U.S.C. 3233), for an additional amount for production: Provided further, That the total to remain available until expended: Provided, ‘‘Economic Development Assistance Pro- amount of payments received under this That sections 381E-H and 381N of the Consoli- grams’’ for necessary expenses related to heading and applicable policies of crop insur- dated Farm and Rural Development Act are flood mitigation, disaster relief, long-term ance under the Federal Crop Insurance Act (7 not applicable to the funds made available recovery, and restoration of infrastructure U.S.C. 1501 et seq.) or the Noninsured Crop under this heading: Provided further, That in areas that received a major disaster des- Disaster Assistance Program (NAP) under such amount is designated by the Congress ignation as a result of Hurricanes Florence, section 196 of the Federal Agriculture Im- as being for an emergency requirement pur- Michael, and Lane, Typhoons Yutu and provement and Reform Act of 1996 (7 U.S.C. suant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- Mangkhut, and of wildfires, volcanic erup- 7333) shall not exceed 90 percent of the loss anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control tions, earthquakes, and other natural disas- as determined by the Secretary: Provided fur- Act of 1985. ters occurring in calendar year 2018 under ther, That the total amount of payments re- GENERAL PROVISIONS—THIS TITLE the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and ceived under this heading for producers who Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121 et did not obtain a policy or plan of insurance SEC. 101. In addition to amounts otherwise made available, out of the funds made avail- seq.), $600,000,000, to remain available until for an insurable commodity for the applica- expended: Provided, That such amount is des- ble crop year under the Federal Crop Insur- able under section 18 of Food and Nutrition Act of 2008, $25,200,000 shall be available for ignated by the Congress as being for an ance Act (7 U.S.C. 1501 et seq.) for the crop emergency requirement pursuant to section incurring the losses or did not file the re- the Secretary to provide a grant to the Com- monwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and quired paperwork and pay the service fee by Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985: Pro- the applicable State filing deadline for a for disaster nutrition assistance in response to the Presidentially declared major disas- vided further, That within the amount appro- noninsurable commodity for the applicable priated, up to 2 percent of funds may be ters and emergencies: Provided, That funds crop year under NAP for the crop incurring transferred to the ‘‘Salaries and Expenses’’ made available to the Commonwealth of the the losses shall not exceed 70 percent of the account for administration and oversight ac- Northern Mariana Islands under this section loss as determined by the Secretary: Provided tivities: Provided further, That within the shall remain available for obligation by the further, That producers receiving payments amount appropriated, $1,000,000 shall be Commonwealth until September 30, 2020: Pro- under this heading, as determined by the transferred to the ‘‘Office of Inspector Gen- vided further, That such amount is des- Secretary, shall be required to purchase crop eral’’ account for carrying out investigations ignated by the Congress as being for an insurance where crop insurance is available and audits related to the funding provided emergency requirement pursuant to section for the next two available crop years, exclud- under this heading. 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and ing tree insurance policies, and producers re- NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ceiving payments under this heading shall be Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. SEC. 102. For purposes of administering ADMINISTRATION required to purchase coverage under NAP title I of subdivision 1 of division B of the Bi- OPERATIONS, RESEARCH, AND FACILITIES where crop insurance is not available in the partisan Budget Act of 2018 (Public Law 115– For an additional amount for ‘‘Operations, next two available crop years, as determined 123), losses to agricultural producers result- Research, and Facilities’’ for necessary ex- by the Secretary: Provided further, That, not ing from hurricanes shall also include losses penses related to the consequences of Hurri- later than 120 days after the end of fiscal incurred from Tropical Storm Cindy and canes Florence and Michael, Typhoon Yutu, year 2019, the Secretary shall submit a re- losses of peach and blueberry crops in cal- and of wildfires, $120,570,000, to remain avail- port to the Congress specifying the type, endar year 2017 due to extreme cold: Pro- able until September 30, 2020, as follows: amount, and method of such assistance by vided, That the amounts provided by this (1) $3,000,000 for repair and replacement of state and territory: Provided further, That section are designated by the Congress as observing assets, real property, and equip- such amount is designated by the Congress being for an emergency requirement pursu- ment; as being for an emergency requirement pur- ant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced (2) $11,000,000 for marine debris assessment suant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act and removal; anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control of 1985: Provided further, That amounts (3) $31,570,000 for mapping, charting, and Act of 1985. repurposed under this heading that were pre- geodesy services; FARM SERVICE AGENCY viously designated by the Congress as an (4) $25,000,000 to improve: (a) hurricane in- EMERGENCY FOREST RESTORATION PROGRAM emergency requirement pursuant to the Bal- tensity forecasting, including through de- For an additional amount for the ‘‘Emer- anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control ployment of unmanned ocean observing plat- gency Forest Restoration Program’’, for nec- Act of 1985 are designated by the Congress as forms and enhanced data assimilation; (b) essary expenses related to the consequences an emergency requirement pursuant to sec- flood prediction, forecasting, and mitigation of Hurricanes Michael and Florence and tion 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget capabilities; and (c) wildfire prediction, de- wildfires occurring in calendar year 2018, and and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. tection, and forecasting; and other natural disasters, $480,000,000, to re- SEC. 103. (a)(1) Except as provided in para- (5) $50,000,000 for Title IX Fund grants as main available until expended: Provided, graph (2), a person or legal entity is not eli- authorized under section 906(c) of division O That such amount is designated by the Con- gible to receive a payment under the Market of Public Law 114–113:

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00106 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JA6.054 S24JAPT1 January 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S647 Provided, That such amount is designated by Florence, Michael, and Lane, Typhoons Yutu remain available until expended, to con- the Congress as being for an emergency re- and Mangkhut, and calendar year 2018 struct flood and storm damage reduction, in- quirement pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) wildfires, volcanic eruptions, and earth- cluding shore protection, projects which are of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Def- quakes, $15,000,000: Provided, That such currently authorized or which are authorized icit Control Act of 1985: Provided further, amount is designated by the Congress as after the date of enactment of this division, That the National Oceanic and Atmospheric being for an emergency requirement pursu- and flood and storm damage reduction, in- Administration shall submit a spending plan ant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced cluding shore protection, projects which to the Committees on Appropriations of the Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act have signed Chief’s Reports as of the date of House of Representatives and the Senate for of 1985: Provided further, That none of the enactment of this division or which are stud- funding provided under subsection (4) of this funds appropriated in this division to the ied using funds provided under the heading heading within 45 days after the date of en- Legal Services Corporation shall be expended ‘‘Investigations’’ if the Secretary determines actment of this division. for any purpose prohibited or limited by, or such projects to be technically feasible, eco- PROCUREMENT, ACQUISITION AND CONSTRUCTION contrary to any of the provisions of, sections nomically justified, and environmentally ac- 501, 502, 503, 504, 505, and 506 of Public Law ceptable, in States and insular areas that For an additional amount for ‘‘Procure- 105–119, and all funds appropriated in this di- were impacted by Hurricanes Florence and ment, Acquisition and Construction’’, vision to the Legal Services Corporation Michael, Typhoon Mangkhut, Super Typhoon $25,000,000, to remain available until Sep- shall be subject to the same terms and condi- Yutu, and Tropical Storm Gita: Provided, tember 30, 2021, for improvements to oper- tions set forth in such sections, except that That projects receiving funds provided in ational and research weather supercom- all references in sections 502 and 503 to 1997 Public Law 115–123 shall not be eligible for puting infrastructure and satellite ground and 1998 shall be deemed to refer instead to funding provided under this heading: Pro- services used for hurricane intensity and 2018 and 2019, respectively, and except that vided further, That for projects receiving track prediction; flood prediction, fore- sections 501 and 503 of Public Law 104–134 funds provided under this heading, the provi- casting, and mitigation; and wildfire pre- (referenced by Public Law 105–119) shall not sions of Section 902 of the Water Resources diction, detection, and forecasting: Provided, apply to the amount made available under Act of 1986 shall not apply to these funds: That such amount is designated by the Con- this heading: Provided further, That, for the Provided further, That the completion of on- gress as being for an emergency requirement purposes of this division, the Legal Services going construction projects receiving funds pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- Corporation shall be considered an agency of provided under this heading shall be at full anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control the United States Government. Federal expense with respect to such funds: Act of 1985: Provided further, That the Na- TITLE III Provided further, That using funds provided tional Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra- DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE under this heading, the non-Federal cash tion shall submit a spending plan to the contribution for projects other than ongoing Committees on Appropriations of the House OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, MARINE CORPS construction projects shall be financed in ac- of Representatives and the Senate within 45 For an additional amount for ‘‘Operation cordance with the provisions of section days after the date of enactment of this divi- and Maintenance, Marine Corps’’, 103(k) of Public Law 99–662 over a period of 30 sion. $200,000,000, for necessary expenses related to the consequences of Hurricanes Michael and years from the date of completion of the FISHERIES DISASTER ASSISTANCE Florence: Provided, That such amount is des- project or separable element: Provided fur- For an additional amount for ‘‘Fisheries ignated by the Congress as being for an ther, That up to $25,000,000 of the funds made Disaster Assistance’’ for necessary expenses emergency requirement pursuant to section available under this heading shall be used for associated with the mitigation of fishery dis- 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and continuing authorities projects to reduce the asters, $150,000,000, to remain available until Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. risk of flooding and storm damage: Provided expended: Provided, That funds shall be used OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, AIR FORCE further, That any projects using funds appro- for mitigating the effects of commercial fish- priated under this heading shall be initiated For an additional amount for ‘‘Operation ery failures and fishery resource disasters only after non-Federal interests have en- and Maintenance, Air Force’’, $400,000,000, for declared by the Secretary of Commerce, in- tered into binding agreements with the Sec- necessary expenses related to the con- cluding those declared by the Secretary to be retary requiring, where applicable, the non- sequences of Hurricanes Michael and Flor- a direct result of Hurricanes Florence and Federal interests to pay 100 percent of the ence: Provided, That such amount is des- Michael and Typhoons Yutu and Mangkhut: operation, maintenance, repair, replacement, ignated by the Congress as being for an Provided further, That such amount is des- emergency requirement pursuant to section and rehabilitation costs of the project and to ignated by the Congress as being for an 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and hold and save the United States free from emergency requirement pursuant to section Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. damages due to the construction or oper- 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and ation and maintenance of the project, except TITLE IV Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. for damages due to the fault or negligence of DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE CORPS OF ENGINEERS—CIVIL the United States or its contractors: Pro- DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY UNITED STATES MARSHALS SERVICE vided further, That such amount is des- INVESTIGATIONS ignated by the Congress as being for an SALARIES AND EXPENSES For an additional amount for ‘‘Investiga- emergency requirement pursuant to section For an additional amount for ‘‘Salaries tions’’ for necessary expenses related to the 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and and Expenses’’ for necessary expenses related completion, or initiation and completion, of Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985: Pro- to the consequences of Hurricanes Florence flood and storm damage reduction, including vided further, That the Assistant Secretary of and Michael and Typhoon Yutu, $1,336,000: shore protection, studies which are currently the Army for Civil Works shall provide a Provided, That such amount is designated by authorized or which are authorized after the monthly report directly to the Committees the Congress as being for an emergency re- date of enactment of this division, to reduce on Appropriations of the House of Represent- quirement pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) risk from future floods and hurricanes, at atives and the Senate detailing the alloca- of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Def- full Federal expense, $35,000,000, to remain tion and obligation of these funds, beginning icit Control Act of 1985. available until expended, for high priority not later than 60 days after the date of en- FEDERAL PRISON SYSTEM studies of projects in States and insular actment of this division. BUILDINGS AND FACILITIES areas that were impacted by Hurricanes MISSISSIPPI RIVER AND TRIBUTARIES For an additional amount for ‘‘Buildings Florence and Michael, Typhoon Mangkhut, For an additional amount for ‘‘Mississippi and Facilities’’ for necessary expenses re- Super Typhoon Yutu, and Tropical Storm River and Tributaries’’ for necessary ex- lated to the consequences of Hurricanes Gita: Provided, That such amount is des- penses to address emergency situations at Florence and Michael and Typhoon Yutu, ignated by the Congress as being for an Corps of Engineers projects and rehabilitate $28,400,000, to remain available until ex- emergency requirement pursuant to section and repair damages to Corps of Engineers pended: Provided, That such amount is des- 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and projects, caused by natural disasters, ignated by the Congress as being for an Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985: Pro- $225,000,000, to remain available until ex- emergency requirement pursuant to section vided further, That the Assistant Secretary of pended: Provided, That such amount is des- 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and the Army for Civil Works shall provide a ignated by the Congress as being for an Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. monthly report directly to the Committees emergency requirement pursuant to section on Appropriations of the House and the Sen- RELATED AGENCIES 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and ate detailing the allocation and obligation of Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985: Pro- LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION these funds, including new studies selected vided further, That the Assistant Secretary of PAYMENT TO THE LEGAL SERVICES to be initiated using funds provided under the Army for Civil Works shall provide a CORPORATION this heading, beginning not later than 60 monthly report directly to the Committees For an additional amount for ‘‘Payment to days after the date of enactment of this divi- on Appropriations of the House of Represent- the Legal Services Corporation’’ to carry out sion. atives and the Senate detailing the alloca- the purposes of the Legal Services Corpora- CONSTRUCTION tion and obligation of these funds, beginning tion Act by providing for necessary expenses For an additional amount for ‘‘Construc- not later than 60 days after the date of en- related to the consequences of Hurricanes tion’’ for necessary expenses, $740,000,000, to actment of this division.

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OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE AND sistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121 et seq.) with re- For an additional amount for ‘‘Operation RESTORATION spect to calendar year 2018 wildfires or vol- and Maintenance’’ for necessary expenses to For an additional amount for ‘‘Environ- canic eruptions, $98,500,000, to remain avail- dredge Federal navigation projects in re- mental Compliance and Restoration’’ for able until expended: Provided, That of this sponse to, and repair damages to Corps of necessary expenses related to the con- amount, $72,310,000 is for costs related to the Engineers Federal projects caused by, nat- sequences of Hurricanes Michael and Flor- repair and replacement of equipment and fa- ural disasters, $245,000,000, to remain avail- ence, $2,000,000, to remain available until cilities damaged by disasters in 2018: Pro- able until expended, of which such sums as September 30, 2023: Provided, That such vided further, That, not later than 90 days are necessary to cover the Federal share of amount is designated by the Congress as after enactment of this division, the Survey eligible operation and maintenance costs for being for an emergency requirement pursu- shall submit a report to the Committees on coastal harbors and channels, and for inland ant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Appropriations that describes the potential harbors shall be derived from the Harbor Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act options to replace the facility damaged by Maintenance Trust Fund: Provided, That of 1985. the 2018 volcano disaster along with cost es- such amount is designated by the Congress timates and a description of how the Survey TITLE VI as being for an emergency requirement pur- will provide direct access for monitoring vol- suant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR canic activity and the potential threat to at- anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control UNITED STATES FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE risk communities: Provided further, That Act of 1985: Provided further, That the Assist- CONSTRUCTION such amount is designated by the Congress ant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works For an additional amount for ‘‘Construc- as being for an emergency requirement pur- shall provide a monthly report directly to tion’’ for necessary expenses related to the suant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- the Committees on Appropriations of the consequences of Hurricanes Florence, Lane, anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control House of Representatives and the Senate de- and Michael, and flooding associated with Act of 1985. tailing the allocation and obligation of these major declared disaster DR–4365, and cal- DEPARTMENTAL OFFICES funds, beginning not later than 60 days after endar year 2018 earthquakes, $82,400,000, to INSULAR AFFAIRS the date of enactment of this division. remain available until expended: Provided, ASSISTANCE TO TERRITORIES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR That of this amount $50,000,000 shall be used For an additional amount for ‘‘Technical CENTRAL UTAH PROJECT to restore and rebuild national wildlife ref- Assistance’’ for financial management ex- CENTRAL UTAH PROJECT COMPLETION ACCOUNT uges and increase the resiliency and capacity penses related to the consequences of Ty- of coastal habitat and infrastructure to For an additional amount for ‘‘Central phoon Yutu, $2,000,000, to remain available withstand storms and reduce the amount of Utah Project Completion Account’’, $350,000, until expended: Provided, That such amount damage caused by such storms: Provided fur- to be deposited into the Utah Reclamation is designated by the Congress as being for an ther, That such amount is designated by the Mitigation and Conservation Account for use emergency requirement pursuant to section Congress as being for an emergency require- by the Utah Reclamation Mitigation and 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and ment pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of Conservation Commission, to remain avail- Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. able until expended, for expenses necessary the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL in carrying out fire remediation activities Control Act of 1985. related to wildfires in 2018: Provided, That NATIONAL PARK SERVICE SALARIES AND EXPENSES such amount is designated by the Congress HISTORIC PRESERVATION FUND For an additional amount for ‘‘Salaries as being for an emergency requirement pur- and Expenses’’ for necessary expenses related For an additional amount for the ‘‘Historic suant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- to the consequences of major disasters de- Preservation Fund’’ for necessary expenses anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control clared pursuant to the Robert T. Stafford related to the consequences of Hurricanes Act of 1985. Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Florence and Michael, and Typhoon Yutu, Act (42 U.S.C. 5121 et seq.) in 2018, $1,000,000, BUREAU OF RECLAMATION $50,000,000, to remain available until Sep- to remain available until expended: Provided, WATER AND RELATED RESOURCES tember 30, 2022, including costs to States and That such amount is designated by the Con- For an additional amount for ‘‘Water and territories necessary to complete compliance gress as being for an emergency requirement Related Resources’’, $15,500,000, to remain activities required by section 306108 of title pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- available until expended, for fire remedi- 54, United States Code (formerly section 106 anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control ation and suppression emergency assistance of the National Historic Preservation Act) Act of 1985. related to wildfires in 2017 and 2018: Provided, and costs needed to administer the program: That such amount is designated by the Con- Provided, That grants shall only be available ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY gress as being for an emergency requirement for areas that have received a major disaster SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- declaration pursuant to the Robert T. Staf- For an additional amount for ‘‘Science and anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control ford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assist- Technology’’ for necessary expenses related Act of 1985. ance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121 et seq.): Provided fur- to improving preparedness of the water sec- TITLE V ther, That individual grants shall not be sub- tor, $600,000, to remain available until ex- DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY ject to a non-Federal matching requirement: pended: Provided, That such amount is des- SECURITY, ENFORCEMENT, AND Provided further, That such amount is des- ignated by the Congress as being for an INVESTIGATIONS ignated by the Congress as being for an emergency requirement pursuant to section emergency requirement pursuant to section COAST GUARD 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. OPERATIONS AND SUPPORT Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. LEAKING UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK TRUST For an additional amount for ‘‘Operations CONSTRUCTION and Support’’ for necessary expenses related FUND PROGRAM to the consequences of Hurricanes Michael, For an additional amount for ‘‘Construc- For an additional amount for ‘‘Leaking Florence, and Lane, Tropical Storm Gordon, tion’’ for necessary expenses related to the Underground Storage Tank Fund’’ for nec- and Typhoon Mangkhut, $46,977,000, to re- consequences of Hurricanes Florence and Mi- essary expenses related to the consequences main available until September 30, 2020: Pro- chael, Typhoons Yutu and Mangkhut, and of Hurricanes Florence and Michael, cal- vided, That such amount is designated by the calendar year 2018 wildfires, earthquakes, endar year 2018 earthquakes, and Typhoon Congress as being for an emergency require- and volcanic eruptions, $78,000,000, to remain Yutu, $1,500,000, to remain available until ex- ment pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of available until expended: Provided, That such pended: Provided, That such amount is des- the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit amount is designated by the Congress as ignated by the Congress as being for an Control Act of 1985. being for an emergency requirement pursu- emergency requirement pursuant to section ant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced PROCUREMENT, CONSTRUCTION, AND 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act IMPROVEMENTS Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. of 1985. For an additional amount for ‘‘Procure- STATE AND TRIBAL ASSISTANCE GRANTS UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY ment, Construction, and Improvements’’ for For additional amounts for ‘‘State and necessary expenses related to the con- SURVEYS, INVESTIGATIONS, AND RESEARCH Tribal Assistance Grants’’ for necessary ex- sequences of Hurricanes Michael, Florence, For an additional amount for ‘‘Surveys, In- penses related to the consequences of Hurri- and Lane, Tropical Storm Gordon, and Ty- vestigations, and Research’’ for necessary canes Florence and Michael and calendar phoon Mangkhut, $476,755,000, to remain expenses related to the consequences of Hur- year 2018 earthquakes for the hazardous available until September 30, 2023: Provided, ricanes Florence and Michael, and calendar waste financial assistance grants program, That such amount is designated by the Con- year 2018 wildfires, earthquake damage asso- $1,500,000, to remain available until ex- gress as being for an emergency requirement ciated with emergency declaration EM–3410, pended; for necessary expenses related to the pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- and in those areas impacted by a major dis- consequences of Typhoon Yutu for the haz- anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control aster declared pursuant to the Robert T. ardous waste financial assistance grants pro- Act of 1985. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency As- gram and for other solid waste management

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activities, $56,000,000, to remain available STATE AND PRIVATE FORESTRY program, project, and activity, to the Com- until expended, provided that none of these For an additional amount for ‘‘State and mittees on Appropriations: Provided, That no funds shall be subject to section 3011(b) of Private Forestry’’ for necessary expenses re- such funds shall be obligated before the oper- the Solid Waste Disposal Act; and for grants lated to the consequences of Hurricanes ating plans are provided to the Committees: under section 106 of the Federal Water Pollu- Florence and Michael, and the calendar year Provided further, That such plans shall be up- tion Control Act, $5,000,000, to remain avail- 2018 wildfires, $12,000,000, to remain available dated, including obligations to date, and sub- able until expended, to address impacts of until expended: Provided, That such amount mitted to the Committees on Appropriations Hurricane Florence, Hurricane Michael, Ty- is designated by the Congress as being for an every 60 days until all such funds are ex- phoon Yutu, and calendar year 2018 wildfires, emergency requirement pursuant to section pended. notwithstanding subsections (b), (e), and (f), 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and TITLE VII of such section: Provided, That such amounts Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR are designated by the Congress as being for NATIONAL FOREST SYSTEM an emergency requirement pursuant to sec- EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING ADMINISTRATION tion 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget For an additional amount for ‘‘National TRAINING AND EMPLOYMENT SERVICES Forest System’’ for necessary expenses re- and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. (INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS) For an additional amount for ‘‘State and lated to the consequences of Hurricanes For an additional amount for ‘‘Training Tribal Assistance Grants’’, $349,400,000 to re- Florence and Michael, and the calendar year and Employment Services’’, $50,000,000, for main available until expended, of which 2018 wildfires, $84,960,000, to remain available the dislocated workers assistance national $53,300,000 shall be for capitalization grants until expended: Provided, That of this reserve for necessary expenses directly re- for the Clean Water State Revolving Funds amount $21,000,000 shall be used for haz- lated to the consequences of Hurricanes under title VI of the Federal Water Pollution ardous fuels management activities: Provided Florence and Michael, Typhoon Mangkhut, Control Act, and of which $296,100,000 shall be further, That such amount is designated by Super Typhoon Yutu, or earthquakes and for capitalization grants under section 1452 the Congress as being for an emergency re- wildfires occurring in calendar year 2018, to of the Safe Drinking Water Act: Provided, quirement pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) remain available through September 30, 2020: That notwithstanding section 604(a) of the of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Def- Provided, That the Secretary of Labor may Federal Water Pollution Control Act and icit Control Act of 1985. transfer up to $1,000,000 of such funds to any section 1452(a)(1)(D) of the Safe Drinking CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT AND MAINTENANCE other Department of Labor account for re- Water Act, funds appropriated herein shall For an additional amount for ‘‘Capital Im- construction and recovery needs, including be provided to States in EPA Regions 4, 9, provement and Maintenance’’ for necessary worker protection activities: Provided fur- and 10 in amounts determined by the Admin- expenses related to the consequences of Hur- ther, That these sums may be used to replace istrator for wastewater treatment works and ricanes Florence and Michael, and the cal- grant funds previously obligated to the im- drinking water facilities impacted by Hurri- endar year 2018 wildfires, $36,040,000, to re- pacted areas: Provided further, That of the canes Florence and Michael, Typhoon Yutu, main available until expended: Provided, amount provided, up to $500,000, to remain and calendar year 2018 wildfires and earth- That such amount is designated by the Con- available until expended, shall be transferred quakes: Provided further, That notwith- gress as being for an emergency requirement to ‘‘Office of Inspector General’’ for over- standing the requirements of section 603(i) of pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- sight of activities responding to such con- the Federal Water Pollution Control Act and anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control sequences: Provided further, That such section 1452(d) of the Safe Drinking Water Act of 1985. amount is designated by the Congress as Act, for the funds appropriated herein, each WILDLAND FIRE MANAGEMENT being for an emergency requirement pursu- State shall use not less than 20 percent but ant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced not more than 30 percent amount of its cap- (INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS) Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act italization grants to provide additional sub- For an additional amount for ‘‘Wildland of 1985. sidization to eligible recipients in the form Fire Management’’, $720,271,000, to remain of forgiveness of principal, negative interest available through September 30, 2022, for ur- DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN loans or grants or any combination of these: gent wildland fire suppression operations: SERVICES Provided further, That the Administrator Provided, That such funds shall be solely SUBSTANCE ABUSE AND MENTAL HEALTH shall retain $10,400,000 of the funds appro- available to be transferred to and merged SERVICES ADMINISTRATION with other appropriations accounts from priated herein for grants for drinking water HEALTH SURVEILLANCE AND PROGRAM SUPPORT facilities and waste water treatment plants which funds were previously transferred for For an additional amount for ‘‘Health Sur- impacted by Typhoon Yutu: Provided further, wildland fire suppression in fiscal year 2018 veillance and Program Support’’, $30,000,000, That the funds appropriated herein shall be to fully repay those amounts: Provided fur- to remain available until September 30, 2019, used for eligible projects whose purpose is to ther, That such amount is designated by the for grants, contracts and cooperative agree- reduce flood or fire damage risk and vulner- Congress as an emergency requirement pur- ments for behavioral health treatment, crisis ability or to enhance resiliency to rapid hy- suant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- counseling, and other related helplines, and drologic change or natural disaster at treat- anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control for other similar programs to provide sup- ment works as defined by section 212 of the Act of 1985. port to individuals impacted by Hurricanes Federal Water Pollution Control Act or any DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN Florence and Michael, Typhoon Mangkhut, eligible facilities under section 1452 of the SERVICES Super Typhoon Yutu, and earthquakes and Safe Drinking Water Act, and for other eligi- NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH wildfires occurring in 2018 in those areas for ble tasks at such treatment works or facili- NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ENVIRONMENTAL which a major disaster or emergency has ties necessary to further such purposes: Pro- HEALTH SCIENCES been declared under section 401 or 501 of the vided further, That the Administrator of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emer- Environmental Protection Agency may re- For an additional amount for ‘‘National In- gency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5170 and tain up to $1,000,000 of the funds appropriated stitute of Environmental Health Sciences’’ 5191): Provided, That obligations incurred for herein for management and oversight: Pro- for necessary expenses in carrying out ac- the purposes provided herein prior to the vided further, That such amount is des- tivities set forth in section 311(a) of the Com- date of enactment of this Act may be ignated by the Congress as being for an prehensive Environmental Response, Com- charged to funds appropriated under this emergency requirement pursuant to section pensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (42 heading: Provided further, That such amount 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and U.S.C. 9660(a)) and section 126(g) of the is designated by the Congress as being for an Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 related to the consequences of emergency requirement pursuant to section RELATED AGENCIES major disasters declared pursuant to the 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emer- Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. FOREST SERVICE gency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121 et seq.) ADMINISTRATION FOR CHILDREN AND FAMILIES FOREST AND RANGELAND RESEARCH in 2018, $1,000,000, to remain available until CHILDREN AND FAMILIES SERVICES PROGRAMS expended: Provided, That such amount is des- For an additional amount for ‘‘Forest and For an additional amount for ‘‘Children ignated by the Congress as being for an Rangeland Research’’ for necessary expenses and Families Services Programs’’, $60,000,000, emergency requirement pursuant to section related to the consequences of Hurricanes to remain available until September 30, 2021, 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and Florence and Michael, and the calendar year for Head Start programs, including making Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. 2018 wildfires, $1,000,000, to remain available payments under the Head Start Act, for nec- until expended for the forest inventory and GENERAL PROVISION—THIS TITLE essary expenses directly related to the con- analysis program: Provided, That such SEC. 601. Not later than 45 days after the sequences of Hurricanes Florence and Mi- amount is designated by the Congress as date of enactment of this division, the agen- chael, Typhoon Mangkhut, Super Typhoon being for an emergency requirement pursu- cies receiving funds appropriated by this Yutu, and earthquakes and wildfires in 2018 ant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced title shall provide a detailed operating plan in those areas for which a major disaster or Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of anticipated uses of funds made available emergency has been declared under section of 1985. in this title by State and Territory, and by 401 or 501 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00109 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JA6.054 S24JAPT1 S650 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 24, 2019 Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 TITLE VIII $42,400,000, to remain available until Sep- U.S.C. 5170 and 5191): Provided, That none of LEGISLATIVE BRANCH tember 30, 2023, for necessary expenses re- the funds appropriated in this paragraph GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY OFFICE lated to the consequences of Hurricanes shall be included in the calculation of the Florence and Michael: Provided, That none of SALARIES AND EXPENSES ‘‘base grant’’ in subsequent fiscal years, as the funds shall be available for obligation such term is defined in sections 640(a)(7)(A), For an additional amount for ‘‘Salaries until the Committees on Appropriations of 641A(h)(1)(B), or 645(d)(3) of the Head Start and Expenses’’, $10,000,000, to remain avail- the House of Representatives and the Senate Act: Provided further, That funds appro- able until expended, for audits and investiga- receive form 1391 for each specific request: priated in this paragraph are not subject to tions related to Hurricanes Florence, Lane, Provided further, That, not later than 60 days the allocation requirements of section 640(a) and Michael, Typhoons Yutu and Mangkhut, after enactment of this division, the Director of the Head Start Act: Provided further, That the calendar year 2018 wildfires, earth- of the Army National Guard, or his designee, funds appropriated in this paragraph shall quakes, and volcano eruptions, and other dis- shall submit to the Committees on Appro- not be available for costs that are reim- asters declared pursuant to the Robert T. priations of the House of Representatives Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency As- bursed by the Federal Emergency Manage- and the Senate a detailed expenditure plan sistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121 et seq.): Provided, ment Agency, under a contract for insur- for funds provided under this heading: Pro- That, not later than 90 days after the date of ance, or by self-insurance: Provided further, vided further, That such funds may be obli- enactment of this division, the Government That up to $2,000,000 shall be available for gated or expended for planning and design Accountability Office shall submit to the Federal administrative expenses: Provided and military construction projects not oth- Committees on Appropriations of the House further, That obligations incurred for the erwise authorized by law: Provided further, of Representatives and the Senate a spend purposes provided herein prior to the date of That such amount is designated by the Con- plan specifying funding estimates for audits enactment of this Act may be charged to gress as being for an emergency requirement and investigations of any such declared dis- funds appropriated under this heading: Pro- asters occurring in 2018 and identifying fund- pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- vided further, That such amount is des- ing estimates or carryover balances, if any, anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control ignated by the Congress as being for an that may be available for audits and inves- Act of 1985. emergency requirement pursuant to section tigations of any other such declared disas- DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and ters: Provided further, That such amount is VETERANS HEALTH ADMINISTRATION Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. designated by the Congress as being for an MEDICAL FACILITIES DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION emergency requirement pursuant to section (INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS) EDUCATION RECOVERY 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and For an additional amount for ‘‘Medical Fa- Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. (INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS) cilities’’, $3,000,000, to remain available until For an additional amount for ‘‘Education TITLE IX September 30, 2023, for necessary expenses re- Recovery’’ for necessary expenses related to DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE lated to the consequences of Hurricanes the consequences of Hurricanes Florence and MILITARY CONSTRUCTION, NAVY AND MARINE Florence and Michael and Typhoons Michael, Typhoon Mangkhut, Super Typhoon CORPS Mangkhut and Yutu: Provided, That the Sec- Yutu, wildfires in 2018, or the volcanic erup- For an additional amount for ‘‘Military retary of Veterans Affairs, upon determina- tion and earthquakes in 2018 in those areas Construction, Navy and Marine Corps’’, tion that such action is necessary to address for which a major disaster or emergency has $115,000,000, to remain available until Sep- needs as a result of the consequences of Hur- been declared under section 401 or 501 of the tember 30, 2023, for planning and design re- ricanes Florence and Michael and Typhoons Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emer- lated to the consequences of Hurricanes Mangkhut and Yutu, may transfer such gency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5170 and 5191) Florence and Michael on Navy and Marine funds to any discretionary account of the (referred to under this heading as a ‘‘covered Corps installations: Provided, That none of Department of Veterans Affairs: Provided fur- disaster or emergency’’), $165,000,000, to re- the funds shall be available for obligation ther, That before a transfer may take place, main available through September 30, 2019: until the Committees on Appropriations of the Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall sub- Provided, That such amount is designated by the House of Representatives and the Senate mit notice thereof to the Committee on Ap- the Congress as being for an emergency re- receive a master plan for the installations propriations of the House of Representatives quirement pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) and a form 1391 for each specific project: Pro- and the Senate: Provided further, That none of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Def- vided further, That, not later than 60 days of these funds shall be available for obliga- icit Control Act of 1985: Provided further, after enactment of this division, the Sec- tion until the Secretary of Veterans Affairs That such assistance may be provided retary of the Navy, or his designee, shall submits to the Committees on Appropria- through any of the programs authorized submit to the Committees on Appropriations tions of the House of Representatives and under this heading in division B of title VIII of the House of Representatives and the Sen- the Senate a detailed expenditure plan for of Public Law 115–123 (as amended by Public ate a detailed expenditure plan for funds pro- funds provided under this heading: Provided Law 115–141), as determined by the Secretary vided under this heading: Provided further, further, That such amount is designated by of Education, and subject to the terms and That such amount is designated by the Con- the Congress as being for an emergency re- conditions that applied to those programs, gress as being for an emergency requirement quirement pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) except that references to dates and school pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Def- years in Public Law 115–123 shall be deemed anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control icit Control Act of 1985. to be the corresponding dates and school Act of 1985. TITLE X years for the covered disaster or emergency: MILITARY CONSTRUCTION, AIR FORCE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Provided further, That the Secretary of Edu- For an additional amount for ‘‘Military FEDERAL TRANSIT ADMINISTRATION cation may determine the amounts to be Construction, Air Force’’, $700,000,000, to re- PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION EMERGENCY RELIEF used for each such program and shall notify main available until September 30, 2023, for PROGRAM the Committees on Appropriations of the planning and design, and construction ex- House of Representatives and the Senate of penses related to the consequences of Hurri- For an additional amount for the ‘‘Public these amounts not later than 7 days prior to cane Michael: Provided, That none of the Transportation Emergency Relief Program’’ obligation: Provided further, $2,000,000 of the funds shall be available for obligation until as authorized under section 5324 of title 49, funds made available under this heading, to the Committees on Appropriations of the United States Code, $10,542,000 to remain remain available until expended, shall be House of Representatives and the Senate re- available until expended, for transit systems transferred to the Office of the Inspector ceive a basing plan and future mission re- affected by major declared disasters occur- General of the Department of Education for quirements for installations significantly ring in calendar year 2018: Provided, That not oversight of activities supported with funds damaged by Hurricane Michael: Provided fur- more than three-quarters of 1 percent of the appropriated under this heading, and up to ther, That, not later than 60 days after enact- funds for public transportation emergency $1,000,000 of the funds made available under ment of this division, the Secretary of the relief shall be available for administrative this heading shall be for program adminis- Air Force, or his designee, shall submit to expenses and ongoing program management tration. the Committees on Appropriations of the oversight as authorized under sections 5334 GENERAL PROVISIONS—THIS TITLE House of Representatives and the Senate a and 5338(f)(2) of such title and shall be in ad- dition to any other appropriations for such SEC. 701. Not later than 30 days after the detailed expenditure plan for funds provided purpose: Provided further, That such amount date of enactment of this Act, the Secre- under this heading: Provided further, That such amount is designated by the Congress is designated by the Congress as being for an taries of Labor, Health and Human Services, emergency requirement pursuant to section and Education shall provide a detailed spend as being for an emergency requirement pur- suant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and plan of anticipated uses of funds made avail- Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. able in this title, including estimated per- anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION sonnel and administrative costs, to the Com- Act of 1985. mittees on Appropriations: Provided, That MILITARY CONSTRUCTION, ARMY NATIONAL OPERATIONS such plans shall be updated and submitted to GUARD (AIRPORT AND AIRWAY TRUST FUND) the Committees on Appropriations every 60 For an additional amount for ‘‘Military Of the amounts made available for ‘‘Fed- days until all funds are expended or expire. Construction, Army National Guard’’, eral Aviation Administration—Operations’’

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00110 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JA6.054 S24JAPT1 January 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S651 in division B of the Bipartisan Budget Act of establish grant programs to assist small waiver or alternative requirement would not 2018 (Public Law 115–123), up to $18,000,000 businesses for working capital purposes to be inconsistent with the overall purpose of shall also be available for necessary expenses aid in recovery: Provided further, That as a title I of the Housing and Community Devel- related to the consequences of major de- condition of making any grant, the Sec- opment Act of 1974: Provided further, That, clared disasters occurring in calendar year retary shall certify in advance that such notwithstanding the preceding proviso, re- 2018: Provided, That amounts repurposed grantee has in place proficient financial con- cipients of funds provided under this heading under this heading that were previously des- trols and procurement processes and has es- that use such funds to supplement Federal ignated by the Congress as an emergency re- tablished adequate procedures to prevent assistance provided under section 402, 403, quirement pursuant to the Balanced Budget any duplication of benefits as defined by sec- 404, 406, 407, 408 (c)(4), or 502 of the Robert T. and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 tion 312 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency As- are designated by the Congress as an emer- Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 sistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121 et seq.) may gency requirement pursuant to section U.S.C. 5155), to ensure timely expenditure of adopt, without review or public comment, 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and funds, to maintain comprehensive websites any environmental review, approval, or per- Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. regarding all disaster recovery activities as- mit performed by a Federal agency, and such FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION sisted with these funds, and to detect and adoption shall satisfy the responsibilities of prevent waste, fraud, and abuse of funds: Pro- EMERGENCY RELIEF PROGRAM the recipient with respect to such environ- vided further, That with respect to any such mental review, approval or permit: Provided For an additional amount for the Emer- duplication of benefits, the Secretary shall further, That, notwithstanding section gency Relief Program as authorized under act in accordance with section 1210 of Public 104(g)(2) of the Housing and Community De- section 125 of title 23, United States Code, Law 115–254 (132 Stat. 3442) and section 312 of velopment Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5304(g)(2)), $1,650,000,000, to remain available until ex- the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and the Secretary may, upon receipt of a request pended: Provided, That such amount is des- Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5155): for release of funds and certification, imme- ignated by the Congress as being for an Provided further, That the Secretary shall re- diately approve the release of funds for an emergency requirement pursuant to section quire grantees to maintain on a public activity or project assisted under this head- 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and website information containing common re- ing if the recipient has adopted an environ- Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. porting criteria established by the Depart- mental review, approval or permit under the DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN ment that permits individuals and entities preceding proviso or the activity or project DEVELOPMENT awaiting assistance and the general public to is categorically excluded from review under COMMUNITY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT see how all grant funds are used, including the National Environmental Policy Act of COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FUND copies of all relevant procurement docu- 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.): Provided further, ments, grantee administrative contracts and (INCLUDING TRANSFERS OF FUNDS) That the Secretary shall publish via notice details of ongoing procurement processes, as For an additional amount for ‘‘Community in the Federal Register any waiver, or alter- determined by the Secretary: Provided fur- native requirement, to any statute or regula- Development Fund’’, $1,060,000,000, to remain ther, That prior to the obligation of funds a available until expended, for necessary ex- tion that the Secretary administers pursu- grantee shall submit a plan to the Secretary ant to title I of the Housing and Community penses for activities authorized under title I for approval detailing the proposed use of all of the Housing and Community Development Development Act of 1974 no later than 5 days funds, including criteria for eligibility and before the effective date of such waiver or al- Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5301 et seq.) related to how the use of these funds will address long- disaster relief, long-term recovery, restora- ternative requirement: Provided further, That term recovery and restoration of infrastruc- of the amounts made available under this tion of infrastructure and housing, economic ture and housing, economic revitalization, heading, up to $5,000,000 shall be made avail- revitalization, and mitigation in the most and mitigation in the most impacted and dis- able for capacity building and technical as- impacted and distressed areas resulting from tressed areas: Provided further, That such sistance, including assistance on contracting a major disaster that occurred in 2018 pursu- funds may not be used for activities reim- and procurement processes, to support ant to the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief bursed by, or for which funds have been made States, units of general local government, or and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. available by, the Federal Emergency Man- Indian tribes (and their subrecipients) that 5121 et seq.): Provided, That funds shall be agement Agency or the Army Corps of Engi- receive allocations pursuant to this heading, awarded directly to the State, unit of gen- neers, in excess of the authorized amount of received disaster recovery allocations under eral local government, or Indian tribe (as the project or its components: Provided fur- the same heading in Public Law 115–254, or such term is defined in section 102 of the ther, That funds allocated under this heading Housing and Community Development Act of shall not be considered relevant to the non- may receive similar allocations for disaster 1974) at the discretion of the Secretary: Pro- disaster formula allocations made pursuant recovery in future appropriations Acts: Pro- vided further, That any funds made available to section 106 of the Housing and Community vided further, That of the amounts made under this heading and under the same head- Development Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5306): Pro- available under this heading and under the ing in Public Law 115–254 that remain avail- vided further, That a State, unit of general same heading in Public Law 115–254, up to able, after the funds under such headings local government, or Indian tribe may use up $2,500,000 shall be transferred, in aggregate, have been allocated for necessary expenses to 5 percent of its allocation for administra- to ‘‘Department of Housing and Urban Devel- for activities authorized under such head- tive costs: Provided further, That the first opment—Program Office Salaries and Ex- ings, shall be allocated to grantees, for miti- proviso under this heading in the Supple- penses—Community Planning and Develop- gation activities in the most impacted and mental Appropriations for Disaster Relief ment’’ for necessary costs, including infor- distressed areas resulting from a major dis- Requirements Act, 2018 (division I of Public mation technology costs, of administering aster that occurred in 2018: Provided further, Law 115–254) is amended by striking ‘‘State and overseeing the obligation and expendi- That such allocations shall be made in the or unit of general local government’’ and in- ture of amounts under this heading: Provided same proportion that the amount of funds serting ‘‘State, unit of general local govern- further, That the amount specified in the pre- each grantee received under this division and ment, or Indian tribe (as such term is defined ceding proviso shall be combined with funds the same heading in division I of Public Law in section 102 of the Housing and Community appropriated under the same heading and for 115–254 bears to the amount of all funds pro- Development Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5302))’’: the same purpose in Public Law 115–254 and vided to all grantees that received alloca- Provided further, That the sixth proviso the aggregate of such amounts shall be avail- tions for disasters that occurred in 2018: Pro- under this heading in the Supplemental Ap- able for any of the same such purposes speci- vided further, That of the amounts made propriations for Disaster Relief Require- fied under this heading or the same heading available under the text preceding the first ments Act, 2018 (division I of Public Law 115– in Public Law 115–254 without limitation: proviso under this heading and under the 254) is amended by striking ‘‘State or sub- Provided further, That such amount is des- same heading in Public Law 115–254, the Sec- division thereof’’ and inserting ‘‘State, unit ignated by the Congress as being for an retary shall allocate to all such grantees an of general local government, or Indian tribe emergency requirement pursuant to section aggregate amount not less than 33 percent of (as such term is defined in section 102 of the 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and the sum of such amounts of funds within 120 Housing and Community Development Act of Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. days after the enactment of this division 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5302))’’: Provided further, That GENERAL PROVISION—THIS TITLE based on the best available data, and shall in administering the funds under this head- SEC. 1001. (a) Amounts previously made allocate no less than 100 percent of such ing, the Secretary of Housing and Urban De- available for activities authorized under funds by no later than 180 days after the en- velopment may waive, or specify alternative title I of the Housing and Community Devel- actment of this division: Provided further, requirements for, any provision of any stat- opment Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5301 et seq.) re- That the Secretary shall not prohibit the use ute or regulation that the Secretary admin- lated to disaster relief, long-term recovery, of funds made available under this heading isters in connection with the obligation by restoration of infrastructure and housing, and the same heading in Public Law 115–254 the Secretary or the use by the recipient of economic revitalization, and mitigation in for non-Federal share as authorized by sec- these funds (except for requirements related the most impacted and distressed areas re- tion 105(a)(9) of the Housing and Community to fair housing, nondiscrimination, labor sulting from a major disaster, including Development Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5305(a)(9)): standards, and the environment), if the Sec- funds provided under section 145 of division C Provided further, That of the amounts made retary finds that good cause exists for the of Public Law 114–223, section 192 of division available under this heading, grantees may waiver or alternative requirement and such C of Public Law 114–223 (as added by section

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00111 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JA6.054 S24JAPT1 S652 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 24, 2019 101(3) of division A of Public Law 114–254), SA 52. Mr. SHELBY submitted an Disaster Assistance Program (NAP) under section 421 of division K of Public Law 115–31, amendment intended to be proposed by section 196 of the Federal Agriculture Im- and any mitigation funding provided under him to the bill H.R. 268, making supple- provement and Reform Act of 1996 (7 U.S.C. the heading ‘‘Department of Housing and mental appropriations for the fiscal 7333) shall not exceed 90 percent of the loss Urban Development—Community Planning as determined by the Secretary: Provided fur- and Development—Community Development year ending September 30, 2019, and for ther, That the total amount of payments re- Fund’’ of Public Law 115–123, that were allo- other purposes; which was ordered to ceived under this heading for producers who cated in response to Hurricane Matthew, lie on the table; as follows: did not obtain a policy or plan of insurance may be used interchangeably and without Strike all after the enacting clause and in- for an insurable commodity for the applica- limitation for the same activities in the sert the following: ble crop year under the Federal Crop Insur- most impacted and distressed areas related ance Act (7 U.S.C. 1501 et seq.) for the crop to Hurricane Florence. In addition, any DIVISION A—FURTHER ADDITIONAL CONTINUING APPROPRIATIONS ACT, 2019 incurring the losses or did not file the re- funds provided under the heading ‘‘Depart- quired paperwork and pay the service fee by SEC. 101. The Continuing Appropriations ment of Housing and Urban Development— the applicable State filing deadline for a Act, 2019 (division C of Public Law 115–245) is Community Planning and Development— noninsurable commodity for the applicable further amended— Community Development Fund’’ in this divi- crop year under NAP for the crop incurring (1) by striking the date specified in section sion or in division I of Public Law 115–254 the losses shall not exceed 70 percent of the 105(3) and inserting ‘‘February 8, 2019’’; and that are allocated in response to Hurricane loss as determined by the Secretary: Provided Florence may be used interchangeably and (2) by adding after section 136 the fol- further, That producers receiving payments without limitation for the same activities in lowing: under this heading, as determined by the the most impacted and distressed areas re- ‘‘SEC. 137. Notwithstanding any other pro- Secretary, shall be required to purchase crop lated to Hurricane Matthew. Until HUD pub- vision of this Act, and in addition to insurance where crop insurance is available lishes the Federal Register Notice imple- amounts otherwise made available by this for the next two available crop years, exclud- menting this provision, grantees may submit Act for ‘U.S. Custom and Border Protec- ing tree insurance policies, and producers re- for HUD approval revised plans for the use of tion—Procurement, Construction, and Im- ceiving payments under this heading shall be funds related to Hurricane Matthew that ex- provements’, there is appropriated required to purchase coverage under NAP pand the eligible beneficiaries of existing $5,700,000,000 for an additional amount for fis- where crop insurance is not available in the programs contained in such previously ap- cal year 2019, to remain available until Sep- next two available crop years, as determined proved plans to include those impacted by tember 30, 2023.’’. by the Secretary: Provided further, That, not Hurricane Florence. Approval of any such re- This division may be cited as the ‘‘Further later than 120 days after the end of fiscal vised plans shall include the execution of re- Additional Continuing Appropriations Act, year 2019, the Secretary shall submit a re- vised grant terms and conditions as nec- 2019’’. essary. Once the implementing Notice is port to the Congress specifying the type, DIVISION B—ADDITIONAL SUPPLE- published, any additional action plan revi- amount, and method of such assistance by sions shall follow the requirements con- MENTAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR DIS- state and territory: Provided further, That tained therein. ASTER RELIEF, 2019 such amount is designated by the Congress (b) Amounts made available for adminis- The following sums in this division are ap- as being for an emergency requirement pur- trative costs for activities authorized under propriated, out of any money in the Treas- suant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- title I of the Housing and Community Devel- ury not otherwise appropriated, for the fiscal anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control opment Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5301 et seq.) re- year ending September 30, 2019, and for other Act of 1985. lated to disaster relief, long-term recovery, purposes, namely: FARM SERVICE AGENCY restoration of infrastructure and housing, TITLE I economic revitalization, and mitigation in EMERGENCY FOREST RESTORATION PROGRAM DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE the most impacted and distressed areas For an additional amount for the ‘‘Emer- under this division or any future Act, and AGRICULTURAL PROGRAMS gency Forest Restoration Program’’, for nec- amounts previously provided under section PROCESSING, RESEARCH AND MARKETING essary expenses related to the consequences 420 of division L of Public Law 114–113, sec- OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY of Hurricanes Michael and Florence and tion 145 of division C of Public Law 114–223, wildfires occurring in calendar year 2018, and For an additional amount for the ‘‘Office of section 192 of division C of Public Law 114– other natural disasters, $480,000,000, to re- the Secretary’’, $3,005,442,000, which shall re- 223 (as added by section 101(3) of division A of main available until expended: Provided, main available until December 31, 2020, for Public Law 114–254), section 421 of division K That such amount is designated by the Con- necessary expenses related to losses of crops of Public Law 115–31, and under the heading gress as being for an emergency requirement (including milk and harvested adulterated ‘‘Department of Housing and Urban Develop- pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- wine grapes), trees, bushes, and vines, as a ment—Community Planning and Develop- anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control consequence of Hurricanes Michael or Flor- ment—Community Development Fund’’ of Act of 1985. division B of Public Law 115–56, Public Law ence, other hurricanes, typhoons, volcanic NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION SERVICE 115–123, and Public Law 115–254, shall be activity, or wildfires occurring in calendar available for eligible administrative costs of year 2018 under such terms and conditions as WATERSHED AND FLOOD PREVENTION the grantee related to any disaster relief determined by the Secretary: Provided, That OPERATIONS funding identified in this subsection without the Secretary may provide assistance for For an additional amount for ‘‘Watershed regard to the particular disaster appropria- such losses in the form of block grants to eli- and Flood Prevention Operations’’, for nec- tion from which such funds originated. gible states and territories and such assist- essary expenses for the Emergency Water- (c) The additional uses pursuant to this ance may include compensation to pro- shed Protection Program related to the con- section for amounts that were previously ducers, as determined by the Secretary, for sequences of Hurricanes Michael and Flor- designated by the Congress, respectively, as past or future crop insurance premiums, for- ence and wildfires occurring in calendar year an emergency requirement or as being for est restoration, and poultry and livestock 2018, and other natural disasters, $125,000,000, disaster relief pursuant to the Balanced losses: Provided further, That of the amounts to remain available until expended: Provided, Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act provided under this heading, tree assistance That such amount is designated by the Con- are designated by the Congress as being for payments may be made under section 1501(e) gress as being for an emergency requirement an emergency requirement pursuant to sec- of the Agricultural Act of 2014 (7 U.S.C. pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- tion 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget 9081(e)) to eligible orchardists or nursery anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 or tree growers (as defined in such section) of Act of 1985. as being for disaster relief pursuant to sec- pecan trees with a tree mortality rate that RURAL DEVELOPMENT tion 251(b)(2)(D) of the Balanced Budget and exceeds 7.5 percent (adjusted for normal mor- Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. tality) and is less than 15 percent (adjusted RURAL COMMUNITY FACILITIES PROGRAM TITLE XI for normal mortality), to be available until ACCOUNT GENERAL PROVISION—THIS DIVISION expended, for losses incurred during the pe- For an additional amount for the cost of SEC. 1101. Each amount designated in this riod beginning January 1, 2018, and ending grants for rural community facilities pro- division by the Congress as being for an December 31, 2018: Provided further, That in grams as authorized by section 306 and de- emergency requirement pursuant to section the case of producers impacted by volcanic scribed in section 381E(d)(1) of the Consoli- 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and activity that resulted in the loss of crop dated Farm and Rural Development Act, for Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 shall land, or access to crop land, the Secretary necessary expenses related to the con- be available (or rescinded or transferred, if shall consider all measures available, as ap- sequences of Hurricanes Michael and Flor- applicable) only if the President subse- propriate, to bring replacement land into ence and wildfires occurring in calendar year quently so designates all such amounts and production: Provided further, That the total 2018, and other natural disasters, $150,000,000, transmits such designations to the Congress. amount of payments received under this to remain available until expended: Provided, This division may be cited as the ‘‘Addi- heading and applicable policies of crop insur- That sections 381E-H and 381N of the Consoli- tional Supplemental Appropriations for Dis- ance under the Federal Crop Insurance Act (7 dated Farm and Rural Development Act are aster Relief, 2019’’. U.S.C. 1501 et seq.) or the Noninsured Crop not applicable to the funds made available

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00112 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JA6.054 S24JAPT1 January 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S653

under this heading: Provided further, That recovery, and restoration of infrastructure FISHERIES DISASTER ASSISTANCE such amount is designated by the Congress in areas that received a major disaster des- For an additional amount for ‘‘Fisheries as being for an emergency requirement pur- ignation as a result of Hurricanes Florence, Disaster Assistance’’ for necessary expenses suant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- Michael, and Lane, Typhoons Yutu and associated with the mitigation of fishery dis- anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Mangkhut, and of wildfires, volcanic erup- asters, $150,000,000, to remain available until Act of 1985. tions, earthquakes, and other natural disas- expended: Provided, That funds shall be used GENERAL PROVISIONS—THIS TITLE ters occurring in calendar year 2018 under for mitigating the effects of commercial fish- the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and SEC. 101. In addition to amounts otherwise ery failures and fishery resource disasters made available, out of the funds made avail- Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121 et declared by the Secretary of Commerce, in- able under section 18 of Food and Nutrition seq.), $600,000,000, to remain available until cluding those declared by the Secretary to be Act of 2008, $25,200,000 shall be available for expended: Provided, That such amount is des- a direct result of Hurricanes Florence and the Secretary to provide a grant to the Com- ignated by the Congress as being for an Michael and Typhoons Yutu and Mangkhut: monwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands emergency requirement pursuant to section Provided further, That such amount is des- for disaster nutrition assistance in response 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and ignated by the Congress as being for an to the Presidentially declared major disas- Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985: Pro- emergency requirement pursuant to section ters and emergencies: Provided, That funds vided further, That within the amount appro- 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and made available to the Commonwealth of the priated, up to 2 percent of funds may be Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. Northern Mariana Islands under this section transferred to the ‘‘Salaries and Expenses’’ DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE account for administration and oversight ac- shall remain available for obligation by the UNITED STATES MARSHALS SERVICE Commonwealth until September 30, 2020: Pro- tivities: Provided further, That within the SALARIES AND EXPENSES vided further, That such amount is des- amount appropriated, $1,000,000 shall be ignated by the Congress as being for an transferred to the ‘‘Office of Inspector Gen- For an additional amount for ‘‘Salaries emergency requirement pursuant to section eral’’ account for carrying out investigations and Expenses’’ for necessary expenses related 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and and audits related to the funding provided to the consequences of Hurricanes Florence Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. under this heading. and Michael and Typhoon Yutu, $1,336,000: Provided, That such amount is designated by SEC. 102. For purposes of administering NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC the Congress as being for an emergency re- title I of subdivision 1 of division B of the Bi- ADMINISTRATION partisan Budget Act of 2018 (Public Law 115– quirement pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) OPERATIONS, RESEARCH, AND FACILITIES 123), losses to agricultural producers result- of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Def- ing from hurricanes shall also include losses For an additional amount for ‘‘Operations, icit Control Act of 1985. incurred from Tropical Storm Cindy and Research, and Facilities’’ for necessary ex- FEDERAL PRISON SYSTEM losses of peach and blueberry crops in cal- penses related to the consequences of Hurri- BUILDINGS AND FACILITIES canes Florence and Michael, Typhoon Yutu, endar year 2017 due to extreme cold: Pro- For an additional amount for ‘‘Buildings and of wildfires, $120,570,000, to remain avail- vided, That the amounts provided by this and Facilities’’ for necessary expenses re- able until September 30, 2020, as follows: section are designated by the Congress as lated to the consequences of Hurricanes (1) $3,000,000 for repair and replacement of being for an emergency requirement pursu- Florence and Michael and Typhoon Yutu, observing assets, real property, and equip- ant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced $28,400,000, to remain available until ex- ment; Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act pended: Provided, That such amount is des- (2) $11,000,000 for marine debris assessment of 1985: Provided further, That amounts ignated by the Congress as being for an and removal; repurposed under this heading that were pre- emergency requirement pursuant to section (3) $31,570,000 for mapping, charting, and viously designated by the Congress as an 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and geodesy services; emergency requirement pursuant to the Bal- Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control (4) $25,000,000 to improve: (a) hurricane in- RELATED AGENCIES Act of 1985 are designated by the Congress as tensity forecasting, including through de- an emergency requirement pursuant to sec- ployment of unmanned ocean observing plat- LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION tion 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget forms and enhanced data assimilation; (b) PAYMENT TO THE LEGAL SERVICES and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. flood prediction, forecasting, and mitigation CORPORATION SEC. 103. (a)(1) Except as provided in para- capabilities; and (c) wildfire prediction, de- For an additional amount for ‘‘Payment to graph (2), a person or legal entity is not eli- tection, and forecasting; and the Legal Services Corporation’’ to carry out gible to receive a payment under the Market (5) $50,000,000 for Title IX Fund grants as the purposes of the Legal Services Corpora- Facilitation Program established pursuant authorized under section 906(c) of division O tion Act by providing for necessary expenses to the Commodity Credit Corporation Char- of Public Law 114–113: related to the consequences of Hurricanes ter Act (15 U.S.C. 714 et seq.) if the average Provided, That such amount is designated by Florence, Michael, and Lane, Typhoons Yutu adjusted gross income of such person or legal the Congress as being for an emergency re- and Mangkhut, and calendar year 2018 entity is greater than $900,000. quirement pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) wildfires, volcanic eruptions, and earth- (2) Paragraph (1) shall not apply to a per- of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Def- quakes, $15,000,000: Provided, That such son or legal entity if at least 75 percent of icit Control Act of 1985: Provided further, amount is designated by the Congress as the adjusted gross income of such person or That the National Oceanic and Atmospheric being for an emergency requirement pursu- legal entity is derived from farming, ranch- Administration shall submit a spending plan ant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced ing, or forestry related activities. to the Committees on Appropriations of the Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act (b) A person or legal entity may not re- House of Representatives and the Senate for of 1985: Provided further, That none of the ceive a payment under the Market Facilita- funding provided under subsection (4) of this funds appropriated in this division to the tion Program described in subsection (a)(1), heading within 45 days after the date of en- Legal Services Corporation shall be expended directly or indirectly, of more than $125,000. actment of this division. for any purpose prohibited or limited by, or (c) In this section, the term ‘‘average ad- contrary to any of the provisions of, sections PROCUREMENT, ACQUISITION AND CONSTRUCTION justed gross income’’ has the meaning given 501, 502, 503, 504, 505, and 506 of Public Law the term defined in section 760.1502 of title 7 For an additional amount for ‘‘Procure- 105–119, and all funds appropriated in this di- Code of Federal Regulations (as in effect ment, Acquisition and Construction’’, vision to the Legal Services Corporation July 18, 2018). $25,000,000, to remain available until Sep- shall be subject to the same terms and condi- (d) The amount provided by this section is tember 30, 2021, for improvements to oper- tions set forth in such sections, except that designated by the Congress as being for an ational and research weather supercom- all references in sections 502 and 503 to 1997 emergency requirement pursuant to section puting infrastructure and satellite ground and 1998 shall be deemed to refer instead to 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and services used for hurricane intensity and 2018 and 2019, respectively, and except that Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. track prediction; flood prediction, fore- sections 501 and 503 of Public Law 104–134 TITLE II casting, and mitigation; and wildfire pre- (referenced by Public Law 105–119) shall not DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE diction, detection, and forecasting: Provided, apply to the amount made available under That such amount is designated by the Con- ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION this heading: Provided further, That, for the gress as being for an emergency requirement purposes of this division, the Legal Services ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- Corporation shall be considered an agency of PROGRAMS anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control the United States Government. (INCLUDING TRANSFERS OF FUNDS) Act of 1985: Provided further, That the Na- TITLE III Pursuant to section 703 of the Public tional Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra- Works and Economic Development Act (42 tion shall submit a spending plan to the DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE U.S.C. 3233), for an additional amount for Committees on Appropriations of the House OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, MARINE CORPS ‘‘Economic Development Assistance Pro- of Representatives and the Senate within 45 For an additional amount for ‘‘Operation grams’’ for necessary expenses related to days after the date of enactment of this divi- and Maintenance, Marine Corps’’, flood mitigation, disaster relief, long-term sion. $200,000,000, for necessary expenses related to

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00113 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JA6.055 S24JAPT1 S654 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 24, 2019 the consequences of Hurricanes Michael and going construction projects shall be financed to be deposited into the Utah Reclamation Florence: Provided, That such amount is des- in accordance with the provisions of section Mitigation and Conservation Account for use ignated by the Congress as being for an 103(k) of Public Law 99–662 over a period of 30 by the Utah Reclamation Mitigation and emergency requirement pursuant to section years from the date of completion of the Conservation Commission, to remain avail- 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and project or separable element: Provided fur- able until expended, for expenses necessary Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. ther, That up to $25,000,000 of the funds made in carrying out fire remediation activities OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, AIR FORCE available under this heading shall be used for related to wildfires in 2018: Provided, That continuing authorities projects to reduce the such amount is designated by the Congress For an additional amount for ‘‘Operation risk of flooding and storm damage: Provided as being for an emergency requirement pur- and Maintenance, Air Force’’, $400,000,000, for further, That any projects using funds appro- suant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- necessary expenses related to the con- priated under this heading shall be initiated anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control sequences of Hurricanes Michael and Flor- only after non-Federal interests have en- Act of 1985. ence: Provided, That such amount is des- tered into binding agreements with the Sec- ignated by the Congress as being for an BUREAU OF RECLAMATION retary requiring, where applicable, the non- emergency requirement pursuant to section WATER AND RELATED RESOURCES Federal interests to pay 100 percent of the 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and operation, maintenance, repair, replacement, For an additional amount for ‘‘Water and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. and rehabilitation costs of the project and to Related Resources’’, $15,500,000, to remain TITLE IV hold and save the United States free from available until expended, for fire remedi- CORPS OF ENGINEERS—CIVIL damages due to the construction or oper- ation and suppression emergency assistance related to wildfires in 2017 and 2018: Provided, DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY ation and maintenance of the project, except for damages due to the fault or negligence of That such amount is designated by the Con- INVESTIGATIONS the United States or its contractors: Pro- gress as being for an emergency requirement For an additional amount for ‘‘Investiga- vided further, That such amount is des- pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- tions’’ for necessary expenses related to the ignated by the Congress as being for an anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control completion, or initiation and completion, of emergency requirement pursuant to section Act of 1985. flood and storm damage reduction, including 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and TITLE V shore protection, studies which are currently Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985: Pro- DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY authorized or which are authorized after the vided further, That the Assistant Secretary of date of enactment of this division, to reduce SECURITY, ENFORCEMENT, AND the Army for Civil Works shall provide a INVESTIGATIONS risk from future floods and hurricanes, at monthly report directly to the Committees full Federal expense, $35,000,000, to remain on Appropriations of the House of Represent- COAST GUARD available until expended, for high priority atives and the Senate detailing the alloca- OPERATIONS AND SUPPORT studies of projects in States and insular tion and obligation of these funds, beginning For an additional amount for ‘‘Operations areas that were impacted by Hurricanes not later than 60 days after the date of en- and Support’’ for necessary expenses related Florence and Michael, Typhoon Mangkhut, actment of this division. to the consequences of Hurricanes Michael, Super Typhoon Yutu, and Tropical Storm MISSISSIPPI RIVER AND TRIBUTARIES Florence, and Lane, Tropical Storm Gordon, Gita: Provided, That such amount is des- For an additional amount for ‘‘Mississippi and Typhoon Mangkhut, $46,977,000, to re- ignated by the Congress as being for an River and Tributaries’’ for necessary ex- main available until September 30, 2020: Pro- emergency requirement pursuant to section penses to address emergency situations at vided, That such amount is designated by the 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and Corps of Engineers projects and rehabilitate Congress as being for an emergency require- Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985: Pro- and repair damages to Corps of Engineers ment pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of vided further, That the Assistant Secretary of projects, caused by natural disasters, the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit the Army for Civil Works shall provide a $225,000,000, to remain available until ex- Control Act of 1985. monthly report directly to the Committees pended: Provided, That such amount is des- on Appropriations of the House and the Sen- PROCUREMENT, CONSTRUCTION, AND ignated by the Congress as being for an ate detailing the allocation and obligation of IMPROVEMENTS emergency requirement pursuant to section these funds, including new studies selected For an additional amount for ‘‘Procure- 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and to be initiated using funds provided under ment, Construction, and Improvements’’ for Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985: Pro- this heading, beginning not later than 60 necessary expenses related to the con- vided further, That the Assistant Secretary of days after the date of enactment of this divi- sequences of Hurricanes Michael, Florence, the Army for Civil Works shall provide a sion. and Lane, Tropical Storm Gordon, and Ty- monthly report directly to the Committees phoon Mangkhut, $476,755,000, to remain CONSTRUCTION on Appropriations of the House of Represent- available until September 30, 2023: Provided, For an additional amount for ‘‘Construc- atives and the Senate detailing the alloca- That such amount is designated by the Con- tion’’ for necessary expenses, $740,000,000, to tion and obligation of these funds, beginning gress as being for an emergency requirement remain available until expended, to con- not later than 60 days after the date of en- pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- struct flood and storm damage reduction, in- actment of this division. anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control cluding shore protection, projects which are OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE Act of 1985. currently authorized or which are authorized For an additional amount for ‘‘Operation after the date of enactment of this division, ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE AND and Maintenance’’ for necessary expenses to RESTORATION and flood and storm damage reduction, in- dredge Federal navigation projects in re- For an additional amount for ‘‘Environ- cluding shore protection, projects which sponse to, and repair damages to Corps of mental Compliance and Restoration’’ for have signed Chief’s Reports as of the date of Engineers Federal projects caused by, nat- necessary expenses related to the con- enactment of this division or which are stud- ural disasters, $245,000,000, to remain avail- sequences of Hurricanes Michael and Flor- ied using funds provided under the heading able until expended, of which such sums as ence, $2,000,000, to remain available until ‘‘Investigations’’ if the Secretary determines are necessary to cover the Federal share of September 30, 2023: Provided, That such such projects to be technically feasible, eco- eligible operation and maintenance costs for amount is designated by the Congress as nomically justified, and environmentally ac- coastal harbors and channels, and for inland being for an emergency requirement pursu- ceptable, in States and insular areas that harbors shall be derived from the Harbor ant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced were impacted by Hurricanes Florence and Maintenance Trust Fund: Provided, That Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act Michael, Typhoon Mangkhut, Super Typhoon such amount is designated by the Congress of 1985. Yutu, and Tropical Storm Gita: Provided, as being for an emergency requirement pur- That projects receiving funds provided under suant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- TITLE VI the first proviso in ‘‘Title IV—Corps of Engi- anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR neers—Civil—Department of the Army—Con- Act of 1985: Provided further, That the Assist- UNITED STATES FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE struction’’ in Public Law 115–123 shall not be ant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works CONSTRUCTION eligible for funding provided under this head- shall provide a monthly report directly to ing: Provided further, That for projects re- the Committees on Appropriations of the For an additional amount for ‘‘Construc- ceiving funds provided under this heading, House of Representatives and the Senate de- tion’’ for necessary expenses related to the the provisions of Section 902 of the Water tailing the allocation and obligation of these consequences of Hurricanes Florence, Lane, Resources Act of 1986 shall not apply to these funds, beginning not later than 60 days after and Michael, and flooding associated with funds: Provided further, That the completion the date of enactment of this division. major declared disaster DR–4365, and cal- of ongoing construction projects receiving endar year 2018 earthquakes, $82,400,000, to DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR funds provided under this heading shall be at remain available until expended: Provided, full Federal expense with respect to such CENTRAL UTAH PROJECT That of this amount $50,000,000 shall be used funds: Provided further, That using funds pro- CENTRAL UTAH PROJECT COMPLETION ACCOUNT to restore and rebuild national wildlife ref- vided under this heading, the non-Federal For an additional amount for ‘‘Central uges and increase the resiliency and capacity cash contribution for projects other than on- Utah Project Completion Account’’, $350,000, of coastal habitat and infrastructure to

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00114 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JA6.055 S24JAPT1 January 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S655 withstand storms and reduce the amount of until expended: Provided, That such amount istrator for wastewater treatment works and damage caused by such storms: Provided fur- is designated by the Congress as being for an drinking water facilities impacted by Hurri- ther, That such amount is designated by the emergency requirement pursuant to section canes Florence and Michael, Typhoon Yutu, Congress as being for an emergency require- 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and and calendar year 2018 wildfires and earth- ment pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. quakes: Provided further, That notwith- the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL standing the requirements of section 603(i) of Control Act of 1985. the Federal Water Pollution Control Act and SALARIES AND EXPENSES NATIONAL PARK SERVICE section 1452(d) of the Safe Drinking Water For an additional amount for ‘‘Salaries Act, for the funds appropriated herein, each HISTORIC PRESERVATION FUND and Expenses’’ for necessary expenses related State shall use not less than 20 percent but For an additional amount for the ‘‘Historic to the consequences of major disasters de- not more than 30 percent amount of its cap- Preservation Fund’’ for necessary expenses clared pursuant to the Robert T. Stafford italization grants to provide additional sub- related to the consequences of Hurricanes Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance sidization to eligible recipients in the form Florence and Michael, and Typhoon Yutu, Act (42 U.S.C. 5121 et seq.) in 2018, $1,000,000, of forgiveness of principal, negative interest $50,000,000, to remain available until Sep- to remain available until expended: Provided, loans or grants or any combination of these: tember 30, 2022, including costs to States and That such amount is designated by the Con- Provided further, That the Administrator territories necessary to complete compliance gress as being for an emergency requirement shall retain $10,400,000 of the funds appro- activities required by section 306108 of title pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- priated herein for grants for drinking water 54, United States Code (formerly section 106 anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control facilities and waste water treatment plants of the National Historic Preservation Act) Act of 1985. impacted by Typhoon Yutu: Provided further, and costs needed to administer the program: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY That the funds appropriated herein shall be Provided, That grants shall only be available used for eligible projects whose purpose is to for areas that have received a major disaster SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY reduce flood or fire damage risk and vulner- declaration pursuant to the Robert T. Staf- For an additional amount for ‘‘Science and ability or to enhance resiliency to rapid hy- ford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assist- Technology’’ for necessary expenses related drologic change or natural disaster at treat- ance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121 et seq.): Provided fur- to improving preparedness of the water sec- ment works as defined by section 212 of the ther, That individual grants shall not be sub- tor, $600,000, to remain available until ex- Federal Water Pollution Control Act or any ject to a non-Federal matching requirement: pended: Provided, That such amount is des- eligible facilities under section 1452 of the Provided further, That such amount is des- ignated by the Congress as being for an Safe Drinking Water Act, and for other eligi- ignated by the Congress as being for an emergency requirement pursuant to section ble tasks at such treatment works or facili- emergency requirement pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and ties necessary to further such purposes: Pro- 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. vided further, That the Administrator of the Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. EAKING NDERGROUND TORAGE ANK RUST L U S T T Environmental Protection Agency may re- CONSTRUCTION FUND PROGRAM tain up to $1,000,000 of the funds appropriated For an additional amount for ‘‘Construc- For an additional amount for ‘‘Leaking herein for management and oversight: Pro- tion’’ for necessary expenses related to the Underground Storage Tank Fund’’ for nec- vided further, That such amount is des- consequences of Hurricanes Florence and Mi- essary expenses related to the consequences ignated by the Congress as being for an chael, Typhoons Yutu and Mangkhut, and of Hurricanes Florence and Michael, cal- emergency requirement pursuant to section calendar year 2018 wildfires, earthquakes, endar year 2018 earthquakes, and Typhoon 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and and volcanic eruptions, $78,000,000, to remain Yutu, $1,500,000, to remain available until ex- Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. pended: Provided, That such amount is des- available until expended: Provided, That such RELATED AGENCIES amount is designated by the Congress as ignated by the Congress as being for an being for an emergency requirement pursu- emergency requirement pursuant to section DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE ant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and FOREST SERVICE Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act FOREST AND RANGELAND RESEARCH of 1985. STATE AND TRIBAL ASSISTANCE GRANTS For an additional amount for ‘‘Forest and UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY For additional amounts for ‘‘State and Rangeland Research’’ for necessary expenses SURVEYS, INVESTIGATIONS, AND RESEARCH Tribal Assistance Grants’’ for necessary ex- related to the consequences of Hurricanes For an additional amount for ‘‘Surveys, In- penses related to the consequences of Hurri- Florence and Michael, and the calendar year vestigations, and Research’’ for necessary canes Florence and Michael and calendar 2018 wildfires, $1,000,000, to remain available expenses related to the consequences of Hur- year 2018 earthquakes for the hazardous until expended for the forest inventory and ricanes Florence and Michael, and calendar waste financial assistance grants program, analysis program: Provided, That such year 2018 wildfires, earthquake damage asso- $1,500,000, to remain available until ex- amount is designated by the Congress as ciated with emergency declaration EM–3410, pended; for necessary expenses related to the being for an emergency requirement pursu- and in those areas impacted by a major dis- consequences of Typhoon Yutu for the haz- ant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced aster declared pursuant to the Robert T. ardous waste financial assistance grants pro- Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency As- gram and for other solid waste management of 1985. activities, $56,000,000, to remain available sistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121 et seq.) with re- STATE AND PRIVATE FORESTRY spect to calendar year 2018 wildfires or vol- until expended, provided that none of these canic eruptions, $98,500,000, to remain avail- funds shall be subject to section 3011(b) of For an additional amount for ‘‘State and able until expended: Provided, That of this the Solid Waste Disposal Act; and for grants Private Forestry’’ for necessary expenses re- amount, $72,310,000 is for costs related to the under section 106 of the Federal Water Pollu- lated to the consequences of Hurricanes repair and replacement of equipment and fa- tion Control Act, $5,000,000, to remain avail- Florence and Michael, and the calendar year cilities damaged by disasters in 2018: Pro- able until expended, to address impacts of 2018 wildfires, $12,000,000, to remain available vided further, That, not later than 90 days Hurricane Florence, Hurricane Michael, Ty- until expended: Provided, That such amount after enactment of this division, the Survey phoon Yutu, and calendar year 2018 wildfires, is designated by the Congress as being for an shall submit a report to the Committees on notwithstanding subsections (b), (e), and (f), emergency requirement pursuant to section Appropriations that describes the potential of such section: Provided, That such amounts 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and options to replace the facility damaged by are designated by the Congress as being for Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. the 2018 volcano disaster along with cost es- an emergency requirement pursuant to sec- NATIONAL FOREST SYSTEM timates and a description of how the Survey tion 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget For an additional amount for ‘‘National will provide direct access for monitoring vol- and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. Forest System’’ for necessary expenses re- canic activity and the potential threat to at- For an additional amount for ‘‘State and lated to the consequences of Hurricanes risk communities: Provided further, That Tribal Assistance Grants’’, $349,400,000 to re- Florence and Michael, and the calendar year such amount is designated by the Congress main available until expended, of which 2018 wildfires, $84,960,000, to remain available as being for an emergency requirement pur- $53,300,000 shall be for capitalization grants until expended: Provided, That of this suant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- for the Clean Water State Revolving Funds amount $21,000,000 shall be used for haz- anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control under title VI of the Federal Water Pollution ardous fuels management activities: Provided Act of 1985. Control Act, and of which $296,100,000 shall be further, That such amount is designated by for capitalization grants under section 1452 DEPARTMENTAL OFFICES the Congress as being for an emergency re- of the Safe Drinking Water Act: Provided, INSULAR AFFAIRS quirement pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) That notwithstanding section 604(a) of the of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Def- ASSISTANCE TO TERRITORIES Federal Water Pollution Control Act and icit Control Act of 1985. For an additional amount for ‘‘Technical section 1452(a)(1)(D) of the Safe Drinking Assistance’’ for financial management ex- Water Act, funds appropriated herein shall CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT AND MAINTENANCE penses related to the consequences of Ty- be provided to States in EPA Regions 4, 9, For an additional amount for ‘‘Capital Im- phoon Yutu, $2,000,000, to remain available and 10 in amounts determined by the Admin- provement and Maintenance’’ for necessary

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00115 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JA6.055 S24JAPT1 S656 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 24, 2019 expenses related to the consequences of Hur- ther, That these sums may be used to replace DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION ricanes Florence and Michael, and the cal- grant funds previously obligated to the im- EDUCATION RECOVERY endar year 2018 wildfires, $36,040,000, to re- pacted areas: Provided further, That of the (INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS) main available until expended: Provided, amount provided, up to $500,000, to remain For an additional amount for ‘‘Education That such amount is designated by the Con- available until expended, shall be transferred Recovery’’ for necessary expenses related to gress as being for an emergency requirement to ‘‘Office of Inspector General’’ for over- the consequences of Hurricanes Florence and pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- sight of activities responding to such con- Michael, Typhoon Mangkhut, Super Typhoon anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control sequences: Provided further, That such Yutu, wildfires in 2018, or the volcanic erup- Act of 1985. amount is designated by the Congress as tion and earthquakes in 2018 in those areas WILDLAND FIRE MANAGEMENT being for an emergency requirement pursu- for which a major disaster or emergency has ant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced (INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS) been declared under section 401 or 501 of the Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emer- For an additional amount for ‘‘Wildland of 1985. Fire Management’’, $720,271,000, to remain gency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5170 and 5191) available through September 30, 2022, for ur- DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN (referred to under this heading as a ‘‘covered gent wildland fire suppression operations: SERVICES disaster or emergency’’), $165,000,000, to re- Provided, That such funds shall be solely main available through September 30, 2019: available to be transferred to and merged SUBSTANCE ABUSE AND MENTAL HEALTH Provided, That such amount is designated by with other appropriations accounts from SERVICES ADMINISTRATION the Congress as being for an emergency re- quirement pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) which funds were previously transferred for HEALTH SURVEILLANCE AND PROGRAM SUPPORT wildland fire suppression in fiscal year 2018 of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Def- to fully repay those amounts: Provided fur- For an additional amount for ‘‘Health Sur- icit Control Act of 1985: Provided further, ther, That such amount is designated by the veillance and Program Support’’, $30,000,000, That such assistance may be provided Congress as an emergency requirement pur- to remain available until September 30, 2019, through any of the programs authorized suant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- for grants, contracts and cooperative agree- under this heading in division B of title VIII anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control ments for behavioral health treatment, crisis of Public Law 115–123 (as amended by Public Act of 1985. counseling, and other related helplines, and Law 115–141), as determined by the Secretary for other similar programs to provide sup- of Education, and subject to the terms and DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN conditions that applied to those programs, SERVICES port to individuals impacted by Hurricanes Florence and Michael, Typhoon Mangkhut, except that references to dates and school NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH Super Typhoon Yutu, and earthquakes and years in Public Law 115–123 shall be deemed NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ENVIRONMENTAL wildfires occurring in 2018 in those areas for to be the corresponding dates and school HEALTH SCIENCES which a major disaster or emergency has years for the covered disaster or emergency: For an additional amount for ‘‘National In- been declared under section 401 or 501 of the Provided further, That the Secretary of Edu- stitute of Environmental Health Sciences’’ Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emer- cation may determine the amounts to be for necessary expenses in carrying out ac- gency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5170 and used for each such program and shall notify tivities set forth in section 311(a) of the Com- 5191): Provided, That obligations incurred for the Committees on Appropriations of the prehensive Environmental Response, Com- the purposes provided herein prior to the House of Representatives and the Senate of pensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (42 date of enactment of this Act may be these amounts not later than 7 days prior to U.S.C. 9660(a)) and section 126(g) of the charged to funds appropriated under this obligation: Provided further, $2,000,000 of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization heading: Provided further, That such amount funds made available under this heading, to Act of 1986 related to the consequences of is designated by the Congress as being for an remain available until expended, shall be major disasters declared pursuant to the emergency requirement pursuant to section transferred to the Office of the Inspector Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emer- 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and General of the Department of Education for gency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121 et seq.) Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. oversight of activities supported with funds in 2018, $1,000,000, to remain available until appropriated under this heading, and up to ADMINISTRATION FOR CHILDREN AND FAMILIES expended: Provided, That such amount is des- $1,000,000 of the funds made available under this heading shall be for program adminis- ignated by the Congress as being for an CHILDREN AND FAMILIES SERVICES PROGRAMS emergency requirement pursuant to section tration. 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and For an additional amount for ‘‘Children GENERAL PROVISIONS—THIS TITLE Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. and Families Services Programs’’, $60,000,000, SEC. 701. Not later than 30 days after the to remain available until September 30, 2021, GENERAL PROVISION—THIS TITLE date of enactment of this Act, the Secre- for Head Start programs, including making taries of Labor, Health and Human Services, SEC. 601. Not later than 45 days after the payments under the Head Start Act, for nec- and Education shall provide a detailed spend date of enactment of this division, the agen- essary expenses directly related to the con- cies receiving funds appropriated by this plan of anticipated uses of funds made avail- sequences of Hurricanes Florence and Mi- able in this title, including estimated per- title shall provide a detailed operating plan chael, Typhoon Mangkhut, Super Typhoon of anticipated uses of funds made available sonnel and administrative costs, to the Com- Yutu, and earthquakes and wildfires in 2018 mittees on Appropriations: Provided, That in this title by State and Territory, and by in those areas for which a major disaster or program, project, and activity, to the Com- such plans shall be updated and submitted to emergency has been declared under section the Committees on Appropriations every 60 mittees on Appropriations: Provided, That no 401 or 501 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster such funds shall be obligated before the oper- days until all funds are expended or expire. Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 TITLE VIII ating plans are provided to the Committees: U.S.C. 5170 and 5191): Provided, That none of LEGISLATIVE BRANCH Provided further, That such plans shall be up- the funds appropriated in this paragraph dated, including obligations to date, and sub- shall be included in the calculation of the GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY OFFICE mitted to the Committees on Appropriations ‘‘base grant’’ in subsequent fiscal years, as SALARIES AND EXPENSES every 60 days until all such funds are ex- such term is defined in sections 640(a)(7)(A), For an additional amount for ‘‘Salaries pended. 641A(h)(1)(B), or 645(d)(3) of the Head Start and Expenses’’, $10,000,000, to remain avail- TITLE VII Act: Provided further, That funds appro- able until expended, for audits and investiga- DEPARTMENT OF LABOR priated in this paragraph are not subject to tions related to Hurricanes Florence, Lane, EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING ADMINISTRATION the allocation requirements of section 640(a) and Michael, Typhoons Yutu and Mangkhut, of the Head Start Act: Provided further, That the calendar year 2018 wildfires, earth- TRAINING AND EMPLOYMENT SERVICES funds appropriated in this paragraph shall quakes, and volcano eruptions, and other dis- (INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS) not be available for costs that are reim- asters declared pursuant to the Robert T. For an additional amount for ‘‘Training bursed by the Federal Emergency Manage- Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency As- and Employment Services’’, $50,000,000, for ment Agency, under a contract for insur- sistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121 et seq.): Provided, the dislocated workers assistance national ance, or by self-insurance: Provided further, That, not later than 90 days after the date of reserve for necessary expenses directly re- That up to $2,000,000 shall be available for enactment of this division, the Government lated to the consequences of Hurricanes Federal administrative expenses: Provided Accountability Office shall submit to the Florence and Michael, Typhoon Mangkhut, further, That obligations incurred for the Committees on Appropriations of the House Super Typhoon Yutu, or earthquakes and purposes provided herein prior to the date of of Representatives and the Senate a spend wildfires occurring in calendar year 2018, to enactment of this Act may be charged to plan specifying funding estimates for audits remain available through September 30, 2020: funds appropriated under this heading: Pro- and investigations of any such declared dis- Provided, That the Secretary of Labor may vided further, That such amount is des- asters occurring in 2018 and identifying fund- transfer up to $1,000,000 of such funds to any ignated by the Congress as being for an ing estimates or carryover balances, if any, other Department of Labor account for re- emergency requirement pursuant to section that may be available for audits and inves- construction and recovery needs, including 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and tigations of any other such declared disas- worker protection activities: Provided fur- Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. ters: Provided further, That such amount is

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00116 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JA6.055 S24JAPT1 January 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S657 designated by the Congress as being for an DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS emergency requirement pursuant to section emergency requirement pursuant to section VETERANS HEALTH ADMINISTRATION 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. MEDICAL FACILITIES Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. (INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS) DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN TITLE IX DEVELOPMENT For an additional amount for ‘‘Medical Fa- DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE cilities’’, $3,000,000, to remain available until COMMUNITY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT MILITARY CONSTRUCTION, NAVY AND MARINE September 30, 2023, for necessary expenses re- COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FUND CORPS lated to the consequences of Hurricanes (INCLUDING TRANSFERS OF FUNDS) Florence and Michael and Typhoons For an additional amount for ‘‘Military For an additional amount for ‘‘Community Mangkhut and Yutu: Provided, That the Sec- Construction, Navy and Marine Corps’’, Development Fund’’, $1,060,000,000, to remain retary of Veterans Affairs, upon determina- $115,000,000, to remain available until Sep- available until expended, for necessary ex- tion that such action is necessary to address tember 30, 2023, for planning and design re- penses for activities authorized under title I needs as a result of the consequences of Hur- lated to the consequences of Hurricanes of the Housing and Community Development ricanes Florence and Michael and Typhoons Florence and Michael on Navy and Marine Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5301 et seq.) related to Mangkhut and Yutu, may transfer such Corps installations: Provided, That none of disaster relief, long-term recovery, restora- funds to any discretionary account of the the funds shall be available for obligation tion of infrastructure and housing, economic Department of Veterans Affairs: Provided fur- until the Committees on Appropriations of revitalization, and mitigation in the most ther, That before a transfer may take place, the House of Representatives and the Senate impacted and distressed areas resulting from the Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall sub- receive a master plan for the installations a major disaster that occurred in 2018 pursu- mit notice thereof to the Committee on Ap- and a form 1391 for each specific project: Pro- ant to the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief propriations of the House of Representatives vided further, That, not later than 60 days and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. and the Senate: Provided further, That none after enactment of this division, the Sec- 5121 et seq.): Provided, That funds shall be of these funds shall be available for obliga- retary of the Navy, or his designee, shall awarded directly to the State, unit of gen- tion until the Secretary of Veterans Affairs submit to the Committees on Appropriations eral local government, or Indian tribe (as submits to the Committees on Appropria- of the House of Representatives and the Sen- such term is defined in section 102 of the tions of the House of Representatives and ate a detailed expenditure plan for funds pro- Housing and Community Development Act of the Senate a detailed expenditure plan for vided under this heading: Provided further, 1974) at the discretion of the Secretary: Pro- funds provided under this heading: Provided That such amount is designated by the Con- vided further, That any funds made available further, That such amount is designated by gress as being for an emergency requirement under this heading and under the same head- the Congress as being for an emergency re- pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- ing in Public Law 115–254 that remain avail- quirement pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control able, after the funds under such headings of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Def- Act of 1985. have been allocated for necessary expenses icit Control Act of 1985. MILITARY CONSTRUCTION, AIR FORCE for activities authorized under such head- TITLE X ings, shall be allocated to grantees, for miti- For an additional amount for ‘‘Military DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION gation activities in the most impacted and Construction, Air Force’’, $700,000,000, to re- distressed areas resulting from a major dis- main available until September 30, 2023, for FEDERAL TRANSIT ADMINISTRATION aster that occurred in 2018: Provided further, planning and design, and construction ex- PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION EMERGENCY RELIEF That such allocations shall be made in the penses related to the consequences of Hurri- PROGRAM same proportion that the amount of funds cane Michael: Provided, That none of the For an additional amount for the ‘‘Public each grantee received under this division and funds shall be available for obligation until Transportation Emergency Relief Program’’ the same heading in division I of Public Law the Committees on Appropriations of the as authorized under section 5324 of title 49, 115–254 bears to the amount of all funds pro- House of Representatives and the Senate re- United States Code, $10,542,000 to remain vided to all grantees that received alloca- ceive a basing plan and future mission re- available until expended, for transit systems tions for disasters that occurred in 2018: Pro- quirements for installations significantly affected by major declared disasters occur- vided further, That of the amounts made damaged by Hurricane Michael: Provided fur- ring in calendar year 2018: Provided, That not available under the text preceding the first ther, That, not later than 60 days after enact- more than three-quarters of 1 percent of the proviso under this heading and under the ment of this division, the Secretary of the funds for public transportation emergency same heading in Public Law 115–254, the Sec- Air Force, or his designee, shall submit to relief shall be available for administrative retary shall allocate to all such grantees an the Committees on Appropriations of the expenses and ongoing program management aggregate amount not less than 33 percent of House of Representatives and the Senate a oversight as authorized under sections 5334 the sum of such amounts of funds within 120 detailed expenditure plan for funds provided and 5338(f)(2) of such title and shall be in ad- days after the enactment of this division under this heading: Provided further, That dition to any other appropriations for such based on the best available data, and shall such amount is designated by the Congress purpose: Provided further, That such amount allocate no less than 100 percent of such as being for an emergency requirement pur- is designated by the Congress as being for an funds by no later than 180 days after the en- suant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- emergency requirement pursuant to section actment of this division: Provided further, anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and That the Secretary shall not prohibit the use Act of 1985. Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. of funds made available under this heading MILITARY CONSTRUCTION, ARMY NATIONAL FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION and the same heading in Public Law 115–254 GUARD OPERATIONS for non-Federal share as authorized by sec- For an additional amount for ‘‘Military (AIRPORT AND AIRWAY TRUST FUND) tion 105(a)(9) of the Housing and Community Construction, Army National Guard’’, Of the amounts made available for ‘‘Fed- Development Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5305(a)(9)): $42,400,000, to remain available until Sep- eral Aviation Administration—Operations’’ Provided further, That of the amounts made tember 30, 2023, for necessary expenses re- in division B of the Bipartisan Budget Act of available under this heading, grantees may lated to the consequences of Hurricanes 2018 (Public Law 115–123), up to $18,000,000 establish grant programs to assist small Florence and Michael: Provided, That none of shall also be available for necessary expenses businesses for working capital purposes to the funds shall be available for obligation related to the consequences of major de- aid in recovery: Provided further, That as a until the Committees on Appropriations of clared disasters occurring in calendar year condition of making any grant, the Sec- the House of Representatives and the Senate 2018: Provided, That amounts repurposed retary shall certify in advance that such receive form 1391 for each specific request: under this heading that were previously des- grantee has in place proficient financial con- Provided further, That, not later than 60 days ignated by the Congress as an emergency re- trols and procurement processes and has es- after enactment of this division, the Director quirement pursuant to the Balanced Budget tablished adequate procedures to prevent of the Army National Guard, or his designee, and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 any duplication of benefits as defined by sec- shall submit to the Committees on Appro- are designated by the Congress as an emer- tion 312 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster priations of the House of Representatives gency requirement pursuant to section Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 and the Senate a detailed expenditure plan 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and U.S.C. 5155), to ensure timely expenditure of for funds provided under this heading: Pro- Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. funds, to maintain comprehensive websites vided further, That such funds may be obli- regarding all disaster recovery activities as- gated or expended for planning and design FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION sisted with these funds, and to detect and and military construction projects not oth- EMERGENCY RELIEF PROGRAM prevent waste, fraud, and abuse of funds: Pro- erwise authorized by law: Provided further, For an additional amount for the Emer- vided further, That with respect to any such That such amount is designated by the Con- gency Relief Program as authorized under duplication of benefits, the Secretary shall gress as being for an emergency requirement section 125 of title 23, United States Code, act in accordance with section 1210 of Public pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- $1,650,000,000, to remain available until ex- Law 115–254 (132 Stat. 3442) and section 312 of anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control pended: Provided, That such amount is des- the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Act of 1985. ignated by the Congress as being for an Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5155):

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00117 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JA6.055 S24JAPT1 S658 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 24, 2019 Provided further, That the Secretary shall re- diately approve the release of funds for an lishes the Federal Register Notice imple- quire grantees to maintain on a public activity or project assisted under this head- menting this provision, grantees may submit website information containing common re- ing if the recipient has adopted an environ- for HUD approval revised plans for the use of porting criteria established by the Depart- mental review, approval or permit under the funds related to Hurricane Matthew that ex- ment that permits individuals and entities preceding proviso or the activity or project pand the eligible beneficiaries of existing awaiting assistance and the general public to is categorically excluded from review under programs contained in such previously ap- see how all grant funds are used, including the National Environmental Policy Act of proved plans to include those impacted by copies of all relevant procurement docu- 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.): Provided further, Hurricane Florence. Approval of any such re- ments, grantee administrative contracts and That the Secretary shall publish via notice vised plans shall include the execution of re- details of ongoing procurement processes, as in the Federal Register any waiver, or alter- vised grant terms and conditions as nec- determined by the Secretary: Provided fur- native requirement, to any statute or regula- essary. Once the implementing Notice is ther, That prior to the obligation of funds a tion that the Secretary administers pursu- published, any additional action plan revi- grantee shall submit a plan to the Secretary ant to title I of the Housing and Community sions shall follow the requirements con- for approval detailing the proposed use of all Development Act of 1974 no later than 5 days tained therein. funds, including criteria for eligibility and before the effective date of such waiver or al- (b) Amounts made available for adminis- how the use of these funds will address long- ternative requirement: Provided further, That trative costs for activities authorized under term recovery and restoration of infrastruc- of the amounts made available under this title I of the Housing and Community Devel- ture and housing, economic revitalization, heading, up to $5,000,000 shall be made avail- opment Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5301 et seq.) re- and mitigation in the most impacted and dis- able for capacity building and technical as- lated to disaster relief, long-term recovery, tressed areas: Provided further, That such sistance, including assistance on contracting restoration of infrastructure and housing, funds may not be used for activities reim- and procurement processes, to support economic revitalization, and mitigation in bursed by, or for which funds have been made States, units of general local government, or the most impacted and distressed areas available by, the Federal Emergency Man- Indian tribes (and their subrecipients) that under this division or any future Act, and agement Agency or the Army Corps of Engi- receive allocations pursuant to this heading, amounts previously provided under section neers, in excess of the authorized amount of received disaster recovery allocations under 420 of division L of Public Law 114–113, sec- the project or its components: Provided fur- the same heading in Public Law 115–254, or tion 145 of division C of Public Law 114–223, ther, That funds allocated under this heading may receive similar allocations for disaster section 192 of division C of Public Law 114– shall not be considered relevant to the non- recovery in future appropriations Acts: Pro- 223 (as added by section 101(3) of division A of disaster formula allocations made pursuant vided further, That of the amounts made Public Law 114–254), section 421 of division K to section 106 of the Housing and Community available under this heading and under the of Public Law 115–31, and under the heading Development Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5306): Pro- same heading in Public Law 115–254, up to ‘‘Department of Housing and Urban Develop- vided further, That a State, unit of general $2,500,000 shall be transferred, in aggregate, ment—Community Planning and Develop- local government, or Indian tribe may use up to ‘‘Department of Housing and Urban Devel- ment—Community Development Fund’’ of to 5 percent of its allocation for administra- opment—Program Office Salaries and Ex- division B of Public Law 115–56, Public Law tive costs: Provided further, That the first penses—Community Planning and Develop- 115–123, and Public Law 115–254, shall be proviso under this heading in the Supple- ment’’ for necessary costs, including infor- available for eligible administrative costs of mental Appropriations for Disaster Relief mation technology costs, of administering the grantee related to any disaster relief Requirements Act, 2018 (division I of Public and overseeing the obligation and expendi- funding identified in this subsection without Law 115–254) is amended by striking ‘‘State ture of amounts under this heading: Provided regard to the particular disaster appropria- or unit of general local government’’ and in- further, That the amount specified in the pre- tion from which such funds originated. serting ‘‘State, unit of general local govern- (c) The additional uses pursuant to this ceding proviso shall be combined with funds ment, or Indian tribe (as such term is defined section for amounts that were previously appropriated under the same heading and for in section 102 of the Housing and Community designated by the Congress, respectively, as the same purpose in Public Law 115–254 and Development Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5302))’’: an emergency requirement or as being for the aggregate of such amounts shall be avail- Provided further, That the sixth proviso disaster relief pursuant to the Balanced able for any of the same such purposes speci- under this heading in the Supplemental Ap- Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act fied under this heading or the same heading propriations for Disaster Relief Require- are designated by the Congress as being for in Public Law 115–254 without limitation: ments Act, 2018 (division I of Public Law 115– an emergency requirement pursuant to sec- Provided further, That such amount is des- 254) is amended by striking ‘‘State or sub- tion 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget ignated by the Congress as being for an division thereof’’ and inserting ‘‘State, unit and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 or emergency requirement pursuant to section of general local government, or Indian tribe as being for disaster relief pursuant to sec- 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and (as such term is defined in section 102 of the tion 251(b)(2)(D) of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. Housing and Community Development Act of Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. GENERAL PROVISION—THIS TITLE 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5302))’’: Provided further, That TITLE XI in administering the funds under this head- SEC. 1001. (a) Amounts previously made GENERAL PROVISION—THIS DIVISION ing, the Secretary of Housing and Urban De- available for activities authorized under velopment may waive, or specify alternative title I of the Housing and Community Devel- SEC. 1101. Each amount designated in this requirements for, any provision of any stat- opment Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5301 et seq.) re- division by the Congress as being for an ute or regulation that the Secretary admin- lated to disaster relief, long-term recovery, emergency requirement pursuant to section isters in connection with the obligation by restoration of infrastructure and housing, 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and the Secretary or the use by the recipient of economic revitalization, and mitigation in Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 shall these funds (except for requirements related the most impacted and distressed areas re- be available (or rescinded or transferred, if to fair housing, nondiscrimination, labor sulting from a major disaster, including applicable) only if the President subse- standards, and the environment), if the Sec- funds provided under section 145 of division C quently so designates all such amounts and retary finds that good cause exists for the of Public Law 114–223, section 192 of division transmits such designations to the Congress. waiver or alternative requirement and such C of Public Law 114–223 (as added by section This division may be cited as the ‘‘Addi- waiver or alternative requirement would not 101(3) of division A of Public Law 114–254), tional Supplemental Appropriations for Dis- be inconsistent with the overall purpose of section 421 of division K of Public Law 115–31, aster Relief, 2019’’. title I of the Housing and Community Devel- and any mitigation funding provided under opment Act of 1974: Provided further, That, the heading ‘‘Department of Housing and SA 53. Mr. CARDIN (for himself, Mr. notwithstanding the preceding proviso, re- Urban Development—Community Planning GRAHAM, Mr. VAN HOLLEN, Ms. COL- cipients of funds provided under this heading and Development—Community Development LINS, Mr. WARNER, Mr. KAINE, Mr. that use such funds to supplement Federal Fund’’ of Public Law 115–123, that were allo- COONS, Mr. KING, Ms. MURKOWSKI, Mr. assistance provided under section 402, 403, cated in response to Hurricane Matthew, ISAKSON, and Mr. GARDNER) submitted 404, 406, 407, 408 (c)(4), or 502 of the Robert T. may be used interchangeably and without an amendment intended to be proposed Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency As- limitation for the same activities in the by him to the bill H.R. 268, making sistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121 et seq.) may most impacted and distressed areas related adopt, without review or public comment, to Hurricane Florence. In addition, any supplemental appropriations for the any environmental review, approval, or per- funds provided under the heading ‘‘Depart- fiscal year ending September 30, 2019, mit performed by a Federal agency, and such ment of Housing and Urban Development— and for other purposes; which was or- adoption shall satisfy the responsibilities of Community Planning and Development— dered to lie on the table; as follows: the recipient with respect to such environ- Community Development Fund’’ in this divi- Strike all after the enacting clause and in- mental review, approval or permit: Provided sion or in division I of Public Law 115–254 sert the following: further, That, notwithstanding section that are allocated in response to Hurricane SEC. 101. The Continuing Appropriations 104(g)(2) of the Housing and Community De- Florence may be used interchangeably and Act, 2019 (division C of Public Law 115–245) is velopment Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5304(g)(2)), without limitation for the same activities in further amended— the Secretary may, upon receipt of a request the most impacted and distressed areas re- (1) by striking the date specified in section for release of funds and certification, imme- lated to Hurricane Matthew. Until HUD pub- 105(3) and inserting ‘‘February 15, 2019’’; and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 Jan 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00118 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JA6.055 S24JAPT1 January 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S659 (2) by adding after section 136 the fol- proceed to the consideration of S. Res. There being no objection, the Senate, lowing: 28, submitted earlier today. at 7:36 p.m., recessed until Friday, Jan- ‘‘SEC. 137. Amounts made available in this The PRESIDING OFFICER. The uary 25, 2019, at noon. Act for personnel pay, allowances, and bene- fits in each department and agency shall be clerk will report the resolution by f available for obligations incurred pursuant title. to 31 U.S.C. 1341. The legislative clerk read as follows: NOMINATIONS ‘‘SEC. 138. All obligations incurred and in A resolution (S. Res. 28) recognizing Janu- Executive nominations received by anticipation of the appropriations made and ary 2019 as ‘‘National Mentoring Month.’’ the Senate: authority granted by this Act for the pur- poses of maintaining the essential level of The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there DEPARTMENT OF STATE activity to protect life and property and objection to proceeding to the meas- KEITH KRACH, OF CALIFORNIA, TO BE AN UNDER SEC- bringing about orderly termination of Gov- ure? RETARY OF STATE (ECONOMIC GROWTH, ENERGY, AND THE ENVIRONMENT), VICE CATHERINE ANN NOVELLI, RE- ernment function, and for purposes as other- There being no objection, the Senate SIGNED. wise authorized by law, are hereby ratified proceeded to consider the resolution. EUROPEAN BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND and approved if otherwise in accord with the Mr. RUBIO. I ask unanimous consent DEVELOPMENT provisions of this Act. that the resolution be agreed to, the ‘‘SEC. 139. (a) If a State (or another Federal KEITH KRACH, OF CALIFORNIA, TO BE UNITED STATES grantee) used State funds (or the grantee’s preamble be agreed to, and the motions ALTERNATE GOVERNOR OF THE EUROPEAN BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT, VICE ROBERT D. non-Federal funds) to continue carrying out to reconsider be considered made and HORMATS, RESIGNED. a Federal program or furloughed State em- laid upon the table with no intervening INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION ployees (or the grantee’s employees) whose action or debate. AND DEVELOPMENT compensation is advanced or reimbursed in The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without whole or in part by the Federal Govern- objection, it is so ordered. KEITH KRACH, OF CALIFORNIA, TO BE UNITED STATES ment— ALTERNATE GOVERNOR OF THE INTERNATIONAL BANK The resolution (S. Res. 28) was agreed FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT FOR A TERM ‘‘(1) such furloughed employees shall be OF FIVE YEARS; UNITED STATES ALTERNATE GOVERNOR compensated at their standard rate of com- to. OF THE INTER–AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK FOR A The preamble was agreed to. TERM OF FIVE YEARS, VICE CATHERINE ANN NOVELLI, pensation for such period; RESIGNED. ‘‘(2) the State (or such other grantee) shall (The resolution, with its preamble, is DEPARTMENT OF STATE be reimbursed for expenses that would have printed in today’s RECORD under ‘‘Sub- been paid by the Federal Government during mitted Resolutions.’’) ROBERT K. SCOTT, OF MARYLAND, A CAREER MEMBER such period had appropriations been avail- OF THE SENIOR FOREIGN SERVICE, CLASS OF COUN- f SELOR, TO BE AMBASSADOR EXTRAORDINARY AND able, including the cost of compensating PLENIPOTENTIARY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA such furloughed employees, together with in- MEASURES READ THE FIRST TO THE REPUBLIC OF MALAWI. terest thereon calculated under section TIME—H.R. 648, H.J. RES. 28, AND THE JUDICIARY 6503(d) of title 31, United States Code; and H.J. RES. 31 JAMES A. CROWELL IV, OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUM- ‘‘(3) the State (or such other grantee) may BIA, TO BE AN ASSOCIATE JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR use funds available to the State (or the Mr. RUBIO. Mr. President, I under- COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA FOR THE TERM stand that there are three bills at the OF FIFTEEN YEARS, VICE BRIAN F. HOLEMAN, RETIRED. grantee) under such Federal program to re- JASON PARK, OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, TO BE imburse such State (or the grantee), to- desk, and I ask for their first reading AN ASSOCIATE JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE gether with interest thereon calculated en bloc. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA FOR THE TERM OF FIFTEEN under section 6503(d) of title 31, United The PRESIDING OFFICER. The YEARS, VICE JOHN MCADAM MOTT, RETIRED. States Code. clerk will read the titles of the bills for IN THE AIR FORCE ‘‘(b) For purposes of this section, the term the first time en bloc. THE FOLLOWING NAMED AIR NATIONAL GUARD OF THE ‘State’ and the term ‘grantee’ shall have the UNITED STATES OFFICER FOR APPOINTMENT IN THE RE- meaning as such term is defined under the The senior assistant legislative clerk SERVE OF THE AIR FORCE TO THE GRADE INDICATED UNDER TITLE 10, U.S.C., SECTIONS 12203 AND 12212: applicable Federal program under subsection read as follows: (a). In addition, ‘to continue carrying out a A bill (H.R. 648) making appropriations for To be brigadier general Federal program’ means the continued per- the fiscal year ending September 30, 2019, and COL. TIMOTHY J. DONNELLAN formance by a State or other Federal grant- for other purposes. THE FOLLOWING NAMED AIR NATIONAL GUARD OF THE ee, during the period of a lapse in appropria- A bill (H.J. Res. 28) making further con- UNITED STATES OFFICER FOR APPOINTMENT IN THE RE- SERVE OF THE AIR FORCE TO THE GRADE INDICATED tions, of a Federal program that the State or tinuing appropriations for fiscal year 2019, UNDER TITLE 10, U.S.C., SECTIONS 12203 AND 12212: such other grantee had been carrying out and for other purposes. prior to the period of the lapse in appropria- A bill (H.J. Res. 31) making further con- To be brigadier general tions. tinuing appropriations for the Department of COL. STEPHEN J. MALLETTE ‘‘(c) The authority under this section ap- Homeland Security for fiscal year 2019, and THE FOLLOWING NAMED OFFICER FOR APPOINTMENT plies with respect to any period in fiscal year for other purposes. TO THE GRADE INDICATED IN THE UNITED STATES AIR 2019 (not limited to periods beginning or end- FORCE UNDER TITLE 10, U.S.C., SECTION 624: ing after the date of the enactment of this Mr. RUBIO. Mr. President, I now ask To be lieutenant colonel Act) during which there occurs a lapse in ap- for a second reading, and I object to my JASON D. HOSKINS propriations with respect to any department own request, all en bloc. THE FOLLOWING NAMED OFFICERS FOR APPOINTMENT or agency of the Federal Government which, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- TO THE GRADE INDICATED IN THE UNITED STATES AIR but for such lapse in appropriations, would tion having been heard, the bills will FORCE UNDER TITLE 10, U.S.C., SECTION 624: have paid, or made reimbursement relating receive their second reading on the To be major to, any of the expenses referred to in this next legislative day. NANCY E. COSTA section with respect to the program in- ALEXANDER O. KIRKPATRICK volved. Payments and reimbursements under f THE FOLLOWING NAMED OFFICER FOR APPOINTMENT this authority shall be made only to the ex- ORDERS FOR FRIDAY, JANUARY TO THE GRADE INDICATED IN THE UNITED STATES AIR tent and in amounts provided in advance in FORCE UNDER TITLE 10, U.S.C., SECTION 624: appropriations Acts.’’. 25, 2019 To be major SEC. 102. For the purposes of division C of Mr. RUBIO. Mr. President, I ask SAIPRASAD M. ZEMSE Public Law 115–245, the time covered by such unanimous consent that when the Sen- THE FOLLOWING NAMED OFFICERS FOR APPOINTMENT division shall be considered to include the ate completes its business today, it re- TO THE GRADE INDICATED IN THE RESERVE OF THE AIR period which began on or about December 22, FORCE UNDER TITLE 10, U.S.C., SECTION 12203: 2018, during which there occurred a lapse in cess until 12 noon, Friday, January 25, To be colonel 2019; and, further, that following the appropriations. JEFFREY WAYNE AKIN SEC. 103. Subsection (c)(2) of section 1341 of prayer and pledge, the time for the two KENNETH D. ALDERMAN title 31, United States Code, is amended by leaders be reserved for their use later ANEEL M. ALVARES inserting ‘‘, and subject to the enactment of JOEY D. ANGELES in the day. BRYAN J. BAILEY appropriations Acts ending the lapse’’ before The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without RICARDO T. BAKER the period. LEWIS M. BALLARD This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Further Ad- objection, it is so ordered. JAMES L. BALLAS, JR. f CAROLINE S. BERROYER ditional Continuing Appropriations Act, MATTHEW W. BIANCHINI 2019’’. UNTIL TOMORROW CHAD R. W. BIEHL f ERIC R. BIPPERT Mr. RUBIO. Mr. President, if there is ELIZABETH KENT BLANCHFORD DAVID J. BOCCHINO NATIONAL MENTORING MONTH no further business to come before the MICHAEL J. BOOMSMA Senate, I ask that it stand in recess MONICA KAY BORDEN Mr. RUBIO. Mr. President, I ask ROBIN LEIGH BOWMAN unanimous consent that the Senate under the previous order. BRIAN EUGENE BURR


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N O T I C E Incomplete record of Senate proceedings. Today’s Senate proceedings will be continued in the next issue of the Record.

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