MISSION Our mission is to provide independent, relevant, and timely oversight of the Department of Defense that supports the warfighter; promotes accountability, integrity, and efficiency; advises the Secretary of Defense and Congress; and informs the public.

VISION Our vision is to be a model oversight organization in the Federal Government by leading change, speaking truth, and promoting excellence—a diverse organization, working together as one professional team, recognized as leaders in our field.

Fraud, Waste, & Abuse HOTLINE Department of Defense|800.424.9098




July 11, 2017

MEMORANDUM FOR SECRETARY OF DEFENSE SUBJECT: Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense

The DoD Office of Inspector General (DoD OIG) is issuing this Compendium of Open Recommendations (Compendium) to the DoD and Congress. The DoD OIG conducts independent audits and evaluations of DoD programs and operations. These reports often include recommendations for improvement or corrective actions that, if implemented, could enable the DoD to reduce costs, realize monetary benefits, and improve performance and efficiency. The DoD OIG regularly follows up on open recommendations to determine the status of corrective actions. This Compendium summarizes all recommendations we issued to DoD Components that remained open as of March 31, 2017. As of March 31, 2017, there were 1,298 open recommendations that were issued to 46 DoD Components in 288 DoD OIG audit and evaluation reports. DoD management agreed to take corrective actions on 1,251 of those recommendations. For the remaining 47 open recommendations, the DoD OIG and DoD Components have not agreed on an acceptable corrective action that meets the intent of the recommendation. Of the 1,298 open recommendations, 58 have associated potential monetary benefits. If the DoD Components implemented all 58 recommendations, DoD could save $33.6 billion. The DoD OIG will continue to track open recommendations and engage with DoD senior managers who are responsible for resolving disagreements and implementing corrective actions. Until disagreements are resolved and corrective actions are completed, these recommendations will remain open. In addition, through this report, the OIG’s Semiannual Reports to Congress, and other reports, the DoD OIG intends to keep the heads of DoD Components and Congress informed about the status of the DoD’s actions toward reaching a resolution on unresolved recommendations and the progress on completing agreed-to corrective actions. We will also provide reports to you, the Deputy Secretary of Defense, and DoD Component leadership listing open and unresolved recommendations on a semiannual basis. If you have questions about the Compendium, please contact me or have your staff contact , at .

Glenn A. Fine Acting Inspector General


4 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY



BACKGROUND ON OIG FOLLOWUP PROCESS...... 3 Policy for OIG Followup Process on Recommendations...... 3 Recommendation Followup Process ...... 4 SUMMARY OF OPEN RECOMMENDATIONS...... 7

CHAPTER 1. HIGH‑PRIORITY OPEN RECOMMENDATIONS...... 15 CHAPTER 2. REPORTS WITH REMAINING UNCOLLECTED POTENTIAL MONETARY BENEFITS...... 77 TABLE: Uncollected Potential Monetary Benefits...... 79 CHAPTER 3. REPORTS WITH UNRESOLVED RECOMMENDATIONS ...... 97 TABLE: Unresolved Recommendations...... 111 APPENDIX A. ALL OPEN RECOMMENDATIONS AS OF MARCH 31, 2017...... 127 Deputy Secretary of Defense...... 128 Department of the Army...... 130 Department of the Navy...... 194 U.S. Marine Corps...... 234 Department of the Air Force...... 241 ...... 278 Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics...... 283 Under Secretary of Defense for Policy...... 305 Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)...... 310 Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness...... 319 Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence...... 335 DoD Deputy Chief Management Officer...... 341 ...... 342 U.S. Pacific Command ...... 346 U.S. European Command...... 347 U.S. Southern Command ...... 348 U.S. Central Command...... 349 U.S. Special Operations Command...... 358 U.S. Transportation Command...... 366 U.S. Northern Command ...... 369 U.S. Strategic Command...... 370

4 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense i



U.S. Africa Command...... 371 U.S. Cyber Command...... 372 DoD Office of the General Counsel...... 373 Director of Operational Test and Evaluation...... 374 DoD Chief Information Officer...... 375 Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs...... 377 Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense and Global Security...... 386 Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low Intensity Conflict...... 388 Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs...... 388 ...... 389 Defense Threat Reduction Agency...... 391 Defense Information Systems Agency...... 394 National Reconnaissance Office...... 396 Defense Intelligence Agency...... 397 ...... 399 Defense Contract Audit Agency...... 412 Defense Security Cooperation Agency...... 413 ...... 414 Defense Commissary Agency...... 415 Defense Finance and Accounting Service...... 416 National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency...... 428 Defense Contract Management Agency...... 429 Defense Criminal Investigative Service...... 437 F‑35 Joint Program Office...... 438 Single Audit Act...... 441 Classified...... 443 APPENDIX B. SECRET OPEN RECOMMENDATIONS...... 449


ii Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


INTRODUCTION According to the Inspector General Act, the DoD Office of Inspector General (DoD OIG) serves as an independent and objective office in the DoD. Our mission is to detect and deter waste, fraud, and abuse, and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of DoD programs and operations.

As part of this mission, the DoD OIG conducts independent audits and evaluations of DoD programs and operations, which often contain recommendations to improve program management. The DoD OIG also issues recommendations and pursues cases to address fraud, abuse, mismanagement, and waste of DoD funds.

The DoD OIG tracks the status of recommendations made in audit and evaluation reports to ensure that management actions are taken to implement the report’s agreed-upon recommendations. Timely implementation of agreed-upon corrective actions is critical for DoD Components to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of DoD programs and operations, as well as to achieve integrity and accountability goals, reduce costs, manage risks, realize monetary benefits, and improve management processes.

The purpose of this Compendium is to summarize DoD OIG recommendations issued to DoD Components that remained open as of March 31, 2017. An open recommendation is a recommendation made in a previously issued DoD OIG report for which corrective actions have not been completed.

ii Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 1



This Compendium lists the number, type, age, and status of 1,298 open recommendations, including related monetary benefits, addressed to its components.

We highlight 30 high‑priority open recommendations that we believe, if implemented, have the potential to result in significant cost savings and improvements to DoD program efficiency and effectiveness. We provide, in each write‑up of the open recommendations, an overview of the DoD OIG project that produced the recommendations and why they are important. The write‑ups also summarize actions agreed‑to and taken by the DoD in response to each recommendation, and a description of information required to close each recommendation.

This Compendium also includes 58 recommendations made in OIG reports that identified potential monetary benefits the DoD could achieve based on management implementation of these recommendations. The 58 recommendations had a total of $33.6 billion in potential monetary benefits.

In addition, the Compendium identifies 47 recommendations that remain unresolved because the DoD Components have not agreed to implement or have not proposed corrective action to resolve the deficiencies identified in the associated findings.

We did not include classified information in this Compendium. Rather, information on classified open recommendations is presented in separate classified Appendixes B and C, which will be provided to appropriate officials in the DoD and congressional committees.

We believe that DoD senior managers should focus attention on the 1,298 open recommendations and ensure that prompt resolution and action is taken, as required by DoD Instruction 7650.03, “Follow‑up on Government Accountability Office (GAO), Inspector General of the Department of Defense (IG DoD), and Internal Audit Reports,” December 18, 2014.

2 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


BACKGROUND ON OIG FOLLOWUP PROCESS DoD management and the DoD OIG share the responsibility to follow up on recommendations. DoD managers are responsible for implementing recommendations promptly. At the same time, the DoD OIG follows up to assess whether the agreed‑upon corrective action is taken and meets the intent of the recommendation.

Policy for OIG Followup Process on Recommendations The Inspector General Act of 1978 requires the DoD OIG to conduct independent audits and evaluations of agency programs and operations.

Public Law 104‑106, “National Defense Authorization Act for FY 1996,” (NDAA) requires the Secretary of Defense to make management decisions on all DoD OIG findings and audit recommendations within a maximum of 6 months after the issuance of an audit report. The Act also requires the Secretary of Defense to complete final action on each DoD management decision within 12 months after the report issuance. If action is not completed within 12 months, the DoD OIG must identify the overdue actions in its Semiannual Report to the Congress until final action on the DoD management decision is completed.

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A‑50 Revised, “Audit Follow‑Up,” defines followup as an integral part of good management and a shared responsibility between agency management officials and auditors.

2 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 3


Moreover, according to the Circular, implementation of OIG recommendations in a timely manner is essential to the DoD improving efficiency and effectiveness of programs and operations, as well as achieving integrity and accountability goals, reducing costs, managing risks, and improving management processes. The Circular requires each agency to establish systems to assure the prompt and proper resolution and implementation of audit recommendations, and it also requires that resolution be made within a maximum of 6 months after issuance of a final report.

Resolution for most audits and evaluations is defined as the point at which the DoD OIG and agency management or contracting officials agree on the action to be taken in response to the findings and recommendations.

DoD Instruction 7650.03, “Follow‑up on Government Accountability Office (GAO), Inspector General of the Department of Defense (IG DoD), and Internal Audit Reports,” requires the DoD OIG to evaluate corrective actions taken by DoD Components on DoD OIG reports. The Instruction states that the DoD OIG oversees and coordinates followup programs within the DoD and that heads of DoD Components will work with the DoD OIG to resolve disagreements between their respective DoD Components and the DoD OIG. Disagreements that may not be resolved at a lower management level can be submitted to the Deputy Secretary of Defense for decision.

Recommendation Followup Process Before a DoD OIG audit or evaluation report is completed, the DoD OIG solicits the views of the responsible DoD officials, referred to as DoD management, regarding the report’s findings, conclusions, and recommendations. DoD management is asked to provide written comments to the formal draft report, normally within 30 days of the draft report issue date. These written comments should indicate whether DoD management agrees or disagrees with each finding and recommendation in the report; describe and provide the completion dates for corrective actions taken or planned; explain specific reasons for each disagreement; and propose alternative actions, if appropriate. The DoD OIG also requests that DoD management comment on the potential monetary benefits identified in the report.

4 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


The DoD OIG reviews management comments to ensure that they adequately address the report’s recommendations. The DoD OIG uses the following categories to describe the management’s comments to individual recommendations.

• Unresolved – Management has not agreed to implement the recommendation or has not proposed actions that will address the recommendation. • Resolved – Management had agreed to implement the recommendation or has proposed alternative actions that will adequately address the underlying finding that generated the recommendation. • Closed – The DoD OIG has verified that the agreed upon corrective actions were implemented.

If DoD management agrees with the recommendations in the report, it should also provide information on the corrective actions that have been taken or are planned to be taken to implement the recommendation, and it should include estimated completion dates that will address the recommendations. The DoD OIG then assesses the corrective actions taken or proposed corrective actions and determines if they sufficiently meet the intent of the recommendations. Specifically, in the final report, the DoD OIG evaluates and summarizes the DoD management response to each finding and recommendation, and provides a response to management’s comments, including its comments on the recommendations.

After the DoD OIG categorizes each recommendation as unresolved, resolved, or closed, the final report is placed in the followup process. In this process, the DoD OIG monitors the status of DoD management actions to implement corrective actions.

To monitor the followup process and track the implementation status of recommendations, the DoD OIG records and maintains the status of recommendations in the Defense Automated Management Information System (DAMIS). The DoD OIG periodically requests updates from DoD management on the implementation status of open recommendations and reports data related to open recommendations in the OIG’s Semiannual Report to the Congress.

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Recommendations are generally closed only after the DoD OIG has either reviewed information or supporting documentation provided by DoD management and concluded that all agreed‑upon corrective actions have been completed or performed field verification to verify that the stated corrective actions were taken.

However, if DoD management has not agreed to implement the recommendations or has not proposed alternative actions that will address the recommendations, then the recommendations are considered unresolved and remain open. For example, when DoD management disagrees with the recommendation or comments do not provide a complete response, the DoD OIG may request additional comments in the final report and coordinate with DoD management to address the missing information.

Generally, DoD management is requested to provide additional written comments to the final report within 30 days of the final report issue date. If DoD management does not provide comments to the final report, disagrees with the recommendations, or its comments do not fully address the recommendations, the DoD OIG will start the resolution process and elevate the recommendation through multiple levels of management, as necessary. Ultimately, any unresolved recommendation can be elevated to the Deputy Secretary of Defense (or other levels of Office of the Secretary of Defense management below the Deputy Secretary) if resolution is not reached. Resolution of recommendations is generally achieved at lower levels of management. However, the Deputy Secretary has final decision making authority on unresolved issues and the decision is binding on all parties involved.

In addition to the report followup process described above, the DoD OIG conducts followup audits and evaluations. The purpose of these projects is to verify that corrective action has actually occurred, as agreed to in the DoD management response to the draft and final reports or during the resolution process, and to determine whether the problems identified in the findings still exist. The DoD OIG typically dedicates 10 percent of projects in its oversight plan to followup reviews.

6 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


SUMMARY OF OPEN RECOMMENDATIONS As of March 31, 2017, there were 1,298 open recommendations from OIG reports, with the age of the open recommendations shown in Figure 1.1,2

Figure 1. Number of Open Recommendations as of March 31, 2017

Source: The DoD OIG.

1 For tracking purposes, recommendations made to multiple components are split into individual recommendations for each component. For example, a recommendation made to the Army, Navy, and Air Force would equate to three recommendations for tracking purposes. 2 Of the 1,298 recommendations, 103 are classified and listed in Appendixes B and C.

6 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 7


Of the 1,298 open recommendations, DoD management has agreed to take corrective actions on 1,251 recommendations. The remaining 47 open recommendations are considered unresolved until the DoD OIG and DoD Components reach an agreement on the report recommendation and the planned corrective actions to implement or address those recommendations. The DoD could achieve $33.6 billion in potential monetary benefits by implementing 58 of the 1,298 recommendations.

We analyzed 27 recommendations that were more than 5 years old to identify trends in these old recommendations. Of the 27 recommendations, we found that:

• 9 were directed to the Army; • 10 were in the area of acquisition; • 12 pertained to updating and revising guidance, policies, and regulations;3 and • 5 recommendations had associated potential monetary benefits.

The 1,298 open recommendations were issued to 46 DoD Components through 288 reports. Figure 2 presents the five DoD Components with the most open recommendations. These five components collectively have 733 open recommendations, which represent 56 percent of all open recommendations.

3 Recommendations that involve revising guidance and realizing monetary benefits often take several years to implement.

8 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Figure 2. DoD Components With the Most Open Recommendations (Data current as of March 31, 2017)





Source: The DoD OIG.


USD(AT&L) Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics USD(P&R) Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness

8 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 9


Recommendations made in DoD OIG reports cover a variety of topics but can be categorized into 10 functional areas:

Acquisition Programs. The formulation and oversight of contracting strategies that support the procurement of defense acquisition programs, automated information systems, and special interest projects for the DoD. There are 245 open recommendations in this functional area, related to issues such as support for the procurement of weapon systems and automated information systems; fair and reasonable contract pricing; and contracting practices that support compliance with the Berry Amendment and Buy American Act.4

Logistics. The planning and carrying out of the movement and maintenance of military forces. The aspects or military operations that deal with the design, development, acquisition, storage, distribution, maintenance, evacuation, and disposition of material; transportation of personnel; acquisition or construction, maintenance, operation, and disposition of facilities; acquisition or furnishing of services; and medical and health support. There are 230 open recommendations in this functional area related to issues such as management of (distribution, storage, and disposal) excess materiel and spare parts; maintenance and sustainment of military systems; U.S. and coalition plans and efforts to train, advise, assist, and equip Afghan and Iraqi forces; and transportation and housing of military personnel.

Finance and Accounting. The process of reporting on and oversight of DoD’s financial transactions resulting from its operations. This functional area includes the distribution and control of DoD funds; tracking of costs and obligations; management of purchase and travel cards; and support of essential accounting systems. There are 172 open recommendations in this functional area related to issues such as management of DoD suspense accounts; transactions that support financial statements and budget submissions; management of travel card programs; and DoD financial management and accounting systems.

4 The Berry Amendment is a statutory requirement that requires the DoD to give preference in procurement to domestically produced, manufactured, or home‑grown products, most notably food, clothing, fabrics, and metals. The Buy American Act requires, with certain exceptions, that only articles, materials, and supplies that have been mined, produced, or manufactured in the United Stated are used to fulfill Federal procurement and construction contracts.

10 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Information Technology Resources. The use of any equipment or system for storing, retrieving, controlling, and sending information. This functional area includes protection of the information transmitted and related resources, such as personnel, equipment, funds, and any system or subsystem. There are 146 open recommendations in this functional area related to issues such as physical access and general application controls of DoD information technology systems; cybersecurity and protection against cyberattacks on critical infrastructure; DoD use of cloud computing services; and the consolidation of DoD components’ data centers.

Intelligence. The intelligence products resulting from the collection, processing, evaluation, analysis, and interpretation of available information concerning national security issues, foreign nations, hostile or potentially hostile forces or elements, or military operations. There are 135 open recommendations in this functional area related to issues such as over classification of national security information; U.S. intelligence sharing with coalition partners; protection and evacuation of U.S. embassies and U.S. citizens; intelligence training for Afghan forces; and DoD personnel security clearance processing.

Contractor Oversight. The oversight and integration of contractor personnel and associated equipment providing support to DoD operations. This functional area includes efforts to ensure that supplies and services are delivered in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract. There are 131 open recommendations in this functional area related to issues such as assessment of contractor performance through performance assessment reports; management of energy savings performance contracts; cost‑reimbursement contract issuance; and management and identification of defective spare parts.

Health Care and Morale. The measures to improve or maintain the mental and physical well‑being of DoD personnel and their families to enable a healthy and fit force, prevent injury and illness, and protect individuals from health hazards. This functional area includes healthcare, and morale, welfare, and recreation support services that meet the needs and improve quality of life of DoD personnel and their dependents. There are 114 open recommendations related to issues such as health care costs, DoD Suicide Event Report data quality assessment; the Rights of Conscience protection for service members and their chaplains; retirement home inspections; and delinquent medical service claims.

10 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 11


Construction and Installation Support. The management and oversight of military installations worldwide. This functional area includes the construction, alteration, conversion, or extension of military installations. There are 60 open recommendations in this functional area related to issues such as controls over the requirements development process for military construction projects; health, safety and fire protection deficiencies in DoD facilities and military housing inspections; and the management of relocatable buildings.

Environment. The management of environmental resources or programs that may affect the planning and execution of military operations. This functional area includes the protection of natural resources on military installations. There are nine open recommendations in this functional area related to issues such as the operation, maintenance, and structural stability of DoD dams; development and implementation of integrated natural resource management plans on DoD installations; and award and administration of the Army Utility Energy Services Contracts.

Seabee technicians from the Mobile Utilities Support Equipment Division, an all enlisted division, of the Naval Facilities Engineering and Expeditionary Warfare Center, provides interim energy independence for U.S. Naval Vessels, critical infrastructures, and facilities throughout the Department of Defense

Photo: U.S. Navy Photo by Petty Officer 2nd Class Luke Timmerman/ RELEASED

12 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Other. Contains recommendations that do not fall into any of the previously discussed functional areas. There are 56 recommendations in this functional area related to issues such as recovery of and accounting for Service Members who became Prisoners Of War/Missing In Action; identification and prioritization of critical assets; the DoD Combating Trafficking in Persons Program; and the Freedom of Information Act.

The total number of open recommendations are grouped by the 10 functional areas shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Total Open Recommendations by Functional Area

Source: The DoD OIG.

As part of our assessment of recommendations, we also considered the top management and performance challenges facing the DoD. Each year, the DoD OIG drafts a document explaining what we regard as the top management and performance challenges facing the DoD, which we have identified based on our oversight work, research, and judgment; oversight work done by other components within the DoD; input from DoD leaders; and oversight projects from the Government Accountability Office.

12 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 13


The DoD OIG uses this document as a planning tool to determine where to allocate its audit, evaluation, and investigative resources. The DoD OIG also uses the top management and performance challenges as a guide for determining future oversight projects. While not all projects planned or undertaken address one of the challenges, the majority address at least one and some more than one. Each of the 30 high-priority open recommendations in this Compendium lists the related management and performance challenge. These open recommendations coincide with the 2016 top management and performance challenges.

The 2016 top ten management and performance challenges are:

• Counter Global Strategic Challenges • Countering the Terrorist Threat • Enabling Effective Acquisition and Contract Management • Increasing Cyber Security and Cyber Capabilities • Improving Financial Management • Protecting Key Defense Infrastructure • Developing Full Spectrum Total Force Capabilities • Building and Maintaining Force Readiness • Ensuring Ethical Conduct • Promoting Continuity and Effective Transition Management

For additional information about the top management and performance challenges facing the DoD, visit:

When describing the 30 high-priority open recommendations in this Compendium, we identify the functional area to which the recommendation applies, as well as the DoD management and performance challenge to which the recommendation relates.

Additional information about each recommendation discussed in the Compendium can be obtained by reviewing the associated reports, which are available online at the DoD OIG’s website, at

14 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


CHAPTER 1 High‑Priority Open Recommendations

This chapter summarizes 30 high‑priority open recommendations that we believe, if implemented, would provide the greatest benefit to the DoD. We made this determination based on the recommendations’ potential for improving the effectiveness of DoD operations, financial statements, and contract oversight, and achieving cost savings. Each entry contains the following information:

• title of the report, • management and performance challenge, • functional area, • objective of the report, • key findings in the report, • key open recommendations, • why the recommendations are important, • management’s response to the recommendations, • implementation status of each recommendation, and • information required for the DoD OIG to close the recommendation.

14 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 15



Report No. DODIG‑2009‑062, “Internal Controls Over DoD Cash and Other Monetary Assets,” March 25, 2009

Management Challenge: Improving Financial Management DoD Functional Area: Finance and Accounting

Objective: The objective of this audit was to assess the internal controls over DoD Statements of Accountability and the reporting of Cash and Other Monetary Assets on the DoD Agency‑Wide financial statements.

Finding: The DoD OIG determined that the DoD did not have effective controls The DoD OIG determined over the reporting of Cash and Other Monetary Assets. DoD disbursing officers that the DoD did not have did not charge an appropriation when they obtained operating cash from the effective controls over the U.S. Treasury, as required by regulations. This has been the DoD practice since reporting of Cash and Other the 1950s. As of September 30, 2007, the cash balance held outside of the Monetary Assets. U.S. Treasury was $2.6 billion.

This occurred because the DoD has not established a process and procedures to ensure that disbursing officials charge an appropriation when they obtain cash from the U.S. Treasury. Also, U.S. Treasury guidance does not address cash management in a contingency environment. Additionally, the DoD does not have a current exemption or waiver for the requirement to charge an appropriation when it obtains cash from the U.S. Treasury. As a result, the DoD increased the risk of augmenting its appropriations and causing Antideficiency Act violations.

Recommendation A.1: The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)/Deputy Chief Financial Officer (USD[C]/DCFO):

a. Charge a proper appropriation, or coordinate with the Office of Management and Budget and the U.S. Treasury to: 1) obtain a waiver to hold a certain amount of cash without charging an appropriation, or 2) establish a new U.S. Treasury account symbol to charge when cash is obtained from the U.S. Treasury. Why the Recommendation is Important: Implementing this recommendation is a high priority because the DoD needs to make significant improvement in its controls over cash. Specifically, the DoD needs to establish procedures to ensure that disbursing officials charge an appropriation when they obtain cash from the

16 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense



U.S. Treasury. The DoD may be in violation of Article I, Section 9, Clause 7 of the U.S. Constitution which states, “No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by law.”

Management Response to the Recommendation: The Acting USD(C)/DCFO agreed with Recommendation A.1.a.(1)‑(2). The Acting USD(C)/DCFO, with the Office of Management and Budget and the U.S. Treasury, agreed to establish a special control account to report and account for cash to support the DoD and other Federal agencies involved in ongoing contingency operations. In addition, the Acting USD(C)/DCFO stated that he is in the process of developing specific policy, criteria, and metrics to ensure that the account is used only as intended. The expected completion date was June 2009.

Implementation Status: The USD(C) provided the U.S. Treasury with proposed interim guidance to resolve reporting requirements related to cash held outside of the U.S. Treasury. The proposed interim guidance suggests establishing the following five new account symbols to charge when cash is obtained from the U.S. Treasury.

• 017 X 6950 Disbursing Officer Cash, Department of Navy • 021 X 6951 Disbursing Officer Cash, Department of Army • 057 X 6952 Disbursing Officer Cash, Department of Air Force • 097 X 6953 Disbursing Officer Cash, Defense Agencies • 096 X 6954 Disbursing Officer Cash, Corps of Engineers, Civil

As of March 14, 2017, DoD leadership requested that Treasury leadership approve the above interim guidance. In addition to Recommendation A.1.a.(1)‑(2), this report contained 15 other recommendations. Of those 16 recommendations, 14 are closed and 2 are resolved.

Information Required to Close the Recommendation: The DoD OIG will close Recommendation A.1.a.(1)‑(2) after the U.S. Treasury incorporates the above five account symbols into the Federal Account Symbols and Titles (FAST) Book, accepts DoD proposed interim guidance, and develops official guidance that meets the intent of the recommendation. The DoD OIG must verify that the special control accounts have been established and that policy is developed to ensure the accounts are used only as intended.

16 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 17



Report No. DODIG‑2012‑087, “Logistics Modernization Program System Procure‑to‑Pay Process Did Not Correct Material Weaknesses,” May 29, 2012

Management Challenge: Improving Financial Management DoD Functional Area: Finance and Accounting

Objective: The objective of this audit was to determine whether appropriate internal controls were in place within the Army’s Logistics Modernization Program (LMP) system to ensure proper recording of accounting transactions related to the purchase of goods and services. The LMP system is an Enterprise Resource Planning system used to record Army logistical and financial transactions. The Army reported to Congress that the LMP system would be used to develop auditable financial statements for the Army Working Capital Fund (AWCF).

The DoD OIG determined Finding: The DoD OIG determined that Army financial and system managers that Army financial and did not reengineer LMP to perform Procure‑to‑Pay (P2P)5 functions correctly or system managers did not correct known material weaknesses. Specifically, the LMP processes developed reengineer LMP to perform did not properly approve, verify, or reconcile P2P transactions or record and Procure‑to‑Pay (P2P) document business events accurately. This occurred because the managers functions correctly or correct known material weaknesses. did not: • develop an effective control environment to identify the root causes of the material weaknesses related to the P2P business process, develop appropriate corrective actions, and reengineer the Army business processes and LMP system functionality to resolve the weaknesses; • establish the LMP control activities needed to accomplish the P2P business process requirements; and • monitor operations within the LMP P2P business process.

5 The P2P business process encompasses all business functions necessary to obtain goods and services. The P2P business process identifies six phases during which activities post financial transactions: Requisitioning and Commitments, Contracting and Obligations, Goods Receipt, Invoicing, Entitlement, and Disbursing.

18 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense



As a result, Army managers continued the use of costly legacy business processes and LMP failed to provide reliable data to financial managers, which may impede an AWCF audit opinion by FY 2017. As of August 31, 2011, LMP activities reported more than $10.6 billion in abnormal balances within the accounts payable and budgetary general ledger accounts supporting the P2P business process. LMP also continued to create and automatically obligate unmatched disbursements, requiring the Army and DFAS to expend additional funds and resources to accomplish the manual reconciliation processes needed to post disbursements correctly.

Recommendation A.3: The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management and Comptroller) (ASA[FMC]) direct the development of a comprehensive internal control program for the LMP P2P business process to assess the quality of performance and regular management and supervisory activities over the business process. The DoD OIG further recommended that Army managers work with LMP Project Office personnel to ensure that they design and implement the necessary procedures and controls and develop the testing needed to ensure control effectiveness.

Why the Recommendation is Important: This recommendation is important because it relates to the inability of the AWCF to be audit ready. Effective design and operation of controls related to the P2P business process is critical for audit readiness. It demonstrates to financial statement auditors that controls are reliable, which improves the effectiveness and efficiency of the audit. The Army continues to report material weaknesses in the Procure‑to‑Pay business process that contribute to the inability of auditors to render an opinion on the AWCF financial statements.

Management Response to the Recommendation: The ASA(FMC) agreed, and stated that the Army would assess key controls supporting all Financial Improvement and Audit Readiness (FIAR) assessable units, including those related to P2P activities, as part of the Army Financial Improvement Plan. The assessment will determine the effectiveness of the design and operation of applicable controls and identify corrective actions required to bring controls into compliance with audit standards. The ASA(FM&C) also stated that the assessment may recommend establishing a standard performance objective for those managers and supervisors working P2P processes. These actions were to be completed during FY 2013.

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Implementation Status: On June 16, 2016, the Army reported that the Audit Readiness Directorate continues to conduct quarterly testing of key manual internal controls performed by Army Materiel Command personnel, including the P2P business process in FY 2016. Results of the testing indicate improvement in the operating effectiveness of key controls. Furthermore, the AWCF is undergoing a limited scope audit by an independent public accounting firm that includes elements of the P2P business process. Results from quarterly testing and the limited scope audit are designed to identify any additional corrective action required prior to a full financial statement audit. The Audit Readiness Directorate continues to track corrective actions through the plan of action and milestones for the LMP Information Technology controls in accordance with the Federal Information System Controls Audit Manual (FISCAM). The status of the plan of action and milestones is briefed to the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Operations) (DASA[FO]) and the Deputy Chief of Staff–G‑4 (Sustainment), on a regular basis. Defense Finance and Accounting Service–Columbus Army Audit Assertion personnel also conduct quarterly testing of key manual internal controls. An implementation status request is scheduled for June 2017. In addition to Recommendation A.3, this report contained 30 other recommendations. Of those 31 recommendations, 28 are closed and 3 are resolved.

Information Required to Close the Recommendation: The DoD OIG will close Recommendation A.3 after we receive and verify the assessment results of the key controls supporting all FIAR assessable units, as part of the Army Financial Improvement Plan.

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Report No. DODIG‑2013‑084, “Increased Procurement Quantity for CH‑53K Helicopter Not Justified,” May 31, 2013 (Full Report is For Official Use Only)

Management Challenge: Enabling Effective Acquisition and Contract Management DoD Functional Area: Acquisition Program

Objective: The objective of this audit was to evaluate the CH‑53K helicopter program documentation used to support the increased procurement quantity from 156 to 200 aircraft.

Finding: The DoD OIG determined that the Marine Corps procurement quantity The DoD OIG determined for CH‑53K Heavy Lift Helicopters in the DoD FY 2013 President’s Budget was that the Marine Corps procurement quantity overstated by up to 44 aircraft. The CH‑53K is a Marine Corps Heavy Lift for CH‑53K Heavy Lift helicopter replacing the CH‑53E. The Marine Corps could not support the need to Helicopters in the DoD procure a total of 200 aircraft because Headquarters Marine Corps Department FY 2013 President’s Budget of Aviation officials: was overstated by up to 44 aircraft. • did not follow the Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System Instruction and obtain Joint Requirements Oversight Council approval for the increase;6 • incorrectly relied on a 2008 memorandum from the Deputy Commandant for Aviation directing the increase of the procurement quantity to 200 aircraft, without support; and • incorrectly used the 2010‑2011 Force Structure Review’s war‑gaming scenarios as justification for the quantity increase.7

As a result, the Marine Corps risks spending $22.2 billion in procurement and operating and support funding for 44 additional aircraft that may not be needed to support future Marine Corps mission requirements.

6 The Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System Instruction provides a framework for the processes of identifying, validating, and prioritizing capability requirements through the Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System. The Joint Requirements Oversight Council reviews and validates requirements documents. 7 Force Structure Review’s war‑gaming scenarios are reviews to consider changes to the U.S. Marine Corps forces structure based on evolving strategic, operational, tactical, or fiscal environments.

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Recommendation 3: The DoD OIG recommended that the Marine Corps Deputy Commandant for Aviation submit, to the Joint Requirements Oversight Council, any requests for additional CH‑53K aircraft, and that the requests be reviewed and a decision made prior to the start of low‑rate initial production (also known as Milestone C). Milestone C was planned to begin February 2016.

Why the Recommendation is Important: Headquarters Marine Corps, Department of Aviation (HQMC Aviation), did not follow the Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS) process to identify, validate, and prioritize capability requirements to support the need for 44 additional CH‑53K aircraft and an increase of $5 billion in procurement funding. The purpose of the JCIDS process is to ensure that the warfighter receives the capabilities required to successfully execute missions, to identify capability gaps, to determine the appropriate solution(s) to fill the gaps, and to assess the affordability and technical feasibility of the identified solution(s).

The CH‑53K will be considered the most powerful helicopter in the Department of Defense and is scheduled to completely replace the CH‑53E Super Stallion by 2030.

Photo: U.S. Marine Corps photo by Lance Cpl. Molly Hampton

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Management Response to the Recommendation: The Deputy Commandant for Aviation stated that the CH‑53K procurement quantity derived from the heavy lift helicopter requirements study and an affordability assessment would be incorporated into the Capability Production Document (CPD).8 In accordance with the JCIDS, the CPD will be routed through the Joint Requirements Oversight Council for approval prior to Milestone C, which is one of the defense acquisition system’s three milestones to oversee and manage major defense acquisition programs.

(FOUO) Implementation Status:

On November 22, 2016, the DoD OIG contacted the Marine Corps and requested a status update on actions taken toward incorporating the affordability assessment results and submitting the CPD to the JROC for review and approval. As of March 31, 2017, the DoD OIG had not received a Marine Corps management response to our followup inquiry. In addition to Recommendation 3, this report contained 4 other recommendations. Of those 5 recommendations, 3 are closed and 2 are resolved.

Information Required to Close the Recommendation: The DoD OIG will close Recommendation 3 once we receive documentation and verify that the CH‑53K procurement quantity derived from the affordability assessment was included in the CPD and was submitted to the Joint Requirements Oversight Council for approval in support of the low‑rate initial production decision planned for FY 2017.

8 The Capability Production Document is a document that identifies the specific capability requirements and describes the actual performance of the system as well as the quantity of end items necessary to provide the required capability to the warfighter.

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Report No. DODIG‑2014‑052, “DoD Did Not Negotiate Rates With Overseas Health Care Providers and Generally Paid Claims as Billed,” April 1, 2014

Management Challenge: Building and Maintaining Force Readiness, Enabling Effective Acquisition and Contract Management DoD Functional Area: Health Care and Morale

Objective: The objective of this audit was to determine the extent to which the TRICARE Management Activity (TMA), through the TRICARE Overseas Program (TOP) contractor, negotiated and adhered to reasonable rates for health care services provided in overseas locations.

The DoD OIG determined Finding: The DoD OIG determined that TMA and TOP contractor officials that TMA and TOP did not negotiate rates in any of the 163 overseas locations, and authorized contractor officials did not $238 million in health care payments in FY 2012. Also, TMA officials negotiate rates in any of the did not include language in the TOP contract requiring the contractor to 163 overseas locations. negotiate rates with overseas providers. TRICARE payments increased from $21.1 million in FY 2009 to $63.8 million in FY 2012, a 203 percent increase in six high‑dollar–volume locations without negotiated rates or other cost containment measures. According to the Chief of the TOP office, TMA did not negotiate rates because they believed that the TOP contractor could not successfully negotiate lower rates because of local practices and constantly changing market volumes. TMA also believed that negotiating rates could have a negative impact on providing access to quality care to active duty service members and their dependents, and that requiring the TOP contractor to negotiate rates would have increased the cost of the contract. However, TMA officials did not have documentation to support these reasons. Additionally, TMA officials did not have a process in place to negotiate rates. As a result, without negotiating rates or implementing other cost containment measures, TMA potentially paid more than necessary for health care services provided by overseas providers and missed potential opportunities to obtain the best value for health care services.

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Recommendation 1.a: The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs) initiate action to either establish negotiated rates with high‑dollar-volume overseas health care providers or implement other cost containment measures in high‑dollar-volume locations with significant increases.

Why the Recommendation is Important: TMA may have paid more than necessary for health care provided to beneficiaries in overseas locations. TMA did not negotiate rates with overseas providers or implement cost containment measures and generally paid overseas claims as billed without attempting to reduce costs. This is important because negotiated rates with the provider may have reduced TRICARE beneficiaries’ out‑of‑pocket expenses because of lowered cost‑shares. Furthermore, the DoD was facing a historic shortfall in their budget and had implemented deep across‑the‑board cuts. Negotiating rates or implementing other cost containment measures, where practical, would help the DoD to keep overseas health care costs at a reasonable level and within budget. TMA missed potential opportunities to obtain the best value for the health care services.

Management Response to the Recommendation: The Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs (ASD[HA]) agreed, stating that the (DHA) would require the TOP follow‑on contractor to conduct a “Negotiated Rates/Access to Care Study” which will include South Korea, the United Kingdom, Japan, Bahrain, and Turkey to determine the impact that negotiating rates and acceptance of a reduced payment would have on access to care. The ASD(HA) stated that once the study was completed and DHA reviewed the findings, DHA would make a decision to either negotiate rates or implement a reduced payment schedule. DHA stated they would make a decision by March 2017.

Implementation Status: A follow‑on TOP contract was awarded in September 2015 requiring the contractor to conduct a “Negotiated Rates/Access to Care Study” to determine the impact that negotiating rates and acceptance of a reduced payment would have on access to care. As of January 17, 2017, DHA was waiting for the findings of the study. Once the government receives and reviews

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the findings, DHA will decide whether to negotiate rates or to implement foreign fee schedules. An implementation status request is scheduled for June 2017. In addition to Recommendation 1.a, this report contained 1 other recommendation. Both recommendations are resolved.

Information Required to Close the Recommendation: The DoD OIG will close Recommendation 1.a once DHA reviews the study’s findings and makes a decision on whether to negotiate rates or implement a reduced payment schedule.

The Los Angeles‑class fast attack submarine USS Toledo (SSN 769), assigned to Commander, Task Force (CTF) 54, transits through the Arabian Gulf.

Photo: U.S. Navy Combat Camera photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Torrey W. Lee/ Released

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Report No. DODIG‑2014‑083, “Insufficient Infrastructure Support to the Fixed Submarine Broadcast System,” June 23, 2014 (Full Report is Classified)

Management Challenge: Developing Full Spectrum Total Force Capabilities DoD Functional Area: Information Technology Resource

Objective: The objective of this evaluation was to examine the condition of the facilities and equipment that support the Fixed Submarine Broadcast System (FSBS) mission and the ability of that infrastructure to sustain the required FSBS capabilities. The FSBS is a secure, one‑way communication system of strategically‑placed very low and low frequency fixed‑site antennae that transmit messages to submarines while they are submerged. The FSBS is a vital means for the President and Secretary of Defense to send orders to ballistic missile submarines during nuclear deterrence patrols. The assessment examined FSBS infrastructure, maintenance, planned or required upgrades, funding, and management.

Finding: The DoD OIG determined that the U.S. Navy capabilities development The DoD OIG document for the FSBS transmitters, shore amplifiers, and timing and determined that the cryptographic equipment included defined requirements, measureable outcomes, U.S. Navy capabilities development document and projects that generally met many of the DoD’s needs. Despite this process, for the FSBS transmitters, the U.S. Navy did not include supporting infrastructure, such as generators or shore amplifiers, and other power sources, in the development or acquisition process. However, timing and cryptographic the FSBS was developed prior to the implementation of the Joint Capabilities equipment included defined Integration and Development System, which generates an Initial Capabilities requirements, measureable Document that could have included supporting infrastructure items such as outcomes, and projects that generators and power sources. This lack of defined infrastructure requirements generally met many of the DoD’s needs. resulted in non‑standardized approaches to identifying life‑cycle requirements for supporting infrastructure at each of the Navy Broadcast Transmit Stations (BTSs), which led to the imminent risk of site failure.

The DoD OIG also determined that only one of the six Navy BTSs had an Outside Authority inspection in the past 6 years, in 2007. With the exception of this single inspection report on Naval Computer and Telecommunications Area Master Station Detachment Cutler, the DoD OIG found no other evidence

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that higher headquarters inspected BTSs. Headquarters staffs and Echelon II Inspector General activities identified a lack of resources and the unique command structure of Navy BTSs as the root causes for not performing inspections. The lack of inspections over the past 6 years resulted in diminished readiness and decreased assurance of capabilities to execute assigned missions.

Recommendation B.2: The DoD OIG recommended that the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command develop an acquisition strategy to ensure that the requirements of the “Navy Technical Proficiency Inspection” program; Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction 6811.01B, “Nuclear Command and Control Technical Performance Criteria;” and Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction 6810.01B, “Critical Nuclear Command and Control (NC2) Equipment and Facilities,” are met.

Recommendation D.2: The DoD OIG recommended that the Naval Inspector General coordinate with the Navy Technical Proficiency Inspection program managers to ensure the establishment of a comprehensive inspection program based on the requirements directed in the “Navy Technical Proficiency Inspection” program; Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction 6811.01B, “Nuclear Command and Control Technical Performance Criteria;” and Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction 6810.01B, “Critical Nuclear Command and Control (NC2) Equipment and Facilities.”

Why these Recommendations are Important: The Fixed Submarine Broadcast System BTSs are the primary means for maintaining communications with the U.S. Navy ballistic missile submarines while they are at sea. The lack of inspections and sustainment puts at risk the FSBS’ ability to transmit messages to U.S. ballistic missile submarines while submerged, a capability which allows them to remain undetected and, therefore, a viable deterrent against any first strike against the United States and its allies.

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Management Response to the Recommendations: The Commander, U.S. Fleet Cyber Command, deferred to the Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Research, Development, and Acquisition to determine who should develop the acquisition strategy. The Naval Inspector General (NAVIG) agreed with Recommendation D.2. The NAVIG stated that he would work with stakeholders (U.S. Fleet Cyber Command, Navy Installations Command [CNIC], Assistant Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Information Dominance [OPNAV N2/N6]) to develop “Navy Technical Proficiency Inspection” guidance similar to OPNAV Instruction 5040.6H, “Department of the Navy Nuclear Weapons Technical Inspections and Nuclear Weapons Readiness Certifications” and its subsequent implementation.

Implementation Status: On March 8, 2017, the DoD OIG met with representatives from the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations and Fleet Cyber Command for an update on actions taken toward developing an acquisition strategy and publishing Navy inspection guidance. Representatives from the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations stated they established the Navy Nuclear Command, Control, and Communications (NC3) Executive Steering Committee and an NC3 Chief Engineer to address the acquisition strategy. OPNAV N2/N6 is coordinating a meeting with the NAVIG and Fleet Cyber Command IG to discuss progress on publishing Navy inspection guidance for the FSBS. In addition to Recommendations B.2 and D.2, this report contained 7 other recommendations. Of those 9 recommendations, 4 are closed and 5 are resolved.

Information Required to Close the Recommendations: The DoD OIG will close Recommendation B.2 after we receive and verify that the developed acquisition strategy meets the requirements set forth in the Navy Technical Proficiency Inspection program and Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff Instructions 6810.01B and 6811.01B. The DoD OIG will close Recommendation D.2 after we review and verify a comprehensive Navy technical proficiency inspection guidance has been developed.

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Report No. DODIG‑2014‑090, “Improvements Needed in the General Fund Enterprise Business System Budget‑to‑Report Business Process,” July 2, 2014

Management Challenge: Improving Financial Management DoD Functional Area: Information Technology Resources

Objective: The objective of this audit was to determine whether the General Fund Enterprise Business System (GFEBS) Program Management Office (PMO) implemented the DoD Business Enterprise Architecture (BEA) Budget‑to‑Report (B2R) Business Process to properly support the Army General Fund (AGF) Statement of Budgetary Resources (SBR). GFEBS is the AGF general ledger and, beginning in FY 2013, the system of record for AGF fund distribution. The DoD BEA identifies 15 DoD end‑to‑end business processes that are intended to streamline and enable standard, integrated, and optimized business processes; improve records management; and establish process governance that promotes transparency, collaboration, integration, and innovation across the Army. The B2R business process encompasses all business functions necessary to plan, formulate, create, execute against, and report on the budget and business activities of the Army, including updates to the general ledger.

The DoD OIG determined Finding: The DoD OIG determined that the GFEBS PMO and Army Budget that the General Fund Office (ABO) personnel did not implement the B2R business process to properly Enterprise Business System support the AGF SBR. Specifically, GFEBS PMO personnel did not configure GFEBS Program Management to properly record at least $6.3 billion in AGF B2R transactions. In addition, Office and Army Budget ABO personnel did not accurately record $103.2 billion of AGF B2R transactions Office personnel did not implement the B2R business in GFEBS, the AGF’s accounting system, and did not record 22 FY 2013 AGF process to properly support appropriations, totaling $176.5 billion, in a timely manner. This occurred the AGF SBR. because Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management and Comptroller) (OASA[FM&C]) personnel did not provide adequate oversight to verify that the GFEBS PMO configured the system to properly record B2R transactions; OASA(FM&C) and GFEBS PMO personnel did not create adequate procedures for some B2R business processes; and ABO personnel were not aware of their responsibilities after the implementation of GFEBS. In addition, GFEBS

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was not the main source of data for the FY 2013 AGF SBR because OASA(FM&C) personnel decided to keep most prior‑year funding in legacy systems instead of converting the data into GFEBS. As a result, GFEBS B2R data were unreliable. The GFEBS fourth quarter FY 2013 trial balance contained $6.3 billion in abnormal balances related to budgetary General Ledger Account Codes. In addition, DFAS personnel could not use the GFEBS budgetary trial balance data to prepare the FY 2013 AGF SBR, which reported $266.5 billion of Total Budgetary Resources, without making $141.3 billion of adjustments to the GFEBS trial balance.

Recommendation 1.a: The DoD OIG recommended that the ASA(FMC) verify that the GFEBS posting logic documentation is accurate and complete, and use it to validate GFEBS general ledger account postings.

Why the Recommendation is Important: This recommendation is important because it relates to the Army’s ongoing struggle to verify posting logic in its Enterprise Resource Planning Systems. Errors in posting logic contributed to the $6.5 trillion in unsupported adjustments DFAS prepared to compile the FY 2015 Year‑End Army General Fund Financial Statements. The Army must be able to readily identify how GFEBS is posting transactions so that it can find posting errors, which result in adjustments; prepare the financial statements; or make required U.S. Standard General Ledger yearly updates.

Management Response to the Recommendation: The DASA(FO), responding for the ASA(FMC), agreed, stating that the Army initiated an effort to document and validate the GFEBS posting logic general ledger mapping in phases. The first phase would tie transactions that affect the FY 2015 Schedule of Budgetary Activity (SBA) assertion, followed by the transactions affecting the FY 2017 assertion. He indicated that the Army would also undertake a larger effort to identify, document, and monitor system‑derived posting logic to include current and prior fiscal years. For the B2R process, the Army stated that they would develop a plan of action with milestones to outline the actions required to document and potentially adjust applicable posting logic.

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Implementation Status: On September 16, 2016, the DASA(FO) stated that the Army implemented a process to document, update, and maintain the posting logic within GFEBS. He provided a baseline posting logic document, published in the second quarter FY 2015, which he indicated is updated quarterly. In addition, the OASA(FM&C) conducted a review of posting logic scenarios to determine their compliance with the U.S. Government Standard General Ledger. The DASA(FO) indicated that the posting logic utilizes the DoD Standard Financial Information Structure transaction library and identifies B2R transactions affecting the SBA audit. The Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Reporting), in cooperation with GFEBS Program Management Office, is expected to validate the completeness and accuracy of the posting logic library by June 2017. An implementation status request is scheduled for June 2017. In addition to Recommendation 1.a, this report contained 5 other recommendations. Of those 6 recommendations, 2 are closed and 4 are resolved.

Information Required to Close the Recommendation: The DoD OIG will close Recommendation 1.a after we receive and verify the results of the DASA(FO) review and validation of the GFEBS posting logic and business rules for the B2R process, and the listing of non‑compliant posting logic that the Army submits to the GFEBS Program Management Office. We will also review the standard operating procedures or other guidance that document this process. In addition, we will determine whether each transaction was submitted to the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)/Deputy Chief Financial Officer for a waiver or to the PMO for correction.

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Report No. DODIG‑2014‑104, “Global Combat Support System– Army Did Not Comply With Treasury and DoD Financial Reporting Requirements,” September 3, 2014

Management Challenge: Improving Financial Management DoD Functional Area: Information Technology Resources

Objective: The objective of this audit was to determine whether the Army fielded the Global Combat Support System–Army (GCSS‑Army) with the proper functionality to provide reliable financial information and support audit readiness requirements. GCSS‑Army is a single system that performs supply, maintenance, property, and tactical finance functions.

Finding: The DoD OIG determined that the Office of the ASA(FMC) and The DoD OIG GCSS-Army PMO personnel did not field GCCS‑Army with the proper functionality determined that the to comply with Treasury and DoD guidance, which is necessary to provide reliable Office of the ASA(FMC) and financial information and support for audit readiness requirements. This occurred GCSS–Army PMO personnel did not field GCCS‑Army with because DoD and Army management did not have adequate controls, including the proper functionality to procedures and annual reviews, in place to ensure GCSS‑Army compliance with comply with Treasury and Treasury and DoD guidance. In addition, the Office of the Under Secretary of DoD guidance. Defense (Comptroller)/Chief Financial Officer (USD[C]/CFO), DoD, and Office of the Deputy Chief Management Officer personnel did not provide adequate account attribute, chart of account, or posting logic guidance. This occurred because the DoD and the Army did not have formal processes for reviewing and ensuring that DoD guidance is complete and consistent with Treasury guidance.

Recommendation 1: The DoD OIG recommended that the USD(C)/CFO, DoD, in coordination with the DoD Deputy Chief Management Officer, comply with DoD Financial Management Regulation, volume 1, chapter 1, which requires compliance with accounting policy, standards, and principles and internal control standards, through the following actions:

a. Develop and implement processes to validate GCSS‑Army compliance by: i. Annually validating Global Combat Support System–Army’s timely compliance with Treasury and DoD guidance for: 1) Account attributes, 2) Chart of accounts, and 3) Posting logic.

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Why the Recommendation is Important: GCSS‑Army is a critical Army logistical and accounting system. This lack of functionality raises doubt as to whether the Army’s projected $4.3 billion investment will result in a system that can comply with the Federal Financial Management Improvement Act; help meet the September 30, 2017, auditability deadline; or help obtain a favorable audit opinion. In addition, incorrect posting logic for accounts that the Army uses to prepare the SBR resulted in abnormal balances of $703.7 million, or 23.5 percent of the $3.0 billion GCSS‑Army fourth quarter FY 2013 Trial Balance.

Management Response to the Recommendation: The Deputy Chief Financial Officer, responding for the USD(C)/CFO, DoD, stated that the OUSD(C)/DCFO and the Deputy Chief Management Officer engaged the Joint Interoperability Test Command to perform conformance testing of financial management systems and address deficiencies reported in recent DoD OIG reports on financial management systems. The DCFO issued a memorandum entitled “DoD United States Standard General Ledger and Standard Financial Information Structure System Testing Requirement,” dated July 14, 2014, outlining the testing initiative. On June 25, 2014, the OUSD(C)/DCFO briefed the Financial Improvement and Audit Readiness Subcommittee on the Joint Interoperability Test Command (JTIC) Validation Program. After the initial year of validation, the Joint Interoperability Test Command will assess new requirements in subsequent years. Because the DoD publishes annual requirements, the assessment of new requirements will be completed annually. The Joint Interoperability Test Command was to test GCSS‑Army in FY 2016.

Implementation Status: On March 7, 2017, the OUSD(C)/DCFO reported that, at the Army’s request, the JITC’s assessment of GCSS‑Army’s compliance measures has been postponed to September 2017. Therefore, after discussions between the GCSS‑Army’s Program Manager and JITC personnel in April 2016, they decided to start the JITC assessment in the third quarter of FY 2017 with an estimated completion date of September 2017. An implementation status request is scheduled for June 2017. In addition to Recommendation 1.a.i, this report contained 11 other recommendations. Of those 12 recommendations, 11 are closed and 1 is resolved.

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Information required to Close the Recommendation: The DoD OIG will close Recommendation 1.a.i after completion and verification of the JITC’s initial validation of GCSS‑Army’s compliance measures with the most current Treasury and DoD guidance for account attributes, chart of accounts, and posting logic.

Air Force Tech. Sgt. Brandon Middleton loads .50-caliber rounds into a machine gun on an HH- 60G Pave Hawk helicopter at , Ga. Middleton is a special missions aviator assigned to the 41st Rescue Squadron.

Photo: Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Ryan Callaghan

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Report No. DODIG‑2015‑001, “Assessment of the Department of Defense Prisoner Of War/Missing In Action Accounting Community,” October 17, 2014

Management Challenge: Building and Maintaining Force Readiness DoD Functional Area: Other

Objective: The objective of this assessment was to evaluate the DoD’s programs and practices concerning the identification and repatriation of the remains of the Nation’s missing in action (MIA) from past armed conflicts.

The DoD OIG determined Finding: The DoD OIG determined that DoD does not have a disinterment policy that DoD does not have that facilitates the identification of the remains of the thousands of U.S. service a disinterment policy personnel killed in past wars who remain buried as “unknowns.” This occurred that facilitates the because the DoD did not clearly designate an organization with responsibility for identification of the developing and maintaining a disinterment policy. remains of the thousands of U.S. service personnel As a result, there has been confusion between the Services and resulting inaction killed in past wars within the Defense Prisoner of War/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) on identifying who remain buried the remains of missing service personnel currently buried as “unknowns.” as “unknowns.” Consequently, the DoD POW/MIA accounting community has been unable to pursue an aggressive plan for disinterring remains of personnel designated as “unknowns,” preventing the identification and repatriation of personnel still considered MIA.

Recommendation 5: The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness (USD[P&R]) establish DoD‑wide policy regarding the disinterment of unknowns from past conflicts.

Why the Recommendation is Important: Because there is no clearly defined DoD disinterment policy, the DoD MIA accounting community cannot pursue an aggressive plan for disinterring remains designated as “unknowns,” even though current technology would allow identification of many of those remains. The intent of Congress was to direct comprehensive policies for the recovery of and accounting for the missing from past conflicts to bring relief and closure to grieving families, something that is not currently being done.

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Management Response to the Recommendation: The Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Military Community and Family Policy), responding for the USD(P&R), agreed with this recommendation, stating that a Lean Six Sigma study was conducted in 2012 and a draft DoD Instruction on mortuary affairs, which includes policy on disinterment, was being developed.

Implementation Status: In September 2015, the USD(P&R) reported that the publication of the DoD Instruction on Mortuary Affairs was on hold pending the revision of DoD Directive 1300.22E. In the interim, the USD(P&R) proposed a Directive Type Memorandum (DTM) on disinterment policy, which was in the coordination stage of the DoD Issuance process. The USD(P&R) published DoD Directive 1300.22, “Mortuary Affairs Policy,” on October 30, 2015, and DTM‑16‑003, “Policy Guidance for the Disinterment of Unidentified Human Remains,” on May 5, 2016. The DTM‑16‑003 will be incorporated into the DoD Instruction on Mortuary Affairs, which will be placed into staffing by June 2017. In June 2017, the DoD OIG plans to request a status update on USD(P&R) actions to publish the DoD Instruction on Mortuary Affairs. In addition to Recommendation 5, this report contained 20 other recommendations. Of those 21 recommendations, 16 are closed and 5 are resolved.

Information Required to Close the Recommendation: The DoD OIG will close Recommendation 5 after we obtain the revised DoD Instruction on Mortuary Affairs and verify that it incorporates the policy guidance in DTM‑16‑003.

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Report No.DODIG‑2015‑016, “Department of Defense Suicide Event Report Data Quality Assessment,” November 14, 2014

Management Challenge: Building and Maintaining Force Readiness DoD Functional Area: Health Care and Morale

Objective: The objective of this assessment was to determine why the Calendar Year (CY) 2011 Department of Defense Suicide Event Report (DoDSER) Annual Report had a high number of “don’t know/data unavailable” responses to questionnaire items.

The DoD OIG determined Finding: The DoD OIG determined that the CY 2011 DoDSER did not consistently that the CY 2011 DoDSER include highly relevant information from other sources, such as medical records, did not consistently include law enforcement investigations, or command investigations, that would provide highly relevant information a better understanding of the circumstances and stressors related to suicidal from other sources, such behavior. This occurred because DoD policy did not require a multidisciplinary as medical records, law enforcement investigations, approach to gathering data for the DoDSER submission. or command investigations, The CY 2011 DoDSER had a high number of “don’t know/data unavailable” that would provide a better responses in numerous critical data fields. This occurred because individuals understanding of the circumstances and stressors assigned to prepare the DoDSER lacked awareness of how or where to obtain related to suicidal behavior. that information. Additionally, those organizations or individuals who had the missing information, like Line of Duty Investigating Officers, investigative agencies, and suicide prevention offices, often failed to share this information with those preparing the DoDSER.

Recommendation 2.a: The DoD OIG recommended that the USD(P&R) publish guidance requiring suicide event boards to establish a multidisciplinary approach for obtaining the data necessary to make comprehensive DoDSER submissions. For each suicide death, the board should:

1) be a locally (command or installation level) chartered board with defined task, purpose, and outcome for each suicide death review; 2) include participation by unit leadership, medical and mental health organizations, and Military Criminal Investigative organizations; and 3) articulate the requirement to appropriately share information (for example, medical and law enforcement reports) from ongoing investigations.

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Why the Recommendation is Important: Without a comprehensive and complete DoDSER submission, it will be difficult for the DoD to conduct the trend or causal analysis necessary for developing effective suicide prevention policy and programs to reduce suicide rates across the force.

Management Response to the Recommendation: The Principal Deputy, responding for the USD(P&R), agreed with the recommendation, stating that they would draft guidance for coordination by April 2015.

Implementation Status: In March 2016, the USD(P&R) reported that the recommendation is in progress and anticipated its implementation in fall 2016 with the publication of the Department of Defense Instruction (DoDI) 6490.aa, “Defense Suicide Prevention Program.” On February 2, 2017, the publication of the DoDI 6490.aa was in formal coordination, with anticipated completion in spring 2017. An implementation status request is scheduled for August 2017. In addition to Recommendation 2.a, this report contained 18 other recommendations. Of those 19 recommendations, 5 are closed and 14 are resolved.

Information Required to Close the Recommendation: The DoD OIG will close Recommendation 2.a after we receive the proposed DoD guidance and verify that it meets the intent of the recommendation.

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Report No. DODIG‑2015‑092, “F‑35 Lightning II Program Quality Assurance and Corrective Action Evaluation,” March 11, 2015

Management Challenge: Enabling Effective Acquisition and Contract Management DoD Functional Area: Acquisition Program

Objective: The objective of this evaluation was to inspect the F‑35 Lightning II Program at Lockheed Martin, Fort Worth, Texas, for conformity to the contractually required Aerospace Standard (AS) 9100, “Quality Management Systems–Requirements for Aviation, Space and Defense Organizations.” The DoD OIG also evaluated corrective actions taken in response to nonconformities, findings, and recommendations identified in Report No. DODIG‑2013‑140, “Quality Assurance Assessment of the F‑35 Lightning II Program,” dated September 30, 2013, to determine whether the actions taken were appropriate.

The DoD OIG determined Finding: The DoD OIG determined that the F‑35 Program generally conformed that the F‑35 Program to requirements and showed improvement in quality management system generally conformed to performance since our previous evaluation; however, challenges still remain, as requirements and showed evidenced by 57 nonconformities to the AS9100 standard and 4 opportunities improvement in quality management system for improvement. Specifically, the Joint Program Office (JPO) did not ensure performance since our that the program made sufficient progress toward full compliance with Public previous evaluation; Law 108‑136, “National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004,” however, challenges still Section 802, “Quality control in procurement of aviation Critical Safety Items (CSIs) remain, as evidenced and related services,” and the Joint Service CSI Instruction (SECNAVINST 4140.2), by 57 nonconformities “Management of Aviation Critical Safety Items.” to the AS9100 standard and 4 opportunities for Recommendation A.1: The DoD OIG recommended that the F‑35 Joint Program improvement. Office ensure that the F‑35 Critical Safety Item Program is compliant with Public Law 108‑136, Section 802, “Quality control in procurement of aviation CSIs and related services,” and the Joint Service Critical Safety Item Instruction, “Management of Aviation Critical Safety Item.”

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Why the Recommendation is Important: Not properly implementing the Critical Safety Item program now, while the F‑35 program is still in development and production, could have a potentially significant negative impact on the program in terms of cost, performance, and operational availability once it becomes the Government’s responsibility to sustain the aircraft.

(FOUO) Management Response to the Recommendation:

(FOUO) Implementation Status:

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(FOUO) Information Required to Close the Recommendation:

An F-35 Lightning II performs a maneuver over Luke Air Force Base, AZ marking the 10,000th flying hour for the F-35 program at Luke.

Photo: U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Devante Williams

42 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense



Report No. DODIG‑2015‑134, “Assessment of the U.S. Theater Nuclear Planning Process,” June 18, 2015 (Full Report is Classified)

Management Challenge: Developing Full Spectrum Total Force Capabilities DoD Functional Area: Logistics

Objective: The objective of this assessment was to determine the DoD’s ability to provide guidance for, plan, and employ theater nuclear weapons.

Finding: The DoD OIG determined that guidance for the employment of nuclear The DoD OIG determined weapons, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction (CJCSI) 3110.04, that guidance for the “Nuclear Supplement to the Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan,” is languishing in employment of nuclear weapons, CJCSI 3110.04, coordination. As of the release date of Report No. DODIG‑2015‑134, the update “Nuclear Supplement to the to CJCSI 3110.04 had been in development for more than 21 months. Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan,” is languishing Recommendation 1.a: The DoD OIG recommended that the Chairman of the in coordination. Joint Chiefs of Staff update CJCSI 3110.04, “Nuclear Supplement to the Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan” planning guidance to identify Geographic Combatant Command planning responsibilities and requirements for developing nuclear response options. Guidance should include type and level of planning information required for directed contingency plans.

Why the Recommendation is Important: The absence of updated guidance has contributed to combatant commands losing much of its expertise for nuclear planning and employment. Training and exercising these functions were also pushed aside as the Commands and Services adjusted to meet their growing set of mission requirements. Geographic Combatant Commands need updated guidance to ensure they are able to provide a credible response to the current threat environment.

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Management Response to the Recommendation: The Director of the Joint Staff responded for the Chairman and agreed to revise CJCSI 3110.04 by November 2015.

Implementation Status: As of March 31, 2017, we contacted the Joint Staff to obtain a status update on actions taken to implement this recommendation and they reported that actions are still ongoing toward revising CJCSI 3110.04. In addition to Recommendation 1.a, this report contained 12 other recommendations. Of those 13 recommendations, 4 are closed and 9 are resolved.

Information Required to Close the Recommendation: The DoD OIG will close Recommendation 1.a once we review the updated CJCSI 3110.04 to ensure Geographic Combatant Command planning responsibilities and requirements are included.

A U.S. Army Reserve soldier with the 401st Chemical Company out of Boston, Mass., decontaminates a Stryker nuclear, biological, and chemical reconnaissance vehicle during an equipment decontamination mission.

Photo: U.S. Army photo by Master Sgt. Marisol Walker /Released

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Report No. DODIG‑2015‑177, “Assessment of DoD/ USCENTCOM and Coalition Plans/Efforts to Train, Advise, and Assist the Iraqi Army to Defeat the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant,” September 30, 2015 (Full Report is Classified)

Management Challenge: Countering the Terrorist Threat DoD Functional Area: Logistics

Objective: The objective of this assessment was to evaluate the effectiveness of DoD and U.S. Central Command and Coalition plans, operations, and resources to train, advise, and assist the Iraqi Army (IA) to initiate and sustain combat operations in order to defeat the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).

Finding: The DoD OIG determined that the U.S. Advise and Assist (A&A) The DoD OIG determined personnel at the Taji National Depot (TND) did not have accurate knowledge of that the U.S. Advise and the contents of individual supply warehouses under Iraqi control at that location Assist personnel at the Taji National Depot did not or at other locations throughout Iraq. In some cases, even the IA did not know have accurate knowledge what supplies were present. This resulted from the IA limiting U.S. advisors’ of the contents of individual access to those warehouses and a failure of the IA to maintain a current inventory supply warehouses under of all its stored supplies/equipment. Iraqi control at that location or at other locations Without clear knowledge of what supplies and equipment are on hand, the throughout Iraq. United States and the Coalition could be purchasing supplies and equipment for the IA that are already on hand at TND or in other depots in Iraq.

Recommendation 3: The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Joint Task Force–Operation Inherent Resolve (CJTF‑OIR), in coordination with Commander, Combined Joint Forces Land Component Command–Iraq and the Iraqi Minister of Defense, develop a plan that allows U.S. and Coalition access to the warehouses at Taji National Depot and other supply depot sites within an expedited time period.

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Why the Recommendation is Important: The DoD continues to fund supplies for the Iraqi government and, until this recommendation is implemented, the DoD could be spending money on equipment that is not needed, diverting funding from other needs. Furthermore, the United States has agreed to provide material and equipment, through the Government of Iraq, to the IA and selected elements of the Popular Mobilization Forces (militias). Unless the U.S. advisors can determine what supplies and equipment are on hand in Iraqi warehouses at TND and elsewhere, we cannot eliminate the possibility that various factions of the Popular Mobilization Forces that the United States has not agreed to support are being armed and supplied with material from those warehouses that the IA needs. The United States could subsequently be asked to replace that material using Iraq Train and Equip Fund funding to meet those IA needs.

Management Response to the Recommendation: The CJTF‑OIR agreed with this recommendation stating that, in coordination with the Government of Iraq, CJTF‑OIR will develop a plan that enables access to IA warehouses in order to establish accountability of equipment.

Implementation Status: In August 2016, the CJTF‑OIR reported that the 1st Theater Sustainment Command (TSC) teams gained access to some Iraqi storage facilities and would conduct a survey to identify all logistics support facilities within its A&A and Build Partner Capacity (BPC) footprint and their owning agency, seeking to gain access through the Iraqi MOD. The 1st TSC drafted a memo granting access to all warehouses collocated with CF/A&A/BPC sites. As of November 28, 2016, CJTF‑OIR reported that the TF Spartan logistics A&A teams had access to warehouses at Taji National Depot. An implementation status request is scheduled for June 2017. In addition to Recommendation 3, this report contained 9 other recommendations. Of those 10 recommendations, 7 are closed and 3 are resolved. The DoD OIG anticipates receipt of a status update from U.S. Central Command in July 2017.

Information Required to Close the Recommendation: The DoD OIG will close Recommendation 3 after we receive documentation to verify the development of a plan that enables U.S. and Coalition access to the Iraqi Army warehouses at Taji National Depot and other supply depot sites. Specifically, we need to confirm that U.S. and Coalition forces have gain access to the Iraqi warehouses at Taji National Depot.

46 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense



Report No. DODIG‑2016‑026, (FOUO)

” November 24, 2015 (Full Report is Classified)

Management Challenge: Increasing Cyber Security and Cyber Capabilities DoD Functional Area: Logistics

Objective: The objective of this audit was to determine whether Cyber Mission Force (CMF) teams had adequate facilities, equipment, and capabilities to effectively perform missions.

(FOUO) Finding: (FOUO)

Recommendation 1: The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Cyber Command, and the Chiefs of Staff for the U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force, the Chief of Naval Operations, and the Commandant of the Marine Corps develop a doctrine, organization, training, materiel, leadership and education, personnel, facilities, and policy framework (DOTMLPF‑P) that address strategies to build, grow, and sustain the CMF.

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction 3170.01H, “Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System,” January 10, 2012, defines the DOTMLPF‑P as a defined process to determine the acceptability, suitability, and feasibility of a proposed force design change. DOTMLPF‑P is the framework for developing the design. Only after all shortfalls are addressed should senior leaders approve the new force design.

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(FOUO) Why the Recommendation is Important:

(FOUO) Management Response to the Recommendation:

Implementation Status: On August 31, 2016, the DoD OIG contacted the U.S. Cyber Command, Navy, Army, Air Force, and Marine Corps and requested a status update on actions taken toward implementing Recommendation 1. In October 2016, both the Navy and the Marine Corps provided classified updates detailing ongoing efforts. As of March 31, 2017, we have not received a management response to our followup inquiries to U.S. Cyber Command, the Army, and the Air Force. In addition to Recommendation 1, this report contained 3 other recommendations. All 4 recommendations are resolved.

Information Required to Close the Recommendation: The DoD OIG will close Recommendation 1 after we receive documentation and verify that the Commander, U.S. Cyber Command; Chief of Naval Operations; Chiefs of Staff for the U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force; and Commandant of the Marine Corps doctrine, organization, training, materiel, leadership and education, personnel, facilities, and policy framework fully address this recommendation.

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Report No. DODIG‑2016‑044, “U.S. Transportation Command Needs Further Improvements to Address Performance Concerns Over the Global Privately Owned Vehicle Contract III,” February 3, 2016

Management Challenge: Enabling Effective Acquisition and Contract Management DoD Functional Area: Contractor Oversight

Objective: The DoD OIG conducted this audit in response to a congressional request concerning the U.S. Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM) Global Privately Owned Vehicle Contract (GPC) III (HTC711‑14‑D‑R025). The objective of the audit was to determine whether USTRANSCOM contracting personnel incorporated adequate controls to properly monitor contractor performance and to address performance concerns on the GPC III. The DoD OIG determined Finding: The DoD OIG determined that, although USTRANSCOM and the that, although USTRANSCOM and the contractor contractor have made progress in addressing performance concerns, the have made progress in USTRANSCOM contracting staff and Surface Deployment and Distribution addressing performance Command (SDDC) management did not implement adequate controls to ensure concerns, the USTRANSCOM proper contract oversight and address performance concerns. Specifically, contracting staff and Surface the contracting officer representative certified invoices that did not include Deployment and Distribution unit prices or the total billable amount. This occurred because USTRANSCOM Command management contracting staff and SDDC finance personnel approved an improper invoice did not implement adequate controls to process. As result, SDDC Finance personnel paid $162 million in potentially ensure proper contract improper payments. Additionally, up to $5 million of the $162 million potential oversight and address improper payments were overpayments related to 27,283 late delivery payments performance concerns. for which USTRANSCOM may hold the contractor accountable.

Recommendation 1.e: The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, U.S. Transportation Command Acquisition, take appropriate action to ensure that all overpayments were recouped.

Recommendation 2.c: The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Surface Deployment and Distribution Command review all invoices that were not prepared in accordance with the FAR and DoD regulations to verify if the invoices and payment amounts were accurate and if performance met contract requirements.

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Recommendation 2.d: The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Surface Deployment and Distribution Command, take appropriate action to ensure that all overpayments were recouped.

Why these Recommendations are Important: USTRANSCOM could recover $162 million in potential improper payments.

Management Response to the Recommendations: The Deputy Commander, USTRANSCOM, responding for the Director, USTRANSCOM Acquisition, agreed, stating that the contracting officer was in the process of recouping the overpayments. Also, the Deputy Commander, USTRANSCOM, responding for the Commander, SDDC, agreed, stating that SDDC would complete the review of all invoices by February 28, 2016, and had already identified and collected numerous overpayments and was working with the contracting officer to recoup all overpayments related to the late deliveries.

Potential Monetary Benefits: The $162 million is derived from USTRANSCOM’s acceptance of invalid invoices and lack of payment certification that violated contractual requirements, potentially violated statutory (legal) requirements, and resulted in the $162 million of potential improper payments. The $5 million overpayment is derived from USTRANSCOM’s estimate on how much the contractor owes the DoD as penalties for missing the required delivery date. The DoD OIG determined that USTRANSCOM had not held the contractor financially accountable for the vehicles delivered past their delivery date. Penalties amounts ranged from $30 to $210 per vehicle; however, USTRANSCOM had not recouped the money for 27,283 vehicles delivered late.

Implementation Status: On September 22, 2016, USTRANSCOM reported that, based on analysis of May 2014 through November 2014 shipment data by the Government and the contractor, a settlement in the amount of $2.4 million was reached on May 12, 2016, as penalties for missing the required delivery date.

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The refund receivable for this amount is posted in the SDDC G‑8’s accounting system, and the SDDC G‑8 has initiated offsetting payments due to the contractor. For the December 2014 through September 2015 deliveries, USTRANSCOM performed a preliminary analysis and determined $842,250 in potential penalties to be recouped from the contractor. For the October 2015 through March 2016 deliveries, USTRANSCOM has issued monthly demand letters totaling $12,960 and SDDC G‑8 has completed offsets accordingly. The contracting officer will continue to issue demand letters for missed Required Delivery Dates (RDD) in accordance with the contract. The remaining $157 million in potential improper payments are questioned costs because the invoices submitted by the contractor for the contracting officer representative’s approval did not contain the necessary elements of a proper invoice, violating the Federal Acquisition Regulation, DoD Financial Management Regulation, and Performance Work Statement requirements. The SDDC’s review of monthly fixed cost and transportation invoices from May 2014 through September 2016 found no improper payments that were attributable to the current entitlement process; however, their review of monthly storage invoices is still ongoing. On February 8, 2017, the DoD OIG contacted USTRANSCOM and requested a status update on actions taken toward reviewing the remaining $157 million in potential improper payments. As of March 31, 2017, we have not received a management response to our followup inquiry. In addition to Recommendations 1.e, 2.c and 2.d, this report contained 7 other recommendations. Of those 10 recommendations, 7 are closed and 3 are resolved.

Information Required to Close the Recommendations: The DoD OIG will close Recommendations 1.e, 2.c, and 2.d once the Director, USTRANSCOM Acquisition, completes appropriate actions to ensure that all overpayments are recouped and provides sufficient supporting documentation to substantiate any recoveries.

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Report No. DODIG‑2016‑075, “Evaluation of the Air Force Office of Special Investigations’ Conduct of Internet‑Based Operations and Investigations,” April 25, 2016 (Full Report is For Official Use Only)

Management Challenge: Ensuring Ethical Conduct DoD Functional Area: Acquisition Program

Objective: The objective of this evaluation was to evaluate the Air Force Office of Special Investigations’ (AFOSI) conduct of internet‑based operations and investigations. For this evaluation, internet‑based operations and investigations are: a) investigations involving the peer‑to‑peer (P2P) transfer of computer files containing child pornography, and b) investigations concerning the use of the internet for solicitation of a minor (under the age of consent) for sexual purposes. The DoD OIG evaluated the procedures used to initiate and participate in internet‑based operations and investigations with Federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies’ internet crimes task forces. Specifically, the DoD OIG focused on whether AFOSI had adequate policy and guidance governing internet‑based operations and investigations and policies and procedures for its special agents’ participation in operations such as Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC).

Air Force Office of Special Finding: AFOSI lacked specific policy addressing its special agents’ roles during Investigations lacked ICAC operations, which contributed to violations of the provisions in DoD specific policy addressing Directive 5525.5, “DoD Cooperation with Civilian Law Enforcement Officials,” its special agents’ roles and its revised version, DoD Instruction 3025.21, “Defense Support of Civilian during ICAC operations, Law Enforcement Agencies.” These violations were the result of AFOSI special which contributed to violations of the provisions agents participating in prohibited investigative activities with civilian law in DoD Directive 5525.5, enforcement agencies before establishing a reasonable likelihood of a subject’s and its revised version, military affiliation. During the course of the evaluation, AFOSI published DoD Instruction 3025.21. investigative policy, which incorporated the reasonable likelihood standard and provided guidance and clarity regarding ICAC operations. In addition, DoD Instruction 3025.21 had not been updated to include the reasonable likelihood standard articulated in United States v. Dreyer, 767 F.3d 826 (9th Cir. 2014). Dreyer established a standard requiring a reasonable likelihood of a subject’s military affiliation before Military Criminal Investigative Organizations (MCIOs) conduct investigative activities.

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Recommendation 1: The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy clarify DoD Instruction 3025.21, “Defense Support of Civilian Law Enforcement Agencies,” Enclosure 3, “Participation of DoD Personnel in Civilian Law Enforcement Activities,” to reflect the holding in United States v. Dreyer, 767 F.3d 826, affirmed in relevant part by 2015 U.S. App. LEXIS 19226 (9th Cir., en banc).

Why the Recommendation is Important: The revised DoD policy will incorporate Federal law that requires a reasonable likelihood of a subject’s military affiliation before MCIOs conduct investigative activities, preventing MCIOs from participating in prohibited investigative activities.

Management Response to the Recommendation: The Director, Defense Support of Civil Authorities, responding for the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, agreed to clarify DoDI 3025.21, Enclosure 3, in calendar year 2017 to reflect the holding in Dreyer.

Implementation Status: On December 15, 2016, the Director, Defense Support of Civil Authorities, indicated his office would update DoD Instruction 3025.21 after the DoD OIG adds clarification in DoD Instruction 5505.03, “Initiation of Investigations by Defense Criminal Investigative Organizations” so that the update of DoD Instruction 3025.21 would be consistent with the DoD OIG issuance. DoD Instruction 5505.03 was revised on February 13, 2017, and was forwarded to the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy to facilitate their revision of DoD Instruction 3025.21. An implementation status request is scheduled for July 2017.

Information Required to Close the Recommendation: The DoD OIG will close Recommendation 1 after the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy completes the revision of DoD Instruction 3025.21 and we review and verify that the revised DoD Instruction 3025.21 reflects the holding in United States v. Dreyer, 767 F.3d 826.

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Report No. DODIG‑2016‑078, “Evaluation of DoD Biological Safety and Security Implementation,” April 27, 2016

Management Challenge: Countering Global Strategic Challenges DoD Functional Area: Other

Objective: The objectives of this project were to 1) assess the uniform application of biosafety and biosecurity policy and directives, plans, orders, and guidance across DoD Component laboratories that were conducting research using biological select agents and toxins (BSAT), and 2) evaluate DoD biological safety and security oversight at laboratories; DoD Component biological safety and security compliance with Federal, DoD, and Service policy; and DoD and Component actions on recommendations from previous Government Accountability Office, Defense Science Board, and Defense Health Board reports.

The DoD OIG determined Finding: The DoD OIG determined that the DoD did not maintain biosafety and that the DoD did not biosecurity program management, oversight, and inspections of BSAT laboratories maintain biosafety and in accordance with the applicable Executive Order, Federal regulations, and biosecurity program DoD instructions. This occurred because there was no single DoD coordinating management, oversight, function to track and correct deficiencies and to ensure that Services’ BSAT and inspections of BSAT laboratories in laboratory management, oversight, and inspections included all mandatory accordance with the guidance and technical requirements. As a result, Service BSAT laboratory applicable Executive Order, management, oversight, and inspections failed to identify significant deficiencies Federal regulations, and and vulnerabilities, and DoD management did not implement needed corrective DoD instructions. actions to eliminate possible risks to public health and safety.

Recommendation 1.a: The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Secretary of Defense appoint a single Executive Agent responsible for biosafety and biosecurity.

Recommendation 1.b: The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Secretary of Defense direct the Executive Agent for Biosafety and Biosecurity to:

1) conduct standardized oversight and inspections in accordance with applicable Federal regulations of DoD BSAT laboratories; 2) track all internal and external inspection results and report status of all findings, recommendations, and actions taken to address deficiencies to the appropriate DoD management level;

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3) develop and implement training for BSAT laboratory inspectors and subject matter expert inspection team augmentees; and 4) ensure that all personnel included in inspection teams have sufficient scientific expertise and experience.

Why these Recommendations are Important: Security and safety are paramount at DoD laboratories that work with and store extremely dangerous biological agents and toxins.

Management Response to the Recommendations: The Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics, responding for the Deputy Secretary of Defense, agreed. He noted that the Secretary of the Army was designated as the Executive Agent for the Department of Defense BSAT Biosafety Program in a July 23, 2015, memorandum and stated that the Executive Agent authority would be expanded to oversee both the biosafety and biosecurity programs for the DoD. The Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics has been directed to draft and coordinate a DoD Directive that establishes policy and designates and defines the role of the Secretary of the Army as the DoD Executive Agent for the DoD BSAT Biosafety and Biosecurity Program.

Implementation Status: On March 23, 2017, the DoD OIG contacted the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics and requested a status update on actions taken toward developing and publishing the proposed DoD Directive. As of March 31, 2017, we have not received a management response to our followup inquiry. In addition to Recommendations 1.a and 1.b(1)‑(4), this report contained 8 other recommendations. All 13 recommendations are resolved.

Information Required to Close the Recommendations: The DoD OIG will close Recommendations 1.a and 1.b(1)‑(4) once the proposed DoD Directive is provided and we verify that it outlines the roles and responsibilities of the DoD Executive Agent for the DoD BSAT Biosafety and Biosecurity Program.

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Report No. DODIG‑2016‑081, “Evaluation of U.S. Intelligence and Information Sharing with Coalition Partners in Support of Operation Inherent Resolve,” April 25, 2016 (Full Report is Classified)

Management Challenge: Countering the Terrorist Threat DoD Functional Area: Intelligence

Objective: The objective of this evaluation was to evaluate the effectiveness of DoD’s policies, governance, procedures, and guidelines for sharing classified military information and terrorism information with Coalition Partner Nations (PN) in support of Operation Inherent Resolve (OIR).

(FOUO) (FOUO) Finding:

(FOUO) Recommendation A.2.a:

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(FOUO) Why the Recommendation is Important:

• (FOUO)

• (FOUO)

• (FOUO) .

(FOUO) Management Response to the Recommendation:

• (FOUO)

• (FOUO)

• (FOUO)

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Implementation Status: On February 15, 2017, the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence stated that a revised National Disclosure Policy (NDP‑1) is at the Office of the Secretary of Defense awaiting signature. Upon approval and formal issuance, DA&PE will distribute a draft DoD directive for coordination to implement NDP‑1 within the DoD. Also, a draft standard operating procedure describing the processes and procedures under which the MIDPC will operate has been distributed to the MIDPC members for review and comments. In addition to Recommendation A.2.a, this report contained 5 other recommendations. Of those 6 recommendations, 2 are closed and 4 are resolved.

Information Required to Close the Recommendation: The DoD OIG will close Recommendation A.2.a after we receive documentation and verify that the required adjustments to the revised NDP‑1, the companion directive to DoD Directive 5230.11, and the draft standard operating procedures meet the intent of the recommendation.

A U.K. army trainer explains the parts of the Vallon metal detector during mine detection training as part of the overall Combine Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve.

Photo: U.S. Army photo by Cpl. Tracy McKithern

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Report No. DODIG‑2016‑082, “DoD Needs to Require Performance of Software Assurance Countermeasures During Major Weapon System Acquisitions,” April 29, 2016 (Full Report is For Official Use Only)

Management Challenge: Increasing Cyber Security and Cyber Capabilities DoD Functional Area: Information Technology Resources

Objective: The objective of this audit was to determine whether critical software components for a selected major acquisition program received the required testing to reduce the risk of vulnerabilities in operational software. Specifically, the DoD OIG evaluated software used in the Navy’s Littoral Combat Ship–Mission Modules program. The Littoral Combat Ship–Mission Modules program was established to develop a set of focused mission packages and common components that can be installed on any variant of the Littoral Combat Ship seaframe.

Finding: The DoD OIG determined the Program officials for the Navy Littoral The DoD OIG determined Combat Ship–Mission Modules did not ensure that all software assurance the Program officials for countermeasures in the Program Protection Plan were fully performed while the Navy Littoral Combat Ship–Mission Modules developing critical software. This occurred because DoD policy did not require did not ensure that all that all software assurance countermeasures detailed in the Program Protection software assurance Plan be performed. In addition, the DoD did not issue implementing procedures countermeasures in the to ensure software assurance countermeasures were applied consistently across Program Protection Plan all major acquisition programs. As a result, there is an increased risk that critical were fully performed while software contains vulnerabilities that, if exploited, could result in mission failure. developing critical software.

Recommendation 1.a: The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics develop and issue policy to require program offices to implement the applicable software assurance countermeasures in approved Program Protection Plans throughout the lifecycle of DoD programs.

Recommendation 1.b: The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics develop and issue procedures to guide the consistent application of software assurance countermeasures in approved Program Protection Plans.

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Why these Recommendations are Important: Nearly all modern technology systems depend on software to perform their functions. The DoD’s increasing reliance on software presents opportunities for adversaries to gain unauthorized access to data, alter data, disrupt operations, or interrupt communications by inserting malicious code or otherwise corrupting components within DoD systems. According to DoD Software Assurance Community of Practice, more than 80 percent of cybersecurity exploits take advantage of weak or vulnerable software in systems, networks, and major database programs. Therefore, defense programs must conduct early software assurance planning and testing to counter adversarial threats that target software.

Management Response to the Recommendations: The Assistant Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering, stated that the Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Systems Engineering (DASD[SE]) developed a proposed modification to DoD Instruction 5000.02 to specifically mention that implementation of software assurance detection and analysis tools is required and to specify that remediation of software vulnerabilities be addressed in Program Protection Plans, included in contract requirements, and verified through continued use of such tools and testing. The DASD(SE) is also revising Program Protection Plans guidance as part of an update to the Defense Acquisition Guidebook. The guidance will assist with embedding software assurance in systems engineering processes for software development and testing.

Implementation Status: Initial followup request to the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics for an implementation status request is scheduled for June 2017. The DoD OIG anticipates receipt of a status update on Recommendations 1.a and 1.b from the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics in July 2017.

Information Required to Close the Recommendations: The DoD OIG will close Recommendations 1.a and 1.b after we receive and verify that the DoD guidance issued directs the implementation of applicable software assurance countermeasures in Program Protection Plans and the consistent application of software assurance countermeasures.

60 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense



Report No. DODIG‑2016‑087, “Air Force Civil Engineer Center Management of Energy Savings Performance Contracts Needs Improvement,” May 4, 2016

Management Challenge: Protecting Key Defense Infrastructure DoD Functional Area: Contractor Oversight

Objective: The objective of this audit was to determine whether the Air Force is effectively managing energy savings performance contracts (ESPCs). ESPCs provide a way for the private sector to finance Federal energy‑savings projects. Through ESPCs, an energy services contractor designs, finances, acquires, installs, and maintains energy‑saving equipment and systems for a Federal agency.

Finding: The DoD OIG determined that the Air Force Civil Engineer Center The DoD OIG determined (AFCEC) did not centrally or effectively manage 52 existing ESPCs, valued at that the Air Force Civil $849 million. Specifically, AFCEC officials did not track project status for existing Engineer Center did not ESPC projects. AFCEC did not maintain contract and task order number used centrally or effectively manage 52 existing ESPCs, for 12 of the 52 projects, valued at $180.7 million. In addition, AFCEC could valued at $849 million. not determine whether 12 of the 52 projects, valued at $58.6 million, which had contract terms that appeared to have ended in FY 2014 or earlier, were in fact completed or terminated through a buyout. This occurred because AFCEC officials:

• considered program management of existing ESPC task orders to be an installation responsibility and training to be a Department of Energy (DOE) responsibility, • did not believe AFCEC could centrally manage ESPC projects with existing resources, and • focused on meeting Air Force goals to develop additional ESPC projects rather than managing existing projects.

As a result, Air Force officials do not know whether the 52 existing ESPC projects achieved contractor‑guaranteed energy savings, which were to be the basis of payments to the project contractors.

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Recommendation 1.b: The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, AFCEC, conduct a review of existing electronic data management systems to determine if there is a system capable of tracking energy savings and project status.

Why the Recommendation is Important: AFCEC needs to improve its basic program and contract management functions for its existing $849 million ESPC portfolio. Until AFCEC develops and implements an electronic data management system, it will continue to be unable to perform basic contract administration and program management activities for the ESPC portfolio. In addition, AFCEC will continue to be unable to determine whether contractor‑claimed energy savings in the ESPC portfolio was validated by the Air Force and ensure that payments made to contractors are accurate.

Management Response to the Recommendation: The Director, AFCEC, agreed with the recommendation, stating that the AFCEC will establish and maintain an energy‑savings performance‑contract mechanism to track energy savings and project status. The AFCEC will also review the availability of existing data management systems to track energy savings and ESPC project status. The estimated completion date to review existing data management systems was November 30, 2016.

Implementation Status: In November 2016, the DoD OIG contacted the Air Force and requested a status update on actions taken toward implementing Recommendation 1.b. As of March 31, 2017, we have not received a management response to our followup inquiry. In addition to Recommendation 1.b, this report contained 8 other recommendations. All 9 recommendations are resolved.

Information Required to Close the Recommendation: The DoD OIG will close Recommendation 1.b once the AFCEC establishes and maintains an electronic data management system to track energy savings and ESPC project status. In addition, the DoD OIG anticipates performing either a followup project specific to the Air Force’s implementation of the recommendations outlined in Report Nos. DODIG‑2016‑087 and DODIG‑2015‑138 or as a part of a summary report on the DoD’s administration of ESPCs.

62 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense



Report No. DODIG‑2016‑118, “Army Justified Initial Production Plan for the Paladin Integrated Management Program but Has Not Resolved Two Vehicle Performance Deficiencies,” August 5, 2016 (Full Report is For Official Use Only)

Management Challenge: Developing Full Spectrum Total Force Capabilities, Enabling Effective Acquisition and Contract Management DoD Functional Area: Acquisition Program

Objective: The objective of this audit was to determine whether the Army effectively managed the Paladin Integrated Management (PIM) program during the production and deployment phase. The Army’s PIM program includes ammunition carriers and projectile‑firing armored vehicles, called howitzers, for use in ground combat. Specifically, the DoD OIG evaluated whether program officials justified the low‑rate initial production plan and whether test plans and results adequately prepared the program for full‑rate production. During full‑rate production, the Army plans to complete PIM vehicle production.

Finding: The DoD OIG determined that the PIM program officials initiated The DoD OIG determined system fixes to address seven of the nine performance deficiencies identified that the PIM program by the test community during the system development phase. PIM program officials initiated system officials also updated test plans to evaluate vehicle performance before full‑rate fixes to address seven of the nine performance production. However, Army Fires Center of Excellence, which developed PIM deficiencies identified by the program operational requirements, and PIM program officials continued to test community during the address test community recommendations for deficiencies in the automatic system development phase. fire extinguisher system (AFES). Army officials did not fully address two test community recommendations because PIM program officials were exploring methods to fix the deficiency in the AFES in howitzer crew compartments after initially disagreeing with the test community recommendation. As a result, the DoD OIG concluded that the PIM program officials may incur costly vehicle retrofits to address the deficiency in the AFES if not adequately addressed before full‑rate production.

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Recommendation 2: The DoD OIG recommended that the Program Executive Officer, Ground Combat Systems, evaluate and fix the deficiency in the AFES in howitzer crew compartments before deploying the first vehicles to minimize fire risk to soldiers and reduce retrofit costs.

Why the Recommendation is Important: By fixing the AFES defect before deploying PIM vehicles, the Army can realize cost savings by avoiding costly retrofits, and better assure soldier safety in the event of a fire or explosion.

Management Response to the Recommendation: The Deputy Program Executive Officer, Ground Combat System, responding for the Program Executive Officer, stated that the Program Manager, Armored Fighting Vehicles (PM AFV), considered three courses of action, plus the cost and schedule impacts of delaying or not delaying the deployment of the PIM program vehicle for each course of action. As of August 26, 2016, the PM AFV planned to deploy the PIM program vehicle as scheduled. The PM also planned to upgrade the automatic fire extinguisher system and incorporate the upgrade into future production and upgraded vehicles.

Implementation Status: In February 2017, the DoD OIG requested documentation showing the cost and schedule impact of each course of action. As of March 31, 2017, the Army has not provided a response to our followup inquiry. In addition to Recommendation 2, this report contained 1 other recommendation and both recommendations are resolved.

Information Required to Close the Recommendation: The DoD OIG will close Recommendation 2 after the Deputy Program Executive Officer, Ground Combat System, provides documentation showing the cost and schedule impact of each course of action and we review and determine whether the estimated cost and scheduled impacts of each course of action was reasonable.

64 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense



Report No. DODIG‑2016‑119, “Army Commands Need to Improve Logical and Physical Security Safeguards That Protect SIPRNet Access Points,” August 5, 2016 (Full Report is Classified)

Management Challenge: Increasing Cyber Security and Cyber Capabilities DoD Functional Area: Information Technology Resources

Objective: The objective of this audit was to determine whether the Army effectively protected SECRET Internet Protocol Router Network (SIPRNet) access points. Specifically, the DoD OIG reviewed the security safeguards protecting the SIPRNet access points at Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania; Fort Huachuca, Arizona; Fort Hunter Liggett, California; Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology Enterprise Systems and Services (ALTESS) at Radford Army Ammunition Plant, Virginia; and Anniston Army Depot, Alabama.

(FOUO) Finding: (FOUO)

• (FOUO)

• (FOUO)

• (FOUO)

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• (FOUO)

• (FOUO)


• (FOUO) • (FOUO) • (FOUO)

(FOUO) Recommendation A.2a‑b:

• establish and implement procedures to identify who owns each SIPRNet circuit and the Component responsible for managing and securing each circuit; and • (FOUO)

(FOUO) Why the Recommendation is Important:

66 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense




(FOUO) Management Response to the Recommendation:

Implementation Status: Initial followup request to the Army Chief Information Officer for an implementation status update is scheduled for June 2017. In addition to Recommendation A.2.a‑b, this report contained 36 other recommendations. Of those 37 recommendations, 21 are closed, 14 are resolved and 2 are unresolved. The DoD OIG anticipates receipt of a status update from the Army Chief Information Officer in July 2017.

Information Required to Close the Recommendation: The DoD OIG will close Recommendation A.2.a‑b after we receive and verify the Army guidance addresses the identified deficiencies and Army corrective actions to improve physical and logical security over the SIPRNet have been implemented.

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Report No. DODIG‑2016‑128, “XM25 Schedule Delays, Cost Increases, and Performance Problems Continue, and Procurement Quantity Not Justified,” August 29, 2016 (Full Report is For Official Use Only)

Management Challenge: Enabling Effective Acquisition and Contract Management DoD Functional Area: Acquisition Program

Objective: The objective of this audit was to determine the impact of schedule delays on the initial production decision for the XM25 program from March 2014 to June 2016. Additionally, the DoD OIG determined whether the Army appropriately assessed the affordability of the XM25 program and implemented Better Buying Power initiatives.

Army G‑3/5/7 and Army G‑8 Finding: The initial production decision for the XM25 has been delayed since officials removed FY 2015 the DoD OIG issued the last report (Report No. DODIG-2014-048) on the XM25 and FY 2016 XM25 in March 2014. Specifically, Army G‑3/5/7 and Army G‑8 officials removed procurement funding from FY 2015 and FY 2016 XM25 procurement funding from the President’s Budget, the President’s Budget, which extended engineering which extended engineering and manufacturing development by 2 years. and manufacturing Additionally, Army G‑3/5/7 officials contributed to the initial production development by 2 years. decision delay by placing a hold on the XM25 capability production document. These conditions occurred because the XM25 malfunctioned during a forward operational assessment in 2013 and Army officials did not perform Government testing in 2013.

(FOUO) When Army officials did perform Government testing in 2014,

. Therefore, the capability production document remained on hold to allow for additional testing, which further delayed the initial production decision. As a result of the weapon malfunction and , Army officials extended the development effort, and research, development, test, and evaluation (RDT&E) costs increased from between February 2013 and March increase.

68 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense



Recommendation A.1.a: The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology (ASA[ALT]) determine whether to proceed with the XM25 program and the initial production decision after Government testing is completed in the fall of 2016. Specifically, if the test results show that the XM25 meets all of its primary and secondary performance requirements, the milestone decision authority should immediately schedule an initial production decision. If the test results show that the weapon does not meet all of its primary and secondary requirements, the program should be canceled.

(FOUO) Why the Recommendation is Important:

Management Response to the Recommendation: The Deputy for Acquisition and System Management, responding for the ASA(ALT), agreed, stating that as the Milestone Decision Authority, the ASA(ALT) will review all information available and decide whether to proceed with or terminate the XM25 program. The ASA(ALT), with the Chief of Staff of the Army, continues to support the completion of pre‑production qualification testing that should lead to an initial production decision. When the testing is completed, the ASA(ALT) will review test results and determine whether to proceed into initial production. If a decision is made to terminate the XM25 program, the ASA(ALT) will provide final direction and the Army will follow the policy and guidance in Army Regulation 70‑1 and Army Pamphlet 70‑3, with regard to possible termination of the XM25 program.

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(FOUO) Potential Monetary Benefits: The XM25 program continues to experience schedule delays, cost increases, and performance problems since the program entered the engineering and manufacturing development (EMD) phase in December 2010. Specifically, the XM25 program has experienced a total initial production decision delay of 5 years, from first quarter FY 2012 to planned first quarter FY 2017. Total estimated life‑cycle costs have increased from to between February 2013 and March 2016—a increase. Additionally, as of June 2016, the XM25 has

As a result of continued schedule delays, cost increases, and performance problems, the XM25 MDA should determine whether to cancel the program or immediately schedule an initial production decision if the FY 2016 Government test results demonstrate that the XM25 can meet its primary and secondary performance requirements. If the MDA cancels the XM25 program, in funds can be put to better use.

Implementation Status: The initial followup request to the ASA(ALT) is scheduled for June 2017. In addition to Recommendation A.1.a, this report contained 8 other recommendations. All 9 recommendations are resolved. The DoD OIG anticipates receiving a final Army decision on whether to terminate the XM25 program by July 2017.

Information Required to Close the Recommendation: The DoD OIG will close Recommendation A.1.a after we receive documentation and verify the Army’s determination to proceed with the XM25 program or cancel the program after the completion of Government testing.

70 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense



Report No. DODIG‑2017‑004, “Summary Report–Inspections of DoD Facilities and Military Housing and Audits of Base Operations and Support Services Contracts,” October 14, 2016

Management Challenge: Building and Maintaining Force Readiness DoD Functional Area: Construction & Installation Support

Objective: The objective of this audit was to identify common issues and broader findings by summarizing and analyzing previous DoD OIG health and safety inspections of DoD‑occupied facilities and military housing. The DoD OIG also reviewed audit reports related to Base Operations and Support Services (BOSS) contracts and facilities maintenance.

Finding: The DoD OIG issued six reports from July 2013 to July 2016 related to The DoD OIG issued health and safety inspections of DoD facilities at various locations around the six reports from July 2013 to world, documenting 3,783 deficiencies in electrical system safety, fire protection July 2016 related to health and safety inspections of systems, and environmental health and safety. During these inspections, the DoD facilities at various DoD OIG issued 12 notices of concern (NOCs), detailing 319 critical deficiencies locations around the requiring immediate action at 24 of the 36 installations inspected. world, documenting 3,783 deficiencies in The six inspection reports identified systemic weaknesses in the inspection and electrical system safety, maintenance of facilities. All six inspection reports recommended that inspection fire protection systems, and maintenance programs for facilities be reviewed and improvements be made, and environmental health including the need to ensure that sufficient qualified resources are available and safety. to execute these programs. Additional recommendations addressed the need to perform periodic inspections and maintenance of DoD facilities and military housing to ensure compliance with health and safety requirements.

The deficiencies that the DoD OIG identified in the previous inspections and the lack of consistent inspections and maintenance programs resulted in DoD personnel and military families being exposed to health and safety hazards at installations around the world.

Recommendation A.1: The DoD OIG recommended that the Secretaries of the Military Departments annually perform at least two comprehensive, independent inspections of installations. The purpose of these inspections is to verify compliance with all applicable health and safety requirements.

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Why the Recommendation is Important: Implementation will allow the Military Departments to collect information and make informed decisions to improve the overall effectiveness of facility sustainment programs and to ensure the health and safety of DoD personnel and their families.

Management Responses to the Recommendation: The Secretaries of the Military Departments agreed to take the following actions:

• Secretary of the Army agreed to develop a plan in the next 180 days to implement the recommendation. • Secretary of the Navy agreed to develop guidance for the conduct of such inspections by October 31, 2016. • Secretary of the Air Force agreed to perform at least two comprehensive, independent inspections of installations each year to verify compliance with all applicable health and safety requirements and to develop a plan by the end of the second quarter FY 17 to implement the recommendation.

Implementation Status: Initial followup request to the Army, Navy, and Air Force for an implementation status update is scheduled for June 2017. In addition to Recommendation A.1, this report contained 7 other recommendations. Of those 8 recommendations, 2 are closed and 6 are resolved. The DoD OIG anticipates receipt of a status update from the Military Departments in July 2017.

Information Required to Close the Recommendation: The DoD OIG will close Recommendation A.1 once we obtain finalized plans which support the performance of the recommended comprehensive, independent health and safety inspections by the Military Departments along with the planned date for the first inspections conducted by each of the Military Departments.

72 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense



Report No. DODIG‑2017‑029, “ Companies Have Not Developed Effective Training Programs to Attain or Sustain Mission Essential Task Proficiency,” December 5, 2016 (Full Report is Classified)

Management Challenge: Developing Full Spectrum Total Force Capabilities DoD Functional Area: Logistics

Objective: The objective of this audit was to determine whether Army National Guard units had the ability to perform their mission essential tasks (METs). A MET is a task that a unit must perform based on their design, equipment, manning, and organization. Specifically, the DoD OIG evaluated the Army National Guard’s training proficiency at the company and cavalry troop level. The DoD OIG review focused on determining whether Army National Guard training programs were sufficient to ensure units could attain and sustain MET task proficiency.

Finding: The DoD OIG determined that unit commanders did not develop The DoD OIG determined effective training programs to ensure their units attained or sustained MET that unit commanders proficiency. Specifically, the commanders did not: did not develop effective training programs to ensure • properly develop METs, training priorities, and plans; their units attained or sustained MET proficiency. • manage personnel resources for sustaining training proficiency; • effectively implement training plans and events; and • continually or adequately assess MET proficiency.

The training programs were not effective because the Army and National Guard Bureau did not provide clear, consistent guidance for managing unit training. In addition, commanders did not implement effective inspection programs to provide oversight of collective training and ensure that units complied with training management policies.

Recommendation 1: The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans, Department of the Army, ensure that units implement standardized METs at the company level, establish suspense dates for implementation, and monitor unit progress toward completion.

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Why the Recommendation is Important: Army units of the same type and with the same mission should train to the same standard. If this does not occur, units cannot ensure that other similar type units will provide adequate support when needed.

Management Response to the Recommendation: The Secretary of the Army, responding for the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans, Department of the Army, agreed with the recommendation and stated that the Army has completed development of standard mission essential task lists for 95 percent of operating force units down through the company level. Standard mission essential task lists are now available to units through the Army Training Network website. Also, the second quarter FY 2017 scheduled revision of Army Regulation 350‑1, “Army Training and Leader Development,” will further reinforce guidance focusing on training on standard mission essential task lists. Finally, the Secretary stated that the Army will continue to integrate standard evaluation criteria into all training and evaluation outlines published in the web‑based Combined Arms Training Strategy with an expected completion by the fourth quarter FY 2017.

Implementation Status: Initial followup request to the Army for an implementation status update is scheduled for June 2017. In addition to Recommendation 1, this report contained 3 other recommendations. All 4 recommendations are resolved. The DoD OIG anticipates receipt of a status update from the Army in July 2017.

Information Required to Close the Recommendation: The DoD OIG will close Recommendation 1 after we receive and verify the Army’s actions to publish guidance, increase training management proficiency, and renew focus of organizational inspection programs on unit‑level training management.

74 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense



Report No. DODIG‑2017‑033, “Assessment of U.S. and Coalition Efforts to Train, Advise, Assist, and Equip the Kurdish Security Forces in Iraq,” December 16, 2016

Management Challenge: Countering the Terrorist Threat DoD Functional Area: Logistics

Objective: The objective of this project was to assess U.S. and Coalition efforts to train, advise, assist, and equip the Kurdish Security Forces (KSF) to conduct operations against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).

Finding: U.S. officials did not have a comprehensive written plan to sustain U.S. officials did not have a the two brigade equipment sets the United States intended to provide the comprehensive written plan to sustain the two brigade KSF. An official within the Office of Security Cooperation–Iraq (OSC‑I) reported equipment sets the that this occurred because the Combined Joint Forces Land Component United States intended 9 Command–Iraq did not use the Total Package Approach during the development to provide the Kurdish of the brigade set requirements, omitting the sustainment support from the Security Forces requirements planning.

Recommendation B.1: The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Central Command, determine the requirements to sustain the functioning of the KSF brigade equipment sets and issue a written sustainment plan that includes those requirements.

Why the Recommendation is Important: Unless the DoD plans for the sustainment requirements for the brigade equipment sets, the DoD may have to spend more U.S. money in the future for unnecessary repairs or replacement of this equipment.

9 A Total Package Approach (TPA) ensures that the requesting authority considers and addresses follow-on support and effective sustainability (of the defense articles being provided during the planning phase of a Building Partner Capacity (BPC) case), recognizing that BPC programs are time‑limited by their appropriations. Adequate sustainment support may require spares (spare parts), additional training, consumables, and possibly contractor logistics support that exceed BPC program funding timelines.

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Management Response to the Recommendation: The Executive Director, responding for the Commander, U.S. Central Command, agreed, stating that the OSC‑I is developing cases with a Total Package Approach that will address current and future capability gaps. The OSC‑I will focus Credit Facility 2017 (and beyond) on the development of a capable, cost effective, and sustainable Ministry of Peshmerga (MoP). The Peshmerga Organizational and Operationa (O&O) Concept includes the plan to develop a sustainment brigade, military readiness infrastructure, and investments into the logistics supply requirements of the Peshmerga Modernized Division (PMD) concept. The field command should remain in coordination with the OSC‑I in supporting their actions to maintain KSF equipment readiness.

Implementation Status: Initial followup request to U.S. Central Command for an implementation status update is scheduled for July 2017. In addition to Recommendation B.1, this report contained 5 other recommendations. All 6 recommendations are resolved. The DoD OIG anticipates receipt of a status update from U.S. Central Command in August 2017.

Information Required to Close the Recommendation: The DoD OIG will close Recommendation B.1 after we receive, review, and verify that the sustainment plan developed includes the requirements to sustain the readiness of the KSF brigade equipment sets.

76 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


CHAPTER 2 Reports With Remaining Uncollected Potential Monetary Benefits DoD OIG reports also provide information on the estimated potential monetary benefits (financial savings) that can be achieved based on DoD management implementation of report recommendations. Potential monetary benefits can be classified as questioned costs or funds put to better use.

Questioned costs are costs that are questioned because of an alleged violation of a provision of a law, regulation, contract, grant, cooperative agreement, or other agreements or documents governing the expenditure of funds or reimbursement of costs. Questioned costs may also be costs that are not supported by adequate documentation at the time of the DoD OIG review, or unnecessary or unreasonable expenditure of funds for an intended purpose. For example, in Report No. DODIG‑2013‑084, the DoD OIG determined that the Marine Corps could not support the need to procure 200 CH‑53K aircraft. As a result, the Marine Corps risked spending up to $5 billion in procurement funding and $17.2 billion in operating and support funding over the program’s life for 44 additional aircraft that may not be needed to support future Marine Corps requirements.

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Funds put to better use are funds that could be used more efficiently if management takes action to implement and complete the recommendations in the report, such as reducing outlays, de‑obligating funds from programs or operations, implementing improvements to operations, or taking actions that will result in avoiding costs. For example, in Report No. DODIG‑2017‑045, the DoD OIG determined that U.S. Army Medical Command officials missed opportunities to collect up to $40 million for Army military treatment facilities to fund administrative, operating, and equipment costs; readiness training; and trauma consortium activities. This occurred because U.S. Army Medical Command officials did not have procedures in place to review the transferred accounts or to return potentially collectible accounts to the military treatment facility uniform business offices to continue collection efforts.

DoD OIG staff calculates projected potential monetary benefits during the performance of an audit and includes them as part of a recommendation when providing the report to DoD management for comments. As of March 31, 2017, there were 58 open recommendations from 40 DoD OIG reports, with associated potential monetary benefits of $33.6 billion. This chapter lists the 40 final reports, the 58 open recommendations, and the associated potential monetary benefits.

The vast majority of the potential monetary benefits associated with the 58 open recommendations resulted from reports related to acquisition and contracting management. These recommendations affect the current and future procurement of weapon systems and DoD compliance with acquisition regulations.

78 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense



TABLE: Uncollected Potential Monetary Benefits (as of March 31, 2017)

(FOUO) Remaining Type of Potential Date Report/Recommendation Potential Monetary Monetary Benefits Benefits Recommended

DODIG‑2013‑084, Increased Procurement Quantity for CH‑53K Helicopter Not Justified Recommendation 3: The Marine Corps Deputy Questioned Commandant for Aviation submit to the Joint $22,200,000,000 Costs 5/31/2013 Requirements Oversight Council for review and a decision on any increases in quantity beyond 156 CH‑53K aircraft before the low‑rate initial production planned for February 2016.

DODIG‑2014‑123, Air Force Did Not Justify the Need for MQ‑9 Reaper Procurement Quantities Recommendation 1.b: Headquarters, , update and submit the Funds Put to MQ‑9 production document to the Air Force $8,812,700,000 Better Use 9/30/2014 Requirements Oversight Council and subsequently, the Joint Requirements Oversight Council, and request validation that the cost and quantity changes are necessary prior to making any FY 2015 procurement decisions.


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Uncollected Potential Monetary Benefits (cont’d)

(FOUO) Remaining Type of Potential Date Report/Recommendation Potential Monetary Monetary Benefits Benefits Recommended

DODIG‑2016‑128, XM25 Schedule Delays, Cost Increases, and Performance Problems Continue, and Procurement Quantity Not Justified Recommendation A.1.a: The Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology determine whether to proceed with the XM25 program and the (FOUO) initial production decision after Government Funds Put to 8/29/2016 testing is completed in the fall of 2016. Better Use Specifically, if the test results show that the XM25 meets all of its primary and secondary performance requirements, the milestone decision authority should immediately schedule an initial production decision. If the test results show that the weapon does not meet all of its primary and secondary requirements, the program should be canceled.

DODIG‑2013‑100, Contract Administration of the Subsistence Prime Vendor Contract for Afghanistan Improved, but Additional Actions are Needed Funds Put to Recommendation 1.a: The Commander, $631,700,000 Better Use 7/2/2013 Defense Logistics Agency Troop Support, initiate corrective actions to recover premium transportation fees and refund the Army after litigation is completed.

DODIG‑2016‑044, U.S. Transportation Command Needs Further Improvements to Address Performance Concerns Over the Global Privately Owned Vehicle Contract III $157,000,000 Questioned 2/3/2016 Recommendation 1.e: The Director, Costs U.S. Transportation Command, Acquisition, take appropriate action to ensure that all overpayments are recouped.


80 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense



Uncollected Potential Monetary Benefits (cont’d)

(FOUO) Remaining Type of Potential Date Report/Recommendation Potential Monetary Monetary Benefits Benefits Recommended

DODIG‑2015‑152, Defense Information Systems Agency and Defense Logistics Agency Information Technology Contracts Awarded Without Competition Were Generally Justified Recommendation 1.a: The Defense Information Systems Agency Procurement Services Executive Chief, Defense Information Questioned Technology Contracting Organization, $151,000,000 Costs 7/29/2015 review the contracting practices at Defense Information Systems Agency, Defense Information Technology Contracting Organization, Fort Meade, Maryland, for contract HC1047‑13‑D‑4006, and take action to remove the non‑unique equipment and services as appropriate.

DODIG‑2014‑073, Northrop Grumman Improperly Charged Labor for the Counter Narco‑terrorism Technology Program (FOUO) Recommendation 2: The Executive Director, Army Contracting Command‑Redstone (FOUO) Arsenal review the eligibility of the Questioned 5/13/2014 DynCorp International employees to Costs determine if the employees met the labor qualifications specified in the contract and, if they did not, obtain a refund for improper labor charges or recoup from any currently owed payments due the contractor.

DODIG‑2014‑101, Delinquent Medical Service Accounts at Brooke Army Medical Center Need Additional Management Oversight Funds Put to Recommendation 1.b: The Commander, $73,103,000 Better Use 8/13/2014 Brooke Army Medical Center, review, research, and pursue collections on the remaining open delinquent medical service accounts.


Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 81



Uncollected Potential Monetary Benefits (cont’d)

(FOUO) Remaining Type of Potential Date Report/Recommendation Potential Monetary Monetary Benefits Benefits Recommended

DODIG‑2016‑011, The Navy Needs to Improve the Management of Parts Required to Sustain the AN/SPY‑1 Phased Array Radar System Recommendation 1.c: The Commander of Funds Put to Naval Supply System Command, in coordination $59,600,000 Better Use 11/6/2015 with the Commander of Naval Sea System Command, use any excess parts identified to offset the future procurement of SPY‑1 radar or other weapon system part requirements.

DODIG‑2017‑053, The Air Force Did Not Adequately Determine or Document Fair and Reasonable Prices for Lot 7 Sole‑Source Initial Spare Parts for the C‑5 Aircraft Recommendation A.1.a: The Commander, Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, require contracting officers to obtain sufficient commercial sales data when evaluating the $58,800,000 Questioned 2/7/2017 prices of sole‑source commercial items, and Costs request other‑than‑certified cost or pricing data when commercial sales data are not sufficient, in accordance with the Federal Acquisition Regulation 15.402(a), 15.403‑3(c), 15.404‑3, and Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement Procedures, Guidance, and Information 215.402.

DODIG‑2016‑087, Air Force Civil Engineer Center Management of Energy Savings Performance Contracts Needs Improvement Recommendation 1.c: The Director, Air Force Civil Engineer Center, validate Joint Base Charleston energy savings performance Questioned contract savings achieved for performance $48,951,000 Costs 5/4/2016 years 2 through 8 as statutorily mandated and recommend the contracting officer take appropriate contractual action, such as recovering unrealized guaranteed energy savings or buying out the remaining portion of the contract.


82 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense



Uncollected Potential Monetary Benefits (cont’d)

(FOUO) Remaining Type of Potential Date Report/Recommendation Potential Monetary Monetary Benefits Benefits Recommended

DODIG‑2017‑045, Medical Service Accounts at U.S. Army Medical Command Need Additional Management Oversight Recommendation 1.a: The Commander, U.S. Army Medical Command, review the Funds Put to 21,742 medical service accounts that military $40,211,568 Better Use 1/27/2017 treatment facility Uniform Business Offices determined were uncollectible to ensure all collection efforts have been exhausted and to obtain approval from the proper authority to terminate the accounts that are uncollectible.

DODIG‑2017‑044, Naval Facilities Engineering Command Management of Energy Savings Performance Contracts Needs Improvement Recommendation 1.b.1: The Commander, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, direct Naval Facilities Engineering Command Expeditionary Warfare Center officials to Questioned validate prior-year energy savings performance $29,700,000 Costs 1/26/2017 contracts; and verify the contractor-claimed energy savings for Commander Fleet Activity Yokosuka performed during post-installation period (completed on November 14, 2008) and the performance periods (September 1, 2008, through August 31, 2009, and September 1, 2009, through August 31, 2010).

DODIG‑2016‑074, Army Contracting Officials Could Have Purchased Husky Mounted Detection System Spare Parts at Lower Prices Recommendation 2: The Army Contracting Command–Aberdeen Proving Ground determine and document whether it is $27,032,000 Questioned 3/31/2016 appropriate to request a $27 million voluntary Costs refund from the contractor for sole‑source Husky Mounted Detection System spare parts, in accordance with Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement Subpart 242.71, “Voluntary Refunds.”


Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 83



Uncollected Potential Monetary Benefits (cont’d)

(FOUO) Remaining Type of Potential Date Report/Recommendation Potential Monetary Monetary Benefits Benefits Recommended

DODIG‑2014‑073, Northrop Grumman Improperly Charged Labor for the Counter Narco‑terrorism Technology Program (FOUO) Recommendation 3: The Executive Director, Army Contracting Command– (FOUO) Redstone Arsenal, conduct a review of the Questioned 5/13/2014 $21.7 million in potentially excessive payments Costs and recover improper payments or recoup from any currently owed payments due the contractor on contract W9113M‑07‑D‑007 that were not already recovered through Recommendation 2.

DODIG‑2016‑080, Army’s Management of Gray Eagle Spare Parts Needs Improvement Recommendation A.1.b.ii: The Project Manager, Unmanned Aircraft System, require that Product Manager‑Medium Altitude Endurance use inventory at DoD‑fielded (FOUO) locations before purchasing additional Funds Put to 4/29/2016 spare parts from General Atomics on the Better Use performance based logistics (PBL) contract and production contracts and then conduct a cost‑benefit analysis to determine whether it should dispose of the excess spare parts or keep the excess spare parts for future use and take the appropriate action.

DODIG‑2016‑036, Management of Items in the Defense Logistic Agency’s Long‑Term Storage Needs Improvement Recommendation B.2: The Director, Defense $17,900,000 Questioned 12/22/2015 Logistics Agency, should determine why eligible Costs long‑term storage inventory items are not automatically recouped and correct those deficiencies in the Enterprise Business System.


84 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense



Uncollected Potential Monetary Benefits (cont’d)

(FOUO) Remaining Type of Potential Date Report/Recommendation Potential Monetary Monetary Benefits Benefits Recommended

DODIG‑2015‑053, Naval Supply Systems Command Needs to Improve Cost Effectiveness of Purchases for the Phalanx Close‑In Weapon System (FOUO) Recommendation 1.b:

$17,800,000 Questioned 12/19/2014 Costs

DODIG‑2017‑044, Naval Facilities Engineering Command Management of Energy Savings Performance Contracts Needs Improvement Recommendation 1.d.2: The Commander, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, direct Naval Facilities Engineering Command officials to perform Naval Facilities Engineering Command−required $15,600,000 Questioned 1/26/2017 higher‑level reviews of the energy savings Costs performance contracts contractor‑claimed energy savings achieved for Naval Air Station Oceana (Main Base) for performance periods of February 1, 2012, through January 31, 2013, February 1, 2013, through January 31, 2014, and February 1, 2014, through January 31, 2015.


Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 85



Uncollected Potential Monetary Benefits (cont’d)

(FOUO) Remaining Type of Potential Date Report/Recommendation Potential Monetary Monetary Benefits Benefits Recommended

DODIG‑2012‑135, Mi‑17 Overhauls Had Significant Cost Overruns and Schedule Delays (FOUO) Recommendation A.4.a: The U.S. Army Contracting Command-Redstone Arsenal Contracting Officer responsible for task orders W911M-07-D-0007-0021 and W9113M- 07-D-0007-0035 make no payments on $12,600,000 Funds Put to 9/27/2012 additional costs associated with the Better Use and requests for equitable adjustment until all costs have been determined to be reasonable, allowable, and allocable, and the requisite analyses have been reviewed by the Head of the Contracting Activity.

DODIG‑2012‑004, Changes Are Needed to the Army Contract With Sikorsky to Use Existing DoD Inventory and Control Costs at the Corpus Christi Army Depot Funds Put to Recommendation B.1: The Executive Director, $11,836,000 Better Use 11/3/2011 U.S. Army Contracting Command-Redstone Arsenal, instruct the contracting officer to obtain a refund of $11.8 million for the material cost reduction incentive.

DODIG‑2016‑027, Defense Logistics Agency’s Materiel Returns Program Could Be Managed More Effectively Recommendation A.1: The Defense Questioned Logistics Agency develop Materiel Returns $9,300,000 Costs 12/2/2015 Program guidance that includes, as a minimum, procedures for supply planners on how to assess and respond to customer return requests.


86 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense



Uncollected Potential Monetary Benefits (cont’d)

(FOUO) Remaining Type of Potential Date Report/Recommendation Potential Monetary Monetary Benefits Benefits Recommended

DODIG‑2017‑044, Naval Facilities Engineering Command Management of Energy Savings Performance Contracts Needs Improvement Recommendation 1.b.2: The Commander, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, direct Naval Facilities Engineering Command Expeditionary Warfare Center officials to validate prior-year energy savings performance $8,900,000 Questioned 1/26/2017 contracts; and verify the contractor-claimed Costs energy savings for Naval Air Station Oceana (Dam Neck Annex) performed during the post- installation period (completed on September 30, 2008) and the performance periods (October 1, 2008, through September 30, 2009; and October 1, 2009, through September 30, 2010).

DODIG‑2017‑003, The Air Force Needs to Improve Cost‑Effectiveness and Availability of the Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System Recommendation 1.c: The Senior Center Contracting Official, Robins Air Force Base, require the contracting officer to determine if the unallowable award fees paid during Funds Put to Total System Support Responsibility contract $7,572,000 Better Use 11/1/2016 option periods 14 and 15 can be recovered through either the “Procedures for Disputes Resolution by Alternate Disputes Resolution Process” clause in the Total System Support Responsibility contract or voluntary refund in accordance with Defense Federal Regulation Supplement, Procedure, Guidance, and Information 242.71.

DODIG‑2016‑080, Army’s Management of Gray Eagle Spare Parts Needs Improvement Recommendation A.1.b.i: The Project Manager, (FOUO) Funds Put to Unmanned Aircraft System, require that Better Use 4/29/2016 Product Manager‑Medium Altitude Endurance review the obsolete spare parts and initiate disposal of any unneeded obsolete spare parts.


Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 87



Uncollected Potential Monetary Benefits (cont’d)

(FOUO) Remaining Type of Potential Date Report/Recommendation Potential Monetary Monetary Benefits Benefits Recommended

D‑2011‑104, Pricing and Escalation Issues Weaken the Effectiveness of the Army Contract With Sikorsky to Support the Corpus Christi Army Depot Funds Put to Recommendation 2.b(8): The Commander, $6,875,000 Better Use 9/8/2011 Army Aviation and Missile Life Cycle Management Command, account for and request a refund for excessive escalation for 2011.

DODIG‑2013‑123, Army Needs to Improve Mi‑17 Overhaul Management and Contract Administration (FOUO) Recommendation A.2.a: The U.S. Army Questioned Materiel Command direct contractual action $6,438,000 Costs 8/30/2013 to recoup questioned costs for advance payments to the contractor plus applicable interest due in accordance with the Financial Acquisition Regulation.

D‑2011‑104, Pricing and Escalation Issues Weaken the Effectiveness of the Army Contract With Sikorsky to Support the Corpus Christi Army Depot Recommendation 2.b(7): The Commander, $5,410,000 Funds Put to 9/8/2011 Army Aviation and Missile Life Cycle Better Use Management Command, request a voluntary refund of about $5.4 million for profits caused by excessive escalation from 2008 through 2010.

DODIG‑2017‑044, Naval Facilities Engineering Command Management of Energy Savings Performance Contracts Needs Improvement Recommendation 1.b.5: The Commander, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, direct Naval Facilities Engineering Command Expeditionary Warfare Center officials to Questioned validate prior-year energy savings performance $4,400,000 Costs 1/26/2017 contracts; and verify the contractor-claimed energy savings for Marine Corps Logistic Base Albany, performed during post-installation period (completed on February 29, 2012) and the performance periods (May 1, 2012, through April 30, 2013, and May 1, 2013, through April 30, 2014).


88 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense



Uncollected Potential Monetary Benefits (cont’d)

(FOUO) Remaining Type of Potential Date Report/Recommendation Potential Monetary Monetary Benefits Benefits Recommended

DODIG‑2016‑079, Delinquent Medical Service Accounts at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center Need Additional Management Oversight Funds Put to Recommendation 1.a: The Commander, $4,287,000 Better Use 4/28/2016 Regional Health Command Europe, review, research, and pursue collection on the delinquent medical service accounts that remain open.

DODIG‑2016‑099, U.S. Special Operations Command Controls Over the Requirements Development Process for Military Construction Projects Need Improvement Recommendation A.1.a: The Commander, Funds Put to U.S. Special Operations Command, notify $4,000,000 Better Use 6/17/2016 Congress of the scope reduction for Special Operations Forces 21st Special Tactics Squadron Operations Facility project to remove the indoor small arms range, in accordance with section 2853, title 10, United States Code.

DODIG‑2017‑044, Naval Facilities Engineering Command Management of Energy Savings Performance Contracts Needs Improvement Recommendation 1.b.3: The Commander, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, direct Naval Facilities Engineering Command $3,600,000 Questioned 1/26/2017 Expeditionary Warfare Center officials to Costs validity prior‑year energy savings performance contracts; and verify the contractor‑claimed energy savings for Naval Air Station Oceana (Main Base) performed during post‑installation period (completed on December 17, 2010).


Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 89



Uncollected Potential Monetary Benefits (cont’d)

(FOUO) Remaining Type of Potential Date Report/Recommendation Potential Monetary Monetary Benefits Benefits Recommended

D‑2010‑081, Army Use of Time‑and‑Materials Contracts in Southwest Asia Recommendation B.2: The Director of Contracting, White Sands Missile Range, review the cited task order and request a refund for: a) unauthorized increases in Outside $3,585,000 Questioned 8/27/2010 the Continental United States labor rates; Costs b) payments made for subcontractor employees who were not actually working; c) payments made for work performed after the task order period of performance had expired, and; d) any other invoice discrepancies.

DODIG‑2017‑044, Naval Facilities Engineering Command Management of Energy Savings Performance Contracts Needs Improvement Recommendation 1.d.1: The Commander, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, direct Naval Facilities Engineering Command officials Questioned to perform Naval Facilities Engineering $3,400,000 Costs 1/26/2017 Command−required higher‑level reviews of the energy savings performance contracts contractor‑claimed energy savings achieved for Naval Air Station Oceana (Dam Neck Annex) for performance period of September 1, 2012, through August 31, 2013.

DODIG‑2016‑080, Army’s Management of Gray Eagle Spare Parts Needs Improvement Recommendation B.1.c: The Executive Director, Army Contracting Command, Redstone Arsenal, assess and determine (FOUO) Funds Put to whether overpayments were made and Better Use 4/29/2016 implement available options to seek recovery, to include voluntary refunds in accordance with Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement 242.71 of the overpayments identified on 31 of 37 sample parts.


90 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense



Uncollected Potential Monetary Benefits (cont’d)

(FOUO) Remaining Type of Potential Date Report/Recommendation Potential Monetary Monetary Benefits Benefits Recommended

DODIG‑2016‑044, U.S. Transportation Command Needs Further Improvements to Address Performance Concerns Over the Global Privately Owned Vehicle Contract III $2,617,000 Funds Put to 2/3/2016 Recommendation 2.d: The Commander, Better Use Surface Deployment and Distribution Command, take appropriate action to ensure that all overpayments are recouped.

DODIG‑2017‑044, Naval Facilities Engineering Command Management of Energy Savings Performance Contracts Needs Improvement Recommendation 1.b.4: The Commander, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, direct Naval Facilities Engineering Command Expeditionary Questioned Warfare Center officials to validate prior-year $2,100,000 Costs 1/26/2017 energy savings performance contracts; and verify the contractor-claimed energy savings for Naval Station Great Lakes performed during postinstallation period (completed on August 31, 2011) and the performance periods (September 1, 2012, through August 31, 2013).

D‑2011‑080, DoD and the Department of State Need Better Procedures to Monitor and Expend DoD Funds for the Afghan National Police Training Program Recommendation B.4: The Contracting Officer, Bureau of Administration, Office of Logistics $2,070,000* Funds Put to 7/7/2011 Management, recover unsupported costs from Better Use the contractor and; once Recommendations B.2.a‑d are implemented, the additional costs identified during the 100‑percent detailed invoice review as costs either not allowed or not for services performed.

(FOUO) * The agreed‑upon corrective actions have been completed by DoD management; however, monetary benefits accruing from those actions may still be recouped.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 91



Uncollected Potential Monetary Benefits (cont’d)

(FOUO) Remaining Type of Potential Date Report/Recommendation Potential Monetary Monetary Benefits Benefits Recommended

DODIG‑2017‑064, The Defense Health Agency Improperly Paid for Autism‑Related Services to Selected Companies in the TRICARE South Region Recommendation 1.b: The Director, Defense $1,896,179 Funds Put to 3/10/2017 Health Agency, review claims from the five Better Use applied behavior analysis companies in our sample and provide the results of the review to the DHA Program Integrity Office for appropriate action.

DODIG‑2013‑123, Army Needs to Improve Mi‑17 Overhaul Management and Contract Administration Recommendation C.1: The U.S. Army Materiel Command conduct an independent cost analysis in accordance with Federal Acquisition Questioned Regulation 15.401‑1 to validate that a fair and $1,307,000 Costs 8/30/2013 reasonable price is determined for the 127 Mi‑17 parts, storage space and authenticity check and recoup any questionable costs with specific consideration to the $1,306,957 in higher prices for 48 parts and storage expenses paid to the contractor.

DODIG‑2016‑061, U.S. Army Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command Needs to Improve its Oversight of Labor Detention Charges at Military Ocean Terminal Sunny Point $1,074,000 Questioned 3/16/2016 Recommendation 3.a‑b: The U.S. Surface Costs Deployment and Distribution Command direct the Transportation Brigades to process and submit claims for recouping labor detention charges caused by other entities.

DODIG‑2012‑004, Changes Are Needed to the Army Contract With Sikorsky to Use Existing DoD Inventory and Control Costs at the Corpus Christi Army Depot Recommendation C.2: The Executive Director, $931,000 Funds Put to 11/3/2011 U.S. Army Contracting Command‑Redstone Better Use Arsenal, instruct the contracting officer to request a refund of $930,760 for excessive profits charged on purchases from the Defense Logistics Agency.


92 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense



Uncollected Potential Monetary Benefits (cont’d)

(FOUO) Remaining Type of Potential Date Report/Recommendation Potential Monetary Monetary Benefits Benefits Recommended

DODIG‑2015‑087, Delinquent Medical Service Accounts at Naval Medical Center Portsmouth Need Additional Management Oversight Funds Put to Recommendation A.1.c: The Commander, Naval $771,000 Better Use 3/4/2015 Medical Center Portsmouth, review, research, and pursue collection on the remaining open delinquent medical service accounts.

D‑2008‑097, Hurricane Relief Effort Costs on the Navy Construction Capabilities Contract Recommendation B.1.c: The Commanding Officer, Naval Facilities Engineering Command $639,000* Funds Put to 5/23/2008 Southeast, request Kellogg, Brown, and Better Use Root to refund any amount paid under the material markup provisions determined to represent profit.

DODIG‑2016‑061, U.S. Army Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command Needs to Improve its Oversight of Labor Detention Charges at Military Ocean Terminal Sunny Point $534,000 Funds Put to 3/16/2016 Recommendations 1.b and 2: The Better Use U.S. Transportation Command take action to recoup charges for time charged as safety briefings erroneously charged as labor detention time.

DODIG‑2017‑050, Defense Logistics Agency Aviation Negotiated Fair and Reasonable Prices for F402 Engine Spare Parts, but Pricing Errors and Late Deliveries Occurred Recommendation A.1.b: The Director, Defense $407,317 Funds Put to 1/31/2017 Logistics Agency, direct the contracting Better Use officer to determine whether the Defense Logistics Agency Aviation is entitled to any credits or refunds for payments already made to Rolls‑Royce.

(FOUO) * The agreed‑upon corrective actions have been completed by DoD management; however, monetary benefits accruing from those actions may still be recouped.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 93



Uncollected Potential Monetary Benefits (cont’d)

(FOUO) Remaining Type of Potential Date Report/Recommendation Potential Monetary Monetary Benefits Benefits Recommended

DODIG‑2015‑040, Defense Health Agency Did Not Have Adequate Controls in the North Region to Detect Improper Payments for Claims Submitted by Skilled Nursing Facilities Recommendation 2: The Assistant Secretary Funds Put to of Defense for Health Affairs review and $391,000 Better Use 11/24/2014 pursue appropriate action on the claims in the audit sample that received insufficient or no documentation from the skilled nursing facilities or whose eligibility was unable to be determined.

DODIG‑2017‑043, Management of Excess Material in the Navy’s Real‑Time Reutilization Asset Management Facilities Needs Improvement Recommendation B.1: The Commander, Naval Supply Systems Command, update Naval Supply Questioned Systems Command Publication 485 to require $306,454 Costs 1/23/2017 users requisitioning material to use the Navy Enterprise Resource Planning system before using the alternative methods, which should ensure the Navy maximizes use of excess consumable material available in the Real‑Time Reutilization Asset Management facilities.

DODIG‑2014‑005, Combined Joint Task Force‑Horn of Africa (CJTF‑HOA) Needed Better Guidance and Systems to Adequately Manage Civil‑Military Operations Recommendation 3.c: The Commander, CJTF‑HOA, request financial assistance from $229,000 Questioned 10/30/2013 either the U.S. Forces Command or Defense Costs Finance and Accounting Service, to review all 17 humanitarian and civic assistance projects to verify whether expenditures were properly accounted for and supported and correct errors.


94 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense



Uncollected Potential Monetary Benefits (cont’d)

(FOUO) Remaining Type of Potential Date Report/Recommendation Potential Monetary Monetary Benefits Benefits Recommended

DODIG‑2014‑118, Improvements Needed in Contract Award of Mi‑17 Cockpit Modification Task Order Recommendation B.2: The Director, Army $216,000 Questioned 9/19/2014 Contracting Command–Redstone Non‑Standard Costs Rotary Wing Aircraft Directorate, take action to recoup payments for the sets of manuals that were not accepted or delivered.

DODIG‑2016‑080, Army’s Management of Gray Eagle Spare Parts Needs Improvement

Recommendation A.1.b.iv: The Project (FOUO) Manager, Unmanned Aircraft System Funds Put to 4/29/2016 require that Product Manager‑Medium Better Use Altitude Endurance use existing Defense Logistics Agency inventory, when possible, before purchasing the spare parts from General Atomics.

DODIG‑2014‑096, Improvements Needed in Contract Administration of Mi‑17 Cockpit Modification Task Order (FOUO) (FOUO) Recommendation A: The Director, Army Questioned 7/28/2014 Contracting Command, require the contracting Costs officer to modify the contract to remove the additional fee and recoup from the contractor the unallowable fixed fee increase.

DODIG‑2016‑105, Controls Over Compound Drugs at the Defense Health Agency Reduced Costs Substantially, but Improvements Are Needed $100,000 Questioned 7/1/2016 Recommendation 5: The Director, Defense Costs Health Agency, review and pursue appropriate action on the claims in our sample where we identified potential improper payments.


Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 95



Uncollected Potential Monetary Benefits (cont’d)

(FOUO) Remaining Type of Potential Date Report/Recommendation Potential Monetary Monetary Benefits Benefits Recommended

DODIG‑2016‑093, The Naval Air Systems Command Did Not Obtain Fair and Reasonable Prices on ScanEagle Spare Parts Recommendation 1.b: The Naval Air Systems $12,240 Questioned 5/31/2016 Command, Assistant Commander for Contracts, Costs determine whether overpayments on spare parts were or will be made and pursue available options to recover the funds.

DODIG‑2016‑127, DoD Officials Did Not Take Appropriate Action When Notified of Potential Travel Card Misuse at Casinos and Adult Entertainment Establishments Recommendation 2.g.1: The Director, Defense Travel Management Office, require Questioned DoD management and authorizing officials $6,303 Costs 8/30/2016 to compare travel vouchers to travel card activity to ensure lodging and meals and incidental expenses charges are valid, accurate, and supported when travel card personal use, misuse, abuse, or fraud is identified or suspected.

DODIG‑2016‑127, DoD Officials Did Not Take Appropriate Action When Notified of Potential Travel Card Misuse at Casinos and Adult Entertainment Establishments Recommendation 2.g.2: The Director, Defense Travel Management Office improve internal controls over the identification of travel overpayments by revising the “Government Funds Put to Travel Charge Card Regulations,” March 2016, $2,241 Better Use 8/30/2016 to require DoD management and authorizing officials to: authorizing officials review travel card transactions incurred by cardholders outside of official travel locations and other relevant sources of cardholder location to identify inflated or false mileage claims when travel card personal use, misuse, abuse, or fraud is identified or suspected.

Total $33,579,747,302


96 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 96 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


CHAPTER 3 Reports With Unresolved Recommendations In addition to open recommendations—which are recommendations that DoD management has agreed to implement but has not yet completed—DoD OIG recommendations can remain unresolved, when DoD OIG management disagrees with the recommendations and does not agree to implement them or an alternative corrective action.

This chapter highlights the top unresolved recommendations from five DoD OIG reports. It also provides a list and description of all 47 unresolved recommendations. DoD Components have not agreed to implement these 47 recommendations and have not proposed alternative corrective action to address the recommendations. The DoD OIG is still working with the DoD Components to resolve these issues. For example, if DoD management does not provide comments, or comments to the final report do not fully address the recommendations, the DoD OIG initiates the resolution process, which can result in elevation of the recommendation through multiple levels of management, as necessary.

The following describe the top 10 unresolved recommendations, followed by a table listing all 47 recommendations that are unresolved.

96 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 97



Report No. DODIG‑2012‑098, “Controls Governing the Procurement Automated Contract Evaluation System Need Improvement,” June 5, 2012 (Full Report is For Official Use Only)

Management Challenge: Enabling Effective Acquisition and Contract Management, Improving Financial Management DoD Functional Area: Logistics, Acquisition Program

Objective: The objectives of this audit were to determine whether Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) Supply Centers uniformly applied the controls and rules governing Procurement Automated Contract Evaluation (PACE) awards, whether the DLA had a process to validate that prices were fair and reasonable, and whether the DLA awarded contracts through PACE to suppliers who offered the best value.

The DLA allowed the Finding: Although DLA personnel generally applied the controls and rules PACE system, rather than governing PACE awards in a uniform manner, the DLA did not ensure that contracting officers, to PACE complied with public law. Specifically, the DLA allowed the PACE system, award fully automated rather than contracting officers, to award fully automated contracts by affixing contracts by affixing contracting officers’ contracting officers’ signatures, and violating public laws and the Federal signatures, and violating Acquisition Regulation (FAR). This occurred because DLA personnel misinterpreted public laws and the the public law and the FAR. As a result, the DLA did not ensure that the Federal Acquisition 333,304 contracts, totaling over $1.5 billion, from FY 2008 through 2010 were Regulation (FAR). properly formed and that obligations on those contracts were valid.10

10 The manner in which the contracts were formed, or attempted to be formed; which was DLA allowing the PACE System, rather than contracting officers, to affix contracting officers’ electronic signatures to fully automated PACE awards.

98 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense



Recommendation A.1: The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Logistics Agency, cease the current process of automated affixing of contracting officers’ electronic signatures to fully automated awards in the PACE system and develop an alternate method compliant with Public Law 105‑277, “Government Paperwork Elimination Act,” October 21, 1998, Public Law 106‑229, “Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act,” June 30, 2000, and the Federal Acquisition Regulation.

Why the Recommendation is Important: Electronic signature as used in the PACE process violated public law and the FAR. With no opportunity to review the contract before its award, the contracting officer cannot have approved the award, intended to sign the award, or ensured that all applicable procedures were met. The use of electronic signatures in the PACE system calls into question whether the contracts were properly formed and the recording of obligations on those contracts were valid.

Management Response to the Recommendation: The Director, DLA Acquisition, responding for the DLA Director, disagreed and stated that the report took a restrictive and unreasonable reading of the applicable statutory and FAR definitions. Based on a memorandum from the DLA’s Office of General Counsel, the Director, DLA Acquisition, stated that the DLA disagreed that the contracting officer must have specific knowledge of the content of each purchase order processed in PACE and that the contracting officer must take action to approve each purchase order before issuance.

Resolution Status: This recommendation remains unresolved. The DoD OIG continues to work with the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (OUSD[AT&L]) and the Defense Logistics Agency to resolve the disagreement. The DoD OIG and OUSD(AT&L) plan to meet in June 2017 to further discuss actions taken and required to close the recommendation. In addition to Recommendation A.1, this report contained three other recommendations that have been closed.

Information Required to Reach an Agreement: The DoD OIG will close this recommendation when the OUSD(AT&L) implements corrective actions to ensure compliance with the public laws.

98 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 99



Report No. DODIG‑2013‑082, “Hotline Allegation Regarding the Failure to Take Action on Material Management and Accounting System Audit Findings,” May 29, 2013

Management Challenge: Enabling Effective Acquisition and Contract Management DoD Functional Area: Contractor Oversight

Objective: The objective of this evaluation was to determine the validity of a DoD Hotline complaint that alleged that the contracting officer at a Supervisor of Ship­building, Conversion and Repair (SUPSHIP) facility failed to take action on audit findings reported by the Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) involving a DoD contractor’s Material Management and Accounting System (MMAS).11 The complaint also alleged that DCAA management at a field audit office did not take appropriate action to protect the Government’s interests.

The DoD OIG substantiated the Finding: The DoD OIG substantiated the allegation that the SUPSHIP contracting allegation that the SUPSHIP officer did not take action on significant MMAS deficiencies reported in multiple contracting officer did not take DCAA audit reports since 1996. As a result, the Government likely paid millions action on significant MMAS of dollars in excess material inventory carrying costs and other charges, which deficiencies reported in multiple are not recoverable. In 2010, the DCAA estimated that the Government incurred DCAA audit reports since 1996. $27.7 million annually in excess inventory carrying costs on one of the deficiencies involving the failure to appropriately time‑phase material costs, as required by the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation clause 252.242‑7004, also known as Standard 2.

Standard 2 states that a DoD contractor’s MMAS must, “Ensure that costs of purchased and fabricated material charged or allocated to a contract are based on valid time‑phased requirements as impacted by minimum/economic order quantity restrictions.” The clause defines “time‑phased requirements” as material which is charged and billed to contracts in a manner consistent with the need to fulfill the production plan.

11 The Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement clause 252.242‑7004, requires DoD contractors to maintain a Material Management and Accounting System that reasonably forecasts material requirements; ensures material costs are based on valid time‑phased requirements; and has a consistent, equitable, and unbiased logic for costing of material transactions. The clause lists 10 system criteria (also known as MMAS “standards”) for determining the acceptability of an MMAS.

100 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense



On March 15, 2013, the SUPSHIP Commander entered into an agreement with the contractor concerning how the contractor must calculate master production schedule accuracy. The master production schedule accuracy rate serves as the primary measure for determining if a contractor adequately time‑phases material costs in accordance with Standard 2. The DoD OIG disagrees with the appropriateness of the agreement for two reasons. First, it allows the contractor to exclude a significant portion of materials (referred to as planning material) from the master production schedule rate calculation. Second, it allows the contractor to use a “required‑in‑yard” measurement date, which is inconsistent with the intent of Standard 2. Using the required‑in‑yard date, the measure only serves to determine if material is received according to the master productions schedule, irrespective of whether the schedule is accurate. As a result, the measure would not detect inaccuracies with the master production schedule that cause material to be received too early or too late.

Recommendation A.2.d: The DoD OIG recommended that the Commanding Officer, SUPSHIP, re‑evaluate the determination that the costs of complying with Standard 2 outweigh the benefits, and document adequate rationale for any disagreements with the DCAA auditor in accordance with DoD Instruction 7640.02, “Policy for Follow‑up on Contract Audit Reports.”

Recommendation A.2.e: The DoD OIG recommended that the Commanding Officer, SUPSHIP, in consultation with the DCAA, reassess the appropriateness of the March 15, 2013, agreement with the contractor on the master production schedule accuracy calculation.

Why these Recommendations are Important: The contractor purchases approximately $1 billion worth of material annually. If it routinely receives material far in advance of its production plan or actual need, the Government pays significant excess carrying costs, spoilage, and other unnecessary costs.

100 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 101



Management Response to the Recommendations: The SUPSHIP Commander disagreed with Recommendation A.2.d. SUPSHIP maintains that the cost of complying with Standard 2 outweighs the benefits to the government. SUPSHIP has stated that, due to the nature of shipbuilding, SUPSHIP effectively instructs the contractor to purchase planning material in advance through the issuance of planning contracts. Therefore, the contractor does not have the discretion to appropriately time‑phase planning material.

The SUPSHIP Commander disagreed with recommendation A.2.e. SUPSHIP believes that the contractor appropriately measures its Master Production Schedule Accuracy (MPS) by comparing the “required‑in‑yard” date to the receipt date of the material. Therefore, SUPSHIP did not consult with the DCAA on the appropriateness of the 2013 agreement.

Resolution Status: Since the issuance of the final report, the DoD OIG has held a series of meetings with SUPSHIP, other Navy Leadership, and the DCAA in an attempt to reach consensus on the recommendations. The last meeting was held on February 10, 2016, and all parties agreed that the DCAA would perform a new audit of the contractor’s MMAS and recalculate the estimated impact of not complying with Standard 2. A new audit was considered necessary because the original DCAA audit is based on 2010 material data. The DCAA is performing the new audit and expects to issue its report by June 30, 2017. In addition to Recommendations A.2.d and A.2.e, this report contained four other recommendations that have been closed.

Information Required to Reach an Agreement: After the DCAA issues its report, the Navy will reassess the appropriateness of its current position that the costs of complying with Standard 2 outweigh the benefits to the Government. The DoD OIG will then determine the adequacy of the Navy’s actions in response to its reassessment. If necessary, the DoD OIG will start a formal resolution process to adequately resolve the recommendations.

102 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense



Report No. DODIG‑2015‑138, “The Air Force Did Not Monitor the Energy Savings Performance Contract at Joint Base McGuire,” June 29, 2015

Management Challenge: Improving Financial Management, Enabling Effective Acquisition Processes and Contract Management DoD Functional Area: Contractor Oversight

Objective: The objective of this audit was to determine whether Air Force controls for monitoring contract performance were effective.

Finding: The DoD OIG determined that the Air Force controls for monitoring The DoD OIG determined the contractor’s energy savings performance contract (ESPC) performance at that the Air Force controls for monitoring Joint Base McGuire were not effective. Specifically, the contracting officer the contractor’s energy did not perform contractor surveillance, document contractor compliance savings performance with contract requirements, or validate actual contractor energy savings. The contract (ESPC) contracting officer stated this occurred because she was not aware of Air Force performance at Joint Base and Department of Energy requirements, did not have the technical expertise to McGuire were not effective. validate the actual energy savings, and had other contracting priorities.

Recommendation 1.d: The DoD OIG recommended the Commander, Joint Base McGuire, require the 87th Civil Engineering Squadron to develop a quality assurance surveillance plan (QASP) that includes procedures to survey, observe, test, sample, evaluate, and validate contractor‑reported energy savings for performance years 0 through 3 and maintenance activities.

Recommendation 2.c: The DoD OIG recommended the Commander, 87th Contracting Squadron, direct the contracting officer to review the QASP developed by program officials to determine whether the plan sufficiently addresses monitoring and documenting contractor performance.

Why these Recommendations are Important: Without a QASP for the Joint Base McGuire ESPC, the Air Force will continue to lack appropriate oversight of the $134 million contract because the requirements for the government oversight are not clearly defined for an on‑site oversight process. In addition, the lack of appropriate oversight would impact Joint Base McGuire’s ability to determine whether planned future payments of $115 million for the remaining 16 contract performance years will result in the contractor‑guaranteed energy savings.

102 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 103



Management Response to the Recommendations: The Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Environment, Safety, and Installation) disagreed that the Joint Base McGuire engineers should develop and the Joint Base McGuire contracting officer should review and implement a QASP to aid in performance of Joint Base McGuire ESPC oversight. The Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Environment, Safety, and Installation) disagreed based on the following two points.

• The Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Environment, Safety, and Installation) contends that for ESPCs, the QASP function is performed when the Air Force implements the measurement and verification (M&V) plan in accordance of 42 U.S.C., “Energy Savings Performance Contracts,” and Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Subpart 23.2, “Energy and Water Efficiency and Renewable Energy.” • FAR Subpart 37.102(a)(1)(3) allows for QASP to be waived by the contracting officer for utility contracts and the Air Force considers all ESPCs to be utility contracts.

Based on these two reasons, the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Environment, Safety, and Installation) does not believe the development, review, and implementation of QASP for ESPCs are required or necessary. The Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Environment, Safety, and Installation) contends that there is no precedent for developing a QASP for ESPCs and a QASP would be redundant to the M&V plan.

Resolution Status: The DoD OIG made several supplemental inquires to the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Environment, Safety, and Installation) requesting that he provide any Department of Energy, DoD, or Air Force policy, procedure, or legal determination to support that an ESPC is a utility contract for purposes of FAR Subpart 37.102(a)(1)(3). On several occasions, Air Force personnel have confirmed in writing and verbally that they are not aware of any policy, procedure, or legal determination that defines an ESPC as a utility contract as defined in FAR Subpart 37.102(a)(1)(3). In each inquiry made to the Air Force, the DoD OIG explained the importance of the requirement to develop, review, and implement QASPs for ESPCs to survey, observe, test, sample, evaluate, and validate contractor‑reported savings and the monitoring

104 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense



and documenting contractor performance. However, the Air Force continues to contend that the M&V plan is sufficient to survey, observe, test, sample, evaluate, and validate contractor‑reported savings and the monitoring and documenting of contractor performance. The DoD OIG has been unable to obtain resolution with the Air Force on the need to develop, review, and implement QASPs for ESPCs. The DoD OIG has conducted at least four additional audits reviewing the administration of ESPC within the DoD (specifically, the Navy and Air Force). The results of each audit outlined similar recommendations to implement QASPs for various ESPC portfolios throughout the Department, with Command agreement. In addition, the Air Force has issued QASPs for its ESPCs portfolio awarded in 2016, establishing a clear guidance on how to perform oversight on the ESPCs. In addition to Recommendations 1.d and 2.c, this report contained 11 other recommendations. Of those 13 recommendations, 7 are closed, 4 are resolved, and 2 are unresolved.

Additional Planned Actions: The DoD OIG anticipates performing either a followup project specific to the Air Force’s implementation of the recommendations outlined in Report No. DODIG‑2015‑138 or as a part of a summary report on the DoD’s administration of ESPCs. The implementation of QASPs for ESPCs by other DoD Components will be used to illustrate the importance of developing, reviewing, and implementing QASPs as ESPC contract administration controls to survey, observe, test, sample, evaluate, and validate contractor‑reported savings and the monitoring and documenting of contractor performance.

Information Required to Reach an Agreement: Once the DoD OIG completes the anticipated followup or summary project, the audit team will submit the results to the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Environment, Safety, and Installation). In addition, the team will request a legal determination from the Office of General Counsel, Department of Energy (Federal Energy Management Program), that ESPCs are not considered utility contracts under FAR Subpart 37.102(a)(1)(3) and that an M&V plan does not replace the QASP to survey, observe, test, sample, evaluate, and validate contractor‑reported savings and the monitoring and commenting on contractor performance. Therefore, validating that QASPs are required and necessary.

104 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 105



Report No. DODIG‑2015‑155, “U.S. Force Korea Service Components Can Improve Management of Individual Protective Equipment,” July 31, 2015 (Full Report is Classified)

Management Challenge: Building and Maintaining Force Readiness DoD Functional Area: Logistics

Objective: The objective of this audit was to determine whether forward‑deployed forces assigned to U.S. Forces Korea are equipped to defend against chemical and biological agents. Specifically, the audit focused on equipment levels for U.S. forces stationed in the Republic of Korea.

The DoD OIG determined Finding: The DoD OIG determined that the Services did not ensure that that the Services did not inspections included steps to verify whether personnel received all required ensure that inspections individual protective equipment and performed preventative maintenance checks included steps to verify and services. whether personnel received all required individual (FOUO) Recommendation 3.a: The DoD OIG recommended the protective equipment and

performed preventative maintenance checks and services. (FOUO) Recommendation 3.b: The DoD OIG recommended the


(FOUO) Recommendation 3.c: The DoD OIG recommended the

Management Response to the Recommendations: Comments were not received from the Commander, 7th Air Force, in response to the draft or final audit report.

Why these Recommendations are Important: Without sufficient quantities of personal protective equipment, personnel are at risk in a contaminated environment.

106 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense



Resolution Status: The Headquarters Air Force audit liaison admitted that as the result of an administrative oversight, they never requested comments from the 7th Air Force. Since the issuance of the final report, the audit liaison has been attempting to identify a point of contact at the 7th Air Force to address the recommendations. As of February 15, 2017, the 7th Air Force stated that the staff present at the time of the audit are no longer part of the command, and no one at the command is comfortable responding to the recommendations. In the DoD OIG’s last communication with the audit liaison, the DoD OIG reiterated that there was no requirement that they had to be present at the time of the audit in order to provide a management response to the recommendations. If the Air Force does not address this recommendation, service members may still not have sufficient quantities of equipment to protect themselves against a contaminated environment. In addition to Recommendations 3.a, 3.b, and 3.c, this report contained nine other recommendations. Of those 12 recommendations, 9 are resolved, and 3 are unresolved.

Information Required to Reach an Agreement: The recommendation was made to address an issue related to issuance and the condition of individual protective equipment. Each Service member should be issued individual protective equipment and the equipment should be maintained in working order. The DoD OIG must obtain management comments for each recommendation and agreement to implement corrective actions. If we do not receive comments from the 7th Air Force, we will elevate this recommendation to the Commander, Pacific Air Forces, for resolution.

106 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 107



Report No. DODIG‑2016‑002, “DoD Needs a Comprehensive Approach to Address Workplace Violence,” October 15, 2015

Management Challenge: Building and Maintaining Force Readiness DoD Functional Area: Logistics

Objective: The objective of this audit was to determine whether the DoD was effectively implementing programs to address workplace violence threats and incidents.

Finding: The DoD OIG determined that the DoD did not have a comprehensive The DoD OIG determined that the DoD did not have DoD‑wide program to address workplace violence threats and incidents. a comprehensive DoD‑wide Specifically, the DoD has not developed a workplace violence prevention and program to address response program for the entire DoD workforce (military, civilian, and contractor workplace violence threats personnel). In the absence of a comprehensive DoD‑wide workplace violence and incidents. program, the Military Services and the Defense Threat Reduction Agency used different approaches to address workplace violence. This occurred because the DoD:

• implemented the Secretary of Defense’s August 2010 final direction, while the Services and the Defense Threat Reduction Agency implemented the Fort Hood review board’s recommendations, and • did not exercise sufficient oversight to ensure that the Fort Hood and Defense Science Board (DSB) report recommendations were properly addressed and closed.

As a result, military personnel, DoD civilian employees, and DoD contractors were not equally prepared to prevent and respond to an act of workplace violence, which could jeopardize their safety during a threat or incident.

Recommendation 1.a: The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense and Global Security review and analyze all of the Fort Hood and DSB recommendations and the concurrent internal reviews conducted by the Military Departments, Combatant Commands, and DoD Components to verify that existing policies and procedures have addressed identified gaps and deficiencies; identify systemic issues not addressed; and identify opportunities for streamlining processes and eliminating redundancies.

108 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense



Recommendation 1.b: The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense and Global Security review and analyze all of the Fort Hood and DSB recommendations and the concurrent internal reviews conducted by the Military Departments, Combatant Commands, and DoD Components to develop and execute an implementation plan to close existing gaps and deficiencies through cross‑functional coordination with DoD Components; employ corrective action to remedy systemic issues identified; streamline processes and eliminate redundancies; and provide completion dates for any outstanding recommendations.

Why these Recommendations are Important: After the Fort Hood shooting, the DoD and the DoD Components conducted reviews on workplace violence and separately instituted guidance and training programs to address their respective review findings. We identified gaps in the guidance and training programs because the review findings were not addressed from a comprehensive and DoD ‑wide perspective. For example, the Under Secretary of Defense (Personnel and Readiness) issued guidance and developed training that pertained to DoD civilians but not military or contractor personnel. However, all three populations are at risk from a workplace violence incident.

In addition, other report recommendations cannot be initiated until this recommendation is complete. For example, one of the other recommendations states that the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense and Global Security should develop and execute an implementation plan to close the identified gaps and deficiencies; employ corrective action to remedy systemic issues identified; and streamline processes and eliminate redundancies. An implementation plan cannot be developed or executed until Recommendation 1.a. is completed.

Management Response to the Recommendations: On November 2015, the Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense and Global Security stated that the Mission Assurance Coordination Board reviewed the Fort Hood and DSB recommendations in September 2015 and is working to close the remaining workplace violence‑related recommendations concerning threat management unit‑like capabilities being established across the DoD and updating information on concerning behaviors that could lead to violent behavior.

108 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 109



In July 2016, the Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense and Global Security stated that he had reviewed and analyzed the Fort Hood and DSB recommendations and the concurrent internal reviews. Based on that analysis, the Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense stated that he verified that existing policies and procedures addressed identified gaps and deficiencies. He added that the review and analysis also supported his efforts to identify systemic issues not addressed and opportunities for streamlining processes and eliminating redundancies.

Resolution Status: The Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense and Global Security’s response did not address all specifics of the recommendation. The Fort Hood and DSB recommendations and the concurrent internal reviews did not include contractor personnel in their scope and gaps and deficiencies still exist with respect to the entire DoD workforce. Therefore, the recommendation remains unresolved. In addition to Recommendation 1.a, this report contained 4 other recommendations. Of those 5 recommendations, 4 are unresolved and 1 is resolved.

Information Required to Reach an Agreement: The recommendations will be resolved once the Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense and Global Security indicates that he has reviewed and analyzed workplace violence policies and procedures specific to contractor personnel and identified any gaps and deficiencies. These recommendations will be closed once the Acting Assistant Secretary provides us with the existing policies and procedures that address the gaps and deficiencies identified in the Fort Hood and DSB recommendations and the concurrent internal reviews; documentation identifying how he has addressed the systemic issues and streamlined processes; and the gaps and deficiencies identified with respect to the DoD workplace violence program and contractor personnel.

110 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


TABLE: Unresolved Recommendations

The table below lists 47 unresolved recommendations that remain open. Reasons for unresolved status include overdue management responses, management responses that did not address the intent of the recommendation, and recommendations in the resolution process. The table does not include the recommendation text for 10 unresolved classified recommendations; however, this information is listed in Appendix B.

(FOUO) Date Responsible Rec. Age of Report No. Report Title Recommendation Text Recommendation Issued Component No. on 3/31/17


Evaluation of Military The DoD OIG recommended that the Criminal Investigative Commander, U.S. Army Criminal Investigation DODIG‑2017‑054 2/14/17 Organizations’ Department 1 Command, and Commander, Air Force Office 45 days Adult Sexual Assault of the Army of Special Investigations, implement measures Investigations to improve compliance with supervisory case review requirements.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Installations, Housing, and Partnerships Army Officials Need revise Army Regulation 420‑1, “Army Facilities to Improve the Department Management” to align the Army’s definition DODIG‑2017‑057 2/16/17 Management of of the Army 1.a of relocatable buildings to the definition 43 days Relocatable Buildings in DoD Instruction 4165.56, “Relocatable Buildings,” thus eliminating the requirement for the analysis pertaining to the disassembly, repackaging, and nonrecoverable costs of relocatable buildings.


Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 111



Unresolved Recommendations (cont’d)

(FOUO) Date Responsible Rec. Age of Report No. Report Title Recommendation Text Recommendation Issued Component No. on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Army Officials Need Installations, Housing, and Partnerships to Improve the Department of develop additional policy for circumstances DODIG‑2017‑057 2/16/17 Management of the Army 1.b where requirements would dictate that 43 days Relocatable Buildings relocatable buildings are appropriate instead of modular facilities or other minor construction.

The Army Needs to The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Improve Processes Assistant Secretary of the Army (Procurement) for Single‑Award, Department issue internal guidance addressing the DODIG‑2017‑065 3/14/17 Indefinite‑Delivery of the Army 1.a preparation, review, and submission of 17 days Indefinite‑Quantity Determinations and Findings documents Contracts for single‑award, indefinite‑delivery indefinite‑quantity contracts.


The DoD OIG recommended that the Hotline Allegation Commanding Officer, Supervisor of Regarding the Failure Shipbuilding, Conversion and Repair, to Take Action on DODIG‑2013‑082 5/29/13 Department A.2.d re‑evaluate the determination that the costs 3 years 10 months Material Management of the Navy of complying with Standard 2 outweigh the 2 days and Accounting System benefits, and document adequate rationale Audit Findings for any disagreements with the auditor in accordance with DoD Instruction 7640.02.


112 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Unresolved Recommendations (cont’d)

(FOUO) Date Responsible Rec. Age of Report No. Report Title Recommendation Text Recommendation Issued Component No. on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Hotline Allegation Commanding Officer, Supervisor of Regarding the Failure Shipbuilding, Conversion and Repair, should, to Take Action on Department in consultation with Defense Contract Audit 3 years 10 months DODIG‑2013‑082 5/29/13 Material Management of the Navy A.2.e Agency, reassess the appropriateness of 2 days and Accounting System the March 15, 2013, agreement with the Audit Findings contractor on the master production schedule accuracy calculation.

U.S. Cyber Command and Military Services Need to Reassess DODIG‑2015‑117 4/30/15 Processes for Fielding Department 3 Recommendation is Classified. 1 year 11 months Cyber Mission Force of the Navy 1 day Teams (Full Report is Classified)

U.S. Cyber Command and Military Services Need to Reassess DODIG‑2015‑117 4/30/15 Processes for Fielding Department 4 Recommendation is Classified. 1 year 11 months Cyber Mission Force of the Navy 1 day Teams (Full Report is Classified)

U.S. Cyber Command and Military Services Need to Reassess DODIG‑2015‑117 4/30/15 Processes for Fielding Department 5 Recommendation is Classified. 1 year 11 months Cyber Mission Force of the Navy 1 day Teams (Full Report is Classified)


Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 111113



Unresolved Recommendations (cont’d)

(FOUO) Date Responsible Rec. Age of Report No. Report Title Recommendation Text Recommendation Issued Component No. on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Financial Operations, Navy Inaccurately Accounting and Financial Reporting Division, Reported Costs for and Deputy Assistant Secretary for Budget, DODIG‑2017‑067 3/16/17 Operation Freedom’s Department A in coordination with the Comptroller, 15 days Sentinel in the Cost of of the Navy Pacific Fleet Command, and the Comptroller, War Reports U.S. Fleet Forces Command, reengineer processes to identify the Navy’s transactions for overseas contingency operations.


U.S. Cyber Command and Military Services Need to Reassess Department DODIG‑2015‑117 4/30/15 Processes for Fielding of the 5 Recommendation is Classified. 1 year 11 months Cyber Mission Force Air Force 1 day Teams (Full Report is Classified)

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Joint Base McGuire require The Air Force Did the 87th Civil Engineering Squadron to Not Monitor the Department develop a quality assurance surveillance DODIG‑2015‑138 6/29/15 Energy Savings of the 1.d plan that includes procedures to survey, 1 year 9 months Performance Contract Air Force observe, test, sample, evaluate, and 2 days at Joint Base McGuire validate contractor‑reported energy savings for performance years 0 through 3 and maintenance activities.


112114 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Unresolved Recommendations (cont’d)

(FOUO) Date Responsible Rec. Age of Report No. Report Title Recommendation Text Recommendation Issued Component No. on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the The Air Force Did Commander, 87th Contracting Squadron, Not Monitor the Department should direct the contracting officer to DODIG‑2015‑138 6/29/15 Energy Savings of the 2.c review the quality assurance surveillance 1 year 9 months Performance Contract Air Force plan developed by program officials to 2 days at Joint Base McGuire determine whether the plan sufficiently addresses monitoring and documenting contractor performance.

U.S. Forces Korea Service Components (FOUO) The DoD OIG recommended that Can Improve Department the DODIG‑2015‑155 7/31/15 Management of of the 3.a 1 year 8 months Individual Protective Air Force Equipment (Full Report is Classified)

U.S. Forces Korea Service Components (FOUO) The DoD OIG recommended that Can Improve Department the DODIG‑2015‑155 7/31/15 Management of of the 3.b 1 year 8 months Individual Protective Air Force Equipment (Full Report is Classified)

U.S. Forces Korea Service Components (FOUO) The DoD OIG recommended that Can Improve Department the DODIG‑2015‑155 7/31/15 Management of of the 3.c 1 year 8 months Individual Protective Air Force Equipment (Full Report is Classified)


Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 111115



Unresolved Recommendations (cont’d)

(FOUO) Date Responsible Rec. Age of Report No. Report Title Recommendation Text Recommendation Issued Component No. on 3/31/17


Air Force Commands Need to Improve Logical and Physical Department DODIG‑2015‑168 9/3/15 Security Safeguards of the A.4 1 year 6 months That Protect SIPRNet Air Force 28 days Access Points (Full Report is Classified)

Air Force Commands (FOUO) The DoD OIG recommended that the Need to Improve Air Force Chief, Information Dominance Chief Logical and Physical Department Information Officer, DODIG‑2015‑168 9/3/15 Security Safeguards of the A.5.b 1 year 6 months That Protect SIPRNet Air Force 28 days Access Points (Full Report is Classified)

Air Force Commands Need to Improve Logical and Physical Department DODIG‑2015‑168 9/3/15 Security Safeguards of the A.6 Recommendation is Classified. 1 year 6 months That Protect SIPRNet Air Force 28 days Access Points (Full Report is Classified)


112116 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Unresolved Recommendations (cont’d)

(FOUO) Date Responsible Rec. Age of Report No. Report Title Recommendation Text Recommendation Issued Component No. on 3/31/17

Air Force Commands Need to Improve Logical and Physical Department DODIG‑2015‑168 9/3/15 Security Safeguards of the A.10.c Recommendation is Classified. 1 year 6 months That Protect SIPRNet Air Force 28 days Access Points (Full Report is Classified)

(FOUO) The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, 83rd Network Operations Squadron,

Air Force Commands Need to Improve Logical and Physical Department DODIG‑2015‑168 9/3/15 Security Safeguards of the A.10.d 1 year 6 months That Protect SIPRNet Air Force 28 days Access Points (Full Report is Classified)

(FOUO) Air Force Commands Need to Improve Logical and Physical Department DODIG‑2015‑168 9/3/15 Security Safeguards of the B.2 1 year 6 months That Protect SIPRNet Air Force 28 days Access Points (Full Report is Classified)


Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 111117



Unresolved Recommendations (cont’d)

(FOUO) Date Responsible Rec. Age of Report No. Report Title Recommendation Text Recommendation Issued Component No. on 3/31/17


The DoD OIG recommended that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff ensure all Services and U.S. Strategic Command Evaluation of the support the Chairman’s Operations Order 2‑16 National Airborne requirements by filling the billets that support Operations Center Joint Chiefs the National Airborne Operations Center DODIG‑2017‑070 3/23/17 Mission Sustainment of Staff B mission at 100 percent, and provide sufficient 8 days and Modernization (Full assignment overlap to ensure fully manned Report is Classified) and qualified battle staffs and flight crews are always able to generate the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Operations Order 2‑16 requirements when directed.


The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Under Secretaries of Defense and the Chairman, Joint Evaluation of the DoD Secretary of Chiefs of Staff, document and track nuclear Nuclear Enterprise Defense for enterprise deficiencies or recommendations DODIG‑2016‑125 9/19/16 Governance (Full Report Acquisition, C.3 identified in Federal Advisory Committee 193 days is Classified) reports, Government Accountability reports, Technology, Department of Defense Office of Inspector and Logistics General reports, or reports produced by other task forces.


U.S. Coalition Efforts to The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Develop the Logistics Secretary of Defense for Policy establish a and Maintenance Under formal developmental program, including DODIG‑2015‑067 1/30/15 Sustainment Capability Secretary of 11.c career track incentives, for individuals 2 years 2 months of the Afghan Ministry Defense for who volunteer as Ministry of Interior 1 day of Interior/Afghan Policy advisors during the post‑2014 Resolute National Police Support Mission.


112118 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Unresolved Recommendations (cont’d)

(FOUO) Date Responsible Rec. Age of Report No. Report Title Recommendation Text Recommendation Issued Component No. on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense and Global Security review and analyze all of the Fort Hood and Defense Science DoD Needs a Under Board recommendations and the concurrent Comprehensive Secretary of internal reviews conducted by the Military 1 year 5 months DODIG‑2016‑002 10/15/15 Approach to Address Defense for 1.a Departments, Combatant Commands, and 16 days Workplace Violence DoD Components to verify that existing Policy policies and procedures have addressed identified gaps and deficiencies; identify systemic issues not addressed; and identify opportunities for streamlining processes and eliminating redundancies.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense and Global Security review and analyze all of the Fort Hood and Defense Science Board recommendations and the concurrent DoD Needs a Under internal reviews conducted by the Military Comprehensive Secretary of Departments, Combatant Commands, and 1 year 5 months DODIG‑2016‑002 10/15/15 Approach to Address Defense for 1.b DoD Components to develop and execute an 16 days Workplace Violence implementation plan to close existing gaps Policy and deficiencies through cross‑functional coordination with DoD Components; employ corrective action to remedy systemic issues identified; streamline processes and eliminate redundancies; and provide completion dates for any outstanding recommendations.


Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 119



Unresolved Recommendations (cont’d)

(FOUO) Date Responsible Rec. Age of Report No. Report Title Recommendation Text Recommendation Issued Component No. on 3/31/17


An Assessment Under The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, of Contractor Secretary of Defense Human Resources Activity, work Personnel Security Defense for with General Services Administration to add 2 years 11 months DODIG-2014-060 4/14/14 Clearance Processes Personnel B.4 Excluded Parties List System/System for 17 days in the Four Defense and Award Management to the set of databases Intelligence Agencies being accessed by the Automated Continuing Readiness Evaluation System.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel DoD Needs a Secretary of and Readiness, based on the results of Comprehensive Defense for Recommendation 1, revise current policies and 1 year 5 months DODIG‑2016‑002 10/15/15 Approach to Address Personnel 2.a procedures and integrate existing programs to 16 days Workplace Violence and develop a comprehensive DoD‑wide approach Readiness to address prevention and response to workplace violence.

Under The DoD OIG recommended that the DoD Needs a Secretary of Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel Comprehensive Defense for and Readiness develop and issue interim, 1 year 5 months DODIG‑2016‑002 10/15/15 Approach to Address Personnel 2.b comprehensive DoD‑wide policy for the 16 days Workplace Violence prevention and response to workplace and violence until the publication of final policies Readiness and procedures.


120112 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Unresolved Recommendations (cont’d)

(FOUO) Date Responsible Rec. Age of Report No. Report Title Recommendation Text Recommendation Issued Component No. on 3/31/17


Evaluation of U.S. Forces‑Afghanistan Intelligence Training U.S. Central DODIG‑2017‑025 11/21/16 for Afghan Ministry of Command A.1 Recommendation is Classified. 130 days Defense (Full Report is Classified)

Evaluation of U.S. Forces‑Afghanistan Intelligence Training U.S. Central DODIG‑2017‑025 11/21/16 for Afghan Ministry of Command A.2 Recommendation is Classified. 130 days Defense (Full Report is Classified)


Evaluation of Foreign The DoD OIG recommended that the Officer Involvement Commander, United States Special Operations at the United States U.S. Special Command, ensure existing Annex Bs to the DODIG‑2016‑098 6/15/16 Special Operations Operations A.2.b international agreements contain the level of 289 days Command (Full Report Command detail and classification consistent with the is Classified) foreign officer’s actual mission requirement.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Evaluation of Foreign Commander, United States Special Operations Officer Involvement Command, seek appropriate authority for at the United States U.S. Special the foreign intelligence officers assigned or DODIG‑2016‑098 6/15/16 Special Operations Operations A.2.e attached to United States Special Operations 289 days Command (Full Report Command Command and follow established procedures is Classified) for the collection and exchange of intelligence in accordance with DoD Directive 5530.0.


Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 121



Unresolved Recommendations (cont’d)

(FOUO) Date Responsible Rec. Age of Report No. Report Title Recommendation Text Recommendation Issued Component No. on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, United States Special Operations Command, discontinue the practice of Evaluation of Foreign Five Eye partners providing escort within Officer Involvement Sensitive Compartmented Information at the United States U.S. Special Facility spaces in order to comply with DODIG‑2016‑098 6/15/16 Special Operations Operations B.1.a Intelligence Community Directive 705, 289 days Command (Full Report Command “Sensitive Compartmented Information is Classified) Facilities,” and DoD Manual 5105.21‑V2, “Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) Administrative Security Manual,” October 19, 2012.

(FOUO) The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, United States Special Operations Command, Evaluation of Foreign Officer Involvement at the United States U.S. Special DODIG‑2016‑098 6/15/16 Special Operations Operations C.1 289 days Command (Full Report Command is Classified)

Evaluation of Foreign The DoD OIG recommended that the Officer Involvement Commander, United States Special Operations at the United States U.S. Special Command, obtain automated information DODIG‑2016‑098 6/15/16 Special Operations Operations D.2 systems accreditations for the secure facilities 289 days Command (Full Report Command that process sensitive compartmented is Classified) information electronically.


122112 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Unresolved Recommendations (cont’d)

(FOUO) Date Responsible Rec. Age of Report No. Report Title Recommendation Text Recommendation Issued Component No. on 3/31/17


The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Health Agency, conduct comprehensive medical reviews of The Defense Health applied behavior analysis companies in the Agency Improperly Paid Assistant TRICARE South Region that show indicators of for Autism‑Related Secretary of improper payments, including, but not limited DODIG‑2017‑064 3/10/17 Services to Selected Defense for 1.a to, companies with a high percentage of claims 21 days Companies in the Health Affairs paid at the highest rates and companies billing TRICARE South Region 6 or more hours a day for children 4 years of age or younger, and compare medical records to applied behavior analysis company claims to determine whether the charges were appropriate.

The Defense Health The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Agency Improperly Paid Assistant Defense Health Agency, review claims from for Autism‑Related Secretary of the five applied behavior analysis companies DODIG‑2017‑064 3/10/17 Services to Selected Defense for 1.b in our sample and provide the results of the 21 days Companies in the Health Affairs review to the DHA Program Integrity Office for TRICARE South Region appropriate action.


The DoD OIG recommended that the Directors of Defense Intelligence Agency, National An Assessment Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, National of Contractor National Reconnaissance Office, and National Security DODIG-2014-060 4/14/14 Personnel Security Security B.2.a Agency, in the absence of an overarching 2 years 11 months Clearance Processes Agency Defense Central Index of Investigations (DCII) 17 days in the Four Defense policy, evaluate titling and indexing in Intelligence Agencies the DCII the Subjects of all non-criminal investigations conducted by all agency investigative elements.


Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 123



Unresolved Recommendations (cont’d)

(FOUO) Date Responsible Rec. Age of Report No. Report Title Recommendation Text Recommendation Issued Component No. on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Inspectors General of Defense Intelligence An Assessment Agency, National Geospatial-Intelligence of Contractor National Agency, National Reconnaissance Office, DODIG-2014-060 4/14/14 Personnel Security Security B.3 and National Security Agency, work with 2 years 11 months Clearance Processes Agency the Offices of Security of those Agencies 17 days in the Four Defense to ensure that Inspector General reports of Intelligence Agencies investigation into misconduct by contractor personnel are reported to DoD Consolidated Adjudication Facility.

(FOUO) The National Security Agency Should Take Additional Steps to Effectively Implement National DODIG‑2016‑129 8/29/16 Its Privileged Security 2.a Recommendation is Classified. 214 days Access‑Related Agency Secure‑the‑Net Initiatives (Full Report is Classified)

(FOUO) The National Security Agency Should Take Additional Steps to Effectively Implement National DODIG‑2016‑129 8/29/16 Its Privileged Security 2.b Recommendation is Classified. 214 days Access‑Related Agency Secure‑the‑Net Initiatives (Full Report is Classified)


112124 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Unresolved Recommendations (cont’d)

(FOUO) Date Responsible Rec. Age of Report No. Report Title Recommendation Text Recommendation Issued Component No. on 3/31/17


The DoD OIG recommended that the Directors of Defense Intelligence Agency, National An Assessment of Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, National Contractor Personnel Reconnaissance Office, and National Security Security Clearance National Agency, in the absence of an overarching 2 years 11 months DODIG-2014-060 4/14/14 Processes in the Four Reconnaissance B.2.a Defense Central Index of Investigations 17 days Defense Intelligence Office (DCII) policy, evaluate titling and indexing Agencies in the DCII the Subjects of all non‑criminal investigations conducted by all agency investigative elements.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Directors An Assessment of of Defense Intelligence Agency, National Contractor Personnel Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, National Security Clearance National Reconnaissance Office, and National Security 2 years 11 months DODIG-2014-060 4/14/14 Processes in the Four Reconnaissance B.2.b Agency, direct their Offices of Security to 17 days Defense Intelligence Office develop formal procedures to ensure that Agencies reports of investigation into misconduct by contractor personnel are reported to DoD Consolidated Adjudication Facility.


Evaluation of Foreign Officer Involvement The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, at the United States Defense Defense Intelligence Agency, review the DODIG‑2016‑098 6/15/16 Special Operations Intelligence B.2.c United States Special Operations Command’s 289 days Command (Full Report Agency automated information systems accreditation. is Classified)


Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 111125



Unresolved Recommendations (cont’d)

(FOUO) Date Responsible Rec. Age of Report No. Report Title Recommendation Text Recommendation Issued Component No. on 3/31/17


The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Logistics Agency, cease the current process of automated Controls Governing affixing of contracting officers’ electronic the Procurement signatures to fully automated awards in Automated Contract Defense the Procurement Automated Contract 4 years 9 months DODIG‑2012‑098 6/5/12 Evaluation System Need Logistics A.1 Evaluation System and develop an alternate 26 days Improvement (Full Agency method compliant with Public Law 105‑277, Report is FOUO) “Government Paperwork Elimination Act,” October 21, 1998, Public Law 106‑229, “Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act,” June 30, 2000, and the Federal Acquisition Regulation.


112126 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense



APPENDIX A All Open Recommendations as of March 31, 2017 This appendix provides a comprehensive table of all 1,298 open recommendations as of March 31, 2017.1 The recommendations are listed according to responsible component. This appendix also includes a brief description of 103 classified open recommendations that are summarized in detail in Appendixes B and C of this Compendium.

1 For tracking purposes, recommendations made to multiple components are split into individual recommendations for each component. For example, a recommendation made to the Army, Navy, and Air Force would equate to three recommendations for tracking purposes.

PB Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 127



Listing by Responsible Component

Deputy Secretary of Defense Report No. DODIG‑2014‑055, “Investigation of a Hotline Allegation of a Questionable Intelligence Activity Concerning the Joint IED Defeat Organization (JIEDDO) Counter‑Improvised Explosive Device Operations/Intelligence Integration Center (COIC),” April 4, 2014 (Full Report is Classified)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Secretary of Defense determine whether the Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization should be designated a DoD intelligence component, much like the intelligence elements of the Services and the senior intelligence offices of the combatant 2 years 11 months A.1; E.1 commands. If so designated, approve appropriate authorization for incorporation into DoD 5240.01‑R 27 days and DoD Directive 2000.19E within 120 days. If not designated, direct the Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization to cease all intelligence collection activities.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Secretary of Defense approve DoD Directive 2000.19E to reflect the Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization Counter‑Improvised Explosive A.2; D.1; E.2 Device Operations/Intelligence Integration Center’s authorized intelligence functions, roles, and 2 years 11 months responsibilities, and assign an executive agent for the Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat 27 days Organization’s external intelligence oversight.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Secretary of Defense direct the Joint Improvised Explosive A.3 Device Defeat Organization to participate only in tasks directly related to its counter‑Improvised 2 years 11 months Explosive Device mission. 27 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Secretary of Defense determine whether the Joint A.4 Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization’s mission evolution from “defeat the network” to 2 years 11 months “attack the network” is in accordance with DoD Directive 2000.19E. 27 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Secretary of Defense create an internal Inspector General A.5; B.1; C.1; D.2 for the Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization to oversee the organization's intelligence 2 years 11 months oversight program. 27 days

128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Deputy Secretary of Defense (cont’d) Report No. DODIG‑2015‑106, “Independent Auditor's Report on Agreed‑Upon Procedures for DoD Compliance With Service Contract Inventory Compilation and Certification Requirements for FY 2013,” April 15, 2015

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness and the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics issue clarifying guidance on how Components should identify in their certification letters contracted services to be realigned 1 to Government performance that are exempt from private‑sector performance, require special 1 year 11 months consideration, or can be more cost effectively performed by Government civilians; specify whether 16 days Components should address each of the three specific scenarios; and discuss the extent that these scenarios apply to their overall inventory or only to realigned functions.

Report No. DODIG-2016-125 “Evaluation of the DoD Nuclear Enterprise Governance,” September 19, 2016 (Full Report is Classified)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Secretary of Defense codify the Nuclear Deterrent A.1 Enterprise Review Group in Department of Defense Directive 5105.79, "DoD Senior Governance Councils." 193 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretaries of Defense and the Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, document and track nuclear enterprise deficiencies or recommendations identified in Federal C.3 Advisory Committee reports, Government Accountability reports, Department of Defense Office on 193 days Inspector General reports, or reports produced by other task forces.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 129



Department of the Army Report No. D-2006-077, “Human Capital: DoD Personnel Security Clearance Process at Requesting Activities,” April 19, 2006

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Army Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence; the Director, Naval Criminal Investigative Service; the Air Force Director of Security Forces, Information Security; the Director, Defense Information Systems Agency; and the Director, Defense Logistics Agency update policies for the DoD personnel security clearance program to include the following areas: a) program management 3.a‑f responsibilities; b) agencies responsible for conducting personnel security investigations (PSI) and 10 years 11 months investigative responsibilities; c) security clearance systems for tracking security clearance information; 12 days d) Personnel Security Investigation submission processes; e) the relationship among the levels of security clearances, types of PSIs required for different levels of clearance, and scopes of investigations to include documentation required for each PSI; and f) training requirements for security personnel.

Report No. D-2010-081, “Army Use of Time-and-Materials Contracts in Southwest Asia,” August 27, 2010

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Executive Director, Army Contracting Command establish a written plan to review the invoices for the 18 contracts and task orders; request Defense Contract Audit Agency A.2 assistance in reviewing invoices for allowable, allocable, and reasonable costs; obtain reimbursements for 6 years 7 months incorrect charges; and report the amounts reimbursed on a periodic basis to the DoD Inspector General as 4 days part of the follow-up process.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director of Contracting, White Sands Missile Range, review task order W9124Q-06-F-1447 and request a refund for: a) unauthorized increases in Outside the Continental B.2 United States labor rates; b) payments made for subcontractor employees who were not actually working; 6 years 7 months c) payments made for work performed after the task order period of performance had expired; and d) any 4 days other invoice discrepancies.

130128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Department of the Army (cont’d) Report No. D-2011-104, “Pricing and Escalation Issues Weaken the Effectiveness of the Army Contract With Sikorsky to Support the Corpus Christi Army Depot,” September 8, 2011 (Full Report is FOUO)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Army Aviation and Missile Life Cycle Management 2.b(7) Command, request a voluntary refund of about $5.4 million from Sikorsky for profits caused by excessive 5 years 6 months escalation from 2008 through 2010. 23 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Army Aviation and Missile Life Cycle Management 5 years 6 months 2.b(8) Command, account for and request a refund from Sikorsky for excessive escalation for 2011. 23 days

Report No. DODIG-2012-004, “Changes Are Needed to the Army Contract With Sikorsky to Use Existing DoD Inventory and Control Costs at the Corpus Christi Army Depot,” November 11, 2011

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Executive Director, Army Contracting Command–Redstone Arsenal 5 years 4 months B.1 instruct the contracting officer to obtain a refund of $11.8 million from Sikorsky for the material cost 28 days reduction incentive.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Executive Director, Army Contracting Command–Redstone Arsenal, C.2 instruct the contracting officer to request that Sikorsky provide a refund of $930,760 for excessive profits 5 years 4 months charged on purchases from the Defense Logistics Agency. 28 days

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 131



Department of the Army (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2012-041, “Evaluation of DoD Contracts Regarding Combating Trafficking in Persons: U.S. European Command and U.S. Africa Command,” January 17, 2012

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics, and 1 Technology should ensure that the Federal Acquisition Regulation clause 52.222‑50, “Combating Trafficking 5 years 2 months in Persons,” is included in all contracts identified as deficient in our review. 14 days

Report No. DODIG-2012-066, “General Fund Enterprise Business System Did Not Provide Required Financial Information,” March 26, 2012

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management and 3.d Comptroller) discontinue deployment of the General Fund Enterprise Business System to additional users 5 years 5 days until the system consistently enters all required attributes at the transaction level.

128132 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Department of the Army (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2012-087, “Logistics Modernization Program System Procure-to-Pay Process Did Not Correct Material Weaknesses,” May 29, 2012

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Army Office of Business Transformation, and Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management and Comptroller), develop a plan of action and milestones to bring the Logistics Modernization Program system into compliance with the DoD Business Enterprise Architecture Procure‑to‑Pay business rules. Specifically, as part of the Army Business System Information Technology Strategy, define the Army’s plans for developing effective and efficient Logistics Modernization Program system business processes that will develop the edit checks and business workflows needed to control and route purchase requests and Military Interdepartmental Purchase Requests to the appropriate individuals for A.1.e approval and funds certification. This should include: 1) associating fund codes and approval authority to an 4 years 10 months individual’s assigned activity; 2) assigning certification of funds availability to a limited number of individuals 2 days and developing the requirement for the system to limit funds certification to only these individuals; 3) directing that fund managers establish commitments for purchase requests at the time an activity releases the requests for obligation actions; 4) developing the functionality needed for separate individuals to create and accept Military Interdepartmental Purchase Requests within the system; and 5) validating the data contained in the Program Activity Table and ensuring that it is preparing manual documents correctly and developing compensating controls to validate the data integrity of manually created obligations.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Army Office of Business Transformation, and Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management and Comptroller), develop a plan of action and milestones to bring the Logistics Modernization Program system into compliance with the DoD Business Enterprise Architecture Procure‑to‑Pay business rules. Specifically, as part of the Army Business System Information Technology Strategy, define the Army’s plans for developing effective and efficient Logistics Modernization 4 years 10 months A.1.f Program system business processes that will identify offline systems and procedures within the 2 days Procure‑to‑Pay phases, incorporate the functionality into the system, and discontinue the use of offline processes. In situations where Army managers cannot immediately incorporate the functionality, develop compensating controls over non‑integrated offline processes and restrict the creation of manual commitment and obligation transactions to resource management personnel.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management and Comptroller) direct the development of a comprehensive internal control program for the Logistics Modernization Program Procure‑to‑Pay business process to assess the quality of performance and regular 4 years 10 months A.3 management and supervisory activities over the business process. Army managers should work with 2 days Logistics Modernization Program Project Office personnel to ensure that they design and implement the necessary procedures and controls and develop the testing needed to ensure control effectiveness.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 133



Department of the Army (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2012-135, “Mi‑17 Overhauls Had Significant Cost Overruns and Schedule Delays,” September 27, 2012 (Full Report is FOUO)

(FOUO) Age of Recommendation Text Recommendation Recommendation on 3/31/17

(FOUO) The DoD OIG recommended that the U.S. Army Contracting Command–Redstone Arsenal Contracting Officer responsible for task orders W9113M‑07‑D‑0007‑0021 and W9113M‑07‑D‑0007‑0035 make no payments on additional costs associated with and 4 years 6 months A.4.a requests for equitable adjustment until all costs have been determined to be reasonable, 4 days allowable, and allocable, and the requisite analyses have been reviewed by the Head of the Contracting Activity in accordance with Recommendation A.3.


Report No. DODIG-2013-036, “Improvements Are Needed to Strengthen the Security Posture of USACE, Civil Works, Critical Infrastructure and Industrial Control Systems in the Northwestern Division,” January 14, 2013 (Full Report is FOUO)

(FOUO) Age of Recommendation Text Recommendation Recommendation on 3/31/17

(FOUO) The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander and District Engineer, Portland District, in coordination with the Operations Project Manager for , implement physical security measures in accordance with the Headquarters, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers memorandum, “Baseline 4 years 2 months A.1.a Security Posture Guide for Civil Works Projects,” December 10, 2004, as follows: 17 days

(FOUO) The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander and District Engineer, Portland District, in coordination with the Operations Project Manager for , implement physical security measures in accordance with the Headquarters, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers memorandum, “Baseline 4 years 2 months A.1.b Security Posture Guide for Civil Works Projects,” December 10, 2004, as follows: 17 days


134128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Department of the Army (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2013-036, “Improvements Are Needed to Strengthen the Security Posture of USACE, Civil Works, Critical Infrastructure and Industrial Control Systems in the Northwestern Division,” January 14, 2013 (Full Report is FOUO) (cont’d)

(FOUO) Age of Recommendation Text Recommendation Recommendation on 3/31/17

(FOUO) The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander and District Engineer, Portland District, in coordination with the Operations Project Manager for , implement physical security measures in accordance with the Headquarters, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers memorandum, “Baseline 4 years 2 months A.1.c Security Posture Guide for Civil Works Projects,” December 10, 2004, as follows: 17 days

(FOUO) The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander and District Engineer, Portland District, in coordination with the Operations Project Manager for , implement physical security measures in accordance with the Headquarters, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers memorandum, “Baseline 4 years 2 months A.1.d Security Posture Guide for Civil Works Projects,” December 10, 2004, as follows: 17 days

(FOUO) The DoD OIG recommended that the Chief, Hydroelectric Design Center, in coordination with the Generic Data Acquisition Control System Maintenance Team, B.2.a 4 years 2 months 17 days

(FOUO) The DoD OIG recommended that the Chief, Hydroelectric Design Center, in coordination with the Generic Data Acquisition Control System Maintenance Team 4 years 2 months B.2.c 17 days


Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 135



Department of the Army (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2013-079, “Advanced Combat Helmet Technical Assessment,” May 29, 2013

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Program Executive Office Soldier solicit input from helmet vendors and C.2 Defense Contract Management Agency on new or changed test protocols. PEO Soldier should also ensure 3 years 10 months that inputs received are documented and adjudicated. 2 days

Report No. DODIG-2013-087, “Assessment of DoD Wounded Warrior Matters–Joint Base Lewis‑McChord,” July 19, 2013

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Warrior Transition Command, update command policies and provide interim measures to allow soldiers assigned or attached to a Warrior Transition Unit to C.4.2 participate in internship opportunities to the maximum extent possible in accordance with the National 3 years 8 months Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012, Section 551 of Public Law 112‑81, December 31, 2011, in 12 days supporting the Soldier’s Career and Education Readiness transition goals, as appropriate.

Report No. DODIG-2013-097, “Improvements Needed in the Oversight of the Medical‑Support Services and Award‑Fee Process Under the Camp As Sayliyah, Qatar, Base Operation Support Services Contract,” June 26, 2013

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Army Medical Command, revise Army Regulation A.1 40‑68, “Clinical Quality Management,” to align the regulation with supervision requirements set forth in 3 years 9 months Federal Acquisition Regulation 37.4. 5 days

136128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Department of the Army (cont’d) Report No. DODIG‑2013‑098, “Assessment of U.S. Military Cemeteries,” June 28, 2013

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Executive Director of the Army National Cemeteries Program complete the update of the “Army Post Cemeteries Way Ahead” in the Department of the Army’s memorandum, 2.b dated September 11, 2012, addressing each area assessed in Observation 1, including: 1) consolidation of all 3 years 9 months manuals into one comprehensive regulation or pamphlet, and 2) an outline of practical guidance for Army 3 days leaders in the management, operations, maintenance, and support of Army Post Cemeteries.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Executive Director of the Army National Cemeteries Program, Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Manpower and Reserve Affairs, and Assistant Secretary of the 3.b Air Force for Manpower and Reserve Affairs, update current publications to reflect Under Secretary 3 years 9 months of Defense for Personnel and Readiness and Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Logistics, and 3 days Technology guidance.

Report No. DODIG-2013-103, “Boeing Overstated Contract Requirements for the CH‑47F Helicopter,” July 16, 2013 (Full Report is FOUO)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Army Aviation and Missile Life Cycle Management 3 years 8 months B.2 Command, determine a use for the existing CH‑47F Government‑furnished property stored at New Breed. 15 days

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 137



Department of the Army (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2013-123, “Army Needs To Improve Mi‑17 Overhaul Management and Contract Administration,” August 30, 2013 (Full Report is FOUO)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Executive Deputy to the Commanding General, U.S. Army Materiel Command, direct contractual action to recoup up to $6.2 million in questioned costs for advance payments 3 years 7 months A.2.a paid to Science and Engineering Services plus applicable interest due in accordance with the Federal 1 day Acquisition Regulation.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Executive Deputy to the Commanding General, U.S. Army Materiel Command, conduct an independent cost analysis in accordance with Federal Acquisition Regulation 15.401‑1 C.1 to validate that a fair and reasonable price is determined for the 127 Mi‑17 parts, storage space, and 3 years 7 months authenticity, and check and recoup any questionable costs with specific consideration to the $1,306,957 in 1 day higher prices for 48 parts and storage expenses paid to Science and Engineering Service.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Army Contracting Command‑Redstone Principal Assistant Responsible for Contracting/Director, Contracting and Acquisition Management Office review all Non‑Standard Rotary 3 years 7 months D.2 Wing Aircraft contracts and task orders for which a Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan does not exist and 1 day validate whether the Government’s best interest is to develop a Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan.

138128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Department of the Army (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2013-130, “Army Needs to Improve Controls and Audit Trails for the General Fund Enterprise Business System Acquire‑to‑Retire Business Process,” September 13, 2013

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management and Comptroller) develop a working group, including the Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management; A.1 the Chief, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; and the General Fund Enterprise Business System Program Manager 3 years 6 months to identify all Acquire‑to‑Retire functionality not in the General Fund Enterprise Business System necessary 18 days for complete Army real property management.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management and Comptroller) develop a working group, including the Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management; A.2 the Chief, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; and the General Fund Enterprise Business System Program Manager 3 years 6 months to develop and implement the identified functionality into the General Fund Enterprise Business System, 18 days including the capability to generate an Army‑wide real property universe.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management and Comptroller) develop a working group, including the Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management; the Chief, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; and the General Fund Enterprise Business System Program Manager 3 years 6 months A.4 to implement the Army’s reengineered Acquire‑to‑Retire business process by developing standardized 18 days procedures and controls that leverage all the capabilities the General Fund Enterprise Business System provides.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management and Comptroller) develop a working group, including the Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management; the Chief, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; and the General Fund Enterprise Business System Program Manager to perform a review of all real property data in the General Fund Enterprise Business System to ensure that 3 years 6 months A.6 the General Fund Enterprise Business System contains the correct data going forward and track the costs 18 days associated with this effort and other data cleansing efforts so they can be calculated as part of the cost of the General Fund Enterprise Business System implementation or as part of the Army’s audit readiness efforts.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 139



Department of the Army (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2013-130, “Army Needs to Improve Controls and Audit Trails for the General Fund Enterprise Business System Acquire‑to‑Retire Business Process,” September 13, 2013 (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management and Comptroller) develop a working group, including the Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management; the Chief, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; and the General Fund Enterprise Business System Program Manager 3 years 6 months A.7.a to develop an integrated process within the General Fund Enterprise Business System to record construction 18 days costs from the Corps of Engineers Financial Management System in the General Fund Enterprise Business System, the Army’s general ledger.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management and Comptroller) develop a working group, including the Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management; A.7.b the Chief, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; and the General Fund Enterprise Business System Program Manager 3 years 6 months to record in‑house costs incurred in the construction of a real property asset to the corresponding project’s 18 days construction‑in‑progress account.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management and Comptroller) develop a working group, including the Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management; A.10 the Chief, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; and the General Fund Enterprise Business System Program Manager 3 years 6 months to develop an automated functionality for demonstrating the general ledger account postings for each 18 days business event in the General Fund Enterprise Business System.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management develop a working group, consisting of the Chief, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the General Fund Enterprise Business B System Program Manager to perform a 100 percent review of land assets to ensure General Fund Enterprise 3 years 6 months Business System land information is correct and consistent with land data in the Real Estate Management 18 days Information System.

128140 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Department of the Army (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2014-026, “Assessment of Arlington and Soldiers’ and Airmen’s Home National Cemeteries,” December 20, 2013

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Arlington National Cemetery Executive Director assess the 3 years 3 months 1.b.(3) effectiveness of current processes and manpower levels. 11 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Arlington National Cemetery Executive Director pursue full 1.b.(5) authorization and filling of required positions as per U.S. Army Manpower Analysis Agency manpower study 3 years 3 months documented on the Table of Distribution and Allowances. 11 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Executive Director, Army National Military Cemeteries, develop and implement a single data entry process and system for record management at the Arlington National 3 years 3 months 2 Cemetery that captures all the burial requirements needed from initial record creation intake through burial 11 days scheduling to final interment.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Executive Director Arlington National Cemetery optimize the use 3.a of overtime and borrowed military manpower to support existing schedulers in reducing the backlog of 3 years 3 months scheduled burials. 11 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Executive Director Arlington National Cemetery assess the 3.b effectiveness of current process and manpower levels for schedulers and representatives and adjust as 3 years 3 months necessary. 11 days

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 141



Department of the Army (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2014-037, (FOUO) “ ,” February 10, 2014 (Full Report is FOUO)

(FOUO) Age of Recommendation Text Recommendation Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Chief Information Officer, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, develop time‑phased plans of action and milestones to verify whether U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Commanders and District Engineers, operations project managers, operations managers, and information assurance B.2.a managers assessed the applicability of the weaknesses, and implemented procedures to identify and 3 years 1 month remediate, systemic cyber security weaknesses by validating whether personnel performing critical 21 days information assurance responsibilities were trained and certified and kept up‑to‑date and appropriate certifications to perform those functions in accordance with DoD and Army requirements.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Chief Information Officer, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, develop time‑phased plans of action and milestones to verify whether U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Commanders and District Engineers, operations project managers, operations managers, and information assurance managers assessed the applicability of the weaknesses, and implemented procedures to identify and 3 years 1 month B.2.b remediate, systemic cyber security weaknesses by developing policies and procedures for managing access 21 days to the industrial control systems that includes documentation requirements for requesting and approving logical access to the system, establishing need for access requirements, and controlling physical access to the system.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Chief Information Officer, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, develop time‑phased plans of action and milestones to verify whether U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Commanders and District Engineers, operations project managers, operations managers, and information assurance B.2.c managers assessed the applicability of the weaknesses, and implemented procedures to identify and 3 years 1 month remediate, systemic cyber security weaknesses by using individual authentication for accessing the 21 days industrial control systems to limit the risk of unauthorized access and to hold users accountable for their actions.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Chief Information Officer, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, develop time‑phased plans of action and milestones to verify whether U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Commanders and District Engineers, operations project managers, operations managers, and information assurance 3 years 1 month B.2.d managers assessed the applicability of the weaknesses, and implemented procedures to identify and 21 days remediate, systemic cyber security weaknesses by configuring industrial control systems accounts and password settings to comply with DoD password complexity requirements.

(FOUO) 128142 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Department of the Army (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2014-037, (FOUO) “ ,” February 10, 2014 (Full Report is FOUO) (cont’d)

(FOUO) Age of Recommendation Text Recommendation Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Chief Information Officer, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, develop time‑phased plans of action and milestones to verify whether U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Commanders and District Engineers, operations project managers, operations managers, and information assurance 3 years 1 month B.2.e managers assessed the applicability of the weaknesses, and implemented procedures to identify and 21 days remediate, systemic cyber security weaknesses by developing policies and verification procedures for assessing and mitigating industrial control system vulnerabilities in a timely manner.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Chief Information Officer, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, develop time‑phased plans of action and milestones to verify whether U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Commanders and District Engineers, operations project managers, operations managers, and information assurance 3 years 1 month B.2.f managers assessed the applicability of the weaknesses, and implemented procedures to identify 21 days and remediate, systemic cyber security weaknesses by designing appropriate platforms for testing vulnerability patches.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Chief Information Officer, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, develop time‑phased plans of action and milestones to verify whether U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Commanders and District Engineers, operations project managers, operations managers, and information assurance B.2.g managers assessed the applicability of the weaknesses, and implemented procedures to identify and 3 years 1 month remediate, systemic cyber security weaknesses by installing security technology and software and managing 21 days communications to protect against malware and unauthorized access to the industrial control systems from internal or external sources.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Chief Information Officer, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, develop time‑phased plans of action and milestones to verify whether U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Commanders B.2.h and District Engineers, operations project managers, operations managers, and information assurance 3 years 1 month managers assessed the applicability of the weaknesses, and implemented procedures to identify and 21 days remediate systemic cyber security weaknesses by using vendor‑supported operating systems.


Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 143



Department of the Army (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2014-066, “Logistics Modernization Program System Not Configured to Support Statement of Budgetary Resources,” May 5, 2014

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management and Comptroller), in coordination with Army Materiel Command G‑8, develop a plan of action and milestones to validate and certify that they have configured Logistics Modernization Program system functionality according to the DoD United States Government Standard General Ledger Transaction Library, applicable business events, and the DoD Standard Chart of Accounts for the Budget‑to‑Report business process. As A.3.a part of the comprehensive business process reengineering effort, they should investigate the root causes 2 years 10 months for each manual adjustment and other workarounds related to the Budget‑to‑Report business process and 26 days develop the reengineering plan for implementing the system functionality to record the data correctly. The reengineering plan should also incorporate, to the extent possible, the functionality to integrate within the Logistics Modernization Program system the: 1) Debt Management Process and 2) Cash Management Process.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management and Comptroller), in coordination with Army Materiel Command G‑8, develop a plan of action and milestones to validate and certify that they have configured Logistics Modernization Program system functionality according to the DoD United States Government Standard General Ledger Transaction Library, applicable A.3.b business events, and the DoD Standard Chart of Accounts for the Budget‑to‑Report business process. As 2 years 10 months part of the comprehensive business process reengineering effort, they should document and certify to the 26 days Deputy Chief Financial Officer the comprehensive review of Army Working Capital Fund business activities that baselines the DoD transaction codes and general ledger accounts needed for recording the Logistics Modernization Program Budget‑to‑Report business process.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management and Comptroller), in coordination with Army Materiel Command G‑8, develop a plan of action and milestones to validate and certify that they have configured Logistics Modernization Program system functionality according to the DoD United States Government Standard General Ledger Transaction Library, applicable 2 years 10 months A.3.e business events, and the DoD Standard Chart of Accounts for the Budget‑to‑Report business process. As 26 days part of the comprehensive business process reengineering effort, they should direct activities to conduct an immediate investigation of abnormal balances in unobligated accounts to determine whether a potential funding violation occurred.

144128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Department of the Army (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2014-067, “Improvement Needed for Management of Commemorative Program Funds,” May 6, 2014

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Secretary of the Army issue implementing guidance for effectively performing Executive Agent responsibilities in accordance with DoD Directive 5101.1, which includes 2 years 10 months A.1 developing standard operating procedures that identify key processes, roles, and responsibilities for 25 days resource management.

Report No. DODIG-2014-073, “Northrop Grumman Improperly Charged Labor for the Counter Narco‑terrorism Technology Program,” May 13, 2014 (Full Report is FOUO)

(FOUO) Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

(FOUO) The DoD OIG recommended that the Executive Director, Army Contracting Command–Redstone Arsenal, review the eligibility of the DynCorp International employees to determine if the employees met the labor qualifications specified in the contract and, if they did not, obtain a refund for improper labor 2 charges or recoup from any currently owed payments due the contractor on contract W9113M‑07‑D‑0007. 2 years 10 months Also, obtain résumés to verify that the 33 remaining employees meet the labor qualifications specified in 18 days the contract and, if they did not, obtain a refund for additional improper labor charges or recoup from any currently owed payments due the contractor on contract W9113M‑07‑D‑0007.


Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 145



Department of the Army (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2014-073, “Northrop Grumman Improperly Charged Labor for the Counter Narco‑terrorism Technology Program,” May 13, 2014 (Full Report is FOUO) (cont’d)

(FOUO) Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Executive Director, Army Contracting Command–Redstone Arsenal, 3 conduct a review of the $21.7 million in potentially excessive payments and recover improper payments or 2 years 10 months recoup from any currently owed payments due the contractor on contract W9113M‑07‑D‑0007 that were 18 days not already recovered through Recommendation 2.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Executive Director, Army Contracting Command–Redstone Arsenal, report improper contract W9113M‑07‑D‑0007 payments to the Defense Finance and Accounting Service to 2 years 10 months 5 ensure that improper payments are accurately reported. Also, notify the DoD Office of Inspector General of 18 days all identified improper payments.


Report No. DODIG-2014-081, “Army Integrated Air and Missile Defense Program Needs to Improve Software, Test, and Requirements Planning,” June 9, 2014 (Full Report is FOUO)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Army Fires Center of Excellence, revise the draft capability production document for the Integrated Air and Missile Defense to define capability requirements B.1 for developing the initial capability of the system and to state that another capability production document 2 years 9 months will follow, which will define capability requirements for the Pre‑Planned Product Improvements One and 22 days Two.

128146 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Department of the Army (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2014-081, “Army Integrated Air and Missile Defense Program Needs to Improve Software, Test, and Requirements Planning,” June 9, 2014 (Full Report is FOUO) (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Army Fires Center of Excellence, prepare a follow‑on B.2 capability production document that defines capability requirements for the Pre‑Planned Product 2 years 9 months Improvements One and Two to support the planned management review for Pre‑Planned Product 22 days Improvement One at the end of FY 2018.

Report No. DODIG-2014-087, “Army’s Audit Readiness at Risk Because of Unreliable Data in the Appropriation Status Report,” June 26, 2014

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Operations) and the Director, Army Budget, in collaboration with the Director of the Defense Finance and Accounting Service‑Indianapolis, complete an analysis to determine the cause of the significant number of adjustments B.1 required each month in order for General Fund Enterprise Business System data to be reported in the 2 years 9 months Appropriation Status Report, track and report trend data on these automatic adjustments, and develop 5 days a plan of actions and milestones to eliminate the need for this automatic adjustment process within the Defense Departmental Reporting System‑Budgetary.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 147



Department of the Army (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2014-090, “Improvements Needed in the General Fund Enterprise Business System Budget‑to‑Report Business Process,” July 2, 2014

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management and Comptroller) verify that the General Fund Enterprise Business System posting logic documentation is 2 years 8 months 1.a accurate and complete, and use it to validate General Fund Enterprise Business System general ledger 29 days account postings.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management and Comptroller) direct the General Fund Enterprise Business System Program Management Office to 2 years 8 months 1.b reconfigure the General Fund Enterprise Business System to properly record Budget‑to‑Report transactions, 29 days including implementing system controls to address items identified in this report.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management and 1.c Comptroller) provide the Army Budget Office personnel with training on performing their Budget‑to‑Report 2 years 8 months responsibilities using the General Fund Enterprise Business System. 29 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management 1.d and Comptroller) use the General Fund Enterprise Business System to execute all Army General 2 years 8 months Fund appropriations. 29 days

128148 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Department of the Army (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2014-096, “Improvements Needed in Contract Administration of Mi‑17 Cockpit Modification Task Order,” July 28, 2014 (Full Report is FOUO)

(FOUO) Age of Recommendation Text Recommendation Recommendation on 3/31/17

(FOUO) The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Army Contracting Command–Redstone Non‑Standard Rotary Wing Aircraft Directorate, require the contracting officer to modify the contract to remove the A additional fee and recoup from the contractor the unallowable fixed fee increase (which includes 2 years 8 months the the Army Contracting Command‑Redstone agreed to recoup) in accordance with Federal 3 days Acquisition Regulation subpart 16.306, “Cost‑plus‑fixed‑fee contracts.”

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Army Contracting Command–Redstone Non‑Standard Rotary B.1 Wing Aircraft Directorate, take action to terminate the sixth cockpit modification, and as appropriate, 2 years 8 months negotiate a settlement with the contractor. 3 days


Report No. DODIG-2014-101, “Delinquent Medical Service Accounts at Brooke Army Medical Center Need Additional Management Oversight,” August 13, 2014

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Brooke Army Medical Center, review, research, and 2 years 7 months 1.b pursue collections on the remaining open delinquent medical service accounts. 18 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Brooke Army Medical Center, send dispute letters to 2 years 7 months 1.f Texas Medicaid and Healthcare Partnership for all claims denied for missing the 95‑day filing requirement. 18 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Brooke Army Medical Center, provide U.S. Army Medical 1.g Command all the Medicaid‑eligible claims denied by Texas Medicaid Health Partnership for missing the 2 years 7 months 95‑day filing requirement to identify the value and impact of those claims to Brooke Army Medical Center. 18 days

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 149



Department of the Army (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2014-101, “Delinquent Medical Service Accounts at Brooke Army Medical Center Need Additional Management Oversight,” August 13, 2014 (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Brooke Army Medical Center, provide U.S. Army Medical Command all the Medicaid‑eligible claims processed and paid by Texas Medicaid Health Partnership to 2 years 7 months 1.h identify the reimbursed and disallowed amounts, the amounts the beneficiaries now are responsible to pay, 18 days and request direction on a course of action to eliminate the debt.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Chief of Staff, U.S. Army Medical Command, coordinate with the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs) to discuss the reimbursement issues about denied claims 2.a and reimbursement rates for services provided to Texas Medicaid and Healthcare Partnership beneficiaries 2 years 7 months and assess whether further actions can be taken to address the Texas Medicaid and Healthcare Partnership 18 days 95‑day filing requirement.

Report No. DODIG-2014-118, “Improvements Needed in Contract Award of Mi‑17 Cockpit Modification Task Order,” September 19, 2014 (Full Report is FOUO)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology perform a review of actions by Army Contracting Command‑Redstone contracting officers and Non‑Standard Rotary Wing Aircraft Program Management Office officials in noncompetitively awarding 2 years 6 months A.1 more than $200 million in Mi‑17 work to Science and Engineering Services under the Logistical Support 12 days Facility indefinite‑delivery, indefinite‑quantity contract, and, as appropriate, initiate corrective measures and actions to hold personnel accountable.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Army Contracting Command–Redstone Non‑Standard Rotary B.2 Wing Aircraft Directorate, take action to recoup payments for the sets of manuals that were not accepted or 2 years 6 months delivered. 12 days

150128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Department of the Army (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2014-121, “Military Housing Inspections–Japan,” September 30, 2014

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the respective Military Departments, as applicable: a) conduct an effective root cause analysis and corrective action for all 1,057 deficiencies in this report; b) ensure that these A deficiencies do not exist in other housing units; c) ensure the inspection, maintenance, and repair program 2 years 6 months is in compliance with applicable codes and standards for fire protection systems, electrical systems, and 1 day environmental health and safety.

The DoD OIG recommended that the respective Military Departments, as applicable, ensure that sufficient, B qualified resources are available and assigned to inspect and verify that all housing buildings and units are in 2 years 6 months compliance with requirements for fire protection systems. 1 day

The DoD OIG recommended that the respective Military Departments, as applicable, ensure that sufficient, C qualified resources are available and assigned to inspect and verify that all housing buildings and units are in 2 years 6 months compliance with requirements for electrical systems. 1 day

The DoD OIG recommended that the respective Military Departments, as applicable, ensure that sufficient, D.1 qualified resources are available and assigned to inspect and verify that all housing buildings and units are in 2 years 6 months compliance with environmental health and safety requirements. 1 day

The DoD OIG recommended that the respective Military Departments, as applicable, ensure that housing management systems and processes are fully implemented and followed for all installations. This E includes improving processes for tracking service calls and work orders through completion, ensuring that 2 years 6 months inspections and maintenance are conducted as required, and analyzing historical work order information for 1 day trends and lessons learned to improve housing management programs.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 151



Department of the Army (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2014-124, “Army Needs to Improve the Reliability of the Spare Parts Forecasts It Submits to the Defense Logistics Agency,” September 29, 2014

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Secretary of the Army direct the Deputy Chief of Staff G‑4 (Logistics) to develop Army‑wide policy and establish controls on monitoring and updating depot overhaul factors consistently. At a minimum, the policy should prioritize depot overhaul factor reviews for items with low 2 years 6 months 1 demand plan accuracy or buyback rates as well as for projects that require high‑volume, high‑dollar parts. 2 days The policy should address the frequency and priority of the updates and consider more frequent reviews for specific items deemed high priority.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Army Materiel Command, develop a plan of action with milestones to improve the accuracy of the spare parts forecasts that Army Life Cycle Management Commands provide to the Defense Logistics Agency. The plan should address the issues this report identified and include establishing procedures and controls that ensure Life Cycle Management Command personnel use the correct parts lists to identify the parts, supply sources, and quantities needed for future 2 years 6 months 2.a depot maintenance work. The plan should consider training, the addition of edit checks in the Logistics 2 days Modernization Program, the comparison of forecasts and depot orders, or a combination of these actions. In addition, the plan should consider requesting Aviation and Missile Life Cycle Management Command personnel to review planned Corpus Christi Army Depot maintenance projects and correct any forecasts that the Logistics Modernization Program developed using the wrong parts list.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Army Materiel Command, develop a plan of action with milestones to improve the accuracy of the spare parts forecasts that Army Life Cycle Management Commands provide to the Defense Logistics Agency. The plan should address the issues this report identified and include establishing procedures and controls that ensure depot personnel accurately code 2.b spare parts in the Army Logistics Modernization Program system to prevent the system from generating 2 years 6 months erroneous spare parts forecasts to the Defense Logistics Agency. In addition, the plan should involve 2 days requesting depot personnel to review existing spare parts coding in the Army Logistics Modernization Program system and cancel all related existing erroneous special program requirements for future maintenance projects submitted to the Defense Logistics Agency.

128152 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Department of the Army (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2015-013, “Military Housing Inspections–Republic of Korea,” October 28, 2014

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the respective Military Departments, as applicable: a) conduct an effective root cause analysis and corrective action for all 646 deficiencies in this report; b) ensure that A these deficiencies do not exist in other housing units; and c) ensure the inspection, maintenance, and 2 years 5 months repair program is in compliance with applicable codes and standards for fire protection systems, electrical 3 days systems, and environmental health and safety.

The DoD OIG recommended that the respective Military Departments, as applicable, ensure that sufficient, B qualified resources are available and assigned to inspect and verify that all housing buildings and units are in 2 years 5 months compliance with requirements for fire protection systems. 3 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the respective Military Departments, as applicable, ensure that sufficient, C qualified resources are available and assigned to inspect and verify that all housing buildings and units are in 2 years 5 months compliance with requirements for electrical systems. 3 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the respective Military Departments, as applicable, ensure that sufficient, D.1 qualified resources are available and assigned to inspect and verify that all housing buildings and units are in 2 years 5 months compliance with environmental health and safety requirements. 3 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the respective Military Departments, as applicable, ensure housing 2 years 5 months E management policies are implemented and procedures are followed. 3 days

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 153



Department of the Army (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2015-016, “Department of Defense Suicide Event Report Data Quality Assessment,” November 14, 2014

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Chiefs of the Military Services update their policies to 2 years 4 months 1.b incorporate Recommendation 1.a. 17 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Chiefs of the Military Services update their policies to 2 years 4 months 2.b incorporate Recommendation 2.a. 17 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Chiefs of the Military Services update guidance to: 1) identify subject matter experts to provide Department of Defense Suicide Event Report tech support to address questions, and 2) adapt and implement the proposed standard operating procedure/guidelines for Department of 2 years 4 months 3.d Defense Suicide Event Report submission process to help Department of Defense Suicide Event Report 17 days submitters understand the various sources of information (for example, military law enforcement and medical) needed to submit a complete Department of Defense Suicide Event Report.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Chiefs of the Military Services update policies to integrate Department 4.e of Defense Suicide Event Report data collection and submission practices into their Service suicide 2 years 4 months prevention lessons learned processes. 17 days

Report No. DODIG-2015-062, “DoD Needs Dam Safety Inspection Policy To Enable the Services To Detect Conditions That Could Lead to Dam Failure,” December 31, 2014 (Full Report is FOUO)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Secretary of the Army should implement a dam safety inspection 2 program in accordance with DoD dam safety inspection policy, after that policy is issued. 2 years 3 months

154128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Department of the Army (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2015-066, “U.S. Military Academy, West Point, Controls Over Gift Funds Need Improvements,” January 14, 2015

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Superintendent, U.S. Military Academy, West Point, revise property 2 years 2 months A.2.b records to accurately reflect gifted real and personal assets. 17 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Center of Military History, require Museum personnel to use A.3 the appraised value field in the Army Museum Information System to record acquisition costs or appraisal 2 years 2 months values of nonmonetary gifts received and artifacts purchased. 17 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Chief of Staff of the Army initiate a review into the actions of the former Chief of Staff, West Point, and others involved with West Point disbursing activities to determine 2 years 2 months B.1 why they did not comply with Army or DoD policy for operating a disbursing office at West Point, and as 17 days appropriate, initiate corrective measures and actions to hold personnel accountable.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Chief of Staff, G‑1, coordinate with the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management and Comptroller) to update Army Regulation 210‑3, Nonstandard Activities B.3 of the United States Military Academy and West Point Military Operations to reflect the DoD Financial 2 years 2 months Management Regulation and Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management and Comptroller) 17 days requirements related to the management and disbursement of gift funds.

Report No. DODIG-2015-117, “U.S. Cyber Command and Military Services Need to Reassess Processes for Fielding Cyber Mission Force Teams,” April 30, 2015 (Full Report is Classified)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

1 year 11 months 5 Recommendation is Classified. 1 day

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 155



Department of the Army (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2015-128, “Army Needs to Improve Processes Over Government-Furnished Material Inventory Actions,” May 21, 2015

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management and Comptroller) create a subaccount within the Logistics Modernization Program system to track receipt, 1 year 10 months 1 acceptance, and consumption of Government‑furnished material within an “Inventory, Work‑in‑Process” 10 days account.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management and Comptroller) expedite efforts to transition to the consumption method of accounting for Government‑furnished material, unless it can document a strong business case for using the purchase 1 year 10 months 2 method to recognize operating materials and supplies expenses. In developing this business case, consider 10 days the capitalization effect of Government‑furnished material items included for upgrades, modifications, or assembly of end items, to include general equipment.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Chief of Staff of the Army, G‑4, and the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management and Comptroller), in collaboration with the Commander, Army Materiel Command, develop a business process and the Logistics Modernization Program posting logic to identify and track Army Working Capital Fund inventory provided to contractors as Government‑furnished material 1 year 10 months 3 within the Logistics Modernization Program system. Specifically, the Army should use the Logistics 10 days Modernization Program system to report Army Working Capital Fund inventory provided to contractors as Government‑furnished material to meet requirements in the DoD Manual 4140.01, volume 9, and DoD 7000.14‑R, DoD Financial Management Regulation, volume 4, chapter 4.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Army Materiel Command, in coordination with each Life 5 Cycle Management Command, validate data in the Logistics Modernization Program Management Control 1 year 10 months Activity table and perform reasonableness checks quarterly. 10 days

156128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Department of the Army (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2015-143, “Patriot Express Program Could Be More Cost‑Effective for Overseas Permanent Change of Station and Temporary Duty Travels,” July 6, 2015

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Chief of Staff, Army G‑4, implement controls in the Defense Travel System to automatically route all travel orders for travel outside of the continental United States to transportation office personnel to check Patriot Express availability before booking commercial 2.b‑c transportation. Perform a review, in coordination with the Commander, U.S. Transportation Command, 1 year 8 months to determine the primary reasons why passengers do not show up for, or cancel, booked Patriot Express 25 days flights and implement any necessary changes to the program, such as developing cancellation guidelines, to minimize the burden of no‑show passengers.

Report DODIG-2015-148, “Rights of Conscience Protections for Armed Forces Service Members and Their Chaplains,” July 22, 2015

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Army Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel, the Chief of Naval Personnel, and the Air Force Deputy Chief of Staff for Manpower, Personnel, and Services streamline existing 1 year 8 months 2 procedures to ensure requests for accommodation requiring waivers are evaluated within the timeframes established by Department of Defense Instruction 1300.17, including any changes made as a result of 9 days Recommendation 1.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Army Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel ensure that programs of 6 Instruction for commissioned and noncommissioned officers include the updated guidance regarding 1 year 8 months religious accommodations contained in Department of Defense Instruction 1300.17. 9 days

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 157



Department of the Army (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2015-155, “U.S. Forces Korea Service Components Can Improve Management of Individual Protective Equipment,” July 31, 2015 (Full Report is Classified)

(FOUO) Age of Recommendation Text Recommendation Recommendation on 3/31/17

(FOUO) 1.a 1 year 8 months

(FOUO) 1.b 1 year 8 months

(FOUO) 1.c 1 year 8 months

(FOUO) 1.d 1 year 8 months


Report No. DODIG-2015-160, “U.S. Army Generally Designed Adequate Controls to Monitor Contractor Performance at the King Abdullah II Special Operations Training Center, but Additional Controls Are Needed,” August 7, 2015

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commanding General, U.S. Army Central Command, should require U.S. Government subject matter experts to perform regular electrical service inspections to ensure the 1 year 7 months 1 facilities are maintained and operating according to applicable standards at the King Abdullah II Special 24 days Operations Training Center.

158128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Department of the Army (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2015-162, “Continental United States Military Housing Inspections–National Capital Region,” August 13, 2015

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Army Garrison Fort Belvoir, conduct an effective root 1 year 7 months A.1 cause analysis and implement a corrective action plan for all electrical deficiencies identified in this report. 18 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Army Garrison Fort Belvoir, create and execute a plan A.2 for performing ongoing inspection and maintenance of all housing units to attain compliance with applicable 1 year 7 months electrical codes and standards. 18 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Army Garrison Fort Belvoir, work with the private 1 year 7 months A.3 housing partner to ensure that an electrical inspection and maintenance plan is achieved. 18 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Army Garrison Fort Belvoir, conduct an effective root B.1 cause analysis and implement a corrective action plan for all fire protection deficiencies identified in this 1 year 7 months report. 18 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Army Garrison Fort Belvoir, create and execute a plan B.2 for performing ongoing inspection and maintenance of all housing units to attain compliance with applicable 1 year 7 months fire protection codes and standards. 18 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Army Garrison Fort Belvoir, work with the private 1 year 7 months B.3 housing partner to ensure that a fire protection inspection and maintenance plan is achieved. 18 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Army Garrison Fort Belvoir, conduct an effective root C.1 cause analysis and implement a corrective action plan for all environmental health and safety deficiencies 1 year 7 months identified in this report. 18 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Army Garrison Fort Belvoir, improve heating, 1 year 7 months C.2 ventilation, and air conditioning maintenance in its barracks. 18 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Army Garrison Fort Belvoir, work with the private C.3 housing partner to abate all defective lead based paint in accordance with its Operation and Maintenance 1 year 7 months Plan. 18 days

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 159



Department of the Army (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2015-174, “U.S. Army Corps of Engineers–Alaska District Needs to Improve Competitive Procedures for Cooperative Agreements for Alaska Integrated Natural Resources Management Plans,” September 16, 2015

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Contracting Division Chief, Corps of Engineers 1 year 6 months A.1.a Alaska District, require training for grants officers to properly award and manage cooperative agreements. 15 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Contracting Division Chief, United States Army Corps of Engineers Alaska District, develop procedures that require personnel to give priority to Federal Agencies and the 1 year 6 months A.1.e respective State fish and wildlife agencies when awarding cooperative agreements and contracts for 15 days Integrated Natural Resources Management Plans on Alaska installations.

Report No. DODIG-2015-181, “Continental United States Military Housing Inspections–Southeast,” September 24, 2015

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

G.1 The DoD OIG recommended that the Fort Gordon Commander conduct an effective root cause analysis and 1 year 6 months perform corrective actions for all fire protection deficiencies identified. 7 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Fort Gordon Commander verify or create a plan for the performance of 1 year 6 months G.2 ongoing inspection and maintenance of all housing units to applicable fire protection codes and standards. 7 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Fort Gordon Commander work with the privatized housing partner to 1 year 6 months G.3 ensure that fire protection inspection and maintenance plans are achieved. 7 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Fort Gordon Commander provide training to installation personnel G.5 occupying unaccompanied housing units regarding the importance of proper fire door operation to maintain 1 year 6 months structural fire resistance between laundry, kitchen, and common areas of dormitory buildings. 7 days

160128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Department of the Army (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2015-181, “Continental United States Military Housing Inspections–Southeast,” September 24, 2015 (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Fort Gordon Commander work with the privatized housing partner to 1 year 6 months G.6 ensure that smoke alarms are properly installed and maintained in all Fort Gordon family housing units. 7 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Fort Gordon Commander conduct an effective root cause analysis and 1 year 6 months H.1 perform corrective actions for all electrical deficiencies identified. 7 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Fort Gordon Commander verify or create a plan for the performance of 1 year 6 months H.2 ongoing inspection and maintenance of all housing units to applicable electrical codes and standards. 7 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Fort Gordon Commander work with the privatized housing partner to 1 year 6 months H.3 ensure that electrical inspection and maintenance plans are achieved. 7 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Installations, Energy, and I.1 Environment review and update its policy to ensure that Army publications properly and consistently 1 year 6 months address radon assessment and mitigation requirements. 7 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Fort Gordon Commander conduct an effective root cause analysis and 1 year 6 months I.2.a perform corrective actions for all environmental health and safety deficiencies identified. 7 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Fort Gordon Commander improve heating, ventilation, and air 1 year 6 months I.2.b conditioning maintenance in unaccompanied housing facilities. 7 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Fort Gordon Commander, in accordance with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, “One‑Stop Assessment of Buildings 25000–28000 Stairwells; Fort Gordon, Augusta, Georgia,” 1 year 6 months I.2.c January 2015, implement corrective actions as necessary, to ensure the structural integrity of the volunteer 7 days Army barracks buildings.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Fort Gordon Commander establish a radon assessment and mitigation I.2.d program in accordance with updated Department of the Army guidance and ensure that buildings previously 1 year 6 months identified to have elevated radon levels are retested and mitigated as necessary. 7 days

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 161



Department of the Army (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-004, “Army Needs to Improve Contract Oversight for the Logistics Civil Augmentation Program’s Task Orders,” October 28, 2015

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, 414th Contracting Support Brigade, Principal Assistant Responsible for Contracting, should develop procedures that require administrative contracting officers to 1.a verify that contracting officer’s representatives with adequate experience are identified before the contract 1 year 5 months work begins and require them to take contracting officer’s representatives training before leaving for 3 days deployment or obtain training waivers in accordance with DoD guidance.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, 414th Contracting Support Brigade, Principal Assistant Responsible for Contracting, should develop procedures that require administrative contracting officers to 1 year 5 months 1.b provide pertinent documents to the contracting officer’s representatives prior to appointment so that they 3 days have adequate guidance to perform their duties.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, 414th Contracting Support Brigade, Principal Assistant Responsible for Contracting, should develop procedures that outline alternate contractor surveillance 1 year 5 months 1.c methods, in accordance with DoD policy, if the contracting officer’s representative is unable to perform 3 days contractor surveillance until they are on site.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Executive Director and Principal Assistant Responsible for Contracting for the Army Contracting Command–Rock Island should issue guidance that requires all procurement 1 year 5 months 2 contracting officers to create a Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan specific to each task order issued under 3 days the Logistics Civil Augmentation Program.

128162 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Department of the Army (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-026, (FOUO) “ ,” November 24, 2015 (Full Report is Classified)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Cyber Command, and the Chiefs of Staff for the U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force, the Chief of Naval Operations, and the Commandant of the Marine Corps 1 year 4 months 1 develop a doctrine, organization, training, materiel, leadership and education, personnel, facilities, and 7 days policy framework that address strategies to build, grow, and sustain the Cyber Mission Force.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Cyber Command, and the Chiefs of Staff for the U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force, the Chief of Naval Operations, and the Commandant of the Marine Corps 1 year 4 months 2 formalize an agreement to focus capability development on functional and mission areas consistent with 7 days results of the mission alignment board.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Army Cyber Command and Second Army, develop a time‑sensitive plan of action and milestones to provide all Army Cyber Protection Teams with adequate 1 year 4 months 4 workspace and consistent access to the Secure Internet Protocol Router Network and Joint Worldwide 7 days Intelligence Communications System.

Report No. DODIG-2016-058, “Army Warfighter Information Network–Tactical Increment 2 Procurement Quantity Not Supported for Future Army Forces,” March 1, 2016 (Full Report is FOUO)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Program Executive Officer, Command, Control, Communications‑Tactical use an approved Army structure memorandum in the procurement quantity 1.a calculation for Warfighter Information Network‑Tactical Increment 2 and estimate the necessary Army units 1 year 30 days beyond the approved Army structure memorandum to cover the Warfighter Information Network‑Tactical Increment 2 production and fielding period through FY 2029.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 163



Department of the Army (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-058, “Army Warfighter Information Network–Tactical Increment 2 Procurement Quantity Not Supported for Future Army Forces,” March 1, 2016 (Full Report is FOUO) (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Program Executive Officer, Command, Control, Communications‑Tactical update acquisition documentation to align with changes to the requirements 1.b documents for the Warfighter Information Network‑Tactical Increment 2 as a result of refining the Mission 1 year 30 days Command portfolio.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commanding General, U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command, upon completion of the Mission Command Network Refinement update the basis of issue plans for the 3.a Warfighter Information Network‑Tactical Increment 2 and submit them to the Organizational Requirements 1 year 30 days Document Approval Board for review and approval.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commanding General, U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command, upon completion of the Mission Command Network Refinement update all Warfighter Information 3.b Network‑Tactical Increment 2 requirements documentation with any changes to quantity and cost for the 1 year 30 days production and deployment phase.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commanding General, U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command, upon completion of the Mission Command Network Refinement submit the updated capability production 3.c document for the Warfighter Information Network‑Tactical Increment 2 to the Army Capabilities Integration 1 year 30 days Center for validation and approval.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Commanding General, Futures/Director, Army Capabilities Integration Center conduct analysis required by U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command Regulation 4.a 71‑20 to validate the Warfighter Information Network‑Tactical Increment 2 capability production document 1 year 30 days includes the approved force structure quantities, associated costs, and the results from the Mission Command Network Refinement.

164128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Department of the Army (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-058, “Army Warfighter Information Network–Tactical Increment 2 Procurement Quantity Not Supported for Future Army Forces,” March 1, 2016 (Full Report is FOUO) (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Commanding General, Futures/Director, Army Capabilities 4.b Integration Center submit the updated and validated capability production document to the Army 1 year 30 days Requirements Oversight Council for validation.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Vice Chief of Staff, Army, Chair, Army Requirements Oversight Council complete the Mission Command Network Refinement to determine an affordable and sustainable Mission 5.a Command portfolio, including life cycle affordability analysis and goals and caps for in the Warfighter 1 year 30 days Information Network‑Tactical Increment 2.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Vice Chief of Staff, Army, Chair, Army Requirements Oversight Council, conduct analysis required by U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command Regulation 71‑20 to validate 5.b the Warfighter Information Network‑Tactical Increment 2 capability production document includes the 1 year 30 days approved force structure quantities and associated costs.

Report No. DODIG-2016-065, “U.S. Army Central and U.S. Army Contracting Command–Rock Island Need to Improve Facility Maintenance at King Abdullah II Special Operations Training Center,” March 23, 2016

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Executive Director, U.S. Army Contracting Command–Rock Island, in coordination with the Commanding General, U.S. Army Central, notify the contractor of the deficient 1.a performance and hold the contractor responsible, in accordance with the terms of the contract, for 1 year 8 days not providing and maintaining fire extinguishers and smoke detectors in the Combined Operations and Information Center latrines.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 165



Department of the Army (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-065, “U.S. Army Central and U.S. Army Contracting Command–Rock Island Need to Improve Facility Maintenance at King Abdullah II Special Operations Training Center,” March 23, 2016 (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Executive Director, U.S. Army Contracting Command–Rock Island, in coordination with the Commanding General, U.S. Army Central, review and modify the basic life support 1.b(1) services contract (W52P1J‑14‑C‑0009), as necessary, to include cleaning procedures that include measures 1 year 8 days to prevent and remove mold/mildew in all the facilities consistent with AR 420‑1.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Executive Director, U.S. Army Contracting Command–Rock Island, in coordination with the Commanding General, U.S. Army Central, review and modify the basic life support 1.b(3) services contract (W52P1J‑14‑C‑0009), as necessary, to make the heat, ventilation, and air conditioning 1 year 8 days response time and repair/replace time consistent with priorities established in the U.S. Central Command Regulation 415‑1.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Executive Director, U.S. Army Contracting Command–Rock Island, in 1.c coordination with the Commanding General, U.S. Army Central, request a periodic schedule of maintenance 1 year 8 days from the contractor that contains all the periodic maintenance required by the contract.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commanding General, U.S. Army Central, revise its work order process 2 to provide verifiable information that the contractor performed facility repairs in accordance with the basic 1 year 8 days life support services contract (W52P1J‑14‑C‑0009).

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commanding General, U.S. Army Central, upon receiving the periodic schedule of maintenance from the contractor, revise the Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan to include 3 controls to oversee the contractor’s performance in completing the required periodic maintenance, and 1 year 8 days then implement the controls.

128166 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Department of the Army (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-068, “DoD’s Efforts to Consolidate Data Centers Need Improvement,” March 29, 2016

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Chief Information Officer, Department of the Army; Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer; Chief Information Officer, Office of the Secretary of the Air Force; and B.2 Chief Information Officer, Defense Information Systems Agency revise their current processes for validating 1 year 2 days data center information to ensure the accuracy and completeness of information reported to the DoD Chief Information Officer.

Report No. DODIG-2016-072, “DoD Needs to Improve Screening and Access Controls for General Public Tenants Leasing Housing on Military Installations,” April 1, 2016 (Full Report is FOUO)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director of Security Forces, Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics, Engineering and Force Protection, Headquarters U.S. Air Force, and the Provost Marshal General, U.S. Army 1.a issue or update guidance specifying the queries required to access the National Crime Information Center 364 days and the Interstate Identification Index files and conduct background checks in accordance with service regulations.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director of Security Forces, Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics, Engineering and Force Protection, Headquarters U.S. Air Force, and the Provost Marshal General, U.S. Army 1.b issue or update guidance that specifically addresses general public housing tenants’ access badge 364 days expiration dates.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director of Security Forces, Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics, Engineering and Force Protection, Headquarters U.S. Air Force; U.S. Army Assistant Chief of Staff for 2.a Installation Management; and Commander, Navy Installations Command conduct a review of all general 364 days public tenants leasing privatized housing to ensure those tenants received the complete and adequate background check in accordance with service regulations.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 167



Department of the Army (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-072, “DoD Needs to Improve Screening and Access Controls for General Public Tenants Leasing Housing on Military Installations,” April 1, 2016 (Full Report is FOUO) (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director of Security Forces, Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics, Engineering and Force Protection, Headquarters U.S. Air Force; U.S. Army Assistant Chief of Staff for 2.b Installation Management; and Commander, Navy Installations Command, instruct security officials to 364 days conduct a badge review for general public tenants living inside the installations and re‑issue badges as needed to ensure the badge expiration date aligns with the end of the tenants’ lease terms.

Report No. DODIG-2016-074, “Army Contracting Officials Could Have Purchased Husky Mounted Detection System Spare Parts at Lower Prices,” March 31, 2016 (Full Report is FOUO)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Executive Director, Army Contracting Command–Aberdeen Proving Ground, determine and document whether it is appropriate to request a $27 million voluntary refund from 2 NIITEK, Inc. for sole‑source Husky Mounted Detection System spare parts, in accordance with Defense 1 year Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement Subpart 242.71, “Voluntary Refunds.”

128168 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Department of the Army (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-077, “San Antonio Mission and Installation Contracting Command and Presidio of Monterey Personnel Properly Awarded and Administered the Presidio of Monterey Unity Energy Services Contract, but Improved Procedures and Guidance are Needed,” April 8, 2016

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, 412th Contracting Support Brigade, establish standard 1 operating procedures for the award and administration of Utility Energy Service Contracts. 357 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the U.S. Army Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management 3 establish guidance with specific thresholds for review and approval of projects and guidance for the award 357 days and administration of Utility Energy Service Contracts.

Report No. DODIG-2016-079, “Delinquent Medical Service Accounts at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center Need Additional Management Oversight,” April 28, 2016

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Regional Health Command–Europe, review, research, and 1.a pursue collection on the delinquent medical service accounts that remain open. 337 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Regional Health Command–Europe, coordinate with 1.c U.S. Army Medical Command, Uniform Business Office, to review, research, and take action as needed on all 337 days accounts affected by the implementation of the 2014 billing weights.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Army Medical Command, request a system modification in Armed Forces Billing and Collection Utilization System for all Army Medical Treatment 2.a Facilities to ensure the medical service accounts are processed and can be transferred when accounts 337 days become 120 days delinquent.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 169



Department of the Army (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-079, “Delinquent Medical Service Accounts at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center Need Additional Management Oversight,” April 28, 2016 (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Army Medical Command, take action to collect the 619 medical service accounts elevated by Regional Health Command Europe to the U.S. Army Medical 2.b Command in 2008 or coordinate with the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs) to determine what 337 days action is needed to write off the debt.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Army Medical Command, issue guidance to U.S. Army 2.c Medical Command Military Treatment Facilities Uniform Business Offices on the implementation of the 2014 337 days billing weights, to include research, review, and action as needed on affected accounts.

Report No. DODIG-2016-080, “Army’s Management of Gray Eagle Spare Parts Needs Improvement,” April 29, 2016 (Full Report is FOUO)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Project Manager, Unmanned Aircraft System, complete the actions A.1.a necessary to include the Gray Eagle spare parts in an Army Accountable Property System of Record. 336 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Project Manager, Unmanned Aircraft System, require that Product A.1.b.i Manager‑Medium Altitude Endurance review the obsolete spare parts and initiate disposal of any unneeded 336 days obsolete spare parts.

128170 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Department of the Army (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-080, “Army’s Management of Gray Eagle Spare Parts Needs Improvement,” April 29, 2016 (Full Report is FOUO) (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Project Manager, Unmanned Aircraft System, require that Product Manager‑Medium Altitude Endurance use inventory at DoD‑fielded locations before purchasing additional spare parts from General Atomics on the performance‑based logistics contract and production contracts A.1.b.ii and then conduct a cost‑benefit analysis to determine whether it should dispose of the excess spare parts or 336 days keep the excess spare parts for future use and take the appropriate action.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Project Manager, Unmanned Aircraft System, require that Product Manager‑Medium Altitude Endurance review the contract terms and determine if the contract should be modified to require General Atomics to include inventory located at DoD‑fielded locations when forecasting A.1.b.iii spare parts for the performance‑based logistics contract and review General Atomics’ forecasting process to 336 days verify spare parts are being forecasted based on the actual parts used.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Project Manager, Unmanned Aircraft System, require that Product A.1.b.iv Manager‑Medium Altitude Endurance use existing Defense Logistics Agency inventory, when possible, 336 days before purchasing the spare parts from General Atomics.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Executive Director, Army Contracting Command, Redstone Arsenal, to B.1.a verify contracting officers conduct an adequate fair and reasonable price analysis for spare parts purchased 336 days on the full production contract as required by Federal Acquisition Regulation 15.402.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 171



Department of the Army (cont’d)

Report No. DODIG-2016-080, “Army’s Management of Gray Eagle Spare Parts Needs Improvement,” April 29, 2016 (Full Report is FOUO) (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Executive Director, Army Contracting Command, Redstone Arsenal, to assess and determine whether overpayments were made and implement available options to seek recovery, B.1.c to include voluntary refunds in accordance with Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement 242.71 336 days of the overpayments identified on the 31 of 37 sample parts.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Executive Director, Army Contracting Command, Redstone Arsenal, to B.1.d develop an action plan with defined milestones for the performance‑based logistics contract to transition to 336 days a fixed price contract for spare parts.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Project Manager, Unmanned Aircraft System, verify that the Catalog, B.2 Order, and Logistics Tracking System include the Army’s actual unit cost of the spare parts purchased. 336 days

Report No. DODIG-2016-084, “Evaluation of DoD Ammunition Data Cards,” April 29, 2016 (Full Report is FOUO)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Joint Munitions Command document ammunition data card creation and verification procedures to ensure standardization of the ammunition data card process is in accordance 1.a with MIL‑STD‑1168, the Ammunition‑Data Repository Program User Manual, and contracts. Ensure onsite 336 days Government representatives develop methods to verify that the ammunition data cards are accurate, complete, and contractually compliant.

128172 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Department of the Army (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-084, “Evaluation of DoD Ammunition Data Cards,” April 29, 2016 (Full Report is FOUO) (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Joint Munitions Command document ammunition data card creation and verification procedures to ensure standardization of the ammunition data card process is in accordance with MIL‑STD‑1168, the Ammunition‑Data Repository Program User Manual, and contracts. 1.b Create instructions for ammunition data card review that include the specific information fields to verify 336 days on the ammunition data cards and what material pedigree data that ammunition data card information is verified against.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Joint Munitions Command document periodic reviews of 2 ammunition data cards for evidence of review as required by Joint Munitions Command’s QA‑OP‑PQM‑12 336 days Operating Procedure.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Joint Munitions Command ensure that MIL‑STD‑1168 B and C 3 requirements are incorporated into current open and future contracts, the Quality Assurance Letter of 336 days Instruction, and Letters of Delegation.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Joint Munitions Command train Joint Munitions Command onsite 4 Government representatives to improve oversight of the ammunition data card approval process. Train Joint 336 days Munitions Command onsite Government representatives on MIL‑STD‑1168C requirements.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 173



Department of the Army (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-108, “Army Needs Greater Emphasis on Inventory Valuation,” July 12, 2016

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Army Materiel Command establish policies and procedures focused on computing inventory valuation at moving average cost, including monitoring moving 1.a average cost values for National Item Identification Numbers at plants and making supported corrections of 262 days moving average cost values.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Army Materiel Command, review and correct moving 1.b average cost valuation for all Inventory, Available and Purchased for Resale. 262 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Army Materiel Command, implement procedures to properly maintain historical cost when transferring inventory between plants, and properly capture and 1.c record all appropriate purchase, transportation, and production costs to bring the inventory items to their 262 days current condition and location.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Army Materiel Command, expedite the development and implementation of procedures limiting the use of “Receipt Without Purchase Order” and the reversing 1.d “Reverse Receipt Without Purchase Order” inventory movement type transactions and develop a 262 days comprehensive goods receipt and acceptance process involving the Logistics Modernization Program system to ensure that historical cost information is not lost for proper valuation of inventory.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Army Materiel Command, implement continuous training for Army logistics and inventory management personnel involved with inventory movements that affect inventory valuation at moving average cost in the Logistics Modernization Program system. 1.e The training should cover how to properly record inventory receipt, acceptance, transfer, and sale 262 days transactions within the system to ensure that the historical costs of the inventory are properly captured for inventory valuation.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Army Materiel Command, develop procedures that 1.f post reconciling transactions to the same general ledger accounts as the original transactions. 262 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Army Materiel Command, restrict access to the 1.g transaction codes related to the end‑of‑day reconciliation process to only those with authority and training. 262 days

128174 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Department of the Army (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-108, “Army Needs Greater Emphasis on Inventory Valuation,” July 12, 2016 (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Army Materiel Command, direct the Logistics 1.h Modernization Program Product Office to implement standard tolerance levels and other validation controls 262 days for processing inventory transactions.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Army Materiel Command, establish Non‑Army Managed Items unit of measure elements properly in the Logistics Modernization Program system. Review 1.i the Logistics Modernization Program system Material Master data to identify all items with incorrect unit of 262 days measure elements and develop a strategy to correct them.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Army Materiel Command, implement controls, including management oversight to review and approve all Material Master file data changes prior to 1.j implementing them within the Logistics Modernization Program system, and issue guidance on how 262 days personnel should properly establish and maintain unit of measure elements in the Logistics Modernization Program system.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management and Comptroller), in collaboration with Commander, U.S. Army Materiel Command, develop a comprehensive strategic plan to overcome material deficiencies with the Army Working Capital Fund’s inventory, including moving average cost value accuracy. As part of the plan, coordinate and integrate the efforts already in 2 place to address known problems with valuing inventory at moving average cost, ensuring that the Logistics 262 days Modernization Plan system is fully compliant with Statement of Federal Financial Accounting Standards No. 3, and make needed system and business process changes before making an unreserved assertion that the Army Working Capital Fund inventory line item is presented fairly in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 175



Department of the Army (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-112, “Army Officials Did Not Consistently Comply With Requirements for Assessing Contractor Performance,” July 25, 2016

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, United States Army Corps of Engineers, Engineering Support Center–Huntsville; and Executive Directors, Army Contracting Command–Aberdeen Proving Ground, Army Contracting Command–Redstone Arsenal, and Army Contracting Command–Warren, develop 2 and implement organization‑wide procedures that identify specific timeframes and steps for Contractor 249 days Performance Assessment Reporting System officials to perform to ensure they prepare performance assessment reports within the 120‑day requirement in the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics memorandum and include the 60‑day contractor comment period.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Principal Assistant Responsible for Contracting, National Guard Bureau; Commander, United States Army Corps of Engineers, Engineering Support Center–Huntsville; and Executive Directors, Army Contracting Command–Aberdeen Proving Ground, Army Contracting Command–Redstone Arsenal, and Army Contracting Command–Warren, develop and implement procedures that require 3.a‑b assessors and contracting officers’ representatives responsible for preparing performance assessment 249 days reports to take: a) training on the rating and evaluation factor definitions, as outlined in the Federal Acquisition Regulation and Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System Guide; and b) initial and periodic refresher Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System Quality and Narrative Writing Training.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Principal Assistant Responsible for Contracting, National Guard Bureau; Commander, United States Army Corps of Engineers, Engineering Support Center‑Huntsville; and Executive Directors, Army Contracting Command–Aberdeen Proving Ground and Army Contracting 4 Command–Redstone Arsenal, develop and implement organization‑wide procedures for performing reviews 249 days of performance assessment reports and monitor reviews of the performance assessment reports to verify compliance with the Federal Acquisition Regulation.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Executive Director, Army Contracting Command‑Warren, update and 5 improve procedures for performing reviews of performance assessment reports to ensure compliance with 249 days the Federal Acquisition Regulation and identify when focal points should perform the reviews.

128176 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Department of the Army (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-112, “Army Officials Did Not Consistently Comply With Requirements for Assessing Contractor Performance,” July 25, 2016 (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, United States Army Corps of Engineers, Engineering Support Center–Huntsville; and Executive Director, Army Contracting Command–Redstone Arsenal, develop 6 and implement organization‑wide procedures for registering contracts in the Contractor Performance 249 days Assessment Reporting System.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Principal Assistant Responsible for Contracting, National Guard Bureau; Commander, United States Army Corps of Engineers, Engineering Support Center–Huntsville; and Executive 7 Director, Army Contracting Command–Redstone Arsenal, ensure assessors complete the performance 249 days assessment reports for the 21 contracts.

Report No. DODIG-2016-113, “Army General Fund Adjustments Not Adequately Documented or Supported,” July 26, 2016

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management & Comptroller) 1 periodically review a sample of system‑generated journal voucher adjustments, at a minimum annually, to 248 days understand the reasons the adjustments are occurring and verify the support provided.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management & Comptroller) and the Director, Defense Finance and Accounting Service Indianapolis, provide the resources necessary 2.a to review system change requests for correcting system deficiencies that result in journal voucher 248 days adjustments, determine when the system change requests will be implemented, and develop new cost‑effective corrective actions if the system changes will not be implemented.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 177



Department of the Army (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-113, “Army General Fund Adjustments Not Adequately Documented or Supported,” July 26, 2016 (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management and Comptroller) and the Director, Defense Finance and Accounting Service Indianapolis, provide the resources 2.b necessary to identify root causes of errors that result in unsupported journal voucher adjustments, including 248 days adjustments that are system generated.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management and Comptroller) and the Director, Defense Finance and Accounting Service Indianapolis, provide the resources 2.c necessary to develop corrective actions with milestones to correct the identified root causes, prioritizing 248 days system change requests for correcting system deficiencies that result in journal voucher adjustments.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management and 2.d Comptroller) and the Director, Defense Finance and Accounting Service Indianapolis, provide the resources 248 days necessary to implement identified corrective actions.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management and Comptroller) and the Director, Defense Finance and Accounting Service Indianapolis, provide the resources 2.e necessary to determine if any journal voucher adjustments can be eliminated and develop corrective actions 248 days with milestones for when they will be eliminated.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management and Comptroller) and the Director, Defense Finance and Accounting Service Indianapolis, provide the resources 2.f necessary to identify the necessary documentation to support the journal voucher adjustments that cannot 248 days be eliminated.

128178 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Department of the Army (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-114, “Actions Needed to Improve Reporting of Marine Corps, Navy, and Air Force Operating Materials and Supplies,” July 26, 2016

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Army Joint Munitions Command, as Chairman of the Joint Ordnance Commanders Group, develop and issue policies and procedures to require the Army and other Services to perform complete, quarterly reconciliations of Ownership/Purpose Codes, Routing A.1.a Identifier Codes, National Item Identification Numbers, DoD Activity Address Codes, Unit Identification 248 days Codes, Condition Codes, and Quantities for all Army‑held, other Services‑owned Operating Materials and Supplies‑Ammunition records (both wholesale and retail) and resolve differences to improve the accuracy of financial reporting.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Army Joint Munitions Command, as Chairman of the Joint Ordnance Commanders Group, develop and issue policies and procedures to require the Army and other A.1.b Services to provide transaction‑level data for all transactions related to Army‑held, other Services‑owned 248 days Operating Materials and Supplies‑Ammunition.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Army Joint Munitions Command, as Chairman of the Joint Ordnance Commanders Group, develop and issue policies and procedures to require the Army and other A.1.c Services to provide assurance that all National Item Identification Numbers, manufacturers part numbers, 248 days and Commercial and Government Entity Codes are accurately and completely cataloged in the Federal Logistics Information System to minimize differences between the Army’s and other Services records.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Army Joint Munitions Command, as Chairman of the Joint Ordnance Commanders Group, develop and issue policies and procedures to require the Army and A.1.d other Services to provide and validate complete Army‑held, other Services‑owned Operating Materials and 248 days Supplies‑Ammunition record reconciliation files.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Army Joint Munitions Command, as Chairman of the Joint Ordnance Commanders Group, develop and issue policies and procedures to require the Army and A.1.e other Services to retain Operating Materials and Supplies‑Ammunition reconciliation data files for at least 2 248 days years after closure of the financial statement, in accordance with DoD Regulation 7000.14‑R, DoD Financial Management Regulation, volume 1, chapter 9, Financial Records Retention, and U.S. National Archives and Records Administration, General Records Schedule 1.1 requirements.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 179



Department of the Army (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-114, “Actions Needed to Improve Reporting of Marine Corps, Navy, and Air Force Operating Materials and Supplies,” July 26, 2016 (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Army Joint Munitions Command, as Chairman of the Joint Ordnance Commanders Group, develop and issue policies and procedures to require the Army and other A.1.f Services to specify and define the codes the Army and other Services use to indicate ownership of Operating 248 days Materials and Supplies‑Ammunition.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Army Joint Munitions Command, as Chairman of the Joint Ordnance Commanders Group, develop and issue policies and procedures to require the Army and other Services to retain Operating Materials and Supplies‑Ammunition transaction documentation files A.1.g for at least 2 years after the asset is disposed of or removed from the agency’s financial statement, in 248 days accordance with DoD Regulation 7000.14‑R, DoD Financial Management Regulation, volume 1, chapter 9, Financial Records Retention, and U.S. National Archives and Records Administration, General Records Schedule 1.1 requirements.

Report No. DODIG‑2016‑118, “Army Justified Initial Production Plan for the Paladin Integrated Management Program but Has Not Resolved Two Vehicle Performance Deficiencies,” August 5, 2016 (Full Report is FOUO)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Army Fires Center of Excellence, include a clear 1 maximum rate‑of‑fire requirement for different firing conditions in the capability production document 238 days before operational testing.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Program Executive Officer, Ground Combat Systems, evaluate and fix 2 the deficiency in the automatic fire extinguisher system in howitzer crew compartments before deploying 238 days the first vehicles to minimize fire risk to soldiers and reduce retrofit costs.

180128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Department of the Army (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-119, “Army Commands Need to Improve Logical and Physical Security Safeguards That Protect SIPRNet Access Points,” August 5, 2016 (Full Report is Classified)

(FOUO) Age of Recommendation Text Recommendation Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Army Chief Information Officer develop and implement policies and A.1 procedures to verify whether SECRET Internet Protocol Router Network users were properly authorized to 238 days access the system when transferring from one command to another.

(FOUO) a) establish and implement procedures to identify who owns each SECRET Internet Protocol Router Network circuit and the Component responsible for A.2.a‑b managing and securing each circuit; and b) 238 days

(FOUO) A.4 238 days

(FOUO) A.6 238 days

A.7.a Recommendation is Classified. 238 days

A.7.b Recommendation is Classified. 238 days

(FOUO) The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, 2nd Regional Cyber Center, in coordination with the A.7.c Commander, Army Cyber Command and Second Army 238 days


Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 181



Department of the Army (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-119, “Army Commands Need to Improve Logical and Physical Security Safeguards That Protect SIPRNet Access Points,” August 5, 2016 (Full Report is Classified) (cont’d)

(FOUO) Age of Recommendation Text Recommendation Recommendation on 3/31/17

(FOUO) The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Mid‑Atlantic Region and Carlisle Barracks Network Enterprise Center, review all accounts and immediately disable accounts inactive for more than 30 days A.9.c as required by DoD guidance, and remove all accounts inactive more than 45 days as required by Army 238 days guidance.

(FOUO) The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Anniston Army Depot, in coordination with the Director, Directorate of Information Management, Anniston Army Depot, implement two‑factor B.1.a authentication controls to access areas where SECRET Internet Protocol Router Network information is 238 days processed or stored.

(FOUO) The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Anniston Army Depot, in coordination with the Director, Directorate of Information Management, Anniston Army Depot, develop and implement a training B.1.b program to ensure personnel understand their responsibilities for securing SECRET Internet Protocol Router 238 days Network equipment, assets, and rooms.

(FOUO) The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Fort Huachuca Network Enterprise Center, in B.4.a coordination with the Garrison Commander, Fort Huachuca, implement two‑factor authentication controls 238 days to access areas where SECRET Internet Protocol Router Network information is process or stored.

(FOUO) The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Fort Huachuca Network Enterprise Center, in B.4.c coordination with the Garrison Commander, Fort Huachuca, immediately perform technical inspections of 238 days the protected distribution systems and establish procedures to conduct these inspections at least annually.

(FOUO) The DoD OIG recommended that the Division Chief, Army Spectrum Management Office, in coordination with the Director, Fort Huachuca Network Enterprise Center: a) perform required upgrades B.5.a‑b to existing protected distribution systems as required by Federal guidance; and b) immediately perform 238 days technical inspections of the protected distribution systems and establish procedures to conduct annual technical inspections.


128182 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Department of the Army (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-119, “Army Commands Need to Improve Logical and Physical Security Safeguards That Protect SIPRNet Access Points,” August 5, 2016 (Full Report is Classified) (cont’d)

(FOUO) Age of Recommendation Text Recommendation Recommendation on 3/31/17

(FOUO) The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Fort Hunter Liggett Network Enterprise Center, in coordination with the Commander, U.S. Army Garrison, Fort Hunter Liggett, and the Garrison Commander, B.7 Camp Parks, implement two‑factor authentication controls to access areas where SECRET Internet Protocol 238 days Router Network information is processed or stored.


Report No. DODIG-2016-128, “XM25 Schedule Delays, Cost Increases, and Performance Problems Continue, and Procurement Quantity Not Justified,” August 29, 2016 (Full Report is FOUO)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Army, Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology determine whether to proceed with the XM25 program and the initial production decision after Government testing is completed in the fall of 2016. Specifically, if the test results show that the XM25 meets all of its 214 days A.1.a primary and secondary performance requirements, the milestone decision authority should immediately schedule an initial production decision. If the test results show that the weapon does not meet all of its primary and secondary requirements, the program should be canceled.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Army, Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology review and approve the binding affordability constraints developed by Army G‑8 officials for the XM25 A.1.b programs in accordance with DoD Instruction 5000.02, “Operation of the Defense Acquisition System,” 214 days dated January 7, 2015, within 30 days of the issuance of this report.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Vice Chief of Staff, Army, Chair, Army Requirements Oversight Council, A.2 approve the XM25 capability production document to support a first quarter FY 2017 initial production 214 days decision.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 183



Department of the Army (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-128, “XM25 Schedule Delays, Cost Increases, and Performance Problems Continue, and Procurement Quantity Not Justified,” August 29, 2016 (Full Report is FOUO) (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Chief of Staff of the Army, G‑8, conduct an affordability A.3.a analysis for the XM25 program within 30 days of the issuance of this report, in accordance with DoD 214 days Instruction 5000.02, “Operation of the Defense Acquisition System,” dated January 7, 2015.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Chief of Staff of the Army, G‑8, develop binding affordability A.3.b constraints for the XM25 program within 30 days of the issuance of this report, in accordance with DoD 214 days Instruction 5000.02, “Operation of the Defense Acquisition System,” dated January 7, 2015.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Army, Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology, develop policies for the retention of supporting documentation for basis of issue plans developed during B.1 the acquisition process, including the identification of the data source and the rationale for selection, as 214 days required by Army Regulation 71‑32, “Force Development and Documentation,” July 1, 2013.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Chief of Staff of the Army, G‑3/5/7, retain the section in any future revision to Army Regulation 71‑32, “Force Development and Documentation,” which requires the B.2 Assistant Secretary of the Army, Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology to establish policies for the retention 214 days of supporting documentation for basis of issue plans developed during the acquisition process, including the identification of the data source and the rationale for selection.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Army Organizational Requirements Document Approval Board Co‑chairs, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Army, G‑3/5/7, and Deputy Chief of Staff of the Army, G‑8, verify B.3 and validate the comprehensive analysis supporting the recommended XM25 basis of issue plan and 214 days corresponding procurement quantity, prior to approving the basis of issue plan.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commanding General, U.S. Army Maneuver Center of Excellence, perform and document comprehensive analyses to determine the necessary procurement quantities of B.4 the XM25 weapon system prior to the XM25 full‑rate production decision in FY 2019. The analyses should 214 days include factual and verifiable data supporting the U.S. Army Maneuver Center of Excellence official’s basis of issue plan recommendations.

184128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Department of the Army (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-131, “Designation of Contracting Officer’s Representatives and Oversight Framework Could Be Improved for Contracts in Afghanistan,” August 26, 2016

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Executive Director, U.S. Army Contracting Command–Rock Island, A.2.a direct contracting officers to review all future Contracting Officer’s Representative designation letters for 217 days contracts in Afghanistan for compliance with DoD Instruction 5000.72 before issuance.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Executive Director, U.S. Army Contracting Command–Rock Island, direct contracting officers to review all current Contracting Officer’s Representative designation letters A.2.b for contracts in Afghanistan produced since the issuance of DoD Instruction 5000.72 and before the 217 days implementation of their revised contracting policies for compliance with DoD Instruction 5000.72, and issue updated designation letters to address all requirements in the instruction.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Executive Director, U.S. Army Contracting Command–Aberdeen Proving A.3.a Ground, direct contracting officers to review all future Contracting Officer’s Representative designation 217 days letters for contracts in Afghanistan for compliance with DoD Instruction 5000.72 before issuance.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Executive Director, U.S. Army Contracting Command–Aberdeen Proving Ground, direct contracting officers to review all current Contracting Officer’s Representative designation A.3.b letters for contracts in Afghanistan produced since the issuance of DoD Instruction 5000.72 and before the 217 days implementation of their revised contracting policies for compliance with DoD Instruction 5000.72, and issue updated designation letters to address all requirements in the Instruction.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Executive Director, U.S. Army Contracting Command–Rock Island, direct contracting officers to review the workload of the Contracting Officer’s Representatives designated B.2 to oversee contracts in Afghanistan, in coordination with the requiring activities, and ensure that a 217 days sufficient number of CORs have been designated and the designated CORs have sufficient time to perform oversight responsibilities.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 185



Department of the Army (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-139, “Military Housing Inspection–Camp Buerhring, Kuwait,” September 30, 2016

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Army Central, create and execute a plan for ongoing inspection and maintenance of all U.S. military‑occupied facilities at Camp Buehring and other locations A.2 where the Commander, Area Support Group Kuwait, provides base operations support and inspections to 182 days ensure that inspections and maintenance of these locations complies with applicable electrical codes.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Army Central, create and execute a plan for ongoing inspection and maintenance of all U.S. military‑occupied facilities at Camp Buehring and other locations B.2 where the Commander, Area Support Group Kuwait, provides base operations support and inspections to 182 days ensure inspections and maintenance of these locations complies with applicable fire protection safety codes and standards.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Army Central, revise the contract Performance Work C.1 Statement to ensure that the contract requires the contractor to maintain the electrical systems to the 182 days National Electrical Code.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Army Central, revise the contract Performance Work C.2 Statement to ensure the contract requires the contractor to maintain the fire protection systems to Unified 182 days Facilities Criteria 3‑601‑02.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Army Central, provide the contracting officer’s representative staff with the required technical assistance of a master electrician at Camp Buehring C.3 to evaluate and inspect contractor performance (under the Performance Work Statement revised in 182 days Recommendation C.1) to ensure that all military housing and other structures comply and maintain compliance with applicable electrical codes.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Army Central, provide the COR with the required technical assistance of a fire protection engineer at Camp Buehring to evaluate and inspect contractor C.4 performance (under the PWS revised in Recommendation C.2) to perform inspections, design reviews, and 182 days acceptance testing, and verify that all military housing and other structures meet UFC codes, standards, and policies for fire protection systems.

186128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Department of the Army (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2017-004, “Summary Report–Inspections of DoD Facilities and Military Housing and Audits of Base Operations and Support Services Contracts,” October 14, 2016

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Secretaries of the Military Departments annually perform at least A.1 two comprehensive, independent inspections of installations. The purpose of these inspections is to verify 168 days compliance with all applicable health and safety requirements.

Report No. DODIG-2017-029, “Army National Guard Companies Have Not Developed Effective Training Programs to Attain or Sustain Mission Essential Task Proficiency,” December 5, 2016 (Full Report is Classified)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans, Department of the 1 Army ensure that units implement standardized Mission Essential Tasks at the company level, establish 116 days suspense dates for implementation, and monitor unit progress toward completion.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans, Department of the Army, in coordination with the Commanding General, U.S. Army Forces Command, the Commanding General, U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command, and the Director, Army National Guard standardize 2 requirements across unit training management guidance to ensure compliance and provide consistent 116 days guidance across their respective criteria. At a minimum, the guidance should be updated to: a) clarify requirements for developing unit training priorities and plans; and b) provide consistent methodologies for evaluating training events and assessing Mission Essential Task proficiency.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 187



Department of the Army (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2017-029, “Army National Guard Companies Have Not Developed Effective Training Programs to Attain or Sustain Mission Essential Task Proficiency,” December 5, 2016 (Full Report is Classified) (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Army National Guard, in coordination with the Commanding 3 General, U.S. Army Forces Command, establish training and manning priorities for units. 116 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Army National Guard, in coordination with the Army Inspector 4 General, develop and implement a standardized National Guard Organizational Inspection Program template 116 days for Army National Guard Mission Essential Task training programs to include minimum inspection standards.

Report No. DODIG-2017-042, “Army Contracting Command–Redstone and Space and Missile Defense Command Need to Improve Contract Oversight for the Web‑Based Military Information Support Operations Contract,” January 18, 2017 (Full Report is Classified)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Executive Director, Army Contracting Command–Redstone, in conjunction with the requiring activities, appoint contracting officer’s representatives or alternative 1 contracting officer’s representatives with sufficient knowledge of web‑based Military Information 72 days Support Operations for each Combatant Command to provide oversight of contractor actions at each Combatant Command.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Executive Director, Army Contracting Command–Redstone: a) review work conducted on behalf of U.S. Africa Command and U.S. Pacific Command to initiate appropriate action 2.a‑b to resolve any out‑of‑scope work; and b) update the existing performance work statement to include 72 days changes in the scope of work.

188128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Department of the Army (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2017-045, “Medical Service Accounts at U.S. Army Medical Command Need Additional Management Oversight,” January 27, 2017

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Army Medical Command, review the 21,742 medical service accounts that military treatment facility Uniform Business Offices determined were uncollectible 1.a to ensure all collection efforts have been exhausted and to obtain approval from the proper authority to 63 days terminate the accounts that are uncollectible.

Report No. DODIG-2017-054, “Evaluation of Military Criminal Investigative Organizations’ Adult Sexual Assault Investigations,” February 14, 2017

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command, and 1 Commander, Air Force Office of Special Investigations, implement measures to improve compliance with 45 days supervisory case review requirements.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 189



Department of the Army (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2017-057, “Army Officials Need to Improve the Management of Relocatable Buildings,” February 16, 2017

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Installations, Housing, and Partnerships revise Army Regulation 420‑1, “Army Facilities Management” to align the Army’s definition of 1.a relocatable buildings to the definition in DoD Instruction 4165.56, “Relocatable Buildings,” thus eliminating 43 days the requirement for the analysis pertaining to the disassembly, repackaging, and nonrecoverable costs of relocatable buildings.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Installations, Housing, and 1.b Partnerships develop additional policy for circumstances where requirements would dictate that relocatable 43 days buildings are appropriate instead of modular facilities or other minor construction.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Army Installation Management Command, coordinate with the Defense Logistics Agency, Disposition Services officials to streamline the demolition 2 process once officials have determined that the opportunities for reuse or sale of relocatable buildings are 43 days minimal.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Chief, Directorate of Public Works, Fort Stewart, submit extensions for 3 the relocatable buildings on the installation where disposal is not imminent. 43 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Chief, Directorate of Public Works at Joint Base Lewis–McChord, 4.a perform the steps necessary to convert the six nonrelocatable buildings from relocatable to real property. 43 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Chief, Directorate of Public Works at Joint Base Lewis–McChord, 4.b submit extensions for the relocatable buildings on the installation where disposal is not imminent. 43 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Chief, Directorate of Public Works at Joint Base Lewis–McChord, coordinate with U.S. Army Installation Command and Defense Logistics Agency, Disposition Services officials 4.c to streamline the demolition process once officials have determined that the opportunities for reuse or sale 43 days of relocatable buildings are minimal.

190128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Department of the Army (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2017-057, “Army Officials Need to Improve the Management of Relocatable Buildings,” February 16, 2017 (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Chief, Directorate of Public Works, Fort Campbell, submit extensions 5 for the relocatable buildings on the installation where disposal is not imminent. 43 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Chief, Directorate of Public Works, Fort Bragg, submit extensions for 6 the relocatable buildings on the installation where disposal is not imminent. 43 days

Report No. DODIG-2017-062, “The Army Did Not Effectively Monitor Contractor Performance for the Kuwait Base Operations and Security Support Services Contract,” March 7, 2017

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Executive Director, U.S. Army Contracting Command–Rock Island, in coordination with the Commander, 408th Contracting Support Brigade, establish formal written guidance that clearly defines roles and responsibilities of Kuwait Base Operations and Security Support Services 1 contract oversight personnel. The guidance should define the process to disseminate contract requirement 24 days changes and the performance evaluation meeting rating requirements and roles and responsibilities for personnel responsible for contract oversight.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Area Support Group–Kuwait, in coordination with the Commander, 408th Contracting Support Brigade, develop a process to accurately track incoming and 2 outgoing contracting officer’s representatives and contracting officer’s representative reporting to ensure 24 days oversight responsibilities are adequately covered.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 191



Department of the Army (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2017-065, “The Army Needs to Improve Processes for Single‑Award, Indefinite‑Delivery, Indefinite‑Quantity Contracts,” March 14, 2017

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Procurement) issue internal 1.a guidance addressing the preparation, review, and submission of Determinations and Findings documents for 17 days single‑award, indefinite‑delivery indefinite‑quantity contracts.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Executive Director, Army Contracting Command–Aberdeen Proving 2 Ground, direct contracting officials to prepare and submit for approval a Determination and Findings 17 days document for contract W91CRB‑15‑D‑0022.

Report No. DODIG-2017-066, “Army Did Not Support Business Case Analysis Recommending Transition of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Testing,” March 14, 2017 (Full Report is FOUO)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Chief of Staff, U.S. Army Medical Command re‑perform the business case analysis for HIV testing and ensure the analysis: 1) includes only scope cited in the problem statement; 1.a.1‑6 2) uses accurate assumptions and current information and costs; 3) includes three or more courses of 17 days actions and alternatives; 4) consistently uses total costs associated with the project; 5) uses well‑defined and measurable alternative selection criteria; and 6) is adequately documented and supported.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Chief of Staff, U.S. Army Medical Command, not enter into any leases 1.b to move Army laboratories until the business case analysis is re‑performed. 17 days

128192 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Department of the Army (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2017-069, “Ineffective Fund Balance With Treasury Reconciliation Process for Army General Fund,” March 23, 2017

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management and Comptroller) and Director, Defense Finance and Accounting Service–Indianapolis, reengineer their reconciliation process to meet the 10‑workday deadline or coordinate with the Under Secretary of Defense 1 (Comptroller)/Chief Financial Officer, DoD, to determine whether DoD Regulation 7000.14‑R, “DoD Financial 8 days Management Regulation,” volume 4, chapter 2, needs to be revised to increase the number of days for the reconciliation process.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management and Comptroller) and Director, Defense Finance and Accounting Service‑Indianapolis, reengineer the Fund Balance With Treasury reconciliation process for the Army General Fund to: a) Correct system deficiencies known to cause Fund Balance With Treasury differences; b) Research and resolve all differences within 60 days, as required by DoD Financial Management Regulation 7000.14‑R, “DoD Financial Management 2.a‑d Regulation,” volume 4, chapter 2; c) Document the Defense Departmental Reporting System–Budgetary 8 days business rules that create the system‑generated adjustments; and d) Support all Fund Balance With Treasury adjustments to the Army General Fund with transaction‑level detail, as required by DoD Financial Management Regulation 7000.14‑R, “DoD Financial Management Regulation,” volume 6a, chapter 2, and establish and properly document the cause of the difference requiring adjustment to comply with the Treasury Financial Manual.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management and Comptroller) develop and implement: a) system changes to ensure that Fund Balance With Treasury transaction data for the Army General Fund are transmitted, processed, maintained, and accessed in a 3.a‑c standardized format for all non‑legacy accounting and financial systems; b) a methodology for standardizing 8 days data from legacy accounting and financial systems; and c) the system functionality to demonstrate posting logic for all non‑legacy accounting and financial systems containing Fund Balance With Treasury transactions to ensure that the Army posts transactions in a standard format.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 193



Department of the Navy Report No. SPO-2011-005 “Assessment of Allegations Concerning Traumatic Brain Injury Research Integrity in Iraq,” March 31, 2011 (Full Report is FOUO)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the U.S. Navy Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (BUMED) review and update BUMED Instruction 3900.6B to clarify procedures regarding the use of investigational drugs in medical C.2.6 research, to include intended use of nutritional supplements and other over‑the‑counter products as 6 years experimental drugs.

Report No. DODIG-2012-017 “U.S. Naval Academy Officials Did Not Adhere to Contracting and Gift Policies,” November 7, 2011

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the U.S. Naval Academy Superintendent direct the U.S. Naval Academy B.1.d Museum Director to implement the Naval Heritage and History Command inventory system, Department of 5 years 4 months Navy Heritage Asset Management System, and record all the in‑kind gifts into the system. 24 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Naval Heritage and History Command, require the B.3.b United States Naval Academy Museum Director to use the Naval Heritage Command inventory system, the 5 years 4 months Department of Navy Heritage Asset Management System. 24 days

194128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Department of the Navy (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2012-122 “DoD Should Procure Compliant Physical Access Control Systems to Reduce the Risk of Unauthorized Access,” August 29, 2012 (Full Report is FOUO)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Manpower and Reserve Affairs), in conjunction with the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations, Energy, and Environment); Commander, Headquarters Air Force Security Forces Center; Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Fleet Readiness and 4 years 7 months B.1.b Logistics; and Assistant Deputy Commandant, Plans, Policies and Operations (Security), U.S. Marine Corps, 2 days before approving physical access control systems for a location require installation security personnel to be involved during the site surveys.

Report No. DODIG-2012-124 “DoD Efforts to Protect Critical Program Information: The Navy’s EA‑18G “Growler,” August 30, 2012 (Full Report is Classified)

(FOUO) Age of Recommendation Text Recommendation Recommendation on 3/31/17

(FOUO) 4 years 7 months A.1 1 day


Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 195



Department of the Navy (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2013-082 “Hotline Allegation Regarding the Failure to Take Action on Material Management and Accounting System Audit Findings,” May 29, 2013

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commanding Officer, Supervisor of Shipbuilding, Conversion and Repair, should re‑evaluate the determination that the costs of complying with Standard 2 outweigh the 3 years 10 months A.2.d benefits, and document adequate rationale for any disagreements with the auditor in accordance with DoD 2 days Instruction 7640.02, “Policy for Follow-up on Contract Audit Reports.”

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commanding Officer, Supervisor of Shipbuilding, Conversion and A.2.e Repair, should, in consultation with Defense Contract Audit Agency, reassess the appropriateness of the 3 years 10 months March 15, 2013, agreement with the contractor on the master production schedule accuracy calculation. 2 days

Report No. DODIG-2013-098 “Assessment of U.S. Military Cemeteries,” June, 28, 2013

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Manpower and Reserve Affairs, Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Manpower and Reserve Affairs, and Executive Director of the Army 3 years 9 months 1.b.(2) National Cemeteries Program, ensure training opportunities are provided for individuals identified with 3 days cemetery operations responsibilities.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Manpower and Reserve Affairs 3 years 9 months 1.b.(3) develop and implement a cemetery inspections program. 3 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Manpower and Reserve Affairs 3 years 9 months 1.b.(4) develop and implement local cemetery management Standard Operating Procedures. 3 days

196128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Department of the Navy (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2013-098 “Assessment of U.S. Military Cemeteries,” June, 28, 2013 (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Manpower and Reserve Affairs 3 years 9 months 1.b.(5) direct installation commanders to conduct a 100 percent record‑to‑graves verification. 3 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Manpower and Reserve Affairs 2.c update the applicable service manuals to reflect upcoming Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, 3 years 9 months Logistics, and Technology policy. 3 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Executive Director of the Army National Cemeteries Program, Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Manpower and Reserve Affairs, and Assistant Secretary of the Air Force 3.b for Manpower and Reserve Affairs, update current publications to reflect Under Secretary of Defense 3 years 9 months for Personnel and Readiness and Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology 3 days guidance.

Report No. DODIG-2013-134 “Navy Commercial Access Control System Did Not Effectively Mitigate Access Control Risks,” September 16, 2013 (Full Report is FOUO)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Research, Development, and C.1 Acquisition) initiate a review of the inappropriate contracting practices related to the Navy Commercial 3 years 6 months Access Control System and establish a corrective action plan to resolve the contracting improprieties. 15 days

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 197



Department of the Navy (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2014-001 “MV‑22 Squadrons Could Improve Reporting of Mission Capability Rates and Readiness,” October 23, 2013 (Full Report is Classified)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Naval Air Forces, revise the Commander, Naval Air Forces Instruction 4790.2A, “Naval Aviation Maintenance Program,” November 10, 2009, to include detailed 3 years 5 months 1 procedures for maintenance officers to use to verify the accuracy and completeness of aircraft inventory 8 days reports and work orders before submission.

Report No. DODIG-2014-083 “Insufficient Infrastructure Support to the Fixed Submarine Broadcast System,” June 23, 2014 (Full Report is Classified)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Chief of Naval Operations establish criteria for Broadcast Transmit 2 years 9 months B.1 Stations power sources. This criteria should include a requirement establishing the minimum duration backup power is needed. 8 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command develop an acquisition strategy to ensure that requirements in the “Navy Technical Proficiency Inspection” program; Chairman, B.2 Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction 6811.01B, “Nuclear Command and Control Technical Performance Criteria,” 2 years 9 months and Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction 6810.01B, “Critical Nuclear Command and Control (NC2) 8 days Equipment and Facilities,” are met.

2 years 9 months C.1 Recommendation is Classified. 8 days

198128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Department of the Navy (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2014-083 “Insufficient Infrastructure Support to the Fixed Submarine Broadcast System,” June 23, 2014 (Full Report is Classified) (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Naval Inspector General coordinate with the Navy Technical Proficiency Inspection program managers to ensure establishment of a comprehensive inspection program based on requirements directed in the “Navy Technical Proficiency Inspection” program; Chairman, Joint Chiefs of 2 years 9 months D.2 Staff Instruction 6811.01B, “Nuclear Command and Control Technical Performance Criteria,” and Chairman, 8 days Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction 6810.01B, “Critical Nuclear Command and Control (NC2) Equipment and Facilities.”

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Navy Computer and Telecommunications Area Master E.1 Stations Atlantic and Pacific, develop a process to conduct Maintenance and Material Management 2 years 9 months Program checks. 8 days

Report No. DODIG-2014-092 “Navy and Marine Corps Have Weak Procurement Processes for Cost‑Reimbursement Contract Issuance and Management,” July 11, 2014

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Director of Contracting Policy, Naval Sea Systems Command 1.b Headquarters develop checklists and guides that can be used by contracting personnel regarding the extra 2 years 8 months planning, approval, and oversight of cost‑reimbursement contracts. 20 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Commander of Contracts, Marine Corps Systems Command establish better communication channels between the requiring component, contracting personnel, and 2 years 8 months 3.d contract monitors to more effectively identify opportunities to transition away from cost‑reimbursement 20 days contracts when possible.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 199



Department of the Navy (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2014-121 “Military Housing Inspections–Japan,” September 30, 2014

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the respective Military Departments, as applicable: a. Conduct an effective root cause analysis and corrective action for all 1,057 deficiencies in this report. b. Ensure that these A deficiencies do not exist in other housing units. c. Ensure the inspection, maintenance, and repair program 2 years 6 months is in compliance with applicable codes and standards for fire protection systems, electrical systems, and 1 day environmental health and safety.

The DoD OIG recommended that the respective Military Departments, as applicable, ensure that sufficient, B qualified resources are available and assigned to inspect and verify that all housing buildings and units are in 2 years 6 months compliance with requirements for fire protection systems. 1 day

The DoD OIG recommended that the respective Military Departments, as applicable, ensure that sufficient, C qualified resources are available and assigned to inspect and verify that all housing buildings and units are in 2 years 6 months compliance with requirements for electrical systems. 1 day

The DoD OIG recommended that the respective Military Departments, as applicable, ensure that sufficient, D.1 qualified resources are available and assigned to inspect and verify that all housing buildings and units are in 2 years 6 months compliance with environmental health and safety requirements. 1 day

The DoD OIG recommended that the respective Military Departments, as applicable, ensure that housing management systems and processes are fully implemented and followed for all installations. This includes E improving processes for tracking service calls and work orders through completion, ensuring that 2 years 6 months inspections and maintenance are conducted as required, and analyzing historical work order information for 1 day trends and lessons learned to improve housing management programs.

200128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Department of the Navy (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2015-011, “Evaluation of the Defense Criminal Investigative Organizations’ Defense Incident‑Based Reporting System Reporting and Reporting Accuracy,” October 29, 2014

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Army Criminal Investigative Command; Director, Naval Criminal Investigative Service; Commander, Air Force Office of Special Investigations ensure Defense 2 years 5 months 2.b Incident‑Based Reporting System error corrections are completed within 30 days of Defense Manpower 2 days Data Center providing notification as required by DoD Manual 7730.47‑M, volume 1.

Report No. DODIG-2015-016 “Department of Defense Suicide Event Report Data Quality Assessment,” November, 14, 2014

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Chiefs of the Military Services update their policies to incorporate 2 years 4 months 1.b Recommendation 1.a. 17 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Chiefs of the Military Services update their policies to incorporate 2 years 4 months 2.b Recommendation 2.a. 17 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Chiefs of the Military Services update guidance to: 1) identify subject matter experts to provide Department of Defense Suicide Event Report tech support to address questions, and 2) adapt and implement the proposed standard operating procedure/guidelines for Department of 2 years 4 months 3.d Defense Suicide Event Report submission process to help Department of Defense Suicide Event Report 17 days submitters understand the various sources of information (for example, military law enforcement and medical) needed to submit a complete Department of Defense Suicide Event Report.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Chiefs of the Military Services update policies to integrate Department 4.e of Defense Suicide Event Report data collection and submission practices into their Service suicide 2 years 4 months prevention lessons learned processes. 17 days

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 201



Department of the Navy (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2015-046, “Navy Commands Need to Improve Logical and Physical Controls Protecting SIPRNET Access Points,” December 10, 2014 (Full Report is Classified)

(FOUO) Age of Recommendation Text Recommendation Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Under Secretary of the Navy, Policy, update Department of the A.3 Navy policy to implement at least the minimum requirements for performing a risk assessment as required 2 years 3 months by DoD Manual 5200.01, volume 3. 21 days

(FOUO) The DoD OIG recommended that the Department of the Navy Deputy Chief Information Officer 2 years 3 months A.5.b (Navy) 21 days


Report No. DODIG-2015-053 “Naval Supply Systems Command Needs to Improve Cost Effectiveness of Purchases for the Phalanx Close‑In Weapon System,” December 19, 2014 (Full Report is FOUO)

(FOUO) Age of Recommendation Text Recommendation Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Naval Supply Systems Command Weapons Systems 1.a Support, require the Naval Supply Systems Command Weapon Systems Support contracting officers to 2 years 3 months perform a thorough price‑reasonableness analysis. 12 days

(FOUO) The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Naval Supply Systems Command Weapon Systems Support, require the Naval Supply Systems Command Weapon Systems Support contracting officers to 1.b 2 years 3 months 12 days


128202 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Department of the Navy (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2015-053 “Naval Supply Systems Command Needs to Improve Cost Effectiveness of Purchases for the Phalanx Close‑In Weapon System,” December 19, 2014 (Full Report is FOUO) (cont’d)

(FOUO) Age of Recommendation Text Recommendation Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Naval Supply Systems Command Weapons Systems 1.c Support, require the Naval Supply Systems Command Weapon Systems Support contracting officers to 2 years 3 months complete timely reviews for variations in quantity before determining forecasted demand. 12 days


Report No. DODIG-2015-062, “DoD Needs Safety Inspection Policy To Enable the Services To Detect Conditions That Could Lead to Dam Failure,” December 31, 2014 (Full Report is Classified)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Secretary of the Navy implement a dam safety inspection program in 2 accordance with DoD dam safety inspection policy, after that policy is issued. 2 years 3 months

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 203



Department of the Navy (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2015-072, “Improvements Needed for Navy’s Triannual Review,” January 22, 2015

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Financial 1 Management and Comptroller) Office of Budget, develop standard queries for the budget submitting offices 2 years 2 months to ensure completeness of data extracted for triannual reviews. 9 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Financial Management and Comptroller) Office of Budget, develop and implement Navy triannual review standard 2 years 2 months 2.a procedures, based on U.S. Marine Corps best practices, to compile a universe of obligations for the budget 9 days submitting offices to use in performing the triannual review.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Financial Management and Comptroller) Office of Budget, develop and implement Navy triannual review standard 2.b procedures, based on U.S. Marine Corps best practices, to validate that the budget submitting offices 2 years 2 months consistently extract data on unliquidated obligations and unfilled orders from the Navy accounting systems 9 days when completing the triannual review.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Financial Management and Comptroller) Office of Budget, develop and implement Navy triannual review standard 2.d procedures, based on U.S. Marine Corps best practices, to record the status of each obligation to identify 2 years 2 months how many obligations in the Department of the Navy are valid, adjusted, canceled, or awaiting contract 9 days review by the Defense Contract Audit Agency.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Financial Management and Comptroller) Office of Budget, develop and implement Navy triannual review standard 2 years 2 months 2.e procedures, based on U.S. Marine Corps best practices, to develop standard naming conventions and 9 days formats for triannual review reporting.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Financial 3 Management and Comptroller) Office of Budget, conduct comprehensive reviews, including reconciliations, 2 years 2 months of the triannual review results and follow up on inconsistencies. 9 days

204128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Department of the Navy (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2015-078, “Evaluation of the Defense Criminal Investigative Organizations’ Compliance with the Lautenberg Amendment Requirements and Implementing Guidance,” February 6, 2015

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Defense Criminal Investigative Service, U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command, and Naval Criminal Investigative Service develop policies for commanders and supervisors to B.2 advise all employees (military and civilian) with qualifying convictions to dispose of privately owned firearms 2 years 1 month and ammunition to preclude an employee from inadvertently violating the law. This should be included in 25 days existing training and added to any internal checklists to ensure employees comply with the law.

Report No. DODIG-2015-081, “Evaluation of Department of Defense Compliance with Criminal History Data Reporting Requirements,” February 12, 2015

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Secretaries of the Navy and Air Force take prompt action to submit the 2 years 1 month 1 missing 304 fingerprints and 334 final disposition reports to the Federal Bureau of Investigation for inclusion into the Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System. 19 days

Report No. DODIG-2015-087, “Delinquent Medical Service Accounts at Naval Medical Center Portsmouth Need Additional Management Oversight,” March 4, 2015

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Naval Medical Center Portsmouth, establish procedures 1.g documenting the admission and discharge processes of patients, including Civilian Emergencies. 2 years 27 days

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 205



Department of the Navy (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2015-090, “Evaluation of Aircraft Ejection Seat Safety When Using Advanced Helmet Sensors,” March 9, 2015

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Navy and Air Force ensure consistent documentation of aircraft ejection data to increase the data available for ejections with Helmet Mounted Devices and/or Night Vision A.2 Goggles thus improving the safety risk analysis. The data should include aircraft speed at time of ejection, 2 years 22 days whether aircrew was wearing HMD and/or NVGs, and type of injury sustained.

Report No. DODIG-2015-102, “Additional Actions Needed to Effectively Reconcile Navy’s Fund Balance With Treasury Account,” April 3, 2015

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Financial Management and Comptroller) develop a reconciliation process that is based on detail‑level transaction data from 1 year 11 months 1 Department of the Navy’s general ledger systems. As part of this process, the Department of the Navy needs 28 days to demonstrate how these detail‑level transactions are used in the preparation of their financial statements.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Financial Management and Comptroller) review the control weaknesses identified for the Defense Cash Accountability System and 1 year 11 months 2 Program Budget Information System during Federal Information System Controls Audit Manual testing and 28 days implement a plan to reduce ineffective or untested controls.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Financial Management and Comptroller) review and approve current standard operating procedures to ensure the Fund Balance With 1 year 11 months 3 Treasury reconciliation is completed according to Treasury and DoD policies and reconciliations are tested 28 days and proven to be a sustainable and repeatable process.

206128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Department of the Navy (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2015-102, “Additional Actions Needed to Effectively Reconcile Navy’s Fund Balance With Treasury Account,” April 3, 2015 (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Financial Management and 4 Comptroller) design and implement controls within the end‑to‑end Fund Balance With Treasury business 1 year 11 months process for resolving amounts reported on the “Statement of Differences‑Disbursements”. 28 days

Report No. DODIG-2015-114, “Navy Officials Did Not Consistently Comply With Requirements for Assessing Contractor Performance,” May 1, 2015

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command, develop and implement 1 procedures for contract registration, including procedures to validate that personnel properly 1 year 10 months register contracts. 30 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commanders of Naval Air Systems Command and Naval Sea Systems Command and Commanding Officer of Naval Supply Systems Command, Fleet Logistics Center Norfolk, 4.a develop and implement procedures that require assessors to prepare performance assessment reports 1 year 10 months that meet the 120‑day requirement in the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and 30 days Logistics policy.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commanders of Naval Air Systems Command and Naval Sea Systems Command and Commanding Officer of Naval Supply Systems Command, Fleet Logistics Center Norfolk, 1 year 10 months 4.b develop and implement quality control procedures for evaluating performance assessment report narratives 30 days and descriptions of the contract purpose.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 207



Department of the Navy (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2015-114, “Navy Officials Did Not Consistently Comply With Requirements for Assessing Contractor Performance,” May 1, 2015 (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commanders of Naval Air Systems Command and Naval Sea Systems Command and Commanding Officer of Naval Supply Systems Command, Fleet Logistics Center Norfolk, 1 year 10 months 4.c develop and implement procedures that require assessors to take initial and periodic refresher quality and 30 days narrative writing training for the Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commanders of Naval Air Systems Command, Naval Sea Systems Command, Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Atlantic, and Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center 5 Pacific and Commanding Officer of Naval Supply Systems Command, Fleet Logistics Center Norfolk, train 1 year 10 months or re‑emphasize to assessors the definitions of the ratings and what is required to justify each rating, as 30 days outlined in the Federal Acquisition Regulation.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commanders of Naval Air Systems Command, Naval Sea Systems Command, and Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Atlantic and Commanding Officer of Naval 1 year 10 months 7 Supply Systems Command, Fleet Logistics Center Norfolk, require assessors to complete the performance 30 days assessment reports for the 14 contracts that were required to have them.

208128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Department of the Navy (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2015-117, “U.S. Cyber Command and Military Services Need to Reassess Processes for Fielding Cyber Mission Force Teams,” April 30, 2015 (Full Report is Classified)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

1 year 11 months 3 Recommendation is Classified. 1 day

1 year 11 months 4 Recommendation is Classified. 1 day

1 year 11 months 5 Recommendation is Classified. 1 day

Report No. DODIG-2015-122, “Naval Air Systems Command Needs to Improve Management of Waiver Requests,” May 15, 2015 (Full Report is Classified)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Research, Development, and Acquisition and the Chief of Naval Operations, Director, Innovation, Test and Evaluation, and Technology, update Secretary of the Navy Instruction 5000.2E, “Department of the Navy Implementation and Operation of the Defense Acquisition System and the Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System;” and Secretary of the Navy Manual, M‑5000.2, “Acquisition and Capabilities Guidebook,” May 9, 2012, Section 4.6, “Certification of Readiness for Operational Testing,” to: a) emphasize that program 1 year 10 months A.1 managers must request waivers whenever they do not meet any of the 20 criteria the Secretary of the Navy Instruction 5000.2E requires programs to meet to certify readiness for initial operational test and 16 days evaluation; and, b) clarify that Operational Test Readiness Review briefings to stakeholder groups should include specific explanations of program accomplishments against each of the 20 certification criteria to clearly document either that the criteria was met or a waiver or deferral request was coordinated with the Chief of Naval Operations, Director, Innovation, Test and Evaluation, and Technology; the program sponsors; and the Commander, Operational Test and Evaluation Force.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 209



Department of the Navy (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2015-127, “Triannual Review Processes Need Improvement at Three Naval Budget Submitting Offices,” May 18, 2015

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Financial Management and Comptroller), Office of Budget, create and implement procedures based on updates 1 year 10 months 2.a to DoD Financial Management Regulation Volume 3, Chapter 8 “Standards for Recording and Reviewing 13 days Commitments and Obligations.”

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Financial 2.b Management and Comptroller), Office of Budget, train Naval Air Systems Command, U.S. Marine Corps, and 1 year 10 months Naval Facilities Engineering Command and their funds holders on their triannual review responsibilities. 13 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Financial 2.c Management and Comptroller), Office of Budget, perform reviews of all budget submitting offices to 1 year 10 months determine the effectiveness of implementation of the triannual review. 13 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Financial 2.d Management and Comptroller), Office of Budget, identify corrective actions and provide training for other 1 year 10 months budget submitting offices found to be noncompliant. 13 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Financial 2.e Management and Comptroller), Office of Budget, develop standard naming conventions and formats for 1 year 10 months triannual review reporting. 13 days

128210 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Department of the Navy (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2015-137, “Improvements Needed on DoD Procurements from Robertson Fuel Systems,” June 25, 2015

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Commander for Contracts, Naval Air Systems Command, require contracting officers to obtain the necessary documentation to support the commerciality of any 2.a product from Robertson, as defined by Federal Acquisition Regulation Subpart 2.101. If adequate support 1 year 9 months is not obtained, deem the item noncommercial and obtain certified cost or pricing data in accordance with 6 days Federal Acquisition Regulation Part 15 or obtain a waiver where appropriate.

Report No. DODIG-2015-141, “Naval Facilities Engineering Command Needs to Improve Controls Over Task Order Administration,” July 2, 2015

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Marianas, evaluate 2 the requirements for the helipad and hazardous waste storage for the P‑528 project and ensure they are 1 year 8 months built to meet applicable standards and guidance. 29 days

Report No. DODIG-2015-142, “Navy’s Contract/Vendor Pay Process Was Not Auditable” July 1, 2015

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Financial Management and Comptroller) develop a process or system interface between Navy Enterprise Resource Planning and Wide 2 Area Work Flow that provides timely processing of transactions. Update the Department of the Navy’s 1 year 8 months system business processes to ensure transactions are processed in compliance with the Statement of 30 days Federal Financial Accounting Standards 1.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 211



Department of the Navy (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2015-143, “Patriot Express Program Could Be More Cost‑Effective for Overseas Permanent Change of Station and Temporary Duty Travel,” July 6, 2015

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Naval Supply Systems Command, implement controls in the Defense Travel System to automatically route all travel orders for travel outside of the continental 1 year 8 months 3.b United States to transportation office personnel to check Patriot Express availability before booking 25 days commercial transportation.

Report No. DODIG-2015-148, “Rights of Conscience Protections for Armed Forces Service Members and Their Chaplains,” July 22, 2015

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Army Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel, the Chief of Naval Personnel, and the Air Force Deputy Chief of Staff for Manpower, Personnel, and Services streamline existing 2 procedures to ensure requests for accommodation requiring waivers are evaluated within the timeframes 1 year 8 months established by Department of Defense Instruction 1300.17, including any changes made as a result of 9 days Recommendation 1.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Chief of Naval Personnel ensure that programs of Instruction for 6 commissioned and noncommissioned officers include the updated guidance regarding religious 1 year 8 months accommodations contained in Department of Defense Instruction 1300.17. 9 days

128212 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Department of the Navy (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2015-155, “U.S. Forces Korea Service Components Can Improve Management of Individual Protective Equipment,” July 31, 2015 (Full Report is Classified)

(FOUO) Age of Recommendation Text Recommendation Recommendation on 3/31/17

(FOUO) 2.a 1 year 8 months

(FOUO) 2.b 1 year 8 months

(FOUO) 2.c 1 year 8 months


Report No. DODIG-2015-161, “Naval Personnel Can Improve Compliance With the Berry Amendment and Buy American Act” August 12, 2015

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Financial Management and Comptroller): a) initiate a preliminary review in accordance with DoD 7000.14‑R, “DoD Financial Management Regulation,” volume 14, chapter 3 to determine whether reportable violations of the Antideficiency Act occurred as a result of any items purchased on contracts N00189‑13‑D‑0001, 1 year 7 months A.2 N00189‑13‑P‑1264, N68335‑13‑C‑0164 and N68335‑13‑C‑0186 in violation of the Berry Amendment; and 19 days b) complete the preliminary review as required by regulation and provide the results to the DoD Office of Inspector General. If an Antideficiency Act violation has occurred, determine which officials are responsible and recommend corrective actions.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 213



Department of the Navy (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2015-162, “Continental United States Military Housing Inspections–National Capital Region,” August 13, 2015

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Joint Base Anacostia‑Bolling, conduct an effective root 1 year 7 months D.1 cause analysis and implement a corrective action plan for all electrical deficiencies identified in this report. 18 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Joint Base Anacostia‑Bolling, conduct an effective root E.1 cause analysis and implement a corrective action plan for all fire protection deficiencies identified in 1 year 7 months this report. 18 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Joint Base Anacostia‑Bolling, conduct an effective root F.1 cause analysis and implement a corrective action plan for all environmental health and safety deficiencies 1 year 7 months identified in this report. 18 days

Report No. DODIG-2015-172, “Naval Sea Systems Command Needs to Improve Management of Waiver and Deferral Requests,” September 14, 2015

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Secretary of the Navy should revise Secretary of the Navy Instruction 5000.2E, “Department of the Navy Implementation and Operation of the Defense Acquisition 2 System and the Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System,” September 1, 2011, after the Vice 1 year 6 months Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, revises the Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System Manual in 17 days response to Recommendation 1.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command, should revise Naval Sea System Command Instruction 3960.2D, “Test and Evaluation,” April 22, 1988, to implement the Navy 3 policy in the planned revision of Secretary of the Navy Instruction 5000.2E, “Department of the Navy 1 year 6 months Implementation and Operation of the Defense Acquisition System and the Joint Capabilities Integration and 17 days Development System,” planned for designation as Secretary of the Navy Instruction 5000.2E.

128214 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Department of the Navy (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2015-181, “Continental United States Military Housing Inspections–Southeast,” September 24, 2015

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Naval Station Mayport Commander conduct an effective root cause 1 year 6 months D.1 analysis and perform corrective actions for all fire protection deficiencies identified. 7 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Naval Station Mayport Commander conduct an effective root cause 1 year 6 months E.1 analysis and perform corrective actions for all electrical deficiencies identified. 7 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Naval Station Mayport Commander conduct an effective root cause 1 year 6 months F.2 analysis and perform corrective actions for all environmental health and safety deficiencies identified. 7 days

Report No. DODIG-2016-003, “Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command and Overall Navy Needs to Improve Management of Waiver and Deferral Requests,” October 8, 2015

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command, make sure the Space and Naval Warfare Instruction 3960.3F, “Test and Evaluation,” references provides guidance 1 to implement the Navy policy in the planned revision of Secretary of the Navy Instruction 5000.2E, 1 year 5 months “Department of the Navy Implementation and Operation of the Defense Acquisition System and the Joint 23 days Capabilities Integration and Development System.”

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 215



Department of the Navy (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-011, “The Navy Needs to Improve the Management of Parts Required to Sustain the AN/SPY–1 Phased Array Radar System,” November 6, 2015

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander of Naval Supply System Command, in coordination with the Commander of Naval Sea System Command, use any excess parts identified through the implementation 1.c of Recommendation 2.b. to offset the future procurement of SPY‑1 radar or other weapon system part 1 year 4 months requirements. If the parts are determined no longer needed and cannot be used to support the SPY‑1 radar 25 days or another weapon system, dispose of the parts.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Type Commander require personnel on board Arleigh Burke‑class 2.b destroyers to identify excess inventory when they conduct annual inventories of parts and turn in all parts 1 year 4 months identified as excess. 25 days

Report No. DODIG-2016-018, “Followup Audit: Navy Access Control Still Needs Improvement,” November 9, 2015 (Full Report is FOUO)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Navy Installations Command, accelerate the 1 year 4 months 1 implementation of the OpenFox system for all Navy Pass and ID Offices and Dispatch Centers. 22 days

128216 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Department of the Navy (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-019, “Small Business Contracting at Marine Corps Systems Command Needs Improvement,” November 10, 2015

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Commander for Contracts, Marine Corps Systems Command, establish guidance for contracting officers for reviewing, approving, and administering subcontracting 1 year 4 months B.5 plans, and to verify contractors submit the required subcontracting reports to the Electronic Subcontracting 21 days Reporting System.

Report No. DODIG-2016-026, (FOUO) “ ,” November 24, 2015 (Full Report is Classified)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Cyber Command, and the Chiefs of Staff for the U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force, the Chief of Naval Operations, and the Commandant of the Marine Corps 1 year 4 months 1 develop a doctrine, organization, training, materiel, leadership and education, personnel, facilities, and 7 days policy framework that address strategies to build, grow, and sustain the Cyber Mission Force.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Cyber Command, and the Chiefs of Staff for the U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force, the Chief of Naval Operations, and the Commandant of the Marine Corps 1 year 4 months 2 formalize an agreement to focus capability development on functional and mission areas consistent with 7 days results of the mission alignment board.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 217



Department of the Navy (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-054, “Navy Controls for Invoice, Receipt, Acceptance, and Property Transfer System Need Improvement,” February 25, 2016

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Financial Operations coordinate with the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Acquisition and Procurement and the Director of the Program Executive Office for Enterprise Information Systems to develop and communicate 1.a.1 comprehensive procedures to define controls for the contractor and vendor invoice process that clearly 1 year 1 month describe the roles and responsibilities of both the Department of the Navy and the service provider, Defense 6 days Logistics Agency, and provide procedures for the Invoice, Receipt, Acceptance, and Property Transfer system users to follow at all commands.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Financial Operations coordinate with the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Acquisition and Procurement and the Director of the Program Executive Office for Enterprise Information Systems to develop and communicate 1.a.2 comprehensive procedures to out‑process Invoice, Receipt, Acceptance, and Property Transfer system users 1 year 1 month who leave the commands. Both users and supervisors should provide a formal notification to the Invoice, 6 days Receipt, Acceptance, and Property Transfer system group administrator indicating that a user is separating from the command and the corresponding system access should end.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Financial Operations coordinate with the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Acquisition and Procurement and the Director of the Program Executive Office for Enterprise Information Systems to review the Invoice, Receipt, 1 year 1 month 1.b Acceptance, and Property Transfer system to verify that the Defense Logistics Agency’s automated 6 days control for inactive users is working properly and ensure separated employees user accounts were automatically disabled.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Financial Operations coordinate with the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Acquisition and Procurement and the 1.d Director of the Program Executive Office for Enterprise Information Systems to review other commands that 1 year 1 month use the Navy Enterprise Resource Planning system and direct the commands to disable the certifying officer 6 days role in the Invoice, Receipt, Acceptance, and Property Transfer system if their duties do not require it.

128218 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Department of the Navy (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-054, “Navy Controls for Invoice, Receipt, Acceptance, and Property Transfer System Need Improvement,” February 25, 2016 (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Financial Operations coordinate with the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Acquisition and Procurement and the 1.e Director of the Program Executive Office for Enterprise Information Systems to develop and implement the 1 year 1 month Navy Enterprise Resource Planning system change request that will enable the Invoice, Receipt, Acceptance, 6 days and Property Transfer system to transmit information to the Navy Enterprise Resource Planning system.

Report No. DODIG-2016-063, “Naval Sea Systems Command Did Not Properly Apply Guidance Regarding Contracting Officer’s Representatives,” March 18, 2016

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command, ensure that contracting 1 officer’s representatives are properly appointed and trained on cost‑reimbursement ship repair contracts at 1 year 13 days Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 219



Department of the Navy (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-068, “DoD’s Efforts to Consolidate Data Centers Need Improvement,” March 29, 2016

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Chief Information Officer, Department of the Army; Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer; Chief Information Officer, Office of the Secretary of the Air Force; and B.2 Chief Information Officer, Defense Information Systems Agency revise their current processes for validating 1 year 2 days data center information to ensure the accuracy and completeness of information reported to the DoD Chief Information Officer.

Report No. DODIG-2016-072, “DoD Needs to Improve Screening and Access Controls for General Public Tenants Leasing Housing on Military Installations,” April 1, 2016 (Full Report is FOUO)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director of Security Forces, Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics, Engineering and Force Protection, Headquarters U.S. Air Force; U.S. Army Assistant Chief of Staff for 2.a Installation Management; and Commander Navy Installations Command conduct a review of all general 364 days public tenants leasing privatized housing to ensure those tenants received the complete and adequate background check in accordance with service regulations.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director of Security Forces, Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics, Engineering and Force Protection, Headquarters U.S. Air Force; U.S. Army Assistant Chief of Staff for 2.b Installation Management; and Commander, Navy Installations Command instruct security officials to 364 days conduct a badge review for general public tenants living inside the installations and re‑issue badges as needed to ensure the badge expiration date aligns with the end of the tenants’ lease terms.

128220 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Department of the Navy (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-093, “The Naval Air Systems Command Did Not Obtain Fair and Reasonable Prices on ScanEagle Spare Parts,” May 31, 2016 (Full Report is FOUO)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation Mayon 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Naval Air Systems Command, Assistant Commander for Contracts, establish controls to validate that contracting officials substantiate the fair and reasonable price analysis 1.a performed in accordance with Federal Acquisition Regulation 15.404‑1, Proposal Analysis Techniques, and 304 days Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement 215.404‑1, Proposal Analysis Techniques, on future contracts.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Naval Air Systems Command, Assistant Commander for Contracts, determine whether overpayments on spare parts for the ScanEagle contract were or will be made and 1.b pursue available options to recover the funds, including voluntary refunds, in accordance with Defense 304 days Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement Procedures, Guidance, and Information 242.71, “Voluntary Refunds.”

The DoD OIG recommended that the Program Manager, Navy and Marine Corps Small Tactical Unmanned 2 Aircraft System Program Office, define spare‑part requirements for the ScanEagle and provide contracting 304 days officials the requirements to use in negotiating more advantageous prices for the Navy on future contracts.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 221



Department of the Navy (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-104, “Contract Awards at Naval Oceanographic Office Need Improvement,” June 17, 2016

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation Mayon 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Chief of Contracts, Naval Oceanographic Office, develop and A.1.a implement procedures for awarding task orders under multiple‑award contracts. 287 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Chief of Contracts, Naval Oceanographic Office, train contracting A.1.b personnel on awarding multiple‑award contracts and task orders. 287 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Chief of Contracts, Naval Oceanographic Office, update standard B.1.a operating procedures to provide guidance on documentation needed to support price reasonableness 287 days determinations, including independent Government estimates.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Chief of Contracts, Naval Oceanographic Office, train Naval B.1.b Oceanographic Office scientific staff and contracting officials on their responsibilities for developing, 287 days reviewing, and approving independent Government estimates.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Chief of Contracts, Naval Oceanographic Office, train contracting B.1.c officials on awarding contracts both under and over the simplified acquisition threshold. 287 days

222128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Department of the Navy (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-104, “Improvements Needed in Managing Department of the Navy Suspense Accounts,” June 30, 2016

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Financial Management and Comptroller) work with Defense Finance and Accounting Service, Office of the Under Secretary of 1.a Defense (Comptroller), and U.S. Department of the Treasury to remove Department of the Navy recycling, 274 days agricultural leasing, forestry, and trademark program transactions from suspense accounts, and identify a more appropriate, Generally Accepted Accounting Principles‑compliant accounting treatment.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Financial Management and Comptroller) write off significantly overaged suspense account transactions identified by Defense Finance 1.c and Accounting Service when Defense Finance and Accounting Service has exhausted all resources available 274 days to properly record these amounts, per DoD Financial Management Regulation guidance.

Report No. DODIG-2016-107, “Advanced Arresting Gear Program Exceeded Cost and Schedule Baselines,” July 5, 2016 (Full Report is FOUO)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Research, Development, and Acquisition perform cost‑benefit analyses to determine whether the Advanced Arresting Gear is an 1 affordable solution for Navy aircraft carriers before deciding to go forward with the system on future 269 days aircraft carriers.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Program Manager, Aircraft Launch and Recovery Equipment, update the Advanced Arresting Gear Test and Evaluation Master Plan to revise the planned test strategy, test 2 schedule, developmental and operational funding, and add measures to support the programs reliability 269 days growth plan before the Acquisition Category IC Acquisition Program Baseline is finalized.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 223



Department of the Navy (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-116, “Navy Needs to Establish Effective Metrics to Achieve Desired Outcomes for SPY‑1 Radar Sustainment,” August 1, 2016 (Full Report is FOUO)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Naval Supply Systems Command, require the Naval Supply Systems Command Weapon Systems Support follow Department of Defense guidance when developing the performance metrics incorporated in future performance‑based logistics contracts used to sustain the SPY‑1 A.1.a radar. Naval Supply Systems Command Weapon Systems Support should consult with Advanced Traceability 242 days and Control and the operational commands when reevaluating the SPY‑1 radar’s product support strategy and designing the performance metrics included in future performance‑based logistics contracts.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Naval Supply Systems Command, require the Naval Supply Systems Command Weapon Systems Support follow Department of Defense guidance when developing the performance metrics incorporated in future performance‑based logistics contracts used to A.1.b sustain the SPY‑1 radar. Naval Supply Systems Command Weapon Systems Support should establish formal 242 days support agreements with Advanced Traceability and Control and the operational commands used to supply SPY‑1 radar parts to fleet customers.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Naval Supply Systems Command, require the Naval Supply Systems Command Weapon Systems Support follow Department of Defense guidance when developing the performance metrics incorporated in future performance‑based logistics contracts used to sustain the A.1.c SPY‑1 radar. Naval Supply Systems Command Weapon Systems Support should review the readiness and 242 days sustainment performance history and costs of the AEGIS and SPY‑1 radars and use that data to identify the difference between existing and desired SPY‑1 radar performance outcomes, and develop metrics that incentivize the contractors to deliver the desired performance outcomes.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Naval Supply Systems Command, require the Naval Supply Systems Command Weapon Systems Support follow Department of Defense guidance when developing the A.1.d performance metrics incorporated in future performance‑based logistics contracts used to sustain the SPY‑1 242 days radar. Naval Supply Systems Command Weapon Systems Support should design performance metrics that accurately reflect the user’s needs and effectively measure the product support provider’s performance.

128224 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Department of the Navy (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-116, “Navy Needs to Establish Effective Metrics to Achieve Desired Outcomes for SPY‑1 Radar Sustainment,” August 1, 2016 (Full Report is FOUO) (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Naval Supply Systems Command, require the Naval Supply Systems Command Weapon Systems Support follow Department of Defense guidance when developing the performance metrics incorporated in future performance‑based logistics contracts used A.1.e to sustain the SPY‑1 radar. Naval Supply Systems Command Weapon Systems Support should breakdown 242 days system‑level requirements into lower‑level metrics that appropriately link contractor performance to the accomplishment of warfighter readiness and performance needs.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Naval Supply Systems Command require the Naval Supply Systems Command Weapon Systems Support to establish written procedures that clearly B.1.a describe the process for conducting semiannual performance metric reviews for the Performance‑Based 242 days Logistics contracts.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Naval Supply Systems Command require the Naval Supply Systems Command Weapon Systems Support to perform additional reviews of the completed semiannual B.1.b reports for contracts N00104‑12‑D‑ZD21 and N00104‑13‑D‑ZD00, to determine if there is a change to the 242 days amount of incentives the contractors received and take corrective actions if appropriate.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 225



Department of the Navy (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-130, “The Navy Needs More Comprehensive Guidance for Evaluating and Supporting Cost‑Effectiveness of Large‑Scale Renewable Energy Projects,” August 25, 2016 (Full Report is FOUO)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Energy, Installations, and 1.a Environment develop new, or modify existing, Navy guidance to include comprehensive steps to evaluate 218 days and document the cost effectiveness assessments for large‑scale renewable energy projects.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Energy, Installations, and Environment, once new or modified guidance is issued, determine whether approved renewable energy 1.b projects are cost‑effective based on these policies and procedures, and take appropriate action based on 218 days that determination.

Report No. DODIG-2016-141, “Improvements Needed in Managing Scope Changes and Oversight of Construction Projects at Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti,” September 30, 2016

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Atlantic, in coordination with Commander, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Europe, Africa, and Southwest Asia, establish local policies and procedures at Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti, for contracting officials and quality B.2.a assurance representatives to execute their quality assurance oversight roles and responsibilities to include, 182 days but not limited to developing and implementing complete quality assurance plans at project inception and update the plan as needed during the project.

128226 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Department of the Navy (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2017-004, “Summary Report–Inspections of DoD Facilities and Military Housing and Audits of Base Operations and Support Services Contracts,” October 14, 2016

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Secretaries of the Military Departments annually perform at least A.1 two comprehensive, independent inspections of installations. The purpose of these inspections is to verify 168 days compliance with all applicable health and safety requirements.

Report No. DODIG-2017-014, “Acquisition of the Navy Surface‑Mine Countermeasure Unmanned Undersea Vehicle (Knifefish) Needs Improvement,” November 8, 2016 (Full Report is FOUO)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Expeditionary Warfare Division (N95), coordinate with the Director, Surface Warfare (N96), to develop capability requirements in the Knifefish capability production 1 document relating to communication interface and launch and recovery operations between the Knifefish 143 days system and the Littoral Combat Ship, unless Knifefish is no longer required.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 227



Department of the Navy (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2017-031, “Fleet Logistics Center Norfolk Price Reasonableness Determinations for Federal Supply Schedule Orders for Supplies Need Improvement,” December 7, 2016

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Fleet Logistics Center Norfolk, develop and implement 1 standard operating procedures for making price reasonableness determinations and performing price 114 days analysis for General Services Administration Federal supply schedule orders for supplies.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Fleet Logistics Center Norfolk, train contracting personnel 2 on the procedures for making price reasonableness determinations and performing price analysis for 114 days General Services Administration Federal supply schedule orders for supplies.

Report No. DODIG-2017-032, “Evaluation of Contracting Officer Actions on Cost Accounting Standard Noncompliances Reported by Defense Contract Audit Agency,” December 8, 2016

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command, through the Commander, Supervisor of Shipbuilding, Conversion and Repair Field Procurement Oversight: a) assess the one case that has not been dispositioned and determine the additional actions that should be taken A.2 on the noncompliance, and b) provide training to contracting officers on: 1. timely processing cost 113 days accounting standard noncompliances in accordance with Federal Acquisition Regulation 30.605 and DoD Instruction 7640.02, and 2) documenting reasons for not meeting the timelines.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Naval Sea System Command, through the Supervisor of Shipbuilding, Conversion and Repair Field Procurement Oversight: a) request that contracting officers D.2 correct the three Contract Audit Follow‑up System errors; and b) provide training to Supervisor of 113 days Shipbuilding, Conversion and Repair contracting officers on the requirements for maintaining accurate Contract Audit Follow‑Up records.

128228 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Department of the Navy (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2017-043, “Management of Excess Material in the Navy’s Real‑Time Reutilization Asset Management Facilities Needs Improvement,” January 23, 2017

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Chief of Naval Operations develop and implement retention and disposition guidance for excess consumable material in the Real-Time Reutilization Asset Management A.1 facilities that includes, at a minimum, standardized procedures for retaining material based on demand, 67 days validating material for continued need if the retention decision is not based on demand, and properly categorizing material.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Naval Supply Systems Command, update Naval Supply Systems Command Publication 485 to require users requisitioning material to use the Navy Enterprise B.1 Resource Planning system before using the alternative methods, which should ensure the Navy 67 days maximizes use of excess consumable material available in the Real‑Time Reutilization Asset Management facilities.

Report No. DODIG-2017-044, “Naval Facilities Engineering Command Management of Energy Savings Performance Contracts Needs Improvement,” January 26, 2017

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, direct Naval Facilities Engineering Command Expeditionary Warfare Center officials to validate prior-year energy savings performance contracts; and verify the contractor-claimed energy savings for Commander Fleet 1.b.1 Activity Yokosuka performed during post-installation period (completed on November 14, 2008) and the 64 days performance periods (September 1, 2008, through August 31, 2009, and September 1, 2009, through August 31, 2010).

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 229



Department of the Navy (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2017-044, “Naval Facilities Engineering Command Management of Energy Savings Performance Contracts Needs Improvement,” January 26, 2017 (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, direct Naval Facilities Engineering Command Expeditionary Warfare Center officials to validate prior-year energy savings performance contracts; and verify the contractor-claimed energy savings for Naval Air Station Oceana 1.b.2 (Dam Neck Annex) performed during post-installation period (completed on September 30, 2008) and 64 days the performance periods (October 1, 2008, through September 30, 2009, and October 1, 2009, through September 30, 2010).

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, direct Naval Facilities Engineering Command Expeditionary Warfare Center officials to validate prior-year energy savings 1.b.3 performance contracts; and verify the contractor-claimed energy savings for Naval Air Station Oceana (Main 64 days Base) performed during post-installation period (completed on December 17, 2010).

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, direct Naval Facilities Engineering Command Expeditionary Warfare Center officials to validate prior-year energy savings 1.b.4 performance contracts; and verify the contractor-claimed energy savings for Naval Station Great Lakes 64 days performed during post-installation period (completed on August 31, 2011) and the performance periods (September 1, 2012, through August 31, 2013).

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, direct Naval Facilities Engineering Command Expeditionary Warfare Center officials to validate prior-year energy savings 1.b.5 performance contracts; and verify the contractor-claimed energy savings for Marine Corps Logistic Base 64 days Albany, performed during post-installation period (completed on February 29, 2012) and the performance periods (May 1, 2012, through April 30, 2013, and May 1, 2013, through April 30, 2014).

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, direct Naval Facilities Engineering Command Expeditionary Warfare Center contracting officers, based on the results of 1.c the validation and as statutorily mandated, to take appropriate contractual action (if necessary), such as 64 days recovering unrealized guaranteed energy savings or canceling the remaining portion of the contract.

230128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Department of the Navy (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2017-044, “Naval Facilities Engineering Command Management of Energy Savings Performance Contracts Needs Improvement,” January 26, 2017 (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, direct Naval Facilities Engineering Command officials to perform Naval Facilities Engineering Command−required 1.d.1 higher‑level reviews of the energy savings performance contracts contractor‑claimed energy savings 64 days achieved for Naval Air Station Oceana (Dam Neck Annex) for performance period of September 1, 2012, through August 31, 2013.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, direct Naval Facilities Engineering Command officials to perform Naval Facilities Engineering Command−required higher‑level reviews of the energy savings performance contracts contractor‑claimed energy savings 1.d.2 achieved for Naval Air Station Oceana (Main Base) for performance periods of February 1, 2012, 64 days through January 31, 2013, February 1, 2013, through January 31, 2014, and February 1, 2014, through January 31, 2015.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, develop and implement a plan to manage energy savings performance contracts and that addresses the importance of 1) Naval Facilities Engineering Command Expeditionary Warfare Center and base-level public works personnel properly conducting contract administration of all ongoing energy performance services contracts, regardless of the contract phase; 2) base‑level public works personnel notifying the Naval Facilities Engineering Command Expeditionary Warfare Center contracting officer of vacancies in contracting officer’s representative positions; 3) base‑level public works personnel maintaining continuity of contracting officer’s representative duties until the contracting officer’s representative vacancies are filled; 4) Naval Facilities 1.e.1-6 Engineering Command Expeditionary Warfare Center contracting officers implementing quality assurance 64 days surveillance plans to monitor ongoing performance‑phase energy performance services contracts; 5) Naval Facilities Engineering Command Expeditionary Warfare Center and base‑level public works personnel completing validation of contractor‑provided post-installation and measurement and verification reports and completing higher‑level reviews of those validations; and 6) Naval Facilities Engineering Command Expeditionary Warfare Center officials, base‑level public works personnel, and Naval Facilities Engineering Command subject‑matter experts resolving disputes related to the methods for validation of post- installation and measurement and verification.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 231



Department of the Navy (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2017-054, “Evaluation of Military Criminal Investigative Organizations’ Adult Sexual Assault Investigations,” February 14, 2017

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Naval Criminal Investigative Service, and the Commander, Air 2 Force Office of Special Investigations, implement measures to improve compliance with subject processing 45 days requirements.

Report No. DODIG-2017-063, (FOUO) “ ,” March 13, 2017 (Full Report is Classified)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Program Executive Officer, Program Executive Office Integrated A.1 Warfare System, correct Surface Electronic Warfare Improvement Program Blocks 1B1 and 1B2 deficiencies. 18 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Program Executive Officer, Program Executive Office Integrated B.1.a Warfare System, review and resolve future Surface Electronic Warfare Improvement Program software 18 days problems that many impact testing, before initial operational test and evaluation, when appropriate.

128232 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Department of the Navy (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2017-067, “Navy Inaccurately Reported Costs for Operation Freedom’s Sentinel in the Cost of War Reports,” March 16, 2017

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Financial Operations, Accounting and Financial Reporting Division, and Deputy Assistant Secretary for Budget, in coordination with the A Comptroller, Pacific Fleet Command, and the Comptroller, U.S. Fleet Forces Command, reengineer processes 15 days to identify the Navy’s transactions for overseas contingency operations.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Budget in coordination with Navy budget submitting offices and support activities, develop and implement standard operating procedures B.1 that cover end-to-end Cost of War reporting processes. These standard operating procedures should 15 days include, at a minimum, procedures for the receipt, review, and reporting of obligations and disbursements for Operation Freedom’s Sentinel to ensure costs are accurately reflected in the Cost of War reports.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Budget develop and issue updated guidance that requires Navy activities to, at a minimum, use a consistent methodology for allocating B.2 incremental operations and depot-level maintenance costs, as required by Public Law 113-235, “The 15 days Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2015,” and defined by DoD Regulation 7000.14-R, “DoD Financial Management Regulation,” volume 12, chapter 23.

Report No. DODIG-2017-068, “Strategic Plan Needed for Navy Financial Management Systems,” March 16, 2017

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Financial Management and Comptroller) develop and implement milestones and performance measures for a Navy-wide information 1.a technology strategic plan that will implement financial management systems that are compliant with the 15 days Federal Financial Management Improvement Act of 1996 and the Standard Financial Information Structure.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 233



Department of the Navy (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2017-068, “Strategic Plan Needed for Navy Financial Management Systems,” March 16, 2017 (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Financial Management and Comptroller) develop and implement milestones and performance measures for a Navy-wide information 1.b technology strategic plan that will provide cost benefit analysis of system capabilities to determine which 15 days systems can provide reliable financial data in a cost effective manner.

U.S. Marine Corps Report No. D-2011-060, “Marine Corps Inventory of Small Arms Was Generally Accurate but Improvements Are Needed for Related Guidance and Training,” April 22, 2011

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Commandant, Plans, Policies, and Operations, update the small 2.a arms accountability guidance in Marine Corps Order 5530.14A consistent with Marine Corps Bulletin 4440 5 years 11 months and the updates to Marine Corps Order 8300.1C. 9 days

234128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


U.S. Marine Corps (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2013-084, “Increased Procurement Quantity for CH‑53K Helicopter Not Justified,” May 31, 2013 (Full Report is FOUO)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the U.S. Marine Corps Deputy Commandant for Aviation conduct an affordability assessment, using the results obtained in Recommendation 1 to determine the most 2 economical procurement objective and make sure that it fits within the overall U.S. Marine Corps plan for 3 years 10 months modernization, force structure, and manpower.

The DoD OIG recommended that the U.S. Marine Corps Deputy Commandant for Aviation submit to the Joint Requirements Oversight Council for review and a decision on any increases in quantity beyond 156 CH‑53K 3 aircraft as determined from Recommendations 1 and 2 before the low‑rate initial production planned for 3 years 10 months February 2016.

Report No. DODIG-2014-001, “MV‑22 Squadrons Could Improve Reporting of Mission Capability Rates and Readiness,” October 23, 2013 (Full Report is Classified)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Commandant for Plans, Policies, and Operations require 2.a mandatory training and establish refresher training for all MV‑22 operations personnel on how to complete 3 years 5 months readiness reports in the Defense Readiness Reporting System–Marine Corps. 8 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Commandant for Plans, Policies, and Operations revise the Commander’s Readiness Handbook, January 2012 to include at a minimum: 1) detailed examples of the 2.b.(1)‑(2) commander’s category level remarks and equipment condition level remarks; and 2) in the Commander’s 3 years 5 months Checklist, the equipment condition data elements and a requirement for the commander’s signature on the 8 days readiness reports to attest to the accuracy of information provided.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Commandant for Plans, Policies, and Operations require 3 years 5 months 2.c submission of the revised Commander’s Checklist with the readiness report. 8 days

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 235



U.S. Marine Corps (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2014-001, “MV‑22 Squadrons Could Improve Reporting of Mission Capability Rates and Readiness,” October 23, 2013 (Full Report is Classified) (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Marine Forces Command, and the Commander, Marine Forces Pacific, implement mandatory training and establish refresher training for all MV‑22 maintenance 3 years 5 months 3.a personnel on how to complete aircraft inventory reports and work orders outlined in Commander, Naval Air 8 days Forces Instruction 4790.2A, “Naval Aviation Maintenance Program,” November 10, 2009.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Marine Forces Command, and the Commander, Marine 3.b Forces Pacific, require MV‑22 squadrons track and report on the accuracy and completion of aircraft 3 years 5 months inventory reports and work orders. 8 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Marine Forces Command, and the Commander, Marine 3.c Forces Pacific, require subordinate MV‑22 organizations and activities, at all levels of the command, to 3 years 5 months certify the accuracy of readiness reports submitted. 8 days

Report No. DODIG-2014-100, “Assessment of DoD Wounded Warrior Matters: Selection and Training of Warrior Transition Unit and Wounded Warrior Battalion Leaders and Cadre,” August 28, 2014

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Commandant for Manpower and Reserve Affairs, modify the 2.a Table of Organization and Equipment to appropriately reflect the required Wounded Warrior Battalion 2 years 7 months leaders and cadre manning levels to sustain the mission. 3 days

236128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


U.S. Marine Corps (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2014-100, “Assessment of DoD Wounded Warrior Matters: Selection and Training of Warrior Transition Unit and Wounded Warrior Battalion Leaders and Cadre,” August 28, 2014 (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Commandant for Manpower and Reserve Affairs, revalidate whether the manning precedence level category of Wounded Warrior Battalion–East and Wounded Warrior 2 years 7 months 2.b Battalion–West should be changed in the Commandant of the Marine Corps Precedence Levels for Manning 3 days and Staffing.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Commandant for Manpower and Reserve Affairs, develop risk mitigation plans, procedures, and contingencies for Wounded Warrior Battalion active duty and Reserve 2 years 7 months 2.c forces to ensure Wounded Warrior Battalion leadership billets are not largely dependent on Reserve 3 days Individual Mobilization Augmentee authorizations.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Commandant for Manpower and Reserve Affairs should develop policy and procedures to extend the standard length of Wounded Warrior Battalion Reserve 2 years 7 months 2.d Individual Mobilization Augmentee assignments to 2 years, to ensure greater stability in force structure, 3 days staff continuity, and to sustain the mission.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Commandant for Manpower and Reserve Affairs establish a standard formalized screening, selection, and assignment process for Enlisted Active Component Marines 2 years 7 months 3.a filling Wounded Warrior Battalions positions similar to the process currently used for Reserve Individual 3 days Mobilization augmentee Marines.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Commandant for Manpower and Reserve Affairs establish a standard review process whereby regiment and battalion leaders can interview potential Enlisted Active 2 years 7 months 3.b Component U.S. Marine Corps Wounded Warrior Battalions candidates to ensure they are the “best fit” and 3 days most qualified to better serve the Marines in the Wounded Warrior Battalions.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 237



U.S. Marine Corps (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2015-016, “Department of Defense Suicide Event Report Data Quality Assessment,” November 14, 2014

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Chiefs of the Military Services update their policies to incorporate 2 years 4 months 1.b Recommendation 1.a. 17 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Chiefs of the Military Services update their policies to incorporate 2 years 4 months 2.b Recommendation 2.a. 17 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Chiefs of the Military Services update guidance to: 1) identify subject matter experts to provide Department of Defense Suicide Event Report tech support to address questions, and 2) adapt and implement the proposed standard operating procedure/guidelines for Department of 2 years 4 months 3.d Defense Suicide Event Report submission process to help Department of Defense Suicide Event Report 17 days submitters understand the various sources of information (for example, military law enforcement and medical) needed to submit a complete Department of Defense Suicide Event Report.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Chiefs of the Military Services update policies to integrate Department 4.e of Defense Suicide Event Report data collection and submission practices into their Service suicide 2 years 4 months prevention lessons learned processes. 17 days

Report No. DODIG-2015-117, “U.S. Cyber Command and Military Services Need to Reassess Processes for Fielding Cyber Mission Force Teams,” April 30, 2015 (Full Report is Classified)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

1 year 11 months 4 Recommendation is Classified. 1 day

238128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


U.S. Marine Corps (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2015-143, “Patriot Express Program Could Be More Cost‑Effective for Overseas Permanent Change of Station and Temporary Duty Travel,” July 6, 2015

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, U.S. Marine Corps Logistics Plans, Policy, and Strategic Mobility, in coordination with the Commander, U.S. Transportation Command, perform a review to 5 determine the primary reasons why passengers do not show up for, or cancel, booked Patriot Express 1 year 8 months flights and implement any necessary changes to the program, such as developing cancellation guidelines, to 25 days minimize the burden of no‑show passengers.

Report No. DODIG-2015-155, “U.S. Forces Korea Service Components Can Improve Management of Individual Protective Equipment,” July 31, 2015 (Full Report is Classified)

(FOUO) Age of Recommendation Text Recommendation Recommendation on 3/31/17

(FOUO) 4.a 1 year 8 months

(FOUO) 4.b 1 year 8 months


Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 239



U.S. Marine Corps (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2015-159, “Follow‑up Audit: More Improvements Needed for the Development of Wounded Warrior Battalion‑East Marines’ Recovery Plans,” August 7, 2015

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, U.S. Marine Corps Regional Contracting Office–National 2.d Capital Region should initiate a performance review of the Wounded Warrior Regiment contracting officer(s) 1 year 7 months for the Recovery Care Coordinator contract to determine whether administrative actions are warranted. 24 days

Report No. DODIG-2016-026, (FOUO) “ ,” November 24, 2015 (Full Report is Classified)

(FOUO) Age of Recommendation Text Recommendation Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Cyber Command, and the Chiefs of Staff for the U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force, the Chief of Naval Operations, and the Commandant of the U.S. Marine Corps 1 year 4 months 1 develop a doctrine, organization, training, materiel, leadership and education, personnel, facilities, and 7 days policy framework that address strategies to build, grow, and sustain the Cyber Mission Force.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Cyber Command, and the Chiefs of Staff for the U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force, the Chief of Naval Operations, and the Commandant of the U.S. Marine Corps 1 year 4 months 2 formalize an agreement to focus capability development on functional and mission areas consistent with 7 days results of the mission alignment board.


128240 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


U.S. Marine Corps (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-050, “Chemical and Biological Training for Army and Marine Corps Units in the Republic of Korea Needs Improvement,” February 24, 2016 (Full Report is FOUO)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Marine Corps Forces, Korea, develop a verification 2 process to ensure that collective chemical and biological training is conducted by forces assigned to 1 year 1 month U.S. Marine Corps Forces, Korea. 7 days

Department of the Air Force Report No. D-2006-077, “Human Capital: DoD Personnel Security Clearance Process at Requesting Activities,” April 19, 2006

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Army Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence; the Director, Naval Criminal Investigative Service; the Air Force Director of Security Forces, Information Security; the Director, Defense Information Systems Agency; and the Director, Defense Logistics Agency update policies for the DoD personnel security clearance program to include the following areas: a) program management 3.a‑f responsibilities; b) agencies responsible for conducting personnel security investigations (PSI) and 10 years 11 months investigative responsibilities; c) security clearance systems for tracking security clearance information; 12 days d) Personnel Security Investigation submission processes; e) the relationship among the levels of security clearances, types of PSIs required for different levels of clearance, and scopes of investigations to include documentation required for each PSI; and f) training requirements for security personnel.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 241



Department of the Air Force (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2012-057, “Guidance Needed to Prevent Military Construction Projects From Exceeding the Approved Scope of Work,” February 27, 2012

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Air Force Center for Engineering and the Environment, verify B.2.c that the expenditure of about $391,041 in funds designated for the Camp Phoenix North Expansion project 5 years 1 month is redesignated for the New Kabul Compound. 4 days

Report No. DODIG-2012-079, “Review of Nuclear Weapon Security Program,” April 20, 2012 (Full Report is Classified)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

4 years 11 months 1.a Recommendation is Classified. 11 days

Report No. DODIG-2013-035, “Better Reporting and Certification Processes Can Improve Red Teams’ Effectiveness,” December 21, 2012 (Full Report is Classified)

(FOUO) Age of Recommendation Text Recommendation Recommendation on 3/31/17

(FOUO) 4 years 3 months A.6.d 10 days


128242 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Department of the Air Force (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2013-035, “Better Reporting and Certification Processes Can Improve Red Teams’ Effectiveness,” December 21, 2012 (Full Report is Classified) (cont’d)

(FOUO) Age of Recommendation Text Recommendation Recommendation on 3/31/17

(FOUO) 4 years 3 months B.1 10 days


B.7 4 years 3 months 10 days


Report No. DODIG-2013-098, “Assessment of U.S. Military Cemeteries,” June 28, 2013

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Manpower and Reserve Affairs, Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Manpower and Reserve Affairs, and Executive Director of the Army 3 years 9 months 1.b.(2) National Cemeteries Program ensure training opportunities are provided for individuals identified with 3 days cemetery operations responsibilities.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Manpower and Reserve Affairs, 2.c update the applicable service manuals to reflect upcoming Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, 3 years 9 months Logistics, and Technology policy. 3 days

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 243



Department of the Air Force (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2013-098, “Assessment of U.S. Military Cemeteries,” June 28, 2013 (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Executive Director of the Army National Cemeteries Program, Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Manpower and Reserve Affairs, and Assistant Secretary of the Air Force 3.b for Manpower and Reserve Affairs, update current publications to reflect Under Secretary of Defense 3 years 9 months for Personnel and Readiness and Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology 3 days guidance.

Report No. DODIG-2014-038, “Air Force Life Cycle Management Center Could Not Identify Actual Cost of F119 Engine Spare Parts Purchased from Pratt and Whitney,” February 10, 2014 (Full Report is FOUO)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, develop a 1 process to identify and document actual spare part costs for 2010 and each subsequent year on contract 3 years 1 month FA8611‑08‑C‑2896 for use in determining fair and reasonable prices. 21 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, develop an 3 years 1 month 2 action plan with defined milestones to transition to a firm‑fixed‑price contract for F119 Engine spare parts. 21 days

244128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Department of the Air Force (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2014-040, “Assessment of DoD Wounded Warrior Matters: Managing Risks of Multiple Medications,” February 21, 2014

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Military Services’ Surgeons General review and update policies and 1.b procedures for medication reconciliation to ensure that they are appropriate to address the unique needs of 3 years 1 month the Wounded Warrior population. 10 days

Report No. DODIG-2014-062, “Improvements Needed in the Stocking of Air Force Basic Expeditionary Airfield Resources Support and Repair Spare Kits in Guam,” April 17, 2014 (Full Report is Classified)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Air Combat Command, perform and document a A.1.a reconciliation of U.S. Pacific Command Operation Plan and strategic plan requirements with authorizations, 2 years 11 months at least every 2 years or as updated, in coordination with Pacific Air Forces. 14 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Air Combat Command, conduct and document a 2 years 11 months A.1.b cost‑benefit analysis of redistributing excess kits identified by Pacific Air Forces to fulfill Base Expeditionary Airfield Resources shortages elsewhere at least every 2 years or as needed. 14 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Pacific Air Forces, review and analyze the storage A.2.c locations of Basic Expeditionary Airfield Resources assets to ensure they are in the most efficient location to 2 years 11 months support U.S. Pacific Command Operation Plan requirements. 14 days

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 245



Department of the Air Force (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2014-119, “Excess Inventory Acquired on Performance‑Based Logistics Contracts to Sustain the Air Force’s C‑130J Aircraft,” September 22, 2014 (Full Report is FOUO)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Program Executive Officer for Air Force Mobility Programs direct the Chief, 2 years 6 months 1.a.1 Tactical Airlift Division, to establish and monitor C‑130J‑unique, performance‑based, logistics inventory control metrics on the performance‑based logistics contracts with Lockheed Martin and Rolls‑Royce. 9 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Program Executive Officer for Air Force Mobility Programs direct the Chief, Tactical Airlift Division to perform a thorough review of all C‑130J‑unique inventory to: 1) establish a reasonable inventory objective for noncommercial spare parts purchased from Lockheed Martin and reduce 1.a.2 future performance‑based logistics contract costs by the value of excess on‑hand inventory that exceeds the 2 years 6 months requirement, and 2) establish a reasonable inventory objective for commercial spare parts purchased from 9 days Rolls‑Royce and reduce future performance‑based logistics contract costs by the value of excess on‑hand inventory that exceeds the requirement.

Report No. DODIG-2014-121, “Military Housing Inspections–Japan,” September 30, 2014

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the respective Military Departments, as applicable: a) conduct an effective root cause analysis and corrective action for all 1,057 deficiencies in this report; b) ensure that 2 years 6 months A these deficiencies do not exist in other housing units; and c) ensure the inspection, maintenance, and repair program is in compliance with applicable codes and standards for fire protection systems, electrical 1 day systems, and environmental health and safety.

The DoD OIG recommended that the respective Military Departments, as applicable, ensure that sufficient, 2 years 6 months B qualified resources are available and assigned to inspect and verify that all housing buildings and units are in compliance with requirements for fire protection systems. 1 day

The DoD OIG recommended that the respective Military Departments, as applicable, ensure that sufficient, 2 years 6 months C qualified resources are available and assigned to inspect and verify that all housing buildings and units are in compliance with requirements for electrical systems. 1 day

128246 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Department of the Air Force (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2014-121, “Military Housing Inspections–Japan,” September 30, 2014 (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the respective Military Departments, as applicable, ensure that sufficient, D.1 qualified resources are available and assigned to inspect and verify that all housing buildings and units are in 2 years 6 months compliance with environmental health and safety requirements. 1 day

The DoD OIG recommended that the respective Military Departments, as applicable, ensure that housing management systems and processes are fully implemented and followed for all installations. This includes E improving processes for tracking service calls and work orders through completion, ensuring that 2 years 6 months inspections and maintenance are conducted as required, and analyzing historical work order information for 1 day trends and lessons learned to improve housing management programs.

Report No. DODIG-2014-123, “Air Force Did Not Justify the Need for MQ‑9 Reaper Procurement Quantities,” September 30, 2014 (Full Report is FOUO)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director of Plans, Programs, and Requirements, Headquarters Air 1.a Combat Command, perform and document comprehensive analyses to determine the necessary quantity of 2 years 6 months MQ‑9 aircraft. 1 day

The DoD OIG recommended, based on the results of Recommendation 1.a, that the Director of Plans, Programs, and Requirements, Headquarters Air Combat Command, update and submit the MQ‑9 production 1.b document to the Air Force Requirements Oversight Council and, subsequently, the Joint Requirements 2 years 6 months Oversight Council, and request validation that the cost and quantity changes are necessary prior to making 1 day any FY 2015 procurement decisions.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Chairman of the Air Force Requirements Oversight Council validate 2 the necessary quantity and cost in the updated MQ‑9 production document prior to providing the updated 2 years 6 months production document to the Joint Requirements Oversight Council for revalidation. 1 day

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 247



Department of the Air Force (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2015-013, “Military Housing Inspections–Republic of Korea,” October 28, 2014

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the respective Military Departments, as applicable: a) conduct an effective root cause analysis and corrective action for all 646 deficiencies in this report; b) ensure that A these deficiencies do not exist in other housing units; and c) ensure the inspection, maintenance, and 2 years 5 months repair program is in compliance with applicable codes and standards for fire protection systems, electrical 3 days systems, and environmental health and safety.

The DoD OIG recommended that the respective Military Departments, as applicable, ensure that sufficient, B qualified resources are available and assigned to inspect and verify that all housing buildings and units are in 2 years 5 months compliance with requirements for fire protection systems. 3 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the respective Military Departments, as applicable, ensure that sufficient, C qualified resources are available and assigned to inspect and verify that all housing buildings and units are in 2 years 5 months compliance with requirements for electrical systems. 3 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the respective Military Departments, as applicable, ensure that sufficient, D.1 qualified resources are available and assigned to inspect and verify that all housing buildings and units are in 2 years 5 months compliance with environmental health and safety requirements. 3 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the respective Military Departments, as applicable, ensure housing 2 years 5 months E management policies are implemented and procedures are followed. 3 days

128248 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Department of the Air Force (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2015-016, “Department of Defense Suicide Event Report Data Quality Assessment,” November 14, 2014

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Chiefs of the Military Services update their policies to incorporate DoD 2 years 4 months 1.b guidance on the DoD Suicide Even Report submission process. 17 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Chiefs of the Military Services update their policies to incorporate DoD 2.b guidance requiring suicide event boards to establish a multidisciplinary approach for obtaining the data 2 years 4 months necessary to make comprehensive DoD Suicide Event Report submissions. 17 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Chiefs of the Military Services update guidance to: 1) identify subject matter experts to provide Department of Defense Suicide Event Report tech support to address questions, and 2) adapt and implement the proposed standard operating procedure/guidelines for Department of 2 years 4 months 3.d Defense Suicide Event Report submission process to help Department of Defense Suicide Event Report 17 days submitters understand the various sources of information (for example, military law enforcement and medical) needed to submit a complete Department of Defense Suicide Event Report.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Chiefs of the Military Services update policies to integrate Department 4.e of Defense Suicide Event Report data collection and submission practices into their Service suicide 2 years 4 months prevention lessons learned processes. 17 days

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 249



Department of the Air Force (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2015-051, “Air Force Leadership Action is Required to Sustain the Minuteman III Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Through 2030,” December 17, 2014 (Full Report is Classified)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Air Force Materiel Command, examine the feasibility of an Aerospace and Maintenance Regeneration Group‑like entity to manage excess material storage for the 2 years 3 months A.1 Minuteman III Weapon System to minimize the impact of parts obsolescence and Diminishing Manufacturing 14 days and Material Shortages.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Air Force Materiel Command, prioritize funding of 2 years 3 months B.5 authorizations for sustainment engineers and engineering support personnel. 14 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Air Force Global Strike Command and Air Force Materiel Command form an information system integrated process team to continually analyze maintenance and supply system B.6 performance, system interfaces, future requirements, and training. This integrated process team should 2 years 3 months report directly to the Air Force Global Strike Command Intercontinental Ballistic Missile General Officer 14 days Steering Group.

Report No. DODIG-2015-052, “Air Force Life Cycle Management Center’s Management of F119 Engine Spare Parts Needs Improvement,” December 19, 2014 (Full Report is FOUO)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, develop and A.1 implement a process to monitor Pratt and Whitney’s management of obsolete and excess spare parts, and 2 years 3 months verify enough spare parts are available to sustain the F119 engines through 2017. 12 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, develop and A.3 implement a process to modify funding for purchasing spare parts when Air Force, Operations, Plans and 2 years 3 months Requirements, A3/5, provides actual flight hours which can change the flight hour requirements. 12 days

250128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Department of the Air Force (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2015-052, “Air Force Life Cycle Management Center’s Management of F119 Engine Spare Parts Needs Improvement,” December 19, 2014 (Full Report is FOUO) (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, develop and A.4 implement a process to verify that Pratt and Whitney reviews and, if appropriate, disposes of unavailable 2 years 3 months inventory on an at least annual basis. 12 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, clarify Defense A.5 Contract Management Agency’s responsibility to formally accept F119 Engine spare parts on behalf of Life 2 years 3 months Cycle Management Center. 12 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, coordinate with A.6 Air Force Materiel Command, Headquarters, Logistics, A4, to report the spare parts located at the central 2 years 3 months inventory on the annual Department of the Air Force financial statements. 12 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, develop and B implement guidance that removes the nonrepair costs from the stabilized rate when calculating incentive 2 years 3 months fees for future contracts. 12 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, review the mean time between maintenance and cost management metrics for 2010 to verify the incentive fees 2 years 3 months C were accurate and, if they were not, take appropriate action to correct any potential underpayments 12 days or overpayments.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 251



Department of the Air Force (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2015-058, “U.S. Air Force May Be Paying Too Much for F117 Engine Sustainment,” December 22, 2014 (Full Report is FOUO)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Acquisition) require the contracting officer to obtain the necessary documentation to support the commerciality of the F117 engine 1.a sustainment service to be acquired in the FY 2015 through FY 2017 Globemaster III Integrated Sustainment 2 years 3 months Program contract option and any future contracts, as defined by Federal Acquisition Regulation 2.101. If 9 days adequate support is not obtained, deem the service noncommercial.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Acquisition) require the contracting officer to report Pratt and Whitney’s refusal to provide requested information in the Contractor 2 years 3 months 1.b Performance Assessment Reporting System, as required by Air Force Federal Acquisition Regulation 9 days Supplement MP5315.4, so it is available for use by contracting officials.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Contracting Directorate, Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, perform a quality review of Air Force Life Cycle Management Center contracting officials’ 2 years 3 months 4 compliance with the Federal and Defense acquisition regulations for commerciality determinations and, 9 days based on that review, consider corrective actions as appropriate.

Report No. DODIG-2015-062, “DoD Needs Dam Safety Inspection Policy To Enable the Services To Detect Conditions That Could Lead to Dam Failure,” December 31, 2014 (Full Report is FOUO)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Secretary of the Air Force should implement a dam safety inspection 2 program in accordance with DoD dam safety inspection policy, after that policy is issued. 2 years 3 months

128252 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Department of the Air Force (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2015-090, “Evaluation of Aircraft Ejection Seat Safety When Using Advanced Helmet Sensors,” March 9, 2015

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Navy and Air Force ensure consistent documentation of aircraft ejection data to increase the data available for ejections with Helmet Mounted Devices and/or Night Vision A.2 Goggles thus improving the safety risk analysis. The data should include aircraft speed at time of ejection, 2 years 22 days whether aircrew was wearing HMD and/or NVGs, and type of injury sustained.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Navy and Air Force ensure increased emphasis during training, annual A.3 checkrides, and continually stress awareness that aircrew follow proper ejection procedures as identified in 2 years 22 days Naval Air Training and Operating Procedures and the Air Force flight manuals.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Navy and Air Force review and update the Joint Service Specification B Guide to reflect changes in policy and technology that have occurred in the last 16 years. 2 years 22 days

Report No. DODIG-2015-110, “The Air Force’s Information Technology Contracts Awarded Without Competition Were Generally Justified,” April 24, 2015

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, 502nd Contracting Squadron, provide training on 1 year 11 months 1 selecting the appropriate authority to issue sole‑source contracts and retaining contract documentation. 7 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Contracting) provide contracting personnel training or issue a memorandum on completing required synopsis and including the 2 statements required by Federal Acquisition Regulation 5.207, “Preparation and Transmittal of Synopses,” 1 year 11 months in the synopsis of contract actions made under Federal Acquisition Regulation 6.302, “Circumstances 7 days Permitting Other Than Full and Open Competition.”

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 253



Department of the Air Force (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2015-117, “U.S. Cyber Command and Military Services Need to Reassess Processes for Fielding Cyber Mission Force Teams,” April 30, 2015 (Full Report is Classified)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

1 year 11 months 3 Recommendation is Classified. 1 day

1 year 11 months 4 Recommendation is Classified. 1 day

1 year 11 months 5 Recommendation is Classified. 1 day

Report No. DODIG-2015-133, “Evaluation of the Integrated Tactical Warning and Attack Assessment’s Mobile Ground System,” June 18, 2015 (Full Report is Classified)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

1 year 9 months A.3 Recommendation is Classified. 13 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Air Force Space Command Space and Missile Systems Center, establish an Integrated Process Team to formulate a Mobile Ground System sustainment solution. B.1 At a minimum, representatives should include the Global Positioning Systems Directorate, Remote Sensing 1 year 9 months Systems Directorate, the Military Satellite Communications Systems Directorate, the Space Logistics 13 days Directorate, and the 233rd Space Group.

254128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Department of the Air Force (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2015-138, “The Air Force Did Not Monitor the Energy Savings Performance Contract at Joint Base McGuire,” June 29, 2015

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Joint Base McGuire, require the 87th Civil Engineering Squadron develop a quality assurance surveillance plan that includes procedures to survey, observe, test, 1 year 9 months 1.d sample, evaluate, and validate contractor‑reported energy savings for performance years 0 through 3 and 2 days maintenance activities.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Joint Base McGuire, require the 87th Civil Engineering 1.e Squadron develop and implement base‑level controls covering contract voucher analysis and 1 year 9 months certification responsibilities. 2 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, 87th Contracting Squadron, direct the contracting officer 2.a to validate actual energy savings achieved for contract performance years 0 through 3 before approving 1 year 9 months additional contract payments. 2 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, 87th Contracting Squadron, direct the contracting officer 2.b to review payments made for performance years 0 through 3 and determine whether the contractor’s 1 year 9 months performance warranted the energy savings paid to the contractor. 2 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, 87th Contracting Squadron, direct the contracting officer 2.c to review the quality assurance surveillance plan developed by program officials to determine whether the 1 year 9 months plan sufficiently addresses monitoring and documenting contractor performance. 2 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, 87th Contracting Squadron, direct the contracting officer to suspend plans to modify the Ameresco Select, Incorporated delivery order until the project is 1 year 9 months 2.d determined to be life‑cycle cost effective and actual savings generated from the project have been validated 2 days in accordance with contract requirements.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 255



Department of the Air Force (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2015-143, “Patriot Express Program Could Be More Cost‑Effective for Overseas Permanent Change of Station and Temporary Duty Travel,” June 6, 2015

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Headquarters Air Force Logistics, establish and implement 4.a guidance to ensure that transportation office personnel hold records open until Air Mobility Command 1 year 8 months makes Patriot Express reservations or issues nonavailability statements. 25 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Headquarters Air Force Logistics, perform a review, in coordination with the Commander, U.S. Transportation Command, to determine the primary reasons 4.b why passengers do not show up for, or cancel, booked Patriot Express flights and implement any 1 year 8 months necessary changes to the program, such as developing cancellation guidelines, to minimize the burden of 25 days no‑show passengers.

Report No. DODIG-2015-148, “Rights of Conscience Protections for Armed Forces Service Members and Their Chaplains,” July 22, 2015

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Army Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel, the Chief of Naval Personnel, and the Air Force Deputy Chief of Staff for Manpower, Personnel, and Services streamline existing 2 procedures to ensure requests for accommodation requiring waivers are evaluated within the timeframes 1 year 8 months established by Department of Defense Instruction 1300.17, including any changes made as a result of 9 days Recommendation 1.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Air Force Deputy Chief of Staff for Manpower, Personnel, and Services 3 track accommodations requiring waivers and the timeframes for approval to ensure compliance with 1 year 8 months Department of Defense Instruction 1300.17. 9 days

256128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Department of the Air Force (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2015-148, “Rights of Conscience Protections for Armed Forces Service Members and Their Chaplains,” July 22, 2015 (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Air Force Deputy Chief of Staff for Manpower, Personnel, and Services 6 ensure that programs of Instruction for commissioned and noncommissioned officers include the updated 1 year 8 months guidance regarding religious accommodations contained in Department of Defense Instruction 1300.17. 9 days

Report No. DODIG-2015-155, “U.S. Forces Korea Service Components Can Improve Management of Individual Protective Equipment,” July 31, 2015 (Full Report is Classified)

(FOUO) Age of Recommendation Text Recommendation Recommendation on 3/31/17

(FOUO) 3.a 1 year 8 months

(FOUO) 3.b 1 year 8 months

(FOUO) 3.c 1 year 8 months


Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 257



Department of the Air Force (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2015-168, “Air Force Commands Need to Improve Logical and Physical Security Safeguards That Protect SIPRNet Access Points,” September 3, 2015 (Full Report is Classified)

(FOUO) Age of Recommendation Text Recommendation Recommendation on 3/31/17


1 year 6 months A.4 28 days

(FOUO) 1 year 6 months A.5.a 28 days

(FOUO) 1 year 6 months A.5.b 28 days

1 year 6 months A.6 Recommendation is Classified. 28 days

(FOUO) 1 year 6 months A.8.c 28 days

1 year 6 months A.9.a Recommendation is Classified. 28 days


258128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Department of the Air Force (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2015-168, “Air Force Commands Need to Improve Logical and Physical Security Safeguards That Protect SIPRNet Access Points,” September 3, 2015 (Full Report is Classified) (cont’d)

(FOUO) Age of Recommendation Text Recommendation Recommendation on 3/31/17

1 year 6 months A.9.b Recommendation is Classified. 28 days

(FOUO) 1 year 6 months A.9.c 28 days

1 year 6 months A.10.a Recommendation is Classified. 28 days

1 year 6 months A.10.b Recommendation is Classified. 28 days

1 year 6 months A.10.c Recommendation is Classified. 28 days


1 year 6 months A.10.d 28 days


Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 259



Department of the Air Force (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2015-168, “Air Force Commands Need to Improve Logical and Physical Security Safeguards That Protect SIPRNet Access Points,” September 3, 2015 (Full Report is Classified) (cont’d)

(FOUO) Age of Recommendation Text Recommendation Recommendation on 3/31/17


B.1 1 year 6 months 28 days

(FOUO) 1 year 6 months B.2 28 days

(FOUO) 1 year 6 months B.4.a 28 days

(FOUO) 1 year 6 months B.4.b 28 days

(FOUO) 1 year 6 months B.4.c 28 days


260128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Department of the Air Force (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2015-181, “Continental United States Military Housing Inspections–Southeast,” September 24, 2015

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Patrick Air Force Base Commander conduct an effective root cause 1 year 6 months A.1 analysis and perform corrective actions for all fire protection deficiencies identified. 7 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Patrick Air Force Base Commander verify or create a plan for the A.2 performance of ongoing inspection and maintenance of all housing units to applicable fire protection codes 1 year 6 months and standards. 7 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Patrick Air Force Base Commander work with the privatized housing 1 year 6 months A.3 partner to ensure that fire protection inspection and maintenance plans are achieved. 7 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Patrick Air Force Base Commander conduct an effective root cause 1 year 6 months B.1 analysis and perform corrective actions for all electrical deficiencies identified. 7 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Patrick Air Force Base Commander verify or create a plan for the B.2 performance of ongoing inspection and maintenance of all housing units to applicable electrical codes 1 year 6 months and standards. 7 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Patrick Air Force Base Commander work with the privatized housing 1 year 6 months B.3 partner to ensure that electrical inspection and maintenance plans are achieved. 7 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Patrick Air Force Base Commander conduct an effective root cause 1 year 6 months C.1 analysis and perform corrective actions for all environmental health and safety deficiencies identified. 7 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Patrick Air Force Base Commander ensure that the privatized C.2 housing partner performs an assessment of the homes where instances of mold growth were identified, in 1 year 6 months accordance with Florida statutes. 7 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Patrick Air Force Base Commander work with the privatized housing 1 year 6 months C.3 partner to ensure proper execution of its mold operations and maintenance plan. 7 days

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 261



Department of the Air Force (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-026, (FOUO) “ ,” November 24, 2015 (Full Report is Classified)

(FOUO) Age of Recommendation Text Recommendation Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Cyber Command, and the Chiefs of Staff for the U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force, the Chief of Naval Operations, and the Commandant of the Marine Corps 1 year 4 months 1 develop a doctrine, organization, training, materiel, leadership and education, personnel, facilities, and 7 days policy framework that address strategies to build, grow, and sustain the Cyber Mission Force.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Cyber Command, and the Chiefs of Staff for the U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force, the Chief of Naval Operations, and the Commandant of the Marine Corps 1 year 4 months 2 formalize an agreement to focus capability development on functional and mission areas consistent with 7 days results of the mission alignment board.


Report No. DODIG-2016-043, “Air Force Officials Did Not Consistently Comply With Requirements for Assessing Contractor Performance,” January 29, 2016

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director of Air Combat Command, Acquisition Management and 1.c Integration Center, improve procedures for performing reviews of the written narratives and then monitor 1 year 2 months compliance with those procedures. 2 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Air Force Life Cycle Management Center develop and implement command‑wide written procedures that require assessors to prepare performance assessment 1 year 2 months 2.a reports that meet the 120‑day requirement in the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, 2 days and Logistics memorandum and build in the 60 days for the contractor’s response.

128262 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Department of the Air Force (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-043, “Air Force Officials Did Not Consistently Comply With Requirements for Assessing Contractor Performance,” January 29, 2016 (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Air Force Life Cycle Management Center establish 2.c command‑wide written procedures for performing reviews of performance assessment reports and monitor 1 year 2 months reviews of the written narratives to verify compliance. 2 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, 338th Specialized Contracting Squadron establish 2.c command‑wide written procedures for performing reviews of performance assessment reports and monitor 1 year 2 months reviews of the written narratives to verify compliance. 2 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Air Force Life Cycle Management Center develop and 1 year 2 months 2.d implement written procedures to register contracts. 2 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander of Air Force Life Cycle Management Center train assessors on the performance assessment report evaluation factors and performance assessment report rating 1 year 2 months 3 definitions, as outlined in the Federal Acquisition Regulation and Contractor Performance Assessment 2 days Reporting System guidance.

The DoD OIG recommended that the the Commander, 338th Specialized Contracting Squadron establish train assessors on the performance assessment report evaluation factors and performance assessment 1 year 2 months 3 report rating definitions, as outlined in the Federal Acquisition Regulation and Contractor Performance 2 days Assessment Reporting System guidance.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 263



Department of the Air Force (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-045, “DoD Could Save Millions in Profit Paid to Contractors on DoD Depot Labor,” February 8, 2016 (Full Report is FOUO)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Air Force Sustainment Center, (for the AN/APN‑241 Low Power Color Radar and the Digital Mapping System and Advanced Display Core Processor sustainment), and the Commander, Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, (for the C‑17 aircraft), direct the responsible 1 year 1 month 2 program offices to prepare or update a business case analysis that evaluates the partnership type by 23 days considering the costs, benefits, and best use of public and private sector capabilities to include the impact each type has on profit and fees.

Report No. DODIG-2016-051, “Air Force Personnel Can Improve Compliance With the Berry Amendment and the Buy American Act,” February 24, 2016

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Chief of Contracting from the 10th Contracting Squadron establish 1 year 1 month B.4 procedures or additional training for procurements subject to the Buy American Act. 7 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Financial Management and Comptroller) complete the preliminary review as required by regulation and provide the results to the DoD 1 year 1 month B.5.b Office of Inspector General. If an Antideficiency Act violation has occurred, determine which officials are 7 days responsible and recommend corrective actions.

264128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Department of the Air Force (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-059, “U.S. Air Force Spent Billions on F117 Engine Sustainment Without Knowing What a Fair Price Was,” March 11, 2016 (Full Report is FOUO)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition establish a 1.a baseline for the performance and costs of the F117 engine sustainment services before it awards any future 1 year 20 days performance‑based logistics F117 engine sustainment contracts.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition include a reporting requirement in all future sole‑source, commercial, performance‑based logistics contracts for F117 engine 1.b sustainment services so that data other than certified cost or pricing data is collected that would permit 1 year 20 days future re‑baselining of the F117 engine sustainment services.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition include metrics in 1.c any future performance‑based logistics contracts for F117 engine sustainment services that would allow the 1 year 20 days Air Force to monitor the availability, reliability, and affordability of the F117 engine sustainment.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition obtain and use actual cost data from the Globemaster III Integrated Sustainment Program contract to support negotiations 1.d of a future sole‑source, performance‑based logistics contract for F117 engine sustainment to ensure a fair 1 year 20 days and reasonable price is negotiated.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 265



Department of the Air Force (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-072, “DoD Needs to Improve Screening and Access Controls for General Public Tenants Leasing Housing on Military Installations,” April 1, 2016 (Full Report is FOUO)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director of Security Forces, Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics, Engineering and Force Protection, Headquarters U.S. Air Force, and the Provost Marshal General, U.S. Army, 1.a issue or update guidance specifying the queries required to access the National Crime Information Center 364 days and the Interstate Identification Index files and conduct background checks in accordance with service regulations.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director of Security Forces, Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics, Engineering and Force Protection, Headquarters U.S. Air Force, and the Provost Marshal General, U.S. Army, 1.b issue or update guidance that specifically addresses general public housing tenants’ access badge expiration 364 days dates.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director of Security Forces, Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics, Engineering and Force Protection, Headquarters U.S. Air Force; U.S. Army Assistant Chief of Staff for 2.a Installation Management; and Commander Navy Installations Command, conduct a review of all general 364 days public tenants leasing privatized housing to ensure those tenants received the complete and adequate background check in accordance with service regulations.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director of Security Forces, Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics, Engineering and Force Protection, Headquarters U.S. Air Force; U.S. Army Assistant Chief of Staff for 2.b Installation Management; and Commander, Navy Installations Command, instruct security officials to 364 days conduct a badge review for general public tenants living inside the installations and re‑issue badges as needed to ensure the badge expiration date aligns with the end of the tenants’ lease terms.

128266 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Department of the Air Force (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-087, “Air Force Civil Engineer Center Management of Energy Savings Performance Contracts Needs Improvement,” May 4, 2016

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Air Force Civil Engineer Center, revise existing engineering technical letters to establish and maintain an energy‑savings performance‑contract mechanism to track energy savings and project status for planned, in‑process, completed, and terminated Air Force energy‑savings performance‑contract projects. The database should include, but not be limited to, 1.a appropriate contract references, validated baselined energy savings achieved, payments made, and 331 days related primary energy‑savings performance‑contract documents such as preliminary assessments, investment‑grade audits, measurement and verification plans, post‑installation reports, annual measurement and verification reports, and Government technical analyses and validation documentation of such reports.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Air Force Civil Engineer Center, conduct a review of existing 1.b electronic data management systems to determine if there is a system capable of tracking energy savings 331 days and project status.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Air Force Civil Engineer Center, validate Joint Base Charleston energy savings performance contract savings achieved for performance years 2 through 8 as statutorily 1.c mandated and recommend the contracting officer take appropriate contractual action, such as recovering 331 days unrealized guaranteed energy savings or buying out the remaining portion of the contract.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Air Force Civil Engineer Center, develop and maintain a 1.d process to distribute and coordinate Department of Energy‑Federal Energy Management Program Energy 331 days Savings Performance Contract training for Air Force stakeholders.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Air Force Civil Engineer Center, coordinate with the 1.e Department of Energy‑Federal Energy Management Program to obtain Air Force Energy Savings 331 days Performance Contract training data.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 267



Department of the Air Force (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-087, “Air Force Civil Engineer Center Management of Energy Savings Performance Contracts Needs Improvement,” May 4, 2016 (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Air Force Civil Engineer Center, maintain lessons learned for 1.f energy savings performance contracts for the Air Force. 331 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Air Force Civil Engineer Center, develop and implement a 1.g management plan for Air Force Civil Engineer Center and Base Civil Engineer oversight of existing Air Force 331 days energy savings performance contract projects.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Air Force Civil Engineer Center develop a plan to provide 1.h post‑award energy savings performance contract technical support using available engineers and 331 days resource‑efficiency managers.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Air Force Civil Engineer Center, revise Engineering Technical Letters to require the Air Force Civil Engineer Center to coordinate with the Department of Energy‑Federal 1.i Energy Management Program regarding Federal Energy Management Program post‑award technical review 331 days support services if Air Force resources are not available.

128268 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Department of the Air Force (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-102, “Additional Controls Needed to Issue Reliable DoD Cost of War Reports That Accurately Reflect the Status of Air Force Operation Inherent Resolve Funds,” June 23, 2016

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Budget, Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force Financial Management and Comptroller, develop and implement standard operating procedures that include operation‑specific guidance to ensure all necessary costs are consistently 1.a and accurately reported into the Contingency Operations Reporting and Analysis Service. The standard 281 days operating procedures should establish reporting processes to ensure all necessary information is available before reporting deadlines. If actual costs are not available, a process should be developed for estimating the flying hour costs for the current month and adjusting the subsequent month to reflect actual costs.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Budget, Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force Financial Management and Comptroller, develop and implement standard operating procedures that include operation‑specific guidance to ensure all necessary costs are consistently 1.b and accurately reported into the Contingency Operations Reporting and Analysis Service. The standard 281 days operating procedures should define parameters under which personnel can report obligation and disbursement amounts in the Contingency Operations Reporting and Analysis Service when the amounts are different from the source data.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Budget, Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force Financial Management and Comptroller, develop and implement standard operating procedures that include operation‑specific guidance to ensure all necessary costs are consistently 1.c and accurately reported into the Contingency Operations Reporting and Analysis Service. The standard 281 days operating procedures should define the parameters of the Commanders’ Resource Integration System searches used to identify Operation Inherent Resolve costs, ensuring all necessary costs are included, including contingency operation codes and appropriations.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Budget, Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force Financial Management and Comptroller, develop and implement standard operating procedures that include operation‑specific guidance to ensure all necessary costs are consistently 1.d and accurately reported into the Contingency Operations Reporting and Analysis Service. The standard 281 days operating procedures should ensure that the Military Personnel analyst reports actual death gratuity costs related to Operation Inherent Resolve.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 269



Department of the Air Force (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-102, “Additional Controls Needed to Issue Reliable DoD Cost of War Reports That Accurately Reflect the Status of Air Force Operation Inherent Resolve Funds,” June 23, 2016 (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Budget, Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force Financial Management and Comptroller, develop and implement standard operating procedures that include operation‑specific guidance to ensure all necessary costs are consistently and accurately reported into the Contingency Operations Reporting and Analysis Service. The standard 1.e operating procedures should ensure all personnel responsible for reviewing draft Operation Inherent 281 days Resolve data have formal change tracking mechanisms that provide assurance that adjustments are supported, documented, tracked, approved, and corrective actions are implemented. All changes to source data should be included in this tracking mechanism.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Budget, Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force Financial Management and Comptroller, determine the total costs underreported in FY 2015 and adjust the Contingency Operations Reporting and Analysis Service. Determine the amount 2.a of FY 2015 Syria Train and Equip costs that were allocated to Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation 281 days Freedom’s Sentinel and adjust the Contingency Operations Reporting and Analysis Service to report these costs as Operation Inherent Resolve costs.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Budget, Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force Financial Management and Comptroller, determine the total costs underreported in FY 2015 and adjust the Contingency Operations Reporting and Analysis Service. Determine the difference 2.b between the actual FY 2015 death gratuity costs and the amounts allocated within the Contingency 281 days Operations Reporting and Analysis Service for each overseas contingency operation and adjust the Contingency Operations Reporting and Analysis Service to report the actual costs in each operation.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Budget, Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force Financial Management and Comptroller, determine the total costs underreported 2.c in FY 2015 and adjust the Contingency Operations Reporting and Analysis Service. Determine the amount of 281 days FY 2015 Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation costs that were omitted and adjust the Contingency Operations Reporting and Analysis Service to report these costs.

128270 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Department of the Air Force (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-114, “Actions Needed to Improve Reporting of Marine Corps, Navy, and Air Force Operating Materials and Supplies,” July 26, 2016

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Chief of Staff, Air Force Headquarters, A4, develop a plan to perform complete, quarterly reconciliations of Army‑held Operating Materials and Supplies‑Ammunition A.2.a using alternative procedures that resolve all differences between the summary‑level data provided by Army 248 days and used by Combat Ammunition System and Logistics Modernization Program until Combat Ammunition System is capable of receiving transaction‑level data from the Army.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Chief of Staff, Air Force Headquarters, A4, develop a plan to A.2.b perform complete, quarterly reconciliations of Army‑held Operating Materials and Supplies‑Ammunition 248 days using the Combat Ammunition System once it is capable of receiving transaction‑level data from the Army.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Naval Supply Systems Command, Global Logistics Support Ammo, and Deputy Chief of Staff Air Force Headquarters, A4, in coordination with the Assistant Secretaries B.2 of the Navy and Air Force (Financial Management and Comptroller), implement procedures to ensure 248 days ongoing compliance with DoD Regulation 7000.14‑R, DoD Financial Management Regulation, volume 4, chapter 4 guidance for crosswalking Condition Codes to Operating Materials and Supplies categories.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Financial Management and B.3 Comptroller) completely reconcile amounts reported by field locations in the summary data submission to 248 days General Accounting and Finance System‑Re Engineered on a quarterly basis and resolve differences.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 271



Department of the Air Force (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-133, “Evaluation of the Integrated Tactical Warning/Attack Assessment Ground‑Based Radars,” September 8, 2016 (Full Report is Classified)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Chief of Staff, U.S. Air Force, develop an Integrated Tactical Warning/ Attack Assessment Ground‑Based Radar mission essential facility and equipment list that includes all A.1.a necessary supporting infrastructure to ensure maintenance, testing and funding responsibilities are clearly 204 days defined.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Chief of Staff, U.S. Air Force, develop an Integrated Tactical Warning/ Attack Assessment Ground‑Based Radar mission essential facility and equipment list that includes all A.1.b necessary supporting infrastructure to ensure maintenance, testing and funding responsibilities are clearly 204 days defined.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Air Force Space Command, determine unfunded items A.2 at each Ground‑Based Radar site that need to be corrected to prevent mission failure, serious injury, or 204 days compromised security. Once identified, coordinate corrections to address the concerns.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Air Force Space Command, complete the planned Cavalier B.1.a Air Force Station Studies and the Thule Air Base power protection study, then implement solutions at those 204 days sites to meet the requirements to be survivable and endurable.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Air Force Space Command, ensure all scheduled B.1.b Integrated Threat Warning/Attack Assessment Electromagnetic Pulse projects, to include final verification 204 days testing, are completed.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Air Force Lifecycle Management Center, in conjunction with the Defense Logistics Agency, Air Force Space Command, and the Air Force Sustainment Center, ensure C.1 the Air Force is identified as a user for all Integrated Tactical Warning/Attack Assessment ground‑based 204 days radar spare parts.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Air Force Lifecycle Management Center, as the service engineering authority in conjunction with the Defense Logistics Agency, Air Force Space Command, and C.2 the Air Force Sustainment Center, review and correct quality assurance processes for Integrated Tactical 204 days Warning/Attack Assessment ground‑based radar suitable substitute selection.

128272 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Department of the Air Force (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2017-003, “The Air Force Needs to Improve Cost‑Effectiveness and Availability of the Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System,” November 1, 2016 (Full Report is FOUO)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Senior Center Contracting Official, Robins Air Force Base, require the contracting officer to revise the Total System Support Responsibility contract clause to establish a 1.a procedure for the contracting officer to verify the appropriateness of all contractor‑proposed over and 150 days above work before performance of the work as required by the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement 252.217‑7028.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Senior Center Contracting Official, Robins Air Force Base, require the contracting officer to establish evaluation criteria in the award‑fee plan for Total System Support 1.b Responsibility contract option period 17 that adequately motivate Northrop Grumman to reduce cost and 150 days that discourage inefficiency, in accordance with Federal Acquisition Regulation 16.401(a)(2)(ii).

The DoD OIG recommended that the Senior Center Contracting Official, Robins Air Force Base, require the contracting officer to determine if the unallowable award fees paid during Total System Support Responsibility contract option periods 14 and 15, totaling $7.6 million, can be recovered through either 1.c the Procedures for Disputes Resolution by Alternate Disputes Resolution Process” clause in the Total 150 days System Support Responsibility contract or voluntary refund in accordance with Defense Federal Regulation Supplement, Procedure, Guidance, and Information 242.71.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Program Executive Officer for Battle Management develop a requirement to determine the need for Government engineers to be located full‑time at the Lake Charles 2.a Maintenance and Modification Center to provide technical support to the Joint Surveillance Target Attack 150 days Radar System contracting officer in determining whether contractor‑proposed over and above work is appropriate.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Program Executive Officer for Battle Management direct the program manager for the Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System to perform a service‑life study to determine 2.b if there are cost‑effective options to sustain the aging fleet of E‑8C aircraft to mitigate operational capability 150 days risks until the Next Generation Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System Recapitalization Program achieves full production.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 273



Department of the Air Force (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2017-003, “The Air Force Needs to Improve Cost‑Effectiveness and Availability of the Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System,” November 1, 2016 (Full Report is FOUO) (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Program Executive Officer for Battle Management direct the Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System program manager, with support from the Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System contracting officer, to revise the sustainment metric requirement on the follow‑on 3 contract for Total System Support Responsibility contract option period 17 to link the aircraft availability 150 days metric requirement to the Air Control Wing user’s desired outcome for aircraft availability, in accordance with the Performance Based Logistics Guidebook.

Report No. DODIG-2017-004, “Summary Report–Inspections of DoD Facilities and Military Housing and Audits of Base Operations and Support Services Contracts,” October 14, 2016

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Secretaries of the Military Departments annually perform at least A.1 two comprehensive, independent inspections of installations. The purpose of these inspections is to verify 168 days compliance with all applicable health and safety requirements.

128274 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Department of the Air Force (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2017-039, “Requirements for the Air Force Civilian Pay Budget Still Need Improvement,” January 5, 2017

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Financial Management and Comptroller) develop written procedures for the civilian pay budget process. At a minimum, the procedures 1.a should require Air Force budget officials to calculate civilian full‑time equivalents using hours worked, 85 days in accordance with Office of Management and Budget Circular No. A‑11, “Preparation, Submission, and Execution of the Budget.”

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Financial Management and Comptroller) develop written procedures for the civilian pay budget process. At a minimum, the procedures 1.b should require Air Force budget officials to use the same set of payroll data to determine civilian hours 85 days worked and civilian personnel compensation and benefit costs for calculating the civilian work‑year costs and determining civilian pay requirements.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Financial Management and Comptroller) develop written procedures for the civilian pay budget process. At a minimum, the procedures 1.c should require Air Force budget officials to obtain civilian hours worked from payroll data to determine 85 days actual full‑time equivalents and report this number in the prior year full‑time equivalent column of budget exhibit PB‑31R, “Personnel Summary.”

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Financial Management and Comptroller) develop written procedures for the civilian pay budget process. At a minimum, the procedures 1.d should require Air Force budget officials to document decisions when making adjustments to the civilian pay 85 days requirements throughout the Air Force Corporate Structure budget review process.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Financial Management and Comptroller) develop written procedures for the civilian pay budget process. At a minimum, the procedures 1.e should require Air Force budget officials to document the methodology used to develop the civilian full‑time 85 days equivalents and civilian pay requirements contained in the Air Force annual Budget Estimate Submissions.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 275



Department of the Air Force (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2017-053, “The Air Force Did Not Adequately Determine or Document Fair and Reasonable Prices for Lot 7 Sole‑Source Initial Spare Parts for the C‑5 Aircraft,” February 7, 2017 (Full Report is FOUO)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Air Force Life Cycle Management Center require contracting officers to obtain sufficient commercial sales data when evaluating the prices of sole‑source A.1.a commercial items, and request other‑than‑certified cost or pricing data when commercial sales data are 52 days not sufficient, in accordance with the Federal Acquisition Regulation 15.402(a), 15.403‑3(c), 15.404‑3, and Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement Procedures, Guidance, and Information 215.402.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, require the contracting officer to assess and determine whether it is appropriate to request a $5.3 million A.1.b voluntary refund from Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company for potential excess payments on contract 52 days FA8625‑07‑C‑6471, in accordance with Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement Subpart 242.71.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, establish policy B.1.a and standard operating procedures to ensure that the contracting officer validates the accuracy of the price 52 days analysis documented in the price negotiation memorandum.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, implement policy and procedures to ensure that the contracting officer follows Federal Acquisition Regulation B.1.b 4.803(a) and 15.404 to maintain price analysis results and supporting rationale for the determination of a 52 days fair and reasonable price in the contract file.

128276 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Department of the Air Force (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2017-054, “Evaluation of Military Criminal Investigative Organizations’ Adult Sexual Assault Investigations,” February 14, 2017

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command, and 1 Commander, Air Force Office of Special Investigations, implement measures to improve compliance with 45 days supervisory case review requirements.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Naval Criminal Investigative Service, and the Commander, 2 Air Force Office of Special Investigations, implement measures to improve compliance with subject 45 days processing requirements.

Report No. DODIG-2017-070, “Evaluation of the National Airborne Operations Center Mission Sustainment and Modernization,” March 23, 2017 (Full Report is Classified)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

A.1.a Recommendation is Classified. 8 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Chief of Staff of the U.S. Air Force initiate an E‑4B sustainment study within six months of this report. This study should establish modernization programs to replace aging parts A.1.b and equipment of concern that are necessary to support the current E‑4B fleet until a replacement aircraft 8 days is fielded.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 277



Joint Chiefs of Staff Report No. 10-INTEL-04, “Review of Joint Task Force Guantanamo Inclusion of Detainee Mental Health Information in Intelligence Information Reports,” May 4, 2010 (Full Report is Classified)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Joint Staff, issue guidance requiring that the Combatant Commands, when preparing contingency plans and operations plans for staffing through the Joint 6 years 10 months A.1 Operations Planning and Execution System, specify in Annex Q (Medical Services) the medical information to 27 days be provided in support of interrogation activities.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Joint Staff, issue guidance requiring that the Combatant Commands, when preparing contingency plans and operations plans for staffing through the Joint 6 years 10 months A.2 Operations Planning and Execution System, include in Annex Q the process for sharing medical information 27 days with interrogation components.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Joint Staff, issue guidance requiring that the Combatant Commands, when preparing contingency plans and operations plans for staffing through the Joint 6 years 10 months A.3 Operations Planning and Execution System, specify in Annex B (Intelligence) how interrogation elements 27 days obtained medical information.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Joint Staff, issue guidance requiring that the Combatant Commands, when preparing contingency plans and operations plans for staffing through the Joint 6 years 10 months A.4 Operations Planning and Execution System, specify in Annex B how interrogation elements include medical 27 days information in intelligence reporting.

128278 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Joint Chiefs of Staff (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2015-048, (FOUO) “ ,” December 9, 2014 (Full Report is Classified)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Joint Staff, develop a communications strategy for disseminating incremental decisions and timely guidance affecting cyberspace command and control to facilitate across Combatant Command information sharing and to allow the combatant commanders to 2 years 3 months 1 effectively plan and prioritize cyberspace operations and integrate Cyber Mission Forces into operations 22 days until the end‑state for command and control of cyberspace operations is defined and achieved for all Combatant Commands.

Report No. DODIG-2015-134, “Assessment of the U.S. Theater Nuclear Planning Process,” June 18, 2015 (Full Report is Classified)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff update Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction 3110.04, “Nuclear Supplement to the Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan” planning 1.a guidance to identify Geographic Combatant Command planning responsibilities and requirements for 1 year 9 months developing nuclear response options. Guidance should include type and level of planning information 13 days required for directed contingency plans.

1 year 9 months 1.c Recommendation is Classified. 13 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff review applicable combatant 1 year 9 months 1.d command theater nuclear planning capabilities as part of the annual staff/command assessment visits. 13 days

1 year 9 months 1.e Recommendation is Classified. 13 days

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 279



Joint Chiefs of Staff (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2015-134, “Assessment of the U.S. Theater Nuclear Planning Process,” June 18, 2015 (Full Report is Classified) (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff oversee integration of nuclear 1 year 9 months 1.f planning into combatant command exercises. 13 days

Report No. DODIG-2015-172, “Naval Sea Systems Command Needs to Improve Management of Waiver and Deferral Requests,” September 14, 2015

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Vice Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, revise the Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System Manual to require sponsors of Acquisition Category I programs, 1 year 6 months 1 or programs of interest to the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to notify the Joint Chiefs of Staff when deferrals to 17 days operationally testing system performance will delay demonstrating primary system requirements beyond the scheduled date for initial operational capability, as defined in the requirements document.

280128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Joint Chiefs of Staff (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-032, (FOUO) “ ,” December 18, 2015 (Full Report is Classified)

(FOUO) Age of Recommendation Text Recommendation Recommendation on 3/31/17


1 year 3 months 1 13 days


Report No. DODIG-2016-120, “Joint Improvised‑Threat Defeat Agency Processes and Procedures for Managing Needs to Improve Assessment and Documentation of Counter‑Improvised Explosive Device Initiatives,” August 9, 2016 (Full Report is FOUO)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Joint Staff, establish controls to make sure the sponsors of counter‑Improvised Explosive Device solutions that the Joint Improvised‑Threat Defeat Agency delivers in response to validated Joint Urgent Operational Needs or Joint Emergent Operational Needs meet the 1.a requirements in the “Manual for the Operation of the Joint Capabilities Integration and Development 234 days System,” February 12, 2015, for completing an assessment of the solution’s ability to deliver required capabilities within 6 months of initial delivery to operational users in theater.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Joint Staff, establish controls to make sure the sponsors of counter‑Improvised Explosive Device solutions that the Joint Improvised‑Threat Defeat Agency delivers in response to validated Joint Urgent Operational Needs or Joint Emergent Operational Needs meet the 1.b requirements in the “Manual for the Operation of the Joint Capabilities Integration and Development 234 days System,” February 12, 2015, for posting completed assessments to the Knowledge Management/Decisions Support repository maintained in the Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 281



Joint Chiefs of Staff (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-125, “Evaluation of the DoD Nuclear Enterprise Governance,” September 19, 2016 (Full Report is Classified)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Joint Staff, update and reissue Doctrine for Joint Nuclear B.3 Operations. 193 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretaries of Defense and the Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, document and track nuclear enterprise deficiencies or recommendations identified in Federal Advisory C.3 Committee reports, Government Accountability reports, Department of Defense Office on Inspector 193 days General reports, or reports produced by other task forces.

Report No. DODIG-2017-070, “Evaluation of the National Airborne Operations Center Mission Sustainment and Modernization,” March 23, 2017 (Full Report is Classified)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff ensure all Services and U.S. Strategic Command support the Chairman’s Operations Order 2‑16 requirements by filling the billets B that support the National Airborne Operations Center mission at 100 percent, and provide sufficient 8 days assignment overlap to ensure fulling manned and qualified battled staffs and flight crews are always able to generate the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Operations Order 2‑16 requirements when directed.

128282 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics Report No. DODIG-2010-024, “Contracted Advisory and Assistance Services for the U.S. Army Future Combat Systems,” November 24, 2009 (Full Report is FOUO)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy, emphasize to the acquisition community the importance of complying with Federal Acquisition Regulation Subpart 9.5 and 7.b the significance of not placing contractors in positions to make decisions that favor their own capabilities 7 years 4 months and that any decisions to waive the requirements must be adequately supported and documented in the 7 days contract files.

Report No. DODIG-2012-039, “Summary Report on DoD’s Management of Undefinitized Contractual Actions,” January 13, 2012

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy, develop a transparent means to document incurred costs and reduced cost risk related to substantial incurred costs 5 years 2 months 2 during the undefinitized period. For example, revise the Department of Defense Form 1547, “Record of 18 days Weighted Guidelines,” to include a separate line in item 24 for assigning lower than normal factors to reflect reduced risk.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 283



Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2012-082, “DoD Can Improve Its Accounting for Residual Value From the Sale of U.S. Facilities in Europe,” May 4, 2012

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Installations and Environment and the Commander, U.S. European Command, revise DoD Instruction 4165.69 and U.S. European Command Instruction 4101.02, respectively, to require that future residual value settlement negotiations analyze and document how the residual value settlement amount was determined, to include at a minimum: 1) results of an independent appraisal of the facility’s value or the reasons why it was deemed not worth performing 4 years 10 months B one; 2) analysis of any agreed‑upon calculation methodology used to determine the values for the land and 27 days capital improvements; 3) evaluation of any environmental remediation being claimed for reasonableness, if there is an offsetting effect on the residual value received; and 4) description of specific documents that should be maintained supporting residual value settlements and how long these documents should be maintained.

Report No. DODIG-2012-117, “DoD Needs to Improve Controls Over Economy Act Orders with U.S. Agency for International Development,” August 14, 2012

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics A.2.a revise the DoD Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement to require that DoD agencies use either a 4 years 7 months reimbursement process or a direct cite when establishing economy act orders with non DoD agencies. 17 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics revise the DoD Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement to include procedures on how to properly monitor interagency acquisitions. At a minimum, these procedures should include collection and 4 years 7 months A.2.b maintenance of project documentation such as contracts, task orders, statements of work, modifications, 17 days accounting data, payment vouchers, invoices, relevant correspondence, and contract completion and closeout paperwork.

284128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2012-137, “U.S. Pacific Command’s Petroleum War Reserve Requirements and Stocks,” September 26, 2012 (Full Report is Classified)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Logistics and Material Readiness, in coordination with Director of Logistics, Joint Chiefs of Staff revise DoD Manual 4140.25‑M, “DoD 4 years 6 months 1 Management of Bulk Petroleum Products, Natural Gas, and Coal,” February 26, 2009, to include a 5 days requirement for updating the days of supply planning factors at least biannually.

Report No. DODIG-2013-031, “Audit of the F‑35 Lightning II Autonomic Logistics Information System,” December 10, 2012 (Full Report is Classified)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

4 years 3 months A Recommendation is Classified. 21 days

4 years 3 months C.1 Recommendation is Classified. 21 days

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 285



Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2013-050, “Recovering Organizational Clothing and Individual Equipment from Civilians and Contractor Employees Remains a Challenge,” February 22, 2013

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics implement corrective actions to address all recommendations, with the exception of Recommendation 1.b, in DoD Office of Inspector General Report No. D‑2010‑069, “Central Issue Facilities at Fort Benning and Related Activities,” June 21, 2010, specifically: a) identify civilians and contractor employees who returned 1.a‑c from deployment but did not return organizational clothing and individual equipment; b) obtain unreturned 4 years 1 month organizational clothing and individual equipment or reimbursement from civilians and contractor 9 days employees; and c) require DoD Components to include proper language in new contracts and modify existing contracts to hold contracting companies liable for unreturned organizational clothing and individual equipment.

Report No. DODIG-2013-098, “Assessment of U.S. Military Cemeteries,” June 28, 2013

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics, 3 years 9 months 1.a in coordination with Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness, publish and implement 3 days cemetery management training guidance focusing on industry standards and best practices.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics, in coordination with the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness, provide guidance for 3 years 9 months 2.a military cemetery operations and administration. The guidance should take into consideration Service 3 days components’ lessons learned on installation cemetery operations and administration.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics 3 years 9 months 3.c standardize accurate maps for all military cemeteries. 3 days

286128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2013-142, “DoD Evaluation of Over‑Classification of National Security Information,” September 30, 2013

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, in coordination with the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics incorporate into policy that C.1 security classification guides forwarded to the Defense Technical Information Center must be forwarded 3 years 6 months with the requisite DD Form 2024, and signed by the appropriate Original Classification Authority to ensure 1 day accountability.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, in coordination with the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics incorporate into policy that Defense 3 years 6 months C.2 Technical Information Center not accept DD Forms 2024 that are not completely filled out and signed by the 1 day appropriate agency.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, in coordination with the C.3 Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics incorporate into policy that a time 3 years 6 months requirement for the submission of updated security classification guides be established. 1 day

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, in coordination with the C.4 Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics incorporate into policy that reminders 3 years 6 months be sent to organizations as security classification guides near biennial review requirements. 1 day

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 287



Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2014-049, “DoD Considered Small Business Innovation Research Intellectual Property Protections in Phase III Contracts, but Program Improvements Are Needed,” March 27, 2014

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Administrator, DoD Office of Small Business Programs, Small Business Innovation Research Office, issue single, overarching guidance and related training for all DoD organizations to follow that will provide for the uniform application of intellectual property protections across DoD. 1.a Guidance and training should include: 1) standard intellectual property protections within the Small 3 years 4 days Business Innovation Research Program, including the use and application of the data assertions table; and 2) when the protection period begins and when it can be extended.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Administrator, DoD Office of Small Business Programs, Small Business Innovation Research Office issue clarifying guidance to address the requirement for organizations to provide the Small Business Administration a complete and timely notification detailing why a proposed 1.b Small Business Innovation Research Phase III contract could not be awarded to the developer. The clarifying 3 years 4 days guidance should provide a single DoD interpretation of the requirement and address reporting requirements outlined in the Small Business Administration Small Business Innovation Research Policy Directive.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Administrator, DoD Office of Small Business Programs, Small Business Innovation Research Office issue guidance for database users to refer to when recording Small 1.c Business Innovation Research information in existing databases to increase the accuracy and uniformity of 3 years 4 days information used to track and report on the DoD Small Business Innovation Research Program.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy to address inconsistences between the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement 252.227‑7018 and the Small 2 Business Administration Small Business Innovation Research Policy Directive regarding intellectual property 3 years 4 days protections, specifically on when the Small Business Innovation Research data protection period begins, when it can be extended, and whether the protection period can be revived after expiration.

288128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2014-064, “Improved Management Needed for the F/A‑18 Engine Performance‑Based Logistics Contracts,” April 25, 2014 (Full Report is FOUO)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Pricing, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics, issue guidance on the evaluation of risk for the profit or fee rate of the contractor on work performed by a DoD depot workforce as a subcontractor on a performance 2 years 11 months B.2.a based logistics contract. The guidance should require that the Chief of the Contracting Office certify and 6 days approve any contracting official decisions that consider the depot anything other than low risk for profit determinations.

Report No. DODIG-2014-116, “Assurance Policy Evaluation–Spacecraft and Strategic Systems,” September 17, 2014

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Systems Engineering update the Defense Acquisition Guidebook to recommend that Major Defense Acquisition Programs review, 2 years 6 months A tailor, and apply applicable mission assurance concepts and principles, such as those found in the Mission 14 days Assurance Guide, when developing System Engineering Plans and contract requirements to promote a higher probability of mission success.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Systems Engineering incorporate into the Defense Acquisition Guidebook the best practices of Missile Defense Agency, Missile B Systems Center and Navy Strategic Systems Program that were identified and highlighted within the report. 2 years 6 months Present these practices at the next DASD(SE) bi‑monthly systems engineering best practice meeting, to 14 days ensure dissemination of these best practices.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 289



Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2014-119, “Excess Inventory Acquired on Performance-Based Logistics Contracts to Sustain the Air Force’s C-130J Aircraft,” September 22, 2014 (Full Report is FOUO)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy, establish a 4 contract clause for performance‑based logistics contracts that requires contractors in coordination with the 2 years 6 months buying DoD Component to comply with the revised DoD Manual 4140.01, volume 6, in Recommendation 3. 9 days

Report No. DODIG-2014-121, “Military Housing Inspections–Japan,” September 30, 2014

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics include guidance for both accompanied and unaccompanied housing within the Overseas 2 years 6 months D.2.a‑b Environmental Baseline Guidance Document for: a) control and remediation of mold; and b) radon 1 day evaluation and mitigation.

Report No. DODIG-2015-013, “Military Housing Inspections–Republic of Korea,” October 28, 2014

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics include guidance for both accompanied and unaccompanied housing within the Overseas 2 years 5 months D.2.a‑b Environmental Baseline Guidance Document for: a) Control and remediation of mold; and b) Radon 3 days evaluation and mitigation.

290128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2015-031, “The Services Need To Improve Accuracy When Initially Assigning Demilitarization Codes,” November 7, 2014

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Logistics and Materiel Readiness 1 revise DoD Manual 4160.28, volume 1, to detail the roles and responsibilities of the Services’ inventory 2 years 4 months control point demilitarization administrators that include minimum qualifications and training requirements. 24 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Logistics and Materiel Readiness 2 require the DoD Demilitarization Program Office to establish and provide the Service inventory control point 2 years 4 months demilitarization administrators with quarterly coding accuracy rate metrics. 24 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Logistics and Materiel Readiness require that the Services update their respective demilitarization program guidance based on revisions 2 years 4 months 3 made to DoD Manual 4160.28 in accordance with Recommendation 1, and incorporate DoD Manual 4160.28 24 days Defense Demilitarization program course and demilitarization annual refresher training requirements.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Logistics and Materiel Readiness 4 require the Services to establish a process to ensure demilitarization coding personnel comply with the DoD 2 years 4 months Manual 4160.28 demilitarization training requirements. 24 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Logistics and Materiel Readiness 5 require Service personnel to perform a review of the required 3‑day Defense Demilitarization program 2 years 4 months course and annual refresher training and take action to train any personnel identified as being deficient. 24 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Logistics and Materiel Readiness 6 require the Services to establish controls for personnel to assign accurate demilitarization codes and hold 2 years 4 months personnel accountable for not reviewing and assigning accurate demilitarization codes. 24 days

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 291



Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2015-062, “DoD Needs Dam Safety Inspection Policy To Enable the Services To Detect Conditions That Could Lead to Dam Failure,” December 31, 2014 (Full Report is FOUO)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics establish DoD dam safety inspection policy that is in accordance with the Federal Guidelines for Dam Safety, 1 which define inspection frequency, scope, and inspector qualifications and outline the need to develop and 2 years 3 months maintain inspection support documentation.

Report No. DODIG-2015-103, “Summary of DoD Office of Inspector General Spare‑Parts Pricing Audits: Additional Guidance is Needed,” March 31, 2015 (Full Report is FOUO)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Pricing, in conjunction with the Director, Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy, finalize and issue policies to the Military Services and Defense Agencies 1 that reiterate and strengthen the Federal Acquisition Regulation and the Defense Federal Acquisition 2 years Regulation Supplement requirements to obtain fair and reasonable prices when purchasing spare parts.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Pricing, in conjunction with the Director, Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy, require the Military Services and Defense Agencies to provide plans on 2 how they intend to verify the consistent implementation of pricing policies, guidance, and training issued by 2 years the Office of the Secretary of Defense.

128292 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2015-120, “Defense Logistics Agency Did Not Obtain Fair and Reasonable Prices from Meggitt Aircraft Braking Systems for Sole‑Source Commercial Spare Parts,” May 8, 2015

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Pricing, issue guidance to establish a percentage 1.a of commercial sales that is sufficient to determine fair and reasonable prices when commercial items are 1 year 10 months acquired on a sole‑source contract. 23 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Pricing, assess and issue guidance prohibiting 1.b contracting officers from placing clauses in sole‑source commercial contracts limiting their ability to obtain 1 year 10 months cost data. 23 days

Report No. DODIG-2015-137, “Improvements Needed on DoD Procurements from Robertson Fuel Systems,” June 25, 2015

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics issue guidance to clarify the commercial item definition in a sole‑source environment when no evidence 1 year 9 months 1 of commercial sales exists for an item being purchased and provide additional clarification as to when a 6 days modification to a commercial item is minor.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 293



Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2015-150, “Theater Blood Application Was Not Effectively Developed and Implemented,” July 17, 2015

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Program Executive Officer for the Defense Healthcare Management 1 Systems coordinate with the Defense Health Agency and ensure that the policies and procedures to manage 1 year 8 months future requirements for medical information systems are documented, reviewed, and updated as necessary. 14 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Program Executive Officer for the Defense Healthcare Management Systems coordinate with the Defense Health Agency and the Military Services to develop an acquisition 2 strategy that includes a long‑term sustainment strategy to provide blood‑tracking capability in theater and 1 year 8 months not invest any additional money in the continued development of the Theater Blood Application until they 14 days can determine and agree on the application’s sustainability.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Program Executive Officer for the Defense Healthcare Management 3.a Systems coordinate with the Military Departments to develop policies and procedures for the Theater Blood 1 year 8 months Application training requirements. 14 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Program Executive Officer for the Defense Healthcare Management 3.b Systems coordinate with the Military Departments to establish and implement a training program to ensure 1 year 8 months users receive initial training prior to deployment, followed by refresher training. 14 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Program Executive Officer for the Defense Healthcare Management 4 Systems develop policies, procedures, and implement a process to ensure users are granted access to the 1 year 8 months Theater Blood Application before deployment to the theater. 14 days

294128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense

FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPENDIX A Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2015-157, “Assessment of the Nuclear Warhead Unsatisfactory Report Process,” August 5, 2015 (Full Report is Classified)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics, as the Nuclear Weapons Council Chair, work with the Department of Energy and DoD Chief Information 1 year 7 months C Officers to develop a cross‑department information technology solution and policy which maintains robust 26 days integrity, yet allows end‑to‑end transparency to all stakeholders in the Unsatisfactory Report process.

Report No. DODIG-2015-174, “U.S. Army Corps of Engineers–Alaska District Needs to Improve Competitive Procedures for Cooperative Agreements for Alaska Integrated Natural Resources Management Plans,” September 16, 2015

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Installations and Environment) A.2.a develop guidance that requires competition for task orders when multiple cooperative agreements exist 1 year 6 months related to the development and implementation of Integrated Natural Resources Management Plans. 15 days

Report No. DODIG-2015-181, “Continental United States Military Housing Inspections–Southeast,” September 24, 2015

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Energy, Installations and Environment (ASD[EI&E]) address the inconsistencies between the applicability of Unified Facilities Criteria 1 year 6 months J 3‑600‑01 and the position taken by ASD(EI&E) regarding fire protection requirements for privatized military 7 days housing and initiate appropriate changes to the UFC or other applicable policy and guidance.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 295



Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-002, “DoD Needs a Comprehensive Approach to Address Workplace Violence,” October 15, 2015

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics, in coordination with the Under 3 Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness, direct the Defense Acquisition Regulations Council to 1 year 5 months revise the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement to address interim and final contractor 16 days requirements for the prevention of workplace violence.

Report No. DODIG-2016-005, “Follow up on the Actions to Improve the Defense Contract Management Agency’s Cost Analysis Function,” October 29, 2015

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Directors of Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy and Defense Pricing monitor the impact of the audit thresholds decisions until the Defense Contract Management Agency 1 year 5 months A can sufficiently perform a cost analysis of proposals below the audit thresholds and report reliable cost 2 days analysis statistics.

296128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-078, “Evaluation of DoD Biological Safety and Security Implementation,” April 27, 2016

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Secretary of Defense appoint a single Executive Agent 1.a responsible for biosafety and biosecurity. 338 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Secretary of Defense direct the Executive Agent for Biosafety 1.b.(1) and Biosecurity to conduct standardized oversight and inspections in accordance with applicable Federal 338 days regulations of Department of Defense Biological Select Agent and Toxins laboratories.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Secretary of Defense direct the Executive Agent for Biosafety 1.b.(2) and Biosecurity to track all internal and external inspection results and report status of all findings, actions 338 days taken to address deficiencies to the appropriate Department of Defense management level.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Secretary of Defense direct the Executive Agent for Biosafety 1.b.(3) and Biosecurity to develop and implement training for Biological Select Agent and Toxins laboratory 338 days inspectors and subject matter expert inspection team augmentees.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Secretary of Defense direct the Executive Agent for Biosafety 1.b.(4) and Biosecurity to ensure that all personnel included in inspection teams have sufficient scientific expertise 338 days and experience.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Secretary of Defense direct the Department of Defense Executive Agent for Biosafety and Biosecurity to implement an external technical and scientific peer 2.a review function that addresses both biosafety and biosecurity issues to support all Department of Defense 338 days Biological Select Agent and Toxins laboratories.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics 2.b issue guidance that all Department of Defense Biological Select Agent and Toxins laboratories implement an 338 days internal technical and scientific peer review function that addresses both biosafety and biosecurity issues.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 297



Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-078, “Evaluation of DoD Biological Safety and Security Implementation,” April 27, 2016 (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Secretary of Defense direct the Department of Defense Executive Agent for Biosafety and Biosecurity to serve as the single Department of Defense point of contact 3.a with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service for 338 days coordinating and participating in inspections of Department of Defense Biological Select Agents and Toxins laboratories.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Secretary of Defense direct the Department of Defense Executive Agent for Biosafety and Biosecurity to develop and implement an agreement with the Centers for 3.b Disease Control and Prevention and the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service for scheduling combined 338 days inspections of Department of Defense Biological Select Agents and Toxins laboratories.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Secretary of Defense direct the Department of Defense Executive Agent for Biosafety and Biosecurity to define combined inspection criteria and guidance with 3.c the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service for 338 days Department of Defense Biological Select Agents and Toxins laboratories.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Secretary of Defense direct the Department of Defense Executive Agent for Biosafety and Biosecurity to serve as the formal communication entity with the Federal 3.d Select Agent Program regarding findings and lessons learned from the Centers for Disease Control and 338 days Prevention and the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service relevant to the Department of Defense Biological Select Agents and Toxins program.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Secretary of Defense direct the Department of Defense Executive Agent for Biosafety and Biosecurity to implement criteria for inclusion of site‑specific security 4.a vulnerability assessment findings into Department of Defense Biological Select Agent and Toxins laboratory 338 days biosafety and biosecurity inspections.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics 4.b develop implementing guidance that requires site‑specific laboratory security vulnerability assessment 338 days findings be included during Biological Select Agent and Toxins laboratory inspections.

298128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-082, “DoD Needs to Require Performance of Software Assurance Countermeasures During Major Weapon System Acquisitions,” April 29, 2016 (Full Report is FOUO)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics 1.a develop and issue policy to require program offices to implement the applicable software assurance 336 days countermeasures in approved Program Protection Plans throughout the lifecycle of DoD programs.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics 1.b develop and issue procedures to guide the consistent application of software assurance countermeasures in 336 days approved Program Protection Plans.

Report No. DODIG-2016-094, “DoD Healthcare Management System Modernization Program,” May 31, 2016 (Full Report is FOUO)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Program Executive Officer for Defense Healthcare Management 1.a Systems perform a schedule analysis to determine whether the December 2016 initial operational capability 304 days deadline is achievable.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Program Executive Officer for Defense Healthcare Management 1.b Systems continue to monitor the DoD Healthcare Management System Modernization program risks and 304 days report to Congress quarterly on the progress of the program.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 299



Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-097, “DoD Generally Provided Effective Oversight of AbilityOne(R) Contracts,” June 17, 2016

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy issue a policy 1.a memorandum requiring DoD contracting officers to ensure all products and services procured under 287 days AbilityOne are on the AbilityOne Procurement List before contract award.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy update existing 1.b training to clearly define DoD contracting officers’ roles and responsibilities when awarding contracts under 287 days AbilityOne.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy, require that all 1.c contracting personnel planning to procure under AbilityOne complete the updated AbilityOne training. 287 days

Report No. DODIG-2016-109, “Assessment of the Department of Defense Militarily Critical Technologies Program,” July 8, 2016 (Full Report is FOUO)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics determine if the requirement in the Export Administration Act for a critical technologies list is currently 1 being met by means other than the Militarily Critical Technologies List, and adjust policy to reflect that 266 days determination.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics, along with the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, inform the internal and external export control 2 stakeholder community—through written notice, such as the Federal Register or directive‑type memoranda, 266 days and by updating organizational websites—that the Militarily Critical Technologies List is not being updated and should not be used as a technical reference.

300128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-125, “Evaluation of the DoD Nuclear Enterprise Governance,” September 19, 2016 (Full Report is Classified)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics A.2.a establish a two‑tiered senior‑level governance structure to address nuclear weapon security requirements 193 days or include the requirements in an existing, senior‑level organizational body.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and A.2.b Logistics include the oversight of delivery platform acquisition and sustainment in an existing, senior‑level 193 days organizational body.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics B.2 collaborate with the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low Intensity Conflict on 193 days policy, committees, and exercises of the response to nuclear weapons accidents and incidents.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics C.2 document actions taken on recommendations or advice from the Defense Science Board Permanent Task 193 days Force on Nuclear Weapon Surety.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretaries of Defense and the Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, document and track nuclear enterprise deficiencies or recommendations identified in Federal Advisory C.3 Committee reports, Government Accountability reports, Department of Defense Office of Inspector General 193 days reports, or reports produced by other task forces.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 301



Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-131, “Designation of Contracting Officer’s Representatives and Oversight Framework Could Be Improved for Contracts in Afghanistan,” August 26, 2016

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy, Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics, update the DoD Contracting Officer’s Representative A.1 Tool and the Contracting Officer’s Representative designation letter sample template form to include all the 217 days requirements in DoD Instruction 5000.72.

Report No. DODIG-2017-002, “Consolidation Needed for Procurements of DoD H‑60 Helicopter Spare Parts,” October 12, 2016 (Full Report is FOUO)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics perform a cost‑benefit analysis to determine whether the procurement responsibility for all H‑60 spare 1.a parts, including those procured under performance based logistics and contractor logistics support 170 days contracts, should be transferred to the Defense Logistics Agency, as originally required by Base Realignment and Closure Act 2005 Recommendation 176.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics review and update DoD’s policy, specifically DoD Manual 4140.26, volume 2, enclosure 2, section 2.d, based 1.b on decisions made in response to Recommendation 1.a regarding the procurement of depot level reparable 170 days and consumable spare parts to include those procured under performance based logistics and contractor logistics support contracts.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics 1.c notify Congress if DoD determines it will not transfer the procurement responsibility to the Defense 170 days Logistics Agency.

128302 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2017-004, “Summary Report–Inspections of DoD Facilities and Military Housing and Audits of Base Operations and Support Services Contracts,” October 14, 2016

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics establish a joint‑Service working group that meets periodically to identify improvements in facility inspection and maintenance programs. The working group should, as a minimum, use the results from the A.2 independent inspections recommended in Recommendation A.1 and the results of the root cause analyses 168 days recommended in the previous DoD Office of Inspector General inspection reports to create and implement a plan for improvements in inspection and maintenance programs across the DoD.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics develop standard procedures or templates for each service that can be performed under Base Operations and Support Services contracts (for example, facility maintenance and life support functions) in contingency B.1.a environments to assist the DoD in the development and oversight of those contracts. Identify minimum 168 days requirements to include in the performance work statement and minimum standards to measure those requirements in the quality assurance surveillance plans. Identify applicable Federal Acquisition Regulation clauses and DoD regulations that should be included in the contract.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics develop standard procedures or templates for each service that can be performed under Base Operations and Support Services contracts (for example, facility maintenance and life support functions) in contingency B.1.b environments to assist the DoD in the development and oversight of those contracts. Identify minimum 168 days training that must be completed by personnel before overseeing Base Operations and Support Services contracts.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics develop standard procedures or templates for each service that can be performed under Base Operations and Support Services contracts (for example, facility maintenance and life support functions) in contingency B.1.c environments to assist the DoD in the development and oversight of those contracts. Develop minimum 168 days requirements for a comprehensive risk assessment for each potential service performed under Base Operations and Support Services contracts that includes risk levels, timeframes for addressing each risk, and a mechanism to recover funds for services not completed.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 303



Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2017-004, “Summary Report–Inspections of DoD Facilities and Military Housing and Audits of Base Operations and Support Services Contracts,” October 14, 2016 (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics establish permanent policy for the sustainment of facilities, including standardized facility inspections. This C policy should incorporate the requirements set forth in the September 10, 2013, “Standardizing Facility 168 days Condition Assessments,” and in the April 29, 2014, “Facility Sustainment and Recapitalization Policy,” memorandums.

304128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Report No. DODIG-2012-124, “DoD Efforts to Protect Critical Program Information: The Navy’s EA‑18G “Growler,” August 30, 2012 (Full Report is Classified)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy review its policy to ensure that A.3 the use of the Foreign Visits System‑Confirmation Module is mandatory for DoD components, as originally 4 years 7 months required by the Deputy Secretary of Defense. 1 day

Report No. DODIG-2015-001, “Assessment of the Department of Defense Prisoner of War/Missing in Action Accounting Community,” October 17, 2014

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy task the Director of the new 4 Defense agency to establish standard operating procedures for accounting community organizations where 2 years 5 months they do not exist, and review and revise as needed all existing standard operating procedures. 14 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy task the Director of the new 10.b Defense agency to review the requirements for military personnel to determine the appropriate number of 2 years 5 months billets and rank structure, and the required number of joint qualifying billets. 14 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Joint Prisoner of War/Missing in Action Accounting 11.d Command, conduct a review of all FY 2013 temporary duty vouchers and, if non‑compliance is identified, 2 years 5 months ensure that Joint Prisoner of War/Missing in Action Accounting Command personnel are held responsible 14 days and, where appropriate, liable for overpayments.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Secretary of Defense task an appropriate authority to conduct a 2 years 5 months 12 command climate inspection to address these allegations and then take corrective action. 14 days

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 305



Under Secretary of Defense for Policy (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2015-067, “U.S. Coalition Efforts to Develop the Logistics and Maintenance Sustainment Capability of the Afghan Ministry of Interior/Afghan National Police,” January 30, 2015

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy should establish a formal 11.c developmental program, including career track incentives, for individuals who volunteer as Ministry of 2 years 2 months Interior advisors during the post‑2014 Resolute Support Mission. 1 day

Report No. DODIG-2015-070, “Evaluation of Alternative Compensatory Control Measures Program,” January 28, 2015 (Full Report is Classified)

(FOUO) Age of Recommendation Text Recommendation Recommendation on 3/31/17

(FOUO) 2 years 2 months A 3 days

(FOUO) 2 years 2 months B 3 days

(FOUO) 2 years 2 months C 3 days

(FOUO) D 2 years 2 months 3 days

(FOUO) 306128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Under Secretary of Defense for Policy (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2015-070, “Evaluation of Alternative Compensatory Control Measures Program,” January 28, 2015 (Full Report is Classified) (cont’d)

(FOUO) Age of Recommendation Text Recommendation Recommendation on 3/31/17

(FOUO) 2 years 2 months E 3 days


Report No. DODIG-2016-002, “DoD Needs a Comprehensive Approach to Address Workplace Violence,” October 15, 2015

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense and Global Security review and analyze all of the Fort Hood and Defense Science Board recommendations and the concurrent internal reviews conducted by the Military Departments, Combatant Commands, and DoD 1 year 5 months 1.a Components to verify existing policies and procedures have addressed identified gaps and deficiencies; 16 days identify systemic issues not addressed; and identify opportunities for streamlining processes and eliminating redundancies.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense and Global Security review and analyze all of the Fort Hood and Defense Science Board recommendations and the concurrent internal reviews conducted by the Military Departments, Combatant Commands, and DoD 1.b Components to develop and execute an implementation plan to close existing gaps and deficiencies 1 year 5 months through cross‑functional coordination with DoD Components; employ corrective action to remedy systemic 16 days issues identified; streamline processes and eliminate redundancies; and provide completion dates for any outstanding recommendations.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 307



Under Secretary of Defense for Policy (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-024, “U.S. Africa Command Needs to Improve Planning and Coordination for the Protection and Evacuation of U.S. Embassies and U.S. Citizens,” November 23, 2015 (Full Report is Classified)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, Special Operations/Low Intensity Conflict, Stability and Humanitarian Affairs, coordinate with the Department of State to establish a joint memorandum for updating emergency action plans within the U.S. Africa Command 1 year 4 months 2 area of responsibility with critical and required new normal and noncombatant evacuation operations 8 days information. The agreement should identify specific critical elements within DoD protection and evacuation plans and Joint Staff new normal requirements that should be included in the emergency action plans.

Report No. DODIG-2016-075, “Evaluation of the Air Force Office of Special Investigations’ Conduct of Internet‑Based Operations and Investigations,” April 25, 2016 (Full Report is FOUO)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy clarify DoD Instruction 3025.21, “Defense Support of Civilian Law Enforcement Agencies,” Enclosure 3, “Participation of DoD Personnel in 340 days 1 Civilian Law Enforcement Activities,” to reflect the holding in United States v. Dreyer, 767 F.3d 826, affirmed in relevant part by 2015 U.S. App. LEXIS 19226 (9th Cir., en banc).

308128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Under Secretary of Defense for Policy (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-081, “Evaluation of U.S. Intelligence and Information Sharing with Coalition Partners in Support of Operation Inherent Resolve,” April 25, 2016 (Full Report is Classified)

(FOUO) Age of Recommendation Text Recommendation Recommendation on 3/31/17

(FOUO) A.1 340 days


Report No. DODIG-2016-098, “Evaluation of Foreign Officer Involvement at the United States Special Operations Command,” June 15, 2016 (Full Report is Classified)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy update DoD Directive 5230.20, A.1 “Visits and Assignments of Foreign Nationals,” June 22, 2005, to include the establishment of criteria for 289 days granting exceptions to policy and clarification of guidance on the use of extended visit requests.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 309



Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) Report No. D-2009-062, “Internal Controls Over DoD Cash and Other Monetary Assets,” March 25, 2009

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)/Chief Financial Officer, DoD, charge a proper appropriation, or coordinate with the Office of Management and Budget and A.1.a.(1) -(2) the U.S. Treasury to: 1) obtain a waiver to hold a certain amount of cash without charging an appropriation, 8 years 6 days or 2) establish a new U.S. Treasury account symbol to charge when cash is obtained from the U.S. Treasury.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)/Chief Financial A.1.b Officer, DoD, revise DoD Financial Management Regulation 7000.14, volume 5, to reflect the implementation 8 years 6 days of Recommendation A.1.a.(1)‑(2).

Report No. DODIG-2013-070, “Defense Agencies Initiative Did Not Contain Some Required Data Needed to Produce Reliable Financial Statements,” April 19, 2013

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)/Chief Financial Officer, 2.a DoD, revise the guidance contained in the DoD Financial Management Regulation, volume 6B, chapter 5, 3 years 11 months paragraph 050301.B. to require costs of program reported in the Statement of Net Cost to be accounted for 12 days by program costs and not by appropriation, enabling the use of the Program Indicator Code attribute.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Chief Management Officer, in coordination with Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)/Chief Financial Officer, DoD, conduct a one‑time validation that the 3.a Defense Agencies Initiative has implemented the reporting attributes, posting logic, and FY 2013 DoD 3 years 11 months Standard Chart of Accounts for the business events needed to support financial reporting of general and 12 days working capital transactional data as directed by DoD Policy.

128310 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2013-138, “The U.S. Air Force Academy Lacked Effective Controls Over Heritage Assets and Guest House Inventories, and Inappropriately Solicited and Accepted Monetary Gifts,” September 23, 2013

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)/Chief Financial Officer, DoD, revise the DoD Regulation 7000.14‑R, Financial Management Regulation, volume 12, chapter 30, Operation F.1 and Use of General Gift Funds, to provide guidance and Instruction to acceptance authorities on reporting 3 years 6 months for nonmonetary gifts of services to include guidance for those gifts received through volunteer gratuitous 8 days service agreements.

Report No. DODIG-2014-059, “DoD Efforts to Meet the Requirements of the Improper Payments Elimination and Recovery Act in FY 2013,” April 15, 2014

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)/Chief Financial Officer, DoD, coordinate with Military Departments and Defense Agencies to address errors in the Military Pay program. Specifically: a) develop metrics and quality assurance goals as well as programmatic corrective action 2 years 11 months 1 plans to reduce errors related to separation debts, including holding those officials financially liable where 16 days appropriate; and b) Develop and submit the required remediation plan to the appropriate congressional committees within 90 days of this report.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)/Chief Financial Officer, DoD, coordinate with Military Departments and Defense Agencies to address errors in the Civilian Pay program. Specifically: a) develop metrics and quality assurance goals as well as programmatic corrective action plans 2 years 11 months 2 for input errors by personnel in the human resources offices, including holding those officials financially 16 days liable where appropriate; and b) develop and submit the required remediation plan to the appropriate congressional committees within 90 days of this report.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 311



Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2014-066, “Logistics Modernization Program System Not Configured to Support Statement of Budgetary Resources,” May 5, 2014

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Chief Financial Officer, DoD, approve the baseline configuration of the Logistics Modernization Program system Budget‑to‑Report business process based on Army A.1 certification that the Army has implemented the appropriate DoD United States Government Standard 2 years 10 months General Ledger Transaction Library transactions for recording budgetary accounts for the Army Working 26 days Capital Fund.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Chief Financial Officer, DoD, collaborate with the Deputy Chief Management Officer, DoD, to extend the DoD transaction codes’ alignment in the Business Enterprise 2 years 10 months A.2 Architecture by expanding current definitions of business process steps to a sufficient level that allows for 26 days DoD transaction codes mapping at the specific detailed process step level.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)/Chief Financial Officer, DoD, develop procedures for distributing Defense Working Capital Fund budget authority to the budget offices for recording in the Enterprise Resource Planning systems that support the Defense Working Capital Fund. The procedures should designate each Defense Working Capital Fund budget office as the funds‑control official B.1.a for recording all budgetary related business events and require that the Revolving Fund Directorate provide 2 years 10 months budget offices documentation supporting the anticipated annual budget authority amounts determined 26 days based on enactment of the annual Defense Appropriation Act or as provided by other legislation and prior to submission of the Defense Working Capital Fund Apportionment and Reapportionment Schedule to the Office of Management and Budget.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)/Chief Financial Officer, DoD, update DoD Financial Management Regulation, volume 3, to provide suballotment procedures for the 2 years 10 months B.2 Enterprise Resource Planning systems to record and distribute each type of budget authority below the 26 days allotment level.

128312 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2014-104, “Global Combat Support System‑Army Did Not Comply With Treasury and DoD Financial Reporting Requirements,” September 3, 2014

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)/Chief Financial Officer, DoD, in coordination with the DoD Deputy Chief Management Officer, comply with DoD Financial Management Regulation, volume 1, chapter 1, which requires his office to ensure system compliance with accounting 1.a.i policy, standards, and principles and internal control standards, and develop and implement processes to 2 years 6 months validate Global Combat Support System–Army by annually validating Global Combat Support System–Army’s 28 days timely compliance with Treasury and DoD guidance for: 1) account attributes, 2) chart of accounts, and 3) posting logic.

Report No. DODIG-2015-056, “Opportunities to Improve the Elimination of Intragovernmental Transactions in DoD Financial Statements,” December 22, 2014

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)/Chief Financial Officer, DoD, review the results of the Department of the Treasury Invoice Processing Platform pilot program at the 2 years 3 months 1.b U.S. Marine Corps to determine whether it should be implemented throughout DoD. If it is determined that the Invoice Processing Platform should be implemented throughout DoD develop cost estimates and obtain 9 days funding for implementing the Invoice Processing Platform across DoD.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)/Chief Financial Officer, DoD, review the results of the Department of the Treasury Invoice Processing Platform pilot program at the U.S. Marine Corps to determine whether it should be implemented throughout DoD. If it is determined that 2 years 3 months 1.e the Invoice Processing Platform should be implemented throughout DoD revise DoD Financial Management 9 days Regulation, volume 6B, chapter 13, “Adjustments, Eliminations, and Other Special Intragovernmental Reconciliation Procedures,” to mandate the use of the Invoice Processing Platform for Buy/Sell transactions.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 313



Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2015-056, “Opportunities to Improve the Elimination of Intragovernmental Transactions in DoD Financial Statements,” December 22, 2014 (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)/Chief Financial Officer, DoD, review the results of the Department of the Treasury Invoice Processing Platform pilot program at the U.S. Marine Corps to determine whether it should be implemented throughout DoD. If it is determined that 2 years 3 months 1.f the Invoice Processing Platform should be implemented throughout DoD ensure implementation guidance 9 days includes procedures for reconciling and eliminating intragovernmental transactions other than Buy/Sell intragovernmental transactions including intragovernmental Benefit, Fiduciary, and Transfer transactions.

Report No. DODIG-2015-068, “DoD Met Most Requirements of the Improper Payments Elimination and Recovery Act in FY 2014, but Improper Payment Estimates Were Unreliable,” May 12, 2015

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)/Chief Financial Officer, DoD, review improper payment risk assessments, sampling plans, and input to the DoD Agency Financial Report for the DoD payment programs not discussed in this report. The review should ensure that DoD Components: 1) include all types of program payments when assessing risk and document the justification 2 years 2 months 2.a(1)‑(4) for excluding any type of program payment in the risk assessment and the Agency Financial Report; 2) 17 days develop systematic methodologies to assess risk that consider known risks, such as potential for fraud or programs with high improper payment rates; 3) Compute improper payment error rates based on total payments and not billed amounts; and 4) properly apply sample designs and project the results only to the sample universe.

128314 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2015-121, “DoD Met Most Requirements of the Improper Payments Elimination and Recovery Act in FY 2014, but Improper Payment Estimates Were Unreliable,” May 12, 2015

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)/Chief Financial Officer, DoD, coordinate with the Director of the Office of Management and Budget to review the DoD Travel Pay program 1 year 10 months 1 and determine reauthorization proposals or proposed statutory changes that are necessary to bring the 19 days mandatory program into compliance with Public Law 111‑204 to meet payment reduction targets.

Report No. DODIG-2016-060, “DoD Actions Were Not Adequate to Reduce Improper Travel Payments,” March 10, 2016

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)/Chief Financial Officer, DoD, 1 year 21 days 1.b include a summary of the root causes and associated corrective actions in the DoD Agency Financial Report.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)/Chief Financial Officer, DoD, 1.c require the Defense Finance and Accounting Service to submit quarterly voucher detail error reports to each 1 year 21 days DoD Component with identified improper payments.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 315



Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-064, “Other Defense Organizations and Defense Finance and Accounting Service Controls Over High‑Risk Transactions Were Not Effective,” March 24, 2016

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)/ Chief Financial Officer, DoD, and the Deputy Chief Management Officer develop a coordinated and standardized strategy with the Defense Finance and Accounting Service and the Other Defense Organizations to exchange and manage 1.a problem disbursement data. The strategy should focus on the end‑to‑end integrated business process that 1 year 7 days includes the identification of key internal and compensating controls at the Defense Finance and Accounting Service and the Other Defense Organizations.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)/ Chief Financial Officer, DoD, and the Deputy Chief Management Officer oversee the implementation of the strategy developed to 1.b exchange and manage problem disbursements to ensure that the process is standardized and systemized for 1 year 7 days the Other Defense Organizations.

Report No. DODIG-2016-086, “DoD Met Most Requirements of the Improper Payments Elimination and Recovery Act in FY 2015, but Improper Payment Estimates Were Unreliable,” May 3, 2016

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)/Chief Financial Officer, 1.a DoD, coordinate with the reporting activities to ensure future Agency Financial Reports contain all required 332 days improper payment reporting information.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)/Chief Financial Officer, DoD, 1.b determine the source of all disbursed obligations not reviewed for improper payments and whether those 332 days disbursements are subject to improper payment reporting requirements.

128316 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-086, “DoD Met Most Requirements of the Improper Payments Elimination and Recovery Act in FY 2015, but Improper Payment Estimates Were Unreliable,” May 3, 2016 (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)/Chief Financial Officer, DoD, coordinate with DoD components to develop sample designs that are stratified by an appropriate variable, 1.c such as invoice or payment amount, for each DoD payment program that currently uses a simple random 332 days sample design.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)/Chief Financial Officer, DoD, coordinate with the Directors of the Office of Management and Budget and the Defense Finance 1.d and Accounting Service to review the DoD Travel Pay program and determine reauthorization proposals 332 days or proposed statutory changes that are necessary to bring the mandatory program into compliance, and submit a report to Congress as required by Public Law 111‑204.

Report No. DODIG-2016-102, “Additional Controls Needed to Issue Reliable DoD Cost of War Reports That Accurately Reflect the Status of Air Force Operation Inherent Resolve Funds,” June 23, 2016

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Comptroller (Program/Budget), Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)/Chief Financial Officer, DoD, coordinate with Congress to adjust the legal 4.a requirements related to the frequency and reporting timetable of the 2017 Cost of War reports or provide 281 days the resources necessary to review and issue the Cost of War report, prioritizing its completion to meet the submission deadline of 45 days after the reporting period.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Comptroller (Program/Budget), Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)/Chief Financial Officer, DoD, examine options for automating the preparation of 4.b the Cost of War report’s summary charts and corresponding footnotes to complete them more efficiently 281 days and enabling the report to be issued by the submission deadline.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 317



Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-114, “Actions Needed to Improve Reporting of Marine Corps, Navy, and Air Force Operating Materials and Supplies,” July 26, 2016

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)/Chief Financial Officer, DoD, update the DoD Regulation 7000.14‑R, DoD Financial Management Regulation, volume 4, chapter 4, “Inventory and Related Property,” to accurately and completely crosswalk Condition Codes to specific General Ledger Account Codes, which at a minimum should include explicitly crosswalking all Operating B.1.a Materials and Supplies‑Ammunition records with: Condition Code N to the Held in Reserve for Future 248 days Use category; Condition Code T to the Held for Use category; Condition Codes H, P, and V to the Excess, Obsolete, and Unserviceable category; and Condition Codes E, J, K, L, and Q to the Held in Reserve for Future Use category.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)/Chief Financial Officer, DoD, develop and issue appropriate, Statements of Federal Financial Accounting Standards No. 3‑compliant Net B.1.b Realizable Value guidance for assets categorized as Excess, Obsolete, and Unserviceable Operating Materials 248 days and Supplies.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)/Chief Financial Officer, DoD, require the other Services financial management personnel to disclose in their financial statements that assets categorized as Excess, Obsolete, and Unserviceable Operating Materials and Supplies were valued at B.1.c zero dollars based on Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)Chief Financial Officer, DoD, 248 days interim policy until appropriate Statements of Federal Financial Accounting Standards No. 3‑compliant guidance is issued.

128318 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness Report No. DODIG-2012-090, “Improvements Needed to Strengthen the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System Security Posture,” May 22, 2012 (Full Report is FOUO)

(FOUO) Age of Recommendation Text Recommendation Recommendation on 3/31/17

(FOUO) The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Manpower Data Center, 4 years 10 months A.5 9 days

(FOUO) The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Manpower Data Center, 4 years 10 months B.1.k 9 days

(FOUO) Report No. DODIG-2012-122, “DoD Should Procure Compliant Physical Access Control Systems to Reduce the Risk of Unauthorized Access,” August 29, 2012 (Full Report is FOUO)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness, as the DoD Homeland Security Presidential Directive‑12 Implementation Lead, coordinate and convene a meeting with the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics; the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy; Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)/Chief Financial Officer, DoD; the Under Secretary 4 years 7 months A.1.a.(1) of Defense for Intelligence; the DoD Chief Information Officer, and the Director of Cost Assessment 2 days and Program Evaluations within 90 days to reassess and require each office responsible for the full implementation of HSDP‑12 to provide oversight and accountability including the reprogramming of funding when appropriate or necessary.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness, as the DoD Homeland Security Presidential Directive‑12 Implementation Lead, establish a requirement for the Services and A.1.b DoD agencies to report semiannually to the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness on the 4 years 7 months status of their Homeland Security Presidential Directive‑12 implementation efforts to include compliance with the 2 days Office of Management and Budget Homeland Security Presidential Directive‑12 implementation requirements.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 319



Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2013-072, “Data Loss Prevention Strategy Needed for the Case Adjudication Tracking System,” April 24, 2013 (Full Report is FOUO)

(FOUO) Age of Recommendation Text Recommendation Recommendation on 3/31/17

(FOUO) The DoD OIG recommended that the Director of Information Management, Department of the Army Military Intelligence, and the Program Executive Officer, Defense Logistics Agency develop a system 3 years 11 months A.2.a security plan that includes information on the type of data used with the Case Adjudication Tracking System, 7 days interfaces with other system, and the storage of systems data.

(FOUO) The DoD OIG recommended that the Director of Information Management, Department of the Army Military Intelligence, and the Program Executive Officer, Defense Logistics Agency, develop an A.2.b agreement that, at a minimum, explicitly defines the roles and responsibilities for managing and securing 3 years 11 months the Case Adjudication Tracking System, monitoring system events, identifying security vulnerabilities, and 7 days implementing mitigating controls to correct vulnerabilities.

(FOUO) The DoD OIG recommended that the Program Executive Officer, Defense Logistics Agency, 3 years 11 months A.3.a 7 days

(FOUO) The DoD OIG recommended that the Program Executive Officer, Defense Logistics Agency, 3 years 11 months A.3.b 7 days

(FOUO) The DoD OIG recommended that the Director of Information Management, Department of the Army Military Intelligence, and the Program Executive Officer, Defense Logistics Agency, immediately move the back‑up servers to an approved location outside of the geographic region that complies with Federal and 3 years 11 months B DoD information assurance requirements. If moving the back‑up servers is not immediately feasible, request 7 days an interim waiver from the Designated Approving Authority and develop a time‑phased plan to move the back‑up servers outside of the geographic region.


128320 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2013-078, “TRICARE Management Activity Needs to Improve Oversight of Acquisition Workforce,” May 1, 2013

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics, 2 in coordination with the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness, perform a comprehensive 3 years 10 months review of TRICARE Management Activity’s compliance with Recommendation 1. 30 days

Report No. DODIG-2013-098, “Assessment of U.S. Military Cemeteries,” June 28, 2013

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness define what 3 years 9 months 3.a.(1) constitutes an interment/inurnment record. 3 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness develop and 3 years 9 months 3.a.(2) require maintenance of a standard spreadsheet of a complete record of interments. 3 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness develop a 3 years 9 months 3.a.(3) standard for temporary grave marking. 3 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness define and 3 years 9 months 3.a.(4) revamp the burial reservation system. 3 days

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 321



Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2014-060, “An Assessment of Contractor Personnel Security Clearance Processes in the Four Defense Intelligence Agencies,” April 14, 2014

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Human Resources Activity, work with General B.4 Services Administration to add Excluded Parties List System/System for Award Management to the set of 2 years 11 months databases being accessed by the Automated Continuing Evaluation System. 17 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Human Resources Activity, develop software to E automatically flag the Case Adjudication Tracking System of the Defense Information System for Security 2 years 11 months family of systems that a Defense Central Index of Investigations file exists on a specific Subject. 17 days

Report No. DODIG-2014-079, “Evaluation of the Department of Defense Combating Trafficking in Persons Program,” June 16, 2014

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness expand 2 program monitoring by the Combating Trafficking in Persons Program Management Office to include 2 years 9 months a review of Department of Defense Components’ self‑assessments of their Combating Trafficking in 15 days Persons programs.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness, in coordination with the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics, the director 2 years 9 months 4.a.2 of the Joint Staff, and the secretaries of the military departments, develop and implement specialized 15 days Combating Trafficking in Persons training for legal counsel and strategic planners.

128322 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2014-093, “Inspection of the Armed Forces Retirement Home,” July 23, 2014

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Armed Forces Retirement Home Chief Operating Officer, modify Armed Forces Retirement Home Agency Directive 8‑13, “Incapable of Earning a Livelihood Designation,” July 3, 21 2012, to reflect the established Armed Forces Retirement Home practice and the Armed Forces Retirement 2 years 8 months Home Legal Team opinion, with respect to determining eligibility of those deemed incapable of earning 8 days a livelihood.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Armed Forces Retirement Home Chief Operating Officer, in coordination with Armed Forces Retirement Home–Gulfport and Armed Forces Retirement Home– 2 years 8 months 23 Washington, D.C. facility Administrators, review and revise the standard operating procedures and directives 8 days to resolve any contradictions.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Armed Forces Retirement Home Chief Operating Officer, establish a security guard program that meets the minimum qualification and training requirements of Department of 2 years 8 months 45 Defense or Department of Homeland Security Federal Protective Service guards, including a plan to respond 8 days to an active shooter incident.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Armed Forces Retirement Home Chief Operating Officer, update directives and standard operating procedures regarding the disposition of decedent’s effects and estates to 2 years 8 months 47.b(2) ensure they expand on the documentation requirements needed to verify conduct of all employees in these 8 days matters.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Armed Forces Retirement Home Chief Operating Officer, develop policies that require each facility Administrator to arrange for training and implement other measures to 2 years 8 months 47.c ensure that Armed Forces Retirement Home staff involved in the disposition of decedents’ effects and the 8 days administration of estates are knowledgeable about their roles.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness, under the authority given to the Secretary of Defense in section 411(d)(3), title 24, United States Code, issue 53.b a directive‑type memorandum for immediate action (followed by a revision of Department of Defense 2 years 8 months Instruction 1000.28, “Armed Forces Retirement Home,” February 1, 2010) to codify the results from 8 days Recommendation 53.a.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 323



Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2014-114, “Independent Auditor’s Report on Agreed‑Upon Procedures for DoD Compliance With Service Contract Inventory Compilation and Certification Requirements for FY 2012,” September 17, 2014

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics and the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness provide an update on the status, including 2 years 6 months 1 time frames, for staffing the Total Force Management Support Office and finalizing the service contract 14 days review form.

Report No. DODIG-2015-001, “Assessment of the Department of Defense Prisoner of War/Missing in Action Accounting Community,” October 17, 2014

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness, establish 2 years 5 months 5 DoD‑wide policy regarding the disinterment of unknowns from past conflicts. 14 days

128324 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2015-002, “Assessment of DoD‑Provided Healthcare for Members of the United States Armed Forces Reserve Components,” October 8, 2014

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness establish 1 guidance that requires all Active Component service members who transfer into the Selected Reserve meet 2 years 5 months Individual Medical Readiness requirements. 23 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness establish policy that assigns responsibilities to Commanders and medical authorities to manage medical histories and 2 years 5 months 4 line of duty documentation for deployed or temporary duty RC service members in a standardized manner 23 days across all Services, so that both are complete and available to their units in a timely manner.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness establish 5 standardized DoD form(s) and procedures that provide access for all Reserve Component service members 2 years 5 months to line of duty care at all military treatment facilities. 23 days

Report No. DODIG-2015-011, “Evaluation of the Defense Criminal Investigative Organizations’ Defense Incident‑Based Reporting System Reporting and Reporting Accuracy,” October 29, 2014

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Human Resources Activity, provide functional guidance to Defense Manpower Data Center and the Defense Incident‑Based Reporting System data 1.a submitters by reestablishing the cross‑functional DIBRS Council to provide a forum for the exchange 2 years 5 months of information, best practices, and the continuing operation of the DIBRS, as required by DoD 2 days Manual 7730.47‑M, volume 1.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 325



Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2015-016, “Department of Defense Suicide Event Report Data Quality Assessment,” November 14, 2014

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness publish guidance on the Department of Defense Suicide Event Report submission process to require: 1) initiating Department of Defense Suicide Event Reports within 30 days of suspected suicide death; 2) completing Department of Defense Suicide Event Report submissions no earlier than the Armed Forces Medical 2 years 4 months 1.a Examiner determination that the death was a result of suicide and no later than 60 days after the Armed 17 days Forces Medical Examiner determination; 3) allowing the first Flag/General Officer in a chain of command to authorize an extension for an additional 60 days; and 4) eliminating the 180‑day auto‑archive requirement on open Department of Defense Suicide Event Report death records.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness publish guidance requiring suicide event boards to establish a multidisciplinary approach for obtaining the data necessary to make comprehensive Department of Defense Suicide Event Report submissions. For each suicide death this board should: 1) be a locally (command or installation level) chartered board with defined 2 years 4 months 2.a task, purpose, and outcome for each suicide death review; 2) include participation by unit leadership, 17 days medical/mental health, and Military Criminal Investigative Organizations; and 3) articulate the requirement to appropriately share information (for example, medical and law enforcement reports) from ongoing investigations.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness, in accordance with Recommendation 2.a, publish guidance requiring a suicide event board to enable a 2 years 4 months 3.a multidisciplinary approach for obtaining the data required to make a comprehensive Department of Defense 17 days Suicide Event Report submission.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness authorize 4.a senior commanders to produce unit/installation reports to better understand suicide trends, make informed 2 years 4 months local suicide prevention policy, and relate their trends to Service and DoD trends. 17 days

128326 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2015-078, “Evaluation of the Defense Criminal Investigative Organizations’ Compliance with the Lautenberg Amendment Requirements and Implementing Guidance,” February 6, 2015

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Military Community and Family Policy revise DoD Instruction 6400.06 to incorporate language requiring 2 years 1 month B.1 commanders and supervisors to advise all employees (military and civilian) found to have a qualifying 25 days conviction to dispose of their privately owned firearms and ammunitions in accordance with the law.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Military C.1 Community and Family Policy revise DoD Instruction 6400.06 to require all employees (military and 2 years 1 month civilian) serving in a covered position to complete the DD Form 2760 annually, at a minimum. 25 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Military Community and Family Policy revise DoD Instruction 6400.06 by removing the requirement for a separate 2 years 1 month D memorandum of understanding executed between civilian law enforcement and the Military Criminal 25 days Investigative Organizations.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 327



Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2015-148, “Rights of Conscience Protections for Armed Forces Service Members and Their Chaplains,” July 22, 2015

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Military Personnel Policy coordinate 1 with the Military Services to verify the feasibility of completing religious accommodation cases requiring 1 year 8 months Secretarial‑level approval. 9 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness amend Department of Defense Instruction 1300.17 to state that requests by service members for accommodation 4 of religious practices that are approved by the delegated authorities of the Secretaries of the Military 1 year 8 months Departments remain in effect unless suspended or revoked by said authority at the request of a commander 9 days following the reassignment, transfer, or significant change in circumstances of the service member.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness, in coordination with the Office of General Counsel, develop and publish additional guidance regarding the 1 year 8 months 5 criteria and process for adjudicating religious accommodation requests that include the use of controlled 9 days substances.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness, in coordination with the Office of Diversity Management and Equal Opportunity, the Service Military Equal Opportunity and Inspectors General Offices, and the Defense Privacy and Civil Liberties Division, develop 1 year 8 months 7 a more efficient and effective means of gathering data in support of the mandated report to Congress 9 days detailing DoD civil liberties oversight efforts, including those data regarding the status of rights of conscience protections for service members.

128328 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2015-183, “Evaluation of DoD’s Force Health Protection Measures During Operation United Assistance,” September 30, 2015

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness conduct an analysis to identify viable remedies for preventing inequitable disbursement of Family Separation Allowance when operational requirements prevent timely reintegration at the permanent station. If no viable remedy 1 year 6 months 3 is identified, then initiate a legislative change proposal that provides Family Separation Allowance waiver 1 day authority when it would be inequitable to deny the allowance to the Service member because of unusual operational circumstances.

Report No. DODIG-2016-002, “DoD Needs a Comprehensive Approach to Address Workplace Violence,” October 15, 2015

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness, based on 1 year 5 months 2.a the results of Recommendation 1, revise current policies and procedures and integrate existing programs to 16 days develop a comprehensive DoD‑wide approach to address prevention and response to workplace violence.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness develop and 2.b issue interim, comprehensive DoD‑wide policy for the prevention and response to workplace violence until 1 year 5 months the publication of final policies and procedures. 16 days

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 329



Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-071, “Assessment of DoD Voting Assistance Programs for Calendar Year 2015,” March 31, 2016

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Federal Voting Assistance Program Office, coordinate with the Inspector General, United States Army; the Naval Inspector General; the Inspector General, 1 United States Air Force; and the Inspector General of the Marine Corps to initiate a dialogue with the Senior 1 year Service Voting Representatives to consider establishing a standard DoD definition of Voting Assistance Program compliance.

Report No. DODIG-2016-092, “Independent Auditor’s Report on Agreed‑Upon Procedures for DoD Compliance With Service Contract Inventory Compilation and Certification Requirements for FY 2014,” May 19, 2016

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics and the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness revise sections of the Office of the Secretary of Defense Guidance related to the review of the FY 2016 inventory of contracts for services. Revisions should: a) identify and explain the specific items, outcomes, or results that Components are 1 tasked to discuss in the certification letters related to specific review techniques; functions to realign 316 days to Government performance; use of the inventory of contracts for services; and overseas contingency operation funded actions; and b) identify and explain the elements that Components are required to fully assess and report in the certification letters and which elements are goals that Components should work toward.

330128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-127, “DoD Officials Did Not Take Appropriate Action When Notified of Potential Travel Card Misuse at Casinos and Adult Entertainment Establishments,” August 30, 2016

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Travel Management Office, improve the identification of personal use of the travel card and disciplinary actions taken by revising the “Government Travel Charge Card Regulations,” March 2016, to: 1) require agency program coordinators to review the cardholder’s transaction history to identify any additional travel card personal use, misuse, abuse, or fraud 2.a after misuse is suspected or referred for review; 2) require component program managers and agency 213 days program coordinators to verify the accurate employment status of a cardholder who has been identified or referred to DoD management for travel card personal use, misuse, abuse, or fraud; and 3) require commanders or supervisors to consider whether available personnel assistance programs would be beneficial when travel card personal use, misuse, abuse, or fraud identify gambling or financial concerns.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Travel Management Office improve the actions taken to eliminate travel card misuse by cardholders with prior misuse by revising the “Government Travel Charge Card Regulations,” March 2016, to: 1) require agency program coordinators to monitor the activity of cardholders with prior misuse and report any additional travel card personal use, misuse, abuse, or fraud 2.b to the commander or supervisor immediately; 2) require agency program coordinators, in conjunction with 213 days DoD management, and component program managers to consider reducing the credit limit and automated teller machine limit for cardholders with prior misuse; and 3) require the losing activity to notify the gaining activity of detected travel card personal use, misuse, abuse, or fraud for any transferring cardholders.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Travel Management Office establish a working group with Citibank, component program managers, and others necessary to identify whether automated tools 2.c exist or could be developed to deactivate and close the travel card account automatically when cardholders 213 days separate.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 331



Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-127, “DoD Officials Did Not Take Appropriate Action When Notified of Potential Travel Card Misuse at Casinos and Adult Entertainment Establishments,” August 30, 2016 (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Travel Management Office, revise the Defense Travel Management Office “Travel Card ‑ Agency Program Coordinator” course to: 1) include examples of the types of travel card personal use, misuse, abuse, or fraud previously detected by DoD management; and 2) include 2.d detailed information on the steps agency program coordinators should take when travel card personal use, 213 days misuse, abuse, or fraud is found and who to contact including the commander or supervisor, travel office, comptroller office, security office, legal office, and human resources office.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Travel Management Office, revise the Defense 2.e Travel Management Office “Travel Card 101” training course to include examples of the types of travel card 213 days personal use, misuse, abuse, or fraud previously detected by DoD management.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Travel Management Office, develop a training course for DoD management on their responsibilities when potential travel card personal use, misuse, abuse, or 2.f fraud is detected to include: 1) detailed information on the steps DoD management should take and who to 213 days contact, including the commander or supervisor, APC, travel office, comptroller office, security office, legal office, and human resources office; and 2) security reporting requirements.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Travel Management Office, improve internal controls over the identification of travel overpayments by revising the “Government Travel Charge Card Regulations,” 2.g.1 March 2016, to require DoD management and authorizing officials to compare travel vouchers to travel card 213 days activity to ensure lodging and meals and incidental expenses charges are valid, accurate, and supported when travel card personal use, misuse, abuse, or fraud is identified or suspected.

128332 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-127, “DoD Officials Did Not Take Appropriate Action When Notified of Potential Travel Card Misuse at Casinos and Adult Entertainment Establishments,” August 30, 2016 (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Travel Management Office, improve internal controls over the identification of travel overpayments by revising the “Government Travel Charge Card Regulations,” March 2016, to require DoD management and authorizing officials to review travel card transactions 2.g.2 incurred by cardholders outside of official travel locations and other relevant sources of cardholder 213 days location to identify inflated or false mileage claims when travel card personal use, misuse, abuse, or fraud is identified or suspected.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Travel Management Office, improve internal controls over the identification of travel overpayments by revising the “Government Travel Charge Card Regulations,” 2.g.3 March 2016, to require DoD management and authorizing officials to review mileage that is manually 213 days entered and not based on the Defense Table of Official Distances to identify inflated mileage when travel card personal use, misuse, abuse, or fraud is identified or suspected.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Travel Management Office, improve internal controls over the identification of travel overpayments by revising the “Government Travel Charge Card 2.g.4 Regulations,” March 2016, to require DoD management and authorizing officials to review local mileage to 213 days identify mileage that is not reimbursable, including mileage claims for travel to restaurants or to perform personal errands when travel card personal use, misuse, abuse, or fraud is identified or suspected.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Travel Management Office, address potential national security vulnerabilities by revising the “Government Travel Charge Card Regulations,” March 2016, to: 1) report incidents of travel card personal use, misuse, abuse, or fraud under investigation or 2.i management review to the appropriate adjudicative facility in a timely manner using the appropriate 213 days personnel security system, and update with the final disciplinary action taken; and 2) include the commander’s and supervisor’s security reporting requirements for travel card personal use, misuse, abuse, or fraud.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 333



Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2017-038, “Assessment of Warriors in Transition Program Oversight,” December 31, 2016

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness define and A.1 direct common inspection criteria and a standardized reporting format for the Military Departments’ 90 days Inspectors General Triennial Disability Evaluation System reports.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness revise A.2 DoD Instruction 1332.18, “Disability Evaluation System,” August 5, 2014, to clarify the application of the 90 days Instruction for record‑of‑proceedings.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Warrior Care Policy) establish B.1 guidance for writing Recovery Coordination Program oversight reports that include the requirement to 90 days specifically assign a person or organization to take action on each recommendation.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Warrior Care Policy) establish B.2 policy that ensures that follow-up of all Recovery Coordination Program oversight report recommendations 90 days until corrective actions are complete.

334128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence Report No. DODIG-2012-122, “DoD Should Procure Compliant Physical Access Control Systems to Reduce the Risk of Unauthorized Access,” August 29, 2012 (Full Report is FOUO)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence establish a requirement for the heads of DoD Components to report semiannually to the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence on the number of physical access control systems that comply with Federal Information Processing Standard 201. The findings should be forwarded to the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness to assist in updating the DoD Homeland Security Presidential Directive‑12 Implementation Plan and the DoD 4 years 7 months A.2 Office of the Inspector General. The report should include information such as: a) listing of facilities with 2 days installed physical access control systems and physical access control equipment that comply with Federal Information Processing Standard 201; and b) listing of facilities required to install or upgrade physical access control systems and physical access control equipment to comply with Federal Information Processing Standard 201, including completion time frame.

Report No. DODIG-2012-124, “DoD Efforts to Protect Critical Program Information: The Navy’s EA‑18G “Growler,” September 4, 2012 (Full Report is Classified)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, in coordination with the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, harmonize the requirements of their respective policies directing the A.2.a use of the Foreign Visits System‑Confirmation Module to confirm the occurrence of official visits by foreign 4 years 6 months nationals to DoD component facilities where classified, controlled unclassified information, and critical 27 days program information are resident.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 335



Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2013-142, “DoD Evaluation of Over‑Classification of National Security Information,” September 30, 2013

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence provide the A.1 implementation status of DoD Component actions to include a critical element on security in the 3 years 6 months Component’s performance evaluations. 1 day

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence revise policy to incorporate template language for security classification guides that is consistent with the intent of Executive Order 13526, as follows: a) Section 5.3 of Executive Order 13526 and Enclosure 4, paragraph 22 of DoD Manual 5200.01, volume 1, “DoD Information Security Program: Overview, Classification, and Declassification,” February 24, 2012, contain guidance for individuals who wish to challenge information A.2.a‑e that they believe has been improperly or unnecessarily classified; b) such challenges are encouraged and 3 years 6 months expected and should be forwarded through the appropriate channels to the office of primary responsibility; 1 day c) pending final decision, handle and protect the information at its current classification level or at the recommended change level, whichever is higher; d) challenges should include sufficient description to permit identification of the specific information under challenge with reasonable effort; and e) challenges should include detailed justification outlining why the information is improperly or unnecessarily classified.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence direct Component reviews 3 years 6 months B of Original Classification Authority positions to ensure that the position is needed. 1 day

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, in coordination with the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics, incorporate into policy that C.1 security classification guides forwarded to the Defense Technical Information Center must be forwarded 3 years 6 months with the requisite DD Form 2024, and signed by the appropriate Original Classification Authority to 1 day ensure accountability.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, in coordination with the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics, incorporate into policy that Defense 3 years 6 months C.2 Technical Information Center not accept DD Forms 2024 that are not completely filled out and signed by the 1 day appropriate agency.

128336 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2013-142, “DoD Evaluation of Over‑Classification of National Security Information,” September 30, 2013 (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, in coordination with the C.3 Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics, incorporate into policy that a time 3 years 6 months requirement for the submission of updated security classification guides be established. 1 day

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, in coordination with the C.4 Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics, incorporate into policy that reminders 3 years 6 months be sent to organizations as security classification guides near biennial review requirements. 1 day

Report No. DODIG-2014-060, “An Assessment of Contractor Personnel Security Clearance Processes in the Four Defense Intelligence Agencies,” April 14, 2014

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, develop and issue an 2 years 11months A.1 overarching policy governing operation of the System of Record for Personnel Security Clearances. 17 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, finalize updates to- A.2.b or replacements for-the personnel security portions of DoD 5220.22-R, “Industrial Security Regulation,” 2 years 11months December 1985. 17 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, finalize updates to-or A.2.c replacements for-the personnel security portions of DoD 5220.22-M-Sup 1, “National Industrial Security 2 years 11months Program: Operating Manual Supplement,” February 1995. 17 days

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 337



Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2014-060, “An Assessment of Contractor Personnel Security Clearance Processes in the Four Defense Intelligence Agencies,” April 14, 2014 (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence prepare an overarching policy governing the operation of the Defense Central Index of Investigations, including identification ofthe 2 years 11months B.1.a categories of investigations to be titled and indexed, and the retention criteria for investigations so titled 17 days and indexed.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, direct the Defense B.1.b intelligence agencies to review the procedures that their Offices of Security use to ensure that the Joint 2 years 11months Personnel Adjudicative System and SCATTERED CASTLES system are being properly populated. 17 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, direct the Defense intelligence agencies to ensure that the Subjects of Agency Inspector General criminal investigations 2 years 11months B.1.c are titled and indexed in the Defense Central Index of Investigations in accordance with DoD 17 days Instruction 5505.16.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, conduct one of the following actions to ensure Subjects of past investigations are titled and indexed in the Defense Central Index of Investigations (DCII): 1) iInitiate action with the Office of Personnel and Management to require B.1.d that OPM investigators conducting background investigations on current and former civilian employees, 2 years 11months military assignees, and contract employees of the Defense intelligence agencies conduct name checks with 17 days the inspector generals of those agencies; or 2) direct that the Directors of the Agencies ensure that the Subjects of past agency inspector general criminal investigations are titled and indexed in DCII.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, initiate the process to revise Excutive Order 12968 by requiring that in substantiated misconduct cases personnel security C clearance adjudicative actions continue, even if the contractor employee has been terminated and/or no 2 years 11months longer has access to classified information. If the misconduct is sufficient to warrant denial or revocation of 17 days security clearance/access, then that action should be formally accomplished.

338128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-081, “Evaluation of U.S. Intelligence and Information Sharing with Coalition Partners in Support of Operation Inherent Resolve,” April 25, 2016 (Full Report is Classified)

(FOUO) Age of Recommendation Text Recommendation Recommendation on 3/31/17

(FOUO) A.2.a 340 days

(FOUO) A.2.b 340 days

(FOUO) A.3 340 days


Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 339



Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-125, “Evaluation of the DoD Nuclear Enterprise Governance,” September 19, 2016 (Full Report is Classified)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence develop and oversee B.1.a implementation policy, programs, plans, and guidance for Defense Intelligence warfighting support for the 193 days U.S. nuclear mission to combatant commands.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence evaluate and oversee U.S. nuclear enterprise intelligence activities of the Defense Intelligence Agency, National Security Agency, B.1.b National Geospatial‑Intelligence Agency, and National Reconnaissance Office to ensure effective support to 193 days DoD and U.S. Government interagency operations and activities.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretaries of Defense and the Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, document and track nuclear enterprise deficiencies or recommendations identified in Federal Advisory C.3 Committee reports, Government Accountability reports, Department of Defense Office of Inspector General 193 days reports, or reports produced by other task forces.

Report No. DODIG-2016-127, “DoD Officials Did Not Take Appropriate Action When Notified of Potential Travel Card Misuse at Casinos and Adult Entertainment Establishments,” August 30, 2016

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence revise DoD 5200.2‑R “Personnel Security Program,” to require commanders or supervisors, in coordination with security personnel, to: a) report incidents of travel card misuse under investigation or management review to the appropriate adjudicative facility in a timely manner using the appropriate personnel security system; 1 b) report the outcome of the travel card misuse investigation including the results of the investigation and 213 days any administrative or disciplinary actions taken to the appropriate adjudicative facility using the appropriate personnel security system; c) report incidents of travel card personal use, misuse, abuse, or fraud under investigation or management review in a timely manner for individuals who do not currently hold a security clearance using the appropriate personnel security system.

340128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


DoD Deputy Chief Management Officer Report No. DODIG-2015-010, “Defense Logistics Agency Did Not Fully Implement the Enterprise Business System Procure‑To‑Pay Business Process in the Enterprise Business System,” October 28, 2014

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Chief Management Officer conduct a comprehensive business 4 process re‑engineering assessment of the Defense Logistics Agency’s Procure‑to‑Pay phases affected by the 2 years 5 months Enterprise Business System and EProcurement. 3 days

Report No. DODIG-2016-124, “DoD Freedom of Information Act Policies Need Improvement,” August 18, 2016

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Chief Management Officer update DoD Directive 5400.07 and DoD Regulation 5400.7‑R, “DoD Freedom of Information Act Program,” to comply with DoD 1.a Instruction 5025.01 and include requirements of Executive Order 13392 and the “OPEN Government Act of 225 days 2007.”

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Chief Management Officer incorporate the notification 1.b procedures for “significant” FOIA releases into DoD Regulation 5400.7‑R. 225 days

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 341



National Guard Bureau Report No. DODIG-2012-110, “Better Oversight Needed for the National Guard’s Weapons of Mass Destruction Civil Support Teams,” July 2, 2012

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, National Guard Bureau‑J3, Domestic Operations and Force Development Directorate, develop a written oversight plan in coordination with personnel from each Joint 4 years 8 months B.1‑2 Force Headquarters‑State that: 1) verifies compliance with mission reporting requirements; and 2) provides 29 days feedback to Weapons of Mass Destruction Civil Support Teams on omissions and errors.

Report No. DODIG-2013-102, “Improved Oversight of Communications Capabilities Preparedness Needed for Domestic Emergencies,” July 1, 2013

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Chief, National Guard Bureau, establish oversight procedures, including 3 years 8 months 4 performance metrics, to verify that National Guard units report the readiness status of personnel and 30 days equipment for the Joint Incident Site Communications Capability system in a timely manner.

128342 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


National Guard Bureau (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-035, “External Peer Review Report on the National Guard Bureau Internal Review Office,” December 18, 2015

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, National Guard Bureau Internal Review Office, clarify National 2 Guard Bureau Internal Review policies and procedures, and prepare a plan for monitoring and summarizing 1 year 3 months the quality of the work performed at the NGB IR Office. 13 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, National Guard Bureau Internal Review Office, implement an official training program to ensure auditors maintain their professional competence and complete sufficient 1 year 3 months 3 continuing professional education. The program should include monitoring to assess whether auditors are 13 days meeting the continuing professional education requirements.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Chief, National Guard Bureau, evaluate efforts to staff United States Property and Fiscal Internal Review Offices with competitive civilian employees to ensure that an 1 year 3 months 4 independent outlook and appearance is maintained and to fully comply with the Government Auditing 13 days Standards, National Guard Regulation 130‑6/Air National Guard Instruction 36‑2, and Army Regulation 11‑7.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, National Guard Bureau Internal Review Office, update audit policies to include procedures for: 1) evaluating threats to independence after the audit report is 6 issued; 2) obtaining reasonable assurance of detecting fraud when the auditors identify fraud risks that 1 year 3 months have occurred or likely to have occurred; and 3) extending the audit steps when information comes to the 13 days auditors’ attention indicating that fraud, significant to the audit objectives, may have occurred.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, National Guard Bureau Internal Review Office, finalize and 1 year 3 months 7 issue the Audit Documentation and Reporting Policy to the National Guard Bureau Internal Review auditors. 13 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, National Guard Bureau Internal Review Office, take action to 1 year 3 months 8 ensure that referencing is completed and in accordance with their policy. 13 days

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 343



National Guard Bureau (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-035, “External Peer Review Report on the National Guard Bureau Internal Review Office,” December 18, 2015 (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, National Guard Bureau Internal Review Office, remind the 9 Internal Review audit staff to document independence considerations to provide evidence of the auditor’s 1 year 3 months judgments in forming conclusions regarding compliance with independence requirements. 13 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, National Guard Bureau Internal Review Office, issue guidance 10 and provide training to the United States Property and Fiscal Offices Internal Review Divisions on the usage 1 year 3 months of audit report templates. 13 days

Report No. DODIG-2016-112, “Army Officials Did Not Consistently Comply With Requirements for Assessing Contractor Performance,” July 25, 2016

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Principal Assistant Responsible for Contracting, National Guard Bureau, 249 days 1 finalize and implement the draft Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System procedures.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Principal Assistant Responsible for Contracting, National Guard Bureau; Commander, United States Army Corps of Engineers, Engineering Support Center–Huntsville; and Executive Directors, Army Contracting Command–Aberdeen Proving Ground, Army Contracting Command–Redstone Arsenal, and Army Contracting Command–Warren, develop and implement procedures that require 3.a‑b assessors and contracting officers’ representatives responsible for preparing performance assessment 249 days reports to take: a) training on the rating and evaluation factor definitions, as outlined in the Federal Acquisition Regulation and Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System Guide; and b) initial and periodic refresher Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System Quality and Narrative Writing Training.

344128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


National Guard Bureau (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-112, “Army Officials Did Not Consistently Comply With Requirements for Assessing Contractor Performance,” July 25, 2016 (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Principal Assistant Responsible for Contracting, National Guard Bureau; Commander, United States Army Corps of Engineers, Engineering Support Center‑Huntsville; and Executive Directors, Army Contracting Command–Aberdeen Proving Ground and Army Contracting 4 Command–Redstone Arsenal, develop and implement organization‑wide procedures for performing reviews 249 days of performance assessment reports and monitor reviews of the performance assessment reports to verify compliance with the Federal Acquisition Regulation.

Report No. DODIG-2017-071, “Assessment of DoD Voting Assistance Programs for Calendar Year 2016,” March 31, 2017

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Chief, National Guard Bureau, develop and issue voting assistance policy that includes a contingency voting assistance program and a current‑year voting assistance plan that 1 complies with Department of Defense Instruction 1000.04, “Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP),” 1 day September 13, 2012, and Army Regulation 608‑20, “Army Voting Assistance Program,” April 22, 2014.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 345



U.S. Pacific Command Report No. DODIG-2015-134, “Assessment of the U.S. Theater Nuclear Planning Process,” June 18, 2015 (Full Report is Classified)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

1 year 9 months 3.a Recommendation is Classified. 13 days

1 year 9 months 3.b Recommendation is Classified. 13 days

1 year 9 months 3.c Recommendation is Classified. 13 days

346128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


U.S. European Command Report No. DODIG-2015-048, (FOUO) “ ,” December 9, 2014 (Full Report is Classified)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commanders, U.S. Northern Command, U.S. Transportation Command, U.S. Pacific Command, U.S. Southern Command, U.S. Central Command, U.S. Africa Command, U.S. European Command, U.S. Strategic Command, and U.S. Special Operations Command, conduct a 2 years 3 months 2 detailed command‑wide, mission‑impact analysis to identify all cyberspace mission requirements and tasks, 22 days needed resources, and capability gaps affecting their ability to effectively implement C2 of cyberspace operations.

Report No. DODIG-2015-134, “Assessment of the U.S. Theater Nuclear Planning Process,” June 18, 2015 (Full Report is Classified)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

1 year 9 months 3.a Recommendation is Classified. 13 days

1 year 9 months 3.b Recommendation is Classified. 13 days

1 year 9 months 3.c Recommendation is Classified. 13 days

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 347



U.S. European Command (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2017-056, “U.S. European Command Needs to Improve Oversight of the Golden Sentry Program,” February 17, 2017 (Full Report is FOUO)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, U.S. European Command, J5/8–Policy, Strategy, Partnering, and Capabilities, develop and implement a plan of action to ensure that the U.S. European Command is 1 providing adequate oversight for all Security Cooperation Organization Golden Sentry Program Managers 42 days in the U.S. European Command area of responsibility and not just those with upcoming Defense Security Cooperation Agency and U.S. European Command Office of Inspector General inspections.

The DoD OIG recommended that the U.S. European Command’s Golden Sentry Program Manager update U.S. European Command’s standard operating procedures so that the standard operating procedures 3 provide standards and expectations on how the Security Cooperation Organization’s Golden Sentry Program 42 days Managers should verify the recipient country complied with the security checklist requirements.

U.S. Southern Command Report No. DODIG-2015-048, (FOUO) “ ,” December 9, 2014 (Full Report is Classified)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commanders, U.S. Northern Command, U.S. Transportation Command, U.S. Pacific Command, U.S. Southern Command, U.S. Central Command, U.S. Africa Command, U.S. European Command, U.S. Strategic Command, and U.S. Special Operations Command, conduct 2 years 3 months 2 a detailed command‑wide, mission‑impact analysis to identify all cyberspace mission requirements 22 days and tasks, needed resources, and capability gaps affecting their ability to effectively implement C2 of cyberspace operations.

348128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


U.S. Central Command Report No. DODIG-2013-099, “Compliance with Electrical and Fire Protection Standards of U.S. Controlled and Occupied Facilities in Afghanistan,” July 18, 2013

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that a priority be given to correcting the 44 critical electrical findings tallied in 3 years 8 months 1 Tables 2a and 2b of this report. 13 days

The DoD OIG recommended that all 440 electrical findings (which includes the 44 critical electrical findings) be addressed and prioritized according to a robust risk management plan. Furthermore this plan 3 years 8 months 2 should be approved and coordinated with the Assistant Under Secretary of Defense for Energy, Installations, 13 days and Environment.

The DoD OIG recommended that the U.S. Forces–Afghanistan (USFOR‑A) review the Government oversight 3 and inspection requirements for electrical systems and ensure that sufficient qualified resources are 3 years 8 months available and deployed to meet requirements throughout the USFOR‑A area of responsibility. 13 days

The DoD OIG recommended that provision be made for regular inspection and maintenance of 3 years 8 months 4 electrical systems. 13 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Central Command Joint Theater Support Contracting Command, review applicable contracts to determine if contractual remedies, including financial recovery, 3 years 8 months 5 are appropriate in those cases where contract requirements for electrical or fire protection construction, 13 days maintenance, or repair services were not satisfied.

The DoD OIG recommended that a priority be given to correcting the 27 critical fire protection findings 3 years 8 months 6 tallied in Tables 2a and 2b of this report. 13 days

The DoD OIG recommended that all 649 fire protection findings (including the 27 critical fire protection findings) be addressed and prioritized according to a robust risk management plan. Furthermore, this plan 3 years 8 months 7 should be approved and coordinated with the Assistant Under Secretary of Defense for Energy, Installations, 13 days and Environment.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 349



U.S. Central Command (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2013-099, “Compliance with Electrical and Fire Protection Standards of U.S. Controlled and Occupied Facilities in Afghanistan,” July 18, 2013 (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the U.S. Forces‑Afghanistan review the Government oversight and 8 inspection requirements for fire protection systems and ensure that sufficient qualified resources are 3 years 8 months available and deployed to meet requirements throughout the USFOR‑A area of responsibility. 13 days

The DoD OIG recommended that provision be made for regular inspection and maintenance of fire 3 years 8 months 9 protection systems. 13 days

3 years 8 months 10 The DoD OIG recommended that the Base Camp Master Plans include a comprehensive fire protection plan. 13 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Central Command Joint Theater Support Contracting Command, review applicable contracts to determine if contractual remedies, including financial recovery, 3 years 8 months 11 are appropriate in those cases where contract requirements for electrical or fire protection construction, 13 days maintenance, or repair services were not satisfied.

350128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


U.S. Central Command (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2014-102, “Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Needs to Provide Better Accountability and Transparency Over Direct Contributions,” August 29, 2014

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Combined Security Transition Command‑Afghanistan, 1.e.1 require the Government of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan to provide pension and cooperative police 2 years 7 months association account balances for amounts previously withheld. 2 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Combined Security Transition Command–Afghanistan, require the Government of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan to use the abundance of cooperative funds for 2 years 7 months 1.e.3 the Afghan National and Local Police or return the funds to the cooperative members from which they 2 days were withheld.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Combined Security Transition Command–Afghanistan, require the Ministries of Defense and Interior to develop a process to provide a statement of pay and 2 years 7 months 1.f.1 benefits information to all Afghanistan government employees paid with Afghanistan Security Forces Fund 2 days direct contributions.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Combined Security Transition Command–Afghanistan, 1.f.2 require the Ministries of Defense and Interior to automate their payroll processes and eliminate manual 2 years 7 months edits after payroll documents have been approved. 2 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Combined Security Transition Command–Afghanistan, require the Ministry of Interior to continue their ongoing efforts to reduce and eliminate the use of “trusted 2 years 7 months 1.g.1 agent” payroll payments using Afghanistan Security Forces Fund direct contributions and provide a date 2 days when they expect to complete this initiative.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Combined Security Transition Command–Afghanistan, 1.g.2 require the Ministry of Interior to develop data analytics to reconcile attrition reports with payroll packages 2 years 7 months to identify improper payments and a process for correcting any improper payments identified. 2 days

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 351



U.S. Central Command (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2015-067, “Assessment of U.S. and Coalition Efforts to Develop the Logistics and Maintenance Sustainment Capability of the Afghan National Police,” January 30, 2015

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Combined Security Transition Command‑Afghanistan/ Essential Function 1 Lead, in coordination with Deputy Chief of Staff Operations, Resolute Support/Essential 9.b Function 4 Lead, advise and assist the Ministry of Interior to create incentives to compare staffing options 2 years 2 months for Afghan National Police maintenance functions and develop a business case in support of the most 1 day cost‑effective option.

Report No. DODIG-2015-107, “Challenges Exist for Asset Accountability and Maintenance and Sustainment of Vehicles within the Afghan National Security Forces,” April 17, 2015 (Full Report is FOUO)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Combined Security Transition Command‑Afghanistan, instruct the Security Assistance Office to reconcile information in Operational Verification of Reliable 1 year 11 months A.1 Logistics Oversight Database against information in Security Cooperation Information Portal to ensure 14 days vehicle information is accurate and complete.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Combined Security Transition Command‑Afghanistan, A.2 assess the accuracy of property transfer records after the Security Assistance Office completes its 1 year 11 months reconciliation and take the necessary steps to maintain the completeness and accuracy of these records. 14 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Combined Security Transition Command‑Afghanistan, A.6 obtain a complete inventory of vehicles received by the Afghan National Security Force and reconcile this list 1 year 11 months to help identify any missing records in the Security Cooperation Portal. 14 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Combined Security Transition Command‑Afghanistan, A.7 advise Ministry of Defense and Ministry of Interior officials to maintain consolidated property book records 1 year 11 months for all vehicles received from DoD and Coalition forces. 14 days

128352 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


U.S. Central Command (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2015-134, “Assessment of the U.S. Theater Nuclear Planning Process,” June 18, 2015 (Full Report is Classified)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

1 year 9 months 3.a Recommendation is Classified. 13 days

1 year 9 months 3.b Recommendation is Classified. 13 days

1 year 9 months 3.c Recommendation is Classified. 13 days

Report No. DODIG-2015-177, “Assessment of DoD/USCENTCOM and Coalition Plans/Efforts to Train, Advise, and Assist the Iraqi Army to Defeat the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant,” September 30, 2015 (Full Report is Classified)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Joint Task Force–Operation Inherent Resolve, in coordination with Commander, Combined Joint Forces Land Component Command–Iraq and the Iraqi 1 year 6 months 3 Minister of Defense, should develop a plan that allows U.S. and Coalition access to the warehouses at Taji 1 day National Depot and other supply depot sites within an expedited time period.

1 year 6 months 5.a Recommendation is Classified. 1 day

1 year 6 months 5.b Recommendation is Classified. 1 day

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 353



U.S. Central Command (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-055, “U.S. and Coalition Efforts to Train, Advise, Assist, and Equip Iraqi Sunni Popular Mobilization Forces,” February 29, 2016 (Full Report is Classified)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

1 year 1 month 2.b Recommendation is Classified. 2 days

1 year 1 month 3.a Recommendation is Classified. 2 days

Report No. DODIG-2016-106, “U.S. Military-Occupied Facilities Inspection–King Abdullah II Special Operations Training Center,” July 7, 2016

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Army Central, conduct a root‑cause analysis and A.1 implement a corrective action plan for all electrical deficiencies identified in this report. 267 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Army Central, create and execute a plan for ongoing inspection and maintenance of all U.S. military‑occupied facilities at the King Abdullah II Special Operations A.2 Training Center and other locations where Commander, Combined Joint Operations Center‑Jordan provides 267 days base operations support and inspection. Ensure that inspection and maintenance of these locations complies with applicable electrical codes.

354128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


U.S. Central Command (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-106, “U.S. Military-Occupied Facilities Inspection–King Abdullah II Special Operations Training Center,” July 7, 2016 (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Army Central, conduct a root‑cause analysis and B.1 implement a corrective action plan for all fire protection deficiencies identified in this report. 267 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Army Central, create and execute a plan for ongoing inspection and maintenance of all U.S. military‑occupied facilities at the King Abdullah II Special Operations B.2 Training Center and other locations where Commander, Combined Joint Operations Center‑Jordan provides 267 days base operations support and inspection. Ensure inspection and maintenance of these locations complies with applicable fire protection codes.

Report No. DODIG-2016-111, “DoD Effectively Planned and Executed Military Information Support Operations for Operation Inherent Resolve but Needs to Develop Formal Processes and Procedures for Web-Based Operations,” July 20, 2016 (Report is Classified)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the U.S. Central Command formalize procedures for requesting, 1 conducting, and monitoring web‑based Military Information Support Operations. 254 days

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 355



U.S. Central Command (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-140, “Assessment of U.S. and Coalition Efforts to Train, Advise, and Assist the Afghan National Army Special Operations Forces,” September 29, 2016 (Full Report is Classified)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

B.2 Recommendation is Classified. 183 days

C.2 Recommendation is Classified. 183 days

C.3 Recommendation is Classified. 183 days

E Recommendation is Classified. 183 days

Report No. DODIG-2017-025, “Evaluation of U.S. Forces–Afghanistan Intelligence Training for Afghan Ministry of Defense,” November 21, 2016 (Full Report is Classified)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

A.1 Recommendation is Classified. 130 days

A.2 Recommendation is Classified. 130 days

128356 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


U.S. Central Command (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2017-033, “Assessment of U.S. and Coalition Efforts to Train, Advise, Assist, and Equip the Kurdish Security Forces in Iraq,” December 14, 2016

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Central Command, determine the requirements B.1 to sustain the functioning of the Kurdish Security Forces brigade equipment sets and issue a written 107 days sustainment plan that includes those requirements.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Central Command, execute the requirements B.2 identified in the written sustainment plan. 107 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Central Command, conduct periodic reviews to B.3 monitor readiness and take necessary actions to maintain acceptable readiness for the Kurdish Security 107 days Forces brigade sets.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Central Command, in coordination with the Commander, 1st Theater Sustainment Command, review distribution procedures to ensure all equipment C items, including Iraqi Train and Equip Fund‑purchased and Coalition‑donated, are tracked and monitored 107 days through the supply chain to ensure accountability throughout the distribution process.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Combined Joint Task Force–Operation Inherent Resolve, in coordination with Combined Joint Force Land Component Command‑Iraq, formalize and continue D.1 the current advise and assist missions being conducted in training development, logistics, and resource 107 days management.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Chief, Office of Security Cooperation–Iraq, formalize and expand the D.2 current security assistance activities being conducted at the Ministry of Peshmerga. 107 days

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 357



U.S. Central Command (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2017-041, “Combined Security Transition Command–Afghanistan Improved Controls Over U.S.‑Funded Ministry of Defense Fuel Contracts, but Further Improvements are Needed,” January 11, 2017 (Full Report is FOUO)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commanding General, Combined Security Transition Command– a Afghanistan, require future Ministry of Defense fuel contracts to include provisions for periodic, 79 days unannounced inspections to validate fuel deliveries.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commanding General, Combined Security Transition Command– Afghanistan, direct the Essential Function 1 Audit division to conduct an assessment of the current General b Staff, Inspector General and General Staff, Chief of Logistics consumption report verification processes to 79 days determine its adequacy.

U.S. Special Operations Command Report No. DODIG-2015-048, (FOUO) ,” December 9, 2014 (Report is Classified)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commanders, U.S. Northern Command, U.S. Transportation Command, U.S. Pacific Command, U.S. Southern Command, U.S. Central Command, U.S. Africa Command, U.S. 2 European Command, U.S. Strategic Command, and U.S. Special Operations Command conduct a detailed 2 years 3 months command-wide, mission-impact analysis to identify all cyberspace mission requirements and tasks, needed 22 days resources, and capability gaps affecting their ability to effectively implement C2 of cyberspace operations.

358128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


U.S. Special Operations Command (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-098, “Evaluation of Foreign Officer Involvement at the United States Special Operations Command,” June 15, 2016 (Full Report is Classified)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Special Operations Command, ensure all international agreements for the foreign officers assigned or on extended visits to the U.S. Special Operations Command and subordinate commands are in compliance with Public Law 111‑84, DoD Directive A.2.a 5503.3, “International Agreements,” July 18, 1987, Circular 175, “Authority to Negotiate and Conclude 289 days Non‑Reciprocal International Defense Personnel Exchange Agreements,” October 20, 2011, and Circular 175, “Authority to Negotiate and Conclude Foreign Liaison Assignments,” October 17, 2011.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Special Operations Command, ensure existing Annex A.2.b Bs to the international agreements contain the level of detail and classification consistent with the foreign 289 days officer’s actual mission requirement.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Special Operations Command, require component commanders to ensure that all required annexes, certifications, and designated disclosure letters are A.2.c ratified in accordance with Circular 175 authority and DoD Directive 5530.03, “International Agreements,” 289 days July 18, 1987.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Special Operations Command, request an exception A.2.d to policy for the non‑reciprocal and exchange officers who are currently assigned to the U.S. Special 289 days Operations Command without concluded international agreements.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Special Operations Command, seek appropriate authority for the foreign intelligence officers assigned or attached to U.S. Special Operations Command A.2.e and follow established procedures for the collection and exchange of intelligence in accordance with DoD 289 days Directive 5530.0.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 359



U.S. Special Operations Command (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-098, “Evaluation of Foreign Officer Involvement at the United States Special Operations Command,” June 15, 2016 (Full Report is Classified) (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Special Operations Command, maintain oversight of A.2.f all foreign Special Operations Forces assigned or on extended visit to U.S. Special Operations Command’s 289 days subordinate commands and Service components.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Special Operations Command, ensure that U.S. A.2.g Special Operations Command components maintain compliance with DoD Directive 5230.20, “Visits and 289 days Assignments of Foreign Nationals” concerning the invitation, visit, and assignment of foreign officers.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Special Operations Command, eliminate the “dual” A.2.h use of foreign officers (with or without concluded agreements) in accordance with current regulatory 289 days guidance.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Special Operations Command, establish a process for A.2.i reimbursement of costs associated with hosting Foreign Liaison Officers. 289 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Special Operations Command, discontinue the practice of Five Eye partners providing escort within Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility spaces B.1.a in order to comply with Intelligence Community Directive 705, “Sensitive Compartmented Information 289 days Facilities,” and DoD Manual 5105.21‑V2, “Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) Administrative Security Manual,” October 19, 2012.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Special Operations Command, restrict Five B.1.b Eye partners’ swipe access to the Global Mission Support Center when the meeting sign does not 289 days illuminate “RELEASABLE.”

360128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


U.S. Special Operations Command (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-098, “Evaluation of Foreign Officer Involvement at the United States Special Operations Command,” June 15, 2016 (Full Report is Classified) (cont’d)

(FOUO) Age of Recommendation Text Recommendation Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Special Operations Command, establish formal B.1.c procedures for processing requests for information concerning science and technology information by 289 days foreign liaison officers.


C.1 289 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Special Operations Command, identify the number of C.2 foreign disclosure officers required by the Headquarters and subordinate commands under the U.S. Special 289 days Operations Command purview to maintain the international exchange programs.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Special Operations Command, determine whether C.3 the foreign disclosure offices at the Headquarters and subordinate commands under the U.S. Special 289 days Operations Command purview are adequately staffed.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Special Operations Command, assess the training C.4 requirements for foreign disclosure officers and ensure all special operation forces’ foreign disclosure 289 days officers receive the necessary training.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Special Operations Command, assess the requirements for security education and training for personnel who are involved with international C.5 exchange programs and foreign government information, or work in coalition or bi‑lateral environments, or 289 days in offices, activities, or organizations hosting foreign exchange officers.


Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 361



U.S. Special Operations Command (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-098, “Evaluation of Foreign Officer Involvement at the United States Special Operations Command,” June 15, 2016 (Full Report is Classified) (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Special Operations Command, conclude international D.1 agreements, with appropriate language, for the French, German, and Spanish non‑reciprocal exchange 289 days officers, allowing the continued use of their national secure communication systems.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Special Operations Command, obtain automated D.2 information systems accreditations for the secure facilities that process sensitive compartmented 289 days information electronically.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Special Operations Command, establish a comprehensive training program to educate all U.S. Special Operations Command personnel in “writing D.3 for release” to reduce the risk and incidents of misclassifying information and potentially excluding its 289 days availability to partner nations.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Special Operations Command, incorporate D.4 recommendations from the U.S. Special Operations Command Cybersecurity Readiness inspection into 289 days guidance to reduce the risk of vulnerable systems.

128362 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


U.S. Special Operations Command (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-099, “U.S. Special Operations Command Controls Over the Requirements Development Process for Military Construction Projects Need Improvement,” June 17, 2016 (Full Report is FOUO)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Special Operations Command, notify Congress of the scope reduction for project TMKH003003, Special Operations Forces 21st Special Tactics Squadron A.1.a Operations Facility, to remove the indoor small arms range, in accordance with section 2853, title 10, United 287 days States Code.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Special Operations Command, update U.S. Special Operations Command Directive 415‑1 to include procedures for validating military construction projects A.1.b to require Components to confirm the accuracy of the project justification on DD Form 1391, Military 287 days Construction Project Data.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Special Operations Command, update U.S. Special A.1.c Operations Command Directive 415‑1 to require that Components maintain documentation to fully support 287 days scope calculations and cost estimates for military construction requirements.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Special Operations Command, in coordination with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, revise the request for proposal for project TMKH003003, Special A.2 Operations Forces 21st Special Tactics Squadron Operations Facility, to remove the indoor small arms range, 287 days which would reduce the overall scope of the project by 13,000 square feet.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 363



U.S. Special Operations Command (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-131, “Designation of Contracting Officer’s Representatives and Oversight Framework Could Be Improved for Contracts in Afghanistan,” August 30, 2016

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Special Operations Command, direct contracting officers to review all current Contracting Officer’s Representative designation letters for contracts in A.7 Afghanistan produced since the issuance of DoD Instruction 5000.72 and before the implementation of their 213 days revised contracting policies for compliance with DoD Instruction 5000.72, and issue updated designation letters to address all requirements in the Instruction.

Report No. DODIG-2017-030, “USSOCOM Needs to Improve Management of Sensitive Equipment,” December 12, 2016

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Special Operations Forces Acquisition, Technology, 1.a and Logistics, update guidance to include specific procedures for establishing sensitive equipment 109 days accountability.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Special Operations Forces Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics, require U.S. Special Operations Command, Directorate of Logistics, to conduct a 1.b 100‑percent inventory of sensitive equipment to establish a sensitive equipment baseline and reconcile 109 days inventory discrepancies.

364128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


U.S. Special Operations Command (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2017-030, “USSOCOM Needs to Improve Management of Sensitive Equipment,” December 12, 2016 (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Special Operations Forces Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics, instruct U.S. Special Operations Command, Directorate of Logistics, to determine the utility of 1.c.1 continuing the temporary loan process and if continued, ensure the process is comprehensively defined 109 days in U.S. Special Operations Command guidance to include whether the U.S. Special Operations Command warehouse or the units are responsible for maintaining equipment accountability.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Special Operations Forces Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics, instruct U.S. Special Operations Command, Directorate of Logistics, to mandate Special Operations 1.c.2 Logistics Management System equipment‑level reporting requirements to include identifying standardized 109 days data elements and establishing an equipment reporting frequency for U.S. Special Operations Command warehouses and Service Component commands.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 365



U.S. Transportation Command Report No. DODIG-2016-044, “U.S. Transportation Command Needs Further Improvements to Address Performance Concerns Over the Global Privately Owned Vehicle Contract III,” February 3, 2016

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, U.S. Transportation Command Acquisition, take appropriate 1 year 1 month 1.e action to ensure that all overpayments are recouped. 28 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Surface Deployment and Distribution Command, review all invoices that were not prepared in accordance with the Federal Acquisition Regulation and DoD 1 year 1 month 2.c regulations to verify if the invoices and payment amounts were accurate and if performance met contract 28 days requirements.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Surface Deployment and Distribution Command, take 1 year 1 month 2.d appropriate action to ensure that all overpayments are recouped. 28 days

366128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


U.S. Transportation Command (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-061, “U.S. Army Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command Needs to Improve its Oversight of Labor Detention Charges at Military Ocean Terminal Sunny Point,” March 16, 2016

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Contracting Officer, U.S. Transportation Command, direct the U.S. Army Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command, 596th Transportation Brigade 1.a Contracting Officer’s Representative, to ensure that charges billed for safety briefings are in accordance 1 year 15 days with all terms of Contract #W81GYE‑10‑D‑0002, including the proper designation of contractor safety briefings as part of the commodity charge.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Contracting Officer, U.S. Transportation Command, take action to 1.b recoup charges for time charged as safety briefings erroneously charged as labor detention time. 1 year 15 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Contracting Officer, U.S. Transportation Command, ensure the 596th Transportation Brigade Contracting Officer’s Representative or other Brigade personnel properly review 2 contractor time records to ensure that data entered into billing systems fully supports labor detention 1 year 15 days invoices.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Chief of Staff for Resource Management, U.S. Army Surface Deployment and Distribution Command, work with the Contracting Officer, U.S. Transportation 3.b Command, and Transportation Brigade Contracting Officer’s Representatives to review time records for 1 year 15 days ongoing Stevedore and Related Terminal Services contracts to identify labor detention charges subject to recoupment, and take action to recoup these costs.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 367



U.S. Transportation Command (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2017-052, “Defense Organization Officials Did Not Consistently Comply With Requirements for Assessing Contractor Performance,” February 1, 2017

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Transportation Command, develop and implement 1 written procedures for registering contracts in the Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System. 58 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Transportation Command, develop and implement organization‑wide procedures: a) that identify specific timeframes and steps for Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System officials to perform to ensure future compliance with the 120‑day requirement in the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics memorandum 2.a‑c and ensure the 120 days include the 60‑day contractor comment period; b) that require assessors to take 58 days training on the rating and evaluation factor definitions, as outlined in the Federal Acquisition Regulation and Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System Guide; and c) for performing reviews of performance assessment reports and monitor reviews of the performance assessment reports to verify compliance with the FAR.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Transportation Command, develop and implement 3 procedures that require assessors to take initial and periodic refresher Contractor Performance Assessment 58 days Reporting System Quality and Narrative Writing training.

368128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


U.S. Northern Command Report No. DODIG-2014-019, “Assessment of Continental United States‑Based Nuclear Response Task Force Programs,” December 3, 2013 (Full Report is Classified)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the U.S. Northern Command, Air Force Global Strike Command, and the Joint Staff determine the appropriate method of supporting the logistical and operational requirements to 3 years 3 months B.1 deploy the Air Force Global Strike Command Response Task Force. Stakeholders should consider drafting an 28 days “Execute Order” addressing the necessary requirements, capabilities, resources, and procedures.

The DoD OIG recommended that the U.S. Northern Command, in conjunction with the Commander, U.S. Pacific Command, update the appropriate concept of operations plan and operations orders to identify C.1 clear authorities and a clear chain‑of‑command for nuclear weapon incidents or accidents occurring in 3 years 3 months U.S. Northern Command’s geographic area of responsibility, but currently outside U.S. Northern Command’s 28 days operational area of responsibility.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 369



U.S. Strategic Command Report No. DODIG-2015-048, (FOUO) “ ,” December 9, 2014 (Full Report is Classified)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commanders, U.S. Northern Command, U.S. Transportation Command, U.S. Pacific Command, U.S. Southern Command, U.S. Central Command, U.S. Africa Command, 2 U.S. European Command, U.S. Strategic Command, and U.S. Special Operations Command conduct a detailed 2 years 3 months command‑wide, mission‑impact analysis to identify all cyberspace mission requirements and tasks, needed 22 days resources, and capability gaps affecting their ability to effectively implement C2 of cyberspace operations.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commanders, U.S. Strategic Command and U.S. Cyber Command, increase Cyber Support Element staffing at Combatant Commands without Cyber Support Element support 2 years 3 months 3 and develop alternative solutions for building and sustaining combatant commanders’ capabilities for 22 days planning and integrating cyberspace operations.

Report No. DODIG-2015-134, “Assessment of the U.S. Theater Nuclear Planning Process,” June 18, 2015 (Full Report is Classified)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

1 year 9 months 4 Recommendation is Classified. 13 days

128370 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


U.S. Africa Command Report No. DODIG-2014-005, “Combined Joint Task Force‑Horn of Africa Needed Better Guidance and Systems to Adequately Manage Civil‑Military Operations,” October 30, 2013 (Full Report is FOUO)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Combined Joint Task Force‑Horn of Africa, request financial assistance from either the U.S. Fleet Forces Command or Defense Finance and Accounting Service, to review all 17 humanitarian and civic assistance projects to verify whether expenditures 3 years 5 months 3.c were properly accounted for and supported and correct errors. If errors cannot be resolved, determine 1 day whether a loss of funds investigation is required and, if appropriate, hold individuals accountable for any improper expenditures.

Report No. DODIG-2016-024, “U.S. Africa Command Needs to Improve Planning and Coordination for the Protection and Evacuation of U.S. Embassies and U.S. Citizens,” November 23, 2015 (Full Report is Classified)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Africa Command develop embassy protection and evacuation guidance that: a) clarifies and defines roles and responsibilities for U.S. Africa Command’s new 1 year 4 months 1 normal and noncombatant evacuation operations planning in the current new normal threat environment; and b) incorporates the increased role of new normal for noncombatant evacuation operations 8 days planning requirements.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Africa Command, review emergency action plans, in whole, for adequacy of supporting military operations and account for critical and required DoD new normal 1 year 4 months 3 and noncombatant evacuation operations information. Document and coordinate the results of the reviews 8 days to the Department of State Chiefs of Mission.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 371



U.S. Cyber Command Report No. DODIG-2015-048, (FOUO) “ ,” December 9, 2014 (Full Report is Classified)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commanders, U.S. Strategic Command and U.S. Cyber Command, increase Cyber Support Element staffing at Combatant Commands without Cyber Support Element support 2 years 3 months 3 and develop alternative solutions for building and sustaining combatant commanders’ capabilities for 22 days planning and integrating cyberspace operations.

Report No. DODIG-2016-026, (FOUO) “ ,” November 24, 2015 (Full Report is Classified)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Cyber Command, and the Chiefs of Staff for the U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force, the Chief of Naval Operations, and the Commandant of the Marine Corps 1 year 4 months 1 develop a doctrine, organization, training, materiel, leadership and education, personnel, facilities, and 7 days policy framework that address strategies to build, grow, and sustain the Cyber Mission Force.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Cyber Command, and the Chiefs of Staff for the U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force, the Chief of Naval Operations, and the Commandant of the Marine Corps 1 year 4 months 2 formalize an agreement to focus capability development on functional and mission areas consistent with 7 days results of the mission alignment board.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Cyber Command, in coordination with the Service 3 Components and the Defense Information Systems Agency, develop and specify a capability baseline and 1 year 4 months interoperability standards for all Cyber Protection Teams. 7 days

128372 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


DoD Office of the General Counsel Report No. DODIG-2014-060, “An Assessment of Contractor Personnel Security Clearance Processes in the Four Defense Intelligence Agencies,” April 14, 2014

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the DoD Office of General Counsel prepare an update to-or replacement A.3 for -DoD Directive 5220.6 to make it compliant with the requirements of DoD Instruction 5025.01 for 2 years 11 months accuracy and currency. 17 days

Report No. DODIG-2016-070, “Section 847 Ethics Requirements for Defense Senior Officials Seeking Employment with Defense Contractors,” March 31, 2016

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Standards of Conduct Office and the After Government Ethics Advice Repository administrator change the case status to “rejected” for those requests when the requestor was 1.c not eligible to receive the Section 847 opinion letters (including cases when requestors did not provide the 1 year description of future duties with the Defense contractor).

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 373



Director of Operational Test and Evaluation Report No. DODIG-2013-079, “Advanced Combat Helmet Technical Assessment,” May 29, 2013

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director of Operational Test and Evaluation and Program Executive Office Soldier fully characterize the performance of all helmet designs included in the combat helmet test protocols. Performance characterization should consider threat, historical test data, prototype test data, 3 years 10 months A and manufacturing capabilities. Based on helmet performance characterizations, the Director, Operational 2 days Test and Evaluation and Program Executive Office Soldier, should determine if modification to the First Article Testing and Lot Acceptance Testing protocols are appropriate.

The DoD OIG recommended that, in addition to considerations made to Government risk, manufacturer risk, and historical Lot Acceptance Testing data, the Director of Operational Test and Evaluation should also 3 years 10 months B consider the safety criticality of the helmet in establishing the Acceptable Quality Level requirement for LAT 2 days Resistance to Penetration in future protocol revisions.

128374 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


DoD Chief Information Officer Report No. DODIG-2015-044, “DoD Needs to Reinitiate Migration to Internet Protocol Version 6,” December 1, 2014 (Full Report is FOUO)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the DoD Chief Information Officer, in coordination with the Commander, U.S. Cyber Command; the Director, Defense Information Systems Agency; the Commander, U.S. Army Information Systems and Engineering Command/Army Technology Integration Center; the Director, High 2 years 3 months 2 Performance Computing Modernization Program/Defense Research and Engineering Network; and other 30 days DoD test and evaluation components, establish a process to integrate component testing results and lessons learned into DoD Internet Protocol version 6 migration efforts.

The DoD OIG recommended that the DoD Chief Information Officer, in coordination with the Commander, U.S. Cyber Command, and the Director, Defense Information Systems Agency, develop new DoD Internet 3 Protocol version 6 transition milestones, roles and responsibilities of each DoD office involved with the 2 years 3 months migration, and enforcement mechanisms to ensure successful migration to Internet Protocol version 6, and 30 days update the DoD Internet Protocol version 6 Transition Plan to reflect these changes.

Report No. DODIG-2015-045, “DoD Cloud Computing Strategy Needs Implementation Plan and Detailed Waiver Process,” December 4, 2014

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the DoD Chief Information Officer develop a plan to implement the DoD A Cloud Computing Strategy that assigns roles and responsibilities and associated tasks, resources, and 2 years 3 months milestones for all unexecuted elements of the strategy. 27 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the DoD Chief Information Officer develop and publish a waiver process 2 years 3 months B.3 providing detailed guidance on how to obtain a Global Information Grid waiver for cloud computing in DoD. 27 days

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 375



DoD Chief Information Officer (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-038, “DoD Needs an Effective Process to Identify Cloud Computing Service Contracts,” December 28, 2015

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the DoD Chief Information Office, issue guidance to either establish a standard, Department‑wide cloud computing definition or clarify the National Institute of Standards and 1 year 3 months 1.a Technology definition and essential characteristics to consistently identify DoD Component cloud computing 3 days service contracts

Report No. DODIG-2016-068, “DoD’s Efforts to Consolidate Data Centers Need Improvement,” March 29, 2016

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the DoD Chief Information Officer revise DoD’s strategy for data center consolidation to account for the significant increase in the number of data centers. The revised strategy A.1 should also include a process for addressing changes in consolidation status that would impact DoD’s 1 year 2 days progress toward meeting data center consolidation requirements.

The DoD OIG recommended that the DoD Chief Information Officer perform a review of installations with A.2 multiple Installation Processing Nodes and work with executive agents at installations to select a single 1 year 2 days Installation Processing Node.

The DoD OIG recommended that the DoD Chief Information Officer develop and issue comprehensive B.1.a guidance for accurately reporting data center information in the Data Center Inventory Management to 1 year 2 days DoD Components.

The DoD OIG recommended that the DoD Chief Information Officer develop a process for validating the B.1.b accuracy and completeness of information in the Data Center Inventory Management system. 1 year 2 days

128376 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs Report No. DODIG-2014-40, “Assessment of DoD Wounded Warrior Matters: Managing Risks of Multiple Medications,” February 21, 2014

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs) publish policy guidance that addresses the risks for Wounded Warriors who may use multiple medications in the course of their 3 years 1 month 1.a treatment and the need for additional safeguards to ensure that these medications are effectively managed 10 days and properly reconciled by medical personnel.

Report No. DODIG-2014-052, “DoD Did Not Negotiate Rates With Overseas Health Care Providers and Generally Paid Claims as Billed,” April 1, 2014

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs) initiate action to either 2 years 11 months 1.a establish negotiated rates with high‑dollar‑volume overseas health care providers or implement other cost containment measures in high‑dollar‑volume locations with significant increases. 30 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs) establish procedures 1.b to negotiate rates directly with the TRICARE Overseas Program contractor when the contractor provides 2 years 11 months service as a health care provider. 30 days

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 377



Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2014-101, “Delinquent Medical Service Accounts at Brooke Army Medical Center Need Additional Management Oversight,” August 13, 2014

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs) meet with Department 3 of Health and Human Services to discuss difficulties Brooke Army Medical Center has encountered with 2 years 7 months denied claims and reimbursement levels from the Texas Medicaid and Healthcare Partnership. 18 days

Report No. DODIG-2015-008, “Follow‑up Audit: Enterprise Blood Management System Not Ready for Full Deployment,” October 23, 2014

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Program Executive Officer for the Defense Health Clinical Systems, in 2 years 5 months A.1 coordination with the Director for Armed Services Blood Program, continue efforts to ensure that in‑transit 8 days inventory is not counted twice in the Enterprise Blood Management System.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Program Executive Officer for the Defense Health Clinical Systems, in coordination with the Director for Armed Services Blood Program, continue efforts to develop and 2 years 5 months A.2 implement the Blood Management Blood Bank Transfusion Services interface capability with Composite 8 days Health Care System.

The DoD OIG recommended that prior to reaching a Milestone Decision for the Blood Donor Management System, the Component Acquisition Executive for the Defense Health Agency assess the Enterprise Blood Management System, Theater Blood capability, and any other DoD blood product information technology B.1 capabilities processes, functions, and capabilities to determine whether efficiencies could be achieved by 2 years 5 months managing as integral parts of a centric interoperable information technology portfolio. This assessment 8 days should evaluate how the DoD blood product information technology capabilities would benefit from being interoperable as an information technology portfolio.

128378 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2015-008, “Follow‑up Audit: Enterprise Blood Management System Not Ready for Full Deployment,” October 23, 2014 (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that prior to reaching a Milestone Decision for the Blood Donor Management System, the Component Acquisition Executive for the Defense Health Agency assess the Enterprise Blood Management System, Theater Blood capability, and any other DoD blood product information technology B.2 capabilities processes, functions, and capabilities to determine whether efficiencies could be achieved by 2 years 5 months managing as integral parts of a centric interoperable information technology portfolio. This assessment 8 days should identify and document opportunities for efficiencies throughout the process among the DoD blood product information technology management capabilities.

The DoD OIG recommended that prior to reaching a Milestone Decision for the Blood Donor Management System, the Component Acquisition Executive for the Defense Health Agency assess the Enterprise Blood Management System, Theater Blood capability, and any other DoD blood product information technology B.3 capabilities processes, functions, and capabilities to determine whether efficiencies could be achieved by 2 years 5 months managing as integral parts of a centric interoperable information technology portfolio. This assessment 8 days should develop a plan of actions and milestones to implement the revised information technology portfolio interoperability strategy.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 379



Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2015-016, “Department of Defense Suicide Event Report Data Quality Assessment,” November 14, 2014

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, National Center for Telehealth & Technology modify the Department of Defense Suicide Event Report software to: 1) allow some Department of Defense Suicide Event Report responses to be “No Known History of XXX;” 2) modify some Department of Defense Suicide 3.b Event Report responses to require an explanation/justification for any “don’t know/data unavailable” 2 years 4 months response; and 3) refine user/technical assistance into the web‑based Department of Defense Suicide Event 17 days Report submission forms (pop‑up help with instructions and possible sources of information [for example, medical record, Military Criminal Investigative Organization, personnel file]).

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, National Center for Telehealth & Technology, conduct after 3.c action reviews of selected Department of Defense Suicide Event Report submissions directly with submitters 2 years 4 months in order to identify what they perceived as confusing questions. 17 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Health Agency, update policy to recognize manpower 4.b credit expended for Department of Defense Suicide Event Report workload in the Medical Expense and 2 years 4 months Performance Reporting System. 17 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, National Center for Telehealth and Technology, upon receipt 2 years 4 months 4.c of authority resulting from Recommendation 4.a, update software to allow unit/installation trend reports. 17 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, National Center for Telehealth and Technology, perform 4.d annual independent quality assurance reviews of a representative sample of Department of Defense Suicide 2 years 4 months Event Report submissions to identify opportunities for improving data quality. 17 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Health Agency, update appropriate System of Record 6.a Notification to allow for sharing of DoD Suicide Event Report data with the Department of Veterans Affairs 2 years 4 months to enable health surveillance, as required by DoD Directive 6490.02E. 17 days

380128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2015-040, “Defense Health Agency Did Not Have Adequate Controls in the North Region to Detect Improper Payments for Claims Submitted by Skilled Nursing Facilities,” November 25, 2014

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs) conduct comprehensive medical reviews on a statistically valid number of skilled nursing facility claims to ensure an adequate 2 years 4 months 1 number of claims are reviewed. Reviews should compare the patients medical records to the skilled nursing 6 days facility claims to determine whether all required documentation exists and is adequate.

Report No. DODIG-2015-068, “DoD Methodologies to Identify Improper Payments in the Military Health Benefits and Commercial Pay Programs Need Improvement,” January 14, 2015

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Health Agency, include all Defense Health Agency 2 years 2 months 1.a health care payments when assessing risk and document the justification for excluding any type of program 17 days payments in the risk assessment and the Agency Financial Report.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Health Agency, develop a methodology to assess risk 1.b for all contracts that is not limited to prior year sampling results but also considers other risk factors, such as 2 years 2 months the risk of fraud. 17 days

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 381



Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2015-087, “Delinquent Medical Service Accounts at Naval Medical Center Portsmouth Need Additional Management Oversight,” March 4, 2015

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs) meet with Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Veterans Affairs to discuss the difficulties Naval 3 Medical Center Portsmouth has encountered with receiving reimbursement for services provided to 2 years 27 days Medicare and Veterans Affairs beneficiaries to identify a way forward to improve collections.

Report No. DODIG-2015-151, “Follow‑up Audit: DoD Military Treatment Facilities Continue to Miss Opportunities to Collect on Third Party Outpatient Claims,” July 24, 2015

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs) conduct an analysis 1 to determine the sufficient time needed to conduct adequate follow up on billed claims for Third Party 1 year 8 months Collection Program. 7 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs) coordinate with the 2.a Services to develop a plan to review Uniform Business Office resource issues for the Military Treatment 1 year 8 months Facilities. 7 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs) coordinate with 2.b the Services to ensure that the Military Treatment Facilities refer outstanding third party claims to the 1 year 8 months appropriate legal office as required. 7 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs) update DoD 6010.15‑M, 3.a “Military Treatment Facility Uniform Business Office Manual” to revise and mandate the use of a 1 year 8 months standardized quarterly compliance checklist for all Services. 7 days

382128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2015-151, “Follow‑up Audit: DoD Military Treatment Facilities Continue to Miss Opportunities to Collect on Third Party Outpatient Claims,” July 24, 2015 (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs) update DoD 6010.15‑M, 3.b “Military Treatment Facility Uniform Business Office Manual” to include results of analysis of timeframes to 1 year 8 months conduct follow‑up on billed claims for Third Party Collection Program. 7 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs) update DoD 6010.15‑M, 3.c “Military Treatment Facility Uniform Business Office Manual” to provide clear and explicit requirements for 1 year 8 months documenting the follow up on outstanding claims and the rationale for writing‑off a claim. 7 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs) establish a quality 4.a assurance program that monitors Third Party Collection Program compliance audit results and present 1 year 8 months solutions to the Services as necessary such as the precertification or preauthorization denials. 7 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs) establish a quality 1 year 8 months 4.b assurance program that monitors implementation of revised follow‑up requirements. 7 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs) coordinate with 5 medical treatment facilities’ leadership to establish new protocols or procedures as appropriate for 90‑day 1 year 8 months prescriptions that are subject to third‑party reimbursement. 7 days

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 383



Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-064, “Other Defense Organizations and Defense Finance and Accounting Service Controls Over High‑Risk Transactions Were Not Effective,” March 24, 2016

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Directors, Other Defense Organizations and Defense Finance and Accounting Service, revise service‑level agreements based on the end‑to‑end business process 2 identified. Service‑level agreements should include clearly defined roles and responsibilities, internal 1 year 7 days controls, performance metrics, and quality assurance plans to ensure that detail‑level data for problem disbursements are provided, and problem disbursements are reduced and corrected in a timely manner.

Report No. DODIG-2016-105, “Controls Over Compound Drugs at the Defense Health Agency Reduced Costs Substantially, but Improvements Are Needed,” July 1, 2016

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Health Agency, require the Pharmacy 4 Benefit Manager ensure that they screen all compound Medicare claims through the controls for 273 days excluded ingredients.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Health Agency, review and pursue appropriate action 5 on the claims in our sample where we identified potential improper payments. 273 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Health Agency, conduct a review of all paid 6 compound drug claims with prior authorizations, and paid claims with Medicare coverage, and initiate action 273 days to collect improper payments if necessary.

384128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2017-064, “The Defense Health Agency Improperly Paid for Autism‑Related Services to Selected Companies in the TRICARE South Region,” March 10, 2017

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Health Agency, conduct comprehensive medical reviews of applied behavior analysis companies in the TRICARE South Region that show indicators of improper payments, including, but not limited to, companies with a high percentage of claims paid at 1.a the highest rates and companies billing 6 or more hours a day for children 4 years of age or younger, and 21 days compare medical records to applied behavior analysis company claims to determine whether the charges were appropriate.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Health Agency, review claims from the five applied 1.b behavior analysis companies in our sample and provide the results of the review to the DHA Program 21 days Integrity Office for appropriate action.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 385



Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense and Global Security Report No. DODIG-2012-064, “Vulnerability and Risk Assessments Needed to Protect Defense Industrial Base Critical Assets,” March 13, 2012 (Full Report is FOUO)

(FOUO) Age of Recommendation Text Recommendation Recommendation on 3/31/17

(FOUO) 2.b 5 years 18 days


Report No. DODIG-2013-119, “Better Procedures and Oversight Needed to Accurately Identify and Prioritize Task Critical Assets,” August 16, 2013 (Full Report is Classified)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy update DoD Instruction 3020.45, “Defense Critical Infrastructure Program Management,” April 21, 2008, to require that the Assistant 1.a Secretary of Defense for Homeland Security and Americas’ Security Affairs, perform comprehensive Defense 3 years 7 months Critical Infrastructure Program reviews to help identify and resolve challenges in implementing the Critical 15 days Asset Identification Process across all DoD Components and Defense Infrastructure Sector Lead Agents.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, in coordination with the DoD Chief Information Officer and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, develop and implement a Defense 3 years 7 months 1.b Critical Infrastructure Program net‑centric approach to facilitate asset information sharing among the DoD 15 days Components and Defense Infrastructure Sector Lead Agents.

386128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense and Global Security (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2013-119, “Better Procedures and Oversight Needed to Accurately Identify and Prioritize Task Critical Assets,” August 16, 2013 (Full Report is Classified) (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense and Americas’ Security Affairs implement a comprehensive program review process to verify that the critical 2.a asset identification and prioritization process is working effectively for DoD Components and Defense 3 years 7 months Infrastructure Sector Lead Agents to identify, prioritize, and coordinate critical asset information that could 15 days effect each other’s missions or functions.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense and Americas’ Security Affairs require the heads of DoD Components to develop or update policies and procedures to 2.b include all Defense Critical Infrastructure Program requirements and critical asset identification process 3 years 7 months steps in DoD Manual 3020.45, volume 1, “Defense Critical Infrastructure Program: DoD Mission‑Based 15 days Critical Asset Identification Process,” October 24, 2008.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 387



Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low Intensity Conflict Report No. DODIG-2013-005, “Performance Framework and Better Management of Resources Needed for the Ministry of Defense Advisors Program,” October 23, 2012

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Partnership Strategy and Stability Operations, in coordination with the Commander, U.S. Combined Security Transition Command‑Afghanistan, develop a performance management framework to include goals, objectives, and 4 years 5 months A.1 performance indicators to assess progress and measure program results. The performance management 8 days framework should also consider environmental and external factors that could affect the goals and objectives from being accomplished.

Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs Report No. D-2010-026, “Joint Civilian Orientation Conference Program,” December 9, 2009

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs) and the Director, Washington Headquarters Services, work with the DoD General Counsel to establish detailed policies and procedures for managing future Joint Civilian Orientation Conferences in compliance with section 2262, title 10, United States Code. Specifically, they should update DoD Instruction 5410.19 to provide guidance on A.1.a how to effectively administer and manage the Joint Civilian Orientation Conference program. This guidance 7 years 3 months should require the development and submission of an annual budget estimate for conducting the program, 22 days including an estimate of the amount of appropriated funding needed to support DoD personnel involved in the program and the amount of reimbursable authority needed to collect fees from non‑DoD participants. The Instruction should also describe refund procedures for conference fees.

388128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


National Security Agency Report No. DODIG-2013-085, “Cryptographic Modernization of Critical Nuclear Command, Control, and Communications Systems,” May 29, 2013 (Full Report is Classified)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the National Security Agency consolidate “Last Year of Use” and “cease key 3 years 10 months 3 date” into a single date. 2 days

Report No. DODIG-2014-060, “An Assessment of Contractor Personnel Security Clearance Processes in the Four Defense Intelligence Agencies,” April 14, 2014

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Directors of Defense Intelligence Agency, National B.2.a Geospatial‑Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office, and National Security Agency, in the 2 years 11 months absence of an overarching Defense Central Index of Investigations (DCII) policy, evaluate titling and indexing 17 days in the DCII the Subjects of all non-criminal investigations conducted by all agency investigative elements.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Directors of Defense Intelligence Agency, National Geospatial‑Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office, and National Security Agency, direct their 2 years 11 months B.2.b Offices of Security to develop formal procedures to ensure that reports of investigation into misconduct by 17 days contractor personnel are reported to DoD Consolidated Adjudication Facility.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Directors of Defense Intelligence Agency, National Geospatial‑Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office, and National Security Agency, ensure that B.2.c controls are in place to ensure that favorable personnel security adjudicative determinations made with 2 years 11 months conditions, deviations, or waivers are documented in the “Exception Information” block of the Subject’s 17 days SCATTERED CASTLES file.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 389



National Security Agency (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2014-060, “An Assessment of Contractor Personnel Security Clearance Processes in the Four Defense Intelligence Agencies,” April 14, 2014 (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Inspectors General of Defense Intelligence Agency, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office, and National Security Agency, work with 2 years 11 months B.3 the Offices of Security of those Agencies to ensure that Inspector General reports of investigation into 17 days misconduct by contractor personnel are reported to DoD Consolidated Adjudication Facility.

Report No. DODIG-2016-129, (FOUO) “ ,” August 29, 2016 (Full Report is Classified)

(FOUO) Age of Recommendation Text Recommendation Recommendation on 3/31/17

1.a Recommendation is Classified. 214 days

1.b Recommendation is Classified. 214 days

2.a Recommendation is Classified. 214 days

2.b Recommendation is Classified. 214 days

(FOUO) The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Technology Directorate, National Security Agency/ Central Security Service Chief Information Officer, in coordination with system owners, 3.a 214 days


390128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


National Security Agency (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-129, (FOUO) “ ,” August 29, 2016 (Full Report is Classified) (cont’d)

(FOUO) Age of Recommendation Text Recommendation Recommendation on 3/31/17

(FOUO) The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Technology Directorate, National Security Agency/ 3.b Central Security Service Chief Information Officer, in coordination with system owners 214 days

(FOUO) The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Technology Directorate, National Security Agency/ Central Security Service Chief Information Officer, in coordination with system owners 3.c 214 days


Defense Threat Reduction Agency Report No. DODIG‑2014‑055, “Investigation of a Hotline Allegation of a Questionable Intelligence Activity Concerning the Joint IED Defeat Organization (JIEDDO) Counter‑Improvised Explosive Device Operations/Intelligence Integration Center (COIC),” April 4, 2014 (Full Report is Classified)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization, cease 2 years 11 months A.6 intelligence collection activities, pending Office of the Secretary of Defense authorization. 27 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization, A.7; B.2; C.2; D.3 authorize the Counter-Improvised Explosive Device Operations/Intelligence Integration Center a full time 2 years 11 months Deputy General Counsel for Operations and Intelligence billet. 27 days

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 391



Defense Threat Reduction Agency (cont’d) Report No. DODIG‑2014‑055, “Investigation of a Hotline Allegation of a Questionable Intelligence Activity Concerning the Joint IED Defeat Organization (JIEDDO) Counter‑Improvised Explosive Device Operations/Intelligence Integration Center (COIC),” April 4, 2014 (Full Report is Classified) (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization, review A.8; B.3; C.3 hardcopy and softcopy holdings for U.S. persons information, and delete or retain in accordance with DoD 2 years 11 months 5240.1 -R, Chapter 3. 27 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization, review internal procedures and current legal opinions to ensure that collecting information about U.S. persons is in 2 years 11 months A.9 accordance with Title 10 United States Code, Executive Order 12333, DoD Directive 5240.01, DoD 5240.1-R, 27 days and other applicable policies and instructions.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization, A.10; B.4; C.4; D.4 tailor JIEDDO’s intelligence oversight training to fit the Counter-Improvised Explosive Device Operations/ 2 years 11 months Intelligence Integration Center’s unique mission and activities. 27 days

Report No. DODIG-2015-157, “Assessment of the Nuclear Warhead Unsatisfactory Report Process,” August 5, 2015 (Full Report is Classified)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Nuclear Enterprise Support Directorate, Defense Threat Reduction Agency, representing DoD’s role in the Unsatisfactory Report Integrated Process Team, oversee changes to Technical Publication 5‑1 addressing a long‑term process control solution for the Unsatisfactory Report Integrated Process Team to ensure: a) roles and responsibilities are clearly defined across the 1 year 7 months A Department of Energy and Department of Defense; b) a mechanism for feedback from operational units 26 days and information system administrators to the Unsatisfactory Report Integrated Process Team; c) a reporting structure to provide the Nuclear Weapons Council with visibility into Unsatisfactory Report Integrated Process Team issues.

128392 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Defense Threat Reduction Agency (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2015-157, “Assessment of the Nuclear Warhead Unsatisfactory Report Process,” August 5, 2015 (Full Report is Classified) (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Nuclear Enterprise Support Directorate, Defense Threat Reduction Agency, representing DoD’s role in the Unsatisfactory Report Integrated Process Team, oversee B.1.b Unsatisfactory Report Integrated Process Team actions to work with weapon system program officer groups 1 year 7 months to standardize existing Unsatisfactory Report trend metrics to make available to all stakeholders to include 26 days end users.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Nuclear Enterprise Support Directorate, Defense Threat Reduction Agency, representing DoD’s role in the Unsatisfactory Report Integrated Process Team, oversee B.1.c Unsatisfactory Report Integrated Process Team actions to work with weapon system program officer groups 1 year 7 months to review Unsatisfactory Report (UR) categories and determine if an additional category is needed for 26 days capturing operational concerns that require expedited UR response.

Report No. DODIG-2016-120, “Joint Improvised‑Threat Defeat Agency Processes and Procedures for Managing Needs to Improve Assessment and Documentation of Counter‑Improvised Explosive Device Initiatives,” August 9, 2016 (Full Report is FOUO)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Joint Improvised‑Threat Defeat Agency, develop control 2.a procedures to make sure that at each management decision point for initiatives, the supporting 234 days documentation is completed and captured in the Checkpoint central database.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 393



Defense Information Systems Agency Report No. DODIG-2012-050, “Improvements Needed With Host‑Based Intrusion Detection Systems,” February 3, 2012 (Full Report is FOUO)

(FOUO) Age of Recommendation Text Recommendation Recommendation on 3/31/17

(FOUO) The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Information Systems Agency, develop the B.2 automated capability for U.S. Cyber Command to determine whether DoD Components are appropriately 5 years 1 month configuring the Host Intrusion Prevention System. 28 days

(FOUO) The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Information Systems Agency, fully develop D.1 the capability to consolidate Unclassified but Sensitive Internet Protocol Router Network Host Based 5 years 1 month Security System event data to allow U.S. Cyber Command access to that data. 28 days


Report No. DODIG-2015-152, “Defense Information Systems Agency and Defense Logistics Agency Information Technology Contracts Awarded Without Competition Were Generally Justified,” July 29, 2015

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Defense Information Systems Agency Procurement Services Executive Chief, Defense Information Technology Contracting Organization, review the contracting practices at 1.a Defense Information Systems Agency, Defense Information Technology Contracting Organization, Fort 1 year 8 months Meade, Maryland, for contract HC1047‑13‑D‑4006 and take action to remove the non unique equipment 2 days and services as appropriate.

394128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Defense Information Systems Agency (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-068, “DoD’s Efforts to Consolidate Data Centers Need Improvement,” March 29 2016

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Chief Information Officer, Department of the Army; Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer; Chief Information Officer, Office of the Secretary of the Air Force; and B.2 Chief Information Officer, Defense Information Systems Agency, revise their current processes for validating 1 year 2 days data center information to ensure the accuracy and completeness of information reported to the DoD Chief Information Officer.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 395



National Reconnaissance Office Report No. DODIG-2014-060, “An Assessment of Contractor Personnel Security Clearance Processes in the Four Defense Intelligence Agencies,” April 14, 2014

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Directors of Defense Intelligence Agency, National Geospatial‑Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office, and National Security Agency, in the 2 years 11 months B.2.a absence of an overarching Defense Central Index of Investigations (DCII) policy, evaluate titling and indexing 17 days in the DCII the Subjects of all non-criminal investigations conducted by all agency investigative elements.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Directors of Defense Intelligence Agency, National Geospatial‑Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office, and National Security Agency, direct their 2 years 11 months B.2.b Offices of Security to develop formal procedures to ensure that reports of investigation into misconduct by 17 days contractor personnel are reported to DoD Consolidated Adjudication Facility.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Directors of Defense Intelligence Agency, National Geospatial‑Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office, and National Security Agency, ensure that B.2.c controls are in place to ensure that favorable personnel security adjudicative determinations made with 2 years 11 months conditions, deviations, or waivers are documented in the “Exception Information” block of the Subject’s 17 days SCATTERED CASTLES file.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Inspectors General of Defense Intelligence Agency, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office, and National Security Agency, work with 2 years 11 months B.3 the Offices of Security of those Agencies to ensure that Inspector General reports of investigation into 17 days misconduct by contractor personnel are reported to DoD Consolidated Adjudication Facility.

396128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Defense Intelligence Agency Report No. DODIG-2014-060, “An Assessment of Contractor Personnel Security Clearance Processes in the Four Defense Intelligence Agencies,” April 14, 2014

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Directors of Defense Intelligence Agency, National Geospatial‑Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office, and National Security Agency, in the 2 years 11 months B.2.a absence of an overarching Defense Central Index of Investigations (DCII) policy, evaluate titling and indexing 17 days in the DCII the Subjects of all non-criminal investigations conducted by all agency investigative elements.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Directors of Defense Intelligence Agency, National Geospatial‑Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office, and National Security Agency, direct their 2 years 11 months B.2.b Offices of Security to develop formal procedures to ensure that reports of investigation into misconduct by 17 days contractor personnel are reported to DoD Consolidated Adjudication Facility.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Directors of Defense Intelligence Agency, National Geospatial‑Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office, and National Security Agency, ensure that B.2.c controls are in place to ensure that favorable personnel security adjudicative determinations made with 2 years 11 months conditions, deviations, or waivers are documented in the “Exception Information” block of the Subject’s 17 days SCATTERED CASTLES file.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Inspectors General of Defense Intelligence Agency, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office, and National Security Agency, work with 2 years 11 months B.3 the Offices of Security of those Agencies to ensure that Inspector General reports of investigation into 17 days misconduct by contractor personnel are reported to DoD Consolidated Adjudication Facility.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 397



Defense Intelligence Agency (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-098, “Evaluation of Foreign Officer Involvement at the United States Special Operations Command,” June 15, 2016 (Full Report is Classified)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Intelligence Agency, establish appropriate policy B.2.a and procedures for integrating partner nation representatives into Defense Intelligence Agency accredited 289 days Sensitive Compartmented Information Facilities.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Intelligence Agency, review the accreditation for the B.2.b Five Eye Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (S0‑14‑004) and ensure the accreditation certificate 289 days is in accordance with Defense Intelligence Agency and Intelligence Community Directive 705 requirements.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Intelligence Agency review the United States Special B.2.c Operations Command’s automated information systems accreditation. 289 days

128398 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Defense Logistics Agency Report No. DODIG-2012-098, “Controls Governing the Procurement Automated Contract Evaluation System Need Improvement,” June 5, 2012 (Full Report is FOUO)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Logistics Agency, cease the current process of automated affixing of contracting officers’ electronic signatures to fully automated awards in the Procurement Automated Contract Evaluation System and develop an alternate method compliant with 4 years 9 months A.1 Public Law 105‑277, “Government Paperwork Elimination Act,” October 21, 1998, Public Law 106‑229, 26 days “Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act,” June 30, 2000, and the Federal Acquisition Regulation.

Report No. DODIG-2013-057, “Enterprise Business System Was Not Configured to Implement the U.S. Government Standard General Ledger at the Transaction Level,” March 20, 2013

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Logistics Agency, develop a plan of action and milestones to detail the design and fund system change requirements necessary to implement the Standard 4 years 11 days 2.c.(1) Financial Information Structure business rules and Transaction Library needed to support the most recent version of the Business Enterprise Architecture before adding any other capabilities.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Logistics Agency, develop a plan of action and milestones to implement an Enterprise Business System alternate chart of accounts that has the capability 2.c.(2) to report the DoD Standard Chart of Accounts for general fund and working capital fund activities at the 4 years 11 days transactional level.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Logistics Agency, develop a plan of action and milestones to determine the appropriate DoD Standard Chart of Accounts reporting account for each 2.c.(3) Enterprise Business System posting account and establish an internal crosswalk to report transactional data 4 years 11 days to an alternate chart of accounts containing the current DoD Standard Chart of Accounts.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 399



Defense Logistics Agency (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2013-057, “Enterprise Business System Was Not Configured to Implement the U.S. Government Standard General Ledger at the Transaction Level,” March 20, 2013 (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Logistics Agency, develop a plan of action and milestones to develop trial balances by Defense Logistics Agency appropriation (general fund) or business 2.c.(4) activity (working capital fund) that comply with the Standard Financial Information Structure Transaction 4 years 11 days Library and can report directly into the Defense Departmental Reporting System.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Logistics Agency, identify the normal balance of each Enterprise Business System posting account by assigning a value in the inflation key data field of each 2.f posting account. If SAP functionality does not provide sufficient space for account definitions, Enterprise 4 years 11 days Business System program managers should document account definitions external to the system.

Report No. DODIG-2013-100, “Contract Administration of the Subsistence Prime Vendor Contract for Afghanistan Improved, but Additional Actions are Needed,” July 2, 2013

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Defense Logistics Agency Troop Support, implement corrective actions to address all recommendations, with the exception of Recommendations A1.b, A2.a, A2.b, A2.c, A3, A4.a, A4.b, B1, and B2, in DoD Office of Inspector General Report No. D‑2011‑047, 3 years 8 months 1.a “Improvements Needed in Contract Administration of the Subsistence Prime Vendor Contract for 29 days Afghanistan,” March 2, 2011, specifically: initiate corrective actions to recover premium transportation fees and refund the Army after litigation is completed.

400128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Defense Logistics Agency (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2014-091, “Procedures to Ensure Sufficient Rare Earth Elements for the Defense Industrial Base Need Improvement,” July 3, 2014 (Full Report is FOUO)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Logistics Agency, Strategic Materials Division, develop and implement a verification and validation plan for Risk Assessment and Mitigation Framework for 1.a Strategic Material Rare Earth Elements data inputs, in accordance with DoD requirements. The plan should 2 years 8 months include procedures to analyze, mitigate, and track risks that could adversely affect REE supply data inputs, 28 days through the use of probabilistic tools in the analysis and mitigation procedure steps.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Logistics Agency, Strategic Materials Division, develop and implement a verification and validation plan for Risk Assessment and Mitigation Framework for 2 years 8 months 1.b Strategic Material Rare Earth Elements data inputs, in accordance with DoD requirements. The plan should 28 days include procedures to verify the consistency and correctness of REE consumption data inputs.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Logistics Agency, Strategic Materials Division, develop and implement an accreditation plan for the Risk Assessment and Mitigation Framework for 2 years 8 months 4 Strategic Materials to ensure it is appropriate for its intended use, in accordance with DoD requirements for 28 days modeling and simulation and associated data.

Report No. DODIG-2015-132, “Opportunities Exist to Improve the Inventory Management for Defense Logistics Agency Aviation C‑130 Spare Parts,” June 11, 2015

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Logistics Agency, implement controls within the 1 customer collaboration process that assess the supply chain risks, such as the unavailability of parts, prior to 1 year 9 months incorporating its customers’ demand forecasts and making materiel purchases. 20 days

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 401



Defense Logistics Agency (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2015-132, “Opportunities Exist to Improve the Inventory Management for Defense Logistics Agency Aviation C‑130 Spare Parts,” June 11, 2015 (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Defense Logistics Agency Aviation, evaluate and improve DLA Aviation procedures that review purchase requests and orders of parts that may be excessive by 1 year 9 months 2 ensuring correct and complete data is used and by considering costs to generate, cancel, and regenerate 20 days purchase requests compared to the costs of purchasing excessive inventory.

Report No. DODIG-2015-140, “Defense Logistics Agency Can Improve Its Product Quality Deficiency Report Processing,” July 1, 2015

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Logistics Agency, develop a plan of action with milestones to improve product quality deficiency report processing and ensure that the corrective actions are implemented at all DLA Supply Chains that process product quality deficiency reports. The plan 1 year 8 months 1.a.1 should address the problems that this report identified and update existing guidance for quality assurance 30 days specialists to clarify the product quality deficiency cause code definitions and providing specific examples of situations that warrant the use of each specific code.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Logistics Agency, develop a plan of action with milestones to improve product quality deficiency report processing and ensure that the corrective actions are implemented at all DLA Supply Chains that process product quality deficiency reports. The plan 1 year 8 months 1.a.2 should address the problems that this report identified and update existing guidance for quality assurance 30 days specialists to specify how the coding decisions impact contractors’ quality ratings in the Past Performance Information Retrieval System.

402128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Defense Logistics Agency (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2015-140, “Defense Logistics Agency Can Improve Its Product Quality Deficiency Report Processing,” July 1, 2015 (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Logistics Agency, develop a plan of action with milestones to improve product quality deficiency report processing and ensure that the corrective actions are implemented at all DLA Supply Chains that process product quality deficiency reports. The plan 1 year 8 months 1.a.3 should address the problems that this report identified and update existing guidance for quality assurance 30 days specialists to address the sufficiency of supervisory reviews and include specific procedures necessary when reviewing the results of a product quality deficiency report investigation.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Logistics Agency, develop a plan of action with milestones to improve product quality deficiency report processing and ensure that the corrective actions are implemented at all DLA Supply Chains that process product quality deficiency reports. The plan should 1.b address the problems that this report identified and establish the integrity of the product quality deficiency 1 year 8 months reporting coding then develop procedures, controls and appropriate metrics to identify problems, trends, 30 days and recurring deficiencies in spare part quality and to improve the operational effectiveness of the program and provide training to ensure that the problems this report identified do not reoccur.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Logistics Agency, develop a plan of action with milestones to improve product quality deficiency report processing and ensure that the corrective actions are implemented at all DLA Supply Chains that process product quality deficiency reports. The plan should address the problems that this report identified and require coordination with the U.S. Navy Product Data 1 year 8 months 1.c.1 Reporting and Evaluation Program Office and other relevant organizations to ensure planned corrective 30 days actions are implemented for improved communication between the Enterprise Business System, Product Data Reporting and Evaluation Program and Joint Deficiency Reporting System and will sufficiently maintain the integrity of DLA product quality deficiency report investigation results and associated coding.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Logistics Agency, develop a plan of action with milestones to improve product quality deficiency report processing and ensure that the corrective actions are implemented at all DLA Supply Chains that process product quality deficiency reports. The plan should address the problems that this report identified and require coordination with the U.S. Navy Product 1 year 8 months 1.c.2 Data Reporting and Evaluation Program Office and other relevant organizations to develop periodic 30 days review procedures to ensure that the integrity of DLA product quality deficiency report investigations and associated coding in the Enterprise Business System is maintained in the Product Data Reporting and Evaluation Program.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 403



Defense Logistics Agency (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-023, “Improvements Needed in the Defense Logistics Agency’s Evaluation of Fair and Reasonable Prices for C‑130 Aircraft Spare Parts,” November 16, 2015

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Logistics Agency, direct the Head of the Contracting Activity to require the contracting officer to perform appropriate market research, including requesting A.1.a Government engineering reviews, to determine whether a commercial item determination is appropriate 1 year 4 months before a solicitation is issued for follow‑on supply support contracts in accordance with Federal Acquisition 15 days Regulation Part 10 and Defense Logistics Agency Directive Subpart 12.1.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Logistics Agency, direct the Head of the Contracting Activity to revise Defense Logistics Agency Aviation Acquisition Procedure, Part 15, to require contracting 1 year 4 months B.2.a officers to establish average indirect rates based on the contractors historical indirect rates for the last 3 15 days years when Defense Contract Management Agency‑approved rates are not available.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Logistics Agency, direct the Head of the Contracting Activity to revise Defense Logistics Agency Aviation Acquisition Procedure, Part 15, to require contracting 1 year 4 months B.2.b officers to apply the historically based average rates to material cost and labor hours, once verified, for 15 days analysis of proposed prices as fair and reasonable.

404128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Defense Logistics Agency (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-027, “Defense Logistics Agency’s Materiel Returns Program Could Be Managed More Effectively,” December 2, 2015

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Logistics Agency, develop Materiel Returns Program guidance that includes, as a minimum, procedures for supply planners on how to assess and respond to customer return requests for the following: 1) critical safety items; 2) aviation life support equipment items; 1 year 3 months A.1 3) shelf life items; 4) items requiring first article testing; 5) items undergoing technical reviews; 6) low 29 days demand items; 7) items with low‑dollar values; 8) items with adequate stock on hand; and 9) items on long term contracts.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Logistics Agency, develop mandatory initial and A.2 periodic Materiel Returns Program specific training that aligns with the guidance developed in response to 1 year 3 months Recommendation A.1. 29 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Logistics Agency, develop guidance to require 1 year 3 months B.1 personnel to document their decisions and rationale for including items on the auto‑TC table. 29 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Logistics Agency, implement an oversight process to 1 year 3 months B.2 periodically review and update items on the auto‑TC table. 29 days

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 405



Defense Logistics Agency (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-036, “Management of Items in the Defense Logistics Agency’s Long‑Term Storage Needs Improvement,” December 22, 2015

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Logistics Agency, update the automated recoupment B.1 process in the Enterprise Business System to include all categories of inventory to ensure all condition code 1 year 3 months A items are appropriately recouped from the long‑term storage inventory. 9 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Logistics Agency, determine why eligible long‑term B.2 storage inventory items are not automatically recouped and correct those deficiencies in the Enterprise 1 year 3 months Business System. 9 days

Report No. DODIG-2016-047, “Defense Logistics Agency Did Not Appropriately Determine Fair and Reasonable Prices for F108 Engine Sole‑Source Commercial Parts,” February 16, 2016 (Full Report is FOUO)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Logistics Agency, require the contracting officer to review the parts with no commercial sales and determine whether the commercial off‑the‑shelf classification is appropriate before awarding the next contract with CFM International in 2016. If the a classification is changed from commercial off‑the‑shelf to commercial, request technical assistance 1 year 1 month to determine the similarity of the parts CFM proposes to support the commercial parts that have no 15 days commercial sales, in accordance with Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement Procedure, Guidance, and Information 215.404‑1(e).

406128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Defense Logistics Agency (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-133, “Evaluation of the Integrated Tactical Warning/Attack Assessment Ground‑Based Radars,” September 8, 2016 (Full Report is Classified)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Air Force Lifecycle Management Center, in conjunction with the Defense Logistics Agency, Air Force Space Command, and the Air Force Sustainment Center, ensure C.1 the Air Force is identified as a user for all Integrated Tactical Warning/Attack Assessment ground‑based 204 days radar spare parts.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, Air Force Lifecycle Management Center, as the service engineering authority in conjunction with the Defense Logistics Agency, Air Force Space Command, and C.2 the Air Force Sustainment Center, review and correct quality assurance processes for Integrated Tactical 204 days Warning/Attack Assessment ground‑based radar suitable substitute selection.

Report No. DODIG-2017-002, “Consolidation Needed for Procurements of DoD H‑60 Helicopter Spare Parts,” October 12, 2016 (Full Report is FOUO)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Logistics Agency, collect and analyze data related to H‑60 spare parts contracts and purchase orders and take steps to consolidate the Defense Logistics Agency’s 2 H‑60 spare parts procurements, where practicable to take advantage of quantity discounts and reduce 170 days administrative costs.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 407



Defense Logistics Agency (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2017-037, “Defense Logistics Agency Disposition Services Needs to Improve Demilitarization Program Self‑Assessment Evaluations,” December 20, 2016 (Full Report is FOUO)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Logistics Agency Disposition Services, reemphasize to Centralized Demilitarization Division personnel their responsibilities to report accurate self‑assessments 1.a results, submit all self‑assessment supporting documentation, and prepare self‑assessment corrective action 101 days plans to address deficiencies, in accordance with Defense Logistics Agency Disposition Services Standard Operating Procedure 4155.01.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Logistics Agency Disposition Services, reemphasize to the Disposition Services Compliance Branch personnel their responsibilities to follow the requirements 1.b established by Defense Logistics Agency Disposition Services Standard Operating Procedure 4155.01, for the 101 days oversight of the Centralized Demilitarization Division self‑assessment program.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Logistics Agency Disposition Services, update Defense Logistics Agency Disposition Services Standard Operating Procedure 4155.01 to require Disposition 1.c Services Compliance Branch personnel to review all protocol results for accuracy and inclusion of supporting 101 days documentation.

408128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Defense Logistics Agency (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2017-050, “Defense Logistics Agency Aviation Negotiated Fair and Reasonable Prices for F402 Engine Spare Parts, but Pricing Errors and Late Deliveries Occurred,” January 31, 2017 (Full Report is FOUO)

(FOUO) Age of Recommendation Text Recommendation Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Logistics Agency, establish standard operating procedures and internal controls to ensure that contracting officials enter and maintain accurate unit A.1.a prices in the Supplier Relationship Management System, verify that delivery order unit prices are correct, 59 days and proactively determine whether additional delivery orders require correction after a pricing error is identified.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Logistics Agency, direct the contracting officer for A.1.b contract SPE4A5‑14‑D‑0015 to determine whether the Defense Logistics Agency Aviation is entitled to any 59 days credits or refunds for payments already made to Rolls‑Royce.

(FOUO) The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Logistics Agency, direct the contracting officer for contract SPE4A5‑14‑D‑0015 to re‑negotiate the contract’s late delivery disincentive so that it B.1.b is comparable to the or percent service fee for delivery improvements and revise the process for 59 days applying the disincentive to ensure it is not administratively burdensome.


Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 409



Defense Logistics Agency (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2017-052 “Defense Organization Officials Did Not Consistently Comply With Requirements for Assessing Contractor Performance,” February 1, 2017

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Logistics Agency, develop and implement organization‑wide procedures: a) that identify specific timeframes and steps for Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System officials to perform to ensure future compliance with the 120‑day requirement in the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics memorandum 2.a‑c and ensure the 120 days include the 60‑day contractor comment period; b) that require assessors to take 58 days training on the rating and evaluation factor definitions, as outlined in the Federal Acquisition Regulation and Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System Guide; and c) for performing reviews of performance assessment reports and monitor reviews of the performance assessment reports to verify compliance with the FAR.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Logistics Agency, develop and implement procedures 3 that require assessors to take initial and periodic refresher Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting 58 days System Quality and Narrative Writing training.

128410 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Defense Logistics Agency (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2017-059 “Defense Logistics Agency Land and Maritime Can Improve Its Processes to Obtain Restitution From Contractors That Provide Defective Spare Parts,” February 23, 2017

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Logistics Agency, develop a plan of action with milestones to improve the agency’s process of identifying defective parts, requesting repair and replacement of defective parts, and accepting consideration. The plan should establish controls and oversight and provide sufficient training to ensure Defense Logistics Agency Land and Maritime logistics 1.a‑d operations and acquisition personnel: a) coordinate in a timely manner to request restitution from 36 days contractors that provide defective parts; b) adequately search the DoD inventory to identify and remove defective parts; c) return defective parts to responsible contractors for repair or replacement; and d) track the status of defective parts shipped back to contractors and ensure that appropriate restitution is provided in the form of repaired or replaced parts or other means.

The DoD OIG recommended that until corrective actions to improve product quality deficiency report processing are fully implemented, the Director, Defense Logistics Agency, require the Defense Logistics Agency Land and Maritime to continue to review all contracts with associated product quality deficiency 2 reports for which the report investigations concluded that the contractor provided defective parts. The 36 days review should focus on high‑value and mission‑critical items, ensure that prompt action is taken to pursue appropriate restitution, and remove all defective parts from the DoD supply chain.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 411



Defense Contract Audit Agency Report No. DODIG-2016-091 “Evaluation of the Accuracy of Data in the DoD Contract Audit Follow‑Up System,” May 13, 2016

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Directors, Defense Contract Audit Agency and Defense Contract Management Agency, provide refresher training on DoD Instruction 7640.02 reporting requirements to 1.a‑b employees involved in Contract Audit Follow‑up reporting, with emphasis on accurately: a) classifying audit 322 days reports as reportable or not reportable; and b) reporting questioned cost, qualifications or unresolved cost, questioned cost subject to penalty, questioned cost sustained, and resolution and disposition dates.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Contract Audit Agency, modify Agency procedures 2.a and related internal controls to accurately classify audits as reportable or not reportable in the monthly 322 days report list that DCMA uploads to the Contract Audit Follow‑up System.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Contract Audit Agency, modify Agency procedures and related internal controls to include the Qualifications or Unresolved Cost data field in the Defense 2.b Contract Audit Agency monthly report list of reportable audits, as DoD Instruction 7640.02, enclosure 4, 322 days paragraph 2.j requires.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Contract Audit Agency, modify Agency procedures 2.d and related internal controls to notify the DCMA of significant corrections made to contract audit follow‑up 322 days information previously included in the DCAA monthly report list.

128412 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Defense Security Cooperation Agency Report No. DODIG-2016-064 “Other Defense Organizations and Defense Finance and Accounting Service Controls Over High‑Risk Transactions Were Not Effective,” March 28, 2016

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Directors, Other Defense Organizations and Defense Finance and Accounting Service, revise service‑level agreements based on the end‑to‑end business process 2 identified. Service‑level agreements should include clearly defined roles and responsibilities, internal 1 year 3 days controls, performance metrics, and quality assurance plans to ensure that detail‑level data for problem disbursements are provided, and problem disbursements are reduced and corrected in a timely manner.

Report No. DODIG-2017-056 “U.S. European Command Needs to Improve Oversight of the Golden Sentry Program,” February 17, 2017 (Full Report is FOUO)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Principal Director, Security Assistance and Equipping Directorate, Defense Security Cooperation Agency, update the security checklists to include instructions on when, where 2.a and how the checklists should be used; who should use the checklists; and how that person should verify 42 days the recipient country complied with the security checklists requirements.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Principal Director, Security Assistance and Equipping Directorate, Defense Security Cooperation Agency, update the Defense Institute of Security Cooperation Studies’ 2.b Security Cooperation Management Overseas training course to include training that addresses the use of 42 days security checklists and demonstrates how the Security Cooperation Organization’s Golden Sentry Program Managers verify the recipient country complied with the security checklist requirements.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 413



Missile Defense Agency Report No. DODIG-2015-037 “Exoatmospheric Kill Vehicle Quality Assurance and Reliability Assessment– Part B,” November 13, 2014 (Full Report is Classified)

(FOUO) Age of Recommendation Text Recommendation Recommendation on 3/31/17

(FOUO) The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Missile Defense Agency, perform an extensive 2 years 4 months A.1 assessment of manufacturing process maturity 18 days

(FOUO) 2 years 4 months A.2 18 days

(FOUO) The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Missile Defense Agency, complete a clear and B.1 actionable plan to mitigate The plan should include a 2 years 4 months Government‑accepted approach for tracking and mitigation. 18 days


128414 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Defense Commissary Agency Report No. DODIG-2017-060 “Defense Commissary Agency Purchases of Fresh Produce in Guam,” February 28, 2017

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Commissary Agency, reevaluate transportation 1 options to address the price increase of bagged salads at the Guam commissaries. 31 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Commissary Agency, require Guam commissary 2 produce personnel to document quality problems with fresh produce in commissary display areas and 31 days identify whether problems were related to ordering, product rotation, or receiving.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 415



Defense Finance and Accounting Service Report No. DODIG-2012-107 “Defense Finance and Accounting Service Needs to Improve the Process for Reconciling the Other Defense Organizations’ Fund Balance with Treasury,” July 9, 2012

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Finance and Accounting Service–Indianapolis, develop a systems infrastructure that will allow personnel to readily retrieve the detailed transactions 4 years 8 months 1.a supporting all open appropriations that the Accounts Maintenance and Control branch is responsible for 22 days accounting for and reconciling on the Cash Management Report.

Report No. DODIG-2016-064 “Other Defense Organizations and Defense Finance and Accounting Service Controls Over High‑Risk Transactions Were Not Effective,” March 28, 2016

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Directors, Other Defense Organizations and Defense Finance and Accounting Service, revise service‑level agreements based on the end‑to‑end business process 2 identified. Service‑level agreements should include clearly defined roles and responsibilities, internal 1 year 3 days controls, performance metrics, and quality assurance plans to ensure that detail‑level data for problem disbursements are provided, and problem disbursements are reduced and corrected in a timely manner.

128416 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Defense Finance and Accounting Service (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-066 “Improvements Could Be Made in Reconciling Other Defense Organizations Civilian Pay to the General Ledger,” March 25, 2016

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Finance and Accounting Service–Indianapolis, develop a formal plan to reconcile civilian pay records or review reconciliations for the 14 of 15 of the 1.b remaining Other Defense Organizations they service. At a minimum, the plan should: 1) provide a time line 1 year 6 days for starting these civilian pay reconciliations, and 2) define the roles and responsibilities of Defense Finance and Accounting Service–Indianapolis and the Other Defense Organizations.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Finance and Accounting Service–Indianapolis, revise existing Standard Operating Procedures to clearly describe the civilian pay reconciliation process. At a minimum, the Standard Operating Procedure should: 1) identify all the components involved in 1.d the reconciliation process; 2) define the roles and responsibilities of components involved in the Other 1 year 6 days Defense Organizations civilian pay reconciliations; 3) provide the general ledger accounts (budgetary and proprietary) that are used in the reconciliation processes; and 4) establish procedures to check the accuracy of the system generated payroll accrual entry in the Defense Agency Initiatives general ledger system.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Finance and Accounting Service–Indianapolis, 1.e centralize the Other Defense Organizations civilian payroll reconciliations processes. 1 year 6 days

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 417



Defense Finance and Accounting Service (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-102 “Additional Controls Needed to Issue Reliable DoD Cost of War Reports That Accurately Reflect the Status of Air Force Operation Inherent Resolve Funds,” June 23, 2016

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Finance and Accounting Service Enterprise Solutions and Standards, in coordination with the Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Budget, Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force Financial Management and Comptroller, update the business 3 rules in the Contingency Operations Reporting and Analysis Service to ensure the contingency operation 281 days codes identified for Operation Inherent Resolve are complete and accurate; and assign responsibility for communicating any future changes.

Report No. DODIG-2016-103 “Improvements Needed in Managing Army Suspense Accounts,” June 27, 2016

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Finance and Accounting Service–Indianapolis, A.1 perform a trend analysis based on historical data and determine a reasonable allocation to adjust the Army 277 days General Fund financial statements and proper component‑level financial statements accordingly.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Finance and Accounting Service–Indianapolis, in coordination with Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)/Chief Financial Officer, DoD, and B.1 other Defense Finance and Accounting Service personnel establish a special fund account to record and 277 days report the revenue generating transactions, as well as request the establishment of deposit fund accounts to properly record the Uniformed Services Thrift Savings Plan transactions and tax collections.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Finance and Accounting Service–Indianapolis, in coordination with Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)/Chief Financial Officer, DoD, and B.2 other Defense Finance and Accounting Service personnel request, as necessary, from Office of Management 277 days and Budget and the Department of the Treasury, approval to establish special and deposit fund accounts.

128418 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Defense Finance and Accounting Service (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-103 “Improvements Needed in Managing Army Suspense Accounts,” June 27, 2016 (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Finance and Accounting Service–Indianapolis, in coordination with Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)/Chief Financial Officer, DoD, and B.3 other Defense Finance and Accounting Service personnel revise the DoD Financial Management Regulation 277 days to reflect the changes in how the special fund and deposit fund accounts are to be used.

Report No. DODIG-2016-104 “Improvements Needed in Managing Department of the Navy Suspense Accounts,” June 30, 2016

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Finance and Accounting Service–Cleveland, review 3.b and correct business processes to ensure only Department of the Navy suspense transactions are posted to 274 days and included in DON suspense account balances.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 419



Defense Finance and Accounting Service (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-113 “Army General Fund Adjustments Not Adequately Documented or Supported,” July 26, 2016

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management and 2.d Comptroller) and the Director, Defense Finance and Accounting Service–Indianapolis, provide the resources 248 days necessary to implement identified corrective actions.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management and Comptroller) and the Director, Defense Finance and Accounting Service–Indianapolis, provide the resources 2.e necessary to determine if any journal voucher adjustments can be eliminated and develop corrective actions 248 days with milestones for when they will be eliminated.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management and Comptroller) and the Director, Defense Finance and Accounting Service–Indianapolis, provide the resources 2.f necessary to identify the necessary documentation to support the journal voucher adjustments that cannot 248 days be eliminated.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Finance and Accounting Service–Indianapolis create, and revise annually, documentation describing the complete Defense Departmental Reporting 3.b System‑Budgetary import process, to include: 1) programs written to exclude data during the import 248 days process; 2) processes for all tables that edit feeder file data; 3) processes for all feeder files; and 4) descriptions of why each change is necessary.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Finance and Accounting Service–Indianapolis, update 3.c the Army Report Data Type Management Report and Feeder File Inventory Control Report to ensure the 248 days information in them is accurate and complete.

128420 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Defense Finance and Accounting Service (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-126 “Improvements Needed In Managing the Other Defense Organizations’ Suspense Accounts,” August 25, 2016

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Directors, Defense Finance and Accounting Service–Indianapolis A.1.a and–Columbus, document and monitor the newly implemented controls for allocating unidentified MOCAS 218 days collections. If the procedures are not showing desired results, design new, more effective controls.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Directors, Defense Finance and Accounting Service–Indianapolis and–Columbus obtain the complete universe of detailed transactions supporting the suspense account A.1.b balances, perform regular and recurring reconciliations of the data, and remediate any deficiencies that 218 days impact the accuracy of the balances.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Directors, Defense Finance and Accounting Service–Indianapolis and–Columbus develop an estimate using relevant, sufficient, and reliable information to record the A.1.c consolidated Other Defense Organizations’ suspense account balances on the individual Other Defense 218 days Organizations’ financial statements.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Directors, Defense Finance and Accounting Service–Indianapolis and –Columbus document and monitor the newly implemented controls for clearing all suspense account A.1.d transactions within 60 business days. If the procedures are not showing desired results, design new, more 218 days effective controls.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Directors, Defense Finance and Accounting Service–Indianapolis and –Columbus, in coordination with the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)/Chief B.1.a Financial Officer, DoD, revise the DoD Financial Management Regulation so that it is consistent with the 218 days Treasury Financial Manual and Office of Management and Budget guidance, and it instructs agencies on how to properly account for revenue‑generating, Thrift Savings Plan, and tax transactions.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Directors, Defense Finance and Accounting Service–Indianapolis and Columbus, in coordination with the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)/Chief Financial B.1.b Officer, DoD, establish, in coordination with the Office of Management and Budget and the U.S. Treasury, 218 days special fund accounts for recording and reporting the revenue‑generating transactions and a deposit fund account for properly recording Thrift Savings Plan transactions.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 421



Defense Finance and Accounting Service (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2017-015 “Application Level General Controls for the Defense Cash Accountability System Need Improvement,” November 10, 2016

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director of Business Enterprise Information Services and Other Systems, Defense Finance and Accounting Service, develop a formal Information Assurance training policy for Defense Cash Accountability System users. The policy should include the training requirements for all A.1.a Defense Cash Accountability System users, assign monitoring responsibilities, and inform employees of 141 days the consequences of not complying with the Information Assurance training policy. Once formalized, they should disseminate the Information Assurance security awareness training policies and procedures to all Defense Cash Accountability System users.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director of Business Enterprise Information Services and Other Systems, Defense Finance and Accounting Service, review the Defense Cash Accountability System Access A.1.b Control Policy to determine if it is appropriate for all Center Administrators to be Information System 141 days Security Officers. If the policy is appropriate, implement the procedures. If not appropriate, update the policy to identify who should be Information System Security Officers.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director of Business Enterprise Information Services and Other Systems, Defense Finance and Accounting Service, develop and implement procedures to require A.1.c.1 Information System Security Officers to comply with the certification requirements established in DoD 141 days Manual 8570.01‑M, “Information Assurance Workforce Improvement Program.”

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director of Business Enterprise Information Services and Other Systems, Defense Finance and Accounting Service, develop and implement procedures to review the A.1.c.2 Defense Cash Accountability System service provider’s compliance to the terms in the Service Level 141 days Agreement. The process should be in accordance with National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800‑35, “Guide to Information Technology Security Services.”

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director of Business Enterprise Information Services and Other Systems, Defense Finance and Accounting Service, provide training to applicable Defense Finance and A.1.d Accounting Service personnel on the Defense Finance and Accounting Service policy to review governance 141 days over support and mission work agreements and compliance with Service Level Agreement requirements.

128422 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Defense Finance and Accounting Service (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2017-015 “Application Level General Controls for the Defense Cash Accountability System Need Improvement,” November 10, 2016 (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director of Business Enterprise Information Services and Other Systems, Defense Finance and Accounting Service, develop and document procedures to identify those B.1.a users, including production support, who are approved to have the unlimited idle time profile and the 141 days documentation to support the access request.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director of Business Enterprise Information Services and Other Systems, Defense Finance and Accounting Service, train supervisors, Information Owners and their B.1.b representatives, and Center Administrators to validate that each System Authorization Access Request is 141 days complete and requested access levels to perform sensitive activities are appropriate before signing the System Authorization Access Request and authorizing each user account.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director of Business Enterprise Information Services and Other Systems, Defense Finance and Accounting Service, train Defense Cash Accountability System Information B.1.c Assurance Officer Support Office personnel to return incomplete System Authorization Access Requests to 141 days the Center Administrators for additional review and completion before creating user accounts and granting access, in accordance with the Access Control Policy.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director of Business Enterprise Information Services and Other Systems, Defense Finance and Accounting Service, train Center Administrators and Defense Cash B.1.d Accountability System Help Desk personnel on their responsibilities and duties to terminate accounts of 141 days users who left the organization or had not accessed their accounts within 45 days.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director of Business Enterprise Information Services and Other Systems, Defense Finance and Accounting Service, train Center Administrators on their responsibilities to B.1.e review Defense Cash Accountability System user roles quarterly, validate that roles remain appropriate, 141 days document changes, and retain records in accordance with the Access Control Policy.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 423



Defense Finance and Accounting Service (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2017-015 “Application Level General Controls for the Defense Cash Accountability System Need Improvement,” November 10, 2016 (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director of Business Enterprise Information Services and Other Systems, Defense Finance and Accounting Service, train supervisors and Center Administrators on their B.1.f responsibilities to conduct quarterly 100‑percent reviews of users’ access to sensitive Defense Cash 141 days Accountability System activities for continued appropriateness, and the Center Administrators’ duties to lock any user’s account that is no longer appropriate, in accordance with the Access Control Policy.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director of Business Enterprise Information Services and Other Systems, Defense Finance and Accounting Service, train Defense Cash Accountability System Security Officers on their responsibilities to review exception reports for potential security violations and escalate B.1.g any suspicious activity to the Defense Cash Accountability System Information System Security Officer for 141 days resolution, and require System Security Officers to monitor that Defense Cash Accountability System is generating exception reports daily, as required by the Access Control Policy.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director of Business Enterprise Information Services and Other Systems, Defense Finance and Accounting Service, develop and implement processes to coordinate the Defense Cash Accountability System Information Security Contingency Plan with organizational elements C.1.a responsible for related plans as required by National Institute of Standards and Technology Special 141 days Publication 800‑34 Rev. 1 “Contingency Planning Guide for Federal Information Systems,” to include Business Continuity, Disaster Recovery, Continuity of Operations, Cyber Incident Response, and Occupant Emergency Plans and update the contingency plan as appropriate.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director of Business Enterprise Information Services and Other Systems, Defense Finance and Accounting Service, develop and implement processes to incorporate C.1.b lessons learned from the Information Security Contingency Plan after action report into the Defense Cash 141 days Accountability System Information Security Contingency Plan in a timely manner.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director of Business Enterprise Information Services and Other Systems, Defense Finance and Accounting Service, develop and implement procedures to remove access for D.1.a.1 terminated developers in a timely manner and document the removal of access on the System Authorization 141 days Access Request form.

128424 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Defense Finance and Accounting Service (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2017-015 “Application Level General Controls for the Defense Cash Accountability System Need Improvement,” November 10, 2016 (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director of Business Enterprise Information Services and Other Systems, Defense Finance and Accounting Service, validate that only authorized changes, including all D.1.a.2 configuration items, are approved and moved to the Defense Cash Accountability System production 141 days environment.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director of Business Enterprise Information Services and Other Systems, Defense Finance and Accounting Service, fix a critical system discrepancy (emergency change) that prohibits the application or system from running to a successful completion, causes significant erroneous D.1.a.3 functional results, affects the accuracy of critical data, or compromises system security. The procedures 141 days should include the timeframes for resolving the discrepancy and clearly distinguish between an emergency and urgent change.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director of Business Enterprise Information Services and Other Systems, Defense Finance and Accounting Service, verify changes made by the Table Administrators to the Defense Cash Accountability System Master Data Tables are authorized, tested, approved, monitored and D.1.a.4 tracked. Additionally, the procedures should document how to store and maintain the configuration changes 141 days and backups for historical purposes. In addition, the audit logs should include all elements defined by the access control policy that include which table was updated, the date and time of the update, the values that were changed, and the identification of the Table Administrator that performed the change.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director of Business Enterprise Information Services and Other Systems, Defense Finance and Accounting Service, update the Vulnerability Management Plan to ensure the D.1.b roles and responsibilities are accurately defined for receipt, analysis of the scans, and appropriate actions 141 days needed to resolve system vulnerabilities.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director of Business Enterprise Information Services and Other D.1.c Systems, Defense Finance and Accounting Service, train applicable BEIS Office personnel on Vulnerability 141 days Management Plan responsibilities

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 425



Defense Finance and Accounting Service (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2017-019 “Improvements Needed in Managing Air Force Suspense Accounts,” November 10, 2016

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Finance and Accounting Service–Columbus, A.1.b implement a formal process to track, monitor, age, and resolve Air Force suspense account transactions to 141 days ensure that the transactions are cleared within 60 business days.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Finance and Accounting Service–Columbus, in coordination with the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)/Chief Financial Officer, DoD, revise the B.1.a DoD Financial Management Regulation to be consistent with the Treasury Financial Manual and Office of 141 days Management and Budget guidance to account for the revenue‑generating programs, Uniformed Services Thrift Savings Plan contributions and payroll tax withholdings.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Finance and Accounting Service–Columbus, record revenue‑generating‑programs in a special fund account and record payroll tax withholdings and Uniformed B.1.b Services Thrift Savings Plan contributions as deposit fund accounts to properly report the balances on the 141 days correct line of the Air Force General Fund Financial Statements.

128426 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Defense Finance and Accounting Service (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2017-069 “Ineffective Fund Balance With Treasury Reconciliation Process for Army General Fund,” March 23, 2017

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management and Comptroller) and Director, Defense Finance and Accounting Service–Indianapolis, reengineer their reconciliation process to meet the 10‑workday deadline or coordinate with the Under Secretary of Defense 1 (Comptroller)/Chief Financial Officer, DoD, to determine whether DoD Regulation 7000.14‑R, “DoD Financial 8 days Management Regulation,” volume 4, chapter 2, needs to be revised to increase the number of days for the reconciliation process.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management and Comptroller) and Director, Defense Finance and Accounting Service–Indianapolis, reengineer the Fund Balance With Treasury reconciliation process for the Army General Fund to: a) correct system deficiencies known to cause Fund Balance With Treasury differences; b) research and resolve all differences within 60 days, as required by DoD Financial Management Regulation 7000.14‑R, “DoD Financial Management 2.a‑d Regulation,” volume 4, chapter 2; c) document the Defense Departmental Reporting System–Budgetary 8 days business rules that create the system‑generated adjustments; d) support all Fund Balance With Treasury adjustments to the Army General Fund with transaction‑level detail, as required by DoD Financial Management Regulation 7000.14‑R, “DoD Financial Management Regulation,” volume 6a, chapter 2; and e) establish and properly document the cause of the difference requiring adjustment to comply with the Treasury Financial Manual.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 427



National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency Report No. DODIG-2014-060, “An Assessment of Contractor Personnel Security Clearance Processes in the Four Defense Intelligence Agencies,” April 14, 2014

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Directors of Defense Intelligence Agency, National Geospatial‑Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office, and National Security Agency, in the 2 years 11 months B.2.a absence of an overarching Defense Central Index of Investigations (DCII) policy, evaluate titling and indexing 17 days in the DCII the Subjects of all non-criminal investigations conducted by all agency investigative elements.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Directors of Defense Intelligence Agency, National Geospatial‑Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office, and National Security Agency, direct their 2 years 11 months B.2.b Offices of Security to develop formal procedures to ensure that reports of investigation into misconduct by 17 days contractor personnel are reported to DoD Consolidated Adjudication Facility.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Directors of Defense Intelligence Agency, National Geospatial‑Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office, and National Security Agency, ensure that B.2.c controls are in place to ensure that favorable personnel security adjudicative determinations made with 2 years 11 months conditions, deviations, or waivers are documented in the “Exception Information” block of the Subject’s 17 days SCATTERED CASTLES file.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Inspectors General of Defense Intelligence Agency, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office, and National Security Agency, work with 2 years 11 months B.3 the Offices of Security of those Agencies to ensure that Inspector General reports of investigation into 17 days misconduct by contractor personnel are reported to DoD Consolidated Adjudication Facility.

128428 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Defense Contract Management Agency Report No. DODIG-2015-006, “Policy Changes Needed at Defense Contract Management Agency to Ensure Forward Pricing Rates Result in Fair and Reasonable Contract Pricing,” October 9, 2014

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Contract Management Agency, provide training A to the administrative contracting officer community on the use of cost analysis to determine fair and 2 years 5 months reasonable Forward Pricing Rate Recommendation and Forward Pricing Rate Agreement rates. 22 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Contract Management Agency, evaluate DCMA Instruction 130, “Forward Pricing Rates,” and, where applicable, revise it to address the Federal Acquisition B.1.a Regulation 15.404‑2(a)(1) requirement that the administrative contracting officer shall tailor the request 2 years 5 months for audit services to reflect the minimum essential supplementary information needed to conduct a cost 22 days analysis.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Contract Management Agency, provide training to B.2 the administrative contracting officer community on the Federal Acquisition Regulation requirement to 2 years 5 months tailor the request for audit services. 22 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Contract Management Agency, provide training to the administrative contracting officer community on: 1) the need to document in the contract case file the cost analysis performed and the data and information related to the contracting officer’s determination C.2 of fair and reasonable Forward Pricing Rate Recommendation and Forward Pricing Rate Agreement rates; 2 years 5 months 2) the use of the revised Pre-negotiation Memorandum template; and 3) any revisions made to DCMA 22 days Instruction 809, “Records Management,” to ensure the Government contract case file is sufficient to constitute a complete history of an FPRR or FPRA transaction.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 429



Defense Contract Management Agency (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2015-039, “C‑5 Reliability Enhancement and Re‑engining Program Hotline Evaluation,” November 18, 2014

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the C‑5 Reliability Enhancement and Re‑engining Program System Program A.1.b Office establish a Material Review Board process for, and actively participate in, the review and disposition 2 years 4 months determination of all critical and major product nonconformance. 13 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the C‑5 Reliability Enhancement and Re‑engining Program System Program A.1.c Office generate a memorandum of agreement to ensure that Government Advisory Team Air Mobility 2 years 4 months Command maintainers are available during the remainder of the contract. 13 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the C‑5 Reliability Enhancement and Re‑engining Program System Program A.1.d Office ensure that Contractor Performance Assessment Reports accurately reflect all Corrective Action 2 years 4 months Requests and Lockheed Martin’s quality assurance performance. 13 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the C‑5 Reliability Enhancement and Re‑engining Program System Program Office update or generate all required memorandums of agreement, memorandums of understanding, 2 years 4 months B.1.a and letters of delegation to ensure level of authority, training, roles, and responsibilities are properly 13 days documented for the Government on‑site representative.

The DoD OIG recommended that the C‑5 Reliability Enhancement and Re‑engining Program System Program B.1.b Office ensure that delegated Government on‑site representative personnel have appropriate qualifications 2 years 4 months commensurate with the level of authority given. 13 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Defense Contract Management Agency coordinate with the System Program Office to update memorandums of agreement, memorandums of understanding, and letters of 2 years 4 months B.2.a delegation to ensure level of authority, training, roles, and responsibilities are 13 days properly documented.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Defense Contract Management Agency ensure that Lockheed B.2.b Martin’s procedures are in compliance with Federal Acquisition Regulations Subpart 46.407 (d) to require 2 years 4 months Government approval. 13 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the C‑5 Reliability Enhancement and Re‑engining Program System Program 2 years 4 months C Office ensure that Lockheed Martin document its procedure for flight approval and recording process. 13 days

430128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Defense Contract Management Agency (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2015-039, “C‑5 Reliability Enhancement and Re‑engining Program Hotline Evaluation,” November 18, 2014 (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the C‑5 Reliability Enhancement and Re‑engining Program System Program Office provide Joint Engineering Data Management Information and Control System access to Lockheed 2 years 4 months D.1 Martin, and update the contract, if necessary, to ensure a single baseline is established for each C‑5M 13 days aircraft.

The DoD OIG recommended that the C‑5 Reliability Enhancement and Re‑engining Program System Program D.2 Office update its airworthiness certification process to ensure identified risks have been resolved or 2 years 4 months accepted by the appropriate authority before issuing Military Certificates of Airworthiness. 13 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the C‑5 Reliability Enhancement and Re‑engining Program System Program E.1 Office work with the Procuring Contracting Officer to change the contract to require Lockheed Martin to 2 years 4 months accumulate and report costs in the appropriate Cost Accounting Standard‑compliant manner. 13 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Defense Contract Management Agency, revise the local standard E.2.b operating procedure, SOP‑LMM‑005, so that the criteria given for elevating a Corrective Action Request in 2 years 4 months response to ineffective corrective actions are consistent with those of DCMA‑INST 1201. 13 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Defense Contract Management Agency monitor time and costs E.2.d associated with re‑inspections to allow the Administrative Contracting Officer to seek recoupments from 2 years 4 months Lockheed Martin. 13 days

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 431



Defense Contract Management Agency (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-005, “Follow up on the Actions to Improve the Defense Contract Management Agency’s Cost Analysis Function,” October 29, 2015

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Contract Management Agency, improve the Defense Contract Management Agency oversight of the cost analysis function by: a) assessing the sufficiency of the B.2 cost analysis procedures performed; b) listing all applicable Federal Acquisition Regulation criteria in its 1 year 5 months guide for determining the adequacy of the cost analysis; and c) implementing a mechanism to address and 2 days correct agency‑wide issues identified during internal reviews.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Contract Management Agency, implement corrective C.1 actions to enable the reliable reporting of all significant activity performed by the Defense Contract 1 year 5 months Management Agency price/cost analyst. 2 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Contract Management Agency, implement the Price C.2 & Negotiation eTool corrective actions items 1 through 8 identified on Defense Contract Management 1 year 5 months Agency’s original Execution Plan. 2 days

Report No. DODIG-2016-084, “Evaluation of DoD Ammunition Data Cards,” April 29, 2016 (Full Report is FOUO)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Defense Contract Management Agency ensure that Military 5 Standard -1168 B and C requirements are incorporated in the Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan for the 336 days ammunition data card process.

128432 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Defense Contract Management Agency (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-084, “Evaluation of DoD Ammunition Data Cards,” April 29, 2016 (Full Report is FOUO) (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Defense Contract Management Agency, for manufacturing facilities with Defense Contract Management Agency onsite Government representatives, develop methods to verify 6 that the data for all components on the ammunition data cards comply with Military Standard-1168, the 336 days Ammunition‑Data Repository Program User Manual, and contractual requirements.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Defense Contract Management Agency train DCMA onsite Government 7 representatives to improve oversight of the ammunition data card approval process. Train DCMA onsite 336 days Government representatives on Military Standard-1168C requirements.

Report No. DODIG-2016-091, “Evaluation of the Accuracy of Data in the DoD Contract Audit Follow‑Up System,” May 13, 2016

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Contract Management Agency, modify Agency procedures and related internal controls to help ensure that contracting officers complete their required 3.b actions on all Defense Contract Audit Agency findings before they record the audit report as dispositioned in 322 days the Contract Audit Follow‑up System.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 433



Defense Contract Management Agency (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2017-032, “Evaluation of Contracting Officer Actions on Cost Accounting Standard Noncompliance’s Reported by Defense Contract Audit Agency,” December 8, 2016

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Contract Management Agency, assess the five cases A.1.a that have not been dispositioned and determine the additional actions contracting officers should take to 113 days complete their actions on the noncompliances.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Contract Management Agency, provide training to contracting officers on: 1) timely processing cost accounting standard noncompliance’s in accordance A.1.b with Federal Acquisition Regulation 30.605 and DoD Instruction 7640.02; 2) documenting reasons for not 113 days meeting the timelines; and 3) consistently using the Audit Issue Tracking Tool for monitoring cost accounting standard noncompliances.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Contract Management Agency, develop effective B controls for helping to ensure that contracting officers adequately document materiality determinations and 113 days include rationale when they conclude that a cost accounting standard noncompliance is immaterial.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Contract Management Agency, remind contracting C.1 officers that they must obtain a legal review and management approval in accordance with DoD 113 days Instruction 7640.02 and Defense Contract Management Agency Instructions 108, 126, and 134.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Contract Management Agency, review the C.2 appropriateness of the delegation allowed by the April 12, 2012, memorandum and take any necessary 113 days actions to eliminate the inconsistency with Defense Contract Management Agency Instruction 126.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Contract Management Agency, request that the D.1 contracting officers correct the 17 Contract Audit Follow‑Up System errors. 113 days

434128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Defense Contract Management Agency (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2017-055, “Evaluation of Defense Contract Management Agency Contracting Officer Actions on Defense Contract Audit Agency Incurred Cost Audit Reports,” February 9, 2017

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Contract Management Agency, request the six Defense Contract Management Agency contracting officers with negotiation authority to: a) take A.1.a‑b appropriate action on the Defense Contract Audit Agency reported questioned direct costs of $297.6 million; 50 days and b) document the action in a post‑negotiation memorandum, as DoD Instruction 7640.02 requires.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Contract Management Agency, direct the two remaining Defense Contract Management Agency contracting officers to: a) coordinate with the other A.2.a‑b DoD Component contracting officers having authority to negotiate the reported questioned direct 50 days costs of $7.2 million; and b) incorporate the negotiation results from the other DoD Components in a post‑negotiation memorandum, as DoD Instruction 7640.02 requires.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Contract Management Agency, request that the cognizant contracting officers assess penalties (including interest) or, if appropriate, waive them in B.1.a accordance with Federal Acquisition Regulation 42.709 for the sustained questioned costs reported as 50 days expressly unallowable in the seven Defense Contract Audit Agency reports.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Contract Management Agency, consider educational or corrective opportunities for each of the contracting officers that did not assess penalties or appropriately B.1.b waive them to ensure the contracting officers are aware of their responsibilities for complying with Federal 50 days Acquisition Regulation 42.709.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Contract Management Agency, improve the management review of contracting officer actions to better ensure contracting officers assess penalties B.1.c for expressly unallowable costs or document a waiver of penalties that complies with Federal Acquisition 50 days Regulation 42.709‑5.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Contract Management Agency, improve controls for ensuring the completeness and accuracy of negotiation documents in accordance with Federal Acquisition C.1 Regulation 42.705‑1(b)(5), DoD Instruction 7640.02, and the Defense Contract Management Agency 50 days Instruction 125.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 435



Defense Contract Management Agency (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2017-055, “Evaluation of Defense Contract Management Agency Contracting Officer Actions on Defense Contract Audit Agency Incurred Cost Audit Reports,” February 9, 2017 (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Contract Management Agency, provide refresher training to the contracting officers emphasizing DoD Instruction 7640.02, Defense Contract Management Agency Instruction requirements to: a) address and document all audit findings, including any questioned direct costs, on the negotiation memorandum; b) maintain evidence demonstrating that the contracting C.2.a‑c officer appropriately distributed negotiation documents, including the indirect cost rate agreement and 50 days negotiation memorandum; and c) consider additional educational or corrective opportunities for those contracting officers that did not prepare adequate negotiation documents or distribute them in accordance with Federal Acquisition Regulation 42.706.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Contract Management Agency, request that the contracting officers assigned to Audit Report Numbers 6281‑2005G10100001, 3321‑2009K10100002 and D.1.a‑c 4531‑2007K10100001: a) determine the actions they should take to appropriately disposition the audit 50 days findings; b) document the actions taken to achieve disposition at least monthly; and c) document the disposition of the audit findings in a negotiation memorandum.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Contract Management Agency, provide refresher training emphasizing the requirement for the Defense Contract Management Agency contracting officers to D.2 adequately update the contract audit follow‑up record on a monthly basis with the cause for the delay and 50 days actions taken to achieve a timely resolution or disposition.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Contract Management Agency, remove the disposition date entered in the Contract Audit Follow‑up System for the following audit reports and E.1.a‑d reinstate the reports as unresolved until the contracting officer resolves and dispositions the questioned 50 days direct costs: a) Audit Report No. 2161‑2007T10100001; b) Audit Report No. 3161‑2007F10100001; c) Audit Report No. 3181‑2009D10100001; and d) Audit Report No. 6271‑2003A10100103.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Director, Defense Contract Management Agency, remove the resolution date entered in the Contract Audit Follow‑up System for the following audit reports and E.2.a‑b change their status to Defer while the audit issues are before the U.S. Court of Federal Claims or Armed 50 days Services Board of Contract Appeals: a) Audit Report No. 1271‑2007D10100003 and b) Audit Report No. 2801‑2008B10100101.

128436 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Defense Criminal Investigative Service Report No. DODIG-2015-011, “Evaluation of the Defense Criminal Investigative Organizations’ Defense Incident‑Based Reporting System Reporting and Reporting Accuracy,” October 29, 2014

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. Army Criminal Investigative Command; Director, Naval Criminal Investigative Service; Commander, Air Force Office of Special Investigations; and Director, 2.a Defense Criminal Investigative Service, ensure that Defense Incident‑Based Reporting System data 2 years 5 months submitters provide accurate and complete data submissions within 15 workdays after the end of each 2 days month as required by DoD Manual 7730.47‑M, Volume 1.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 437



F ‑35 Joint Program Office Report No. DODIG-2013-031, “Audit of the F‑35 Lightning II Autonomic Logistics Information System,” December 10, 2012 (Full Report is Classified)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

4 years 3 months B Recommendation is Classified. 21 days

4 years 3 months C.2 Recommendation is Classified. 21 days

4 years 3 months D.1 Recommendation is Classified. 21 days

4 years 3 months D.3 Recommendation is Classified. 21 days

4 years 3 months D.4 Recommendation is Classified. 21 days

4 years 3 months D.5 Recommendation is Classified. 21 days

438128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


F ‑35 Joint Program Office (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2015-092, “F‑35 Lightning II Program Quality Assurance and Corrective Action Evaluation,” March 11, 2015

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the F‑35 Joint Program Office ensure that the F‑35 Critical Safety Item A.1 Program is compliant with Public Law 108‑136, Section 802, “Quality control in procurement of aviation CSIs 2 years 20 days and related services,” and the Joint Service CSI Instruction, “Management of Aviation Critical Safety Item.”

The DoD OIG recommended that the F‑35 Joint Program Office conduct periodic Critical Safety Item A.2 Program evaluations of Lockheed Martin and its suppliers to ensure compliance with public law and the 2 years 20 days Joint Service CSI Instruction.

The DoD OIG recommended that the F‑35 Joint Program Office realign the quality assurance organization to C report directly to the Program Executive Officer, define the organization roles and responsibilities, and staff 2 years 20 days the organization appropriately.

Report No. DODIG-2015-111, “F‑35 Engine Quality Assurance Inspection,” April 27, 2015 (Full Report is FOUO)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the F‑35 Joint Program Office coordinate with the Defense Contract Management Agency to conduct an effective root cause analysis and implement corrective actions for all 61 1 year 11 months A.1.a nonconformities (violations of AS9100C, regulatory requirements, and DoD policies) identified during our 4 days inspection.

The DoD OIG recommended that the F‑35 Joint Program Office review the contract data requirements list 1 year 11 months A.1.b and determine specific items that should require approval. 4 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the F‑35 Joint Program Office ensure that critical safety item contractual requirements and Pratt & Whitney’s critical safety item program processes and specifications meet the 1 year 11 months B.1 intent of the Joint Critical Safety Item Instruction and supplemental guidance of the Joint Aeronautical 4 days Commanders Group Aviation Critical Safety Item Management Handbook.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 439



F ‑35 Joint Program Office (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2015-111, “F‑35 Engine Quality Assurance Inspection,” April 27, 2015 (Full Report is FOUO) (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the F‑35 Joint Program Office ensure that Pratt & Whitney’s quality plan 1 year 11 months C.2 meets contractual requirements. 4 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the F‑35 Joint Program Office ensure that Pratt & Whitney consistently C.3 analyzes and reports Key Product Characteristics Process Capability Index data for F135 engine hardware 1 year 11 months and that performance improvement plans are established. 4 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the F‑35 Joint Program Office ensure that Pratt & Whitney identify, 1 year 11 months D elevate, track, and manage all risks that affect the program, including software and supply chain risks. 4 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the F‑35 Joint Program Office work with the Defense Contract E.1 Management Agency to ensure that Pratt & Whitney clearly defines, documents, and implements minimum 1 year 11 months baseline criteria for supplier selection and actions to be taken for suppliers that continue to be high risk. 4 days

The DoD OIG recommended that the F‑35 Joint Program Office ensure that Pratt & Whitney resolve nonconformities related to software quality management systems, including an obsolete F135 Software 1 year 11 months F.1 Development Plan, lack of software requirements traceability, and software not developed to the 4 days appropriate product software level.

The DoD OIG recommended that the F‑35 Joint Program Office ensure that Pratt & Whitney’s F.2 Software Quality Assurance organization conduct audits, reviews, and verification activities of both 1 year 11 months internally‑developed and supplier‑developed software. 4 days

440128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Single Audit Act Report No. DODIG-2015-027, “Quality Control Review of the BDO, LLP FY 2013 Single Audit of Advanced Technology International,” November 3, 2014

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Audit Partner, BDO USA, LLP, perform additional audit procedures for the FY 2013 single audit, at no additional cost to the Government, to determine whether the subrecipient monitoring and the procurement, suspension, and debarment compliance requirements are direct and 2 years 4 months A.1 material to the Federal program; plan and perform internal control and compliance testing if requirements 28 days are direct and material; and revise the Office of Management and Budget Circular A‑133 report to reflect the additional audit work performed.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Audit Partner, BDO USA, LLP, provide the Department of Defense Office of Inspector General with the working paper documentation from the FY 2014 single audit that 2 years 4 months A.3 demonstrates corrective action taken to address the documentation deficiency identified for the review of 28 days the reporting compliance requirement.

Report No. DODIG-2016-138, “Quality Control Review of Dixon Hughes Goodman FY 2014 Single Audit of Logistics Management Institute,” September 29, 2016

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Partner, Dixon Hughes Goodman LLP, perform additional audit procedures for the FY 2014 single audit, at no additional cost to the Government, to determine the adequacy A.1 of Logistics Management Institute’s internal control over and compliance with the procurement, suspension, 183 days and debarment compliance requirement.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Partner, Dixon Hughes Goodman LLP, perform additional audit procedures for the FY 2014 single audit, at no additional cost to the Government, to determine the adequacy A.2 of Logistics Management Institute’s internal control over cash management and reporting compliance 183 days requirements and plan and perform further compliance testing as necessary.

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 441



Single Audit Act (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-138, “Quality Control Review of Dixon Hughes Goodman FY 2014 Single Audit of Logistics Management Institute,” September 29, 2016 (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

The DoD OIG recommended that the Partner, Dixon Hughes Goodman LLP, revise the Office of Management and Budget Circular A‑133 report, as required by auditing standards, to reflect the additional audit work A.3 performed and coordinate with Logistics Management Institute to file the reporting package with the 183 days Federal Audit Clearinghouse.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Partner, Dixon Hughes Goodman LLP, provide the Department of Defense Office of Inspector General with the audit documentation on the FY 2014 audit that demonstrates A.4 corrective actions taken to address the reported deficiencies for the procurement, suspension, and 183 days debarment; cash management; and reporting compliance requirements.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Partner, Dixon Hughes Goodman LLP, perform additional audit procedures for the FY 2014 single audit, at no additional cost to the Government, to determine whether the B.1 subrecipient monitoring compliance requirement is direct and material to the Federal program, plan and 183 days perform internal control and compliance testing as necessary, and revise the Office of Management and Budget Circular A‑133 report to reflect the additional audit work performed.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Partner, Dixon Hughes Goodman LLP, provide the Department of Defense Office of Inspector General with the audit documentation for the FY 2014 audit that B.2 demonstrates corrective actions taken to address the reported deficiencies for the subrecipient monitoring 183 days compliance requirement.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Partner, Dixon Hughes Goodman LLP, improve audit documentation C.1 of audit procedures in future audits on the verification of whether Logistics Management Institute properly 183 days charged indirect costs to Federal awards in compliance with federal regulations.

The DoD OIG recommended that the Partner, Dixon Hughes Goodman LLP, provide the Department of Defense Office of Inspector General with the audit documentation on the FY 2016 single audit that C.2 demonstrates corrective actions taken to address the reported deficiencies for the allowable costs/cost 183 days principles compliance requirement.

442128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Classified Report No. DODIG-2015-057, “[Title is Classified],” December 19, 2014 (Full Report is Classified)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

2 years 3 months A.2.1 Recommendation is Classified. 12 days

2 years 3 months A.2.2 Recommendation is Classified. 12 days

2 years 3 months A.2.3 Recommendation is Classified. 12 days

2 years 3 months A.2.4 Recommendation is Classified. 12 days

2 years 3 months A.2.5 Recommendation is Classified. 12 days

2 years 3 months A.3.1 Recommendation is Classified. 12 days

2 years 3 months A.3.2 Recommendation is Classified. 12 days

2 years 3 months A.3.3 Recommendation is Classified. 12 days

2 years 3 months A.3.4 Recommendation is Classified. 12 days

2 years 3 months A.4.1 Recommendation is Classified. 12 days

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 443



Classified (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2015-057, “[Title is Classified],” December 19, 2014 (Full Report is Classified) (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

2 years 3 months A.4.2 Recommendation is Classified. 12 days

2 years 3 months A.4.3 Recommendation is Classified. 12 days

2 years 3 months A.4.4 Recommendation is Classified. 12 days

2 years 3 months A.4.5 Recommendation is Classified. 12 days

2 years 3 months A.4.6 Recommendation is Classified. 12 days

2 years 3 months A.4.7 Recommendation is Classified. 12 days

2 years 3 months A.4.8 Recommendation is Classified. 12 days

2 years 3 months A.4.9 Recommendation is Classified. 12 days

2 years 3 months A.4.10 Recommendation is Classified. 12 days

2 years 3 months A.4.11 Recommendation is Classified. 12 days

444128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Classified (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2015-057, “[Title is Classified],” December 19, 2014 (Full Report is Classified) (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

2 years 3 months B.1.1 Recommendation is Classified. 12 days

2 years 3 months B.1.2 Recommendation is Classified. 12 days

2 years 3 months B.1.3 Recommendation is Classified. 12 days

2 years 3 months B.1.4 Recommendation is Classified. 12 days

2 years 3 months B.1.5 Recommendation is Classified. 12 days

2 years 3 months B.1.6 Recommendation is Classified. 12 days

2 years 3 months B.1.7 Recommendation is Classified. 12 days

2 years 3 months B.1.8 Recommendation is Classified. 12 days

2 years 3 months B.1.9 Recommendation is Classified. 12 days

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 445



Classified (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2015-057, “[Title is Classified],” December 19, 2014 (Full Report is Classified) (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

2 years 3 months B.1.10 Recommendation is Classified. 12 days

2 years 3 months B.1.11 Recommendation is Classified. 12 days

2 years 3 months B.1.12 Recommendation is Classified. 12 days

2 years 3 months B.1.13 Recommendation is Classified. 12 days

2 years 3 months B.1.14 Recommendation is Classified. 12 days

2 years 3 months B.2 Recommendation is Classified. 12 days

Report No. DODIG-2015-085, “[Title is Classified],” March 2, 2015 (Full Report is Classified)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

A Recommendation is Classified. 2 years 29 days

B Recommendation is Classified. 2 years 29 days

C.1 Recommendation is Classified. 2 years 29 days

446128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


Classified (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2015-085, “[Title is Classified],” March 2, 2015 (Full Report is Classified) (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

C.2 Recommendation is Classified. 2 years 29 days

C.3 Recommendation is Classified. 2 years 29 days

Report No. DODIG-2016-046, “[Title is Classified],” February 19, 2016 (Full Report is Classified)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

1 year 1 month A.1 Recommendation is Classified. 12 days

1 year 1 month A.2.1 Recommendation is Classified. 12 days

1 year 1 month A.2.2 Recommendation is Classified. 12 days

1 year 1 month B.1.1 Recommendation is Classified. 12 days

1 year 1 month B.1.2 Recommendation is Classified. 12 days

1 year 1 month C.1.1 Recommendation is Classified. 12 days

Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 447



Classified (cont’d) Report No. DODIG-2016-046, “[Title is Classified],” February 19, 2016 (Full Report is Classified) (cont’d)

Age of Recommendation Recommendation Text Recommendation on 3/31/17

1 year 1 month C.1.2 Recommendation is Classified. 12 days

1 year 1 month C.1.3 Recommendation is Classified. 12 days

1 year 1 month C.1.4 Recommendation is Classified. 12 days

448128 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense



APPENDIX B Secret Open Recommendations This appendix contains information about secret open recommendations. For access, please send an email to [email protected].

PB Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense 449



APPENDIX C Classified Open Recommendations This appendix contains information about classified open recommendations. For access, please send an email to [email protected].

450 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense



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450 Compendium of Open Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Department of Defense


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