IN THE lDGH COURT OF JUSTICE ST. CHRISTOPHER AND NEVIS NEVIS CIRCUI)' A.D. 2012 Claim No. NEVHCV201110130 In the Matter ofSection 3,12,15,18,20, (3),33,34,36,96,101(4) and 104 ofthe Constitution ofSaint Christopher and Nevis And In the matter ofthe National Assembly Elections Act Chap. 2:01 And In the Matter ofthe Nevis Island Assembly Electionfor the Constituency ofNevis 2 (parish ofSt. John) held on the 11th July, 2011. Between I Mark Brantley Petitioner And Hensley Daniel Leroy Benjamin (the Supervisor ofElections) Bernadette LaWrence (Registration Officer for the Constituency ofSt. John) Kelvin Daly (Returning Officer) Joseph Parry Premier ofNevis) Myrna Walwyn (Member, Electoral Commission) William The Attorney General ofSaint Christopher and Nevis for 1 Anthony Astaphan S. C. Sylvester Anthony for 2nd 3rd and4lh Respondents, I Arudranauth Gossai Oral Martin for 51h Respondent I Dennis Marchant for (lh, l' and ffh Respondents. John Tyne for Attorney General I JUDGMENT I On the 4th day of July, 2011 the Nevis Island Assembly elections were held. The Petitioner Mark Brantley, the Deputy Political Leader of the Concerned Citizens Movement (CCM) was a candidate for I the constituency of Nevis 2, Parish of St. John. The first Respondent, Hensley Daniel, a member of the Nevis Reformation Party (NRP) was also a candidate for the constituency ofNevis.2 Parish of S1. John. results of the elections were declared on the day by the fourth named respondent, the Returning Officer. Hensley Daniel, the first named Respondent, received 1,358 votes and the Petitioner received 1,344 votes. Hensley Daniel was, accordingly declared duly elected to the Nevis Island Assembly for the constituency of Nevis 2, Parish of St.
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