William Alexander | 288 pages | 16 Sep 2014 | Algonquin Books | 9781616200206 | English | United States Flirting with French

So, is it worth reading for people interested in language learning and Francophiles? Blog Newsletter Cart. Meet the Author. As for the French itself, I was a bit frustrated Seduced Me he was having such a Flirting with French: How a Language Charmed Me time with it, positively cringing when near the end his French friend confesses she couldn't understand much of what he was trying to say in that language. A Frenchman wannabe explores the different ways of learning and retaining French as a second language. Read more. He meets some really interesting characters in this journey to learn French. Email us at: orders Flirting with French: How a Language Charmed Me. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. This little memoir is filled with laugh-out-loud moments contrasted with remarkably interesting research about aging, our brains, and just what happens when we learn or at least try to learn a second language. He begins with a very brief and entertaining history of language, and then provides more detailed information about French in particular. This book was written with the energy of the true enthusiast which made it a lively and entertaining read. I enjoyed William's language journey, and he also shares some good history along the way, including why there are so many English words that have a French origin. Early review copy -- I found this book to be Flirting with French: How a Language Charmed Me and fun to read. Paperbackpages. Certainly anyone who has ever attempted to learn a foreign language, or just traveled somewhere alien to what they're used to will relate. The journey is more fun than reaching the end. Learn more. I decided in to learn French and I've been messing around with it ever since but William Alexander has really inspired me to pick it up again. Does he succeed in becoming fluent? Some want to live in France. Preview — Flirting and Nearly Broke My Heart French by William Alexander. I learned several facts I didn't k This book was absolutely delightful. In the English language, I tell them, a double negative forms a positive. Not sold in stores. Dec 21, Marcus rated it really liked it Shelves: non-fictionfrance. Is there such a thing as "too late" when it comes to learning a new language? Top charts. I wish I had taken my own advise! Error rating book. He also mentions Seduced Me interesting research into language acquisition, Seduced Me the different theories about how humans learn to communicate. Alexander never became completely fluent in conversat Wonderful book. Now, in Flirting with French, he turns his considerable writing talents to his perhaps less considerable skills: becoming fluent in the beautiful but maddeningly illogical French language. And this is not an uncommon story. His second book, 52 Loaves, chronicled his quest to bake the pe Books by William Alexander. It is an inspiration to adults who are trying to learn something new, the feelings of inadequacy, and the powers of the human mind. Prices and offers may vary in store. Nov 30, Randee Baty rated it really liked it Shelves: non-fiction Seduced Me, librarythingfrench. He would eat, sleep, and dream Seduced Me if he could just learn to converse fluently in the language. His observations on culture and language were well-presented; in spite of seeming like a book proposal fulfillment at times, it is a Flirting with French: How a Language Charmed Me read Publication Date: September 16, Jan 14, Lulu rated it did not like it Shelves: france-nonfictionnonfiction. We're always happy to help! One who is in love with all things French and who is determined to conquer both the language, as well as the art of "being" French. Refresh and try again. Details if other :. Educational, hysterically funny and loads of fun! Does he succeed in becoming fluent? Flag as inappropriate. He also includes a 'helpful flow-chart to identify when it is and is not appropriate to use the 'tu' form in conversation, this did make me laugh. His second book, 52 Loaves, chronicled his quest to bake the perfect loaf of bread, a journey that took him to such far-flung places as a communal oven in Morocco and an abbey in France, as well as into his own backyard to grow, thresh, and winnow wheat. He says, "Having to solve a Rubik's Cube of conjugation, gender, and word order before you open your mouth presents quite a barrier to fluid conversation. In this 'travelogue' about learning French, William Alexander proves that learning a new language is an adventure of its own--with all the unexpected obstacles, surprising breakthroughs and moments of sublime pleasure traveling brings. For the record, I studied Latin two years in high school, moved to a new state and, because of non-compatible school curricula, never took another language in my new high school. I loved his description of his total immersion experience in France because I've always wondered if that would be something I would like. Look for similar items by category:. If anything, the health scare spurred his efforts and he tried even harder to learn French. May 13, Leah rated it it was amazing Shelves: nonfiction. But will it love him back? View Full Size Image Look inside. Bill endures various mishaps along the way; as a fellow sufferer, I also understood how disappointing it is to go into a French shop armed with one's preprepared phrases only for the shop assistant to say, "Good morning" in a flawless accent. Flirting with Flirting with French: How a Language Charmed Me is an entertaining read which found me browsing through my own photos from France, daydreaming about going back. And I've tried learning other languages as an adult I began my study of French at age 7. And if you really are a Francophile as I amt So the author, William Alexander, sets out to learn French because he is a self-proclaimed "French wannabe. In an adorably self-deprecating way he shares with the reader not only his linguistic misadventures but also his insights into French culture, history of the language French, as well as English at times and its vocabulary. Alexander's love and Nearly Broke My Heart with French, he concludes in this wry and warmhearted memoir, has reaped unexpected rewards. During the drive, she chatted and chatted and chatted. It's informative and funny, clever and yet never pretentious.