Official Form 201 V~I~Ur

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Official Form 201 V~I~Ur Case 15-12465 Doc 1 Filed 12/07/15 Page 1 of 4 United States Bankn~tcy Court fog-the:: £ Delaware DisMct of ~~~~ ; Case number(irxrww~: Chapter ~`~ {~ Chsek if this is an f t amended filing Official Form 201 V~I~ur~~~r~ ~+~~it~c~n ~c~r Na~a~r~d~rd~r~s ~'~1~~~ ~~r~~cr~°up~~c~ ,~~,s. ___ f~►~ write the debtor's name and the case {f more-space is needed, attach a separate sheetEo this fom►: Qn-the top of any additional pages, number (ifi known). for more information; a separate document,Instructions far Bankruptcy Forms for Nomindivlduats, is avaitabfe. ~: Debtor's name. Fuhu,-Inc;, a Delaware corporation ~uhu,lnc., a California corporation; Nabi 2. All other names debfor used in the'last 8 years Include any assumed names, trade names, and doing business as names: s: Gebto~'s federal Employer 2 g_ 2 7 g 7 8 9 6 Identific~ition Number {EIN) "' ""' '— ""° '~°"~ '"""' """"""""` 4. Debto~'S 8ddress Principal place of business Mailing address,# diffiererrt from principal place of busin~►ss i~09 N. Sepulveda Blvd:, Suite'5~0 Numaer street Number. street P,O:8ox EI Segundo, GA 90245 city s~c~ zip coax City Sffite Z1P Coda Location of principal assets, if different from principal. place of business !os Angeles county Number Street City State ZIP Coda -fuhu,com; s.. Debtor's website (URC.) ~ Corporation'(including Limited l.iabifity Company (LlC}an~i L'united'l.iabilityr Partnership {L!P)) s. Type of debtor ~I Partnership (excluding CLP) 0tether. Specify: Official Form 201- Voluntary PeUBon for Non-tndividuats Filing for Bankruptcy page 1 &511381:1 Case 15-12465 Doc 1 Filed 12/07/15 Page 2 of 4 DebWr FUhU,1nC. Case number~~t ame A: Check ane: ~. pescribe debtor's business Health Care Business{as defined in ?1 U.S:C. § 101(27A)) 0Single Asset Real Estate (as defined'in 1 t U,S.C.§ 1 dt(51 B)) ❑ Railroad:{as defined in 11 U.S:C.§ 101(44)) ❑ Stockbroker(as deftned in 1 t U:S.G.§ 101(53A)) 0 CommodityBroker (as deflnsdln 1i U.S;C. § 101(6)) G~ Clearing Bank(as defined in 11 U:S.C. § 781{3)) None of-the above 8. Check all that appty: l~ Tax-exempt entity (~s described in 26 U.S.C. § 50t:} Investment company, including hedge fund oc pooled investment vehicie:(as defined in 15 U.S,C. $~-3) 0Investment advisor(as defined in 15 U:S:G: § 80b-2(a}(t1}} C. NAICS (North American tndustry ClassiScation System)4 -digit code that best describes debtor. See ~ Jttia ur-c~' -na `anal-~~s jai -c s . s. Under which chapter of the Check one: Bankruptcy Gode is the Chapter 7 t#~btor ding? C7 ❑ Chapter 9 Chapter i 1. Check aft thatapply: 0 Debtor's aggregate nonconti~gent li4uidated debts (excluding debts owed to insiders or ~ifilietesj are less tfian $2,490,925(amaimt subject to adjustment on 4/0f/16 and every 3 years after that). L7 The deGtoeis a small business debtor as defined in 11 U.S.C. § 101(51 D), if the debtor is a srriali business debtor; attach tt~e mast recent balance sheet, statement of operations,:cash-8vw statement, and faders income tex return or if all of tfiese documents do not exist, follow the procedure in 11 U.S.G. § 11.16(1}(B). 0 A plan is-being filed with this petition. 0'Acceptances of the plan were solicited prepetipon Srom one oc more classes of creditors;in ~ccordsnce with 11 U.S.G. § 9126(b). al The debtor is required to file periodic reports .(for example; 10K and 10Q) with the Securi4es and Exchange Commission according to § i3'or 95(d) of the Securities Exchange Acf of 1934. File the Attachment to Voluntary PeStion for Non-lndividuais Filing for Bankruptcy under Chapter 11(pfficial Form 201Aj withfihis form. 0 The debtor is a shell company as defined in the Securities Exchange Aofof 1934 Rule 12b-2. D Chapter 12 s: Were prior bankruptcy cases ~ ~o fi4sd by or against the debtor Gale number within the last 8 years? ❑Yes, oismcc When MM / DD / YYYY cases, attach if more than 2 a UVhen Case number separate list. ~`~"~ n~nn r oo J vm~ ~a: Are spy bankruptcy-cases p No pending or being flied by a Fuhu Holdin s .Inc, Reladonehfp SubsidiarY busines$ partner or an ~ Yes. Debtor ~ + 107 / 2d15 affiliate ofthe debtor? '.District _ a~ ~e~ 92 MM ! DD iYYYY list all cases. If more than t; attach a separate Qst. Case number, it known OffiaaI Form 201 Voluntary Petltion forNoMnd(viduals Filing for Bankruptcy page 2 Case 15-12465 Doc 1 Filed 12/07/15 Page 3 of 4 Fuhu, inc. Ds4D~r &~ Case number{~xn,~.r~ ~a. Why is the case filed in fh/s Gireck afi#hat aFpty.• dlsM'ci? Debtor-has had its domicile, principal place of business, orprincipal assets in this district fog 180 days immediately, precec6ng ff~e .date of this petition orfora longer part ofsuch 180 days than in .any other district. partnership is pend'~ng in this district. 0 A bankruptcy-case concerning debtor's affiliate, generabpa~tner, or _. __ __ ~2. Does the debtor owr+ or have ~Kj ~o poss8ssion of any'1'~Eal D Yes. Mswer below for each properly that needs immediate attention. Attach additianai sheets tf needed. property ar persona! property. that Reedsimmediate- W1~y does the property neat! immediate atteotion7 (Check airThat eppiy;) attention? - (Q:ft poses oc is alleged to pose a threat of.imminent and identifiable hazard to pubGahealth ar safely. What is the hazard? 0 it needs to be physically_ secured or protected from the weather, 0 It Includes perishable goods or assets that could quickly deteriarate or lase value without attention {forexample, livestock, seasonal goods, meat, dairy, produce., or seouriGes-related assets or titFier ~r~ons). ❑ Qiher UVhere is the pt~~rty?' :Plumber Street Cityr Stets ZIP Code 1s the property insured? 0'Na 0 Yes. insurance agency Contact name ____ Phortm __ stattst~catamd aa~t~~ctrattve inrarneatton as..t7ekstor's estimation of Check ons: available funds ~Funds wil! be available for distributlon to unsecured creditors. 0 Attar any administrative expenses sre:paid, no funds will be available for.~sfribution to unsecured creditors, _. _ C} 1-48' O'1,ffU0-5.000 ❑ 25,001-50;000 14. E&timatednumbePof Q 50-99 5,Q01-10;OQU (~ 5Q,001-100,OOd Creditors C❑ Q'10Q-199 ❑ f 0,001-25;000 ~ More than 104;000 02~-989 _ ____ _. _ __ 0$0-$50,600 ❑ $1,000,OOi-$t4 million O'$500;0OOOQ1-$1 billion ~a: Estimated assets ❑ $ 0;001-$1Q0 000 ~ ~1Q;000,001~,50 million ❑ $i,000,Q90;00i-$10blllion $t00;00t-$SOO;Q00 ❑'$50;000;OUt-ffi100 million 0$10,000,000, 01-$50 billion ❑ $500;OUi-$1 million ❑ $100;0 ;001-$500 million Q More than $5d billion _. Qffiaal Form 201! Voluntary Petition-for Non-individuals Filing for Bankruptcy page 3 Case 15-12465 Doc 1 Filed 12/07/15 Page 4 of 4 Debtor FUtiU~ It1C. Case numbeC{i/enavn) ` eme 0 $0-$50;000 0$1,000,001-$f 0 million 0$500,000,001-$1 bfllian 18. Estimated liabilities ❑ $0,001-$1 OD;000 0 $10,000,001-$50 million ~ $1,000,OQg001-$10 billion Q $100,001-$500,Q40 $50,000,001-$100 million 0 $10;000,000,007-$SO billion ❑ $500,001-$1 million ~ $1D0,090,001-$500 million 0 More than $50 billion Etequestfor Ralief; Deal~ratEon, a~nel Signatures WARNING -- Bankruptcy fraud is a serious crime. Making a false statement in connection with a bankruptcy case can result in fines up to $5Q0;000 0~ imprisonment for up to 20 years, or botfi. 18 U.S,G. §§ f 52, 1341, 1519, and 3571. Gode, specified in this ~?'. Declaration and s'ignatu►+8 Of The debtor requests relief in aceordanoe with the chapter of title 11, United States repr~s~ntative of . authorized PE~tion. de. btor f have been authorized to file this petition on behalf of the debtor. i have examirteet the fnfonnatian to this pe~tlon, and Have ~ reasonable~bellef'tti~t'tFfe infortn~tion is;trUe'~rtd correct. ., ~r, .. 1 declare under penalty of pery'ury that the foregoing is true and correct. ~... 12/07/.2015 fi~ t~t~Ct! . - }r °',,...-~""'"f _ James Mitchell _ .. turg of authorized r4p of debtor Pri~rtsd name Title: Chief Executive Q~cer _.... _. _ .. ... _.._....._.. _ ~~,_ ._..._U....._.._.... ...._,~.... __ ...~ _.. _. .~_.. _. _,~_ ._. ..... ___ __..._._ _._._.. ~._._ _,__ 24'15 is. Signature of attorney ~C~~~ „~,,,.-''~ ~ ''`~~ Date 12 / d7 / Signature of attorney for debtor MM / DD /YYYY 11Ilichael R. Seidl F.rinted narrLe Pachufski $tang Ziehl &Jones. _. _ __ _. Firm name 919 North Market Street, 17th Floor Number Street Wilmington, Q~ ~$ 8~~ ~~ Stite `ZIP Code 302-778-6404 mseidi~pszjlaw.corn Coi~taitphwra. EmaiFaddress 3889 DE ar number Smte Official-Form 201 Voluntary Petition for Non-Individuals Filing for Bankruptcy page 4 Case 15-12465 Doc 1-1 Filed 12/07/15 Page 1 of 5 FUHU,INC. SECRETARY'S CERTIFICATE The undersigned, as Secretary of Fuhu, Inc., a Delaware corporation (the "Company"), hereby certifies on the date hereof as follows: 1. I am the duly qualified and acting Secretary of the Company, and I am the proper person to execute and deliver this certificate.
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