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.1944 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD--HOUSE 2353 By Mr. SUMNERS of Texas: pastor of Sacred Heart Church, Tex- foreign governments. Today I am com H. R. 4348. A bill to amend the act ap arkana, Tex.: · pelled to focus attention on further evi proved August 18, 1942, entitled "An act to dence of a planned conspiracy to prevent facilitate the disposition of prizes. captured Our Father who art in heaven, we by the United States during the present war, thank Thee for all Thy blessings, among public discussion of a matter that in and for other purposes"; to the Committee which are liberty and representative gov volves our national honor. on the Judiciary. ernment, which up to this good day Thou The early or "bulldog" edition of the H. R. 4349. A bill to exempt certain otllcers hast maintained for us. Washington Post, that "independent" and employees of the N~tional War Labor We recommend to Thy throne of newspaper which carries the flag of the )3oard fron1 certain provisions of the Criminal Federal Communications Commission Code; to the Committee on the Judiciary. grace all who have contributed to our . By Mr. SCANLON: history, and at· this time we are espe today carried a factual story on the H. R. 4350. A bill to permit the naturaliza cially mindful of our valiant and heroic Palestine situation 'by Mr. Drew Pearson tion of foreign seamen who serve on Amer dead in this great world conflict, wher which was withdrawn from all subse ican-owned vessels for a period of at least 3 ever their graves may be. Comfort their quent editions, but which I am inserting years while the United States is at war; to loved ones with the solace of that full in the Appendix for your information. I the Committee on Immigration and Naturali would like to emphasize that I am· by no · zation. knowledge that their sacrifice will not be vain as long as freedom obtains. means vouching for Mr. Pearson's ac By Mr. LANE: . I H. R. 4351. A bill to provide retirement We ask Thee to bless the counsels of curacy and call attention to his column benefits for certain emergency otllcers of this great body and may their conclu only to show tliat here is another in World War No. 1; to the Committee on Mili sions assist to hasten the day of a just stance that there. is a determined attempt tary Affairs. and victorious peace. right here in Washington to silence· dis By Mr. COFFEE: Through Jesus Christ our Lord. cussion on the Palestine resolutions. H. J. Res. 247. Joint resolution on interna Amen. Each such attempt can be traced to the tional economic collaboration; to the Com New Deal administration. mittee on Foreign Affairs. The Journal of the proceedings of yes . Strangely, the same edition of the Post . By Mr. COOLEY: terday was read and approved. H. J. Res. 248. Joint resolution relating to gives considerable prominence to an the marketing of Burley and fiue-cured to MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE Associated Press dispatch · from Cairo bacco under the AgricUltural Adjustment Act A message from the Senate, by Mr. voicing the protests of seven Arabic of 1938, as amended; to the Committee on speaking nations to our resolutions, but _Agriculture. Shaner, one of its clerks, announced that the Senate had passed without amend fails to carry a· line on protests made ment a concurrent resolution of the z:ight on the :f1,oor of the House yesterday PETITIONS, ~TC. House of the following title: against the policy of appeasement we are Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions H. Con. Res. 70. Concurrent resolution au a.dopting to quiet noisy, but ineffectual and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk thorizing the printing of additional copies Arabs. The House protests were carried and referred as follows: · of Public Law No. 235, current session, en in the New York Times, the New York 5200. By Mr. COCHRAN: Petition (sub titled "Revenue Act of 1943." Herald Tribune, ~nd most other news mitted by Fred Joseph, of the United Auto The messag·e also announced that the papers which ~re not making too literal mobile Workers of St. Louis) of 43 men in Senate agrees to the amendments of tbe use of the words "freedom of the press" the armed forces giving their personal views House to a bill and a joint resolution of to suppress discussion of matters of on. the right of the servicemen to vote; to g·enuine public inte:r:est. the Committee on .. Election of .President, the Senate of the following titles:- _Vice President, and Representatives in Con- s. 1146. -An act to amend section 31 of the There is one more ·point I would like gress. Securitie,.s Exchange Act of 1934; and to make: Gen. Jan · Christiaan Smuts, 5201. By Mr. ARNOLD: Petition to handle S. J. Res. 78. Joint resolution ·to provide whom we all know to be a realist, is with the proper authorities for investigation cash awards to personnel of the Maritime quoted as favoring the Palestine resolu at once of river carriers, with the view of put Commission and the War Shipping Adminis tions. General Smuts has first-hand ting this industry under proper management tration for useful suggestions to improve ad and to use this transportation system to its ministration. of their activities. knowledge of the situation in Palestine fullest extent to aid in. the prosecution of the and is not inclined, as our leaders ap 'war effort; that Schedules be maintained so The message also announced that the pear to be,. to appease the Arab minority the shipl'er will ship; that solicitors be put Senate agrees to the report of the com which threatens violence. back in the field to acquaint the public with mittee of conference on the disagreeing I want to again emphasize that I do the fact that there is such an industry and a votes of the two Houses on the amend saving in freight rates, and they in the future not vouch for the accuracy of Mr. Pear ments of the Senate to the bill (S. 872) son's statements, nor am I interested in / can again Q.epend on this transportation in entitled "An act to authorize the Presi dustry; to ·the Committee on Rivers and any differences of opinion which may Harbors. · dent to appoint Frank T. Hines a briga exist between Mr. Pearson and his pub 5202. By Mr. ROLPH: Petition of the San dier general in the Army of the United lisher, or between his publisher and the Francisco Chapter of Hadassah, urging the States." majority of Jews in the United States. abrogation of the Chamberlain White Paper; EXTENSION OF REMARKS to the Committee on Foreign A1firs. I do think it is important, in determin ,5203. By Mr. L~NE: Resolution adopted at Mr. REED of New York. Mr. Speaker, ing the reason for the' withdrawal of the the Balfour Day meeting, New York, Novem I ask unanimous consent to extend my Pearson column, to remember that the ber 1, 1943, and ·approved at the meeting remarks in the Appendix of the RECORD Post has not concerned itself previously February 1, 1944, of the Lynn Hebrew School and include an article by John O'Donnell with Mr. Pearson's attacks upon indi Association, Lynn, Mass., urging that appro in this morning's Washington Times- viduals or policies. I am not now seek priat e action be taken to open the gates of Palestine to Jewish immigration and to Herald. , ing to give wider circulation to Mr. Pear establish a homeland there for the Jewish The SPEAKER. Without objection, it son's column, _b_ut I am citing it, along race; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. is so ordered. · with the fact of its withdrawal, to· show 5204. By Mr. SCffiFFLER: Petition 'or the l'bere was no objection. further evidence of the planned con representatives of the churches of Grafton, PALESTINE RESOLUTIONS spiracy within the administration and W. Va., urging the passage of House bill 2082; among administration supporters -to pre to the Committee on the- Judiciary. Mr. COMPTON. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to proceed for 1 vent the Members of the House and Sen minute. ate from knowing or discussing the facts The SPEAKER. Is there objection? surrounding the mysterious decision to There was no objection. kill the Palestine resolutions. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. COMPTON. Mr. Speaker, yester The question we must decide is broader than that involved in the rights of the WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8, 1944 day I called -attention to the fact that the Members of the House were to be denied Jews in Palestine; it is a question of The House met at 12 o'clock noon. an opportunity for open discussion on whether or not this Congress is to con Prayer was offered by Chaplain Wil ·Palestine resolutions because this admin tinue to submit to dictation f~om outside Ham F. O'Brien, United States Army, istration has bowed to protests from sources. 2354 - CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE MARCH 8 · Here is Mr. Pearson's column for what Furt};lermore, the JewJsh Refugee Com We would not only run the·risk of cre it is wcrth: mittee, of which Hull is·chairman, has-recom ating friction with the British Empire I?ended tha~. be. ca~se of difficult transporta Patrick J. Hurley's long seance with the tion Jews in EUrope be sent"t6 Mediterranean but we would also run the risk, as I said, President on the problems of the Near East areas rather than across the Atlantic.