Ziggy Stardust in

Autor(en): Simutis, Gediminas / Simuté, Saulé

Objekttyp: Article

Zeitschrift: Jahresbericht / Akademischer Alpen-Club Zürich

Band (Jahr): 120-121 (2015-2016)

PDF erstellt am: 06.10.2021

Persistenter Link: http://doi.org/10.5169/seals-825725

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http://www.e-periodica.ch ZIGGY STARDUST IN PATAGONIA

Early on the Christmas morning of Col de los Austriacos and later on, with a 2016, instead of family celebrations, newly met friend from Australia, cruised we were on our way to the austral up "Chiarro de Luna" on Saint-Exupéry summer and the famous granite spires via the Los Angelitos variation. of Patagonia. First stop - Buenos Aires. Luckily, Saulé's ankle was healing well, The city, unfortunately, was deserted, and for a recovery trip we hiked in so we wasted no time there and, having again to the Torre valley and climbed the eaten a good steak, boarded a plane to "Rubio y Azul" route on the Aguja de la . Quite unexpectedly we were Medialuna. After successfully hiking and welcomed by the wild side of Patagonian passing the "foot-in-a-climbing-shoe" weather - snow and harsh wind. But our test, we could more confidently plan our enthusiasm did not subside - the weather next tour. had to get better in five weeks! From El Our time was slowly coming to the Calafate, another few hours by shuttle end, but the main goal was still to be bus finally brought us to El Chalten. El accomplished - to climb a route on the Chalten was established in the 1980s to less visited western walls of the Cerro increase 's presence in the area Torre group. With a long good weather and to secure the disputed border with window coming up, we prepared for . It has since served as a perfect a five-day trip and left El Chalten on basecamp for climbers, where one has a sunny summer day. The approach to the luxury of sleeping in a comfortable the Torre valley was familiar by now, so bed, eating amazing Argentinian food, it went smoothly and fast. We pitched enjoying internet access, and cragging on a tent on the rocky glacier at Niponino the nearby walls. and enjoyed beautiful formations of the After several days the winds eased off and groups from and the weather forecast (which we kept both sides of the valley. Next morning, checking every six hours) showed a good we started very early with the goal to weather window coming up - our first ascend the Col Standhardt, descend to chance! Unfortunately, halfway a long the western side and set up camp in Circo and tedious approach to the Torre valley, de los Altares. Due to high temperatures Saule sprained her ankle. After having over the past few weeks, the conditions rested for a day in a tent, we had to return of the glacier to Col Standhardt were to El Chalten before having a chance to unfavourable - numerous crevasses set foot on the yellow granite walls. made it difficult to navigate, while a After a few days in town, another challenging bergschrund and a very thin weather window was on the horizon and snow cover on the last part before the col Gediminas set off on his own back to the were mentally demanding. At the col, we Torre valley. There, he found some people appreciated the proximity of the Aguja to team up with and climbed a few Standhardt, daydreamed about climbing, classics of the Fitz Roy range. Together and started rappelling to the other side. with a couple from California he climbed After several rappels and walking in the North Ridge on the "de l'S"from the deep, wet snow, we reached Circo de los

40 120./121. Jahresbericht des Akademischen Alpenclubs Zürich Approaching the Torre valley (photo Gediminas Simutis) Altares. From there the west faces could Next morning, instead of coming back the be seen best and, having considered same way, we chose to hike out through several possibilities, we chose the most the Circo de los Altares and the massive obvious line up the Aguja Pachamama. glacier on the western side of the Cerro On the following day, we scrambled Torre group. It took us another two (easy) up to the base of the face and started days, and it was a wonderful experience climbing the continuous inner corner to appreciate the scale of the glacier and and crack system. Excellent cracks led us to get a glimpse of the mountains from a almost all the way to the ridge where we less familiar perspective. traversed to the left and - as is common Back in El Chalten we had just enough on many climbs in the area - faced a time to sell our gear (which was in great few steep parts just before reaching the demand among the locals), indulge in summit. Abseiling down went smoothly breakfast facturitas (sweet pastries) and and easily since we had already set up the dinner asados (all sorts of grilled meat), majority of the abseil points on the way and, after five weeks, head back to the up. We named the route "Ziggy Stardust" northern winter. (~300m, 6a). Gediminas Simutis and Saulé Simntè

Midway the route with Aguja Quatro Dédos in the background (photo Saule Simute)

1ÄI' Aguja Pachamama with the line of Ziggy Stardust (photo Gediminas Simutis)