Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters

By KEVIN TEDDY SADANA Student Number: 144214105





Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters

By KEVIN TEDDY SADANA Student Number: 144214105




For my family, friends, and my lovely one in the hope of

a better future




First of all, I would like to thank God for always protect and bless me before, during, and after working for this research. I am really grateful for His countless blessing during the hard times in the process of making this thesis.

Secondly, I would like to express my gratitude and great appreciation to my thesis advisor Adventina Putranti, S.S., M. Hum for her valuable guidance, enthusiastic encouragement, and useful suggestions of this research. I also would like to thank my thesis co-advisor Dr. Francis Borgias Alip M. Pd., M.A. for giving additional knowledge and suggestions that can help to improve my thesis.

Thirdly, I would like to thank my family, my parents, and my girlfriend,

Vannie Natasha, for their advice and assistance in keeping my target stay on progress. Without their support, I would not be able to finish this thesis completely.

Finally, I would like to thank all of the English Literature’s lecturers and staff who always guided me and served me during the hard times and good times in the campus. Also, I would like to express my gratitude to all of my friends in

English Letters Department who always become the best motivation during the times of learning.

Kevin Teddy S





CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION ...... 1 A. Background of the Study ...... 1 B. Problem Formulation ...... 4 C. Objectives of the Study ...... 5 D. Definition of Terms ...... 5

CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF LITERATURE ...... 6 A. Review of Related Study ...... 6 B. Review of Related Theories ...... 7 1. Pragmatic ...... 7 2. The Concept of Swearing ...... 8 3. The Concept of Taboo Words ...... 9 4. Taboo Words and Swear word ...... 10 5. The Swearing Expression ...... 11 6. Propositional Swearing and Non Propositional Swearing ...... 13 C. Theoretical Framework ...... 16

CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY ...... 18 A. Object of the Study...... 18 B. Approach of the Study ...... 18 C. Method of the Study ...... 19 1. Data Collection ...... 19 2. Data Analysis ...... 20



CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS (RESULT AND DISCUSSIONS) ...... 22 A. Sex Terms Swear Word Used to Express Various ...... 22 Expressions 1. Fuck ...... 23 2. Fucking ...... 43 3. Fucked ...... 48 B. sex terms Swear Word in the Concept of Non Propositional and Propositional ...... 50 1. Non Propositional ...... 50 2. Propositional ...... 57


REFERENCES ...... 69 APPENDIX ...... 71




EA : exclamation of annoyance

ES : exclamation of surprise

EU : exclamation of unconcern

IA : insulting request to go away

IN : insult as noun

IT : intensifying/intensifier

IV : insult (imperative verb + object)

M : miscellaneous

N : negative connotation

P : positive connotation

SQ : surprise question

VR : violent refusal




No. Table Page ______

1. Table 1. Table Analysis Plan 21 2. Table 2. Swear Word Expressions in Category of Sex 71 Term in Hangover Movie Part II




SADANA, T, KEVIN. (2018). Swear Word Expressions in Category of Sex terms in Hangover Movie Part II. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

One of the language phenomena is the use of swear word. People use swear word in school, workplace, and even it can be uses anywhere depends on their situation and condition. While this phenomenon is famous among the society, the utilization of swear word is also popular among entertainment, especially in the movies. movie is one of the entertainment examples, that adapt and use many sex terms swear word in the movie storyline. By this following fact, the researcher decides to focus analyzing the sex terms swear word in the Hangover movie part II. There are 2 (two) problems formulated in this research, they are “What is the meaning of sex terms that is used as swear word in Hangover movie part II?” and the second is “In what category does each swear word belong to?” This research used pragmatic approach since the analysis focus on analyzing the meaning and the swear word occurrence in The Hangover movie based on the context of the movie scene/storyline. The researcher used qualitative analysis method by purposefully select the sex terms swear word and its utterances in The Hangover movie part II. In order to answer the first problem, the researcher applied Ronald Wardaugh (2005), Magnus Ljung (2011) and Michael Swan’s (2005) theories. Meanwhile, in order to answer the second problem, the researcher applied a theory stated by Timothy Jay (2008). Based on the result of the analysis, there are total 94 sex terms swear word were found in The Hangover movie part II. The 94 sex terms swear word are used to show Violent Refusal, Exclamation of Surprise, Surprise Question, Exclamation of Annoyance, Expression of Unconcern, Insult (imperative verb + object), Insult as a noun, Intensifying/Intensifier, Insulting Request to Go Away and Miscellaneous. The researcher found out that both Propositional and Non Propositional swearing are occurred in the movie storyline. In accordance with the previous analysis, it can be concluded that Propositional swearing which deliberately uttered occurs in Expression of Unconcern, Insult (imperative verb + object), Insult as a noun, Intensifying/Intensifier, Insulting Request to Go Away and in miscellaneous category. Meanwhile, Non-propositional swearing which uttered spontaneously occurs in Exclamation of Annoyance, Exclamation of Surprise, Surprised Question, and Violent Refusal expression.




SADANA,T, KEVIN. (2018). Swear Word Expressions in Category of Sex terms in Hangover Movie Part II. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Salah satu fenomena dalam bahasa ialah kata makian. Orang menggunakan kata makian di dalam sekolah, tempat bekerja, dan bahkan bisa digunakan dimana saja tergantung dari situasi dan kondisi. Semenjak fenomena ini terkenal penggunaanya dalam masyarakat, penggunaan kata makian juga banyak ditemukan dalam hiburan hiburan Hollywood, terutama dalam film. Film Hangover adalah salah satu contoh film Hollywood yang mengadaptasi dan menggunakan banyak kata makian kategori seksual dialamnya.Dengan latar belakang fakta ini, peneliti memutuskan dan memilih untuk fokus dalam menganalisis makian kategori seksual di dalam film Hangover kedua. Terdapat dua masalah yang dirumuskan dalam penelitian ini. Dua rumusan masalah tersebut adalah: Apa arti dari kategori seksual sebagai kata makian dalam film Hangover kedua? Dan rumusan yang kedua, Di kategori manakah kata-kata makian itu tergabung? Penelitian ini menggunakan Pragmatik sebagai landasan teori dikarenakan fokus dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis arti dan penggunaan kata kata makian berdasarkan konteks dalam adegan adegan film. Peneliti menggunakan metode analisis kualitatif dengan cara memilih kata-kata kategori seksual beserta ucapanya didalam film Hangover kedua. Untuk menjawab perumusan masalah pertama, peneliti menerapkan teori-teori Ronald Wardaugh (2005), Magnus Ljung (2011) dan Michael Swan (2005). Sementara itu, untuk menjawab perumusan masalah yang kedua, peneliti menerapkan teori Timothy Jay (2008). Berdasarkan dari hasil penelitian, terdapat total 94 kata makian kategori seksual yang ditemukan dalam film Hangover kedua. Ke-94 kata makian kategori seksual digunakan untuk menunjukan ekspresi violent refusal, exclamation of surprise, surprise question, exclamation of annoyance, expression of unconcern, insult (imperative verb + object), insult as a noun, intensifying/intensifier, insulting request to go away dan kategori miscellaneous. Peneliti juga menemukan bahwa kata makian kategori propositional dan non propositional digunakan dalam adegan film. Sesuai dengan analisis sebelumnya, disimpulkan bahwa makian propositional yang diucapkan secara sengaja terjadi dalam ekspresi expression of unconcern, insult (imperative verb + object), insult as a noun, intensifying/intensifier, insulting request to go away dan kategori miscellaneous. Sementara itu, makian non propositional yang diucapkan secara tidak disengaja terjadi dalam ekspresi exclamation of annoyance, exclamation of surprise, surprised question dan violent refusal expression.





A. Background of the Study

People communicate in different ways, sometimes people communicate in formal and informal situation. In informal situation, people may use various expression to express their feelings such as to give empathy by showing condolences, to give happiness by telling a joke, and people also may use swear word to show anger or surprises towards the other. Besides anger and surprises, swearing may express annoyance, aggression and insult, for instance, or they may express solidarity and friendliness (Holmes, 2008, p. 283).

Swearing becomes one of the language most important aspects in the way we communicate, as mentioned by Pinker (2007) “Language is entwined with human life. We use it to inform and persuade, but also to threaten, to seduce, and of course to swear. It reflects the way we grasp reality, and also the image of ourselves we try to project to others, and the bonds that tie us to them” (Pinker,

2007, p. 11). From the explanation above, it is clear that we can use swear word as the way we express ourselves toward other people. As mentioned by Jay in The

Utility and Ubiquity of Taboo Words journal, “Swearing is like using the horn on your car, which can be used to signify a number of emotions (e.g., anger, frustration, joy, surprise)” (Jay, 2009 p. 8). From Jay’s explanation, it can be




interpreted that when we communicate, we can show and express various emotions through swearing.

According to Jay (2008), “Swearing is the use of taboo language with the purpose of expressing the speaker’s emotional state and communicating that information to listeners.” (Jay, 2008, p. 268). Jay also adds that “In contrast to most other speech, swearing is primarily meant to convey connotative or emotional meaning; the meanings of the words themselves are primarily construed as connotative” (Jay 2008, p.268). With these explanations, the researcher can see that actually swear word have a relation and similarity with taboo word.

Based on Lindahl’s explanation, she stated that “Taboo words are words that are not supposed to be said or used, often because they are regarded as improper or immoral, or believed to be supernaturally forbidden” (Lindahl, 2008, p. 1). The relation of taboo and swear word then explained by Michael Swan that

“When people swear, taboo words usually change their meanings completely. For example, “fuck off” and “piss off” have nothing to do with sex or urinating - they are simply violently rude wars of saying ‘go away’” (Swan, 2005 p. 575). The previous explanation also supported by Lindahl explanation that “The literal meaning of swear word is sometimes very distant. We use swear word somewhat in the same way as we use metaphors” (Lindahl, 2008, p. 2). Therefore, it can be concluded that taboo words can be described as swear word if the literal meaning change into an expressing or non-literal statement.



Furthermore, swear word has become a common use in our society, lot of people used it in their daily life conversation, but mostly it used by teenager and adult. According to Gallup Youth Survey in 2001, the result issue of swearing found that 46 percent of surveyed teens ages 13 to 17 used profanities at least several times a week or daily, while 28 percent said they heard their parents cursing a few times a week or on a daily basis (Glover, Melanie, B, 2008, para.

23). By this fact, the researcher aims to explore more about what expression that appears when people use swear word in society, by analyzing a movie / film.

In this research, the researcher will use The Hangover movie part II as the object of the data analysis. The reason why the researcher chooses Hangover movie part II is because the movie itself is famous among the teenager and society for its vulgarity, profanity and especially contains a lot of bad words (taboo & swear word) in the conversation between each of the characters. The researcher feels that this movie is suitable for becoming the analysis object since it deals with a lot of swear word. With this fact, the language or utterances that are used in the film is also interesting to be discussed and analyze.

According to Wardaugh (2005), taboo and swear word can be classified into six particular terms; religion terms, death terms, body part terms, sex termss, mother in law terms, and animal terms (Wardaugh, 2005, p. 239). The researcher chooses the sex terms category of the “swear word expression” analysis because the researcher found that the most terms that are used/ dominant in The Hangover movie is coming from sex terms category, which are fuck, fucking and fucked.



Surprisingly, the small amount of the sex terms variation words are used at least

80 times in the movie conversation and it used to express various expression and emotion. By this fact, the researcher wanted to know and analyze more about how swear word are used in our society by using this kind of movie analysis, especially in the expressions and the categories of the swear word. By analyzing the expressions and categories of the swear word in The Hangover movie part II, the researcher wants to make a clear research about what the swear word used for and what expression that appears beside it.

With this kind of data, the researcher hopes that there will be lot of people who are able to learn and use swear word appropriately based on their situations, rather than using it without any knowledge / particular reason about it. The aim of this research is to identify, determines, and find out the differences of swearing words expressions types. The researcher wants to make a detail analysis on each context of the conversation data, about what are the expression stand for in the swearing words itself.

B. Problem formulations

The problem formulations of this research are:

1. What are the meanings of sex terms used as swear word in Hangover

movie part II?

2. In what category of meaning (propositional or non propositional) does

each swear word belong to?



C. Objectives of the study

The objective of the study in this research is to find the sex terms swear word expressions and categories. The first objective is to find the sex terms swear word which appears on Hangover movie part II. In order to know and analyze the expression of the swear word, the second objective is to categorize the swear word into several expressions based on the context of the conversation in the film.

Then, after discovering about the expression and the use of the swear word, the last objective is to classify the categories of the sex terms swear word.

D. Definition of Terms

There are some terms that are used in this research, these are swear word and sex terms. The terms will be explained to avoid misunderstanding.

The first term is swear word, according to Jay (2008), swearing is the use of taboo language with the purpose of expressing the speaker’s emotional state and communicating that information to listeners (Jay, 2008, p. 268). Taboo language contains vulgarism, bad, foul words which can be found in our daily life conversation. Since taboo words became one of swearing important part, therefore swearing and taboo words cannot be separated.

The second term is sex terms, according to Swan (2005), one of the main groups of taboo words is relating to sexual activity and the associated parts of the body (e.g. fuck, balls). Swan adds, “In polite or formal language, these words are generally avoided, or replaced by other words and expressions (e.g. make love or have sexual intercourse, testicles) (Swan, 2005, p. 564).




In this study, the researcher discusses the review of some related theories and studies. This chapter consists of three sections. The first section is related study, the second is related theories and the third section is theoretical framework.

A. Review of Related Study

The first related study is taken from Hendri Aditia (2011) titled “An

Analysis of Taboo Word and Swear Word in Dustin Lee Abraham’s How High

Movie”. In his research, Hendri classified the types and the factors of taboo and swear word in Dustin Lee Abraham’s How High Movie. According to his analysis, Hendri found that there are four types of taboo words that found in How

High movie, these are lavatory, private parts of body, religion and sexual activity.

In addition, the types of these swear word are divided into weak and strong swear wor. (Aditia, 2011, p. i).

Besides analyzing the types of taboo and swear word, Hendri also identified the swear word variations which used in the How High movie, these are weak and strong swear word. Hendri found that the kinds of strong swear word are exclamation of surprise, insult, emphasize an emotion and insulting request to go away, while the kinds of weak swear word are exclamation of surprise, emphasize an emotion and insult. Furthermore, Hendri also found that the reasons




of the character using taboo and swear word in Dustin Lee Abraham’s How High movie, are based on situation and context (Aditia, 2011, p. i).

The second related study is taken from Febrian Romadhonni (2016) titled

“The Use of Swear word in Deadpool Movie: A Sociopragmatic Study”. In this thesis, Febrianprovided a lot of information about the theories, explanation and the way to analyze the swearing words expressions. This analysis is focus in analyzing the swear word in Deadpool movie. She analyzes the swear word by find out the types, category and the intention why the swear word used in that movie (Romadhonni, 2016, p. 1).

The researcher used three steps to analyze the research data. The first step is determining the types, the second is determining the category and the last step is to find out the intention of the swearing words data. With the closeness factors of her research and the researcher topic, the researcher also finds some explanation and theory that can be use in the research, which is about the swearing words categorization. (Romadhonni, 2016, p.1)

B. Review of Related Theories

1. Pragmatics

This research conducts Pragmatic as the primary approach for the analysis.

According to Yule (1996), “Pragmatics is the study of speaker meaning” (Yule,

1996, p.3), it means that Pragmatics is concerned with the study of meaning as communicated by the speaker (or writer) and interpreted by the listener (or reader)”. Yule also says that “Pragmatic is the study of contextual meaning”



(Yule, 1996, p.3), it means that Pragmatic study involving the interpretation of what people mean in a particular context and how the context influences. Besides that, Yule added that “Pragmatic is the study of how more gets communicated than is said” (Yule, 1996, p.3), it means that, this approach also necessarily explores how listeners can inference about what is said in order to understand what the speaker intended meaning. Lastly, Yule explained that “Pragmatic is the study of the expression of relative distance” (Yule, 1996, p. 3), it means that the closeness factors between the speaker and the listener, whether it is physical, social, or conceptual are becomes an influence in determining how much need to be said.

With Yule’s explanation about Pragmatics, the researcher thinks that his explanation is suitable to apply on this research. The researcher is going to analyze the sex terms swear word meaning within the character utterances in The

Hangover movie part II. The researcher aims to explore what is the meaning implied behind the sex terms swear word based on the situational and conditional context of the movie scenes / storylines.

2. The Concept of Swearing

The first explanation is taken from Timothy Jay and Kristin Janschewitz from The Pragmatics of Swearing journal. This journal provided explanation about the definition and the categorization of swear word based on its types, whether it is propositional or non-propositional swearing. In the first explanation,

Jay explained the definition about what swearing is, according to Jay (2008),



“Swearing is the use of taboo language with the purpose of expressing the speaker’s emotional state and communicating that information to listeners.” (Jay,

2008, p.268) Later, he also adds that “In contrast to most other speech, swearing is primarily meant to convey connotative or emotional meaning; the meanings of the words themselves are primarily construed as connotative” (Jay, 2008, p. 268).

Another swearing definition came from Magnus Ljung. Ljung (2011) describes his view on what word which can fulfill as a swear word criteria, there are 4 criteria of swear word according to Ljung: a. Swearing is the use of utterances containing taboo words. b. The taboo words are used with non-literal meaning. c. Many utterances that constitute swearing are subject to severe lexical,

phrasal and syntactic constraint which suggest that most swearing qualifies

as formulaic language d. Swearing is emotive language: its main function is to reflect, or seem to

reflect, the speaker’s feelings and attitudes (Ljung, 2011, p. 4).

3. The Concept of Taboo Words

Before going forward into the explanation of swear word, the researcher also mentioned and used the explanation of taboo words from Katrina Lindahl, in her research, Lindahl explained that “Taboo words are words that are not supposed to be said or used, often because they are regarded as improper or immoral, or believed to be supernaturally forbidden.” (Lindahl, 2008 p. 1). Beside explain about taboo, Lindahl also added her view on swear word characteristic,



she says that “When we use swear word, sometimes the literal meaning of swear word is very distant. We use swear word somewhat in the same way as we use metaphors” (Lindahl, 2008, p. 2).

4. Taboo Word and Swear word

Since taboo and swear word cannot be separated, these are several explanations by experts about why it is related and it is important to one another.

The first theory taken from Michael Swan, Swan (2005) describes his view about taboo and swear word relation by stated “When people swear, taboo words usually change their meanings completely. For example, fuck off and piss off have nothing to do with sex or urinating - they are simply violently rude wars of saying

‘go away’” (Swan, 2005, p. 575). Swan’s explanation indicates that when taboo word is used to express the non-literal meaning of it, it can be called swearing.

Swan also added “Because taboo words are shocking, they are common in situations where people want to express powerful emotions by using strong language. This is called swearing” (Swan, 2005, p. 575). By this explanation, the researcher can understand that actually taboo words can be described as a swear word from its usability to express strong emotions.

There is another explanation about taboo words, it is the classification of taboo words described by Ronald Wardaugh, Wardaugh (2005) explains that

“Tabooed subjects can vary widely: sex terms; death term; excretion; bodily functions; religious matters; and politics. Tabooed objects that must be avoided or used carefully can include your mother-in-law, certain game animals, and use of



your left hand (the origin of sinister)” (Wardaugh, 2005, p. 239). With this explanation, the researcher can be able to differentiate and classified taboo/ swear word based on these categories.

5. The Swearing Expressions

Besides understanding the concept and the correlation of swear word and taboo words, this research also need more detail explanation about what are the common expression which can be seen throughout swear word in The Hangover movie part II. There is a theory from Michael Swan which can be used in this research. In the swearing categorization of swear word, Michael Swan (2005) described 10 swearing categories (pp 567-569). The explanations above are supported and combined with another sources in order to add more detail about the explanation.

The following list shows some of the most common expressions used in swearing, they are grouped according to meaning: a) Exclamation of Annoyance:

Example of use: Damn It! Can’t you hurry up? (Swan, 2005, p. 567)

From the example above, it can be concluded that exclamation of annoyance is used to express annoyed feeling toward other behavior or situation. b) Exclamation of Surprise:

Example of use: My God! Look at that! (Swan, 2005, p. 567)

From the example above, it can be concluded that exclamation of surprise is used to express a surprise reaction toward other behavior or situation.



c) Surprised Question:

Example of use: What the hell do you think you’re doing? (Swan, 2005, p.


From the example above, it can be concluded that surprised question is used to express surprise reaction within a question sentence form. d) Insult (noun)

Example of use: You bastard! (Swan, 2005, p. 567)

From the example above, it can be concluded that insult (noun) is used to abuse or harm toward the other. According to Swan, swear word which classified as nouns generally have no real meaning. They simply express strong emotion such as hatred, anger, envy or contempt. (Swan, 2005, p. 568) e) Insult (imperative verb + object)

Example of use: Fuck you! (Swan, 2005, p. 567)

From the example above, it can be concluded that insult (imperative verb

+ object) is used to abuse or harm toward the other. However, Insult in this form required imperative verb (expressing a command + object to complete the phrase/sentence). f) Insulting request to go away

Example of use: Fuck off! (Swan, 2005, p. 567)

From the example above, it can be concluded that insulting request to go away is used to insist the other to leave him/her immediately. It means that request to go away is an act of asking to some people to move into particular distance.



g) Expression of Unconcern

Example of use: They can come and arrest me if they want to, I don’t give a fuck. (Swan, 2005, p. 567)

From the example above it can be concluded that expression of unconcern is used to express an unconcern toward the other or situation. h) Violent Refusal/Rejection/Defiance

Example of use: Give me a kiss – Get stuffed! (Swan, 2005, p. 567)

From the example above, it can be concluded that violent refusal is used to refuse or reject something or someone idea. i) Intensifying Adjective/Adverb

Example of use: Put the fucking cat out! (Swan, 2005, p.568)

From the example above, it can be concluded that Intensifying is used to strengthen the speaker utterance. According to Swan, intensifying swear word used to emphasize an emotion. j) Miscellaneous

Example of use: Somebody’s fucked up the TV (Swan, 2005, p. 568)

According to Swan, swear word which are common in this category are fucked up, screw up, and bugger up, these words can be interpreted as ‘ruin’

‘spoil’ and ‘destroy’. (Swan, 2005, p. 569)

6. Propositional Swearing and Non Propositional Swearing

In order to answer the second problem formulation of this research, the researcher needs another continuation theory from Swan’s expressions



categorization. In the previous Pragmatic of Swearing journal, Timothy Jay

(2008) has his explanation about the swear word categories. Jay divided swear word into two categories, the categories are propositional and non propositional swearing.

In his explanation, he states “We conceptualize all instances of swearing as either propositional or non-propositional. Propositional swearing is consciously planned and intentional in this case, the speaker controls the content of the utterance. Within instances of propositional swearing, there is much overlap with research on linguistic impoliteness and rudeness.” (Jay, 2008, p. 270). From Jay’s explanation, it can be concluded that Propositional swearing is deliberately created and the speaker intentionally uttered the swear word within his/her utterance.

Later, Jay adds that “Propositional swearing can be polite or impolite, or potentially neither. It is polite when it pro- motes social harmony, as in face building (e. g., This pie is pretty fucking good!). It is rude when used to deliberately attack someone, as in face threat (e. g., You fucking asshole!)” (Jay

2008, p.270). With the following explanation, it can be concluded that

Propositional Swearing also can be used in polite or impolite situation, it depends on what the speaker’s intending to say.

While Propositional swearing is deliberately uttered, Timothy Jay then explained about what non-propositional swearing is. According to Jay (2008),

“Non-propositional swearing is unintentional, unplanned and uncontrollable. It



involves automatic emotional responses, occurring most frequently in response to sudden bursts of emotion (e.g., surprise) or as a result of brain damage (Jay 2008, p. 270). From Jay’s explanation, it can be concluded that non-propositional swearing is unintentionally uttered and the speaker cannot control his/her utterance while using the swear word, it just suddenly burst out within the speaker emotion. Later, Jay (2008) added more explanation about non-propositional swearing that

Neurological factors influence both propositional and non-propositional swearing, but non-propositional utterances make it particularly clear that we are not always able to control swearing; emotions arise involuntarily. Psychological and cultural factors play a significant role when one has the time and resources to make conscious word choices (Jay, 2008, p. 271).

Besides explaining about the concept of propositional and non- propositional swearing in the Pragmatic of Swearing Journal, Timothy Jay also explained the concept of propositional and non-propositional in different source.

Timothy Jay (1999) in Why We Curse: Neuro-Psycho Social Theory of Speech, explained that

While many regard cursing as an automatic process, it is not necessarily one. Controlled cursing occurs when a speaker constructs a joke or thinks about how to insult someone. Cursing also frequently occurs automatically, with minimal conscious monitoring. After experiencing sharp pain, a speaker may automatically shout, “Damn!” (Jay, 1999, p. 34).

With these explanations, the researcher interprets that non-propositional swearing is the condition when the speaker cannot control their utterances along



with their automatic responses to something. While in contrast, propositional swearing is the condition when the speaker consciously planned and deliberately utter the swear word choices within the speaker utterance.

C. Theoretical Framework

In this chapter, the researcher uses several theories that are relevant to the problem formulation of this study. The theories are the definition of swear word, the expressions of swear word, and the categories of swear word.

In order to answer the first question, the researcher combined several explanations from Timothy Jay (2008), Michael Swan (2005), Magnus Ljung

(2011), and Ronald Wardaugh (2005) to find out which words were fulfilled as sex terms swear word criteria in The Hangover movie part II. The researcher determines which words can be included as a swear word on the data by analyzing the subtitle script of The Hangover movie. After finding all of the swear word data and its utterances, the researcher aims to classify what expressions which appear beside the sex terms swear word. In order to classify the swear word expressions, the researcher uses Michael Swan (2005) theory to answer the first question of the problem formulation. From the Michael Swan categorization, the researcher can find the swear word categories by analyzing the swear word data and conversation script / subtitle based on the context of the movie conversation. After analyzing the data one by one, the researcher continues to matching the swear word data into

10 particular categories based on their context, these are violent refusal, exclamation of annoyance, exclamation of surprises, surprised question,



intensifier, insult, insult as a noun, insulting request to go away, expression of unconcern and miscellaneous.

The second aim is to find out the swear word categories. Based on

Timothy Jay classification, there are two swear word categories; these are propositional and non-propositional swearing. With Timothy Jay’s explanation, the researcher can be able to find the swear word category, by analyzing the previous expression of the swear word based on their context of the conversation.




A. Object of the Study

The object of the study in this research was The Hangover movie part II and its subtitle. The movie was streamed from the website, while the subtitle was downloaded from This research conducts qualitative audio and visual method since the data are available on a written and video form. In this research, the researcher used the sex terms category in swear word data which were already filtered and chosen from The Hangover movie part


B. Approach of the Study

This research applies pragmatic approach in analyzing and categorizing the swear word by analyzing the utterances based on the context of the conversation. As mentioned by Yule (1996) in the previous chapter, it has been explained that pragmatic is concerned with the study of speaker meaning. It focuses on how the listener interprets and inference about what is said, in order to understand what the speaker intended meaning in particular context. In accordance with the explanation above, pragmatic approach is suitable for this thesis because the objectives of the research are to find and classify the sex terms swear word meanings, and categories. The objectives can be obtained by analyzing the utterances in situational context which taken from The Hangover movie part II storyline.




C. Method of the Study

This part explains the followings:

1. Data Collection

The data of this research were collected through qualitative research by selecting and filtering the suitable sex terms swear word and its utterances in The

Hangover movie. According to Creswell (2014), “The idea behind qualitative research is to purposefully select participants or sites (or documents or visual material) that will best help the researcher understand the problem and the research question”. Since this research required The Hangover movie video

(visual material) and its subtitle (documents) as the main object of the analysis,

Therefore, Creswell’s explanation is suitable to be applied on this research.

(Creswell, 2014, p.600)

Firstly, the data were collected by taking notes while watching The

Hangover movie part II on After finished watching the movie, the researcher repeated watching the movie from the beginning and started to match the conversation script (subtitle) with the actual movie video. Afterward, the researcher selected which words in the movie utterances that belong into sex terms swear word criteria by using several definition theories. All of the utterances data are transferred into a table form. Lastly, the researcher also provided the ‘previous’ and ‘afterwards’ conversation script in order to provide clear information about what is being said in the utterances.



2. Data Analysis

There are three steps of the data analysis, these are, determine the swear word, identify the expressions of the swear word, and the last step is to decide what are the swear word category belong.

The first step was the opening of the analysis, the researcher defined and determined the word which can be included as a sex terms swear word by using

Timothy Jay (2008), Michael Swan (2005), Magnus Ljung (2011), and Ronald

Wardaugh (2005) theories. After that, the researcher separated the words and the utterances that fulfilled as a sex terms swear word criteria into one separated file.

For the final object data, the researcher also included several previous and afterwards conversation of the utterances to complete the context information and situation.

To observe the collected data, the researcher used a table as the instrument to organize the expressions and the categories simultaneously. In the first analysis, the researcher analyzed the selected swear word in the table while watching The

Hangover movie part II. In the analysis, the researcher used Michael Swan’s

(2005) theory to decide what expression that is suitable for the utterances based on the context of the character’s conversation. For this research, the researcher used

10 expressions that are relevant to the analysis; each of the expression has their own criteria and features. The 10 expressions in the table analysis was given a code name: EA referred to exclamation of annoyance, ES referred to exclamation of surprise, EU referred to exclamation of unconcern, IA referred to insulting request to go away, IN referred to insult as noun, and IT referred to



intensifying/intensifier, IV referred to insult (imperative verb + object), M referred to miscellaneous. SQ referred to surprise question, and VR referred to violent refusal.

The researcher also added additional code name for P as positive connotation, and N as negative connotation. At any time when the researcher found the right expression of the swear word, the researcher put a sign mark () in specified column in the table. Lastly, in order to help the arrangement in the analysis table, the researcher assigning a code for the data analysis, a set of coding

1(Number of the utterance) A (swear word variation). For example, 3B refers to the swear word utterance number 3 and it belongs into swear word variation B.

In the second analysis, the researcher discovered the swear word categories that appeared beside the swear word expression. The researcher used

Timothy Jay’s theory to find out the swear word category whether it belongs to propositional or non-propositional swear word. The analysis required to watch the movie from the beginning in order to minimize the error in determining the category.

Swear No Utterances Non Propositional Propositional Word Variations



1A 




In this chapter, the researcher divided the analysis into 2 sections. The first analysis is to discuss and answer the first problem formulation, which is ”What are the meanings of ‘sex termss’ as a swear word used in The Hangover movie part II?” The second section of the analysis is to discuss and answer the second problem formulation, which is to find out which category of sex terms swears word in The Hangover movie part II categorized.

A. Sex Terms Swear word Used to Express Various Expressions

In the first section of the data analysis, the researcher analyzes and find out a lot of swear word were uttered and used in The Hangover movie part II conversations. The swear word which uttered in the movie spoken by various characters, from the major until minor characters. The large amount of the swear word which used in the movie are being dominated by sex terms swear word, which are “fuck”, “fucking”, and “fucked”.

After filtering and sorting out the sex terms swear word in the data analysis, the researcher finds out that actually the small variations of the sex terms swear word (fuck, fucking, and fucked) can be used to express various expressions and emotions. The sex terms swear word are not only meaningless pronounced by the speakers; it has meanings that are used to express and blow up the character’s expressions and emotions throughout swear word. The character




uses the sex terms swear word in order to express their feeling and emotion out, in various situation and condition.

1. Fuck

The first sex terms of swear word discussed in the research analysis is

“fuck”. The swear word “fuck” uttered 45 (forty-five) times in The Hangover part

II movie conversation. The swear word “fuck” used by the characters to express violent refusal, expression of unconcern, surprised question, exclamation of annoyance, insulting request to go away, insult, insult as a noun, miscellaneous and also used as an intensifier/intensifying. These expressions above discussed below in this section of the analysis. a. Violent Refusal

In the first section of the data analysis, the first sex terms swear word data which appear on the movie conversation, is “fuck”, and it uses to show violent refusal expression. The swear word "fuck" only used once within violent refusal expression.


Stu: You really need to floss more.

Phil: Fuck that. That's why I come here.

Stu: Then you should come more than once every two years.

The utterance was uttered by character Phil. At this scene, Phil is checking his teeth condition to Stu who worked as a dentist. After he complete observed



Phil teeth, he suggests that Phil need to floss his teeth more often than before.

Phil, then replied Stu suggestion with refusal statement "Fuck that, that's why I come here". Based on the research analysis, Phil refuse Stu suggestion because he thinks that he didn't get what he really expected, he expect to get a treatment from

Stu (which is a dentist) rather than only given a simple suggestion.

The word "fuck" in this statement used as an emphasize word to his refusal thought to Stu suggestion. By this fact, the swear word "Fuck" in this utterance included in violent refusal expression. According to Holmes, she says that

"Besides anger and surprises, swearing may express annoyance, aggression and insult, for instance, or they may express solidarity and friendliness "(Holmes,

2008, p.283).The word "fuck" in Phil utterance does not implied a direct negative emotion to Stu, instead he uses "fuck" in his utterance as friendship solidarity.

This fact is supported by the movie background storyline, that Stu and Phil are a fine fellow and they fused in one group called “The Wolf-pack”. b. Expression of Unconcern

The second swear word “fuck” that appears on the movie conversation uttered by character Phil, and for this expression, there is only one evidence data that occur on the movie. The data / utterance occur when Russian gangster at random Bangkok alleyway is confronting Alan, Phil and Stu.


Alan: It’s all right, Phil. We'll figure this all out and get the monkey

back. I promise.



Phil: No one gives a fuck about the monkey, Alan!

In this movie scene, the Russian’s gangster wants to retake their monkey back from Alan, and in short story, they can retake their monkey back and firing a gunshot at Phil’s arm. Phil get shot and afterwards, Alan stated "It’s all right, Phil.

We'll figure this all out and get the monkey back. I promise." While Phil struggling with his pain, Alan only think about the monkey and he ignore the fact that Phil still struggling in pain. After that, Phil replies Alan statement by saying

"No one gives a fuck about the monkey, Alan!”. Based on the research analysis, this statement clarifies that actually, Phil does not care about the monkey at all, because it is just a random monkey, and he thinks that Alan should have realized about Phil condition rather than the monkey itself. c. Surprised Question

The third swear word “fuck” which appear on the movie conversation is used to express a surprised question within 15 utterances. Each of the 15 utterances consist a swear word “fuck” accompany with a question mark and wh- questions word. (wh- question word). While analyzing the research, the researcher found an interesting fact that actually “surprised question” also divided into two sections, which are negative and positive connotation. This finding supported by

Jay (2009) explanation in The Utility and Ubiquity of Taboo Words that “Taboo words can be used to achieve a variety of personal and interpersonal outcomes that may be positive, negative, or inconsequential in terms of their impact on others” (Jay, 2009 p. 8). In surprised question expression, the researcher found 14



negative surprised questions and 1 positive surprised question. Negative connotation used to express a negative feeling/ emotion characterized as anger, annoyance, and other negative feeling. In contrast, positive connotation is used to express a positive emotion/ feeling such as happiness, enjoyment and joyful situation.

1) Negative Connotation

In this paragraph, the researcher explains the negative connotation first.

All of the 14utterances that included in this expression are used to express negative emotions; these are anger, dislike, obscurity, and frustration. The most common surprised question data which occurred in this section is the phrase

“what the fuck “+ are you doing, did you do + question mark. Based on the research analysis, these all surprised question utterance which used by the characters in the movie are mostly point out one main purpose, it is used to vent a shocked emotion. All of the shocked emotion can be seen through the rising intonation and the facial expression that are shown by the characters.


Doug: Alan, what the fuck?

Doug: We were supposed to delete these. You made a promise.

For example, in the data number 3A, Doug stated that “Alan, what the fuck? We were supposed to delete these, you made a promise.” The reason why the researcher concluded the utterance into negative connotation is that Doug as



the speaker, show a dislike connotation within his utterance. Doug shows an annoyed face coincide with surprised facial expression for the reason that Alan does not fulfill his promise to delete their secret blot in their previous meeting.


Phil: Oh, shit, look at my arm.

Stu: What the fuck is going on?!

Phil: Stu, am I gonna be okay? You're a doctor.

Another example can be seen through data number 6A, this utterance occurs after Phil was hit by the Russian gangster at the Bangkok alleyway. Phil, who is struggling with his pain ask Stu to check his arm condition whether it is okay or not. Stu who become a witness of the accident, scream aloud “What the fuck is going on?!”. Based on the research analysis, Stu’s surprise utterance implied a frustration feeling within it. Stu’s frustration occurs because he witnesses a bloody tragedy in front of him. The reason why the researcher concluded the utterance into negative connotation is because the frustration feeling appears along after they involved in a bad conflict / situation with the

Russian gangster.

2) Positive Connotation

In this paragraph, the researcher concluded a single swear word “fuck” evidence into positive connotation surprised question. The utterance “What the fuck, man?” which is spoken by character Stu in the data number 17A is used to



express a positive feeling. Stu feel surprised along with happy emotion because

Alan secretly invited to his wedding concert.


Stu: What the fuck, man?

Alan: So, what do you think?

Stu: It’s insane! How did you do that?

Alan: My dad had to make a lot of calls…

Based on the research analysis, it can be concluded that Stu feel happy by the fact that Alan able to invited such a famous and exceptional figure to his wedding party. At that scene, Mike Tyson suddenly appeared and sang “One

Night in Bangkok” song by Murray Head in the stage and all of the audiences included Stu are surprised and screaming in hysteria. Stu cannot believe that Mike

Tyson came as his wedding party guest and Stu suddenly react “What the fuck, man?“ along with his smile facial expression to shows up his happiness and unbelievable feeling. According to Vine, “Facial Expression is also used in close combination with speech. A listener provides a continuous commentary of his reactions to what is being said by small movements of eyebrows and mouth, indicating puzzlement, surprise, disagreement, pleasure, etc “(Vine as cited in

Hinde,1972,p.248). The researcher found that the nonverbal aspect (facial expression) could help the researcher to indicate whether the characters/speakers express in negative or positive way.



d. Exclamation of Surprise

The fourth expression which apply the swear word “fuck” in the movie conversation is exclamation of surprise. There are six utterances which are categorized in this expression. All of these six utterances have the same purpose and main point with the previous expression that is surprised question, which is used to vent a shocked emotion. However, there is one difference between those two expressions, for the exclamation of surprise, there isn’t any question word and question mark added on these utterances (wh-question).Beside that, this expression also can be divide into two parts, that are negative and positive connotations

1) Negative Connotation

In this section, the researcher concluded five exclamation of surprise utterances that belong in negative connotation. The idea behind the speaker uttered the swear word is to vent their shocked emotion in order to react something bad happen.


Phil: Teddy went to Stanford, right?

Doug: Yeah. Why?

Phil: Fuck! I just found his finger.

For example in the data number 18A, the utterance occurs when Phil is having a phone call with Doug. While talking with Doug, Phil is explaining their



current situation in Bangkok. Few moments later, Phil shocked, and surprised after he found out that there is a man finger on the table. Phil, then react to what he just saw with this statement “Fuck, I just found his finger!” At the first glance,

Phil does not realize that there is a man finger on the table, but after he touch and saw a Stanford ring within in, he realizes that it is Teddy’s finger. Phil even throw

Teddy’s finger out because he is extremely surprised by his finding. The swear word “fuck” is used to express his surprised reaction within his utterance.

Another example is taken from the data number 21A. At that scene, Stu,

Phil and Alan are trying to search a clue about what really happen when they were drunk in the previous night at the nightclub, and then they met a lady-boy called

Kimmy. Kimmy told everything about what happen in that night. Stu shocked and surprised when he was told by Kimmy that he and her are having sex together.

The swear word “fuck” is used to express Stu’s surprised reaction by the fact that he having sex with a ladyboy.


Kimmy: Oh, you know. Dance for him. He tickles me. We had sex. I

massage his shoulders.

Stu: Fuck!

Phil: It’s okay. You're not married yet. It's no big deal.

The sex terms swear word that included in this negative connotation are uttered by the characters when they feel surprised and shocked about something



really bad happen in the movie storyline. All of the utterances that are concluded in this expression are used to express a negative emotion such as anger, obscurity and frustration feeling along with their shocked facial expression.

1) Positive Connotation

In this section, the researcher concluded a single swear word “fuck” to be placed in the positive surprised question. The reason why the researcher placed the data number 23A in this positive connotation is because the feeling which expressed by the character Stu is used to express happiness along with his shocked emotion. The swear word “fuck” used to express Stu happiness plus shocked emotion because he cannot believe that Mike Tyson suddenly appeared and sang on his wedding party. This expression was similar with the data number

17A in the previous surprised question section, because it still concluded in the same movie scene. The difference only by the fact that this expression does not used any question mark and any question word to complete the utterance.


Mike Tyson: Bangkok, Oriental setting, and the city. Don't know what

the city is getting

(This scene shows Mike Tyson surprisingly appear on Stu wedding

stage and sing One Night in Bangkok)

Stu: Oh, fuck!



e. Exclamation of Annoyance

In the fifth expression, the swear word “fuck” is used to express an exclamation of annoyance. There are 11 utterances which can be placed in this expression, and each of the utterances have the same purpose, it used to express an annoyance towards the other characters / situations. Based on the research analysis, the swear word “fuck” in this expression also used as an instrument to replied something that they didn’t like and they didn’t hope to happen.


Stu: Come on. (While tapping the lift button)

Phil: Oh, fuck. No, the power's out.

For example in the data number 24A, the utterance which is uttered by

Phil “Oh, fuck. No, the power's out” is indicating a reaction towards something bad happen in the movie storyline. The swear word “fuck” in this utterance represent his annoyance because something that Phil did not want to happen

(which is a power failure in the hotel) really happening. At that scene, Phil and

Stu cannot access the hotel lift and they had to take stairs in order to carry Mr.

Chow body to be placed in the icebox in the 15th floor. Because of that, they have to take stairs while carrying Mr. Chow body into the 15th floor. The facial expression that is shown by the character is different with the previous expression, which is exclamation of surprise (shocked). For this expression, the characters



show a desperate facial expression at the same time when they uttered the word



Phil: Hold on! Hold on!

(This scene shows the situation when Alan cannot control the boat and then it crashed over the resort shore)

Phil: Fuck!

Another example can be seen through data number 34A. The utterance occurs when Alan, Phil, and Stu are heading back to the hotel resort after going through the nightmare in Bangkok. Phil, Alan and Stu are in rush to catch up the wedding ceremony time using Mr. Chow speedboat. After almost reaching the resort shore, Phil realize that there is not any boat pier in the resort, then he tells

Alan to slow down his speed because there isn’t a perfect spot for the boat to stop.

Alan ignored Phil suggestion and in short story, Alan cannot control the speedboat and the boat crashed over the resort shore. Phil who became the witnesses of the accident, wreak his annoyed feeling out through the swear word “fuck”. The swear word “fuck” uttered by Phil in order to represent his annoyance towards something that he didn’t like to happen became real. f. Insulting Request to Go Away

The sixth expression which apply the swear word “fuck” is insulting request to go away. From the name of the expression, it can be predicted that the main purpose and aim of the utterances is to make other people to leave / get away



from the speaker immediately. The swear word “fuck” in this expression uttered within the negative emotion scope. The character used the swear word “fuck,” added with some emphasize word after and before it, for example in the data number 35A, there are “get the + out”.


Tattoo artist: The tattoo? You love it?

Stu: Uh, no. Actually, I hate it.

Tattoo artist: No refunds. Get the fuck out.

When the character says, “get the fuck out”, they intentionally wanted other people to leave and to get away from him/her immediately. Based on the research analysis, the utterance “get the fuck out” became one strong phrase that can insist and press other people to feel uncomfortable and lead them to going away from the speaker.


Stu: Yeah, I'm supposed to marry his sister tomorrow and we kind of

lost him.

Tattoo artist: Oh, well. Then fuck it.

Another example can be seen through the data number 37A. At that scene,

Stu is trying to get some clue from the Tattoo artist in the same alleyway of the previous nightclub in Bangkok. While Stu explaining his depressed feeling and asking for the tattoo artist for some help, the tattoo artist interrupt him and says



“Oh, well. Then fuck it”. In accordance with the previous example, the phrase

“fuck out/ it” can be concluded as a negative connotation because it is rude and it may harm the hearer. “Fuck” is the swear word, and the word “out/it” interpreted as a replacement word from disappear, vanish and gone. From the contexts of the conversation, it is implied that he insists Stu to leave him immediately. g. Insult (Imperative Verb + Object)

The seventh expressions that apply swear word “fuck” in the movie conversation is used as an insult (imperative verb + object). Insult can be divided into two parts, which are insult as a noun and insult with (imperative verb + object). In this column, the researcher classified two insult (imperative verb + object) expressions. All of these utterances in this column uses imperative verb

(express a command) + object as the additional word to complete the swear word

“fuck”, which are “the police” and “you”.

Insult cannot be divided into positive or negative connotation, because it is clear that the main point of this utterance is used to harm and there is not any good intention at all from the speaker of the utterance towards the hearer. A sense of anger can be seen through the speaker / characters facial expression and it convey the speaker wanted to send bad / negative messages within the word “fuck” in their utterances.


Stu: Fuck the police!

(This scene showing a chaotic video from the tattoo artist’s mobile




Stu: Fuck the police!

For example, in the data number 38A, the utterance “Fuck the police” which uttered by Stu occurs when Alan, Phil, and Stu were drunk in the previous night. In that scene, the tattoo artist is showing them the chaotic video that he records from the previous night in the alleyway. In the video, Stu mock and scream to the police officers while they are in drunk and mad condition which causing a lot of damaged around the alleyway. The swear word “Fuck” + the police can be concluded as an insult towards the police officer who are trying to arrest them. Based on the context of the conversation, Stu, Alan and Phil are mad and angry because the police officer seems to interrupt their crazy party around the alleyway.


Phil: What did he say? What did he say?!

Gangster: He said, "Fuck you and your question."

In accordance with the previous analysis, the phrases “fuck you” in the data number 39A, can be interpreted as a hateful message that contains several interpretations, these are “get over it”, “get lost”, “I don’t like you at all”, “you’re nothing”. At that scene, the Russian’s gangster is confronting Phil and Alan, while they are still in depressed and frustrated feeling, they ask that Russian’s gangster



to tell them some clue or information about their lost friend, Teddy. Despite getting some clue or any information from the gangster, the Russian’s gangster instead replied them with a statement “Fuck you and your question.”

Although there isn’t any specific grammatical correctness on why the word “fuck” can be called as an imperative verb, the researcher interprets that the above implied messages of the phrase “fuck + you” can be interpreted as an indirectly to command someone off which make it looks like in the imperative mood. h. Insult as a Noun

In The Hangover movie part II, there are two swear word “fuck” that can be concluded in this expression. Different from the previous usability, insult in this category shaped within noun form. Swear word that apply in this utterance, placed at the end of the utterance. It is different from the insult (imperative verb / object) which can be placed in the beginning of the utterance. For examples,

“Fuck you” or “Fuck the police” like in the data number 40A and 39A. Even though grammatically different with the previous insult, this expression still has the same purpose and main point, which is used to harm and express their hatred and anger feeling. The swear word “fuck” in this expression used as a tools/ replacement word to represent the speaker/ characters overflowing emotion.


Sammir: Is he coming or what? I've been waiting all day for him.

Phil: Uh, I'm sorry. Waiting for who?



Sammir: Chow, that dick-ass fuck.

In the data number 40A, Phil, Alan and Stu arrives at some random club in the Bangkok and he met Sammir who was the owner of the nightclub. Suddenly,

Sammir recognize their arrival and he asked them “Is he coming or what? I've been waiting all day for him.” Phil surprise and replied, “Uh, I'm sorry. Waiting for who?” Sammir felt annoyed and triggered, and then he replied Phil with this statement “Chow, that dick-ass fuck.” From this utterance, the researcher interprets that Sammir has been waiting for Mr. Chow to see him in the club to pay his debt, but Mr. Chow was not coming. Actually, in this utterance Sammir uses three taboo words (dick, ass, fuck) which he combined and became one strong swear word phrase in order to make such emphasize to his utterance. Based on the research analysis, by using three taboo words (dick, ass, fuck), it is implied that Mr. Chow being described as a horrible and terrible figure / person by



Chow: Tell you what, give me extra 50 grand, you keep Teddy. And I

throw in this other fat fuck for free.

(This scene shows when Kingsley and Chow laughing together)

Another example can be seen through data number 41A. In this scene, Mr.

Chow uttered the swear word “fuck” in the middle of his utterance, “Tell you



what, give me extra 50 grand, you keep Teddy. And I throw in this other fat fuck for free”. Based on the context of the conversation, Mr. Chow uses the swear word

“fuck” to add some negative image of Alan (who is the fat person he talking about). The phrase “fat fuck” can be concluded as an insult from Mr. Chow to

Alan, in order to mock Alan physique appearance that has a fat and bad body posture. Even though Mr. Chow and Kingsley are laughing together after Mr.

Chow uttered his utterance, the swear word “fuck” which added after the word fat indicates that Mr. Chow wants to mock Alan fat appearance. i. Intensifier / Intensifying

In this section of the research analysis, there are two swear word “fuck” which used in the utterances as an intensifier / intensifying. For this expression, the form of the swear word mostly formed as an adjective or an adverb. However, for this case, the researcher found that the swear word “fuck” which is not formed as an adjective nor an adverb can be used to intensify or as an emphasize to several utterances in the movie conversation. This finding analyzed based on how the swear word are used in the context of the utterance. The swear word “fuck” in this expression only used as an additional emphasize to the utterances, and it has no specific expression within it. For example, in the data number 42A, Sammir stated “Okay? Then get the fuck back to work!” The swear word “fuck” only used to emphasize Sammir's utterance, and if we erase the swear word “fuck” then the utterance still have the same meaning from the original utterance. (Ex: “Okay?

Then get back to work!”).




Sammir: Everybody okay?

Dancer: Yeah, okay.

Sammir: Okay? Then get the fuck back to work!

Another example can be seen through the data number 43A. At this scene,

Phil ask Alan who suspected to be lying to Phil and Stu about what really happen in the night before they were drunk. Phil uses the swear word “fuck” in his question sentence to ask Alan what is really happen in that night. This finding also gives the researcher acknowledgment that a question sentence does not always belong into surprised question expression. Based on the context of the conversation, the swear word “fuck” in the question sentence does not indicates a surprise expression within Phil utterance, and the swear word “fuck” only used as an emphasize word within Phil utterance. If the swear word “fuck” erased from the sentence “What the fuck did you do?”, the meaning and the goals of the speaker/character question does not change at all, it would become “What did you do?”


Alan: I think it's happened again.

Phil: Alan, what the fuck did you do?

Alan: I didn't do anything. I swear to God.



j. Miscellaneous

In this section of the data analysis, the researcher found two swear word that cannot be placed in these above specific expression. The researcher decides to put these two utterances in the miscellaneous category because there is not any specific expression which the swear word belong to. Based on the research analysis, it can be concluded that the swear word “fuck” can be placed in the utterances as a replacement word in order to replace a words that are hard to explain by the speaker, or in short definition, is a long word to explain.


Kingsley: You know, they sell a plum whiskey here. It's fucking unreal.

Kingsley: Seriously, it will absolutely fuck you up.

The first example is taken from data number 44A. At this scene, Kingsley meets Alan, Stu and Phil in order to ask the Mr. Chow transfer certainty about their businesses. Then, Kingsley make a little conversation between Alan, Stu and

Phil. Kingsley tell them that in that hotel restaurant which they attend, they can order a plum whiskey which he predict it can make them messed up/drunk.

According to the context of the conversation, the phrase “fuck you up” can be interpreted as something that can make them drunk or messed up. The word messed up in this context meaning represented by the swear word “fuck” which uttered by Kingsley in his utterance.




Stu: It’s Lauren's little brother, he's lost, he's injured. If I fuck this up...

Stu: I lose everything.

Another example can be seen through data number 45A. At this scene, Stu is trying to explain Phil about the complicated situation that he has recently, Stu stated “It’s Lauren's little brother, he's lost, he's injured. If I fuck this up... I lose everything.” When Stu was depressed or confused to explain something that are complicated, he replaced the complicated things (which should be explained briefly) with swear word “fuck“ in order to cover up the bad situation and condition that he thinks it’s hard to explain. This finding also supported by

Wierzbicka (1991) claims that certain words (bloody, bastard, bugger, bitch and bullshit) are used to express an emotion that a speaker feels, but is “unwilling to articulate” due to the strength of the emotion. Instead of expressing their feelings, speakers may opt to “do something else,” namely, to utter a word that some people say are “bad words”, thereby conveying the strength of the emotion without explicitly expressing it. (Wierzbicka as cited in Beers, 2012, p.10) Since the word “fuck” can also be interpreted as a “bad words”, the researcher concluded that the swear word “fuck” can be used as what Wierzbicka already explained previously.



2. Fucking

The second sex terms swear word that discussed in the research analysis is

“fucking”. The swear word “fucking” uttered 42 (forty-two) times in The

Hangover part II movie conversation. The swear word “fucking” used by the characters to express Violent Refusal, Exclamation of Annoyance, and also used as an Intensifier/Intensifying. These expressions above are discussed below in this section of the analysis. a. Violent Refusal

In the second section of the data analysis, the sex terms swear word that appears on the movie conversation is “fucking”, and it used to show violent refusal expression. There is only 1 utterance which concluded in this expression.

In the data utterance, Stu uses the word “fucking” to add some emphasize to his refusal thought about Tracy suggestion to invite Alan to his wedding. The word

“fucking” in this expression actually can be also interpreted as an intensifier / intensifying grammatically. However, although grammatically suitable to show as an intensifier, the word “fucking“ in this expression has its own purpose, and aim to help Stu utterance to reject Tracy idea. Therefore, the word “fucking” in this utterance belongs into violent refusal expression, because the main point and purpose of the utterance is exist, which is used to express refusal/ rejection to someone idea.




Tracy: Could you just run it by Stu? Just run it by him. For me?

Stu: No fucking way. Absolutely not.

b. Intensifying / Intensifier

The second expression which used the swear word “fucking” in the movie conversation is used as an intensifier / intensifying. In this column there are 40 utterances which concluded as an intensifier/ intensifying. It is the most dominant swear word which appeared on the movie conversation. Each of the utterances used the swear word “fucking” in order to make an emphasize to add some strong emotion in the character utterances. However, the swear word “fucking“ in this utterance does not have any specific / obvious expression in the context of the conversation. If we clear / erase the swear word “fucking“ in each of the utterances. The meaning and the grammar of the sentences still have the same meaning and it does not change any particular significance in the utterances.


Doug: What?

Phil: I just found his fucking finger, Doug.

For example, in the data number 10B, When Phil is having a call with

Doug, he accidentally found Teddy finger cut off in the glass of ice. Phil got shocked, then he told to Doug that “I just found his fucking finger, Doug.” If we



erase the swear word “fucking” in this utterance, it become “I just found his finger, Doug”. The meaning and the message of the utterance does not change at all, it still remains the same idea and message, which is he just found Teddy’s finger.


Kingsley: Wow, you guys look like shit.

Phil: Uh, do we know you?

Kingsley: Hey.

Kingsley: Take off your fucking hat. You're in a restaurant, for Christ


Another example in the data number 21B, Alan, Stu and Phil are in a meeting with Kingsley. Then, in the middle of their conversation, Kingsley ask

Alan to take his hat off because they are in the 5 stars’ hotel restaurant. Kingsley stated” Take off your fucking hat. You're in a restaurant, for Christ sake”. If we erase the swear word “fucking” in the utterance, it will become “Take off your hat. You're in a restaurant, for Christ sake. “The meaning and the purpose of the message in the utterance does not change at all, it still delivers the same message into the hearer. Based on the research analysis, the strong emotion which possessed by the character (can be anger, annoyance, and hatefulness) lead them to use “fucking” to add additional power into their utterances.




Phil: Wait, who's this fucking guy?

Policemen: Teddy Srisai.

Phil: What...? No, no, no. I'm so… It's the wrong guy. Sir.

Another fact which is shown in the evidence data is the swear word

“fucking” also can be used along with question mark and question word in the sentences. The utterance that has the question mark and question word does not always belong into surprised question expression. It is because, when the speaker uses the swear word “fucking” in their question sentence, they are not always in surprised or shocked moment/ situation. For example, in the data number 14B,

Phil asked to the local Bangkok police officers about the disappearance of Teddy, and when the police officers bring the fake Teddy out of the jail, Phil confused because the police officers bring out an elderly monk who brings Teddy’s ID card in his jacket. Phil replied the policemen by stated “Wait, who's this fucking guy?”.

Later, Phil gets upset by the police officers behavior because they give the wrong guy to Phil. The swear word “fucking” which used in the question sentence data, only used by Phil to add some emphasize emotion to his statement. Same with the above examples, if we erase the swear word “fucking” in the utterance, the meaning and the purpose is still the same,(Ex: Wait, who is this guy?) and it still deliver the same message to the hearer.



c. Exclamation of Annoyance

The third expression which used the swear word “fucking” in the movie conversation is exclamation of annoyance. There is only one evidence data which appears on the movie conversation. The swear word “fucking” in this data uttered by Mr. Chow who was trapped in the ice machine box all day long. When Phil,

Stu and Alan wanted to bring Mr. Chow body into Kingsley (Previously, Phil and the others thought that Mr. Chow already dead after he consume drugs and fainted, so they put Mr. Chow body into ice machine box to hide his body).

Surprisingly, when they open the ice machine box, Mr. Chow still alive and he jumped out, smash Phil and scream to them “Fucking kill on me!”. Mr. Chow got upset and really annoyed by their decision to put him into ice machine box. Based on the research analysis, the swear word “Fucking” added to make an annoyance emotional weight within Mr. Chow utterance. Mr. Chow trapped and isolated in the ice machine box from morning until evening, that is why he screams aloud to wreak his annoyed feeling out.


Phil: Chow, calm down! Chow, calm down!

Chow: Fucking kill on me!

Phil: No, no, no. Ah.



3. Fucked

The third sex terms swear word that discussed in the research analysis is

“fucked”. The swear word “fucked” uttered seven times in The Hangover part II movie conversation. The swear word “fucked” which used by the characters belong into miscellaneous category. The category above is discussed below in this section of the analysis. a. Miscellaneous

In the last section of the first data analysis, the researcher found the sex terms swear word “fucked” in the movie conversation. Based on Michael Swan explanation, the word “fucked” concluded in the miscellaneous category because there is not any specific information about where the expression should belong.

Swan only explained that the swear word “fucked” commonly used as a replacement word which have the same meaning as spoiled, destroyed, and ruined. In the data analysis, there are seven utterances concluded in this category.

In accordance with the previous explanation, all of these data suitable and agreeable with what Swan had explained in his theory. All of these utterances described the word “fucked” as the replacement word of “destroyed” and



Tracy: Phil.

Phil: I’m sorry.

Tracy: Don’t say that. Please.



Phil: No, this time we really fucked up.

Tracy: Oh, God. How bad? Like no wedding bad?

Phil: Yeah.

For examples in the data number 3C, Phil is on the phone with Tracy, and he tell that he was trapped in a bad situation, and Stu wedding party turn over into a nightmare in Bangkok. Phil later describes his view about the bad situation in his statement “No, this time we really fucked up.” The word Fucked + up here can be interpreted as a destroyed / ruined situation, which indicates their events being destroyed or ruined by something and it turns out to be a really bad thing, or in short definition, a disaster.


Stu: We’re fucked. Chow's dead. What do we do now?

Phil: The guy doesn't give a shit about Chow. This whole thing's about

a bank account.

Another example can be seen through data number 6C. In this scene, the utterance occurs when Stu is explaining their bad situation to Phil. They confuse because they are threatened by Kingsley to hand over Mr. Chow to finish their unfinished transaction, whereas in that scene, Mr. Chow is thought to be dead already. Stu define his bad situation with the swear word “fucked” in his utterance, in order to represent his spoiled, destroyed, or ruined situation that they



had. In accordance with the previous example, it can be concluded that this explanation suitable with Michael Swan theory that the swear word “fucked” used as a tools to replace a same meaning word as spoiled, destroyed or ruined.

B. Sex Terms Swear Word in the Concept of Non Propositional Swearing

and Propositional Swearing

In the second finding on the data analysis, the researcher aims to answer the second problem formulation, which is to decide where the swear word categories belong to, whether it is propositional swearing or non-propositional swearing. According to Jay, propositional swearing is consciously planned and intentional in this case, the speaker controls the content of the utterance. While in contrast, non-propositional swearing is unintentional, unplanned and uncontrollable. It involves automatic emotional responses, occurring most frequently in response to sudden bursts of emotion (e. g., surprise) or as a result of brain damage.(Jay 2008, p.270). The researcher uses this concept to differentiate and analyze the sex terms swear word based on the previous expressions uttered in

The Hangover movie part II. In this section, the researcher divides into 2 parts, the first section is to discuss non-propositional swearing and the second section is to discuss the propositional swearing.

1. Non Propositional Swearing

In this section, the researcher divides and differentiate the sex terms swear word based on the previous expression analysis. The researcher decides to put violent refusal, exclamation of surprise, surprise question, and exclamation of



annoyance to be concluded in non-propositional swearing. The reason why the researcher conclude these above expressions is because all of these sex terms swear word in the utterances which uttered in the above expression are appear / occur unintentionally, surprisingly, unplanned and uncontrollable. All of these expressions are analyzed and sorted out based on the context of the utterances that were uttered in The Hangover movie storyline. a. Violent Refusal

1) Fuck

In the sex terms swear word “fuck”, there is one utterance which concluded in the violent refusal expression which already analyzed in the first section of the data analysis. The example of the utterance can be seen through data number 1A.


Stu: You really need to floss more.

Phil: Fuck that. That's why I come here

Stu: Then you should come more than

once every two years.

The swear word “fuck” in Phil utterance is suddenly uttered in order to refuse / reject Stu suggestion for him. Phil does not agree with Stu suggestion that he should to floss his teeth more, and based on the research analysis, it can be interpreted that Phil thinks he does not get what he had expected before (to get a



teeth treatment from Stu) rather only given a simple suggestion by Stu. By the fact that the word "fuck" which uttered by Phil suddenly burst out after Stu gave his suggestion to Phil, therefore the swear word category belong into Non

Propositional swearing.

2) Fucking

In the sex terms swear word “fucking”, there is one utterance which concluded in the violent refusal expression. The utterance uttered by Stu when he refuses Tracy idea to bring Alan into his wedding party in Thailand. By the fact that Alan is Tracy’s little brother, so she asks Doug to ask Stu permission to having Alan in his wedding party. However, Stu directly refused Doug‘s request, and Stu uses swear word “fucking” in his utterance, “No fucking way” to emphasize his refusal. Because of the swear word “fucking” suddenly burst out throughout Stu utterance, the swearing category belong into non-propositional

Swearing. In the movie scene, Stu suddenly react, and he cannot control his utterance when he realizes that Doug and Tracy ask his permission to invite Alan to the wedding party.


Tracy: Could you just run it by Stu? Just run it by him. For me?

Stu: No fucking way. Absolutely not.



b. Exclamation of Surprise

1) Fuck

In the sex terms swear word “fuck”, there are 6 utterances which are concluded in exclamation of surprise expression. The researcher concluded this expression into non-propositional swearing because it is clear that from Timothy

Jay’s example in his explanation,” Non-propositional swearing is unintentional, unplanned and uncontrollable. It involves automatic emotional responses, occurring most frequently in response to sudden bursts of emotion (e. g., surprise)” (Jay 2008, p.270). The “sex terms swear word which occur within surprise expression created unintentionally and uncontrollable by the speaker/ characters. The differentiation between the positive and the negative connotation in this expression does not affect the researcher decision to put this expression into non-propositional swearing, it is because the main point of this expression is the swear word occurred within surprise expression.


Phil: Teddy went to Stanford, right?

Doug: Yeah. Why?

Phil: Fuck! I just found his finger.

The example can be seen through the data number 18A. The utterance occurs when Phil is having a phone call with Doug. While talking with Doug and explaining their current situation in Bangkok, Phil suddenly shocked and scream



after he found out that there is a man finger on the table. Phil suddenly react to what he just saw with this statement “Fuck, I just found his finger!”. At the first glance, Phil does not realize that there is a man finger on the table, but after he touch and saw a Stanford ring within in, he realizes that it is Teddy’s finger. Phil even throw Teddy’s finger out because he is extremely surprised by his finding. In accordance with the previous explanation, this utterance belongs into Non

Propositional swearing because the swear word suddenly uttered within Phil’s surprise feeling along when he realizes that he finds one of Teddy’s finger. c. Surprised Question

1) Fuck

In the sex terms swear word “fuck”, there are 16 utterances which concluded in Surprised Question expression. This expression also shows a same main point and purposes with exclamation of surprise expression, but only distinguished in the forms that this expression required why-questions word and question mark within its utterances.


Phil: Wait a second. Is that...?

Chow: Aah! What the fuck, man?! Tell that gay monkey to leave my

shit alone!

The example of this expression can be seen through the data number 9A.

The utterance occurs when Alan, Phil and Stu are trying to figure out what really



happen before they are trapped in the middle of Bangkok city. At that movie scene, Alan curious for the fact that he found a strange looking things lie down on the hotel floor and covered by a newspaper. After that, Alan, Stu and Phil are trying to reach out the things, whereas Alan squeeze and touch it. Apparently, the random monkey that they found previously in the hotel room also curious with that strange things. The monkey also licks and squeeze the things off.

Surprisingly, Mr. Chow screams and suddenly arise from the pile of the newspaper. The strange things that the monkey licks and squeeze off is Mr. Chow genital. Mr. Chow suddenly react with the statement, “Aah, What the fuck man

?!” Since the reaction suddenly occurs and it uttered in order to blow up Mr.

Chow automatic response of the things that he feels recently (squeeze and licked off), the swearing category belong into Non Propositional Swearing. d. Exclamation of Annoyance

1) Fuck

In this sex terms swear word “fuck”, there are 11 utterances which can be placed in this expression, and each of the utterances have the same purpose, it used to express an annoyance towards the other characters / situations. The example of this expression can be seen through data number 32A.


Stu: Check your phones. Numbers, texts.

Phil: Oh, that's a good idea.

Stu: I got nothing…. Fuck!



Phil: Me neither.

The utterance occurs when Alan, Phil and Stu are trying to search for some clue or information about what is really happen in the previous night. Despite getting some clue or information about it, they are not able to find any clue around them (including mobile phone). Stu, who get annoyed by this fact, suddenly react with the statement “I got nothing… Fuck!”. When Stu express his annoyance, the swear word “fuck” suddenly appear to react something that he hates, or expect to happen. The swear word “fuck” suddenly uttered along with the rising intonation which indicates Stu emotion arise involuntary. With all of these facts, the swearing category of this expression can be concluded into non- propositional swearing.

2) Fucking

In this sex terms swear word “fucking”, there is one utterance data which concluded in this expression. There is only one utterance data which appear on the movie. The swear word “fucking” in this data uttered by Mr. Chow to blow up his annoyed emotion out, in the reason that he was trapped in the ice machine box.


Phil: Chow, calm down! Chow, calm down!

Chow: Fucking kill on me!

Phil: No, no, no. Ah.



This utterance occurs in the scene when Phil, Stu and Alan wanted to bring

Mr. Chow body into Kingsley (Phil and the others thought that Mr. Chow already dead after he consume drugs previously, so they put Mr. Chow body into ice machine box to hide his body). Surprisingly, when they open the ice machine box,

Mr. Chow still alive and he jumped out, smash Phil and scream to them “Fucking kill on me!”. Mr. Chow got upset and really annoyed by their decision to put him into ice machine box. Based on the research analysis, the swear word “fucking” added to make an annoyance emotional weight within Mr. Chow uncontrollable utterance. Mr. Chow also shows an annoyed facial expression along when he screams and jumped out to Phil face. Since he jumped out and react to Phil arrival suddenly, the swearing category belong into Non Propositional Swearing.

2. Propositional Swearing

In this second section, the researcher divides and differentiate the sex terms swear word based on the previous expression analysis. The researcher decides to put Expression of Unconcern, Insult (imperative verb +object), Insult as a noun, Intensifier/Intensifying, insulting request to go away and Miscellaneous category to be concluded in Non Propositional swearing. As Timothy Jay already explained that propositional swearing consciously created, planned and intentional, in this case, the speaker controls the content of the utterance. All of these expressions are analyzed and sorted out based on the context of the utterances which uttered in The Hangover movie storyline.



a. Expression of Unconcern

1) Fuck

In this sex terms swear word “fuck”, there is one utterance which can be concluded in this expression. The data / utterance occur when Russian gangster at random Bangkok alleyway is confronting Alan, Phil and Stu.


Alan: It’s all right, Phil. We'll figure this all out and get the monkey

back. I promise.

Phil: No one gives a fuck about the monkey, Alan!

In this scene, two Russian gangsters want retake their monkey back from

Alan. At the first time, Alan is not willing to give them the monkey, but finally, he decides to give the monkey back to the gangster. However, despite getting a good manner from the gangster, while they are leaving Alan, Stu and Phil, one of the gangsters fired his gun into Phil arms. Phil was injured, and then Alan stated, "It’s all right, Phil. We'll figure this all out and get the monkey back. I promise." While

Phil struggling with his pain, Alan only think about the monkey and he ignore the fact that Phil still struggling in pain. Phil then replies Alan statement by saying

"No one gives a fuck about the monkey, Alan!”

Based on the research analysis, it can be concluded that this statement clarifies Phil does not care about the monkey at all, and he thinks that Alan should have realize about Phil condition rather than the monkey itself. Since the



expression was intentionally created to addressing a sense of unconcern expression, the swearing category belong into Propositional Swearing. Even though Phil is struggling with his pain, he still aware and the swear word “fuck” does not suddenly uttered within his utterance. b. Insult (Imperative Verb + Object)

1) Fuck

In this sex terms swear word, the researcher concluded 2 insult (imperative verb + object) expressions. All of these utterances in this expression uses imperative verb (express a command) + object as the additional word to complete the swear word “fuck”, which are “the police” and “you”. The example can be seen through data number 39A. At this scene, Phil involves a quarrel with some

Russian gangster, despite getting a good manner and response from the gangster,

Phil only given a painful statement from them.


Phil: What did he say? What did he say?!

Gangster: He said, "Fuck you and your question."

The swear word “fuck” in this expression intentionally created and uttered by the speaker/ characters, and the speaker consciously planned to add the swear word into their utterances, therefore the swearing category belong into propositional swearing. The researcher decision to put insult in propositional swearing supported by Jay’s explanation in A Neuro-Psycho Social Theory of



Speech, he explained that "While many regard cursing as an automatic process, it is not necessarily one. Controlled cursing occurs when a speaker constructs a joke or thinks about how to insult someone.” (Jay, 1999 p.34) It is clear that insult created by someone intentionally and it has its own time to develop, contrast with non propositional swearing which is popped out suddenly after the speaker react to something that happen. c. Insult as a Noun

1) Fuck

In this sex terms swear word “fuck”, the researcher concluded two utterances in this expression. Different from the previous usability, insult in this column shaped within noun form. The example of this expression can be seen through data number 40A


Sammir: Is he coming or what? I've been waiting all day for him.

Phil: Uh, I'm sorry. Waiting for who?

Sammir: Chow, that dick-ass fuck

The swear word “fuck” in this expression used as a tools/ replacement word to represent the speaker/ characters overflowing emotion. In the data number

40A, Sammir felt annoyed by the fact that Mr. Chow is not coming to pay his debt, then he intentionally uses the swear word “fuck” in his statement “Chow, that dick-ass fuck.”. In this utterance Sammir uses 3 taboo words (dick, ass, fuck)



which he combined and became one strong swear word phrase in order to make such strong emphasize to his utterance. Based on the research analysis, by using three taboo words (dick, ass, fuck), it is implied that Mr. Chow being described as a horrible and terrible figure / person by Sammir. Sammir intentionally and concisely planned to utter these three words within his utterance because he intentionally wanted to create an image of Mr. Chow as a bad figure.

Insult which is none other than an abusive word, created in order to insult/ abuse the other. According to Pinker (2017), Propositional swearing includes dysphemistic, euphemistic, abusive, idiomatic, and emphatic swearing. These kinds of swearing are often used when speakers are aware of their usage and ultimately have an objective (Pinker as cited in Finn, 2017, p.18). With these explanation, it is clear that abusive swear word indicates that the speaker is aware of their usage and has an objective in its purposes, which is to abuse someone.

With these following facts, the researcher decides to put the swearing category into propositional swearing. d. Intensifier/Intensifying

1) Fuck

In this sex terms swear word “fuck”, the researcher concluded 2 utterances in this expression. All of the swear word “fuck” in these utterances used to add an emphasize into their utterances. The example can be seen through data number

42A, the word “fuck” in this utterances only added to make an emphasize to its



utterance, if we erase the word “fuck” the meaning and the purpose of the utterances still remains the same.


Sammir: Everybody okay?

Dancer: Yeah, okay.

Sammir: Okay? Then get the fuck back to work!

Since the swear word “fuck“ in the utterance concisely planned by the speaker/ characters in order to create an emphasize in its utterance and it is not suddenly uttered in the utterance, therefore the swearing category belong into

Propositional Swearing.

2) Fucking

In this sex terms swear word “fucking”, the researcher concluded 40 utterances in this expression. Each of the utterances used the swear word

“fucking” in order to make an emphasize to add some strong emotion in the character utterances. The examples can be seen through data number 9B.


Gangster: Give us back our monkey.

Alan: What monkey? Get your own monkey!

Gangster: Come on, your asshole. The fucking monkey



For example, in data number 9B, the Gangster says “The fucking monkey”, and if we erase the word “fucking” from the utterance, it still delivers the same messages and meaning, it still delivers the Gangster statement “The monkey”. According to Jay, he suggests that “there is emphatic swearing (e.g. fucking cool), which is utilized to emphasize something. It is often used to promote social harmony, to express that someone is doing well, or it can be used to intensify a word used to describe an event or person in a negative or positive way” (Jay as cited in Finn 2007). With these following facts, the researcher decides that intensifier or intensifying can be concluded as emphatic swearing. In accordance with the previous analysis, Pinker (2017) mentioned that emphatic swearing concluded as a propositional swearing(Pinker as cited in Finn, 2017, p.18)., therefore the swearing category of this expression belong into propositional swearing. e. Insulting Request to Go Away

1) Fuck

In this sex terms swear word “fuck”, the researcher concluded 3 utterances in this expression. The characters used the swear word “fuck” added with some emphasize word after and before it.


Tattoo artist: The tattoo? You love it?

Stu: Uh, no. Actually, I hate it.

Tattoo artist: No refunds. Get the fuck out.



For example, there is the word “get the + out”. When the character says

“get the fuck out”, they intentionally wanted other people to leave and to get away from him/her immediately. In accordance with the previous analysis, the utterance

“get the fuck out” became one strong phrase that can insist and press other people to feel uncomfortable and lead them to going away from the speaker. By the fact that these utterances intentionally created by the speaker in order to insist and press toward the other, therefore the swear word “fuck” in this utterances also deliberately uttered by the characters. Therefore, the swearing category belong into propositional swearing. f. Miscellaneous

1) Fuck

In this sex terms swear word “fuck”, the researcher concluded 2 utterances which can be placed in the miscellaneous category. In accordance with the previous analysis, it can be concluded that these 2 utterances belong into miscellaneous category because the swear word role in the utterances has no specific expression which appear along with the utterances.


Stu: It’s Lauren's little brother, he's lost, he's injured. If I fuck this up Stu: I lose everything.

The example of this expression can be seen through data number 45A. At this scene, Stu is trying to explain Phil about the complicated situation that he has



recently, Stu stated “It’s Lauren's little brother, he's lost, he's injured. If I fuck this up... I lose everything.” When Stu was depressed or confused to explain something that are complicated, he replaced the complicated things with swear word “fuck“ in order to cover up the bad situation and condition that he thinks its hard to explain. By the facts that the utterance consciously uttered by the speaker/character in order to replace some words/situation which is hard to explain, and it does not suddenly appear to react something off, it can be concluded that this category belong into propositional swearing.

2) Fucked

In the sex terms swear word “fucked”, the researcher concluded 7 utterances data into miscellaneous category. As the researcher already explain that based on Michael Swan’s explanation, the word “fucked“ can be concluded in the miscellaneous category because there is not any specific information about where the expression should belong to. Swan only explained that the swear word

“fucked” commonly used as a replacement word which have the same meaning as spoiled, destroyed, and ruined. The example of the utterance can be seen through data number 6C. At this scene, Stu uses the word “fucked” in order to replace the bad situation that he has in the movie scene.


Stu: We’re fucked. Chow's dead.

What do we do now?

Phil: The guy doesn't give a shit about Chow.



Since all of these utterances consciously uttered and it does not show up suddenly along with the character reaction, therefore this category belongs into propositional swearing category. The characters need time to develop their utterances and the swear word “fucked” does not suddenly appears along with their sudden reactions.




Based on the research analysis in The Hangover movie part II, it can be concluded that the ‘sex term’ swear word can be used to show various emotions and expressions. The ‘sex term’ swear words which uttered by the characters / speakers used as a tools to represent their feeling and emotion out. The ‘sex term’ swear words are used and uttered based on their usability in each condition and situation that occurs in the movie storyline.

In accordance with the first problem formulation, the researcher found out that all of the ‘sex term’ swear words which appear on The Hangover movie part

II are used to express various expression and emotions by the characters / speakers. There are 94 utterances which applied the ‘sex term’ swear words in The

Hangover movie part II storyline, these utterances used the ‘sex term’ swear word

“fuck”, “fucking”, and “fucked”. The ‘sex term’ swear word are used to show violent refusal, exclamation of surprise, surprise question, exclamation of annoyance, expression of unconcern, insult (imperative verb + object), insult as a noun, intensifying/intensifier, insulting request to go away and miscellaneous.

For the result of the second problem formulation, the researcher found out that both propositional and non-propositional swearing are occurred in the movie storyline. Based on the research analysis, it can be concluded that propositional swearing which deliberately uttered occurs in expression of unconcern, insult

(imperative verb + object), insult as a noun, intensifying/intensifier, insulting




request to go away and in miscellaneous category. While in contrast, non- propositional swearing which uttered spontaneously occurs in exclamation of annoyance, exclamation of surprise, surprised question, and violent refusal expression.

After analyzing all of the ‘sex term’ swear word in The Hangover movie part II storyline, the researcher concluded that the ‘sex term’ swear words can be used to express various expression and emotion out. In addition, the ‘sex term’ swear word also can be used in negative or positive way based on the how situation and condition in the context of the conversation. Lastly, the ‘sex term’ swear word can be used/uttered within the utterances spontaneously and also intentionally depend on how the situation and condition occur.



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Appendix: Swear Word Expressions in Category of Sex Term in Hangover Movie Part Ii

Swear No Utterances Non Propositional Propositional Word Variations



1A Stu: You really need to floss more. 

Phil: Fuck that. That's why I come here.

Stu : Then you should come more thanonce every two years.

2A Alan: It’s all right, Phil. We'll figure this  all out and get the monkey back.I promise.

Phil: No one gives a fuckabout the monkey, Alan!



Swear No Utterances Non Propositional Propositional Word Variations



3A Doug: Alan, what the fuck?  Doug: We were supposed to delete these.You made a promise. 4A Stu: Whoa, what the fuck are you doing?  Allan: It’s my immunizations. This is the last day I can do it. 5A Chow: Ha, ha. Sorry, Stu. My bad.  Phil: Oh, shit. Alan: Get down! Stu: What the fuck?! (this scene shows the situation when Stu is splashed by pig’s blood in the market) 6A Phil: Oh, shit, look at my arm.  Stu: What the fuck is going on?! Phil: Stu, am I gonna be okay?You're a doctor.



Swear No Utterances Non Propositional Propositional Word Variations



7A Chow: How the fuck...?! Samir? 

8A Phil: Oh, okay. Just keep walking. Yeah.  (this scene shows people booing at them, and then some random people throwing fruits into them)

Stu: Okay. Yeah, we should probably... Ah! All right. it's okay… What the fuck is going on here?

9A Phil: Wait a second. Is that...?  Chow:Aah! What the fuck, man?! Tell that gay monkey to leave my shit alone! 10A Stu: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.  This is the White Lion. Phil: What the fuck happened here? (the scene showing a chaotic situation at the location)



Swear No Utterances Non Propositional Propositional Word Variations



11A Phil: Where the fuckare we? 

12A Kingsley: You guys okay?  Phil: What the fuck's going on? Kingsley: Detective Inspector Peters, Interpol.

13A Stu: What the fuck? Ow!  Phil: That’s good. Why don't you try to wash it off? Stu: It's not coming off! 14A Stu: This is the worst idea ever. What the  fuck is this place? Alan: "Bangkok is the capital of Thailand. Its population is 12 million people.” 15A Phil: Chow, what the fuck are you doing  here? Chow: Alan called me a few days ago and invited me to wedding.



Swear No Utterances Non Propositional Propositional Word Variations



16A Phil: Alan! What the fuck?!  (this scene show where Alan playing with Sammir gun and Alan accidentally pulled the gun trigger) Sammir:It's okay! it's okay.The gun, very sensitive. Very sensitive. 17A Stu: What the fuck, man?  Alan: So, what do you think? Stu: It’s insane! How did you do that? Alan: My dad had to make a lot of calls.. 18A Phil: Teddy went to Stanford, right?  Doug: Yeah. Why? Phil: Fuck! I just found his finger.

19A Phil: You gotta be kidding me.  Phil: Fuck, he's dead. 20A Kimmy: Oh, you know. Dance for him.He  tickle me. We had sex.I massage his shoulders. Stu: Fuck! Phil: It’s okay. You're not married yet. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Swear No Utterances Non Propositional Propositional Word Variations



21A Phil: Slow down, slow down, Chow!  Chow: Hold on, gay boys! (This scene shows the situation when Mr. Chow do the long jump with the car) Stu: Holy Shit! Phil: Fuck ! 22A Stu: He’s coming back around.  Phil: Look out! Phil: Holy fuck. Chow: Oh, no. 23A Mike Tyson : Bangkok, Oriental setting,  and the city Don't know what the city is getting (This scene shows Mike Tyson surprisingly appear on the wedding stage and sing) Stu: Oh, fuck! 24A Stu: Come on.  Phil: Oh, fuck. No, the power's out.



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25A Stu: Phil? Put the prescription pad  back.Stu: Thank you.You know that's a felony, right? Phil: Fuck you, man. 26A Alan: Poor Phil! Phil, are you okay?  (Phil got shot by one of the gangsters) Phil: Oh, I got shot. Fuck! Fuck, guys. 27A Phil: We gotta take the stairs.  Stu: Ah, fuck!

28A Phil: You know where we're going?  Alan: Please address me as "captain." Phil: Oh, fuck you, Alan. 29A Phil:Jesus.  Stu: Phil ? You're okay ? Phil: Fuck me. 30A Alan: Hey, monkey!  Phil: Alan, shh. (This scene shows when the drug dealer monkey giving alert signal to his boss) Stu: Fuck!



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31A Chow: Pull that fucking monkey in!  Stu: I’m trying!Aah! Fuck! Chow: Get that monkey in here, Stu! 32A Stu:Check your phones. Numbers, texts.  Phil: Oh, that's a good idea. Stu: I got nothing. Fuck. Phil:Me neither. 33A Alan: Because we're the three best friends,  remember? Phil: Stu, that's enough. That's enough. Stu: Fuck. 34A Phil: Hold on! Hold on!  (This scene shows the situation when Alan cannot control the boat and then it crashed over the resort shore) Phil: Fuck! 35A Tattoo artist:The tattoo? You love it?  Stu: Uh, no. Actually, I hate it. Tatto0 artist: No refunds. Get the fuck out PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


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36A Kingsley: Now, if he makes the transfer,you  will get Teddy.If not, well, then, hey, you know? It’s Bangkok.That's your cue to get the fuck out of here. 37A Stu: Yeah, I'm supposed to marry his sister  tomorrow and we kind of lost him. Tatto0 artist: Oh, well. Then fuck it. 38A Stu:Fuck the police!  (Tattoo artist shows a chaotic video) Stu: Fuck the police! 39A Phil: What did he say? What did he say?!  Gangster: He said, "Fuck you and your question." 40A Sammir: Is he coming or what?I've been  waiting all day for him. Phil: Uh, I'm sorry. Waiting for who? Sammir: Chow, that dick-ass fuck. 41A Chow: Tell you what, give me extra 50  grand, you keep Teddy. And I throw in this other fat fuck for free. (This scene shows when Kingsley and Chow laughing together)



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42A Sammir: Everybody okay?  Dancer: Yeah, okay. Sammir: Okay? Then get the fuck back to work! 43A Alan: I think it's happened again.  Phil:Alan, what the fuck did you do? Allan: I didn't do anything. I swear to God. 44A Kingsley: You know, they sell a plum  whiskey here.It's fucking unreal. Kingsley: Seriously, it will absolutely fuck you up. 45A Stu: It’s Lauren's little brother,  he's lost, he's injured. If I fuck this up... Stu: I lose everything.



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1B Tracy: Could you just run it by Stu?  Just run it by him.For me? Stu:No fucking way. Absolutely not. 2B Stu: Do you know why? So nobody  roofies me. Phil: Well, I refuse to eat fucking cantaloupe at a bachelor party.

3B Phil: Drink up, everybody.  Phil: Wait, there's no alcohol. I forgot, we're at a fucking IHOP. 4B Phil: Great. Now can we have ourone  fucking beer, Dad? Allan: Mm-hm. Phil: All right. Toast. 5B Phil:I don't know, man. We woke upin  some shithole room in some city. Doug: Oh, God. What city? Phil: I don't know, Doug. Fucking Asia Town.



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6B Stu: Where are we?  Phil: I have no fucking idea. 7B Phil: Chow’?!  Chow: You fucking crazy. 8B Stu: You’re the bearded devil!  Alan: You liked it. You smiled at me when I held up the marshmallows. Stu: Because I like marshmallows, you fucking psycho! 9B Gangster :Give us back our monkey.  Alan:What monkey? Get your own monkey! Gangster: Come on, you asshole. The fucking monkey. 10B Doug: What?  Phil: I just found his fucking finger, Doug. 11B Chow: Ah, so fucking light in here.  Chow: Alan.Grab me my sunglasses. 12B Stu: Do you know how I got this tattoo?  Chow: Uh, yeah. From a fucking tattoo guy.



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13B Chow: You ready for craziest fucking  story of... (Mr.Chow fall asleep) Phil: Chow? Alan: Mr. Chow, are you okay? 14B Phil: Wait, who's this fucking guy?  Policemen: Teddy Srisai. Phil: What...? No, no, no. I'm so… It's the wrong guy. Sir. 15B Phil: Stu, it's a waste of time. Just leave  this fucking guy here.

16B Tatto artist: You don't remember getting  into a bar fight at the White Lion? Starting a full-on fucking riot? Phil: No, sir. We don't remember anything. 17B Tatto artist: This kid's fucking 9 years old.  He's got balls twice your size. Tatto Artist: Show him your balls, man. Phil: No, no, no. That's okay. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


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18B Sammir: Who has my $6000?  Phil: No, no, no. That's Chow's deal. We got nothing to do with that. Sammir:Un-fucking-believable, man 19B Phil: He might know something about  Teddy. We still have a shot. Phil: Get your head back into the fucking game. 20B Alan: Hello.  Sammir: Hello. Alan: Hello. Sammir: More O. Hello. Alan: Hello. Sammir: Go away, go away. Fucking make me crazy. 21B Kingsley: Wow, you guys look like shit.  Phil: Uh, do we know you? Kingsley: Hey. Kingsley: Take off your fucking hat.You're in a restaurant, for Christ sake.



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N P N P 22B Stu: What do you do if you wake up and  your finger's in a bowl of melted ice? Phil: I’d get more ice, Stu, on the 15th fucking floor! 23B Phil: Okay, listen. Uh,we have no clue  what's going on here. Kingsley: You know, they sell a plum whiskey here. It's fucking unreal. 24B Police Officer: This is Bangkok  Police.Everybody down. ( people screaming and speaking in Thai) Chow: No! Kingsley, you're fucking 5-0? 25B Chow: We gotta go right now.  (this scene shows chow started to drive the car away) Chow: Pull that fucking monkey in! 26B Phil: Uh, listen. I'm a little confused.How  did you...? Kingsley: Yeah, you know what?I'm a little fucking confused. Kingsley: Where’s Chow?!



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N P N P 27B Kinglsey: Where is Chow with the fucking  account code and the fucking password?! 28B Chow: Think of him like monkey drug mule.  He take coke to buyer…and deliver cash to dealer. He middleman. Dealer never handle drug directly. He clean. Stu: That’s terrible. Chow: Not terrible. What you talking about? It's fucking genius.You ever see monkey go to jail? 29B Kingsley: I’m a businessman...and I have  invested a large chunk of capital in your friend Chow. Kingsley: And in return, he was supposed to transfer our profits electronically...about five fucking minutes ago. 30B Stu: There’s water everywhere.  Phil: Yeah, that's because it melted, Stu. The fucking power's out.



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N P N P 31B Mike Tyson: Thanks, guys. Thank you.  That means a lot. Really, it does. Mike Tyson : By the way, you really need to removethat fucking tattoo from your face. Stu: Yep. On it. 32B Teddy: By the way, you have any idea  where my finger is? Stu: Yeah, we gave it to a drug-dealing monkey. Teddy: Bangkok. Stu: Yeah, right? Fucking Bangkok. 33B Phil: Alan, slow down!  Stu: Please! Phil: Turn the boat! Turn the boat, Alan! Turn the fucking boat! 34B Phil: Your password is "baloney1"?  Chow: It used to be just "baloney." Now they make you add number. Kingsley: Really fucking annoying. Okay. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


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N P N P 35B Kingsley: When Samir told us that your  friend was lost...we took advantage of that information. Kingsley: I’m sorry. Stu: Oh, no. Alan: So can Teddy come out of the car now? Phil: No, Alan, Teddy's not in the fucking car. 36B Stu: And we lost Teddyfor two days in  Bangkok. (this scene shows when Stu is tying to explain what really happened to his future parent-in- laws) Stu: But that same demon took us to hell and back to find him. Stu: We took on Bangkok and we won. And that's pretty fucking cool if you ask me. Right? 37B Phil: You all right? You warm enough?  Chow: I don't know. Come feel my balls and tell me.I’ve been locked in a fucking ice box all day. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


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N P N P 38B Chow: Don’t worry. I got the bank codes. Phil: Great. All right, we gotta meet him at 8  a.m.Who is that fucking guy, anyway? Chow: Invest in my business. 39B Phil: Alan, no one's getting shot over  a fucking monkey. Hand him over now. Alan: Oh, God, I never get to keep no monkeys. 40B Stu: We don't have the monkey, Chow.  Phil: No, some Russian thugs took him from us. Chow: Oh, you fucking guys. 41B Stu: I’m trying! Slow down!He’s so strong!  (this scene shows the situation when Stu trying to pull the drug dealer monkey into their car) Stu:Let go, you fucking monkey! 42B Phil: Chow, calm down! Chow, calm down!  Chow:Fucking kill on me! Phil: No, no, no. Ah. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


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N P N P 1C Phil:Chow, what happened?  Chow:You guys texted me, said you fucked up and looking to party.I picked you up in my boat and I brought you here to Bangkok. 2C Stu: Oh, niggas. Okay. Hip-hop.  Stu: We are so fucked. 3C Tracy: Phil.  Phil: I’m sorry. Tracy: Don’t say that. Please. Phil: No, this time we really fucked up. Tracy: Oh, God. How bad? Like no wedding bad? Phil: Yeah.

4C Phil: Listen, I promise you no one's ever  gonna find out about this. Stu: But we just found out about it. Phil:And then we forget. That's what we do. Phil: I’ve done so much fucked up shit, and I just forget about it.



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N P N P 5C Kingsley: Seriously, it will absolutely  fuck you up. Kingsley: Oh, I'm sorry, you guys already got fucked up, didn't you? 6C Stu: We’re fucked. Chow's dead.  What do we do now? Phil: The guy doesn't give a shit about Chow.This whole thing's about a bank account. 7C Chow: Samir?  Chow: You fucked me over 6 grand?You camel jockey.