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Edward O. Sassower, P.C. (admitted pro hac vice) Michael A. Condyles (VA 27807) Steven N. Serajeddini, P.C. (admitted pro hac vice) Peter J. Barrett (VA 46179) Anthony R. Grossi (admitted pro hac vice) Jeremy S. Williams (VA 77469) KIRKLAND & ELLIS LLP Brian H. Richardson (VA 92477) KIRKLAND & ELLIS INTERNATIONAL LLP KUTAK ROCK LLP 601 Lexington Avenue 901 East Byrd Street, Suite 1000 New York, New York 10022 Richmond, Virginia 23219-4071 Telephone: (212) 446-4800 Telephone: (804) 644-1700 Facsimile: (212) 446-4900 Facsimile: (804) 783-6192

Co-Counsel to the Debtors and Debtors in Possession


) In re: ) Chapter 11 ) INTELSAT S.A., et al.,1 ) Case No. 20-32299 (KLP) ) Debtors. ) (Jointly Administered) )


I, David Osville, under penalty of perjury, declare as follows:

1. I am a partner of the firm of Deloitte Audit, société à responsabilité limitée

(“DTA”), with registered address at 20, Boulevard de Kockelscheuer, L-1821 Luxembourg, Grand

Duchy of Luxembourg. I am duly authorized to make and submit this declaration

(the “Declaration”) on behalf of DTA.

2. The Debtors have asked DTA to provide US Generally Accepted Accounting

Principles (“US GAAP”) to International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”) conversion

services in relation to the tax compliance services being performed by Deloitte Tax LLP (“Deloitte

1 Due to the large number of Debtors in these chapter 11 cases, for which joint administration has been granted, a complete list of the Debtor entities and the last four digits of their federal tax identification numbers is not provided herein. A complete list may be obtained on the website of the Debtors’ claims and noticing agent at The location of the Debtors’ service address is 7900 Tysons One Place, McLean, VA 22102. Case 20-32299-KLP Doc 2170 Filed 05/11/21 Entered 05/11/21 14:51:29 Desc Main Document Page 2 of 94

Tax”) and DTA has consented to provide such services. Additionally, DTA will perform certain

services as a subcontractor to Deloitte Financial Advisory Services LLP (“Deloitte FAS”), an

affiliate of Deloitte Tax, in support of Deloitte FAS’s fresh start accounting services, to advise and

provide recommendations to Debtors’ management in connection with its determination of the

Luxembourg Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (“GAAP”), IFRS and other local GAAP

accounting considerations for transactions contemplated by and pursuant to the Debtors’ Chapter

11 plan.

3. As provided in paragraph 14 of the Court’s order approving the Debtors’ retention

of Deloitte Tax [Docket No. 827] and paragraph 13 of the Court’s order approving the Debtors’

retention of Deloitte FAS [Docket No. 1062], DTA submits this Declaration in support of its role

as a subcontractor to each of these retained professionals.

DTA’s Qualifications

4. DTA is an audit and assurance services firm with registered address in

Luxembourg. DTA is a member firm of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited (“DTTL”), a company

limited by guarantee, incorporated under the laws of England and Wales.

5. DTA has significant experience with providing complex accounting services under

IFRS and under US GAAP.

6. DTA has provided many US GAAP to IFRS conversion services and as well IFRS

to US GAAP conversion services to entities across a wide range of industries.

7. DTA has significant experience with the telecommunication industry.

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8. The personnel on DTA’s team for providing the US GAAP to IFRS conversion

have professional qualifications including Association of Chartered Certified Accountants

(ACCA, UK) and Réviseurs d’Entreprises (Luxembourg).


9. The statements set forth in this Declaration are based upon my personal knowledge,

upon information at my disposal and belief, and/or upon client matter records kept in the ordinary

course of business that were reviewed by me or other personnel of DTA or its affiliates. 2

10. Subject to the foregoing, to the best of my information, knowledge, and belief based

on reasonable inquiry: (a) neither I, DTA, nor any partner or managing director of DTA that is

anticipated to provide the services for which DTA is to be retained (the “DTA Engagement

Partners/Managing Directors”) holds any interest adverse to the Debtors with respect to the matters

on which DTA is to be retained in their chapter 11 cases; and (b) DTA has no relationship to the

Debtors, their significant creditors, certain other significant parties-in-interest, or to the attorneys

that are known to be assisting the Debtors in their chapter 11 cases, except as stated herein or in

any attachment hereto.

11. From time to time, DTA and its affiliates have provided or may currently provide

services, and likely will continue to provide services, to certain creditors of the Debtors and various

other parties potentially adverse to the Debtors in matters unrelated to their chapter 11 cases, except

as set forth herein or in the attachments hereto.

2 The term “affiliate” associated with DTA means any Luxembourg subsidiary of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu S.à r.l., (“DTT Luxembourg”) a limited liability company, incorporated under the laws of Luxembourg, with registered address at 20 Boulevard de Kockelscheuer, L-1821 Luxembourgembourg, that provides professionals services to Debtors.

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12. DTA undertook reasonable searches to determine, and to disclose, whether it or its

affiliates is or has been employed by or has other relationships with the Debtors or their affiliates,

subsidiaries, directors, or officers, or any of the Debtors’ significant creditors, customers, equity

security holders, professionals, or other entities with significant relationships with the Debtors

(the “Potential Parties-in-Interest”), whose specific names were provided to DTA by the Debtors,

listed on Schedule 1 attached hereto. To check upon and disclose possible relationships with

significant Potential Parties-in-Interest in these chapter 11 cases, DTA researched its client

databases on the basis of an exact name matching between DTA client databases and the Potential

Parties-In-Interest names provided by the Debtors. For avoidance of doubt, the researches in DTA

databases did not consist to track relationships with related parent entities/subsidiaries of the

Potential Parties-In-Interest. DTA performed reasonable due diligence to determine whether it or

its affiliates had any relationships with the Debtors or their affiliates, subsidiaries, directors, or

officers, or any of the Debtors’ significant creditors, significant equity security holders,

professionals, or other such entities with significant relationships with the Debtors.

13. DTA and/or its affiliates have or may have provided professional services, may

currently provide professional services, and/or may in the future provide professional services in

matters unrelated to their chapter 11 cases to certain of the Potential Parties-in-Interest.

Additionally, certain of these Potential Parties-in-Interest have or may have provided goods or

services, may currently provide goods or services, and/or may in the future provide goods or

services to DTA and/or its affiliates and the DTA Engagement Partners/Managing Directors in

matters unrelated to their chapter 11 cases.

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14. Despite the efforts described above to identify and disclose DTA’s connections

with the Potential Parties-in-Interest in their chapter 11 cases, because DTA is a nationwide firm

with thousands of personnel, and because the Debtors are a large enterprise, DTA is unable to state

with certainty that every client relationship or other connection has been disclosed. In this regard,

if DTA discovers additional material information that it determines requires disclosure, it will file

a supplemental disclosure promptly with the Court.

15. To the best of my knowledge, based on the internal search discussed above, DTA

has determined that certain relationships should be disclosed as follows:

a. DTA and/or its affiliates provide services in matters unrelated to these chapter

11 cases to certain of the Debtors’ largest unsecured creditors and other

Potential Parties-in-Interest listed on Schedule 2;

b. Law firms identified on Schedule 2, including Arendt, Akin, Gump, Strauss,

Hauer & Feld LLP, Appleby, Baker & McKenzie, Bird & Bird, Bonn, Steichen

& Partners, Dentons, Elvinger Hoss Prussen, Hogan Lovells International LLP,

Hogan Lovells (Luxembourg) LLP, Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP, Kim &

Chang, Loyens & Loeff Luxembourg S.à r.l., Paul Hastings LLP, Venable,

Baetjer and Howard LLP, have provided, currently provide, and may in the

future provide legal services to DTA or its affiliates in matters unrelated to these

chapter 11 cases, and/or DTA or its affiliates have provided, currently provide,

and may in the future provide services to such firms or their clients.

c. DTA and/or certain of its affiliates have provided, continue to provide and may

in the future provide services to Apollo Global Management LLC and Apollo 5 Case 20-32299-KLP Doc 2170 Filed 05/11/21 Entered 05/11/21 14:51:29 Desc Main Document Page 6 of 94

Capital Management, L.P. and certain of its affiliates and/or subsidiaries

(collectively, “Apollo”) and Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. and certain of its

affiliates and/or subsidiaries (collectively, “KKR”) in matters unrelated to the

chapter 11 Cases. Certain Apollo and KKR entities are members of an ad hoc

creditor group formed in connection with the chapter 11 Cases, whose members

may provide debtor-in-possession financing to the Debtors, and DTA and/or

certain of its affiliates may provide ordinary course tax advisory and

compliance services for Apollo and KKR, respectively, that may have a

relationship to certain of Apollo’s or KKR’s investments respecting the

Debtors. Also, among other services, DTA acts as the independent auditor for

a number of entities either currently or formerly owned by Apollo and/or funds

managed by Apollo or its principals. DTA also acts as the independent auditor

for KKR and the KKR funds that are lenders to the Debtors. In its capacity as

independent auditor, DTA provides KKR and Apollo with ordinary course

auditing services and conducts typical audit procedures that may arise from its

business arrangements with the Debtors.

d. Certain firms around the world, including DTA, are members and affiliates of

DTTL. Certain of the non-Luxembourgh member firms of DTTL or their

affiliates (the “DTT Member Firms”) have provided, currently provide or may

in the future provide professional services to certain of the Debtors and their

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affiliates.3 In particular, certain DTT Member Firms, including those located

in the United States, United Arab Emirates, Argentina, Brazil, India, Mexico

and the United Kingdom, performed and/or continue to perform tax services for

certain of the Debtors.

e. Certain financial institutions or their respective affiliates listed on Schedule 2,

might have financed a portion of the capital and/or capital loan requirements of

various partners and principals, respectively, of DTA and its affiliates. In

addition, certain institutions or their respective affiliates, including Swiss Re

and its affiliates provide asset management services for, and/or have a similar

role with respect to investments of, certain pension, benefit and similar funds

sponsored by DTA and its affiliates.

f. In the ordinary course of its business, DTA and its affiliates have business

relationships in unrelated matters with their principal competitors, which

together with their affiliates may be Potential Parties-in-Interest in these chapter

11 cases. For example, from time to time, DTA and one or more of such entities

may work on assignments for the same client or may otherwise engage each

other for various purposes.

3 Each of the DTTL Member Firms is a separate and independent legal entity. It is not DTA’s practice to undertake conflicts checks with DTTL Member Firms for the purpose of identifying relationships that they may have with the Debtors and other parties-in-interest and DTA does not maintain a database for the purpose of identifying all such relationships.

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g. Certain Potential Parties-in-Interest may be adverse to and/or involved in

litigation matters with DTA or its affiliates in connection with matters unrelated

to these chapter 11 cases.

h. DTA and/or its affiliates have provided and continue to provide attest and

non-attest services to certain Potential Parties-in-Interest and/or their affiliates

in matters unrelated to these chapter 11 cases. In its capacity as independent

auditor, DTA also provides such clients with ordinary course accounting advice

and conducts typical audit procedures that may arise from such Potential

Parties-in-Interest’s business arrangements with the clients.

i. DTA and/or certain of its affiliates perform certain professional services for

Edward Kangas, a member of the Debtors’ board of directors, in matters

unrelated to the chapter 11 cases.

j. DTA and/or certain of its affiliates have provided and currently provide

professional services to BlackRock Inc, a significant equity holder of the

Debtors, and certain of its subsidiaries and/or affiliates in matters unrelated to

the chapter 11 cases.

k. DTA and/or certain of its affiliates have provided and currently provide

professional services to SES SA and its affiliates, one of the main competitors

of the Debtors, in matters unrelated to the chapter 11 cases.

16. Additionally, based on searches conducted by DTA, neither the Engagement

Partners/Managing Directors nor or any personnel performing services for the Debtors, or any

member of such individual’s immediate family: (i) owns any director investment in the Debtor or 8 Case 20-32299-KLP Doc 2170 Filed 05/11/21 Entered 05/11/21 14:51:29 Desc Main Document Page 9 of 94

any of the non-Debtor affiliates; (ii) holds a claim against or interest adverse to the Debtors or their

non-debtor affiliates; (iii) is or was an officer, director, or employee of the Debtors or their non-

debtor affiliates; (iv) is related to or has any connections to the bankruptcy judges in the Eastern

District of Virginia; and (v) based on the list of individuals included on the staff directories

maintained on the Office of the United States Trustee in Region 4’s website, is related to or has

any connections to any such individuals working in the Office of United States Trustee for Region

4. Except as may be disclosed herein, to the best of my knowledge, information at my disposal,

and belief, DTA and the DTA Engagement Partners/Managing Directors do not hold or represent

any interest adverse to the Debtors, and I believe that DTA is a “disinterested person” as that term

is defined in Section 101(14) of the Bankruptcy Code, as modified by Section 1107(b) of the

Bankruptcy Code.

17. If DTA discovers additional information that requires disclosure, DTA will

promptly file a supplemental declaration.

18. Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1746, I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing

is true and correct.

Dated: May 11, 2021

By: Deloitte Audit, société à responsabilité Represented by its manager:

David Osville

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Schedule 1

Potential Parties-in-Interest List

Accesspas, Inc. BC Partners Holding Ltd. Galaxy 11 Holding Company, Inc. Galaxy 12 Holding Company, Inc. Galaxy 13 Holding Company, Inc. Galaxy 14 Holding Company, Inc. Galaxy 15 Holding Company, Inc. Galaxy 16 Holding Company, Inc. Galaxy 17 Holding Company, Inc. Galaxy 18 Holding Company, Inc. Galaxy 3C Holding Company, Inc. Horizons-3 License LLC Intelsalt UK Financial Services LTD. Intelsat (Gibraltar) Limited Intelsat (Luxembourg) Finance Company Sarl Intelsat (Luxembourg) S.A. Intelsat Africa (Pty.) Ltd. Intelsat Align S.A.R.L. Intelsat Alliance LP Intelsat Asia Carrier Services, Inc. Intelsat Brasil Ltda. Intelsat Brasil Servicos de Telecomunicacao Ltda. Intelsat Connect Finance S.A. INTELSAT CORP PAC Intelsat Envision Holdings LLC Intelsat Finance Bermuda LTD. Intelsat Finance Nevada Intelsat General Communications LLC Intelsat Genesis GP LLC Intelsat Genesis Inc. Intelsat Global Sales & Marketing LTD. Intelsat Global Service LLC Intelsat Holdings LLC Intelsat Holdings S.A. Intelsat Horizons-3 LLC Intelsat Intermediate Holding Company S.A. Intelsat International Employment, Inc. Intelsat International Systems LLC Case 20-32299-KLP Doc 2170 Filed 05/11/21 Entered 05/11/21 14:51:29 Desc Main Document Page 11 of 94

Intelsat Investment Holdings S.à r.l. Intelsat Investments S.A. Intelsat Ireland Operations Unlimited Intelsat Jackson Holdings S.A. Intelsat Kommunikations GmbH Intelsat License Holdings LLC Intelsat License LLC Intelsat Luxembourg Investment S.A.R.L. Intelsat New Dawn (Gibraltar) Limited Intelsat Operations S.A. Intelsat Phoenix Holdings S.A. Intelsat S.A. Intelsat Satellite LLC Intelsat Service and Equipment Corporation Intelsat Subsidiary (Gibraltar) Limited Intelsat Subsidiary Holding Company S.A. Intelsat US Finance LLC Intelsat USA Licensee LLC Intelsat USA Sales LLC Intelsat Ventures S.A.R.L. IS 11 Holding Company, Inc. IS 14 Holding Company, Inc. Mountainside Teleport LLC Panamsat Capital Corporation PanAmSat Communications Japan, Inc. Panamsat Europe Corporation Panamsat India Marketing L.L.C. Panamsat India, Inc. Panamsat International Holdings, LLC PanAmSat International Sales, Inc. Panamsat International Sales, LLC Panamsat International Systems Marketing, L.L.C. PanAmSat Satellite Europe Limited Panamsat Services, Inc. PAS 10 Holding Company, Inc. PAS 1R Holding Company, Inc. PAS 5 Holding Company, Inc. PAS 7 Holding Company, Inc. PAS 8 Holding Company, Inc. PAS 9 Holding Company, Inc. PAS International LLC

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Southern Satellite Corp. Southern Satellite Licensee Corporation Kirkland & Ellis Bateman, Justin Bryan, Michelle Callahan, Robert DeMarco, Michael Diercksen, John Fromont, Bruno Halawi, Samer Intelsat (Bermuda), Ltd Intelsat Corporation Intelsat Global Holdings S.A. Intelsat Global S.A. Intelsat Global Services LLC Intelsat Holding Corporation Intelsat Holdings, Ltd Intelsat International Systems, LLC Intelsat Jackson Holdings, Ltd Intelsat LLC Intelsat North America LLC Intelsat Satellite IS 11, Inc. Intelsat Satellite IS 14, Inc. Intelsat US LLC Intelsat Virginia Holdings LLC Intelsat, Ltd Kangas, Edward McGlade, David PanAmSat Asia Carrier Services, Inc. PanAmSat Corporation PanAmSat H-2 Licensee LLC PanAmSat Licensee LLC PanAmSat Satellite Galaxy 10R, Inc. PanAmSat Satellite Galaxy 11, Inc. PanAmSat Satellite Galaxy 12, Inc. PanAmSat Satellite Galaxy 13, Inc. PanAmSat Satellite Galaxy 14, Inc PanAmSat Satellite Galaxy 15, Inc. PanAmSat Satellite Galaxy 16, Inc. PanAmSat Satellite Galaxy 17, Inc. PanAmSat Satellite Galaxy 18, Inc.

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PanAmSat Satellite Galaxy 1R, Inc. PanAmSat Satellite Galaxy 3C, Inc. PanAmSat Satellite Galaxy 3R, Inc. PanAmSat Satellite Galaxy 4R, Inc. PanAmSat Satellite Galaxy 5, Inc. PanAmSat Satellite Galaxy 9, Inc. PanAmSat Satellite HGS 3, Inc. PanAmSat Satellite HGS 5, Inc. PanAmSat Satellite Leasat F5, Inc. PanAmSat Satellite PAS 10, Inc. PanAmSat Satellite PAS 1R, Inc. PanAmSat Satellite PAS 2, Inc. PanAmSat Satellite PAS 3, Inc. PanAmSat Satellite PAS 4, Inc. PanAmSat Satellite PAS 5, Inc. PanAmSat Satellite PAS 6B, Inc PanAmSat Satellite PAS 7, Inc. PanAmSat Satellite PAS 8, Inc. PanAmSat Satellite PAS 9, Inc. PanAmSat Satellite SBS 6, Inc. Pas International Employment, Inc. Pawlikoski, General Ellen Rasmussen, Mark Reses, Jacqueline D. Service And Equipment Corporation Spengler, Stephen Svider, Raymond Tolley, David Ushi, Llc 1832 Asset Management, L.P. 1rivet Us Inc 2nd Quadrant Inc 3l Assesoria Empresarial Ltda 5g Action Now Inc 5g Everywhere In America A & A Language Bureau A C Systems, Inc. A Step Ahead Consulting Pvt Ltd A&E Television Networks A.G. Radio Holding Srl A1 Microwave

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A3f Servicos Tecnicos E Ambientas Ltda Aachener Und Munchener Aap Automation Inc Aastha Broadcasting Network Limited Ab5 Consulting Abbott Building Systems Llc Abc, Inc. Aberdeen Standard Investments (U.S.) Able Asphalt Paving Company Inc Abm Facility Support Services Abrasat- Associacao Brasileria Das Empresas De Telecom Por Satelites Abry Partners, Llc Abs Global Ltd Abs-Cbn Global Limited Absolut Technologies Proj E Consultoria Ltda Ac & T Co Inc Ac Infinity Inc Accelerated Media Technologies, Inc. Access Hardware Inc Access Intelligence, Llc Access Partnership Acco Engineered Systems Accounting Principals Inc Accuoss Ace Fire & Security Systems Ltd Acel Technologies Llc Achievers Llc Achim Friedrich Actualidad Media Group, Llc. Adams & Adams Adaptive Insights Llc Addis Communications Addison Lee Plc Addison Professional Financial Search Llc Aditya Jain Administración Nacional Detelecomunicacionesantel Uruguay Administration De Lenregistrement Et Des Domaines Administration Des Contributions Directes Adobe Systems Incorporated Adolf Stockheimer Gmbh & Co Kg Adore Technologies Pte. Ltd

5 Case 20-32299-KLP Doc 2170 Filed 05/11/21 Entered 05/11/21 14:51:29 Desc Main Document Page 15 of 94

Adp Llc Ads Group Limited Advanced Computer Concepts Inc Advantage Industrial Automation Advantech Corporation Advantech Wireless Advert Bereau Company Limited Aecom Technical Services Inc Aegon Usa Investment Management, Llc Aequim Alternative Investments, L.P. Afip Africa Digital Network Limited Africa Media Group Limited Africa Mobile Network Communication Ltd Africa Mobile Networks Africa Mobile Networks Cameroon Sarl Africa Mobile Networks Gb, Sarl Africa Mobile Networks Guinee Sarlu Africa Mobile Networks Liberia, Inc Africa Mobile Networks Ltd Africa Mobile Networks Zambia Ltd Africa Online Operations Limited (Mauritius) Africable Network African Telecommunications Union Afrinic Ltd Afrique Telecom Ag Franz Associates Llc Agencia De Regulacion Y Control De Las Telecomunicaciones Agencia Nacional De Telecomunicacoes - Anatel Agile64 Llc Agx Logistics (S) Pte Ltd Ahern Deutschland Gmbh Aig Europe Limited Aig Group Aig Insurance Company China Limited Beijing Branch Aig Insurance Company Jsc Aig Kenya Insurance Company Ltd Aig Seguros Brasil Sa (Aon Plc) Air Point Ar Condicionado Ltda Air Power Consultants Inc Air Rover Inc Air Sea Worldwide (Uk) Ltd 6 Case 20-32299-KLP Doc 2170 Filed 05/11/21 Entered 05/11/21 14:51:29 Desc Main Document Page 16 of 94

Air Traffic & Navigation Services Soc Ltd Airbus Defence And Space Airbus Defence And Space Sas Airleben Gmbh Mitte Airspec Cc Airtel Congo Airtel Congo Rdc S.A. Airtel Congo S.A. Airtel Madagascar S.A. Airtel Networks Kenya Limited Airtel Networks Limited Airtel Seychelles Ltd Airtel Tanzania Public Limited Company Airtel Tchad Sa Air-Wolf Gmbh Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld Llp Al Harbi Telecom Al Nisr Distribution Al Tamimi & Company Advocates And Legal Consultants Albright Stonebridge Group Llc Alcentra Limited Alcentra Ny Llc Aldea Solutions Inc. Alden Legal Limited Alga Microwave Inc Ali Mohammed Qasim Ahmed Al-Sheikh Alindaou Consulting International Alixpartners, Llp Aljazeera Channel Newsgathering Aljazeera English Doha Aljeel Aljadeed For Technology Allen Holding Inc Dba Allen Communications Alliance Executive Search Alliance Fire Protection Alliance For Telecommunications Industry Solutions Alliancebernstein Holding Lp Alliancebernstein L.P Allianz Allianz Global Investors U.S., Llc Allianz Seguros Sa Allied Electronics Inc

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Allot Communications Inc Allstate Investment Management Company Allstate Investments, Llc Allstate Life Insurance Company Alluresoft Llc Dba Divvy Hq Alm Alpha Trans Gmbh (Former Fms-Monfracht) Alphasense Inc Alpi Sarl Alpine Lawn And Janitorial Ser Also Deutschland Gmbh Al-Tech Associates Inc Alternative Employment Specialists Altitude Sports & Entertainment, Llc Altman Vilandrie & Company Altova, Inc. Altran Act Sas Ama Design Build Llc Ama Europe Amadis Gmbh Amagi Corporation Amanzi Telecommunication Ltd Amazon Web Services Inc Amber Road Inc Ambius Llc Amc Network Entertainment Llc Amc Networks Broadcasting & Technology American Arbitration Association American Broadcasting Company American Chamber Of Commerce In Sa American Express Banking Corp American Express International Inc American Express Services Europe Ltd American Express, Inc. American Management Association American National Red Cross American River Logistics American Security Fence Inc American Stock Transfer & Trust Llc Ameripark Llc Ameritas Life Insurance Corporation

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Ampla Marcenaria Eirell Epp Amrhein Schliesstechnik Amt Fur Digitalisierung Amthor Gmbh Amundi Pioneer Asset Management, Inc. Analytical Graphics Inc Ancine - Agencia Nacional Do Cinema Andesat Peru Sac Andesat S.A. Andesat Sa Andina De Radiodifusion (Peru) Andrews & Cole, Llc Andromeda Training Inc Angelo Gordon & Company Llp Angelpoint Asset Management Angus Rios Spe Restaurante Anixter Inc. Anritsu Company Antara Capital Lp Antek Systems, Llc Antena Uno Srl Antenna Technology Communications Inc. (Atci) Antietam Metals Llc Antrix Corporation Limited Antrix Corporation Ltd Anylink Argentina S.A. Aon Consulting Aon Risk Services Companies Inc Aon Uk Limited Aperian Global Inc Apex Global Antenna Solutions Llc Apg Asset Management Aplus Clean Solutions Llp Apollo Credit Management, Llc Apollo Global Management, Llc Apollo Microwaves Ltd Apollo Capital Management, L.P Appaloosa, L.P. Appextremes Inc Apple Promotions Inc Appleby

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Applied Engineering Management Corporation Applied Technology Institute Approved Networks Apra Ltd Aprika Business Solutions Pty Ltd Apsat Apt Mobile Satcom (Hk) Limited Aqua-Serve Engineers Inc Aramark Aramex Emirates Llc Arapahoe County Treasurer Archcentric, P.C. Architekurwerkstatt Ruser Arcotel Arekat Pacific Security Inc Arena Capital Advisors, Llc Arent Fox Llp Ares Management Corporation Ares Management, Llc Argsoft Group Llc Aria Hotels & Consultancy Services Pvt Ltd Arianespace Aristeia Capital, Llc Ark Mediacom, Inc. Arqiva Asia For Arqiva Comm Ltd (Ou) Arqiva Communications Limited (Ou) Arqiva Limited Arqiva Sas Arqiva Satellite And Media Arte Radio Televisivo Argentino S.A. Arthur D. Little Inc Arts 2 Design Studio Pte Ltd Aruji Co. Ltd. Asc Signal Corporation Ascender Hcm Asia Pte Ltd Asco Power Services Inc Asecna (Mdg) As-Electronics Asesoria En Copisistemas Y Comunicaction Sa Asia Pacific Communication Specialist Png Limited

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Asia Pacific Satellite Communications Council Asia Today Limited Asima Ismail Asix Asia Satellite Internet Exchange Limited Asociacion Civil Religiosa Diospi Suyana Asociacion Cultural Bethel Asociacion De Condominos Del Edificio Asociacion Evangelistica Cristo Viene, Inc. Asosiasi Satelit Indonesia Assemblies Inc. Associated Press Associated Press Tv Network International Association Of Radio Industries And Business Astel Jsc Astos Solutions Gmbh At Tv Inc. At&O Services Srl At&T At&T Corp. At&T Sports Networks, Llc Atacadao Papelex Ltda Ateme Atlantic Atlantic Technical Sources,Inc Atlantis Teleinformatica Ltda Atlas Square Partners, Llp Atoss Csd Software Gmbh Auctionomics Inc Audace Audit & Conseils Audacy Corporation Audio Video S.A. De C.V. Audiovideo Brandbuilder Corporation Audiovisuales Mediapro Mexico, S.A. De C.V. Augur Systems Inc Aurelius Capital Management, Lp- Fm Australian Broadcasting Corporation Australian Communications & Media Authority Australian Tax Office Auto Ziegler Autohaus Sell Gmbh & Co Kg Automatic Data Processing Limited 11 Case 20-32299-KLP Doc 2170 Filed 05/11/21 Entered 05/11/21 14:51:29 Desc Main Document Page 21 of 94

Autoriteit Consument & Markt Auto-Service Gerner Gmbh & Co Kg Av-Comm Av-Comm Pty Ltd Aviva Investors Americas, Llc Avp Mfg & Supply Inc Avt Channels (Private) Limited Avw Limited Axa Assurance Vie Luxembourg Sa Axa Life Insurance Singapore Pte Ltd Axesat Axesat Peru Sac Axis New England Azercosmos Azercosmos Ojsco Azzurro Hd Llc Azzurro Systems Integration Llc B&H Photo & Electronics Corp Bad Gesundheitsvorsorge Und Baeckerei Schwab Bain Capital Credit Lp Baird Supporting Systems, Inc Baker & Mckenzie Bangladesh Telecommunications Company Limited Bank Of America Merrill Lynch Bank Of America, N.A. Bank Of Nova Scotia, The Banque Centrale Des Etats De L'afrique De L'ouest Barbosa Raimundo Gontijo E Camara Advogados Barclays Bank Plc Barclays Capital, Inc. Barings, Llc Basic Solutions Corp. Basicsystem Corporation Bates Wells & Braithwaite London Llp Baud Telecom Company Bayer Naturschutzfonds Baywa Ag Baustoffe Bbc Global News Limited Bc Partners Inc Bc Rincon Construction Inc Bcom Offshore Sal 12 Case 20-32299-KLP Doc 2170 Filed 05/11/21 Entered 05/11/21 14:51:29 Desc Main Document Page 22 of 94

Bcom Sa Bcpi Bdo Tax & Accounting Beach Point Capital Management Lp Bedford Ca Pty Limited Beednet Group Beijing Foreign Enterprise Human Resources Service Co Ltd Bein Sport France Belerion Capital Group Ltd Belfor Property Restoration Belgacom International Carrier Services S. A. (Belgacom Ics) Bell Canada - Ncm Bell Products, Inc. Bellinger Elektrobau Gmbh Belt Collins Hawaii Llc Ben Hill Roofing And Siding Co Inc Benefit Street Partners, Llc Bengt Petterssom Bennett Coleman Company Limited Bennett Engineers Inc Berg Msr-Technik Gmbh Bergander Berkeley Burke (Financial Services) Ltd Berkeley Integration Group Inc Berkeley Research Group, Llc Berkshire Associates Inc. Berkshire Hathaway Specialty Insurance Berlemann Torbau Berufsgenossenschaft Energie Best Bridge Group Best Clean Services Sarl Bet Satellite Services, Inc. Betonbau Gmbh & Co Kg Bettac Freight Logistics Sa Bg Solutions, Llc Bgv V Luxembourg 1 Gmbh & Co Kg Bharti Airtel (France) Sas Bharti Airtel (Uk) Limited Bharti Airtel Limited Bharti International Singapore Pte Ltd Bible Broadcasting Network

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Bibo Water (Pty) Ltd Bidvest Managed Solutions Big Lens Llc Bill And Daves Landscape Billquist Communications News Bird & Bird Llp Birk Gmbh Bit Of The South Event Production & Design Bizmark Group Llc Bkr Contracting Llc Black & Veatch Blackrock Blackrock Advisors, Llc Blackrock Financial Management Inc Blackrock Fund Advisors Blackrock Institutional Trust Company, Na Blakeslee Electric, Inc. Blank Rome Llp Bloomberg L.P. Blue C Mobile Pte Ltd Blue Wolf Group Llc Bluebay Asset Management, Llp Blueray Pte Ltd Bluesource Inc Bluetext Llc Bluetown Aps Bmc Software Inc Bmo Asset Management U.S. Bmo Capital Markets Bnp Paribas Bnp Paribas Securities Corporation Boal & Co Limited Bob & Duff's Pest Control Bob Hurley Voiceovers Llc Bok Financial, N.A. Bolano Anstalt Bolivia Tv Bonita Renee Hartage Boston Consulting Group Ag Boston Consulting Group Inc Boston Management And Research

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Botswana Botswana Radio & Tv Bowman Gilfillan Inc. Braas Company Brafton Inc Brainerd Communicators Inc Brandywine Communications Brasilprev Seguros E Previdencia Sa Brean Asset Management, Llc Bremer & Leguil Gmbh Brigade Capital Management, L.P. Brigard & Urrutia Abogado S.A Brigham Young University (Byu) Brightview Landscape Services Brimrun Ehf British Telecommunications Plc Broadband Systems Corporation (Bsc) Broadgate Publications Broadlink Pty Ltd Broadpeak Broadridge Investor Communication Solutions, Inc Broughton International Broward County Tax Collector Brown Rudnick, Llp Brunswick Group Llc Bsr & Company Bt Americas Inc. Bt Brasil Servicos De Telecoeunicacoes Bt Consulting Bt Latam Argentina S.A. Bt Latam Colombia S. A. Bt Telekom Hizmetleri A.S. Bta Consultants India Private Limited Payroll Services Ac Bts Informa Feiras Eventos E Editora Ltda Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney Pc Bufete Aguirre Soc.Civ. Bug Busters, Inc Buildscale Dba Vidyard Bulgarian Telecommunications Company Ead Bundesanzeiger Verlag Bundeskasse Trier

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Bundesnetzagenture Bupa Bureau De Recette Luxembourg Business Logics Gmbh Business News (Asia) Llp Business News Americas Ltda Business One Consulting Business Training Library Business Wire Inc Butler Communication Bvk- Beamtenversicherungskasse Des Kantons Zurich C Conde & N Nunes Consultroia E Assessoria Ltda Me Cable & Wireless (Seychelles) Cable & Wireless Panama, S.A. Cable News & Business Channel - Cnbc Cable News Network, Lp, Llp Cabo Verde Telecom Sarl Cadd Microsystems, Inc. Cadena Ecuatoriana De Televisión C.A. Cetv Cadena Tres I, S.A. De C.V. Cahill Gordon & Reindel Llp Caisse De Securite Sociale Calamos Advisors, Llc Calamos Asset Management Inc Calcoast Metrology Inc California Department Of Tax And Fee Administration Call One Inc Callas Contractors Callidus Software Inc Caloplex Gmbh Camara De Comercio De Naucalpan Canada Life Canal + International Canal De Futbol Spa Cannon Corporation Canon Australia Canon Marketing Japan Inc Canyon Capital Advisors, Llc Capita International Financial Services Ltd Capital Electric & Supply Dba Capital Electric Capital Research & Management Company (U.S.)

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Capital Research And Management Company Capital Search Group, Llc Capitol Office Solutions Capitol Power Group Llc Caprock Comunicacoes Do Brasil Ltda Caprock Uk, Ltd. Care.Com Career Arc Careerbuilder Llc Carlos O. Placido Carlson Capital Lp Carmax Auto Superstores Inc Carmen Pampa Fund Carolyn Coffey Lynn Carousel Industries Of North America Inc. Casa Santa Luzia Importadora Ltda Casbaa Limited Cass Information Systems Inc. Castor Marine B.V. Cat Telecom Public Company Limited Catalina Duarte Sanchez Cb Flooring Llc Cb Richard Ellis Group Inc Cbre Dubai Llc Cbre Sa Luxembourg Cbs Broadcasting Inc. (Usa) Cbs Newspath Cbs Sports Network Cbs, Inc. Cch Inc Cdm Electronics Inc Cdw Direct, Llc Cdw Limited Cedarview Capital Management Celtel Gabon S.A. Celtel Niger S.A. Center Point Systems Llc Centerview Partners Central Fire Central Fire Protection, Inc. Central Pacific Tanks Inc

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Central Vermont Communications, Inc Centre Commun De La Securite Sociale Centre National D'etudes Spatiales Centrifuge Llc Centro De Integracao Empreso Escola Do Rj Centurylink Centurylink Argentina S.A. Centurylink Chile S.A. Centurylink Colombia S.A.S. Centurylink Comunicacoes Do Brasil Ltda Cepolin Sa Cerebral Palsy Alliance Research Foundation Ceres Insights Llc Ceros Inc Cetel Gmbh Cf Corporate Finance Ltd Chairgo Gmbh Chambre De Commerce Luxembourg Channels Incorporated Limited Chapela Diaz Agentes Aduaneles Sc Charles Mandala Charter Engineering Inc Chateaud Eau Chef Du Bureau De Recouvrement De Dakar Plateau Chesapeake Mission Critical Llc Childcare Vouchers Ltd Chile Films Spa Chilevision China Building Technique Group Co., Ltd China Central Television (Cctv-Ft) China Central Television (Cctv-Ou) China Cntc International Tendering Corporation China Continent Property & Casualty Insurance China Radio International China Satellite Communications Co., Ltd. China Starwin Science & Technology Co Ltd China Telecom Satellite Communications China Unicom (Americas) Operations Ltd China Unicom (Europe) Operations Limited Chiswick Park Estate Management Ltd Chiyoda Metropolitan Tax Office

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Christ Apostolic Temple Inc. Christian Teo & Partners Christian Vision Usa, Inc. Chubb Brasil Seguros Sa Chubb Limited Ci Investments Inc. Cia. Latinoamericana De Radiodifusion Sa Cigna Health And Life Insurance Company Cigna Healthcare Benefits Cinch Connectivity Solutions Inc Cintas Corporation Cisco Systems, Inc. Cision Us Inc Citadel Advisors, Llc Citibank, N.A. Citigroup Global Markets, Inc. Citrix Systems, Inc City & County Of Honolulu City Of Conyers City Of Coral Gables City Of Fillmore City Of Hagerstown City Of Long Beach City Of Napa City Of Yokohama Citystate Travel Pte Ltd Civil Aviation & Meteorology Authority Civil Aviation Authority Of Mongolia Cjsc Alrud Ck Sa Claro Empresa Brasileira De Telecomunicacoes Sa Claro Sa Net Servicos Claro Servicios S.A. Classic Floor Designs Llc Claudia Hoffmann Tv Planung Cle Engineering Inc Cleanscape Software International Clear Blue Technologies Inc Clear Mesa Llc Clearvision (Cm) 2005 Ltd Cleland Hancox Limited

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Click Pacific Limited ClimaLuxembourg Sa Cloudcast Digital Limited Cmmb Satellite Services Limited Cms Hasche Sigle Ag Cnn Chile Canal De Television Ltda Coaxial Components Corp Cobbett Hill Earth Station Ltd. Coca Cola Erfrischungsgetranke Ag Cocatel, S. De R.L. Cocesna Cohnreznick Llp Colin Kim Collabera Inc Collabnet Inc Colliers International Dc Llc Colombia Telecomunicaciones S.A. E.S.P. Colonial Parking, Inc. Colorado Department Of Revenue Colt Technology Services Gmbh Columbia Management Investment Advisers, Llc Comcast Comcast Cable Communications Management, Llc Comcast Media (Massachusetts) Comcast Sports Comcast Sportsnet Ny Comcast Sportsnet Philadelphia Comcast Sportsnet-Mid Atlantic Comcast Wholesale Comision Federal De Electricidad (Cfe) Commercial Resources Tax Group Common Agenda Llp Commsystems, Llc Communications & Power Industries Europe Ltd Communications & Power Industries, Inc (Cpi) Communications Alliance Ltd Comores Cable Companhia Brasileira Solucoes E Servicos Compañía Anónima Nacional Teléfonos De Venezuela Compañia Nacional De Telefonos Telefonica Del Sur S.A. Compañia Peruana De Radiodifusion S.A. (America Tv)

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Compañia Televisora Hondureña, S.A De C.V. Companies And Intellectual Property Commission Companion Technology Compliance & Ethics Learning Solutions Dba Sai Global Comptroller Of Maryland Computer Power Technology, Inc Comsat International Comsates Comsearch Comstar Comsys (Gh) Limited Comtech Ef Data Comtech Xicom Technology Comware Technical Services Inc Con Service Servicos Empresariais Concilium Technologies (Pty) Ltd Condition Environment Services Ltd Condominio Do Edificio Praia De Botafogo 440 Config Consultants Llc Dba A5 Connecticut Department Of Revenue Conrad Electronic Se Consular General Of The Republic Of Indonesia Contenido Alternativo S.A. De C.V. (Tpl Cinema Digital) Continental Express Jsc Control Air Conditioning Service Corporation Controlpoint Surveying Inc Convergint Technologies Llc Cooperativa De Telecomunicaciones Santa Cruz (Cotas) Ltda. Copaco S.A. Coral Gables Associates Cordia Recruiting And Staffing Llc Corporacion De Radio Y Television Del Norte Corporación Peruana De Aeropuertos Y Corporate Fitness Works Inc Corporate Nurse, Inc. Corporate Visions Inc Corporation Service Company (Csc) Corriente Advisors, Llc Cortina Tagle Isoard Y Cia Sc Cost Control Associates Inc

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Coulson Harney Llp County Of Fairfax County Of Loudoun County Of Riverside County Of Santa Clara Cox & Kings Ltd Cox Communications Cratel C.A. Crea - Conselho Regional De Engenharia Creative Financial Staffing Llc Credit Suisse Ag Credit Suisse Alternative Capital, Llc Credit Suisse Securities (Usa) Llc Creditriskmonitor.Com, Inc Creel Garcia Cuellar Aiza Y Enriquez Crescent Capital Group Lp Crh Telnet Pty Ltd Dba Aurora Australis Network Critical Components Inc Critical Power Group Inc Cross Technologies, Inc Crow Canyon Systems Inc Crown Castle Fiber Llc Crown Inc Of Hagerstown Crown Relocations Crp Medios Y Entretenimiento Sac Csg Business Solutions (Aus) Pty Ltd Csp Maintenance Pte Ltd C-Span Css Sarl Ct Freight Cthc Computer & Headset Company Gmbh Culpepper And Associates Inc Cummins Inc Cummins Rocky Mountain Llc Cumulus Provident Fund Cunha Maquinas Escritorio Ltda Curvature Llc Cvent, Inc Cw Austin Company Inc. Cyberark Software Inc Cyrus Capital Partners, L.P. And Related Entities

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D.E. Shaw & Company, L.P. Daar Communications Daejeon Tax Office Dahl-Morrow International Dale Carnegie Training Damez Tecnologia Aplicada Sa Dancker Daniel Thomas Data Center Resources Llc Data Clean Corp. Datacom Systems International, Ltd. Datadrill Communications Inc. Datagroup Datalytx Mss Limited Dataminr Inc Datasat Communications Ltd. Datatec Datavision Deutschland Gmbh Dataxis David H Martin Excavating Inc Davidson Kempner Capital Management, L.P. Day 2 Interiors Ltd Dbm Corp Inc Dbs Trustee Ltd As Trustee Of Mapletree Commercial Trust Dbsd Satellite Services G.P. Dbsync Llc Dbx Advisors, Llc Dc Asphalt Services Inc Dc Office Of Tax And Revenue Dc Treasurer Decisive Publishing Party Ltd Defence Materiel Organisation Dejero Labs Inc Dekalb County Finance Dekalb County Government Dekalb County Tax Commissioner Dekom Ag Dekra Automobil Gmbh Delaware Trust Company Deli Delicia Generos E Alimentos Eireli Dell Gmbh

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Dell Marketing Lp Delta-V Gmbh Dennemeyer & Co, Llc Denton Us Llp Department For Business, Energy And Industrial Strategy Department Of Labour (Gauteng South) Department Of Revenue Services Department Of Workforce Development Derpart Reiseburo Papendick Gmbh Desk Deutsches Zentrum Fur Satelliten Ko Detecon Al Saudia Co. Ltd. Deutsche Bank Ag Deutsche Investment Management Americas Deutsche Post Deutsche Telekom Ag Versorgungszuschl Deutsche Welle Deutsches Zentrum Fur Luft Und Raumfahrt Dhiraagu Plc. Dhl Express Germany Gmbh Dhl Express Inc Dhl Express Luxembourg Sa Dhl Express Mexico Sa De Cv Dhl International (Pty) Ltd Dhl International (Uk) Limited Dhl Japan Dhl Sinotrans International Air Courier Ltd Dialog Dialog Television (Private) Limited Didusec Pty Ltd Digging & Rigging Inc Digi Slovakia S.R.O. Digicel (Png) Limited Digicel Fiji Limited Digicert Inc Digital Ship Events Ltd Digitec Sa Diligent Corporation Dimension Data (Pty) Ltd Dimension Data China Hong Kong Limited Dimensional Fund Advisors, L.P. (U.S.) Dinako Solutions 24 Case 20-32299-KLP Doc 2170 Filed 05/11/21 Entered 05/11/21 14:51:29 Desc Main Document Page 34 of 94

Dipl Ing (Fh) Gerald Roder Direct On Data Limited Directv Latin America Llc Directv Peru S.R.L. Directv Puerto Rico, Ltd Directv, Llc Discover Digital (Pty) Ltd Discovery Capital Management, Llc Discovery Communications Europe Limited Discovery Communications Llc Discovery Communications, Llc Discovery Health Medical Scheme Discovery Latin America, Llc Discovery Networks Asia-Pacific Pte. Ltd Disney Productions/Maingate Entertainment Disney Worldwide Disneyland District Wharf Community Association Llc Dixie Roof Decks Inc Dj Consulting Services Limited Djibouti Telecom Dmd Advocates Dmv Renewal Docufile Domingo Spanto Dominion Mechanical Contractors Inc Donnelley Financial Llc Doonwood Engineering Inc Dorama Institucion De Garantias Sa Dorsey & Whitney Llp Doubleline Capital, L.P. Doubletree Mclean Tysons Corner Douglas County Treasurer Dr Bob Horton Drager Safety Ag & Co Kgaa Dresdner Kuhlanlagenbau Gmbh Drilling Reinigung Drogario Montana Drukcom Pvt Enterprise Dtvla Bv

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Dubai World Trade Centre (Llc) Duff & Phelps Duma Fm (Pty) Ltd Dvl Group Inc Dw Partners, L.P. Dws Investment Management Americas, Inc. Dxk Co Ltd Dynalectric Company E Cars International Pvt Ltd E Geller Consulting Ltd E M S Technologies Inc E! Entertainment Television, Inc. Eads-Multicoms Eas Sl East Tokyo Management Office Yamato Transport Co Ltd Eastbanc Technologies Eastern Municipal Water Dist Eaton Vance (Funds) Eaton Vance Management Eaton Vance Management Inc Ebc Carpet Services Corporation Eci Telecom Inc Eclipse Sports Promotions Ltd Eco Land Solutions Llc Eco Management Lp Edelman South Africa (Pty) Ltd Eden Water & Coffee Deutschland Gmbh Edward T. Cullen, M.D., P.A. Efatha Ministry Eglise Shalom Tabernacle De Gloire Egypt Sat Co. E-Hazard Management Llc El Sembrador Ministries, Inc. Elasticsearch Inc Electrical Equipment Testing Llc Electro Rent Corporation Electromotive Environment Inc Elektro Pfister Gmbh Elev8 Interiors Ltd Elite Fire Protection Ltd Ellen M Pawlikowski

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Ellsworth Electric, Inc Elvinger, Hoss & Prussen Emaint Enterprises Llc Embassy Cars Limited Embedded Technologies Embratel Emc Mobility Services,S.A. Emcor Services Emcor Services Combustioneer Corp Emerging Markets Communications, Llc Emerson Network Power, Liebert Services Inc Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company Emirates Integrated Telecomunication Company Pjsc (Du) Emirates Telecommunications Group Company P.J.S.C. Emmanuel Global Network Nigeria Emmis Indiana Broadcasting Lp Employees Retirement System Of Texas Empowerdex (Pty) Ltd Empresa Argentina De Soluciones Satelitales S.A. Empresa Argentina De Soluciones Satelitales Sa Empresa De Telecomunicaciones De Cuba, S.A. Empresa Nacional De Exploração De Aeroportos E Navegação Aérea - Enana - E.P) Empresa Nacional De Telecoms Mozambique Empresa Radiodifusora Marconi S.A. Empyrean Capital Partners, L.P. Encompass Digital Media Encompass Digital Media (Asia) Pte Ltd Encompass Digital Media Argentina S.A. Encompass Digital Media Limited (Uk) Encompass Digital Media Uruguay S.A. Encompass Digital Media Uruguay Sa Encompass Digital Media, Inc Energy Australia E-Networks Engelbert Strauss Gmbh & Co Kg Engelking Elektronik Gmbh Engie Deutschland Gmbh Enlaces Guayana, C.A. Ente Nacional De Comunicaciones Entel - Empressa Nacional De Telecomunicaciones S.A. 27 Case 20-32299-KLP Doc 2170 Filed 05/11/21 Entered 05/11/21 14:51:29 Desc Main Document Page 37 of 94

Entel Chile Entel S.A. Entelek It Services Entwise Connections Environmental Systems Design Inc Eo Partners Sa (Pty) Ltd T/A Executive Online Epiqa S.R.L. Unipersonale Eplus Technology Inc. Eprocess International Sa Epsilon Telecommunications Limited Equinix Inc Eri Economic Research Institute Inc Ericsson Ab Ghana Ericsson Ab Succursale Benin Ericsson Television Inc Eritrea Telecomunication Services Corporation Ernst & Young Llp Esa Microwave Service Gmbh Escinter Comercio E Planejamento De Escritorios Ltda Escritorio Juridico Juristel Inc Esoa Espn Espn Deportes Espn Network Traffic (Sports) Espn News (Assignment Desk) Espn Sur Espn, Inc. Esso Deutschland Gmbh Estera Trust (Cayman) Limited Estudio Beccar Varela Eternal Word Television Network Ether Group Llc Ethio Telecom Ethiopian Telecomm. Corporation Etisalat Etisalat Afghanistan Etl Systems Inc Etl Systems Ltd Etude Cosita Delvaux Eucon Elektronik Gmbh Euroconsult

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Europe Star Gesellschaft European Broadcasting Union Eurosport Sas Eurovision Americas, Inc. Eurovision Services Sa Eutelsat America Corporation Eutelsat S A Evbox Everbridge Inc Evertz Evertz Uk Limited Exaro Technologies Corporation Exaserv Exatel S.A. Excelencia En Comunicaciones Y Tecnologia Sa De Cv Execuservesa Executive Promotions Exoanalytic Solutions Inc Expert Advocates In Selection Int'l Llc Extensia Limited Extreme Reach Inc. Exxon/Mobil Eyp Mission Critical Facilities, Inc. F M Pearce Company Inc Fab Car Travels Faber Catering Gastronomie Gmbh Factory Mutual Fairs And Events Arena Lda Farnell Gmbh Fasken Martineau Dumoulin Llp Fbi Travel Fcc Fec Electric Inc Federal Communications Commission Federal Express (Australia) Pty Ltd Federal Express Corporation Federal Express Corporation (Brazil) Federal Express Corporation (Japan) Federal Express Europe Inc Federal Express Singapore Pte Ltd Federal Radio Corporation Of Nigeria

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Federal Techonology Solutions Inc Federated Investment Management Company Fei-Zyfer Inc Felipe Gomez Del Campo Fenner & Smith Inc Ferchau Gmbh Ferrellgas Ferrere Abogados Fetranspor Fewell Geotechnical Engineering Ltd Fianzas Dorama Sa Fiberdyne Labs, Inc. Fibre Web Fichtner, Fitchner, Mannheimer Fidelity Adt (Pty) Fidelity Management & Research Company Fiduciaire France Afrique (Ffa) Ey Senegal Fifteen Four Llc Fiji Television Limited Filefacets Corporation Fillmore And Piru Basins Filtronetics Inc Finance Information Group Llc Financial Accounting Standards Board Financial Reporting Council, The Finanzamt Bad Kissingen Finnegan Henderson Farabow Garrett & Dunner Llp Fireguard Corporation, The Firmex Corp First Advantage Background Services Corp Fisch Asset Management Ag Flexible It Solution Flowline Communications Ltd. (G) Fm Friedl Und Muller Gmbh Fmr Llc Foliofn Investments Inc Foreign Branch Of Beijing Local Tax Bureau Forrester Research Inc Forster Profilsystems Gmbh Forsway Scandinavia Ab Fort Washington Investment Advisors, Inc.

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Fortitude International Llc Forty Thousand And 75 Km (Pty) Ltd Forum Europe Ltd Fox Digital Fox Entertainment Group, Inc. Fox Latin American Channel Llc Fox Latin American Channel Srl Fox News Channel Fox News Network Fox Sports Fox Sports (West) Fox Sports Houston Fox Sports Net Production Fox Sports Net, Llc Fox Television Stations Inc - Wtxf Foxcom Foxcorp Holdings Llc Foxit Software Inc Fragomen Del Rey Bersen & Loewy Llp Franchise Tax Board Frank Recruitment Group Inc Franklin Advisers, Inc. Franklin Covey Franklin Mutual Advisers Llc Frequentis A.G Frerk Aggregatebau Gmbh Friends Life Frontier Coffee Frontier Communications Corporation Frost & Sullivan Fruit Guys Llc Fs Kkr Capital Corp. Fsla Mexico S De Rl De Cv (Fox Sports Mexico) Fta Communication Technologies Sarl Fti Consulting Fuch Bausanierung Fuji Yakuhin Co Ltd Fullmer Brothers Construction Llc Fundacion Para La Educacion Y La Comunicacion Social (Fecs) Futaris, Inc. Futurenautics Limited 31 Case 20-32299-KLP Doc 2170 Filed 05/11/21 Entered 05/11/21 14:51:29 Desc Main Document Page 41 of 94

Fvc Bank Fyh Abogados Cia Ltda G&S Satcom Gmbh G4s (Drc) Sarl G4s Technologies Gabon Telecom S.A. Galaxy Entertainment De Venezuela, S.C.A. Gambia Radio And Television Services Gap Wireless Garcia & Bodan Garland Business Corp Gary Air Conditioning And Refrigeration Service Gary Begeman Gas South Gas Transboliviano S.A. Gasthof Kessler Gasuf Gmbh Gateway Global Communications Limited Gateway Global Communications Ltd Gci Communication Corp. Gds Publishing Ltd Ge Power Electronics Inc Ge Zenith Controls Inc Gebhardt Bauzentrum Geci Espanola Sa Gefaba Gmbh Gelbau Gmbh & Co Kg General Dynamics Mission Systems Inc General Dynamics Satcom Technologies, Inc. General Secretariat Of The Oas Generali Generali Deutschland Generali Deutschland Versicherung Ag Generali Pensions Management Gmbh Generate Evaporcool Llc Genesys Works National Capital Region Gensler & Associates International Limited Gensler Europe Limited Gentrankeservice Wolf Geode Capital Management, Llc Georg Endres

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Georgia Department Of Revenue Georgia Power Georgia Tech Foundation Inc Geosync Microwave Inc Gerrys Information Technology (Pvt) Ltd Getraenke Oehrlein Geumsan-Gun Office Geyser Telecom Ltd Gez Gebuehreneinzugszentrale Ghana Civil Aviation Authority Gibraltar International Trust Company Limited Gilat Colombia S.A.S E.S.P. Gilat Satellite Networks Ltd Gilat Satellite Networks, Ltd. Gilat Telecom Gilat Telecom Ltd. Gilat Telecom Ltd. ¿ Africa Gilat To Home Peru S.A. Gity A.S. Glasberg Assessoria Consultoria E Repres S.A Glaskupfer Gmbh Glassdoor Inc Gleiss Lutz Hoots Hirsch Partnbb Global Bondholder Services Corp Global Crossing Americas Solutions, Llc Global Data Systems, Inc. Global Digital Media Exchange Inc Global Integration Inc Global Knowledge Training Llc Global Radiodata Communication Ltd. Global Satellite Spain, S.L. Global Skyware Global Tower Globaleye International Co., Limited Globalization Partners Inc Globecast - (Dcpitalia) Globecast Africa Globecast Africa (Pty) Limited Globecast America - La Globecast America Inc. Globecast Asia Pte Ltd Globecast France Sas 33 Case 20-32299-KLP Doc 2170 Filed 05/11/21 Entered 05/11/21 14:51:29 Desc Main Document Page 43 of 94

Globecast Near & Middle East Sal Globecast North America Globecast Uk Limited Globecast Uk Ltd Globecomm Europe Bv Globecomm Network Services Corp. Globenet Cabos Submarinos America Inc Gmci Service Gmbh Gmo Gogo Brasil Telecomunicacoes Ltds Gogo Llc Golden Pen Office Equipment Llc Goldentree Asset Management, L.P. (U.S.) Goldman Sachs & Co. Llc Goldman Sachs Asset Management Goldman Sachs Bank Usa Goldman Sachs Lending Partners Golf Channel News Department Goodmans Llp Google Inc Goonhilly Earth Station Limited Government Executive Media Group Llc Government Of India - Gst Grafik Marketing Communications Ltd Grant Thornton Grapevine Janitorial Service Inc Grass Valley Usa Llc Graybar Electric Company, Inc. Great Communications Pty Ltd Greg Herman Grosvenor Place Pty Ltd Groupe Sharegate Inc Growthpoint Management Services Grupo Convergencia Sa Gruporpp S.A.C. Gsm Association Gsma Ltd Gso / Blackstone Debt Funds Management, Llc Gtd Teleductos.S.A. Gtt Communications Inc Guardian Investor Services Llc

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Guidepoint Security Llc Guidepost Strategies Llc Guidespark Inc Guya.Com.Mx,Sc Guyana Telephone & Telegraph Co. Gvf Gym Mechanic H Trading Comercio Exterior Ltda H&W Pro Tel Gmbh Haga Metallbau Gmbh Halfords Limited Harbert Management Corporation Harbor Research Inc Harmonic Inc Harmonic International Ag Hartford Financial Services Group Harvard Business School Publishing Hatif Libya Haufe Service Center Gmbh Hauptzollamt Koln Hauptzollamt Nurnberg Havtech Llc Hawaii Pacific Teleport, Lp Hawaii State Tax Collector Hawaiian Electric Company Hawaiian Telcom, Inc Hawthorne Power Systems Hazardous Waster Haulers Inc Hbo Latin America Production Services, L.C. Hbo-Strategic Hdnet Llc Hdnet Llc (Ou) Healthcare Actuaries Llc Healthcare Of Ontario Pension Plan Hearst Television, Inc. Heidemarie Reisner Heights Capital Management, Inc. Heikos Radschuppen Heinrich & Schleyer Gmbh Heise Zeitschriften Verlag Helios Hr Llc

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Henrique Salazar Da Silva Herbach Brandschutz-Arbeitsschutz Gmbh Herbert Smith Freehills Llp Herco Wassertechnik Heritage Action For America Heritier & Halimi Herrick, Feinstein Llp Herring Networks, Inc. Herzog Fox & Neeman Hg Vora Capital Management Llc Hgs Klaus Ruger Highbridge Capital Management, Llc Higher Ground Llc Highland Capital Management Lp Hilton Mclean Tysons Corner Hiroko Ebizuka Hispanic Information & Telecommunications Hispasat S.A. Hitachi Kokusai Electric Comark Llc Hitt Contracting Inc. Hm Revenue & Customs Hochemer Buro Gmbh & Co Kg Hoffmann Nurnberg Gmbh Hogan Lovells International Llp Hogan Lovells Us Llp Hohmann Elektronik Gmbh Holland & Knight Llp Hollis Electronics Company Home Box Office (Ou) Home Box Office, Inc. Honeywell International Inc Hoosier Energy Hope Channel, Inc. Hoppecke Batterien Gmbh & Co Kg Horizon-3 Satellite Llc Host Spain Holdings Hot Shot Infrared Inspections Inc Hotel Frankenland Gmbh Houghton Mifflin Company Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Houlihan Lokey

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House Of Training Howard Fischer Association Hr Business Management Sr Corporation Hrt FidaLuxembourg Sa Hs Hamburger Software Gmbh & Co Kg Hsbc Bank Usa Hsbc Global Asset Management (Usa), Inc. Hsbc Trinkaus & Burkhardt Ag Hubbard Radio Washington Dc Llc Huber & Suhner Gmbh Hudson Fiber Network Huefner Brandschutz Gmbh Hughes Landscaping Inc Hughes Network Systems Llc Hughes Network Systems, Llc Hughes Network Systems, Llc (International) Hughes Network Systems, Llc (Satellite Services) Hughes Network Systems-Usa Huk Coburg Krankenversicherung Ag Human Capital Consultants Llc Hungaro Digitel Plc Hunter Communications Inc. Hyde & Associates Ou Hyundai Marine & Fire Group Hyundai Marine & Fire Insurance Co Ltd Hza Schweinfurt I F Engineering Corp I Radio North East And Midlands Ltd Iabg Teleport Gmbh Ibc Convention Office Ibm Corporation Iccommodate Pty Ltd Icd Security Solutions Gk Icle Instituto De Cultura E Lingua Espanhola Idama Facilities Management Igillottresearch Inc. Iglesia Ministerio De Motivación Cristiana Ignitec Inc Igp, Inc. Igrafx Llc Ihs Global Inc

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Iko Media Group Ag Ilha Da Imagem Producoes E Eventos Ltda Ilobby Corp Imc - International Media Content Imedia Brands, Inc. Imeg Corp Imge Llc Impact Unlimited Inc Impossible But True Maint Llc Impot Sur Les Societes Incheon Airport Customs Income Tax Department India Independent Communications Authority Of South Africa Independent News Service Pvt. Ltd. Indiasign Private Limited Indo Teleports Limited Indusind Media & Communications Limited Industrial Battery Solutions Llc Industrias Audiovisuales Mexicanas, S.A. De C.V. Industrie U Handelskammer Inet Mexico Infini Ltd Infinite Electronics International Inc Infinite Energy Inc Gas Infobase Publishers Inc Informa Telecoms & Media Group Informa Uk Ltd Informatica Llc Informatics Services Corporation Information Communications Network Company Infosoft Group Llc Dba Dcjobs.Com Infrasat Telecomunicações, Sa Ingenieurburo Hockgeiger Inland Empire Survey And Engineering Inc Inland Revenue Authority Of Singapore Inmarsat Inc. Inmarsat Solutions B.V. Inmobiliara Amme Sa De Cv Innovation Science And Economic Development Canada Insp, Llc Inspection Of Federal Tax Service Moscow No 5

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Institute Of Geosciences, Energy, Water And Environment (Igewe) Instituto Nacional De Radio Y Television Del Peru Intavision Media Productions Corporation Integra Optics Inc Integrasys Llc Integrated Computer Solutions, Inc. Integrated Electrical Contractors Integrated Network Cables Integrated Security Technologies Integrated Solutions Management Inc. Interamerica Broadcasting & Production Co. S.A. Interface Media Group Inc Interflon Interior For Change Intermountain Rural Elec Assoc International Business Consultants International Civil Aviation Organization International Media Distribution, Llc International Quality & Productivity Center (Iqpc) Fz Llc International Sos Assistance, Inc. International Telecomm. & Networks, Inc. International Telecommunication Union International Telecommunications Satellite Organization (Itso) Internet Protocol Television Society Intertel Nigeria Ltd Intertrade Brasil Interxect Limited (Ibs Broadcast) Interxion Duetschland Gmbh Intouch Relocations Pty Intrado Enterprise Collaboration Inc Intrasky (Offshore) Sal Invesco Advisers, Inc. Invesco Canada Ltd. Invesco Capital Management, Llc Invesco Senior Secured Management Inc Invesco, Ltd Invico Automation Gmbh Inwi (Wana Corporate) Iontuition Ip Access International, Inc. Ipreo Ipres 39 Case 20-32299-KLP Doc 2170 Filed 05/11/21 Entered 05/11/21 14:51:29 Desc Main Document Page 49 of 94

Ipromoteu.Com Inc Iraq Telecommunications & Post Company Irib Iricht Solutions Development Co Ltd Iris Smart Technologies Ltd Iron Mountain Record Management,Inc Iron Mountain Sa (Pty) Ltd Irt Technologies Inc Is Internet Solutions Limited Isa Technology Corporation Ltd Isat Africa Ltd. Fzc Isnet Electronic Information Production,Distribution,Trade And Comm,Services Inc Israel Aerospace Industries Ltd Isro Istreamplanet Llc Itc Water Management Itissalat Al Maghrib S.A.-Morocco Itoki Corporation Itsavvy Itso Arbitration Itv-Independent Television Limited Ivens Consult Ltda. Ivy Investment Management Co J Knittel Sohne Handelsges Mbh J.M. Hartwell, L.P. J.P. Morgan Investment Management, Inc. J.P. Morgan Securities, Llc Ja Hofmann Nachf Gmbh Jacobs, Don Jacqueline Reses Jaekel Jaikishan Singh James Chase Solutions Limited Janus Capital Management, Llc Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (Tanegashima Space Center) Japan International Broadcasting Inc. Japan Military Review Jason Electronics (Pte) Ltd Jbb Data Consult Gmbh Jds Tank Testing & Repair Inc 40 Case 20-32299-KLP Doc 2170 Filed 05/11/21 Entered 05/11/21 14:51:29 Desc Main Document Page 50 of 94

Jeffrey Ball Jeffrey Stein Jellyvision Lab Inc Jenner & Block Llp Jensen's Ornamental, Inc. Jetbrains Americas Inc Jfw Industries, Inc. Jill Frizzley Jk Moving Services Jmbl Personnel Inc Jnr & Associates Jobs.Lu Ltd John W Ffooks & Co (International) Ltd Johns Hopkins Healthcare Johnson Controls Fire Protection Lp Johnson Controls Inc. Joho Tsusin Sinkokai Jonathan Foster Jones Day Journal Special Des Societes Journey Office Builders Inc Jp Morgan Asset Management Jp Morgan Security Llc Jpc Cleaning Services Ltd Jpmorgan Asset Management Jpmorgan Chase Bank, National Association Js Real Estate Multigestau Fii Jsat International Inc Jsat International Inc. Jsc Gazprom Space Systems Jsc Uzbektelecom Js-Dienstleistungen Juan Pablo Cofino Judo Wasseraufbereitung Gmbh Julius Friedr Kronlein Jupiter Microwave Components Inc Justin Bradley K&L Microwave Inc K4 Mobility Llc Kaffee Partner Ost Automation Gmbh Kako Kaelte Konzept Gmbh

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Kanto Bureau Of Telecommunication Karl Heidelmeier Gmbh & Co Kg Katten Muchin Rosenman Llp Kaufomat Gmbh Kbs America, Inc. Kcw Global Dba Nclud Kddi America, Inc. Kddi Corporation Kddi Corporation (Mobility) Kddi Corporation (Video) Kdfw Fox4 News Kdp Asset Management Inc Ke Nui Construction Llc Kelley Drye & Warren, Llp Kelly Generator & Equipment Inc Kelly Professional Assignments Ken Systems Kenya Broadcasting Corporation Kenya Civil Aviation Authority (Kcaa) Kenya Revenue Authority Kern Corporation Key Metric Software Key Square Group, L.P. Keysight Technologies Deutschland Gmbh Keysight Technologies Inc Keystone Enterprise Services (Nst) Keystone Law Kforce Inc Kim & Chang Kingdom Africa Media Limited Kinki Bureau Of Telecommunications Kinolt Usa Inc Kinsmets Nigeria Enterprises Kiss Tv Music Srl Kkr Asset Management Llc Kkr Credit Advisors (Us), Llc Kkr Fi Advisors Llc Klaus Scharf Klueber Lubrication Deutschland Se & Co Kg Kneip Communications Sa Knowbe4 Inc 42 Case 20-32299-KLP Doc 2170 Filed 05/11/21 Entered 05/11/21 14:51:29 Desc Main Document Page 52 of 94

Koch Bauunternehmung Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co Kojimachi Office National Tax Agency Kommunal Unternehmen Kongsberg Satellite Services As Konica Minolta South Africa Kordia Pty Ltd Korn Ferry (Us) Kpmg Ag Kpmg Argentina Kpmg Auditores Independentes Kpmg Hong Kong Kpmg Inc Kpmg Llp Kpmg Sa Kratos Communications Inc. Kratos Integral Systems International Inc Kratos Spectral Services Kratos Technology & Training Solutions Inc Kropmann Konsult Limited Kroschke Sign-International Gmbh Ksat Global As Ktsat Ktsat Co. Ltd. Kuri Brena Sanchez Ugarte Y Aznar Sc Kvh Industries Inc. Kwsu/Ktnw Television Kymeta Kymeta Corporation Kyushu Bureau Of Telecommunications L.S. Grim Consulting Engineers L3 Narda Miteq L3 Narda-Atm Labcorp Employer Services Inc L'africaine Des Garantieset Du Cautionnement Lamhas Satellite Services Limited Landeshauptstadt Hannover Landesjustizkasse Bamberg Landratsamt Langevin Learning Services Us Inc Langguth Gmbh Language Line Services, Inc 43 Case 20-32299-KLP Doc 2170 Filed 05/11/21 Entered 05/11/21 14:51:29 Desc Main Document Page 53 of 94

Language Solution - Curso De Idiomas Ltds Lanka Bell Limited Lanor International Ltd Laptv Atlanta Partners Latham & Watkins Lawrence Derrick & Associates Lbisat Llc Lcdc Telecoms Leading Technology Solutions Inc Leadmd Llc Lease Query Llc Leaves Horticulture Llc Lebenshilfe Wfbm Lechwerke Ag Lee & Lee Associates Lee Hecht Harrison Llc Lee Ittner Legal & General Assurance Society Limited Leigh Saxton Green Lenny Higgins Leo Sa Lersch Traducoes Ltda Les Halles Business Centre Lesea Broadcasting Level 3 Communications Llc Level 3 Communications, Llc Lewis Pr Inc Lg Uplus Corporation Liberty Iberoamerica S.L.U. Liberty Mutual Group Libya Telecom & Technology Ltt Lieder Development, Inc Life Concierge Co Ltd Lifeplaza Partners Corporation Lifetime Entertainment Services Ligado Networks Llc Light Servicos De Electricidade Se Lightning Tools Ltd Limelight Cleaning Link Electronics, Inc. Linkedin Corporation

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Linkup Communications Corporation Liontree Advisors Llc Liquid Telecommunications Operations Limited Liquid Telecommunications South Africa (Pty) Ltd Liquid Telecommunications South Africa (Pty) Ltd. Littlejohn & Co., Llc Llc Insurance Company Allianz Life Lloyd's Of London Lmi Advisors Llc Lockheed Martin Australia Pty Ltd Lockheed Martin Commercial Space Systems Lockheed Martin Corporation Commercial Space Systems Loeb & Loeb Llp Loews Corp London Borough Of Hounslow Loomis Sayles & Company, L.P. L'opera S.C. Loral Cyberstar Loral Cyberstar Gmbh Lord, Abbett & Co., Llc Los Angeles County Tax Collector Los Cipreses Sa Loverro Consulting Loyens & Loeff Luxembourg Sarl Ls Telcom Inc Lubrication Engineers Germany Gmbh Luna Space Telecommunications Company Limited ("Skyband") Luxembourg Space Telecommunication S.A. Luxembourgspace Lyngsat Projects Ab M Arthur Gensler Jr & Associates Inc M White Rabbit Ma Eugenia Gonzalez Sanchez Mackay Shields, Llc Macquarie Capital Group Limited Mafalda Lobo Mahube Turnkey Solutions (Pty) Ltd Mailroom Finance Dba Totalfunds By Hasler Main Event Caterers Main Post Gmbh & Co Kg Major League Baseball Network

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Maloney Associates Ltd Mannelli & Associes Sa Mannheimer Perez Lyra E Horta Advic E Consult Manulife Asset Management (Us) Llc Manulife Investment Management (U.S.), Llc Marathon Asset Management, L.L.C. Marcia Brayboy Mardi Gras World Llc Margaret J Mackenzie Maria Frangelaki Maria Ines Sanchez B Mariano Etchegaray Marine Technologies, Llc Maringa Passagens E Turismo Ltda Maritime Executive Llc, The Mark Bluestone Market Iq Cc Marketo Inc Marlink As Marsh Japan Marsh Uk Ltd Marsh Usa Inc. Marshall Islands Nat'l Telecom Authority Maru T Pty T/A Smart Future Marunouchi Shinbun Marval & O'farrell Mason Street Advisors, Llc Master Servicos E Comercio Ltda Matheson Mathworks, Inc., The Matrix Business Solutions Ltd Mavis Satcom Limited (Jaya Tv) Mawasem Ltd T/A Clarity Maxair Inc Maxim Crane Works Lp Mccorriston Miller Mukai Mackinnon Llp Mcdermott, Will & Emery Mcglade, David Paul Mcgrath Rentcorp Dba Mmps Mcgrath Rentcorp Dba Trs-Rentelco Mci International, Inc.

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Mclean Lessee Llc Dba Hilton Mclean Tysons Corner Mechantech Inc Medco Health Solutions Inc Media Broadcast Satellite Gmbh Media Links Inc Media Networks Latin America Sac Media Niugini Limited. - Emtv Media Transport Solutions Llc Mediametrie Mediamobil Communication Gmbh Mediavision Cloud Llc Mediaworks Mef Forum Mega Media Holdings, Inc Megafon Pjsc Mellon Investments Corporation Melqart Asset Management (Uk), Ltd Mena Broadband Technologies Llc Meo - Serviços De Comunicações E Mercantile Rental Finance Mercateo Ag Mercer (Us) Inc Mercury Servicos De Telecommunicacoes, Sarl Grupo Sonangol Mero-Tsk International Gmbh & Co Kg Merrill Communications Llc Merrill Lynch Messenger Express Transportes Internacionail Ltda Mestek Inc Meteor Trading Metlife Metlife Alico Metracom Metro Power Inc Metropolitan Life Seguros E Previdencia Privada Metropolitan West Asset Management Metzgerei Bauer M-Files Inc Mfs Investment Management Mg-Soft Doo Miami-Dade Tax Collection Mic (Chugoku Bureau Of Telecommunications

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Michael Foreman Michael Stoeth Michelmores Micro Strategies Inc Microcom Microsemi Frequency And Time Corporation Microsemi Frequency And Time Gmbh Microsoft Corporation Microspace Communications Corporation Microwave Components And Systems Inc Midexpo Exhibitions And Fairs, Llc Midocean Credit Partners Mig Capital, Llc Milano Teleport Srl Milbank Llp Milbank,Tweed,Hadley & Mccloy Millenial Solutions Millenium 161 Comercio Ltda Millennium Management, Llc Mini-Circuits Laboratories Minimax Mobile Services Gmbh & Co Kg Ministere Des Postes, Telecommunications Et Ntics Ministère Des Transports Et Des Communications Ministerio Da Fazenda Ministerio Da Previdencia Social Ministerio Transportes Y Comunicaciones Ministry Of Communications (Kuwait) Ministry Of Foreign Affairs Oman Ministry Of Justice Ministry Of Maritime Affairs, Transportation & Comm (Croatia) Ministry Of Post & Telecommunications (North Korea) Ministry Of Ptt (Algeria) Ministry Of Transport & Comm. (Kgz) Ministry Of Transport And Communications Miq Logistics Japan Ltd Miranda & Amado Abogados Miranda Technologies Inc Mirsat Sal Mitsubishi Estate Building Management Co Lt Mitsubishi Ufj Financial Group Mittelmann Sicherheirstechnik Gmbh & Co Kg

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Miweko Mkk Consulting Engineers Inc Mnks Sarl Mobicom Networks Llc Mobil Satellite Technologies Mobile Accord Mobile Experts Inc Mobile Telecommunications Limited Mobile Telephone Networks (Pty) Ltd. Modern Door & Equipment Sales Inc Modular Dreams Inc Moelis Mohsin Meghji Mongolia Telecom Montevideo Teleport International Montgomery County Moody's Canada Inc Moreno Ruffinelli & Asociados Morgan Interior Group Inc Morgan Stanley Morgan Stanley & Company, Llc Morgan Stanley Bank National Association Morgan Stanley Investment Management Inc. Morgan Stanley Senior Funding, Inc. Morganfranklin Consulting Llc Morgan-Keller Inc Morrison & Foerster Llp Morrow-Meadows Corp Moscow Regional Dept Of Social Incurance Fund Of Russian Federation Mossel/Digicel (Jamaica) Ltd. Mothership Transports Corporation Mouser Electronics Mrc Gigacomp Gmbh & Co Kg Mrm Log Transportes Eireli M-S Electroteks Limited Ms Johnston Co Inc Ms Telecom Services Ltda Msb Architects Llc Msd Capital Msm Asia Ltd Msnbc (Microsoft Nbc)

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Mtn Dubai Ltd Mtn Globalconnect Solutions Limited Mtn Globalconnect Solutions Limited (Nigeria) Mtn Nigeria Communications Mtn Nigeria Communications Limited Mtv Asia Mtv Networks Mtv Networks, Latin America Inc. Mtx Messenger Transportes Expressos Ltda Me Mudgal International Muller & Meissner Gmbh Muller Landtechnik Kg Muller Wegener Multichoice Africa Holdings Bv Multichoice Africa Limited Multichoice Support Services Proprietary Limited Multimedia Cti S.A. De C.V. Multimodal Enterprises Inc. Multipoint Communications Ltd. Mundo Startel Sa Munich Re Municom Gmbh Music Choice Muslim Television Muzak Llc Muzinich & Company, Inc. Mvr Projects Cc Mx1 C.E.E S.A. Mx1 Cee Sa Mx1 Inc Mx1 Ltd. Myanmar Posts And Telecommunications (Mpt) Myrepublic Ltd Mysat Pty Ltd Nalu Electrical Contractors Llc Nama (Nigerian Airspace Management Agency) Napa County Tax Collector Napa Sanitation District Napa Valley Commons Napier Park Global Capital (Us), L.P. Nation Media Group 50 Case 20-32299-KLP Doc 2170 Filed 05/11/21 Entered 05/11/21 14:51:29 Desc Main Document Page 60 of 94

National Agency For Meteorology Of Mongolia National Association Of Broadcasters National Association Of Broadcasters (Nab) National Broadcasting Company Inc. (Usa) National Economic Research Associates Inc National Hospital Insurance Fund National Industrial Training Authority National Information & Communications Technology Authority National Instruments Corporation National Public Radio (Npr) National Service Source National Social Security Fund National Switchgear Systems Natixis Interepargne Navarino Technology Cy Ltd Nbc Facilities, Inc Nbc News Channel Nbc Sports Network (Nbcsn) Nbc Unisla Nbc Universal International Limited Nbc Universal International Networks Spanish Latin America Llc Nbc Universal Media, Llc Nc Department Of Revenue Ncwaba Logistics (Pty) Ltd Nd Satcom Gmbh Neeb Werbesysteme Nep Connect Limited Nepal Doorsanchar Company Limited Nespresso Luxembourg Sa Net 100 Ltd Netdimensions Inc Neteon Techonologies Inc Nethope Inc Neuberger Berman Fixed Income Llc Neuberger Berman Group Llc Neuberger Berman Investment Advisers, Llc Neuberger Berman Llc Neuco Limited Nevion Usa, Inc. New England Cable News New Generation Advisors, Llc 51 Case 20-32299-KLP Doc 2170 Filed 05/11/21 Entered 05/11/21 14:51:29 Desc Main Document Page 61 of 94

New Jersey Corporation Tax New Orleans Marriott New Skies Satellites New Skies Satellites B.V. New Target Inc New Vision New York Life Investment Management Llc New Generation Advisors, Llc Newark Corporation Newcom International Inc Newfleet Asset Management Llc Newmeasures Llc News 106 Ltd Newway Systems Pte Ltd Nexstar Broadcasting Inc Next Step Company Limited Nfl Enterprises L.P. Nhk Cosmomedia America, Inc Nhk Global Media Services, Inc. Nigerian Television Authority Nihonchaen Inc Nine Networks Australia Pty Ltd. Nippon Hoso Kyokai Nirmal Stationers Niteroi Park Ltda Nm Assessoria E Consultoria Nnip Advisors B.V. Noatum Logistics Usa Llc Nobscot Corporation Noisewave Corporation Nokota Management, L.P. Nomura Corporate Research And Asset Management, Inc. (U.S.) Norsat International Inc. North American Broadcasters Association Northcoast Waterworks Northern Sky Research Llc Northern Trust Investments, Inc. Northern Virginia Chamber Of Commerce Nortis-Cimecom Sa Novavision Group Novelsat Ltd Nssl Global Ltd. 52 Case 20-32299-KLP Doc 2170 Filed 05/11/21 Entered 05/11/21 14:51:29 Desc Main Document Page 62 of 94

Nt Notfall Shop Ntl (Uk) Ntt Communications Corporation Ntt Electronics America Inc Ntt Finance Corporation Nt-Vsat Neguse Taddesse Nuffield Health Nuran Wireless Nurture Landscapes Ny State Department Of Taxation And Finance Ny1 News Nyc Department Of Finance Nykredit Asset Management A/S Nyr Shuttle Services Nys Department Of Taxation And Finance Nyse Market Inc Oaktree Capital Management, L.P. Oanda Corporation Oasis Networks Oberweis Sa Objective Systems Integrators Observatory Capital Management, Llp Oceanview Roofing Llc Octagon Credit Investors Llc Octopus Deploy Oec Telecom Ltda Me Ofcom - Office Of Communications Ofer Doron Management Services Ltd Office Depot De Mexico Sa De Cv Office Of Commissioner Of Insurance Office Of State Revenue Office Of The Revenue Commissioners Officebase Ltd T/A Red Box Officedrop Limited Oficio De Notas E Registro De Contratos Maritmos Oleo Films Olive & Goose Llc Oman Telecommunications Company (S.A.O.G.) Omega Advisors, Inc. Omikron Omniaccess S.L. 53 Case 20-32299-KLP Doc 2170 Filed 05/11/21 Entered 05/11/21 14:51:29 Desc Main Document Page 63 of 94

Omnispace Llc Onatel Burkina Faso Onati One Africa Television Pty Ltd One Commerce (Int'l) Corporation One Diversified Llc Onetrust Llc Ontario Refrigeration Service, Inc. Ontras Gastransport Gmbh Open Options Corporation Open Text Inc Opt French Polynesia (Oce) Optima Stantron Optus Optus Network Pty Ltd Optus Networks Pty Ltd. Optus Satellite Pty Ltd Opus It Services Pte Ltd Oracle America Inc Oracle Corporation Orange Ci Sa Orange Pcs Orange S.A. Orange S.A./Cameroun Orange S.A./Niger Orange Sa Orbicom (Pty) Limited Orbit Data Systems Ltd. Orbital Atk Space Logisitics Llc Orbital Research Ltd Orbital Sciences Corporation Orblynx Uk Ltd. O'reilly Media Inc Orion Express Orix Leasing Singapore Limited Orkin Llc Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe Llp Ortronics Inc Ossig Steuerberatungs Gmbh Otis Elevator Company Outremer Telecom (Martinique)

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Ovation Wireless Management Llc Overon America P E M Aranha Epp Pac-12 Enterprises Pacific Cable Products Pacific Cooperation Broadcasting Limited Pacific Investment Management Company Llc Pacific Islands Construction Pacific Islands Telecomunications Pacific Life Fund Advisors, Llc Pacific Life Insurance Company Pacific Television Center (Usa) Pacific Television Center, Inc Pacific Vaizeds Enterprise Limited Pactech Pactel Solutions Inc Pakistan Telecommunication Co. Ltd. Palau National Communications Corp. Panasonic Avionics Corporation Papelaria Maspapel Ltda Papua New Guinea Air Services Limited Paragon Document Solutions Parallel Wireless Paratus Telecommunications Ltd Park Avenue Institutionals Advisers Park Place Technologies Llc Parrilla Rio Bar E Restaurante Ltda Pars Telecommunications Inc. Passage Technology Llc Pasternack Enterprises Inc Pathfinder Digital Llc Patrick Boyle Paul Hastings Llp Paul Keglevic Paul,Weiss,Rifkind,Wharton & Garrison Paulo Lima Payscale Inc Pccw Global (Hk) Limited Pccw Global Inc Pcm Sales Tiger Direct Peak Communications Ltd

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Pearl Meyer & Partners Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp. Pentwater Capital Management, L.P. Pericle Communications Company Peter Hart Peter J J Lyall Peterson Power Systems Pg&E Pgim, Inc. Phoenix Investment Adviser, Llc Phone Pro Dba Bonfire Training Pick N Pay Woodmead Pierce Piller Germany Gmbh & Co Kg Piller Inc. Pillsbury Winthrop Llp Pimco Pinebridge Investments, Llc Pinheiro Neto Pitney Bowes Inc Pjsc Vimpel Communications Pjt Partners Lp Planet Communications Asia Public Company Limited Planet Gifts Cc Planet Technologies Inc. Planetcast Media Services Limited Plansource Benefits Administration Inc Pluralsight Llc Png Dataco Limited Pointstate Capital, L.P. Pop Media Networks Llc Popular Book Company Pte Ltd Portman Travel (Ireland) Ltd Post Telecom S.A. Potomac Edison Potomac Edison Dba First Energy Potomac Partners Ppm America, Inc. Precision Air Conditioning Inc. Precision Machine & Tool Works, Inc Precision Optical Transceivers

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Premier Elevator Company, Inc Previmuno Centro De Imunizacao Ltda Price Waterhouse & Co Asesores De Empresas Price Waterhouse & Co Llp Pricewaterhouse Coopers Pricewaterhouse Coopers Luxembourg Pricewaterhousecoopers Gmbh Pricewaterhousecoopers Inc Pricewaterhousecoopers Limited Pricewaterhousecoopers Llp Pricewaterhousecoopers Private Limited Pricewaterhousecoopers Sc Pricewaterhousecoopers Singapore Pte Ltd Prima Broadcasting Group Srl Primal Cause Inc Primexis Primus Telecommunications Uk Ltd. Principal Global Investors, Llc Priority Building Services, Llc Pritchett Controls Inc Pro Shop Corporate Procoaters Incorporated Procomsat Procurement Negocios Eletronicos S/A Produccion & Distribucion Corp. Producciones Artak 17 C.A. Professional Maintenance Company Progress Software Corporation Prolasa S.A. Prologis Lp Prometeo Srl Proseris Services Llc Prosiebensat.1 Produktion Gmbh Providence Equity Partners Inc Providence Equity Partners Llc Province, Inc. Proxalto Lebenscersicherung Ag Prudential Investment Management Inc Pryor Cashman Llp Pssi Global Services/Strategic Television Pssi International Teleport, Llc

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Psvag Pt. Aplikanusa Lintasarta Pt. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk. Public Company Accounting Oversight Board Public Joint Stock Company "Vimpel-Communications" Pulse Power & Measurement Inc Pulse Power And Measurement Ltd. Pulsify Inc Puretec Industrial Water Putnam Advisory Company Llc Putnam Investment Management, Llc Putnam Investments Pwc Product Sales Llc Pwc Tax Information Reporting Sarl Q9 Elements Ltd Q-Kon Africa (Pty) Ltd. Q-Kon Pty Ltd South Africa Qsat Communications Qualtrics Llc Quantis Global S.L. Quantum Technology Resource Group Quest Software Inc Quilty Analytics Llc Quinn Company Dba Quinn Power Systems Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan Llp Quirc Inc Quyn Payrollservices Pty Ltd R Keller Rabindra Kaiborta Rabota Llc Racine Membre D' Ernst & Young Radio And Tv Palestine Today Network For International Media Limited Radio Panamericana S.A. Radio Television Ivoirienne Radio Y Television Nicaraguense, S.A. Radiodiffusion Television Senegalaise Radisson Blu Hotel Paris Boulogne Rai Amsterdam Rancher Labs Rand Construction Corporation Randpark Club

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Randstad North America Inc Rartel Sa Rascomstar-Qaf Ratskeller Raue Llp Raytheon Company Rbc Capital Markets, Llc Rbc Cees Guernsey Limited Rbc Dominion Securities, Inc. Rcm Technologies Inc Rcn Telecom Services Llc Rcn Television Rda Corporation Reactel Incorporated Ready Fitness Rebaur Telecomm Ltd Rebel Radio Network Pty Ltd Recall Ledger Contadores & Consulatores Sc Ltda Recall Ledger Desenvolvimento Recette Centrale Receveur Percepteur Municipal De Dakar Record Enterprise Television Inc. Red Bee Media Bv Red Hawk Fire & Security Red Radiodifusoras De Mexico Redstone Group Redwood Capital Management, Llc Refinitiv Us Llc Rega Businesscenter Gmbh Regal Beloit Canada Ulc Regie Des Voies Aeriennes (Rva) Regierung Von Unterfranken Regus Business Centre (Beijing) Ltd Regus Business Consultancy (Beijing) Ltd Regus Paris Regus Senegal Reichelt Elektronik Gmbh & Co Kg Reifen Muller Kg Reiseservice Zink Reliance Flag Telecom Ireland Dac Relo-X Communications Limited

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Remote Dba Experts Llc Renaissance Washington Dc Hotel Renault Bank Rentokil Na Dba Western Exterminator Company Resonate Hawaii Resonate Regional Radio Pty Ltd. Rf-Design, Ralf Mayr Rf-Lambda Usa Llc Rfmw Rh Lapp & Sons Inc Rhinehart Oil Co Llc Rhonmetzgerei Klaus Arnold Right Management Inc Rigler Deutsch Foundation, The Rignet Inc - Hurrican Relief Account Rignet Inc Abu Dhabi Rignet Inc. Rignet Inc. Abu Dhabi Rignet Uk Ltd Rio Pacifico Sac Ripplematch Inc Rita Gerdenitsch Riverside County Treasurer Rkf Engineering Solutions Llc Rm Towill Corporation Roadmunk Inc Roberts Equipment Service Roberts Flight Information Region Roberts Immigration Law Group Llc Robinson & Cole Llp Rochelle Sharpe Rockdale County Tax Commissioner Rodriguez, Larrondo & Associates, Sc Roesser Gmbh & Co Kg Rogue Wave Software Rohde & Schwarz Gmbh & Co. Kg Rohde & Schwarz, Inc Romantis Gmbh Romantis Ooo Romulo Mabanta Buenaventura Sayoc & De Los Angeles Ropes & Gray Llp

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Rosetta Translation Rousseau Services Llc Royal Bank Of Canada Royal London Asset Management, Ltd Royal Media Services Ltd Rp Investment Advisors, L.P. Rpc Telecommunications Ltd. Rrj Technical Services Inc Rs Components Gmbh Rsm Sa Inc Rsm Us Llp Rsu Gmbh Rte Ireland Rts Fm Sarl Rts Solutionz Inc Rural Telecommunications Chile S.A. Rusat Llc Rushport Ventures Llc Russelectric Inc Russian Media Group, Llc Rw Davis Oil Company Inc Ryan Llc Ryansharkey Llp Ryder Truck Rental Inc S&P Capital Iq Llc S.C. Rcs & Rds S.A. S.D.E. S.A. (Cablesat) S.Ganesh Sa Institute Of Chartered Secretaries Saba World Offshore Sal Saeki Drugs Safari Books Online Llc Safran Data Systems Sas Sage Communications Sage Software Inc Sagenet Llc. Saham Assurance Senegal Sai Global Compliance Inc Salary.Com Salesforce.Com, Inc. Salientpoint Llc

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Salinger Sam Hwa Kim Saman Satellite Communication Group Samasi Advisory Tax Audit Samil Pricewaterhouse Coopers Sanai Clinic Sanden High Assurance Solutions Llc Sandown Travel (Pty) Ltd Sangikyo Eos Corporation Sanket Patel Sanlam Sansa Space Operations Santa Ana Springs Sa De Cv Santander Teleport Sl Sap America Inc. Sarah Jones Sat Corporation Satcom Direct Satcom Direct, Inc Satcom Global Limited Satcom Law Llc Sat-Com Pty Ltd Satcom Services Satcube Ab Satellite Communication Systems, Inc. Satellite Engineering Group Satellite Industry Association Satellite Network Inc Satis-Tl-94 Ltd. Satprof Inc Satservice Gmbh Sat-Space Africa Ltd Satstar Ltd Saudi Inteltec Saudi Net Link Company Ltd Saudi Telecom Company Schaeflien Blumenhaus & Gaertnerei Schafer Shop Gmbh Schloss Saaleck Schmitts Catering Schneider Communications

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Schneider Electric It Usa Inc Schneider Electric Usa Inc Schneider Group Ooo Schneider Hygienetechnik Gmbh Schneider Metallbau Kg Schroder Investment Management North America, Inc. Schuhmann, Walter Schutzgut Ek Scotia Capital, Inc. Scripto Sensu Sprl Seamcom Gmbh & Co Kg Seamless Alliance Seasat Communications Ltd Seavsat Bv Seb Investment Management Ab Second Branch Of Beijing State Tax Bureau Secova Inc Secretaria De Estado De Fazenda Secretaria Municipal De Fazenda Secretary Of The Commonwealth Sectek Inc Sector Microwave Industries Secure Alarms Securitas Security Services Usa Inc Securities And Exchange Commission Sed Systems Seguros Sura Sa Sei Private Trust Company Seiwabijinesu Corporation Seix Investment Advisors Llc Sentech Ltd (Is20) Sentech Soc Ltd Sentez Medya Limited Sirketi Sentieo Inc Sentinel Dome Partners, Llc Ser Publicidade E Assessoria Ltda Seradata Limited Serasa Experian Sertel S.A. Servest Pty Ltd T/A Servest Interior Solutions Servicenow Inc

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Servicio Para El Transp. De Info. S.A. Servicio Satelital S.A. Servicios Audiovisuales Overon, S.L. Servicios En Telecomunicaciones Servicios Informativos Nacionales Srl Servicios Telefonicos S.A. (Setel S.A.) Ses Americom (Wit) Ses Astra Sa Ses Sistemas Electronicos S.A. Ses Techcom Sa Sespe Consulting Inc Sevone Inc Seward & Kissel Llp Sg Americas Securities, Llc Sgm International Ltd Shalamov Alexander Sharaf Travels Llc Sharp Electronics Corporation Shenkman Capital Management, Inc. Shentel Communications Llc Shepherd's Chapel Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton Llp Shi International Corp Showtime Networks, Inc. Shred It South Africa Shred It Usa Shred-On-Site Shwe Than Lwin Media Co., Ltd. Siama Systems Inc Sicana Inc Sicotel Communications Sie Paris 8e La Madeline Siemens Industry Inc Sigmasat Usa, Inc Signalhorn Trusted Networks Gmbh Signet Technologies Inc Silverback Asset Management, Llc Simanye Consulting Siminn Siminn Hf Simon Kucher & Partners, Strategy & Marketing Consultants Llc

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Simplilearn Americas Inc Sinclair Broadcast Group Inc Sindisat Singapore Exhibition Services Pte Ltd Singapore Press Holdings Ltd Singapore Telecommunications Limited (Channel Services) Singapore Telecommunications Ltd Sino Satellite Communications Company Ltd Sirius Xm Radio, Inc. Sis Live Ltd Site Seven Media T/A Tower Xchange Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom Llp Sksat Servicos E Consultoria Em Ead Sky Brasil Servicos Ltda. Sky Harbor Capital Management, Llc Sky Perfect Jsat Corporation Sky Serviços De Banda Larga Ltda. Sky Sni Operations Ltd. Skylink Technology Inc Skynet De Colombia S.A.S. E.S.P. Skyroq Llc Sba Skyroq Consulting Sky-Stream Fz Llc Slate Path Capital, L.P. Slaughter And May Slovak Telekom A.S. Smart Africa Secretariat Smartpros Ltd Smartvm Smc Papelaria E Informatica Smi Group Ltd Sml Enterprises Inc Data Clean Sng Broadcast Services Limited Snowcat Capital Management, L.P. Sociedade Brasileira De Engenharia De Televisao Societe D'amenagement Et De Developpement Vert D/B/A Sadv Societe Generale Societe Internationale De Telecommunications Aeronautiques (Sita) S.C.R.L. Société Nationale De Développement Informatique Sodexo Sa Softbank Corp 65 Case 20-32299-KLP Doc 2170 Filed 05/11/21 Entered 05/11/21 14:51:29 Desc Main Document Page 75 of 94

Software Technology Parks Of India (Stpi) Sojitz Toruist Corporation Solid Surface Care Inc Solomon Telekom (Soltel) Soluciones De Negocios Fnx Sa De Cv Solus Alternative Asset Management, L.P. Sonatel Sonatel Mobiles Sa Sonema S.A. Sonepar Deutchland Region Sud Gmbh Sonoma Instrument Co Sony Pictures Networks India Private Limited Soros Fund Management, Llc Sotel - Tchad Sound Point Capital Management Lp South Africa Revenue Services South African Institute Of Tax Professionals Southern Califonia Security Systems Inc Southern California Edison Company (Sce) Southern Counties Oil Dba Sc Fuels Southwest Plumbing & Heating Co Inc Sp Services Sp Services Ltd Space Communication Ltd Space Data Association Space Foundation Space Logistics Llc Space News Inc Space Systems/ Loral, Llc Space Systems/Loral Llc Spaceflight Industries Inc. Spark New Zealand Trading Limited Speak First Limited Specialized Products Co Specialty Microwave Corp. Specops Software Inc Spectrum Financial Services Inc Spectrum Rsn, Llc Speedcast Australia Pty Ltd Speedcast Communications Inc Speedcast Limited

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Speedylite Sphinx Computer Vertriebs Gmbh Spirent Communications Spirit Radio Ltd Spoon Exhibit Services Inc Sport Konig Sports Video Group, Llc Sportschannel New England Lp Spotme Inc Spotts Fain Pc Spring Creek Investment Management Sprint Squadron Defense Group Inc Sri Laxmi E-Secure Ssc Space Us Inc St Engineering Idirect St Engineering Idirect (Europe) Cy Nv Staatsoberkasse Bayern Stahle Enterprises Limited Llc Stallion Oilfield Services Ltd. Standard & Poor's Star Electrical Co Pty Ltd Starz Entertainment, Llc State Of Maryland State Of New Jersey State Of Nj Department Of Treasury State Security Agency State Street Global Advisors (Ssga) Stellenbosch University Steven B. Sands Stewart Title Of California Inc Sth Japan Kk Stillpoint Capital Llc Stl-Sat Ireland Ltd Stn D.O.O. Stn Plc Stockmann Gmbh Stoeth Gmbh & Co Kg Stone Harbor Investment Partners, L.P. Storytech Consulting Llc Stouffer's Construction

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Stratosat Datacom Stratosat Datacom (Pty) Ltd Streamline Marketing Communications Structural Hawaii Inc Successfactors, Inc Sudhir Kumar Jain Suffel Fordertechnik Gmbh & Co Kg Sughrue Mion Pllc Sul America Companhia De Seguro Sully Vaiser Levy Sumitomo (Shi) Hansen Australia Pty Ltd Summit Strategies Ltd Sun Tv Network Limited Sundun Inc Of Washington Sunizo Llc Suntrust Bank Superintendencia De Telecomunicaciones Superlingua Supermercado Ultra Sol Supernet Limited Supply Solutions Llc Support And Logistics Services Llc Supremesat (Private) Ltd Sure (Diego Garcia) Limited Sure Power Inc Sure South Atlantic Limited (Ascension Island) Sure South Atlantic Limited (Falklands Islands) Sure South Atlantic Limited (St. Helena) Surveillance-Video.Com Susan Schulman Suzanne Erika Mcbride Svs Telekom As Swaziland Post And Telecommunications Corporation Swedish Microwave Ab Switch, Inc. Switch, The Sydney Teleport Services Sydney Teleport Services Pty Ltd. Symphony Asset Management, Llc Symphony Solutions Fz-Llc Syrian Telecommunications Establishment

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System Tools Software Inc T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc. T. Rowe Price Services, Inc. Tableau Software Inc Tafamus Rio Comercial Ltda Takckom Llc Talex Llc Tanveer Saad Tanzania Broadcasting Corporation (Tbc) Taralex Llc Tarasul Telecom Tata Aig General Insurance Co. Ltd Tata Communications (America) Inc Tata Communications (Japan) Kk Tata Communications (Netherlands) Bv Tata Communications (Uk) Limited Tata Communications Canada Ltd Tata Communications Deutschland Gmbh Taylor & Ryan Llc Tbk Bank, Ssb Tcw Asset Management Company Tcw Investment Management Company Td Satellite Communication System Co. Ltd. Teamviewer Gmbh Techconnection Technical Interiors Inc Dba Winsted Custom Division Technical Maintenance Inc Technische Akademie Esslingen Ev Technology Association Of Georgia Techsmith Corporation Techuk Tecom Investments Tega Gmbh Telcor Tele Greenland Tele Greenland As Tele Red Imagen S.A. Tele2 Sverige Ab Telearte S.A. Telecinco S.A. Telecom Argentina S.A. 69 Case 20-32299-KLP Doc 2170 Filed 05/11/21 Entered 05/11/21 14:51:29 Desc Main Document Page 79 of 94

Telecom Egypt Telecom Malagasy Telecom Media And Finance Associates Inc Telecom Namibia, Ltd. Telecomm Strategies Llp Telecommunicatiebedrijf Suriname (Telesur) Telecommunications Carriers Association Telecommunications Infrastructure Company (Tic) Telecompass Llc Telecraft E Solutions Pvt Ltd Telecuatro Guayaquil C.A Teledata De Mocambique, Lda Teledeportes Paraguay S.A. Teledyne Paradise Datacom Teledyne Storm Microwave Telefonica Broadcast Services Slu Telefonica Celular Del Paraguay S.A.E. Telefonica Chile S.A. Telefonica Compras Electronicas Telefonica Data Sa Adquira Telefonica De Espana, S.A. Telefonica Del Peru S.A.A. Telefonica Del Peru S.A.A. (M) Telefonica Empresas Chile S.A. Telefonica Global Services Gmbh Telefonica International Wholesale Services Ii, S.L.U. Telefónica Servicios Audiovisuales, S.A.U. (Tsa) Telefonica Uk Ltd Telefonos De Mexico Sab De Cv Teleglobe International Ltd. (Uk) Telehouse International Corporation Of Europe Limited Telekom Deutschland Gmbh Telekom Malaysia Berhad (128740p) Telemar Norte Leste S/A Telematikanet Llc Telemeter Electronic Gmbh Telemundo Network Group, Llc. Telemundo Of Puerto Rico Inc. Telenor (Uk) Ltd Telenor Global Services As Telenor Satellite As 70 Case 20-32299-KLP Doc 2170 Filed 05/11/21 Entered 05/11/21 14:51:29 Desc Main Document Page 80 of 94

Telenor Satellite Broadcasting As Telesat Canada Telesat Canada - Css Telesat International Ltd Telespazio (Finmeccanica) Telespazio Brasil Sa Telespazio S.P.A Telespazio S.P.A. Teletel Miami Corp. Televideo S.A.S Televisa S.A. De C.V. Television And Radio Broadcasting Network Of Armenia Cjsc (Trbna) Television Cerro Cora S.A. Television Nacional De Chile Television New Zealand Television Oceania Pty Limited. Telikom Png Limited Telkom Sa Limited Telkom Sa Soc Ltd Telkom Sr Ltda Telkomserv Corporation Telnet Nigeria Limited Telstra Telstra Broadcast Services Telstra Broadcast Services Pty Limited Telstra Corporation Limited Telstra Incorporated Telstra International Limited Tempton Industrial Solutions Gmbh Teneo Strategy Llc Tenpearls Llc Teracor Resource Management Inc Tesam Argentina Sa Tesoreria De La Federacion Tessco Incorporated Test Equity Llc Tgc, Llc Th & Cs Inc Dba Us Lawns Of Frederick Thales Alenia Space France Ses The Associated Press The Boeing Company

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The Brattle Group Inc The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints The Comcast Network (Philadelphia), Llc The Cw Network Llc The Fiction Tribe Inc The Gas Co The Golf Channel - Road Show The Golf Channel - Tourneys The Guardian Life Insurance Company Of America The Paper Group Dba Pape Material Handling The Reddy Law Firm P.C. The Spaceconnection, Inc The Star Independent Newspapers Pty Ltd The Vanguard Group, Inc. The X Corporation Therma Llc Third Point, Llc Thomas Ferguson Thomson Reuters (Tax & Accounting) Inc Thomson Reuters West (Serengeti) Thornburg Investment Management Thrivent Asset Management, Llc Thrivent Financial Ticra Tig Advisors, Llc Tim Cornett Tim Schermerhorn Tinsky Connect (Pty) Ltd Tmf Services (China) Co Tmg Legal, Inc. Tmt Consultants Ltd T/A Tmt Finance Tnt Express Gmbh Tokai Bureau Of Telecommunications Tokio Marine Group Tokyo Bussan Tokyo Sr (Labor Insurance Management Association) Tonga Min.Of Lands, Survey & Natural Resource Toole's Lawn & Landscape Top Comunications Estegia, C.A. Top Eventservice Topregal Gmbh 72 Case 20-32299-KLP Doc 2170 Filed 05/11/21 Entered 05/11/21 14:51:29 Desc Main Document Page 82 of 94

Torneos Y Compentencias Total North Communications Ltd Tovey Shultz Construction Inc Towers Watson Towers Watson Delaware Inc Towerstream I, Inc. Tr Design Group Inc Tra-Cal Llc Trace International, Inc Trane Us Inc Trans World Radio Trans-Asia Inc Transcat Inc Transfinite Systems, Ltd. Transgrid Transperfect Translations Transporter Group Transtech Africa Global Llc Travis Agricultural Construction Inc Treasurer, City & County Of Denver Trench Rossi E Watanabe Advogados Tres Sistemas De Comunicacion S.L. Triaton Gmbh Global Comm. Services -D Triay Stagnetto Tribune Broadcasting Tribune Broadcasting Company Llc Tribune Distribution Company, Llc Tricor Kk Trilogic Inc Trilogy Networks Inc Trinity Christian Center Of Santa Ana, Inc. (D/B/A Trinity Broadcasting Network) Tri-State Christian Tv Trock Media Solutions Llc Troutman Sanders Llp True North (Pty) Ltd Tryco International, Inc. - Guinea Bisseau Tsat Tsat As Tst Kommunikationstechnik T-Systems

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Ttcomm S.A. Ttp Plc Tube Graphics Co Ltd Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. Turner Entertainment Networks Turtle & Hughes Inc Tuxedo Glass & Mirror Company Tv Azteca S.A.B. De C.V. Tv Licences Tv Plus Broadcasting Company Pty Ltd Tv Today Network Limited Tv18 Broadcast Ltd. Tv3 Network Services Ltd Tv5 Monde S.A. Tvbi Company Limited Tvc Communications Llc Tyco Fire Security & Services Pte Led Tysons Corner Office I Llc U It Sarl U.S. Customs And Border Protection Ubf Edv Handel Und Beratung Ubs Asset Management (Americas) Inc. Ubs Financial Services, Inc. (Investment Advisor) Ubs Loan Finance Ubs Securities, Llc Ucview Inc Udo Lermann Technik Gmbh Uganda Broadcasting Corporation Uhp Networks Inc Ultisat Europe A/S Unidad Reguladora De Servicos De Comunicaciones (Ursec) Unimat Life Corporation Unisat Engenharia Consultoria United Behavorial Health United Business Machines Eg United Healthcare Insurance Company United Nations United Parcel Service Inc & Co Ohg United Rentals Inc United States Council For International Business United States Telecommunications Training Institute

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United States Treasury United Teleports Inc. United Water Conservation District Universal Satcom Universal Service Administrative Company Universal Switching Corporation Universal Television Networks Universal-Investment-Gesellschaft Mbh Universidad Catolica De Chile Universidad De Chile Universitat Der Bundeswehr University Of California San Diego 14819 University Of Chile University Of The South Pacific University Of Washington Communications, Inc. Univision Networks & Studios, Inc. Unum Ltd Us Bank, Na Us Department Of State Us Electrodynamics Us Engineering Company Us Smoke & Fire Corp Usaa Capital Corporation Usen's Botanical Menagerie Utv Radio (Roi) Ltd Valiant Middle East General Trading Llc Vallejo Fire Extinguisher Valorizacao Empressa De Cafe Sa Valour Consultancy Ltd Van Winden Landscaping, Inc. Vandyke Software Varde Partners Vaxserve Inc. Vba Servicos De Escritiorio Ltda Velocity Intelligence Group Dba Spaceintel Report Velos Llc Venable Llp Ventura County Verizon Verizon Business

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Verizon Business Services Vertex Antennentechnik Gmbh Vertex Communication Solutions Vertiv Corporation Inc Vertiv Gmbh Vgem Elfersgayseb Viacom 18 Media Private Limited Viacom International Inc Viacom International Media Networks U.K. Limited Viasat, Inc. Vickie Ames Victoria Bc Asseossoria Em Logistica Ltda Victory Capital Management, Inc. Video Data Handels Gmbh Viewsat Limited Viking Satcom Llc Vimn Uk Limited Vincor Ltd Vinson & Elkins Llp Vintin Solutions Gmbh Virgin Active Ltd Virgin Pulse Inc Virgin Strauss Water Uk Ltd Virgin Technologies Inc. Virginia Department Of Taxation Virtus Group Lp Viscom Vision Accomplished Dba Transvision Intl Vision Metropolitana, S.R.L. Vision Services Plan Visionary International Accounting Firm Visionary Investment Co Ltd Visitec Video Sicherheit Technik Gmbh Vista Satellite Communications (Usa) Vista Satellite Communications, Inc. Vizuall Dba Net Insight Vodacom Service Provider Vodafone Global Networks Limited Volkswagen Versicherungsdienst Gmbh Vortex Industries Inc Voya Investment Management, Llc Vsat Systems, Llc 76 Case 20-32299-KLP Doc 2170 Filed 05/11/21 Entered 05/11/21 14:51:29 Desc Main Document Page 86 of 94

V-Satcast Inc Vubiquity, Inc. W & L Phillips Pty Ltd Wachtell, Lipton, Rozen & Katz Wach-Und Schliessinstitut Weingaertner Waf Institut Fur Betriebsrate Fortbildung Ag Wagram Consulting Waicomm Solutions Ltd Walgreen Co. Wall Street Systems Delaware Inc Walter Emmert - Baeckerei Waltons (Pty) Ltd Ward, Inc. Ward-Boland Associates Inc Warner Telecomm Ltd Warren Communications News Inc Washington County Treasurer Washington County Treasurers Office Washington Landscapes Llc Washington Post, The Waterfall Asset Management, Llc Wave Youth Business Ideas S.A. De C.V. Wave Youth Business Ideas Sa De Cv Wavestream Corporation Waypoint Systems Wb Walton Enterprises Inc. Websatmedia Pte Ltd Weingut Lange Schloss Saaleck Weingut Ruppert Weller Infrared Services Inc Wellington Management Company, Llp Wellness Corporate Solutions Wellness Research Institute Llc Dba Shortlister Wells Capital Management, Inc. Wells Fargo Bank, Na Wells Fargo Securities, Llc Wemo-Tec Gmbh West Health Advocate Solutions Inc West Llc West Uc Hong Kong Limited West Uc Limited

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Western Asset Management Company Western Management Group Western Pacific Maintenance Western Union Business Solutions (Uk) Limited White Glove Whitebox Advisors, Llc Wholesale Air-Time Inc Wiconnect Wide Network Solutions Limited Wiedenmann Seile Gmbh Wilcon Wildblue Wiley Rein Llp Williams Charles & Scott Ltd Williams Communication Group Ltd. -G Willis Towers Watson Consultant Nv Willkie Farr & Gallagher Llp Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale & Dorr Llp Wilmington Savings Fun Society, Fsb Wilmington Trust, Na Wilson Parking Winchester Systems Inc Winslow Crane Service Co Winston & Strawn Llp Wireless Innovation Ltd Wireless Telecom Group Dba Noisecom Wisag Gebaeude Und Industrieservice Hessen Gmbh & Co Kg Wisag Gebaeudereinigung Rhoen Gmbh & Co Kg Wisag Gebaude Und Industrieservice Sud West Gmbh & Co Kg Wisconsin Department Of Revenue Wolf Metz Baeckerei Word Network Operating Company, Inc. Word Of God Fellowship Work Microwave Gmbh Work Microwave Inc Workers Compensation Nominal Insurer Workiva Inc World Teleport Association World Vision International World Wide Technology Inc World-Link Communications

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Wtd Holdings Dba Ct Darnell Construction X2nsat, Inc. Xcellence Inc Dba Xact Data Discovery Xerox Corporation Xiplink Inc Xo Communications Xop Networks, Inc. Yamato Transport Yancey Power Systems York Capital Management Lp Zayo Group Llc Zayo Infrastructure (Uk) Limited Z-Best Wallcoverings Zee Entertainment Enterprises Limited Zee Media Corporation Limited Zeichentechnik H Rosenbaum Zeitz Blitzschutzsysteme Gmbh Zeppit Sarl Zespol Badan I Analiz Militarynch Sp Zoo Zimmerei Poppehausen Gmbh Zip Heaters (Aust) Pty Ltd Zippykid Inc Dba Pressable Zoho Corporation Zond Holding Zte Corporation Peru Zuckert Scoutt & Rasenberger Llp Zurich Zurich International Life

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Schedule 2

Potential parties-in-interest1 for whom DTA or its affiliates has provided or is currently

providing services in matters unrelated to the chapter 11 Cases, except as set forth above, or

with whom such parties have other relationships, including banking relationships.

Administration de L'enregistrement et Des Domaines Administration des Contributions Directes Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld LLP Alcentra Limited Allianz Global Investors Fund Allianz SE ALM Luxembourg Holdings S.àr.l. Alpi S.À R.L. Amazon Web Services, Inc. American Chamber of Commerce in Luxembourg, a.s.b.l. American Management Association Europe AmTrust Holdings Luxembourg Apollo Capital Management, L.P. Apollo Global Management Llc Appleby Aramark S.À R.L. Arendt Arianespace At&T Inc. Aviva Investors Axa Assurances Vie Luxembourg S.A. Axa Corporate Solutions Assurance Baker&Mckenzie Bank of America Bank of America Merrill Lynch International Limited Bank of Nova Scotia, The Barclays Plc Barings LLC Bird & Bird

1 DTA researched its client databases on the basis of an exact name matching between DTA client databases and the Potential Parties-In-Interest names provided by the Debtors. For avoidance of doubt, the researches in DTA databases did not consist verification of non-client listings nor tracking relationships with related parent entities/subsidiaries of the Potential Parties-In-Interest.

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BlackRock, Inc. Bloomberg Finance L.P. Bnp Paribas Bnp Parisbas Securities Bonn, Steichen & Partners Bundesanzeiger Verlag Gmbh Bundeskasse Trier CANON INC. CBRE Luxembourg Finance S.à r.l Chambre De Commerce Cisco Systems, Inc. Citibank, N.A. Climalux S.A. Comcast Corporation Crédit Suisse Ag Datatec International S.A. Dentons Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service Deutsche Bank AG Deutsche Bank Ag, London Branch Deutsche Telekom Ag Dhl Express (Luxembourg) S.A. Digicert, Inc. Elvinger Hoss Prussen Enbridge, Inc Enel S.p.A. ENGIE Equinix Inc. Ernst & Young ExxonMobil Corporation Friends Life Funds Limited Fti Consulting S.à r.l. Goldman Sachs Asset Management Fund Services Limited GRANT THORNTON FIDUCIAIRE S.A. Haufe Service Center Gmbh Hiscox Sa Hm Revenue & Customs Hogan Lovells (luxembourg) LLP Hogan Lovells International LLP Honeywell International Inc. House of Training (previously Institut de Formation Bancaire, Luxembourg ) Hrt Fidalux S.A. Intelsat (Luxembourg) Finance Company S.À R.L.

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Intelsat (Luxembourg) S.A. Intelsat Align S.à r.l. Intelsat Connect Finance S.A. Intelsat Global S.A. Intelsat Holdings S.A. Intelsat Investment Holdings S.à r.l. Intelsat Investments S.A. Intelsat Jackson Holdings S.A. Intelsat Operations S.A. Intelsat S.A. Intelsat Ventures S.à r.l. J.P. Morgan Securities plc Jobs.Lu Jpmorgan Asset Management (Europe) Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP Kim & Chang Kneip Communication S.A. Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. L.P. KPMG Luxembourg LEO (Luxembourg Energy Office) S.A. LEO (Luxembourg Energy Office) S.A. Leonardo S.P.A. Lockheed Martin Corporation Loyens & Loeff Luxembourg S.à r.l. Macquarie Group Limited Mannelli & Associes S.A. Marsh Merrill Lynch International METLIFE, INC. MFS Investment Management Company (Lux) S.à r.l. Microsoft Corporation Mitsubishi Ufj Financial Group, Inc. MIZUHO BANK, LTD. Muller & Wegener Munich Muzinich & Co. Limited Mx1 C.E.E. S.A. National Bank Of Canada New Skies Satellites B.V. New Skies Satellites Ltda. Novo Banco S.A. Ntt Communications Corporation Oaktree Capital Management L.P.

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ORACLE CORPORATION UK LIMITED Orange Pacific Investment Management Company LLC PAUL HASTINGS Europe LLP Pgim, Inc Post Telecom S.A. PricewaterhouseCoopers Public Company Accounting Oversight Board Royal Bank Of Canada Ryan Llc Salinger S.A. Sap America Inc SCOR SE Seb Investment Management Ab Ses Americom, Inc. Ses Astra SES S.A. Ses Techcom S.A. Singapore Telecommunications Limited Sky Harbor Capital Management LLC Société Générale Sodexo Luxembourg S.A. Softbank Group Corp. Sojitz Corporation Sompo Holdings, Inc. Steichen & Partners Successfactors, Inc. Swiss Re Ag T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc. Tableau Software Tcw Investment Management Company Telecom Italia Finance Telefonica, Sa Telstra Corporation Limited Temenos Uk Ltd THALES The Boeing Company, Inc. The Walt Disney Company Thomson Reuters Tokio Marine Fund U It S.À R.L. U.S. Customs And Border Protection UBS FINANCIAL SERVICES INC.

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United Nations UNITED PARCEL SERVICE, INC. Venable, Baetjer and Howard, LLP VERIZON EUROPEAN HOLDINGS LIMITED Wellington Management Company LLP Wells Fargo Wells Fargo Bank NA

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