St 2020 St Joseph Drive, Largo Maryland, 20774 301-773-4838 Fax 301-773-6832 Website: Sunday May 12, 2019 ~ The Fourth Sunday of From the Bishop’s Pen... “ I give my sheep eternal life.” Jesus said: “My sheep hear my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” Jesus calls each of us by name to follow Him. We need to listen for His call to follow Him and to lead others to Christ by the way we live our lives, showing love and caring for others. He calls us to “follow Him” through our vocation in this life, that is, our way of life in the Body of Christ. That vocation could be as a single person, a married person, a consecrated religious person, or an ordained minister through the Sacrament of Holy Orders. St. John said in our reading from Revelation that he saw a multitude of people in heaven, so great that they could not be counted. “These are the ones who have survived the time of great distress; they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.” In our reading from the Acts of the Apostles, St. Paul and St. had to go through much distress in bringing the word of God to the Jews in Antioch, but the Jews rejected God’s word through Paul and Barnabas. Paul then turned to the gentiles, who gladly accepted the word of God and entered into a life of faith and through baptism into the Body of Christ. Emil Kapaun, from Kansas, answered Jesus’ call to “follow Him” as a Catholic Priest. Like St. Paul, who ministered to those in Antioch, Fr. Kapaun was a in the Army ministering to soldiers fighting in the in 1950. St. Paul gave all he had to his fellow Jews, who rejected him, then turned to the gentiles, who gladly listened to him. Fr. Kapaun ministered to the injured on the battlefield, then to P.O.W. soldiers, stopping a Korean soldier from killing one injured man. He then carried that man on his back for four miles as they marched to a prison camp. Fr. Kapaun tended to his fellow prisoners’ wounds and risked his life to get them food and clean water. Eventually, Fr. Kapaun succumbed to his own illness and died in 1951. He gave all he had by his deeds and words, allowing his fellow P.O.W. soldiers to keep faith in God and hope for their release. Six years ago, Fr. Kapaun posthumously received the Congressional from President Obama. A number of his fellow P.O.W. friends were at the ceremony. The Vatican had already declared Fr. Kapaun a “,” the first step to canonized sainthood. Fr. Kapaun is one of Jesus’ sheep, who heard His voice, followed Him, and has gained eternal life in Christ. Fr. Kapaun showed us with his life, what it means to hear Christ, know His voice and follow Him. Jesus said, “My sheep hear my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” Jesus’ reward to those who follow Him: “I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish.” – Bishop Roy Campbell

PARISH OFFICE= PASTORAL STAFF = = Pastor The church office is Only Open: Mon. Most Rev. Roy E. Campbell, Jr. thru Fri. from 9:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. [email protected] Parochial Vicar The office is Closed for business on: Rev. Robert Boxie, III  ALL Weekends, Federal Gov’t Clos- [email protected] ings / Holidays and Holy Days Deacons  Phone: ( 301)773R4838  Deacon Steven Nash Fax: (301) 773R6832  [email protected] Website:  Email the office at: par- Deacon Patrick Mullan [email protected] [email protected] = (Please make appointments for private meet- ings. ) Sunday May 12, 2019 ~ PAGE 2=

OPERATIONS WELCOME TO ST. JOSEPH CHURCH Audiovisual Support: Chuck Clay, Our desire is that every member of our parish family encounters Jesus Christ in a [email protected],  very personal and life-changing way as they journey through life within our com- munity. Bereavement Support: Etoile Hawkins, That now includes you and we welcome you to this very personal, yet communal [email protected] journey of faith as part of our parish family. As you begin the next part of your Food Pantry/St. Vincent DePaul Society: Rhonda faith journey with us, we encourage you to take the steps below: Price, 301R773R0102 or ext 13 Good Samaritans Ministry: Carolyn Brooks, 1. Get connected and stay up-to-date with what's going on here at St. Jo- [email protected] 301R379R5944 and Evengeline seph Church. The Lord is alive and working in many ways here which means Dyer, [email protected] 301R390R9392 a lot of ministries and events are taking place almost every week. We provide a number of ways for you to stay connected with all of that. Read our weekly RCIA Coordinator: Deacon Steven Nash, bulletin and visit our website ( to keep yourself “in the  [email protected] loop” of happenings at the church. Repast Ministry: Burma Hill, [email protected], 240R620R4556  2. Spend time in Adoration. Adoration is every First Friday of each month Social Justice Ministry: Lisa Smith, all day with Benediction at 7 pm. Adoration is also offered every Tuesday at [email protected] 6 pm followed by Mass at 7 pm. Stop in and experience the renewing power of Wedding Coordinator: Thelma Lucas, sugar- being in God's presence. Jesus waits for you so he can pour his love and mer- cy into your heart. [email protected]

PARISH STAFF 3. Seek to give in selfless, self-giving ways. God has given you gifts to share in helping the Church build the kingdom and accomplish her mission. Alicia Sanders, Office Manager ; Seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit to help you discern where you are meant  [email protected] ; ext 24 to serve. Check out our Ministries and Organizations at the Welcome table in Karen Marshall, Secretary; kmar- the foyer. Pray, discern, then take that leap of faith and get engaged in the life [email protected]; ext 10 of the parish.

Loraine Hayling, Financial Services; lhay- 4. Complete the parish registration form (you can obtain one at the Wel-  [email protected]; ext 14 come Table) before you leave . Let us know you are here so we can properly welcome you! Bernadette Crawford, Religious Education;  [email protected]; ext 15 WELCOME AND MAY GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR FAMILY. Theresa Leeke, Music; [email protected] SACRAMENTS Harold Sanders; Facilities Manager; Infant Baptisms: Parents requesting baptism must be registered active mem-  [email protected] ; ext 16 bers of the Parish. Baptisms are on the last Sunday of each month, after 11 Beverly Dandridge:Youth Ministry; am Mass . Parents may pick up a Baptism Registration Packet from the church :[email protected]  office during business hours. Participation in PreRBaptismal Program is re- quired.  The Bulletin  Announcements and Inserts for the NEXT bullen are Marriage: Couples seeking to be married in the Church are to make arrange- due in the Church Office on the Monday before by 12 ments with the pastor six months to a year in advance of their intended wed- noon. The bullen is sent to the printer on Tuesday ding date in order to allow time for the couple to complete marriage prepara- morning. Inserts are printed front and back and are tion. At least one of the engaged must be a registered active member of this  limited to 2 sheets per bullen. Late submissions will Church. go into the next bulletin. Christian Burial: The family of the registered deceased should contact Our Parish family’s Weekly offering Bp.Campbell or Fr. Boxie as soon as possible to plan the funeral arrange- $22,237.93 (05/05/19)  ments. Please contact Mrs. Hawkins on the bereavement committee at [email protected] . Our average weekly parish expenses for April2019 ~  $ 28,931.50 Anointing of the Sick: Anointing of the sick is celebrated upon request prior Our Offertory last week was, 77% of Expenses  to surgery or at the time of illness. Please notify the Parish office of the illness Faith Direct for April 2019 ~ $8,293.78  or hospitalization of the parishioner.   Last Week’s Aendance = 1088 To Receive the : Sick, hospitalized and shutRins should contact Ber- PLEASE REMEMBER JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH IN nard Broadus at [email protected] to schedule a visit. YOUR ESTATE PLANNING The Fourth Sunday of Easter ~ PAGE 3=

We thank all who contribute regularly ACTIVE PARISHIONER STATUS Church Calendar for the Week and generously to the support of our AN “ACTIVE MEMBER OF THIS  SUNDAY 12th Parish. PARISH IS ONE WHO: 8:30 amV 11 am V6 pm  Please use your envelopes, • Is properly registered and on the • 1 pmVAltar Server Training And fill them out completely. All you have • T  parish rolls with names, addresses, 1 pm Ladies Aux. Internaonal (Clr 1) to do is include your offering and write the • 1:30 pmT Youth Ministry (Clr 2) amount on the envelope. REMEMBER, children, & phone numbers upRtoR money/checks do not stay together with date MONDAY 13th the envelopes so if there’s no information 8:15 am Mass in Rectory  or amount on the envelope you used you • Faithfully aends Mass on week- • 4 pmT Grow Our Own Musicians may not be getting proper acknowledge-  • T  ment for your offering. Anonymous giving ends and Holy Days of Obligaon. 6 pm NAMI (RB) does not help to establish you as an active • Parcipates in the acvies & • 6:30 pmT Project Heal (Clr 3)  church participant. Your tax deductible ministries of the parish • 7 pmT Music Dept. (Clr 2) offerings are based on the information on your envelopes. Fill out checks and enve- • Uses the parish printed envelope TUESDAY 14th lopes BEFORE the Mass starts!  system, online giving or puts a 8:15 am Mass  • V  If you are registered and not receiving check in a filled out envelope as a 4 pm Grow Our own Musicians • R V  your envelopes contact the office to ver- means of verificaon of aend- 7 7:30 pm Cantors & Musicians ance. Being anonymous (just drop- • 7:30 pmT Relig. Ed. (Clr2 & RB) ify correct names and/or change your ping money into the basket) does address. not count toward active participa- WEDNESDAY 15th !  “Whoever sows sparingly will also reap tion. Neither do BLANK envelopes 8:15 am Mass in Rectory sparingly, and whoever sows bounfully You Don’t Deserve to be Abused: • 10 amT Senior Line Dancing will also reap bounfully...for God loves a Domesc Violence refers to a paern of • 4 pmVGrow Our Own Musicians  cheerful giver. ”2 Corinthians 6 R7  violent and coercive behavior by one adult • 7pmT Ultreya (RB) over another in an inmate relaonship. It • 7 pmT Gospel Choir (Church) Our Church Home can consist of repeated, severe beangs or • 7:30 pmVRCIA (Clr2) Please remember this is Gods’ house subtle forms of abuse, including threats THURSDAY 16th and you should NOT bring food or drink and control. If you experience any form of 8:15 am Mass in Rectory into it. Treat it with the care and re- abuse, please know that there is help. Call • 7 pmT Knights of Columbus (RB) spect that it deserves. If you feel that the Naonal Domesc Violence Hotline at • 7 pmR Music Dept. (Clr 2) you are an excepon and above the 1(800)799R7233. To learn more about do-  rules of respect, then DO NOT leave mesc violence, visit: FRIDAY 17th 8:15 Mass in Rectory cookie crumbs, potato chip crumbs, • 7 pmT Good Samaritan Mtg. (Clr 2) wrappers, bags or water boles on the  • 7 pmVThe Face of Jesus seats or on the floor of the church as Consider lighng a Memorial Candle to memorialize a family member to an proof of your disrespect. Whatever you SATURDAY 18th event. Light one for yourself as a special brought in, take it and any trash you 5 pm Vigil Mass intenon or for a Birthday, Anniversary or  • 1 pmT Tweens and Teens/ Sodality(RR) made with you when you leave. a special remembrance. Candles stay lit an • T  enre year and are renewable. Anyone 1pm Landings (Clr 1)  ST. JOSEPH’S MEMORIAL WALL can have a candle for less than 85¢ a day!  Would you like to honor a deceased Pick up an order form in the foyer or ask Landings is a place of welcome and member of your family? St. Joseph Be- for one from one of our Hospitality Minis- reconciliaon for anyone who has been reavement Support Ministry is taking ters.  away from the Church or been inacve, applicaons for deceased members of St. and thinking about becoming more ac- Joseph’s Parish to be added to the Memo- St. Joseph College Bound Scholarship ve. It offers a safe place to land, a rial Wall. For applicaons and more infor- Program.The 2019 College Bound Class place to be heard and for listening, a maon, call Sandra James, 301 773R3196, consists of 13 remarkable students who place for asking quesons, and recon- R or Etoile de Hawkins, 301 336 0284. You have dedicated consistent service to vari- necng with the faith. We begin our may also call the church secretary, Karen ous St. Joseph ministries. As a selfR first Session on May 11, 2019 here at St. R Marshall, at Church Office, 301 773 4838 supported iniave, your contribuons Joseph’s in Classroom 1. If you are inter- ext. 10 are the sole support of the COLLEGE ested in learning more about our faith, BOUND SCHOLARSHIP. Parishioners and having quesons answered, please LIFE IN THE SPIRIT wishing to support the College Bound contact Freddie Mae Poole. Infor- Prayer meengs are held the Fund may place their contribuons in the maon is available at the Welcome Ta- 2nd and 4th Thursdays of every marked box in the Foyer. Thank you!  ble. month at 7:00 pm in (Cr 1)...Join us! Sunday May 12, 2018 ~ PAGE 4= Please Pray for the Sick and shut-in... Shelia Anderson, Agnes Bell, Lois Atkinson, Theresa Bowser, Rachel Brewer, Margaret Brooks, Norah Brown, Natika Brown, Virginia Brust, Edwinda Castleberry, Alberta Christian, Bernadette Crawford, Anna Ferdinand, Mary Fletcher, Evelyn Freelow, Desiree Graves, Thelma Harrison, Destin Ikwubuo, Evelyn Johnson, Annette Keizer, Mark Landry Sr, Mark Landry Jr, Gabrielle Landry, Robin Landry, Rufina Lebi, Florence & Thomas McDaniels Sr., Barbara Marshall, James Marshall, Kathleen Mitchell, Nancy Mooney, Floyd Mucker, Fr.Everett Pearson, Paul Newman, Claudette Randall, Charles Ratcliffe, Barbara Reece-Jones, Miriam Ross, Teresa Ross, Sheryl Sanders, Darlene Shirley, James Shorter, Jennie Smith, Carol Steiner, William ”Billy” Tolbert, Erma Torney, Maxine Tucker, Frances Tyler, John & Joan Woody And the Recently Deceased:

Readings for the Week of  .Sunday 8:30 Mass: Alberta Scott † May 12, 2019 ...for Next Week Please report at least 30 Sunday: Acts 13:14, 43R52/Ps 100:1R2, 3, 11:00 Mass: Ndum Family SI minutes before your Mass so that you are 5 [3c]/Rv 7:9, 14bR17/Jn 10:27R30 6:00 Mass Bosah Family SI properly prepared. Monday: Acts 11:1R18/Ps 42:2R3, 43:3, 4 Monday 8:15 Mass: May 18 & 19

[cf. 3a]/Jn 10:1R10 • Tuesday 8:15 Mass Lectors: 5:00 pm Sat.T Nicholas Thom/Amy Taylor Tuesday: Acts 1:15R17, 20R26/Ps 113:1R • 7:00pm Mass: 8:30 amV Evelyn Johnson/ Debra Tomlin- 2, 3R4, 5R6, 7R8 [8]/Jn 15:9R17 • Wednesday 8:15 Mass: son Wednesday:Acts 12:24RR13:5a/Ps 67:2R • : Thursday 8:15 Mass 11 amT Knights R  3, 5, 6 and 8 [4]/Jn 12:44 50 • Friday 8:15 6 pm— Delia Johnson   R R R Thursday: Acts 13:13 25/Ps 89:2 3, 21 • Saturday 5:00 Vigil: Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist: R  22, 25 and 27 [2]/Jn 13:16 20  5:00 pm Sat.— Team B R R R R Friday: Acts 13:26 33/Ps 2:6 7, 8 9, 10 Mass Intenons are made in the Church 8:30 am - Team E 11ab [7bc]/Jn 14:1R6 Office during regular business hours. We 11 am — Team Knights Saturday: Acts 13:44R52/Ps 98:1, 2R3ab, no longer accept bookings for one name Altar Servers for several days in succession. An offer- 3cdR4 [3cd]/Jn 14:7R14  ing is usually $10 cash per date.  5:00 pm Sat.— Team L 8:30 am Sun.— Team M LIVE THE LITURGYVINSPIRATION FOR THE WEEK 11 am — Team H If you really want to get to know someone, 6 pm– John Huntley invite them to dinner. Sharing a meal with Join Bishop Campbell starng someone opens up the door to a deeper, Friday, May 17,2019 at 7pm for  Dates to Remember more inmate, and more authenc en- VIDEO REFLECTIONS  ♦ May 21 at 2pm Installaon of Arch-  counter. When we gather around a table, in the Rosemont Room bishop Gregory at the Basilica we are more vulnerable and are reminded ♦ May 28 First Day to register for Flea not only of our need for food and suste- See: The Real Face of Jesus; Jesus Market nance, but also the love of friends and com- the Lost 40 Days and Secret Access ♦ May 31 Feast of VisitaonVOur Lady munity. We are meant to be together. to the Vacan of GuadalupeT 7pm Mass Meals can be opportunies not only for ♦ June 1 First Holy CommunionV5pm  authenc meengs, but for healing rela- You’re Invited to ♦ June 2 Ascension of our Lord  onships, for understanding one another St. Joseph’s Women’s Ministry ♦ June 9 Pentecost Sunday  beer, and for renewal. Jesus invites us to Social Night ♦ June 15 Priesthood Ordinaons for Friday, May 31, 2019 dine with him once again at today's Eucha- Ebuka Manude and Patrick Mullan 6pm to 9pm rist. He receives our pain and blesses our ♦ June 23 Fr. Patrick Mullan offers his wounds. We are forgiven, set straight, re- in the Rosemont Room  first Mass at St. Joseph at 11am newed, and reconfirmed in our task of dis- FREE FOOD & FELLOWSHIP ♦ July 7 Fr. Ebuka Manude offers his cipleship. Love is celebrated here again. FUN GAMES AND PRIZES first Mass at St. Joseph at 11am May we bring that love to those who need RSVP to: Loraine Hayling 301R773R4838 ♦ it most, especially those we may find diffi- Ext.14 by May 24, 2019 June 8 thru June 12 Vacaon Bible  cult to love and to those who have hurt us. Bingo cards: $1 ea. Or 3 for $2 School. Share with them the bread of compassion Be sure to mark your calendars The Fourth Sunday of Easter ~ PAGE 5=

There’s Sll Time to Sign up for family  photos! We have started to create a new St. Joseph Church Photo Directory and we need you to help make it complete! Our Directory will showcase our families, ministries, organiza- ons, provide contact informaon, and be- come a useful resource to keep us connect- ed.  The taking of family portraits for the  directory has already started. You can see Karen Marshall in the church office (MRF unl 9pm) to review the schedule, pick a me slot that works best for you and sign up for your professional photography session here at St. Joseph. By parcipang, you will receive one FREE 8 x 10 family portrait and a printed version of the new Directory. You will also be offered the opportunity to purchase addional photos and frames. The last St. Joseph Church Directory was completed in 2009, it has served us well. With your parcipaon, so too will our 2019 Directory.We need your help to make it com- Due to the generosity of this wonderful Par-  plete! Thank You! ish always answering the call for food dona- For Younger Readers ons for our pantry and supporng the past Lenten food drive, our food pantry is now The Good Samaritans Annual Diaper Drive overstocked. We have a great abundance of Ends on May 26 food to offer to anyone in the parish or any- We’re collecng Diapers of all sizes, Wipes, one that you might know in your community. and Formula. NO clothes or Toys. So please refrain for a while in donang food Please place your donaon in the box in the foyer starng now. Please be generous. items. When a greater need arises we will Thank you, resume donaons at that me. If you know of anyone who might need assistance, please have them contact the church office.  The Knights of Columbus and the La- dies Auxiliary are now accepng appli- caons for tuion scholarships for the 2019 fall semester. Graduang high school seniors from st. Joseph parish  are eligible to apply. Applicaon forms Sharing the Gospel are available in the foyer area Jesus loves you so much! He knows what makes you happy and what makes (welcome room) of the church. The you sad. You are his precious child, and forms must be completed and sub- he wants to be close to you forever. Get mied with all aachments by May to know Jesus by reading about him in 31, 2019. And please… remember to your Bible. Find out what makes him make your generous tax deducble happy. Learn how he loves people who donaons to: James C. Fletcher jr. need help, and try to follow his exam- Charies ple.