
The word means ‘wheel’. In this , the body assumes the shape of a wheel, so, it is called Chakrasana. This asana improves flexibility of whole body, especially the back. Procedure :

To perform Chakrasana the following steps should be performed: 1. Lie on your back. 2. Bend the knees, heels touching the buttocks. Keep both the feet 12 inches apart.

3. Raise the arms up. Bending them at the elbows, take them behind over the head. Place the palms on the floor beside the head, fingers pointing towards the shoulders. 4. Gradually, raise the body and arch the back.

5. Straighten the arms and legs. Move the hands further towards the feet as far as you feel comfortable. Maintain the position for 5-10 seconds.

6. Slowly lower your body in the manner so that the head rests on the floor. Lower down rest of the body and lie at on your back and relax. Benefits :

1. It makes spine flexible. 2. It helps to remove rigidity of the bones and joints in the middle back. 3. It helps to improve digestion. 4. It improves the functioning of heart. 5. It is helpful in backpain. 6. It provides relief from stress and reduces depression. 7. It prevents hernia. Precautions :

1. Lift your body carefully. 2. Keep the arms and legs straight as much as possible in final position.

3. Do not stretch too much while bringing the hands towards feet. 4. Do not give jerk to the spine. Contraindications :

1. Person suffering from weak wrist, high blood pressure, hernia, vertigo, abdominal problems, etc., should avoid practising this asana. 2. Persons suffering from cervical or lumbar spondylitis should avoid this asana. 3. Persons having pain in shoulder should not perform this asana. 4. Persons having pain in wrist should not perform this asana.

10. Gomukhasana

The word Go means ‘cow’ and mukha means ‘mouth’ or ‘face’. In this asana, the position of legs look like the face of cow, so that is why it is called Gomukhasana. Procedure :

To perform Gomukhasana, the following steps should be performed : 1. Sit and extend your legs forward. 2. Bend the right leg at the knee, bring the right foot to the left side and place it close to the left buttock.

3. Fold the left leg at the knee. Bring the left foot to the right side and place it close to the right buttock.

4. Take the left arm over the left shoulder and right arm behind the back. Hook the fingers of both hands at the back. 5. Sit in this position comfortably for 10-15 seconds. 6. Release the fingers. Bring the arms on the side of the body. 7. Release the left leg and extend it forward. 8. Release the right leg, extend it and come to the starting position. 9. Repeat it by changing the position of arms and legs Benefits :

1. It increases concentration and induces inner peace. 2. It helps in correcting postural deformities like drooping shoulders. 3. It helps in improving lung capacities. 4. It is helpful in arthritis. 5. It relieves backache, sciatica and general stiffness in shoulders and neck. 6. It reduces stress and anxiety. 7. It strengthens the muscles of leg. Precautions :

1. Always keep the heels in touch with buttocks. 2. Keep the knees one over the other. 3. Keep the head and neck erect without bending the joints. 4. Look in front.

5. Never sit on the heels. 6. Do not raise the knees. Contraindications :

1. Those who are suffering from bleeding piles should avoid this asana. 2. Those who suffer from any hip or knee injury should avoid this asana. 3. Those who suffer from shoulder, back or knee pain should avoid this asana.