Calendar Published Bimonthly for Users of Michigan’S Air Transportation System VOLUME 32 NUMBER2 MARCH 1999 AIR SHOWS MAY MAY 20 Ann Arbor, Location to Be Announced
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Calendar Published Bimonthly for Users of Michigan’s Air Transportation System VOLUME 32 NUMBER2 MARCH 1999 AIR SHOWS MAY MAY 20 Ann Arbor, Location to be announced. 26 Mt. Clemens, Selfridge ANG Base Air Michigan Aeronautics Commission Meet- Show with the Canadian Snowbirds. Call ing 10 a.m. Call for location information, 810-307-5780. 517-335-9943. JUNE 22 Lansing, Michigan Bureau of Aeronautics 26-27Detroit, Willow Run Airport (YIP) Air Show Bldg., Capital City Airport. 8a.m.-4p.m. with the USN Blue Angels. Call 313-482-8888. Sixth Annual Aviation / Aerospace Teach- JULY ers Workshop, “Turn- 3-5 Battle Creek, W.K. Kellogg Airport (BTL) ing Students On!” U.S. National Hot Air Balloon Championship Registration fee is and Airshow. Air Show with the USAF $25.00 which includes Thunderbirds & Canadian Snowbirds. Call resource materials 616-962-0592. and lunch. Capacity is limited. To register, John Engler, Governor or for additional MICHIGAN AERONAUTICS COMMISSION information, please call (517) 335-9977. John K. Boerema, Chair - Grand Rapids Alice J. Gustafson, ViceChair -Pontiac Sponsored by Michi- Lowell E. Kraft, Pigeon gan Department of Joseph M. Pietro, Ishpeming Arnold P. Saviano, Harbor Springs Transportation, Lake Michigan Chapter of James R. DeSana, Director the 99’s, Michigan Aeroscience Alliance, Michigan Department of Transportation U.S. Air Force, Lansing Community College Capt. Jeffery J. Steffel and the Michigan Aviation Hall of Fame. Michigan State Police Brigadier General Ronald L. Seely JUNE Michigan Department of Military Affairs 26 Motor City Air Rally, Livingston Co. Air- Guy Gordon Michigan Department of Natural Resources port. A fun event for pilots, friends and William E. Gehman, Director families will begin at 9 a.m. Sponsored Michigan Aeronautics Commission by the Greater Detroit Area Chapter of Barbara Burris Executive Assistant to the Commission the 99’s. (Fees). For information call Kenneth Schaschl - Editor 517-546-8303 MDOT Specialized Technology/Graphics - Graphic Design Editor Graphic Design MARCH 1999 PRSRTD STD U.S.POSTAGE 22,000 copies printed Total cost $5460.40 Cost per issue $.2482 P A I D Lansing, Michigan OFFICIAL PUBLICATION, BUREAU OF AERONAUTICS, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Permit No. 1200 2700 E. Airport Service Drive Lansing, Michigan 48906-2160 Telephone; 517/ 335-9283 1999 Dawn Patrol Schedule See page 4 DAWN PATROLS 1999 - Continued from P. 5 AUGUST SEPTEMBER 25 Clinton, Honey Acres Airport. 10th COMMISSION ACTION 7 Niles, Wolverton Field. Wolverton’s Annual “Honey Acres” Fly-In. 3-6 Marshall, Brooks Field (RMY). ASC Food, crafts, awards, camping avail- Annual Corn & Sausage Roast Nationals ATKIMO Call 616-781-4021. Ultralight Fly-In. (Small Field: GA air- able, nature trails, fishing, bird craft with STOL only!) Call 616-695-6657. 4 Gaylord, Lakes of the North (4Y4), watching. Swap & shop planes and 11a.m.-4p.m. Lakes of the North’s parts. Sponsored by Ercoupe Own- The Michigan Aeronautics ESCANABA and expand the apron. The pro- 15 South Haven, South Haven Regional Annual Fly-In Pig Roast & Truck Raffle. ers Club. Call 810-231-3392. Commission met in Lansing on Janu- Delta County Airport - an allo- posed budget consists of $126,000 Airport (0D1), 7a.m.-3p.m. Dawn Patrol Horseback riding, U.S. Coast Guard ary 7, 1999. Items acted upon in- 25 Marshall, Cornwell Turkey Airfield. cation of $275,000 for land acquisi- state and $14,000 local funds. Fly-In, Drive-In Breakfast. Airplane rides, aircraft display, etc. Sponsored by cluded approval of $14.8 million for 10th Annual Revenge of the tion and tree clearing. The proposed warbird displays, ultralights, & antique Lakes of the North Airport. Call airport improvements at 23 airports HOLLAND Turkeydrop Ultralight Fly-In. (Small budget consists of $247,500 federal, aircraft. Sponsored by South Haven Ro- across the state. 616-585-6100. field: ultralight only!) Call $9,675 state, and $17,825 local funds. Tulip City Airport - an allocation tary Club & South Haven Regional Some projects have federal, of $35,000 to repair cracks in the run- Airport. Call 616-637-7343. 4 Chesaning, Howard Nixon Memorial 616-781-4021. FRANKFORT way. The proposed budget consists of Airport (50G) Noon-4p.m. Chesaning state, and local funding, while oth- 15 Oscoda, Oscoda Wurtsmith Airport 26 Belleville, Willow Run Airport (YIP) Frankfort Dow Memorial Air- $31,500 state and $3,500 local funds. Airport Steak Fry in conjunction with ers are funded from state and/or (OSC). 6th Annual Dawn Patrol Pan- 8a.m.-Noon. Yankee Air Force local sources alone. Commission ap- port - an allocation of $120,000 for Chesaning Labor Day Antiques Festi- IONIA cake Breakfast. Sponsored by Founder’s Day Open House Cel- proval for federally funded projects approach clearing and for design val. Courtesy rides available to festival. ebration Fly-In/Drive-In. Spon- authorizes state participation, sub- engineering work to relocate North- Ionia County Airport - an alloca- Wurtsmith Division, Yankee Air Force. Sponsored by EAA Chapter 597. Call tion of $442,000 for design of wetland Call 517-739-1111 or 517-739-7555. sored by Yankee Air Force & Yan- ject to issuance of a federal grant. west Road. The proposed budget 517-845-6465. kee Air Museum. Call 734-483-4030. consists of $108,000 state and $12,000 mitigation, appraisal fees, construction Federal and state dollars for airport 21 Howell, Livingston Co. Airport 5 Romeo, Romeo Airport (D98). 7a.m.- local funds. of taxistreets, and rehabilitation of taxi- 26 Lowell, Lowell Municipal Airport development are primarily from re- (OZW), 7a.m.-Noon. Fly-In Breakfast 2p.m. Fly-In/Drive-In Breakfast Dawn stricted, user-generated funds. The ways and aprons. The proposed bud- (24C). 8a.m.-Noon. Fly-In/Drive- GRAND RAPIDS get consists of $397,800 federal, $21,700 in conjunction with Melon Festival. Spon- Patrol in conjunction with Romeo primary sources of revenue are avia- sored by EAA 546. Call 517-546-6675. In Pancake Breakfast in conjunction tion fuel and passenger taxes, as well Kent County International Air- state, and $22,500 local funds. Peach Festival. Sponsored by Romeo with the Fallasburg Fall Festival. as aircraft registration fees. port - an allocation of $1,620,000 for KALAMAZOO 21 Northport, Woolsey Memorial Air- Lions Club and Romeo Airport. Call Plane rides, arts & craft show. Rides land acquisition. The proposed bud- port (5D5) 8a.m.-1p.m. 11th Annual 810-752-3879. Following are approved projects: Kalamazoo/Battle Creek Inter- from airport usually available. get consists of $1,440,000 federal and Fly-In Breakfast Sponsored by 12 Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor Municipal Air- Sponsored by the Lowell Airport GRANTS $180,000 local funds. national Airport - an allocation of Northport Pilots Association. Call $1,473,120 for land acquisition to pro- port (ARB), 10a.m.-5p.m. Fly-In/Drive- Board. Call 616-897-5785. 616-386-7541. BATTLE CREEK GWINN tect approaches to runways. The pro- In Open House with a pancake break- OCTOBER Sawyer Airport - an allocation of posed budget consists of $1,325,808 21-22 Eastport, Torchport Airpark (59M). fast from 8-11a.m. by EAA 333. The W. K. Kellogg Airport - an allo- 9 Chesaning, Howard Nixon Memo- cation of $260,000 to construct a new $415,000 for land acquisition, design federal and $147,312 local funds. Saturday Night Steak Fry, 5p.m.- control tower will be open for tours. work, and an environmental assess- 7p.m. Overnight camping, kid’s No charge for admission or parking. rial Airport (50G) Noon-4p.m. apron and taxistreets. The proposed KALKASKA Chesaning Airport Chili Fly-In in budget consists of $234,000 state and ment for a north access road and a games, prizes. Sunday Morning Pan- Call 734-994-2841 or 800-888-9487. Kalkaska Airport - an allocation conjunction with Chesaning Coun- $26,000 local funds. new crosswind runway. The proposed cake Breakfast. All you can eat. 12 Fowlerville, Maple Grove Airport (65G). budget consists of $373,500 federal, of $50,000 for design engineering to 7a.m.-11a.m. Sponsored by Torchport try Autumn Art Fair. Courtesy BELLAIRE 51st Fly-In Anniversary! Saturday fun $10,750 state, and $30,750 local funds. pave and light Runway 10/28. The Airpark. Call 616-264-9239. rides available to art fair. Spon- proposed budget consists of $45,000 day with annual hovering contest. Sun- sored by EAA Chapter 597. Call Antrim County Airport - an al- HART-SHELBY day breakfast, rain or shine, camping location of $450,000 to rehabilitate state and $5,000 local funds. 22 Grand Haven, Memorial Airpark 517-845-6465. (3GM) 9a.m.-Noon. 50th Anniversary Fri. & Sat. nights. Sponsored by Runway 2/20. The proposed budget Oceana County Airport - an al- LANSING 10 Watervliet, Watervliet Municipal location of $778,000 to extend Run- & Rededication Celebration Dawn Fowlerville Rotary and EAA1056. Call consists of $405,000 federal, $22,500 Airport (40C). Fly-In Chili Hop & state, and $22,500 local funds. way 8/26, including lights, and for a Capital City Airport - an alloca- Patrol Breakfast. Sponsored by B & B 517-223-9956 or 517-223-7809. Email: new apron and taxiway. The pro- tion of $370,000 for design work for Aviation and Grand Haven Aviation [email protected]. Hayride Color Tour. Sponsored by BENTON HARBOR posed budget consists of $700,200 a future terminal expansion. The Club. Call 616-842-4430. EAA 585. Call 616-468-5530. proposed budget consists of $306,000 18 Midland, Jack Barstow Airport (3BS), Southwest Michigan Regional state and $77,800 local funds. 22 Bellaire, Antrim County Airport, Open House 2-6 p.m. Airport Open Airport - an allocation of $70,000 for federal, $17,000 state, and $47,000 TRAVERSE CITY local funds.