HOME GROUNDS FACT SHEET Horticulture Center Cornell University Demonstration & Community Gardens at East Meadow Farm Cooperative Extension 832 Merrick Avenue East Meadow, NY 11554 Nassau County Phone: 516-565-5265 Wilt This is one of the most serious and destructive dis- which the spreads. Fertilize as necessary with eases attacking the . It has been reported most a complete fertilizer containing Nitrogen (N), Phospho- frequently on Norway and sugar , but other rus (P) and Potassium (K) in roughly a 2:1:2 ratio. species are also affected. Avoid high-nitrogen fertilizers. Be careful not to injure The tree may appear perfectly healthy and then tree roots especially with a lawn mower. suddenly the leaves and branches may wilt while still If a tree or shrub already established in a landscape green. This is usually followed by the wilting and death becomes infected with Verticillium, it may still live and of other branches until the entire tree is killed. Some- be a serviceable for many years. Trim symptom- times the tree may present a sickly appearance for a atic parts from the plant, disinfecting tools between year or two before the wilt symptoms actually appear, cuts. Be sure the plant has adequate water and or again the weakened branches may be killed during nutrition because Verticillium spreads more quickly in the dormant season and fail to put forth new growth the growing in less than optimum sites. next spring. Many affected trees have dead areas in the If an established tree or shrub must be removed bark of the trunk or large branches where the bark turns because it is dying from and a replace- dark, becomes soft and wet and eventually falls away. ment is desired, use a resistant plant. All affected trees have long, conspicuous green streaks in the sapwood. The presence of this symp- Plants Resistant to Verticillium Wilt tom in a wilting tree is a sign it is suffering from wilt. Yews and conifers are not affected by verticillium wilt. The green streaks may not appear in the twigs where Many broadleaf trees and shrubs commonly planted in the wilt is taking place, but may be found lower down at New York also seem to be resistant. The following the base of the branch or in the trunk. plants are resistant: Betula spp. Cause Carpinus spp. hornbeams Maple wilt is caused by a fungus belonging to the genus Cercidophyllum japonicum katsura tree Verticillium. A related fungus causes a similar but less Cornus spp. many dogwoods common disease in , while other forms of Verticil- spp. hawthorns lium attack a great variety of both woody and herba- Ginkgo biloba ginkgo, maidenhair tree ceous plants, causing diseases more or less serious. Gleditsia triacanthos and varieties honeylocusts Prevention Liquidamber styraciflua sweetgum Plant trees grown on land where susceptible crops spp. flowering crabs have not been planted. When buying plants, ask your Morus sp. mulberry nursery or garden center personnel if they purchase Platanus spp. plane tree, sycamore plant materials from suppliers who guarantee their Pyracantha sp. firethorn stock is free of the Verticillium pathogen. pin Quercus borealis red oak Control Salix spp. The disease appears to spread from one tree to an- Sorbus aucuparia European mountain ash other, especially when they are growing close together. It is believed that the fungus enters mostly, if not Although maples are generally thought to be highly entirely, through wounds. The wilt fungus lives in the susceptible to Verticillium wilt, red and sugar maples soil and can persist there for many years. Control appear to be much more resistant than Norway maples. measures must be designed to prevent wounds as 'Jade Glen' and 'Parkway' are reported to be more much as possible and to eliminate the sources from resistant than other cultivars of Norway maples.

E-2-7 MTC:cms revised JS 6/06

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