3766 sioners who shall be elected thereunder, to purchase Ashe otherwise Ash and Normandy, Normandy, land within the said township of Oldham, for the Seale, Wyke, West End, Perry Hill, Burgharii, purpose of erecting publicslaughter-houses thereon, , , Farnham, Badshot, Run- and to compel all persons slaughtering cattle fold, Ciilverlehds otherwise Culverlands, Til ford, within the said township to resort thereto, for the Runwick, Hale, Wreckleshatn, Bourne, Waver ley purpose of slaughtering such cattlej and to enable Ville, Wanborough, Puttenham,Compton, Elstead, the Commissioners to levy rates and duties in Pi-pper Harrow otherwise Peper Harow, Tiiesley, respect of the use of such public slaughter-houses; , La bourn, Hurtmoor otherwise Hert- and also to enable the Commissioners under the mere otherwise Hurtmore, Godalming, the tithing said amended Act, to raise the amount of 'capital of Godalming Town, Godnlming Town, Lower which'shall be required for the erection of the Eashing, High E ash ing otherwise Upper Bashing, said publicslaughter-houses; by mortgage thereof, Deanshold, Catsball, Binscomb, Farncomb other- or by mortgage of the rates or duties which rnay wise Feirnrombe, Bramley, Stoke otherwise Stoke arise therefrom, or by mortgage of the rates next , Arlington otherwise Artingdon authorized to be levied by the said Act of the otherwise Ertington -otherwise Ertingdon, Guild- seventh George Fourth, chapter 117, or to be ford, Saint Nicholas Guildfprd, Saint Mary the authorized by the said intended amended Act. Virgin Guildford.Holy Trinity Guildford.Guildford And notice is hereby further given, that it is House of Correction, Little Tangley, Shalford, intended to give further powers under the said Wonersh, Shamley Green otherwise Shimley intended amended Act to the said Commissioners Green, Cranley, Ewhurst, otherwise thereunder, for the removal and prevention of Gomeshall otherwise Gumshall otherwise Gum- obstructions, encroachments and nuisances within shalve, Albury, otherwise Shi ere otherwise the said township of Oldham, and the good Sheire, Abinger, Ockley, Milton, Westcot other- government and regulation of the same. wise Westcote, Wottcn otherwise Wotten otherwise And notice is hereby further given, that it is Woolton otherwise Vi'ootten, Dorking, the Holrfc- intended by the said intended amended Act to wood, Mickleham, Westhumble, Betchworlh other- authorize and empower the magistrates acting for wise Bechworth othei wise Beechworth, Brockham, the division of Oldham in petty sessions assem- Leigh, Headley otherwise Hedley, Buckland, bled, to appoint and swear into office the persons Walton on the Hill, Kingswood, Chipsted, Gatton, yearly nominated by the ley-payers, to serve the Reigate, borough of Reigate, Foreign of Reigate, office of high constables for the said township of Santon, Linkfield Street, Woodhatch, Hooley, Oldham. Colley/Nutfield, Mersthani, Bletchingly otherwise Dated this sixth day of November, 1845. Blechingley, and Charlwood, or some of them, Kay Clegg, Solicitor, Oldham. in the county of , and terminating in the Bower and Son, 22, Parliament Street, said parish of Reigate, by a junction with the Parliamentary Agents. London and Brighton Railway, and South Eastern Railway, both or one of them. Also the following branch railways from and Reading and Reigate Railway. out of the said 'main line of railway, namely, a OTICE is hereby given, that application is branch commencing from and out of the said main N intended to be made to Parliament in the line of railway by a junction or junctions there- ensuing session, for leave to bring in a Bill or Bills with, in the said parishes of Seal and Ash, or one to incorporate a company or companies, and to of them, passing thence from, in, through, or into give to such company or companies power to the several parishes, townships, and extra-paro- make and maintain a railway commencing, by a chial or other places of Aldershot, in the said junction with the Great Western Railway, in the county of Southampton, and Ash, Normandy, Pir- parish of Saint Lawrence Rea'ding, in the county bright, Seale, Wyke, Tongham, Farnham, Bad- of Berks, passing thence, from, in, through, or shot, Run/old, Culverlends, Til ford, Runwick, into the several parishes, townships, and extra- Hale, Wrecklesham, Bourne, and Waverley Ville, parochial, or other places of Saint Lawrence Read- in the said county of Surrey, or some of them, and ing, Saint Giles Reading, Saint Mary Reading, terminating in the said parish of Farnham: And Reading, Sonning, Sonning town, Whitley, Earley also another branch commencing from and out of otherwise Earleiyh otherwise Erlegh, Woodley the said main line of railway, by a junction or and Sand ford, Loddon Bridge, Hurst, Whistley junctions therewith, in the said parishes of Shal- otherwise AVhistley-in-Hurst, Winnersh otherwise ford and Godalming, or one of them, passing thence Winnersh-in-Hursl, Sindlesham otherwiseSihsham, from, in, through, or into the said several parishes, King-Street-Hurst, Newland otherwise Newland- townships, and extra-parochial or other places of in-Hurst, Hinton otherwise Broad-Hinton other- Shalford, Godalming, Wonersh, Shamley Green, wise' Hinton Pipard otherwise Hinton-in-Hurst, Bramley, Little Tangley, Guildford, St. Nicholas Wokingham otherwise Oakingham parish, Woking- Guildford, St. Mary "the Virgin Guildford, Holy liam otherwise Oakingham town, Easthampstead, Trinity Guildford, Guildford House of Correction, Sandhurst, and Finehamstead, or some of them, Arlington, and Stoke, or some of them, in the said in the county of Berks : Yateley, Hawley, Black- county of Surrey, and terminating in the said water,. Cove, Farnborough otherwise Farnboro' parish of St. Nicholas Guildford, by a junction and Aldershot, or some one of • them,. in the with the Guildford Junction Railway. And county.of Southampton: and Firmle'y otherwise also another branch commencing from and out of Frmkley, York Town, , Ash otherwise the said main line of railway iu the said parishes