VA BOSTON MEDICAL FORUM A Veteran Presenting With Chronic Progressive Dyspnea on Exertion

Kristopher Clark, MD; Ronald Goldstein, MD; Bradley Maron, MD; and Anthony C. Breu, MD

Correspondence: Case Presentation: A 45-year-old US Coast Guard veteran with a medical history of and Anthony Breu ([email protected]) chronic back pain was referred to the VA Boston Healthcare System (VABHS) for evaluation of progres- sive, unexplained dyspnea. Two years prior to presentation, the patient was an avid outdoorsman and Fed Pract. 2020;37(11):522-526. doi:10.12788/fp.0066 highly active. At the time of his initial primary care physician (PCP) evaluation he reported dyspnea on exertion, and symptoms consistent with an upper infection (URTI) and a recent tick bite with an associated rash. He was treated with intranasal fluticasone and a course of antibiotics. His URTI symptoms and rash improved; however the dyspnea persisted and progressed over the ensuing winter and he was referred for pulmonary function testing. Additional history included a 20 pack-year history of smoking (resolved 10 years prior to the first VABHS clinical encounter) and a family history of premature coronary artery disease (CAD) in his father and 2 paternal uncles. He lived in northern New England where he previously worked as a cemetery groundskeeper.

Kristopher Clark, MD, Chief Medical Resi- usually involves pulmonary function tests dent, VABHS and Boston University/Boston (PFTs), oximetry with exertion, and chest Medical Center: Dr. Goldstein, how do you ap- imaging. Additional cardiac testing might proach a patient who presents with progressive include electrocardiogram (ECG) and car- dyspnea? diac echocardiogram, followed by an exer- cise study, if needed. A B-natriuretic peptide Ronald Goldstein, MD, Chief of Pulmonary determination could be considered if there is and Critical Care VABHS: The evaluation of concern for congestive heart failure.2 dyspnea is a common problem for pulmonary physicians. The sensation of dyspnea may orig- Dr. Clark: The initial physical examination inate from a wide variety of etiologies that in- was normal and laboratory tests were unreveal- volve pulmonary and cardiovascular disorders, ing. Given his history of asthma, he underwent neuromuscular impairment, deconditioning, spirometry testing (Table 1). or psychological issues. It is important to char- Dr. Goldstein, aside from unexplained dys- acterize the temporal pattern, severity, progres- pnea, what are other indications for spirometry sion, relation to exertion or other triggers, the and when should we consider ordering a full smoking history, environmental and occupa- PFT, including lung volumes and diffusion ca- tional exposures to pulmonary toxins, associ- pacity? Can you interpret this patient’s spirom- ated symptoms, and the history of pulmonary etry results? problems.1 The physical examination may help to Dr. Goldstein: Spirometry is indicated to identify an airway or parenchymal disorder. evaluate for a suspected obstructive defect. The Wheezing on chest examination would point test is usually performed with and without a to an obstructive defect and crackles to a pos- bronchodilator to assess airway reactivity. A sible restrictive problem, including pulmo- change in > 12% and > 200 mL suggests acute nary fibrosis. A cardiac examination should bronchodilator responsiveness. Periodic spi- be performed to assess for evidence of heart rometry determinations are useful to assess the failure, valvular heart disease, or the presence effect of medications or progression of disease. of loud P2 suggestive of pulmonary hyper- A reduction in forced vital capacity (FVC) may tension (PH). Laboratory studies, including suggest a restrictive component. This possibil- complete blood counts are indicated. ity requires measure of lung volumes. A more complete pulmonary evaluation A full set of PFTs (ie, spirometry plus assess-

522 • FEDERAL PRACTITIONER • NOVEMBER 2020 TABLE 1 Spirometry Results With Bronchodilator Challenge

Measures Reference Before Result Reference, % After Result Reference, % Change, %

FVC 4.49 4.19 93 4.08 91 -3

FEV1 3.69 3.15 85 3.22 87 2

FEV1/FVC, % 82 75 79

Abbreviations: FEV1, forced expiratory volume; FVC, forced vital capacity. ment of lung volumes and diffusion capacity) is this case, stress testing should include a func- required to evaluate the abnormalities associated tional (ie, exercise) assessment if possible. Ex- with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ercise capacity is a critical determinant of (COPD), interstitial diseases, vascular abnor- prognosis across the spectrum of cardiovascu- malities (particularly PH), as well as for certain lar disease and in a young person can be par- preoperative assessments. The single breath dif- ticularly informative on global health status. fusing capacity for carbon monoxide is a mea- Furthermore, the chief complaint from this pa- sure of the overall capillary alveolar surface area tient is dyspnea on exertion, and therefore, ex- of the lung. It is decreased in emphysema and ercise testing is likely to be needed to reproduce interstitial disease as well as pulmonary vascular or provoke the main symptom in this case. Esti- disorders. It would be particularly useful in this mates for dyspnea as a presenting symptom for case as the spirometry studies were normal. ischemic heart disease vary but may be as high In this case, the normal FVC renders a as 25%.3 It should be noted that cardiopulmo- significant restrictive disorder unlikely and nary exercise testing is useful for evaluating pa-

his normal forced expiratory volume (FEV1) tients with unexplained dyspnea, as exercise and FEV1/FVC make a significant obstruc- hypoxemia, blunted decrease in VD/VT (ventila- tive disorder unlikely. He did not show any tory dead space/tidal volume), and evidence of a bronchodilator response; however, this find- pulmonary mechanical limit to physical activity ing does not exclude the presence of under- can inform the differential diagnosis. lying asthma or reactive airway disease as patients often will not show a bronchodila- Dr. Clark: The patient underwent exercise tor response at time of testing if they are not treadmill testing and was able reach the target experiencing active bronchospasm or con- heart rate (> 85% age-predicted maximal heart striction. Further provocative testing with a rate) and achieve 11 metabolic equivalents. He methacholine challenge could be used to as- had no chest pain or diagnostic ECG changes. sess for reactive airway disease. The report made no mention of whether he experienced dyspnea during the test and was Dr. Clark: The patient continued to have read as negative for exercise-induced ischemia. dyspnea when he returned to his PCP. Given He was seen by a cardiologist who noted an his family history of premature CAD, an increased intensity S2 heart sound on exam- ECG was obtained that showed normal sinus ination without any other cardiopulmonary rhythm at a rate of 70 beats per minute. A car- findings. It was noted that his symptoms oc- diology consult was placed, and he was re- curred when tamping the ground or starting ferred for cardiac stress testing. to walk up a hill but resolved with rest. It was Dr. Maron, there are many forms of car- also noted that his symptoms did not occur diac stress tests. In this case, the patient is re- with gradual increased activity such as that ferred for a stress test due his dyspnea. Does performed during an exercise tolerance test. A that symptom help you decide which test to 2-view chest X-ray was obtained and read as order? How often does dyspnea present as normal. Given the data from this evaluation an anginal equivalent in the absence of other thus far, the patient was told that his symp- cardiovascular symptoms or known cardio- toms were most likely a result of his asthma vascular disease? exacerbated by dirt and dust exposure. Con- tinued use of albuterol inhaler therapy was Bradley Maron, MD, Codirector, Pulmo- recommended, and no further diagnostic as- nary Vascular Disease Center, VABHS: In sessment was pursued. NOVEMBER 2020 • FEDERAL PRACTITIONER • 523 MEDICAL FORUM

TABLE 2 Clinical Classification of Pulmonary Hypertension5 2: Due to left heart 3: Due to lung diseases 4: Due to pulmonary 5: Unclear and/or multi- Group 1: PAH disease and/or hypoxia artery obstructions factorial mechanisms

Disor- Idiopathic PAH PH due to heart failure Chronic Hematologic disorders ders with preserved LVEF thromboembolic PH

Heritable PAH PH due to heart failure Other pulmonary Systemic and metabolic with reduced LVEF artery obstructions disorders

Drug- and toxin-induced Valvular heart disease Other lung disease with Others PAH mixed restrictive/ obstructive pattern

PAH associated with: Congenital/acquired Hypoxia without lung Complex congenital heart (1) Connective tissue cardiovascular condi- disease disease disease; (2) HIV infection; tions leading to post- (3) portal hypertension; capillary PH (4) congenital heart disease; and (5) schistosomiasis

PAH long-term Developmental lung responders to calcium disorders channel blockers

PAH with overt features of venous/capillaries involvement

Persistent PH of the newborn syndrome

Abbreviations: LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction PAH, pulmonary arterial hypertension; PH, .

Approximately 11 months later, the pa- primary left-sided valvular disease at rest as a tient presented again to his PCP and reported cause of the patient’s symptoms. In light of the progressive dyspnea. He had delayed seek- patient’s prior normal stress test, high grade ing further care as he started to “feel like my coronary disease in the absence of LV systolic symptoms were possibly in my head” given dysfunction on echocardiography also seems his prior negative workup. His symptoms had unlikely. Estimated pulmonary artery systolic escalated drastically to the point where he felt pressure > 60 mm Hg by echocardiography short of breath with minimal exertion in ad- is highly suggestive of PH, but in and of itself dition to feeling sweaty, dizzy, fatigued, and does not diagnose PH nor inform pulmonary having near-syncope when standing. artery wedge pressure or pulmonary vascular He was referred for a transthoracic echo- resistance. Along with a direct measurement of cardiogram (TTE) that revealed a left ven- pulmonary artery (PA) pressure, these data are tricular ejection fraction (LVEF) of 55 to needed to establish, classify, and prognosticate 60% with diastolic relaxation abnormality PH clinically. and a normal-sized left atrium. The TTE also showed (qualitatively) a moderately dilated Dr. Clark: The patient was referred to a right ventricle with reduced systolic func- pulmonologist. His examination included bi- tion, moderately severe tricuspid regurgita- basilar crackles and an enhanced P2 heart tion, and severe elevation (> 60 mm Hg) in sound. A comprehensive pulmonary history estimated right ventricular systolic pressure. was obtained, which noted his smoking his- Dr. Maron, can you comment on how tory, possible asbestos exposure while serv- these findings may explain the patient’s ing in the Coast Guard, nighttime snoring symptoms? What differential diagnoses without witnessed apnea events, and no per- would you now consider? sonal or family history of thromboembolism or connective tissue disease. Dr. Maron: These echocardiography results Dr. Goldstein, is there anything in this exclude left ventricular systolic dysfunction or patient’s history that could explain his


symptoms and echocardiograph findings? TABLE 3 Right Heart Catheterization Results Which tests would you order next? Measures Value (reference range)

Dr. Goldstein: PH may be secondary to a Right atrial, mean, mm Hg 18 (1-5) wide variety of disorders including left heart disease (Group 2), advanced COPD, intersti- Right ventricle, mm Hg 81/13 (15-30/1-7) tial fibrosis, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), or other lung diseases (Group 3), thromboem- Pulmonary artery, mm Hg 83/43 mean, 56 (15-30/5-15, mean, 20) bolic disorders (Group 4), and other systemic Pulmonary artery wedge 10 (4-12) diseases such as (Group 5). Group pressure, mm Hg 1 is pulmonary arterial hypertension. (Table 2). A right heart catheterization should be done Arterial oxygen saturation, % 96 (> 97) to confirm the PA pressures estimated by echo- Mixed venous saturation, % 54 (> 75) cardiogram. As to a cause, clinically he does not have heart failure. The limited smoking history Cardiac output, L/min 2.45 (4-8) and spirometry data do not support advanced COPD. He was noted to have crackles on physi- Cardiac index, L/min/m2 1.37 (2.5-4) cal examination suggesting an interstitial disor- Stroke volume, mL 31.4 (35-65) der. To assess the extent of interstitial disease, we would obtain a noncontrast computed tomog- Pulmonary vascular resistance, Wood U 18 (2) raphy (CT) of the chest. The history of snor- ing suggesting the possibility of OSA indicating Systemic vascular resistance, dynes 2,743 (800-1,200) the need for overnight oximetry as significant nocturnal hypoxemia is a possible contribut- tifiable cause of PH, pulmonary artery wedge ing cause to PH. A polysomnogram would be re- pressure 15 mm Hg and pulmonary vascular re- quired to fully evaluate a sleep disturbance. The sistance of 3.0 Wood units.6 Importantly, PAH is possible asbestos exposure is not likely a con- not synonymous with PH but is a circumspect tributing factor as requires significant PH disease subgroup. In turn, PAH may be idio- exposure. We would obtain a ventilation/perfu- pathic, hereditary, or associated with other select, sion (V/Q) scan to rule out chronic thromboem- predisposing disorders, namely systemic sclero- bolic disease. Targeted tests for causes of Group sis. In PAH, the interplay between genetic and 5 disease should also be done. molecular factors results in effacement of distal pulmonary arterioles due to plexigenic, fibrotic,  Dr. Clark: The impression from his pul- and/or concentric hypertrophic remodeling. In- monologist was that the patient has severe creased vascular resistance promotes early right PH, though the specific etiology was not yet ventricular dilation and impaired systolic func- known. Dr. Maron, can you review for us the tion. As a result, patients with PAH are at particu- pathophysiology behind PH and describe how larly elevated risk for cor pulmonale. the disease is classified? Dr. Clark: Overnight oximetry revealed base- Dr. Maron: Elevated mean pulmonary artery line oxygen saturation of 94%, an oxygen nadir pressure (> 20 mm Hg) diagnosed by supine of 84% with a total of 7 minutes with oxygen right heart catheterization is the sine qua non of < 90%. On a 6-minute walk test, the pa- PH.4 However, this alone does not inform patho- tient had a max heart rate of 116 and ox- physiology. As Dr. Goldstein noted, elevated PA ygen nadir of 93%. Chest CT with and pressure may be due to left heart disease, pri- without contrast showed no evidence mary parenchymal lung disease/sleep-disordered of pulmonary emboli but noted mild breathing, in situ thrombotic remodeling of pul- emphysematous changes. A V/Q revealed no ev- monary arterioles following prior luminal pul- idence of acute or chronic pulmonary throm- monary embolism, or in the setting of various boembolic disease. Coronary catheterization specific predisposing conditions, such as sickle showed normal coronary anatomy without cell disease and sarcoidosis among others.5 significant CAD. A right heart catheterization Alternatively, pulmonary arterial hyperten- showed findings consistent with severe PH with sion (PAH) is suspected in patients with no iden- normal left-sided filling pressures (Table 3). NOVEMBER 2020 • FEDERAL PRACTITIONER • 525 MEDICAL FORUM

Clinical Takeaways [NYHA] Class III – IV), and he had a cardiac index within the range of cardiogenic shock • The initial evaluation of unexplained dyspnea should include basic labo- 2 ratory tests: PFT, oximetry, and chest imaging with further testing, such (< 2.0 L/min/m ). Collectively, this clini- as ECG or echocardiography based on results and patient history. cal profile is considered particularly high risk, • Full PFTs including lung volumes and diffusion capacity are necessary therefore, a recommendation for parenteral con- to fully evaluate the abnormalities associated with COPD and interstitial tinuous prostacyclin therapy was made. diseases. • Evidence of increased right-sided filling pressures on echocardiography  Dr. Clark: The patient tolerated epopros- are suggestive of pulmonary hypertension and should prompt further investigation including right heart catheterization to confirm the findings. tenol and reported improvement in his symp- • Idiopathic PAH promotes early right ventricular dilation and impaired toms. He had a tunneled line catheter placed function leading to increased risk of cor pulmonale. for continuous epoprostenol infusion. He was • Choice of therapy for idiopathic PAH is dependent on the patient’s discharged home and scheduled for outpatient vasoreactivity during right heart catheterization as well as symptoms, follow-up in a PH clinic. At 4 months follow- functional status, and cardiac index measures and may include calcium ing discharge, he was reporting steady clin- channel antagonist therapy (for those with vasoreactivity), dual therapy with an endothelin receptor antagonist and phosphodiesterase inhibitor, ical and functional improvement as well as or parenteral prostacyclin therapy. improvement in his dyspnea. A second ther- apy (oral phosphodiesterase type-V inhibitor) Abbreviations: COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; ECG, electrocardiogram; PAH, pulmonary arterial hypertension; PFT, pulmonary function testing. was initiated and tolerated well. Overall, he re- ported resolution of presyncope, NYHA Func- The patient returned a normal antinuclear tional Class II symptoms, and the absence of antibody, C-reactive protein, HIV, and liver important drug effects. function panel. Based on these findings, a pre- sumptive diagnosis of group 1 PH (idiopathic Author disclosures PAH) was made. Given the severity of his right The authors report no actual or potential conflicts of interest with heart dysfunction, he was transferred to the regard to this article. cardiac care unit and initiated on epoprostenol. Disclaimer Dr. Maron, can you review the different treat- The opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and do ment options for idiopathic PAH and explain not necessarily reflect those of Federal Practitioner, Frontline Medical Communications Inc., the US Government, or any of its why epoprostenol was chosen for this patient? agencies.

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