Saints and

5 min: Opening prayer

10 min: Apologetics – Prayer to the Saints – page 32 to 35, and Misc ?’s #2 – page 41

15 min: Teaching: What is a ?

It is a behavior showing high moral standards, a quality considered morally good or desirable in a person. A moral excellence, a positive trait or quality subjectively deemed to be morally excellent and thus is valued as a foundation of principle and good moral being. Personal virtues are characteristics valued as promoting collective and individual greatness. The opposite of virtue is vice.

If you are struggling with a certain vice or sin, pray for the virtue that counteracts that vice. Give examples from below.

What are some virtues? Meekness Gentleness Modesty Patience Gratitude Love Humility Generosity Obedience Faith Chastity Trust

Capital/ / avarice/ / wrath/ / / / Deadly Sins: arrogance jealousy impurity voracity laziness Vice patience/ humility/ generosity/ kindness/ chastity/ temperance/ diligence/ compassion/ Principal obedience/ / gratitude/ purity/ moderation/ fervor/ gentleness/ Virtues: gratitude faith love temperance/ prudence obedience meekness modesty

We are all children of God, and we are part of the whole kingdom of God. We are the church militant – we are still fighting the battle. The holy souls in purgatory are referred to as the church suffering; they are being purified so that they can enter heaven. And then there is the church triumphant, these are the holy souls that have made it to heaven. The saints, known and unknown have laid the path before us. We can look to the canonized (known) saints and emulate/look to their lives. We can ask for their intercession to help us on this journey. They are our family in Heaven; Our Spiritual Family, you have thousands of relatives praying for you, they are a gift to us. Think of St. Francis Xavier as your spiritual uncle, or Mother Theresa as your spiritual aunt.

There are well over 2000 known saints, each one is very different. There are some that were holy from the start and some that lived very unholy lives and then converted their hearts towards God. Some were martyred for the faith and some lived to an old age. Some suffered greatly and some built up the church, hospitals, schools, and started many charities around the world that are still in existence today. There are saints that were priests, monks, religious sisters, husbands, wives, and children. Some saints were from the same family and some from very unholy families. Saints are given a feast day to celebrate their life in Christ. Saints are also known for certain causes, for example there are saints for hunters, cooks, teachers, police officers, children, wives, nurses, doctors, lawyers, etc…

There are saints like Padre Pio that bi-located and had the Stigmata, St. Joseph of Cupertino levitated, and many others performed miracles, healed the sick, and raised the dead. The list goes on and on!

No matter the story, the mystical favors from God, or the background of the saint, it always glorifies God’s great love, mercy, and power!

There is one thing that saints do have in common, that is that they all surrendered their life to God and lived a life of virtue. Some saints are known more for a certain virtue than others, for example: St. Maria Goretti was known most for purity/chastity. St. Faustina is known for the virtues of obedience and mercy.

15 min: Incorruptibles and Eucharistic Fasts – The Catholic faith is the only faith that God has granted these miracles.  There are some saints that survived for years on only the Eucharist and water. Examples: Blessed Alexandrina da Costa for 13 years, died in 1942 St Catherine of Sienna last 7 years of her life  There are some saints that have been dead for hundreds of years and have not decomposed, we call them incorruptible.  Show the 3 min video here.  The Incorruptibles:

45 min: ***Saint workshop time Note: The rest of the class should be used for researching the saints. If there are students that have already picked their name have them either research that saint more or they can help another student that is still searching.

As you look for a saint for your Confirmation name there are many ways to look them up. You can look for a certain date, maybe your birthday, you could look to see if there is a saint that has a specific name that you like, or you can look up the Patron saint of a particular subject. (Patron means one who supports and protects.)

Picking a saint name for your Confirmation is important because this saint will watch over you and protect you. This is a saint that you can connect with on a spiritual level; this saint will help to bring you closer to God. Get to know this saint, pray to this saint for help and protection, and develop a friendship with the saint.

As you look for a saint to choose for your Confirmation name, bring it to prayer, is there a saint that stands out or comes to mind? If so, you can guarantee that that saint is already praying for you.

Close with prayer – asking the saints to intercede.

What is a virtue?

It is a behavior showing high moral standards, a quality considered morally good or desirable in a person. A moral excellence, a positive trait or quality subjectively deemed to be morally excellent and thus is valued as a foundation of principle and good moral being. Personal virtues are characteristics valued as promoting collective and individual greatness. The opposite of virtue is vice.

What are some virtues? Meekness Obedience Prudence Gentleness Chastity Generosity Patience Temperance Faith Love Modesty Trust Humility Gratitude

If you are struggling with a certain vice or sin, pray for the virtue that counteracts that vice.

Capital/ pride/ avarice/ envy/ wrath/ lust/ gluttony/ sloth/ Deadly Sins: arrogance greed jealousy anger impurity voracity laziness Vice patience/ humility/ generosity/ kindness/ chastity/ temperance/ diligence/ compassion/ Principal obedience/ charity/ gratitude/ purity/ moderation/ fervor/ gentleness/ Virtues: gratitude faith love temperance/ prudence obedience meekness modesty

What is a virtue?

It is a behavior showing high moral standards, a quality considered morally good or desirable in a person. A moral excellence, a positive trait or quality subjectively deemed to be morally excellent and thus is valued as a foundation of principle and good moral being. Personal virtues are characteristics valued as promoting collective and individual greatness. The opposite of virtue is vice.

What are some virtues? Meekness Obedience Prudence Gentleness Chastity Generosity Patience Temperance Faith Love Modesty Trust Humility Gratitude

If you are struggling with a certain vice or sin, pray for the virtue that counteracts that vice.

Capital/ pride/ avarice/ envy/ wrath/ lust/ gluttony/ sloth/ Deadly Sins: arrogance greed jealousy anger impurity voracity laziness Vice patience/ humility/ generosity/ kindness/ chastity/ temperance/ diligence/ compassion/ Principal obedience/ charity/ gratitude/ purity/ moderation/ fervor/ gentleness/ Virtues: gratitude faith love temperance/ prudence obedience meekness modesty