Timeline / Before 1800 to After 1930 /

Date Country Theme

1797 Austria Political Context

Austria and France conclude the Treaty of Campo Formio on 17 October. Austria then cedes to Belgium and Lombardy. To compensate, it gains the eastern part of the Venetian Republic up to the Adige, including Venice, and Dalmatia.

1811 Austria Reforms And Social Changes

A commission under the chairmanship of Franz von Zeiller drafts the General Civil Code.

1811 - 1886 Austria Music, Literature, Dance And Fashion

Franz Liszt is born in Austria. He becomes one the leading composers and a piano virtuoso of the 19th century. He dies in Bayreuth.

1814 - 1815 Austria Political Context

The Great Peace Congress is held in from 18 September 1814 to 9 June 1815. Clemens Wenzel Duke of Metternich organises the Austrian predominance in . Austria exchanges the Austrian Netherlands for the territory of the Venetian Republic and creates the Kingdom of Lombardy-Venetia.

1821 Austria Economy And Trade

In , Josef Ressel equips the steamship Civetta with a ship’s propeller for the first time.

1825 - 1827 Austria Great Inventions Of The 19th Century

A railway line opens between Budweis () and (Upper Austria). The rolling stock was not yet steam-operated.

1825 Austria Music, Literature, Dance And Fashion

Johann Strauss creates his Wiener Walzer Kapelle, an orchestra specialising in the Viennese Waltz.

1827 Austria Music, Literature, Dance And Fashion

Franz Schubert composes his Winterreise.

1829 Austria Great Inventions Of The 19th Century

The Austrian Steamboat Shipping Company is established.

1836 Austria Great Inventions Of The 19th Century

Austrian Lloyd, the main steamship company on the Mediterranean, with headquarters in Trieste, is established. Date Country Theme

1836 Austria Great Inventions Of The 19th Century

A stretch of the Northern Railway between and Deutsch-Wagram comes into operation using steam-powered locomotives.

1840 - 1841 Austria Political Context

Austria cooperates in a settlement to the Turkish–Egyptian crisis of 1840, sending intervention forces to conquer the Ottoman fortresses of Saida (Sidon) and St Jean d’Acre, and concluding with the Dardanelles Treaty signed at the London Straits Convention of 1841.

1842 Austria Reforms And Social Changes

Child labour under 12 years of age is outlawed in Austria.

1842 Austria Music, Literature, Dance And Fashion

The Wiener Philharmoniker is founded. It becomes one of the most famous orchestras in the world.

1843 Austria Reforms And Social Changes

Gas lighting is installed on the streets of Vienna.

1847 Austria Reforms And Social Changes

Foundation of the Academy of Science in Vienna.

1848 Austria Reforms And Social Changes

Silesian Deputy Hans Kudlich introduces legislation to abolish the enforced servitude of peasants in the Reichstag.

1848 - 1849 Austria Political Context

Revolution in Austria- and northern Italy.

1849 - 1850 Austria Migrations

The revolutionary General Józef Zachariasz Bem flees Austria for the Ottoman Empire along with 6,000 Hungarian soldiers. He becomes a Turkish General and in 1850 suppresses a Muslim pogrom against the Christian minority in Aleppo.

1850 Austria Travelling

Archduke Maximilian visits Asia Minor and Egypt.

1850 - 1900 Austria Migrations Date Country Theme

During the second half of the 19th century the mass migration of Czech-speaking farmers to Vienna to work for Viennese industries finally amounts to half the Viennese population.

1850 - 1900 Austria Economy And Trade

The majority of fezzes worn as modern headgear in the Ottoman Empire during the second half of the 19th century are produced in the .

1852 Austria Reforms And Social Changes

Enactment of a code for Craft Guild regulations offers workers some protection in the Austrian monarchy.

1854 Austria Great Inventions Of The 19th Century

The Semmering Railway is the first mainline railway to pass through mountainous territory.

1857 Austria Travelling

Sidi Muhammad Bey of Tunis presents a pair of pistols to Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria.

1858 Austria Economy And Trade

A unified silver currency the Guilder (Gulden) is introduced throughout the Austrian-Hungarian Empire.

1858 - 1910 Austria Cities And Urban Spaces

Vienna’s newly constructed Ringstrasse covers an area of approximately 2,400,000m2 (240 hectares).

1859 Austria Political Context

Defeat of the Austrians by a French and Sardinian Army at the Battle of Solferino on 24 June sees terrible losses on both sides.

1859 Austria Political Context

At the Peace of Zürich (10 November) Austria cedes Lombardy, but not Venetia, to Napoleon III; in turn, Napoleon hands the province over to the Kingdom of .

1860 Austria Migrations

Sigmund Freud (1856–1939) is born in ; he emigrates from Moravia to Vienna.

1863 Austria Music, Literature, Dance And Fashion Date Country Theme

Bedrich Smetana's (1824–1884) opera Verkaufte Braut (The Bartered Bride) had its first performance in .

1866 Austria Migrations

Karl of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen from south-western is elected as Prince of Romania.

1866 Austria Political Context

Following defeat at the Battle of Königgrätz (3 October), at the Peace of Vienna, Austria is forced to cede the Venetian province to Italy.

1867 Austria Reforms And Social Changes

The Austrian-Hungarian compromise creates a dual-monarchy that has common ministries only for foreign affairs, defence and public finance.

1867 Austria Fine And Applied Arts

The Austrian Museum of Applied Arts purchases the minbar from the Ibn Tulun Mosque in Cairo.

1867 Austria Travelling

Sultan ‘Abd al-‘Aziz visits Vienna on 18 July.

1868 Austria Migrations

Michael Latos is born in (Austrian Empire) in 1828. He later deserts the Austrian army and flees to the Ottoman Empire, where he makes a military career as Omar Pasha and becomes Minister of War in 1868.

1868 Austria Great Inventions Of The 19th Century

The railway across the Brenner Pass (via the Alps) opens.

1869 Austria Cities And Urban Spaces

Opening of the new State Opera House in Vienna.

1869 Austria Great Inventions Of The 19th Century

Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria attends the opening of the Suez Canal on 17 November.

1869 Austria Travelling

Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria visits Jerusalem.

1872 - 1891 Austria International Exhibitions Date Country Theme

The (Museum of Fine Arts) in Vienna is built.

1872 Austria Economy And Trade

Foundation of the Austrian Agricultural University in Vienna.

1873 Austria International Exhibitions

At the World Trade Fair in Vienna, the Austrian Museum of Applied Art purchases a pair of jugs from Tunisia for the museum.

1873 Austria International Exhibitions

A copy of the decoration from the Tomb of Khnumhotep is exhibited in the Egyptian Pavilion of the World Trade Fair.

1873 Austria Rediscovering The Past

The Austrian archaeologist Alexander Conze organizes excavations in Samothrace.

1873 Austria International Exhibitions

Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria opens the Weltausstellung, Vienna’s World Trade Fair.

1873 Austria Cities And Urban Spaces

Construction of a new water-supply pipeline from the Alps to Vienna.

1874 Austria Fine And Applied Arts

Kasper von Zumbusch (1830–1915) begins work on a monument to Empress Maria Theresia, situated on Maria-Theresien-Platz at the Ringstrasse in Vienna.

1874 Austria Music, Literature, Dance And Fashion

Joseph Strauss composes the opera Die Fledermaus.

1875 Austria Reforms And Social Changes

Edmund Count Széchényi establishes ’s first fire brigade in Istanbul.

1875 Austria Migrations

Gustav Mahler (1860–1911) is born in Kališt# in Bohemia; he emigrates from there to Vienna in 1875.

1877 Austria Migrations Date Country Theme

Karl Krauss (1874–1936) is born in Ji#ín in Bohemia; he emigrates from Bohemia to Vienna in 1877, where his famous journal Die Fackel (The Torch) is published in 1898.

1877 Austria Fine And Applied Arts

The Austrian glass manufacture Lobmayr produces glass cups in the Oriental Style.

1877 Austria Fine And Applied Arts

The Viennese Stock Market is completed to a design by Theophil Hansen.

1878 Austria Political Context

In June the signatories at the Congress of Berlin grant Austria the right to occupy and fully administer Bosnia and Herzegovina for an undetermined period.

1879 Austria Fine And Applied Arts

Hans Makart (1840–84) designs the “Makart Parade” to celebrate the Silver wedding anniversary of the Imperial couple, Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria and Empress Elisabeth (“Sisi”).

1881 Austria Economy And Trade

The Osterreichische-Alpine Montan-Gesellschaft is founded to mine the rich iron resources of north-west Styria.

1881 Austria Cities And Urban Spaces

Designs for a telephone network in Vienna.

1881 Austria Reforms And Social Changes

Construction of the telephone network in Vienna.

1881 Austria Political Context

The alliance of the three Emperors of Germany, Russia and Austria recognise the Habsburg Empire’s predominance in the western Balkans. In June, Austria reaches an agreement with King Milan I of , whereby Austria promises to support an eventual Serbian expansion in the south, while Serbia agrees to exclude any agreement with other powers without Austria’s prior approval.

1883 Austria Music, Literature, Dance And Fashion

The Czech writer Frank Kafka is born in Prague; he dies in Klosterneuburg, Austria, in 1924.

1883 Austria Political Context Date Country Theme

In October, the Austrian Emperor Franz Josef concludes a secret alliance with the Hohenzollern King of Romania, Carol I, against Russia.

1887 - 1918 Austria Migrations

The son of an Austrian general, Ferdinand of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha becomes King of Bulgaria; he leaves Bulgaria and immigrates to Germany in 1918.

1888 Austria Reforms And Social Changes

Austria’s Legislation is passed for the mandatory insurance of workers (employees).

1888 Austria Cities And Urban Spaces

The (National Theatre) moves from its former residence at the Hofburg (Imperial Castle) to purpose-built premises at the Ringstrasse.

1889 Austria Cities And Urban Spaces

The Deutsche Volkstheater (German People’s Theatre) opens in Vienna.

1889 Austria Reforms And Social Changes

The Social Democratic Party is founded during the Hainfeld Congress.

1891 Austria Fine And Applied Arts

The Museum of Applied Arts in Vienna purchases the Karabakh carpet in Istanbul.

1893 Austria Rediscovering The Past

The Egyptian authorities give the head of a Sphinx of Sesostris III to the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna.

1895 Austria Rediscovering The Past

A statue of an athlete is found in Ephesus, Turkey; ‘Abd al-Hamid II, the Ottoman Sultan at the time, gives it as a gift to the Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph I.

1896 Austria Political Context

Russia recognises Ferdinand of Saxe-Coburg, a former Austrian officer, as the new Prince of Bulgaria.

1896 Austria Music, Literature, Dance And Fashion

Austrian composer Anton Bruckner dies.

1897 Austria Fine And Applied Arts Date Country Theme

Gustav Klimt (1867–1918) founds, along with other Viennese artists, the Viennese Secession, a society of Austrian Art Nouveaux artists.

1901 Austria Cities And Urban Spaces

Otto Wagner designs and overseas construction of the Viennese metro, the Wiener Stadtbahn.

1903 Austria Fine And Applied Arts

The Wiener Werkstätte, an association of designers such as Joseph Hofmann and Koloman Moser is founded, covering all aspects of design from fashion to furniture.

1903 Austria Political Context

The young King Alexander of Serbia is brutally murdered in an officers’ conspiracy in June. The replacement of the pro-Austrian Obrenovi# Dynasty by the pro- Russian House of Kara#or#evi# under Peter I, changes the balance of power in the Balkans.

1904 Austria Reforms And Social Changes

Theodor Herzl, founder of the Zionist movement, dies.

1904 Austria Music, Literature, Dance And Fashion

First performance of Leoš Janá#ek’s (1854–1928) opera Janufa.

1907 Austria Reforms And Social Changes

Introduction of the general equal franchise means that all Austrian male citizens have the right to vote for members of the parliament; prior to 1907 only males paying a minimum amount of tax were allowed a vote.

1908 Austria Political Context

The Austrian Government proclaims the annexation of Bosnia-Herzegovina and the evacuation of Austrian troops from the Sanjak on 6 October. The Austrian annexation then escalates into a major international crisis, which sees Serbia’s future hope to establish a Yugoslav empire shattered.

1910 Austria Cities And Urban Spaces

When Adolf Loos designs the Michaelaplatz in Vienna for the textile company Goldman & Salatsch, unusually, there is no ornamentation around the windows.

1912 Austria Music, Literature, Dance And Fashion

The Italian writer Scipio Slataper publishes his autobiography in which he describes the multinational character of the Littoral (the countryside around his home in Trieste). Date Country Theme

1912 - 1929 Austria Rediscovering The Past

The Austrian archaeologist Hermann Junker organises an excavation to Giza in Egypt.

1912 Austria Music, Literature, Dance And Fashion

Jaroslav Hašek (1883–1923) publishes his parody on the Austrian army, The Good Soldier Švejk.

1913 Austria Fine And Applied Arts

Egon Schiele (1890–1918) becomes a member of the Bund Österreichischer Künstler (Society of Austrian Artists).

1914 Austria Music, Literature, Dance And Fashion

The Austrian expressionist writer Georg Trakl commits suicide following his experiences in battle during .

1914 Austria Political Context

On 28 June the heir-apparent Archduke Francis Ferdinand is shot in Sarajevo by a Bosnian youth of Serb origin.

1914 Austria Political Context

Austria declares war on Serbia in July: she is supported by Russia, France and Britain. Turkey and Bulgaria enter the war on the side of the German–Austrian Alliance.

1916 Austria Political Context

Death of Emperor Francis Joseph and accession of Emperor Charles I to the Austro-Hungarian throne.

1916 Austria Political Context

Romania declares war on the Central Powers: Germany, Austria and Bulgaria.

1918 Austria Political Context

Armistice between Austro-Hungary and the Entente Powers (France, Russia and the United Kingdom).

1918 Austria Political Context

Emperor Charles I renounces his participation to the government of Germany- Austria (Deutsch Österreich). The Austrian republic is founded in Vienna.

1918 Austria Political Context Date Country Theme

The Peace (or Treaty) of Bucharest between Romania and Austria.

1918 - 1939 Austria Migrations

Danilo I Prince of is forced to leave his kingdom following its integration with Yugoslavia. He then seeks exile in Austria and dies in Vienna in 1939.

1919 Austria Political Context

Austria signs the Peace of Saint-Germain-en-Laye with the Entente Powers.

1920 Austria Political Context

The population of Carinthia in southernmost Austria votes in favour of remaining within Austria.

1924 Austria Economy And Trade

The counterstamp of Austrian Maria Theresia Thaler (“MTT”) is seen on silver bullion coins from the Arabian mint in Najd.