MINUTES OF BRANDESBURTON PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Held on Monday 11th January 2016 at 7.00pm in the Methodist Chapel Schoolroom

PRESENT: Mr Voase (Chair), Mr S Atkinson, Miss Coates, Mr. Kittmer, Mrs Richardson, Miss Tindall Mrs Whitfield, Mrs Wright,

No residents attended for the 10min open session.

The Chair welcomed Mrs Maggie Mossford as the new parish councillor.

1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Mrs. Malcolmson, Mr Richardson, Councillor Evison, Councillor Owen

2. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS: The minutes were agreed as correct and signed by the Chair.


4. CLERK'S UPDATE REPORT  An ash bin has been ordered. Costcutter have agreed it can be placed on the outside wall. The Clerk will liaise with Costcutter when it arrives.  ERYC had sent an email explaining why the football field at Catwick Lane did not qualify for a Dog Control Order. The email had been forwarded to Mr Marlow.  The blocked drains on Catwick Lane should have been dealt with.  An email had been received from ERYC with the results of the traffic monitoring on Catfoss Lane. This had been undertaken for one week in November. A total number of 11388 vehicles had used the stretch of road in question. 2% had been above the speed restriction. The average speed was 40mph. Therefore no further action would be taken.  Coun. Evison had sent an email giving the latest situation regarding the Greengrass Caravan Park. Certain planning conditions are still outstanding.


1. 15/03542/PLF. Erection of single and two storey extensions to rear and single storey extension to side (Tree Survey) at 12 Oak Tree Way Brandesburton for Mr. A Dhadda. APPROVED. Unanimous. 2. 15/03876/PLF. Construction of new vehicular access at Fosse Hill Reclamation, Catfoss Lane, Brandesburton for Ms K Barron. APPROVED. 6 for, 2 abstentions. 3. 15/03919/PLF. Erection of two storey extension to side and single storey extension to rear following demolition of existing conservatory at Thistle Cottage, 7 Main Street, Brandesburton for Mr. D Cutting. APPROVED. Unanimous. 4. 16/00006/PLF. Erection of a general purpose agricultural storage building at Larum House, Rotsea Road, for Mr G Taylor. APPROVED. Unanimous.

6. FOOTBALL PITCH, MILL LANE The Clerk had received an email from Club Secretary stating that the Brandesburton AFC would be taking over the new football pitch at Mill Lane. Members had concerns as it was envisaged that the ground would be open to all to play on at any time. The Clerk was asked to try and find out what the original agreement had been when the land was given to ERYC/parish. The Clerk was also asked to find out the actual size of the site and how much land would be available outside of the pitch. Also to find out who has locked the gate.

7. PLAYPARK REPAIRS The Clerk has ordered the bolts necessary the replace the wooden animal in the Playpark. Due to the Christmas/New Year holidays the order was not processed until last week and the parts should arrive any time. The Clerk has a contractor who is willing to do the work. She has given him information on a wetpour kit supplier for repairing the ground when the two animals are re-attached. 8. 2016/17 PRECEPT The Clerk has received confirmation from ERYC that the request for £10,000 precept for 2016/17 has been received.

9. PARISH COUNCIL WEBSITE - funding application The Clerk has had problems in the last months downloading the minutes, and more recently the agenda to the Parish Council website. The website also shows it may have been hacked. The Clerk has not heard about the funding application but hopefully she will hear this month. In the light of the current problems she suggested that the current site is no longer used and a message is posted stating that in the short-term there will only be paper copies of the minutes and agenda available in the PC notice-board outside the Methodist Chapel. She was asked to write to Mr Chapman thanking him for all his help in setting up the current site and managing it over the years. It was agreed he should be given a voucher in appreciation of his work. The Clerk asked that if the funding application was successful could she contact Vision ICT to start discussions on an independent website for the parish council. The members were asked to vote and it was unanimous that she could start discussions with them. ERNLLCA are running a training course with Vision ICT on managing a new website and the Clerk asked if she could attend. This was agreed.

10. PARISH TRANSPORT ACTION PLAN The Clerk had produced a draft of the survey for Brandesburton. The members were asked if all was correct and they agreed for it to be produced by ERYC. It will be distributed with the Church Newsletter in February and the closing date is Sunday 13th March. Munro's newsagents have agreed that the survey forms can returned to them. The Clerk will provide a suitable box for the collection of the forms.

11. ERYC - Local Flood Risk Management Strategy The East Riding of Local Flood Risk Management Strategy 2015-2027 and/or the Flood Risk Management Plan- and Haltemprice Catchment (within the ) 2015-2027, they are available at www.eastriding.gov.uk/flooding. The documents are also available in East Riding libraries and Customer Service Centres.

There is also to be a Flood Advisory Service road-show in the Tesco car park, , 14th and 15th January.

12. CUADRILLA RESOURCES - new onshore oil and gas exploration licence An email had been received giving details of the latest licences granted for exploration for shale gas in the North Yorkshire and east Riding of Yorkshire area. Maps were included. Currently there is no licence for this area.

13. ERYC - Parishes using the online planning application process ERYC had sent a map showing which town/parish councils were using the online process and which were still in . By far the majority were using the new procedures.

14. SMALLER AUTHORITIES AUDIT APPOINTMENT The Audit Commission ceased to exist in 2015. The Smaller Authorities Audit Appointments Ltd has been appointed to undertake external audit on authorities with an annual turnover of £25,000 to £6.5000,000. It is the Clerk's understanding that councils with an annual turnover of less than £25,000 will not have to submit accounts to the external auditors but all paperwork relating to the annual accounts must be published on the website.

15. EAST RIDING GROUP - introductory letter The group has sent a letter introducing themselves and giving an outline of the work they can undertake. This included grass cutting. The Clerk will place the letter on file for when the grass cutting contract is due for renewal.

16. DATE OF MAY MEETING The Clerk asked if the date of the May meeting could be put back for personal reasons. This was discussed and it was agreed the May meeting would be held on Monday 23rd.

17. CORRESPONDENCE 1. 15/03494/PLF. Erection of single storey extension to side of existing store/wc at the Bowling Green and Clubhouse for the Brandesburton Bowls Club . APPROVED. PC Approved. 2. Autela have sent a letter on the new auto enrolment pension legislation. 3. The Community Rail Partnership has sent the monthly electronic newsletter. 4. YCCRP has sent a special edition of Connections Express advising that the department of Transport has announced that the next Northern franchise will invest more than £1 billion in new trains, better stations etc for customers across the north of . 5. ERYC have sent an email to remind East Riding residents of the YORSwitch scheme for cheaper energy. The deadline for registration is Monday 1st February. Posters have been placed in the PC notice-board. 6. ERYC have sent details of two sport related funding sources in response to the recent floods Sport England - Flood Relief Fund at www.sportengland.org/funding/our-different-funds/flood-relief- fund Yorkshire Cricket Board - Emergency Fund at http://yorkshireccc.com/news/view/4348/emergency- fund-set-up-for-cricket-clubs-affected-by-yorkshire-floods

7. Humberside Police and Fire Rescue are holding a number of public consultations on a range of options to meet required savings. 14th Jan - Fire Station 6pm-7pm 18th Jan - Morrisons, Brough 4pm-5pm 19th Jan - Fire Station 5.30pm-6.30pm 25th Jan - Fire Station 6pm-7pm 8. East Riding Parish News for January has been received


The following was paid in the interim

1. Zurich Insurance £251.85

The following accounts were approved for payment by the Council at the meeting:

1.. L Watts - litter picking £ 35.00 2. Glasdon UK Ltd - Repair parts for Playpark £ 18.00 3. M Slattery - salary £243.47 4. Yorkshire Coast Community Rail Partnership - subscription £ 5.00 5. M Slattery - printer paper, stamps £ 13.56 6. Methodist Church - room rent £ 49.00

The Chair read out the bank statements for the reserve and the current account.

19. VILLAGE ISSUES (not covered by the agenda).  A resident had suggested that traffic islands be installed along Main Street to reduce the speed of traffic. It was pointed out this would also reduce parking availability  It was reported that the post at the end of Church Drive has disappeared. The Clerk will investigate.  There is a pot hole outside Mayfield on Main Street. The Clerk will report.  There has been considerable rubbish dumped at the recycling area. The Clerk will report.  A resident had complained about the dog fouling in the village, particularly outside the school. The Clerk asked that if the dog owner could be identified to let her know. She would arrange for more anti- fouling signage to be sprayed on the footpaths outside the school, on Main Street and New Road. The Clerk was asked if Butts Lane could be included.  A half plot at the allotments has become available. The Clerk will place notice in the PC notice-board for a month, and ask Munro's to display notice. If no-one interested it will be offered to a non-resident.  Concern was raised at the height of the new barn at Corner Farm. The Clerk was asked to check on this.

The next meeting will be on Monday 8th February 2016 at 7.00pm. There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.50pm.