Number 151 Jan/Feb 2018 Famous Scientists

The Association for Science Education The ASE’s journal for primary science

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Contents Number 151 Jan/Feb 2018

Editor Dr Leigh Hoath

3 Focus on … Famous scientists 4 Notice Board 5 Relating school science to real-world scientists Helen Spring considers how making scientists relevant to children supports learning Focusing on female scientists – 8 The ‘mighty women of science’ make an impact page 8 in a primary school Agnieszka Barden describes how a focus on female scientists has raised the profile of science in her school Standing on the 10 Standing on the shoulders of giants: shoulders contemporary scientists bringing your science of giants – page 10 curriculum to life Alex Sinclair and Amy Strachan discuss how the use of contemporary scientists in the classroom can help us learn from the approaches of yesterday’s famous scientists 14 The PS interview Leigh Hoath asks TV presenter Andy Day about his encounters with dinosaurs, baby animals and how he problem-solves with science 17 Science Swap Shop 21 Lights, camera, science! John McCullagh and Andrea Doherty describe how using digital storytelling can support enquiry 26 PLAN … What was the need? Using digital storytelling – page 21 Naomi Hiscock outlines the evolution of the PLAN support materials and shows how they can support teaching and learning 30 Outreach: beyond ‘Wow!’? Jim explores who ‘wow’ moments work for, and whether further stretch is needed when reaching out Beyond the ‘wow’ moment – Page 30 35 Reviews Executive Editor Helen Johnson ASE editorial contact Jane Hanrott Design/page makeup Colin Barker ndd Advertising Rebecca Dixon-Watmough

The Association Cover: TV presenter Andy Day meets T. rex – see page 14 for Science Education


PRIMARY SCIENCE JAN_FEB 2018.indd 1 18-Dec-17 2:54:16 PM RUNNING HEADFuture themes Generally each issue of Primary Science focuses on a theme, but also includes other articles on a range of topics, so if you have something to write about that is not on a theme or responds to a theme already covered, don’t be deterred. All contributions are very welcome. Shorter articles are particularly welcome. Issue 152 (March/April 2018) Hidden science What Editor Dr Leigh Hoath (@leighhoath) science can be developed through educational visits that are traditionally for other subject areas? Exploring the less obvious locations for science. Editorial Board Issue 153 (May/June 2018) Science in the arts (copy deadline 2 February 2018). Putting the A into STEAM: David Allen how science can be taught and engaged with through Senior Lecturer, University of Hertfordshire traditionally arts subjects. Issue 154 (Sept/Oct 2018) Science capital (copy deadline Paul Chambers 1 June 2018). What children know about science and Senior Lecturer, University of Strathclyde bring to the classroom has a massive impact on their Sarah Earle (reviews editor) (@PriSciEarle) futures in terms of perceptions of science and careers. Senior Lecturer, Primary PGCE Science, Bath Spa University What do you do to build upon the science capital children have? Alison Eley Issue 155 (Nov/Dec 2018) How things work (copy Academic Director, Primary Science Teaching Trust deadline 3 August 2018). Science is all around us and Deborah Herridge (@deborahscience) explains how everyday things work. What examples do Senior Lecturer (Primary Science), Northumbria University you use in the classroom to show the everyday nature of science and to help children understand how things Melissa Loughran (@Melectra) around them work? Science Lead, Alexandra Junior School, Stoke-on-Trent

John McCullagh Writing for Primary Science Senior Lecturer, Stranmillis University College, Belfast Primary Science publishes articles on all aspects of primary science Kate Redhead (@RedPSTT) education, including early years, and we welcome articles which: Regional Mentor, PSTT support effective classroom practice in teaching, learning and assessing science; Carol Sampey (@CarolSampey) give practical classroom ideas; Consultant and PSTT College Fellow and Area Mentor interpret (rather than simply present) research; Elaine Stockdale (@ClassMerlin2) address issues relating to primary science education; Science Lead, Tongwynlais Primary School, Cardiff comment on controversial articles, issues and debates; Neil Taylor challenge teachers’ thinking about important changes. Professor of Education, University of New England, Australia Short contributions are very welcome, including notices, letters and short responses to other articles. It may help you if you read one or two articles Paul Tyler (@Glazgow) in Primary Science before beginning your own. Science Lead and author of Topical Science Updates The Editor is very happy to advise and support new authors. Contact: Toby Tyler (@UnleashPriSci) [email protected] and detailed guidelines for writing for the journal are available on the Great Moor Community Infant School, Stockport ASE website: Emma Vanstone (@ScienceSparks) Science Sparks Contributions and comments: Please send as an email attachment to: [email protected] or post to: The Editor, Primary Science, ASE, College Lane, Contacting the Association for Science Education: Hatfield, Herts AL10 9AA. Post: ASE, College Lane, Hatfield, Herts AL10 9AA Tel: 01707 283000; Fax: 01707 266532 Primary Science is the primary journal of the Association for Science Education and is sent to all primary members of the Association as one Email: [email protected]; website: of the benefits of membership. It is published five times a year. Advertising: [email protected] Safety: Reasonable care has been taken to ensure that articles in this © 2018, The Association for Science Education. The journal do not suggest practices that might be dangerous, and safety Association is pleased to allow schools to copy articles warnings are given where appropriate. However, the Association for from this journal for their own internal school use. Science Education has not tested the activities suggested and can Requests for reproduction for any other purpose should therefore give no guarantee of safety. For further advice on health and be made in writing to the ASE. safety matters in primary science education see Be safe! Health and safety in school science and technology for teachers of 3- to 12-year- ISSN 0269-2465 olds (4th edn, ASE, 2011)

The Association for Science Education The ideas and opinions expressed in this journal are not Printed by Stephen Austin and Sons Limited, Hertford SG13 7LU. necessarily those of the Association for Science Education. 2 PRIMARY SCIENCE 151 Jan/Feb 2018

PRIMARY SCIENCE JAN_FEB 2018.indd 2 18-Dec-17 2:54:16 PM FOCUS ON...

Famous scientists

hen we watch television, go to a music concert been a great delight to put it together with such a range or visit the cinema it is easy to be in awe of the of articles. There are three focusing on the use of famous Wpeople we see and what they are doing. There scientists as a means for teaching and one that highlights is something that can be so engaging and wondrous about the role that children’s television can play in offering them, it is a challenge to articulate. We all have famous the opportunity to find science in non-science-focused people we hold in the highest regard. Most of us don’t meet programmes. Now, with famous scientists as part of them or, if we do, it is only fleetingly, and yet their impact the National Curriculum in England, it is imperative that on our lives is no less because of that, and we have a sense children have a sense of the contributions made to their of knowing them. lives by scientists from the past and there is great scope There are others we perhaps hear on the radio or for looking at the famous scientists of today. But children interviewed in the media who inspire should also be made aware of the us: ordinary people who have done It is imperative that science going on all around them – the great things or succeeded in the face of children have a sense contributions made every day by those adversity. People who are not famous, of the contributions who will remain unknown, those who are not seeking out the media spotlight, but made to their lives by working to change our lives for the better simply doing inspiring things and changing and those who are behind making the lives. There are the people who have made scientists from the big breakthroughs happen. significant medical breakthroughs, bringing past and there is great Most of all, I think that there should be us the next step closer to identifying the scope for looking at the appreciation of what you, as teachers, gene for a certain condition or a treatment famous scientists of do to change and impact on the lives of for a disease; all can inspire and have an learners. We probably all carry memories impact on us. today. of teachers, some good and some bad! Through my career I have been very But you are the people who are shaping lucky to meet people who have supported my professional our children’s futures. You are supporting and inspiring journey and been very inspirational. A few of them are the famous scientists of the future. You are nurturing the famous; most are not. Some of them are the people I people who will become the inspiration, the awesome and meet at conferences, the teachers who attend courses, the the wondrous. There are people in your schools who, even students I train throughout the year. A few of these have if they do not become famous, will become the people really helped shaped my thinking and made me look at life who influence others at conferences, attending courses in different ways – either through challenging my thinking, or in their working lives. Being famous certainly permits encouraging me or presenting opportunities and opening access into everyday lives with great potential for a sense doors. All of us have these people in our lives. Sometimes of value. But being a class teacher of primary school we just need to look a bit differently to see them in this way. children, in an increasingly technological and scientific This issue has the theme ‘Famous scientists’ and it has world, is priceless.

PRIMARY SCIENCE 151 Jan/Feb 2018 3

PRIMARY SCIENCE JAN_FEB 2018.indd 3 18-Dec-17 2:54:16 PM N0TICERUNNBOARDING HEAD Safety announcement – Plastic pipette 6 Drop 2–3 pieces of plastic into the cup. Food colouring Look carefully to see where the plastic floats. alternative activities What you will see In Primary Science 148, page 34, in 2–3 small The glycerine sinks to the bottom, an article on counterintuitive science plastic pieces the water floats on the glycerine and activities, two practical activities were Samples to test: the oil forms the top layer. When food given within the article that involved 30 ml water colouring is added, the drops fall through using alcohol. This is not something that 30 ml baby the oil and water layers and float on the is recommended in primary schools and oil glycerine before slowly mixing with the therefore CLEAPSS have suggested the water. When the plastic pieces are added alternatives set out below. 30 ml glycerine they fall through the oil and float on the For full procedures please visit the water layer. CLEAPSS website: Notes Disposal Place Decant the top oil layer into a plastic bag the water, containing some absorbent material, tie Floating liquids glycerine and baby oil in labelled and dispose of in a general waste bin. This activity enables children to learn containers. Glycerine is inexpensive and After sieving out the pieces of plastic, the about density. available from local pharmacies. rest can be poured down the sink with Cut the plastic (e.g. coloured plenty of water. milk bottle lids) into small pieces Background (approx.0.5(appr x 0.5 cm). The samples form layers according to Have a large container/jug available their density with the densest, glycerine, to tip all the liquids into at the end of sinking to the bottom of the cup. The the activity. small pieces of plastic are more dense than Procedure the oil but less dense than the water so 1 Measure 30 ml of glycerine and they float on the water layer. pour it into the cup. 2 Measure 30 ml of either water or Why doesn’t it overflow? Safety: Remind children not baby oil and carefully pour the sample An alternative to mixing water and to put any liquids or solids near their into the cup; then repeat with the other alcohol to demonstrate that the mouths. sample. combined volume is less than the two PRIMARY SCI3 LookENCE carefully 150 Nov/Dec at what has 2017 happened individual volumes. Equipment needed per child/ to the liquids. Which liquid is which? Fill a measuring cylinder with water to per pair: 4 Add a few drops of food colouring, do the very top until a meniscus forms. Then 1 clear colourless disposable plastic not stir and observe what happens. carefully and slowly add salt. Even though cup/beaker the cylinder ‘appears’ full, you can add quite 5 Gently stir the liquids and observe Measuring cylinder (ideally 50 ml) a lot of salt before the water spills over. what happens.

Beat the Flood: an exciting new STEM challenge from Practical Action aspx?pageid=792&cc=gb The ASE’s Schoolscience website has lots of Suitable for key stages 2–3 (ages 7–14). Pupils use their resources and competitions to support your STEM skills to help them design and build a model of a teaching. flood-proof house. Activities to help them with their design include testing materials (for strength and absorbency) and Floating garden challenge structures. A fun hands-on investigation suitable for key stages 2–5 Plastics challenge pupils (ages 7–18). The problem: as a result of climate change there is more An exciting new challenge for pupils aged 8–14 years rain in Bangladesh than ever before. Land where farmers to develop solutions to the problems caused by plastics used to grow their crops is waste globally. now flooded on a regular The challenge can basis. The result is families be used flexibly as go hungry. part of the formal The challenge: to design science and design and build a model structure and technology that will enable farmers to curriculum in the grow crops even in an area UK, or for a STEM that may become flooded. club or enrichment day.

4 PRIMPRIMARARYY SCI SCIENCEENCE 151 151 Jan/Feb Jan/Feb 2018 2018

PRIMARY SCIENCE JAN_FEB 2018.indd 4 18-Dec-17 2:54:16 PM RUNNING HEAD

Figure 1 A model to explore enquiry types used by famous scientists (adapted from Sinclair and Strachan, 2016)

Relating school science to real-world scientists

but on this occasion, as I had already Helen Spring considers how planned to focus on women in science and the need to challenge the making scientists relevant to children preconceived ideas that some children supports learning (and adults) have of who can be a scientist, I was particularly keen to focus on a female scientist. During this session, and many he approach to teaching children more; they very kindly sent me some others, I showed a lovely video-clip about scientists, described in an teaching resources relating to their called ‘Redraw the Balance’ (see Tarticle by Alex Sinclair and Amy work focusing on Mary Anning and Websites) from the MullenLowe Group Strachan in a recent issue of Primary Charles Macintosh (Figure 2). I used (which actually made a student cry Science (Sinclair and Strachan, 2016), these with my student teachers at York in one session!). It is an excellent clip inspired me. The key thing for me was St John University; they enjoyed being and it certainly made me think about that the children do not need to know involved in the evaluation process, and the expectations I have of people the life history of the scientist (they the resources were very well received. in different roles. It shows children have been married three times and Women in science being asked to draw a fighter pilot, a firefighter and a surgeon; the outcome had seven children, they were struck Some time later I was asked to deliver was that 61 of the children depicted by lightning and love cats etc.); what a day’s professional development at men in these roles and only five drew they really do need to know is what the National STEM Learning Centre women. Females in these roles were the scientists’ contributions were to in York on behalf of Northern Lights then introduced to the children. science. teaching school alliance (see Websites). I have adapted Sinclair and The course title was Supermarket Women scientists in the Strachan’s model to ask which of the Science and it was all about using curriculum five types of enquiry a scientist might simple, easy-to-obtain resources to The English National Curriculum have used (Figure 1). This really makes support science teaching. One of the identifies a number of male and children think about how the science things I wanted to do was to explore female scientists to study, but when they are doing in school is similar to how readily available materials could I explored the year 2 (age 6–7) the science that ‘real’ scientists do. be used to make science relevant to topic of ‘materials’, there were Once I had read the article, I young people. I shamelessly shared only male scientists listed (John contacted the authors to find out Alex Sinclair’s work with the group, Dunlop, Charles Macintosh and John Key words: Enquiry Women in science

PRIMARY SCIENCE 151 Jan/Feb 2018 5 PRIMARY SCIENCE 151 Jan/Feb 2018


Figure 2 Teaching resources relating McAdam). Therefore, I set out to to work focusing on Mary Anning and find a female scientist whose work Charles Macintosh shared by Alex could be replicated (more or less) in a Sinclair and Amy Strachan primary school classroom. On a useful website listing women inventors (see Websites), I discovered Patricia Billings, ® lines, made discoveries that led to who invented Geobond , a material TM that is heat-resistant, non-toxic the invention of Scotchgard stain and indestructible – the world’s first repellent. I used Sinclair and Strachan’s workable replacement for asbestos. flow diagram template to introduce I also found Stephanie Kwolek, who Patsy Sherman to my group (Figure 3). discovered a liquid crystalline polymer I asked the teachers on my course solution that led to the invention of to plan their own fair test. Some Kevlar®, a synthetic material that is groups compared the effectiveness five times as strong as steel. There of Scotchgard (other brands are is definitely some potential for available!) with other similar developing a children’s investigation substances. Other groups compared based around the work of these two the effectiveness of Scotchgard on scientists. different materials. One innovative group did both (Figure 4)! In our Patsy Sherman and example, we put a drop of ink on ScotchgardTM material that had been treated Eventually I settled on Patsy Sherman, with Scotchgard, hairspray, hair a research chemist who, while working conditioner or PVA glue; however, our ways. Children could be asked to on fluorochemicals for jet aircraft fuel investigation could be adapted in many compare which products Scotchgard protects against (for example, does it stop Ribena stains?) or whether it could be used to remove stains. But it is also a prime opportunity for children to develop and explore their own questions. We were all surprised by how effective the Scotchgard was. We were also quite impressed with how well hair conditioner prevented stains – although a little concerned about what it might be doing to our hair! In a school setting, this could have led nicely on to fruitful discussions about whether you would want your clothes to be covered in hair conditioner. I have found two videos that are really helpful when considering ‘what scientists did next’. They are for Ultra-Ever Dry®, a superhydrophobic coating that repels liquids (see Websites).

Figure 3 Introducing Patsy Sherman by using the model to explore enquiry type

6 PRIMARY SCIENCE 151 Jan/Feb 2018


Figure 4 Teachers’ important that we give our boys role investigations of models: it is important that all children Scotchgard at the see science as a possible future career, STEM Centre course not one that is only open to one particular group of people. Depending on your References cohort and their ASE (2011) Be safe! Health and safety in aspirations and school science and technology for teachers preconceptions, of 3- to 12-year-olds. Hatfield: Association you may want to for Science Education. focus on people Sinclair, A. and Strachan, A. (2016) The messy from the local area, nature of science: famous scientists can help Primary Science 145 female scientists, clear up. , , 21–23. people from Young, D. M., Rudman, L. A., Buettner, H. M. and McLean M. C. (2013) The influence ethnic minority of female role models on women’s implicit backgrounds or science cognitions. Psychology of Women Role models in science disabled scientists. Quarterly, 37(3), 283–292. There are many male and female Young et al. (2013) explored the scientists out there who deserve to way that an absence of female role Safety: Pre-spray fabric with Scotchgard be recognised: you do not just have models in STEM may contribute (or other stain protector), rather than to stick to those that are listed in towards young women choosing not allowing children to do it. Always refer the National Curriculum (remember to study STEM subjects in later life. to Be safe! (ASE, 2011) when using this is a minimum entitlement!). I would also argue that it is just as chemicals in science lessons.

Websites Northern Lights teaching school alliance: Helen Spring is a primary science and Redraw the Balance video: outdoor learning specialist. Web: Women inventors: Email: [email protected] Ultra-Ever Dry® videos:; Twitter: @SpringLearns


PRIMARY SCIENCE 151 Jan/Feb 2018 7

PRIMARY SCIENCE JAN_FEB 2018.indd 7 18-Dec-17 2:54:22 PM RUNNING HEADD The ‘mighty women of science’ make an impact in a primary school

Agnieszka Barden describes how a focus on female scientists has raised the profile Figure 1 Not of science in her school all scientists look like this!

have been a primary school science I read around the subject and The book introduces both famous coordinator for just over a year looked at my colleagues. What and not-so-famous women scientists Iand love how science unlocks, in would engage them? As in many in an entertaining and captivating so many ways, how the world works. primaries, the gender makeup in our way. It is a testimony to some of One of the challenges I faced in my school is somewhat skewed and that the most amazing women scientists, role was to persuade all the teachers was what gave me my inspiration in whose discoveries and inventions in my school to take a fresh approach the end. Our overall theme, for our will empower future generations of to teaching science. to basics, I March 2017 science week, would be girls and women alike. The message thought: every good bit of teaching famous women scientists, based on I hoped my colleagues, and through needs a ‘hook’ and why should the and inspired by Clare Forrest’s (2016) them our pupils, would hear from teachers be any different! book The mighty women of science. using this book as a starting point is that gender and race are not important Figure 2 The when it comes to science! foundation What we did stage children worked with Each class teacher chose a woman the context of scientist and planned a selection of Nina and the stimulating and exciting activities and Neurons research projects relevant to their scientist’s field of study, to span a fortnight around our science week. Our foundation stage class (ages 4–5), recreated some of the experiments carried out by Nina in the BBC CBeebies programme, Nina and the Neurons, which included explosions and discovering static electricity as well as mixing liquids and reactions with bicarbonate of soda. Year 1 (ages 5–6) found out about Jeanne Baret, the famous botanist who

Key words: Women in science

8 PRIMARY SCIENCE 151 Jan/Feb 2018


disguised herself as a man in order fossilisation happened and created and volcanic rocks has allowed a better to embark on her voyage around the flowcharts explaining the process. We understanding of the inner working of world (Figure 3) and year 2 (ages 6–7) also had great fun making our own the Earth. looked into the hygiene improvements fossils using playdough and plaster of The year 6 class (ages 10–11) introduced by Florence Nightingale Paris. concentrated on the first British (Figure 4). In year 4 (ages 8–9) the children woman astronaut, Helen Sharman, and In year 3 (ages 7–8), where I have were introduced to the work of used Tim Peake’s Primary Project part been teaching, we followed in the Joy Adamson and the Free 2 resources to investigate life in space footsteps of Mary Anning and her Foundation, while year 5s looked into and crater formation, including making contribution to palaeontology (Figure supervolcanoes and the work of Kayla craters in layers of sand and cocoa 5). The children discovered how Iacovino, whose study of volcanoes powder (Figure 6). To add a little ‘wow’ factor to our Figure 3 two weeks of science, we hosted A display of a ‘science extravaganza’ presented the year 1s by female science undergraduates work around from Sheffield University. Their Jeanne Baret demonstrations of several chemical reactions, such as ‘elephant toothpaste’ foaming and lighting the ‘whoosh bottle’ certainly did that! Assessing the impact The big push we made to engage our pupils, the child-led investigations, independent learning, the hands- on activities and open mornings for parents had some unforeseen, but Figure 4 extremely positive, outcomes. Our Year 2 teachers have definitely become more looked into aware of the breadth of resources improvements that have become available over the introduced last few years and begun to discover by Florence Nightingale and use practical science activities more freely and with confidence. The children were enthralled and enthused. They loved finding out about the famous women who made and are still making contributions to science nowadays, but most of all they loved ‘getting their hands dirty’. Learning Figure 5 happened without conscious effort on Mary Anning the children’s part! Almost by osmosis, was the one could say. stimulus for Overall, I must say we made science the year 3 ‘rock’ at our school. work Reference Forrest, C. (2016) The mighty women of science. Glasgow: Hearted Press.

Agnieszka Barden is a year 3 class Figure 6 teacher. Initially trained in Poland, Year 6 learnt she has worked in a variety of about Helen education settings within the UK. Sharman and She has been coordinating science life in space at Sacred Heart School, a Catholic Voluntary Academy in Sheffield, for just over a year. Email: enquiries@sacredheart.

PRIMARY SCIENCE 151 Jan/Feb 2018 9

PRIMARY SCIENCE JAN_FEB 2018.indd 9 18-Dec-17 2:54:26 PM RUNNING HEAD Standing on the shoulders of giants: contemporary scientists bringing your science curriculum to life

Alex Sinclair and Amy Strachan discuss how the use of contemporary scientists in the classroom can help us learn from the approaches of yesterday’s famous scientists

e wrote in issue 145 of show how the famous scientists’ ideas planning and demonstrate the dynamic Primary Science (Sinclair and had been developed. continuum of scientific thinking. WStrachan, 2016) about the We have been lucky to share our This article provides a way of value of studying the famous scientists work with a number of teachers and engaging with contemporary scientists noted within the National Curriculum gain valuable feedback about what has and suggests how to contact them for primary science in England. We worked for them. It has been lovely and utilise their expertise. You can also suggested that, rather than spend time to hear about all of the wonderful find a list of modern scientists (see researching the scientists’ lives, there questions children have asked and Table 1) that could be used to show should be a far greater focus on their about those that have dressed up how contemporary science is related to work. This emphasis provides children to role-play some of these famous the work that the children are learning with the opportunity to understand scientists. Seeing classes bring these about. This approach differs from the that there is no such thing as ‘the scientists to life through drama and one demonstrated in our previous article scientific method’ and that a variety ‘hot-seating’, as well as re-enacting (Sinclair and Strachan, 2016), in that it of enquiry types are, and have been, their investigations, has demonstrated does not start with the famous scientist used. We also recommended that the how they provide a vehicle for science but asks the contemporary scientist scientists’ work be placed in context learning opportunities. However, ‘How have you stood on the shoulders so that children can see how scientific the biggest response from teachers of giants?’ (a sentiment attributed to ideas have changed over time. We was about how they could approach Isaac Newton who was referring to how believed that part of this process was the integration of the work of his discoveries had built on the work of to identify what other scientists did to contemporary scientists into their others before him). Key words: Scientists Nature of science

10 PRIMARY SCIENCE 151 Jan/Feb 2018


By making this shift in emphasis into your curriculum. They could Step 2: What might you do? we hope that the human element of become a regular part of your school’s Box 2 provides a list of guided being a scientist can be promoted. We science week or could help to bring a questions for children to ask their think that the modern scientists can programme of study to life. You could scientists, which could be answered act as more attainable role models. The simply spend two minutes chatting by email, video-link or in person. Of Wellcome Trust (2017a) has already about a scientist at the end of a particular importance is the question identified the positive effects on the lesson, or a whole afternoon preparing that asks them to identify which motivation of children and young for and interviewing a local scientist. scientist has inspired them. This adults to learn science when they are However you do it, our guide may will help the children make the link introduced to ‘real’ scientists and STEM give you some ideas along the way. between the scientist’s work, a famous ambassadors. In addition to this, it can scientist and the topic that they are Step 1: Find your scientist! help to meet one of the aims of the studying. We feel that this is also an National Curriculum which states that Box 1 provides a list of ways in which opportunity to help reinforce the view children ‘should be equipped with you could get in touch with a scientist. that science is just as much about the scientific knowledge required to Our experience tells us that the most asking questions as it is about learning understand the uses and implications productive way is to email parents at the scientific content. The curious nature of science, today and for the future’ start of a term, asking for help. We were of the scientist can be demonstrated (DfE, 2013: 1). lucky enough to work with cardiologists, by asking what questions they are We believe that there is no hard and dentists, botanists, engineers and a asking in their research and why. fast rule for introducing ‘real’ scientists gemologist (look that one up!). Although we have identified individual scientists in this article, most of them Box 1 Where can you find your contemporary scientists? work in collaboration with others and this is a key aspect of the nature of Parents: Send out a letter to find out whether any of your pupils have parents contemporary science, which should who work in areas of science and technology. be considered in the exploration of the I’m a Scientist ( Not only does this website provide scientists you choose. a bank of current, emerging scientists, but it also provides a forum through which Step 3: What next? to explore their approaches and areas of science. Box 3 shows how the above could then Skype a Scientist ( Matches scientists with act as a stimulus for scientific enquiry. classrooms around the world! Scientists will skype into the classroom for 30–60 Another report from the Wellcome minute Q and A sessions that can cover the scientist’s expertise or what it’s like to be a scientist. STEM Ambassadors ( Volunteers from a Box 3 Harnessing the next wide range of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) related jobs and disciplines across the UK. generation of scientists Local community: Are there any science-based establishments local to your Ask your pupils these questions school? These could be universities, pharmaceutical companies or even botanical after interviewing contemporary gardens. scientists: The Crunch ( What would be a good question Ambassadors who are researchers and communicators interested in the area of to ask now? food and health science. How would you find an answer Scientist in your Classroom ( to that question? sessions/scientist-in-your-classroom): Interactive online chat with Zoological Why is that question important Society of London scientists. (who will be interested in the Soapbox Science ( Promotes women in science answer?) through live interactive ‘soapbox’ events.

Trust (2017b: iv) reveals that ‘young Box 2 Guided questions that the children could ask the people often do not understand scientist to learn more about how they work the purposes behind the practical work they do in science lessons’. Which scientists have inspired you? We suggest that thinking about their What made you want to work in this area? own questions in relation to scientific What do you look for? developments may help children see their place in the continuum of new What questions do you ask? What do you hope to find out? discoveries and advancements. What are you doing? What other scientists do you work with? Over to you We hope the suggestions and What have you found out? resources that have been provided Why does it matter? are useful starting points. We have (Note: You might want to prepare your contemporary scientist first by giving created a database of resources related them these questions to think about.) to both contemporary scientists and those named in the National

PRIMARY SCIENCE 151 Jan/Feb 2018 11


Table 1 Contemporary scientists, how their work relates to school science and the ‘giant’ on whose shoulders they stand Year group / Learning Content area Contemporary scientist Scientist (giant) outcome Year 1 Everyday Martin Brock Charles Macintosh (ages 5–6) materials XelfleX inventor, nanotechnology engineer Inventor of Describe the simple physical waterproof fabric properties of a variety of Martin Brock works with everyday materials. a team to develop smart Compare and group fabrics, which use bend- together a variety of sensitive fibre-optics that are everyday materials on the stitched inside the clothing basis of their simple physical to provide intelligent feedback for athletes without being properties. too bulky. Year 2 Using everyday Julie Brusaw John Loudon (ages 6–7) materials Solar Roadways inventor, material engineer McAdam Inventor of macadam Identify and compare the Not only do they have all of the road surfacing suitability of a variety properties of ordinary roads, of everyday materials, but solar roadways have been including wood, metal, designed in an attempt to use plastic, glass, brick, rock, the Sun’s energy to provide paper and cardboard for power for highways. particular uses. Year 2 Materials Joe Zekoski John Boyd Dunlop (ages 6–7) Goodyear engineer, mechanical engineer Developed inflatable Developer of the BH03 tyre, which rubber tyres Give reasons based on is fitted with materials that change evidence from comparative heat into energy to charge an electric and fair tests for the car without the need for a charging particular uses of everyday station. When parked, sunlight heats materials. Explore changes the tyre and this heat is transformed that are difficult to reverse. into electricity using the thermo-electric material. Year 3 Rocks Holly Betts Mary Anning (ages 7–8) Palaeobiologist Palaeontologist and fossil Describe in simple terms Holly is researching whether fossils are collector how fossils are formed best for establishing a timescale for recent when things that have lived and ancient episodes in our evolutionary are trapped within rock. history.

Year 4 Living things Seirian Sumner Jane Goodall (ages 8–9) and their Evolutionary biologist and behavioural Primatologist habitats Recognise that ecologist environments can change Specialises in social evolution and social and that this can sometimes behaviour in insects (bees, wasps and pose dangers to living ants). things. Year 5 Properties and Joe Keddie Spencer Silver (ages 9–10) changes of Professor of Soft Matter Physics Inventor of Post-it® materials Explain that some changes Professor Keddie is interested notes result in the formation in fundamental processes in of new materials and soft matter, especially polymer how chemists create new thin films and nanoparticles. materials. He researches into the nanostructure of pressure-sensitive adhesives. Year 5 Earth and space Maggie Aderin-Pocock Nicolaus Copernicus (ages 9–10) Astronomer and science communicator Proposed that the Sun Understand how the was the centre of our geocentric model of the She is working on and managing the universe solar system gave way to observation instruments for the Aeolus the heliocentric model. satellite, which will measure wind Describe the Earth and speeds to help the investigation of other planets relative to the climate change. Sun in the solar system.

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Year 5 Animals Sarah Fowler OBE Sir David (ages 9–10) including Marine biologist Attenborough humans Naturalist and Work scientifically to Sarah’s research identified the broadcaster research gestation periods global threat to sharks and of other animals and shares strategies of how we compare with humans. can protect them. Find out about the work of naturalists and animal behaviourists. Year 5 Forces Emma England Galileo Galilei (ages 9–10) Aerospace engineer Polymath Explain that unsupported objects Emma works with a team to fall to the Earth because of the design the wings of aircrafts. force of gravity acting between Earth and the falling object. Year 6 Evolution and Professor Nazneen Rahman Alfred Russel Wallace (ages 10–11) inheritance Human geneticist and Charles Darwin Proponents of Recognise that living things Her research involves identifying evolution by natural have changed over time genes and genetic factors that selection and that fossils provide increase the risk of cancers information about living developing and she has used things that inhabited the this research to develop clinical Earth millions of years ago. improvements in patient care.

Year 6 Light Ernesta Jonkute Alhazen (ages 10-11) Nanotechnologist Pioneer of modern Understand that light Developed Vantablack®, a super-black optics travels in straight lines coating that holds the world record as the and that objects are seen darkest human-made substance. It is used because they give out or in applications ranging from space-borne reflect light into the eye. scientific instrumentation to luxury goods. Year 6 Electricity Peter Rawlinson Nicolas Tesla and (ages 10-11) Engineer Thomas Edison Battled over Compare and give reasons Working on the competing for variations in how development of electric electric power components function, vehicles, providing transmission including the brightness clear vision for a highly systems (a/c and d/c) of bulbs, the loudness of differentiated, next- and developed the buzzers and switches. generation product. electric light bulb Year 6 Living things Chris Nelson Carl Linnaeus (ages 10-11) and their Horticulturalist Developed the habitats Describe how living things Horticultural Director of Growing Underground, modern system of are classified into broad which uses hydroponic techniques to grow classifying and naming groups and give reasons pesticide-free crops in a former central London organisms for classifying plants and underground air-raid shelter. Typically green herbs and salad leaves animals based on specific such as pea shoots, coriander, and red amaranth are grown. The plants characteristics. grow on mats made from recycled carpet, are watered mechanically and lit by ultraviolet light itself powered by renewable electricity sources. Curriculum (see Website). It would and 2. London: Department for Education. be great to hear from you about any Sinclair, A. and Strachan, A. (2016) The messy Alex Sinclair and Amy Strachan are inspirational experiences you have with nature of science. Primary Science, 145, senior lecturers in primary science your children so that we can add and 21–23. education at St Mary’s University, share them with the rest of the primary Wellcome Trust (2017a) ‘State of the nation’ London. Emails: science teaching community. report of UK primary science education, Leicester: CFE Reseach. [email protected]; Acknowledgement Wellcome Trust (2017b) Young people’s views [email protected]. Follow The ideas in this article have arisen from on science education. London: Kantar them on Twitter: @SIMMSPriScience conversations with Ben Dickey and Beth Newell Public. (from Cornucopia TV, They also helped provide the names and contexts of some of the contemporary scientists. Website References Contemporary scientists database: DfE (2013) National Curriculum in England: Science programmes of study – key stages 1

PRIMARY SCIENCE 151 Jan/Feb 2018 13

PRIMARY SCIENCE JAN_FEB 2018.indd 13 18-Dec-17 2:54:28 PM RUNNING HEAD The PS interview Leigh Hoath asks TV presenter Andy Day about his encounters with dinosaurs, baby animals and how he problem-solves with science

didn’t know there were so many Kip, who flies him around the world to are easily established. different species of dinosaur. It understand more about how a certain A friend’s daughter (age 4) was very Iwas only through my own children animal is adapted to its environment. enthusiastic about the programmes becoming (rather overly) obsessed with More recently, Andy has entered the and, when asked what questions she watching Andy’s Dinosaur Adventures world of Baby Animals, looking at would like to ask Andy, she came up on the BBC’s CBeebies channel that I different skills they gain as they grow. with: ‘Why does Triceratops have horns?’ realised how much learning takes place Whatever the context, one thing is and ‘Why do some dinosaurs walk through television. Imagine a sunny day evident: there is a lot of science in all the on four legs while some walk on two in the garden: … my son comes hurtling programmes. Whether this is considering like T. rex?’ There is a strong focus on round the corner shouting ‘Help! I’m the feeding patterns between carnivores starting with children’s questions; using being chased by an Allosaurus!’, closely and herbivores, using forces to return a short television programme might followed by his twin sister yelling Andy to the clock, or how animals are just generate more than you thought equally loudly ‘No! It’s a Velociraptor!’ adapted to their environments, the links possible. They were two-and-a-half years old and it struck me how much they were Interview with Andy and I love natural history but I’m afraid absorbing and learning without realising How did you end up in a role where I do not have a science background - it. you are presenting programmes with just a love and appreciation of it. Children’s TV seems to have such a strong natural history focus? Do developed hugely since I watched it as When the episodes are put together you have a science background? a child: there are many programmes is there a conscious emphasis on enhancing learning around the species with a strong educational focus. So I My amazing commissioner at the time, involved? decided it would be worth exploring Michael Carrington, knew I wanted the opportunities to engage children in to do my own show. I had pitched Absolutely! This programme is made by the foundation stage and key stage 1 different ideas quite frequently, so I the Natural History Unit and its makers (ages 3–7) through the science in these guess I was fresh in his head when are made up of zoologists, natural programmes. the BBC Natural History Unit pitched history filmmakers and just very creative In his programmes, Andy Day is an the idea of Wild Adventures (which filmmakers who know how to execute a avid scientist who has ‘worked’ in the then carried on to become Dinosaur good adventure. The best way to learn Natural History Museum and used Adventures and Prehistoric Adventures in my eyes is through having fun. This its grandfather clock as a means of of course). Originally it was going to be is the most successful way of educating travelling back in time to solve many a a cartoon character called Max going our children and, in fact, adults too. crisis that ruins part of his wonderful on these adventures, but Michael said That is why having a story that they can display. He has explored many that if it was made as a live action engage with is so important; in my eyes, prehistoric contexts and found himself series with me in it then he would just facts doesn’t ‘cut it’ with everyone in battles between different animals commission it. I got the email while even if they are interesting facts. Even and often challenged in returning to the away travelling, which was very apt I the BBC Planet Earth series is edited and clock. As well as going back in time he thought! I was over the to be filmed in a dramatic story-driven way: it has also had many Wild Adventures with asked to do a pilot. I love adventure is what we humans like to see.

Key words: Science in the media

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What has been your favourite series to could have been the biggest one ever, In the Baby Animals series, which make to date and why? so I would like to be that one, as I’m adaptation or skill impressed you the used to being tall! most? For me, it has been Prehistoric Adventures. Because it was the third You often have to solve many There are so many, but I found the series, we knew exactly what we were problems when it comes to getting mandarin chicks having to jump out of doing from the other programmes. It back to the museum, which solution their nest from a great height to follow involves not just dinosaurs but a range has been your favourite? their mums, risking their lives after just of interesting prehistoric animals and being born, is quite an incredible thing. amazing facts and also touches on lots I find it fascinating what all animals, on evolution in a child-friendly way, as including us humans, do to survive. well as how creatures have changed over the years. I got to be a caveman Triceratops confronts Andy – those version of myself, which I loved! [Leigh: horns could do some damage! I know that episode and I could never (Taken at Lightwater Valley theme park, North quite work out whether it was really Yorkshire) you or not!] Would you like to see your programmes used as means of developing children’s knowledge and understanding in the classroom? Do you think there is a value/link between what children watch at home and what they do in school? Yes, in fact I have

Andy meets Tyrannosaurus rex and is not sure he likes the look of those razor-sharp teeth (Taken at Lightwater Valley theme park, North Yorkshire)

If you could learn more about any part of science what would it be? Space would be a big and interesting one to tackle in the knowledge department. I would like to know more about the wonders of space.

This issue’s theme is ‘Famous Scientists’ and I think it is really interesting that, despite not having a background in science, Andy’s enthusiasm for it spoken in many schools and the I enjoyed having to replace a sand has driven him forward to present a number of series that focus on teachers tell me that they do show the dollar. That was the episode where I science – probably not dissimilar to programmes quite often to teach the flew on the back of an Oritheceirus! many science coordinators in school! children about natural history. Even the What better way to solve a problem! raps about dinosaurs and prehistoric I would like to thank Andy for giving creatures have become quite popular in What can you tell my friend’s daughter his time to complete this interview and school classrooms; children learn facts about Triceratops and T. rex? for being such a great enthusiast for from them and get used to learning children learning from an early age. I Triceratops is a herbivore; it had the names. It is amazing to hear this know I cannot wait to see where his next three great horns on its head that it as both I and the guys at the Natural adventures take him! History Unit are very passionate about would have used to protect itself from engaging children with learning these dinosaurs like T. rex. Its name in Greek things. means ‘three-horned face’. T. rex had razor-sharp teeth; its name Andy Day is a television presenter If you could choose to be any dinosaur means ‘tyrant lizard’ and it grew to and Leigh Hoath is Editor of Primary which would it be and why? about 6 metres tall. It was a very Science. I would be the Titanosaur that was dangerous meat-eating dinosaur that recently discovered. Scientists believe it lived 65 million years ago.

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PRIMARY SCIENCE JAN_FEB 2018.indd 15 18-Dec-17 2:54:30 PM RUNNING HEAD

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PRIMARY SCIENCE JAN_FEB 2018.indd 16 18-Dec-17 2:54:32 PM RUNNING HEAD SWAPSCIENCE SHOP four-page pull-out Florence Nightingale – Hand hygiene ages 3–5

Florence Nightingale was a British nurse famous for the work she did caring for soldiers during the Crimean War, but she was also hugely influential in changing how hospitals were run, improving cleanliness and patient care. Florence is considered to be the founder of modern nursing. The soldiers she cared for called her ‘The Lady with the Lamp’ as she worked all night taking care of them. Florence was the first woman to be given the Order of Merit, the first woman to become a member of the Royal Statistical Society and also received the Royal Red Cross. Children can learn about the importance of hand hygiene in preventing the spread of germs with a simple hand-washing activity.

You will need: Instructions glitter 1 Split the children into groups of two and ask hand cream one child from each pair to rub a little hand lotion onto their hands. water and soap 2 Sprinkle a little glitter onto the hand with hand lotion and ask the children to shake paper towel hands. They should see that they both now have glitter on their hands. 3 Ask both children to try to remove the glitter using just a paper towel. Does it work? 4 Next try washing with just water, followed by water and soap to see which method of hand washing is most effective.

Charles Darwin – Making fossils Charles Darwin is most famous for his work on natural selection, the evidence for which came from his voyage on HMS Beagle, observing and collecting fossils, birds and whatever else he could find.

Instructions You will need: 1 Roll out a thick circle of clay slightly bigger than the toy animals you air-drying clay or salt dough want to use. rolling pins 2 Gently press the animals down so they leave an imprint. small toy animals 3 Once the dough has been baked or left to air-dry, the fossils can be paint decorated using paint.

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PRIMARY SCIENCE JAN_FEB 2018.indd 17 18-Dec-17 2:54:37 PM RUNNING HEAD Caroline Herschel – Model comets Caroline Herschel was a pioneer of her time. SCIENCE She was the first woman to discover a comet, the first woman officially recognised in a ages 5–7 scientific position and to receive a salary, and SWAP SHOP the first woman to receive honorary membership of Britain’s Royal Society. She made huge contributions to the field of astronomy in her lifetime, both independently and alongside her brother William Herschel. What is a comet? Comets are big balls of ice, rock You will need: Instructions and dust left over from the foil or small 1 Attach foil made into a ball or a small ball to the beginning of the solar system. stick end of a small stick. The ball represents the nucleus They are generally thought to of the comet. three colours of ribbon come from the Oort Cloud and 2 Wrap one colour ribbon around the ball. This the Kuiper Belt and orbit the Sun. represents the coma. When comets get close to the Sun, they start to release gas and dust, forming 3 Attach the other two colours of ribbon to the a head (or coma) and a tail. nucleus. These represent the two tails of the comet. The tail always points One is the gas tail and one the dust tail. away from the Sun. Extension idea Do you think you could live on a comet? What issues might you face?

Nicolaus Copernicus – Sun, Moon and Earth Nicolaus Copernicus was an astronomer born in 1473 who realised that the Earth orbits the Sun, an idea that was strongly opposed at the time. The model proposed by Copernicus was called heliocentrism, where the Sun is motionless at the centre with other planets rotating around it. Copernicus’s ideas marked the beginning of modern astronomy. This easy activity helps children visualise how the Sun, Earth and Moon move around each other.

You will need: 3 Ask the Sun to stand in the centre black cardboard and the Earth to walk around the Sun in a circle. The Moon should yellow, blue and grey paper or card then walk around the Earth in a circle stapler as the Earth circles the Sun. Instructions Extension idea 1 You will need three children to take How many other planets can you part in the demonstration. One will be add to your demonstration? the Sun, one the Moon and one the Think about how long it takes the Earth. Moon to orbit Earth and how long 2 Make three hats to represent for the Earth to orbit the Sun. Ask the Sun, Earth and Moon, using the children to change their walking cardboard and a stapler or glue. speed to reflect this.

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Galileo Galilei – How fast ages 7–9 does it fall?

One of Galileo’s most famous observations was that two same-size objects of different weights hit the ground at the same time when dropped from the same height. This is because the force of gravity acting on both objects is the same. We can test this with a simple activity.

Instructions 1 First you need to make sure your water bottles are empty, dry and both the same size. 2 Half fill one with sand (or water) and record how much each weighs. You will need: 3 Hold the bottles up as high as you can and drop both at the same time. 2 small empty plastic 4 Do they hit the ground at the same time? water bottles sand or water More fun weighing scales Experiment by putting different amounts of water in the bottles, do they still hit the ground at the same time?

Leonardo da Vinci – Mirror writing Leonardo da Vinci is perhaps most famous for painting the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper, but as well as painting he kept journals full of drawings and scientific notes. These included studies of human anatomy, designs for flying machines, musical instruments, bridges, churches and war machines. Leonardo wrote his notes using a kind of shorthand he invented himself, and also mirrored his writing, writing from right to left. It is thought he only wrote normally when his writing was intended for other people. Try mirror writing. Is it easier or harder then you expected?

You will need: Instructions paper 1 Try to write your name backwards using the hand you normally write with. pencil Do you have to think much more carefully? Check you have done it correctly using a mirror mirror. 2 Now try writing backwards using the hand you don’t write with. How do you find that? 3 Is it easier if you use a mirror? Which letter is the hardest? Extension idea Is it easier if you write with both hands at the same time, with one writing backwards and one forwards?

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PRIMARY SCIENCE JAN_FEB 2018.indd 19 18-Dec-17 2:54:43 PM RUNNING HEAD

SCIENCE Isaac Newton – Theory of light SWAPages SHOP 9-11 Isaac Newton discovered that white light is actually made up of a range of colours. You can easily demonstrate this using a prism.

You will need: Instructions right-angled prism 1 CutCut out two equal-sized pieces of dark cardboard and bend over one edge of thick white cardboard each (about 1 cm). dark coloured cardboard 2 Stick the bent edge to your thick white card leaving a gap between the two tape or glue pieces big enough to let a small stream of light pass through. 3 Tilt the cardboard so sunlight can flow through the gap. This should give a very fine beam of white light. 4 If you place a prism over the light, you should see the light split up into the colours of the rainbow.

Why does this happen? When white light enters a prism the light waves are refracted as they enter and leave the prism. Shorter wavelengths are refracted more than longer wavelengths, resulting in white light spreading out to form a spectrum of all the colours of the rainbow.

Isaac Newton – Film canister rocket Isaac Newton changed how we understand the world. He is most famous for discovering gravity, but also developing the laws of motion, calculus and the reflecting telescope! A film canister rocket is a great activity that demonstrates all three laws of motion in action.

You will need: Instructions 35 mm plastic film canister or similar 1 You will need a safe flat, hard area of ground to effervescent tablet (e.g. Alka-Seltzer, launch your film canister rocket from. vitamin tablet) 2 Wearing safety goggles, half fill the film canister water with water and place one tablet inside. Replace the lid quickly and place the canister lid-down on the safety goggles floor. Stand well back and wait for your rocket to fly. Extension idea Repeat the launch using different amounts of water. Does it make a difference to how the rocket flies?

Why does this happen? When water is added to the effervescent tablet it starts to break down, releasing carbon dioxide gas. The build-up of carbon dioxide inside the canister creates pressure, which eventually becomes strong enough to force the cap down, which in turn forces the canister part upwards (Newton’s Third Law).

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PRIMARY SCIENCE JAN_FEB 2018.indd 20 18-Dec-17 2:54:45 PM RUNNING HEAD Lights, camera, science!

Figure 1 Minions set John McCullagh and the scene Andrea Doherty describe how using digital storytelling can support enquiry

s soon as Gru, the villainous and research has been the use of documentaries and the elements and character from the Disney film iPads within enquiry-based science. structure of science enquiry. Both AMinions, appeared on screen As with many of our projects, we begin with a scenario or context from the children were hooked (Figure 1). involved undergraduate student which a problem or question emerges. When he slowly turned his head and teachers specialising in primary science. There is usually a main character and spoke menacingly to the class, the Previous studies (Tyler and Bianchi, a setting involved, which stimulate children could barely contain their 2014) have shown that iPads can be interest and generate empathy from excitement! used to formatively assess children’s the viewer and a desire to help. This Listen carefully year 3, I have a task progress, particularly with respect focuses thinking towards a possible for you. I have heard that the pupils at to ‘working scientifically’. We have plan of action and helps identify what St Oliver Plunkett Primary School have recently explored how various iPad might constitute useful evidence to been studying the topic of ‘Space’, and apps can be used effectively in science. answer the question or solve the I need your help. I want to steal the The apps that proved to be the most problem. During these preparatory Moon! Do you think you can help me suitable for science, such as Puppet workshops the student teachers carried build a rocket ship to get there? Pals, Explain Everything and SonicPics, out typical science investigations and produced iMovies to report their work. This lesson was part of a project aimed allow children to sequence, annotate at exploring how digital storytelling and manipulate digital images of their Project details could support enquiry-based science. work. This year we focused specifically The project involved ten undergraduate As iPads have been found to have a on the use of the app iMovie as a student teachers who worked in pairs positive impact on children’s reading, means for children to record and report to co-plan, co-teach and co-evaluate writing, and numeracy skills and to on a full science investigation. a series of five science enquiry lessons provide a more engaging and exciting Before using iMovie in their lessons, in two local primary schools in Belfast. learning experience than traditional the students attended seminars Two year 3 classes (ages 6–7) were approaches (Gray et al., 2017), we supported by Nerve Belfast Creative involved from one school and three wanted to explore what a digital Learning Centre (www.nervebelfast. year 4 classes (ages 7–8) from another. approach to learning might offer org), where they developed their During the first two lessons the science. digital skills and explored video-making children carried out science enquiry As Academic Collaborators for issues such as the use of storyboards tasks and used worksheets to record the Primary Science Teaching Trust and the choice of film shots. We then and report their findings. Over the (PSTT,, one of discussed the similarities between course of the remaining three lessons our areas of curriculum innovation the composition of science-themed the children made iMovies to record Key words: Storytelling Enquiry Digital technology



discussed what should be included in their storyboard and showed the class one that they had made, explaining how it had been constructed from a series of short video-clips. The children then began planning their own storyboards and deciding whether long, medium or close-up shots would be most effective for each part of the video. The children worked in pairs to carry out the activity and record video and still pictures. They loved selecting suitable sound effects and getting the timing to coincide with

Figure 2 The children recording their enquiries using iMovie

and present their enquiries (Figure 2). At the end of the project the student teachers used questionnaires and focus group interviews to access the views of the children. During the lessons the student teachers carried out observation tasks and afterwards sought the views of the teachers through semi-structured interviews. The student teachers were involved in the task of writing the questions and conducting the interviews as we wanted to develop their evaluative and research skills. The enquiry lessons Year 3 lessons Figure 3 Two The topic for both year stills from 3 classes was space, with the year 3 children’s one set of children looking iMovie at rockets and how they explaining work. The student teachers their rocket introduced the enquiry investigation task with a short iMovie they had already prepared: the children had to help the character Gru from the film MInions get to the Moon.oon. They edited a short extract the launch of their rocket! Putting from the original Disney film text over the images required them to and inserted their own clip of made their way around a carousel of discuss and explain their observations Gru talking to the class, using the app activities. and pay particular attention to Morfo to convert an image of Gru into The children discovered that the grammar, punctuation and spelling an animated talking cartoon. Their Gru vinegar and bicarbonate produced the (Figure 3). It also got them to re- accent was most impressive and the most bubbles in the shortest period watch what they had done and reflect overall effect quite motivating. of time and so chose this as their on their experiment. All this required The children blew up balloons and rocket fuel. This relates to the topic of teamwork, as one child tested the then let them go to observe how ‘materials’ and the ‘change over time’ rocket while the other recorded. they moved and explore the concepts area of the curriculum. One group For the other year 3 class, the of thrust and force. On realising discovered that when the vinegar student teachers prepared a trailer that air was a gas, they began to was warm it reacted better with the featuring ‘’ (a happy looking look at ways of producing gas from bicarbonate of soda, so they kept the puppet) who was embarking on a simple ingredients such as vinegar, plastic canister under their armpits journey through space and needed bicarbonate of soda, effervescent when they went outside to test their the children’s help to adapt to the tablets, cola and Mentos. The children rockets! conditions on the various planets he wrote and drew lots of pictures To support the children in making was going to visit over the coming and completed worksheets as they their own iMovie, the student teachers weeks. The combination of seeing

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Arnold in the trailer and then ‘live’ in the classroom was a very powerful motivator and caused huge excitement among the children, who raised a great number of ideas and questions for Arnold about his trip into space. For Arnold’s visit to the ‘dark planet’ the children constructed electrical circuits with bulbs and switches. For the ‘wet planet’ they investigated which materials were the most waterproof. On the ‘ice planet’ Arnold carelessly managed to get the keys to his moon buggy trapped inside an ice balloon and asked the class to find out which material from his food supply was best for melting the ice (poor Arnold was living on a diet of salt, sugar and coffee!). The children were new to making iMovies so the student teachers showed how easy it was to make a trailer from a collection of Figure 4 One group’s storyboard for the vitamin C investigation video-clips and images and the built-in facility in the app. questionnaire, the findings of which their enquiry and ‘get organised for the are presented in Figure 5. The data experiment’; Year 4 lessons suggest that the children felt that the approach encouraged discussion; The topic of ‘healthy bodies’ provided making an iMovie to report on their lots of scope for enquiry for the the fact that they were making an science enquiry made learning easier three year 4 classes. The first couple iMovie made the children try harder as and more fun. The iMovie task made of lessons focused on the impact of it would be seen by more people than a recording easier, motivated the children exercise on our pulse and breathing written report would be. to try harder and encouraged more rate. This allowed the children to get discussion. All the children stated that The teachers’ views used to using the different features of they would like to use this more in The feedback from the five teachers iMovie and helped them to construct was generally very positive and the their enquiry storyboard and decide their science lessons. Almost all the consensus was that they would what would be the best way to record group felt that using the iPad had certainly like to adopt this approach the results. not distracted them from the task of in the future. Being able to record The children were then ready for carrying out the science enquiry. work quickly and easily was a major the more challenging investigation Popular themes that emerged during advantage over a more traditional into which fruit contained the highest the focus group interviews were: approach. The iPads were felt to be concentration of vitamin C. They were recording of results took up less time particularly helpful for weaker pupils, clearly excited to be working like ‘real so children felt they could ‘do more’; as one teacher said: scientists’, using measuring cylinders, having pictures and videos to re- This approach meant pupils of all plastic droppers and the chemical watch allowed for closer observation; abilities produced high level work, DCPIP (dichlorophenolindophenol) (a iMovie which wouldn’t be the case with 0.1% aqueous solution is classified as making the helped sequence a Low Hazard – CLEAPSS), disposable Figure 5 Children’s views on making an iMovie of their enquiry gloves and safety goggles. They were enthralled during the testing of orange, lemon, pineapple and apple juice and comparing bottles of fruit concentrate to the fresh product. Some groups decided to present their results orally, while others recorded video-clips and images of their table of results. The test involves counting the number of drops of fruit juice required to change the solution of DCPIP from blue to colourless. The larger the concentration of vitamin C in the juice, the smaller the number of drops of fruit juice required. The children’s views At the end of the project a total of 129 children completed the short

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Table 1 Challenges presented by the digital storytelling importance of asking questions about approach and possible strategies our Earth and distant planets is central to their philosophy. For a generation Challenge Possible strategy of followers of CBeebies’ Nina and the Neurons and Maddie, the presenter Developing teacher and pupil Use the ‘Trailer’ feature to produce a trailer based of CBeebies’ Do you Know?, digital skills in using iMovie. on images of a previous activity. technology ensures that everyone can not only watch the story but actually Children becoming ‘off task’ Allocate a lesson for children to play and explore be part of the story. and playing with the iPads. the features of iMovie and share their expertise. The process of constructing their own narrative of enquiry is also highly Ensuring all group members Assign and rotate roles such as Director (overall effective in developing children’s contribute. narrative and choice of shots), Resource Manager understanding and appreciation of the (materials and equipment), Script Writer ( produces importance of evidence and the role accurate text and tables), Editor (decides length and of persuasion when creating a digital order of clips and sound effects). message or argument. As the influence of social media and the notion of ‘fake Lose focus on science. Identify one or two particular enquiry skills as news’ continue to grow this may be the focus for the lesson (predicting, observing, the most valuable lesson of all! recording, evaluating). Acknowledgements Lesson overruns time slot. Timetable science and ICT together. The authors would like to acknowledge and Consolidate science focus During peer review require children to feedback on thank the following for their during plenary. how reliable, persuasive and engaging each video support: The Primary Science Teaching was. Trust (funders) Sarah Lawrence (Nerve paper-based reports, so it enhanced the teachers recognised the cross- Belfast: Creative Learning), Emily Burton, confidence, engagement and curricular nature of the activity and the Nicole Hudson, Beatrice Kane Hanna Kelso- enjoyment. opportunity to meet a number of the Mason, Emily McFadden, Amy McGregor, requirements of the ICT curriculum. Jessica Purdy, Amy Roberts, Laura Smyth, Another teacher observed an increase Lauren Stewart (Stranmillis University College in the quantity and quality of pupil talk Although not yet a statutory Belfast), and the staff and pupils of St Oliver during the activities and explained: requirement, the majority of primary Plunkett Primary School and Gilnahirk Primary School Belfast. Often the written report can restrict schools in Northern Ireland participate children to only writing words that in an ICT accreditation scheme. References Using iMovie to record enquiry they can spell, but when they were Gray, C., Dunn, J., Moffett, P. and Mitchell, recording with the iPads they were tasks was considered to provide an D. (2017) Mobile devices in early learning: enjoying using scientific terminology ideal opportunity for children to evaluating the use of portable devices to support young children’s learning and more sophisticated language. demonstrate their ability to ‘Explore’ . Belfast: Education Authority. Available at: www. This approach provides a purpose for and ‘Express’, two of the five ‘E’s required for the accreditation.,756133,en.pdf communicating and a means for doing Murphy, C., Bianchi, L., McCullagh, J. and so for all abilities. Several teachers commented that iMovie added considerable value Kerr, K. (2013) Scaling up higher order thinking skills and personal capabilities in There were no concerns that using to the lesson plenary and allowed iPads might compromise writing primary science: theory-into-policy-into- the children to review and discuss practice. Thinking Skills and Creativity, skills. Several teachers reported that their own and their peers’ work. The 10, 173–188. Available at: http://dx.doi. pupils were busy writing scripts and iMovies were also useful for looking org/10.1016/j.tsc.2013.06.005 quick to review and edit their work. back over previous lessons at the end Tyler, T. and Bianchi, L. (2014) In the thick Commenting on the high level of of the topic and, as one teacher put of it! The University of Manchester’s work produced by weaker pupils, one Science Education Research & Innovation it, ‘bringing all the children’s work Hub. Available at: http://epsassets. teacher described this approach as a together’. ‘great literacy leveller’. Opportunities Conclusion projects/in-the-thick-of-it.pdf?_ for self- and peer-assessment were also ga=2.248980423.114236041.1496317414- valued. Several teachers felt that this The project suggests that digital 1397452023.1496317351 use of the iPad provided an authentic storytelling has huge potential for opportunity for purposeful teamwork enhancing children’s enjoyment and and highlighted how science enquiry engagement with science enquiry. is an ideal context for addressing the The fact that moving images capture Northern Ireland Curriculum’s Thinking our attention and speak to us in Skills and Personal Capabilities ways beyond that of text or pictures John McCullagh and Andrea Framework (Murphy et al., 2013). is something that we should make Doherty are Senior Lecturers at The teachers did however identify greater use of in science education. Stranmillis University College Belfast a number of challenges that this The recent increase in the cultural and Academic Collaborators for the approach presents, such as time and value of science celebrities such as Primary Science Teaching Trust. classroom management. Table 1 lists David Attenborough and Brian Cox has Email: [email protected] the challenges cited by the teachers resulted from their skilful and creative and some suggested strategies. All blending of text and images. The

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PLAN … What was the need?

Naomi Hiscock outlines the evolution of the PLAN support materials and shows how they can support teaching and learning

he new primary science National 3 (ages 7–8) when they are learning failure for some. We also create a more Curriculum in England (2013) about the nutrients that come from crowded curriculum, leaving insufficient Tgoes a long way towards making the different types of food (dairy, time for children to demonstrate that they progression through the primary phase fruit and vegetables, breads, pulses, are ‘consistently secure’. much clearer than it was. It eliminates etc.) that they learnt about in year 2. We risk children becoming the previously common problem, Do the children need to know why disengaged if they feel they are where all children, irrespective of age these are important? No, this is in the repeating the same knowledge in and stage, were growing a bean seed key stage 3 (ages 11–14) curriculum, or cress seeds. However, it was clear where pupils should be taught about subsequent years; there is plenty of to us, as consultants working with the content of a healthy human diet: interesting science to spread around teachers in schools, that the statements carbohydrates, lipids (fats and oils), all year groups! in the programmes of study were proteins, vitamins, minerals, dietary The challenge still ambiguous and therefore open fibre and water and why each is So, this is the challenge we set to misinterpretation. This is where needed. ourselves: to produce materials that the PLAN (Pan London Assessment Without an in-depth knowledge would make it clear to teachers what Network) came in. of both the primary and key stage ‘secure’ actually looks like. Incorrect or incomplete interpretations 3 curriculum, it is very easy to Firstly, we needed to determine for of the new curriculum statements were unwittingly stray into content specified ourselves what we would use as a leading teachers to plan lessons and for a later year group and it is possible enquiries that did not enable children that this will contribute to two benchmark for security. We established to reach a standard that could be significant issues: two criteria that helped us to focus our attention, the first related to described as ‘secure’ in a topic. Content from later years is conceptually understanding and the second related Should children in year 2 (ages 6–7) more advanced and we are therefore be talking about carbohydrates and making it more difficult for children to application: proteins? The simple answer to this is in earlier years to be secure in their Understanding of a concept. ‘no’, as this learning takes place in year knowledge than it needs to be, risking Children need to show understanding Key words: CPD

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of a concept by using scientific identified to give the children several When working with a year vocabulary correctly. It was evident opportunities to encounter concepts, 4 teacher I volunteered to that we needed to provide further learn the key vocabulary and then carry out a quick electricity guidance on the National Curriculum apply and consolidate it in different assessment activity with a statements in order to support contexts – in short, we helped them small group of children. To ease the teachers in pitching the work ‘plan for secure’. pressure on her, I took my own appropriately. We felt that one We later visited the teacher and resources in for the activity. It effective way of doing this was to reviewed the learning of a selected became clear straightaway that include a list of key vocabulary. If a child to ensure they were secure the equipment was different, word was included, the children should and then looked at the evidence for as they grappled with how be confidently using it over a period of this. We found that written work on to connect the battery to the time. If a word was not included it is its own very rarely showed that the rest of the circuit. Also, when not necessary and is an indicator that child was secure in their knowledge, presented with a circuit that the subject knowledge is too advanced. but when the teacher expanded was not working and asked to For example, the children need to use on this with comments the child identify why the bulb did not the word ‘blood’ but not haemoglobin had made during activities or in light, the immediate response and white and red blood cells (see response to questioning, there was from the children was because Table 1). sufficient evidence. It was therefore there was no switch in the clear that it was very important to Application of knowledge. Children circuit. In fact, the problem include various teacher annotations need to be able to apply knowledge in was that there was no battery within the PLAN materials and we familiar related contexts, including present. This I found curious also chose to include videos of the a range of enquiries. It is not and when I mentioned it to children talking where these helped sufficient for the children to simply the teacher she said it was to show security. state their knowledge, they need to probably because they had be able to use it in some way. Often The outcome to date always included a switch in they will use their knowledge when At present we are close to the circuit. This made me they are carrying out subsequent complete coverage of the National think about how easy it is to enquiry activities. For example, if Curriculum for England from years teach a misconception without they are observing how their pulse 1 to 6 (ages 5–11). We feel that it realising it simply by not rate changes after they have been is important that teachers recognise providing sufficient variety. exercising, when they write their this is just one way a child can Naomi Hiscock – consultant conclusion they will be linking this show they are secure, based on one involved in the PLAN back to their understanding of the role teaching sequence chosen by the development of the heart in the circulatory system teacher. There are many different (see Table 1). ways to arrive at the same endpoint We then produced one-page sheets Table 1 Examples of what ‘secure’ looks like for each unit Assessment Key learning Possible evidence of work, which guidance could be used by Shows The heart pumps blood in the blood vessels around to the lungs. Oxygen Can draw a diagram of the circulatory teachers at the understanding goes into the blood and carbon dioxide is removed. The blood goes back system and label the parts and of a concept annotate it to show what the parts do. planning phase. to the heart and is then pumped around the body. Nutrients, water and using scientific oxygen are transported in the blood to the muscles and other parts of the Can produce a piece of writing that The same sheets vocabulary body where they are needed. As they are used they produce carbon dioxide demonstrates the key knowledge, e.g. provide a guide to correctly and other waste products. Carbon dioxide is carried by the blood back to explanation text, job description of both summative the heart and then the cycle starts again as it is transported back to the the heart. lungs to be removed from the body. This is the human circulatory system. and formative Diet, exercise, drugs and lifestyle have an impact on the way our bodies assessment by function. They can affect how well our heart and lungs work, how likely checking that we are to suffer from conditions such as diabetes, how clearly we think, children meet and generally how fit and well we feel. Some conditions are caused by these criteria deficiencies in our diet, e.g. lack of vitamins. in their science Key vocabulary: lessons. Heart, pulse, rate, pumps, blood, blood vessels, transported, lungs, oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrients, water, muscles, cycle, circulatory system, diet, The process exercise, drugs and lifestyle Each consultant Applying Create a role-play model for the circulatory system. Can use the role-play model to explain knowledge in the main parts of the circulatory identified a strong Carry out a range of pulse rate investigations: school-based familiar related system and their role. contexts, • fair test – effect of different activities on my pulse rate; science subject Can use subject knowledge about the including • pattern seeking – exploring which groups of people may have higher or heart while writing conclusions for leader with whom a range of lower resting pulse rates; investigations. enquiries they would work. • observation over time – finding out how long it takes my pulse rate to Can explain both the positive and We supported return to my resting pulse rate (recovery rate); negative effects of diet, exercise, drugs them with their • pattern seeking – exploring recovery rate for different groups of people. and lifestyle on the body. planning, ensuring Learn about the impact of exercise, diet, drugs and lifestyle on the body. Can present information, e.g. in a This is likely to be taught through direct instruction due to its sensitive health leaflet, describing impact of that sufficient nature. drugs and lifestyle on the body. activities were

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Examples of work produced using the PLAN resources

and therefore we are beginning to Possible future outcomes security. We hope these examples create complementary sets of materials We aim to expand the collection to will form part of a continuing for each topic from different schools include examples of children that professional development package to show alternatives in planning for have been part of the same sequence that schools can use to support with secure. of lessons but have not reached moderation.

PLAN resources have been The value of understanding Keeping planning focused and on much more explicitly what invaluable for showing track is so much more achievable teachers how all the guidance ‘secure’ looks like for a child working through a unit of with these quality-assured they receive about curriculum work in science has been exemplification materials. and pedagogy, translates the greatest benefit of the Teachers can learn so much into the classroom. They project, both for class teachers more from viewing examples of give teachers a window into and subject leads, both for the expected standard of a wide other people’s classrooms, those involved in producing range of annotated examples of exemplifying secure learning. the materials but even more work from years 1 to 6. Planning Although PLAN is intended so for teachers who ‘mine’ guidance is included in the files, as a tool for assessment and the exemplified units for a which include key learning moderation, I have also used it great wealth of information. notes, key vocabulary and, most While not dictating a journey as a way into planning. PLAN importantly for me, suggestions towards secure, the units materials have been prepared often provide a good idea of for ‘possible evidence’ to help with assessment in mind, what a planned sequence teachers gather evidence of encouraging teachers to create through that journey might attainment, e.g can name some learning opportunities that look like, which often involves trees and plants in a year 1. are focused on what quality spending more time with any These time-saving, flexible learning is going to look like given National Curriculum documents have enabled me to within each unit. This shift in statement than teachers might deliver more effective lessons emphasis, putting assessment have previously done in order (where I no longer stray too far into the core of teaching to be fully secure. The clarity from the National Curriculum) and learning rather than at of the learning in the units has and help me assess the children’s given teachers a great deal the end, means that lessons work with more confidence and more confidence in what is are more focused and that expected from them in the new accuracy. teachers are more mindful of curriculum. Evelyn Clawson, Brambleside assessment for learning, able Julia Weston – consultant Primary School – teacher using to spot and sort out children’s involved in the PLAN the PLAN materials misconceptions as they arise. development Claire Seeley – consultant

The PLAN resources can be found at: Naomi Hiscock is a primary science education consultant and Chair of the ASE’s Primary Committee. Email: [email protected] plan Twitter: @NaomiHiscock

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Do ‘wow’ Outreach: moments influence future subject choices? beyond ‘Wow!’?

Jim Bell explores who ‘wow’ moments work for, and whether further stretch is needed when reaching out

formative, inspiring experience exposure to science, and it may be this 16. For the IOP, who have undertaken of science at a young age, kind of extended work with schools excellent work in challenging lower Asomething that makes pupils that can influence future subject choice participation rates in physics post-16 say ‘Wow!’, has long been considered in further and higher education. for many under-represented groups, a good way of introducing a classroom I run the Midlands base of Explorer this clearly has to be a fundamental science topic or cementing the learning Dome, a mobile planetarium and measure of success. Projects such as once a topic has been completed. science outreach business, so it is University College London’s UPMAP Outreach, in the form of bringing an important to acknowledge that (Understanding Participation rates external person or organisation into I have a definite perspective on in post-16 Mathematics And Physics school, is one way to provide such a outreach. However, having previously – see Websites) have identified the ‘wow’ moment. worked across the outreach sector importance of ‘key adults’, at home Teachers can build their planning in educational institutions and and school, in subject choice at 16. around inspirational moments, and universities, I wanted to look at this But the project has also been unable so see the benefits of these activities form of provision as objectively as to show that any form of outreach in the classroom. It is even possible, possible and see how closely the influences subject choice, whether with hindsight, to build up the story of expectations of outreach providers, ‘wow’ events, or project work, science these moments as having a defining teachers and pupils align. clubs, and so on. influence on future educational and Putting post-16 subject choices to career decisions. But ascertaining the What do we know about the one side, there are other indicators of importance of ‘wow’ moments in the impact of outreach? the effectiveness of outreach activities long term has proved elusive, and one- A significant measure of outreach on participants that may actually be off, inspirational, ‘wow’ events or trips impact for institutions such as of greater importance to teachers. The are not the only forms of enrichment universities and organisations such as UK Government’s paper, Review of available. Science clubs, project work the Institute of Physics (IOP) has long best practice in parental engagement and mentoring schemes offer repeated been influence on subject choice post- (Goodall, Vorhaus et al., 2011), lists

Key words: Outreach STEM

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outreach work as a strategy that can the feedback and building upon it in study prospects (i.e. university). ‘lead to improvements in completion order to create experiences to engage (Teacher, Dudley Primary School) of homework, learning behaviours and and support teaching and learning. The interaction, lights, sounds, visuals, improved attendance’. Furthermore, Although this question is currently sensory experiences have impacted on National Audit Office (NAO) research limited in scope, we see these the children’s learning and memory found that ‘schools using outreach/ responses as encouraging, and will be far more than reading or accessing enhancement programmes have a building up a much bigger set of data the information via another source. greater proportion of pupils studying as we visit more schools in the region. (Science Subject Lead, STEM subjects’ (cited in MacDonald, We also have an opportunity to follow Primary School) 2014). up on this question when we return to In a considerably more modest way, schools in future years. The value of primary outreach Explorer Dome has also been asking Some of the individual comments When teaching primary science, teachers in the Midlands about the from teachers that we post-16 subject decisions seem longer-term impact of our own brand received were also very distant and it is, of of outreach. Since launching our illuminating: Midlands base during National Science Explorer Dome aims to make Children love space & Engineering Week 2017, we have a lasting impact through its and Tim Peake at been asking teachers in our feedback outreach activities the moment, so it forms a yes/no question: ‘Beyond the will be a starting excitement of today, do you think point of interest. the experience inside the dome will (Governor, impact the long-term learning of the Nottinghamshire children?’ Although it is early days (n = 50), so far 100% of respondents Primary School) have answered ‘yes’. We recognise the Inspired children difficulties of establishing conclusive to think more answers from such recent research and about Earth ultimately have plans to develop this. in space and At the moment however, we are taking consider future

Box 1 Why do we do outreach? Lois Milner, Aimee Jackson and James Walker are postgraduate course, unrealistic to imagine chemical engineering researchers at the EPSRC-funded Birmingham that a single outreach experience Websites Centre for Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Research (see ) and are in primary school would set a child all enthusiastic public engagement practitioners. Speaking with them, off on an unassailable path towards we started thinking about why working science researchers would a career as a scientist. Yet outreach want to go into schools. James said: activities, particularly when structured For us, doing outreach is all about professional development: the or themed, can provide nudges that presentation skills, the planning, the project management elements amount to noticeable changes in of planning an activity. I think it’s nice for an audience to hear about young children. current research, but I don’t know if that applies to younger [primary Three postgraduate chemical aged] kids. engineering researchers explain why they do outreach in Box 1. Aimee At the same time, all three researchers believe strongly that there Jackson has first-hand experience of are real benefits to outreach or public engagement work from how attitudes towards science change universities, as James outlined: over time: Outreach or public engagement equips people to engage with and With my Brownies, I make them do influence research by making it accessible. The more literate people sciency things because that’s what are about research, the less ‘ivory tower-like’ universities are and the I enjoy. One of the other leaders, more embedded people are into what we do. who’s a teaching assistant, has said Making some elements of the research process public is an integral to me that some of the Brownies part of publicly funded research but, on an institutional level, have become more interested in their institutions such as universities have student recruitment in mind science lessons. as well as researcher skill development or public engagement When working with children, it is often commitments. Students, of course, benefit from being accepted onto individual moments that can stick in degree courses, and a STEM degree from a high-quality university the mind of an outreach practitioner is beneficial to both the student and society in general. But in the too, as Aimee explains: era of £9000+ fees, it is undeniable that universities participating One ran up to me, and I’ll never forget in outreach can benefit financially if they can impact future study her face, she told me she’d made poo choices. However, this level of influence has been very difficult to in class, and one of the boys was sick, demonstrate. but it was OK because we’d already done something similar – and she was

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The call for greater numbers of young people to choose science subjects post-16 is unlikely to diminish in the foreseeable future. It is possible that the limited success of outreach in providing STEM students may see a move away from ‘wow’ activities and towards building role- model relationships with smaller numbers of pupils. If these kinds of outreach can show a definite impact on participants, then they clearly have a big role to play in science outreach. It would, however, be a shame to focus just on post-16 choices, and to swing the balance of outreach Teachers can build their planning around inspirational moments activities too far towards role-model activities that may have a big impact on an individual but on much smaller numbers of children overall. Not only OK! I think they do remember things, 0.15 ml of this …’, whereas an engineer even if it’s not forever. would this overlook the positives that would be more like, ‘oh yeah, it’s got a ‘wow’ activities bring, and the value All three of the researchers emphasised bit of that in it’. that teachers attach to them, but it the importance of structure and James suggests that this may be why also narrows down the purpose of regularity to positively influence the way recruitment of engineers continues to science education as just a means to that pupils feel about science, as Lois struggle in comparison to other STEM providing STEM graduates. pointed out: subjects, saying: For us, scientific literacy and For the individuals at school, unless I wonder if we’re not alone being understanding is a key skill for everyone. they’ve had repeated visits from people scientists now working in an We want to encourage children to see at school then once isn’t enough. engineering environment because science as a great tool to find out more A problem in the pipeline? there are just fewer engineers who about the world around them, and as a general source of inspiration for their The idea of a STEM pipeline, where stay on and do research, so the learning and their vibrant curiosity about educational pathways direct young people body of people going out to do our world. This kind of long-term impact into STEM careers, is relatively established. engineering outreach are in fact is not possible from just one experience, There is a well-documented shortage ‘fraudulent’ engineers, who are no matter how inspiring. But inspirational of engineers in the UK, which outreach actually encouraging kids to do science moments enable teachers, and the other activities and science education have been because they are scientists really. key adults in children’s lives, to use their trying to fill for many years. But science Making the most of ‘wow’ experiences in creating an environment education also has a wider responsibility to moments that allows their curiosity to thrive. create the scientifically literate public that Whether it is through a university, can engage with research, becoming an private company or educational References active part of the scientific process. organisation, there are a host of Goodall, J., Vorhaus,J. et al. (2011) Review Reflecting on their own pathways to outreach options available to schools. of best practice in parental engagement: practitioners summary. London: becoming engineering researchers, it The need for tangible evidence of was noticeable that none of the three Department for Education. Available from: impact, ideally in the form of future postgraduate researchers (Box 1) really subject study choices, does dissuade review-of-best-practice-in-parental- considers themselves an engineer, as Lois some of these providers from engagement explains: working with younger children. To an MacDonald, A. (2014) ‘Not for people like We’re all fundamental scientists doing extent, companies like Explorer Dome me?’ Under-represented groups in science, engineering PhDs. I do see the difference exist (in part) as specialists in primary technology and engineering. WISE. Available from: still. I do still think of a chemist as science education that can help to fill uk/uploads/wise/files/not_for_people_like_ being very rigorous, of thinking ‘this has this gap. me.pdf.

Websites Jim Bell is a science communicator UPMAP (Understanding Participation rates in post-16 Mathematics and public engagement professional And Physics) Key Points Summary. Available from: who runs the Midlands base of the research/featured-research/upmap/pdf/UPMAP_summary.pdf science outreach company, Explorer University of Birmingham webpage for Birmingham Centre for Fuel Cell Dome ( and Hydrogen Research Doctoral Training Partnership: You can continue this discussion with him on Twitter: @jimothybell energy-chemical/fuel-cells/index.aspx Email: [email protected]

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PRIMARY SCIENCE JAN_FEB 2018.indd 33 18-Dec-17 2:54:52 PM 2017 Great Bug Hunt winners day!

Work from Did you know that there are The children all decided on a bug pupils of over 24,000 species of insect Lyncroft House they would like to study and then in Britain? Or that insects Preparatory they worked in pairs to research are the only invertebrates School and draw their chosen minibeast. that can fly? And that they The project was very cross- are by far the most diverse curricular. We were able to work and ecologically important it into maths (bar charts and area), group of animals in land literacy (reading and independent habitats, with hundreds writing), art (collage work), science of species to be found in (metamorphosis, global warming almost every garden and and food chains) and PSHE (working green space? together). The children were fully engaged and very proud of the work The winners of this year’s they collectively produced. Great Bug Hunt competition, Lyncroft House Preparatory The Great Bug Hunt is an annual School in Cannock, discovered competition from the Association cockroaches, giant larvae and these and many more fascinating for Science Education and the Royal other fascinating insects during the bug facts when Luke Tilley from the Entomological Society. It is a fun way hands-on morning of fun, in which Royal Entomological Society and to introduce children to the world of the children learned all about bugs Rebecca Dixon-Watmough from the insects and entomology: and the many different species we Association for Science Education It’s so addictive I can guarantee have here in the UK. visited the school on 12 October once you’ve been on a bug hunt 2017 for their prizewinning morning. As one of the teachers said: you will never ever be bored again. Over 30 excited children got to Year 5 really loved entering the (Nick Baker, naturalist and television see and hold Madagascan hissing Bug Hunt competition this year. presenter)

The Great Bug Hunt 2018

14 June 2018

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PRIMARY SCIENCE JAN_FEB 2018.indd 34 19-Dec-17 4:27:02 PM REVIEWSRUNNING HEAD 2017 Great Bug Hunt winners day! Jumpstart! Science outdoors: the light and shade is and reasons why the habitat is a good one, thereby looking at more than one science cross-curricular games and activities strand (living things and light, seasonal changes). It for ages 5–12 could then involve devising a key for the map (linking with geography). The map is then used later in the Janet Barnett and Rosemary Feasey year to look at the changes in habitat life in the school Abingdon: Routledge, 2016 grounds and make a comparison (observing over time 148 pp. £11.99 and pattern seeking). ISBN 978 1 138 92506 9 For any new edition, providing links to the specific science curriculum programmes of study would be Fun and simple-to-use practical and useful. This could be done in the contents page by cross-curricular outdoor linking the activities into the programme science activities for ages 5–12, of study strands or just by incorporating all the ‘working making these explicit under scientifically’ strands of science the science topic subheading. This is a clearly set out easy-to-use book It would also be useful to have containing a wealth of fun practical more information and links ideas and activities. showing how the activities are The contents page lists the activity applicable to particular year titles. The activity pages have a set groups. This would be especially format, with subheadings: Science beneficial for key stage 2 (ages topic, Activity type, Resources, 7–11). In addition, the front cover Overview, Activity, Science makes the book look rather dated, background, Cross-curricular links as do the pictures inside; it does not and On-line resources. have immediate shelf-appeal to the This book is great for dipping potential reader. into since there is not one set Two teachers in our school have activity but lots of options to used this resource, both in science choose from focusing on the lessons and outdoor learning sessions same objective or area of study. There with children throughout the primary are useful facts and questions to focus teaching and age range. Both teachers enjoyed using learning. The resources needed are accessible to all and the resource and the children clearly had lots of fun the activities are very practical but do not need lots of carrying out the activities. prior setting up. For example, activity 17, Observing Cathy Hearn change outdoors, involves using a map of the school Primary school teacher and science coordinator, grounds and plotting on it where the habitats, plants Forest and Sandridge CE Primary School, Melksham, and so on, are. This could involve looking at where Wiltshire

hair and skin as well as and sailfish. Unusually, the writing My human body body systems such as on the pages alternates between infographic sticker digestion and breathing. portrait and landscape formats, Each is described in a which I found frustrating but it activity book simple manner with might appeal to other readers. new vocabulary being Throughout the pages there Jo Dearden introduced and explained are fun facts about humans London: Wayland, 2016 and pronunciation given and child-friendly comparisons 31 pp. £5.99 for difficult words such as between ourselves and other ISBN 978 0 7502 9942 8 oesophagus and alveoli. animals, which will engage the A colourful introduction for The book looks attractive readers. The book has two aspects younger children (ages 6–8) and will appeal to young readers as each double to it: the knowledge-based to the human body spread is a different, vibrant diagrams and text, and the My human body aims to colour with clear, labelled 200 stickers and activities. introduce young readers to diagrams and child-friendly The two, however do not sit ‘brilliant bodies’ in a fun way. additions such as dinosaurs well together as the activities The sections consist of colourful and a chimpanzee, although do not match the intellectual two-page spreads detailing parts children may be unfamiliar with level of the written content, of the body such as skeleton, animals such as the narwhal making it difficult to gauge

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the age range for which the book learning about living things found in the glossary at the back selected facts. These facts not is suitable. In the section about and their habitats, for ages of the book. This allows children only stand alone in developing bones, for example, the reader is 9–11 to discover meanings of new children’s curiosity about science, introduced to terms such as ‘bone words independently, while also they allow children to do so marrow’ and ‘compact’ and told These two books are part of widening their vocabulary bank. independently, allowing their that a cube of bone can support a series that provides children Each page has a variety of curiosity to flourish. The careful 8618 kilograms, the same as five with a range of information on photographs and/or diagrams, use of illustrations brilliantly cars. The matching activity is then the evolution, classification and which complement the text and enriches each fact to highlight the to stick three cars on to a cube. adaptation of insects, birds, bring it to life, providing the wonder of each area of science. Similarly, when talking about the plants, mammals, reptiles and fish. children with visual support to In addition, the ‘bitesize’ nature importance of sleep, the activity Each book from the series has a understand the information given of each fact supports children in is to colour in a duvet cover and question for its title, in the text. developing their knowledge of add a sticker of a unicorn. There is such This series of books would science, meaning they can dip in also an instruction to ‘stick these be ideal to use or and out of the book when the animals in your book so they have available in time suits them. This is further can have a rest’, but there are no the classroom when supported by the consistent corresponding animal stickers. covering a unit of work layout throughout the book. Readerseaders are also encouraged to based on living things It is a pleasure to dip into look for five hidden bats on the and their habitats. The this book, to learn new facts pages, which is really a pre-school books would support about the world around us in an activity. children’s knowledge engaging manner. It is a brilliant At £5.99 the book is probably and understanding in a book which lends itself easily to good value but I feel that it variety of ways, as they many areas of the curriculum, as would have made a better include such a range of well as satisfying children’s natural addition to a class library if there information, from classifying curiosity without the need for an had not been such a disparity animals and plants to life adult to support them. between the text and the cycles. They would also I can’t wait to learn more activities. complement an English unit exciting facts about our amazing Lesley Hunter of work, as they would be world, and human achievements in STEM subjects. PSTT Fellow and Primary ideal for children to use when Science Consultant writing non-fiction reports or Dave Church fact files, with the layout of the ASE Primary Science Committee book allowing them to locate Wildlife wonders as Why specific information. do fish have gills? or Lucy Lightburn Pat Jacobs Why do birds have feathers? This London: Franklin Watts, 2016 allows the reader to know what Year 2 class teacher, Great the content of the book will be Moor Infants School Why do insects have six about, while also creating a sense legs? of intrigue so you want to find 100 Steps for ISBN 978 1 4451 5085 7 out the answer to the question. science: why it Why do fish have gills? Having read these two books ISBN 978 1 4451 5089 5 from the series, Why do fish works and how it have gills? and Why do insects happened 32 pp. £8.99 each have six legs?, it is apparent that An eye-catching series of there is a similar structure and Lisa Jane Gillespie information books, ideal for layout to the books. Each page Illustrated by Yukai Du covers a specific area, such as supporting children’s London: Quarto Books classification, reproduction, (Wide-Eyed Editions), senses and so on. This makes 2017 it easy for children to locate 64 pp. £12.99 particular information via the ISBN 978 1 847808 contents page. Each page is 05 9 also a different colour, with a balance between text and Exciting science images. facts presented in Rather than reams of an engaging and accessible The reviews published in text, which can be off- way, for ages 7–10 putting for some children, Primary Science are intended the text is broken down This is an exciting way to help to provide you with an honest under subheadings making children learn more about the opinion from an end-user’s perspective. Thus, they are it easy for children to world around them. The book is not ASE recommendations, engage with and read. clearly organised into 10 areas but genuine reviews and There are also additional of science or STEM learning. With everything from space to comments from readers such ‘interesting facts’ given as you. on each page. Some medicine and even mathematics words, such as parasites, covered, there really is something You too can become a reviewer. Contact fertilisers and barbs, are for everyone. 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