Final Tribute Paid Late Mrs. Duncan James Mcdonald Sorcharoe Levied
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' /■* THE GLENGARRY NEWS ALEXANDRIA, ONT., FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 19.32. VOL. XL—No. 14. 2.00 A TEAR Final Tribute Paid Late Sorcharoe levied on Native of Alexandria Golden Wedding of Prorogaiion of Sugar, Sugar Seels Defeat Proposal lo Mrs. Duncan James McDonald Trucli licenses ^ Passes at Cornwall Mr.and Mrs. Allan MacMillan Ontario Legislature Had Imply Pockets Cot Teachers’ Pay / ■ A prominent and much revered re- Announcement was made on Tuèsday On Wednesday morning of this week, On Sunday, March 20th, Mr. and Chief Justice Sir William Mulock (By R. J. iDeachman) Following lengthy discussion and the sident of the township of Lochiel, by Hon. Leopold Macaulay, Minister the death ocurred at the residence of Mrs. Allan MacMillan, McCormick, Admnistrator for the Province, pro- There came before a committeè of presentation of an amendment to an Mrs. Duncan James McDonald, passed of High-ways, that a surcharge of 50 his son, 36 Guy Street, Cornwall^ ot celebrated the Fiftieth Anniversary rogued the Ontario Legislature, Tues- the House of Commons the other day amendment of a resolution the Urban away to her eternal reward at the Ho- per cent, of the existing , comjnereial Mr. Benjamin Sabourin, in his 77th of their marriage. day afternoon with no more fuss than the manufacturers of sugar from sugar Trustees’ Section of th^ Ontario Edu- tel Dieu Hospital, Cornwall, on Mon- vehicle operating fees, -will be applied year. Many messages were received from attends any ordianry visit of his to beets. cational Association, in Trinity College, day morning, March 21st. With her at to the licenses of all common carriers Deceased was a son of the late Mr. neighbors and friends wishing then* the Parliament buildings. They wanted Partliament to provide Toronto, TuesdSy afternoon, .decided the-time of her death were her daugh- now using the King’s Highways of and Mrs. Francois Xavier Sabourin of many years of health and happiness. There was no guns salute, no cavalry them with legislation which would by 46 votes to 23 that no action should ter, Sister M*ary of St. Catherine, Holy Ontario. The surcharge will be effec- this place and had been a resident of They were married in Dalhousie escort, and no guard of honor. Sir Wil- make them prosperous. It is true that be taken on the resolution unanimously Cross Convent, Ottawa, her son. Rev. time from April 1, the renewal date Cornwall, for upwards of a quarter bf Manse by the late Rev. Dr. Lamont on liam entered the Legislative Chambet* upon examination they confessed that adopted by the board of Seaforth Col- A. L. McDonald', Williamstown, her for commercial vehicle fees. a century and for some time practised March 20th, 1882, and immediately at 3.05 and was gone at 3.20. Between this legislation would cost the people legiate Institute, demanding all-round former pastor, Revi Duncan Macdon While the surcharge will, it is ex- his trade as a painter until failing took up their home at McCormick, times he gave royally assent to the 114 of Canada $18,000,000. After all what salary reductions in. High Schools and aid, and her grand-nephew, Rev. D. A. pected, bring some $150,000 in, addi- health obliged him to cease work. He where they have resiefed ever since Bills that had passed through all is a mere $18,000,000 providing it Collegiates. MaePhee, Cornwall. tional revenue to the Highways De- had been st^iously ill for some weeks. In honor of the event a prayer ser- stages of legislative enactment. makes one or two capitalists wax more In the Speech from the Throne, the The end was not unexpected as Mrs. partment annually, it has been insti- His wife predeceased him eight years vice was held at their home Thursday fat and prosperous than they have 'rs seek In fact to hear it discussed ago. - prediction • was made, among others, tuted, Mr, Macaulay stated, with a evening of last week, when a number ever been before?. professionally by those who have pro- McDonald had been a sufferer for sev- Surviving are two brothers, Amedee that the Hen'ry Government expects eral years prior to her removal to the view to ending unfair competiton thai of the congregation of Kirk Hill Unit- ■ THE MAIN WITNESS fitted by it there is only oue remedy shortly to arrive at an agree- hospital some months ago,, where every has been created through transport and Xavier, and one sister, Mrs. C. ed Church and other friends were pre- Mr.' Alex. W. McIntyre assistant to and that is a protective tariff!!! ment with the Federal authorities kindness and care was, bestowed upon companies utilizing their trucks for Boileau, Alexandria; six sons, Joseph. sent. The 100th Psalm was sung, then the president of the Canada and Dom- In the course of examination he an- Edward, Peter and Allan of Cornwall: Mr. D. M. McGUlivray rread the 103rd in relation to the construction her. hauling all sorts of materials on the inion Sugar Companies was the wit nounced that his idea was an addi- roads of the Province. The surcharge Alphonse, Alexandria and George of Psalm in Gaelic, prayer was offered of a joint seaway and power Deceased nee Catherine Kennedy, was ness tional tariff of 2c. a pound over and WÛ11 not affect companies operating Vancouver. Also two daughters, Mrs. by the Minister, the 2nd paraphrase development in the international sec- He is a competent witness. He above that which we have today. We born on the 13th January, 1850, on lot tion of the St. Lawrence river. their own vehicles and hauling their Charles Laplante and Mrs. Frank Ma- “lO’ God of Bethel” was then sung. knows the sugar business. Also from consume approximately 900,000,000 21-4th Kenyon ’ her gparents being the jor Cornwall. 0 \ own merchandise. The sermon was preached from the standpoint of those who are em- pounds of sugar a year. This tariff late Mr. Angus Kennedy and his wife. The funeral takes place this (Fri- APPLE HILL Should a ten ton truck now be pay- Joshua Chapter 24 verse I'o, “Cfhoose ploj-'ing him he 'knows what he wants. would enable the Canadian manufac- Margaret Macdonell. On the 24th ing a fee of $136, it will, under the day) morning from his late residence You this day whom ye will serve but Mrs. H. Mackie paid Montreal a Mr. McIntyre analized- the various turer to increase the price he charges July, 1872, she married Mr. Duncan imposed surcharge, have to pay an to the Church of the Nativity and St. as for me and my house we will serve visit on Monday. schemes which had been proposed to- for sugar, the not increase in the cost James McDonald, of 14-3rd, Lochiel, additoinal $67.50, before operating af- Columban’s vault. The bereaved have the Lord.” Mr. C. F. Walder, Ottawa, spent the encourage the sugar beet business. to the consumer would be $18,000,000. the ceremony taking place in St. Pin- ter April 1, the sympathy of their many Alexan- Before the hymn “Blest be the tie: Easter holidays with Miss S. St. John. And we have this naive statement nan ^s Vhurch, Alexandria. Her hus- dria friends. tliaf^ binds our hearts in Christian; The first he considered was that band predeceased her in June, 1917. Mr. Wilfred Foulkard spent the from Mr. McIntyre which sums up the Ô love” was sung, Mr. Mathewson, on which had been adopted by the Bri- Of late years Mrs. made week end at his home in Vernon. tish government, a subsidy or direct whole situation and reveals how these behalf of the session and congregation, gentleman view a little matter of ex- her home with her son, John McDon- luchre and Social Ivenieg presented 'them witlr an address and Mrs. T. Chapman, Montreal, spent bonus. He explained that there had ald, merchant, of Glen Robertson, to Debale Over Radio the week end with her sister, Mrs. An- been expended by Great Britain £22,- ploitation of this (kind. The first card party and entertain- a beautiful bible as a token of the which place the* remains were convey- occasion and the regard held for gus D. Grant. 366,000 on subsidies and that in addi- “It is of course evident that any ment 'of the post-lenten season, under Those of our readers who followed Mr. George McMillan, Dairy Instruc- ed by motor, on the day of her death, them. Tliey expressed deep apprecia- tion there had been granted a remis- increase in the duty, and hence the. the auspices of the Alexander Hall the debate over the radio between stu- tor, was in Kingston the early part and in the interval preceding the fun-: tion . of this kindness. sion of excise duties amounting to price of sugar, would have' eral, many, including Rev. Rev. D. A. committee, took place on Monday even- dents of McGill University and the of the week, attending a meeting of £4,500,000. This money he went on to to be borne by the con- ing and proved* thoroughly enjoyable University of Pennsylvania, Saturday The address is as follows:— Campbell, St.' Raphaels, Rev. Corbet Dear Mr. and Mrs. MacMillan: Dairy Instructors. say had to be provided by methods of sumer. Yet sugar is so universely upwards of 150 being presei^t. The afternoon cannot but agree that this The many friends of Mrs. S. Kelly McRae,- Lancaster, Rev. D. Secours The session and edngjregation of" taxation entirely unrelated to beet used that the burden ' would be prize winners for Euchre were, ladies, first Canadian-American radio debate are sorry to hear she is on the sick and Rev.