Set in a stunning glass cube The Lounge

welcomes guests to experience true classic high tea and a choice of unique

Chinese and International in addition to some exceptional vintage teas.



Tea is steeped in legend and was first discovered by the Chinese in 2737 BC during the Shen Nong

era, however the first references of people drinking tea dates back to 600 BC.

It wasn’t until the Tang Dynasty 618 BC that tea became popular to drink in .



Authenticity is the foundation of and as such

Niccolo tea lounge will perform all tea ceremonies in accordance with the

‘National Culture Centre’ hosted by the Niccolo tea sommelier.

悦廊坚持并传承中国传统茶道精髓, 在这里,您可以品尝到由酒店茶艺师泡


The Niccolo tea sommelier is dedicated to the value of tea cultivation,

tea collection and tea manufacturing but also is well versed on how to educate,

excite and entertain guests with various Gongfu tea performances.



Niccolo is proud to have a dedicated plot of land

which will produce organic tea and will be harvested exclusively for the Niccolo guest.

我们十分荣幸地将来自尼依格罗专属有机茶园的无污染绿茶提供给每一位尊贵的宾客。 Classic Niccolo Afternoon – 268 for 2 guests – 经典下午茶套餐 268元双人共享 Monday – Sunday 13:00 – 17:00 周一至周日

Selection of Savouries

精选开胃小点 Egg salad with watercress on marble bread

Cucumber西洋菜鸡蛋沙拉配黑麦面包 sandwich with dill

Charred莳萝青瓜三明治 vegetables on wheat bread with pesto spread

Homemade碳烧蔬菜,小麦面包配罗勒酱 smoked salmon with cucumber and preserved lemon


Selection of Sweets

精选甜品 macaroon

Chocolate茉莉花茶马卡龙 pyramid and hazelnut praline

Mille巧克力金字塔(榛子流心) Feuille

Dulcey法式千层酥 panna cotta and mango banana marmalade

Almond顶级巧克力意式奶冻(芒果香蕉酱) Florentine

Rum杏仁佛罗伦萨 Baba, raspberry and baba syrup


Selection of Scones

精选英式松饼 Classic and currant

Preserves,传统茶点与红醋栗 lemon curd and Devonshire cream

蜜饯,柠檬羹,德文郡奶油 And your favourite tea from the Niccolo tea menu


All prices are in CNY and subject to 15% service charge 以人民币结算另加15%的服务费 Royal Niccolo Champagne Afternoon Tea – 368 for 2 guests – 皇家香槟下午茶套餐 368元双人共享 Monday – Sunday 13:00 – 17:00 周一至周日

Complete tea set for two, served with a glass of Mumm Cordon Rouge Brut Champagne accompanied with freshly sliced strawberries and whipped cream.


Niccolo afternoon à la carte selections are available


Savouries (3pc) 28 咸点(3个)

Sweets (3pc) 28 甜品(3个)

Scones with jam (2pc) 28 英式松饼配果酱(2个)

All prices are in CNY and subject to 15% service charge 以人民币结算另加15%的服务费 Selected Chinese Teas


When brewing tea, savour the unique fragrance of the tea leaves, watch as the leaves rise to the surface and then slowly sink and enjoy the subtle tastes and nuances that thousands of years of tea harvesting has created. Whether you’re a novice or Master Tea Sommelier, begin a wonderful journey of exploring the finest teas Niccolo has to oer.


Green Teas Per Person

绿茶 每位 It’s said that drinking may aect five vital organs, the shapes of tea plants, flowers and leaves and how to grow and process tea leaves. Green tea contains rich amino acids and other trace elements, these elements play an important role for keeping the body healthy.

绿茶的品质由五要素组成:茶树,茶花,茶叶,产地和制作工艺。绿茶含有丰富氨基酸和其他微量元素,这些元素对保持人 体健康有重要调节作用。 Bamboo Green 58 This succulent was brewed by Buddhist monks in the Emei Mountain of Sichuan Province for centuries. It is known as “Bamboo Green” because of its like bamboo leaves. The tea is refreshing with a full fragrance.

峨眉竹叶青 “ ” 产自四川峨眉山,源自于僧侣冲泡的禅茶。因其茶叶形、色似竹,故称之为 竹叶青 。茶叶清新怡人,令人神清气爽。 Niccolo Organic Green Tea 58 On the Mengding tea mountain in Ya’an, the proprietary unique organic of Niccolo hotel which provides pollution-free, organic, natural, healthy green tea for a healthy lifestyle.

尼依格罗有机绿茶 在雅安蒙顶山上, 尼依格罗专有的特色有机茶园提供无污染,有机,纯天然,健康绿茶,和您一起倡导绿色健康的生活方式。 An Ji 68 An Ji White Tea found in the Zhejiang Province is now protected and a certified organic Chinese Product. It is named An Ji White Tea because its unprocessed tea leaves are almost white in color, with a soft, smooth taste and slight fragrance.

安吉白茶 产自浙江安吉,是一款有机绿茶。其命名来源于初采摘的茶叶几乎呈白色,口感柔和顺滑,有轻微美妙的芳香。

Meng Ding Gan Lu 68 Harvested in Mengshan, Sichuan Province. “Gan Lu” means "Sweet Dew", as the name suggests, the tea is sweet, slightly nutty and refreshing.

蒙顶甘露 产自四川蒙山,“甘露” 意为“甘甜的露水”,正如其名,蒙顶甘露甘甜回味无穷,具有提神的功效。 Mei Tan Cui Ya 88 A green tea found in Guizhou Province, the tea has a mild and lingering fragrance with a unique bitter-sweet taste. It has many positive eects including anti-aging and enhancing the body’s energy.

湄潭翠芽 产自贵州,口感略苦带甜,它有抗衰老和增强身体能量的功效。 Premium Longjing 108 , sometimes called by its literal translated name Dragon Well tea is harvested in Longjing village, Zhejiang Province. Produced mostly by hand this tea has a strong fragrance, fresh taste and is renowned for its high quality.

特级西湖龙井茶 产自杭州西湖,特级龙井茶香气鲜嫩清高,滋味鲜爽甘醇,叶底细嫩匀整。

Niccolo Signatures 尼依格罗 金牌推介 Niccolo hotel provides you with Tibet 5100 still water from western China (RMB 30 per bottle) or * E mei mineral water (RMB 10 per bottle)

*尼依格罗酒店为您精选了来自中国西部的西藏5100矿泉水(人民币30元每瓶)、峨眉山矿泉水(人民币10元每瓶) All prices are in CNY and subject to 15% service charge 以人民币结算另加15%的服务费 Teas Per Person

乌龙茶 每位 Oolong tea is known for its freshness and smooth mellow taste similar to with the fragrance of green tea. After brewing, the tea leaves unfold, the middle part is green and the edge is red hence its name “green leaves with red edge”. Oolong tea has many healthy properties aiding in weight loss, sharpened thinking skills and cancer prevention.

乌龙茶有红茶的浓、鲜、醇,又有绿茶的清香,乌龙茶冲泡后,茶叶展开红绿相间,因此有“绿茶红镶边”的美称, 乌龙具有减肥健美,清热降火的显著功效。 Dong Ding Oolong 68 Carefully hand-picked from Mt. Dong Ding in Taiwan, the brewed tea is golden and bright with strong floral and fruity aromas, it tastes fresh with a long aftertaste.

冻顶乌龙 产自台湾洞顶山,汤色金黄透亮,带着浓郁的花香和果香,浓醇甘爽。 Light Aroma Tie Guan Yin 88 Found in An Xi, Fujian province. Tie Guan Yin means "Iron Goddess of Mercy", the tea has a natural rich orchid fragrance with a sweet, mellow taste. It is one of the most known as a very famous Chinese teas.

清香铁观音 产自福建安溪,铁观音的名字由来于”仁慈的观世音“,清香铁观音有天然馥郁的兰花香,滋味醇厚甘甜。 Phoenix Dan Cong 108 Harvested in Wudong village in the Phoenix Mountains, Guangdong Province. It smells deeply floral fragrance, tastes of honey orchid and turns bright after repeated brewing.

凤凰单枞 产于广东凤凰山,有特殊的岩韵蜜味,汤色清澈,耐冲泡。 Wu Yi Heavenly Red Robe 128 According to the legend, the mother of a Ming Dynasty Emperor was cured of an illness by a certain tea The Emperor sent great red robes to clothe the four bushes from which that tea originated. Harvested in Wu Yi Mountain, Red Robe is called the king of kings of the Wu Yi Rock Tea. This tea has unique qualities with a long lasting fragrance of sweet-scented Osmanthus, and lingering fruity notes.

武夷大红袍 相传明朝皇后的疾病因此茶而治愈,明皇为表达感谢,特赐名大红袍。大红袍产自武夷山,是武夷岩茶中的王中之王, 独特的品质带着桂花的香味,挥之不去。

White Teas

白茶类 White tea is lightly oxidised and its buds and leaves are covered with a layer of white hairs, therefore known as “Jade with God Inlay”, after brewing, the tea is apricot yellow and bright with a mellow taste. The fragrance is profound and spreads far and wide.

白茶外裹一层白毫,故有“金镶玉”之称, 冲泡后茶汤色泽杏黄明亮,饮之味醇甘爽,茶香四溢,叶底黄亮匀齐。 Bai Hao Yin Zhen 78 Also known as White Hair Silver Needle, the finest and most delicate of White teas is produced in Fujian Province. It’s known as “the pretty lady tea”, with its long needle shape and silver colour, the best productions are from late March to early April.

白毫银针 白茶中珍品,产自福建,素有“茶中美女”之称,形状似针,色白如银,“白毫银针”由此得名。 White Peony 88 Originating from Fujian Province. White Peony tea has a refreshing fruity flavours stronger than Silver Needle. The brew is a very pale with a green or golden colour. The finest quality should have a shimmering clear .

白牡丹 产自福建省,白牡丹口味清新淡雅,冲泡后宛如蓓蕾初放的花朵,故得美名白牡丹茶。

Niccolo Signatures 尼依格罗 金牌推介 Niccolo hotel provides you with Tibet 5100 still water from western China (RMB 30 per bottle) or * E mei mineral water (RMB 10 per bottle)

*尼依格罗酒店为您精选了来自中国西部的西藏5100矿泉水(人民币30元每瓶)、峨眉山矿泉水(人民币10元每瓶) All prices are in CNY and subject to 15% service charge 以人民币结算另加15%的服务费 Chinese Black Teas Per Person

中式红茶类 每位 Black tea is generally stronger in flavour than the less oxidised teas. With its sweet, moist aroma and flowery fragrance, when brewed it is brilliant red and bright. Along the rim of the is an obvious ”Golden Ring”, it tastes mellow and can warm the stomach and strengthen immunity.

“春风解恼诗人鼻,非叶非花自是香”。红茶是茶中贵族,红茶香气甜润中蕴藏着花香,汤色红艳靓丽,杯沿有一道明显的“金圈” 品之滋味醇厚,回味绵长,红茶具有暖胃,增强免疫力的功效。 68 Lapsang Souchong, sometimes referred to as smoked tea, is distinct from all other teas because the leaves are traditionally smoke-dried over pinewood fires, taking on a distinctively smoky flavour. When brewed the tea is a bright burgundy-orange colour with an assertive and bold flavour.

正山小种 正山小种,也可称为熏茶。与其他茶叶不同的是,正山小种是用松烟熏制而成的茶叶,具有与众不同的松烟香,茶汤明亮橙黄, 茶香浓郁。 88 The Keemun black tea is from Keemun County in Anhui Province, known as “the queen of the black teas”. The brew is red and bright like honey or ripe stone fruit. The unique slightly smoky aroma may also contain an orchid like fragrance.

祁门红茶 产自安徽省祁门县,有“红茶皇后”的美誉,汤色红艳,香味像花,如蜜,似果,这种独特的香味,世人誉为“祁门香”。 Dian Black Tea 98 A high end Chinese black tea used in various blends and grown in Province. The main dierence between Dianhong and other Chinese black teas is the amount of fine leaf buds, or "golden tips," present in the dried tea. The health benefits can increase blood flow and improve metabolism.

滇红 “滇”指产地云南,是一款工夫红茶,香郁味浓,具有排毒养颜和调理肠胃的功效。 Jin Jun Mei 128 Found in the Wuyi Mountain, Fujian Province. The plant stems which are subsequently fully oxidised giving the tea a sweet, fruity and flowery flavour with a long lasting sweet after-taste. The brew is bright reddish in colour.

金骏眉 产自福建武夷山,其浓郁的天然花香,乃世界红茶之顶尖。

Niccolo Signatures 尼依格罗 金牌推介 Niccolo hotel provides you with Tibet 5100 still water from western China (RMB 30 per bottle) or * E mei mineral water (RMB 10 per bottle)

*尼依格罗酒店为您精选了来自中国西部的西藏5100矿泉水(人民币30元每瓶)、峨眉山矿泉水(人民币10元每瓶) All prices are in CNY and subject to 15% service charge 以人民币结算另加15%的服务费 Pu’er Teas Per Person

普洱类 每位 Pu’er tea has a strong and long lasting aroma which has thick leaves covered with white hairs. Brewed Pu’er tea has obvious eects in balancing the blood lipid, reducing blood pressure and aids in weight loss.

被誉为“可入口古董”的普洱茶,香气高锐持久,滋味浓强,白毫密布,汤色橙黄浓厚。普洱茶具有显著的降血脂,降血压, 减肥的功效。 Palace Pu’er 68 Palace Pu’er tea comes from Xishuangbanna in the area around old Pu’er City With a deep, gentle sweet flavour this tea is light on the palate.

宫廷普洱 产自西双百纳普洱市,茶汤醇香,甘甜。 Premium Chatou Tea 1998 98 Harvested in Bohaibulang tea areas, “Chatou” means caking tea. As in the process of Pu’er fermentation, tea infusion is smooth and full. When brewed the colour is clear and is rich in pectin.

极品金芽老茶头熟普1998年 产自渤海布朗山茶区,“茶头”指普洱发酵过程中结块的茶,茶汤醇厚柔滑,汤色透亮,有丰富的果胶。 Yi Wu Premium Pu’er 98 Yi-Wu Tea from this region, harvested at an altitude over 1, 600 meters, is known to be some of the most sought after and highly regarded tea in the world. The tea aids in better health and well being. The tea is very flavourful, sweet and smooth.

易武古树生普2010 产自易武茶区海拔1600米以上古树茶青,茶香气浓郁,汤中带甜,汤质滑厚。 Aged 10 Years Pu’er 138 From the Pu’er Yunnan Province, this tea has a gentle quality. After brewing, the tea is reddish brown and has similar health benefits as its pu’er relatives.

至尊普洱 10年陈酿 产自云南普洱市,陈年普洱茶性温和,茶汤呈红褐色,具有暖胃,,纤体紧肤,排毒养颜的功效。

Dark Teas

黑茶类 Dark tea is a post-. With its hard texture, the finished tea is oily black or blackish brown. When brewed, the tea is orange red in colour. It can help digestion, reduce blood pressure and aid in weight loss.

黑茶属于发酵茶,质地较为坚硬,其品质特征为色泽黑褐油润,汤色橙黄或橙红,黑茶具有去腻,降血压和减肥的功效。 Qian Liang 58 Qianliang tea is a traditional tea in Anhua and is also known as thousand liang tea. It is a unit of weight in ancient China because the net weight of each volume is about one thousand liang. The taste is full-bodied and slightly astringent.

千两 “千两茶”是安化的一个传统名茶,以每卷(支)的茶叶净含量一千两而得名,茶叶口感浓郁微涩。 Tibet Tea 68 From Ya’an, Sichuan Province this tea is harvested from high mountains beyond 1, 000 metres, which aids in digestion and reduces blood pressure.

四川藏茶 产自四川雅安,是采摘于海拔在1000米以上高山,藏茶具去油腻,降血压,调理肠胃的功效。 Aged Tian Jian 68 Harvested in An Hua, Hunan Province, it’s a wonderful black tea with unique qualities, such as having smaller leaves and it is slightly less smoky. On the first sip, this tea has a clear, slightly resinous pine forest aroma and flavour sometimes revealing a taste of dark cherries.

陈年天尖 产自湖南安化,黑茶中珍品,口感剔透带有松树的香味。 Vintages 年份 Niccolo Signatures 尼依格罗 金牌推介 Niccolo hotel provides you with Tibet 5100 still water from western China (RMB 30 per bottle) or * E mei mineral water (RMB 10 per bottle)

*尼依格罗酒店为您精选了来自中国西部的西藏5100矿泉水(人民币30元每瓶)、峨眉山矿泉水(人民币10元每瓶) All prices are in CNY and subject to 15% service charge 以人民币结算另加15%的服务费 Selected Herbal Teas Per Person

精选草本茶 每位 has a strong aroma which can lift the spirits, it can also brighten your mood, improve blood circulation, aid in digestion and get rid of toxins.

草本茶赋予浓郁芳香之气,令人精神振奋,心情舒畅,润肠通便,调和气血,排毒养颜 Floral Tea

花茶 Jasmine 58 Jasmine tea is honoured as a fragrant and popular Chinese tea. It can relieve eye pressure and brighten one’s mood.

茉莉龙珠 被誉为芳香味浓郁的中国茶,具有清目养肝,舒畅心情的功效。

Chrysanthemum 58 Harvested in TongXiang, ZheJiang province Chrysanthemum tea is well-known for its cooling properties that help to reduce heat and detoxify. It is very refreshing, and has a natural sweet fragrance.

杭白菊 产自浙江桐乡,清热解毒,清香宜人。

Bi Tan Piao Xue 68 The name means “snowflakes”, the tea is yellow-coloured and clear. The tea leaves resemble snowflakes falling from the sky, it has many trace elements, one in particular aids in the moistening of the lungs to arrest coughing.

碧潭飘雪 茶冲泡后茶汤黄亮清澈,朵朵百花漂浮其上如同天降瑞雪,碧潭飘雪美名由此而来,有润肺止咳功效。

Tian Shan Chrysanthemum 88 Hailing from a snowy field grown at altitudes over 3, 000 metres on Kun Lun Mountain. The tea is rosy and clear and the eects can whiten and moisturize the skin.

天山雪菊 产于海拔3000米以上的雪域,汤色红润剔透,具有美白养颜,滋润肌肤的功效。

Healthy Tea

Whole养生茶 Rose Buds 58 Beautifies skin and improves sleeping quality

玫瑰花茶 养颜护肤,改善睡眠 Lemongrass Ginger 58 Prevents anemia and nourishes the skin

柠檬草生姜茶 预防贫血,滋润肌肤 Seed, Ilex, Liquorice 68 Calms internal body heat, relieves eye pressure and balances the blood lipid

决明子苦丁茶(决明子,苦丁茶,甘草) 清热降火,平肝明目,降血脂 Baking Malt, Haw 68 Advances stomach and body digestion function

减脂茶(炒麦芽,山楂) 消食健胃

Chinese Wolfberry, Codonopsis, Winter Wheat 68 Promotes the kidney and stomach functions

党参冬麦茶(枸杞子,党参,冬麦) 补中益气,生津温

Niccolo Signatures 尼依格罗 金牌推介 Niccolo hotel provides you with Tibet 5100 still water from western China (RMB 30 per bottle) or * E mei mineral water (RMB 10 per bottle)

*尼依格罗酒店为您精选了来自中国西部的西藏5100矿泉水(人民币30元每瓶)、峨眉山矿泉水(人民币10元每瓶) All prices are in CNY and subject to 15% service charge 以人民币结算另加15%的服务费 Per Person

每位 Angelica, Paeony Root, Liquorice, Peach Seed, Ginseng 68 Improves blood circulation and the digestive function

西洋参养元茶(当归,炒白芍,甘草,桃仁,西洋参) 润肠通便,调和气血 Western Teas

精选西式茶 58 英式早餐茶

Imperial Earl Grey 58 皇家伯爵茶

Darjeeling 58 大吉岭

Whole Camomile Flowers 58 洋甘菊花茶

Whole Peppermint Leaf 58 薄荷茶

Niccolo Signatures 尼依格罗 金牌推介 Niccolo hotel provides you with Tibet 5100 still water from western China (RMB 30 per bottle) or * E mei mineral water (RMB 10 per bottle)

*尼依格罗酒店为您精选了来自中国西部的西藏5100矿泉水(人民币30元每瓶)、峨眉山矿泉水(人民币10元每瓶) All prices are in CNY and subject to 15% service charge 以人民币结算另加15%的服务费 Selection of Coees Cup

精选咖啡 杯 Regular or Decaeinated 50

普通咖啡或低因咖啡 Espresso 50

意式特浓 Cappuccino 50

卡布奇诺 Cae Latte 50 拿铁

Signature Drinks Glass

杯 悦廊特饮 Niccolo Lounge 60 Mint, yellow peach, pear

尼依格罗悦廊 薄荷,黄桃,雪梨 Fizzy Pomelo 60 Lemon, grapefruit juice, mint

泡沫之夏 柠檬,西柚,薄荷 Green Breeze 70 Lychee liqueur, lychee juice, kiwi, cucumber

青雅风悦 荔枝力娇酒,荔枝,奇异果,黄瓜 Niccolo Lady 70 Green peppermint, white cacao, milk, strawberry

尼依格罗夫人 绿薄荷,白可可,牛奶,草莓 Niccolo Mojito 70 Bacardi rum, mint, jasmine tea

尼依格罗莫吉托 百加得朗姆,薄荷,茉莉花 Fresh Healthy Juices

悦廊精选鲜榨养生果汁 Spinach, Celery, Cucumber, Ginger, Lemon 60

菠菜,西芹,黄瓜,生姜,柠檬 Papaya, Pear, Banana 60

木瓜,雪梨,香蕉 Carrot, Ginger, Lime, Red Apple 60

胡萝卜,生姜,青柠,红苹果 Kiwi, Mint, Apple 60


All prices are in CNY and subject to 15% service charge 以人民币结算另加15%的服务费 Glass

杯 Apple Avocado 60 , 青苹果,牛油果 Avocado, Peach, Mint, Cucumber 60

牛油果,黄桃,薄荷,黄瓜 Freshly Squeezed Juices

鲜榨果汁 Honey Melon 50 蜜瓜汁

Watermelon 50 西瓜汁

Apple 50 苹果汁

Orange 50 橙汁

Mineral Water Bottle

矿泉水 瓶 Still Water

无汽矿泉水 Kun Lunshan still water 35 昆仑山矿泉水 Evian still water 330ml 45

依云水 Veen still water 330ml 45

薇恩矿泉水 Saratoga still water 335ml 55

盛棠 Voss still water 375ml 65

芙丝 Acqua Armani 330ml 138

阿玛尼 Sparkling Water

含汽矿泉水 Perrier 330ml 45

巴黎水 Voss sparkling water 375ml 45


All prices are in CNY and subject to 15% service charge 以人民币结算另加15%的服务费 Bottle

瓶 Veen sparkling water 330ml 45

薇恩 S.Pellegrino sparkling water 500ml 45


Soft Drinks Can

软饮 听 Coca Cola 330ml 45 可乐

Coca Cola Zero 330ml 45 零度可乐

Sprite 330ml 45 雪碧

Ginger Ale 345ml 45 干姜水

Tonic water 345ml 45 汤力水

Soda water 345ml 45 苏打水

Red Bull 250ml 45 红牛

Chinese Herb Tea 310ml 45 加多宝

All prices are in CNY and subject to 15% service charge 以人民币结算另加15%的服务费 Beer Bottle

啤酒 瓶 Tsingtao Golden, China 296ml 35

青岛,中国 Budweiser, USA 330ml 45

百威,美国 Corona, Mexico 330ml 45

科罗娜,墨西哥 Heineken, Holland 330ml 45

喜力,荷兰 Paulaner, Germany 330ml 60

宝莱纳啤酒, 德国 Paulaner dark, Germany 330ml 60


All prices are in CNY and subject to 15% service charge 以人民币结算另加15%的服务费